A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Full DNA based “vaccines” for kids – what could possibly go wrong?
Will future people become animal-human chimeras, the new Nephilim on the horizon?
“ZyCoV-D”……funny name…sounds familiar though.
Funny how these vaccines always get “emergency authorization”, when Ivermectin works just fine.
Dehli proved that in May 2021 when it crushed the curve using Ivermectin.
Waking up to the real tragedy of this vaccination that our health experts, media and politicians are not publishing…
This is our children who we need to fight for.
The world has officially “gone mad”.
It didn’t happen in an instant; it took more than fifty years of incremental movement away from common sense and decency to reach this point.
Society, that daily interaction we have with our neighbours friends, family and workmates, is gone.
The businesses created by energetic people who believed in the future, are either smashed or near the end.
Thanks to Jo for this blog where we are able to rant and make guesses about what’s happening, and thanks to the contributors who can share insights about the matters under examination.
What’s going on? Looking over the horizon at other former democracies like those in Europe, Britain and the United States, it’s easier to see the collapse away from reason; that’s where we are.
How do we dig ourselves out of this: one thing’s for sure people like George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles are Not “here to help us”.
We are being deconstructed bit by bit, day by day.
We must find a way to push back but increasingly those who do push back get cancelled.
Don’t give up.
That’s all very well, Keith, “don’t give up”. No, I’m not giving up either BUT when there’s just so much negativity around: stupid Education. BBC Scotland report last night Such utter rubbish 2 balloons one with water, other with air to represent Atmosph. has bits of paper inside, gets burst by gas lighter paper falls out shows CO2 heavier than air. Water balloon doesn’t – BUT B U T later take and that balloon does burst – Bairn gets soaked trousers. Experiment under guidance from Depute Head who used to work for Royal Society Science in action. Total Plonker.
How about this *stupider education:
University of Waikato in Hamilton, an hour south of Level 4 Lockdown Auckland, is offering “the world’s first Bachelor Degree in Climate Change” commencing 2022. Reading the uni’s press release makes it clear it’s more about training political, cultural, activist robot-zombies than teaching ‘science’.
Also, there’s sumpfink very fishy about yesterday’s alleged ‘t’ attack in Auckland, where an immigrant “under 24/7 surveillance” managed to knife a number of supermarket shoppers before being fatally shot by said surveillors. Upping the ante? Upping the fear? Never mind, Jacinda is here… oh dear!
I still get a chuckle out of the MAGA (Make Ardern Go Away) stickers etc that someone came up with.
This is a classic
Super Jacinda!! Jacinda as marry poppins…..urk…..funny video…..
Thanks. And on Vimeo..
I think shes done the best job of all the “leaders” in the world. Her big mistake is planning to open the international border once she can get vax rates up. Throwing it all away.
You’re entitled to your opinion. I’m happy to see any heads of government face criticism and satirical humour, and/or otherwise be reminded that they are not gods.
I can’t say if Ardern is generally good or bad, but I do see how the media giver her a free pass on just about anything that would cause great consternation if she was of the “right”, politically speaking.
Philip, if you look at the figures coming out of Israel, at least 50% of covid hospital patients are vaccinated.
But not dead.
Lying Jacinda, opening her gormless gob again.
When she said:
1. It’s not about “a faith” — I knew exactly which one was implicated.
2. It’s not about “an ethnicity” — I knew he was nonwhite and non-oriental.
3. It’s not about “a culture” — I knew it was a culture that despises our western freedoms.
I can guess his last two words too, before he was taken down.
Ahh, yes, the BBC
From the premier news agency in the world, to a bad Goons episode, in less than 50 years,
It gets crazier….the REAL plan for covid – the vaccine passport, to be used as a universal digital ID.
Its not just going to be medical info, it is likely going to morph into other stuff as one.
And hey, if you dont keep your clot maker jabs up to date you cease to be a citizen….dance, puppets, dance…..
Good video :
Bad news is – its appears to be full blown medical aparthied.
I have heard through sources i trust that govts are gearing up for this.
When you hear “vaccine cetificates” this is the start of controlling humanity via the vaxx passport…..
I’m not right through it yet but I am already choking on Design criterion 1: “Implementation of the DDCC-VS should not increase health inequities or increase the digital divide”; what on earth is meant by “increase health inequities”? As I’ve already said does this policy include equipping all citizens with a suitable digital device and data budget to connect it to the internet? Yeah, make me laugh…
The Dutch have got rid of theirs (or will very soon), and Russia has, or will be removing the QR code registration requirements, and wont implement compulsory vaccinations which is all fine if you never intend to leave the country…
The company I work for has demanded that we all register our vaccination status with them (depending on local laws). They are a global company, with people normally travelling all over the place. Not once in almost 20 years of working for them have I had to register any of my various vaccinations (such as yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis A, B, etc). In countries with Malaria, we are supposed to ensure we take medication, and have a test kit with us, but no one ever checked to see if we were actually taking anything unless we got Malaria (I cant see it being healthy to take drugs like Doxycycline continuously for months and months, and I was far from alone in this view).
It seems utterly ridiculous to demand to see your papers for a disease with such a low mortality rate, although, as is becoming more obvious to many, it has always been abut control, not about our wellbeing.
I think there are laws on privacy that forbid you having to turn over medical information that they are not entitled to.
it depends on the country and/or state. It also depends if said government decided to change these laws because… “emergency”.
Yes. It is now a multinational corporatist business. Sanctioned by Govt.
“The entire functional narrative of the COVID virus is based on a fraud. It’s not about a virus; nothing about this has anything to do with a virus; it is all about control.”
the $123 million virus 6-4-21 Federal grant data assembled by independent researchers shows that Daszak’s NYC-based Eco-Health has received more than $123 million from the government in total
Grants from the Pentagon included $6,491,025 from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) from 2017 to 2020
EHA also received $64.7 million from the US Agency for International Development (USAID)
It received $13 million from Health and Human Services, which includes the National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control
READ THIS (Afghanistan update)
Have you read a small book called “None dare call it Conspiracy – Gary Allen. Very enlightening. It is still happening,
Sars2 infections rate worldwide
ivermectin, US national corruption adviser, Panjshir Valley, Biden
Good news for those living in the USA with the ReAwaken Tour kicking off
Got everything and everybody beloved by this group doing a nationwide series of events
It’s a great start Peter, if we get something going here I can count on you to help fight against totalitarian rule…yes?
You have to realise that PF needs someone to tell him exactly what to do.
No matter what it is.
so much for your every so lofty talk yesterday, now it is back to baiting, denigration and personal insults, which is your only stock in trade.
Grow up
Yawn !
Just do as your masters tell you. !
Good little serf.
You have made it very clear that you do not like living in a society where there is freedom of expression and freedom of personal choice.
Sorry if you feel you have denigrated yourself.
Look after the Koalas.
They need you.
Cynicism is good PF, satire really acceptable (Jo is brilliant at it): sarcasm not so much. Even though I occasionally indulge when I see your comments.
Sharyl Attkisson provides a comprehensive summary of vaccine concerns. Might be worth printing off for the benefit of your friends, doctors, interrogators.
Thanks Old Moss
Comprehensive summary by Sharyl Attkisson – full page saved to iMac
It was an interesting and wide-ranging read … but the overall impression is a lot of cherry-picking of data, and an inverted pyramid – with a lot of Very Big Conclusions from a tiny base of adverse-reaction cases.
I’m sure a good analyst could write something similar about adverse cases arising from taking – say – multivitamins.
“I’m sure a good analyst..blah, blah… “
Apparently, you have yet to find a good analyst. !
Thank you Old Moss, very useful. Saved to hd.
Please tell me this isn’t true, that Australian citizens will be required to send a photo to the police within 15 minutes to determine their location and covid compliance
South Australian police are pushing for compulsory tracking so its a matter of time really, this was always the end game a complete surveillance state and social credit system.
The only way to stop this is mass civil disobedience by the majority and even then we’d face fighting against our own or foreign forces to our demise more than likely.
Consider the amount of broken compliant people in this land and calculate how many we’ll have on side, prepare to live out a real life Greek tradgedy.
Time to ditch the smart phone. It is not your friend anymore.
I never have owned a smart phone. Nothing to ditch !
I take your point however whatever microprocessor based web linked device you are using to write on this blog is capable of tracking you smart phone or not.
I’m either home and using the computer..
.. or I’m not..and I could be anywhere else..
Not useful tracking for anyone.
Ahh, I see, but what about the chip they implanted in your head last time you visited a medical practitioner “this won’t hurt much, just a little prick”.
Good idea Old Moss. The de facto ankle bracelet called a smart phone.
On the one hand, South Australia has a determinedly illiberal government. On the other hand, government in this state is scared witless by the CCP virus not because it cares two hoots about members of the public but because any serious outbreak would wreck its hospital system. I think this is so in several ways, hospital accommodation, medical staff (both practitioners and nurses) and finance: all hopelessly inadequate. South Australia has already ruined its future by various means, not least in terms of energy (electrical) and education. Hence the need, apparently, to track its citizens by the quarter hour. Questioning is already prohibited, such that the state is already totalitarian (per Eric Voegelin, Modernity without Restraint, in Collected Works, vol. 5).
The cases of Pell, Ridd and now a NSW doctor (Jo’s previous post) are the very tips of an immense iceberg of intolerance. South Australia is on the cusp of a disaster which government thinks it can avoid by increasingly authoritarian means. It reposes no trust in the general public (educated n SA, naturally). It is very unsettling. We are back at the beginning of the crisis engendered by this virus. It tells of intellectual failure of governments and the innumerable schools of medicine in Australia generally and South Australia not least.
Yonnie, It’s going to be interesting to see how many of these $5,000 fines will be collected. Especially off the drug runners who defeated Gladys.
They’ll start, of course, by cancelling driver’s licences.
We might have to approach the federal government to issue licences over the heads of the state licences. But first we should campaign to get those fines rescinded. By nature they are absolutely unAustralian!
Its going to be difficult to pay fines with no jobs or income, the real plan with fines is as pointed out below just a fear tactic to coerce people into compliance, remember the state governments and police are legally corporations complete with ABN’s so unless they can provide a contract that you signed to abide by their conditions of compliance.
We as a people could secede or sovereign/civil rights to the federal state of Canberra but only after its under our rule of law, you sometimes have to think outside of the box to avoid ending up in one.
Why would anyone be surprised? Australia is already the closest to being a police state compared to any other Western nation. They are testing the waters to see how far we can go. After all we have grown out of the mentality of being a colony of convicts but sadly some in high levels haven’t grown out of the mentality of being the jailers of the colony of convicts. It’s now very clear to me at least why we have such a heavy handed approach to policing compared to other Western nations.
Rebel News has a story about a “citizen journalist” who was arrested for filming an anti-Covid protest. They told him to turn off his camera on the way to the police station, but he just capped the lens and left the sound recording on. The camera caught the police conversation in which they discussed how to fix him up with a bogus charge for not wearing a mask or being more than 5k from home that would not stand up in court, knowing that he would be bailed. Then they would watch him like a hawk for the next few days to see if he broke bail, upon which they could arrest him and put him straight into jail. If I had not heard the recording myself I would have been sceptical, but there is no doubt that police in both NSW and VIC are acting way beyond the remit one would expect from a police force that should be there to protect the populace.
How much have you travelled in other Western nations? Other than Japan and Iceland, I’ve been to all of them, and I can assure you there are far more “policed” states compared to here. We’re a bunch of free-living anarchic convicts by comparison to many of them.
I wonder why so many people conflate or confuse public health measures with the alleged crushing of precious freedoms? Puzzling.
I hadnt noticed, do elaborate.
So glad you feel the need for someone to look over you, Tilba and control your every moment.
Just bow, grovel, and conform. !!
1 jab, 2jabs, 3 jabs…. 4,
5 jabs, 6 jabs, 7 jabs… more and more.
You’ve visited “all” western countries? There are a lot of these. You must have either spent almost no time in any of them, or just moved around continuously without really noticing where you are.
Either way, compared to my colleagues, and a lot of my friends who have spent significant amounts of time in various foreign countries, you do not strike me as someone who has learned anything from all this apparent travel, given your generally stunted social, economic, and political views.
Oooooooh, very incisive there.

I can’t help it if you haven’t travelled or lived overseas … and the big highlight of your life was a Beer Fest in Wollongong and a week in Kuta.
Yes – I took inventory again – “all” Western countries except Iceland and Japan … plus quite a few non-western places too of course.
Anyway – I just like challenging the doomsayers who claim we’re going to rack & ruin under the heels of jackboots.
It’s all nonsense, and the product of a fevered mind … we have a public health emergency that is tragic and hugely restrictive, but we will come out of it.
Yet more unsubstantiated BS from TT. !
Children being forcibly taken from parents because of ridiculous health laws.
Where else does that happen.
Deliberate segregation of society into “twojabs+” and the “untainted”
Forced identity checks and phone app tracking.
Where else does that happen.
So glad you want the government to have control over every aspect of your life
Or perhaps that is the only way you can exist.
We’re good compared to Singapore and Hong Kong, but that’s not saying much.
And the local media here will tell us all how satisfied we are with the new surveillance measures – “Keeping Australia Safe”. If anyone complains, the emergency button labelled “What about the children?” will be pressed.
More surveillance powers granted to federal police in Australia
As I spend most of my time in the bush it could be interesting watching them sort that out, particularly as I’m usually at best, in the range of only one mob phone tower so no triangulation, and location turned off.
Hi Ted I spend a lot of time in out of range places and use my phone camera well out of range of towers but the location in the photos meta data are always very accurate! Might be satellite triangulation I think
Just so you know check it out
Well, seeing as moist of Oz doesn’t have mobile phone coverage, – –
West Australia has the same system for those in quarantine (when you are quarantining in a private residence,). When I was there earlier in the year I did not mind it as I preferred to quarantine in the house, as opposed to a hotel. But the system was not working well, so I got 2 visits by the police during the 14 days, to check I was obeying the rules.
So if such a system is limited to that used in WA, I have no issues BUT going beyond that is just going “stazi”
NSW police now have officially become revenue officers. I have great respect for most police officers but like any other area there are some who are rotten to the core. The difference though is when it comes to police officers, it becomes very dangerous as they are armed and have the powers to arrest anyone for no real reason at all, as was demonstrated recently in Victoria where some were caught on camera deliberately conspiring to slap on one person trumped up charges they openly admitted would not hold in a court of law. That means the few who are rotten to the core end up being little different to the gestap0 and stas1 of old. It is incumbent on the rest of them who are good officers to arrest the bad ones, which I understand will never happen for a couple of reasons, but is what ought to happen. Now the rotten ones can slap on trumped up fines on anyone knowing they will not be held to account – it’s now official.
Police Commissioner says officers wrongly issuing tickets won’t be held to account
Egregious, its their usual MO.
The slide into outright irrational totalitarian rule will accelerate once the vaccination program kicks in and case numbers begin shooting up Israeli style.
On another matter the welovetrump website is carrying a story the truth of which I am unable to verify because Spiteful Dan Of The Lost OBOR and his pitiful CHO have me tethered within five kilometres of home; if this is true shortages of essential commodities such as fuel and food must be in the offing.
I’ve always felt that there are three ways our country cna avoid being fallen.
1) Police officers decline to follow orders from their bosses and join ranks with the people – highly unlikely.
2) Military do likewise – highly unlikely
3) Truck drivers blockade the whole country – likely if things become bad enough. Many are their own bosses or have bosses who are like minded. Normally if they focused on the parliament buildings it would be sufficient but there’s no pint now given so many can and do “operate” from home.
We shall see.
The truckies don’t have to do anything to empty the shelves. All they have to do is get too tired to carry on under the pressure of the last year and a half.
When the truckies and shelf stackers get sick we’ll be in real trouble.
Those truckies who blockaded an exit at Reedy Creek for an hour got or were threatened with a $2000 fine.
The only time that I’ll co-operate with police is if it involves serious crime. My experiences with them are largely negative and they have no rapport with landowners. In short they get a shrug from me and I’m on my way.
Sorry Peter at this stage all still in police employment have to seen as committing treason against the law, its like saying not all WW2 German soldiers were bad or m^%$&#s are bad as it still takes a majority to accept the behavior of a few.
Also consider a lot of 20 year old police or soldiers grew up indoctrinated by our education system and believe in climate change (CAGW), capitalism is evil, population reduction (Malthusianism), every man is a rapi$t, gender is a choice etc…and then give them a cause and the means to follow through with a justifiable reckoning that their generation was borne to carry out, I sure many in the 3rd Reich felt the same way.
Good morning Jo,
Here’s a question I hope you deem worth a little pondering?!?
As you’d recall, the greatest advances against Aids didn’t occur until the medical experts starting trying (& many successes quickly followed) multi-drug therapy/s!
Are there any studies that combine what seem to be the two or three most common (& cheap) tools in the fight against Covid-19.
That is, Hydroxychloroquine & Invermectin & Vitamin D.
Please let me know, as I’m really really interested in what you may uncover!
Warm regards, reformed warmist of Logan.
Gees r,
I thought you were a regular here. It’s only a few posts back that Jo had another one (of several) addressing your question.
But briefly: Yes, there have been studies. And Yes, a trio of medications which successfully stop COVID has been identified. I summarise that trio as:
Vitamin D3, zinc and an ionophore.
Known ionophores which have been used successfully are HCQ, IVM and quercetin. Quercetin has the advantage that it’s available without prescription, at least here in NSW and USA.
Dave B
Great, thanks David of Cooyal
I’ve given up on IVM and decided to up my dosage of quercetin as my ionophore.
Just logged into iHerb to order some more and it tops the “trending” list with Zn also listed. This is encouraging that some, at least, are doin’ it for themselves.
Look here RWOL:
That site looks real useful. Lots of info, and probably real lots, maybe all you need if you take the time to look. I haven’t given it much time yet, it only came to my attention yesterday.
I’ll put this up again in case somebody missed it, the pause continues.
and the deviation between what the models have been predicting and the actual just gets wider and wider. As most of us here already know, trying to model the temperature decades in advance is a fool’s game, and a deliberately c0rrupt one at that.
On the contrary, UAH 6.0 is a statistically significant upward trend:
And every bit of it comes from El Nino events, which have absolutely nothing to do with atmospheric CO2
We are now in La Nina territory… hence the pause lengthens as temperatures gradually far.
You do know that the late 1970s was the coldest period in some 100 years, don’t you ?
You do know that the latter half of last century was a Grand Solar Maximum, don’t you ?
Extreme levels of Arctic Sea ice, up there with the LIA.
Thank goodness for the slight , but highly beneficial natural warming since the LIA, hey. !
And of course, you have still to produce one tiny bit of scientific evidence of any human causation of the global atmospheric temperature, be it by CO2 or any other means.
typo correction..
…… as temperatures gradually fall.
There are thousands of high-quality and peer-reviewed studies with robust data – that prove (a) that increased CO2 concentrations are leading to quite destructive Global Warming, and (b) that it is human activity in releasing carbon from fossil fuels at huge rates that is causing the CO2 concentration, and therefore Global Warming.
Thousands of studies … deny and decry all you like … it won’t change the reality.
Would be interesting if you can explain this proof in simple terms.
This second pause has been travelling for over six years and in the absence of El Nino this hiatus should continue.
The first pause lasted for a decade, do you know the cause?
“Thousands of studies”
Yet you can’t produce one single one of them
That is so funny !
And so dumb !
Mindless regurgitation of baseless mantra rhetoric is not science
[SNIP. The topic of the thread is not any anonymous commenter, OK? It’s fair to say he has no evidence. Thank you for not letting him get away with that. Just don’t make him the topic, OK?. – Jo]
Either produce the evidence
…. or don’t, and [Snip]
We are waiting… waiting… waiting.. yawn ! zzzzzᶻᶻᶻᶻᶻᶻᶻᶻᶻ.
And in case you are capable of actual comprehending science
There is no evidence that human released CO2 causes atmospheric warming
Increased CO2 does not retain energy in the atmosphere.
Data proves that while there is a decrease of OLR in the narrow CO2 band, as expected, it is more than compensated by an increase in a much wider band of OLR in the atmospheric window.
The absorbed energy in the CO2 band is being thermalised to the rest of the atmosphere and rejected at a different frequency, exactly as atmospheric physics controlled by the gravity based lapse rate would dictate.
OLR is increasing, in line with atmospheric temperatures
This proves that the energy causing the mild but highly beneficial warming is from an exterior source.
This is actually that big hot shiny object in the sky, which we call The Sun, modulated by a decrease in cloud cover over the tropical oceans.
Also if we look at Solar intensity, we see that we have just had a period of the highest solar activity in a very long time.
Do at least try, Tilba.. don’t let the non-science AGW mantra brain-washing cloud your mind.
“that it is human activity in releasing carbon from fossil fuels at huge rates that is causing the CO2 “
The best studies conclude that humans are responsible for some 15-25% of the highly beneficial extra atmospheric CO2.
Increased CO2 has no measured effect on temperature.
But it has helped the world’s crop yields increase significantly.
Tilba would rather people starved, though.
In reality we have a sensitivity issue.
Trouble with that study is that it assumes radiative energy transfer only.
Bulk transfer of energy via temperature and pressure differences is magnitudes higher.
“There are thousands of studies”
So, from the thousands, provide a sample.
The requirements of the studies to be provided are:
1) high-quality
2) peer-reviewed
3) with robust data
The proofs required are:
4) increased CO2 concentrations are leading to quite destructive Global Warming,
5) human released carbon from fossil fuels causes the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
All you will get is silence !
This comment is not actually a “comment” because comments contain material which reflects the consideration of someone else’s considered view of the topic.
The offerings made by TT are formulaic in that they simply contradict the statements made by others and show no reasoning behind that contradiction.
To see the contributions of TT as useful and anything more than modern insertive disruption to the conversation is very discouraging.
In the wider world we would like to be rid of journalistic misinformation; wouldn’t this blog be a good place to start.
This comment relates to the TT comment above;
It is not scientific to use the enhancer “thousands” twice in the same comment.
As Einstein said; all you need is One.
More nonsense. ENSO is a transfer of heat between ocean and atmosphere, no additional energy is added to the system. The mechanism of the energy imbalance is well understood and has been for over 120 years.
So you admit to being ignorant of El Nino effects.
Denial of what is totally obvious from the temperature data.
Ok but we already knew that.!
And yes, no additional energy is added to the system by increased atmospheric CO2.
There is no energy imbalance caused by atmospheric CO2
OLR increases with atmospheric temperature. Proven, measured.
Now.. that evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2.. do you have any?
“More Nonsense”
Please stop putting titles on your posts.. we know already what is coming, just by your name..
Everyone knows that the earths core is cooling; and while that transfer of energy to space is less than one watt per square metre averaged over the entire surface, it can manifest as highly concentrated areas of volcanic release from the ocean floor.
Obviously this will create mini el and la ninas and ninos and send surface currents randomly in various directions.We
But that understanding had nt Simple Simon as target, bet ?
Simon global warming has stalled until 2035, but there is a better than even chance that world temperature will increase again from 2035-2065 and then end. Its a non-linear natural cyclic phenomenon.
If we focus on the next five years you will have the opportunity to witness climate changing. The woodfortrees graph is unacceptable, do you have another we can all agree upon.
As always, that chart shows that there is/are some factor/s at play which so far exceed CO2 as to hide it.
Sorry for raising a topic as mundane as the population census, but as one of the stragglers in returning the form I received a “final reminder: your census is overdue” letter two days ago. I had in fact posted it in and the two mail items simply crossed paths. Something in the reminder letter caught my eye:
It is also an offence to provide false or misleading statements or information. The penalty is a fine of up to $2,220.
As a former employee I decided to challenge the ABS about that and rang the hotline number. After ten minutes I got to speak to a real person and I asked her “how on Earth would the ABS know if anyone provided a false or misleading statement”?
She didn’t know. No-one had asked that before!
I revealed that I worked at the ABS for a long time and knew the ABS did not use data from any source to check people’s answers. I said it was just a bullying tactic, a tool for intimidating people to answer correctly. It has no legal basis for enforcement.
The woman offered the expected responses – write to the Australian Statistician, visit the web site etc but I declined. I had said I wanted to be anonymous but she still asked for my postcode but I declined to give it. Well I’m not anonymous now but that doesn’t matter!
I did check the web site and found the following:
We don’t use administrative data for compliance
“We don’t collect, use or share administrative data to make people comply or to charge or fine people. For example, we don’t use administrative data to follow up a person who hasn’t filled in their Census form.”
From past experience people do put strange things on their forms and even include their pets but the above fine is not about people simply having some fun. The census form is a benign document for collecting information, not a statuary declaration.
I completed the Census on the Sunday prior to the actual date, and I completed it online. I had to login with their own provided password, and I then changed that password to my own selected Password when directed to do so. On the ‘hard copy’ of the Census form, I annotated my own password, and when finished, I then annotated the provided Receipt Number they provided upon completion of the Census.
During this last week, I got a reminder letter from the Census people saying that no completed Census had been received from my address. I phoned the number for enquiries, and after half an hours wait, I spoke with someone about it. I told him the above, and he asked for that Receipt Number, which he then followed, and told me that there was no record of that exact receipt number, so there was no record of my completion. I could not have received that receipt number UNLESS I actually HAD completed the Census, which I mentioned, and he agreed, So he then gave me a further reference number for this specific call conversation. The receipt number has a specific sequence to it, so he mentioned that this WAS a valid receipt number in the correct sequence, just that there was no record of it.
Late yesterday afternoon, there was a call on out Apartment Complex entry phone for our secure complex, and it was the Census lady asking if I had completed the Census, as there was no record of that, and she was calling to pick it up.
I then told her of all of the above, and she left it at that.
This looks surprisingly like the last botched Census, only this time even more poorly managed.
Surprising really, because the whole online process for completion was smooth and easy to do, all the way through, and now ….. there’s no record.
Lucky I copied down all the details when asked for them.
And hey! If any of you have received the ‘Final Reminder’ notice, read it carefully, because there, printed on that form is the written text that it is an offence not to complete the Census, and there is a fine of $222 ….. A DAY.
Looks to me like even the Census has become a revenue raising thing.
Yes Tony, looks like botched communication within the Census operations group. Your conversation with the hotline person would have been recorded as extra evidence you have done it. I raised that with the woman I spoke to and she did not deny it.
The $222 a day fine does not kick in until anyone is directed in writing by the Australian Statistician to comply. It doesn’t get backdated to 10th August. Most people end up doing it. No doubt there will be some people who are fined but the ABS won’t get rich from it!
Tried to do it on line.. it wanted a mobile phone number.
so sad. !
How many censuses ago was it that half the data was simply discarded? 2005?
Seems like that long ago Serp but it was in 2016, the first time online was tried.
2016 I was notified I was selected to be a guinea pig to trial the electronic version, no ifs or but told I had to do it, so had to do it 5 times over a period of weeks and record how long it took and if any problems encountered, all went well.
We completed it online and received a receipt from the ABS via email.
Perhaps check your email inbox or junk / spam box for such a receipt.
Did it on the official day, Tues 10th Aug. I doubt that makes a difference but just saying.
Census? What census ??
It’s alright for you down near the Victorian border, they’ll only worry if you cross a border.
The public service is displaying some weird conduct. Your Census example invites the citizen to think of dishonesty or lack of logical thought or both.
At our home, we have three matters afoot, with similar modus operandii. All involve the cancellation or denial of money payments to us by a State or Federal agency. A common pattern goes like this: The government offers citizens money; citizens apply; the applications are rejected for reasons hard to link to the application conditions; citizens question the rejection, no answers; further requests for more info get a bureaucratic response of denial that the application was made, that it was in order, or similar; or that past correspondence was not received by the department; or that it was lost by the dept.
Eventually, after many phone calls, emails, texts, letters, the matter comes down to departments that bully. Applicant made a mistake in filling out the form, so application was rejected. Get the picture?
The picture is that pollies get to look good by making schemes for citizens to receive benefits, then the departments make it so hard to get approval that little money is actually spent, but the bureaucrats are kept very busy with detailed accounts of why the application failed and how good they are that money was saved and thus how they deserve their last Covid pay rise.
Some of the paperwork I have kept demonstrates the act of lying, with no other description possible. Not good enough.
Agreed Geoff, and it’s perhaps a case of it being a lottery as to who processes your applications.
In the past year I had reason to put in an FOI request with a government department. However they got it wrong and ended up repeating an identical request I made several years ago. Given that we were dealing with sensitive information, what was released to me last year should have been identical to what I received years ago. However it wasn’t and last year significantly less was redacted (blacked out) and I was pleased to learn more than the previous time. That was proof that the outcome depended on who did the job. It shouldn’t be like that!
The other thing was that they didn’t check to see if I’d previously requested the information they erroneously ended up releasing to me.
Setting aside adverse vaccine concerns for the moment, what evidence do we actually have for vaccine efficacy?
For the purpose of the question Taiwan perhaps approaches as nearly as currently possible a placebo population. By their standards they suffered a considerable spike in cases in mid May, going from around 100 to 7500 in 3 weeks. Today Worldometer indicates active cases are down to 179.
Did vaccines do that? Our World in Data gives Taiwans vaccine profile as: Fully vaccinated = 4.00%, partially 38.14%.
Similarly Senegal has virtually halved their spike in a month with a fully vaccinated rate of 3.3%, partial, 3.50%. Vaccines did not do that, and there are many other cases indicating the same.
In the UK the first ‘delta’ wave peaked at the end of January then slid precipitously down the bell curve to the end of March, but the injection programme was still relatively modest and can scarcely claim credit for the decline. The second ‘delta’ wave. June – August, has occurred during maximum I injection roll out. The fact that it has peaked at a reduced level is what would normally be expected of subsequent viral waves.
And of course the entire Alpha wave had been and gone before either Pfizer or ‘delta’ did anything. Pfizer, as we know, folded their placebo controls, and it seems governments everywhere are similarly bent on doing the same in their drive to ‘vaccinate’ into an active viral event. It is as though governments actually want to blind themselves to the efficacy of the human immune defence mechanism.
The only we can say for sure is the efficiency rate is even close to 100%, especially when it comes to the delta strain. Exact figures are not possible since it’s too early to tell.
I’ll try again and I haven’t finished my coffee.
The only thing we can say for sure is the efficiency rate is not even close to 100%, especially when it comes to the delta strain. Exact figures are not possible since it’s too early to tell.
G’day PeterS,
You certainly surprised me with your first version.
Dave B
Which is why we need a better blog platform to allow us to edit or delete our own posts.
That would be nice. I can even do it on The Australian, which is A GOOD THING as these days when I post a comment on Climate Change or Ivermectin and I think – what’s the point, they won’t publish this – so I delete or modify it.
Peter I experienced the same treatment , so I started writing to the moderator and I was able to explore all sorts of facts and ideas. I decided that if he’s not going to publish anything and he didn’t , I’m not going to let him die ignorant.
Hmmm. There is a Preview option. Isn’t that enough/
Eh?! No, it’s obviously not enough. Too late when I realise a mistake after I hit the “post comment” button.
This is the best one I know, thanks to the red thumb. Many the time I wished they had a red thumb on another site. Don’t often need it here.
What or who is the mystery entity that presses the button marked “Post Comment” before the contributor has been able to check, or read, or spell check, or sense check, the post?
You are not a vaccine manufacturer who has the luxury of being paid before trying the product on the ‘customer’, to see if it works correctly, or not.
Vaccines lose their efficacy within about 6 months
The “twojabbed” are on this merry-go-round forever !
Clotting their way to a early demise.
the viral load and risk of infection with COVID-19 is the same for a fully vaccinated person as it is for an unvaccinated person within just 180 days after the second vaccine dose. In the study, 84% of those testing positive in an Israeli hospital system were fully vaccinated.
using a sample of nearly 12,000 infected patients of Maccabi Healthcare Services in Israel about 84% (9,734 of 11,644) of those who tested positive during this period were fully (2-dose) vaccinated. Another 245 were infected with COVID-19 (“breakthrough infections,” or BTI) soon after obtaining the third “booster” shot – which only became available in the last month of the observation period.
So, after just 180 days, a fully vaccinated person is no more protected against COVID than an unvaccinated person.
So what use is a vaccinated PASSPORT?
57.7% of California health workers infected with COVID-19 since March were fully vaccinated
Ivermectin is currently used for about 23% of the world’s population. No hospitalisations reported.
“So what use is a vaccinated PASSPORT?” A typo, but mad enough to be a travel requirement in our 2+2=5 world.
“Placebo population”?
Did you mean “reference group”?
Update Aug. 16:
Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) (read more here). According to studies:
Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) can make vaccinated people more susceptible to serious infection from the virus
“ADE may be a concern” for those who have been vaccinated for Covid-19
With ADE, after people get vaccinated for an initial virus, infection by a subsequent variant or strain of the virus can result in “increased viral replication and more severe disease, leading to major safety risks”
ADE can also “occur when neutralizing antibodies (which bind the virus and stop it from causing infection) are present at low enough levels that they don’t protect against infection. Instead, they can form immune complexes with viral particles, which in turn leads to worse illness”
This concern was initially described by some scientists who were subsequently banned from media platforms that incorrectly claimed the scientists were disseminating disinformation
It is tough to work out ADE from the data. eg in the last report by the UK government shows that people who had the virus and were previously vaccinated and in a hospital setting are now more likely to die than those unvaccinated, but how much of that is ADE and how much is just other factors.
the report shows that with delta there were 492,528 cases feb1-aug29 of which 219,716 were unvaccinated. the deaths over the same time from delta are 1,798 vaccinated to some extent and 536 were unvaccinated. so a higher percentage were vaccinated to some extent. now to work out ADE you would have to figure into it the age groups, but they stick to less than and above 50, so this rules out being able to determine if vaccines improve the lot for younger people, and therefor ADE. it is obvious that the greater share of deaths is in the younger group, and the claim is that it is because the majority of the older group are vaccinated, but over and under 50 is just too broad a group to draw that conclusion.
the report-
Old Moss asked:
Today Worldometer indicates active cases are down to 179.
Did vaccines do that?
No. Taiwan, like the rest of China, has a homogenous population that is highly compliant with prior experience of Mainland sourced viruses. Once they knew Delta was in the province they simply stopped people mingling. The mobility dropped like a stone from 3% below pre-Covid to to 43% below pre-Covid in a matter of days. The mobility data can be found here:
That is similar to Melbourne and Sydney now but they did have “Freedom Marches” in Taiwan. Australia wide mobility is presently 27% down on pre-covid level.
To see the effectiveness of vaccines, you need to look at at countries that have achieved herd immunity or close to it. Typically that requires greater than 80% of population with antibodies either through vaccination or naturally acquired. There are only a few countries that have achieved that level. You can see them detailed on the linked page about 1/3rd of the way down under “the race to get vaccinated”:
Gibralter is now into their third booster round and is the highest vaccinated. They have achieved herd immunity but have a high tourist population and is only a small country so not the best example but deaths are very low – 2 in August. The larger countries with more than 70% fully vaccinated are UAE, Singapore, Portugul, Qatar, Denmark, Uruguay, Spain, Chile and Belgium. All these countries now show the drop in daily cases as herd immunity takes over. Spain still has 7k cases per day but the infection rate is now well under 1. The post jab peak in Spain reached 31k:
You need to look at the level of vaccination and the level of mobility to appreciate how the cases are being reduced. Chile provides a good example of balancing mobility and vaccinations to keep the infection rate below 1:
Mobility started increasing once the fully vaccinated level achieved 50% in late June:
By then they were seeing the effectiveness of the vaccinations. Australia is about 4 months behind Chile with vaccinations and Australia, so far, has a low number with natural immunity:
Very interesting re Taiwan. They are the masters of controlling the virus. Proves the effectiveness when mingling stops. They only have low vaccination rate yet they stop the virus in its tracks.
Western societies and their liberty obsessed brains just cant come at that.
Thoughtful and informative piece, Old Moss. I guess conclusions about the various waves in Taiwan and Senegal might need further information about lockdowns and other mitigation strategies. And also – how many of the cases turned into severe or fatal ones.
But I tend to agree with your conclusion – at least in the Australian context. State governments in Australia are now saying that 80% vaccination is the light on the hill, and our salvation. There is hardly any widespread or vocal movement against vaccination here – hardly even against vaccine mandates or vaccine passports.
We do not have the American situation, where more than a few state governors are making political capital through being anti-mask, anti vaccine mandates, and in some cases, even anti-vax itself. Thankfully, “we’re all in this together” in This Wide Brown Land.
I really do worry that we might have a situation (in say six months – after the summer) where we still have significant Delta cases, despite substantial vaccination percentages, and possibly with the continuation of some Covid protocols (masks, social distancing, and limits on crowds and densities in all social settings).
While trusting in the robustness of the natural human immune system sounds great, no politician (in Australia) is going to risk their re-election butt betting on it. We’re all on the vaccine highway – and it’s at least four lanes wide!
We’re all on the vaccine highway – and it’s at least four lanes wide!
But we could have been on the No-pandemic highway where we just left all the nasty bioweapons in China.
OR we could be ion the cheap fast solution highway where we stupidly let it in, but wiped it out with antivirals and showed China that Bioweapons can be defeated.
“Funny video”
“and it’s at least four lanes wide!”
With a brick wall at the end.
1 jab, 2 jabs, 3 jabs .. 4
5 jabs, 6 jabs, 7 jabs.. more and more..
If you last that long, of course.
“where we still have significant Delta cases, despite substantial vaccination percentages,”
Seems you got a word wrong, TT… I’ll fix it for you
… where we still have significant Delta cases, because of substantial vaccination percentages.
One fact seems to be constantly ignored whilst everyone is trying to fit their particular theory that lockdowns, vaccines, drugs etc. killed a wave.
Naturally, at some critical point, EVERY WAVE STOPS DEAD, and rapidly declines, all by itself.
In fact the only obvious effect of all these various attempts to frustrate the virus is that some waves have become incredibly long and flat and recurring, whereas they would probably have been short and sharp and over by now.
In fact the only obvious effect of all these various attempts to frustrate the virus is that some waves have become incredibly long and flat and recurring, whereas they would probably have been short and sharp and over by now.
I understand this view, but the sensible argument against it is that a wave could have become a tsunami, causing a lot of grief and overwhelming health systems. Plus there was no way to know how big an “unconstrained” wave could grow, or whether there would only be one.
All these things are much better seen in hindsight.
Australia’s Craig Kelly interviews Dr Zelenko.
Very good video, about 40 mins.
Sadly, Dr Zelenko only possibly has months to live according to him because he has a rare and aggressive cancer. His doctors are however brave enough to be giving him experimental drugs (which is the sort of thing doctors used to do to save lives. Compare that to Australia where doctors and regulators are too timid to try HCQ or IVM for COVID).
For overseas readers, Craig Kelly was formerly in the Liberal Party, which is Australia’s pretend pseudo-conservative party but had to leave because he dared to have independent thoughts about HCQ and IVM.
Thanks D M,
I’ll watch that with great interest.
Dave B
Thanks, good overall but so far Dr Zelenko has been proven terribly wrong expecting Australians to rise up and peacefully stop following the draconian demands of our leaders who are becoming more and more like the Naz1s of old. Time will tell though if that changes. It’s not looking good though. More and more people are falling for the lies and are allowing themselves to be herded like the example he gave about the Naz1 with the German Shepherd. We haven’t reached the “final solution” stage but things are still heading in that direction – unless and until much of Australia says enough is enough. Time will tell as I have no idea at this stage which way it will end up going.
What utter piffle – nothing but doom-mongering.
Australians like their freedoms and lifestyle and prosperity as much as anyone, and while we all HATE the restrictions on life because of the pandemic, and the months dragging on, to liken ANY behaviour in Australia in a public-health emergency to anything like Nazi Germany is extreme nonsense, and a total insult to the millions who died there in the Holocaust.
[SNIP pure ad homs]
Glad you like to have the government tracking your every move…
Do you want them to change your socks for you too ?
My recollection, rapidly dimming, is that loyalty to chief of staff Frank Zumbo was a bigger factor than his advocacy of unorthodox covid treatments.
BTW, can you imagine PM Morrison conducting such an interview? No way hosay, which just goes to show where he really stands in all this. After listening to what Dr Zelenko had to say about PM Morrison, I smiled – because I tend to agree with Dr Zelenko given the way PM Morrison has behaved over the past 6 months or so. I do hope and pray though that PM Morrison snaps out of the trance under which the devil has placed.
As I have said before, the Left, and that includes the scientific, medical, legal, industrial and political establishments they have infiltrated, are terrified of alternative opinions. And they are similarly extremely risk averse and terrified to try new ideas. Hence, there is never any progress, only regression under Leftist ideology.
They are so terrified of alternative ideas they have to censor, ban and prosecute those that hold them.
They are so risk averse that numerous activities have to be banned or highly restricted in the context of the Nanny State.
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world:
the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
– George Bernard Shaw
And if you arent ticking off a Lefty, youre not being normal.
The”new normal” is morally reprehensible and plain stupid.
It has no basis in science but is rather the nhilistic political execution of a pagan sat.anic eco anti-Christian belief system, that appears to have nazi ideals at its core.
Ergo, anyone who has signed on has appeared to embrace the new nazism, which is just a public restart of the old nazism……
Ida and SST, a new discovery.
Orbital mechanics has been increasing heat uptake in the North Atlantic since 1585. That trend will continue for another 12k years.
With Ida, the precipitation has occurred as water. In the coming centuries, the atmospheric water will peak later in the year and drop out faster during cooler Northern Hemisphere winters. Can you guess what that means?
Before I started examining orbital mechanics I considered the North Atlantic a cold basin. But this is only the result of the present situation with aphelion occurring close to the boreal summer solstice. In 12k years, perihelion will align with the boreal summer solstice and that will result in higher average surface temperature in the North Atlantic in boreal summer and peak atmoseric moisture later in the year just before the colder winters.
Ida gives an indication of the amount of moisture that can be dumped on New York. Imagine higher volumes coming down as snow later in the year.
As much as people would like to think that reducing CO2 will sort all this out and create balmy weather, the land surrounding the North Atlantic is heading toward glaciation irrespective of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. If climate models were useful, they would be able to reproduce glaciation – they are not useful.
Orbital mechanics is a nice theory, but I need to know why the SST off the North East US coast is so warm?
‘ … the entrainment of very warm/moist air off the much warmer than normal western North Atlantic basin. SSTA off the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast U.S. Coast are in the +2C to +5C range. SST are well into the 80’s in the Gulf Stream and well into the 70’s off the New Jersey Coast toward southern New England.’ (Climate Impact Company)
What is the basis and measurement for “so Warm”. There is nothing that prevents SST reaching 32C in open ocean. That is as high as it can get though. Anything less than -2C is also impossible. But the level of sunlight on the surface can get it anywhere between the two extremes.
Orbital mechanics produce precise periods. Does that fit with your model?
The up welling in the Gulf has produced cool SST, but why the warm SST in the North East.,23.40,1073/loc=-74.918,28.974
The forecast depicts the problem with the noise-making on this.
Nah, it was and still is not particularly warm. The anom was not even close to extreme for that area it’s quite low-level in images I’ve seen. About 1C to 1.5C above normal level in the area before the storm passed over. It remains warm because the storm was much weaker for most of it’s path over it, plus it was moving at about 25 km/h, and the eye was only 25 km wide just before landfall and it had a much smaller eye and CDO 8 hours before that. It bloomed in scale about 6 hours before landfall.
I seriously doubt that. Larry will be a big cat 4 to 5 system but it’s actually tiny in comparison to the scale of the central western North Atlantic, and its path is currently forecast to go nowhere close to the US mainland as a hurricane, and away from the highest near shore SSTAs. The whole premise of this pseudo-paper is that extreme SSTA’s allow explosive development. Well duh. But how does a wide miss from a degrading extra tropical Larry protect the US East coast?
This logic is actually nonsense for another reason as well, high SSTs are only one of 5 vital ingredients in explosive intensifications. It needs all of these to be present in almost ideal measure. If all 5 are not just right, explosive intensification won’t happen at all, no matter how high the sea surface temp is.
1. SST above 30 degrees Celsius (>86 deg F)
2. Warm layer of SSTs must be deep enough to sustain rapid heat extraction
3. Favorable low-sheer to prevent deformation of an efficient symmetric structure
4. Favorable high vorticity in the upper troposphere for rapid outflow
5. Sustained high humidity air inflow
The ‘land’ it was initially over was 50% warm swamp and lake water at the end of Summer. This was hardly a surprise, it was in fact expected and predicted to be a factor in Ida’s observed slower inner-eye decay after landfall. Ida was unusual in that it remained above Cat-3 for about 9.5 hours after the initial coastal-crossing before being down-graded to a high Cat-2. There are very few historical storms that remain a major for that long overland. But the reasons for this were well known in advance, no surprise.
I do wonder why this stuff was presented in the format of a quasi-‘paper’? It’s little more than speculative blurb and not even very accurate, informed or logical. There’s nothing new in this as far as I can see, just more useless hand-waving.
More delusional nonsense from the Biden Donkey and other extremists in reference to Hurricanes.
But Paul Homewood looks at the actual DATA and finds no evidence for the fanatic’s claims.
If trace Co2 can cause much more rain, just imagine a higher-Co2 world without droughts and fires!
Still, its apparently unprecedented.
‘Remarkably, Ida’s pressure dropped by 56 millibars (about 0.81 psi) in 24 hours, making it something like a “super rapidly intensifying storm,” says atmospheric scientist Jennifer Francis of the Woodwell Climate Research Center in Falmouth, Mass. And Ida underwent that drop in pressure farther north than any other storm ever recorded in the Atlantic, tweeted Sam Lillo, a meteorology researcher at NOAA, on Sunday.’ (Scientific America)
It’s not unprecedented at all, it’s just rare for ideal conditions to align for long enough for it to take place. This is not new, it’s exactly how it’s always been in tropical storms. I’ve watched deepening about this quick a number of times. This is just some nitpicking over what was a terrific flood of excellent recon data, just as Ida got ready to come ashore.
The truth is that much of the recon data measured by different aircraft were not producing a consistent picture, mostly because of prolific meso-vortex generation (gigantic tornadoes in the inner-eye’s wall were creating locally much lower dynamic pressures and higher winds around them) in the rapidly deepening eye, which was deforming the inner-most eye repeatedly with new micro-depressions in and around these (it’s just a more efficient structure to drop the pressure faster and increase outflow) so the winds were extreme, but not uniformly distributed in the core, and they were dynamically moving around rapidly the whole time.
In the Dr Zelenko interview above he mentions quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate, both plant polyphenols and zinc ionophores and substitutes for the safe prescription drugs HCQ and Ivermectin which are either banned or strongly discouraged for COVID treatment or prophylaxis in Nanny State Australia. Here is a paper from 2014 looking at the zinc ionophore activity of these two polyphenols, still currently legal to buy in Australia.
Zinc Ionophore Activity of Quercetin and Epigallocatechin-gallate: From Hepa 1-6 Cells to a Liposome Model
Husam Dabbagh-Bazarbachi†, Gael Clergeaud‡, Isabel M. Quesada§, Mayreli Ortiz‡, Ciara K. O’Sullivan*‡∥, and Juan B. Fernández-Larrea*†
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2014, 62, 32, 8085–8093
Publication Date:July 22, 2014
Note the drug mentioned in the paper, cliiquinol:
I still come back to a previously posited question
Has anyone ever asked Dr Kerry Chant NSW Chief Health Officer during the Press Conferences, what were the Vitamin D levels of Patients in ICU, and what preventative measures are taken/given for people who test Covid Positive
For myself for over a year now
As someone who took HCQ late 70s in New Guinea for Malaria Prevention with no problems – following the cheap and effective way, with Quercetin, Zinc 30mg, Vitamin D 10,000iu, Vitamin C 1000mg supplements, fish oil & NAC.
OldOzzie, agreed. Lack of Vit D is a powerful comorbity for serious COVID illness (Jo has posted about this) but seems to be utterly ignored by the incompetent medical profession and their political controllers.
It can’t even be argued that maintaining adequate Vit D levels is controversial and it is well known that deficiency is widespread, even in sunny countries like Australia. It is even a serious deficiency in India with 80% to 90% being deficient.
One would think Vit D levels are even worse due to Australia’s extensive totalitarian lock ups where people are forced to stay indoors without sun. Of course, being indoors is also an ideal environment to propagate the virus, unlike outdoors.
It’s difficult to understand why there is no consideration of Vit D by the authorities for this pandemic, unless of course, they really want people to get sick and die (which is plausible).
I think the only way forward given the ignorant and incompetent and in some cases evil authorities and medical profession is for someone to initiate a lawsuit on behalf of a sick or dead patient where no one bothered to check or restore their levels of Vit D.
Take Vit D tablets, Zinc, Quercetain, Vit C and have been working outdoors for last several weeks.
Apart from aches and pains due to “unprecedented” amounts of manual work (ie. in say 20 or so years).. feeling goooood !
I understand anecdotally that one of the treatment protocols for patients presenting to hospitals with Covid is increasing Vitamin D intake. I expect it is one of the indicators assessed but I have not seen data on it for Australian Covid patients.
This link is from one US practice:
In Australia, Vitamin D deficiency is assumed. It is no longer recommended as part of regular blood testing because most of the population are Vitamin D deficient. If you want to know, you have to ask for the test to be included. But it is still covered under bulk billing. It was eliminated as part of standard blood testing in Australia in 2015.
Ozzie, I think it’s getting to the stage where it’s best not to mention in public anything that the media may think will have a positive effect on Covid patients. Dr Merrick mentioned a few months back that the two major factories that produce HCL blew up.
I think Ivermectin will be very hard to come by in the next few months. The chemists feel they have the right to ignore doctors prescriptions and the WHO want’s to be responsible for Ivermection’s distribution as Covid has put African health on the back burner and an increasing number of people are suffering with Guinea worm and Leprosy.
Alex Epstein’s quote is the best when referring to extreme weather events.
“Fossil fuels haven’t taken a safe climate and made it dangerous they’ve taken a dangerous climate and made it safe”.
Just check the extreme weather DATA over the last 100 years and beyond and WAKE UP.
I thought everyone understood this factual data by now, but apparently NOT.
BTW who is advising the clueless so called leader of the free world?
Excellent quote!
“I thought everyone understood this factual data by now, but apparently NOT.”
Marxoid white-coat activists are simply NOT INTERESTED in facts – they have a revolution to push.
Biden’s Dictum: “Truth Beats Facts”, get with the program or else…
Alex Epstein’s take is quite correct and obvious.
Though I saw a graph produced the other day that showed how weather natural disasters are on the clear increase since 1900 or so. Not just a bit, a lot. Its incredible how people come up with this stuff.
Dispatches from the dementia frontlines …
If carbon (sic) can simultaneously cause floods, hurricanes and wildfires, now, in the past and in the future, how do you know when it is fixed?
‘Climate crisis is here’ says Biden in week of storms, floods and wildfires
“We need to be much better prepared.
We need to act,” Biden said in a speech on Thursday at the White House.”
>> The concept that more solar panels and windmills will eventually prevent a hurricane is incredibly stupid.
“Officials admitted they were surprised by the tempest’s suddenness and ferocity.”
>> Like the clairvoyant when told there was a phone call for her, asked, “who is it?”
Do American Leftists actually realise that there is something wrong with Biden’s brain, or do they still view him as the most popular and best US president eeevvveeerrrr?
I think anyone who thinks Biden is good must themselves be mentally defective.
“must themselves be mentally defective”
Tilba worships Biden.. and yes.. he is.
Looking through our recent IVM blogs, there seem to be 2 main challenges thrown at IVM -1 we have to explain a mechanism by which IVM works. I put up these links to the latest theories late last night from 20.00 from 8.12
2 We just don’t have numbers to show IVM has any efficacy. There are dozens of studies, and some hospital comparisons, where IVM produces results 60-90% better than the standard, and we’re being told it’s too close to call! So these are people watching soccer games, where they are thrilled when the scores are 6 nil, or 10 zip, as they are in so much suspense! People you are nuts!
The authorities are doubling down, because they can’t afford to lose this challenge. We are told we need big double blind positive studies, before any changes will be allowed. There is one really fast, simple, and cheap way to clear all this up, now that we have hospitalised patients. Take one hospital, put the patients on a full treatment protocol, and in 2 weeks see what happens. That’s all it would take. Done! Either way. Cost – $5000 for medications?
In late 2020, we began what I consider compassionate use of Ivermectin as part of a comprehensive plan of care for both clinic and jail patients who had become significantly sick from COVID. Ivermectin is an antiparasitic medication with a lengthy track record of safe administration around the world. Over the last forty years, it is estimated that four billion doses have been administered – primarily to patients with parasitic infections in developing countries. Ivermectin has FDA approved on-label uses in humans in the United States, and dosing schedules and side effect profiles are well understood. While the medication has not been approved by the FDA for treatment of COVID-19 patients, in-vitro and controlled studies as well as a significant amount of anecdotal evidence suggests that Ivermectin may significantly improve outcomes for critically sick COVID-19 patients.
In my medical judgment, weighing the known risks and side effect profile of Ivermectin against the potential benefits supports the administration of Ivermectin (which we obtained from a licensed pharmacist in dosages and compounds formulated for humans) to COVID-19 patients. I do not have the luxury of conducting my own clinical trial or study and am not attempting to do so. I am on the front line of trying to prevent death and serious illness. I am proud of our track record in both of my clinics and at the jail in particular, where not one single patient of the five hundred plus who have followed our plan of care has been hospitalized, intubated or died.
I do not own an interest in any pharmacy and receive no benefits whatsoever from prescribing Ivermectin. It is a generic medication. I have no ambitions or agenda other than caring for the sick. I continue to urge the public to get vaccinated, to get tested if symptoms are present or exposure has occurred, and to seek the immediate medical care and advice of a licensed physician if you feel sick. Medications such as Ivermectin should only be prescribed by a doctor and self-administering over the counter or improperly sourced Ivermectin is foolish and dangerous. Ultimately this is a national health crisis and not a political issue, and I will continue striving for the best outcomes possible for my patients.
Joe Roagan says he used the “I” drug to throw off covid – this guy has a huge following – the powers that be are wetting themselves that hes publicising it…..
Also on
Another favorite twitter account
Here Andrew Bolt and Bjorn Lomborg discuss the actual deaths from extreme weather events over the last 100+ years.
Then less than 2 bn people at risk and today 7.8 bn at risk, DUH.
And the DATA shows that deaths from extreme weather events have fallen OFF a CLIFF since those earlier,very dangerous times. CHECK OUT the GRAPH for yourselves.
Up to July 2021 deaths from extreme weather events around the world have been at record lows AGAIN.
How can they get away with their BS and fra-d and so little condemnation from our MSM extremists?
Little wonder that the young girl at the demo is so afraid and fears for the future.
Unbelievable but true.
Excellent excerpt from Mark Levin podcast.
Compares Afghanistan and atrocities in Europe discovered at liberation af conclusion of WW2 and behaviour of leaders then and now.
“Bad News On Delta – Faster, Worse, Treatments Failing”
Via a comment there
Let me guess……the standard pre-programmed lemming response is probably “more vaccines!!” of course…..
Its all going to end in tears…..
The “pure bloods” ( un-vaxxed ) will become prized, coz they wont keel over without warning…..
Some countries have already announced they will be giving booster shots. Even in NSW it was admitted it’s inevitable. It was stated they are prepared for it next year as they have pre-ordered enough extra doses to cover booster shots down the road. It will be interesting to see how many booster shots will be required. My guess is they will move to new vaccines given there are about 140 different vaccines under development and testing as we speak.
New vaccines being produced? I suspected as such. That’s why I’m waiting basically. Experience tells me the later models are always better and the first ones ridiculed. I’ll never forget the Betamax video player.
Yes, and over 400 trials are currently under way in 60 countries.
China officially announced it’s own Bitcoin and crypto currency exchange…*22;&us_privacy=1—&ntv_fpc=85caee87-692b-410a-a683-3bd4755d84dd&ntv_cr=1
Massively huge URLs can be shortened to tiny ones by putting them through this site:
But with bitly, no one can see what they’re about to click.
Sorry, I meant tinyurl.
Australian Alps snowfall indicates short seasons are the new normal.
Looks about normal to me. 2016 was a late year peak. I remember 2016 was full on with warming propaganda too.
But even if so, who cares ? Snow is awful anyway.
With the Leftist domination of Western society (via Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions) and their war against enlightenment values such as freedom of expression, liberty, ongoing progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government and a faor and just legal system, there can be no further progress. Western society will stagnate and then regress to the dark times pre-Enlightenment. The awareness of the core values and origins of Western Civilisation is the reason the Left stopped the teaching of real history in schools.
Interesting thought that. The dark ages with wide screen televisions powered by google and amazon. Somewhat reminiscent of the communications panels in every room in Orwell’s 1984.
I wish our governments, state and federal make up their minds; either give me liberty or give me death as their daily output of BS is already over the top.
On their ABC Prof Jon Nott tells us about the SUPER CYCLONES that smashed the Nth Qld coast over 200 years ago.
He claims this happened for centuries and today we have been very lucky and the BOM graph now shows a lower trend over the last 50 years. DUH.
Here’s Prof Nott’s interview.
Gosh, how did Their ABC censors allow real historic climate facts to slip through?
Yes David, but even L W extremists make mistakes if you follow their yapping over the years.
Here they also tell us that SLs on our east coast were 1.5 metres higher just 4,000 years ago, during the much warmer, NATURAL Holocene climate optimum.
The Southern Hemisphere has been cooling since 1585. That trend will continue for another 12k years. It is expected that cyclonic storms will be less frequent as they are the ultimate heat limiting mechanism for ocean surfaces as they reduce surface insolation while also transporting a large amount of latent heat from the ocean to be released over land resulting in rainfall and flooding.
The overall global energy uptake has been reducing very slightly since 1585 but the Northern Hemisphere has an increasing trend. So cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere should be trending upward.
Here’s the BOM trend for cyclones over the last 50 years for the Aussie region.
NOTE that the SEVERE cyclone trend is lower today and the recent 2015 to ’16 season is the only time we’ve had NO severe cyclones over the last half century.
We have all heard the stories of ivermectin saving thousands of souls around the world every day, and countless more from debilitation and disfigurement by the dreaded Covid.
One of the earliest stories was of an aged-care home in Paris that was treating an outbreak of scabies in March, 2020 by dosing all the inmates and staff with ivermectin.
None of the facility’s staff or inmates died when the angel of death by Covid passed over, though five percent of the population of 45 similar facilities died in that first wave. That would be proof enough for anybody who wanted to save lives.
From a single aged-care home to whole continents, the evidence for ivermectin’s efficacy continues to build:
In a trial on human volunteers, doses of 60, 90, and 120 mg were included to establish a significant safety margin for administration of this drug. No central nervous system effects, using pupil size as the parameter, were detected at the maximum dose level.
No adverse events were reported in subjects who received 120 mg of ivermectin which is 10 times the proposed dose of 0.2 mg/kg for treatment of scabies. Following multiple dosing (3 times per week) with ivermectin, there was minimal accumulation which was consistent with the half-life in the body of about one day.
A safety margin of ten times the recommended dose sounds good but it gets better. During a programme for treating children with scabies in the Solomon Islands, an 8 mg/kg accidental overdose (40 times the recommended dose) in a child caused acute emesis, mydriasis and sedation which rapidly reversed.
So now people who want to be tested for COVID-19 are being refused because of their beliefs? Their game plan is well and truly on track. Not impossible to see people who are not vaccinated will be rounded up an sent to special camps. Hard to believe? We shall see. If it comes about I look forward to meeting a lot of you here in person
As Candace says:
I literally do not care that she turned me down (as a private business).
Just pointing to the OBVIOUS FACT that she (and ALL of you lefties) know that this pandemic is fake.
If you were legitimately fearful you would encourage testing of the unvaxxed in your neighborhood.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 2, 2021
The classic one is when I see some of our police front up to a person who is not wearing a mask less than half a metre away (ie, spitting distance) demanding to keep a safe distance. I’ve see it happen too often. It’s not about the mask or the virus, it’s all about exercising their draconian power over innocent people. They even love to throw people to the ground only to injure them and make them end up in hospital. Those who don’t realise we are getting closer to being a full police state are blind ignorant fools.
Aaaaand, from Kanaduh:
Fine piece of hindsight in comments on your first link: It was over when we gave them “Two weeks to flatten the curve.”
I remember intuiting in March last year that this would run for a decade but I did not anticipate the awfulness of life when it is entirely run by racketeers.
Covid madness is ruling our lives
Chris Kenny
We should have called it Covid-22 because Joseph Heller would have revelled in the paradoxes, absurdities and circular arguments it has created. This is a time, after all, when our media run more sickening self-justification from Taliban extremists than they do dissenting views on pandemic management.
Heller could not make this up. The SARS-CoV-2 virus can be life-threatening for some but to protect them governments require everyone to stop living their lives. The young are blessedly spared the threat of serious illness or death, but they must sacrifice their livelihoods and lifestyles to reduce the impact on others now, and the young will pay a second time through future taxes and debt.
It is surely the revenge of the baby boomers.
We have a national cabinet devising a so-called national strategy which is notable primarily for the way each state interprets and implements the plan according to its own political and practical priorities. As a term, national cabinet is as oxymoronic as a Biden plan.
Premiers justify every decision based on their “medical advice” but they refuse to share it. Under Covid-22, people who are never inclined to protest or break the law feel a great sense of injustice and decide to gather in the streets, but that too is now against the law.
Democratic systems designed with checks and balances on power have handed over all authority to unelected officials without checks or balances. And parliaments are suspended to end any hope of scrutiny.
We’ve only reached this state, with perhaps a lot worse to come, only because the people are complying to the draconian measures being clamped down upon us, and in many cases happily so. It will be interesting to see if how far our politicians can go. It will be very telling about the psyche of the Australian people. The deeper this goes the more convinced I am that Australians must be the most jelly backed gullible fools in the Western world. I use to think we were far better than that. Recent evidence about how our politicians and some police have been allowed to get away with draconian measures that would make Hitler proud, and right under the noses of the MSM, has changed all that permanently.
Kerry gets a drubbing from China on emissions.
‘In his meeting with Yang, Kerry reportedly “underscored the importance of U.S.-China cooperation to reduce global emissions and raise global climate ambition.” Likewise, according to a State Department spokesperson, Kerry told Han that “there is no way for the world to solve the climate crisis without the full engagement and commitment of the PRC, which produces 27 percent of global emissions. Without significant reduction efforts by the PRC, we cannot meet the goal to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.”
‘Han’s message, however, was a bit different, based on a Chinese government readout. “Addressing climate change is an important part of China-US cooperation, which must be based on trust,” the readout summarized Han as saying. “…[I]t is hoped that the United States will create a good atmosphere for bilateral cooperation on climate change”. (The Diplomat)
Excellent temporising by the PRC with no limit to how long this can be kept up which creates an ugly outlook for the zero of November COP26; Boris’s wife’ll be ropeable.
I love it when the twin 1) scam and 2) mismanagement of COVID come together.
Australia faces threat of summer blackouts
1 hours ago
Energy companies have warned travel permits and border restrictions could leave Australia facing summer blackouts.
The measures are reportedly discouraging workers from crossing interstate borders and carrying out essential repairs on electricity and gas assets.
A coalition of global firms has written to state governments and to the federal health and energy ministers, asking for urgent amendments to health orders.
They say it is necessary so essential workers have a legal right to return home after meeting safety guidelines and want their workers to be prioritised in the vaccine rollout to protect the employees against COVID-19.
Point 1) was referring to the scam of anthropogenic global warming.
Democrats Refuse To Drink Water As It’s Also Prescribed To Horses
On history.
I am still reading that people do not want to take an ‘experimental’ vaccination. That might have been true a year ago, drugs rushed to market without adequate testing. But after billions and billions of inoculations, it is all history now. We have the facts. And the facts on Invermectin and other cheap drugs. We know exactly how dangerous they are and how useful they are. It’s established history. So why the dire, even hysterical warnings? Cui Bono?
So with man made Global Warming aka Climate Change. 33 years ago upper atmosphere scientist James Hansen who analysed the climate of Venus found there was no value in staying a Venetian expert. So he told the US Congress that our planet was going to quickly suffer the same fate and he was an expert on Venus. Explosive growth in temperatures, rapid sea rises, mass exterminations and end of life as we know it. Manhattan, hundreds of cities under water leading to mass extinction.
It’s history now. He was wrong. So why does it still continue when the evidence is now in? Did any of his predictions come true? No.
And I still wince when people want to follow ‘The Science’, whether on health or Climate. What they should be following is the historic evidence, the data, because ‘The Science’ was completely wrong and is now consigned to the dustbin of history.
We are also told the windmills lower the cost of electricity and coal cannot compete. Electricity has never been so expensive and fragile so you have to ask the real reason coal cannot compete, which is massive government hidden carbon taxes paid to owners of windmills and solar panels.
So history has proven there is no longer any Global Warming, man made or not. And no one ever proved the CO2 rise was caused by fossil fuels. The warming stopped but the steady CO2 rise did not. Busted. Science is not science if it does not fit the facts and now we have facts and history.
But there are still people who have PhD’s in Climate Change Education. As much use as being expert on the climate of Venus which at least is based on real data.
And the President of the World Health Organization has a PhD in community health because he is not a medical doctor, being better qualified as a leader of the Ethiopian People’s Liberation Front. The pay for being in charge of preventing pandemics is much better. Too bad about those millions of people who took his advice on ‘The Science’. Once again Cui Bono?
A bleak picture indeed. I salute those with the energy to fight the good fight.
Today I just feel like I need a good lie down.
Well said, and well observed. Bravo. I too wince when I hear the call “follow the science” on health and climate.
In all spheres it’s rank gangsterism TdeF and some of them actually say “trust us”.
Says it all. Why are people who have taken the vaccine so fearful of the unvaccinated? Why are they making rules such as no jab = no job? Two people I know if the medical field have been told this recently and it is distressing for them.
An acquaintance of mine showed abject fear when she found out I was unvaxxed, “you could give it to me” she shrieked, even though she herself is doubledosed and we live in WA where there is no covid!
I dont understand the hysteria. There are people who are so fearful of this bug that they cant think straight.
I’m more concerned that when the borders are flung open the covid infections will go through the roof because vaccinated people will spread it as it has in Israel. Just make sure you have your Vit d levels up and your Borody protocol in place people.
Agreed. And the inability to think straight is potentially very harmful.
Your acquaintance has said the quiet bit out loud. Namely that the injections do not prevent infection nearly well enough to be called vaccines.
And the failure of the powers that be to communicate that fact to the populace is very likely to mislead the injected part of the community that they can engage in behaviours which put them and everybody else at greatest risk.
And at that stage your acquaintance’s head will explode.
From the Ministry of Health Singapore. Good chart showing the incidence of cases among vaccinated people in Singapore in the past 14 days as at Sept 2.
Admittedly its cases, which may not be infections.
It all comes down to psychology. Fear and perceived threats to “the group”(society) by those who are different (unvaccinated) resulting in discrimination against the unvaxxed in this case.
There’s a lot of good reading out there on the psychology of fear, coercion and manipulation and you can be sure the shrinks on the govt payroll are using them against us.
I have a good article on this topic which I’ll fish out but check this out in the meantime:
Brilliant! Good find.
Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?
Furthermore, who gets to decide what medical procedures are acceptable to enforce? Who gets to be the all powerful and benevolent overseer of every human being’s health path.
Great questions.
There is a good deal of misinformation as a result of the testing done in Israel. Israel is still weeks from herd immunity with present mobility. They began easing restrictions on mobility mid May when vaccinations were at 55%. That was way too low for removal of all restrictions and they have suffered the consequences; albeit mobility is slowly declining as people understand they are at risk.
Countries that have had much better control over easing restrictions at high level of vaccination show a completely different story. Chile is a good example:
They began easing once they were clearly achieving herd immunity when daily cases were in decline.
Uraguay is also a good example:
Spain still has high daily cases but has the infection rate well under 1 and daily cases in rapid decline:
Spain has 70% fully vaccinated but the country already has a high level of natural immunity.
You need to be looking at countries that have achieved at least 70% vaccinations and above 80% with antibodies, natural or vaccinated, to observe the herd immunity forcing the infection rate below 1 at near normal mobility.
Truck drivers are already bringing Covid into WA. It will be very challenging to avoid rapid spread. The evidence is very clear that vaccines are achieving herd immunity once 80+% have antibodies. Look at any country with more than 70% of the population vaccinated in the “race to get fully vaccinated” section here:
They all have rapidly declining daily cases. Isreal only now has 62% fully vaccinated. That is not enough to afford herd immunity. But as more acquire natural immunity then the infection rate will go below 1 and daily cases decline.
More than half the hospitalised cases in NSW are under 30yo – many of the older demographic are now fully vaccinated and are not needing hospitalisation.
So if you are drawing conclusions about the overall efficacy of vaccinations, look at countries that have a high level of vaccination or a combination of vaccination and natural immunity through surviving the infection. Peru has now achieved herd immunity with around 60% having natural immunity 23% currently fully vaccinated – probably around 80% with antibodies.
If your friend is in the care industry then she is rightfully seriously concerned about the risk unvaccinated people pose once the virus gets into the community. It is soul destroying work for care givers trying to keep Covid patients alive. Likewise anyone who can empathise with these workers. NSW ambulances are setting new records for transportations and they are not road trauma cases.
Exponential decay works the same as exponential increase but in favour of humans. When the infection rate is BELOW 1, the virus eventually disappears. Australia has been one of the tardiest nations to get vaccinated. Australia is about 4 months behind Chile. Someone will bring the Delta strain into WA and that community simply has no experience in dealing with Covid so it will take off. Victoria has had over 200 days in dealing with keeping the virus at bay – 5 times successfully but looks like 6th outbreak is the most challenging and just holding the floodgates.
Well Rick, this is just in from the Governor of West Virginia
Governor Jim Justice: “I’m gonna give you a few stats now about what’s going on in West Virginia. West Virginia is seeing a 26% increase in positive cases of people that are fully vaccinated over the last eight weeks. I’ll read that one more time. West Virginia is seeing a 26% increase in positive cases in people that are fully vaccinated and a 21% increase in breakthrough cases requiring hospitalization for people that are fully vaccinated. We have also seen a 25% increase in deaths of people that are fully vaccinated over the last eight weeks. Now, that’s not a 25% increase of the total numbers or whatever, it is a 25% increase of deaths of people that are fully vaccinated over the last eight weeks.”
And this is Singapore for the last 14 days as at Sept 2
It seems to me that herd immunity could be a non-starter, no-one much seems to be talking about it anymore.
And now 3 jabs are neccessary? Fourth, fifth and sixth maybe?
Did you look at the Singapore link? The case number is trivial compared to anywhere else in the world with maybe the exception of Taiwan right now. The number of deaths jumped to THREE today. They have typically 1 death per day and often none.
WE all know that the vaccines are not 100% effective – they do not need to be to afford herd immunity. And with Singapore highly vaccinated, there is bound to be more vaccinated people getting Covid while it exists in the community.
West Virginia currently has 40% of the population vaccinated and mobility same as pre-Covid. That is not going to give an infection rate below 1 until natural immunity takes up the slack.
However despite cases being as high as they have ever been, deaths in West Virginia are now down to 1/5th of what there were pre-vaccination. I suspect older people have been given vaccination priority.
This is from worldometers.
daily deaths
September 02 2020 … 23 vax rate 0%
September 02 2021 … 50 vax rate >72%
daily deaths
September 02 2020 … 44 vax rate 0%
September 02 2021 … 168 vax rate >70%
daily death is almost identical to same date last year
I’m the same thinking as you Brenda. The thinking is very messed up. Most people think the vaccinated are virus free.
I hope the WA premier holds out and keeps that border shut from the madness and incompetence of Gladys and NSW Health.
Would the secession argument rise again? Good time to support it. I’d personally consider moving to a virus free state with a leader who intends to keep it that way, and I bet many others would too.
Your friends reaction seems to be just the mainstream view. Not really that surprising that she would she you ask an added risk in her life once Covid arrives in WA. Something that has to be accepted, they wont/cant change their mind.
Comment from – Daniel Andrews has warned that unvaccinated adults will be subject to harsh restrictions – even as the broader economy reopens.
Not so long ago you couldn’t walk into a bank wearing a mask.
Now you can’t walk in without one.
Florida To Fine Businesses $5,000 For Violations Of Vaccine Passport Ban
The Florida Department of Health has issued a notice indicating it will start issuing $5,000 fines to businesses, schools, and government agencies that require Floridians to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
The health department rule, which goes into effect on Sept. 16, details the penalties that businesses and other entities, including nonprofits, face for violating section 381.00316 of the 2021 Florida Statutes, which prohibits them from requiring customers or patrons to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination or postinfection recovery in order to gain access to their premises or services.
“Each violation of Section 381.00316, F.S., will result in the imposition of a $5,000 fine per individual and separate violation against the business, governmental entity or the educational institution. Fines imposed are due and payable to the Department within 30 days of entry of the final order unless otherwise stated in the final order,” reads the Florida Department of Health notice.
“A requirement to show a passport to take part in everyday life such as a sporting event, going to a restaurant or going to a movie theater would ‘create two classes of citizens,’” DeSantis stated.“A requirement to show a passport to take part in everyday life such as a sporting event, going to a restaurant or going to a movie theater would ‘create two classes of citizens,’” DeSantis stated.
Commissar andrews is insane. The passport will be null and void the second a booster shot is required lol.
No. I think he is working closely with the Chinese Communist Party with whom he signed an illegal Belt and Road deal. Victoria is not a country and no state can sign international deals. International dealings, the army and navy and customs and currency and bonds and immigration belong solely to the Federation, not the States. As in the US. But who locks up a criminal Premier? Morrison had to pass a law to make Andrew’s agreement illegal, when it was never legal.
Andrews did pass a law through parliament to be able to on his personal order bypass the police and the courts and arrest and indefinitely detain people without access to judicial oversight. This is something which has not happened since 1933 in Munich. He was stopped in the Senate though by two Green votes . Who would have thought the Loony Greens would vote against establishing a total dictator whose Red shirts who helped him steal the last election illegally on government wages? That’s how bad it is. Jenny Mikakos, the former Health Minister, in court this week again demanded he tell the truth about how 800 Victorians died while he did private deals.
And he has systematically destroyed Victoria, tripling the price of coal to force Hazelwood to close. Shutting down logging. No Gas exploration. Manufacturing dead. And in Victorian law now, any CEO of a company in which someone dies is automatically charged with murder. This is Daniel Andrews. And he forgot to exempt himself, so he set up his own fake trial to exonerate himself. His tame judge decided that no one made the killer decisions. They happened ‘organically’. Even the Police Commissioner lied for Daniel Andrews until Peta Credilin forced the court to examine the phone records which proved the Police Commisioner lied. Then he admitted he lied but could not remember what the call was about. SMSs covered that. It was a show trial, the sort Stalin ran.
And he let the virus run rampant with his BLM march and a free pass to Middle Eastern groups for Ramadan, with more lives lost and more lockdowns. Then he shut the whole place down totally, making Melbourne the most incarcerated city in the world. We are under nightly curfew like the Blitz. People outside Victoria cannot imagine how tough it has been.
Mad? Insane? No. His four months with an absolutely incredible broken back slowed him down, which gave Victorians a breathing space, but he is back and we are all locked in our houses in a 9pm to 5am total curfew and the police patrol the children’s playgrounds for Father’s day. Tell me why?
Today they’re out canvassing my area for people over sixty and unvaccinated.
Top comment there, Brenda. Assolutely NO LOGIC to a vacination passport at all. In the mean time of course all we get from everyone, from the prime minister down to the local shire mayor, is vacination is the “way out” of this crisis. The one thing about spreading bulls–t is the only thing that happens is you need bigger gumboots to keep walking through it. For the record, I am well past my use by date, why is the government focus on protecting those least likely to have much further to travel than school kids.
Mental health issues are completely disregarded by “authorities” who just mouth platitudes, contact beyond blue or help line, what a crock. The kids need social interaction not some faceless voice trying to help but can offer nothing more than a talk.
OOps meant for #40 above
Agreed on the vaccination passports. Sooner or later a small voice will penetrate the skulls of the powers that be to tell them that injections do not stop the injected from carrying the disease but only mask or limit its effects.
The emporer’s new clothes all over again.
The authorities do not care that the vaccinated can still catch and give the virus – the “passport” is NOT about the virus or health.
Taking the jab simply means that you have accepted becoming a bio-slave to the NWO and committed to an endless series of boosters to maintain that passport.
Emperor not emporer. I knew that word didn’t look right but strangely the ‘s at the end stopped the red squiggle underline from appearing.
Sometimes not even a talk… Two weeks ago a friend’s daughter in Year 11, who has inside running to be School Captain next year according to her Mum, has been identified as high risk (suicide) after mental health surveys conducted by the school (she is left alone each day because both parents need to work and are essential workers).
The school’s only response to date was to send a long email with links to government websites for assistance because, you see, the School Councillor is too busy to meet or have a Zoom meeting with the family, which when I think about it some more, may actually be true if there are other children in worse or similar condition.
And for light relief, we have the UK Environment Minister who says weeds are just the right plants in the wrong place and should be treated kindly. And to cut your grass less often, which makes no sense at all.
We have to open our minds to a different thought process on what weeds are.
“A lot of these plants are really beneficial to insects and very much part of the rich diversity of life. So that is just a different way of thinking.”
Earlier this year Ms Pow unveiled a new Plant for Our Planet campaign “to build back greener” ahead of the UK hosting the global climate summit in Glasgow later this year
How terribly nice. Farmers world wide need to hear more about the benefits of weeds and different thinking. Especially as they are the problem.
Weeds grow strongly in Parliament and Government.
They have taken over.
There is talk that the Southern Annular Mode is weakening.
Headlines we might see this summer:
I voted for the “Real Australia” party started by Craig Kelly as it’s a modern alternative to the irrelevant dinosaurs of Liberal & Labor. Immediate national elections to end the Covid nonsense and criminal trials for premiers, medical “experts” and police chiefs for crimes against humanity.
…and then the alarm clock went off…
Thought for the day:
Vaccines should be tested on politicians first.
If they work then we’re safe.
If they don’t work then the country’s safe.
I thought he was in Clive Palmer’s Dog House? Or have they had to change the name?
Doing my daily read through of their ABC’s pandemic blog I noticed the propaganda put out by the NSW government “When we look at the number of people in our intensive care units, of the 173 people in ICU or intensive care units, 137 are not vaccinated,”
Alternative interpretation “When we look at the number of people in our intensive care units, of the 173 people in ICU or intensive care units, 36 were vaccinated”
Suggested headline “Injections not a vaccine”.
Good way to look at it FG. Also how many of the 173 were in ICU for completely different reasons ?
Yeah, big numbers impress some people, however, as you have done, it can be turned around to present a different story.
It’s like 25% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers, well what excuse do the 75% who weren’t drunk, have.
The Plus Sign
The JoNova site was down for a few hours last week.
When it came back the plus sign (+) appeared between the parts of commentators names, instead of a space.
What the cause is or why it occurs I cannot say, but it does appear to be associated with the web site being down. In my case, when I removed it the first time, it stopped happeneing.
And a few of my posts in the googlecash topic tripped the automoderater. Strangely I could post in another topic but no other posts appeared in googlecash for a significant period of time.
My guess is that it was something beyond the control of Jo and her team. Maybe a software update being pushed out?
Yesterday’s bank robber:
Points gun at teller and says “Gimme all the cash or I’ll shoot!”
Today’s bank robber:
Says “Gimme all the cash or I’ll drop my mask and cough at you!”
Love how the BOM try to find a way of meeting their agenda. Posted recently, Tasmania has had its warmest winter since 1988 and its 2nd warmest on record. WOW 1988, how hard was it to find that data? Warmest in 30 plus years, we’re doomed.
Agreed you can no longer find this Melbourne Station 086071 that measured temp from 1855-2915
And I always use it to show how hot it was in Melbourne for the first 3 months of 1968 especially if you use drop down to show days above 30C
Oops – Melbourne Station 086071 that measured temp from 1855-2015
Where was that measured, Battery Point ? LOL !!
Battery Point in Hobart is probably the worst possible site for credible temperature readings in Australia..
… except perhaps Observatory Hill in Sydney.
(I’m sure people could point to other sites that are equally as bad.)
After all, Ken Stewart has determined that at least 40% of Australian temperatures site are totally unfit, even by BoM standards, for credible temperature readings, .
The original Perth temp site, high on a hill overlooking Perth, was so unrepresentative that in the 60s the newspapers and TV weather used to quote two temps for Perth – the official temp and the more realistic Perth CBD temp.
00 have a podcast on Spotify
There is a 24 minute podcast with Prof Borody about his Ivermectin based tri therapy
Thanks, I listened to Borody and his optimism is very encouraging.
Delta Variant Death Rate Among Vaccinated Over 5 Times HIGHER Than The Unvaccinated In England
by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn September 3, 2021
A new report with detailed data from Public Health England provides some startling numbers.
For the period of February 1 through August 2 there were COVID Delta variant cases for 47,000 people who had received 2 vaccine doses, and for 151,054 people who were unvaccinated.
In the first group of vaccinated people there were a total of 402 deaths, and in the second much larger group of unvaccinated people there were 253 deaths. To get the death rate you divide the number of deaths by the total number of infection cases.
That gives a death rate of .86 percent among the vaccinated and .17 percent among the unvaccinated. That is an amazing difference. The death rate among vaccinated was just over five times greater than that for the unvaccinated.
In other words, unvaccinated people who got infected were enormously safer from death. How can we explain this huge difference in terms of medical science? It should also be noted that it was determined that the measured viral load in both groups was the same.
So, why are vaccinated people dying more frequently than the unvaccinated. Here are some plausible explanations.
Thanks. I’d suggest age is also a factor between the two groups.
Presumably a significantly higher proportion (>90%) of older more vulnerable people will be vaccinated compared with younger age groups (<50%), which have much higher immunity to the virus whether vaccinated or not.
As vaccine effectiveness wanes, the elderly become exposed again, which brings us full circle…
Protect the elderly (therapeutics, more effective vaccines, isolation) and let everyone else get on with their lives, with natural herd immunity the eventual outcome.
But note, the rate is per infection,
not per case,
and not per all the population.
The above data thus only apply to those who have symptoms of the wuhu, not just suspected.
Moderna knows a bunch of suckers and complicit government and “health” officials when it sees them — in OZ.
The TGA has approved the Moderna mRNA spike toxin for anyone over the age of 12 after provisionally only targeting adults. The decision is a major update on Moderna’s approval by the TGA for people aged 18 and over on August 9.
Initially, Professor John Skerritt, head of the TGA, said the decision was made to approve the jab in adults only – rather than wait for more data on teenagers – to help speed up the rollout. Professor Skerritt described the jab as ‘really exciting’ . . . Yeah, he would.
In Australia, anyone over the age of 12 is now eligible for the vaccine.
It now further transpires that Moderna is in the midst of planning a clinical trial for children as young as 6 months.
• It proposed Australia toddlers be a key part of the trial, as well as USA and Canada
• The company wants around 6,000 healthy children aged from six months to 12 years to target in a clinical test run of the vaccine
• Australia’s 10 million doses of Moderna vaccine will start to arrive next month
Details of the clinical trial plan were revealed in just one paragraph of the company’s 189-page quarterly financial statement issued to Wall Street last Thursday.
Time to ask Skerritt, Morrison and Hunt (sorry for misspelling that last name) what they know of the plan to use Aussie toddlers and kids in place of lab rats for Moderna. Expect the crackdown on anti-virals to get even more intense now that Moderna is on the Ozzie scene. Robespierre had the right idea.
The lower the age limit they set for children to get the covid-19 vaccines, the more our politicians and health officials will expose themselves to possible manslaughter charges down the road if things go horribly wrong. I don’t event understand how such officialdom can be so heartless.
“Robespierre had the right idea.”
Not only the right idea but eventually the right outcome. Hung by his own petard so to speak
One can only hope that the current lot of politicians get their comeuppance as soon as possible.
Subsequent to misadventure with a pistol discharged into his jaw the poor devil had his mandible held on by a bandage for the days before ascending the guillotine.
A COVID risk factor not often mentioned is that people with blood type A are more susceptible to infection.
Perhaps it’s not PC to mention blood group and susceptibility because the Left will claim all people are exactly the same and equally susceptible?
There’ll be equity to apportion.
The Australian Government has approved the monoclonal antibody Sotrovimab for treatment of covid.
In the US it has been given emergency use authorisation by the FDA.
According to Wikipedia:
Why all the fuss about Ivermectin?
First hydroxychloroquine, now ivermectin, is the hated deadly drug de jour, castigated by the medical establishment and regulatory authorities. Both drugs have been around for a long time as FDA-approved prescription medications. Yet now we are told they are as deadly as arsenic.
As a physician, I am certainly aware of ivermectin but don’t recall ever writing a prescription for it in my 30+ years’ medical career. Ivermectin is an anthelmintic, meaning it cures parasitic infections. In my world of ophthalmology, it is used on occasion for rare parasitic or worm infections in the eye.
Ivermectin was FDA approved in 1998 under the brand name Stromectol, produced by pharmaceutical giant Merck, approved for several parasitic infections. The product label described it as having a “unique mode of action,” which “leads to an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane to chloride ions.” This suggests that ivermectin acts as an ionophore, making cell membranes permeable to ions that enter the cell for therapeutic effect.
Ivermectin is one of several ionophores, others including hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and resveratrol, the latter two available over the counter. These ionophores simply open a cellular door, allowing zinc to enter the cell, where it then interferes with viral replication, providing potential therapeutic benefit in viral and other infections.
This scientific paper reviews and references other studies demonstrating antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer properties of ivermectin. This explains the interest in this drug as having potential use in treating COVID.
By this point, active COVID infection is not the issue; instead, it is weaning off and recovery from long-term life support. The early hydroxychloroquine studies had the same flaw, treating patients too late in the disease course to provide or demonstrate benefit.
These drugs have been proposed for early outpatient treatment, not when patients are seriously ill and near death. Looking for treatment benefits in the wrong patient population will yield expected negative results.
Given how devastating COVID can be and how, despite high levels of vaccination in countries like the US, UK, and Israel, we are seeing surging cases and hospitalizations among the vaccinated, we should be pulling out all the stops in treating this virus.
Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of blackmail
Our political pundits are focusing on Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan as a political blunder by the president and our military leaders, but what if the root cause for Biden’s withdrawal is much more ominous and sinister than mere stupidity? The following questions demand an answer.
Why would our military commanders willingly give up Bagram, a strategic airport built by the Russians, and why would they willingly leave $85 billion in military hardware behind?
Why would they leave thousands of Americans stranded behind enemy lines while providing the Taliban a “kill list” of those Americans left behind? Unlike previous withdrawals, where it is customary upon withdrawal to first evacuate our citizens, and then destroy the equipment and blow up the bases, we did the opposite. We did not evacuate our citizens. We did not destroy the equipment. And we did not blow up the bases.
We have learned that the Biden administration cut off all communication with the anti-Taliban resistance group, the National Front. Although Ali Nazar, head of foreign relations for the group, has said he “tried to reach out,” there has been no response from the Biden administration.
A more likely scenario is that Afghanistan was surrendered at the urging of the Red Chinese, who saw an opportunity to blackmail old Joe for the many kickbacks he and his son, Hunter, had been taking throughout his years in Washington, D.C. It is no secret that the Red Chinese have had their eye on Afghanistan’s mineral deposits. Just two weeks before the American surrender, a Chinese delegation met in Kabul with the Taliban. Although the mainstream media have protected and covered for Joe Biden, reports of information contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop and emails exchanged between his partner, Tony Bobulinski, and Hunter, are damning proof of illicit wheeling and dealing by the Bidens to provide access to the White House while Joe was vice president
Is China, by way of a domestic proxy, now dictating American foreign policy? If so, where do we go from here?
China has had a very good year.
A good argument but it is not the reason.
Those concerned already know about Joe and Hunter and China money. If more news of that came out from China or any other source it would be ignored as usual by the mainstreammedia and labeled as ‘conspiracy theory’.
The real reason for the debacle is the incompetence and stupidity of the whole gang who are in power.
Freedom of choice is a lovely thing to de3fned even for a police officer. Those who disagree vehemently, such as the likes of our politicians are tyrannical monsters and nothing less.
Oregon State Trooper Placed on Paid Leave after Explaining why he will not Enforce Vaccine Mandate
Breaking – Did China just Declare WAR?
I think it’s just another step along the way to an eventual match fight between the two cabals; East and West. Whoever, wins will be take over the whole world. The withdrawal of the West from Afghanistan and now the entry by China is not just an accident nor a coincidence.
“L – There was massive gov’t. misinformation about Ivermectin this week. Even search engines had some results purged that were previously listed. Looking for accurate information ?
Then Dr. Tess Lawrie’s BIRD British Ivermectin Recomendation Directive.
The meta-data is massive, including randomized control studies, as countries are allowing or having campaigns promoting it. Oddly, many 3rd world nations have less corrupt governments than Canada. For high profile personal use of an anti-viral cocktail(Dr. Peter McCullough style),
no one is higher profile than Joe Rogan.
Via ”
“What would you do?”
And what you might call “Creative Comments”
While everyone is hyperventilating over covid, vaccines and lockdowns, we appear to be losing the battle over net zero. The states are into it. They started by saying power prices were too high. Now with three times the renewables necessary for a MW, plus enhanced regulated grid, enhanced local distribution etc etc, the power prices will be higher if everyone is supposed to make a return. Please write to pollies, the papers, anything.
Btw. My favourite idiot is coles. In their “sustainability” ad, they finish that they are aiming for zero waste and zero emissions. Yes they actually have that as a target. No “net”. I wonder how the ceo is going to get his employees to stop breathing. What a bunch of idiots.
Are you still shopping at Coles, Aldi and Woolworths? Al three have some form of net zero target. I do not believe IGA stores have net zero targets. Or they are not crowing about them.
I have good advice that companies offered their Covid vaccines to all employees once the Phase 3 trials were completed. As far as I know the offer was mostly accepted.
I now see that AZ are requiring US employees to be fully vaccinated in order to return to normal duties:
Pfizer have taken a different view:
I remain impressed with the speed that the vaccines were bought to market. Australia would be in a much better position now if the vaccine availability in Australia exceeded the demand but it has always been supply constrained and that means reduced mobility will persist until the population meets the 80+% with antibodies to achieve herd immunity with normal mobility.
It looks to me as if the mRNA vaccines do not work.
Australian ICU data will help over the next few months. Currently 13-14% of ICU admissions with Covid have been fully vaccinated.
I expect that to rise as the proportion of vaccinated is going up rapidly.
It looks now as though the vaccine rewards will discriminate against the vaccine deniers. The folly of that should become apparent with time.
There is very clear evidence that herd immunity is achieved at 80+% vaccination or combination of vaccination and natural immunity. To verify that you only need to see the declining case numbers in places with high vaccination rates.
116.4% fully vaccinated1.3% partially vaccinated
80.2% fully vaccinated<1% partially vaccinated
76.8% fully vaccinated4.6% partially vaccinated
76.6% fully vaccinated23.4% partially vaccinated
United Arab Emirates
76.0% fully vaccinated11.0% partially vaccinated
75.2% fully vaccinated2.8% partially vaccinated
75.0% fully vaccinated10.2% partially vaccinated
Cayman Islands
74.4% fully vaccinated3.0% partially vaccinated
Isle of Man
73.1% fully vaccinated3.1% partially vaccinated
72.7% fully vaccinated6.6% partially vaccinated
72.4% fully vaccinated3.4% partially vaccinated
72.1% fully vaccinated4.5% partially vaccinated
71.4% fully vaccinated6.8% partially vaccinated
71.1% fully vaccinated4.0% partially vaccinated
It has been known since the trials that the vaccines are not 100% effective. As far as I know there is no vaccine for anything that meets that criteria. However the criteria for herd immunity is an infection rate BELOW ONE, which results in exponential decay of the virus. All Countries in the above list have declining cases while still having much higher mobility than Melbourne or Sydney. There are a few others that have achieved high level of antibodies across the population like Sweden and Italy due to combination of natural immunity and vaccination. They also have achieved herd immunity – Peru is the extreme example with around 60% natural immunity and 23% vaccinated and daily cases now down to around 1000 from a peak of 10+k.
Cherry picking again. Taiwan? Netherlands? Equatorial Africa? Et al.
Israel, with its very high rate of vaccination & now an exploding infection & mortality rate – especially amongst the vaccinated – is a test case & has epidemiologists re assessing future of the current vaccines.
Why do you think the US govt is putting billions into the development of anti-virals?
The list is in the order of vaccination level.
Taiwan has not achieved herd immunity. They just have good border controls and highly homogeneous and compliant population.
Interesting that Gibraltar has 234 doses per 100 people, why would that be? And your stats show Gibraltar with 116.4% fully vaxxed. How is that done?
Well if you’re too stupid to see how 116% of a population can be fully vaccinated, then you’re too stupid to understand anything.
(you have to picture me with a megaphone and a Che Guevara tee-shirt screaming this at you)
They have started booster vaccinations.
What variant were they vaccinated for Rick?
Herd immunity is not possible if local fauna can store the pathogen.
Why are we even calling them vaccines?
I am constantly amazed by the stupidity of some double jabbed people who bang on about how unvaccinated COVID criminals could infect them.
Isn’t a vaccine supposed to protect you from infection.
Mr Spok would be perplexed.
Finally. Declared Climate Change hurricane Ida has killed 50 people. Except they are not in the right place, but close enough.
The Independent UK is full of Climate Porn. The disaster is newsworthy, but the science explanations are fantasy.
Climate Change hurricane Ida (the hurricane season just started at the end of August) has refused to kill many people despite the many comparisons to Katrina.
Well just six people, if you count the second death, eaten by an alligator in the flood water which was caused by the rain which was caused by the storm which was caused by warm water which was caused by the increased CO2 which was caused by fossil fuels.
Now they have at least 50 deaths in New England, 1000km away, but they were caused by floods which were cause by ‘the remnants of’ Ida which … etc.
In another article from The Independent
“The ocean absorbs over 90 per cent of excess heat caused by greenhouse gas emissions – largely from the burning of fossil fuels – and that warm water feeds into hurricanes.”
Amazing. We now understand how the ocean can get warmer from CO2
without actually warming the air
. It’s a breakthrough idea.
This has been a puzzle for some time and allowed sceptics to win arguments by pointing out the inconvenient truth that
there has been no actual warming for a decade.
This novel science says the land gets very hot and radiates heat out to space but nasty CO2 sends the heat back. Nothing new but now this reflected infra red directly warms the oceans which are not actually over the land. Best not mentioned as it is really inconvenient.
And 90% of the reflected heat is stolen by the oceans!
And as the world cools dramatically in the next ten years, the explanation for how CO2 causes cooling is next.
Perhaps CO2 causes heating which causes evaporation which causes clouds which cause cooling. There. Anyone can do this.
And you cannot argue with ‘The’ science.
Who is making it all up is the only puzzle. Some teenager?
NASA could do with some real scientists in their PR department. They are banned in the IPCC. All press is written by UN politicians and staff. And there are 40,000 of them. No actual scientist is hurt in the writing of these political pieces. And anyone who disagrees is funded by big coal, big gas, big oil or big cows.
Had a conversation like this with a glaciologist in 1989 but albedo change was part of the mix, given snow, ice and clouds are a bit white. Not like the logical scientific counter arguments to the net-heating prescription had not been known very widely for over 32 years in “The” science blah-blah.
“The ocean absorbs over 90 per cent of excess heat caused by greenhouse gas emissions”
90% of nothing = NOTHING !!
There is no “excess heat” caused by greenhouse gases… period. !
That’s blunt, but correct.
How have they gotten away with this for 30 years now and it’s still going strong.
Even if atmospheric CO2 up there wasn’t controlled by P.V = nR.T, any “photons”
available could not head to earth, that would be contrary to basic thermodynamics.
Energy moves down the temperature gradient.
Basic physics, basic thermodynamics and the fact that it has been cemented in modern politics suggests that we are not getting the truth about any aspect of CV19.
Energy moves down the temperature gradient.
Always has, always will…
And that gradient is set by the gravity based lapse rate.
CO2 has absolutely zero effect on that.
“And 90% of the reflected heat is stolen by the oceans!”
Not to mention that the wavelength of any CO2 radiation is totally incapable of penetrating even a fraction of a mm into water.
Its all just non-science fantasy from scientifically illiterate twerps.
I agree that not every hurricane need be trumpeted as an Unprecedented Climate Change Event, but do you need to go on about it so much. We know that long-term Global Warming will lead to increased un-liveability along the Gulf Coast. It’s just a matter of the time-scale.
“We know that long-term Global Warming will lead to increased un-liveability along the Gulf Coast”
That is because you are using a massively distorted crystal ball that has many cracks in it, having been mal-formed in production.
It shows up Goldilocks the 3 bears, 3 little pigs, the Easter bunny and the boogie-man from under the bed, flying pigs…
Time scale.. when the Sun finally explodes , or we get hit by a big meteor.
Nothing to do with anything humans cause or can prevent.
Or were you thinking it could become a far-left democrat haven.
Been interesting watching the Covid outbreak in regional NSW.
Efforts ramping up to stop it cutting loose in the allegedly more exposed indigenous community.
All the usual indigenous grievance talking heads getting on the MSM saying not enough is being done, never once highlighting what they have done in the last 18 months to get these communities prepared.
Always the victims, always someone elses fault. Echoes of disproportionate imprisonment.
Not one single word about the large funeral event held in Wilcannia a few weeks ag in the face of restrictions. Memory holed like the Ruby Princess, VIC hotel quarantine etc.
And then that paragon of virtue and master of the well thought out media comments Senator Lidia Thorpe says that all the effort to do the real work on site is an example of “systemic racism” You would think she would have learned something after the NT Attorney General fiasco where she slagged the white male AG, who turned to be an indigenous female who returned fire.
left out Wilcannia in the 1st line
Solution to the ending of The Italian Job (1969).
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band: “Time is Right” (for quitting time)
Nightingales and Bombers album, 1975.
Forgive me for being Cynical, but!
Have you ever considered that the release of the Wuhan Virus may have been a deliberate action by the CCP!
Consider what the CCP had in January 2020 that it does NOT have now?
It had a lot of retirees, millions of them perhaps even a billion!
So a designer super bug that attacked the elderly especially the elderly with co-morbidities and problem solved.
If that super bug also affects a very small number of others and is receptive to early treatment by drugs already freely available, then so be it.
Ask your self why that of all the worlds leaders, all old men and women have not succumbed to the virus, and those that have survived????
Just a suggestion mind you but who knows what the CCP could be up to!
What a shame that Viruses mutate!
David Paulides on China and separately on Two Australian and One Russian Disappearance
Someone took a long time to take the words of the illustrious NSW Premier and reorganise them. Funny or depressing, you be the judge.
What sort of dumbarse gets Bell’s Palsy from one shot of Astrazeneca and goes and gets a second shot?
‘Australian MP diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy after viewers notice “droopy eye” during presser’
‘MP Dominello, with eye patch on to cover up his AstraZeneca-induced Bell’s Palsy, received the second AstraZeneca injection on August 30’
It must be that he believes the onset of Bell’s Palsy was only coincidental and that everybody else is doing it without being harmed and he wants the benefits of the vaccine passport to further his political ambitions; there’d be scores of reasons which coincide with his self interest.
I love full sized and model steam trains, traction engines etc. Something about old fashioned machinery where you can see, hear and understand how its bits all work that is very satisfying. It seems very much a male fascination that men enjoy. And it’s often an activity that fathers and sons enjoy together. So I’m wondering how long it will be until recreational steam is banned? They’ll use the excuse of “glamorizing environmental damage and toxic masculinity” to get it voted through.
It’s already dying as boomers get too old to exhibit these machines, sad really.
AFL Solicitors takes NSW Health to the Supreme Court on Friday.
Anyone got an update on this?
Transvaccinated: see
If we aren’t allowed to question gender or race… we don’t have to carry cards for either of them (like the Jews had to in the 1930s,40s)
…. why should they be allowed to question vax-status.
Simple…the difference is that “They” argue that not being vax’d is potentially dangerous, even life threatening to others……much like carrying a gun….
So their solution is a vax health “licience”
Wow funny stuff
Another covid map tracker
A very comprehensive site!
Yes it is very good, wish more people knew about, may be Admin can make a Bigger link so people can find
JKCouey episode with guests talking (speculating) about the world government end game. Much of it seems plausible. Also informative as I wasn’t familiar with some of what they said.
Covid19 herd immunity was never achievable
This is a v.good essay. It is long and requires some reading time to absorb. I think it could be regarded as a text reference.
Covid Camps !
Indefinite stay at Quarantine camp
People given both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were almost six-fold more likely to contract a delta infection and seven-fold more likely to have symptomatic disease than those who recovered.
Do they take demographics in to account? Usually the vaccinated are the most high risk patients too.
Those infection ratios are often misleading when the demographics are included.
People given both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were almost six-fold more likely to contract a delta infection and seven-fold more likely to have symptomatic disease than those who recovered.
“This sounds like a disaster”
Interesting to note Australia having record vaccinations and now record cases?
Japan suspends 1.6 million Moderna COVID-19 vaccine doses after contamination reports
But of course we are not allowed to talk about quality control of big pharma and contaminants in the vaccine. Any quality control in Australia. who is checking these things?
They have run out of high risk patients and now want to jab 12 yr olds.
All 12 year olds are now “Sick” and need medication from big pharma but apparently 11 year olds will not spread any viruses, Follow the science or follow the Money?
Israel is planning to administer FOURTH Covid shot which could be adjusted to fight new variants as country battles wave of infections despite hugely successful vaccine roll-out
CDC study finds about 78% of people hospitalized for Covid were overweight or obese
Kim Iversen: CEO Canceled For Calling Out Role Of Obesity In Covid Pandemic
“about 78% of people hospitalized for Covid were overweight or obese”
Diabetes type 2.
What a surprise.
I was sitting in a cafe today having coffee with a mate and we were observing the hordes of salad dodgers, huge obese people waddling along, some on those electric scooters,some with those wheelie walkers, some with crook hips, and walking sticks, some a good bit younger than both of us, what the hell are these people stuffing their necks with.
On any visit to the local supermarket there’ll be at least one very large person in a battery powered wheelie in the shopping centre.
When I started work almost sixty years ago you could not get a job if you were overweight and “unhealthy”.
Currently anyone who is overweight is suffering from “something” that is not their fault.
That’s right, now the obese are rising up against being the butt of jokes and bad press, now there’s talk of it not being their fault, it’s genetic, I call BS on that one, there were no fat people in Belsen or Auchwitz.
One of my uncles survived Changi.
Viva Frei, a Canadian lawyer/blogger sounded off y’day when the media slammed the unvaccinated again by highlighting a “healthy” 16 yr old who died. They blew it with a photo – she was morbidly obese. Someone less polite than I might call her a fat toad.
I am not convinced that age, controlled overweight and diabetes are significant single line risk factors.
The over 70s tend not to do healthy outdoor stuff, don’t expose themselves to the sun and succumb to the ease of a cuppa tea and toast too often.
The obese need high dose D3 supplements to overcome any deficiency. Do overweight people care enough to supplement?
We are told there are many undiagnosed diabetics but my reading is that “uncomplicated” diabetes is not a significant factor. Insulin resistance is a significant factor in general poor health.
Add high blood pressure and these comorbidities cascade, that’s the problem.
We don’t so much have a disease problem as a health problem.
Australia’s controversial spy bill in ‘contempt of democracy’
“All this to protect the aged care”
**Back to the proper use of this website**… Hurricane Ida has nothing to with AGW, just like Katrina. And what about all the other hurricanes/TCs/Typhoons that have occurred over the last 12 months? Just natural phenonema, as usual. Here in Ozland, we’re waiting for another Tracy or Colin, but it is highly unlikely that those 2 TCs will be repeated, unless the ocean surface temperature exceeds 26 degrees C (particularly in the case of Tracy).
People given both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were almost six-fold more likely to contract a delta infection and seven-fold more likely to have symptomatic disease than those who recovered.
Red Cross is warning all Americans that Covid-vaccinated humans are INELIGIBLE for donating plasma
I think you have been sucked in Kevin , the Red Cross do have some rules around vaccinated people giving blood but are not banned from giving blood .–covid-19–and-blood-donation.html
“the Red Cross has discontinued our convalescent plasma collection program.”
Wonder why this was discontinued, would make the vaccinated look bad..
Kevin, be more careful. The first para includes:
That means only people who have NOT received the blood-clotting, spike protein injections can donate convalescent plasma to save the new China flu victims.
Apparently it doesn’t work well anyway.
Israel has among the world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine. Yet the country is now logging one of the world’s highest infection rates, with nearly 650 new cases daily per million people.
New normal: Israel’s health expert says fourth shot of Covid vaccine needed
Infection rates, yes, but what about hospitalisation rates? If the overwhelming majority of vaccinated persons who catch covid19 experience it as no worse than a cold then that is a huge improvement.
Kim Iversen: BOMBSHELL Report Suggests Natural Immunity Triggers Better Response Against COVID
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections
A new study from Israel suggests immunity gained after recovering from a bout of COVID-19 is more protective against the new Delta variant than vaccine-induced immunity. Natural immunity was estimated to be about 13 times stronger than having two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
Although the results could suggest waning natural immunity against the Delta variant, those vaccinated are still at a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and at a 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease compared to those previously infected,” explained the researchers.
Additionally, vaccinated individuals showed a greater risk of requiring hospitalization from a breakthrough infection than unvaccinated individuals with natural immunity.
Vaccinated individuals with no prior exposure to SARS-CoV-2 had a 13.06-fold increased risk of becoming infected with the Delta variant. In addition, there was a 27-fold elevated risk for symptomatic COVID-19.
Additionally, vaccinated individuals showed a greater risk of requiring hospitalization from a breakthrough infection than unvaccinated individuals with natural immunity.