A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is this the shape of the new normal?
Despite 30000 cases a day and 100 deaths a day Brits are increasingly acting normally with huge crowds at resorts, football matches, festivals and restaurants and theatres.
I can vouch for this on walking through our major sea side resort.. It looks exactly like 2019 only much busier with few masks in sight.
Make that seven day averages of 34,000 new cases per day and 114 deaths per day now. But interestingly the through put rate is increasing the number of active cases has fallen because the “recoveries” numbers seem to be going up as well.
I put recoveries in quotations because it seems long covid patients are counted as having recovered. What ever the combination of vaccines and later infections is doing to the population it is happening at a faster rate.
Dr Kory claims that the flccc protocols help with long COVID recovery as well.
Long Haul protocol:
So what is your excitement with Deaths?
The death may have been from contaminated mushy peas on the hospital pie and it would have been reported as a daily death if someone died within 28 days of a positive test.
Good question when long covid is the stat that matters because it is more the aim of a bio weapon than deaths.
None the less could you explain how mushy pea deaths would show such a perfectly delayed correlation?
Re: bioweapons…….
Long story…short: this writer was a Soviet Bioweapons scientist…..
“They also found the way to effectively hijack the body’s natural immune processes by producing overstimulation of the immune system through the “reprogramming” of the human immune system responses to those manmade-modified external pathogens. ….Does this “reprogramming” of the immune system sound familiar? It should. The Covid-19 vaccines utilize the same mRNA technology of reprogramming the body’s immune system as Russia used in producing bioweapons for silent warfare against civilians.”
The End.
mushy peas are classed as a biological weapon
How should we count those who die within 28 days of the jab? Some within 48hrs.
Ok I am all ears.
Trot out the statistics. Why was a test done? Was the patient already in hospital when the test was done? How long after the test to death? What were the symptoms? What was the cause of death? How old was the deceased? Had the deceased received the mRNA to produce the spike protein? Was an autopsy done?
So many questions and no one asking them. Why would you accept ‘with Covid19’ when someone who dies within 28 days of a ‘shot’ is an expected death.
I am not saying the virus isn’t a cause of deaths only that these statistics do not define this as what is being recorded.
These are the daily UK Government Covid statistics.
Thanks for that UK link.
They show 805 deaths over the last seven days. 805/7=115. The seven day average they show of 104 may only update once per week or something.
The vast majority of new cases in the UK is occurring in unvaccinated school children and young adults:
Deaths still in older age groups – those not vaccinated.
The link information doesnt seem to describe anything about vaccination status. Infection rates seem highest amongst the most socially active, deaths on older age groups arent markedly higher than other groups of the heat mapping is good.
Hard to get info about vax status. Can you direct to it?
My GUESSES. A)Since younger people need a parent’s permission to get vaxed, I suppose lotsa parents don’t want to certainly harm their own offspring by having them vaxed, while simultaneously knowing that SARS-CoV2 in kids is a genuine nothingburger = no point harming your kids to avoid a non-existent “threat’.
B) As for old codgers and higher death rates…well once they are very old + feeble there’d be few relatives clamouring for their oldies to get a life-ending vax immediately. Why put an already-suffering oldie through splitting headaches, soaring fevers and the like instead of just letting them go out peacefully?
As they say however; there is no-one so cruel as the zealot demanding a vax “for their own good”, eh?
Especially if they reckon they’re written into the Will, eh?
Strange you’d have that in your planning Sam. It’s called “projection” when you assume others have the same motivations as yourself.
Here’s the Oz govt guide for older people: “We do not know exactly how much the vaccine will benefit frail people…If you are close to the end of your life you may have many things to weigh up when making
your decision about whether to have the COVID-19 vaccine…..Older people who lived in aged care facilities were not included in the clinical trials of Comirnaty (Pfizer}”
The point is that the UK stats provided do not tell us WHY the old codgers were not vaxed. Could be the same reason they are no longer doing an hour on the treadmill each day “to keep fit”= no longer up to it, maybe?
Considering we are so far into the second year I am surprised how rudimentary the stats we get are. The sceptic in me says they are hiding everything they can.
The “bloods” should be done on everyone testing +ve and the outcomes noted. Researchers should be able to access all this.
Certainly the stats on hospitalizations, ICU and mortality should distinguish between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated on a daily basis.
It would be valuable to also get the daily update on those stats against age, sex, weight and comorbidities.
It can’t be too hard to do that, surely.
Except if you go to a highly vaccinate country like israel where its a 50/50 for hospital admissions….
Git it wrong again, Sam…
It would be good to know how many of the “mystery cases” turn out to have been vaccinated. I suspect a very high percentage.
They’ll rush back to sensible mode if these numbers go too high.
Unless the conditioning leads to acceptance of higher and higher numbers slowly. 3000 is the entire population in under 72 years. How many years to entire population is too high? 30000 being under 7.2 years. 300,000 being under nine months.
As we know from the climate debate, many people are innumerate. Any number over 10 is “Big”: 10,000 = 100,000 unless the words that surround them have more emotion.
In teh same way that a cold spell in your area is sold as “just your area”, excess deaths in your local community aren’t representative of the whole nation they’re just “bad luck”.
NSW changing their definitions of deaths just so suits the incompetent management to cover up their failure.
Victorian premier suggests restrictions may not be lofted when Victoria gets to 70% plus vaccinations
If the virus really starts to hit it is difficult to imagine what further measures the premier may decide to take as to an outsider they already look excessive
Human sacrifice. Ritual offerings to the Carbon gods.
Or just of people who refuse to vote for him because he nearly managed to legislate for his own army, answerable only to him with the right of indefinite arrest without explanation or judicial oversight. The Chinese belt and road plague enhanced his infinite power and right to rule and nearly allowed him his own black shirts.Our own Lenin/Stalin/Hitler. Apart from two Green votes in the Upper House, he nearly seized absolute power in Victoria, much as Hitler did in 1933 and Lenin in 1917. In mid winter 1921 Lenin’s army slaughtered the 30,000 sailors on Kronstadt who had been critical in supporting his revolution. As Trotsky had said “adornment and pride of the revolution”. Everyone died.
No parliament, no opposition and absolute power and the whole population locked in their homes. Dear Leader Dan thinks this is Perfect.
Correct. The virus was the tool to grab power, nothing more.
If Victorians wanted to end this right now….how do you arrest 1 million victorians if they all walled out into the street all at once?
Dan’s a scumbag. Today he was crying about “irresponsible” non-vaxed citizens potentially taking hospital beds from burned children, but no alleged journalist asked him whether an “irresponsible” tipsy 48 year-old bloke rolling down a flight of stairs should be taking beds from those same kids as a result of HIS negligence.
The guy’s a deadset jerk.
He should have been dismissed by the state governor last year, after the quarantine débacle and the amnesia-ridden enquiry.
He already has his black shirts, in the form of those ninja turtles first seen at Vic Market and since then too.
He doesn’t seem like a bad bloke, I’d like to show him some stairs I built………..
but not your teenage daughter? Yonnie
Melbourne the most leaveable city in the world 😉
That story was just a beat up. 😉
Australia has become a collective of tinpot banana republics ruled by competing Premiers. The PM is there in name only.
The WA premier, Mark McGowan, is also on the same page as Victoria’s Red Dan. I would not be surprised if Anna Pałaszczuk, Queensland’s premier is of similar mind. These premiers all being of the Labor party probably wouldn’t mind the Liberal Gladys getting squeezed.
They are all in this together.
Just to say the bleeding obvious — I’m far freer under McGowan’s rule than I would be under Gladys.
Only 12 days of lockdown here in the whole last year. 25 cases in the community for the whole pandemic. And McGowan actually speaks as if he has West Australians interests in mind. No wonder he is so incredibly popular.
Morrison is ruling for Sydney, the rest of the nation be damned. What a disappointment. The Libs are going to be wiped out in WA in the coming federal election and they deserve it.
Via a long time ALP but now dis-illusioned of them friend
IIRC “WA, Vic and Qld are doing their best to make Canberra look bad – and succeeding”
Would only be newsworthy outside VIC, for denizens of Danistan is business as usual.
I watched the entire media conference of Premier Daniel Andrews today (as I do every day) – and he did NOT say this.
He outlined a position where certain restrictions will be lifted in stages, maybe from Thursday, if they determine the “sweet spot” – meaning if you don’t go for zero new cases, what number is acceptable – both in terms of being able to open up things, but not seeing runaway new infections like NSW.
He also said that when Victoria reaches the National Strategy 80% vaccination, Victoria is committed to the national strategy, which will (hopefully) include much more relaxed interstate travel.
I think he and his team are doing a really good job – I would like to see who could do it better.
Sadly the sweet spot is zero. Every number greater than that goes exponential. Look at Sydney. That’s all due to one case.
Zero has worked well for 1 year and 109 days in Tasmania.
Still flogging the hockey stick I see.
New Zealand held to zero for quite a while, but it turns out that an almost completely closed border, only able to let some imports and exports through (and the occasional sports star, celeb., government official, etc.) is actually open enough to let a virus through. Who’d have thought?
This business of “chasing zero” is very like “limiting warming to 2 degrees”. It’s pretending you control something you don’t.
New Zealand is still better off than it would have been if it had not eliminated.
The problem in New Zealand was trusting Australian incoming quarantine which is the same as cruise ships but without the added isolation of water. Hopeless.
This outbreak comes at the same time of year as a previous outbreak they had last year.
Highly likely they will get it under control as the seasonal conditions change in favour of lower growth rates.
Most countries go through waves. People aren’t dummies. They naturally social distance when panicked.
Not seen any model reliably call the rise and crash of these waves. ‘Reff’ is an immediate here and now statistic. Cannot predict its rise and fall.
Example: Explain the UK and Israeli infection histories. Convince me it is predictable
stop testing IN ADVANCE and await actual cases to present…
The CDC guideline before the scamdemic:
Developing outbreak case definitions:
“A case definition includes criteria for person, place, time, and clinical features. These should be specific to the outbreak under investigation…… Initially, “clinical features” should be simple and objective (e.g., sudden onset of fever and cough). The clinical criteria may later be characterized by the presence of specific laboratory finding
OK, so now it’s the reverse. First laboratory findings and THEN we await clinical symptoms…
Nett effect ; stop testing IN ADVANCE and the Couf pandemic vanishes immediately. It’s all a confected and contrived pantomime.
No testing til people turn up in hospital means no chance to avoid them spreading it to their family and friends, and no early treatment. It’s giving in to the Chinese Bioweapon. President Xi is happy…
Serial-numbered masks on goldfish, perhaps?
Why is the Australian Government so reluctant to do one of the simplest, cheapest and safest measures to reduce susceptibility to C-19 (and other diseases) and that is to simply ensure everyone’s Vit D level is adequate.
Testing wouldn’t even be required, it is difficult to overdose on D, I expect 1000 to 3000IU (1-3 pills) would be safe regardless of existing dose.
Just mail out a bottle to every house in Australia (or make arrangements for the homeless to collect).
E.g. see
Perhaps it’s because Big Pharma who own and control the Left and their politicians and many “scientists” and “medical doctors” have nothing to gain from a non-patent vitamin?
Power and money. Power to governments is like a drug to a drug addict. They are also desperate for more revenue to help pay off their massive debts, which will never be paid off. In any case, they will come up with whatever means to increase their revenue intake. That means death to our economy, which at this early stage is not so obvious to them – unless of course they are already “in the take” by the real power leaders who are attempting to destroy the West and replace it with a draconian regime by way of the Great Reset currently just started based around climate change.
Globally the two companies (Pfizer, Moderna) have supplied their Covid-19 vaccines only after indemnities were given against the costs of compensation for adverse effects due to vaccination. This means that they cannot be sued in those countries on account of such effects. Details of the negotiations between the Indian government and Pfizer have not been made public.
Their revenue source is a printing press. They’ll never run out of funds.
What we will run out of is stuff to buy with the printed funds.
That might happen a lot sooner than anybody thinks.
That’s true Ted1. It MIGHT, but Oz has a very long way to go yet.
There is no sign of a serious decline in the $A vs most foreign currencies = still can buy lotsa manufactured stuff from OS. and also no sign of rising interest rates as a faltering oz economy would need to pay more for imported capital.
Also, the amount of Govt debt to GDP is pretty low in Oz compared to EVERYWHERE else. also there is a great deal of under-utilized capacity in the Oz economy = plenty of potential to provide more stuff if required.
As an aside:…the gold price in $A is VERY tame. While cryptos are soaring ( = a ponzi scheme….also able to be completely stopped with a flick of a switch)gold, which you can keep well away from the Stasi if you try…is not. That’s all.
Also, during lockups, especially in winter, Vit D levels drop even further.
1) Decreased Vit D in winter and during lockup.
2) Lockup means people spend large amounts of time indoors, an ideal transmission environment.
What could possibly go wrong?
Totalitarian health commissars don’t like Vitamin D3. It can’t be worn on the face, is responsible for good health, not a huge profit maker and is not adaptable as a draconian travel permit to controll the masses.
We don’t really seem to have any people in power who have a clue what to do about the virus, although they think they do.
1) Politicians have little to no scientific knowledge, common sense or critical thinking skills and are usually amoral and often corrupt.
2) The “scientific and “medical” establishment are terrified to rock the boat, think of any solution beyond what Big Pharma/WHO tells them to think and are ignoring their basic ethical responsibility to enquire as to the truth with an open and honest mind and save lives.
3) Journalists, which today belong to the lowest of all professions (with a few rare exceptions) are a failure because of their overwhelming Leftist and Big Pharma bias and fail to ask basic questions. Indeed, they mock anyone that suggests anything not in the Big Pharma/WHO doctrine.
Agreed. But there was a time when journalism was a respected tough profession. But then newspapers were rich and journalism was a challenging lifelong career with rewards, the source of all advertising which now goes to Google and Facebook and Youtube and Twitter.
Now all we have is the well paid ABC ratbags who have no employers, no bosses and no scruples. So they have a series of pogroms against their enemies including conservatives, Catholics, the British, Andrew Bolt, Rupert Murdoch, men and anyone else who dares disagree with them or even mentions their extreme bias.
I ask again why you worry about the influence of the ABC. 8 defeats for the left in the past 9 elections indicates the ABC is consistently backing the wrong horse and unable to get it across the line.
Sure, it should be closed down or sold off (maybe GIVEN to the staff)but simply because it’s a waste of money rather than an influential player.
This is how I judge it’s “reach”….In the city it has a hard-core group of former-hippies turned aging-public-servants as seen at any Friends of The ABC shindig, lectured to by aging mutton-dressed-as-lamb doctors’ wives types. In the country it’s rural folk tuning in for the country hour, Macca on a Sunday Morning, and a few of the former city folk listening in after theyfled the big smoke.
Meanwhile you NEVER hear the ABC on a tradie’s radio, or in a supermarket or anywhere else where unpretentious non-narcissists gather. FFS, why would any NORMAL person follow the advice of people on ten grand a week, who’ve never done a real job in their lives, proclaiming they are anythi8ng other than privileged BS artists. Professional wrongologists the lot of ’em!
BTW; I include Gillard’s fake victory in 2010 as aloss for teh ABc since she had to BRIBE Windsor and Oakschotte to desert their own constituents to join her. Anyone still not how Windsor’s farm came to be sold for three times it’s value, and to whom, and for what reason?
What does ‘loss’ mean? The ABC/SBS has lost nothing. They scream if their incomes do not grow eternally. In their world, that is budget slashing. They need to grow eternally. And they are hiring people, despite the Managing Director’s Mr Anderson’s absolute denial. Apparently he ‘forgot’ about the 200+ people he had hired. So either he lied to parliament or he has no idea how many people are in his company or who is hiring them.
Regardless, we have to pay their generous salaries without question. And their level of ‘influence’ as you call it is illegal under our laws for Murdoch, Stokes and any other group. With good reason. The media legislation designed to prevent this situation would break up the ABC overnight, if applied to them.
But no politician will touch them and Conservative politicians will not even speak to them for fear of public ridicule, as happened so often. Remember the shoe thrown at John Howard? Leigh Sales calling Treasurer Joe Hockey ‘Joker’ Hockey to his face? As for the recent appalling assault on Christian Porter and the jailing of Cardinal Pell without evidence at all, who is answerable? Anyone?
We even pay their million dollar legal bills for libel, without any way of objecting. No one can fight them and they know it, not even the Australian Governor General and they are supported fully by their tame Managing Director. Last week Ita Buttrose openly worried they might need free nannies for their dogs. Clearly she is concerned about their welfare, not ours.
The very serious problem is they openly assault, libel and push any government around, from MPs to the Prime Minister. This is an out of control group with a $1.5 billion dollar guaranteed income, the largest media group in Australia, paid from the public purse and accountable to no one? Why worry? They are utterly unbiased, as guaranteed by their Charter of formation. And they have the lawyers to prove it.
If. say about 20 years ago, I had been asked if I would be trading in the ABC for ads and Allan Jones I’d have bet that I wouldn’t. And I’d have lost.
I mentioned this to a friend with much wider rural contacts and the reply was “You and many, many others”
I recognised that secular science was on the down hill run to meet the gutter where politicians reside a long time ago when I was at CSIRO in the early 1990’s. I left for that very reason. A senior scientist did the same just prior to when I did, and he actually spurred me to follow. He and I got fed up with the politics back then. I can understand it’s much worse now. I never regretted leaving.
It stopped being a science organization decades ago. More a retirement home for failed scientists. There is a whole group, ABC/SBS/CSIRO/BOM who all adore the anti manufacturing, anti farming, anti democracy movement which is Chinese Climate Change and Global Warming. Except there is no warming, no climate change and a tiny 0.1C per ten years does not make bushfires and hurricanes and droughts and storms and plagues happen.
I know how it feels being at CSIRO. Even back then when I was working there it felt like a “safe haven” from the real world. In retrospect I should have left earlier. Sad really as I do like science a lot. My favourite hobby when I was younger was astronomy. I intend to pick it up again when I have the time. I even came close to joining NASA (actually JPL) but in retrospect I’m glad I didn’t go there.
Understood. I walked into one CSIRO department for good reason. But no one could see me. The whole place was shutdown for morning tea. A terribly important and sacred ritual apparently between starting work and lunch time. They live in an alternate universe.
I worked with an industrial chemist (qualified) who wanted a bit more money. He got a job as a cleaner (ironically from our lab. cleaner who moon-lighted as the area manager for an after-hours cleaning firm) and he got the CSIRO lab. in late afternoon.
He came back wondering what we were paying for? Said that the work was proceeding at glacial pace, and with a remarkable lack of thought (lots of doing the same thing over and over). He could talk to those employed there and understand the chemistry and was less than impressed. That was in the 1980’s.
I had dealings with the CSIRO on 2 occasions and came away wondering whether we were really getting value. Nice guys, enthusiastic but very short on commonsense. Their “revolutionary” production process failed inside 20 seonds in our lab. All a bit New Scientist.
Did this person do any cleaning or just time and motion observations?
Government department boffins would have to be the least productive grouping of minds ever, especially if indexed against their nominal IQs. They have zero incentive to actually produce anything aside from being directed by political masters to produce studies with predetermined outcomes (eg Climate Change, Renewables Transition feasibility).
Amazing what a war does for boffins, some of the Brits did wonderful work to beat Hitler.
Gee Aye:
Yes, he cleaned but he couldn’t do motion studies because there was very little. Bear in mind that he qualified in Chemistry (B.Sc (Hons) so was quite capable of seeing what, if anything, was happening. Other might see an apparatus set up in a fume hood and assume that the stirrer was part of an experiment. He saw the same set-up either side of a W.E. and a casual question got (to a Chemist) a nonsensical answer but probably one that was enough to fool any administrator passing through. Over a couple of months he formed a fairly good idea of how much was happening.
I must admit that later, in another company, I saw the same thing being used in a laboratory. My boss rapped my knuckles once because my section had only reported 55% of finished projects for the quarter, with less than 25% of the laboratory staff. I looked back through the records later and found that one section had been pursuing the same project for several years – but they released it 4 years later.
Over the years I found that a white coat didn’t mean much. These people who think a scientist must be infallible haven’t had much experience.
One needs motion to do a time and motion.
TdeF. Sure they are all a disgrace, but here’s why the CSIRO, in particular is one of my pet bugbears…
Every coupla months we hear from some used-to-be-a-legit-scientist who’s crossed over to the voodoo branch, telling us that due to climate change we are all gonna fry…and soon! But meanwhile, down in the danger-zone where there will soon be no snow at all…the Snowy Mountains…the CSIRO runs a ski club: See their website…
“C.S.I.R.O. Ski Club was founded in the early 1950’s by a group of intrepid C.S.I.R.O. workers and their families. The Club was founded to provide members with facilities including accommodation, in good skiing and recreational locations at reasonable cost.
Over the years the club has grown dramatically and now has two ski lodges. (Due to demand) new membership is now closed’
And of course, as a registered company they have to make an annual report….an honest one…and that where you find gems like. “we do not anticipate any events which may adversely affect the ongoing operations of the club in coming years”
Got it? Gonna be no snow and also this is gonna have no effect on the ski-ing FOR THEM” And the joint’s sold out with not a membership available. With voodoo-science it’s always best to FOLLOW THE MONEY.
Oh, and the CSIRO vehicles with ski-racks on the roof too, of course!
Good find, Mantaray!
A few friends went into the CSIRO. They all retired early and came back as consultants. It is one long rolling private club, like the ABC/SBS, funded without accountability. Or the BOM and their Ab*riginal weather forecasting, when it is all automated. I get better, more accurate and detailed forecasts for Melbourne from a site in Norway. And these organizations metastasize, growing without reason, because they can. More people, higher salaries for the people at the top to manage more people and of course they need another ski lodge soon. It never ends.
My questions is, what have they done, what do they do and why do they still exist? These are the very people who support man made Global Warming because it pays the bills. Very much like the upper management at the BOM and NASA.
Except it’s all a lie. CO2 is in rapid exchange with the oceans and mankind’s contribution is under 4%. If the CSIRO did real science, they would lead the world in the fight against this huge scam, but they are part of it. So who is going to call out the ‘Clean Energy’ business. Not the innovators. Nothing much since the stump jump plough or the self shearing sheep.
See comments I posted below from President Eisenhower on government funded “science”.
Also, it is a standard scam in the public “service” to retire early and then get re-employed as a “consultant” at three times or more the original pay rate.
And then there’s the CSIRO International Conference on Ocean Acidification three years ago in Hobart. If the CO2 stays in the air as is required for it to build up and cause a problem, this is impossible. A conference on something which makes no sense according to their own logic. A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, at our expense.
I could say a lot about CSIRO given I worked there for over 10 years. Some of it is good but a lot of it is bad. Say no more.
C’mon PeterS,
Most bloggers here know just about EVERY swear word there is and would surely like to learn a few more….in foreign languages even!
Peter S: I won’t drag you back to virus research.
Moderna Inc’s Covid-19 vaccine contamination woes in Japan have widened with another million doses being temporarily suspended, after foreign substances were found in more batches and two people died following shots from affected lots. The affected vaccines in Gunma are from a Moderna lot that is different from those whose use has already been suspended, the Gunma official said.
I started work with CSIRO in 1988. I discovered research was fadish and political. Researchers had to put the right buzz word in the grant application or the mortgage wouldn’t get paid, and buzz word from a few years ago that was out of date was bound to get you rejected. And yes, morning and afternoon tea are sacred and never missed and very long. The managers were all into empire building for empire building sake. I wondered what the next buzz word was going to be. So I was actually sceptical of Global Warming before I had heard of it.
We don’t really seem to have any people in power who have a clue what to do about the virus, although they think they do.
More than 100 people caught COVID-19 in Sydney’s public hospitals
The death of a former Cumberland Hospital patient on Monday has focused attention on more than 100 cases that have been acquired in public hospitals during Sydney’s current COVID-19 outbreak.
The woman in her 60s died at Westmead Hospital and is linked to a developing cluster at Cumberland, a mental health facility in Sydney’s west.
Most of the people/politicians “in power” are not health professionals and rely on Health Department professionals and other consultants for advice.
Baxter Black – “First rate management hires first rate help
Second rate management hires third rate help”
R.V. Jones “Most Secret War” P 32 (from about 1929)
“He warned us that if another war broke out there would be a disasterous period for six months while those who had reached high positions on inadequate abilities in peacetime would have to be replaced”
In Australia, the most locked up place in the world due to covid and with the most totalitarian measures, the virus is becoming an industry for some and a political dream for others.
1) It is a gold mine for those stores who are allowed to remain fully open without competition from smaller closed stores. Examples would be supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths dividends are up. (Not to suggest they had any choice in the matter.) It is also a gold mine for those offering pathology testing services for COVID.
2) For the Left it is the fulfilment of a political dream because a) family units are being broken up, b) almost all small business has been or soon will be destroyed. The Left hate small business because it is not unionised or controllable. c) Totalitarian powers can be implemented which are never likely to be removed. d) The economy will be destroyed in preparation for their desired “Great Reset” of the communist Klaus Schwab. e) A destroyed economy will allow the Chicomms to come and take over, by invitation or force. People like Dictator Daniel Andrews was already well into enabling the Chicomms full economic entry into Vicdanistan, even before the virus and makes sure most major construction projects go to the Chicomms.
No Liberty? No Problem – Australians shrug at their government’s draconian pandemic response.
Riot police firing rubber bullets into lockdown protesters. Rescue dogs being shot to prevent volunteers travelling to collect them. Nighttime curfews and one hour of exercise per day. Five-kilometer travel limits. Soldiers patrolling suburbs to enforce lockdowns. Health bureaucrats advising the citizenry not to stop and talk to their neighbors while walking their dog.
What the hell is happening Down Under? “Totalitarianism,” says Tucker Carlson. “Australia has lost its collective mind,” according to Ben Shapiro. “If we invade Australia we will be greeted as liberators,” argues Jack Posobiec. Has Covid-19 really turned one of the world’s oldest democracies into a dystopian health dictatorship? As my Polish grandmother used to say, things are rarely as good or as bad as they appear.
First, some background to the current crisis. Australia has been the victim of both its success and its failure in tackling Covid. At just under 1,000 deaths, Australia has had the second-lowest mortality among the OECD countries (after New Zealand). It stands at just over 36 people per million of population, versus 1,853 for the United States. It helps, of course, to be an island nation that had closed its international borders at the start of the pandemic. The border remains closed today, with permits required to come to Australia (issued in limited numbers and limited circumstances) and to leave it. The few arrivals are subject to a 14-day quarantine. In addition, state governments have from the outset reacted with hard lockdowns and closures of their own borders. Flattening the curve was so successful that it prompted the transition to the elimination, or “zero Covid,” strategy. Hence, nowadays a mere handful of new cases is enough to send a state capital city with a multimillion population, or even an entire state, into lockdown in an attempt to contain and suppress an outbreak.
Success in keeping the infection numbers and deaths down has bred complacency, which in turn has led to failure. Starting late and slowly, the vaccination program has been plagued by problems, such as the locally produced AstraZeneca vaccine, on which the federal government made its big—and sole—bet, generating serious side effects. Such problems are extremely rare, to be sure, but in an overall climate of public health hysteria, these issues proved catastrophic for public confidence. Still, the rollout has sped up significantly, and the population is approaching an 80 percent vaccination-rate target, lured in part by the carrots of eased restrictions in the future.
To those half-jokingly tweeting about invading and liberating Australia, I have some bad news: Australia does not want to be liberated. Strong majorities support the harsh measures. Several state elections over this time have seen incumbents comfortably reelected on platforms of acting tough against Covid, amid messaging that those advocating a lighter touch want to kill your grandma. In Victoria, where the left-wing Labor government has been by far the harshest and most trigger-happy—Melbourne has been under “hard” lockdown for more than 200 days so far—polling suggests only a small dip in support, not nearly enough to unseat the administration. The consensus can be distilled into the following: Look at the rest of the world! Our government has kept us safe so far. We can’t allow what has happened in the United States or Europe to happen here.
That’s another issue that only until recently I have been sitting on the fence. Do Australian want to keep their freedoms? Recently I think the overall answer is a resounding no. As I suspected for some time now there has been a trend in the West for people to relinquish more and more of their freedoms in the name of “safety”, which of course is a delusion since without the freedoms we have come accustomed to then there is no safety under a regime with growing tendencies towards tyranny, as displayed by our state premiers.
There have been books written on the mass delusion concept but it’s not that hard to understand. We all suffer from it to varying degrees. We as a species prefer the comfort of collectivism and control by some sort of big brother who we hope to be benevolent, which is really a dream almost from the start and only decays into a nightmare eventually. History proves that big brothers can and do become more and more tyrannical in nature, and before most of us know it, it’s an outright dictatorship. No need to give historical examples as there are many. Only the ign0ramuses and dim-w1tted illiterates would think otherwise.
France has given us examples of how to react by peacefully means to up and coming tyrannical governments, such as the sitting outside of restaurants and cafes to have a quiet picnic to overcome the draconian vaccination passports. Let’s see if we follow suit if we end up getting similar passports but sadly I don’t think it will happen as too many are still asleep, and the longer it stays that way the worse it will get.
Australia I dare you all to prove me wrong, I beg of you. I’ve written to my local member regarding the passport issue and as I suspected there is no response. It implies they do want to do it so get ready for it. Find peaceful and lawful means to circumvent them. I for one will simply not attend any place that demands a passport. Most things can be bought on-line and delivered or picked up anyway. If they want to play that sort of game then let them. We just need to make it known to them it will backfire on the politicians, and certain businesses that don’t an on-line facility. That is if enough Australians give a damn. Time will tell.
we have tipped passed the point where over 50% rely on the Public Teat, and State, Federal. Local Govt Public Servants, MPs of all persuasions, Journos. ABC, SBS. Welfare who have “No Skin in the Game” – far outweigh the Tax Producers
Why would they want to give up doing nothing and being paid for it?
And we have tossed aside our Christian heritage, which promoted personal responsibility and consideration for others. Now nobody’s responsible. Will heads roll over the treasonous behaviour of those in charge of the US military over the Afghanistan horror show ? I don’t think so.
People want freedom from Chinese Bioweapons.
A nation going round and round in ever decreasing circles until, in a blinding blue flash of light, it disappears up its own Schwab.
I think most Australians under 60 have never had some national crisis to deal with, so with the MSM turning most 20-40 somethings into smart phone addicted zombies, its a bit like they know its a slow moving train wreck, but just cant look away.
I have relatives who religiously watch the commercial news channels each night to see how thier loss of freedoms are progressing. When I suggest they have been done over with lack of options ( i.e. only vaccines ) they look at me like I’m insane and get very angry…calling me loopy. I just laugh and shake my head.
Ok then….leave you to your delusion.
The lockdowns wont lift on the covid numbers, those are made up fairy stories anyway, they will lift once enough people have been double tapped…er…double vaccinated, becasue “getting vaccines into arms” as glorious leaders “Do it our way” Dan the Red and Gladys the Red tell us its all about…and Pluckjachook the Red gets an honourable mention.
I’m going to retrain as a bulldozer driver….
Craig Kelly rides again….
I thought five years ago most Australians were pretty weak when it came to defending their nation and culture but figured if they were genuinely threatened they’d rally together to overcome the enemy, well we’re here and what do we see?………….weak broken people that never had to fight in their lives, where the biggest worry was affording the overseas trip after the new car or the neighbors that played loud music but were too scared to say anything.
Yep that long march through the institutions has created institutionalization with the inmates, where Stockholm Syndrome is the love of big government social security and Police pepper spray and beatings are our heroes just doing their job for our own safety of course, the proles wouldn’t have it any other way Comrades.
I have a relative who is good with his hands building things about my age yet he watches the ABC for his news. He hates Trump with a vengeance and when I explained to him how bad Biden is he just blurted out to me the words “fake news”. That was when Biden won. I like to ask him what he now thinks of Biden but I dare not cause a fight within our family. Enough said.
I have a few of those too.
The businesses that welcome vaccinated only customers might come begging for our patronage next flu season – the vaccinated, whose immune systems by then will be in ruins, will all be home in bed.
Australia has been riding on the sheep’s back for so long that we have joined the flock.
I believe that people who are content to accept a totalitarian government thoroughly deserve all it entails.
It’s a very long time since we relied on the wool clip for our national prosperity comrade – the 1950s.
You are being too kind. I rather give them the sheep’s solid “outputs”.
But it is inflicted on the rest of us; that’s the trouble.
This was the result of botched hotel quarantine. It was not the result of lockdowns and curfews. They were recognised as the only option to avoid exponential growth in cases like most countries have experienced.
The difference with Australia was the lack of incentive to get vaccinated. That has certainly changed in Sydney now and Victoria is being similarly incentivised.
If Australia had fewer new Australians then lockdowns would not have been needed but a good number of new Australians are wary of government motives and do not understand the concept of majority rule – the essence of a democratic society.
I can’t believe you wrote that.
It’s not just Coles and Woolworths that are open – so is my local IGA, plus FoodWorks, plus the three local fruit&veg markets that we use. The Big Two are facing the same competition they always have. In fact our local IGA is booming, because people are preferring not to go to the big Coles and Woolworths up in Moonee Ponds.
BTW – we own both Coles and Woolworths shares … they haven’t gone up very much over the past two years.
Boost, baby, boost
In essence if you ain’t boosted, you ain’t VAXXED! Well at least for a while until the booster wears out and then then next one is required,……
It just gets better. Covid passports will be revoked for those who don’t get their third shot. They’re not just demanding compliance, they’re demanding complete and ongoing submission.
Which means I suspect that it takes at least 4-5 vaxes to load people up with whatever is in them…..
Like the “metallic particles” found in Japan…whatever those are…
Interesting links : Indias & Ivermectin :
Do not fear PeterS….
Costco has come to rescue the struggling household budget….
I notice the cases in Israel continue to climb, up from 8000/day on 27/08/2021 to 8700/day today 31/08/2021.
You see a roll off of hospital admissions and ICU admissions and deaths ( basic info only ) since 22/08/2021. But this just appears to underline what appears to be the vaccines not preventing infection, but rather supressing symptoms and severe illness.
So the vaccines dont appear to have solved the problem, just made people feel better while they have the virus….
Not sure you would call that progress.
Again, I’m not picking on Israel, its just happens to be a good example to use.
Also notice that Israel has broken its all time highest daily new case count and the daily death tolls are rocketing up.
“Not sure you would call that progress.”
It is the inevitable result of not eliminating the virus and keeping it out with strong incoming quarantine. Vaccines will wear off and fail to cope with new variants. All easily foreseeable a long long time ago and coming to an Australian state near you. We knew since the Spanish flu that places that quarantined it out did best, in the long term despite it eventually getting in. We ignored history and got into trouble by repeating it.
Now Compare Czechia and Slovakia. Daily death tolls between zero and 1. All other numbers way down. This because they adopted ivermectin. With seasonal help it got the growth rate r below 1 and things looked good. This after being in near the worst in the world. But they did not lockdown to elimination then quarantine it out while the numbers were low. So the case numbers are rising again now that the season is no longer helping get the r down below 1.
Yes, it could be called “progress” if viewed from an evil group who want to replace our Western systems of government with some draconian regime to take away all our freedoms. They are already well on the way of achieving that so give it s few more years and their hands will be exposed, at least to those who have eyes to see and a brain to think.
Israel only has 62% fully vaccinated plus 10% who carry natural immunity.
Only a handful of countries/provinces have achieved herd immunity. Examples, Uruguay, Gibraltar, Belgium Sweden, Singapore, Denmark – Peru is close. Portugal is close.
If you work down the list of country vaccination levl, combined with the level of natural immunity from infection, you find that around >80% with antibodies achieves herd immunity:
Oh Rick have you been asleep for the last few months? Herd immunity is a myth for multiple reasons not just one. The data from highly vaccinated countries is showing this. Spread is stabilising at a high rate. Check Malta.
The vaccines are more likely to bring about the opposite, Herd susceptibility but to long covid.
Here is one of the reasons.
Another is that it is not possible to vaccinate large populations faster than new dangerous mutations are occurring.
See also
Then there is the dumb basic math problem that “herd immunity” if ever reached just deteriorates and self destructs. Natural herd immunity cannot ever fill the growing gaps because it works against its own creation. Prevented from falling below a growth rate of 1 by its own negative feedback loop.
Do you have statistics on how many of those infected were unvaccinated?
Gavin Schmidt getting all philosophical like.
~ Gavin Schmidt, Aug 21, 2021
LOL. Yes, let’s have more lockdowns. I love it. It might actually wake people up for a change. Perhaps.
So what would be your preferred model for dealing with a pandemic – the virus from which can lead to a lot of people going to hospital. I’m all ears comrade – so do tell. Take your time.
To put The Australian chart in true perspective:
It highlights how effective lockdowns intercepted the roaming spreaders.
Australia was going slow with vaccinations so the NSW Premier decided to give her state more incentive. Victoria has joined in and it is working. Vaccination demand now exceeds supply of vaccines.
I agree – I trust Victoria will be able to keep its vaccination rates higher than its new-case rates.
The NSW experience over the last several weeks is a wake-up call. The evidence tells us that with Delta, a small number of disparate cases can become a thousand cases relatively quickly. I don’t know where the naysayers on this forum are coming from, but it is clear that the Delta Variant is highly infectious even in a very modern first-world place.
Gladys is Pfizer’s best friend.
The WHO just released this 99 page PDF:
Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status: technical specifications and implementation guidance, 27 August 2021
Meanwhile in France a judge has overturned Macron’s prohibition of unvaxxed buying food. Pay to bear that in mind here in nazi Germany. Oops, I meant Australia. Like I said, the whole situation is reversing but the damage may well be done to the next (unborn) generation which looks to be the objective. Children of men…
President Eisenhower on government funded science.
President Eisenhower’s other warning.
I am not “anti-vaccination”. In fact I have ALWAYS been extremely pro-vax and I collect properly researched vaccinations like some people collect stamps. I was also involved with Australian Skeptics many years ago who raised awareness of what was becoming an extremely low rate of vaccinations among children and we helped reverse that trend.
However, the COVID vaxes on offer don’t strike me as particularly useful, effective or safe, hence my reluctance to get them. I would grudgingly accept that COVID vaccination has a marginal benefit for the elderly, obese, immune compromised or those with other comorbidities and accept such people getting it only.
Look at it this way. The scaremongering by the politicians and health officials is a good way to separate those gullible enough to be coerced into submitting to their demands, and those who have been more cautious in such dire circumstances and have bothered to take the time to research things and take their time to decide whether to get the COVID-19 shots or not. I too am not an anti-vaxxer as I have taken many before, and will continue to do so as and when necessary provided the vaccines are tested properly. The COVID-19 hysteria is a special case where scaremongering is used to coerce people, not the facts. That is clear as a bell if anyone bothers to do their own research, but the sad reality is most people don’t bother to do that for a variety of reasons. Whatever the reason, given the seriousness of the situation, it’s no excuse. Those who blindly obey to the coercion are simply acting like fools. Who knows, they may be lucky and things might turn out OK and the vaccines don’t have long term ill side effects. The problem is we simply do not know at this stage so those who take the vaccines are in essence playing Russian Roulette with their lives.
Most people I know are in the same boat. Not good enough according to our ‘betters’…You’re still a dirty stinkin anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist crackpot. I’m still hopeful that enough of us with common sense hold out and the ludicrous passport idea unravels like it is in France.
I’ve written to my local member regarding the passport issue and as I suspected there is no response. It implies they do want to do it so get ready for it. Find peaceful and lawful means to circumvent them. I for one will simply not attend any place that demands a passport. Most things can be bought on-line and delivered or picked up anyway. If they want to play that sort of game then let them. We just need to make it known to them it will backfire on the politicians, and certain businesses that don’t an on-line facility. That is if enough Australians give a damn about their freedoms. Time will tell.
‘You’re still a dirty stinkin anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist crackpot’
I’m getting this on a T-shirt.
That’s pretty much my stance too; except that, as an oldie, I still maintain a ‘wait and see’ attitude to any so-called ‘vaccine’.
I tend to agree … as a 69yo with no known comorbidities, and a 67yo partner, we decided to get the AZ vaccination on the basis of the balance of risks. I think it was a reasonable decision, and we’re happy with it.
But I would much rather see a sensible semi-lockdown regime play out, rather than demanding that everyone from 12 up gets a jab. I think that’s a very simplistic government blanket response, and it could have been better.
Biden and team is failing our country and the Leftist press continues to hold his hand
Let’s see if Americans are so asleep that the Democrats still hold the their ground at the mid term elections, or as it should be they are wiped off the political scene.
Biden’s support was 21% underwater before the 13 servicemen died.
Interesting demand from Trump. Not sure how that would work out unless Trump just wants to embarrass Biden even more, which isn’t that hard. Actually his suggestion to use the equipment left behind as target practice for US drones would be nice and makes a lot of sense. Of course that might upset the real agenda – a deal was perhaps made with the Taliban to leave the equipment behind to allow the evacuation to proceed. I say so what? Deals can be broken and the attack that killed US marines is sufficient excuse to break that deal, if ever one was made. That’s regardless of whether the attack was by Taliban or ISIS-K who probably are “in it together” anyway.
President Trump calls on Biden to demand Taliban give back U.S. military equipment
Also see
NSW Health confirms no evidence of COVID case transmission outdoors.
Good news, especially now that spring is in the air.
Oh good. They can finish the lockups then.
They can also tell the police to stop harassing and arresting people for being outside, and drop all charges still pending and refund all fines. The again when were our politicians ever consistent in their logic? Certainly not lately.
Excuse me, its policy on the run. I support the authorities.
el gordo, you are a sad sad case. re-start.
‘A clear majority of Australians want fully vaccinated people to receive preferential treatment over the unvaccinated, to allow them to resume normal life and travel freely.’ (Oz)
I stand with this lot, you’re obviously an undisciplined American.
I got a warning from work last month over an encounter with Police while outside doing my rounds, I wear a motorcycle ‘neck sock’ which is acceptable for outdoors work and was questioned on its effectiveness and if I had a fitted mask, lets just say I wasn’t in the mood for jumped up brown shirts and suffered a serious episode of Tourette’s.
Why don’t you work from home Yonnie, heck I dont care if the bills dont turn up in the mail. Working from home is apparently proving to be quite efficient if you ask anyone in government. Of course all of my dealings with government/ council seem to take excessively long times to conclude apparently because everyone is woking from home. A perfect example of OXYMORON.
My Speccie hasn’t turned up for the third week running and yet other mail seems to appear.
WE have known this for around 15 months yet still governments mysteriously demand people stay indoors to spread the virus rather than be outdoors.
Staying indoors seems to be your extrapolation. We have had no direction to stay indoors.
Is there similar data available for – Transmission in aircraft?
NSW Health switches to recording patients as dying ‘with’ Covid instead of ‘from’ after finally acknowledging many of Australia’s 993 casualties died from something else or had even recovered from the virus
All we need now is for them to come clean and announce the findings from the Australian Government database that lists over 400 people who are known to have died “with” COVID-19 vaccines and let the people realise we have been lied to far too long by their scaremongering to coerce us to be vaccinated at all costs. The next step is then to admit there have been reports that people have died “from” the vaccines and to investigate how many who died from them are not duly reported, and the reasons. Of course, that would be asking too much of our politicians wouldn’t it?
German pathologist Professor Schirmacher found that of the 40 bodies he examined of people dying within 2 weeks of vaccination, 40% died because of the vaccine and wants more autopsies performed. Extrapolating from the DAENS reports for deaths associated with vaccination, that would be over 160 deaths caused by the vaccines.
So when we see people quoting the death toll as over 4 million, we need to remember that, not only considering the “dying with” numbers, but the statistical disappearance of influenza, we could safely halve this total.
I have for a long time suspected that’s exactly what’s happening, especially given the PCR test is invalid since it doesn’t detect the COVID-19 virus at all, just a COVID fragment that could be from a dead virus of any type relate to COVID virus, not just COVID-19. COVID covers a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). So, the case numbers and deaths reported are not even remotely proving to be from COVID-19 itself. They are just rubbish numbers and have very little meaning. For all we know most of the case numbers could be due to the common flu or pneumonia, or some other related respiratory disease. They simply do not know. The CDC has already admitted the test is not to be trusted. Yet we continue to trust it as though it’s proof that all the cases are COVID-19 related. Utter lies!
is factually incorrect. Do you have genbank hits to back this statement up?
The rest is also wrong but since the previous challenges to this were obviously ignored I’m guessing you gave them consideration and decided they were wrong for some reason.
We’ve been over this before. Given the number of cycles they use in the test, it can pick up just a fragment of a dead COVID virus such that the patient doesn’t even have COVID-19 virus and never had it.
it has been explained before. If you don’t get it ask the question.
Hear it directly from Lord Fauci’s own lips – any result from a ct of 35+ is virtually useless – and it is impossible to culture a virus from 37 ct. when the test, as Fauci admits, is just picking up dead nucleotides.
Recent report from Germany:
“Corona not likely cause of death in 80 percent of official covid deaths reported in Germany since early July, according to Prof. Dr. Bertram Häussler, head of the independent health research institute IGES in Berlin (WELT)”
a related article
Turnbull is right for a change.
‘The former prime minister says American-led wars in the Middle East have done more harm than good and accelerated extremism in the region.’ (SMH)
Did he mention the wars led by other countries in the Middle East?
I take it you and Turnbull support the lack of women’s and human rights in the Arab Middle East and the support and promotion of terrorism against the West?
There has been no attack on the US for 20 years from Afghanistan … woopy-doo. There has also not been a terrorist attack on US soil for 20 years from a hundred other countries either, but the US hasn’t spent trillions in them. What does this tell us?
I know – it was all about the pipeline from Central Asia. Every US event in the Middle East is about oil – every single one.
More harm than good? I wonder how many women and children have been protected from being raped and murdered while the West was there? Dare I say in the thousands if not millions? The West is far from perfect but the alternative is far worse. Chalk and cheese.
Oh BTW, when I said the West was far from perfect, the reason I said that is they didn’t go there to protect the women and children. It was all about the location for a variety of reasons. Does anyone think that now China is getting involved with the Taliban there will be a restoration of freedoms and safety for the women and children? I doubt it. Again it’s about the location. At least when the West was present there was a bonus for the women and children. Perhaps the best choice is no foreign country should be there in the first place but it’s far too late for that. We would have to go back as far as the ancient Greeks and Romans, and beyond to tell them that. Too late they are all dead.
Its not our culture, better to look away and ignore the women and children.
Looking at the answers to this post shows the diversity of members of this forum. Best blog on the web.
I cant post on your FDA post. However I am taking horse paste 4mg/ml active ingredient only Ivermectin. I also queried this with a doctor who has admitted taking it,but can’t advise to do so. To protect the Dr I am not revealing anything further. The videos I have watched all say only use paste that only lists Ivermectin as the active ingredient and make sure you calculate the correct dose ( 20mg per 100kg is about right) Good luck and tell the FDA a to go and stuff it self.
In about November 2020 in answer to a journalist’s question Federal Minister for Health Greg Hunt replied that Ivermectin is approved for use in hospitals given intravenously as prescribed by a doctor looking after a patient.
Tuesday in the ACT. Restrictions eased (a little bit). Some outdoor mingling and more outdoor exercise time. Small gatherings for funerals and weddings.
13 today but 8 (poss. 9) infectious in community. This number has not been dropping and is possibly rising.
the sequence
19 17 22 16 11 8 19 16 30 9 14 21 26 13 12 13
Moderated… maybe because a symbol crept into my Name? I have no idea where it came from!
If you are still there AD… the plus symbol is appearing in lots of commenters’ names. Somehow it is being auto-inserted in place of a space.
Thanks Gee Aye. We appreciate the update. I thought the ACT looked like it might be getting on top…
the only numbers that really matter are the unknowns in the community. not the case count.
Do you mean “unknowns” as in, not yet known?
The ACT seems to be on top at the moment but it is marginal. All cases so far have a link to other cases – often a daily update will list no-link but these are cleared up within 2 days. As far as I can tell most infectious while in the community are being caught early as close contacts ie someone is found today then family and work colleagues isolate and get tested. Some of these are positive but were likely positive for a short time before isolation.
OK. Thanks. I mean unknowns with no link to other cases. Good to know the ACT has contact tracing working.
the non word gamers knew exactly what you meant
It is getting close to being zero. I can’t find the info of whether there are still one or 2 that are unlinked. The primary case is the main one. It seems to have arrived in the ACT via an unknown case. If that person spread it elsewhere there would be more than one point of origin.
yarpos- thanks for the snark. My question was genuine. Well done for doing better than me and telling everyone about it.
And yesterday, there were another 23…
3 causes of autism found–ethylmercury, pesticides, aluminum
In the autism issue, one known factor is always furiously overlooked: the age of the parents, particularly (but not exclusively) the mother.
Our knowledge and technology based society is evolving faster than our genome, and some of our social trends run contrary to our basic genetics. Too many couples are pushing procreation to the far end of the safe window. They demanded medical science widen the window instead of demanding that society accept the reality of the window and adjust work/life balance employment rules.
People want to blame anything but themselves. Everything from plastics to vaccines gets blamed, but the primary factor in autism remains: age of the parents.
But strangely the reverse is true for some diseases and aliments. Where we refuse to acknowledge that technology and chemicals were to blame. Look at asthma and anaphylactic shock risk. A flat line occurance rate, a sharp rise, then a flattening to a slow increase. Same trend line for each, but a decade or so separated. Lead paint? Phenols? No. The two separate sharp rises postdate the introduction of inhaled steroids and synthetic adrenaline by about 20 years.
Can we talk about a little spike in female reproductive cancers that trailed from the first version of the pill? No, that’s off limits.
What of medical technologies related to fertility. Sperm and egg donation carry little risk. But IVF, anti-miscarrige drugs, direct sperm extraction? Those technologies will just cause the 2% infertility baseline to rise. But we can’t talk about that either.
So I guess we’ll just have to blame microwave ovens, or the packaging on our “too tired of cook” meals we fling into them, to be retrieved on the third petulant “ping” that forces us from the couch flickering in the garbage glow of Netflix.
Most creatures survive by learning from non-fatal mistakes. Sadly our modern society supports so many that couldn’t survive in the wild, that denying mistakes, or when deniability becomes implausible, blaming them on othes, has become the ladder of social enhancement.
Try telling a woman: “Just autism? At 39 I’m surprised it didn’t have tentacles!”. That’s not going to fly in a idiocracy that believes men can have babies.
Afghanistan 8-19-21 ”The estimates are that in total the cost was something like $1 trillion, which is an astronomical number,” said the Government Accountability Institute’s Peter Schweizer. On top of the monetary cost the price was also paid in human lives. 2,448 U.S. soldiers were killed since the war began, and 3,846 U.S. contractors were killed.
$83 billion was spent on weapons, equipment and training for Afghan security forces over the last year–and that U.S.-supplied military equipment is now in the hands of the Taliban. “They have helicopters, they have drones, they have small arms, they have some rockets. This is the kind of equipment that can certainly be passed to other countries or even terrorist groups,” said Schweizer. “Now we may end up, unfortunately, paying the price with this military equipment that we provided ending up in the hands of people that don’t want good things for us.”
Beijing diplomats in Kabul are safe and are being wooed by the Taliban leaders, do you know why?
I am looking for evidence of the following claim but cannot find any. Are you aware of this happening? Leyden jars were invented in 1745-46 so it is plausible but does not seem to be documented anywhere except the following link.
Here are some things you probably don’t know about the early history of electricity in Australia.
1. There was electricity aboard the Endeavour!
Yes, Captain Cook’s ship had a form of electricity aboard when it arrived in 1770. Joseph Banks used Leyden jars, which were primitive batteries, to create a weak electric current across the salt-water soaked canvas floor of his cabin.
I found a reference to an “electrical machime” in Joseph Banks’ diary:
1768 September 13.
This morn about 11 the product boat (as it is calld by English Sailors) which is the boat from the oficers of health who must give leave before any ships crew can land, came on board, and we immediately went on shore in the town of Fonchiale, the Capital of the Island, situate in Latitude 32:40 North, calld so from the Fennel which grows in plenty upon the rocks in its neighbourhood and which is calld Funcho in the Portugese Language. Here we immediately went to the house of the English Consul Mr Cheap, one of the first merchants in the place, where we were receivd with uncommon marks of civility; he insisted upon our taking possession of his house and living intirely with him during our stay which we did and were by him furnishd with every accomodation that we could wish. Leave was procurd by him for us to search the Island for whatever natural productions we might find worth taking notice of, people were also employd to procure for us fish and shells which we could not have spard time to have collected ourselves, horses and Guides were also got for Dr Solander and myself to carry us to any part of the Island which we might chuse to visit. But our very short stay which was only five Days inclusive made it impossible to go to any distance, so we contented ourselves with collecting as much as we could in the neighbourhood of the town, never going above three miles from it during our whole stay.
The season of the year was undoubtedly the worst for both plants and insects, being the hight of the vintage, when nothing is green in the countrey but just on the verge of small brooks, by which these vines are waterd; we made shift however to collect specimens of several plants, etc.: of which a catalogue follows as it is not worth while to mix them in the Journal, where they would take up much room.
The five days which we remained upon the Island were spent so exactly in the same manner, that it is by no means nescessary to divide them, I shall therefore only say, that in general we got up in the Morn, went out on our researches, retur[n]d to dine, and went out again in the Evening; one day however we had a visit from the Governor, of which we had notice before and were obligd to stay at home, so that unsought honour lost us very near the whole day, a very material part of the short time we were allowd to stay upon the Island: we however contrivd to revenge ourselves upon his excellency, by an Electrical machine which we had on board; upon his expressing a desire to see it we sent for it ashore, and shockd him full as much as he chose.
While at this place we were much indebted to Dr Heberden, the cheif Physitian of the Island, and brother to the Physitian of that name at London; he had for many years been an inhabitant of the Canaries and this Island, and had made several observations cheifly philosophical, some however were Botanical, describing the trees of the Island: of these he immediately gave us a copy, together with such specimens as he had in his possession, and indeed spard no pains to get for us such living specimens of such as could
Leyden Jars are not batteries David, as I expect you well know.
I am not sure how they charged them up
Thanks for that david..
Not particularly revealing, ….and i dont know why we needed the whole chapter posted to get the point that an electrical machine was mentioned, ..
…..however i am greatful to have something other than Covid to exercise my eyes with !
So the Americans have decided that rent relief is not required anymore, just another random act of cruelty.
Its the free enterprise model.
Peter, perhaps you don’t have the resources to see the full story, as it has been much supressed even here in the US. Yes, the court did decide that the government, through the CDC, could not arbitrarily stop evictions and favor renters over landlords. Somehow, evictions as a specific health hazard were ommitted from the CDC’s enabling legislation. Ommitted from almost all reports was that eight months earlier 49 Billion dollars of rent relief had been appropriated, which was not an implausible fix in that the tenants ere brought up to date and the landlords were paid, but somehow the Biden administration was able to get less than 5% of the money into the marketplace, possibly because half the first tranche of applicants satisfied turned out to to be fraudulent. The Biden folks weren’t willing to pay the rents directly to the landlords, who would credit the tenents, for two reasons. Landlords own property, and are therefore ipso facto evil. And that method doesn’t allow harvesting of tenant addresses for the next election. So the rental assistance awaits diversion to some favored slush fund, the small landlords lose their property as they are gobbled up by the large ones, and the Democrats have another arrow to shoot at the court, which they wish to neuter as it seems to wish to uphold the law and reverse the administration in a distressing number of cases. Its sort of a bitch when congress actually does the right thing and the administration is so blindingly inept or corrupt than nothing good happens.
Do landlords not have any rights? We bought a retirement home 4 years before retirement. For 2 years (and 5 tenants), in a community with a shortage of rental property, we rented it out. Cleanup costs were significant, non-payment losses significant. It was not worth the trouble, and we left it vacant the last two years.
In the clueless ex public servant universe with the pink sky , no they don’t. They are supposed to pull money from magic buckets to pay their mortgages, because all landlords have vast amounts of spare cash just laying around. Its a well known facts in pink sky world.
—I agree Peter +.
Nobody should have to work.
It’s cruel.
About the phrase Build Back Better, as used by Scott Morrison among others.
See link for rest.
If Biden is allegedly building, I would hate to think what he would do to the US if he was feeling destructive.
He’s working on it. Give him time as he’s slow.
I saw a great title on a story the other day “If Biden was trying to destroy the USA, would he actually do anything differently?”
When the politicians say Build Back Better the red lights should start flashing and the bells start ringing. It is straight out of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. Basically a Marxist and Globalist’x slogan.
An official website of the United States government – NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines
However, the NIH’s own website discusses the advantages of Hydroxychloriquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin, stating the following:
Both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine increase the endosomal pH, which inhibits fusion between SARS-CoV-2 and the host cell membrane. Chloroquine inhibits glycosylation of the cellular angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, which may interfere with the binding of SARS-CoV to the cell receptor. In vitro studies have suggested that both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine may block the transport of SARS-CoV-2 from early endosomes to endolysosomes, possibly preventing the release of the viral genome. Both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine also have immunomodulatory effects, which have been hypothesized to be another potential mechanism of action for the treatment of COVID-19. Azithromycin has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. When used in combination with hydroxychloroquine, it has been shown to have a synergistic effect on SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in molecular modeling studies.
So what evidence did the NIH use to reject the use of the HCQ? A single French study simply said their results were essentially “inconclusive” as to whether or not it was effective. Neither that study, nor any of the studies which the NIH used to analyze the use of HCQ as a preventative, suggests that the use of HCQ could hurt the patient in any way. Just a single study that stated it might not work. Yet, that was enough for Dr. Fauci to go on a media tour to rebuke the use of HCQ as a COVID-19 preventative. Here is a potentially life-saving treatment, which could have been used as a means of providing even a sliver of protection (it was almost three times higher survival rates) against the virus which the left has used to imprison the country, and the nation’s leading Doctor of Infectious Diseases is parading around the country telling people not to take it. Count one.
Presidential Seal of Joseph R Hiden
China sets rule: No video games during the school week
China on Monday issued strict new measures aimed at curbing what authorities describe as youth videogame addiction, which they blame for a host of societal ills, including distracting young people from school and family responsibilities.
The new regulation, unveiled by the National Press and Publication Administration, will ban minors, defined as those under 18 years of age, from playing online videogames entirely between Monday and Thursday. On the other three days of the week, and on public holidays, they will be only permitted to play between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m.
The government announcement said all online videogames will be required to connect to an “anti-addiction” system operated by the National Press and Publication Administration. The regulation, which takes effect on Wednesday, will require all users to register using their real names and government-issued identification documents.
would love to see the network stats from 7-10PM on the “allowed” night, it might get a bit peaky
Stairman Dan will no doubt advise us of our VIC Internet restrictions soon, being a great admirer of Winnie.
Now that Delta is the predominant virus strain there is no scientifically valid health and safety justification for “vaccine passports”.
The data is clear: “fully vaccinated” persons are getting infected with Delta and when they do, they build exactly the same viral load in their upper respiratory tract as an unvaccinated person would.
So a vaccine passport cannot be used to show a person is a lower transmission risk.
The claim a vaccinated person has less chance of contracting the virus is irrelevant here. As if society is opened to the “fully vaccinated” infection is inevitable.
That a person may get less ill is also no justification for “vaccine passports”. In fact this increases the risk that they become an asymptomatic spreader.
So there is zero public health and safety justification for vaccine passports. Only natural immunity passports would have any scientific justification. And the government doesn’t want natural immunity passports.
from a sky news report “Israel’s COVID surge shows vaccines ‘not enough’, says public health expert”
and from the comments
M P 6 days ago
“Let me see if I understand this properly. Person A feels that they need the vaccine to be protected, so they get vaccinated. However, Person A doesn’t feel protected unless Person B also gets the vaccine. And if Person B refuses to get the vaccine, Person A shames them until they do.
Let’s take this a step further. Person A, who is vaccinated, can still catch and transmit the virus, but is not subjected to going through daily/weekly testing. Person B, who is not vaccinated, and who can catch and transmit the virus, has to go through daily/weekly testing and potential quarantine. Why does Person A not have to go through testing and quarantine if they can still catch and transmit the virus?
And to go even further than that: Person A is vaccinated and, even though they can catch and transmit the virus, can walk into any number of locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside. Person B is not vaccinated and, even though they may test negative for the virus, are not allowed inside any of the locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside.
Wanna piece this together now? It boils simply down to segregation and discrimination with no real basis for doing so.
1. Person A is vaccinated.
2. Person B is not vaccinated.
3. Both Person A and Person B can catch and transmit the virus.
4. Person A does not have to get tested, but Person B does.
5. Person A can go wherever they want, but Person B cannot.
6. Person A is allowed to live their lives, while Person B cannot.
7. Person A perpetuates the shaming of Person B by stating that Person B needs to be vaccinated for Person A to be protected.
Anybody disagree with anything I just said? You do? Then go look this up because this is all fact. Nothing I typed above is untrue; you need only read the news to see that this is exactly what is happening.
If your shot works, why do I need one? If your shot doesn’t work, why should I get one?”
You left out. Person B can prove they don’t have the virus and still not be allowed to enter while Person A is allowed to enter while having every possible symptom … as long as they haven’t yet tested positive.
COVID Vaccine Mandates Make No Sense
Being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 does not make you safe against transmitting the virus to others, so what’s the point of a vaccine mandate? Unlike the classic childhood mumps, measles, rubella (MMR) vaccine, which prevents measles with 97% efficacy, the COVID “vaccine” is different — the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 95% effective against symptomatic COVID-19 infection. The measles vaccine is expected to give lifelong protection against measles — meaning you’re now free from getting or spreading measles. Prior to general use, the Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccine demonstrated two months of protection against symptomatic COVID-19.
What happens after two months? Last week, an Israeli hospital reported that 59% of positive hospitalized patients were fully vaccinated. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) reports 30% of positive county cases were among the fully vaccinated in late July, an increase from 20% of cases in June. A Dutch study demonstrated that breakthrough infections are infectious — of the 25,000 healthcare workers (HCW) who were PCR positive, live virus was cultured from nasopharyngeal swabs in 69% of vaccinated and 85% of unvaccinated patients. Has the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine efficacy against symptomatic infection dropped from 95% since trial results were reported in November 2020? Recent Mayo Clinic Health data measure Pfizer’s vaccine at 42% efficacy against symptomatic infection in July.
If we’re serious about “stopping the spread” of COVID, why ignore a group with better protection than the vaccinated group? Those with a prior COVID infection show consistently better immunity against re-infection than the vaccinated, yet they are strangely ignored by those pushing a vaccine mandate.
Why not exempt those with natural immunity, who gain no benefit from vaccination? Why not exempt children from vaccination, since a fully vaccinated 70-year-old has a higher risk of spreading infection than an unvaccinated child? Will I revert to unvaccinated status if I don’t get a booster shot in October? Given that both vaccinated and unvaccinated positives are both potentially infectious, and many have pre-existing immunity stronger than vaccine-induced immunity, segregation by vaccine status makes no sense.
Just when you thought it was safe to go Outside
‘Doomsday’ Covid variant detected in South Africa even worse than Delta strain – August 31, 2021
A new “doomsday” Covid variant has been discovered, with health experts fearing it moves nearly “twice as fast” as the deadly Delta strain.
A “doomsday” Covid variant has been detected in South Africa – and there are warnings it is worse than the Delta variant.
A new preprint study by South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases warns the new variant has “mutated substantially” and is more mutations away from the original virus detected in Wuhan than any other variant previously detected.
The new variant, known as C. 1.2, first emerged in South Africa but has also been detected in England, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritius, New Zealand, Portugal and Switzerland.
It could pose challenges to the first generation of vaccines. Scientists say it’s also possible that people in the United Kingdom who were infected with the earlier variants could be vulnerable to reinfection.
Epidemiologist Dr Eric Feigl-Ding said the research suggested the new variant has “mutated substantially” and is more mutations away from the original virus than any other variant detected so far worldwide”.
The continuous evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in South Africa: a new lineage with rapid accumulation of mutations of concern and global detection
Tokyo approves Ivermectin! Quotes African countries where its working. Maybe this is the beginning of govt approval?
Where has this random “+” symbol come from between people’s first and last names?
I thought you were going through a Prince symbol phase, but I see the + infection is spreading
I can’t see it, are you positive its there?………………
We don’t know. I have asked the web manager. very odd?
I removed the one on mine.
Hi Keith, Howdy Jo,
Yes, I removed the ‘plus signs’ on my handle, logged out, logged back in, and there they were again. Removed just before hitting “Post Comment”, so we shall see.
V. t. I.
(And, updating a previous post on T.I.A.’s (transient ischemic attack), going into eight weeks with no events; still on Vit D, zinc, and quinine)
Great first hand experience with someone in a US hospital. I wonder how much of this is “transferable” to other countries?
Perhaps you haven’t seen the frontline ICU nurses and surgeons talking at the various state-premier media conferences over the past week or more … they have been giving very sobering accounts of what it is like for patients who go from general hospitalisation to ICU care, to worse. I’m very happy to be vaccinated indeed.
“Great first hand experience with someone in a US hospital”
yes it is 😉
I live in regional VIC. Our local newspaper has a thumbs up/down section for the locals to either whine about or praise things they see in the area. As you cam imagine the council is a regular target.
One of the local Karens gave a thumbs down for not having QR codes in the toilets serving the main park in town (not kidding)
Guess what? the council installs QR codes in the toilet (not kidding)
As mentioned upthread there is a class of people that like nothing better than being controlled and monitored, and they get great comfort from Dans tentacles following them all the way to the loo.
That last line is one of the most strange and unnerving comments I’ve ever seen, please keep them coming.
Red wine can do that
I saw that this very afternoon and just thought ‘You have to be joking!’ Seriously?! Are they all quite mad? Anyway, they missed something; there was nowhere to sign in for those without QR codes! 😉
I saw it on the loo door near the hairdresser’s; not the one by the park. We are afflicted because there are too many people who’ve been frightened out of their minds.
Yes, I’m afraid there are plenty of people like that. As I stated before they like the delusion of safety so much they don’t mind losing their freedoms. I bet a lot of them are drooling at the thought of getting vaccination passports so they can show them off, be nice little slaves complying to the demands of their authoritarian masters. It’s typical of people who can’t think for themselves and rely on others to do thinking for them. Good for draconian governments who would love to control what people think as well as what they can do. That’s why a civil war is not out of the question. Too early now of course as the population is not polarised enough. It could happen though if the trend continues. If it continues long enough though the chances of a civil war will diminish as more and more people are turned into mindless slaves or people just give up as it becomes too hard not to comply. Resistance though is not always futile and we’ll be left with a small proportion of resistance fighters, much like when the French when the Germans took over. Just like then there will be the frequent “show me your papers” regime.
The Australian parliament passed unprecedented legislation that gives federal police near-unrestricted powers to spy on any Australian citizen – by gaining access to their social media and email accounts without their knowledge – if they have been ‘suspected of criminal activity.’
The totalitarian “Identify and Disrupt” bill creates 3 new types of “data disruption” warrants that the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission can use to copy, delete and modify content on individuals online accounts.
Federal authorities will be able to impersonate the account holder and send emails or messages to their online correspondents.
The measure easily passed the senate with sweeping support despite legislators failing to set up proper safeguards that were recommended by a bipartisan joint committee.
Warrants that are issued will not even need to be signed off by a judge or magistrate, they will only need to be issued by the government’s Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Yes I posted the actual details before. It’s actually scary. So much for our politicians serving the people. It’s already now part way to being the other way. If they can find a way they would control what we think as well as what we say over the internet. At the moment the bill that was passed is meant to “spy” on the criminals, at least that’s their excuse. In time of course that could change as governments become even more power hungry, as they always do. Those who think apps like WhatsApp are safe because they use encryption; forget it. There are ways and means to hack them.
This is a dark and dangerous path.
We have see the Fblies in the US go right off the rails. Most of the people involved in the “governor kidnap” plot were in fact in the employ of the FBlies. They were actually the main instigators.
Imagine a court case where the online comments of the accused cannot be reasonably attributed to them. Anyone following the introduction of this Orwellian garbage can now deny authorship of anything posted from their accounts online. After all, to have the ability to falsely post credibly in the name of a citizen, the totalitarians must have the ability to hide their access and manipulation.
Police around the world use manufactured identities to penetrate the networks of pedophiles and abusers. This is a valid and effective method to infiltrate networks and identify criminals.
So why demand these new powers? Why not just create fake online identities, enter the conversation of concern, then stear it?
There’s no way people who can’t do that basic level of mimicary would be able to post credible comments in an existing person’s name. Especially now this legislation has made everyone reading commentors critical of lying Neo Orwellian scum aware that their accounts may have been “legally” hijacked by sub-human filth.
Many will have seen the “roll-con” or “corncern troll” game fail on AGW sceptic and conservative sites. They just never get the tone right. Just like that pathetic crisis actor the FBlies trotted out to play “Cletus the Capitol bomber”. (Took about 30 min for a web scraper and face rec AI to find his name, address and previous paid roles).
So influencing by impersonation is a known dead end. That only leaves one purpose to secretly commandeering comments: fabrication of evidence.
Seems the people behind this stupidity haven’t learnt from their past “fabrication of evidence” games. It’s not just bombs in garbage bins that can explode before you get to use them as “evidence”.
This is twenty-first century verballing without needing to be in the same room belting us with telephone books to extract that signed confession; maybe the replacement of whitespace in user names with plus signs is a little bit of road testing.
They’ll only be looking for the few that oppose the Great Reset, good luck finding me amongst the morons commenting on cat videos.
That old excuse “Someone hacked my account!” finally becomes official.
That said, it is high time they properly formalized the whole evidence planting process … for far too long this has been done in an ad-hoc and disorganized manner. Makes sense to put the whole thing into the hands of professionals.
We live in a democracy where the citizens have rights and the people love their freedoms. Judicial control is assumed and will keep everyone on their toes to behave within the law or risk the wrath of aunty.
Terrorism and gangsterism are real and with oversight I support the Bill.
The Masked Ball of Cowardice
How fear of admitting error in trusting China’s coronavirus propaganda is driving Western societies into a doom spiral
“Lockdowns,” the mass quarantine of both sick and healthy people, have never before been used for disease mitigation in the modern Western world. Previously, the strategy had been systematically ruled out by the pandemic plans of the World Health Organization (WHO) and by health experts of every developed nation. So how did we get here?
Mass lockdowns of entire countries as a technique for fighting disease sprung into the world’s consciousness on the order of Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), who fomented a global propaganda offensive targeting Western governments and media. Within weeks, the WHO, an organization that once devoted itself to fighting disease and which has sadly become a tool of Chinese foreign policy, promulgated lockdowns into global policy through a series of press conferences that showed a complete absence of analysis or logic.
The world has been fighting a virus from China with a public health policy from China that transforms the world into China. But if the national security community has noticed this bizarre development, they haven’t said so. Instead, their preoccupation has remained largely unchanged since February 2020. Insiders have confirmed that by spring 2020 the national security community was convinced that SARS-CoV-2 was a supervirus leaked from the Wuhan lab, explaining why many supported lockdowns. Yet the key pieces of information that gave rise to the lab leak theory were the videos of Wuhan residents suddenly falling dead, the contrived tale of heroic whistleblower Li Wenliang, and Xi Jinping’s apparent success locking down Wuhan, the city with the lab in it.
One national security official after another has claimed to know the virus came from the Wuhan lab, even as the underlying intelligence information has changed little. If these officials are as confident as they claim to be, great !It does not change the fact that Covid’s average infection fatality rate (IFR) across all age groups is under 0.24%. It’s long past time to address the more concerning question to which the rest of the public has long since moved on: why governments across the world have copied and continue to copy China’s anti-democratic, totalitarian measures in response to COVID-19.
One by one, governments of the world imported China’s totalitarian lockdown measures. Neil Ferguson, whose series of alarmist, wildly inaccurate models fueled lockdowns around the world, recalled how China’s example had inspired him:
As the experiments of Stanley Milgram proved, people can be convinced to commit atrocities when ordered to do so by scientific authorities. From journalists and judges to politicians and common professionals, the public has granted health officials one exception after another to their most fundamental rights, and they’ve been misled every step of the way. Whether out of gullibility, face-saving incompetence, or something worse, they’ve brought the world to a frightening place.
For political watchers, it’s been baffling to watch leaders muddle through the most inexplicable geopolitical debacle since the Thirty Years’ War. It is equally terrifying to know that a policy catastrophe of this scale is possible in the 21st century. But judging by his regime’s activities and the story of how all this began, at least one world leader was well aware of this potential.
For Xi Jinping, lockdown was never about a virus. It was about sending a message: that stripped of all disguise, the illusion of virtue, competence, and commitment to human rights among the Western political class is nothing more than conformity with easily subvertible norms and institutions passed down by prior generations. As lockdown policies grind on into their 18th month, it’s increasingly difficult to disagree with him.
Given the Discussions on the Open Threads re PCRs, the following from the above article interested me
The Masked Ball of Cowardice
Based on WHO guidance, citing Chinese journal articles, doctors around the world began putting patients on ventilators en masse, killing thousands before a grassroots campaign stopped the practice. Based on the WHO’s guidance on COVID-19 testing, again citing Chinese journal articles, labs used, and continue to use, PCR cycle thresholds from 37 to 40, and sometimes as high as 45. At these cycle threshold levels, approximately 85% to 90% of cases are false positives, as confirmed by The New York Times.
The WHO’s PCR guidance was paired with new international ICD-10 codes for COVID deaths to make COVID-19 quite possibly the deadliest accounting fraud of all time. According to this coding guidance, if a decedent had either tested positive or been in contact with anyone who had, within several weeks prior to their death, then the death should be classified as a COVID-19 death. The result was a terrifying number of supposed “COVID-19 deaths” that bore little relation to the number of “excess deaths” in a given year, even in states and countries that employed few lockdown measures. This absurd number of “COVID-19 deaths” has been used to rationalize any manner of devastation caused by governments’ response to COVID-19—from bankruptcies and mental health crises to deaths from lockdowns themselves.
What’s transpired since has been a predictable spiral into the abyss, aided and abetted at virtually every stage by a media apparatus that has perpetuated the fraudulent lockdown narrative. The Chinese government has financial stakes in almost every top media outlet and friends in corporations, universities, and governments. Preexisting financial relationships with China led institutions to trust information from China, endorse the CCP’s narrative, and ultimately advocate for the global adoption of the CCP’s policies. Owing to this combination of naivete, groupthink, and outright corruption, scientists and journalists have been incorporating information from China into their work as true, when in fact nearly every bit of information that has come from China with regard to the virus has been a lie.
A warning from ArmstrongEconomics is worth reading to be on alert. I’m not so optimistic as he is but I do hope he is right.
Ha! Beat me to the post.
He’s totally right of course, as usual.
We have to keep the pressure on these CCP owned mesianic power junkies and we WILL win.
Quite a few people suspect the COVID crisis will be over by Christmas. If the damn thing goes to a similar timetable to other pandemics (e.g. Spanish Flu) – the timing would be correct.
Let us hope so. Not looking forward to battle of wills for us unvaccinated.
Like the Spanish Flu stop the vaccinations stop the virus?
Spanish Flu was three years. Worst was second year.
Is it coincidence that after December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC RT-PCR test and has advised other types to be used?
I searched the CDC site and they have many other PCR tests approved. It’s a nothingburger.
Then why the change in the first place? Don’t you get it? Clearly you missed my point, as usual.
Peter, actually you do not have to make a fuss or ruckus.
Patience. Just avoid the quackzines. And wait.
They’ve made a Disease Enhancement mistake. Oh so sure they were on top of the ADE respiratory pathway risk. Forgot the gastrointestinal pathway …
They’re trapped. There’s no way out without admitting error.
Booster shots? They are just using “more of the same”. They don’t dare try new strain specific boosters. They know what that will cause.
They aren’t fighting the “vaccine hesitant”. They are in a desperate fight to shut down the “quackzine resistant”. Just like that time they thought calling people who understood radiative physics, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics “holocaust denying anti-science tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists (and also ludites).
The planned tyranny of the “vaccine passports” governments failed mid 2020 when the “Surgisphere” fraud was exposed. They were so sure those “lesser” nations would be on their knees begging for the western produced Quackzines. But they were told to F’ off.
The therapeutics nations stood their ground. So should the supporters of the scientific method in Australia.
Quackzine passports? What do I get for giving up the lifetime opportunity for broad immunity from surviving infection without the clot shots? A haircut? JTFC!! Does sacrificing any chance of long lasting natural immunity come with a PRMO code? Steak knives? Are operators standing by?
Well, I’m not standing for a non sterilizing Quackzine. All I have to do is wait. Society can function without those who took the shots. But it ends without those who are holding out. And the parasites who only pretended to take the shots? Just jab them. And video the squealing. They know. Let them make the ruckus.
Konrad. I don’t think the quack-language helps. You might find you are more persuasive with standard vocab.
Here is the correct language from a board certified pathologist immunologist ‘Quack’
at about 1:20. I am using Dr. Ryan Cole’s professional advice and calling it the ‘Clot Shot’.
I also share his concern that autopsies are not being done to find out about the virus and it’s effects.
Quackazines or Clot Shot?
Both ok for me.
Konrad has come back to the debates after a long absence. Welcome.
The Cat seems to be back
That’s the original format continued by Adam D. and then there’s by Doverbeach a regular from the old Catallaxy.
Thanks for that. I’d seen the catallaxy-files blog but not the Just been having a look at it.
It may have been mentioned elsewhere that US drug distributers, and Johnson and Johnson, are just crossing the ‘T’s and dotting the ‘I’s, of a US$26 billion settlement with the US states, for killing 500 000 Americans, with opiates.
There is another side to the story. When drug naive people receive opioids for pain, it is the pain relief they remember and associate with the drug. However, when those who have experimented/used opioids for their euphoria producing properties get opioids for pain they know the feeling. Unfortunately young adult males are the most likely to end up in hospital with painful injuries and need pain medication. They are also the ones most likely to have played around with drugs.
Later when having to explain their addiction,having had medication prescribed for pain – and it is true that they did some double doctoring – they can excuse their problems as being due to the medical prescription. Everyone is then sorry for them as victims. But if they had not had prior experience with the drugs, they would not have reacted to getting a prescription in this way.
Sure Oxycontin was over marketed, but the core of the problem is the people who experiment with non-medical use of everything on the market. I had a neighbour who eventually OD’d. He would go on about how his problem was due to the pain meds he was given when he crushed his foot, but he had tried every drug he could get his hand on since his early teens – a very typical case.
If you wish to understand how Capitalism doesn’t work, here is a really good tale from Middle America:
The guy explains how he moved away from the area, contributed nothing … but has decided that the people who still live there have the wrong beliefs, build the wrong things, do stuff that he disapproves of, and therefore he wants to blow up their property.
That shows to me all the reasons that totalitarianism doesn’t work. Imagine if such a person had real power instead of writing for a once decent but now decrepit magazine … Jeffrey St. Clair is an environmentalist from the “Earth First” movement and what he hates most of all is other people, and especially he hates the idea of people doing the things they enjoy. Counterpunch has not survived without Alexander Cockburn, who was interesting at least.
Personally, I would much prefer to live with the supposed failures of Capitalism … that is to say people now and then eat a bit more food than they ideally should, or drive their cars more than they absolutely need to, or enjoy themselves in a way that doesn’t match the model of Protestant austerity … I would much prefer that than live under the boot of loony anti-humanity know-it-all types.
this freedom rally in Darwin speech is well worth a watch IMHO
‘Aspirin Contributed to Mortalities of 1918-1919 Spanish Influenza, and More’
‘Autopsy reports from 1918 are consistent with what we know today about the dangers of aspirin toxicity, as well as the expected viral causes of death. In 1918, physicians did not fully understand either the dosing or pharmacology of aspirin, yet they were willing to recommend it. Its use was promoted by the drug industry, endorsed by doctors wanting to “do something” and accepted by families and institutions desperate for hope.’
‘An abstract from the aforementioned study states that physicians of the day were unaware that the regimens (8.0–31.2 g per day) produce levels associated with hyperventilation and pulmonary edema in 33% and 3% of recipients, respectively. In 1918, the U.S. Surgeon General, the U.S. Navy, and the Journal of the American Medical Association recommended use of aspirin just before the October death spike. The hypothesis presented is that salicylate therapy for influenza during the 1918–1919 pandemic resulted in toxicity and pulmonary edema, which contributed to the incidence and severity of early ARDS-like lungs, subsequent bacterial infection and overall mortality.’
aforementioned study
‘Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence’
A few years ago I wrote a review “Use and Abuse of Over-the-Counter Analgesics – available on Google Scholar. The history is fascinating for those who fancy a long read.
The medical industry ‘scam’ requires chronically sick people… that cannot be cured and who gradually die because of their chronic ‘illness’. We are chronically ill (gradual organ damage, brain damage/dementia, suffering from the common cancers, type 1 and 2 diabetes, depressed, attention problems, anxiety, and so on) because of the deficiencies.
A Vit D supplement of 1000 IU/day (where did the ‘recommendation’ a maximum supplement of 1000 IU/day come from? It is written on the Vit D bottle to discourage people taking 4000 IU/day) is not sufficient to correct the deficiency for anyone. 4000 IU/day is sufficient for a small person. Multi vitamins have 600 IU in them.
A vit d supplement of 1000 IU/day is not sufficient to protect people from getting covid. And we are deficient in magnesium, calcium, and zinc. 4000 IU/day Vit D. 150 mg/day Magnesium, 17 mg/day Zinc, 300 mg/day Calcium (standard ‘supplement’) is required to protect against covid.
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations ≥40 ng/ml Are Associated with >65% Lower Cancer Risk: Pooled Analysis of Randomized Trial and Prospective Cohort Study
The standard treatment for breast cancer is cutting out, radiation, and chemicals in the US. The breast cancer treatment has extended the life expectancy of US breast cancer patients by 0.19
Your beat-up for today
“mortuary’s filled beyond capacity”
Prediction: The Media Will Lap Up Biden’s Afghanistan ‘Victory’ Speech Like Dogs Returning to Their Vomit
Get ready for a barrage of leftmedia think pieces celebrating Biden’s great success in Afghanistan. This speech is squarely aimed at them, hoping they’ll lap up his defense of the indefensible like puppies on warm milk.
Speaking of puppies, I believe they left their service dogs behind as well. That would have gone down well with their handlers. Small beans in the bigger picture I guess, just one thing more that could have been avoided if they had of had a plan.
no the service dogs got their own seats on the plane home, resulting in the lefties complaining that the seats could have been used by refugees instead.
Gladys looks completely out of her depth. She has never thought about virus control, how the environment works, any thing like that, and all of a sudden, she’s in charge of it and it’s the big issue. She looks almost startled.
As a response, she has reached for the medicine cabinet and says take this pill and everything will be ok. From my experience in pest management I found this is how the mind works to such issues, simple solutions to simple problems.
Unfortunately she is looking right beyond the simplest of solutions, how to improve quarantine and border security. I’ve never seen her mention it once, literally.
The old adage, prevention is better than cure has never been more apt.
A move in the right direction
Send to your Mps and Contact your PM – how Australia is seen overseas
COVID Propaganda Roundup: The War Down Under (Australia Today, America Tomorrow)
Australian Psychologist War-Gamed Lockdowns in Book Published Three Months Before Pandemic
In an apparent bizarre coincidence, Australian psychologist Steven Taylor released a prophetic book about the war-to-come on the Australian people:
“‘Psychological reactance has been an issue around any public health guidance… The you’re-not-the-boss-of-me kind of response is seen particularly in people raised in cultures that take pride in freedom and individualism’…
… like Commonwealth Australia used to be.
Taylor continues:
“‘Psychology plays a central role in pandemics, influencing the spreading and containment of diseases, and shaping pandemic-related distress and socially disruptive, divisive and potentially harmful phenomena such as panic buying, racism and protests against pandemic mitigation restrictions.’”
Hence the psychological (and physical) warfare on the streets of Melbourne and Sydney, to mop up the “psychological reactance.”
New South Wales Premier on COVID Lockdowns: ‘Literally a War’
On Aug. 14, New South Wales state Premier Gladys Berejiklian declared that “this is literally a war and we’ve known we’ve been in a war for some time, but never to this extent.”
Via Al Jazeera:
“Hundreds more military personnel will be deployed next week to Sydney to help enforce the city’s lockdown as the outbreak spreads beyond Australia’s largest city.
A new $3,000 [AUD] ($2,200 [USD]) fine will also apply to people entering regional areas of the state without an official permit.”
New South Wales Health Minister Oversees Mass-Injection of 24,000 Children Without Parental Oversight
Minister for Health and Medical Research of New South Wales Brad Hazzard is mass-vaxxing Australian children in a stadium with parents barred from attending:
“I want to stress to the moms and dads, your children will be well looked after inside. When they arrive, they will be literally ushered.
We’ll have nurses, we’ll have some of the Youth Command, we’ll have some of the young police… just to guide them through as to where they go.
They’ll be looked after every moment inside the stadium… Moms and Dads, feel secure. We’re going to have 24,000 students get through next week.”
Now we know the dogs were left behind we have “A Hillary Spectacular”!×351.jpeg
you know that the working dogs being left behind story is fake don’t you?
“Infighting in the Deep State? Backstabbing in Washington? Say it ain’t so!!!”
“They let the dogs loose before they left at least.
The dogs were not Regular Army working Dogs. True. They were trained working dogs used by contractors and the ANA. There were also other dogs and cats there from American Nationals.
Jack Posobiec’s twitter feed has the details and updates. Look on the right side of the blog to find a link.
@Jack Posobeic
Bottom line, Dogs were left behind. Americans were left behind. Canadians, Europeans, South Americans, Asians and Australians were left behind. Joe Biden left Afghanistan the way he wanted to. joe Biden left in the Worst Way Possible.”
How to do the science not #FollowTheScience
Jo. Headline in Melb paper today (Thur) telling of Ivermectin putting someone in hospital. Story states they overdosed and were admitted with severe diarrhoea. Firstly – who doesnt get problems when they overdose on something and getting the runs would be on the lower end of things. Secondly they state that Ivermectin is not approved in Australia or any wealthy western nation ( India , Canada ?) Seems someone is trying to discredit the other drugs and keep everyone on the Vax path.