A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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This from the Australian was in a UK website. It’s very scathing of Australian lockdowns
There has always been friendly rivalry but the UK media is becoming increasingly concerned about the extreme measures being Taken in Australia
Australian premiers are increasingly meeting the definition of insanity.
None are yet to give any advice on improving one’s own health status to maybe avoid symptomatic infection.
If state health officials can impose draconian measures on populations why can’t they can impose restrictions to premiers’ insanity?
Speaking of insanity….
Israel vaccine “breakthrough” covid case firestorm gets going…as predicted in April.
“Israel has seen new case numbers skyrocket in recent weeks from a few dozen a day to over 6,000 on Monday. Another 5,755 were diagnosed on Tuesday, the Health Ministry said Wednesday morning, bringing the number of active cases to 38,942.
“Ministry numbers showed 694 patients hospitalized as of Wednesday morning, 400 of whom were listed in serious condition. Sixty-two people were being treated on ventilators.
If you look at the figures, average 2/3 of cases are vaccinated.
I read: “Pumping in money for more medical staff”
I did not see anything about checking Vit D3 levels and supplementation, nor on manufacture and supply of ivermectin or other treatments.
No doubt there will be ‘top up’ doses of vax.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have not been shown to be effective against Covid-19 … it’s pseudo-science (aka quackery).
I do agree however that the Israeli figures are worrisome … if it means that the vaccine effectiveness fades, especially in the face of the increased infectiousness of the Delta Variant.
But we need more data on whether it still holds true – that for the vast majority of cases, being vaccinated prevents serious Covid and death from it.
The fact that two-thirds of cases in Israel are among the vaccinated probably just reflects (statistically) the very high proportion of the total “market” being vaxxed.
TT says
1. Ivermectin and HCQ.
They work in theory, and from anecdotal evidence in clinics and hospitals, and from high quality peer-reviewed trials. The evidence that these treatments are effective is stronger than the evidence for the vaccines. On top of that, ivermectin and HCQ have an established safety record from decades of use.
For the vaccines, I understand, all data is from company trials with only summaries published. For the anti-virals the trials were done independently and results are published.
2. Vaccine effectiveness fades.
Yes but it is not significant to start with. Transmission/infectiousness is not substantially reduced by vaccination (if at all).
3. two-thirds.
Israel has found that 2/3 of cases have been vaccinated, that in a population where 2/3 have been vaccinated. I infer from the 2/3 figure for cases that vaccination makes no difference to the chance of infection – I note the correct figure for their vaccination take up rate is a bit more than 67% so yes there is a small benefit to being vaccinated on this measure.
Doctor says :
And source video ( with english subtitles )
“Leading Israeli Health Official: Vaccinated Account For 95% of Severe and 85-90% of New Covid Hospitalizations; Vaccine Effectiveness is “Really Fading” (VIDEO)
But if 95% of severe cases were from the vaccinated, and if 99% of population was vaccinated, then the vaccinated proportion does not have its ‘share’ of severe case, so some slight benefit to vaccination here.
99 percent of the population is not vaccinated About 70 percent is, as I recall, the correct number.
“Out of the estimated 9.3 million citizens, 5.8 million have received at least one shot and 5.4 million are fully vaccinated.”
Ok, with those the numbers, about 58% of population were fully vaccinated, and if 2/3 of cases have been vaccinated (TT figure)
then my calculation gives, the rate of infection for the
vaccinated is higher than the rate of infection of the not-vaccinated!
Democracy rules in Australia. The politicians are sensitive to the community mood. The majority of the community support the lockdowns. They know they work – Victoria eleminated roaming spreaders 5 times in the past 20 months. People in other States have been critical of the NSW response as being messy and wishy-washy. Their way out will likely be a high level of vaccine because they are not doing enough to put the genie back. The WA premier, derided in the article, was re-elected with his opposition annihilated back in March. ScoMo recently changed his tune on State border controls as he read the community mood.
It appears the UK has now turned the corner with the number of daily cases declining from peak of 54k after controls released to now 23k. But deaths still in the hundreds. That is with 58% fully vaccinated. Australia has 18% fully vaccinated. As Sydney shows, the level of vaccination is not enough by a long margin to get the infection rate under 1 with the current level of vaccination and no other controls.
There is a current push to vaccinate people in the hot spots in Sydney. And incredibly strong demand for vaccinations now that there are roaming spreaders.
The vast majority of people like to see an overwhelming police presence because they know when police are outnumbered it really gets ugly. There is strong support for the authorities directing the Covid response. Sure people would much prefer that there no leaks from quarantine but so far that has proven elusive.
Australia has never lost control of roaming spreaders like most other countries. Even Sydney, with their slack controls, are holding very close to 1 on the infection rate. Shutting Sydney down with night curfew and travel restrictions for all would have got them out of it in a couple of weeks. They are now holding at around 300 cases per day and will likely rely on vaccinations with their current controls to pull the infection rate below 1.
The building trades were in a bind prior to the current lockdowns in NSW and Victoria due to material shortages; mostly imports from Covid affected economies. Australia keeps pumping out iron ore, coal, aluminium, wine, grain, dairy products etc to keep the current account strong – in fact, better than ever. UK continues into its ever deeper economic hole with ongoing negative current account.
How can we possibly know how many ‘roaming spreaders’ have been in the community when most infected are asymptomatic?
I hope your version of Democracy retains my right to choose what medicines I take.
That’s gone early on.
How many of the “cases”are asymptomatic?
Can an asymptomatic positive personspread the disease?
So, a good proportion of the “vaccinated” will be spreaders.
Thanks for the clarification, GA.
It comes from the top, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus his self posted a video some months back.
“so a good proportion will be spreaders”
Studies in the UK England of a large study of COVID-19 transmission involving more than 365,000 households with a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated members found vaccination reduced the chance of onward virus transmission by 40–60%. So if someone became infected after being vaccinated, they were only around half as likely to pass their infection on to others compared to infected people who were not vaccinated. In April, Public Health England reported the results of a large study of COVID-19 transmission involving more than 365,000 households with a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated members.
It found immunisation with either the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine reduced the chance of onward virus transmission by 40–60%. This means that if someone became infected after being vaccinated, they were only around half as likely to pass their infection on to others compared to infected people who were not vaccinated.
Most vaccinated people will themselves have a much reduced viral load, a higher Ct and a significant reduction in the severity of the symptoms caused by the virus. As more people are vaccinated the overall virus load in the population lessens significantly with a subsequent reduction in case incidence and severity.
With regard to passing on the virus to others , as the virus load is reduced in vaccinated people they have fewer virus particles in their nose. This is significant as more virus in the nose has been linked to greater infectiousness and increased risks of onward transmission. Eventually as the number of those vaccinated increases, the viral numbers will gradually decrease until it no longer presents a problem.
So, a good proportion of the “vaccinated” will still be spreaders.
Thanks for backing up my comment, Ian.
It’s a postmodern vaccine which merely retards the rate of spread; in an inclusive society this blatant failure can be construed as a verity –ain’t life grand.
Definitely. But if they have a lighter viral load [how new terms roll off our tongues now] then that is probably a good thing: Those they infect will have a lighter load and that has A LOT to do with how rapidly their conditions deteriorate and whether they end up in ICU.
The viral load between those tested positive by PCR tests doesn’t vary much whether the person is vaccinated or not. The distribution of cycle numbers have been shown to be pretty much identical.
What does vary is the percentage testing positive for vaccinated vs unvaccinated where the vaccinated proportion is lower. But people mainly go for testing when feeling symptomatic and the numbers of infected but not symptomatic are unknown without serology tests which we are not doing here.
apparently you can only spread the virus with the amount of viral load you have
so if you are asymptomatic having a very low viral load that is all you can spread
what l do not understand is if the covid shot is a prophylactic that reduces the effect of symptoms without sterilizing the virus does this mean that that people who have the shot but get infected are spreading a high viral load of virus but they only show minor symptoms?
Nope, the viral load in the vaccinated when infected is the same. The CDC admitted this.
95 percent of severe hospitalized in Israel are vaccinated.
People taking Ivermectin and other preventives are far closer to sterilized of the virus, it’d the catch it at all. The vaccines are failing, badly.
Viral load in symptomatic and unsymptomatic is also the same. Thus it’s likely that asymptomatic people spread it just as well, though possibly they do it for a shorter period of time.
l saw a diagram in an article that actually showed how ivermectin blocked the the virus and l would have to agree with you David A wholeheartedly that Ivermectin is far closer to sterilizing the virus than any of the shots
also Jo can you provide a link that shows that viral load is the same in symptomatic and unsymptomatic, l dont dispute what you are saying, l want to learn
l did have an early utube video from Prof Sucharit Bhakdi who explains that as viruses are passed on or mutate they weaken and you can only catch the amount of virus that the person has, so if they were shedding a low viral load that is all you could catch, he said that anyone who was extremely sick with covid could be seen clearly that they are very sick and you would not go near them but sorry utube has censored it LOL, cancelled
another thing l found interesting
“Vaccinated victims are spreading the virus; mystery solved Queensland Premier”
Where have you seen this documented, Jo?
Yes but it’s an inoculation that wears off within a few months. Booster shots will be the next big thing.
Anything to avoid using a cheap, fast and easy to obtain antiviral or to take the necessary immune-system-friendly daily vitamins and minerals. Instead we have absolute clowns talking about wearing two face masks.
I sure hope no one’s brain gets turned into a fritter by reading that immoderate text.
It is highly likely that fully-vaccinated, asymptomatic ‘shedders’ are THE most effective way to spread this virus, precisely because they think they’re safe and so are more likely to move around. OTOH, unvaccinated and/or symptomatic people are more likely to isolate to some degree.
Just to add a bit of colour. From the NSW Gov. Health Pathology website today.
“PCR test is regarded as the current standard for diagnosis of C19 infection…. Generally the number of cycles run by the PCR test systems is 45 – this can vary depending on the machine or assay used. Generally the cut off threshold is set at Ct 40.
At this rate the whole population can be diagnosed as asymptomatic. Kary Mullis must be turning in his grave.
When close to 50% of the population rely on the Govt for their income (either as public servants or welfare recipients) and this income is completely unaffected by lockdowns it’s no wonder that a majority agree with lockdowns. Who cares about small businesses, their staff and families,eh?
In fact, for many of the leaners, life’s even easier – they don’t even have to pretend to be looking for work during lockdowns.
Our local Port Phillip council is an egregious case. They ended the year with millions left over from over $100 million in rapidly rising rates and fines and other income. And the average salary is over $140,000 a year. Now the council is awarding themselves a 5% rate rise. Why? Most are communists, but their version of equality is revealing. Total job security and more cash.
Daniel Andrews has given himself two big wage rises during the Pandemic and his members of Victorian Parliament, also ‘working’ from home are reveling in wage rises which some say they will give to charity. Really? Of course charity begins at home.
Wouldn’t it be better to refuse to award themselves the wage rises? And this is on the back of a State $60Billion windfall in house prices through Stamp Duty and land taxes. All they have to do is sit there and collect their money. They deserve more.
A plague on both their houses.
Would a CV19 plague do?
Democracytyranny rules in Australia. HCQ and Ivermectin effectively banned. No informed consent for many. Power-mad premiers out of control.And then there are the holier-than-thou Vaccinated super-spreader types.
Like vaccinated Typhoid Marys spreading the disease willy-nilly for who knows how long, heedless of their condition that is masked — not prevented — by a non-sterilizing “vaccine”, and possibly shedding spike proteins into everyone else with every breath they exhale into the bargain.
In a perfect world of course, the Spike-Vaccinated would be compelled to wear 2 red arm bands and be preceded by a boy at 20 paces ringing a bell to warn others of the leprous creature approaching. Proof of COVID vaccination-free status would be mandatory to enter enclosed areas or hold a job.
To those who have been injected: my condolences on your so called “vaccination”. Rationalise that decision to yourselves as best you can and leave the rest of us alone and let us use proper, effective anti-virals. If you’re still alive and coherent in 3 years’ time after your deadly/debilitating spike protein injection(s), we can continue this exchange then, but I doubt it. Personally if I played Russian roulette I wouldn’t do it with all chambers loaded.
“ And then there are the holier-than-thou Vaccinated super-spreader types.
Like vaccinated Typhoid Marys spreading the disease willy-nilly for who knows how long, heedless of their condition that is masked — not prevented — by a non-sterilizing “vaccine”, and possibly shedding spike proteins into everyone else with every breath they exhale into the bargain.”
Fortunately an unvaccinated Cairns taxi driver proved incapable of spreading the super hyper mega contagious Delta variant after he caught it from a fully vaccinated super-spreader. But those small businesses in Cairns still had to suffer a lockdown because … oh just because.
I asked a doctor( not my regular physician) while I was attending an unrelated matter if he would issue a prescription for an off label anti viral. He looked quite astonished and said he wouldn’t because he would los3 his license. I looked at him and he quickly retracted. My opinion was he was biased as he alluded to tropical/ equatorial parasites. I acknowledged that but I didn’t pursue it further- saying I could procure it online. He didn’t seem impressed.
Can you get IVM shipped to Australia? I use kiwi drug dot com in USA and told someone in Australia about it. It appears that it might not be showing IVM for Australian IP addresses.
I tried it. No ivermectin from Kiwidrug. Blank search result from Oz. If I lived in some 3rd world hole I could get it, but not here.
Our Therapeutic Goods Administration (in control of drugs) progressively tightened supply of HCQ in particular to the point where it could only be prescribed by certain authorised specialists for certain conditions. Any doctor that prescribes either HCQ or IVM risks de-registration.
Our only practical sources of IVM are horse wormers and possibly dodgy Indian suppliers. I checked out the MDSDs on the horse worming pastes/pellets and most contained other nasties that you wouldn’t go near. Only one had IVM as its sole active ingredient, but even the inactive carrier ingredients have not been tested in humans, so I wouldn’t touch any of those wormers with a ten foot pole. A lot of the bad reports of IVM side effects used to justify banning prescription of IVM for COVID are from people self-administering horse wormers, not from prescribed human IVM tablets.
The Indian online drug companies may be legit or they may be con-artists. It is hard to tell from across the world. You can get 100 x 12mg tabs for about $80 AU, if it is in fact IVM that you are getting. I don’t even know if our Customs/Quarantine will let it in. Can only waste $80 I suppose.
It is interesting to note that IVM has been recommended for people who have had the Spike Jab to counteract the effects of the spike proteins by binding to the spikes and effectively neutralising them, in addition to D3, and fasting to promote autophagy to eliminate the damaged folded proteins that will lead to prion and related conditions caused by spike protein damage.
The Indian online drug companies could hardly be worse than one or two of these big pharma outfits.
Readily available online Just search for Ivermectin. Mine arrives next week. Second purchase…..First was a test to see if the pranuct is genuine It appears to be so.
Where did you get yours Destoyer?
An interesting reaction.
Do those “roaming spreaders” you mention include all the dogs, cats and other animals that can catch and spread this virus?
Until all he animal hosts have been isolated and cured you can lock down the human population for a decade and still find the virus waiting to pounce once you emerge to the smoking ruins of your civilization.
Like me, I successfully gave up smoking four times.
Exactly, now working on their sixth failure.
Hate to say it, but it’s mostly NSW health dept failure that is infecting the other states. While Vic clearly should have shut out the NSW infections better, if Sydney had stopped one limo driver from getting it, most of the Australian lockdowns in the last two months in VIC, NSW, WA, QLD, SA would not have happened.
One limo driver has led to thousands of infections and billions in business and wage losses.
PS: To foreigners, here in WA and in the NT we are free to live like normal people as if the virus does not even exist. We feel very grateful. I just wish Gladys had learnt more microbiology and put in proper quarantine so the rest of Australia could live free too.
But Pfizer is very happy she didn’t.
Well said!
Nicely done there.
When you leave out some of the data the picture may not be accurate.
Look at this;
For June 2021, the states receiving the largest number of arrivals were:
NSW (40,600)
Qld (38,700)
Vic. (10,800).
There’s no mention of arrivals in Perth.
Not that I have much time for our nsw polimeds but the biggest arrival load is in that state.
We were free too in the ACT. That ends in about 3 hours.
Sorry but WA is much less connected to the rest of the world than the east coast, bulk carriers full of iron ore aside.
The eastern states act as a buffer for WA and NT (& SA & Tasmania & ACT). It’s easy to be smug about the “success” of your isolation measures when most of the quarantining is done for you
Exactly, WA has been totally buffered from the virus. I havea gripe about sandgropers and their inferiority complex. A mendicant state throughout most of Federation but have their moment of smugness now that Lang and Charlie Court set them going. Most of the mob aren’t locals anyway but ring-ins. Bit like SE QLDers who assume a virulent jingoism that is sickening. In my mind.
WA is not isolated from the rest of the world. We are actually closer to Asia than to Sydney. Many West Aussies look north west rather than east, it’s cheaper to holiday in Bali ( or it was) than to go to the eastern states. We are culturally different, but that’s a good thing, Victorians are nothing like Queenslanders. We don’t rely on the eastern states but we do rely on our surrounding oceans and deserts as a buffer. Its something that Mark McGowan forgets. ( he is after all from NSW)
GlenM, please don’t pay us a visit.
Geographicaaly close does not mean you have much non-recreational contact. WA still has a lot to do regarding commerce with the eastern portion of Australia.
RickWill – “Their way out will likely be a high level of vaccine”
You’re DELUDED!!
Spend 6 minutes of your life watching this and learning – this virus is here FOREVER and vaccinations will make it WORSE!!
The WA election was tainted by an opposition leader who presented as a clueless tosser.
Campaigning on the basis of transitioning to renewables to combat climate change – what a no hoper for the conservative base.
I agree entirely Rick – and a very well-reasoned post. Lockdowns are awful – especially for those whose livelihoods depend on crowds and commerce, dining and shopping.
But strict lockdowns have so far worked, and worked well. Melbourne lapsed last year and we reached 800 cases a day for a short while, and Sydney is paying for it’s half-hearted lockdown strategy.
But even Sydney is now stabilising, with the number of new daily cases not increasing much.
I don’t think there there is a premier in the country who’s in political danger because of their response to the pandemic – and just about all oppositions have been reduced to impotence and irrelevance.
Scotty is the exception – his responsibilities were travel bans, quarantine, building facilities, vaccine rollout, aged care, and unemployment | business relief. There are solid grounds to criticise him severely on all these.
Gladys could be in danger, but where is the opposition in NSW? What plan to do they offer?
Would they be so bold/anonymous without/ without their masks?
More stuff that joe managed to keep hidden about his son
Who’d a thunk it!
Yes Tony b , but that’s old news, yet I must admit that’s more than even FOX news publicly showed before NOV 2020.
I’ve seen one of the bleary stoned out idiot before and of course all part of the same video. Or so it seems.
Tony, a minor quibble but an important one. Joe Biden had nothing to do with keeping anything hidden. He is merely an avatar for those who wish to remain hidden.
I don’t buy Joe’s being incompetent today but who knows what tomorrow will bring.
To get you thinking for the day…i will ask a question that has yet to be answered..
Has any one seen an official , or sensible, definition of what “Net Zero” actually means ?
Net zero = the usual product of one of my fishing trips.
‘Put simply, net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach net zero when the amount we add is no more than the amount taken away. … Indeed, the UK became the world’s first major economy to set a target of being net zero by 2050.’
So they are going to remove an equal amount of water vapour to that created? Or are they going to offset that against how much it rains over the UK?
H2O is by far the dominant greenhouse gas on earth, it’s not even close. Are we making sure the oceans are net zero too?
Australia might be carbon neutral by 2060, like our biggest trading partner.
‘To make the global fight against climate change a success, China has vowed to realize carbon neutrality before 2060 and worked out a blueprint to achieve low-carbon development.’ (China Daily)
IIRC if you follow the CO2 monitoring satellite results Australia is a net sink already
Yes, but how do we stop humans perspiring? Water is a GHG and the warming is all anthro, so net-zero GHG means you have to dehydrate the humans too.
Oh yes, that will end up in moderation too, no doubt.
[Sorry WX I don’t know why all these were caught in moderation.]ED
You used a magic word that gets your post put in the naughty box
La Nina makes Oz a CO2 sink and replenishes the Great Artesian Basin.
Technically, we are already net zero and carbon dioxide neutral.
Net zero means whatever politicians want it to mean, as long as it gives them more power and keeps us on our knees.
Why does it have to have an official definition? It is not a legal term for a start. try searching
net zero
this looks official
here is a comment in the journal Nature where the fact that defintions vary is openly discussed
Anything else you want others to do for you?
So, like all climate™ definitions, basically badly defined and scientifically, just nonsense.
Thanks GA.
Exactly, Gee acts like Klem was wrong, and then links a story affirming Klem to be correct.
Nesting 101. I didn’t respond to Klem and I never said he was wrong. Unlike Klem I didn’t just blurt out what came into my head.
OK… the EPA linked net zeros don’t include “carbon” so here are some more government (and therefore probably officialish)
Wind and solar are not “zero carbon”.
They take enormous amounts of fossil fuels to manufacture, install and maintain.
Plus their effective lifespan is a third of baseload thermal plants, at best.
..?? Do you actually bother to read the links you post ?
Or maybe you forgot the question..
2 of those 3 refer only to Net zero energy , no mention of emmissions..?
The only on referencing emmissions, is this..
…….which i suspect even you would find more than a little ambiguous and even self contradictory….
“Carbon emissions are reduced to zero “..
…”which requires a REDUCTION OR REMOVAL of CO2”….
… There is no NET effect in that situation.
Well incase some fool expects the Government to try to cost what it takes to achieve it !
…and I didnt say anything about needing a “legal” definition.
.?? Hmm ? Not much clarification in those links ! They just confirm that no one seems to agree what it actually means or what is being referred to .
Not until you have managed to clarify this one first.
I added some more links that were in moderation when you wrote. In any case, you asked for official definition, you were given one/several and you still want one. It is almost as though you want there to be none.
I’m getting very moderated
Net Zero is worthy, based on the precautionary principle.
The link goes to a confused mass of material.
Why hasn’t anyone sorted it out.
This is the preamble;
“It’s considered common knowledge that CO2 molecules radiatively warm the tropospheres (~0-12 km) of planets like Earth, Mars, and Venus (Sharma and Wintersteiner, 1990), but they otherwise radiatively cool the stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere (~30 to 700 km) – most of the atmosphere – in the 15 μm band (Dickinson et al., 1987).”
The first bit about “radiative warming” has no basis in science and atmospherics and shows a failure to comprehend the full thermodynamic picture up to 12km.
Every sunny day there’s Warming, and every solar free night there’s cooling.
At the end of the full daily cycle it is obvious that there is No thermal energy accumulated and stored to be added to the next day.
The whole CAGW concept is unscientific.
Thanks Keith, I imagined that CO2 is cooling the planets.
IPCC cannot see the sun.
“I imagined that CO2 is cooling the planets.”
Not sure what you mean by that.
Three things;
1. At ground level and up to about 30 metres, CO2 takes on part of the low grade energy available from the ground via the so called “greenhouse” effect. It would also take up the remainder of its load capacity by conduction along with the other gases.
2. From there, after the settling in process, CO2 is part of the atmosphere; P.V=n.R.T and only reverts to the disposal of energy via the greenhouse mechanism at an altitude of about 11,000 metres.
3. After convection has churned the atmosphere to expose CO2 to the trigger temperature of about 243°K, the greenhouse mechanism works again to pump the energy down the temperature gradient into space, and away from the Earth.
Any energy pumped to space by CO2 would be a very small proportion of the daily total.
There are other larger contributors than CO2.
Okay ta, water vapour is a major player.
Like a list of jobs to be done and none get done.
Delegation is good, in the manner of Mann, keeps us on our toes.
‘But that’s not what you see with the data used by the IPCC. You’d never know this from the IPCC report or even from the cited articles, since authors of these one- and two-millennium temperature reconstructions scrupulously avoid plotting any of the underlying data. It’s hard for readers unfamiliar with the topic to fully appreciate the extreme inconsistency of underlying “proxy” data, given the faux precision of the IPCC diagram.’
Read more:
Qld government had confirmed that a ship pilot who was fully vaccinated caught the Delta strain from international ship crew, and passed it to a Cairns taxi driver who was unvaccinated. The unvaccinated taxi driver with the super hyper mega contagious Delta variant was in the community for 10 days yet seemingly passed it to no one?
Doesn’t quite fit the narrative, but our meek media have not asked a single question about why the extra scary Delta was spread by a vaccinated person but not by an unvaccinated taxi driver.
Cairns was in lockdown for three days because of a fully vaccinated person, assuming they could not catch or spread the virus.
Good question, but it is still a cluster spreader, meaning some people just don’t produce the load that others do.
I wonder what the taxi drivers vit D levels were and does he take other supplements? but they would never publicise such a revelation under the guise of personal medical info.
If you’re saying the ship pilot was assuming they couldn’t catch or spread the virus then clearly they haven’t been paying attention. But if the fairly widespread news that the vaccine doesn’t stop people catching it hadn’t reached them then it highlights an obvious failure of govt to properly inform and a failure of the employer to properly inform the employee and ensure covid work protocols were followed.
Here is an outstanding video which explains a lot about what’s happening to the world today.
If you watch it please support the free speech oriented Bitchute link, not the Leftist controlled YouTube.
“MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL”
Yes, and it’s working out so well for the evil elite. Forced vaccinations are already under way in some companies with little resistance. The Great Reset is well and truly going ahead faster than I thought. I should have realised this before but as usual it’s very hard to pick when th8ngs will happen.
Please advise what you believe the Great Reset is in your mind … is this Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros colluding in Davos to enslave us all on the plantation? Or do you have another scenario in play? LOL.
Lots of Carl Gustav Jung and Vaclav Havel two authors whose views I find congenial. How one identifies the “self-sustaining aspects of totalitarianism” of which we should be rid will bedevil thinkers eternally. The insight about the heightened effect of propaganda on isolated individuals parallels the weakening of our immune systems by enforced social distancing.
I’m particularly grateful to have been shown how a ladder may be used to propel a condemned person to the top of a bonfire.
Tye tragedy of covid is that I believe it could be wiped out in weeks with much less effort than is being expended now and almost no cost. My plan would be:
1) Protect the vulnerable such as with moderate isolation, checking and restoring Vit D and prophylaxis such as with HCQ and Ivermectin etc.
2) For all other people Vit D and prophylaxis.
3) No lockdowns. If people get mild infections it is not a concern and beneficially builds individual and group immunity.
4) Don’t try to fight the virus. Let it follow it’s natural course. It will become benign in 2 or 3 years total as do most other pandemic viruses. Attempts to use imperfect vaccines will result in the evolution of an unstoppable super virus.
5) Western Civilisation will be destroyed if current strategies continue although that is the plan.
I would add that the gene therapy spike protein vaccines should be make available but NOT mandatory for those who are elderly or immunocompromised. It should be an option if the risks and unknowns are presented up front so an informed choice can be made.
7-22-2015 Easy DNA Editing Will Remake the World
The stakes, however, have changed. Everyone at the Napa meeting had access to a gene-editing technique called Crispr-Cas9. The first term is an acronym for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,” a description of the genetic basis of the method; Cas9 is the name of a protein that makes it work. Technical details aside, Crispr-Cas9 makes it easy, cheap, and fast to move genes around—any genes, in any living thing, from bacteria to people.
Pfizer hq NYC, research hq in Connecticut
Two thoughts to making the vaccines available to the high risk. One is yes, full disclosure of known and possible side affects must be made and signed. And two, each individual opting for the vaccine must sign a 2nd release at the time, this one releasing the vaccine manufacture from all liability including death. ( no more government decrees giving blanket release. )
Also it would be good to require complete public records be kept and made open regarding exactly how each group, vaccinated vs unvaccinated ( within appropriate demographics ) are doing – infected – hospitalized – deaths all must be tracked. and the same for the following categories, again unvaccinated and vaccinated with prior contagion from Covid. Vaccinated vs unvaccinated who got Covid etc… The unvaccinated are the controls and all cases for every group must be tracked, all records must be made public.
Take the Diamond Princess. Did any of the infected survivors contract Covid again? If they survived and never received a vaccine, how did that group do, verses the ones who survived AND received a vaccine. How did those do who never contracted the virus. Did their apparently pre existing immunity hold? Compare that group to the same who then got vaccinated vs unvaccinated. .
Instead we have incredibly broad vague comparisons from our governments telling falsehoods to us, stating 99 percent of all hospitalized are unvaccinated, get the jab now.
Finally the development of this gain of function virus with patents for many aspects of it, and the eventuality banning of said research, then the transfer of that research to Wuhan, apparently to avoid the laws restricting GOF research, must end in prosecution and penalties for those responsible, and for those sheltering them since. Also the willful suppression of the anti virals and effective preventives must be investigated and where appropriate, prosecuted. Fauci must be fully investigated as well as the CDC and WHO and the NIH and others.
Also VARES and all adverse events must be reported. (Not voluntary) Deaths must have autopsies performed and immediate open investigative research into these events done. And done from at least two not related sources insuring nothing is buried. ( We have an existent track record of pharmaceutical companies hiding information and killing many, and paying multi billion dollar penalties.)
Well put.
The virus was made in China – how long does anything made in China last? In fact it was not even the finished product. The accidental release of the virus has increased global awareness of the CCP’s intentions. Will probably be decades before they release the ultimate virus.
Covid will be a memory by mid 2022. Australia has one of the lowest vaccination rates – because there was no incentive. Now there is. Peru has a higher vaccination rate than Australia because the was VERY strong incentive.
Gibralter now has control of their post vaccinations removal of controls – just masks now:
It is just as likely that the small population of Gibralter has reached natural herd immunity through undocumented spread of CoViD as they have found in India and Peru.
Serology testing in those countries has shown that antibodies were found at percentages 15 times that deduced directly from PCR tests since the vast majority (about 94% in India) of cases must have presented no symptoms so they recovered never knowing they ever had CoViD.
Not at all likely. The death toll in Gibralter has been 95. That equates to 9500 cases, 28% of the population. They have recorded 5171 cases. So almost half of cases not actually detected.
28% is not enough for natural immunity as places like Peru demonstrate where the death toll of 200k indicating 60% have had the virus to achieve some level of natural immunity and just now showing a reduction in cases with 18% now fully vaccinated.
Death toll is running at 2% globally of known cases. Australia’s death rate 2.5% is high; probably a combination of not protecting aged care but good testing. New Zealand has a death rate of 0.9% of known cases; probably the lowest of any nation.
Again, without serology tests, you are making guesses that do not correlate with the data from regions where such testing h has been performed
Nope- I am making informed estimates based on the data. The lowest death rate for any population that I know of is 0.9%. The highest I know of is 9.2%. Globally it is 2%. I acknowledge that not all cases have been recorded for both having the virus or dying from it.
I went through all the herd immunity nonsense last year as lockdowns started to reduce cases. People were suggesting that Victoria had achieved herd immunity last August. The common view in the US was that they had achieved herd immunity with 200k dead. Even New York is rising again:
Now if you want to challenge my estimate you have to give just a whisker of evidence; not some baseless claim. Show me any serology testing that comes close to verifying your silly claim. In fact, I can do it for you:
24% of New York residence having antibodies after 34k deaths. My simple estimate gives 17%. And the surge in cases after October confirms that there was nothing like herd immunity achieved:
Herd immunity probably achieved by June this year after 22M vaccines had been achieved.
In any case herd immunity is a moving feast. This was a point I made often last year. The transmission depends on how much the herd intermingles. Any virus can be eliminated quickly by the herd not mixing. Eliminating the virus has been done 5 times so far in Victoria.
So just ignore the serology results that show far higher infection (& recovery) than the PCR testing. That really is cherry picking out else burying your head in the sand
Exactly Analitik, one would expect far higher rates of exposure ina densely populated area like India.
Actually, their new case numbers have been falling in the last 2 weeks. But the vaccination level hasn’t changed at all in that period. The fully vaccinated percentage has been over 99% since early May so that has nothing to do with the recent outbreak nor it’s more recent decline
You are a few weeks behind with your Gibraltar info.
They have now had another blow up of Covid cases – despite having a 100% double vaccinated population – and have now gone into lockdown.
Nope, you are a long way behind. Their post vaccination daily peak was 40 on 20 July. They are now down to half that. They needed to re-introduce some of the Covid controls removed in March. Those changes have got the genie back in as the infection rate is now well under 1.
The USA have revised their travel advisory information to say don’t travel or it is inadvisable to travel to Israel and Iceland, both highly vaccinated countries.
Good advice – both Israel and Iceland are out of control right now. They might be fully vaccinated but they will need other restrictions to get back under control.
Border controls are the most effective and least intrusive control once roaming spreaders have been eliminated. Vaccines are less effective than border controls but the best once there are roaming spreaders as it reduces infection rate and is probably good enough to keep the rate under 1 providing masks are retained and large crowds avoided. Gibralter re-introduced masks and reduced maximum number for gathering and they are back in control with cases dropping rapidly.
I would not even travel interstate at the moment because I have no need to.
Thanks for confirming you think the “vaccines” are a waste of time , Rick.
Yep, the full vaccination level in Gibraltar was over 99% before the latest outbreak started and then started receding so it has had nothing to do with containing it (ok, it may have reduced the peak but that’s it).
Israel is one of the earliest and most vaccinated, and failing badly.
95 percent of severely hospitalized are vaccinated.
In the comments:
“Remember back when we used to eat cake after someone blew all over it? Man, we were wild!”
There are tins of compressed air … from China …
If the intention was to craft a 100% deadly virus then yes, this was a prototype only, released prematurely. But there is also the possibility that the endgame for the CCP is a virus that is ‘merely’ sufficiently deadly so as to render target nations incapable of defending themselves, ruined financially, or both.
That’s only half the job though and the other half might be a little harder, while success will be the catalyst for release of the deadlier version. Phase 2 is the development of an effective vaccine and delivery of same by some covert means to populations that the CCP want to protect. I expect that the vaccine delivery mechanism will be the water supply, thus permitting vaccination of millions of people in secret. They could even vaccinate large numbers of expat Chinese by adding the vaccine to food/drink sold through Asian groceries around the world.
This post started out a little tongue-in-cheek but, as I typed it, I began to wonder if it isn’t THAT far-fetched really, given the people we’re talking about, i.e. the CCP leadership.
For clarity, the “water supply” delivery strategy I mentioned would be in China.
The lower level of efficiency of a bio weapon makes it more deniable, If you want to cause havoc with bio weapons make them dangerous but not 100% so, there will always be doubt that it wasn’t a weapon because it doesn’t kill everyone and bio weapons are “supposed” to be 100% deadly. Some governments are deep thinkers and play the long game when it comes to world domination.
Florida is recording 25,000 new cases every day. Hospitals are overwhelmed, and ICU units are swamped.
That’s what “natural course” means – it’s a ludicrous proposition … just curling up in the corner and admitting defeat.
There is no proper evidence that Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are effective as either a treatment or prophylactic.
It is the unvaccinated who are the petri dish for new variants – not the vaccinated.
Recent bad data from Florida is shown to be bad data clustering by CDC.
Reports of overwhelmed hospitals and ICUs only from the usual fake news outlets. They change names and repeat at intervals.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are more effective than the vaccines – even- using the scraps of data released by the vaccine companies. The antivirals have a history of decades of use showing safety on the same level as medications available in supermarkets.
Vaccines provide no treatment.
The risks vaccines impose is real, caused by the positive action of injecting, risks are unknown in the long term. The public are being experimented on and have not been given proper disclosure.
This is nonsense and denial … any number or credible, state-based agencies will tell you that Covid wards and ICUs in Florida are operating at more than maximum.
Tell me again why you wish to disparage such figures? Do you want to wave a magic wand and make the reality of Covid-19(Delta) go away in Florida? Sorry – that won’t work. Covid-19 doesn’t care about petty right-wing denil politics.
I saw it today – a crowd chanting outside a school: NO MORE MASKS!NO MORE MASKS!NO MORE MASKS!NO MORE MASKS!NO MORE MASKS!
A phenomenon of the current Claytons Covid pandemic is the people who have had the jab(s), who did zero research (fact; there is no research because this is an experiment) are calling people who have tried to become informed as “covidiots“.
So the people who did no research and got the jab are smart, and the people who researched and hesitate are idiots.
Got it.
Angella Mollard, Sunday Telegraph: “We’ve long had an epidemic of ignorance around vaccines but Covid has seen it mutate out of the fringes and into the mainstream.
Anti-vaxxers used to be hessian-clothed, astrology-guided, barefooted sunseekers in hippy locales but now they’re popping up in my friendship group.
I don’t need conspiracy theorists as friends, or people who say they’re doing their “own research” as if they have a sideline in epidemiology, or those who declare “on the one hand there is science” as if there’s any other hand.”
Who qualifies as a covidiot?
“A covidiot might also declare it’s their constitutional right to ignore social distancing guidelines and local regulations, buy up all the TP, eggs, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer in sight, and host or go to parties where people aren’t social distancing or following other COVID-19 prevention guidelines.”
Covidiot #1?
Obama Guests Delete Pics As Unmasked Truth Leaks
If you really think they work…
… by all means go get your toxic pseudo-vaccine, twice…
… but leave the rest of us to make our own decisions.
So glad you “believe” in the safety of an incompletely tested pseudo-vaccine.
Let’s hope the inventor of mRNA vaccines is wrong, shall we.
Those negative consequences could come back to bite the world really hard.
Taking the vaccine without knowing the likelihood of short, medium or long term problems, is neither grown-up, rational or mature.
It is the action of a mind-numbed sheep.
I stopped reading when I got to “Claytons Covid” … the virus is very real, and vaccination is the solution.
The vaccine a solution of chemicals and RNA that could alter every cell in your body.
Maybe you could even grow a brain !
Democracy rules in Australia. The politicians are sensitive to the community mood. The majority of the community support the lockdowns. They know they work – Victoria eleminated roaming spreaders 5 times in the past 20 months. People in other States have been critical of the NSW response as being messy and wishy-washy. Their way out will likely be a high level of vaccine because they are not doing enough to put the genie back. The WA premier, derided in the article, was re-elected with his opposition annihilated back in March. ScoMo recently changed his tune on State border controls as he read the community mood.
It appears the UK has now turned the corner with the number of daily cases declining from peak of 54k after controls released to now 23k. But deaths still in the hundreds. That is with 58% fully vaccinated. Australia has 18% fully vaccinated. As Sydney shows, the level of vaccination is not enough by a long margin to get the infection rate under 1 with the current level of vaccination and no other controls.
There is a current push to vaccinate people in the hot spots in Sydney. And incredibly strong demand for vaccinations now that there are roaming spreaders.
The vast majority of people like to see an overwhelming police presence because they know when police are outnumbered it really gets ugly. There is strong support for the authorities directing the Covid response. Sure people would much prefer that there no leaks from quarantine but so far that has proven elusive.
Australia has never lost control of roaming spreaders like most other countries. Even Sydney, with their slack controls, are holding very close to 1 on the infection rate. Shutting Sydney down with night curfew and travel restrictions for all would have got them out of it in a couple of weeks. They are now holding at around 300 cases per day and will likely rely on vaccinations with their current controls to pull the infection rate below 1.
The building trades were in a bind prior to the current lockdowns in NSW and Victoria due to material shortages; mostly imports from Covid affected economies. Australia keeps pumping out iron ore, coal, aluminium, wine, grain, dairy products etc to keep the current account strong – in fact, better than ever. UK continues into its ever deeper economic hole with ongoing negative current account.
Reposted above where it was meant to be located!
Going by the experiences in Israel, Iceland and the USA, some of these “roaming spreaders” will be fully vaccinated.
No vaccine manufacturer claims their vaccines to be 100% effective against spreading. A 10% reduction in rate of spread is a dramatic improvement. That is why masks are so effective.
Once Sydney gets enough people vaccinated to reduce the infection rate from 1 to 0.9 it will only take a few weeks to wipe out the infection. Taking 300 as the current level of roaming spreaders then getting the infection rate to 0.9 does the following over 10 infection cycles:
300, 270, 243, 218, 196, 177, 159, 143, 129,116
Each cycle is 2 to 3 days for Delta. Once numbers start reducing, spirits lift.
With all the restrictions in Melbourne in 2020, including night curfew, the infection rate was down to 0.8. Case numbers fell from 500 per day to 15/day in under two months. The alpha strain was slower so longer time for each cycle.
There is this widely promoted view that uses the vaccine is 100% effective that it will not eliminate the virus. That is a complete misconception and demonstrates a lack of understanding of exponential growth and, more importantly, exponential decay.
Quoting R0 numbers when extreme, unsustainable measures are in place is not helpful. Otherwise we could take the original Wuhan response of welding people into their dwellings as the appropriate response.
The “vaccines” have their place in protecting the truly vulnerable but as a general solution, they are leaky enough with the Delta variant to be considered useless.
Or worse then useless.
See Israel and others.
I agree with Rick. The measures Sydney has put in are unsustainable because they are incompetent. A proper quarantine for a few weeks that then lifts completely is so much better for business and health than a long ongoing r=1.1 ineffective lockdown which destroys souls, kills business and people, and doesn’t clean out Chinese Bioweapons?
All the state premiers get it in Australia except one.
Gladys “Vacc” plan is risky and likely ineffective (especially against next years vaiant) but Big Pharma are happy.
Vax centres are probably spreading more disease than they are preventing at the moment. IF she did a proper fast quarantine process (or even better, stopped teh Limo driver from catching it) Sydney would be free now.
She is not even trying to free NSW. The vax plan could not possibly slow the spread or make the state safe without a delay of 1 – 2 months at a cost of billions in restrictions. (Plus with potential health risks of experimental vaccines, which are not entirely clear, but only beneficial if Chinese bioweapons are roaming the street).
You agree because WA is largely isolated from international travelers. Sorry but thev east coast states don’t have that luxury
Jo, in many parts of the world the virus is in the wild. It is in a large percentage of animals including deer. It is a rapidly mutating virus.
Rick goes on and on about five failures. Eventually with failed vaccines and a mutating coronavirus in the wild, there will be 55 failures.
I have sympathy for your travel bans in WA, but no longer can I support even those, now that we know we have very effective antivirals, and we know the vaccines are failing and potentially catastrophic . Yet Australia keeps doing much more then travel border restrictions. And the cost of those lockdowns is very high and a tragedy unnecessary.
Many support these draconian lockdowns as democratic. A wise person once said; “ Democracy is two wolves and a sheep, deciding on what to eat for lunch”.
WA has taken in many international tourists. Not as many per capita as NSW, but it’d be fair to say, if NSW has had billion dollar tourism leaks, then it allowed in more tourists than it was prepared to safely handle. Score 1 for WA quarantine management. Score -1 for NSW. But I will admit there is some luck involved and McGowan wasn’t securing the hotels well enough.
We should have built proper quarantine already.
WA is doing what the voters voted for. It is democracy in action. Most people don’t mind missing out on international flights if they get to vists pubs, football, hospitals, gyms, old folks, funerals and weddings whenever they want. They want their jobs and safe times for older relatives. It’s not so crazy. Even young people don’t want Covid, they know their service jobs will vanish.
If NSW wasn’t so incompetent all borders in Australia would be open now. and with NZ.
Obviously if we had widespread antiviral use there would be another path, but we don’t. Protesting about lockdowns without first protesting for more choices in medicine is doomed to failure and counter productive.
To beat this we have to plan ahead.
For countries that made strategic errors and let the virus not only run wild in the pop but also in the animal reservoir, then sure, there is no going back now. They are stuck with a winning Chinese Bioweapon. But if they want to deter Xi from unleashing the next one, they need a pandemic plan and to make it obvious they won’t make the same stupid mistake again.
They need to let Xi know they learnt their lesson, built quarantine units that succeeded, and won’t wipe out their economy with arrogant delusional hunts for nonexistent “herd immunity”. But because politicians don’t want to admit mistakes, they are “not learning”, “not admitting” and “not building quarantine”.
To deter a bioweapon war, we need fast acting antiviral programs, instead of weak slow vaccine based responses. That’s why its twice as important that we fix the incentives in our society that stop the use of safe cheap drugs. Would Xi bother releasing Bioweapon 2.0 if he knew we’d hunt through 5000 preapproved drugs in a matter of weeks and select useful ones to do mass production of in a month? The price of being the global virus source would not be worth the instant shutdown of flights and the trade war adn boycotts that ought to be happening. If the world punished China and didn’t let the bioweapon carve a path of destruction, China wouldn’t use bioweapons.
Jo, thanks for the further response. I understand somewhat better your perspective on travel bans. And perhaps sparse population areas can more effectively achieve that. It may yet work out well and for the best IF the antivirals gain large acceptance. Instead they are pushing more into the vaccine, despite the clear failure and potentially worse.
If Sweden had done a far better job of protecting their vulnerable ( mainly elderly diabetic and obese ) they very likely could have achieved herd immunity with far less death, and in my view eventually Australia will have to find a real herd immunity as well. If they keep locking down, doing far more then travel bans , recovery may be very hard to achieve. There are reasons to think the vaccine will not only fail to achieve herd immunity , but actually hinder it in numerous ways.
There is a small chance that natural immunity plus short lived vaccine immunity will get many nations below the curves, and none of the four or five potentially deadly outcomes from the vaccines will strongly manifest.
Yes, I agree, and China should face consequences for their actions here, no questions, and so should every US citizen that played a part in the work around the GOF ban and, from what I can tell, aided in the development of this virus, and supported Chinas suppression of the origin of this. (Fauci and a host of others). Some of these corrupt US and international organizations need to be torn down and rebuilt for their original purpose.
There must be severe investigations into the suppression of effective prevention and healing medications. Also the push to max vaccinated every demographic regardless of most having almost no risk, while giving the manufacturer of the drugs immunity from prosecution for adverse reactions must be investigated.
Re Sweden — Protecting the vulnerable last year had two big problems:
1. we don’t know exactly who is vulnerable and the likely vulnerable category includes overweight people, people over 60, high blood pressure, asthma, cancer, transplants etc, eventually encompassing half the population. It simply isn’t realistic to protect them. And we don’t know who is vulnerable to long covid and that long productivity and QOL lost.
2. Even if we limit protection to a small group I have yet to see a practical plan to accomplish it. One leak in destroys the bubble — the easiest bubble to maintain is the international border, not the ring around old folks and fat folks. In Japan they tried, and it was inhumane. Old folks were locked in tower buildings with some staff who need 2 weeks quarantine to come and go, and their rellies could only see them through glass while using a mobile ph to talk to them.
Protecting the vulnerable is different now with vaccines but has other drawbacks. Vaxes should only be used in conjunction with antivirals to get closer to being sterilizing and prevent resistance developing. That would also reduce breakthrough infections.
Open borders helps tourism but is guaranteed to bring in the nastiest fastest moving variant from whereever it exists. By the time we know it is nasty, and where it came from it’s too late to keep it out. See the UK and US. Any late attempts to stop Delta arriving were doomed.
President Xi is happy with their open borders though.
Isreal had 5700 new cases yesterday and they are pretty close to the target set by our government as the day when we supposedly get our freedom back. does anyone believe this will be the last of lockdowns, masks and covid in general? i doubt it.
sure, you can try to get to covid zero as many times as you like (as you say 5 times!), but what is the purpose of this? short term, it can prevent overloading hospitals a bit, but at some point in time you have to look at the long term implications eg every time there is a single case, there would need to be a lockdown regardless of the state of vaccination levels. you will never eradicate a corona virus, it is as simple as that.
the reduction needed by vaccination levels is obviously not forthcoming. with effectiveness waning so fast, it will be a net negative (more deaths from vaccines than the virus) before our vaccination rollout is even complete, and here we will still be on the covid zero lockdown merry-go-round.
Countries that have achieved high levels of vaccination did not open up cautiously, they partied after restrictions were lifted. That would be tolerable if the vaccines were close to 100% effective – they are not. They are just another weapon in the arsenal that permit cautious easing of restrictions while keeping the situation under control.
UK have reduced the surge after their post lockdown party. Gibralter definitely under control. Israel not yet under control.
The UK has flatlined on the 3 day average for cases and deaths with deaths 500 percent above where they were one year ago after the first wave.
Gibraltar is incredibly tiny and yes, lockdowns will always reduce case load. However this virus will be with us for years and the vaccines are making it worse, despite their initial reduction.
Israel is the earliest vaccinated nation with realistic population and population densities. The vaccines are less effective every month. Next month the will be less effective everywhere. They only target resistance to Covid after infection, in the blood stream, not the airways. They produce many non sterilizing neutral antibodies, the first step to ADE. In Israel they are currently producing no more protection then the unvaccinated have, possibly less
Or just keep the virus out and live free.
Free of mandatory Vax. Free of Chinese bioweapons. Free of lockdowns.
If Limo drivers wore hazmat suits, there’s no need to lockdown.
Autarky is not realistic in this age
Who needs autarchy?
Reality is WA and NZ. Democracy works. Corrupt Pharma profits come at a terrible price.
Assuming we get over this second wave within a few months, they will tighten the borders and keep out a third wave. They are building camps like the Darwin facility, which should see a loosening of restrictions for the rest of the population.
All inbounds (even with a vacs passport) will probably need to isolate for two weeks in one of these establishments. If they are tourists it’ll be at their own expense.
Australia is economically independent, so autarky is the wrong word.
If we manage to vax 70% or more and then open the borders, the next variant is [likely] on the way, unstoppable [in the sense that it will cross the open border before we are aware of it], and will get around the vaccines and [will probably] be more deadly for the unvaxxed. We look like we are in the process of swapping Australia’s [mostly] successful approach at elimination for the UK approach and all because of one limo driver being unprotected.
The 100% sole reliance on the first gen vaccines is a high risk approach — it is unlikely to achieve “Freedom day” for long, though it will increase profits of not just big pharma but for a few months, also Qantas etc.
The long term damage to the economy from open borders, variants and a singular dependency on first gen vaccines with no backup or support from antivirals, will, I expect, end up being worse for the economy than eliminating bioweapons and having a more normal domestic life with tough international borders.
I don’t use the term “The Jab” in reference to the experimental vaccine. Social engineers dreamt up that because it sounds innocent and playful. I call it “The Injection” which sounds much more appropriately serious.
Hear hear! David. I loathe the term ‘the jab’; it sounds very ignorant. It is an injection ( of what?).
If it’s Pfizer’s vax, you get billions maybe trillions of nanoparticles (I read a figure of 13 trillion? but haven’t confirmed it).
Each nanoparticle has a payload of mRNA that can generate one Spike Protein which interestingly, ISN’T a copy of one from the wild but has been tinkered with by Pfizer.
I like to call it “The Shot”
Revised Governmemt Ad: “So go and book into your nearest center to get The Shot”
A bit like WWII….
.. Go to your nearest centre.. and get shot !
Book now to get Shot at your nearest available center
Roger Pielke Jr says the IPCC is guilty of “egregious cherry picking” with regard to weather disaster normalisation.
Pielke’s tweet.
Guess which author/s will be offered tenured career?
’53/54 claim no attribution of disaster losses to climate change.’
Its a disgrace, they bring this report out for policy makers before the Climate Gabfest. Flawed science which only makes passing reference to volcanic activity and the sun, not to mention electromagnetism, massive fail.
Here’s the easiest way to test Biden’s EXISTENTIAL THREAT or EMERGENCY or CRISIS or APOCALYPSE etc.
Human beings have been fully evolved for at least 200,000 years and pop numbers were tiny even up to a few thousand years BP.
And up to 1800 just 1 billion people populated our planet and were very poor and sick. See Dr Rosling’s BBC video and other data and life exp was under 40.
But by 1927 the pop increased to 2 billion and life exp + wealth had increased again.
But in 1970 pop was 3.7 bn and life exp about 56.5 and of course much wealthier.
Yet in the last 50 years life exp for the much healthier and wealthier humans has increased to 73 by 2021 and much wealthier than 1970 or 1990 or 2000. Look up the data yourselves.
And Lomborg tells us that life exp, wealth, pop etc will all be much higher by 2050 or by 2100 etc. And he quotes UN data. DUH?
But if we are facing a GLOBAL CRISIS etc, then how come we’ve more than doubled the pop since 1970 or extra 4.1 bn people in JUST 50 years?
And everyone is at record health and wealth?
So 200K years to arrive at first 1 bn and 3.7 bn by 1970, but in just 50 years more than double that and every human much wealthier and HEALTHIER as well.
Willis has tried to find their climate emergency and found SFA and ditto Dr Christy. This should be an easy exercise surely? So where is it?
And why are humans so wealthy and healthy today and why is the planet GREENING? DUH?
The is an Australian group disseminating good information to anyone who cares to read it.
On their page is very comprehensive letter to Australian doctors to which I put a link on my facebook page. On Aug 6th.
Yesterday this message appears:
“Independent fact checkers reviewed the information and said it was missing context and could mislead people” … Missing context??
The offending portion apparently is a statement that the spike protein manufactured by vaccines in the body, is toxic to other organs. That appears to be debatable from the link they gave to justify their interference.
The fact checkers are AAP Australian Associiated Press.
Interesting that someone is scrutinising even our links.
well if you are going to promote nonsense on their platform…
You constantly promote nonsense.
Look at yourself first, GA.
Fact checkers on AAP.. nope.. more like agenda promoters..
The job of Fact Checkers is to convince people the facts are lies, not to prove the facts are lies. Big difference.
“Who pays the paycheques of the fact checkers? The vaccine fact-checkers at, who claim to be independent, are funded by an organisation that holds over $1.8 Billion of stocks in a vaccine company, and is run by a former director of the CDC” The CDC & Vaccine Companies in Bed with Facebook?
“Finally got around to listening to this interview. It’s a good one that covers a number of topics. Being a celebrity even though you don’t think you’re one, the danger of audience capture as a podcaster, covid, ivermectin, the vaccine, the current leadership vacuum. Eric has nuanced takes on all of this. He generally trusts institutions but not the people running them.”
Link at
Too late. The “audience” has already been “captured”. I fear their next step is to drag all those who won’t be vaccinated into “quarantine camps”.
AR6 Dismantled
Thanks for comment I follow this site . Have had similar on other sites even with good wifi . The message I am trying to get out is the one sent to Tanya Plibersek demanding zero emissions
First get rid of or refuse to use anything that has been made from fossil fuels . Walk to Canberra , spin and knit clothes , throw out computer, iPhone etc .
There are plenty of memes and cartoons for adults but not the brainwashed kids. Like ev car with charger attached to a generator towed by a Ute. Most do not know how stuff is manufactured , how waste is disposed like lithium batteries, solar panels,and no idea of life without it . I am a ww11 child so have experienced life with no modern day amenities
[ Direct them to among others. See the left hand column at the root site and find “Sceptics Handbook” . also see: – LVA ]
Democracy is collapsing very quickly now. Some companies are now forcing their employees to be vaccinated. So much for PM Morrison’s promise that vaccinations won’t become mandatory. Yet another lie chalked up on his long list of previous lies.
I fear their next step is to drag all those who won’t be vaccinated into “quarantine camps”.
Entirely staffed by unvaccinated employees?
Its has nothing to do with Morrison, the companies are testing the water with legal manoeuvrings. A centre right government lets the market do its thing.
More problems for their AR6 BS and fra-d.
African ( 53 countries) pop in 1950 228 mil and life exp 36. co2 level 310 ppm.
African pop 1970 363 mil and life exp 46. co2 level 325 ppm.
But in 2021 African pop about 1360 million and life exp about 63.5. OH and co2 levels about 418 ppm in July 2021, see NOAA data.
And a higher percentage of Africa Urban pop in 2021. So how is any of this possible if we face an EXISTENTIAL THREAT???
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
Thanks for the B Dylan memories Flok and P, P and Mary version was okay as well.
Its the tipping point point logic Nev, no matter how good things are in real life, you must be terrified of the future Baba Yaga du jour that the lefties have dreamed up this decade.
The mantra is stepping up. We must be vaccinated! Even Sky News is doing it throughout the day. When people like Bolt, Allan Jones and Paul Murray come on line later, the tune changes somewhat but not completely turned around. They are recommending people ought to be “given the opportunity to choose to be vaccinated”. Of course that’s a lie since it’s already gone way past that. It’s now strong coercion to be vaccinated by officialdom, and in some cases employees are now being told they must be vaccinated or else out you go. People like Alan Jones, Bolt and Paul Murray might mean well but they like the rest of them are out of touch with reality, or they are stooges too and telling lies – not sure which.
You understand this has been the free choice for months now, right? People are free to choose, they don’t need to do what you say, nor will they be making a decision based on what Skynews says.
It’s only a notional target and surely they’ll simply falsify the numbers when they report to the gang monitoring this worldwide vaccination program, you know tell ’em what they want to hear…
Dr Robert Malone criticises the push to vaccinate everyone as recently as Aug 5th.
Will send this to Scott Morrison.
sorry, link doesn’t work.
Sorry about that clarence.t It has locked me out after 3 reads.
Scroll down home page on the left still there. Dont know how to do another link.
Try spelling washington correctly, or use this link:
LOL…I see it now.
I did my washing yesterday ! 🙂
Who has heard of it?
It’s a fairly big rock which will do a close fly-by of our planet. Really close.
In April 2029, it’s going to pass through our satellite belt. At speed.
Hmm. It might take some of them out. It might not.
It’s slated to miss the big hard stuff — us, the planet. There’s a tiny chance it won’t.
So it’s going to be interesting.
You can find out all about it here.
Read and enjoy.
A 61Mt rock impacting Earth at 30km/s would cause some real climate change.
I hope the did not have climate scientists doing the maths that indicate it will miss Earth.
Proof the world has gone insane:
A California Women’s Prison Is Now Distributing Condoms Following An Inmate’s Pregnancy
When you have women becoming pregnant in a woman’s prison from another “woman” you have to question have officialdom become insane or evil, or both? Either way, the rot in our society is spreading. It will not end well that’s for sure.
Is anyone claiming it’s a “Virgin Birth” type pregnancy yet?
They can happen but they are so rare the likelihood is not good.
(Historically, there is only one I am aware of … and that one was about 5000 or more years ago.)
Yeah, well, presuming that was a typo, let’s call that one a controversial immaculate-conception.
Bottom line is, Joseph took one for the team.
‘ … and that one was about 5000 or more years ago.’
Surely you jest, I distinctly remember from Bible studies a woman named Mary. Roughly 2000 years ago.
Leftists don’t believe in objective reality so if people want to believe “women” have penes, then so be it.
(Penes is the correct plural form since penis is a third declension Latin noun ending in -is for which -es is the common plural form.)
Surely she became pregnant from a male screw
Artificial insemination is commonplace these days, which Archangel was responsible for deliberately altering the course of history?
Ok, Apophis was the good news.
I noticed that the IPCC twits haven’t realised we are sinking into a GSM. (Grand Solar Minimum)
I’m not going to tell them. I’m enjoying laughing at them — a lot.
The planet is forecast by these twits to “continue warming to 040.”
So that means sea level will be rising “three times faster” to then too..
The Sun just won’t have the energy to do it!
Dumb. Dumber and Dumbest.
We’ll still be freezing around then, but that will give a lot of room for warming to get back to normal temperatures.
Which will be immediately declared to be AGW. Again.
Warming leads to cooling, they are a despicable lot. Cap Allon takes a swipe at them.
Petition available to the govt to start allowing the use of antivirals.
Closes tonight.
Over a million people in the UK waiting for vital services but can’t get it because hospitals are closing down their wards due to the COVID-19 pandemic scare. Only time will tell how people will as a result of waiting. This is just another example of the evil cancer expanding throughout the world.
Only time will tell how people will die as a result of waiting.
Here is a good video giving an decent idea…
Sitting here in Australia, where our temperatures have supposedly risen 1.4*. Looking out at a perfectly normal 20* day. Two years ago the climate was supposed to have changed; heat and drought. “The climate has changed, this is climate change!” was being endlessly screamed. Since then back to normal. This year is predicted to be a bumper crop year. Can someone explain to me what ‘climate change’ involves, rather than just mouthing a knee jerk, ‘climate change, climate change?’ And also it would be excellent to come up with a mechanism for ‘global heating’ causing extreme heat and cold. I’m sure there is a well paying job for whoever comes up with that formula. Yelling ‘ climate change, climate change’ really doesn’t cut it.
Here is a data base of extreme weather events recorded from 1AD to 1900, it runs to 1400 pages! It makes very interesting reading, but even if it is too daunting for modern attention spans, just being 1400 pages long, might say we have had an awful lot of rather trying times. Maybe I should get with the times and scream, “life on earth over the last 2000 years has been CALAMITOUS! ? ”
Actually here where I am sitting the temperature has risen by 6C from overnight. Still alive and well 🙂
It is an academic pursuit, supported by sovereign governments, where people, lacking the intelligence to understand basic physics, create fairy tales for kids and their gullible parents.
It is OK for kids to learn the fairy tale but they need to grow up eventually and realise that ‘climate change’ is the same as Father Christmas; they were being duped but worth it to play along. They should grow up once they need to pay for presents as well.
Actually it involves cherry picking and manipulating data to produce an indication of temperature rise over a selected time period.
Man made global warming indeed!
(Mann made in done instances)
Rick, WPWP is cooling, do you have any data to confirm it?,0.88,2120/loc=145.148,-0.607
Good news for Australia and coming out at a very good time.
Wonderful news, thanks RossP, but why can’t we use more of our own coal here in Aussie land?
Oh and iron ore prices are very high as well, gotta love this news.
8-5-21 Dr. Marty Makary, professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine says: Over 85,000 Americans die annually from alcohol, yet we don’t have the same public health fervor or requirements to save those lives….The notion that we have to vaccinate every living, walking American–and eventually every newborn–in order to control the pandemic is based on the false assumption that the risk of dying from COVID-19 is equally distributed in the population. It’s not. We have always known that it’s very hard for the virus to hurt someone who is young and healthy. And that’s still the case.
During every month of this pandemic I’ve had debates with other public researchers about the effectiveness and durability of natural immunity. I’ve been told that natural immunity could fall off a cliff, rendering people susceptible to infection. But here we are now, over a year and a half into the clinical experience of observing patients who were infected, and natural immunity is effective and going strong. And that’s because with natural immunity, the body develops antibodies to the entire surface of the virus, not just a spike protein constructed from a vaccine. The power of natural immunity was recently affirmed in an Israeli study * which found a 6.7 times greater level of protection among those with natural immunity vs. those with vaccinated immunity.
* With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus…Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection.
8-8-21 close to half of my positive COVID patients in an unsolicited manner are demanding to be placed on alternative therapy such as ivermectin. In a very angry manner.
I have no problem using this drug. I used it quite a bit in the first big crash in the fall and winter and started using it again about 6 weeks ago. Using the scientific method as I was so carefully trained to do decades ago, and with the limited tools I have, I have been able to make some observations.
Once a patient, vaccinated or not, becomes positive for COVID in my practice, my nurses or myself call them once in the AM and once in the PM. There is a form we fill out on each of these calls to describe their clinical condition with parameters fever, congestion, shortness of breath, coughing, pulse ox, etc. When the patients have cleared every single one, we quit calling them. We usually have between 15-20 active cases this past few weeks daily. A pattern became very obvious very quickly in this process and I have distilled it with 2 raw numbers. The Ivermectin patients are cleared of symptoms (N of 44) in average of 2.4 days. The Non-Ivermectin patients (N of 19) are cleared of symptoms after 5.7 days. Furthermore, on day 5 of the illness, we always have the patients go and get tested again. The Ivermectin patients have literally a 100% negative rate by Day 5. The non-Ivermectin patients have a 58% clearance rate by Day 5.
I want to make one thing very clear. This is the scientific method. These numbers are consistent with the overall signal that all kinds of studies are showing with this drug. However, I am just one clinician in one office. Nothing dispositive can be said or done with these numbers.
However, it is an indication of yet another complete fail on the part of our medical leaders. These signals have now been out there for about a year. It is at this point, a national embarrassment that nothing has been done to fully evaluate this drug. I will say again, our leaders are not practicing medicine, they are practicing business.
PASTOR JB I’m a volunteer hospital chaplain in Houston. I’ve been around over 5000 HOSPITALIZED COVID-19 patients. Those treated with Ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroqine plus Zinc and Vitamin D all started improving in 12-36 hours. The mean was 18 hours. Houston’s Medical Center Complex is the largest number of hospitals, beds and ICU beds in America. We have the highest recovery rate by far. The majority of Covid-19 patient deaths were treated by physicians who refused to prescribe Ivermectin or hydroxychloroqine. Thus our N number is over 5000. That’s not distorted. That’s FACT. The lab and the CDC admits they still haven’t been able to isolate the Covid-19 virus. You can’t create a vaccine to treat a virus when you don’t even have the virus isolated. It’s also fact that the basis of this useless vaccine was created before the virus was released. WTH?
Thanks Rob, a good piece.
This bit is the clincher:
“our leaders are not practicing medicine, they are practicing business.
Great post. Here us a synopsis of those Ivermectin studies. Zero doctors that have administered these protocols in their practice have stopped using what works. Thousands worldwide have continued.
Teaching children about Consequences . In the old days it used to be in the myths and fairy stories we told children and reward and punishments to get the message across . Modern day day thinking is that experiencing consequences is better , tell them the rules and then tell them the consequence which is timely , related and relevant .and if rules are broken suffer the consequence . For example , recently re the vandalism by extinction rebellion mob , punishment will be a fine perhaps which is not a consequence as their fines will be paid by sponsors and they’ll be back . How about confiscating technology on which vandalism was organised . For all involved . This is in law covering these uses to organise crime.
Message is what is required to save the Planet according to your rules means nothing using stuff made or run on fossil fuels What are you ready to give up ?
Eg This vehicle requires fossil fuels to make and run on . If you are in one too get out and WALK .
Unless something else that’s earth shattering happens, I’ve decided to take a break from getting involved here to discuss and exchange ideas about the two biggest scams ever devised. I’ve got other things to do that require my full attention. Meanwhile take care all as I sense we are entering really dark times.
Please return soon, your posts are appreciated.
Take care PeterS. We don’t agree on everything but the site is poorer without you so I hope you return shortly
Vaccines in general, and I suppose, an anecdotal point of view.
We moved to Queensland in 1960, when I was nine years old, the eldest of five children.
Many years later, well into adulthood, I asked Mum if we were vaccinated (for anything) before we moved to Queensland. She told me we received all our early vaccinations as required, but she could not remember them, so that led me to believe there might have been more than a couple.
After we moved to Queensland, we continued to be vaccinated, and in those days, they sent nurses along to the Primary schools to vaccinate every child. This was in Polio days, and besides that, we also got the full round of Smallpox vaccinations as well, three of them. There were individual ‘shots’ for Measles, Mumps Rubella, Whooping Cough, then after the combination, MMR, and a booster (Measles Mumps Rubella) There were others as well, and I’m hazy on some.
Upon joining the RAAF, there were again others, and later on the Military vaccinated ALL their people for HepB, the 3 vaccinations for that spread over some years, and the RAAF was pretty hot on their people being vaccinated.
Then there were the Flu shots and I started them back in 2011, so there’s been ten of them.
Then I had the Pneumonia shot as well, and then five years later a second Pneumonia shot as well. Oddly, here I thought that once done for Pneumonia, then you were covered. Not so, as the second time around, our GP informed me that there are a number of variants of Pneumonia, as I found out, when my good lady wife had a very severe case of Pneumonia, and she was fully vaccinated with both shots.
So, thinking back over my life, I might say that I have been vaccinated for almost (in my opinion) everything, and seriously, I lost count after 30, and there must have been more I’m certain.
Vaccinations have not harmed me in the least. I have made it to 70, and hope to go even further, and my Sister who is into tracing family history, informed me that (as the eldest male child) I am the first male adult, as a direct descendant (Father, his father etc etc, and going back five, six generations on both sides) to have lived longer than the age of 62.
I understand that life expectancy has increased steadily across the years, but that came as a surprise to me really.
Anecdotal, I know, but all of these vaccinations may have extended my life. Other than minor flu cases, the last being six years ago now, I have not had any of those diseases in adulthood. I have had Measles and Mumps as a child before we moved to Queensland, and in fact probably before the shots came into being.
My perception with this Coronavirus thing is that we will be needing shots for it on a yearly basis now, in a manner similar to the Flu shots, as they add something to those flu shots with each passing year to cover new Flus.
The same might happen with this Coronavirus. A little bit added each year to it.
We are now in the formative stages of the vaccine, in a manner similar to the earlier individual shots for the three diseases before they morphed into the MMR vaccine.
A rational ‘look back’ at all the vaccinations we have had in our lives might actually surprise most people.
I may lose some following for saying this, but I urge people to look back at all the vaccinations they have received across their lives, and realise that it really hasn’t done them that much harm at all, and those diseases covered by those vaccines have dramatically reduced their prevalence in our already Developed part of the World, where vaccines are readily available for all who want them.
Again, as I mentioned above ….. anecdotal.
Anecdotally, the 3 year boosters the RAAF gave me ruined my immune system.
I had been unwell for some months after receiving them before coughing up blood. I was unsurprised as I had already self diagnosed TB. The MO panicked more than I.
The reason I say my immune system had been damaged is because I had shown to have been exposed to TB [exposure to cattle at Ag College?] by the Mantoux test but cleared by an Xray. The enlistment Xray a few yrs later also showed “clear”. I assume everyone around me was tested but I never heard of anyone being +ve, certainly not my bride. That was tough on a 20 yr old girl, thousands of miles from home in a strange city with me hospitalised on the other side of the city and who couldn’t drive. She came through with flying colours.
I doubt I’ve had a shot for anything since, certainly not the flu.
I’m not anti-vax, just agnostic. I am pleased so many diseases have been virtually eradicated.
Tony will get the joke: When I returned to the squadron I was put on “light duties”. I was a radio tech.
That is fine Tony,
I am very glad that you are alive and well at the age of 70. Vaccines may have helped.
The main issue with the Covid vaccines (most of them anyway) is that they are a new type of vaccine which has not been tried before.
Also they have not yet completed the safety trials which are usual mandatory these days.
Every one who is given the vaccine should be made aware of those issues, but very few of the people that I have spoken to are aware. Hardly any of them are even interested so I don’t suppose it matters much if they were informed or not.
There is currently a global trial of massive scale – most people take the view the vaccine is the lesser of two evils.
My son treated Covid patients and he was at the front of the line to a get the vaccine.
Yes, every one who has been given the vaccine is part of the trial, including your doctor son.
He obviously took the view that the vaccine was safer than getting Covid. He was at very high risk of getting Covid. So he was prioritized to get the vaccine.
I imagine that he at least had a quick read about the vaccines although the warnings were not so explicit back then.
A problem now is; can we believe the data on vaccine reaction rates?
What is his take on alternative treatments such as Vitamins, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin?
In addition to the current covid vaccines being still experimental, there has been several over the years that were withdrawn promptly during or after the trials = denghe, RSV, swine flue. Look them up.
Sorry but the vaccines you and your wife were given over the years were developed and tested for around a decade before general use.
The Coronavirus vaccines were developed and tested for around 6 months before the emergency approvals were given for mass use. Plus they use gene therapy to provoke an immune response indirectly unlike any vaccine you would have had previously.
These aren’t the vaccines you’re used to.
Oils ain’t oils. By calling them vaccines the battle for acceptance by the community is all but won whereas had they called them by the proper name of population primer or undercoat it would be clearer that these concoctions are the platform on which the human genome is to be rebuilt. It’s gotta be at least that mad, a worldwide vaccine rollout for a invisible contagion the presence of which is established by smoke and mirrors. Times like this but for my natural curiosity I can see benefits in having died already.
Serp, what do you mean by “invisible contagion the presence of which is established by smoke and mirrors?”
Sounds like you’re saying it doesn’t exist.
If so, what do you think has been making people sick and killing some of those?
I know five people who tested positive where I am in Aus.
The three adults all said it’s the most sick they’ve ever been and one of those (34 year old) has had long covid.
Two teenagers had very minor cold symptoms.
Thanks Strop and yes, it exists.
By invisible I meant almost all cases are asymptomatic so it’s not obvious one has contracted an infection.
Smoke and mirrors is my terminology for the PCR test which is being over driven to get the desired result.
I’ve yet to hear of a case probably owing to the narrowness of my social whirl.
Another anecdotal point of view Tony.
Back at the time you were getting your RAAF vaccines I was part of the Military Medical Establishment. So I got to give the vaccines as well as receive them.
What I liked most was the heirachy. Doctors at the top, Nurses in the middle and patients at the bottom. Nurses (being officers) should not fraternise with the troops, (only the doctors).
Vaccine parade. By numbers;
1. Roll up sleeve,
2. Step forward,
3. Get injection.
We were also indoctrinated with WW2 thinking. The issue was to get the troops ‘fit to fight’. Losses were expected and inevitable. We had some regard for the health and welfare of the individual patient, but it was a third level issue.
I was sent to the office of the Commonwealth Heath Department and given a one day course on Tb testing and innoculation. The innoculation was with BCG, which was given into the upper arm but the mantoux test used ‘old tuberulin’ which was injected very superfically into the skin of the forearm.
In one notorious incident a group of recruits were inoculated with ‘old tuberculin’ by mistake. Fortunately after my time. I think the injections were performed by the sick bay staff, under supervision, but I never found out if the supervisor had passed the course. The recruits were all hospitalised but recovered.
I expect the Hippocratic Oath has been modified over the years but I didn’t know that by your Military era they’d removed “I will do no harm or injustice”.
We had a speaker in Zoom yesterday talking about the Antarctica . A researcher, she told us that countries were eager to get an allotted amount of territory because of coal ,and mineral deposits . So my question was if there is coal now that means trees before ( that fact I already knew) so of course answer was yes . Now that is Climate Change for you!
Just found this one. Very interesting.
1400 deaths, 1 million injuries from these fake vaxxes.
Time to remove these UN/WEF aussie premier puppets from office. NOW.
Yep, these PoliMeds are doing too much harm.
“More and more people, on both sides of the political divide, are waking up to reality”
Just before I leave later today, I want to say that people need to be more educated about vaccines in general. There are four types: whole virus, protein subunit, viral vector and nucleic acid (RNA and DNA) types. I’d be happy to take the COVID-19 whole virus or protein subunit vaccine once it becomes available here in Australia if I deem it absolutely necessary. Pfizer is an example of the nucleic acid group and AstraZ in the viral vector group.
China already uses their own whole virus vaccine, probably because they already had it developed before the pandemic started. After all, they developed the virus so it makes sense they also developed a vaccine for it.
The nucleic acid vaccines have the advantage of being much quicker to develop but are not tested as thoroughly because they “trust” it’s safe with fewer clinical trials assuming that because they are not developed from the virus itself so it ought to be safer. I know, it’s strange logic but that’s what they believe. Some doctors don’t like to call them vaccines – they are more like toxins.
Protein subunit vaccines as the name implies (sometimes called acellular vaccines) contain purified pieces of the virus, not the whole virus, which have been specially selected for their ability to stimulate immune cells. Because these fragments are incapable of causing disease, subunit vaccines are considered very safe. I don’t know of any COVID-19 vaccines of this type in use but I suspect they on their way or already in use overseas. Examples include the hepatitis B, pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (polysaccharide), and the MenACWY vaccine.
Other subunit vaccines are already in widespread use. Examples include the hepatitis B and acellular pertussis vaccines (protein subunit), the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (polysaccharide), and the MenACWY vaccine, which contains polysaccharides from the surface of four types of the bacteria which causes meningococcal disease joined to diphtheria or tetanus toxoid (conjugate subunit).
Whole virus vaccines use a weakened (attenuated) or deactivated form of the pathogen that causes a disease to trigger protective immunity to it. This type forms the basis of many existing vaccines – including those for yellow fever and measles (live attenuated vaccines), or seasonal influenza and hepatitis A (inactivated vaccines). Bacterial attenuated vaccines also exist, such as the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis.
Nucleic acid vaccines use genetic material from a disease-causing virus or bacterium (a pathogen) to stimulate an immune response against it. Depending on the vaccine, the genetic material could be DNA or RNA; in both cases it provides the instructions for making a specific protein from the pathogen, which the immune system will recognise as foreign (an antigen). Once inserted into host cells, this genetic material is read by the cell’s own protein-making machinery and used to manufacture antigens, which then trigger an immune response. This is a relatively new technology, so although DNA and RNA vaccines are being developed against various diseases, including HIV, Zika virus and COVID-19, not many have been approved for human use. Several DNA vaccines are licenced for animal use, including a horse vaccine against West Nile virus.
Viral vector vaccines also work by giving cells genetic instructions to produce antigens. But they differ from nucleic acid vaccines in that they use a harmless virus, different from the one the vaccine is targeting, to deliver these instructions into the cell. One type of virus that has often been used as a vector is adenovirus, which causes the common cold. As with nucleic acid vaccines, our own cellular machinery is hijacked to produce the antigen from those instructions, in order to trigger an immune response. Viral vector vaccines can mimic natural viral infection and should therefore trigger a strong immune response. However, since there is a chance that many people may have already been exposed to the viruses being used as vectors, some may be immune to it, making the vaccine less effective.
Out of all these four categories, the one I would steer clear the most are the nucleic acid vaccines. There has been more than enough anecdotal evidence to highlight short term serious issues. We do not know the long-term ones as yet for obvious reasons.
Most of the information has been taken from
I am not a specialist in the field so I don’t know if it’s all true but it does at least give good information so people can decide for themselves what vaccines they prefer to take or not. Each to their own, as it should be.
To add to this great post, the current vaccines I have looked into fall into the above listed categories
Protein subunit vaccines: Novavax
Whole virus vaccines: SinoVax, SinoPharm
Viral vector vaccines: AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria), Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), Sputnik V
Nucleic acid vaccines: Pfizer (Comirnaty), Moderna (Spikevax)
Thanks. I’m possibly waiting for our local Australian varieties, which include CLOVER BIOPHARMACEUTICALS and UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND, both working on protein subunit vaccines. Not sure of their progress. Meanwhile, it turns out that Novavax is from the US and our TGA is currently conducting trials before approving it here. I think it will be approved before the end of the year. If they start forcing people to get vaccinated in some sort of draconian way, I’ll elect for that one hoping it will be available in time 🙂
I’m still uncertain between AstraZeneca and Novavax if I up being forced to get Shot. With these 2 vaccines, the mobility of the spike proteins are my greatest concern due to the possibilities for long term organ and brain damage from these toxic particles ending up in the bloodstream.
The gene therapy vaccines cause cells to express the spike proteins on their surface which should ensure that they stay in the injection site but apparently, some cells will express the cells internally until they rupture, releasing the spike proteins into the bloodstream.
The subunits of Novavax are spike proteins, tailored so the tails are attracted to each other which makes them cluster. Maybe this will keep them in the region of the injection site. Maybe.
see this page for more details –
Israel is returning to the Moon on another privately sponsored mission. I just got this in an email from SpaceIL:
SpaceIL is going back to the Moon!
Thanks to the generous support of our donors: Mr. Patrick Drahi, Mr. Martin Moshal & Mr. Morris Kahn, we raised 70$ millions.
Beresheet2 mission estimated total cost is 100$ million which will allow us to design, build and land 3 spacecrafts: 2 landers and one orbiter in one challenging and inspiring mission all the way back to the Moon!
Stockholm Syndrome alive and well.
And off that point, Tony mentioned the many vaccines in earlier years.
I was a very keen vaxxer but as explained in previous posts have become very wary of modern so called vaccines.
After three catch ups a year ago, I spent three days in hospital.
From the ugliness in the vaccine industry that has become apparent in recent times I can not see me trusting the public health managers with my personal safety in future.
Those were my last jabs.
Yep, that word “trust”.
… its been destroyed but the censorship, propaganda, lies and deliberate lack of transparency.
Trust only comes from free and open discussion.
The mask mandate is a highly successful psychological experiment about blind obedience. But scientific principles don’t feature because fitness for purpose is not part of the mandate. Therefore, masks are a big fail in stopping virus spread via exhaled breath aerosols. Keep wearing them, though, so that you don’t get in trouble with the law.
And as suspected, our beloved leader, Berys Gladachikliken, President of NSW has decided not to lift the lockdown of NovoCastria and has sentenced us to an extra seven days of solitary contemplation.
And yesterday afternoon, in lockdown delirium I caught my first glimpse of the actual COVID19 species flitting through tree branches overhead. They were bigger than expected.
They appeared to be purple and no bigger than a swallow.
Hope to get a better view today around sunset.
Well I wasn’t disappointed.
Drove to the same spot and there were three of those purple things moving from branch to branch.
The one on the right was looking straight at me and, I swear, it only had one eye, never seen anything like it.
The other two were looking sideways and seemed to have long horns on their heads: and then they started chirping and singing:
And I’d had nothing to drink.
On more sober reflection, they couldn’t have been covid carriers but they were like an apparition from the sixties: flying purple people eaters.
I’m not sure that many who frequent this site will be aware of the symposium on the corruption in the 2020 US election taking place at the moment. The recording of the packet captures of the internet traffic was taken to one Michael Lindell who organised the symposium. A video presented daily at the symposium is on this link.
The narrator is a US Govt. forensic cyber specialist. You can find a lot of information at
Warning: sino-philes may find the video offensive.
I’ve been watching it but it has been a bit disjointed possibly because of time delay. They have had a lot of technical problems too suggesting someone is trying to stop it all. Just waiting for the bombshells to drop now.
I am aware of it – I’m also happily aware that it was an unmitigated disaster – a hilarious and ludicrous non-event joke.
Even conservatives and true-believers were very unhappy that Mike Lindell didn’t produce a shred of the promised “evidence” of election fraud. Of course he didn’t – because there isn’t any.
And true to form he blames everyone and anyone for infiltrating his “cyber symposium”, from the CIA to Antifa What a pathetic, mentally unwell loser he is. And he’s being sued by Dominion Voting Machines – quite rightly in my view.
And guess what? 13 August has come and gone and Orange Man has not been reinstated as president. LOL the madness of the US right is something wondrous to behold!
[So you have nothing. Just bluff and faux scorn. Thanks for letting us know how weak the counter case is. – Jo ]
“Some of Sky News Australia’s biggest stars have refused to weigh into the network’s decision to remove more than 30 videos from its platform featuring them criticising public health advice on unproven treatments for COVID-19.
Editors and hosts at Sky News have been furious over a seven-day ban from YouTube for breaching the tech giant’s COVID-19 misinformation policies, calling it an assault on free speech, censorship and an act of cancel-culture against conservatives. But the News Corp controlled broadcaster remained silent on Tuesday over its decision to scrub videos from its website that promoted drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 and suggested there was a political agenda as to why it was not being used.”
Well , there goes the ONLY sources of truth and non government rhetoric left on the idiot tube. They caved to pressure.
Tv, radio and printed media are now just NWO puppets. Next we’ll see blogs, forums and websites going down. Jo’s blog is no doubt a top contender for deletion.
But the truth is now out there and well known by the masses. As trends forecaster Gerald Celente says “when people lose everything and have nothing else to lose they lose it”.
Destroy lives and futures and the people WILL rise up and do what has always happened throughout history. Not a good time to be a politician…gallows on standby.
“that promoted drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 and”
I thought you said unproven Rod.
“Safe And Effective ®”
“Maybe Geert Vanden Bossche knew what he was talking about, after all.”
So you’ve been eating sausages all your life but won’t take the vaccine because you don’t know what’s in it?
At least you can cook them well done just in case
Same as if the pork chops might have come from a (Insert any outback town of choice)-Landrace pig (borrowing a term that a friend used)
What a humourless bunch.
IIRC you had some previous comments in this area
“Well stirred, Sir”
I think what is in the vaccines is well known, the issue is more long term consequences and willingness to be part of the ongoing trials.
Humour? is that what you thought it was 🙂
The Mysterious Deadly Frost Of 1709 That Killed Thousands
It was an extraordinary winter across the whole of Europe. What were the mechanism involved?
‘The Great Frost, as it was known in England, or Le Grand Hiver (“The Great Winter”), as it was known in France, was an extraordinarily cold winter in Europe in 1708–1709 and was the coldest European winter during the past 500 years. The severe cold occurred during the time of low sunspot activity known as the Maunder Minimum.’ (wiki)
Covid vaccine maker Moderna received 300,000 reports of side effects after vaccinations over a three-month period following the launch of its shot, according to an internal report from a company that helps Moderna manage the reports.
Hands up anyone who can’t see how this is all going to unfold for humanity.
The unvaxxed will be the only ones left!
Interesting to note country’s with highest vaccine rates 80% (Iceland) are listed as High risk by the CDC.
How so? Something in excess of 98& of serious cases and deaths are among the unvaccinated. Darwin at play.
Israel, High vaccination rate.. covid cases climbing rapidly
Palestine, very low vaccination rate.. low covid cases
Covid Vaccines are safe.. as if !
Oh dear… pfizer efficacy dropping rapidly
Neat little video by Whatsherface debunking the myth that vaccines couldnt be the cause of the Delta strain. Who is this girl??
Also, why has the UK put out a tender for £6 million of body bags? Even if it is a replacement contract, that is a lot of bags!
The unvaccinated are prolonging the pandemic, and are the petri dish for new variants. Vaccination is a social responsibility.
Find some evidence. The variants we want will come from the unvaccinated. The variants we don’t want will probably come from the vaxed.
Vaccines are becoming so ineffective as to be totally useless.
Not to mention the totally unknown damage, at a cellular level, now and into the future, that they will be causing to all those that have taken them.
“Nice Summary Of Pro-Health Prevention Steps”
IIRC none of these are on the “panic merchants” lists
Chinese media (ie the government) caught out fabricating a Swiss biologist supporting the innocence of the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Honest climate scientists really do exist!! Some are uncomfortable with the extreme forecasts projected by the models used by the IPCC for their latest report, including some of the modellers themselves.
That the models cannot deal with cloud cover is openly admitted as they look to why the models cannot backcast with any accuracy due to over-sensitivity
The language is pretty forthright and unequivocal in their assessment on the accuracy of the forecasts
“That the models cannot deal with cloud cover is openly admitted”
There has been drop in cloud cover over the tropical regions, where the Sun’s energy is highest and where El Nino events form.
They can’t model this, so no wonder they have to make up something else to blame.
Some very, very interesting talking points here. only 5 min video
Dr. Dan Stock’s Presentation to the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana Over
Inexpensive anti-depressant could be best COVID treatment yet, Canadian-led trial finds
Fluvoxamine may prevent serious illness in COVID-19 patients
A while back I read that mirzatapine [a mild anti-depressant] was also effective. Go to your GP complaining of inability to sleep, and this is most likely the drug of choice.
Why is Russia so antagonistic to the idea of becoming a responsible world citizen?
Their cold war leaders were belligerent drunks who had never left the Stalin doctrine behind, but why does Putin maintain a similar, if toned down, attitude? He is not unintelligent nor a drunk, so why?
I have just watched a doco on Operation Barbarossa and the millions of Russian dead, both military and civilian, suffered at the hands of the Germans and their own police. Wiki quotes the Russian population today as 143 mill which is 15 mill less than there were when Germany attacked. By comparison Italy has a pop. of 60 mill but their GDP is a few hundred mill $ greater than Russia’s.
I remember Sting’s “Russians” [] and for the life of me don’t understand why an intelligent man persists with self destructive policies.
When the Russian Bear confronts the Chinese Dragon it will be too late to look for friends.
Definitely. That will be by far Russia’s greatest threat this century, the immediate land border where exists another great power, with vast numbers of armored ground forces and superior air force that can only be assuredly defeated with tactical nukes, or stymied with massive use of chemical weapons.
Putin does this because he’s a dictator, maintaining power at any cost is all he’ll ever really be interested in, no matter what else occurs. The bulk of Russians are such chumps they keep falling for the pretense that everyone in NATO wants to invade Russia. You only have to look at NATO’s defense spending percentages of GDP in European states to realize that could not possibly be even close to true or a prospect on the horizon. Putin knows that, which gives him latitude to be a jerk and act belligerently towards Europe.
The reality is Russia’s days as a great power are completely over and the only thing that can resurrect that former Russian strategic position and cred is a great-war between USA and China where the outcome relatively favors the Russian position just like WWII did in exchange for enormous losses.
Putin’s ludicrous automated nuclear-torpedo ‘investment’, and wider nuclear force modernization, is as useful against China as against Europe or the USA, to deter land invasion and nuclear exchange. It’s likewise valid to see Chinese nuclear and conventional force expansions and rapid modernization to be just as much about targeting Russia and India as the USA, or Japan.
The fact is rapid US and Allied force generation, readiness and deploying of new long-range deep strike weapons against China, and the completely renovated US forwards deployment strategy with highly-mobile ground forces in the Western Pacific, is already dramatically improving Russia’s strategic weakness and vulnerability against China – much as occurred during WWII as the Allies built a vast enemy force behind Hitler’s western flank. Putting US and Allied forces in the Western Pacific does the same thing to Xi Jinping. That’s on net a very good thing for Putin, we are actually propping him up, as an unintended side-effect so that he can keep acting like a petty jerk and playing games with Eastern and Western European states, to shore-up domestic support from the usual easily frightened nationalistic local Russian majority.
And in all honesty the Russians do have a lot to fear, as almost nothing has gone they way during the past 35 years, but their potential enemies are all relatively stronger and more mobile and better supported than ever before. So further fear reaction from Russia is likely as they continue to relatively weaken.
If the West continue to place restrictions on Russia it will further put them at distance. The imperial west has always challenged Russian hegemony which has led to continued estrangement. Militarily, it has reworked its system, although there are shortcomings- but still retain the largest tactical and strategic nuclear deterrent.
The communist global revolution thing and an openly declared intent to overthrow the entire western world’s democracies and replace them with authoritarian communist .govs may have had something to do with it. It was not the West that chose that path. The fact is Russia has had some incredibly bad leaders and Putin maybe looks relatively less like a total disaster.
As WX says, Putins millitary is pretty weak compared to his “enemies”.
But, as long as he can convince the world that he still has a few operational Nukes, and give the IMPRESSION HE IS PREPARED TO USE THEM… then that creates a huge deterrent to any adversary thinking of crossing swords with him.
He may be a reasonable man, but he has to put on a hard appearance to protect his territories .
weak? who else but the US could even contemplate a shooting war with Russia (excluding nukes)
I cant think of a more capable force with a history of doing what it takes to win, especially on their ground.
..China ..?
And you cannot exclude Nukes when you are talking Military capability.
So any country with effective Nuclear capability, and a demented enough leadership, might consider a “Hiroshima” type tactic to be possible if pushed to it.
COVID hits all-vaccinated Carnival Vista cruise-ship staff, passengers
‘Breakthrough cases’ appear among those who’ve taken experimental injections
Donors of convalescent plasma.
As some of the social media posts show, the American Red Cross is indeed currently not accepting convalescent plasma donations from those vaccinated against COVID-19 (here). Eli told Reuters, “Convalescent plasma collected by the Red Cross can only come from individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 and have not received a COVID-19 vaccine.”
convalescent plasma uses blood from people who have recovered from an illness to help others who are actively fighting that illness.
So does this mean if you have had the “Shot, COVID-19 vaccine” your convalescent plasma is to low in COVID-19 antibodies to be donated to people recovering from covid?
So how does the vaccine help if it reduces your convalescent plasma that has COVID-19 antibodies?
AUSTRALIANS – You can’t leave!
All this to protect the terminally ill 85 year olds dying in aged care?
Subsurface analysis:
Hilarious that someone felt a need to down-vote the display of current ENSO data.
Dont try to understand the logic of these downvotes .. it could well be just a “fat finger” scrolling down on a touch screen (iPad etc) .
They downvoted because you referenced the BOM. The BOM is all fake you know.
Double dip La Nina.
Tell me I’m dreaming, more zonal flow.
Nope, that’s a fairly normal flow pattern, would not even call it zonal, you need to look at a larger picture to see zonal flow.
Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, says herd immunity impossible with vaccines since they are leaky
An article describing the decline of the WHO as an independent body
The authors are Dr David Bell, who has a PhD in population health, and UK medical historian, Toby Green.
“was certain to destroy the lives and livelihoods of the world’s poorest people.”
Trouble is, its destroying the lives and livelihoods of middle class workers and small businesses as well.
Recovery could take quite a long time, if its ever allowed to happen.
Smoke and mirrors? NO –
“The math behind the carbon-neutral fuel “involved googling and guesswork,” according to Bloomberg. ”
“How French Energy Traders Sold “Carbon Neutral” Natgas To China That Doesn’t Exist ”
All I get from that is:
The physical reality.
Chopping down trees counts towards emission reduction targets.
The money flows.
To elite financial entities from taxation.
Can it be THAT bad?
“Chopping down trees counts towards emission reduction targets. “
Especially if you replace them with wind turbines. 😉
SDA headline too good not to quote (IMO)
“Y2Kyoto: A Scam, Wrapped in A Swindle, Inside A Shakedown”
And comments
This comment is in reply to Hanrahan, WXcycles et al:
For more detailed, first-hand reports regarding Russia, Putin, NATO etc see:, also plus the linked web pages therein. Also (English) will inform the interested reader far better about all matters Russian than our “quality” mainstream media.
All articles written in the website are in German, but Google translate will give a reasonable translation. Western MSM, particularly American reports, give a very skewed and distorted, in some cases even totally wrong, picture about Russia. Anyone who is seriously interested in the current situation involving Russia and its relation with China should use these sources.
Just a thought for all the sceptics and writers on this blog. At the moment company after company is being hectored by ngo investor activists and others on the E part of ESG, the company’s plans for net zero, etc etc. Can I enjoin all of you to write to any company you invest in stating your position re net zero, carbon dioxide, renewables, and cop26. Anything will be better than nothing.
The Western Pacific Warm Pool pulsates and its cooling as we speak.
“Why bother to post, or read, opposing views?”