A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Delta wave have begun burning down like a Tesla battery.
The Left is currently attempting to set the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, the virtuous against the unwashed. Over time this should become quite entertaining.
Section 92 of Australia’s constitution, which prohibits interference in trade between the states, was put there to protect us from the petty wars that abound in history.
It. is a mystery for me as to why our court rejected a case brought to overturn state government action to close borders. Section 92 is quite unambiguous. Was this case brought then not supported?
Borders were needed. but the optimum locations for those borders were not at the state borders. Especially where borders divided towns and cities far away from the disease.
It seems that for some people at least Constitutions don’t matter any more.
In this case borders could be partly drawn on state boundaries, but the use of state border to define the boundary is surely unconstitutional.
In recent days we have seen state leaders promoting those petty wars. Petty wars in history have turned into civil wars. It is astonishing to see in this supposedly enlightened age people reverting to Stone Age philosophy.
The State boundaries were as far as the little M*ss*linis power extended. Nothing to do with the virus.
Our Constitutional laws and acts, both Commonwealth and State are all irrelevant now. The games must continue to destroy the West and usher in a totalitarian regime, and it’s working. Nothing we can do to stop it, except through the ballot box. That would require at least roughly 30% or so of the voters to wake up to what’s happening. I doubt that will happen in time as the window is rapidly closing, if not already shut. It’s ironic how we the people have the power to stop all this rot but are not aware of it, let alone use it.
In using the ballot box you are assuming there is a political party that would reverse the forces you outline. Is that true in Australia.?
In the UK we had a definite political force that wanted Brexit and against the wishes of the elite forced them through the ballot box to enact it.
If it were the climate change act then all the political parties are solidly behind it and there is no political will to change it.
So in your case is there a political party that could do what you outline?
Possibly Pauline Hanson’s One Nation but it is very much a Qld based party, in spite of its name, and as such will never gain traction in the south.
Our preferential voting system gives minor parties a better chance of success than does first past the post, but a max of 15% of primary votes will still only win the odd seat. They manage a few senate seats but the greens neuter them there.
You are theoretically correct about the minor parties and independents. Here in Victoria we were badly let down by independents who promised to vote in the Senate against the extension to Dan’s emergency powers but were bribed into voting for the extension. This says much about Dan’s ability to manipulate.
In our system of Federal elections a party can fail to win the minimum number of seats to form government in their own right. They can then negotiate with one or more minor parties to form a minority government. It has happened in the past but was a miserable outcome (Gillard). It can happen again and this time for the good of the nation provided enough people vote for a minor party that will stand up to the lies and force the main party to alter course. I doubt that would happen as too many voters are clueless, apathetic or asleep. I would welcome to be proven wrong. One such minor party is called One Nation. Another contender would be Liberal Democrats Party, and one or two others. If the circumstances were such they all combined to negotiate with say the LNP after failing to win outright, then there would be some hope. As I said I doubt it will happen but I beg Australians to prove me wrong.
The problem is that many will vote for the minor parties in the Senate but not so much for the lower house.
Oh, there is one problem. Time is fast running out as a lot is clearly happening as we speak (for those who are awake) and our next election is due some time next year. A lot can happen between now and then to block any chance of turning things around. Then all is lost. We shall see.
In 2123 the Australian electorate gave the Abbott government a landslide mandate in the lower house, voting for cheap energy rather than false catastrophism. The leading issue was to abolish “the carbon tax”. but nobody noticed there was more than one carbon tax.
The great old Australian tradition of a protest vote gave Clive Palmer’s PUP four seats in the upper house, the senate. This was enough to give it the balance of power. It could block Abbott’s legislation. And it did.
Clive Palmer campaigned as more “conservative” than the coalition. But when the new senate sat for the first time in July 2014, Clive Palmer, spectacularly in company with Al Gore, announced that the Renewable Energy Target (RET) would be ‘protected”.
So, while Abbott was allowed to abolish the nominal Carbon Tax as promised, he was prevented from abolishing the RET, which was a carbon tax by another name. He was allowed to wind it back just a little, but it is that. RET which is funding the windmills and solar panels that are proliferating across the countryside in recent times.
And it wasn’t just the RET that they “protected”. They also prevented Abbott from winding back the Rudd/Gillard government’s mad spending program.
Which things our commentariat never noticed. Because the terms for the two houses of parliament are not synchronous they never associated Al Gore with the election result. As things turned out we didn’t get an Abbott government, we got a Gore government.
I would very much like to know how Al Gore persuaded Clive Palmer to switch from the policy that the electorate expected of him.
I definitely didn’t type 2123. I bought a cheap keyboard and missed it the proof reading. Should have forked out Apple’s $150.
Quarantine at State borders is still practiced to prevent the transmission of disease. Many domestic airports have rubbish bins for certain fruit that is prohibited from entering one state from another. A common site at State borders:
Up until there was a national electricity grid in the 1990s, each state controlled the price of electricity within its borders no matter where it was produced. For example, the Victorian SEC could not offer electricity to connected customers in NSW without Elcom getting its cut because it held the NSW state monopoly. Electricity transmission was post constitution but States held fast on their monopoly on pricing even though supply came from another state.
I expect States now have an exceptionally good case for using borders as a point of quarantine for Covid carriers as well as fruit fly. It has avoided concurrent nationwide shutdowns. Australia’s main exports of iron ore and coal as well as agriculture have been well protected by national and state border controls.
There is no mystery. Section 90 is about prohibiting the states from imposing customs duties and excise – and that power is delegated to the Commonwealth solely. It does not operate to prevent a state from stopping personnel or other traffic coming into a state on public health & safety grounds.
And since borders are ovewhelmingly popular in WA, clearly in a democracy, the people want the state to stop Chinese Bioweapons from entering.
IF that isn’t constitutional, it ought to be. Time for a referundum. It was be done and dusted and approved in a shot.
I remain baffled at those from other states who want to override the wishes of Australian citizens.
Obviously, we want open borders. We want no Chinese bioweapons in any state and free travel.
Starting to sound like some NSW people , until it arrived at the door. Then it was kumbaya, all in it together, send vaccine. Australia! parochialism rules!
Trade and intercourse between the states….
Id read that as movement, so border closures are unconstitutional.
100% correct. But who cares about the Constitution these days? Certainly not any state or federal leader that’s for sure. They are all in it together. Anyone who still doesn’t believe it given what’s happening must have his or her head in the sand.
Certainly true. For my part I do not accept the notion of condemning the millions that chose to believe the government and their media partners, and so received the vaccines without researching the criticisms.
I have seen many comments on some blogs saying they have no sympathy for those who are injured or killed by the vaccine, or by their failure to protect. They even say they care not if ADE manifests, and millions die.
I may disagree on political ideology with many that strongly support the vaccine. Yet such wholesale condemnation and complete lack of compassion, if the vaccine failures become much worse, is of no value and reprehensible. ( I have seen so many of such comments I think statist trolls infiltrate right leaning sites just to help divide.
OTOH I expect that the vaccine statist will try, with the full backing of media, to blame all vaccine and Covid problems on the unvaccinated. Those people will not have my sympathy.
David, the US government is already trying to blame the unvaccinated for the rapid evolution of new strains, despite this being contrary to all known science.
The Morrison government will undoubtedly follow because Australia is one of the anti therapeutics nations.
ADE or cellular immune enhancement is almost a certainty at this point for the “fully vaccinated”, if not from the new strains partially effective vaccines are guaranteed to create, then from the “booster shots”.
I could feel sympathetically towards those who were misinformed, but so many are now attacking the unvaccinated as the source of all evil.
Those with vaccine remorse will want someone to blame, to lash out at. And the guilty government and Establishment Misleadia will point at the unvaccinated.
68% of Indians now have natural immunity far superior to anything the vaccines can offer. The anti-therapeutics nations are going to fail. But our clown governments and Misleadia are going to hide this just as long as they can.
This is going to get ugly.
The Elite appear to be using the govts they control ( i.e. most of them ) to carry out the mass “vaccination” which I think long term will make Nuremberg look like a kids picnic.
It appears there is an unspoken deadline the Sat anic driven govts of the workd have set to get as many people prepped for what comes next. I have heard stories of the Eliyte startig to literally bunker down. The 2025 population report predicted an 80% population reduction for the USA, 60% reduction for Australia and same for the UK and europe. The developing nations are relatovely unaffected including China. This reflects the beliefs inherent in the demonic pagan earth-as-a-goddess worship by the Elites.
The Elite in thier own writings, truly believe the earth is being destroyed by too many humans, so the underpinning driver in the mass gen ocide by vaccine , is population reduction, nothing less.
The west have been accused of being too resource hungry, so we are targetted for maximum cull.
If the info on the graphene oxide content of the vaccine sis currect and it can permeate all cells easily and set up systemic autoimmune reactions, people will fall apart from the inside out. The allegedly self-proclaimed “clever” people who jumped on vaccination were lead up the ramp into the slaughterhouse by societies’ judas sheep early.
If you have a belief in God, now is the time to repent and get saved, as I truly believe its going to get way worse than any human mind can comprehend soon…..
The 7 Riders approach.
You’re mixing up your seals with your horsemen, methinks.
Enough to bowl one over.
Yes Tim.
Or is it one or both of the two Davids?
But then, it may even be the epistle according to the apostle, Paul.
You know the one?
its a solution to the demographic gap, too many old people is bad for the economy. So the vaccines are a way of introducing a raft of “natural” deaths over the next decade. watch for a large jump in strokes and heart attacks in the 40-70 age range. and if you have a stroke well the new Euthanasia laws will help move you along.
Totally BSC
Our Federal and State governments are doing their best to turn all those who have been vaccinated into vaccine statists. I have extended family members and friends admonish me for not “doing my part” by avoiding vaccination and speaking of the potential risks.
I have the utmost fear that there will be long term side effects from the gene therapy spike protein vaccines that will lead to devastating chronic conditions. ALL those who have been vaccinated have my sympathy, particular the young who should be being exposed to the disease (with support from anti-virals and supplements) to develop natural immunity rather than be subjected to “the jab”.
ADE is something that the unvaccinated or those with waning immunity should fear from those with vaccination as it is most likely that any lethal mutations will still be suppressed by the antibodies so they can spread it while being “immune” themselves.
ADE is mostly a risk for those who foolishly used the non-sterilizing “vaccines”. The unvaccinated are not showing any higher risk from the new strains. And the unvaccinated can aquire natural immunity, which appears to be as good as an actual sterilizing vaccine.
What has surprised me is the “vaccinated” don’t aquire natural immunity after they get infected, and those that had it appear to throw it away if they get vaxxed.
We’ve known for 70 years that use of non-sterilizing “vaccines” in the middle
Of a pandemic was insanely dangerous. I struggle to accept that using these “vaccines” was an accident or that the governments demanding their use didn’t know what would happen.
It all makes me wonder, if the vaccines are so safe and effective, why did governments need to force health care workers to get the shot by law?
If doctors and nurses were confident in the vaccines, they would have voluntarily gotten the jab. So why did governments have to force them to get it?
Konrad, several months ago I read a report about survivors of 2003 SARS 1, that were found to have effective T cell immunity 17 years later. It is very likely that natural immunity is broader and far longer lasting then leaky vaccines.
Here is a fairly recent summary of the various adverse events reporting agencies.
About 35 thousand fatalities, and 5.5 million injuries.
And there are numerous areas where the percentage of the population vaccinated vs unvaccinated is showing a relatively higher percentage of cases and hospitalized in the vaccinated.
The main stream media defends the adverse events with an incredibly simplistic assumptive dismissal of; “ The adverse reactions are not necessarily related to the vaccines, correlation is not necessarily causation. “
This dismissal is shameful. It ignores the entire reason for the adverse events reporting. Which is to monitor the vaccines, look for patterns of harms, and find causation. Just as the One world nation states have made zero real effort to test the known to be effective anti-virals, they have done exactly zero serious studies of the adverse events, or papers on the harmful patterns seen. They have given a couple of potential warnings, but are going full steam ahead with vaccines for everybody, despite hundreds of millions with better natural immunity and billions under almost zero demographic threat from Covid.
They have ignored that the vast majority of the kinds of adverse events seen, were predicted or warned about as potential harms, and are occurring in patients with no prior history of such incidents. They are ignoring prior reports that the adverse events agencies miss 90 plus percent of harmful incidents. They are ignoring that other vaccines were pulled with far less harms occurring. They are hiding numbers and basic necessary monitoring.
I really hope anybody with a Virology background, like maybe you Jo, ((-; can look at this report and tell me if this scenario looks plausible.
Doomsday Global Warming reveals the inner virtue signalling totalitarian, and the Fauci flu is like a 007 license to signal with virtuous authority.
Today’s example is lefty Peter FitzSimons, the red bandanna wearing opiner at the smh:
Stay home, anti – vaxxers: while we part-ay! Our passports are coming
“Two tiers of access – between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed – is a no – brainer.”
If you are “fully vaccinated”, and wearing at least 2 masks, why would you be afraid of being in the same space as an unvaccinated person?
Even without the masks, you are “fully vaccinated” and supposedly “immune”.
What’s with the need to seperate the elite from the deplorable?
With a third jab now required, and with boosters every 3-4 months, there goes any claim of a vaccine, as that is a therapeutic medicine, and a “fully vaccinated passport” is a farce.
That’s not a mask, this is a two-faced mask, is what Pete meant.
Peter Fitz is a very emotional sort of person and says all sorts of strange things. He also writes poor history books.
That is unfair, the books are given to me in the hope I will improve my knowledge and do have a use. The last recommended read was by another author and called ‘Dark Emu’.
I found them great to prop up the bed while I slide suitcases under. Other than that they remain in mint condition, unread!
You’ll open them up and go through the pages at some stage – a good fire needs tinder to get the kindling going.
“Peter Fitz is a very emotional sort of person “,
That is a nice way of saying he is immature, explains the pirate get up as well.
Every time I see one of his books on sale I feel like throwing up.
What a Hero, trading on the service and sacrifice of our soldiers who went to protect our nation.
But then, if you surround yourself with likeminded people you still fit in and remain a Hero.
“Taken off NAT site. Certainly is a spoof, but the root of good humor is a strong element of truth. Good stuff….
ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid?
CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”
ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?
ANSWER: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”
QUESTION: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?
CDC: …
QUESTION: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?
CDC: Yes.
NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”
ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?
CDC: Possibly. You never know.
ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?
BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.
ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?
CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.
ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?
CDC: That’s right.
ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?
CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.
ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.
CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”
ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?
CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.
ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?
CDC: Yes, for the collective.
ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?
CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.
ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?
CDC: Yes.
ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?
CDC: Yes.
ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?
CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.
ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?
CDC: No.
ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?
CDC: Yes.
ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?
CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.
ME: But what KIND of threat??
CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.
ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??
CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.
ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this.”
“More than 7,700 new cases of the virus have been detected during the most recent wave starting in May, but just 72 of the confirmed cases were reported in people who were known to have been infected previously – that is, less than 1% of the new cases.
“Roughly 40% of new cases – or more than 3,000 patients – involved people who had been infected despite being vaccinated.
“The report on the Massachusetts cases, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, offers key evidence bolstering the hypothesis that vaccinated people can spread the more transmissible variant and may be a factor in the summer surge of infections.
“Scientists said the Provincetown outbreak and other recent data on breakthrough infections make clear that vaccines offer significant protection, as they were designed to, against severe illness and death but do not offer blanket protection against any chance of infection
Which means that the vaccinated are effectively set up as walking Covid (Typhoid) Marys…..
Now what is going to happen when you get critical mass of sustained transmission between infected individuals?
I suspect a nasty super bug will emerge?
IDF Intelligence warns of vaccine-resistant Israeli coronavirus mutation
“The IDF’s Military Intelligence Directorate on Saturday evening published a warning that combining mass vaccination with a spike in infections could lead to a strain of COVID-19 that will resist the vaccines currently in use
That’s just the known theory coming at us and our dopey leaders.
Talk about grasping at straws.
And this is a science site that you visit with that mindset?
The unvaxxed will be stepping over the bodies of the vaxxed.
I guess death is the ultimate passport.
Maybe they should rename it as the Roadkill Passport.
The stupid will enjoy their brief respite.
I look at it this way…all those fancy cars wont be of much use to the trendy young vaxxed ( dead ) things….
Appalling emotional, misleading, statement OS. Unfortunately you pay no attention to the facts:
Of the 12,234 Covid-related deaths across L.A. County during the period from 7 December 2020, when vaccinations first became available, to 7 June 2021, 99.8% were among unvaccinated people.
A statement from LADPH late Thursday revealed the following: From December 7, 2020, when vaccinations first became available, to June 7, 2021, 99.6% of the County’s nearly 437,000 Covid-19 cases were individuals who were unvaccinated. There were nearly 12,900 Covid-related hospitalizations over this same time period, 98.7% occurred among people who were unvaccinated. Of the 12,234 Covid-related deaths across L.A. County during that period, 99.8% were among unvaccinated people.
99.8% of the deaths were unvaccinated.
Who is stepping over whom, exactly?
And the link:
The passports are here. Duckduckgo the words Australia vaccine wallet.
The fire is still not classified as out going into day 5!/incident/ESTA:210716521/moreinfo
Geelong’s Tesla Big Battery fire burns over weekend
A fire at French renewable energy giant Neoen’s Victorian Big Battery at Geelong continued to burn into Sunday, with fire crews awaiting experts from Tesla to assist in opening the Megapack battery that first caught ablaze.
The fire started at the partly federally funded 300-megawatt Tesla Megapack battery project at Moorabool on Friday morning. Fire crews quickly containing the blaze but were unable to extinguish it completely to determine what started it.
A Country Fire Authority spokesperson said the fire had been contained to two battery packs, but sparks flared up every so often, re-igniting the blaze. Tesla did not respond to requests for comment.
But supporters of new technology in the government played down the incident.
“Like with all new technologies, there is going to be testing and false starts, that’s just part of developing new science,” Senator Andrew Bragg told The Australian Financial Review on Sunday.
“An event like this won’t change the fundamental course of the country, which is moving steadily towards renewable energy use, and battery storage will be critical to that future.”
And when your EV, Electric Bike and Tesla Home Battery Storage burn your Home Down – What Then?
Why do the people in the Country Fire Authority have to put their health on the line.
This is a smouldering, fizzing, fuming catastrophe on an industrial plant that is the responsibility of the plant owners and managers.
Where. Are. They?
Perhaps they are PE.
Politically Exempt.
The current Victorian fire levy for non-residential sites is $233 base per year plus an improved value component. It is parcelled with council rate payment to simplify collection. Neoen has probably used a few years of fire levies before the battery was operational. No doubt a low of people are hoping it will not be a regular event.
It is quite normal for businesses to rely on public fire fighters to control a fire. Very few industrial sites retain competent fire fighting crews.
On the other hand most commercial buildings have fire fighting – suppression capacity. This is to protect the buildings and lives. This is particularly true when dangerous quantities of hazardous materials are used and fires can endanger lives downwind These battery fires are very serious, and put out immense quantities of hazardous materials.
Think of the regulations put on nuclear generation. Apparently there is almost none with these exceedingly expensive and completely unnecessary devices, that will have zero measurable affect on GAT.
That’s exactly the point.
And somehow, somehow, someone in authority overlooked the internal safety requirements for this very dangerous site.
Dangerous on site and obviously to those within reach of the fume.
If your a Canadian, I would highly recommend buying a wood stove now before they’ll not be available.
PM Trudeau bribed our steel mills $400 million to close their smelters which will make steel products very much more difficult as time wears on.
I guess Justin thought that Canadians would magically use less steel because it has to be imported so something. Just seems to be the EV pollution shifting logic (tailpipe to powerplant) on a grand scale. Just as long as Justin looks virtuous it doesnt matter that smelting operations continue elsewhere and the steel has to be transported.
In the great State of South Australia they blew up a functional coal power plant, eventually crashed their grid, spent half a billion on a patch work of gas generation, remain reliant on a primarily coal/gas fired inter-connector to Victoria and now want another one to another primarily coal fired State. There is a Universe somewhere I guess where it all makes sense.
Keystone XL, UK EV mandates on an already stressed grid, German close/open coal + more gas have spent billions on wind, California closing nuclear generation and into blackouts and on and on. This list of failed green energy projects is probably as long as failed climate alarm predictions.
I wait with some excitement to see the evolution of the Singapore powered from NT project. Will it fly? will it be hot rocks and wave power on steroids? time will tell.
Great summary Yarp.
The Greens blamed the SA blackout on bad weather affecting their favoured weather based generation source.
And Mike Rann “saved” the $30 million subsidy that the Northern Power station wanted every year to stay operational.
Spending hundreds of millions on home batteries and the interconnector (and about $1.25 billion on the new one), $160 million on synchronous condensors, FITs etc. Like you say, somewhere it makes sense just not on this planet.
Did Canadian steel mills close their smelters because it was cheaper to import Chinese steel, value add, and then export to USA tariff free?
Trump thought that was cheating [Mexico also did it] so he rewrote NAFTA.
I look forward to seeing the USA decomish all it’s coal and nuclear plants because Democrats are currently acting reckless enough do such a foolish thing
Maybe they could terminate some of their own pipelines while they are at it. Never unerestimate the green lobby!
Immunity and Immunization by Prof Sucharit Bhakdi (English subtitles)
According to Wikipaedia:
Misinformation likely means that Bakdi does not agree that the Covid Vaccine is the answer and could do immense harm, neither more nor less.
He says he is not an anti-vaccer, indeed he acknowledges the benefit of most vaccines so far but he does say that we should be careful and not jump the normal and necessary testing and approval stages.
He gives an example of the swine flu in 2009, which similarly provoked a panic vaccination program for a not very lethal virus and left hundreds of young Germans suffering from long term narcolepsy.
He gives viewers a 101 course in immunology, which will stimulate me to do a bit more reading about killer T cells and helper T cells.
He sounds a caution about the use of adjuvants in vaccines. These are added chemicals which magnify the immune response provoked by the vaccine. They are probably a component of all vaccines.
Then he discusses the similarity of Covid to the common cold and the differences from the Influenza virus. Because Covid is similar to the Common Cold our T cells are already primed to protect most of us from Covid. He estimates that >80% of the population already have some immunity, which accounts for the number of asymptomatic and mild cases. It means we already have herd immunity.
Finally he speculates about why Covid was so bad in Italy in 2020 and why the Spanish Flu was so devastating in younger people (which is rarely the case). His answer is speculative, which he states quite clearly, but it involves prior population vaccination campaigns, provoking an enhanced immune response to the next virus challenge..
Misinformation? Maybe, but I found him rational, measured and persuasive. Why would a retired academic want to spread conspiracy theories and Covid misinformation? I would say because he thinks he knows that everything is going very wrong!
It is amazing that You Tube has not taken his video down. It is 40 minutes long, which will be too long for most and he speaks slowly in German, with English subtitles. That is an advantage because you can watch it at higher speed and pause just long enough to read the subtitles, so it could take less than 20 minutes.
The Italian situation may have been caused (or rather, exacerbated) by the flu vaccines not causing an enhanced immune response but rather by reducing the number of influenza deaths, leaving a greater number of the most vulnerable to CoViD-19 than would otherwise have been present. Back in March last year, an Italian neighbour remarked to me that Italy had a VERY mild flu season prior to the CoViD-19 outbreak.
Similar to Sweden. A lower than average death rate in the previous flu season leaves an increased number of susceptible citizens. You then lock them up and prevent relatives from tending and advocating for them, add a little mass panic and media hysteria and the population will submit to the new masters.
Another analogy would be a bush fire, high fuel load due to fire prevention in previous years results in a more intense conflagration. Again clear evidence according to the mass media that we should submit to more control.
Thanks PeterC. He was very measured and clear; far from a maniacal rant.
You forgot to mention that he’s a crackpot and a racist/anti-semite.
He’s all yours; a purveyor of unsubstantiated, misleading, and false statements.
There’s a special place in history for people like him.
Read it again Sam.
Make no mistake, I am very familiar with what it says about him.
I have read more widely than you, it would seem, about the nature of Herr Bhakdi.
This for example:
The anti-Semitism commissioner of the federal government, Felix Klein, describes the hatred of Jews as central link of the corona protests. In relation to anti-Semitism, they mostly indulged in allusions and coded language, avoiding the direct book of taboos. In the meantime, more and more protagonists seem to be doing without this dog whistling.
According to the anti-Semitism commissioner of the state government of Baden-Württemberg, Michael Blume, anti-Semitism among German conspiracy believers has long since returned to normal. Bhakdi has also been noticed in this regard, he explains Last year, for example, he had already charged a German minister from a Jewish family with the monstrous accusation of “poisoning our children with CO2”.
Blume definitely sees chances that Bhakdi’s current statements could result in criminal prosecution. This would be possible, especially since a new criminal offense for “inciting insult” has been created. “I very much hope that our judiciary can put a stop to the ongoing radicalization,” he said
Qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent.
ENSO neutral sees a slight jump in temperature.
Oh Dammn, it’s gone back up again.
I find it hard to understand how the global temperature can fluctuate the way it does (or seems to).
It is what is called an aperiodic oscillator, or chaotic for short. Intrinsically unpredictable but people keep trying, there being no money in unpredictability.
Yes, but I find the amplitude of the fluctuations surprising. After all it would take a vast amount of energy to make the “needle” move.
Rest assured it cannot go any higher while in neutral.
That’s the weather for ya!
The UAH TLT has nothing to do with surface temperature. The signal it processes to derive a temperature is coming from well up in the atmosphere around 273K, which is still regarded as the lower troposphere. But most of Earth’s atmosphere at that temperature is going to be thin air. It does not take much to alter the temperature of thin air.
The ocean surface temperature is thermostatically limited to the range 271 to 303K. The TLT is gradually departing the SST because TLT is influenced directly by the amount of CO2 at the 273K level. But the fact that ocean surface temperature is essentially trendless means that the TLT’s departure from the surface temperature is a good signature for CO2 concentration – nothing more really.
The NOAA/NCEP satellite temperature is interpolated with the moored buoy temperature data so it gives good results for ocean surface temperature in the tropics. I am not sure yet if it is of any value at other locations. It does show warming in the middle northern latitudes, which is consistent with the orbit increasing sunshine in the Northern Hemisphere.
Like any global temperature, UAH TLT is a meaningless number. The global temperature is more-or-less stuck where it has been for eons give or take a bit of hemispherical variation and ice accumulation on land masses, which still do not shift the surface average much.
Could you locate a graph to overlay the UAH? To form a comparison.
Ruck says, “ The UAH TLT has nothing to do with surface temperature.”
Actually the theory of CAGW is based on a theoretical Tropospheric hot spot.
CAGW is top down warming. So if the warming is only measured at the surface, it can be caused by land use changes, urban heat island jet stream pressure systems, etc… but not by CO2, at least according to the espoused physics of CAGW. And that warming as measured by UAH is about one third of the CAGW models.
North Atlantic Oscillation is negative, bringing cool/wet conditions to Europe and UK.
But in Spain, Italy, Greece and the Balkans its excessively hot.
meet BGI Group, the world’s largest genomics company
Have they picked up where H*tler left off.
I am amazed at how addicted to travel society has become. If Australia locked its borders, Covid is so easily managed it’s laughable. But no, people pile upon me when I suggest this, it is just an unworkable, absurd suggestion, loss of freedom, we must learn to live with the virus etc etc.
Furthermore it is so middle class it’s unbelievable. I have no intention or funds to travel overseas ever again, and it is not a problem, it’s not something that I feel will destroy my life.
But the whole idea of getting everyone vaccinated is solely so we can open the borders again. And as a non-traveler, I have to sacrifice a clean living environment and get vaccinated (probably continuously) in order to survive ? And I’m called selfish if I don’t, just so you can go to Morocco and buy a pot.
I’m glad I have a sense of humour.
I have a similar sense of humour with regard to vaccination passports. I couldn’t care less since I won’t need to go to the areas that will require them, given I don’t expect they will be required to purchase food, medicines and other essentials.
yes Philip its good you have a sense of humour and are not a winger LOL
anyway what l see is that “its not a lie if you believe it”
how dare anyone else want to do the things you already have done that may put you at risk and interrupt your existence because its in the constitution and a privilege they may have LOL
especially when the TGA put a report out like this
but the TGA have deleted the evidence now so it could not have been true LOL
and who would not rather die from the vax than the Kung Flu
or the other problems being overlooked because this Kung Flu is just so deadly people are dropping like flies
yes its very good that you have a sense of humour
just like me 😉 its good to have a laugh LOL
Too bad the vast majority of people won’t see these truths before deciding to get their shots, like cattle to the slaughter. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss but this time it might turn out to be the biggest scam of all time, bigger than the CAGW scam – the current leader of the pack. Note too that PM Morrison is supporting both scams.
In Chicago and DC murders were X3 the covid deaths last month [Prolly June, I don’t expect July figures yet] but there is no clamour to “flatten the curve”.
Hi Philip,
The question is, do we live in a municipality, a state, a country, or the do you live on planet earth?
How small a location do you wish to limit yourself? Because each of those is an option and as soon as you say anything greater than municipality (which the Vic Premier uses to define restrictions) then you can’t begrudge someone wanting a bigger area than you when you don’t want the minimum.
The only reason you live in Australia is because at some point someone went outside of their country.
We’re not looking to open borders so someone can go buy a pot in Morocco (nice to have the choice). We’re open borders so someone in Morocco can come and buy a pot here. (of VB 😉 )
Q? What is so important about pot from morocco ? 😉
Clarence……you need a pot to pi55 in……or get off if you cannot
Maybe that is what our Government is lacking…a few more pots !
Moroccon Black
LOL… Love that straight guy….. hardly a smile !
Crosby, Stills & Nash weren’t singing about a choo choo.
chance for a humble brag
If we did as you seem to want, and built a huge impenetrable fence around Australia, which side of that fence would you hang the sign saying “free”?
I support Phil and those inside the bubble are free, outside is putrid.
Australians are going berserk because they cannot travel overseas, addicted to exotica, pathetic. The new quarantine hubs should work like a charm, only the very rich can afford to travel because even fully vaccinated individuals can still test positive, so quarantine will still be mandatory for the foreseeable future.
Slow down will you all ?
So far in this thread we have had ..
…a curve than needs flattening..
…a moroccan pot….apparently for emergency bladder relief..
..a fence to keep us all in….or is it keep them all out ?
..and now a bubble to protect us from the putrid and somehow allows us to be free.
…and god knows what that “poke” was back in the previous thread ?
‘…and now a bubble to protect us from the putrid and somehow allows us to be free.’
Yes sir, its the best way forward.
The inside. Outside the fence is a disaster zone of argument, division and danger. Life here was good (exempt Melbourne) until the Bondi border leaker. No virus, no lockdowns, no restrictions, no masks, no cranky people. Just life and you can travel where you like within Australia, a very big place. When its over and or a genuine vaccine is made, back you go overseas to make yourself happy.
I’m not wanting to travel for holidays; I am, along with many others, a first-generation migrant. I have family I care about. When we moved back to England for a few years, we travelled here to see our Aussie-based family, especially when our little Aussie grandchildren were born. When we moved back here, we travelled to the ME and UK to see our family in those places. Families matter. In this day and age of wonderful aircraft and having the expectation that we could use them precisely to look after our family relationships (not to mention friends made in our very ‘moving’ life) it has been extremely distressing not to be able to see them.
I’m really not too fussed about overseas holidays, to say the least of it. Very happy with East Gippsland for that, thanks.
Zoom is adequate in these perilous times.
It isn’t if it doesn’t work properly in certain areas.
That is a common problem for people in the bush.
If you had a choice, recognising that new variants are probably inevitable, would you return to the old country?
Yes I completely agree. Zoom. Only a short time ago it was a long distance expensive phone call or a letter. We’ve become spoiled. And these are the consequences of people moving away from their home countries. It’s fair enough if you want to, but one has to accept the risks surely.
wow , declared adequate regardless of situation. How very Anastasia.
I’m in the same situation as Philip ie I have no need or wish to travel and unlike Annie I am multi-generation Aussie with no grandkids here or abroad.
But I want to drive to Cairns to get more info about a gold mine my son needs some finance for, but even that is fraught: There is talk of a couple of rona cases there and I don’t want to get locked down away from home.
We can’t lock down TIGHT, there are still a lot of Aussies around the world entitled to come home.
Most may have to wait until the new camps are set up, similar to the one outside Darwin.
The 20 to 29 age category are the peak spreaders, so the government plans an advertising campaign directly aimed at them.
Indeed. I try and avoid this age group as much as possible. Which is a bonus really. Constructive thinking.
a question that has been bugging me for quite a while
“how many people have you met with covid?”
personally l still have not met anyone and l’m thinking by now l should have met someone who had the CCP virus
l have met quite a few who have had false positive tests or someone they work with has had a false positive that shut down there work for a week
l am not saying it does not exist
One of my daughters tells me that a colleague died (in the UK) and that several were hospitalized.
In that conversation I also introduced her to the idea that partial vaccinations could eventually be worse for the community than no vaccinations. I told her I’d have the vaccine when deaths from covid outnumbered deaths from the vaccine by 1000 to 1.
She’s smart and well connected. She’ll figure it out eventually.
The amount of people we know who tested positive or has covid19 is zero, the amount who are fed up with bad government management of this is 100%
I too haven’t met anyone. I too am not saying COVID-19 doesn’t exist but I am yet to be convinced it does. It’s possible it is being confused with a flu, at least sometimes. The PCR test is not a proper method to tell if one has COVID-19 or not – even the CDC admits that.
Play a game online. In my alliance (50 people) a player dropped out last week because they were hospitalized for covid. He’s back this week. Not sure if he’s still in hospital.
Other people jn my alliance have caught it too. I think they are all Americans
The only one I know who “dropped out” was a teenager of a relative of mine who committed suicide. They feel it was due to the lockdowns.
35,000 cases of Covid in Australia, so that’s about 1.4 people per thousand – how many people do you know?
Robber l travel all over Victoria when we can LOL
l have relatives in three different states of Australia as well as in the US and still know not one person who has had covid,
in fact two of the many people l talk to have said they knew someone who knew someone that had a dose but they did not get sick only having to isolate,
that means that these people have not met someone who has had the Kung Flu as well
my wife works in aged care and still none
It doesn’t mean the someone who knew someone didn’t get it – just that the effects were so mild as to only be noticable in a PCR test run to huge amplification.
The Delta strain is the mutation that our lockdowns and isolation bought time to evolve. Let’s get with it and become naturally herd immune as we rejoin the world and save all the money that is going into ineffectual and potentially dangerous vaccination
A valid point robber but then again each winter I invariably know at least a few people who come down with the flu.
Good point. Me too yet this year I haven’t noticed one. Either there is no flu, which hardly likely given people have still been advised by their doctors to take the flu shots as per usual, or flu cases are being misinterpreted or deliberately altered to look like COVID-19 cases. That would not be hard to do given even the CDC admits the PCR test is not a valid means to tell the difference.
‘Influenza cases have plummeted across Australia with zero deaths reported in the year-to-date.
‘Health Minister Greg Hunt on Tuesday said there had been 408 cases of influenza diagnosed in Australia so far in 2021, compared to a five-year average of 53,000.’ (Sky News)
A mate in Berlin bought test a kit from pharmacy that showed positive test on him, his wife and his older son. Their daughter tested negative They had mild flu that lasted three days. He calls it bollocks.
A mate in Brisbane had one shot of Astrazenica- lost his vision- after few weeks his vision returned but not enough for him to be able to drive any more. A micro clot. He won’t be getting the second shot.
84YO uncle died after receiving two shots of Astrazenica. He just dropped while walking. Tested negative three times before this.
Another mate in Europe is aware of 13 people that died after receiving two doses of vaccine.
In the circle of people that I keep in touch with, none have or know anyone with covid.
Lot’s of old people die after 2 shots of covid vaccine. They are old. They die
More old vaccinated oeople will die as time goes on. For sure
Lots of old people die weeks or months after testing positive for COVID, but they are still counted as COVID deaths. Why not the same for COVID “vaccine” deaths?
Covid19 is worse than people assume. one dead and another hospitalized from the same family. Young people
I doubt I have been within 1,000 K of the rona in the wild.
I know of 4 people who had the WuFlu, 3 mild cases, one hospitalization, no deaths.
A person walked into my place of work twice, a day apart. Found out on the website after messages from what I would consider the local members of a cabal of Gramski’s memebots (Why were they checking the website so diligently?) the person had Covid and we were close contacts despite the masks and no physical contact. The first contact between the people who listed the contact and the business was 2 days after the listing and only after numerous attempts to gain some information on the appropriate response were made by us.
The person shut down four businesses in our vicinity, two completely for about a week and quarantined about 20 people for two weeks.
All tested negative to Covid yet the mental disturbance and business losses were massive.
That contact is still welcome to return if they need our services again, the lunatics in charge of the asylum would be smart to wear not only a mask but earplugs as well should they come anywhere near me.
I have personal knowledge of about two dozen people that were confirmed by testing to have contracted COVID. Notably the pastor of a nearby church died from it he was in his early 50’s. Closest person is a brother-in-law who was pretty badly sick but managed a full recovery while at home. Interestingly, neither his wife nor two daughters(our nieces)came down with symptoms.
A number of other close people came down with “something” and survived. This was when test materials were scarce and as such were never tested.
This in the upper midwest of USA
I live in Melbourne. I know two brothers who are family friends through my youngest son. Both in late 30s who co-own a physio practice. The slightly older one was down for 4 days but did not pass it on to his wife or young family. The younger one had mild symptoms.
My middle son knows hundreds of Covid cases and filled out numerous death certificates during June and July last year. He is a physician with one of the Melbourne hospital groups and worked at two of their hospitals when Melbourne was in lockdown In 2020. He got the jabs as soon as they were offered earlier in the year.
I have had one AZ shot and it affected my balance mildly for almost two weeks. Wife had mild headache for one night after the shot. Sister-in-law was in bed with low energy for two days after her AZ shot – she is mid 70s.
If you live in Melbourne and know any recent immigrants from central Africa, check if they know anyone who has had Covid. Maybe if you know someone in aged care. They were the groups hit hardest in 2020 in Victoria.
My brother, a doctor in east Canada, had covid-19 in October/November of 2019. He didn’t know it was covid-19 at the time of course, no one did, but he later he diagnosed it. He says he got it from his patients, several of whom were suffering from it around that period.
October of 2019, folks.
And tell them to get Vitamin D supplements since their complexion almost guarantees they will be deficient during winter.
A senior citizen demonstrates how to do your QR check-in on your Bakelite.
Funny episode today, sitting in the main cafe in town, watching two elderly ladies at the door looking at the signs and QR code. One pulls out her smartphone and then putzes around for the next 5 minutes trying to use it as they block the door and the queue gets longer with everyone waiting patiently in the cold. Finely a young tradie as at the back cracks it and does a loud excuse me , reaches past and opens the door while explaining there are about 20 places to do that inside. Everyone is in, seated or has their takeaway orders taken before Doris finishes checking in. Should have asked for the pen and paper.
My latest, with both US and Brit EV weirdness:
The first half or so:
“People are not excited about buying electric vehicles, so word has it that the Biden administration is gearing up to force us to do it. The trick is to use the so-called Fuel Economy Standards to do it.
The reported target is that at least 40% of car and light truck sales will be electrics by 2030. This is Biden’s favorite target date even though, or perhaps because, he will not be President then.
Technically these are the Corporate Average Fuel Economy or CAFE standards. The way they work is hidden in the name. They do not govern the average fuel use of cars used by corporations, which the name “corporate average” suggests. No, they govern the average fuel economy of cars MADE by corporations.
The way it works will be well hidden. Instead of telling you and me what we can buy, they in effect tell the car makers what they can make. I am not making this up.
The result is rationing and it has been for many years. The car makers limit the production of bigger cars and trucks, with higher fuel consumption, to stay below the standards. In reality what is rationed is stuff like power, size and safety. I have even heard that they raise the prices of big cars to cut the prices of little ones. This is called a cross subsidy.
So it sounds like the CAFE standards are going to be ratcheted down over less than a decade, until 40% of the vehicles sold are EVs. Note that vehicle prices are not part of the CAFE standard, so who knows what this might do to prices.
In fact how it might actually work is a truly weird mystery. Forcing people to buy electric vehicles is not something the CAFE regulations were designed to do, far from it. Sounds like a green nightmare in the making. Hopefully this abuse of the efficiency standards will be found to be illegal. If it is ever attempted that is. At this point it is all just talk.
But if you think this is weird, take a look at what the Brits are planning for big trucks. Their proposed way of making heavy trucks electric is to run them via overhead wires, at least on the main highways. Still not making it up. Critics are calling them “truck trolleys” and with good reason.”
I heard a snippet on the news early on Saturday that the AUS govt has rejigged the road rules that limited the overall width of a truck from 2.5 meters to 2.6 meters expressly to accommodate Elons battery semis.
Now wouldn’t be fun to have a battery powered semi, hauling a load of hazardous chemicals. 😉
maybe hire a litium battery powered truck to deliver the Sydney New Years Eve fireworks 🙂
The truck could BE the fireworks
Better not let them into Gloucestershire. Some of the drivers from Europe relied too much on their Satnavs and not enough at looking ahead. They got stuck on little one-car’s-width narrow country lanes in the Cotswolds, wrecking ancient dry-stone walls in the process and presenting the local emergency and recovery services with an interesting situation. Some took several days and rebuilding the walls cost about £600 per metre at the time we were living there.
Sounds dumb enough to be true…..and a big Hi to all you Sydneysiders , those 2.6 metre wide trucks should be quite a sight on Pennant Hills Road and Parramatta Road.
Look at Fig ES.1
EVs only consume renewable electricity
Am I missing something here?
Similar, cream of the crop skimming here ..
The final 2 degrees by modelling extrapolation makes it to be virtually impossible without AGW.
It means any broken record is virtually impossible without AGW if the AGW component is sufficent to break the record notwithstandIng otherwise.
It really is guilding the lilly
Gm and Fiat are buying Tesla emission credits
News about news from Oz (from a Brit blog):
Interesting stats at the end. Sky News vids are very popular.
I only found out about it via another blog site overseas here:
Evil is certainly increasing it’s influence. I have no doubt it will continue to grow like a cancer and so things will get a lot worse, sadly. This is mostly due to the apathy of most Australians who don’t give a damn or don’t have a clue as to what is happening. The longer that remains the situation the worse it will get.
yes Sky is popular
l had seen it gone and was wondering
the news sources against it are having a field day at the moment bagging out Sky,
they should be careful, Karma
Sky is still available just not on utube at the moment
l think they will get better ratings because of this
Speaking or popularity, I wonder how 2GB is going now that they have gone to the dark side and pushing the urgent need to vaccinate some 80% of the population ASAP. After decades of listening to 2GB I’ve gradually weaned off them ever since Alan Jones left. Now I’ve stopped listening to them as of today.
It is a travesty that Youtube has so much political power that they can suppress SkyNews AU as regards Sky reporting on IVM and HCQ.
If the US would reconsider the FCC Section 230 protections they enjoy, that would leash them and others significantly.
I’ve seen numerous reports of children and teenagers committing suicides due to the lockdowns. No need to show them here – some are too horrific with parents crying. We already know about the surveys here in Australia indicating a certain percentage of people have considered suicide. The fact officialdom ignore all this as though there is nothing to see, and in some instances warned us to ignore such reports is proof they have something to hide.
it has been reported for a long while now but it is ignored
Sydney Watson has a good discussion about it
Why is the life allegedly lost due to suicide as a result of the lockdowns any less serious that a life allegedly lost due to COVID-19? Are people that heartless? Our politicians and health officials certainly are but what about the rest of us? I consider this as a disgrace almost but not quiet as evil as what the Naz1s did. Some might consider that an exaggeration but I bet the parents of those kids who committed suicide would agree with me.
How/why people die is of critical importance to “them”.
Suicide, blood clots and other vax side effects, undiagnosed/untreated cancer etc are not contagious ergo they are tolerated by health czars. It is only the rona that their performance will be judged on.
I see. So, cause of death determines the value of life. Strange way of looking at it but I can see how it takes evil minded people to take that sort of attitude, as displayed by officialdom.
Last month there were 105 murders in Chicago and 35 rona deaths while in DC it was 21 and 8. Let’s round that to a 3:1 ratio, but who cares?
@ 35 sec of
Being Democrat run districts does amp up the murder rate so it’s probably not “fair” to CoViD across the US as a whole.
Why are Pfizer rapidly developing, and publicizing the fact, a Ivermectin “look a like” while they are making billions off their “vaccine”?
” Pfizer going the long way round to produce Ivermectin.
Ivermectin ( is a natural product, a secondary metabolite from a microbe found in Japanese soil, it gives effective cross-variant protection and treatment at all stages of disease, including long COVID, due to it’s multimodal mechanisms of action (, which includes anti-viral and anti-inflammatory activity which is perfect for COVID-19. Evidence reviewed and published in the American Journal of Therapeutics this year also found that ivermectin prophylaxis reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86%, an interesting statistic to keep in mind with vaccines losing efficacy. is a regularly updated database of all Ivermectin COVID-19 studies. “
Why? Because they can make more billions. Next question please.
And they can see the vaccine gravy train grinding to a halt as the virus continues to find more ways to elude them.
So true. And when the vaccine gravy train runs its course officialdom and the real leaders behind the scenes will bring out the next scam. I wonder how many scams are necessary before the penny drops for most people. Academic question anyway since one or two more will be sufficient to crash and burn the West to allow them to usher in their “solution”.
PeterS ..I should have put the sarc tag after the question because you are absolutely right. The hypocrisy in this whole sorry episode is getting beyond belief. BTW. wasn’t it Queensland who jumped in really early on banning Invermectin for use against Covid?
The demonising of hydroxychloriquine, ivermectin and other valid treatments is very telling. It demonstrates they don’t want us to live, or at best couldn’t are less.
61 This explains the reasons for the denial of any alternate treatment.There is a reasonable suspicion that the format and wording of the contract would be the same as the Australian contract.
And they’re lying (via The Conversation) to our GPs about it as being something new and wondrous
Here’s the biggest whopper
Soon after getting her first dose of the AZ Covid-19 vaccine, my wife (61 yo) went down with a case of shingles (a disease from which she had not previously suffered). This was followed by multiple debilitating migraine attacks and ongoing headaches. Since getting her 2nd dose she has suffered from stomach pains and upsets, plus debilitating and uncharacteristic fatigue. As I write at 09:30 a.m. in WA, she is asleep in bed having been unable, for the second day in a row, to go to work. She works in a health care setting and thought she was doing the right thing by getting vaccinated. Neither of us have ever been opposed to vaccines (I have also had both AZ doses, fortunately with no ill effects). And obviously I realize that one cannot extrapolate from a single case to a large scale problem. But in her case it certainly appears that the cure has been considerably worse than the vanishingly small risk of the disease.
Nick I urge you to err on the side of caution and get your wife checked for fever or infections, my wife had similar symptoms 2 weeks ago and ended up in hospital for 4 days, she went downhill fast and we almost lost her.
It was a UTI that shut down her kidneys, please check on her and don’t leave her unwatched.
See if she can get a D-dimer test done..
Micro-clotting can cause all sorts of issues.
IF there is micro-clotting check out nattokinase, a real anti-clotting agent not just a thinner, but I am unqualified to give health advice.
Forgot to add, best wishes for a speedy recovery for your Lady.
Isn’t ivermectin indicated for shingles???
Nick, Shingles belongs to the same group as chicken pox. To get shingles you must have first had chicken pox as a child and the virus has remained dormant in her body. Your wife is not the first person to have the Shingles/chicken pox virus reactivated by the “vaccine”. It has been documented in the US, Britain, Europe and Israel.
Repeating what I posted last week
Some people (Jo amongst them) have not accepted statements about the Delta variant being milder in effect (ie infections being less likely to result in hospitalisation and death) than the original, Alpha variant
Here is the UK goverment’s 16th Technical Briefing for SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern
In table 3, which are figures beginning from Feb 2021 to 14th June, the number of cases for the Alpha variant was 148,513 vs 60,624 for the Delta variant. Hospitalisations were 4,447 and 806, respectively and deaths, 1,614 and 73. The percentages come out to
Alpha – hospitalisations: 3.0%, deaths: 1.1%
Delta: hospitalisations: 1.3%, deaths: 0.1%
QED – time to reopen, get natural immunity and not engage in experimental gene therapy
The more I study stats the more I’m coming to the conclusion it doesn’t really matter whether one is vaccinated or not for the prevention of catching the virus. Vaccinated people still get the virus. The question is, do the alleged benefits of getting the shots to reduce the risks out-way the known and unknown risks associated with the vaccines themselves, both short and long term? Clearly no one knows, and anyone who does say they do know is clearly a liar. Therefore, I still maintain on the balance of probabilities I will not take the shots at this stage, just as I will not stop driving my car to avoid and even greater chance of being killed in a motor vehicle accident.
Also a repeat post from last week referring to the same UK study
Some interesting stats for the effects of vaccination on those 60,624 detected with the Delta variant in table 4 over that same period
For those Unvaccinated – cases: 35521, hospitalisations: 527, deaths: 34
Vaccinated with 1st dose within 3 weeks – cases: 4094, hospitalisations: 50, deaths: 1
Vaccinated with 1st dose more than 3 weeks prior – cases: 9461, hospitalisations: 135, deaths: 10
Vaccinated with 2nd dose more than 2 weeks prior – cases: 4087, hospitalisations: 84, deaths: 26
The percentages vs cases work out to be
Unvaccinated – hospitalisations: 1.5%, deaths: 0.1%
Vaccinated with 1st dose within 3 weeks – hospitalisations: 1.2%, deaths: 0.02%
Vaccinated with 1st dose more than 3 weeks prior – hospitalisations: 1.4%, deaths: 0.1%
Vaccinated with 2nd dose more than 2 weeks prior – hospitalisations: 2.1%, deaths: 0.6%
Not quite the panacea we are told that it would be
I might one day look into using Bayesian statistics (not the simplistic standard null hypothesis approach which is next to useless) to see whether it’s actually safer to get the virus than to take the shots. I don’t think it can be done as yet because there isn’t enough data and time. It might take another 6 months to do so. However, it might be worth starting now to get the ball rolling. I will consult with a friend who is an expert in these things. He is fully qualified in the Actuary field.
The pro-vax crowd will say it’s the absolute numbers rather than the percentages that should be looked at with 527 hospitalisations for the unvaccinated vs 84 for those fully vaccinated. But the UK also counted those who were admitted for something else and incidentally tested positive after admission amongst their CoViD hospitalization cases.
And remember that the UK are still mainly using steroids to treat CoViD hospitalization cases (those that weren’t admitted for something else and incidentally tested positive after admission) to reduce inflammation. With Ivermectin we could do much better.
If those mortality percentages are correct, then that is a big red flag for ADE or cellular pathway dependent enhancement.
0.1 vs. 0.6?!
You could add emergency flares to the big red flag. With a brass band and dancing elephants …
The mortality is correct for those presenting at emergency wards. In terms of the fully vaccinated, they are dramatically under represented in those presenting. At the time of the report, 25M people in the UK had had two jabs – about 37% of the population. So if the vaccine afforded no protection then 22,000 of the 60,000 should have been fully vaccinated. The actual fully vaccinated number presenting is consistent with the AZ vaccine being assessed as being 74% effective in preventing disease. Moderna is the most effective; rated at 94%.
So if you get a choice, go for Moderna. My oldest son living in the UK had Moderna and bouts of shingles followed both jabs. First time he has suffered shingles and he was not rare in terms of the side effect.
You have misinterpreted the data and disregard one of the key findings of that report. Given that 50% of the population had at least one jab at the time of the report and 33% with 2 doses, the fact that the full vaccinated number is only 7% of those presenting is a clear indication of the effectiveness of the vaccination. If vaccination had no effect then the fully vaccinated should number about 20,000 not 4087.
A key finding of the report:
And remember that vaccines have been prioritised by vulnerability. What the report does not show is the age of those vaccinated who died compared with the age of those unvaccinated who died.
To appreciate the efficacy of a vaccine you need to start with the total population not those presenting at emergency departments. UK deaths dropped dramatically not long after vaccinations started. The death rate began levelling out in mid February after 13M had at least had one dose. In late January, death rate in the UK was over 1000/day:
It is now down to double digits so two orders of magnitude reduction. The vaccination program caused the death rate to plummet.
Three primary factors on plummeting death rate.
1.Seasonal 2. Vaccines 3. Greater herd immunity.
What you are missing is that the vaccines is rapidly becoming less effective. Crossover cases are growing. The vaccine is creating more mutation chances, and harming the chance of herd immunity.
!. Seasons – Fiji must be having a hell of a winter in 2021:
2 Vaccines – yes, that is what I wrote.
3. Vaccinations are all about herd immunity hence the reasons Government are working hard to get everyone vaccinated.
What is creating more chances is providing the Covid virus more bodies. Stop feeding bodies to it and it just dies out.
Back when medical response was rational, a “case” depended on some being both infected AND showing symptoms of a disease agent (be it virus, bacteria, fungus etc). There were no PCR tests being performed to detect the slightest trace of the agent on those showing no symptoms.
I bet if PCR tests were done for the flu, the “case count” would look horrific.
Fuji is not the world, globally most live in the NH and the pattern of COV was similar last year. Down under is having an increase now eh?
So, every single person inoculated is a mutation experiment. “ Don’t administer a leaky vaccine in a Pandemic” is established for a reason. Two billion leaky vaccines is two billion mutation experiments!
Read this closely. I am hoping Jo does as well. She understands it better then I, and can critique it.
So 1, seasons, still stands.
2. Vaccines, stand initially, but are failing badly.
3. Leaky vaccines may well be destroying the worlds chance at herd immunity. Read the link above. See the fact that there are strong indications that the vaccines rapidly lose efficacy and spread vaccine resistant mutations.
What do you think about this Rick ? From The Epoch Times 3/8/21
Fauci: Amount of Virus in COVID-19 Breakthrough Delta Cases ‘Almost Identical’ to Unvaccinated
BY JACK PHILLIPS August 2, 2021 Updated: August 2, 2021
Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, said that federal data showed that the amount of virus in Delta strain COVID-19 breakthrough cases of those who are vaccinated is nearly identical to levels seen among unvaccinated people.
“What we learned that’s new … is that when you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of people who are vaccinated who get breakthrough infections, it’s really quite high and equivalent to the level of virus in the nasopharynx of unvaccinated people who get infected,” Fauci said in an interview with CBS News’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday. The nasopharynx is part of the nasal cavity near the back of the throat.
Fauci, who is head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said it was unusual to find that the levels of the Delta variant in both vaccinated and unvaccinated people are “really quite similar, almost identical.”
“So we know now that vaccinated people who get breakthrough infections can spread the virus to other people,” Fauci said.
Late last week, the CDC released a study from Barnstable County, Massachusetts—which includes Cape Cod—that revealed that 74 percent of COVID-19 Delta cases in a recent outbreak were among vaccinated individuals.
Oh, yes. I’m inclined to believe given the stats that getting the virus is better than getting the vaccines since getting the virus will provide better immunity. That of course will be refuted by officialdom but who cares – we already know they tell lies.
I agree; as long as it’s not the new mutated version that is strengthened by encounter with the Vaxxine.
Only if you are prepared, at my age at least. Get Vit D levels checked and supplement or sun-bathe until it is 150 nMol/l, fortify your morning orange juice [not orange drink] with a gram of ascorbic acid, get serious about weight loss on a keto diet and other common sense precautions and you are probably right.
Do this and your health will improve in many ways. I’ve been supplementing for years and, seriously, I’m better than I was decades ago.
All good advice, and already have taken measures on some of them for months. On point though. There is so much we don’t know (or as the case may be they don’t want us to know) about the side effects of the vaccines at any age. I’m talking more about the long term effects that might be months if not years down the track. With that in mind and the minute risk of suffering badly from the virus, I can’t really understand why anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence would take the vaccines. It really is a lot like playing Russian Roulette with two guns several weeks apart. There are enough of them pointing at me as it is, such as driving a car, crossing the road, being attacked while walking, tree branch falling on my head, food poisoning, etc.. I don’t need two more.
And smoked oysters on little bikkies to raise your zinc levels.
Depends on your age and your overall health – very much. I think I much prefer the vaccine (at 69) rather than facing potentially higher risk of a more severe infection. Not sure it’s been established yet that a prior infection is a better immunity shield than the vaccine – has it?
Anyway – evidence from many places (especially the US) is showing that hospitalisation and deaths are occurring pretty much exclusively among the unvaccinated. So presumably the vaccine is worth the effort, if it reduces severity, especially for the over-60s.
How about the 4 of 5 in the hospitalised in the Massachusetts outbreak being fully vaccinated? And 74%, of the cases occurred in fully vaccinated people who had completed a two-dose course of the mRNA vaccines or received a single shot of Johnson & Johnson’s.
The article then toes the line by parrotting
This is just a statement made by CDC director Rochelle Walensky, a political hack, with no raw figures ever provided to back up the percentages and the MSM have it repeat play for people like you to spread the misinformation
Correct, no real figures, and likely based on a time period, the beginning of the virus when zero vaccines existed, and a couple of months after they were introduced, and cases globally were dropping due to their reasons as well, and vaccines had not yet had time to manifest the failures now appearing.
Proof that this scam is being manipulated more disingenuously than the CAGW scam using “misdirected” data.
You can twist and twirl and dance and spin all you want, but the reality is – for the 25-30 US states that report specifically – some 95% 0f new cases are among the unvaccinated, and as high as 99.9% of hospitalisations-deaths are among the unvaccinated.
The Covid-19 vaccines are incredibly effective in stopping people being hospitalised or dying. Why do you want to deny this? What is the point?
[Try to avoid namecalling. snipped- Jo]
The UK right now is having a few hundred percent more daily wuflu deaths then one year ago.
India right now has about 40 percent less wuflu deaths per capita then the US.
Yet it’s vaccinated percentage is FAR lower. It’s population density far higher.
Areas in India using Ivermectin and HCQ have more then decimated the virus, and likely developed herd immunity. ( There is a chance, and considerable evidence that that chance is manifesting, that the leaky failing vaccines ( see some of the most vaccinated nations with an increase in cases and hospitalizations,) will ruin the chance for herd immunity.
I see no links to your claimed numbers. You ignore all the adverse events. You ignore the crossover infections, which are growing. You ignore the creation of vaccine resistant mutations. You ignore the long term affects of the jabs. All on the basis of an initial drop, now failing in many areas, that is season aided and natural immunity aided.
Germany is always held up as the “poster child” for renewable energy. Here is a simply fact to answer the true believers.
Obviously, Germans value “keeping the lights on and the factories and jobs running” much more than the Britons do. Politics or no, Germans will do what favours Germany. Britain, not so much, as evidenced by policy.
Watch what people, and Governments, Do. Not what they Say.
Honestly, I cannot blame the Germans. Any sane nation ought to place a priority on their own National Security and the welfare of their own citizens. Otherwise, what purpose is there in having a Nation?
Britain, OTOH, has placed the Brussels/EU Ideology above the welfare of Britons. An impractical choice.
Germany is leeching off of the French, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Polish, Grids to provide the Illusion of “green energy” while actually sourcing 75%+ of their energy from Coal/Gas/Nuclear/Hydro. Quite the charade.
Both countries import a lot of power. Without adjusting for that it is rather meaningless.
Another poster child
and they sit on some good oil and gas reserves that virtue prohibits
I found a link to the English version of the Mototaka Nakamura critique of climate modelling:
He gives a good description of the flaws in so-called climate models. This a brief extract:
Labour is pushing the Federal Government to offer AUD300 to every Australian fully vaccinated by December. Talk about easy money!
Still a “no” from me.
That is one gift horse who’s mouth requires serious looking at.
So, can you remove the Vax from your body for AUD 300? If not, it isn’t economical.
A. That’s manipulation.
B. Where’s all that filthy lucre coming from?
Annie asked:
It will be all nice new money created for the purpose if the Government agree to it, which is unlikely. The only problem with creating new money is accelerating inflation. There are already signs of all the new money created in 2020 pushing up house prices. That trend may take a breather with the issues in NSW.
The PM says its a waste of money, we can all agree on that. They tried it in the US and the results weren’t that good.
Out in the regions its a bumper year and Covid free, house prices are rising at an extraordinary pace.
Wouldn’t that be vote buying?
It’s blatant electioneering.
When a true sense therapeutic vaccine is developed and researched to be safe I will pay $300 to get it.
Given the track record of efficacy of all flu vaccines to date and not just Covid ones I doubt it will ever happen.
In meantime I will continue to invest little effort to keep my immune system in top shape like I have done for the passed 25 years without getting a flu or any symptoms. Despite 8 aeroplane trips per month across different countries over a period of 20 years I don’t call that luck.
Blend of medicinal mushrooms and cayenne pepper, two or three tablets per month and reasonably good diet.
Are you – or were you – a pilot? Why the need to fly so much otherwise? I’ve flown a fair bit – but 1920 flights in 20 years is rather impressive.
I was in mining
That is still far more FIFO than I would think was reasonable. What a way to live your life.
yes , they should be more like you. One can only dream I guess
10 A few answers in here. a detailed autopsy of some of the most relevant sections in the comments……
They can offer me $10,000 and I will still say no.
There is something very, very wrong when governments want to offer citizens money to get an experimental injection that may well make you much sicker than you would have been if you caught the virus that the potion was intended to prevent.
Chris Martenson uses Sydney as an example of the scare narrative being used to force vaccination, masking and lockdowns.
Not only is Obama apparently exempt from Covid/delta, but, judging by how close his house is next to the sea, he also seems to be exempt from doomsday global warming/sea level rise …
As pointed out before, they are the only ones who have true immunity – from criminal and civil law – to perpetrate and support their scams. All leaders are in it together – no exceptions.
I guess this is as good a place as any introduce a new scientific term;
Homo vacciensis
For more explanation try;
I was prompted to write this after discovering the following group, which some of you probably already know about, and trying to explain that there is likely an alternate path out of the SARS-Cov-2 morass to my CCC friends (Church of Climate Change);
NB the bitpost article is published on the BSV blockchain which means that it will be there for a very long time (immutable and eternal as they say).
What’s more it only cost me 2c (in BSV) to post! No ads required!
If you want to like/tip it you will need to get some BSV in a moneybutton, RelayX or other wallet – I get paid if you do (cents)!
No other digital currency can store data and do micropayments like this yet!
Bitpost is one example of the heaps of cool stuff happening on the fastest, lowest cost per transaction, lowest energy cost (by several orders of magnitude) Bitcoin variant that actually works as a functional smart digital currency and potential replacement for the Internet (Metanet). I’ve witnessed the proof firsthand.
Unlike most of the other questionable facsimiles most of which don’t deliver what’s printed on the label.
I am happy to be one of the early users of this honest, useful, disruptive tech!
You guys might be interested in weatherSV;
This is very interesting and informative. I’ve seen it before but thought it was relevant to today’s environment.
The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture
It explains a lot of things. One of them is it makes sense why Trump had to be removed by both sides, and now why they are trying their best to keep him out. He was becoming a stumbling block for the ultimate establishment of the NWO as he is a nationalist, not a globalist.
Where is Tony from Oz?
I was thinking the same!
Hope everything is well with him and family.
He posted a couple of threads back about the Tom Thumb being smaller than boats in an olympic event he was viewing.
US stock Market: Dow Industrials dropped yesterday the first Monday on August to 34838.16 change -97.31 -0.28% as I predicted
How did I do it? I have an ensemble of models and I make news of my success and ignore failures. Continuous adjustment of models in the ensemble makes them also look better.
Not being specific helps too. Talk about climate change, not about global warming. Climate crises include both floods and droughts. No problem with cognitive dissonance.
That’s a 50/50 chance. Now tell us where the DOW will be on December 1 please. Plus/minus 100 points will do. 🙂
First of all, the model must start with physics. Sun spots are a good starting point
Secondly, I need history data I start at 19878 and calculate the anomaly based on 1980 -2010 average (eyeballed to 7500). Pause 1998 – 2008 does not look good, maybe I need to eliminate it.
Like calculating the global average temperature only experts with inside information should be able to calculate the Dow average. Weights are used to decide the importance of each component in an index.
Further more, stocks come and go like weather stations. So, if for example Boeing is taken away, the stock price of Tesla could be used estimate Boeing’s stock price after it is gone.
After all that alchemy of finance I get the estimate for 1 th December. It is 37500, anomaly 30 000 because of trend of sun spots. No error bars because the index is a mathematical construct.
Interesting. I’m expecting it to be higher than that – somewhere around 42,000.
No Vaccine Passport bill.
As I stated before it doesn’t worry me a lot but I can understand it will for a lot of others who like to party, etc.. Still it would be good if the vaccine passport is blocked just based on principles.
NSW reports 199 new covid cases today.
Given that the Delta variant is as virulant as chicken pox, it’s a very good performance.
Unfortunately, I am not confident Australia can escape a wave of infection with 80% twice vaccinated. Vaccine effectiveness seems to decay with time and herd immunity is an impossible target. Moreover the virus mutates and eventually reinfects
Here is why herd immunity will not happen…
Including of course the refusal to state sponsor effective anti-virals.
NSW records 233 local COVID-19 cases and two more deaths as Gladys Berejiklian warns outbreak will get worse
Still okay but you don’t want day-over-day-over-day of exponential growth. Contact tracing will become impractical and a very hard lockdown will be required to staunch things. Have no doubt that Auistralia has the resolve to tighten the screws as much as necessary
Given Delta variant and the low vaccination rates, If you let covid rip, it will overflow the hospitals for sure
A plot to overthrow Australian government busted
I saw the original video (voice only) of the plot a few days ago. It was very interesting. I wonder if it’s a false flag.
with arrests being made it shows the federal police didn’t think it was a false flag
So, 80% vaccinated is needed to get out of lockdown, ScoMo?
Lockdowns May still be needed even if 80% of Australians are vaccinated – but Scott Morrison says they could become a thing of the past when we reach November
Imagine being the government and lying all the time, being proven to be lying, then wondering why people don’t trust you when you say “get vaccinated”.
We are at the sharp end of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.
PS: I’ve been vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, cholera and yellow fever.
But, apparently I am an antivaxxer because I don’t want an unnecessary vaccine with no long term safety data.
PM Morrison has gone over to the dark side some time ago. Exhibit A: emissions reduction mantra when he was beating his chest about reaching targets ahead of schedule.
Government’s behavior smells rat:
Is this for real? The police in question should be arrested and charged.
Elderly Man Suffers Heart Attack While Allegedly Being Arrested For Not Wearing A Mask Outside
and he had an exemption! Now are all convinced our police have turned into SS-like Naz1s?
Looks like we have at least one Naz1 appeaser here.
It will be interesting to see the reaction from overseas. This and the other police bullying (link below) apparently are going viral according to some. Let’s wait and see. Although PM Morrison has no control over the state police, he will and should cop a lot of flak since he is fuelling the situation with these useless lockdowns and vaccine coercions.
Due to the August 1st switch over of Sky News it’s no longer available in Tasmania so people there will have watch Alan Jones etc on their respective yuselesstube channel.
The Real COVID Agenda Nobody Will Expose
Intended only for people with critical thinking skills. The rest can go back to sleep.
Iirc, this evening Alan Jones suggested going to their website where they will now have the news clips that used to be on YT. I haven’t tried it yet.
This was meant to be in answer to Rod @#30.
At this point I think Covid-19 should hold a press conference advising what is to be done about the government.
Interesting problem facing Farmers needing to re-register their fire arms.
Department unavailable
Post 1 of a moderation test
Passed – now Test 2
To “upmarket” any discussion of ivermectin call it “stromectrol”,3069011000036101/stromectol
Analltik – yesterday I had decided to purchase it from Chemist Warehouse Online but found you had to sip ply a prescription. Unable to do that.
You won’t get it in Australia without a doctor’s prescription (part of the Vaccine, nothing but the vaccine and only the vaccine approach).
Ivermectin is the active substance. claim to be able to supply. I don’t know them and I note a scam alert when searching (which may or may not itself be true). Ziver Do kit* is also on offer, probably supplied from India. A mix of zinc, antibiotic and ivermectin. Seems to be widely available. Again someone claiming a scam, but that again may not be true.
*varius permutations will appear in your browser.
Are you in the country? Your local hardware store e.g. Mitre 10 might have Ausmectin Pour-On for horses. Goes on skin and is absorbed, but calculate your dosage (unless you are a horse). has been using it and has comments which might help.
would be the same elsewhere in Australia.
I have seen reference to Kiwidrug having it but also on-line a claim that they might be a scam.
Also ziverdo kit (in various permutations) offer a 3 way kit with zinc etc. Possibly supplied from India.
I don’t know either company.
l just heard a joke about covid that l thought l’d tell
but it would be a waste of time because 99,.8% of you wont get it LOL
The Chinese are constructing the world’s first civilian Small Modular Reactor, the 125 MWe ACP100, on the island of Hainan (birthplace of the famous chicken rice). With design being finished in 2014, it is scheduled to start operation in 2025. This is a pilot/demonstration plant of a design that is intended to be deployed in clusters at more remote regions – on Hainan, it will be alongside 2 existing 600 MWe reactors plus a couple more 1100 MWe reactors that will be also soon be built
It’s amazing how quickly things can be done when there is no interference from environmental scaremongers.
Yes but it’s made worse here when there is interference from environmental scaremongers, including PM Morrison, still clamouring how we must reduce our emissions as if our lives depended on it, which of course it doesn’t. Congratulations PM Morrison, you are the proud leader of two scaremongering tactics that will destroy our nation.
The seasonally prevailing thermal anom pattern over the Americas will almost perfectly reverse to a more normal pattern during the next 5 days.
Hi, you sure?? I live in Santiago, Chile, and we are experiencing unsual warm and dry days (horrible drought), whereas Brazil apparently keeps frozen. If it flips soon and we get some rain, maybe we won’t have such a disaster of a year
Hi Fran,
This is the most recent ECMWF thermal anom extract image for the Americas, for Tuesday the 10th August 2021. Warmth takes a little longer to leave southern Chile but the pattern is going back toward a more normal distribution during next week. In North America it almost completely reverses. Hope things go well for you all from here.
Drought in Chile is a cyclic phenomenon.
‘The drought faced by Chile between 1968 and 1969, known as the Great Drought of 1968, was one of the largest rainfall deficits in the country during the twentieth century, only comparable to the drought of 1924.’ (wiki)
Hi gordo, I’m well aware of the cyclical nature of droughts here (just like in Australia). My mother remembers the 1968 drought, and already in my lifetime I remember the 1998 one – which caused electric blackouts bc of how reliant we were of hydro power – and the current one. But this one has been way longer than any of those ones. It’s sad to see the landscape so dry in the middle of winter!
Sometimes You Just Have To Laugh At The Sheep
“The vaccinated loose their minds. They start screaming at people!”
An accidental response to the vaccine?
Well the TV news reporting on the, vaccinated, Lindsey Graham testing positive for Covid states that it was extremely rare for somebody vaccinated to catch it. But I remember reading a link in the comments here that among a set of new covid patients in Mass., 74% had been vaccinated.
Unbelievable. Fauci knew about the Antibody Dependent Enhancement risks:
“The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.” [source NIH]
Original source article is being hit by denial of service attacks but the article can be found here although a bit slow coming up
Is something fishy going on at the TGA? I’ve been monitoring daily adverse vaccine reactions on their DAEN database. Today a new category appeared out of no where called: “Injury, poisoning and procedural complication – Adverse event following immunisation’ with 19 deaths attributed to it. But the total number of deaths did not suddenly increase by 19. So TGA appears to be reclassifying some existing deaths? I’m wondering if this is being done to obfuscate the number of total deaths now that deaths are increasing significantly (5 deaths reported yesterday and 6 today). BTW I have noticed if you play around with some of the datanase ordering and filtering you sometimes get a glimpse of future deaths (remember data made available from DAEN is always 90 days old). So for example deaths to 4/05/2021 (90 days ago) total 143 but two days’ later it will be 150. To get the latter result I merely chose to display 500 items and it gave me 88 days instead of 90 days. So my search and results got extended to 6/5/2021 Weird! Modern day computing – they seem to have forgotten the gentle art of boundary testing.
“Australia, Where Art Thou?”
“”Vaccine hesitancy” – that gets it said!”
“Vaccine Tyranny Comes To The USA / NYC”
“Electric “Jet” Specs Sucky”
EXCLUSIVE: Forklift driver, 27, who died in his own home after contracting Covid-19 was married just six weeks ago and felt ’90 per cent fine’ – as his heartbroken wife is rushed to hospital
. Aude Al-Askar collapsed in the shower and could not be revived on Tuesday
. The 27-year-old had been diagnosed with Covid almost two weeks earlier
. But his family say he had a heart condition and are not certain Covid killed him
But Mr Al-Askar’s cousin Khalid Thijeel told Daily Mail Australia that the family has a history of heart conditions, and they would be waiting for a Coroner to confirm his cause of death.
‘He woke up yesterday, he was feeling good, he had breakfast, called his family and then he had a shower about 4pm and that was it,’ Mr Thijeel said.
‘He had no coughing, nothing,’ Mr Thijeel said.
Paramedics who responded to the emergency reportedly confirmed that he suffered heart failure, whereas the hospital specified that Covid was a contributing factor in his death.
He received a positive Covid diagnosis less than two weeks ago and did not develop any symptoms until about a week into his infection.
Even then, family say he was ‘about 90 per cent fine’.
ABC reporting this morning saying that family said he was perfectly healthy with no health conditions.
Italy is now considering people must have a vaccination passport to vote.
Part translation:
Draghi has already got partial approval from the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta, who wants only vaccinated candidates on the list. Therefore, nobody can run for office without a COVID Passport and nobody will be allowed to vote.
As Martin Armstrong stated here:
Note the bit at the end. That’s news to me. How come we haven’t heard that on MSM? Rhetorical question of course.
Forgot the link to the Italian site (for those who speak Italian).–28117108/
Is history about to be repeated yet again?
Biden – America’s Commodus?
Alberta, Canada has mandated that restrictions like isolating, contact tracing or masking be lifted. COVID-19 cases are to be treated like other respiratory viruses, such as the flu. Close contacts of people who test positive for COVID-19 are no longer legally required to isolate, nor will they be notified by contact tracers. As of August 16, people who test positive for COVID-19 won’t be required to isolate but it is strongly recommended. Testing will also be curtailed. By the end of August, only those with severe symptoms will be tested.
Some are saying the move is insane. I say it’s a sensible move in the right direction.
Alberta’s surprising end to COVID-19 pandemic rules is in line with the UCP brand
Seems Alberta lose a court case – there was mention in comments at SDA
“Well there you go” as the expression has it – or you don’t!
“Actions Speak Louder Than Words”
“Gibraltar is the only country in the world which is 100% vaccinated, and the CDC just moved them to their “Very High Travel Risk” category.”
And no wonder!
“My favorite Top Gear presenter, Jeremy Clarkson, on lockdowns: ”
“How Climate Scenarios Lost Touch With Reality”