A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Two interesting pieces on imminent challenges
I have no idea how these replies sometimes are misplaced, but my comment #4 was meant in reponse to you.
I think it is because people use the reply box at the end of the thread while replying to the comment at the bottom of the thread, rather than clicking the reply button within that comment! If you follow me!
These days, you know whether or not you are replying to the person intended because, eg, at the top of this reply it says ‘Reply to Kevin T Kilty’.
Well, that’s my suggestion anyway…
In the meantime, other comments are made and ‘get between’.
Annie…heres something unrelated, but people might want to be aware of…
I understand what you are saying. I need to verify, twice probably, what the comment box actually says. Verify twice — comment once.
Interesting reading. I fear that the world has been changed forever.
The ten eruptions – the US is not in a good place.
Not any more , I travelled there often in the 70s pursuing a sporting passion, then as a suit through the 90’s and 00’s. In the early days I would have happily moved there, but later on it was dismaying watching it cave in on itself. Thats probably mainly a cities statement, I am sure there are many many places where you can still have a good life but the challenges mount daily.
The order changes a bit for Australia but #1 for USA is #1+++ for Australia.
China needs Australian iron ore. The majority of Australians can enjoy the fruits of a few thousand people working to get iron ore into ships and then China paying a very high price for what costs little to extract; it is about 90% profit and a massive scale. Iron ore price USD214/t right now; up from USD85/t in just over 12 months. At 850Mtpa the iron ore sales will buy a lot of TV sets and all the other stuff China produces for Australians like wind turbines and solar panels. Sadly a lot of the profits go offshore.
China is doing all it can to redress its trade imbalance with Australia. It has already reduced intake of non-essentials at relatively high “cost” to its population – going cold in winter because it is power rationing as a result of reducing thermal coal purchases from Australia, paying higher prices for grains and wine than they would without punitive tariffs.
Their efforts to hurt Australia are becoming beligerent with China controlled UNESCO now pushing to list the Barrier Reef as endangered and thereby cripple the tourist industry in that region.
I expect to see the CCP gradually take full control of Taiwan. CCP already has its foot in the door in Vicdanistan. But if that fails to open the door wider then stealth could be replaced with just take.
My main concern about our future here is who do we turn to when the crunch happens? It can’t the US because they would be in such a mess they will be too busy trying to stay afloat. I fear many here will turn to China for assistance. Not good.
And there was I thinking China was the crunch.
Has anyone noticed that the IPCC spelt backwards is CCP I
Just saying.
CCP Institution.
Hi RickWill, China has recently played “funny buggers” with an Australian mining company in Africa. The result being that China now has the technology and the iron ore mine, thus by passing Australia and mining iron ore for themselves in Africa.
Yes, but Africa is a difficult place to do business. Security is always a problem. LIfe is cheap. A bit like China in that regard.
The Aficans have been killing each other and foreigners for centuries. China will soon find out what happens when the religion of peace in the north of Africa finally takes exception to what the CCP is doing to its religious brothers, the Uighers.
Community unrest is also just below the surface. Rio has found out this week, to its dismay, and has had to close down its Richards Bay, South Africa, mineral sands operation there.
Of course, the CCP may well be behind the community unrest. Can’t have the world diversifying its supply of certain minerals, can we!
Another is China operation in PNG. Chinese have a bad reputation in PNG but also many multinationals.
To watch as a revolt from the local population is the Goro nickel-cobalt mine complex in New Caledonia
As predicted, huge pressure to take the vaccines, by creating more covid chaos within the country.
Its a simple mechanism. – inflict pain on the population, so they seek the vaccine as a way out.
Australians are tough, so this is why we keep being beaten to try and kick us into line.
The globalist bullies will continue this until the sheeple flock to take the experimental treatment.
It appears all the lefty Pravda wanna be media are running stories saying Australia has messed up, so now we have the covid “chaos”….but lest we forget :
(1) The virus is marginally worse in terms if death than a bad flu
(2) the vaccine is more likely to do you harm statistically ( see previous post about afverse reactions and deaths in europe )
(3) cov19 is not ebola
(4) Unnecessary lockdowns damage people and the economy
“FDA Reverses Itself: Rejects Covid Antibody Test Results; Insanity Reigns”
If true a TLA starting with “W” seems appropriate
The lockdown we are currently suffering in QLD was caused exclusively by Pluckaducks govt bungling, then she has the hide to deflect by coming out swinging at her nemesis the Feds govt, and where is the opposition leader, every day provides a gift to an opposition but all there is is crickets.
Interesting question, where is the state opposition leader?
I have spoken to a opposition MP in Victoria. They can not get their voice on mainstream media, Few are getting their voice on Sky. Same for QLD and WA. But in NSW because the opposition is ALP it happens more often. That gives a reasonable picture position where media sits. Media also manipulates time slots for opposition to minimise peak times exposure.
Another logical conclusion is that they are all in on it. The centre of the political spectrum feeding frenzy.
I watched various commentators on Sky last night talking about the “debate” in Aussie over who said what about the use of the Astro Zenica vaccine.
What amazed me was no one questioned the medical bureaucrats “advice” that AZ is OK for over 60 but not for below 40 because there is evidence that it can create blood clots. So this miracle vaccine can create blood clots in younger people but not older people ???
That sounds totally illogical to me. The vaccine should be totally removed from the market but the big pharma will not allow that—if AZ goes Pfizer would have to close behind.
As I say it is amazing no one is questioning the logic of what the bureaucrats are saying.
Older people are expendable. The eugenists call them “useless eaters”.
The eugenists call them “useless eaters”.
Hey Chris, I enjoy my Prime Rib as well as my slow cooked Beef Stew
Many tens of million of AZ vaccine has been rolled out here in the UK. Blood clots are very small in number. Women regularly can expect ten times the amount when taking the pill.
The AZ vaccine is at cost due to the huge investment by the UK govt and Oxford university so big pharma are not making huge profits
If the Indian variant takes hold in OZ the population may be very vulnerable.
However as I wrote here yesterday our cases in the UK are rising quickly but deaths are not.
Either the vaccine is extremely effective or the variant is highly infectious but not that deadly. I have seen no research to determine which hypothesis is correct.
However the panic over the AZ vaccine, on current figures, is wildly overdone
The risk of thromboembolism from birth control pills is 2-4 fold, and not significant for the newer low dose pills with levonorgestrel that many women can tolerate. The risks during pregnancy are 4-5 fold, and and between 20-80 fold higher in the puperium (the six weeks after birth.
About one third of pulmonary emboli cases are diagnosed after sudden death, and the rest are treatable as is deep vein thrombosis. Being a woman has many risks.
The “blood clots” associated with the vaccines have a completely different mechanism. It is what used to be called “consumtive shock”, where platelets clump in all tissues, and the cerebral venous thombi are formed in a part of the vascular system that is slow moving. There are a lot more side effects to the vaccines. Reading through a blog where people posted their experiences, an Eric Clapton-like neuropathy (but much worse) extending to severe small fiber neuropathy seems to be the main theme.
Given the facts that vitamin D deficiency seems to be associated with up to 90% of Covid deaths, and that various treatments are available, I believe that the vaccine should not be given to anyone whose risk is moderate to low.
“long Covid” is being touted as a reason to vaccinate, but until there are some reliable statistics about it, it should be regarded as just a postviral syndrome. At present it is being counted when there is not complete recovery after 4 weeks. This is a very short timeframe in light of the fact that many people drag their asses around for 3 months or more after the common garden flu.
As I have mentioned many times, they want to get over the Baby Boomer massive bump, to deal only with the more malleable later generations, who suck up the complete insanity like their favorite Kool-Aid. Speaking reincarnation-wise, it looks like those later generations are the second coming of the folks who brought down the ancient high civilizations with their total cluelessness. Biden is on a par with Nero, Caligula, Akhenaton and Nebuchadnezzar.
I’m 73 now, realistically I only have a few years left and will likely (but not certainly) miss the fireworks the present universal avoidance behavior (of Truth, Justice and The American and English Way) is storing up.
The experimental injections are not 100% safe (no injection is, not even saline), so it is a case of balancing the risk of the jab v. risk of covid. Obviously risk of covid is much higher (relatively speaking) to older people.
The latest UK data mentioned on the news says D variant varies from a CASE fatality rate of 2% in over 75s to not worth mentioning in kids (so of course some still want to inject kids for other made up reasons).
The narrative is now very much that the injections will not stop people getting covid but it will be less severe. I’m not sure how things will work out in OZ given that you will have an epidemic of covid even if everyone is injected, as soon as you open up. Will that be acceptable or will you stay isolated/lockdown for eternity!
We are wondering that ourselves. I am starting to feel like the dog locked behind the fence and not allowed out.
The sheep are lining up to get tested or get the jab, fear driven, some stood for ten hours, that is desperate.
Tracking Australia’s COVID vaccine rollout numbers
Has anyone noticed that the IPCC spelt backwards is CCP I
Just saying.
“Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science” – Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant
However, if people would actually look at the data, they’d realize that the Delta variant is actually less deadly. These headlines are able to gain momentum only because of the absurd public perception that somehow India got hit worse than the rest of the world. In reality, India has one-seventh the death rate per capita of the U.S.; it’s just that India got the major winter wave later, when the Western countries were largely done with it, thereby giving the illusion that India somehow suffered worse. Now, the public health Nazis are transferring their first big lie about what happened in India back to the Western world.
Fortunately, the U.K. government has already exposed these headlines as a lie, for those willing to take notice. On June 18, Public Health England published its 16th report on “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England,”
this time grouping the variants by Greek letters.
Yes, just as the media chases heatwaves around the world (there is nearly always one somewhere) to make it sound like the world is constantly burning up even when it is cooling, they chased the peak covid waves around the world everytime they wanted to drum up more fear. After India they went to Brazil (again!).
What little understanding of the life cycle of viruses I have says that later versions are more prolific but less deadly.
In other words, they can find new hosts easier as they reduce the level of threat to the host.
I look forward to the Epsilon strain, which politicians will refer to as; the most virulent strain ever.
Yes, the government/media complex is pushing the message: “everyone get vaxxed and we’ll soon be back to normal.”
It’s all nonsense, of course, as Tedros recently confirmed:
I’m still coming to grips with this new age vaccine which provides no barrier to reception and transmission of infection and may be more hazardous than the infection it purportedly counters and am baffled as to how anybody would knowingly volunteer for the suite of injections.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus doesn’t quite explain why everybody should be vaccinated whilst insisting it is only ancillary to the totalitarian surveillance systems that have been put in place, complementary he says but I think he means compulsory; once the goon squads begin breaking down doors and forcibly injecting people we’ll get a clearer idea eh.
Alice springs in lockdown after one covid case?
This is a serious question. Oz lockdowns have often been draconian. If the Indian variant should properly take hold anywhere in Australia, what on earth will the response of your lockdown happy authorities be like?
Can anyone tell me, considering that the Pharmaceutical companies have been indemnified against adverse reactions or death from the Covid vaccines, and now doctors are being indemnified by Morrison against adverse reactions to the AZ jab in the under 60s, is there any indemnity for Pharmaceutical companies or doctors for the standard flu shot? If not, that screams volumes about the riskiness of the Covid jabs. ToM
I often wonder if there have been any SV40 payouts.
I’d love a payout for the likely simian cytomegalovirus that fracked me up.
The productivity lost issue is intriguing. Just as one example, look at how difficult it is to purchase a major appliance — back orders for months on end. How are the appliance manufacturers making money, or for that matter how are others in the supply chain doing so, when there is little to sell? Look at the other empty shelves in stores. We are all being told these are supplier issues. It apparently takes a long time to empty the supply chain, but once emptied there is trouble for a long time afterward. My guess is that inflation will over time wipe out one-half of my retirement basically due to response to the pandemic, much/most of it unnecessary.
The top ten pending eruptions is also an interesting read — thanks for pointing it out.
Global Warming 33 Year Birthday a Celebration of Failures
Guest essay by Larry Hamlin
Pipistrel Alpha Electro Operator Shatters Electric Flight Records
Pipistrel announced that its Alpha Electro airplane has broken several electric flight records, including the longest all-electric flight. The flight was conducted by Adelaide, Australia-based flight training and aircraft sales company Eyre to There Aviation in partnership with sponsors AvPlan EFB, Aerometrex, West Coast Bitumen and Recreational Aviation Australia (RA-Aus). The airplane flew 730 nm, from Parafield to Eyre to There Aviation’s headquarters in Adelaide, shattering the previous electric flight endurance world record of 405 nm. Eyre to There Aviation hopes to set up a manufacturing facility in Adelaide to produce up to 40 Pipistrel Alpha Electro airplanes annually.
The record flights didn’t come without challenges. “It’s been a mammoth effort by everyone involved to achieve this incredible feat. The weather hasn’t exactly been on our side – we had ice on the wings one morning and were grounded in Port Lincoln due to an intense low-pressure system,” Eyre to There Aviation’s managing director Barrie Rogers says. “On the plus side, the aircraft and the recharging systems have held up incredibly well. It has gone a long way to proving the endurance and reliability of the Pipistrel Alpha Electro plane.”
Since the airplane can only fly about 95 nm before recharging, and since charging stations are scarce, the record flight required a significant support team. The team included five ground support crew members, a second support (gas-powered) plane, two vehicles carrying recharging equipment for the aircraft and three pilots.
So, a Commercial 737 commuter flight between Melbourne and Brisbane is barely weeks away then, eh!
Isn’t that more realistically “95 nm X 7.68 times”?
Back when I was following gliding a bloke took off from Deniliquin (NSW) one morning and landed at Jondaryan (Qld) that afternoon. They’ve probably done better since.
Some examples
No back-up, no support vehicles, no recharging.
No passengers.
You never explained how such a trip happens. It involves circling in rising air or “lift” until you have enough height to do a high speed dash to the next lift. Circling in lift is the equivalent of recharging a battery.
If you can’t find lift you land out, fold the wings and get your support crew to bring the trailer so a glider DOES have support crew and “charging” periods. If the pilot is also trying for a speed badge they carry water ballast so they can reach higher speeds when flying along track.
Look down that linked list and there is the “20 metre 2 seater class”.
The ones on those lists didn’t need support crews to get home.
Yes, I’ve been in a two seater myself.
Yes, that’s 97% sarc.
Somebody has calculated that for a commercial 737 to lift its normal payload over its normal flight distance, it would need to carry 700 tonnes of batteries.
Soo the aircraft’s payload is only 400 lbs, or 181 kgs, presuming the pounds were British. That’s only two medium-weight adults, no baggage. Not much of a useful payload. I’m also betting that to achieve the 95nm distance, it only flew with one pilot, not the full payload.
Sorry, but “nm” stands for “nanometers”, not “nautical miles”. Those “ship” folks need to use “nmi”, or “n mi”. The current usage just shows how screwed up even the “experts” are in our time.
Wondered about that abbreviation also. Should have been NM.
How do you de ice an electric powered airplane? Resistive heat on the wings will not work out too good. No turbine bleed air either. I guess you do not need to since IFR reserves are time to alternate airport, plus 45 minutes. So your 60 minutes are used up before you take off under IFR condition.
Really all this thing is is a drone with a pilot instead of a remote control system!
Parafield is 16 kilometres from Adelaide. It is the original Adelaide airport and still has the light planes there.
Mind you, it would be quicker than driving into Adelaide in peak hour, but the step from the plane might be a bit much for many.
California: Try not to recharge your electric cars, folks
“Blackout” and “Brownout”. Those terms are offensive to POCs and are rooted in white_supremacy.
(It’s hard to type this in with a straight face)
Biden’s EV goals may be fantasy, but the profits the swamp is making are real
The Biden administration lives in an electric car fantasyland, but the profits they’re making off the industry are real.
Most hardworking Americans, many living in rural America, cannot afford an electric vehicle, nor do they want one. Currently, just under 5.4 million hybrid electric cars have sold in the U.S. as of 2019, comprising only 1.6% of all new light-duty vehicle sales between 1999 and 2019. A Tesla that can drive more than 520 miles without needing a new charge has a starting sticker price of $141,190 — far beyond the reach of most Americans.
Yet, the Biden administration has made it their mission to push these electric cars on U.S. consumers. They’ve proposed $174 billion in taxpayer monies to subsidize the industry and aim to build 500,000 charging stations around the country — an investment, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said — that would help “rural and disadvantaged communities.”
Sorry, only rich people own electric cars, and federal funding for the industry is a giveaway to prosperous Democrats who want more money and convenience to live out their green, urban lifestyles.
It’s simply not practical, economic, or worthwhile for middle America. Until the sticker price on these vehicles drops to below $20,000, batteries last longer and can be recycled, there’s confidence the electric grid can support them (parts of California were told last week to unplug their electric cars to reduce power usage because of blackout fears), and they can drive farther than 500 miles without needing a recharge, widespread electric car usage is a pipe dream.
Biden’s EV goals may be fantasy, but the profits the swamp is making are real
Yet, it’s a pipe dream the Biden administration can’t let go of. Perhaps it’s because they’re so financially invested in the industry. Who cares about middle America when there are profits to be made in the swamp?
Mr. Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm owned up to $5 million in electric battery and vehicle manufacturer Proterra while she actively promoted the company during official administration events. As recently as six days before her confirmation hearing, Mrs. Granholm sat on Proterra’s board of directors.
In April, Vice President Kamala Harris visited a bus company whose main supplier is Proterra. Two days later, Mr. Biden participated in a virtual tour showcasing the company. A few days after that, Proterra Chief Executive Officer Jack Allen was invited to take part in Mr. Biden’s climate summit.
By promoting Proterra, the Biden administration helped increase the company’s value before it went public, allowing Mrs. Granholm to cash in. She garnered a $1.6 million profit on her more than 200,000 shares of Proterra to an undisclosed buyer in May and was able to defer paying capital gains taxes on this sale because Cabinet secretaries are not penalized on assets they are required to sell.
Yet, Mrs. Granholm isn’t the only Biden administration member with a vested interest in Proterra. Mr. Biden’s climate czar Al Gore’s investment firm Generation Investment Management raised $55 million in financing for Proterra in 2017, with Proterra being listed as one the firm’s major green-energy investments.
Major Democratic donors Nicholas and Joby Pritzker are also financially tied to the company. Their firm, Tao Capital Partners, reportedly owns up to 7% of Proterra now that the company has gone public.
It was reported Tuesday that Mrs. Psaki again promoted the company while gaggling onboard Air Force One, and the Washington Free Beacon revealed on Friday a Proterra founder received a one-on-one interview with a Biden Pentagon official offering the company’s assistance in helping them “electrify” the military.
It’s astounding the Biden administration refuses to distance themselves from Proterra, even after it was made public Mrs. Granholm’s and Mr. Kerry’s financial ties to the company. But it is all about them, after all. They’re nothing more than swamp creatures.
As for their concern about blue-collar America?
Some with severe sleep apnoea will be afraid to go to sleep without their machine.
NY state cannot wait to cut its fossil fuel baseload. Should be fun when they ban gas heating and cooking. More the merrier when they flood the streets with EVs
New York City Averts Blackouts With Text Calling for Energy Conservation
Tim Blair Beaches Miraculously Survive, Somehow
The New York Times 26 years ago published a very precise forecast about the likely destruction of US beaches due to climate change.
Of course, whenever climate alarmists put a date on their predictions, they never happen:
Some of the predicted effects of climate change may now be emerging for the first time or with increasing clarity. The possible early effects include these:
*A continuing rise in average global sea level, which is likely to amount to more than a foot and a half by the year 2100.
This, say the scientists, would inundate parts of many heavily populated river deltas and the cities on them, making them uninhabitable, and would destroy many beaches around the world.
At the most likely rate of rise, some experts say, most of the beaches on the East Coast of the United States would be gone in 25 years.
They are already disappearing at an average of 2 to 3 feet a year.
But a year after the East Coast’s predicted beach elimination, every single one of those beaches is still there and still beautiful.
The New York Times continued:
Sea-level rise is one of the clearer consequences expected of the predicted warming. Measurement of the rise is “the dipstick of climate change” said Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman …
“The dipstick of climate change” is also a fine alternative title for Tim Flannery. In other beach-related panic developments, a senior Biden official believes climate change might have knocked down a Miami apartment building:
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Tuesday suggested it is possible climate change led to the partial condominium collapse in Miami, FL.
When asked on CNN’s “New Day” if climate change’s impact on “extraordinary tides” played a role in the condo collapse, Granholm said “we don’t know fully” if it did or not. She added that beaches all around are seeing the “phenomenon” of rising waters.
They’re called “tides”, sweetheart.
More on the heatwave over the USA Pac NW and SW Canada from Anthony Watts .
This was a very strong heatwave event and THEN A RECORD COOLING in just 24 hours.
And he also uses the Govt EPA graph to show the RECORD USA HEATWAVES during the 1930s. This is USA 1930s heatwaves over years not just a few days. WAKE UP.
Amazing what a high pressure system can bring on and then a rapid RECORD cooling to prove that this was JUST WEATHER AGAIN.
‘ … a high pressure system can bring on and then a rapid RECORD cooling …’
Blocking is a global cooling signal.
‘Unseasonably cool air stretches across Argentina into southeastern Brazil this morning. On average, temperatures are 15-20F below normal across southwest and southeast Brazil to northern Argentina and >25F below normal over Paraguay. The far southern coffee crop area in southeastern Brazil is in the low 30’s/upper 20’s (-3C to -1C) toward dawn.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Bill Cosby walks free.
He has served two years and was released because of prosecutorial misconduct while he still maintains his innocence.
If guilty as charged he got off lightly but the women who took so long to come forward and the prosecution must shoulder the blame for this.
Like Rolf Harris I always hoped he was innocent and that colours my thinking I guess. Others will have stronger views.
Victims who take a long time to come forward have no blame to shoulder.
People who “come forward” years later are problematic. Even when there is real trauma, obsessing over it during a long court battle will increase the psychological damage. And, the media playing up such a case makes a fair trial hard to get.
Perverts Rejoice!
Orangemanbad update:
If Trans Women Are Women, What Does That Make Women?
“If a man walks into a women-only space, such as a restroom or changing room, and he exposes his genitals to the women and girls inside, what should happen to him?
Hold on, hold on, I’m not done: What if the man who’s exposing himself claims to identify as a woman?
Now what should happen to him?
The tony Koreatown health club became the scene of a showdown over nudity in gendered spaces after a customer confronted spa staff about a trans woman with male genitals being allowed to disrobe in the spa’s female section.
The ruckus was caught on camera and quickly went viral on Twitter on Sunday, fueling a furious online debate—with threats of a boycott against the spa—about the rights of trans people to use women’s spaces versus the rights of cisgender females to not be exposed to male anatomy.”
Here’s the video:
The solution is simple, albeit not easy. Have a third room for all the misfits. Call it the S&G room (Sodom and Gomorrah).
It is all part of the inexorably growing price of having depopulated our lunatic asylums which was an early move by the faux humanist wing of our would be totalitarian overlords.
Yep. Too true, unfortunately.
I suspect the correlation between the depopulation of the asylums and the growth in rabid greenyism is approaching 1.0.
No doubt Ian, or Peter or that other one will be telling us very quickly that correlation is not causation. Gee Aye, fancy that.
This is from the supposedly far right Murdoch News. What I find extraordinary is that a random Greek reporter is in on the “mixed messaging” message of the left here. What’s mixed? You can’t get that view from Greece without being immersed in a leftwing echo chamber. There is a small risk with the Astrazenca vaccine and discuss it with your GP if under 60, up from 50 due to two deaths. How thick must you be to be confused? Uncertain that the risk is honestly reported, maybe, but not confused.
I’m posting this comment because it’s an extraordinary example of global socialism attacking an Aussie PM whose only fault is he panders too much to the left and GW activists, but the left sees that not being leftwing makes you far right.
I got an ALP pamphlet attacking the Federal Government for the slow vaccine roll out and stuffing up quarantining, even though run by the states, also pushing the mixed messaging propaganda. But what is really irritating is that NZ is well behind us at 13% at least one shot compared to our 22% with 56% over 70 (and like my parents, many dragging their feet), yet that is not an issue because tmNZ is run by St Jacinta.
The media is really a credit of of far left activists.
The media never tires of the “Australia is falling behind” line
Show me the great benefit others have extracted from being “ahead”
Bit like how racist Australia is , its like they walk around the streets with their eyes closed + where exactly are these Utopian non racists countries? I’ve worked in a few places and racial differences are noticed and commented on (inc slurs)
I was working in Thailand when Pauline Hanson made her famous racist remarks about Asians etc. When I questioned my empoyer about their feelings towards this, the answers was completely pragmatic. “We don’t care what anyone calls us as long as they pay their bills”
“her famous racist remarks about Asians etc”. her statement in her opening address suggested that Australia was in danger of being swamped by Asians. Considering the then population mix, and the rapid change in immigrant intake at the time, care to explain what it was in what she said that was “racist”?
Christian Hungary and Poland took a stand against allowing “alternative sexuality” teaching to children, and were immediately attacked by the EU.
Presumably “progressiveness” works as long as no one “falls behind”…..
This point kind of illustrates there appears to a new “morality” that includes all different bizarre items, but one that ruthlessly kicks any perceived “stragglers” in the guts if they dare reject globalist insanity…
Look around and see if there is anything resembling normality and common sense any more….
In the leftist world there is no absolute morality. They have deemed it non-existent. It’s all relative, meaning it is what you want it to be. Bestiality and Zoophilia are on the rise too. Sick!
There was a book written in the 1960s I think, by Joseph Fletcher. Fletcher was a minister of religion, a member of the Eugenics society and believed in abortion. He ‘came out’ as a hard core communist- so much for his religious beliefs. He called it “Situational Ethics’. Ethics based on who you are, what you are doing and why you are doing it. We now see ‘Situational Ethics’ applied to every situation, as you say there is no absolute morality – no right or wrong, anything can be justified.
Yep…..same as many politicians use….
Holding to beliefs takes backbone, whereas….
Yet another example of 1 < 0 "thinking". We have had zero deaths this year and extremely low case numbers yet we are behind? So using their so called "logic", for us to catch up to them we need much higher case numbers and hundreds if not thousands of deaths due to the virus. Hmmmm. How about they catch up with us instead! Or should that be catch down in their parlance?
Sent to State & Fed Reps – The questions I would like answered are
1. How many Covid Positive are in NSW Hospitals?
2. How many Covid Positive in ICU in NSW?
3. How many Deaths in 2021 in NSW from Covid.
4. How many deaths this year from vaccine complications?
5. Why in the heck are we locking down for so few cases in NSW?
The ABC surprisingly has an excellent site that easily answers the above questions
Charting the COVID-19 spread in Australia
Charting the COVID-19 situation: Multiple states and territories record new locally-spread cases
and if you look at Hospitalisations for NSW last 14 Days
Currently 8 Covid Patients in Hospital and 1 of those in ICU and for this we shut down NSW
It’s worth nothing the one ICU case is not on a ventilator.
This from my latest article is wild: “A whopping 37% of poll respondents say we will be extinct in less than a century, due simply to our CO2 emissions.”
See my Unfounded fear of human extinction drives climate hysteria for the story.
It is a decent poll, as polls go.
We need to understand and respond to this widespread irrational public fear. Even if AGW’s more droughts, floods, heat waves, wildfires and sea level rise were true, there is still no threat of human extinction. The standard alarmist damages estimate is just a few percent of GDP.
Looks like we have mass hysteria. No wonder alarmism makes no sense.
Digging a bit I find extreme alarmists using the term “climate collapse” which is an incoherent concept for sure. No more weather? Climate is just average weather. How can that collapse?
I had a look at penalties for killing ‘notable’ bird wildlife, ranges up to $110,000 and 12 months jail but varies by state and severity of offence, if every operator of a windfarm was fined and/or jailed for this assault on wildlife, windpower would be stopped in its tracks.
Big fines for killing raptors and bats.
But not for energy producers. Obama gave them dispensation and other countries followed.
Good point
The EPA here in Oz can (and will) send you a fine for littering on the say so of a member of the public reporting same. It’s not an inconsequential fine, either.
Has anyone reported a dead bat/raptor to the RSPCA?
Well for a fee one could have the area scanned by airborne high resolution multipsectral sensors to detect all the dead birds to see if there is a pattern that can be associated with the distribution of the “turbines” in the wind farms. It’s not direct proof but it ought to be a simple enough case to prove the wind farms cause the deaths in large numbers in a court of law.
Question about ‘variants”.
When alleged medical authorities (intended derision) report X number of variant cases, each patient is not being tested by extracting an actual sample of the variant from the ‘case’.
“Look … this sample has varied!”
The ‘variant’ label is being determined by alleged variant symptoms (intended derision).
Said virus is very difficult to isolate from a patient.
(And in fact has not been accomplished.)
I am no doubt a victim of my tin foil hat.
Getting something wrong.
And may owe an apology to the alleged authorities.
Were I a better person.
A very good question!
I was wondering how they determined which variant. Does the rtPCR have a cell for the particular gene sequence of each variant?
S.A. wind power currently operating at 5.4% nameplate.
Peter Fitzroy and Simon please take note.
Except that in their Bidenesque world truth beats facts.
3.1% in WA. Coal is rocketing along at 57%.
And gas filling the gap. Aren’t fossil fuels great?
The Australian has not improved. It will not allow any comments about alternative treatments for covid-19. I have had 4 comments rejected over two days so I have cancelled it again and told them why. It used to be a good balanced newspaper now its just pushes the same lines as everyone else. Even Peta Credlin is on the bandwagon.
PS has anyone heard anything about the effectiveness or downsides7 of the Novavax? It sems to be a more conventional vaccine.
Alan Jones and Paul Murray are pushing the ‘vaccines’ too, much to my annoyance.
I think it unfair to group Alan Jones with Paul Murray in this regard. Since she has now moved on into the clutches of The Australian, IMO it would be more correct to add Peta Credlin with Paul.
You have a point PTR. At least he gives Craig Kelly a chance to be heard. Peta certainly is on the bandwagon. A pity.
One interesting aspect about the number of reported cases is that the virus, according to recent antibodies studies, is among far more people that we realise. Some claim that the number of real cases could be 10 times greater than those reported. That actually is very comforting. It means the virus is not as dangerous as we thought, and as many have claimed here it’s only slightly worse than the normal flu, perhaps even less given no one has died here in Australia this years so far from the virus. It’s becoming even more evident the panic over the need to vaccinate is a con. There is absolutely no real scientific nor statistical reason to be vaccinated here in Australia. In fact vaccinations can and do have associated risks so why increase the risk of serious illness or even death by getting the shot when none is actually needed here? The answer is pretty obvious. It’s a globalist push to have as many people vaccinated as possible, and Australia is not to be treated any different. It’s not going to end there. We are being conditioned to obey their commands and prepare us for the next big event. The best course of action for now is to just wait and see the next tragedy unfold and take it form there. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces are gradually coming together. Those who are awake already have a good grasp as to the end game but the details of how it will unfold remains to be seen.
Vaccine injuries are generally greatly under reported. Some people suggest as little as 1-5% is reported.
I would have no issue with vaccines if they truly were “safe and effective”. Sadly, studying them for 20 years leads me to believe they are different to as advertised.
The cov19 vaccine and 40 foot pole come to mind….
Yes, I know they are under reported – for one reason only; to maximise the number of people taking the shots. If the whole true story were to be told today, pretty much everyone here in Australia would stop taking the shots. Of course that’s not going to happen given the biased MSM.
Good article her by professor Ramesh Thakur about the vaccine efficacy (or lack of) and the biased promotion by governments amd health departments.
There is an error in one of the graphs. Professor Thakur refers to deaths per million in India and the UK but his image is the total deaths/day. The correct graph can be found in his reference. When corrected for population the results are dramatically reversed.
Yeah, what’s with that?
We see news reports of COVID having been found in water treatment plants of country towns way out in the sticks.
How do we account for that?
Presumably somebody had it and perhaps didn’t know since no cases were reported.
There doesn’t seem to be much follow up reporting on this stuff.
That is likely just fear mongering.
The globalists are trying to break peoples wills through the mirage of “the situation is just impossible without the vaccine”…
which is complete nonsense.
The virus is not much worse than a bad flu, and based on reports from europe, the vaccines are more dangerous than the virus.
The manic push for vaccinating nearly everyone seems to be driven by some invisible deadline we arent privvy to.
The website predicted a 60% drop in population in Australia by 2025, and 67% in UK and 80% in USA.
How would you achieve that without a war?
Apart from a major war, famine and pestilence would be the two main causes.
AGL to split into coal and renewable arms. The AGL name goes with the renewable arm, and the coal arm is to be called “Accel Energy”. The stated plan is that Accel will manage the phase-out of coal. Creating a new company to destroy it.
Incidentally, AGL’s share price is at $8.20. A couple of years ago, when I said here that AGL’s dodgy dealings weren’t doing much for its shareholders, a resident expert said it looked a good deal at $18, with a nice yield. Must be a steal now at $8. Think of all those un-synergies coming up as they split into two companies.
Maybe this explains AGL. Blackrock and Vanguard are the same entity, all these investment firms are share holders in every other investment firm, that’s how they control all corporations and push their agenda.
AGL Substantial Shareholders
Holding Name
40,935,468 (6.09%) BlackRock Group
38,926,303 (6.03%) The Vanguard Group Inc.
32,165,826 (5.02%) State Street Corporation and subsidiaries
Through their control of the board, their agenda will be implemented, this is the New World Order.
As Coles and Woolworths move towards banning single use plastic cutlery and drinking straws etc, I would like to know what the definition of “single use” really means.
The vast majority of plastics are in fact single use, and yet are accepted as somehow being different to, say, plastic straws, plastic bags etc. Soft drink bottles, water bottles, garden chairs from Bunnings are all single use items yet no mention of change in these areas. While some items have a longer life than others, they are essentially single use and potentially end up as landfill or ocean debris. Our supermarket chains however, virtue signal their piety by banning plastic knifes and forks which are totally recyclable and then plastic wrap everything in the meat and deli sections with multilayer hightech gas barrier and vacuum barrier bags that are by their very compound nature not recycleable at all. Why are some plastic items” bad” and other single use items “good”. An issue that no one mentions is what will happen to all the feedstcock materials should the demand for these materials diminish. They will still be produced as by products of oil and gas refining so, I suspect, if there was no demand (which by the way continues to grow) the byproducts would just be flamed to atmosphere and in theory contribute to that other problem, global warming.
The change from plastics does not alter the “need” for these products so alternative materials are needed. In so many cases this will be timber and forest products and thereby create another potential problem as demand for wood increases. A fastfood chain recently proudly announced that they would be moving away from “single use ” plastics and replacing them with “fibre based” products. Clever marketing ploy that, avoided using the words like timber, wood, forests completely
Just another example of many where so many people in power or authority act as though 1 < 0 or 1 = 0. It's such an amazing thing to watch how the West is eating itself into oblivion.
“A fastfood chain recently proudly announced that they would be moving away from “single use ” plastics and replacing them with “fibre based” products.”
That reminded me of an article I read recently: “Taco Bell testing plant-based shell on new Naked Chicken Chalupa at this location”
I must be missing something here, but I thought taco shells are generally made from corn or wheat flour…isn’t that “Plant-based”?
Chicken is also “plant based”. (so is cow etc)
A very effective processing mechanism.
They just want the plant to be processed artificially in a lab !
puzzling , the article goes on the say its a vegetarian wrap option, for a chicken wrap?
lots of comments like Rics along the lines arent they plant based already. Might be a cadet reporters first effort?
I’m still waiting for the follow-up reporting on how many multi-use plastic super market bags – the ones that replaced the single use ones – are turning up at the tips. These were made stronger to last longer which means longer time to break down. Working in retail we went through the cycle of bitching because “they” had to provide their own, not needing to buy one because they had their own $1-$2 one to now just asking for a bag as soon as they get to the checkout. Of course with self-serve there is plenty of opportunity to just grab a bag and forget/have trouble scanning it. Of course getting it for “free” means no value and they just get chucked as if they were single use.
Still No words from the Arizona Audit Team!
What are they waiting for? Hopefully we hear something in the next few days.
It is stalled because subpoenas were sent to gather all the evidence they needed but thus far a lot has been held back. Clearly they have something to hide.
Ignoring a subpoena is an offence. Why has nothing been done about that?
I don’t know. People get away with illegal acts all the time, even when they are caught out. It’s called injustice.
The Australian Federal Parliament has the power to subpoena witesses and documents;
I don’t know if the same applies to the Arizona State Senate, but if it does they should have used that power already to get the answers that they want about the voting machines.
I am not sure if this has already been posted on another thread, but it is interesting:
Chinese whistleblower exposes COVID-19’s origins on ‘Tucker Carlson Today’
By Nikolas Lanum | Fox News
Makes a lot of sense. Imagine if this happened in say Iran. All hell would break loose and the West, at least in the past, would very likely boycott or perhaps even invade that country for developing such bioweapons, but because it’s the CCP it’s OK to pretend it’s not a problem and it’s not their fault so it’s business as usual. Go figure.
“But then, they intentionally allowed some huge number of people, some infected, from Wuhan to travel around the world to infect the rest of the world.”
So…..logically thats an act of biological war, is it not?
At this stage the question which interests me most is what the true infection and death figures are in China.
Part of me wants the actual numbers in China to be similar to the rest of the world because the alternative is that there are very few infections or deaths in China. That suggests that the Chinese government either has an effective treatment, an effective preventative or effective containment.
And my darker side skips straight on to an evil government with the ability to contain, prevent or treat a disease but willing to use its citizenry to inflict harm on the rest of the world. That would be about as smart as the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbour in WWII.
As I’ve said several times this whole thing does my head in.
“That suggests that the Chinese government either has an effective treatment, an effective preventative or effective containment.”
Their containment was certainly effective, they locked you in your house and let you die there:
“The lockdown in China is totally different as happened in the U.S.,” Yan said. “They just lockdown you in your room and lock your room. And then you can be hungry, die at home, which happened in Wuhan at that time.”
‘Not a healthy environment’: Kamala Harris’ office rife with dissent
There is dysfunction inside the VP’s office, aides and administration officials say. And it’s emanating from the top.
Sounds like the same office environment when Rudd was our PM.
As for the border visit:
Kamala’s Border Visit: Success or Failure?
Hmm, a dysfunctional President with a dysfunctional Vice President. I guess its not a big surprise that theirs offices would be dysfunctional or that the problem would be emanating from the top.
100 Years of Chinese Communism
The Party’s reliance on fervent nationalism is a danger to global freedom and democracy.
By The WSJ Editorial Board
The Chinese Communist Party will celebrate its 100th anniversary on July 1 with fireworks and nationalist fervor, but it is no occasion for joy. The Party retains its iron grip on power, and it now poses the leading threat to global freedom and democracy.
Note that we are referring here to the Party, not the Chinese people. They are not the same. The 95 million Party members have special privileges and rule over 1.4 billion by the threat of arrest and ruin for dissent. “In the east, west, south, and north, the party leads,” Party chief and Chinese President Xi Jinping once said, echoing founder Mao Zedong.
The most important fact never to forget is the Party’s murderous history. The Communists retreated to Yenan in the 1930s and let the Chinese nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek do most of the fighting against Japan in World War II. Mao then won the civil war in 1949 and proceeded like all Communists to purge opponents and take total control.
What followed were the bloodiest decades in world history, rivaled only by Stalin’s purges. The Great Leap Forward led to mass famine. In the Cultural Revolution, Mao unleashed the Red Guards to torment anyone suspected of disloyalty or bourgeois tendencies. Millions were banished to the countryside, and over the Mao years unknown millions of Chinese died.
After Mao’s death, Deng Xiaoping won a power struggle and began the free-market reforms that have produced China’s fantastic economic growth. For a time, social and political controls eased. But the Party has never relinquished power, and in 1989 Deng crushed the democratic uprising in Tiananmen Square. China still censors even the word Tiananmen on search engines, often with the acquiescence of Western tech companies.
For a time, China tried to face up to Mao’s mayhem. In 1981 the Party published an official document that laid responsibility for the “grave ‘Left’ error of the ‘cultural revolution’” directly on Mao. Yet the Great Helmsman’s portrait continues to preside over Tiananmen Square in Beijing, and criticism of Mao’s thought is no longer tolerated under Comrade Xi.
Lacking democratic legitimacy, the Party maintains power with a mix of nationalism and economic prosperity. China’s rise to become the world’s second largest economy, thanks to an open world trading system, has lifted hundreds of millions from poverty and is understandably a source of national pride. So is China’s growing role on the world stage. Party propaganda these days stresses China’s return to its rightful place in world affairs after centuries of alleged exploitation by foreigners.
But the Party’s ultimate means of control is fear. Under Mr. Xi, the government has less tolerance for dissent than any time since Mao. It uses the tools of the surveillance state to stifle contrary voices on anything that challenges the Party line. Early truth-tellers in Wuhan had to be rounded up, and pandemic secrets covered up.
Beijing’s new “social-credit” system that offers privileges based on conformity to state plans is the definition of Orwellian. The reeducation and work camps for the Uyghurs and the repudiation of its treaty promise of autonomy to Hong Kong show how much the Party fears its own people—and how little it cares about outside criticism.
The threat to the world depends on how this combination of Communism and nationalism asserts itself in the years ahead. The signs are not good—from its border clashes with India, its takeover of islands in the South China Sea, its Belt and Road initiative that burdens poor countries with debt, and its brazen cyber theft of U.S. intellectual property and secrets.
Perhaps most troubling, the Party is trying to export its censorship to free societies. Witness its economic warfare against Australia for seeking an independent probe into the origins of Covid-19. Or its demand that foreigners stay mum on Taiwan and Hong Kong or risk economic punishment. The strategy has worked against Disney and the NBA.
The risks for the Party is that all of this is producing a global backlash. Western powers have banned Huawei from telecom networks. How to respond to Chinese aggression was front and center at the G-7 leadership discussions. Western companies are increasingly wary of the risks of business in China, despite its huge market, and a bipartisan consensus in the U.S. now believes the Party seeks regional, and perhaps global, dominance.
But the biggest risks for China’s ruling Communists are internal: a rapidly aging population while tens of millions remain poor, a huge debt overhang, political control that blocks more economic reform, and public expectations for continued prosperity. Once unleashed as in China, nationalist fervor can also be hard to control. Will the Party and Mr. Xi, like Tojo’s Japan in 1941, tempt fate with aggression that risks a disastrous war?
The great imponderable about this 100th anniversary is how China would have fared had Chiang defeated Mao. The democracy and prosperity of Taiwan offer the best evidence for this counter-factual. Alas, we must cope with a Communist Party that is the gravest risk to the democratic world since the U.S.S.R.
This formally deleted video about Bill Gates has been revived. Worth watching to remind yourself about what sort of person he is.
There are over 7 billion people in this world. He and others don’t give a damn about the risks associated with the vaccines. Their focus is to vaccinate the world to stop the virus, which we all know is not possible with a vaccine, and at the same time make billions. There is no cure to the virus but there is a cure to the love of money. Everyone has to make their own choice; comply or resist.
Every single expert witness at yesterday’s COVID-19 origins hearing told Congress it came from a lab.
Well yes of course you only have to look at the DELTA mutation to see China tweaked it and released it in India
and the Delta plus?
red thumb by someone who no doubt has zero understanding
Haters gonna hate. Read the comments.
I havent seen any data on the plus yet so too early to say
Dont know if this has been posted before but it was news to me.
Amazing facts on this video if true. He has his detractors on fact check but who cares about that. Well worth the watch. All about vit d.
Probably the best I’ve seen!
G’day Brenda,
I think it was given here some time back, but I can’t remember when or by whom, and I have seen it before. Was glad to watch it again, and agree with your assessment. And his segment on ivermectin is also compelling.
28 minutes.
Dave B
A preventative innovation
Turku-based company Therapeutica Borealis, too, has focused on the nose when developing its patented solution. Its nasal spray weakens the ability of the virus to enter the body and replicate itself, thus decreasing the risk of seriously falling ill.
“Tackling the pandemic probably requires, in addition to a vaccine, a preventive or early-acting drug,” said Kalervo Väänänen, one of the three inventors and founders of Therapeutica Borealis. “This drug also helps especially in a situation where vaccine coverage threatens to remain too low for herd immunity.
The solution is created from the commonly used drugs aprotinin, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, which are harnessed in a new and targeted manner on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.
The innovation is turning heads. Therapeutica Borealis announced this week that its drug has been granted a patent from The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This final patent stands as an important milestone for the company.
“Our next goal is to find an established pharmaceutical industry company with an international business scale,” Väänänen said.
“Completing the development of the drug within a quick schedule is possible, because the molecules being used are known in terms of safety, and the development can be directed at phase-II tests on efficacy and efficiency in relation to different doses and dosing mechanisms,” he added.
Expect a takeover offer soon from ‘an established pharmaceutical industry company’ who will then do- nothing.
For those that like to amuse themselves (possibly badly worded) with Australian Climate Data
Station: Melbourne Regional Office 1968 – have a look at days above 30C Jan-Mar 1968
Number: 86071
Opened: 1908 Now: Closed 06 Jan 2015
Lat: 37.81° SLon: 144.97° E
Elevation: 31 m
MAX TEMP 086071 19100101 20150105 missing_value=99999.9 MELBOURNE REGIONAL OFFICE
Interesting to note that today when you search the above with Australian Climate Data
melbourne only shows
Station: Melbourne (Olympic Park) Number: 86338 Opened: 2013 Now: Open Lat: 37.83° SLon: 144.98° E Elevation: 8 m
which only has data from 1 June 2013
Station: Melbourne Regional Office 1968 – have a look at days above 30C Jan-Mar 1968
Number: 86071
Opened: 1908 Now: Closed 06 Jan 2015
Lat: 37.81° SLon: 144.97° E
Elevation: 31 m
is not to be found – so very hard to have long term Maximum Temperature for Melbourne City
It is as if BOM is trying to hide Data
OK this get fascinating
although it does not appear in with Australian Climate Data
when you search using Lat: 37.81° S Lon: 144.97° E
response is
Bureau of Meteorology site location map › … › Climate Data Sites
20 Mar 2007 — Site name: MELBOURNE REGIONAL OFFICE, Site number: 086071, Commenced: 1908. Latitude: 37.81 °S, Longitude: 144.97 °E, Elevation: …
Climate Data Sites
Site name: MELBOURNE REGIONAL OFFICE Site number: 086071 Commenced: 1908
Latitude: 37.81 °S Longitude: 144.97 °E Elevation: 31 m Operational status: Open
But if you search with Australian Climate Data using MELBOURNE REGIONAL OFFICE – response says ~ No Town name matches your search
What am I doing wrong?
I’m disturbed by covid news coming from Australia. You are reverting into the dark ages. I’m sad for you guys.
Makes you wonder what gets reported overseas that makes the mixture of restrictions, lockdowns (as they apply from time to time) and vaccinations look that much different to most places as they work through this mess.
Thanks for your sympathy Zoe,
What we desperately need right now is a State Premier like Florida’s Ron DeSantis.
Unfortunately we don’t have anyone like him in power.
Actually, what we really need now is for the people to wake up and see the lockdowns and the vaccines are a cover for something very sinister. The whole show is so orchestrated it’s not funny. The only question is are our leaders part of the plot or are they just gullible fools being manipulated by the others who engineered it.
I have trouble visualizing our leaders being smart enough to plot anything.
When you are dealing with a random mix of knaves and fools, one outcome can be known without needing any identifying details … the fools will be doing the bidding of the knaves and not the other way around.
Interesting to compare London with Australia. Over a or two million people protested recently against the lockdowns. Yet here where the lockdowns cover about half the population of the nation but there have been no deaths and extremely low numbers of cases, there is silence. Goes to show we as a nation of peoples are so gullible, asleep and/or lazy.
Zoe, my perspective on it is that the virus is the driver to make people want the vaccine.
Now, all indications are that there is some unspoken deadline for getting as many people as possible to take what is likely either a biological “switch” or immuno suppressing device, to either disable or a slow burn worse thing.
Globally we have a unique event of govts forcing people to wear masks ( which do basically nothing for them ) but is about crushing free will and forcing compliance. I know people who wear masks, not to protect them, but because they are terrified of the abusive $11,000 fines.
So in real terms, Australia’s population appears to being systemically abused by the globalist lap dogs who are happy to let the globalists tell them what to do, but we wind up being S.O.L. with it all.
The globalist mind set appears to revolve around ritualistic abuse of people, and locking populations down and forcing them to wear masks for no good reason, is just systemic abuse, full stop, but is a visible expression of the Satanic abusive belief system of the globalists.
We have to realize what were dealing with….
1. The virus is a Chinese lab creation.*
2. Masks help, not as much as the politicans want to believe, but they;re not as useless as the mask haters think either. They are incidental. Whatever.
3. What matters and what Xi and Nancy Pelosi hope you miss is that the issues worth protesting are to close the borders and get the cheap antivirals in use.
*If Glaxo et al planted it in the Wuhan lab or leaked it out, seems a longer bow. Where’s the evidence?
I have managed to bring co2 AND the lack of effectiveness of face masks together in one link
Do I get a bar of chocolate as a prize?
On that article, ‘.. suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks’
it should say, ‘children should not wear face masks’.
I looked up ‘hypercapnia’.
The symptoms are easy to see in shoppers wearing masks, especially the elderly.
Masks, these are literally the most studied item of PPE for industry. The masks issued and used for this crock are used nowhere, no industry has them. Minimum is N95 and that’s for particles, dust etc. For everything else its half and full face positive seal with canister for the material being used.
Nobody wears the tissue face masks except medical to stop them dribbling in people and splashes into them.
Nobody uses the useless things correctly and nobody cares as long as its attached to the ears.
Path of least resistance rules.
It is nothing but a form of torture with no medical purpose, its about control.
An accurate observation.
97% hype; while driving today and listening to the radio I must have heard politicians utter the words; highly contagious delta strain a million times.
Yes I’m exaggerating but they want to sound important to get votes and rubbish other politicians.
We don’t have real leaders, and it shows.
Kalm Keith
I asked the question way above as to what your lockdown happy authorities will do if the delta variant gets a proper foothold in Australia and some deaths occur?
I see Alice springs has gone into lockdown after one case
I think the answer would be along the lines of a total shut-down of the nation, economy and businesses. I wonder if that would be enough to fire up the people, but I doubt it.
I do not know the author but he is Australian and very unimpressed with the continual lockdowns in OZ
Surely that is not true about needing to scan a QR code in order to go into the supermarket so you can be tracked and traced?
Quite true for most people except for those who won’t use the QR code method (my excuse is that my phone is too old) so there is a sign-in form or slip you fill out. Supposedly you write your time of entry, full name, telephone no. and e-mail address. I haven’t seen any entries that do that, most put the time, first name and a telephone no. Whether these are correct isn’t checked.
And then there are those who just go in, but we now have plain clothes police checking the compliance in stores. Fines are levied on those who haven’t registered and on the stores.
My thought is that by the time the bureaucracy have collected those forms from the stores and collated names etc. that the “crisis” will be a distant memory.
Judging by the huge overreaction by govt to the tiny number of cases in Oz, if covid got a proper hold in Your country, I suspect you would only be allowed out with an armed guard.
. It also seems that many people would be happy with this state of affairs.
I put name and home ‘phone no. only. Not been asked for email and I would not give it. That is open to abuse as we have had a lot of scam calls lately, including several supposedly from the UK (001144). I feel like fishing out a whistle to blow in the mouthpiece but it probably wouldn’t do any good as most calls seem to be automated.
Tony, that linked article is a good read.
Amazing coal report on Brietbart
“Five Asian nations account for 80 percent of the world’s newly planned coal power stations”
Of course those ‘Asian’ nations are the world’s three biggest, China, India, Indonesia plus Japan and Vietnam. Yes, half the world’s population and the two largest generators of CO2 currently.
The numbers of NEW coal power stations are astounding
China with 368 NEW coal power stations with 187 gigawatts, ten times Australia’s output
India with 92 coal power stations 60 gigawatts
Indonesia 104
Vietnam 41 new coal power stations and Japan 14
That’s 601 new coal power stations.
In 2020, China built over three times as much new coal power capacity as all other countries in the world combined – the equivalent of more than one large coal plant per week,
China burned over half of the world’s coal in 2020
China agreed to ratify the Paris Agreement in March 2016 and later signed the treaty in September 2016. Ha!
What is funny about this report is that “In these five countries, 92 percent of planned coal units will be uneconomic and up to $150 billion could be wasted.” Poor things. They need advice. They are after all, developing third world countries. Especially Japan and China, #2 and #3 in the world economically. Poor China just landed an explorer on Mars, they are so backward and the world is just receiving video from Mars. We should send armies of our smart Green energy consultants immediately.
And the final bleat.. “The projects are being pursued despite the availability of cheaper renewables” Obviously half the world’s people do not agree that they are cheaper. China should know, sales of Windmills and solar panels are paying for the coal power stations.
It would be funny if it was not so serious. We are blowing up coal power stations and China is opening one a week!
Someone is making a huge economic mistake. It must be China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Japan.
How the promoters of cheap windfarms and solar panels and batteries and electric cars keep a straight face is beyond me. We will save the planet on our own. Entirely on our own.
Similar coal stats have been published here before. More details stats can be found here: ironically an anti-coal site.
It’s clear to me at least our leaders are doing what terrorist dreamed about doing. I do hope one day when reality strikes the leaders of the emissions reduction and CAGW scams are put in prison for life.
That’s my core point, this is also from an anti coal Climate Change group. Only they would lecture that coal is uneconomic and wind and solar are far cheaper and that half the planet are idi*ts and li*rs. Anyone with this data showing half the planet is build coal stations as fast as they can would have to wonder who the real idi*ts were.
We as in the people of the West as a whole are the idiots for not standing up to all this crap, lies, BS and scams that are being allowed to permeate our societies by our politicians, MSM and education institutions. If one needed proof of how idiotic Westerners have become to allow for such terrorist-like activities, look no further. The current lockdown madness is like a second wave to finish the job of destroying the West. Who are our real enemies? One thing is for sure – they are not all foreigners.
On the strength of that revelation, we should demand all CO2 mitigation works be ceased forthwith, because as the old saying goes, we are just p*****g in the wind.
Pissing in the Windmills. And the gobsmacked author cannot believe China is a signatory to the 2016 Climate Agreement in Paris. It’s worth the same as the piece of paper Neville Chamberlain brought back from Berlin.
And if wind and solar are so cheap, why is our electricity 3x the price when 80% of it still comes from coal and gas? That’s the problem with true believers. They cannot believe they might be wrong, or that people tell lies. They will march off a cliff to save the planet from deadly Climate Change caused by carbon dioxide, the gas from which all life on earth is made.
Green Chlorophyll is a long chain hydrocarbon and should be banned, along with hydrated Carbon dioxide better known as Carbohydrates. Also to be banned. And the other deadly byproduct of combustion, dihydrogen oxide which killed 236,000 people last year. By drowning.
I have two sons with varying degrees of “progressiveness”. I find they lack curiosity which is odd because I have to ask them for any computer advice.
Both learn everything they need to know from social media. Would never listen to an opinion from a right wing nut job, myself included.
Guess where they come for finance???? Looks like I’m buying an 8 ton excavator now.
The Ridd case in the High court is not just about Peter Ridd and his superannuation, which is all he might get back. It is about the idea that scientists can be prosecuted for speaking the truth while employees of a university which holds itself out as the expert in the subject of the Great Barrier Reef. It is thanks to them that we are being challenged about our ‘stewardship’ of the gigantic Great Barrier reef, blamed for the regular bleaching event and suffering economic persecution by China and their controlled committees in the UN, the IPCC and WHO and UNESCO.
If Ridd wins, which is by no means certain, maybe more scientists will speak out. But I doubt it because Ridd stands to lose everything and that is the point of the continuing prosecution, to make sure no one dares break the silence on the ridiculous business of man made CO2 levels, CO2 made warming and warming made ocean temperatures in specific areas and thus bleaching.
It is all unbelievable , which is why it can only be a cult driven by 33 years of high level misinformation by the UN in particular and their friends and carpetbaggers. After the jailing of George Pell and the attack on Attorney General Christian Porter each without any evidence, our High Court will now decide on freedom of speech in our Universities.
And it may end the deadly silence of professional scientists in Australia and around the world. Evil prospers when good men say nothing. Man made CO2 was debunked in 1958.
Five fold increase in “unclassified deaths in the US since the start of the year…..WOW
These 30,000 people can no longer spread the virus. The vax has done its job.
Latest New York mayoral count voided after ‘test’ ballots included in tally
Honestly, US elections at all levels are a farce.
I must admit to now being 100% confused by the whole COVID-19 situation.
Highly infectious strains seem to be in contact with hundreds of people often without any of those testing positive.
Vaccines that are fully tested with no shortcuts being taken and based on peer reviewed scientific studies are recommended for everyone….then everyone over 40….then everyone over 50…..then everyone over 60….then phased out totally in the middle of the ‘crisis’.
We are told any mask is effective but any doctor will tell you only N95 rated masks will filter out a virus. If the virus could only be transmitted in much larger fluid particles why would anyone bother with the relatively uncomfortable N95 masks that need changing frequently?
COVID testing clinics have long queues of people who suspect they might be infected lined up relatively close together sometimes for hours. If they test positive they’re told they can’t go outside for 14 days, yet the people who stood next to them for 2 hours waiting to be tested, test negative of course (too soon after possibly being infected) and are cleared as ‘negative’.
How can anyone make sense of this?
Don’t forget we have been getting thousands of arrivals from overseas weekly, over 100,000 in May. Add that to the list.
Yes it makes a lot of sense if you understand it’s all one big farce and we are not told the whole truth. If we are in the middle of a pandemic, how come people are not dying except for one person who had received the AstraZeneca vaccine who sadly died recently. The explanation given:
“The TGA received one case of a patient who died from multi-organ failure but had signs of capillary leakage reported previously. Although there was a temporal link with the vaccine, an expert Vaccine Safety Investigation Group was unable to establish a causal link as other causes could not be ruled out.”
In November the Government stated there where 30,000 Aussies awaiting repatriation, we have been bringing them in at 5000 a week (apparently) we should of exhausted the supply long ago. So who is coming in, there are a very few FIFO on rotation anymore?
The FIFO miners who rotate to Bali have not done so from the beginning.
Rio are still running their charter out of Mongolia to Aus, PNG are FIFO still, a mate is in Peru. Things have changed in regard to rostered time on site and the Quarantine. Mates doing 3 months on, 6 weeks off.
The thing is, who is in our Quarantine and if all the expats are returned why do we need to build the Quansentration camps.
Makes no sense.
Another one to add to your list Deano. The kids in the UK have worked out if you add orange juice to your test swab, you get a positive. So school closes down and kids are happy. Apparently it works with lemon juice as well.
This is a good overview about of what is going on and what they hope the end game will be. Also how the net zero by 2050 fits in.
That Guardian article is very thought provoking. Thanks.
And from the “irony can be so ironic sometimes” department, this just in:
Armed Men Attempt to Rob News Crew While Interviewing Oakland’s Director of Violence Prevention
Germany is selling new nuclear powered subs to Turkey that are extremely hard to detect and very good at spying. Here we are wasting billions building already out of date subs that won’t be finished for many years. OH COME ON PM! CANCEL THE PROJECT AND BUY REAL SUBS OR NOT BUY ANY AT ALL!
Do we even need subs, what will our navy do with them if they can find crew for them, that is, the world has moved on , it’s not 1944 any more.
They could be useful for protecting certain lines of sea traffic around Australia. They need to be underwater for lengthy periods, which means they have to be nuclear powered. Otherwise, they are just a waste of space.
For other nations that have nuclear missile capabilities, they are a must. I would argue we should have them too (and buzz NZ on practice runs to make them go crazier) but of course that’s not going to happen.
So, unless the sub is nuclear powered, it’s a total waste of money that would be better spent on planes.
“buzz NZ on practice runs to make them go crazier)”
I don’t like your chances of achieving that , at least for the majority of the population. They are too far gone.
The recovery is very slow , and one person at a time. 🙂
“The advent of modernIndependent Propulsion for diesel-electric submarines, and the improvement in battery power over the last two decades, have delivered nuclear submarine-like capabilities in far less complex, smaller and cheaper submarine designs.
The most modern AIP boats can stay submerged for weeks at a time and are in some cases even quieter—and thus more deadly—than their nuclear counterparts. This is no secret, as diminutive AIP capable foreign submarines are known to have wreaked havoc on American flotillas during complex wargames. The US Navy even leased Swedish Gotland class AIP capable submarines to see train against, a move that turned out to be a humbling experience for America’s seagoing force.”
end of quote
There is a ban on nuclear in Australia covered by legislation that exempted the Sydney Lucas Heights Reactor for radio isotopes, nuclear medicine and commercial applications. Firstly that legislation would need to be repealed and it is unlikely that the Labor and Greens opposition would agree. Then Australia and the RAN would need to develop a nuclear industry to support the technology and that would take several years.
Several dubious claims, eg:
-time under the surface, weeks! with nuclear it could months or years
-range depending on re-fueling, diesel available everywhere, maybe, but that exposes the boat, nuclear range is dependent on fuel life – years.
No fossil fuels by 2050, going to make running fossil fueled military anything impossible. But its only the West doing this.
Diesel Subs and 2050 targets are not going to mix well.
No fossil fueled cars ( in some countries) not no fossil fuel. Claim are couched usually in the ever nebulous “nett zero” term which can mean whatever you want it to be , by number shuffling like “100% renewable ACT”
Who killed Ashli Babbitt?
A new theory emerges
Who shot Ashli Babbitt, the pro-Trump Air Force veteran who was killed by police during the January 6 riot at the US Capitol building? The American people were told that it was a Capitol Police officer who fired the fatal shot. But Cockburn has stumbled across some information that points to a different explanation.
Sources close to and within the intelligence community tell Cockburn that Babbitt was actually shot by a member of then-vice president Mike Pence’s protective detail. The VP’s detail, of course, is provided by US Secret Service, not the Capitol Police. One person asserted to Cockburn over drinks in DC that this is ‘basically an open secret’ in the intelligence community.
Law enforcement sources suggested to Cockburn that the Capitol Police Department and Department of Justice have publicly identified the shooter as a Capitol Police officer in order to protect the reputation of the Secret Service. Cockburn also wonders if this isn’t an attempt to protect Pence from further anger or threats from Capitol rioters who wanted him to refuse to certify the results of the election on January 6.
A cover-up of this nature would also explain why the government hasn’t been forthcoming with other information about the alleged Capitol Police officer who they say shot Babbitt. Police officers who are involved in shootings are almost always identified publicly. The unnamed officer’s lawyer says that his client is being kept anonymous due to threats against his life. Babbitt’s family, however, argues that they have a right to know who shot and killed their beloved relative. Her husband, Aaron Babbitt, is suing Washington DC for access to records that would supposedly reveal the name of the officer.
On Thursday afternoon, former President Donald Trump issued a statement which merely read “Who shot Ashli Babbitt?”
From ZeroHedge
New Study Links “Acute Chest Pain” In Male Soldiers To mRNA Vaccines
More details from the study linked within (
So the US military is blindly following the “vaccinate everybody” mandate including those who have already recovered from COVID-19
I’m in no rush to get “the jab”
This is a very extensive article titled Facts on Covid Hoax – A Swiss Doctor
Some of the findings:
Covid-19 is a real and serious pandemic comparable to the (still stronger) influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968, but in addition to the real Covid-19 pandemic, there is indeed a “test pandemic” that causes unnecessary panic and high costs.
A new study from Germany came to the conclusion that up to 81% of people who have not yet had contact with the new coronavirus already have cross-reactive T-cells and thus a certain background immunity. This confirms earlier studies on T-cell immunity.
The British epidemiologist Professor Mark Woolhouse stated that there is not a single confirmed case of infection of a teacher by a pupil worldwide.
Tracing pioneer Iceland found “not a single case where a child under 10 infected their parents.”
US CDC director Robert Redfield explained that additional deaths from suicides and drug overdoses by adolescents have been “far greater” than Covid deaths in recent months.
A joint report from Sweden (without primary school closure) and Finland (with primary school closure) concluded that there was no difference in infection rates among children in the two countries.
In the USA, three times more children up to 14 years of age have died of influenza than of Covid-19 (101 versus 31) since the beginning of the year, according to the CDC.
A Canadian study found that most of the children with “Kawasaki-like” inflammatory symptoms had no corona infection at all. The disease in children is “very, very rare”, the researchers said.
A German study came to the conclusion that children act epidemiologically “like brake blocks” and slow down the spread of the new corona virus.
Especially with the “Delta” variant. They are really trying to stress how it’s posing a “deadly danger” to the unvaccinated population while ignoring how fewer hospitalizations it produces per capita.
Meanwhile the vaccines are appearing to be increasingly problematic with a the clotting and myocarditis now admitted as being possibilities (I have a comment in moderation on this).
Looking more like a scam.
Covid is rare in children because children eat more than adults and play out side and hence are less Vit. D deficient than adults.
Vit D deficiency is also dependent on body mass. Almost all people, who are overweight, are, unless they take Vit D supplements, severely Vit D deficient.
Ironically, research indicates the Vit D deficiency also causes the ‘symptoms’ (depression, body pain, type 2 diabetes, difficult concentrating and making decisions…. Which depressed/Vit D deficient people ‘treat’ by over eating) that leads to being overweight. This explains why dark skin people in the US are severely overweight and are not doing well economically.
It appears the ‘plan’ for the manmade virus covid may have been defeated. This is a big deal. I believe the RNA vaccine designers have discovered that covid has an inherent weakness which cannot be eliminated/changed/evolved around.
The two new RNA vaccines, have statically reduced the covid death rate for vaccinated vulnerable people in the UK/Israel/Canada/and so on. …. ……From about 1 in 60 for unvaccinated to one in 1,000 for vaccinated people.
Prior to the use of the RNA covid vaccines which have an effectiveness of better than 90%, the most effective vaccines had an effectiveness of less than 70%.
The RNA vaccines stop/inhibit covid from replicating. Reducing/stopping covid replication, reduces the severity of covid symptoms, reduces risk of long-term issues/damage/death, and for some will eliminate any covid symptoms.
However, people in England will “very likely” be able to return to “pretty much life before Covid” on the revised date of 19 July, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said.
Recent data suggests that the vaccination programme has reduced hospital admissions and deaths, with an estimated fewer than one in 1,000 infections now leading to a death – compared with one in 60 during last winter.
Canada has no local vaccine production and hence did not have early access to vaccines.
This link provides a smart chart summary of vaccination rates for most major countries.
Canada tops world in vaccinated population
So by comparing summer to winter they draw that conclusion?
Have your vaccine, put your mask on and get back under your bed, your safe.
Covid reproduction rate R remains greater than 1 in Australia for almost 5 weeks now.
Without agreeing or disagreeing, note that the case fatality rate is proportionately much lower so ‘consequence’ is less, much less.
Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson Tonight 7/1/21 FULL | FOX BREAKING NEWS July 1,21 – YouTube
Now censored
Try this:
Ice Cores measuring CO2 and methane from Greenland and Antartica are different, there is a resolution problem.
Greenland, right next door to Iceland with its volcanic activity, duh.
Bret Weinstein: Sudden Shift In COVID-19 Lab Leak Narrative ‘Mysterious’
The Guardian has an article that Big Oil is going to be held to account for ‘hiding’ research that fossil fuels cause climate change:
Well I never. “Fossil fuels cause Climate Change”…who would have thought??? Nice pickup on the Commie Rag Guardian, Vlad.