A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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graphene oxide in brains, lungs, blood of lab rats, worms and others
multiple scientists testify to graphene oxide being present in vaccines
Worth a look at the Hunt family.
Greg Hunt should be removed from the Ministry immediately if not from Parliament due to conflict of interests.
He doesn’t have a conflict of interest simply because of a relative. If he is personally involved or will personally gain then there is a conflict that needs to be resolved.
Someone in the Federal Government is promoting the fake vaccine, a gene altering poison that, after about two years, has still not been approved by the US Patents Office and is known to kill or maim. The public is not being advised to take Ivermectin or HCQ or even vitamin D with zinc supplement and is being locked up in their homes instead of getting fresh air and sunshine.
Nowhere do we see ultraviolet lamps in use yet they are used to sterilise commercial aircraft between passenger flights.
Meanwhile the public is being scared witless by reports of cases arising from the PCR test that does not test for the presence of the virus and can come up with meaningless “Positive” or “Negative” results regardless of whether of not the subject is fit and healthy or suffering from an infection.
It all has the foul odour, worldwide, of corruption on a massive scale
and none of that addresses what Strop said
Realy yarpos ? Both brothers receive funding from “The Hunt Lab” foundation and UNSW as received millions in grants from Greg Hunt and the Federal Government and you think that there is not a conflict of interest?
Remember – Justice has not only to be done but also seen to be done.
Bevan. You say it’s worldwide. That clearly negates the notion that Hunt is acting improperly with a conflict. Unless you’re ridiculously suggesting he has influenced many other Govt’s around the world for personal gain.
If the Aus health minister was the odd one out then maybe you could suggest he is acting in self interest. But only if there was personal gain, which there isn’t.
I presume that you have not seen the evidence by Dr David Martin in the USA. He actually lists the laws that have been broken yet, to date, no legal action has been taken by the FBI, the Justice Department or the State and Federal Attorney’s General??
So the pharmacy companies donating billions of dollars to US politicians is not corruption?
Locally the treatment George Christensen MP received recently in the House of Representative was an utter disgrace. How can it be that every other Member voted against his speech? Who is wielding the Big Stick?
And rightly so. Minister Hunt is an Australian parliamentarian. And, an Australian citizen.
Since when did the failed state of the USA ever have a legal role to play in the sovereign state of Australia? (Other than in the case of Julian Assange – of course).
You said Hunt should be removed from parliament because of his conflict of interest.
I said Hunt doesnt have a conflict simply because of a connection to a relative. It’s only a conflict if he personally gains.
Now you’re talking about the USA and what other MP’s did to Christianson. That’s all either completely irrelevant or it shows it’s not just Hunt. The latter meaning he’s not acting out of a conflict if he’s just doing what all the others are doing.
Yarpos basically summed it up.
With good reason.
Blind? Are you?
Who Is at Risk?
Everyone (including children) is at risk for eye damage from UV radiation that can lead to vision loss. Any factor that increases the amount of time you spend in the sun will increase your risk. If you answer yes to more than one of these questions, you may be at higher risk of UV radiation damage to your eyes:
However when you use UV lamps it is either in absence of a human presence or humans wearing eye protection.
That link mentioning GHunt and his family is spooky.
Spooky? Come on KK. Your judgement is usually better than that.
Drive-by political shooting is what character assassins do best.
Are you driving? Ae you the pillion-passenger with the gat?
Or, just an innocent bystander enjoying the adrenalin rush?
MP, reading the article about remote activation reminded me of one of the Kingsman movies where they hand out phone SIMs that make people go insane.
Id read an article a while back that suggested that the graphene, if injected via MULTIPLE vaccines, could create an internal antenna. If such a thing could be built and if a form of bioactivity could be generated, then every vaccinated person has an internal “kill switch”, waiting to be activated.
If so, it makes this nanotech very evil.
Could it be that the vaccines are also damaging brain activity via the graphene? If the graphene can travel anywhere, ut becomes a cellular level frag grenade too.
I was just pointing out that all roads lead to the medical mafia, that’s about it. The governments are a bunch of grifters full of family and friends fed by tax dollars and brown paper bags.
Had a read up on the graphene claim, 97% is graphene oxide, a rock has 3% moisture generally, good luck getting that down a needle.
They mixed it to manufactures instructions, so they could look at it under a microscope, why would you do that.
But above there are claims its all good cause the snake oil manufacture said its good, our jails are full of innocent people if you listen to their claims.
The pharmaceutical industry was created by the Rockefeller’s, because they care. (cough cough)
The most corrupt industry on the planet, paid out 10’s of billions in fines and regard it as part of doing business. Their only concern is our health, pretty sure their business model shows they only make money from sick people, the sicker for longer the better the business. Sell us the poison, sell us the drugs to ease the symptoms until we are broke, then charge us to dispose of our corpse. From the needle to the grave.
Trust the medical mafia and government, never.
Jane Halton is the key advisor to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on vaccine solutions.
Halton does have a number of credentials:
*Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates backed Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) – which the Australian government has given $15 million to!
*Former chairperson of the executive board of the Gates backed WHO.
*Current advisor to Scott Morrison on the National Covid19 Co-Ordination Commission
^Former Head of Dept Health given the task for cutting the health budget by a few billion without touching the multi-billion dollar private health subsidy
But interestingly, Halton sits on the board of Crown Resorts which owns several hotels being used in the quarantine schemes including 2 in Victoria. At least one of these
hotels (Crown Promenade) has reportedly used the same security firm at the centre of Victoria’s latest and biggest outbreak. Isn’t this a major conflict of interest?
Is she the best person to be chairing a review into the Hotel Quarantine Fiasco commissioned by the National Cabinet?
Halton has been on ABC news this week talking up Morrison’s proposed vaccine deal with the ‘Covax Facility’ – which is an alliance co-led by Gavi, the Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and WHO. Its aim is to accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines, and to guarantee fair ‘and equitable access for
every country in the world’.
Halton is affiliated with these alliances.
Does there not seem to be a glaring number of conflicts of interest here?
I’m curious how one person has so much influence on decision making at this level?
Event 201 was a Pandemic preparedness, war room.
They did not discuss one aspect of preparing for a pandemic, only how to control the message and remove opposing messages.
multiple scientists testify to graphene oxide being present in vaccines
Claims that vaccines contain “Graphene Oxide Nano Particles” and that these can reassemble on command and travel to any part of the body seems very likely to be yet another Social mediagenerated theory.
There have been multiple claims made online which say that the Pfizer vaccine contains 99% graphene oxide, a substance which is derived from graphite. The claims originate from a Spanish study and have been circulating in English (across the UK and the US), in Spanish and in Portugese. They are not true.
Some of the claims highlight concerns about the toxicity of graphene oxide, while others suggest that graphene oxide may provide an explanation for the ‘magnetism’ that has been commonly claimed to be associated with the Covid-19 vaccines (this is false and we have fact checked this claim previously).
In addition to seeing posts shared on social media, Full Fact has also been asked about these claims by our own readers. Several users on social media have claimed graphene oxide in the vaccine is being used to poison people and create a mass genocide. This is not true, and there is no graphene oxide in the Pfizer vaccine.
The Pfizer vaccine does not contain any graphene oxide, a Pfizer representative confirmed to The Associated Press. The study referenced in this bogus claim is not peer reviewed, nor is it supported by Spain’s University of Almeria as some have claimed.
THE FACTS: Graphene oxide is not among the ingredients found in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, despite alarmist claims to the contrary on social media.
Videos spreading widely on Instagram and Twitter on Thursday touted a report from Spain that allegedly claimed to find graphene oxide — a material made by oxidizing graphite — in a vial of the Pfizer shot.
In reality, there’s no graphene oxide in the Pfizer vaccine, according to the ingredient list and Kit Longley, senior manager of science media relations at Pfizer. There’s also no evidence to suggest the Pfizer vaccine would cause a cytokine storm, Longley said. The coronavirus, however, has caused this type of immune response in some patients.
Chemical and medical experts who are not associated with Pfizer confirmed to The Associated Press that there is no way graphene oxide would be found in the vaccine.
“It is not in the ingredient list and there is no way it could be present,” said Allen Myerson, a professor of chemical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
“Utter nonsense,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccine expert at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
The report cited in some of the viral posts lists Spain’s University of Almeria on its title page, and appears to be written by a professor at the university. The university has said it was not involved in research indicating the presence of graphene in the vaccine.
The university added in a statement that it supports vaccines and disavows the conclusions of the professor’s unofficial report, which analyzed a “sample of unknown origin.”
The report has not been peer reviewed and is not published in a scientific journal. It includes a disclaimer that its findings do not represent any institutional position of the university.
On the small information that has come my way, Graphene oxide = CO2. Or CO. So what the heck is all this about?
While on the subject, is graphene going to allow supercapacitors to emulate the silicon chip on production costs?
If it can, even just part way, it might make electric cars and intermittent generators economically feasible.
Graphene is a single molecule layer of carbon which is laid out in a lattice pattern. There is no oxygen. Multiple layers become graphite ie the lead in your pencil which is C3 – 3 electrons not 4 in the outer shell – so it has a strong positive charge.
Graphene is a single molecule layer of carbon which is laid out in a lattice pattern. There is no oxygen.
This about sums it up Chris, a common-cause between the carbonphobe concern-rolls, and anti-vaccine concern-trolls.
Apparently graphene is in one of the lipid molecules which act as carriers. There is cholesterol, phospholipid , an ionic lipid and another which carries the graphene. It is not recorded as graphene in the patents. It has a strong charge which is causing the magnetic reaction some people are getting. The Japanese have tracked these lipids through the body and after 48 hours they end up in the ovaries and bone marrow. The graphene is used to protect the mRNA because outside the cell everything kills it ie temperature, O2 .
Big pharma-Bill Gates 2020 deal on vax; etc.
Not sure if I’ve done the right thing but today I got my first jab and only qualify for AZ. I wonder what happens to the non-replicating mRNA fragments. Do they just break down or get dismantled by your immune system? Or do they float around for an unknown time?
I only got AstraZeneca because my employer is soon to make vaccination ‘virtually mandatory’ by baring access to the workplace if you are un-vaccinated. I guess this is the backdoor method if legally, they can’t make it compulsory.
AZ is not an mRNA injection.
How It Works
The AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine is a recombinant adenoviral vector vaccine. Recombinant vaccines use a small piece of genetic material from a pathogen, like SARS-CoV-2, to trigger an immune response. A specific piece of the virus can be targeted, and recombinant vaccines are generally safe to use in a large population of people—even those with chronic health problems or people who are immunocompromised.
The AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine is a recombinant adenovirus vaccine that uses a weakened live pathogen. One drawback of recombinant adenoviral vector vaccines is that booster shots may be required over time. Examples of similar types of recombinant vaccines (that do not use live pathogens) are pneumococcal vaccines and vaccines for meningococcal disease.5 (Note, the trials on the vaccine were not conducted by double blind placebo trials, all three to date replaced the placebo with the meningococcal vaccine, my bold) While recombinant vaccines are common, the only commercially available adenovirus-based vaccine of this type is a rabies vaccine for animals.
Adenovirus vaccines can pose some problems in that the adenovirus is so common that the vaccine may not be as effective once booster doses are given, or that some people may already have immunity to the virus used in the vaccine.
It is against the work place act to discriminate for any reason, Fed law overrides state law.
See part 6
Have you done the right thing, you will be the first to find out.
Thanks MP for that comprehensive reply. I would have replied on Friday night but the effects hit me early Friday morning and I felt like crap all Friday. Feeling a bit better now (Saturday night).
For those Australian patients currently sadly in ICU with covid infection, are they being given Ivermectin therapy (according to appropriate protocols) and if not, why not? At worst, it is harmless and there are no other useful therapies.
UN WHO said it’s dangerous …
Yep. We need to have our own ivermectin supply and, if infected, take it BEFORE we get hospitalised while we are able in the privacy and self-control of our homes.
in the meantime use quercetin with your zinc and vitamin D3.
Dave B
Got a script for ivermectin from my doctor, & picked it from the local chemist this week, no problem.
What dosage for the Ivermectin ? My doctor wont dispense it but im still looking for one that does.
In the European Union, we find more of the same. Its EudraVigilance system, to which suspected drug reactions are reported, had as of April 17, 2021, received 330,218 injury reports after vaccination with one of the four available COVID vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson), including 7,766 deaths.
Of these, Pfizer’s mRNA injection accounted for the largest number of deaths at 4,293, followed by Moderna with 2,094 deaths, AstraZeneca with 1,360 deaths and Johnson & Johnson with 19 deaths. The most commonly reported injuries were cardiac-related problems and blood/lymphatic disorders.
Now ask yourself why these admissions keep being ‘disappeared’ from media when they count for more deaths and adverse effects from these non-vaccines than all real vaccines in history – combined?
Why would any government or Big Tech tyrant want to prevent the truth? The question, I’m afraid, answers itself. They’re either part of it or paid off.
Don’t keep me hanging Ozzie, what can I do?
Send a copy of the Nuremberg Protocol to PM –
According to the CDC you need the booster from Pfizer or Moderna to prevent infection with the virus variant of unknown country of origin. Said Delta variant bearing little correlation with any measurable increased danger to those infected.
Barring taking the booster or the next one in another 6 months might I suggest moving to China. You will be of value to the CCP, particularly if you have healthy organs (Make sure you have a strong stomach if you view this link)
You will be safe from COVID there. Scroll down on this Worldometer link for China to see how safe you will be from death by COVID19.
That video looked like faked click-baiting bollocks.
Here run your forensic eye over this one and see if you can discern the level of concern that would be shown for rescuing the passengers of the flooded subway train.
I agree that any video or image must be viewed with some skepticism. Happy to hear why someone should question why a good Samaritan did not choose to give the gift of sight on behalf of these individuals?
00 Results of 840 studies of covid treatments. There appears to be , within any definition of “reasonable” that there is a mountain of credible documented, verifiable evidence of a large number of effective treatments. Australia will allow ONLY one of these>>>>>>>>
Thanks for posting that link.
Interestingly the data suggests that quercetin which is non-prescription is more effective than Ivermectin which is currently still a legal prescription drug in Australia but discouraged by the medical, political and the UN/WHO establishment for COVID treatment.
Quercetin + Zinc. Quercetin alone is worthless.
Quercetin is a Zinc ionophore, but without the zinc, nada.
Methinks you intended this to be understood.
Lance, yes, quercetin must be taken with zinc. Just as HCQ must be.
Dr Zelenko recommends quercetin as a substitute for HCQ for patients who live in Nanny States such as Australia with ignorant and oppressive rulers whereby HCQ is unavailable for COVID treatment (my words, not his).
Removal of choice of treatment is a form of cruel and unusual punishment ….
Zinc in meat:
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0 fat, select, cooked, braised : 12.28mg (82%RDA)
The RDA of 11 mg is prolly too low. Vegetarians are on their own.
The Zelenko protocol calls for 50mg of elemental zinc equivalent per day with HCQ or in Nanny States such as Australia quercetin.
Quercetin only ha 4 studies so the risk reduction is not as well established as with Ivermectin (63 studies).
Molnupiravir (the on patent drug that Merkx are hoping to repurpose and get approval for) rates even higher but only has a single study.
I’d say Quercetin can’t hurt plus it’s safe, cheap, helps for other reasons and could well help for CoViD so it may well be worth keeping some around.
Then again, Quercetin is found in many fruits and vegetables so eating well (as always) is probably the key.
It is also available immediately, without prescription, even in Australia.
Try getting IVM or HCQ. Quercetin was on Zelenko’s list as functional.
Poor and powerless people take what they can find.
Hydroxychloroquine is almost impossible to get in Australia due to the slavish adherence to WHO guidelines
This was loosened slightly in April 2020 to allow dental specialists in oral medicine to also hydroxychloroquine to new patients but the scare campaign was ramped up in successive updates including the (designed to fail) SOLIDARITY, ORCHID and RECOVERY trials
Ivermectin is still readily available from agricultural suppliers
IVM is available on prescription from a number of chemists & from a number of suppliers on the net.
hydroxychloroquine is available from Ray White Chemists in Queensland, & some others without prescription, & from many suppliers on the net.
Can you put up some links for the online hydroxychloroquine suppliers? I haven’t been able to find any.
According to Zelenko:
Quercetin 500mg 1 time a day
800 mg tabs 20c ea.
Quercetin is a pigment so look for coloured onions, cabbage etc.
Nothing wrong with Ivermectin paste used on animals.
Except it tastes horrible , it helps to mix it with a bit of yoghurt.
India should be like Britain during the plague “Bring out your dead” being so poor and densely populated but it isn’t that bad [1% case death rate and less deaths than the US].
Why not? Could it be the curry? The yellow there is curcumin a known health aid for mind and body. Sadly the sari does not allow exposure to the sun so Vit D deficiency is a big problem.
shhhhh! We don’t want them banning quercetin as well.
I should mention I have a long history of taking quercetin/zinc to deal with stomach issues such as inflammation due to food intolerance. I would really hate for it to be banned. I’ve probably been taking it for 25+ years. It’s only been in the last month or so (after discovering Dr Zelencko’s protocol) that I’ve put two and two together and am wondering if Quercetin is responsible for me never catching the flu even though my whole family and my work colleagues seem to catch it every season.
All these doctors who say supplements just make expensive urine should hang their heads.
It is expensive for the drug companies. If you do not take what they have to offer it costs then money in lost sales.
Perhaps the question which needs to be answered first is what treatment they are receiving. I hope it is something with some proven value.
I believe that in the US the advice is to go home and isolate and if you turn blue go to hospital. No reason to believe we do more here.
It is criminal. No one is even advising supplements.
That is what they do here. That’s why the 27 year old Sydney guy (the one who was said to have no underlying health issues but whose family say they have a history of heart disease) died at his home from CoViD. Our medicos are following the WHO playbook of do absolutely nothing until they need oxygen and then a respirator.
When I checked the TGA adverse database this morning it gave me figures for 2 weeks ago instead of the usual 90 days. Glitch maybe? 439 reported deaths – how many are not being reported? Also 45k+ reactions!!!!!
3 medicines selected between 01/01/1971 – 05/08/2021.
Number of reports (cases): 45796
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 45151
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 439
Someone y’day said 2.7% of reactions were “life changing” or some such term that could only mean unable to work again.
The CDC said that, I just linked.
**unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.
Unless the virus is allowed to run it’s natural course (while protecting the vulnerable such as elderly, immune compromised and obese) it will never end. Normally pandemic viruses mutate to a harmless form within a few years.
The defective vaccines plus the world’s strictest social isolation Australians are being subjected to will allow the mutation and propagation of a super virus which really will be dangerous.
The plan.
1) Protect the vulnerable.
2) Give the entire population HCQ or IVM prophylaxis with zinc and top up Vitamin D to appropriate levels as nearly all people are deficient in winter and even at other times and Vitamin D offers some protection against covid infection or minimises its severity.
3) Get on with life as normal.
This is the only long term, sustainable path forwards. The “vaccines” can be reserved for those truly vulnerable with serious comorbidities or possibly the aged, although prophylaxis with HCQ or IVM + zinc and Vitamin D is preferable IMO unless proper clinical trials show that there the significantly lower infection and mortality rates with the “vaccines”.
Even those countries and regions that are downgrading CoViD-19 as being endemic still persist with the fantasy of vaccination, admitting that there will be an arms race vs mutations, being the manner in which normality returns.
2 weeks for NSW to give up on lockdowns is still my estimate. That will be the first step for Australia progressing.
That is indeed the danger of leaky vaccines.
The trajectory of those who are infected after injection needs to be watched very closely. As does the trajectory of those infected by contact with the injected people.
For the moment I’d be happy with a thorough explanation of two things. First whether the delta strain really did mutate from a previous strain. Second why only the delta strain appears to be currently infecting the world.
For example has the original virus strain now disappeared from the face of the earth? If so what was the mechanism?
delta is not the only strain in circulation eg Lambda has been infecting South America for a while now –
last i saw was 63% of cases.
from that preprint-
“The Lambda variant (also known as the C.37 lineage) is the newest VOI (designated on June 14, 2021) (WHO, 2021a) and is currently spreading in South American countries such as Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Ecuador (WHO, 2021a). Based on the information data from the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) database (; as of June 29, 2021), the Lambda variant has been isolated in 26 countries. Notably, the vaccination rate in Chile is relatively high; the percentage of the people who received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine was ~60% on June 1, 2021 ( A recent paper also suggested that the vaccines have effectively prevented COVID-19 in Chile (Jara et al., 2021). Nevertheless, a big COVID-19 surge has occurred in Chile in Spring 2021 (WHO, 2021b), suggesting that the Lambda variant is proficient in escaping from the antiviral immunity elicited by vaccination. In this study, we reveal the evolutionary trait of the Lambda variant by molecular phylogenetic analysis.”
oh sorry, i should have mentioned that the website above has a list of variants and their lineage. the lineage data is testable, but the country of origin may not be as clear.
Thanks for that mobihci. It is promising that people are working to provide publicly available information.
My question was sort of the reverse of the information I found on the web site. Rather than watching new variants emerge, I’m interested in what has happened to the old variants. For example the news media are only reporting delta. What has happened to alpha and beta and the original virus?
Let’s think up a name for the super covid virus for when it inevitably emergencies.
Aussie Strain?
Lockdown strain?
The leaky vaccine strain?
Emerges, not emergencies…. I didn’t notice the autocorrect alteration.
Alpha-Omega Covert strain, shortened to AOC, maybe?
Ten, twenty, thirty-or-more ‘cases’ of the NSW bug in Auckland today, according to the Director General of (?)Health, Doktor Bloomfield, who is himself NOT va((inated: does he know something he’s not telling us?
Otherwise ’tis a lovely day here in the sunshine, a loooong long way away from Auckland.
Jacinda Variant?
you mean mother Jacinda variant Lance LOL
Boogie woogie flu?
The Halton strain
I vote for “leaky strain” it describes the vaccines and what politicians have had coming out of their mouths, diarrhea.
Mrs H and I are approaching 80. The Gov knows us and our age but there has been no contact and no attempt to “proyect” us.
I’m not sure there is anything they could do but it makes a mockery of the phrase “protect the vulnerable”.
They COULD send out a bottle of high dose Vit D and weight and sun exposure charts to determine dosage which is not critical anyway. If they REALLY cared they could mail out ivermectin, then I would believe they cared.
Spot on Hanrahan.
I’d be very happy to swap that package with the faeces sample bottle they regularly send me and ask me to send back to them with a little donation in it to test for bowel cancer.
They really are full of it.
The most disgraceful lying speech Biden has ever made says Andrew Neil
Can America ever be trusted again? Would America protect Taiwan or Israel or Australia if they were threatened?
“America” would protect Tawain, Israel and Australia.
But the Biden Maladministration would not.
However, they are not “America” because they stole the election from President Trump who is the rightful legal President and he would defend those countries and Western Civilisation in general.
Protection is 24/7. That includes now.
This is a realtime issue, crisis. Biden has failed. This a real failure that cannot be fixed. The US Military has lost confidence in Biden, as has congress. Biden’s complete and utter failure will have consequences. The Chinese plan to take over the US, has failed because the idiotic Dems picked Joe.
Biden is an old man with dementia. He now looks old and confused. There is no cure. Biden is now starting to have panic attacks and is freezing.
The media, the US people, and the US allies …. Have instantly lost confidence in his ability to lead … to do the job. He is not capable of doing the job.
That is the reality. ‘Politics’ and ‘spins’ cannot change reality.
Next issue to face is…. Harris is the VP and next line.
And the covid origin question …. result is assured. Our ‘relationship’ with China is going to change. Intelligence shows unequivocally that Covid was made in a lab and released from the Wuhan lab. Those facts are going to change the Taiwan defence issue.
There is zero evidence that covid is natural. The covid origin question must be addressed.
The US intelligence is not going to issue a fake Covid origin story.
Biden has lost control and does not have the ‘political’ power to force a US agency to issue a fake Covid origin story.
“Quay said, “[T]here are just so many signatures and so many events that are consistent with a lab leak.
The Wuhan lab had only known copy of the bat virus. There’s literally no fact that is of — that we know of that is similar to a previous natural zoonosis. So, my analysis gets into the one in a billion chance here that this could have come from nature.
So, when something doesn’t come from nature, and the alternative is the lab leak, you have to go with that.” He later added, “What I’ve done is analyze what’s called circumstantial evidence to come to the conclusion that, beyond a reasonable doubt, it came from a laboratory.”
Taiwan – why would USA get involved with a civil war. Taiwan is a Chinese territory not yet directly ruled by the CCP.
Israel – probably reasonable at looking after themselves. Retribution is fast and overwhelming.
Australia – USA has its own energy sources and USA does not need Australian iron ore. US just buy the wind monuments from China. China can buy US presidencies with the USD exchanged for monuments.
Taiwan is a Chinese territory not yet directly ruled by the CCP.
Not certain if you disagree with “Taiwan is a Chinese territory” or is not ruled by the CCP.
It is a Chinese territory:
Further evidence of Taiwan being a Chinese territory is the fact that the territory is not recognised by the UN. If the CCP decided to take political control of Taiwan then no significant power would get in its way. US is being permitted by the Taliban to extract allies from Kabul. I doubt US would bother to embarrass itself trying to stop the CCP taking control of their territory.
Taiwan currently has true democratic elections that are not CCP controlled:
one could also say that mainland China is a territory of Taiwan. depends really how far you go back and your view of politics-
That is a very simplistic overview. I have only been to Taiwan twice but it is clear they see themselves as a separate country. Don’t forget it was complete with its own aboriginal peoples, it was annexed by China 300 years ago, ceded to Japan then claimed by the Nationalists when they Fled mainland China.
So is it Chinese because they annexed it ? (shades of Crimea) Is it still Japanese, Does it belong to the original inhabitants?
Very many countries would trip up over this if we conceded one country to another that annexed it. So I would say whoever had it last are the rightful owners else we need to examine the credentials of half the countries in the UN.
On a practical not Taiwean has the worlds lasrgest semi conductor factory and its loss to thweChina would be a considerable blow.
Yet he still has 46% approval even AFTER this fiasco. What is it with leftists?
it happened overseas, so wont enter the consciousness of much of the US
we should consider becoming nuclear capable and not in the power generation sense
Much of the Daily Mail article is wrong.
Fact- Trump negotiated a withdrawal with the Taliban.
Joe, or whoever or whatever makes decisions now, altered the timetable to speed it up.
Of the actions taken, military support especially troop numbers were withdrawn before civilians and contractors. [Yes, read that again]. The Taliban noticed the military run-down, and that no US leadership could be detected, so sped up their own movements. The Taliban assessment was correct.
The decision, or whatever it was, by the US was certainly gross irresponsibility, it could have been utter incompetence, or it could have been deliberate.
People stranded without a means of getting to airport include thousands of US, many Afghans, and (I assume a number of UK, Australian and maybe others) who trusted that Trump’s agreement would hold.
The description of disgraceful and lying is dead right.
Incredulity as new Zealand locks down again
It is quite apparent that very few people understand exponential growth or exponential decay.
If infection rate is higher than 1 then a single roaming spreader is a problem. It is far simpler to take a 3 day complete shutdown to contain the problem than get into an extended situation like Sydney is in where they are trying to get vaccinations ahead of the infections.
Curfews have again proven their effectiveness in Melbourne. One of the previous unknown sources has been traced to a sex worker of no fixed address. Curfews make those involved in that trade much easier to spot. Legal brothels are required to have Covid protocols but are not regarded as essential work so currently closed. In the current circumstances sex workers can nominate a single intimate partner; hopefully a wealthy one.
Two bookings for curfew breach on the first night were for thieves operating in an industrial area. When there are only a handful of vehicles on the road it is easy to track every vehicle and check if the activity is legal.
Curfews only affect those involved in illegal activities. Essential workers have a permit. There is no sunlight after 9pm for healthy exercise.
Melbourne had three roaming spreaders identified yesterday out of 57 cases identified. 44 cases were all quarantined for their entire period. There are currently 12,000 people in quarantine following stay at home order as being close contacts with infected cases. If all Melbounians were out and about carrying on as normal, Covid would be rampant.
The wastewater detection has been instrumental in identifying 5 of the cases yesterday. When there are only a few cases, this early detection method is very powerful. Once case numbers skyrocket, wastewater detection is no longer useful as early detection.
This broad authoritarian streak you have revealed threatens to overpower the respect accorded you due to your scientific prowess; not everybody expresses admiration for the surveillance state as you do without any regard for its potential to slide into totalitarian rule.
It is not a popularity contest. I just make observations based on the evidence. And science is not based on consensus.
Labor Premiers and even a Liberal PM can see the bleeding obvious. The vast majority of Australians just want Covid gone. Most of Australians have had little to no experience with Covid other than a little inconvenience.
The one Premier who is likely to get the harshest retribution at the polls is Gladys. She stinks at present for not going hard soon enough. The lockdowns will go on for a couple more months and the health system will be stressed. NSW will likely need medical support from other states during September. I believe the only way out now is to get vaccinations ahead of infection so they avoid debilitating impact on their hospitals.
WA is the shining light. Queensland looks solid as does SA. Tassie did a good job last year by keeping Covid confined to Burnie and seems to be Covid free this year. NT looks good and has benefited from the quarantine facilities it operates. ACT yet to show its colours but did act quickly. Dan actually looks in control in Victoria – the response around the current El Taqua breakout has been phenomenal; nothing short of outstanding.
An infectious disease expert on the ABC’s 7:30 Report admits the NSW lockdowns are futile
“And science is not based on consensus.” – please remind the IPCC and the performing seals in the media of that.
States and governments don’t function without authority and force Serp. The ‘unruly’ and the criminal are a PITA for everyone. What Rick’s saying makes perfect sense to me. I’m tired of listening to internet trolls, idealists and anarchists pretending everything would be just fine without a functioning democratic government. Corruption is a reality and so it managing it. As the saying goes, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance“. This includes the people, and the elected government, and it agencies being always vigilant and operating and communicating honestly.
How else do you get freedom via eternal vigilance if there’s no “surveillance-state” involved to make sure freedom is sustained via constitutional authorities? I also fail to see how a, “potential to slide into totalitarian rule”, would be less likely without a vigilant populous and government. Frankly there’s far too much blah-blah about ‘police-state’s from click-bait sites that serve as ghettos for internet trolls who gather to talk-up the latest fake-news and baseless accusations, aiming to disrupt constructive conversations between people.
Calling that broad support for authoritarianism is just a smear, what Rick does is nothing of the kind.
Here’s a reminder of co2 emissions (1970 to 2018) since 1970, or 1990.
Note China and other DEVELOPING countries’ emissions have soared for over 20 years and USA+ EU co2 emissions COMBINED are now LOWER than 1990 and no higher than 1970.
That’s 51 years ago. Again I haven’t met anyone who understands this data and the religious believers can get very hostile if you press the point. THINK about it.
BTW this is the TOTAL of all Human emissions of co2 since 1970 and ends in 2018.
Interesting Neville.
Is there any explanation behind any of the data ?
IE.. what did Russia do in the early 1990s ?..(.other than political upheaval.)..for the significant and rapid reduction.
I assume Australia is too low to appear on the graph ?
Who are the big contributors within the “other countries” group,…those with the biggest increases ?
Chad you can look at individual countries at this link.
Russia apparently have sinks, but China, India + developing countries are about 67.4%, but many experts think that would be much higher.
Australia 1.1%, UK 1%, NZ 0.1%, USA today about 13.8% and EU about 9.6%.
And the entire SH is a NET SINK and all SH countries ( 0.8 billion pop) only emit about 7% of global emissions anyway. NH countries are a NET SOURCE and 93% emissions and 7 billion pop.
So we’re 1% of 7%? Can see why President U.N. Jacinda breathlessly tells us we must ‘take action now’ before it’s too late … yeah nah.
Oops, 0.1% of 7% – see, it’s worse than we thought!
Every country has carbon “sinks” , but that graphic suggests something happened in Russia 1990-1995 to dramatically reduce co2 emisssions.
But there is nothing to explain what that may have been ?
ABC News 6 am today… Volunteers are being sought for trials of NEW COVID vaccine. Trial to take in excess of 12 months (monitoring of participants for at least that long) So, they want another vaccine, to be tested for at least a year, to complement/replace one that has not been tested for any length of time(Emergency approval) How about a program to test/approve some of the other proven treatments that have been in use for decades after clearing the full testing criteria for adverse reactions etc. You can guess what I am referring to . This just reinforces my opinion that the vaccination push is NOT about health. but has a much more sinister purpose.please read this for details or alternate protocols.
In the UK, more than 47 million people have had a first vaccine dose – nearly 90% of the adult population – and nearly 41 million – 77% of adults – have had both doses.
Yet the UK still has 27,000 new cases and 100 deaths per day.
Israel has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world with 78% of those 12 years old and up fully vaccinated, total population 8.8 million.
Yet in a third wave, 7,000 new cases per day with 20 deaths.
the UK is an interesting one in that there is now a higher percentage of single shot vaccine cases than unvaccinated –
note that the change in July is probably due to the change in methodology, but it still shows a 5% increase in breakthrough cases to about 45%. really the more progressed state of the virus in Israel is more important and what the UK has to deal with in the future.
it seems likely that in Australia, pfizer will have run out of legs well before the majority are vaccinated.
“Yet the UK still has 27,000 new cases and 100 deaths per day.”
Eventually everyone will get this virus. Nothing but total, eternal isolation will stop that. And the original Spanish Flu in 1918 is still with us as H1N1 and we get new vaccinations every year. Despite this 2,000 Australians die every year.
The vaccine does not stop infections and herd immunity is a myth. The vaccine prepares the antibody reaction so that when the live virus appears the defences are ready and the damage and deaths are much less. The UK was losing 1,000 people a day and now it is 100, a huge success.
Vaccines do not stop a virus and certainly do not stop it spreading. In fact it appears that the viral load from a vaccinated person with no symptoms is as much the same.
Many people who are innoculated will still get sick, be hospitalized and some will die. Only a benign variant will stop this and even that will mutate forever.
If we want to stop this totally, we have to do what was done with Smallpox, total isolation of groups until the virus is gone. What we in Australia and New Zealand have done is to avoid disaster.
And we should learn the lesson that viruses should be stopped at the airport and shipping terminal. Failure here whether is responsible for all the deaths in Australia. The worst examples are the Ruby Princess and Daniel Andrew’s use of city hotels and contracts to unqualified friends are responsible for most of the deaths.
As for Andrew’s BLM march, it beggars belief especially as he stopped the ANZAC day marches. We do not want rapacious communists in government, friends of the Chinese Communist Party. And avowed communists Green leaders Adam Bandt whose rule is “we tell them what they want to hear and when we get power, we will do what we like”
The whole Green movement was taken over by commmunists in the 1990s. And that is according to Dr. Patrick Moore, cofounder of Greenpeace. He says that Greenpeace are now the enemies of the human race.
And the Communist Party created this virus, released it intentionally, hid it with their take over of the UN/WHO and must be held responsible for the deaths of now 4 million people. And everyone knows it, despite the media saying it was ridiculous and that Trump was a xenophobe who did nothing about the virus. The communist take over of our education systems, the media and the UN is so clear. Venezuela has failed to a fake election using the same techniques used against Donald Trump, stuffing ballots at 2am and it is now a devastated third world country while all the usual parties are destroying and raping the place.
Still the Green politicians support communism, as they supported Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung and now his heir.
So far the worst mutation which is much more infectious, as you would expect, still has the same target group. The old. Virus are chemicals, not living. They survive and prosper by mathematics. The one which wins is the one which is fastest spreading but so far this one has not changed group.
In 1918 the first wave was bred in the trenches of WW1. 90% of the victims were fit young men, 20-50. Not the old and not the young. Then when it reached the big world populations, the next wave hit everyone and death could be in 24 hours. The second wave killed twice as many people.
But no one wrote about the third wave, because the virus seemed to go away. It didn’t. It is the flu and it will keep mutating.
What is good news is that the human body can be trained to deal with this virus and defences can be organized. That’s amazingly lucky. Possibly because the original virus was in mammalian bats, the only flying mammals. In turn that is why it works because they are closely related but it is also why it can be beaten.
So everyone has to stay safe until the most vulnerable are innoculated and we have to be prepared for a virus which kills everyone. It would be nice if the incoming people were kept in hot, multiple remote locations for at least two weeks. That should not be a big impost as it used to take 6 weeks just to get to Australia.
And incoming groups should not share with outgoing groups. Perhaps rotate the locations.
I still think it was an unintended f..ckup rather than intention that led to the release – their poor training meant the WIV labs were nowhere near as secure as the rating suggests. The CCP would have only unleashed SAR-CoV-2 if they had a well tested, effective vaccine (or other treatment) available first. All the signs (continuing outbreaks closing some indiustries and port facilities) indicate that they are flailing as much as most Western countries.
Everything else is spot on.
Yes, the release was sheer incompetence, as anticipated by the US ambassador at the time who amazingly wrote a letter to warn the US government about the likelihood. And the Chinese Communist Party General in charge of Bioweapons and the Wuhan military installation, which is what it is, flew up there to advise. Nothing was said.
And before President Trump slammed the doors, and then to Europe, 3/4 million Chinese went to the US and more went to Europe, especially Wuhan’s sister city in Milan. This was done with full knowledge of the consequences.
Taiwan’s report to the UN/WHO in November 2019 laid all this out, but Tedros Adhonom did not read it because Taiwan did not exist, his decision on the very first day of his appointment when he met with President Xi. And in February 2021 he still held that it was ‘not infectious human to human’.
So you are right. The original escape was an accident, an anticipated accident. We now have evidence that at least one person at the laboratory caught the virus even earlier.
What happened after that is identical to waging war without a declaration, like the attack on Pearl Harbor. Now four million are dead and half the conservative Western leaders were infected. In a deniable way with cover provided by the now corrupt WHO.
This was a French installation built for the Chinese Army and partly funded and supported by Dr. Fauci. I wonder if he told Trump that?
Anyway what is the point of paying for a stealth bioweapon and not using it? And if you did want to cripple the West prior to an invasion of Taiwan, what better way?
And Xi said nothing and let millions go to America and Europe while he was locking down Wuhan and welding people in their apartments.
Accidental? No.
I think that the CCP was just being incredibly opportunistic once SARS-CoV-2 got out of the lab (aided and abetted by the WHO delaying recognition of its infectioness).
A bioweapon isn’t that useful if it heavily disrupts your own resources. Plus Fauci wasn’t aiming for the virus to be released until the magical vaccines were ready so he could be a hero to the masses and fulfil his dream of universal vaccinations.
we really don’t know what the current Chinese numbers are
Seems so convenient with all the intended consequences. I call intentional with intent.
They knew what the virus could do so when it got out, they knew how to maximise the effect on the rest of the world. It still doesn’t mean the initial release was intentional. Releasing it offshore would have been a doddle.
That is the number counted. Estimates for deaths in India alone are 4.7M. I doubt Peru kept an accurate count. Likewise Brazil.
The best indicator will be excess deaths. On that basis, even the US have not counted all Covid related deaths.
Excess deaths exacerbated by people not receiving their normal health care due to lockdowns.
So TdeF,
So people stopped dying after to 1918 flu due to the Chairman Dan, Scott from Marketing, BoJo, Sleepy Joe, The Palace Chook, Marshmellow etc, of the time locking down and destroying their communities?
and no,
The Spanish Flu is with us because it was dug up and reconstructed as well as the H1N1.
There are rational concerns around ADE with the original vaccines and the Delta variant.
Is the Lockdown Working?
Has anyone noticed that the number of new cases of Covid is steadily increasing, despite the lockdown in NSW, Vic, ACT and Queensland!
Figures for yesterday are not all in yet (09:45) so ignore the last entry (19 Aug).
Great observation PeterC but also the number of tests is increasing each day. Is the ratio of positive tests to tests taken increasing and how does that ratio compare to say 3-4 months ago?
3 to 4 months ago with 10s of thousands of tests and zero positives I’d say the ratio has changed.
Likely biostatistics are your field Professor.
I agree that the ratio has changed but the testing criteria has changed also over time. I think the ratio of positives has decreased.
Zero positives is not the case.
I’d like to respond but I need that clarified. What do you mean?
ACT was zero ratio of positives a month ago. It no longer is now.
correct the ratio has gone up because of the outbreak.
It was zero:x for almost a year with a smattering of positive international quarenteeners a few times in that period.
I thought there had been pockets of positives in NSW for many months but Gladys B said her superior contact tracing helped them control the outbreaks.
The ACT is not NSW or wre you responding to someone else?
To say if its working you would need to provide an estimate of the non lockdown case. A bit of dabbling with r numbers leads to big numbers pretty quickly.
All about expectations I guess
From official press presentation..
Majority of the new cases are occurring in within families in those hot spot areas where the lockdown is being enforced most .
That might suggest that shutting people in with a “carrier” is more likely to result in more victims .
Those tested are supposed to isolate until a negative result is established.
With households of 4-10 people in these areas, all being urged to get tested, it is impossible for effective home isolation , increasing the probability of transfer.
I remember commenting on that over a year ago from our UK experiences.
In each of the three waves cases dropped before each lockdown.
It was admitted by the Govt that locking people up in their houses-in winter often with closed windows- was the worst thing that could be done as it encourages the internal spread of the virus.
The three biggest sources of infection here were Care homes, hospitals and private homes.
The official advice to stay indoors was changed to stay outdoors around April this year.
It will be interesting to see if they reverse that advice if another ‘lockdown’ is needed.
What matters are how many are in the community. This new rapidly moving variant, as before, seems to have run riot in the Middle Eastern community, except no one says anything. But Muslim leaders were on the front of the Australian last weeks saying that lockdown is against their culture. And in this new view of immigration and multi cultural behaviour, it’s the fault of Australians who need to change their thinking. The other middle Eastern culture was on display also this week as a group of Jewish doctors flouted their refusal to lock down and criticism of their behaviour was also considered anti semitism.
We are all in this together, except those who believe they are not, because this is not their country, yet.
Well I’m glad you said it. Someone in company the other day commented, or complained that we don’t have a homogeneous people th3se days and as much as I would have qualified it more, had to agree.
I believe Queensland has lifted lockdowns.
Regional Victoria is now without lockdowns.
The curfew is working in Melbourne. Down to just 3 roaming spreaders detected yesterday. 44 of the 57 cases yesterday were quarantined for their entire period of infection. Those 44 cases came out of 3000 13th day test. Most of the 3,000 are no longer in quarantine – they can now go off their property and back to work if their work is permitted.
A number of cases in Melbourne were pre-emptively detected through wastewater analysis and linked to specific buildings.
The first night of curfew found two thieves active in an industrial estate.
The St Kilda group has been linked to a sex worker of no fixed address; now in hotel quarantine. The activities were illegal before curfew but others doing the same job are much easier to spot with curfews. Brothels are not deemed essential work sites so are shut.
Curfews only impact on illegal activities.
The whole of NSW will be a race between hospitals overrun and vaccinations. Wilcannia will be a nightmare. The infection rate is still running around 1.3 in NSW – doubling around every 11 dats They need curfew so they can police illegal activity. Without curfew they will never get infection rate UNDER 1. Expect NSW to hit 1,500 daily cases by the end of August.
The Victoria assistant CHO made an insightful comment when asked why do we need curfew when numbers are so low – he replied that is the reason numbers are so low. The light at the end of Victoria’s 6th tunnel is just a flicker right now. The next few days will show if it gets brighter or gets snuffed out. But the controls look solid.
..Utter B.S. !
The curfew was only introduced this week , and the number of cases has increased since then !
The case numbers do not matter providing they are quarantined.
The number that matters is roaming spreaders and that is already decreasing.
Curfews do not affect law-abiding people – they have zero consequence for those who are at home or those permitted to work. Curfews simply affect those undertaking illegal activity and dramitically improves the ability of police to detect legal activity – that is already occurring with thieves being apprehended and roadside sex workers easily identified.
zero consequences is not exactly true. when you lock people up against their will as with gaol, there is going to be feeling of loss of control of ones own situation. with gaol it is intentional and is part of reform ie this is what will happen if you do this again, but with this there is no way to accept punishment and escape to freedom. the government says freedom is gained by immunisation but there is a problem with this, immunity is not granted by vaccines so from the outset it is a lie, and so is the claim that we will return to normal life after everyone is vaccinated.
so, you are a law abiding citizen and doing as you are asked by your authorities, you are lied to by your authorities, your only sources of news lie by ommission, your government then claims that you need to be locked away against your will by threat of force (as we see by the media daily). wtf do think people are going to feel/do?
Rick, the assistant CHO was still stating a false reason the numbers were low because any spread or reduction in spread in not known in that short timeframe.
You may recall when the curfew was brought in last year the CHO admitted it wasn’t his request and it wasn’t his decision.
Herald Sun 20/8/2021
Rick, how’s that Ass. CHO claim looking?
Chad summed it up at #10.5.1
Iowa downgrades CoVid from pandemic to endemic – no longer tracking “cases”
Another glimmer of a ray of light to add to what has occurred in Alberta, Canada.
Denmark and Norway also.
Is anyone else here getting “unvaxxed” shamed by friends and extended family?
The government propaganda campaign plus general tiredness of the lockdowns is really starting to divide the community in Victoria.
Nope, family are all hanging back as long as possible but will relent when it becomes effectively mandatory. The friends group seems to be going ahead about 50% but dont seem to care what others do or dont do. Regional setting may make a difference.
I’m in Melbourne – ie The Land of Dan. I’m even getting harrassed by those who vote conservative – ScoMo’s to blame for that.
As I wrote above, everyone will get this virus. It’s only a matter of time. The lockdown buys time, nothing more. We are trying to buy as much time as possible, but our politicians keep doing deals and letting it out.
There is also the hope that a benign variant arises in the unvaccinated masses of India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia. Russia is losing up to 1,000 people at day at present.
If you are going to get it, you better be vaccinated. At present the risk of death is low if you are under 50, but it will mutate and attack the larger herd because that is what the mathematics of opportunity says. And there are cultural groups inside our communities, whole groups which refuse vaccination and lockdown. That is a real problem.
So the choice is yours. Also it is starting to appear the Pfizer immunization is not as good against the Delta variant as the Astrazenca immunization.
All vaccination comes with a risk. It is the virus generally, but will not reproduce. And it can kill you, but the risk is very low at 1/300,000. Life is a risk. When you get it though and you will get it, the risk is much higher.
Also those people who suffer clotting from Astrazeneca, clotting is a major way the virus kills. It kills by clotting. If the small dose immunization causes death, the chances are you almost certainly would not survive the real virus anyway.
I’ll take my chances with my ivermection supply, thank you. No genetic experimentation for me.
BTW, the Delta variant IS the more benign variant we have been hoping for – the inherent toxicity of the spike proteins that make SARS-CoV-2 so infectious makes it impossible to ever be as harmless as the common cold.
Two thirds of the Indian population have been found to have anti-bodies to SARS-CoV-2 so the large majority of those infected never realised it and recovered with almost no symptoms. Yes, the number of deaths there was tragic but that was because their hospitals got overwhelmed before they started using ivermectin for treatment and prophylaxis. Their case and death rates plummetted as a result even with very low vaccination rates and poor social distancing.
We could open up now, without mass excessive deaths, if we took on the lessons from India
Also many Indians died because unbelievably for a mostly tropical country there is a huge amount of Vitamin D deficiency in India.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin playing a vital role in human physiology. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent worldwide. This deficiency has many consequences which are still being explored, apart from the well-known skeletal complications. With this review, we aim to summarize the existing literature on Vitamin D status in India and understand the enormity of the problem. The prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency ranged from 40% to 99%, with most of the studies reporting a prevalence of 80%–90%. It was prevalent in all the age groups and high-risk groups alike. With the consequences of Vitamin D deficiency, namely, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and tuberculosis being explored, we can imagine the burden it would cause in our country. We need to create awareness among the public and healthcare providers about the importance of Vitamin D and the consequences of deficiency. Our Indian diet generally fails to satisfy the daily requirement of Vitamin D for a normal adult. This stresses on the need for fortifying various food with Vitamin D, through the national programs. This silent epidemic should be addressed appropriately with concrete public health action.
Very good point – I forgot that one.
Where is the evidence that the virus has actually been isolated?
As in separated from all other particulate, as a speck of gold is separated from all the other stones, pebbles, rocks, debris and particulate.
Been looking since February 2020 and have not come across anyone or any paper that can produce such evidence.
Sigh. See Nextstrain.
Mouseover, scroll down, explore the open github data. The virus has been sequenced, all 29,000 base pairs, thousands of times in labs all over the world. It’s been “photographed” in electronmicrographs by independent researchers and it always looks the same. The genetic data is cross tested by contact tracers following chains of infection, and then there are other labs cross checking with plaque forming assays to isolate one single infectious unit at increasing dilutions.
For the virus to be faked would require a mass conspiracy of practically every medical pathology lab, university and hospital research site and tens of thousands of doctors and nurses. And then there are a lot of dead bodies too.
I fear there are vested interests exploiting the complexities of genes and viruses and spreading messages to fuel dissent, political polarization and to stop libertarians and conservatives from focusing on the issues that really matter. Hard borders and antivirals.
Stay skeptical of both extremes.
Apart from which there are hundreds of scientific publication which culture the virus.
ozman is repeating something he heard somewhere and probably never looked for the evidence he seeks.
Interesting he mentioned a spec of gold. Gold labelled probes are used to label specific targets in electron microscopes. The virus has been found and viewed under EM and the virus we all see in cartoon form has been visualised and the gold labels the target the spike protein or the RNA sequence are found attached to the virus.
Unfortunately, in this matter, I am not a microbiologist (virologist) and do not have access to the equipment to conduct my own assays, otherwise I would. Instead, like all the others who are not actually doing hands on assays, I have to read the documentation.
None has provided evidence of filtration to separate the virus and then placed the material separated in a centrifuge to separate it from particulate.
Growing a virus in cell culture is not isolation. Nor does this prove contagion. (A century of indoctrination has deceptively deceived as all.)
As much as I respect you, Jo Nova, the claims at the link you referenced are not isolation (as in separation of a virus from other material) The virus was not isolated according to true isolation. The word “isolation” is used in a vague manner, purposefully.
Here is a statement that cannot be validated, but people read the first line and, without proof, convince themselves that the virus has been isolated and is contagious.–SARS-CoV-2 Viral Culturing at CDC
SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.
Just like global warming becoming climate change, unless we investigate for ourselves, we repeat the mantra.
As with global warming, anyone who thinks, realizes that temperatures being the highest for the last 100 years is not cause for alarm that the Earth is going to become a conflagration of fire.
Likewise when a ship is quarantined in Yokohama for 14 days because of a deadly contagious virus, but 3011 people are unaffected, alarm bells ring, when this becomes cause for bogus claims.
Stefan Lanka earned his PhD by separating a virus from seaweed. He noticed that the seaweed that had viruses were healthy, the ones that didn’t were sick.
He tried to separate the measles virus so that he could characterize it, but couldn’t.
What Lanka could do is present an assay with vero cells and antibiotics and observe viruses breaking down the dead tissue. The more toxic the environment, the more viruses that grew.
People scoff, but the German Supreme Court directed two independent laboratories to isolate the measles virus, and they returned a negative result.
The two laboratories not being able to isolate the measles virus, left the the court with no other option but to rule that Lanka did not have to pay out the 100,000 euros he has posted for anyone who can isolate a virus.
An indoctrinated microbiologist presented papers similar to what you have referenced and claimed that he had evidence, deluded one judge with papers that make spurious claims, but not the high court. Smoke and mirrors.
Change the name and influenza disappears. Change the definition of the word “isolate” and isolation does not have be proven. Smoke and mirrors.
I like truth not propaganda nor gaslighting, such as medically qualified people telling me that a dead virus lives for hours and days on various surfaces. Show me real evidence. Show me how a virus infects another person and is contagious.
All I have seen is speculation. No hard evidence. Even based on my own observations, which I began questioning when I thought about people not getting influenza, even though others had it.
Not to mention the numbers of people who have told me false stories about their flu vaccine, only to eventually tell me the truth, that they have been worse off.
Well, I have done some of these experiments. And I still don’t know what you mean when you say “filtration”. If a plaque assay doesn’t prove contagion as it kills target cells and is diluted to show 10 million active units, I don’t what will… except for contact tracing which shows that people who live with covid cases are the most likely to come down with the same set of symptoms and have a new RNA sequence in their nose which looks exactly like the one up their partners nose.
Like I said… it would take a vast conspiracy of every single medical lab in the world. Maybe thats true, but you’re not persuading me…
PS: Stuff about measles or other viruses isn’t going to change my opinion on Covid. OK?
Jo says,
“ I fear there are vested interests exploiting the complexities of genes and viruses and spreading messages to fuel dissent, political polarization and to stop libertarians and conservatives from focusing on the issues that really matter”
If the statists are sowing the seeds of division and trying to marginalize all opposition, then both the “ it ain’t real” and the vaccines and lockdowns forever are ONE side, and definitely extreme.
I agree, although not about boarders any longer, even for WA, as I am becoming convinced that all lockdowns push people to vaccinate, and I fear that in the long run, that will be far worse then the virus, as the virus will perpetuate regardless, so both harms will be happening, and border lockdowns only while instigating anti virals is simply not going to happen with the current yahoos ( politest word I can think of) in charge.
Try this link :
Includes photo from electron microscope plus some explanation .
No doubt the virus exists , it is what the authorities are doing about it that I have a problem with .
And the ” Iron Curtain of misinformation ” from the MSM is also a large problem .
If Scomo sent every household a bottle of Ivermectin , zinc and vitamin D along with some basic instructions , almost nobody would get seriously ill and we all could get on with our lives . And that wouldn’t cost much to do .
this is simply incorrect. you are basing all your comment on a falsehood.
I don’t regard taking 1 IVM tablet per week for the rest of my life as much of an imposition, if they would just let me. Rather that than face the spike protein toxicity.
Beats one experimental vaccine twice a year.
No people are not refusing vaccination, they are refusing to accept experimental gene therapy with a non-sterilizing inoculations, the mass use of which is causing the rapid evolution of new viral strains. Further there is an emerging ADE signal in the mortality rates of the “fully vaccinated” infected with new strains.
The shots are not vaccines.
“the mass use of which is causing the rapid evolution of new viral strains”.
That is often said but it will not happen in Australia or at least the chance is tiny.
If this was a closed community and we could get close to 100% innoculation and the laboratory escape problem. In time.
But Australia’s population is really small, 25 million out of 7000million, 1/280 or 0.03%. The real and rapid evolution of the virus will likely happen where the numbers are much larger in the other 99.97% of the world population which is largely not innoculated and will never be innoculated.
That’s why every year we wait for the arrival of the latest flu virus mutations with returning Australian families from the Northern summer, for which the vaccines is always ready. We deal with mutations every year.
I believe innoculation should be a choice, but at the same time employers in critical industries with high contact with others should be able to mandate it. Airline travel for example where people are unavoidably in close contact and shared atmosphere for a long time. Medical staff. Critical care. Aged homes. Teachers. Food preparers. It’s a long list of people who are in frequent or closed or close contact as an essential part of their jobs. In the ships they only stopped transmission when they used take away food. It only takes one dish handler to be a super spreader.
No, it will happen in Australia the minute restrictions are eased. We’ve already given far too many people the shots.
This is not an if, a but or a maybe. This is solid science 70 years old. Mass use of non-sterilizing inoculations mid pandemic is guaranteed to accelerate viral evolution. This is like an evolutionary force of gravity. There is no escaping it.
I can guess why you are resistant to this bad news. You took the jabs didn’t you? You did what you thought was the right thing, and you don’t want to hear that it wasn’t the best decision. This is called “Quackzine remorse”.
Mass use of non-sterilizing inoculations was the wrong thing to do in a pandemic. That’s why so many educated people were opposed. We could understand that if “fully vaccinated” people could still infect others, then every viron they shed had successfully survived and replicated in a “fully vaccinated” human body.
For a constantly mutating RNA virus, this guarantees the rapid evolution of inoculation resistant strains.
And as we have learned from HIV/AIDS, this process can even occur with over use of an anti-viral mono therapy. This is why we must use a anti-viral triple therapy to defeat this virus.
No, the pandemic is not here or NZ. Even flu deaths are at zero. We are not trying to defeat this virus here. We’re trying to keep it out, because we can.
In Russia 1,000 people a day are dying, as previously in England and Italy. Who really knows what the death count is in India and China? Statistically the pandemic is entirely overseas, in its hundreds of millions and the mutations will occur overseas, not here.
As far as we are concerned, total viral deaths are far lower than the flu. We will not defeat this virus here, which is our choice. It will burn itself out overseas at a huge cost in lives and there is nothing anyone can do about that. The strategy adopted is to keep it out of the community as long as possible while this happens. Otherwise, apart from the massive number of deaths and disruption, the medical resources would be overwhelmed.
And the other island countries in the Pacific have made the same decision. In the last pandemic, 30-40% of island communities died. This time, we hope none.
Innoculation is the same strategy we have adopted with the flu mutations, for the same reasons.
According to Google, the Russian deaths are peaking and are approaching 800 per day. Where do you get your 1000 from?
You make take a flu shot. Most people I know do not (I don’t)
You missed Konrad key words. “ It will happen in Australia ONCE THE RESTRICTIONS ARE LIFTED”
The wuflu will circulate for many years to come. The vaccines are failed.
The virus can never be eliminated in the human population if it has a reservoir in some other common species.
Recent experimental research shows that many mammals, including cats, dogs, bank voles, ferrets, fruit bats, hamsters, mink, pigs, rabbits, raccoon dogs, tree shrews, and white-tailed deer can be infected with the virus.
Hope that dog breed doesn’t result in moderation.
All very true .
It is nothing new that using a control method that only partly works will breed resistant varieties . This has been rammed home to farmers to rotate herbicides and always use the full recommended quantity . Using ” leaky” vaccines will guarantee resistant strains emerging . All of these dodgy so called vaccines are leaky . None of them approach the efficacy of Ivermectin . In my view Ivermectin should be the ONLY approved treatment .
I watch MSM news on a daily basis just to get some scrap of information that might be useful and I have noticed that about a month ago they completely stopped talking about covid in an overseas context. they dedicate maybe half of the news to covid-19, but there is never a mention of vaccine breakthrough or vaccine deaths or any other aspect that could be seen as causing vaccine hesitancy. the function of the MSM, social media and Guardian etc, is not to inform people now it is to misinform.
It’s not just the propagandist journalease they pump out. They also frantically censor any online comments on their “news” sites.
Comments about:
Natural immunity
Existing therapeutics (especially the “I” word)
Quackzine and protein spike migration from injection
Failing quackzine efficacy
Genomic mapping of Quackzines creating new strains
Antibody Dependent Enhancement evidence
All are rigorously censored in a crusade to fight “vaccine hesitancy” and champion the introduction of “vaccine passports” and the end of democracy.
I have coined the term ” Iron Curtain of misinformation ” to describe the MSM
Only a little. I say I am happy to be injected when the number of deaths by vaccination falls below the number of deaths by covid.
My 100yo mother was injected a couple of days ago and has been feeling most unwell ever since. I think that is close enough to home to calm my children’s enthusiasm for a little while.
So has the gradual realisation that the vaccine only reduces but does not eliminate the risk of infection.
This is the core of the government misinformation presented in their propaganda campaign, if only by omission. The other facts not presented are the fading effectiveness of the gene therapy spike protein vaccines and that those “jabbed” (shot by my reckoning) can not only still get infected but still be INFECTIOUS.
Have a care. Deaths by the Fauci Flu will soon be rising amongst the “fully vaccinated” as the new strains they are incubating start to do the rounds.
They will exceed deaths by booster shots.
The subtle point I made before is that if the innoculation causes death say by clotting, it is very likely that the person who died would have been killed in the same way by the live virus. So it is not the innoculation which is deadly even if the risk if 1/300,000, but the virus itself because even a small dose was deadly. But life is a risky business and the odds are 300,000:1 in favor of innoculation.
I wonder if the people against vaccination are the same group who buy lottery tickets? True believers in the extremely unlikely, good and bad.
No, TdeF. I don’t buy lottery tickets and suchlike but I am against being injected with these various experimental drugs. I’ll ‘wait and see’. I didn’t red thumb you though.
I don’t buy lottery tickets.
I will take a calculated risk on surviving the virus with the help of therapeutics.
It wasn’t hard to calculate.
Over 50% of people now hospitalized with the Fauci Flu in Israel are “fully vaccinated” and the mortality rates for this group are higher than pre “vaccination” levels.
In contrast, just 0.0086% of their new infections are among those with prior exposure. Natural immunity is clearly superior.
For someone with so many good comments on this science site, I’m surprised you didn’t see this coming. Almost none of the survivors of SARS-COV-1 got the Fauci Flu. Their natural immunity has lasted 18 years and counting.
Natural immunity, That’s what I want.
I don’t want to be grovelling on my knees every three months to a totalitarian elite that cancelled democracy to beg “Please, oh please give me my booster shot! I promise I’ll be a good puppy!”
I’m not going to be a good puppy. I’m going to be a very bad Wolf. I’m not the one with the losing lottery tickets. That’s the “vaccine passports” clowns who bought tickets on themselves …
One of my daughters told me that I was about as likely to die by being hit by lightning. I told her that is why I do not deliberately expose myself to thunderstorms. She’s a smart kid. She’ll figure it out eventually.
Yes. Two daughters are avoiding me.
Well on the bright side that’s two less people who might transmit the virus to you.
Australian Government To Seize 24,000 Children, Vaccinate Them Without Parents Present In Massive Stadium
by ANDREW WHITE August 18, 2021
Why are you posting such GARBAGE ?
“Why are you posting such GARBAGE?”
Because I wanted to know if it is garbage; thank you for confirming that it is.
Please add a question to that effect when doing this. Otherwise, it looks like you are putting up the link and quote as fact which lets the narrative crew label us sceptics as conspiracy nut jobs.
My apologies, I agree, I should have done that.
Wasn’t this about vaccine for hsc students from the at risk areas in Western Sydney? Not sure if it happened.
I heard exactly that on the news from the Health Hazards own mouth, 24,000 year 12 students, no parents allowed, bussing them from the schools to Qudos stadium and police all the way.
This week year 12’s next week ?
This is not the one I heard, but it does explain what is going on. They blocked off all roads around the stadium.
This is getting insane.
Brad Hazzard is the Health Minister for the state of New South Wales. He’s not the Aus Govt Health Minister.
The NSW Govt had offered year 12 students (they’re usually 17 and 18 year olds) to be taken to a non-compulsory vaccination so they could sit their end of High School exams as vaccinated students. A bus service was offered. However, that has been changed and students will have to make their own way to the vaccination centre. The idea of a bus service was to encourage students to take up the offer.
No seizing of kids against parents wishes.
“ No seizing of kids against parents wishes”
True, but left open is vaccinated against the parents wishes.
No, because to do that they’d have to seize the kid against parents wishes.
This should be deleted
No, it should be put up and shot down.
Your comments alone provide insufficient target practice.
It is a send-up and quite funny.
Censorship is truly distasteful. It is elitist to think that no one else should be able to decide on what theory others choose to pursue or half truth to follow or just a good laugh at a shameful send-up..
NSW’s, Hazzard and Gladys should be a laughing stock. Dan even pokes fun at their incompetence and he has set that as his lifetime objective; incompetence that is.
What could be better than the Minister for Health and Medical Research, Mr Hazzard, rounding kids up for gene therapy. The name, at least, is real.
You might have been the first to realise it is satire.
It’s ridiculous enough to be a send up but the National File web site does not promote itself as having fabricated articles for the purpose of satire.
there is another video getting around from the Gold Coast review that shows kids at this vax camp having bad reactions to the shot
a warning that the videos taken of the adverse reactions by their classmates is hard to watch
it sickened me to watch it
It is not safe to inject young people without first testing for prior exposure and natural immunity!
We have solid evidence that those with natural immunity have higher rates of adverse reactions to the spike protein inoculations. 2.4X higher.
And the younger people are more likely to have survived asymptomatic infection without knowing.
Jabbing young people without natural immunity testing is dangerous. This carelessness must be stopped.
It is not safe period
Upvoted anyway as overall a good comment.
Only “carelessness”?
I understand your comment. “Careless” seems a mild term for the reckless and knowing endangerment of the young in pursuit of “vaccine passports” and an endless medical “emergency” that suspends democracy.
But “careless” is not just a criticism but a warning. Those that thought tests on respiratory transmission ruled out the risk of ADE from non-sterilizing inoculations were careless about cellular pathway due to the gastrointestinal vector.
It would be real careless to have a permanent record of preventing the deployment of therapeutics if you didn’t consider the risk that the Quackzines and booster shots would make things worse.
Look closely at the language from Israel and Germany. Natural immunity certificates are being discussed. Some of the wanna be’s ain’t so sure they wanna be part of this game no more. Scotty from marketing is still playing “Weekend at Biden’s”, but he was always slow on the uptake.
“Careless” covers the bases.
Among all the international news taking our attention over the last few weeks, some may have missed the three day Cyber Symposium hosted by the CEO of My Pillow, Mike Lindell. Videos of the event have been banned on YouTube, but here is a transcript of one of the more interesting presentations:
In related news, the long-running audit into the Maricopa County, Arizona election results from 2020 is soon to be sent to the Arizona Senate on the week of 22 August:
No need to ask why these events are not receiving any MSM air time.
They are not being reported because each of them is a fraud.
The “Cyber Symposium” was even criticised by conservative commentators as being a ridiculous non-event, with no credible new evidence presented … just the same unfounded election assertions we’ve seen for months. The PillowGuy didn’t deliver, and pretty-much everyone knows it.
The “election audit” in Phoenix has so many holes in it that it will be unlikely to provide anything convincing to anyone, as well. Quite often conservatives and conspiracists are their own worst enemy – why should centrist, non-partisan media give either of these events any unwarranted oxygen?
Claim: the job-creating potential of clean energy is “where we get stuck a bit”
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
We used to get vaccinated in the school Gymnasium , no questions asked.
Supposed to go with #13
Wow. How interesting. We went into an empty class room. Ah those were the days.
Mmm different times when you could herd kids by the 100s to be injected or dosed with parental involvement
We had to queue up to the first aid office which was up a couple of flights of stairs. Some of us would come down staggering, moaning and holding our arms to freak out the squeamish. Those were the days..
Of course the vaccines we took had been tested ad used for decades at that point.
I remember getting the Sabin polio vaccine at school, a proper vaccine. The substance had an intrinsically bitter taste so it was loaded with sugar (and probably coloured) as a pink syrup. I remember when I got it that it was so yummy I said to the nurse, “can I have another one”.
Polio came close to extinction due to a proper vaccination program but when the last pockets were being wiped out in remote parts of Pakistan, those darlings of the Left, the Taliban, went and murdered all the health workers administering it.
The other issue with polio is that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored an effort to vaccinate all the people in remote areas where there were still occasional outbreaks.
The problem was they used the oral Sabin vaccine which has an attenuated polio virus which requires 2 doses for proper safety and if only one dose is taken, in rare cases polio can develop. Guess what, many of the people in those remote regions never come back for a second dose and this secondary polio has now spread in some regions
Absolute safety with a single visit vaccination for polio requires an injection of the dead virus Salk vaccine along the Sabin vaccine being ingested. The reason the Salk vaccine is not used alone is that being injected, it does not invoke a mucosal response so while it helps fight off polio, it doesn’t prevent infection plus it fades and requires boosters (doesn’t this all sound familiar?).
I checked the paper reporting the analysis of the polio injections to verify the claims that 500,000 were victims, which Snopes, Reuters and the other (fake) fact checkers claimed were false.
The symptoms of polio are exactly the same as acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) and non polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP).
To my surprise the evidence amounts to 653,106 (AFP) 642,370 (NPAFP). (and note how the comma in one of the totals of the report is conveniently moved to show 49,1704, instead of 491,704 excess NPAFP)
Change the name, and the disease goes away, just as influenza disappeared when covid (same symptom range) appeared.
An 18 month dive into the viruses, medications, vaccines has turned up a corrupt pharmaceutical industry, a complicit medical community, one honest and courageous politician in Australia named Craig Kelly, and a hundred medical doctors and scientists of his ilk, although it is noted that some tens of thousands (from the millions worldwide) have also put their names on documents of protest.
Thanks for putting that up.
Astonishing, was the Gates foundation experimenting with a leaky vaccine?
Yes and I seem to remember the needles being disinfected with a flame. The story among the kids was that it was a good idea to get in early before the reusable needles went blunt.
And then there were those who fainted or became hysterical the closer they got to the front of the queue.
It’s a wonder any of us survived.
We also used to play on swings and slides made of steel chain, sheet and tubing plus rough cut wood without a safety railing to be seen. If you were privileged, wood chips were underneath, else sand.
How did we make it through primary school?
Wood chips? Sand? Privileged indeed. We had concrete and/or dirt. No brain damage at all, at all, at all …
That’s why the All Blacks always beat the Wallabies
LOL Indeed – all those Kiwis are so brain-damaged by age 18 that there’s nothing a Bledisloe Cup match can do to make it worse.
My very first day at primary school (age 5) i fell from the swing set in the playground and landed head first on the concrete under the swing. !
A drink of water and a few words of caution for next time, was the only treatment i received !
I quickly learned not to fall off the swing .!
Reminds me of Christmas in our street when I was a youngster. Usually the more well off kids would end up with a trampoline, the old steel spring type, inevitably followed by the usual bumps, bruises and arm fractures as each tried to out do the other. Good times. I wont mention Guy Fawkes.
Many didn’t, but they are not posting here.
I recall the long lines in the gymnasium as well – around 1965. Polio was not uncommon in Sydney in the 1950-1965 period.
Our graphene-brain interfaces
“According to a new paper by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh, the unvaccinated are not the stupid ones. The researchers analysed more than 5 million survey responses, including various demographic details, and listed the people who would “probably” or “definitely” not take the shot as “vaccine hesitant”.
My intent here is not to do harm – I’m reading Hippocrates’ Aphorisms right now to figure out where the medical world went wrong – it is simply to ask in all sincerity why the most educated among us are also the least likely to take an experimental jab, that may end up harming more people than it saved, helped, or protected?
Perhaps the question is a bit leading in and of itself, so let’s break it down as far as why our deepest thinkers seem to be refusing the jab altogether.
Before we get to that, I call it a ‘jab’ because it is not a ‘vaccine’ for starters.
It is an experimental mRNA shot that alters the immune system to the point of inutility when faced with the next flu, Covid or SARS-type disease. In other words, you’re on your own after you take it.
The Green Wreckers who destroyed Australia’s cheap reliable electricity are now targeting our cattle industry.
They use fake science and false advertising to threaten our right to produce and consume real meat.
This stupidity relies on a totally false argument that grazing animals cause global warming by releasing carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere.
However, grazing animals have already reached “Net Zero”. They add NET ZERO carbon to the environment – they just help to recycle the same carbon products faster, endlessly.
Grasses and crops extract CO2 from the atmosphere and add minerals, water and nutrients from the soil. They then use solar energy to create plant sugars and release oxygen.
All grasses are either eaten by grazing animals and termites, or burnt in grass-fires lit by humans or lightning. Then comes the rain, the grasses re-grow, and the cycle starts again.
Cattle harvest these crops and grasses, creating meat, milk, fats and bones. (That’s real carbon farming.)
Some of the carbon products that cattle eat get exhausted from both ends as CO2 and methane but not one atom of new carbon is introduced to the atmosphere by grasses, crops or cattle. They are just cogs in the endless carbon cycle that supports all life on Earth.
Moreover, contrary to the usual alarms, the atmospheric warming impact of methane from cattle is negligible since the few radiation absorption lines of methane are swamped by the absorption bands of the much more abundant water vapour.
First they rename the WuFlu virus and its strains, now they rebrand one of the vaccines.
Miraculously that makes all the problems go away…
AstraZeneca is to be rebranded in Australia under a new name after widespread fears circulated about its very rare side-effects.
The vaccine will now be known as Vaxzevria as part of a global name-change designed to ensure those who have received the jab Down Under are able to travel internationally when borders do open, the manufacturer says on its website.
The company says the rebrand has already been rolled out in the EU and the Australia switch is to bring it into line with uniform branding overseas.
AstraZeneca has been mired in controversy since it led Australia’s vaccination rollout at the start of the year when a handful of blood clot deaths were linked to the vaccine.
Tempers explode as an Australian tries to cross an Australian state border.
Is the democratic form of government AWKI doomed?
I would like to draw your attention to a Reuters/Ipsos survey, [] 46% still approve of the Biden presidency.
It is incredible that there are so many hard line
leftistsuseful idiots willing to throw away the good chasing Nirvana. The Afghanistan fiasco, while bad, should not mean much in the grand scheme of things but is it the tipping point? I do know it is far more important than political correctness which is all many can think about.50
Perhaps you’re rushing to judgement a bit too soon.
While I think in general the right decision was made (end an endless war), there were hugely bad things that went on, and my major source of outrage is that Joe Biden – being a 40-year lifer – gave the whole Deep State Intelligence Community a free pass. It really was disgraceful.
He should have stood up and said, “I make no apology for pulling out of Afghanistan. I don’t lay blame on the Afghan people, nor the Afghan Army – they were treated dreadfully by America’s occupation for 20 years. No wonder they support the Tally-bans, or are at least not prepared to die for the US. As for the US “Intelligence Community” – it seems that they do not know their arse from their elbow, and even though we pay all these people billions to keep an eye on stuff, I would not engage them to keep the shelves stacked at Walmart. I am sacking all of them.”
But he won’t say that, and he didn’t. The Deep State rules, after all. All presidents are just sockpuppets.
The fall of Saigon really damaged American prestige.
This debacle also involves helicopters, panic and whats worse, being chased out by bearded illiterate tribesmen.
I doubt American prestige will recover from this unless they get a really strong, dynamic, youngish President interested in rebuilding the Western Alliance over 2 presidential terms.
the CCP want the lithium in Afghanistan and Biden has handed it to them, 30% for Joe
l find it funny how Biden is on holiday while this is all unfolding, another day in the office LOL
something else will happen to take the attention away from what is happening in Afghanistan soon
One of the key promo examples of Wind/solar success in Australia, often sited, is the Flinders Island Project ..An isolated “Islanded” system of Wind, Solar, Battery, Flywheel, and Diesel back up generation.
The performance is monitored and visible onan online “dashboard” which purports to show the % of RE power in use…..
However, looking at the dashboard numbers, i am doubting the reliability of the monitoring system.
Currently the system is consistently indicating a total generation of 400-500 kW from all combined sources,, (Wind, Solar, and Diesel are all running.)
BUT.. the consumer demand at the same time is consistently 700-800 kW ..??
How can that be ?
Also the dashboard shows a RE supply of 60-65% ? But i cannot find any combination of data that comes close to that number .?
Is there a fault in the data system ?
And at 12.43pm, wind 80kW, solar 40kW, diesel 550kW.
“Another renewable energy achievement”
Had a look just now to try and see what the components were and all RE and the battery are zero and its 100% diesel. Quite a dynamic system.
I haven’t heard many or indeed any Leftists complain about the treatment of women under the Taliban.
They have already started murdering women for not wearing burkhas.
No doubt there will be no complaints because the religion of the Taliban is, as Yassmin Abdel-Magied stated, “the most feminist of all religions”.
Well, if you faced up to one of our female academics all you would get is a blank face. Makes one wonder.
The left and the taliban have a common goal: Death to America!
The Taliban ARE the Left. You don’t hear them talking about small government or individual self-determination and staying out of people’s lives. The Taliban follow Sharia, which is about power and control. If you don’t submit to their ideology, you will be punished, that’s Leftist thinking in a nutshell. Pol Pot murdered 5 million people because of his Leftist ideology, I expect something similar for the Talibans Leftist ideology as well.
Once the MSM attention is aimed elsewhere, the slaughter will begin.
The Left are destroying everything that is good and decent in our world.
There is a huge problem with the WHO though. The UN takes over all the international organizations who are thrilled to have the recognition and the budget, but it all gets lost when run by politicians. We have had in the last 20 years swine flu, avian flu, sars, ebola, MERS, horse viruses and many more. Some had the potential to be far worse then Wuhan Flu (renamed by the WHO to hide its origins and make it appear one of a series). However the WHO had reacted and saved millions.
But previously the head of the WHO was a real medical doctor, not a revolutionary leader from the Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front who picked up a PhD in community health from the University of Nottingham. And he lied. Officially lied. With all the power of his leadership of the battle against Pandemics, the sole job of the WHO, he said last year that Wuhan flu ‘was not infectious, person to person’.
The WHO needs to remove itself from the UN and control by evil men. As does the Climate Change explicit IPCC, founded by the World Meteorological Organization and now just a userful tool in the Communist attack on the useful idiots in Western Democracies, as if that was not very obvious. It was founded to push Climate Change, which is exactly what it does. China is exempt, which should be a clue.
Did you know that a typical gravitational wave traversing the space between earth and Alpha Centauri, a distance of 4.37 light years or 41,343,000,000,000 km will alter the distance by about 1 part in 10^20 or 0.041 mm.
Amazingly, such unimaginably small strains are measurable with gravitational wave observatories and in fact have been observed since the first direct gravitational wave observation in 2015.
Yes. Amazing isn’t it. Like the first use of massive lasers to create fusion, this week. A reaction which finally yielded results. Imagine if the $1.5Trillion a year trying to stop slow natural changes was spent on fusion? It’s really wonderful to realise that real scientists are forging ahead despite waste of trillions spent on political fake science.
The thing that amazes me is that there is money for genuine scientific research at all.
Thanks for that news, really encouraging.
Tritium-Deuterium fuel though … and thermonuclear laser micro-implosion? … that suckers going to make a whole lot of radioactive waste.
I doubt the real talent of focussed on AGW
Science and scientists are not what they used to be. It is probably fake.
You believe the climate scientists so you have no idea what real science is.
Science is not the same any more. Scientists are all making stuff up so they get grants.
Yes and no.
Science is what it is. Not an institution. Not a body of knowledge. But a method. A system of discovery and verification.
Like language, drawing and mathematics, the scientific method is one of our tools of the mind. The newest, unbelievably useful, but fragile and under constant threat.
This is where the “yes” comes in. You are right, those claiming to be scientists are not what they used to be. Pal review, publish or perish, tenure, citation counts. The very tribal instincts hardwired into our genome that the method was supposed to bypass have oozed back into ascendancy. The “cred” of most of the “scientists” today is based on exploiting public appreciation of the achievements of those before them who actually followed the method.
This is the problem with the scientific method, despite its fantastic results: humans are highly emotional creatures and much of our behavior is driven by genetics millions of years old. The scientific method demands we intellectually overrule our hardwired tribal instincts*. But that requires eternal vigilance. The slightest lapse and suddenly it’s pal review, journal publication, media worship and all the corruption of tribalism flooding back.
It’s a love hate relationship. We love the results of the method, but most hate that it means that crude young upstart can overturn the work of a “great” in an instant.
Now here is the mistake you and your fellow Gorebull Warblers made: you thought science after years of corruption could be treated as an institution not a method. And you were pretty good at “marching through the instutions”.
But while most who claimed to be scientists had long ago abandoned the scientific method, outside academia, the true scientific method lived on.
That’s why when I say that the net effect of our radiatively cooled atmosphere is to cool the solar heated surface of our planet by 26C not warm it by 33C, not one of your “scientists” would ever dare public debate. (Certainly not after what happened to “Jan” from GISS).
It seems you didn’t recognise or understand my parody as the second half of what you wrote is what I parodied.
Many people here attack the scientists and the institutions for scientific research findings they don’t like. Like you they make a bunch of feel good assertions, many unrelated to anything about the science, and completely fail at evaluating the science or explaining why it is wrong.
and completely fail at evaluating the science or explaining why it is wrong.
yes Gee Aye…. We recognise it as a parody of yourself.
Claim: 1987 Montreal Ozone Rules Held Back “Scorched Earth” Extreme Global Warming
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
Vaccinated people are dangerous and should be quarantined says french professor:
The unvaxxed (those with a strong survival instinct) are the smart ones, those who make decisions based on REAL science from REAL experts and who don’t succumb to peer pressure from paid actors ($3,500 per actor in Australia) and bobblehead celebrities.
Did you know the term “conspiracy theory” was invented by the CIA in the late 60’s as a derogatory term to discredit and shutdown anyone who questions the official narrative?
Amazing how many conspiracy theories are now facts…
Vaccine passports? Don’t be so silly!
An entire country locked down for one person with a positive test. Preposterous!
Australia is a totalitarian regime. Bwa haa haa…oh hang on a sec…
2022 is going to be a real nightmare. If you move in the right circles you’ll be nodding your head in understanding now and already well away from epicentres like I am. Might have to stock up on sauv blanc…again.
We used to call them “conspiracy theories”.
Now we call them “spoiler alerts”.
Unbelievable, but true!
Easy to use the labels “conspiracy theorist” “anti vaxxer”. Difficult to prove them false. Especially when the day of judgment comes!
So what are the “experts” doing.??? We are shortly to be anointed with a mobile vaccination centre in an area with NO reported positive test results,( AKA as COVID cases). Available only to verified residents of the LGA. This will almost certainly ensure the arrival of positive tests as the newly vaccinated and admittedly newly created “Shedders” move around our previously clean community. LUNACY on steroids????
Not certain what to believe.
Jacinda dropping NZ into the Sea
Or, AU massing military to Queensland to terrorize the citizens.
Perhaps best to have another drink and shut off the telly and computer, eh?
If it is a choice between the Babylon Bee and their ABC I’ll go with the bee every time. At least the bee has a grain of truth behind every story.
Farmers in NZ
What chance in Oz?
Yes, this is all like 1984 on steroids
There is no logic to Leftist “thinking” but if there were, I would be wondering why they revere that instrument of female oppression, the burkha.
No good for Vitamin D
Good for hiding bruises though.
Just to confirm that 2021 deaths from normal flu are again very low this year in OZ.
Last years deaths were very low as well and both years probably because of lock downs and more hand washing,social distancing etc and very few overseas tourists.
In fact this Govt link claims no deaths from flu so far, but that’s hard to believe. But spring starts next month and by the end of the year we should have more data.
But 2021 will certainly be another low death year from flu again.
After Skool is a pretty far out site, covering a wide range of topics. Their latest is on mass psychosis, and it cuts very deep, pretty much to the bone. OK, it’s 20 mins, but even skip along if you have to, I think it will suck you in. It is so topical, and it’s scalpel leaves totalitarianism dissected on the slab.
Gladys consternates that we’re all contagious. Bull! Asymptomatic people are NOT the driver of epidemics, symptomatic people are. So, putting everybody and the economy on indefinite detention because of a small number of symptomatic people is not only inane, it is dark ages thinking.
The current Australian lock ups (and curfews in Vicdanistan) will be claimed to be a success not because these restrictions are effective, but because the virus will naturally diminish as the temperature increases and there is more sunlight to make Vit D in people.
Besides 2x5000iu per day Vitamin D supplement – with this sunny winter weather, resident bluetongue and I sit companionably next to each other, getting at least 60 mins of sun every day
Isn’t that an awful lot Old Ozzie? Husband & I are taking 1,000 in per day. But then, we are also on the land & out in paddocks every day.
G’day Vicki,
I am also taking 2 x 5000 IU per day and have got my serum level up to 60+ ng/ml. Have been on that amount for a year now with no troubles and at least some of the literature says even higher numbers are safe.
I’m also almost daily out in the paddocks, but I’m covered head to toe most of the time, armoured against thistle, blackberries, flies etc and other spiky things as well as avoiding skin cancers (I hope).
I think my 60 ng/ml gives my immune system enough strength to counter at least a casual exposure of the Covid nasty.
I had to go from 2 x 3000 to 2 x 5000 to increase my serum level from about 40 to my 60 level at last test.
It’s the serum level which is important. Adjust your intake to reach your target.
Dave B
The virus took hold in the UK during our winter so people were short of Vitamin D then locked up in their homes with windows tight shut against the cold and so as not to waste expensive heat. Ideal conditions for the virus to flourish.
Do many Australians have aircon in private homes? In which case the same sort of scenario may play out during summer lockdowns. I think that is what has been happening in Florida.
Sorry David, accidental red.
Amongst Covid few people have asked about where the flu went.
Given the low number of laboratory-confirmed influenza notifications, low community ILI activity, and no hospitalisations due to influenza at sentinel hospital sites, it is likely there is minimal impact on society due to influenza in 2021 to date.
2019 report of influenza notifications$File/flu-12-2019.pdf
2009 appears to have been rather busy$File/cdi4104-f.pdf
Dont make a fuss about low flu victims this year.
Some over active health official will claim it is a result of the Lockdowns and masks, then propose that we should repeat this every year to minimise flu spread.
Then some other backroom economist/ advisor will estimate how much $$$s that would save from the health budget, and before you know it….we will all be permanently quarrantined !
And that’s no joke. There are clowns in our Government who would be quite happy to put us in permanent lock up until there was massive civil disorder or economic collapse.
Chad the Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1991 and then Russia was just another country, although still a geographic monster.
Perhaps that’s why they were able to get co2 concessions into the bargain? Here’s a Wiki link.
If I remember correctly, Russia was on the side of the sceptics but was howled down by the EU, so Putin changed tack, gave a Chinese style commitment to the IPCC mob, and proceeded to capitalise on the EU’s move into unreliables.
Gas, anyone?
Doing very nicely thank you, and building new and bigger nuclear powered icebreakers, as his scientists predict a mini-iceage.
Dave B
I think people like most of us who are conservatives or Libertarians or some flavour thereof who are on the rational side of things have to be careful of some of the more ridiculous claims that are apparently from people on our side. Sometimes such ideas come from people who only pretend to be on our side with the objective of making people on our side look foolish.
For something completely different:
I do some recreational cycling and among cyclists one of the most debated topics is chain lubrication. To this end there are a range of expensive and exotic chain lubricants.
However, I have found the best, simplest and cheapest method is to use paraffin wax from slabs or from candles.
I clean the chain and then immerse it in molten wax for 5 or 10 mins, swishing it around and then remove it and let the excess drip off.
The result is excellent, dirt and mud don’t stick to the chain and it remains well lubricated for a long time.
Do you do a fullon chain clean (multiple turps washes then metho rinse) when reapplying or just a quick one?
Also, how long a chain life do you get doing this?
I put the chain in a PET bottle with kero or petrol and soak it overnight and shake it then cut the bottle open to get the chain out. I don’t ride so much as to wear chains out very often so couldn’t give you a life, or maybe the chains are so well lubricated they just last a long time…
That is different. I’m a peasant; kero, turps, even WD40 and green chain lubricant ,anything that’s in the shed. I’m onto my second chain and I have done over 25,000 km on this bike . – four ‘Great Escapade ‘ rides with Bicycle Victoria.
Why were mid city hotels used for quarantine in Vicdanistan? There is a purpose built quarantine facility south of Melbourne called the Point Nepean Quarantine Station. It was modernised and used as recently as the 1990’s, not for quarantine but to temporarily house 400 Kosovar refugees.
Why couldn’t that have been use? As with all these things, follow the money trail!
Maybe because it doesn’t have capacity for the expected arrival numbers.
Maybe because it’s not properly setup to keep individuals separated.
Maybe because it’s at least 2hrs from the airport.
Israel: Minion Madness
August 18, 2021: According to Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon their Iranian sponsors believe now is the time for an all-out joint attack on Israel. The religious dictatorship in Iran is now dominated by the extremists, or “radicals”. Most of the extremist attitudes come from the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) who suffered greatly from the return of economic sanctions in 2017. Because of these sanctions Quds force, which handles foreign wars and terrorism, saw its budget cut by half since 2017, forcing major reductions in Quds activities in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The IRGC was created in the 1980s to protect the new religious dictatorship and suppress, with violence if necessary, local opposition to the new religious overlords.
Excellent Analysis by –
China, Russia and Iran raring to go after Hiden Biden Incompetence in Afghanistan, Woke America and Woke America Military
Israel: Minion Madness
August 18, 2021: According to Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon their Iranian sponsors believe now is the time for an all-out joint attack on Israel. The religious dictatorship in Iran is now dominated by the extremists, or “radicals”. Most of the extremist attitudes come from the IRGC (Isl@mic Revolutionary Guard Corps) who suffered greatly from the return of economic sanctions in 2017. Because of these sanctions Quds force, which handles foreign wars and terrorism, saw its budget cut by half since 2017, forcing major reductions in Quds activities in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The IRGC was created in the 1980s to protect the new religious dictatorship and suppress, with violence if necessary, local opposition to the new religious overlords.
Excellent Analysis by –
China, Russia and Iran raring to go after Hiden Biden Incompetence in Afghanistan, Woke America and Woke America Military
Obama paved the way for Iran to get a nuclear bomb to attack Israel and other Western nations, Trump stopped or impeded them now Biden is allowing Iran to do as they please.
Israel will have to attack Iran but it may be too late already.
Hopefully Israel’s ballistic missile defences work as planned. E.g.
Infantry: Reusable Grenade Size UAV
Developed in OZ
The standard Drone40 weighs 190 grams (6.7 ounces) while the heaviest version weighs 300 grams (10.6 ounces). The heavier versions carry larger and heavier payloads like high-explosive or armor-piercing warheads. Heavier payload versions also carry a laser designator, electronic jammer or a smoke/flash grenade. The heavier models have less endurance but all can remain in action for at least 30 minutes. The non-explosive Drone40s can be recovered and reused after a battery recharge and resetting the quad-copter propellers inside the 40mm shell. Some repairs may be needed depending on where and how the Drone40 came down.
Drone40 was developed by an Australian firm that took note of several earlier 40mm UAVs and concentrated on characteristics that were most popular with the troops. Drone40 built on two decades of earlier efforts to produce a portable recon device for infantry and was facing troops in many countries who liked what they had seen so far, but were ready for something that was better.
Drone40 was put on sale in 2019, and by late 2020 British troops in Mali had received several hundred Done40s and soon reported that they wanted more. The basic Drone40 is the same size as the standard 40mm grenade and thus usable in all infantry 40mm grenade launchers. This Drone40 is equipped to take video or pictures and transmit them back to the operator. A small tablet-like controller is used by the operator who must remain in sight of the Drone40 to control it and receive images at max range (20 kilometers). The image surveillance Drone40 can operate for up to 60 minutes if cruise speed is used. That speed can be nearly doubled to 1.2 kilometers a minute but that uses up more battery life. Drone40s are also capable of operating as a swarm in mass operations with explosive payloads. The success of Drone40 in Mali has generated interest in other countries looking for a portable, relatively inexpensive and reusable 40mm UAV.
Dead Superpower Walking
by Mark Steyn
The Fall of Kabul …and of America
August 17, 2021
America is a global laughingstock right now, but that’s no reason not to give Chairman Xi and Putin and every up-country village headman in Helmand a few more yuks. Step forward, State Department spokeswanker Ned Price:
State Department calls for Taliban to include women in its government
The United States is dead as a global power because of this kind of indestructible stupidity. You’ve lost, you blew it, it’s over: The goatherds just decapitated you; could you at least have the self-respect not to run around like a headless chicken too stupid to know it’s nogginless? Or like a broken doll lying on its back with its mechanism jammed on the same simpleton phrases: “Diversity is our strength… diversity is our strength…”
Contrast the Washington presser with that in Kabul:
Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid says ‘We have defeated a great power.’
Hmm. Ned Price vs Zabiullah Mujahid: tough call. The mountain of non-existent dollar bills that the bloated husk of federal government blows through every minute surely should buy sufficient self-awareness to know that, whatever else it may be, this is not a day for wankery as usual. Even CNN has a more proximate relationship to reality. Here is their Kabul correspondent, Clarissa Ward, reporting on Sunday:
Check out the fatalities graph from page 12 showing deaths for unvaccinated, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated from this Ontario Health report
Is there really any justification for vaxxing anyone under 60? Plus I’ve got serious doubts on the justification for people over 60s given the data in this report counts deaths and hospitalizations from mid Dec 2020. So that’s adding 4 months of data (a lot of it dubious given their early practise of recording all deaths as Covid) to the unvaccinated column making the unvaccinated outcomes appear a lot worse. Also how would the unvaccinated track if they had been given proper early treatment with anti-virals instead of being sent home without treatment. Every single day this pandemic is becoming more and more a global scam. I hope people are brought to justice starting with Fauci and Bill Gates. Then we have to go after public officials and politicians.
My work sent out a notice about covid-19 vaccinations, they are encouraging everyone to get vaccinated with the usual sales pitches and end with they respect personal choices and are not mandating the vaccinations, my instincts say they will try to mandate them and it will come down to how well I can present a case to reject it.
I found out today like myself a lot of my coworkers don’t want to partake in experimental medications and are genuinely concerned for their health and basic human rights, I now have an idea to form a group or class action against such illegal enforcement and have the Nuremberg Code, Charter of human rights (state and global) to start with and would like other suggestions or links from those knowledgeable in law to assist.
If we do go down the legal path a suggestion for a good lawyer would be appreciated, we don’t need a Dennis Denuto (The Castle) but more a Saul Goodman (Breaking Bad) type, just one with the right amount of mongrel in them, cheers.
Why not suggest a company wide offer of free Zelenko protocol for the first month say.
Dave B
Check out Tony Nikolic a sydney lawyer.
The first thing Yonnie is to keep copies of the correspondence. It is likely not signed but you got it from some one or some where. Make notes.
You say that management is respecting personal choice and not mandating the vaccine. You will want to keep them to that promise.
If you can communicate with other postal workers, without becoming an organiser and thereby a target try that. Probably start with conversation at smoko (probably not allowed that now but here may be an alternative). Do you have a union rep?
Interesting implications if this mechanism applies to Earth also.
New Study: Jupiter’s Hot Temperatures are caused by Auroras (i.e. Solar Activity) — this discovery has MAJOR implications for Earth’s Climate Models
Why it shouldn’t ?
This is a very interesting video on the way a central banking group will control our lives and a vaccine passport is the beginning.
Long (60min) that opens our eyes to what is going on behind the scenes. Thought provoking if you get to the end. All new stuff to me.
PS.This link came from Sidney Powell via Telegram.
otherwise I wouldnt have even looked at it!
We had serious sharemarket “crashes” in 1987 and 2007.
A lot of people lost a lot of money which, I assume, went down a specially designed plug hole.
Now we have the expensive medical emergency that requires massive amounts of our borrowed tax income to be spent on case testing? and vaXXination.
As the lady points out effectively, money is No longer money, it’s just a political tool.
Given that Ivermectin and HCQ according to established protocols are known to help with covid treatment, I wonder how long before a hospital or doctor get sued for wrongful death for allowing a patient to die who may well have been saved with such treatments and certainly would not have been harmed?
Morrison has said that the Vaxx will be mandatory
This is part of what he wrote to me after I wrote requesting that they be not made mandatory:
“Because of the evidence of the ability of vaccines to prevent transmission of COVID 19, we have an opportunity to further consider safely relaxing restrictions once high rates of vaccination are achieved.
This will require us to reassure the community that people are fully vaccinated.
To support verification of vaccination status, Services Australia has developed a COVID-19 digital certificate for people who have received all required doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. The digital certificate is available now through myGov, Medicare online or from your immunisation provider. It is not a “passport”. It is a formal reward of your vaccination.
While we want to achieve the highest rate of vaccination possible, it will not be compulsory to have the vaccine. The Government is clear that vaccination is a personal choice – options to verify a person’s vaccination status will not change this position.
Thank you again for writing to me. Yours sincerely
Thank you Brenda.
That makes me feel a little better. I was very alarmed when someone sent that to me.
The article made it sound like only those with a medical exemption would be allowed.
I know someone wanting to move from Vic to Qld, and Qld is saying that it is mandatory to have at least one vax.
Could you share that letter (remove your name and address).
It could become important.
Yes please.
This could be useful in any kind of legal challenge that is mounted.
Could be shown as some kind of evidence.
That remains to be seen. Time will tell. In the meantime we need to start looking more closely at the Nuremberg Code of 1947.
The Sun has always been, and will always be, the primary driver of climate on Earth. I have a saying on my desk:
That incorporates most politicians and other ignorant pagans (eg: Flannery).
An interesting feature of the linked graph is that It confirms the correlation between sea level changes and the size of the ice field.
Sea levels are known to have fallen by 1.2 metres over the last two thousand years or so. On the graph there’s a corresponding increase shown for the ice field and the levelling off for last few hundred years.
Over the last seven thousand years, after the oceans topped out at 125 metres above the last glacial maximum level, there’s been a constant downward oscillation in world sea levels.
Although the graph only represents a small part of the world it does reflect the top out of the oceans about four thousand years ago with an all time low in ice field area.
Growing ice fields are linked to falling sea levels.
Yup, good point, definitely in a slow punctuated decline into the next glaciation.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration has enabled access to the Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN) with only 14 days lag time.
Here is one such event:
Forget all the deaths reported when you call the mRNA injections (460 so far), How is someone under one reported as a suspected death. Should the Queensland Chief Health Officer recommend that those under one should not be queuing up for a ‘JAB’ in order to fly Qantas.
Could you give the link?
The America’s Audit (2020 election) in the Maricopa County, Arizona will report to the Senate tomorrow.
They have had no co-operation from the Arizona Board of Supervisors and do not have access to Routers and other things that should have been provided.
The Board of Supervisors simply said; show us what you have got. Put up or shut up.
Now it seems that Jovan Pullitzer might actually have something!
I am waiting on the announcement.
All of which totally ignores a few very salient facts.
1. The vaccines are proving to have very little effect on the delta variant, so suspending it for 48 hours will do a great deal of not much at all.
2. NZ can’t remain in a bubble forever, which is the only way they are ever going to keeps things they they are. Anyone who knows anything about the flu will tell you that the very best kind of immunity is natural immunity and that only comes from having a large portion of the population catch the disease and survive it. Ego the best tactic is to protect the vulnerable and let the disease run its natural course in the rest of the community.
3. It has been made pretty obvious that vaccinated people are the ones who are driving the variant infections, not those who have refused or not got around to being vaccinated.
Personally, I believe the actual experts who predict that the vaccinations will soon start to kill off the woke brigade who rushed into being part of a huge, unregulated, mass vaccination experiment.
Post script; here’s the latest on the subject from Richardson Post. Apparently the smarter you are, the more likely you are to not have the vaccine, and in Israel (the bastion of all good things Covid19) 85% – 95% of Covid hospitalisations are fully vaxxed.
Interesting article (i thought) on batteries vs fuel cells and related precious metal demand