A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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rigged, fixed, manipulated, infiltrated and covered up
Kissinger network of at least 7 in the Biden Admin.
So if true, the vaxxes appear to be suicide shots……
If true, may pandemic “cure” into a global genoc*de…..
Should read :
“If true, may turn pandemic “cure” into a global genoc*de…..”
Kinda puts the relentless hysterical push in perspective.
It may be the vax itself, but also as hospitals are overwhelmed, suply chains crash and mass starvation ( a Left favourite ) is a real possibility.
Buy food and guns…..
“into a global genoc*de…..””
The only bright light would be that the left would be totally decimated.
Thinking conservatives who have resisted the jab, may be the main survivors.
“Thinking conservatives who have resisted the jab, may be the main survivors”
Thinking conservatives is an oxymoron par excellence
They are the only sort you will find.
Leftists just do as they are told by a higher authority.
They need to be told what to do and think, by their very nature.
Never a rational thought of their own.
And do at least learn the right terminology.
Saying “Thinking conservatives” is a case of redundancy. !
Leftism is just
Ian, there is no such thing as a thinking Leftist.
Leftists have a fundamental ability to engage in independent thought or action, they follow only group think.
Leftists are TERRIFIED of alternative opinions, hence everything they see or read (or allow anyone else to see or read) must be pre-filtered via the censorship process.
Leftists are also extremely RISK AVERSE or terrified of different experiences, hence the large numbers of activities that have to be banned or highly restricted under their domain.
Who is it you are trying to tell us are the non-thinking ones?
Leftists have a fundamental INability to engage in independent thought or action, they follow only group think, there, fixed it for you D.
“Leftists are TERRIFIED of alternative opinions, hence everything they see or read (or allow anyone else to see or read) must be pre-filtered via the censorship process.”
What rank hypocrisy. Look at the comments here There isn’t much evidence of alternative opinions on this site. Almost everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet and it is made very plain that anyone who does not do so is not at all welcome.
In fairness however I have seen some posts from Jo that have not been welcomed by the majority of commenters
Leftist opinions, based on what .. ???
Just groupthink / do as you are told.
Ian. Let’s be reasonable and try some reality….
Here’s the official stats on ‘floor-crossing” = not voting with your own party, in the Oz Federal Parliament from 1950 to 2019….
“during the period of the study there were 520 (2.6%) divisions in which floor crossings took place
295 individual floor crossers (approximately 23% of all MPs who sat in the parliament from 1950 to 2019) crossed the floor. A larger proportion of senators (27.5%) crossed the floor than members of the House of Representatives (20.7%)
the Coalition participated in 96.8% of floor crossing divisions compared to Labor’s 3.1% and the Coalition accounted for 90.2% of the individual MPs who crossed the floor compared to Labor’s 9.8%
Ian. Why do you so support this group-think, if you are not a mere group-thinking lemming? Seriously?
BTW: The ALP suspends anyone who crosses the floor. Then expels them if they do not publicly promise to never do it again.
\views of Afghanistan
inside Afghanistan leadership
father of Taliban
Lt-Gen. Faiz Hamid of Pak ISI at Kabul
Pakistani smart bombs and drones used against Panjshir Valley
Ahmad Massoud, Amrullah Saleh fled to Tajikstan
‘Vitamin D and COVID-19: The Current State of the Evidence’
‘The pooled results of the observational studies suggest that people with vitamin D deficiency have somewhere between a 2-fold and 5-fold increased odds of getting infected with COVID-19, having a severe case, and dying.’
‘Nine ecological studies found that population-level vitamin D status explains up to 58% of the infection rate and 63% of the mortality rate.’
‘Overall, these studies support maintaining vitamin D status in the 50-60 ng/mL range to achieve the lowest risk of infection’
“Many people living in temperate regions would require 5,000 IU per day during the coldest half of the year.”
I supplement with 4,400 units per day. In almost all outdoor activity I cover-up. That “coldest half year” assumes a person gets adequate sun in the summer half-year. That’s not me.
One ought to consult medical pros if going over 5,000 units on a sustained basis. {Initial dose may be much higher.}
The Cleveland Clinic, and others, have pages on this subject.
Interesting review of Vitamin D – a real good read. If you compare the effects of D with the current data coming out of Israel, Vit D is about equal to the vaccine.
It would be interesting to see the results of a study of serious illness and death rates that took into account vitamin B plus obesity.
There is a 2% drop in the incidence of getting sever covid symptoms with every 1 ng/ml increase in blood serum Vit D level up to 55 ng/ml. After which there is no change.
Vit D blood serum level explains 96% of the covid sever symptoms results.
“This study had 191,779 subjects, including 4,016 people with 55-59 ng/mL and 8,305 people with greater than 60 ng/mL.
Infection risk was almost 13% in those with the lowest vitamin D status and around 6% in those with the highest.
For every 1 ng/mL of vitamin D status, the relative risk of infection went down 2%, and it bottomed out around 55 ng/mL.
After controlling for age, sex, race, latitude, and the season of the vitamin D measurement, vitamin D status explained 96% of the remaining risk of getting infected.
This study suggests that 50-60 ng/mL is the best range to be in to have the lowest infection risk.”
It is interesting that there were Three Fake Vit D papers written/submitted in the same time period from Asia and Southeast Asia. With the objective of creating misinformation about Vit D.
What would motivate (Could it be money? Who is paying people to write fake sciency papers, to stop us from defeating Covid?) a group of people to write fake Vit D Vs Covid papers and other people to write fake Ivermectin Vs Covid papers and other people to write fake Covid Origins papers?
“Unfortunately, the first three studies directly tying the vitamin D status of individual patients to COVID-19 outcomes, all from South or Southeast Asia and all originally published between April 23 and May 5, 2020, have since been retracted, with no explanation why.16,17,30
In fact, there is reason to doubt that the authors of the second paper, which came out of Indonesia, even exist. In July of 2020, a group of Indonesian physicians and medical professors claimed to look everywhere within the Indonesian medical system without ever finding these authors.31
They lamented that this potentially fraudulent paper created an “infodemic” of “misinformation” about the supposedly helpful effects of vitamin D that had spread like wildfire on Twitter and Reddit.”
Pakistan foreign minister advocates Taliban as government but it is terrorist/fundamentalist
India’s drones soon to have smart bombs too
8-13-21 The Taliban seized billions of dollars of US military equipment from Kunduz Airport this week, including Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles, drones and humvees. German Journalist Julian Röpcke of Bild posted photos of equipment seized by the group.
“seized by the group.” Not sure seized is the appropriate term.
It’s good that there is no change after 55 ng/ml because at 2% drop per 1 ng/ml you’ve dropped the chance by 100% at 50 ng/ml and you can’t do better than that.
Pfizer to the rescue!
RE “What would motivate (Could it be money? Who is paying people to write fake sciency papers, to stop us from defeating Covid?) a group of people to write fake Vit D Vs Covid papers and other people to write fake Ivermectin Vs Covid papers and other people to write fake Covid Origins papers?”
Of course, this almost certainly has been done deliberately because MANY similar adaptive/ad hoc frauds (clue: it ain’t no coincidence) have been pulled WITHIN the BIG fraud of Covid-19. The following cited article describes such cases and answers your questions as to who is behind it all and WHAT these people really are — “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at
Some good information on Vit D including a calculator for determining weight appropriate dosage based on real life data (not computer models).
Link did not work?
Direct to the Vit D calculator:
I’m glad to see a discussion of Vitamin D3 here & Covid here.
Lots of interesting links !
PS I’ve been taking capsules of 10,000 IU a day for years.
No ill effects at all
you may find this link for Craig Kelly interviewing Dr Zelenko interesting Bill,
it goes right into supplement’s ect…
Actually I go with what Jeff Bowles says in in 2014 publication
The Miraculous Results of Extremely High Doses of Vitamin D3 : Mt Experiment with HUGE Doses of D3″
Note the date : 2014.. Long before Craig Kelly ever found out anything about D3
PS : D3 is also noted for preventing osteoporosis & osteopena…
Thanks Marksman for the Zelenko/Kelly interview. Have been watching and reading about Zelenko since early last year and it was quite a coup for Kelly to be able to talk to him. Great interview. One of the many things I like about Dr. Z. is that he says (and he said it in this interview too) “Don’t believe me. Listen to me, but do your own due diligence”. How refreshingly different from the usual lines we’re fed from the pollies “trust our ‘experts’, they have your interests at heart”. Yeah, right!! ToM
This is really between what they classify as ‘low’ and ‘normal’ levels of vitamin D. It gets up to 16x the difference between those with ‘low’ and ‘high’ difference. The range for ‘normal’ is in reality quite low in the grand scheme of things.
Indeed !
The Vitamin D3 levels of a population that stay inside almost all the daylight hours
And then cover up their skin from the sun
Is considered ‘Normal” by the medical profession.
But such chronic low levels are hardly “optimal” for human health.
Given the virus runs more rampant in winter, is that a consequence of being indoors more often where the virus spreads more easily or a lack of vitamin D in winter? Or both?
Sorry, haven’t the link recorded, but remember a TED talk (on youtube) by a doctor pointing out the increase in respiratory diseases as you went north in the UK. Also reference to his time in Melbourne.
It is generally thought that the earliest settlers in the UK and Scandinavia about 6-8,000 years ago were brown skinned, but genetic selection occurred to pale skin as this allowed the body to make more Vit D in northern sunlight. There are comments, usually ignored or stigmatised as ‘racist’, about the higher prevalence of Covid among those with darker skin in the USA .
I wonder if the Aboriginals around Melbourne were as dark as the Aboriginals around Darwin.
Quite why this guy was ever released from prison and quite why the authorities refused to divulge his name I don’t know. As to why the 24 hour policing of him meant the cops didnt go into the supermarket with him poses another unanswered question
Refugee? It redefines refugee when you hate the people who take you in.
“Samsudeen moved to the New Zealand in October 2011 and was granted refugee status two years later – which authorities sought to revoke in 2018 following terror-related convictions.
However Samsudeen appealed and a final decision on whether he should be deported had yet to be made”
There is no shortage of activist lawyers and judges around the world. And this is a new class of refugee. They want to live where you live, but want you to move out. It’s the same with the current virus. Your government is not their government. All rights but no obligations.
I’ve been pondering this as well.
Of course the NZ High Court judge was a complete bloody idiot with his legal hair splitting.
A solution perhaps : Make such judges personally liable for prosecution by those who have been injured by this terrorist.
“Make such judges personally liable for prosecution by those who have been injured by this terrorist”
The ultimate in feedback being used to fix a broken system.
I suspect if they have changed any laws as a result, they neded an excuse to do so….
He may well just be the patsy they needed to pass more draconian laws.
hence no arrest…..what if they needed him to do what he did?
Its just wickedness, if so….
yes well they had failed to pass draconian gun legislation then let a foreigner carry out a massacre in the name of communism, claim it was far-right and then the communist supporting government rushes through draconian gun legislation within hours of the event. So it certainly wouldn’t be the first time in recent memory in NZ.
Seems awfully like they were prepared for the event…..Port Arthur comes to mind.
And speaking of law and disorder….
“The nation’s privacy watchdog has called for police forces to be banned from accessing information from QR code check-in applications after law enforcement agencies have sought to use the contact-tracing data on at least six occasions to solve unrelated crimes.
“There are also growing calls from backbench MPs and civil liberties groups to phase out the compulsory check-in applications once the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
Just a thought on “to phase out the compulsory check-in applications once the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is over” – maybe, but it will be replaced by the hated vax passport…you watch….
They waited and watched and let it happen, dead men tell no tales.
well this so called ‘refugee’
But in fact terrorist
Is now dead.
Good riddance !
Now if only they would release the name of the High Court judge
Who’s idiocy lead to this incident
Some justice would be served !
I think we touched on this in a thread earlier in the week regarding using hitech means to force the Oz population into compliance over covid
Australia really seems to want to emulate China. My reading of it, and I may be wrong, is that the authorities think they can get away with anything bearing in mind the super harsh lockdowns for such tiny numbers of cases, whereby these lockdowns on the whole seem to mert the approval of the general public.
The harsher the lockdown the more likely it is that the next one will be even harsher.
The mind boggles as to the restrictions that will be put in place if Covid ever does get a serious hold in your country. What measures are left to keep the population in line?
” What measures are left to keep the population in line? ”
Our Globalist, Deep State, One World Government, Government
DO NOT care about the Australian People; but I repeat myself.
If a citizen doesn’t own a mobile then surely be can’t be penalised?
Face recognition is a problem for everyone because it takes away our freedom, nevertheless its coming. The people will decide at the ballot box whether they think its a step to far.
“Face recognition is a problem”
Just wear a mask, as required anyway, and reflective sun glasses and a hoody.
After the pandemic runs its course will the authorities eliminate this new tool from their arsenal?
Assuming they retain it, then anyone seen in sun glasses and hoody without a phone would be considered a person of interest. Outliers, deviants and social pariahs are on notice, Winston Smith comes to mind.
There is an authoritarian streak in Australian society, which goes back to our formative years as a prison colony.
Just like a loud muffler- Sun glasses and a hoodie shouts – cops come and get me
Must admit, I don’t wear a hoody.
I do however wear a cap and dark glasses whenever I am outside.
a) because my eyes have always been quite sensitive to glare.
b) because it helps protects my extended forehead from sunburn.
c) even wear a cap when its raining, to keep rainwater off my glasses.
light sensitivity has many reasons, one of the more recent discussions on this is along the lines of insulin resistance in particular eye damage and diabetes.
From personal experience glare, including the bright light when you first get up became more tolerable when I moved to a insulin sensitive type diet.
Yes, the friends of the Communist Party of China are actively seeking to take over government and imprison the people.
Most notably Victorian dictator Daniel Andrews for whom the virus is a reason to bring in his own law to bypass the police and the courts, keep out the Federal Armed forces and bring Victoria to its knees.
He is not mad. He is doing what he is told. Why else allow a BLM march in the middle of lockdown? But stop ANZAC day when lockdown was over? And stop Easter and Passover celebrations but not Ramadan?
Like the Communist mayor of Florence, Italy who announced ‘hug a Chinese’ day at the same time thousands of infected Chinese visitors arrived to Wuhan’s sister city Milan. Now that could be an amazing coincidence. What about hug an American day? Or hug a Japanese day? Or was he taking orders from the CCP?
“Why else allow a BLM march in the middle of lockdown?”
The BLM march happened at the same time and in close proximity to the emerging hotel quarantine outbreak, and they were able to say the BLM march did not cause any COVID issues, but were unable to say who was responsible for the hotel disaster.
Both are wilful deceit by Andrews and his Health Department. Soon after the BLM the entire of four huge Housing Commission towers in North Melbourne were surrounded by police and in total lockdown. Unconnected of course.
I don’t believe any of this. I think Rod at comment #96 has hit the nail on the head
So “science” apparently wants us to segregate the unvaccinated who can spread the virus from the vaccinated who can spread the virus ….to protect those who have been vaccinated who apparently get less serious consequences when infected, from infection by the unvaccinated who apparently have an increased rate of death.
Good work Dan …. Making as much sense on this as you can expect from someone with no memory.
Vaccines lose their efficacy within about 6 months
So within 6 months after the jabs, there is no difference between the “twojabbed” and the “untainted”, except the “twojabbed will have to become the “threejabbed”.. etc… ad infinitum
The “twojabbed” are on this merry-go-round forever !
Clotting their way to a early demise.
Israel appears to be coming a vaccinated covid train wreck.
I do feel sorry for them.
I do notice a lot of couhtries also *mysteriously* started all going upward in lock step on July 1. Odd…..
Cases :
July 31 2000
Aug 10 4000
Aug 16 5900
Aug 26 8200
Sept 02 9800
The graph is still trending solidly upwards.
Australia figures :
July 1 37
July 30 209
Aug 14 395
Aug 22 757
Aug 31 1190
Sept 3 1430
Seems to be as you apperoach 50% vaccinated, the runaway begins…..
If that is the case, what is that saying?
From an engineering point of view, it appears we have an unstable feed-forward mechanism, or in other words a self sustaining unpredictable and growing “fire” of vaccine-induced illness and /or severe covid cases, where the critical mass of percentage of vaccinated cases creates in a community guarantees a never-ending cycle of re-infection and or/ collapse of a significant section of the community in its ability to keep society running properly.
This is based on a few assumptions :
(1) That the virus continues to mutate, such that we have a large ( but not infinite ) probability of sustained mutation that can consistently defeat the sysmptom suppression of the endless versions of the gene therapy tool ( “aka “vaccine )
(2) That the health system is also sufficiently overwhelmed to the point of being unable to provide sufficient care and not “extinguish” the fire of cases and/or deal with people with bodies injured by the vaccines. This would take us back to pre-1800 medical level of care.
(3) That the number of functional people who maintan supply chains of food, medicine, fuel and electgricity will be corroded by illness due to vaccine ( not covid ) induced malaise. Widespread starvation becomes a significant risk at this point.
(4) That we may see an impact on law and order, further eroding community stability and well being.
All of this is likely by design. What appears to be the attack on the community is a multi-modal approach, designed to cripple society.
The great reset is working as planned.
To see what it is saying take a look at Vietnam’s COVID, they started vaccinating in March 2021 and they have gone from 2,500 and are now over 500,000.
You are obviously not aware of the vaccination of the newborn 12 hours after birth with vaccinations, many second or third jabs from then on till 18+. These vaccinations have prevented millions getting mumps and measles and polio and diphtheria and tetanus and chicken pox and whooping cough and many more diseases but you seem to think vaccinaes are an invention of the devil. Anti Covid 19 vaccines are just the newest addition to the list of vaccines stretching back for decades. Why so scared?
That Marek’s Disease in chooks is caused by vaccinating the flock during an epidemic should have informed policy from the outset; that is, we should only be vaccinating the vulnerable or we risk mutating the virus to a variant beyond our technical prowess to contain.
Universal vaccination of newborns is irrelevant to this situation Ian.
Ian you are not talking about the vitamin K given to infants just after birth are you?
Ian – it looks like you’ve missed the point that double-vaccinated people can catch and transmit the virus, especially with variant Delta and most likely with further variants, and that such a double-vaccinated person infected with Delta is just as infectious as an unvaccinated person. This is so well-known that it’s been stated by Fauci and has been on the BBC. These vaccines are non-sterilising, unlike the other vaccines you have mentioned. I should point out that the oral polio vaccine is sterilising (but carries more risks) but the injected one is non-sterilising but safer for the person vaccinated, which is why doctors choose one or the other depending upon the local incidence of polio. During endemic periods of polio they would choose the sterilising oral version, to stop transmission of the disease. I had the oral version as a kid.
Thus none of the current Covid vaccines will stop the Delta variant spreading. If you take them, they will improve your personal chances of not getting too ill or dying from the current main variants, but this protection drops off pretty quickly and, if you don’t get a booster, will increase your risk of dying from ADE when the antibody titre gets too low after about 6-8 months. Thus once you’ve started, you need to have boosters every 6 months or so as long as the virus is circulating. It’s currently not known as to how many times such a booster will work to increase your antibody level, either, since it’s known that with each injection of vaccine that’s largely the same the effect on your immune system is less strong than before.
There’s a further problem in using a non-sterilising vaccine, in that it provides selection pressure for the production of a variant (mutation) that will evade the vaccine. After all, this virus is RNA based and mutates often (by mid-July there were 3996 variants sequenced). A variant that can be removed by the antibodies will be neutralised, leaving those that can’t be so neutralised to multiply in the vaccinated person and then passed on to infect someone else. It’s not the unvaccinated who are a problem – they will produce just as many mutations, but it’s more likely that those that they pass on have a better chance of being those that a vaccinated person’s antibodies can neutralise when they get into the bloodstream. Those produced (and passed on) by the vaccinated person are by definition able to evade the vaccine.
Thus using a non-sterilising vaccine will result in a new variant that defeats the vaccine. No ifs or buts here. It will happen. It’s a terrible strategy. Look up Marek’s disease in chickens for a real-world example.
We take vaccines because the risk of problems from the vaccine are significantly lower than the risk from not taking them. There are always risks either way. The problem with these Covid vaccines is that the long-term risk to society appears to be higher than not taking them, and the risks to the individual are only temporarily reduced and that boosters will be needed to maintain that reduced risk of the disease, but we don’t know the accumulated risks of having a booster every 6 months for life given that there does appear to be an increased risk of blood clots with each further shot.
Vaccines in general are a great good, though some current ones are less than perfect. These Covid vaccines on the other hand are too risky, and we don’t know their long-term effects. The trials won’t complete for another couple of years, and some of the control groups (injected with placebos or other vaccines) have already been lost.
Read Geert Vanden Bossche for some technical details about how and why vaccines work, and why the current Covid vaccines are a bad idea. We need a sterilising vaccine that stops people becoming infectious as well as reducing their risk of illness or death.
Another poster who hasn’t looked at the way mRNA non Vaccines work compared to the ones he quoted.
Add in the fact that they have not been long term tested he is obviously obvlivious.
This is actually monumentally flawed. The vaccines for pretty much all listed injections for new-borns are of diseases that were almost virtually gone from society by the time of their inclusion in the vaccine schedule. Other conditions, like Hep B, can be determined well before birth rather than vaccinated after birth on the very rare chance the parent has it (which shouldn’t be the case if they were vaccinated some time before right?) and on the further rare chance it causes the complications.
Re-emergence of measles is related to the vaccine since it uses partially inactivated viral particles. While rare it is not unusual for the vaccinated to have a full case of measles that spreads from this. The unvaccinated don’t magically develop measles overnight. So why vaccinate with a measles vaccine that has a chance of making a full-blown case at an age that measles is known to be a large issue for if they get the full blown case?
Our response to infection may reduce our response to other infections. This is particularly true of vaccines since they include compounds (often not tested intravenously, but may pass oral tests) that increase immune response above what you would normally get for infections. Now the argument could be that this is less of an issue since the flu shot may prevent death from the flu but this would bear out in Absolute results, for which this study indicates is quite high…. for example pfizer vax during the first few weeks after maximum effectiveness the absolute was something like 0.84%, reasonably high in some health studies but low if it has the same issue as the flu vaccine study above. Perhaps though we would see a greater than 440% difference in the rate of vaccinated children dieing from flu than those not? While there is some difference some years in others there is no statistical difference between vaccination rate and death rate and other years there is a substantial difference (but never approaching 440% with a high absolute rate). The CDC method of recording vaccination rates also leaves much to be desired. Rather than exacting numbers in previous years they would do a sample survey asking questions. Generally about 10% of people refuse to answer and the CDC removes them from the numbers to inflate vaccination rates. When I looked at California’s data on vaccinations in years past and who died from the flu the rates of children dieing from the flu that were fully vaccinated were anywhere from 15-42% depending on the year (2017 pretty much matched the vaccination rate).
This brings us onto another topic, the year to year inconsistency and the continual finding of bad batches of vaccines, such as was the case in multiple batches of Moderna sent to Japan recently. Now the agency in the US basically setup to oversea pharma practices in particular to vaccines never once did their job from 1986 – 2018 as was found in court in 2018, they were mandated to do a 2 year review of the products back in 1986… i.e. every 2 years confirm the processes and quality etc. They instead spent their billions of US$ on propaganda on how good vaccines are and expanding the size of the agency but not doing any quality assurance, none.
My stand on vaccines in general is that flu and covid flu shots are optional and really only advised for those quite unhealthy and/or quite old in fairly poor health. The proviso is that they have vitamin D levels tested and perhaps given a booster if needed beforehand to lower the chance of ‘vaccine injury’. Vaccines should not be rolled out to infants of children lower than the age of 3 which is when the immune system is fully developed to handle extreme immune responses and that the number of vaccines be reduced (this means not the injections but the number of pathogens vaccinated against). No vaccinations during pregnancy or just before people trying for a child, the actual numbers for vaccination of pregnant mothers is horrifying for covid…. they just used fudged ranges to try to hide it. 820-odd pregnant women were followed after vaccination, 700 of which were after week 20. Miscarriage happens before week 20 and 100 miscarriages were reported therefore from their dodgy logic only 100 of 820 pregnancies had miscarriages, instead it was 100 of 120 pregnancies had miscarriages…..
“This is actually monumentally flawed. ”
Actually shortie+of+greenbank it is your comment that is monumentally flawed. You state
“The vaccines for pretty much all listed injections for new-borns are of diseases that were almost virtually gone from society by the time of their inclusion in the vaccine schedule“.
This is totally wrong.
Here are some of the diseases for which vaccination is used
Polio was eliminated in the United States with vaccination, and continued use of polio vaccine has kept this country polio-free. Doctors recommend that your child get four doses of the polio vaccine (also called IPV). Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
1-2 months
4 months
12-23 months
4-6 years
Tetanus causes painful muscle stiffness and lockjaw and can be fatal. The tetanus vaccine is part of a disease-fighting vaccine called DTaP, which provides protection against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough).Doctors recommend that your child get five doses of the DTaP vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages
1-2 months
4 months
6 months
12-23 months
4-6 years
Most of us only know diphtheria as an obscure disease from long ago, thanks to the diphtheria vaccine babies get. This vaccine, called DTaP, provides protection against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). While preventable, diphtheria does still exist. It can cause a thick covering in the back of the nose or throat that makes it hard to breathe or swallow. Diphtheria can also lead to heart failure, paralysis, and even death. Make sure to vaccinate to help keep this dangerous infection from your kids.
Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious disease that can be deadly for babies. Mothers should get the whooping cough vaccine during each pregnancy to pass some protection to their babies before birth. It is very important for your baby to get the whooping cough vaccine on time so he can start building his own protection against the disease.
As for your comment on HepB it is just wrong
If you test positive for hepatitis B infection, then your newborn must be given proper prevention immediately in the delivery room, clinic or bedside:
first dose (called “birth dose”) of the hepatitis B vaccine
one dose of the Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG).*
Not talking about not-fully-tested mRNA vaccines are you.
Do you know the difference ?
My mother nursed in a Fever Hospital in England during the early part of WW2. She knew all about diphtheria; if she was alone on the ward and had more than one child with a crisis, one child would die, simple as that. In the end she couldn’t take any more of it and left nursing. She has always been very pro vaccination/immunisation. We were brought up to be likewise.
I was very worried about our daughter as there was a problem in her very early days and her paediatrician was adamant that she shoulf NOT be given the pertussis inoculation. I lived in fear of her catching whooping cough while so small, having a strong memory of how ghastly and frightening an illness it is from when I was ill with it. She didn’t succumb to it until she was about 8, when her immunised brother was sent home from school with a rough sort of cough. You guessed it; the immunised version of whooping cough! She was very ill and we were talking very recently about how frightened she was (we were too) as she had a pretty nasty dose of it.
I am very much a ‘pro-vaccer’ but these new gene therapies are not vaccines per se. Others can be the guineapigs; I’ll remain a ‘control’ and ‘wait and see’.
did the vaccines work or the fact nothing was EVER isolated for polio specific causing ‘virus’ mean the lowering of contaminants with other infections also lessened? Sure this could be similar to ice cream sales to shark attacks (both generally go up in warmer weather) but there is plenty of other research on this particular link. Either way for polio it had dropped from its height and the introduction of the oral dose was after it was not an issue.
From another site:
“Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
United Kingdom
Before the introduction of Hib immunisation, the estimated annual incidence of invasive Hib disease was 34 per 100,000 children under the age of 5. The Hib conjugate vaccine was introduced in 1992 in the childhood immunisation schedule. Since then, disease incidence has fallen by over 95% in infants under one year of age (the highest risk age group for disease).”
34 per 100000 that is something like 00.0033% of the population up to the age of five then say under 1s are at risk… what is the chance of that happening? Is that 1/5th? so something like 0.0007%? This isn’t death but infection, that can/maybe/kinda possibly be ‘serious’. A change of 95% of stuff all is still stuff all. Did they do a morbidity/serious illness study comparing placebo v intervention tracking over a couple of years? probably not. There are plenty of studies out there on that too, is the cure worse than what it prevents? I’ve already shown elsewhere flu vaccines increase negative outcomes of non-flu pneumonia to a substantial rate in children so such a small change, i.e. in a small number of 100000 would have little benefit if the vaccine itself causes harm.
If it stops your egotistical carrying on,
I’ll change the last line to….
“So much for the biology degree he says he has.
[No Clarence. Personalized attacks on other commenters is not OK. – Jo]
Clarence, it ok, Ian crying to Jo is ludicrous.
Ian insulted most the posters on this site, in the very thread.
Ian says, “ Thinking conservatives is an oxymoron par excellence“
Suck it up Ian, put your big boy pants on.
Ian.If this was a vaccine that worked I may agree.I am 76 years old and had the jab at the insistence of my better half.First two days of chest pain feeling like a heart attack then I chucked my heart out for two days then I passed out walking back from my work shop splitting my forehead open on the edge of a brick to the bone. Our heath system put three big stitches to pull it together without pain killer, that was fun. Then I was shunted all over the state trying to find a doctor that could sew me up properly. I arrived home yesterday afternoon a full week after it happened.
My neighbour is the same age as myself he chucked his heart out for two days and then collapsed he fortunately landed on his wife a soft landing.
I would not give the astra sot to next doors dog and it is a mongrel?
“you seem to think vaccinaes are an invention of the devil.”
Not all vaccines are problematic but ones rushed out during a pandemic and where there involvement of the CCCP of China and the UN, I tend to look a bit harder in the mouth of the ‘gift horse’, or is that ‘ Trojan Horse’.
If they built software for the space shuttle like they built these vaccines, the shuttle would have had clogged hydraulics pipes, the computers would have restarted randomly and the shuttle itself likely would have exploded on the launchpad within 7 days of a saoftware update on the main computer…..
Oh and the software maker couldnt be sued…….
And we woul dhave to have the software update because the gumint said its required.
Would you travel on it?
And (IIRC) the gear that made those space vehicles came from the lowest tender
My first experience of ‘medical apartheid’ with a old school friend yesterday who told me when I visit without double dose means I can’t come in the house and must stay in the garage.
He and the missus are ‘fullly vaccinated’.
A pox on our politicians for creating this division in Australia.
Since the “twojabs” can readily be asymptomatic spreaders, they are the ones that should be segregated.
What’s this “twojabs” business, I will see you and raise you Israel’s ‘Coronavirus Czar’ Tells Citizens To Prepare For Eventual 4th Shot
Despite the WHO coming out against countries giving their populations booster shots at this point, Israel has as of Friday issued a third dose to 2.5 million Israelis. Given the likelihood that this too will fail to blunt the growing numbers of infections, naturally the question is: so what next?
You can’t make this up, health authorities are providing this “answer”: “Israel’s national coronavirus czar on Saturday called for the country to begin making preparations to eventually administer fourth doses of the coronavirus vaccine,” The Times of Israel reports.
I am now referring to the tainted blood person as “twojabs+”.
I consider anyone not vaccinated as a “pure blood” now.
Vaccines will mess with/alter peoples DNA, Dr Rob M*lone who invented the RNA vaxxes said in certian conditions it could occur.
I just watched Dr Rob M’s new interview on “American Thought Leaders ‘ and he states we have the potential to create a new Mereks Disease by vaccinating people during an outbreak. He carefully lays out the case for the vaccine and the case against it. He discusses the ethics and the reasons for not mandating vaccinations. It all comes down to what level of risk
you are comfortable with.
maybe this is the plus part of lgb, they are so inclusive they include the booster vaccinated!
I can raise you on that one. Trudeau has obtained enough vaccine for 7 shots per Canadian .
Seven shots at six week intervals with diminishing returns on each iteration doesn’t augur well for those on the spike protein treadmill.
Thing is, we can be totally certain that every “twojabbed+” carries the spike protein that causes the main bulk of the dangerous symptoms.
I would have told him not to worry because there never will be a visit. He obviously ain’t really your friend, and you do yourself no favours by pretending.
I think the politicians are smart enough to make use of the material already there. Sure you can (and should) blame the guy who throws a match into a pile of dry sticks but you have to also ask why so much fuel was piled up to begin with.
Politicians didn’t create the divisions out of nothing … and if there’s there are still people around who trust those politicians at face value, then those people choose to play along. At some stage eveyone has to say to themselves “I’m responsible for what I do, and when I get told something, I’m also responsible for judging the reliability of this”.
I finished my coffee quickly and said good bye amongst a few other words (none nasty) about where this was heading, but, didn’t make a song and dance.
I won’t be in contact again as it stands for me, but, won’t ignore his calls if he chooses to make contact.
We managed to keep partisan politics out of our friendship, but with this medical apartheid division he has thrown off the cloak and shown the true colours.
l’m having a laugh at what you just put up TJ
because a very good friend of mine who believes the ABC, 9 news and Dandemic ect..
who has the whole family jabbed including the grand children thinks its because of me not getting jabbed that is why he is a prisoner in his own house LOL
he is elderly (74) and is very bitter about sitting at the end of the perch and not being able to live before he drops off, l dont blame him for feeling like he is not living
as l said he is regarded as a very good friend so l hope he will be ok but l do not need the agro
people will see what they want to see, this is part of what is the problem with this plandemic
Yeah, but you get the friends you deserve….
I have about half a dozen good friends: people I’ve known since high school or earlier and all regard this as a fascist load of BS.
However since I’ve also known for a number of decades that only about 3-5% of people actually think (= critically, analytically etc), there’s no surprise that the majority are morons, just as they have always been.
All you need ask anyone is whether they have ever had a vax of any sort (or had their kids get vaxes) which left them still afraid of being infected, rather than feeling protected. Since the answer will certainly be “no”, then only an absolute imbecile would would not sense immediately that these are not vaxes = something nefarious is afoot = if they agree to doing bad things they can F Off!
If Australia experiences a 50% population reduction in the next 5 years, there will be a glut of nice houses and noce cars. Many who figured they would get a head start by being vaxxed early by pulling a few strings, will wind up in a large open pit somewhere.
Black humour…maybe…realistic…yes, will it happen, I hope not.
Should that eventuate OriginalSteve there wouldn’t be the country we had two years ago preserved in aspic as it were; once the power generation goes within the next few years the rest follows and we’ll be living in one of Dante’s circles of Hell.
“Where do you bury the survivors?” won’t be a trick question after all.
A group of friends who all think alike. How dull.
Hopefully that is the case and that anyone thinking differently isn’t afraid to speak up for fearing it may cost a friendship.
Personally, I quite enjoy the differences, debate, and tolerance amongst my friends. There’s even differences in my immediate family.
I’d have a sign on the door ‘We may even let vaccinated in the house’ and then invite him over.
Because he was in California and piling up fuel is what they do.
The politicians haven’t created the division. Your friends ignorance has created your personal division.
So “science” apparently wants us to segregate the unvaccinated who can spread the virus from the vaccinated who can spread the virus ….to protect those who have been vaccinated who apparently get less serious consequences when infected, from infection by the unvaccinated who apparently have an increased rate of death.
That’s essentially right – and it’s all a question of degree.
If the virus is still circulating in the community, then as a vaccinated person I might prefer to go to a 100-seat restaurant knowing everyone else is also fully vaccinated. The chances of infection, and especially severe infection, appear to be much less.
I don’t think anyone should be forced to have vaccination, but that choice will have consequences for sure. I think that’s just the simple reality.
So despite the vaccination (which loses efficacy in 6 months anyway)
You are still scared of catching the virus…. I guess because you know, but are in denial, that the jabs really aren’t very useful for any length of time.
You do know the twojabbed+ can carry the same viral load as the untainted, don’t you.
Perhaps you should have thought things through a bit more before you took this ineffective toxic jab sequence.
Yes, the consequences of taking a series of toxic jabs that are known to create blood clots, could certainly be very bad. That is the simple reality.
There is no evidence spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccines are toxic.
Simon. Depends what YOU reckon toxic means….
No-one doubts the fake vaxes are injected to programme cells to produce spike-proteins. Also, no-one doubts that this production of spike-proteins is meant to induce the immune system to attack the spike-proteins to thereby facilitate the creation of anti-bodies.
Now you tell us that the immune system is attacking NON-TOXIC particles (the spike-proteins). Will you tell us why the immune system attacks the spike-protein since it’s not a danger?
There is massive evidence that they cause micro-clotting, shown up by D-dimer tests.
They also have caused heart inflammation in children, leading to deaths
Don’t live in total denial, just because the thought of what you done to yourself scares you.
Do yourself a big favour and listen to this video from Dr Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines.. if you have the guts to face the facts.
(h/t David)
In it he warns of the danger of the spike protein vaccines and has tried to warn the FDA. These are 12 mins worth of highlights from a longer video.
And seriously !! … a Reuters “fact check” ..
Now that’s just hilarious. !
This is what you are creating by taking the jab. ! Good luck !
Yet another reason to be vaccinated, as otherwise there will be far more spike proteins in your lungs when you contract the virus.
“Research shows that spike proteins remain stuck to the cell surface around the injection site and do not travel to other parts of the body via the bloodstream. The 1% of the vaccine that does reach the bloodstream is destroyed by liver enzymes.”
Wrong again!
Research shows that the spike protein migrates all over the place. Lungs, heart, brain, ovaries, testicles.
Don’t you pay any attention actual science ?
Or is it too scary to face reality !
listen and learn.. if you capable, or not too scared of what you have done to yourself.
because you obviously don’t bother reading and comprehending anything, I’ll post this yet again
Vaccines lose their efficacy within about 6 months
Vaccines are causing horrendous damage to lots of young people.
75% does not stay in your arm.
There is no garantee, no blood vessel got a hit by the needle the way you get the injecton. The chance to a real IM injection is just 50/50 in best case
50 is nonsense. They are trying to claim the vaccine is the cause of every ailment that puts someone in hospital. Stop being so gullible.
With the spike protein lodging in many parts of the body, there is no telling what is going to happen.
Good luck.. you are going to need it, simple one.
I’ve had my vaccinations with no side effects bar a slight headache. It will be the unvaccinated dominating the hospital intake once the big wave really hits. Then we’ll see who the simple one is.
1 jab , 2 jabs 3, jabs 4…
5 jabs, 6 jabs, 7, jabs…. more and more…
Russian Roulette every time.
Good luck!
Again.. try to read and comprehend
Vaccines lose their efficacy within about 6 months
You are on the jab rolla-coasta for ever.. enjoy !
Nitrogen isn’t toxic either, we breathe 78% of it in every breath we ever took, but eliminate one other component and voila, you are taking a dirt nap.
NSW already has 70% of the population with one jab. They should easily make the 80+% needed to achieve herd immunity with normal mobility.
There is now compelling evidence that any country with the proportion of the population >80% with anti-bodies has achieved herd immunity and the infection rate is BELOW ONE. So far 18 countries have 70% or more of the population fully vaccinated and they all have infection rate under 1 with near preCovid mobility.
Chile is about 4 months ahead of Australia with vaccinations and they have driven daily cases to a few hundred per day from thousands while getting mobility back to normal.
Once the infection rate is below 1, it becomes quite easy to drive the virus to zero within the population. So that begs the question – why go to all the challenges of setting up systems to prevent access for unvaccinated when the situation is only applicable for a couple of months? Seems a waste of effort.
It just creates angst for people. There are enough people willing to acquire anti-bodies through vaccination to achieve herd immunity so the rest really do not matter. They are part of the herd but just more vulnerable to the stray bringing the virus back into the herd.
Once the infection rate is below 1, it becomes quite easy to drive the virus to zero within the population. So that begs the question – why go to all the challenges of setting up systems to prevent access for unvaccinated when the situation is only applicable for a couple of months? Seems a waste of effort.
I enjoy your posts RickWill, and they prompt both thinking and more questions. I think they will have “Vaccine Certificates” for three reasons: (1) as a measure to cover their own backs, to stay popular with the majority, (2) to reward and comfort the vaccinated by punishing (isolating) the hesitant, recalcitrant, anti-vaxxers, and outright Covid-deniers, and (3) they hope that it won’t have to go on for very long because herd immunity works, or conversely, vaccines fade and numbers go up again as herd immunity falls belowed the required threshold.
It just creates angst for people. There are enough people willing to acquire anti-bodies through vaccination to achieve herd immunity so the rest really do not matter. They are part of the herd but just more vulnerable to the stray bringing the virus back into the herd./em>
Sort of the same issues arise; they don’t really know that 80% coverage kills off the virus, and they don’t know how long the vaccine-induced immunity might last.
But clearly you’re on the right track. Premier Dan Andrews said today that of the 1500 (or thereabouts) Victorians in hospital with Covid-19 at the moment, only one is fully vaccinated.
It’s not popular on the is forum, but it seems clear that the vaccines are working to prevent serious disease for a lot of people – particularly those over sixty.
Let’s hope they prevent people catching the virus in the first place as well. But I agree – if the virus does work over the mid-term (say between now and February) then having penalties for the unvaccinated would seem to be surplus to requirements.
Maybe the premiers are using the carrot and the stick … they really want to get to that 80% number.
Somebody so authoritative as RickWill ought to know “begs the question” applies to improperly formed syllogisms with premisses which assume the conclusion; “puts the question” has the same character count and is grammatically correct.
Somebody so authoritative as Serp should know the correct spelling of “premises”, and should know that “begs the question” has been used idiomatically in the way that RickWill has used it for decades – possibly centuries.
And someone of great learning should know that “puts the question” is not idiomatic English, and has never been the correct alternative to “begs the question”. Rather, “raises the question” is commonly used (correctly).
His a doctor, cause his son is a doctor.
His son read all, well maybe some of the material he got from the snake oil manufactures and went and got stuck. He then got a potentially fatal condition, shingles.
Not capable of figuring out what caused this he then got number 2 and surprise surprise got the same result.
This ladies and gentlemen is the quality of the medical advice running our country.
I have three sons. The one who got shingles after both Moderna jabs lives in the UK. The physician in Australia had AZ and did not experience side effects. The physiotherapist working in Australia had Pfizer and did not experience side effects.
Their partners, two working in the health care industry, are also vaccinated and none experienced side effects. My wife did not experience side effects. I had slight effects after both AZ jabs. Mild dizziness when I got out of bed the day after the first jab and quezy for a couple of days about 5 days after the second jab.
The vast majority of Australians are being vaccinated – NSW already has over 70% first jab. Some understand herd immunity but most just doing it because they can see the data from the hospitals that those in hospital are unvaccinated.
I would love to know where these statistics come from. Where are the 4 or so Billion Lab Rats you would need to make these statements with any sense of certainty.
When you have a virus that is largely asymptomatic and only detected by a test with a large potential for both false negatives and positives, how can anyone state this except as a hypothesis?
Great comment Gerry!
Hence the slogan “The pandemic of the unvaccinated”, which makes as much sense as that slogan of another government beat up, “The science is settled”.
Forget trying to “rationalize” this BS. Think Jonestown and those sad lost souls being coerced and threatened into downing the cyanide-laced Kool Aid even as they saw those about them dying from the refreshing mix.
Facts are that this entire operation has been a cult-creation exercise. the leaders come with their daily sermons announcing that death and destruction is coming if the masses do not follow their commands. The followers (see several of these blogging here) are beyond rationality.
All they do is repeat the patently absurd BS of their idols. And, of course, just like Jim Jones of JonesTown: leading leftist, early-days member of the American Communist Party, very good friend of the Carters, MC at the Democratic Presidential Campaign launch in San Francisco 1972 etc, these vax-loving dimwits are leftist to their very core!
BTW: The way all cults work is to separate the “believers” from reality as much as possible. Seeing ANYTHING which goes against the cult narrative is strictly forbidden. This is the current MO of the vax-cultists writ large, is it not?
“Seeing ANYTHING which goes against the cult narrative is strictly forbidden.”
And that’s the really big issue for me.
The blatant censoring of any alternate views for the general public.
It kills trust… absolutely.
Branch Covidians, the new religion of the impure bloods.
A report on the truckie blockade. It is being heavily censored on airwaves, and social media and anywhere they can. If it works the shop shelves will go empty. Here is hoping.
Must be a Sydney thing I guess. I think the lack of media reflects lack of widespread action.
If it works the shop shelves will go empty. Here is hoping.
You want chaos and food shortages? Why? What does it achieve? If it got really bad, people would turn against the rebel truckies, and the police & army would be brought in to commandeer trucks and move food, obviously.
So all you achieve is more police-state stuff.
When are you going to say truth? The truckies and others only ever want to stop us from ending up in a police state situation, not to create one.
There is no “police state” – there is a public health response to a pandemic – that’s the truth. You might not agree with all of the responses from governments, but it nothing to do with a “police state”. The truckies might create a situation that is far worse than what they are protesting against.
The issue remains the same as ever: what is the minimum that public health officials can impose, so that case numbers are manageable – particularly NSW and Victoria, but also the ACT and Queensland?
WA, SA, Tas, and the NT have a different scenario – and I doubt that they are going to open their borders, even with 70-80% full vaccination, if by say November their case numbers remain close to zero, and they remain significant in the eastern states.
Does that make WA a “police state” – seems to me it’s common sense in a health emergency.
I didn’t say we are a police state. I said we are heading towards one. If the trend continue it’s inevitable. I just hope the trend can be reversed. Clearly you are blind to the current trend.
Not blind at all – just a responsible citizen who understands the difference between government responses to a pandemic and over-reach by authorities, and accepts that certain restrictions now will have good long-term outcomes.
There is no move towards a police state that I can discern, and I watch politics pretty closely. And in any case most surveillance-style legislation comes from the conservative side of the fence – they are generally the most paranoid.
Then you are 100% certified blind for not noticing what’s been happening and repeatedly reported by most of us here, not just me. So I suppose Jo’s blog is full of paranoid posters. Jo, do you recommend a treatment for most of us here?
‘So I suppose Jo’s blog is full of paranoid posters.’
Hmmm ….
Expect to see the daily cases in NSW level off within two weeks. They now have 70% first jab and there is a significant number of the community gaining natural immunity through infection. They also have relatively low mobility.
It is not easy to separate the impact of the curfew from the level of vaccinations but the infection rate is now less than the 1.3 it was prior to curfew. It should gradually level off under 2000 daily cases and then slowly decline until mobility is increased.
I hope so.
Making predictions is difficult, especially about the future!
cant agree RickWill….if the threats of the Vic and NSW premiers are carried out and only the vaccinated are allowed freedom to roam, the given the data coming in from Isreal and other countries, the rate of infection will soar, not reduce.
Israel !!!!
Israel only has 62% of the country fully vaccinated. That is too low to hit herd immunity. They opened up too early.
The high R0 of Delta means the proportion of the population with Covid antibodies needs to exceed 80%. All countries that have achieved that now have declining daily cases despite unconstrained mobility.
This is the list of countries 19 countries/provinces above 70% fully vaccinated:
116.4% fully vaccinated1.3% partially vaccinated
80.3% fully vaccinated<1% partially vaccinated
77.0% fully vaccinated4.5% partially vaccinated
76.6% fully vaccinated23.4% partially vaccinated
United Arab Emirates
76.3% fully vaccinated10.9% partially vaccinated
75.6% fully vaccinated10.0% partially vaccinated
75.3% fully vaccinated2.8% partially vaccinated
Cayman Islands
74.6% fully vaccinated3.2% partially vaccinated
73.8% fully vaccinated5.9% partially vaccinated
Isle of Man
73.3% fully vaccinated3.0% partially vaccinated
72.8% fully vaccinated3.2% partially vaccinated
72.6% fully vaccinated5.9% partially vaccinated
72.5% fully vaccinated4.2% partially vaccinated
71.7% fully vaccinated3.8% partially vaccinated
71.4% fully vaccinated3.7% partially vaccinated
Faroe Islands
70.8% fully vaccinated4.2% partially vaccinated
San Marino
70.5% fully vaccinated0% partially vaccinated
70.5% fully vaccinated4.1% partially vaccinated
70.1% fully vaccinated2.4% partially vaccinated
Gibralter is already well into boosters but they have a lot of tourism and strays that bring Covid into their herd. The need for boosters will go away once the world is vaccinated and the virus dies out through lack of hosts. Herd immunity is close on a global scale now with daily cases levelling off.around 700k meaning the global infection rate is close to 1.
And the global average mobility is 7% down on re-Covid days.
Gibralta recently added to the no-go red travel location for the US and other countries due to uncontrolled spread in the community, what a shining beacon of what will happen anyway with so-called new version of herd immunity.
OriginalSteve on #
Not quite. If the whole population is 2:1 vaccinated, and if of those in hospital with wuhu 2:1 have been vaccinated, then, the vaccination makes no difference at all.
This is what the total data from Israel show.
The earlier data however show general vaccination at less than 2:1 and hospital cases of not-vaccinated:vaccinated at more than 2:1 – so vaccination helps.
However, the trend as the vaccination rate goes up shows it increases hospitalization.
Thank you Rickwill, I pray your right. Until .
I’m convinced the case numbers are made up fantasy.
The case “numbers” will stay “high” to freak people out so they line up – out of fear – for the jab.
Thats it – nothing more or less.
Then as the number of people double tapped goes up, cases will soothingly come down….people will go “so it was th ejab all along that helped”…not realizing they are being played for mugs.
Its so predictable. And just for a bit of fun, they will invent “outbreaks” in regional areas or other spots to keep people in fear, to ensure as many are jabbed across all sections of the community.
What makes me angry is so many are getting jabbed out of ignorance and good faith, but may pay the ultimate price.
What makes me angry is so many are getting jabbed out of ignorance and good faith, but may pay the ultimate price.
Millions upon millions of responsible people around the world (and here) have had the vaccination, and they will reap the benefits of that. Data is showing that serious illness and death from Covid-19 drop effectively to zero among the fully vaccinated.
I don’t have actual figures in front of me, but out of many thousands of Americans (in states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona) who wind up in hospital and seriously ill – something like 98% plus of those are unvaccinated.
The vaccines are safe and effective. There are no Klaus Schwab plots to enslave us on plantations … this is fever-dream rightwing stuff, and sensible people understand that it is. Just repeating the same conspiracies day after day doesn’t make them more true, comrade.
Millions upon millions of responsible people around the world (and here) have not had the vaccination, and they will reap the benefits of that. Data is showing that serious illness and death from Covid-19 drop effectively to zero among the fully natural immunity.
I don’t have actual figures in front of me, but out of many thousands of Americans (in states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona) who wind up in hospital and seriously ill – something like 98% plus of those are vaccinated.
The vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. There are Klaus Schwab plots to enslave us on the planet… this is fever-dream leftwing stuff, and sensible people understand that it is. Just repeating the same conspiracies day after day doesn’t make them more false, comrade.
“The vaccines are safe and effective.”
LOL.. Glad you think so.
They lose the efficacy in 6 months
Enjoy your 6 monthly jab.. aka Russian roulette, TT
Don’t be too concerned clarence.t. If the vaccines are even half as dangerous as some allege them to be then millions upon millions of test subjects will suffer or die. If not then we can all breathe a sigh of relief. We will have to wait for many months if not years to conclude one way or the other. Don’t forget though. Booster shots might be on their way, and we don’t really know how many times people will need to take them. Some overseas nations are now saying two will be required on top of the two shots. Who knows, perhaps it will require many more. Time will tell but one thing is for sure, given the balance of probabilities at this stage, there is absolutely no need to take the shots given the low risk of catching the virus and even if one catches it, the risk of suffering badly or dying is next to zero. Things might change and new variants or a totally new virus that has nothing to do with COVID-19 will necessitate new and safer vaccines to be taken. I’d be happy with that.
Not concerned for TT…
I basically just don’t care one way or other what happens to him/her.
Its not me that wants to keep filling his/her body with spike toxins.
I just want him/her to aware.. for a change.
Listening to a podcast over weekend. The Pastor suggested churches might never re-open, lockdown just an excsue, a form of divide and conquer move by a state wedded to evil intent.
If so, does this not pave the way for a removal of existing religion ( i.e. **all** existing religions to be “liquidated” ) , and replaced with a single religion, that being given the current behaviours we are seeing – a Luciferian religion?
We see that the Evil One will try to elevate himself to be “like God”.
To be “like God” would entail being worshipped.
“12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
“13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
“14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
“15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
( Isaiah 14:12-15 )
Taking The Mark would be an act of worship, of seling out, and marking yourself for Gods wrath when you did so….
““A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.
( Rev 14:9-11 )
I was looking at the offical figures from Ministry of Health in Israel, and once you translate the hebrew into english, what you see is that a fairly coinsistent 2:1 ratio of vaccinated to unvaccinated in hospital.
So this means if youre vaccinated, youre twice as likely to wind up in hospital.
And yet they keep trying to pee petrol onto the covid “fire”, in the hope it will go out…..
I would rather Australia went down the Swedish “road less traveled” than the Israel route.
– The only country giving 3rd shot for everyone aged 12+
– Covid passports for 12+
– Multiple lockdowns
– Mask mandates
– No boosters
– No Covid passports
– No lockdowns
– No masks
Compare the pair…….
Compare the pair
Sweden 1440deaths/M of population
Israel 764deaths/M of population
On the one factor that is irreversible, Israel has done twice as well as Sweden. The 14K lives lost to Covid in Sweden is irreversible.
The other thing to know is that Israel only has 63% fully vaccinated and 68% with at least 1 jab. Sweden has 58% fully vaccinated and 70% with at least 1 jab. And all those Covid deaths in Sweden translates to 15% of the population now having natural anti-bodies so Sweden should be well above 80% of the population carrying anti-bodies means and a good number of the most vulnerable are dead.
Israel is a bad example on how to open after after vaccination. They have not got enough vaccinated to achieve herd immunity yet but as more of the unvaccinated acquire anti-bodies through natural means, they will get there.
Fooci has held up Israel as “the model” the N W O seems to want to take the whole world.
Originally I thought once a nation got to 50% vaxxed, the feed forward loop of infinite infections would start as denoted by case numbers.
However – closer inspection of data from JHU appears to show a globally co-ordinated increase in many countries cases on or around July 1, 2025.
As such, this further strengthens my suspicions that the case “numbers” we see in the media are likely made up by some N W O shill, whose sole job is to keep the whole covid machine ticking over and to create fear…..
Sorry…should say “….countries cases on or around July 1, 2021.”
Could also compare the state of economy and the society in Sweden. While having mid range excess deaths in Europe they enjoy high levels of freedom these days and I would offer a far better level of community mental health than we are seeing in Australia at the moment.
Seems different people look at that graph and see different data!
What I see is for Sep 2021:
Israel 100 new cases per 100,000
Sweden 10 new cases per 100,000
Which is better?
“So all you achieve is more police-state stuff.”
That is want you are aching for, isn’t it TT !.. Cheering it on like crazy !
I’m with Tilba on this and we don’t hold the view, so common around here, that the draconian measures of this pandemic will lead to a police state. By Xmas everyone will be out and about, depending on the variables, and fears of a police state will dissolve.
We have a working democracy, checks and balances, fear not.
e g,
The suppression of differing opinions and of challenges to unsupported assertions is not a sign of a free democracy.
Get real.
Dave B
In times of war or pandemic the authorities have a responsibility to preserve the welfare of the people. Australia is doing alright when compared to most other nations.
If we can eliminate this Delta wave then all should be well. Freedom of speech is here and now on this blog, we are a long way from China where peopled are jailed for spreading views contrary to the established order.
In times of a serious pandemic a lot more people would die than today. If this were a serious pandemic, roughly a billion people would be dead in the first year. The draconian steps are way over the top by any historical measure. Stop scaremongering.
We all saw a young pregnant mum get arrested in her pyjamas in her own home by the Victorian Police because Andrews didn’t like what she posted on Facebook . We are not that far away from Chinese tyranny.
‘Stop scaremongering.’
You’re the one always talking about armageddon, give it up comrade.
‘We are not that far away from Chinese tyranny.’
We are a long way from the antics of Beijing where Xi is leader for life, whereas all our politicians could be out on their ears at the next elections.
el gordo at least mine are based on observable facts. Yours are based on exaggerations. The current pandemic is mild by historical standards. In fact we recently had flue and pneumonia epidemics that were far worse leading to far more deaths. So stop the scaremongering.
Modern medical science may not beat this designer virus, then all your fears will become reality.
EG, I think youre naive, at best.
Any “freeedom” will be fleeting, the control grid that has been set up with the lie of covid, appears to be designed to maintain a rope noose that can be pulled tight any moment they choose…….
This is not accidental. Its rare gumints return excessive powers to the people once they have them.
That is nonsense Steve, we are in a democracy. The people demand their freedoms and won’t be denied.
would this be a even a sniff of a pandemic if they stopped blocking treatments such as ivermectin and vitamin d to those first admitted to the ICU? would the numbers even amount to more than a flu season if we followed such a route? The data from studies looking at these treatments seem to indicate as such and so we do not have the treatments to remove the pandemic… you know what? These same two items also reduce vaccine negative reactions….
I expect anyone living in a developed country could get their own stash of Ivermectin and most people should already be taking Vitamin D supplements that can be purchased in numerous locations without prescription.
It is clear that there are enough willing participants getting vaccinated against Covid to build herd immunity. That is occurring globally. By early 2021, Covid will be history.
Systems set up for Covid vaccination passports are likely to be a waste of time. I am going to try to get the government to buy me a new phone. I have no need for a new phone but if the government expects me to have a new phone that can provide a Covid passport then I want the government to pay for it.
el+gordo. Is there an actual existing highly contagious delta strain?
If you would take the time to give us your views on the following, it would be much appreciated, since no-one else on this blog…or any other where I’ve asked…has had the courage.
OK, there was a delta-positive sheila on the loose in Townsville and Magnetic Island with 900+ contacts (says Qld Health), and a month later a Delta-positive Cabbie in cairns for 10 days with hundreds of close contacts in his taxi…and then three delta positives in Byron Bay with hundreds of contacts, all of which had NO TRANSMISSIONS.
Any suspicion at all that maybe the authorities are lying about this being highly contagious? ANY?
‘ … maybe the authorities are lying …’
Its a novel experience and the authorities are using models to find a way forward, Not being a medical expert I don’t know if its more contagious, but the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate.
If we do emerge from the perpetual panic, it will be interesting to see if their are changes proposed to the nature of the Federation or if all this will be sold as a great success.
According to Rowen Dean that young woman (anti vaxxer) in Victoriastan who is under arrest for Incitement will stay locked up until she removes her application to become a registered political party.
If this doesn’t send alarm bells nothing will.
Her name is Monica, she is not an anti vaxxer, she is pro choice and runs the Reignite Democracy Australia campaign, for our rights and freedoms.
She was the first victim of the “intercept and disrupt bill” and has refused to sign the bail form as one of the conditions is she cannot register as a political party which was in progress.
She is a political prisoner for standing against the Tyrannical government we are all under to varying degrees.
A true Aussie.
Donate to defend all our rights.
el gordo you are so naive. People are being arrested for daring to speak out peacefully. Get real.
Groan. Nobody buys that working democracy claptrap el gordo; why don’t you post as Aunt Sally when writing about human society and reserve your chosen title for stuff on which you have actual knowledge.
We do have a democracy and its working alright during difficult times. Mistakes are made and governments pay the price at the ballot box.
You stated this last year, and like every one of your predictions you just move the goal posts when they never eventuate.
You have stated you will not be getting the injection and will hide under your bed until everyone else has. You criticise and goad others to get it on your behalf against their own beliefs and principles and their rights.
You have no respect for others, its all about you and living your pathetic existence off other peoples sacrifices.
‘You stated this last year …’
That must have been the first wave, this is the second.
Thanks for the diatribe. I don’t need the jab (being a natural isolate) but the family are demanding compliance. Should I divorce my family on a principle?
step aside el g. The mob has spoken. Millions will die from the jab. Science has failed us and something something lefty. We will be under the watch of big brother forever.
Funny how that last prediction has emerged almost weekly due to one reason or another on this blog since it began.
Will they divorce you?
The marriage has failed if they do not respect your beliefs and views.
Gee Aye, a simple question
Do you know the longer term efficacy or side-effects/safety of this experiment pseudo-vaccine..
Yes or no.
We do know it loses efficacy in 6 months, so requires a never-ending series of jabs…
How about the long term safety.. do you know ?
GA, I have never stated that, I have always been pro choice.
I see our society being destroyed by a small group of unelected self declared officials, backed by the men in black who willing fired weapons on unarmed Australians.
‘ … if they do not respect your beliefs and views.’
I don’t have a view on Covid, except that its a designer virus and should be handled with care.
Still drifting off course I see.
We are all in this together, get vexed or become a social pariah. Your choice.
You first.
what exactly have been the checks and balances (without a thumb on scale) on Stairman Dan? emergency powers, parliament suspended, faux commissions , spare me
No checks and balances.. Full-on vaccine tyranny.
If the belt and road man has been too heavy handed then he will be thrown out at the next election and Premier Gladys is in strife, her Deputy is revolting against the lockdowns.
“So all you achieve is more police-state stuff.”
Vichy France: “Just don’t antagonize them! It’ll get worse!”
We are now officially a police state at least on paper. See my other post
want to write that sentence again?
Do you want to do basic comprehension classes… again?
Its a Canberra thing. Very literal, not so good at filling in blanks, process over results
I won’t have to. They can do it for me. They now have the power to do so.
I have not seen anything in the msm, not even what the blockage/protest is about.
It could be a dispute with the big transport contractor, but this would be reported.
More likely it is a protest about dictatorial actions of government. I understand that there are some onerous restrictions placed on drivers due to lockdown.
Yes, here is hoping it succeeds against bullying governments.
‘chaos and food shortages’ are caused by government intervention.
“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.
Milton Friedman”
There’s no censoring of a truckie blockade. There isn’t any reporting on it because it simply isn’t happening. A simple check of traffic conditions and the webcams will tell you the real story.
A twitter post with a screen shot of supposed traffic hazards just means there are some road works occurring in various places.
Apart from the massive economic damage they cause, windmills (for large scale electricity production) cause horrific visual pollution as well and destroy rural landscapes, often require clearing a large amount of land around them to create clean air flow, cause health problems from infraspund and shadow flicker and kill birds and bats.
As usual the hypocrisy of the Left is staggering. They will complain about almost any development but remain utterly silent about these monstrosities.
There was a very good video on YouTube that I was going to post to illustrate my point. I have posted it before here but I have just spent a long time searching and cannot find it. It appears that YouTube has either shadow banned it making it impossible to find or completely censored/deleted it. I had noticed recently that it was harder and harder to find due to YouTube making it appear lower and lower in the search results. It was called something like “problems of wind energy”.
I finally found it.
Please make a note of it for future reference. “Wind Farm Issues – Compilation”
The video can also be viewed or downloaded from here:
In general, Conservatives, Libertarians and other rational thinkers should be migrating away from the Leftist controlled socialist media and video platforms.
Can you get copies and post them on BitChute or Rumble or one of the others?
Best move all the most useful video’s over before they are gone for good…
This lecture by Alves-Pereira at Waterloo U is the best. Starts with measurement issues and goes on to specific pathologies caused by infrasound.
We had a letter to the editor a while ago trying to pump up windmills. Sort of a combination of aren’t these things wonderful as the power XX,000 homes and isn’t it terrible our Shire is “falling behind” because we don’t have one littering the landscape. Fanboy nonsense.
“falling behind”; won’t happen here as the last LG election delivered us a woke mayor whose stated priority is to “manage” the transition to “renewables”, whatever that means. Hopefully it means that he will be gone next LG election as two of the major employers here are 2 coal fired power stations and the coal mine that supplies them.
Yes you are correct David, but don’t forget about the below ground pollution because they are buried in landfill FOREVER.
And the bloody stupid things only last about 20 years and sometimes less.
Wind Energy’s Ghosts – 14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines in The USA
California’s wind farms — then (2006) comprising about 80% of the world’s wind generation capacity — ceased to generate much more quickly than Kamaoa. In the best wind spots on earth, over 14,000 turbines were simply abandoned. Spinning, post-industrial junk which generates nothing but bird kills.
Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfills
Companies are searching for ways to deal with the tens of thousands of blades that have reached the end of their lives.
Tens of thousands of aging blades are coming down from steel towers around the world and most have nowhere to go but landfills. In the U.S. alone, about 8,000 will be removed in each of the next four years. Europe, which has been dealing with the problem longer, has about 3,800 coming down annually through at least 2022, according to BloombergNEF. It’s going to get worse: Most were built more than a decade ago, when installations were less than a fifth of what they are now.
Built to withstand hurricane-force winds, the blades can’t easily be crushed, recycled or repurposed. That’s created an urgent search for alternatives in places that lack wide-open prairies. In the U.S., they go to the handful of landfills that accept them, in Lake Mills, Iowa; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and Casper, where they will be interred in stacks that reach 30 feet under.
Well, they could be “ recycled” into various things,…..bat at significant additional cost.
…its just much cheaper to burry them !
As usual the hypocrisy of the Left is staggering. They will complain about almost any development but remain utterly silent about these monstrosities.
I’m not a fan of wind turbines either – and while I think some of the claims made about them are exaggerated to the point of hyperbole, my main concern is that whenever I’ve been close to a wind-farm, so few of them seem to be turning productively.
And I’m not sure who you’re painting with that broad “left” brush. It’s not the case that all those who advocate wind, solar, and other renewables are lefties, and nor is it the case all lefties are advocates of renewable energy at all costs.
Personally I think it’s illogical and hypocritical (ie nuts) that we export huge amounts of coal, and cannot use it ourselves for electricity generation, with no net increase in emissions. Even though exporting coal earns valuable overseas income, that must be balanced against the high cost and dubious reliability of a renewables roll-out.
With respect Tilba+Tilba your phrase “with no net[t] increase in emissions” undermines your argument; we want as much extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as possible to augment our crop yields during the imminent cooling as the solar minimum plays out. Or is greening the planet undesirable and it’s me that lost the plot?
Yep … your last six words are right on the money.
Still the complete absence of any understand of the effect of CO2
What else can we expect from TT, though.
a bit of mudslinging avoids addressing the question, lefty approach to a lot of issues
Hint, TT.
The only scientifically proven effect of the increase in atmospheric CO2 is in planetary greening and increased crop yields (with the help of fertilisers etc)
You are welcome to present actual science that shows something else. Or not.
When is this new little ice age due? By next Thursday, by Christmas, 2030, or 500 years? Imminent needs qualification in this context.
And I like the way the CO2-sceptics try to play this … CO2 doesn’t lead to Global Warming, but CO2 leads to greener greenery. It’s a nice try but it doesn’t wash. The increase in the temperature of the planet over the last 150 years corelates with the increase in CO2 – there is no argument in reaching for large-scale climate forcers such as solar activity … it’s a dodge, i reckon.
Yet again, mantra pap.
Zero evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2. As always.
“The increase in the temperature of the planet over the last 150 years corelates with the increase in CO2”
Only over short periods
Even in the last 49 years, there has been no correlation for 35+ year, just El Nino steps.
And yes, we know the solar forced ocean warming causes an increase in atmospheric CO2.
Denial of solar activity really is the only thing the AGW lie is built on.
Still waiting for your scientific evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2…
Still nothing, and I suspect I will be waiting a very long time.
I am waiting to hear how many wind turbines were blown down by Ida.
I am waiting to hear how many wind turbines were blown down by Ida.
That a pretty good thought-bubble. There might have been a (temporary) sweet spot when they were generating the highest output they had ever achieved
Also, from what I can glean, the new gas plant is still operational, and has “black start” capability…
… but they are worried about tripping it because of system instability in what is left of the grid.
Main issue seems to be to total destruction of a lot of the aging power grid.
“All eight of the transmission lines that link a region of more than 900,000 people to power from the outside world failed during Ida”
Not many wind turbines in Louisiana
Why is truth stranger than fiction? I suppose one reason is it’s because most people too gullible and lack critical thinking skills so they can’t see the truth unless it’s brought to them through popular entertainment composed of jokes, satire, or humorous performances.
FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED From Society!!
“Ask your doctor”
Via a comment at Chiefio
Had to chop this image from the video..
S0 funny yet sadly so true.
‘Hypocrisy in the highest order’: Extinction Rebellion founder drives diesel car
August 27, 2021 – 20:09PM
Climate change extremists are “great at telling everybody else what to do” but they never do it themselves, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean.
It comes following news an Extinction Rebellion founder has admitted she drives a diesel car.
“Unfortunately she’s not alone,” Mr Dean said.
“The reality is, all climate change alarmism and extremism is purely socialism.
“It’s an elite group telling the rest of us how we should live.”
“It’s an elite group telling the rest of us how we should live.”
[It’s an elite group getting paid to tell the rest of us how we should live]
reminiscent of the young Stinking Rebellion leader in Brisbane found to be still mooching of mum and dad at home in a fairly luxurious sea level canal development. Telling us all how to live. He would know I guess.
AGL is promoting their “Virtual Power Plant” which uses consumer solar charged batteries to power the grid in return for incentives.
Here’s an idea: How about building a real gas, coal, hydro or nuclear power plant?
More layers of complexity to do what used to be done, and still could be done far more simply. Its a cottage industry that we all pay for. This is the sort of stuff that was being promoted in my little town where a “micro grid” was being proposed. It seemed to die away and I was never sure if it was the underwhelming response or they failed to harvest government dollars, as of course OPM underpinned it all.
Virtual reality is so much the in thing for the young so building real structures is so “old”. How about we feed them with virtual food and see how long they like to live outside of reality? Not long that’s for sure. Reality bites but virtual reality kills.
Just wanting to wish a happy Fathers Day to all those men that are blessed with the title of Dad, this year is especially important for Dad’s to reflect upon what matters in life, for those that are separated from family through work or estrangement make the effort to connect or take the time to reflect on the time wasted with distractions and work towards setting things right.
I was in some very dark places years ago and decided to persevere with being a presence in my daughters life, today I revel in the miracle of having my daughter and granddaughter home for this day and my heart soars higher than it has for a very long time.
excellent to hear, enjoy!
Evidence of S.U.V’s or single use plastic shopping bags was not found …
“Prehistoric climate change repeatedly channelled Human migrations across Arabia thanks to multiple pulses of increased rainfall transforming the region into grassland.”
“The researchers found that early humans spread into the region during each ‘Green Arabia’ phase, each bringing a different kind of material culture.”
‘The new findings, including the oldest dated evidence for humans in Arabia at 400,000 years ago …’
Good read, predates homo sapien sapiens by 200,000 years.
Yes – a neat trick for early humans to enjoy the Arabian wet periods 150,000 years before they even emerged from Southern Africa. Perhaps the author was thinking of predecessor species of Homo. If so – they should have been more explicit.
There were 27 prototypes of humans, some of them went through Arabia and no doubt intermingled. With homo sapien sapien, the wise, very wise one, the last ape standing.
The article was very sloppy about the use of the term “early humans” – we have been a species in the true sense for a really short period. The oldest fossil of someone confidently thought to be Homo sapiens was found in Israel, and only dated to 177,000 years ago.
In the bigger scheme of things we haven’t been around very long – and haven’t we done just so well! /sarc
Anyway, the cyclical “greening” of the Arabian desert is a fairly unsubtle attempt at Global Warming scoffing, it seems to me. It has no relevance to what has occurred in the last 170 years or so. We are talking radically different timescales.
“unsubtle attempt at Global Warming scoffing,”
Wrong as always
CO2 does cause greening, also help plants cope with lower water supplies.. proven science.
You have still presented absolutely zero evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2
CO2 warming is a scientifically unsupported fallacy.
Higher CO2 concentrations allow the plant to expend more of its resources developing its root system, ergo it is more able to provide a yield in marginal conditions. There is plenty of marginal land around the world.
Homo Erectus and Neanderthal also travelled that way and we can see the material transition.
‘… five of them associated with stone tools made by early humans at around 400, 300, 200, 100, and 55 thousand years ago. Each phase of human occupation is characterised by a different kind of material culture, documenting the transition from the Lower Palaeolithic Acheulean ‘handaxe’ culture to different kinds of stone flake-based Middle Palaeolithic technologies.’
The cyclic greening cannot be ignored just because it doesn’t fit into your biased viewpoint. The reality, when north and south America joined at the isthmus the African apes were forced out of the trees and onto the savanna, climate change created us.
……I am fairly convinced there are some of those old HS fossils still alive and working in Australian politics !
Yes but….can anyone explain the Greening of western politicians..or are they an original unique species ?..”Sapien Politica Verde”. ??
Missing link discovered.
‘The fossils of Australopithecus sediba were found in 2008 after Matthew Berger stopped to examine the rock he tripped over while following his dog near what is now the Malapa Fossil Site in South Africa.
‘The subsequent discovery of the 2-million-year-old adult female and juvenile male remains in the “Cradle of Humankind” set off contentious debate in the scientific community. New research confirms the species is closely related to the Homo genus and fills a key gap in humankind’s history between early humans and our more apelike predecessors.’ (USA Today)
Like the Piltdown man, settled science.
One down (for now) and about a trillion missing links to go. LOL. Just like all the others, not just Piltdown man, it’s another hoax.
Australopithecus sediba hung around in the trees most of the time, until desertification forced them to scavenge on the savanna.
‘ … it’s another hoax.’
That is debatable, but we can all agree that humans are derived from apes.
‘In Eurasia, interbreeding between Neanderthals and Denisovans with modern humans took place several times. The introgression events into modern humans are estimated to have happened about 47,000–65,000 years ago with Neanderthals and about 44,000–54,000 years ago with Denisovans.’ (wiki)
There appears to be Denisovan genes in New Guinea and Cape York, so they must have travelled down through Asia to get there.
And they know all that from a couple of rocks, isn’t science grand.
el ordo you are not doing so well; two fallacies in one sentence. First, those who believe in the Darwinian theory of evolution don’t say humans came from apes. They say humans and apes come from another type or species. Secondly, no we don’t all agree with it. Then there are the other ideas, such as directed and undirected panspermia. Funny how it’s science versus science and noting to do with religion. Of course there are those scientists who do believe in God but that’s a length discussion not suitable to engage here as it would be too length and boring for most. In any case, if you want to believe a long lost ancestor mother and father of yours were some form of ape then go ahead. It’s your choice.
‘ …two fallacies in one sentence …’
They will debate whether its the missing link, but there is no doubt we are intelligently designed by nature.
el gordo you keep making mistakes. Nature doesn’t have intelligence. It requires a mind.
these early humans were interbred with homo sapiens coming out of africa later, produced viable offspring and led to the variety such as european and asian variation in genetics still detected to this day, this includes in Australian Aboriginals. If they were a distinct species that were no longer human there would be no ability to interbreed and produce viable offspring.
Why limit ourselves to the last 170 years, because it suits one line of argument? pre 170 years didnt exist? before my time maybe?
As perihelion moves closer to the boreal summer solstice, the Mediterranean will reach monsoon conditions that will increase precipitation across arab nations. Mediterranean is probably large enough to support cyclonic storms. The Persian Gulf gets warm enough but there is too much land influence to enable cyclone formation. The peak heat for the Med is 12k years away. Med is 400 years past its minimum heat.
The rainfall now observed over New York will occur later in the year as peak atmospheric moisture occurs later each year for the next 12k years. The boreal winters will be colder as aphelion moves closer to the boreal winter solstice. Combined, that means more atmospheric water over the North Atlantic just before the land temperature plummets. So precipitation now observed as rain will gradually transition to snowfall. The land masses abutting the North Atlantic will have increasing snowfall for the next 12k years. Accumulation should be obvious in the current millennia.
In the next 12k years, I am showing a drop in sea level of 10m from present level over the next 8k years before it levels off for about 5k years and will be 25m below present level in 20k years from now.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhEUPzdLmLlSCh3_I
Earth’s climate is always changing and CO2 plays ZERO direct role. It will contribute to earlier greening once the current deserts experience grater precipitation.
Over the next five years I see a drop in sea level because of La Nina conditions.
‘Global mean sea level (GMSL) dropped by 5 mm between the beginning of 2010 and mid 2011. This drop occurred despite the background rate of rise, 3 mm per year, which dominates most of the 18-year record observed by satellite altimeters.’ (Boening et al 2012)
Global tide gages, where people live, show zero acceleration and about 1.4 mm annual rise.
Many will have heard this before but we have an expanded membership:
The house I lived in 70 yrs ago used to have spring tides rise into the gutter in front. I think it used to wet our backyard so Dad filled it with cinders from the local power station.
Today NOTHING has changed in that street although dredging of the bar could have caused a little extra water into the river system at high tide.
70 years nearly goes back to the war and covers ALL of the period of supposed sea level rise but there is none.
to be fair this depends on whether the part of your continental shelf is subducting or not. For Australia this currently affects the tidal gauges little despite the eastern part subducting, the rate is not outside of the global average and it is not as though we have glaciers retreating or anything either which is often their other BS excuse.
There is a high-tech tide gauge at Cape Ferguson with decades of data. Last I checked it needed no geological correction.
Earth’s climate is always changing and CO2 plays ZERO direct role. It will contribute to earlier greening once the current deserts experience grater precipitation.
Earth’s climate is always changing – but slowly, on a timescale of tens of thousands of years – even more. What Global Warming scientists are describing are changes that are occurring on a tiny scale compared to that – one century, or two at the most. Sometimes a few decades.
I find it fanciful that some people claim that increased CO2 is “good” because it will prevent our plunging into a new Little Ice Age – there is no limit to this type of thinking, it seems. The world on a small timescale is warming dramatically because of rapidly increase CO2 levels in the atmosphere. It’s not about the next Ice Age in a few millennia.
Perihelion and Aphelion cycles over 10K years are not relevant to the Global Warming discussion on a scale that is meaningful to people alive today, or perhaps their grandchildren – to state the obvious.
Yet another load of zero [Snip]AD, zero information [Snip]AD from TT.
“The world on a small timescale is warming dramatically because of rapidly increase CO2 levels in the atmosphere.”
Utter anti-science BS.
Still no evidence, just brain-washed mantra regurgitation.
‘ … increased CO2 is “good” because it will prevent our plunging into a new Little Ice Age.’
That is incorrect, CO2 cannot stop our slide into mini ice age conditions but is a boon to agriculture. CO2 has no influence over temperature, whereas H2O is a major player.
I agree that ‘Perihelion and Aphelion cycles over 10K years are not relevant …’
“‘ … increased CO2 is “good” because it will prevent our plunging into a new Little Ice Age.’”
TT doesn’t seem to realise that comment is said to make a mockery of the anti-CO2 malarkey.
So unaware !
So funny !
The Modern World Today – Where To Start If You Want To Get Married But Don’t Know How
Suzanne Venker’s new ‘How to Get Hitched (and Stay Hitched)’ is especially for women who are not currently married — but would like to be.
Suzanne has been writing and talking about relationships for so long that she is able to put out deceptively simple statements that hit like thunderbolts of clarity. On me, anyway. To just take one example, consider this passage only a few pages in (yes, I did read the whole book):
Women want to find love; they just don’t know how. They consistently ask where the good men have gone and don’t realize it is women who shooed men away by competing with them rather than loving them.
Men don’t want to be married to another version of themselves; they want something different. They want the feminine, the very thing women have been groomed to reject.
You have no idea how much power there is in the feminine; men gravitate toward it like bees to honey. And the good news is, your femininity is lying dormant inside you, ready for you to grab it at any time.
So I’m just going to tell you that as an advance warning, because Suzanne’s advice is definitely countercultural. Since our culture is so bad at marriage, however, countercultural is a good start for those seeking happiness.
But the truth is, our culture doesn’t make people happy. It in fact seems designed to keep people unhappy so marketers can string them along for their entire lives, buying stuff in the vain hope it can fill the void where love should be.
So if you want to be happy, you have to be countercultural. A historically high proportion of young people today aren’t getting married or having kids, but marriage makes people happy, and the children who come from marriage make people happy. You may not hear this anywhere else, but it’s true.
“A historically high proportion of young people today aren’t getting married or having kids, but marriage makes people happy, and the children who come from marriage make people happy. You may not hear this anywhere else, but it’s true.”
Sadly its not true as a generalization with 40-50% of marriages ending in divorce. My singleton son doesnt think he would ever bother getting married or even having a live in partner. Now he is established he has too much too loose and is fully aware the deck is massively stacked against him if a relationship went pear shaped. There are good and valid reasons why young people are going their own way.
Agree……my son has the same attitude towards relationships……
More people today don’t want to get married for a variety of reasons, some valid and some not. The general issues though is the growing trend of lack of trust. It’s a two-way street or two-edged sword. If person A won’t trust person B then why would Person A expect Person B to trust Person A in the first place? It’s utter hypocrisy and arrogance on the part of Person A to believe Person B is only at fault. Hence, we eventually could end up in a situation where no one trusts anyone and then we have chaos. The root cause of the issue is therefore self-righteousness. Too many people have little or no clue about anything think they are always right, especially when they are young.
Cobblers basically. Its not about trust its about consequences. If young men didnt feel like they would get financially raped by the Family Court they would be less risk averse. The pendulum has swung too far and this is the result. Why would you? you may do nothing wrong but your partner gets a better offer. Not only do they get that , they also get to clean you out. Not just a make thing either, my daughter has had similar thoughts now she is set up mostly paid off her place.
make thing = male thing
New Zealand supermarket stabbing: Government to toughen anti-terror laws
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern has vowed to toughen anti-terror laws following Friday’s knife attack in Auckland by a man who was under police surveillance.
“We must be willing to make the changes that we know may not necessarily have changed history, but could change the future,” she said at a news briefing.
The attacker, a known supporter of Islamic State, was shot dead by police.
He has now been identified as Ahamed Aathil Moh@med Samsudeen, a 32-year-old Tamil, who arrived in New Zealand in 2011 and sought refugee status.
Samsudeen had been arrested a number of times before Friday’s incident. But Ms Ardern said that every legal avenue to keep him out of the community had been exhausted.
And now we know why the police let the terrorist go into the supermarket alone.
and why was that? I dont see anything there that explains the tactical decision not to follow into the supermarket a suspect you are following. It seems either he was being followed by uniformed police or they didnt expect anything like what occurred and it was just general surveillance so they new his general location and contacts.
New Zealand supermarket stabbing: Government to toughen anti-terror laws
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern has vowed to toughen anti-terror laws following Friday’s knife attack in Auckland by a man who was under police surveillance.
“We must be willing to make the changes that we know may not necessarily have changed history, but could change the future,” she said at a news briefing.
The attacker, a known supporter of Isl@mic State, was shot dead by police.
He has now been identified as Ahamed Aathil Moh@med Samsudeen, a 32-year-old Tamil, who arrived in New Zealand in 2011 and sought refugee status.
Samsudeen had been arrested a number of times before Friday’s incident. But Ms Ardern said that every legal avenue to keep him out of the community had been exhausted.
I find this sentence unintelligible: “We must be willing to make the changes that we know may not necessarily have changed history, but could change the future.”
Don’t worry, David, I suspect most New Zealanders still capable of rational thought would find most of her utterances to be unintelligible as well as unintelligent.
That’s Pollyspeak for, “This could have been prevented but I can’t be blamed for not doing it sooner.”
Jacinda will make anything other than round ended butter knives illegal in NZ and announce a knife buyback (and the end of the Sunday roast)
BUSTED: Biden Adviser Samantha Power Shuns Federal Law, Rides Amtrak WITHOUT A MASK
Power is merely the latest example of a prominent Democrat flouting the mask requirements they frequently champion. See also:
Top Michigan Democrats Go Maskless for Indoor Wedding Celebration
Rep. Haley Stevens (D-MI) celebrated her wedding Friday, appearing maskless next to Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) for the indoor gathering, according to a photo Nessel posted to social media.
Stevens, Stevens’ husband, Nessel, and Nessel’s wife stood together maskless for the photo while tables filled with maskless attendees were visible in the background.
With the advent of the Delta variant, why isn’t the country reverting to treatement of this plague as more akin to a bad flu? The devastating death rate is not occurring. And like the original flu vaccine, fewer people will get very sick. That is the end result anyway.
And we have learned that if we mask up, keep sick people, especially children at home and stop sick people from overseas at points of entry until they are better, everyone is better off. 50% vaccination means people have made their choices. It’s time for the politicians to get out of the road.
Consider that we have had no flu deaths and usually we have 2,000 deaths.
Clearly we can minimize the threat from imported viruses and for a tiny population like island Australia, they are all imported. Inoculation is one of the weapons to minimize damage. And like invermectin and Vitamin D and combined treatments and more prophylactics, we have the data.
The first wave is over. The second one is relatively benign and will inoculate a population faster than any jab. Weeks, not months. I was all for eliminating the first virus and we succeeded. The second one is less dangerous and far more infectious so an opportunity to get our freedom back before a deadly third one turns up. Let us out.
And in Australia, the warmer weather is nearly here and it will slow the spread of this airborne virus anyway, enabling the health system to cope. Keep the sanitizers and use masks if you are concerned. They are both good ideas anyway in an increasingly crowded society which is still a very long way from the crowds in Asia.
“50% vaccination means people have made their choices” whats that mean most places are motoring way past 50%
“Keep the sanitizers and use masks if you are concerned” given the rise of TWBH (third world bathroom habits) evident most times you use a public facility, this is probably good advice re sanitisers.
Quote of the day.
Often misattributed to Alexander Solzhenitsyn but the true author seems unknown.
Whether this is his quote or not, Solzhenitsyn is worth listening ( reading ) to. He lived through the absolute pleasures of communism, the workers paradise, and still mananged to survive to a ripe old age. A strong man indeed, both interlectually and physically.
Started reading The Gulag Archipelago last night. Seeing more than a few parallels with the current climate around the Western world and here in Australia particularly when it came to the “engineers” labeled as wreckers before being hauled off to prison and the unvaccinated about to be othered and similarly side-lined.
The ABC horrified that the Ambo’s are being protected from the “Jab or get sacked” crowd.
Trioli.. among the worst of the far-left woke ABC crew of government sanctioned muppets.
Following that theme, the Greek Ministry of Health has revealed that 5,895 suspensions have been handed out to hospital workers who are either not fully vaccinated or declined the coronavirus vaccine.
Now why would huge numbers of health workers decline the vaccine I wonder? Presumably that’s 5,895 “fanatical, extremist, anti-vaxxer” health workers their hospitals can so easily do without.
On Thursday, hundreds of healthcare workers also staged a five-hour protest in Athens and other Greek cities.
Hilarious Biden spoof.
AGAIN I’ll ask everyone if they have a response to Rosling’s 200 countries over 200 years?
I think this five minute video wrecks every argument about their so called climate emergency or crisis etc.
And Africa’s amazing journey since the live aid famine concert is just remarkable.
But nobody seems to care and yet Ehrlich and other Malthusians had enormous support when they forecast mass starvation and depopulation etc all around the world in 1970.
Jimmy Carter also bought into this nonsense and yet they couldn’t have been more wrong.
At least Rosling was prepared to use proper DATA and EVIDENCE when he forecast our future and yet nobody seems to care.
Then again Lomborg quotes UN data that also supports Rosling’s last few words from the video.
GEE sorry for not keeping up with your demands, I’ll get right onto it
This is an even more Hillarious Biden, COVID and mask spoof. Only 1 minute.–UIk
Bookmarked and will keep on mobile when asked why I have yet to have vaccine
Facebook Apologizes After Labeling Black Men As “Primates”
Facebook rushed to apologize on Friday after it labeled black men as “primates”. A Facebook spokesperson told The New York Times, which first reported the story, that it was a “clearly unacceptable error” of its auto-generated recommendation system and said the software involved was disabled.
“We apologize to anyone who may have seen these offensive recommendations,” Facebook – whose senior management team is completely white – said in response to an AFP inquiry. “We disabled the entire topic recommendation feature as soon as we realized this was happening so we could investigate the cause and prevent this from happening again.”
Facebook users in recent days who watched a British tabloid video featuring Black men were show an auto-generated prompt asking if they would like to “keep seeing videos about Primates?”
Wikipedia: Species : H. sapiens / Genus: Homo / Tribe: Hominini /
Subfamily: Homininae / Family: Hominidae / … Order: Primates
We all are also Animalia.
Leftists are among the most racist of all people. Just look at the racism and antisemitism of the National Socialists and International Socialists and the treatment of various peoples in today’s China (and the general promotion of “racial superiority” of the Chicomms).
In the US, the Left are especially racist against black conservatives as well as being antisemitic.
Black conservative Larry Elder, who is running for Commiefornia Governor if the recall is successful, even made a movie about Leftist racism against black conservatives.
See trailer .
The Lefties call Elder “The black face of white supremacy” (Los Angeles Times, August 20, Erika Smith). That’s how messed up the Left are.
Live link for Larry Elder movie trailer:
A great unintended AI joke! Yes we are primates but not primarily.
For some reason this reminds me of my favorite physics joke: First assume a spherical chicken.
We had two Primates come to our church in Melbourne. One was the Anglican Primate of Australia, the other was an overseas visiting Primate of his province.
I wonder what next for an opportunity to take umbrage for the Offendotrons?
I hate how Andrews (Supreme Leader) and Sutton (Chief “Health” Officer) of Vicdanistan keep saying they “feel our pain”. BS! Neither of them have ever had a proper job in their lives.
You forgot Homo Erectus which comes after Quaero Grindr.
Sorry David meant for #23.1
David, save yourself the misery- dont watch them (if you can). It’s the same rule I apply to the ABC.
We decided, for once, to try to watch Songs of Praise on the ABC (I know, I know). Silly us; apparently we were instead going to be assailed with various Covid bangers-on. OFF BOX! Instantly.
Briefly I moved from 3AW 693 hourly news bulletins to RN 621 but the hysteria level with the repetition of the word “deaths” sent me back to the shockjocks as being the lesser evil; all outlets emanate from the Ministry of Truth and you can have any colour as long as it’s black.
nor have they lost a days pay, an ounce of super, a business, a job, a career or a relationship
no skin in the game
Let’s hope they’re all vaccinated, that’s skin enough.
Summer temperature trend in Tokyo has been flat for 30 years.
I wonder how that tracks with population density?
Being a well established and massive urban heat island I would expect it to be pretty stable.
Good point.
‘Over the past 100 years, Tokyo’s average temperature has increased by about three degrees Celsius, and that of Osaka has increased by two degrees Celsius (C). Since it is said that global warming has raised the Japan’s average temperature by about one degree C, the temperature increase due to the UHI effect is probably about two degrees in Tokyo and about one degree in Osaka.’ (JFS)
Why All The Fuss About Ivermectin?
First hydroxychloroquine, now ivermectin, is the hated deadly drug de jour, castigated by the medical establishment and regulatory authorities. Both drugs have been around for a long time as FDA-approved prescription medications. Yet now we are told they are as deadly as arsenic.
As a physician, I am certainly aware of ivermectin but don’t recall ever writing a prescription for it in my 30+ years’ medical career. Ivermectin is an anthelmintic, meaning it cures parasitic infections. In my world of ophthalmology, it is used on occasion for rare parasitic or worm infections in the eye.
Ivermectin was FDA approved in 1998 under the brand name Stromectol, produced by pharmaceutical giant Merck, approved for several parasitic infections. The product label described it as having a “unique mode of action,” which “leads to an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane to chloride ions.” This suggests that ivermectin acts as an ionophore, making cell membranes permeable to ions that enter the cell for therapeutic effect.
Ivermectin is one of several ionophores, others including hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and resveratrol, the latter two available over the counter. These ionophores simply open a cellular door, allowing zinc to enter the cell, where it then interferes with viral replication, providing potential therapeutic benefit in viral and other infections.
This scientific paper reviews and references other studies demonstrating antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer properties of ivermectin.
The FDA says ivermectin “can be dangerous and even lethal,” yet they approved it in 1998 and have not pulled it from the market despite it being “dangerous and lethal.” Any medication can be “dangerous and lethal” if misused. People have even overdosed on water.
Its always the little things O O. Yep water essential to life, yet misused by over consumption or getting into the lungs results in death. Oxygen, essential to life, yet consumed in excess leads to oxygen poisoning that can lead to death. Carbon dioxide, essential to every living organism on the planet causes suffocation and death, as always the devil is in the detail.
Ivermectin would be my choice of medication if needed, pity that personal choice has been taken away from the populace and replaced with some bureaucrat telling us “what’s good for YOU will be decided by somebody else”
Reminds me of the old Water is deadly story.
A flat section of concrete covered with water 15 cm. deep and a test animal dropped onto it from 30 metres is killed.
Repeat with water levels of 10, 5 and 2 cm. with other test animals with the same result.
Conclusion Water is deadly.
Since zinc appears to be key to foiling covid I’m thinking our scientific brethren should look into sizing our bedsheets with it, galvanized cotton.
There is some toxicity data for Ivermectin here:
In dogs it has been shown to be lethal at 40mg/kg, a mere 200 times the recommended dose in humans or animals.
200 times? Wow, not nearly as deadly as water. Try drinking two hundred quarts of water!
As can be Asperin
A Doctor (beleive it or not) while promoting Covid vaxes in the local paper declared that Aspirin killed more people than the vaccines. How he could compare an injection with no long term testing with a drug that has a 100 year history of efficacy if used properly beggars belief. This local paper wouldnt use my response, and I even kept myself nice.
Yes, saw that.
Not one ingle government authority in the world is recommending Ivermectin as a prophylactic or a treatment for COvid-19. What does this tell us? It is an unverified fringe view being pushed by the far right.
Or you are a racist that does no research? Could be. There are many governments that have given out IVM. Look it up: Peru, Mexico, India. ….
This Australian Method of Tracking COVID Compliance is Downright Creepy
The more we cover the COVID crackdowns from Australia, the worse the situation over there seems to be. The government of South Australia, Tyler O’Neil reported for Fox News, is implementing a program for people to use an app that has facial recognition software and geolocation to prove they are abiding by a 14-day quarantine requirement.
Here’s how it works, as explained by O’Neil:
Australia is undoubtedly a democracy, with multiple political parties, regular elections, and the peaceful transfer of power. But if a country indefinitely forbids its own citizens from leaving its borders, strands tens of thousands of its citizens abroad, puts strict rules on intrastate travel, prohibits citizens from leaving home without an excuse from an official government list, mandates masks even when people are outdoors and socially distanced, deploys the military to enforce those rules, bans protest, and arrests and fines dissenters, is that country still a liberal democracy?
Enduring rules of that sort would certainly render a country a police state. In year two of the pandemic, with COVID-19 now thought to be endemic, rather than a temporary emergency the nation could avoid, how much time must pass before we must regard Australia as illiberal and unfree?
From The Conversation last November
Daily cases are now the same as when that article was written but when it’s mentioned in the media, you get this sort of analysis.
Texas is the hardest hit. About 15 000 of the 55 000 of USA cases, yesterday. But, Harris county was the worst at 5 000 cases and a county that voted 56% for Biden.
It can’t be clearer that the media can’t be trusted to give you impartial news.
Good interview of Dr Zelenko by Craig Kelly. Very helpful advice on how to protect oneself from covid..
It seems that it is Zinc that is a very important component to the killing of this virus, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Quercetin are Ionophores which get the zinc into the cells.
I watched it; it is excellent.
G’day Brenda,
Sounds like you haven’t watched this episode of Dr Sehault’s Medcram, #34, which runs for 17 minutes:
The first 1 m 30 s is some old statistics. The following section about zinc explains how it needs help to get inside the cell to neutralise the virus and has some heavy medical detail. I just concentrated on the zinc, the virus and the HCQ.
Net message: the zinc is essential to stop the virus from replicating, and the ionophore is essential to get the zinc into where it’s needed.
Dr Zelenko said he thought this work was key to understanding the importance of both zinc and HCQ, and subsequently quercetin.
Dave B
Thanks David, that was very interesting indeed. At the end of the video portion he was quoting from research that showed chloroquine reduced the effects of the virus without mentioning additional zinc. I guess the circulating zinc in the bloodstream was adequate or does the chloroquine have an antiviral property of its own?
G’day Brenda,
My guess is that he assumed there was enough zinc available and it was just a question of how it got in to do it’s job.
Zelenko found he needed to supply the zinc in enough cases to suggest it was better to always use it, rather than wait for a test result especially as there was no adverse reaction if the added zinc was unnecessary.
I don’t know the answer to your question about chloroquine. I haven’t delved into that at all after reading it wasn’t as safe as HCQ.
Dave B
in the west we generally have plenty of zinc in our diet. The issue being what plants are eaten with the animal products that supply this elemental zinc that we consume and if it binds up this zinc.
From another study “Phytate, which is present in staple foods like cereals, corn and rice, has a strong negative effect on zinc absorption from composite meals. ”
the standard recommended diet is a very poor source of dietary absorbable zinc.
I just tried to place an order for quercetin with my favourite on-line pharmacy and got an “out of stock” notice and a couple of other brands were out also.
This good news that the people are acting independently but don’t wait ’til the last minute before getting your supply.
3+ weeks after Hawaii implemented capacity restrictions & limited social gatherings, cases are up 69% and still rising
71+ weeks after their mask mandate, cases are up 9,086%
So sure, all of these measures are incredibly destructive to society, but at least they also don’t work
Yes, and the test, contact trace and isolate regime so loved by governments doesn’t work either. Maybe it did once but it has completely broken down now.
Remember when governments so proudly told the world how many people tested positive in isolation? It’s only a week or two ago.
Lies are now the norm by politicians and the MSM. The only ones who beleives whatever that say must by any standard be mindless fools to the core.
Biden’s Staff is TURNING on Him!
Then someone commented thus: in response to someone else suggesting “Zero? You need a 100% percent effective vaccine and nearly everyone vaccinated.”
So how is that “1 case = nation wide 2 week lockdown to get to zero cases” going?
It’s been 2 weeks now.
Let’s see…
Oh dear. Looks exactly the same as last time
It’s been 18 months now and some people still think you can control the entire world (close the country to covid). And an airborne virus (lock down the air?). The literal definition of insanity.
With no difference to the last time in NZ, clearly NZ need to lock down harder. I hear China have a sale on welding equipment…
I want to make special mention of Jo’s attempt to call what is happening “Democracy”. One person making a decision for an entire nation is called dictatorship. Democracy is rule by the people. Nobody can make a decision as to what they can do in NZ, nor Australia. “The people” have no say in it whatsoever. It is the very opposite of democracy.
“Democracy is rule by the people” who, depending on your variety of Democracy , elect representatives who make decisions for the entire nation. The people commit for the period of government and absent an unusual event have a say each election cycle when about half wont be happy with the outcome.
Jo is asserting it’s democracy. The poll she cites say 59% call the Arden response excellent, 80% call it good.
and yet both military and police were required to enforce the self-isolation in lock down #1.
I am guessing (searched but cannot confirm) this is also the case for lock down #2.
A mass psychosis could explain the stockholm syndrome-like poll responses, but take the police and the military away and let’s see how the people really feel about it.
It wouldn’t work? But according to the poll NZers think the Arden response is good to excellent, so let’s let the democracy act yes? Rule by the people?
Don’t do that?
The defense rests.
Gross over reaction to lock down the south island for one case in the north but Ardern even more nuttily is right behind the movement to create cannibal language for those who ate the originial inhabitants. In the Australian constitution New Zealand is named as one of the states; what a blessing they weren’t party to our federation.
Defence? none of that had anything to do with a warped understanding of what democracy means
The covidmedicalnetwork is a group of Australian doctors with lots of interesting and up to date articles via their newsletter. Worth subscribing
Thanks for the reminder, did see the video. Gave me hope. You are not allowed to disagree amongst the plebs unless you have a PhD or MS / MD these days.
“Dennis Prager on Afghanistan and Australia”
Fireside Chat Ep. 201 — Crisis in Afghanistan & Tyranny in Australia – YouTube
With the number of critical lookings at Oz it might be a good time to get into tourist promotion – there is going to have to be a hell of an increase in money for that to reclaim lost ground (IMO)
Retreat Swiftly after each Press Conference
– Joe Tzu
Scandal As Newsom Campaign Produces Old Yearbook Photo Showing Larry Elder In Blackface
I admire the Babylon Bee guys for producing quality satire and not being consumed by it.
The world is a poorer place with the passing of Mad Mag.
Vale Alfred E. Neuman
In late 1959, Mad released a 45 rpm single entitled “What – Me Worry?” – translated into Dog Latin – Quid, Me Anxius Sum? (ABC-Paramount 10013), by “Alfred E. Neuman and His Furshlugginer Five”,
Pig Latin, Dog Latin And The World Of Non-Latin ‘Latin’ Codes
Trying to mask your message or disguise your dialogue? Pig Latin is here to elp-hay.
How Is Pig Latin Different From Dog Latin?
More closely related to actual Latin of ancient times is Dog Latin, though it’s a bit less recognizable to the average person. It’s also known today as “Cod Latin,” “macaronic Latin,” “mock Latin” or “Canis Latinicus,” but it was called “Pig Latin” or “Hog Latin” centuries ago.
Dog Latin isn’t a code as much as Pig Latin is, but it does involve altering English words so they’re just recognizable. Dog Latin takes English words and treats them as if they were Latin words by conjugating and declining them in the same way you’d do if you were a speaker of the tongue a few millennia ago (or in high school Latin class a few years ago). To do so, for example, you could take off the final sound of a word and add the suffixes -us, -ium or -icus to give you words that resemble actual Latin phrases — words like pencilicus, Instagramus or backpackium. It’s sort of like an “instant Latin” — just add water!
The concept of Dog Latin has existed for centuries (though not always by the same name), which you can see evidenced in the dialogue of Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost, first performed in 1597:
Costard: Go to; thou hast it ad dunghill, at the fingers’ ends, as they say.
Holofernes: O, I smell false Latin; ‘dunghill’ for unguem. (Act V, Scene I)
Though this “false Latin” to which Holofernes refers isn’t created in the same way as today’s Pig Latin — the Shakespearean “false Latin” is actually related to Latin — the ideas behind the alt-Latin variants are virtually the same. Dog Latin is a fun to play around with existing English words so that they’re masked, disguised or changed, either for secrecy or for comedic effect.
Rhyming slang, which I love, originated in London [Cockney] bars so the locals could talk without the narks understanding.
Ha Ha! If someone’s petticoat (that dates me!) was showing, we would use the expression ‘Charlie’s dead’ to convey the fact to the unfortunate person. We then changed it to ‘Carolus mortuus est’.
Had me a nice collection of Mad paperbacks and magazine as a early teenager. They kept my love of drawing alive back then.
Biden uses cheat sheet with officials’ names and pictures as he visits Louisiana to tour Hurricane Ida damage
Cameras picked up a peculiar piece of paper in Joe Biden’s pocket as the US President arrived to offer support to the hurricane-ravaged south.
President Joe Biden was spotted pocketing a cheat sheet of local officials and their photos with scripted talking points as he toured Ida damage in Louisiana on Friday.
Once Biden landed at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport on Friday, a cheat sheet featuring officials’ names and likenesses was bulging out of his back pants pocket.
Come on man… Seriously though this is simply good practice. Don’t be fooled by Joe exposing the cheat sheet, he’s an unredeemed thug and a lot of this senility shtick is his way of saying up yours loser, I got the top job and I’ll do what pleases me.
Australians: Do you really think the “emergency powers” all Australian Governments have given to themselves (without the will of the people) will ever be removed if the “covid crisis” is ever allowed to finish?
And do we even live in a democracy any more?
In Vicdanistan, Parliament is suspended, just like in the very worst of Third World dictatorships.
The Australia we once knew and loved is gone.
Once Covid is no longer a viable excuse to control us, the program will move to “climate change”, which will require the same lockdowns to “save the planet.”
Still, we had a good time while it lasted.
Is there a viable solution to this conundrum?
Top priority needs to be given to annulling the emergency powers legislation which is only intended to be used ever so briefly; it was rankly abused following the Gippsland fires and the totalitarians haven’t been able to resist its allure since.
Why is the Australian Government so keen to use poorly tested vaccines but is unprepared to allow the trial or use of safe drugs like HCQ or Ivermectin which have been in use for decades?
Because orange man bad.
Because, if there is an alternative to these experimental vaccines, guess what happens?
and why does Andrews say on the one hand “we don’t know the long-term effects of a COVID infection”
but ignore the obvious and more troubling
“we don’t know the long-term effects of a course of vaccine injections, soon to include ongoing bi-annual boosters, particularly given the vaccine manufacturer’s total lack of responsibility for any side effects both now and in the future”?
Our media’s inept lack of questioning of this dictatorial muppet is an indictment of our so-called “fourth estate.”
Will We?
When the nation like a whipped cur quivers in its withers
With a heart of fearful shivers and a head of worried dithers
And it cringes to its kennel with its tail between its legs
When its master gives the order where it whines and it begs
For a taste of the freedom it remembers years past
And the horror of the knowledge that its freedom couldn’t last.
In a land of milk and honey we were young and free and funny
And our lives were lived for happiness and not for bloody money,
But we spent too much time dedicated to the telly
And our bones have turned to jelly ‘neath our flabby-wobble belly,
And we lost our sense of humour as the ageing baby boomer
Population went to “Homes” to fade away or grow a tumor.
Now the struggle is upon us to regain the strength that won us
All the struggles that we mastered since our history begun us.
Will we toughen bones and muscles for the coming fights and tussles,
Or surrender to collectivists from Paris, Rome or Brussels?
The question now before us is: will we make the grade
And rise to the inspiration of that famous old Stockade?
Escape Hatch
When a fear-crippled people ruled by power-hungry pollies
Meets a world turning commie then the follies come in volleys
And you realise the only options left as we are sinking
Is to have a bloody laugh or to double down on drinking.
As we spiral to our doom without hope or parachute
Any talk of our salvation is now absolutely moot:
If the lefties don’t destroy us all by hating our successes
Then the globalists will sell us to the communist oppressors.
But at least for this moment I’m ecstatic on the beach,
Where I cannot hear the pollies or the commie-media preach –
Phonelessly alone and blissfully out of reach.
I didn’t mean to post two pomes, I didn’t think the first one posted.
The crazy part about what’s happening is the fact this nation has been moving gradually towards a police state for over a year now and it’s still getting worse. Health officials say we might need to wear masks for years to come. Some are even saying there is no guarantee that lockdowns won’t still be around even if we achieved 80% vaccination rates. In any case vaccine passports will be the defining moment. Although no firm announcements has been made it does appear officialdom is very warm to the idea. Certainly the recent bipartisan rejection of moves to stop passports being utilised demonstrates both major parties are not against them. I’ve emailed to my local Liberal member about my concerns and got no reply.
Even some vocal leftists now agree to that vaccine passports are a no no. It will be interesting to see if we have a truce between left and right to fight the ensuring tyranny once passports are deployed and enforced. Regardless, it would be yet another sign how both major political parties have lost the plot and should not be given the vote. In other words, even leftists ought to stop voting for the ALP and Greens, as well as so called conservatives stop voting for the LNP. Anyone who votes for either has to be so divorced from reality they are in effect on the side of tyranny and us becoming a police state, whether they are of the left or not. It’s that simple.
We all have seen comments by some in politics and the MSM who are actually in favour of treating people who refuse to be vaccinated almost as criminals of society. No doubt many in society would agree to that. That’s their opinion and have every right to have it, just as others have the right to hold the contrary point of view. However, as soon as it become law that such people are in fact treated as sub standard members of society by way of passports then we’ve crossed the line and indeed our worst fears will be realised. Let’s hope we don’t get to that point and somehow as a nation we start pulling back from this draconian mania driven by scaremongering and hysteria. The problem is our governments of all types and levels are still heading the wrong way so only time will tell how far they go. At some stage a breaking point will be reached if the current trend continues. There can’t be any doubt about that. That breaking point will be the moment of truth for all Australians regardless of where they stand.
I also like to add that if vaccination passports are introduced, it will be a litmus test of how far Australians as a whole have lost the plot. Will enough, be they small businesses or customers, fold and comply or refuse to adopt and use them by going about their business in other ways to circumvent them? As far as I’m concerned, it will be the defining moment as to how alert Australians are. Are they the jelly backed gullible fools I believe them to be, or will they prove me wrong and show they do have some backbone after all and make our draconian leaders change their minds and scrap the passports, just like what happened with that mobile app a long time ago to detect and track people who tested positive as they passed each other while walking? It will be very telling indeed which way it goes if and when the passports are issued.
‘Tis odd but the left say that getting a photo ID is asking too much for voters but this use of smart phones is expanding and with the force of law and not only approved by the left but they are the primary pushers. I threw mine in the bin after I retired and have no reason to get another.
Is someone going to give me a phone and a basic plan so that I can comply? The local shopping centre has the facility to use QR codes but no where to sign in manually, but no one challenges me.
I don’t have the arse out of my tweeds but I try not to live on my capital and the phone is just an unnecessary expense. I get a land line with my internet.
I imagine many business owners who just comply to save their businesses, livelihoods and families would quite resent being called jellybacked. They don’t have the luxury of pontificating they just need to survive.
My guess is that vaccine passports will be introduced by big business.
I think Qantas already has announced them for when international flights resume. I can visualize Woolworths or Bunnings promoting click and collect with only the injected populace being permitted to enter stores.
Of course the whole thing will depend on how quickly the injections prove to be useless or worse.
Yes, the sooner this “vaccine” sham comes to a head, the sooner we might begin to regain some normality via proper treatments. Unfortunately “coming to a head” will take time and involve the death or incapacitation of a large percentage of the population as the trigger for change.
I wasn’t so much referring to the vaccines but the vaccine passports. We will have to wait and see how people react to the passports if they are introduced. Looks like thee are many even here who don’t have a problem with them. Goes to show I’m right after all about too many Australians losing it and won’t mind living under a future police state. Sigh.
PeterS. The key here is how long it takes the none-too-bright to get the drift that vaxes don’t work in the first place = vax passports are NOT about “protecting” anyone.
Will they have to see lotsa double-vaxed they know die before that happens….to then know that to get a vax passports= signing their OWN death warrants?
It’s more like being governed independently by politicians – subject to elections – and Big Business over whom we have no democratic control and shareholders won’t rock that boat where profits rule. We have a police force where, individually, its members look more as though they are enjoying the enforcement process well beyond any such enjoyment they express when they catch an odd crim.
the french vaccine passport has current room for 8 booster shots for the wuflu ‘vaccine’, not up to date then not allowed in. So it would be funny for the people who had the two shots to be treated like anti-vaxxers when the requirement goes up to 3, 4 and 5 shots.
friend of mine works in a Melb hospital and has been double spiked since April, his use by date must be coming up
Sesame Street News-Flash Peter, when you knowingly harm others via spreading a pandemic disease in willful and deliberate ways that can be treated as a criminal offense. It’s been like that all of my life because you have a duty of care to not harm others, especially take their lives via willful negligence. In fact the Italian courts treated people who did this with COVID19 with the criminal charge of manslaughter early last year, to try and reduce the unnecessary spreading rate, that was literally slaughtering people, because arrogant radical selfish idiots didn’t want them to live, and were unilaterally choosing to try to kill more of them rather than isolate to knock the virus numbers down.
Yeah, the majority for sure.
Your opinion of the law is totally irrelevant as is your ignorance of it.
You are entitled to vote for a Local, and a State and a Federal representative, from your specific relevant local electorates where you live and that is all.
That’s the sum total of your Constitutional right of have a say over what occurs in the laws of the land. And you can protest, but you can not break the law that protects families, and then whine about what occurs to you for doing it, or of encouraging others to do it.
Try that sort of daft line in front of a Judge and it’ll go pretty badly I’d say.
And this is not because the country suddenly became or is transitioning into your mythical-BS “Police State” meme blah-blah.
It’s entirely due to your unlawful observance of the Constitutional Laws of the land.
You are what’s increasingly out of step with the way the laws have always worked, to serve the best interests of the people in our country, primarily their lives and preserving them, and not just crumbling to some ratbag sectional loonies yapping on the extreme Left or Right the political spectrum-disorder.
Come-to-terms with being a fringe-dweller. There is indeed a reason for it, it’s your dangerous, callous, misanthropic selfish attitudes toward other people’s lives in our community.
So, you know, stuff you and all your over-wrought hysterical acting out about a ‘police state’ and the reams of associated political blather you keep spewing out.
Public debates have counterpoints.
WXcycles. The problem here is that the alleged Vaxes are killers themselves = it is totally illegal to coerce anyone into self-harming NO MATTER THE PRETEXT.
You’ve started your rant from the foundation that vaxes protect; then continue on with the vaxed are not protected from the unvaxed= a massive logic fail.
This is what being conditioned by endless MSM propaganda has lead to; you cannot think rationally at the moment.
Sad, but here’s the situation: the alleged vaxes programme your cells to produce the spike-protein which is then attacked by C + T cells to create antibodies= the antibodies remain as defences for later on. The question for you; since C+T cells only attack dangerous antigens / pathogens, doesn’t this mean that the alleged vaxes are programming your cells to make their very own DANGEROUAS ATTACKERS?
Any claim that a govt…or a corporation…has the right to mandate such measures is totally illegal…and totally im-moral, FFS.
He has also stated he won’t be getting the injection. So that rant means what?
MP. Did he write that?
let him answer that.
No, I certainly didn’t. That claim is totally fabricated. I’m getting vaccinated this week. No one has coerced me, it’s entirely my decision, and I am very comfortable with it. I’m doing it because it’s clear to me that my personal risk level will rise sharply if I don’t take the vax and we get a general exposure of the community to exponential growth of Delta, and hospital services are not available, which is now a real possibility, within 2 to 3 months. Now is the time to act, and I’ve possibly left it longer than was wise.
I also recognize it’s not a silver bullet, that it has its own quite minor risk level, it just greatly improves my odds of doing OK through COVID19, which I’m practically guaranteed to get at this point, and becomes a much higher risk than the shot if hospital ICUs are then unavailable. From my examination of the COVID19 stats it’s very clear that I’d be very unwise to not get vaccinated now. The risk of the vaccine is very minor for me in comparison
I also recognize MP is totally making stuff up. This is why I would prefer an ignore button on this site (and all others I visit and read regularly). That is clearly a huge advantage for blogs that have it. My experience is banning or ignoring people is indispensable for getting sensible discussions and far fewer useless bloviating trolls or have to put up with so many shallow extremist haters in comments.
And what business is it to some troll what I do anyway? Just had to share a lie, huh?
Go to hell MP.
August 29, 2021 at 3:29 pm
I intend to do both but am putting it off, waiting for dust to settle about the current vaccines and their relative hazards and benefits. A mate in WA got the AZ shot and almost immediately felt sick. I don’t like the idea of being stampeded on this and I’m in NQ so there’s lower immediate risk from virus. Hopefully it will stay that way for a few more months and our respective .gov will wise-up about antiviral options in the interim. But I doubt they have the integrity to do that before a human disaster matures in NSW and things get real desperate and heated.
My bad, this is as far as I went back, few more months turned into a few more days. Love a man of conviction.
“And what business is it to some troll what I do anyway? Just had to share a lie, huh?” You put in the public forum , feed that oversized ego of yours.
You need a button to ignor, makes sense. You need entire governments to look after your health.
Go to hell. I don’t want to listen to your rants every day all day. Bad enough reading your fear porn every other day here on the surface.
This’s your basic problem, it’s not a “rant”, it’s called counterpoint, and I gave if much more politeness than it merited.
It’s your incorrect presumption I don’t know this. It’s also your baseless presumption that anyone is being forced to take a vaccination. And also a lie being furiously pumped by bent and totally dishonest paranoid political agitators. No one will be forced to take it. And if you refuse it, then you will be sidelined but more importantly, if you have no natural immunity at all, then you must not be exposed to people that have useful artificial immunity and lower risk, who are circulating the disease more.
That’s a choice you run to take a higher risk of severe illness. So it’s obviously not coercion. You have a paid for way to obtain reduced risks of the direct exposure which you are definitely going to get.
I for one will not feel ‘safe’ just because I was vaccinated, but I will be less likely to become mortally ill, or suffer long-term health damage, and I will be taking what ever follow on booster may be necessary to maintain a reduced risk profile.
Not so much for the anti-vaxers though. They’ll be whining bitterly soon about this too, and yes, it will surely be a full-on elitist globalist conspiracy backed by Police-Planet™, even if it’s nothing of the kind. Someone else, preferably someone totally innocent and completely unconnected will be blamed and slighted and cursed as evil, for that is how right-wing loony rolls.
Of that you can be sure.
Socialists answer to shutting down coal fired power .
Yeah. Here’s the crux of that article:
“Three years ago, Spain’s Socialist Workers’ Party government signed an agreement with trade unions and energy companies to shut down the entire coal industry in return for early retirement and investment in replacement industries.”
The Socialists got what they wanted, and everyone else can “suck it up” and “deal with it”.
Asturias is a tiny region of Spain on the Bay of Biscay with one million people, West of the Basque region. And besides, they can import their power if they have other sources of income.
Our zero private employment Canberra has its own wind towers too, for which we all paid. And they get tens of millions a year in renewable cash from everyone else. How good is Green for public servants? It’s very profitable. No work, no dirty coal mines, no worries. Just cash from everyone else. In the socialist dream, everyone is on the government payroll.
And according to the EU, Green Asturias is a dying area “The unemployment rate of Asturias was 14.2% in 2019, and the most affected subtracts were women and people under 25 and above 55 years old, without basic studies and working in the service sector, heavily influenced by the seasonality.
So like Asturias stop the mining, the manufacturing, the farming and the fishing and live on tourism and the public service and handouts from the central government. The new Green jobs.
The Spanish coal mines shown on the ABC are underground operations located in a geologically complex area. The coal seams are ~300 million years old and gassy (methane), and located in the Central Coal Basin of Asturias that has been continuously mined since the 18th century. Accordingly, most of the shallow, easy-to-mine coal (<400 meters in depth) has been extracted throughout the basin. Therefore, not a big issue to shut them down.
It would have been cheaper a couple of years ago to import good, clean Aussie coal at ~$US50/tonne to run their power plant, but with the current thermal coal international spot price of $US165.25/tonne it would not make sense. They will have a coal seam methane gas reserve that could be exploited in the future if renewables hit the wall.
BTW, the current iron ore spot price is $US140.5/tonne – who would have thought that nasty thermal coal is worth more?
Katie Hopkins: One simple question please
And the popping sound you can hear in the background is heads exploding.
More seriously the vaccine passport idea will fall out of favour as people regain their sanity one by one.
Good grief I hope you are right.
I saw a photo on FB of a young guy – early 20s at a guess, you know, the age group with 1 COVID death in all of Australia – wearing a jumper that said:
The level of hysteria in the comments below and the clear desire to slap a social
creditdebit on his Communist Australia social credit score were palpable. Like a pack of mindless zombies JFC.110
we have at least one in that age group confirmed to have died from the vaccines, that is just the extremely rare clotting issue.
I just read of 3 males that age experiencing myocarditis – something that is happening quite a bit. These were very fit teenagers.
This whole thing is a debacle, and there’s people here saying being punished for not getting vaccinated is logical.
You can hope vaccine passports fall out of favour. In Canada, the majority of the voting public has taken the vaccine, and form a majority for passports to punish those who did not. Both Trudeau and Singh are currently campaigning on passports. They represent the parties in our recent minority government.
With the data on the uselessness of the vaccine coming out week by week, I think the vaxed are doubling down rather than admitting a passport to keep the vaxed from infecting the unvaxed and viceversa is just plain silly.
Yes, she cuts through the BS very well. Imagine her confronting our leaders, state or federal. She would make mince meat out of all of them.
Katie can be refreshingly earthy.
I liked the Comment
A leading virologist was asked – how long the pandemic will last – he replied “l don’t know lm not a politician”
Pandemic or Politics?
Let me show you two recent events in the news that prove that when it comes to this pandemic, the people who are telling you to be afraid are the ones who don’t really believe it’s a big deal and that the people telling you to obey aren’t actually concerned with the science.
This isn’t a pandemic anymore. This is a political narrative push.
So what do we say about the people who are pushing for vaccine passports? Looks like there are a few even here who don’t have a problem with them. I didn’t realise Australia has gone that far down the tubes already. Perhaps I’m missing something.
i think people dont get how bad a vax passport would be……
Disaster Dan and Shutdown Sutton should be in the Guinness World Records Book for the world’s longest covid lockdowns, now standing at 217 days and counting. And that doesn’t include the lockdown lites or lockouts where people’s freedoms for family and social gatherings and business operations continue to be constrained. Can anyone recall a time in the last 18 months when we lived in a real democracy, and not ruled by “emergency health powers”?
The experiment was a success but the economy died.
No, the experiment was a success BECAUSE the economy died.
No, it’s not experiment at all because an experiment is meant to be a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. So, it has to be something else. People who understand what in general is going on call it a conspiracy, which by definition is a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful, at least it’s a secret to the vast majority who are unaware of the plan because they are asleep.
Paranoid bollocks.
I too would like to know the evidence for this. Plus the insinuation/fantasy that PeterS is awake and can see the truth while huge swathes of the population are unaware.
Umm! Re record lockdowns
The King of Obselete (Koo) lives at the northern end of the road in Manitoba at Lynn Lake. IIRC he’s been in lock down since 31st March last. year
Sunday Unhinged:
Here is the “virtuous” LSM doing what it does best:
Oz is as bad, if not worse, across the board.
Hear Whitehouse spokesperson Psaki admit that we are currently in a “global PLANDEMIC.”
Can gastroenteritis be a side effect of the jab? I did a search y’day and it was unclear. Seems it is possible but “as often in the control group as the trial group”. It might be that it not so obvious and is thus lost in the noise.
I try hard not to let kitchen cleanliness slip, as can happen with age, and the fridge is OK. There is no cooked meat under raw eg. and I don’t turn it up a little to save power but my son ate from a fast food outlet on Mon, was feeling ill that night and was sick for a couple of days. Mrs H got sick on Thurs and I on Fri. My son got a jab at least 5 weeks ago.
My son has his own bed and bath downstairs so can, and did, isolate so it’s all odd. I had to nurse the Lady so I was always at risk.
the trial group mostly got the jab as well. kinda hard to get good data from that.
Steve McIntyre continues to doggedly pursue the PAGES 2 K so called scientists and their very careful proxy selections. And in turn he also puts pressure on the IPCC AR 6 so called report.
Here’s his conclusion from his current essay and the link. BTW it’s great to see that Dr Keith Briffa was a wake up to the Mann donkey at that time. And Steve also adds that Briffa’s criticism of Mann in 2001 could be leveled at the IPCC AR 6 today. Please read the last paragraph from Steve below. Certainly these people are great cherry pickers and can create HS delusions and yet refuse to tell us how they achieve their uptick.
Of course short coral proxies could just be the result of higher rainfall and not temperature anyway.
“How the PAGES2K authors obtained a big-bladed Hockey Stick from this data cannot be determined without examining their code, which, to my knowledge, has not been archived. (Nor have it been provided to me upon tweet request.) My surmise is that they use some sort of “stepwise” method in which successive steps incorporate the proxies available in that step. Such techniques will effectively splice the coral blade onto the two non-descript non-bladed long proxies to present a sort of hockey stick. The failure of the two long proxies to record the proposed blade means that the confidence levels prior to AD1800 or so extend from the “floor to the ceiling” – an apt phrase used by Rosanne d’Arrigo many years ago. I.e. with this set of information, we know essentially nothing about 0-30S temperatures prior to AD1800 or so. This does not mean that we actually know nothing. There are many interesting proxies in the 0-30S latband and many fascinating discussions in technical literature that does not appear to be reflected in the IPCC report.
Consolidating some of the information in this post with my prior post on the 30-60S latband, which consisted almost entirely (~96%) of ocean, PAGES2K only used one ocean core in the 0-60S latband, totally omitting high resolution alkenone series. Only four PAGES2019 series in the 0-60S latband start prior to AD1100 and none of them have a HS shape.
Overall, I think that it’s fair to say that Briffa’s criticism of Mann remains just as appropriate for the IPCC in 2021, as it did in 2001. Like Mann’s network, PAGES 2019 “contains a few (poorly temperature representative ) tropical series”. And PAGES 2019 authors “were just as capable [as Mann] of regressing these data again any other “target” series , such as the increasing trend of self-opinionated verbage he has produced over the last few years”. Indeed, if anything, the new generation of climate activists have proved themselves more than capable of continuing Mann’s “trend of self-opinionated verbiage” to, shall we say, “unprecedented” levels”.
The summary for policy makers authored by leftward Politico’s, who often reverse the solid science presented by there IPCC reports.
More flak here
“IPCC 6th Climate Report: Who Deleted The Medieval Warm Period? Tracks Lead To University Of Bern”
Here’s a video of the building of one wind turbine and I must admit even I didn’t understand the size of these clueless, TOXIC disasters.
And all because they think we live in extremely perilous times and only have a few short years to fix + save our climate.
And don’t forget these dilute crazy generators may only last for about 15 to 20 years.
And in Germany forests have been cleared to be replaced by these horrible things.
Excellent article.
Welcome from The most dystopian City in the world.
Gone is our tag of the World’s most liveable city, with the longest lockdown (>200 days) of any city worldwide. In Victoria in 2021, we have had 23,000 total deaths this year of which, all of 2 were covid, for untold community stress,social breakdown, massive mental health, disgraceful crimes against humanity, potential economic disaster etc etc. Heartless cruelty by Dan Andrews & Brett Sutton in pursual of elimination. All totally unnecessary, when we have early treatment,
The article BELOW has already been used at Government level to MPs opposed to vaccine passports. Next task is to end lockdowns, by advising all MPs etc to set a realistic target of 70% vac in over 40s, (?60 but too much of an ask) but to exclude healthy under 40s from the targets as there is no gain in them being vaccinated as per my article, especially if early treatment was readily available.
The Fallacy of Covid Vaccines and Transmission – Daily Declaration (
Various faulty assumptions are driving Australia’s public policy on vaccines. The latest data suggests that we should reconsider our course.
The wheels are falling off the “vaccines are our ticket to freedom” argument. It is becoming clear that the Covid vaccines are “leaky”. They do not stop the vaccinated from acquiring the virus, particularly the now dominant Delta variant, and they do not prevent them from transmitting the virus. Moreover, the protection they do provide is likely short-lived, perhaps just six months.
Based on the faulty assumption that these vaccines stop transmissions, the media and politicians have oversimplified a rather complex science. Our vaccine policy should not be built on something we want it to do, but what the data tells us it can do.
The new mRNA injections, which were 95% effective in initial clinical trials at reducing symptoms in Alpha strain, are decreasingly effective against the Delta strain. This is seen by record cases and deaths in Israel, the world’s most inoculated country.
The questions we need to ask about the vaccines include:
Do they reduce transmission of Covid?
Will they lead to herd immunity?
Are they safe?
From my daily scan of their ABC virus propaganda blog.
Prof Peter Doherty (I suppose I should know who he is) “But I’ve been doing the best I can to persuade those with a healthy immune system to be vaccinated”.
And there is the quiet part being said out loud. The follow up question is how you get your immune system tested to see whether it is safe to be injected.
Insulin dependent diabetic + recovering from a stroke a few years ago. What are my odds?
generally they never treat the root cause of these issues, generally dietary and thus your condition will progressively get worse. Historically this was not the case if you were a type 2 diabetic, even in the 18th century treatment was simply avoiding sugars, grains ( and their products) and especially fruit. That out of the way due to the lack of treatment of the source your body is still insulin resistant which can in of itself reduce you ability to produce antibodies, firstly to the virus and secondly to the vaccine. They generally test vaccines on metabolically healthy people (even a 70 year old they claimed in amazement, except most who died were over 70). The second aspect is that what is usually also consistent is that due to various affects of metabolic syndromes (of which diabetes is one of them) your vitamin D status will be normally quite low and thus this should be raised before either infection method (be that natural infection with the virus or injected response via the immune-sorta treatment).
Blood pressure is often closely related to poor metabolic health and also somewhat linked to insulin issues so if you were to remove carbs and have a history of blood pressure issues then do so while working with a doctor. If the doctor wants to keep you on the ‘managed deterioration’ pathway then look for low carb doctors in your area. For Australia check out
Now if you were insulin dependant due to type 1 this is different but low carb would still help, I am not sure how type 1 affects response to vaccines in general, I suppose if the body is still getting insulin and the person is unbalanced in diet (ironically unbalanced means following their idea of a balanced diet) then you would still most probably insulin resistant.
shortie is all over it
how to reverse type 2 diabetes
but if l were you l would be looking after myself, Vit D, C, Zinc ect…
as well as keeping to myself and away from anyone sick,
Dr Bakhdi has said that you can only catch what the sick person has, that you would be able to see a person was very ill and would stay away from them, what the good Dr has been saying for quite some time now plenty of others are agreeing with and repeating
you are a vulnerable person with co-morbidities and should look after yourself IMHO
not that my opinion is worth anything l am not a doctor
Out an about today to do some essential shopping. Lots of people about, fair amount traffic, quite a few visitor cars parked in driveways and people in parks. At least in regional VIC Dans rules seem to have a waning effect on the populace.
I spend a lot of time outside and the number of chin protectors being worn these days is significantly higher than the first lock down.
People touch their masks to move them up their face as you approach and then touch the mask again to move it back under the chin after you’ve passed.
As long as Dictator Dan massages their ego with the false “all your good work” they will believe their mask protocol is what cleared the virus, not the increase in sunlight exposure and warmer weather. The messaging could not be more effective in lulling people into gratuitous, virtuous self-belief. They swallow the lies like honey.
yea the people are seeing through the BS and he is loosing ground
the police are stuck in Melbourne metro protecting the empty shops and restaurants LOL
no speed cameras or booze buses where they are usually hidden for a while now
Very good Australian video of interview with Dr Robert Malone, US inventor of mRNA vaccines. He warns of the danger of the spike protein vaccines and has tried to warn the FDA. These are 12 mins worth of highlights from a longer video.
A much longer 3hr interview that these comments are extracted from is linked in the description of the above video; with Robert Malone, Brett Weinstein and Steve Kirsch; it has been deleted by YouTube. You’ll have to find it on a non-Leftist free speech platform. (I’ll post link if I get a chance to find it.)
Epoch Times has a two part Malone interview; I watched part II here and then posted upthread about Marek’s Disease in fowls.
I have been breaking down the figures a bit from the latest report from the UK government on covid hospital patients to try and work out whether ADE is visible in the stats. delta specifically because it is the variant of interest.
the report only splits up over and under 50s, which makes it near impossible, but thats all there is to work with. to start the population breakdown is 50 and above = 19,385,844 under 50s = 36,708,138.
overall in hospital between FEB – AUG 20th there were 219,716 cases in unvaccinated people total, deaths of 536 (0.2%) and 113,823 vaccinated with 2 shots greater than 14 days ago and 1091 deaths (0.96%).
now for less than 50s the rates are unvaccinated 0.05% this is the base rate for people who have not been vaccinated and had covid19 and gone to hospital for treatment and subsequently died. 0.05% is virtually nothing and points to the fact that delta is not a dangerous variant as compared with alpha for example which has overall 1.1% mortality compared to delta with 0.4%.
over 50s it is closer to 6.5% for the unvaccinated.
for the less than 50s the rates are vaccinated 0.06% this is the rate of people dying while vaccinated (2 shots at least 2 weeks earlier), still virtually nothing, but significantly higher than the unvaccinated at 20% higher. and this is now showing in the overall numbers.
over 50s it is closer to 2.05% for the vaccinated. so there is a significant difference in this group.
the vaccines obviously have improved the situation for older people, but for how long? does ADE show in the figures? it seems to me that the 20% increase in deaths in the less than 50s group may point to vaccines increasing the severity due to the fact that the under 50s should show a reduction as with the older group if the vaccines were doing nothing other than preventing/reducing symptoms.
I also looked at those tables and wasn’t that impressed as a way of giving all information. What we don’t know is the percentages under and over 50 who are unvaccinated.
% of population under 50 36,708,138 = 65.44
% of population over 50 19,385,844 = 34.56
Cases unvaccinated 219,716 Deaths 536 0.24%
Hospital cases 0.392% overall)
vaccinated 113,823 Deaths 1091 0.96%
Hospital cases (0.203% overall)
Overall unvaccinated death rate 0.24%
vaccinated death rate 0.96%
Under 50 unvaccinated death rate 0.05%
vaccinated death rate 0.06%
Over 50 unvaccinated death rate 6.5%
vaccinated death rate 2.05%
Overall death rate alpha 1.1% Overall death rate delta 0.4%
So you are more likely to go to hospital if unvaccinated, but is that due to being more anxious if feeling unwell?
Equally, did the vaccinated think that they couldn’t have Covid and delayed going to hospital?
yeah, there are far too many variables to sort out the true overall picture, but you can tell how in the under 50s, the vaccine does not help you if you have a serious case and the question needs to be asked, why? there is no reason why that group should see a higher rate of death being vaccinated. maybe showing symptoms earlier if unvaccinated would affect this a bit, but I think in serious cases both would need the hospital at similar times.
the discord I am on often cite nurses posting to each other claiming to treat unvaxxed differently to vaxxed. going these people ‘deserve it’. When I was taught first aid in the army it was not only to treat ‘my side’ but to treat those who need to most help first regardless of their personal situation. The same holds for medical professionals, the fact many of them forget this and start treating others as subhuman to increase the chance people die is insane. Some were verified true and others not but the angst in the public sphere is causing some serious mental issues.
Have a look at the protests around the world NOT reported by the MSM:
“Stupid boofheads” protesting the last vestigials of freedom the ignorant pollies and police have no clue that they too are about to lose.
It’s an “infinite scroll” on mobiles.
Israel moves farther down the road to bio-enslavement:
“Virus czar calls to begin readying for eventual 4th vaccine dose
Salman Zarka says COVID-19 is here to stay for and that next booster shot may be adjusted for variants: ‘This is our life from now on, in waves’”
Fourth already! We are so far behind then. Looks like we have many months if not years of officialdom coercing and scaremongering us to take many more doses. No wonder we have ordered over 50 million does of Novavax alone. That’s about enough for two doses for every man, woman and child – after they have already been double dosed with the other vaccines.
Yeah, like countries all over the earth are doing. But why stop at endlessly claiming we all live in a police state … rah-rah-rah … zip-a-dee-doo-dah … “Wake up! You are informed!” Go to the UN promenade and feebly declare “Police Planet”. Tell everyone who’ll listen about your deep troubling concerns. People need to know this stuff! They’re too dumb to figure it out alone! They must be compelled to listen! “Dey r out 2 git us!” Maybe use a sandwich-board with an 800 point cray-cray multicolored font … “POLICE PLANET!” That’ll show ’em who they’re messin’ with! Feel free to elaborate at length with case examples, micro-crowds of loons love that stuff!
looking at the posts, the only one talking police states and police planets is you
Get real yarpos, you know perfectly well he whines and lies to everyone about us all living in a “Police State” pretty much every day. Open your eyes a tad, he keeps falsely and repeatedly claiming we’re in one, which is beyond idiotic, as we’re definitely not, and it’s not even close.
‘US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, “All Cause Severe Morbidity”’ – Study
Full pdf below:
Isn’t that what Israel has already demonstrated?
They’re kiddin me:
Janssen claims that their vaccine prevents 6 cases of severe COVD-19 requiring medical attention out of 19,630 immunized; Pfizer claims their
vaccine prevents 8 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 21,720 immunized; Moderna claims its vaccine prevents 30 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 15,210 immunized. Based on this data it is all but a certainty that mass COVID-19 immunization is hurting the health of the population in general. Scientific principles dictate that the mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines must be halted immediately because we face a looming vaccine
induced public health catastrophe.
Medical principles dictate that the vaccines should have been withdrawn months ago due to the reported deaths resulting from the vaccine themselves. It appears they are considered as casualties that are worth taking as they rushed out the vaccines to keep pretending the vaccines is the best solution when in fact as we discussed before there are far better solution using treatments to minimise the severity and deaths resulting from the virus while far better vaccines were developed, which take a lot more than a few months to develop properly and safely.
Then again if they did it properly instead of the current approach, they wouldn’t make as much money and they wouldn’t have been able to carry out successfully steps to take away a lot of our freedoms so they can control us a lot more rather than serve us as they are supposed to do.
You should have been a triage nurse.
I fear the outcome for the unvaxed when this news is percolated through Spiteful Dan Of The Lost OBOR’s synapses by his satanic CHO.
Dan has still not been told that being vaccinated does not stop one from contracting covid and does not stop one from passing it on. Former health minister Jenny Mikakos has complained in recent days that the CHO was not briefing her adequately.
In the latest video the premier is saying with vicious relish that the unvaccinated will be swept from Victoria’s streets wherever they may be found:
Nobody inside or outside government is being well served by Brett Sutton.
this is a good example of pharma being hoisted by its own petard.
but who in power will resist this? it will end with only the plebs resisting in the end.
My passport is my recurrent good health. No jab required.
Suffering badly or dying from the virus is extremely unlikely anyway. I have a far greater chance of dying in a car accident. So no jab required at this stage. If people start dropping like flies then I will reconsider. Until then those who demand I take the vaccine can get stuffed.
So as an Aussie, you’re going to get Covid. No doubt about it now. How are you going to deal with it?
Here’s my covid plan. Im still going to try and avoid it.
Im not getting vaccinated, yet. I’m waiting for better vaccines to be developed, and Im waiting for the virus to arrive in my area, and spread. Way I see it is if i get vaccinated now I’ll have no protection left by the time its really getting around.
Im playing it by ear, but certainly not just carrying on with normal life habits. Im going into low contact mode, which is quite feasible for me. A few leak points but quite possible.
Im also eating well and vitamins etc. Trying to purchase some ivm tablets, not horse paste, just in case. I want an arsenal ready.
If virus becomes prominent I may get vaccinated, wouldn’t rule it out, or in, at this stage. But Id rather not have either.
Monitoring the situation, especially the UK. That’s one big experiment there.
“Monitoring the situation”
And hope like heck that the toxicity of the vaccines is not a built-in time bõmb.
If it is, the world will be a very different place in 10-15 years time
If Prions are produced by the mRNA, watch this space. Google denies it of course, however, I have read enough to be concerned.
Thanks for reminding me.
google’s parent company owns about 12% of pfizer I believe. they have a serious conflict of interest on that angle anyway.
* Vit D supplement or as much time in the sun as necessary,
* Zn,
* stay lean = good diet, lots of water + training.
That’s my plan.
Preferably catch it from a chance encounter with the lightest dose possible. Not sure how to do that – covid parties with a good protocol would be handy… but illegal, of course.
Google still says
which boggles the mind given the panic porn so often promoted by that and every other social media platform / government, etc.
We must, as a society, get over this terror of melanoma. Like all cancers it is nasty but those low on Vit D are vulnerable. [AS vulnerable as those who get burned???]
Some of us are lucky having a “Mediterranean” skin, mine must be from the Romans, not the Italians, so I spent a childhood getting burned, going to school Mon it was “Don’t toucha the back” for a few of us. The peaches ‘n’ cream English and Irish can’t be so blasé but 100% cover isn’t the answer either.
Childhood memories of post-burn itch omg so ITCHY!
Sitting in the lounge room peeling the skin from siblings’ backs.
Early morning or later in the day would seem the best time for measured sun exposure. I bet the cancer scare if you could measure it has decreased our immune system and made us sicker overall.
We are an obese nation getting more obese every year. That’s the problem, not the unvaccinated.
I recall the beautiful cool of half a tomato being rubbed gently across my back and shoulders after yet another day in the fierce Sydney summer sun. And the smell too – in the days when tomatoes were natural and had a very distinctive aroma that is very hard to find now.
You should try some grown in a greenhouse with enhance CO2.
Big, juicy, ripe
yummm !
LOL. You can get “real” tomatoes if you get to farmers markets (at least pre-Covid) where there were lovely farmers selling ‘heritage’ varieties. I could swoon when I smelt some of those … not just tomatoes either – all manner of fruit & veg from my 1960s.
it is much less the sun exposure but the inflammation caused by what goes into making the skin cells that drive these conditions. diets high in omega 6 polyunsaturated oils from plants end up being used in the cell production causing issues further down the line, then expose them to sunlight and the damage it does, though of interest many of these cancers form in areas that do not receive much sun….
Excellent excellent excellent.
The USA and Australia are OhBeast nations.
Diabetes 2 is Rampant.
But they can’t blame people for overeating, that’s not PC, so they call it Covid.
G’day S,
Good start, but don’t forget the zinc ionophore. HCQ, IVM if you can get either, or Quercetin if you want to start without doctor intervention.
Dave B
My feeling is that “the tide has turned”. Maybe not in Australia, because we are at least 3 months behind the northern hemisphere in our experience of “vaccination”. This should not matter in the digital age, but sadly, Australia has shown it is, indeed, an island, & has studiously ignored the lessons from overseas.
For this reason, buckle down, because the authoritarian urges of the bureaucratic class in Oz will produce in the short term, I believe, an outrageous denial of human rights, let alone democratic rights, of the unvaccinated.
I am ready for the long haul – because new anti-virals will eventuate in the new year, although repurposed drugs may still be shunned. In addition, something like 600 trials are underway for conventional vaccines. So, although Novavax is slow to become available, others will eventuate.
Who knows? The damn virus may well exhaust its opportunities to mutate, although the prospect of ADEs is still there.
Meantime, prevention and/or early treatment is the best option. So – Vit C, Vit D3, Bioflavanoids – particularly Quercetin, Zinc – should be taken daily, in addition to a good healthy diet. Betadine should be on hand to IMMEDIATELY treat (with gargle) a sore throat, and also a daily dose of a standard anti-histamine in this event. Think also about Bisolvon, again, in the event of even the mildest of symptoms.
And the wonderful Ivermectin? Well, like most people, I have found the human source (eg Stromectol) impossible to acquire. I do have an Ivermectin pour-on drench, which we use for our cattle. That may be a stretch too far.
oral drench only, pour-on is toxic I believe.
Mind you, watching our horse have a mouth full of ivermectin is as funny as you will ever see….never seen his bottom lip extend so far in a “oh thats seriously disgustingggggg” face….
Absolutely Steve. Would never contemplate oral use of pour on!
I believe in Zimbabwe they have been mixing pour on with baby oil to dilute for skin application. But, even this would be a last resort – because I don’t know the concentration. On the other hand, haven’t heard of deaths from that – in contrast to the vaccines! Nevertheless, I am not advocating it per se.
I’m told that Quercetin is almost as good as Ivermectin in its anti-viral effect when combined with Zinc.
“I’m told that Quercetin is almost as good as Ivermectin in its anti-viral effect when combined with Zinc.”
That’s probably because Quercetin is a very effective zinc ionophore, allowing the zinc the cell needs to enter.
That’s absolutely correct.
In the interest of a calmer life I have stopped worrying about IVM and put my trust in quercetin @ $54 for 4 months supply.
It is in high demand so that is encouraging.
Well done. I procured the last bottle in nearby town & was told they doubt if they can get more any time soon.
Hi Use H0rse dew0rming Paste that has I@@@@@@@@ only as the active ingredient 20mg per 100kg body weight
I’m in a similar boat to you Philip. No way I’ll succumb to the current experiment. However, if in years to come life for the unjabbed is intolerable AND something safe and reliable emerges, I’ll consider it. Until then, looking after myself is the best defence.
Me too. On the balance of probabilities, there is absolutely no need to take the vaccines at this stage, no more that the need to take the flue or other vaccines at this stage. The hysteria is obviously about something sinister anyway and the more they scare us without real proof there is a horrific epidemic the more I will resist and less I will trust the vaccines.
And the more they block open discussion on the net and other places…
… the more unlikely I am to succumb to the pressure of taking the vaccine.
They are creating a zero trust environment.
That’s the real kicker isn’t it?
For us: 2 new laws essentially removing all social media privacy (100 point ID + police hackability of anyone’s online accounts)
For the government: a new law remove all transparency to cabinet COVID discussions.
Transparency for thee but not for me.
Talk about lack of trust.
I agree. That was my point. The level of hysteria and scaremongering is off the charts so I already have a lot of suspicions as to their real motives. One really has to be brain dead not to notice something is very badly amiss as they are keep changing the story and telling lies. Then there is the overreach as displayed so many times by some of the police. Seriously, a lot of it only was ever seen in the evil days of Naz1 Germany. Even places like China don’t normally behave the way some of our police do, certainly not as widespread.
There will be some cops who will enjoy the power trip and go a bit rogue and no doubt become part of a new Stasi, there will eventually be a rebalancing moment whereby bad elements may be sorted out.
My thought is Australians are tough, if they get kicked enough they will eventually take off the leg doing the kicking…..just how it is.
No Clarence.
They are reinforcing a zero trust environment.
Zero trust policy, in IT security, is a result of the painful recognition that a few people can not be trusted, and are either organised criminals and foreign state actors, they can create so much national damage in seconds and are so well hidden among the traffic, and the tools they use so subtle, that it is much safer to trust no one at all and play it safe with everyone. It works better than any other method. It is used to prevent complete compromise of critical data and to prevent cyber attacks. Why try to press the paranoia button via re-use of that term for anything other then how it was intended and is actually a valid use?
I’m getting real tired of all the childish bubble-gum level paranoid rabble-rousing, it looks like the kiddy-pool end of the internet.
Not childish, nor paranoia, to say I have lost trust in anything they say.
And the more they block and censor information, the less trust I have.
Please don’t tell me you have absolute trust in the MSM, big pharma, and government edicts.
You are not that stupid.
No, I don’t, but nor do I let it color my every thought to the point of losing all perspective. Plus I’m really not wanting to be rude to you, clarance. It’s just the comment section has gone to the dogs of late with an extremist focus driven by rank paranoia and it’s severely affecting the perceptions and comments of a few, who are giving in to full-blown paranoid delusions. Which is a mental illness. Let’s not encourage it, there’s no constructive conversation to be had when a blog is being over-run with paranoid rants.
No constructive conversation by totally ignoring the probable serious side-effects and loss of efficacy of the jab.
You are welcome to choose to just ignore the problem and go with the sheeple. Best of luck to you.
Thank you for your generous blessings, but I don’t need them, and nor does anyone else.
My father passed away last night.
Just three days after getting his second shot of AZ.
His time was always limited by prostate cancer, but due to his age (97) and his slow metabolism, he still had a year or two.
I don’t know why the GP thought a second shot was advisable after the reaction to the first. I had tried to advise for dely, without success.
Kidney and lung function crashed rapidly after the shot (just like the first one). Thankfully he passed away in his sleep with breathing distress alleviated by oxygen and morphine.
The undertakers were professional and respectful. But the sound of that vinal body bag being unwrapped and unzipped is ghastly. It’s hard to do that bit politely.
That is the sound I’ll be remembering whenever someone calls me an “anti-vaxxer”. I am so angry right now with all the scum who tried to play “never let a good crisis go to waste”. Murders all.
(Feel free to delete Jo. It may be beyond the pale. But this is real for me right now.)
So sorry. Hope you have got loved ones there to support you
My condolences too Konrad.
But what’s this BS about injecting the vulnerable? They are also vulnerable to “side” effects, aren’t they?
Konrad, I’m so sorry to hear that. What an awful thing.
It did not even occur to me to delete your message. If there is any comfort in sharing, this thread is all yours.
Life is precious.
97 is a darn good innings, though.
My Mum (94) hasn’t been jabbed.
Said, “if, after my life, my immune system can’t cope with a small bug.. so be it.”
I doubt the virus would last one second against her !
I am so sorry to hear that. I lost both parents a long time ago due to old age mostly. I hope you have loved ones to help each other.
[SNIP. Ferrgoodnesssake WX. Not here. — Jo]
Yeah, fair enough Jo, just thinking out loud … inappropriately.
Terrible news Konrad I’m so sorry for your loss .
Thanks for passing that on.
Ninety seven is an amazing age, but as you say, there may have been more time left in which to extend the goodbyes.
Your anger is fully justified, not at the GP, who’s just part of the system, but at the system that has distorted reality.
Sorry to hear that Konrad.
Shit mate. No good. Sorry to hear it. We need to really amplify these experiences.
I had a thought tonight: if AZ is “the right choice” and “perfectly safe” then Dictator Dan should offer $100,000 to anyone experiencing adverse reactions and $1M to anyone who dies as a result of receiving the AZ jab.
Konrad, sorry to hear about your Dad.
Been through the body bag thing too.
My thoughts are that they were there when we came into the world, at least we can do is be there for them when they go out.
All the best
I’m sorry to hear that Konrad. So suddenly to lose your father, even if expected in the not too distant future, is a shock, especially under such circumstances.
Take care of your own health.
So sorry Konrad.
After such a long life, it is so sad that his passing is associated with the vaccine that has been urged upon us in such dubious circumstances. It makes it doubly hard to endure.
Thank you for sharing your situation. For those who are yet to experience this :
Firstly there’s no respect for the body, within an hour there GONE.
Secondly, often a new medication is offered very soon after it is fatal.
Thirdly, if your carrinf for an elderly person, sign them up to a premium health care plan.
I am with you on this.
My father had Prostrate cancer and was also murdered when the first lockdown stoped his chemo, before he had started.
The pushers of fear are directly responsible.
The day will come.
My sympathies Konrad. You and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
My deepest sympathies to you and your family Konrad
RIP to your dad
Just to be clear Konrad, your father decided to take a 2nd shot even after a disastrous 1st shot reaction, because he knew full well that if he didn’t, he’d die for certain of a Delta Covid19 infection anyway. I doubt he thought he had a couple of years left, a couple of months maybe, unless he took the vacinne.
He no doubt also felt he must reduce the burden on what will become a stressed medical system in coming months, via reducing his risk as much as possible also. He took responsibility, knowing it could go very badly, and it has, but I doubt he had a better choice. You’ll be angry reading that far removed analysis of his choices, no doubt, and I don;t wish to add to your raw grief, but I think you already know that was his choice and he made it.
No doubt his doctors also advised him that if he caught Delta in the interim, he’d die within weeks of getting it and medical services will evaporate for him if that occurred in a general spread, as younger people that have a chance of recovering will get the beds and the treatment and manpower, not your dad.
The much more important thing right now is to make sure that thousands of families don’t feel what you’re feeling. Right? But unfortunately they will.
I’m sure slamming imperfect vaccines as not something he’d agree with, and I bet he thought about the second shot more then anyone else did. He made his own mind up, he was out of a better choice. I just hope we decide to stymie the spread before it gets this bad for many thousands more people who’ll end up like you feel now.
Is that more important ?
[Snip] Removed by request from Robert.]AD
Why do I get the strong feeling that every politician and their spokesperson is advertising for the pharmaceutical companies?
Thanks AD I posted before I was aware of Konrad’s post , KK between the politicians and bureaucrats will we ever know the truth .
“will we ever know the truth .”
Only if we go looking for it ourselves.
i think the truth is pretty obvious, its just that people cant see it for the hysteria and propaganda.
Its a big thing to take in….
It’s a symbiotic relationship between governments and Big Pharma for the express purpose of more money for Big Pharma, more power for governments over the people and preparation for the next even bigger scam. Be warned.
I have seen stories that contracts have been signed and must be fulfilled. Think TPP but specifically to these vaccine companies and specifically for these vaccines.
TPP, you got it.
And these contracts our POS government signed us up for but refuse to let us see. Informed consent means informed.
“Spanish” Flu, Antigenic Sin, Origins, And Now?”
Warning – video is about 1 hour long but worth it (IMO)
A must, must, must watch watch.
Our health authorities need to explain why/how this report is untrue …. Or else explain why they have not been prescribing invermectin instead of telling covid positive people to simply go home and take your chances.
I would have highlighted a headline Harves:
India Could Sentence WHO Chief Scientist to Death for Misleading Over Ivermectin and Killing Indians.
That really would be one for the greater good.
I hear that a recent survey states some 70% of Australians are in favour of a vaccine passport. I’m really surprised. If that’s the case then Australia is stuffed and gone. I hope that survey is false.
Campbell Newman just minutes ago quoted that same statistic on “In My View’ on Sky.
It’s sickening
Why the surprise? The Aussie larrikin is now a relic in bush poetry.
Not surprising – 70% is roughly the percentage of the vaccine-willing, and we will be rewarded for our social responsibility. No-one should be forced to have a Covid-19 vaccine, but there will be consequences if one remains unvaccinated – it’s inevitable and logical.
And there are some industries where if you refuse to be vaccinated (health-aged care, etc), then you’ll be invited to seek employment elsewhere. That’s fair enough as well.
Australia isn’t “stuffed and gone” – it’s just that most of us are showing grown-up maturity, and emotional intelligence in a public health emergency.
Calling everything you might not agree with an “attack on freedom” is not only really lame copycat stuff from the Americans, it’s also really tired. And it’s a slippery slope from there to the genuine tinfoil stuff about one world governments and enslavement on the plantation.
Quite so
We need to separate the group that can be infected, be infectious, get ill and rarely die from that other group that can be infected, be infectious, get ill and rarely die. It makes so much sense and is indeed a glowing example of great policy and social responsibility.
As you surmised, it’s not about the virus. It’s all about power and control over gullible m0r0ns.
Thank gawd we have you to be the ultimate watch-dog over these nebulous shadowy baddies.
Its a YouGov survey and not to be taken seriously.
Another survey, I was climate changed out of surveys.
Here is a reliable survey conducted daily on this site, coloured red/green. I consider it a consensus of sorts.
You are a bit negative, cheer up, you can see you are far from alone.
Sorry, but you got the wrong impression about me. You see, I have faith in our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. So I have nothing to worry about for my person. I am completely satisfied and positive about the longer term future for those who believe. I just like to speak the truth as best I can as I love the truth. Sometimes it might come across as being angry but that is not my intent. As most of us know from experience a lot is lost in the communication when we don’t do it face-to-face. I’m also only human and so I can and do make mistakes. Lord have mercy on me and Glory to the Triune God as I pray the Holy Spirit helps me to speak truth without error. All truth comes from God and any errors are my own. God bless.
I respect your beliefs but not your church. I see evil which means there is an opposite, what that is I have yet to figure out.
But the lord helps those that help themselves, rings truer now then any other period in time.
Thank you for respecting my beliefs. As Jesus says we shouldn’t fight each other over such things. That will be His job down the road to sort out the sheep from the goats. I pray you find Jesus as He is the only way to the Father and His loving Grace. As for not respecting my church, I don’t follow any particular church. I follow a number of them, none of which are perfect. I mainly follow the Greek Orthodox Church but I also follow certain non denominational churches that appeal to my beliefs.
Churches in general, they have kiddie fiddled their way out of my respect, and yep I am painting them all with the same brush.
Does he talk back?
I liked this quote…
“Your parliaments no longer sit. Your representatives no longer listen. Your police chiefs no longer uphold the right. Your courts no longer abide by the constitution. Your governors no longer preside over legitimate governments.
You have given us good cause to replace the lot of you.”
There’s been a story circulating about a hospital in Sallisaw, Oklahoma USA treating people for IVM overdose.
Problem is, the story is fake. Amazing the lengths anti IVM people will go to.
Hospital Statement: “Although Dr. Jason McElyea is not an employee of NHS Sequoyah, he is affiliated with a medical staffing group that provides coverage for our emergency room. With that said, Dr. McElyea has not worked at our Sallisaw location in over 2 months. NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose. All patients who have visited our emergency room have received medical attention as appropriate. Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care.”
That’s telling.
There’s something very ugly at play here.
And thankfully the Oklahoma authorities exposed the l$e.
Ivermectin is being snapped up everywhere at the moment it seems. People have worked the vaccine scam out and know it appears to be both dangerous and useless.
So…the MSM jackals are planting lies about ivermectin like there is no tomorrow……
How disgusting MSM is stooping to new lows telling outright lies about Ivermectin overdoses. Many of the doctors are liars too. The easiest way to detect they are liars is when their statements are in line with the Vaccine Naz1 regime.
Absolutely cracking dissection of the last 5 years of madness, recommended reading.
Yes but wait and see how things pan out into the future. There have been those who say things can’t get much worse and others say they can. Over the decades, the second group of people have always been proven right, and will continue to be that way for obvious reasons until something dramatic changes to reverse the trend. While we are waiting for that dramatic event to happen, there will always remain those who for whatever reason keep believing it will get better without such a change. That’s a sure sign of insanity; expecting things to change for the better while repeating the same mistakes over and over that have been proven to keep making things worse. Stupid is as stupid does.
Rabble Rousing and Political Agitation 101:90
‘ … expecting things to change for the better …’
They will change for the better because we learn from our mistakes.
Dear Friends.
Yesterday, I did not feel well.
So I became a couch potato.
And I became reminded that there is a world beyond the idiocy of the elites;
and that it symbiotically can coexist with them.
I tuned on the TV, in the US. There was college football.
College, as in the bastions of the gender undifferentiated micro-agressed politically correct.
Gathered by the tens of thousands in stadiaa, dressed in school colors, generally maskless, cheering like fools as “student athletes”
played football and generated hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue. These games have significant carbon footprints, I would imagine but not once was this mentioned.
The emotional release of the fans was obvious, and remarked upon by the commentators at every game; more significant because these folks are not usually know for acute social observations.
We have move from “you must obey leadership” to “we’ll find ways to make things work”, and the people who tried, and were in some cases successful in banning sports last year have moved on to easier targets….but between high school and college 40 – 50 million Americans voted with their feet that they were going to make this part of our culture work…other elements will follow.
We’ve had a full baseball season with zero player or fan tracable fatalaties; this is data joe average can understand even if his maths ended at grade eight.
We’ve reached crtical mass of masks for thee and not for me photos; or for the hired help but not he guests. In Most of the US away from Swamp City and its satellites, we’re over the lies and BS; if football can figure out a pracitcal way to deal with this stuff the rest of us can too.
Thanks, that’s more than a ray of hope.
Putting aside the actual CV19 disease and its real toll on human life, we have bigger problems with the so called “solutions”.
The political CV19 media shows that daily try to “inform” us of the great danger we are in leave out so much.
The Lockdowns and Vaxxinations have caused more damage than the cure here in Australia.
Your ray of optimism is greatly appreciated but is not how it works. We have a lot more suffering to go through before it’s over, thanks to the evil leaders the likes we’ve never seen before on our own land in modern times, and the apathy of much of the public who have swallowed their lies. The longer it remains that way the worse it will get. My ray optimism is eventually the people will wake up and then the tide will turn at the ballot box. Unfortunately, that takes time and by then things might be much worse than it is today. If not then things will be little or no better than today and people will get used to the current shadow of dystopia and thus people will vote back the same major parties and remain in a state of a slow but growing tyranny. Ironically, we need things to get much worse very quickly to snap people out of the slumber otherwise the gradual erosion of our freedoms will eventually lead to us having no freedoms at all. Although it’s probably just as much wishful thinking as yours, my ray of hope is at the ballot box. After all, anything else is fraught with disastrous consequences.
It’s actually the reverse of that – the major parties are major parties because they are both more-or-less centrist. People vote for them – rather than the more radical left or populist right – precisely because they don’t want tyranny, and basically, they don’t want “politics” to be a major part of their lives.
They are not compliant and stupid – they are sharp.
The major parties are most popular because they have learnt hard lessons over a century or more that under the yoke of capitalism, they understand that there are real limits to what politicians and governments are allowed to do. Most people just want them to be competent managers, with sensible policies and very good vision of how money should be distributed with a strong sense of equity.
Giving everyone “a fair go” is a strong part of our culture, and also a desire to be left alone to get on with life, but having a safety net when things go wrong.
I still think you’re trying to build up the restrictions imposed as the result of a public health emergency into some bigger agenda leading to the enslavement of the people. People are already living under the capitalist yoke with its extreme inequalities, and they won’t tolerate an ideologue from either the far right or the far left.
There is no tyrannical agenda that can possibly succeed in a liberal democracy such as ours.
I totally agree that the restrictions have been imposed because of the perceived health emergency. I still struggle with the idea that it fits into a global “conspiracy “ aka The Great Reset – though I don’t think that is impossible.
However, I don’t share your sanguine proposition that no deterioration in our democratic liberties can follow as a result. I am mortified by the dangerous lack of inquiry by most of the mainstream press, for example. These people should be the watchdogs guarding our doors.
Revolutions don’t always happen overnight. They can be incremental. We have seen precedents set in the last few months without a murmur. I, for one, think that does not bode well.
Well said. It’s amazing how some people here are so blind to what’s really happening around us. They must like seeing old people being thrown to the ground for no reason at all. Then there are the arrests that have been thrown out of court. Worse than that, they have been caught on audio conspiring to arrest someone knowing full well it’s a trumped up charged and openly admitting it. Finally, there is now the official confirmation by NSW that police offices who make a “mistake” will not be held to account. Yes, it’s sad that some people actually think this is all OK. Let’s see if they still hold that view if and when things get really bad. They might have to learn it the hard way with personal experience.
I’ve listened to time-wasting boring political know-it-alls be completely wrong all my life, without end.
This time it’s different … but of course, it’s just like all the other times the cranks wore a sandwich board and pronounced doom on all …
Get a new script, this one stinks.
Day 542 of 14 days to flatten the curve.
“already living under the capitalist yoke”
Where they can buy houses, buy cars, buy food, get a job if they are prepared to work..
As oppose to not owning anything, and having nothing, and just hoping some socialist dictator will provide. !
“There is no tyrannical agenda that can possibly succeed”
Tell Dan Andrews that. !
I also watched the college football from the US. Truly amazing and gave me a glimmer of hope for all of us here in Australia. Mind you when I looked at social media posts highlighting those US College football games there were still many many comments using terms like ” where’s their masks?” and “.. super spreader events” etc. Some people just want to stay miserable. Was also watching the England/ India test match at Lords. Full stands of people, hardly a mask in sight. England still getting 30 k cases per day. In my state of Victoria they put fences around playgrounds because there was the ever slightest possibility that maybe, perhaps one COVID case was from playground.
I trust that the New Deal being articulated by Daniel Andrews and Gladys Berejiklian – where they are no longer chasing down to Covid-Zero – will mean that the more draconian (and seemingly pointless) restrictions are lifted and not re-imposed.
But still, the UK had 37,000 new cases yesterday, and their death-rate per million is ~50 times higher than Australia’s. So it depends a lot on the balance between restrictions and worse public-health outcomes, and what the public accepts. And I think we can argue that the lockdown policies of the last 18 months have kept our case and death rates very low, and there is a tendency to criticise the policy because of its success.
And if weren’t for a couple of horrendous breaches, our rates could have been even much lower.
The chant that has taken off at some of the college game is interesting, basically “F**k Biden” Not one the MSM of course.
And a full house watched Belgian/Dutchman Max beat Hamilton in the Dutch GP y’day.
Thanks for that.
At the other end of the spectrum, my wife and I visited our Optometrist on the weekend, a franchise owner really struggling in lock-down, most of his staff laid off and we the only customers in store. Earlier that day, one of his clients mentioned to him that he was almost two thirds of his way through a 3-year university degree and hadn’t been on campus yet! A young guy, 20 years old or so, missing out on his uni years.
Yes – that’s appalling – those are years he can never get back. I feel for everyone in the prime of life – the pandemics and lockdowns have affected us far less … other than our inability to travel (which is very much a trivial impost, compared to what those under say 30 are missing).
It’s a Movement: Chanting Against Biden and They’re Not Holding Back
But the anecdotal evidence of this weekend indicates that even there, there may be a movement against Joe Biden.
We showed you some of the joy of the football games this weekend, of people coming together by the thousands, dispensing with COVID fear porn. It was quite something to see.
But there was something else in evidence, too, at some of these games – disgust at Joe Biden. People actually chanting “F**k you, Joe Biden.”
The Aggies student section let him have it as they wore red, white, and blue.
That FU Joe Biden chant would do more damage than Fox ever could [Fox is preaching to the converted] but this chant would cause non-Fox viewing youngsters to think that it socially OK to dislike Biden and by definition democrat politicians.
At least I would like to believe so.
That is kind of weird – the US President doesn’t have authority over 50 state governments, and how they implement lockdowns, mask mandates, school closures, or whatever. It’s as irrational as blaming Scott Morrison for what happens in Sydney or Melbourne.
The details don’t matter to the extreme left, or the extreme right, it’s all about the hating and the lying.
The Edinburgh and Lothians Viral Intervention Study (ELVIS)
Some “horse sh** on horse paste” in the ysm
And more on that
And a reminder on ivermectin dosages
“Pfizer Releases Brand New, Never-Before-Seen Drug ‘Pfivermectin'”
“Lies, Damn Lies and Horseshit News”
(Found after I posted my headline!)
And an obvious question – did that doctor
“get his picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone”?
Rolling Stone ??? The most Left wing establishment periodical out. Full of west coast Maoist crap.
By definition a police state is a political unit characterised by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures.
Well given the recent arrest of Monica Smit (I don’t agree with all her views) for simply exercising her right of free speech without performing any act of violence under the existing guidelines and as such is in effect a political prisoner, and the recent passing the amended surveillance bill that lets police take over accounts, alter, and delete data, we are now officially a police state and no one can really argue with that conclusion. Whether they exercise their new powers in an overreach manner remains to be seen. The issues though is there is really nothing to stop the police from acting in such a manner to become a real police state instead of one in theory. Nothing at all. That’s the real worry. We now have to trust they don’t exercise their new powers in a draconian way. Do we?
Australia passes surveillance bill that lets police take over accounts, alter, and delete data
Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2021
If the shoe fits …
So you agree with them? People like me should be arrested? That proves my point doesn’t it? So will you now join the police force so you can arrest me? Go on, I dare you to.
No, I just disagree with you.
You are just being the deaf and blind monkey and going “la-la-la”.
So you take back what you said about the shoe fitting me? OK, I accept your apology. Don’t try it again, that’s all.
‘Don’t try it again, that’s all.’
But you are cranky.
Not worth a full response to that ad hominem attack. Sigh!
A useful juxtaposition of definition and example.
Me too. I don’t believe his disaster porn. LOL
Well, I guess that’s something in your favor Hanrahan.
“irrational distrust of others.”
The distrust of MSM, Big Pharma, totalitarian governments, censoring alternate views…etc is totally rational
…. only the totally irrational could still have trust in them.
What are her views?
Theres a bloke of russian heritage who goes by the moniker ‘aussie cossack’ on youtube – films police overreach in sydney in a humorous fashion but he is actually very switched on.
Despite never owning a firearm or having a shooters license, nsw police have issued him with a firearms prohibition order. They can now search him, his car and his house at any time, which they have already done (one video shows several police going through his house ‘looking for kalishnakovs’ disguised as lamps as he puts it). Police sending a message – do not dare criticise us…
Do you know about otherkin?
Horses love carrots and are almost universally accepted as a treat for them.
However, I am wondering if the sugar content is harmful for a herbivore type of animal (they are not ruminants, they only have one stomach compartment).
Remember so do rabbits
Do horses ea …horse shît? Never had one.
Called coprophagy
More horses would NOT be a solution to getting rid of political horse sh** as it would not qualify on any nutritive value (IMO)
Seeking help. With the now demonstrated diminishing effectiveness of vaccines with time, one of the counter arguments is that they continue to lessen the severity of the disease – reducing likelihood of hospitalization and death. I recently saw some data, from the UK I believe, which compared hospitalizations and death of jabbed vs unjabbed. The data supported the premise that hospitalizations are reduced however it suggested that death was more common among infected vaxed than unvaxed.
Since I saw this information I have noticed that the claim about reduced likelihood of death doesn’t seem to be made in recent articles I’ve read – only reduced hospitalization.
I have tried to find the data (infographic) that I saw but I can’t seem to located it again. Has anyone else seen this information or can link to the source?
?? Future considerations for the mRNA-lipid nanoparticle vaccine platform – ScienceDirect June 2021
Vaccines based on mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) pioneered by Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman at the University of Pennsylvania, are a promising new vaccine platform used by two of the leading vaccines against coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19). However, there are many questions regarding their mechanism of action in humans that remain unanswered. Here we consider the immunological features of LNP components and off-target effects of the mRNA, both of which could increase the risk of side effects. We suggest ways to mitigate these potential risks by harnessing dendritic cell (DC) biology.
Penn mRNA researchers Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó awarded the 2021 Albany Prize
For their landmark research that set a foundation for the mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, Drew Weissman, the Roberts Family Professor of Vaccine Research, and Katalin Karikó, an adjunct professor of neurosurgery at the Perelman School of Medicine and a senior vice president at BioNTech, have been selected to receive the 2021 Albany Prize. The award, one of the largest in medicine and science in the United States, has been given for the last 20 years by Albany Medical Center to those who have altered and positively impacted the course of medical research.
July 2021:
“The most challenging fear to quell relates to long-term effects of the vaccines, years or even decades down the line. Based on what we know about mechanisms of vaccine action and the fact that, for other vaccines, such delayed side effects have not materialized, there’s little expectation of long-term effects—even for the newer mRNA vaccines.
As these vaccines come up for regular FDA approval and beyond, it’s something all parties involved will continue to study………., alongside the crucial question of how long their protection lasts.”
Not sure if this is a wild conspiracy theory but if true it is frightening piece which should concern everyone.
US Wokeness-Diversity promoted to a position they are incompetent for.
When Military Leaders Can’t Recognize Our Own Troops, It Might Be a Problem
But there was one example of the leaders not getting things that had a lot of people talking over the weekend — a tweet from Lt. General Maria Gervais. Gervais was just promoted in June and named to the U.S Army Training and Doctrine Command as the first woman to lead as the deputy commanding general and chief of staff. So one might think that she should know something about the military, especially with that particular job. Except she revealed not so much in this tweet that she later deleted.
Now, it was nice that she wanted to recognize the troops — that’s a good thing. Except she should know if they’re our troops. Indeed, they weren’t. These were British troops. The British, embarrassingly, had to tweet that at her and explain. Sort of important that someone in her position can’t recognize if troops are ours, that she couldn’t ID the camo or the weapons, which would have given her clues. Moreover, if you’re in that position, know how to spell “heroes”
I think we can be fairly sure the good Lt General doesn’t write her own tweets. Do any of these people write their own tweets?? I’m pretty sure Donald Trump never wrote all his tweets , but I am confident that he always checked them before they were sent. Or at least had someone he could trust to issue them.
“Low-vaccinated India has now 60% less Coronavirus deaths than the same week last year.
Mid-vaxxed US is up 39% from last year.
Highly-vaccinated Israel and Canada are up 100% and 200% respectively.
I don’t know why it’s so.
Here is Fauci March 2020:”
Now that is worth quoting to the “true believers”, though I doubt if they would be too interested, since the only facts& figures they believe are the ones the government tell them.
Thank you – that is so significant.
From a comment @ chiefio by galloping camel…
‘Countries that put their faith in vaccines while banning HCQ & Ivermectin have a terrible record. They let bureaucrats over ride the judgement of front line doctors with disastrous results. Thus the USA, Brazil and most of Europe have death rates of more than 1,000 per million of population in stark contrast to India or Japan: Uttar Pradesh is the largest Indian state with about 240 million people compared to the USA’s 340 million. Uttar Pradesh suffered a wave Delta variant infections that progressed as follows:
March 18, 250 cases per day……….start of the wave
April 23, 7,000 cases per day……..peak of the wave
June 16, 250 cases per day…………end of the wave
Thus the wave lasted roughly 13 weeks during which time there were a TOTAL of 1,097,292 infections and 13,163 deaths.
Here in the USA the Delta variant has taken a much greater toll:
June 25, 12,600 cases per day…………start of the wave
August 27, 162,000 cases per day…..peak of the wave
September 3, June 154,000 cases per day…………no end in sight
Thus the wave has lasted 10 weeks so far during which time there were a total of 6,127,212 infections and 44,561 deaths. By the time the wave dies out ten to twelve weeks from now you can double both of those numbers. The CDC and the FDA are run by people who can’t admit their errors. They don’t care how much suffering they cause.’
Lets put a more clear perspective on Uttar Pradesh.
Mobility on march 18th was 17% down on pre-Covid level, By April 23, when they started running out of oxygen, mobility was down by 52% and bottomed on May 6th at 68% down on pre-Covid level. Mobility now back up to 18% below preCovid level.
Bodies literally being burnt on the side of the road has a sobering influence on the population.
The best available data on excess deaths in India for 2020/21 is 4.7M. That means around 500M will have natural immunity due to infection. There are also 11% of the population fully vaccinated and 26% with a single jab. The average mobility in India is still less than Australia.
USA only has 52% of the population fully vaccinated. That is nowhere near enough to achieve herd immunity.
Those dying now from Covid are the people not yet vaccinated. The death rate has fallen in line with the number vaccinated. Mobility is now only 7% down on pre-Covid levels.
Thanks RickWill – it’s good to see some solid statistics in the face of those wilder claims about the positive effect of so-called anti-virals in Indian states. Controlled studies, and not implying cause & effect, are very important in good science.
funny how some numbers are deemed “solid” when its what you want to hear
Uttar Pradesh.
Very bad news correctly described by Rick Will. See the link.
Then the turnaround which coincided, after about a week, with the use of ivermectin.
On the graphs note the upswing in deaths and infections. Note especially that the upswing is in the future. The website knows something perhaps, a ban on ivermectin coming?
The link does not show the use of ivermectin which started about April 2021. This info was from a link posted on this site a few days ago.
India’s other states had similar seriously bad data, widely reported, peaking in about April after relying on vaccination. When ivermectin was used the bad data slumped.
Exception, Kerala, and (from memory) Tamil Nardu. Both relying on vaccination. Data show high infection and death numbers continuing.
The example of India must have some lessons. It wasn’t all that long ago that the media were showing shock horror videos and telling us that an apocalyptic catastrophe was underway.
They must have done something right.
This statement is incorrect.
This is the list of countries or provinces by descending order of vaccinations. Israel is 28th and Canada 23rd.
Gibraltar 116.4% fully vaccinated1.3% partially vaccinated
Malta 80.3% fully vaccinated80% of the population to have antibodies to achieve herd immunity. Most currencies that have been hit hard by Covid are achieving that level with 70% vaccinated and the balance to 80% will include those with natural immunity.
Spain is a good example of achieving herd immunity:
That rapid reduction was achieved with mobility 17% down on pre-Covid days.
Chile is another good example where herd immunity has been achieved:
Belgium started to ease restriction before they had enough vaccinated but they are turning the corner:
Global herd immunity will be achieved early in 2021. The number of daily cases globally is already in decline.
Try the list again:
116.4% fully vaccinated1.3% partially vaccinated
80.3% fully vaccinated<1% partially vaccinated
77.0% fully vaccinated4.5% partially vaccinated
76.6% fully vaccinated23.4% partially vaccinated
United Arab Emirates
76.3% fully vaccinated10.9% partially vaccinated
75.6% fully vaccinated10.0% partially vaccinated
75.3% fully vaccinated2.8% partially vaccinated
Cayman Islands
74.6% fully vaccinated3.2% partially vaccinated
73.8% fully vaccinated5.9% partially vaccinated
Isle of Man
73.3% fully vaccinated3.0% partially vaccinated
72.8% fully vaccinated3.2% partially vaccinated
72.6% fully vaccinated5.9% partially vaccinated
72.5% fully vaccinated4.2% partially vaccinated
71.7% fully vaccinated3.8% partially vaccinated
71.4% fully vaccinated3.7% partially vaccinated
Faroe Islands
70.8% fully vaccinated4.2% partially vaccinated
San Marino
70.5% fully vaccinated0% partially vaccinated
70.5% fully vaccinated4.1% partially vaccinated
70.1% fully vaccinated2.4% partially vaccinated
68.3% fully vaccinated5.9% partially vaccinated
68.1% fully vaccinated1.4% partially vaccinated
67.3% fully vaccinated6.5% partially vaccinated
66.0% fully vaccinated4.0% partially vaccinated
65.3% fully vaccinated8.3% partially vaccinated
United Kingdom
63.3% fully vaccinated7.4% partially vaccinated
63.1% fully vaccinated4.2% partially vaccinated
62.9% fully vaccinated7.0% partially vaccinated
62.6% fully vaccinated5.7% partially vaccinated
How can Gib be 116.4% vaxxed, are they tourists or visitors.
You know the story.
There are three types of people. Those who can count and those who can’t.
More attempts at censorship…
… because they can’t argue with facts.
It’s striking that all the concentration about COVID-19 is about vaccines, numbers diagnosed (by those turning up to be tested), numbers in ICU or dead. There is deathly silence – pun intended – about the side effects of those vaccines, and anything to do with therapeutics.
With the millions vaccinated throughout the world over 9months or so, and personal and presumably professional reporting to central government health departments on side effects, there must by now be a huge data base on side effects held somewhere. The entire picture should be emerging and needs detailed public exposure for reassurance.
Where is it? Conjecture and writing around issues, often of a second and third hand nature just doesn’t crack it. Where is the real time data. I have had cardiovascular issues after both astra zeneca doses, but all I get back from the local data collection agency is, if I ‘have a problem go and see my GP’! Nothing to do with the reported issues I have given them.
Yet, with ivermectin, where people are poisoning themselves, presumably using the veterinary product in desperation, we see attempts to deter any discussion on that drug under the guise that it is suddenly a dangerous agent – even when listed in the pharmacopia for specific treatment of some infestations in humans.
If the vaccines are safe, instead of just making a bold statement to that effect, let’s see the side effects listings! That should make everyone happy – or even more desperate for therapeutics.
Again.. the hidden data… the one-sided release of data
Destroys trust !
There are huge databases of side effects and can be easily accessed and reviewed. This one for Australia:
The 2 September 2021 TGA report says there have been 125 Australian cases of TTS (Thrombosis Thrombocytopenia Syndrome) related to the Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) vaccine and eight people have died.
What’s missing is the disability of those that survived and those still in hospital.
TTS is not the same as normal clotting, is a very serious condition, and is difficult to manage.
I have seen a few social media posts that have mentioned amputations, complex surgery, and blindness. But I have seen media reports of what happened to only two of the Australian victims. One, a 40 year old woman who nearly died, now has blood clots on her brain, has undergone three brain operations to relieve pressure and will need to be on permanent medication to prevent more clotting. The other, an 18 year old trainee nurse, who made four hospital visits before being correctly diagnosed, needed blood thinning medications for at least 6 months, blood tests every four days and regular CT scans.
What has happened to all the other Australian victims of AstraZeneca? The health authorities could give us accounts without identifying individuals. And why haven’t journalists followed up on more of these people’s stories?
(The Adverse Events database referred to by Peter S is currently unavailable due to high demand, but I suspect it would take some wading through.)
Given the urgent push for the vaxx, I have no doubt they would be underling the safety issue with supporting data, if they were there.
The absence of that data really tells you all you need to know – it ain’t good.
Doc, re your comment about people poisoning themselves…
It’s difficult to poison yourself with Ivermectin, the lethal dose for a dog is 200 times the recommended dose for animals or humans, presumably humans are similar. Few drugs have such a wide tolerance.
And I fail to see how people don’t understand that the dose for a 500kg horse is different than for a 70kg human.
You want to see the thousands of side effects? Just go to Australian Government Database of Adverse Event Notifications.
So far there are some 50,000 cases suspected and confirmed of being caused by COVID-19 vaccines, and some 500 of these are suspected or confirmed deaths. There are some 2,000 side effects listed, some severe and some benign.
AS an addendum, with declarations from around the world that third does and more may be needed to control this rapidly and continually mutating virus, I have personal issues with even thinking about getting another dose of any of these m-rna vaccines.
Then get the AZ vaccine. It is not an mRNA based vaccine and it imparts more durable immunity.
Just remember that in 6 months or less, you will need another “booster”
… then another… then another…
Like various other vaccines.
Immunisation for adults – boosters
not every 6 month… ad inf.
Do you know the long term side-effects of this “so-called” vaccine?
Does anyone ?
o, no one does of course. We just have to wait for the test subjects to show the rest of us how it pans out. I hope it goes OK for them. I just hope for them it’s not true that the vaccines are already showing signs that their immune systems are getting weaker and making them even more vulnerable than those who are not vaccinated. That would be a disaster if that were true.
One guess
That would be funny, if it weren’t so relevant. !
Yes, to be viewed with a sense of proportion and where the hazard lays, and it’s very much with the people who don’t get vaccinated.
Thanks for the information one and all.
I had A/zeneca. The last Current Therapeutics I read, delivered toy computer, said that cardiac problems actually happened with both Pfizer and A/Z, just it was more common with Pfizer after the first dose and A/Z after the second dose. What to believe!
“Sunday Talks, Fauci Says First Vaccine Booster Coming Soon and Mu Variant Showing Increased Avoidance of High-Level Antibodies, Making Way For Booster Two
September 5, 2021 | Sundance | 362 Comments”
The original “vaccine” creates the virus variant…. which now requires a booster… which will then create a variant…. that will later require a booster.
Once you get in the carnival car, you cannot get off ’til the ride is over. It’s a great business model.
Note: No questions during the interview about the senior FDA and health officials who have quit because they no longer wish to participate in narrative distribution. Still no mandatory vaccines for FDA employees
Plus – Australian Premier Announces All Non-Vaccinated Citizens Will Be Locked Out of Economy, Freedom Only Permitted to Vaccinated
Apparently the internet has been turned off for people in Australia. That is the only reasonable explanation for how their political leadership can keep claiming that vaccinated people cannot contract the COVID virus.
{Press Conference Video}.
This claim is empirically refuted by every other nation who is seeing vaccinated people contracting COVID and “some” being hospitalized regardless of their vaccine status.
Florida is America’s light in the COVID-19 darkness
Florida’s Republican-led legislature and the state’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, just announced that any businesses, schools or government entities that require proof of coronavirus vaccine as a condition of entry will be fined $5,000, beginning September 16.
The fine is based on law — unlike, it’s crucial to note, all the leftist-led crackdowns, complete with punitive fines and fees, that have been swirling through America in the guise of Coronavirus Safety. Or a Health Emergency. Or COVID-19 Mitigation.
Let’s remember: Nearly every one of the coronavirus-fueled shutterings of business; closings of churches; shut-downs of schools; forced face-masking of students and subsequent forced vaccinations of students; mandated social distancing, stay-at-home, stay-out-of-restaurants, stay-out-of-gyms, stay-out-of-hair-salons, stay off the streets and stay away from even friends and family during holidays — nearly every one has come by way of an order.
What did Australia have to give Pfizer? I will be trying to find out what NZ did?
And just in, a Qantas advertisement. Allegedly.
The war on Ivermectin continues with many media outlets falsely reporting overdoses on Ivermectin in Oklahoma, and that treating the overdoses is causing delays in ordinary hospital patients getting treatment.
This includes “reputable” publications like The Guardian and Rolling Stone.
Rolling Stone is now back peddling but still pushing warnings against using ivermectin.
Once the story was run other publications started running with it too without fact checking.
The hospital had to put out a statement, which reads per below.
Message from the administration of Northeastern Health System – Sequoyah:
Although Dr. Jason McElyea is not an employee of NHS Sequoyah, he is affiliated with a medical staffing group that provides coverage for our emergency room.
With that said, Dr. McElyea has not worked at our Sallisaw location in over 2 months.
NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose.
All patients who have visited our emergency room have received medical attention as appropriate. Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care.
We want to reassure our community that our staff is working hard to provide quality healthcare to all patients. We appreciate the opportunity to clarify this issue and as always, we value our community’s support.
“There’s a reason you have to have a doctor to get a prescription for this stuff, because it can be dangerous,” Dr Jason McElyea, a family doctor in Sallisaw, told KFOR, an Oklahoma TV station.
“The [emergency rooms] are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated.
It is a complete lie, total fraud. Forget fact checking. It is categorically denied by the hospital.
What ‘journalist’ publishes such a lie without even a simple phone call to the named doctor, to the named radio station and not least, to the named Hospital at which the family doctor has not worked for two months.
Now you have to ask why the lie? Is the doctor real? Did he actually say this to the radio station? How deep is this deceit?
Fake news has take on a new meaning. The Guardian is publishing lies which they know to be lies. It is beneath contempt.
And you can add the BBC.
However Rolling Stone ran with the real news, fraud.
But the doctor actually said this “Dr. McElyea said patients are packing his eastern and southeastern Oklahoma hospitals after taking ivermectin doses meant for a full-sized horse“. So his actual complaint is apparently the size of the dose. And it is said that he works with multiple hospitals but not the one named.
And only in America “The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities”.
So obviously emergency should be packed with gunshot victims. Now that’s really absurd.
Rolling Stone had to amend their story to include an update that it was disputed by the hospital. Originally they ran the hospital overload story.
1984…poor old George Orwell was about 37 years out of date. Vaccination passports = BIG BROTHER. Of course, the Ministry of Truth (AKA the NSW Health Department) wants everyone to kow-tow to the notion that 2 vaccinations = freedom (what a load of garbage).
Just 2 vaccinations? They are already talking about booster shots next year. Then there is the news that they have ordered over 50 million doses of Novavax. That’s enough for two additional doses for every man, woman and child here in Australia. So, that’s 5 shots so far per person. I wonder how many more they already have in mind. Canada has bought enough for the next 3 years.
Its not a matter of how many they have in mind.
The big question is, how many are needed before you have a stable efficacy greater than a single digit percentage.
Or is it continual jag, jag, jag… with ever increasing spike protein injected into your body.
What could possibly go wrong !!
If we eliminate Delta from Australian society and keep people out, then no new jabs will be required.
Martin Armstrong makes the pattern clearer:
The next step is almost inevitable: the vaccinated will start blaming the unvaccinated and then the major civil unrest begins. Oh well, I always thought I would be martyred for something else but that’s OK.
Massive Protests Still Unfolding
Don’t believe it.. listen to the video.
I don’t care as I won’t visit places that will enforce vaccination passports, and neither will millions of others. I can buy most things on-line anyway. I can watch movies at home. If I were a sports fanatic, which I’m not, I would watch it on TV. I much prefer to trek around the country side, lakes and beaches. To be honest most venues these days are so dirty I’m more likely to catch some other virus or a bacterial infection so it would be best to stay away from them. As the current crop of vaccines wear off and people need to get their booster shot after booster shot, I can watch from afar as to the result of the test subjects. The rest of us will most likely have natural immunity by then. It will be very revealing. If things turn out for the worst, which is not what I’m hoping for, we will find the vaccinated ones will be hospitalised or quarantined, not the unvaccinated. We shall see.
will be interesting to see what the consequences are, I think most Aussies are so self centred now that we will easily fall into a them and us mentality. I think this will be rich with unintended consequences.
Sounds like you already did, quite some time back.
Part of the explanation
So is it safer to crawl on the ground on you hands and knees? Actually I can’t wait for the opportunity to say to someone who keeps badgering me to take the shots, “talk to the hand”.
“Israeli scientist on ivermectin study – treating Covid for under $1 per day”
Double blind study not double blind commentators for a change!
Maybe send that link to all Australian Health Ministers, Tourism ministers, and the offices of all Premiers, and Prime Minister and Gov-General, Treasurers and Industry ministers, plus to all airlines and truck transport companies, plus all TV and radio stations.
Just so they have no further excuse for ignoring it and playing dumb.
Love it – sums up today’s Stupidity of Australian Morons
Perhaps some get confused and do it the other way around. LOL.
Today’s almost daily ACT covid update, brought to you by footy. Wouldn’t you rather be kicking a ball?
Last three days in bold. A high day followed by some low ones to bring the last week to have an average of 17.7. Down from 17.8 the week before. It will take 178 weeks to get to zero if that trend continues.
19 17 22 16 11 8 19 16 30 9 14 21 26 13 12 13 23 12 18 32 15 11
Still more than half of each day were infectious in the community; those total numbers wont come down much or at all without the community infections being zero or a small proportion.
Link to previous update
“Wouldn’t you rather be kicking a ball?”
Actually, there are quite a few I would like to kick.
Hang in there. will only be 14 days to flatten the curve. what day you up to now?
too many – 24 days
The trend will change – ACT is 50 days away from hitting herd immunity at normal mobility. With current restrictions and rule abiding citizens, ACT has likely peaked in cases until restrictions are eased. Full mobility will be possible by the end of October without any spike in cases.
ACT has priority with vaccine supply (to be expected given the Federal Government organises supply and distribution) so will be the first to achieve herd immunity. It is then just a matter of keeping the stays out till the other states achieve herd immunity. Queensland will not be there till mid December.
178 weeks was purely a mathematical joke.
re “peak” in cases. So far the data shows no increase of any sort so a formal peak would be hard to identify. Cases are overwhelmingly skewed young this year compared to last as expected for vaccinated status (older people well above 80%). The dampening you speak of is likely.
A new observation today is that it looks like there have been new infections coming in from NSW in the last week or so.
In QLD the vaccines were only available via GP appointments. No longer though, walk-in vaccination centers are now in cities and regional centers. The vaccination requires a sign in, takes about 15 mins in a line, and another 15 mins of observation for reactions to it, and you’re done. You can then join a line to book a second shot after the 21 days so all up a bit under 1 hour to do that an arrange another shot. So I expect QLD vaccination levels will accelerate a lot. Vaccination is also available at a few Pharmacies but those all still seem to be in Brisbane/SEQ area. QLD Labor have finally realized they actually have to vaccinate everyone.
Some encouraging news for sanity to return – perhaps:
Aussie Lawyers Say…”Hold the Line”
Mr Nikolic is leading the NSW Supreme Court case that began last Friday against NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard and CHO Kerry Chant for alleged constitutional breaches and exceeding their authority.
Can a court or Bar Assn. initiate criminal proceedings?
I am intrigued by the Indian Bar charging their CHO/WHO person with charges which can carry the death penalty. Both ours and India’s system evolved from England’s.
This article used the term “threatened”:
So, we’re approaching 2 years into “2 weeks to flatten the curve” and with current variants less dangerous than the original and so less of a threat than the annual flu but we’re already beyond the dystopian future depicted by 1984 (and others).
It’s clear (to me anyway) that there is a global agenda BEHIND the known Agenda 2030/WEF/communism push for a number of reasons. Governments are following Schwab because they have the same dreams of population subservience before the big economic crash happens. However Schwab is just a puppet too. Mass depopulation short term makes no sense so there us a bigger picture currently hidden but I have had a few clues come to light recently which I’m researching.
Tbere’s a lack of consistency (and rebellion against the narrative) around the world by governments suggesting there is no orchestrated global plan but rather a plan adopted by major players with other countries following suit as a result of fear driven by ignorance more than anything. Nonetheless we must all be as vigilant and informed as possible to come through this.
I for one have planned how to “continue” without succumbing to the (illegal) coercion tactics intended to push everyone to get the shot. It’s actually not that hard!
Anyway, more to come soon…
So it is not mass depopulation because it is something bigger because you said it made no sense (no mention of anything else you wrote making sense).
And of course because of the lack of consistency among countries it isn’t their plan so since there must be a plan (see above for proof), it must be other players which other countries (which other countries? The ones other than the other ones of course) follow due to fear.
So be vigilant and don’t succumb.
I look forward to more of your lucidly described research.
btw. Who is Schwab? Should I know or is he Q maybe?
Here is a bit of lockdown viewing on who is running the show. From the oil industry to the… be concluded.
Who is Schwab? Should I know or is he Q maybe?
Klaus Schwab (and his missus) run the WEF (World Economic Forum) outfit, who runs the Davos Jamboree every year. He’s a cross between capitalism-with-a-human-face, and techno-dreaming futurist stuff.
He got the lunar right into a lather because of The Great Reset – his techno-dreaming “agenda” for how capitalism should work after the pandemic – “stakeholder capitalism” he calls it. It’s just a ruse by the ultra-wealthy to maintain control of their wealth.
Read The Great Reset brochure … it’s quite laughable, and looks like it was written as a PR undergraduate with a bit of wokiness and Climate Change in the mix. If these people are going to take over the world and depopulate the planet, I wouldn’t be too worried. They are mostly European Old Money – undemocratic, perfumed, and collusive – and they tolerate brash American billionaires.
The WEF has been around for 50 years … nothing very new. But the paranoid right are tying The Great Reset to the Coronavirus Hoax, to emerge with The Grand Conspiracy.
“You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy”. This really excited the tinfoil hatters … it could have been far better worded – it does not mean that all your private property will be confiscated, it just means that we are moving towards a renting / hiring / outsourcing economy.
I think it’s utter nonsense and techno-dreaming – in the long term and if the economic system does crash – you won’t be renting a thing … you’ll be hanging on to and protecting your possessions pretty tightly.
oh god. This is a real person.
The Aus government attends, Mathias Cormann attended 2020. The ANU is over represented at Davos led by Julia Bishop. (Chancellor ANU)
Nasal Schwab has a book
His mother is Marianne Rothschild.
The WEF signed a memorandum of understanding with the UNIPCC in regards to “the green new deal” and the agenda 2030 goals.
Davos is attended by 3000 people, heads of all governments, royalty, industry, the billionaires, its no little thing.
Check out the mind map
Its 2030 you will own nothing, and you’ll be happy. This was a video by the WEF, taken down due to the flack it copped.
Stake holder capitalism, is Nasal Schwab’s catch phrase. Slomo continually uses the phrase “government and stake holders or partners” this is the combining of government and private corporations/industry.
Its very real.
The virus showed up in news-feeds in mid-Jan 2020. The closure began here just days after the QLD local Govt elections on 28th March, 2020. So basically the 1st day of April is where the closure took effect. In which case we’re 16 months into this, and not approaching 24 months. FYI, the effort to do so was successful, and we’ve been largely COVID free since mid-May 2020. hence, no massive numbers of dead, so far. I read the book, and watched the movie, and the society we live in now could not possibly be any more unlike the book “1984”. Hysteria and laughable lies are not an argument.
Totally agree – the dystopian paranoid doomsayers tend to vent their fears a lot – but that’s all it is.
Australia remains a remarkable rich, free, and free-wheeling nation, and overall we have done very well to suppress the pandemic.
The hatred and distrust of politicians and officials is astonishingly virulent in some cases. Not sure where it all comes from … perhaps people were denied Vegemite in childhood.
Yes, there’s no excuse for people who make these claims, they’re obviously false. I’ve lost patience with them at this point. People fighting against the police,who want them knocked down to size are going to fail and are almost certainly people with criminal or malign intent, or just closet-anarchists pretending to be ‘Conservative’ and are doing as much damage as possible to our society. Time to speak up and point out what they are, no free passes, no glibly believing what they claim, no more passively listening to the bilge they pour into forums, enough already. They can take their crazy-pills somewhere else.
Typo correction – something happened with the site (or my computer).
The last sentence should read, “They attack the wrong things, and vote directly opposite their own class interests.”
Ivermectin for coronavirus? Neigh
Why are so many Americans buying a drug intended to treat horses? And how does this relate to coronavirus?
A store in Las Vegas announced that it will allow customers to buy this drug intended for horses, yet only if the buyer presents a picture posing with the horse.
And of course, you’re thinking-why?
Pet food stores in the States have seen a significant increase in demand for Ivermectin, a medication that clears up worms and parasites in horses. The staff at the stores were puzzled, until they began to realize that people were using the drug against coronavirus.
As of Monday 6th Sept, there are currently no fully vaccinated Covid patients in Victorian hospital.
Anyone doubting the efficacy of vaccines is not looking at the data.
There is an interesting Covid issue coming into view.
Vaccinated persons can be symptom free
But still infectious to others !
So is the ‘boom’ in infected daily cases in NSW & Vic
Due to them being infected by vaccinated folk ?
And if so, does this put aded pressure on the unvaccinated to get the jabs ?
Bill, if they’re worried about their health (which is what this is about) they will. If they want to play agenda games, they won’t. And then they will get it. And being old farts they will be far more likely to get a more severe case with no natural immunity, then they will claim the “evil ones” tried to eradicate them. But … did they avail themselves of the vaccination that was intended to prevent that occurring? Oh no, of course not … it’s bad!
OK, enjoy drowning in mucus then.
There is data to “prove” anything you want it to prove.
IVM + Zn is cheaper, safer and more effective. A few mg ea fortnight you are cookin’ with gas. Quercetin may be as good for 50c/day which I would double if rona got loose in my area. My nearest and dearest NEEDS me alive and well, I’m taking no risks.
Most dont even discuss its short term efficacy, although even Israel looked good at first. Most concerns I see here are around the vaccine technology and lack of long term testing, which the vaccinated are now part of. Hope it goes well.
mmmm and nobody died, good isnt it?
It won’t stop the virulent anti-vaxxers, RickWill. They just keep throwing more wild “claims” against the wall. Their usual tactic is to draw Huge Conclusions on the basis of a tiny number of events – even anecdotal stuff.
As moderate, sensible people are saying, it’s going to become a pandemic of the unvaccinated, which will be sad for them.
forgot to say , as of the same date 21% of the people in NSW ICUs are vaccinated. But yeah look over there in VIC.
NSW now has 70% of the population with at least 1 jab. So 137 out of 30% of the unvaccinated and 36 out of the 70% vaccinated. If the vaccines were ineffective then there should be 7/3 more vaccinated equating to 320. So the vaccine is NSW is proving to be 89% effective. I believe that is very close to the result from the phase 3 trials.
Plus we can’t determine how many partially-fully vaccinated people avoided the infection in the first place, or did not progress to a serious case (let alone an ICU case), compared to what might have happened had they been unvaccinated.
Oz becomes a no-fly zone.
‘Australia’s aviation industry is lagging the rest of the world, with flights at a global low and relatively empty airspace.’ (Oz)
oh noes, “falling behind” yet again
it’s been peaceful here in Mt Barker SA.
$2 Ks from Adelaide & We were under a flight path.
Wonderful !
42 ks. !
“The majority of people believe that the most frequently washed body part in 2021 was the hands
But in fact it was the brain”
More at
Want to see something really scary?
scroll down just past the pics of the police cars forming the number 13, a tribute to the 13 fallen service members in Kabul.
its a one minute video view of a streetscape in Democrat run Philidelphia
and people try to position Oz as a dystopian nightmare. We arent even in the race….
The street-scape itself is bad enough; but those zombie type and I’m thinking play actors, got me checking it out. Assume that Flakka is all the go in that neighbourhood at least
Thinking, I’m wondering why and who the moron is who gave you a red thumb on this?
Re Victoria’s latest threats
and something lighter for dessert
Bertrand Russell
I’m wondering if this is the real aim of alarmism and they are secretly happy that decarbonisation is at a snail’s pace.
Is the UN directed by the CCP? Of course.
China has been opening a new coal based power station every week. By 2030 they will stop. At present they produce half the world’s CO2 with only 20% of the world’s population.
But the UN demands that by 2030, we in Australia should have closed every coal power station. And the rest of the world. To meet our Climate Obligations. China has no such obligation. They are climate victims.
And the only cheap energy in the world will be in nuclear China, officially a third world country and so exempt from all the rules of the UN. Putting people in space and even a rover on the far side of the moon was done by lucky amateurs. And the Chinese Army Wuhan Virus Laboratory has only peaceful purposes. To make bats more delicious.
And you cannot have viable manufacturing, steel making, concrete manufacturing, smelting without cheap energy.
Does anyone smell a rat? Of course not, that would be xenophobia, sinophobia and ruthless ideological bullying.
I still don’t understand how we can export huge quantities of natgas and coal – but can’t use it at home because of our Climate Obligations … why?
^^Because if we use it , the emissions are blamed on us,….
….. whereas, if the countries we export to use it, the emissions are on their account .
So to us , it is just considered an export product.
Random Energy is proving to be better than a gold rush for Australia. All extracted commodities sourced from Australia are enjoying unprecedented demand as the developed world installs the wind and sun monuments at accelerating pace. The first generation installed at the beginning of this century are already in need of replacement. It is unsustainable but Australia should enjoy it while it lasts.
Climate change deniers are as slippery as those who justified the slave trade – Nick Cohen
The Guardian reaches new heights.
Remember back when they were demanding that all businesses tainted with slave trade connected money had to fold their tents?
And Cat Files let them rise to a peak of righteousness before dropping that such money had founded The Guardian and that it was not the one major UK paper against the slave trade at the time of the US Civil War.
And did they close?
And here I am watching the AGW apostles slither [snip], as they try to avoid posting CO2 warming evidence that they know doesn’t exist
I must say, I did a quick read, and have never seen such a trite load of empty garbage in my life.
All part of the Great Reset monster. I say let them go ahead. Let’s see how long this nation survives. How about we get PM Morrison to stop pretending he cares and make him give all coal fired power stations notice to shut down or else face heavy taxes. The sooner this train wreck completes its journey the better so we can move on. If we do it fast enough we might even manage to prosecute our leaders and send them to prison before they retire and pass away. That would be a bonus.
Just thought an inquiry into Jo’s wrist would be prudent at this stage and get the number odr comments away from “the mark of the beast”.
‘Small businesses in the United States said they are finding it difficult to enforce COVID-19 vaccine mandates for employees amid a tight labor market, and have difficulty finding new staff to replace those who prefer to quit rather than get vaccinated.’ (China Daily)
Also seems that others have found plenty of qualified staff by letting it be known that there will be no forced “vaccinations”
That would be correct. I know of no small businesses, including mine, that requires employee to be jabbed.
CDC: Refugees should get Ivermectin for Covid
.and see how fast it works!
2 days. Unlike 2 weeks quarantine even for the vaxed.
or just closet-anarchists pretending to be ‘Conservative’ and are doing as much damage as possible to our society.
Yes – sometimes people can be so right-wing that they become left-wing, and very much vice versa too. Just watching US politics closely for years, so many of those who are vehement Trump supporters rage against the system – and especially the Democrat “deep state” without realising that the enemy is corporate capitalism.
Which is the WEF.
The people claiming that the ‘CDC Suggests Ivermectin For Afghan Refugees’ is for covid are complete and utter fools. The advice is to get rid of intestinal parasites before they enter the US.