Dr Marion Gruber and Dr Phillip Krause were not just at the FDA, they had been there for 30 years and were heading up the teams that decided last week to approve Pfizer for 16 year olds last week.
Two Top FDA Vaccine Regulators Are Set to Depart During a Crucial Period
Noah Weiland and Sharon LaFraniere, New York Times
Gruber and Krause were upset about the Biden administration’s recent announcement that adults should get a coronavirus booster vaccination eight months after they received their second shot, according to people familiar with their thinking.
Neither believed there was enough data to justify offering booster shots yet, the people said, and both viewed the announcement, amplified by President Joe Biden, as pressure on the FDA to quickly authorize them.
They are worried about that Israeli data showing people vaccinated in January only had 16% protection left in July.
White House officials have stressed that the plan for Americans to start receiving boosters next month was uniformly endorsed by the most senior federal health officials, including Dr. Janet Woodcock, the acting FDA commissioner. They have described the need to develop a booster plan as urgent in light of growing evidence that the vaccines lose potency over time — a trend that they fear suggests the vaccines’ protection against severe disease and hospitalization will also soon weaken.
Remember this graph of the Israeli data — the one that shocked the markets in July?

Vaccine efficacy Israel.
The January cohort (blue) may have included the highest risk people, so perhaps some immune responses won’t fold as fast in other groups. But even in the success at preventing hospitalization lies bad news. The vaccines (mostly Pfizer) were still useful at preventing hospitalization 82% of the time — but that means nearly one out of five of the highest risk people aren’t protected, even though they are double vaccinated. This might be workable if the vaccines stopped transmission, but they’re only 50% effective in stopping the virus spreading.
So it’s not surprising the Biden Administration wants to start the booster shots in just three weeks, but the FDA hasn’t done the safety checks yet. It’s an IPCC-climate-science type quandary where the outcome is known before the investigation:
…FDA regulators are in the position of trying to determine whether booster shots are safe and effective after the White House — and their own agency head, Woodcock — already endorsed administering them.
“This process has been the reverse of what we would normally expect in vaccine policy,” with the administration announcing plans based on a certain outcome before regulators can complete their review, said Jason L. Schwartz, an associate professor of health policy at the Yale School of Public Health.
Meanwhile in Israel the third booster dose is now so normalized (after all of three weeks) that the old two-dose-passports might get tossed in the bin. That ticket to freedom is now just a five or six month pass. Three-Vax can lock out the Two-Vax.
Yahoo News has the New York Times article.
The general rule of thumb seems to be do the opposite of what Biden administration does. Will be interesting to see how many of the existing double vaxxed call it quits and refuse the booster. I’m starting to detect increasing vaccine remorse and fatigue even among my hardcore lefty colleagues.
Yeah. Well, I was worried about a few people I know down south who were very keen on getting vaxed……briefly. They were mighty impressed by various big-notes getting saline injections live on TV and then NOT dying immediately, so thought “What the heck? If some reality star is advising injecting bleach into my arm….after being paid a hundred grand to do the advising….it MUST be OK!” So…
They are of the lefty persuasion. Got multiple degrees when it was 100% free to go to Uni, though still get bamboozled when setting up TV remotes and what have you. Anyhow, compassionate as I am I do sometimes think PT Barnum had it right with that famous quote “There’s a Lemming Born Every Minute, and I’m crying all the way to the bank”, but that’s only like, my opinion, dudes!
Bravo, Mantaray, bravo!
As PT Barnum’s banker used to say: Humour is the best medicine.
Remember that bit of video getting around that showed someone important getting a jab with the nurses gloved left hand blocking the view, only thing was as she finished, just briefly we could see the cap was still on the needle of the syringe.
It’s very likely triple vaxxing will be on the agenda soon enough. It won’t be that hard for them to coerce the people given what is going on right now: Australia’s Finest Politicians Setting New Standards for the World
I expect that we will soon see class actions for damages caused by multiple jabs.
I’ve been saying all along the covid vax will be an annual thing just like the flu vax.
Who could possibly have seen this happening?
Morning Jane,
Another example:
” Western Sydney Local Health District said a person with COVID-19 presented to Westmead Hospital’s emergency department vomiting and with diarrhoea.
The symptoms weren’t as a result of the virus, but from an overdose of the drug Ivermectin and other medications sold online as “COVID cures”.
Hospital toxicologist Naren Gunja said Ivermectin was an anti-parasitic medication mainly used for farm animals.
He said the person was lucky not to have developed severe toxicity.
“There’s no evidence to support the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19,” he said.
“Don’t look for magic cures online, and don’t rely on what’s being peddled on the internet, because none of them work.” ”
The full story, which doesn’t have much more detail, is the second in:
Dave B
Afternoon all,
A quiz.
I reckon there are two lies in the section of article I’ve quoted above. One required a full sentence, and one a mere clause. Can you identify them? Are there more?
Dave B
Afternoon again,
The ABC is having a bet each way with this report, an update on the earlier one.
In both (the two lies):
” There’s no evidence to support the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19,” he said.
“Don’t look for magic cures online and don’t rely on what’s being peddled on the internet, because none of them work.” ”
And the new bit:
” After some initial test-tube studies showed Ivermectin may have an effect on the COVID-19 virus, it sparked several trials around the world. ”
” The Pharmacy Guild of Australia told the ABC that the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce is not recommending the use of Ivermectin for COVID treatment outside of clinical trials.
“The Pharmacy Guild of Australia recognises that the prescribing of medicines off-label may be necessary, but should be evidence-based and with the patient’s informed consent,” said a spokesperson. ”
Sounds like someone else was unhappy with their original story, and was able to get through to them. A bit.
Dave B
So many people I know act all smug and virtuous because they are fully vaccinated and I am not. Can’t wait to see them when they
learn they aren’t fully vaccinated anymore and have to get on the vax waiting list all over again. I have to admit I am so enjoying this.
Haven’t got vaxed yet. Can’t see the point when there is no covid in my community.
How ever next year or the year after (which will be a new strain anyway) I’ll most likely line up for my annual shot.
Being in a remote location I hardly ever get the flu, but when I do it really knocks me around. So I’ve decided to go with the annual flu shot- covid will be the same.
A pox on our politicians for dividing our society, and then demonising one side of the divide.
It is a dangerous game they play, which history shows won’t end well.
The politicians say if I don’t get the bad medicine (it’s not a vaccine) I will kill other people.
But, if you can still catch the virus after being “fully vaccinated” at 2 jabs, and still transmit/pass on the virus after jabs every four months into perpetuity, how am I, an unvaccinated person, a threat to you?
How is that selfish?
My body, my choice.
Just like you who believed them when they said what was a “one jab to freedom”.
>> And who would take seriously some one who ignores their own “science” and wears only one mask? …
Dr. Fauci: Double-masking makes ‘common sense’ and is likely more effective
Unless you’re wearing two mask when telling me virus protocol, you can go jump.
Yes indeed a pox on our politicians. So what are you going to do about it? Vote for them again, or do as I will do and put the LNP, ALP and Greens last? I haven’t decided in which order yet but as long as they are not at or near the top then I will have done my little bit. What about the rest of you here? Are you going to follow suit or just pretend you care while whistling Dixie?
I stopped listening/voting for the major parties years ago.
My vote is parked with PHON atm and I am listening to what Craig Kelly has to say.
Not enough PeterS,
You have to get off your ass, find out where your local political party meets, go there and eyeball the useful idiots. That is if they exist?
Same goes for Craig Kelly. There needs to be basic changes like the Deplorables are undertaking in the US
Politics needs to be removed from the influence of the public purse.
My suggestions:
(1) Do not fund political parties from the public purse.
(2) Compensate not remunerate your local representatives. They really do not do much more than run around promoting themselves, so they can avoid having to find a real job. They are beholden to the pre-selectors not the electors.
(3) Two pieces of Legislation to be removed for every new one.
(4) Return the future fund to the people to pay of the communications mess. The Politicians and Bureaucrats should have funded their own super out of the then budgets instead of stealing the money from the Telstra sale to pay for this unfunded liability.
I have done the same as you. Greens at the bottom, followed by Liebor and the Libs. I then pick from what is left.
Holding your nose and picking the least worst of the 2 majors hasn’t worked out well but most people will still vote that way.
Well, we know one definition of insanity. I’ve decided not to be insane by voting for either major party expecting a different and better result a long time ago. Too bad most Australians are still in that insane category. I was hoping that would change but so far it’s not turning out that way. Oh well, we get the government we deserve, even if it’s edging closer and closer to a Nazi like one.
Well, we know one definition of insanity. I’ve decided not to be insane by voting for either major party expecting a different and better result a long time ago. Too bad most Australians are still in that insane category. I was hoping that would change but so far it’s not turning out that way. Oh well, we get the government we deserve, even if it’s edging closer and closer to a Naz1 like one.
“My body, my choice.”
Open Letter to the Unvaccinated
The vaccinated spread at the same or higher rate than the unvaccinated, and that is the latest science.
The Vietanamese study showing the very high spread rate is below
We also have the PHE data that you showed recently where there was NEGLIGIBLE difference in spread between the two groups.
Even the CDC is acknowledging this
I draw peoples attention to the fact that the vast majority of the population is at little risk at all from covid – this is NEVER stated by any of our illiterate CHOs. They are incapable of reading data which does not agree with their catastrophist and alarmist views (sounds like climate change…)
The Oxford mortality calculator below is one I use to draw peoples attention to this. My 25 yo son has a risk of 0.0002% mortality – he is at greater risk of death from the flu. Yet we have threats of him having to vaccinate to attend a study course.
The big problem here Jo is that you, I and many of the regulars here continue to put up science to show the massive mistakes being made daily by our CHOs and politicians, virtually everything they do is not just morally wrong, its scientifically unjustified. We make the mistake of assuming that by showing data and science they will respond, but they will not – climate change showed us that.
They will not change, only by getting out protesting, by saying enough is enough will the message get through! Sitting at home, hoping for something to change will do nothing – 1984 will happen if you do that.
” … the massive mistakes being made daily by our CHOs and politicians …”
Why assume they are making “mistakes” – it looks like a world-wide plan to me.
Correct, the “mistake” is the feature
They appear as mistakes to US, but are part of the PLAN for THEM.
It’s apparently std textbook epidemiology that non-sterilizing “vaccines” select for and facilitate the spread of disease variants, prolonging and thereby worsening the disease.
Those telling us to vax up and/or take a booster know that, and they don’t care. Why? Gee, I wi$h I knew what the rea$on is.
More evidence that the spike protein is highly toxic
More evidence that vaccine lose effectiveness way too quickly
I tried reading that abstract at the first link.
Complex is an understatement.
My understanding is the Spike Protein is causing issues with the Heart. The very spike protein they want our bodies to produce trillions of, if you get the very aptly named #clotshot. I am very happy to be proved wrong…..
Yes, RightOverLabour. Your understanding is correct, according to cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough of Texas.
The ‘vaccines’ cause many serious complications – most commonly as a result of blood clotting throughout the vascular system – and heart trouble is one of them.
For some reason not yet understood, it seems that younger males are most commonly the victims of such cardiac side effects.
Dr Mc Cullough has very serious reservations about the COVID ‘vaccines’ but has said specifically that nobody under the age of 30 years should be having the injections under ANY circumstances.
Clotshot indeed ROL, love it.
More evidence the hysteria over the COVID-19 virus is subsiding in some parts of the world: New Yorkers brought NYC back despite hysteria over the Delta variant
So, there is some hope for us here but when? I still believe we are a nation of jelly backs who like being told what to do. I’d love to be proven wrong.
No problem here in Australia to perpetuate the hysteria. Apparently we have ordered over 50 millions doses of Novavax vaccine that’s yet to be released here. We are such a gullible nation of jelly backs.
Keep an eye on Novavax.
It is not mRNA so may be acceptable.
I know. Still even if it’s shown to be safer than the others I won’t be rushing into it for some time. There is no real need anyway, no more than there is a need for me to take a flu shot.
My sentiments precisely PS.
They’re going to do a test run.
Just to prove the Western world has indeed lost it and is well on its merry way to destruction, here’s another example of inclusiveness gone mad. Now Harvard has unanimously elected an atheist to be their new chief chaplain, defying school’s origins. Oh well, we shouldn’t be surprised given so many other truths are being blurred with lies, such as the top two hysterias; man-made catastrophic global warming and the COVID-19 virus. Perhaps the Roman Catholic Church can elect an atheist as the next Pope. Why not? It would be consistent with the fake logic spreading like wildfire everywhere else, including our Universities, schools, MSM and governments.
Out with the old religion … in with the new religion.
People want something to cling to.
“Yes, Prime Minister” The Bishops Gambit (TV Episode 1986)
James Hacker : Humphrey, what’s a Modernist in the Church of England?
Sir Humphrey Appleby : Ah, well, the word “Modernist” is code for non-believer.
James Hacker : You mean an atheist?
Sir Humphrey Appleby : No, Prime Minister. An atheist clergyman couldn’t continue to draw his stipend. So, when they stop believing in God, they call themselves “Modernists”.
James Hacker : How could the Church of England suggest an atheist as Bishop of Bury St Edmunds?
Sir Humphrey Appleby : Well, very easily. The Church of England is primarily a social organization, not a religious one.
James Hacker : Is it?
Sir Humphrey Appleby : Oh yes. It’s part of the rich social fabric of this country. So bishops need to be the sorts of chaps who speak properly and know which knife and fork to use. The sort of people one can look up to.
“Perhaps the Roman Catholic Church can elect an atheist as the next Pope.” Don’t they already have one.
I think Il Papa is a convert to the cult of CAGW isn’t he?
Two serious questions to ask.
#1 – How long does a mRNA vaccinated person infected with COVID remain infected? I.E. how long are they infectious.
#2 – Do mRNA vaccinated people gain additional, longer term, immunity (like that of non vaccinated people who have recovered from COVID)?
Sorry didn’t complete the thought.
#2 – Do mRNA vaccinated people who are later infected with COVID gain additional, longer term, immunity (like that of non vaccinated people who have recovered from COVID)?
According to Dr Cole, he suggests that immunity is compromised after receiving the vaccination to further infections.
as for his credentials https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/community/boise/article253543984.html
https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateVaccines/comments/pbgxvs/dr_ryan_cole_stopthemandate_dangers_of/ This has a transcript below it:
“SARS-COV1 vaccines lead to overactive Immune Priming by badly made antibodies. Common among vaccines made for the Coronavirus family of virus”
“Vaccines reduce the effectiveness of our Innate Immune system: Laboratory results”
13m11 “Uptick of Herpes, Mono, Papillomavirus, Bumps and Rashes in vaccinated people due to reduced effectiveness of the innate immune system”
13m50 “Reduced effectiveness of immune cells fighting cancer in vaccinated individuals leads to more cancers”
That’s worth talking about.
All I care about is the fact that my chances of catching the virus is next to zero and greater than catching the pneumonia or other respiratory diseases, which I won’t getting vaccinations for them either, and the fact that the COVID-19 vaccines unlike previous vaccines are still experiential with unknown longer term side effects, and the fact that over 400 people have reportedly died with the vaccines (not necessarily from the vaccines) this year so far. I don’t like playing Russian Roulette with my life, now and for the longer term. Each to their own.
Just the emphasise two facts. Some 100 people have died with COVID-19 virus this year so far while some 400 people have died with COVID-19 vaccines this year so far. These are published stats from our state and federal governments, respectability.
If 100 deaths “with” covid justifies the current response, then 400 deaths “with” the vaccine is ample reason to abandon the vaccine in favour of a treatment proven to be effective and recording NO deaths in the 30 or more years of its use.Cue Fanfare and entry of IVERMECTIN.
Published where?
Australian Government Database of Adverse Event Notifications: https://apps.tga.gov.au/Prod/daen/daen-entry.aspx
I think this be the second occurrence of “experiential” in your posts. How do you gloss the word? Is it intended to be “experimental” perhaps? Online dick suggests “empirical” …
Maddening the way the replies don’t always link to the right post; I was referring to 9.2 not 9.2.1.
Predictive text, you have to watch it.
Meant to say “All I care about is the fact that my chances of catching the virus is next to zero and LESS than catching the pneumonia or other respiratory diseases, which I won’t getting vaccinations for them either,….” Need my coffee.
Working in Quality assurance, where I emphasise to all my clients about the need to properly validate new processes, ingredients etc its completely unbelievable that we have our govt and those around the world rushing to inject people when there has been no proper long term assessments.
I can tell you many horror stories where companies have deliberately, in some cases, ignored proper testing protocols and had very bad situations to deal with later….
How will this end up? Odds are not on it ending well…
If the COVID-19 vaccines of today were used in the past, they would have been withdrawn given the number of deaths and ill effects. Instead today they hysteria has taken over their puny little brains and telling us lies upon lies about how safe they are. What’s worse is that most people are jelly backs and falling for their scare tactics. It’s just proves how easy it is for some ruthless and evil leader to take over at some stage in the future.
The time course of vaccine failure could also be because the delta variant is not susseptable to the vaccine. If so, then boosters will only increase the number of vaccine side effects.
Then there is the distinct possibility of new variants that the current vaccines are less than say 50% effective. It just gets sillier and sillier.
World Health Organization Monitoring COVID-19 ‘Mu’ Variant from Colombia
Should I be worried about this?
Pericyte effects; pericytes are contractile cells that control microvascular blood flow …
Covid-19 spike protein binds to and changes cells in the heart
That’s actual old news. It’s one of dozens of other ill side effects of the vaccine that have been recognised for many months, some benign, such as temporary pain, and some very serious, such as loss of mobility and blindness.
Yes, it’s the spike proteins on the virus that do most of the harm.
Hey, here’s an idea – why don’t we inject people with a “vaccine” that turns their bodies into spike protein factories – that should fix everything, eh.
And that is the mantra that has to be repeated again and again and again…You will probably not die if you get Covid, but who knows what will happen if you get vaccinated? You actually got to be fairly insane to agree to that kind of risk.
l agree
here is what Geert Vanden Bosshe PHD, DVM has to say about vaccine disasters ahead
Holy cow, that’s a great explanation, what a looming disaster they have created.
Dr McCullough https://www.bitchute.com/video/BxME0RDJ61S9/
Yes. You should be very worried. Covid is sneaky, evil dangerous. We need and there is, multilevel practical effective protection against the covid virus. The worry is the WHO and our governments are hiding the covid solutions. We also need protection from China.
The spike protein was designed. There are no covid spikes in nature. The covid spike also contains the biochemical means to breach the blood brain barrier. These specialized novel covid features were designed by the covid designer.
There is absolutely no physical evidence to support the assertion that covid is natural. i.e. A ‘natural’ explanation for covid. Would require that there is a physical ‘natural’ explanation as to how .. …
..Virus splices from three different species and a magic covid spike which does not exist in nature got together at a wild market to infect patient zero in China where this outbreak spread to the world.
And it is pathetic/worrying… That it appears, the US is so corrupt, US institutions, cannot ‘solve’ the covid origins problem.
I don’t think that is correct. Corona means crown, which is what a coronvirus looks like in 2D electronmicrographs.. The spikes form the crown.
There are lots of coronaviruses in nature.
So-called COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ create a new class of “Super-Spreaders” as confirmed by this graph.
If the “Unvaccinated” are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and are not asymptomatic they will spend a week in bed, just like the flu.
Getting “Double-Vaxxed” creates a new class of asymptomatic people who are out and about spreading the virus instead of being home in bed.
“Vaccines” are thus promoting the pandemic.
A term that probably should get more use – The Medical Industrial Complex. Their revolving door seems to be well oiled.
Revolving door for them, a trap door for the rest of the people.
Then, there’s this interesting little article:
Misdirection, hard fact or complete miss I don’t know. Maybe any, as yet un-corrupted, scientific types could tease out the reality better than I can.
UK and Italy are now revealing that a drug meant for being used for cholesterol can also be efficient in reducing COVID-19 infection by an incredible 70%. Patients off of oxygen in a week. Fenofibrate / Tricor. 145 mg/day for 10 days.
Light Geek: https://www.jpost.com/health-science/15-treatment-gets-covid-patients-off-ventilators-in-under-a-week-study-677479
Medium Geek: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32759008/
Full on Geek: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2021.660490/full
All we need to do is make sure Trump doesn’t talk about it.
There might be some way to convince CNN that Biden actually invented this stuff … someone start a go fund me.
It may well occur that the “Virus” is revealed not to be the true danger but merely the vehicle to justify what is happening in real time.Extension of “emergency” powers, construction of “Quarantine” facilities, high profile involvement of the military in enforcement,restriction on freedoms and vilification of the “unclean”unvaccinated,Refusal to accept that there exists adequately tested an documented equivalent protections and treatmemts against covid….This list is by no means complete.This is my opinion. You have the freedom to disagree, which is more than the freedom I have to disagree with “The Experts”
That’s already the case where our state leaders and health officials are in effect saying those who refuse to be vaccinated are stupid and so don’t deserve to have the same freedoms as they once had. It will have to take a lot more pain to convince enough people that our leaders are well on the way to becoming as evil as the Naz1s of old.
Good article on the death of science https://thefederalist.com/2021/09/01/dr-scott-atlas-science-killed-itself-over-covid-19/
For the record
“Another Collection Of Chinese Wuhan Covid Links”
Well – here’s one for history…….
Gladys was asked by a journo what her response is to people who have had COVID have been told by GPs that they should not have a vaccination for at least 3 months. Premier said she would seek advice of her experts…….
Kerry Chant then came to the microphone to assure everyone that the vax could be had just 6 weeks after COVID because vaccination is better than natural immunity”!!!!!!!!!!
She extrapolated that we would expect that vaxx would be continuous as mutations emerged!!!! As if that was not enough she ventured that she would like to see Australia as the most vaxxed country in the world!
Let me see if I’ve got this right: the medical authorities are now set to ask – no, since they can’t legally consent, that should read “force” – our children to take an experimental medicine that they don’t need, that has a small but demonstrated risk of doing them harm, and that doesn’t work very well, in order to protect (but not very well) their or someone else’s grandparents. If any of that is incorrect, I’ll be glad to be set straight on the matter. Otherwise, as a (fully vaccinated) grandparent, I’ll be encouraging my children to keep their children well away from these things.
Yeah, well, let’s see Gladys take all those jabs herself on live video, eh?
‘PeterS’ in above said this: “If the COVID-19 vaccines of today were used in the past, they would have been withdrawn given the number of deaths and ill effects.”
The American VAERS system (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) showed that, as of the 14th of May this year, there had been 4,133 deaths associated with vaccines during calendar year 2021 alone.
This compares with a total of 165 during 2020 and an average of 153 per annum over the last 10 years.
In other words, there had been at that time over 27 times more vaccine deaths reported than average – and that’s for less than half a year.
You can’t explain this staggering 27-fold spike in deaths by adding 280 million Covid shot doses in 4+ months, on top of the typical 300 million vaccine doses per year. At most we might expect twice as many deaths … NOT 27 times more!!
And don’t be misled by the integrity-challenged “fact-checkers” who complain that VAERS does not prove a causal relationship between the shot and the adverse event. VAERS is not supposed to do that – VAERS is designed to rapidly detect unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse events, also known as ‘safety signals’.
VAERS is an early warning system.
Respected U.S. cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough, made this telling observation about the normal safety procedure with medical products: “After five reported deaths where a medical product is suspected of being involved, the FDA will issue a black box warning — a notice to consumers warning them that the drug might cause death. At around 50 suspicious deaths, the product is pulled off the market.”
Is it just me or are we witnessing something very disturbing here?
Far from implementing standard safety protocols in the case of these new ‘vaccines’, authorities around the world are pushing harder and harder – and in a threatening manner – to have everyone injected with them.
There’s something wrong with this picture..
The vaccine is toxic and we are only seeing that start of it. Many diseases involving prions which may form with mRNA manipulation may take years to manifest, Mad Cow disease being one of them.
Here’s papers supporting my post above
Take the vaccine? You must be joking.
Yes, “very disturbing.”
Excellent post!
Well said Interested.
Good source of info on many aspects of the COVID scam, from the viewpoint of a PhD biologist.
Yes, I’ve posted on his material before, and will keep it up, as long as he keeps being informative.
Yes, must say that I am a fan. If it was you that introduced me, thanks. What I have learnt from him has me now just passing on much of what I now see as idle gossip. Becomes frustrating though.
The creator of the mRNA vaccine has some interesting things to say about how it’s being used and its effectiveness, as outlined by this physicist.