A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Pfizer contracts issue now has this detailed update:
Includes this : ✓ Countries like the United States, Japan, Israel, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Panama, as well as the European Union and other countries, have guaranteed a quantity of doses to start immunizing their populations, through an agreement that includes the same clauses presented to Brazil.
And asks: “These clauses raises up the following urgent questions:
1) Does a government, which is the executive branch in democracy, have the right to make an obligation to restrict the legislative branch (the parliament), as well as restrict the Judiciary branch of democracy (courts)?
2) Can a government make an obligation to foreign entities that they will have a right to oversight and vet the decisions of the legislative branch (the parliament), as well as decide whether or not the decisions of the Judiciary branch of democracy (courts) are valid or not?
3) Does these contracts represent a danger to democracy, especially as they were done in secrecy?
4) Does such contracts set up a precedent that empties the whole notion of democracy?
5) How can we know what other contracts did our governments sign or what contracts they plan to sign next which might empty our democracy even further?”
” Again, the main point is – are these specific clauses represent a constitutional violation or not? If there are such clauses, AS PRIZER ITSELF CLAIMS, than I think that we might be a constitutional issue here. If the legislative branch did not had the ability to review the proposal and vote on the matter in accordance to the required transparency this contract cannot become a de-facto new law, which is what this contract does. If this contract restrict in any way the judiciary it usually requires a constitutional amendment to do so. So even if a legislative branch voted on it might be considered unconstitutional law, which a pretty severe offence on most countries around the world.”
Maybe a better link to the agreement here Old Moss.
Scroll down to below the video to read the agreement. A series of screenshots.
Qld govt spending big on polling to see if their health advice is likely to get them reelected in 3 years time.
Oh, is there still going to be elections in 3 tears time?
Honestly, I don’t expect to see another election – there will be too many ongoing “emergencies” to deal with, requiring elections to be suspended until further notice.
The Kovid Krisis has “delayed” our local government elections: May have read somewhere that it will be 15 months at the end of the latest extension.
No really an truly, you can’t run elections while COVID19 is acting exponentially, it could interfere with the tally.
Yes what?! Maybe.
Ronin’s question.
And if I had time I’d go back to many posts over the years that have claimed that some event or policy announcement means that someone is trying to seize power against the law or constitution, and it never happens.
Oh yeah and Trump will be back as president in about a week.
Where did you hear that good news about Trump, Gee Aye?
It will be just wonderful to have him back in command, and in time to put a b**b under the latest IPCC nonsense and the COP meeting in Glasgow.
I don’t reveal my squrces
We know where you pulled them from.
I don’t reveal my squrces either
Don’t you mean pulled them out of?
Hope so.
“Oh, is there still going to be elections in 3 tears time?
If the Conservatives jag it again there’ll be a lot more than 3 tears
Yes there will – doomsayers are invariably wrong – it’s called the Mike Lindell Syndrome. I think it’s beyond ridiculous to believe this pandemic is being used and abused by governments to impose the New World Order (sic) and achieve population enslavement. I suggest you have a cup of tea, keeping paying the mortgage, play golf, enjoy life.
There is no evidence so far that politicians welcome the pandemic – it cost Trump and some of his cohort the election in November 2020, and it might cost others re-election as well. There is no plot.
Biden’s dementia and the utter incompetence and totalitarianism of the Democrats is what would cost them the next election…
…. if they ever allow a proper election.
If you can’t see the UN, WHO, pharma/tech one-world totalitarian agenda hovering over everything thing that is going on…
…. you need to take off that triple blindfold mask you are wearing. !
No … I think the Biden Administration is one of the very best in years.
What might well cost them next two elections (2022 & 2024) is the utterly ruthless and power-mad moves by Republican-controlled states to suppress the vote of everyone who might vote Democrat. The fix is in – and it’s breath-taking in its scope.
And we haven’t even talked about the ruthless, cynical partisan gerrymandering that’s going to go on as the result of the last (skewed) Census.
I am very upset that the Government of Canaada is saturating the radio airwaves with promotion of their upoming firearms control bill that will penalize law-abiding firearm owners in a useless attempt to combat urban criminal gun activity. This, on top of their May 1/2021 restricting about 1500 firearms because they look scary. Calling an AR-15 a “military-grade assault-style” weapon is ludicrous.
Governments disarming their population is a clear sign they are afraid of the population rising up to them in anger when things start to go pear shaped. It’s standard practice. Moves are afoot in the US to do the same thing but at least they have the Constitutional right to bear arms so it will be very difficult if not impossible without changing the Constitution. The irony o fit all is the reason the US has that right is for the purpose of allowing people to rise up and fight against a ruthless and tyrannical government. If and when the time comes when that right needs to be exercised under Constitution Law, it will be interesting to see which side the armed forces will take. Some have said the army will be on the government’s side but the air-force will be on the people’s side. The navy is unclear.
No – governments seek gun control when (a) powerful weapons get into the hands of nutjobs, and mass killings occur (Port Arthur), or (b) they test the political wind and understand that a significant majority of the voters WANT gun control.
The US Second Amendment stands in the way of sensible and way overdue gun reform, that large percentages of the population would like to see enacted.
No-one needs an assault rifle to hunt foxes or kill Bambi’s mother. Assault rifles and all semi-automatics are ONLY designed for fire-fights against other human beings, and to be able to kill a lot of people in a very short time. All should be banned in my view.
Let the farmers and others with real needs have a 22, a shotgun, and an air-rifle.
Ha! you had best keep your comments directed toward the sardine can environment in which you inhabit. An air rifle?? what for? would be lucky to take a out sparrow with one. Then, you are obviously unaware that it is illegal to shoot at some vermin without a centre fire. So onto foxes, good luck without a centre fire, even of small calibre. Then I must admit to scoring a fox with a shotgun fired from the hip once. Yeah, for my ability, that was a fluke.
Learnt from his mate St Jacinda….
Copied from YSB blog
“With the clown car in charge did anyone doubt they’d miscalculate for a buy back scheme that wasn’t necessary in the first place.
Gun buyback cost more to run than paid out to owners
Just over $2.4 million was paid out to gun owners who handed in their firearms as part of the buyback, while the total cost of the scheme was $6.2 million.
Administrative costs outweighed the money spent on taking dangerous guns out of circulation.
It is the second time the police have run a firearms buyback and amnesty since changes to gun laws in the wake of the Christchurch mosque attacks.
The police initially estimated anywhere between 2200 and 2800 firearms would be handed in during the six month buyback and amnesty, and as such, $15.5 million was set aside for the exercise.
Buybacks. That’s where you sell the Government your old guns and then go and buy new guns. Keeps public servants occupied and gun shops in business.
The IPCC 6th report says we are doomed (again)
Full report (no I haven’t read all 3949 odd pages)
The TLDR; versions is The Summary for Policy Makers states
Your short summary
“UN Secretary General: “This report must sound a death knell for coal and fossil fuels, before they destroy our planet” ”
Again, I say to PM Morrison stop being a hypocrite and either stop promoting emissions reductions or start building nuclear power stations. It has to be one or the other or your credibility is shot to pieces.
This IPCC CAGW scare mongering is mainly resonating in Western Nations such as the EU, Canada, USA etc. They are the ones fast tracking to RE’s.
However the reality is that these Western Nations make up less than 20% of the World’s population. The other 80% are not going down this “decarbonization route” either because they don’t believe the IPCC’s alarmist predictions or they think it is too expensive to abandon fossil fuels for their energy needs e.g. China, India & most other Asian nations, Russia, most African nations & most central/south American nations.
What we have here is the 20% commmiting economic “hari kari”. The next GSM/MIA is fast approaching, ie later this decade coinciding with SC26, and Solar Physicists are predicting that this event will last through most of the rest of the 21st century. Can you imagine mid/high N. Hemis nations dependant on RE’s being able to weather such a prolonged period of GC? That February 2021 “Polar Vortex” event brought Texas to its knees because their RE’s failed to deliver resulting in many humans dying in their own homes, not to mention the ~ US$150 billion hit to their economy. This event is a harbinger of what to expect in the 2030’s and beyond only it will be a lot worse, ie happening on a yearly basis.
I predict that RE’s will be dismantled during the next GSM/MIA – France will be spared thanks to its Nuclear power generation. Expect fossil fuels to flourish in the 2030’s and onwards as nations come to realize that the IPCC’s “Theory of AGW” is just a myth – computer modelling gone array – abandoned because the GSM/MIA will prove once and for all that CO2 doesn’t drive Global Temps – never has and never will.
It’s my understanding that the Texas power failures were caused principally by the failure of power stations – with that failure caused by (a) the almost unprecedented depth of the cold, and (b) deferred and ignored maintenance of power stations.
Not sure you can have an MIA with CO2 concentrations at 420 ppm.
Also a large proportion of blame on the green agenda, and decisions made because of it. eg using grid electricity to power gas compressors.
The amount of atmospheric CO2 has absolutely zero bearing on if there will be a MIA or not.
The Vostok Ice Core data clearly shows that CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere respond to temperature changes (rise & fall), not the reverse. Secondly CO2 is a trace gas making up ~ 4 gas particles per 10,000 gas particles in the atmosphere. GHG’s make up just 1% of these gases and by far the dominant GHG is water vapor (~95%). Many geos I know specializing in stratigraphy just can’t believe that so many scientists promote the IPCC’s “AGW Ideology” – it is flawed and at total odds with Earth’s geological history. Current CO2 concentrations of 420 ppm will have little effect halting the onset of the GSM/MIA later this decade. In the 2030’s onwards we will know for sure if Solar or CO2 controls Earth’s GT Cycles.
This WUWT is hilarious! Compares the SG’s dire warning today with an identical UN one from 1989, when warming had to stop by 2000 or disaster will occur.
Still waiting.
Yes, if the modeled predictions fail to eventuate, ignore it but make new predictions for the same outcome with updated models.
For 25 years and more we have been telling them that their computer models are no good. That’s a quarter of a century.
Now they tell us,…wait for it…their computer models were no good.
After they have used them to justify spending trillions of dollars on so called “renewables”, and shutting down our established means of power generation.
Will they tell us after another 25 years? “Oh, we now realise that CO2 wasn’t harmful after all”.
And for the last quarter of a century we have had massive climate disruption, including melting Arctic sea ice, permafrost melting, methane release, desertification – and all manner of “unprecedented” droughts, fires and floods. Things are not that good.
Tilba Tilba
“And for the last quarter of a century we have had massive climate disruption, including melting Arctic sea ice, permafrost melting, methane release, desertification – and all manner of “unprecedented” droughts, fires and floods. Things are not that good.”
“doomsayers are invariably wrong”
“I suggest you have a cup of tea, keeping paying the mortgage, play golf, enjoy life.”
“including melting Arctic sea ice”
Arctic sea ice is still way above what it has been for most of the last 10,000 years
Has been basically steady, at is current high level for the last 15 years or so.
Sorry.. Sahara is greening.. do try to keep up.
“all manner of “unprecedented” droughts, fires and floods.”
Until you look at actual historical records.
Then, there is basically nothing out of the ordinary.
Things were far better for everyone than they have been in human history, until this climate agenda and its Covid sibling came along.
Both have sent society backwards is large bounds.
That’s a great summary Mr T.
On the use of the word “society”, do you think that’s appropriate?
Shambles might be a more accurate descriptor of the current social structure.
We are in deep doo doo and the way out is not clear at the present time.
Not according to scientific data, clarence. From the US Environment Protection Agency Arctic Report:
• September 2012 had the lowest sea ice extent ever recorded, 44 percent below the 1981–2010 average for that month. For March, the lowest sea ice extent on record was in 2017, 7.4 percent less than the 1981–2010 average (see Figure 1).
• The September 2020 sea ice extent was the second smallest on record. It was more than 900,000 square miles less than the historical 1981–2010 average for that month (see Figure 1)—a difference three and a half times the size of Texas.
Basically Arctic sea ice has reduced dramatically over the last 40 years, just as it has over the last 10,000 years. And the further real concern is that the rate of warming (and therefore ice melting) is increasing.
And now we see the supreme lunacy of Scandinavian Vogue magazine self-flagellating over their oh so arty, appeal to the regressives, full colour spread featuring that other Scandi regressive – you guessed it – Saint Greta. While wearing what appears to be cast off clothing from some unfortunate Stockholm homeless victim of climate change, she gives us the constantly hammered home diatribe we know so well. Warning – bucket may be required if you are game enough to look.”>
The vehemence of the attacks on Greta Thunberg aren’t letting up, it seems. An 18 year-old young women who has got uppity being heaped upon by middle-aged or older blokes … where have we seen this before?
I reckon she’s attacked so vehemently because she is both correct and influential – not because she is wrong.
You are having a big day today, Tilba. Not sure what use you have for 18 year-old girls, but my main point was concerning the virtue-signalling organisations which line up to use people such as Greta for their own ends. Because they are influential – not correct.
Massive amounts of (taxpayer’s) money spent on the
Follow the “spillage”.
Enron’s 1982 model forecast was bang-on, both in terms of emissions and temperature increase. Aren’t models great, especially when you have detailed insight on the supply side?
Oops, Exxon not Enron. Evil energy corporates always seems to start with E…
Shell f.e. starts with E, ups, not
, 😀
Global temperature rise has come only at El Ninos.
There is zero scientific evidence of warming by CO2.
UAH shows that on a year to date basis 2021 is only 0.2ºC warmer than 1980.
Whatever model that graph is based on, is pure garbage.
The climate models are junk non-science, akin to poor quality computer games.
They appeal only to the very simple-minded.
You obviously haven’t read the AR6 report yet:
Those darn experts, they think they know what they are talking about. Using models based on scientific fact that correspond with actual measures but contradict your gut feelings. How dare they!
LOL, Simple one still thinks the political summary actually contains real science.
Find it and show it to us, simple one.
Do you even know what “science ” is ?
And no, the models are not based on scientific fact.
They are based on erroneous assumptions and guesswork, exacerbated by multiple “fudgable” parameters.
They are not even to the standard of a mid-level computer game.
“that correspond with actual measures”
And no the models do not correspond with actual measurements.
Surface temperature fabrication sets are in no way related to actual global reality.
They are a concoction based on manic adjustments and smearing of wildly distorted urban data that is inappropriately positioned and mostly totally unfit-for-purpose.
S. Simon,
Very few scientist would be better qualified to comment on the process of scientific and engineering modelling than myself and the late John Harbourne.
What the IPCCCCC presents as “modelling” is nothing but Rubbish designed to give the impression of science when no actual science is present.
And that’s indisputable.
Several years ago I played around with data from the NarClim data base.
I can tell that the disparity between models is so vast that the only thing you can say about them is that they are all totally lacking in anything resembling scientific “skill”.
A monkey with a dart board on the side of a barn, could do as good, or better, job.
Simon its important to keep things in perspective.
‘ … the Summary for Policymakers (SPM), the result of negotiations between governments. In other words it is a political statement, not a scientific document. The latter won’t be published until much later, probably long after COP26.’ (Not a lot of people know that.)
Simple Simon, they now they write BS, because they know and admitted their models are wrong, to hot GIGO
LONG periods between the El Nino events, where there is basically NO WARMING.
UAH shows absolutely zero evidence of any human caused warming..
Nearly all the warming in other “once-were-data” sets is from urban warming smeared over large rural areas, and manic “adjustments” by AGW agenda driven scammers.
Simon this closer to reality.
China welcomes these fossil fuel “death knell” bleatings from the UN in order to keep getting bad rap fossil fuels at bargain basement prices. Our part of the deal is to be patsy simps to the UN and their AGW agenda and feel ashamed of our wealth of energy resources.
Coal is certainly not at “bargain basement prices”
Nor is gas, oil or Uranium.
What’s Ukraine got to do with this?
I’ve no idea.
You tell us, O kalm master.
My appologies,
I should have taken more time to check.
I mistook “Uranium” for Ukraine.
It won’t happen again.
Where’s Hanrahan when you need him
It’s back on again, not that it has taken a real holiday anyway. The world is doomed unless we stop emitting CO2 ,and do it quickly. The new IPCC report just released says so and we have precious little time to act. OK, if that’s so then PM Morrison when are you going to embark on the one and only means to “save” the world from catastrophic global warming, which of course is nuclear energy? If it’s that critical, which according to the report it is, then it ought to be the most important and urgent action to take, namely to fund immediately the building of nuclear power stations so we can shut down all our coal and gas fired power stations ASAP. As usual all we will hear is silence on that front. That alone is definitive proof that he is a big fat liar just like the rest of them. I won’t bother to include the link to the new report as it’s flooding the “wires” and the world yet again is being conned with one of the biggest scam of all time, the other one being the COVID-19 vaccination scam.
Actually, I just thought of something. PM Morrison could use the new report to justify and does start building nuclear power stations ASAP. However, I doubt he has the smarts to do that, although if he had even an ounce of any credibility left in him he would. Let’s wait and see. Of course, even if he did start funding them, it would still be a scam since we all know that there is no CAGW and it’s just another scam. That also means his stance on reducing emissions is a scam and a lie. He loses all credibility either way.
I think he is smart enough. He just doesn’t have the stones as leader that he did as a minister when he brought the lump of coal into the session
In other words, just another career politician who doesn’t give a toss about the future of the nation and to defend truth, and instead support scams. It will very likely cost him the next election and then things will get much worse more quickly. Either way we lose, and the country goes down the plug hole.
This is why we get labor governments: The left stick to their pollies regardless how badly they do. The right dump on theirs when they are seen as less than expectations.
I agree. I’ve noticed a long time ago that Liberals aren’t as well organised. Also, they admit they are a “broad church” but what they really are is more like a dog’s breakfast.
And a dog’s breakfast that no self-respecting dog would even look at. But even so it seems to appeal to many Conservatives.
Compared to the complete non-entities of the Labor party !
Labor party is what comes out the other end of the dog.
Trouble is that too many so-called Liberal politicians are actually leftists, and not even trying to disguise it.
“Labor party is what comes out the other end of the dog.”
Which is why it appeals to leftists like Ian.
The media is not giving him much room by controlling the agenda. Morrison can’t cut through . He’ll probably give the ABC increased funding. Tough, but he gets zero sympathy from me for being quite useless and lacking conviction.
Come on now, that lump of coal in parliament was just a fake 10 second stunt. I doubt that Morrison even knew what the black stuff was that some lackey thrust into his hand as he entered the chamber.
It in no way reflected his belief in fossil fuels or his political will to do something about supporting them.
He is a non-leader of little astuteness and even less guts. He sways with the slightest zephyr of what he perceives to be public opinion and stands for nothing. He is just that — a big fat nothing burger. He has been non-existent as a PM for the past 18 months and the premiers have walked all over him.
These are extraordinary times and I support Scotty.
He could go to Glasgow and say we are giving coal the flick immediately, close down our coal fired power stations by Xmas and stop exporting coal, but that seems unlikely.
He won’t say we are going to build new Hele coal fired power stations or nuclear power plants, Oz is using gas as transitional power for renewables.
What he will tell Boris privately, CO2 doesn’t cause global warming so get off my back.
His message is always flat even when trying to be upbeat. He’s a beaten man and it is obvious to all.
Its not obvious to me.
Is there anybody from any party who could do a better job?
Abbott was the last chance, but even he turned to jelly-legs after talking the talk of freedoms and free speech before the election. Post election it suddenly became a third order matter, just as it did with Morrison.
Politics is a game of votes. Labor chases the greens for a vote; the coalition chases the right of the Labor Party and gets ‘progressives’. This renders party platforms unworkable where policy is molded to keep an outside view of ‘unity’. Running the country over the last 30years has come second (or third) priority; it’s now all about power. This is seen at retirement of politicians where so many now don’t go back to original jobs; many seem to look for UN type occupations which are full of junkets while they continue the power game but this time to rule the world.
For people like Abbott, and Trump, the msm, mainly leftist, plays an all-out game to dispose of them asap. Their better points are totally ignored. Every device is made (or made-up) to destroy them – and their normal, innocent families if more damaging.
For media, politics is a game to play; more so now. It comes with empowering it to select governments and help rule. Sort of like the ‘most scientists say’ routine, where truth is unimportant to the effect. Propaganda blinds the public. Headlines are the public’s interest in news; especially sports headlines. Most people are too busy, especially now, in just trying to keep their heads above the economic waters and keep a job. Media controls how they see their governments.
When media sets out to destroy honourable and effective politicians, even before they get voted in, it’s really an indication that the left, in particular, are very scared of being faced with a strong leader from the the opposite side (generally conservative). One can see this happening in the USA now as the msm and social media are honing in on the Florida governor, Desantos.
In Australia, the same is happening with Morrison who, for all his faults, stands head and shoulders above Albanese and anyone else in his government. Morrison is getting the media shiv on matters which belong to the State governments. My guess is there will never ever again be a ‘National Cabinet’ which was Morrison’s biggest mistake, even when it looked logical at the time. Its downfall is, in politics, you can’t trust anyone especially when it’s all become a game of power rather than a game of saving the nation.
One man alone cannot beat the whole Blob of green backed by billions of dollars and tens of thousands of religious acolytes.
We perhaps should keep in mind that anyone who takes them on even in a tentative way needs all the help they can get.
The Prime Minister is selected by his mob who were all selected by popular vote and authority of the people. The essence of good leadership in the democratic system is swaying to public opinion. Any leader lacking the ability to sway to public opinion will not remain a leader. They can make an effort to sway that opinion but if they are not sensitive to it then they will be short term.
ScoMo changed his opinion on State borders regarding Covid spread after watching the results in State elections. He is swayed by public opinion. If electricity Bill had put public opinion ahead of his uncosted green agenda, he would be the PM today.
Only dictators are not swayed by public opinion and do whatever they want. They only face the population behind an army with loaded guns.
I said very specifically, “the slightest zephyr of what he perceives to be . . .”.
Every crummy poll or opinion piece in the SMH does not equal real public opinion Rick. He’s a fence-sitter, a poll-watcher and of no substance.
Public opinion has never been a guarantee that politicians won’t ram their pet projects down the throats of the voters despite massive objections. To be voted in again Rick, all that is required of a politician is that they be marginally less atrocious than their opposition. We see that time and again.
Rick is correct, democracies are swayed by public opinion and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Party platforms are built on perceptions, which maybe flawed.
AGW is fuelled by the MSM, Code Red for Humanity is bad science, but until temperatures fall the government will sit on its hands.
“Right of Recall” laws in action We desperately need this available to us in Australia……
The United Nations Environment Program, or UNEP 1989 predictions for 2000 failed to happen, and 32 years later show no sign of ever happening. Ever …
“UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.
As the warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations, Brown told The Associated Press in an interview on Wednesday.”
Why would anyone take them seriously?
Why? Because their memories are short.
And they have been told so many lies that they don’t trust anybody.
What was the date of publication of that news report Travis?
“It’s back on again, not that it has taken a real holiday anyway. The world is doomed unless we stop emitting CO2 ,and do it quickly. The new IPCC report just released says so and we have precious little time to act. I won’t bother to include the link to the new report as it’s flooding the “wires” and the world yet again is being conned with one of the biggest scam of all time”
Have you ever heard of insurance PeterS? Do you insure your house and contents? Your car? Your life? Perhaps not as insurance costs money.
You seem not to understand that the IPCC is trying to provide insurance for the most precious and important possession humans have. Namely the world in which we live. And like all insurance, it costs.
Why is it the Right don’t want to pay for protecting the planet? The Right believe the climate scientists are wrong and seize on every cold day as evidence that the world is not warming and all climate scientists are involved in some global scam.
But what if they’re not? What if we continue not to take out insurance by reducing CO2 emissions? By reducing atmospheric pollution by reducing our burning of fossils fuels? Be a bit like not insuring your car because you will never have and accident. Stupid.
You also write “the COVID-19 vaccination scam.”. Another obsession of the Right. Was eradication of small pox through vaccination a scam? Is the yearly influenza vaccine a scam? Is the vaccination of babies and children against measles and mumps and polio and diphtheria and tetanus and whooping cough a scam?
As you believe vaccination against Covid-19 is a scam you clearly don’t understand the role of vaccination in disease.
Vaccination substantially reduces viral load in both vaccinated individuals and unvaccinated contact individuals they infect. Consequently, contacts show less severe symptoms, and shed less infectious virus themselves, when infected by vaccinated individuals. As more individuals get vaccinated so hosts for the virus diminish as does the viral load in these hosts. In turn this reduces widespread infection by the virus.
Insurance is based on fear vs. probability.
Fear based on a chance of 0.055% death by Covid and probability means that 99.95% is for shared profit minus manufacturing, distribution, handouts and taxes?
It works the same across all insurance companies and sectors. There is a boom in insurance companies rise for a reason.
As for vaccinations and their effect here, read a bit of history that is being repeated right before your own eyes.
IPCC reports are based on consensual science which is not how science works. Again it is fear vs. probability.
If you have bad science the solutions will be just as bad and proof of that is in renewable energy and CCS.
If you have bad solutions the costs will increase and proof of that is in increased cost of living.
Fear and Probability are the money maker. A lot of money spent (over 5 trillion USD) and washed over the past 32 years and there is not even a dent in reduction of atmospheric concentration of CO2. (32 years is a long time)
Evidence that CO2 isn’t a part of any human induced climate change is logically displayed in the facts that none of IPCC predictions ever came to light.
Let’s be logical.
I don’t think there is a single person here who would say no to cheap and reliable energy regardless of the energy source.
The renewables only look good on a power point presentation in a boardroom. One, it isn’t cheap and two, it isn’t reliable and three, it isn’t clean and these are the arguments against bad science, bad policies and bad solutions.
You are not exempt in paying for it.
Flok, Deaths in many nations are now running at 0.2 – 0.58% of the entire population — thats four to ten fold higher than the 0.05% “theoretical death rate”. ie Assume that the whole population has had covid, (testing in PEru only shows that 7% have had it, but we know the real number is a lot higher). In an absolute best case scenario that testing is totally inadequate and 100% have been infected, the mortality rate of Covid in Peru is 0.6% — That will be lower in nations with better health care assuming that hospitals in Peru were overwhelmed and people were unable to get treatment as needed.
Can we do better than repeating the obviously wrong 0.055% death rate when there are 85 nations in the world with death rates that are already higher than 0.06% already (and it really is unlikely that 100% of the population in all 85 nations have had covid, and that the deaths will not rise in any of them.)
Peru has the highest death rate in the world, so call it an outlier, but in many nations around 0.2-0.3% of the total pop have already died (Hungary, Eastern block nations, Brazil, Columbia, Argentina, Italy). The US and UK sit at 0.19% (that is likely to rise unless we assume every single person has had Covid).
We know excess deaths are higher in many of those places, and excess deaths coincides with waves of Covid, so it’s likely the death rate is slightly higher than reported in those nations due to missed untested cases of Covid.
Thanks for your comment Jo and keep up the good work !!
Certainly assumptions can be thrown from different points of view such as the quality of the health care systems in any particular country. Covid will expose the weaknesses and hopefully lead to better systems and measures put in place moving forward. It will also expose corruption in due time.
Talking to few people around the world it appears that cases of death are being put to Covid unnecessarily. This included my late uncle, twice tested and no Covid, died of stroke after being double vaccinated. Fit as a fiddle. Definitely not a Covid death but related to the vaccine. A Covid death statistic?
From these conversations I would assume that cases of deaths are being inflated and true number will never be known.
Point I tried to make is that the money circulating around Covid is enormous and that the sheer panic results in uncontrollable spending and financial losses. Public health officials from many countries will be well awarded financially. Climate change has the making of the same boat.
Let’s also assume that most countries are doing the right thing in reporting which comes to the current overall global figure of 0.055% death rate. Well statistics are just that and the rest we can hopefully read about in future history.
Some countries report daily recoveries like clockwork some don’t. Australia doesn’t, it might every 4 or 7 days. It highlights the communication of states and territories and fractured systems in place. It is a valid number in statistics which would look excellent if antiviral drugs are in use.
What is obviously wrong is the whole thing, a system in place that causes the panic. We read things so we are informed, I am aware that some of it is misleading. Moving from assumption to factual data in Covid situation might never happen.
This is why I always say that assumption is the cancer of the society nu matter what the circumstance.
And I didn’t want to detract from your other points …
(Agreed, no data is perfect. I still don’t understand how there could be a 0.05% death rate unless it includes a lot of people who haven’t been exposed to covid, not dying of it yet, which isn’t all that useful, yes? I just want a little more description and definiton of exact what any % mean. Thanks. It’s worth remembering that in Australia where we have some of the best testing (as in smallest positivity rate) our case fatality rate is still 2.5%. We apparently have done 26 million tests to find 37,000 cases. How many have we missed? If only we knew, but it probably isn’t that many. IF there were 10 times as many cases, surely the contact tracers would not be able to connect many clusters up? I’m genuinely seeking input here…)
From what I can observe there are a lot of false positives which are not removed from all cases numbers.
Recovery rate is a good indicator of the health system health.
It is valid to look at the disease and its behaviour in own numbers.
It is valid to look at the disease based on overall population and this number is what a lot of people will look at because they have not heard of anyone in their circle of contacts that has Covid or died from the disease.
But more to the point of initial insurance reference.
Overall population number will always be lower for all statistics. Insurance companies look at this number in all insurances. If they looked at certain areas or clusters there would be huge premiums being applied there and this would lead to a lot of unhappy people and society divisions.
So they spread the cost across all. That is how they make money. If large floods happen in QLD all insurance premiums go up. Not just the cluster area.
But here is the breakdown of Covid based on both calculations and where 0.055% comes up.
Australia population 25,826,246
Total cases 37,013
Deaths 943 (Death rate to total cases 2.55%) (Death rate to population 0.0037%)
Recovered 30,462 (Recovery rate to total cases 82.30%) (Recovery rate to population 0.117%)
Critical 70 (Critical rate to active cases 1.25%) (Critical rate to population 0.0003%)
Active cases 5,608 (Active rate to total cases 14.96%) (Active rate to population 0.0217%)
Global population 7,842,674,414
Total cases 204,694,137
Deaths 4,325,394 (Death rate to total cases 2.113%) (Death rate to population 0.055%)
Recovered 182,039,272 (Recovered rate to total cases 88.93%) (Recovered rate to population 2.32%)
Critical 100,740 (Critical rate to active cases 0.61%) (Critical rate to population 0.001%)
Active cases 16,400,652 (Active rate to total cases 7.96%) (Active rate to population 0.21%)
Given that most people in Australia have never come within one km of a covid virus, does the statistic about Australian deaths tell us anything useful? It shows closing borders has saved nearly 50,000 lives. That’s useful. But it doesn’t tell us anything about death rate to the virus. It would be like someone using Australia to argue that Electric Cars have no effect on the whole grid?
Isn’t the most important thing the odds of dying if Covid comes in contact with someone?
As for false positives:
1. 1.4 million PCR Tests in WA found 25 covid cases. Obviously, unless the test is misused, the false positive rate is low. (I presume false positives in WA were not announced until they were double tested which ruled those that were false positive out).
2. Across the US the peak weeks of Excess Death match the peak weeks people test positive for Covid — and that is on a regional basis, and probably on a state by state basis.
Only rational way to explain the Excess deaths and Covid peak positive tests is to assume the death toll for covid is reasonably representative though probably an underestimate in places where the hospitals were overrun. Only some of the Excess deaths were untested Covid cases, and others were deaths due to over run medical systems. So the percentages I discussed were not including any of the Excess deaths. I’m being conservative.
Thus the Covid pandemic isn’t finished and has already killed 0.2 – 0.3% of the entire population of 85 countries.
The death rate without vaccines or antivirals is thus obviously higher than 0.3% in most countries. (And some of those countries have used ivermectin and HCQ to bring death rates down)
No Jo
The most relevant statistic is the ratio of deaths to population because in order to die of covid you first need to be injected by covid.
I calculate in my region the probability of dying from covid is low. Why because in 1.5years there has only been 14 days where there was an infected person in the LGA. So temporally the probability of exposure is 14 in 450. The probability of dying when contracting covid is about 7 in 1700 and the probability of contracting covid is 1700 in 5.2 million. The temporal exposure is also limited by sleep cycles at about 8 hours of exposure in 24. Multiply these together and
I get 1 in 71 million. In contrast if you take a vaccine you have about 1 in 50000 chance of getting a rare blood clotting disorder (astra) or pericarditis (Phizer).
I want everyone here to consider this. In the last year and a half less than 800 people died from covid, in the same period the cancer council estimate 75000 people died of cancer. Where is the new mRNA cancer vaccine why have we spent 500 billion on Covid and not cancer?
Priorities ?
Thanks Flok, an excellent outline.
And a bit more recent data from the previously democratic state of New South Wales.
Apparently we had three CV19 deaths yesterday; one was in the seventies and the other two in their eighties.
And further away; Vietnam with a population approaching four times that of Australia has had a total number of CV19 deaths in the vicinity of 3500.
This works out to be essentially the same rate as Australia.
“What if we continue not to take out insurance by reducing CO2 emissions? “
One has to be a complete fool to bother with CO2 insurance.
What a waste of time and money.
There is no scientific evidence it does anything except enhance plant growth.
Protecting the planet is best done by giving plant life more atmospheric CO2.
Your “insurance” meme is yet again total nonsense, based on a fairy tale.
Should we take out insurance against the big bad wolf, or the boogie-man !
Stop with the pathetic anti-science nonsense.
“One has to be a complete fool to bother with CO2 insurance.”
Dunno but you certainly are whatever your views on the “pathetic anti-science”.
From your comments I suspect the nearest you’ve ever come to science is striking a match.. Only the truly right wing zealots refuse to even contemplate that humans probably do contribute to climate change.
As most thinking Australians have repeatedly shown they do think humans play a role, it is apparent what you call anti-science is thought by most be the real science rather than the BS you cobble together in the hope you can fool someone into believing you understand what you are talking about. Best stay schtum clarence.t you’re way out of your depth scientifically
Produce the science.
Or continue to be an utter and complete failure. !
Your mindless rhetoric and BS impresses no-one.
“As most thinking Australians have repeatedly shown they do think humans play a role”
There you are, refusing to think for yourself, yet again..
Just be part of the brain-wash non-thinking sheeple…. its where you “feel safe”
Are you even capable of rational, free thought!
I’m guessing you just don’t have the scientific aptitude or cognitive nous to even start to think for yourself…
It doesn’t matter what “people think”, its what they can prove scientifically.
So far you are an empty sack of nothingness !
‘It doesn’t matter what “people think”, its what they can prove scientifically.’
This is the core statement of science itself, and global warming in particular.
The lunacy: Of all nations, the last ones expected to roll over to the current ‘opinion’ based argument, followed by the ‘take-out-insurance’ argument, would be the Democracies. Continuing with it, while seeing national economies and standards of living falling like stones makes the entire governance re climate totally incomprehensible.
Our governments turn over huge fundings to those considered unfriendly; enemies even. The same ‘unfriendlies’ thrive by ignoring the nonsense. ie they show greater sense and independence of thought than the strongest of democracies. Are lunatics running the democracies?
Our political class have inverted our values and, by their disdain for scientific method, show they come from an education system that has lost any idea of teaching logical thought. They are too weak to defy the illogical which forces itself on the people by fear. Politicians themselves cave to the same fear campaigns, or love the power they bring. Any policy now justified only by fear should awaken everone that it is most probably a fraud.
Morrison is holding back the waters as best he can by refusing to make nation-destroying promises demanded by the activists, but he has a problem with his ‘wets’ which either believe the IPCC or love the changes forced on the nation using climate as the Trojan argument. All democracies have the same problem. They are destroying proven systems of production before having any idea of what will work and affordably replace them. Again, worldwide lunacy – or, with the Russian gas line the Germans are waiting
breathlessly for, a worldwide hypocrisy or outright fraud!
The depths of Australian academia.
I doubt Ian has any “academia” except maybe a low-end arts semi-degree.
He obviously lacks the maturity and intellect to do any actual real science.
Actually clarence.t I have a PhD from the University of Western Australia, the same Uni Jo went to . My thesis was on the protein sex hormone binding globulin which controls the level of circulating free androgens and oestrogens which are steroid hormones involved in cancers of the breast and prostate . My research was laboratory based involving endocrinology, molecular biology immunology and biochemistry so lots of hands on stuff like PCR and making monoclonal amtibodiies.
Not sure I posted
So you have absolutely zero knowledge or education about climate, physics, maths etc.
That is patently obvious. !
clarence, is the Western Pacific Warm Pool cooling?,1.14,2129/loc=144.747,3.472
‘As most thinking Australians have repeatedly shown …’
Hmmm … that is debatable.
Ian is this happening because of a build up in CO2?
To win support here you cannot appeal to higher scientific authority. Use your own intuition and keep it simple, none of us are scientists.
“none of us are scientists.”
Some of us are.
… political scientists.
No, real scientists.
I’ll leave the “political” science to the leftists, like you.
What are your field(s) of science clarence.t? Mine are endocrinology , immunology , molecular biology and biochemistry
yet another Polymath.
Cripes! This site abounds with them.
Have you ever read a thermometer?
Degrees in maths, science and engineering, PhD in Engineering
Stick to fields you know something about, and stop making a fool of yourself.
As I am not a climate scientist I have no option but ” to appeal to higher scientific authority” as I don’t have sufficient knowledge of the science underlying claims for and against climate change to express an opinion. My intuition is that humans do have an effect on the climate but I have no idea of the extent of that influence. Is it 1% or 99%?
Many here consider climate scientists are scammers but as most here are not climate scientists themselves how can they be certain? I think trying to cut C02 emissions is worthwhile even if CO2 isn’t the prime driver of climate change as burning fossil fuels, particularly coal, sends a lot of nasty chemicals into the atmosphere. I am a strong supporter of nuclear energy as a fuel source and don’t understand why politicians are so chary of its use
Trying to cut CO2 emissions is a totally pointless and counter-productive exercise.
Why deprive plants of plant food.
Do you hate nature that much !
Please keep up with the times…
… Modern coal fired power releases very few real pollutants
“My intuition is “
Totally and completely irrelevant !
‘I am a strong supporter of nuclear energy as a fuel source and don’t understand why politicians are so chary of its use.’
PeterS agrees with you on that, but its too expensive to build.
‘Is it 1% or 99%?’
That is a sensitivity issue, the like warmers love it. Its negligible.
I agree el gordo it’s too expensive but if the world is at stake then it’s the only option for all parties concerned as so the cost is totally irrelevant. Don’t you get it? Or are you just as naive as the left who believe we can solve the world’s problems with renewables? Coal is the obvious choice but it gives out CO2 so it’s out of the question by both major parties as a long term strategy for our future energy needs, provided of course we still have an economy by then. You follow?
” to appeal to higher scientific authority” ie Authoritarianism.
Yes that is what is happening, note that it is the political left doing it.
Higher authority now is the UN, IPCC, and multi-awarded Michael Mann, the equivalent of Hollywood celebrities.
Appeals should only be to understanding and interpretation of facts and the inter-related analysis and synthesis that theory provides.
As for ‘many here’ not being ‘climate scientists’, a good thing too. A few years ago a NZ court ruled that statistics in ‘climate science’ was different from statistics as used and understood elsewhere. Quite so! Science as in climate science means as in political science.
‘ … but if the world is at stake …’
You must have missed my memo, CO2 does not cause global warming.
‘Don’t you get it?’
Going for the nuclear option is raising the white flag, buy Cool Futures.
clarence.t you write
August 10, 2021 at 5:41 pm
“Degrees in maths, science and engineering, PhD in Engineering
Stick to fields you know something about, and stop making a fool of yourself.”
Not sure of the relevance to climate change of a PhD in engineering. So perhaps take your own advice
BTW what was the “science” in your second degree and which Uni were you at???
Poor Ian, you don’t know that hydrology is part of all Civil Engineering.
Your ignorance surpasses even you.
But its all you have.
You certainly have no actual real science to back up your manic anti-science AGW rantings.
Do at least try some time.. so we can all laugh.
“climate change of a PhD in engineering”
Part of it was to do with modelling rainfall patterns…
.. as has been some of my postdoc work.
Have you ever worked with the NarClim database.. do you even know what it is without needing to look it up.
Would have the vaguest clue how to even extract data from it ?
It is noted that you still have nothing to show in the way of relevance to the topic of climate… at all..
clarence.t it is impossible to engage with a brainwashed dill. They are hardwired to doom and gloom and will believe the same old rehash from the 1999 IPCC that we’re all gonna die. This rinse,repeat is political guff. Gutierres wants to head up the supranational body. After all you will be happy when you’re told.
I don’t ever expect Ian to catch on that he has absolutely zero science to back up his mindless beliefs.
But I like to push him to try and produce his actual science, because its so funny watching him continue to fall flat on his face at every opportunity.
In your opinion will this cool epoch continue for another five years?
That is what most real climate indicators seem to point to.
Time will tell.
Do you have a timeline?
That is, from a paleo history point of view, to see the future we need to look backwards.
“But what if they’re not?”
What if Santa Clause really existed..
What if your step-mom was out to poison you with an apple.
They are just as likely as climate scientists being correct.
Do you still use a night-light to scare off the monsters under your bed.
Ian, normally I ignore so much BS but, in this case, I’ll make an exception, and respond in kind. If you are so much of a believer in CAGW that now thanks to the new IPCC report, has in effect gone from DEFCON 3 to DEFCON 2, may I suggest you right a letter to PM Morrison stipulating he pull his figure out and fund immediately the building of nuclear power stations so we can shut down our coal and gas-powered stations ASAP? While you are at it, tell him to give China, India, Japan and a host of other countries who are collectively building hundreds of new coal fired power stations, 30 days’ notice to cease and desist or else he declare war on them. Now, given he won’t do that of course, and those countries will continue to build hundreds of coal fired power stations, no matter what we do will make absolutely no difference to the climate, ZERO, NADA! Then again PM Morrison is also BSing with his huffing and puffing about reducing emissions, much like yours. Enough said.
I totally agree with you about the use of nuclear energy and I also agree that Australia is not able to have any impact on CO2 levels except stop exporting coal and gas which economically is not feasible sowon’t happen. But as you no doubt know perception is reality so if Australia is seen as being a good global citizen it will stand us in good stead with many countries with which we trade or with which we would like to trade.. As for writing to PM Morrison I have no regard for him at all as his answer would have validity for a couple of days till he changed hs mind fearing political reprisals. He is a very poor PM and the sooner he and the LNP depart the Treasury benches the better. That statement is unlikely to be popular here but during the last 8 years of LNPgovernment there have been very few policies that are beneficial to Australians
One can only imagine the manic damage a Labor/Green government would do to Australia.
Morrison, meak though he is, is a far better proposition for Australia than anyone in the Labor or Green parties.
His problem is that the leftist LINOs in his party are in the way of showing Australia the real way forward to prosperity.
Leftism will always be the way downwards.
except stop exporting coal..
LOL. If Australia did that, world CO2 emissions would go up.
The best way Australia can contribute to cutting our CO2 emissions is to built a new ultra critical main coal fired power station in each of the eastern states.
This would lead to a far greater reduction than all the faffing around with wind and solar will ever do. It would also set Australia with a solid foundation of reliable electricity for many years to come.
Morrison knows this, but there is fat chance of the LINO’s ever allowing it through above the rancid noise of the Greens and the ABC.
‘ … the sooner he and the LNP depart the Treasury benches the better.’
That won’t happen.
‘ … except stop exporting coal..’
China would be very upset with us and retaliate, remember Japan became an Axis power when the US cut off fuel supplies.
Would you $5million a year insurance every year on a house only worth $500,000
I don’t think so unless your stupid!
The best comment on risk was on a blog, I sadly forget where. We know that some of us will develop cancer, and that some of us have, but are not yet diagnosed. Have you taken your Chemo this morning, just in case?
If you pay an insurance premium you expect to get something for it. Like replacement of lost or destroyed property.
Right now the fires in the USA and Greece are being blamed on CO2. To some extent it is accurate because plants are able to grow faster with less water as CO2 increases. It is partly why crop productivity has improved so dramatically over the last 30 years.
However the Northern Hemisphere is also getting more sunlight; up 0.1W/sq.m in the last 500 years. A subtle change on average but very significant in lower and mid latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere already. Climate change is real; tt is the only constant. The NH will continue to get increasing sunlight for the next 12,000 years as perihelion moves closer to the boreal summer solstice and a lot more sunlight in summer time.
If Greece was to spend their insurance premium over the coming few years to stop all fossil fuel consumption, they are not going to make any difference to the fire risk in Greece. In fact, it will continue to get worse. Even if they could persuade China and India to stop fossil fuel production and annihilate their populations, it will not make any difference in Greece. The warming trend will continue for another 12,000 years with no impact from CO2.
Any money Greece or the world spends on reducing CO2 is a disastrous waste of resources. They are being guided by a false belief; as useful as burning witches on a stake.
If Greece wants an insurance policy from fires then they need to improve forestry management practices and create fire breaks from residential housing. The idea of spending money to reduce CO2 to prevent forrest fires is moronic.
Interesting about sunshine.
Regarding “ Right now the fires in the USA and Greece are being blamed on CO2. To some extent it is accurate because plants are able to grow faster with less water as CO2 increases”
True, yet all bio growth also stays greener , even in droughts, with more C02. Greener burns slower. I have never seen a study on this, one way or another. In general fires have decreased for decades, even accounting for greater controlled burns, and increased in the past two or three decades, primarily due to very bad forestry practices leading to intense overgrowth of forests.
Insurance is protection against real risks , not imaginary ones. Your whole argument is nonsense.
So climate change is not a real risk? How do you know? How can you be sure? Are you a climate scientist? What evidence do you have to support your claim?
Insurance on cars, house and life is is there primarily as a back-up and with luck it may never be needed. But if the worst happens it’s good to have it. It’s the same with leessenig emissions just in case CAGW turns out to be real. `In view of your lack of evidence your claim it is imaginary is based on hope not fact.
“So climate change is not a real risk? “
Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood… they are the real risk !
Pure evil !!
Stop pushing fantasy non-science that you know you cannot back up with any real science.
feel free to pay insurance for your imagined demons, just dont expect others to see them
Are you a climate scientist?
The problem with this line is that all cred lies with the inner circle of self-accredited experts. The Glass Bead Game.
Mutual back slappers (ignore the better Australian description in a family friendly forum).
Fine for the game and its players, but if they want money and actions from us, then they have to use-
-our language, done too well at the moment for imposing taxes
-our established systems of rational thinking, there climate science fails completely.
You absoluely do not understand insurance. Insurance pays out for insurable losses. They do not suggest that you move into a cave to prevent a fire for instance.
These clowns can’t get tomorrow’s forecast right. They’ve got as much hope of knowing what the climate will do in the next 50 years as I have of picking all the Melbourne Cup winners in the same period.
Nice name.
The climate over the next 50 years will be variable.
“The climate over the next 50 years will be variable.”
Yep, I can absolutely guarantee there will be changes in local and continental weather patterns over the next 50 years…
Like there always has been.
‘Like there always has been.’
You might need to flesh that out a bit more, like the next 10 years will be wet in Australia and the reasons for it.
Why would anyone sane want to “guess” what might happen with weather in the next 10 years.
Weather forecasts are only good for only a few days, a week at best.
You surely aren’t dumb enough to think the weather patterns will remain constant… They never have before.
I think there are three problems with that:
(1) It’s probably too late – there would be so much public resistance, NIMBYism, environmental and regulatory red tape, that it would take decades for a sufficient number to be built
(2) It might be sufficiently unpopular to cost Morrison (indeed anyone) an election or three
(3) We still export huge amounts of coal and natural gas (and in fact uranium) – can you see any prime minister and governing party committing electoral and economic suicide by banning these exports?
But I do tend to agree – without being a huge fan of nuclear power – if the current emission rates are so dire, then the cost and risks of modern nuclear plants you would think might slide down the league ladder of things we need to be most scared of.
Waste disposal isn’t really an issue – the continent is about 80% empty. Plenty of very remote geologically stable sites that would be safe in perpetuity.
Nuclear energy is pointless at this stage.
Australia has among the best coal in the world.
A new ultra-critcial coal powered station in each eastern state is what is currently needed.
Politically unachievable, unfortunately, because of the ignorance of the brain-washed crowds.
This pandemic is not going to be allowed to end.
It’s working too well for the benefit of the Elites.
They would allow effective treatments or prophylaxis if they actually wanted it to end.
That’s the plan, along with the CAGW scam. Too bad there are some people who are asleep on the issue, including a few here.
A great deal.
Two for the price of one and one being the humanity
Distinctly there are people out there with the PhD in madness.
Yes but I seriously believe there is one more big scam to come. I’ve explained before what that might be but I could be wrong on the subject matter although I’m convinced one more is necessary to seal the trap once people rise up with anger. The military will undoubtedly be involved, one way or another as the police will be clearly outnumbered by the people.
Perhaps in addition for the two to work, the third is the ignorance on which they rely and keep it alive by constant propaganda.
I too am of an opinion that all this is not going to end well. There is a lot of anger and what we are seeing is just a small part of that anger.
Next sequence of elections will be very interesting. I don’t think the politicians have any wiggle room left.
Actually I will correct myself. The only wiggle room politicians have is to go back to their base and stay there.
In 2009 Al Gore stated his intention to seek investment opportunities in the areas of:-
Global Warming
So Peter, what do you see as the third scam?
Possibly famine as a result of world-wide food shortage. No sure yet.
I have in mind there’s a final one after that or others that will “knock the socks off” everyone who won’t be prepared for it. No, it doesn’t involve aliens from other worlds but most people will be fooled into believing they are. Things are already being prepared for that event to occur but not close to it yet, I think.
8-6-2021 TITLE: Molecular evidence for SARS-CoV-2 in samples collected from patients with 3 morbilliform eruptions since late summer 2019 in Lombardy, Northern Italy
the very first sample that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA was a urine sample collected as early as September 12th, 2019, from an 8-months old child whose serum was also IgG and IgM 213 positive (Table 2).
234 None of the positive patients reported any history of travel in the prior two weeks the onset of rash. 235
The first pre-pandemic cases were mainly localized East of Milan and Brescia (September236 October, 2019)….263 Since all three β mutations were already detected by October 22, 2019, we project that the 264 progenitor of SARS-CoV-2 already existed 11·6 – 16·2 weeks earlier than October 22, i.e., in late 265 June 2019 to late August 2019, using a simple extrapolation based on six mutations and the current 266 range of mutation rate estimates. (footnote: Pekar J, Worobey M, Moshiri N, Scheffler K, Wertheim JO. Timing the SARS-CoV-2 index 444 case in Hubei province. Science 2021; 372: 412–7.)
How will this impact on the claims that the virus was manufactured in China as part of a bioweapons program? How doe it gel with the release of the the virus either accidental or by design? Thanks for the post. Fascinating stuff
I think you might be over-estimating those who hold the levers. Governments in democracies all round the world are very concerned about how to play the Climate Crisis and the Pandemic … they know full well that the electorate can turn on popular governments very quickly if they make a bad move.
If you believe that elected governments in liberal democracies are mere trifles, and do exactly what they are told by the ruling elites on a Zoom connection from Davos – then please ignore the paragraph above.
This has been the coldest August I can remember. It’s only been a couple of days but it seems as though it’s a repeat from JUly.
There was snow and ice up the lower half of the North Island yesterday into last night. Power lines came down and the generators decided power demand was too high and began dropping demand off the grid. That sort of thing happened a lot back in the 50s but for it to happen now? The grid controller was interviewed on TV this morning. It seems that much warmer weather was expected, not an “icy blast from Antarctica.”
But what really got me laughing was a “Climate Report” telling us how much extra warming we were going to get over the next year — my external thermometer was reading 1° C at the time. The news then interviewed an Ag Researcher who repeated that. With a straight face. I have forgotten the last time August felt so cold.
It seems a lot of “Scientists” haven’t kept up with what’s happening out there. I knew there was going to be an “Arctic Blast” sometime shortly from the weather maps but I was like the others and it’s intensity caught me out as it caught out a lot of other people:
See these NZHerald page reports:
and this electroverse article:
The people on TV telling us all about coming warming after this are obviously not aware that this was the opening shot from a Grand Solar Minimum and these shots are going to become more common. Global Cooling is hare. I think I’m going to really enjoy the growth of the GSM. The comentators in the global warming, I hope, felt thoroughly embarrassed to be talking that rubbish in the cold:
Stop it, you fool. Personal observations just aren’t accurate. Be a good little sheep and listen to what the homogenized, global, adjusted reports say and FEEL WARM.
Our leaders act as though resistance is futile. They are wrong.
Frankly, PeterS, I doubt that very much. Even if resistance, whatever that might mean, did develop it would be too little, too late.
The general public seems not to change it’s mind, such as that might be, very often. Contemplate the immediate reports of the latest IPCC mouthings (compare SMH and Advertiser, the one says the science is “unequivocal” and uses an image implying perpetual drought; the other equates “climate change” with the dreadful Cudlee Creek bushfire). Nothing new, just worse. Scientism rules as science gradually dissolves like the humanities before it. Meaningful dissent has no chance.
I agree. I meant in the context in my comment above, repeated here:
Yes but I seriously believe there is one more big scam to come. I’ve explained before what that might be but I could be wrong on the subject matter although I’m convinced one more is necessary to seal the trap once people rise up with anger. The military will undoubtedly be involved, one way or another as the police will be clearly outnumbered by the people.
Who has the guns?
I don’t like boasting but this is serious and so I do take comfort in saying it. You see I am at least one step ahead of most people in the big picture sense, including the evil elite. I have the advantage of being helped somewhat by the Holy Spirit to see how the events unfolding today correlate with the prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled in the Scriptures. Much worse is to come culminating in the chief antichrist, false prophet and the devil himself – sort of like an unholy trinity, taking over the world for a few short years. I know a lot of you will laugh at me but in time I know I will be proven right. It might not all happen in my time but it might in some of you who are young enough. At least take the time to study and be prepared. Ian used the argument to prepare just in case climate change will run amok. Well, it will and a few other things but not for the reasons he and most other people think. There is only one way to prepare for it and come out of it alive or be resurrected alive safe and well at the other end, and that’s to repent, believe and have faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God bless.
“Much worse is to come culminating in the chief antichrist, false prophet and the devil himself – sort of like an unholy trinity, taking over the world for a few short years.”
I think the few short years have been and gone very recently
No, the UN and the WHO are still with us. !
‘Ian used the argument to prepare just in case climate change will run amok. Well, it will and a few other things but not for the reasons he and most other people think.’
We are being invaded by extraterrestrials?
CO2 doesn’t cause global warming, nothing to worry about. Armageddon is a myth.
No to your question.
No. My timeing was perfect.
The “Report” is out: It’s All Mankind’s Fault™, Global Warming is going to race away! Sea levels are going to rise three times faster than they have been!
People who don’t use EVs will be creating more cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons.
Yeah. Riiiiiiight.
Nobody except those of us here knows that we entered a Grand Solar Minimum, similar to the Maunder Minimum back in June last year. The Sun has already been showing us blank, spot-free faces. They will becone a lot more frequent.
Now, the question is what sort of a Next Little Ice Age are we going to be given? How strong? How deep? How cold?
Is it going to be the Younger Dryas all over again? Or the 17th Century once more?
Go on: Choose!
They have to go “all out” on the climate scaremongering..
.. only way they can be heard over the CV-19 carrying-on !
Trouble is, there isn’t one science based fact in the whole rancid report !
Its like a child getting hysterical because he’s reach the next level in a computer game.
Wait until the child loses his/her temper when the game is lost and start throwing a tantrum and things around. It won’t be pretty.
” It won’t be pretty.”
Sort of like a greta snarl , hey ! 😉
This is an excerpt from “Not by Fire but by Ice“ (by the late Robert Felix) concerning the solar retrograde cycle:
“Previously, I mentioned the Little Ice Age, which began in the early 1600s. What I didn’t mention, is that little ice ages recur in cycles. Pioneering studies by Rhodes W. Fairbridge and John E. Sanders of Columbia University show that our climate oscillates – warm to cold, cold to warm – in a dependable, predictable cycle, becoming much cooler and wetter every 178.73 (±0.27) years.
The cycle is caused by the sun’s retrograde, or clockwise, motion around the center of mass – the barycenter – of the solar system. Called the solar retrograde cycle, this cycle involves changes in both solar spin rate and solar output (solar output declines abruptly). The retrograde motion itself is produced by the gravitational pull of the planets; primarily Saturn and Jupiter. When Saturn and Jupiter are both in the same quadrant of the solar system they exert a greater pull on the sun. The cycle is undeniable. “Solar cyclicity must now be considered as being a fact of life,” said the two Professors Emeritus. (Both Fairbridge and Sanders were Professors Emeritus of Geology at Columbia University. Each of them published extensively in geology and astronomy.
“The 360-year Little Ice Age cycle shows up in the Morrison Formation clear back in the Jurassic,” says research geologist Jack Sauers. “It correlates with the fall of the Roman Empire. It correlates with the fall of the Sumerian Empire. It correlates with the fall of the Ottoman Empire (when Ghengis Kahn swept out of the north). It correlates with the fall of the Greek Empire. And it is now coinciding with the collapse of several modern-day empires.”
Unfortunately, the last beat of the Little Ice Age cycle occurred almost exactly 360 years ago. “If this pattern holds,” said Fairbridge and Sanders, “then a comparable Little Ice Age can be expected to begin . . . early in the twenty-first century.”
We are early in the twenty-first century.
The sun is showing days of no sun spots.
Welcome to the NLIA or Next Little Ice Age of the Eddy Solar Minimum. There’s a good possibility it is going to last longer than the so far ventured thirty years.
” When Saturn and Jupiter are both in the same quadrant of the solar system they exert a greater pull on the sun.”
There has to be a bit more to it than that doesn’t there; there must be a mechanism converting the “pull” to the cold effect.
My “eye of newt” weather almanac is predicting the cold effect , as a result of Saturn and Jupiter alignments , which continue through September and October, along with a drying influence . Cold and dry go together I guess.
There’s no denying the trend , but how does this work?
2020 will have the lowest sunshine since 2001 due to orbital variation. But back up in 2026 to be the maximum for this decade, in a tie with 2020.
Earth is now in a 12,000 year cooling trend but the northern tropics will be getting more sunshine in August through October and less sunshine in December – January at high latitudes – that means more snow. Boreal summer sunlight at high latitudes is down a little. More snow and less melting means ??
SH has been getting less sunlight since 1585. Just starting to see the signs with more sea ice in the Southern Ocean.
What happened in 1585?
1585 was the last time perihelion occurred before the austral summer solstice. Perihelion is now out to the first week of January. In 12,000 years. perihelion will align with the boreal summer solstice and aphelion with the austral summer solstice – half a precession cycle from now.
The Southern Hemisphere is gradually moving toward facing the sun when Earth is greatest distance from the sun. SH will have less variation in sunlight with summer sunlight reducing and winter sunlight increasing. The NH is doing the reverse – more extremes. The present wildfires in the NH will just get worse as plant life enjoys the extra CO2 and grows faster with more sunshine and needing less water. Unless there are much improved forestry practices in northern lattitudes, there will be lots of humans being roasted by preventable fires.
There are real climate changes afoot and blaming CO2 just distracts from what should be getting done – it is criminal negligence for the IPCC and its advisers to be leading down the wrong path. Humans need to adapt to real climate change rather than the pointless blaming of CO2.
1585 already marked the start of the next cycle of glaciation. Not obvious yet but maybe this century there will be early signs of glaciation under way. Certainly this millennium. The changes in the northern hemisphere are already apparent with tropical North Atlantic getting more sunlight through August and September than two hundred years ago.
I’d argue that the Milankovitch cycles are only part of the forcing. Cosmic Ray fluctuations tied into Solar Cycles seems to be important, especially with respect to cloud nucleition. The changes in the Rossby waves may also be affected by solar cycles as there seems to be an effect on Atmospheric volume as discovered by NASA in tracking satellite orbital decay. It’s complicated and it’s not just CO2. The Eemian slays that argument completely. Lastly, very few know that at 180ppm CO2, green life goes extinct. We are not that far above that minimum now.
I am inclined to agree. However the orbit is easy to model precisely and are real changes. The big impacts on climate such as glaciation are easy to replicate from orbital changes. The operation of the sun and its impact on Earth’s climate are not as well modelled and not as significant as the orbit – just consider the annual range of seasonal changes that are primarily related to orbital geometry – easy to forget because it is so mundane and litterallly everyone has some clue about it.
You’re doing well.
More from the late Robert Felix:
“On earth, the solar retrograde cycle triggers fluctuations in geomagnetic-field intensity while causing abrupt – and extreme – changes in climate. The changes are so severe that at every other beat of the cycle – approximately every 360 years – the earth plunges into a Little Ice Age.
This cycle has plagued our planet for hundreds of millions of years.
“The 360-year Little Ice Age cycle shows up in the Morrison Formation clear back in the Jurassic,” says research geologist Jack Sauers. “It correlates with the fall of the Roman Empire. It correlates with the fall of the Sumerian Empire. It correlates with the fall of the Ottoman Empire (when Ghengis Kahn swept out of the north). It correlates with the fall of the Greek Empire. And it is now coinciding with the collapse of several modern-day empires.”
Unfortunately, the last beat of the Little Ice Age cycle occurred almost exactly 360 years ago. “If this pattern holds,” said Fairbridge and Sanders, “then a comparable Little Ice Age can be expected to begin . . . early in the twenty-first century.”]
Mr Felix left us some numbers to crunch. I’ll post them shortly.
sophocles, at least the irony was burning hot last night: on the very same day the international criminal outfit, the IPCC, was shouting ‘Code Red heat, DOOMED!’, so many NZers cranked up their heaters because it was SO COLD the system went pffft…
Tens of thousands of freezing folk froze even MORE coz our once-reliable electricity output was cutback to save the whole shebang from crashing. How many useless Teslas & Leafs were left at home this morning because of – you guessed it – kriminal klimate khange!
Then, to top it off, had to sit through a work Health & Safety meeting at 0630 this morning – about saving the environment by reducing our carbon emissions™ – it was 3 degrees Celsius above freezing at Tauranga Airport, and barely above zero inside the huge, concrete-floored workshop we were shivering in. Not many, if any, drivers believed a word being preached at us.
Isn’t there a lot of hydro electric power in NZ?
Cannot see why there should be a problem
It was all about pricing; the generators didn’t like the price being offered , so they wouldn’t turn it up ; so rationing had to occur.
And , “as luck would have it”, the coal and gas generators were “off-line” ; the whole episode looks like a jack-up.
I had thought of those poor souls. I actually enjoyed the thoughts.
The NZ generators have had some reality thrust home onto them: — when someone says the Antarctic is freezing and brewing something up, then ignoring that is not sound. They’ve been badly embarrassed.
NZ has 66% hydro. Coal, under Jacinders, is a dirty word —our coalminers have gone and we import coal from Indonesia. It’s about 10% after Geothermal.
Geothermal has the disagreeable property of being fixed.
We really need nuclear but every time the word is mentioned, the audience immediately thinks of the old dangerous and horrendously expensive technologies and collectively shudders. So safe Liquid Thoriun can’t possibly get a look in.
Here are the numbers from Mr Felix:
“But wait. It gets worse. Multiply the Little Ice Age cycle by four, and you get a 1440-year cycle of even harsher climate conditions. This cycle, discovered in the Greenland Ice Sheet, was reported by Paul Mayewski et al. in 1997. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 30 Nov 1997)
The 1440-year cycle brings with it “dramatic and rapid” changes in climate (dry in some areas, wet in others) and worldwide glacier expansion. The cycle appears to be related to internal oscillations in the ocean-climate system, says Mayewski (which I attribute to underwater volcanism, triggered by changes in geomagnetic intensity, triggered by the changes in the sun).
Whatever causes it, a similar 1440-year cycle has been found in North Atlantic deep sea cores (Bond et al., Science, 14 Nov 1997). Our climate plunged into frigid conditions about 4200 years ago, said Bond. Similar declines occurred about 2800 years ago and 1400 years ago, which means – you guessed it – that the next beat of the 1400-year cycle is due.
As if that weren’t enough, multiply the 1440-year cycle by eight, and you come up with 11,520, which is suspiciously close to the 11,500-year ice-age cycle.
So here we sit. The next beat of the 179-year solar retrograde cycle is due. The next beat of the 360-year Little Ice Age cycle is due. The next beat of the 1440-year ice-age cycle is due. The next beat of the 11,500-year ice-age cycle is due. The next beat of the 100,000-year ice-age cycle is due . . . and we’re worried about global warming?
It’s ludicrous to be worried about global warming.”
We’ve had (or are having) massive floods, there are more wild fires, we’ve had two months of real “warming” (</sarc).' You now have all the numbers. Go on: crunch them.
What are we going to get?
In the south of Western Australia, we have had the wettest July for decades and only missed the record by a few mms. Even in the north where we have been travelling the rain is unseasonable. Its cold and windy as well.Keep those coal fires burning!
SWWA has been fairly dry for about 30 years and the boffins said it was because of global warming. This has turned out to be a fallacy and its now clear from the data coming in that global cooling has begun.
So I can say with some confidence that the wheat farmers can look forward to bumper years.
Sunlight over the Southern Hemisphere has been declining since 1585. The average reduction in sunlight over the SH is only 0.1W/sq.m but there are 3.15E7 seconds in a year and 2.1E14sq.m of oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. That means 6.6E22J per year less sunshine now over the thermal storage than the maximum in 1585.
The reduction in sunshine was bound to have an effect in cold holes like NZ. Particularly the southern extremities.
On the other hand, the Northern Hemisphere is receiving almost the same increase.
Neither matters that much because the Earth is temperature controlled by feedbacks of awesome power so these changes are just small regional variations:
The biggest impact in the Southern Hemisphere will be more sea ice, which is beginning to show.
Haven’t you heard? There’s a difference between weather and climate.
Pandemic of the VACCINATED?
COVID Outbreak On Carnival Cruise Despite ALL ABOARD Jabbed
“The outbreak aboard the Carnival Cruise goes against the mainstream narrative that people who are vaccinated experience breakthrough coronavirus cases because of being around people who are not vaccinated.
Everyone who is on the cruise is vaccinated and yet individuals still contracted the virus.”
HMS Queen Elizabeth: Covid outbreak on Navy flagship
“The BBC has been told there have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier, which is part way through a world tour.
Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said all crew on the deployment had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and the outbreak was being managed.”
>> Perhaps the mass vaccination should be stopped, and the vaccinated put into quarantine to keep the unvaccinated safe from infection?
We will know soon.
Important: Dr. Dan Stock, immunologist, testimony on Covid at Indiana School Board
Wow. And wow again. Thank you for posting. Gutsy stuff and I just hope that the Board listened. A pox on the CDC. ToM
Excellent. Phillip.
Thanks very much.
That’s very good; articulate and concise.
Gee, thank goodness there were none of us unvaccinated Riff-Raff mingling on board with the Holy Vaccinated, otherwise there might have been an outbreak, or two outbreaks.
2 doses not enough? No worries, just keep ’em coming folks. Why not 5 or 7?
“No worries, just keep ’em coming folks.”
Build up those toxic spike proteins… that’s the way forward ! 😉
With 24 letters in the Greek alphabet, that’s a whole lot of variants (two-dozen in Oldspeak) and a whole lot of jibber-jabs to counter each and every one… [profit motive?] … unless, like ‘naming’ tropical storms (as opposed to naming only full-blown troppos, hurricanes & typhoons) the Jabberwocky can start at the beginning, again, with the letter ‘a’, then ‘b’ …
Should take until the end of next year to work through them all.
But what then?
The UN’s IPCC report is out today and it’s all across media worldwide (though only in the West one suspects). The ABC,the BBC (and all the rest not to be outdone) are full of the same rubbish and untruths about rising temperatures, sea levels, floods and wildfires. We have had all this fo at least 30 years but as ever they are getting more desparate with their fearmongering. There are interviews with scientists and reporters all trying to frighten the living sh*ts out of us. They don’t frighten me . .
Exactly right, even hard core greenie Leftists are fed up with
it. They’re tired of waiting for climate action so now they’re lighting forest fires to save the planet.
You’ll be pleased to know that their ABC’s scientific experts have perfected a process, long known to reporters of a certain group, by which electro-magnetic radiation, remarkably coming from the direction of our closest star, converts rather pleasant looking white steam coming from curiously shaped towers, into black pollution.
And they’ve proved it, and provided that proof, with gold standard photography here:
“It turns out one of the laws of thermodynamics can be applied to politics: temperature will rise when pressure increases in a fixed volume.”
A political reporter talking about thermodynamics and getting cause and effect exactly backwards.
Sane people can only hope the hyperbole causes people to realise it has all been done before.
I figure there was considerable pressure to get the report out while fires were burning in USA and Greece. Apparently about 80% of the fires in Greece can be tracked to human cause some deliberate. Makes me wonder if IPCC were paying people to light fires.
Can anyone imagine the hopelessness in blaming the fires on CO2. Greece says to Chine “we lost xx lives because of wild fires caused by CO2 and you have to stop burning fossil fuels”. . China replies “you’re joking – right”
In any case there is no global warming according to the Chinese FGOALS model. It is the only one that comes close to the physics based CMRW-21 prediction:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhBlQt8jdeBoZ9NhY
The ABC have excelled in their coverage,..managing to weave the IPCC report into practically every program with obviously negative connotations…,The News , Covid reports, Chat shows, even the “Country Hour”..all liberally smeered with repeated warnings of rampant Global Warming.
One has to wonder what they believe their agenda actually is in doing this ?
Why wonder?
It is to raise consciousness of the danger(s) so as to get us to hand over remaining rights to strong government to make the hard decisions for the common good.
(It says).
Word is that the Polar Blast from the Great White Land in the South ripped through Brazil’s coffee crop creating “substantial damage.”
Coffee is plentiful at present. If that’s your beverage of choice, it could be a good idea to stockpile it steadily over the rest of this year.
Next year, I’m picking its price will jump (up!) and its supply will reduce. Don’t make it so obvious everybody else who likes their coffee starts stock piling too. But that’s up to you.
I don’t drink coffee but I do like good Ceylon tea so you know where I’m watching. So far, it seems OK, but that could change awfully quickly.
Just a short note in relation top Covid19 and vaccinations.
For all those free thinking people who don’t want to vaccinate or may be being pressured by work or others to get the jab please see the link below for MANY resources/letters/additional links about other options that are available including Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
Concerned Lawyers Network
For any “naysayers” read this and this then get back to me about how Ivermectin “doesn’t” work.
What is happening worldwide with alternate treatments for Covid19 is CRIMINAL!!!!
Wow – they go for the jugular in
asking for the CSIRO to clarify their involvement with the Wuhan Institute of Virology,
concerns about the timings of the outbreaks vs develpoment of tests and vaccines,
questioning financial incentives,
manipulation of statistics
as well the concerns for rights violations with all the mandates!
Everyone should read through this.
A lot to digest. I note this letter was sent to the various governments on 6th November 2020, so it has had zero effect on their actions. In fact things are now much worse and accelerating downhill.
having a read a fair bit of it, I think there needs to be a lot of revision. eg testing kits, the patents the trade etc are just trash that will be easily refuted and make the document less than useful. there are serious questions that need to be answered, but the easy way out of answering them is having some document like that to point at as an example of why not.
Worth noting from the first link, ivermectin works on late stage infection.
Hey Lucky – that’s a VERY good point.
If I were to get Covid – I’d be insisting of Ivermectin as treatment early as possible though.
WUWT has a discussion on the latest IPCC BS and fra-d report.
Lomborg and Pielke are trying to bring some logic and reason to the so called debate and ditto Shellenberger.
It will be very telling how PM Morrison reacts to the new IPCC report. He will be under immense pressure to do something as the opposition parties beat him over the head with the report and who are in favour of
destroying the nationreducing our emissions to zero, perhaps much sooner than planned.80
Greetings JoNovians:
There is a great deal of Chemistry expertise among the devotees of Jo’s (and Anthony’s) website(s); I’ve not asked this question at Anthony’s as he rarely does “Unthreaded”, but here goes:
I only had one college Chemistry course (a full year, plus associated lab courses, as a requirement for my Geology/Geophysics degree), so I would like to know if the following reaction can take place. Note that I have NOT balanced the equation, just curious if the reagents are combined, if they would react:
CO2 + H2SO4 —> CS2 + H2O
or possibly other product(s).
Thanks for any help (or discussion) y’all provide. Yes, I live in Wyoming, and we say “Ma’am”, “Sir”, “Merry Christmas”, and “y’all”. So I hope all y’all have a great day,
Sorry, I found Chemistry boring and so was never good at it. My interest was in Physics, and I ended up getting a PhD in it.
In theory, a balance would be
CO2 + 2(H2SO4) –> CS2 + 2H2O + 4O2 , however CS2 is flammable, so this process would be inherently dangerous (auto combustion).
CS2 (Hydrogen Disulfide) is not produced that way.
Historically, manufacture is via: C + 2S → CS2 (at 1000C +) or 2 CH4 + S8 → 2 CS2 + 4 H2S (at 600C).
Practically, the lowest energy input that produces the desired output is chosen, with the least amount of byproducts, at the lowest temperature and pressure, in the fewest steps, is chosen.
That something “can” happen, doesn’t mean it is the economical,practical, or safe, way to proceed.
It is a horrible chemical. Don’t play with it.
Sort of like Lance says, the equilibrium reaction (remember the arrows point in both directions) you wrote is strongly towards the left.
Just looked at wikipedia – manufacture used CH4 these days.
“It is a horrible chemical….. “
You are talking about the CV-pseudo-vaccines, aren’t you GA.
Hi Gee,
Honestly, I had no plans to play with anything. My impression was that the reaction would not take place, I was simply seeking the collective wisdom of the community.
As a great mentor once admonished me, “All of us, is smarter than one of us.”
My Humble Regards to you and yours,
Hi Vlad , I had a quick go at working this out – Carbon has 4 bonds, Sulphur has 6 bonds, Oxygen has 2 bonds and Hydrogen has 1 bond
So we have C 4 bonds, O 12 bonds, S 6 bonds, H 1bond. Answer to your question – NO. The H2SO4 bonds are to strong to be broken up by CO2.
I’m glad the chemists have answered this . Thank you Lance.
Actually, S has valence levels of 2 to 6. That’s how you get H2S or SF6 or stuff in between.
C has either 4 single bonds or 2 double bonds. That’s how you get Methane CH4 or Ethylene CH2 = CH2.
The real fun starts when people “think” a cyclic compound is stable ( perflourocyclobutane, C4F8, safe, harmless, stable) but then heat it up and it linearizes and becomes ( perfluoroisobutylene (CF 3) 2 C=CF 2) The former was the propellant in CheezWhiz and the latter is a toxic nerve gas.
Apologies. I liked Organic Chem. Sad but true.
My mistake in typing. Should be valence of -2 to +6. Depends on the electron shell. Sulfur is weird.
See, I knew if I asked the question, JoNovians would have the answer(s)!! Many, many thanks to all who submitted a reply. It was well beyond my (50-plus years ago) expertise, so it’s been a great help.
My best to all,
From another Wyomingite (yes, I am a mineral)…using Lance’s balance and assuming gaseous forms for all. No, the change in Gibbs free energy is very positive. You have to put in a great deal of energy in some form to get the reaction to go. It is not spontaneous.
Of course the reason the new IPCC report came out is because we were warned it would be by the WEF. They have been saying the same thing for over a year now. They had to come out with an “official” report to back up their agenda to destroy the old ways of the West. It really is no secret any longer because they have produced many documents beforehand and blasted them across the internet saying how we can’t go back to the old normal. Anyone who still can’t see it needs to pull their heads out of the sand and open their eyes.
Together with the vaccination scam, they have every opportunity to compete their goal to destroy the West and “build back better”. Funny how when the enemy displays their plan of attack to the people, nothing much happens to stop it. It prove most people are still asleep. Let’s see how long that remains to be so.
We have to find a way to discredit the scientific paradigm, then the facade will collapse.
Many true scientists already have done that many times over. Our leaders are just not listening because they are puppets on a string with the puppet masters who hold the strings controlling what our leaders say and do. One of them is obvious; Big Business, and that includes Big Pharma who are conducting the other great scam as well. We could come up with the strongest case imaginable to prove the whole CAGW thing is a scam and a hoax, yet they will still refuse to listen. It’s just the way it is, sadly. Even if we fight them through the courts they will win as judges too are just puppets. We just have to wait and see how the penny drops when people in general finally wake up to the scams. Just make sure your toes are not right under it as the penny will be the size of a mountain.
‘ … yet they will still refuse to listen.’
That is because you and 99% of the population don’t understand the science.
DR Chris Martenson went through the numbers in Pfizer’s 6 month study, 20 000 in vaccine group and 20 000 in control. And the numbers coming out say, as an individual, you have a 99.996% chance of not getting severe covid19 with having the poke, and a 99.866 chance of not getting severe covid19, not having the poke. Now there are the comorbidities – age, obesity, low vitamin D, diabetes, and various chronic ailments. The chances multiply with more than one.
So as an individual you can take your chances. But it’s when it comes down to society, that the numbers get big. The 1% differential, with Australia’s population, adds up to 250 000 people severely ill. There is the moral quandary.
One of my thoughts is why is there not a massive push to inoculate those comorbidities. There are still patients and workers in nursing homes not inoculated! How come? Why is there no campaign blitz on obesity, and vitamin D, and the chronically ill, instead of focusing on teens and toddlers? Why?
I understood that the control group was abandoned by Moderna and Pfizer after a very short time on the basis that they could not deny the people their wonderful life saving vaccines .
Thus we the unvaxxed, are now the control group.
Someone has to be in control. (-;
Chris is great (aside from believing in global warming).
There is a lot of great information in that video including obesity not being listed as a risk factor by the CDC
Is obesity a direct factor or just a factor causing low serum Vit D?
It would take a proper clinical test to determine this – so we’ll never know
ere is CLINTEL’s statement on the new AR6 WG1 SPM, including a link:
Seems the IPCC ignored the ScienceMag critique of the CMIP 6 models and opted instead for “insanely scary and wrong” forecasts.
Remdesivir is or soon will be approved for use in Australia but it is about as close to useless as any drug could possibly be.
And yet HCQ and IVM which have demonstrated efficacy, are either banned or strongly discouraged and have few if any side effects when used in non-lethal doses.
It was given provisional approval last year in July
This is the poster child for child for the perverse influence of Big Pharma. It has been approved for treating CoViD almost worldwide despite costing a ridiculous amount per dose, NEVER being shown to have significant benefits and clearly having significant side effects.
And, as always, our medical bodies have blindly followed the WHO treatment guidelines which still include remdesivir, despite their own findings on side effects
It is things like this, and things like suppression of any and all clearly effective preventives, and telling people to go home and come back when you are really sick, and pushing vaccines on demographic groups that have no need of it, and ignoring viral immunology 101 with a leaky vaccine to a coronavirus, and ignoring and suppression of adverse events and the reason those agencies were set up, etc… that makes one lean towards seeing these people as more evil then incompetent.
Covid restrictions don’t apply to the Elites.
Obama had a great birthday party.
ALSO, obviously Obama, like other global warming catastrophists doesn’t have a problem with a home close to see level.
The followup on this will be worth watch – three days of close interaction without masks by 500+ people who are all (supposedly) fully vaccinated.
My bet is there will be no public follow up on all who attended.
Along with hominy grits and collard greens.
Not surprising, in fact expected. One rule for them and another for the rest of us. They don’t even mind being exposed about it. It’s a way of thumbing their noses at us saying, suckers!
Latest from Tony Heller.
Note that I am posting the non-censored NewTube link, not the censored YouTube one. Please suppprt non-censored Alt Tech.
“Code Red For Humanity” by Tony Heller
Yes, it’s amazing how no matter how much and how big our leaders lie, they keep doing it. We wait with much anticipation as to what’s their next big lie. It’s like watching a punch and judy show where we the people are the ones being punched all the time and it never stops. Well one day it will but that ending will have to wait.
“Yes, it’s amazing how no matter how much and how big our leaders lie, they keep doing it.”
Why stop, they are getting results.
Funny thing, it wasn’t ’till my third reading that I read that as “NewTube”.
I hadn’t heard of them before.
Thank you.
Sorry if this has been discussed to death on the site already.
I’m an occasional commentator, regular reader of Jo’s articles and frequent reader of the comments, but if it has, I’ve nevertheless totally missed it. So, in case there’s anyone else like me “” is a vacuum tube company, NewTube.App is an uncensored(?) (Hopefully) video sharing website.
I tried using it to find the article by Sky News that got them censored but failed to find it. Does anyone know if it’s there, and can you share a link?
I do wish the Alternative Tech platforms well with all my heart.
They have a hard task ahead of them. Not having censorship is probably not a sufficient advantage in the market. After all, most people prefer having their biases confirmed rather than challenged. I feel that way myself, despite constantly trying to fight against it. Trolls will delight in their unprecedented ability to be disruptive. Thoughtful comments are still going to take longer to produce than erroneous nonsense and personal attack, and so will never be seen by early readers. They will need to find a way to reduce the disruption of the wanna-be wreckers, without resorting to complete censorship.
I would hate to see it descend into an echo-chamber of the right the way the mainstream media has for the left. I’m particularly thinking of the way the BBC pumps out anti-scientific falsehoods from Extinction Rebellion, while refusing to air Matt Ridley talking about what the IPCC actually says.
For the BBC, as long as you’re left it doesn’t matter if you’re stupid and wrong. I’d hate to see Newtube become a mirror image.
Apropos of the Sky News censorship, ABC reported “A spokesman for the Government” as saying words to the effect of “The Australian Government expects media to consistently apply censorship with material that is harmful”. That absurdity must be refuted. Give ignorant, unelected, unappealable political partisans permission to censor at will whatever they deem to be harmful? Conservative political opinions are by definition harmful according to the woke ignorati. What idiot would ever grant them permission to foist their gate-keeping upon the community?
If our politicians do not support freedom of all speech, they will suffer from their own voices being stifled.
“According to the CDC, the number of covid patient in-hospital deaths in May was 15% among the vaccinated, not 0.5 percent as they all claimed — a figure that is 30 TIMES more than they claimed.”
This is huge – the 99.5% figure for unvaccinated hospitalizations has been thrown around to demonstrate how we should be encouraging vaccination at all costs.
It didn’t tally with the figures from any other countries and now we know why. Thanks Lance.
Here is the CDC document showing the increasing incidence fully vaccinated amongst hospitalizations.
It would be interesting if the plot was overlaid vs vaccination levels so we could see if it was directly correlated.
They acknowledge that viral loads are unaffected (ie no reduction in transmissibility if infected) by vaccination and try to retain the scare factor with some figures suggesting that the Delta variant causes more severe cases than Alpha.
Sorry, missedposting the link –
Speaking of which, the number of cases where death was a reported outcome after taking a COVID vaccine has increase by 2 on 10/05/2021 according to the Australian Government Database of Adverse Event Notifications – medicines. The vaccine was BNT162b2 (mRNA).
Number of COVID-19 deaths over the same period: none.
It will be interesting to see what the reports will be as the database is updated. They deliberate delay the reporting for 90 days. During this time the TGA checks these reports to ensure they are complete and accurate.
6 min video. Support data links below video.
“Dr Stock is informing and educating the school board about how coronaviruses impact health, and specifically why the current COVID-19 virus mitigation efforts are futile.”
Must See – Family Medical Physician Dr Dan Stock Delivers an Important Message to Mount Vernon School Board About Coronavirus
Discussion with links mentioned in the video.
Climate Heretic
I found his comments on the impossibility of eliminating the virus entirely, which seems to be the current approach.
The Small Pox virus was eliminated because it had no animal hosts to fall back on – it was a human-specific virus, and so was vulnerable to elimination.
These coronaviruses have many animal reservoirs in which to sit out the longest of lockdowns.
In this context, it seems to me that all lockdowns can accomplish is to destroy the economy and the health of the population while pretend we can starve the virus out by restricting its diet – but since it can wait it out in animal reservoirs it can reappear even after 5 years of lockdown.
Lockdowns are based on the fantasy that the virus has nowhere else to go but to human hosts.
It seems to me that the key to this pandemic is the PCR test yet what do we really know about it?
It was ushered in as the gold standard and policies were made by nations according to its results. Lockdowns were enforced, makeshift hospitals created, panic generated, vaccines hurried into arms.
Where has the flu gone? All across the world covid is way up and flu almost non-existent. What if the PCR at high cycles is picking up the flu? The CDC is abandoning the PCR at the end of the year for a test that will differentiate between flu and covid, the implication being that it hasn’t thus far (to me anyway).
I know there were many cases of atypical pneumonia occurring but what if the number is a lot lower than reported?
How many asymptomatic cases are there?
How many cycles are labs using?
A little investigation turns up a character by the name of Christian Drosten. Now we all knew that Kary Mullis invented the test and told us not to rely on it for diagnostic purposes but that was ignored. But Drosten and his partner developed and marketed it for covid 19. He claimed the test is sensitive enough to pick up one molcule!
It turns out that there are serious errors with the test
Very interesting article. Could this pandemic be built on a shaky foundation?
This really needs further investigation.
It doesn’t detect flu. It can’t detect flu.
Mullis invented the test (conceptually) but had no expertise whatsoever in the lab or in medicine or in leaps and bounds of development that was done by many others – myself included -in the decades since.
So you get a Noble Prize (or more accurately share the prize) for coming up with a conceptual development. I don’t think so –they would have done more than a conceptual development.
nope… a whole bunch of uncredited co-workers pulled together the benchwork.
So now you are saying it was more than a concept. Keep digging.
obviously – just that Mullis’s role was limited.
The Nobel Prize isn’t so noble any more.
Agree but he got it in the earlier 90s.
Good question to ask the family members of the 200,000 Peruvians who have already died from Covid – I have a good idea of their reply. They know it was Covid because they sequenced the genomes and Peru even morphed their own strain. Peru had massive increases in their death industry in 2020 and 2021; of the order of 300% of normal rate for a number of weeks each time corresponded with upswing in Covid case being detected.
In fact all jurisdictions have excess deaths closely aligned with the reported Covid cases:
In Victoria, all people with Covid have the genotype of their particular strain so they can trace the chain of transmission.
China knowingly or accidentally released a bioweapon and people are still looking for a reason to think it is something else. I wonder how much China is paying people to downplay the seriousness.
And here is another one
the zombi test that keeps returning. This is not the PCR test that your local path lab uses or has ever used.
The zombie test that keeps running and running until it gets a positive. !
“Could this pandemic be built on shaky foundations?”
Sure could.
and what would those be?
Sorry, old Moss your link didnt work but I found the video. Excellent! No wonder we are in a “casedemic”.
The house of cards has collapsed as far as I am concerned, this is just SARS again second generation.
The Wangaratta mayor claims that the regional Victorian lockdown was based on a false positive from a sewage test
A Department of Health spokesperson disputed this saying
So who is lying?
The Wangaratta mayor making the public statement or the anonymous Department of Health spokesperson?
Or was there an incompetent go between that scrambled the message?
A lockdown should be based in totally confirmed tests
What do you think are the most interesting inventions of the modern era? I mean a novel idea which some genius said “Eureka! That will work” not an incremental advance on existing technology.
My No. 1 shows my trade: The cavity magnetron and its associated “plumbing”, the wave guide. Conventional radio using discrete components soldered to a valve base was never going to allow frequencies above 150 mHz. Electrically, a magnetron is one component – a diode and is drawn as such on schematic diagrams but it allows high power at much higher freqs. In 1941 the Brits invented one that would operate at 3 gHz [10 cm wavelength] and flew one to the US so they could do parallel development. This was the heart of H2S airborne radar which beat the U boats in the Atlantic.
My second is something much humbler: The magnetic fridge door seal. It works a treat and ended the tragedy of young children dying in abandoned fridges.
My last is much older: The wire drawing machine. It allowed fences to be erected faster and cheaper and the mass production of nails. Sadly it also made barbed wire on which many men perished in the Great War.
What say you?
PCR. Basically biology has before PCR and after PCR. The two eras are quite distinct.
The most fundamental invention that is the basis of all industrial civilisation is the ability to make a precisely flat surface. All other machines and measurements can be ultimately derived from that.
The almost perfectly flat surface is called a surface plate and that can be generated without other machines but a lot of hard labour by grinding together a combination of three flatish stones.
That leads to another fundamental tool of industrial civilisation, the Johansson Gauge Blocks.
All other modern machines and their measurements are ultimately drivable from these two.
This was the subject of a 30 min video called “Origins of Precision”.
Derivable, not drivable.
As one of my Calculus Professors advised: “Friends don’t let friends drink and derive.”
Dynamical Systems / chaos Theory
Nuclear Physics
Quantum Mechanics.
Self Congratulation as a Basis of Social Policy ( sarc)
Define “modern era”..?……1900+ ?
Radar ?
X ray inspection
Microwave oven
Laser technology
Obviously wire drawing pre-dates 1900.
But I was looking at simplicity. Two of my suggestions are clearly simple and the other incredibly simple viewed in the light of technology of the time. It was a diode with strong permanent magnets, and wave guides were truly “white man’s magic”. A simple neon tube prevented the kWs of RF destroying the receiver in spite of using the same plumbing to the antenna.
All radar and microwaves still use them today, 80 yrs later.
“Greenhouse Effect” – How could such a dizzy idea gain so much traction and provide so much income for so many brain challenged individuals to create mountains of poo inside a 4,000 page document. It will end up being one of the greatest fiction stories of all time.
Binary memory – just two states but 2^32 is a really big number in decimal arithmetic.
Lithium battery chemistry – powers just about every portable device and keeps South Australian electricity grid stable. Plus keeps people in Geelong warm when the wind blows the right way. Also known for keeping people warm along roadways from time-to-time.
The total surveillance now possible will make the most unimaginable intrusions into your life and atrocities far worse than anything previous totalitarians could possibly have imagined.
The only way you can be somewhat free of surveillance is if you don’t use a cell phone or Internet at all, don’t have a bank account or credit card and don’t drive, as your car registration is recorded at numerous road side cameras or toll points. And if you have ever had an official government photo taken such as for a driver’s or other license or passport it will be on the Australian National Drivers Licence Facial Recognition Solution (NDLFRS) which of course will be or is used for many other things apart from driver’s license checking. You will be recognised on numerous surveillance cameras.
And it is no excuse to say if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to hide or worry about.
As Edward Snowden said people saying that they ‘have nothing to hide’ are no different than people saying ‘I don’t care about freedom of speech because I have nothing to say’.
According to the Epoch Times, because of the restrictions placed on the unvaccinated, there has been a explosion of fake vaccination cards.
What a surprise!
Forged vaccination cards that claim to be issued by the CDC have been proliferating on Amazon, eBay , Etsy etc. In another example, an instagram account sells laminated covid 19 vaccination cards for $25 each. You can even get them from China.
Ok then, they will have to fixate some sort of sign on people with some special new technology to make it virtually impossible to fake. Bound to happen. It is likely to be combined with some kind of digital currency. The central banks are getting serious to get rid of physical money and go to some form of digital currency. The central banks already have in mind a few ideas for their own internal use; called central bank digital currency (CBDC). It’s no secret as the WEF explained why it is necessary to extend this to normal transactions as conducted for everyone.
Not much to go on there. One of the deceased apparently contracted Covid in the hospital.
Given that the over 70’s have been prioritized for vaccination and the AZ is plentiful, I presume that the reason they were unvaccinated is because they did not want to be vaccinated.
FDA Review of Efficacy and Safety of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization Request
Look at page 25 – 2 dose data and page 30 – 1 dose data.
In the FDA’s own approval review using PFizer testing data they clearly were aware that:
Natural immunity had 7.1% better efficacy (compared to 2 dose vaccine) and 17.9% better efficacy(compared to 1 dose vaccine). Despite knowing this it was full steam ahead.
It also seems that “the jab” destroys natural immunity if it already existed.
The Covid-19 “Great” Reset abolishes the US Constitution & English Bill of Rights
Author: Philip Ridley
Topic: Great Reset
Date: 14th November 2020
The World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) self proclaimed “Great Reset” is shaping the way governments around the world have responded to Covid-19. It sets the precedent for a “New Normal” where our Human Rights can be arbitrarily suspended for temporary or permanent states of emergency that are either real or engineered for that purpose.
The “Great” Reset is being organised on behalf of the United Nations, led by WEF Founder, Klaus Schwab. He has written the book on how Covid-19 can be taken advantage of to implement the “Great” Reset. This is why any debate about alternative approaches to solving the pandemic fall on deaf ears with government only responding positively to mass civil disobedience, whilst lockdown continues to serve the implementation of their unpopular and unlawful agenda. This is why they are dragging out the pandemic far beyond any reasonable sell by date and World Bank documents indicate that the Covid-19 project may be planned to continue until March 2025. Their slogan is “Build Back Better”, but for whom?
This article sets out the Great Reset’s origins and legal framework. It also explains why ending lockdown and restoring liberty is not inconsistent with saving lives, because we believe that nutrient deficiencies are the primary factor in pandemics and seasonal colds. The article then concludes by explaining how the Great Reset knowingly pretends to overthrow Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the US Constitution and the fundamental principles of Common Law.
Stakeholder Capitalism
The “Great” Reset claims to replace Capitalism with Stakeholder Capitalism. This is the over-riding of national sovereignty with the technocratic rule of the United Nations. A global government not for and by the people, but for and by the corporate partners of the United Nations. They are the sole Stakeholders of Stakeholder “Capitalism”.
This is the opposite of liberal democracy and free markets. You and your small business do not have a seat at the table, we are not consulted, we have no vote or veto. The UN’s idea of consent is that their decrees are adopted if no objection is received within a reasonable time and yet no methods are provided to object, unless of course if you happen to be one of their Stakeholders.
The current partnership between the WEF and United Nations, which includes the implementation of Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030, demonstrates that global corporations, many of which are now larger than nations, are now firmly in the driving seat, with Communist China taking a leading role. This is an attempt by the WEF and DAVOS to position themselves at the helm of Global Governance. Imagine Monsanto designing school lunch policy, Bill Gates heading up your Department of Health, General Motors running your Department of Transportation, Goldman Sachs running the Treasury. This is Stakeholder “Capitalism”. Completely absurd but they are giving it a go, meanwhile we are busy discussing a pandemic. This helps to explain why those questioning “the science” of the pandemic are ignored, because the response to this year’s seasonal illness is not and has not been about saving us from a virus.
What is that?
Peter, maybe that isn’t the best term to use, but there was a “great reset” a long time ago whereby “the people” demanded to be treated decently and took action to make that happen.
We need a new Watt Tyler because our society has been ruthlessly destroyed by our uncompassionate leaders.
Despite being in “Covid Lockdown” I am still allowed out to exercise briefly every day.
Our streets are full of empty, abandoned shops and businesses; this speaks to me of something horrible and irreversible having happened in society.
There’s something evil at play when the life’s work of a whole nation can just be trashed and swept away.
Remember Watt Tyler.
Perhaps the purpose of using known imperfect C-19 “vaccines” is to allow the 100% inevitable evolution of a super C-19 virus, the purpose of which is to achieve the Elites’ worldwide population objective of 500 million or similarly low number?
Why else would they knowingly deploy “leaky” vaccines when it is an established fact that they lead to super-viruses?
Why else would they deny the use of effective existing anti-virals?
Not all conspiracies are untrue, you know!
Recall the sequence of events. The American President encouraged the development of vaccines as quickly as possible. Any potential legal implications for possible side-effects were set aside for good. American culture could not tolerate such restrictions as had developed. Vaccines were a short-cut to some familiar normality. Social discipline proved hopelessly inadequate in the circumstances (the contrast with Taiwan is instructive).
Regarding failure to use of anti-virals I have no idea, perhaps venality but what evidence is there? Ditto vitamin D.
And the point of creating a “super-virus” is what? Evidence?
It is one thing to doubt the intellectual foundations of current policy (such doubt is reasonable because much is downright peculiar), wherever it might be, but notions of conspiracy do not get us far.
I have remarked before that we need detailed analysis of the ideological priorities of medical schools. What, spoken or otherwise, matters in the textbooks? Comprehend the genealogies of such ideas and priorities and we might begin to understand the priorities of governments, in the Australian case, state and federal, so much of which is very odd. The Premier of South Australia, for example (not uniquely probably) will write that vaccines are the solution to the crisis. Yet already it was evident that no such solution exists. What do the people around him say? What are their priorities? We actually do not know, which, in part at least, is very much a failure of our totally incurious media.
Answers to the many questions do exist but they are proving very difficult to construct in the absence of evidence. Conspiracy is no satisfactory alternative.
Are you blaming Trump alone?
Paul, long before CV19 there was the “undocumented” immigration crisis in Europe where tens of thousands of supposedly deserving people were allowed to breach national borders and cause massive Social damage.
Then “someone” began flogging us with the totally unscientific concept of man made global warming.
Now we have “The Pandemic to end all pandemics”, the response to which has been unprecedented.
A disease which has a kill rate that is less than our national suicide rate and our road accident death rate is being used as the excuse to Shut Australia Down.
Most cunningly, the victims, all of us, are effectively silenced and have No Free Speech.
The past achievements of the United Bloody Nations, WHO and the WEF, the destruction of formerly Great Britain, the disenfranchisement of the USA; all this should make us think very carefully.
The Evidence you ask for is “unavailable” at the moment, it’s been put out of sight because the truth might set us free.
The Elves will Fix It
NB is a BSV based site (BSV is the future of honest, private, but accountable digital money and the Metanet).
What I have posted at powping is immutably stored and cost 3c (in BSV) to post.
I’m sure they will be coming for me – give me strength to withstand the onslaught!
If you like it, send out the link and also wear a TEWFI star on your face mask or tee shirt etc.
Folks will want to know what it means…
It will also give you a chance to nicely explain to them how the world is being sneakily taken over by Sargon 😉 – then us Hobbits might be able to live in peace!!!!
PS If you would like me to include a link to your blog in the document Joanne, let me know by email – I’m sure you have it.
Moderator: Not sure if you are going to post my submission but can you change Sargon to Sauron please? Typo.
I think there is a lot wrong with this, especially in the context of Covid vaccines.
How do others feel?
I’m not an antivaxxer. I’ve had other vaccines. I’m just not gullible enough to take on a vaccine that has been rushed out at a time when the test to determine if one has the virus is not to be trusted even by the CDC, in an environment such as ours where the risk of getting the COVID-19 is so low, and even if I do get it the chances are I will suffer no symptoms, or at worse have some issues but will be fine after a few days to week, with the added bonus of gaining immunity naturally. In Australia we don’t have hundreds of people dropping dead like flies every day. It’s not even as bad as a bad flu+pneumonia year. In 2010 there were 2,373 deaths, in 2014, 2,879 deaths and in 2019, 4,124 deaths. I don’t recall we had so much hysteria back then as as today.
Leave the decision up to the people to decide and leave it at that. No forced vaccinations, no vaccine passports, no lockdowns after say 30% of the population get vaccinated or in say 1 months time, whichever comes first so we can let herd immunity take its course, as was done in every other pandemic in the past, even the far more serious ones. Get over it, people die all the time for a variety of reasons. The amount of hysteria is disproportionate to the mild pandemic we are experiencing.
Brilliant summary PeterS.
Thanks, and it’s all true, which means as I and others have stated before there’s more to it than the pandemic. I don’t need to go over it all again. Suffice to say we are being lied to all over the place.
Trouble is, the vaccinated know that the vaccines don’t work properly…
… otherwise they wouldn’t be scare of the un-vaccinated.
Its quite bizarre watching them squirm around avoiding the issue.
In that case perhaps it’s the vaccinated who should be isolated and kept locked down at home while the rest of can go back to a more normal life and be free.
I am totally with you there Peter.
If they approve Ivermectin as an alternative to vaccination this whole thing would be over in 14 days. NO need at all for any lockdowns or other totalitarian dictates. There is a deeper agenda at work here…….
It’s just Verbalism with little thought given to the real situation.
It starts from the usual lefty position of self annointed moral and intellectual superiority.
Is uses the usual lefty tool of labelling and trying to control the language. Someone may refuse the Covid “vaccines” but have used every vaccine ever offered over a lifetime.
Finally it follows the lefty model of handing out script so those downstream can just regurgitate the message without ever thinking.
An appropriate breakfast cereal token and you’re a teacher!
“Oregon Governor Drops Reading, Writing and Math Proficiency Standards For High School Graduation, Office Says it will Help People of Color
August 9, 2021 | Sundance | 187 Comments ”
Looks like the pandemic has gone to peoples heads more than anywhere else. Can we do the same here and drop our standards so that we will help our own people of colour? A lot of our kids would love that.
News flash.
“Prime Minister Scott Morrison says China must cut its carbon emissions if the dire predictions contained in the latest global climate change report are to be avoided.”
A small glimmer of hope that he’s on the right side.
Eh? What glimmer of hope? You got to be joking, right? What about India, Japan and other countries who are collectively building hundreds of new coal fired power stations? What would you suggest he do if they don’t comply to his “demands”? Declare war? Give me a break! It’s just a diversionary tactic, a pretty pathetic one at that.
True, but it does point to the hypocrisy of the whole thing.
I did think for a moment you were being sarcastic but it didn’t come across as such.
Yes, PM Morrison is just so hypothetical as well as pathetic. It’s sort of like a child blaming someone else for doing something wrong, but actually a lot worse because the child in question is supposed to be acting as a leader of a nation. If he really wants to have any hope of his party winning the next election in it’s on right, and not hand it over on a platter to the ALP+Greens by default or end up with a minority government, then he better do a John Howard where he went to the election with the GST proposal, and act like a true leader, explain the situation to the people and say we will follow the example of countries like Japan and build HELE plants, fully funded by the government and stop stalling.
I have never voted Laba and only ever voted Libl twice in order to get rid of the Laba incumbent.
Otherwise have always voted independent and for the protest partis.
But in the future we may have a computer voting for us; just like the new USA.
Would you trust that after the US fiasco?
Yes, that’s what I meant.
I realised that KK! 🙂
I thought that might have been the case Annie.
Doesn’t COVID19 lockdown make me obsessive.
Thank goodness we were only sentenced to a week and it ends in about 30 hours, but who’s counting.
I expect that after midnight tomorrow most of NovoCastria will be out driving around town to celebrate.
So who else was surprised that the ABS will no longer be destroying name and address information from this census onwards. That’s a BS decision that I never agreed to.
Guess what!
I’ve recently wasted about a week of my time on getting this newfangled number and road system mangled to fit our situation. Its designers never thought that there might be two independent properties that turn off at the same road number.
The solution involves adding the property name – even up on the national address database. And guess what the census form doesn’t allow!
So here we go again!
Another is to add a letter to a road number. For example, 10 A Downing Street – Prime Minister’s Office, 10 B Downing Street – Boris Johnson’s wife.
In the things I’ve met –
Odd numbers are left side of the road. One proposed solution was for us (LHS) to go to an even (RHS) number which would have had us on another neighbour’s block.
The neighbour on our turn-off wanted to keep his property name in their address – which meant we had to have ours.
We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads.
““It’s just…” – Why I Won’t Submit”
More in the vein of
More such thoughts
Windmills and Aesthetics
We are looking at moving away from the east coast, inland, in search of isolation to escape Covid madness and hippies.
Property we were looking at had a view of windmills on the far horizon, perhaps one hundred of them along a ridge, the development around Glen Innes, NSW.
I must say it didn’t bother me that much, which I was surprised at, because one of my main hates of windmill ideology is the impact on landscape. Many things I’ve seen in the USA make me reel with horror, they really are just terrible looking things. But here I didn’t get that reaction.
I won’t attempt descriptive prose, I just thought it was important to note because when I argue I like to argue with authenticity, but I’m currently questioning the aesthetic point.
Yet of course this is just the tip of the iceberg. We will be getting a lot more than these hundred or so, and I’m trying to imagine the effect. I’d still prefer none, I know that much, though I confess I couldn’t stop looking at them, intrigued somehow.
ABS = Totalitarianism
A California Women’s Prison Is Now Distributing Condoms Following An Inmate’s Pregnancy
When you have women becoming pregnant in a woman’s prison from another “woman” you have to question have officialdom become insane or evil, or both? Either way, the rot in our society is spreading. It will not end well that’s for sure.
For the record
Play list
“#10: A series of Lame stream “News” mandating vaccines.
#9: Obama’s Birthday Bash of hundreds in a giant tent with no masks. ( Do as they do, not as they say…)
#8: Media Fear Porning Florida – recycle Italy photo as Florida hospital…
#7: Delta Variant – Mock Mock Mocking on Heavens Door…
#6: AntiVax Assault – Zelenko’s Reply.
#5: Biden Mumbles A Meme..
#4: A Trans-Something half-back intimidates an old man.. Song in the background is catchy but loaded with F-Bombs… just FYI.
#3: 6 Jan Show Trial bombs. (F-Bombs song continues through the end of #1)
#2: Democrats push for Vaccine Passports hurts Blacks most as about 25-30% are vaccinated. (Seems Blacks ARE smarter than Whites and Asians… or at least remember their history)
#1: Rand Paul Marvy Rant ;-)”
Willis has a look at
“UN Eye PC Sea Level”