A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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When are we going to reach peak insanity? What event is going to trigger a return to something resembling reality? How painful will the transition back to reality necessarily be? Trump derangement syndrome was just the warmup to present condition! This looks to be one hellofa decade coming up.
One helluva fortnight coming up.
This is going to hurt! Just hope it’s not the breakout of WWIII.
At least it might put CAGW on the backburner.
Any thing that maintains an elevated level of fear amongst the ill-informed , will never go on the back burner for long.
Cavalry to the rescue…what many have been saying for ages…
“Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections
“Sivan Gazit, Roei Shlezinger, Galit Perez, Roni Lotan, Asaf Peretz, Amir Ben-Tov, Dani Cohen, Khitam Muhsen, Gabriel Chodick, Tal Patalon
“Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.
The last part of the conclusion may fly in the face of warnings about giving recovered patients vaccines.
By additional protection they mean higher levels of antibodies. May be a negative rather than a positive.
No, there was a statistical reduction in hospitalisations for the recovered if they subsequently vaccinated but the improvement was rather small. Not in the same order as the difference between the hospitalization rate between the recovered vs the fully vaccinated.
And it ignores the fact that 2.08% of those infected die before that “natural” immunity is obtained.
That’s OK is it?
I must be right over the target…Sam has cone to play ..
Welcome, Comrade….
Thanks OS.
Yep. I’m here. But not to play.
I’m here to ensure, despite your best efforts, the truth about the efficacy of vaccines to save lives is made clear. Especially, at the top of the thread.
As at 27 August 2021, the world case fatality rate is running at 2.08%.
Vaccinations save lives.
l gave up the statistics from several sources long ago, especially worldometers
here is an example why fyi Sam
29/july/21 website reported:
update vaccinations
“More than 3.2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered throughout Victoria”
then on 25/August/21 website reported:
update vaccinations
“The total number of doses administered through these services is 2,219,890.”
the data does not compute LOL
like the PCR test the data can be made to look like what ever they want
Have you actually looked at the stats coming out of Israel ..more than 50% of cases in hospital are fully vaccinated.
Maybe they save a few lives …..fantistic…. great..
But …….
This discussion is about the rapidly failing gene modification device wrongly labelled as a “covid vaccine”. It appears its going create a firestorm of perpetual infection.
No Sam, they should have used HCQ + zinc or Ivermectin +zinc.
2.08% of those infected in NSW arent dying, nothing like it
I don’t hope to change your mind on this.
I post because there are people who visit this site who may not know the truth because of the misinformation that you (and OS) and others persist in posting.
People put their lives at a higher risk than those who are vaccinated, if they act on your nonsense.
The figure of 2.08% is correct. As at 27 August 2021, the world case fatality rate is running at 2.08%.
All your dissembling doesn’t change that fact.
2.08% is not correct. That is 2.08% of people who tested positive for wuflu and died WITH wuflu. Then there are the many infected who never get tested but who have antibodies to wuflu. The real IFR is lower than 0.5%.
For NSW as of the most recent covid mmwr report from NSW health, the case fatality ratio is overall 0.8%.
And in age group 70-79 its 3.2%,
in age group 80+ its 18%.
So in many respects, I suspect its likely about the same as a very bad flu year.
link to mmwr report for 7 August 2021
COVID-19 Weekly Surveillance in NSW – Epidemiological week 31, ending 7 August 2021
You’re 3 weeks out of date, OS.
It’s coming to get you, if you remain unvaccinated.
Applying aggregate statistics to local situations and claiming its a fact is a nonsense. You appear to have a strange and selective relationship with numbers.
Different time windows, different countries, different responses, different drugs and vaccines, different virus strains, different cultures and levels of public health. Aggregate all that, average and say it has local significance. Sue.
So yes based on the information presented and the reality observable in NSW (which you avoided addressing) I see no basis for changing my mind. My mind isnt really made up anyway I just look at reliable information and try form the best opinion I can. I really dont want to be a one trick pony just banging the same drum over and over.
Yes, Sam, it takes 3 weeks to release data, hence the date discrepancy.
They are not saving lives.
What is wrong with your eyes?!
There’s some Disease Enhancement problem emerging and we don’t have a good understanding. This is seriously bad.
This damn GoF study escaped from the lab had a case mortality ratio far lower than SARS-1. It was nothing. Until we began mass use of non-sterilizing mRNA inoculations.
Now we have a problem. A real problem. And everything real scientists have tried to solve it have failed. It wasn’t just the spike protein that migrated from the injection site, it was the mRNA elements as well! NAC won’t work. This is a total fluster cluck
Yet you sneer on, utterly oblivious to the unfolding disaster you are still contributing to.
Sam, would you please consider putting a sock in it until those who can see the problem have gotten some answers? Seriously, those that have taken the shots are now more at risk than the unvaccinated and no one yet knows how to fix this. As you are incapable of understanding the problem, you need to understand that you are no part of any solution.
You’ve certainly got no answers Konrad with your scare-mongering and anti-vaccine tripe.
Gotten some answers? Gotten some answers?
The answers have been long “gotten” (to use an ugly Americanism) Konrad.
The case death rate is greater than 2% world wide. The majority of those hospitalised are unvaccinated; probably up around 98% in your US of A.
And, we do know how to fix this.
Go and read Jo’s article from over 12 months ago. Nothing much has changed. Border security. Lockdowns. Vaccinations x 2, plus a booster after 6 months from your last shot. HCQ + Zn etc., and Ivermectin or other antivirals when they become available. Wear a mask when indoors – and wear it properly. Replace it regularly. Wash your hands regularly with soap and hot water.
Where’ve you been hiding all this time? Perhaps your problem is that you’re one of those people who lack resilience and believe the world should be created in the form you dream it to be. Grow up. Get a grip. It’s not like that at all.
Vaccinations save lives.
Konrad, I get the feeling that you believe that the Covid issue is entirely a medical one, and that these emerging problems with the vaccines are accidental and unfortunate, urgently needing solutions rather than intended from the beginning.
I believe that the whole show is unfolding as planned.
Over 2% death rate is pretty impressive, the anti-viral ban is working well for big Pharma’s profits.
Now all you have to explain is why they are vaxing against Delta using a tailor made protein designed to fight wuflu. Population control comes to mind!
I agree gowest that the antiviral ban is working in favour of BigPharma. I’ve always held that view.
And, the reason “they” are vaccinating against Delta with a vaccine design to fight (the original) Covid-19, is because that’s all that’s available at the moment other than HCQ + Zn and Ivermectin.
It’s a bit like using a worming formula (Ivermectin) as an antiviral against the virus. Or, like using a Malaria treatment with Zn against the virus. That’s all that’s available at present.
Vaccines save lives.
l should have called myself Skeptical Marksman LOL
in general l would agree that “Vaccines save lives” Sam
and that Big Pharma are making a “killing” out of covid, (did you see what l did there Sam)
but l also do not trust that the jab saves lives
the waters have been muddied too much by the people who we should be able to trust
so when in doubt dont just turn the music up
this is what Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries has to say about the jabs, fyi
Not quite sure what any of this SARS-CoV2 fear-porn is supposed to achieve…..
NSW: in the past month just on 4 million tests have unearthed about 15,000 traces of the virus. About 750 of these were hospitalised (what this means is anybody’s guess; kept overnight for observation then released?). 72 alleged Covid19 deaths….
1 death per 55,000 tests, 1 death per 208 positives, and 99% of these are old already-dying codgers. Seriously, this is a pathetic nothingburger.
Which again take us back to why the lunatic rush for coerced vaccination of the masses, instead of anti-virals? this latter EVEN WHEN THERE WERE NO VACCINE
Here it is what’s happening, all in two photos…
If you are too lazy to click. Photo A shows the G8 photo with the Monarchs all distancing according “the rules”. Photo B shows what they really know to be effective.
Talking about Immune Systems, I think that Dr Carlin has this just about right……..LOL
Yes and my Immune System is top notch and has been for most of my life.
I do not need an Experimental Drug that has only been given an Emergency Approval. My Body is MY BODY. No one and NO Government has the right to make me take these so called vaccines. So, I will wait for a proper vaccine that has been through the hoops and has Proper Approval. That will likely take 5 to 10 years from now.
So where can I get my Immune Certificate from then?………….LOL
What a load of BOLLOCKS this all is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ADE and cv19 vaccines?
“A drug candidate for treating adverse reactions caused by pathogenic antibodies inducible by COVID-19 virus and vaccines
View ORCID ProfileHuiru Wang, Xiancong Wu, Yuekai Zhang, Qiuchi Chen, Lin Dai, Yuxing Chen, Xiaoling Liu
“In a recent study, we reported that certain anti-spike antibodies of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV viruses can have a pathogenic effect through binding to sick lung epithelium cells and misleading immune responses to attack self-cells. We termed this new pathogenic mechanism “Antibody Dependent Auto-Attack” (ADAA).
So the deaths from adverse vaccination reactions will reduce from 0.00182% to what?
Yes, if China launched an invasion of Australia I wonder if that would end the lockdowns?
How quickly would we be armed and trained?
Invasion? Lockdowns? Canberra is in a state of permanent lockdown. Nothing much ever happens.
However, it all depends the day of the week such an invasion occurred. They would show a considerable degree of “Progressive” sensibility if they avoided Sundays and Public Holidays.
Similarly, it would be best if they timed it to happen mid-week at about 11:30 after morning smoko and before midday crib time. And not on a Friday or and Monday because Canberra people use those days for weekend travel to the coast. (That’s why they built Canberra where it is – to be far enough away from a sea-born invasion by the Russians).
Also, if they could arrange to do it while Parliament is is session would be good. When the pollies are not in Canberra the whole joint goes to sleep and you can’t raise a soul from their slumber or coffee mornings. Unless, of course, it’s the ADF. Then they’re flat-out, busy with their diversity and transgender initiatives or talking to their ABC about finding a war hero to put to the torch.
We are just coming up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11/2001 and the attack on America. Joe Biden has engineered a spectacular collapse, leaving Americans and all his allies stranded and ISIS likely to take charge in Afghanistan. It is hard to imagine how a strategic withdrawal turned into a rout so quickly, specifically by ordering the military out first, not last. And then sending them back. Hiden Biden is exactly the President the enemies of America and Hollywood and Silicon Valley wanted, except that he is so unpredictable that he is dangerous to allies as much as enemies. And potential Afghan terrorists are being given priority in the evacuation over American citizens.
His anti coal and oil, anti borders, and absurd gender policies are as devastating. Inflation is now soaring. Jobs are crashing. And token Vice President Harris has run away. As far as she can go, just 2 degrees from the other side of the planet without going near Afghanistan or Mexico. In Singapore she has had an orchid named after herself. Now that’s leadership.
The Mid term elections will initiate the end of Biden’s presidency.
The Democrats are gunna be rolled over by a steam roller. of voter outrage.
That is if the Republicans can get their act together
And start seeking electoral support from Middle Americans
It also depends on the security of the electoral system that unfortunately has been demonstrated to not be secure!
Yesterday Biden let slip,” I have been instructed to say…..” No kidding.
Was that the Heels Up Horchid?
It only flowers if the caretaker is 30 yrs older than the plant.
The “Witch’s Cackle Heels Up” is a bloody odd name for an orchid.
‘Cacklewitch Orchard’
Biden is the Manchurian Candidate…………………………….
Reuters suffers from TDS.
They begrudgingly admit the truth …
Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated – sources
“Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.”
Reuters go semantics in this fact check, but the fact remains:
Posts on social media say former U.S. President Donald Trump was “the first president in modern history” who “did not start a new war.”
“Under President Obama, the United States and U.S. allies conducted months-long air strikes in Libya (here) and military operations against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (here).
Differing definitions of war vs military operations makes the primary claim “Trump was the first president in modern history” difficult to clearly explore.
The claim has been explored by USA Today (here) who also found Trump was not alone in not bringing the country into new wars, and Newsweek, who found he was the first since Carter not to enter U.S. troops into new conflict (here).
If we also consider other military interventions, Carter and Ford join Trump in not starting or escalating existing foreign conflicts with U.S. military involvement.”
The FBI will carefully avoid finding the cause of the problem because they are the cause of the problem.
Have you been following the Gretchen Whitmer kidnap case? The number of paid FBI informers [12+] with leadership roles in the plot equal the schmucks they entrapped.
Yes and sadly the prosecutors continue to prosecute and courts continue to convict the dupes.
I add that I am confident that the tide of evil will abate. It’s just that I probably won’t live to see it.
The FBI is like a mash-up of the KGB and the Keystone Kops — all the time wearing stockings and garter belts under their suits, in honor of their founding leader the “fragrant” J. Edgar Hoover.
Under Comey, the ratio was 50:50 … under Wray, the Keystone DNA is getting stronger.
I’ll pay that one.
Monoclonal antibody treatment.
Vitamin D.
…Just sayin’.
Yup. I’ve been using a Symbicort inhaler for more than a decade now for COPD. Been smoking for years.
But,(and I’m sorry, but don’t have the URL handy) there’s at least 3-4 studies that show that nicotine use actually correlates with fighting off the WuFlu.
Go to and search for it. He’s an ex-pat Aussie and his blog is wonderful.
Symbicort is good for me. Before I was introduced to Symbicort 20 odd years ago, I rarely got out of a walk due to asthma. No way to run a farm. I detested Ventolin. It opened airways but did’t seem to improve oxygen uptake much. It worries me to see my grandkids using it.
Being healthy can be dangerous. It took a long while to get used to the idea that I could do things I couldn’t before. But I was mustering woolly sheep and discovered that one with flies had got left behind. I went back in the ute to get it, and decided that if I ran it for a hundred yards it would knock up and I would be able to catch it on foot. So I ran it for a bit, then jumped out and sprinted after it. Just as I caught up it propped and turned sideways, taking my legs out from under me. I fell over it and banged my head on the ground harder than ever I did off a horse or motor bike. I thought: I’ve bowled the sheep over, my son is right behind, he’ll catch it, I’ll just lie here until it stops hurting so much.
I never smoked, but worked in a lot of dust from an early age. Some years after using Symbicort I had a chronic sore throat. I wondered if the Symbicort might have been causing it. I stopped taking it, and the throat came good. I didn’t resume the Symbicort until exposure to some grain dust took the asthma back to square one.
Florida had 21,189 new cases reported yesterday – which is twice that of the next worse state (Texas).
Astra zenecca vaccine best at preventing hospitalisations in real world study.
The unvaccinated are 6 times more likely to be hospitalised
As not so much “vaccinated” came in touch with Covid again
How does that fit with the latest Israeli study which ” showed that the vaccinated were ultimately 13x as likely to be infected as those who were infected previously, and 27x more likely to be symptomatic. ” ?
Would you like to link to the Israeli study?
I thought that Stockholm had banned informative links.
and our Australian Government television commercials state 1 in 500 people will die from Corona…
..that’s a 99.8% survival rate, just saying.
On average, a person who is 50 yrs + has a 1 in 500 chance of dying from Covid. Yes. If they do nothing.
There is also a 1 in 500 chance of being born with 11 fingers or toes. Just an equivalent probability, but one that a person cannot choose to change if in that group. Same probability for dying of a food borne illness. Dying from obesity is a 1 in 100 chance.
Boosting serum level Vitamin D can cut the covid mortality risk in half. So, 1 in 1000. A choice.
Ivermectin taken as a prophylactic or at first onset of symptoms can cut covid death risk by 80%. A choice.
Doing both can change the 1 in 500 to 1 in 5,900. A choice.
Just saying.
Not if you live in Peru. There 5.8% of males aged in their fifties getting Covid died from it:
James was speaking of AU. So was I.
Happily, neither of us live in Peru. Very sorry for their plight.
Guessing there are a lot of contributing factors making things worse in Peru.
The main issue in Peru was that the majority of people had to go out and work to keep the place going. And of course their hospital system was not functioning.
I am fully vaccinated and quite a lot older than 50. And live in Australia. And plan to avoid being in a crowd for a while yet. I am hopeful my odds of dying from Covid is more like 1 in a million than 1 in 500. In fact, I doubt many over 50yo males in Australia would like the 1 in 500 odds so will do whatever they can to improve the odds in their favour.
If you lived in New York through Covid and aged from 55 to 64 then your odds of dying from Covid were 1 in 200. That is both genders. Males worse.
Sydney ambulance service is already experiencing the impact of Covid. Response time for a heart patient yesterday was out to 25 minutes. Ambulance service is in circumstances that they have have not experienced before. That situation will spread into hospitals. The standard of care will deteriorate. That is what pushes up the death rate.
I still maintain a 99.8% survival rate is pretty good odds.
For a while Hadley was bragging about the vaccine and the odds of dying from lightening strike was better than dying from the vaccine, except that at the time about 6 people per week died from the vaccine over a 10 week period.
In 85 nations more than 0.2% of the entire population has already died of Covid. Check worldometer.
A large slab of the population hasn’t been exposed to covid yet in many of these countries. In other words the real death rate is higher than this and during surges where hospitals are out of action, it’s higher still.
Based on Canadian figures in the post on Thursday the Infection Fatality Rates of Delta in 60-70 year olds is 3%. In 70-80 year olds it’s 9%.
Those figures may be too high, but lets start by reading those papers and discussing the assumptions or data. They did look at test positivity rates and try to estimate how many cases were not detected or asymptomatic, which reduces the fatality rate. This was an IFR estimate, not a CFR (which is higher still). Though we all wish they had more data on Delta rather than some estimates from the original or Alpha strain.
Sadly, the vaccine, which does reduce those figures, has a significant risk too.
Many people are telling themselves they have a 99.8% chance of survival, but unless they are under 40, that is obviously misleading.
Even with the best of IVM and Vit D, and all the other non-vacc interventions it might be very difficult to get deaths rates in the 80+ group down to 1%.
Jo, Could you explain?
0.2% is not that many, but which countries? Did you exclude China?
By my calculation; 4,499,271 deaths world wide so far, divided by world pop 7,500,000,000 equals 0.06%
“If you lived in New York through Covid and aged from 55 to 64 then your odds of dying from Covid were 1 in 200. That is both genders. Males worse.” maybe a statement about the average state of health of aged New Yorkers as anything.
Probably due to the high altitude and therefore reduced oxygen.
COVID kills by suffocation due to lung damage.
.. and by blood clotting, sometimes haemorragic bleeding, and often by inflammatory damage due to the cytokine storm.
Good point. I had thought of that. The altitude of Peru makes every person in society critically dependent on lung efficiency. Peru and Chile are like Colorado, average heights of 5-6,000 feet. 30% less oxygen. And that is only the average and half the people live well above that height. Lake Titicaca is on a plateau and still at 12,500 feet. La Paz Bolivia is at 13,000 feet. Oxygen levels plummet. At 12.7% oxygen instead of 22%, you have to live on about half the oxygen.
Is that 1 in 500 of the total population (a lot of people), or the much more benign 1 in 500 of those who are actually infected?
“How does that fit with the latest Israeli study which ” showed that the vaccinated were ultimately 13x as likely to be infected as those who were infected previously, and 27x more likely to be symptomatic. ” ?’
Here’s another Israeli study that you might like
A large study involving close to 2 million people in Israel shows the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine slightly raises the risk of heart inflammation, swollen lymph nodes and shingles. But it also finds that Covid-19 infection raises the risk of heart inflammation even more — plus it raises the risk of blood clots, heart attacks and other deadly events.
It’s the first large study to compare the risks of vaccination versus infection head to head in the same population during the same time, and it shows the risks of infection far outweigh any risks from the vaccine, the researchers said.
“In this study in a nationwide mass vaccination setting, the BNT162b2 vaccine was not associated with an elevated risk of most of the adverse events examined,” Dr. Ran Balicer of the Clalit Research Institute in Tel Aviv and colleagues wrote in their report, published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Israeli’s didn’t use AZ.
6x 0 = ?
These were all perfectly healthy subjects , right?
I am merely the messenger not the originator. Those who want to develop natural immunity can do so, its your choice.
So, is that an admission that you are just repeating “stuff” which you don’t personally understand?
Kalm Keith
I have been following this for 18 months and writing about it so I understand it perfectly well.
As this is an open thread it is surely the appropriate place to introduce information that others might not otherwise see.and fits into the mass of other covid information carried here
tonyb says:
And, they can run the risk of joining the 2.08% of those who catch the virus dying; 99% of whom are unvaccinated.
Don’t forget, it is the unvaccinated who are predominately loading up the hospital system at the expense of the broader community.
I love it when people quote woolly unreferenced stats down to 100ths of a %. So meaningful.
Sorry about yarpos.
But what it shows is your ignorance of the stats that are available. They’ve been posted here on this site ad nauseam. Don’t you read them?
Here, be my guest:
As at 27 August 2021, the world case fatality rate is running at 2.08%.
thanks for the confirmation of what I was saying, you seriously that is a helpful number to keep trotting out in the Australian context?
Well, let me give you a couple of Australian numbers, yarpos.
Mortality as a percentage of Australian closed cases = 3.03%
Yep. That is the figure:
Now what dissembling have you got for us?
Death as a percentage of total Australian cases = 1.95%.
Of course there’s a lag factor in that last stat given death follows infection.
Sam are you talking about Feb-Aug 2021 or from March 2020 to August 2021? Big difference.
We all know that up until Jan 2021 or so, 100% of the deaths were unvaccinated.
So you support vaccination then.
Because that’s what your interpretation suggests.
That’s good.
Vaccinations save lives.
I support the choice of vaccination or ivermectin or any other reasonable option.
I agree with each of those first two ideas Mark.
The third idea, the “reasonable option”, is unclear. Staying unvaccinated is not a reasonable option.
Vaccinations save lives.
“Vaccinations save lives.”
Exactly, so why don’t we have vaccines for CV19?
Oh, Keith, do come on.
We have vaccines for CV-19.
57% of Australians 16+ years old have had the first inoculation. 33.9% of Australian have had both shots.
They significantly reduce the mortality rate of those who get infected.
They significantly reduce the rate of infection.
With the current trajectory in Oz, Tony, perhaps choice is not a word in the political dictionary.
He was talking about Israel and you give an example from LA County California, May to July when they had piecemeal on again off again lockdowns.
Not sure that’s entirely comparable … that data was before they even achieved 50% vaccination rates.
Attempting to answer #
I give up trying to do this on the phone … keeps replying in the wrong place.
I see info that the best situation is to get a mild case of the real thing, in this case the Δ type and a shot with a following one 6 months later.
Shots go into the muscle and do little for the first parts of the respritory tract (mucus membranes).
Nevertheless, in March of 2020 I started with supplements [D3, Zinc, Iron, etc.] and more potatoes and red onions.
Interestlingly, our small county just had its 38th covid death. From early last year until Aug’20 there were 36 deaths. Then one in February (?), and now another. The big issue now seems to be staffing as nurses and related folks retire or just go to other jobs, and new hires are hard to achieve.
I wonder if they are treating people in Australian hospitals with Remdesivir? If so that may muddy the stats for people dying with or of sars2.
A coupla things….
Is this hospitalisation DUE TO COVID19, or hospitalisations in general. No sign of an answer in the link.
In either case, is there anything unusual about frail / sick people who cannot risk getting sick from getting a vax…then going into hospital due to being frail and sick.
I appreciate tonyb’s desire to be the messenger ONLY but really wish he’s put clear and non-muddying-the-waters links up JUST ONCE.
Look at the Israel stats – at least 50% hospitalizations are double vaccinated.
When the community is effectively fully vaccinated with double shots; and the effectiveness of the vaccine starts to wane after 6 months or so, of course those stats make sense. That’s why Israel has commenced rolling out boosters.
Compare that to the death rate for the unvaccinated. Some 2-3% of the unvaccinated who catch the virus, die.
You need to look closer at the data from Israel and the UK. The case mortality for Delta infections is higher for the “fully vaccinated” compared to the unvaccinated.
Where is that data Konrad?
Did they adjust for the far higher odds of death in age groups most likely to get vaxxed?
If they havent’ controlled for the demographics and comorbidities they are ignorant, or trying to mislead you.
I think the shift is just starting. Konrad might have a different link, but i think this one shows that while the numbers that present to hospitals in the UK are still far higher for the unvaccinated group as a percentage, but the deaths are higher in the vaccinated group –
p22 vaccine v unvaccinated.
as a percentage, it really depends on which group you use ie 1 shot, 2 shots etc, but overall if you got a shot or more and were in hospital, you are more likely to die than someone in hospital that was unvaccinated.
Most likely age related.
The elderly are more likely to die than the young, that’s why the vaccination programs focused on the elderly first.
Has Delta killed the herd immunity dream?
As the Delta variant continues its global surge, experts are questioning whether the long-held goal of achieving herd immunity from COVID-19 through vaccination is still viable.
Herd immunity is achieved when a certain threshold of the global population has either been inoculated against a pathogen or has recovered from infection.
But whether or not it is achievable with COVID-19, with the regular emergence of more infectious strains, is up for debate.
“If the question is ‘will vaccination alone allow us to dampen and control the pandemic?’ the answer is: no,” epidemiologist Mircea Sofonea told AFP.
He said herd immunity hinged on two basic factors.
“That’s the intrinsic infectiousness of the virus and the efficacy of vaccines to protect against infection. And at the moment, that efficacy isn’t there.”
Delta has shown to be roughly 60 percent more transmissible than the Alpha variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and up to twice as infectious as the original strain that emerged in late 2019.
The more effective the virus becomes at infecting people, the higher the herd immunity threshold becomes.
“Theoretically, it’s a very simple calculation to make,” said epidemiologist Antoine Flahault.
For the original virus, which had a reproduction rate between zero and three—meaning each infected person infects up to three others—herd immunity could have been achieved with around 66 percent of people immunised, Flahault told AFP.
“But if the reproduction rate is eight, as with Delta, that puts us closer to 90 percent,” he said.
Were vaccines 100 percent effective at stopping Delta infections, that 90 percent could conceivably be possible. Unfortunately, they aren’t.
Waning immunity?
And this was widely understood from the very beginning, that the vaccines were always going to be less effective, or even ineffective against new strains.
The requirement has always been for cheap and widely available antiviral to combat it directly when the time came.
And that’s what and out medial systems refuse to consider doing.
It produces too many ‘impure’ thoughts, and these must be shunned.
I agree WX.
Roll out the antivirals.
And get vaccinated as well.
I intend to do both but am putting it off, waiting for dust to settle about the current vaccines and their relative hazards and benefits. A mate in WA got the AZ shot and almost immediately felt sick. I don’t like the idea of being stampeded on this and I’m in NQ so there’s lower immediate risk from virus. Hopefully it will stay that way for a few more months and our respective .gov will wise-up about antiviral options in the interim. But I doubt they have the integrity to do that before a human disaster matures in NSW and things get real desperate and heated.
Yep. That’s an option.
Not one I think is optimal unless you have a private supply of HCQ, Zn, D3, Azithromycin and Ivermectin available to you for immediate application should you get crook.
I read that and was very surprised. I had thought the Alpha strain WAS the original stain in Wuhan
One more try….
the unvaxed who are hospitalized and also those who die: were they unvaxed precisely BECAUSE they were expected to be hospitalized and maybe die?
From Norway quite a while back…”The review reported on 19 May and concluded that a causal link between the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and death was considered “likely” in 10 of the 100 cases, “possible” in 26 cases, and “unlikely” in 59 cases. The remaining five were deemed “unclassifiable.”…..
This is a stock standard risk vs benefit analysis. Old and frail codgers look like dying so there is no benefit to vaxing them. Then they die, FFS.
Another nothingburger.
That’s sensational news Tony, I sense a light at the end of the tunnel. By the way, when you got your shot, did you ask about the long term side effects of this experimental treatment? If you didn’t, you are a fool. If you did and were told ‘no one knows what the long term side effects are’ but still had the shot, you are a fool. I have come to a conclusion.
The AZ vaccine has been determined to provide more enduring benefit than other vaccines:
Might also prevent cancer!
I need to ask a bimolecular scientist about this stuff as I do not have a clue.
“The unvaccinated are 6 times more likely to be hospitalised” this is not true for the countries that had early aggressive vaccination programs. It appears that it only applies for the first few months post vaccination. In the UK from 1st Feb to 2nd August in the over 50s deaths were higher in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated.
Not AstroZenaca though.
A separate real world study showing vaccines help prevent hospitalisations and death.
Don’t get vaccinated if you don’t want to-pretty pointless for most under30’s-but once you reach 60 or if you have preexisting illnesses then the chances of being badly impacted if you catch the virus rises exponentially. Which is still no excuse for the hysterical reaction from most governments
Being locked down is rather like experiencing a dam bursting when people are released. It is far better to not lockdown, but have sensible precautions, so people are experiencing life properly and do not feel they need to go mad when they are released. This link is Reading pop festival being held this weekend-in the dry for once
Here in the West country we had a very similar event last week called Boardman that centres round surf culture. Very many of the young people tested positive, (5000 out of the 50000 attendees) they will infect their parents, they will often work in hospitality and infect customers and also some will be teachers and will infect pupils.
it is self evident that it is the young that need to be locked down but that will not happen.
so a steady flow of normal life is needed, so the dam does not burst and young people in particular do not feel over constrained.
So lots of folk will have the chance to develop some effective natural immunity.
What’s not to like Tony?
Unfortunately real world stats over the last 18 months show that they will infect others and a proportion will become seriously ill or die
What most people can’t see, from Stockholm, is that the “data” is junk.
The Data is adulterated rubbish that has been swept up and then misused.
I don’t like contaminated data.
And I don’t like bald assertions KK. Do tell us where and how this data is “adulterated”:
As at 27 August 2021, the world case fatality rate is running at 2.08%.
Don’t we have these wild claims every time there’s some naughty people defying fascism?
Motor-bike gatherings in the US with hundreds of thousands attending and bugger-all infections. Demonstrations in Sydney + Melbourne with bugger all infections. Footy matches in Brisbane with delta-positive yachties in attendance and no infections.
then there was the Brissy-sheila in Townsville. delta-positive and 900+ contacts (said Qld Health) and NO INFECTIONS, and the Cairns Cabbie delta-positive for ten days and NO INFECTIONS. Then the 3 Sydney-slickers in Byron with hundreds of contacts AND NO INCFECTIONS.
Here’s how to assess these outcomes accurately…. if you are told IN ADVANCE that someone will cause an outbreak there are NO INFECTIONS. If told AFTERWARDS then there must be a lot of infections.
Same MO with horseracing scams. Gotta KNOW THE OUTCOME first. Pay for the tips IN ADVANCE and watch all seven lose. Don’t pay in advance and then be told ‘if you hadda paid me I would given you THESE 7 winners’ ALL scams work exactly like the Covid19 version.
BTW: Here’s an interesting link to how the CDC manufactured the entire scam…
Yeah the whole thing is a stage managed psyop.
Its a multi layer shell game:
layer 1 – a hand built bio weapon virus, created by the Elite. Relatively harmless.
layer 2 – lockdowns – designed to induce stess/ ptsd on a population. Gumint dangles carrot of vaccines so people go for them ( the real objective )
layer 3 – removal of rights and liberties and permenant travel restrictions, silencing of dissent, populations harrassing the sensibly vaccine hesitant
layer 4 – totalitarian control. WWIII likely to kick off if too many people wake up and push back. Permanent movement restrictions.
The virus is just a tool, the real objective is control. The globalists have a pagan sata anic eco belief system that hinges around massive population reduction ( if you read thier own words) , likely via a medical “solution”…
Too silly for words.
Get a new tin foil hat.
Can i borrow yours?
No. Unfortunately I gave it to Single Malt last week. It was still in its hat box, too. Never used. Never needed.
Are essential workers or bad behaviour driving record infection rates in Western Sydney?
One day, we’re told essential workers who live in designated hotspots and who must travel are transmitting the virus; the next, it’s people in western and southwestern Sydney doing the wrong thing, moving from house to house for socialising.
But The Weekend Australian can reveal only 354 locally acquired cases of Covid-19 are due to direct workplace transmission from July 18, when further lockdown measures were implemented, to Monday evening. During that period there were 12,500 locally acquired new cases in NSW.
According to NSW health officials, transmission within the home accounts for 70 per cent of new infections, with transmission from those visiting other people’s homes the next-largest category.
Not only are those living in hotspots generally poorer and more ethnically diverse than the rest of Sydney, they’re in jobs that can’t be done at home, says Phillip O’Neill, an economic geographer from Western Sydney University. The vast region has also been the epicentre for recent job losses.
.“These two million people are the core labour supply for Sydney,” says O’Neill, director of the Centre for Western Sydney at WSU. “Women predominantly work in government-funded healthcare and social services, while men are employed in construction, transport and wholesaling, and invariably that means driving all around the place.”
Close-contact workers in caring roles have been the main source of virus transmission, rather than construction workers, truck drivers or supermarket staff.
According to business groups, there have been infection outbreaks at food producers, logistics and transport providers, supermarkets and fast-food outlets
Good heavens. A newspaper publishing useful data. And government sources releasing useful information to the newspaper to facilitate the preparation of the report. And then they muck it up by involving an academic economic geographer.
Still it is nice to have an alternative source of information to the propaganda coming from press conferences and official government releases.
Presumably you are referring to the vaccinated here. EG. 27 fully vaccinated US Texas senators chartered an aircraft to fly to Washington to avoid a vote they knew that they would lose. One of them must have been infected because they all ended up infected with one having to be rushed to Walter Reid hospital.
Let the young live their lives and the elderly protect themselves. The Baby Boomer generation is so selfish.
That’s a poor and obvious attempt at a redirect.
Division required?
Yes ..standard leftist tactic.
We must be over the target when many eft wing disinfo trolls start turning up…
Elderly patients not vaccinated in Melbourne Covid ward
The Royal Melbourne Hospital has not offered vaccinations to patients in its Aged Persons Mental Health Inpatient Unit in Broadmeadows, instead encouraging family members to get them vaccinated via a GP following their release from the ward.
But relatives say this approach makes no allowance for those who are admitted for extended periods or do not have loved ones who can take them to get vaccinated.
Last weekend one of approximately 20 patients at the unit in Melbourne’s outer north tested positive for the virus, resulting in the furloughing of staff, and the locking down of the ward for at least 14 days. On Thursday, a second patient tested positive.
The family of a woman in her 70s who is nearing the end of a 2½-month stay said they were gravely concerned about her and her fellow patients.
“The doctors and nurses in the ward are extremely professional and caring. However, when they have pursued the issue up the line, they have hit a brick wall.”
The male relative said: “Most recently we were told that there were no freezer facilities available.
“With AstraZeneca, all you need is a fridge from Harvey Norman. We don’t understand why they didn’t send a team in to vaccinate everybody months ago.”
The female relative added: “You can imagine our horror when last weekend, a day before (our relative) was to be released, a patient was admitted to the ward and tested positive for Covid.
A millennial perhaps.
I would have agreed with your first sentence but am outraged at your second one. I take responsibility for my life and health and have not asked for the young to have their lives wrecked by incompetent bullying ‘leaders’.
Annie ‘sailing boat’ (years ago).
I think it is more a Boris induced “freedom” celebration that has caused the post-lockdown issues in the UK.
I expect The Australian States, currently in lockdown, will follow a very cautious easing of restrictions. Most of the States have experienced fleeting lockdowns and they are very protective of their Covid free situation. They will be slow to open borders with any State still experiencing roaming spreaders.
Queensland has just started construction of a dedicated quarantine centre remote from the Brisbane City. It is expected to be operational by December. These are the sort of facility built for mining camps at remote sites. There is a lot of experience for rapid erection of these facilities. All the returning athletes from the Olympics were quarantined in a camp in the Northern Territory.
Last night it was reported that two truck drivers had tested Covid positive in WA. It was reported they had visited 4 road houses on the way. That is about all they would come across in that trip. It takes a a couple of days to drive from Ceduna in SA to Perth in WA. That gives a bit of time for symptoms to show:”/Perth+City,+WA/@-31.3966937,115.7303383,5z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x2ab6972d0c08d1c7:0x5033654628efd00!2m2!1d133.6763208!2d-32.1260393!1m5!1m1!1s0x2a32bb2ad06b840b:0x72b4a10273cb5300!2m2!1d115.8344308!2d-31.9663161!3e0
Other States have more congested borders that make them harder to isolate but it appears possible given Queensland is reporting doughnut days. It would have been more sensible to define the NSW/Qld border further south but the State governments would never agree to that as it brings in issues of police forces working across states. Maybe if it was shared with the military it would work.
Catching Covid is viewed as such a blight in Australia that some people have died in their homes rather than admit they have the virus. The CHO in NSW has implored anyone experience breathing difficulty to call an ambulance rather than trying to fight it at home with medication from chemists or visiting a GP.
I would be much more satisfied with the advice from the CHO if more information was released about current hospital treatment protocols. Frankly if the treatment is a few placebos and the usual three hourly observation of vital signs then I would rather have the pills at home.
“The CHO in NSW has implored anyone experience breathing difficulty to call an ambulance rather than trying to fight it at home with medication from chemists or visiting a GP.”
Nah, hospital is the last place you want to be, go in there and you’ll come out in a wooden box, ivermectin at home is what i’d do.
Yep. In hospital, they’ll put you on oxygen and steroids then if you worsen they’ll try a dose of remdesivir which won’t do a thing and you end up on a respirator. If you’re REALLY lucky, they may try the monoclonal treatment, Sotrovimab if they have any which has a chance of helping.
But that’s the WHO guidelines so we’re following best practice.
self evident , really? actually seems counter intuitive to me
Title? “Australian Police Beating More People in the Streets Than the Taliban.”
A small portion of this post with a vid…
Last week New Zealand locked down the entire country over one case of COVID. 48 hours into the mandated four day lockdown and they had 21 new cases, so they extended the ‘stage 4’ lockdown another four days. In Australia you are not permitted to travel between cities at all and there are checkpoints set up to catch people.
An animal rescue shelter in New South Wales shot all their dogs dead, literally killed them, simply because they were fearful another animal rescue team from out of the area would travel to save the animals. So they killed them all? A “rescue shelter”, the absurd irony is jaw-dropping.
Long-haul truck drivers are not permitted to stop and eat, or shower, or rest outside their vehicles by orders of the government. That type of public policy is just insane. How are essential foods and medicines expected to get distributed if truck drivers cannot safely operate? Is there not one high profile national political figure who will stand and call attention to the abject insanity of what they are doing?
Making matters worse, it seems like the entire institutional media in both New Zealand and Australia are supporting the totalitarian effort of the government to fight against the citizens. The propaganda of fear is stunning. WATCH:
Don’t know if the hotlinks will show.. so go to the main URL
And, as per, RTWT…
Australia has a medical-political taliban in control now….
You really need to get some mental help Steve.
We all will have to if the hysteria coming from officialdom continues for much longer.
I guess if having a country locked down for a relatively harmless virus, peoples rights removed as a result, people jabbed with potentially dangerous experimental gene therapy which causes superspreader events ….but pointing this clear insanity out means someone who speaks up needs “help”?
You crack me up ..thanks…made my day
1 in 50 who catch the virus die, OS.
You’re OK with that are you?
With a CFR in NSW of 0.8, that would make it 1 in 125
Still pretty good odds. That means out of every 125 people, 124 dont die.
Wildly exaggerated due to the massive skew for the aged and those with multiple commodities.
Thanks for scare mongering, “Sceptical” Sam
Read the data Analitik. Read the data:
As at 27 August 2021, the world case fatality rate is running at 2.08%.
Look into more than just the raw figures and examine the age breakups for mortality. Also look at the timings for the deaths as treatments have been discovered – even just the use of steroids to control the inflammatory response has greatly reduced mortality.
You are scare mongering with the single data point
Well Analitik, here’s another single data point for you to try and dissemble:
Mortality as a percentage of Australian closed cases = 3.03%
Death as a percentage of total Australian cases = 1.95%.
Of course there’s a lag factor in that last stat given death follows infection.
Doesn’t look too good at the Australian level does it.
I like the conservative tree house but just check through the words you have quoted for objectivity and accuracy.
There’s even a little subthread there suggesting that the wellcamp name is evidence of evil intent.
hi FG
Wellcamp was named by the Railways Department after a camp for workers constructing the Toowoomba–Hendon railway, which happened to be located beside a well in the area. The line opened in 1869.
This is one of the consequences of pursuing the idea of vaccine passports as the French have done, whereby you have to show papers even to access a supermarket
Here in the UK things have gone quite on that front and perhaps the authorities are realising that as none of the vaccines appear to stop you passing the virus on (although it reduces serious illness) then there is no justification in forcing unvaccinated people to have them
I doubt that the vaccine greatly reduces the chance of serious illness , when that chance was just above zero anyway for those without underlying conditions.
Better to say that those with underlying conditions MAY have their chances of serious illness reduced by a vaccine.
The problem is that they’re already sick before the virus comes along and does what virus has always done i.e. strengthen the population .
That which doesn’t kill you , sometimes makes you stronger right ?
If you are young fit and healthy then the chances of anything happening to you are so tiny the vaccine is not worth it.(although you will likely spread it to others unless you are careful) The chances of serious illness increase rapidly with age and existing illnesses. Certainly those over 50 need to be more cautious and those over 60 very much more cautious and that caution multiplies depending on your state of health.
The virus is not the plague and we have gone wildly overboard with our response, however it is very serious to certain groups and the older and less healthy you are then the greater the chances that your covid illness will be of concern. It is absurd however to quarantine the whole population rather than merely those needing it.
In this case, as amply shown by Israel ( im not picking on israel, its just a good example to use ), more than 50% of people in hospital are fully vaccinated.
Now if more than 50% of people went to hospital with measles who were fully vaccinated, there would be a huge outcry…..
Double standard?
Give us your link OS.
Here’s mine:
It says:
Unvaccinated 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19
N = 43,127.
“According to the report,
24 of those in serious condition are unvaccinated, while 37 are fully vaccinated.
“The lone seriously ill fully vaccinated person under 60 was in the 50-59 age group.
The CDC, oh yes, that font of honesty. LOL
From that CDC study
‘Lower percentages of fully vaccinated persons were hospitalized (3.2%), were admitted to an intensive care unit (0.5%), and required mechanical ventilation (0.2%) compared with partially vaccinated persons (6.2%, 1.0%, and 0.3%, respectively) and unvaccinated persons (7.6%, 1.5%, and 0.5%, respectively) (p<0.001).'
'Among hospitalized persons and persons admitted to an intensive care unit, the median age was higher among vaccinated persons (median = 64 years, interquartile range [IQR] = 53.0–76.0 years; median = 64 years, IQR = 54.0–76.0 years, respectively) and partially vaccinated persons (median = 59, IQR = 46.0–72.0; median = 65, IQR = 57.0–80.0, respectively) than among unvaccinated persons (median = 49, IQR = 35.0–62.0; median = 56, IQR = 41.0–66.0, respectively) (p<0.001).'
According to the CDC, risk of covid hospitalisation for a 64 year old is 2x that of a 49 year old.
The unadjusted data show the unvaccinated being 2.4x more likely to be hospitalised than the unvaccinated. Average age adjustment brings that to 4.8x. How many eighty somethings were in the study to bring it to 29x?
This statement has to be taken in context. UK did not let the Virus rip – far from it. My 4yo grandson in the UK has had 5 Covid tests over the past 18 months. Each time he had the slightest sniffle he was not permitted to attend day care. He had to have a test certificate to advise he was Covid free.
One location that came closest to just letting the virus rip was Peru. They still attempted lockdowns but the majority of people had to go out and about just to survive. There are very good statistics on the impact of Covid in Peru here:
There are charts at the bottom that show age groups. What you have to remember is that there would have been a lot of people who just kept working so the reported cases is low compared to actual; likewise not all Covid deaths would have been reported. However on the bare numbers, males were more likely to die than females. In the 40-49 group, death rate was 1.7% for males. In the 50 to 59 group 5.8% of males died.
Peru had their own variant. It was not Delta. In Australia, Delta has spread much faster through schools than the Alpha variant. Right now MORE than half of those hospitalised in Sydney are under 30yo; yesterday 109 of the 600+ in hospital were under 10yo. You do not go to hospital unless you are in a bad way.
By the time Delta was rampant in the UK, vaccinations were well underway. Age based priority for vaccinations in Australia may be the reason that Sydney is seeing more young people in hospital than older people.
Drawing conclusions about the deadliness of the virus after all the actions are in place to control the rate of spread and then vaccinations to limit the death rate is foolish. You would need to look at a location where the virus just ran rampant – as far as a know, no government was that stupid.
Rickwill – Peru is not really a good benchmark as a large part of the population live at high elevations and for a disease that attacks the respiratary system is going to increase fatalities. Also many parts of the country are hard to get to , so supplies of any medications (or help) are difficult . Regarding NSW – we may have a lot of people in hospital , but nearly all of the fatalities are elderly or have dangerous co-morbidities.
10M people live in Lima – 30% of the population. It has an evevation of 153m. If you look at the link I provided, you will see the majority of deaths were along the coast. I have not looked at the actual geography but I figure coastal locations are generally lower elevations. I have been to Antofagasta in Chile and the mountains rise quite rapidly from the coast but have not looked at Peru.
The fact that kids can be treated in hospitals in Sydney is only possible by keeping the numbers under control. More than half the hospital cases in Sydney right now are under 30yo. Typically 10% of those hospitalised do not come out alive.
Rickwill – apples and oranges – the 10% that you mentioned are mostly elderly and have co-morbities.The fatalities in the young are still rare . Not surprising that in Peru the fatalities are in the heavier populated places – this is a common denominator . The second most populated city in peru is Arequipa at 7638 feet above sea level and its not far from the coast. As to lockdowns their good in the short term but eventually Covid will get in and spread .I live in Victoria and are watching this unfold both here and in NSW.
This is nonsense. Victoria has been in and out of 5 lockdowns so far. Apart from the aberration of the “passives” marches with batons, flares, bottles and marbles last Saturday hitting the numbers on Thursday and Friday, the 6th lockdown is now doing its job.
Once vaccinations get to 75%, herd immunity will prevent spread and the situation will look even better. For Victoria it will be line ball whether roaming spreaders are eliminated before herd immunity kicks in.
Funny how Peru keeps getting mixed in because it suits the spin and in the same breath acknowledging they had a different variant. Fair apples and oranges call OG.
RickWill is cherry picking figures to support his pro vaccinate everybody position.
Peru’s big surge this summer (their winter) coincided the 2nd week after ivermectin was withdrawn by the president to follow WHO guidelines. Most of the deaths there are on the hands of the WHO.
A friend is working in Peru, living weekends in lima, he has seen nothing. Back at the moment, goes back next week, why is he not terrified.
World bank bought and paid for government, he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Quiet so.
Gor blimey Tonyb,
“…none of the vaccines appear to stop you passing the virus on …”
Even their manufacturers declare that their “vaccines” do not stop you from getting infected or from becoming a spreader. So what’s with the “appear”?
Dave B
I believe cruise liners were “allowed” to be very early adopters of the passport system – having tried it, the results seem to be in….
Carnival Cruises have changed their policy
Vax passports are no longer sufficient (no surprises) – passengers must now provide a negative test prior to boarding regardless of vax status.
Ford is squeezed into issuing ‘Certificates of Vaccination’
Tucker Carlson does not appear impre4ssed by Australian lockdowns-they are like North Korea he says
Which just means he’s an hysterical idiot.
On that point, at least, yes. Hysterical.
Ivermectin. It’s As Aussie as Vegemite
“The TGA says more robust clinical trials are needed yet officials in Mexico showed a quicker way to test ivermectin’s efficacy and save lives in a pandemic. They organised a trial last year and distributed an ivermectin therapy to anyone who tested positive and wanted to take the drug between November and January. Of 200,000 people who tested positive, there was a 76 per cent reduction in hospitalisation in the 80,000 that used ivermectin.”
Next, Lance, you’ll have yarpos telling you that it’s an apples and oranges comparison.

Only if it is Sam, Lance has a far better grip on reality and a far better mastery of numbers than most.
“Scientists have discovered that fully vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the viral load of Covid in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.”
Yes, the vaccinated believe they are immune but can readily spread it. Which is why vaccione passports are pointless
“Which is why vaccione passports are pointless”
They might be pointless medically, but they will continue to push them because they are political devices, not medical.
They don’t give a damn about the medical issues – if you happen to have had the virus and recovered and now have superior immunity, that will count for nothing – you MUST get the shot (and probably destroy your superior immunity).
Accepting the shot means that you have signed on for permanent bio-slavery and a future of continuing shots to maintain your passport.
If this were a medical issue only, of course the vaccine passports would be pointless – but it’s not a medial issue and the passports will continue to be rolled out.
I see that Denmark has decided to scrap all Covid restrictions and “vaccine passports”:
It’s interesting that some European monarchies are taking a rational approach – Sweden , Denmark , U.K. (finally).
Any others?
” … it’s interesting that some European monarchies are taking a rational approach …”
Perhaps they are remembering their history – especially events around the year 1789.
So are they going to “continue to push them because they are political devices” or not?
Seems Denmark isn’t. Do you not see your self-contradiction?
The Danish authorities would, I am sure, prefer to keep pushing the “vaccine passports” but like the fast-becoming-broke French restaurant owners are finding out, the people just will not stand for it.
People will endure as much government-imposed misery as they can, and then they jack up.
The Danish people jacked up.
OK. Good point.
Did you say vaccine passports are pointless? Vaccine passports aren’t about Covid, they are to track you. Once they are on your phone the government will know your passport, your credit score, your banking information, your friends and family, your shopping habits, they’ll know and track everything you do. Vaccine passports aren’t pointless, they are a socialist wet dream.
I have just read the report and it does not say what the headline claims. This comment in the responses explains it well
“The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated,” however, the paper states, “Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020.” In other words, the Delta variant is more infectious, but there doesn’t appear to be any information that implies that there was a difference between viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. The only part that I could find that mentioned unvaccinated people states that another paper found no difference in viral loads between vaccinated and unvaccinated people with the Alpha variant.”
tonyb Technically they correct as the comparison to March-April 2020 are non-vaccinated. I agree that it’s a tenuous association as they are comparing Delta to original CoVid. They should be comparing with unvaccinated Delta.
If I may repeat a question I asked in the Thursday Thread as it seems relevant to this point re Nostrils
Probably a very Dumb Question, but given the emphasis of Covid-19 in the Nasal Passages and suggestion of Iodine Nasal Spray in FLCCC’s early treatment protocol
I broke my nose in the school yard playing when 13, never got it fixed, and since then have always breathed through my mouth (Played Rugby League/Union and represented school in Athletics, setting U15 Mile Record which stood for 18 years-always breathing through mouth)
Tried Rhinoplasty Surgery boring out the bone in 1989 (B’Painful) but did not work and still breathe through mouth.
What effect, if any, would this have on Susceptibility to Covid-19?
You must be very old if that record stood so long.
It became 1500 metres when currency changed.
You must be very old if that record stood so long.
It became 1500 metres when currency changed.
Definitely very old – but they specifically timed both 1500m and also extended to mile in the same race to challenge my mile record which was broken.
Ah ha!
Breathing through the nose helps filters out infections. I can not advise you on your health but as the various studies show, being vaccinated does help the vulnerable as does keeping fit and keeping the weight off.
Medical science is ‘blind’ for a reason. We get ‘sick’ and are not naturally protected from covid… ….because we are deficient in Vit D., Magnesium, Zinc, and calcium.
And because we eat 10 times more sugar (sugar is maximized in food and sugary drinks because it sells) and consume ethanol than our body can handle with organ damage. …. Both of which gradually cause a complex set of organ damage which is called ‘metabolic’ syndrome…. Metabolic syndrome leads to kidney failure, blindness, limb amputation, brain damage, brain loss, circulation problems, pre diabetes, and so on.
Studies have shown that single large doses of sugar and/or ethanol causes an immediate drop in the effectiveness of the immune system as the organs are overloaded and no longer produce the correct amount of biochemicals required.
It is not safe to take the calcium without first correcting both the Vit. D and magnesium deficiency. It takes a month at 4000 IU/day to reach the new equilibrium. Roughly 24% improvement in a week.
Half of the minerals in the soil world wide has been lost because the plants absorb the minerals… We eat the plants and the minerals go to into rivers which drain into the ocean. So medical ‘science’ hides that we are deficient in Vit D and specific minerals.
The nose has the greatest concentration of ACE-2 cells in the body. There are also ACE-2 cells in lower concentration in the intestine and in the eyes tear ducts.
Covid can only replicate by connecting to the ACE-2 cells.
The problem is the vaccine is injected into the blood stream and does not generate a complete immune response in the nose. There is some experimenting with swabbing the nose with the vaccine to generate a better immune response in the nose where the virus first infects most people and where it generates respirator drops filled with virus to spread.
Key nose cells identified as likely COVID-19 virus entry points
“Two specific nose cell types have been identified as likely initial infection points for COVID-19 coronavirus. Scientists discovered that goblet and ciliated cells in the nose have high levels of the entry proteins that the COVID-19 virus uses to get into our cells, which could help explain the high rate of transmission. The study with Human Cell Atlas Lung Biological Network found cells in the eye and some other organs also contain the viral-entry proteins.”
Vit. D is believed to stop covid by enabling our cells to produce a zinc ionophore which eables a tiny amount of zinc to enter the cell. The zinc ion makes the ACE-2 connector molecule slightly positive charged which stops the covid virus from replicating.
The use of a zinc ionophore will stop all viruses that must connect to the ACE-2 cell to replicate as long as the body has adequate Vit D and Zinc.
This video explains how and why sugar and ethanol gradually destroys our organs causing metabolic syndrome.
A quote from the post (now, this is from the dude who posted the nicotine correlation I wrote about, above. The Aussie ex-pat…
We hate our government
A $35K fine for sixty people who gathered in an “illegal” church worship in Sydney. A group of rescue dogs that were shot by a local council so that rescue center staff would not travel to pick them up under the guise of Covid restrictions. Police firing rubber bullets at lockdown protestors. Despotic state premiers refusing the prime minister’s call to reopen once 80% vaccination rates are achieved. Homes of Covid sufferers in South Australia to be marked so that their neighbors can rat them out to police if they breach tyrannical stay at home orders. Celebrities offered cash payments by government to promote the pro-vaccine propaganda line. The military ordered onto Sydney streets.
Why are we surprised? Did anyone think during a plague crisis, real or imagined, that our government would react in any way other than the most stupid, ineffective and damaging? Look at their prior form over the last sixty years. At all levels of government, from the federal to the state and to local councils, the results speak for themselves. A consistent rate of public failure. And underneath all, a foundation of endemic corruption.
“A consistent rate of public failure. And underneath all, a foundation of endemic corruption.”
An excellent description of what we get for our tax dollars;
and to keep us distracted we then get the Hollywood style histrionics and pseudo glamour of small, medium and large Grabbermint.
So, so true.
“and to keep us distracted we then get the Hollywood style histrionics and pseudo glamour of small, medium and large Grabbermint.”
Just a day or two ago, we have Palletjack coming out with ‘ Build it and they will come’.
Well its up to Australians to tell gumint to pull it’s head in.
Failure to do implies either rank cowardice, or enjoying being a play toy of the gumint…
Ghandi proved things can be done peacefully.
Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
For a change of pace. Over 5 hrs of historic blues music.
It’s an audio post.
Used to be a musician and have been addicted to blues ever since about 1965. Any blues lovers Down Under? Well, this one’s for you.
This post is more than remarkable.
Sorry. Wrong about the “over 5 hrs”.
Is actually just short of 6 hrs. Which is a very good thing…
“Used to be a musician”
What do you mean , “used to be”?
I’ve been a musician all my life ; it doesn’t go away. Started on stage at age five in 1957, and still doing it.
I recently did a 3 hour solo piano gig for my son’s wedding ; it’s still the same.
I still play bass/sax in a Blues band in my mid seventies. No such thing as a former musician, an activity most can do until their last breath. Not sure if drummers are musicians
It seems that was a good year for music.
I still sing.
One thing that does slow down your piano playing however is a bit of arthritis in the fingers!
Taught myself to play the banjo when I was 65, discovered that I didn’t have a very good teacher quite quickly. It was fun, did a public gig in front of the family and other unwilling but polite friends. Still get the darn thing out when I am on my own and have had a “couple”. The advantages of living semi remotely are the neighbours can’t complain about what they can’t hear. The dog however treats me with complete disdain.
Charles Robert Watts was an English musician who achieved international fame as the drummer of the Rolling Stones from 1963 until his recent death. So, yes drummers are musicians too.
I was being facetious with my comment. The Bass and Drums are the foundation of any Rock, Blues or Country band. Get them wrong and band sounds bad.
I hang around some musicians and No! I am not a drummer. They all still play and will ’til they meet their maker.
One guy, a drummer, was incredibly talented. Pickering invited him south to do cartoons for the big papers and I believe he knocked back an offer from Disney as an artist. He was painfully shy and stayed in his home town.
Still a blues musician here, too.
I think that I’ll enjoy the latest “lockdown ” in NZ; there seems to be fewer junkies , burglars and P-freaks about the place.
And with my being an essential person , almost nothing in my life changes except the noise emanating from the nearby city .
Just like old times.
In Godzone , methamphetamine is known as P.
Nearly 5 a.m. in Godzone ; time to go and bring the her5d in for the morning milking , then head out for the lambing beat.
Have a happy and healthy lockdown folks ; the farmers have got your backs , as always.
What are happier now, the lambs or the moo cows? Always buy local milk- not foreign owned. Check your brands when shopping.
I thought the sheep had restraing orders against Kiwi’s?
Has this story of a mad brit ex commando trying to evacuate several hundred dogs from the animal shelter he ran in Kabul been playing in Oz media at all?
Just a reminder:
TWU Truckies plan a 24 hr shut down 27 Aug 21.
Allegedly, all the Truckies in AU plan to shut down the motorways at 0900, 31 Aug 21.
Not sure if this will actually happen, but prepare as one might believe prudent.
Could be a few of the Truckies in NSW
Objecting to the border controls enforced by the all other states & territories
To prevent thee Delta variant getting into SA, WA< Qld, NT, Tas. and even Vic. !
Meanwhile Truckies in these states & territories are largely happy that they aren't locked down like NSW.
That’s biggly relevant; it’s great that those truckies are “largely happy”.
The truckies are not happy campers, they are being told they can’t use roadhouses to eat, shower or use the loo, they are being screwed over by the big leeches like Toll, they are being told they will be replaced by an ‘ uber truckdriver’ system which will drive wages to almost nothing.
I support the truckies’ strike.
They do a great job. They’re the most talented drivers on the highways.
Toll is trying to dud them before the big money boyos come in. Toll wants to cut overtime for permanent staff and use short-term contractors and workers from labour hire firms on lower wages.
he TWU had promised that medical supplies, including COVID-19 vaccines, would be exempt from the industrial action.
“‘ uber truckdriver’ system which will drive wages to almost nothing.”
And increase truck road accidents by a factor of “many”.
To Lance and all who responded about the truckies. If any truckies are watching this site, very very good luck for this coming week. Well done you and I hope that the whole of Australia is behind you in this. I wonder if I could ask one thing of you if possible. If any of you are confronted by media of any sort thrusting microphones in your faces, could you chant this and not stop.
WE WANT IVERMECTIN. NO VACCINE PASSPORTS. NO MANDATORY JABS. Let’s have a practice now. One, two, three
I should have added that doing this surely will mean that no matter how hard the media try to edit it, it’s bound to be heard somehow. We’ve got to get that “I” word on telly. ToM
Japan finds magnetic contaminant in Moderna vax
This gets curiouser and curiouser.
It seems possible, if the cv vaxxes contain graphene, that the vaccines can either be used or are used to deliver drugs to cells within the body.
This may answer the question why so many proposed shots, if a disabling drug of choice requires many shots to get the required dosage into most people.
You might have seen videos about the injection site becoming magnetic, Ive had someone I trust, verify it can occur. Graphene is normally not magnetic, but can become so.
“Graphene oxide with its two-dimensional nanostructures and adjustable surface chemistry is an excellent candidate for targeted drug delivery”
It kind of makes the hysteria to get everyone jabbed, if the agenda is depopulation, then you need people dosed up ready to drop presumably when next part of the binary pathogen is released…..
Graphene is NOT magnetic.
You seem to be totally paranoid.
And I thought only ferrous metals were magnetic.
The compound the paper is discussing is ferrous, its about potential practical use in bone generation.
Fe3O4 is a common iron mineral compound found through out the solid Earth, they’re combining it with a naturally magnetic mineral compound, magnetite.
Graphene and graphene oxide are not magnetic compounds.
Vozmediano et al. [9] have shown that due to the lattice defects in graphene, like cracks or voids, local magnetic moments are developed and the RKYY interaction between these moments is ferromagnetic due to the semimetallic properties of graphene. Yazyev et al. [10] have shown that due to vacancy defect or hydrogen chemisorption defect a magnetic moment of about one Bohr magneton is developed and the coupling between the magnetic moments is either ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic. For the case of disordered graphene and irradiated graphite [11], Yazyev [12] has shown that only single-atom defects can induce ferromagnetism in them. Vacancies, substitutional atoms and adatoms can produce magnetism in graphene [13], [14]. Li et al. [15] have shown that addition of monovalent and divalent adatom on graphene can also induce magnetic moments. Some studies shows that zig-zag edges can produce magnetism in graphene [16], [17], [18]. The presence of von Hove singularities can also produce magnetism [19].
I know what magnetite is.
Local as in to the molecule, i.e. over how many angstroms? Is there a net magnetic field that extends beyond the local molecular structure? How then can it be considered a magnetic substance?
Everything that’s magnetic is at the molecular level. Weak or strong magnetic is magnetic.
The paper and the copy/paste answer your?
The first paper shows it is naturally magnetic, the second it is compounded with magnetite, but they are both magnetic graphene oxide compounds.
Total RNA was extracted from cells harvested at 48 h, 7 days, and 28 days of exposure to GO-US, GO-S, and GO-L (Graphene Oxide)
Sorry this is such a long URl but it amplifies a comment I made earlier on covid about the small chance of death for the young and fit through to increasing problems the older or sicker you are. The richter scale give a good approximation of likely harm according to data on the hundreds of thousands who have died in Europe whereby we have a good idea of age and comorbidities.
The take off point is about 5 which equates to 60 year olds, with each level representing a decade. The young really have very little to worry about but the likelihood of covid causing serious problems increase with each decade which we can approximate as a level on this scale
As I have said before, covid is not the plague and we have wildly overdone the response but there is a significant number of people at threat -mainly older and sicker-and who need protection, but this does not require the entire population to be under a lockdown
Risk of dying increases with age; check.
Yep. The scare mongers posting here need to acknowledge this basic fact that was established very early in the spread of CoViD outside China (since the CCP basically didn’t allow any useful information to come out from Wuhan).
I found this article by a serious commentator on Australia to be quite disturbing. It paints a picturev of a country that had descended into authoritarian measures faster than any other major democratic state, explores the friction between the states and especially with WA which he believes might drift away from the rest of Australia
Yes, we currently have this problem and are working on a response; details soon.
To its credit Australia eventually got round to stopping illegal border entry: how’s Great Britain going with that.
Here in Australia we get stories about British army veterans sleeping on the streets whilst the newly arrived twin powered rubber ducky occupants from France get full holiday style accommodation.
perhaps the motivation to fixate on the other side of the planet?
Tony, there are two sections of Australian society which are very naughty and need to be restrained.
‘Shepparton has a thriving CALD community represented by dozens of backgrounds and language groups, beginning with the first refugees arriving in the 1990s. The town also has the largest Indigenous population in regional Victoria.’ (Guardian)
What about our politicians? They are even naughtier and need to be restrained even more.
Spare us the four letter acronyms el gordo; BAME I know but had to look up CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse); you’re forgiven since it is in a direct paste from the Grauniad.
Steve Waterson’s latest piece in the Daily Sceptic provoked me to finish an essay I’ve been putting together for a while.
That same Article was in The Australian and I sent copies to MPs and pasted it on Contact Your PM Site
Soon, we’ll have nothing left to lose
Australians are being deliberately and methodically terrified, while enforced isolation weakens our resilience.
From Inquirer August 21, 2021 9 minute read
We are turning on each other like medieval city states, while our basic human decency dissolves into brawls over toilet paper.
In 1653 Oliver Cromwell dismissed England’s corrupt and incompetent Rump Parliament with the words: “In the name of God, go!” A pity he’s not around today to remove the arse@ who polish the benches of our own parliaments.
I actually find the whole lockdown thing just hardens our stance further.
We will not be cowed.
Two weeks to flatten curve=two years to crush the population.
Screw anyone that sides with the depopulation/murder agenda, gloves are off.
Just remind me.
How did that turn out again? How many good people did he slaughter?
Just seven years later they restored the Monarchy under Charles II.
Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta
Which brings up the question if you have contracted Covid and have immunity can you have this certified and used in lieu of a vaccine.
I said that too before. I said that there should be another passport to recognise those who have had the virus and not the vaccine, and that they ought to have the same if not even more freedoms than those who only had the vaccine.
No, there should be No vaccine passports full stop.
I agree but if they are to have them then the other type must also be used to be fair and reasonable.
There is no middle ground here.
Your all over the shop.
It’s infeasible and indeed unimaginable given the quality of the noddies running the show as for example Victoria with its aspiring climate scientist CHO, its Health Minister who doesn’t understand the scripts he is told to read and the incomparably spiteful Dan of the lost OBOR at its head; anyway they’ve given up on herd immunity so they’re hardly likely to acknowledge or seek the existence of immunity in a particular citizen.
One would assume could be verified by Serology Test
COVID-19 serology
Monday, 17 August 2020
After extensive evaluation of available assays, COVID-19 serology testing is now available through Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology (DHM).
Currently, the main role of COVID-19 serology is in the retrospective diagnosis of disease. It may be useful when symptomatic individuals with suspected COVID-19 disease have not been tested by PCR for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of their illness, or when their result was negative or inconclusive. It can also identify those whose primary infection was asymptomatic.
While most infected individuals will have detectable antibody by the third week after symptom-onset, the longevity of the antibody response remains uncertain and its correlation with protective immunity has not been established.
A Medicare rebate is applicable to COVID-19 serology.
Can anyone explain why the longevity of the antibody response remains uncertain with natural immunity yet with vaccines it’s rarely ever questioned? I would have thought it’s the other way around – natural immunity is as good or better than using a vaccine that’s trying to mimic the virus and stimulate the same immune response as the real virus would.
2 words – profit motive
The Aus TGA appears to want to dicourage the use of serology testing.
Where’s the profit in that?
uncertainty of response vs certainty of injections = more injections = more revenue, should = more profit
Nobody is arguing that natural immunity doesn’t work, are they?
What the article doesn’t say is that it took 6,950 deaths to get there and rising.
You OK with that?
Now show us the stats on mortality of the unvaccinated compared with the vaccinated for Israel.
Nice video on ivermectin …
Why go with a type 2 error when a type 1 error could save lives now?
Taiwan reaches zero, but populations remains vigilant.
Yes, and virtually without the vaccines.
according to The Guardian “Acceleration of vaccine rollout and test-and-trace improvements credited for turnaround”
Currently Taiwan is 3% fully vaxed
Hmmm an attempt to create the narrative perhaps…..
Maybe, I’ll keep an open mind.
‘Taiwan has recorded no new locally transmitted Covid-19 infections for the first time since its worst outbreak began in late April.
‘More than 800 people have been killed in the island-wide outbreak, and the health minister on Wednesday said there was no immediate plan to ease restrictions.
“We have finally recorded zero local cases today, which is happy news for all of us, but this does not mean we will have no more locally transmitted infections, and all we can say is that the situation in Taiwan has stabilised,” Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said.’ (SCMP)
Delta Covid So infectious even hospitals can’t contain it.
Note that both of these victims were vaccianated (partially) and that they caught the disease in hospital.
Surely it is even more difficult to isolate the disease by staying at home.
Covid control needs a complete rethink. The current crop of health department officials are not the ones to do that so I think a new team is needed.
Not only a new team, a new government. Problem is the alternative is little different. We are stuck with them and the longer they stick to their plans the worse it will get, both in terms of the economy and society.
And another one:
Sorry Peter. Accidental red thumb
Origin unknown but possibly related to an Aesop’s fable:
I’m reading reports form doctors who are saying that the vaccines after a time are actually making people more vulnerable to new strains than those who haven’t even had the virus and the vaccine. It’s starting to be scary. I am not sure if any of it is true but it’s just another sign that we are being fed only one side of the story by officialdom. All we get is a biased view from officialdom, who in fact could be leading many people to the deaths. Of course, I hope it’s not true but anyone who claims to know the truth of all this is a liar. We really need to be more careful about what we say anywhere, especially in front of the cameras each and every day as the officialdom are doing. It could back fire very badly as people’s lives are at stake. Hopefully one day we will know much more and be in a better position to make the right choices.
A reference is always helpful.
There are numerous reports but the point I’ve tried to make is there is no way of knowing whether such reports are true or not. Unless one is hiding under a rock, it’s clear there is a lot of disinformation coming from both sides. So, there is no way of knowing the truth unless one is a specialist in the field and knows first hand what is going on. The trouble is there are indeed many such specialists on both sides conflicting each other. I’m still a sceptic in all this and I will remain so until there is much better information available. I’m trying to provide some balance to avoid the hysteria any worse, that’s all. We can’t even rely on a consensus of specialists since we all know how little value that is wrt the CAGW scam. The sad reality is it has come to the stage we can’t trust anyone, least of all politicians and so called heath officials. We are therefore left with empirical evidence, and that evidence so far indicates the pandemic is mild and does not warrant the hysteria coming from officialdom. Several thousands of people died in 2019 from other respiratory diseases but we didn’t have anything like the hysteria we are experiencing now due the COVID-19 virus. It would not surprise me if a lot of the deaths allegedly caused by COVID-19 around the world are actually due to some other respiratory disease. We simply do not know for sure thanks to the hysteria.
Americas Frontline Doctors is one source that has an opposing view to offialdom but I repeat I do not know how accurate their stories are as I am not an expert in their fields. I am good at physics since I do have a PhD but that’s useless for making an assessment as to the accuracy of the claims coming from either side. From my own experience in my early days of research at Universities and CSIRO, I simply do not trust any of them.
So what are you going to do?
Same as I what I have always been doing. Taking care and keep researching. DYOR is not only worth doing it’s now mandatory given the disinformation coming from both sides. I know most people don’t have the inclination nor the time to do their own research but it’s no excuse when social, economic and life threatening issues come up.
Well I agree that DYOR is necessary, but you don’t seem to be able to make your mind up yet about where the truth lies.
I have come down with the American Front Line Doctors and CMN.
Do they recommend against vaccination?
No they do not. CMN is fair minded. They just want people to be informed before getting their “jab” that their “Vaccination” is an experiment.
I have made up my mind. I’m not getting vaccinated. That might change. You follow?
Also, I was a scientist who did research at Universities and CSIRO for many years and was trained old school (ie, prior to the fake science of today). So, I never say never change my mind. If the evidence presents itself to change my mind then I will. I am not stubborn like the left who stick to their fake ideologies no matter what. At the moment I see no rush or need to be vaccinated for COVID-19, no more that I need to be vaccinated against other viruses. I can’t guarantee that won’t change.
Modern Iceland’s climate is much colder than any period over the last 8,000 years, EXCEPT for the recent LIA period.
If you’ve been driving an electric car, eating fake meat, buying green light globes or riding a pushbike to change the weather, you’ve just been offset …
“I drive 3 miles to pick up my husband at the charging station on Friday night.
By then he has traveled 170 gasoline-free miles.
On Sat. morning he rides his bicycle to pick up the fully charged car.
Did I say it’s not easy being green?”
“Of course, our choices about what we individually buy and do matter, too.
I’m taking direct action: I drive an electric car.
I don’t eat meat.
I buy the right light bulbs, and even after the pandemic, I’ll think twice about air travel.”
Your Say: What are you doing personally to address the climate emergency?
‘China commissioned 38.4 GW of new coal plants in 2020, over three times the 11.9 GW commissioned in the rest of the world’
China Dominates 2020 Coal Plant Development
How stupid do you have to be to be a green?
You forgot to include what our elite are doing. They are still eating meat, driving fossil fuel cars and the rest, and will refuse to do otherwise. Some will buy electric cars too but it’s just virtual signalling as they will only use it sparingly if at all. Do as they say, not as they do as the saying goes. They are a bunch of lying hypocrites and much of the rest of the people are lapping it up. Stupid is as stupid does.
“Virtual signaling “..??
Sorry, virtue signalling.
same, same.
Are they breaking any law? Are they convicted of a crime? Are they not entitled to a presumption of innocence, and to freedom among their peers, like everyone else on earth? Must these people be slandered by your own radical ideology, and your own generalizing prejudices, and constant branding them into goodies verse baddies, so we all know who to non-specifically glare at with overflowing hatred? Those people you hold guilty of no identifiable crime are entitled to anything they want to do inside of the law.
Everyone is.
Are you any different? Nope, definitely not.
Stick a sock in it mate.
Did I say they were breaking the law? Stick two socks in it.
You do insinuate they’re guilty, and worthy of condemnation.
Based on what? Your ideological perceptions?
The elites are not breaking any laws but they do keep telling everyone to cut back on things that lead to CO2 “emissions” reductions without engaging in more than token efforts themselves.
But illegal, just totally hypocritical. I think that fully deserves contempt.
“I drive 3 miles to pick up my husband at the charging station on Friday night.”
Do they purposely avoid solar?
may not be an option, it isnt for many people
Perhaps the fact that a vast majority of politicians and the Sheeple believe everything told to them by Big Green, Big Pharma and Big Media is indicative of the deliberate dumbing down and Marxification of the education system over the last 50 or so years? Related to Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions”.
It’s a snowball effect. The dumber the population is becoming the more the elite can get away with, which in turn makes the population dumber still. There is only one way this will all end – crash and burn.
For those that follow the Ivermectin I-MASK+ protocol, note that it has been modified. See video, 90 mins.
“Drs. Kory, Marik and new Advisor Dr. Flávio Cadegiani Tell Why They Changed our I-MASK+ Protocol”
David…..unfortunately, most of the new protocols are not licensed by the TGA for use in Australia, so even if you do manage to get a supply from overseas, customs will confiscate I would think.
Ivermectin is still currently legal in Australia plus still legal for doctors to prescribe for treatment of COVID, unlike HCQ which they made specifically illegal for COVID treatment.
Customs will attempt to intercept any imports of HCQ, not sure about Ivermectin.
The joys of living in one of the world’s most extreme Nanny States…
The TGA does not license the use of drugs, they have no such authority.
The TGA licenses the labelling of drugs and by implication all advertising, which can only make claims that have been verified.
Whether a doctor wants to prescribe a drug “off label” is an individual decision, nothing to do with the TGA. The doctor cannot advertise, “Hey I’m curing COVID with this” but doctors generally don’t advertise anyhow.
The TGA and individual state governments have prohibited GPs to supply HCQ for COVID treatment.
But it also says this:
“…the TGA reiterates its advice that it strongly discourages the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 (including in hospitalised patients) or prevent COVID-19(link is external), unless the patient is enrolled in a clinical trial, which will have safety monitoring protocols and oversight by a Human Research Ethics Committee.” (My emphasis).
“Oh Doctor, I’ve a bad case of Lupus”.
But GP’s still can’t prescribe it for COVID or in fact for anything. A prescription for it must come from a specialist. You can’t just get a sympathetic GP to say you have lupus. And if you do the pharmacy will likely refuse to fulfil the prescription.
State government parliaments are not the TGA.
These things are not equivalent, completely different bodies, different purposes and different powers.
“I’m From The Government And I’m Here To Help”
“Last year, the “World Health Organization” ended a million years of natural herd immunity and replaced it with vaccine herd immunity.”
More there
Some breaking news on Ivermectin from Japan
Thanks redress – Article Copied and Pasted in Contact Your PM and Submitted
As 9000 Character Limit, Checked in and 5262 Characters
Video, with subtitles in English, of Tokyo Medical Chairman statement supporting use of Ivermectin:
Interestingly, the Farcebook fact checkers said that the medical chairman did not suggest IVM but quite clearly he did.
Socialist media “fact checkere” frequently lie.
Anyone who actually believers everything FB fact checkers say clearly have no smarts and will believe anything. Sure they often say the truth but to accept everything they say is the truth is not only a mistake it’s pure foolishness.
Another demonstration that
“If it looks like a duck
And walks like a duck
And quacks like a duck
Then it is a squirrel”
Fact checkers rule seems to be
“I didn’t bother to read it before critiquing – why would anyone else?”
An interesting look at the Peter Ridd v JCU …
This is an independent perspective based on information in the public domain.
There are no personal or professional links to any party in the Ridd case.
The view put here is informed by a longstanding interest in the public role of universities, academic freedom, and higher education policy, management and governance.
“Update February 2021
Reports confirm that later in 2021 Australia’s High Court will hear Ridd’s appeal against the 2020 Federal Court decision in JCU’s favour, which had overturned the 2019 Circuit Court ruling that Ridd’s dismissal in 2018 was “unlawful”.
As a policy analyst with no legal training, my own “inexpert” view is that the university will “lose the war” in a matter that should have been handled in the scholarly domain in the first place – not the university’s administrative domain, and not in the courts.”
It’s all coming together, or should I say it’s all falling apart for the two greatest scams of all time; CAGW and COVID-19 vaccinations. I’m still waiting for the next one. I’m pretty sure they will need it once these other two starting smelling like rotten fish.
Just how dumb do people have to be to keep falling for that nonsense? It’s amusing to see how the COVID-19 vaccine sceptics keep accurately predicting what the vaccine pushers vehemently deny? TWO MORE MONTHS TO FLATTEN THE CURVE!
This is why the only logical response to the question “Are you vaccinated yet?” is “No, I’m a sceptic and will wait for more information and evidence before I acknowledge a need to be vaccinated. I don’t see people dropping like flies in the street, and hospitals overrun with sick and dying patients, which they ought to by now if this were a serious pandemic.”
There’s always an asteroid coming to wipe us out in xx, or the magnetic poles are shifting, send us $$$ to fix it, or we are running out of oxygen, send us $$ to make it go away.
You can joke about such things but the problem is we are witnessing real signs of mass delusion and hysteria.
Agreed and sections of big business have discovered new and better means to profit from mass delusion and hysteria.
“Alarming Report Showing Pfizer Vaccination Extortion Highlights Influence of Big Pharma and Multinationals on Geopolitical Stage
August 27, 2021 | Sundance | 185 Comments”
Love the Comment on the Article
August 27, 2021 6:41 pm
The signs on the back of the Pick-up sums it up perfectly.
Oops Pic Link
Pandemic’s teen mental health crisis in Victoria worse than feared
More than 340 teenagers a week have been admitted to hospital suffering mental health emergencies, according to a confidential Andrews government report that reveals Victoria’s pandemic and lockdown-fuelled youth crisis is worse than previously feared.
The tragic case load – recorded every week in the six weeks leading up to May 30 – is a 57 per cent increase on the same period last year, prompting calls from mental health experts for an immediate boost to services.
The Victorian Agency for Health Information (child and adolescent edition) reveals an average 342 children, aged up to 17, presented to emergency departments each week.
The 16-page report, obtained by The Weekend Australian, also reveals an average of 156 teens a week were rushed to hospital after self-harming and suffering suicidal ideation, an 88 per cent increase on last year.
The most serious cases, where teens required resuscitation and emergency treatment, surged to a six-weekly average of 37.3 cases to the end of May, an 83 per cent rise on last year and a 162 per cent increase on 2019, according to the report.
The report – marked confidential and not for publication, and which instructs doctors who receive the document in error to “destroy it” – has alarmed some child psychiatrists.
So, it’s possible that there are far more suicide deaths from teenagers than due to the virus. We’ll not know for sure until some time to come. I know of one close at hand who committed suicide a few weeks ago. It’s a sad reflection how there is so much hysteria pouring out from the MSM and officialdom each and every day. There are studies already being published around this,
COVID-19 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria
Our kids lost it over dinner last night, Sydney lock-down. My daughter (Year 7) hasn’t had a Maths teacher for two weeks who went AWOL (without replacement) to have knee surgery or something… “Left them with some exercises to do“. I informed them they couldn’t return to school until Nov 8th and all students/staff will need to wear masks… “During summertime? How will we understand what the teachers are saying?” Not just the kids, my wife’s school friend (single) committed suicide a few weeks ago, very sad. Multiply these experiences by 10 million families in the lock-down states.
Surely wearing masks all day is a health hazard, especially for children. It’s getting crazier and crazier. When is it all going to stop?!
When the population is 95% vaccinated?
Yeah but as the evidence says, the covid vaccines dont stop the population getting covid…
I have no issues with vaccines, if safe.
The covid vaccines in the US have killed 8000 people so far. Normally at 50 deaths, a vaccine is removed from the market.
Not true.
The evidence shows that the vast majority of hospitalisations for Covid are unvaccinated, as are the vast majority of Covid deaths.
mmmm majoriity of people arent fully vaccinated, so yeah I guess that would be the case
Yep. You got it yarpos.
Vaccinations save lives and free up hospital beds.
no not what I was saying at all, its unsurprising that most in hospital are unvaccinated if most of the population is not yet vaccinated. Its sorta what you would expect.
I am hopeful that the injection do help out, my only concern is what they may do long term, especially to the younger recipients/victims who have long lifetimes ahead.
Except the last part is incorrect.
The USA is 52.8% vaccinated.
The vast majority of hospital patients with Covid-19 are 95% unvaccinated.
Unvaccinated people are about 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19 than those who are fully vaccinated, according to a CDC study released Tuesday.
The new study also found that unvaccinated people were nearly five times more likely to be infected with Covid than vaccinated people.
The data is in line with comments from federal and state health officials, who have been saying for weeks that millions of unvaccinated Americans have been putting themselves at serious risk.
“The west’s delusional fifth column”
The joys of being a Democrat! (/s)
I like that comment – so fitting. So what’s the cure? Very likely too late – the patient is dying and close to being dead.
Japan Suspends 1.6 Million Doses of the Moderna Vax due to contamination. The Moderna vaccine problem came just as Japan struggles with surging infections, with daily new cases hitting new highs.
Did informed consent operate for those 25,000 school kids recently jabbed at Qudos Bank Arena?
probably as much as it operates for the rest of the population (not much), dont see why a bunch of Y12’s that have to travel from all over would be any different
Ken Stewart uses Holocene SLR along the Aussie east coast to prove that we are cooler today.
Thousands of years ago SLs were much higher than today and Dr Jennifer Marohasy has also arrived at the same conclusion.
Many new Aussie studies at the link that support Ken’s latest essay. And I agree that SLR is the most accurate natural thermometer we have to compare the earlier WARMER Holocene to the last few hundred years.
As Australia moves into summer the incidence of covid will naturally decrease due to people having more Vit D from the sun plus the sterilising effect of the UV from the sun and the fact that people normally spend more time outdoors (since indoors is an ideal transmission environment, especially during Australia’s numerous lock ups).
Unfortunately, the natural decrease in covid due to warmer and sunnier weather will be falsely interpreted as evidence for the supposed efficacy of lock ups and we’ll just get more of them. One way or another, sooner or later everyone is going to get infected by some version of the virus so just 1) Protect the vulnerable and 2) let others get the virus. Lock ups just delay the inevitable.
Hi David. Year’s ago I gasped at the Sun changing its familiar Orange to WHITE. Wondering if vit D absorption is affecteded?
Also earth’s magnetic field is weakening faster.
Apparently, Pfizer wants governments to provide immunity for lawsuits, post an insurance bond, or sign over their military bases to obtain Covid vaccines.
“While countries like India are sending free vaccine to poorer nations, there are companies like Pfizer which are bullying governments. The US-based company Pfizer is holding governments to ransom, interfering with their legislation, and even demanding military bases as guarantee”
WION news:
Additional article:
The Victorian COVID Delta version is getting real scary now. The COVID Commander ,Jeroen Weimar, the new poster boy of Vic COVID response advised that the virus will go through windows. Yes, he actually said that in a press conference. Some might ask his qualifications? He used to run the regional train system.
Did someone send him a copy of this and he’d adapting and working through the list?
“Virus Alert
If you receive an email entitled “Badtimes,” delete it immediately. Do not open it. Apparently this one is pretty nasty.
It will not only erase everything on your hard drive, but it will also delete anything on disks within 20 feet of your computer.
It demagnetizes the stripes on ALL of your credit cards.
It reprograms your ATM access code, screws up the tracking on your VCR and uses subspace field harmonics to scratch any CD’s you attempt to play.
It will re-calibrate your refrigerator’s coolness settings so all your ice cream melts and your milk curdles.
It will program your phone autodial to call only your ex-wife/husband’s number
This virus will mix antifreeze into your fish tank. It will drink all your beer. It will leave dirty socks on the coffee table when you are expecting company.
It will rewrite your backup files, changing all your active verbs to passive tense and incorporating undetectable misspellings which grossly change the interpretations of key sentences.
If the “Badtimes” message is opened in a Windows 95 environment, it’ll leave the toilet seat up and leave your hair dryer plugged in dangerously close to a full bathtub.
It will not only remove the forbidden tags from your mattresses and pillows, but it will also refill your skim milk with whole milk.
It will replace all your luncheon meat with Spam.
It will molecularly rearrange your cologne or perfume, causing it to smell like dill pickles.
It is insidious and subtle. It is dangerous and terrifying to behold.
It is also a rather interesting shade of mauve.
These are just a few signs of infection.”
It will replace all your luncheon meat with Spam.
Hey that is a Positive – I like Spam
James May: Spam vs Ham – the ultimate showdown
Battered spam with tomato sauce..
I remember being fed that .. a longggggg time ago!
Even worse… I vaguely recall us 3 boys actually asking Mum to cook it…
….. much to Dad’s horror !
He used to say, “I think I’d rather have something else, please.”, with a wink.
Still, was far better than corned beef with ghastly sauce. !
Corned beef is not so bad when cut into strips and cooked like stir fry.
? odd, corned beef is called food of the gods at our place, Mrs Y cook it with juniper berries and other secret stuff unknowable to a mere male, and it comes out tender and full of flavour. A family favourite
As a frequent cooker/eater of corned beef sounds like some recipe research might have helped – that from a definite non-user of Spam. Put a lot of canned bully beef through my tucker box camping in pre-Engel days though.
As an acquaintance of my father had it –
“There are two things that I like – the corned beef and the bloody betater”
When Jeroen Weimar, said “it will go through windows”, he was only speaking metaphorically, meaning “windows of opportunity”. (Covid will take any opportunity it can get.) At the same time he gestured with his hands to indicate a gap.
He wasn’t referring to actual windows in a building. Anyone who has windows on a busy city street could feel concerned at the interpretation picked up by Ross, so although this is such a late comment that probably no-one will see it, I wanted to correct this record.
Jeroen Weimar (Victoria) is clearly a smart guy, speaks fast and eloquently, and seems to assume his audience is intelligent.
If he meant ‘windows of opportunity’, or hand size gaps, why did he say ‘windows’?
Does eloquence do this to a fast talking ‘smart guy’?
Is there any covid vaccine under development that is actually effective, meaning that you can’t get or give covid?
What do you think of Novavax?
If I am forced to get Vaccine (Humongous Family Pressure) – Novavax is the Vaccine I will probably go for.
In the meantime over a year on anti-virals – Oxygen 98 and BP 119/70 this morning and just got 50 mins of Sun
I’m still checking it out but so far if I had to take a vaccine I would go for Novavax once it becomes available fairly soon. Note that most non-Western countries already are using the more traditional whole virus type of vaccines, which are suppose to be the safest provided enough trials and tests have been conducted. I don’t know if they have qualified that last bit since such trials can take many years. There are 8 of them approved so far. Perhaps they already developed them many years ago and knew the pandemic was coming. Perhaps they had accelerated trials somehow. Who knows anything is possible.
Novavax is still only a spike protein antigen so it only provokes a single antibody and t-cell response making it less effective vs variants.
Also it is still based on the spike protein sequence from the original strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus so the antibodies from the vaccine will be more liable to ADE effects than if the spike protein was from the predominant current (Delta here) infection strain.
Additionally, the spike protein is toxic since it has the cleaving functionality which damages cell walls – how mobile these are with Novavax vs the gene therapy vaccines is unknown.
Finally, delivery is still via injection so no mucosal response is developed which means you still ALWAYS get infected before the antibodies know to respond.
All in all, I’m still in a quandary at to whether to face up to AZ or Novavax if I’m forced to be shot. Neither would be my choice if I continue to have any say in the matter.
The Story of Ivermectin. Very interesting. 24 mins. Covers river blindness, covid, etc.
Thanks Lance,
I like it. It covers all the key points as far as I can tell, and clearly.
Just published last Thursday August 26, 2021.
Well found.
Dave B
Interesting article about antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
As they race to devise a vaccine, researchers are trying to ensure that their candidates don’t spur a counterproductive, even dangerous, immune system reaction known as immune enhancement.
The teams of researchers scrambling to develop a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine clearly face some big challenges, both scientific and logistical. One of the most pressing: understanding how the immune system interacts not only with the pathogen but with the vaccine itself—crucial insights when attempting to develop a safe and effective vaccine.
Researchers need to understand in particular whether the vaccine causes the same types of immune system malfunctions that have been observed in past vaccine development. Since the 1960s, tests of vaccine candidates for diseases such as dengue, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have shown a paradoxical phenomenon: Some animals or people who received the vaccine and were later exposed to the virus developed more severe disease than those who had not been vaccinated (1). The vaccine-primed immune system, in certain cases, seemed to launch a shoddy response to the natural infection. “That is something we want to avoid,” says Kanta Subbarao, director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in Melbourne, Australia.
This immune backfiring, or so-called immune enhancement, may manifest in different ways such as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), a process in which a virus leverages antibodies to aid infection; or cell-based enhancement, a category that includes allergic inflammation caused by Th2 immunopathology. In some cases, the enhancement processes might overlap. Scientific debate is underway as to which, if any, of these phenomena—for which exact mechanisms remain unclear—could be at play with the novel coronavirus and just how they might affect the success of vaccine candidates.
Employers at the pointy end of Covid compo war
Here are some sobering figures to focus the mind.
At last count, the numbers were 1222 and rising. These are not infection numbers, but Covid-related workers’ compensation claims. They were provided by Safe Work Australia in May this year, for claims lodged between January and December last year – remember, the pandemic impact was felt from March onwards.
Of these claims, 974 were accepted, and 121 were pending. Only 127 were rejected. Of the claims, 826 were for workers catching the virus, 212 were for mental health impacts related to the virus, and 57 were related to testing or isolation requirements. The healthcare and social assistance industry dominated, with 751 claims, 114 came from public administration and safety, 55 from education and training, and 42 from transport, postal and warehousing.
Of the claims, 809 came from Victoria, reflecting the high numbers of infections last year; 161 came from NSW, 55 came from Tasmania, 40 came from Queensland, 12 came from WA, nine came from SA, four from the NT and only one came from the ACT.
In July last year, a dental entrepreneur from Sydney travelled to the US for work.
While in New York, he became ill, tested positive for Covid-19 and was hospitalised from July onwards. Sadly, he died in November. Staggeringly, the total medical expenses exceeded $11m.
The insurer claimed the virus could have been a result of socialising after hours.
However, the NSWPIC concluded the man was infected with Covid-19 between the time he boarded his flight in Sydney and arrival at his hotel. As this was “work-related travel”, his employer – and insurer – were liable for the costs. In addition, a death payout of $834,000 was awarded
Hysteria feeds herd mentality in horror zombie satire – Chris Kenny
Any day, one of these premiers will propose that the unvaccinated wear a badge on their chest or a tattoo on their forehead, and the zombies will applaud it.
The paranoia is amplified by fearmongering politicians and sensationalist media so that swathes of people stumble along in horror accepting instructions from premiers and health officials.
Instead of demanding politicians justify what overbearing threat is worth keeping our basic rights from us each and every day, people plea for gifts from premiers who might throw a morsel of our own freedom as a reward for compliance. What have we become?
The average age of Covid fatalities in Australia is higher than our average life expectancy. More than 740 of our 989 Covid-19 deaths have been aged over 80, more than 914 (or 92 per cent) have been over 70. These facts are not callous – they are just facts – and we should be grateful for the sake of our young. Only one death with Covid has been recorded in someone under 20 and we know that tragic teenage loss was attributable to pneumococcal meningitis.
Like zombies we hide at home behind the curtains, skulk outside wearing useless masks, look askance when someone clears their throat and huddle around the television to watch leaders dramatise daily statistics, admonish us or sometimes thank us for compliance. News bulletins lead with reports of elderly people dying in nursing homes from respiratory infections, a practice that could have filled every news bulletin every year if we had implemented it before Covid.
The latest attempts to generate fear around the infection of children are reprehensible.
Numbers of infections are one thing, but the hospitalisations are running below 2 per cent for kids and in NSW not one child under 12 has ended up in ICU.
I doubt Australians are that aloof to put up with that sort of draconian measure as to be wearing a badge or tattoo. Let them bring it on though as I like see how it pans out for them. At some stage they will step over the line and then it’s all bets are off. That would be a good test to see how stupid Australians really are.
Where would you rather live?
Australia in Lockdowns.
UK 38,000 daily cases, 140 deaths per day.
France 20,000 cases, 100 deaths.
Germany 25,000 cases, 40 deaths.
Sweden 1,200 cases, 0 deaths.
Quote of the week: Vic Health Minister: We are not hiding anything from parents, but we can’t tell them when schools will reopen. Yes Minister.
No – ACT, Victoria and NSW are in lockdown at present. Minor restrictions in Qld, WA, SA, NT and Tas.
Sweden is the standout in the list primarily because they have achieved herd immunity – but after losing 15,000 people in a population of 10M they are still wary. Have they had crowds at football matches yet? I watched a televised AFL match last night that was played in Adelaide and there was an excited and vocal crowd in their stadium.
Most Australians have had greater mobility than people in Sweden for the past 18 months. Many Swedes have been scared s/less and still avoid crowds. Those who had not caught Covid also rushed out to get vaccinated. Now 66% at least one dose. Add the 15% who have had Covid and they should have achieved herd immunity with some 81% now carrying antibodies.
Uruguay is one of the very few countries like Sweden that would now be close to herd immunity. They have the occasional death still but the peak in deaths was only a few weeks back.
Gibraltar, only a small population, is fully vaccinated and will have achieved herd immunity now; 3 deaths in August.
Life goes on in Sweden
Football isnt such a big thing in peak summer
Thanks for that analysis RickWill.
Perhaps it might bring on a change of heart to some who seem to have difficulty understanding just how effective the actions taken in Australia have been.
Nevertheless, we’re still getting close to 2% case fatality rate; but on a very small infection rate.
Vaccination saves lives.
In general yes but wrt the COVID-19 vaccines, it remains t be seen. As often with any vaccination, it can take years before we know the real effects.
World not equal country, strains different everywhere, responses different everwhere but take a rolled up global number (of dubious quality) and apply it locally. Sure.
No yarpos, I have not done that.
I’ve taken the numbers for Australia.
As at 29 August 2021 the figures for Australia are; 51,243 cases and 999 deaths.
That’s 1.949% mortality.
Which aligns with my statement:
Nevertheless, we’re still getting close to 2% case fatality rate; but on a very small infection rate.
Check it out for yourself. Do your own arithmetic.
You’ll need to scroll down to find the Australia data.
And, if you actually click on the Australia hyperlink you’ll se that in reality it’s even worse than that in terms of “Cases which had an outcome:” with 3% deaths.
Your figures include the deaths from the initial outbreak in Victoria last year where aged care centers were hit hard. CoViD-19 mortality is very skewed towards the infirm, both due to age and comorbidities.
The percentage you present in isolation is scare mongering
Whether the stats are skewed or not is irrelevant in this case. The point that you do seem to be able to comprehend is that unvaccinated people are at a very much higher risk of dying from the virus.
That’s the fact. Those people in the Victorian aged care centres were not vaccinated. They died. Scaremongering has nothing to do with it. The stats demonstrate it very clearly.
Vaccinations save lives.
Denmark To Scrap All Covid-19 Restrictions
Denmark will on September 10th stop classifying Covid-19 as an “illness which is a critical threat to society”, meaning all remaining special pandemic restrictions will expire, The Local reported. In a press release issued on Friday morning, the country’s health minister Magnus Heunicke said that the high level of vaccination in Denmark, particularly among the vulnerable, had radically altered the risks posed by the virus.
“The epidemic is under control, we have record high vaccination rates,” he said in a statement. “As a result, on September 10th, we can drop some of the special rules we have had to introduce in the fight against Covid-19.”
September 10th marks the expiry date for that the executive order classifying Covid-19 as a “socially critical illness”, which was passed by the Danish parliament’s Epidemic Committee on March 10th last year.
Denmark is 71% fully vaccinated. Add another 5% who have acquired antibodies through infection and they have better than 75% carrying antibodies. They should be close to herd immunity if opening is cautious. Sweden has achieved herd immunity with 80% carrying antibodies and mobility down by 15% on pre-Covid times.
Where do you get your 5% from?
makes a nice round number
Try this explanation!
“Barney’s P Curve and the Government’s Covid folly”
PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS: Afghan Evacuees on U.S. Military Bases Won’t Be Forced to Take the COVID Vaccine—Unlike Our Soldiers.
Gen. Glen VanHerck, the commander of the United States Northern Command, said during a press conference on Friday that around 7,000 Afghan refugees have thus far been airlifted to the U.S. The refugees, who will be housed at U.S. military bases around the country, will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine but won’t be forced to take it.
“The vaccines are being offered to them,” the NORTHCOM commander told reporters, noting that they’re being offered when the individuals land at Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C.
“We offer them as well at task force locations,” he said, but noted that “they are not mandatory.”
That was via a comment at Chiefio
Like I said back in 2020 this virus should have been allowed to run its course and this would have all been over by mid 2020.
As we now see from real data, natural immunity is far better than a clot shot as it also protects from viral variants.
Poor old governments – just imagine the criminal charges they’ll be facing in upcoming years.
As for the police, Martin Armstrong’s comment describes them well:
Thought for the day:
The 9 most frightening words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”
– Ronald Reagan
Natural immunity is better, but death rates go up tenfold because ICU’s have no beds left, and we’ve run out of oxygen tanks, anaesthetic, antibiotics and steroids.
It’s just maths. The richest countries in the world have 12 ICU’s per 100,000 people.
The old slow Coronavirus could double every 2 days.
Unless we do lockdowns for months on end, within about 7 weeks there are theoretically a million cases (2^20). If the hospitalization rate is 8% and the ICU rate is 0.8% we need 50,000 ICU beds (assuming the early cases have resolved) but Australia has in toto 2500 ICU beds, with a surge capacity at supposedly 7,000 beds (assuming the staff are not out of action because they are infected). So 40,000+ people who need ICU are left in the cars or never get out of the house.
That is with the old covid doubling time, but new Covid is 2-3 times faster.
We can tweak all these guesstimates which I’ve tried to be conservative on, but essentially with free running covid we are weeks away from hospitals being overwhelmed.
At some point humans change behaviour, many will stay home, avoiding shops restaurants and refusing to send kids to school. It’s effectively a lockdown, but there aren’t enough people to do food deliveries, so people go hungry at home, or shop and the covid infection rates slow but still spread. If you are uninfected by unlucky enough to have a heart attack or stroke, or get pnumonia from a non-covid thing, there will be no point going to hospital. So death rates to those other conditions will also rise.
Voters would consider this situation a gross failure of any government (worse than Afghanistan even). So the lockdowns are predictably democratic as much as you might hate them. You may be happy to take your chances and roll the dice but most voters are not risk takers. Consider how much work we go to to stop a few thousand deaths on the road, or how many people stopped swimming because of the sharks?
But from what I have read, the Delta variant is less pathogenic, thus requiring less hospitalisation. With our Kiwi outbreak the only person in ICU is the Fijiian Import. Supposedly 20 in hospital, none of these in ICU. The first case wasn’t even in hospital for Covid symptoms… Drs Malone and McCullough both argue for a more contagious but less pathogenic virus in the case of Delta. Further as DElta is so contagious even at 100% vaccinated, the virus will still spread ( as the current vaccines are not that good at preventing Delta. The Israeli data is very enlightening….
You neglect the fact Jo regardless of what happens with vaccination rates, case numbers and death rates, we can’t stay locked up forever unless you want to crash both the economy and the society. Most overseas nations are experiencing far higher numbers of all three yet some are even totally free, and others are relaxing their restrictions no end. We just have to get used to the idea that people do get sick and die for all sorts of reasons, and that there are other just as important issues, such as suicide rates, deterioration of the health of people due to the lockdowns, delaying people from getting tests done for other issues, etc.. The hysteria from our officialdom is really out of this world. We need our freedoms back, and we need them soon.
We don’t need to “stay locked up forever”.
Get vaccinated. When 95% of the population are vaccinated we can open up again.
The PM’s figure of 80% is a dangerous target. It needs to be higher.
And, boosters need to be rolled out six months after the second shot.
In addition, we need to see antivirals able to be prescribed by the medical doctors, to reduce the hospitalization rate.
In the interim, get your own supply of HCQ + Zn etc and Ivermectin.
And, get vaccinated.
In India, New Dehli crushed infections with ivermectin.
No experimental vaccine required
You got the first part right.
The second part? Not so much.
A real vaccine doesn’t need a booster after 6 month, Tetanus f.e. after 10 years
So what?
What we need is our state and federal governments to stop scaring us to death, in some case really to death, and begin relaxing our restrictions almost immediately. We must have all restrictions removed by the end of the year at the latest.
Jo, take a breath please. We have various scenarios playing out all over the world – which of them indicates the “model” that you are proposing ? I see mixed outcomes and they seem to have multiple factors.IF we use the Novovax and Ivermectin (etc) I suspect that your scenario will not eventuate . The lockdowns are already having dire consequences . I suspect that if you were locked up in Victoria or NSW your view may be different. Having said this , I hope that your arm is healing nicely….
Please provide evidence that this is inevitable
It’s a horrible picture you paint Jo but you’re going to be right, it’s just a matter of time until we get the Italy scenario in Sydney and the up to ~17% fatalities among known cases, as seen in European hospitals in the middle of last year, and the now inevitable mass graves when the hospitals lose traction.
We’ll still have certain people saying its all effectively a storm in a tea cup up to that point though. We’ll pass 4.5 million deaths today (4,499,191). Brazil has 578,396, or over 1/7th of all deaths so far, in a country where the .gov said the economy was more important, so learn to live with it folks. We can not afford to do as badly as Brazil, USA or Europe, if we can cope with it as well as India we’d be doing well.
At least we won’t have to wait too long to see if that Malthusian projection is right or wrong.
I say wrong. Go Gladys. Lets find a better way. India might have the answer.
I hope so, something they did made a big difference. I think we know what it is.
Viruses existed before life on this planet and we’ve had a few million years to develop a very good immune system which by all (real expert) accounts is perfectly capable of knocking dear old Covid on the head. Yes variants will typically be more infectious and so the sickness/death/bed counts go up but that’s how life is on this planet for any virus or other pathogen. I for one have no intention of living in fear over something rivalling the annual flu. If it gets me it gets me. If I get hit by a cyclist crossing the road, so be it. I won’t live in fear of crossing the road though. As for hospital capacity – the fallout from lockdowns such as stress, poor nutrition, obesity, alcoholism, violence, mental health issues, vaxx-induced sickness (and watch that go vertical by next year) is what’s REALLY going to stress the medical system.
This is the problem – it’s coming down to groupthink. People are siding with like minded individuals which gives them psychological comfort despite overwhelming evidence that its all nonsense, but then the sheeple just watch the news – they haven’t done any research at all. Look around the planet and we see the people rebelling en masse, doctors, nurses and allied classes refusing to take the shot (over 50% of them by all accounts now saying no), police siding and marching with the people in some countries, military defending the people against the police in others, German doctors refusing to dispense the shot, Denmark dropping all anti Covid measures and even (shock, horror) the MSM in the USA now openly questioning the entire narrative.
The tables are turning, the truth being revealed and the people doing what people always have throughout all recorded history – rebel in order to save their own lives.
Even the CDC admits only 6% of people actually died from the virus:
Where I am you don’t see masks. I went out last night to my local pizza joint and it was packed!
Would have been 20 people literally squeezed up against each other together around 2 tables and queued up out the door. Couldn’t hear yourself think with all their talking. Unimaginable in VIC,NSW,QLD…
An old duck in Woolies chided me a week ago for not standing on the marked spot at the checkout.
I told her about aerosol transmission distances and replied that I’ve seen too many Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote cartoons to ever stand on a marked spot. Everyone in the lane laughed.
No we haven’t run out of those things.
We have a lot of hospital capacity. NSW has 2000 available ventilators. Only 52 used for Covid patients.
The mathematics of exponential growth leads to Malthusian projections.
“with free running covid we are weeks away from hospitals being overwhelmed.”
c’mon Jo that one is old and has already been used, remember the start of the plandemic
Progressivism is just regressivism. They are so forward they are backward. Just goes to show the Democrats are now the real racists.
New Age = Middle Ages.
“Everything Woke Turns To Sh!t!!” -President Donald J. Trump
Very moving interview, Tucker Carlson with the father of one of the marines killed in the Kabul airport bombing.
not a dry eye in the house after that
RIP Marine Kareem Nikoui
Boy what an ugly and evil looking lot we have. Compare that to the good looks of Putin. Of course never judge a book by its cover, as I certainly don’t trust him as far as I can throw him, but when the cover of the book is that bad one really has to question the quality of the inside and so I would not even bother to pick one up and attempt to throw one in fear of catching some deadly mental disease, if you know what I mean.
Putin is a Judo player so it might be a bit difficult to throw him, Peter.
Pretty grim medical news for the 3rd week of August in NSW:
– 5,549 new cases confirmed
– 8,374 ED presentations with symptoms
– 18 new outbreaks in aged care facilities
– 161 new hospital admissions
– 44 new ICU admissions
– 20 deaths
Those were the statistics for influenza in the 3rd week of August, 2019. What, you don’t remember the daily press conferences at 11am to give you those numbers?
At the following link go to the report that says week ending 25th August.
Well, I’m tired and aching all over..
Could be “something” ….
…. or could be the 3m³ of roadbed gravel I moved by hand this morning !
Why is it so much harder than it was 25-30 years ago ?!
Clarence, if you don’t feel 100% or you’re tired and aching, it’s definitely covid….get tested and isolate for 14 days….
I’ve been isolating, for the last 2-3 months… and I keep getting tireder.
Must be long covid
The problem is, my brothers say they aren’t allowed to come and help… excuses, excuses !
Another 1.5m³ roadbed gravel to move….. but not today !
Sounds like about two 6′ x 4′ box trailers worth. So (using my calibrated No 5 shovel) that is about 150 in and 150 out.
And aches in proportion
Was Dr Kerry Chant the NSW CHO then?
Can’t remember her on the tele ever before WuFlu!
CHOs and epidemiologists are having their moment in the limelight and the best way to extend their relevance is to keep the public scared
Great set of figures.
In Australia it is illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of their HIV status, a disease which is almost 100% fatal if untreated and which can never be cured, only treated.
Why then has it become acceptable to discriminate against people on the basis of their covid vaccination status?
Because its not about a virus.
Succinct and true. I think most intelligent people have woken up to that.
The Honourable the Member for whatever is referring to the HIV.
Excellent point David.
A more accurate and appropriate comparison is pneumonia, which can spread the same ways as COVID-19. The last time I looked one didn’t have to wear masks, coerced to be vaccinated or have restrictions place on people’s movements and employment for pneumonia. Yet, far more people have died from pneumonia.
So taxpayers are going to be on the hook for claims against side effects from the vaccines.
I wonder if life and health insurance premiums jump.
“Australia is lost”
Took them long enough to track down this clown.
Victoria police are closing in on the “passive” protesters from last Saturday’s non-violent march – the ones carrying the batons, flares, bottles and marbles to ensure the police horses fell. Would make sense to put their photos up in the hospital emergency wards as they present fighting for their last breath.
Funny how we didn’t see all the BLM protesters that had apparently endangered the public Rick.
I think we know who the clowns are and they’re not the ones making sh$t up or believing the lies spread though the MSN, grow up!
They’re the same group. Lefties, greenies, Get-Up, and all the other socialist activist progressives.
They’re the ones who need to grow up.
I hope that is the case. I do not support injuring anyone or horses.
But that is not what I have seen on the few videos of the protest.
The vapor:
Is that what they call ‘ getting the vapours’.
Does anyone know of authoritative reports of cannibalism among Australian natives?
I was “invited” to invest in a gold lease on the Palmer by my son so I am now the proud owner of an excavator so I’m reading River Of Gold about the rush. On the first page Hector Holthouse calls the natives cannibals but even beyond that he says they were hard core, that they ate their own women and children and that they hung Chinese in trees by their pigtails until they wanted them.
I did a search and this was confirmed but there was a problem, what I was reading was quoting Holthouse. What makes me wonder is that they were described as tall, athletic and copper coloured. This does not describe our natives generally so maybe this tribe was of Pacific ancestry. Could Hawaiian or Maori people be described as “copper coloured”? I wouldn’t have thought so.
What’s an “authoritative” report on cannibalism?
See Some Notes on Cannibalism Among Queensland Aborigines, 1824-1900
Thanks. It seems the natives did indeed prefer the flesh of Chinese.
Alexander Kennedy quoted Inspector Urquhart, of the Native Police,
as stating that the Aborigines of the Palmer River area preferred
the flesh of Chinese, hundreds of whom were killed when
travelling to the goldfields in the Eighteen
I think that I read once that they preferred Chinese because the European Australians ate too much salt and the taste of their flesh wasn’t nice.
That’s odd. Saltbush lamb is delicious
I haven’t a link but Ion Idress the author wrote about this. You might find his books in Op shops as he is no longer acceptable to the WOKE.
There was no cannibalism in Australia, but of course the islands to the north were inclined that way.
Bizarre! Always the blithe certitude in your ignorant utterances el gordo. Go and do some reading; it wouldn’t hurt to start with Daisy Bates’s book “The Passing of the Aborigines”.
Be kind to EG, I was born here and in spite of knowing of the writings in River Of Gold before, I am surprised at what I have just read. It seems to have been universal to a greater or lesser degree.
The truth has been actively suppressed methinks.
Also the islands to the east: Aotearoa.
I’ll have to eat my words, a quote from Peter’s link.
‘Alexander Kennedy quoted Inspector Urquhart, of the Native Police, as stating that the Aborigines of the Palmer River area preferred the flesh of Chinese, hundreds of whom were killed when travelling to the goldfields in the Eighteen Seventies, to that of Europeans. Beardmore of Tiaro put this question to his Aboriginal shepherds. Their reply was “too much salt, like it macon”.
Yes, I saw this and marvelled that you could hit an M key (right index finger) when the B key (left index finger) is the only credible candidate.
Bacon can be a bit salty if you aren’t used to it.
Chinese preserved meat with chilli not salt. One travels the Palmer River, Einasleigh and finds huge chilli bushes. Birds eye real hot tucker.
Pretty sure high salt intake was a major reason for lowered life expectancy as their blood-pressure would have been through the roof most days, with smoking, heavy drinking and dehydration, on top of a poor diet. Stroke city.
I saw a mention over at Chiefio recently that there is a blood pressured interaction between salt and sugar, So blood pressure reduction can be more spectacular from curtailing sugar rather than salt.
There is a rough test for salt and outdoor work – taste the sweat and if it isn’t salty – –
Yhis might work:
I’m still intrigued by the “tall, athletic, copper colour” so did a search.
I have found a PDF so cant do a C&P but a a guy named Douglas divided the oceanic people into two races – The Melanesians which are a branch of the African bl@cks and the Polynesians which are a branch of the yellow race from Asia.
His words, not mine, but the Melanesians were “hideous in appearance, limited in language and institutions and generally inferior to the copper coloured race in disposition and intelligence”.
Columbus described the natives he saw as “copper coloured” too, but he didn’t even know where he was.
So, was there a Polynesian tribe in Cape York?
A lockdown fantasy: If only all the people who think the virus is dangerous and want Covid-Zero – and don’t care about a lockdown now and then, as long as they could mostly live normally – if only all those people could move to WA or Tasmania. And if only all the people who think covid is no worse than the flu, Delta isn’t so bad, Qantas is kind, and the govt are nazis, could all go live in NSW. How nice that would be.
Yeah that would work … until the oh so pure sheeple of WA and Tassie realised that they were unable to travel the world like the unclean inhabitants of NSW.
I’m all for personal choice and personal responsibility.
If you are scared of covid, get vaccinated and stay in your safe place. Let everyone else get on with living their own lives.
Btw, I have chosen to get vaccinated, but I have no desire whatsoever to force that on others who choose not to and am totally against vaccine passports.
You don’t have to look far back in history to see populations forced to carry ‘passports’. It’s always portrayed as for the good of society” … it never ends well.
Dollypot, Greenhide and Spindrift:a journal of bush history
Vol 3. No. 4
Australian Aboriginal Cannibalism. An eyewitness account.
This account certainly knocks the ‘ritual’ aspects so often promoted. It is from Fisher’s Colonial Magazine, vol.2, page 144, 1843.
Mr. Bromfield, of Geelong, gives a deplorable account of one of these tribal feuds, which, if the aborigines be so few in number as government functionaries represent, may be the more easily prevented
“On the 31st of May last, (writes this gentleman from his residence, Ion Court,) two parties of aborigines encountered each other within a mile and a half of my station – part of the Barrabool Hill natives, and part of the Mount Rouse tribe, who immediately gave battle, but were defeated with the loss of three men and two unfortunate young women. On the Wednesday morning, the few natives immediately belonging to my neighbourhood arrived, bearing this intelligence, evidently in a state of great excitement, and dreadfully afraid to return to their encampment without the protection of myself and servants, who were to be well armed. Directly after breakfast I started, accompanied by the natives to within a short distance of their huts, where they all remained, and I proceeded forward by myself, and on reaching the spot found their report to be perfectly correct. Such a disgusting scene can scarcely be imagined, the whole encampment deluged with blood ; first lay the body of a middle-aged man named Codjajah, speared through the breast in many places, his bowels taken out and the fat drawn off them, and a few pieces cut out of his thigh. The next body was that of a woman speared in many places, quite dead. A short distance from her stood a young lubra with two spears through the belly, the whole of her intestines hanging to the ground – she was perfectly sensible, and it would ave been a charity to have shot her then, but she departed this life in the evening. Besides these three, within a short distance of the huts lay the bodies of two more men, known by the names of Jim and Big-one Tom, they were partly eaten, their fat being taken by their Christian brethren ! These are civilized aborigines, who have been well instructed by our assistant protectors, and certainly have profited no little by the time and expense that have been lavished upon them.”
That was meant to be a reply to Hanrahan.
“Biden Bingo card”×768-1630069910.736.jpg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=1
I get the message “We cannot complete this request, remote data could not be fetched”.
Worked when I posted. Still works via
And find
“Mumbles McGuirck
August 27, 2021 6:12 am
It’s more fun to make up a bingo card…”
in the comments
A link from that:
Our global CIO had a penchant for teleconf “town hall” meeting of all staff.
At out location this lead to the development of management speak BS bingo cards to track buzzwords and acronyms of the day.
Some favourites where synergy, leverage, going forward, “right sourcing, and he had a love of RFID and MPLS. I stuck with 3 letter acronyms myself.
According to the Australian Governments Guidance for Certifying Deaths due to COVID-19 contained therein,
In other words, even if it is assumed the cause of death is due to COVID-19, the death is recorded due to COVID-19. Tests are not mandated.
Guidance for Certifying Deaths due to COVID-19
updated on 25/03/2020.
Somewhere in recent days I’ve seen indications that only three percent of the deaths are veridically covid caused; the truth is out there…
I find this reassuring. I am way up there in the “at risk” age group but I comfort myself believing that very few 80 yr olds DON’T have other issues. Gout is not listed as a risk factor and even that is under control. lol
I don’t understand why age, as a single line item, should put one at high risk. Us oldies have “experienced” immune systems.
Would anyone care to guess how many grannies live on “a cup of tea and a slice of toast”? If that includes one of your loved ones, GET BUSY!
Considering this has been going on so long there should be extensive databases. We should be able to find if vegetarianism is a contributing factor for example, independently of the CDC.
Sorry, that hit was supposed to be green.
‘Tis OK, I’m immune anyway.
“In other words, even if it is assumed the cause of death is due to COVID-19, the death is recorded due to COVID-19. Tests are not mandated.”
We know they are lying to us, the thing is how much.
Steve McIntyre and more southern hemisphere hockey stick shenanigans
“PAGES2019: 30-60S”
This so funny. Thee is a little truth in though. However, I like my meat cooked well done but not burnt
Unless it’s steak in which case I like it medium well, especially if it’s dry aged.
He’s brilliant, the words just roll out.
Biden’s first 200 days
by Hugo Gurdon, Editor-in-Chief – Washington Examiner
Joe Biden, like most presidents, made much of supposed achievements in his first 100 days. Remember how, arriving in office, he promised 100 million COVID vaccine doses in that period. It was a soft target, for, as some of us pointed out, the vaccination pace on Inauguration Day, for which he could claim no credit, was sufficient to reach his goal. But by touting it, he demonstrated the significance attributed to the 100 days milestone.
Less attention is paid to the 200 days milestone. This is a mistake. For the first 100 days is a three-month blur when an administration is taking shape and its successes and failures haven’t had time to come into focus. It’s in the second hundred days, when the razzmatazz and newness are over and an administration has lost its first freshness, that one can really judge.
Biden’s second hundred days have been an unmitigated disaster.
It was then that inflation soared above 5%. It was on Aug. 9, Biden’s 199th day, that Democrats released their fiscally reckless and culturally destructive $3.5 trillion budget plan, drafted by socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders with the intention of reshaping American life with a big expansion of the ballooning welfare state
It was in Biden’s second 100 days that illegal immigration turned from a mere fiasco into a national crisis. The number of illegal migrants doubled in January to 78,417 compared to the same month of 2020, as Latin Americans accepted Biden’s invitation to come north, no questions asked. The numbers jumped again each month, and by his 100th day, the March numbers were out at a shocking 173,283, five times what they’d been a year earlier. Yet it was only in his second hundred days that it became clear there’d be more than 2 million illegal border crossings this year, that there’d be no decline in arrivals during the intensely hot summer months as the administration has promised, and that Biden had created the worst immigration crisis in more than 20 years.
Then came the worst disaster so far, America’s collapse in Afghanistan. It was on Aug. 10, Biden’s 200th day in office, that the Taliban overran three provincial capitals and it became obvious that their barbarian blitzkrieg would consume the entire country, ending America’s 20-year efforts against them in a humiliating rout.
This debacle is like the turn of a kaleidoscope that rearranges all the pieces into a new, unrecognizable, and startling pattern. The picture of America’s place in the world has been changed irrevocably. Friends and foes everywhere are reassessing their relationship with us. The former are making worried inquiries about whether our “leader” has entirely lost his marbles. The latter, knowing that America under Biden is no longer to be feared, are taunting America with unconcealed contempt.
We are living through a sort of implosion, in which no one seems to be in charge of America and our elected chief executive is a weak and shambolic embarrassment.
This is what Joe Biden has wrought in his first 200 days.
How did it come to be that Australia has become the dystopian nightmare it has become?
Who was it that gave advice that Australia must have the strictest covid lockup regimes in the world and the highest fines in the world?
The advice must be coming from somewhere.
We are certainly moving towards dystopia than utopia. The reasons would make a good book. I would say the strongest reason is the dumbing down of the people followed by a storm of information from different sides to allow fear to cloud people’s decision making abilities, and thus believe almost anything they are told by officialdom as a last resort.
Not too hard to work out David, in a classic sense the “Lucky Country” avoided the worst early, we are an island and I doubt we had direct flights from Wuhan like Italy and New York.
Full of hubris our “leaders” believed an infection delayed is an infection avoided. Like all fools, when the circumstances change they refuse to change their position.
“The advice must be coming from somewhere.”
The WHO, and not the rock group from the ’60s.
“The advice must be coming from somewhere.”
Well, “advice” is a very kind word – more like a demand.
And coming from the same people who say we must swap coal for “renewables.”
That is, the UN, World Bank, IMF, et al – the people who hold the world’s purse-strings.
Dystopian nightmare? Seriously? the hyperbole meter went to 11 I think. Look outside, does it look like Kabul? I’m guessing not.
I went for a 2 hr drive to my sons place to continue his update program on his new/old house. Nice day, a couple of stretches of zooming through windy forest, all very pleasant. In his town things are more relaxed than in my area. Over there mask compliance is about 50% and small casual groups were doing stuff outside in parks and the like.
I guess it depends on the glasses you see the world through
Nothing Green Ever Works – ‘petrol is just too good’ edition
Gordon Murray is one of history’s most successful and creative F1 and road car designers, so his opinions on all things automotive are worth hearing. Especially when he’s talking about electric vehicles.
This is from an interview in the September edition of Motor Sport magazine (no direct article link available):
Unfortunately we are having electric cars pushed upon us when they have the wrong battery technology.
For electric cars to be truly good you need two things: you need enough clean energy to plug them into and you need the next generation of batteries.
The energy density is so poor with the current lithium ion batteries and you’re lugging around hundreds of kilos of dead weight.
The honest truth is, petrol is just too good.
Petroleum is so energy dense. A typical air to fuel mixture in an internal combustion engine is about 15 to one so you can only carry the one unit of petrol and the 15 units of air are just all around you for free.
With electric you need 9000 cells, half a ton of battery like a Tesla, and it’s only 15 per cent efficient.
You’re carrying that weight around all the time.
I know we can’t go on using petrol forever but right now electric cars are not a terribly attractive proposition.
If we jump forward 30 years, when we are making green energy everywhere, and we have batteries with three times the energy density, then they start making sense.
So right now we are having electric cars forced upon us too early – they are too heavy, some weigh more than two tons, and the tyre and brake wear is horrendous.
The founder of radical climate activist group Extinction Rebellion has admitted that she drives a diesel car.
Dr Gail Bradbrook, 49, who helped to set up the protest group in 2018, made the revelation in an angry interview with TalkRadio presenter Cristo Foufas on Monday.
After revealing that she drives a car, she admitted that she does not own an electric vehicle because she cannot afford one.
When pressed further by Foufas about what type of car it was, she admitted it is powered by diesel, which is considered by experts to be even more harmful to the environment than petrol.
She said that she needs the car to take her children to football and rugby fixtures because her home is not served by ‘buses that run on a Sunday.’
You know what else doesn’t run in the UK? The road system, when it’s clogged up with Extinction Rebellion garbage babies:
The interview came as Extinction Rebellion’s climate activists brought London to a standstill today after they erected a giant pink table in the middle of the capital’s West End.
The impromptu stunt – which started just after midday today – forced police to close off several roads around the area which would normally be thronged with tourists and families sightseeing.
As long as Gail got her kids to their games, what’s the problem?
And a flat battery weighs exactly the same as a fully charged one.
One of my cars is over 2 tons and my tyre and brake wear isnt “horrendous” and I dont even have regenerative braking. I must be driving like Nanna these days.
Murry is indeed a respected motoring Icon and he makes some good points ref the practicality of EVs……but
He seems to have been missinformed on a few things..
How does he figure an electric car is only 15% efficient ?
..they are certainly a LOT more energy efficient than any ICE.
No EV..even the Teslas,..have 9000 cells. ,…..and an EV certainly does not NEED that amount
Many EVs have less than 500 cells, some even fewer
He seems to be exaggerating some details to make a biased point.
While not precise , he is a lot closer that you are
You wouldnt get out of sight with 500×1860 or 2170 cells
The number you are quoting is closer to an individual battery module, then multiples of these are installed
All pure EVs with significant range have 1000’s of 1860 or 2170 cells
should be 18650 cells, my 5 key fails half the time these day
There is a world beyond Tesla and the 18650/21700 cell size.
Most other EV manufacturers use a large format “pouch” type cell of much higher Wh capacity.
EG. Hyundai Kona has only 192 individual cells, as does the Nissan Leaf ( but different cells)
…the GM Bolt has 288 cells in a higher capacity (64kWh) pack.
..Renault, BMW, Ford, etc etc all use similar low numbers of pouch cells.
Even Tesla with the 21700 only use 4400 cells and new designs with their bigger 46800 cell will be using less than 1000 for the same capacity.
And , as i said even Tesla has never had 9000 cells in a pack.!
Families, just like Gail’s, in regional Australia have to take THEIR kids to sport etc too. But that can be a couple of hundred ks.
The height of absurdity would be the Goldfields Ashes, a long weekend of cricket and beer in Charters Towers [the A grade teams play cricket, the rest drink] It’s a big weekend but no way EVER will such a sleepy town have the capacity to recharge a hundred EVs.
Charlies Trousers also has a C&W festival. Could Tamworth handle their’s? Boulia has a Dirt ‘n Dust Triathlon. Could you fly into Alice Springs’ race weekend?
I put it to you an EV mandate would destroy rural Oz. With no race weekends and no cattle [they fart] why would anyone live there?
CDC data is rubbish.
‘a vaccine breakthrough infection is defined as the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from a person ≥14 days after they have completed all recommended doses of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-authorized COVID-19 vaccine.’
So all infections that take hold in the first 14 days because of vaccine induced immunosuppression are reported as unvaccinated. All infections in the first 14 days worsened by vaccination who end up in hospital because of vaccination are reported as unvaccinated. All those who have a serious reaction to a wuflu vaccine and end up in hospital because of it and test positive to wuflu are recorded as unvaccinated.
‘As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from publicly reporting the passive surveillance of all vaccine breakthrough cases on the website to focus on hospitalized or fatal vaccine breakthrough cases due to any cause.’
‘The number of COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC are an undercount of all SARS-CoV-2 infections among fully vaccinated persons, especially of asymptomatic or mild infections. National surveillance relies on passive and voluntary reporting, and data are not complete or representative.’
Ignore most of the vaccinated people testing positive for wuflu and alakazam! – not so many breakthrough cases.
“I fixed your sign”
from a sky news report “Israel’s COVID surge shows vaccines ‘not enough’, says public health expert”
and from the comments
“Let me see if I understand this properly. Person A feels that they need the vaccine to be protected, so they get vaccinated. However, Person A doesn’t feel protected unless Person B also gets the vaccine. And if Person B refuses to get the vaccine, Person A shames them until they do.
Let’s take this a step further. Person A, who is vaccinated, can still catch and transmit the virus, but is not subjected to going through daily/weekly testing. Person B, who is not vaccinated, and who can catch and transmit the virus, has to go through daily/weekly testing and potential quarantine. Why does Person A not have to go through testing and quarantine if they can still catch and transmit the virus?
And to go even further than that: Person A is vaccinated and, even though they can catch and transmit the virus, can walk into any number of locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside. Person B is not vaccinated and, even though they may test negative for the virus, are not allowed inside any of the locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside.
Wanna piece this together now? It boils simply down to segregation and discrimination with no real basis for doing so.
1. Person A is vaccinated.
2. Person B is not vaccinated.
3. Both Person A and Person B can catch and transmit the virus.
4. Person A does not have to get tested, but Person B does.
5. Person A can go wherever they want, but Person B cannot.
6. Person A is allowed to live their lives, while Person B cannot.
7. Person A perpetuates the shaming of Person B by stating that Person B needs to be vaccinated for Person A to be protected.
Anybody disagree with anything I just said? You do? Then go look this up because this is all fact. Nothing I typed above is untrue; you need only read the news to see that this is exactly what is happening.
If your shot works, why do I need one? If your shot doesn’t work, why should I get one?”
Welcome to postmodern logic, forget the rigmarole and do as you’re told.
You left out. Person B can prove they don’t have the virus and still not be allowed to enter while Person A is allowed to enter while having every possible symptom … as long as they haven’t yet tested positive.
Exactly right.
Anyone who still thinks the whole Covid thing is about medical/health issues is a fool.
I think those who have politicised the pandemic, and rush to crazy conspiracies about the Great Reset, One World Government, magnetic nanoparticles, and all the rest – that’s where the real fools are … those with fevered brows and over-active imaginations.
It’s a public health emergency – and those who resist vaccination are (a) prolonging economy-destroying lockdowns, and (b) providing an infectious pool for new variants. Government do what they do not always perfectly, but at the end we get a result.
I don’t like wearing a mask here in Melbourne, and I have done so a lot over the past 15 months … but I’m an adult about it and just chill out. It’s not for ever.
The current position is that (a) Person A is less likely to catch the virus, especially if those around them are also all vaccinated, and (b) experience is indicating that the vaccinated have far less likelihood of being hospitalised, requiring ICU treatment, or dying.
The argument for vaccination is therefore twofold: (1) the unvaccinated are much more likely to be a burden on the hospital system, and (b) for a wide range of businesses that depend on crowds, insisting on vaccination before entry (like masks) is fair enough. Same applies to schools, aged care, and similar.
I’d rather go to a 60-seat restaurant where everyone else is vaccinated too. It’s not a guarantee, but it is better than the alternative.
I don’t think the “vaccine hesitant” (or even anti-vax zealots) should be vilified or shamed, especially if they don’t harp on and on about it, and there should never be general compulsory vaccination. But I accept that certain occupations and certain venues can and will insist upon it.
Says people shouldnt be vilified whilst calling them anti-vax zealots in the same sentence. Self awareness: zero.
Question, Is someone who has had all the regular vaccinations and had their kids vaccinated but is wary of a rushed out, problematic non vaccine for a virus whose origin remains unknown, an anti-vaxxer?
I was pleased to see the pragmatic French stay away from their cafés and restaurants (in Reims) and picnic outside in the street! (Clip on Outsiders today).
Also heard about the Moscow mayor who tried to insist on Vacc. passports to enter restaurants, etc. Most people, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, boycotted those establishments. The mayor was forced to drop his mandate after only a couple of weeks.
Sorry, can’t seem to post links on my tablet.
We often see public debate being focused on one issue while more serious ones are ignored. So I’m curious – what genuine threats to our environment are being ignored while CO2 gets all the attention? I’m sure some people here will have opinions about what really matters but is being ignored by big media.
I’m more worried about genetically modified organisms and antibiotic resistant bacteria but my knowledge of these things is weak.
1. Food shortages leading to world wide famine would be one of the most serious threats to mankind. The cause of the food shortages are various. They would include global cooling and disease.
2. A continuation of the weakening of the earth’s magnetic field. That eventually would be catastrophic eventually.
3. A significant solar flare or CME would also be catastrophic if large enough irrespective of how strong our magnetic field is.
4. Likewise a significant solar magnetic storm.
4. Near earth asteroids are not that uncommon. A direct hit would be catastrophic if large enough.
5. Super volcanoes.
Hi Peter (S),
I’ve been staying on the sidelines for most of this Weekend Unthreaded (having managed to bookend the last one), but I would like to make a couple of observations (and they are just observations, not objections, OK?).
In regards to famine(s), would we be able to tell the difference between a real, honest-to-goodness natural famine, and an artificial, ‘engineered‘ famine? Given the past eighteen months (give-or-take), I’m not sure how we could determine which way is up.
The question is rhetorical.
My other observation is that the Earth’s magnetic field has reversed quite a few times. It is only an inference that the field weakens prior to a reversal (as we see with the Hale Cycle on the Sun), but it seems logical. Given that the field likely weakens prior to a flip, the geological record does not indicate any ‘catastrophic’ effect on the prevailing flora and fauna of the time. I’m not saying there is NO effect, just that we cannot find definitive evidence of cataclysm. Somehow, our Hominid ancestors lived through at least one reversal, and survived, with far less technology than we have today.
Of course, given the dependence upon things like YouTwitFace by a much-too-large portion of the population (they are unable to form a cogent thought w/o first finding out what they are supposed to think from YouTwitFace), I can see deleterious effects upon resident screen-zombies.
This could be a good thing, as you might see. We might need to increase the number of Darwin Awards we give, if the field should reverse … … …
Global cooling leads to drier conditions in northern Africa and reduced rainfall from Monsoons (esp. in India). Check out the state of the world in the early 1970’s and now by comparison. Better fed and more (lots more) people (thanks Norman Borlaug).
India has advanced economically and technically so it should be able to overcome the reduced agricultural production there, but the ‘Middle East’ and North Africa will be in real trouble. Places like the Arabian gulf countries, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, in fact right across the moslem world are net importers of food, particularly wheat. We tend to downgrade the importance of bread but it may provide 50% of their diet (as it did for the poor in England only a few hundred years ago).
This will lead to both internal and external problems across the area, as food prices escalate. Possibly the Malthusians like Bill Gates will be pleased at the reduction in population. Australia will be affected but lesser rainfall in the north might be offset by higher in the south (they grew wheat in SA in the 1860/70s as far north as Lake Eyre) and boost agricultural production. It may lead to India, China and a deal of SE Asia becoming keen on being friendly.
Another one is a continuation of the current mass delusion and hysteria. At some point we start killing each other on a mass scale if left unchecked. It’s called civil war.
A small thing but it fits your query perfectly.
Townsville, and I assume other Qld coastal towns, would have <1% of the cane toads there were when we played hockey with them as kids. Why the reduction? I don't know but I have a number of suggestions including the passing of the back yard chook pen but it may be a virus. We should find out because the toad was once touted as a major threat to Kakadu. Is it no longer a threat or does no one care any more there being other fear porn out there? I did a search some time ago and nothing since the '80s.
Another project that has withered on the vine is a crown of thorns killing drone developed by the QIT. So promising but it has never been deployed and this is where I disagree with the scientists: The COT is the single biggest threat to the GBR.
1. Overpopulation in the poorest countries, leading to refugee and humanitarian crises
2. Desertification due to land over-use (and perhaps global warming)
3. Drought that seems endless
4. Water shortage and water quality (salination is a serious issue)
5. Pollution – air, ocean, land – there are dozens of crises in this category
6. Peak Oil – the end of the really affordable oil & gas that drove the last 80 years
7. Carcinogens in the environment – in food, chemicals, household products, etc
8. Not directly environmental – but the failure of the world economic | financial system
All of these exacerbated by much of the “developing” world striving for and starting to attain the “first world” standards of living, based on gross over-consumption.
That’s a start.
Thanks to all for those interesting replies.
Hanrahan – cane toads! Yes, I’d forgotten that they were going to become an unbeatable plague.
Tilba Tilba – I agree with you about carcinogens in the environment and economic failure. Carcinogens can take ages for their effects to show too – think asbestos. Economic failure also makes people desperate to agree with virtually anything offered as a solution.
Excellent catch, marksman. Iceland may close its borders to Israel as suggested by the E.U. At 100% jabbed they are to rely on narual immunity only. A third jab is to be offered to the vulnerable.
Not sure if this has already been posted and apologies if it has.
The passport has eight lines, somehow very few will complete. Sad.
Peter S has a most interesting summary of Armageddon. In my opinion, Peter’s options are valid, in respective degrees. Option 2 is just around the corner, whereas Option 5 is highly unlikely, WRT humans being the dominant life-form (although I would not mind if an asteroid strikes Earth, which it eventually will. If humans are still around, then I hope they become extinct).
In fact, Armageddon is a religious myth and Peter’s five points are a wish list for those with strong faith.
It’s not about Armageddon. It’s about events that have happened in the past and some do repeat many times.
Good article here on vaccine hesitancy.
Has good links to academic articles substantiating each point.
Thanks! An excellent outline of the position.
The US Gulf coast will be hit by a major hurricane within 36 hrs, it strengthens all the way to landfall, and the conditions are right to get a Cat 4. It’s currently deepening rapidly with good symmetry over cooler than normal waters. The humidity map also shows minimal dry-air wrap-in before landfall. The SSTA is also going to be higher by ~1.5C in the dry-air entertainment area. So is likely to keep strengthening to landfall. The current forecast core path will miss the most inhabited cities. The storm will fill with drier air within 12 hours of landfall and dry out. It’s a fast mover so that will reduce the total rainfall but humidity and SSTA maps indicate it will be a wet storm and heavy rainfall drags stronger winds down to ground level so it will contain widespread very strong gusts. Overall it looks like a very severe storm will come ashore, the impact on shorelines will begin within 24 hrs, and will have passed over within 48 hrs from now.
Conditions are also present for explosive-intensification just landfall.
Seas Surface Anom
Relative Humidity
Cumulative Rainfall Forecast
entertainment = entrainment …
I should add the Baton Rogue is likely to get weakening Cat 3 conditions throughout its area.
Looks like New Orleans is going to get another wash and rinse.
All depends on that track, these are gusts rather than continuous winds:
Dark-Red = Tropical Storm Force
Purple = Cat 1
Blue = Cat 2
Yellow = Cat 3
Orange = Cat 4
Brighter-Red = Cat 5
These are approximate bounds, this scale is actually more equidistant to remove display distortions than a pure Saffir-Simpson division display.
My suspicion is this one could do a ‘Hurricane Charlie’ as per 2004 in the western Florida peninsula, explode ashore at the last moment as a stronger storm than forecast and in a location away from the forecast path. Explosive development of a newer (lowest) pressure center on one side of the eye tends to swerve the final path. I wouldn’t sleep well in New Orleans tonight, I’d immediately get east to Mobile Alabama area if possible.
This is what Charlie did in 2004 from explosive intensification just before landfall, a change of track occurred as a new lowest-pressure area formed nearer the rapidly building storms on the East side of the eye, which dragged the storm’s path East.
“If you’re evacuating from New Orleans, you might want to refresh your memory first”
“Regular readers will recall that I was part of the post Hurricane Katrina cleanup operation in 2005, in New Orleans and south-eastern Louisiana. I wrote about it quite extensively at the time, and later pulled all the separate posts together and published them as a single article on this blog.”
“If you haven’t already read that article, you might want to do so before “bugging out” of New Orleans this time. Just sayin’ . . .
Good luck to all of you caught in the hurricane’s path. Stay as safe as you can.
EDITED TO ADD: Sundance notes:
Additionally, I hate to note this, but Joe Biden is in charge of FEMA… So plan accordingly.
Link for that
If you haven’t already left NO by now, you’ve missed the bus.
It just made a structural organisation jump to Cat 3 and is building very fast in front of itself now but still following almost perfectly along the forecast path.
I would say they have about 6 to 8 hours left to move around, the CDO storms is where the real weather begins, but it’s about 6 to 8 hours until most people in NO will awaken, on a Saturday morning. Many will realize for the first time that a Cat 4 eye is about to do a close pass, and the first squalls of the outer CDO will already be over them. Katrina hit as a weakening strong Cat-3 on August 29th, 2005, but this one will hit on the 16th anniversary of Katrina and looks like it will be a strengthening Cat 4, but smaller in area and less well-defined … for now. The radial outflow still looks ordinary, maybe a low-end cat-3 in the last hour.
Some strange predictive text activity. An earlier comment gave ‘rouge’ for ‘rogue’. Now we get ‘Rogue’ for ‘Rouge’!
Yeah, sorry Annie, I saw that immediately I posted it …
The conveyor belt remains vigorous.,29.24,2120/loc=-84.823,23.873
If you’re a true severe-weather fan, then storm2k is a great forum – it has discussion threads with lots of real-time observations and information, and also technical threads for the genuinely meteorologically literate.
They do tend to focus rather a lot (often in a very excited way) about worst-case scenarios that fail to occur, but even with that, it’s a great site for major storms.
In Victoria this week’s parliamentary sittings have been cancelled, to avoid scruting sez the opposition, covid prudence sez rib ticklin’ Dan.
The medical/science tyranny continues:
Supporting Dr Paul Oosterhuis
Dr. Paul Oosterhuis is an Australian anaesthetist with over thirty years experience, including in critical care and resuscitation, who urgently needs your support. He is facing a hearing by the Medical Board of NSW for posting information on social media regarding COVID-19. His posts related to early treatment and prophylaxis, PCR tests, and risk-benefit calculations regarding COVID-19 vaccination and lockdowns (scroll down for details). His hearing is on September 3rd. Please help him by signing and sharing this petition.
From Comment in Michael Smith News – Tokyo Medical Association chairman on Ivermectin
Ivermectin, Professor Borody, the 94-year-old Woman, and the Federal Government
August 30, 2020
Give Chris Smith from 2GB radio a bouquet of flowers.
Finally, a mainstream media talk show host getting to some of the solutions. Last week I published the article “Australian Professor Thomas Borody: Ivermectin ‘Amazingly Successful’ In Killing Coronavirus”
“An Australian drug known as Ivermectin, which is already in use throughout the world to treat parasitic conditions, is showing great results in killing coronavirus in studies involving patients…”
Our media-watcher commenter Ned alerted me to Chris Smith’s radio broadcast on 2GB last Sunday and that he was interviewing Professor Borody and a woman from Melbourne. The woman’s 94-year-old mother, in aged care, had tested positive and had a nasty cough — and she wanted the doctor to prescribe Ivermectin. The doctor at the age-care facility refused as he was instructed to follow “protocols”.
With the help of Prof Borody, the woman, Monika, found a doctor to prescribe the combination of FDA and TGA approved Ivermectin, Zinc, and Doxycycline to her mother.
Well, Prof Borody and Monika were back on with Chris Smith this morning. I managed to catch the interviews, thanks to Ned.
Monika’s 94-year-old mum has had a dramatic recovery, even though she has other health issues. And she coughed only once during the half-hour “visit” with her daughter and was looking well and smiling.
Prof Borody also seemed most encouraged by the Federal Government’s response saying “they will leave no stone unturned.” But, the Victorian government is yet to respond. Most of the cases in Victoria are of people in their 80s and 90s. And as Monika said, “What have you got to lose?”
Prof Borody said there are several trials underway and it appears the drug has 90 -100% success for early and moderate cases. It is especially effective if started immediately. Consider the 94-year-old in Melbourne. She was already at a precarious stage of Covid before starting Ivermectin.
Dan Andrews, we want you to contact Borody. Today.
Delay Tactic?
The government is keen for vaccine trials to be rushed through — but seem to be dragging their feet with regard to Ivermectin which has been around since 1975 — and considered SAFE.
By the way, Monash University published this:
“Lab experiments show the anti-parasitic drug, Ivermectin, eliminates SARS-CoV-2 in cells in 48 hours.”
A Monash University-led study has shown that an anti-parasitic drug already available around the world can kill the virus within 48 hours in cell culture.
Scientists showed that a single dose of the drug, Ivermectin, could stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus growing in cell culture.
The next steps are to determine the correct human dosage – ensuring the doses shown to effectively treat the virus in vitro are safe for humans.
They advise:
Whilst shown to be effective in the lab environment, Ivermectin cannot be used in humans for COVID-19 until further testing and clinical trials have been completed to establish the effectiveness of the drug at levels safe for human dosing.
Really? It is already being used on humans (dummy). While people are dying in Victoria, Monash Uni is essentially advocating that these people not be treated with a proven-safe drug and just die. The Victorian government is not even bothering to call Professor Borody to discuss the trials that he has been doing.
The potential use of Ivermectin to combat COVID-19 remains unproven…
No. It has been proven to work.
Enough is enough. Start saving lives in Victoria, and stop talking about BS vaccines that should be in trials for several years.
The Victorian government seems complicit in corporate espionage to facilitate the wishes of the trillion-dollar vaccine industry at the expense of lives and the well-being of people.
Good old Eric Clapton!
here is Neil Oliver
‘The West is firmly in the grip, not of a virus, but of delusional madness’
l really like Neil Oliver
With regard to Jo’s comment, don’t you think it’s about time we start looking at and learning from those countries that are going their own way and being very successful at it. Countries such as Japan and Zimbabwe. The Japanese live very close to one another and I know that last year they were using Budesonide . They only test sick people and do not do contact tracing. With a population of around 124 million they have had 15787 deaths from covid.
Zimbabwe does not have all the benefits of first world medical facilities . So they improvise. They measure oxygen levels on the fourth day from symptoms appearing . People can feel well and have only 80% oxygen saturation. They give half a Dispirin immediately, use ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin . They stay on top of diabetes , and give silver solution via a nebuliser , because silver carries ten times its molecular weight in oxygen and releases O2 into the blood stream . This apparently takes 15 minutes to raise the blood O2 levels , so that semi comatose patients can sit up and have rational conversation.
The total death rate in Zimbabwe is 4374. There are currently 9313 active cases for a population of 38 million.
Isn’t time we stopped following the US and the drug companies advise .
Hurricane IDA is currently taking a track just east of forecast tracks, meaning it will pass closer to western New Orleans if not make a direct hit. Which would of course greatly exceed Katrina’s damage level in the city, which was only a side-swiped in 2005. It’s a horrible setup, symmetry has increased, it has a fully-enclosed deep convection CDO coverage now and the perimeter has abundant lightning which is sign of deep convection and rapid intensification.
If it develops symmetrical radial ‘spokes’ of cirrus clouds around the storm before landfall the damage levels in New Orleans will likely exceed Katrina. It’ll make landfall 16 years to the day since Katrina made landfall on 29th of Aug, 2005.
Cold tops everywhere from strong deep convection.§or=gm&band=07&length=24
It’s currently a Cat 3 according to recon-flight sensors. The last recon eye-penetration logged a full 10 millibar drop in pressure between that penetration and its last pass through the eye less then an hour before before. A very rapid drop in pressure is taking place due to all the symmetric deep convection.
Radar indicates the eye is headed towards New Orleans, 12 to 16 hours until it crosses the NO area.
Hurricane Ida just got upgraded to a Cat 4 based on air recon transect data.
What I though may occur, i.e. the Hurricane Charlie (2004) type explosive strengthening, has in fact occurred and it’s still rapidly strengthening. Looks like it may reach a low Cat-5 on landfall.
The outer most CDO band storms just reached the mouth of the Mississippi River on IR sat image.
Currently it’s ~127 kt (235 km/h) sustained winds, with central pressure of 934, estimated from Dvorak structure analysis. It’s stronger than Hurricane Charlie from 2004, cirrus cloud spokes have begun to form around the CDO and outer bands from increasing outflow. Likely to reach high-4 or low-5 by the time the eye crosses over the Delta.
The storm’s area and CDO is growing fast. there are measured 80 knot winds 55 nm NE of the eye and ~129 knots sustained wind speed in the eye wall. Re-intensified lightening storms have just formed in the eye’s inner bands, which looks to be renewed intensification. The deepening rate is about twice that needed to meet an “explosive intensification” classification. Ida’s track is still close to the western side of New Orleans city, and that part of the city may be covered by the eastern eye wall at this stage.
It’s currently about 15km/h short of reaching a Cat-5 wind speed (252 km/h on Saffir-Simpson scale).
Just contemplating what happens after a 250km/h eye rolls over New Orleans and over-tops multiple levees at once and the city floods completely to full depth within hours (not over 4 to 5 days) and the country needs to bring together people from all over the USA, immediately to save people. That would make the Katrina aftermath look mild. Louisiana is also in the middle of a sharp uptick in Delta strain cases. ~600 people died this week in Louisiana, with about 5,000 new delta cases per day most days.
Where do you evacuate the whole city too? How do you quarantine and isolate? How do you evacuate the destroyed hospitals? That would be far worse than 2005.
Just contemplating what happens after a 250km/h eye rolls over New Orleans and over-tops multiple levees at once and the city floods completely to full depth within hours (not over 4 to 5 days) and the country needs to bring together people from all over the USA, immediately to save people. That would make the Katrina aftermath look mild.
I would calm down a little WZ – firstly the eye hasn’t rolled over New Orleans, and we have no information that the city has flooded. I’ll be very surprised if it’s as bad or as deadly as Katrina. I could be wrong.
Current surge prediction:
Sri Lanka has been getting Moderna via COVAX, but the local authorities have been discriminating and charging people for the vaccination. Not to worry, the cavalry has arrived.
‘On his Twitter account, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa thanked China’s PLA for the donation, saying the assistance from China will ensure the vaccination drive in Sri Lanka a success.
‘Army Commander General Shavendra Silva said that on the same flight, 2 million more doses of the Sinopharm vaccines had also arrived from China.
‘Sri Lanka has so far received 18 million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine, which is the leading vaccine being administered across the country.’ (China Daily)
Study suggests prior Covid-19 infection more effective against Delta than Pfizer vaccine
New research suggests previously contracting Covid-19 may offer better immunity against Delta than having a Pfizer shot.
‘This Ends The Debate’ – Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta
In Britain the average age of death from Covid is currently 82.4. And that’s in a country where the average life expectancy is 81.
That left out the appalling fact that it took 6,958 deaths so far in Israel, to get there.
Are you OK with that?
No, I am not OK with that.
What should have happened-
Voluntary use of ivermectin, no state sponsored compulsory vaccination, resulting in lower case and death numbers.
Unfortunately they went for compulsion with the Pfizer vax.
However, we do now have data. The data shows the dangers of vaccination, and how the immunity it provided is inferior to that provided by exposure.
Covid’s youngest victims: Youth suicide crisis in Sydney as FORTY teens are rushed to hospital every day for self-harm amid 10-week lockdown – as Gladys Berejiklian complains ‘I’m criticised no matter what I do’
Almost 8,500 people under the age of 18 were rushed to hospital for self-harm
“The UK’s biggest selling newspaper is at last kicking back with a new dashboard showing causes of death. ”
Via a comment at Chiefio
One way of describing that rule
Outer core winds of Ida have now reached land at the delta’s mouth.
Surge waters near the mouth rose 4 feet in only 6 minutes. The surge has begun.
Models show the storm reaching ~260 km/hr as the eye reaches land, in about 7 hours.
At present strengthening has paused, and winds are between 225 to 230 km/h, but the storm has grown greatly in area. It’s consolidating.
The core is about to cross warmer waters near the coast.
At present the eye wall and inner-core path will not cross over western New Orleans, it will pass close but will not directly cover the city.
The biggest problem for the city will be a large storm surge and waves pushed by approx Cat 2 level SE winds (i.e. not unlike Katrina, but a bit worse).
I don’t wish to downplay the danger or fear people must feel [bin there dun that] but I always have trouble accepting quoted wind strengths.
I’m sure you accept that there isn’t an anemometer in every sq km of earth surface so quoted numbers are computer algos, and most here have a healthy distrust of them. is a trusted source for boaties and they have the highest band at 78 kn [145 kph].,29.013,-89.772,8,m:etkadF5
They use dropsonde sensors during eye penetration transects, dropped usually from 10,000 feet to the surface, for pressure and wind movements as it falls. Surface wind speed can be an extrapolation of pressure data as the sensor falls, plus the instantaneous wind speeds measured directly. But surface wind speeds must be measured in 30 second continuous samples to be valid, so airborne radar measurements are used at various altitudes, sometimes as low as 5,000 ft and those speeds are also extrapolated to the surface, with correction factors for the conditions observed in that particualr storm. In this case the storm had up to 70 mm/hr rainfall which pulled high winds down to the surface flow and the result was continuous winds to 135 kts.
When there’s no recon aircraft around they default to estimates based on Dvorak Satellite image structural analysis and possible radar observations from land seeing speeds in the clouds above the eye, and extrapolating that downward. Other methods are direct radar measurements of the surface at the eye’s landfall. In this case that’s not possible, as there’s no safe terrain to do that from in a swamp, with a huge storm-surge at high tide.
They do of course go looking for the highest intensity in the storm with their transect plans, and not all of the storm is at the same intensity, including the eye-wall. So the surface wind speed given is an upper limit observed or derived from other direct measurements. They do use aerosonde drones also to get better data down lower. They make a major effort and the US storm data is the best there is. BOM’s windspeed estimates as ‘data’ are an absolute joke in comparison.
The eye of Ida just blew clear as it moves over warmer water, at about 25 km/h NW. And the core just got 15C warmer while the -71C cold tops remained in place surrounding it. Plus lightning in the core has been intense for hours.
The temp contrast in the core has just greatly increased, increasing uplift, so inner core winds will accelerate to about 135 kt or 140 kt (250 km/h to 259 km/h continuous speed) which will be a still strengthening Category-5 as it crosses the coast at about 3 AM our time. There is no dry air is wrapping in, the core symmetry remains high and there is no eyewall replacement process occurring and rainfall is intense, delivering strong winds to the sea surface, so strengthening from here remains a very likely outcome.§or=gm&band=07&length=24
Central Louisiana is going to get totally trashed before the end of Sunday, a large surge and a large river flood will follow it.
The most recent image is horrendous, it’s become large and symmetrical with intense convection occurring almost everywhere. An observation of 135 kt (250 km/h) has just been made. 252 km/h is the threshold to Cat-5. It’s almost there already.
Ida just deepened from a measured 946 mb eye down to 936 mb eye, in only 59 minutes. The eye also got much larger as it cleared out and the sharp pressure drop confirms it recommenced explosive intensification. It’s possible the pressure drops to 925 millibars or lower before it crosses the coast, as a full-belt Category 5.
This is the path the storm’s been on for 6 hours, projected forwards. The inner core would side-swipe the western part of NO but it will be so big and intense that even a close near-miss by the eye will be enough to do terrible damage.
As the system is full of intense rainfall, this will bring the strongest winds to the sea surface over a very wide area. This will drive a wider area of a deeper storm-surge. The surge around New Orleans will be bigger than during Katrina with stronger winds and higher waves. It’s likely multiple levees will over-top.
Should be some great image right on landfall.
NSW Health switches to recording patients as dying ‘with’ Covid instead of ‘from’ after finally acknowledging many of Australia’s 993 casualties died from something else or had even recovered from the virus
Dr Jeremy McAnulty (pictured) from NSW Health announced the department would switch from recording patients as dying ‘with’ instead of ‘from’ Covid-19
So does this mean it was a HOAX!
Oxford University study finds fully vaccinated Healthcare workers carry 251 times viral load compared to the unvaccinated proving the Covid-19 jabs make you worse
Just reading US pro met comments about will the NHC class it a Cat-5, or not, and I’m thinking if only they had the BOM it would be a 380 km per hour cat-7 by now … we’re so lucky.
Sunrise animation looks amazing:
A recon flight reports 928 millibar eye pressure from dropsonde data extrapolated to the surface. Currently forecasting 135 kt or 250 km/h winds for the next 6 hours. It’s about 4 hours to the eye crossing to ‘land’, so it may not get declared a Cat-5. However the ‘land’ it is crossing is almost all shallow warm swamp waters plus lakes so it’s unlikely to lose much energy or moisture input for an hour or two. Sort of like how hurricanes can cross the southern everglades and not lose a lot of energy or structure.
High tide occurs about 1 hour after eye landfall, so the major surge peak pulling onshore will occur right on high tide. Pretty much the worst possible situation for the area.
Stunning image of the eye animated.
Dropsonde measured 140 kt winds the surface, or 259 km/h continuous winds. Period of measurement not given. That’s a Cat-5.
Needs NHC to confirm the details.
Surge imagery in Missouri of beach front flooding into street with jetty decks going underwater with 3 to 4 hours to the high tide. The storm is in another state … and it’s still offshore! Other reports of surge levels are above predictions and indicates the windfield was bigger than modeled, and the wind is getting to the surface via very heavy rainfall and thus moving the sea water more energetically.
Looks like surge levels are going to be higher than predicted.
Coastal roads being cut already.
Hi, WXcycles:
My apologies, I’m really confused. From what I can tell, the closest part of Missouri (the ‘boot heel’) is some 400 kilometres north of any projected landfall. I do not see how a ‘storm surge’ could reach all the way through much of Mississippi and Arkansas to reach ‘Missouri’.
I’m hoping you meant ‘Mississippi’ (the state), and not Missouri.
Thanks for the updates, by the way. Very diligent on your part.
Sorry Vlad, it was past my bed time, that of course should have been Mississippi.
Understood, and again thanks for the diligence. I’m old, so I get easily confused, and in too many cases, just take people at their word.
Excellent work, by the way. You are one determined (lad? lass? something in-between?)
V. t. I.
Current NAM gust model run for Hurricane IDA.
I don’t think levees can survive hours of 100 mph gusts driving big waves on top of high tide with a major surge.