A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Claim: Tasmania, New Zealand, Iceland, UK & Ireland the Best Places to Survive the Climate Crisis
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
Let’s see this mouth piece author live there now for the next 5 years…
Our Prime Minister in Canada is really all in on freezing Canadians.
He paid our steel mills to downsizing so that they can no longer smelt any steel or materials.
We now are totally reliant on imports.
For a cold country on verge of it’s main fuel supply being shut off is not a nice prospect to think about.
Here is a link to a little known website that may force you to question your move to these refuges
The blog is published under the pseudonym joannenova and has just run a series of articles that imply we may be on the verge of a cold snap. So my advice to those planning to wait out the Human Induced Global Warming is to not store your potatoes and victuals too deep in the the permafrost as did the Taxmen who migrated to Newfoundland from Scotland. You may find food and warmth a bit scarce. And then there was this lead by a Banker that may have lead to the bankrupted Scots having to surrender their independence to a foreign power. Sound familiar.
The Act of Union was a necessity as Scotland was bankrupt. Most of the aristocracy were broke and were offered/negotiated bribes by the English, but most were still desperate after the South Sea Bubble (and other speculations) in 1720 and that lead to The Clearances as the land was converted to sheep and the clansmen sent into exile (It took over 100 years but got well underway as soon as the landowners realised the profit, similar to more modern times as industry is ‘rationalised’ abroad). They cannot now even build wind turbines there.
It seems to be a national characteristic as they have embarked on a similar scheme in recent years with wind energy, believing that they can run the country on wind and make a fortune selling it to other nations, namely England from whom they want to be independent while getting continued subsidies for wind (and vital backup electricity). At least this time they will avoid the mosquitoes.
As for their ambition to be the Saudi Arabia of Wind, Norway isn’t interested in taking any more, neither is Denmark. The Netherlands have (mostly) reliable coal-fired (rendered suitable by purchase of Green Certificates) so they don’t want it either.
No sheet, Sherlock!
That clown has no idea what he is talking about, they have hydro power , while there is water in the dams, they don’t manufacture anything except timber and whisky, no oil industry so shanks pony for you, it’s the last place I would go for the end of civilisation.
I’m in the tropics and have learned to live in the heat [No! not by living in the aircon] and “they” say the effect of AGW will not affect the tropics much, so I’ll stay where I am, thank you.
For more than ten years in this century my wife and I ran training courses in quarantine fumigation from the Middle East, through India, SE Asia to the Philippines and China. We had to work outside in tropical heat in all those counties (except China) and, although we found 42C in Cheni a bit hard to take we got quite used to temperatures in the mid 30’s. And, what’s more, the millions of people who live in those areas seem to have no problems at all. Why on earth we are worried about 1 or 2 degrees in the climates that we are habituated to, I have no idea.
The Triumphant March Toward 100% “Renewable” Electricity: Germany and California
July 28, 2021/ Francis Menton
And a follow-up article to “The Triumphant March Toward 100% “Renewable” Electricity: Germany and California””
A Little Arithmetic: The Costs Of A Solar-Powered Grid Without Fossil Fuel Back-up
July 29, 2021/ Francis Menton
Years ago, I remember reading about a German economist who in about 2011 did a study on the optimum level of renewables in an electricity system in Germany. His answer was 30%.
If it is the same German economist that produced the paper I read, your word “optimum” should be replaced with tolerated. The optimum for most grids is zero weather dependent generators. Until their lifetime costs equate to the cost of coal fuel for thermal plant the optimum will remain zero in most cases.
There is an optimum level around 30% for wind generators in perched water constrained hydro grids and remote locations that are using full price diesel fuel.
They say that the sun and wind are free, so what, so is coal: You don’t post a cheque to “The Maker” for every ton mined. Like wind and solar there are costs incurred in the harvesting. Coal has an unfair TAX burden not placed on the ruinables.
Even that claim for “renewables” may be suspect. For 2019 and the EU as a whole “Renewables” supplied 16% of demand, but solar was 1%, wind 2% and bioenergy 11% (burning woodchips and rubbish etc.).
( Hydro 2% wasn’t included under renewables for some reason.)
No wonder these guys are paid so well, us mechanics could never have worked that out on our own.
Two interesting articles on COVID-19:
Study: Vaccinated people can carry as much virus as others
The Associated PressThe Associated Press
AP30 Jul 202181
Top Experts Say COVID-19 ‘Delta Variant’ Symptoms Are Identical To ‘Hay Fever’, Common Cold
by ANDREW WHITE June 29, 2021
Check this – 74% of cases were vaccinated
“During July 2021, 469 cases of COVID-19 associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings in a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, were identified among Massachusetts residents; vaccination coverage among eligible Massachusetts residents was 69%. Approximately three quarters (346; 74%) of cases occurred in fully vaccinated persons (those who had completed a 2-dose course of mRNA vaccine [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] or had received a single dose of Janssen [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine ≥14 days before exposure).
people who have recovered from Covid have broad and robust immunity, including against variants.
CDC appears to say…( PDF doc )
vaccinated = non-vaccinated for cases
Masks forever…..
And appear to admit vaccines are useless to stop transmission.
Game over….its either let it run and let natural immunity win, or is medical slavery at the hands of the insane N W O….
Yes, but the real story is that vaccinations do not do much good and in fact are hazardous, even after their alleged effects have stopped working possibly only to leave the victim more vulnerable than those who haven’t been vaccinated.
If everyone were vaccinated, people would still get the virus and thus the figure obviously would be 100% not just 74%. We have been sold out once again by our officialdom. First there was the CAGW alarm and the lie to reduce our emissions, now the COVID-10 scare, lockdowns and vaccine lies. If these two initiatives don’t crash and burn the West then we’ll see yet another scam to make sure it does.
Possibly that is true PeterS,
Then data so far dose not support the proposition that the vaccines are hazardous, except for a few poorly documented cases.
Either our health officials are lying or the vaccinated are doing ok so far. I am not sure which is which!
Masks for school kids in the USA
Its appears to not be a medical reason –
But appears to be because of a Union?
“One of the nation’s largest teacher’s union will continue to push for face masks to be worn in schools despite new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that says it is now safe for fully vaccinated people to take their masks off in most indoor settings.
“The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which represents 1.7 million members across the country, told Newsweek that the labor union is awaiting COVID-19 vaccine authorization for kids under age 12 before mask requirements are lifted in schools.
I agree the jury is still out but the fact still remains there is much anecdotal evidence to show the vaccines are causing serious side effects to some yet no one in official circles will bother to investigate and tell us the truth. All they keep telling us is to shut up and do what they say – vaccinate! NO WAY! On the balance of probabilities I would far more likely die from a car accident than from the virus. I won’t stop driving and I won’t be taking any experiential vaccine. I rather wait. In fact I would not be too concerned getting the virus and become immune naturally. The vast majority of people who get the virus suffer little or no illness and have the benefit of obtaining immunity the proper way. BTW, in the UK now they are concerned that those who are vaccinated need booster shots due to the delta strain affecting even the vaccinated, so they say. There is a lot we don’t know, mostly because it’s still too early days. However, I also believe they are not telling us the whole truth. Lots of conspiracy theories out there and I’ve always ignore them in the past but this time I am not playing Russian Roulette with my life. As I keep saying, on the balance of probabilities using their own officials data, the smarter move is not the be vaccinated and take the necessary precautions to avoid being infected. In any case here in Australia we do not have an epidemic of the virus, not even in the most loose use of the term. It has been one huge beat up here.
Mathew Crawford says that the statistical method used by the CDC to compute adverse effects is invalid. Seems he has a point because a particular event is always analyzed as a fraction of all events + that one.
Let’s pretend that vaccines could eradicate COVID in the entire human population as they did with smallpox.
A problem has arisen in other mammals, both farmed and wild, being carriers. The virus jumped to farmed mink, with Denmark alone culling 17 million last year and no idea of the prevalence of the disease in the wild mink population. Farmers were ordered to cull their herds by 16 November and the Police and military were deployed to enforce the (illegal) cull. Mink in Spain, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands and the US were all affected.
The virus passed from humans to farmed mink, before jumping back to humans. Several different mutations have been discovered in the virus in mink that do not arise in humans. But one called “Cluster 5” is of particular concern and 12 people are known to have caught it in Denmark. More than 200 other people have contracted other mink-related strains of the virus. Tests have found that patient antibodies respond less well to Cluster 5.
It is just reported that 60% of white-tailed deer in Michigan have been exposed to COVID. Antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 were detected in 33 percent of the total specimens, but 60 percent of deer in Michigan were found to have been exposed.
Of the three other states tested, Illinois had the lowest with just seven percent, then New York with 18 percent and Pennsylvania with 34 percent.
The findings, according to experts, suggests that wild animals in the US could serve as a reservoir for the virus even if it becomes under control in the human population.
When SARS-CoV-2 jumped from humans into minks on fur farms, its spike proteins mutated to infect the animals more easily.
But when the virus was transmitted back into humans, it carried this mutation with it, making COVID-19 antibodies less effective, according to scientists.
So, if mutated zoonotic strains of the virus are episodically transmitted back to re-infect humans, and those strains make the vaccines even less effective than they already are with known human mutations, what point is there in exposing humanity to the known — and unknown — dangers of these “vaccines”?
With the apparent amount of toxic graphene oxide in the vaccines as a nano particle able to allegedly create systemic autoimmune reactions, the greater the “crisis” the more if this stuff is injected.
Covid is just the driver to take the vaccine.
Graphene oxide? That might explain why people demonstrated how a magnetic can stick to the arm where the shots were taken. In one video I saw them using a super magnet close the where the shot entered the skin, and it bulged out to be attracted to the magnet. Perhaps fake but given Graphene exhibits strange behaviours in electromagnetic fields (I saw many lab experiments to demonstrate the effects) it’s very possible the videos of magnets hanging off people’s arms are real. Yet another reason I won’t be taking the shots just in case.
Kung Flu in 30% of of 60% of the total ESTIMATED Whitetailed deer population?
Raw data would be nice, but probably embarrassing for them.
How many deer did they catch, test and release? Did they trap ten, test six and get a “result” in two? That sounds “sciency” enough for this caper. PCR tests? These are as bogus as Hell, anyway.
Has anyone ever done full bloods on an entire species over its entire range over an extended period before?
White-tailed deer are not exactly domesticated livestock.
The Tsunami of lies and fraud rolls on.. It is all straight-up fear pron.
The other big question is, did these deer have the “tested positive” status before this current test was available.
Has this virus always been there !
No, the virus was not always there. From another post…
You might want to take a look at this. It is from the pharmaceutical virus/vaccine patent side of things:
It is the best explanation I have seen so far, as to why the narrative suddenly shifted to Laboratory Escape from Natural Origin.
In order to get a patent on something it has to be “invented” and not natural. For example you can’t get a patent on “Vitamin C”. So, as this video reveals, almost all of the “components” of COVID19 have been patented (virus capsule, spike protein, furin cleavage site, etc). So, if this were a natural recombination occurrence, how did the bats and pangolins get the patented components? The video also reveals a lot of inconsistencies in the patent data, like PCR tests and vaccine patents being filed before the patents on the “novel” virus, etc.
Give it ten minutes… I found it to be one of the most interesting videos I have seen on COVID19 in a long time.”
It is my perspective that The research done at Wuhan in 2019 finalized this. I am now well convinced that this was all created. Details on the release are unknown. However the statist never let a crisis go to waste.
Such is the nature of the tyrant, when he first appears, he is a protector “
The author of the above quote demonstrates how deep seated in human nature the desire for power over others is. The author Plato (427—347 B.C.E.)
Just to keep things cheery
UK Gov’t Warns of COVID-19 Doomsday Scenario, Says 1 in 3 Could Die
The UK government in a new document published Saturday (15 Pages) warned that a new strain of COVID-19 could mutate and kill one in three people.
The chance of mutation is most likely to occur when the virus is at its most prevalent, which seems to be the case in the UK, according to the United Kingdom’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).
Dr. Philippa Whitford, the vice-chair of Britain’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on COVID-19, told The Daily Mail that stricter border control measures were needed. Without them, she said, “we risk importing vaccine-resistant variants while uncontrolled spread here could lead to yet another UK variant.”
Wow, really? This is legitimate? Either they know ADE is going to happen, ( or starting to happen) or they are just trying to panic the population for control. I see zero decent options here; they are either incredibly irresponsible panic promoters, or democidal nut cases.
There is little doubt they will, and perhaps already are, blame or blaming adverse reactions to the vaccine on vaccine variations. ( I just find it highly unlikely that a virus, even a human created one as this one almost certainly is, that fir most people is about as threatening as a bad flu, would easily progress to a 33 percent case mortality rate.)
The Biden administration is doing all possible to frighten and divide its citizens as well in scientifically wrong and morally demented comments blaming further spread on the unvaccinated.
Obiden literally told the unvaccinated that they would pay. I guess they are both incredibly irresponsible and evil.
So who would have think it! But I suppose it was always bound to happen.
“Victoria’s 300-megawatt Tesla battery catches fire, authorities working to contain blaze”
And that was even before it was completed!!
And link
Is it still burning?
Dave B
Some nice analyses here:
Nothing to worry about. All those released toxic gases aren’t anywhere near as dangerous as CO2.
‘All those released toxic gases aren’t anywhere near as dangerous as CO2.’
You seem to have a typo there. CO2? Surely you meant ‘..our politicians and bureaucrats.’!
I once saw a description of a Tesla as a car, a computer, a power supply and a barbecue , all in one package.
Just wait until these things get a bit of age on them, poof.
Would be curious to know the mean percentage of EVs, and the number of EV fires over say a six month period. (Especially those not involved in a crash) And then see that number extrapolated to the number of cars on the road.
The “Victorian Big Battery” – an installation due to come online later this year – was commisisioned by authorities “to boost the state’s energy reliability, drive down electricity prices…”
Sydney plays hardball as troops and police flood city and warning given by helicopter of fines if rules are broken
Who is from Sydney here? Is it as draconian as it sounds?
Yet more draconian OZ legislation planned. Presumably this will be thrown out of parliament?
If this pandemic actually gains a proper foothold , judging by the astonishing restrictions to date every Australian citizen will probably have an armed guard at their door
Vast vast over reaction.
Been thinking about this for a couple days.
Tonyb, forgive me for tagging on to your comment but it seems the right place.
This is my last comment on Jonova or anywhere. (Not that anyone cares, or this will survive mod.)
Not sure it’s safe.
I was here cause I saw Jonova and Oz as a bellwether.
Oz appears to me from to have become a totalitarian state as you illustrate.
Same for NZ Canada France and UK, US soon.
The Tech monsters have announced teaming up with governments to create lists of dissenters and wrong thinkers.
The V is just a cover.
Academia and science have become the Medieval Church and we are entering a new weird Feudal era.
The Church (in their new incarnation Tech and Academia) and the aristocracy are on verge of restoring their former power.
My life work and subsistence small business have been heavily damaged by lockdown and another round is likely it.
But so many I know have benefited and approve of the situation.
From my reading of history, totalitarianism requires an initial crushing of peasants.
So I gotta keep my head down and hope for the best.
Good luck all, we’re gonna need it. Thanks for tolerating me.
Not complaining, I was fortunate to live in the light of free speech and thought for the best part of my life.
With a last salute to my father and all those that fought for it.
It was very cool while it lasted.
This statement is just for my own satisfaction.
Oh yeah, and anthropogenic climate change is BS.
You sound depressed. There are many hundreds of thousands of lock down protestors in France Uk, OZ and huge online condemnation of govts. These have forced many a U turn by such as Boris,
It is astonishing how many demand yet more lockdowns or travel restrictions or greater use of face masks. In the UK the vast majority of people say they intend continuing to wear them however the reporters observations showed this was very far from the cae.
So what people do and what they say are often not the same thing.
Lockdowns don’t work. The sooner people realise they are actually under house arrest the better.
I for one intend to continue posting. I would not touch twitter, or Facebook however as they can be cess pits and often just reflect the unconsidered views of small groups of people.
People are apathetic and often just go with the flow until they are affected. Those unable to see their grandchildren say because of travel restrictions will start to query what is happening.when people’s power bills soar and energy is rationed they will realise the drawbacks to so called green energy. People need a push.
So, don’t despair, eventually the world will right itself if everyone keeps bailing.
Best wshes
Exactly right Tonyb, I sympathize with John R Smith who like many others are just hanging in there financially, physically or mentally and see no hope for the future, it has angered me for years and I hope many others will feel the same when the negative impacts of their apathy affects their lives.
I sympathize with John too. Mismanagement of the pandemic has been cruel to small business, and it is grossly unfair that they have borne so much of the cost.
I’m no Bellwether though. Virology and genetics was and still is my first passion in science. We don’t want mandatory vax, but we don’t want ChiComm Bioweapons either. I’m aiming for freedom from both.
Far from being under totalitarian reign, I live in the state with the most freedom on Earth. The policy of eradicating the virus means I’m free not only from masks and lockdowns (95% of the time) but I’m also free of Chinese Bioweapons, and free of any urgent need to vaccinate.
The kids of WA are free to go to school. The old folks are free to get visitors. We are free to dance and sing, and watch football, hold concerts and travel within a 2 million square kilometer area with the best beaches in the world.
We gave up the right to fly freely outside of the state (and we miss our friends, we want those travel bubbles open). But the voters of WA overwhelmingly chose this path. The State Government won in a shocking landslide winning 53 out of 59 seats in the lower house.
Perhaps we live in a bubble of democracy from a time when it mattered and the corruption has just not matured here as it has in more populated places.
The next Chicomm bioweapon is already in the lab. The West needs a better plan, because we don’t want to repeat this one, and the next virus could be so much worse. Many states in Australia and NZ show the way. We didn’t have to let this in. Chinese bioweapons need to stay in China.
On Feb 16th last year I predicted that we would be closing factories and schools in a month if we did not shut the borders and I was right. At the time I said that it was unheard of to consider closing flights and shutting down cities, but it was obvious what was coming.
I realize people want me to say that all restrictions are wrong and the virus is just the flu, but it’s not and I wouldn’t be much of a blogger if I was just saying what people want to hear. It’s being used by Big Pharma and the left, and by China, but talk to the scientists who work this area, as well the ones who disagree. There are vested interests on both sides.
As always, the observations and data are king.
Thanks for sticking around and reading, especially if it’s not what you wanted to hear. Long live free speech.
I have agreed with much that you say Jo but not with your statement that “We gave up the right to fly freely outside the state”. I certainly did no such thing; my freedom to fly was taken from me. My mother in England is 99; my siblings are all there, son overseas, grandsons in the UK and our great grandson is almost a year old, unmet by us. We haven’t seen our son in WA for ages; we had been planning a visit over a year ago. We should not be living in such fear and panic and under such heavy control as humans who should be able to live their lives to the full. Our wonderful civilisation; better than ever in the history of the human race, ever, is being wrecked.
WA voted for this.
4. This instrument of authorisation is additional to the Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation To Supply Or Administer A Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COV/D-19) VACCINE] (No. 1) 2021.
161. Authorised officer may be given assistance, and may use force ($FILE/Public%20Health%20Act%202016%20-%20%5B00-i0-03%5D.pdf?OpenElement
I gave up no rights, they were taken by others.
Thanks Jo,
I agree with most of what you say (except lock down). I don’t think it can go on.
Why oh Why do we still not have any quarantine? Or anti viral treatments? Or a hospital system geared up for a pandemic which has been going for more than a year and a half?
So much can be tried at least, but our Ministers and Premiers won’t hear us.
Thanks Annie, you speak for a lot of us.
I’ll add my voice to those who thank Jo for everything she does with this wonderful site but note that she is refusing to see the damage wrought by isolation and lockdowns and totally discounting the lowered likelihood of serious infection with the Delta variant.
We should be exposing healthy kids to the Delta variant (like we do with ChickenPox) rather than subjecting them to toxin producing gene therapy.
I do not know if you are allowed to travel to the UK? Oz is on our green list so no quarantine is needed from our end I believe
I noticed this today;
It seems to imply that those travelling through certain red list countries that are hubs can travel onwards without quarantine at the interim place. Don’t know if that UK trip might be possible after all
tonyB question-
Travel to UK from Oz? Yes for sports and entertainment, big business, politicians and senior public servants.
No, for the others, not allowed to leave, if out then extreme difficulty in returning, some Australians have been overseas for months and their government is unconcerned.
I have heard of all these Australians stranded overseas unable to get back. But surely foreign film makers, sports people, celebrities etc etc have been allowed to enter Oz and then leave again? How do they manage it?
Different rules for the elite, tonyb.
Being stranded overseas is a reality for thousands of ordinary Australian citizens
The key word here is “allowed”..!
Currently Australians wishing to go overseas must get permission from the Dept of Home Affairs.
This is a written document that must be produced before you can check in on an international flight.
Permission to travel is only granted for essential and exceptional circumstances.
This is in addition to any requirements the destination ( or transit) country may impose.
@tonyb, Aug the 1st @11:21pm.
Tony, it is only a percentage of applicants who receive approval for an exemption; not sure of the exact figure atm. Apart from the likelihood of being knocked back, the sheer stress of the process plus shortage of places on flights plus the huge cost of them now (we are pensioners living off a limited pension) make it all very difficult.
The thought of being two weeks in a claustrophobia-inducing city hotel room is a worry too…how do you get the correct diet, fresh air and sunshine and adequate exercise? Those places look like a nightmare. It would be much more sensible to be able to quarantine on our little farm in the country (with an ankle bracelet?). I would leave plenty of stored food in the freezer and have fresh supplies dropped off at the gate, no problem. Of course, those of us who would do the right thing can’t be trusted because certain elements of society don’t do the right thing.
The hub we usually travel through is DXB, red list for UK but presumably no problem if just transitting.
AS I believe you are a tennis superstar who is a world class motor racing driver, also a international celebrity and who also makes oscar winning films you should haver no trouble at all getting on your plane and getting back. Seems like many thousands of your compatriots stranded overseas do not have the same opportunity though.
Unfortunately I think the travel bans are doing very little long term.
The reason is that I see no sign of governments in most nations or in WA of using the very effective antivirals or shutting down the leaky vaccines which are, even now, harming a chance to acquire natural immunity.
Now I see all bans as effective government motivational tools to push, threaten, and all but force people, most of whom are not under viral threat, to get vaccinated.
The multi pronged attack of universal anti-virals, helpful vitamins, sunshine and natural immunity was the obvious solution to this by March of 2020.
Yeah, too bad for all those whose businesses rely on tourism, eh Jo. They’re probably not revelling quite as much as you are in your ‘freedom state’!
In Western Australia the tourism industry is on full throttle.
Can’t get a bed or a campsite for love or money. The restaurants are humming. Sport is in full flight. (My team lost yesterday – due to the refereeing, of course – and there were hundreds of people there cheering, roaring, laughing, drinking and even singing. But that Rugby for you).
The freedom state is not just a political entity. It’s as much a psychological one.
The cost of camper trailers, caravans, four-wheel drives and tents is on a roll. The country pubs are having a big season. People are already out looking for wildflowers (they’re a month too early – but they don’t care).
The bush is full of gold-detectors pinging away at $US1,800 per troy ounce. The surf is a bit rough but the water – the water – is as warm as I’ve ever felt it since I’ve been surfing here. Not even wearing a wetsuit.
Yep. We’ve had a bit of rain, but the cockies have stopped whinging and started to buy city properties as though they’re going out of fashion. They be complaining that the bumper season will depress their prices soon enough. But that’s cockies for you.
Best thing you could do is get yourself and your family over to the freedom state. Permanently. Especially if you know how to weld, or lay a brick, or fix a leaky roof.
Well put.

Sorry to hear that John, hope you at least check in on us occasionally.
It’s called the ‘big reset’, John R.
We saw the technique of denial as the AGW scheme was growing up in the UN. You could download and read the planning, but it was all denied as a conspiracy theory.
Those keen watchers of ‘The Outsiders’ on Sunday morning would have seen Rowan Deans little piece with all the world leaders, one after the other, using the same media technique used in the US that has everyone from every ‘competing’ media outlet using the same words and promising there are universal, advantageous for citizens changes on the horizon to look forward to. Again, it’s the leaders of the Western democracies only that promise nirvana, as they did with AGW. COVID is one thing, but, as shown with Fauci, it is also another training ground of assessing what public reactions to restrictions will be and how they will be handled.
Just another conspiracy theory obviously! The second one. All in plain sight, but people seem incapable of seeing the games being played at the periphery by the US and European leaderships. It is scary but nobody calls it out, demanding information about what those leaderships are proposing, yet as Dean showed, they are all into it very publicly and on video recordings.
The thing that is really scary is that the politicians, at least at State level, bureaucrats and police – even the armed forces chiefs, seem to be enjoying the enforcement processes which seem hugely more extreme than the number of cases of COVID and their distributions appear to warrant. Similarly, while they all get paid as though nothing has happened, there is almost zero interest in the huge damage being done to small businesses and to people’s lives as a consequence. We are being made more and more dependent on government and nobody calls it out.
This may explain the denial of Ivermectin .
The pollies and public servants who sign this sort of thing would have no qualms, it is after all-
Other people’s money.
So the N W O raises a clenched fist threatening any dissent
We are almost at the scenario in “V for Vendetta” where a totalitarian regieme crushes and punishes any dissent against the Reich…
Should it just be called the 4th Reich?
After all, it appears to be using Na*i techniques and appears to have occupied our country under false pretenses…..
I would question the backgrounds of some police engaging in these front line actions, UN trained or backed operatives are not uncommon globally.
I’ve wondered about that, since that business at the Vic Market in Melbourne. They didn’t seem like ‘normal’ police. Where did they come from?
It is as bad as it sounds. They even have helicopters warning people on the streets to leave or be arrested. There were 1300 police in the CBD (sat 31/07)to stop/arrest anyone that may have turned up to protest. (good day for the crims to run riot!). They are stopping vehicles that have 2 or more people to check if they are related, if not the occupants are fined.
Of all the major democracies it is OZ that worries me the most. China must be looking on in astonishment. The number of cases you have is trivial yet the lockdowns and restrictions have been some of the harshest around. That makes me very concerned as to what the reactions of the authorities will be if the rates of infections and deaths reach those of some other countries.
There is an authoritarian streak running through OZ like the lettering through a stick of rock. I had not expected this at all.
Hope people push back.
The vast majority of Australians recognise that lockdowns work. Victoria has beaten community spread of Covid 5 times. Clearly they also recognise that border controls are the simplest and most effective.
The Prime Minister has now changed his tune to recommending short, sharp, severe lockdowns. He recognises the political currency in keeping Covid under control. The next federal election is required by May next year. If Australia is still battling Covid by then his credibility would be low.
Until a month ago, very few people were concerned about getting vaccinated in Australia. It was a low priority. That has changed. If NSW cannot halt community spread then they will be in a dire race to get vaccinated or take the odds with Covid.
UK added 71 soles to their Covid death tally yesterday and USA 419. Australia added 2 deaths. That is despite much higher levels of vaccination in both UK and USA than Australia.
It is not easy to get the infection rate under 1. It requires very careful control – bioweapon grade control. After all we are dealing with an accidental release of a bioweapon grade virus that was not yet fully developed but still dangerous.
Providing Australia protects its agriculture, iron ore exports and coal exports, the economy will be in good shape. Unlike UK and USA, Australia has dramatically improved its current account through the Covid era.
The rush by many economies to install weather dependent generators has created unprecedented demand for Australian exports. It takes a lot of coal, gas, iron ore, copper, aluminium and other raw materials to add global warming monuments around the countryside and on roofs.
UK may have lowered its CO2 emission internally but they have just outsourced the CO2 production to places like China that rely on Australia for the raw materials. Everything that is purchased in the UK is benefiting the Australian economy. Half the world’s steel is made from Australian iron ore. The Premier of WA, Mark McGowan, has done an outstanding job in keeping Covid out of his State and his high value exporters going strong.
If China was honest at the outset and came out with a strong warning that they had accidentally released a bioweapon from a lab in Wuhan, would you take the odds that their science was hopeless and the “bioweapon” was low grade or would you immediately shut borders until you could get a grip on what was going on. Maybe you would just keep going as usual on the basis of China reassuring you that the virus was not deadly despite them locking people in their homes in Wuhan! The world is dealing with a bioweapon that was probably not at its maximum potency. We are still to learn how effective it is.
Go back 20 months – China advises the UN that they have accidentally released a bioweapon. China shuts down all flights out of the country and require all non-resident incoming passengers to accept house arrest until the virus is eliminated. Where would the world be today? What would be your thoughts on border controls under those circumstances. Look at the derivation of quarantine:
Australia has always had quarantine for animal entry but got slack with humans. Still not set up to deal with human entry particularly well.
2019 4,124 Influenza and pneumonia deaths ranked 9th in all cause deaths.
In July 2019 there were 70,071 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza (flu). That is an average of 2,260 cases a day. Based on the rate of flu cases to deaths of *0.5% there would have been 350 deaths just from the flu in July 2019, that averages 11 per day.
” in 2019 there were 313,371 confirmed flu cases with *1,566 deaths.”
Another irrelevant distraction from an anti-vaxxer.
Government numbers, take it up with them. Same government you get your running totals from, Junkie.
Actually, the original Quarantine Station for Sydney, still exists in its entire original form at North Head , above Manley,
It is isolated with its own arrivals wharf and enclosed area with a guardhouse still.
The decontamination shower stalls and change rooms are all there together with numeroud accommodation buildings and service facilities.
These days it is open to the public for events and resturant / bar functions.
Sadly, its at the opposite side of town to the International airport where most new arrivals enter these days !
Well said RickWill.
Quarantine for the possibly infected arrivals, not for the entire population!
Annie, I’m not in quarantine.
I live in Western Australia. I have the freedom of movement right throughout the state as a result of the decision taken to close the borders. We have no community cases. And no community deaths.
I’ve had my double dose of the vaccine (AZ) and hold sufficient HCQ, Zn and D3 to deal with any unexpected infection. My doctor is prepared to write a script for Doxycycline.
What’s not to like about all that?
So you got injected with an experimental concoction, from something that you state does not exist and is so effective you went and got pills that the same people whom recommended the injection tell you do not work, to protect you in case the most effective vaccine in history fails.
You don’t believe the scientists, government, media and doctors in the climate change debate, yet you believe the exact same people now?
Seems logic was the only thing you were vaccinated against.
Lucky you, SS if you have no family links elsewhere, especially overseas. Even if interstate borders come down I’ll be boycotting WA and Qld until their current premiers are removed. All the premiers are above themselves and tbe PM needs to assert his leadersip over what I had supposed was one coutry when we moved here.
MP says:
Get a grip MP.
More untruths from you.
Your lack of integrity is amazing.
Show the evidence where I ever said what you assert.
A lockdown would be useful if covid were actually dangerous….
But it has a 99.7* % recovery rate.
Its an excuse for the new Na*ism….
& should I repost the UK data showing how less dangerous the Delta variant is vs the original?>
Which of the 923 deaths from Covid-19 in Australia so far, would you consider to be OK?
Which of the 4.237 Million deaths from Covid-19 world-wide so far, would you consider to be OK?
909 deaths for 2020. Reset.
14 deaths 2021 to date (7 months) no flu.
In July 2019, 11 per day average died from the flu. 4124 people died in Australia from the flu in 2019, are they OK with you, why did you not lock down in 2019. Because the government did not tell you to.
Your government tells you flu is gone, bet you still got a flu Vax.
Basically Skeptical Sam is against death. Best join a religion that promises life ever after, then, cause all the rest are doomed to die.
Given that the BC Canada covid deaths occurred at a median age of 84, with the life expectancy for the province at 82, it would seem as if covid functioned like all other infectious illnesses: it took out those whose immune systems had already failed. Fear porn put any youngish victims on the front pages, but to make a big story of the 2nd under 10 death was outright lying. The infant had already been transferred to the major children’s hospital because of its existing disease. On the other hand HxNx flu’s are lethal across the age span.
Sam, would that be the many elderly who had covid but weren’t sent to hospital, so the infection could then spread?
Do you mean those deaths?
And in the USA in NY they sent covid patients back into their care facilities, and we know what happened.
Add them to the Leftist death toll….
“Those who hate Me, love death”
Prov 8:36
MP says:
That is the classic example of false equivalence. The strategy of the lefties.
That, and distraction from the point.
Which of the Covid-19 deaths are you OK with?
Fran says:
Yes. Of course I’m against death. Especially if it is unnecessary.
Which Covid-19 death is. The solution is to get vaccinated. And, if you still get infected the best chances are that you won’t die.
I take it that you, like Pol Pot, Mao Tse-Tung and Stalin, are all for death; especially of those who disagree with you?
Original Steve asks the inane question:
I mean all the deaths OS.
And you have, as expected, not identified which of the deaths you would consider to be OK.
Come on. Stand by your principals. Which of those deaths are OK?
Its unsurprising in a quarry economy that current account would be bouyant when the rest of the economy and the supply chain is trashed and people and businesses cant afford to spend $ on oveseas goods. Not something to celebrate in the current context unless you work in resources or have Rio shares.
yarpos, just be thankful there is a lot of currency coming into Australia from mining. Yes WA is doing well on the royalties, but so is the nation getting a high return from the high prices being paid for those exported resources from WA and other States.
The cost to the nation of COVID would be a lot worse without it. The Federal government has spent money like water, and States are destroying small businesses and people’s hopes for their futures and savings for whatever else they had in mind. One waits for the fallout on lending institutions as the destruction proceeds. The only non-sufferers from this disease and the actions taken to control it are the public servants, politicians, farmers in some cases and big businesses able to keep running.
Rick comment is wrong. Yes, an initial release of a human developed pathogen that rapidly killed was cause to what should have been an initial hard travel lock down until we learned. So Trump was right.
Then it was “ flatten the curve”.
Now it is lockdowns forever, a leaky virus mutating vaccine with deadly adverse reactions, and potentially catastrophic reactions. The vaccine is failing, and may very well be destroying our chance for herd immunity. Apologies if I missed it, yet I did not see Rick calling for wide spread anti viral use.
At this point the lockdowns only force more to the failing vaccines. In most of the global population the virus was reduced due to seasonal reasons, leaky vaccines, and growing herd immunity. In the areas of older high vaccination percentage, the crossover events are increasing.
“China must be looking on in astonishment.”
I think the CCP is looking on in approval as their puppets here carry out their orders.
Pity they just didnt switch to protest in Parramatta, the head Oberleutnant would have had apoplexy with his resources in the CBD.
Practice run for the time when they will enforce martial law if and when things go pear shape.
When people start dying en masse from the jab you will have chaos and food supply and medical facilities will be devastated. The majority resisters to the “vaccine” are medical people, because they know what it does.
And gumintis deeply implicated as they relentlessly promote it.
Things are going to get ugly, I can see police being injured or killed, which is why troops are being used. We may see civil war in this country…I hope not but once people work out they have been shafted, it will turn fast.
I hope the police and military have the guts to not obey orders they know are immoral and evil. I abhor violence, I am a realist though and have studied history.
Wondered why the current gun amnesty is running? Its the final push to disarm people before it gets ugly….massive gun confiscations if you refuse the vaccine…it will happen… .vaccine refusers will be considered a “threat” to society….they are already encouraging people to snitch on thier neighbours.
Our society is losing freedoms and they tend not to return. But the USA is hugely worse and tearing itself apart, all based on stirred up racism.
In this country it hasn’t been so effective. We have had multiculturalism rammed down our throats for 50years, and I would say it has worked well, by and large. Those that would try to split us on the race line – probably descendents of those that promulgated multiculturalism as a political action initially – are hitting their heads against a brickwall of proven reality erected by their own forebears. Thanks folks.
Our problems are coming from wokism forced on us by a combination of big government, including military and police, and big business activism in a space they have right to assume authority over the people that allow them to operate in our community.
UK Led carrier task force sails into South China seas and warned by China they are a ‘bitch’ and will be hustled out of the disputed area
“After sailing through the South China Sea, the UK strike group will take part in Exercise Bersama Gold with Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.”
Might be able to undertake a re-enactment of this famous Naval engagement between a fleet that sailed from the North Atlantic to display their power to an Asian navy.
I wonder how many of the fully vaccinated sailors in the task force have CoViD?
“Being vaccinated meant that the effects seem to have been mild for the 100 or more involved”
For a group of young healthy soldiers, you would expect the “effects” to be mild anyway,
Yeah but heres the thing…if as it appears the vaccinated are now spreaders, this means a never ending pandemic.
So as Bossche said, mass vaccination also favours the truly nasty mutations, which means a form of faster and faster viral feedback and creating a true monster.
But I think that appears to be the plan…
“Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome … advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the Black Death of history. ‘The cure will be announced as newly developed when, in fact, it has existed from the beginning.” [“Behold A Pale Horse “, p. 49, 167]
Just as all those who participated in the very limit trials of the gene therapy spike protein vaccines were selected to be young and healthy. Isn’t it funny how no major side effects were reported given this criteria?
UK Led carrier task force sails into South China seas and warned by China they will be hustled out of the disputed area
“After sailing through the South China Sea, the UK strike group will take part in Exercise Bersama Gold with Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.”
Slightly modified a marginally earlier post held in moderation presumably because it had the word bi*c* in it. I will see when I try to post this one.
8-29-20 (From the crocodile tear-shedding guy who gets major foundation funding*, major US departments funding (State Dept., Pentagon, HHS)
The termination stemmed from EcoHealth’s work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology…Daszak says the project had identified fragments of genetic sequences for hundreds of wholly new bat coronaviruses, including some that were close relatives of SARS-COV-2, the virus causing the current pandemic….But now, Daszak says, “we can’t do that work. And I don’t think that work is going to happen in China, because they were relying on us to fund it.”
“That’s the most critical work in the midst of an outbreak caused by exactly the same [type of] virus,” Daszak says, adding, “It’s a loss to the public. It’s a loss to global health and it’s a loss to U.S. national security as well.”
Vast infrastructure projects and they cant fund research into something that impacts them directly? sounds like BS, they would be more interested in the engagement to harvest IP.
this might help:
Can’t wait to get the Pfizer vaccine? Read this.
It’s not my country but with the direction of travel of OZ policy over covid this sort of thing is going to happen over there unless you rein in the authorities hard and quickly
The day Australians are willfully complicit in physically forcing other Australians to take experimental medicines then its over for Democracy in this country.
With the list of medical logical facts of why CV-19 vaccines are ineffective or potentially dangerous growing daily the strong push for them by Governments suggests another motive.
Every tv and radio station is pushing the vax for all it’s worth.
‘Every tv and radio station is pushing the vax for all it’s worth’
Including Sky News and its after-dark edition.
Skynews is gone…..forget it….
YouTube has just suspended SKY.
Among the videos deemed unpalatable for societal consumption were debates around whether masks were effective and whether lockdowns were justified when considering their adverse health outcomes.
The stance taken by some commentators at this network was that masks are not effective in containing outbreaks, particularly when mandated outside in the fresh air. Some also took issue with the frequency and mechanisms of locking down Australians.
Someone needs to paint a big german swatstika on both front windows. !
We are a nation of Karens. We have insisted on being a nanny state for decades now so there is no chance we “rein in the authorities”.
For those that questioned the need for a second amendment in Australia I give you armed totalitarian rule versus a resistance armed with the internet (for now) tools and harsh language.
I’d suggest starting top down. Firstly you need a Constitution that means something and is respected by all tiers of government and the law.
The US Conservatives are starting bottom up and recapturing the local political party precincts and the school boards. Like most Totalitarians the current crop do not trust anybody let alone each other so they rely on membership restrictions and secret meetings.
Australians need to find where the Political parties are meeting and quietly join in.
They will be very pleased to see you and enjoy your support!
Any business that tries that on won’t get a cent off me.
Ah! But the Karens will flock there, thinking they are safe.
Here in my area. every Sunday we have a #standinthepark protest, business’s that refuse service are put on a boycott list and we boycott those places, there are 20 people whom attend but many more on the mail list.
If they won’t support the locals then the locals won’t support them.
Isn’t much but its something, make a stand in your local park every Sunday 10 – 11 am
Govenor DeSantis of the US state of Florida, July 30, 2021, has ruled, no compulsory vaccination, no lockdown, no masks, no restrictions, no mandates, no school closures.
Dr Malone was on fire on the War Room and lays out what we should be doing: Not sure Australia’s military forces are involved in forced vaccinations yet, as alleged, but it can’t be too far away as things are going.
More from Dr Robert Malone on Covid and vaccines. Discusses risks, yes or no for minors and covid mutation.
Listen to first 15 minutes. If you want to get some understanding then this is important.
More from Dr Malone here.
On the first link in my previous comment (12) don’t stop at 15 minutes as I suggested. Dr Malone comes back on a minute or two later and it’s really valuable info.
The link again.
This pandemic has been one long course in cognitive dissonance most ably led by Big Tech it being their stock in trade.
Iceland’s chief epidemiologist says that with the current approach lockdowns will remain the standard operating procedure for the next five to fifteen years, effectively the foreseeable future; of course we’ll have perished of neglect within this decade unless the authoritarian blight is removed from our lives –yesterday if possible.
Go say I.
For the “wind and solar file
“A Little Arithmetic: The Costs Of A Solar-Powered Grid Without Fossil Fuel Back-up”
“The levelised cost of floating offshore wind”
ABS stats for 2021 (Jan-Apr) show a 5.6% increase in deaths over 2015-19 averages. Not one of these was a covid death. Why is this not news?
Harves, Australia hasn’t let the Chicomm bioweapon run free. There’s no point in looking for evidence of it in “excess deaths”. Wrong tool to use in Australia.
Missed my point, Jo. 90% of media is about something that kills people at an average age of over 80. Meanwhile thousands are dying of other things every month and no one gives a toss. Imagine if the billions spent on saving the lives of octogenarians were spent on research that could save or improve kids’ lives?
OK. but imagine we got them to use Vitamin D, ivermectin and other cheap antivirals? We could reduce many deaths without adding a burden on the young. 80 year olds are worth saving too.
Imagine if we got the border quarantine right? All that money saved.
But yes,the ABS stats are interesting — lets talk about the Jan-April excess deaths which number about 2,400 extra deaths. Given the growth in population is it significant? Maybe it is. The extra deaths are predominantly in dementia, and some in diabetes. Cancer deaths are at the high end of normal. heart attacks are lower.
It could well be the rebound from last winters lower deaths. Possibly the older folk who might have died of influenza in winter 2020 have lived on another six months because we wiped out influenza? It may be the catch up after the dip in excess deaths last winter.
You might be interested in the stats for the UK where excess deaths are running below the 10 year average
The second chart in the link shows the number of excess deaths taking into account age and demographics. 2020 was the worst year since 2009, every year prior to that, back to the start of the records, was worse than 2020.
Some 45000 died in care homes as the NHS was told to clear the decks and shuffled elderly infected people into them. The average age of death was around 84, 2 years more than usual mortality. Second biggest cause of death was from infections picked up in hospital with the latest figure showing 24% died of a complaint other than covid, but because they tested positive for it, that was listed as a covid death. (I knew 3 people in that category-one died from a fall and 2 from cancer)
Third problematic area were our homes. The govt changed the advice from ‘stay indoors’ to ‘stay outside’ back around March and admitted that staying indoors had been the wrong advice.
So all in all a lot of people died through over reaction and taking the wrong actions. CV is undoubtedly a serious problem to the elderly and the vulnerable but we made it much much worse by the route we took. None of this improved by having an unhealthy population with being obese apparently making death from CV far more likely.
CV has not been the plague however, but our Govts have all acted as if it were, even though we knew around April 2020 its likely mortality.
I do not disagree with you about anti virals. A proper study needs to be made and they should be offered routinely if found to be effective.
However I don’t think we should trash our society, economy and freedoms for something we have made worse than we needed to.
Jo, the stats say that this increase is consistent with 2020. So two years of excess deaths aligned with covid but not due to the virus. All I’m saying is that the obsession with this virus that does not impact average life expectancy is taking the focus off every other aspect of people’s wellbeing. It’s as if the broader society has adopted a philosophy of “We don’t care how much damage we do to people’s well-being, the economy or society, just as long as no one dies of covid.”!
Dr Eammon Mathieson and his colleagues seem to be the only ones trying to draw attention to this obvious flaw in our current National health approach.
No they don’t care about anyone except them, but will tell you its for you they do this.
Self preservation at the expense of all others.
Thanks Harves. Nice to be called expendable. But then, that’s exactly the nation we seem to be encouraged to develop these days. There’s a reflection we all need to have, and decide if that’s the sort of people we want to be. It’s a very modern concept in a western world that has avoided major global conflicts and depressions for 80years. It’s also the world developed and left by those you consider disposable!
Because requires thinking and numeracy which are not traits of the modern cut and past activist journalist.
No one cares, these are probably the deaths from 2020 lockdowns where at the peak of Rona hospitalisation were .5 persons per hospital (less then flu) yet all diagnosis and treatment for other diseases was forbidden by our caring government, while they spent 100’s of millions of our dollars on fear porn advertising.
Fear porn sites like this are responsible, yet take on responsibility, march in lockstep with the globalist UNWHO mandates.
I off to #standinthepark
The first question in response to those data is what has been the increase in population in that time frame? Harves.
Good observation Murray. Projected increase using UN numbers indicates about a 3.6% population increase since 2017 (I took that as approx av population 2015-19. However, immigration is way down on projections over last 18 months. But let’s use the 3.6% increase (even though it’s probably less in reality).
So there’s still a discrepancy of about 6000 additional deaths a year than on average. ABS says increase is similar to 2020 but even then covid only contributed around 1000 deaths. So increase coincides with covid but not due to covid. You’d think govts and chief health officers that claim to follow the science would start wondering if the cure was worse than the virus? No? We are talking potentially thousands of deaths a year.
Meanwhile 2 covid deaths a day have the media alarmists in full cry and half the country hiding under their beds
Yesterday Old Ozzie posted this link at #1.8, but it was rather late in the life of that post of Jo’s, so I’m taking the liberty of reposting it here as I think it’s highly significant, and hopeful:
His comment:
” covidmedicalnetwork
Dear Doctor, Health Professionals and Fellow Australians,
In case his link hasn’t survived the copy process:
Dave B
Treatment for covid19, from an Italian associate of Dr. Robert Malone.
Note Esperedine=Heperedin
You will need to scroll down to the protocol.
G’day TedM,
Talking of treatments, there’s a front page story in today’s Sunday Telegraph, and in full on page 7 under the heading “Feds eye new pills to battle the bug”.
The on line version is paywalled so I can’t provide a link, sorry.
My reading provokes this diatribe:
Another great big con job by big pharma to entrap governments, probably world wide, to sign unacceptable contracts to purchase either the Zelenko, or the Math+ protocol, which they’ve probably secretly patented, or something close using rebranded HCQ or IVM with a bit of zinc and vitamin D. Also, probably insufficient of any of them to actually stop the virus and so ensure their “vaccines” are still needed.
The big deal: a single pill. Keep suppressing HCQ and IVM so they can get an emergency release because there newly named stuff is based on existing chemicals which have been in wide use for at least 40 years.
Conjecture? Yes.
Realistic? In my opinion, yes.
Dave B
That is the sort of thing they would try, on their record, but I doubt would succeed in court as prior use has been established.
But Lucky,
You’re assuming a fully functional Justice system. I am not.
The best functioning system I see in the US is the controlled media. Great, reliable propaganda. And the same here.
Dave B
I’ve stopped watching Bolt a long time ago but this episode of his caught my eye on someone else’s YouTube channel (Kay SOCO Films) about a woman called Hatun who was savagely attacked at “speakers corner” in London. The YT channel is by another woman (Kay) who often speaks at the same location. Kay has put on her channel a number of videos discussing the incident in much detail. One point is the fact Hatun has been abused and assaulted on numerous other occasions before this latest incident. On almost every occasion a police officers were nearby but nothing was done other than abusing Hatun herself. In this latest incident where Hatun was savagely attacked with a knife, again the police did very little. Hatun was a Muslim who converted to Christianity and that explains why she is attacked so frequently in a public space where free speech is still upheld so widely, perhaps one of the few remaining places. Bolt makes the accusation that the mainstream media are pathetic cowards for ignoring this incident, and I would have to wholeheartedly agree with him.
Hatun Attack – Critics Of Islam Villainised – Bolt Calls Out Mainstream Cowardice
[Looks like keyword “Muslim” sent comment to Bin- LVA]
Oh well, at least it wasn’t the word “Christian”. That thought did come across my mind. Thanks for allowing this very important news to be aired here.
“Looks like keyword “Muslim” sent comment to Bin”
Bin Laden is gone !
Dumped at sea…along with the remains of the twin towers before they could be forensically investigated….
England has regressed 1,000 years to pre Magna Carta times. High profile cases of injustices don’t embarrass them one whit. Tommy Robertson, Julian Assange and the Rotherham child grooming spring to mind.
Don’t be under he illusion it’s any better here in Australia. The real pandemic is scaremongering thanks to our officialdom, something that under traditional laws in the past would be a valid reason for arrest. Instead people who break certain restrictions are being threatened with arrest. Today our politicians and health officials have immunity to all that and get away telling us lies upon lies, causing fear to run rampant destroying people’s livelihoods, increasing suicides and coercing a potentially hazardous vaccine onto the population that clearly isn’t working to stop the spread of the virus, which the tests can’t even make sure it’s not the flu. Stupid is as stupid does.
Good summary.
Evidence below that the police, at least in London are on the side of criminals who attack Christians. I think the main reason the police in question didn’t bother to chase after the criminal who attempted to murder the woman by using a knife is because they are too fat and lazy.
Kay & Raj – Recent Events
Clinical trial by Pfizer shows their “vaccine” efficacy drops by 3% per month.
Also, they found no difference in deaths between those fully vaccinated vs unvaccinated
Here is the actual Pfizer document of you wish to check their data
They need it to decline to keep the gravy train on the tracks Read the Contract(The comments section explains all.) .
Analitik, is the 3% per month meaning across countries, rather than in one person? The fall in Israel was a lot more than 3% per month.
Is that suggesting that the virus is mutating around the Pfizer vacc by 3% per month? That’s even more serious.
That 3% is from across all the countries in the 6 month followup
It could well be a combination of the virus mutating and also antibody levels fading but more likely the latter since this was preceding the Delta variant spreading out of India.
Also on mutations, did you read through the UK figures I provided, showing the greatly decreased likelihood of hospitalization and death for the Delta variant vs the original? I am NOT saying it is the flu as you intimated above but the Delta variant has mutated to be of similar concern as a serious flu and this is in the UK where they only just starting to look to doctors treating CoViD at their normal surgeries.
Thanks Destroyer, that’s heavy duty stuff. And as Biber says, Pfizer has set themselves up so that the purchasers of their experimental whatever-it-is will protect Pfizer over the people who are being injected with it, and so-called leaders are fool enough to sign such a document. Glad they’re looking after us, NOT. ToM
I’m upset Sky News Australia can’t upload to youtube. Your country is going sh*t real fast. I hope you can fix it. Good luck
Don’t blame my country for what YouTube is doing. At least Sky News gave it a good college try … better than many of the other news channels.
I was thinking youtube got told by Australian officials …
Youtube’s random policy application can only be explained by requests.
Maybe it has to do with Google’s settlement for Australian sourced news content with the Australian Government. Why Sh!itcan our country for Google’s actions?
Yes I’ve noticed that too. If it keeps getting worse at the current rate, in say another 6 months we will be worse than being under the thumb of the CCP. Given it’s unthinkable it can get that badly so quickly, officialdom will have to “draw breath” soon – then resume the decline later to avoid being so obvious. For those who don’t understand what I’m talking about – go back to sleep.
Zoe…its not only Sky News Aus…..
Alan Jones has been sent to the sin bin by the Daily Telegraph, his column has been discontinued, and Doctor Borody…. [most famous for his ground-breaking work developing the triple therapy cure for peptic ulcers in 19871, which has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and the Australian health system more than $10 billion in medical care and operations]…… is being investigated by Australia’s TGA [Therapeutic Goods Association] for his recommendation of antivirals to treat Covid.
Zoe, look in your own backyard first. What is happening there, with use and abuse of political, legal, security and big business power is the ultimate in scare for the democracies of the world. The anti Trump system was bad enough, but now that has burst into a totally anti Republican or anti government comment, anti US citizen racial hate campaign. Your Supreme Court has little courage to exert itself. Your policing system has been blown to sh.. . Your army is busy dumping soldiers on grounds of their social media inputs. You have opened the southern border, admitting all comers including criminals and are distributing them, unnamed and unchecked on COVID19 status, to undisclosed destinations for political purposes. Then there’s the mess of your media and cancellation of people.
Don’t point your finger at another nation whilest your own is in a death spin.
Let us also not forget that Bernie Sanders is now arguably the most powerful man in the US, seeing as he is in charge of the economy and is woke, green, way to the left and wants to spend lots of money in steering everyone the same way
Here is my paraphrase of the Government’s rationale for the lockdowns:
“Look, we are only taking these extreme measures because our number one aim is to keep everyone safe and healthy.
The health and safety of the community is our number one concern.
And even if dozens of teens and young people commit suicide in despair at these lockdowns, or turn to a lifetime of drug addiction and their parents’ businesses are destroyed forcing them into a lifetime of poverty and Government programs, and even if hundreds die from lost cancer screenings and delayed surgeries, these thousands of utterly ruined lives are a very small price to ensure that our very ill and very old people don’t have their terminal situations foreshortened by a month or two. The average age of death from Covid in Australia is 84, and these ill and aged people need all the protection we can give them, no matter the cost to the wider community. Better that a thousand teenagers turn to life-destroying drugs in their despair than one elderly citizen loses their life weeks before they had to.
We don’t like to indirectly kill and injure so many of our people like this, but if protesters don’t stop flouting the health orders and marching in the streets we will be forced to instruct the police and army to open fire on them. And if we need to slaughter thousands to protect the last few months of a dying 90 year old we will do it, because the health and safety of our people is our number one concern.”
Love your sarcastic truisms. I’m not alone in the world after all.
The government doesn’t care about saving lives. They care about money and power and kissing parts of Klaus Schwab’s anatomy that can’t be mentioned in polite circles.
The blatant hypocrisy of allowing BLM marches but not covid freedom marches further proves that, soon to be punished by large fines apparently. They’re panicking now the Covid lie is being exposed globally.
Blacks were enslaving people including fellow blacks throughout history and indeed still do today. Perhaps they should seek reparations from BLM although now that BLM has served its purpose in getting the democrats elected, the dems dumped them and BLM has “cash flow” problems. Useful idiots, just like the politicians and police here who just follow orders and who will be “all in this together” with the rest of us and they won’t like the consequences one little bit.
So if the pollies truly care about saving lives then why allow smoking, alcohol, junk food etc? They’d save millions of lives. Oh yes…revenue…and as a lot of those people won’t live to reach retirement, the govt won’t have to worry about pensions. Double bonus! Cha-ching!
I’d have more confidence in a dinner service by Basil & Manuel than in these bottomless pits of medical, scientific and historical ignorance identifying as state premiers and their “experts”.
But as I’ve said, history repeats and the first domino has fallen. When will it be Australia’s turn?
Tunisia’s president has sacked the PM and suspended parliament, after violent mass protests nationwide on Sunday. Anger over the government’s handling of a massive recent spike in Covid cases has added to general unrest over the nation’s economic and social turmoil. President Kais Saied, who was elected in 2019, announced he was taking over.
If they did they would have been shouting about the cheap prophylaxis and interventions available.
A year or so ago I would watch Dr John Campbell talk of the pandemic. A genuinely caring soul he spoke of Vit D regularly. Even he now toes the official line, presumably so he doesn’t get kicked off YT. Forget about making waves, he doesn’t make ripples.
Klaus Schwab The Great Reset Prince Charles.
There’s a photo of this pair at the WEF last year but the most frightening thing is that video clip with Charles explaining the need for the great reset; we have No choice?
He’s totally disconnected from the average person.
Australian researchers find the pineapple effective against Covid and the “vaccine” effects. Buy shares in plantations fast. Grin.
And in less life threatening news, engineers have made solar panels with 1,000 times the power output. About time…
This line in the article about Solar Cells:
This leads me to believe that they are not talking about 1,000 times the current of Silicon solar cells, they are just saying that it produces 1,000 times the current in “pure barium titanate”. They also say in another part of the article:
Correct. The article opens with
They do not compare the output from this new layering technology against current silicon PV cells at all. The only comparision made is the lack of a diode junction (which is inherent in semi-conductor technologies).
Strictly click porn
Surely they mean “1000 times more power than the sun delivers”?
Then they’d be really great.
Dave B
They can do whatever they like to solar power output. Absent a grid scale widely deployable storage system it doesnt move things foward much. Probably great for a lot of niche areas.
Wot rot! PV cells are about 30% efficient now, how can they become 1,000 times more efficient? These would work in starlight, obviously.
Journalistic maffs perhaps? There is a guy at my shooting club who thinks solar panels make useful power in moonlight.
chris smith (2gb) stating in relation to the vaxx/covid that he believes ’50 epidemiologists who have seen the data’
so it’s back to science as a show of hands.
i guess he must also believe ’50 climate scientists who have seen the data’
Polar bear habitat update for end July 2021 compared to previous years
From Polar Bear Science
From the German news site
PS. thank you mods
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary
around 46:44 could this explain the jet stream blocking?
SHTF – societal collapse. Everything breaks down. Cities worst hit. No power, water, food, transport. Supply chain massively disrupted. SHTF prepping needed.
I had to look that up.
It’s hard to think that politicians could not be aware of the damage they’re causing society, but I suspect most of them are.
Useful idiots.
In fact the SHTF isn’t quite right because the S has been vaporized and is being fed slowly into the air we breathe.
Most don’t notice.
If true this is of real concern.
I guess we wait for confirmation.
Well if they had 100% of the population vaccinated,….. then EVERY covid death would be a vaccinated person !
But as they only have 70-80% vaccinated…………..?
I would not believe the percentages from the marketing department.
People in Pennsylvania are arguing that the replacement costs of voting machinery (drawing from Maricopa county experience presumably) will prohibit allowing an election audit to proceed; one can see this argument being propagated universally if it gets up.
Quite important consideration as the abilities of those coming out of the US local education system do not include counting.
Pauline gets beeped off the air for utterances that are not government approved.
Even loudmouth Kyle Sandilands thought it was over the top when listeners to his radio show informed him that Hanson’s comments on COVID and vaccine safety were being repeatedly censored on-air by his producer.
‘Our censor is saying some of what Pauline is saying is not government approved [health advice],’ Jahshan replied, which prompted Sandilands to scoff: ‘Bulls**t.’
‘We’re not a government show,’ he added. ‘This is not the ABC.’
Good onya Kyle. Never thought I’d say that.
The beeping on the clip is classic and very revealing. Anyone who now thinks our officialdom is not ripping away our freedom to speak our mind must be a m0r0n or on the side of the ever growing evilness of officialdom who now want to control what we say and think. As Pauline stated if people want to be lead like sheep (actually more like goats) then go for it. The problem though is when the nation is populated with so many of them the nation will end up like China or Naz1 Germany. Censorship is rampant, even on 2GB, which in my mind has lost a lot of credibility spreading some of the same lies as the officialdom.
In Britain, Nigel Farage and GB News cream the opposition, proving that people have a thirst for REAL news and a range of views.
• 107,000 tuned in for Farage’s 7pm Tuesday slot
• the Beeb managed to get 93,300 watchers
• Sky could only muster 35,200
So, Farage’s show beat the BBC by more than 14,000 viewers and Sky by 72,500 in that timeslot.
Farage now appears on GB News from 7pm to 8pm from Monday to Thursday
always puzzled by viewer numbers, they seem a tiny % of population.
same as when they talk about cable TV viewers in the US
Even the big syndicated shows in the US only pull in 3 or 4 million per night, from a population of 330 million.
TV is a sideshow for GBN. Their real target is online, where they are doing even better, and they have only been going for a few weeks, Farage for less than 1 week.
Yes they are doing well abd deservedly so. I hope to see an AUN someday.
Neil Oliver has been a surprise to me at least. Quite the pragmatic Scot
Interesting take on Victoria’s flammable battery
That may be the official rational, and will certainly be one result….
But, the ultimate reason the private operator is happy to run with this, is the potential for “harvesting “ the price margin between the high and low wholesale price fluctuations.
They stand to make millions of dollars daily from this facility……..if it survives the fire !
The separation of the batteries is inadequate. Each unit needs to be isolated from its neighbours with a firewall so that when fire breaks out a door can be shut and the enclosure flooded. For a fee I’ll supply a plumbing schema to address this situation.
I reckon a halon flood would do the trick if the batteries are in their own rooms.
Haylon does nothing on a Lithium battery fire as the battery contains its own oxidiser source.
Flooding (immersion) in water will subdue the fire and eventually cool the reaction to minimise the heat.
I am not sure a halon flood would make any difference as my understanding is that the batteries contain their own oxidizer. Since dumping a burning Tesla in a vat of water seems to work, maybe they should just close the door and flood the enclosure with water.
Having wasted hundreds of millions destabilizing the grid, we now waste further hundreds of millions trying to stabilize it at billpayers expense. This in D’Ambrosio logic will somehow in her wild imaginings reduce consumer costs.
“Good podcast here explaining the uselessness of masks.”
Many studies show that masks are not only useless, it has been know for decades they are useless. It’s all a lie, part of the scare campaign by officialdom. I wear them not because they serve any useful purpose other than to prevent others from yelling at me for not wearing them. It works to keep the m0r0ns from making too much noise in public.
Logic shows those masks are useless.
Common sense too. As most of us know, common sense is not common. In fact it extinct in the higher levels of officialdom.
Had lunch in a bakery – sign on door “Thank you for wearing a mask in this business”. Asked waitress if I had to wear a mask while eating? She merely required no (I think I wasn’t the first to ask).
Does anyone know whether there is a valid test for the so called delta strain? As far as I can tell there isn’t one. So how do they know that it’s even present in a person let alone spreading?
None I’m aware of and all the info I have including CDC replies under FOI suggests no-one even has a specimen of the original. Given the mRNA vaxxes effectively mimic the spike protein how would a test discriminate ?
Maybe the vaxx is causing the delta variant.
What about the Lambda variant ?
What about SAGE in the UK saying the next variant will kill 1 in 3 people. (virologists may now laugh uncontrollably).
It’s all getting too hard to make sense of.
We need to end the political control and BS and just reopen everything like Texas, Florida and Sweden.
I’ll ask St Jaci, she is my single source of truth.
What about David Suzuki? He’s applying COVID-19’s lessons to climate change. To be frank he is such a phoney – and a m0r0n.
But a rich one
Yes. Being honest and telling the truth doesn’t pay much in this world. In fact one tends to find in employment that if one tries to be honest and truthful when dealing with customers, you are beaten over the head, or in my case kicked in the shin by the sales rep. I tell the truth!
I wrote a comment on an article at It was reply to a suggestion that we get rid of politicians and let the experts run things. This was deemed publishable on a supposedly far-right media source.
That’s meant to be “unpublishable” as in rejected for breaking some sort of standard.
R.V. Jones “Most Secret War” P 32
“He warned us that if another war broke out there would be a disastrous period for six months while those who had reached high positions on inadequate abilities in peacetime would have to be replaced”
Canada but – –
“Three Reasons A Liberal Win Would Be Good For Conservatives”
““Off Target”: Bad Economics of the Climate Crusade (mitigation not supported by mainstream analysis)”
I’m sitting here watching the final race for Matt Wearn in the Laser Dinghy class for the sailing, as he sails for the Gold Medal. He’s just pushed his tiny boat into the water, and I was thinking how small it was. The ‘boat’ is 13 feet nine inches in length.
Here’s some perspective on that.
Back in 1795, a Month after arriving in Australia, George Bass, himself a keen sailor, and Matthew Flinders set out on their first voyage of discovery. They sailed out through Sydney Heads into the Great Southern Ocean, and turned South to Botany Bay, wanting to explore if the Georges River flowing into that Bay showed any potential. Into waters only recently known to man of that vast Ocean, and then also exploring what is now known as Port Hacking.
Out through Sydney Heads in a boat affectionately called Tom Thumb.
That tiny boat was just eight feet long, much smaller than Matt Wearn’s Laser Dinghy.
George Bass was 24, and Matthew Flinders just 21.
You can scarcely even understand that now.
Young men in small boats. Australia’s History.
Im sure there is an inverse relationship between the age of a young man and his fear of physical harm.
I used to sail in small (ish) boats in open oceans with little regard for the full potential dangers and less respect for the power of Nature . I guess most of us learn from experience… if we are lucky to survive.. that even a big boat is no match for mother nature at its worst. !
I love the ocean,..but having been “lucky” twice ,..i think very carefully before i pit my years of experience and knowledge against mother nature again.
At the start of this video, Greg Mutton responds to the question regarding CDC PCR.
Well people who get symptoms are going to a covid testing centre, so it must be covid.
It can’t be the flu cause flu go byebye, therefore it must be covid.
Wouldn’t it be starting to find out those conspiracy nuts who have been claiming for a long time that there is no such thing as COVID-19 are right and it’s just the common flu? That would be the ultimate Orwellian moment – like war is peace. Well, before we discount completely such extreme claims, just note that the credibility of health experts, CDC, Fauci, and the like have lost all credibility. So, anything is possible. I desperately like to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – but we are not getting it. Instead we are getting lies, lies, and more lies.
If blood clots are supposedly rare then how come they were well known back in 2007?
“CONSISTENTLY REPORTED” is the key phrase.
“Adenoviral viral vector delivery systems that are being employed by Astrazeneca, Sputnik and Johnson & Johnson, for example, were known to be problematic in the past. In 2007 a research paper laid it out very clearly:
Thrombocytopenia has been consistently reported following the administration of adenoviral gene transfer vectors.”
Also worth reading- anything else at !
Yes, that the authorities were surprised by this shows just how rushed the trialling and emergency approval processes were. 2006 was the earliest paper I had found on this when I first checked about the phenomenon
They will go to any and all lengths to distort the data and tell lies.
mRNA COVID Vaccines Lack Safety Data in Pregnancy!
From Israel
‘The figures also show that among those who were vaccinated in January, there was only a 16% effectiveness against being infected, compared to 44% of those vaccinated in February, 67% of those who received their shots in March, and 75% for those vaccinated in April.’
The rise in vaccine effectiveness is suspicious. Are they lowering case numbers by doing progressively less testing?
It may show that the leaky vaccines lose effectiveness quickly. Not really surprising.
The death rate was highest in January.
They could be diagnosing some deaths with covid now as death by other causes. That would allow them to test less without increasing death rate. It would have been more difficult to do that with a higher covid death rate as in January, and the data probably caught them by surprise.
Just tuned in to watch Chris Smith and then just turned off again. I don’t see why we should tolerate being insulted by him. We had thought of having a subscription to watch Sky News. Well, they can think again…forget it!
He’s not very bright. Like the rest of them he just tells everyone we all should be vaccinated. How about they just display a sign with words to that effect for 15 minutes ever hour to save them the effort and money? They can all spend the 15 minutes each hour looking at each other saying to themselves “vaccinate! vaccinate!” in some sort of Dr Who’s Darlek voice.
“…saying to themselves “vaccinate! vaccinate!” in some sort of Dr Who’s Darlek voice.”
That’s a very evocative comment; I can imagine exactly how that would sound and look and its so appropriate!
I find Chris Smith a motor mouth – just like our PM. Gone right off SKY channel. I must be an extreme right wing? Nutter. No, I am pragmatic, indivualist and very suspicious about this particular virus and its so-called vaccines.
‘The document is an internal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention slide presentation, shared within the CDC and obtained by The Washington Post.’
‘It cites a combination of recently obtained, still-unpublished data from outbreak investigations and outside studies showing that vaccinated individuals infected with delta may be able to transmit the virus as easily as those who are unvaccinated. Vaccinated people infected with delta have measurable viral loads similar to those who are unvaccinated and infected with the variant.’
They claim ‘The delta variant of the coronavirus appears to cause more severe illness than earlier variants’. That would only be among the vaccinated.
A couple of weeks ago I remembered that The Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in May 2020 had undertaken a major HCQ study of emergency hospital workers. I think millions of govt dollars were involved. That was over a year ago, and I got to wondering what had come of it. So I emailed them. They replied a few days later, that that data collection has been completed, and results are expected later in the year.
I had thought computers sped things up? For something that is fairly topical, time doesn’t seem to be an issue?
It never was about saving people’s lives. It’s all about controlling them. In fact they don’t even hide it any more. The Great Reset is to usher in the new digital age where we own nothing and are just automatons in what they call the fourth industrial revolution. The are talking about a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. If such a proposal was made say 20 years ago, people would be demanding the designers and anyone who supported it be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. Funny how our governments today actually praise it. Well, it’s not really funny, it’s to be expected with the rabid lot we have today.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond
In my opinion of that Institute, a delay of so long in releasing study results means that the study had produced unacceptable, to them, results. That is, HCQ works.
They are now struggling to normalize the data, prepare counter explanations, and delay further.
They are doing an Ivermectin study as well.
Expect the same.
Expect another fake crisis to cover up the lies by officialdom in relation to the CAGW scam as well as the COVID-19 scaremongering. It’s all heading towards the proclaimed Great Reset or something very similar to turn control the population in a fashion even George Orwell would be shocked given there wasn’t the technology back then that we now have today, but with still more advancements to come that I’m pretty sure would shock even me.
OMG, I sincerely hope this is not true, but then again I shouldn’t be surprised.
The higher ups know what’s coming
What! Wow! Horrifying if its true. Where would they be getting their information from?
You know what? The more they keep telling us to vaccinate from now on, the more convinced that I will be making the right decision not to comply given what I’ve learned by doing my own research. It will be interesting to see by the end of the year the percentage of people who are vaccinated. It will be a good estimate of how much of the population are gullible and stupid, not including those who were vaccinated very early since I will excuse them for being scared into doing so – I almost was but soon realised they were telling lies about a couple of things so I decided to wait and research it more. There is now more than enough evidence to convince even a pea brain not to vaccinate so anyone who does so from now on must be those who don’t bother to do their own research and just swallow whatever the MSM tells them. If that’s not a sign of pure gullible foolishness then nothing is.
Sydney police clear sunbathers off beach. Ordered to Stay indoors.
What nonsense is this, the safest place is to be outside in the fresh air
Even the Naz1s wouldn’t be so cruel to their own people. It’s absolutely disgusting and evil. Don’t at least some of the police have a brain and break ranks?
Its a living
That’s pretty much the excuse the Naz1s used at the Nuremberg trials. They were just following orders. Are all our police the same? I hope not.
According to what I see on Euro TV news Progs with charts, it looks like around 2/3rds is an estimate of how much of the population are gullible and stupid.
and by the bye, our “great new GBN” , whilst allowing Discourse on any subject, seem to be towing the Party Line on Covid, rather than asking Questions. Even our Nige! pity.
Someone was blogging about pressing the Start switch to switch things ( Electric / dudd cars) OFF. Well I dunno! … we/ve always had PUSH Button switches for switching on/off – what’s the big deal?
Regardless of who are the most gullible, definitely Australia’s senior citizens are showing extreme hesitancy. This is a real problem for the authorities, so we should expect an advertising campaign to blame and shame.
Younger family members will put the screws on them and they’ll buckle, except for people like me, impervious to social criticism.
Good on you. I’m 100% with you on this one. I refuse to take the vaccine and the harder they push the harder I will reject. If it ever comes to the point they will try to force it on my person, which I doubt but anything is possible, I will consider it an act of terror and respond accordingly as self defence. Still I have some hope roughly half of Australians will resist taking the shots. We’ll know by about the end of the year if not sooner.
“impervious to social criticism”
Chuckle… you are not alone
Doctor Mahathir probably shares your recalcitrance.
My sons are pressuring me.
Disinherit them –I think leaving five grand to each avoids legal challenge.
How covid leads to better education!
Just been following someoneI know on a boat which has had to pull into Port to release a covid affected person ( How they got it is a mystery ) . Any road, it brought me to parts of the world I never knew about.: their History and association with Europe. Now as a Brexiteer, It may have helped THEIR cause better, if the REMOANERS ( which seems to include the TV Media ) had shown us programs about these Countries and how they developed along with us in the past couple of Centuries … as it is, they DID NOT and ofcourse what is being a remoaner really about, then?
So in the course of Sunday Brunch Click-about, on a cold Scottish morning, following links on the marine website, I came across this about LNG Cruise ships:
“However, the World Bank has already weighed in due to it still being a fossil fuel.
LNG is effectively liquefied methane, and methane is itself a highly potent GHG. Over 20-year and 100-year time horizons, methane is respectively 86 times and 36 times more potent a GHG than CO2. Therefore, any GHG emissions from unburnt methane released to the atmosphere – called methane leakage – can diminish or even entirely offset the theoretical GHG benefit of the use of LNG,” the bank warned.”
I would be curious to see any cruise ship operating today that does not run on fossil fuel.
Ship- so excludes row boats and nuclear powered submarines.
There may be one or two sailing ships operating as special projects taking (working) passengers.
Those mid/late 19th century tea-clipper sailing ships are magnificent in appearance.
The Windstar line is a Cruise company with a fleet of sail powered cruise ships .
These are big, luxury, commercial cruise vessels with capacity for 1000+ passengers.
But as with Wind generators , they have 100% fossil power to back up the sail if necessary !
And, of course, 100% fossil powered ovens, fridges and air-con. Can’t have our paying guests dying of food poisoning in the heat.
The Figures Don’t Lie but of course our politicians and health officials do.
I was scared last year in March at the prospect of catching Covid. Then I realised that I wasn’t that likely to catch Covid as I lived alone and had my groceries delivered. Apart from bike riding, I rarely went out.
Then the government introduced the mandatory vaccine with its accompanying certificate.
At first, it was a piece of paper, which you could show at pubs and clubs to gain entry. I didn’t attend pubs and clubs.
Then it was an app on your phone that gave you access to medical care.
Eventually, it became necessary to enter any business, shop, or supermarket.
The fix was in and the populace was compliant.
I presume you are highlighting a nightmare that you fear might eventuate. For example, we don’t as yet have mandatory vaccinations. We might come to that and the rest, and if we do then it will prove beyond any doubt to anyone with even half a brain our leaders at state and federal levels have betrayed us.
“Win hearts and minds”
? – says “Posted on July 31, 2021 by Rafe Champion” on the item
Anyway one might say “One hit before they go”
A suggestion that the mRNA and presumably DNA vaccines (although not the AstraZeneca vaccine, which works conventionally using a genetically modified virus very similar to SARS-CoV-2), are going to cause roughing up of capillaries leading to blood clotting and consequently elevated blood pressure that is likley to induce heart failure within a few years in a significant proportion of people:
Sorry, that happens not to be the case. The AstraZeneca “vaccine”, like the J&J and Sputnik, use a modified adenovirus to infect cells to produce spike proteins, just as the mRNA ones do but with a different delivery mechanism.
All are gene therapy spike protein vaccines, not vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Thoughts on Novavax?
NovaVax injects premade spike proteins so at least the dosage is known. The gene therapies depend on how each cell expresses the inserted genetic sequence so that the number produced is variable down to the cellular level (how many are infected, how many produced by a cell that gets infected).
Mobility of the NovaVax spike proteins is unknown – in theory, they should be more mobile that those from gene therapy as the spike proteins are SUPPOSED to stay anchored on the cells that express them. The video (x 2) from Anton suggest that they do become mobile into the bloodstream, however.
Even worse, long term, than the capillary wall roughening is the potential for the spike proteins to cause female sterility (since there are a lot of ACE2 receptors in the ovaries) and neurological degeneration if they get into the bloodstream.
I have posted about the protein folding that can be induced in the brain by the spike proteins as a possible cause for observed neurological issues amongst some CoViD recovered. Here is another possibility: weakening of the blood-brain barrier and inflammation of brain tissue.
But with astrazeneca the spike protein is still expressed as part of a virus, isn’t it, unlike the others? Info please, I’m a physicist.
Read the link I supplied. Or else this one about the J&J
Here is the relevant portion if TLDR
A suggestion that mRNA vaccines against covid (and presumably DNA vaccines, but not vaccines that use actual viruses) are dangerous:
The claim is that the vaccine migrates far beyond the injection site and the spike protein is consequently expressed in cells incapillary walls, causing roughening of the wall and leading to blood clotting that in turn causes raised blood pressure and heart failure within a few years.
In what proportion of people getting the mRNA vaccine is not clear. More info anyone?
Time to start playing The Door’s Light My Fire
(Unless this is a false story. Can’t tell from Texas.)
It’s real alright.
Still appears on the VicEmergency website!/incident/ESTA:210716521
It will take a while to burn itself out and for the fire persons to be happy that its really out, days I’d suggest. They still have 5 trucks out there. Would have made a good grass fire in mid summer out there on the plains at Anakie.
According to a (paywalled as usual) article on the Wall Street Journal, the FDA is looking the fast track the full approval of the gene therapy spike protein vaccines currently authorized for emergency use in the U.S. with Pfizer having already submitted “all the necessary information” to the FDA.
From this STAT article on the subject
Why the rush, huh?
Analitik……maybe because of this…… If the case goes ahead and the doctors win all bets are off.
Its 110 pages long but well worth the read.
That was my suspicion – that the evidence for effective, existing alternatives was getting too difficult to suppress so the emergency approvals would no longer be valid.
Thanks for validating
Proof that what the states are doing in so many ways is illegal. Shop owners and even NSW police officers are therefore open to huge fines and prison sentences under Federal Law for complying with or enforcing the state demands. This is all under Federal Law, which trumps State Law where they clash. Having said all that, I will still wear a mask to avoid being harassed by police and others, and just mind my own business while our society continues to collapse into turmoil. I will not partake in any way with political activism or distractions as they serve no real purpose other than to add fuel to the fire and hasten the decline to some kind of fascist regime change. When it happens it happens but I will not try to hasten it.
The Law is on your side Australia
If the United States Senate votes this week on the bipartisan so-called “infrastructure” bill, it would be humanly impossible for any U.S. senator to read it before voting on it.
The text of a draft of the bill, obtained exclusively by Breitbart News from U.S. Senate sources not authorized to leak it, shows the plan is 2,701 pages long.
The text, which Breitbart News is publishing here so the public can see what Congress is doing in secret, shows the plan is far more sprawling and expansive than GOP senators who backed advancing it without text even existing led their constituents to believe.
Well “To find out what’s in the bill you’ll have to pass the bill” worked once already (/s)
What really proves beyond any doubt we are a sick society is where we have governments acting like the SS of Naz1 Germany to take away our freedom to move and speak just because of a few people who died of a virus that’s arguable no worse than any flu, yet at the same time sanctions the murder of thousands of babies through abortion just because the bearer didn’t want to have the healthy baby born as it would be too inconvenient. That’s how sick we have become.
‘ … governments acting like the SS of Naz1 Germany …’
Nonsense, we are closer to the Beijing model.
Nonsense. You said yourself a couple of times the Chinese model is closer to fascism not communism. In any case who cares?
We have lockdowns and mask mandates – and campaigns to be both vaccinated and tested – because it is a public health emergency that has now lasted 18 months. But that’s what it is – a public health emergency.
If we did not have lockdowns, mask mandates, and social distancing protocols, then the numbers of people infected with the Delta Variant could grow exponentially, and quite fast. Then hospitals and morgues get overloaded.
Most citizens accept these restrictions as being for the greater social good. And I think it’s reasonable (and in fact admirable) that most people do.
Your views about the termination of pregnancies are your own business – but I strongly believe in the FREEDOM of every woman to manage her own reproductive health, and to decide whether she wishes to carry any pregnancy to term. From my point of view it is absolutely not an issue that governments (and especially males) have any rights or any business having a say in.
If your religious beliefs mean that you do not support abortions, then fine, but that does not give you (or anyone else) the right to impose your religious views on anyone else. That is the reverse of freedom – it’s what the Taliban do.
The latest gospel
“Anthony Fauci Claims With COVID There Are No More Individual Rights
August 1, 2021 | Sundance | 242 Comments”
No doubt Prince Charles, and his WEF friend and equal, Anal Schwab would agree.
They’re all in this together.
Anyone notice that this current Sydney outbreak is at the same time as last year’s outbreak.
ie, winter.. when weather is cooler, and people tend to stay inside more.
Come on summer, your warmth is welcome !
Well that’s what happens during flu season, wink wink.
The question then is what happens next year when flu season hits yet again as it does every year? Will another strain of the COVID-19 virus mysteriously pop up?
We are going to eradicate Influenza and Covid from our shores, to be truly free.
and pneumonia, it takes out as many as influenza each year
Colds and headaches too. LOL.
What about that old white man’s disorder;
“The thirty minute syndrome”.
Next pandemic. After that we might even solve the problem of an aging population. Enough said!
This sounds like good news. Finally, something simple to stop covid. What could go wrong. Spray in nose, covid cannot access nose cells. Covid blocker Nasal Spray!!!
This Israel manufactured, Canadian design, non-evasive nasal spray stops the covid virus from get access to nose cells through use of nitric oxide as a mechanical and chemical barrier.
In UK tests, Israel tests, and so …
“…can reduce the viral loads in confirmed COVID-19 cases by 95% in 24 hours and 99% in 72 hours, a press release said on Sunday.”
There were also no adverse health events recorded in the UK trial, or in over 7,000 self-administered treatments given in the Canadian clinical trials, SaNOtize indicated.
An anti-viral nasal spray called Enovid that was developed in Canada and tested in the UK can reduce the viral loads in confirmed COVID-19 cases by 95% in 24 hours and 99% in 72 hours, a press release said on Sunday.
The Israeli-manufactured spray can be used up to five times a day after coming in contact with viruses, according to the release. It’s suitable for children as young as 12 years old, and the Ministry of Health approved it in January this year. It will go on sale in the coming week.
So…Catallaxy has bitten the dust for real now. If you go there you end up in the Trove archive.
Opinions please on other similar free expression sites in Oz.
His interests have changed and he apparently got tired of it and wants a break.
Been having software gremlins too
We know the saying about people who keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome as being insane. Well, we can also say politicians who keep telling us the current lockdown is just for a short period and keep repeating it over and over a much longer periods are liars. When will it get through people’s head that is the reality? Or are most people that thick headed?
No. lockdowns don’t work-unless they are really savage and Chinese style.
We need to start calling them for what they are-house arrest or regional arrest. So either an open prison centred on your home or one centred on the area where you live.
I know I disagree with Jo on this, but lets see it for what it is. In the case of Oz you are going through repeated pain with so few cases. Which is not to say that people don’t need to act responsibly and that the vulnerable need to be protected. That surely isn’t done by quarantining even the healthy?
Greater Brisbane (Qld) has gone into another week’s lockdown
Maybe the game plan is to return to early history?
One could consider this as a return to a “penal colony” and, with a few more fines and arrests, a return to “full convict settlement”?
another Ian
I have been pondering for some time whether Oz is a huge castle keeping the barbarians (the rest of the world) out, or whether it is a vast open prison (with numerous home arrests aka lockdowns) Those living in one state will have one view, those living in another a different view.
Yes, lockdowns don’t work – we’ve has over a year to prove that is the case. The actions performed by our state governments are totally disproportionate. Even the official figures are proof of that. The situation has to be treated with care otherwise things will spiral out of control and then we’ll he dangerously close to martial law. I prefer we don’t have any more political activism and hope the politicians loosen up soon. If they don’t I will not be surprised things will get very ugly. Any talk of lockdowns continuing to the end of the year or beyond are potentially a recipe for chaos. Too many small businesses are already collapsing. As I read somewhere else that is one of the reasons for the Great Reset – get rid of all small businesses and centralise everything with big government and big business – exactly what happens in a fascist state, as distinct from a communist one. I hope and pray our politicians come to their sense soon.
Latest memes issue
This is what happens when police step over the line and turn into SS-like fascist thugs. What they have done is not only illegal but evil. One can’t even be at home complying with the lockdown rules without police harassing private citizens in their own homes. What next? Storm troopers breaking into home for little or no reason?
NSW POLICE attack & pepper spray elderly western Sydney man at home on COVID-19 LOCKDOWN!
I suspect your govt has passed legislation on the nod which makes their actions legal. As the “”planet is burning and many millions will die unless we stop doing everything” those making this claim will no doubt welcome this dress rehearsal
I doubt anything will be done since most people are too scared and afraid to do anything out of the comport zone. The few that are political activists of some form or another and protest in the streets will just be theatre for the majority, and will give the officialdom all the excuses they need to turn on the screws even more. It’s already happened and if necessary will continue until the whole population is subdued if necessary. It’s just the way it is. I’m not sure if it was all by design but it’s certainly how it’s being played out.
It amuses me somewhat to see some political activists clamour how we the people must act now before it’s too late. Of course they have been saying that for decades. The difference now though is we are getting closer to the end game where the globalists do want to take over and strip away the sovereign rights of all Western nations, if not the whole world. There is really nothing we can do to stop the train. It’s too big and too powerful.
Age-gated; doesn’t download, oh well…
Out of interest – I haven’t seen any recent mention of how those countries where HCQ is in use for malaria are currently going with the Peking Pox.
Anyone watching this?
Nigeria has been discussed – they have issues with both malaria and parasites and guess what? VERY low incidence of CoViD
It’s Just A Mask
It gets the message across.
Indeed it does but sadly I suspect it goes way over the heads of most people.
Another short extension to the Brisbane Lockdown and what sounds like a potentially much longer extension to the Sydney lockdown?
I hope people in the general community are keener than most on this board to have the vaccine as the ending of the lockdowns seem to be firmly linked to high levels of vaccination.
On the other hand
Caught the end of a discussion about a 20% pay cut for polis and bureaucrats, and the sneering repost from the anti side was, ‘So you are going to cut doctor’s and health workers pay?’ And I thought why not? They are doing stuff all to treat covid19 patients. They are pretty well instructed to stand back and just watch what happens, by their captured organisations, until they can be handed expensive medications by Big Pharma. One of the few interventions is the use of steroids at a stage of the illness, and that came from the FLCCC guys, via a one single trial, that almost succeeded in failing , by giving a tiny dose. I’m hearing about ventilators, and that is like returning to the dark ages of the early pandemic. Maybe like electro shock therapy, they have refined their use?
This intrigues me from the reply I received from the people running the HCQ trial down in Melbourne.
“We are harmonising our data with similar trials internationally, to allow data sharing and complementary analyses of results.”
I thought the object would be to save people’s lives, by getting useful information out as quickly as possible? And I’m pretty sure someone somewhere has said, ‘numbers are a universal language?’
Harmonising couldn’t include stuff like removing outliers and other climate wheezes could it?
Re the previous comments in respect to Novavax.
Certainly correct that we don’t know whether the spike protein Unexpectedly migrates As the Janese study indicates happens with the gene technology vaccines.
However, it Novavax has been developed according to conventional vax technology. Even a Robert Malone, the pioneer of mRNA technology , is optimistic about the efficacy of Novavax.
My concern is that there is an unexplained delay in its production & distribution. No suggestion it is because of problems with the vax itself. Opposition from vax Pharma rivals?
Sorry about the typos in previous post !
The cognitive alarm of the doomed
I like this bit as it explains succintly one reason why people get vaccinated:
This comment from the link I posted above caught my eye. I didn’t realise Sky News YouTube account was suspended.
In moderation yet again. Extract:
A comment in the link I posted above caught my eye stating Sky News Australia YT account has been suspended. Let the fun begin.
Communications watchdog’s role in question as Sky News Australia cops YouTube suspension
Evil is certainly increasing it’s influence. I have no doubt it will continue to grow like a cancer and so things will get a lot worse, sadly. This is mostly due to the apathy of most Australians who don’t give a damn or don’t have a clue as to what is happening. The longer that remains the situation the worse it will get.
“(BTW, DarkHorse is putting everything on Odysee now and just putting teasers on YouTube which direct viewers to Odysee.) Because YT censors and demonetizes. The social media GEBs are Evil. ”
A suggested way of using an alternate search engine while giving the googler the finger – find that engine on the googler and then fire it up from there
As I stated before, due to the format and structure of this blog site, this thread is pretty much dead and buried. It’s sad given there is much happening to the world today apart from climate change, electric cars, batteries, and the like.
Would you be forgetting that Jo is a one handed typist ATM?
“Eric Weinstein: There’s Been a Complete Absence of Leadership Amid COVID-19”
Link at