A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I just went to The Australian. I had a comment re. the reporter from The Age having been pepper-sprayed after being pushed over violently by the police. It seems it had 124 ‘likes’ but has now been ‘rejected’?!
Sorry, not the reporter pushed over, but that poor lady behind him. I gather she has been badly injured. The reporter was sprayed but they had no. mention of that lady.
The woman injured in this incident ended up with multiple fractures in the hip.
Newcastle Herald
“AUGUST 21 2021 – 3:30PM
Woman taken away by ambulance after being tackled by police following walking COVID protest”
Covered up .
Appalling that a slight sixty year old lady can be treated so badly.
That police officer should be charged with assault, occasioning actual bodily harm, together with his companion as they both comprehensively sprayed her in her face with the pepper spray. Beyond dusgusting. Poor woman.
Will never happen. The police have been given free reign some time ago ands were told they will not be reprimanded for such actions as they are part of “following orders”. It is wrong. We need to know there are some in high places who are pure evil, and that they are getting away with so much as they are “trusted” by the rest of the government.
wasn’t ivermectin
Even clevera
There will be some people that condone this willful violence against an old lady.
They will also think this sort of action by police thugs ought not to be reported, ought to be buried and hidden.
They have an adverse reaction to letting the facts be heard.
Following orders
Wasn’t this the excuse in Nazi prison camps where the holocaust was committed
Wasn’t accepted as an excuse then, it’s no excuse for thuggery now
The Scourge of the Swastika
Knights of Bushido
” It seems it had 124 ‘likes’ but has now been ‘rejected’?!”
Which is why I cancelled my subscriptions to The Oz and the Tele – journalism and the media in general are utterly compromised and will not consider publishing truths that go against the NWO.
NIH have funded 265 studies authored by researchers at institutions controlled by China’s People’s Liberation Army
at Mazar-i-Sharif airport and nowhere hang in, down under
I subscribe to the Australian as it has some good articles but it is moving rapidly right and now caters primarily for Conservatives. Journalists who are not rabidly right have been ditched or have left and I am very disenchanted with the biased right wing views of Chris Kenny, Janet Albrechtsen, Gerard Henderson, Greg Sheridan and several others. However I didn’t think think it had moved as far right as you suggest by not publishing articles that are against the NWO.
Perversely I gave you a green tick for being amusing.
Thank you GlenM but actually I much prefer red ticks from the commenters here for I would not like to find my comment liked by those whose opinions on virtually everything differ from mine.
Happy to oblige.
Yes you must oppose those who’s opinion differ from yours, what’s that called again?
Ian, is that a “please don’t throw me in the briar patch”?
Do you indulge in more direct varieties of masochism much or is the pay good?
Deeply sarcastic. !
The Australian has one or two rational, centrist commentators and writers, because that what helps sells papers.
Some people cannot cope with that concept. !
“The Australian has one or two rational, centrist commentators and writers, because that what helps sells papers.
Some people cannot cope with that concept. !
[SNIP personal insults about anon because life is too short and they are too boring.]
Niki Savva has gone to the Guardian and PVO hasn’t written anything much recently. Jack the Insider has his moments as did Troy Bramston although of late he seems to have drifted right. Do you ever glance at the Guardian? Or the Australian Financial Review or do you rely solely on News Corp to fashion your thinking?
Baseless ad homs, yet again ??.
Balance in the press, Australian is close.
The publically funded ABC is more your far-left style.
I daily thank Heaven for the very people you list as “disenchanting”. They are the voices of sanity in a heavily Marxist media. Who taught you to think?
BTW. You missed Judith Sloan, Terry McCrann, Andrew Bolt and Dennis Shanahan. And Tim Blair.
Haha – you’re joking right? The Australian becoming more conservative? If anything in the other direction!
The Australian presents a vaguely centrist viewpoint.
A mix of leftist and conservative journalists, reasonably balanced but slightly to the left
Some people, who are used to ultra-left ABC, AFR, and Guardian, are totally adverse to the idea of a balance of reporting.
The very concept is an anathema to them.
Like science, facts, evidence… just not part of the leftist mindset.
The ‘Oz’ started diving in quality about 15 years ago.
I’ve noticed some media outlets use the bait-n-switch technique. They initially present certain segments or columnists as conservative, build up a following and then swing left obviously hoping to take that audience with them. It fails every time.
Goodness, non compliant voices, what an outrage.
How about this – medical slides showing what appears to be impsct of the vaccines on human tissue
“Today there was a press conference from the pathological institute in Reutlingen, Germany. The pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter presented the results of the autopsies of eight people who died after COVID19 vaccination.
“(in German)
Here is a summary of the highlights.
(3/n) 10 autopsies, 8 evaluations.
(Slide text translated into English)
And accompanying video
Medical staff apparently posting thoughts on the vaccine….enlightening…
Ian, if the Oz now caters primarily to Conservatives, why is any support of ivermectin censored from the comments?
Why is questioning the efficacy and safety of the vaccines not allowed in the comment sections?
I didn’t know comments were not possible on either topic but having done a couple of searches of The Australian I can see they’re not. No idea why though. Why not write and ask them?
Sent to PM and Gladys
When Melbourne Tradies can see a Solution to Covid staring Australia in the face – how incompetent does that show Australia’s CHOs to be.
Again what are the Vitamin D Levels of Covid Hospitalisations in NSW.
And if Tradies understand there are alternatives to Vaccines – “I think this is the first time I have seen the bleeding obvious prophylactic to Covid – in addition to the “mass distribution of ivermectin, vitamins C, D and zinc.” mentioned in a Major Australian Newspaper – in this case the Herald Sun”
– why can’t DR Kerry Chant advise why they are not being used in NSW Hospitals as a treatment approach – current treatment is basically Zero
Professor Borody Talks about Early Treatment of COVID-19 – Part 1 – September 2020
UK and American experience with Covid showed that BAME People were more susceptible to Covid as has been seen in the Covid Outbreaks in South West Sydney and West Sydney
Question to NSW CHO Dr Kerry Chant – “What are the Vitamin D levels of Patients admitted to Hospital with Covid in NSW?”
India and Africa have shown that ivermectin works against Covid – ivermectin has been safely and successfully used to treat parasitic diseases earning the Japanese Discoverer the Nobel Prize – it is safe for use with Humans – they even use it on multi-million dollar racehorses, who are obviously more valuable than Humans.
Bluntly Professor John Skerritt Head of TGA, should be taken to the The International Court of Justice, which has its seat in The Hague, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, for Crimes against Australians for banning Doctors from prescribing ivermectin for their patients for Covid
Again to repeat – “When Melbourne Tradies can see a Solution to Covid staring Australia in the face – how incompetent does that show Australia’s CHOs to be. – “mass distribution of ivermectin, vitamins C, D and zinc.”
What is a political position that is “rabidly right” in your opinion. please, give us some examples.
What is the problem with one publication, or indeed, any publications being supposedly “right wing”? Is it the bias? Do you have a problem with supposedly “left wing” publications being biased?
Me too. Australians are enclosed in a cone of silence, you will nothing from the Australian media. The once respected ‘The Australian’ has neutered its conservative journalists even the erudite Henry Ergas has been reduced to slurry.
“Henry Ergas has been reduced to slurry” – it’s amusing to observe journalists trumpeting that their views are independent of any media owners influence and “I will NEVER be censored or told what I’m allowed to say or write!”. Then, the day after their station or paper changes ownership, all their views magically change to align with those of the new owner.
Any examples ?
his wife is ambassador to France (et al.) since 2020. I wonder if that has any impact, be it overt or covert.
Me too, don’t miss the Aus one little bit. Well, only Henry.
I saw this quote, origin unknown.
Amnyone who can, needs to show the 15-25 age group the movie “V for Vendetta”
Its set in modern times, and is about a crushing dictatorship, so the youngsters will relate to it.
Required viewing for all……now
Excellent movie.
It’s a wonder the Left and/or Government hasn’t tried to censor it.
The dictatorship portrayed is much like modern day Australia, in particular Vicdanistan.
There certainly seems to be a spiteful vengeance informing the oppression going on in Victoria.
Watching the protesters charge and smash the Police line in an old Roman phalanx move recently, suggests a highly organized and potent resistance has formed in Victoristan.
Dan ignores such things at his peril….
They were smart enough to duck the rubber bullet brigade waiting near Melbourne Central; I would suppose this will result in the goons developing flying squads for the next encounter given that our vindictive premier will not quell his spite until he has stamped out all resistance to the right thinking he embodies.
Now that building tradies have joined the ranks…
… the police thugs will have a far tougher time than knocking over little old ladies. !
I suspect they will adapt.
It also raises the question whether sections of vicpol become a Praetorian Guard that becomes unaccountable to anyone?
Given the history of the Praetorian Guard I suggest that there would be a rapid departure of the Premier.
“The Ten Best Libertarian Books”: “Milton Friedman, Lew Rockwell, David Boaz and Liberty’s editors and contributors celebrate ten intellectual achievements that helped to produce the modern libertarian movement.” Yes, Lew Rockwell is in there (with an essay on Mises’s Human Action). Here are the ten:
Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Mises, Human Action
Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom
Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty
Rand, The Fountainhead
Nozick, Anarchy State and Utopia
Mises, Socialism
David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom
Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine
Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War by Ludwig von Mises
Ten Books on the State
Franz Oppenheimer’s The State, Albert Jay Nock’s Our Enemy, The State, Martin van Creveld’s remarkable The Rise and Decline of The State, Ludwig von Mises’s Omnipotent Government, or Bertrand de Jouvenel’s On Power.
One of my favourites as I like the music and see so many parallels to the real world. Others include, THX 1138, Fahrenheit 451 (original), Logan’s Run, Gattaca, Code 46, Unidentified, etc..
This is some music, written and preformed by Neil Fox.
The film clips are also done and edited by him, all very original.
Full version in movie format, only the one song on the above.
1hr 20mins of reality.
Yes corrupt people are in control of our governments but they are just the puppets of a higher order that are evil beyond imagination.
A Revolutionary Reading List
By Ron Paul, MD
Reading for Liberty
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
June 9, 2003
Learning for Liberty
By Tom Woods
April 18, 2013
Books on Liberty
By David Gordon
March 15, 2001
Communism and its related totalitarian ideologies seemed to have been an evil that was discovered to be invalid and eradicated in the 1980’s and early 1990’s but 40 years later the disease is back with a vengeance.
PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t” by Project Veritas
See also Dr Jessica Rose, who does deep analysis of VAERS statistics. Very very important.
https: //cove
Comment removed. People need to be careful to write both accurately and if they make claims they need to back them up with quotes and or links. Thank you.
Soviet communism perhaps but not Chinese communism which is still whinnying with us, alas.
Liberty or Equality by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Almost all of these ideologies—socialism, ethnic nationalism, fascism, National Socialism of the Czech as well as of the German pattern—claimed to be democratic. None of them claimed to be liberal. All were hostile in varying degrees towards Catholicism. All have common ancestors. All ceaselessly influenced each other, and their prehistory is nothing but an endless and ceaseless repetition of “incestual” alliances and inbreeding.
They are opposed to the freedom of the person and are collectivistic; they divide human beings into specific categories, and they all favour the rise of an omnipotent state. They are materialistic, and claim to be “progressive.” All of them have their affinities with the French Revolution. The whole bitter struggle among them is desperate and pitiless on account of its fratricidal nature. They do not see in each other strange opponents, but competing heresies with a common origin.
The notion that tyranny evolves naturally from democracy can be traced back to the earliest political theorists; there are allusions to it in Aristotle’s Politics, but the description of this evolutionary process in Plato’s Republic provides us with a picture which, without exaggeration, can be called an almost perfectly accurate facsimile of the insidious transition which took place in central and eastern Europe after 1917 and, especially, after 1930.
Here’s the Govt’s weekly Flu tracker data up to 12 Sept.
This shows states and the normal flu numbers are very low for 2020 + 2021 and way below average of the previous 5 years.
See the graphs for states.
Sorry that link is not active, but just highlight then copy complete link and paste into your browser and it will be okay.
I’m still having trouble accessing your hard drive. 🙂
Sorry Scissor my very bad.
Try this Govt link and then see pick up link from your own tool bar.
Then see weekly reports and 12 SEPT is most recent.
Much better Neville. Thanks.
LOL. Neville, that link is to your own hardrive and your specific users download folder. We need the internet’s address from where you downloaded that.
That is a local file link on your computer – not an external Internet link. Sorry.
When they say its safe for children….
“It’s not until a whopping16 paragraphs down that the real findings that Pfizer put forward in regards to children and the vaccine are even mentioned. What did Pfizer find in terms of how the vaccine affects children?
They found nothing because kids weren’t getting sick enough from the virus to show how the vaccine had any meaningful impact on them:
Given how rarely children become severely ill, the trial was not big enough to draw meaningful conclusions about the vaccine’s ability to prevent Covid or hospitalization. Instead, the researchers relied on measurements of the youngsters’ immune response, on the assumption that the protective levels of antibodies seen in older people would be as protective in younger children.”
They might as well make the study endpoint equal how much revenue is generated by each jab.
The practice of hiding information in reports is as annoying as politicians and public servants spending most of their time avoiding what they don’t want to say.
In Victoria angry Dictator Daniel Andrews overnight shut down the entire building industry and instantly put 300,000 workers out of work in a population with only 6.6 Million people, at least 10% of all workers. There has been no need previously. What has changed? This is not about the virus but the economic damage required by his masters, the Communist Party of China.
Andrews nearly passed a law allowing him to raise his own army under his direct control and it was stopped by only two Green votes in the Senate. Even the Greens! Andrew’s publicly paid red shirts under his direct control were to be above the law, above the police and the courts and you could be arrested, incarcerated indefinitely and not answerable to the legal system. Nothing like this has happened in a democracy since 1933 in Germany. The papers say nothing. It was treason. He should have been removed by the Governor.
Now he has come back from an incredible five months off and shut down the whole place. To save us? There is something very wrong with Daniel Andrews. Even the BLF who back the Labor party are calling violent criminal leader John Setka Daniel Andrew’s b*tch. What has this to do with the virus?
The Victorian lockdown is far longer than any other place in the world, despite having only 832 deaths, 820 due directly to Daniel Andrews secret deals and refusal to allow the Australian army in his state. Students were hired over the internet as ‘security guards’. And he signed the Chinese Belt and Road agreement without the legal power to do so and dealt directly with Beijing. Because as he insists, we do not have any natural resources. Because he banned them.
Help! The state has been hijacked. Now everyone is out of work and at home. Why? Whose orders are these? Victoria is being ordered into bankruptcy for no reason anyone can give. And now the entire building industry. This virus is the work of the CCP, as are all Daniel Andrew’s actions. Not just Victoria but Australia is being crippled.
The Governor needs to take advice from the Parliamentary Opposition. And a vote of no confidence in the Parliament.
Victoria had secret agreement to help China land major projects
Victoria agreed to share information and help promote Chinese firms to win work in major state projects and under a deal it has kept secret.
Victoria agreed to share information and help promote Chinese companies to win work in major state projects under a deal it has kept secret since 2017.
The Andrews government was on Monday forced to release the memorandum of understanding after being compelled by the state parliament.
Signed between the Premier’s department and China’s National Development and Reform Commission in March 2017, the state previously refused to release it to the public.
But a motion passed in the upper house meant it was tabled for public view after it had been reviewed.
Earlier this year, the deal was examined by the Commonwealth under new laws which gave it the power to rip up the contentious Belt and Road deal between China and Victoria.
But it currently remains in place to encourage public-private partnerships from companies in both countries, although the agreements within it are not legally binding.
The documents show the Andrews government offered support on tendering processes, tax policies, selection criteria, dispute resolution and market access as part of the agreement.
One section of the deal agrees on the “promotion of quality projects in infrastructure and utilities fields to strengthen the business links between the two countries”.
A later section also spells out that both sides would share information to encourage companies from both countries to invest in large state projects.
A Department of Premier and Cabinet spokeswoman said the MOU was signed to “promote sustainable social and economic development”.
“It does not contain commitments on any specific commercial projects or deals,” she said.
And what about the other secret agreements, the ones we know nothing about? That’s what the Belt and Road really means. It allowed the WHO to appoint a non doctor as President and his very first move was to declare that Taiwan did not exist. Which is why he did not read the Taiwan report in December detailing their experiences and the danger of the Wuhan Flu. We are under attack and the phony war is being run by friends of China, Daniel Andrews in particular.
“Setka the sell-out”
the protest today
This is not Melbourne’s fight, it will be Australia wide soon, its Australia’s fight. No one is exempt from what’s coming.
In my union days we went on strike Aus wide many times for far more trivial issues then this, a united front we had then.
The unions have deserted their base, Labor have deserted their base. The world is turning back to front and everyone thinks its all organic?
All Australians need to do is say no.
They cant arrest 1 million people….
The globalists have thier stooges in govts, thats how they control things.
People need to stand up and say “no” and it all collapses…..
Can’t comply your way out of tyranny.
One problem though. The vast majority of the 1 million (or whatever the number is) who are aware of the staged move to tyranny will just sit it out and avoid any confrontation even if they attempt to act passively. I admit I’m one of them although I will try my best to act passively as possible to resist the coming evil tyranny so I will refuse to partake in any violent movement. Self defence is different matter as I am no pacifist. I will fight to the death to protect myself and my family from anyone trying to do serious harm directly. I know the evil will be victorious but it will only be temporary. Jesus will fix that. As is often stated, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Well, that’s how it will pan out I’m afraid. The rest of the population are already loving the move to tyranny, at least for now. Perhaps eventually they too will wake up and realise their mistake. By then it will be too late of course.
Its a numbers game, you just have to make a stand, be the one more.
Got to die of something.
yet I am sure all the government employees, of which in Victoria there are plenty, will be being paid in full and receive another ‘well earned’ pay rise soon.
Daniel Andrews has given himself and the other politicians two pay rises in this time. It is a fundamental problem in democracy that the major recipients of other people’s money are able to vote for more, even when everyone else is out of work.
Meanwhile the ABC collective says nothing about it. They are chasing conservative ministers. And the ABC Managing Director forgot to tell the Senate he had employed another 200+ people while claiming reduced numbers. No one does an expose on the Andrews made disaster in Victoria, shutting down power stations, coal, gas, forestry and now construction. Now even the most extreme and violent Union in the country is demanding justice.
Don’t forget maintaining the ban on cheap and efficient future water storage in major reservoirs in favour of an expensive and inefficient desal plant.
And unused. Plus two more. The debt load is enormous.
I was unaware Andrews had tried to raise his own army. That would be illegal under the Federal Constitution, not that that would stop him. Do you have a reference for that TdeF (I don’t disbelieve you just want to add it to my files)?
In any case, VicPol is now his own private army.
He has employed an extra 3000.
Plus portions of VicPol are fully militarised and have such materiel as Lenco Bearcat armoured personnel carriers, a recent purchase of AR15 or M4 rifles at an outrageous cost of something like 30 times over market value (and the Police Minister unable to justify the cost in Parliament).
VicPol have removed mention of the Bearcats from their Facebook page and apparently their website but you can see an article here:
Unbelievable, isn’t it?
There was a dramtic open letter from at 14 Victoria judges and QCs objecting to this travesty of Democracy. Otherwise the average punter was not aware of the Act which had passed, the lower house. (It was amended by the Greens before it passed the Upper House)
Under our constitution, the Police are not under the control of Daniel Andrews and you can be sure they are objecting to many of the things he is demanding they do, which is why he needed his own red shirts. The police are controlled by the Commissioner and subject to the rule of law as passed by parliament and interpreted by the courts. The Victorian Police is a professional force which is not controlled by Daniel Andrews.
Daniel Andrews has to work through the Police Commissioner. All military power, as in America, is ceded to the Federation. But Andrews has been acting as King of Victoria, challenging the Federation to stop him. And the previous commissioner was caught lying to the fake court setup by Andrews to exonerate himself. The phone records showed it. Everyone lied for Daniel Andrews. Ask Health Minister Jenny Mikakos who said as much and resigned on this issue.
And the bill did pass, but with critical Green amendments, notably
“Despite section 199, the Chief Health Officer must not authorise an authorised officer who is appointed under the temporary provisions to exercise any of the emergency powers.
The emergency powers include powers to detain persons or groups of persons.”
Andrews has been using the Emergency powers to run the State of Victoria as his own playground. And it continues.
Who gives the Police commissioner his instructions?
I think the CMO is in charge under a state of emergency, Andrews just controls the Gestapo.
Hi Tdef,
Do you have more details about this? e.g. A link to the proposed bill.
It was the CFMEU. The BLF was de-registered back in the 80’s. Although maybe there’s no difference and you were making that point, if not just showing your age ;-).
See the previous comment, which links to the bill as promulgated. And yes, I have never seen that the BLF/CFMEU was any more than a name change. And I have not kept track of the later amalgamations of militant unions “On 20 June 2017 the CFMEU, the MUA and the TCFUA made an application under section 44 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 for amalgamation”
Ah yes, the Omnibus thingy. Thanks.
Sorry. Hadn’t refreshed my page to see further comments between reading your comment and posting my request.
I’d always thought an omnibus was just a large vehicle.
apparently there are connection’s to “the strong cities network” that is backed by Soros
there are more to the claims that have been made IMHO but l cant find anything at the moment as everything except the denials have been taken down
but l did find this
l say where there is smoke you need to keep a good eye on
it is reported that the goonie squad in the riots are international police who do not wear Australian or Victorian logos on their uniforms
Slomo did pass a bill through in March allowing foreign police to be stationed on Australian soil, gave them indemnity from prosecution both criminal and civil. They can murder, rape, steal and burn their way around Australia, all government sanctioned and approved.
God bless the United Nations.
the romans and more recently the chinese in the Tiananmen square massacre utilise foreign troops to control various populations. It was the scarey thing about the EU trying to make its own army. Very easy to quell disquiet in poland with say germans and french troops for example.
Collective punishment, seems to be a specialty.
TDF says;
‘And a vote of no confidence in the Parliament.”
This can happen only when parliament is sitting.
My sentiments too.
This is what should be posted in stores.
Dr Robert Malone reads “a physician’s declaration”
Amazing how quickly some doctors switched the allegiance from Hippocrates to Josef Mengele.
Excellent doco by Markson, the premier investigative journalist in the world at the moment. The concerning point in that expose was Fauci quoted in previous papers talking about the research value of an outbreak ‘almost being worth a pandemic’.
He is a criminal of the highest order, hiding in plain sight, with all taxpayer perks in place, STILL commanding ‘the response’ to the point of today talking about vaccinating 5 year olds!
He is a dangerous Mengele type, being given the world as a petri dish!
NSW government got a great price for WestConnex but motorists will pay
The NSW government is thrilled with the $11.1 billion sale of 49 per cent of WestConnex to toll road giant Transurban. But motorists are paying high prices for the result.
NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet is keen to persuade the voters of Western Sydney about the great benefits of the government allowing the toll road giant, Transurban, to maintain its highly lucrative control of Sydney toll roads.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Perrottet and other senior ministers headed to Western Sydney on Monday to proudly announce a consortium led by Transurban was willing to pay more than $11 billion for the 49 per cent of Sydney’s WestConnex project it didn’t already own.
This “well exceeded” the reserve price, the Treasurer declared. And that has made it possible for the state government to both pay down debt and also immediately announce $5 billion of the proceeds will go into new amenities such as parks and playgrounds and pools for Western Sydney.
Perrottet is far less keen on acknowledging any link between the price paid by the Transurban consortium and the tolls paid by drivers on the extended network of roads and tunnels linking Western Sydney with the CBD and the airport and Port Botany.
The NSW government is also dealing with rising community complaints about the cost of tolls and Labor’s determination to challenge the government on the issue.
That journey can add up to a staggering cost of between $35 and $45 round trip per car – which is becoming an increasingly sensitive issue politically.
That’s because the government also allows tolls to rise by 4 per cent a year or the rate of inflation, depending on whichever is higher, until 2040. After that, tolls rise by the rate of inflation. Particularly in a low inflation world, a guaranteed stable return over many decades makes such infrastructure assets extremely appealing – particularly when Transurban has also been able to create a near national toll road monopoly for itself.
The company now operates all but three of Australia’s 21 toll roads – with the only exceptions the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Sydney Harbour Tunnel and EastLink in Melbourne.
The state’s “toll relief” program now provides free or half price vehicle registration for drivers who have spent over an annual dollar threshold on tolls in the previous financial year.
“We understand no one likes paying tolls,” Perrottet said, arguing one of the biggest benefits was a reduction in traffic on other roads.
That still requires governments to get the right balance between community benefit in having roads built and commercial interest in making this process as profitable as possible. The bill is rising.
PS Jo – WA ahead of NSW
Given the congestion and failure to build adequate infrastructure to cope with the growth of Australian cities, continued and massive capital investment in roads is considered essential.
But with the exception of Western Australia, most state governments prefer the private sector to assume financial responsibility for this. It hasn’t always gone to plan.
My latest:
Green gold rush looms for electric power
The beginning:
The slim majority in Congress wants to throw $150 billion in free money at the electric power industry. If they succeed the result will be a green gold rush of monumental proportions. Here is a brief analysis of what to expect, including the unexpected.
The legislation is called the Clean Electricity Performance Program or CEPP. It should be named the green juice payment program. The idea is to move the industry toward using mostly renewables and it will sure do that, more than anybody seems to realize.
CEPP started out as a mandate, along the lines of the state renewable portfolio standards (RPS) that require an ever increasing percentage of power to be from renewable sources. Under RPS the action is relatively well controlled, as utilities work to meet well defined growth targets. But then for political reasons CEPP suddenly changed into a free-for-all money dump, with all the looming chaos that concept implies.
The basic rules are simple. They apply to everyone who supplies electricity to end users, unlike RPS mandates which apply to generators. Most suppliers are the familiar utilities that come in three forms — investor owned (the big ones), municipal (about 1,000 mostly small) and rural electric co-ops (about 2,000 mostly fairly small). These are the people who sell us our juice.
The primary rule is that each supplier should increase its fraction of so-called “clean” energy delivered by at least 4% every year from 2023 through 2030. Clean energy means low or no CO2 emitting generation. Of course coal does not qualify but neither does natural gas. This basically leaves nuclear, hydro, wind, solar and biomass. In reality the required new juice generation will be almost all wind and solar.
So far so good but then we get the kicker that makes CEPP a truly wild program. Every supplier who makes their 4% or better will get a grant of $150 per Megawatt-hour for every MWh over a 1.5% increase. There is also a $40/MWh penalty if they fail to make the 4% increase.
What makes this wild is that the wholesale price of electricity is normally between $20 and $40 per MWh, let’s call it $30 for simplicity. That is, CEPP creates a general situation where something you can buy for $30 gets you $150 in free money. And there is no upper limit to how much you can get, except 100% of your sales.
More in the article. Truly nuts!
I was unaware Andrews had tried to raise his own army. That would be illegal under the Federal Constitution, not that that would stop him. Do you have a reference for that TdeF (I don’t disbelieve you just want to add it to my files)?
In any case, VicPol is now his own private army.
He has employed an extra 3000.
Plus portions of VicPol are fully militarised and have such materiel as Lenco Bearcat armoured personnel carriers, a recent purchase of AR15 or M4 rifles at an outrageous cost of something like 30 times over market value (and the Police Minister unable to justify the cost in Parliament).
VicPol have removed mention of the Bearcats from their Facebook page and apparently their website but you can see an article here:
That was a reply to TdeF above. I don’t know why it went here in the wrong place.
If you start a comment and mid entry jump to another link, you lose your place and it appears at the end of all the comments.
It was lunchtime on a Friday and some idiot was doing doughnuts in the middle of Melbourne’s busiest intersection.
And the VicStasi Police standing watching did nothing – What the driver did next redefined senseless brutality in Australia.
Dimitrious “Jimmy” Gargasoulas, 26, steered the stolen maroon Commodore away from Flinders Street station and along Swanston Street, turned left into the Bourke Street Mall, mounted the kerb and hit the accelerator.
The first person he hit was a 13-year-old boy. Among the last was Zachary Matthew-Bryant, three months old, who was hurled 68 metres from his pram. By the time mechanical failure forced the car to a stop, six people lay dead or dying and 27 were injured in the Bourke Street massacre of 20 January, 2017.
Almost three years on, a coroner is still looking into the circumstances of the attack, including police efforts to find and pull over Gargasoulas for hours immediately before the rampage, and why he was free on bail after failing to show up in court on driving charges. But laws were changed to give police “shoot to kill” powers in cases where a driver is considered dangerous to the public.
yes, not enforcing the laws they do have is a great excuse to give them further power. common trope of authoritarians.
VictorianStan described
Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.
Frederick Douglass
Yes David I’d like to see when and what the dictator Dan was wanting exactly , as for the rifles I couldn’t believe it until I read the press release from a politician trying to expose this scam .
The New Feudal Age.
Dan is transmuting from Minister to Baron.
The only folk allowed to have swords are those in service to the Baron.
He must fear ouster from the other Barons.
(The peasants seem a little agitated lately as well.)
He is a building a keep?
Bumped from Sunday Open
“DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by ‘Health Care’ ”
More Fauci
And read it all to get your worry beads a-flappin’ (IMO)
“The COVID-19 lies are falling apart before our eyes”
Some more posts on that theme starting at #72 on that earlier thread
When you got some time read this…
Fauci will look good in orange.
What is happening in China. They appear to have no pandemic there!
Are they using ivermectin, telling porkies or have they defeated it?
Ivermectin is available, quote:
Avermectins, are pesticides of fermentation products with high efficacy and low toxicity and play important roles in food and agricultural product safety, animal and human health. Ivermectins, the derivatives of avermectins, are used to treat Onchocerciasis, also known as River Blindness. Thanks to these discoveries, more than 200 million Africans are lucky to be exempted from blindness. Great efforts have been made on better understanding of the microbial production system of avermectins through genetic engineering in China. Starting from scratch, Chinese avermectin industry has experienced a comprehensive technological innovation with significantly improved yield, titer and productivity of avermectins, and became the exclusive supplier for the global market. The success of avermectin industry innovation in China not only shed lights on the intelligent yield improvement of other microbial natural product drugs, but also gained wide international recognition. We provide here an overview of the discovery and development of basic and applied research of avermectins, especially historical evolution of avermectins made in China, which will benefit industrial development of microbial drugs in China.
Well it all started with telling porkies, just maintained momentum.
As regards Gain of Function research I have never seen a legitimate reason to do experiments to genetically alter animal origin viruses to make them infectious to humans.
Is there any non-malevolent reason for doing so?
I am not looking for standard Leftist spin on the matter but legitimate scientific reasons, if any.
I think the research was justified as a “what if” exercise. What if viruses made the jump from animal to human? From there it morphed into research into how the jump might happen. And from there it morphed into how to make the jump happen so that researchers had tame new viruses to control.
Oh wait. You asked for legitimate reasons. I’ve got nothing.
This is military research for bioweapons. It was never anything else and Fauci knew that. The Wuhan Laboratory is operated by the Chinese Communist Army and under the charge of a General. For anyone to say it was benign research with unintended consequences is impossible. Only the escape was unintended. Thereafter it was a plan. And to assist in support for developing such deadly weapons outside America is beyond explanation. Treason once again.
Hirishoma and Nagasaki was 69,000 and 25,000 dead. In fact both were exceeded by the battle of Iwo Jima and Okinawa including 14,000 Americans but that took 11 weeks. And a million dead in Stalingrad. But the horror of a single bomb was more terrifying.
Deaths from the man made Wuhan Flu supported by Fauci and hidden by the WHO dwarfs them all at 4.5 million. 50x the deaths of all atomic bombs. The virus may have escaped accidentally. Thereafter it was all planned.
In an unprecedented move, the Sindh province’s government in Pakistan has issued orders to arrest citizens from across the province who have not been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus.
After the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) issued new orders to expedite the COVID-19 vaccination in the country, the Sindh Government has decided to arrest unvaccinated citizens in the province.
According to a notification issued by the Sindh Home Department, motorway travellers will be required to be vaccinated by September 20, 2021. When the deadline expires, unvaccinated travellers will be arrested and imprisoned.
According to NCOC order, unvaccinated passengers will no longer be able to travel by train from now on.
The notification also stated that all employees of transportation companies must be vaccinated or their buses and other equipment will be confiscated by authorities. The same is true for hotels and restaurants, which will be closed to unvaccinated employees, including those involved in home delivery.
According to NCOC data, over 72 million doses have been administered, with over 54 million people receiving their first shot and approximately 24 million are fully vaccinated.
I guess they haven’t heard of Ivermectin/HCQ or of Israel…
No doubt coming to the-country-formerly-known-as-Australia very soon…
I’d leave if I could but there’s nowhere to go.
What could possibly go wrong?
Time to start a new country Rod. Find a nice tropical island somewhere for about 10,000 like-minded people with conservative/libertarian values.
One small body of elected officials voted in by a one person/one vote first-past-the-post system to administer funding for essential services only (hospital, school, roads, policing). Seven should be enough.
The individual is basically master of his/her own domain regarding all other facets of his/her life, particularly health choices.
No internet or media censorship.
A small police force to only intercede if an individual’s rights or safety are compromised by a breach of the law. Otherwise, they stay the hell out of things.
A judge[s] to administer appropriate penalties if said laws are proven to be breached.
Something like was tried in 1901 and it was great for about 100 years but then it went right off the rails.
for a small population why not a direct democracy? And first past the post? surely the system should be adopted by the populace not something a single person claims works best.
Think we started with that thought, lasted until the votes where counted.
The Trudeau “Liberals” were dead keen on proportional representation until the last election (and the one yesterday) had the Conservatives get more overall votes but fewer seats.
I’ve thought about it. Like Hutt River Province but serious. Smirk.
Buy a decent island with like minded people and give the big finger to the NWO.
A small island of like minded people, now where have I seen that.
Remember Patagonia?
Will there be a golf course and a bar?
If you need evidence that the Olympic ideal of comradeship through competition is bullcrap look no further than Imran Khan.
The man strutted the world stage playing cricket, fans the world over paid him the greatest respect. He is now simply a terrorist, a criminal.
Hadn’t followed him at all, but yesterday he was on my car radio talking about the situation in Afghanistan.
What’s he been up to?
O.K. Got it;
just read above,
he’s arresting the UV
the UnVaccinated.
More updates for Antarctica and Ant peninsula temps to add to the cooling Zhu 2021 study.
And UAH V 6 also shows no Antarctic SAT warming since DEC 1978 or last 0.42 century.
Member of the FDA says heart attacks are occurring more frequently after vaccination.
Coment by the articles author-
” and here’s why I label the GTAs (genetic therapy agents) just that: Traditional vaccines work via the introduction of an organism into your system that induces an immune response corresponding to that organism. China virus GTAs work differently: They introduce a genetic code into your bloodstream that programs your body to (supposedly) create an immune response. Yet as Dr. McCullough, one of the most published experts in his field, pointed out, we’ve never asked the human body to do this before.
Making this even more tragic is that becoming a GTA guinea pig is wholly unnecessary. McCullough also informed that COVID has always been treatable, and with early intervention, it’s fatal to precious few. In fact, because they’ve demonized efficacious early treatments, Fauci and his feckless medical establishment fellows have blood on their dissembling, unholy hands.
As for Steve Kirsch, he’s firm on where he stands. He said simply and definitively, “The vaccines kill more people than they save.”
It seems that the most dangerous period is after a week or two an infected body overreacts and floods the body with “help” which can kill the body. This is the cytokine storm.
And so I’m really not sure about the mechanism by which the injections are supposed to help. Do they cause a smaller reaction so the body doesn’t suffer a cytokine storm when the real virus appears?
I remain hopeful about the research in Israel which directly addresses the cytokine storm. And the ivermectin experience in India provides hope as well.
Germany is suffering more blackouts and much higher electricity prices AGAIN in 2021.
What an OWN GOAL disaster and yet these clueless donkeys intend to close more Nuclear plants ASAP.
And DITTO the clueless UK govt as Boris tries to mend their OWN GOAL mess and some how continue to con everyone at Glasgow COP 26.
110 Not sure how credible the ‘whistle blower’ is.
This might be the answer to the world’s current problems:
La Palma volcano eruption would trigger a MEGA TSUNAMI that may reach UK and engulf Europe
Perhaps the Creator has seen enough of our species.
I wonder how long before the loonies link volcanic activity to
global warming,climate change, climate emergency?81
There may actually be a link via cosmic rays. Evidently, the highly charged particles nucleate clouds and potentially disturb silica rich magma. Both have an effect on climate. However, the intelligencia and the movie stars know it’s CO2…..
They have already tried to link CAGW to Volcanoes and earthquakes to CAGW .
Europe and the Eastern Seaboard. See here for a very detailed analysis
Tried to read that but the screen darkened while they wanted my permission to collect info. The Express was always known for hype, so left it.
Pretty Wimpy Earthquakes
The Canary Islands have been struck by 50 earthquakes in three days, notably in La Palma, Tenerife and Gran Canaria where tremors of low magnitude and intensity were measured between 1.5 and 2.7 on the Richter Scale.
The earthquakes, from the Spanish archipelago’s most active volcano, which is located on the island of La Palma, have sparked panic across the Canary Islands, with volcano experts pulled in to examine the unusual seismic activity.
This scientist seems quite worried about the situation – says that the Biden Whitehouse has met to discuss this issue has refused to make a public comment for fear of causing mass panic:
really? because an erupting volcano is accompanied by multiple earthquakes? Not good for the islanders.
Yes. If the volcano erupts violently and half the island cascades into the ocean ( as it has done many times in the past) there will an overly large Tsunami that will wipe out the Eastern Seaboard. They will have about 8 hours….
I’ll look out for it.
Yes, do go down to the beach if it happens. You do get a much better view of tsunamis from sea level…. Only problem is the Tsunami won’t reach our parts….
Or any parts given the nature of the current activity and this
Time will tell.
Modelling says you would need to go about 10 miles inland to escape the 500′ tsunami that would hit the US east coast
If a particular thing happened. That thing is not likely.
The concern relates to a megatsunami from the well documented Cumbre Vieja tsunami hazard.
that shows that “well documented” is one heavily critqued paper that does not model (yes all models) the current eruption to much of a degree.
I didn’t say it was going to happen. I said it was well documented in that it has been a concern that has been expressed going back many decades.
More the RUINABLES super expensive disaster links and yet perhaps some hopeful outcomes for our future as well.
In NSW, each child is allowed to have 2 designated friends
Down on Bended Knee – “Thank you Master (Liberal Party/Gladys/Hazzard) for this Great Gift”
From the Comments
nancy said…
What a dreadful thing. Think of the dreadful damage this will do to some children. No one picks them,!10 people pick them, and they have to decide! Your best friend picks you, but only as a bubble! Your best friend doesn’t pick you at all. Your best friend from this week is not your best friend from last week. Only a committee of childless people could have thought this up.
Tell me again how shutting down playgrounds when surface spread is virtually non-existent and making kids wear masks when they are at near-zero statistical risk shows me you ‘care’ about children’s health. America is filled with *morons.*
Substitute NSW Liberal Party is filled with *morons.*
well turnbull did white ant the NSW libs no end.
I think the alternative future for kids promised by global warming is looking pretty good to them right now. Something to be savoured with anticipation!
The only certainty is that this latest idea is going to crash in a screaming heap. What happens at Christmas? I hope Santa has had his sleigh GPS gyroscope serviced!
…and make sure they salute!
Stating the obvious here – has anyone noticed how far up our collective rear ends the govt us crawling day by day?
Your papers – bitte!!
Others have touched on the CFMEU fraccas. I don’t often get the crystal ball out these days but here goes.
Step 1. Tradies aren’t supportive enough of the injection program.
Step 2. Previously undisclosed patterns of tradie infection come to light.
Step 3. CFMEU pledges its support for the injection program.
Step 4. CFMEU arranges a rent a crowd to stage a mock attack on its leadership
Step 5. Government regretfully closes down the CBD construction industry
Step 6. CFMEU leadership negotiates a reopening but “concedes” it is only for injected workers
Step 7. CFMEU leadership arranges a secret ballot to ratify the reopening
I reckon steps 6 and 7 will occur over the weekend or early next week.
Bill Shorten crapping on about Setka etc being “imperilled by N@zi protesters”
Setka threatens to get CFMEU members sacked for protesting against him.
Kabuki theatre.
Setka will remain in his position. A negotiated solution will see work restart well inside the two week period but only for the injected.
And the lottery numbers this week will be
The ANMF is a far more powerful and influential group in the ACTU than a few construction workers in Victoria. Particularly right now!
These are the people who know what it is like to work seriously long hours, under high stress with no guaranteed breaks and garbed in oppressive PPE. They are the ones who will be exposed to the worst of Covid if unvaccinated Covid victims flood hospitals. They are already suggesting the vaccination targets for opening up in NSW are too low:
When nurses decide enough is enough, that will be a strike to remember.
A few wimpy construction workers and their rabid mates spoiling for a fight have zero clout at the union executive level in the present circumstances. The medical profession wields ALL the power. Even Do Pi Dan recognises that.
Real construction workers are not out protesting but flipping up at vaccination clinics.
A related issue, working conditions.
Are all areas in hospitals now provided with the essential flow through and filtered air systems.
Nursing homes? Quarantine buildings?
I’d doubt it.
Recirculating is much cheaper. Just ask Dan’s “900” what they think about being stuck in an incubator.
Nurses, hahahaha, terrified I is.
I think they are in the same boat, I will let the ones at the rallies know your opinion, but I already know their response.
Two nieces and many friends daughters, worked through the worst pandemic ever, they would dearly love to assist you shoving your vax up your @#$%, may have to remove your head first.
If you are against these anti vaxxers, go stop them, stand up for your beliefs.
Your opinion pieces and government numbers don’t cut it. The red/green ratio says it all.
You forgot to mention that we have to call the tradies ‘Narzis’ now. I think it most unlikely, good luck any journo getting your aircon fixed if you call em that.
COVID-19 Therapeutics Strategy: Commission identifies five promising candidate therapeutics
The EU Strategy on COVID-19 Therapeutics aims to build a broad portfolio of COVID-19 therapeutics with the goal of having three new therapeutics available by October 2021 and possibly two more by the end of the year. It covers the full lifecycle of medicines from research, development, selection of promising candidates, fast regulatory approval, manufacturing and deployment to final use.
The Strategy, which focuses on the treatment of patients with COVID-19, works alongside the successful EU Vaccines Strategy, through which safe and effective vaccines against COVID-19 have been authorised for use in the EU to prevent and reduce transmission of cases, as well as hospitalisation rates and deaths caused by the disease.
Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, said: “Today we are taking the first step towards a broad portfolio of therapeutics to treat COVID-19. Whilst vaccination is progressing at increasing speed, the virus will not disappear and patients will need safe and effective treatments to reduce the burden of COVID-19. Our goal is clear, we aim to identify more front-runner candidates under development and authorise at least three new therapeutics by the end of the year. This is the European Health Union in action.”
The five products are in an advanced stage of development and have a high potential to be among the three new COVID-19 therapeutics to receive authorisation by October 2021, the target set under the Strategy, provided the final data demonstrate their safety, quality and efficacy. The products are:
A new COVID-19 indication for existing medicines:
. baricitinib immunosuppresant (a medicine that reduces the activity of the immune system) from Eli Lilly: an application for extension of marketing authorisation for COVID-19 indication is under assessment
Newly developed monoclonal antibodies under rolling review – a regulatory tool to speed up the assessment of a promising medicine during a public health emergency:
. combination of bamlanivimab and etesevimab from Eli Lilly: under rolling review
. combination of casirivimab and imdevimab from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and F. Hoffman-La Roche, Ltd: under rolling review
. regdanvimab from Celltrion: under rolling review
. sotrovimab from GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Biotechnology, Inc.: under rolling review
Next Steps
The Commission will draw up a portfolio of at least 10 potential COVID-19 therapeutics by October, building on the work of the newly established expert group on COVID-19 variants. The selection process will be objective and science based, with selection criteria agreed with the Member States. Since different types of products are needed for different patient populations and different stages and severity of the disease, the expert group will identify product categories and select the most promising therapeutics candidates for each category based on science based criteria.
The portfolio will contribute to the objective of having at least three new therapeutics authorised by October and possibly two more by the end of the year. The European Medicines Agency will start more rolling reviews of promising therapeutics by end-2021, subject to research and development outcomes.
H/T Michelle Two – Michael Smith News
Note how the admission of failure is buried in the message “Whilst vaccination is progressing at increasing speed, the virus will not disappear”
And, the whole point of “new” therapeutics is that they cost a lot. Heaven forbid we get any cheap drugs.
I hope Sky News does a similar job with this one as they did with the recent one around the Wuhan lab.
Federal Govt Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings: ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show the [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’; ‘Shove’ Adverse Effect Reporting ‘Under the Mat’
Caring Kristina right at home with the poor people.
seeker of truth said…
As I’ve mentioned previously, the Fairfield LGA is in a strict lockdown area; you can’t leave the LGA nor go into it unless you are an essential worker and you have the relevant permit. Has the NSW Health Dept issued her a permit?
I don’t call campaigning for the seat of Fowler as essential work. This is not Senatorial work but blatant campaigning, as was her attendance at the Vietnamese Community Cultural Centre, Bonnyrigg on Saturday 11 September to announce that she was standing for pre-selection for the seat of Fowler. She lives at least 40km from the Fairfield LGA on Scotland Island. I doubt that she would be driving herself so we would have a Comcar involved. Talk about milking the taxpayers and bending the rules. It is a wonder that she didn’t pre-warn the media of her visit so that there would be professional photographers on hand. Kristina did put up a video of her visit to this 24Care facility on Friday on her twitter page the following day. It mustn’t have got the hits she was looking for as she posted the still shots of her visit today on her twitter account. I wonder if she took in a visit to the Battery Energy pilot operation at Fairfield on the same day or has she just posted a photo of it (without her in it) to suggest that she was there. I wonder what else Kristina did in the Fairfield LGA on that Friday 17 September.
LA County Health Officials Say Maskless Emmys Did Not Violate Mask Mandate Because “Exceptions Were Made” For Hollywood Actors
Covid mandates are only for the peasants and they’re actually admitting it.
Not one celebrity wore a face mask on Sunday evening at the 73rd Emmy Awards in Los Angeles.
Maskless celebrities were hugging and kissing each other at the awards ceremony while the ‘hired help’ was forced to mask.
LA health officials said the celebrities didn’t violate the county’s mask mandate because there are special exceptions for Hollywood degenerates.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health told CNN reporter Oliver Darcy that the maskless Emmys were not in violation of the county’s mask mandate because “exceptions are made for film, television, and music productions” since “additional safety modifications” are made for such events.
And by “additional safety modifications” they mean the hired help and the servants were wearing masks so it’s all good, because science.
FDA experts have unexpectedly voted against approving Covid-19 vaccination boosters for anyone over the age of 16 in the USA, citing a lack of long term data and stating that the risks do not outweigh any benefits because the Covid-19 vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life saved.
Incorrect … go to the official site and read carefully what has been decided.
It seems reasonable to me that the county that is the home of one of the largest industries in the world should have exemptions for film, television, and music production … and they did take other measures, including the requirement that attendees were vaccinated and tested.
Having the contract waitstaff masked seems reasonable to me too – both for their own protection and for the attendees.
If it were not for the double standards of the Leftist Elites, they would have no standards whatsoever.
Hypocrisy is the standard.
The real problem though is that they truly are not aware of the hypocrisy.
Exhibit one: Tilba+Tilba and his post at 12:00
The wait staff aren’t the ones playing with filth.
That explains why we don’t see movie actors with face masks in the movies. How nice of them to stick in our face that there is one rule for them and another for us “peasants”. So sad too see so many “peasants” harassing other “peasants” for not wearing masks when in fact it’s none of their business as long as they stay away from the mask-less ones.
IIRC Hollywood’s latest, greatest and wokest haven’t been doing so well.
It will be interesting to see how this goes
And what an arse kick if it does well
Out of interest does Clint Eastwood ever attend those Emmy award sessions that are so full of evil worshippers? I can’t imagine him being there but I suppose if he does he would look so out of place given his character. I can imagine him walking around poking fun at them with his magnum gun saying “make my day”.
‘Brainless’ Australia is making itself a target for NUCLEAR attack by joining submarine deal with US and UK: Stern warning from China as Beijing fumes over new alliance
Chinese academic threatens Australia now a target for nuclear war after AUKUS
Victor Gao said there will be ‘consequences’ for ‘brainless’ Australian people
He accused US, UK and Aus of a ‘gross violation of international law’ over deal
Threatened there would be ‘profound consequences’ to the new submarine plan
Australia will acquire eight nuclear-powered submarines over next few decades
Well if the Chicomms are threatening to nuke us, what better excuse do we need to get our own nuclear weapons?
Or should we create our own bioweapon to match their WuFlu? But make a proper sterilising vaccine to distribute to our friends first.
Scotty from sell, swap and buy is going to drop Subs on them.
Fear us now.
Exactly. Why is it that other countries are allowed to have nukes for their own protection against potential threats? We need them just as much as any other country, perhaps more so given our rich resources and land.
So diesel powered subs in 20-30 years, were ok by the Chinese…
but nuclear powered subs, with same armaments, are not ??
Shows very much that the correct decision has been made.
Indeed. Am even better one eventually will be to have nukes in them. Perfect solution to defend our large continent.
Great piece by Melanie Phillips on the energy in the UK at the moment (well before winter has started.
“It is potentially catastrophic. We’re already seeing plant closures at a time of year when the weather is still warm and domestic heating is low. Fast forward two months and this could be an acute crisis.
“CF Fertilisers have already stopped output and they account for 40pc to 60pc of the UK supply, which could have disastrous effects on the supply chain. The steel, cement, ceramics, glass, industrial chemicals, and the paper sector are all at risk. Individual companies are facing the very serious question of whether they can continue to operate.” Andrew Lange Energy Intensive Users Grp
For while Boris Johnson is twisting other leaders’ arms to commit their countries to drastic reductions in CO₂ emissions, the irony of ironies — as I wrote here yesterday for my premium subscribers — is that Britain is now threatened with a terrible hit through having too little carbon dioxide.
Far from being a pollutant about to cause the end of Life As We know It, CO₂ is absolutely essential for fresh food packaging and the transport of frozen goods, as well as for stunning animals prior to slaughter; it’s also used by hospitals and the nuclear power industry, among others.
The immediate cause of the current crisis is that much CO₂ is made from fertiliser. However, soaring gas prices caused by gas shortages — the cost of natural gas shot up by no less than 800 per cent in August — have caused CF Fertilisers, the UK’s main fertiliser provider, to shut its plants, threatening to break the food supply chain and to empty supermarket shelves.
In addition, the price rises are forcing many small energy producers to go to the wall.
Gas futures contracts on the ICE exchange have risen fourfold over the last year to 165 pence per therm, while intraday electricity prices have become unhinged. Last week the National Grid was having to pay £4,000 per megawatt hour to secure back-up electricity at short notice.
4D Chess: Trump Reveals He Let Biden Win So His Presidency Would Look Amazing By Comparison
PALM BEACH, FL—Trump has revealed to reporters that Biden’s so-called “victory” in the 2020 election was actually a 4D chess plot by himself to make his own presidency look good. According to Trump, every time there’s a major crisis now, people will look back fondly on the years 2016-2020, remembering the last great golden age of America when everything was great and we had a “really handsome, extremely smart president.”
“I felt really sorry for that pathetic loser,” Trump said. “So, I decided I would let him win so that I would look like a genius next to him! Gas prices? He blew it! Afghanistan? What a mess! If I were in charge, none of this would have happened. Everyone says so. All the best people say so.”
The plan seems to be working, as Biden has bungled everything from Afghanistan and the border crisis to inflation, the economy, and messaging on the pandemic and vaccines. Surveys indicate that many who believed Trump was a doofus now still think he’s a doofus but slightly less of a doofus than Biden, which, according to Trump, represents the “astounding success” of his plan.
“Miss me yet?” he concluded to cheers from the crowd.
At publishing time, Trump had further revealed that he may let Kamala Harris win in 2024 so that people can see why we’ve never elected a woman president.
Massive anti-Andrews protests in Melbourne CBD, 7 and 9 networks coverage gives a blow by blow description.
ABC and 10, crickets. ABC covering the usual boring government press conference and 10 has Dr Phil as if nothing anti-Andrews ever happens.
That is false. It was on ABC
now your getting GA LOL
you did take the Red pill ROFLMAO
ACT COVID-19 update (21 September 2021):
New cases today: 16
Active cases: 227
Total recovered cases: 414
Total cases: 641
Negative test results (past 24 hours): 2,993
In hospital: 10
True. Keep doing that OO. Saves me the effort.
Happy to help
GA…how many covid cases did they have in Dehli once Ivermectin was rolled out?
ACT COVID-19 update (22 September 2021):
. New cases today: 17
. Active cases: 222
. Total recovered cases: 436
. Total cases: 658
. Negative test results (past 24 hours): 1,718
. In hospital: 12
Exactly; if it was on the ABCCCC it’s false.
It is chance. He tries 100 such comments and one of them looks clever; it is the 99 you have to endure that mean that it is not worthwhile.
Got to shoot from the hip with you, not all rounds will hit.
Full-Auto M60 from the hip 10 secs
Got a yarn like that.
I was working in Armenia in the “disputed zone” after the war with Azerbaijan.
It was on the anniversary of the victory, my boss asked me to come to the military base on the boarder with Iran to “celebrate”. After driving for an hour or two past “danger mines” signs (amazing how long you can hold on for when incentivised) through what could be called a city and towns, if they were upright.
We arrived at the base and collected our “entertainment” dressed in full kit and every rank up to Generals, luckily they had transport cleverly disguised as troop carriers and we headed off to the border to guard against attack from what would of been the sober side.
Kebab pits were made, tables erected, and the lids came off of what I would call a distillery, speeches commenced and doing shots at what seemed like the start of every sentence, while drinking from basically over sized shot glasses, between shots.
I could not understand the chatter so I went down to the river border and started skipping stones into Iran, after half an hour the top general came down and started abusing me, I had no idea what he was saying, my translator (boss) came down to quell the fire. The issue was as it was put ” We have fought wars, I have had men die protecting this land, and now your giving it all back”. I thought, this is the most terrifying thing that could happen to me this day, I was so so wrong.
I was escorted back to the table of water boarding and they decided they where going to interrogate me as a foreign agent.
Now I had experience with said boss in a previous project.
They started the interrogation. They had people checking me out, he then mentioned every thing I had been up to previously when in country, terrified raised to another level.
Well the chatter I had been missing was that “boss” had been informing on me to the military, where they had devised this evil plan. I had stopped drinking in case I had to flee to the safety of Iran, when they devised an even more terrifying plan for me.
After 10 hours of doing shots, my translator, no longer capable of speaking any English, (I doubt it was any known language) and me inching ever closer to the border, it was time to go to the firing range.
The boss opened the boot of the company car and there lay a small arsenal of weapons, the generals looked and laughed, the boys fell into the truck and veered into the night. We wound down the windows, locked and loaded, (in case we came in contact with the “jackal”) joined the convoy off to the range. We toyed around at the range with the company guns, shooting somewhere into the night, doing shots after every accidental discharge. You know, its apparently only an accidental discharge if your sober.
The truck of troops swerved up to the range and started handing out AK’s and crates of ammo, I must of missed the flat bed carrying the magazines, these things were long.
The foot solders started filling the mags and feeding them forward to us on the front line, we stared into the dark, AK’s on full auto waiting for the “Jakal”.
The Jakal must of been busy doing a movie or something, so in boredom they thought we should sight the weapons in, in full auto. The shot intake increased 10 fold, when what could only of come from a high ranking military person, it was decided that we could not see what we were shooting at, and we needed something to lighten up the night, tracers!
The hill burning in the back ground as tracers sprayed the enemy, highlighted some steel targets shaped as persons, I did not hear one hit.
The foot solders decided we needed some music, I thought that this night would not be complete without a monkey grinding an organ. The lads played us traditional folk songs with AK’s in auto, mags filled with tracer, straight up, knowing the phrase “what goes up” I resigned to my fate and took up drinking.
Turns out the “Jakal was the wild dog type.
I was doing that on my touch screen, back space was over worked so I gave up before mentioning the drive out.
My life has been full of adventure, I have been shot at, taken hostage, attacked by a rioting mob, emergency landings, hitting a tree in the old twin otter and on and on.
The hostage drama was the only time I thought game over here.
I miss my old normal.
Vitamin C infusion may reduce sepsis death risk
Fowler’s team found that four days of infusions with vitamin C reduced a patient’s risk of death within a month of treatment from 46 percent to 30 percent.
Half were randomly assigned to receive vitamin C infusions every six hours for four days. The others received standard care, which typically involves large amounts of intravenous fluids and drugs, including antibiotics.
After four days, the team saw no difference in risk of organ failure. Nineteen standard-care patients died during that time period, compared to four treated with vitamin C. And while nine vitamin C patients left the ICU during treatment, only one of the others had, the researchers said.
Over several weeks, patients who received vitamin C had spent significantly less time in the hospital. A 30-day follow-up found vitamin C patients averaged nearly 11 ICU-free days versus about 8 ICU-free days for those receiving standard care. Over 60 days, the vitamin C patients also had spent about a week less in the hospital overall than the standard-care group.
But what explains vitamin C’s power? Fowler said it’s important to distinguish between widely used supplements and the treatment under review.
“When you take vitamin C orally you cannot develop any kind of a meaningful blood level of vitamin C — not even in massive doses,” he said. Given intravenously, “we can reach blood levels that are 3,000 times higher. And at that point it’s no longer just a vitamin. It becomes a very potent anti-inflammatory agent. And that is what’s saving lives.”
Ultimately, he said, it could be “a total game-changer.”
The findings were published in the Oct. 1 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
it is also dangerous to continue at that level for too long. the body turns excess vit c into toxic oxalates for a reason.
I’d say infusion with a couple of doses of active vit d would probably do better…. not this constant every six hours for days bombardments with vit c.
a report from project veritas that shows what is being said in the hospitals
thank f@#$ for whistle blowers
Tom MacDonald – ” went to sleep with the American Dream, woke up in Nightmerica.”
New song ‘Propaganda’.
Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton says giving health advice to shut down the construction industry for two weeks was not taken lightly, but behaviour needed change across the entire industry.
“In the same way that you don’t wear a hard hat on your elbow – you wear it on your head – masks on chins were not doing the job in construction and transmission was occurring,” he said.
He said he wanted the construction industry to be stood down for the “shortest possible time”.
Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas said the shutdown of the construction industry would likely cost more than $1 billion a week, but said the state government was still working through the numbers as it prioritised demobilising the sector.
So when is Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton going to Shut Down the Victorian Stasi Police Force?
Look at the 3rd photo down on the left from Herald Sun (Bolt Article) of the 2 Brave Victoria Stasi pepper spraying the old lady on the ground – Both with Mask beneath their chins – Vic Stasi should fine them besides charge them with Assault
Things are hotting up with thousands of angry construction workers. I don’t condone the violence but what does one expect from CFMEU members being told they must be vaccinated and having to stand down for two weeks. Perhaps Dan Andrews will have to re-think it.
no violence seen at todays protest except the police shooting rubber bullets
the amount of money that these protests are costing will wear the government down if the protesters just do not react to the agitation of the police and like today keep walking them around the city LOL
l enjoyed watching the big standoff at the bottom of the west gate bride this afternoon where the police started shooting at the protesters and the protesters walked around them leaving the police behind, it was so funny
Now someone has committed suicide jumping off a building. This is how desperate some construction workers are. Daniel Andrew now most definitely has blood on his hands. He should resign but given his evil nature he won’t.
and thats just one suicide that you have heard of because of these abusive lockdowns
Daniel Andrews is slammed for causing ‘distress and chaos’ by putting 320,000 tradies out of work for two weeks after violent anti-vax protest by a minority of construction workers
. Daniel Andrews has shut construction in Melbourne due to Covid rule breaking
. Move has caused anger and puts 320,000 workers out of a job for two weeks
. It comes after a violent anti-vax protest outside a union headquarters Monday
Yes. The Left tears things down deliberately so it can then recreate it in its own twisted image.
But …..its about pressure tactics…no pay for 2 weeks…
Wives would be yelling at husbands for not working “just go and get the #_@#$ vax” she screams…. 2 weeks of pain to bleed the finances dry….family harrassing them fir holding out, bills piling up…..
We are dealing with evil. When are people going to get it?
Its all part of standard communist pressure tactics…..
US perspective on the CFMEU situation and Andrew’s response.
“While the United States has not yet arrived at the same level of outrage, in part driven by a distinctly different constitution that outlines the inherent rights of Americans, it is very clear that we too will soon arrive at this point now visible on the streets in Melbourne.”
“We The People in America are only a few weeks or months away from having to make the same decisions that middle-class Victorian workers are faced with right now. This is why you should pay attention to what is happening there.”
Things that may work in AU with regards to vax passports, vax discrimination, etc, won’t necessarily work in the US. Pushback is liable to be orders of magnitude more “expressive”.
It wasn’t an ‘anti-vax’ protest at all. These people, like most normal people just want freedom of choice. It was a protest against the union hierarchy who supported freedom of choice for their members and then backflipped and supported commissar andrews instead, to block workers from job sites.
very good points OldOzzie
and the photo of the two very brave Vicdanistan police officers spraying the extremist agitating old lady is very good at showing how to scream at someone while wearing your chin mask and spraying them in the face with pepper spray
The Thugs and Goons Administration (TGA) is now trying to silence Craig Kelly and the United Australia Party.
TGA’s lawyers allege UAP breach of copyright and demand distribution of alleged misleading adverse event reports stop
15 September 2021
Lawyers for the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have written to United Australia Party leader, Mr Craig Kelly MP, alleging it has breached copyright and demanding that it stop distributing incomplete extracts of adverse event reports relating to COVID-19 vaccines which the TGA believes could be seriously misleading.
Construction workers march on parliament, met by riot police
Riot police have barricaded the steps of parliament as hundreds of chanting construction workers march through Melbourne’s CBD, setting off flares and walking through traffic.
Protesters chanted “Sack Dan Andrews” and “for our kids” as police armed with pellet guns watched on.
Several journalists on the scene were doused in urine as the angry crowd chanted “fake news” and “report on the truth”.
The protesters are demanding an immediate end to lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates.
Protesters have also called for the resignation of top political leaders, including Mr Andrews, in addition to the “mass distribution of ivermectin, vitamins C, D and zinc.”
The list of demands was posted in an encrypted Telegram group that promoted the protest outside the CFMEU.
Other demands include the immediate resumption of construction work in locked-down parts of Victoria.
March on parliament?
Who’d have seen that coming…smirk…
I think this is the first time I have seen the bleeding obvious prophylactic to Covid – in addition to the “mass distribution of ivermectin, vitamins C, D and zinc.” mentioned in a Major Australian Newspaper – in this case the Herald Sun
‘Several journalists on the scene were doused in urine’. This is false. One journalist had a plastic soda bottle thrown at him – who said it was urine?
and Clive Palmer is welcoming any court cases they want to bring LOL
the TGA did the same with Professor Borody when he came out with the triple therapy protocol
all they could try and get on him was that it is against the law in Australia to promote treatments for the CCP wog
Boy is it really cold here in Sydney – the S Wind really bites
Sydney Now 15.9° S 39 km/h
then there is Melbourne
Melbourne Now 11.7° SSW 19 km/h
We seem to have had quite a lot of snow.
We could see snow on the nearby hills. We’ve had heavy rain, hail and sleet over the last couple of days. It’s slopping around in mud in our wellies time again and we still need to light the stove!
What Lousy Country Australia is becoming – A Pure Police State with no Common sense.
True blue Aussie bushman and rodeo champ, 75, is fined $100 for carrying a POCKET KNIFE on his belt – despite doing so every day since the age of 14
. Man fined by police for carrying pocket knife he’s had for more than 60 years
. Wayne McLennan, 75, was stopped by police in QLD country town of Chinchilla
. Local legend known as ‘Cowboy’ was given fine for carrying tiny blade in public
. Mr McLennan says it’s common for bushmen to carry a pocket knife
does remind me of the picture of ‘knives’ taken from people in london… this included as least one ordinary dessert spoon, no sharp edges.
Overnight, Builder Dan morphed into Wreck-It Dan.
Big construction deserved to be shutdown but a blanket ban is an overcorrection
Big construction has spread Covid and shown they are tone-deaf to the rules. But a blanket ban punishes ordinary homeowners.
Overnight, Builder Dan morphed into Wreck-It Dan.
Fair enough that big construction pauses over Covid concerns.
Big construction has spread disease by seeding outbreaks. Compliance with the rules has been – as described by Treasurer Tim Pallas – “appalling”.
Heedless of the optics, CFMEU workers resisted a ban on tearoom breaks, apparently oblivious to the wider malaise of unemployed people and broken businesses.
They have worked for the past 20 months while hundreds of thousands of Victorians have been unable to.
Missing out on work privileges, for the greater good, apparently does not compute.
Many construction workers have fought against mandatory jabs, apparently displeased at how the directive came to pass, as if unaware that hundreds of daily case numbers had been linked to the industry.
They didn’t want to be compelled to do what most people desperately seek to do. There’s a Monty Python logic to all this.
The posturing, from long-time allies (and beneficiaries) of the Andrews government, has been a poor look for Andrews.
He has lost control of a rabble. Once again, instead of applying the scalpel according to the health advice, he reached for the mallet.
All construction has closed for two weeks, to reduce movement and cut transmission.
On Sunday, in presenting a roadmap, construction sector concerns did not figure. By Monday night, the industry was shut down, partly because protesters showed a complete disregard for the wider plight.
Ordinary people, doing renos within the law, will be punished.
Domestic builders have halted work. Those families who have moved out while work is done, to comply with the health advice, are stranded out of home.
Compliance in the domestic building sector has been high, says the Housing Industry Association.
“The closure presents enormous difficulties for at least 30,000 small scale residential building projects currently under construction, each of which will now need to be made safe and secure during the shutdown period,” says HIA Victoria executive director Fiona Nield.
In one case, a family packed up and moved out of home over the weekend.
They upped their lives so that major work could begin at the back of the house. Now they have committed to temporary accommodation, to allow for work which cannot happen.
Out of pocket $3000-$4000, they face likely delays which will – given bank-ups of work and the Christmas break – throw their methodical plans and way of life out of order until 2022.
IMHO this will backfire on Dan
his rule book comes straight from China
this has nothing to do with health but trying to turn one against the other and gain control
heres todays protest march, the marchers are using up police resources that cost Dan and the state a lot of money, the police cannot keep doing this everyday especially when there is a big freedom day rally organised for Saturday
this is a peaceful protest from very frustrated everyday people
Who wrote that Old Ozzie? (reads like a bought and paid for MSM journo)
Patrick Carlyon is a Walkley Award-winning journalist and columnist for the Herald Sun, and book author.
Roadworks, railway line upgrades and level crossing removals is probably another branch of the CFMEU that is not affected by the construction site closures. If it was there would be a different response, couldn’t have protests getting in the way of Victoria’s big build.
Key infrastructure projects exempt from construction ban shut down
Several “critical” projects that were set to keep running during the construction ban have been shut down amid claims of abuse.
Eleven “critical” infrastructure projects that were to be excluded from a statewide construction ban have been shut down over fears workers would be targeted by protesters.
In a fiery online meeting with government ministers on Monday night, the CFMEU and all other building unions unanimously argued against the multibillion-dollar projects remaining open.
They said workers going to those jobs could be abused and labelled “scabs” by volatile protesters, and this could lead to dangerous clashes.
Unions leaders also conceded they had “lost control” of anti-vaxxers who smashed up the CFMEU’s head office on Monday, amid fears of longer term damage to the industry.
Ministers agreed to freeze the government’s entire Big Build, and the plan to keep 11 critical projects open was shelved.
Some of the sites included level crossing removals, Health Department projects, and the new Hotel Quarantine hub being built in Melbourne’s north.
The decision is likely to cost millions of dollars in overruns and delays, and will put pressure on the quarantine site in Mickleham being able to take its first guests in January.
Another flow-on from the chaos will be families impacted by level crossing removals, who are stranded in temporary accommodation.
Up to 700 households impacted by noise and dust were shifted to short-term rentals, and have now been told they can stay where they are, or can return home for a fortnight before moving out again.
Local roads will also remain closed despite no work occurring.
During the at times “surreal” late-night hook up of about 100 people on Monday night, union leaders including Ben Davis from the Australian Workers’ Union and CFMEU senior vice president Joe Myles railed against the way the Department of Health sprung orders on the industry last week.
That action shut lunch rooms and put in place a mandatory vaccination scheme.
The unions claimed they weren’t consulted about the plan by health officials, and this had caused massive problems across the industry.
Mr Setka, who was eating a pizza at one stage while addressing the meeting, conceded the situation on Monday had spun out of control.
On Tuesday, the angry construction workers and protesters clashed with police for the second day running.
“I have never seen anything like it,” one industry source said.
“No one is sure how long it will last.”
I wonder if those 11 sites that were allowed to continue were mostly chinese supported?
I have a number of friends who are US citizens living in Vicdanistan due to reasons of marriage or family.
They are all seriously considering packing up and returning to the US with their loved ones because even Biden’s America is better than anything Australia has to offer.
Plus they have a Bill of Rights to protect them from the worst excesses of government.
Suggested reading before they do
FBI Raids Beverly Hills Area Safe Deposit Boxes Fishing for Illegal Contraband, Then Confiscate all Contents Saying Owners Need To Prove Contents are Legal Property
Well I would guess that funding for the FBI Christmas bash has been secured… 😉
They’ll need more thus year.
I saw a comment where a fire brigade found the bill for nibbles for its annual bash (similar size) was going from $US 1000 to $US 1600 this year
Those 300,000 workers Daniel Andrews petulantly and instantly put out of work are not happy. What did they do today? They were dressed for work, wanted to work, needed to work, so they went to town.
They are still walking around the tram tracks in the city in their thousands, shutting the place down, throwing things at Dan’s police. They have nothing else to do. It is the biggest, slowest riot in Victorian history. Streets full of thousands of angry people. The longest lockdown on the planet has to end. Now.
Let Setka claim they are all “right wing activists and anti vaxxers”, “neo-Nazis and other right wing extremists”. There sure are a lot of them.
All extremists apparently and very angry. And who is to say all the other people out of work will not join them? And their children. They have nothing else to do. The police cannot control this. But they could join it. This is now a popular protest against bad government and not what they signed up for.
We are witnessing history.
That’s a lot of voters for Labor and their wives and families, maybe a million voters who are really pissed off in a voting population of 4.3 million voters in Victoria. Goodbye Daniel Andrews.
Now a vote of No Confidence is required in Parliament. Immediately. We want our state back from Chinese Communist Party control.
The Americans are taking notice.
CT has had several articles on the Aussie situation. Given they are not a “tabloid’ type site and generally take a serious, deeply analytical approach to issues, it is note worthy.
And if you see pictures, look at the people. No teenagers. No recent migrants. No one with balaclavas and body armour or war paint. Big men. Hard workers. No fashion statements. And no women and no children and no weapons. These are not desk jockeys. And these people are not having fun. They are angry.
This is not a Union led riot. The Union leaders support Daniel Andrews and they are cowering in their smashed up headquarters, afraid of their own members.
These people are dressed for very hard work, outside on building sites. Yesterday when they were told they could not sit down at a table for a coffee break in a job where no one sits down, they put their tables on the tram tracks. This is a popular revolt like Eureka against massive government overreach. It is not about a virus. These people are not at risk, nor are their young families.
The shutting down of Victoria by Daniel Andrews has to stop today. And as at Eureka, ordering the troopers to shoot people will not stop this.
Daniel Andrews has sent in the Nurses Union..
“In a strongly-worded statement, the Victorian branch secretary of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Lisa Fitzpatrick called on the protesters to “stop thinking only of themselves, stop the violence and put the health and welfare of the Victorian community first””
The fact is the workers are fighting for the health and welfare of the Victorian community. Not of the Union leaders. I guess Andrews will call on the shop stewards next, then the teachers. His problem is that the police cannot arrest 300,000 people. It is up to the Victorian Parliament and the Governor if the government cannot govern because Dictator Daniel will not step down. His emergency powers do not allow mass shooting of demonstrators. Nor is this an organized riot but a mass revolt and supported by most Victorians.
The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.” – Author Unknown
Melbourne protests: Angry protesters take to West Gate Bridge
they started from CFMEU HQ all around the city to the top of the west gate bridge then back to where they started
here it is live from Vic square, still thousands of the protesters
The unions can break Dan…..they need to keep the pressure up …once people realise that Dan only has power by the will of the people, once people say “no more” it’s game over…..
INVESTIGATION: U.S. Has Funded Over 250 Studies for Chinese Communist Military Researchers.
U.S. taxpayers have been footing the bill for Chinese military-linked studies for over a decade, a National Pulse investigation has revealed.
by Natalie Winters
September 20, 2021
Various National Institutes of Health agencies – including Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – have funded over 250 studies authored by researchers at institutions controlled by China’s People’s Liberation Army, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.
Interesting to see the bridge taken over by those dozen or so right-wing troublemaking CFMEU members…
I’d say the CFMEU is in serious trouble.
Time for alternative associations across the board from trades to medicine. Put the cat amongst the pigeons and shake hard.
The more society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak it.
[Snip. comments about moderation]
The police brutality in Australia suppressing the pro-freedom protests (“just following orders” as guilty police will no doubt testify when eventually put on a Nuremberg-style trial) has gone viral all around the world.
But neither the police, government or many of the Sheeple seem the least bit embarrassed by it.
Most kids will say ‘X-Box and PlayStation’.
Nuremberg, who will conduct them?
Just hit: Project Veritas Covid vaccine exposed. Part1.
100 has sixty vaxed in ICU today, September 21, compared to eleven vaxed in ICU on August 21.
All things being equal implies that the ramp up of vaccination rate accounts for this but according to the ABC website chart for NSW at the number jabbed has moved
from on 21 August
At least partially 57.56% Fully 30.81% 11 ICU
to on 21 September
At least partially 83.02% Fully 54.2% 6O ICU
and these numbers are not congruous with with the supposition of linearity.
Any ideas?
I am interested to see the Covid Hospital figures in NSW when reach 70% double vaccinated and hear the explanations
Again what are the Vitamin D Levels of Covid Hospitalisations in NSW.
And if Tradies understand there are alternatives to Vaccines – “I think this is the first time I have seen the bleeding obvious prophylactic to Covid – in addition to the “mass distribution of ivermectin, vitamins C, D and zinc.” mentioned in a Major Australian Newspaper – in this case the Herald Sun” – why can’t DR Kerry Chant advise why they are not being used in NSW Hospitals as a treatment approach – current treatment is basically Zero
Because it doesn’t work……..Chant that is.
There simply isn’t sufficient credible evidence that the voodoo and snake-oil stuff (IVM etc) have any significant role as either prophylaxis or treatment. Vaccines are the way to go, obviously.
It’s still the case that the unvaccinated are overwhelmingly presenting in hospitals world-wide – as those requiring serious hospitalisation, or are in fact dying. What is so hard about understanding this? The vaccines might not be perfect, but they’re 500 times better than the next best thing.
“worldwide” means everywhere in the world except for all the places using ivermectin instead.
If only they had used Ivermectin instead of relying on pseudo-vaccines that loose efficacy within 6 months. !
Israel has to take third and fourth jabs or they stand a good chance of ending up in hospital.
So what was done in India and what has occurred in Africa is not enough evidence Tilba Tilba?
” There simply isn’t sufficient credible evidence that the voodoo and snake-oil stuff (IVM etc) …” has to be the joke of the month.
Not really sure why you think anything should be congruent with an assumption.
Cases tick along at a 1000+ a day, a few days/weeks later a certain % convert to hospital admissions , ICU admissions and deaths. Those numbers are still rising, hopefully plateauing in NSW. In parallel the vax program continues apace.
To me its not surprising that a growing number of vaxed people end up in ICU at the moment. With so many moving parts it hard to say if its the “right” number and the assorted vaxes are protecting as advertised. As time passes you would expect/hope the conversions rate to decline. The fanboys are quick to claim success/efficacy of course.
You’ve gotta laugh.
That “Pfizzer” spelling again?
has anyone got any news about the legality of the mandated jabs for workers in NSW?
apparently there is a win but can anyone verify this yet?
“For anyone following the Court proceedings against Hazzard, the Hocroft vs Hazzard case was settled out of court in favor of the Plaintiff (Hocroft)!”
G’day M,
Thanks for the link. I also had been wondering what had happened.
I just found this:
” Dismissed by consent on 15/9/21 “, without further comment.
Interesting that there’s been no press reports that I’ve seen.
Dave B
If you want unbiased news may I suggest am Australian YouTube channel called “6 News”. It seems to be run by adolescent kids and it is the best reported news you are likely to see.
l had a look but they dont have all the facts Dave,
they are reporting what the MSM is and how they are as if it is true
an example is that they reported the police did not try to hinder the protesters on the Westgate bridge but in truth the police blocked the highway trying to stop the protesters from returning into the city and fired on the crowd with rubber bullets for quite some time but the protesters ran around the police flanks and got behind them and back on there way to the CFMEU HQ
these young guys also reported that the cars that were stopped on the bridge were distraught because of the delay but in truth the people from the cars joined in and chanted with the protesters ‘everyday everyday everyday” and Fck Dan Andrews ect… the cars and trucks that were stopped also gave protesters a ride and beeped their horns in protest
l suppose its what you get from someone else’s information, the live cam reports tell the truth
Its all a bit dodgy but ….
The key point, atmospheric blocking is responsible for Darwin’s anomalous heat and Melbourne’s freezing conditions.
‘A surge of southeasterly winds carrying warm inland air across the western Top End caused temperatures to soar in Darwin on Tuesday.
‘This burst of abnormal Top End heat was caused by the same large high pressure system that’s currently driving a mass of polar, snow-bearing air across southeastern Australia.’
That’s the standard warmist spin but is it actually true?
Even if there weren’t standards, how inaccurate were the temperatures before 1910?
It’s more likely they were just deleted because they didn’t fit the warmist narrative.
Of course, all temperatures after 1910 have also been adjusted to suit the narrative so basically Australia has no official, honest temperature data whatsoever.
Again I refer to Station 086071 which recorded Melbourne City Temperatures and Rainfall from 1955 to 2015 and no longer exists – you cannot find it by searching – I have it saved and bookmarked
Look at 1968 and select days over 30C
Remember that the NT was governed by SA pre-Fed and the bloke in charge of their met operations was Sir Charles Todd. Seems he was an early adopter of Stevenson Screens (that via the BOM centenary book whose title I don’t remember atm). So I’m sceptical that Darwin didn’t have one under his guidance.
True, and he started the world’s longest comparison of temperatures in Stevenson screens vs Glaisher screens (38 years from memory). There wasn’t much difference except (again from memory) the Glaisher type gave higher temperatures on some days. Both types were in the West Parklands of Adelaide.
Incidentally, when my father first came to SA and sloppy work appeared it was a saying among older men “it wouldn’t have done for Sir. Charles”.
Seems this bloke
was something of a mentor to Todd on meteorology. So the worst would be the early records might have been in Glaisher screens with known characteristics relative to Stevenson screens.?
Any long term comparisons between Stevensons and modern “pint pot” screens?
If that 38.3°C was recorded in 1892 it’s most likely a conversion from Fahrenheit.
If taking that reading on a Centigrade thermometer the graduation marks were most likely one degree and so the reported temperature would have been to the nearest mark i.e. 38 with the accuracy of plus or minus half the limit of reading. Final report; 38 +/- 0.5 °C.
Converting back the given temperature would be 100.94°F which would have been recorded as 101F.
That’s not unusual even down here in NovoCastria where we often had runs of daily maxima between 100 and 104°F for a week and a half. Top that I can recall was 107°F.
The BOM’s mucking about with this stuff is completely unscientific and irrelevant anyhow.
CO2 does Not in any way control atmospheric temperature and it’s a bad omen for the future that the true science has been crushed, hidden and spat upon for decades now.
It doesn’t augur well for the future of our medical approach to virii like CV19.
I remember an occasion when we had a thermometer reading survey in the laboratory. A standard centigrade one with one degree markings. We had 7 people say what they thought was the reading, and the results were spread over 0.6℃. I stress that everybody “knew” how to use a thermometer which they all did every day anyway.
In the case of the Darwin station the operators at the telegraph station would have been trained to read the thermometer, but it would have been a Maximum Minimum type and these weren’t that accurate (excellent for comparison but not for accuracy to 0.1 decimal point, let alone to the nonsense 0.01 claims from the AGW quarters. And don’t get me started on the accuracy of digital instruments.
Construction shutdown about control and John Setka and his leaders looks like they’ve lost it
The construction shutdown is a high-stakes bid to show militant unionists who’s boss — only time will tell if it pays off.
James Campbell
Here’s something I bet you’d never thought you would see: a Socialist Left Labor premier ordering a lockout of building workers across Melbourne.
But in the crazy world we’re now living in – a world in which the free market IPA is posting videos dissecting Victoria Police brutality – it seems anything is possible.
Forget the nonsense talk about the dangers of spread on building sites, which has been known about for months. This is about control.
After 18 months of lockdowns, Melburnians are reaching the end of their tether.
On the one hand they’ll tell a pollster, yeah, of course I support lockdowns to keep us safe.
On the other they’ll just quietly start breaking the rules because well, they’re just over it.
Most people aren’t going to start acting out their anger in the street because they’re not built that way.
The CFMEU? Its members are different.
Its militancy isn’t peripheral, it’s the reason it’s the most powerful and feared union in the country.
And as anyone could see watching the footage of Monday’s event outside its headquarters, it’s clear as mud, its leadership has lost control over a large chunk of the rank-and-file.
John Setka is used to being the one revving up the boys.
On Monday he got a glimpse of what it must have been like for the people on the other side of his pickets all these years.
He and his officials looked old and out of touch.
You can tell how out of touch Labor politicians are by the way they’ve retreated into a fantasy that these are not “real” unionists.
On Tuesday, Bill Shorten tried to claim the crowd had been infiltrated by fake tradies “who had been down to the Reject Shop and got themselves a $2 hi-vis hoodie so they could pretend they were construction workers”.
That’s about as believable as the right-wingers in America who tried to convince the world this year’s Capitol riot in Washington had been infiltrated by Antifa.
The majority of the crowd were real members of the CFMEU – many of whom had joined the mob from the site across the street.
Just as many of the protesters in Richmond dressed in CFMEU gear and waving Eureka flags were what they seemed to be: members of the CFMEU.
Shorten is undoubtedly right, there’s a network of right-wingers who want to cause trouble.
Where I suspect he’s wrong is to pretend that somehow they’re all outside the construction industry.
What is clear is there is a hardcore element of building workers who are not going to be told they have to get vaccinated, not by Daniel Andrews nor anyone else.
Their views might be plum loco but you can’t deny they’re sincerely held.
The government and CFMEU leadership know that with emotions running high, it was inevitable Monday’s scenes would be repeated as long as sites remained open in the city, bringing thousands of workers together within blocks of each other.
They’re betting that sending workers home to the suburbs will keep them there.
But this shutdown is also designed to show them who’s the boss.
We’re not quite in the 19th century, when strikers were starved back to work, but in many ways the tactic isn’t that different.
Like everyone else in Australia construction workers are mortgaged to the hilt.
Many of their wives and partners will be without work.
One can only assume the Labor government is hoping a couple of weeks at home will make for a more compliant workforce ready to roll up their sleeves along with the rest of us.
We’ll see about that.
While I agree with most of your comment, I have personal experience on one point that is in error.
“That’s about as believable as the right-wingers in America who tried to convince the world this year’s Capitol riot in Washington had been infiltrated by Antifa.”
I was at the 6-January event, and I was approached by an Antifa clad guy with their signature shoulder hung megaphone. He was exhorting folks to get up on the Capital Steps “where the action is”.
At that point his “handler”, a middle aged woman, and her partner came up and talked with him. I pretended not to notice or care. They talked about what was going on, getting more participation, and other bits.
It was absolutely the case that Antifa folks were there, and were trying to get folks to “participate” more.
That said, I think there were enough “over enthusiastic” yahoos doing stupid stuff all on their own that the Antifa involvement was at most a modest boost.
I was approached by no less than 3 guys, all trying to get me to go into the Capital Building. One was the Antifa guy, but the other two impressed me as “Undercovers” (IMHO likely FBI). And no, I didn’t “bite” on their bait. We carefully stayed on the approved roadway pavement area. Said guys then going on to the next person and repeating their “line”…
So organized incitement was absolutely happening. I experienced it. In my opinion as a good observer (and trained in law enforcement), one was Antifa and 2 were “agency” types, but which TLA is unknown.
BTW, the folks who were at the Trump Speech (1.8 miles away at the Washington Monument) were not particularly “Right Wingers”. Mostly just regular family folks. Women and kids in the group too. By the time we walked to the Capital, the “Bad Stuff” was already happening. (Heard it on a radio when still about 1/4 mile away and most folks behind us). So whatever bad was done, was definitely NOT done by the folks listening to Trump. Those folks didn’t even start walking that 1.8 miles until after the “start time” at the Capital.
One other BTW: I don’t see my self as a “right winger” either. I’m a bog boring middle of the bird type. Registered as an independent as I don’t like either the Republicans or the Democrats. I voted for Obama (over Hillary) in the primary. I don’t care what you smoke as long as I don’t have to breath it (tobacco sets me off, but the other is OK). I’m also biological dad to kids with “Two Moms” and think that’s just fine. So please be careful with the slander of “Right Winger” applied to middle class middle politics Americans who just want their country to operate efficiently and not as a personal piggy bank of The Left & their NGOs.
In Vicdanistan and elsewhere in Australia a lot of the covid lockup decisions are based on “modelling”.
Modelling, when used by government, has been given a bad name because of its fraudulent use in relation to supposed anthropogenic global warming.
Are any of the covid models used in Australia published so that they can be independently checked?
Back in the day modelling had to be tested and validated and if it didn’t fit real world data the model, and not the data was considered invalid.
Also, the models and their data were published for all to see. It wasn’t science if they weren’t.
If you search around, quite a lot of results have been published.
There’s one example. I don’t believe they let you have the model itself but there is an Excel summary you can look at.
Really it just takes so much time and effort to go through these. Might be worth building some kind of index and comparison page.
GM to Replace Batteries in Recalled Chevy Bolts
Plan is for dealerships in mid-October to begin fixing Chevrolet Bolt electric cars recalled for fire risk
GM said Monday that it would start shipping new battery cells to dealerships as early as mid-October to begin replacing potentially faulty battery modules. GM and supplier LG Energy Solution have identified and fixed a manufacturing defect, and LG recently resumed production of cells at a factory in Michigan.
In late August, GM expanded a previous recall on the Chevy Bolt, after receiving additional reports of battery fires and concluding an earlier fix wasn’t adequate. The recall now covers roughly 142,000 vehicles produced since the electric car went on sale in late 2016.
GM’s recall of the Chevy Bolt—its only electric model sold in the U.S.—has in recent months overshadowed the company’s commitment to battery-powered vehicles and to closing the gap on leader Tesla Inc. In the coming years, GM plans to introduce a few dozen electric models, including a GMC pickup truck later this year and a new Cadillac SUV by next summer.
The Detroit auto maker has estimated the recall campaign will cost about $1.8 billion, making it one of the company’s costliest safety actions in history. GM said Monday it was aware of 13 fires linked to what it has described as a defect in some battery cells.
Jesus Damian said he walked to the outside lot of his apartment complex in Sacramento last month to find his Bolt had been destroyed by fire. Two cars parked next to his—another Chevrolet and a Maserati—were seriously damaged. His Bolt had been below the charging level recommended by GM, but he said he was unaware of that advice at the time.
“I never expected this to happen to me,” Mr. Damian said. “I’ve lost confidence in Chevrolet.”
you had previously mentioned Drug Companies in Opioid Crisis
eg – 4 drug companies agree to pay $26 billion to resolve opioid lawsuits
The agreement still requires the approval of more than 40 states and hundreds of cities and counties.
On road trips with my son last year I listen to the Dollop Report and 2 re the Opioid Crisis were excellent.
The Vernacular Language is a bit hard to take, but the research into the history is amazing and well worth listening
Senior NSW paramedic John Larter is suspended for speaking out against compulsory vaccination and the current NSW dictators.
Sensitive petals are not breeding, which is no big deal in the midst of a baby boom.
‘ACCORDING to a survey of 15,000 Australians, 10 per cent have reconsidered or chosen not to have children because of growing concern about climate change.
‘This figure from the study conducted by YouGov on behalf of the Australian Conservation Foundation ballooned to 20 per cent for adults under 35.
‘Despite this reticence, the Australian Bureau of Statistics last week revealed we are experiencing an apparent baby boom.’ (Guardian)
It will be interesting to see what effect the CV vaccines have on future birth rates. !
It is good that climate change tragics choose not to have children, helps bring sanity back to the world, one non-birth at a time.
Our Chicomm friends will take up the slack, I’m sure.
How would communist Dan and his gestapo private army react to the energy side of the cfmeu helping their construction mates by shutting off the power for as long as the tradies cannot work. We would see who is powerful in that scenario.
Now we have our own Vax-Greta in NSW. A carefully chosen spokesperson for the kids, she spouts the propaganda oblivious to the truth.
‘However, children and young people definitely want to do the right thing and also be able to socialise because lockdown is incredibly isolating for everyone.
‘I know everyone is excited to be vaccinated around me,’ she responded.
‘I am double vaccinated at the moment which is a great relief to know I’m protected transitioning into going back to school and seeing people again.
‘I’m aware that all of my friends and family are also quite excited to be able to get vaccinated and feel safe going back into the community.’
Oh dear sweety, how ill-informed and brainwashed you and your parents and friends are.
a super progressive woke in the making
I wonder how many who have received the Jab have had it done under the coercion of no Jab no Job or no play .
900 pages document proving US funding Corona Research at Wuhan.
It’s two years on since Sep 2019:
At the same time as Covid-19 was becoming a problem, escaping a lab in Wuhan in China, Australia was dealing with a terrible fire season.
The spectacular and extensive 2019-2020 bushfires in NSW have been used to push climate anxiety and fear worldwide, and the images seared into peoples memory and “Covering Climate Now” initiative to push climate change into every new article.
But the causes seem to have not been getting much attention.
Australia had had a dry year, and forests being eucalyptus forests had a lot of tinder dry fuel within them. Countries without such flammable forests, or which have cleared their forests aren’t going to suffer as much, but eucalyptus forests have evolved over millions of years to burn. And burning helps to clear out their competition, meaning now its just a competition between different species of fire tolerant trees, whether they be wattles or eucalyptus.
The Bureau of Meteorology had done some excellent computer modelling. They do not get much credit from the right, being a government department adding to climate alarmism. But they also do other work. They predicted that a sudden stratospheric warming event would result in a very hot and dry fire season. I think they should be commended for this prediction and some computer modelling that may be beneficial.
These articles may be relevant:
Sep 06 2019 :
Sep 11 2019 :
Dec 05 2019 :
Much of the media, insurance companies and government jumped onto this very hot and dry season as “evidence of climate change”, especially given the always spectacular footage, and extended smoke invading the cities, and unfortunately may have suppressed or ignored this prediction. But it could be a more rare natural event which we could use modelling to predict and prepare for bad fire seasons months in advance, rather than creating generalised fear and anxiety for fairly normal wetter and milder years, together with expensive back burning winter operations, and of course bumping up insurance premiums.
Tombo, Willis Eschenbach looked at global fires data and the trend over the last 120 years is down.
And ditto 120 year Australian fire trend, Canada etc.
And Dr John Christy also used the global fire data and arrived at the same conclusion as Willis. See towards the end of this article from Willis.
Further to my own post, I unfortunately neglected to include the following link from the source, Australia’s BOM:
Neville: I’m aware that unfortunately we have seen less fires, I wonder how much this is an unfortunate effect of deforestation – which significantly reduces the areas of land which can be burnt, simply because the forest has been eliminated. Only those nations retaining forests will be featured on the annual news about forest fires.
Tombo the planet has been greening for the last 40 years and we should be cleaning up our bush by more winter burning until we lower the more extreme fire risk.
Aboriginals carried out these winter burns for thousands of years and we should also get serious about cleaning up as well.
See CSIRO and NASA for Satellite photos of our greening world.
Absolutely correct. Eucalyptus forests can generate litter at a rate of 8 tonnes per hectare annually, with only 23% decomposing in that time. So it only takes a few years for litter to build up to levels where it’s impossible to control bushfires, particularly in hilly country with deep ravines. There is an excellent CSIRO study, plus the David Packham study, on exactly how much forest litter is required to make a bushfire unmanageable.
I will say the aboriginals didn’t necessarily do winter burns in ridiculous steep terrain. Why would they ? It didn’t help flush out prey like on the plains or more accessible areas and was a lot more risky in terms of getting trapped in a fire.
I think its worth assuming they were smart and knew what they were doing, and the wet rainforest area wasn’t easily burnable in winter, which is why remnant temperate rainforest was present in some of the less accessible areas (think less effort to eat)
Is this a joke?
Modelling is an important tool used in engineering.
When talking about “The weather” and fires we would be far closer to reality if we used phrases like;
“experience tells us”.
Trouble is very few people in CSIRO and BOM have ever been outside their air conditioned offices.
Tombo, it’s not possible to prevent large-scale bushfires unless states are prepared to cool-burn 10% or more of their forests every year. Unfortunately, both Vic and NSW cool-burn less than 2% annually. WA is currently burning around 8% annually and appears to have a better handle on bushfire control – in 2019 there was a great photo showing how wide firebreaks stopped a bushfire from advancing.
Also the BOM’s own rainfall data over the last century clearly showed NO TREND in droughts, just the usual random variations of droughts and flooding rains.
I totally agree Graeme – I think the cool burn approach is just going to burn the easiest 10% of forests every year, and not the more difficult 10% near property and infrastructure that we might need to protect. I think we’re going to waste a lot of money failing to prevent large fires. Firebreaks help with lesser fires etc, but obviously mean that fuel keeps accumulating as a result in the next unburnt areas – and spotting from embers can easily jump firebreaks.
Interesting that flu cases have dropped to very low levels around the world since the start of CV-19.
This article was written in April 2021 via Scientific American and I doubt that things have changed much in the last 4 to 5 months. The Aussie winter has seen very few flu cases and almost no deaths from flu so far in winter 2021.
Social distancing, hygiene, face masks, very low number of international travellers entering Australia?
As well as flu diagnosed as covid
Yes Dennis I think that covers most of the reasons.
But so far CV-19 deaths are about 1100+ cases for Aussies since early 2020.
And total cases in 2020 were 909 and most in Victoria or 824. Yet still low compared to other countries.
Let’s hope we can keep the total for 2021 under 2020 numbers.
Those numbers are deaths, not + PCR.
whats interesting is that its just not reported
you have thousands upon thousands of people being tested for the Wu Flu with cold and flu like symptoms but when they get a negative result the symptoms are nothing but a mind game l expect because they are not called colds or flu anymore you just got a negative test and thats all
l have teenage children who when they have been allowed to go to school have had colds and flu’s this year
l also know a working mom who puts her children in day care, her children have a permanent snotty nose but l suppose that is not a cold or flu
anyone who believes that because of measures put in place to control covid stopping colds and flus being around need to get out a bit;)
Further to #67, I should have added the following link from the source, Australia’s BOM:
Yes Tombo 2019 was a terrible drought year and positive IOD and an el nino.
But 2020 was the highest gross income year for Aussie farmers EVER and 2021 looks even better.
Still a weak la nina and also a negative IOD until NOV this year.
Barnaby, our stand in PM, mouths word salad.
I wonder if he reads the comments, you should, they’re interesting.
She’s BACK! Greta marches resume on Friday:
Fun to watch.
It’s important to listen to teenagers while they think they know everything.
We do not control carbon dioxide levels and carbon dioxide obviously does not control temperature, as can be seen from the last ten years.
Carbon dioxide essential to all organic life and human output is a tiny part of the total output of life on earth.
We cannot change carbon dioxide levels, even if we needed to do so.
In a hundred years humans have increased x7 and carbon dioxide has hardly budged.
A 50% increase is only due to slightly warmer oceans which contain 98% of all carbon dioxide.
Man made Global Warming is obvious nonsense and not science at all. In most countries life is far better than any time in human history.
So what are they protesting about? If there is a threat to life on earth, it is ignorance of which Greta is a world famous princess.
Tell me David do you find anything substantially wrong with Willis Eschenbach or Dr Christy’s summary of the extremists Climate change or EXISTENTIAL threat or Emergency etc?
They’ve both approached this point by point and of course supplied the data to support their arguments.
Just asking because you’re at the coal face and you obviously have to confront all the data on a daily basis. So any nitpicks with their summaries?
Interesting article on the protests in Melbourne:
‘It’s almost like grooming’: how anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, and the far-right came together over COVID
LINK to The Conversation
Remember, it’s tribal. The Conversation are “Good” and everyone else is “bad” and we don’t need to discuss ideas or evidence, just get back in your box. Right Tilba?
I don’t quite know what that all means. Did you read the article … I thought it joined the dots pretty well. Or is The Conversation off-limits?
Puzzled of Melbourne
The Conversation is only off limits to skeptical commenters because it is an Industry promotion rag for universities and they are cowards.
That article tells me that university sociology/political science departments are over-staffed and over-funded. Government money should be cut I suggest to zero.
Funny how now far left union members are now being portrayed as far right. Of course that’s a typical misdirection tactic used well by tyrannical movements like the Victorian government.
Good point Peter.
And as for Mr Setka, the current situation reminds me of that old rhyme;
Whether the weather is hot or cold that poor old wether in the smashed up union office has nothing to look forward to.
The situation is clear, right wing anarchists have taken advantage of lockdowns to vent their spleen.
The irony is in the detail, they are actually right wing thugs who have adopted hiviz pretending to be construction workers.
Its not misdirection by government.
You are listening to the MSM party line el gordo. Have a look at this Rebel News video. The tradies are all there voicing their views. Listen to the young lady at about 8.50 on who really started the fighting.
Young people are immature and easily roused by fierce excitement. This is entirely a Mexican thing, north of the border we don’t have mayhem.
And old people are gullible easily controlled by fear, and the MSM.
Show the proof of them not being who they claim to be. Yes the anti lock down persons are joining.
You just do what you have spent your life doing, let others fight your battles.
The union head said they are not construction workers and obviously the sentiments of this Melburnian mob attracts disaffected youth with too much time on their hands.
Wear hiviz and join the battle against lockdowns, why don’t we see the same happening in Sydney?
The first day was not a protest, is the construction lads venting their spleen at the people they pay look after their rights. They all looked like every construction worker I have worked with.
Did you watch any thing not on your ABC. Setka, when he was supposed to be discussing their gripes, was on the phone to the radio station calling them far right extremists.
That’s why they lost their s#it, some where listening to the radio . The pigs opened up on them.
You know these rallies, every one of them is recording on their phones. You do not have to listen to the MSM telling you what to think.
The union got bikers to protect them, they stood with the cops. Strange strange world.
Most “conspiration theories” became true in the meanwhile, look around in the world. The at least still verbal segregation into vaccinated and “anti-vaxxers” as you too call them is on the run in full speed, if I just look only here in Germany, the used vocabulary for these people using their brain is equal to that used here 88(ups)years ago, if you undertand what I mean.
Too right.
My daughter has just informed me not to communicate any of my “anti-vaccine” talk, as we are clearly on opposite sides of the fence.
So, there you go.
Do you allow her the right to tell you that?
Annie – she is 51 years old & still has the ability to deny us access to at least one grandchild.
That’s not good Vicki; it ends up being moral blackmail. I’m sorry you have to cope with that.
Yeah we are all in the same boat. I’m anti vax, they are anti choice, I can live with my view.
Now what did you say the other day about people lumping a tag on you.
The conversation, only if you agree.
Fair dinkum, why would anybody follow a link to Misha Ketchell’s leftist sandbox? Only views with he agrees are allowed to appear!
It appears you missed, or forgot, Jo’s post regarding his one-eyed approach two years ago
This is interesting.
Deadwood Releasing 10.9 Gigatons of Carbon Every Year – More Than All Fossil Fuel Emissions Combined
By Australian National University September 20, 2021
This is roughly equivalent to 115 percent of fossil fuel emissions.
Good one.
You can see the next grant request;
“To investigate methods of plant support which would prevent trees from dying and thus save the Planet”.
Why not just cut all the trees down ?
Melbourne is “in the news”, for sure and for certain.
“According to the Washington Post, the Melbourne protests come after the city imposed new COVID-19-related restrictions on construction workers in the city. Melbourne has also mandated vaccinations for construction workers.”
Unvaxxed Brazil President Bolsonaro Condemns Socialism And Vaccine Passports At UN General Assembly
Shadow banning of Christian videos by TikTok is starting to backfire. Those who had high trend ratings had been down ranked by TikTok to in effect shadow ban the videos and thus automatically disappear from the trending page. Then people started to complain about such shadow banning on TikTok’s twitter page. So much fuss was created that lots of people watched the videos and they ended up back on the trending page with even higher ratings than before they were shadowed banned. How hilarious.
Fresh from his chosen wind drought silly Boris is starting to panic about his clueless COP 26 Glasgow booze up.
And as he revs up coal AGAIN to save the UK, he also lashes out at developed countries who don’t want to waste another 100 billion $ down the drain.
When will these donkeys WAKE UP and start to THINK?
And obviously there’s no Climate EMERGENCY at all in the real world.
More commonsense from the GWPF as shown by their submission to the UK Govt. All their points are valid and should be adopted immediately. And forget about Glasgow COP 26.
“The GWPF is calling on the Government to:
1.” Suspend all green levies on energy bills, funding subsidies temporarily out of taxation, but acting firmly to cancel these subsidies in the near term.
2. Cancel constraint payments, and compel wind and solar generators to pay for their own balancing costs, thus incentivising them to self-dispatch only when economic.
3. Remove all fiscal and other disincentives to oil and gas exploration, including shale gas, to increase domestic production levels.
4. Suspend carbon taxation on coal and gas generation in order to provide consumer relief and ensure security of supply.
5. Re-open recently closed gas storage facilities and support new storage projects.
6. Suspend all further policy initiatives directed towards the Net Zero target, including the Carbon Budgets, the heat pump targets, and the overly ambitious timetable for the ban on petrol and diesel engines, until the UK energy sector has been stabilised.
7. Facilitate the acceleration of building and deploying Small Modular Reactors for both electricity and heat”.
Dr Benny Peiser, GWPF director, said:
“Britain’s boasts of low carbon leadership are collapsing in humiliation. Our foolish and badly engineered green policies show the world that we have nothing to offer, except a grim warning. The Prime Minister should cancel COP26 and focus on saving Britain from a deepening energy crisis.”
Earthquake just hit us near Glenrowan in northern Victoriastan, similar in intensity to the one we were in at Broome a few years ago.
We felt it quite strongly here too. Not nice.
Son in East Gippsland said he has more cracks in the walls of the house and their pool water was sloshing around.
Tried to get a video of the pool being turned into a wave pool but phone was slow so just shows the sloshing effect .
Mag 6, epicentre in Mansfield, 10kms deep.
Yuk, the worst I’ve felt since the 70s in Cyprus.
One in Broome 3 years ? Or so ago I thought was 5.6 and it seemed worse but we were on sand , I’m wondering how the dam walls are going with Hume weir at close to max capacity and William hovel spilling over .
Video in Herald Sun shows top brickwork of Victorian Building toppled into street
Melbourne Grandsons Lego displays toppled over and fitting fell off wall
Revised down to a 4.0 .
But revised back up to 5.8 (according to ABC News).
We had quite a nudge in Essendon – went outside and the bricks and glass were complaining bitterly, and the two cars were rocking like boats. Felt as far away as 600 km (NSW) and 720 km (Adelaide).
I can see why the Japanese prefer timber houses.
And back down to 4.0.
It felt worse than the 4.3 mag ones.
really? Says 5.8 on GA as of this posts timestamp. There was an aftershock of 4.0
Rawson, VIC
Property Value Property Value
Magnitude: 3.1 Depth: 4 km
Longitude: 146.40 Latitude: -37.51
Date (UTC): 21/09/2021 23:54:18
Rawson, VIC
Property Value Property Value
Magnitude: 4.0 Depth: 12 km
Longitude: 146.28 Latitude: -37.50
Date (UTC): 21/09/2021 23:33:38
Mansfield, VIC
Property Value Property Value
Magnitude: 5.8 Depth: 10 km
Longitude: 146.33 Latitude: -37.47
Date (UTC): 21/09/2021 23:15:54
That sounds more like what we felt GA. Yes, there was a milder aftershock too. The first one was very unpleasant, worse than anything felt hereabouts before.
I do notice very slight tremors sometimes but these usually can be confused with a truck coming down the road or one is too busy to be aware of them. Now I think about it, there were some very slight things yesterday, forgotten about.
Didn’t notice the third one you list GA. I don’t think some of what I feel is always a tremor; in Cyprus though, it seemed like the wind was blowing around the yacht club, until people rushed out saying things were rattling on the shelves in the workshop.
Yes Gee aye it settled on 5.8 , stupid me was getting my info from the ABC who went from 6 to 4 to not knowing then to 5.8.
In Dan’s Viktoriastan, we felt it today…
There is a crack, a crack in everythin,’ thats how the light gets in….
Dutchsinse site has a detailed explanation of the causes of the VIC earthquake.
Whole video is almost 2 hours long but the Australian portion of the content runs for about 13 minutes. Skip to 3:40 mark.
An Excellent Letter from a Victorian Policeman – scroll down to comments to read – Jo deserves it’s own thread
ZK2A said in reply to Davey Boy…
“Reichsfuhrer Bunter” – pay that one!
ReplyWednesday, 22 September 2021 at 09:03 AM
Jeff of FNQ said in reply to Davey Boy…
An important but lengthy letter from a Victoria copper who expressed his views to Tommy Robinson:
Name: Craig BACKMAN
Comment: Hi tommy.
I am a current serving member of Victoria Police in Australia. I am embarrassed by my organization’s approach to policing this so called pandemic. Just thought I’d reach out to you and let you know that there are many among us that don’t agree with this approach and are willing to put our careers on the line to speak out against it.
I am one of those and I hope that by me speaking out it may encourage others to do the same.
Following is the body of an email I sent to Victoria Police Management, yesterday, prior to today’s protest in Melbourne.
Thanks for putting this stuff up OO, I would be less informed without you.
From the comments.
We’ll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song
So let me get this straight. We have police who agree with the protesters about the fact the lockdowns and other draconian actions have gone on for too long too hard abut they are forced to obey orders from their boss because they are paid to do so. So when are the MSM going to side with the sentiments of the police and the protesters instead of kowtowing to the tyrannical dedicators? That includes people like Andrew Bolt and Paul Murray. Or are they too following orders from their bosses? Of course they are. It appears the whole law enforcement and news media is now following orders of bosses who in turn are following orders from tyrannical dictators. There is obviously only one outcome out of all this if it continues for too long; civil war.
Civil war? This is madness.
Dont know how many there are…The police were in large numbers today with armored vehicles, chasing peaceful protestors who were just walking down the street, firing rubber bullets indiscriminately and arresting them. Absolutely disgusting scenes from dans blackshirts. Message: don’t you dare question the glorious leader and this is what you get if you refuse his injections. Couldnt believe what I was witnessing on Australian soil.
CFMEU accuses its own MEMBERS of being ‘far-right Nazis’
WATCH & SHARE what the union doesn’t want you to see.
By Avi Yemini | September 21, 2021
What’s Your Actual Risk of Dying From COVID?
Americans are misinformed about the risks of COVID. That’s a fact.
Earlier this year, a Franklin Templeton/Gallup study found that when people were asked what “percentage of people who have been infected by the coronavirus needed to be hospitalized,” more than a third, 35 percent, said the risk was 50 percent. It’s actually somewhere between 1 and 5 percent. As you might expect, political affiliation influences that perception. “Democrats were much more likely to overestimate the harms of COVID-19, according to the Franklin Templeton/Gallup study, with 41% believing over half of coronavirus patients would require hospitalizations, compared to 28% of Republicans.” Republicans were also more likely to correctly estimate risk.
A recent Rasmussen Reports survey also found that Democrats are more likely than Republicans to overestimate the mortality risks of COVID. According to the survey, “Democrats are significantly more likely than other Americans to overestimate the death risk from COVID-19. Twenty-eight percent (28%) of Democrats think more than 10% of people diagnosed with COVID-19 have died from the disease – more than five times the actual mortality rate. Just 14% of Republicans and the unaffiliated believe the COVID-19 mortality rate is over 10%.” The reason for this is likely tied to media consumption, as the survey found that “More viewers of Newsmax (40%) and Fox News (34%) correctly estimated the COVID-19 mortality rate than viewers of CNN (22%) or MSNBC (24%).”
So, what’s the actual mortality rate? What is your risk of dying from COVID? Well, there are a lot of factors, such as comorbidities and vaccination status, but one thing that has been very clear, even from the earliest days of the pandemic, is that this disease affects the older population more than the younger population.
The CDC posts COVID mortality statistics by age range, where you can see that the risk of dying from COVID starts to increase dramatically once you get to the 50-and-over age groups.
But Phil Kerpen, the president of American Commitment and Unleash Prosperity, has taken the CDC’s data and broken down the risk of dying from COVID by single year of age.
According to this chart, my risk of dying from COVID is comparable to my risk of dying by drowning. Well, isn’t that interesting? Should I be afraid of the water? Should I never go swimming again? Of course not. But when you look at this chart and you look at your comparable mortality risk, it puts this pandemic in perspective, doesn’t it?
This is not to say we shouldn’t treat COVID seriously, but it does suggest that the efforts being taken to “slow the spread” are excessive. We should be doing our best to protect the vulnerable segments of the population, not mandating vaccines, masking kids, or arresting people who go maskless. We can take this pandemic seriously without going overboard or taking away our freedoms.
I’ve come to the same conclusion a long time ago. That’s why all this hysteria over the virus, which clearly is not a super virus even though they are treating it as if it is, has to be for another very sinister reason. There can be no other explanation.
From Michael Smith News – Some extracts from Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights Act. Makes you wonder why they bothered.
Here’s just one provision
This Charter binds the Crown in right of Victoria and, so far as the legislative power of the Parliament permits, the Crown in all its other capacities.
A person must not be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation or treatment without his or her full, free and informed consent.
Hands up all those who think consent has been freely given when you’re told your job and family’s livelihood depends on you agreeing.
And here are a few more extracts that I thought were interesting.
It’s likely any contradictions between different acts were reconciled in last year’s infamous Omnibus bill.
People in the Flemington and North Melbourne flats were being permitted an hour outside because of the Charter but it was kept hush-hush.
As the days tick by the probable electoral consequences of the premier’s intemperate response in locking down all tradies for a fortnight will slowly dawn in what passes for his mind and it’s anybody’s guess how much angrier and more spiteful he’ll be.
It’s obvious that in reactively framing the original ultimatum that all building workers were to be vaccinated by Thursday midnight noddy had forgotten the next day is the Grand Final public holiday which he’d granted us in the salad days of his since repudiated beneficence.
Just found this info on discrimination and COVID and if legit and not updated might put a spanner in the works of no jab no work and no jab no restaurant.
And again another law about Coercion in the workplace.
live feed of the protests today in Melbourne with the counter terrorism gear LOL
the riot/counter terrorism squad just ran at the protesters shooting them
this is the lucky country
this is the counter terrorist team practicing last night after the protests on the 21st
the last link is finished but here is another that shows the protests are still going for those interested
so that link is gone but here is another showing the peaceful protesters
the police have done a deal with them to get them to leave but intel has shown as they leave they are being arrested so the protesters do not trust the polices word at all
going to the shrine fighting for freedom does not seem to be everyone’s cup of tea but it has worked by stopping the police shooting and injuring the protesters, for now
what l have seen is a peaceful protest and a standoff because of the optics that would be seen if the truth was told, the earlier interactions between the protesters and police counter terrorism ect.. were the police rushing the protesters and shooting them some injuries to the face,
the MSM will not report it like it is seen on live stream, live stream cannot be edited LOL
This is how to treat Socialism/Prius
With a 50 Cal Rifle (plus I suspect a little bit of help) – 1 min 21 secs video
Union reaps blowback in wild protests
The anarchy and mass intimidation that the CFMEU has long encouraged has now blown back as lockdown frustration and anti-vaxxing protests turn ugly in Melbourne.
The AFR View Editorial
Sydney is set to fully reopen its construction sites next Monday, even to workers from the hardest-hit local government areas who have had one jab. That’s after Victoria has slammed the construction industry with its 320,000 workers shut for a fortnight, despite the construction bodies claiming that the move is unnecessary. And it has happened as lockdown frustrations boil over in Melbourne.
The anarchy and mass intimidation that the CFMEU has long encouraged has now blown back, as worker protests against mandatory vaccinations there merged with anti-vax zealots and then turned on the Victorian branch and its leader John Setka.
Yesterday it became a bigger, leaderless “yellow vest” style protest. The government says that its snap shutdown should not be conflated with the protests. But construction is an industry used to compliance, with rapid testing that has now worked to reopen things in Sydney.
Victoria’s reopening is already markedly slower than NSW despite the big difference in case numbers. This is not going to bring any more confidence or hope.
Re the US federal “vaccine” mandate
“Now It Is TRULY Coming Apart
[Comments enabled]
Well well….
Project Veritas now has an on-the-record federal HHS employee blowing this whistle.
UAB Hospital in Alabama dropped their vaccine mandate after being threatened with a lawsuit. (They may attempt to play too-cute-by-half with the OSHA rules but if their original position was a loser, so is that one.)
Further, read this:”
Richtator Dan with head office – “Release The Earthquake”
‘It’s the Dan Andreas Fault’:
Hilarious reactions to the ‘biggest earthquake since European settlement’ as it rocks Melbourne and Australia’s south-east
. Australians have flocked to social media to joke about Victoria’s earthquake
. The 5.8 magnitude quake struck at Mansfield about 9.15am on Wednesday
. Many poked fun by blaming the natural phenomenon on Premier Dan Andrews
Was it the rebound from this?
More sombre reading
“The more things change, the more they stay the same…”
“Very few generations, ever, can lay claim to having witnessed two different empires fall. Ours will be among that select group. Within my lifetime, we have seen the Fall of the Soviet Union – with, as it happens, nary a shot fired – and we will almost surely live to see the Fall of the American Empire.”
More and link at
Oh, Jacinda is on the warpath now. Gonna stop that Fried Chicken takeaway, no matter the cost.
This is insane. She’s insane.
Did she solve this?
“Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
DONALD TRUMP: I’ve been told by my many sources, good sources – they’re very good sources – that the chicken crossed the road. All the Fake News wants to do is write nasty things about the road, but it’s a really good road. It’s a beautiful road. Everyone knows how beautiful it is.
JOE BIDEN: Why did the chicken do the…thing in the…you know the rest.
SARAH PALIN: The chicken crossed the road because, gosh-darn it, he’s a maverick!
BARACK OBAMA: Let me be perfectly clear, if the chickens like their eggs they can keep their eggs. No chicken will be required to cross the road to surrender her eggs. Period.
AOC: Chickens should not be forced to lay eggs! This is because of corporate greed! Eggs should be able to lay themselves.
HILLARY CLINTON: What difference at this point does it make why the chicken crossed the road.
GEORGE W. BUSH: We don’t really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or against us. There is no middle ground here.
DICK CHENEY: Where’s my gun?
BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with that chicken.
AL GORE: I invented the chicken.
JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken’s intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.
AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white?
DR. PHIL: The problem we have here is that this chicken won’t realize that he must first deal with the problem on this side of the road before it goes after the problem on the other side of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he is acting by not taking on his current problems before adding any new problems.
ANDERSON COOPER: We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.
NANCY GRACE: That chicken crossed the road because he’s guilty! You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks.
PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.
DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I’ve not been told.
ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain, alone.
GRANDPA: In my day we didn’t ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.
ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.
ALBERT EINSTEIN: Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken?
COLONEL SANDERS: Did I miss one?”
From Michael Smith News
“Today, Victorian police unexpectedly put on a mass demonstration in the center of Melbourne. Possibly aware that the public was deeply disappointed that the Grand Final Parade had been cancelled, they filled in with fleets of shiny cars, uniforms, guns and an extraordinary array of other paraphernalia. As a civic gesture it is believed that the Police may be donating this week’s overtime towards a fund to support out of work CMFEU workers. Good on you guys and girls, your support will be remembered.”
The link so you can watch
“The Andrews Schutzstaffel in show of force, let this be a warning to you all. Except African gangs, you’re OK.”
Melbourne riots by “tradesmen” from building and construction ….. organiser a 24 year old IT expert and activist;
Am I missing something?
11.5% of Australians don’t want the vax. (
Denmark just got rid of all covid restrictions/passports with 80% double vaxxed.
Is the whole vax mandate somewhat pointless seeing as >80% of Australians will get vaxxed regardless?
Yes, but include me out.
It’s becoming clear that all of the MSM are on the side of the Victorian government reaction to the Melbourne crisis. It exposes them for what they really are; supporters of tyrannical governments no matter what the circumstances. It’s what I’ve surmised for a long time since I stopped watching much of Sky News ever since they turned their backs on the election fraud against Trump a long time ago and ignored all the evidence. The same thing is happening with the COVID-19 hysteria and vaccine agenda. Australia is pretty much fallen I’m afraid. All it takes to complete the job is for the deployment of vaccine passports along with the CCP social credit system currently being considered in other Western countries. It’s now officially termed algocracy (Government by algorithm). It is explained away by some people as an appropriate new way to live in the modern world. What a load of BS. It’s just a modern version of the old Naz1 regime where “show me your papers” is brought into the digital world with even more draconian checks and measures. Yet so many people love to see it arrive here so they can spend even more time effectively having sex with their phones. Just goes to show a lot of people have lost all common sense, decency and moral, and actually prefer to worship evil. Once it’s tied to some mark of the beast system, it’s all over and people can kiss goodbye to any freedoms and instead be encouraged to embrace and worship pure evil.
Beware. Those who say it’s already over are making the autocrats happy.
We still have a lot to fight with.
Don’t give up, get organised.
Is there a link to anyone filming the standoff at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne? I understand that the police are offering people a safe passage out for a specified time.
Just about to post it very tense situation.
Police just fired on protesters at the shrine of remembrance, our state is lost.
An alleged whistleblower has claimed Melbourne will be under martial law by the weekend, they work at Melbourne Airport and saw a plane landing there last week with troops and equipment.
If true they’ve either come to save us or kill us.
My money is on the latter.
Or they are on a training exercise or something else or it is made up.
Vicky I’m hearing that promise was broken as soon as they dispersed from the Shrine .
I’ve been watching live pictures for the last few hours, and no such thing has been reported. I think the cops have been remarkably constrained. I hold very strong views about these protesters occupying the Shrine of Remembrance, and I think 99% of decent Victorians – indeed Australians – would share my views.
I bet none of these protesters has served in the ADF.
Melbourne protests live news: Rubber bullets, tear gas: police move in at Shrine of Remembrance; arrests after near five-hour standoff
What a Crap of a Country Australia has become
Do you support these protesters occupying the Shrine of Remembrance? Really?
I oppose the presence of armed uniformed thugs at the Shrine of Remembrance.
Faux outrage.
I think it is a very fitting place to make a stand. Considering the solders gave their lives for, freedom.
Dictator Dan – the Crappy Labor Party and the East German Stasi have nothing on this lot of Cretins
Victoria Police impose ban on media livestreaming aerial footage from Melbourne’s protests
Victoria Police have been successful in putting an immediate stop to media organisations filming and broadcasting aerial footage from the Melbourne protests in a drastic move that is expected to remain in place until at least Sunday.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority on Wednesday confirmed a Victoria Police request to stop all aircraft – except police aircraft – flying over Melbourne’s CBD on the third day of the protests.
Police said the move was: “due to operational and safety reasons in relation to the protest activity”.
Broadcasters are furious at the blanket ban on live streaming aerial footage and have told The Australian it would “hinder” their ability to cover an important news event.
Nine’s director of news & current affairs Darren Wick was among those to slam the move, describing it as “an overreach” and said the network was looking at its legal options.
He said the media were not consulted about the decision before it was implemented.
“We have to be able to show the public what is happening, it’s not what we do, we are not a police state,” Mr Wick said on Melbourne’s 3AW radio stations.
“It’s very unprecedented and it’s very uncomfortable, the decision that’s been made.
“To the can the media helicopter coverage of this for the next several days is overreach and it’s actually a very dangerous precedent.”
Mr Wick referenced the Sydney’s Lindt cafe siege in 2014 where he said NSW police consulted media during the dangerous event unfolding.
“I look in Sydney, the Lindt cafe siege several years ago, the police actually spoke with the media and asked us to stop broadcasting live pictures for half an hour while they were able to move police into strategic positions, which we compiled with,” he said.
“This in not that, this is a bunch of boofheads wandering around protesting on the streets … to ban the media helicopters coverage of this for the next several day is overreach.
“We are moving into the realms of censorship and a police state.”
Premier Daniel Andrews’ office said they had no involvement in the decision to stop aerial footage of the protest scenes being aired across the television networks.
Sources said a shared media helicopter – an arrangement between Seven, Nine, Sky News and the ABC – was grounded at around 2pm on Wednesday.
The broadcasters were notified of the decision mid-air, after their pool helicopter had just refuelled and was returning to the CBD to capture more vision of Wednesday’s protests.
The temporary ban from any other aircraft entering a three nautical mile – the equivalent to about 5.5km – radius of the CBD will be limited to police aircraft only until 9am on Sunday.
A spokeswoman for Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said: “These are operational decisions made by VicPol and the government is not involved.”
Vision of the protests has been streaming around the world.
Among some of the most chaotic scenes from the media choppers that have aired included thousands of protesters causing chaos on Melbourne’s major arterial road, the Westgate Freeway, on Tuesday, grinding traffic to a halt and chaos traffic mayhem for hours.
In a message seen from CASA it confirmed the ban means, “no entry without approval of controlling authorities” during the ban spanning across a four-day period.
Victoria Police said in a statement: “We understand the concerns from the media about this decision.
“We are looking to find alternate options that would meet the needs of both Victoria Police and the media”.
And when you see the photo from the Media Helicopter yo can see why VicStasi Police Thugs don’t want Surveillance by the Press
The MSM don’t usually show anything much that would get Dan in trouble except maybe Sky news , it’s no longer a great state I live in .
Seems strategic and sensible to me. The constant aerial coverage on Monday and Tuesday provided the “protesters” with too much intelligence and information, so it’s obvious that it had to be shut down.
What part of this is hard to understand?
They have now relented and will let the news chopper to fly and film but – there has to be a delay of 60 minutes and nothing goes to air without their approval . How do they stop all those protesters with phones on the ground beaming footage out you may ask ?
I was shocked when I came to this site today. I thought it would entire thread of fighting for freedom.
It would appear resistance, like in my country, is only small percentage.
Late summer cooling trend detected in Finland.
Re the recent “Non-Riot” in US
In cricketing terms – caught in slips
“Well, well, well… FBI agents identified from gay pride parade photographs?”
And in comments
“The Gaystapo”
Asch Conformity Experiment
Feb 20, 2012
“Classic footage from the Asch conformity study. This version includes definitions of normative and informational conformity and the powerful effect of having an ally.”
This is how bad we look overseas. US Republicans call for sanctions against Australia over police treatment of protesters.
Australians apparently don’t give a damn. Probably too busy finding out which mobile phone to buy to accommodate the new vaccine passports so that it looks prettier. We are becoming a very sick nation.
l have been saying for a long time that Australians are not the problem,
its the states as we are divided, talking about Vicdanistan Dan has been picking at the edges and knocking off minority’s spreading the fear and making it about health since the start, if he succeeds then l predict NSW will go next then maybe SA or QLD and so on but it will happen to all Australians eventually,
people especially the younger IMHO do not react while the little pile of chicken chips, cool aid and government handouts they have are OK
a good example is the honourable Melbourne tradie who apologised to the nation for not sticking up for them because he was still working and he was ok, sometimes you need to be affected before you will move
the livestreams have been getting hundreds of thousands of views showing support to the protesters, sometimes at over 70k at one time but the MSM gets very few because it is not reporting what is happening and is helping the government BS narrative
this video shows the counter terrorist squad shooting at fleeing protesters after they ran from the shrine
for their health, it truthfully is a war zone and Australia deserves sanctions
Well – the internet is certainly showing plenty of OS concern for what is happening here.
The image of the “fair go” Aussies with a healthy scepticism for anything connected with government is receiving a pounding. It was not quite a myth – but was connected to the birth of a nation in a tough place – & has probably no efficacy now.
And I say that with great sadness.
I don’t carry a mobile phone with me. If it is connected to my identity, it will be locked in a safe.
Pandemics in 1958 and 1968 took two years. This one will be soon over. Cases drop 10% a week, say worldometers. No masks or vaccinations needed.
George Orwell must be spinning in his grave and laughing his head off. Welcome to Australia 2021 (IE: 1984).
Victoria education just ordered 51,000 air purifiers from Samsung with budget of $190 million. (that is $3,725.49 per unit)
Same model retails in Australia between $799 and $999 per unit.
Another great deal for Victoria using HEPA filters that will load the cost of living
Given the power rating that will require 4.59MW of extra power
Interesting read about the COV-19 origin in The Lancet, PCR Test Drosten is involved in the first two open letters claiming natural origin of the virus.
Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19
Science, not speculation, is essential to determine how SARS-CoV-2 reached humans
The Lancet know reacts:
An appeal for an objective, open, and transparent scientific debate about the origin of SARS-CoV-2
More in that area?
““Leaked docs show DARPA considered funding $14mn project to infect Chinese bats with altered coronaviruses in 2018 – reports”
Release infected bats into the wild? What could go wrong?
But wait … Peter Daszak is in charge! What could not go wrong!”
Via comments at Chiefio