A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Trump reveals one of the key differences between left-wing parties and the so-called conservative parties, which has relevance here as well as in the US. The left-wing parties are well organised, team orientated and focused. The so-called conservative parties are sometimes a rabble for a number of reasons.
Trump shreds RINOs, establishment GOP at CPAC: Democrats are viscous, but they’re united
Vote for a lesser evil.
Doesn’t solve the problem. It’s still evil.
Yea, lesser evil is simply evil that hasn’t got up to speed yet.
True. The lesser evil though is fast catching up, perhaps might even overtake!
The Witcher – The Lesser Evil Scene [Geralt Of Rivia]
Fair weather conservatives give me the sheets. Leftists vote left absolutely, no matter haw badly Dan [for eg.] stuffs up, but conservatives turn on their leaders whenever there is something they don’t like.
I’ve got news for you turncoats, the greens, the reds and crazy indies are a LOT worse. The assassination of Tony Abbot was a disgrace.
I’ve got news for you turncoats, the greens, the reds and crazy indies are a LOT worse. The assassination of Tony Abbot was a disgrace.
Interesting call. Abbott’s assassination of Malcolm Turnbull (twice) would take some beating.
Rushing in to support Turnbull.. How far leftist is that !!
“conservatives turn on their leaders whenever there is something they don’t like.”
Just not nearly fast enough.
IMHO There is a good reason for that Mr. Trump …
Usually seeks party control through tiered hierarchical centralization that limits choice, limits opinions and prevents disparate voices being heard or debated. A consensus managed from the top layer seeking to rule the party by any means at hand, often through a personality cult dressed-up as the party consensus.
The left seeks to maximize the size and cost of the government.
The Left rules over citizens by ‘divide and conquer’ methods that so often instills animosity between groups by emphasizing difference, e.g. perceived privilege, skin color, gender differences, religious beliefs, personal wealth, etc. A party that often explains its actions through the immorality of ‘the ends justifies the means’.
So, not such a party of ‘organised, team orientated and focused’ but more a party of limited but divisive ideas, with party members kept on a tight leash by the party leaders and their apparatchiks.
Are a diverse grouping of individuals who can tolerate and appreciate a wide range of opinions and views regardless of communicator’s perceived privilege, skin color, gender, religion, personal wealth, etc.
The libertarian right seeks to limit government size, government’s take of the national wealth, and to balance the budget.
Libertarian society runs to maximize personal improvement, freedoms and morality along with free markets and consumer choice. It seeks to be the party of ‘Law and Order’ while minimizing legal and governmental overreach, and maintaining (or strengthening as required) all citizens’ and the nation’s independence.
So not such a ‘rabble’ party but one of profound beliefs and some doubts. A party that needs a leader (by the consent of the party majority), who, with their trusted team, can emphasize how to practically achieve such high goals and explained it to all party members and citizens alike.
Tom , while all true, just as CAGW skeptics are everyone that’s not a sky is falling chicken little, one must factor in “ The march through the institutions” The statists infiltrate and politicize every organization, including their opposition. The ends justifies all means, and over a hundred million dead citizens of such statist tyrannical criminals are testament to that Democide.
Socialist Democrats USA
Interesting, does the link mean to imply that Democrats are viscous, I.e. thick, or vicious, I.e nasty and addicted to vice? Or both?
The issue isn’t so much left and right as power. Trump’s popularity is solely due to not needing to be an elected official so not kowtowing to king makers, even giving them the finger. He did a good job in his 4 years. The attack on HCQ and misrepresentation of the disinfection comment highlight that the media wanted to and needed to scrape the bottom of the barrel to demonise him. That there was no Hunter Biden moment shows that he was motivated for the country to be run well. His ego limited to being remembered for doing that.
This left/right fight is more about power in a democracy by either good leadership or superficial leadership. The left have made the right look racist by not wanting to play along with cult like symbolism, callus towards the poor for not bringing down a system that generates the wealth that means first world poor get food and medical care better than royalty not many centuries ago, and not looking after future generations because they don’t buy into the convoluted reasoning that they will be happier using far from free and reliable renewable energy.
Behind it is the trick that an argument can sound compelling if it attacks injustice and it survives scrutiny solely for that reason. Being left is merely insisting that power needs to change from being in the hands of those already in power. Social justice is just the scam to do that. Its not really a left thing.
[Was caught in the spam trap]ED
🙂 🙂 🙂
They’re a P&C group
DemoCraps still summed up by this US Comment
So let me get this straight. We have a President with dementia. An ex-call girl for a Vice President. A transvestite overseeing HHS. A President’s son who is a crackhead, a human-trafficking p@dophile who money laundered billions from other countries sharing half with his dad. The crackhead’s buddy is the head of the DEA. The crackhead’s other buddy is now in the DOJ. A guy who is sleeping with the Chinese spy is overseeing our DHS. We are borrowing all of our money now from China. Thousands of immigrants are coming in for our jobs and Social Security Benefits. And the Democrats are still focusing on destroying a former President. Add this to the 40,000 jobs lost in the past months. Yet we are supposed to believe that Biden is pro America? You just can’t make all this up. God help our children & grandchildren
Other States Look To Texas For Advice On How To Get Democrats To Leave
Very funny. However ……..
23 Page PDF – Conducted at the Direction of
Senator Tom Cotton
Congressman Jim Banks
Congressman Dan Crenshaw
Congressman Mike Gallagher
Findings: Insufficient focus on war fighting.
I was so shocked with the USS McCain and the USS Fitzgerald accidents and loss of life I was convinced there were dastardly deeds involved. I now accept that they were bad seamanship, pure and simple. As an ex serviceman I was unwilling to accept that for a long time.
The US lost a lot of aircraft in ‘Nam because of degradation of close-in combat skills, probably because of over confidence that missiles would make dog fighting obsolete. The Top Gun school is only part of the remedy. The USAF and Marines pay civilian companies to fly modern jets as the intruder forces in exercise.
SMH: “If green hydrogen becomes competitive … gas prices will plummet”
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
My first thought when reading “If green hydrogen becomes competitive with natural gas by the end of the decade” was wow, that’s a really big IF.
There’s a simple way to make green hydrogen competitive. Ban everything else.
That is the Greens’ perspective.
And that is the basis on which economists should be making their calculations, at today’s prices, not some fanciful future “if”.
Actually, it should be calculated on historical prices, but that would be beyond them.
“A credible 2030 [net zero] target in Glasgow.”
My first thought was that Fortescue Metals could be a good shorting opportunity
If they truly waste money “investing” in hydrogen infrastructure, if will have a long drag on their future cashflow.
Have FMG shares bought for $4.33. 😉
The prognostications of the “intellectual left” have always fell into a seething pile of excrement. Wilkinson is beyond dopey. Maybe a read of HL Mencken.
National Press Club Address PM Morrison …
Our economic recovery plan, I should stress, is underpinned by something incredibly important, and that is delivering affordable and reliable energy in a way that positions Australia to be successful in the lower and ultimately net zero emissions global economy of the future.
Our goal is to reach net zero emissions as soon as possible, and preferably by 2050.
But when we get there, when we get there, whether in Australia or anywhere else, that will depend on the advances made in science and technology needed to commercially transform not just advanced economies and countries, but the developing world as well.
Science and technology will, as it always has in these areas, set the pace and in the developing world this is important because it is in those countries that dominate the emissions horizon.
In Australia, we will do this by investing and partnering in the technology breakthroughs needed to reduce and offset emissions in a way that enables our heavy industry in particular, industry more broadly, jobs and living standards, especially in regional Australia, to continue and to keep energy costs down.
In Australia, my Government will not tax our way to net zero emissions. I will not put that cost on Australians and I will particularly not ask regional Australians to carry that burden.
Getting to net zero, whether here or anywhere else, should be about technology not taxes and high prices.
In Australia, we’re not waiting on this, we’re getting on with it.
Emissions fell by 3 percent in the year to June 2020, to their lowest levels since 1998, meaning we are now nearly 17 percent below 2005 levels. These are the facts. Now, this compares to reductions of approximately 9 percent on average across the OECD, 1 percent in New Zealand and less than 1 percent in Canada. So we’re not waiting.
Handful of cities driving urban greenhouse gas emissions: study
LONDON/MADRID — Just 25 big cities – almost all of them in China — accounted for more than half of the climate-warming gases pumped out by a sample of 167 urban hubs around the world, an analysis of emissions trends showed on Monday.
In per-capita terms, however, emissions from cities in the richest parts of the world are still generally higher than those from urban centers in developing countries, researchers found in the study published in the open access journal Frontiers in Sustainable Cities.
The study compared greenhouse gas emissions reported by 167 cities in 53 countries, and found that 23 Chinese cities — among them Shanghai, Beijing and Handan‚ along with Moscow and Tokyo — accounted for 52% of the total.
National Press Club Address PM Morrison
Yeah, yeah, yeah…so the RET is just a myth is it?
Politicians, all they do is spin.
Green hydrogen ??
When you burn it, it releases water vapour
Has any one told these clowns that water vapour is the predominant green house gas in the atmosphere
Just substituting one gas co2 for another h2o
More waste of money to make someone rich at taxpayer expense
Just burn coal and gas and transition to nuclear over time use petrol and diesel. Evs may be suitable for city driving but useless and too expensive in the regions
windmills and solar panels are useless in providing base load power 24/7
Don’t fret, there is ZERO chance of that happening, even if the stupid govt pay for it.
People should relax as nothing will change. The world is entering dissolution, deconstruction and a chaotic set for a fair while. Be prepared for it is written. We will- or some of us will adapt. Wisdom is needed.
(Australia risks being overrun in this clean energy race.)
No, we will just be the last lemming to arrive at the cliff.
Comment from GAB:
Chris Langan
I am not familiar with the incidents mention above so I would be very interested in your comments.
I wouldn’t make any connection at all between the gun amnesty and buyback which followed Port Arthur and the state of government in this country. And I find the rhetoric of the article particularly unconvincing.
I’m old enough to remember a time when police in Australia went unarmed. Frankly I preferred it that way.
And while I’m on a rant, the USA would do well to emulate our voting system, adopt our public health system, and maintain generally neutral security organisations.
I can’t think of a single problem in Australia which could be made better by the widespread public ownership of firearms.
you da man FG
As our american cousins would say I calls ’em as I sees ’em.
I grew up in an era in Australia of Smiley gets a Gun – “the Gun is always loaded and a Mule always kicks”
Was taught how to use & hunt with Guns, and full Gun Safety – Reinforced during Time in the Army.
Guns don’t kill – Humans kill
I grew up in the same era and I might add that you are correct on all points OldOzzie.
And those humans are predominantly Leftists. Funny about that, huh?
I agree FG, it reminds me of my Democrat nephew and his wife who were always anti-gun and lived in a highly secure gated community. One bright sunny afternoon while my nephew was at work, his wife was held at gunpoint for three hours in her own living room. No shots were fired.
My nephew is not anti-gun anymore, matter of fact they stash several guns around the house now. And they’re not Democrats anymore either.
One problem that widespread public ownership of firearms makes better is personal security, and not relying on the state police to save you because they won’t. It also cures the disease of empty headed Leftism. Thats two things firearms make better right there, FG.
I calls ’em as I sees ’em.
Other then inner city statist crime factories, the gun violence rate in the USA is very low. Especially in communities of high gun ownership. Pain is a prod to memory, and attempting to recommit crimes against armed people is often educational.
The US is uniquely structured by the specific freedoms outlined, and by state rights verses central federal government, with very specific limitations on all group power. The statists have striving to destroy the US for over a century, and they are succeeding.
Comments such as made by Forrest Gardner fail to understand the US ideal of the right to be left alone, or of insidious nature of the essential evil of Government, power OVER others, and the corruptions that systemically follow this evil.
Will you still say that when the forced vaccinations come?
I can tell you that they police here in USA refuse to enforce mask rules. They refuse to check on the number of people assembling. The reason for the second amendment is to protect yourself against the government. With how they Australian government has been treating Australians for the last 20 years, you need your own second amendment.
Can’t happen here – we still think like children and not allowed to have guns and nuclear energy.
Tasmania’s gun laws were too lax.
Other states had adequate regulation.
After much hysterical reaction the end result was that Tasmania’s regulations came up to scratch.
The Howard government tried to ban ALL privately owned firearms. The leaders of the National Party supported Howard, despite the fact that for farmers firearms are a tool of trade.
After much uproar, some sort of sanity prevailed. But a lot of lifelong enmities were created.
As I remember it, the guy who shot up Port Arthur was a nutcase who was friends with a family who had guns in a locked gun-safe (as per requirements). He murdered the family and took the guns, then went to Port Arthur and shot the place up.
It’s a case where he was determined to go through with his intention some hell or high water.
Get yourself up to speed mate.
Not a terribly useful answer. Do you have a specific point to make at all?
My thanks to everyone who replied to my question about the GAB comment. As has been said before on this blog, Australia is not the US, so its good to get your perspective on the events mentioned in the GAB comment.
Hi Ric,
the GAB article conflates a number of things together and that isn’t always useful.
The main question we have to ask is why do criminals in Australia have guns?
Why haven’t politicians risen to the task of cleaning up criminals, taking their guns away and putting those unregistered firearm holders in gaol.
Like many others I would prefer to live in a society where only the police had guns but at the moment there are areas of Sydney and Melbourne which are seemingly left by politicians who need the votes and as a consequence the public suffers.
If I lived on an isolated farm I would like to have a gun and no doubt many living in those city areas would be justified in wanting one.
The police would also be a lot happier if criminals were disarmed but it’s a political matter so status quo.
There are many benefits to having a gun free society, especially when people get a bit down; a number of farmers might still be with us if the government had been considerate in managing their predicament and if guns hadn’t seemed to be the nearest option.
Remember Del Shannon.
Good politics can make or break us; the turnaround in New York was a result of determined action and it became a great place. Just what it’s like now?
I fear all of that progress may have been lost.
Good answer KK
Thank you.
Suicide is a result, fixing the result leaves the cause un-noticed. The cause is government, than via the legal system sending them broke. Government is never a solution, look at the state we are in and you want more government.
I have no issue with widespread firearm ownership, in fact encourage it.
A disarmed population is a vulnerable one, which may be the reason why Socialist JW Howard introduced gun registration after an alleged “madman” with a shot/kill ratio on par with a military marksman allegedly killed so many in Pt Arthur. Some eyewitness reports said there were 2 shooters….riddle me that, Batman…
The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. Im not calling for a wild west scenario, however places that have very high legal firearm ownership also statistically have low gun crime.
Watch the USA as Bidet moves rapidly to disarm people so the monstering of the population can truly begin.
Tyrants remove guns first…Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Armenia….then start in on the population.
Those who refuse to learn from history ate doomed to repeat it.
Well said Steve!
Don’t bring a syringe to a gunfight.
Wow, did you consider what you wrote?
Hi Keith
Yes i did, and consider the comments are reasonable and grounded in pragmatism and a good understanding of history.
The Left have gaslighted australia for a long time, to undermine us and make us question our ability to trust people and use our own sound judgement. Socialism ends usually in tears …
There’s been a lot of comment from people here who own guns who say they need them for protection.
If the current despotic rule by the elected class isn’t enough to stir all of you to action what is.
In the U.S. they have lost many cities to lawless mobs.
In Australia we have armed gangs in the streets of Sydney and Melbourne and others moving around on motor bikes as if they run the place; maybe they do.
America has been smashed and torched by the OBiden regime and their massive GOPDEM swamp.
Maybe U.S.gun owners realise that the swamp is just too big. Desperate times.
In Australia we have dug ourselves a hole with the free handout mentality that didn’t exist even in the extreme poverty if post WW11.
Can people shoot their way out of that?
That comment sounds like ABCCCC Verbalism.
You are putting words in my mouth that I never said or implied.
Morning Keith, its your comment that sounds like ABC dribble and that was your a quote I posted.
“Like many others I would prefer to live in a society where only the police had guns”. The police is government, so only the government should have guns, worked out well throughout history, but this time it will be different!
Del Shannon was a suicide by gun, the latest trend for the “special people” is hanging themselves off door knobs, maybe its best only the government has door knobs.
People who will commit suicide will do it by any means, I have had two friends suicide, both from a tree and I had no idea they were in that state of mind, no flashing signals, the ones that signal are sympathy seekers in my view.
The farmers that do suicide is due in large to the continual stream of regulation and changes to their land use by government that ties what little money they have against the bottomless pit of taxpayer funded government.
Your whole statement is more government, its governments fault, we should of been put on a shorter chain sooner.
The government want nothing less than to remove any chance of possible resistance. They are doing this one legal gun owner at a time via trumped up charges.
Port Arthur was a one off, never before or since, yet the government needed to save us from ourselves.
More guns are in the hands of the public now then at that time, yet no other mass shooting has occurred?
80% of mass shootings in the US are by handguns, yet they want to ban “assault weapons” whatever the hell that is.
Gun free London has overtaken New York in murders, government should ban knives?
Port Arthur needs to be reopened and the documents of the event the Tas government sealed for 30 years need to be released.
There has been a lot of investigation outside of the official narrative.
Here is a pod cast by Keith Allen, begs the question.
Keith Allen Noble has also done lots of work on the Falconio disappearance this day 2001.
Please don’t misrepresent my comments.
Bad answer KK.
What’s the drama. Guns have a place in society, farms, the bush, but there’s a down side that can have unpleasant consequences.
There is a downside to evil. There us a strong historical downside to disarming the decent , and giving power over the decent to those who crave it.
You obviously didn’t read my comments; please read them.
I respect your comments, yet my response was to these aspects..,
“ Like many others I would prefer to live in a society where only the police had guns”
( It has been called a “ police state”)
And yes there is a downside to hate, to violence, to evil people with power over others. Guns in the hands of citizens are, if anything, a counter to that downside. Human history is full of violence, and it appears to be a part of human nature, a dark side that is somewhat systemic. By making individuals less powerful, and less responsible, the state is always made more powerful, and the potential for the destructive dark aspect of human nature to ascend is enhanced, and historical facts show this to be inevitable.
There is also a Nobel nature in humanity that thrives in self responsibility and co-committant relationship to others. This is nurtured in freedom and respect.
Guns are not the problem, power is not the problem, as all want power, power to choose a vocation, to live where the want, to benefit ourselves and loved ones through work and savings. But the desire for power becomes essentially evil when it seeks that power, as power OVER others. All crimes are basically crimes of power OVER others. That is the problem, repeated throughout history. Guns in the hands of citizens is not the problem.
O.K. David, you’ve convinced me.
We need to take action so will you join us in taking back.our democracy?
I haven’t practised for 65 years so need a month to get ready.
Got to disagree with you Keith.
Guns are tools.
Without human usage,they do naught.
Have been around them all my life,mine collect dust and will rust if left untended..
Why do you think our Progressive Comrades had to invent the mythical “Assault Rifle”.
which according to their memes,is a self loading,self directing killing machine,requiring no human input.
The willful ignorance in Progressive gun tales,is awe inspiring.
The best counter to such gun myth spouters,is to enquire “Where might I buy one?”
First because no such tool exists.
Second. Cause what a great Hunting tool,why just give it a list and sleep in,it will report back when your Moose is ready…
The tool user is responsible.The down side with truly unpleasant consequences is when only the evil and power hungry have such tools.
Samuel Colt and Dr Gatling gifted you the right to chose,when faced with the madness of mob.
Your comment tells me quite clearly that you did not read my comment.
In using my posts as a jump off point to complain about gun control, like a couple of others, you are misrepresenting what I said.
There’s a problem with guns. In the USA there’s been Virginia Tech and Connecticut massacres as just two examples, and in Australia the Port Arthur tragedy.
If you read my comments you may find that my solution to these issues revolves around putting violent people in gaol and disturbed, angry people in protective care; aka mental “hospitals”.
In 2021 here in Australia it is almost impossible to be gaoled and the mental institutions have been largely shut down.
Governments want gullible voters to think that they are being compassionate; ha ha.
It has been a very noticeable thing with all governments that they cut costs for taxpayers by selling off infrastructure and land. Obviously mates buy the land cheap, develop it, sell and make heaps.
In the meantime all the undesirables have access to guns and the failure of “border force” to detect incoming weapons to our country is deemed to be something we can’t change.
Nothing will change while our politicians get off Scot free for their negligence and poor efforts at governance.
Keith to the contrary.
I did read your comments.
I disagree.
A gun free society runs counter to human nature.
Those “many benefits of a gunfree society” are negative over time.
The Mob is mindless and dangerous.
Guns were invented because of society,not in spite of it.
Tools can be used in any way.
The tool is not the problem.
The tool user is.
And banning the law abiding citizens from using these tools properly,means the evil and insane prosper.
Hard as it may be for some people to accept,some people are too stupid and dangerous to live.
Let me correct this;
“Hard as it may be for some people to accept,some people are too stupid and dangerous to live.”
“Hard as it may be for some people to accept,some people are too stupid and dangerous to be allowed to remain in the community when they should either be in gaol or a sanitorium.”
I appreciate that you are in the U.S. where you are justified in wanting to “carry” but here in Australia only sixty years ago in the cities, we didn’t need guns, the police had them on our behalf. Times have changed and now the police and citizens are endangered by armed gangs, including bikies, because of failed politics and vote buying.
If you had considered my posts it would have been plain that I was saying that removal of guns from a community was only possible when our politicians had done their job properly and removed the threat.
And please, don’t call me a tool.
Virginia Tech.
Forty nine students and teachers dead or wounded.
That’s guns in a heavily populated region.
Thirty three dead.
Before that there was Columbine and Later Connecticut.
Guns have a place, but it’s not in cities.
That ended my quick honeymoon with Howard. All serious bush blokes secured SLR military in safer places. Still, a complete overreaction. Witness Kiwi gun control and availability.
Howard’s giving in to the French over atomic testing in the Pacific did me in.
I, too Glen. That’s where JH lost me. Reacting hysterically, they set decent citizens against decent citizens.
That’s fascism!
Many firearms perhaps were hidden in rage, but there is no “safe place”. A metal detector will find them. And the law finished up not as bad as had been threatened.
Some, no doubt, will be forgotten and lost, to provide amusement for archeologists when they are dug up in the far distant future.
Yeah Ted. Some urban people think of rural types as the gun that’s hanging on the kitchen wall sorts. Psychopathic hayseeds. For God’s sake we us3d to take our .22’s on the train to go rabbit shooting up Gunnedah as long as the bolt was out. 50 cents a pair.
..or 2 and sixpence.
That’d be two and six each, Glen.
From KK above: “Hard as it may be for some people to accept,some people are too stupid and dangerous to be allowed to remain in the community when they should either be in gaol or a sanitorium.”
In traditional societies problem personalities were routinely driven out of the group. Here in Canada, there is a great fuss about Aboriginal women who have gone missing, BUT, twice as many males have gone “missing” without any fuss.
First para is basically an OK summary , but it spirals into propaganda very quickly after that.
This is just more of the disarmed Australia/ “all the guns” were confiscated BS the more rabid pro gunners in the US keep regurgitating.
Basically any sane, none criminal adult may own and use firearms. Yes there are rules, dont care what the US does , we are not the US. We are not founded in war and we have not slaughtered 100’s of thousands of our countrymen in civil war. Different culture, different sense of “normal”
What has been banned is basically full auto and semi auto longarms. Everything else is readily available. If you need a semi auto say for animal culling at scale you can still acquire these but need to prove they are tools of trade typically AR’s or SKS.
I first fired a rifle at age 15 when I was in school cadets. we used 303’s. The rifles used by Australian and British troops in WW1 and WW2. When we were to do a range shoot on a weekend we would take our rifles home on the public bus would walk through the streets to our homes carrying our rifles, and no one turned a hair. The next morning I would join one of my friends and we would walk about a mile to Stirling Highway carrying our rifles and meet up with other school cadets also carrying rifles. We would wait on the side of the Highway until we were picked up by an army bus. After the shoot we would do the same in reverse.
No one called the police or fell to the ground shrieking hysterically or coward behind the nearest tree or wall. It was a different era, and might I add a much more relaxed one to live in.
I currently own three firearms, have genuine uses for each of them and would be most upset if someone tried to deprive me of the right of ownership.
Used to be in cadets as well and was a section leader. Got to fire the BREN .303 ( brno/Enfield) on manoeuvres. Great fun for a 17 year old.
I first held a Bren gun at the age of 10.
After I put that back in the dark green metal box I pulled out the Thompson sub machine gun for a while.
Both were big and heavy. BFD.
The pins, of course, had been removed.
Friends at either end of the street had air rifles that allowed us to test our cowboy skills, but only a couple of shots, slugs cost money.
And of course the cheapest was the Shanghai. Most from tree forks but one from the rear forks of a push bike: I felt like I had the Lamborghini of Shanghais.
I don’t know if I can find an old discarded bike tyre, but maybe in a month I can make a Shanghai, buy a bag of marbles, you bring your “protection” and we can all meet outside parliament house and fix this problem once and for good.
Your comment about “Americans “ and there civil war and war founding is a brush much to broad.
There is much America has done that is both honorable and noble. A wise man stated “ Those of us to good for this earth, are adorning some other.” One could easily talk about how Australia was founded on subjecting Aboriginal people to mass killings, incarceration and forced removal from land, and their movement was restricted.
There is perhaps some common ground in that most conservative US citizens don’t want criminals to have guns, or gun rights.
Why criticise Yarpos like that?
America may not have had the same sort of police force that we had in Australia.
More room for division, confrontation and gunfights.
I’m sure many Americans must envy the Australian system, despite its political neglect and abuse.
Our police do a fantastic job under very difficult circumstances.
It is an rather absurd apples to oranges comparison, and the criticism was to the over broad comments made, not to the person.
” Less than a year later, vast numbers of firearms had been confiscated from law-abiding Australian citizens, transported by truck to scrap-metal yards, and destroyed.”
Yes I lost a rifle and a shotgun in that so called buy back.
The Army should have signed him up as a sniper and sent him to the Ghan.
Today, Australia is a mere shadow of what it was. It is largely owned by China, the government has become domineering and peremptory, and its citizens are routinely threatened and brutalized in the streets by mask and vaccine gestapo. Its citizens would be immeasurably better off today had they not surrendered their weapons to the government, but turned every one of them against the despotic criminals who confiscated them.
May the citizens of the United States never make the same mistake.
Complete horseradish nonsense. Pure wingnut paranoia rides again! The buyback of automatic / demi-automatic weapons was a hugely sensible and successful strategy by an otherwise quite conservative prime minister.
Thousands upon thousands of innocent Americans would be still alive today if the US had stricter gun control – particularly the banning of semi-automatic / assault weapons.
People cry “freedom” but they’re just shills for the weapon makers. Australians are “immeasurable better off today” because we are almost totally free of the threat of gun violence.
We are far freer people than Americans will ever be.
[If only you had data to support your hyperbole and conspiracy ideation. The name calling says more about your scientific ability than anyone elses – J]
In my world, there is an alleged Australian vax promo featuring a choking young woman.
Did your government produce this?
Pretty heavy handed.
Seems to me that the already distrustful will be turned off even more.
Has that effect on me anyways.
Yep. Fear sells to the uninformed.
The big criticism here is that she is young and there are insufficient stocks of the vaccine preferred for those under 60 (Pfizer) vs those above (AstraZenica) due to the (more obvious) clotting issue with adenovirus vector vaccines.
Count your blessings.
I should have said “The big criticism by opposition politicians, SJWs etc, here”
It looks staged to me. If she was genuinely trying to breath, she would not tense all her muscles including facial muscles. All her effort would be concentrated on moving her chest.
Of course it’s staged, as is the more recent one of the fat guy and the nurses wearing hazmat attire.
Something like 99.5% of Covid-19 deaths are now occurring among the unvaccinated, with similar high ratios for those requiring hospitalisation. These sorts of stats will be more persuasive than melodramatic PSAs.
Link? Because this report indicates that the majority dying from the Wuflu received the jab.
You see there have been very large numbers of crossover cases of vaccinated getting infected. So many that the US greatly reduced testing of the vaccinated.
Also vaccine harms are growing…
And people that were exposed to the Wuflu have greater resistance then the vaccinated;
And prior research on SARS coronavirus survivors indicated their T cell immunity was active 17 years later. ( zero indication that vaccines can do that)
A simple graph defines the null and this ignores numbers – it is just about proportions.
Basically 0% of people vaccinated then 100% of deaths are unvaccinated. 100% vaccinated then all deaths are vaccinated. If vaccines have no effect then then there is a straight line through zero for % vaccinated vs % deaths vaccinated (or unvacc – same graph but a slope of -1).
Anyway you two need to find the real world version of that graph and do the stats on observed vs expected (null).
There was nothing ambiguous about the numbers in the report released.
Based on the figures presented by Public Health England, the number of confirmed cases of delta variant among fully vaccinated people over the age of 50 is three times higher compared to the number among the unvaccinated. And in 50-and-over partially vaccinated people, the ratio is nine to one.
As the percentage vaccinated is nowhere near one hundred percent, or zero percent, but AFAIK the double dose vaccinated is closer to 60 percent. It is rather clear that a equal or greater percentage of those vaccinated are both contracting the so called delta variant, and having severe reactions to it. Yes, it is important to know the demographics of each case, and the percentages in each demographic. The fact that a clear chart does not exist from the Government, despite their more then adequate budget, is indicative of either incompetence or having something to hide.
And at any rate Tilba’s comment that 99.5 percent of those dying are unvaccinated is both unlinked, clearly wrong, and makes zero reference to what percentage of the population is unvaccinated or vaccinated.
Still no stats there.
Follow the links thru for numbers.
Example Table 4 of the government report.
When I saw the picture, I thought it was a setup. She looks as if she is trying to look like struggling to breath, but her furrowed brow seems part of a fake. Someone genuinely gasping for breath does not have the energy to be so bodily tense. All effort is in the chest muscles.
Something I posted on Curry’s blog about why the climate debate is so complex. Thought it might be of interest here too.
Climate debate complexity explained
First, the twin subject matters are intrinsically complex — climate and human energy use. Second the policy implications are dramatic, so a lot of people have something to say. Third, opinions are highly polarized. Thus the conditions are right for a lot of debate.
My issue tree discovery is helpful here, as follows. For simplicity assume a uniform 3 response issue tree. There is an initial statement, something like “We must stop destructive global warming”.
There are 3 responses to the initial statement. (In an issue tree a response can be either a question, an answer to a question, an objection or a response to an objection.) Each response in turn gets three responses, and so it goes as the tree grows.
When we get just to the tenth series of responses there are about 100,000 responses. The tenth level alone has almost 60,000 (3 to the 10th power). In most cases the issues become more detailed at successive levels down from the initial statement. The complexity of climate and energy use supply lots of detail.
I am sure the issue tree to date of the climate debate is at least this large. Millions of words have been written. Of course the structure is not nearly this uniform, both it and the growth over time are erratic.
For the record I discovered the issue tree structure of complex issues in 1973. For those who might be interested in learning more I have a crude textbook from 1975:
“Issue analysis — an introduction to the use of issue trees and the nature of complex reasoning” at
Of course some statements are true and others false. The disagreements are over which are which. But it helps to understand the structure, or at least that it exists. There are thousands of distinct issues, all part of a complex whole — the climate change debate.
David the climate debate is simply resolved. Just walk out into the open ground and look around.
After a snowfall you will see that the snow melts in areas receiving sunshine but remains in hollows and areas shaded from the Sun. Why? Because there is no heat radiating down from the sky above in spite of its CO2 content, proving beyond doubt what climate scientists have failed to observe, that CO2 does not cause warming of the ground.
This will also apply when there is frost on the ground. The Sun will melt the ice in those places being warmed by the Sun but the icicles will remain in areas open to the sky above but not receiving direct sunlight as there is no heat coming down from the sky to melt them.
Again, this applies after rain. The Sun dries areas that its rays reach but the open areas shaded from the Sun remain damp because there is no heat from the sky above to evaporate the water.
As we now sit huddle up looking at our screens, we have lost touch with the natural world around us. For the scientific minded, the reason why there is no heat radiating down from the sky is, for the accepted average temperature of the Earth’s surface of 15.5 degrees Celsius, 99.8% of the outgoing radiation that may be absorbed by atmospheric CO2 is in the 15 micron absorption band. Back radiation of that wavelength is the heating that you would experience by standing out in the ice and snow in Antarctica on the few occasions when the temperature falls to -80 degrees Celsius.
And yet the debate continues. The polarization is not resolvable. We must keep fighting for the truth.
One of the interesting things about the issue tree of the debate is that every argument, by either side, has at least one counter argument from the other side. Often there are several.
Yours is actually an argument I have not seen before, which is cool. But there is an obvious counter argument. The CO2 back radiation is there in sunlight as well as in shadow, and has been forever. So increasing the CO2 from 280 to 400 ppm in 150 years will not change the fact that snow and frost melt slower in the shade than in the sun. It could cause slightly faster melting in both cases than we had 150 years ago, on a globally averaged basis, but that is undetectable.
Keep in mind that on standard GH theory the Earth is something like a whopping 33 degrees C warmer than it would be without GHGs, mostly due to water vapor, not CO2. The melting of snow and frost takes place in this warmer world. Also, on alarmist theory the dangerous warming does not come directly from the CO2 increase. It comes from speculative positive feedbacks of water vapor and clouds. It is all very complex.
Personally I think alarmism is falsified by the complete lack of apparent GHG warming in the entire 42 year UAH satellite record. But as an issue analyst I strive to understand all of the arguments on both sides.
” Back radiation of that wavelength is the heating that you would experience by standing out in the ice and snow ….”
In other words, it effectively doesn’t exist.
🙂 🙂
Back_rad is a thermodynamic nonsense and when I ponder that all levels of government from local to the United Bloody Nations have endorsed CO2 induced global warming and death by incineration due to CO2 levels, I fear for society.
And now, the same circus wants me to believe that they fully understand CV19 and have a reliable JAB.
In the last couple of weeks I’ve been told by two acquaintances, not known to each other, of unusual and frightening side effects of the “jab”.
They both described feeling cold and unable to get warm and were very worried. This is not the sore arm for a few hours thing.
Possibly we have reached a point where government decisions are based on how they feel that voters will react rather than on a sensible analysis of reality.
Who do you trust.
KK, are you claiming that atmospheric GHG molecules do not emit radiation in the direction of the Earth? That is what back radiation means.
Probably not what he thought, merely that the effect of CO2 is minuscule.
As Einstein pointed out in 1915 any excited CO2 molecule is going to be hit by other vibrating molecules/atoms in the air about 1,000 times before it can radiate. The effect of kinetic transfer of the energy is to ‘average out’ among the whole atmosphere.**
Since AGW ‘theory’ states that nitrogen, oxygen (and argon) do not radiate, this must mean that any downward radiation from CO2 must be half of Sweet F*ck All.
**Otherwise you have to believe that the atmosphere consists of (non-radiative) gases at 262K (or whatever assuming a greenhouse effect of 33K) and 0.04% CO2 excited to 400℃,
Yes all the energy absorbed by the GHGs (mostly water) is lost to the surrounding air. But as it accumulates the temperature rises until it excites the GHGs to the point where they emit as much as the absorb. A good fraction of that goes back to the surface. It is recycled, as it were.
But the effect diminishes rapidly with concentration, which is called the degree of saturation. As Happer et al recently calculated, using a new method, both water and CO2 are “extremely saturated” so there is very little warming potential in further increases. The emergency is not possible.
“Probably not what he thought, merely that the effect of CO2 is minuscule.”
Hi Richard,
in answer to your comment, no, I was thinking of the basic physics.
As you say, the quantitative aspects of CAGW make the whole idea ridiculous without even looking at the core atmospheric physics.
It’s amazing that this CAGW monster hasn’t been canned yet.
Power politics.
We may have discussed this previously, some time ago, you may remember.
As to the science, I have on occasion been shown things about global warming atmospherics by Will J and Andy, blokes who obviously know what they are talking about. I felt that we were building an understanding of the CO2 CAGW thing.
On another tack, many years ago I attended a meeting in my home town to listen to Jo talk at a well attended public meeting.
Years later I heard and briefly met Lord Christopher Monckton at a small meeting of about twenty people here also.
I have great admiration for both, they both know that there’s something wrong with the CAGW monster and went to expose it. They are each using their own skills base to expose the deceit that is CAGW.
Will J gave the ultimate picture of the mechanism and the present comment by Bevan about sunbaking in the icy pole is the ultimate. Thanks Bevan.
Rest assured, we are not being bombarded by “photons being emitted in all directions.”
PV=nRT rulz!
I have been working with Moncton lately. He thinks the 33 degrees is wrong because it includes a positive water vapor feedback. Other than that he seems to agree with the GH model.
I had a photo taken with Lord Christopher.
Lord Monckton’s work has been primarily focused on analyzing the mathematical aspects of the UNIPCCCs “models”, which incidentally aren’t models in a thermodynamic or engineering sense.
Lord Christopher’s main area of expertise is mathematics and he has deconstructed the mathematical aspects of CAGW models.
We all agree that some gases can absorb low virtue energy from the ground but the so called greenhouse mechanism is all over by the time you get to 30metres above ground level.
It’s important that in fighting the non_science of CAGW We don’t inadvertently say things which are unscientific and look to be uneducated.
That gives the IPCCCCC a chance to refute the good science as well as the mistakes.
How sneaky are the Federal Government — they didn’t even tell us about this petition and there only 2 days left to sign it !!!
If you don’t want to be forced into taking the vaccine then sign the petition.
We have every right to choose what vaccines go into our bodies and they can’t force us into it!
The petition needs 100,000 signatures to stop them making the vaccine mandatory, please sign it or we will lose our choice!
XMA Header Image
e-petitions – Parliament of Australia
Petition EN2753 – No Mandatory Covid-19 vaccination just surpassed 200,000 signatures.
Is the pen mightier than the sword?
When I looked moments ago there were 204046 signatures.
They must be pouring in , I was just about to post it was 205k + when I saw your post went back to check and it 206k+ in a few minutes.
211,307 now.
i think i was like 19k yesterday.
Thanks for putting that up.
When I first saw this I made an assumption that it was a petition against mandatory vaccine passports.
It isn’t, it is against Mandatory Vaccinations!
How has this been kept so quiet? I would like to assume that nobody has yet proposed such a thing and that this is a precautionary tactic but these days I am quickly realising that it a mistake to make any assumptions at all.
There is another petition against vaccine passports, also the gov’t site; sorry, no link here.
This other petition is EN2794.
Thanks Glen. Signed.
Me too, Annie. Thx Glen.
WOW! 211,000+ signatures at the moment. That is awesome.
Yesterday evening at 6:35pm a friend sent me that link and it was just at 24,000 signatures.
So we all have done well, and the government should take heed that in less than 24 hours 190,000 people said “NO!!!!!”.
The folks at my work are prodding me to get the vax. But I ask them why I should, and their reasons do not motivate me.
If everyone at my office has been vaccinated, then they cannot give Covid to me and I can’t give it to them. Everyone is safe. So why would I get the vaccine?
Same. I work in an office of 17 radical Marxists but they don’t actually care I’m not vaxxed. I suspect they rationalise I will get covid and die and they won’t because they are vaccinated.
I was told yesterday by email “Ive been vacinated already – why else do u think i don’t wear a mask!!!”; there you have it, people will believe what suits them irrespective of the dictates of the Chief Health Officer.
Signed Glen, thanks for posting, used my real mane and everything as they bloody well know who you are, stuff em.
Thanks Glen,
I just tried, about 4:30. No sign of their confirmation email so far. Overloaded perhaps?
I finally got their confirmation email this morning, timed at 11:10 last night! Now confirmed signed.
Have just checked the count: 267,386.
(I found a safari search “aph petitions” gets me to the list quickly, and EN2753 stands out, on page 3 currently, because of the very large count.)
Dave B
There is a petition EN2794 against vaccine passports too, same gov’t site.
Thanks Annie,
Have signed it as well.
Dave B
Glen great find thanks for the link to the petition. I’ve had an interesting time tracking it for the last hour and, while I’ve never observed the results of a petition before, but this seems extraordinary.
This is Wednesday afternoon 14th July
1:30 – 280,122
1:35 – 280,400
1:43 – 280.800
1:48 – 281,030
1:56 – 281,359
2:02 – 281,609
2:30 – 282,811
That’s an increase of 2,689 in an hour. Let’s hope it helps a sensible decision be made. ToM
Thanks T,
Those numbers make it look like it could hit 300,000 about 9 pm.
Count closes tonight at 2359.
Hope the big numbers get a result.
Dave B
306,249 a couple of minutes ago.
petition now at 301,064!!!!
I think at the time most of these guns were illegal ie not registered and owned by people who were basically honest. In Australia , you can own a gun if you have a legitimate reason for doing so, such as a farmer, member of a gun club, work in the outback etc.
Guns have never been part of our culture. ( Except for bikies and bad guys)
Unlike America where your constitution has given you ‘rights’, the unwritten assumption is that if it is not a ‘right ‘then it is illegal.
Here in Australia our Constitution was written around the ‘REASONABLE MAN’ concept. If people were ‘reasonable ‘ then you wouldn’t need a gun . Our premise was every thing was legal ( because of the reasonable man) until the government said it was illegal.
The Australian Constitution wasn’t written until 1901 after serious investigations of the British , American and Swiss Constitutions were conducted.
you also da man though not as good as nesting your comment.
That’s not correct. No licence or registration was required before the confiscation, I bought my first gun from Kmart over the counter at 15 years of age.
The confiscation removed guns from law abiding people, no criminal handed in their guns.
The capacity of rifles has been reduced to 3 rounds for large calibers, which is pretty much useless with a mob of pigs.
The government are again confiscating guns off law abiding people, based on things like speeding fines, health issues, this includes farmers. The sport shooters association are continually in court fighting the injustice. The crims still have their guns.
Our culture was built with guns, bush rangers, explorers, settlers, self defense, protection of property and hunting food.
The crims still have their guns and some we have now put uniforms on.
Chris said law abiding people with unregistered guns handed them in during the buy back. You countered that by saying that is not correct as you bought a gun over the counter and it was unregistered.
absolutism that you can’t possibly know.
The crims have guns but it is hard for them to get them. Impulse shootings are barely a thing here.
True that we took and defended land with guns.
My point was there was no restrictions to buy a gun, walk in hand over the money and walk out with it under your arm. Your right again though, I did misinterpret.
The no criminal thing, if they handed in their guns they would be law abiding.
I knew a few crims in my youth, I handed in mine, they kept theirs, I still bump into some, they are still crims and still have guns.
I reapplied for licence and registration and bought better suited weapons. I am a legal gun owner, it is law that I control pest species on my land, be it flora or fauna.
The government took my semi auto licence off me last year, as my wife is licenced, which goes against their own law that you must be licensed to use that classification of weapon or with someone who is licensed. On a farm you are rarely together and we both work off farm at times. Semi is .22 max unless your a pro on feral animal control.
How was Brownsville, did you make the show.
I just re-reread it I will plead the first comment is correct.
Townsville and Magnetic Island were in lockdown so I re routed further south and missed the ag shows. Say la vee
“The crims have guns but it is hard for them to get them. Impulse shootings are barely a thing here”
As has been demonstrated many times, its relatively easy to get an illegal firearm.
Crims dont obey laws, thats why they are crims.
How many police busts show not just one gun, but up to a dozen, an uzi or two thrown in etc.
The police display circus usually (not always, but mostly) shows mostly old cr&p of dubious functionality. Still potentially lethal and adequate to threaten with at the very least. The lack of quality stuff could mean they are really effective or they are missing the mark, who knows?
Hogwash. At the time most of the guns held by the honest and good people were legal. I had one and handed it in during the amnesty. The difference now though is most of the guns are now held illegally by not so honest people and the criminals. Go figure.
Rifles and shotguns were, by definition, legal because they didn’t NEED to be registered. Hand guns have always been difficult to get a permit for and that’s OK by me.
Not difficult H , its just a process. Takes 2 – 4 weeks if the licensing people extract digit.
forgot to say , that varies State by State as you are in QLD and me VIC.
Biden’s State Department: ‘We Support The Cuban People As They Rise Up To Protest Georgia’s Voter ID Laws’
July 12th, 2021
CUBA—The Biden administration has finally released a statement on the uprising in Cuba. According to officials, the Cuban people are really, really, mad about Georgia’s voter ID laws and have taken to the streets to protest it.
“We are inspired by the Cuban people’s courageous stand against the Republicans’ evil voter suppression laws in Georgia,” said WHA Assistant Secretary Julie Chung. “We share their righteous indignation, and encourage protestors to remain peaceful at all times.”
Careful. People here will take this seriously.
Given the Biden Administration’s track record so far, it does sound like something they would say, however I can only think of two or three people here who might take it seriously.
watch out or he will spam us with 1000 posts.
Actually I think it more likely that the article would get a “fact check” comment containing one or more links to articles that the person had obviously not read because the linked articles actually prove the opposite of what the person says they prove.
Ok, that one may or may-not be satirical, it’s hard to know.
But this one is true.
Fits here IMO
“If it looks like a duck
And walks like a duck
And quacks like a duck
Fact checkers will call it a squirrel”
God bless the Bee. It’s quite telling how often yesterdays satire becomes tomorrow’s reality. Jen Psaki has indicated that Cubans taking to the streets yelling “freedom” is because they want covid vaccinations.
The Cubans werent rioting they were just looking for a Kinkos
To photocopy their voter entitlement credentials.
No, they want Fidel’s son to return and lead.
But he is currently employed and likes snow.
New coronavirus variants seen as too contagious for hotel quarantines
Australia and China are planning specially designed quarantine centers
By Mike Cherney
The Wall Street Journal
This nonsense is now too much for the psyche. Fear propagation like this should be relegated to the same fear-porn trash bin as our Glad’s “no browsing” edict to the incarcerated during their release from detention to go grocery shopping.
I can now see it coming;
retraining campsquarantine centres.40
Christmas Island could be an option!
According to Wikipedia, that was already tried:
No big hospitals to deal with ICU patients at christmas is,
That explains it; I had wondered…
Na, not Christmas Island, instead go for some realpolitik. Go ahead and ask ask the Chinese to concrete over all that ‘dead coral’ at the GBR as the foundation for a new
re-education centererr,interment camp, ‘quarantine’ centre ‘. 😉The Chinese are real good at concreting over coral outcrops and islands especially if they might not own them.
A Canadian politician asked Premier Ford in the Ontario Parliament about how the building these centres to enforce the lockdowns was progressing. The Speaker stood up and the politician’s microphone was switched off.
Quarantine stations were a real thing in our not so distant past. The relics of them still exist today as far as I know at least in Sydney and Melbourne. Thought they did similar in the US as places like Ellis Island.
Peel Island in Moreton Bay was one such place of quarantine. The island provided a quarantine station for arriving ships and then evolved to become a leper colony that operated till 1959.
And Woodman Point in WA, south of Fremantle. Setup in the 1880s for screening smallpox, bubonic plague and Spanish flu. Closed in 1979. Most buildings still exist.
It could be an issue specific to Adelaide; remember the football spectators had to leave two rows of seats empty and not touch the ball if it came over the fence.
This was put up by V on the WE unthreaded.
This is a petition against mandatory vaccination, it expires in two days. Though they will do it through their stake holders as they have stated.
Why bother? I want mandatory vaccination to happen. That way it will either spark a revolt or else prove what I fear the most but hope I’m wrong about most Australians; gullible and asleep, in which case we deserve what we get – then perhaps we might wake up.
Because we need to bother, otherwise we end up where we are.
My point is not many are bothering. Most Australians are asleep and don’t give a damn about a lot of issues that are sending us over the cliff. Go ahead give it your support. It’s a good gesture but make no mistake about it. Unless the vast majority of Australians wake up and stand up to the BS being thrown at us from all sorts, nothing will change for the better.
Yes we need to bother, collectively. But got to start at one.
You say why bother, then say others are apathetic and need to wake up??
I do bother and I am awake otherwise I wouldn’t be saying things I have done over the last year so so. My point is why do we bother when so many don’t? If you don’t understand the language then I suggest you check out what it means when people say “why bother” when they actually mean “why do we waste our time trying to fix things when not many are that interested and it comes to naught anyway?” We might as well get it over and done with. Let the nation crash and burn then perhaps the masses will learn the lesson albeit the hard way, which is typical if anyone cares to study history. My hope is things do turn around but it will only ever happen when the vast majority stand up and be counted. At the moment all I hear and see is a lot of people snoring away all around the nation.
This is also worth another show. Put up by David Madison.
Friend lightly stepped on a nail yesterday.
Thinking of getting a Covid shot in the same spot.
But which one should hesheit ask for?
Asking for the friend.
I’d go for tetanus personally
Dunno if getting a CoViD vaccine shot in foot is the best location
The personal pronoun controversy resolved!
The pronunciation possibilities are magic.
Love it.
There is actually a British Standard (Guide) for managing/adopting to climate change,
BS 8631:2021
Adaptation to climate change. Using adaptation pathways for decision making. Guide
Really? I’m not paying the 186 pound – nearly AU $400 to find out what we need to do. Wonder if it’s a best seller?
Interesting video here:
about Section 51.xxiii.A of the Australian Constitution* which prohibits ‘civil conscription’ in relation to medical services.
ie the Australian government has no authority to mandate a vaccine.
*Section 51.xxiii.A: the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances;
All very well and good but under emergency legislations governments may be able to force upon us mandatory vaccinations. In any case, what they can’t do is take away our free will. So, the people have to decide if and when it happens whether to comply or not whatever the cost.
Emergency legislation cannot override the Constitution (the Constitution is what gives the parliament the legal authority to legislate).
Correct. You need to dig into what is meant by “civil conscription”. This was discussed not too long ago in relation to restricting child care to vaccinated children.
per video (paraphrase):
In medical procedures there is a doctor/patient relationship and that doctor patient/relationship is voluntary, by your consent and no third party can get involved in this relationship, it is just you and the doctor, not even the government can get involved.
What actually the HCA have defined and interpreted is that the government cannot provide any legal or practical compulsion for you to accept a medical procedure.
it is totally voluntary and by your consent.
if the consent is forced or withdrawn in the procedure, it is assault.
Is anyone proposing such a thing?
see, e.g., the decision by national cabinet on 26 June 2021 in relation to the requirement for residential aged care workers to have received a minimum dose of covid vaccine by 17 September 2021.
I meant the risk of assault. There is no legislation that involves physical enforcement.
Gee Aye there’d be plenty prepared to argue loss of job is worse than assault.
“I meant the risk of assault. There is no legislation that involves physical enforcement.”
if you are given an injection against your will (ie without informed consent), it is assault.
same as if you are given a tattoo against your will.
Australians have problems with our Constitution, governments regularly get around constitutional laws with legislation and regulations, if needed in all three levels of government, UN treaties and agreements a good example, no referendums conducted to ask the people.
And many parts of constitutional laws have never been tested in courts of law, there are no precedents. Consider the interstate border closures, when first imposed many politicians claimed it was unconstitutional, a citizen challenged the WA Government in court and lost, and lost the appeal, the decision was that the WA Government was within the law closing borders under the circumstances prevailing.
I agree, particularly in respect of the foreign affairs power, the roll back of states rights, the lack of term limits for politicians and the prime minister being a cabinet position in the legislature rather than a separate executive authority (president).
However, none of this has much bearing on the specifics of Section 51.xxiii.A as discussed in the video.
States can override the Constitution, and already have a number of times, especially in Qld.
states can override the state constitution (as it is only a legislative instrument), they can’t override the federal constitution.
Yes Commonwealth law overrides state law where there is a conflict. Otherwise, the states can do what they like.
Curiously defeatist stance you’re taking PeterS here and back in #10
I’m not a defeatist, I’m a realist. Huge difference. Get with the program.
and stop looking at the world through rose coloured glasses. It’s actually not very nice, and it’s not clever to pretend all will be OK on their own. We as a nation need to wake up and work at it if we are to put a stop to our lives slowly being destroyed. Far too many are still asleep or worse still don’t give a damn, including a lot of politicians. They need a big cattle prod stuck up their you know what.
A realist: we’re all going to die. Why bother…?
This is interesting. 18 reasons not to take the jab. Make up your own mind.
Robert W Malone, MD is the Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug.
On July 10, he said:
“A few weeks ago I posted a question on LinkedIn. What happens to trust in public health if ivermectin turns out to be safe and have efficacy in COVID, and the genetic vaccines turn out to not be completely safe? I indicated that this looked reasonably likely IMO. Here we are.”
I am reluctant, I spoke to my GP by phone yesterday but he recommended Astra Zeneca or Pfizer, in other words whatever I can obtain. He did say there is a possibility of not feeling well afterwards but nothing serious.
I have used Vitamin D x 50,000 IU a month prescribed by my GP for many years and spend time outdoors every fine day, in addition I take 1,000 IU every third day with Zinc and Vitamin C. I have rarely experienced the seasonal influenza and even less common colds. And I take several other anti-oxidants.
I think my decision is wait and see, winter will soon end and I probably can’t get a vaccination before then as indicated by my research. My GP’s practise is not vaccinating for COVID-19.
In my office, I have heard one 50yo guy saying he has an issue with his jaw and inner ear that antibiotics cant fix after 2 courses and after his cov19 jabs.
Id suggest its not an infection.
I will have to retrain to drive a D9 bulldozer in a few years….pits won’t dig themselves…
Just a D9? D10’s are da boss.
OS, My office mate is having the same issue.
First called TMJ.
Now ear infection, first prescrip antibios didn’t resolve.
(Now blaming unclean earbuds.)
Maybe neither, eh?
(Science begins with anecdotal observation.)
Dennis – “rarely experience seasonal influenza”, sounds like you get it a lot and you might be an immunocompromised group. Really influenza should be a once a decade thing at most.
How do you draw your conclusion from
If it was something he has had once or twice in his life he’d state that rather than the more hazy “rarely” which implies a more frequent occurrence.
That is drawing a long bow (in desperation) given how infectious influenza is.
Dennis is reluctant after speaking to GP.
Asking a GP about vaxing is unfair to the GP, an honest answer cannot be given by a fully educated medical professional.
I do not understand the logic of the self-medication-
Vitamin C has a half life of less than a day, so if supplementation is needed take it more often than once a day,
Vitamin D3 does have a long half life but there is evidence that supplementation daily is more effective than at longer intervals.
The bad news is that even on questions about supplements, the level of government control of medicine is so great that expert and honest specific answers may not be given by your GP.
Its refreshing with what appears to honesty….finally….
“In the letter addressed to the NSW and Federal health ministers, it calls for mask wearing outdoors and all settings indoors, harder restrictions and for the AstraZeneca vaccination to be followed by Pfizer vaccination as the second dose.
“The experts claim that would increase the take-up of the AstraZeneca vaccine
Have a look at the title of the WA public health doc.
i think they call that a smoking gun.
Probably used to cover fluoride in drinking water too.
Presumably the globalist braniacs who are banning reliable power, will completely kill the economy with this gem ( but maybe thats the idea ) :
Stupid is as stupid does…..
“Further details have emerged of proposed laws effectively ending the sale of brand-new petrol and diesel vehicles across Europe.
“The European Union is set to unveil a plan on 14 July 2021 mandating only zero-emissions vehicles to be sold from 2035, with stricter regulations coming into force beforehand.
“It’s understood a 65 per cent cut in emissions will be imposed on new cars and commercial vans by 2030 based on 2021 levels – 5.0 per cent more than was previously expected – according to an official document seen by business news outlet Bloomberg.
Must be some obscure symbolism in having chosen Bastille Day for the proclamation.
Sorry Serp, scrolling touch on red.
Legal Letter Sent to State and Federal Ministers in Australia, Calling for Urgent Public Consultation and Overhaul of COVID-19 Policies.
This letter, dated July 7 2021, is addressed to the New South Wales Health Minister and Premier, and was copied to the Federal Health Minister and other Parliamentarians. It lays out the basis for concerns that “Government Agents are acting outside their powers and in a manner that may imperil the lives of patients” with respect to COVID-19.
The letter summarises evidence and arguments challenging the legitimacy of Australia’s approach to: coerced mass vaccination, lockdowns, PCR testing, official mortality data, censorship, gagging of doctors and health professionals, intimidation of citizens and medical personnel, and reliance on popularised rather than scientific information to determine policy.
Read more here:
As I see it, Australia is already breaching the Nuremberg code along with the UNESCO human rights laws making these crazy fear-mongering pollies open to class action lawsuits.
Forgot to add this one.
A 120 page pdf with a lot of hard questions (and answers) and data making it a must read.
A question for those with adequate medical knowledge: I have read that the COVID vaccine causes a recipient’s body to generate masses of spike proteins that intrude into every nook and cranny of their body. This means that they will exhale spike proteins in their breath. These will be inhaled by people nearby and the process will repeat in their bodies. Consequently the vulnerable will suffer vascular problems, as are prevalent in reports of the after-effects of vaccination.
Is this why they are saying that new variants of COVID are more infectious, it is not the virus it is the ‘so-called’ vaccination? Does this mean that we are all finished?
No, virus variants that produced milder symptoms will naturally be more infectious since those infected will stay more active and social than those with obvious and debilitating symptoms. Given that becoming infected and then recovering by any variant will infer a high level of immunity against the others of that family/strain, the milder but more infectious variants will outcompete the others.
This is how virus outbreaks attenuate without mass vaccinations.
“Is spike protein shedding in a Covid vaccinated person a cause for concern?
Dr. Peter McCullough provides his expert opinion.”
People who are gullible enough to take up experiential vaccines, mRNA based or not, that have known risks and unknown longer term risks deserve the Darwin Award.
Fascinating interview at Peak Prosperity of Dr. Pierre Kory (president of the FLCCC Alliance and leading proponent for use of Ivermectin against Covid-19) by Chris Martenson
Lots of good discussion about the overly conservative nature of the medical community for treatments that aren’t developed by big pharma backed by randomised clinical trials. He describes how the use of Vitamin C delivered through IV for sepsis has been demonized which logically explains the attitude against Ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquine, Vitamin D etc.
Sadly, the second part of the interview, which is presumably where they discuss off-label medications for Covid-19, is subscription only since Chris had an interview with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (who says the vaccines are a MAJOR mistake) taken down.
Here is a paper discussed in the interview, with Dr. Kory, of a study trashing Vitamin C delivered through IV which demonstrates how the status quo is maintained by the powers that be. In the Results section, it states how the Vitamin C course failed to significantly affect the primary markers – mean mSOFA score, reactive protein levels, thrombomodulin levels. Then looking at secondary outcomes it states that only 3 of 46 outcomes had any significant difference to placebo – these 3 secondary outcomes were: ventilator-free days, ICU-free days and transfer out of the ICU.
No wonder vaccines are all we hear about
Rodents are eating electrical insulation in Teslas and that of the cars of other woke companies.
It’s because they are a woke company and use “environmentally friendly” soy-based electrical insulation and not proper oil based insulation.
Funny how after decades of this in the northern hemisphere the industry hasnt come up with anything less attractive or maybe even lethal to rodents. When we lived in Europe we had “weasal insurance” included in out car policies. I had to get the broker to back up and explain what it was about. Coolant hoses seemed to be a favourite in the area we lived. People would come out on a nice Spring morning to find the car sitting in a puddle of coolant.
Lots of cars seem to have the problem. My daughter in Montreal has a Ford Focus that needed a whole new wire harness. She has wires wrapped in a patent tape now since capsaicin spray did not prevent a second attack.
Sign Petition EN2794 – Fight To Ban Vaccine Passports/Certificates
Petition Reason
Experimental vaccines being pushed onto the community to enforce Vaccine Passports is unethical. Vaccine Passports create an unprotected inexcusable situation for all aspects of personal and medical freedoms in our country. No member of government that truly cares to deliver in the best interests of their citizens would consider or support Vaccine Passports. Good leaders advocate to protect the rights of their people to be free to make a personal decision about COVID-19 vaccination that will not see them discriminated against or segregated for declining this or any vaccination and making sure they are free from punishment if they choose to say NO. These draconian passports would infringe on peoples’ rights and be an invasion in their personal lives opening the door to more tyrannical features being added down the line. We do not want our country to become a two-tiered society that consists of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Private companies and health agencies should not be able to gain access to the health records of any citizen that in turn is a violation of their civil and human rights. While we defend the right of businesses to operate how they choose, this must NEVER extend to infringing on the inherent rights of anyone to make private and personal medical decisions. Through ensured informed consent every person must make their choice without facing any discrimination, coercion or fear of exclusion. Say NO to medical apartheid in Australia.
Thanks V.
of interest
“COVID SHIELD is a major collaborative effort led by the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in partnership with human data science company IQVIA and healthcare providers across Australia, which began in May 2020.
“The trial will assess whether the drug hydroxychloroquine is useful in preventing COVID-19 disease, caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection, in frontline and allied healthcare workers.
“This group is at increased risk of infection due to repeated exposure caring for COVID-19 patients.
“The trial will enrol healthcare workers through participating hospitals. Half the participants will be given hydroxychloroquine, and the other half will receive a placebo tablet. Individual participants will receive doses of hydroxychloroquine or the placebo control for a maximum of four months. Results from the trial are expected in late-2021.
It is not being tested together with zinc, nor with an antibiotic eg AZ.
Dosages and timings are not stated. There is no mention of monitoring for vitamins C, D etc levels.
The protocol is not available to the public. It has been seen by ‘experts’.
Once again, the protocols of Drs. Zelenko and Raoul are not being used, this tester is making their own instead of using a system that has been in use, has very good results, and only lacks large scale double-blind tests.
As I suspect the Principal of the Institute of being as described above as conservatively bound to the pharma industry this could be a trial designed to fail.
trials here arent much use unless we get a raging covid outbreak.
Graphene – the new tobacco?
Graphene in vaccines and face masks?
“The masks are COVID-diagnosis promoters. Step one: breathe in nanoparticles of graphene. Step two: Develop a so-called major COVID symptom—lung infection. Step three: Test false-positive on the PCR test– Boom, you’re a COVID case
““Ken Donaldson is a respiratory toxicologist at the University of Edinburgh and he and his colleagues are among the first to raise the warning flag on graphene, at least for nanoscopic platelets of the material. It is not too great a leap of the imagination to imagine how such tiny flakes of carbon might be transported deep within the lungs similar to asbestos fibres and coal dust. Once lodged within, there is no likely mechanism for the removal or break down of such inert particles and they might reside on these sensitive tissues triggering a chronic inflammatory response or interfering with the normal cellular functions.”
It had to happen eventually. Last week there were more reported COVID-19 vaccine deaths in the US than COVID-19 Deaths: The real tell here is that adverse reactions are estimated to be only 1% to 5% of unreported reactions. The vast majority of reactions including deaths go unreported. How long before the elites start cooking the books?
RE: ‘Robert W Malone, MD is the Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug.’
Google and the ‘fact checkers’ are hard at work.
I’ve no idea how significant he is in this field, his own bio says very, he certainly has some citations on the Wiki RNA page – for now!
Try a Google and see how hard they are trying to rubbish him.
A lot of so called fact checks on the Internet are in fact distortions of the facts at best, and in some cases a most definitely false. Doing your own research is the only way to uncover the real facts, and thus avoid being fooled by the falsified “facts” so popularised by those who are pushing an agenda to destroy the West and support socialism/communism/fascism/etc..
‘Fact checkers’ are consensus/othodoxy enforcers and not genuine impartial arbiters.
Really. Come now. You’re obviously one of those conspiracy types!
It is understood that the Nuremberg Code forbids mandatory vaccinations. However, the site below disputes that. I haven’t studied in depth all of it, but a quick look at the site almost convinces me that they are BSing. So, until it is tested in a high court of law, for me the Nuremberg Code still applies and forbids mandatory vaccinations. Any thoughts?
The Nuremberg Code doesn’t apply to COVID-19 vaccinations
Boy, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich looks a lot like Mark Latham.
Seriously though, if all that is true, and I suspect it is, then the next stage or two will be even more horrendous and evil. Not looking forward to it but I’m afraid we won’t have a choice so be prepared as best as possible.
I watched a couple of videos made by Dr Martin last year on the issue. He is really impressive. Absolutely on top of the facts of the matter. Every point he made was backed up with facts that could be referenced/searched.
The Nuremberg Code does apply in Australia.
It is codified under section 2.1.3 of the The Australian Immunisation Handbook, which pertains to the requirements of ‘Valid consent’:
“2.1.3 Valid consent
Valid consent can be defined as the voluntary agreement by an individual to a proposed procedure, given after sufficient, appropriate and reliable information about the procedure, including the potential risks and benefits, has been conveyed to that individual. As part of the consent procedure, persons to be vaccinated and/or their parents/carers should be given sufficient information (preferably written) on the risks and benefits of each vaccine, including what adverse events are possible, how common they are and what they should do about them (the table inside the front cover of this Handbook, Side effects following immunisation for vaccines used in the National Immunisation Program (NIP) ( National Immunisation Program) schedule, can be used for this purpose).
For consent to be legally valid, the following elements must be present:
1. It must be given by a person with legal capacity, and of sufficient intellectual capacity to understand the implications of being vaccinated.
2. It must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.
3. It must cover the specific procedure that is to be performed.
4. It can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, risks of not having it and any alternative options have been explained to the individual.
The individual must have sufficient opportunity to seek further details or explanations about the vaccine(s) and/or its administration. The information must be provided in a language or by other means the individual can understand. Where appropriate, an interpreter and/or cultural support person should be involved.
Consent should be obtained before each vaccination, once it has been established that there are no medical condition(s) that contraindicate vaccination. Consent can be verbal or written. Immunisation providers should refer to their state or territory’s policies on obtaining written consent.”
Politicians, journalists and doctors have already breached that point and hence are acting in an illegal fashion.
Compulsory medical intervention including vaccination is allowed for in WA and Victorian law as stated and quoted on this site more than once.
Further, the Federal government requires children to be vaccinated before parents can get a range of benefits. Such benefits may have been paid for in taxation and anyway would be considered a right.
Surely, “..undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.”
You vote for socialism, ‘mild democratic form’ to get free stuff. Then they charge you, then you do not get it but get what you do not want.
thankfully Australia complies with this
relevantly: “Fear appeals are utilised to coerce compliance by emphasizing the threat that will befall citizens if they do not comply with the government’s recommendations” -Douglas Walton
Not relevant since that is not what is happening here.
government get vaxxed or put on ventilator ad = coercion
vaccine passports = coercion
vaxx or we will lock you down = coercion
the decision by national cabinet on 26 June 2021 in relation to the requirement for residential aged care workers to have received a minimum dose of covid vaccine by 17 September 2021 = coercion
‘not what is happening here’… where is ‘here’?
“Here” or rather there, is the sheltered workshop.
aka the home of the ABCCC: Canberra.
“vaxx or we will lock you down”
Vaxx and we still lock you down !
If you could hear our Berys Gladachickliken going on about it you might revise that opinion.
Reminiscing again: In these crazy times of dwindling freedom I enjoy the luxury of reminiscing about the 50’s when I was a kid in a country town. Life was straight forward, logical and uncomplicated. Most older kids had either a shotgun or .22. The smaller kids had shanghais which we called ginks. Supplies of explosive devices in the form of crackers were built up for cracker night fun. Two bob rockets were like RPG’s. Then there was the produce store where all the tools and implements were Aussie made and lasted long enough to be handed down for next generational use. Apart from chook feed and farm tools there were sticks of Gelignite laid out neatly in a wooden box. Ironically, with such dangerous potential available to us in those days, we grew up respecting the danger. We were trusted and we rose to whatever challenges presented on occasion. No one in my cohort was ever blown up or shot and as far as I know we all became good and productive citizens. The distinguishing characteristic of those days was freedom based on trust. Sadly, we don’t have either anymore. CCTV monitors everywhere we go, bundy in and out of every shop with QR, the police packing heat and dolled up in riot gear, compulsory face nappies, top-up doses of fear, uncertainty and doubt from the government and media. What a shame. What a mess. What a challenge.
Well said.
I had forgotten “ginks” and have never seen gelly next to the potatoes in-store.
Someone may have posted this already (it is from 2021/06/24), but thought it may be of interest (especially for friends/family who only listen to ‘authority figures’). An ABC interview suggesting that ivermectin might actually work after all, and that ‘politics’ is the culprit…
Sorry forgot to mention – the interview is with Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy, an immunologist at the University of Newcastle..
Yes, I heard that on car radio.
Paul Turton is one of the few good things about their ABCCCC.
He has a contribution in last month’s Quadrant (available online at
Worth viewing IMO
The introduction to that at SDA
“They Fixed all This?”
“Right? And the whole being in a hurry and shielding everyone from liability thing?”
“Curry: The State of Climate Science in 5 Minutes”
That’s good but she still acknowledges the presence of some man made CO2 atmospheric heating process.
This totally misrepresents true science.
There’s no such thing as ” back radiation” possible from CO2 up in the atmosphere.
That’s Basic Physics.
Additionally from a basic thermodynamic perspective energy cannot move against the energy gradient. Low grade energy held by CO2 is eventually relinquished at about 243°K at an altitude of 11 km.
That low virtue energy has only one option; head to the colder deep space surrounding our planet.
There is only one daily allocation of solar energy to each point on Earth’s surface and sadly we can do little to hold on to what we get. The CO2 heating meme is one of Earth’s greatest tragedies for the damage done to people and environment so far.
The perpetrators of this evil will be laughing at us when thousands of derelict solar plants and windmills sit on the Earth and in the ocean rotting away.
They have been Immortalized and their places cemented in history as the Master Manipulators of western civilization.
Tiresome comment KK. Read the comments of Anthony Albert Laven here
and responses
and thermal imaging
cue Andy under another name to ride in to support with the gravity gradient or something.
A clear demonstration that you have no ability to analyse the written comments of others,
This exactly confirms what I said
“If you want to claim that the greenhouse effect violates the Laws of Thermodynamics, you’d need to demonstrate that there is a net transfer of energy from the region that is ~ -19oC to the region that is ~ +15oC. You can have a go at doing so, but I’m pretty sure you’d fail.”
And yet the author and yourself claim it as proof of back radiation.
Your author is effectively saying that cold CO2 at altitude, where the temperature is say 0°C, cannot radiate energy back to ground level at say 13°C.
And the weird thing is that you reverse that to claim proof of wobal glorming and death by incineration due to human origin CO2?
That entitles you to join the dead sea trio, P, I and S to live in eternal darkness.
Education ain’t what it used to be.
Context Keith
The comment means you need to show where any AGW or GHG theories claim this.
and no comment on how a detector can record radiation coming from a source 80 degrees cooler than itself?
Well, in that case Gee Aye how can the earth record radiation coming from a source 80 degrees cooler than itself?
To detect any radiation from atmospheric CO2 at its actual radiation frequency, you have to use a super-cooled detector.
Didn’t you know that ?
That radiation frequency also has a mean free path of only some 10-20m at atmospheric pressure.
But you probably didn’t know that either.
it measures a it’s own temperature and then the potential difference between the two locations.
By subtraction, it calculates the far away temperatures.
Don’t tell Gee Aye that or he may start to learn real stuff.
Keith – if it is measuring heat that means it is detecting it. If no energy was traveling from the cold source how could it assess the temperature? How could it tell apart something 50 degrees cooler from something else 70 degrees cooler?
There’s an energy potential at the measuring source and another “potential” at the target.
I believe that in some simple devices the equipment measures the difference in push between the two, references the temperature at the device and estimates the remote temperature from that.
Actual energy movement will always be proportional to the difference and move towards the point of lowest energy level, temperature.
Oh well nice try.
For the viewers at home. This is what physics says and all measurments confirm
O—> o
This is what KK says
O—> o-> (there is no “=”)
This is what he thinks is claimed by “warmists” re GHGs
O—> <-o = O <-o
KK has never given an explanation for this based on any known process to explain how energy knows the strength of energy sources in a given direction nor has he supplied any supporting data or even equations.
my first line malfunctioned due to the > having a formatting function so I’ll use curly bractets to indicate direction
O—} {-o = O–}o
As predicted Andy is here to rejoin where he left off
Poor gee…
The concept of net radiation controlled by the thermal gradient really does elude you, doesn’t it !!
And what controls the thermal gradient? gee. !
Try topics other than science and physics, Gee
Maybe you will have more success. !
Whoever he is, hope you are charging him rent.
Although he would be lonely in there. !
“The comment means you need to show where any AGW or GHG theories claim this.”
Well, well.. there’s a turnabout.
Gee now says that AGW and GHG theories don’t claim back-radiation, against the thermal gradient, from CO2.
If the Uni and IPCCCCC find out about this his job might be shakey.
Back rad doesn’t exist, end kwote.
“to join the dead sea trio, P, I and S to live in eternal darkness”
From the few comments I’ve seen from gee, that is where it prefers to reside,
…. knowledge-wise, anyway.
A deep sea abyss.
Does Oz have one?
And some memes
Memes here
ivermectin v covid-19 vaxx comparison:
Anyone who still thinks that Trump was more of a danger to the world than Biden ever will be after looking at this video ought to have their heads opened up by a surgeon to see if there is brain larger than a pea inside.
This Week’s Propaganda! Everything You Need to Be Terrified Of
Some light relief, from a joke email “When church notices go wrong”
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door.
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM .. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
And this one just about sums them all up:
The Minister unveiled the church’s new campaign slogan last Sunday: ‘I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours.’
I suppose Dan’s crew is hunting around for a snappy name for the next lockdown or will it be “circuit breaker” yet again?
it’s ok, he can blame gladys for this one.
Ivermectin: New Bayesian meta-analysis provides further support for its effectiveness in treating Covid-19
Macron has beaten Scomo to the punch on the mandating of vaccination for health workers. More Bastille Day antics; other world leaders will be studying the backlash this generates.
UK too, imminent.
“Guardian: The Florida Building Collapse was a George Floyd Climate Action Turning Point”
It’s a particularly shocking lie, given:
(1) The long documented history/concerns with the collapsed building’s designs/faults that have nothing to do with sea level/salt water intrusion.
(2) The collapse mechanism was not from concrete deck/foundations/pillars in possible contact with ground sea water – it was the swimming pool deck/car park ceiling that dropped from the pillars.
(3) Nearby the collapsed building is its twin, there are no concerns about that collapsing.
Viewed from outside
“Wuhan Flu: State Of Psychosis”
They’re amazed to have found somewhere that looks worse than Canada
About right
“Moderna Will Begin Study to Determine if it is Safe to Vaccinate Pregnant Women
July 14, 2021 | sundance | 16 Comments”
“Thousands of pregnant women have been force-vaccinated due to work requirements, peer pressure and demands by the U.S. government. Now the vaccine makers will do a clinical trial to determine if it is safe. [Clinical Trial Announcement Here] Call me crazy, but doesn’t that seem backward?”
For the record – way back in BC there was
Which, it can be argued, helped spawn the “grey literature by showing how easy it was to wreck any sensational tale that gave traceable references.
But now – see