Google searches in Australia for “ivermectin”.
Word about Ivermectin is spreading in Australia, so much so that our Chief Medical Officer, Paul Kelly, and “news” outlets felt the need to fire shots across the bow. As predicted the drug was labeled as a horse dewormer used by fringe people and crazies. If the drug didn’t threaten sinecures and profits, it could have been called a Nobel Prize winning Wonder Drug used by 200 million people.
In an extraordinary turn, the Chief Medical Officer staked his reputation on something that is obviously flat out wrong and easily shown to be so. In another remarkable move, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia advised pharmacists to refuse legal prescriptions if the patient didn’t answer in a politically correct manner. (Who needs doctors?)
Here’s the Chief Medical Officer of Australia, who has apparently not read many papers on Ivermectin:
There’s no evidence to support the use of ivermectin to treat Covid-19. Don’t look for magic cures online, and don’t rely on what’s being peddled on the internet, because none of them work.”
Australia’s chief medical officer, Prof Paul Kelly, pleaded with the public not to take unproven medicine like ivermectin to treat Covid-19.
“The reality is, there are many trials that have been done into ivermectin, not a single one of them have shown to be effective,” he said.
–– The Guardian, but also the ABC national news
There is not a single trial, there are 63 trials involving more than 26,000 people, often medical workers, that show that ivermectin may help prevent infection in around five out of six people if used prophylactically. If used as an early treatment it may help 60% of people or more.
Paul Kelly wants us to trust him with our lives but he has not taken the time to read even one study on Ivermectin?
And none of the journalists at the press conference today have apparently read one either.
h/t to Lance, ColA, Nezysquared, John Droz, Jim Simpson, Helen D, Clarence.t, Destroyer69, RobB, Christine K. Popeye26, David A, Konrad, Old Ozzie and the FLCCC.
Ivermectin is so safe it’s been handed out en masse by illiterate non-medical staff in remote Africa:
Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training. This fact has helped contribute to the unsurpassed beneficial impact that the drug has had on human health and welfare around the globe, especially with regard to the campaign to fight Onchocerciasis.
— Crump and Omura, 2011, . doi: 10.2183/pjab.87.13
Like all drugs, ivermectin has side effects, risks and conflicts with other medications, so seek medical advice. But given the low cost and safety, all of us should be able to go to our doctor and talk about it. Surely the lockdowns would end sooner, and people could travel more, lives would be saved, fewer mutants would arise, and more ICU beds could be kept free. The only thing that goes badly are Big Pharma profits.
Doctors have the right to prescribe this “off label” — Health Minister Greg Hunt said so. But the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia is even suggesting that pharmacists do not supply a legal prescription?
h/t to Brenda Spence
Chemists Come Between Doctor and Patient
Phillip M. Altman Quadrant Magazine
… the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia [PSA], …has decided your local neighbourhood chemists can trump prescribing doctors if they suspect the drug is being used for other than its primary designated purpose, the treatment of roundworm parasites.
PSA recommends that pharmacists do not supply ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. Should pharmacists be unable to establish intended use of an ivermectin prescription, supply should be declined.
— Pharmaceutical Society of Australia alert to members
Altman has written to the PSA:
The directive by the PSA instructs pharmacists not to supply ivermectin on prescription if they deem the prescription has been written for the management of COVID-19. This is disturbing in that the PSA has taken upon itself, for the first time of which I am aware, to interfere with the sacred doctor-patient relationship by denying a medication, considered necessary by a doctor and legally prescribed, for a potentially serious infection.
The PSA has clearly overreached the boundary of the profession and should immediately withdraw this advice.
Phillip Altman BPharm(Hons), MSc, PhD
Clinical Trial and Regulatory Affairs Consultant
Read it all at Quadrant, and if you are a member of the PSA, send them an email.
There might be some interesting legal cases arising from relatives of any injured party who was refused a legal script…
The wonder drug that disappeared
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being ignored? Could it be that there would be no medical emergency and no need to rush out other riskier new treatments which are still classed as “experimental” if there was a safe alternative? There are billions of reasons to ask this question but newspapers wouldn’t publish the story. In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. Even if they win, sometimes hospitals still refuse to use it on patients with few options left. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin (and had a happy ending). The debate is so suppressed, there are rumours the US President was treated with it in secret last year.
For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases.
Ivermectin has also been used, with apparent success in India, Peru and Mexico (and so many other places). Covid cases fell in the states of India that approved Ivermectin use but rose in Tamil Nadu where it wasn’t permitted. Despite the success, India’s Health dept suddenly stopped Ivermectin use again and people in India are suing the WHO in disgust. In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks.
The FDA and others will say there is little evidence of success so far, but that’s a scandal in itself. Why are there no large trials? And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. We’ve known it might be useful since April last year, when an Australian group searched through many cheap safe drugs looking for any that might help against Covid. The news then was “Another possible cure for coronavirus, found in sheep dip: Ivermectin”. This was just a lab study, and it suggested doses would need to be too high. Even so, successes keep turning up in the real world? By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK trial is hobbled from the start.
Andy Crump and Satoshi Omura (2011) Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective ,Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. Feb 10; 87(2): 13–28. doi: 10.2183/pjab.87.13
Bryant, Andrew MSc1,*; Lawrie, Theresa A. MBBCh, PhD2; Dowswell, Therese PhD2; Fordham, Edmund J. PhD2; Mitchell, Scott MBChB, MRCS3; Hill, Sarah R. PhD1; Tham, Tony C. MD, FRCP4 (2021) Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection, A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines, American Journal of Therapeutics: June 17, 2021 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue – doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001402
Totally sickening here Jo.
Fortunately I was able to get my prescription for Ivermectin filled and I have it now here, in case my family members contract covid and need it. I personally don’t think we are at risk at all, but it never hurts to have a Plan B.
Prof Kelly is just following the broken and wrong script we have seen throughout the covid madness where anything other than something coming out of a needle, regardless of its benefits, is shut down and shunned.
We only get the best result when we have all solutions on the table and allow all science to be properly reviewed and put forward. And the science around the current vaccines has huge problems which real world use is showing. By contrast, as you show, Ivermectin is increasingly shown to be a winner.
Why do we have silencing and blatant lies on a daily basis from our bureaucrats and politicians, and now the PSA? Why do we have a police state? Why are people and doctors unable to access proven remedies?
But more importantly, why are Australian people not saying enough is enough?
“But more importantly, why are Australian people not saying enough is enough?”
Perhaps because they are smarter than you give them credit for, and they realize that they are not trained and licensed physicians with experience in treating people.
I don’t know about Australia, but here in the US, physicians are able to prescribe medicine “off label.” One of the downsides of that is if he prescribes something that is not officially approved, and the patient dies, his survivors will almost certainly sue for malpractice!
I asked my physician last year what he thought of chloroquine (HCQS) He just rolled his eyes! I’m pretty sure that his reaction to ivermectin would be the same. This is a man who I have been seeing for the last 20 years, and I respect his opinion more than that of a blogger with no medical degree, or anonymous commenters without a medical license.
There is an old joke about how a man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client. To paraphrase that, I’d say that a person who self-medicates has a fool for a doctor.
Will you tell us s.th. about Remdsivir ?
Habe you also asked your physiciyn what his experiences were about HCQ ? I’ll tell you, not knowing him, zero.
Yes. How did Remdisivir get past the regulators?
And, Clyde: JoNova does have a relevant degree. This argument is right up her alley. With extensive family support.
And Thomas Borody is no ordinary mug, nor Robert Clancy, nor Phillip Altman.
Maybe because Remdisivir cost $1K + per dose and the patent is held by a Chinese company (Based on the Epoch Times doc)?
(looks like we must get rid of the + signs manually each time)
Perhaps you should listen to someone who actually knows.
Take your time, try to learn and try to think.
Then consider what you have had injected into your system.
You can’t educate those who refuse to learn. It’s their problem, we will be better off with fewer fools in the world.
I have always felt that the “vaccine” issue was a disguised IQ test.
That was a great laugh, when we really need one! Thanks!
You very well may be right.
The real question is this:
Whom is administering the test?
Brilliant Observation!
I have just recently started sinking to their low IQ level as concerns the cartoons declaring Ivermectin as just a horse, sheep, cattle, etc. dewormer here in the USA. People who take it are just outright stupid they say. I have called them all racists for this line of thought.
Very dark skinned people along equatorial zones all across the world have safely taken billions of Ivermectin doses to treat disease for over 3 decades. But now It is being alluded that Ivermectin is only used on animals, so why would anyone want to debase themselves that low. Denigrating People of Color as being the equivalent of stupid animals is just flat out racists in the book of Social Justice. So all you Progressives with the Ivermectin jokes using it to treat CoVid, please stop with the racism.
I’ve yet to see any responses, but should be interesting.
Yes, agreed, as I said last week:
The FDA has launched a marketing program to rebrand the Wonder Drug from Japan as just a horse paste and thus bury the 3.8 billion doses given to very non-horsey humans, many of whom were in Subsaharan Africa. On another day this would be a hideously racist. When do 200 million Africans count for nothing?
But for decades now Australians have been vaccinated, except of course those unfortunate enough to have anti-vaxxer parents, from 12 hours onward. Why are vaccines against mumps and measles and Hep B and HIV and polio and whooping cough and tetanus and chicken pox and tetanus diphtheria OK but vaccines against Coc=vid-19 are not. Where’s the logic in that?
Reading a bit more widely although Malone and his co-authors did indeed publish seminal papers which that sparked for the first time the hope that mRNA could have potential as a new drug class, he does state “the achievement of the mRNA vaccines of today is the accomplishment of a lot of collaborative efforts.”. But on the other hand Malone seems to be embittered by his treatment by pharmaceutical companies for whom he worked and for not receiving accolades given to the biochemist Katalin Karikó, which he believes he rather Kariko should have received.
The article pointed to by the link below is well worth reading as it is a balanced assessment of Profeeor Malone’s vaccination beliefs
The Atlantic .. “balanced” that’s funny !
“It was created as a literary and cultural commentary magazine.”
Oh.. such science !
Ian. The Atlantic? Is this for real?
The following explains the facts very clearly…https://citizenfreepress.com/column-2/why-is-everyone-so-afraid-of-dr-robert-malone/……
As you will not click i’ll explain…from the 3.30 mark the sheila in the videos shows via the way-back archives that Malone was INDEED a big deal in mRNA but was immediately scrubbed out of the narrative when he blasted the whole current scam.
If you are not a troll, could you also give us your view on Katalin Kariko being the vice-president of BioNTECH, Pfizer’s partner in their vax, and whether this makes HER views on these mRNA vaxes more, or far far far less credible?
Hope this doesn’t damage your faith in con-persons!
Oh yes Mantary `I most definitely will click and I always do as I’m not scared of views with which I may not agree and am quite prepared to adjust my opinion iif the evidence presented is compelling. But the link you supplied. There wass nothing of note in the CFP link as it is hard right and totally biased.
Katalin Kariko clearly states he =r affiliation with BioTNech and states Karikó rthat she hadn’t told anyone that she is the inventor of mRNA vaccines and that “many many scientists” contributed to their success. “I have never claimed more than discovering a way to make RNA less inflammatory,” seems reasonable so what’s your gripe with that/
Do you really understand what mRNA vaccines are ? If you don’t I’ll enlighten you because I do
“is hard right and totally biased”
By that comment, Ian really means “centrist and rational”.
Lift you left ear off the ground next time you comment, Ian.
All those other vaccines went through very thorough extended trials, sometimes 10years or more to ascertain any long term side effects. Even then, some medicines slipped through the net – thalidomide for example. The latest experimental ‘jobbies’ have not been around long enough to suss out adverse effects, hence the requirement for gummints to indemnify the manufacturers.
By the time the vaccines for many of those conditions completed trials the diseases themselves had already pretty much collapsed. It is one of the few strong arguments from anti-vaxxers have is that a vaccine works well against something that is pretty much gone from society. Measles outbreaks can often be linked in recent times back vaccination since is uses partially inactivated viral components can in rare cases can cause a full blown infection.
There are plenty of studies on various outcomes, be that very weak epidemiology (which is as good as that particular ‘science’ gets, very weak. Be that RCTs such as the 2012 study on flu vaccines in children looking at non-flu outcomes finding a 440% increase in non-flu pneumonia in the vaccinated over those who received the saline solution, did the media or doctor tell you this when you went to get a flu shot? no? imagine my shock! Do a personal risk analysis but do not force this or support the forcing of this on others.
People can watch Dr. Malone on Steve Bannon’s warroom, e.g. Episode 1233, to decide for themselves how “embittered” he is. How, exactly, does one determine that, Ian? Do you have an embitteredness meter? Seriously, you just pulled that out of thin air – this is the sort of thing one sees with certain types: bald assertions (that don’t really make sense if one knows anything about the topic) followed by ad hominem arguments (or other logical fallacies) if people aren’t snowed by your first move.
Perhaps you can ask that trusted doctor how many booster shots are needed until you are fully vaccinated, and why didn’t he tell you that after saying you would only need one jab to be fully vaccinated?
It’s a rhetorical question, because we know the answer is he can’t tell you because no one knows.
You are part of an experiment.
I can only wish you good health and safe travels.
Is Ivermectin the new penicillin?
The Therapeutics Goods Administrations has reported two more deaths associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, after a woman and a man in their 50s suffered from the extremely rare blood clotting side-effect.
A 54-year old man from NSW and a 59-year old woman from Queensland died after receiving their first AstraZeneca jabs. It remains unclear whether they suffered from underlying health conditions.
The TGA has reported an additional nine cases of blood clots and low blood platelets, which have been assessed as “confirmed or probable” cases of the condition Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome or TTS.
Although this blood clot/low platelet combination is rare in the general community, it is actually much more prevalent in people that have had the Covid jab, to the point that we should find a more suitable word for it. Perhaps “common”, or even “routine”.
After 3 or 4 toxic jabs, we can pretty much say these people will be total clots.
Recall that Dr Bhakdi, back in APRIL, described the impending tsunami of harm very precisely. “If you get through the 1st jab good: the second fine….but by the first or second booster be sure to have your will up to date.”
What a know-nothing, eh willing guinea-piggee pro-gene-therapy volunteers? Though I’m kinda wondering how such a “dolt” woulda been telling YOU all about those never-ending boosters at the same time that your dream-boy and dream-girl CMOs and CHOs were denying this FULL STOP.
Gullible is as gullible does, eh?
and yet the blood clot death is one of the rarer forms of death from these vaccines. These last two make about a dozen or so linked to this specific clotting yet was passed well over 300 deaths associated to the vaccine roll out by about April. I couldn’t find the latest numbers as it looks like for at least the past week parts of the TGA website is ‘down’ except for part producing puff pieces to vaccinate of course.
From what I have seen there have been fewer complications from AstraZeneca over Pfizer yet the media spend plenty of time talking about how bad a specific very rare blood clot in the AstraZeneca version of the vaccine is. Everything seems very suss.
And yet doctors all around the world support the use of Ivermectin to treat covid.
They appear to now be openly decalring war on humanity.
India has now launched DNA vaccines on kids – chimeras like the new Nephilim on the horizon?
Now there was a chemical used in certain camps in europe in the 1940s. Surely conicidence….?
Mate, have you not read the lengthy articles by eminent virologists, epidemiologists etc on the web warning of the global adoption of the current vaccines? These are professionals that have spent their lives studying virology and immunology.
On the other hand, many have pointed out that Ivermectin has been used safely on humans for over 40 years, and ample evidence indicates sufficient anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties to vastly improve chances of surviving Covid.
Sweden Bans Travelers From Israel, One Of The Most Vaccinated Countries In The World
There are several exceptions to the ban including those traveling for specific reasons, as well as from certain countries, but on Thursday six countries were removed from the exempt list of “safe countries”: based on a rise in Covid-19 infections in those countries, from September 6th the entry ban will also apply to countries Kosovo, Lebanon, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia, the United States, and Israel.
Israel is particularly notable, because while it has long been one of the most vaccinated countries in the world and boasts the highest percentage of population having received a third “booster” shot, at 25%, it is also the country where new latest wave of covid infections has just hit new all time highs.
Would you consider th3e following people of distinction to be ” blogger with no medical degree, or anonymous commenters without a medical license”?
Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Kary Mullis (deceased), Dr. Peter McCullogh, etc.
I could go on for a long time, but you should have enough common sense to get the picture.
Why should WE respect the opinion of an anonymous blogger quoting an anonymous quack?
He didn’t answer the question so you don’t actually know his opinion or why he has that opinion.
Of course people shouldn’t self medicate. But you should ask your doctor what is the basis for rolling his eyes. Hopefully he keeps abreast of all the information and is making an informed opinion. Or maybe he’s only read the minimum and media reports.
I don’t think anyone here is saying Ivermectin should be forcibly administered. Responsible adults should be free to try it just as Clyde Spencer is perfectly free to refuse it.
So A: He hasn’t familiarized himself enough to explain it to you (If you can’t explain it to the Tea Lady, you don’t understand it yourself) Winston Churchill.
And or B: He doesn’t doesn’t have enough respect for your intelligence to try – So he ignored the question.
So how does it work? The latest review of the literature in Nature is ambiguous on that subject.
Many claim the bioavailability of oral IVM is too low in the lungs.
But where else does the Fauci Flu virus like to set up shop? The small intestine, the organ with the highest expression of the ACE2 receptor in the body.
Konrad, there is no information on how ivermectin worlds on convos, lots of assertions for sure, but no proof. Why would you take a drug whose mechanism against the infection is unknown?
Why would anyone take an experimental pseudo-vaxxine that is known to deliberately taint your blood and immune systems with toxins!
like Ivermectin?
Ivermectin is not a blood toxic.
Try again, drone. !
The way Ivermectin works is well known now, follow the links posted here day by day.
Didn’t you look at Jo’s article above? There is a big blue table showing the number of studies. To save you the time Jo has given the references.
Spend some time looking at the references.
studies did not show the way it works, all we have are assertions
studies did not show the way it works, all we have are assertions
Just like climate change then!!!!
Ivermectin works well on parasite,….
Steer clear of it, PF !
Just get multiple toxic jabs in stead.
Become a total [Snip]AD
We have far more then assertions. We have massive real world evidence.
And in many other nations.
BTW, Since natural immunity is 13 to 23 times better then vaccinated, and vaccines may possibly harm or kill you, why would you or anyone get the vaccine without first confirming if you have natural immunity. ?
That link has been posted here yesterday, everxyone asking how IVM works was able to read the linked paper. Can’t understand the laziness and snuggess to read a link with best explanations. You cower your meal your self, or is there someone to help you ? 😀
Ivermectin binds to the spike protein and prevents it from attaching to the ACE receptors. it is also an ionophore and carries zinc across the cell membrane.
IvermectinLAB.study. https://www.aap.com.au/anti-parasitic-drug-kills-covid-19-in-lab/
I sincerely hope you get or have taken the quaxxine.
The highest concentration of ACE-2 cells is in the nose, not in the lower intestine. Covid spreads via respirator droplets which are produced in the nose.
“Dr Waradon Sungnak, the first author on the paper from Wellcome Sanger Institute, said: “We found that the receptor protein — ACE2 — and the TMPRSS2 protease that can activate SARS-CoV-2 entry are expressed in cells in different organs, including the cells on the inner lining of the nose. We then revealed that mucus-producing goblet cells and ciliated cells in the nose had the highest levels of both these COVID-19 virus proteins, of all cells in the airways. This makes these cells the most likely initial infection route for the virus.”
Key nose cells identified as likely COVID-19 virus entry points
“Two specific nose cell types have been identified as likely initial infection points for COVID-19 coronavirus. Scientists discovered that goblet and ciliated cells in the nose have high levels of the entry proteins that the COVID-19 virus uses to get into our cells, which could help explain the high rate of transmission. The study with Human Cell Atlas Lung Biological Network found cells in the eye and some other organs also contain the viral-entry proteins.”
The bioavailability of Ivermectin can be increased by creating a nano particle like version of Ivermectin. Optimizing the bioavailability enables less dosages to be decreased to achieve an in patient response which would have required a toxic dosage.
In the case of Ivermectin the research to find a means to create an optimized version of Ivermectin has been done by a Canadian company who were interested in animal applications and covid. There tests indicate the nano version of covid is roughly 8 times more bioavailable than taking Ivermectin in a tablet.
The same bioavailability technology has been used by another Canada company to create a covid killing non invasive nose spray which uses nitrogen to kill covid and stop it from attaching to nose cells.
An anti-viral nasal spray called Enovid that was developed in Canada and tested in the UK can reduce the viral loads in confirmed COVID-19 cases by 95% in 24 hours and 99% in 72 hours, a press release said on Sunday.
The Israeli-manufactured spray can be used up to five times a day after coming in contact with viruses, according to the release. It’s suitable for children as young as 12 years old, and the Ministry of Health approved it in January this year. It will go on sale in the coming week.
In a nutshell, it works by reducing the replication of the virus and therefore, reduce the viral load. Yes, we can go into specifics about inhibition of alpha and beta nuclear medicated import but that would be boring. Basically, inhibit viral entry and reduce viral load.
That was for Peter F above
While it would be nice to know how it works, and there are analysis on this of which the article in Nature appears to be ignorant. But isn’t the question not, does it work, and you PF have presumably read the meta analysis. So why the red herring.
Better put, “shouldn’t the question be does it work, and you PF have presumably read the meta analysis. So why the red herring”.
I read through that interesting link.
Here is the conclusion : “Considering the urgency of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, simultaneous detection of various new mutant strains and future potential re-emergence of novel coronaviruses, repurposing of approved drugs such as Ivermectin could be worthy of attention.”
Yep ! It seems we have a problem : a potentially cheap readily available effective way of PREVENTING ( not curing ) infection is being ignored and bad mouthed
My comment was a reply to Peter Fitzroy above.
My comment was a reply to Peter Fitzroy above.” And an excellent comment it was Bill.
how does it work?
Read above, read below
Plenty of evidence on this thread, if you would only bother looking.
At least try. !
How does it work?
Like a charm.
You are very ambitious Bill. Can you really imagine anything which would influence PF and the other pet trolls?
Possibly better to just convey the message you did and ignore those who would destroy the utility of the forum.
Peter’s ‘Logic’ is that because we don’t know exactly how it works.
Even though it DOES work in preventing Covid,
We should not use it.
Now that is a very extraordinary assertion.
After all until recent decades with advances in bio-chemistry, genetics, biology etc
We had NO idea at all as to how any treatments ‘worked’.
Big examples : Quinine, penicillin, sulfa compounds etc
Agreed Bill and I your comment deserves a better correspondent than PF.
It hasn’t been very long since you were promoting hydroxychloroquine instead of ivermectin.
Just because shareholders in Big Phama companies would prefer to see higher profits from expensive drugs, it is not proof that studies done by independent investigators are tainted by the desires of those shareholders. You might want to consider the possibility that the studies you are citing leave something to be desired. After all, even what appear to be high quality medical studies are not reproducible half the time!
What is interesting about COVID-19 is the large number of drugs that have shown apparent efficacy, at least in vitro. Something like three dozen drugs that have been approved for some medical purpose have independently been shown to have efficacy against COVID-19. Even stranger is that there seems to be a strong placebo effect associated with the disease. What if one of the three dozen drugs showing efficacy is better than your ‘drug of the month?’ Are you not potentially responsible for loss of lives if your endorsement causes people to die who might have been saved by a better drug?
My personal suspicion is that ANY toxin (which is what most drugs are) will challenge the immune system and provide some benefit for the body to fight off the infection. Hopefully, the side effects, which can be expected to vary from individual to individual, will be much less serious than the symptoms of the disease. “The dose makes the poison” — Paracelsus
You may not be aware, but in the early days of syphilis, doctors attempted to treat it with poisonous mercury compounds. Since then, we have found better treatments. I suspect that in the future, doctors will look back on HCQS and ivermectin in the same light as toxic mercury. Time will tell just who the “crazies” are.
And lots and lots and lots and even more lots to be found, would Spenser only look and not be such a self-righteous and ignorant toady (and an accomplice to manslaughter).
I don’t remember who discovered, that a lot of negative HCQ studies have been written by Gilead more or less related researchers. The completely faked and in Lancet published study, later retracted because lack of data and general probability was also an example of the try to discredit HCQ. Same happens now with Ivermectn,and , hazard or not, you are always right in the middle of the campaign with your opinion.
Hi Clyde
There have been over 280 trials of HCQ involving over 400000 patients. Evidence points to it being an effective early treatment for covid-19 :
In India, against the first wave, they used HCQ, now, the second, the Delta, also with much success, even more now with IVM because it’s safer.
There is a practical nano particle technology which the Medical Industry has been holding back as it would obsolete almost all cancer drugs.
The nano particle technology enables (can be applied to most drugs) the in body dosage of a drug to be greatly reduced, and still or enable a much higher bioavailability of the drug in question. This change in the risk vs patient side effects for drugs would and should revolutionize medicine. Less risk to patients. And more importantly everyone will use the few cancer drugs that do work.
In the case of covid. The limiting factor for Ivermectin is patient tolerance to Ivermectin side effects. This technology optimizes biological/practical to get the chemically the best ratio possible.
The best ratio possible….. Input drug vs Bioavailability for the drug to do its job. … Enables… will enable the most effective cancer drugs to be more effective and to be used by all patients. The limiting factor for drug use was/is patient tolerance to the best cancer drugs.
Ivermectin in a novel, nano particle like form, an optimized injectable, is 8 times more bioavailable (more effective at killing covid virus with less stress/risk of side effects because the in body dosage can be reduced and a higher bioavailable made to kill covid) than taking Ivermectin as a tablet.
The physical reason why an optimized nano particle is more effective/safer than taking Ivermectin as a tablet….. Is Ivermectin stops/kills the covid covid virus by binding to the tiny virus.
Ivermectin in a nano particle like injectable form…. Is roughly 8 times more effective at attaching to the virus…. Than Ivermectin taken as a tablet.
The super effectiveness of Ivermectin in tiny nano particle optimized form…. …enables a dosage that will kill covid optimally with less risk/stress to the patient’s organs.
This makes sense. The virus is tiny. Large gobs of Ivermectin hurt organs. Tiny nano particles of Ivermectin attach to viruses.
A Canadian company has developed an optimized nano particle like form of Ivermectin.
A Canadian start-up company, MVMD, has an injectable form of Ivermectin, which in vitro tests done by an independent, Canadian Government run, level 4 lab using live covid, has shown, the injected Ivermectin starts to reduce covid viral count in 20 minutes and clears all virus within 48 hours.
Ivermectin Soluble MVMD
MOUNTAIN VALLEY MD RECEIVES SUCCESSFUL RESULTS FROM BSL-4 COVID-19 CLEARANCE TRIAL ON THREE VARIANTS TESTED WITH IVECTOSOL™ TORONTO, ON – May 18, 2021 – Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc. (the “Company” or “MVMD”) (CSE: MVMD) (FRA:20MP) is pleased to announce it has received its thirdparty Bio Safety Level 4 (“BSL-4”) lab study results from its recent COVID-19 viral clearance study conducted with its solubilized Ivermectin technology – Ivectosol™.
Large gobs of Ivermectin hurt organs.
What evidence is there of this? And “large gobs” is a very loose term. For example, I would not be taking any Ivermectin that was not within recommended dosage.
There is a separate speciality that looks at how drugs are absorbed by the body and toxicity of drugs. The limiting factor/constraint for most drug treatments is toxicity to the patient of the drug.
That speciality led to the development of means to produce a nano version of drugs which is more bioactive than tablets. A drug that is more bioactive reduces side effects and increases the bioavailability of the drug/covid killing ability of Ivermectin.
The technology produces nano small particles of Ivermectin which then interact with the tiny covid virus.
The company that has done this drug optimizing research, state, that their version of Ivermectin is roughly a factor of 8 better than tablets which is close the theoretical limit of the technology. A factor 8 improvement changes how effective Ivermectin will be in clearing all covid virus with less risk to the patient.
This would enable an in body Ivermectin that is say twice as effective with say half the dosage of Ivermectin as compared to treatment with a tablet.
Improving the risk vs rewards makes drugs more effective and less risky to the patient.
Any relation to IVM ? Are you mercury victime ? Will you make us believe to have a deep knowledge in treatment of illness and we should you believe ? No, not that way 😀
Hey guys. Don’t get too emotionally invested in these little spats…
The pro-vax, anti-IVM or anti-Anything Else posters are not writing their nonsense FOR YOU, nor hoping to convince you of anything. They are writing for any passing on-lookers who have not yet been vaxed. Thus, all that sensible people who find mass-experimentation via coercion and threats need do, is present the facts.
The most salient one is that while the vax manufacturers and their enablers (including the ones appearing on various blogs) are gonna get a ut of hundreds of billions out of this, the contra-crowd are making practically nothing…some of them completely nothing, as well as losing their careers and money.
It’s kinda like buying a property where the salesman and his cronies (about to land a fat commission) tell you all is well, while various people living in the same neighbourhood say it’s built on a toxic waste dump and they wish they’d never bought there. Not hard to spot the vested and suspect interest is it?
These comparisions are useless for all readers, but will give the impression of impotance of the commenter without any relevant background. Emotions in such cases are are from time to time neccessary to prevent and warn new or uninformed readers. And a hint ro the commenter that his bias is detected.
Clyde Spencer:
Mercury has a long history of medical use, not always successful.
“in the 11th century Avicenna (Ibn Sina) had the foresight to recommend the use of mercury only as an external remedy, and quicksilver ointments were used by the Arabs in the treating of skin diseases”.
Arsphenamine, also known as Salvarsan or compound 606, is a drug that was introduced at the beginning of the 1910s as the first effective treatment for syphilis and African trypanosomiasis. This organoarsenic compound was the first modern antimicrobial agent.
Alexander Fleming’s (the discoverer of Penicillin) experience administering the drug to patients was positive, and thereafter he maintained a small but lucrative practice administering Salvarsan to wealthy patients suffering from syphilis.
It was left to his fellow Nobel Prize winners in 1945, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, to demonstrate in 1940 that penicillin could be used as a therapeutic agent to fight a large number of bacterial diseases.
There are, at last count, over 100 FDA-approved pharmaceutical products which contain mercury. The typical amount of mercury in these products is 50 ppm. Mostly it would seem as an antibacterial agent for increased storage life. Personally I’ve used it in eye drops.
A lot of us, and a lot of doctors were advocating for the use of HCQ, from about April last year. With zinc, and vitamin D. The recommendation has changed over time, not because of any change in effectiveness, but because HCQ has been made unobtainable in many places by WHO decree. Ivermectin is being emphasised for its safety and availability in many countries, often without prescription. The other option, quercetin, is less widely used, but is also available without prescription. It is a zinc ionophore as are HCQ and IVM.
As ivermectin already has WHO safety approvals, unlike the “vaccines”, it is known to doctors around the world, including for its known, rare, side effects, so could be in wide use, rapidly, with a wording change by the authorities to suggest it may be useful for early prevention and early treatment of Covid. (I take quercetin as it is available to me.)
Allowing doctors to prescribe IVM would ensure that people would take safe doses, remove hospitalisations of self diagnosers, stop the calls to poisons hot line and even stop COVID in a lot of potential victims.
And that head of the PSA should be removed from office immediately, and her directive withdrawn. Today.
Dave B
Why do you think it is an either/or case of HCQ and IVM?
My understanding as a critically involved lay person is that they both work but IVM the better.
from your last link of your comment.
Will you really believe, the vacces have been tseted as new vaccines are usually tested ? No, the test are still running, worldwide, wile IVM is a well tested save drug since decades, even now tested against COVB-19.
Your link is bar of infos but a simple opinion treatise.
Not only do we know the treatment works but it has been of huge help in poorer countries. One other issue I would like to raise; how many chief medical officers are virologists? We constantly hear these people in office but only ever to promote the highly dubious and very expensive vaccines. If one has a bacterial infection, they would be medicated with antibiotics, so why isn’t a virus being treated with antivirals? Apart from kickbacks and overlords that is.
“Are you not potentially responsible for loss of lives if your endorsement causes people to die who might have been saved by a better drug?”
You are talking about the toxic vaccines that leave your blood system permanently tainted, right !
there is no doubt at all that those people pushing just the vaccine, and vigorously denying the use of Ivermectin are almost certainly causing people to die.
oops, wrong place… was meant as reply to Clyde @ #3
I got it.
“You are talking about the toxic vaccines that leave your blood system permanently tainted, right !”
Considering your quoted comment (without citation) I’m going to write you off as a rabid ‘anti-vaxer’ who doesn’t know what he is talking about.
Speaking of rabies, if you got bit by a rabid animal, would you refuse the vaccine treatment?
Technically the vaccines must be considered in part a toxin. The spike proteins have been proven to mitigate from the injection site. They cause damage to organs with high expression of the ACE2 receptor.
“I’m going to write you off as a rabid ‘anti-vaxer’”
I’m going to write you off as a non-thinking, mindless, gullible twerp who doesn’t have the remotest ability to think for himself.
Rabies is the least of your problems.
You have taken and are promoting an experimental clayton’s/pseudo-vaccine “jab” that intentionally introduces the spike toxin into your system.
Good luck with that. Have a good future! 😉
“I’m going to write you off as a rabid ‘anti-vaxer’”
Clyde needs to remember that when you resort to name calling you have lost the argument LOL
you cop the flack when over the target
It’s nealy proven, these mRNA “vaxxs” treat your immune systeme in a way, to be less able to treat other illness.
Excellent example, but wrong question. If you weren’t bitten by a rabid animal, would you take the rabies vaccine? ’cause we’re giving the COVID vaccines to millions of people who don’t have COVID. Let’s treat the sick, and leave the well alone.
And why should Clarence concern himself with the opinion of an anonymous, untrained idiot?
I’m guessing that you would avoid KFC as it as a secret recipe of 11 ingredients, any of which could be toxic.
Nobody injects KFC into their blood system.
Your grasp of biology has, yet again, been exposed to be a total abyss.
Are you seriously suggesting that KFC does not end up in the vascular system?
And you question my grasp of biology?
So, PF does inject KFC. Explains his ignorance syndrome.
Each to their own.!
Enjoy your clot shots, forever. !
PF probably thinks that red blood cells are KFC nuggets.
An excellent suggestion P.F. I’ve avoided KFC (and McDonald) for years.
I tried a McDonald burger when they were first introduced in Melbourne in the 1970’s and decided that the cardboard container might taste better; whether “the burgers are better at Hungry Jack’s” I cannot from personal experience agree, but I think they could be.
There was a claim that the “secret recipe” for KFC consisted of salt, pepper and large amounts of monosodium glutamate, but whether that is true I cannot say.
All ingredients in KFC would have been passed for human consumption safety.
The “jabs” have never got that far.
Some people have been eating KFC for 50 years without getting a single weird blot clot.
In 50 years from now when there’ve been up to 100 “boosters” of Moderna or Pfizer needed, how many actual survivors will there be? 6, out of 8 billion fools who allowed it into themselves and loved ones, maybe?
Last time I checked, KFC puts MSG in all its chicken and cooks in canola oil.
“oops, wrong place” Done it myself Clarence, not sure if it was always me or the system that did it.
It was me, I just wasn’t 100% awake as to where I was posting 🙂
Ok want some real world data on Ivermectin and its effectiveness against Covid19 then go to Worldometer and look at Corona virus cases. Now go to the bottom of the list and choose “detailed list”.
Now get an atlas of Africa and its countries. Now you will see two important columns ie “deaths per million” and while your at it note the last column “population” its interesting to learn a little about middle African nations population sizes too. Now go to the top of the list and just note deaths per million for any western country
eg UK,France ,italy USA, Spain .
Now go to your Atlas and look at deaths per million of middle African nations eg Ethiopia ,Congo ,Siera leone, etc (there are about 30 to 40 countries) these are countries
that use Ivermectin.Note most Northern and most Southern African countries have not used Ivermectin.When I first started looking at the worldometer (18 months ago)
I felt it wouldn’t be long before African countries would be hit hardest by Covid 19 due to lack of medical care (hospitals ,doctors nurses etc).
Well whada you know I seemingly have got that part wrong.Maybe this horse de wormer might just be useful in human application but then maybe Im just an ilinformed dumbo.
Cheers Mike Reed
The Japanese Health minister had the same inquisitive mind. The result.. Ivermectin now approved in Japan. There is a you tube video of his preaa conference with subtitles available(or used to be available) depending on the censor.
A link for the Japanese reference. https://nonvenipacem.com/2021/08/28/tokyo-to-the-rescue-japan-jumps-on-the-ivermectin-train/
There’s a Japanese study of Covid cases and deaths in 31 African Countries.
Essentially, where IVM is used with regularity, both cases and deaths are 1/10 of places where IVM is not used.
Why COVID-19 is not so spread in Africa: How does Ivermectin affect it?
Some guy on twitter graphed the data
And, Dr. Robert Malone MD, retweeted it
This is the sort of comparison that you look for to justify something you have faith in.
Let me offer a different perspective – median age:
Ethiopia 19.7
Congo 18.8
Sierra Leone 18.5
Italy 47.3
France 47.7
UK 40.4
These are pre Covid. The European nations would have slightly lower median age now.
It has been reasonably widely reported that Covid has greatest adverse impact on old people.
The other confounding factor is the population density. Cities like London and New York have relatively high population density.
I am well past the median age of any African nation putting me in the more vulnerable age group; vaccination for me.
I have looked but have not seen anything that says age, as a single line item, is the greatest comorbidity as suggested.
I would assume that a 40 year old in Europe is no less healthy than a 20 year old in sub-Saharan Africa.
Linked data is from worldometer analysis done last year for New York. It lists the number with underlying conditions:
Half of the deaths were in 75+ and more than half of those had underlying conditions. However I do not know many 75+yo running marathons. I know of one 80+yo who used to compete in the Murray Marathon and that is a gruelling race but he was a rare bird.
Main takeaway is that there are very few 75+yo living in any Central African nation. That knocks out half of the potential Covid deaths compared with developed countries.
Hence I am wary of translating Covid survivability data from central Africa to anyone in my age group.
The evidence is very clear on the vaccinations. The evidence for Ivermectin is not as compelling.
Everyone living in Australia is going to have increasing exposure to Covid. It is my understanding that none of the hundreds of severe Covid cases currently in Australian hospital ICUs are double dosed vaccinated. None of the data on Ivermectin trials is as convincing as that.
If anyone wants to back in Ivermectin then they should be able to convince their GP that it is their preference over vaccination. The Ivermectin will inevitably have lower impact because it is not preparing the immune system to develop anti-bodies. My observation among friends and relatives is that older people seem to have more adverse reaction to vaccination and that occurs in both male and female. Threshold for people in reasonable health is about 75yo. Those over 75 have been weary after either the first or second jab.
It is becoming apparent that Australia will easily reach herd immunity with the numbers lining up for vaccinations. It is a supply issue not hesitancy. So those choosing an alternative path should have reducing exposure in Australia by early 2021.
One thing to remember is that the recommended dosing for AZ requires almost 4 months. There is some effectiveness after 12 days from the first jab but the most effective response is two jabs 12 weeks apart with most effective response two weeks after the second jab. The time between jabs is being reduced to 6 weeks to speed the program but that is not the preferred protocol.
It is my understanding that none of the hundreds of severe Covid cases currently in Australian hospital ICUs are double dosed vaccinated.
I believe that one fatality in the past couple of days was double vaccinated. This is going to happen, if one takes what is happening in Israel as a signal.
Look, some of the virologists who are critical of the premature release of the vaccines, still agree that they would recommend them for the 75+ age group who are the most vulnerable to severe Covid illness. But, as a whole, they argue that, under normal conditions, these vaccines would have been canned for the general population when adverse effects occurred.
Rick, I think that is a reasonable observation.
However, I would want to know the ratio of cases/ deaths.
Furthermore, it is incontestable that Ivermectin has reduced the amount of River Blindness, Elephantosis & Dengue in these countries. It is one of the reasons that the Nobel Prize was awarded to the developer of the drug.
Why is it so difficult to suppose that it may also be a successful anti-viral for COVID19 as well?
“the possessive was also written it’s until a couple of hundred years ago. While we don’t know for certain, it is possible that the apostrophe was dropped in order to parallel possessive personal pronouns like hers, theirs, yours, ours, etc.”
At any rate there us a saying “ determining the proper placement of a coma, does not account for a
Wrong comparison , why not just compare with South Africa where Ivermectin use is not so prevalent. Doesnt fit the argument I guess. Nor doe the Govt/MSM flogging Delta as dangerous to younger people and trying to justify polluting kids.
It took a while for this to be noticed. I actually started to watch Equatorial Africa stats after I learned that they use Ivermectin as a prophylactic for River Blindness & other endemic diseases.
This is absolutely vile behaviour on the part of the CMO and the PSA. The CMO is outright lying about the studies and the PSA is interfering in patient doctor relationship.
And why? It’s because Ivermectin works. And what it means is if people use Ivermectin to fight off an infection, they safely gain long lasting natural immunity. But if someone takes the shots then gets infected (as is happening to 11,000 per day in Israel) they don’t aquire the broad immunity the unjabbed gain. The jabbed can get infected again and again.
This is utter depravity on the part of the Australian authorities. They have no excuses. They cannot claim ignorance. Everyone can see what is happening in Israel. And the natural immunity data cannot be denied.
These people are willfully trying to destroy Australian’s chance of superior natural immunity. And for what? “Vaccines” that are failing to prevent infection and transmission with an emerging Disease Enhancement signal.
With Delta the double jabbed can build exactly the same viral load as the unjabbed, so there is zero scientific justification for the totalitarian’s insane “vaccine passports” plan. Yet our government fights on regardless of the lives they are sacrificing.
These lunatics must be stopped. And the simplest way to do this is have the maximum number of Australians refusing the jabs. The vile totalitarians are in a race against time and the virus is winning while the Quackzines are losing.
Too late for that. The jabs are continuing unabated. Most people are asleep on all of this and are being coerced to getting them. You have to understand Australians are not what they used to be. Today the majority are jelly backed gullible fools. They say we have to live with the virus. We have been already living with the virus but the real issue here is it’s a different virus that we now have to live with. It’s a pandemic never seen before in this country. It’s a form of mass hysteria coerced by a fear campaign from our own governments, state and federal. We have to live with it given much of Australia are jelly backed gullible fools. The small proportion who are not and are in fact awake to what’s really happening will have to bend with the wind and hope that one day it will all blow over because if it doesn’t it will break this nation and end up being a police state.
Let me get this straight. Our health officials are now claiming Ivermectin doesn’t work yet studies have shown it does and empirical evidence where it’s used has shown it does work also? While countries like India use Ivermectin with great success, Western leaders have gone “all in” on vaccines, and gradually using the vaccination passports. This is proof enough that it’s not about the virus.
It’s about the West more interested in authoritarian control to the eventual point if a police state regime change down the road.
To add to your comment , this is about global control. As a horse person I was following a blog where another horse person started taking ivermectin for the tremors he developed after covid which the doctors could not help him with. With ivermectin he could do a full days work on his farm; without ivermectin he was a “shaking mess on the floor.” In the comments section, another horse person from Europe said they now have to get a prescription from the vet to buy horse wormers. I can see this restriction coming here soon.
I think this is about the onerous contracts governments have signed with the pharmaceutical companies. No anti virals and no prophylactics for the privilege of buying supplies. I expect Zinc and D3 will start to disappear from the shop shelves also. Is it part of a grander scheme? – Most definitely.
Yes, it is about global control but that’s later. I believe currently their is a silent war between two cabals; West and East. One will come out of it victorious, or perhaps they will decide to join forces as their end game is the same. By joining forces it would make the job to instigate a global order so much easier. Either way, then and only then the global control will begin. No nation will be exempt.
Very likely, Chris.
My ag supplier stopped selling the Ivermectin cattle pour-on I had used for years. Had to go to another supplier. Now wish I had bought more while I could.
The alleged conspiracy makes so sense. All of the governmental drug providers are incentivised to spend as little money as possible. If a cheaper drug that worked was truly available, we would be using it.
The mechanism for how Ivermectin could possibly work is unknown. Contrast this with a number of working vaccines which are well understood. Get vaccinated, it’s free and is our best hope for minimising the effects of COVID-19 in the community.
How about you tell the truth for once. Ivermectin does work very well.
Not from the evidence that I’ve seen. https://ebm.bmj.com/content/early/2021/08/19/bmjebm-2021-111791
None of us are experts, therefore I heed the advice of those who are.
Well there’s your problem even a blind person would see. You are only looking at one side of the issue and completely ignoring the overwhelming evidence on the other side, including some of it here that’s posted by Jo herself. How about you tell the truth for once.
The Elite have zero interest in being derailed from messing with every humans DNA.
From a Christian faith based perspective, if you alter as much of humanity as possible to make people no longer humans as God created them, but hybrids, so they are no longer pure blood DNA human, since God said all huamnity would be saved, nothing was said about hybrids.
Further, if the Flood of Noahs day were true, Noah was said to be the last pure man on earth. The Nephilim were human/fallen angel cross breeds, thus that the human DNA pool was now completely polluted with foreign matter.
How do we know if the current batch of vaccines wont kick us off on the same path? Is that the real reason for the hysterical vaccination push, to get kids vaccinated so the next breeding generation start producing weird stuff?
Is it to make it so no one is human any more, but become un-save-able corrupted beings?
Wouldn’t that be the ultimate revenege of the Devil?
Hours of discussion, right there……
You, I and perhaps others here know what in the picture sense is going on with the world today, and where it is leading, and what the final outcome will be. We can read the signposts as we pass them. Others can’t because they are blind to them. In any case, there is no way we can stop what it going to happen eventually. We can only suggest how we might possibly delay things but no matter what we as a human species will do, it will not stop the train wreck that will happen eventually. You know that, I know that and every single true Christian knows that. Even some fake Christians know that but their problem is the faith is a dead one and so they will not be saved. Most if not all in fact are wolves in sheep’s clothing as you know. It’s not that hard to tell some of them apart. The fruits are a dead give away. The ultimate goal of the devil is to make as many Christians lose their faith. He doesn’t care about the non-believers, they are lost anyway so there’s no need for the devil to spend any time with them.
1 Peter 5:8-9
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.
James 4:7
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
“But none of the wicked shall understand [that the End of the Age is upon them].”
(Daniel 12:10)
“26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.
“27 The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped.
“28 But Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!”
“29 The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas.
“30 He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
“31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”
( Acts 16:26-31 )
Original Steve. Dr. Zelenko said in a recent interview that Noah was considered a conspiracy theorist until it rained. ToM
Very good point…
Yet you don’t heed the advice of experts, do you. You never have.
Listen and learn, if you are capable of either.
Oh, and you should have read the link before posting, simple.
They “selected” studies that suited their needs.
For Pifzer and co. to get the FDA EUA there had to no other medications, already on the market, that could be used for the disease. That is the rule.
So they had to demonize Ivermectin and other medications otherwise they do not get their billions. As usual it is follow the money.
( Do not forget around the time of Sars1 Fauci was out saying HQC was effective against coronaviruses)
“None of us are experts,” Then read and absorb the meta analysis. But I doubt you will, you will continue to live in your bizarre world of self aggrandisment and self deceit.
Merck’s advice on Ivermectin:
– No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
– No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
– A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information.
It’s their drug, Merck are depriving themselves of revenue with these recommendations.
Preparing for a patented Ivermectin look-alike. !
1. There is strong scientific and evidence for the use of Ivermectin again viruses and parasites.
2. There is strong clinical evidence for the effectiveness of Invermectin against CV-19
3. There have been billions of safety studies done on Ivermectim.
So they basically LIED about everything. Why would they do that. !
The FLCCC alliance (Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care) seems to have many well qualified doctors working in hospitals around the world to treat Covid patients. The FLCCC website at: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ is educational. Their prophylactic and treatment regime are based on the use of Ivermectin and they have practical experience and proof that it works. Check their I-Mask+ protocol
Merck Signs $1.2 Billion U.S. Supply Pact for Covid-19 Pill – Bloomberg
Now simple-one..
What possible reason would they have for down-playing the effectiveness of Ivermectin ! 😉
They weren’t able to find the studies John Droz did?
They need better researchers.
It’s their drug, Merck are depriving themselves of revenue with these recommendations.
Precisely … that is why it’s abundantly clear that there is no clinically proven evidence that Ivermectin has any efficacy for preventing or treating Covid-19. Seems pretty obvious to me.
It’s funny watching you lie to yourselves. Merck doesn’t own Ivermectin anymore. There are no big profits in it, and since IVM threatens all the expensive drugs, it’s obvious why they want to trash it.
You really must do more reading. Merck has been granted govt funding to develop an anti-viral oral medication. This will be patented & will earn them heaps.
Meanwhile, Ivermectin, which they manufactured, is now off patent, and does not earn them any significant amount.
This one here is right placed, the second below is the wrong posting.
“If a cheaper drug that worked was truly available, we would be using it.”
But, as the facts indicate, a very cheap drug that does work does exist, and is being deliberately hidden from the public.
Vaccines are not working, they are decaying rapidly and there are already having to think about third and probably more “booster” toxin jabs.
Getting “jabbed” is not free, it ties you into a toxic regime for the rest of your life.
Yep. Wholesale Retailer Costco announces 5 gallon Family Size Covid bargain:
Did you read the one and the other contract countries signed with f.e. Pfizer ?
All ordered doses have to be taken, so far ok, no possibility to return any dose in case a drug will be found better than their “vaxx” and than used in stead of the “vaxx”.
Yes and other rather sinister parts of the contract.
Clearly our political leaders and health officials have been told by someone or some group of influential people in no uncertain terms to reject the use of alternative treatments that work. It’s “all in” with the vaccines and nothing else, and there is no limit to how draconian they will become to enforce the “all in” vaccines approach. What our leaders are doing is pure evil. It is disgusting that a so called Christian person such as PM Morrison would be found in such a position. If it’s due to pure ignorance, which I sincerely hope it is for his sake, then he will need to wake up soon and stop acting as though he is under the thumb of the devil himself.
You don’t follow links posted here ? It’s very well known.
“Get vaccinated, it’s free … “
If your understanding of medicine is on the same level as your understanding of finance, I’m afraid your contributions here aren’t going to carry much weight.
“The alleged conspiracy makes so sense.”
Listen to the end of this interview with Dr Malone.
The whole thing is tied together with a small group of totalitarians with a lot of power and money who sit on the boards of all the major pharma, media etc companies.
Wake up to reality, Simple !
The simplest explanation is there’s a lot of money to be made selling vaccines to governments. A shedload of money.
Politicians have been roped in as vaccine sales staff … and they were told they would be greeted as saviours … which is exactly what they wanted to hear because they are dumb enough to believe their own campaign slogans.
“All of the governmental drug providers are incentivised to spend as little money as possible.”
Don’t make me laugh, how much does a covid jab cost, how much does a covid test cost, and tell me, how are Pfizer profits going.
So if two people have covid-19 and only one of them is vacinated, but they both recover, clearly one recovered due to their natural immunity. How can they conclude that the vaccine was responsible for the other recovery?
So if two people have covid-19 and only one of them is vaccinated, but they both recover, clearly one recovered due to their natural immunity. How can they conclude that the vaccine was responsible for the other recovery?
A large percentage of people who contract Covid-19 recover, and this was occurring even before there were vaccines. It’s not THAT lethal.
The point is however, that vaccines (a) reduce your likelihood of contracting it all, and (b) if you do contract Covid-19, reduce dramatically your chances of requiring hospitalisation, ICU, or of dying.
That’s why you get vaccinated.
No. you get vaccinated if you don’t look at the serious side-effects of taking multiple “jabs”
You now have the blood-clotting spike protein.. deliberately .. and forever. Enjoy !! 😉
What evidence do you have for (a) given that the Pfizer trial data contains no measurement of infection percentages.
They only tested for “Symptomatic Covid”.
If you make claims about medicine, it’s the law that you can cite evidence to back your claim.
From the beginning, the pandemic has been 10% medical and 90% political. This propaganda war against antivirals just continues the trend. The WHO and CDC are financially compromised, the “Lancet” guilty of promugating fake papers on HCQ, the more despotic of Australian politicians banning doctors from using HCQ and IVM under pain of criminal prosecution. When in the past have unlettered politicians dictated to the medical profession what they may and may not prescribe for their patients.
I believe this virus does exist and is dangerous for those susceptible, but the politics of “never let a crisis go to waste” is paramount. This is a coup d’etat. We are losing our democracy to a corporate fascism.
I am afraid that the medical science is lately only as trustworthy as climatology or astrology.
Both “sciences” are now under the control of anti-West white coat activists, and they abuse their disciplines for political ends.
“Surely the lockdowns would end sooner, and people could travel more, lives would be saved, fewer mutants would arise, and more ICU beds could be kept free”
So true, Jo, but you are assuming that this “pandemic” is a medical issue, and that the authorities are seeking only the best medical outcome.
I have seen nothing but contrary evidence to this since it all began.
I suspect they will relax the lockdowns eventually – timing unknown – but not without some heavy restrictions. Vaccination passports looks very likely. Those who believe we are going back to the way it was are clearly ignorant of the facts right before their eyes. For starters, they are already starting to claim that booster shots are needed for a very long time to come if not forever. That alone presents a problem. Although lockdowns may not be needed at some stage, other draconian measures will be used to keep coercing as many people to be vaccinated as possible. The other elephant in the room people even here keep ignoring is the fact that we have lost the climate change battle. They are going to implement their draconian policies to stop using fossil fuels in all walks of life no matter what. Most of us here know what that means but that won’t stop them trying to crash the West a a result, which has been their goal for some time now.
” Vaccination passports looks very likely”
Imagine living in a state where any company asking for vaccination status will be fined $5000.
We’ll see….. Borody’s group just fired a salvo at the NCCET, with the aid of Prof Tess Laurie; she just told them that their position on ivermectin was just flat wrong. It was the academic equivalent of a b!tch slap. Made me laugh. There’s only one thing to say… class-action lawsuit. It will be epic.
Commenting here won’t change a thing.
Write to the Chief Medical Officer, Paul Kelly [email protected]
and the TGA [email protected]
Kelly said on Jan 13, 2021: In terms of Ivermectin, I was actually involved as a researcher in early clinical trials in relation to Ivermectin and river blindness in Africa. And so it definitely works against river blindness or otherwise known as onchocerciasis. It has uses in many other parasitic diseases, including scabies and we’re using that in the Northern Territory. There is no evidence at the moment that it has any benefit or any use in relation to the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. In terms of what backbenchers from one side of Parliament or the other say, that’s a matter for them.
The TGA website states:
23 Aug. 2021: There is insufficient evidence to validate the use of Ivermectin in patients with COVID-19. … In Australia, Ivermectin has been approved for the treatment of roundworm infections, scabies and inflammatory rosacea.
And some critiques of ivmmeta.com:
fda.. why you should not use Ivermectin.
1. Because it might work, destroying the need for vaccines.
2. The Government contract with Pfizer for vaccines, says you are not allowed to.
Haven’t any of these clowns ever heard of dual use medications, or repurposed drugs, it’s becoming clearer who our medics are working for and it ain’t us.
I can only think of three reasons why the cmo is behaving in this manner.
1. He is afraid of losing face
2. He is in thrall to big pharma
3. He is deliberately ignorant
Ivermectin and other things!
“South Australia Directorate Releases New Cell Phone COVID Ap to Monitor Quarantine Compliance
September 2, 2021 | Sundance | 154 Comments”
Australia’s Next Authoritarian Move Is So Insane That It Would Make Orwell Blush
Australia Traded Away Too Much Liberty
How long can a democracy maintain emergency restrictions and still call itself a free country?
Time to smash up the ‘phone if that is mandated. My ‘phone is for my convenience, not the government’s. They can give me another one!
That is straight out of China.
Xis useful idiots reign supreme in SA.
Snowtown…..bodies in barrels……democracy in the barrel next to it…..
Good thing my phone isnt a smart phone…oh dear….
“Hey Israel you’re screwing up the narrative.”
Same in England Scotland and Iceland. Also why does the US appear to have almost no deaths amongst the vaxxed. They have for some months been using asymmetric recording. Recording only the deaths of the unvaxxed. Source: Dr Peter Mccullough. Not sure if Australia is doing the same thing. At this stage, England, Scotland and Israel are still telling the truth.
The CDC play a little game: anyone with one shot or infected with two weeks of their last shot is classed as “unvaccinated”.
They are making it harder and harder for me to get vaccinated even by a possibly safer vaccines such as Novavax. I feel like remaining “fully unvaccinated” and wear it like a badge of honour and a demonstration of how I refuse to be coerced and bullied into taking any COVID-19 vaccine by thugs, at least until they come clean and stop telling us flat out lies. Then again, what they are doing and saying only proves it’s not about the virus but something very sinister indeed. Only fools rush in.
Not certain how that would work, however vaccinated dead from Covid is starting to appear in the VARES reports. ( apparently 100s of them)
He calls them ADE , although there is no proof of that. However their appearance in VAERS is apparently new, and many happen very rapidly, like dead in 3 days from first symptoms.
Hey Israel you’re screwing up the narrative.
Okay, that’s just cases it’s not like there’s also a spike in hospitalizations, wait a minute… But that’s not ICU admissions, those are still… Well at least more people aren’t dying. Right? Hang on, have they been lying to us about all those third doses they said they’re handing out?
The problem must be either climate change or racism.
Wait. What?
Ivermectin is used on refugees by the CDC?
. All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American and Caribbean refugees should receive presumptive therapy with:
– Albendazole, single dose of 400g (200mg for children 12-23 months)
– Ivermectin, 2 doses 200 mcg/kg orally once a day for 2 days before departure to the United States.
Dr. Kelly is no expert.
Albendazole is an all purpose wormer as is Ivermectin. The dosages indicate that they are worming people out before they reach America not as a covid prophylactic
So when ivermectin is used as a wormer on immigrants it is safe (cdc immigrantrefugeehealth) but when it is used by citizens as a potential covid counter it is unsafe because people are not cows.
What if research finds that covid infection and subsequent death rate amongst immigrants who have been wormed is lower?
So if I have constant bad headaches and try some lead therapy directly to my brain and die then that is not suicide because I was administrating treatment for my headaches whereas if I use the same gun without headaches and die I’ve committed suicide. It is all so clear and logical.
Jo, any updates on Vitamin D3 as an over the counter preventative for Covid disease ?
“and don’t rely on what’s being peddled on the internet, because none of them work.”
I saw Paul Kelly on the internet and I’m going to follow his advice.
Watch out, Clyde Spencer will claim that irony is toxic
I don’t have the words to describe how angry and betrayed I am feeling at the moment. The Government has told us just what they think of us, we should do the same.
Oh look who is getting Ivermectin !!
Here is the cdc link …
Yes, clearly shows it is not just a horse paste like the propaganda tries to portray it.
Years ago, I was involved in the development and manufacture of the first mass spectrometer for the detection of Helicobacter Pylori, which had been implicated in the formation of peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. Some of you will know that Australian researcher, Barry Marshall, pioneered this work. The mass spec required only a breath sample, so was non-invasive. We developed a benchtop mag-sector mass spec, cheap enough – and easy to operate – for widespread adoption.
But we failed, in large part because we couldn’t get FDA approval for its use, despite the fact that there were no side effects nor risks, the device was accurate and, if deployed widely, the cost-per-sample was minimal. Once the infection was confirmed, treatment was a cheap course of antibiotics. Perfect!
At that time, stomach ulcer medications were a huge earner for Big Pharma, but they didn’t cure the ulcer, just alleviated the symptoms …
The vaccine is so good that we need to deny medical care to the unvaccinated to make space for all the sick vaccinated.
Warming still not happening… UAH a slight drop to +0.17ºC anomaly (from +0.2ºC)
medium to strong La Nina developing.. so expect drop in temps over next few months.
Antarctic sea ice above every year back to 1998 except 2006, 2010, 2013, 2014.
Arctic sea ice above all the last 6 years and above 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, also above the 15 year average
AGW is such a non-entity !
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
The bigger political fight should be over ‘Covid Passports’
Health officials, Politicians and the Media are currently pushing hard to introduce ‘Covid Passports’ as a measure of control – so you can only travel, attend events, work, shop, etcetra if fully vaccinated.
Fact … even if you have been vaccinated you can still catch and further spread Covid.
The risks posed by anyone (vaccinated or unvaccinated) are not changed by any ‘Covid Passport’.
These proposed ‘Passports’ are solely designed to punish the unvaccinated for being unvaccinated – regardless of any medical reason (or otherwise) as to remaining unvaccinated.
Creating a subclass of people who are denied the same rights of others – because of Science™
*** Additionally, Minorities have been identified as having a lower uptake of Vaccines – making these proposed ‘Passports’ racially discriminatory.
The truth is staring right in front of our eyes but very few are seeing the real agenda, which clearly is a reset of our economic way of life and our political structures that would make people like Hitler jump for joy. Once we have gone down that road far enough a lot more people will no doubt start to wake up. Just a warning. That will be a perfect opportunity for our governments to pull out their next big scam, whatever that will be. It will come down hard. It will be the death knell of our way of life as we have known it since Federation. It will spell the end of all our freedoms. We can stop it but it will require a large proportion of the population to say enough is enough and start marching to the parliament houses and governors demanding instant dismal of all political leaders and fresh new elections all round. Sounds too far fetched? It sure is and that’s why it won’t happen. Unfortunately, there is no other peaceful means to effect the change necessary to stop the governments and turn them around. So, we will have to endure the push towards a dystopia society driven by fear and coercion. Later on things will get very ugly and then all hell will break loose. I wish we could avoid it but sadly it appears we can’t, all because Australians are such jelly backed gullible fools, many of whom actually enjoy the way our society is being re-shaped, including a few here.
Joe Rogan explains how he recovered from Covid-19. Leftists go nuts …
Spoiler alert: He used ivermectin.
That describes perfectly why our political leaders and health officials are acting the way they do on a daily basis in front to the news media who are asking the wrong questions. They are all suffer that evil sense of moral superiority in their ignorance. Is it any wonder we as a nation are heading in the wrong direction?
As Vaccines Continue to Not Work as Promised – Ivermectin Continues to Work – This Secret is Getting Out
It’s time the world begins to seriously look at Ivermectin.
The Gateway Pundit has reported on the FDA and CDC’s suppression of repurposed medications Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. We’ve also reported on India’s miraculous results incorporating both medications.
Are effective COVID medications like Ivermectin being suppressed because they could cause vaccines to lose government funding?
Here’s a shocking comparison between Israel, that’s one of the most vaccinated countries on the planet, compared to India with one of the lowest vaccination rates and is treating with Ivermectin.
And now there’s more data from Africa showing the undeniable results. It seems as though Africa has now surpassed the U.S. in its ability to follow the science and apply it. It’s important to point out the graphs presented are from John Hopkins.
In a deceptive attempt to sabotage and mislabel, FDA’s page on Ivermectin presents the medication as one for animals with a picture of a horse.
Some may say this is in response to recent reports of people attempting to self-medicate with animal Ivermectin. However, the FDA’s propaganda page conflating Ivermectin with a horse has been up for months before those reports.
While there is a version used to treat animals, antibiotics are also separately formulated to treat animals as well. Animals get the animal medicine and people get the people medicine.
How long Paul “Marmet principle” Kelly claims the Monoclonal Antibody treatment being used in the US doesn’t work?
After all, unvaccinated people could also use that to gain long lasting natural immunity and undermine the endless boosters/quackzine passports plan.
And THEIR ABCess has been running full throttle on this latest “standard true view”. Your taxes at “work”.
As a side note:
Has anyone been looking at the new push to vaccinate the under 15 set?
I ask because I wonder what may be the long term effects of shoving mRNA-based concoctions into the bodies of the pubescent and pre-pubescent?
Any un-bent geneticists out there who may have an inkling, either way?
we have been sent information about vaccinating the over 12’s at our sons school
there has also been information about VCE children who needed to be at school during lockdown being vaccinated or showing a current negative test,
we are in Vicdanistan and my children will not be going to school if they make the jab mandatory
l had seriously angry thoughts when l saw the NSW’s Brad Hazzard’s disregard of the 163 children had wrongly been given a jab at St Josephs College in NSW
‘supply should be declined.’
Lawyer-up my pharmaceutical friends.
Those who have ordered Ivermectin online must now be prepared to have their order confiscated by the postal authorities.
They are merely trying to keep you safe, ok.
ABC RN was at it again this morning. The Budgie Snuggler (sic, he of the bucket grabbing beach photos in DM last summer) was showing the usual scientific illiteracy of RN including avoiding all evidence that does not suit their hypotheses; “horse medicine”, of course and all the other disparaging names of the bog-ignorant who’ve never been near a Medical or Science Faculty of any reputable university.
Or a horse most likely
I understand that doctors, political leaders, health officials, etc. can’t be sued for giving or advising people to take COVID-19 vaccines that will cause ill side effects and deaths because of the escape clauses they have created. Can they be sued for withholding specific medicines, such as Ivermectin, that have been proven to help save lives?
I think it’s an intriguing question, “Why is there a war against Ivermectin?”
Personally I remain somewhere between sceptical and agnostic on whether it has nay benefit for the prevention or treatment of Covid-19. While IVM is safe – in that 200 people mainly in Africa take it as a treatment against serious parasitic infection – it’s not at all clear why it could or should then be used as an anti-viral. So its safety for 200 million in Africa, where it’s used for a specific anti-parasite purpose, is beside the point, it seems to me.
Comparison with penicillin as some sort of “wonder drug” is not at all justified.
Meanwhile, the Indian experience is very interesting. This assumes however that there is genuine cause and effect … there might well be other reasons why some Indian states are doing better than others, other than the application of IVM.
I think the “war” against IVM is very much about two key elements:
(1) the regulatory establishment has not been satisfied by either its own testing, or independent testing, of its benefit – and they are by their nature conservative bodies, and
(2) Ivermectin was condemned as quackery because of the nature of its many advocates, right from the beginning, effectively through to today.
In the US, various rightwing commentators started promoting it, and so did President Trump – along with HCQ, bleach, and UV Light. IVM was tarred with the same pseudo-medical brush, and it hasn’t recovered from that. These advocates came from various positions on the conspiracy spectrum:
• virulent anti-vaxxers (particularly those that involved mRNA)
• the vaccinated are guinea-pigs, and will get very sick and die in the near future
• those who believe the coronavirus is a hoax (part of the Great Reset | Depopulation Agenda)
• those who distrust anything that comes out of the government establishment
• those who believe Big Pharma prevented a cheap and effective alternative to their vaccines
• and that the vaccines are only short-term effective, and boosters will be required
• and those who basically believe any researcher or medical expert that sounds contrarian
Ivermectin was not helped because of a great flood of blogs and other sources, advocating the use of veterinarian IVM, if and when human-consumption IVM drugs were not available. Weird and wonderful techniques were laid out in great detail (and sometimes too much detail).
But even Merck – the makers – have come out strongly saying that IVM (both vet and human) has no proven effectiveness against the coronavirus.
Anyway – I think the horse has well-and-truly bolted. The push to get to 80% vaccinated is up and very strong, and it is the light on the hill. Call me old-fashioned, but I still do not believe the government establishment would suppress the use of IVM if there were credible tests that showed its effectiveness. Those in government would grab it with both hands if it worked.
I also don’t believe that governments would promote vaccination at such a high level if there were any unacceptable risks to having it. I appreciate there are those on here who have a deep distrust of government medical officials, and also believe that Big Pharma is behind their policy decisions.
PSA recommends that pharmacists do not supply ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. Should pharmacists be unable to establish intended use of an ivermectin prescription, supply should be declined.
I find the decision of the PSA fairly responsible … one wonders what the position is of the doctors who are prescribing human IVM for other than parasitic worms. They really do not have a basis for doing so.
So here we are – a large body of (mostly establishment) expertise stating very strongly that the effectiveness of IVM is undemonstrated, let alone proven, while there’s a body of independent advocates (from quite respectable through to outright quacks) saying that IVM is safe and effective.
I guess everyone has to come to their own conclusion, on very conflicting and contradictory advice from a range of qualified people. I discount the quacks, and I think I’ll avoid IVM – but I might change my mind if I wind up in ICU on a ventilator (but by then it’s almost certainly too late anyway).
“even Merck – the makers – have come out strongly saying that IVM (both vet and human) has no proven effectiveness against the coronavirus.”
Merck Signs $1.2 Billion U.S. Supply Pact for Covid-19 Pill – Bloomberg
Wake up, Tidla. !
Tidla is awake – just refuses to tell even one truth.
Merck held the patent while that was still alive and thought so highly of IVM that they donated billions of doses into the third world, incidentally showing how cheap it is to manufacture.
Today they prolly don’t bother competing with Indian manufacturers. They wouldn’t bother picking up the pennies profit in it.
Tilba Tilba
You really need to consider the following:
1) Equatorial Africa has defied the “norm” by having (contrary to expectations) very low COVID infections. Since they dose prophylactically with Ivermectin – the connection os obvious
2) Merck has a profit motive in denying the efficacy of Ivermectin – which, now off-paptent – is superseded in their stable by an anti-viral being developed with a considerable subsidy from the US govt.
Nice piece of journalism.
And like all modern journalism it’s a construct designed to manipulate rather than inform.
Few actual arguments in the above.. from TT most of which have been refuted several times, yet here they are again.
the Indian experience – other reasons to explain the success of ivermectin other than it works? None given.
too late if on a ventilator? – not so, ivermectin use has been successful even on late stage.
The major problem with this proclamation by Paul Kelly and the PSA against ivermectin is antibiotics. For decades GP’s have been prescribing antibiotics (eg. azithromycin, amoxicillin) for people suffering with flu and colds. It has become such a big issue from time to time that the medical authorities in Australia were warning against their widespread use – mostly from averting resistance. I have done it myself at least 3-4 times over the last 40 years. Suffering from a “virus” that you couldn’t shake off. Front up to the GP and he/she would immediately write a script for an antibiotic and send you out the door. Having done basic microbiology etc in my science career I would sometimes question the doctor. “Hang on.. antibiotics only have action vs bacteria, I learnt?” The doctor would then mutter something about secondary infection. But, of course it is well known that certain antibiotics have efficacy vs viruses as well. Which is why GP’s prescribe them- they know they worked. Datasheets for both products will explain that these products are for bacterial control. But then there is this disclaimer eg. “Your doctor may have prescribed AMOXIL for another reason”. I don’t think the mechanism of certain ab’s mode of action vs viruses has been discovered. A quick internet search and you will find lots of discussion papers on the subject. Perhaps its the zinc ionophore effect- also claimed with HCQ and IVM. All the Zelenko and FLCC protocols generally recommend azithromycin or similar. Basically, it’s been one of the medical fraternity many dirty little secrets.
Azithromycin (Z-pac) is a rhibosome jammer and the mechanism is easy to understand … protein production becomes reduced or halted (depending on dose) because the machinery to produce those proteins is temporarily out of order.
It also slowly kills you if you take enough for long enough, but adult humans are slow growing and can run ok for a few weeks without new proteins. The faster the reproductive rate, the greater the need for rapid protein manufacture.
It’s very general purpose, although different microorganisms have slightly different rhibosomes, so it’s more effective on some than others. A virus of course steals the host rhibosomes yherefore jamming your own protein production (for a short while) makes you immune to every vitus!
For me, one of the most obvious reasons for supporting the use of Ivermectin is the very low rates of Covid in Equatorial Africa where Ivermectin is taken daily as a prophylactic against Dengue, River Blindness & other diseases. Its effectiveness has since been confirmed, not just anecdotally, but the many meta trials that the medical fraternity seem intent upon ignoring.
I suspect it has become a matter of professional arrogance & the preservation of status on the part of the medical profession that has rendered them unable to retreat from their position. That, and, of course, the litigation that may follow from changing course from the recommendations of professional bodies.
One of the good things in this information war is that one side has made it very easy to tell if their information can be trusted.
We know with absolutely certainly to distrust every single word from anyone using the term of vilification:”anti-vaxxer”. The clear majority of those refusing to take the shots are fully supportive of other real vaccines.
So too anybody using the “horse wormer” smear has forever branded themselves a vile propagandist never to be trusted.
These clowns make it oh-so-easy …
The other “good” thing is it makes it very simple to tell who are the gullible fools. The vaccination rate will end up being a somewhat good barometer of that. I sincerely hope the concerns surrounding the term effects of some of the COVID-19 vaccine, if not all of them, do not eventuate in the months to years ahead. If they don’t then we can breathe a sigh of relief but not too much – we would have lost a lot of our freedoms on the way, if not all of them depending on how far things go. Will it be worth it? Of course not. As the famous saying goes, give be liberty or give me death. Not many people though understand the full meaning of such a saying, which is very telling in itself. If on the other hand such concerns of long term delirious side effects do eventuate then things will be even worse. There is no good outcome in all this if nothing is done very soon to turn things around, which appears unlikely at this stage given the clear evidence of how many Australians are just jelly back gullible fools, many of whom must be welcoming and enjoying the growing dystopia environment.
Yes, those who use “anti-vaxxer”, like “climate denier”, indicates that rational discussion is not possible.
That reminds me of the response I got from someone who refuses to see how the fear campaign to coerce as many people to be vaccinates is a smokescreen for a far sinister agenda. He said stop using social media and the internet. This is in spite of the fact he is a heavy user of them, Just goes to show how the way people respond to truth statements exposes how stupid they really are.
However if you do hold a anti-vaccine position, or deny that CO2 concentrations are leading to AGW why should you be so touchy about the terms such as “anti-vaxxer” and “Global Warming denier” – if these are you positions, shouldn’t y’all be proud to wear such labels?
Puzzled of Melbourne
“that CO2 concentrations are leading to AGW”
There’s that scientifically unsupportable anti-fact that you can’t help posting.
If you “believe” that nonsense, no wonder you believe everything else you are told by “those who must be obeyed. !
““Global Warming denier””
Again, tell us what we “deny” that you can provide solid scientific proof for.
You just run and hide any time you are asked to provide evidence. As you will this time.
No-one here is a anti-vaxxer. They can just see that there have been no long term safety tests done on a highly experimental pseudo-vaccine that creates a known and highly dangerous toxin in the body.
Your mind-numbed, non-thinking rhetoric is unbacked by anything resembling science or common-sense.
the “twojabs” should be willing to wear a sign that says, “I’m double clotted”
No, why ? Both isn’t true.
Have a look at this Australia… Wake up https://rumble.com/vlz990-hidden-camera-covid-cops-busted-conspiring-to-lay-trumped-up-charges.html
As is always the case, evil minded people do make mistakes for all to see. Now the question is how many people will take notice and believe we are being steam-rolled into submission by officialdom, and how many will just ignore it and pretend it isn’t happening? That’s is a hard one to answer given the actions of people in either case can and often is the same. For example, I will not take the risk of being fined or arrested simply because I’m not wearing a mask. I will abide by their stupid rules given everyone else around me is also doing the same. Now, if we all decided at once to stop wearing them then OK I will follow suit. That’s the difference between a society as a whole that’s given up to a dystopia way of life compared to a society that isn’t. Thus far we are clearly a society of the former kind. That might change but I doubt it. Please Australia, prove me wrong and let there be a day very soon when the whole of Australia says enough is enough.
If nothing is done to bring those officers to account for committing an obvious crime then clearly we have lost and we are now officially in a police state situation where anyone can have trumped up charges brought against them at the behest of the police without due regard to the law. Those who refuse to see it that way are either completely devoid of any truth, honesty and/or reality.
Hmm. Australia’s CMO is putting people’s lives at risk. What a loser.
Criminal charges should be levelled at him (and others) when the dust has settled.
Francis Collins on the urgent need for COVID-19 antivirals (acs.org)
The NIH director talks to C&EN about the sizable investment in small-molecule drugs for this pandemic and the ones to come
An effective antiviral—ideally a cocktail of them—could not only help those still vulnerable to the virus but could be a critical tool if a variant emerges that is better at evading our vaccines.
Despite the gargantuan efforts to test already-approved drugs for their potential to kill the virus, researchers found very few actually worked. Today, the only approved small-molecule antiviral for COVID-19 is Gilead Sciences’ remdesivir. Its efficacy is modest at best, and its intravenous delivery makes it suitable only for people already hospitalized with the virus. A handful of newer drug candidates are currently being tested, but even assuming their success—far from a given considering the challenge of finding good antivirals—researchers would like more options, especially ones that hit different viral targets.
To that end, the Biden-Harris administration last month announced it would invest more than $3 billion in the Antiviral Program for Pandemics, an ambitious collaboration to help find, test, and make treatments for COVID-19. C&EN talked to National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins about that influx of funding, why safe, cheap, and effective antivirals are still badly needed, and how the NIH is trying to accelerate their development. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
-A good swath of the US is vaccinated, but we’re obviously seeing pockets where infections are surging—the Delta variant is now dominant. Has it become more important for us to have better antivirals for COVID-19?
I think it’s been urgent all along; it’s just been difficult to come up with antivirals that were safe and effective and could be administered to outpatients, which is what you’d really like to have.
-Can we talk about the Antiviral Program for Pandemics investment?
The new program, the APP as it’s called, funded by the government to the tune of $3.155 billion, aims to try to provide a real infusion of resources to encourage a lot more activity in this space.
(Merck Discontinues Development of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates; Continues Development of Two Investigational Therapeutic Candidates – Merck.com January 2021)
(Merck Signs $1.2 Billion U.S. Supply Pact for Covid-19 Pill – Bloomberg)
Merck’s patent on Ivermectin expired in 1996 and they produce less than 5% of global supply. In 2020 they were asked to assist in Nigerian and Japanese trials but declined both. In 2021 Merck released a statement claiming that Ivermectin was not an effective treatment against Covid-19 and bizarrely claimed, “A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies” of the a drug they donated to be distributed in mass rollouts, by primary care workers, in mass campaigns, to millions in developing countries. The media reported the Merck statement as a blinding truth without looking at the conflict of interests when days later, Merck received $356m from the US government to develop an investigational therapeutic. The WHO even quoted Merck, as evidence, that it didn’t work, in their recommendation against the use of Ivermectin.
I’m 100% pro vaccines…. I had to convince my husband’s mother about the necessity of the usual vaccines for young children.
I’m convinced, of course, that the covid vaccines work, but I’m not convinced yet about their long term safety… and I don’t understand why there has never been official large and honest trials with Ivermectin worldwide.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful that there could be an official endorsement about a combination for drugs suitable to combat Covid.
IN CONTRAST, Schwartz said he was very disappointed that the WHO did not support any trial to determine whether the drug could be viable.
Schwartz said he became interested in exploring ivermectin about a year ago, “when everyone was looking for a new drug” to treat COVID-19, and a lot of effort was being put into evaluating hydroxychloroquine, so he decided to join the effort.
“Since ivermectin was on my shelf, since we are using it for tropical diseases, and there were hints it might work, I decided to go for it,” he said.
Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz said.
“There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.”
– Rachel Maddow Rips Fox News For Pushing ‘Horse Dewormer’ For COVID Treatment….
– https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/health/us-fda-has-given-full-approval-of-the-pfizer-vaccine/news-story/18e205154651c0ea78303f8c7e2c0593
“The FDA’s approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the Covid-19 pandemic,” acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock said in a statement.
– Two Top FDA Vaccine Regulators Are Set to Depart During a Crucial Period (yahoo.com)
…FDA regulators are in the position of trying to determine whether booster shots are safe and effective after the White House — and their own agency head, Woodcock — already endorsed administering them.
– Controversial drug approval stokes concern about lack of a permanent FDA chief
06/11/2021 04:30 AM EDT
The Food and Drug Administration’s approval of a controversial new Alzheimer’s drug this week has hardened opposition to acting commissioner Janet Woodcock, who remains President Joe Biden’s apparent favorite to be the agency’s permanent leader.
The administration’s search for a permanent FDA head has dragged on for months during an unprecedented public health crisis. Woodcock, a veteran regulator, has presided over major decisions on the pandemic response, tobacco and new medicines — including the $56,000-a-year Biogen Alzheimer’s drug approved Monday despite thin evidence that it works.
Woodcock appeared to distance herself from Monday’s decision, despite a yearslong track record of championing quick approval of new medicines. She did not release a statement with the approval — noteworthy considering it was the first new Alzheimer’s drug in nearly two decades — or appear in the agency’s briefing with top officials after the announcement.
“It’s an incredible loss of confidence in transparency around the agency, in particular the drug approval process” and “an abject failure of leadership” on Woodcock’s part that the drug was approved, said a former senior FDA official.
Critics for years have accused Woodcock of being too friendly with the industry she regulates, and that under her decadeslong tenure heading FDA’s drug division the agency approved new, expensive medicines without enough evidence they were effective or safe.
Covid-19 vaccines: In the rush for regulatory approval, do we need more data? | The BMJ
In the case of covid-19 vaccines, regulators accepted biodistribution data from past studies performed with related, mostly unapproved compounds that use the same platform technology.22232425
Janssen told The BMJ its covid-19 vaccine leverages the same technology as its Ebola vaccine, which received licensure last June. “Our confidence in our adenovirus vector Ad26 is based on our experience with this vector.”
Pfizer and Moderna did not respond to The BMJ’s questions regarding why no biodistribution studies were conducted on their novel mRNA products, and none of the companies, nor the FDA, would say whether new biodistribution studies will be required prior to licensure.
Covid-19: FDA approves Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in record time | The BMJ
Last week the FDA was criticised for announcing that it would not hold a formal advisory committee meeting to discuss data supporting the approval, after saying last year that it was committed to using such a meeting “to ensure deliberations about authorisation or licensure are transparent for the public.”6 The agency told The BMJ it did not believe that a meeting was necessary on this occasion.
TLDR – I’m afraid. What are the key points that I need?
Oh dear. Hundreds of Victorian ambulance officers are refusing to be “vaccinated”. 256 on-road clinical staff have refused as the pressure builds on them to follow the vaccinated sheep.
Some 84 per cent of the state’s paramedics, or 4,637 people, have received at least one dose of the vaccine, with 68.4 per cent receiving two doses. So I guess they’ll be looking to replace a lot of those in the next couple of years as the spike protein takes its toll on them.
Or they could have put all paramedics on a prophylactic protocol with IVM as its core medication.
The same is happening in the US. Chicago just lost 75 school bus drivers because of a quackzination mandate.
The refusal rate is even higher for doctors and nurses (which is telling).
This “vaccine passports” game is going to backfire very badly on the evil instigators.
The vaccine doomer-porn never sleeps! I trust you never need hospitalisation or ICU care.
I trust you never have deliberate blood-clotting for the rest of your life…
ooops….. too late !
So says the clot-denier.
I suppose if it hasn’t happened to you or close to you, or if you don’t realise that it is already happening to you at a sub-clinical level, then that means it doesn’t happen, and anyone who says that it does is a doom-monger. Is that your general thesis TT?
It has been apparent for 18 months that the State CMO’s are quacks.
Then along comes the Commonwealth CMO who opens his beak and proves he is from purebread Muscovy stock.
The scariest part of this whole sorry saga is the way the truth is now treated, whether it be in news reporting, medical advice, scientific analysis, government policy etc. There is a real truth out there, but if it does not sit neatly within the authorities’ songbook they denigrate it and re-write their own version. George Orwell got it so right.
“Or they could have put all paramedics on a prophylactic protocol with IVM as its core medication.”
Yes, they could have – had medical issues been the primary concern.
“A Comparison Of Two Potential Covid Cure Drugs”
Can someone clarify what the “vaccine” is supposed to do.
As I understand it the following is true.
1. You can still catch the virus.
2. You can infect other people.
3. It is claimed that the jab will lessen the symptoms to the point where there may be none.
If you catch the delta variant does the jab prevent you from gaining natural immunity?
Once infected after the jab can infection re-occur.
If the last 2 sentences are correct why are injecting everyone with an experimental drug.
Are the people who support the vaccines the same people who believe that Windmills, Solar panels and mythical big batteries can power Australia.
You forget two other important elements.
1. The effectiveness of the vaccines wear off very quickly and so require booster shots, possibly forever.
2. The long term side effects are not yet known.
As for your questions, I find most people who support renewables support vaccinations.
As to the other questions there is much disagreement. Some say yes the vaccines do prevent natural immunity simply because with natural immunity it tends to last for a very long time if not forever and the evidence is that the current vaccines do not prevent anyone from being infected, suffer ill effects or dying from the virus even in the short term. Natural immunity by definition would not result in such an outcome. That’s why some say natural immunity does not exist to try and counter argue that point. Needless to say they are talking nonsense as long term natural immunity is not only real it’s essential for the survival of the human species, and has always been.
As for your questions, I find most people who support renewables support vaccinations.
Or put another way – anti-vaxxers are often Global Warming deniers. They often believe Donald Trump was robbed too. And that the WEF/Gates are out to enslave them.
It seems to me that conspiracy theory types are sort of conspiracists across the board – they deny anything from governments, and believe everything and anything from random bloggers. Go figure.
says the man who believes everything the government wants him to believe.
Libertarians reacting
*Libertarians reacting badly
Just in case you didn’t catch on Tilba Tilba…
Most people spend most of their time reacting
“Global Warming deniers”
You have still to produce one iota of scientific evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2.
Nada.. zip !!
Just “believe” (spooky music) if it helps you maintain your fantasies.
Tell us one thing about “global warming” that we “deny”, and that you can provide actual scientific evidence for.
You then go and “deny” all the evidence that Ivermectin works well against CV-19 and that “jabs” are ineffective over the longer term and that they deliberately introduce dangerous toxins into the body.
You are not a rational person… you keep proving you are totally incapable of rational or logical thought process.
I don’t know anyone on this forum that is an “anti-vaxxer”.
Problem is with toxic, experimental, pseudo-vaccines of unknown longer term safety and of known diminishing efficacy.
You are quoting another who thrives on apocalypse porn.
Point 3 is an absurdity given the very large number of people who contract the viral infection and remain asymptomatic; it will be a matter of one’s personal physiology how hard the virus hits one irrespective of vaccination status.
I’ve always demurred on that claim Ian1946 so I thank you for causing me to switch on my intelligence and examine it properly.
3. It is claimed that the jab will lessen the symptoms to the point where there may be none.
Or put another way – evidence is increasingly showing that the majority of people requiring hospitalisation and ICU treatment, or die, are the unvaccinated.
The majority of people requiring hospitalization in Israel are double jabbed. They reached the magic 80% and are now suffering a outbreak worse than their first two. 16,000 cases a day now.
The majority of people requiring hospitalization in Israel are double jabbed.
Well you would expect that with such a high rate of vaccination through the population. But I agree that the weak durability of the vaccines (6-8 months) is a real challenge. However it’s certainly not an argument against comprehensive vaccination in the first place, of course.
The vaccinated are still ending up in hospital, in large numbers.
Useless vaccines. !
You’ve got it.
Doesn’t prevent infection. Doesn’t prevent transmission. The “fully vaccinated” develop exactly the same viral load from Delta. So the “vaccine passports” have absolutely no justification as a public safety measure.
The jabs prevent you from gaining broad based immunity if you are subsequently infected. And if you had natural immunity, getting double jabbed actually reduces your protection.
As to your last question, just on the language they use and their total lack of scientific understanding, the evidence indicates that all the Gorebull Warblers went and got jabbed. They will of course blame all their coming woes on the “filthy unvaccinated”.
” “filthy unvaccinated””
It is the “twojabs” that have tainted blood… for the rest of their life.
… however long, or short that might be.
I actually find that quite concerning. Sooner or later, vaccinated people will be allowed into WA, and who is to say they are not virus carriers?
Not sure whether asymptomatic are carriers like typhoid Mary. Anyone know?
I am more likely to be wary of the vaxxed!
Would I be correct to explain it this way?
This is the “vaccine” you get when you have totally woked the definition of “vaccine”?
It’s usually rather pointless to involve your doctor in any treatment possibility with ivermectin. I asked mine would she prescribe it and the reply was “No, it doesn’t work” so I did not press the issue.
It’s too late for large randomised trials. They will most certainly be corrupted to produce the ‘correct’ answer.
Scanning through the stats across many nations, there doesn’t always appear to be a good correlation between the vaccination rate and the number of cases or deaths. Some nations have very low vaccination rates and in spite of that very very low cases numbers and deaths rates. Some have very high vaccination rates and in spite of that have very high case numbers and death rates. So, it appears the vaccines are meaningless, apart from the negative side effects and sometimes even deaths they are known to be causing. Surely I must be missing something if the case for vaccinating people using the current crop of COVID-19 vaccines is supposed to be beneficial overall, right?
There are many confounding factors. Age of population, vitamin D levels and inflation of COVID death numbers for political purposes in the “vaccine passports” nations.
There is also one possible factor behind increased mortality rates in some nations: higher use of the seasonal flu vaccines. But the medical community really doesn’t want to look to closely at that.
Interesting Mum in 30s dies one day after test
Sydney mum Jamila Yaghi tragically dies in home one day after testing positive to Covid-19
A Sydney woman who died in her home just a day after getting tested for Covid-19 has been identified as a mother of four with ‘the most amazing heart’.
Photo shows young woman wearing Full Hijab – Vitamin D levels would be interesting
The other deaths included a man aged in his 70s from southeastern Sydney who died at St George Hospital.
He was a resident at the aged care facility in Bexley and caught the disease there.
Several people from southwestern Sydney also died — a woman aged in her 80s, a man in his 80s, two men aged in their 70s, a woman in her 60s, and two women in their 70s.
A man in his 70s from Sydney’s north died at Hornsby Hospital, while a woman in her 70s from southwestern Sydney died at Westmead Hospital, where she had acquired her infection.
A man in his 90s from the Blue Mountains died at the Hawkesbury living aged care facility.
Northern Beaches Hospital CEO Andrew Newton: ‘We are treating Covid patients from across Sydney’
Northern Beaches Hospital is treating an increasing number of very sick Covid patients from Sydney hotspots, according to CEO Andrew Newton.
He said the Frenchs Forest facility currently has a 10-bed ICU and 26-bed ward “dedicated to the care of quite unwell Covid positive patients from right across Sydney”.
A patient who contacted Manly Daily said she overheard paramedics and doctors talking about patients from the Canterbury-Bankstown region being admitted.
She tested +ve and was sent home. Was she offered ANY treatment or is there more to this? Is there grounds for malpractice?
The absolute minimum should be an IV injection of Vit D. Too late for oral dosing.
Watching Ch 7 evening news, her Brother said she did not die from Covid, she had Heart Problems and from further photos, the lady was not skinny.
‘As Vaccines Continue to Not Work as Promised – Ivermectin Continues to Work – This Secret is Getting Out’
By Joe Hoft
See graphs:
India (Ivermectin/low vaccination) vs Israel (No Ivermectin/high vaccination) cases
Africa Ivermectin countries vs non-Ivermectin countries deaths
Hence the Vaccine Industry + State panic .
If all that is true then could our leaders be open to criminal charges for perpetrating a cover up that could be leading many to their deaths for not allowing victims of the virus to be treated properly?
Just above I raised the possibility of malpractice suites against doctors making zero effort to save their patients. It would be poetic justice if caring about their malpractice premiums caused them to be sued.
If the effect of the “vaccine” wears off quickly, it is NOT a vaccine.
A REAL vaccine causes the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that will be able to deal with an actual full-blown “infection”, for a LONG time. That is the ENTIRE POINT of the immune system.
Go back to the work of Jenner. Potted edition: Using scrapings from the pustules on milkmaids who had cow-pox, he introduced this goo into the otherwise healthy “volunteers”. They got cow-pox, but NOT the significantly more lethal SMALLPOX. Their immune systems could deal with cow-pox and the resultant antibody would deal with smallpox.
All of this because he noted that milkmaids who had copped a dose of annoying, but non-lethal, cowpox DID NOT GET SMALLPOX. 18th Century medicine at its finest.
The concept was brilliant, however, some of the later nasties tackled took a few goes to suppress. Polio, by which my own father was sideswiped as a child, was another slayer of children. Its other name was “Infantile Paralysis”. It STILL exists in lab colonies around the world, though, like Bubonic Plague and Leprosy, has made a few “surprise” comebacks in the last couple of decades.
Part of the problem is the rampant “God Complex” clearly evident in the health “industry” and its political wing. And the nascent STASI in the ranks of the public serpents , media mavens and Wackerdemia.
Yeah! Whatever! I’m sure they speak highly of old Pharts like me, too.
Part of the problem is the rampant “God Complex” clearly evident in the health “industry” and its political wing. And the nascent STASI in the ranks of the public serpents , media mavens and Wackerdemia.
I don’t know if this is true – probably, partially. But I do know that I contracted polio as a young person (about 1966) in Sydney, and I did not contract the paralysis – I had received both the Salk and Sabin vaccines.
But isn’t that the point of the coronavirus vaccines as well? There have been very bright people working on highly sophisticated vaccines to deal with the coronavirus, and using amazing techniques that weren’t even conceived of twenty years ago.
It seems to me the vaccine producers should be praised in the same way as Jenner and Salk – and not demonised as the nefarious money-grubbing agents of Big Pharma and Bill Gates. Why are they attacked so much – it just seems to be an anti-vax / anti-pandemic slice of rightwing political jive.
Yeah! Whatever! I’m sure they speak highly of old Pharts like me, too.
Sadly, Bruce, “old Pharts” were overtaken chronologically by generations who were not educated to effectively examine & criticise “facts”. It is now all about “hype” and “feelings”.
Will the extraordinary capacity of the human intellect eventually awaken to the dangers facing our species? I don’t know. The digital revolution has been so bewitching that we may not be able to detect the dangers until too late.
Vicki, for your next post type your name correctly, may get rid of the “+” bug.
I think us old pharts, the boomers, whose fathers fought and uncles died in the most destructive war of all time are the last to accept patriotism as a way of life.
Of course I have no wish to disparage the many fine youngsters of today but [maybe] they are outnumbered and timid. It must take some conviction to stand toe to toe with a screaming anarchist but that is what’s needed.
I’m considering wearing an “unquackzinated” armband around in the city to cause trouble, and using a GoPro camera to record the fun.
I’m thinking a COVID symbol with six symmetrical protein spikes. In bright yellow. With the word “Unquackzinated” below it.
I think it would make the “Karens” vomit in rage 😉
I think it would make the “Karens” vomit in rage
No we just trust that you don’t wind up in hospital and the ICU – with all the other very unwell unvaccinated brethren.
Up to and including 20/08/2021, there have been 474 cases where death was a reported outcome in which the death may or may not have been the result of the COVID-19 vaccine in question. This compares to over the same period some 100 cases where the death was a reported outcome in which the death may or may not have been the result of the COVID-19 virus.
So, I rather take my chances with the virus rather than a vaccine, especially since it has been shown the vaccines are not working as well as they thought they would even in nations where the vaccination rate is so much higher than ours and yet they are experiencing very high death rates in spite of that, or perhaps even because of that.
Another statistic:
Texas has seen nearly 9,000 COVID-19 deaths since February. All but 43 were unvaccinated people. Preliminary data shows 99.5% of COVID-related deaths in Texas were among unvaccinated people, according to the Department of State Health Services.
These are hard facts to argue against … the Covid-19 vaccines are currently preventing serious cases, it seems. I’m happy to have AZ vaccination at age 69. Why would I not?
We trust that the “twojabs” will not die out too quickly !
In the spirit of the South African term “When-we”
From “When we were in Rhodesia”
Re the twojabbed-
Being humane, let us prey-
Bring them quickly unto the ventilator in hospital,
then let ivermectin redeem them.
Designs anyone?
Get a good design in before gov makes a bad design compulsory.
Well we all know how silly the Japanese are with their sub standard steel, poor hygiene, ass-hat engineering, no culture and bad driving, well we can add no medical knowledge to that list because Ivermectin has just been given the green light in Japan,
Oh no they listened to India, Fortunately, India has an excellent testimonial. Since April 28, India medical officials started providing Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to its massive population.
Idiots took notice of worldwide trials, With the encouraging medical data from ivermectin clinical trials’ reports worldwide, especially the one from FLCCC of US and BIRD of UK, the head of the Metropolitan Medical Association declared that while clinical trials were important,
Oh /sarc. if needed.
The furore regarding Ivermectin reminds me of the quote “They are lying , and we know they are lying and they know that we know that they are lying , but still they lie”. I wonder if the deal that secured the extra Pfizer jabs carried a proviso of Ivermectin being banned . The timing is “interesting”.
If Ivermectin worked (but it doesn’t) Scott Morrison and all the state premiers would eagerly grab it by both hands … but it doesn’t … it’s obviously quackery, and no reputable state government in the world is touching it. Give up – don’t flog a very deceased dead horse.
The Russians said it simpler: They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.
Chanting the mantra by the look of it
“Medical Associations Citing Merck et al. Declare War on Ivermectin Use Targeting COVID-19 in America
Staying away from the ‘Neighsayer’ puns as I saw this shoot out coming. It’s happening all over the USA and Canada too now.
Also of immediate concern is Premier says infections will peak in next fortnight
First of all it takes a fortnight for a vaccine dose to gain effectiveness. Second 2 weeks is an eternity when cases are climbing exponentially through the roof. Third, it takes 1 to 2 weeks between infection and impact on the health care system.
Thus a fortnight from now you will feel the impact of what is happening immediately …. there is no fortnight of further building cases is baked into the Premiers current promise
Just watched the video and it says pretty much exactly what I have written.
What is not considered are covid cases going exponentially through the roof in the next fortnight
What is notvconsidered is that vaccinations will not be high enough in the next fortnight to dampen the process.
Yes its good to vaccinate in the hot spots but can anticipate breakouts beyond those areas in the interim
Advise to keep a strong lock down and continue vaccinating as fast as possible
Don’t expect to outrun the virus. It’s too virulent
Don’t expect to outrun the virus. It’s too virulent
Haven’t you been reading half of the posters here? It’s just a tough flu or a bad cold … nothing to worry about – no need to vax – let’s open it all up! It’s just Schwab | Gates | Soros running the New World Order and the Great Rest!
Watch this flick, it is great. You might learn something!
The object of the war against Ivermectin is to expunge any safe, effective and cheap alternative to the so-called vaccines. It is a propaganda blitz based on the immoral standards of evil enterprises who, by their actions, show that they have no interest in winning the war against C-19. In any case, that would limit its potential to make insane amounts of money on recurring updates via the inevitable booster shots as a consequence of the rapidly waning potency of the jab.
TGA Yet Again Working against Australia and Australians
Editorial: TGA should get out of the way of rapid antigen testing
Why is Australia one of the few places on earth with delayed and expensive Covid testing that should be quick and cheap, writes The Daily Telegraph.
Rapid antigen tests provide Covid diagnoses at home within just 30 minutes. They are doing this in countries all over the world.
But such tests are not permitted for home use in Australia. Here, rapid antigen tests can only be conducted under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner.
This adds considerable time to each test, meaning they are not quite so rapid at all.
As well, the requirement for healthcare supervision adds about $20 in labour costs to each test – which by themselves retail for only $7.
So why is Australia one of the few places on earth with delayed and expensive Covid testing that should be quick and cheap?
Because the Therapeutic Goods Administration still won’t approve them, even after several months, the use of these tests at home.
This situation is ridiculous. The British have had access to these tests to quickly self-diagnose Covid at home since April.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison used rapid antigen tests daily during his time in the UK for the G7 conference.
We’ve literally trialled these tests on our most senior elected official, and he seems to have come through unharmed.
The same goes for millions of other people around the world.
It makes no sense at all that Australians still have to make a medical appointment in order to use a test that could be — and is, at least overseas – used at home.
Several interesting little things on last night’s MSM news. First Kerry Chant says that the more people who get “vaccinated” the more the numbers of hospitalisations from Covid will be in the vaccinated because “the “vaccine” is not perfect. What the? She actually admitted that the vaccines are not the be-all end-all, despite everyone saying “the only way out of this is through “vaccination”. Then Gladys says that we’ve all got to get this in perspective considering the numbers of cases and deaths through seasonal flu each year.
Then there was the story of the man who presented to hospital with vomiting and diarrhoea having overdosed on Ivermectin. He was later sent home. They didn’t say that he was ill from taking Ivermectin, they said he was ill from having overdosed on Ivermectin, which to any thinking person (I think there are some out there) would perhaps mean, well I’ll look into this IVM and make sure I take the correct dosage. Then they gave the numbers of internet searches in Australia there had been for IVM and there were thousands, and then the numbers for enquiries about IVM in the US. Tens of thousands. All of these comments were made after our illustrious Chief Medical Officer for Australia, Prof. Kelly said “There’s no evidence to support the use of ivermectin to treat Covid-19. Don’t look for magic cures online, and don’t rely on what’s being peddled on the internet, because none of them work.” If people weren’t sitting in their armchairs with furrowed brows, puzzling over the mixed messages given in one news report, then I’d be surprised. People are starting to suss this out. Chant and Berejiklian were strangely honest. What’s happening? Is the tide turning? ToM
In 1995 Carl Sagan wrote the book “The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark”. Here is an interesting and relevant quote:
It applies just as much to Australia and other Western countries as it does the US.
Thank you David!
I have not seen this quotation before. It is brilliant & SO applicable to the current crisis!
we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.”
Yes – and sadly too often the slide is into Trumpy MAGA rightwing paranoia and disgruntlement. It would be much better to have a progressive social democratic (even a socialist!) revolution – and take power back from capitalism.
But no … the good ole boys out in Alabama and Ohio think that is COM-YOU-NISM, and they don’t want that. And they will vote for redneck Republicans – who are owned by the corporations.
Carl Sagan was a brilliant New York liberal leftie – and he knew what he was talking about. I’m glad you quoted him.
The scientific method is a process by which we find and eliminate error.
“Science” is not a book of truth, it is a list of mistakes to be avoided.
It’s a pity American doctors aren’t as diligent protecting the population from fentanyl. There were 36,000 deaths from it in 2019 and it would be worse now. OK most on the streets is illegal but addicts are often introduced to it by doctors who believed what they were told. They didn’t care that addicts were doctor shopping as long as they were paid.
First, do no harm. BS!
On November 2020, pharmaceutical giant Purdue Pharma pled guilty to criminal charges leveled at the organization for its role in causing the Opioid Crisis ravaging the United States. As part of the pharma’s guilty plea, the company will face a $3.54 billion fine; it has already paid over $225 million of a $2 billion forfeiture case.
However, these amounts are only a fraction of the money Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, the people who own the company, made form fomenting the epidemic.
The American blue collar, lower middle class, and rural working class, have been hollowed out in a way that is huge and quite tragic – it’s over four or five decades, not since Trump-Biden. We did a drive from NYC west, and it was totally astonishing … it was like walking through the ruins of Pompeii. Dollar stores and Subway, bait shops, muffler shops, and maybe a Walmart. Hundreds of boarded up small stores. It was really awful.
The newest syndrome: Ivermectin Derangement Syndrome
See below the comment I wrote in The Australian today. It was REJECTED!
I am not an anti-vaxxer and have had the common vaccinations recommended by family doctors throughout my life but these covid “vaccines” are anything but run of the mill. Having read reams and listened to several highly qualified doctors and heard people describe their adverse reactions from the injections, I have decided not to have the jab. Ivermectin plus zinc etc will be my protection.
Dozens Of ThunderRidge High School Students Walk Out Of Class For Mask Protest
Let’s see when schools here re-open that students follow that example, or they act like m0r0ns and do as they are told by teachers who know more about how to teach their students the lies about CAGW than the basics.
They have not got a Clue!
FDA Weighing Dose of Moderna Covid-19 Booster
Vaccine maker has asked agency to authorize booster at half the dose given in the first two shots
The Food and Drug Administration is considering whether to authorize a lower dose of Moderna Inc.’s Covid-19 vaccine for boosters than the dose given in the first two shots, people familiar with the deliberations said.
Moderna said Wednesday it is asking the FDA to authorize a 50 microgram dose, half the dosage of the first two shots. Some in the government are leaning toward authorizing the 100 microgram dose, the people said, because of concerns a lower-dose booster might not offer a durable enough boost to counter fast-changing variants of Covid-19.
No final decision has been made, the people said, as the FDA is still reviewing data from studies that tested boosters using the different doses. People who have seen the data said both doses produce a strong immune response.
Complicating the decision is the fact that the FDA has limited comparative data on which to base their choice, one person familiar with the discussions said.
They are just bloody guessing!!!!!!
Gladys Berejiklian Takes Over The World.
Some of the Lucky Ones who did not take Ivermectin and died of old age.
You searched for the following 3 medicines between 01/01/2021 – 20/08/2021:
COMIRNATY COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b2 (mRNA))
COVID-19 Vaccine (TNS) (COVID-19 Vaccine (Type not specified))
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca (ChAdOx1-S (Viral vector))
Number of reports (cases): 50466
(Multiple adverse events have been reported for some patients)
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 49735
(The TGA thinks there is a possibility that the medicine caused the adverse event)
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 473
(These reports of death may or may not have been a result of taking a medicine)
Some individual reports where the symptom reported has a close correlation to death:
MedDRA system organ class : Injury, poisoning and procedural complications
MedDRA reaction term: Adverse event following immunisation
Number of cases: 121
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 116
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 107
MedDRA system organ class : General disorders and administration site conditions
MedDRA reaction term: Concomitant disease progression
Number of cases: 47
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 42
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 30
MedDRA system organ class : Cardiac disorders
MedDRA reaction term: Cardiac arrest
Number of cases: 47
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 44
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 28
MedDRA system organ class : Nervous System disorders
MedDRA reaction term: Unresponsive to stimuli
Number of cases: 35
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 34
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 13
MedDRA system organ class : General disorders and administration site conditions
MedDRA reaction term: Death
Number of cases: 10
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 10
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 10
MedDRA system organ class : Nervous system disorders
MedDRA reaction term: Cerebral haemorrhage
Number of cases: 23
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 22
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 9
That’s why they gave away millions of doses to protect children in Africa against river blindless. They did so because of the safety of IVM
Sorry for posting twice
‘It’s bizarre fans have to be vaccinated and players are not’: ‘More than half’ of tennis pros at the US Open have not received COVID shots despite mandate for ticketholders
Read the fine print:
More than half the tennis players at the US Open are unvaccinated, according to British tennis star Andy Murray
Would he really know? Anyway – right round the world we’re seeing pro sports athletes live in privileged bubbles – they are exceptions, and they bring circus relief to the masses – so they’re allowed to get away with a lot. I don’t mind … I like pro sport too.
The fake “shock horror” of the execrable Daily Mail is so tiresome. Right-wing rag at best.
[Please can we all tone down the hyperbole? – Jo]
When IVM is used in a prophylactic way, how long does that effect last ? I didn’t find an answer ’til now
No one pretends it’s forever. I think protocol is monthly but goto FLCCC for confirmation.
Thx, found it.
It’s 1 dose today, next 48 hours later, than weekly one.
The normal dosing is going to struggle with the delta viral load. It’s a question I’m not sure I’ve seen answered even with the vaccines – is the problem the vaccines are losing potency, or is the problem delta comes with such force?
Moderna has better effect on Delta ss Biontech, and IVM helps very well sgainst Delta as Seen in India.
My reading of the latest FLCCC protocol was a shift up due to the more infectious nature and higher viral load of Delta.
They are now suggesting 2 times a week for prophylactic use. That makes more sense given the half life.
HCQ is not cleared quickly. That has a much longer dosing schedule.
At what dose level? I read around 6mg for 25kg of body weight.
Whatever doctors prescribe. Read the FLCCC site to get some idea of what your doc might do.
A brief recapitulation on Covid.
The Diamond Princess – the first cruise ship report (out here) noted that
83% of the passengers did not catch Covid — Alpha strain
8% caught Covid but didn’t have any symptoms
9% caught Covid – the ALPHA type, supposedly the most deadly
The ‘population’ was heavily biased in the elderly brackets but also biased to those
healthier than average (?)
69% > 50,
58% >60,
33% >70,
Deaths 9 (all over 80 — 4.2%) or 0.24% overall
The percentage showing symptoms increased after age 50
8% in 20-49 age
15% > 50
19% > 60
23% > 79
25% > 80
So there is evidence of considerable natural immunity. e.g. The low infection rate infected & the (asymptomatic) taxi driver in Cairns with ~100 contacts and no transmission.
2. There is ample evidence that vaccinated (A-Z & Pfizer) can carry the virus AND infect others.
So a Vaccination PASSPORT is useless.
3. There are adverse effects reported after vaccination
but whether they are caused by it is not determined, as they should (and couldn’t really) be compared with those dying before.
4. The vaccinations seem to becoming less effective within a short time, possibly because The
virus is mutating rapidly.
5. The overall death rate is in a lower league to the bad ‘flu season in 2019 i.e. 1900 deaths when there was no hysteria
6. There is not the slightest chance that Covid can be eliminated. Once the country borders are opened further mutations will spread. Even with permanent quarantine, if a variant with a 15 day incubation period develops.
Various unelected Health Officials have exceeded their authority (abetted by weak Premiers) by
arbitrarily closing borders
banning outdoor gatherings without proof that there is transmission in the open air
forcing the wearing of useless masks.
Wrecking the economy.
Ignoring the benefit of Vitamin D3 (& Zinc), sunlight and outdoor exercise (as used in 1919)
Banning the use of possible anti-viral compounds (HCQ, Ivermectin etc.)
and forcing (experimental) treatment on those ( children & youth) least unlikely to become infected or die (except from induced fear).
Various media outlets esp. the ABC have behaved badly. This is not the Black Death nor Spanish Flu. We have had more dangerous viral out breaks without the current hysteria being stirred up among the gullible. It is time we got rid of these third rate Mussolinis.
The Diamond Princess did not get Alpha which was the UK variant from October 2020.
Delta has twice the hospitalization and 2 times mortality.
Vaccinations appear to be rapidly waning in stopping transmission but apparently still good for severity of infection. IF you know of stats that disagree please provide the sources. Im interested.
The mortality rates for 85 year old men are not that far off Small pox mortality rates. Being 24% for the Alpha Variant, worse for Delta.
It’s not the Black Plague, but the hospitalization rate is beyond all Western capacity without some treatment or vaccine or something.
My error, I thought Alpha was the first variant.
And the vaccines (so far) are proving temporary and losing effectiveness after 180 days, yet our political medico establishment has banned anything else, while restrictions and changes to life are increasing without any evidence that they will work.
Both my father and grandfather died at 85. What is the average rate?
Yes it is/was – but the Diamond Prince era was prior to the spread of the first variant – so therefore the “original” strain, not a variant.
Delta has 2 times the mortality? Not born out by overseas data that I’ve seen, rather lower than last year.
From a sample of nearly 12,000 infected patients of Maccabi Healthcare Services in Israel about 84% (9,734 of 11,644) of those who tested positive during this period were fully (2-dose) vaccinated. So after just 180 days, a fully vaccinated person is no more protected against COVID than an unvaccinated person.
(I haven’t read this link) “Many have claimed that the vaccines offer lower viral-load protection from COVID-19 and its variants. But a new study (Servellita et al., 2021) reports the fully vaccinated (a) “were more likely than unvaccinated persons to be infected by variants,” (b) “symptomatic vaccine breakthrough infections had similar viral loads to unvaccinated infections,” and (c) the transmission of COVID-19 is as efficient for vaccinated infections as it is for the unvaccinated”.
And also in comments “57.7% of California health workers infected with COVID-19 since March were fully vaccinated” (although their health status isn’t stated).
My comment about the Health Authorities is that they have exaggerated the threat and demanded obedience to their diktats. ” but the hospitalization rate is beyond all Western capacity without some treatment or vaccine or something.” In the UK they stopped surgery to make more beds available, built emergency hospitals (not used) and sacked people publishing pictures of empty beds. This despite a reduction of 33% of total beds in hospitals in the last 10 years.
Then our “rulers” outlawed proven to be safe drugs (which seemed to be capable of reducing hospitalisations by up to 80% ), threatenned Doctors and pharmacists who prescribed them, and are trying to ban imports (in case the public take to self medicating). No, there has not been any reasonable thought at all on treating this problem, least of all by your State Premier. What is he going to do when the country opens up again? Insist that every person entering (or re-entering) the State undergo 14 days quarantine? Bang goes any travel.
And what happens if a variant mutates that has an incubation period longer than 14 days?
5. The overall death rate is in a lower league to the bad ‘flu season in 2019 i.e. 1900 deaths when there was no hysteria
There is however a fundamental difference.
With the flu (and colds), those infected usually feel dreadful, are very congested, and mostly stay home. Going into a crowded place, on public transport, or a workplace, clearly with the flu is socially frowned upon.
The Covid-19 coronavirus carrier however can be asymptomatic and infectious for many days – so the spread of the virus is almost guaranteed.
The Diamond Princess figures need to be treated with caution indeed. The taxi driver in Cairns – might have had a very low load, or they were very lucky. Recall that the entire outbreak now plaguing 2-3 states and the ACT all arose from one limo driver carrying flight crew.
I do NOT want Chief Health Officers to arrive into their positions by being elected! This is NOT America, where dogcatchers, judges, tax officials, law enforcement officers, and even educators, are elected. It frequently leads to incompetence, corruption, bribery, and ideological agendas.
All CMOs (or CHOs) are acting within the health legislation that the states and territories have. All state premiers operate within the laws and constitutions that they serve.
I think the various Ministers and CMOs have done a great job. I would love to see any of the keyboard warriors on here face a hours-long media conference every single day like these people do.
To call them “third rate Mussolinis” is errant nonsense, hyperbolic overdrive, and trolling, frankly.
And premiers / CMOs are often damned for being successful … by putting in strict measures we have kept caseloads, hospitalisations, and deaths very low by international standards – and then the critics blast them because it ain’t the bubonic plague!
And they get attacked by the very same crowd who would scream blue murder if there was a very serious outbreak that affected them or their family personally – they’d be angrily demanding that premiers and CMOs “do more” to stop it.
I’m pleased that premiers have moved from the “covid-zero” position they have held for 18 months. Politicians are as nervous as kittens, and they are now just accepting that the public won’t crucify them if they go non-zero – and have an “acceptable” level of “living-with-covid”.
We have no choice really – the Delta Variant is too contagious, and we can’t lock down the place regularly for ever – the economic and social costs are too high. We will have to live with x number of deaths per month, I expect.
Well, that was a load of empty rhetoric you just posted there, TT !
So many words to say absolutely nothing of any worth.
The full Disraeli?
“A sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity, and gifted with an egotistical imagination that can at all times command an interminable and inconsistent series of arguments to malign an opponent and to glorify himself.”
TT was very succinct. Unlike the flu you do not know you are infected with the Covid19 virus because you do not fell sick.
The point TT is making is that for most people this is not a sickness only an exposure to a virus to which most people have natural immunity. The natural urge (apparently) of those infected to renovate, go to the gym and do Coffee creates the ‘test-a-demic’ which than morphs into the ‘case-a-demic’. The case-a-demic like all good pyramid schemes eventually runs it course when the area runs out of relatives, friends and workmates willing to become involved. In a normal flu season the doctor sees the infected, diagnose the disease from the symptoms and generally chooses to not waste the resources initiating a test-a-demic. And yet the outcome can be the same, old people and those with other illness dying in hospital. In this case the age of those dying with Covid19 for the most part appears to be above the normal expected lifespan.
The State Premier in SA (whom I think I should call Benito Marshall) is projecting that the police can use to Mobile recognition scheme to issue random demands for people to “log in” within 15 minutes where they are expected to be. I don’t recall anything like that in the Constitution.
“The Covid-19 coronavirus carrier however can be asymptomatic and infectious for many days – so the spread of the virus is
almostguaranteed.” CORRECT, it is going to spread in various strains.And it appears that the ‘vaccinations’ are losing their effectiveness within 180 days.
“using a sample of nearly 12,000 infected patients of Maccabi Healthcare Services in Israel.
About 84% (9,734 of 11,644) of those who tested positive during this period were fully (2-dose) vaccinated. ”
And “57.7% of California health workers infected with COVID-19 since March were fully vaccinated”.
Time to re-think?
I agree it is over the top. The system has to work on trust, co-operation, and a sense of community or collective responsibility (“we’re all in this together”) – with a modest amount of shaming to be expected.
Such surveillance techniques should be limited to truly lethal pandemics if we ever have one – killing 20% of people or something like it.
Isn’t this surveillance only for the two weeks as an alternative to hotel quarantine? Isn’t it better to have the option to quarantine at home rather than in an expensive locked in hotel?
We know some people will take advantage of home quarantine, obviously enforcing it is difficult without paying for guards to stand at teh door.
As it is, visitors could still go to a home which effectively breaks quarantine too. I don’t know how we stop that.
PS: The virus kills over 20% of men over 80. Don’t they matter?
Yes – I agree these are challenging figures. And we need to see what proportion of those hospitalised, require ICU treatment, or die, were fully vaccinated.
It appears – still – that vaccinations lessen the chance of being infected, and lessens the severity of the infection if it does “break through”. I don’t think there’s an argument yet that vaccines don’t work, or are not worthwhile.
If the “vaccine” really works as advertised,and you do not accept the “follow the money”paradigm .the explain this.An oral treatment that requires TWO tabs daily inclusive of vaccination/ https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/pfizer-doses-first-patient-phase-23-trial-covid-therapeutic
The pfizer document.https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizercom/2021-09/First_Participant_Dosed_in_Phase_2_3.pdf?xngrygl6i_kDXWrJtM7ixP65qQ6ZXOK0
Did someone take the head of Pfizer round the back of the bike shed?
Just catching up with the blog. People are wanting to know the details on how IVM actually tackles the virus. Throw this at them, from Dr Chris Martenson, and a super computer. It is computing and theoretical, but it is supposedly a viable process. – the Bradykinin storm.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSJRyYf01H8 from 20.00
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOxRfNCTV6U&t=1883s from 8.12
Will those who think Ivermectin is an animal de wormer refuse treatment should the studies being undertaken in the use of Invermectin as a treatment for cancer patients refuse treatment because it is an animal de wormer.
They try and push – “it’s just a de-wormer for horses etc.” Are they aware that vets use many drugs for animals that are also commonly used in humans – including many antibiotics etc.
A reference about Ivermectin history and Covid19 efficacy
oddly no mention of the veterinary aspects
Summary: 1. The Australian Government does not care about the COVID fate of anyone over 70 (less $ for the age pension).
2. Ivermectin…the jury is out. Just like Remdisivir and other “miracle cures”.
COVID 19 is continually mutating. Will future strains be immune to ANY sort of vaccine? Only time will tell……….
Then, there’s this:
Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19
Kory, Pierre MD1,*; Meduri, Gianfranco Umberto MD2; Varon, Joseph MD3; Iglesias, Jose DO4; Marik, Paul E. MD5
In summary, based on the totality of the trials and epidemiologic evidence presented in this review along with the preliminary findings of the Unitaid/WHO meta-analysis of treatment RCTs and the guideline recommendation from the international BIRD conference, IVERMECTIN SHOULD BE GLOBALLY AND SYSTEMATICALLY DEPLOYED IN THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF COVID-19.”
Paul Kelly deserves the same fate as this Indian WHO liar:
India is pursuing death penalty for WHO doctor who failed to inform Indians of Ivermectin treatment. Deaths in his district jumped 10x in that area.
India Could Sentence WHO Chief Scientist to Death for Misleading Over Ivermectin and Killing Indians
“Among the most prominent examples include the Ivermectin areas of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Goa where cases dropped 98%, 97%, 94%, and 86%, respectively. By contrast, Tamil Nadu opted out of Ivermectin. As a result, their cases skyrocketed and rose to the highest in India. Tamil Nadu deaths increased ten-fold.
In a test of over 4000 people in India (3000+ took Ivermectin) and over 1000 did not. The results were that 2% Ivermectin takers had PCR test confirmed COVID and 11.7% non-takers had PCR test confirmed COVID. The people were given two 21 mg doses of Ivermectin. This costs less than 1 penny per person.
Advocate Dipali Ojha, lead attorney for the Indian Bar Association, threatened criminal prosecution against Dr. Swaminathan “for each death” caused by her acts of commission and omission. The brief accused Swaminathan of misconduct by using her position as a health authority to further the agenda of special interests to maintain an EUA for the lucrative vaccine industry.
Specific charges included the running of a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin and issuing statements in social and mainstream media to wrongfully influence the public against the use of Ivermectin despite the existence of large amounts of clinical data showing its profound effectiveness in both prevention and treatment of COVID-19.”
“Ivermectin, used in Delhi beginning April 20, obliterated their COVID crisis. Cases dropped by 97% over 6 weeks. The fatal mistake would have been to NOT use Ivermectin. They used it and it saved Delhi. But tragically, Tamil Nadu did not, and their state was devastated. Their new cases rose from 10,986 to 36,184 – a tripling. Their refusal to use Ivermectin harmed them. Not only did Tamil Nadu’s cases rise to the highest in India, but their deaths skyrocketed from 48 on April 20 to 474 on May 27 – a rise of ten-fold.”
India: For discouraging the use of ivermectin, WHO official could receive death penalty
India charges WHO Scientist Soumya Swaminathan for Mass Murder: The beginning of Accountability
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015
For Ivermectin. Show this to the ‘horse wormer’ idiots and shills.
Covid links: http://everist.org/archives/links/__Coronavirus_info.txt