A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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When they invented the first clock, how did they know what time to set it to?
Noon was known all the time
Because the rows went north-south, I would use the exhaust pipe on the tractor while working in the vineyard to countdown to lunch time. Sun’s up, time to work. Sun is setting, time for a g&t.
Italian time
Why not enact the scene on Tik Tok and see if it goes viral
When someone opened an oyster for the first time how did they ever think “yum, that looks like it would be good to eat”
Same could be said for a clam……..
and an octopus
Or do you think the first time someone slaughtered a cow they knew not to eat the bowel? Or was that something they learnt the hard way?
I think carnivores go for the offal meats. Think about it.
that’s easy, just trust google
Monsanto Paid Google to Bury Unfavorable News, Investgation Reveals
Larry Page, the ‘goo’ half of g**gle, managed to acquire New Zealand residency in (unprecedented!) three months. Having been hunkered-down in Fiji last year, he requested special entry when his child became sick, and bingo, on arrival was granted a NZ passport (ahead of doctors & nurses trying to get in). Plus, as a billionaire’s bonus, we get to pay his hospital bill.
Must, keep, repeating Comrade Cinders’ mantra: we are all in thus together.
“thus” nice touch
Jacinderella is one of a kind but with our man Dan, us Aussies aren’t far behind in the race for interesting and unusual leedas.
If ‘tired and emotional’ means drunk,
then what does ‘interesting and unusual’ mean?
Not drunk
Drank, is the incorrect tense.
Drink means “now”, the most useful tense because of the immediate relief afforded by the infusion.
As always, the link is important.
There’s a link, as often requested, between drink, drunk and drank but not necessarily in that order.
Take a look at his face, his ears, his glasses, his demeanor, his head.
WHO would vote for that; and Chyna wins again.
Will there be anything left of Victoria in another two weeks?
The deer leedah has shown that he can survive anything, even “falling” down three steps: but Victoria hasn’t and all that remains is the wake.
Poor fellah our Victoria.
Interesting observation when using the Database of Adverse Event Notifications for Medicines located here:
When I do a search for COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, I find out that since the start of 2021 there have been 53 cases where death was a reported outcome from the vaccine!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don’t beleive me try it yourself.
interesting site, I dont expect those numbers t get an MSM cover.
So, so far this year
The AZ total is up 15 from this morning and is now 68 , with 11k (rounded) reactions of all kinds
The Pfizer total is 83, with 5k (rounded) reactions of all kinds
Total 151 deaths and 16k reactions
Total vaccinations 9 million (people, not inoculations) source
Current Covid summary this year
Current cases 4.5k 430 hospitalisations and 6 deaths source
Not drawing an equivalence , just interesting numbers, reasonably close to real world. I am sure they can be massaged and rationalised to suit any argument.
So in other words we could say that 99.9983% of vaccinated Australians didn’t die as a result of the jab.
Sounds like a strange thing for anyone to get flustered over.
Interesting observation when using the government’s Database of Adverse Event Notifications for Medicines
When I do a search for COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, I find out that since the start of 2021 there have been 53 cases where death was a reported outcome from the vaccine!
If you don’t believe me try it yourself.
link is
Great find, Peter. Of course, I had to do a search for viagra. Seems it’s far safer than AZ. It won’t stop you from getting Covid, but you’ll be a lot happier.
For some reason I can’t post the link – it keeps getting moderated. PLEASE FIX IT!
I’ll try this:
Link was correct
It didn’t appear at first. I had to do a refresh of the page.
Moderation robots catch posts where there is little more than the link or several links that make most of contents.
It is good idea to be more verbose and tell the story in the post and use a link just as reference. Readers like me do not open links at all if content is pay-walled or requires registration or has slow EU privacy protocol.
“It is a good idea to be verbose….” I knew I loved this site!
Just to clarify the site states the results pertain to reports of adverse events that the TGA has received in relation to medicines including vaccines used in Australia. I did another search for the following three COVID-19 vaccines for the period between 01/01/2021 to 07/05/2021:
COMIRNATY COVID-19 vaccine BNT162b2 (mRNA)
COVID-19 Vaccine (TNS) COVID-19 Vaccine (Type not specified)
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S (Viral vector)
The search results were:
Number of reports (cases): 15541
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 15386
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 158
The interesting bit is the figure of 158 deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccines is far greater than the news reports we hear about the number of deaths due to the COVID-19 virus itself. Anyone see anything wrong in the way I’m interpreted all this? Something is wrong. Could it be the 158 deaths are due to something else other than the vaccines and they lumped them in the totals? That would not make any sense since the site stipulates the counts refer the adverse effects by the vaccines.
I’ve gone over the site again and come to the conclusion that at best the counts as shown refer to the number of deaths as reported by people who have taken a COVID-19 vaccine but not necessarily as a direct result of the vaccine. The deaths could have been due to other causes. The problem I see is that even if the deaths were related to some other cause, such as a heart attack, it is moot since there are far more deaths as a result of the other causes. In that case the counts here must therefore be more indicative that the vaccines are the cause or partly the cause of the reported deaths. In that case, our state officialdom are telling lies when they say the majority of people who died were not vaccinated. Otherwise, the Australian government’s database is a lie. They can’t have it both ways. Either the Federal government is telling lies or the state governments are telling lies, or both are telling lies. I leave it to the reader to assess which of those three options is closest to the truth.
The problem, Peter, is we’re up against a wall of Confirmation Bias.
The Media+Politicians are so invested in the pro-vaccine hype — “Get the vax!”, “It’s safe and effective!” — that they only want to hear about evidence that confirms their position, for example the youngish, unvaxxed Australian who died recently WITH symptoms of Covid … BTW did he have a chronic health problem too? Can we trust the media to be honest? I don’t.
The flip side is Lying by Omission, their other specialty: hide facts that are contrary to the desired narrative — so don’t mention 158 vaccinated people reported as Adverse Events leading to death … otherwise explain it away as dying from something else.
I’ve come to the same conclusion. How dare they! Oh well, I’ve completely lost all trust in officialdom. I now consider them an enemy far more dangerous than any other enemy from afar. The only way they can get back my trust is for all of them to resign and got to prison. That includes PM Morrison the big fake artist. Of course that will not happen any time soon.
Another post of mine inexplicably gone missing. I asked if you had a link to your source in #3.3
On many of my posts the original mysteriously disappears but reappears when I send a second post as is shown above. ~w`ill you let me know why this happens?
there have been higher numbers reported than what you have seen and on their web site
once the public were becoming aware of the statistics being shown and the TGA found out about it the information was taken down and censored with a different dialog
cancel culture
my wife has a copy of the original PDF file before they took it down when she comes home l will see if l can post some of the information for you
l believe you are on the right track
this link is about that PDF
this is from the TGA report from their covid 19 weekly safety report 27-5-2021 PDF
bottom of page 3
“To 23 May 2021, 3.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given in Australia. In this period,
the TGA has received 210 reports of deaths following immunisation – 109 have been reported for the
Pfizer vaccine, 94 for the AstraZeneca vaccine and seven where the vaccine was not specified. Most of
these reports (93%) were for people 65 years of age and over, and over three quarters were 75 years of
age and over. Many of the deaths relate to elderly aged-care residents.”
and from page 4 of the same PDF
“The TGA reviews all deaths reported after vaccination and monitors for safety signals. Part of our
analysis includes comparing expected natural death rates to observed death rates following immunisation.
To date, the observed number of deaths reported after vaccination is actually less than the expected
number of deaths.
Each year in Australia, there are about 160,000 deaths, equating to 13,300 a month or 3050 each week. In
the most recent reporting year (2018) (
australia/contents/age-at-death) two-thirds of these deaths were in people aged 75 years and over.
Additionally, deaths from COVID-19 disease overwhelmingly occur in the elderly. While the 20-29 age
group has had the highest number of cases of COVID-19 in Australia (followed by the 30-39 age group),
94 % (852 of 910) of COVID-19 deaths in Australia (
by-age-group-and-sex) have been in those aged 70 or over.”
From the link by Marksman above.
Indeed it should prompt a rethink of the vaccination policy, but it won’t. They will continue to double down.
Here is the interesting exercise on the DAEN site.
Ist – do the search by typing ‘vaccine’ in the drug type, select all, then deselect the 3 ‘Covid’ ‘Vaccassinations’ (Cov Comirnaty, TNS, Astra Zeneca)
2nd – Select the entire date range from 1971 to the most recent date.
3rd – Select Search
Now do the same for the 3 Covid -19 Vaccines
You can search by deaths and then download as a Pdf. Makes for interesting reading. Remember these results are held for 90 days (rightly so, same should happen from the Chief Health ‘Frightbats’ and Covid deaths). The current weekly report suggest 425 deaths linked to the Vaccassinations. However with covid you are only to look under the thimble marked TTS or ITS, ignore the others.
Another interesting search was to just compare the Pfizer & the AZ. I do not know why anyone would be falling over themselves to get the ‘Pfizeeer’ as Jimmy Rees describes it in his Covid Updates.
Can you provide the link to this study?
Your Tax Dollars At Work
Willis Eschenbach
A few quotes about taxpayer money spent on useless climate studies from a fascinating site called Open The Books.
Hottest year. Ever … carbon (sic) induced crop failure update:
404 ppm Carbon (sic) is so bad for agriculture that commodity crop giant Cargill has had its most profitable year in its 156 year history!
Undiscovered Riches: The economists at the Canberra-based Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) have been tucking into some funny mushrooms judging by item 1003 on their 1994-95 research program. Project 1003 aims to “Develop a method of assessing the value of undiscovered mineral resources in a broadly defined mineral province as a basis of quantitative resource assessment”.
Listen fellas, how can you assess the value of something that is “undiscovered”? Redback is eagerly awaiting an explanation from ABARE’s executive director, Brian Fisher.
Australian Farm Journal November 1994.”
Could it be a long winded way of saying we plan to do some exploration and discovery?
You wont often see assessing/undiscovered/broadly defined/quantitative in one sentence without a single negation. The weasel words are strong in this one.
In my contractor days I read a VIC govt department report that said ” The intangibles, if quantified , would be in the order of $1.4 million”
“Develop a method of assessing the value of undiscovered mineral resources in a broadly defined mineral province as a basis of quantitative resource assessment”.
It’s called a guess. !
Guardian’s Hamilton Nolan Blames Capitalism for the G20 Climate Negotiation Fail
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
I love the smell of climate activist despair before the big COP26 conference. Smells like hope for a better future, in which nobody important even tries to pretend that climate change is a problem.
Has Melbourne REALLY gone into its 6th Lockdown?
If true, surely the authorities must be thinking that perhaps lockdowns don’t work very well, or has it become a past time more popular than cricket??
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Soon Victorians won’t be able to tell the difference between lockdowns and normality. Now masks are mandatory whether in lockdown or not, it’s all become a big blur.
We already have been told masks are here to stay, and that lockdowns will be here forever until they get the cases down to zero and most of not all people are vaccinated. What part of that don’t most Australia understand? Are we that stupid? Get over it folks, this country is going down.
No, all of Victoria has. All because a community in one half of Melbourne cant control themselves
And of course the reasoning behind a total close down of the state is viral fragments in sewage. Now from memory, first state lock down viral fragments disovered in the western district sewage, I don’t recall any confirmed cases from this area but the fear is created. Second lock down viral fragments found in sewge in the east of the state, Mallacoota or Lakes Entrance, I dont recall any actual cases in this area but the fear has been created. This lock down, viral fragments hve been found in sewage in Wangaratta, later declared as false positives,no confirmed cases but the fear has been created.
on the coast is another town in Victoria has been recording covid in the sewage since the start of the Dandemic but has not recorded a single case
the explanation was that someone from Melbourne was sneaking in and out even after the road blocks were put in place with the curfew LOL
some people l have spoken to about this think technology is amazing LMAO
regards Mark
That would be the government and public service portion of the community
Rather than lockdowns, they’ve simply had 5 brief periods of freedom.
even that was only partial, so zero periods of real freedom
the govt weasel words are “covid normal”
by smarmy leeches that have lost nothing in all this
Yes. 6 times in and 5 times out. Each time the virus has been eliminated in the community. Victorians have spent about 6 months in lockdown over the past 20 months. The rest of the time there has been no restriction on movement and zero risk of Covid.
The failure is with leaky border controls. Lockdowns have proven highly effective and have wide community support. Victoria constantly demonstrates its ability to get rid of the virus within the community. The place may eventually learn how to create effective border controls.
UK MPs Condemn Government’s 2030 Ban on New Fossil Fueled Car Sales and The Ill-Informed Push for Us All to Drive Electric
Guest post by Howard Cox
radio stations, press really like China (its money, hypocrisy)
I would not be surprised if China is watching us with much amusement as to how draconian we have become. I suspect they might be learning a lesson or two on how to apply the same actions to their own population. It gives a new meaning to “we are in it together”.
We are in it together.
‘We are in it together’ –
Hey, that’s Jacinda’s sales-pitch! Plagiarism? Or reading from the same ssscript…
just like Lamingtons and Pavs, who stole it from who?
I can assure you that its use here died a death many months ago, the behaviour of our political class made it a sick joke.
Kiwi Fruit?
China is not amused. The 4 corners show on AI last night claimed they ar required to use QR codes o check into their own homes.
Cholesterol drug cuts coronavirus infection by 70%, researchers find
Fenofibrate may ease COVID-19 symptoms and reduce virus spread, a researcher suggested
Kayla Rivas | Fox News
Don’t buy ‘Made in China’ clothes.
It seems that China has discovered a way to increase sales. They use short strand cotton in their all cotton garments. This reduces the wash ability of the garment so that holes appear after 50 or so washes.
I have quite a few items of underwear to attest to this.
The ‘Bonds’ underwear brand in particular.
[Broad claim. Any supporting links/data? – LVA ]
It takes 20000 litres of water to make 1 kg of cotton so arguably its a very environmentally unfriendly product. i am not sure if that means we should buy more or less Chinese cotton clothes as being the most disruptive to their economy
We grow the cotton with our scarce water and sell it to them for a song.
Dont buy made in china anything if you have choice.
Please confirm that from a non-greenie source.
Sounds as dodgy as the amount of water it takes to grow a steak. The rain falls and the grass grows and fills the small dams the graziers make. It certainly isn’t enough to grow cotton so what do we do, leave it to the roos?
BTW Cubbie Station does not dam the river, it fills saddle dams when, and only when, the river floods. If it doesn’t flood they don’t plant. They have an informative website.
I can’t fault this video as it tells the truth. It’s a sad indictment of how far Australia has come so close to become an over bearing authoritarian state. Yet there is every chance it’s going to get much worse. If it does God help us as PM Morrison certainly isn’t.
Australian is a disciplined society and I applaud their sentiment. To you and Hannigan I give the finger.
I suppose we can also agree that North Korea is a “disciplined society”?
Of course he would have to otherwise he would automatically be classed as a hypocrite.
The fat one who watches his people starve, very shallow comparison.
Just as the PM and the state premiers are watching the Australian people head towards no jobs as they deliberately collapse small business…. and hence starvation.
While giving themselves pay rises..
Thanks for pointing to the comparison of Australia to NK. !
Surely you exaggerate, small business will recover and thrive again.
Surely you are blinded by your love of leftism and the control agenda.
You must love watching the destruction of the small business sector. !
Bullsheet! A small business that fails has failed for all time. The failing entrepreneur is prolly in the fifties, having worked towards that over decades. If he loses his house [likely] so with no way to raise capital he will be a dole bludger/pensioner for the rest of his life.
BIG business, OTOH will come back stronger than ever without competition.
I’m not a leftist, I quit them after their stance on climate change.
My small business collapsed because of Covid, unfortunate but not the end of the world. You need to understand that small business will comeback with gusto, just that some of us won’t be a part of the revival.
Sensitive petals, grow a backbone.
By doing that you are showing your true colours once again. Truly you on the side of evil along with the lying officialdom.
Australia is not an overbearing authoritarian state, but in times like these they have a responsibility to protect the majority (the electorate) and governments need to restrict peoples movements. I’m not the quisling.
Today’s “misinformation” is tomorrow’s proven fact. Once the government and its big tech allies are judge and executioner of what constitutes “misinformation” we are just another totalitarian state.
Only those who believe “the science is settled” would welcome their thoughts, ideas and research being classified as “misinformation” by the government.
I recall Pol Pot claimed he only got rid of the educated elite for the good of the majority. I expect el gordo would have been cheering him on … for the good of the majority of course.
That is truly offensive.
I personally know people who survived the killing fields, the youngest daughter has since become a maths teacher. I was best man at her wedding, she married a man from the Rwanda killing fields, lovely young family, we get together every Xmas.
Mind how you go.
So you more than most should be concerned when leaders start vilifying specific groups of people, claimi to be taking away freedoms for the good of the majority and set themselves up as the sole arbiters of truth. I try to learn from history where as you are of the “yes, but it would never happen here” group.
I know a guy who killed himself because lockdowns destroyed his business- we can both play that game.
Sorry to hear that. I also had to close my business, but thanks to the property boom I’m laughing.
Australia is not heading down a dark road, put aside any thoughts of history repeating. The Westminster System is sound and will weather this storm quickly and get back to clean air and bright sunshine.
If the people think their state and federal governments have behaved badly in any way, they have the option to throw them out. Democracy is good.
I think it would help if we called it for what it is, which is ‘house arrest’ albeit with some reluctant privileges that you can go out for exercise but with additional restraints of wearing masks which in some circumstances-outside environments- where it is not really needed. Also, no matter how big or pleasant it may be you are in an open prison.
That Victorians for instance have been put into house arrest six times now is truly extraordinary.
I do think your country and mine will come out of this, but that our leaders took this course in the first place is worrying and shows a strong authoritarian streak amongst the leadership and a desire to be servile amongst a disturbing percentage of the population who demand fiercer restrictions.
It is easy to see where this is going, after all who would not want further lockdowns to save the planet and their children from burning up in ‘global warming.’?
Oh please Tonyb , you are labelling “house arrest” from the other side of the planet
Today we went food shopping, picked up yard stuff at a garden centre, bought coffee and cake and had it at a lookout on the way home. Its as severe as you make it.
Where are you located?
What yarpos says is true.
Which only goes to show that the half-assed lockdowns are a political measure, not a health one.
Victoria Tony.
You would be better of telling us whats going on in the UK instead of barking up random trees about Oz.
We have been a nanny state for decades.
I hope you washed it first!
And that’s not;
“The flying fickle finger of fate”.
Ah, Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In:
The Coroner of the George Floyd murder case was threatened to change his Cause of Death so that the officers would be charged.
The autopsy proves that the officers were innocent an no neck compression was found in his death.
Potsdam Institute Predicts Imminent Gulf Stream Collapse, Widespread Cooling
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
That will be another “Cry Wolf” then?
But we’re in global cooling — we went into the GSM back in 2020.
Potsdam Institute is way out of touch with the times .
See link:
In times of global warming the Arctic meltwater chokes off cold downwelling in the Norwegian Sea and the conveyor belt weakens.
After 60 years, scientists find the missing link in our body’s blood pressure control
“University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have determined the location of natural blood-pressure barometers inside our bodies that have eluded scientists for more than 60 years.
These cellular sensors detect subtle changes in blood pressure and adjust hormone levels to keep it in check.
Scientists have long suspected that these barometers, or “baroreceptors,” existed in specialised kidney cells called renin cells, but no one has able to locate the baroreceptors until now.”
Thanks Travis,
Very interesting. I expect that this discovery will lead to better ways of treating high blood pressure.
It’ll be interesting to see what’s in their latest IPCC report due out on Monday. ( Europe time)
Looks like there’ll be more nonsense about increased warming and higher risks of extreme weather, melting glaciers etc.
I expect Jo and David will be following this very closely and report on some more delusional nonsense from the usual suspects.
Yes – the IPCC Report is out, and it makes for grim reading. Not that I think you need to read an expert report to know that a lot of unpleasant things are happening in the weather right around the world.
The melting of Arctic Sea Ice over the last 40 years is so compelling that it should quash any scepticism. And further, the rate of global warming is increasing.
Zero real trend in Arctic sea ice since 2007
July weather was much worse in the UK, London etc 80 years ago, 70 years ago , 60 years ago etc.
Compared to the temps and floods for July 2021, the past weather events were more extreme. But apparently the UK MSM couldn’t help themselves and indulged in more BS and exaggerations.
Joe D’Aleo checks out more of their Climate change delusions and like Willis Eschenbach etc he can’t find anything to support their usual, extremist nonsense.
Many good links as he checks out each claim and well worth the read.
If you didn’t know what circular logic was try this:-
“The True Nolan says:
6 August 2021 at 10:21 pm
@Pinroot: I just read that Daily Beast article. BS is the mildest way to describe it! Good example of old school lying and Russell Conjugation:
To paraphrase much of their article:
Doctors won’t write prescriptions for Ivermectin because it is not safe.
We know it is not safe because some people get sick when they take the wrong dose.
People get the wrong dose because they are self prescribing from non-approved sources.
People are self prescribing because Doctors won’t prescribe.
Doctors won’t write prescriptions because it is not safe; look at all those sick people!
Many of these same people would gladly support any government plan to supply needles, drugs, and places to shoot up if someone wants to use heroin — but IVERMECTIN?! VERBOTEN!”
Winter was approaching and the elders of a South Dakota Indian tribe went to their brand new chief and asked him what his prediction for winter was, would it be mild or bad.
The Chief felt it best to be cautious and told his tribe that the winter would be bad so they needed to collect a good supply of wood for the fires.
As summer slipped into autumn the temperatures remained warmer than usual and so the elders went back to the chief and asked again whether he thought the winter would be mild or bad. This time the chief said he had to think on the question and would come back to them with his answer. The Chief called the met office and asked them what their forecast for winter was and was told that it would be a cold winter.
Next day the Chief told his elders that winter would be cold so they needed to continue to collect fire wood to be ready.
Mid-Autumn and the temperatures were still unusually high so the elders approached the Chief again who in turn secretly called the met office and was informed that they had upgraded their forecast and now expected an extremely cold winter. The Chief informed his elders of “his” decision and instructed them to increase the firewood collecting.
On the last day of autumn with the weather still milder than usual the elders again asked the Chief for his direction. Once more the Chief called the met office and was told that it looked like the coming winter was going to be catastrophic. The Chief was puzzled and asked how the met office knew this and was told
“Because the Indians are collecting a shitload of firewood.”
I hope Jo has had the time to check out the latest study of her SW WA rainfall.
The O’Donnell et al study found that SW WA rainfall has been higher since 1900 than at any time over the PAST 700 years.
Certainly the rainfall over the last 20+ years has declined compared to earlier 20th century, but I can’t see Perth becoming a “Ghost City” as proclaimed by the Flannery donkey.
In fact huge mega- droughts can be found hundreds of years ago, according to this recent study.
It seems that SAM event changes could be the cause of the recent lower SW rainfall patterns. And of course the entire state of WA has a higher rainfall trend today than earlier rainfall trends since 1900.
Here is the full paper looking back to 1350.
We need to look more closely at SAM, the boffins can’t agree, they look at ozone depletion and a buildup in CO2 as the probable cause.
‘ … the long-term average SAM index is now at its highest level for at least the past 1,000 years.’ (Abram et al 2014)
Here’s the rainfall since 1900 for WA from the BOM.
Note that the rainfall trend has been much higher over the last 30 years and the trend from the 1920s to mid 1960s was much lower than the later trend.
Drought has vanished, feels like the 1950s.
Here is an Australian website with a wealth of information for the doubters.
The covidmedical network.
The link is to a letter they have written to other doctors, beautifully done.
Thanks Brenda – Downloaded PDF
inside the military games at Wuhan, Oct. 2019
Resistance is Not Futile – Does Our Entire Way of Life Depends on It?
Blog/Civil Unrest
I find it amazing how stupid people can be. Those claiming if everyone just got vaccinated, we would all go back to normal. I know there were Jews in Germany who left early looking at the trend that was emerging and made it to the United States. They told me people were ridiculing them when they left saying it would all blow over and go back to normal. These types of people do not look at what is going on in any depth. They take whatever is said at face value and do not look at motives or connect the dots.
In Australia, the number of people is rising up. The police in Australia are still violating human rights and supporting the decline and fall of Australia as it descends into tyranny. The protest has erupted again in Melbourne and until the police stop enforcing orders that are inconsistent with international law, there is no hope for Australia. It continues to slide toward an economic apocalypse. They are 110% on board with the Great Reset and those behind the curtain view that if they can end mining and resources in Australia, they will save the planet and bring about the Great Reset.
The TWO primary countries they want to totally suppress are Australia and Brazil.
Note that he is experiencing ddos attacks and access is trying to be blocked for aussies so it takes time to get past the opening welcome screen. But he is the #1 source of what’s really happening.
Can’t get it atm; no problems previously.
Good grief … your hyperbolic comments are laughable comrade!
This is a public health emergency that is not going away, and it is in particular not going away because of the high transmissibility of the Delta Variant. Please stay level-headed about all this. It will eventually end, but not through people being hysterical or marching down George Street.
You should be saying that to the politicians and police. !
They are the hysterical ones.. just watch them on TV !
And yes, letting the politicians know that many people don’t approve, may change the current farce.
Or you could just continue to do as you are told…. grovel and bend over..
Here’s a recent interview by the Bolter with Bjorn Lomborg and he updates the improvements and safety we experience in the 21 st century.
In the 1920s up to 500,000 people died every year from extreme weather events but today only about 11,000 die although the global population has increased from 1.8 bn then to 7.8 bn today. Unbelievable but true.
So far 2021 looks like being a very low number year of about 6,000 deaths from extreme weather events. Yet if you watch the video you’ll see a young girl crying at a demo about the end of the world. GEEEZZZZ where are her parents and how can they turn a blind eye to this poor girl? OH and Greta is spitting at the camera as usual.
The impact of ivermectin use in Zimbabwe
Ivermectin is apparently working wonders in Zimbabwe.
Unfortunately Zimbabwe has had another wave of infections and deaths starting in June 2021 (after initial good results from Feb to Amy)
The article Peter has linked to above is the final part of a series of 5 short articles by a Zimbabwean doctor which I urge you to view in full.
She details her experiences with COVID including twice becoming infected herself, and the miraculous effect of Ivermectin, turning patients from near death to gardening in their back yard within hours.
She describes the multiple modes of action of Ivermectin against the virus. Zimbabwe virtually had COVID wiped out, with Ivermectin readily available to every household and being self-prescribed at the first signs of infection.
She describes the wide safety margin of the drug where patients misunderstood her directions and took full a week’s supply as a single dose with no ill effects, but plenty of good effects.
You couldn’t get a better test of and recommendation for Ivermectin than her experiences where the drug transformed wards of dying patients into empty wards.
The reason Zimbabwe was able to have widespread use of Ivermectin was because its Health Minister was a practical man who was results-focused, not dogma-driven and subservient to the WHO. I imagine he might have to meet with an unfortunate “accident” before too long, or maybe suicide by shooting himself in back of the head 3 times.
The doctor ends her April article with the warning that she feared another outbreak because things had become so good that people were becoming complacent. Her fears were realised as Zimbabwe went back into a COVID surge.
For those here considering self-medicating she also gives details of the dosage used and emphasises the need for early action.
Thanks beowulf,
The clinical evidence for Ivermectin is strong.
It is not clear yet why Zimbabwe had a second wave of infections and deaths in June and July 2021. They seem to be getting it under control now.
l found this short video interesting and relevant
That’s got it, but I left it after the comment about the Swiss villages.
The message is clear and one of the many modern day equivalents is the aura around large crowds going to a football match.
Apocalypse Now!
Kim left out a description so …
It’s a link to the Dinesh D’Souza podcast episode 146.
Dinesh speaks with meteorologist Dr Neil Frank who was director of the US National Hurricane Centre.
Dr Frank discusses aspects of why he thinks CO2 is not significant in the recorded temperature increases.
In Rafe Champion’s “Approaching tipping point ” post Ronin made a comment that the CSIRO did not include firming costs for renewables in their scenarios.
With Rafe’s help, I found the report and the relevant statement is in section 5.1 Overview of the new method
So point this out if someone tries to quote the CSIRO GenCost 2020-21 report as justification for “transition to renewables” being possible.
What completely useless work, why would they embark on a piecemeal meaningless study? just to feed the “transition” meme machine?
Periodically take a look at Flinders Island renewable set-up dashboard
It must be low wind and over cast there today as renewable generation has not been above 38% all day currently only accounting for 11% (13%wind/4% solar) while diesel is churning out 83% to cover the shortfall. Well worth the visit
I guess their objective was to just reduce the diesel bill. I guess it does that if it is heralded as a success. No way of knowing if its cost effective or another cross subsidized green fantasy.
Its complex system to have operating in a remote location without guaranteed support access. As long as the diesel keeps operating all good I guess.
‘July 11, 2021 — A Nissan LEAF electromagnetic radiation lawsuit has been filed by a Georgia man who sued the automaker “for permanently damaging his health and for destroying his family and career, not to exceed $10 million.”
The 2015 Nissan LEAF customer who filed the lawsuit alleges the car caused him serious health problems from prolonged driving while sitting on a giant battery that allegedly emits large amounts of low-frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation.
The plaintiff claims the LEAF radiation is “way above” safe levels of 2 mG (milligauss) or less.
According to the radiation lawsuit, the 2015 Nissan LEAF EMF measurements are as follows:
Driver’s floor — up to 9.2 mG, Top of the seat — up to 5.3 mG
Passenger floor — up to 13.1 mG, Top of the seat — up to 4.9 mG
Back row floor — up to 31.3 mG, Top of the seat — up to 4.5 mG
Back row/top of the elevated floor panel at the center of the vehicle — up to 12.6 mG”
milliGauss is not a measure of electromagnetic radiation.
Should be watts/m2
‘Licensed drug could reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection by up to 70 per cent, lab study reveals’
‘The research team, led by the University of Birmingham and Keele University in the UK and the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Italy, has demonstrated that fenofibrate and its active form (fenofibric acid) can significantly reduce SARS-COV-2 infection in human cells in the laboratory.’
Tell me a man’s politics and I will tell you his understanding of science, 95% accuracy.
Isn’t that strange?
My leftist son has had both jabs and is urging me to do so as well, but has zero interest in Vit D supplements in spite of getting no sun exposure. He must be dangerously deficient and if he ever gets sick he will go down like a sack of potatoes.
with a little luck neither of you will be proven right
Good way to look at it, Thanks.
But they are highly educated and know everything. !
8:50pm AEST Saturday 7th Aug 2021
South Australia using 95% gas !
So much for Net Zero !!
Victoria.. 98% fossil fuels. (Coal and Gas)
Come on Delusional Dan, you can do Net Zero ! Never!
It’s a sign of a culturally rich and fun-filled life if you’re taking interstate energy readings at 8:50 pm on a Saturday night. Heavens.
Next day and VIC and SA are still running 90% coal and gas
Full steam ahead with the Transition to Blackoutables
next day again and we are saved! oh well at least SA is saved “only” 35% gas now and VIC still 75% coal&gas. Note to VIC; must try harder
Hey Rod…take a Xanax and settle down. It’s not the EOTWAWKI.
Using Your EV Charge Card
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach
Back in about 2014, Car and Driver magazine did a report on a Tesla model S and a model T Ford having a race from the Dearborn Ford museum in Detroit to the Tesla museum on Long Island, a distance of about 682 miles, the Tesla won, by an hour, against a 100 year old 40 mph agricultural icon of a car. The Mod T had some fuel problems which necessitated over an hours delay for repairs and fiddling.
How pathetic, 100 years of progress.
The major difference is that the model T was the vehicle that mobilised the masses due to its affordability and availability……
Whilst the model S is the car that only the rich can afford in an attempt to prevent the masses driving their ICE ..!
But i guess Tesla can boast that you never have a fuel feed problem in their car….
……..unless the charger is broken again ..
“Baden-Württemberg Government Announces Plans To Clear Cut State Forest, Build 1000 Turbines”
Commiserations to Paul Barry who ran into a car while riding his pushbike to work, or the car hit him.
According to Barry it was all the car drivers fault.
Maybe it was not a “careless/thoughtless” act on the part of the car driver ?
Could be a simple case of poor timing…..and he really intended to run over “Barry the bludger” ?
..( he is paid over $220k for his weekly 15 mins of self opioniated version of the media )
In the good old (union) days, if you were injured on your way to or from work, you were fully covered by Worker’s Compensation. In these very dark hyper-capitalist days full of enterprise agreements and other skulduggery, I don’t know whether that is still the case.
Anyway – I feel for Paul Barry – he’s exactly my age, and I would NOT like to suffer his injuries.
I think it called 3rd party insurance in your registration in most States.
There is always a silver lining…
A common theme with all your posts !
Was he virtue grandstanding? He would have been safer in a Smart* and on his massive salary he could afford it.
Tilba, you have many misunderstandings of what capitalism is.
That’s terrible news, I feel for him.
And as for Paul Barry it’s more than possible that he was being a little bit gullible.
Bike lanes on busy roads are a political invention used to get votes, they’re not designed to stop bike riders from being hit by a larger, faster car, bus or truck.
But hey, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.
This is diabolical and sort of ironic, the fascist have invaded Cuba without a shot being fired.
‘On July 11, thousands of people across Cuba took to the streets, fed up with the lack of food, basic products, medicine, and vaccines to combat COVID-19. They were the first large-scale demonstrations in Cuba since 1994, and the largest since Fidel Castro took power in 1959.
‘Protesters used social media to broadcast to the world what was happening, but the communist regime shut off the internet and telephone services, pulling the plug on their connection outside the island.’ (The Diplomat)
08.08.21. A jolly good piece of investigative journalism by Greg Stolz at the Sunday Courier Mail offers an example of coincidence, it must be said. The following article answers the headline’s question.
The chief health officer’s husband Professor Graeme Nimmo received travel perks and benefits while serving as an adviser to Covid-19 vaccine manufacturer Pfizer, it has been revealed. Australia has delivered a record number of COVID-19 vaccines for a third consecutive day with 240,000 doses administered in the past 24 hours. More than 21 per cent of the adult population is now fully vaccinated with more than 13.2 million doses administered since the rollout began.
Source: Greg Stolz, Sunday Courier Mail
What is the revelation?
In my past life I was engaged very occasionally as an adviser / consultant to various agencies. There was often no real income for my time, but they paid all travel expenses and allowance. What is the big deal here? Are you implying conflict of interest? That the CHO is pushing vaccination because hubby got flights paid for, and a decent hotel somewhere when he was an adviser?
Yes to the real question.
The implication is that he was appointed as advisor because of his contacts.
Lunaceous and introspective.
The CHO has a couple of times commented that Pfizer’s competitor Astra Zeneca is not recommended by her for younger people.
The Novians are subdued this weekend. Only 139 comments (sunday PM) Is it lockdown depression?
They are getting their rocks off on vaccines.
smoking guns …
fairly nails I would think
has David any comments?
Not to forget Barack Obama’s scaled down, birthday bash this weekend at his Martha’s Vineyard seaside mansion. John Kerry is attending and also owns another seaside property down the road. No covid rules here, such as masks or social distancing. Only the plebs get covid and let them eat cake (excuse my poor attempt of humor).
So much for accelerating sea levels and carbon footprints.
I am sure the event is fully vaccinated, offset and attended by the correct %’s of various minorities and genders and none of the serving staff will be working for minimum wage. I am not so sure if that much smug superiority will fit in the marquee. They are going to need a bigger tent.
Back to Back La Nina
We are in a Gleissberg.
‘The solar activities of cycles 25 and 26 are predicted to be at the same level as that of cycle 24, but will not decrease further. We therefore suggest that the cycles 24−26 are at a minimum of Gleissberg cycle.’ (Wu and Qin 2021)
Expect the Thames to unexpectedly freeze solid this winter.
Apparently the Centennial Gleissberg is a myth.
‘Of interest to us here is only the ~ 88-year periodicity present in cosmogenic records that we can also call the Gleissberg cycle, if only to avoid further confusion. The problem is that wavelet analysis shows that this periodicity was only apparent between 6,500 and 3,500 BP.
‘This explains why the cycle cannot be detected in the sunspot record. Whether it is a real cycle subject to a very long modulation, or a temporal pseudo-periodicity that emerged from the unknown interactions that generate long term solar variability, cannot be determined. It is also very unlikely that we will be able to determine if it played a significant role in the climate of the period.
‘As the evidence indicates this periodicity is not currently relevant, we will not consider it further.’ (Javier post at Climate Etc 2017)
Michael Pento: A Market Implosion In 2022 Is Inevitable , Part 2
Thanks for the wakeup call.
Bit late for the weekend unthreaded ? but look what I stumbled upon: Been given a job to check out and repair a Customer’s Hoist aDEMAG PK2L 3-phase Chain hoists. on doing some quick research on these models, Look what I fell over..just what’s in a name? do they do it on purpose? looking for the DEMAG PK2L I find results like this: which ledme to
Rabbit anti-Human …… WTF ‘ Anti Human’ ???
Anti Human
I’m repairing a MACHINE – anyone like to spend time on this Anti Human thingy, please?
So, the ABC is reporting Australia has warmed 1.4 degrees since 1910.
Why not 1900? That was during the Federation drought.
Does anyone know what the temperature change from 1900 to 2021 was?
That is roughly the date that BoM started up and anything before that time didn’t happen, which is ridiculous.
Here is a bit of light reading.
“There’s no way that the virus could have been made in WIV. I am confident that science will eventually prevail by discovering the progenitor virus in nature one day!.” Zhengli Shi
During times of low solar wind magnetic activity, a weakening of the jet current (slowing of the zonal circulation) is observed. Why does this happen? When the solar wind is weak there is an increase in galactic radiation (primary and secondary) at high latitudes. The distribution of this radiation depends closely on the geomagnetic field. Similarly, the distribution of ozone, as a diamagnetic, is highly dependent on the geomagnetic field. The geomagnetic field over the Arctic changes very rapidly. There are two geomagnetic field maxima at the moment, one over northern Canada (weakening rapidly), the other over Siberia (strengthening). Where the geomagnetic field is weaker the concentration of both GCR and ozone increases.
“A map of cutoff energies as calculated in real time at the University of Bern is shown in this Figure. Red shading at the borders of the map is for regions where protons with energy below 125 MeV can penetrate to the atmosphere (20 km above the ground), while energies above 15 GeV (green colour within the closed contour) are required in equatorial regions above southern Asia. The contours of equal cutoff energy are curved, because the axis of the terrestrial magnetic field is inclined with respect to the rotation axis. Overall one notes that the closer one approaches the magnetic equator, the higher the minimum energy required for cosmic rays to reach the atmosphere. The cutoff energies are higher within the closed contour above southern Asia, because the Earth’s dipole is located somewhat outside the centre of the Earth, closer to southern Asia than to the region on the opposite side of the Earth above the western Atlantic Ocean.”
The concentration of ozone and GCR in regions of weaker geomagnetic field in high latitudes is responsible for blocking circulation in the lower stratosphere, which is especially important during the winter season.