Despite headlines declaring the World is Committed to Cutting Emissions, and that ( pick a nation) is an “isolated pariah” — the truth is they were all supposed to “update their emissions targets” but 42% of nations, including the two largest, haven’t. Worse, the updates were supposed be done by the end of 2020, and the UN extended the deadline, so they are already double late. And since China effectively promised to do nothing til 2030, all it had to do was say it would do nothing again, so that’s double-late on a non-promise, and it can’t even do that?
h/t GWPF
China, India ignore UN deadline to update emissions targets in COP26 warning shot
In a warning shot across the bows of Joe Biden and Boris Johnson, China, India and 85 other nations have decided to ignore a UN deadline to submit its pledges for cutting CO2 emissions in time for the UN climate summit in Glasgow later this year.
South Africa hasn’t put in its own update, but it has asked for money:
Meanwhile South Africa has demanded that developed countries should set a target of $750 billion a year to help poorer nations transition to renewable energy.
Nothing is more important than saving the Earth, and everyone is doing it except (… where you live…).
Glascow COP 26 could end up as another dud. Except even when it’s a dud it’s a success. The junket is the point. It’s the two week glorious reward for all the Climate Fans. Plus the headlines are already written, the late night prolonged finale will still “affirm” the commitment of blah, every nation, blah. Large meaningless numbers of dollars and gigatons will be massaged into subheaders to woo the distracted into thinking something important just happened.
And in the end, a group of bureaucratic grifters will have forged out a lifestyle of foreign flights, heroic subsidies and unaccountable grants.
And the weather will have done whatever the weather was going to do, while they all pretended they could control it.

Give us your money.
A survey of how the big emitters are travelling – a lot of talk!
And Australia is supposed to do better:)
According to our UK politicians, if we go for Net Zero, and destroy our economy and way of life in the process, all these other nations would be shamed into following us down the rabbit-hole. Fat chance!
I term it the ‘lemming theory.’
If the western lemmings jump off the economic cliff onto the sharp rocks of social chaos that lie below and destroy ourselves, the theory goes that all the other creatures watching us will say’ that looks a jolly good idea, lets follow suit.’
They won’t of course. There will be shrieks of disbelief from our friends as they watch the destruction, and shouts of laughter from those that wants to see the west destroyed and realise they don’t need to lift a finger to see this achieved.
Thing that is really odd, is that many people who apparently want Western society destroyed, are those that currently live in Western society.
Do they realise what they are doing to themselves !!
and so far, no one’s given you credit !
I can see how this is the result of two major groups or “word orders” competing with each other. One will end up being the true NWO. Not sure which at this stage.
You don’t think this is all just Kabuki Theatre played out by the public faces of the great reset to distract the proles?
It is but only meant for the Western audiences. The other “cabal” is predominately for the other nations.
You’re both over-thinking it, this is just the con that must be played to suck-up as much public money as possible from the cultures that are gullible enough to stupidly listen to them and actually cough it up for political window dressing convenience.
“Stand and Deliver!” – Secretary-General of the United Idiots Internationale.
Seconded by a whole cadre of fellow completely useless time and money wasting scabs, sucking the life-blood out of a spanking new global civilization, for as long as they can possibly get away with it, and are forced to get lost, and earn their own money.
Largest coordinated wealth transfer in history.
It’s not their own money as well. It’s always other people’s money.
Not surprised. Those other countries are not committed to “managed decline” like western countries.
That’s because of the two “world orders” competing with each other. It’s a sort of new cold war. One will come out as the NWO. Not even sure which one will win at this stage. Only time will tell. One thing is for sure. The leaders of the Western world are in it together to cause some sort of great reset to control their population in a way even people like Hitler would be envious to the core.
There is a lot of competing interests, but at the heart of it, it’s all about power and authority for their pet project. Weather that’s a country or a business (Google, Facebook, Twitter), or an idea ([snip], Communism, Socialism, Depopulation).
The events are nothing other than a power play, and public theatre/distraction. A façade hiding an ideological intent.
[By now I thought you’d know better than that Greg.]ED
What’s the problem with pointing out a basic truth? I’m not wrong and you know it.
Technically almost no one has to update their national plans at this time under the Paris rules. So this is just more hype. The ones who have filed new plans have those plans contingent on us funding them so they are happy to ask for more money.
Australia: once the land of hope and glory now a collapsed slave state attached to the rear end of The United Bloody Nations.
Every level of politics here has been sold out to the cabal that now runs the world.
The so called “emissions targets” are a sham based on a non existent mechanism which claims that human origin CO2 can influence the Earth’s atmospheric temperature.
That is rubbish and unscientific rubbish at that.
The measure of the insult being offered to the people who think that they live in democracies is exemplified by the former USA; one region of their vast nation had 14,000 large, broken, unrecyclable Wind Turbines rotting on the hills and disfiguring the landscape, after serving their useful? life of ten years.
The alternative was a relatively small area of land allocated to a modern clean coal fired plant that would operate for at least fifty years.
“Renewables” are Not Clean, not cheap to run, take up massive ground space, and lots more negatives to the point that you might correctly assume them to be an insult to humanity if you weren’t aware that their main purpose is to enact money drain, floods even, from the workas to the Elites.
And then there’s the Kovid Kollapse brought to you by people who “care” about you.
They’ve done it we have been crushed and enslaved.
Europe, U.S., Australia: down the plughole of life.
For us here in Australia we can thank our not so illustrious leader, PM Morrison. He has turned to the dark side.
and anyone here who doesn’t agree with me has also turned to the dark side.
The problem is Peter you were pushing people to vote Lib-Nats for the past 10 years at least. I’m glad I decided not to vote for any of the current crop, no one can say I told them to vote in that way.
That was when they were significantly better than the alternative. Today they are not. Things do change in case you haven’t bothered to notice.
I’m on the dark side with Scotty and he’ll retain power for another term. Its the new world order.
Bill Bailey – puts it nicely
Our supreme leader is having a chat with Borris about nuclear power, which should give you some hope for a brighter future.
‘Australia has signed a landmark emissions reduction technology deal with Britain ahead of the Glasgow climate change summit.
‘Nuclear energy and clean hydrogen are among six key low emission technologies the two countries hope to advance.’ (Herald Sun)
Forget clean hydro. A distraction.
Boris has invited Premier Xi to attend COP26 to bully Scotty into signing a white paper.
‘Dr Chen tells Carbon Brief: “Chinese paramount leaders seldom attended UNFCCC COP meetings, and if Xi makes it, it will show China’s paying unprecedented attention to climate change and emission cutting”. He also expects Xi’s potential presence to “impose pressure upon other major developing countries that have yet to commit to carbon-neutral targets”.
Dr Nordin says that the environment is “pointed to as an area where cooperation between China and countries like the UK is possible and needed”. She adds: “Johnson knows that his own leadership of a green agenda through COP26 will be considered a failure if China is not part of resulting efforts.” (Carbon Brief)
I think you will find Morrison oscillates from the dark side to the light side at regular intervals and at variable Hertz depending on how many votes he believes he will win or will lose. He is pusillanimous and vacillating in the extreme.
Reply not posted. No idea why. Perhaps because I called Morrison pusillanimous and vacillating
Politicians in a democracy are renowned for it.
On a more pressing matter, Christopher Monckton of Brenchley explains the new pause.
‘The New Pause has lengthened by another two months. Even though the brief la Niña that began in late 2020 has now ended, on the UAH dataset there has been no global warming for 6 years 6 months till July 2021.’ (WUWT)
With CO2 levels increasing the average citizen might get the impression that the COP26 gabfest is based on a false premise. What do you think?
Relax Peter, Scomo announced a few days ago that National Cabinet has established a working group to finalise the details concerning how many of our freedoms will be leased back to us–conditional upon us “consenting” to being injected with untested experimental gene therapy agents, with compulsory 6-monthy boosters. And to cap it off the group was comprised of the NT, Tasmania, AND, Victoria. So basically, a supposedly liberal/conservative Prime Minister has appointed Dan Andrews, Bambi-eyes Sutton (a WHO/Gates enthusiast), and a cabal of other mediocre, barrow pushing, Cultural Marxist health bureaucrats (like Annaliese van Diemen) to decide what gets inject into my body and where I am allowed to go for the rest of my life. Scomo needs to understand that if he follows through with this stunt then an awful lot of his former supporters will never vote “Liberal/Nat” again and they will not allow their preferences (votes) to flow to his government. Hopefully Craig Kelly, One Nation, Cambell Newman, and the Liberal Democrats will increasingly hold Scomo’s cowardly, traitorous, feet to the fire.
Great comment, Keith! You have nailed it!
“The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.”
Great line!
Well said KK, the destruction we see happening right now either though a disproportionately higher cost of living or oppressive covid laws is designed to eradicate the middle class and private wealth, only then can the self appointed elite classes take over the still immense potential of this great country.
First part correct, but as to them having the skill to adequately manage any nation’s potential, not so much. Can’t manage national resources without the most valuable nat resource, free and motivated citizens.
Thanks for the comments,
I was a bit stirred up yesterday afternoon after being convinced that the crash isn’t coming, it’s here.
A simple job, get some replacement printer ink cartridges.
After lucking out at the usual cheap spots I went to a formerly busy suburban complex that I hadn’t seen for a while.
Charleston. The place I was going to turned out to be shut, empty and all signage gone.
The shops and businesses that surrounded this one were all closed except a bank.
It was disturbing that eighteen months ago the spot was jumping, now a ghost town.
Gladys and Scomo can’t see this?
In the loop I made there were maybe fourteen closed businesses, with say five incomes derived from each of those.
Those seventy former income earners would provide for another one hundred or more dependants minimum.
On top of that you could assume that the building owners might have more than a bit of trouble repaying the bank loans and land and water rates.
This isn’t necessary, and there’s something inhumane about a nation that can treat farmers, workers and business operators in this callous manner.
People have a right to be angry but I suspect at the moment that they’re just stunned and can’t believe that it’s happening.
I deliver all over Ballarat and the amount of empty shops rival or surpass the early 1990’s recession, people have to realize there is simply no justification for a government in any true democracy or republic to actively attack the freedom of movement or commerce of its citizens when there are obvious, proven mechanisms to tackle the outbreak of a treatable and weakening coronavirus.
They are voted in to enact the wishes of the majority not behave as recent victorious conquers drunk on the power and spoils of war.
How is the delivery business in Ballaratt going during the Covid era?
I’m with Auspost so we basically couldn’t stop, the first shut down March 2020 we didn’t wear masks, no one else could sign scanners except us (still a rule), we did a lot of parcel safe drops, roads were mostly clear (excellent riding), contractors were flat out like us some worked 7 days a week trying to clear parcels, some posties worked Saturdays and extended shifts sorting/delivering parcels.
My question was loaded as I had a good idea what your answer would be.
Businesses is changing with the aid of technology. My youngest son was a year behind Ruslan Kogan at the same school. That puts Kogan in late 30s and his net worth is in the hundreds of millions all through retail sales. Bezos is the world’s richest man and his model was similar to Kogan but in a bigger market place.
My youngest son’s business heroes are the Atlassian founders. The company began in Sydney in 2002 and is now worth USD50bn.
Afterpay began operations from a garage in Sydney in 2014. Its current valuation of USD39bn puts it up there with Australia’s big banks that have been in business for a couple of centuries.
The world just keeps changing; for better or worse. Determining the better or worse simply depends on how an individual experiences it and their mindset. It happens that Auspost is in a good position to benefit from some of those changes providing they focus on the opportunities rather than Cartier watches.
I set up a bitcoin wallet when Bitcoin was worth USD7 – three computers ago. I gave up trying to buy coins as I was not convinced the process was legitimate. So I have no Bitcoin. If I had have acquired Bitcoin, no doubt I would have sold when it reached maybe $100; I am that sort of risk averse.
The similarities between business and climate is that change is the only constant.
I tried a comment Rick but it got lost?, basically we (posties) and contractors were flat out.
Exactly, I saw this earlier in the year in my own town, and surrounding local suburbs, all the shops are gone. There was one convenience store left that primarily services the local snob-hill population and just one supermarket complex, while the ‘City-Heart’ Mall is a ghost town. The ‘economy’ is all big-business now, there is nothing else left all the competition has been wiped out, and we are far from the end of it.
Interesting observations, havent seen this that much in our local town although in the main it just has the basic and not to much in the way of non essential (or at leasy commonly needed) businesses. I have no idea of course how many are near drowning. We lost one cafe , but that has had a troubled history with a sub optimal non main street location. One brave soul opened opened a mini 60s style American hamburger diner in the midst of all this. Hopefully they all make it through.
It may be that our local NQ businesses were more chronically stressed before March 2020 and they just tipped over faster.
For over 95percent of the land area is unaffected and devoid of the virus yet we obediently comply with masks and the exhortations to vaccinate or I’m going to kill someone. I have no trust or faith in our leaders or institutions.
Ironically when it comes to emmissions their is only one country that matters and they are not committing to doing anything and even if they did commit to something there is no way they stick to it. In terms of emmissions COP 26 is a failure because China can’t be trusted. I have said all along that all countries should use the China precedent and do nothing till 2030. Build as many coal fired plants as they can in that time and sort things out in 10 years time. Hopefully by then the climate scam will have been fully exposed.
Please consider reading Monckton’s view on this in the article linked to in comment #8.
I’m sure these UN committees are happy about it, emission non-compliance means they’ll have their six figure jobs for decades to come. Flying first class, eating at Michelin star restaurants, limo rides and photo ops. Whats not to like?
it’s far better than the miserable life they had back at their tin-roof hell-hole of a homeland.
Probably depends on the currency they are paid in. If you are talking people like Christine Legarde (facing the camera) and USD then it is indeed only 6 figures, annual salary after tax about USD550,000. If you are talking the new big player, John Kerry, then you need to add a digit at least – he has been in the game a long time and sucks on a lot of teats. The banking industry are wetting their pants with excitement over the project of a robust international carbon trading system. It surprises me that the UN has not been pushing to own the trading system.
On the other hand the Zimbabwe envoy on 6-figure ZWD100,000pa could save up for a whole year and have a good meal in a western eatery with the USD276 equivalent.
All that aside, there are a lot of people involved in this pointless puffery. Not completely wasted though. All the effort to get energy from the weather highlights the difficulty of weaning off fossil fuels. I expect that the demand for fossils fuels will continue to increase throughout this century and that has to result in rising cost. I am hopeful of seeing fusion power on Earth with a gain of at least 1 before I depart. That would give hope for million more years rather than hundreds.
Building insulation is probably the most under rated asset to humans. I expect there will be huge gains in that technology that can extend the time horizon for fusion power.
No worries, Rick. I hear fusion power is only 20 years away.
The latest contribution in WUWT from Christopher Monckton:
It bothers me to see the Stephan and Boltzmann equation being misused like this.
The guiding factors are, that deep space surrounding the earth is essentially an unlimited heat sink, the Earth’s surface in the liveable areas is about 15°C and the core of the Earth is still molten and several thousand degrees C.
The S_B equation might be indicative of some of the mechanisms at work but don’t take too much notice of people who use it to give estimates of atmospheric temperature variations.
Well said, KK! And the Earth is not a black body, not even close. It is a blue, green and white body.
Thanks David, something to agree on.
It bothers me to see such articles that claim a pause. That implies something is changing. There is no measurement system with the accuracy to support any claim that surface temperature is trending anywhere on a global scale. The tropical moored buoys show no trend for equatorial waters over 4 decades.
Ocean energy balance is regulated by two thermostatic processes – formation of sea ice at 272K and persistent sun blocking convective cloud above open ocean surface at 303K.
There are hemispherical and timing trends as result of changing orbit. Northern Hemisphere has been getting more sunlight since 1585 while Southern Hemisphere less. Average sunlight of the oceans has reduced by a tiny amount.
The UAH TLT referred in that link is unrelated to surface temperature. It uses radiation data high in the atmosphere around 273K to infer a temperature. It is primarily a proxy for CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, which has no bearing on surface temperature because the surface temperature is thermostacilly limited.
UAH is acceptable to all sides.
True, I accept UAH as a good proxy for CO2 increase. It has no direct relationship with surface temperature though.
UAH has a trend that is indicative of CO2 in the atmosphere. It has little relationship with surface temperature other then there is a lagged response up and down and long-term trend associated with rising CO2. The latter does not imply any change in surface temperature. I do not get too interested in what is happening in the atmosphere at 273K. I mostly live on the surface and try to avoid places colder the 273K even on land.
NOAA/NCEP SST uses satellite data to interpolate between moored buoys. It shows no trend over the Nino34 region. UAH is only looking at the troposphere and it has a trend over the Nino34 region as you would expect with increasing CO2.
The moored buoys provide the most relevant data regarding Earth’s surface temperature. They are isolated from the built environment. Have international significance with no single country fiddling with their output. They show no trend – maybe slightly down with some in the recent La Nina.
What I desire is a NOAA/NCEP SST graph to compare with UAH. Can you help me out?
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
― C. S. Lewis
“Readers are advised to remember that the devil is a liar.”
― C. S. Lewis
and so is officialdom.
Help! Help! It’s an emergency. Stop everything, no more driving, no more flying, no more wasteful heating (haven’t you noticed how much hotter it is?)
This climate emergency must be worse than Covid-19.
Surely 13,000 scientists can’t be wrong? And COP26 will create the new world order, won’t it?
Please reset your life to live as our ancestors did in the 1850s.
There, feel better?
No, not really. I will feel better when our not so illustrious leader PM Morrison, or whoever replaces him decides to put his money where his mouth is and fund a couple or so new large coal fired power stations, and remove the restrictions on nuclear to pave the way one day for us to grow up and include nuclear in our power generation.
Peter,.. its obvious you do not understand “Politics” at all…what it is, how it works, or what drives it.
Morrison is just the “lead singer” for the band.
He didnt write the tune, or the lyrics….he is just performing as required to entertain the public and hopefully (for them) maintain popularity.
The whole band is restricted to perform what the masses consider popular at this point in time.
If they sing the wrong song the masses will boo, turn their backs and go buy tickets to the “other show”.. Albo and the Lab’s …
Is that really going to be any better ?
So , just treat Politics as a sideshow for entertainment !
I already knew all that. I posted on another thread references to all that. The Western leaders are just an outer circle of the cabal. The inner circle is where the real unelected leaders reside. They con and train our leaders to do their bidding. Ever noticed how often when a new leader comes along they change behaviour, looks and temperament? Trump might be the exception, which is probably why he was forced out with extensive fraudulent means, and are doing everything in their power to stop him.
There was at least one exception; Turnbull. He clearly was trained/brain washed/sold his soul/etc. before he became PM. Perhaps there were others too but he was obviously one of them before he even entered into politics.
I agree that people like Scomo and Berys Gladachikliken and Mr. Baird and the current American Resident, as some here refer to him, are just puppets.
The other bit though is crucial, there’s only one time to stop the political abuse of trusting citizens, and that’s Right Now.
Something has to be done soon. I look at how far Britain, the U.S. and Europe have fallen recently and I’m worried; we aren’t far behind now.
Many university facultys are just government propaganda factories and the legal system won’t or can’t recognise corrupt acts taken by government.
The things done to the Australian nation by MalEx444 are extraordinary and yet he’s still out there.
Are you channelling the UNs Christiana Figueres? The chicky who admitted that global warming responses are designed to limit commerce – and all that that implies.
The economic destruction we’re seeing from ‘green’ policies (and now the covid response) is __intentional__. Got to think aboput how to respond.
The so called mitigation of their so called Climate change is the greatest con and fra-d in World history.
Here’s all the countries’ co2 emissions since 1970 or 1990, just look at the graph at top right of this WIKI link.
China, India and “other (developing) countries'” emissions have soared since 1990/2000 while USA + EU emissions haven’t increased for 50 years.
When will these clueless donkeys WAKE UP and stop their “BS and fra-d”. Thanks to Dr Hansen for his “BS and Fra-d” quote in DEC 2015.
OH and in 1988 co2 level was about 350 ppm and today about 417 ppm and Australia now emits just 1.1% of emissions, see link.
The thing that’s even more strange is how Australia is the only country of any significance that doesn’t use nuclear as a source of energy. That makes us doubly stupid. NZ of course doesn’t count, sorry. Others can move to more nuclear without too much hassle but we can’t because we don’t have our own nuclear industry on a scale large enough to ramp up quickly enough. So, the only real solution for us is to build more coal fired power stations. How is that for an elephant in the room? Of course, our not so illustrious leader PM Morrison deliberately and knowingly keeps dodging it. One day though he will be gone, tar and feathered preferably.
Yes Peter S the Nuclear question is very strange and Australia has about 40%+ of known global reserves of Uranium.
But I don’t blame Morrison and if he tried to make a move on Nuclear the MSM and the Labor+ Greens imbeciles etc would have a field day and the LNP vote would DROP.
Morrison is well aware of this and so are the pollies from all sides. Throwing yourself in front of a bus is not a very bright idea and we would be left with the Albanese clown etc and the Greens donkeys.
The buck stops with the leader of the nation. If not him then who?
But the only political party talking about nuclear power are the lib/nats… have to convince the rest,impossible.Plus the only party that realise that we need a coal/ gas fired power station asap.
Are you serious? At least one key union broke ranks with the ALP and supported nuclear – the AWU back in 2019. So what? Let one of them put their money where their mouth is and then we will believe them. Until then all the feed us is lies.
Why is it strange? Nuclear was not trendy , so kneejerk ban. Its OK we have enough coal to last a 1000 years. OOPS! Coal is now not trendy either. So now all our so called leaders (both sides) who just blow in the PC wind are caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place, hoping like hell all the BS they are being fed about so called renewables is true. If it isnt they may need to develop spines and make some correct but unpopular (with the whiney left and the MSM) decisions.
Such a disastrous state of affairs for what once was a great country to be in today. All our current leaders are in effect have abandoned all responsibilities of keeping this nation alive, in more ways than one now given the debacle over the COVID-19 hysteria.
Energy is basically a State matter, but the Feds are struggling to find taxpayers monies to build a gas fired power station in the Hunter, because the private sector didn’t want a bar of it.
The idea is to support the Renewable Zones in NSW to avoid blackouts, but if the Senate throws it out then the government will be forced to announce (after COP26) that Australia might have a crack at nuclear.
The Green/Left would then be confronted with a dilemma.
el gordo:
“The Green/Left would then be confronted with a dilemma” not so, whatever it is they will be against it. The best you could hope for is that they support electric bicycles for the populace (but not a reliable supply of electricity).
The only way forward I can see is for the Libs./Nats to announce a start of nuclear in 10 -14 years to “reduce emissions”. It would take around 5 years for the best ideas on which sort(s) of nuclear we should build, and at least that to train the engineers/scientists necessary to build and operate them. Labor couldn’t oppose “a plan to reduce emissions” from 2035 without looking fools and losing votes. The Greens will oppose it but will be outflanked and rendered impotent, and worse, not worth voting for (except by the 5% true believers).
If the Libs cannot bring themselves to do this, then they are not worth their place and we would need something like The Official Monster Raving Loony Party to switch our votes and sting them into action.
At COP26 Morrison will be coerced by the Europeans, US and China to do more per capita. He will quietly give them the finger, come home and tell the electorate that we have no choice in the short term but build gas fired power stations to support the renewables. If they pick up a fuss, then he’ll play his nuclear card and blow them away.
Here’s Mauna Loa’s co2 level for end of June 2021 and is about 419 ppm.
And even the CSIRO tells us that the entire SH is a net co2 SINK while the NH is the net co2 SOURCE. Here’s the link to their Tassie Cape Grim site. Note SH co2 level of 411.4 ppm is about 7.5 ppm under Mauna Loa level.
And today NH population is about 7 bn while SH is about 0.8 bn people. Think about it.
World’s greatest scientific scam
Pure power grab by unelected UN elites to screw the west and give control and power to China and Third World as developing countries
Our mass media, giant tech and politicians from both sides are now part of this nwo
The losers are the working and middle class
The management of the corona virus where our politicians have abrogated their peers to single issue over zealous health beauracrats is just a taste of what’s to come
Soon there will only be ruling elites and serfs
Well said. Too bad most Australians are still sleep walking totally oblivious to what’s happening let alone to what will happen soon enough. The ignorance of so many people is amazing. Not sure what proportion of the population are in that state – I’m guessing at least 50%.
As the saying goes
If I did what the government does, I would be arrested.
I like that!
Captures the world at the moment.
A lie is not a lie, unless they say it is.
The lockdowns result 😀
Just not so expected 😀
mmmm out there for all to see, yet another grand experiment (not vaccines this time) with the complete tanking of transport globally in 2020 and not even a blip or a delayed blip in CO2. Not one enquiring MSM journalistic brain will wonder why.
So can anyone tell us how to find their climate emergency or even the Biden donkey’s EXISTENTIAL threat?
Eschenbach, Koonin, Lomborg, Christy etc have all tried and found ZIP. And Shellengberger is now an IPCC reviewer and yet even he can’t find their emergency or whatever.
And he even apologised for his BS + exaggerations over the past decade, when he worked for the Obama admin etc.
How can one tell you that when it doesn’t exist? Rhetocial question of course.
1. Just because it can’t be seen doesn’t mean it’s not there.
2. Lack of evidence is in itself evidence.
One says the glass is half empty, the other says the glass is half full. It’s the panic mongers that want us to panic over something that they “think” is there. The rest of us say “where, what?”
The lack of evidence of of catastrophe should have been enough to kill this thing off. But they don’t want to know any such thing. They’re too busy panicking and telling us what to do over this non-existent emergency. They are creating all of the hardship we now suffer while they are telling us the suffering will end if we just do as they say.
Kabuki theatre is an accurate description of politics.
Or , as engineers say …. “the glass is twice as big as it needs to be …”
Or the alcoholic; “top it up please”.
Or the government; “just drink it, it’s good for you.”
Yes Peter S and that’s why we all get so frustrated.
But this accurate data has been available for decades and now for 200+ years if we look at the Dr Rosling video.
But the MSM and stupid pollies win all the time and in just about every country on Earth. Even China, India + developing countries play up to their BS and fra-d, in the hope of endless billions $ that may come their way if they just play the game.
I know it’s all so unbelievable but true.
“Recent extreme heat waves, droughts and floods across the globe are a dire warning that much more needs to be done, and much more quickly, to change our current pathway,” said Espinosa.
They never mention the record cold weather that the nth hemisphere cops every year.
They never mention mitigating the damage, they want to stop the storm.
If only Australia had a conservative government. They could claim to have destroyed the opposition in a climate change election and just tell the junket organisers that they having business dealing with the ongoing effects of the 60 year cycle of natural climate on the wide brown continent of droughts, fires, flood and pestilence! If only we had a conservative government reflecting election results!
The 60 year cycle is alive and well, we just have to join the dots. The Chilean drought is exhibit A.
Conservative governments did exist in the past. Not today – they are all in it together on this one. Emissions reductions is key to the
survivaldeath of this nation.70
So how terrible is our world today compared to 1950 or 1970? In 1950 the global life expectancy was about 45.5 years( 2.5 bn ) and in 1970 had increased to about 56.5 years ( 3.7 bn) and today is about 72.8 years ( 7.8 bn). Think about it and also the pop increase since 1950 of 5.3 bn and 4.1 bn since 1970. See link.
World gdp growth since 1950 , expressed in 2011 $ and adjusted for inflation. In 1951 5.9% , in 1970 158% and in 2015 1,068%.
And here’s the world gdp over the last 2,000 years. NOTE the shift from 1800 and massive climb after 1900 and almost vertical graph over the last 100 years.
GOSH our use of FOSSIL fuels have been just terrible since 1800. SARC. But will they ever WAKE UP?
Australia, NZ, Canada, Once Great Britain, the US without Trump and certain nations of Western Europe have an unusually strong commitment to the anthropogenic global warming fraud and subsequent self-destruction.
But among those, Australia is one of the worst, if not the worst.
Agree. One day it might be worth determining why that is so but for now the problem won’t go away until people wake up to themselves and stop voting for either major party as though it will make a difference. Anyone who still thinks it will given what we see today must either have their head in the sand or completely dumb.
You see, this is exactly what I told you before the last Federal election, and the Federal Election before that one as well.
Now you finally agree.
You are a better person. I was still opening my eyes. Now I see. I just hope a lot more follow.
‘Australia is one of the worst, if not the worst.’
We haven’t signed onto zero emissions. If push comes to shove a man of god might give the Alliance the flick.
We don’t have a “man of God”. He is a fake Christian otherwise he wouldn’t be telling so many lies.
Goodness gracious, you’re the fibber.
Scot is on record as saying that his belief in Christ is the foundation of his existence.
lol … And all American Presidents go to a Chapel to prey after their inauguration too. You buy that charade as well? Deceptive dishonest democratic two-party politicians have been playing this Christianity card for centuries now. Perhaps Jimmy Carter actually even meant it, but I don’t think any of the rest did, and I don’t for a second believe a word any Canberra politican says, especially if they got to the top as a PM.
‘You buy that charade as well?’
I’m an atheist who enjoys teasing god botherers, nevertheless its comforting for the masses to have Scotty at the helm.
I’m also an atheist and sometimes I can’t resist winding up the sky-fairy crowd.
As I always say: a belief in a god was brought about by ancient societies’ attempts to explain away the world around them. We don’t need to do that anymore as we have science, and the beauty of science is the realisation that we will never be able to explain everything around us. However,the process of discovery is what makes science fascinating.
“a belief in a god”
You mean.. a belief in Gods
All initial religions had a series of Gods representing different facets of the world.
The Pantheon was good value.
Its easy to be glib, but in my milieu they practice meditation and believe in astrology. Extremely archaic and easy to criticise, but if it gives people comfort then it can’t be too harmful.
I support the PM, he brought us through the drought, bushfires and pandemic in good working order. If faith in a supreme being helped, who am I to criticise.
I can’t judge anyone – that’s up to our Lord when the time comes. However, He did say in Matthew 7:
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
As far as I can tell politicians like PM Morrison practice a lot of lawlessness by telling so many lies and has deceived everyone. I do pray he repents but his “fruits” are rotten, which is a sign of a fake believer and of a dead faith (James) as distinct from a true believer with living faith who performs good works.
You don’t have to believe all that is true but that’s what the Truth says.
That is accurate but misleading. Scott Morision has stated:
You can read it here:
There is a massive push from all the big players in Australian business to support this carrot on a stick target. It can never be reached but will consume endless resources, producing mountains of profits as the world tries. What could be better for Australian iron ore miners and coal miners than planting wind turbines over millions of square kilometres of land and oceans as well as solar panels on every roof and any other sunny spot. Australia supplies half of the world’s iron ore; a significant portion of both coking coal and bauxite for aluminium. And then more gas is needed to provide dispatachable back up and coal remains the lowest cost fuel.
A third world war would be over in days. The war on carbon will never end; at least until there is no more fossilised carbon. The greatest threat to this business nirvana is fusion energy on Earth.
Fusion power might happen, but that is some way off. The PM is practicing realpolitik, talking to the UK about gas, nuclear etc to appease the European and American zealots. He cannot sign any net zero thingy or the government would lose the next election, the Oz electorate is savvy and won’t suffer fools gladly.
I think ScoMo is testing the water. A growing portion of the population recognise the potential to exploit zealotry.
Australia is one of the few countries that can set a good example of powering the economy from the weather without economic harm providing other developed countries persist with their zeolotry. It remains one of the key planks of keeping the Australia/China trade alliance going strong. Australia provides the raw materials for the weather energy extractors that China supplies across the globe. There is nothing better than that for Austalias current account.
Does anyone know who the Australian reps at Glascow COP 26 will be? Is it Angus Taylor for example? What worries me is when we send on of our pollies to these junkets they sign us up to all these crazy treaties and agreements. Then you learn 5 years later when some of the policies need to be implemented.
They are all in it together, ALP, Greens and LNP. Reduction in our emissions apparently is one of the most important issues today. The people vote for these parties pretending their side is better than the alternative. Delusional nonsense. Wake up people!
Democracy sucks, we need a dictatorship.
Yep – I am the only person with a clear vision and I need the power to exercise that vision.
Democracy is threatened on all fronts. Tin pot dictators like Dan, Gladys and Mark with stay-at-home overs at the drop of pin; shutting State borders to commerce and trade. Fining people for not wearing masks. Police on horses disrupting peaceful marching.
If I was in charge I would sort it out quick smart and we could get back to our democratic pursuits. I would not be a benevolent dictator. I would cut off all government teats for example. I would be a democratic dictator. I would abolish my ABC and create a new free media that promoted my balanced outlook on vaccinations and reliable power systems. I have a lot of good, democratic ideas to implement. I would sponsor immigration of high performance athletes to bolster Australia’s gold medal tally – lots of good democratic ideas.
Hmmm ….
Realistically, its impossible for an individual to emerge from our political system and become a dictator.
Currently, the democratic vote of 0 to 1 indicates you are wrong.
Would you appoint a Minister for Sarcasm?
We will get a dictatorship of sorts in good time – a benevolent one when our Lord returns. Be patient.
‘Be patient.’
In an Australian context that cannot happen, dream on.
So you think Australia is going to fight and defeat Jesus? LOL.
When the galactic brotherhood make themselves known, religions around the world will have to reinvent themselves in light of that.
Ok- I’ll assume its Angus. I think his official title is Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction. Unfortunately his public persona seems to be more about “emissions reduction” rather than “energy”. If he was the Minister for Cheap Energy it would be more beneficial to Australia.
I think Jamie Isbister, “Ambassador for The Environment”, will be going.
There is not much information about who’s going but this page from the Italian Ambassador in Canberra implies he will be.
Yet again, as mugs we’ve been played.
More people need to understand the big picture in order for us to stop this rot. The climate cause has never been about the climate and instead has been all about a transfer of wealth and power away from western democracies. The end game is to form a global government based on a Marxist ideology, with the controlling nation obviously being China, which is why they are immune to emissions cuts. The fate of the western democracies such as Australia rest with the USA and with the Democrats attempt to overturn their democracy. If the USA falls to this ideology then countries such as Australia would be effectively sanctioned out of existence or invaded by military force unless they agreed to toe the line and sign away their freedom.
‘The fate of the western democracies such as Australia rest with the USA …’
Once upon a time, but no longer. Judging by the comments on this blog, the US is a Marxist dictatorship,
No, the US is slowly becoming a fascist dictatorship. A Marxist one would not allow big business to exist – they would all be nationalised or destroyed. Instead they are growing stronger and more powerful – in effect adjuncts to the government. Small businesses are being destroyed for that very purpose.
China is also a fascist dictatorship, Beijing loves the free enterprise system.
With China one knows that the CCP is the real power. With the ROW it is not as easy to decipher if the global international corporations or the governments are calling the shots. The US deep state appears to have some intimidating power as well.
I do however surmise that as global central power success grows, then who is to really be in charge becomes the point of decisive tension. And when you life philosophy says you must destroy a system in order to have it your way, you have unwittingly invited chaos into the mix. It will not go like they plan, but sadly, suffering will.
And yet we have the technological ability to have amazing global prosperity, and it was happening without “one world government. The push for global government is and wil cause global pain.
Its not so simple. China is communist in name only, they have four economic classes just like us. Did you know they have a private and public health service?
It’s still in the balance wrt to conversion to Marxism. You can see how the preparation is underway with the cleansing of the armed forces of Republicans, to allow for a military supported takeover, but before we get to that stage they want to lock in the rigged elections and bring down the dollar and economy to create welfare dependency. The 3.5 trillion welfare bill is the key to the plan.
The only thing standing in their way is the 2022 primaries and the COVID recovery combined with falling voter support for Biden is causing a headache. This is why the mask mandates are back in with the renewed virus scare campaign. The Dems need to keep COVID alive to keep the COVID voter laws going and use the printed mail-in vote forms to top up their numbers to retain power. If the COVID virus was a joint Chinese-Democrat-UN managed attack to get rig of Trump and pave the way for the new world order then we can expect a new vaccine resistant strain to appear later this year or early next year to make sure the job is done.
Serge, agreed. That’s the plan.
We should start a media 5hit storm as to why COP 26 is not a Zoom conference as have been the majority of necessary business meetings over the past 18 months.
Throw in the details of the fossil fuels used and CO2 resulting from this shin dig to embarrass the participants , and keep shouting about it
If we throw enough mud some will stick !
Security conscious companies and governments don’t use Zoom since it is a Chi-comm App and can be used to monitor the content.
Plus they have just been sued for privacy breaches.
This is odd.
I posted 2 comments within the last hour. They showed up in the Recent Comments” column on the right, but are nowhere to be found in the actual comments section. That’s a new one on me.
Its a weird phenomenon, making a new comment on the thread usually brings them into view.
Hmm. Never mind. They appeared while writing this last comment. Most curious.
Try refreshing the thread, seems to work for me.
Only thing I can guess is maybe Jo was editing the thread, and it freezes up until she’s done?
Whatever. They are there now.
Sometimes if you “right click” on a post in the “recent” box on the right, you get to the top of the topic instead of to the post you want. “Refreshing” seems to get you to the correct place.
South Africa DEMANDED…the bunch of corrupt crooks masquerading as a government (and who was selected with the help of just about every western government in the name of justice) have managed to destroy most of the country in the 30 years they’ve been running the joint and they DEMAND. Tells you everything about the climate movement you need to know…
Whoever devised this quote is correct, misattributed to Dostoievski.
This is what the Left are doing in their pursuit of the destruction of Western Civilisation and the Judeo-Christian moral principles on which it is founded, plus the reason and logic from the Ancient Greeks.
Ben Shapiro talks about this:
This is not a left wing conspiracy, the Klimatariat is above politics, anyway the honeymoon is over.
Yes, Putin (or some offsider) has reduced the supply of Russian natural gas flowing into Europe, having a big influence on the price which has shot up, benefitting the Russian economy. By an odd coincident supply from Norway has also reduced. But its summer in Europe you say, and so it is, but about now demand rises as countries stock up in preparation for winter, and their stocks are low owing to extra demand because wind hasn’t supplied enough. Its output is down 20% in Germany in the first 6 months (and coal-fired is up 38%), supply from UK fields has been dropping for years (denting Scottish hopes) and by the end of July the UK had burnt more coal than for the whole of 2020. There are even some people suggesting that the coal under the North Sea as far as Belgium might be useful. I don’t expect Boris to highlight this in the Glasgow talkfest.
And you may have noticed signs of unusual weather e.g. snow in southern Brazil, which would suggest, to those who still think, that some precautions against possible Global Cooling would be in order.
And Tim Flannery predictions that ‘Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis (due to lack of water) or his 2008 one “The water problem is so severe for Adelaide that it may run out of water by early 2009” is looking a little doubtful, esp. as the reservoirs servicing Adelaide have opened the flood gates for the next 4 days. This might dent public faith in climate predictions and make the prospect of higher electricity prices and taxes unappealing.
Many countries do not care a whit,
About CO2 tonnes they emit,
But the C.O.P. must go on,
To continue the con,
Of the swindle they’ll never admit.
Nothing ever stays the same.
Paid humans like to think knowledge is power and that practice makes perfect. In fact practice makes practice, knowledge isn’t power but it’s who you know that is in power.
Paid humans like to predict and be in the future. So, here we are, well into 3021. What happened? We just lost 1000 years of education and still know what? Not much.
Paid humans believe and fear extinction, because we have seen it and or have heard enough about it to get curious and measure the life span of all things. Life on this living planet means that dead can’t see and their written words adapt new voices.
Paid humans look for life on Mars. Microbial would classify as extra-terrestrial life which coincidentally makes my own body overpopulated.
Paid humans discover dark matter. For the price paid there is still nothing to see folks.
Humans are builders and traders from antiquity, walls and roads and produce. Tendency of modern humans is to build things that are shinier.
Science always comes to a point of conclusion with more questions. That means we can be educated and still know nothing. Stick a probe in it.
Government seeks advice to form policies based on perceived assumptions. Assumptions are the cancers of the society. None can ever expect factual data because it alienates parts of the society. This way assumptions win votes by proxy of information and allows wiggle room. This is how diplomacy changes bodies but never changes the uniform.
It is very simple. If UN sets a deadline, it is just that, a dead line. Like flogging a dead horse. It suits the narrative to keep moving the goalposts. Them bags of money in the UN washing machine that it is.
Keeping with my intention of applying the “rule of 97″** to this story, I suggest to Minister Barbara Creecy that she up the request. Surely, 750 B is short of the need.
Go for $970,000,000,000 (I guess she is asking for USD ($)
Neither either of those or the previously expected/promised 100B is going to happen. It is all silly.
**All WAGs should be based on the number 97.
It is beyond comprehension that the United Nations demands legal control of the weather and now cash compensation for member countries. Incidentally NASA also demands to be recognized as the arbiter of why the weather is not perfect and seeks to blame the ‘industrial revolution’. Nothing at all about Saturn rockets into space though.
The UN was supposed to end conflict and there are some jobs which demand international cooperation, like preventing pandemics. The UN not only went missing in the greatest health disaster since 1918 but actively assisted by declaring that China was blameless, the disease was not infectious to humans and no member Country should close their borders. Months after they knew otherwise. And they all still have their jobs.
Their 40,000 people and as many hangers on again might as well go home for all the use they have been these last two years.
It’s all about demanding billions in cash from Western democracies to prop up military dictatorships. But to use the weather as justification is incredible. Only an idi*t would believe such a story. That they get away with the climate nonsense is a sign of the Communist take over of the UN committees. The IPCC is fake science. WHO remains criminal and directly responsible for millions of deaths. And even innocuous UNESCO has become a political tool for attacking the West. How can any country be held responsible for one of the largest natural structures on earth in the open ocean? What are we supposed to do? Scrub it?
What’s next? Reparations for the invention of the steam engine?
What about the UN paying cash compensation for the death and losses from the intentional distribution of the Wuhan Flu? Or demanding that member country China cough up? Cough. Cough.
Interesting article in ‘The WestAustralian’ — BlackRock is partnering with Citigroup, HSBC, and the Asian Development Bank to buy coal fired power plants in ‘developing economies ‘ operate them for 15 years then close them down.
What the hell does that really mean?
Chris, it probably means Blackrock and co. know that coal has a real future and hope that within 15 years the the fuss will have died down. Or more likely they see it as a great investment now and are just adding the “in 15 years we will close them down” to keep the green activists happy. That is they are playing them.
Means BlackRock is lighting the fuse of electricity service and is carefree about the explosion in power demand. The future is in renewables. Everyone knows that
.. just cannot build them quickly enough. So more fossil fueled plants will be built even more quickly
The Asian Development Bank is definitely getting out of coal, but the HSBC has no qualms.
‘BlackRock and other major financial institutions are working on plans to accelerate the closure of coal-fired power plants in Asia in a bid to phase out the use of the worst man-made contributors to climate change.
‘The world’s biggest asset manager is partnering with Citigroup, HSBC and the Asian Development Bank to buy the plants and operate them for as long as 15 years before closing the assets ahead of current schedules, according to people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be named discussing a private matter.’ (SMH)
Am sure the Indians have no difficulty building massive fields of PVC very quickly. They have already done it. The problem seems to be finding customers to take the supply of the solar profile product. The 24/7 constant supply of coal/gas/hydro/nuclear generation is saleable
Given that India should be adept at consuming a surge of daytime electricity, this preference for stable supply is surprising
In a nutshell, through its SOEs Beijing will carry on regardless.
‘A loophole in HSBC’s pledge to phase out financing for coal by 2040 will allow the bank to support companies with plans to build more than 70 new coal plants, which could cause an estimated 18,700 deaths from air pollution a year, according to a report.
‘The bank’s asset management arm, which is not included in the coal phase-out pledge, holds ownership stakes in companies that plan to build 73 coal power plants across 11 countries in Africa and Asia, almost enough to supply fossil fuel electricity to all the UK’s homes three times over.’ (Guardian)
“which could cause an estimated 18,700 deaths from air pollution a year”
What a load of tosh !
New power stations have very little real pollution..
+ they provide CO2 for plant growth, so they save lives because they provide food.
Guardian propaganda never fails to illuminate.
Australia is obviously seen as an easy target for the AGW true believers, the EU and the UN. So easy in fact that the EU is threatening us with ’emissions taxes’ in the shape of import duties. Our politicians roll over on the left. It’s to be seen how Morrison handles it.
IMO, as science is never in but that war cry is the glue for AGW.
I have a suggestion for Morrison. It’s a follow-on from Graham Lloyd’s article in The Australian of last Friday where scientists were saying their computers were overcooking the data because not enough attention had been given to ‘other forces’ (than CO2) that were responsible for the underlying variability not regarded by the computer software. I was very surprised to see this pearler article receive no comment.
My suggestion to Morrison is to throw a spanner into the spokes of the EU and AGW brigade. Tell them in no uncertain terms that he wants to have a review of the science that was ‘in’, as he hasn’t seen enough data proving the CO2 theory of AGW after 40years, and much of what comes out seems to be contradictory to that theory.
His idea would be to throw open the debate, have it in the public domain and review the various positions of all the climate-involved scientific fields of scientists – no interest in unqualified activists. It would be up to those interested to debate in public on whatever part of the topic interested them, and there would be no censorship nor cancellation of individuals permitted, with huge penalties applied to those that tried such tactics.
If its good enough for the EU to try its hardest to destroy our economy and standards of living, then it is essential for our politicians to grow a spine instead of acting as poor representatives of the jellyfish genus. This is as much a war declared by the EU against us (with no valid reason for that declaration) as anything else it could do short of a hot war. It is time to send a rocket through that organisation and the UN, rattle their comfortable cages and force them to defend their positions.
I can imagine the noise and mutterings, but forget the gameplay and go to the throat of those that threaten us with such action. We stand up against the CCP for its excesses and we must do the same with those that threaten us no less than the CCP.
Well put Doc.
This isn’t science it is pure activism infiltrating the political landscape. EU dug their own hole and they can’t drag us down with it. UN is just a contracted money laundering system thriving through censorship of those that should be heard. It would require a major surgery for Morrison to grow a spine given that Trump was born with one.
Next set of elections will be fascinating as world had learned so much in the passed two years.
And peer reviewed publications are not “settled science” anymore, if it ever was. It is academic groupthink at best and politicized activist “opinion for the benefit of the highest bidder” at worst if it cannot be validated against what happens out there in nature, and if people try to silence, cancel or fire the debaters (like Peter Ridd) then you know clearly that the fix is in and you don’t need to take the instigators of such initiatives seriously.
Morrison will never do this … he would be on a hiding to nothing. A very significant proportion of Australians understand that AGW is very real, and that Australia is dragging the chain in response to it … mostly because we sit on a huge sea of coal and nat gas.
Politically there is no way you can be a [Snip. Namecalling Stop OK? – J]
” A very significant proportion of Australians understand that AGW is very real”
That proportion are those brain-washed by the constant messaging… people like you!
The only anthropogenic real warming is urban and land-use changes, and that is very localised.
Fake warming has come from manic smearing of those urban temperatures over huge regions that they don’t belong, and from manic “adjustments” to past data.
CO2 has nothing to do with either of these..
There is no A-Global-W…. period. !
And I defy you to produce evidence that human released CO2 causes warming
what can you say? dont listen to what they say, watch what they do
Now now Clarence… settle down, take a Xanax and relax!! Of course the majority of “ordinary people” are confused about AGW; this is normal about anything related to the continuance of society. While governments and autocrats can use the “Science is Settled” argument, society is going nowhere. It is the goal of government to keep the Great Unwashed in total scientific ignorance.