Something amazing has happened in Uttar Pradesh.
At the end of April in Uttar Pradesh, every day 35,000 people were catching Covid and 350 people were dying. With a population of 240 million people living in high density conditions, and with only 5% vaccinated, all the odds were against it.
This week across the whole state there were only 199 active cases in toto and a trickle of new daily cases.
Ponder that Utter Pradesh has about two thirds of the population of the USA and they’re living in a high density environment with a GDP of about $1,000 per capita, which is one sixtieth as much as the average American. To add some perspective, it was only three years ago that the government finally connected everyone up to electricity.
The richest nations in the world are failing.
33 districts in Uttar Pradesh are now Covid-free
Hindustan Times Sept 10th, 2021
There are no active cases of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in 33 districts of Uttar Pradesh, the state government informed on Friday. About 67 districts have not reported a single new case of the viral infection in the last 24 hours, the government said, noting the steady improvement of the Covid-19 situation in the state.
Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent. The recovery rate, meanwhile, has improved to 98.7 per cent. As per the state’s health bulletin, Uttar Pradesh reported only 11 new Covid-19 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours.

It’s always hard to know if places like India are testing enough, and while they definitely weren’t at the peak, they appear to be now. Test positivity in India rose to 15% or more in late April, but by early June was as low as 0.5%.
A test positivity of 15% is not good, but it isn’t the Mexican 60% disaster. Plenty of US states have had similar days.
People may not realize that Ivermectin is not only useful in treating Covid but can also reduce viral loads and thus transmission if it is used early enough. We could be using it to ring-fence Covid — to surround current cases to limit the spread.
Given the safety of ivermectin, why aren’t we doing those trials? What have we got to lose?
If the Minister of Health says “Trust us” on the vaccines, but isn’t acting as though our health was the most important thing. It it was, he’d be allowing doctors to prescribe it to patients and running trials.
If ivermectin had been used in NSW with detailed contact tracing from the beginning, would they still be in lockdown?
An ivermectin success story
Uttar Pradesh is giving people ivermectin, and not only providing it to those who test positive but giving it to everyone else in their house as well to prevent or at least slow the transmission.
India’s Ivermectin Blackout – Part III: The Lesson of Kerala
Justus Hope, The Desert Review, August 23, 2021
Uttar Pradesh has a policy of treating ALL the contacts of an infected patient prophylactically with Ivermectin. In other words, in Uttar Pradesh, everyone in the house gets Ivermectin treatment even if only one is infected. Ivermectin is known to reduce mortality in infected and dramatically lowers the viral load, thereby helping reduce the spread of the virus to others.
Uttar Pradesh government says early use of Ivermectin helped to keep positivity, deaths low
“Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra led by Dr. Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that NONE OF THEM developed COVID-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus,” Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.
The WHO raved about the way Uttar Pradesh was handling things, but didn’t mention what was in the medicine bag. It’s just some mysterious black box, right?
We can see how comprehensive the program was beginning on May 5th:
UTTAR PRADESH Going the last mile to stop COVID-19
WHO, May 7, 2021
The Uttar Pradesh state government has initiated house-to-house active case finding of COVID-19 in rural areas to contain transmission by testing people with symptoms for rapid isolation, disease management and contact tracing.
Government teams are moving across 97,941 villages in 75 districts over five days for this activity, which began on 5 May in India’s most populous state with a population of 230 million.
Each monitoring team has two members, who visit homes in villages and remote hamlets to test everyone with symptoms of COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) kits. Those who test positive are quickly isolated and given a medicine kit with advice on disease management.
The Uttar Pradesh government certainly thinks it was ivermectin:
May 12th 2021
Uttar Pradesh government says early use of Ivermectin helped to keep positivity, deaths low
The Indian Express
“Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra, led by Dr Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that none of them developed Covid-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus,” Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.
Claiming that timely introduction of Ivermectin since the first wave has helped the state maintain a relatively low positivity rate despite its high population density, he said, “Despite being the state with the largest population base and a high population density, we have maintained a relatively low positivity rate and cases per million of population”.
He said that apart from aggressive contact tracing and surveillance, the lower positivity and fatality rates may be attributed to the large-scale use of Ivermectin use in the state, adding that the drug has recently been introduced in the National Protocol for Covid treatment and management.
Kerala took the vaccine route and stopped ivermectin
Compare Uttar Pradesh to the small state of Kerala on the far southern edge of India. Kerala was using ivermectin, but unlike Uttar Pradesh, it increased vaccinations and decreased ivermectin. By early August ivermectin was no longer included in treatment plans. Kerala has a population of 34 million, but currently has about two thirds of all new cases in India.
See the guidelines: Kerala treatment Guidelines April 2021 and August 2021. There are 13 mentions of ivermectin in April, but by August, there are only 2, and they are “contraindications”.

See also The Gateway Pundit for more.
Spread the word. Big Pharma and Big Government won’t champion the cheap drugs — only the people will!
h/t Craig Kelly, Scott of the Pacific, and ColA on Thursday Unthreaded plus Bill in AZ
Be wary of drawing too much from just these single variable graphs alone. Other places show a rise and fall in cases, though few reduce a large caseload to virtally nothing. The details matter, like the timing, how much testing was done, whether there was also a lockdown and whether the ivermectin was available easily. The total number of cases and deaths matters too. The totals in Uttar Pradesh reached 35,000 known cases a day, but the USA reached 350,000 a day (and that wasn’t with Delta). Knowing that we have a mechanism for ivermectin to work, in vitro studies, in vivo studies, meta-studies and the peak of the curve in Uttar Pradesh fits the timing of the their big program to visit homes with “medicine kits” suggests that ivermectin really did change the height of the bell curve and reduce the tail as well.
Biber et al (2021) Favorable outcome on viral load and culture viability using Ivermectin in early treatment of non-hospitalized patients with mild COVID-19 – A double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial, doi:
Andy Crump and Satoshi Omura (2011) Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective ,Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. Feb 10; 87(2): 13–28. doi: 10.2183/pjab.87.13
Bryant, Andrew MSc1,*; Lawrie, Theresa A. MBBCh, PhD2; Dowswell, Therese PhD2; Fordham, Edmund J. PhD2; Mitchell, Scott MBChB, MRCS3; Hill, Sarah R. PhD1; Tham, Tony C. MD, FRCP4 (2021) Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection, A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines, American Journal of Therapeutics: June 17, 2021 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue – doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001402
The MSM should Demand that the CHO’s in all States and Territories to explain Why Ivermectin is banned given these results
But I will dream on.
The MSM of a few decades ago included journalists who might have demanded an explanation, but I think those days are gone. Today they seem to fall in line for the most part. However once in awhile I see glimmers of great journalism by individuals with little more than a cell phone camera and chutzpah. I think a renaissance is due.
It is MUCH worse than that.
Most of today’s “churnalists” are political hacks, obsessed with their self-appointed roles as “opinion-shapers” and “King-makers” (and “King BREAKERS”)
They are basically post-adolescent schoolyard tattle-tales with obscene levels of narcissism and hubris. The megalomaniac tails wagging the political “dogs”.
And those are probably their finer points.
Fear not, the word is spreading in Ausytralia, UK & USA about this.
They cant keep a lid on it forever, those involved will face theor own Nuremberg trial, have no doubt.
I do suspect though that like the whacked-out parasites they are, the globalists will start a war to distract people from this information, as they only want to inject people with their widow maker medical devices….
A really interesting read is Bill Coopers’ ( ex-USN, Naval Intelligence ) “Behold a Pale Horse” – the book pulls all the strands of the N W O together.
Yep, the word is out.
Jo says “ Be wary of drawing too much from just these single variable graphs alone. Other places show a rise and fall in cases, though few reduce a large caseload to virtally nothing. The details matter, like the timing, how much testing was done, whether there was also a lockdown and whether the ivermectin was available easily”
Jo, the details are there. The test positive rate was not 10 %, not 5 percent, not 1.5 percent. It was .01 %. ( based on 226,000 tests). The case load reduction is real. The number of providences with zero cases is real. The Ivermectin distribution is described.
Yes. I filled out the rest of the para belately. sorry:
Knowing that we have a mechanism for ivermectin to work, in vitro studies, in vivo studies, meta-studies and that the peak of the curve in Uttar Pradesh fits the timing of the their big program to visit homes with “medicine kits” suggests that ivermectin really did change the height of the bell curve and reduce the tail as well.
A reader at MichaelSmithNews wrote to the CHO regarding Ivermectin.
If you would like to read the bureaucratic BS reply use the following link.
They really do not want to know about Ivermectin do they!
And stop the chemical turkey shoot of the popn?
Why would they?
It appears we arent dealing with normal people here, the globalist ideaology & belief system appears to be pretty evil, lets be blunt. The most visible political arm is the CCP. The most visible action is the mass slow motion gen**ide that is taking place under cover of a plan demic.
If you consider the numebr of kids they want to inject, and refuse them Ivermectin, thats the stuff of monsters…..
Original Steve; thank you for the direct comment. Somehow it is very difficult for most decent people to comprehend the evil side of human nature, always manifesting in brutal Power Over Others, the basis of all crime. The democide of the 20th century ( about 159 million citizens murdered by their OWN GOVERNMENTS), should have taught us what statism is all about.
[SNIP off topic]
“were not a scam”; but it is and an obvious one to anyone capable of rational, deductive thought.
Another sign of them being evil monsters is when they start declaring that people who refuse to be vaccinated deserve to die a horrible death and will be refused any treatment for any ailment. That would be an unambiguous sign of pure evil. It has sort of already started here with some dropping hints to that effect but they haven’t as yet come out and speaking their mind to the full. If and when they do it might be enough to wake up a lot of people; perhaps.
I have direct experience of this in my own family. This member of the family needed an operation in hospital and was told categorically – no jab no op.
Being desperate for relief this family member relented and took the jab and got the op.
Before long you will need the jab to go shopping – and if you eventually starve then the Government and all the Bien Pensant will cheer to be rid of one more “super spreader.”
Forced participation in medical experiments (and coercion counts as forcing) is against the Nuremberg code, not to mention the Hippocratic oath.
[SNIP — it’s a science thread.]
Hope one of those thumbs isn’t Palacechook.
“Oh yes, we believe in universal health care.”
“But not for those filthy anti-vaxxers – let them die in a ditch.”
Meanwhile in LuLu Land of VictoriaStan under Dictator Dan and his Henchmen
Melburnians will effectively be prohibited from “getting on the beers” or sharing a bottle of wine at picnics after the Andrews government confirmed it would not be lifting a ban on people removing their masks to consume alcohol while outside the home.
Premier Daniel Andrews announced on Thursday that fully vaccinated Melburnians would be able to gather outdoors in groups of up to five adults from up to two households from midnight on Friday as part of modest measures introduced as a “reward” for the state reaching a 70 per cent first-dose vaccination target.
Those who are not fully vaccinated may meet with a maximum of one other adult.
Asked by The Australian whether the drinking ban — imposed in August in a bid to crack down on pub crawls in inner-city suburbs — would persist, Mr Andrews said he would seek clarification.
“I can understand that people will be very keen to get an answer on that, and I will get you one around the consumption of alcohol and the removal of a mask during the said outdoor activities we’ve just announced, whether they be picnics or otherwise.” Later on Thursday afternoon, his office confirmed the ban would remain, effectively making it illegal for Melburnians to consume alcohol outside the home, unless they get creative with a straw.
The Defence rests its case your Honour…..
The leadership in this country appears to be ins*ne.
When they drag your kids out of your house, and hold them down to forcibly inject them, will people wake up then?
As you alluded to before, it’s much worse than that. They are evil, and as such are our real enemies, along with their puppet masters. Yet most people keep voting for their parties. Go figure.
The Powerful Case Against Covid mRNA Vaccine
There are two reasons for Covid infections. One is the mRNA vaccine which spreads Covid.
The other is the refusal of the Western medical establishment to prevent and treat Covid with HCQ or Ivermectin.
The massive outbreak of new Covid cases in the most vaccinated countries–Israel 84%, Iceland 95%, Gibraltar 99%–has made it completely clear that the mRNA vaccine does not protect against Covid infection. Fauci, a life-long shill for Big Pharma, is delighted. His solution to the failure of the “vaccine” (it is not a vaccine) is more vaccine. Booster shots are needed, he says, every 5 to 8 months to keep Covid at bay. In other words profits forever for Big Pharma.
But the failure of the mRNA vaccine is far more serious than the failure to protect. The vaccine itself (1) causes illnesses and deaths identical to Covid illnesses and deaths as the massive number of deaths and health injuries in the adverse vaccine reaction databases indicate, (2) the “vaccine” creates variants capable of escaping immune response, and (3) the vaccinated are contagious and dangerous to the unvaccinated.
In other words, the so-called breakthrough cases that are now overwhelming the most vaccinated countries are caused by vaccination. To continue jabbing people risks such death and injury and counterproductive totalitarian policies as to lead to societal collapse.
Yet Western public medical authorities–not Japanese, Indian, and African– and presstitutes continue to lie through their teeth that Ivermectin is unsafe. Do they tell this lie just for profits, or is a darker agenda afoot?
HCQ is another proven preventative and cure and it also is demonized as dangerous. HCQ needs to be taken early when symptoms first appear. Ivermectin is effective also at later stages of the virus.
If you come down with Covid and have co-morbidities or a compromised immune system, do not go to a hospital. They will put you on a ventilator and kill you. You will not get treatment with known safe and effective cures. Instead go to Japan, or India, or any of the African countries marked in blue in the opening chart, or cross the border into Mexico and purchase Ivermectin formulated for humans over the counter from a pharmacy.
One reason for the push for COVID vaccination may be to eliminate a possible control group
There are a number of reasons to explain the intense push from the Biden administration and the government medical bureaucracy to get people to take the COVID vaccine.
From a wide search of the information available, I find it hard to believe that the actual health of people is one of the reasons.
For example, why demand people with natural immunity get vaccinated? And why insist on vaccinating children when their risk of serious effects from the virus is minuscule? It make no scientific sense especially when the vaccine itself can possibly cause serious health issues for the young.
This brings up one of the less talked about reasons behind the vaccination mania. It’s to eliminate a possible control group of non-vaccinated people to which the vaccinated can be compared. Let me explain.
From the highest levels of the government to the public health authorities like the WHO, FDA, and CDC, to professional medical groups (American Medical Association, etc.) to the corporate media, the vaccines have been heralded as safe and effective. Already, the health authorities and the medical establishment have had their reputations sullied with their wrong-headed advice on stopping the virus via lockdowns, mask-wearing, and social distancing. And the number of deaths from the Wuhan virus did not come close to matching their early projections even when the actual COVID deaths were greatly inflated.
Now it’s down to the vaccines. They already have egg on their faces due to their earlier pronouncements. Now they’re desperate that people never find out about the possible damage these inadequately tested vaccines may be inflicting on humanity.
There are already clues that the vaccines are causing many near-immediate adverse effects. Credible scientists, immunologists, and doctors are also saying even more vaccine damage could surface down the road. This is because the man-made engineered spike protein in the vaccine causes the body to produce more of it, and this toxic protein compromises the immune system as well as weakens other aspects of the body.
Yes, they are trying to eliminate any large control group.
But they have failed. It doesn’t matter now what the quackzine passport countries do. The non quackzine countries pulled the pin on this mid 2020 due to the Surgisphere fabricated data scandal.
The international control group now outnumbers the quackzination group, and has a lower case mortality rate.
I am a proud member of the Australian control group. The second shot of AZ killed my father. I will never submit to the medical nazi’s.
Don’t be frightened. Don’t be bullied. If you are unquackzinated, you are not the tiny minority the propagandists want you to believe you are.
What happened to that plan to force all ambulance workers to get quackzinated? And the interstate truckies? And the police? Do you think the Establishment Misleadia will tell you when Dictator Dan fails in his attempt to get all Victorian constitution workers quackzinated?
If you comply because you want it to end, it will never end because of your compliance. Don’t comply. If you haven’t taken the jabs just stare them down.
They called me a “holocaust denier” for publishing the empirical experiments that proved surface incident LWIR could not heat nor slow the cooling rate of water free to evaporatively cool. Now they call me an “anti-vaxxer” even though I championed the push to make the papalonavirus vaccine available to boys not just girls. I will never bend the knee to scum like that, and nor should you.
Konrad, I know you have deep personal pain in this. “Quackzine” and “nazi” terms will not reach as many people as well as calm scientific lingo will, even though they may make you feel better. I’m asking all readers to try to use less hype, and more sources. Please. – Jo
It’s funny to hear some commercial radio presenters not allowing even so much as the word Ivermectin being mentioned by talkback callers as “It could spread harmful misinformation”. Then they play ads for gambling and booze.
Hate jumping on lead thread. There is no way of proving this but understand in Vic public hospitals. If you are vaccinated and present with COVID you are treated with IVM. Unvaccinated, no IVM. I got this from a source that used to be in the game of making vaccines. Anyone else heard anything like this?
Let MP Craig Kelly know about this study.
Climate Heretic
Jo has already credited Craig Kelly for some of the content of her article
Guess what not a peep in the MSM. I wonder why? Nuremberg C19 can’t happen quickly enough…..
The Nuremberg Defence is still operable, with the precautionary principle thrown in for good measure.
Beijing organs are very quiet on Ivermectin, probably because they are peddling Sinovax, which by some accounts is not too good.
H/T Kelly, me culpa.
Climate Heretic
More spam…
Thanks Jo and your sources. All Australians reading this need to avalanche Morrison and their State Premiers with e-mails. As for me, I am about to demand our Treasurer (who is my Member of Parliament) give me an audience when I am going to give him a piece of my mind. This rubbish has gone on for far too long and those group thinking, lick spittle, forelock tugging toadies telling us to take the jab and stay in solitary confinement need to be put back in their kennels.
Our paramount virtue signalling City of Melbourne volunteering to trial covid passports for its businesses warrants attention also.
Thank you Contemptible Blackguard. Your instincts are good. We need to email our friends. Email the ministers and senators. And send messages to Newspaper and radio editors.
If we are silent, they win.
Good on you! There is no point whatsoever whining – send an email to a polly.. best place to vent..
Our political class have got themselves in too deep to change course from the vaccination program now in place. Too much money, influence and power to be lost if our politicians admitted they messed up. I’m barely hanging in with whatever work I’ve got left, I’m going broke by the week and I, along with millions of others are in the same boat because our elite refuse to get their heads out of their backside. Whatever, give me a third jab, I’m sure that’ll work too…
They threw everything they had at the disease, and of course, only the ivermectin gets mentioned. All very Craig Kelly
“only the ivermectin gets mentioned”
Because it works. !
If other treatments were also used in conjunction with ivermectin, as is stated by Peter Fitzroy, how can you be sure that the results were due solely or even primarily to ivermectin particularly as others have found it not to be effective?
This statement was made by Additional chief secretary, information, Navneet Sehgal who said “the numbers speak for the state’s aggressive testing which has been the backbone of containment, high recovery rate and low death rate.
An official statement said as a result of swift measures, micro-planning, alertness and an aggressive ‘Trace-Test-Treat’ approach contain the virus, the state has also witnessed a steady decline in fresh cases and Covid-19 deaths.
Why is there no mention of Ivermectin?
“With a population of 240 million people living in high density conditions, and with only 5% vaccinated, all the odds were against it.”
And 60 million doses for 240 million people.
Sorry, but that is not enough to slow infections, as has been shown in many other countries.
The one stand out treatment was ivermectin, for both early infections and close contacts. yes ‘Trace-Test-Treat’
“Treat”, is what other countries are not doing..
Why are you so against a treatment that actually works !
Yep, as if Sept 15 th 10 percent double vaccinated, and another 12 million single shot only
I find it amusing and amazing that when I post what is a report in a newspaper or an article in a scientific journal that the report or article scores a number of dislikes? I guess it must be because the report or article clashes with the disliker’s prejudices or is it that the disliker doesn’t like to get views that give a point of view that is different from theirs?
I find your mystical perception of why people downvoted your comment highly unlikely.
Its your constant misrepresentation of what is actually being said.
Wow, at least five separate meta analysis have show Ivermectin to be EXTREM effective. Million of REAL WORLD results in India, numerous African nations, Mexico, South America.
parts of Indonesia, etc…. Thousands of Doctors around the world have sworn to its effectiveness. Exactly ZERO that tried it in their practice, then quit using it, except some that were FORCED to by their OWN GOVERNMENT.
So Peter could you please tell us exactly what ‘everything’ is. With a GPD of $1000/capita, I’m guessing ‘everything’ must have been fairly cheap.
They did house to house contract tracing, they did lockdowns, they did isolation, they had curfews. Of those lockdowns are way more effective than any drug.
But the point is there are multiple factors in the response, but unscientific and uncomprehending commentators like Craig Kelly do no mention that.
There is no demonstrated mechanism to show how an antibacterial agent works on a virus.
There is no demonstrated evidence to show why an antibacterial would work on a specified strain, and not any others, otherwise you could take ivermectin for the common cold, which is in the same virus family.
Do you see now
And they use Ivermectin, not vaccines.
Do you see now !
“And they use Ivermectin, not vaccines.”
Actually clarence.t that is far from being correct. About 60 million vaccination doses wrong in fact as you can read in the link below. And still no mention of ivermectin. I wonder why?
“Uttat Pradesh With more than six crore (60 million) doses of Covid-19 vaccines administered, the Uttar Pradesh government has left behind all other states including Maharashtra, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and others.
Apart from vaccination, Uttar Pradesh is also the state that has conducted the most number of Covid-19 tests. Implementing the triple-T strategy of targeting, testing and tracking, the Uttar Pradesh government seems to have managed to bring the number of Covid-19 cases in the state under control”
60 million doses for 240 million people.
so probably less than 10-15% of twojabs.
Sorry, but that is not enough to slow infections, as has been shown in many other countries.
The one stand out treatment was ivermectin, for both early infections and close contacts. yes ‘Trace-Test-Treat’
“Treat”, is what other countries are not doing..
It is the effectiveness of Ivermectin that brought Covid under control.
“The Indian Express
What was that about no mention of Ivermectin in the press.??
Did you just “choose” a far-left newspaper? 😉
Clarence, are we dealing with NPCs with some here. They make ludicrously wrong statements, refuse to address factual rebuttals that school their ignorance, and repeat the very same fantasyland arguments again and again.
I kind of hope so, as no caring human could review the dozens of published papers and multiple meta analysis from disparate nations, and see the real world results demonstrated on hundreds of millions of people, and coldly repeat the very same falsehoods, over and over.
Unbelievable. As of Sept 15 they were 10% vaccinated. That is a bit over 50 million shots.! The rest were single shots. Wow, third grade math is very difficult for some.
Test positive rate of .01 percent!
And guess what targeting testing and tracking kills exactly zero viruses.
Tracking testing and targeting NOT JUST THE INDIVIDUAL , but their FAMILY with IVERMECTIN, kills 99 percent plus of the virus. It brought the RO below 1, way way below 1, very very rapidly!!
Ian, you can’t slow a wave of infections with a vaccine. It’s just too slow. When someone gets covid it won’t help their household contacts at all if we vaccinate them no matter how fast we do it. Only a time machine could solve that delayed effect.
Even people who think the vaccines are useful at reducing deaths and halving the rate of spread have to admit they are 0% useful for immediate contacts.
Ivermectin can be used to immediately reduce the odds of family members getting sick. It works in hours, not weeks. Protection doesn’t last long with ivermectin but it’s there the day that it matters.
Jo, there is more to Ivermectin than that.
If someone survives a Fauci Flu infection safely with the help of Ivermectin, they gain long lasting broad whole virus natural immunity.
Get jabbed, then get infected, and you don’t aquire the broad immunity from surviving infection.
A lifetime of boosters to profit big pharmaceutical? Vaccine passports to end the free market democracy the ruling “elite” so hate? What do the therapeutics threaten that so enrages the totalitarians and globalists?
You should get this. The analogy is the Ozone scare that encouraged the evil to think that the Gorebull Warbling hoax would be a shoe in. Same crew. Same motives. Same mistake.
If they don’t get the “Ozone hoax” (COVID) to fly, then the subsequent plans to end democracy due to new medical emergencies fails. Ivermectin threatens all fellow travelers in this latest planned Lysenkoism.
“vermectin can be used to immediately reduce the odds of family members getting sick. It works in hours, not weeks. Protection doesn’t last long with ivermectin but it’s there the day that it matters.”
The pundits state that at the moment there is insufficient evidence to warrant its use. I think they may well be correct but the jury is out as far as I am concerned. But why should they be disbelieved, when Craig Kelly who knows nowhere near as much as they do is believed implicitly? What have they got to gain? Bribes for Big Pharma? Really?
“I personally have lost all faith in the results of [ivermectin] trials published to date,” says Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, an epidemiologist at the University of Wollongong in Australia who helped Lawrence to analyse the Elgazzar paper. It’s not yet possible to assess whether ivermectin works against COVID-19 because the data currently available are not of sufficiently high quality, he says, adding that he is reading other ivermectin papers in his spare time, looking for signs of fraud or other problems.
He gives validd reasons fr his views and I doubt he is lying.
Recently, McMaster University’s Professor Ed Mills, principal investigator of the Together trial, highlighted interim analysis results evidencing no impact of ivermectin and some other repurposed study drugs while pointing to some promise for Fluvoxamine. TOGETHER is a randomized, Adaptive Platform trial investigating several possible treatments, including ivermectin. After many therapies disappointed, Fluvoxamine, an SSRI commonly used for depression, showed some promise as a repurposed treatment. The study isn’t completed, as there is still a 28-day monitoring period, but Mills recently presented the findings, which are already making the news rounds. While a disappointment for those tracking Ivermectin studies, those critical of the study raise legitimate points for consideration.
We did not find any credible data showing a causal relationship between administering ivermectin and its overall effect on the COVID-19 excess mortality rate in Mexico.
A maker of ivermectin said in February that it does not believe that available data support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. The World Health Organization in March also said that data from known trials using ivermectin were inconclusive and recommended against the use of the drug for treating COVID-19 except in clinical settings.
Three personal opinions.
Give me the data.
When I find a group that consistently puts human health first, I’ll consider their studies. When the studies are done by groups that don’t recommend Vitamin D before every other therapy and don’t demand good studies on cheap drugs, we know that they are aiming for profits before people.
“The pundits state that at the moment there is insufficient evidence to warrant its use”
By “pundits”, you mean those pushing for vaccine company profits… so droll !
None so blind as those paid to deliberately look the other way.
Plus India was ravaged by COVID last year with almost all cases and deaths going unrecorded. There is now significant natural immunity in the surviving population.
Then they started using Ivermectin… problem solved.
This is garbage. Read the argument. Look at the comparison between Kerala and Utter Pradesh. One did everything but use ivermectin widely, and had a bigger proportion get infected in the earlier outbreak. The daily case are orders of magnitude worse. 50 a day compared to 20 000.
It is that obvious.
Actually Kerala did nothing much at all.
Exactly RB, India providences compared to disparate India providences, the difference between those that chose Ivermectin and those that chose to SUPPRESS it, is night and day. In fact one Providence in India stopped using Ivermectin after the India WHO representative stopped it. Their cases took off. She was charged and her authority removed. Ivermectin restarted and very rapid case drop again.
Exactly the same story can be seen on an entire continent, Africa, where those that use Ivermectin have less then ten percent of the case load and deaths of Africa nations that don’t promote Ivermectin.
Gee Aye, from the Guardian
They took it seriously. You just made up a fact.
Apologies to Clarence. It’s hard to read the comments section on a phone. I keep reply in the wrong spot.
From the same paper
seroprevelance is the word of the day. Seems to explain the graphs above.
Paywalled. From what’s for free, it doesn’t contradict the above. A more recent report from Reuters says that more frequent testing has reduced death rates even if infections are through the roof.
So ivermectin is useless in reducing the death rate but testing, even though infections are huge, stops people dying.
They point out, often, that it has a communist government.
Oh yes it does contradict Jo’s argument. For the benefit of those who are paywalled:
Why Kerala is still in the grip of India’s second wave of Covid
Yet as India’s nationwide Covid cases have fallen to record lows after the devastating second wave in April, Kerala’s cases have consistently remained high since mid-May. By the end of July, Kerala still had the lowest seroprevalence figures in India, with just 44% of the population showing antibodies either from infection or a vaccine, meaning more than 50% of the state’s population remained vulnerable to the virus.
The persistence of the virus in Kerala has been partly attributed to the low seroprevalence in the state, due to earlier successes in preventing the spread of the virus. A seroprevalence survey carried out in March, detecting the number of people with Covid-19 antibodies, found that Kerala only had a seroprevalence of about 11%, compared with more than 20% nationally, and more than 60% in the neighbouring state of Tamil Nadu.
Even with the cases in Kerala remaining high, the state, which invests the most in healthcare than anywhere in India and has the highest literacy rate, has not experienced any of the shortage of oxygen, hospital beds, ICU facilities and medicine faced by Delhi and other states when the second wave cases were at their peak. Kerala’s hospitalisation rate for Covid is 3%, compared with 5% nationwide when the second wave was at its worst. The state also has the highest uptake of vaccinations, with 55% of the population having had one vaccine, compared with 48% nationwide.
The death rate in Kerala also remains the lowest in India, at 0.5% compared with the national average of 1.4%. The Kerala state government has stood by their Covid strategy. “We do have a different model and our fatality rate shows our model is on the right track,” Kerala health minister Veena George told Reuters last month.
“Oh yes it does contradict Jo’s argument”
Oh no.. it doesn’t !
Try to fact facts for once.
The treatment of all contacts with Ivermectin brought the Uttar Pradesh Covid surge to a screeching halt.
If people had been naturally immune, that surge would not have occurred, so the point you are failing to make is just nonsense.
Glad that you are admitting that natural immunity has a far greater efficacy and resilience than the pseudo-vaccine jabs, though.
Let’s hope that don’t destroy that immunity by continuing with the jabs,shall we.
“Then they started using Ivermectin… problem solved.
Not at all clarence.t the problem isn’t solved for you as Uttar Pradesh has outstripped all other states in vaccinations. Are you absolutely sure about ivermectin as it doesn’t crack a mention in the Indian media reports on the situation in Uttar Pradesh? Why not if it is so good?
“Indian media reports “
You said it. !
Ian, unmitigated BS. Uttar Pradesh is well over 240 million people. TEN PERCENT were vaccinated. Give it up. The Ivermectin smear is dead
BS Simon. Your figures are shonky.
“There is no demonstrated mechanism to show how an antibacterial agent works on a virus.” WTF? Antibacterial?? What’s the antibacterial agent? IVM probably will work on influenza, but we may never find out. People with shingles who are taking IVM are finding shingles disappearing, as collateral damage.
” People with shingles who are taking IVM are finding shingles disappearing, as collateral damage.”
And people who get vaccinated are getting shingles, and herpes.
What is not discussed Simon is that the most common cause of death in India is respiratory disease. India has 18% of the global population but 32% of all respiratory diseases. COPD, TB and Asthma are the main diseases. The causes are poverty, nutritional diseases and pollution and there is very little medical health treatment for the poor. I have no doubt that many of the cases classified as covid were actually one of the above. However the fact that all deaths virtually disappeared off the graph shows that Ivermectin , not only hit covid on the head but obviously helped with other lung infections as well. There has been research on TB / Covid / Ivermectin links.
“but unscientific and uncomprehending commentators”
.. how introspective of you. !
Ivermectin has been shown to be high effective against many viruses, particularly of the corona variety.
The mechanisms are well documented.
Thanks saved for future use
The paper to which you link is based on in vitro not in vivo studies, was published over one year ago and is in fact, the article which initially sparked interest in ivermectin treatment for Covid-19 . What occurs in vitro may not and often is not the same as what occurs in vitro. Also in the paper the authors write:
“ivermectin was the focus of a recent phase III clinical trial in dengue patients in Thailand, in which a single daily dose was found to be safe but did not produce any clinical benefit.”
I wonder why you did not mention that? I guess it doesn’t gel with your views on invermctin. And on that can you answer the question “If ivermectin is so effective why has Uttar Pradesh vaccinated and is still vaccinating so many people?
Too many questions perhaps clarence.t for you to manage? Also my apologies for posing questions you may find beyond your grasp so don’t worry if you can’t provide an answer. I will understand.
Just ignore all the data you don’t like. 10% vaccination could not have produced this result.
Only the wholesale use of the very effective Ivermectin.
““If ivermectin is so effective why has Uttar Pradesh vaccinated and is still vaccinating so many people? “
Yes does seem totally unnecessary, doesn’t it, and almost certainly counter-productive.
Ivermectin has brought the issue totally under control.
That is something that vaccines have proven they cannot do . !
Nonsense. Read…
“ Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 69% [54‑79%] and 86% [75‑92%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis and restriction to peer-reviewed studies or Randomized Controlled Trials.
•Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 29 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation.
Studies Prophylaxis Early treatment Late treatment
All studies 63 86% [75‑92%] 69% [54‑79%] 40% [24‑52%]
Peer-reviewed 45 86% [74‑93%] 70% [52‑81%] 43% [21‑59%]
RCTs 31 84% [25‑96%] 64% [48‑74%] 30% [2‑50%]
Percentage improvement with ivermectin treatment
•There is evidence of a negative publication bias, and the probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 63 studies is estimated to be 1 in 1 trillion.”
Ian, if Ivermectin didn’t work, there would be no reason for the TGA to ban its use.
It really is that simple.
The TGA is on record maintaining “scientific” advice on their website that we know originated from papers in the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine that had to be retracted due to use of fraudulent data. Advice that was provably false and misleading. Advise they retained on their website for months after the “supporting” papers had been listed on Retraction Watch.
It is that simple. On past behavior, the current TGA ban on Ivermectin is almost solid proof that it works to keep infected people alive and help them achieve the long lasting natural immunity that the quackzine jabs will prevent them ever aquiring.
You know why the Gorebull Warbling hoax failed Ian? Because it was pesudo scientific drivel. You can’t reduce our atmosphere’s radiative cooling ability by adding rediative gases.
So ending democracy in the favor of an unelected “elite” failed with the CO2 drivel? And now all the old players on the losing side want to claim that mass use of non-sterilizing inoculations mid pandemic can stop a virus?
Sure, you can end democracy. So can I.
“you could take ivermectin for the common cold”
Yes, you probably could.
I have taken it for the common cold and it was all over in a day
Just how many things did you get wrong in your comment PF?
1: Lockdowns ensure that every person in a family is exposed to an infected person who may be a member of that family, and in the worst environment for transmission, indoors.
2: Craig Kelly is not being unscientific or uncomprehending he is actually referencing peer reviewed studies, which unlike you he comprehends.
3 Ivermectin is not an antibacterial agent it is an anti parasitic agent.
4: Ivermectin has been shown to be anti-viral invitro.
5: Ivermectin has also been demonstrated to reduce viral loads in an infected person, so it works invivo.
6: Ivermectin is also a zinc transporter and helps zinc ions (cations therefore carrying a + charge to enter the infected cells. And please PF don’t get another one wrong and claim that zinc isn’t an effective anti viral because it is.
Can anyone else add to this list?
O/T but zinc is a known anti fungal agent.
Used in WW2 to ‘rot proof’ canvas army tents in the tropics.
More recently as zinc undecylenate ointment for skin infections.
I’m sure there is more if I were to do a search.
Correct Graeme No. 3 Zinc sulphate used for foot rot in sheep.
So Zinc is a sheep medicine? Ban it from human use immediately.
There was a list of such medicines I saw the other day and a wonderous collection it was. I’d have to find it though.
That list brought a reminder of this story –
“I offered a friend some cooked tongue and got the reply
‘No thanks – that has been in an animal’s mouth’
So I cooked them an egg”
There was a time when every household had zinc cream ( zinc oxide) in the medicine cupboard. It was used very effectively for burns, cuts, sunburn , nappy rash and everything in between and was very cheap. Unfortunately it was thick , white and very messy which I think was the reason it lost popularity.
There is now only one brand of nappy rash cream that contains zinc oxide, it is still thick, white and messy . I use it on my horses because it works a treat on small wounds in awkward places and it stays stuck where you put it.
Save your breath, Fitz appears to be a bot.
Every once in a while they appear to upload a new list of instructions and invoke a random nonsense generator to waste peoples time…..
Fitz is definitely a bot. Only an inanimate object could be presented with the evidence surrounding Ivermectin and conclude it is worthless in the fight against Covid. Regrettably, 99.9% of the world’s politicians, health bureaucrats and media are also inanimate objects.
The only addition I would make is to No 5 that iIVM has demonstrated in vivio action at normal or slightly higher dose rates to the 3.7 billionparasite treatments given to humans in the past.
But most of those are Sub-Saharan Africa or central America. We know they are more equine than human, so they don’t count.
Peter F: Ivermectin is not an Antibacterial agent, it is an antiparasitic agent. Two different classes of medications.
Do your own research to understand its mechanism of action but Ivermectin basically inhibits and disrupts binding of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein targeted at the ACE-2 receptors of the host cell.
A local GP told me it was an anti-fungal – obviously he was up on his research (/s)
Look, I love my GP’s in my role as a drug rep but some GP’s I talk to……are peculiar people 🙂
Quacks and charlatans peculiar? At least you have a valid commercial reason for darkening their doors but as for their benighted patients I’m at a loss to comprehend.
Serp, There are very good GP’s too. What do you do? Self diagnose and self medicate?
and for others playing along at home, to save you also having to look it up.
adjective: benighted
1. in a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance.
“they saw themselves as bringers of culture to poor benighted peoples”
2. overtaken by darkness.
“a storm developed and we were forced to wait benighted near the summit”
Strop, only as a last resort do I go to a medical centre.
Mysterious lumps appearing on forehead and scalp a few years back were correctly diagnosed as shingles by a nearby medical centre GP and, following its migration into an eye, I took myself off to the emergency department of the Eye and Ear Hospital in East Melbourne and was successfully treated over a couple of months.
Since March last year when Jo started covering covid I’ve been taking D3 capsules every day even though I am not comfortable with routinely medicating myself; I suspect that were I a person who sees no menace in organised medicine I’d be ingesting a whole array of pills every day as I’m aware most people past their fifties do.
I wonder how they managed all the isolations and lockdowns in their massive slums?
Ivermectin is not an antibacterial as such.
How can you say that isolation is more effective than therapy? Do you have a double-blinded RCT that has been peer reviewed to back you up? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
[small edit – LVA]
“ I wonder how they managed all the isolations and lockdowns in their massive slums?
BINGO. 249 million people with a population density about 15 times the US and very often a hundred plus people sharing one toilet. Those masks were amazing ( sarc)
Ignore the shills for Big Pharma like Peter F.
If that’s the case Peter, I guess you agree that we should throw everything we have, INCLUDING ivermectin, at the disease too?
They threw everything including Ivermectin at it and it worked .
And it wasn’t me, it was Ivermectin that did it.
“All very Craig Kelly”
Recognising that Craig Kelly is on the right track, and following reality. Well done 🙂
If you listen to him often, you could learn quite a lot.
How about having locked down a whole state for 18 months and still getting rising cases. Once you start closing skate parks and playgrounds I don’t think you can throw much more than that. In Victoria after 6 lockdowns what have you got to lose. Three to four weeks of Ivermectin in Victoria might yield some interesting results. We couldn’t be worse off and we’d have a credible real world trial of the drug. Unfortunately with such a megalomaniac in charge Andrews ( and a lot of vested interests) have too much to lose if such a trial is successful.
Real World?????
It is to laugh
“Victoria – the place to be from”
(In best Mad Magazine complete the ad style)
Victoria – the place to flee, not the place to be
Victoria – the propaganda state, not the education state
Victoriastan – the Re-Education State
For any law enforcement/military people reading this – at some stage you are going to have to decide which side youre on – your masters will very likely give you a command that you know is evil.
Do you obey and say “I was just following orders” ( whichh didnt wash at Nuremberg ) or refuse an evil order?
Time is running out to decide where you stand.
reminds me of this comedy clip “are we the baddies?”-
Even during my days in the service we used to say “The best thing to come out of Vic is the road to Sydney”. Things don’t change much.
Were you at Puckapunyal as well?
Nothing scarier than hearing an APC bashing thru the bush at night…..hoping it doesnt head in your direction….
Suitable music?
“The Land of Makebelieve”
Actually treating people while they are in lockdown.
What a bizarre concept ! 😉
The evidence seems fairly conclusive Mr Fitzroy, the authorities handed out medicine kits to the masses and stopped Covid in its tracks. Of course studies will be conducted to compare and contrast the different settings to verify our worst fears, we may have been duped by big pharma.
Craig Kelly is getting praise in the Indian press and vilified at home, if vindicated he will become a political force to be reckoned with.
It’s not like you to miss the point e+g – ivermectin was one of a slew of measures, it can not take all (and really any) of the credit.
Of course if you do science back to front, this is how you would do it.
Must be how they teach microbiology in WA though.
But without Ivermectin, the “trace, test, treat“, doesn’t work.
Many other places have proven that.
We are still waiting for some actual “science” from you… zzzzzᶻᶻᶻᶻ.!
‘ … ivermectin was one of a slew of measures …’
True, lockdowns were severe and must have played a part, but the key element is clearly the medicine packs handed out to all and sundry.
Many papers will be written in the aftermath, with real data, so that we can discover the truth.
Severe lock downs in India with a population density well over 30 times Australia and hundreds often sharing one toilet, are limited at best! And those efforts were not new.
What was new is doing the contact tracing and TREATMENT. The treatment they used, Ivermectin. It is simple clear and incredibly obvious
Peter Peter Peter
Bot Bot Bot
The earliest symptom—lethargy so intense that people once believed laziness was a cause of the disease—is debilitating. Your body feels weak. Your joints ache. Your arms and legs swell, and your skin bruises at the slightest touch. As the disease progresses, your gums become spongy and your breath fetid, your teeth loosen, and internal hemorrhaging makes splotches on your skin. Old wounds open; mucous membranes bleed. Left untreated, you will die, likely from a sudden hemorrhage near your heart or brain.
name of disease is Scurvy.
Scurvy killed more than two million sailors between the time of Columbus’s transatlantic voyage and the rise of steam engines in the mid-19th century. The problem was so common that shipowners and governments assumed a 50% death rate from scurvy for their sailors on any major voyage.
How does germ/virus theory explain Scurvy?
Until Capt Cook used limes for their VitC; hence the name ‘Limeys’ for the British.
Seems Cook used lemon but lime was cheaper so the naval hierarchy did what you’d expect. As you’d probably also suspect lime was less effective.
Cook tried many things. I believe he used sauerkraut initially as his main treatment because it kept well in a barrel for months. The crew turned their noses up at the kraut so Cook had it reserved for the captain’s table, whereupon it became accepted by his crew. Cabbage was cheap; lemons and limes were luxuries not to be wasted on common sailors at that time. That came a bit later even though Banks had noted that limes were effective. The Admiralty wanted wort of malt (the liquid fraction from early in the fermentation process) used because it was even cheaper.
Scurvy in the form of Barcoo Rot was fairly common amongst ringers in Australian cattle camps in the outback into the 1960s. They were fed on damper, spotted dick, beef and black tea, and didn’t see a fresh vege for months at a time. As a result many developed weeping septic ulcers with secondary bacterial infection. They were deficient in Vitamins C, A, B and E. I knew a fellow in the 70s who had suffered from the Rot.
The story of limes and lemons to combat scurvy parallels that of ivermectin to combat COVID, and antibiotics to combat stomach ulcers — all rejected and attacked by the medical establishment. They didn’t even require a TGA in 1770 to achieve rampant, obstinate hubris.
Hey I love Kimchi plus Garlic – Benefit when travelling on Seoul Underground – you really fitted in.
Kimchi? Capsaicin and plant fibres?
That will do it!
Kimchi: Sauerkraut with attitude.
Then there are the benefits of moderate intake of acetic acid (vinegar) as found in pickled vegetables and fish, (Rollmops, Danish, Polish, Dutch or German style), etc.
On a commercial scale, the most interesting feedstock for vinegar manufacture is, of course, ethanol…..
Ain’t nature grand? Chemistry! And it’s “organic”!
‘How does germ/virus theory explain Scurvy?’ It’s not supposed too! Scurvy is major nutritional deficiency caused by a lack of Vitamin C in the diet. Without Vitamin C there is a complete break down of collagen, the protein that holds us together. No fresh fruit or vegetables for months will kill you off.
Most mammals produce vitamin C except humans and guinea pigs.
That’s why they took limes. How many per day, per person ? We don’t know.
Having seen a 4 year old bed ridden child with scurvy who weighed 13 pounds, I can tell you they are untouchable – the slightest pressure causes them to scream in agony.
A musical reference to lime juice and its transport.:
Wooden barrels. Wood is full of interesting chemicals that are thee to fight off parasites and diseases. This is why wooden cutting boards stay “cleaner” much better than the much-vaunted nylon ones. With a nylon board, every swipe with your fabulously sharp Santokus etc, makes nifty places for blood and tissue to “hide”. Enter, so to speak, an assortment of interesting anaerobic and other bacteria. The best way I have found to debug nylon cutting boards is to immerse them in concentrated commercial bleach (outdoors), for a few days, then rinse several times with boiling water. Wooden boards can be lightly sanded to expose new, “toxic” timber to continue the good work… don’t try this with nylon boards…..
Timber board can still get nasty, but not at the rate or to the extent of a nylon one.
Just avoid ones made from Black Bean timber. There’s a tree species that takes “self-defence” to new heights.
Black Bean has beautiful striated timber and is a gorgeous tree. I have two in my back yard and they stay lush even during the deepest drought when other trees are dying around them. The giant bean pods (up to about 8 inches long with seeds the size of golf balls) they drop contain lots of alkaloids in the seeds, making them quite toxic without correct preparation for eating. The honey eaters and lorikeets like the pea flowers.
There are lots of nasty chemicals in many timbers all the way up to cyanide in certain eucalypts — as novice wood turners find out the hard way when they breathe in fine wood dust when the chemicals are in their most available/transmissible form to be absorbed by the lungs.
I scrape my nylon boards back to fresh material with a broad chisel once a year and bleach them between times. Works very well.
Ever tried just running a gas blow-torch over a cleaned-up but scruffy nylon beard? Basically just enough to melt all the nicks, fuzzy bits and slices back into place.
So we follow the recipe INCLUDING the IVM.
You don’t cook a cake, leave out the eggs and expect the same results.
But if you use Voldermectin, the citizens can safely gain long lasting natural immunity and vaccine passports would be even more useless than they already are! Millions of people would never need government controlled testing and a lifetime of government controlled booster shots! Madness I tell you. Madness!
Just jab those kids already. 50% 5 year mortality rate for myocarditis? Piffle! What does the death of a few kids matter when the glittering prize of vaccine passports and democracy destroying endless “medical emergency” is on offer? Anyway, any deaths can be blamed on the unclean unvaccinated, and the economic cannon fodder for the Chinese overlords just replaced with “refugees”.
Pretty much sums it up Konrad. Green tick for you.
Parents playing Russian Roulette with their kids is just fine. Our children’s swim school (Sydney) included this statement in their newsletter this week:
2% is one in 50 kids. This is a large, very successful swim school, so it better have ambulances ready to go if kids start collapsing poolside every hour.
I actually doubt the two percent number. It is likely much lower. Curious that they forgot to mention the very very low percentage that show any symptoms.
Bumped from Thursday Open
Another agricultural chemical for the TGA to bugger up?
Seems monensin (rumensin) is under investigation as an anti-covid
Cattle and chook fodder this time
How come agriculture is using these chemicals and the health system hasn’t tried their uses?
Asleep at the wheel?
No money in it.
Factcheck (Politifact) – Ivermectin is an effective treatment against Covid. Verdict = mostly false. No trials or research permitted for a drug that won a nobel prize – amazing. Those graphs seem pretty conclusive to me. If only we had leadership beyond global corporate and government consensus.
‘Mostly false’, reminds one of those riots that were ‘mostly peaceful’. They are very deliberately ambiguous in their terminology.
All in the spirit of the curate’s egg
I just heard the bidet admin will begin restricting the distribution of monoclonal antibodies in US Southern states (Florida, Alabama,Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas). All “red”
Now, convince me this virus isn’t being used politically
Round 2
“Florida’s DeSantis Responds to Biden Limiting Florida COVID Therapeutics – Announces Monoclonal Antibody Purchases Directly From Glaxo Smith Kline
September 16, 2021 | Sundance | 79 Comments”
Not India but –
“Good news. You can get at least another 12 days of coverage. ”
From a third jab of Pfizer
“Researchers in Israel reported on Wednesday that a third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine can prevent both infections and severe illness in adults older than 60 for at least 12 days.
How much research went into the FDA licensing of these boosters anyways? Slide on down to page 22 here for a look. Notice which age group is not in phase 2/3? And how’s about those sample sizes.”
More at
(s /s understood in there)
” for at least 12 days.”
Ooo, impressive !!
So only 31 booster jabs required per year. That sounds like a healthy defence against the Szechuan sniffles. Excuse, me, I’ve got to ring my broker and buy some more big pharma shares.
” for at least 12 days.”
Interesting, don’t they leave it until 14 day after a jab, before they count the person as “vaccinated” ?
“for at least 12 days.”
Trying to figure out how that works with the need for the frequency of booster jabs !
Maybe the corrected spelling is “Pfizzer”?
As in our slang –
It gets worse:
Israel- Covid passport (green pass) will be revoked for those without third shot.
ie 2 shots = unvaxxed.
This is just crazy – surely even the vaxxed must see it by now.
What will it be like in a year?
“Have you had your 22nd shot? Be sure to book your 23rd shot at the same time and wait to get it, as they only work for 10 minutes”
Thank dawg I’m unvaxxed and will die that way.
Are they aiming for population reduction ?
Bugger, I’m unvaxxed and I didn’t have any, now I got to have two to achieve the same status, then a third to wait 14 days but become unvaxxed after 12, before becoming vaxxed after 14. Its hard being pure.
I have for sale repurposed camel backs for vaxxine junkies, the sack goes under your arm and plugs straight into the jugular. When ever a swarm of covid is suspected, just squeeze it with your arm for your daily dose of safety.
I was going to incorporate an anti clotting agent but thought that would be detrimental to sales as the clots will be my only customers.
A non return valve is incorporated into the tube to prevent bleeding back into the sack, as that’s what their lungs are for.
For sales inquires please visit my site
(I just checked that, and it is actually a real link. “This site is dedicated to everyone young and old with a vivid imagination. The Neverending Story” how apt.)
“Its hard being pure.”
I prefer to use the word, “untainted”
Naa pure.
pure pyoo͝r►
adj. Having a homogeneous or uniform composition; not mixed.
adj. Free of dirt, pollutants, infectious agents, or other unwanted elements.
I will accept.
Holly blood
The chosen one.
Send this report to Minister Hunt, the TGA, and your State CHO and see who responds first.
Hunt’s a decent enough cove, after all, he did mail all doctors advising they could prescribe IVM.
We know Skerritt’s form so there’d be no meaningful TGA response.
And we’ve seen the response of the federal CHO’s office posted at
No state CHO/CMO would break step.
When are the reductions in fees for registering and insuring our effectively unusable motor vehicles to be announced?
“see who responds first.”
The political/media class have gone too far down the anti-ivermection path. Their egos won’t let them turn back now.
In that case they and the doctors perhaps should be charged with crimes against humanity. Certainly should be if it turns out that the death rates get out of control, regardless of whether it’s due to the virus or the vaccines, and given there is a treatment that can save lives and since they must know about it then I can’t see how they can avoid being charged with such a crime.
I think people need to store all the info from Jo’s site.
If things play out ( as I hope they dont ), and we lose 25-40% of our population, including many medical and military people, we with this knowledge are the new medical fonts of knowedge for some things, like it or not.
As such, hard copy is the go, in a fire proof storage device.
I’d be happy to get back my semi-automatic 22 carbine.
Whether people think Ivermectin works or not, and there is obviously plenty of evidence that it does, the Thugs and Goons Administration (TGA) banning GPs from prescribing IVM in Australia for prophylaxis or treatment is disgraceful.
There are few “approved” hospital treatments in Australia for COVID and no “at home” treatments.
If you get covid in Australia you are told to 1) go home and isolate. 2) If you get REALLY SICK call an ambulance. 3) In hospital you get oxygen. 4) Then when the cytokine storm develops you get a steroid like dexamethasone. 5) Then they put you on a ventilator. 6) Then you die.
Doctors have not read too much about the disease apart from what they have been told by the WHO, FDA and Thugs and Goons Admin.
Absolutely no individual thought or action is permitted or deviation from established protocols. To do so, any doctor will be punished for “wrongthink”.
Absolutely beautiful summary and I LOVE the Thugs and Goons Administration 🙂
I have sent a heap of links and research papers (via email) on the benefits of Ivermectin for stay at home treatment to both John Skerritt (Head of TGA) and Greg Hunt – NO REPLY of course from either of them.
I’ve also sent those emails to both my local member and other members. I did get a call from my local member – but he has no power within the NSW government, sadly.
The main reason they can’t admit to an effective treatment (same as in USA) is that if they do so THEN ALL vaccines currently in Phase 2 trials (using innocent citizens as human guinea pigs) will need to be ceased. They would then have to conduct full clinical trials costing them big bucks. So because the money involved is multi $Billions I’m certain that there are MANY of those who are wielding this insane power over us and refusing use of Ivermectin have their fingers in the vaccine pie.
Somewhere before 5 there should be a step for them to call a priest or imam or rabbi robed up in a hazmat suit to free your soul before the inevitable end.
Another look at this
“Ivermectin .vs. Covid In A Poor, High-Density State”
And more reading in the “Must Read” list
Does anybody have a link to a site that has Long term daily case graphs for Indian States? (like the ones in the article?)
40 / states / India
down to the “latest news” by date, open, “sources” – the second, on the right side.
Can’t be linked – javascript
Just google India Covid cases graph. Choose your region and time.
One day Google will fiddle with the data. So far, it appears legit.
What would be really useful is if someone has the time to figure out which states in India used Ivermectin and which didn’t but that’s a lot of work. There are different shaped graphs in India and some regions have a slow recovery and some a fast one. Eg Delhi v Assam.
Do those with a sharp decline in cases use IVM?
Plus in several states it was used, then not used, then used again.
goole Times of India covid19. It brings up a graph, and somewhere on, it is a way to open states.
Red, I don’t know if this helps , but here’s a number of graphs for India at Worldometer site.
A number to choose from here.
Safety and Immunogenicity Study of 2019-nCoV Vaccine (mRNA-1273) for Prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
ModernaTX, Inc.
Information provided by (Responsible Party):
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Brief Summary:
This is a phase I, open-label, dose-ranging clinical trial in males and non-pregnant females, starting at 18 years of age, inclusive, who are in good health and meet all eligibility criteria. This clinical trial is designed to assess the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of mRNA-1273 manufactured by ModernaTX, Inc. mRNA-1273 is a novel lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-encapsulated mRNA-based vaccine that encodes for a full-length, prefusion stabilized spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2. Enrollment will occur at up to 3 domestic clinical research sites. Up to one hundred and fifty-five subjects will be enrolled into one of thirteen cohorts (10 micrograms [mcg], 25 mcg, 50 mcg, 100 mcg, and 250 mcg). Subjects will receive an intramuscular (IM) injection (0.5 milliliters [mL]) of mRNA-1273 on Days 1 and 29 in the deltoid muscle and will be followed through 12 months post second vaccination (Day 394). Follow-up visits will occur 1, 2, and 4 weeks post each vaccination (Days 8, 15, 29, 36, 43, and 57), as well as 3, 6, and 12 months post second vaccination (Days 119, 209, and 394).
The primary objective is to evaluate the safety and reactogenicity of a 2-dose vaccination schedule of mRNA-1273, given 28 days apart, across 5 dosages in healthy adults.
Study Type : Interventional (Clinical Trial)
Actual Enrollment : 120 participants
Allocation: Non-Randomized
Intervention Model: Sequential Assignment
Masking: None (Open Label)
Primary Purpose: Prevention
Official Title: Phase I, Open-Label, Dose-Ranging Study of the Safety and Immunogenicity of 2019-nCoV Vaccine (mRNA-1273)
in Healthy Adults
Actual Study Start Date : March 16, 2020
Estimated Primary Completion Date : November 22, 2022
Estimated Study Completion Date : November 22, 2022
Primary Outcome Measures :
Frequency of any medically-attended adverse events (MAAEs) [ Time Frame: Day 1 to Day 394 ]
Frequency of any medically-attended adverse events (MAAEs) [ Time Frame: Day 366 to Day 731 ]
Optional third mRNA-1273 vaccination sub-study
Frequency of any new-onset chronic medical conditions (NOCMCs) [ Time Frame: Day 1 to Day 394 ]
Frequency of any new-onset chronic medical conditions (NOCMCs) [ Time Frame: Day 366 to Day 731 ]
Optional third mRNA-1273 vaccination sub-study
Frequency of any protocol specified adverse event of special interest (AESIs) [ Time Frame: Day 1 to Day 394 ]
Frequency of any protocol specified adverse event of special interest (AESIs) [ Time Frame: Day 366 to Day 731 ]
Optional third mRNA-1273 vaccination sub-study
Frequency of any serious adverse events (SAEs) [ Time Frame: Day 1 to Day 394 ]
Frequency of any serious adverse events (SAEs) [ Time Frame: Day 366 to Day 731 ]
Optional third mRNA-1273 vaccination sub-study
new-onset chronic medical conditions: ?
Study Type : Interventional (Clinical Trial)
Estimated Enrollment : 4500 participants
Allocation: Non-Randomized
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Masking: None (Open Label)
Primary Purpose: Prevention
Actual Study Start Date : March 24, 2021
Estimated Primary Completion Date : September 27, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date : September 27, 2023
Study Type : Interventional (Clinical Trial)
Estimated Enrollment : 43998 participants
Allocation: Randomized
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Masking: Triple (Participant, Care Provider, Investigator)
Primary Purpose: Prevention
Actual Study Start Date : April 29, 2020
Estimated Primary Completion Date : May 2, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date : May 2, 2023
Thank you Catherine.
Governments have a choice-
1. Spend much money on the type of trial mentioned above by -Catherine- on vaccines with well qualified staff and many participants, and with a full cast of business closures, lockdowns, barricades, daily scaremongering press conferences and police bashings.
2. Freeing up the supply and distribution of ivermectin which needs no more trials and has been shown to be effective.
They choose 1. This supports the big pharmaceutical companies, gives work to public servants, clinics, testing labs, hospitals and police, and above all provides opportunity to our leaders to take the tough decisions, as they call it, and get the adoration of the public.
But how long can it last, before the non-vaccinated can no longer be blamed, before the number of vaccinated deaths is so large it cannot be kept out of the media?
From the Hindustan Times article …. “The fresh cases came out of 2.26 lakh samples that were tested in the last 24 hours”
A lake is 100,000….
And in numerals they write lakh (लक्ष lakṣa) as 1,00,000 not 100,000 as in the West.
Thanks. And a Crore is ten million?
Just watching Sunrise and they have an expert on to debunk some myths about the vaccine.
First up – is there a microchip in the vaccine?
I have never read anything regarding chips in the vax. I know plenty of vax hesitant people. I would have thought somebody would have mentioned it.
They are trying to lable all those hesitant to use the WuFlu vax as conspiracy theorists or nut jobs.. What better way to do that than to pose the question…”is there a microchip in the vaccine?”
Mud sticks.
It is a common question – it gets 3M Google hits.
It has been proven. People have detected them with pet scanners.
Covid is the vehicle for the NWO to easily identify the miscreants among the hoi polloi – don’t get vaccinated!
The miniaturisation is based on phenomenal nano-technology. The chip is actually inside the needles. The reason a new needle is required for every injection!
Rick, the microchip story was planted be idiots who thought they could discredit those they snearing branded “anti-vaxxers.
The reality is those opposed to the Fauuci Flu quackzines are overwhelmingly in support of real vaccines like our successful shots for smallpox and polio. Not “Anti-vaxxers” at all.
People who understand the danger of mass use of non-sterilizing inoculations during the spread of a lab engineering novel coronavirus with wide evolutionary latitude.
Know what would happen to an RFID nano chip and surrounding tissue if exposed to an MRI scan? Those opposed to your quackzines do. Mythical nano chips is not what is driving those who are destroying your good crisis.
This is an old tactic. It worked against Anthony Watts. It worked against lukewarmer quislings. But it didn’t work against any with a brain and a spine.
Did the shaming and vilification make me stand down? No. I say surface Tav in absence of radiative atmosphere should be 312 kelvin not 255 Kelvin, and no opposition can survive open public debate against me. None. (“J” from NASA GISS writ that large in the online comments in Science journal. I cleaned his dial good and hard.)
Rick, those foolishly fighting “vaccine hesitancy” created all out quackzine resistance. You called the smartest university educated people in society “anti-vaxxers” in a crazed effort to shame them into compliance.
Bit like that time you called everyone who understood radiative physics, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics: “holocaust deniers”?
But this time’s so much easier Rick. What happened to those oh-so-mandatory quackzinations for interstate truckies? Ambulance drivers and paramedics?
The people saying no to the quackzers are the hosts and the quackzers are the parasites. Go on, try your mindless “anti-vaxxer/microchip” smearing. You need us, we don’t need you.
[CAn we please stop using “Quackzines”. It’s a form of namecalling like “Anti-vaxxer”. It isn’t going to help us have calm discussions. – Jo]
I like the term, though it should be Quackazines.
It is calling the injection names not a person. You allow antivaxxer free range from a few, may dislike the term but taking who it comes from into account, it means very little.
But coming from a pro-choicer rattles me.
Has any vaxx studies been conducted on horses, I won’t feel good about it until they have.
Don’t need any further evidence that our politicians on both sides are evil and have no interest in our health. All they care about is authoritative power and control over all of us, even if it means letting countless people to die needlessly. What they are doing is not genocide but perhaps in time it will be if the numbers of deaths start going though the roof in the months or years ahead either due to side effects of at least some of the COVID-19 vaccines or the virus itself and not promoting treatments that do work, or more likely both, which would make them doubly evil.
I’ve noticed a few people claim that people who convince others not to get vaccinated have blood on their hands. We shall see who has the bloodiest hands.
Very interesting summary Jo and I’m even more perplexed about these CV-19 treatments and can’t understand why govts around the world have circled their wagons and fought so hard against proper Ivermectin trials?
Perhaps we’re missing something about the Uttar Pradesh data, but what is it?
BTW Uttar Pradesh is slightly larger in area than Victoria, Australia and yet has about 36 times the population.
Unbelievable but true.
Jo wrote:
That is so true.
The official Covid figures in UP are massively understated as excess deaths in 2020 were up by 5 times over the 2014-2019 average in districts across UP.
In addition to the natural immunity acquired through 2020, the other key factor in driving cases down this year was the dramatic reduction in mobility in May 2021 – DOWN by 70% from normal – that makes Victoria lockdown lite:
That is about as low as is possible and still keep essential activities going.
The officials in UP certainly view their future as being highly vaccinated. By 16 September UP achieved 50% of the adult population with 1 jab. The vaccination rate is vaccine supply constrained:
So whatever the contribution from medicinal packages left with families, UP are now placing their faith in vaccinations. The citizens of UP are demonstrating a strong desire for a developed-world solution to Covid rather than a less effective stopgap temporary measures.
You learned EXACTLY ZERO from yesterday. Total excess deaths was slightly double the recorded Covid deaths.
“ So the total is nowhere close to 43 times over, it was barely two, and as your article says, other factors are involved
Additionally their data ends in March. Despite what some say India’s tracking improved going into the last wave.
There is one decent way to gage the stage of infection, and that is testing and percentage of positive. Hindustan times reports, “ Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent.”!!!
RICK Your argument is DOA! ( never raise it again) Testing positive rate. Strange how your sources ignored the 500 pound gorilla. If anything India does more testing then they initially did for the period of excess deaths.
To deny Ivermectin works after seeing real world proof on millions, and dozens of positive peer reviewed studies, is willful ignorance. ( and bad karma)
“ There are no active cases of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in 33 districts of Uttar Pradesh, the state government informed on Friday. About 67 districts have not reported a single new case of the viral infection in the last 24 hours, the government said, noting the steady improvement of the Covid-19 situation in the state.”
Done, finished, no more debate.
Yet here you are, learning zero, repeating the same balderdash.
Read the report – some districts recorded up to 5 times the previous 5 year average death rate. The quoted factors for the ratio of excess deaths over average compared with reported Covid cases. There is no way there was an accurate body count when the bodies were disposed of in the river or burnt on the side of the road.
You provide no supporting evidence that counters the excess death data.
As far as test positivity goes, Western Australia has been very close to zero percent since Covid was released. NSW got 1200 positive tests out of 247K tests yesterday – a positivity rate of 0.4%. Qld got 1 case out of 13k tests – 0.007%. All meaningless numbers.
You also do not offer any reason for why UP citizens are lining up in droves to get vaccinated.
People in India have experienced Covid as bad as it gets – It is no surprise they are lining up to get developed world solutions.
Clearly you still hope the developed world is going to offer a low grade alternative – they won’t. You will be offered a vaccine – your choice to take it or not.
It’s in your own link silly.
“ “ Documents this reporter obtained for Article 14 under the Right to Information Act, 2005, revealed that during the no-pandemic period between 1 July 2019 and 31 March 2020 these 24 districts registered around 178,000 deaths. Over the same period in 2020-2021, deaths increased by 110% to 375,000, an excess of 197,000. ”. (from your link).
So the total is nowhere close to 43 times over, it was barely two, and as your article says, other factors are involved.
RW says “ you will be offered a vaccine, it’s your choice to take it or not.”
I say neighaeaeae, in my best Mr Ed imitation. You have Amazing Ivermectin denial.
.01 positivity rate in a densely populated nation with only ten percent double vaccinated! That alone completely dismisses your obviously faulty words.
The same in every African nation that rolled out Ivermectin. Dozens of peer reviewed studies. Go ahead, be an ostrich. But stop trying to influence people against an OBVIOUS life saving treatment. And your use of the words “ given a CHOICE…”.
is rather ironic with the yahoo’s playing their little tyrant games all over the world.
Uttar Pradesh reported 34k deaths to March 2021. So if excess deaths from your numbers across UP is 197k then the ratio is 197/34 = 5.8 times for all of UP. The number 43 you are fixated on is for individual districts.
Since March 2021 the recorded deaths have increased to 92k in UP. The second wave was far worst than the first so level of reporting was likely much lower than the first wave. But using 5.7X gives a death toll of 524k just for UP. That is a very costly way to acquire immunity when there are highly effective vaccines available.
Other studies, based on a broad population sample of 800k people, have extrapolated the current Covid death toll in India of 5M but it does not give the split by State.
I had zero to do with the 47 number. You posted what I quoted, and you highlighted the extreme claims. The lockdowns in India were not effective for reasons discussed. Natural immunity was meaningless with the population density. ( 18 times Australia even with fifty percent not counted. )
There was plenty of spreading and contagion available. There were numerous other causes to the excess deaths, but I can accept four times with the positive tests rate peaking at 17 percent. In perfect sequence with Ivermectin roll out it dropped to .01 percent.
Game over!
Then there is this.
There were also other reports , perhaps from this state in India , that as they approached the time when COVID vaccinations were available they reduced the IVM program. Then started a mass vaccination program where infected people came into centres to get jabbed but unwittingly spread COVID to a lot of other attendees. So those vaccination centres become infection hubs. Hence, that spike between March and June. If you look at the Indian stats on deaths / 100 000 compared to other countries it is quite remarkable how low their stat is. Considering the population and density of some of their cities the result is quite amazing. So, it could be a combination of many factors and perhaps even different for each Indian state. But you cant discount IVM use. That policy of giving ZIVERDO kits to the rest of the family when one of the parents was COVID sick was clearly very important. Also having quick COVID tests (RAT’s- great name) would also be very useful. I listened to a podcast where those quick, personal COVID kits were being discussed more than 1 year ago – actually an Australian company. Yet, to this day I have not heard of any state or federal health department using them. You have to ask -why??
WHY? The purpose of Covid-19 has never been about saving lives, but controlling them.
We were expecting a flu season that did not eventuate – A scary sounding new disease was identified – China demonstrated the use of draconian measures to drum up the fear – China ensured everyone in the world new the disease had been spread globally – Cue the Fear and pump pump pump… – Governments happy to have a new thing to focus their citizens minds on (instead of the massive corruption which seems to permeate everything)
Before and during the release phase of the new disease large pharmaceutical companies and “Philanthropic” (?) organisations were preparing vaccines and other medications for delivery to governments after they had trained their citizens to fear for their lives and livelihoods.
PAYDAY – everyone gets the vaccine – pharma and associated medical enterprises rake in billions
PAYDAY – victims of Vaccines have no recourse to compensation – Pharm profits can not be redistributed to victims
PAYDAY – Governments benefit from Stockholm syndrome and get reelected
WHO PAYS – The citizens caught up in the huge swindle in terms of $$$, emotional and physical stress, lost opportunities, vaccine damage and deaths, long term unknown health damage to the vaccinated
BY THE WAY – where did the flu go?
Thanks. My Why? was largely rhetorical.
Also that policy of treating the whole family with IVM comes straight from recommendations for treating intestinal worms in humans. If one member of the family has worms eg pinworms etc then doctors normally recommend the whole family is treated with eg. Combantrim etc. So , maybe that policy was a happy mistake which actually provided COVID prophylaxis to the rest of the family by treating them with IVM. If you consider most of the new daily COVID +ves in Australia are generally close contacts (eg family members) then that policy would work at treat here as well.
I call your first link BS RW. Any of the figures I’ve checked, point to fake numbers for the pre covid comparisons. India has a death rate of 7.3 per 1000, per year. They give numbers of 1600 for nine months in Ghazipur 2019/20, and then compare it to 19700 recorded for 2020/21. Wow, an 1136% increase! Terrifying! Unfortunately Ghazipur has a population of 3.5 mill, and 1600 deaths give a death rate of 0.4 per thousand! At 7.3 it comes out at 19170. That paper is a fraud.
Your health system at work! Read all about it!
“Reader GM writes to the Chief Health Officer about Ivermectin – here’s the reply”
Another Ian, I find the last paragraph of the letter utterly laughable if it wasn’t so serious.
“You can be assured that the health and safety of all Australians is of paramount importance to the Australian Government”. I think they should have added “provided it doesn’t get in the way of our contract with the Pharma Companies and our attempt at complete control of all Australians”. ToM
I’m trying to upload, and being told it’s a duplicate. Maybe it’s a site problem, as nothing else new is appearing either?
Use the “back up” button you get on screen and then refresh and see what happens
Just interesting to check total ABS deaths in Australia for 2020 and from all causes again.
I think CV-19 total was about 909 deaths for 2020 and perhaps another 150 to 200 this year by SEPT.
But deaths were not higher for 2020 compared to previous years averages and respiratory deaths were lower in 2020.
See numbers of graphs and ORANGE line is for 2020 year.
Don’t forget that about 430 to 440 people die in Australia every day from all causes.
Key points relating to 2020 deaths include:
141,116 doctor certified deaths occurred between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020 and were registered by 28 February 2021. This equates to an average of 385.6 deaths per day, in line with the baseline average of 385.8.
The seasonality of deaths in 2020 was less pronounced, with numbers of deaths being higher than historical averages in summer and lower in winter.
Deaths due to respiratory disease were 16.2% lower than historical averages. Decreases were recorded in both chronic and acute respiratory diseases.
Influenza and pneumonia deaths were 36.0% lower than the historical average with this result heavily influenced by a particularly mild flu season.
According to ABS latest information ( respiratory diseases reported below include causes of death such as pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lower respiratory diseases (including emphysema and chronic bronchitis). Deaths due to COVID-19 are not included in this category.
There were 5,043 deaths from respiratory diseases between January and May 2021.
This is 115 deaths (2.3%) higher than the 2015-19 average, but remains 100 deaths (1.9%) lower than at the same point in 2020.
During May 2021 there were 1,202 deaths due to respiratory diseases, which is 168 (16.2%) more than in May 2020, and comparable to the baseline average of 1,177.
Influenza and pneumonia are acute respiratory diseases often grouped together when compiling leading causes of death. They are two distinct diseases: influenza is a viral infection, while pneumonia can be caused by a virus, bacteria or fungi. Influenza is a common cause of pneumonia.
Influenza deaths are highly seasonal and most commonly occur in Australia between the months of May and September. The timing, length and severity of the influenza season varies considerably from year to year. For this reason, influenza deaths have been excluded from the graph below so pneumonia deaths can be tracked separately.
Influenza and pneumonia are a subset of respiratory diseases (J00-J99).
There were 766 deaths due to influenza and pneumonia recorded between January and May 2021. All deaths in this category were due to pneumonia.
This is 223 deaths (22.5%) lower than the 2015-19 average, and 256 deaths (25.0%) lower than at the same point in 2020.
There has not been a death certified due to influenza since late July 2020.
The number of deaths due to pneumonia has been largely below average since late April 2020.
Between January and May 2021, deaths due to pneumonia were 142 (15.6%) below the 2015-19 average and 215 deaths (21.9%) below the same point in 2020.
During May 2021 there were 208 deaths due to pneumonia, which is 10.1% higher than in 2020 but remains 6.3% below the long term average.
In other words, there were no flu related deaths while there were a lot of other respiratory disease deaths. During the same time there were COVID-19 related deaths. I smell a rat.
Only one?
Since influenza has a shorter incubation period, and a lower Ro and a smaller attack rate the big surprise would be if it was not wiped out by restrictions that were applied for a different virus that is faster spreading and with a longer incubation period.
Obviously if we were able to wipe out Covid, we would by default, wipe out influenza twice over.
It may seem surprising but it is just maths. It is textbook microbiology.
Let’s pick our battles carefully. Big Pharma is hoping we will be distracted….
Not true, Jo. Influenza is a species jumper, and there are animal reservoirs. You could kill it out for a while, but sooner or later it will jump back into humans. . .
Does one winter not constitute “a while”? That’s how I read Jo’s post.
If we learn by experience we should be able to control flu better in the future with all these cheap substances we have learnt about.
Hello? There are animal reservoirs for the Faucui Flu.
Mass use of non-sterilizing quackzines was a guaranteed failure.
Slightly OT, but interesting information on the VAERS system in the USA and a doctor who is “in the thick of it” suggesting their figures could be out by a factor of 100 !!
Aus vaxx deaths to the 16/9
535, after the pharma companies and their shills investigated, only 9 confirmed.
Injuries, 59,199. According to the CDC 2.7% of these can no longer preform normal daily activities.
Roll up and roll up for your magical mystery tour.
With the number of jabs apparently needed.. its more like Russian Roulette !
No revolver has that many chambers!
Think: “Belt-fed”.
Outside the rules – ever tried to spin a belt?
Importantly, suspected adverse events reported to the TGA are often not caused by the vaccines. Learn more about causality and the TGA’s COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring and reporting activities.
I wonder if the Dummies in Thugs & Goons Administration might suspect that
Covid Deaths reported to the TGA are often not caused by Covid
EXPLICIT: Australian accuses hospitals of SAVING vaxxed patients with ivermectin while KILLING unvaxxed with ventilators
If only he’d provided just one snippet of documentation for the allegation. The bright eon doing its arithmetic in the dark yet again. Verdict: undecidable.
A christian person i trust, told me of how an elderly man he knew with covid, was told by a nurse who came into his room in hospital, to get out immediately. He did.
His take was he may have been done in that night via “ventilator”…
Its happening….
There is another explanation, that everyone has been exposed. This would not take long between April and September would be easily enough time. The idea is potentially contradicted by the experience in Kerala but perhaps that is a different mutation?
Such huge countries with no inoculations would suffer terribly, as they have done. And mutations will be common. But maybe this mutation is less deadly overall and has reached nearly everyone.
The simple way to tell is to check a small random group for presence of the antibodies. Is it 1%, 10% or 90%?
India, like in Africa, has direct comparison of similar densely populated nations or states having highly contrasting results between those that chose Ivermectin, and those that did not. Serology tests have been done and yes, a significant and SIMILAR percentage in both groups have had prior exposure. Ivermectin works.
Yes. However the racial groups in India are very diverse as in Africa and the climate, food, water, diet, ancestry, cultural practices. Kerala is very different. We have seen this dramatic racial difference in Vietnam with an extraordinarily low infection rate. I have an idea that maybe as the bats came from the very South of China, Vietnamese people may have been exposed previously to a bat derived virus, even in the distant past. In the 21st century, we feel that none of this has ever happened before. There is no reason to think so.
My point is that an antibody comparison would tell us a great deal and cut across conjecture. Why guess when you can measure. That is the key to all science.
Or maybe their government has a bit more honesty.
Yeah bats, lets continue with that.
They did measure, and you have far more then comparing and dramatic night and day differences in results. You have night and differences within your own state. While the natural immunity was a bit higher in this example, it was not making much difference UNTIL Ivermectin was rolled out as treatment. .01 positivity testing is almost ONE HUNDRED TIMES BETTER then in the heavily vaccinated US. And they are only ten percent vaccinated.
And you have very similar stories all over Africa. And Indonesia and numerous other real world examples. And you have dozens of peer reviewed results, all supporting Ivermectin.
And there are other antivirals, and Vitamins and sunshine, all effective, all supported in the literature and real world results.
In short, we KNIW Ivermectin works. The evidence is overwhelming.
About 2/3rds of the Indian population have Covid anti-bodies:
The whole story of Ivermectin being the magic bullet is a beat up. It is so much nonsense – just laughable. Indians have been severely impacted by Covid and are taking up vaccinations as fast as they can be delivered to build antibody level.
Then there is this.
The serology testing was about 50 percent. Guess what Rick. That left an unvaccinated NOYT naturally immune population density that is 18 times the population density of Australia and several times the population density of the heavily vaccinated US. And, despite ONLY ten percent vaccinated, they stopped COVID cold, dead in its track.
You are not thinking. You being immune has no effect on the not immune. And the NOT immune population was very dense. And the case load dropped in EXACT accord with government sponsored roll out of Ivermectin, which has been demonstrated again and again around the world.
Graeme 3, here’s an update until MAY 2021 for ABS total deaths, plus all of 2020 and the average 2015 to ’19 again.
BTW I was a little high for the deaths per day in OZ and will have to do better.
When one checks what the so called “fact checkers” says, it is noted there are a number of ivermectin trials being conducted but the results so far indicate there is no benefit on the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 victims. WHO, CDC, TGA and others demanded not to use ivermectin and officialdom have blocked doctors from prescribing it specifically for COVID-19 victims. Yet we are seeing evidence to the contrary that it does help save lives. Someone is telling big lies. If the lies are coming from the side that says ivermectin is of no use then they are indeed culpable, and thus open to charges of crimes against humanity. I look forward to the issue being resolved one way or the other somehow, and it must be done ASAP as so many people might be dying needlessly.
Remember the fact checker’s reputation –
“If it looks like a duck
Walks like a duck and
Quacks like a duck
Fact checkers will tell you it is a squirrel”
I think they would tell us it’s a virus. Quacks often misdirect.
Who is seeing evidence – I have not seen any compelling evidence that shows Ivermectin is doing any good.
Rick, I see two sorts of organisations. Ones like the FLCCC are risking their jobs and talking about the effect they see on their patients. Perhaps they are exaggerating. Perhaps they enjoy some infamy. But I was listening too and impressed by Dr Paul Marik five years ago. He was famous then in medical circles. He was using B1 and C and a steroid to save people in ICU from Sepsis.
Others, though, who appear to be high up in departments and not treating many patients say things that are inconsistent. They are not organising real trials with Vit D or ivm or hcq. They keep saying “there’s no evidence” but aren’t working to solve that. They show no interest in trying to save lives.
Why would I believe the latter? By their actions they show my health is not their top priority.
It CANNOT be resolved with career criminals — in fact, a worldwide Mob I call the Insane Left and Complicit Right — in charge. We do not have legitimate governments now.
It is the blatant criminality of the political class that, actually warring upon its own people, is the immediate (and likely only) problem, not just another overhyped flu virus.
When I got the covid bug — twice, and in early 2020, before Fauci et al. led us all into lockdown hell — at age 72, I defeated it easily, but quickly(!) and determinedly(!!), with unlimited dosing of echinacea with goldenseal (only $4 US a bottle, at Walmart, lasts one day at the dose I was using, but good results well within that short a time). What is enabling this worldwide insanity is the ignorance of the population, of how to treat themselves to fight off the covid if it starts to make them sick. And it is weak as all hell (pardon my French), when confronted quickly, with just echinacea with goldenseal, used as a medicine, not a continuing supplement. I haven’t worn a mask, ever; I DON’T NEED IT, nor a vaccine (nor “Modern Medicine” at all, to be blunt…the Medical Establishment is just part of the illegitimate, and TOTALLY INCOMPETENT, criminal Mob), and I will not have anything to do with it as such.
“The Wide World of Covid”
“And tonight’s blast from the past, some ancient history from way back in late May, 2021, when Fauci had it all figured out. For some strange reason the world looks a lot different today than what he predicted. ”
More at
From your link another Ian.
What will Premier Dan do if Victoria ends up like that??? Has he got a Plan B. I doubt it, but maybe if he read Jos article it might give him some ideas.
As the efficacy of jabs wear off, the vaccinated are left open to further infection.
That is very clear now Clarence and even Pfizer has confirmed it. So outside of boosters, which are really just the same injection again so the same result can be expected, what are all the politicians and medical bureaucrats going to do? They have put ALL their eggs in the vaccine basket.
I think Australia and NZ can expect to see the Vermont and Israel situation happening in late autumn / early winter next year, if not earlier. Will they just keep the lockdowns and insist on booster number one, followed by booster number two etc.?
Someone has to be brave enough to break the cycle. Scomo has shown some leadership with the nuclear sub decision, maybe he can increase the strength of his backbone and say we all have to look at medicating people early on when they test positive (ie. use Ivermectin or similar products) and not rely on “vaccines”. That is, take a multi pronged approach to the issue.
Scotty from sell, swap & buy, showed leadership?
Same vermin party that approved the bloody first lot, which after five years of design will cost us a fortune, but will probably cost us the whole $80 billlon after we loose the battle of corporate law. (Dans freeways)
We vote the party not the individual, his todays puppet until they decide on a change. Another $444 million will be deposited to a kick back foundation of his choice.
Wonder if his got any swimming pools or car parks left for sale.
Ross, they planned on multiple ongoing strain-specific boosters, not just shots of the same old.
But the Isrealli and UK data is clear. That plan is a bust. Strain-specific boosters for the quackzinated is now a death sentence.
Smell the panic. So many voices screaming “no need for boosters”. They know.
Two questions on that –
1. Reckon he can read?
2. Reckon he’d ever deign to read an item that Jo wrote?
Thank you Jo, absolutely brilliant news.
Indian Bar Association vs WHO | Adv. Dipali Ojha with Rajiv Malhotra
Some Current Petitions;
Petition EN3196 – Alternate treatment options for Covid 19
Petition EN3179 – Immediately release all TGA submission documents for publicly funded vaccines
Petition EN3127 – Emergency Use Authorisation of Ivermectin
Thanks Peter C – all 4 petitions signed and confirmed
Thx Peter, signed petitions.
Thanks Peter. Done.
If it is legal, I choose to take Ivermectin if I get the dreaded wuhan lurgy. Bad luck for the TGA if I live …
Queensland becomes fifth Australian state to legalise voluntary euthanasia
Australia’s TGA Bans GPs from Prescribing Ivermectin—Cites Interruption with Vaccination as Clear Factor
Yup…it almost appears steps are being taken to maximise the number of deaths….no…surely not….
This paper looks at populations in Africa and covid infection where one population took Ivermectin for reasons of parasite control and the other didn’t.
The paper is even linked at the World Homicide Organisation.
COVID-19: The Ivermectin African Enigma.
Guerrero, Rodrigo; Bravo, Luis Eduardo; Muñoz, Edgar; Ardila, Elvia Karina Grillo; Guerrero, Esteban.
Colomb Med (Cali) ; 51(4): e2014613, 2020 Dec 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-994976
Semantic information from SemMedBD (by NLM)
The low frequency of cases and deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 virus in some countries of Africa has called our attention about the unusual behavior of this disease. The ivermectin is considered a drug of choice for various parasitic and viral diseases and shown to have in vitro effects against SARS-CoV-2.
Our study aimed to describe SARS-CoV2 infection and death rates in African countries that participated in an intensive Ivermectin mass campaign carried out to control onchocerciasis and compare them with those of countries that did not participate.
Data from 19 countries that participated in the World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC), from 1995 until 2015, were compared with thirty-five (Non-APOC), countries that were not included. Information was obtained from https// database. Generalized Poisson regression models were used to obtain estimates of the effect of APOC status on cumulative SARS-CoV-2 infection and mortality rates.
After controlling for different factors, including the Human Development Index (HDI), APOC countries (vs. non-APOC), show 28% lower mortality (0.72; 95% CI 0.67-0.78) and 8% lower rate of infection (0.92; 95% CI 0.91-0.93) due to COVID-19.
The incidence in mortality rates and number of cases is significantly lower among the APOC countries compared to non-APOC countries. That a mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community ivermectin use is an attractive hypothesis. Additional studies are needed to confirm it.
The compelling factor in African countries is that median age is in the teens. Not many kids have died in developed countries where median age is in the 40s.
Also 28% lower mortality and 8% lower infection rate are hardly worth making a song and dance about when actual data in Australia shows vaccines are in the high nineties for reducing severe cases. Victoria has no vaccinated person in ICU; vaccines 100% effective. NSW 228 in ICU 54 vaccinated from 80% of the population and 174 unvaccinated from 20% of the population: vaccines 94% effective.
If I had to pay $5,000 for vaccination I would give it a second thought but they are FREE – why would anyone not get vaccinated unless it was against medical advice?
Maybe the big error has been providing free vaccinations. It would be an interesting exercise to put a price on vaccinations. That would shift the debate to something more constructive than the conspiracy theories that run rampant here.
A more interesting exercise than putting an arbitrary price on the injection would be to have a Dutch Auction starting from that five grand you nominated.
Whatever happened to those initiatives at the outset where prizes were on offer to people who survived the necessary weeks to be fit to take the second shot?
Common sense.
NSW ICU by Vaccination Status.
The proportion of vaccinated people is steadily going up.
Awful eh. Must be some mistake. Good thing we have Gladys the truth teller to beat these pesky facts.
I suppose when, eventually, the ICU proportion of vaxed exceeds the proportion of vaxed in the population beyond ICU this page will need to be suppressed or outright deleted probably some time around the Christmas and New Year break.
With any luck Big Pharma will have its antiviral solutions ready by then and we can forget about vaccines.
Exactly as you would expect with the number of people vaccinated rapidly increasing. But the vaccine efficacy against serious illness has remained at 94%.
If 100% of the population was vaccinated and there were anyone in the ICU then they would all be vaccinated.
Yes, naturally, totally agree.
But How do you get vaccine efficacy at 94%? Does not compute for me.
The 174 unvaccinated come from 20% (1/5) of the population. If the vaccine was ineffective then there should be 4 times as many vaccinated or 4 X 174 = 696 vaccinated.
There are 54 vaccinated making 642 less then there should be for zero benefit from vaccines. So efficacy is 642/696 = 92%. (It has dropped a fraction from the 94% last week)
To look at it from another perspective, without vaccines there would be 870 people in ICU rather than 228 just from the reduction in severity. But then there is additional benefit due to reduced risk of infection when people are vaccinated.
NSW could not hold the increase in case numbers even with curfews but the numbers have declined in the past week. That bodes well for reducing numbers as they begin to increase mobility.
However the only countries that have herd immunity with full mobility have got >80% of the entire population, not just adults, carrying antibodies. So Australia needs to be very cautious with basing high mobility on 80% of the adult population vaccinated. There is almost zero natural immunity in Australia so vaccines need to do the entire job.
Actually it is EXACTLY what you DI NOT expect with a real vaccine. It is exactly what you get with a failed vaccine. And, post six months vaccinated, the counts really go up. The percentages do as well. And ignoring the tens of thousands of vaccinated in terrific pain is, likewise not helpful.
Heads Explode as a TikTok Influencer Pushes Back on the Term ‘Unvaxxed’ and Declares Herself, ‘PureBlood’
Some anti-vaxxers have proclaimed themselves “Purebloods” in a campaign of biological supremacy against those who received the COVID-19 vaccine.
“From now on, I refuse to be referred to as ‘unvaccinated,’” said conservative influencer Lyndsey Marie in a post last week. “I want everyone to now call me Pureblood.”
Her hashtags included #harrypotter, #pureblood and #unvaccinated.
Marie is most likely referring to a term more recently popularized by the “Harry Potter” series, which saw wizards and warlocks with the most magical progeny assigned as “purebloods” or “half-bloods” — as opposed to “muggles,” mere humans who practice magic.
From the looks of Lindsay Marie and the others who are latching onto this movement, most of them appear young, healthy, and aware that there is more than meets the eye with this push to get them vaccinated. No one is denying COVID-19 is real. Choosing not to get the COVID-19 vaccines should be just that: a choice. Sadly, it has become a social and political campaign to create a caste system of those who choose not to take the COVID vaccines, and an agenda to blame the inability to mitigate the virus on this group. The term “unvaxxed” has become on par with a racial slur or a s@xual derogator. President Joe Biden, The CDC’s Dr. Rachelle Walensky, and the media want to embed the narrative of “a pandemic of the unvaxxed” in order to justify everything from mask mandates, to vaccine passports, to denial of employment, medical care, and services to the newly-dubbed “Purebloods”.
Like a lot of things these days, things have turned up-side-down. Given the way some of our politicians and health officials have been talking down to people who refuse to be vaccinated, it would not surprise me to see the new “normal” whereby unvaccinated people are shunned, treated like dirt, attacked, persecuted, and eventually refused treatment for any ailment and wished by most people to die a horrible death. Most of that has already started to happen to a limited extent by certain people including doctors overseas but thus far it’s very rare. Unless and until I am convinced there is a proper vaccine and at the same time the pandemic turns from one being a mild from into a far more serious one, I will be doing the same as the woman proclaiming to be “pureblood” in the face of much persecution to come. Bring it on!
I came up with that term at least a week ago….
Its a bit like trying to vaccinate the Amish to ensure no control group exists…
Lessons learned for politics and science is that we need more freedom of speech, diversity of ideas and evidence-based decisions. We need less trust on authority, less money and less centralized decision making.
Centralization especially globalization can be efficient but rulers prioritize their own interests above the needs of people. They will always do that and we have constitutions that restrict their power. Governments should be separated from commercial interest. Subsidies, entitlements, public services and regulations are harmful to the people.
The Left have now thoroughly infiltrated all Australian institutions (Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions”).
With that, the Left have bought their terror of new or alternative ideas and the censorship, cancelling and persecution of anyone who dares disagree with them.
Thus, no new ideas outside conventional orthodoxy or ideas emanating from “superior authorities” such as the World Health Organisation or Big Pharma are permitted or possible.
Ivermectin will not be allowed to be tried, despite it being one of the world’s safest drugs and even with large amounts of evidence of its benefit.
One promising event is the acceptance of nuclear submarines. However, even this obvious requirement has taken decades to implement. Perhaps in several decades authorities, may, just may, just possibly might be prepared to trial Ivermectin on a limited basis on COVID-51.
C’mon Lefties. Aren’t you going to tell me how open you are to new (rational) ideas and how you don’t believe in censorship or cancelling people?
A truly shocking decision that might reverberate for many decades. Because of US sabre-rattling, and their paranoia about another superpower, Australia has become yet again the sock-puppet proxy of the Americans … we are a client state, and we’re never allowed to forget it.
Morrison is well on the way to destroying Australian trade and prosperity – because the only thing he believes in is the White Team of UK-USA.
Tilba, when you post I always do the Xi test. Would President Xi approve your comment? And the answer is always “Yes”.
Good luck with trying to pour scorn and fear onto a decision to fix our defence force deficiencies, and align with our most natural allies, most similar shared cultures, and the largest and fifth largest economies in the world.
As a West Australian in Perth – you are one of the many who are huge beneficiaries of our trade with China. I can’t see the point of poking the bear, or biting the hand that feeds you, for what I think it an extremely dubious “alliance” – and yet some more arms-race technology fetish (which is all the suits understand).
It’s nonsense to say we can have our cake and eat it too.
I don’t accept that China is radically different to the country it was when Australia ordered the diesel-electric submarines, and therefore I don’t know why we do the bidding of the US because Trump in particular, but the deep state generally have upped the chest-thumping over “China”.
I think Morrison should be building alliances with the countries of our region – they are our economic and geopolitical future: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Korea, Japan … and of course China.
Not sure it’s a great idea to continue or promote the “shared cultures” of the UK and the US – certainly not via a military alliance. We have much more important alliances to forge in our region … peaceful ones.
If China has peaceful aims why would they care less that we are spending so much on nuclear subs.
Your outrage gives you away…
Australia having a good defense adds stability to the whole region.
The very last thing the far-left want…
As you have shown by your comments.
Wow, what a vivid imagination you have, TT !
Australia does the most sensible thing on sub purchases, over-turning a totally i***tic Turnbull grovelling to Pyne farce.
And you try to blame it on the US.. ?!
… bizarre !.
I contacted my local federal rep, Bert Van Manen (LNP), to ask why Ivermectin wasn’t being investigated as a Covid mitigation measure. He had the courtesy to reply promptly, though his reply looked like a ‘head office’ cut & paste, which largely ignored my question. Instead, he reliably repeated the statements we’re all familiar with:
“There is a significant amount of research going on in respect of how to deal with COVID-19 … All COVID-19 treatment applications are being treated with the greatest priority … there is currently insufficient evidence to support the safe and effective use of Ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 … there is concern that, if used inappropriately, off-label use of medications may cause toxicity … the doses of Ivermectin that are being advocated for use in unreliable social media posts and other sources for COVID-19 are significantly higher than those approved and found safe for scabies or parasite treatment. These higher doses can be associated with serious adverse effects, including severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neurological effects such as dizziness, seizures and coma.”
So far, so unhelpful.
I therefore sent another email asking why the Government HASN’T performed those trials, especially considering Ivermectin’s successful application in places like India as far back as May last year. Why is it, I asked, that we’re being told the situation is dire and so urgent that we’re being forced to have risky vaccines, yet it apparently isn’t urgent enough to warrant a single credible trial of Ivermectin?
I will reproduce his reply in full here:
“The Federal Government has taken the issue of COVID-19 seriously and has looked at every avenue to ensure Australians remain safe throughout the pandemic.
At the start of the pandemic, the Federal Government provided substantial financial support and funding to medical researchers. This included funding for vaccine research and anti-viral therapies. As part of the $66 million package to fund research, the Government provided funding to Monash University to investigate Ivermectin as an anti-viral treatment.
One of the issues with researching this topic in Australia is that until recently, the low level of infections in Australia meant that it was not practical to run clinical trials. It is my understanding that Monash University researchers have expressed an interest in running clinical trials but the low levels of infection meant it was not viable for them to do so. I am unsure if they have taken the necessary steps to begin such a trial following the increase of cases in some parts of the country.
The Federal Government will continue to look at potential research on this topic. Researchers in Australia are free and able to apply for the ability to research this treatment in Australia.”
The irony is Steve, one of Australia most eminent scientists in medicine, Professor Borody was onto Ivermectin early last year. He got rebuffed in Australia so he has done work and trials in other countries, since then. I read somewhere recently he has put his whole “protocol” into one pill or capsule (ie. he is mixing Ivermectin with other substances like zinc)
That was also the case for HCQ last year. The Doherty Institute in Victoria were all ready to go with a trial to dose those working in healthcare with HCQ as a prophylactic. I watched an interview with the main researcher responsible for the proposed trial. There was enough evidence for them to go ahead with a trial. But then Trump mentioned HCQ, there was the backlash and also Victoria simply didn’t have enough COVID cases ( early 2020) to justify a trial. Hence, it all just disappeared.
There can be no rational excuse of “not enough cases” for not having a trial now.
After all, the excuse for the most savage, dictatorial lockdowns in the world with the most severe fines is because of a huge outbreak of covid “cases”, at least positive PCR test results.
Do they want to save lives or not?
C’mon Australia, it only took you decades to accept the “new idea” of nuclear submarines, do you think you can do slightly better with Ivermectin?
Strange how we have to have cases here in Australia before the trial can be run. It used to frustrate the cr4p out of me, when I worked with Aussie scientists, to see them vanish overseas all the time, spending Australian taxpayers’ money on foreign research projects, but now all of a sudden, they forget how to run collaborative projects?
I am not sure if this is fact or fiction as no one seems to be talking about the Japanese Study which shows vaccine will enhance delta infectivity.
This is, in my opinion, an excellent interview by Dr. Christiane Northrup who gives new details on covid vaccine shedding / transmission, especially among women, but also deals with the issues confronting men as well. It’s 48 minutes and well worth it. ToM
The social segregation continues..vaxxed UNwelcome. Needs to be more of it.
Of course if we had Ivermection or HCQ/Zinc and no vaxxed, none of this would be necessary…
ie Ivermection, HCQ…
Excellent quote.
Noam Chomsky is one of the great thinkers and writers of the 20th Century (and is still going in the 21st). Not bad for a radical lefty, eh!
A linguist with basically zero understanding of science or common sense in the real world.
Well over-rated… what did he actually contribute to the real worth of society ?!
So which Chomsky books have you read?
‘Given the safety of ivermectin, why aren’t we doing those trials? What have we got to lose?”
Jo, you are assuming that our various governments’ actions and reactions are based on a concern for the people’s health and well-being.
They won’t be considering Ivermectin or HQL because they have quite another agenda.
Yes – they are science-based and want the population to be fully vaccinated, to the practical extent possible. They’re not in the business of giving Internet-driven wonder drugs a lot of oxygen. The bar of proof for medical professionals is high – quite rightly.
It’s like the ink on peer reviewed papers is invisible for Tilba. I mean it’s a curious thing how all the evidence just vanishes before his eyes. Does he even read the posts here? Obviously not, and yet he feels qualified to comment?
Would president Xi approve this comment. “Oh Yes”
Channel 7 news announces that will reveal all about the “reputed” ability of Ivermectin to cure Covid tonight.
Maybe the ACT should do a study on Ivermectin?
Ideal small sample would be a good test case.
“A pilot study of the use of oral ivermectin to treat head lice in primary school students in Australia
Marian J Currie 1, Graham J Reynolds, Nicholas J Glasgow, Francis J Bowden
“1Australian National University Medical School, Canberra Hospital, WODEN ACT, Australia. [email protected]
Subsequently 93.6% of children in the intervention school were treated with oral ivermectin. No adverse events were reported.
PMID: 21138467
DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1470.2010.01317.x
Absolutely brilliant short film. Australia is very close to this now.
Ten percent commission for the dobbers is an incentive the Stasi had no need for and neither did the Victorian government as Lisa Neville the police minister commented when Victorians dobbed at levels high enough to block the switchboard; explained by the film having been made in 2019 before the pandemic eh.
Where are the 3 sea shells (Demolition Man)? Seriously though, it’s going to be much worse. The CAGW and plandemic cons are just the start. Is it too late to stop it? No, but it requires at least passive resistance by a significant proportion of the population. I don’t see that happening. Instead we are seeing the exact opposite. We have become a nation of jelly backed gullible fools.
What utter nonsense … we can’t even give broadband to everyone or build a submarine or two. I do wish doom-fearers would stop exaggerating the competence and brilliance of big brother.
Have a look at The Great Reset brochure for an excellent example of child-like amateurism.
Brilliant short film… just where the socialist/marxist control agenda wants us to be.
Satirical and funny, because it exposes so much of what the far-left are aiming for.
VERY good chart showing country’s with highest vaccination. Portugal 81%. Quick search for Portugal Delta cases.
Portugal: Delta variant responsible for nearly 90% infections
Absolutely brilliant short film. Australia is very close to this now…
What an anti-Semitic red-ragger that Richardson is.
If almost 100% of any population is vaccinated, then it follows that 75%-80% of new cases will be from the vaccinated – breakthrough cases. It is an utterly meaningless “stat”. What matters is the number of new cases.
If the population were not vaccinated, then there might be 5,000 cases per month. With mass vaccination there might be 50 or 100 or even 500 cases a month, with a good slice of these from the vaccinated, because almost everyone is vaccinated. Still demonstrates the vaccine is effective in cutting infection.
And more importantly, cutting serious disease and death among the over-60s almost totally.
“75%-80% of new cases will be from the vaccinated – breakthrough cases. ”
LOL.. yes.. breakthrough cases.
Thanks, TT 🙂
The vaccines are just so effective, aren’t they ! 🙂
You’re just such a fool … so ideologically driven that ypou can’t even see – let – alone understand – basic logic and argument.
I suffered polio when I was about 13-14 – pretty serious, but no paralysis, no iron lung. Why? Because I had had the Sabin oral vaccine in the year prior.
The WHOLE POINT of vaccines is not that they make you 100% bulletproof. What they do is at least as much about lessening the impact of infection.
I think all the rightwing loops have been spreading huge disinformation about the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines. Why? Because they want the pandemic to run until the US midterms … their only agenda.
Nice link thanks. have you seen the crowhouse
Colchicine seems to be another very effective treatment
I think the point remains (and as cited in the letter discussed at 1.2): government health authorities are thorough, take their work seriously, and demand a high level of evidence and data.
There is a very clear parallel between the clamour to set Ivermectin free, and the demand in Nov-Jan that “somebody” declare the US Election crooked, and give Trump the win.
In both cases the evidence was asserted and dodgy at best – in many cases there was no evidence at all. Judges and courts in the US demanded a level of evidence that no-one could provide. So does the TGA before it recommends a Covid-19 treatment.
The other issue is the quality of the messenger – in both cases (IVM and the election) some very crazy and fringe people do the promoting. Anti-vaxxers and Trump cultists. It’s no wonder that the medical establishment and mainstream media dismiss them or ignore them.
In fact, one of the “studies” that got the whole Ivermectin meme rolling in the twittersphere – the alleged big Brazilian one that is cited often – might not even have happened.
The other issue that always arises (as it has yet again in this thread), is that the suppression of IVM is part of the big global plot to do … something evil [insert your favourite globalist fantasy or bogeyman here].
Or to have a go at state officials. They aren’t perfect, but they’re doing a difficult job – far better than any of the armchair warriors on here could.
The example of Uttar Pradesh raises a lot of questions – primarily in relation to all the other factors (variables) that need to be analysed, before allocating too much credit to Ivermectin.
I remain unconvinced, but don’t reject it out of hand. The problem is that so much of the “evidence” is sketchy, and a lot of it is pushed by very partisan types, or anti-vax groups with agendas.
“government health authorities are thorough, take their work seriously, and demand a high level of evidence and data.”
This is satirical right?
They approved remdesivir based on almost no benefit one study. They are approving vaccines for children with no long term studies at all.
“anti-vax groups with agendas.”
Now what agendas what that be.. Profit? Population Control? 😉
Sorry TT, but their only agenda is facing the truth.
You should not turn such a willfully blind eye to it all the time.
“To Governor DeSantis, Ivey, Lee And Others”
Message is “do what Uttar Pradesh did
I find it interesting Africa is about 2% vaccinated? Does that mean its all a Hoax?
“WOW” A must watch, Clive Palmer.
Tilba…you must be kidding. Since when are government authorities in ANY Department (state or federal) thorough and take their work seriously? And as for you, Kevin…in what Universe would you even listen to Palmer (and now his chief Stooge, Craig Kelly)?
Speaking of Deaths:
Great link thanks!
There are dark web markets doing a great trade in Ivm, Hcq and such. They will ship it to your door.
Jo I have emailed this in full to Greg Hunt and my local member. Thanks for your work.