A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A lot worth thinking about in this piece, but the scariest part deals with how the scientific establishment moved to suppress any evidence that might undermine the lockdown ideology …
The Panic Pandemic
Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus.
“Stefan Baral, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins with 350 publications to his name, submitted a critique of lockdowns to more than ten journals and finally gave up—the “first time in my career that I could not get a piece placed anywhere,” he said.”
You’re More Likely to Get Murdered in Chicago Than Be Hospitalized for COVID-19
A good murderous weekend in Chicago has 15 deaths
60 covid hospitalizations in Toronto this week.
Sorry. I don’t see it. Maybe it depends on city size
Something I have followed for many years, after doing a stint working in Northfield outside of Chicago city. The level of violence and mayhem in a place roughly the size of Melbourne is mind booggling. Back in the 90s in was a fun place but the wheels have come off big time. If you are interested details can be seen at What is acceptable as normal in Chicago is quite amazing , they rack up more carnage than all of Australia on a regular basis , especially in summer.
Travis, that’s so much for posting that!
I read this about 2-3 hrs after it was posted. What a wonderful article!
City Journal is a wonderful (and one of the VERY last) place(s) to get hard-hitting American, REAL journalism! Always has been. Been reading it for more than a decade.
We are getting lost in the details of the 'analysis'. There has been sufficient time now to find answers to the key covid questions. This thing is only a dumb virus. If the virus cannot replicate in our bodies it cannot hurt us. It must replicate to damage our bodies.
The data supports the assertion that covid kills mostly old people who are severely Vit D deficient that includes obese people who are all severely Vit D deficient if they do not take Vit D supplements. The young people that are dying of covid are almost all obese or have some other comorbidity.
Here are specific covid statistics by age group of the number of deaths, hospitalizations, and ICU visits for the Canadian province of Alberta which is an old school conservative province. Government/Health services officially altering/hiding of data or manipulating data, in Alberta would be grounds for firing and could cost a political party, the next election.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics……?
CDC now not testing for COV19 among low impact cases among the vaccinated ( only severe cases ) – so naturally it could appear that the un-vaccinated will be the only ones appearing significantly among stats, will this make vaccinated people ( through a quiet statisitical “adjustment” ) a “protected species”.
“The CDC stopped monitoring non-severe COVID-19 cases among vaccinated people in May.
“It’s hard to assess Delta’s risk without knowing what mild breakthrough cases look like – or whether they’re becoming more common.
“See more stories on Insider’s business page.
“It was great news: From January to April, just 0.01% of vaccinated Americans – around 10,000 out of 100 million people – got breakthrough infections, or cases of COVID-19 diagnosed after they were fully immunized.
“That’s according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which also indicated that certain coronavirus variants were to blame for most of these breakthrough cases. However, the CDC only had genetic sequencing for around 5% of the post-vaccine infections, and the report didn’t include data about the Delta variant. That strain, first detected in the US in March, might pose the greatest challenge to vaccine efficacy.
“But before more data could be collected to answer these lingering questions, the CDC stopped tracking breakthrough infections that resulted in asymptomatic, mild, or moderate cases. Since May 1, the agency has only reported and investigated coronavirus infections among vaccinated people that resulted in hospitalization or death.
Darkhorse video interview ( 1 hour ) with Dr. Bret Weinstein interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, and Steve Kirsch, philanthropist and tech entrepreneur who has become a respected force in the quest to give voice to people who have been harmed by COVID vaccines.
Quite good, lots of medical and cross references of data.
This is link to the summary by age of the covid outcomes for the Canadian province of Alberta.
Covid Japan Olympics SMH. Has it all ..
How bizarre seeing all those double vaccinated elites like the Qld Premier wearing masks:
This might go some way in explaining it …
Israel reports sharp decline in Pfizer coronavirus vaccine efficacy
Preliminary data from an analysis conducted by the Health Ministry shows 42% decrease in vaccine protection from infections and up to 60% from severe illness among vaccinated; Israel mulls 3rd booster shot for all over 65s
Maybe this interpretation of what all that means needs a little bit of mental energy:
"Of the country’s 64 serious patients, including 17 in critical condition, there were 12 who were being invasively ventilated. However, while the percentage of vaccinated cases was high, the percentage of those who require invasive treatment was low: Only three fully vaccinated people were being invasively ventilated."
Get vaccinated and live, is the message.
Alternatively, or at the same time. get yourself a supply of HCQ, Zinc, D3 and AZM; and/or Ivermectin as a back-up.
Scroll down.
And the link to the quote:
Travis, you will like this :
Fully vaccinated people – likely becoming spreaders…..?
Thats called vaccine failure in the old language.
100% failure – 6 from 6 , as failures.–we-got-complacent—texas-democrats-in-washington-continue-push-despite-covid-diagnoses
“WASHINGTON — Six Texas Democrats who left Texas for Washington are now self-isolating after testing positive for the coronavirus over this weekend. All of them are fully vaccinated and said they are exhibiting little to no symptoms. Officials with the Texas House Democratic Caucus said they are now doing daily COVID testing. While Texas Democrats tweaked their plans and protocols, they said the mission behind decamping in the nation’s capital has not changed.
I wonder if the QLD labor clowns managed to read the fine print on the 2032 contract to see what they have signed us up for, Japan would have dearly loved to have cancelled the games again, but the IOC put the squeeze on them to the tune of billions of dollars to go ahead regardless.
I expect the world to start going boycott crazy. Delisting the GBR soon to follow
Does that mean the "A" listers will become "B" listers?
How will they ever cope?
No more social page pretensions for them!
Cool…less tourists, more time on the GBR for us the locals….
Keep the UN junket flunkies away….
In reality the GBR would probably benefit most from humans not visting/littering/leaking/trampling all over it. But, the other reality is $ and to some extent see it to value it.
Cancel culture is moving on to cities and natural reserves near you too
Interesting article, with some fairly disturbing logic.
A Canadian colleague living near Osaka finds the mindset pretty illogical (if not maddening). Governments at all levels (municipal, city, prefecture, national) are a weird combination of powerlessness due to the law, but also inflexible and wondrously cautious – if not paralysed. He says the situation is only managed because the citizenry are overwhelmingly well-behaved and have strong social responsibility.
I generally love watching the Olympics (both summer and winter), but I think Tokyo should have called out the corrupt IOC for what they are, and cancelled … and dared the IOC to try and get any money out of the city.
Try to cancel this…
Everything on the Internet is about to be wiped clean as John McAfee had created a program before he was the virus guy.
I watch a movie series on the early days of the internet where they were seeking to increase the speed of modems and in his haste, he created a program and accidentally sent it to another early pioneer who were creating games and totally wiped out the years of work formatting clean her game.
I suspect that our internet will be no more.
Everything on it totally gone. That’s why the message of the skeletons as the water recedes.
Gone man. Gone.
Like a Bondi tram.
?This site can’t be took too long to respond.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics
18 hours and 41 minutes on the clock.
Another site here too .
Canada…where they imprison pastors and impound churches and who host PLA soldiers…..
To be expected.
Jos site will get nailed eventually, unfortunately, so we need alternate options to create a duplicate or something else.
Back to a modem & dial up?
Sounds like someone believes the Internet exists in a black shoebox , like the IT Crowd episode.
Several months ago I asked if anyone here had a simple co2 reading device. I had bought one and could not believe the results and wanted confirmation
I bought another and got similar results. I have got a friend in another country to buy one and his results are similar to mine
The external readings are normally between 500 and 600ppm . Sometimes they are around 460 ppm. They have never read anything like 415ppm
Having looked in detail at the hugely complicated manner in which co2 is officially measured it seems to me it does not represent anything in the real world.
Here is a simple version of the methods used
Does 415 ppm actually exist as the approximate background atmospheric concentration or does the process go through such an unrealistic contortion of unnatural processes that the result is a bit
I’ve averaging the ages of everyone on this board to be 48 years 2 months and 6 days.
Someone might indeed be that age but this ignores the huge range of ages that will encompass many decades between top and bottom.
So are simple co2 devices pointless or are the official co2 readings not really representative of the wide range of co2 concentrations that appear to exist.?
As you say, normal readings are highly variable. So, in order to monitor for any trends or permanent changes it is necessary to measure somewhere where there id minimum variation and consistent levels……that is why the “official”. 415 figure is taken at the top of a mountain , on an island in the middle of the Pacific ocean.
Even there the variation in individual measurements is significant, requireing considerable mathmatical processing to arrive at a representative figure.
In short, having the measuring instrument is only part of the process, also need to know how , where, and when to use it, as well as how to interpret the readings.!
Thanks for that. But if you have to highly process a figure is it genuinely representative of the global background figure or merely an artificial construction which bears no relationship to real co2 readings which appear to vary considerably and represents a gas that is not at all well mixed?
to make an analogy, is the co2 figure like a global average temperature which exists in few places on earth but from which an anomaly can be calculated? If so the Paris agreement levels have been well and truly busted by much of the world, probably for thousands of years.
The average temperature is not an average of room temperatures around the world. There are standards set on how temperature is measured, albeit not many measuring stations achieve that standard though. Likewise there are standards set on how atmospheric CO2 is measured.
Earlier in the year, I suggested you head to the southern shore of the UK in summer when there has been a persistent onshore wind and take measurements there. That is the most likely place to get close to a background level.
The Australian CO2 measuring site is at Cape Grim that is getting fresh air in the roaring 40s from the southern ocean:
Cape Grim is typically lower than Mauna Lau:
CO2 peaks during the northern winter likely due to an increase in fossil fuel combustion for heating:
This is 2006 so level somewhat lower than present.
CO2 level indoors where there are people will have higher CO2 levels than the ambient.
The peak in northern winter is because of the greater landmass and hence greater plant life in Nth Hemi. In winter those plants are relatively dormant but in summer they consume and sequestrate vast quantities of CO2. Fortunately we burn that stored plant matter now and return the precious CO2 to the atmosphere to feed the plants when they awaken in Spring. Without the burning of fossil fuels we may have encountered serious extinction events. Burning fossil fuels is good for plants, animals, life and the planet.
serious extinction events
Are there any extinctions that are unserious?
Other than greenie extinction of course?
Not having active volcanoes in the local geographic region would have to be a factor.
I live 150 yards from the Southern shore of the UK. We have a beach hut right on the beach. We also travelled to Chichester further east on the Southern Coast and Looe in Cornwall further west on the Southern coast so that encompasses perhaps a 200 mile long stretch of the cast The readings there are no different to home. I started taking readings on 15th Feb to ensure I captured the changing seasons so Feb had absolutely no plant growth and very little traffic due to our lockdown.
The co2 might have trended down a little over the months but as it is so variable over even a few minutes its true level is difficult to discern so I have left the device on for an hour and read the 'average' figure. Yesterday was 584ppm
i fully accept that relatively cheap devices are not going to be pin point accurate but even so the reading bears no relationship to the official ones. This is not surprising when you read the processing that goes on. Here is a good version, see page 40 onwards.
The conditions that co2 is put through do not really exist anywhere so my question remains is the official reading a proper indication of the co2 concentration or is it too artificially constructed to be of real use?
I do not take indoor readings
The conditions that co2 is put through do not really exist anywhere so my question remains is the official reading a proper indication of the co2 concentration or is it too artificially constructed to be of real use?
Keep going till the end of the year. The minimum in your location should be in a month or so providing you have onshore winds.
The level of CO2 is an even more meaningless number than average global temperature. As long the sites measuring it use a consistent process then the meaningless values over time will be comparable.
The only temperature relationship between CO2 occurs in climate models. It has no direct bearing on the global energy balance but an indirect effect by increasing the rate of growth of the biosphere. All life on Earth benefits from more CO2.
Yes Tony. In a nutshell it is just an abstract average of a gas that fluctuates over a large range. It varies with the weather and the seasons and between day and night. At dawn it will be higher than dusk since plants consume it by day but dont consume it in the dark. Plants consume more in spring and summer but less in autumn winter. Hence the Moana loa avarage itself is a saw tooth graph. It also varies greatly with altitude, just like oxygen. So lots more in the valley floor than on the mountain top.
And the 11,000ft mountain is an active volcano releasing gases (including CO2), lava etc.
Yes, 33 eruptions since 1843. VERY active volcano.
Do you have a certified CO2 reference standard for calibration? It could be informative to compare the result to a standard. According to a spec sheet the accuracy is +/- 1.5% of the range plus 2% of the reading. This might give an uncertainty around 40 ppm.
I also wonder whether there could be some interference from water vapor.
NDIR sensors have tolerance +/- 50ppm. Check your specifications sheet. Useful information once you collect data over several months. You can go half that 25ppm+/-. No two sensors will ever show the same reading.
I have Extech logger sensor with CO2, humidity and temperature. I add +25ppm to the recorded data.
City based measurements are wild. It takes a lawnmower in the vicinity to increase the reading for few minutes.
Melbourne currently fluctuates between 365ppm to 480ppm. +/-50ppm. Over three months an average is about 408ppm. At times at night it can get up to 900ppm, people burning wood and gas for heating, no wind etc.
If you are near busy road it will be fluctuating a lot depending on atmospheric pressure and wind direction.
Ground level based measurements are influenced by local greenery as well. More trees/grass during the sunny day can see CO2 drop down to 320ppm.
Here is some information about current monitoring on Mauna Loa. (peaks around March – April)
also in southern hemisphere (Australia) (peaks around September)
I hope this helps.
Hi Tony. how did you calibrate your instrument?
Out of curiosity I just check a CO2 monitor in one of the labs (it is there to warn of leaks from a CO2 outlet) and it reads 0.3 ppk (ie 3×10^2 ppm) unfortunately just one significant digit and I have no idea of its precision.
Just noticed scissor’s question… sorry for doubling up.
Yep, local CO2 will also vary a lot during the day, especially if there is not a lot of wind about.
It will generally be higher in the morning, 600, or more sometimes, then dip during the day as plants take up their food supply, dropping to a minimum of around 300 or a bit less.
Try taking a reading in an enclosed bedroom in the morning. 😉
Indeed. Corn will stop growing in the afternoon of a sunny, calm day due to local CO2 depletion. Measurements have been recorded down to almost 200ppm in these circumstances
TB, Calibration gases are readily available from safety suppliers where you by the meters. The meters are widely used in industry for confined space entry so accuracy is the priority. These are generally for CO2 levels where it will effect humans so the gases are high end %.
I read long ago how to make the gas from Vinegar and BiCarb, its just a stoichiometric ration.
You want very low level calibration, you could try metrological suppliers. You would be best checking the Zero, Nitrogen is used for this. The gases I use for calibration are available in small quantities, about the size of a can of fly spray.
reading all the replies is co2 actually any sort of useful reliable measurement bearing in mind all the caveats?
Probably not Tony and this is news to me. I studied the surface temperature statistical methods and found they were junk, violating statistical sampling theory in several ways. Looks like CO2 might be the same.
If the variance is huge the true average may be unknowable. The confidence intervals will also be huge.
The true average appears to be whatever you want it to be depending on what you consider core figures and what variations you discount, but the point remains that you can take a thermometer reading and that is the temperature. With co2 it seems to go through such a convoluted process that the end result seems to be too artificial to have any meaning let alone one that is turning the world inside out.
However I do not want to judge until I am further down the road and asked a few more people as to whether the end result is meaningful if the process to get there is so extraordinary.
It is a political construct promoted by the unscrupulous.
Trust science, but be suspicious of scientists.
Averages while useful are usually misleading.
Average life span is much higher.
97% of that can be attributed to infant mortality.
So the innate life span of humans is not actually higher.
A large chunk of the rest can be attributed to clean water and not falling from a horses.
People used to have 10 children in hope that two would survive.
Now you can have one, spoil them, so that they may decide in college what gender they are.
To really get some sense out of it, for own curiosity. Stick to one place over the longer period.
I collected data from Melbourne suburb over many months as well as data from Brisbane for as many months.
There is distinct difference between the two where Brisbane 24 hour fluctuations are a nice curve with bit of noise due to suburbia. Melbourne reading was all over the place and some weeks could not tell the day and night from the graph without looking at the timestamp.
Logging intervals I set for every 30 seconds, which makes for large files but useful when analysing changes before, during and after the storms. It works out that 10 days worth of data is stable enough to work with excel.
From my understanding the official CO2 levels take time to analyse and filter the moisture and particles. From memory they take a sample every minute. Few hundred k for the cost of their equipment compared to few hundred dollars for what I paid, I can still record a trend and see yearly differences.
From what I can conclude, this is more about seeing CO2 behaviour rather then it's influence, and how I can see it, the influence is being misinterpreted because CO2 is heavily influenced by temperature.
Yes you do need fair bit of patience with it.
What sort of readings are you getting? As well as temperature, humidity plays a big part.
Sample based on 30,000 data logs taken every 30 seconds.
First half of June CO2 is 392ppm to 410ppm during the night with occasional spikes up to 482ppm.
With 90.5% RH and temp around 17.4 CO2 does not peak during the night stays around 366ppm with lower atmospheric pressure.
With more stable weather CO2 is highest between 3am and 4am with low temperatures of 12 to 14 degrees C and RH 87% to 89%.
Higher humidity can also causes the NDIR CO2 sensor to spike up to 6,000ppm for a second or drop to zero for a second. Just some data noise that can be cleaned up easy. This is why they filter moisture and particulates.
Forgot to mention that taking the total of 30,000 records (30 second intervals) I get an average CO2 of 355.35ppm (+/-50ppm sensor accuracy).
Again the measurements are done in green leafy suburb at ground level.
Since we cannot trust the data of official government agencies, it would be nice to start a crowd source project with an inexpensive standardised CO2 measuring instrument of known accuracy, either commercial or custom made for the project.
They would all log CO2 data at say 5 min intervals and upload data to a central server. If these devices could be produced for say US$50 it would be a very attractive project for a lot of people.
It could pick up local variation around cities or volcanoes and would be an independent reliable source of data.
Of course, CO2 is irrelevant as far as supposed global warming is concerned but it would be interesting to measure it for curiosity and as an honest source of data.
It would be like a ground based version of satellite CO2 mapping projects like
That is my intention but I wanted to ensure there weren't some obvious points I was missing. I am going to consult with a couple of scientists who deal with co2 and ask if it really a worthwhile measurement if it is so processed.
Tony your avarage age estimate depends on what the cut off day was when you took it. If you take it one day later the average will be different.
So, now, tell me, at what time of the day in the CO2 measure taken at Mauna Lau and Cape Grim? And, is it consistently taken at that time? Or, is that the average of a number of reading taken across the day at set times?
I refer you to clarence.t's comment at 3.5 above.
The MoLo method is to remove all water vapor before measurement so the 415 per million is really 415 parts per ~96% of a million.
Yes, that is one of my points. Water vapour exists every day in hugely variable amounts. So artificially drying it off seems rather an absurd thing to do.
Ernst Beck used to take chemical measurements and was roundly ridiculed. However they did show actual real world readings often 600 or 700ppm.
I will carry on doing my readings and asking questions as saying the world is at 421ppm and aiming for net zero because of such a convoluted reading seems barmy even for what passes for the Western elite.
I had meant to write 415ppm but I see there has been a substantial rise year on year to May to 419ppm
Nasa says
"While the year-to-year increase of 1.8 ppm in the May CO2 peak was slightly less than previous years, CO2 measurements at Mauna Loa for the first five months of 2021 showed a 2.3 ppm increase over the same five months of 2020, close to the average annual increase from 2010 to 2019. There was no discernible signal in the data from the global economic disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic. "
Hardly surprising as mans share of co2 is tiny compared to natures, so a 8% decrease in Mans emissions in 2020 especially, due to the shut down of industry and travel etc is too small to be discerned. We would notice a dent in the upwards curve apparently if we had 15/20 years of consecutive cumulative disruption on a similar scale to 2020
obsessing about absolute local measures is pretty meaningless
pick a measurement and consistently do it over time, at least you will have a guide on which way the trend is going
Yes, unless you have a very specific purpose to require absolute comparable data to the “official” records, taking local readings id just a pointless labour of love for personal reference.
You cannot use it to comare to any other records taken in different locations on different equipment , analysed in a different manner.
The best you can do is be consistent and repeatable in every stage of your process to allow a reliable historic record for your own reference.
Its a bit like logging your speed data every 30 seconds whilst driving to the shop every day.
Interesting exercise,..but of what ultimate benefit . ?
Worst apocalypse. Ever. Update:
Don’t buy any green bananas edition …
Australia’s giant carbon capture project fails to meet key targets
Some covid updates here
It’s All about the point of view; Rand Paul and Dr Fauci.
Rand Paul to Dr Fauci: It is a crime to tell lies to Congress.
Dr Fauci to Rand Paul: I am not the Liar, You Are.
Rand Paul: Senator Rand Paul Tuesday night said he is sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral into Dr. Fauci.
The Daily Kos is a notorious left wing site. Gateway Pundit is conservative and pro Trump. I don’t know much about healthdirection.
Not many understand the world is one big puppet show where the politicians are the puppets and the puppet masters holding the strings are unelected people behind the curtain, and most of the public are in the audience lapping it up. A few of us are outside watching the whole show from afar trying to avoid detection.
This is surely a spoof
Absolutely not Tonyb. It is very real.
Saw it on the news, its legit
I have one message for this twerp.!
But I can’t type it here.
How many words are there in this one message?
The best part is that the twerp likely makes more money than you.
?? I what way is that relevant to the utter stupidity of her comment ?
Or do you take her word as sacrosanct, just because she has reached a dunning-kruger employment situation.
what on gods earth is a Dunning Kruger employment situation?? that’s about self awareness not employment.
in the end , its one person , who has said something stupid
I am sure that in the UK over the course of events, stupid things have been said
hard to get to wound up
“National Grid to lose Great Britain electricity role to independent operator”
Nat Grid have been working to get rid of the responsibility for years. They know the grid is heading for instability and blackouts so want out. They’ll just run the wires and pipes and charge rent for doing so.
The fact Nat Grid (who understand the power supply dynamics) dont want to balance demand with the increasingly unreliable supply is evidence that blackouts and brownouts for the UK are very close.
Fantastic timing, if I had a choice faced with the current stupidity, I would bail as well.
A couple of months back Mrs Yonnie got the 1st Astrazeneca shot and I’ve been watching her health closely since, Tuesday afternoon she was taken by ambulance to the hospital with a high fever and pressure in her head, this happened within hours of taking a nap for rest.
There are other complications involved so nothing is being claimed as a cause but I will be asking questions and looking into any information out there, yesterday we talked by phone she sounded ok considering the state she left in, shes still in isolation waiting results of a covid test from Tuesday which has kept me in isolation from work.
Hopefully she’ll be home soon and will keep the good people here updated.
I hope she’ll be fine Yonnie. Best wishes, Annie.
Thanks Annie, just an update the infection is in the kidneys and the covid test is negative, she’ll be in for a few days more for results and recovery.
All the best.
Hope your wife gets better fast.
My wife has had both Astrazeneca jabs, and so far all OK.
I am the only one in family of 8 Adults (2 Astrazeneca, 6 Pf@zer) who has not had vaccine, nor ever had a Covid test.
With low platelets and cancer, I will stick with Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D, NAC etc and have HCQ if needed, & will get ivermectin.
I am sticking with
I am now a Transvaxxite.
I have not had the jab, but I IDENTIFY as a person who has had both doses.
Vaccination is a long and wide spectrum, and those who can’t accept me for who I am are bigots who should be ashamed of themselves.
5 Pf@zer not 6 – excludes self
Best wishes.
I spoke to a mate in Brisbane last night, he said he had his first Astrazeneca shot. Lost vision to his right eye. Micro clot. He said that it was his good eye. Vision slowly returning but still very bad after two weeks. He will not be getting his second shot.
A new explanation!
Ph D = “Passed Highschool with Difficulty”
Or ‘ Piled Higher and Deeper.’
Hi another ian. I have one of those. Can you reveal your level of schooling or qualifications so I can mock you back?
I do a better job of that than you would
Mine includes a Post Hole Digger, supplementary qualifications from UHK
I have fork lift driving. I can deliver a pallet of posts should you need.
Easier by blog in this case
And on the subject of posts
Way back in BC during a drought I was cutting posts. Why in a drought? Because about the only thing one could do without a permit was cut replacement posts. Just happened that the foliage was drought supplement so double good.
And at that time Rural Men's Health was the flavour of the week. So one day I did some calculations on the fitness side of this endeavour. 25 posts was a good load for a Cruiser, and each was shouldered around 100m. On carting to the fence they had to be unloaded, then lifted, dropped into the hole, filled and tamped. A reasonable exercise program, with several loads a day.
Then one night there was the telephone survey on – you guessed it – Rural Men's Health! And it got to the question-
“And do you do any exercise that would raise your heart rate and blood pressure?”
My response was “Almost anything I do does that” and recounted the above.
My wife was listening with amusement and her comment later was –
“You;ll never hear from them again – you're not what they're looking for” and she was right
There’s a blight upon the country that’s really quite degrading,
Invented by the bureaucrats to stop their jobs from fading.
A nasty imposition that has now been put in force,
It’s become an obligation to attend a two day course.
There are courses by the hundred to improve your education,
It’s now become essential that you get accreditation.
You will need that piece of paper or you’ll really be in strife,
Although what you will be learning, you’ve been doing all your life.
In the drought of ’69 I cut scrub from dawn till dark,
And fence posts by the thousand I have hewn from ironbark.
Now it’s hard for me to fathom that I could break the law,
If I dare to start the motor of my trusty old chainsaw.
Take chemical applications, that’s something I know best,
By now I must have sprayed every single living pest.
From cattle ticks to buffalo fly, from burrs to rubber vine,
Now a course must be attended or I’ll risk a whopping fine.
Just ask those who know me, if I know how to use a gun!
From every sort of weapon, I’ve shot bullets by the ton.
Though I’ve been proficient since I reached the age of ten,
It seems this is something that I have to learn again.
I’ve studied on computers, learnt how to market crops,
Benchmarking and QA, I’ve been to those workshops.
Breedplan is something I now understand in full,
It took me two days to learn how to scrotum test a bull.
My stock are getting poorer from the general lack of care,
And all my bores and fences are in sad need of repair.
You may think I’m lazy, but that simply isn’t true,
I’d go to work tomorrow, but there’s another course to do.
The bank would like to see me, for the funds are getting low,
And I’d like to get the time to plant the crops I need to grow.
My wife and kids all miss me, ’cause I’m hardly ever there,
I’d love to stay at home, but there’s this course in cattlecare.
If I continue in this vein, I’ll surely end up broke,
All these accreditations are really just a joke.
I’d rather wrestle with scrub bulls or ride on bucking horses,
Than be subjected to these two day !!#*!!*# courses.
P.A. Barton, “Huntley” Clermont
In case UHK needs translating
It has nothing to do with Hong Kong
“University of Hard Knocks”
“I have one of those”
Arts?, Sanitation? hospitality ?
A bit sensitive GA.
Surprisingly G , he wasnt mocking you personally was he? Many things arent about you. Amazing as it is.
A PhD is an achievement, and something to be around of (well, depending on the field of research), but why is it that the people who say they have a PhD at the slightest provocation, and who insist on being referred to as “Dr” at the oddest of occasions, and need to position themselves in the hierarchy by demanding to know the qualifications and university names of others, are the same people who treat non-PhDs with utter derision and contempt.
Some of the worst behaviour I have ever seen in the workplace has come from those who with PhDs who think lab technicians, lab assistants, undergrads, PhD students, and, basically anyone without their magic 3 letters, are subhuman drones. As one of these people said when it was tactfully suggested that they could improve their presentation skills, “…It’s not my fault that the audience is too stupid to understand what I am showing them…” the audience, of course, being attendees at a geochemistry conference, not the local primary school students.
Mind you, when I worked at the CSIRO in the early 90s, I worked with probably some of the best people I’ve ever had the privilege to know, so it’s not every PhD, but the Prima Donnas certainly do a lot of damage to the overall reputation.
Which Div of CSIRO James? We might have crossed paths.
I don’t think there was Gender studies in the 90’s
Well that was clever.
I thought he did well, given the abundance of material with which to work…
There was talk about "Underwater Basket Weaving" before that
Could explain the leaf.
Like most tertiary qualifications , it shows a level of persistence to stay the course and finish something. As far as usefulness and employability its not necessarily a great guide.
CNN Introduces Premium Subscription Service That Blocks All CNN Programming From View
July 20th, 2021 –
Maybe it should be called CNN-
This is genius, all hail the Bee!!
15,000-year-old viruses discovered in Tibetan glacier ice
23 hours ago Charles Rotter 45 Comments
Most of the viruses were previously unknown to humans, study finds
More material for the Wuhan lab to use for gain-of-function testing?
Old bacteria from permafrost contributing to longer life.
Inspiring: US Women’s Soccer Team To Boycott Scoring Goals Until Racism Is Defeated
Their acting though is straight out of Hollywood.
Heard the NZ team bowed to a false god – no wait, they ‘took a knee’ or whatever – and promptly lost the game: that’ll learn ’em.
"Heard the NZ team bowed to a false god – no wait, they ‘took a knee’ or whatever"
Same thing Greg, I think his name was once lucifer.
You cant fix stupud…..
This would be a good time to read a book called “The Boys in the Boat” by Daniel James Brown. It is about the crew who won the 1936 Olympic rowing 8 race and peed on Hitler’s parade
these days its hard to distinguish the satirical items from reality; reality seems to be more stupid than anything you can make up.
Rain caused by drones? The CSIRO worked on cloud seeding for generations, over 50 years. Dubai seems to have it working with drones and electrical charge, but you have to remain skeptical. They now have to build dams which are illegal in dry Australia
The question for us is, is this real man made Climate Change and have the Emiratis changed their climate for peanuts? And it seems a lot cheaper than perhaps and ultimately a hundred billion in Australia paying off massive loans for French desalination plants across Australia which will never be used. Global Warming/Climate Change, the river of money which never stops. Building dams seems a lot cheaper, but they are evil because water must evaporate or run free to the ocean. Anything else is cruel imprisonment, apparently.
It was mainly in Abu Dhabi, according to Dubai-based son. Only slight rain in the city. He said most of the pics were old ones anyway!
Typical Daily Mail!
Here’s a perfect example. It’s a video of Barclay Crawford, the editor for the Daily Mail in Australia, one of the world’s most visited English news sites.
The leaked video was captured during a recent editorial meeting about the outlet’s pandemic reporting, and it perfectly illustrates why many have lost their trust in the people we expect to report the news accurately.
WATCH and SHARE how Barclay wants his journalists to report on vaccine-related news.
This guy has a few problems, The eye rolling to the ceiling, the nervous tick, I suggest he doesn’t even believe what he is saying himself. The question is “who is pulling the puppeteers strings”. This fellow is the last man in line , or the front man, at the Punch and Judy show. Impress the audience or the “strings” will be pulled by someone behind another curtain.
So now we have fake weather reporting? Who writes this stuff?
Sorry, I usually trust Breitbart who reported this and now you point it out, it was credited to the Daily Mail. Fake news goes viral if silly enough. I must have come down in the last shower.
I have read it more carefully. The information was from Dubai, but the reporting/video was from the Emirates which means 140km to Abu Dhabi or even 400km to Qatar etc. I must say our Australian connection is with Dubai and I have been there often in transit, but the rain was elsewhere in the Emirates. And I am still very disbelieving (a level above skeptical) of drones with lighting bolts causing rain.
Pilot son used to do some cloud-seeding in Africa years ago, during one of their droughts. It could be a bit turbulent I gather.
Did the Victorian government opt for a preemptive lockdown to get through Eid unmolested and if so should we expect this to be an annual occurrence?
Not sure what the Victorian government was worried about, it’s not like pigs are on the approved sacrifice list for Eid…
Childish and immature name calling indeed, but I could resist…
You really expect compliance ?? I doubt it.
Brexit looks like leaving the EU with ownership of the Northern Ireland troubles; agog to see how Brussels handles an IRA bombing campaign.
How so? has Nthn Ireland joined the EU?
Morning all,
Apart from two minor corrections, one of grammar and one of spelling, this is the text I sent yesterday my parliamentary representatives at State and Federal levels. And to Craig Kelly.
Let’s get this straight.
We have circulating a virus which requires a complex test to let someone know they’ve got it, even though they have no symptoms. So they and their close contacts are locked away for a fortnight, without charge or appeal.
Not one of them is offered any treatment.
If they actually get sick, it’s off to hospital with no access to family or friends. And still no effective treatment.
When they’re sick enough it’s off to ICU where secondary effects are sometimes somewhat effectively treated. Or they die. So they’re sent home, where “long covid” becomes part of their lives. Again without adequate treatment.
So along comes a “vaccine”, which doesn’t stop you from becoming not only a “case”, but actually quite sick, and infectious. The fact that previous vaccines managed to stop both is somehow not mentioned in the sales pressure to get vaccinated.
Panic is advertised. Cures are not. And preventatives – no way.
And any attempt to discuss the known risks of these jabs is censored at press, health departments and political levels.
Who is beating this drum of suppression?
Dave B
In summary it’s just another scam, just like CAGW. In the case of the CAGW scam if the alarm were true then the solution is obvious; build nuclear power stations and nothing else. In the case of the vaccine scam, if the pandemic is that serious (it’s not according to historical standards) we already known the way to tackle it until we get a real vaccine that works (probably never) is to treat people with Ivermectin, Vitanim C & D, zinc, quercetin and/or doxycycline. I wonder how long before people wake up and realise our governments are clueless as to how to solve the problems of the day.
Very generous of you to attribute the current situation to the "clueless" pollies.
Very strange that so many of the world's governments all got clueless in the same way.
They are clueless and so easily manipulated by unelected so called "experts" and others behind the scene thus ending up with silly policies, just like reducing emissions. Although political leaders and their ministers set policies, they incur no responsibility nor fault no matter how badly they fail other than they lose their position only to be replaced by some other smuck.
They have half the country hiding under their beds, and they are the Stupid ones?
Scientists ‘surprised’ to find no evidence of impact on fish behaviour from oil and gas seismic surveys
Brave words …
“So much for the COVID-19 vaccination!”
Links at
“averaging the ages of everyone on this board to be 48 years 2 months and 6 days”
Tells us not much. (Only were I so young.)
Science has become institutional, bureaucratic, and corrupted.
It began with people just like you, observing and measuring on their own
It has morphed into quasi governmental political organ like the medieval church sans the fear of God.
Maybe less trustworthy.
“Official co2 readings” are just like all the other numbers we get, political constructs produced by the approved institutions for the purpose of manipulating the public.
600ppm? Evacuate the coastal cities immediately!
The unvaxxed will be left to swim.
I’ll be watching for anything resembling a meaningful construct for the ‘official’ average that is worthy of the last 30 years fearmongering.
dang … meant as reply to Tonyb #3
It’s World Ivermectin Day on the 24th with events in Melb & Syd.
How unfortunate that we had sudden outbreaks of “cases” just before that.
Just coincidence I’m sure, just as new outbreaks happened just as we were opening up again…
Classic KGB style psychological warfare strategy for demoralisation. Give them hope then at the last minute take it away.
You don’t know it’s happening unless you know it exists…
China Floods
‘The rainfall in the region was the heaviest since record-keeping began 60 years ago, coming as scientists say climate change is worsening flooding around the world, alongside other increasingly extreme weather patterns.
‘Rainstorms submerged Zhengzhou’s metro late on Tuesday, killing 12 people and injuring five, while city officials said hundreds were rescued from the subway.’ (ABC)
First the Pacific Northwest, then Germany, and now this. Everything is unprecedented. Unexpected, too. Yet exactly what the computer modelling predicted. In reality what I conclude from, “these are heaviest rains in 60 years of record keeping” is a probability of occurence per year of 2% or thereabouts. Just another event out on the low probability tail of the distribution. Surely something to become hysterical about.
?? No models have predicted it; far from predicting more summer rainfall in the German Rhineland, climate models have tended to do the opposite: to predict less. And its all happened before and often more disasterously. Of course MSM will keep exaggerating. Weather caused similarly devastating floods in nearby German areas in 1954, leaving 10,000 Germans homeless.
Typhoon Nina in 1975, which also hit China’s Henan Province and left 229,000 dead: In contrast to 617mm of rain over 3 days, Nina dropped 1631mm in one day, including 830mm in just six hours. So not the heaviest rainfall since record-keeping began!!!
Just four years before Nina, another disastrous flood killed an estimated 100,000 in nearby North Vietnam:
The Heatwave event in Oregon is not unusual. A stalled high squeezed between 2 lows producing easterley Foehn winds from the high dry interior. Has happened before. Meanwhile New Mexico and Colorado had unusual Cold.
If you read up on climate history of the past 1000yrs (try HH Lamb) then you’ll see nothing unusual is happening. Extreme weather events have been occuring since before humans stood on 2 legs.
The Norther Hemisphere has been warming up since 1585. Linked chart shows the steady increase in ToA insolation over the NH oceans for the last 400 years and the projection to 2100:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhEalk8DouOlBGWeP
A small change but steadily increasing. So far April is the month of greatest change from 1850 with ToA over the northern tropics up by 1.2W/sq.m for the month. September has cooled by almost the same amount but a slight net increase.
More of the Indian Ocean will be reaching the 30C regulating limit. That means more high level moisture and more intense monsoon season over India and China.
The northern hemisphere should expect new records for temperature and variability for the next 12,000 years at least. The Southern Hemisphere has been in a cooling phase since 1585.
This is changes in real energy input at the top of atmosphere. Not make believe back radiation from increasing CO2.
Not unprecedented, the people are waking up to propaganda.
'A widely shared WeChat article noted early contradictory statements from local state media, including that no passengers were in danger, while at the same time footage – later blocked from China’s internet – was being shared of dead bodies at Shakoulu station, including by the national state media outlet, Xinhua.'
Is there anyone on the planet more qualified to address the Covid virus than Dr Peter McCullough, and recommends that no one takes the shot.
Dr Mike Yeadon also says this.
I find Dr McCullough's claim hard to believe based on the evidence (I did not see any evidence provided in McCullough's blog piece). Why is that true?
The covid vaccinations if they work and if they are safe are a tactical weapon against covid. What is the evidence that the RNA vaccines are killing people and killing unborn children?
What are we losing because of Covid? What are we losing because of the Democratic Party hateful/damaging policies?
The covid isolation is killing our dying economies and destroying our key conceptual advantage over China. Our countries (Australia, UK, Canada, and so on) were free and were almost free of hate/racial fights, before the Democratic hate movement which is designed to make our countries ungovernable (Violent 'protests', Violent intimation of whistle blowers, BLM, Sexual 'orientation' fights, Critical 'race' theory fights, open southern border with criminals rushing/controlling the border, and so on.)
Our art, our cinema, and so on… was interesting, diverse, controversial in a good way, and fun before the covid 1984 lockdowns and masks. Art use to be a way to heal and understand the past. There was no organized propaganda to push hate and start fights.
For example, in Canada, more than 70% of the 38 million population, has one vaccination and 52% have two shots, mostly the RNA vaccines.
In Canada, if there are any serious side effects causing damage or deaths… The local news stations interview those people and provide details of their lives and the side effects.
This is a summary of adverse reactions, for the Canadian province of Alberta. More than 5 million vaccines where given, the only death (I believe there was one death in Alberta due to the covid vaccines) was with AstraZeneca. In Canada, most people now chose the RNA vaccines over AstraZeneca because there have been no recorded deaths with the RNA vaccines and because the RNA vaccines are highly effective in stopping covid.
• 5,100,111 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Alberta
• 74.9 percent of 12+ population has received at least one dose (63.7% total population)
• 60.7 percent of 12+ population fully vaccinated (51.6% total population)
• 831 adverse events following immunization (AEFI) have been reported to Alberta Health. This represents 818 people, and 876 symptoms.
o 484 related to Pfizer
o 202 related to Moderna
o 145 related to AstraZeneca
No data is being collected for vaccine effects. For example, one neighbour had a stroke a week after her vaccine. Since she is over 70, this is not reported. We need to collect all data post vaccination to compare with expected or unvaccinated levels. Until this is done, you cannot say Alberta had no serious side effects from vaccines.
In a few years time, some ambitious PhD student will dig into mortality/morbidity patterns after these vaccines and make a thesis of it. Even potential long term effects of the vaccine trials (all on young healthy subjects) have been lost due to premature unblinding and administering vaccine to controls.
that is patently untrue.
I cant verify if this is correct, so please make up your own mind.
Article excepts only here, details at link below.
“Two-Step Process Leads to Clots
“In the first step, the adenovirus shell in the vaccine, along with proteins from the cells where the vaccine is grown, come into contact with platelets from the blood.
“Second Step
“The second key step in these reactions is caused by EDTA, a calcium-binding agent and stabilizer that is added to the AstraZeneca vaccine.
“EDTA opens junctions between cells that form the walls of blood vessels, causing them to become leaky. This allows the giant complexes formed by proteins and platelets to enter the blood circulation, where they — on very rare occasions — trigger that body-wide alarm.
“David Bidstrup guest post. The Beta-Sigma variant: (or “If you don’t stop that you’ll go blind”)”
He exaggerates at times but he calls it like it is. It gets better towards the end of it.
Holding the World to Ransom
“He exaggerates at all times” I’ve told you at least a zillion times , not to exaggerate!
Another one calling it like it is, with some exaggerations.
Covid Plandemic – A Long Planned Well Organized Criminal Conspiracy
The AMBRI liquid metal battery is now in a commercial form but it is not yet commercially available. This battery has input costs well below lithium and intended for large scale applications:
Minimum size appears to be 400kWh.
This battery might get down to USD50/kWh. It will have a long life with no capacity loss through its life. It benefits from frequent cycling as cycling reduces the need for external heaters.
Round cycle efficiency is lower than lithium at around 80% but it does not need all the protection add-ons of lithium.
I cannot find any details on batteries in use yet.
From the news section in your link..
It will take a technology step change for so called “renewables” to make any sense at all. The current technology set will not cut it.
data on PLA exclusively-owned Zhoushan bat coronavirus CoV-ZXC21/ZC45
Open Thread? How come two of my posts are blocked?
(I searched high and low, didn’t find any blocked posts) CTS
Ahhh…. The unfathomable vaugeries of the auto-moderator ! 🙂
Yep, the filter is non-discriminatory as far as thread topic goes. It just blindly does its unfathomable thing.
Hope your wife gets better fast.
My wife has had both Astrazeneca jabs, and so far all OK.
I am the only one in family of 8 Adults (2 Astrazeneca, 5 Pf@zer) who has not had vaccine, nor ever had a Covid test.
[Apologies for the delay in moderation today. One key moderator is on holiday. – Jo]
Does it do the red thumbing too then?
No, the red thumbing action is fathomable, if not thinking.
Speaking of which, the red thumber (the one that goes through and marks all non-leftist posts) hasn't visited today to express his/her/its disapproval
perhaps the meds are working?
CTS, AD had an issue and refresh did not work, he had to reset the Computer. From my IT department, “Have you tried turning it off then on again”.
Three engineers arguing about what to do when the car they were travelling quit. The electrical guy says he will check the ignition, the hydrolic expert says he will check the fuel supply. The software type in the back seat says “Why don’t we all get out and get in again.”
thank you Fran, as an ex IT guy and old car fan I like this one 🙂
For those who care.
This Saturday the 24th is the world wide freedom rally
Senator Malcolm Roberts on the event—-
The Australian gathering locations.
Be there or be
Environment Minister appeals ruling she must protect children from climate harm
Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley has argued in an appeal against a landmark court ruling that she does not have a duty of care to protect Australian children from climate harm caused by the potential expansion of a coal mine. The judge was also wrong to find that when the Earth’s surface temperature rose above 2 degrees there was an exponentially increasing risk of it being propelled into an irreversible 4 degree trajectory, the appeal documents state.
Justice Bromberg stated 1 million Australian children would be hospitalised at least once in their life for heat stress and the Great Barrier Reef would die along with the east coast’s eucalyptus forests should climate change not be halted.
There’ll be more of this whimsical policy determination from the bench; with any luck we’ll all have carked it before the consequences fully unravel our civil society.
The linked (relatively brief) article by Professor Peter Doherty, a Nobel Laureate, may be of interest to readers: “Where are the small molecule drugs to treat COVID-19?“.
I am probably missing something, but it does seem less than encouraging. While the figures from New South Wales continue to deteriorate.
Where have we (thinking of Oz generally) gone, intellectually, in eighteen months?
When he addressed the question of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 on last week's Health Report, I was surprised how indignant Peter Doherty was at the idea of it being a lab escape. My impression of his logic was that it can't be a lab escape, because labs are all we have to fight diseases like this and if people lose confidence in labs then we're sunk. Unedifying.
I get the same sort of vibe reading the paper you linked to. His reservations are not about biology or physiology, they're procedural: double blind trials, uncertainies in results, etc. That's all well and good, but I'd like to hear his explanation of why the vaccines didn't get hung up on those procedural things.
Hmm. Embedded links weren't working in preview, and not in posting either. Here's the link to that story in last week's Health Report:
This is interesting. The origins of my (implicit) question lie in another field, religious history. Here, Australian practitioners, including holders of significant chairs in what we have known as Australia's leading universities, have published highly doubtful accounts of religion during the years of the Great War. Much of what has been published cannot withstand close scrutiny; it does not rest well with the evidence (plain contradictory, in fact). My fear has been that similarly placed persons have followed similarly narrow paths for understanding this virus. And that is deeply disturbing, but it is way outside my experience and training.
Peter Doherty has a reputation of expressing reservations in a careful moderate expert manner whenever it is expedient to do so.
The ABC Health Report (run by Dr Norman Swan?) would know that Dr Doherty is reliable.
Interesting news snipet from Victoria. A number of people identified as close contacts of people with Covid have already been vaccinated. Some of those vaccinated have tested positive but no vaccinated person has been identified as passing it on.
All those vaccinated that have tested positive show no or only mild symptoms.
To show no or mild symptoms is directly related to immune system condition, vaccinated or not. Totally misleading to say that vaccine had any influence.
How can we be certain that the tests are not false positives? A video I posted earlier but in moderation explains how all cases might in fact be false positives. I find that too much of s stretch but the video does explain the reason he came to that conclusion, and it would make a lot of sense to say at least some if not most of the cases numbers are false positives. This needs to be verified one way or the other. No point asking the relevant health departments – I don’t trust them to say the truth.
My son worked in the Covid wards at the Austin and Northern last year during the peak of the cases in Melbourne. In two weeks the Covid ward went from 3 with Covid to three Covid wards and 100 beds. His worst night was 9 death certificates – all with Covid; all were over 70 with other health issues considered unsuitable for intubation. He was not working in ICU where otherwise healthy people with Covid ended up if they deteriorated around day 7 after hospitalisation – normally healthy people suffering Covid were considered strong enough to withstand invasive treatments.
Covid is a dangerous virus. The detections have proven reliable in containing outbreaks and have been the main defence preventing spread in Australia.
I have seen reporters in Victoria actually making silly statements about the death toll in Australia being way under what was predicted – what else would you expect when people were confined to their homes for months if there was known to be any Covid in the community.
Sweden was not as restrictive in its Covid controls as other locations and 1.3% of the people having Covid died. Restrictions were a dog's breakfast in the USA and not highly effective. In the USA 1.8% of those with Covid have died. These are both higher than the 1% originally forecast but that could be simply that not everyone with Covid was tested to become a confirmed case. In the USA there were 570k more deaths last year than the previous year. The increase due to Covid, directly or indirectly, is apparent.
NSW is now in the predicament that Victoria was this time last year with Covid spreading through communities with a high proportion of recent immigrants. The lesson in Victoria was that community leaders needed to be involved – this from AFL footballer Bachar Houli:
The WHO numbers do give a fatality rate of 1.3% for Sweden. Subtract the deaths that would have happened anyway and it's maybe half that.
Swedish IFR was 0.6% in June 2020.
'Our point estimate of the infection fatality rate is 0.6%, with a 95% confidence
interval of 0.4–1.1%. For the age group 0–69 years, we get an estimate of 0.1%
(c.i. 0.1–0.2%), and for those of age 70 years or older our estimate is 4.3% (c.i. 2.7–7.7%).'
The people still died in Oz , just a bit later and with less theatre. Oddly the number taken out of nursing homes in VIC per month never skipped a beat despite us all deciding to notice and label that 800 senior citz dies of Covid that year. I have no doubt its a serious illness , I have serious doubts the world has to stop because of it, or the global population needs a trial innoculation, with unknown long term consequences, because of it.
Rick says,
“ Sweden was not as restrictive in its Covid controls as other locations and 1.3% of the people having Covid died”
There are many qualifiers to such numbers ( cause I’d death listing being one of course) yet the largest is that many, perhaps most cases of wuflu go undetected as the symptoms are minor to non existent in many. In India in some large dense populations they found that up to 60 percent of the population had been exposed.
A Video For The Sheep
( You should get it, why , because it’s the right thing to do, says who, the people who make it.) ! LOL
Yes it's not uncommon for so many people to believe and trust the people who make the [non-]vaccines. Often it's the same people who trust "scientists" who claim the world is warming too much too fast due to man-made CO2, and trust politicians who clamour that we must reduce our emissions to zero ASAP. Then again it's so easy to fall for the BS when people can't be bothered to do their own research and instead place all their trust in politicians who are well known to tell untruths most of the time. Go figure.
Look, if I was given advice by stock brokers on what and when to buy and sell and I kept on losing money hand over fist for years and years, whose fault would it be for taking their advice tomorrow? Mine of course. At least I could try and find better ones but the problem with politicians there are no better ones to elect. We are stuck with the current crop of m0r0ns.
Do the mRNA injections even qualify to be called vaccines in the normal meaning of the word? To me they are synthetic lab products.
I’ve seen so many videos going around the traps and I’m noticing many of the peaceful protest movements are begging for the police to join them and stop taking orders from the governments to send them a message. It’s very interesting how this is developing. We shall see if this is a sign of a turnaround. It better be because if it isn’t things will get very nasty as the masses give up trying the peaceful way. I can’t post the video since I keep getting moderated.
It will be up in the next 6 hrs, I got one in GuantaNova bay at the moment.
Those police that kneeled at BLM marches you mean?
A video on the Group/s running the show, bit Trumpy at the start, go to 6 min for the real start. the last 30 mins is on the MSM propaganda campaign and worth a watch.
I found two articles reporting Taiwan started the vaccine roll out in March 2021, no date, just vague references to vax commencement.
Have a look at the covid curves (including Deaths) for Taiwan –
My first thought – worldometers must be wrong…….??!!??
Why? They had an outbreak and brought it under control. Why the vaccine red herring?
The outbreak began well after vaccination commenced.
Yes, Taiwan was the benchmark for suppression of the initial outbreak; how they must be regretting the decision to go for vaccination.
The percent vaccinated is not high. Just look at Sydney and they started vaccinating in February.
Yes, so the slowdown in the Taiwan outbreak cannot be due to vaccination
I never said it was.
I was just drawing the natural conclusion from your statement – not refuting any element of it.
why in talking about Taiwan would I want to just look at Sydney?
AZ doses are 4-12 weeks apart – March till end of May….spike starts end of May
you're making a joke? Did AZ cause the disease?
and if so explain the huge recent decline. People were getting vaccinated all through this period.
Only around 25% at the moment. No where near enough to cause the rolloff
You are not following TIP's comment. He claims something about vaccnation that makes no sense. As Rick pointed out – very low percent of vaccinated people means it has little impact on an outbreak. It is completely analogous with the recent outbreaks in Australia.
The decline is due to a lockdown and other measures.
I was not sure if TIP might be claiming a causal link between cases and vaccine as that is how it reads. Hence my comment about the decline would make no sense since people have continued to get vaccinated so if causal cases should not drop.
I have fully understood the notion (which I don't accept – the arrival of the Delta variant was the trigger) but am just stating that neither the spike nor the rolloff is due to vaccination
Taiwan started in March but level of vaccination was negligible at the end of a May – few thousand people. No doubt the cases would have encouraged the vaccination program with some locations not about 30% of the population:
The situation in 2021 in Taiwan gives a good indication of the rate of infection with Delta versus the early variant. Just 8 deaths last year. Almost 800 this year. Does not bode well for the current situation in Sydney/NSW.
thanks Rick
Tiwan's covid supression is very strong! You can switch to confirmed cases and deaths too
I think that Australia has a tough enough lockdown and trace system to beat the Delta variant. It will be hard days but you cannot let this version of covid19 escape uncontrolled. At current vaccination levels, it will overflow your healthcare system. Remember Delta is 1.5 times more virulent than Alpha (UK/2nd-wave) variant
Very apt nom de net you have there.
Thank you 🙂
I don't envy Australia if the Delta outbreak gets out of control. Its virulance will push the country close to herd immunity
Being milder in effect than the earlier variants, I would argue that Delta is the variant that we have been holding out against to become prevalent.
Reaching herd immunity through the Delta variant spreading across the community would lead to much lower loss of life than with the others, particular if widespread use of effective antivirals were allowed and encouraged.
The relatively lax nature of the NSW lockdown has me expecting it to ultimately fail and lead to a general outbreak across Australia. Economically, this would be preferable to endless lockdowns while vaccines get rolled out and then found to be only partially effective. British health minister, Sajid Javid and a bunch of Texas Democrat Representatives are amongst those who were fully vaccinated and still contracted CoViD
NSW have a very loose lockdown compared to Victoria. The NSW Premier was actually suggesting people carry masks when out and wear them if caught up in a crowd. In Victoria, people were taken away in a van if they did not wear a mask outside their home.
In NSW people could declare themselves essential workers – no work permits there!. At least gardeners can still working in Victoria this time around but not last year.
Victoria has travel restriction of 5km from home and last year there were overnight curfews as well. The curfews were very effective because police were able to stop every car on the streets and check if the driver had a work permit. I recall eerily dark streets devoid of traffic last year. As far as I can assess there are no travel limits in NSW or curfew.
I would not be surprised if NSW needs to introduce curfews to get on top of this outbreak. Taiwan managed their Delta outbreak without curfew or intercity travel restrictions but the population is more homogenous there than NSW. NSW needs to start face to face with community leaders like the health officials did in Victoria.
I often wonder what planet the reporters are from when they talk about how draconian the NSW lockdowns are. Everything is bigger and more important because the Sydney bubble.
Big Hi to all the folks in Dubbo!
Probably worth pointing out that Melbourne has achieved staggeringly worse outcomes than Sydney.
Approx 90% of Australian COVID deaths happened in Melbourne. I do not believe that self flagellation will appease the gods, I do believe that you should pay attention to what works … Melbourne is an example of lockdown failure and no one should emulate that.
Tel, sadly this is Gladys’s “Dan” moment. Dan learnt his lesson after being too slow in 2020. Gladys is failing in 2021. She arrogantly kept using the same technique but the virus changed.
She got away with it last year, but was always one superspreader event away from disaster then.
I am hoping for Sydneys sake and the rest of the nation, that she learns some lessons from Dan and all the other premiers.
Daily Mail Australia editor tells staff when writing stories that include the views of anti-vaxxers, to “make sure your stories are rubbishing their claims”.
Is this why so many news stories these days read like opinion pieces rather than just reporting various views so the public can be informed? Regardless of whether it’s this issue or another issue, whether you agree with anti-vax or not, it’d be great if news services reported without an agenda.
Aunty's edifice shows signs of cracking.
I do not see any cracks.
When they have an article that details how those with responsibility for the weather archives are changing history I would suggest cracks are visible then.
The article hypes events that have been proven to be nothing out of the ordinary. As an aside, I note that forestry rules in Victoria prevent removal of hollow logs from State forests as they are regarded as habitat. Having plenty of hollow logs on the forest floor guarantee intense fires that fry their inhabitants before they escape.
I see press articles talking about 100yr ARI events occurring recently in Germany and China as if they are rare. I can recall pointing out to the inspector of dams in Queensland that he could expect 2 to 3 100Yr events every year in his 200+ dam inventory if that was the criteria required. Serious rain events can be confined to relatively small area. Major dams with high loss potential require to withstand the maximum probable event in Australia. There would be close to zero probability of not experiencing a 100yr ARI rain event somewhere in the world every day.
It often surprised me how little expense was required to improve the ARI for flooding from 100Yr to 1000Yr or even more in dam, tunnel and pit design. I can recall a dam design engineer for a Queensland dam that was never built wanting to get construction insurance where the footing would be lost in a 1 in 30yr rain event. A change in the construction plan put the risk beyond the MPF at no extra cost.
There are many building locations in Australia that are flood plains. They are bound to flood! And then people wonder why they cannot insure for flood risk.
With regard climate in the northern hemisphere. It will be warming up for a while yet. The myopic focus on CO2 means the cause of real climate change are not even on the agenda.
"At the very least, I think we can say that we don't have a great deal of confidence that this is a clear effect of climate change.
"But there is some indication that there might be more persistence of weather systems, as the jet stream may be allowing them to remain in place for longer.
"This could be contributing to some extreme weather events", Dr King said.
The weather observations from Thredbo Top Station have disappeared from the “All NSW Observations” tab on the top of their website. I phoned the Bureau to asked them what happened to the Thredbo Top Station. The woman I spoke with put me on hold for 10 minutes, then came back on line and said I should look at the observations for Thredbo Village and Perisher instead. When I asked what happened to the Thredbo Top Station, she said they would look into it. They are doing a great job.
I saw the same thing for the past couple of weeks.
I live about 25km away from Thredbo Top Station and I have been watching Perisher Top station (which has been -5 to -12) over the past few weeks.
I know that a few years ago, Thredbo Top Station hit -15.3 but it was changed to -10 a few days later. A lot of people complained about the change and so BOM had to change it back (and I don’t doubt that it has probably been homogenised back to -10).
So I would expect, given that its been very cold (and it will get colder in the approach to mid-August), that Thredbo Top Station recorded a number of temps south of -15.3 over a number of nights (maybe even down to -20), and because the BOM couldn’t have that on the record (otherwise it would break the “global warming”/”climate change” mantra) the BOM just turned Thredbo Top Station off.
Glen this is really interesting. Can u check your email. (please) I want to get in touch.
Electroverse did an article on this. I’m not sure that the theory of a cold temperature subverting a “global warming matra” holds up.
I’m assuming glen means that it will wreck averages or change a slope or something. The reason I say that is that the station is not that old plus wiki tells me that 8 of the top 10 coldest recorded temperatures are in the last 30 years. A new record is not likely to shift anything.
I was wracking my brain trying to think about where I saw the Thredbo change — ELECTROVERSE — thanks Gee Aye 🙂
Just read about a chap who might have found a way out of the "you can't work here without the jabs'" policy of so many businesses.
Through his lawyer he made it clear to his company that he would be demanding to know the status of all other employees' health conditions with regard to communicable diseases. He would be demanding information on employees with flu, hepatitis, measles, mumps, STDs, etc.
"If they were going to take responsibility for stopping the spread of Covid-19 in the building they were now liable for the spread of anything else …
…. within 24 hours we were all informed that they would no longer demand to see our vaxx papers."
How about passports and mandatory QR codes for paedophiles and rapists?
Oh, that's right.
It goes against their human rights and it's an invasion of their privacy.
Paedophiles might appear safer than the unvaccinated.
Beijing rejects WHO Lab theory.
‘No way’ Beijing can accept origin tracing study proposal which includes possible breach of laboratory protocols.
'National Health Commission deputy minister says clear conclusion from first study should not be repeatedly investigated.' (SCMP)
If you wanted to start WWIII with a biological weapon expecting to cut a swathe through your opposition, you would not tell anyone and you would deny it with menaces. So what is the purpose of the military Wuhan Viral Laboratory? Lamingtons?
On a need to know basis, they think we don't need to know, move along.
Wonder how they are handling the Delta variant?
Yes they might have wanted to start a war but Fauci admitted he funded their research. So does that mean Fauci is a traitor if war broke out? Or does it mean that the US and China will combine to war with someone else? Oh what a tangled web of lies these evil people weave.
They claim their research is for defensive purposes only.
Same as how we sent the defence forces to invade Iraq for defensive purposes only.
Conscience is the thing that warns you beforehand … and karma is the thing that reminds you afterwards.
And Kim Jon Un is sick. His weight has dropped from 21 stone to 19 stone in a month. Not skinny for someone who is 5'7" in high heels.
Getting to the shape of the rocket man 🙂
Light and Easy
New Hope takes on Friends of the Earth.
FOE, good name for those pocket billiards exponents.
Yes let's hope they and their follows in big business get hit with lots of law suits for perpetrating one of the biggest if not the biggest scam of all time. Also, we don't want Friends of the Earth to quietly slide back into their hole from whence they came. We need to have them arrested and charged for a variety of crimes, and have them tested in a court of law regardless of whether they are successful or not. They need to be exposed for what they really are: economic terrorists and scam artists leading to millions of not billions being scammed from the people. They have spread alarmist crap and coerced people to follow their fake nonsense. Then again that's becoming the norm now; scaremonger the masses with fake alarmist talk, such as scaring people into getting vaccinated so I don't expect such nonsense to be taken to court. I suspect we will have to go down the other much more troublesome path to expose the scam artists once and for all.
Brisbane chosen as Olympic city for 2032, I reckon all QLDer's north of Rocky must be just ecstatic.
Seems the circuses part of bread and circuses is alive and well.
After years of discussions and negotiations, in February the IOC named Brisbane as its preferred bidder. Cities in India, Indonesia, Qatar, Spain and a region of Germany signalled their interest but their bids did not advance to the IOC board approval stage. For this reason, Brisbane was awarded hosting rights unopposed. In other words, no one else really wanted the it. Brisbane: sucked in! I actually expect it will be an unmitigated disaster and a total waste of money since by then the world will be at war, about to go at war at least so bad no one in their right mind would want to host the Olympics.
Will Brisbane be out of self quarantine by then?
Lots of opportunity to host the winter games 🙂
As a Queenslander north of the tropic I am underwhelmed but I believe PeterS to be unduly pessimistic.
As an old phart who [sorta] believes in red ball cricket, I fear what they will do to the 'Gabba.
I hope you are right but reality bites.
I am guessing that a Brisbane centric govt (arent they all?) will starve the regions to fund this fiasco and the debt that follows. Really its hard to imagine what the Olympics will look like in 2032. I am doubting it will have much to do with excellence of human achievement on a level playing field.
Bit of reflection to swine flu (1976) when mass vaccination program was halted after 4,000 reported adverse events.
In Once Great Britain the Government is spending billions of taxpayer pounds subsidising domestic heat pumps for heating homes in order to "save the planet".
Here is a critical look at that:
'In England, it is estimated that around 9 in 10 adults, or 91.9% of the adult population (95% credible interval: 90.5% to 93.0%) would have tested positive for antibodies against coronavirus (COVID-19) – SARS-CoV-2 – on a blood test in the week beginning 28 June 2021, suggesting they had the infection in the past or have been vaccinated.'
O Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz! J. Joplin
Methinks my next car will be a rebuilt classic car. . .
I think most people feel the same. This is part of why they pursue policies to make hydrocarbon fuels too expensive to use. A free market cannot be tolerated by the tyrants. Back in 09 Pelosi wanted to ban classic cars' parts.
An electric MB for probably 100k+, or this:
or this if your going spend that kind of money:
Very nice classic Benzs from the 80s and 90s are cheap as chips in my country. Most are scared of maintenance costs.
If you can do most of your own maintenance and repairs then a classic ICE car is the way to go. I have a Mercedes with nearly 300,000 miles on it. It runs like new. Plus it gets about 35 mpg in straight highway driving. I got it for less than $10k 10 years ago.
You can buy a lot of gasoline with $90K. At least that used to be the case….
Biden/CNN ‘Open House’
Is Biden the most pathetic US president in history? When will Biden become so embarrassing that even the fake media will no longer cover his ‘news conferences’.
We are so lost.
Chinese officials lie on que … have stated that a WHO investigation of the Wuhan Virus Laboratory, in China, would a …. “disrespect for common sense and arrogance towards science’.
China has rejected the next stage of a World Health Organization (WHO) plan to investigate the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.
The WHO wants to audit laboratories in the area the virus was first identified.
What's more disgusting is somebody like Don Lemon blatantly coaching Biden by his leading questions. Even telling him what the answers should be. I think there's probably a lot of that going on behind the scenes. The question at this point is the media taking talking points from the Democrat party, or is the Democrat Party taking talking points from the media?
audit over a year down the track? apart from theatre why? anything meaningful will be long gone
Perhaps something to add to the covid toolkit.
“An anti-viral nasal spray called Enovid that was developed in Canada and tested in the UK can reduce the viral loads in confirmed COVID-19 cases by 95% in 24 hours and 99% in 72 hours….It has been able to suppress the SARS-CoV-2 virus within two minutes, including the Alpha and Gamma variants, according to the release.”
“Are you more likely to die from the “vaccine” or from Covid?”
Given the sworn statement of a whistle-blower (see my post below) the question needs a through investigation. Given our governments are reluctant to do it they must have something to hide. It’s rapidly becoming very much like the CAGW scam. My guess is they want to maintain their story line either because they are fools and have fallen for the scam or they know it’s a scam and want to pursue it to its conclusion, along with the CAGW scam and whatever else they will come up with in the near future. Either way we are “cooked”.
The whistleblower filed a sworn statement under penalty of perjury alleging the actual number of COVID vaccine-related deaths is closer to 45,000. The whistleblower alleged that VAERS, while extremely useful, is under-reported by a conservative factor of at least five.
In her statement, she said:
If his comments are true, and given he filed a sworn statement to that effect it likely is but one can’t be certain, then the vaccination for the COVID-19 virus should be immediately halted as we are witnessing government mandated murder. If he is telling lies then he ought to be arrested and taken to court where it can be settled once and for all. This issue can’t be left dangling. This is an extremely serious allegation. Those who still brush this under the carpet must therefore have something to hide and are not willing to discuss it, just like the CAGW scam.
“Peter Campion guest post. Journalists love official information”
So that what they call lies today; “official information”. The difference between the novel 1984 and today is in the novel there is only one “Ministry of Truth”. Today we have many “Ministries of Truth” so the effect will be much more pronounced.
“Immunity Debt”
“Is what you get when you lock people down and keep them isolated from one another. New Zealand is finding this out the hard way with an unprecedented outbreak of RS virus. And as it has yet to peak they’re getting worried about treatment supplies. Here is the NY Times story on it. Check out this chart, the bump of blue lines in the middle are normal years, the green line across the bottom was 2020, basically zero all year, and the red line is up until July 12 this year.”
If the lockdowns mania is not stopped for good soon, civil unrest will be on the rise throughout the Western world, even in sleepy Australia.
Oh BTW, yes herd immunity with proper medical treatments and the usual health precautions is a far better approach than using experiential vaccines that have been proven not to be as effective as they thought, and have been proven to be dangerous and even deadly for some. Surprise surprise.
Not sure how a line is drawn through lockdowns to an RSV outbreak, but in any case and way more important, I hope the little ones make it through.
The Olympics opening ceremony starts tonight, but here’s a side of Tokyo you won’t see
Hope that Japan does well at supressing Delta. Things didn’t work out well for foreigners after The Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan, 1923 That event still influences what is happening today
It is genuinely a tragedy. I wish them much better this time
Update for those not under their beds.–Updates-on-Worldwide-Freedom-Rally–July-24th–WeWillAllBeThere.html?soid=1101800214009&aid=ffuEmfGPSoA
I used to write about fraud and grift of the renewables sector several years ago. I just started a new project aggregating news stories about the same. It called the RDH News Network on Telegram and I just got it stated a couple of hits ago. Have a bunch up already. Please check it out.
John formerly of The Daily Bail
I’ll be in touch again Jo to ask permission from time to time to put some of your articles up if that’s ok.
“Canadian Madness Down Under”
This is not juat about EVs. Seems to be a problem for everything now.
How does one choose a car knowing that replacement electronics/software will be available 10 years into the future?
wouldnt the problem be not knowing?
NSW is now saying we should declare a national emergency. What, after just one or two deaths? What about the hundreds of deaths due to suicides, car accidents, cancer and other diseases? NSW government has effectively declared war on us. I do hope the PM tells her where to shove her alarmist crap. Better still he should tell her to stop scaremongering the people. I bet he won’t, he’s such a hypocrite and a coward.
Those deaths aren’t important, the deaths from those who miss out on diagnoses aren’t important, organ transplant is not important, its all about a runny nose and the 100 year olds, living one more day in palliative care.
Imaginations run wild, be afraid.
Every year in recent years up to 2019, like clockwork, 900+ people have died of influenza and 900+ people have died of pneumonia in NSW. Dont know hospitalizations but it has to be in the 1000’s. No national emergency, no State emergency, no media hysteria, no talk of vax passports, no nothing really, business as usual.
Wind turbines operate under great turbulence, with consequences for grid stability
A whisper of wind yesterday in the UK
Ccgt is gas turbine?
Becalmed since Sunday
Closed circuit gas turbine: More efficient than open circuit because they have heat recovery but take longer to spool up so not as useful for peaking supply.
More wind turbineturbulence stuff
This wake turbuloance thing is important because it disrupts the boundary layer flow between land and air. CO2 and water vapor get mixed in the turbulent flow and get lofted high in the sky. Those CO2 levels that people are measuring are close to the ground. Co2 is heavy and sinks to lower spaces. That and air temperature and humidit(solubility) is why its measurement is so variable
The wake turbulence mixes the Co2 and water vapor in avertical column, in the order of the height of the windmill. Think about how much that lofts water vapor and co2 skyward!
Wind turbines alter the microlimate of the location where they are sited. This and the discouragement/purging of flying insects bats and birds alters the ecology of their location.
I don’t know the overall net effect(s) but they will be significant. There is more to it than mere soil dehydration which is but one manifistation of the boundary layer disruption
Much more going on with wind turbines than mere electric power generation
Finally, althering the boundary flow,changing those fluid flow properties close to the surface changes the weather!
I wish we had truth in the reporting for the COVID stats but like the temperature data for climate change alarmists, they are not to be trusted and are most certainly not revealing the whole story. More and more reports are coming in with people all around the world who have been vaccinated getting tested positive and in some cases sick yet the non-vaccinated ones are less prone to be tested positive and sick. Either as some are now saying the vaccines are reducing people’s immune system, which is the opposite of what they are supposed to do (which is why some are not calling them non-vaccines) or the vaccines are not working and people are under the illusion they are totally protected (which is not true even according to those pushing the vaccines) and so take more risks to get infected. Could be both.
Department Of State Decertifies Fulton County’s Voting System
Acting Secretary of State Veronica W. Degraffenreid announced
And she is the appointee of a Democrat state governor (Tom Wolfe)
So no evidence at all of electoral fraud, eh?
Do not misunderstand: She, and other deep-state corruptocrats, fought against allowing the audits to proceed. They maintain there was no problem with the last election; but permitting “outsiders” access to the machines to take forensic images has compromised the machines and they can no longer be trusted in future elections.
Peter, the first two did not work well enough, the solution is two more, Bill Gates the most knowledge doctor in the world said it may take one a month.
Just remove all the blood and replace it with mRNA, won’t catch anything then, its all about the dose.
Him first and the rest of us will wait.
His not stupid, that title is for those who think he is.
The ICE is not going to die without a fight.
While the EV crowd cry every new, incremental improvement from the rooftops the old engineers are working on the petrol engine and achieving surprising results. The Mazda SkyActiv X “spark assisted diesel” engine running on petrol is quoted as achieving 40% thermal efficiency.
Well there is a new kid on the block Alphadan. It is a simple inline 4 which has overcome the inherent balance problems in such engines which limit their size to 3 l max. with no added complexity such as balance shafts.
It will begin life as a 7.5l inline 4 outboard engine developing 654 hp @ 5.500 rpm. It will also utilise the FreeValve system in which the valves are electronically operated.
What the ICE will need to do to convince the “mob” , is a method og eliminating the majority of emissions of “undesireable” products.
I dont think the Alphadan make much progress in that direction.
But others , such as Lord Bamford..of JCB company fame, is convinced that Hydrogen CAN be used as a clean fuel for ICEs.(.despite most other auto manufacturers having tried and given up on the idea )
And , some of the reasons why folk have given up..
But dont worry, there will always be an application that requires ICEs, and there will still be great ICE powered cars for the rest of time on these roads !
Fauci Becoming an International Villain
We’ve had some noisy aircraft in the area lately. I’ve heard the F 35 a few times but haven’t seen it, and it IS noisy. Just now an Osprey, a tilt-wing VTOL aircraft shook the house, rattled us more than Chinooks do. They can demolish helipads.
I recall the footage of an Osprey destroying planned landing area (aka the local oval) in suburban Brissie during the G whatever it was shindig there. Comforting (if a bit rattling) to have some military hardware about…….or does that just mean you are closer to the threat? exercises on up there?
Talisman Sabre is based on Shoalwater Bay, 500 m south of me, where the live firing happens but the exercise covers a large area. FlightRadar24 showed C130s flying into our airport from Proserpine, about half way to the range but I don’t hear them, they take the visitors’ rout around the mountain near me.
I am close to Lavarack Brks. where the choppers operate from. It was from there the Blackhawks flew on the deadly exercise when two collided and 18 SAS troops died.
Like you I draw comfort from the expensive noise. If you’ve got the gear you must practice using it.
Looks like NSW will be in lockdown until at least October, when, according to the Three Stooges (IE; Gladys, Kerry, Brad), NSW will have 80% vaccinations. HA HA HA, what a joke. Moe, Larry and Curly could do a better job than the paid politicians/public servants we have to suffer.
Mapping the sea floor is only the start, ultimately they will discover that warm water at depth behaves strangely.
An economic view
The word play is on Mark Carney of Canadian, British and other banking
A warning around Ivermectin
With IVM the terms I’m used to here in Oz are “drench” is by mouth, “pour-on” is by skin in concentrated form and “jet” is by skin in diluted form with sheep where it is absorbed in the wool grease.