Adriana Midori Takara,
Adriana Midori Takara was only 38 when she died of Covid in Australia last week. She instantly became a posterchild for the vaccine advertising campaign. But the true story may be something else entirely. Rebecca Weisser treads where few dare: Adriana’s family tried to get her ivermectin, which may have have saved her, but even though they found a doctor willing to try, he was not allowed to.
The Guardian and MSN both report relatives saying she wanted but had been unable to get any vaccine. But Rebecca Weisser reports that other journalists heard she was vaccinated, and asked whether she had a vaccine dose. The NSW authorities, who would surely be very interested in her vaccine status, won’t answer that question.
Meanwhile no one is turning the latest 44 and 48 year old victims of Astra-Zenica side-effects into posterchilds for anything. Where are their photos?
This is the battle worth fighting for.
The fastest way to stop lockdowns is by allowing every doctor and patient the choice to use cheap antivirals, not just limit their choices to drugs that earn their manufacturers $45billion dollars. Ivermectin can be used prophylactically to prevent as many as 86% of infections. Vitamin D could also reduce the spread, the hospitalization and help get the state out of restrictions. At the very least, Vitamin D reduced intensive care by 80%. If cheap safe drugs reduced Covid infections by 10% they’d be worth it. The risks are so low.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian must be getting desperate (the people of NSW are). If ever there was a time, surely it’s now…
Chronicle of a Covid death foretold
Rebecca Weisser, The Spectator
Friends in the Brazilian community said that she had received her first jab just before she tested positive. Yet when a journalist told NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant that ‘Some people close to her are suggesting she had at least one dose of the vaccine,’ Chant replied that she’d have to check but she’d been advised that Adriana did not have any underlying health issues. It was an odd comment because Chant should be briefed on the vaccine status of every Covid victim since it is the first question that every journalist wants answered. Yet days later Chant has yet to confirm or deny Adriana’s vaccine status. It floats in the air like a spectral phantom.
Yet the shocking truth is that Adriana died not because she was unable to get a Pfizer vaccine if that is indeed what happened – Sydney is awash with AstraZeneca – she died because she was unable to access the life-saving early treatment that her family desperately sought to provide.
McCullough contacted the Covid Medical Network who are set up to provide this therapy to every person in Australia who tests positive. One of the doctors was appointed by the family but by then it was too late. Adriana had been hospitalised and could not have been saved even if her doctor had been allowed to treat, which he was not, disregarding the wishes of her next-of-kin. Yet her doctor is adamant that had she received treatment at diagnosis, she would be alive today.
At the same time vaccine injuries and deaths in the under-50s are mounting. According to official UK government data, there have already been 180 people under 50 who developed thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (TTS) after the AstraZeneca shot and 29 who died as well as 463 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis, mostly in the young. Yet this is only a handful of the more than a million adverse reports including nearly 1,500 deaths.
Doctors are legally allowed to prescribe ivermectin “off label” in Australia — Greg Hunt the Health Minister said so, but they need information and well informed, but determined patients.
Start with this one — the Big peer reviewed study: The Ivermectin Review: showing how it may prevent 86% of Covid cases.
More background information below:
The wonder drug that disappeared
My summary of Ivermectin
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being ignored? Could it be that there would be no medical emergency and no need to rush out other riskier new treatments which are still classed as “experimental” if there was a safe alternative? There are billions of reasons to ask this question but newspapers wouldn’t publish the story. In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. Even if they win, sometimes hospitals still refuse to use it on patients with few options left. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin (and had a happy ending). The debate is so suppressed, there are rumours the US President was treated with it in secret last year.
Ivermectin has also been used, with apparent success in India, Peru and Mexico (and so many other places). Covid cases fell in the states of India that approved Ivermectin use but rose in Tamil Nadu where it wasn’t permitted. Despite the success, India’s Health dept suddenly stopped Ivermectin use again and people in India are suing the WHO in disgust. In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks.
The FDA and others will say there is little evidence of success so far, but that’s a scandal in itself. Why are there no large trials? And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. We’ve known it might be useful since April last year, when an Australian group searched through many cheap safe drugs looking for any that might help against Covid. The news then was “Another possible cure for coronavirus, found in sheep dip: Ivermectin”. This was just a lab study, and it suggested doses would need to be too high. Even so, successes keep turning up in the real world? By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK trial is hobbled from the start.
The media dam is cracking. The Wall Street Journal has an article about Ivermectin.
A few weeks (months?) ago a writer was forced to publish his important Ivermectin piece in a regional paper run by his wife because major media wouldn’t touch it.
“The Drug That Cracked Covid”
For those not wanting to sign in at WSJ:
The Wall Street Journal and Fox News, asks an important question. It is a fact that Ivermectin is a safe, very effective drug that has been used to protect humans, for more than thirty years. Ivermectin is not an experimental drug.
The headline of the WSJ article is: Why Is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug?
Ivermectin is a promising Covid treatment and prophylaxis, but the agency is denigrating it.
They had to denigrate it William, otherwise the FDA could not, under US law, give emergency use for the vaccines. The same applies to HQC. If approved, effective medicines are already on the market for a disease the emergency use cannot be approved for a new medicine/vaccine.
I wonder if now doctors will be sued for not recommending treatments that are readily available and well known to them. How many lives could have been saved? Also, this is not necessarily anything to do with COVID-19, which makes it even more interesting.
Probably none. And, if there are a few suits, the plaintiff is on a hiding to nothing.
Change your doctor if he won’t prescribe to your benefit.
An unhelpful comment considering that earlier Jo tells us, first paragraph:
Adriana’s family tried to get her ivermectin, which may have saved her, but even though they found a doctor willing to try, he was not allowed to.
Nothing unhelpful about that at all.
There are doctors who will prescribe it. I’ve given you the link. Just follow it up with a phone call.
Another look at that here
“The Wall Street Journal picking up the story is a bit of a breakthrough.”
The WSJ may indicate to some that the media dam may be cracking and its picking up of the story a bit of a breakthrough but the Guardian has a completely different take on Ivermectin
The efficacy of a drug being promoted by rightwing figures worldwide for treating Covid-19 is in serious doubt after a major study suggesting the treatment is effective against the virus was withdrawn due to “ethical concerns”.
The study found that patients with Covid-19 treated in hospital who “received ivermectin early reported substantial recovery” and that there was “a substantial improvement and reduction in mortality rate in ivermectin treated groups” by 90%.
But the drug’s promise as a treatment for the virus is in serious doubt after the Elgazzar study was pulled from the Research Square website on Thursday “due to ethical concerns”. Research Square did not outline what those concerns were.
A medical student in London, Jack Lawrence, was among the first to identify serious concerns about the paper, leading to the retraction. He found the introduction section of the paper appeared to have been almost entirely plagiarised.
The data also looked suspicious to Lawrence, with the raw data apparently contradicting the study protocol on several occasions.
“The authors claimed to have done the study only on 18-80 year olds, but at least three patients in the dataset were under 18,” Lawrence said.
“The authors claimed they conducted the study between the 8th of June and 20th of September 2020, however most of the patients who died were admitted into hospital and died before the 8th of June according to the raw data.”
Lawrence said what started out as a simple university assignment had led to a comprehensive investigation into an apparent scientific fraud at a time when “there is a whole ivermectin hype … dominated by a mix of right-wing figures, anti-vaxxers and outright conspiracists”.
So is Ivermectin effective or isn’t it?
The science is divided as is shown by this very recently peer reviewed paper published in Clinical Infectioius Diseases
“Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials”
The conclusion was:
“In comparison to Standard of Care (SOC) or placebo, Ivermectin ( IVM) did not reduce all-cause mortality, length of stay or viral clearance in Random Controlled Trials (RCTs) in COVID-19 patients with mostly mild disease. IVM did not have an effect on AEs (Adverse Effects) or severe AEs. IVM is not a viable option to treat COVID-19 patients.”
And just as the science is divided so is the politics with, by and large” the right claiming Ivermectin is effective and the left claiming it is not.
I found the article linked below very interesting and informative
The usatoday factcheck link appears twice, no doubt by accident and I note that this blog is not cited therein which is testament to our insignificance in the overall scheme of things. Anyway thanks for having provided a wealth of afternoon reading material Ian.
ps there is a cedilla under the c in the grifter link which necessitates searching for ivermectin at the site to bring the page up sans cedilla.
Hey Wise Guy
The WSJ actually noticed that Gruniard beat up and made a big deal about withdrawing references to that study.
Writers Missed Ivermectin Study Retraction
We have egg on our faces.
But guess what, they stand by their original conclusion because of all the other evidence they found.
“There’s strong evidence of ivermectin’s efficacy in treating Covid-19.”
Well they would say that wouldn’t they? The WSJ is a right wing publication catering for Conservatives and the Grauniad (that is the original deliberate mis-spellng) is a left wing publication catering for those on the Left. As I noted above those for IMV are largely on the Right while those that are not are largely on the Left
Nice try. The WSJ caters to big business so couple of decades ago, when capitalism was still dominant, that would have held water. But now, with governments controlled by lobbyists, big business is aligned with the leftists. Perennial vaccination is the domain of big business so this article favouring a profitless drug is counter to their interests.
Even if you were correct, the left has fully sold out by not supporting the use of ivermectin
I could not put that better myself!
If, and it is a big if, the withdrawn paper actually had manifest ethical problems that significantly affected the results, then it does not change the balance of Ivermectin studies.
I am curious how this randomized meta-analysis study is so different from others done that overwhelming support Ivermectin and HCQ? The linked comments are off the rails political
“ there is a whole Ivermectin HYPE….dominated by a mix of right wing figures, anti-vaxers and outright conspiracy theorists “ This ideological drivel from young mister Lawerence just about destroys his credibility.
Also it is known that almost exclusively it is a few of the North American studies that bring the negative view on the anti virals to the public, and the very serious flaws in those papers that warrant withdrawal, are ignored.
Yet even including those flawed papers, and the excluding the recent paper, the overwhelming evidence of strongly positive affects of Ivermectin is also supported by real world practice on millions in numerous nations with overwhelming statistical evidence of positive affects, and many hundreds of Doctors from multiple nations giving testament to great results.
The fact that both the overwhelming positive studies and real world successful practice on millions of victims are ignored, and the major international players ( The WHO CDC and others,) have not funded their own studies is very condemning to the Ivermectin deniers. ( See Mr Lawerence, anyone can politicize a science discussion.).
I will predict that detailed analysis will find Mr Lawrence’s work to be as political as what was done to the Wegman paper. (CAGW proxy study take down) I recall a pathetic claim of plagiarism with the Wegman report as well and the political take down of a stellar well published apolitical scientist.
Furthermore, many or most of the doctors and smaller funded studies are not “rightwing” at all. Yet the Guardian and Mr Lawrence wide brush clear attempt to marginalize the overwhelming positive studies and results with ideological attacks, is shameful.
I also sadly predict that the media and globalists will ignore the facts, and massively use this to ignore the dozens of positive papers, further suppress what clearly works, and promote vaccines for all.
Furthermore, many or most of the doctors and smaller funded studies are not “rightwing” at all.
Those conducting scientifically based studies do not or definitely should not show any political bias and nor should their studies and by far the majority don’t.
“I also sadly predict that the media and globalists will ignore the facts, and massively use this to ignore the dozens of positive papers, further suppress what clearly works, and promote vaccines for all.”
I’m sure the WSJ and the Guardian and the MSM in general will do all they can to introduce controversy as this sells advertising which is the bottom line.
Ian, ““In comparison to Standard of Care (SOC) or placebo, Ivermectin ( IVM) did not reduce all-cause mortality,”
Read the study, look at the actual data, they lied in the conclusion.
Their conclusions were based on their judgement of the reliability of the data, not the actual data.
“Read the study, look at the actual data, they lied in the conclusion.”
Of course they did and no doubt those that reviewed the paper before it was accepted for publication lied as well. And the drug’s manufacturer, pharma giant MSD, is also lying when it warned that its analysis of ivermectin identified “no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against Covid-19 from pre-clinical studies”, “no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with Covid-19 disease” and “a concerning lack of safety data” in most studies.
It’s all a left wing conspiracy to cheat the brave and gallant doctors in the FLCCC who selflessly are pushing for it to be accepted.
Steven Joffe, MD, MPH, a medical ethicist at the University of Pennsylvania should look at the case of Indonesia where ivermectin was used and then withdrawn as his “large, generalizable randomized trial”. Case numbers exploding after usage was stopped would be obvious proof of efficacy if the whole process wasn’t politicized.
Of course Indonesia stopped usage to allegedly run a RCT on ivermectin’s safety and efficacy. That was weeks ago so where are the results – they should be able to produce preliminary findings within 2 weeks.
Medical ethicists appear to be concerned with the process. The FLCCC is concerned with saving lives.
You obviously did not look at the data did you?
Here sre their “meta Study” Results of their special kind of analysis
” IVM did not reduce all-cause mortality vs.
controls (RR 0.37, 95%CI 0.12 to 1.13, very low QoE)
If you know what RR means you will know that anything under 1 is better than the control.
More actual results
“In six RCTs (four pre-
prints and two trial registry web records; n=1255), IVM reduced all-cause mortality (RR
0.25, 95%CI 0.12 to 0.52) ”
“In thirteen RCTs (three published RCTs, nine pre-
prints, and one trial registry web registry; n=1892) with mostly mild to moderate severity,
IVM reduced mortality (adjusted RR 0.32, 95%CI 0.14 to 0.72”
Then we have the actual Data
“Table 2. Summary of findings table of the effect of ivermectin compared to standard of
care or placebo for COVID-19 patients ”
All cause Mortality Control = 6 Deaths/100 Ivermectin = 2 Deaths/100
Now which is better 2 dead from 100 (Ivermectin)or 6 dead from 100 (Control)?
To access the actual study, results and data you have to got to the summary here
and then open the pdf document.
Of course MSD lied they have a much more expensive replacement drug to market.
Um, you are aware that MSD is attempting to market a “new antiviral drug” which is remarkably similar to Ivermectin ? MSD cannot make a dime out of Ivermectin, as it is no longer on patent, and mass produced worldwide.
and safety data has been widely known for almost 40 years. Apart from temporary visual disturbance, it is pretty harmless, unless you have had river blindness in the past and your brain is still full of happy little parasites…..
Post not displayed
Dear Doctor, Health Professionals and Fellow Australians,
Why not refer to the original which is known as the Hippocratic oath as every practising doctor knows
Thanks OO,
Great letter, and may it be widely read.
Two things: I notice it’s dated August 2, 2021. Is there any concern about our releasing it earlier?
And: Do you know if there is any wide dissemination done automatically to all doctors in Australia?
Dave B
Johannes Leak sums it up
Brilliant, as ever. I love Johannes’ work. 🙂
Isn’t it just too coincidental that Indonesia’s government approves ivermectin for emergency use on the 15th of July and deaths peak a week later and are now on the way down.
I questioned my (now former) GP on the issue of a prophylactic script for Ivermectin. The response was educational.
It was highly emotional to the point of irrational. A point blank refusal to even contemplate reading the results of now around 30 RCT’s on Ivermectin. But more, I believe both anger and fear. It certainly told me beyond a shadow of a doubt that my decision to abstain from the offered “vaccines” was entirely correct. Something is wrong. Very wrong. And I suspect many in the medical community know it.
That the spike protein “vaccines” would fail is a given. Even if they provided partial protection in the short term, the fact that they weren’t full effective guaranteed that mass use would drive immune escape and the rapid evolution of new strains. Especially true if the immune system is being trained to see only part of the virus.
I smell panic. Testing methods are being suddenly changed. Propaganda is being cranked all the way to 11. “Vaccine” status of new cases is being hidden. The unvaccinated are absurdly being blamed for the rapid evolution of new strains. The “vaccinated” in the US are being told they will still have to wear masks.
I suspect 3 factors are in play:
1. The “vaccines” are failing and generating new strains faster than anticipated. As they fail, so does any hope for “vaccine passports” and “vaccine” mandates.
2. The over cycled PCR tests, once politically expedient may have hit a snag. They are likely reading the “vaccinated” as false positives, and possibly the same for anyone in close contact with them in the month after their shots.
3. The big one. Antibody Dependent Enhancement. The “vaccinated” may be those most at risk from the new strains they are creating.
I don’t think the “vaccines are the only choice” governments can play on much longer. Not if the unvaccinated with prior Fauci Flu exposure have better immunity than the vaxxed. Especially if they learn that the shots could cancel that immunity.
I also asked my GP about Ivermectin after I showed her
a snippet I got from a friend from COVEXIT.
This snippet was very informative. I asked if she would proscribe these for me. NO.
Note that this was released on the 19th of August, LAST YEAR.
I also showed her “Review of the emerging evidence demonstrating the efficacy of Ivermectin in the prophylaxis and treatment of covid-19.
I left both of these with her.
My Doctor wore a mask the whole time I was with her. Me, maskless.
I also asked her about the effectiveness of the type of mask she wore
and compared it to what stuff the lab techs wear when they
are dealing with this bug in the lab. Separate air supply,
if I remember rightly.
We are being LIED to by our politicians. And they expect us
to tell them the truth? Pulease!
Sorry meant to put this post here under GPs – send/give this 6 page letter to your GP
Dear Doctor, Health Professionals and Fellow Australians,
My doctor was the complete opposite (fortunately). I had previously shown him the vitamin D results in relation to covid and he was v excited when I did. Then with Ivermectin I pulled up Dr John Campbell and a host of other sites including c19ivermectin and ran through with him the studies etc. He immediately wrote out the prescription and said he would sort it so that there were no issues. He said that this was a complete no brainer.
And he never wears a mask when I am with him!
But he appears to be in the minority. I had a strained exchange with my elderly uncles doctor over Ivermectin, which he claimed was “unsupported” and then launched into a spiel on why we ALL had to take the vaccine. I attempted to provide more details here but he just did not want to know at all. I am trying to get my uncle out of this ignoramuses clutches…
So many doctors have no idea at all, and the level of ignorance is shocking. Mine told me that in our last 3 visits he has learnt more off me on covid than he has from any other source.
“So many doctors have no idea at all, and the level of ignorance is shocking. ”
One this week gave me the full speil on why I needed to be injected. Described IVM as an “anti-fungal”!
Please tell me your doctor resides in the most populous city of the eastern seaboard of Australia (or is set up for telehealth consultations) …
I have an emergency supply of HCQ (1 week for a three person household). But with our insane “health authorities” determined to make this crisis just as bad as they can with mass use of partially effective ‘vaccines”, I’d feel far safer with 0.2mg/KG per person per week prophylactic doses of IVM.
How can anyone trust the Australian government at this point? They have intentionally ignored the obvious risks of the mRNA “vaccines”. They have refused to consider, let alone research, the therapeutics. The TGA has knowingly published mendacious claims on their official website about the dosage recommendations of the frontline doctors recommending therapeutics, and worse, maintained their adverse “findings” on two therapeutics well after the papers “justifying” said recommendations had been subject to retraction demands by the Lancet and the new England Journal of Medicine due to the use of fraudulent data (The authors complied, and the incidents were recorded in retraction watch, but the oh-so-trustworthy TGA didn’t give a rats). And what of the Queensland and Victorian state governments actually criminalizing the off label use of decades old drugs for early outpatient treatment of the Fauci Flu? There is absolutely no way any sane person could ever listen to health or scientific “advice” from any entity that had committed these actions, now or at any time in the future, without the removal and prosecution of all persons involve.
The government has its instructions Konrad and is determined to execute them to the letter irrespective of the views of electors; all my life it’s been like this but I recognized it early –last time I voted was about 1970.
The instructions from Pfizer to the government????? Sure ticks all my boxes ,starting with “Follow the Money”….https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/information-security-expert-reveals-pfizer-covid-jab-contracts-theres-good-reason-pfizer-fought-to-hide-the-details/
IVM is a proven anti-viral. It is proven against West Nile Virus and is often part of a treatment protocol against HIV and other viruses. I have tried it myself against a nasty cold and it was immediately effective.
Besides, since it’s proven safe over 40 years it doesn’t hurt to try. Is your GP afraid that it will work and then he will be put in the position of testifying to an unpopular truth?
Please note; Ivermectin is used in sheep DRENCH not sheep dip. Sheep dip products are poisonous as they are designed to kill parasites. Sheep drench on the other hand kills internal parasites and thus is non poisonous when used at the recommended rate depending on body weight. I have successfully used product’s containing Ivermectin during my years spent farming.
Ivermectin IS used in “pour-ons” for external application and in sheep jetting e.g. “Fly and Lice”. I understand there is also injectable but have never used it.
I guess if one has exotic bath habits like asses milk one could try a “F & L” mix for variety – but it would likely need a more exotic name.
When reading overseas literature one also needs to be aware that the term “drench” may be used to describe “saturated application to the skin”
I wonder how it would go with camel’s milk?! Cleopatra Covid Concoction.
Anybody think of a better name? CCC isn’t the best but I can’t think of one right now.
The couple of protocols I have read re Ivermectin stress that the METHOD of administration is critical. Taken with water on empty stomach retains Ivermectin in the Gastro Itestinal tract for parasite control, To be taken WITH food (INC FAT) to carry it into the bloodstream for infection control/prophylaxis. This specific detail appears to be overlooked in test reports.
Thanks for that tip.
Facebook posts and close friends had attested to their friend having had the vaccine
Article points to Ms Midori’s parents canvassing Australian authorities to intervene with known therapies ie. ivamectin
They implemented a global trial of Covid-19 and results haven’t been that great. At best the vaccine reduces symptoms and possibly deaths but adverse reactions including death are off the charts. Our leaders don’t know what to do. Heath experts are divided or flip flopping. We now have a high percentage of the population digging in and saying they will not take the jab. Surely it’s now time to do a global trial of antivirals. What do we have to lose? Let’s see once and for all if they work or not.
“What do we have to lose?”
For some a very thick coat of “egg on face”. And maybe a class action or two?
Indeed. In fact doctors could now be sued for not recommending treatments that are well known to them and readily available to help save lives even for cases where COVID-19 is not the cause. Clearly the influence of pharmaceutical companies also have a lot to explain. What happened to the oath doctors take to Hippocratic Oath doctors are meant to take. Clearly they are not in many circumstances.
i’d say it’s the government who sets the policies and individual doctors are presumably not willing to risk the ire of government and medical authorities by disobeying them.
USA, Germany, China, Brazil lead the charge to destroy the planet biochemicaly https://balance10.blogspot.com/2021/07/usa-germany-china-brazil-lead-charge-to.html
A virus is far more effective. Their current experiment with COVID-19 is just that – an experiment, possibly a test run for the real one later.
Haven’t there been enough trials?
The product itself was trialled , and successfully, over 30 years ago. It does not require “emergency ” release approval for use in humans in 2021. It has been used successfully in millions of patients around the world already, and even thousands with covid. Success rate appears to be above 90% as a preventative, and also as a cure, even for hospitalised patients.
Papers have been written, and reviewed.
Papers have been studied, and analysed, and reported on, in spite of news media bans and difficulty in getting papers published.
It’s safe.
Use it.
Dave B
An addendum:
Sorry I didn’t include any links at all above. This is one I think is relevant both to my comment but also as a direct addition to Jo’s list of countries which have successfully used ivermectin in their fight against the virus.
The country is Zimbabwe.
The link is to a report of the work of Dr Jackie Stone.
(The link to the video which first alerted me to her work has been blocked.)
Three things draw me to to this story:
That it happened in her country, and with such success, was a surprise;
The history she describes: and
The several stories of successful treatment in some difficult cases.
Dave B
In a huge study of the Astra Zeneca vaccine carried in the Lancet, it was found to be as safe as the Pfizer version.
The bad publicity came from the EU bitter about brexit and from France whose own vaccine had not worked
The UK has just sent a billion doses of the AZ vaccine to Africa.
Over here in our large town in Devon we have not come across any of these dire consequences of using the vaccine often claimed.
It certainly appears to make you far less likely to fall seriouslybill but it will not entirely stop you catching it nor infecting others.
Part of the problem being that vaccinated people mix much more, believing themselves to be protected against everything.
This is not to say that the various anti vitals mentioned in this article are not effective, there certainly seems a place for them but they need to be used in a timely fashion.
Ivermectin can be used any time. From pre-infection as a prophylactic, through early infection to reduce effects and speed recovery, right through to death’s door to save a dying patient.
The gene therapy, spike protein vaccines only suppress CoViD-19 since they do not generate the mucosal IgA antibodies which are the first line of defence. The only really generate the circulatory IgG antibodies which fight an infection that has already been established. As such, they reduce the extent of the infection but cannot prevent it.
This hugely increases the chance of antibody dependent enhancement which has been already demonstrated by some “fully vaccinated” people going on to infect others. Given enough time, continued widespread use of these will generate a lethal mutation, as has occured with Marek’s disease that affects avians, meaning those vaccinated but infected will kill those unvaccinated, including newborns.
So “safe” is tenuous notion.
Please check out the hospitalisation and death rates for unvaccinated vs various levels of vaccination as per the 16th Technical Briefing for SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern by the UK government in comment #34. The figures do not support your expectation; not for the Delta variant, at least.
I have checked out the data.
Here is the CV dashboard covering the entire South West of England (my area)
There are useful sub sections within it. This area has some 2 million people, a higher than average number of older people and the highest percentage of vaccinated people in the UK
From these and other data we can see the number of cases has declined. The number of deaths is very small. The number of excess deaths is below the 5 year average. In some of the hospitals no CV deaths have been recorded for months. Normal operations have mostly resumed.
Funerals are at below normal levels. On social media, newspapers, in the coffee shops and general chatter there is no talk whatsoever of numerous people becoming ill or dying immediately after having vaccinations.
I do not think the vaccine is the total cure all claimed. It does not appear to stop a degree of infection of others nor stop you catching it yourself in mostly a mild form if you suffer a high viral load from continued exposure. To the vast majority of people it does appear however to provide a very useful level of protection. How long for I do not know. Few vaccines are 100% effective. 5 or 6 years ago the ‘wrong’ strain of flu vaccine was chosen which only gave 20% immunity.
There is no evidence that the virus vaccine -AZ or Pfizer-is the deadly killer being claimed in some quarters.
I do believe we need to investigate anti virals as they have a place. As does looking after ourselves, taking Vitamin D, remaining cautious in crowded indoor places and most importantly keeping the weight off. This last being a large factor as you can not do anything about age, the largest key factor.
I am not stating that the vaccine is a danger right at this moment. But the mechanisms that it triggers to suppress but not prevent infection provides ample opportunity for it to evolve into one.
Yes, it may well lower the hospitalisations by reducing severity of cases so but deploying vaccines with this leaky nature during a widespread outbreak is a long term disaster since it never actually goes away.
I should have also mentioned the utter lack of knowledge of long term efficacy and side effects for the vaccines makes me feel that younger people should not be taking them unless they suffer from chronic health issues and even older healthy people (in an absolute rather than a relative sense) should avoid them if possible.
This in particular worries me SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegeneration
Quick translation, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can cause protein folding in the brain – this is the same mechanism that causes the degeneration from Alzheimer’s, Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob/Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy/Mad Cow Disease. This appears to be why some CoViD patients have extended recovery issues including difficulty concentrating and loss of coordination.
The gene therapy spike protein vaccines could well cause the same issues if the spike proteins produced do not stay anchored to the cells expressing them.
The vaccines should be used by those who suffer from underlying health conditions (including infirmity)
have you been listening to Kevin W McCain on youtube ?
Who is he?
“There is no evidence that the virus vaccine -AZ or Pfizer-is the deadly killer being claimed in some quarters.”
this is what Professor Bhakdi has to say about the Vaccines after seeing recent scientific publications from the Lancet
Anyone who has been reading my responses about covid over the last 15 months will know I am very sceptical about many aspects of it. Whilst serious to the elderly and the vulnerable that is no reason to put all the healthy people under House arrest. There has been a vast over reaction
I am merely responding to the claims being made about the vaccine with real world evidence from one of the most vaccinated sections of the planet. Without being frivolous, the locals in the coffee shop or on social media like nothing more than to talk about their ailments, operations and hospital visits of themselves and friends and relatives.
there is absolutely no talk on drastic side effects of taking the vaccines. We have numerous tourists from all round the country at present (wish they would go home) and again this is simply not a topic of conversation.
What the future will bring I do not know. Personally if I were much younger I would seriously consider refusing the jab. Once above 45/50 or so or if you have an illness or are overweight, then it is likely to provide good protection albeit with all vaccinations there are risks.
maybe where you are tonyb in your local area there is absolutely no talk on drastic side effects of taking the vaccines, maybe like other areas it is being hidden from the public because they want people vaccinated
but there is talk about very drastic side effects getting around that have been kept quiet from big pharma, governments, the medical profession and MSM, l have been hearing about side effects but have not seen evidence until recently
if you are not put on alert by Prof Bahkdi’s warning, and l have seen the same message from a couple of other sources that like Prof Bahkdi are not locked in by big pharma and have nothing to loose like this one
maybe seeing a drastic side effect will give you reason to be cautious, watch especially from 10:30 of this film
l totally respect your choice to get the vaccine but like l said to a good mate today, you cannot make a well informed decision unless you investigate both sides of the coin first 😉
good luck with it tonyb
I think ordinary people whose friends, family, colleagues, those they come into contact with at shops etc or themselves, would notice if there was widespread large scale devastating effects or deaths caused by the vaccine.
I don’t see how you can hide something that would have such a dramatic effect on somebody’s world.
AS has been said, who knows of the future, but as of the present this large, heavily vaccinated and often vulnerable group (age, illnesses) in this neck of the woods have not seen the impacts suggested, and they have been around long enough to be able to know what impacts them as they are at such close quarters to it
Tonyb, Analitik, Marksman — Thank you. It’s a useful exchange. Tonyb and I disagree on quite a bit about Covid, but he is part of the Big Experiment that is the UK, and while it’s anecdotal, I want to hear what’s going on at street-level.
Analitik — I’ve read some of the prion and other papers too and while it is all speculative, it is concerning.
As for “immune escape” and nastier variants — as I said with Mareks disease, we keep those baby chicks away from mum and dad for three weeks until they are vaxed. I can’t see that working too well with humans…
I would add that as far as people personally affected by the Wuflu ( someone close family or friend), most would say say that if not for the lock downs they would have noticed nothing unusual.
A one in 500 event or a one in 1000 event, spread over 18 months, will not have a dramatic affect on most people. ( The vaccine dangers have only had a few months to begin to manifest )
The Wuflu has had almost two years to personally affect people. The vaccines have only had 6 months to begin to, and the real problem is the negative reactions to the vaccines are accelerating.
Jo, the paper I linked on neurodegeneration is not speculative – the folding action through heparin binding is confirmed.
What remains as speculative is the amount of spike proteins that need to be in the brain to begin the process in amounts that are noticeable. That spike proteins escape from vaccination sites has been proven and is not speculative – the “fact checkers” dismissing this as being an issue do not deny it occurs but say the amounts shown to escape into the bloodstream are small enough to be immaterial.
This is a claim made based on the spike proteins causing damage to organs as a single cell basis. Protein folding is a process that continues after being initiated and when it stops is not predictable.
This makes number of spike proteins released into the bloodstream by the gene therapy spike protein vaccines something that needs to be studied. It is also why these vaccines should mainly be administered to older people, at least until the effects are better understood, as the folding process will have more time to cause neurodegeneration the longer a person is alive
yes we disagree on much about covid, but i felt it was a good respectful exchange. I don’t know the future but I do know the present and there is simply no signs of the dire effect others are talking about. They are very forward round here on ailments. I blanch sometimes at the medical details bellowed over a mobile phone or over the cafe table.
The people round here would be all over it if the problems were one hundredth of what is claimed.
As I say who knows about the future?
Although we may disagree over covid I do appreciate the open debate you permit.
You might enjoy this on covid cases peaking in the UK each time before lockdown
People had become ultra cautious 6 weeks before official restrictions as my own diary shows. Even the restaurants were half empty on Valentines day 2020 which was the last time we went to the theatre
From the Fox article. Great article. See above for link.
“Merck has donated four billion doses to prevent river blindness and other diseases in Africa and other places where parasites are common. A group of 10 doctors who call themselves the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance have declared that ivermectin is “one of the safest, cheapest and most available drugs in the history of medicine” .
Ivermectin fights 21 viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19.
A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and by 99.98% in 48 hours, according to a June 2020 study published in the journal Antiviral Research.”
This is not criminal negligence causing death. This is mass murder and a conspiracy. It is a fact that people in every Western democratic country, are dying of covid because of the Ivermectin Lies and Conspiracy.
The problem is not a lack of data. Ivermectin stops covid from replicating in-vitro and in patients. Very simple action to stop covid. Side effects of Ivermectin are well known.
The data (non fake Ivermectin Studies) is unequivocal. Ivermectin is an effective covid anti viral, that should be given as soon as the patient gets covid to reduce viral count and reduce damage. Or as a prophylactic.
i.e. Ivermectin cannot help almost dead covid patients. Giving Ivermectin to almost dead covid patients, is how fake negative studies are generated. Give Ivermectin late in the progress of the covid virus. At that point in time the damage is done. Ivermectin does not reverse covid damage, it stops covid from replicating.
The FDA is not on our side, because the Medical Industry and the Democratic Party control, the FDA for their ‘political’ benefit. There is institutional corruption/control in the FDA, Medical Industry, the Democratic party of America, and the mass media who have been hiding/blocking covid cures.
Apparently, it can stop the disease dead in its tracks even well into the course. The patient may survive with long term complications from the damage but they can be pulled back from the brink by some of the accounts in the USA
Ivermectin is a tough one for them to gaslight. But they’re doing their best!
“The battle worth fighting for: Let us and our doctors choose what medicine we take”
Amen, Amen and Amen to that Jo.
All of OUR Grubbnmnts are Globalists.
Which means they don’t give a F about
the people of Australia. Oh, they show some
signs, but since the Lima Agreement it
has all been about “killing” off the
middle class.
And this latest thingo is certainly
proving it.
Remember, they had the “vaccine” first.
All they needed was a disease to use it for.
We are being lied to by OUR Grubbnmnts but
they expect us to tell them the truth.
No wonder people are peacefully protesting.
There are “more than a few” promising antivirals and effective treatments. The claim that “there are no effective treatments” being used to justify the various “vaccines” is simply a full on lie.
Here are a few to add to the toolkit in addition to the HCQ/IVM/Zn/bromhexine:
Enovid nasal spray. Reduces viral load by 95% in 24 hrs, 99% in 72 hrs
E channel blockers: ” Multiple, independent bacteria-based assays were able to retrieve eight compounds from a library of 2839 approved-for-human-use drugs that inhibit SARS-CoV-2 E protein. Since E protein is an essential component of the pathogen, as well as the most conserved of all SARS-CoV-2 proteins, any of its inhibitors represents a potential avenue to curb infectivity.” Additionally, gliclazide (a drug used to treat diabetes) and memantine (a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s disease) were also found to block E protein.
People need choices in addition to vaccines. The therapeutics are independent of variants and can be a first level action if access to a vaccine is not possible or not wanted. These choices should be between doctor and patient, not subject to political whims.
$45 for a 1-month supply
2 sprays a day for complete virus protection
Enovid kills 99.99% of viruses within 2 minutes
Enovid, a new Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS), is designed to kill SARs-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in the upper airways, preventing it from incubating and spreading to the lungs.
Broad spectrum ANTIVIRAL kills all viruses and variants
Effective in lab TESTS against a wide range of viruses
Effective AGAINST new variants of the coronavirus
Yes exactly, and I expect them to double down. It’s what they do. I sincerely hope, as some nations and or states-providence’s within nations are promoting the antivirals, that their success becomes the torchlight that illuminates the evil of greedy bastards that have suppressed effective treatments that would of saved millions of lives and the global economy. (not hyperbole, but what the science indicates)
ScoMo has announced that unvaccinated folk will be restricted in society.
That’s gonna cost a few votes?
Vaccine mandates violate the right to informed consent
“Dear Boss
Compelling any employee to take any current Covid-19 vaccine violates federal and state law , and subjects the employer to substantial liability risk, including any injury the employee may suffer from the vaccine.
Three key concerns: first, while the vaccine remains unapproved by the FDA and authorized only for emergency use, the federal forbids mandating it, in accordance with the Nuremberg code of 1947.”
We really need an Australian version of the VivaBarnesLaw “Dear Boss” message.
Thanks Jo,
You are very brave and have done a great service to the readers of this blog. The personal risk you have undertaken in publishing the ‘Science’ is massive. This Spectator article fits the pieces together and fills the obvious gaps in the official narrative.
This just in from the WSJ.
You are being heard!
Opinion | Why is the FDA attacking a safe, effective drug?
“Ivermectin is a promising Covid treatment and prophylaxis, but the agency is denigrating it.”
so, denied treatment and murdered by the government.
It might not be deliberate although some would say it is. In any case the end result is exactly the same. The least our politicians and health officials should do is resign. Of course they won’t, which makes them even more culpable than the doctors, since they set the rules.
the definition of murder includes “reckless indifference to human life”
I understand there are different categories of murder under the law. In any case you are right – murder is murder. I look forward to the day when Nuremberg style trials are conducted but I fear we have a long way to go with much worse to come before they occur.
In a piece in the Gateway Pundit it reports on Dr Robert Malone talking with Steve Bannon. The former is the inventor of mRNA technology and discovered RNA transfection. He warned that the latest data for Pfizer is pointing to Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) previously observed for all CoVID type vaccines. This “enhances the entry (of a virus) into host cells followed by its replication. I.e. it builds viral load and helps it infect the host. His recommendation was to cease all mRNA vaccines immediately and use alternate approaches (such as Ivermectin).
Of everyone out there this man (who refers to Dr Fauci as Tony) is the one we should be listening to and has been giving warnings for some time (e.g. on the Dark Horse podcast). Like many his Wiki page has been altered and an attempt to cancel him has been initiated.
The adenovirus vector vaccines (Astra Zeneca, Jansen/J&J, Sputnik) will also allow for ADE since apart from delivery, the “vaccination” mechanism is identical to that of the mRNA ones. This means they pose an equal level of danger
“Has the Big Lie just Fallen Apart?”
Indeed it is falling apart but they are also just as quickly and cleverly covering it up. It’s all a matter of the public turning on the brains to see through the smoke and avoid the mirrors to see the truth that we’ve been told lies after lies after lies.
The CDC’s Hysterical Delta Flip-Flop Might Be Its Final Undoing
Certainly the plans of the Biden junta in the US are in full collapse.
They had promised freedom from the oppression of the masks for all who submitted to the mRNA shots. But now the CDC is reintroducing mask mandates even for those that complied and got “vaxxed”.
The plan was never “masks forever”, just Fauci Flu forever. After all, the unelected ruling elite didn’t want to wear masks forever. The plan was “vaccine passports” without which citizen’s travel, entry to business premises, opportunity for employment and access to government services would be restricted. The passports would have to be updated regularly to show receipt of the latest “booster shots”. “booster shots” so expensive only big government could provide them. The same government in full control of testing, determination of health control orders and a cowed and compliant public.
But the sudden reversal of the CDC position (and the Whitehouse resident’s public mumblings)indicates something horrible has happened to the Biden Junta’s foul plans. If the “vaccinated” are catching and spreading the virus, then there is no hope for the “vaccine passport” plan. For the Biden Junta to give up on the totalitarian prize of vaccine passports, means something has gone very badly wrong with the vaccines.
Too early days to tell but one possibility is them realising this “outbreak” which some say was deliberate has getting out of control because the vaccines aren’t working as well expected and they can’t keep up with the new train(s). If that’s the case we will soon see an even bigger and more serious pandemic that would make last years look like a picnic. I hope not but then again that’s exactly what some want as they made it well know they want to depopulate the word by a couple of billions or more. Coincidence? I don’t believe in them.
What a glut of hindsight lurks ahead.
Adding further weight to my assessment: Resident Biden has just credited President Trump with the development of the COVID vaccine.
Previously the senile meat-puppet had been taking full credit for the vaccines, even going so far as to claim none were available before his inauguration.
Something is clearly wrong with the “vaccines” and the Biden Junta’s plans for ‘vaccine passports”.
Amazingly I said to my partner today, Biden will blame Trump for the vaccine failure.
Senator Malcolm Roberts, Senate committee.
Thanks MP,
You’re spot on.
The Senator’s questions are probing, the answers insightfully imprecise. One woman’s use of the “commercial in confidence” excuse in this context is effectively a lie, as the actual contractual detail shows a direct assault on Australian law and Australian sovereignty, as well as complete disregard for the welfare of all Australians.
Dave Been
More from Malcolm.
“It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850”
If the truth about this whole thing is not erased from history by the totalitarianism that is quickly befalling us,
it will be THE greatest scandal of ALL history.
Indeed, perhaps even bigger than the CAGW scam but it remains to be seen in the end which one takes the cake. Combined together though they are more than sufficient to crash and burn the West, which has always been the agenda by the left.
I used to hold that the neo-Lysenkoism of the AGW hoax was the greatest assault on science, reason, freedom and democracy in human history.
But the AGW hoax pales in comparison to this current foulness. The Chinese seeking to leverage a lab accident to harm their economic and military rivals was an act of utter depravity. But the western leader’s and government’s betrayal of their own citizens is indeed the greatest scandal in human history. Arrogant parasites seeking to exploit a health crisis to destroy the sovereign nations and democratic governments they had been entrusted to protect. And there can be no uncertainty of where the unwavering finger of guilt points. The mark of the guilty is clear: the parasites all acted in lockstep in denying their citizens access to the therapeutics, allowing countless to sicken and die so only they would control the means of salvation for the remaining.
It seems fitting that in the end these parasites and their plans are going to be destroyed by the very virus they sought to exploit, and that a large part of the citizen’s salvation comes down to … a decades old anti-parasite drug.
When children play with the devil, things will go down very badly.
One of my friends in his mid 60s had an astrozenica first jab late June 21 . 6 days later he had a massive stroke with bleeding to the right side of the brain
Initially he lost speech, right eye sight paralysed right arm and right leg
5 weeks later he is in port kembla rehab hospital and is slowly recovering
He can talk normally now and regained full sight
Right arm is still paralysed but some feeling coming back into his leg
He was very fit before this playing comp squash competitive, bike rides
The only underlying condition he had was asthma
Health officials are assessing him to try and determine if the vaccine was trigger for the stroke
He will be in rehab for a minim of another 2 months at this stage
I feel super sorry for his dumb arse but.. faaaaaaark that. Bear in mind that if he got the covid minus the vaxx he might have had to ‘suffer’ at home watching old DVDs while blowing his nose occassionally…
A woman in her 50s that I work with had the AZ jab and was a sick as a dog laid up in bed for 5 days. She stupidly had a second Pfizer jab about 6 weeks later and within 2 hours had to be rushed to hospital with a pulse rate of over 200 and blood pressure through the roof. She had developed a major blood clot near the heart — surprise, surprise — and was on the verge of a heart attack/stroke for 6 hours while they tried to dissolve the clot and stabilise her. That is not a customary reaction to a conventional vaccine.
It’s a small team of about 12 that I work with and of those all but 2 of us have been jabbed or are due to get the jab, with 3 others having side effects of lethargy, of “dead” arms for a day or 2 after the jab etc. They blithely brush off any side effects to rationalise their decision to get vaccinated and follow the propaganda. Even the woman who nearly died just shrugged at it and went on to talk about her dog escaping.
That’s just the acute, immediate effects. How many of the unfortunates who have succumbed to the jab propaganda will be alive and fully functional in a couple of years, I wonder?
The are getting desperate.
N.Y. Bar Association creates mandatory vaccination task force
At least American people have the right to bear arms, Maybe this is when things will change for the better after a lot of blood is spilt.
This is a shocker
Fully vaccinated people are 65% more likely to be hospitalised & 1540% more likely to die due to Covid-19 than people who are unvaccinated according to latest Public Health England data
If it is preponderantly the vulnerable who are being fully vaccinated then it’s unsurprising.
Yes that means the data is biased. Don;t forget too that old people die all the time so just because they had the virus doesn’t necessarily mean it was even the trigger.
no, that isn’t the issue. I have done the calc for the US (delta variant) just using ~50% “vaccination” rate, ~33% overall population with prior exposure to the Fauci Flu using with hospitalization rate for unvaccinated with natural immunity from prior exposure vs. “vaccinated”.
~50% greater chance of the latest strains hospitalizing the “vaccinated” in the US over general unvaccinated population.
Given the greater rate of “vaccination” in the UK, the 65% higher risk from new strains to their “vaccinated” population is very likely correct.
Important note: don’t panic yet! This is not terrifying evidence of Antibody Dependent Enhancement about to doom us all. It’s just boring maths. Both US and UK have high population percentages that have caught and got over the Fauci Flu. The natural immunity so acquired still defends against the latest strain, while the failing mRNA “vaccinces” do not. The problem is anyone previously exposed to the Fauci Flu who subsequently takes the mRNA experimental gene therapy sacrifices any natural immunity they gained. Therefore in the US, ~33% of the unvacinated are still protected against the new strain, while none of the “vaccinated” are.
The Biden Junta are in a last ditch battle to destroy the natural immunity of 55 million unvaccinated Americans by forcing them to take the failing mRNA “vaccines”. Which I don’t think is going to work out for the mumbling “Depends” spokesmodel. The 5.56mm demographic is itching to make some mach 2 injections of their own.
A small sample study from Israel quotes vaccinated eight times more likely to be infected with the delta strain.
Also learnt today Tcells are lowered significantly after second jab.
Pelosi Orders Her Police to Arrest People Without Masks
yep. it’s all about population control, not virus control.
Sure is. People with their heads in the sand not only can’t see it, but they will the first ones to have their backsides whacked so hard they will be flung far away and their heads still stuck in the sand.
The first two years of my schooling was Catholic, I don’t remember much about the bible but I do remember.
People will march willingly to their demise, seems to be playing out now.
When “children” play with the devil/machine gun/whatever, expect a horrific ending for them and others innocently standing around. Clearly most of our politicians and health officials are those “children”. That’s another reason they can claim immunity from any failures arising from their actions or inactions.
I read a very small piece from a link in the Epoch Times comments. This is a summary. We know that vaccinations will not be authorised if there is already a cure. The contract that governments signed with the pharmaceutical companies was to refuse the use of any antivirals by their respective medical professions, thus allowing the pharmaceutical products to be granted emergency authorisation and use. If this is true, I can see ignorant bureaucrats and panicking politicians thinking they are making the safest decision to not allow doctors treat patients with HCQ and Ivermectin. We have seen draconian punishments meted out to doctors who have failed to comply.
The CDC will de-authorise the PCP test at the end of the year. They have finally acknowledged that the PCP test cannot differentiate between Covid and the flu. The new test in the new year will have that ability ( and probably be more expensive).
It makes you wonder how many lock downs have occurred for a case of the flu and how many elderly people died from the flu.
If the new test is indeed more accurate then we should see a marked decrease in the number of cases. Then of course politicians will boast about how the vaccines worked, which we already know is a lie but no matter by then all will be forgotten due to most people’s short memories. Still it might not be all over by then. We shall see if their current grand experiment turns into another pandemic far worse than the current one, or another “accident” occurs.
It would now seem that there have been many cases of influenza, despite utterances from our gold standard, world’s best practice medical experts such as ‘The flu has virtually disappeared’, ‘We have seen no flu cases this year’, etc. You would be naive to accept that the China virus continues to enter our country via returning travellers, but not influenza – when that is how it has always entered.
Did Adriana Midori Takara have her first dose of vaccine a few days before her death or not? The guardian says NO, she wanted to but was unable to get it. Rebecca Weiser in the Spectator says Yes.
One way she is counted as a Covid death and the other way a possible vaccine death.
I would like to know, but I don’t trust either our health officials, nor the ministers nor the main stream press to tell me the truth!
It will be next to impossible to find out. It’s by design to try and keep as many people in the dark as-possible. The politicians and health officials even admit that they won’t divulged the reasoning they go through behind the scenes as to how they make their decisions. It’s all a secret. So much for saying “we are all in it together” – yet another big fat lie.
If she did get the vaccination shot shortly before becoming infected, then the vaccine would almost definitely contributed to the severity of her infection as her immune system would have been distracted by the spike proteins growing on her cells, allowing the actual virus more chance to spread. That’s a horrid scenario.
Thought it was odd that this poor lady had a heart attack post admission that triggered a surgical intervention, yet was said to have no pre-existing condition.
Heart attacks in 30 something year olds are completely normal – ever since 2021. Everyone knows that. Nothing what-so-ever ever ever ever to do with any covid vaccines that may or may nor have been had.
This whole debacle is a moral issue that won’t be diminished as a result of daily press briefings by Premiers and their cotery of medical “experts”. Their sad mixture of consternation and lame platitudes plus the absurdity of case numbers has become obnoxious. With each passing day the growing moral burden on our elected leaders and especially the Therapeutic Goods Administration surely must become indefensible. How do they live comfortably with that?
Those responsible for the debacle have no morals because they don’t believe in them. That’s how they live comfortably with it. Hitler was a classic example of moral deficiency, which eventually morphed into pure evil.
By definition:
Dear all,
I have emailed the State and Federal health ministers suggesting that they may wish to consider the implications for Liability for refusing treatment, if it be found that the Hospital and Government could have reasonably known that the treatment would work. If it can be shown that life saving treatment has been known of but not allowed, one would suspect that a good case could be made for damages. Sometimes if we wish to change things all we have to do is reframe the risk for Authority.. if through awareness of ‘rights’ in law it becomes more risky to not allow treatment than to stick with ‘advice’.
Well done. I’ve been thinking of preparing a similar letter to my own doctor to remind him of the oath he took, which he has clearly failed to follow.
I don’t remember taking any oath during my training or afterward. It was implied I suppose.
The Hippocratic oath (if thats what you are referring to) went South a long time ago in most AU colleges.
Good luck with it, but they will hide behind “best practice” guidelines. Doctors doing things in the best interests of their patients are strongly discouraged these days. It was outrageous, a few years ago, when an oncologist was being hounded by reporters for *underdosing* a chemotherapeutic agent. That’s right, for not giving his patients enough *poison*. He reckoned that giving any more only worsened the effects on the patient without therapeutic benefit. I don’t know, but *he* is the specialist. After the hullabaloo in the press, he was suspended from practising for two years. The message is clear — stick to the guidelines or you’re on your own.
Hi Jo Nova
This link is really worth looking at.
A patent history of Covid vaccination etc starting 2004 to 2019.
[Hold for Jo to review. Looks interesting] LVA
Howard James Kunstler did a podcast with Dr Miller last week and there was an article at American Thinker as well which led me to another version of that video with a summary article
It’s very conspiratorial so I didn’t post about it.
Podcast: https://kunstler.com/podcast/kunstlercast-347-chatting-with-david-e-martin-about-covid-19-vaccinations-and-other-
Video with summary: https://denisbider.blogspot.com/2021/07/dr-david-martin-with-reiner-fuellmich.html
Whoops, Dr Martin, not Miller.
There is also a link at the bottom of the summary to a 200+ page PDF document by Dr Martin detailing Anthony Fauci’s connection with Covid-19
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier
So all government and health officials, at least in the US are without a doubt criminals under various criminal and civil laws. Interesting. Now to take them to court. Good luck with that one.
David Hawkins and the ‘Monkey with a computer’ has been on to this At the 39th minute.
In fact the whole clip basically deals with this concept. About 25th minute narrows in.
“Report, CDC Expected To Announce Tomorrow That COVID Vaccines Don’t Work on Delta Variant – Hence, White House Credits Trump With Vaccine Today
July 29, 2021 | Sundance | Leave a comment”
This is called: Politics. Damage Control. Deflection.
Biden’s Administration, Dr Fauci, CDC, NIH, etc, have OWNED this since 20 Jan 21.
Now it is time to put on the Big Boy pants and do something about it. Kinda hard when the US President is incoherent.
Put the SpinMaster on Frappe. This is going to get amusing.
How amusing it becomes depends on how many people still have their heads stuck in the hand. Those of us who don’t have our heads in the sand or are not part of the evil agenda being rolled out in front of our eyes and and can see the mess unfolding and getting worse, will have the last laugh once all the tears have been wiped away.
If this is really true, then all Australian politicians will be in a massive pile of dung, because they have all been pushing the “vaccines-work-against-COVID-so-go-and-get-a-jab-ASAP”, and all the sheeple have complied … so there will be lots of angry people.
The Queensland and Victorian governments have already stepped in it, criminalizing the off label use of therapeutics already shown to help with MERS and SARS-COV-1. No plausible deniability there.
The TGA has committed at least 3 critical offenses that warrant class action.
But the big test for the Morrison government is just occurring. A massive test. A test few politicians can pass: an ethics test.
The usual games “We didn’t have enough information”, “We were waiting for more data” will be like trying to hide from a flame thrower behind a dedicated fig leaf, because continuing to jab in the absence of information cannot be justified in any way due to the low prior case mortality ratios and the hideous risk of ADE. It is now clear there are very serious problems regarding the “vaccines” and the health impacts of newer strains on the “vaccinated”. In a situation where literally billions are being exposed to these never before used mRNA “vaccines”, the global danger from Antibody Dependent Enhancement cannot be ignored, especially when the imperfect nature of the mRNA “vaccines” is provably accelerating viral evolution.
There’s no “plausible deniability”, “Marmet principle” or “Consensus of unaccountable “experts”” weaseling that will work here. There is now clear evidence that at least two other nations have responded to the bad news by trying to hide new case vaccination status. A proper ADE risk assessment cannot plausibly be conducted without valid data from Israel and the US. The big red flag has gone up.
In this circumstance there is only one ethical course of action: all mRNA shots in Australia must cease immediately until valid data is obtained for a critical ADE risk assessment. This data will have to be made public for independent citizen verification. Simultaneously we need a real action plan to save near 5 million citizens if we get the worst news.
Australia needs to stop, think and do this right.
The first step is “stop”. Any politician who argues against that fails the ethics test.
Go Konrad.
Consider this. The dumb get the vaccine most. The dumb/ vaccinated will find out sooner or later that they have been made _more_ susceptiple to the variants of covid then the unvaxxed. The dumb, being dumb, will more likely respond as dumb people do, violently. The state and federal governments may end up being scared, much more scared, of the pissed off vaccinated then the unvaxxed who will by then be sitting pretty on – caring about covid as much as they care about the regular flu; not so much. May end up with a situ where the _vaxxed_ are tracked and limited in their movements.
Seen as suggested watching
One of devil’s grandest deceptions is that most people can and do rest their hope for morality and good living in politicians and governmental officials. Big mistake most of the time. However, the solution does not lie in political activism. Nowhere in Scripture do we have the directive to spend our energy, our time, or our money in governmental affairs. Our mission lies not in changing the nation through political reform, but in changing hearts through the Word of God. When believers think the growth and influence of Christ can somehow be allied with government policy, they sooner or later corrupt the mission of the Church. It’s only to be expected as that’s the natural nature of mankind. The Christian mandate is to spread the Gospel of Christ. Only as the hearts of individuals in a culture are changed by Christ will the culture begin to reflect that change to good and away from evil. It has repeatedly worked in the past but again given mankind’s natural tendencies and also the shortness of people’s memories, we tend to lapse back to the evil ways and all the good that has been achieved is undone. We are witnessing it today in the US after it had a prosperous early existence based on the founding fathers only to be undone by the officialdom of today. Other Western nations have gone through a similar development.
Even so believers throughout the ages have lived, and even flourished, under antagonistic and repressive governments. This was especially true of the 1st century believers who, under merciless political regimes, sustained their faith under immense stress that most people today would not bare for even a moment. They understood that it was they, not their governments, who were the light of the world and the salt of the earth. More importantly, they understood that, as believers, their hope resided in their Salvation that only God supplies. The same holds true for us today. When we follow the teachings of the Scriptures, we become the light of the world as God has intended for us to be (Matthew 5:16).
Political entities are not the saviour of the world. Salvation has been manifested in Jesus Christ. God knew that our world needed saving long before any national government was ever founded. He demonstrated to the world that redemption could not be accomplished through the power of man, economic strength, military might, or politics. Peace of mind, contentment, hope, and joy, and the salvation of believers, are provided only through true living faith in Jesus, not mankind, and certainly not the devil who still has an influence in this world, but not for much longer. God bless to you all and I hope and pray that many of you come to the Lord if you haven’t already.
Just a thought – Who did John the Baptist upset? He got in there and told the Edomite ruler what was what as to his personal life. Who did Christ upset? Was it not the Political leaders as well as the religious ones? – did he not also witness before Pilate? Who did the Apostle Paul witness to? Gallio, Felix, Festus, Agrippa and later in Rome. The Apostle Paul said also pray for the leaders that we may have peace.
Then there is Moses who is kicked out from before the leader of the then Superpower. Jonah goes and tells off the king of Nineveh resulting in repentance in sackcloth and ashes. That’s got to be salvation by government leadership. There is Daniel who is adviser to the then leaders of the known world and writes of the politics of that era to this day. Jeremiah rebukes a number of kings (and one king calls him in secretly for advice). Elijah seriously annoys King Ahab and the King of the Syrians. The list goes on… so there is in fact an expectation that thought leaders are not Godly but ‘base’ – they get pushed about by God for the Good of the faithful… if there be few faithful then we see they may well punish the unfaithful a terror to evil works (or to themselves).
Now this is the point when evangelicals change enough hearts by the word of God, then the rulers take note… now as I see it almost no one is standing for the hard line of rebuking the sin of the world, let alone the governments. Don’t need a devil, as human imagination as in the ‘days of Noah’ and as in the ‘days of Lot’ is to do as they wish! Too many church leaders are patting the sinners on the head, blessing their sin! Christ told the sinners he hung out with to repent and sin no more!
To be an evangelical is totally political activism: Christ was born a king.
So I turn your argument on it head: because you know Christ as King you know all rulers are subservient to him and are failing and sinful. Paul wasn’t in trouble for preaching good but for his political activism, even in Athens. All knew Paul meant Christ replaces Caesar! Read Acts 17!
Now the secret of political activism is to not personally join the ruling class. Saul became Paul.
None of us are perfect and we all suffer from our sin nature thus having tendencies to commit actions we ought not to do and eventually regret. As human beings we are bound under Adam’s nature in this world. No matter how hard we try not to, we will still sin against God at times. This holds true even for Christians. The apostle Paul rebuked Peter for showing favouritism (Galatians 2:11–13). Late in his ministry, Paul calls himself the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). Peter, James, John, and Paul all admitted that they were imperfect. How could you or I claim anything different?
My point, actually Jesus’, in that we don’t get directly involved in political protests. It serves no good anyway and only serves to fuel the situation. There is nothing we can do to put a stop to evil – that’s His job when the time comes. For now, we just need to spread the Gospel and do our best to live out our lives as He wants us to, even in the face of death. Many Christians died in His name and many still are dying today, and many more will in the future. This is a fractured world and it will be fixed by Him, not by us. The apostles never called for believers to demonstrate civil disobedience to protest the Roman Empire’s unjust laws or brutal schemes. Instead, the apostles commanded the first-century Christians, as well as us today, to proclaim the Gospel and live lives that give clear evidence to the Gospel’s transforming power and to look towards a glorious future when there is no evil at all.
As for being evangelical, there is much confusion as to what it means. The Biblical meaning is that evangelism is sharing the good news of the salvation that is available through Jesus Christ. An evangelical, then, is a person dedicated to promoting the good news about Jesus Christ. Combined, the description “evangelical Christian” is intended to indicate a believer in Jesus Christ who is faithful in sharing and promoting the good news. So yes, in reality Christians should be evangelical by definition. The Bible is consistently instructing us to be witnesses of the good news (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 1 Peter 3:15). There is no better news than Jesus!. There is no higher calling than an evangelist. There is no doubt that holding to the fundamentals of the Bible will result in a certain worldview and, yes, political belief but it ought not get in the way or take precedence over evangelism. There is nothing about being an evangelical that demands political activism. An evangelical Christian is called to share the good news, to preach God’s Word, and to set an example of purity and integrity.
There’s no getting away from the fact that both the government (state and federal) and media are complicit in this death as in so many others. One only need look at the vilification of people like Craig Kelly and Malcolm Roberts to understand that the motivation behind the suppression of information is more sinister than just preventing access to a safe, cheap and effective treatment in Ivermectin (or Ziverdox etc). I know what this feels like having also been targeted personally in the recent WA state election by some child journalist in The West Australian for advocating the use of Ivermectin as a treatment option for Wuhan flu. What I find concerning is the groupthink mentality around the issue and the inability or unwillingness to even review possible (very safe) alternative treatments given that the “vaccine” efficacy is now under review. Forgetting the possibility of leaky “vaccines”, adverse vaccine events and the shortages of supply, any further rejection of access to alternative treatments should be considered as criminal negligence. This is as good a time as any to remind those people in suits, who travel to and from Canberra to represent you, of their primary responsibility to keep you safe. The federal election isn’t too far away and there’s no better time for applying pressure. It’s worth reminding them that there are very few treatment options available for Wuhan flu once you are sick or dying – Ivermectin appears to be extremely beneficial in these circumstances – and the “vaccines” are of no use if you are already sick. Hopefully the cloth ears will listen…..
Needless to say that if the media promoted ivermectin like they do the vaccines there’d be protests demanding ivermectin be made available to everyone everywhere RIGHT NOW!
But until eugenics makes a come-back, people will remain as dumb as they are, and act accordingly (-as instructed).
As for voting differently, how about the liberal democrats who explicitly call for ending the lockdowns… ldp
Possibly, this might have some bearing upon present circumstances:
Liberty is Meaningless where the Right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist.
That, of all Rights, is the Dread of Tyrants.
It is the Right which they first of all strike down.
Frederick Douglass
So It’s wall-to-wall “Delta Variant” right now, and it’s ideally named to appeal to our Deviant Variant governing class. John has already shared some good charts on how out of whack this is, but why not have more:
Here’s a theory about the indeterminate vaccination reporting surrounding Adriana Takara.
We have this:
In preceding weeks, AstraZeneca was not recommended for those under 60 by ATAGI and the shortage of the Pfizer vaccine doses would have put someone in Adriana Takara’s age and occupation brackets far down the list. This would have had any attempt by her to book a vaccination placed into the reported October time bracket.
Recently, however, the increasing spread of CoViD-19 had the government state that anyone wishing to get the AstraZeneca shot could request it since the perceived risk from a bad reaction was supposedly far less than contracting CoViD-19. Adriana Takara could then have easily arranged an immediate appointment to receive the AstraZeneca “jab”.
Given the that the modified adenovirus in the vaccine infects cells to produce spike proteins (in order to invoke the immune response), if Adriana Takara was then infected by the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus as her body was still in the early phase of reacting to the spike proteins in the cells at the injection site, the immune system would have been heavily distracted from the actual infection. This would have allowed it to spread far more quickly than in the course of a normal infection resulting in her unusual heart failure from CoViD-19.
This would be a terrible confluence of events but it explains the atypical death of someone her age with no underlying health issues.
Our media and the NSW health department need to be upfront about her vaccination status – I would be more than happy to have my theory debunked.
It could easily be proved true or debunked if her friends and relatives came out and made a public announcement. It would be the honourable thing to do to avoid her death being used as a political football.
Latest info from her cousin said that she was admitted to hospital with clotting in both legs. Further, friends in Brazilian community say she had received her first vaccination.
Is this your source?
No, it isn’t. Read it in article this week in The Australian Spectator by impeccable journo Rebecca Weisner.
I did and there was no mention about clotting
Some people (Jo amongst them) have not accepted statements about the Delta variant being milder in effect (ie infections being less likely to result in hospitalisation and death) than the original, Alpha variant
Here is the UK goverment’s 16th Technical Briefing for SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern
In table 3, which are figures beginning from Feb 2021 to 14th June, the number of cases for the Alpha variant was 148,513 vs 60,624 for the Delta variant. Hospitalisations were 4,447 and 806, respectively and deaths, 1,614 and 73. The percentages come out to
Alpha – hospitalisations: 3.0%, deaths: 1.1%
Delta: hospitalisations: 1.3%, deaths: 0.1%
Some interesting stats for the effects of vaccination on those 60,624 detected with the Delta variant in table 4 over that same period
For those Unvaccinated – cases: 35521, hospitalisations: 527, deaths: 34
Vaccinated with 1st dose within 3 weeks – cases: 4094, hospitalisations: 50, deaths: 1
Vaccinated with 1st dose more than 3 weeks prior – cases: 9461, hospitalisations: 135, deaths: 10
Vaccinated with 2nd dose more than 2 weeks prior – cases: 4087, hospitalisations: 84, deaths: 26
The percentages vs cases work out to be
Unvaccinated – hospitalisations: 1.5%, deaths: 0.1%
Vaccinated with 1st dose within 3 weeks – hospitalisations: 1.2%, deaths: 0.02%
Vaccinated with 1st dose more than 3 weeks prior – hospitalisations: 1.4%, deaths: 0.1%
Vaccinated with 2nd dose more than 2 weeks prior – hospitalisations: 2.1%, deaths: 0.6%
Not quite the panacea we are told that it would be
Hmmm, well there you go; thread #35 of 30/06/21. wow! how significant is that. Has scored a few green thumbs, but after a near 12hr lapse has failed to raise a comment. Then, I suppose it says it all, why bother?
Ivermectin used as a drench is administered orally. For adult sheep (or alpacas) with a weight of around 50-70kg the usual dose is 15ml of a solution of 0.8g ivermectin/litre of water. I have used it for alpacas at these doses.
It is also available as a pour-on for external and internal parasites where the ivermectin concentration is 5g/litre. Pour-ons are used for animals like cattle where it is more difficult to apply an oral drench. They use higher concentrations to ensure that sufficient ivermectin can be absorption through the skin to affect internal parasites.
Note that overseas usage of “drench” can be “saturating the surface” and not internal application as we use it
See #3.1
A bit confusing. I use a prepared “drench” (ie a pour-on) on my cattle. I am not aware of the proportions of Iver to water as it is administered Straight from the container or from a cup. There are suggested amounts per kg of the animal .
There is no info that it is particularly concentrated to compensate for the method of application.
NZ Dr Sam Bailey discusses the NZ Asymptomatic Transmission Govt guidelines.
When researched it was found to be based on a WHO guidance statement that has no actual scientific data to back up it’s claims.
It’s just an opinion
As most of us already knew the pandemic scare is based on a consensus of opinions using untrustworthy data using a failed test and not on real science that’s supposed to use truly reliable data; a very approach our governments use to promote their emissions reduction scam and hoax. Oh dear, what a surprise – not!
‘climate change’ is looking like a dry run for covid
I wonder what the next scare will be. It will most likely be even more devilish than the current two as each successive one tried to outdo the previous one. We shall see but I’m not looking forward to it whatever it is.
Ozone Hole is looking like a dry run for Global Warming.
1973 ABC ‘Club of Rome’
predicted the conditions on the planet will become highly critical in the year 2020.
Definitely wasn’t modeled by John Hopkins.
Luckily none of the other Malthusian types or Eugenicists have had any righteous interest in dominating the agenda.
Nothing to see here folks that wasn’t on the Bucket List.
Global Warming 2.0, Exactly
“1st image of vaccine passport accepted by London’s nightclub bouncers”
HaHa Nice! Follow the money.
Can some one explain how fully Vaccinated people are in Fully Lockdown?
Fully Vaccinated people are not allowed to leave the country?
160,000 people die in Australia each year.
Experts demand CDC reveal the science behind mask U-turn after Fauci claimed vaccinated people infected with Delta variant have SAME viral loads as unvaccinated
‘Delta variant as contagious as chickenpox, says CDC internal report
‘Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky this week announced changes to mask-wearing guidance.
A report from the US Centres for Disease Control found the Delta variant is more transmissible than SARS, Ebola, the cold, the flu and smallpox.’ (SMH)
Should have posted here not in latest piroplastic ect. Why have Sky News Australia clips been taken off You tube? Its now been 2 days there usually up within minutes. Anybody know? thanks (My guess Alan Jones re virus ect.) Is Australia becoming a Dictatorship?
Aren’t they sending in the army to enforce the NSW lockdown? Not from Aus but it sure sounds like a state of emergency to me. .. Perhaps with a kinder gentler face.
Heavy duty stuff! …
C.D.C. Internal Report Calls Delta Variant as Contagious as Chickenpox
More on that
“Here’s what the latest fuss/panic is about.”
New terms from comments there
“Cerbians and VAXXOIDS”, ““Profijuice”, “Profitvax” & “VidVax” to that new section in the Vid Dictionary..??”
It occurs to me that this whole game of characterizing people who are against mandatory vaccinations – and the vast erosion of personal liberty that entails – as, “anti-American” or unpatriotic, is really something that should be met head on.
I completely reject the notion that my being against getting injected with something against my will makes me a bad citizen.
I am pro-American. Those who wish to violate my bodily sovereignty are anti-American, because they are against the core principles that the country is supposed to stand for – a democratic republic, an open society with due process and the rule of law, a humble inward looking government constrained by checks and balances, a bulwark justice system more than strong enough to keep the tireless wolves of government and corporate tyranny at bay…
But those who would force this upon us… They corrupt all of that by defending the indefensible all the while hiding behind a cloak of faux patriotism. Those guys nauseate me. Really.
-Adapted from a Comment On Techdirt From Back When That Site Stood for Something Meaningful
It’s a personal choice as to how one handles the situation when confronted with the overpowering coercion to be vaccinated by what only could be described as officialdom thugs. My personal choice is to ignore them. If they place certain restrictions only on those who are not vaccinated, then I will live with it. If someone tries to forcibly vaccinate me against my free will then I will consider that as an assault on my person if not attempted murder, and protect myself accordingly.
One way of looking at it
CDC Releases Study Showing 3/4 of Delta Cases Are Among the Vaccinated
If this is the case then our politicians and health officials are telling blatant lies about how we must be vaccinated. Their continual coercion is bordering on being illegal, if not actually being so.
Sadly miss Midori had open heart surgery as she presented with symptoms of myocarditis ( a symptom of covid but also of the covid vaccine)
Well we didn’t get that nugget of info on the MSM as in fact she had been vaccinated and thus such news required managing
Prince Alfred Hospital staff require to tell the truth and our media and government become accountable to the people that voted them in to power
[Is there any evidence to back up these claims? Source?- Jo]
More evidence and research is required but some are now saying that after the effects of the vaccines have worn off, the people will be left more vulnerable to the virus than those who have not been vaccinated. How is that for a twist if true? If true then it means those who are vaccinated need to be re-vaccinate on a regular basis. What a nightmare scenario! It points to the direction as some have said before including myself, on the balance of probabilities, it appears one is far better off and safer not to be vaccinated, at least at this stage. If only we knew the truth but sadly our health officials are not revealing all the data in a sufficiently detailed form to make a real assessment, and the data they do release has been shown in some cases to be tainted if not downright fake (eg, deaths allegedly due to the virus but in fact they were due to something else, and the tests now admitted to confuse the common flu with the virus). Also, the politicians are maintaining their coercive approach to have as many people vaccinated as possible almost to the point of using the actions only found by fascist thugs. Some are calling those who refuse to be vaccinated as selfish and stupid, and in some cases even calling for such people to be blocked from certain areas and businesses using vaccine passports. They appear to be softening us to prepare for a future when it might end up being much like the SS of Naz1 Germany; “show me your papers!”
A comment in The Australian which somehow passed censorship.
Chris says it so well so I will just add some data to ponder on the Flu season in Australia in 2019, just before Covid came along.
“This culminated in a total of 310,011 laboratory-confirmed flu notifications by the beginning of December1. On a more serious note, by October 6 more than 800 influenza-associated deaths had been officially recorded, the majority of these were due to influenza A (96%, n=782) and the ages ranged from under 12 months of age to 102 years…. The median age of deaths notified was 86 years (but ranged from under 12 months of age to 102 years).”
Sonic Health Plus.
Covid to date in Australia over a longer period than a year, about 18months to date: Cases 33909 Deaths 923
Cities, towns, businesses locked down due to Flu – zero
Again it appears the flu is being misrepresented as COVID-19, at least most of the time as per the revelation the PCR test can’t guarantee it can tell the difference. We need a full and independent investigation to uncover the truth. Clearly the officialdom aren’t interested.
“Cascade Of Consequences”
“Is Another Round of Lockdowns Coming? Two Stocks To Watch” – USA though
A couple of references – here
And the next one
A couple of videos of Dr. McCullough:
(from your neck of the woods 🙂 )
And another:
(Just ignore the adverts 🙂 )
Waves of terrorism using fear tactics has been and still is being used as we speak by officialdom and is leading us the endgame of totalitarianism.
Totalitarianism – How to Achieve It
CDC says fully vaccinated people spread the Delta variant and should wear masks: ‘This new science is worrisome’
Andrews faces complaint in International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity
It’s about time. Other state Premiers must follow.
Sanjeev Sabhlock says
.there is not a single peer reviewed paper or document – official or unofficial – to support lockdowns.
.lockdowns cannot be justified by science even under a Spanish flu pandemic, they are in fact dangerous and that is a major reason he filed the ICC complaint.
Incredible, there’s still one functioning human being doing his job.
This person needs our support and thanks for standing up.
Sanjeev Sabhlok.
Re no 54
There are 1 BILLION cases of flu each year. Yet we don’t go crazy and PCR test everyone.
Everywhere I turn all I see is lies, lies and more lies by our officialdom. First it was a joke, then it became a sick joke. I don’t know where all this is heading and we’ll know soon enough in the coming months. Either we end up seeing a tyrannical regime formed right before our eyes, or something happens and the officialdom stop acting like tyrants and start acting like good leaders again.
Thanks for the link to His online set-up.
Too many people have been bought off by being able to access very large “salaries” while doing nothing in their job which advances the community.
The MalEx444 syndrome where top university positions were allocated to people of doubtful intent.
Whilst there are still many good people of great skill and intention in our universities there are many filling positions on excessive salaries who do nothing of use.
Australia is living on borrowed money and time.
In the lead-up to WW2
R.V. Jones “Most Secret War”
“He warned us that if another war broke out there would be a disastrous period for six months while those who had reached high positions on inadequate abilities in peacetime would have to be replaced”
Gladys Press Conference is the data source for the Covid 19 Death of a young woman in her 30s.