Babylon Bee
Biden announced that all companies with 100 or more employees must enforce mandatory vaccination. People will have the freedom to quit their job or perhaps get tested every week, and be treated like a leper…
It’s not about health — there is no allowance for people who have already caught Covid and survived, who likely have much better protection. Israeli research suggests people who have caught covid are 13 times less likely to get reinfected than the double vaxxed are to catch covid six months after vaccination. If the unvaxxed have to get tested, why don’t the vaxxed?
Something in this message does not add up. What could it be?
The virus is deadly, and the vaccine works, but you are too stupid to decide for yourself. Trust us, we care and respect you!
My headline above was shamelessly stolen from The Babylon Bee:
Biden Unveils ‘Your Body, My Choice’ Vaccination Program
Babylon Bee
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a speech today, Joe Biden unveiled a brand new program to force the rest of the country to get vaccinated, entitled “Your Body, My Choice.”
Companies will be forced to comply with the mandate until the Supreme Court strikes it down in a few hours.
Is this the moment the non-Left discover their Mojo?
There comes a point when every totalitarian movement goes too far. Even people who are pro-vaccine are anti-mandatory vaccination. The RNC “Intends to Sue Biden Administration on Unconstitutional Mandate”, and Governors are too:
Governors Immediately Push Back On ‘Unconstitutional’ Biden Plan: ‘Will Fight Them To The Gates Of Hell’
Daily Wire
The pushback from governors comes after the administration said on Thursday that The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will force all employers with 100 or more employees “to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis before coming to work.”
Governors vowing to stop this include the Governor of Florida, Texas, Mississipi, Georgia, South Dakota, South Carolina, Arizona, Askansas, Iowa, Montana, Oklahoma, Missouri, and the list grows… Wyoming, Tenessee, Alaska,…
There are some good comments under The Daily Wire.
The vaccines reduce hospitalization and deaths significantly in high risk groups. It makes sense for some people to get vaccinated, but not for all. And the long term risks aren’t known. Where is the informed consent?
If governments cared about our health they would combine vaccines with cheap antivirals to reduce the risks and the rate of spread. They’d let us choose the therapy we want with our doctors help.
If governments want us to trust them, they have to act trustworthy.
STOP dividing our society
STOP medical segregation & apartheid
STOP trashing our fundamental human right of #InformedConsent
In Australia, appallingly, the TGA has just forbidden doctors from prescribing ivermectin. If Pfizer were actually running the TGA would the decisions have been any different? We train doctors for six years, but expect them to act as though they are robots for government bureaus. I’ll have more to say on this soon.
We need a free market in medicines. We need a free market in doctors.
Gazit et al (2021) Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415
Apparently a whole heap of F22’s and parts of the US Air Force are now grounded as pilots and support staff who refuse to be bullied, just walk of the job..
Hopefully, police and other service staff will do the same.
And there are a heap of exemptions including postal workers and members of congress and their aides! Why is it so?
“Quid Pro Joe, Postal Workers Use Leverage from 2020 Mail-in Ballot Fraud to Gain Exemption From Vaccine Mandate
September 9, 2021 | Sundance | 399 Comments”
Boris Johnson scraps vaccine passports under Covid winter plan
BORIS JOHNSON is expected to scrap emergency lockdown laws and axe plans to introduce vaccine passports while prioritising Britain’s booster programme.
How many “booster” clot-shots is he planning ?
And yet we see from Israel:
The majority of Israel’s most severe COVID-19 patients are not vaccinated, according to the head of Public Health Services Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis.
Already in the month of August, some 65% of the country’s serious cases were the result of unvaccinated people, Health Ministry data showed.
Must be CV19.
hmm, maybe misplaced. it is interesting though –
it seems that if you look at only under 60s you would get those figures, but it is not the case for the UK where the unvacced have a better run in hospital than the vacced for the same age group. pfizer v astra maybe? or just too many variables in the data.
i guess it makes sense that the over 60s should see a greater problem with vaccination failure due to the fact that they cannot produce enough antibodies in the first place. the vaccine helps, and it is my understanding that that is the reason why 2 shots were considered in the first place.
the prime concern though is why there are more deaths in the younger group in the UK (percentage of hospital cases that died). it is understandable in the over 50/60 group, but not in the young that have healthy active immune systems.
Scotland seems to be showing a similar thing to Israel-
the older age group is the bulk of the reason the figures show a higher death rate for the vacced, but in the age group lower than 50, the numbers are similar, or maybe just too small to count for anything.
UK Data – Will NSW Liberal Backbenchers Finally Act with Honesty and Reason?
The latest Public Health England Covid Surveillance report – 38 Page PDF) makes two things clear. The vaccinated over-40s catch more SARS-CoV-2 than the unvaccinated over-40s do. And because of that, vaccine passports are pointless.
More importantly, because they catch more per 100,000, and there are more vaccinated people in those age groups in the UK, they contribute much more to absolute case numbers.
Boris Backs Down on Passports – Will NSW?
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has signalled that he will be cancelling the vaccine passport program for the upcoming northern winter. Whether that was driven by this data, or by squirming backbenchers worried about reelection is not clear. But it’s been coming for a while.
But with cases through the roof despite high vaccine numbers in the UK, what does this mean for NSW? Surely our backbenchers can start telling the Inner Cabinet of Imprisonment to back off?
This is just another overseas datapoint showing NSW Cabinet policy to be not merely uninformed and authoritarian, but obstinately so. Campaigners will make sure that everyone knows about this and all the other overseas examples, and do so well before the Federal (and State) elections.
I don’t know what polling is saying but this State will have at least a million baseball bats waiting for the next election.
Will NSW Liberals and Nationals finally do the right thing?
Not until Gladys, Hazzard and Elliott are gone. They are the faces of the illegitimate regime.
What Else is Clear?
To Quote Scotty from Marketing, Gladys, Dictator Dan, Pallachook etc “We are All in This Together”
POLITICS – Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
President Joe Biden’s new vaccine mandates for federal employees don’t apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system.
Biden issued two executive orders on Thursday requiring vaccination against COVID for federal workers and contractors who work for the federal government. He also asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency order requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested on a weekly basis.
However, Biden’s order on federal workers applies to employees of the executive branch. The House of Representatives and the Senate belong to the separate legislative branch, and the courts to the judicial branch of the federal government.
Typical Leftist double standards.
I liked the line, ‘ Clearly they are losing the war on covid, so they intend scapegoating all the no vaxxers.’
Applies here too.
CDC says give incoming refugees to the USA Ivermectin
Clearly its safe to use
“All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees, with exceptions noted in this document, should receive presumptive therapy with:
o Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months) AND o Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days before departure to the United States.
• All African refugees who did not originate from or reside in countries where Loa loa infection is endemic (Box 1), with exceptions noted in this document, should receive presumptive therapy with:
o Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months) AND o Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days AND
o Praziquantel, 40 mg/kg, which may be divided in two doses before refugees depart for the United States.
I think that the US was giving this application of Ivermectin to Immigrants for many years, it is just that the Ivermectin now protests them from 1 more thing.
Australia is in no mood to see anti-vaxxers delaying the road out of lockdowns
Cameron Stewart
On current rates, by the middle of next month, the vaccinated majority in NSW will be able to visit family and friends, dine out, drink in a pub, go to a hairdresser and attend theatre and sporting events, albeit with limited numbers. The unvaccinated will have none of these freedoms.
This will anger a minority in the conservative libertarian wing of the Coalition and it will dismay anti-vaxxers, but it says much about the prevailing public mood, not just in NSW and Australia, but across the Western world, which is increasingly intolerant of those who choose not to get the jab to help end this global pandemic.
In the US this week, Joe Biden announced sweeping new vaccine requirements on federal workers, large employers and health care staff in an effort to reduce the 80 million unvaccinated Americans.
While many Republicans are opposed to the move, it is a huge step for the President to take in a country that adopts a much more libertarian view of its freedoms and personal choices than does Australia. Biden’s actions are in response to a surge in infections and deaths almost confined to those who are unvaccinated by choice.
Across Europe, new rules are locking the unvaccinated out of pubs, restaurants, sport events and other social activities.
The NSW road map is a powerful incentive to vaccinate for those who sitting on the fence but it offers a bleak future for hard line anti-vaxxers.
From the Comments
20 minutes ago
I note that you left out the exemptions for members of Congress, the federal courts and all of their staff.
Cease with the description of those who hesitate to take the vaccination with the perjorative term antivaxxer. Furthermore, I’d very much like to see the sample size of the survey in which the majority of Australians agree with the idea that those who don’t elect vaccination to become a medical underclass.
Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said at a press conference on April 29 that the House couldn’t require members to be vaccinated. Video clips of those remarks gained renewed attention online following Biden’s announcement.
“So—so here is the thing. We are—we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That’s just not what we can do. It is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn’t,” Pelosi said.
“I can’t go to the Capitol Physician and say, ‘Give me the names of people who aren’t vaccinated, so I can go encourage them or make it known to others to encourage them to be vaccinated.’ So we can’t—we can’t do that,” she said.
Pelosi’s office reiterated that position in a statement to Newsweek on Friday, saying the speaker’s April 29 remarks were “referring to the institution in which she serves.”
“She’s saying she cannot force Members to be vaccinated, which is true,” the statement said.
‘Rules for Thee’: Biden’s Vaccine Mandates Don’t Apply to a Big Group of Hypocrites
Gotta love the “Rules for thee, but not for me” crowd.
How many times with Democrats have we seen them pushing for mandates or restrictions in regard to COVID and then disregarding those very same rules themselves? Sometimes within the same day — as with Joe Biden who signed a mask mandate for federal property and then immediately broke it, as did members of his family.
Joe Biden came out with his new dictatorial vaccine mandates on Thursday – executive orders requiring federal employees and federal contractors to be vaccinated and requiring that private businesses with over 100 employees to ensure their employees are vaccinated or tested on a weekly basis. Democratic politicians immediately embraced these edicts, even without knowing what they would say.
But in a move that should not be surprising to us, after all the hypocritical nonsense they have shoved at us, while Biden’s order applies to the folks in the executive branch, it doesn’t apply to the legislative or the judicial branch. Members of Congress and their staff do not have to comply with the mandates. So, 100 million Americans may have to deal with it but they don’t. But of course, they’re perfectly willing to impose it on you — just not themselves.
Photo of Maskless President Trump visiting the NYPD and FDNY (also Maskless) on the 20th Anniversary of #September11 #NeverForget
The Masked DemoCrap Elite on 9/11
Obama’s eyes seem fairly telling.
OSteve, I don’t believe that people who don’t understand what is going on and who do what they have been misled into believing is right will be rejected by God. I just can’t go along with that part of what you say in your last Paragraph. I believe that God looks straight into the heart of each person and sees what is there. I believe you have to deliberately reject God to lose what He wants you to be.
Earlier in the day, during the state’s second last daily public Covid-19 ministerial update, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard was pressed with concern from reporters over Senator Keneally travelling more than 5km as part of her campaign.
Mr Hazzard said he did not know whether Senator Keneally was in Fairfield on Saturday but understood exemptions were in place.
“Generally (for) politicians, I think there are some exceptions available under the rules, obviously, for essential work but I would have to come back to you on the details of that,” he said. “I would need legal advice.”
Why is it that NONE of OUR betters on both sides of the isles have had the”Clotshot?”Perhaps because it’s NOT good for you???????
well actually most of them had so it would seem you are wrong.
“Hopefully, police and other service staff will do the same.”
Even more hopefully President Biden’s colleagues will change his mind or if legislation is required, will team with the Republicans to stop it
“Change his mind” What mind. He is following directions.
If Biden’s “ shot heard around the world” is not stopped , there will be blood in the streets, clots and clots of blood.
Apologies, In truth I must be desperate for some humor. This entire situation is unbelievably sick. These people are commuting very evil actions.
[Off topic]
This Executive Order is so not legal. So just ignore it. No one in the World has the right to mandate a vaccine especially one that is Experimental and only has Emergency Approval.
In Australia, this Law Firm is taking action against the New Stasi Woke (NSW) Government. I have donated money to the cause……
From: https://voxday.net/2021/09/10/destroying-the-hearts-of-men/
His conclusion?
“This is insanity and evil of Lovecraftian proportions. We’re already seeing young athletes collapsing and dying in the middle of sporting events. This is going to happen more and more often as the third and fourth booster shots are required. At this point, it is beginning to become apparent that we may be witnessing one of the greatest crimes in human history. It would not surprise me in the least if in the future, when the full extent of the truth is revealed, we see governments fall as scientists and doctors are hunted down like dangerous vermin.”
Short post, and to the point. RTWT…
with a recent study showing over 6 : 1 boys between the ages of 12-15 hospitalised with heart complaints to do with vaccination to 12-15 year old boys requiring hospitalisation for covid for ANY reason you know this is dangerous. this is in a per 1m dose : 1m case situation… where cases are usually much higher than being reported due to asymptomatic spread common in this age group.
clarence. Where did you get this info about the F22s etc being grounded?
Jo, Parliamentary petitions concerning Ivermectin need publishing EN 3141 and EN 3214
The ban on Ivermectin has everything to do with Big Pharma and profits. The evidence on Ivermectin keeps coming in and the safety of it is unparalleled. Even if it has no effect on covid, (and the observational studies from India, Mexico, South America and the USA indicate that it has an effect), it has no side effects worth worrying about, unlike the potentially toxic, experimental vaccine with potentially 50,000 deaths and 2 million other reported side effects. Ivermectin deaths? Not one ever recorded, other side effects, – possibly 6,000 over 40 years, mostly attributed to Loa Loa and the death of parasites it’s designed to kill.
From the U.S., The Great Ivermectin Deworming Hoax:
“In a normal year, the Kentucky Poison Control Center might receive one call from someone who has taken ivermectin, a drug commonly used to treat parasites in livestock. But amid increasing misinformation about the drug’s ability to both treat and prevent COVID-19, that number has increased to six this year.”
This alarming news was published in Spectrum News – formerly known as Time Warner Cable – on August 24, 2021, and should be a lesson to every American.
The lesson is not about Ivermectin being poisonous because it isn’t, but about the pervasiveness of a type of new internet propaganda termed “informational flooding.”
Australia Bans Ivermectin
“The ruling authority in Australia has just banned doctors from prescribing Ivermectin. The Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling and the Australian National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, have determined that any effort to mitigate COVID-19 with therapeutics will likely diminish the goal of vaccinating the entire population. Therefore Ivermectin, which has saved thousands of lives and is widely in use in multiple countries including India, is now official banned from use by Australian doctors.”
Sounds like total dereliction of duty, Political aims, and Desperation to prove tyrannical authority.
Crawford on Vaccine-Induced Deaths and Ignored Safety Signals
Vaccine-Induced Deaths Hidden in the Data
Introduction to the posts below to help non-math readers: In August 2021 Crawford started sniffing around the US Vaccine Adverse Events Register (VAERS). He had recognised that much of the damage from the vaccine follows a similar mechanism to the one used by SARS-Cov-2. He started crunching numbers when he learned that many vaccine-induced deaths were probably being recorded as Covid-19 deaths in the VAERS database (the McLachlan paper). Also worrying was that the CDC wasn’t investigating reported deaths, and that autopsies were being stopped.
He created daily Case Fatality Rate (CFR) numbers to show any dramatic changes after vaccination programs began. Reported CFRs are just big totals, not day-by-day. If daily CFR went up unexpectedly, it would indicate vaccines were doing damage, because Covid lethality wouldn’t change overnight.
He aimed to match deaths to when their cases were diagnosed. Because people who die from Covid on average die 18 days after symptoms appear, he created daily CFRs based on deaths for a particular day, compared with case numbers from 18 days previously (the lag he mentions in the posts). To make up for lumpy case reporting he used a running 7 day average (the smoothing he mentions).
He then checked the 30 days following the beginning of vaccination programs across the world. He found a large spike in daily CFR after vaccination in about 85% of nations. If the CFR didn’t change, often both cases and deaths rose dramatically.
He then looked at European data and calculated CFR in the same way. To pull all that data together in a comparable way, for each country he set the CFR at the beginning of the vaccination program to an index of 1 (the normalising he mentions). That way any increase in CFR after vaccination turns up as a multiple of the CFR on Day 0 of the vaccination period in each country.
From OldOzzie’s ‘Crawford on vaccine induced deaths’ link:
‘At 360 million doses delivered, these estimates suggest between 72,000 and 180,000 (or maybe even a little more) vaccine-induced deaths in the U.S. during the experimental COVID-19 vaccination program.’
If Australia gets around 80% of the population double dosed that could result in 8000 to 21000 deaths from covid vaccine.
I listened to an ABC podcast sent to me by a friend extolling the virtues of Remdesivir by the Australian National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce and no mention of ivermectin or HCQ as therapies. I can’t imagine why a doctor would recommend the product Remdesivir when it has a notorious reputation and history. If you look at the following and see the video it would appear that the large number of deaths in the US were due to this lung flooding killer drug.
Now that Evil has stopped doctors prescribing Ivermectin where can we order it from? Any ideas gratefully accepted.
The Zyclon B of the Peking Pox era?
A suggestion
” In a move that is equal parts idiotic and deadly, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has banned doctors from prescribing ivermectin to their patients as a preventative or treatment for the Wuhan virus (COVID-19).
It’s a move that we must fight and so I’m declaring Monday, 13 September 2021 to be a national day of action against the TGA’s decision to ban ivermectin. People should phone the TGA on 1800 020 653 to demand they reverse their decision to ban doctors from prescribing ivermectin off-label.”
From a George Christensen email
Look up http://www.ivermectin.africa or the many other sites about using Ivermectin in tropical Africa. Over there it appears to be available over the counter without prescription so cannot be the dreaded drug described by our MSM.
I use Eraquell for worming my old pet horse but the stuff is used on many expensive animals. The box indicates only Ivermectin and Cereal. A colleague suggests a 7mg dose once a week as a COVID prophylactic. He’s not a doctor but has a medical family and his father owned Barratt & Smith Pathology. My Dr friend says you can safely take a 10X dose but run it by your doctor.
One cubic centimetre of water from a syringe weighs one gram which is useful if you don’t own proper scales that cope with one gram accurately. One gram of pellets contains 4mg Ivermectin. I’d start with that to monitor for adverse reactions.
Given that most people with cancers are carrying a high load of various gut parasites it might not be a bad thing to do irrespective of COVID.
Deepak Krishnani | Director |
Visit us at : http://www.edmedsindia.com
The Future in totalitarian Australia – you will get a Covid Booster but you won’t know which one.
Experts say Covid booster jabs may not be necessary for most people
Covid booster vaccinations could be given as part of flu jabs in future — and people may not know what brand they get. For now, experts are divided on the need for boosters.
As many as four different vaccines could be offered to Australians as boosters, potentially delivered as part of the annual flu jab in the future.
Federal sources say Australians may not even be told what brand of booster they will be receiving, in the same way the makers of the various flu vaccines administered are not promoted.
While the vaccine-makers are yet to register with the Therapeutic Goods Administration to provide a booster in Australia, it is understood the federal government is ready to roll out the program quickly if this occurs.
Britain, the US and Israel are among the countries using booster jabs, although health experts are divided over how useful they are.
“forbidden doctors from prescribing ivermectin.”
I can’t think of one other case where , once diagnosed positive by a hyper-over-sensitive test, you are supposed to lock yourself in your home, with no treatment whatsoever, until you either get well or have to go into hospital.
It seems totally unconscionable in a modern society.
Do we wait for the big red X to be painted on our doors.
And when are they going to distribute yellow stars to be worn by the “untainted”
Basically Zero Improvement with treatment in Hospital
And when are they going to distribute yellow stars to be worn by the “untainted”
I already asked that question of Gladys in Contact our NSW premier
and also asked if I would have to wear a sign hung around my neck saying “Unclean”
Yellow star, got an app for that. Probably still have to go with the sign though.
Meanwhile with our Australian TGA at work banning something that has been shown to work
Via InstaPundit, a study reported in the Telegraph that finds that for teenage boys, covid vaccines are considerably more dangerous than covid:
Teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems from the vaccine than be hospitalised from Covid-19, a major study has found.
A team led by Dr Tracy Hoeg at the University of California investigated the rate of cardiac myocarditis – heart inflammation – and chest pain in children aged 12-17 following their second dose of the vaccine.
They then compared this with the likelihood of children needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19, at times of low, moderate and high rates of hospitalisation.
Researchers found that the risk of heart complications for boys aged 12-15 following the vaccine was 162.2 per million, which was the highest out of all the groups they looked at.
The second highest rate was among boys aged 16-17 (94.0 per million) followed by girls aged 16-17 (13.4 per million) and girls aged 12-15 (13.0 per million).
Meanwhile, the risk of a healthy boy needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19 in the next 120 days is 26.7 per million. This means the risk they face from heart complications is 6.1 times higher than that of hospitalisation.
This is already showing to be very successful, at it’s intended purpose… Getting Afghanistan off the front page.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Pfizer nRNA vaccine, how the operation works, in broad terms:
1. Pfizer has a terrible rap sheet; they adore profits.
2. The mRNA is not itself spike proteins as Sars2 itself has; instead, the synthetic mRNA tells the patient’s body cells’ RNA to make spike proteins, which of course are alien to the body’s well-being. This stimulates the body’s immune system to fight it off. But these synthetic virus-like spike proteins only last a few days and become debris; however the mRNA vaccine particles are encased in lipid that apparently are timed so that some new signaling comes forth, I think/guess, week by week with instructions to make new spike proteins. These in turn disintegrate. There is no new booster formulation against Delta strain by Pfizer, if it arrives it won’t be till a few months probably from now.
3. Meanwhile Pfizer and the Biden admin. are not against making more profits though the current experimental vaccine which is perhaps 40% helpful in limiting the virus, while the longterm side effects are unknown and unstudied. But since Afghanistan shows Biden to be very weak as a leader he wants to look strong and divert attention away and counts on mRNA vaccine to keep confusing the world’s population in order to buy time to run some more schemes with either China, the globalists or the dark invisible forces that hate life.
4. By the way it was DARPA that funded Pfizer and Moderna with $33 million to develop mRNA vaccines in latter 2013. It was in 2013 that Shi Zhengli with Daszak collected many samples from the Mojiang mine,Yunnang province, where 4 miners died of a bat coronavirus transmission, and studies by high-level biochem/virology Chinese knew it was bat-shit to human transmission too, but Shi Zhengli pretended in print that a fungal infection killed them. Of course by that time the Chinese military need for bioweapons was intensifying from top levels including their Defense Minister. -r.
Ivermectin successful in India against virus; Afghan update; etc.
page does not exist
I visited my local GP yesterday and asked for a script for Ivermectin but was REFUSED.
This was in spite of the information on treatment protocol (from FLCCC Alliance) that I provided to the doctor and numerous other details on the success of treatments with Ivermectin in places such as Uttar Pradesh. See here
I then heard about the TGA ban later that day.
This action by the TGA is CRIMINAL and WILL result in many more unnecessary deaths and suffering.
Why are they doing this?
I think the answer is MONEY.
If there were another proven treatment for Covid then ALL approvals for Phase 2 trial vaccinations would need to rescinded and not allowed to be used UNTIL proper trials are completed.
So, there it is, the drug companies are pulling the strings, aided and abetted by BIG TECH MEDIA as per Jo’s earlier posts on ownership of Google, YouTube etc.
I question why our politicians including Scomo, Gladys etc etc are allowing this – I can only surmise that they have “skin in the game”.
Don’t believe this could happen – then wake up!!
Just a small snippet – look up Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young and then see where her husband works.
Are you awake yet????
I weep for our once beautiful country Australia and what it has become.
Popeye – go with Quercetin as well as Vit D, Zinc, NAC, Vit C
Thanks mate – I’ll get some – I was aware of it from the FLCCC Alliance and Zelenko protocol but was unaware that you could use to “some” effect without Ivermectin or HCQ.
BTW – I’m also an old Ozzie 🙂
This article is not just for Popeye26 — it is essential reading for everyone.
Thanks for posting OldOzzie.
Good News: There Might Be Yet Another Off-Label Treatment for the Wuhan Flu (and Against Tyranny)
Probenecid, an FDA-approved gout treatment with “powerful antiviral properties” and minimal side effects, is “a prime candidate” for treating COVID-19 according to a new study.
SciTechDaily (https://scitechdaily.com/gout-medicine-could-also-battle-covid-19-fda-approved-and-has-potent-antiviral-properties/) reports on recent research from the University of Georgia, where they found that probenecid “works as a prophylactic prior to virus exposure and as a post-exposure treatment in animal models against SARS-CoV-2 and flu.”
Ralph Tripp, lead author of the study, concluded, “This antiviral works for all RNA respiratory viruses we tested, including SARS-CoV-2. RSV, coronavirus and flu all circulate in the same season. Bottom line is you can potentially reduce infection and disease using this one oral drug.”
This is potentially great news.
Makes me feel good because I take Probenecid colchicine
I believe the money is secondary to the carbon reduction agenda, people who are the carbon must be reduced, permanently!
Is anyone awake yet?
9-10-21 A team led by Dr Tracy Hoeg at the University of California investigated the rate of cardiac myocarditis – heart inflammation – and chest pain in children aged 12-17 following their second dose of the vaccine.
Inflammation and swelling of the heart, a condition known as Myocarditis, has been identified in many youngsters who have received their dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The team then compared this with the likelihood of children needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19, at times of low, moderate and high rates of hospitalisation. Researchers found that the risk of heart complications for boys aged 12-15 following the vaccine was 162.2 per million, which was the highest out of all the groups they looked at. Meanwhile the risk of a healthy boy needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19 in the next 120 days is 26.7 per million. This means the risk they face from heart complications due to vaccines is 6.1 times higher than that of hospitalisation.
The study, which has not yet been peer reviewed, analysed reports of adverse effects children have suffered from the vaccine between January and June of this year. https://greatgameindia.com/teenage-boys-risk-vaccines/
don’t laugh now
8-18-21 British army chief claims at :36 of video
Lt-Gen. Nick Carter: “Taliban don’t like corruption, they don’t like governance that is self-serving, and they want an Afghanistan that is inclusive for all….I think you e saying at the moment.” have to listen to what they’re saying at the moment.”
Would not want to be in the Trenches with that Woke Soldier
meetings in Islamabad of major powers https://balance10.blogspot.com/2021/09/meetings-in-islamabad-of-major-powers.html
Reps from Russia, China, Iran, Tajik, Kazakh, Turkmen and Uzbek attended.
Why did Joe not attend with his new allies?
Because he had prior arrangements with even more corrupt leaders like Obama, Bush and Clinton.
The study to which you refer will likely never be peer reviewed. Just saying.
apparently the governments cannot have an EUA if there is a treatment
Ivermectin ect.. is a treatment
Any others arise Skerritt is there to play TGA whack-a-mole.
Also research lysine – the lysine/arginine ratio which helps prevent cold sores and herpes outbreaks can apparently work well against coronaviruses too. Nuts, chocolates, pumpkins are all high in arginine, but low in lysine. Avoid these and eat foods higher in lysine such as yogurt, cheese, fish, fruit/veg etc. Keep your daily balance on the lysine positive side. If this doesn’t work buy lysine tablets!
G’day all,
From today’s SMH.
I wonder who “encouraged” the TGA to the attack. Note that that don’t challenge him about ivermectin. I guess that would be too big an own goal.
Another version of this story, truncated in this one, says Craig is taking vitamin C, vitamin D and ivermectin(!). My question: where does he get his ivermectin? All their readers would love to know.
I’ve copied the first four paragraphs:
The Sydney Morning Herald Digital Edition: Regulator takes MP to court for SMS campaign ::: Sat 11/9/21
This article is from the September 11 issue of The Sydney Morning Herald Digital Edition. To subscribe, visit https://www.smh.com.au.
David Crowe
Chief political correspondent
Australia’s medical regulator is preparing to take legal action against federal MP Craig Kelly over a text message campaign backed by mining magnate Clive Palmer that could have misled millions of people about coronavirus vaccines.
Therapeutic Goods Administration head John Skerritt has slammed the texts for spreading ‘‘ incorrect’ ’ information about the vaccines and is taking legal advice on whether the campaign breached criminal law.
The TGA believes the campaign broke copyright law and criminal law by using the Commonwealth agency’s logo on a political party website that conveyed ‘‘ adverse event notifications’ ’ in a way that tried to discourage people from being vaccinated.
‘‘ The TGA is very concerned about any information which provides an incorrect picture of the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly if that information is distributed widely to the public,’’ a spokesman said. ‘‘ The use of the TGA logo in this instance potentially breaches both copyright legislation and the Criminal Code Act 1995.’’
Dave B
G’day Dave
this sounds similar to what the TGA tried to pull on Prof Borody with his triple therapy protocol, all they could apparently get him on was promoting a treatment or cure for the Wu Flu
but nec minnit
It does not ‘sound’ similar. It is exactly the same. There was an evil hiding/attempt to stop, a super effective treatment and the public found out and political pressure stop the evil hiding but did not fix the system.
The Pharmaceutical/Medical Industry controls our medical system and the ‘news’ about medicines/treatments and the Medical Boards that control the allowed treatment.
The Medical Industry had a very profitable multi billion dollar business going torturing people with a treatment that did not work for Peptic ulcers.
Every doctor was subscribing anti-acid pills to treat stomach acid problems. There were books about the correct diet to stop the peptic ulcers and mediation to help. There were articles written discussing the stress in jobs the statistics of cases of peptic ulcers vs career.
The last ‘medical’ treatment for peptic ulcers, to stop the pain, was the cutting of the nerves to the stomach. This stopped the pain but the condition continued and adversely effected basic stomach functions and often led to more surgery. But the bright side for the industry was there were Lots of drugs prescribed and hospital time as the person who had the nerves cut to their stomach, died or suffered chronically untilled they died, with the untreated condition.
The peptic ulcers were caused by a bacteria in the stomach. A sneaky Australian found the cure to kill the bacteria. Then the entire medical industry spent a decade trying to stop/hide the peptic ulcer drug treatment that worked perfectly (continuing to cut stomach nerves and not treat a a condition that cause pain/complex life changing health effects and death) and fire/charge the sneaky Australian. The scam stopped when 60 minutes interviewed the doctor and he explained the treatment… And then congress threatened to take action …. And finally… the Medical Industry took action. Stopped cutting nerves to stomaches and cured the peptic ulcers.
This is the ‘new’ evil story. The same pathetic evil, 100% money focussed, Medical Industry is trying to stop Ivermectin use and stop covid treatment optimization.
“An “almost foolproof” three-pronged treatment for coronavirus symptoms is being rolled out in Victorian nursing homes, according to gastroenterologist Professor Thomas Borody.
The Centre for Digestive Disease professor said the “triple therapy” involved Ivermectin, Doxycycline and zinc and “cured” at least 15 of his COVID-19 positive patients.
“Within 48 hours their cough had gone down and fever decreased – their oxygen levels had also significantly improved in that time,” Prof Borody told NCA NewsWire.
The professor – famous for his development of the triple-therapy cure for peptic ulcers in 1987 – said “a number” of Victorian aged care facilities had this week signed up to start using the therapy, which was Federal Drug Agency and World Health Organisation approved.”
Comment: There is a second level of evil.
The chemical Ivermectin is not water soluble. This is unusual and likely one of the reasons Ivermectin is so highly effective biochemical. Unfortunately because Ivermectin is not water soluble it does not disperse evenly in the blood.
There is a technology that was developed about 7 years ago to improve the dispersion of the small highly effective class of drugs that are not water soluble. This technology enables the drugs in question to be up to 8 times more bioeffective than there simple non-soluble form.
The Medical Industry has been holding this technology back. Ivermectin will be the of the non water soluble drugs to be used in an optimized form.
Acompany has developed a super dispersion Ivermectin (and tested to ensure the drug action is not changed) that is 8 times more bio-effective. This technology enables an in blood, active Ivermectin action, which would require a toxic dosage of the standard simple non water soluble Ivermectin.
If Ivermectin works (and it does based on 55 studies) this not so new technology which has been around for a decade, could enable Ivermectin to end the Covid crisis.
Thanks for that, very interesting.
All I can surmise is that TGA head Skerrit conceives he is personally liable if the multi-billion dollar commercial-in-confidence vaccine contracts are violated by his not having blocked anti-viral treatments; the poor devil must be a nervous wreck keeping abreast of the outbreaks of successful treatment protocols.
Can Civil and Criminal action be taken against Therapeutic Goods Administration boss John Skerritt?
Kelly faces legal threat over texts
The text messages sent to more than 14 million Australians focus on reports of adverse reactions published by the TGA’s Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN).
“Reporting of an adverse event on the DAEN does not mean that the vaccine caused the event,” the government body said.
“Information on the DAEN cannot be used to evaluate whether a medicine or a vaccine is safe.
Channel 7 news at 6 had a segment showing Border Force detecting and confiscating Ivermectin coming into Australia, to be handed over to TGA. To save the increased load on hospitals from all those overdoses. Skerritt advising everyone to ignore all those false claims about ivermectin being promulgated on the internet. Dark Web mentioned.
Confiscation of life saving drugs.
A new low?
Dave B
Skerrit should be hit with Criminal Charges at the The International Court of Justice, which has its seat in The Hague
Rod, at #72 below, has a link to a report on activity with ICC. Sounds promising.
Skerritt being the orthography I was after.
you can buy sheep drench ivermectin quite cheaply – for sheep
I’m sure that at agricultural colleges new boys would have been put through the sheep dip course as a group initiation ceremony. Who’d have figures on the fatalities I wonder. I doubt anybody gave a damn back in the day but in the post-modern era of the woke I’m likely to be cancelled for supposing such a possibility, that’s yer thoughtcrime eh.
No longer as of last week
And we are supposed to rotate chemicals to help avoid building resistance and they bloody well take out one of not a big list
Brains. gunpowder, exploding and lifting hats comes tp mind
TGA = Thieving Greedy As……
In Australia and the US the ruling class are deliberately and systematically creating a 2 tiered structure of discrimination.
Remember – that ethnic minorities have the least uptake of vaccinations.
Racism by decree…
If I’m being discriminated against because I’m not vaccinated, I can scream that I’m a victim of systemic racism. I see subsidies and Affirmative Action jobs coming my way. Wahoo!
Victoria’s cheka will have a job for you in a gulag.
Can the health minister overrule the TGA?
Can a doctor prescribe Ivermectin for conditions other than COVID-19?
There is another freely available drug which does the same thing as HCQ. I just forgot its name. An American doctor is using it for patients.
You’re probably thinking of Quercetin? I got a supply a few weeks ago through Amazon, but have decided to stop taking it and zinc, after a week or so. Quercetin and zinc combination, are supposed to get into the cell and stop viral replication, but there is no virus within hundreds of ks, and I’m over popping pills – Ds, statins (which are supposed to be helpful against covid!), and reflux med. So I figured a week’s flushing might do for now. The Quercetin’s instructions say not to take continuously, so I’ll do it in bursts, and whenever danger is looming.
I had issues with Quercetin at the recommended levels as well. I switched to Gut Relief from Chemist Warehouse. It’s only 200mg of Quercetin per scoop of the powder and at this level it seems tolerable. Plus they throw in Curcumin (Tumeric) which has also been shown to have benefits against the disease.
Mango or orange taste! Yuk. We’ve some zinc supplement powder which tastes of strawberry so I’m not trying it a second time. Cod liver oil taste is more my style.
No sign of a warning not to take quercetin continously on mine, just not to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding (I think I’m a little past that stage of my life, now being a great grandmother!). Dosage they say 3 times daily or as professionally prescribed. I take 1 once pd.
Atm, I take daily:
Quercetain (with 600mg quercetin) 1pd
VitC 1,000mg 2×pd
VitD 2,000iu 1pd (but repeated a second time in cold dull weather)
Zn 30mg 1pd
VitK2 180mcg 1pd
Also 5mml Olive leaf extract 1pd over winter.
I have been taking quercetin for over a year and as I was getting blood test every 3 weeks (and have over 20 years of blood test results) always keep a close eye on all blood levels – no problems at all – next blood test tomorrow.
the body requires very little vitamin c as part of its normal daily operation. Excess is treated as a dire toxin, so much so it redirects vitamin c to be manufactured into oxalate crystals to be dumped at a later date. This is most probably an evolutionary response since we would gorge on fruit and insulin would be too high to handle dumping this at the time but after time and insulin returning to low levels during the long winters where we would survive on our own body fat and that of other animals we killed then our body would start dumping out the crystals.
The evidence for low vit c requirements was done on what is now classified as inhumane research done on ‘conscientious objectors’. This research involved some of the participants getting scurvy and either curing it or demonstrating that extended periods of time as a certain dose is protective against scurvy. Now to put this in perspective these were done on a typical very high carb diet and what is important about this is vitamin c and glucose fight over the glut 4 transports (glucose preferred). This means when glucose is high you need more vit c for the same results. Even so the lowest dose above 0mg per day was 10mg per day and no issues with scurvy or any other issue was found during the period of the study.
This is further backed by usage in history. Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt was bogged with cases of scurvy. To cure this he gave the sick troops fresh horse meat from horses that had recently died in a conflict to see immediate recovery. Now to put this further in context, horse meat is not very high in vit c even compared to other meats. Now if a person wanted a rich source of vitamin c in the past they could consume fresh liver all year long rather than wait for short seasons when fruits nothing like what we had today fruited their often smaller more bitter fruits.
According to
A word about quercetin. Some physicians are recommending this supplement to reduce viral illnesses because quercetin acts as a zinc ionophore to improve zinc uptake into cells. It is much less potent than HCQ as a zinc transporter, and it does not reach high concentrations in lung cells that HCQ does. Quercetin may help reduce risk of viral illness if you are basically healthy. But it is not potent enough to replace HCQ for treatment of COVID once you have symptoms, and it does not adequately get into lung tissue unless you take massive doses (3-5 grams a day), which cause significant GI side effects such as diarrhea
statins are by their action anti-inflammatory. It does screw with your COQ10 production though so there are negatives in its ‘effectiveness’ against covid. Its effectiveness against improving health expectancy is contra-indicated though outside of this treatment for the pandemic.
You are maybe thinking of Quercetin. If you can’t get it, red apples, red onions, mangos contain it.
Bioceuticals do it as Quercetain (Quercetin 600mg, Bromelain 3.6 million PU).
Add potatoes (or something else) for Iron.
Other foods which contain Quercetin are; Goji berries, Asparagus, Kale, Capers, Apple skin. Berries also have low doses , blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and the very dark plums .
An apple a day huh?
How long before that food is banned?
They really do appear to want the deplorables “dealt with” it. seems…
The modern UK update to that –
“an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But these days so many are Mohamadan that I find a bacon sandwich works just as well”
Also red wine – I might up my daily dose, to be sure, to be sure!
For a wider selection
You might be thinking of fluoxetine also known as Prozac. It seems to be helpful at doses much below the standard ones used for depression.
See the FLCCC protocol for details.
“Can a doctor prescribe Ivermectin for conditions other than COVID-19?”
I’m going to ask my GP for a prescription for Ivermectin as a prophylaxis against anxiety in the face of the WuHu flu threat.
Go round to the local park, eat some dirt, you very likely have now picked up some parasitic worms.
Get prescribed for that.
Astoundingly, those parasitic worms actually make the Ivermectin much safer … incredible I know but if you don’t believe me then check with the TGA.
In this age of “feeling” – feel you have a case of crabs?
That would be me … and while I think it’s reasonable (and sensible) that owners of businesses such as restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, gyms, sports venues, etc to have the right to require customers be vaccinated, forcing big companies to require vaccinated employees is fraught, especially from the federal level rather than the state level.
Firstly it will become a lawyers picnic, both at the state governor level and the individual employee level, and very hard to enforce and monitor – even if found to be legal.
Secondly, it is not the best optics for the President, even if the public health advice is telling him that the pandemic will NOT go away with 80 million remaining unvaccinated.
The other big issue is that in the most conservative red states, governors and other elected officials are actively working against pandemic solutions – against masks, against vaccine passports, against lockdowns and travel restrictions, against vaccine mandates.
Unbelievably, in Florida the governor has refused to allow the cruise lines to require passengers and crew are vaccinated. It is a huge industry in that state. Of course it’s all about politics, and showing your rightwing colours for either 2022 and 2024.
Being anti-mask and a vaccine-scoffer proves you’re a big man, a Trumpy, and a Real Murrican. Then you gargle some horse Ivermectin on live TV, just to add some sauce. Would be funny if it weren’t so blatant and dangerous to public health.
In the face of such stuff, President Biden really did have to act, and I think he’ll get a lot of public support. The people who hate him will continue to do so.
I agree that an antibody test proving that you have had Covid-19 should be the equivalent of having formal vaccination. But there are medical complications there as well, to do with durability and longevity.
But it is still a public health emergency that’s far too mired in politics – claims that it is tyranny and a totalitarian takeover are rather exaggerated.
I wonder what the correlation would be between those who demand control of one’s body and no forced vaccination, and those who support the Texas anti-abortion laws? Hypocritical much?
VP Kamala Harris: “People need to keep their hands off women’s bodies and let women make decisions about their own lives.”
Source: October Democratic CNN/Times Primary debate, Oct. 15, 2019.
If I identify as a women as Joe the pervert’s executive order says I can, can I make my own decisions about my body?
Yep, the cognitive dissonance in the whole farce is quite amazing !
I’m not so sure. Cognitive dissonance tends to resolve itself through learning.
I’ve seen no sign that the powers that be have learned anything about anything. Once again Orwell’s 1984 echoes with the difficulty Winston had with 2 + 2 = 5.
A strange question. A near neighbour of mine has 6 dogs and at times minds friends’ dogs if they have to go away. Neighbour has recently had her first dose of the clot shot and now two of her friends will no longer leave their dogs with her as a consequence. This upset her very much and she is now fearful for her own dogs. Does anyone out there in Jo-land know if dogs can in any way be affected by humans who’ve had the shot. I imagine like all answers to questions about the shot it’s “no-one knows”. I told her I’d try to find out as she is now worried. ToM
I get tingling/burning in my hands and feet and headache from the recently vaxed. It occurs for AZ and Pfizer in the first 2-3 days after the vax.
Thank you Fran. You seem to have remarkable sensitivity to other peoples’ shots. Not to be ignored I would think. Thank you and I’m sorry you are experiencing this. ToM
Hmm. Incipient Guillain-Barre does that; maybe you’ve a vulnerability which needs further investigation.
Dogs are remarkably sensitive to mood changes in humans. My guess is that they have sensed your neighbour being upset.
Thank you Forrest. Being a dog person myself I know how terribly aware of their humans feelings they can be. I think my neighbour’s friends are concerned for the health of their dog that is being minded by a vaxxed person. My neighbour hasn’t experienced any behavioural differences in her own dogs, I don’t think. I’ll let her know of all the responses. Thank you ToM
Dogs have seriously good noses. Unsurprisingly, disease detection dogs are a real thing. Any nose that can detect “freelance pharmaceuticals” through many layers of plastic and when buried or sealed in a wall, is a nose not to be trifled with.
The idea behind “medical sniffer dogs” is that they can detect the minute trace chemicals caused by infections. There is even discussion about “cancer-detecting” dogs. We shall see.
So, given also that many dogs, especially the ones that are not too far from the basic wolf breeding stock, seem to be able to detect the pheromones of “fear / anxiety”, for instance. Do not discount Fido out of hand.
If you ever get to work with sniffer / tracker dogs, prepare to be amazed.
But medical dogs are probably now being “canceled” in favour of PCR sleight of hand.
Thank you Bruce. The little I’ve seen of sniffer dogs the more amazed I am. They are wonderful critters aren’t they? It’s an interesting thought about the detection side of things, but neighbour is concerned that she could be affecting her dogs’ health. Perhaps I should ask Brad Hazzard (I call him Health Hazzard) he’ll know for sure won’t he? (sarc. I hope unnecessarily). I’d seen ages ago the suggestion that with viral shedding associated with the injection it could affect household pets, but I’ve seen nothing recently or in more detail. Thanks again. ToM
There is no shedding associated with the injection. Problem solved before it began.
“If you ever get to work with sniffer / tracker dogs, prepare to be amazed.”
I raised, trained, and campaigned bird dogs (Brittanys) for many years.
At this point I don’t think I could be amazed again.
In the USA, the Vet College at Auburn Univ has a canine performance science program. A couple of years ago I read several of their dog stories.
“Shaggy Dog Stories”?
While I was working for Flick in the capacity of Technical Manager I introduced and trained the first termite detection dogs used in Australia. While demonstrating them to a local Council in Sydney we were all amazed by our demo dog indicating in a ceiling around the location of a ceiling joist that had been replaced 18 months previously because of extensive termite damage. There was still sufficient odour in the plasterboard for detection. These dogs are incredible.
Did anything come of experiments in Dubai using sniffer dogs to detect Covid?
Is this for real? How does ones vaccination status affect another person or dog?
depends on context. From a legal standpoint when the vaccinations first started rolling out businesses actually forbade vaccinated from attending certain stores since insurance companies actually outright refused to cover negative vaccination outcomes including spike proteins from the vaccinated causing issues with unvaccinated in those shop premises… i.e. those shops were completely liable. This isn’t the fault of the shops but they themselves were protecting themselves from negative outcomes, as impossibly rare as these might be.
really? The insurance reason is – there is no mechanism for a vaccinated person to cause issues with unvacced – and no business insurance would therefore be affected. in short BS.
“there is no mechanism for a vaccinated person to cause issues with unvacced”
There most certainly is.
twojabs can be carriers without symptoms.. with large viral loads.
also shedders of the spike protein, that is the cause of most health issues with covid.
We all will have to consider whom we vote for into the future carefully. Main stream politics is corrupted and no longer represents us. Just yesterday a dear friend had his 23 yr old daughter struck down by myocarditis directly after the Pfizer jab. The heart specialist said to him that this jab needs to be removed from use! Why are we “vaccinating” young adults whom are likely to fight off Covid anyway? Why is there this stupid senseless talk and action about mandated “vaccines” when its is supposed to be the unvaccinated at risk. Only a few politicians are talking any sense at all. We must vote for them and ignore the corrupted main streams!
Sorry to hear that, John. A work colleague, healthy male in his late 20’s suffered a very similar experience two weeks ago. He is shattered.
In Mandela’s autobiography (diaries) he noted many times throughout his life that legislation (policy) is written to benefit the ruling class, shattering his ideals as a young lawyer. Today mass vaccination benefits the ruling class because they are more at risk of dying from the virus, especially those with a comorbidity or two. It’s also easier to throw young people under a bus (vax 12 year olds) than give up their alcohol addition, self sacrifice and lose a few kilograms.
The selfishness is no doubt generational as well. Two families we know and close to us, will soon vax their high school kids, including one 12 year old. One parent is a heavy smoker and the other obese, diabetes risk. They are not changing their habits. I pray the kids won’t suffer long term consequences.
but if you read the media only about 8 people have died from TTS, one of the rarer ways to die from vaccination, but this must prove that these vaccines are safe right? ummm no, the number of deaths associated with these vaccines runs into the many hundreds that have been recorded so many times more is possible.
Legislation would be unnecessary if there wasn’t so much vaccine hesitancy spurred on by misleading information on the internet. The studies are clear, the Delta variant will overwhelm any health system when the vaccination rate < 80% of adults.
Let me see if i have it right Simon.
So are you saying there are new vaccines tested for Delta, Mu, and other virus vintages (OVV’s) ?
So you agree that people’s own rights to become properly informed, should be trampled by uninformed government edicts.
Why am I not surprised !
Yes, there is a lot of mal-infomation being spread by government bodies and their lackies.
Yes, the studies are clear…
…. Delta will attack the twojabs++ just as efficiently as the untainted.. Israel data proves that.
Interesting that the Australian Government has ordered 52 million doses of a new non-mRNA vaccine called Novavax and intends using it for booster shots.
Is the government admitting here through its actions that the mRNA vaxes are not effective and/or dangerous? Why wouldn’t they just stick with the current battery of vaxes given they are so “safe” and “effective”? Would be interesting to do an FOI and see what the story is.
NZ has done the same Wokebuster. I think the answer to your question is yes. Or alternatively Pfizer has been putting more pressure on them (eg. the Ivermectin situation) and so both Governments are trying to get away from Pfizer by letting their contract “run out”
Running from Pfizer would be a good thing but we know Big Pharma influence, control and to some degree even fund the regulatory agencies so who knows if pressure will be put on them to slow approval of any competing vaccines.
Be very careful re Novavax see
well, that just burst quite a few bubbles
when l heard novavax was a booster to be used after the other vaxxes the sceptic ear went up but after seeing that video, wow, the salesman is doing a great job
what idea of a true vaccine l have heard from so many fearful people is destroyed
Possibly its a binary system…rom what Ive read so far, its possible they knobble the immune system ( reduce capability by 50% at least ) with the mRNA vaxes, then introduce a bug in the boosters to finish the job.
12 months from now this country could be a true N W O hellscape….
“Evil shall slay the wicked,
And those who hate the righteous will be condemned.”
( psalm 34:21)
Enjoy your jabs, Simon.. I dare you to watch and take it in.
Please Simon could you and anyone like minded you know get as many covid vaccinations and boosters as possible.
Our OHS obsessed society has screwed with natural selection and this might correct the gene pools, thanks.
The quackzines don’t stop the double jabbed from getting Delta. And when they get infected, they build exactly the same viral load as an unquackzinated person.
The best defense against Delta is natural immunity. It provides longer lasting broader protection than the Quackzines. Ivermectin is the key to people safely aquiring natural immunity.
What the TGA is doing is criminal. They are trying to force people into taking the Quackzines which will prevent them from ever aquiring broad immunity from infection.
TGA officials will be held to account.
The studies are clear where this misinformation on the internet comes from.
If you get your panties in a bunch about delta, just use your “secret weapon” …
Double masking is our secret weapon against delta
Just wear two masks after your “fully vaccinated” booster shots.
For ever.
You know it makes sense.
This is 97% approved ‘science’ and not mis-information.
Its such a tragically stupid idea, its actually funny …..
People will be passing out….
What in your eyes are false informations ? In my eyes your comments are the worst “informations” at least here in the blog.
They are false, misleading, not science based… to be continued..
Btw, you are the last being able to know what is false or not. You don’t read papers, don’t follow nformative links, you do nothing for your information, demonstrate only, your LP has a crack.
Can you provide a link to those studies?
“The studies” are in “The Science” which these days sadly seems to be in “The Swamp”
There’s something very repetitive in the style of your comments and so I have punched the red.
Half a century.
Simon could be a bot ( AI text robot used for spamming places with rubbish ) ….AI is quite advanced now.
Just ignore.
Well, they got the “A” part correct !
Post your study mate, then it’ll be clear to everyone. Let us know the hospitalisation rate. Not a computer model, what the NSW services did when Westmead was full. Did they pile people in a gym, or stack them in the disused Sydney auditoriums, or did they disperse them to other Sydney hospitals? Are the retired medical practitioners being rushed in to do house calls on patients? Despot Dan ‘repurposed’ the old Peter Mac Cancer clinic in Melbourne last year during his mismanagement caused 1000 cases a day, when there was no vaccine and it has never been used for covid, because the public hospital system was not overrun. Even if it was, the private hospitals are sitting essentially idle and capable, as are a dozen country hospitals. Right now you are under the misguided belief that delta brings massive waves of death. August 2020 Australian death rate was 3.2%, now with THREE times the cases it’s 1.5%. Many reasons; vaccines part of it, but the crucial element as of September 11th in Australia 82.8% of the 71988 cases are from the 0-59 age group. That age group represents 4.5% of deaths. In the 0-49 age group they comprise 72% of TOTAL Australian cases and the death rate in that age group of cases is 0.04%. That is 22 deaths from 51,000 cases.
https//www.Covid19data.com.au – data verified daily by government wombles!
71,988 cases so far concentrated in the 2 most populated states in Australia with one the most highly advanced medical systems in the world with one localised hospital full isn’t reason for being in the foetal position.
One last VERY important point to counter your hypoventilation, look at the case numbers on the attached website. Pay particular attention to ACTIVE cases in Australia on 9/9/21 and compare to 11/9/21. A REDUCTION of 47%!
Stop listening to the scaremongering and look at the data, it’s 2021 not 1961, you shouldn’t have to be spoonfed!
Legislation would be unnecessary if health authorities told the truth about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
And so would the vaccine to boot.
That would be the perfect solution. Ivermectin is now available in a modified form (The Ivermectin is packaged in tiny immersion package) which chemically solves the bioaction limitation problem, that Ivermectin the drug/chemical is not water soluble. This change makes Ivermectin 8 times more bio-effective to stop covid. i.e. With a solution to the Ivermectin solubility chemical problem… It is possible to achieve an effective Ivermectin covid killing action in the body that would require a toxic dosage of Ivermectin to achieve.
Ivermectin optimized should logically/medically be the best solution, to stop the virus from damaging bodies and spreading.
The vaccines would then be used to provide a second level of protection, however, if Ivermectin optimized stops covid, it might be possible to vaccinate every four or five years, not twice a month.
The fact that vaccine protection does not last is the bigger problem.
Joe Biden/CDC has not told the public that they will need to all get vaccinated for covid each and every year. To stop spreading perhaps every 8 months.
The Logical medical alternative, would be to correct, the general population’s Vit D deficiency. That stops covid without vaccines and Ivermectin optimized would be for backup.
vaccine effectiveness is based off numbers above 50%. From the Israeli data at 6 months it is 16% for pfizer, hence you are no longer ‘vaccinated’ much earlier than 8 months or even 6 months.
I was alerted to this by David Maddison in his comment yesterday.
It is appalling. The (Therapeutic Goods Administration) TGA are faceless bureaucrats but they have very great power.
I suppose that the Federal health Minister could direct the TGA to act differently but I do not expect anything from Greg Hunt.
Lets all write to him. A deluge of emails might achieve something!
one click and an email vanishes. The only way to make sure your voice is heard is registered mail.
Emails are only tallied for statistical purposes. A snail mail with “response requested” written at the top has far more impact.
A phone-in has been suggested – see
The federales are firing the bullets provided by their “Golden Child”advisers the Doherty Institute https://www.doherty.edu.au/about/overview
Hmmm.. looking at the list of people at the mentioned institute particular name on page 19 might explain source of funding behind it all.
Might be related to evil brains of NWO.
I’ve ordered some too in case we cant get Ivermectin when the time comes. Quercetin is an ionophore for zinc according to Dr Zelenko so it should do the same job. We have the Borody protocol pills but I’m not sure how long they last.
Trouble in WA, is that when the borders are opened, the vaxxed will flood in bringing their bugs so no doubt, a few of us will get infected.
Just found a website in India http://www.ziverdo-kit.com who sells a kit with the Borody protocol at reasonable prices, am trying it out because it uses paypal. ( there is another website with a similar name that could be dodgy).
Just in case. 😉
Might need to give it to family and friends!
Meant to be a reply to furiously curious at #8!
Have also procured Quercetin, but can’t bring myself to order Ivermectin from dubious OS sources.
Will it be allowed through customs.
Apparently it’s ok to prescribe Ivermectin for scabies.
Public Service Announcement:
Reminder: If you have Ebola, Meningitis, Conjunctivitis, Strep Throat, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tuberculosis , Hepatitis, Shingles, MRSA, Chicken Pox or a cold/flu/cough,
Then you may still: travel, go to work, go to a restaurant, go to a gym, go to the bar, go to a mall, go to the grocery store, go to the theatre, and go to a concert.
That is all. Carry on.
Supreme Court Moves To White House So They Can Strike Down Unconstitutional Mandates In Real-Time
Pfizer Releases Brand New Drug ‘Pfizermectin’
There comes a point when every totalitarian movement goes too far. Even people who are pro-vaccine are anti-mandatory vaccination.
This is actually not true to a large extent. People who feel they have been forced to be able to travel, ect, feel that it might all come true if the “hold-outs” are also forced. And, people who have “bought the coolaid” are strongly biased toward authoritarianism.
See for an interesting talk on the psychology of mass movements
I was at a party on Saturday, rather small gathering, but at it was a retired teacher. Typical brainlet/midwit type. Could only talk in media snippets and gushed about how good Adern is and would broker no negative talking about that moron. I wouldn’t take that sitting down and gave her a piece of my mind on the matter, why gush about a commie dictator in NZ here in OZ ffs.
These draconian measures by Australia and NZ are going to come home bite a few people, because of a number of reasons, both health and economics.
The latest from Israel — a report, based on real data, explaining why trying to vilify the unvaccinated has no scientific basis. This is just one of health related reasons that might bite a few politicians. Are GladyB and Hazard waking up and that is why they will not be fronting the media on a daily basis anymore–they are trying to distance themselves?
There is no scientific evidence whatsoever supporting the claim that non-vaccinated individuals
are risking the public’s health in any way more than vaccinated people or that their lack of being
vaccinated is a factor that facilitates the continuation of the pandemic or that causes a threat of collapse to
the healthcare system. Vaccination should be treated as a primary means for providing personal
protection against severe illness or death, especially for persons at high risk.
Again, it should be emphasized that even in the face of the risk of contagion, from vaccinated or from nonvaccinated individuals, the vaccinated individuals have their own umbrella of protection, which continues to protect them from severe illness regardless of the person who transmitted the virus to them.
Hi I’m a first time poster, long time reader of this good site.
But seriously, too many people here don’t get it. This is not about big pharma profits, its much bigger than that. People need to join the dots…
Consider this: There are about 5 powerful bodies, all of which are in unison with their messaging and actions relating to this ‘pandemic’ over the last 2 years. These bodies are:
– Intergovernmental Organizations (UN, EU, World Economic Forum, IMF, etc.)
– National governments & supporting bureaucracies
– Big Tech
– Main Stream Media
– Big Pharma
If this was just about big pharma and profits, don’t you think that at least one of these other bodies I listed would have pushed back against big pharma? Don’t you think that with all their intelligence and capabilities they could easily see the evidence that we can see here and elsewhere? How could they miss the contradictions, the lies, the anti-scientific decisions, the outright dangerous actions?
Obviously, they are not ignorant of these facts. Do you think the TGA doesn’t know about the massive benefits that Ivermectin, HDQ, etc. could bring? Do you think they don’t know that with nation-wide treatment protocols that there would not be any need for lockdowns? Why have all these bodies acted ruthlessly to shut down any dissent and any questioning of the narrative?
Think people. What is this telling you?
– 2 weeks to flatten the curve, but not masks
– Lockdown longer, only masks indoors
– More lockdowns, more restricted movements and masks everywhere
– No treatments allowed
– Vaccine coming, encourage one shot and you are good and we will be free
– Second shot required, then third, then fourth…
– No vaccine passports, no mandates
– Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are mandatory
This is about control, suppression , and I’m afraid a lot worse than that….
Wake up people…
you mean like this investigation Kaos55
There is no doubt that the far left Democrats have sniffed the opportunity provided by COVID and their rigged election win and have gone way too far. Aside from the vaccine mandates, they have set their sights on a money printing / handout exercise that will effectively kick start hyper inflation and kill the economy and at the same time they seek to kill local energy production and drive racist and divisive apartheid policy, including on innocent school kids. I think that the scenes in the NFL where the national anthmem was replaced by a new “black anthem” could be a last straw moment for the silent conservative majority. The USA has always been about inclusion and freedom and many people have died to defend and protect that freedom. Refugees from all parts of the globe have sought refuge in the USA and in the other allied former colonial states such as Canada, NZ and here in Australia, because this is where freedom from persecution was guaranteed. Colonialism provided that freedom because it spread the cultural Christian liberal democratic values that are the bedrock. The far left seek to destroy the fabric of western society and replace peace, prosperity, freedom and hope with hate, poverty, censorship and despair. I sense a blow back is starting and will gather steam. Trump is looking stronger every day and Biden’s mental decline is only a door away from the nursing home. The biggest risk now is China launching an attack whilst the USA is completely devoid of leadership and that risk is very high.
Why would China launch an attack?
They are far more likely to get the USA to surrender without a shot being fired.
An attack on Taiwan will be first. Taking back Taiwan has been on Xi’s agenda for a long time.
Taking back? When was Taiwan a recognized Chinese possession?
Prior to the days of Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Tse-Tung?
There was a treaty between China and japan in which China handed over Taiwan to Japan which became Formosa. After WW2 the Americanos ‘liberated’ Taiwan.
China has been massively increasing it’s military & naval capacity over the past two decades and they make no secret of wanting to take control of Taiwan and the South China Sea. Their first act of aggression would be Taiwan, which would be a litmus test of the US’s eagerness to engage or otherwise. If they act within the current Biden term of office it is unlikely that the US would engage in a counter military response, simply because a geriatric president or completely inept VP would be clueless to lead such as counter response. Basically the door is open to China for the next 3.5 years until Trump or DeSantos might possibly take back control in 2024. For the next 12 months China will probably be managing the delta variant as it will likely spread during their winter and occupy their time, but I expect a resurgence in aggression soon afterwards.
Your facts are correct but I wonder what China learned from Hong Kong.
Far better for your enemy to concede without a shot fired.
The West did nothing
Hong Kong was on a 99-year “lease” / concession.
It is also partly on the same slab of land as China.
I was there in the early 20-noughties. By that stage, the multi-lingual voice messages on teh slick trains were in Cantonese (of course), English and Mandarin, the language of Political China. Subtle as a train smash.
Taiwan was NEVER part of ethnic Han China, as a quick glance over the cultural backgrounds of the actual Taiwanese natives will clearly show, Before the Maoists laid claim to it, The forces of Imperial Japan had well and truly left their mark. The Kuomintang escape from Maoism was just another “day in the office” for Taiwan.
China basically wants the Island as a strategic fortress to threaten the sea-lanes running in and out of japan and South Korea.They also want the technological might of Taiwan.
Will Taiwan just roll over and die?
Do they have the Nukes they developed in association with the old South African regime and Israel?
One way to find out.
In the meantime, China will steadily subvert and neutralize any country that even vaguely looks like it might be an impediment to the investment of Taiwan.
Blinken and Keane on video
Internationally, Taiwan has been a Chinese province since 1971. Biden has condemn Trump’s support for Taiwan and has endorsed the previous One-China policy that Obama also supported.
It is simply a matter of time before the CCP take full control of their province.
If you think the Americans are against gun control and taxpayer funded abortion, wait until you see the response on forced vaccinations. As the major bastion of free choice in the world, this will be the end of the Biden administration. As in Australia, the US is a Federation which ceded many rights to the Federation. And while Washington like Canberra insists that they are in control of everything from energy to health to policing, they are not.
The recall of Gavin Newsom is only the start of the fightback against Democrats for a socialist/communist America. And in all this you have the anti democracy ultra rich of the internet and Hollywood who dictate how everyone else/the plebs should live but are above the law themselves.
And the timing and total insensitivity of Biden’s White House on Afghanistan and forced vaccinations and rapid inflation will ensure Newsom is recalled in 4 days. The lawlessness of Democrat controlled cities like Chicago and Portland has to end. Most of the unvaccinated on whom Biden has declared war are non whites. The mid terms are coming and the black communities are being made to face the consequences of voting for the party of segregation because every move, gun control, taxpayer funded abortion and vaccination are moves against the inner city black community. It was the black businesses in black areas which were burned down in the BLM riots.
And the open borders policy hits the black and Latino communities hardest. The Mexicans and Cubans did not flee to America just to have all the criminals follow them. The result of the twenty year Afghan war is now that America has suddenly imported 45,000 unvetted, unvaccinated and potentially extremist Afghanis, if the ‘squad’ is any example of ungrateful refugees. Just what Biden and Pelosi wanted. And against every reason America and Australia and so many countries fought in Afghanistan. Open borders is designed to undermine and destroy Christian democracy in America and Biden insists he is a devout Catholic. When did he ever tell the truth? But the press say nothing.
Donald Trump wanted a strategic withdrawal with honor and preserving their achievements. It was time to go home. The military would have executed a classic strategic withdrawal.
But Biden himself stepped in for the personal publicity, overrode every bit of planning and created a total rout by executive order, undoing all the work of two decades and making the 2400 American lives lost seem utterly wasted. This is now comparable to the 2606 lives lost in the World Trade Center and suddenly everyone is asking, why? Especially America’s allies who lost lives too.
Utter thoughtless power mad incompetence like this has been not seen since the days of Hitler who wrecked every strategic plan by the experts. And then Biden had the nerve to blame Donald Trump. He might be a puppet, even a Manchurian candidate, an unpredictable angry geriatric with nothing to lose, but Joe Biden is still President and has the power to do immense damage to everyone.
Understanding that Biden is firmly in place and Australia close to collapsing into anarchy I’ve begun to read The Gulag Archipelago as mental preparation for this seeming End Of Times which is upon us.
A great primer from a great writer. Should be compulsory reading for high school and 1st year uni while ejecting gender studies and all the other leftist BS.
You have to love Larry Elder. I’ve been watching him on Tucker during the year and he is a real leader for the conservative movement and totally rejects the divisive race politics of the left. He is the one person that can help heal the country. The best part of all is that he is black and nothing better highlights the hypocrisy of the left than their disdain for him, including the recent incident of a white woman wearing a gorilla mask, tossing eggs at Larry and not a word uttered by BLM, the Democrats or progressive media.
US media labled elder as the black face of white supremacy that’s how morally bankrupt the USA is now days
Does that make Biden the white face of Black supremacy?
Well yes that’s how lefty Rick will logic works
I read an article no long age.
That claimed in the future White Supremacy will be brown!??
Apparently those White Supremacists are sooo sneaky they are including non-white people in their Supremacy group.
Seriously you couldn’t make this shit up!
Here’s hoping he gets the governorship.
Israel prepares for the 4th booster or no vaccine passport!
The trick for the powers that be in Israel (and any wannabe authoritarian states) will be finding evidence that the endless succession of injections actually provides protection for individuals or reduces transmission.
“HORROR event saw a man’s brain leak for nine months after taking a nasal swab test for COVID-19, according to experts who analysed a CT scan”.
Today’s news headline.
The possibility of causing brain damage through this act are well known.
How is it that government authorities allowed this to happen while ignoring basic neuroanatomy.
This is not about our health.
Yes. The usual. They say that hundreds of millions of these nasal intrusion tests have been done.
Implying that this guy was just unlucky.
The other view could be that all the others were very lucky.
It’s not a sensible test to take that risk.
Yes, I wasn’t disagreeing with you, especially when they don’t follow normal protocol of testing those individuals displaying actual symptoms, rather than having a fishing expedition on the community at large using too many PCR cycles to drum up some results for the 6 o’clock news.
That smiley doesn’t show. I was just reinforcing your link.
Chlorine dioxide works apparently however you will need to he very careful with doses as it will kill you unlike ivermectin.
With what? As with the AIDS virus, there will necessarily be a suite of agents deployed which work in cooperation as a team of burglars does.
Personally I don’t care about the vaccine passport for bars, restaurants, events etc., because I’m unvaxxed so I don’t want to go to them anyway, to avoid the virus. I’m busily identifying all my exposure risk points at the moment.
Since I live in a country town with only an IGA, and there I things I like from Coles.. I decided to check online deliveries.
Found that its cheaper to get delivery than to drive the V8 to nearest Coles 🙂
IGA has most basics, but Coles delivery means that basically everything I need, I can get online or very locally.
yeah. Online is a bit of pain in the backside though. The interface of the computer makes it very hard to discern between products. For instance, I never realised how many varieties of spaghetti there were, and I’d get the wrong one. I found it a hassle and ditched it. Perhaps they’ve improved it since I did it, about 2 years ago. And watch for the delivery guy and teh snotty nosed kids in shop who get your products off the shelves. Theyre possibly dropping covid all over the stuff. Im spraying any package I get from online shopping with Glen20 before I touch it.
Howard Hughes would have approved of your fastidiousness Philip.
Indeed. I wonder how many colds and viruses he caught ? Im over trying to fit in with the crowd. You’re on your own now.
Sitting on Son’s Beachfront Balcony in Manly this morning, sipping Coffee and break from home (Son & Family escaped Sydney before lockdown) – really busy, loads of people out surfing, cycling, walking – only 5%,masked (including 3 Police walking along Beachfront), 95% not masked.
Totally parked out and traffic at standstill on Steyne.
Back to Local Seaforth, stopping to buy chicken & chips (best chicken salt ever) – I hung mask off ear till in shop, but everyone else had a mask on – beautiful sunny day – go figure, and local restaurants were doing good business in takeaways.
And yet only Tony Abbott dobbed in and fined for being unmasked? Someone has an agenda! Australians all let us rejoice, for we dob on each other with glee! What a wonderful country we’ve allowed our state demigods to destroy in the name of Health and safety, whether ‘Conservative Sydney’ or Marxist Melbourne! If only this continent had a Federal leadership group rather than 8 TERRORtories!
What a Lousy Country Australia has become
Tony Abbott lashes “dobber” after copping mask fine
Tony Abbott has lashed out at the culture of “dobbing” after copping a $500 fine for breaching Covid regulations.
Mr Abbott told reporters on Saturday that he would not challenge the penalty because he did not want to waste police resources.
But the former prime minister is not impressed with whoever snitched on him.
Mr Abbott was slapped with the fine by police after pictures emerged of the former member for Warringah not wearing a mask at Sydney’s Manly beach earlier in the week.
Police said Mr Abbott failed to comply with directions to wear a face covering at Fairy Bower on Wednesday morning.
Speaking to reporters on Saturday, Mr Abbott defended his actions.
“I just want to say two things. First, I believe that I was well within the law, reasonably interpreted,” he said.
“But I am not going to challenge the fine because I am not going to waste police time.
“Second, I never thought dobbing and snitching was part of the Australian character.
“I think as soon as we can leave this health police state mindset behind us, the better for everyone.”
According to the NSW public health order, all residents are required to wear a mask while outdoors unless engaging in physical exercise.
The picture captured Mr Abbott in jeans and a jumper chatting with a friend.
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard showed little sympathy when asked about the incident.
“It does not matter who you are, whatever station you have in life, there are orders,” Mr Hazzard said.
“Nobody likes to have these orders but it is to keep everybody safe and I hope people will comply with the orders.”
Brad Hazzard Totally encapsulates why the Liberal Party needs to be destroyed.
Link – Tony Abbott lashes “dobber” after copping mask fine
It would have been a lousy labor hater.
It’s not destroyed? Look again.
wasn’t the same minister supportive of a labor pollie ignoring 5 klm limits though? not that it surprises me considering many of the nsw libs ministers being barely even skinsuit conservatives.
That is misinformed; certainly for Australia. A prescribing physician in an Australia hospital never stops formal training/learning/assessment. It takes at least 6 years after a degree course to gain fellowship to the College of Physicians:
Even GPs in Australia must complete a minimum of three years in training and assessment before practising unsupervised.
Taking the GP path is the easiest path but, even then, they will be at least in their late 20s before becoming a fellow of the RACGP.
Not every GP is a RACGP member.
they offer advice on nutrition where the information they are supplied with are a) wrong and b) about the size of a children’s exercise book. Metabolic diseases are treatable by nutritional intervention yet they duly prescribe pills, often for durations clearly outside of the testing for said drugs. PPIs are a good example, testing indicates prescription for only a couple of weeks yet doctors will prescribe for years in clear breach of the recommended usage.
It is stupid of Biden to try to introduce mandatory vaccination. It is a waste of time and angst. Only 1% of the unvaccinated will die. The other 99% will acquire natural immunity. A few like Phil Valentine will become pro-vaxx before they pass away.
The States like California that have a reasonable vaccine uptake are already hitting herd immunity:
And death rates in these states are now low:
Deathbed vaccine regret is becoming common in the USA:
I will be surprised and disappointed if this occurs in Australia. Vaccination rates are showing no sign of slowing. The rate has only been constrained by supply and now the ability to find trained people to effect the jab. Australia’s level of vaccination is on a trajectory to soar past USA and UK:
Vaccination passports in Australia are likely but not necessary. Most unvaccinated people will want to prove they made the right choice by avoiding crowds. I am likely 99% bullet-proof but I will not be seeking out crowds until case numbers are next to nothing.
Just think how many people regret getting the vaxx on their death bed as they die of clots to the heart, unfortunately we will never know because your prefered authority figure in this case the week.com don’t believe you have the mental capacity to understand it so it would be scrubbed from the inter net in order to protect your feeble mind
More complicated than people might think
72% of Blacks in NYC have not taken the jab.
Biden threatened their jobs; their means to pay bills, for food, clothing, and shelter, for compliance.
And those same 72% of Blacks, plus the other 18% who did get the vaccine, would vote for Biden tomorrow if there was an election.
Says it all really!
Even if the 72% figure is slightly flakey it’s quite amazing. Blows me away to see Biden targeting that constituency
“Blows me away to see Biden targeting that constituency”
The KKK was an arm of the Democrat Party, and with “Planned Parenthood” they have kept the Black population numbers low through abortion.
The apparent regard of the party for blacks is in fact a reaction formation to hide their deep racism.
This vaccine mandate gives them perfect cover to outlaw Blacks from polite society.
1. The freedom to choose and the freedom to use law to limit the frredom to choose
2. That such a high proportion of Blacks are unnvaccinated
3. That Biden’s decree might actually help by forcing Blackw to do what ghey don’t want to do
It really is “wow” on many levels and regardless of which side of the debate
(Yes, I knoow a bit about Democratic party history. Biden’s decree is even confusingly ‘wow’ there)
Based on what you are saying, it’s almost like the US Civil War never ended, it shifted underground instead.
The vaccine mandates could equally well be a device to purge the doubters and the disloyal out of the military and out of the civil service. They are already imposing ideological tests and this would be a logical extenstion.
Where’s the other ten percent? Here’s the quote
Arithmetic is become just another spelling thing; do it your own way “bruh/brutha”. Phew
these types of ‘studies’ are simply questionnaires. Someone will ask a sample size the question, in this case about vaccination status and consistent with past vaccination questionnaires in years past about 10% refuse to answer.
Usually the CDC would just remove the 10% to inflate vaccination rates.
Mr.Serp: You appear to be correct on the math, but you don’t understand 21st cent. American elections. The 10% is held in reserve until “election” “officials” in our great urban centers determine in which state they are needed most. Then they are delivered in suitcases (dems found those suitcases with the wheel thingies were needed when these extra votes got so heavy!).
Your Body, My Choice, says Biden
As far as this headline is concerned, I consider what Texas has just legislated is far more evil:
So every medical practitioner as well as anyone potentially aiding in Texas is now exposed to the risk of any citizen maliciously claiming they assisted with an abortion. The accused has no rights to recover costs involved in malicious cases.
It’s far more evil to ban the killing of a life than mandate innoculation that has potential to kill. What a twisted mind you uave
The law will drive medical practitioners from Texas. Their health care will deteriorate. That is the evil.
And why should woman not have the right to choose what happens with their body? US spent a decade in Afghanistan fighting for women’s rights. Now Texas is telling women they no longer have a choice in what happens with their body.
What about the other half of the equation.
So you’d personally kill a human with a heart beat Rick? Doubt it.
A dead baby is not part of a woman’s body. Josef Mengele had a better bedside manner.
medical practitioners have an oath to do no harm. Not sure many sign up to be abortists.
I am not arguing the rights of abortion but your poor analogy shows how sick your mind is.
You could write a book about the Texas legislation but you need more information.
First does the law create make it a crime to abort after 6 weeks? If so it is a police job to enforce. If the police do not enforce then a private citizen should most definitely be able to prosecute the crime. That is the case in Australia.
Second is that in Australia costs follow the outcome (sort of) but that is for civil matters. Which takes us back to the question of whether the law creates a crime or a civil cause of action. It is very rare for costs to be awarded to a successful criminal defendant in Australia except for malicious prosecution.
And the accepted moral standard is that abortions should be safe, legal and rare. I support that standard.
The TGA has now BANNED ivermectin as a treatment for COVID.
“These changes have been introduced because of concerns with the prescribing of oral ivermectin for the claimed prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia or in other developed countries, and its use by the general public for COVID-19 is currently strongly discouraged by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the World Health Organisation and the US Food and Drug Administration.”
Firstly, there are a number of significant public health risks associated with taking ivermectin in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection rather than getting vaccinated. Individuals who believe that they are protected from infection by taking ivermectin may choose not to get tested or to seek medical care if they experience symptoms. Doing so has the potential to spread the risk of COVID-19 infection throughout the community.
Secondly, the doses of ivermectin that are being advocated for use in unreliable social media posts and other sources for COVID-19 are significantly higher than those approved and found safe for scabies or parasite treatment. These higher doses can be associated with serious adverse effects, including severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neurological effects such as dizziness, seizures and coma.
Finally, there has been a 3-4-fold increased dispensing of ivermectin prescriptions in recent months, leading to national and local shortages for those who need the medicine for scabies and parasite infections. It is believed that this is due to recent prescribing and dispensing for unapproved uses, such as COVID-19. Such shortages can disproportionately impact vulnerable people, including those in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.”
There are people paid substantial salaries to write drivel like that. But the one statement that is missing? That Ivermection is ineffective.
So riddle me this TGA. Is Ivermectin effective or ineffective? In what circumstances?
Somebody is not doing their job.
Wel spotted FG!
TGA has already answered that a long time ago. Ivermectin is effective for a number of ailments for humans and animals, except for COVID-19 virus. See Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19
Of course that’s a lie as ivermectin is being used in many other countries to save lives.
The key quote from that document is “assessing ivermectin tablets for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing”
They simply haven’t done the work. My question is why not?
Sorry, wrong link.
TGA issues fresh warning over ivermectin as COVID treatment
And that document says the same ” the TGA has not assessed the safety and efficacy of these products for this condition”
So my riddle to the TGA remains. Is Ivermectin effective or ineffective?
To which I’ll add the questions to the TGA why the hell haven’t you figured it out yet? And if you haven’t figured it out yet why did you ban off label use?
Shameful stuff.
Suggested phone-in on things like that – see
pretty sure this decision can be reviewed by application to the Minister (Greg Hunt) and/or through an administrative appeal process.
This is the NSW data for ICUs over the last week:
11 Sep 21 221 36 16%
10 Sep 21 207 36 17%
09 Sep 21 201 36 18%
08 Sep 21 191 36 19%
07 Sep 21 189 36 19%
06 Sep 21 173 36 21%
05 Sep 21 172 36 21%
This is today’s vaccination data for 16+
First Jab 77.3% – Fully Vaccinated 44.5%
Today 221 in ICU, 36 vaccinated and 185 unvaccinated. The 185 come from 1/4 of the population so that translates to 555 for the other 3/4 now vaccinated if the vaccinations provided no benefit. However 36/555 is only 6.4%. That means the vaccines are proving to be 93.6% effective in avoiding serious illness and improved significantly over the week.
In Victoria, the vaccinations continue to be 100% effective in reducing serious illness with 33 in ICU and none of those vaccinated.
Only Vic and NSW show the vaccination status of patients in ICU. Vic claims no vaccinated patients in ICU.
Strangely the number of vaccinated patients in NSW ICUs has remained constant over the last 8 days at 36. Since the numbers of vaccinated patients in ICU had been climbing steadily before that I am beginning to doubt the figures.
Patients with covid can stay in the ICU for weeks. It’s a big problem
The process of leaving this world is crap. People often leave this world with chests full of a mixture of bugs. That is why prior to 2020 they would put ‘pneumonia and influenza’ on the death certificate or record it on admission. Nurses I have spoken to suggest this as one of the more gentle ways to leave the world.
In a Western World where the extended family has exploded and supply chains are remote, most of our population are ignorant of the dying process whether it be the rooster or Grand Pa. This fear of the unknown is the major ingredient of the current scare.
There is a serious subject we are facing with the euthanasia debate. Should there be a right to die or should our families and health professionals have any decisions they make subjected to the threat of a beady-eyed ambulance chaser sniffing out an aggrieved relative left out of the will? Or should someone’s chance at life be cut short by the potential beneficiary of their demise?
So death is crap by any measure and no process is perfect except in Logan’s Run maybe.
Rick, when did they get their second dose as 3 months after this date they don’t have much protection left so let’s see the numbers by say Xmas shall we.
BTW 13 people who work for me got the jab
1, has to take time off work to go to specialists to work out why they are deaf in one ear
1, lost all feeling in their left arm and leg after both shots
3, suffered from stomach and chest pain after both shots
6 had on average 4 days off work
3 had no symptoms at all
2 refuse to get the shot
What happens to the vaxxed when they get the booster? Myocarditis? Pericarditis? Paralysis?
I make it 14 who got the jab! At least 11 of them had a resp[onse so has at least tickled their immune system.
Will be interesting to see how the unvaccinated pair end up. They will have increasing exposure to Covid for a few months after mobility increases.
One has a cow heart valve put in and the other dreams one day of having children and the more they push the more I will say no.
Since when is deafness, loss of feeling in limbs chest pain from Myo or pericarditis a tickle to the immune system?
I often wonder if people like you actualy have a skewed view on reality or are you not quite all their in the head.
Please define unvaccinated. Is it like 1 dose only or within 2 weeks of 2nd dose. Please provide useful data.
Rick Will it is inconceivable how you ignore the about 40 percent MONTHLY loss of antibodies, as well as the considerable upfront adverse events. Clearly even from the get the vaccine are only partially effective against Delta. And only a perverse agenda would deny the overwhelming effectiveness of the available anti virals.
Here Rickwill is a baseline you can work from. %100 un-vaccinated and the population not Locked down while old people were dying in the Victorian Nursing homes.
11 Sep 20 6 0 0%
10 Sep 20 6 0 0%
09 Sep 20 6 0 0%
08 Sep 20 7 0 0%
07 Sep 20 7 0 0%
06 Sep 20 7 0 0%
05 Sep 20 6 0 0%
So these admissions were from a %100 percent un – ‘clot shot’ population when the pandemic season was raging. Let us call this a good example of a control group where the natural immunity was able to give broad protection to the healthy members of the community and they were able to advocate for their elderly and infirm.
Now compare that to this pandemic season, what is the major change from our control last year? It will be even more interesting when we look at what is happening in Israel & Iceland where the broad natural immunity to these kinds of virus may have been overwhelmed by the evolving virus adapting to the leaky ‘vaccines’.
So what has been the major change since 2020. Could be the Clot shot or the totalitarian measures inflicted on NSW people.
PS: A source for your figures and definitions of vaccinated, with Covid etc would be helpful?
you do know that ‘vaccinated’ is a term used in these numbers associated with at least 2 weeks after the second jab. You get sick or die any stage before that is counted as an unvaccinated case. This may include sick before vaccinated status but hospitalised afterwards.
According to US data dying FROM the vaccine is counted as a covid death. The first 250 deaths reported to the VAERS system only 4% had a positive PCR result, all 250 died from reactions consistent with vaccination and all 250 were recorded as covid deaths.
There’s an interesting dilemma brewing for Xi Biden as he mandates the medical treatment of his subjects to be compliant citizens under the Dementiacrat Marxist regime!
The limited efficacy of these vaccines and need for boosters, means he’ll have to keep his boot on the throat of the unruly masses to keep lining up every 6 months until HE says the US is a safe haven, allowed limited freedoms to produce the taxes to fund his $1.3 trillion spending spree. That’ll be an interesting exercise in how well the propaganda machine will work!
Then there’s the inevitable issue of how well he trusts the Chinese to ‘advise’ him that they too are completely safely vaccinated to allow the unfettered travel between the two nations which he pilliored the ‘Xenophobic’ Trump for being one of the first nations to close borders; as a political stunt, mind you, not as a protective measure that the fatherly figure Dementia Joe is doing!
Good luck democracy, you’re going to need it in the next decade with this lunacy brought to you by US Dementiacrats, EU, UN, WHO, CCP, WEF with climate change passports to follow vaccine passports as the previous free West becomes the compliant drones who have nothing, but are happy for our ‘betters’ to run everything for us…….for a price, of course!
No one will ever “return to normal” the new world order are about to go all in. World leaders have been told to get min 70% vaxxed.
Then the boosters roll in to fight off the next new variant they unleash.
Some will resist of course but Glady gulag and Danistan are showing the world how it is done. Biden will have a fight on his hands but scomo will get an easy run because we are too stupid to see what is going on.
The WEF has already decided that we can’t go back to the way we were. Since all Western nations have adopted their plan then we can expect policies across all major parties to follow the WEF’s Great Reset agenda to the full. That not only means reduce our emissions to zero ASAP and vaccinate everyone, it also means a wide range of other even more sinister tasks, such as, digital inclusion, diet regulation, strategic intelligence to control what information people are allowed to receive, and much more. They are trying to build a brave new world, which is nothing new as in the past people dreamt of similar changes but in more discrete ways. Now it’s a combination of Volksgeist, Weltgeist, Zeitgeist, etc. all rolled into one with the added feature that technology has finally caught up and is making much of this possible. I’m not looking forward to it but a lot of people are.
Rick first you say that 36 in ICU were vaccinated. Later you say that 33 in ICU and none of these vaccinated. That doesn’t seem to fit together.
But overall the vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated? Did I get that right?
Two states, two stories. Read what I wrote. NSW 93.6% vaccine effectiveness, Victoria 100% vaccine effectiveness.
Correct – vaccinated have nothing to fear from unvaccinated other than the staff in hospitals who eventually have to treat the 10% or so of unvaccinated people who end up in hospital. The public health authorities fear the workload that the unvaccinated will create. Once the country starts opening up, the risk of Covid exposure will rise.
Current modelling indicated NSW will reach 8,000 cases per day when they open. What remains to be seen is how many end up in hospital and the workload that creates.
Oh deary me, all we can talk about is the problem of the unvaccinated (whatever that means, is it none, 1 dose or 2 weeks from the 2nd dose) when we can see all around the world that it is the vaccinated that seem to be creating the problems in hospitals a la Isreal.
That’s because the vaccines were essentially touted as a magic bullet from Feb 2020. Reality had to eventually dawn on the locked down that any vaccine has an effective lifespan and will, at best, only mitigate the severity and longevity of infection and boosters will be necessary.
The massive issue for a democracy is these state demigods who saw a covid free 20/21 summer and patted themselves on the back for ‘curing’ the problem!
Of course in typical political and bureaucratic arrogance they announce they’ll get it back to zero, no matter how many businesses they have to destroy, no matter how many uneducated kids will be given a pass for a non school year, no matter how many citizens they’ll turn against each other, THEY WILL NOT BE WRONG!
Now it’s vaccinated Oppressors against unvaccinated or recovered covid sufferer oppressed in the 2 tier Australia we have sat by and allowed to become the ‘covid normal Australia’!The
10 minute trained fluoro vested marshalls forced to be employed by struggling businesses to view a potential patrons health records to decide if they are suitable candidates for a latte!
Not so bad when you think of it like that, is it? Snooze on Australia, democracy was overrated!
The modelling has never been right so far. They predicted huge number of cases last year and that was even with strict lockdowns, and in NSW at least the lockdowns were much milder in 2020.
Very unlikely to be right this time either.
Funny how many times such people can fail … then ignore their past failures and plug onwards. I guess the saying is “never give up” but that was not intended to apply to people who are unable to learn, and then keep doing the same thing over and over.
Thanks for clarifying but the two sets of numbers provide contradictory pictures.
And good luck with your idea that the injected have full immunization from the virus. The only source I have seen for that idea is the propaganda on tv advertisements. It is dead wrong.
What percentage of your projected 8000 cases a day in an 80% vaccinated open NSW will be vaccinated?
thought ! was cause of moderation – Apologies
The battle lines are being drawn in the US, at least 20 states have rejected Biden’s vaccine mandate Biden’s response “have at it”.
Next he airs a prerecorded message for 9/11 where he lambast Americans for violence against Muslim who are followers of a peaceful religion. This will not end well
The battle lines are being drawn in the US, at least 20 states have rejected Biden’s vaccine mandate Biden’s response “have at it”.
Next he airs a prerecorded message for 9/11 where he lambast Americans for violence against moose limbs (edited) who are followers of a peaceful religion. This will not end well
And so it begins the time is fast approaching where each and everyone of us will have to choose a side,my advise choose carefully
I agree but for some of us here it’s abundantly clear the decision was made a long time ago, one way or the other. The rest are still to decide.
Further to that, the police will also have to make a choice one day, either keep siding with the government or side with the people. They can’t keep serving opposing sides, and it’s rapidly reaching a stage where that choice must be made to settle how we end up as a nation. Will we end up like the way we were when freedoms were the norm, or do we end up as some sort of tyranny where “show me papers” will be the least of our concerns?
Could anyone who has been vaccinated and has a dog…
…. just for interest sake, keep an eye on your dog and his/her reaction to you.
A very worrying article about the known toxicity of spike proteins by Dr Joseph Mercola from June 15, 2021. ToM
Anti Health Passport Protests To End Macron’s Presidency, French protests – Liberté!
Macron was seen as a saviour after Hollande, but he has spent his whole presidency alienating a lot of people (who’d have thought an ex merchant banker would make a terrible, and self-centred leader…?). the “yellow vest” movement was big, but effectively disappeared due to the various extended lockdowns. they have come back a bit, but not with the same vigour and passion.
Street protests are a way of life in France, so just because there are tens to hundreds of thousands of protestors on the streets, does not mean it will lead to any real change.
I hear that the percentage of vaccinated in the UK is gradually climbing as the jabs wear off.
Your social media account, their choice as to whether you can access it and if you do what you have posted. Yes, that’s right. Our federal government is considering the de-anonymise the internet to introduce a social credit system to combat “online abuse” – police will have access to individuals’ social media accounts, which will be linked to people’s passports. If this goes ahead then we will be much closer to what’s already happening in China and NK. Nice eh? Wake up Australia – we are creeping toward tyranny. Already Australia is very different to what it was only a couple of years ago.
HAIG: “Well good morning. Essentially it will work the same as a passport. Australians forced to submit 100 points of identification, like their driver’s license or passport when using social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter. Now, police would have access to those social media accounts and it’s all part of a crackdown on online abuse. Now users could be liable for defamation, suits or even criminal prosecution. And it’s all part of a plan hoping to deter people from engaging in a bad behaviour. Now the recommendations were handed down by federal parliamentary inquiry. Their reforms are being considered by the Morrison government, with the chairman saying there is merit to remove, to remove the veil of being anonymous.”
Don’t use Facebook or Twitter. What then?
Reminds me of the Federal Politician in the 50’s who got a telegram (WOKE people look it up) saying “To Hell with you”. Rude letter follows.
What then? There will be two classes of people. One, who will continue to use the social media and will continue to be indoctrinated by the lies and BS from the MSM and governments. The other group will be ostracised and treated like second class people with limited freedoms. Who knows that will end up with them. A form of apartheid will be the norm.
Like vaccinated or unvaccinate/covid recovered, you mean?
Presuming that they are going for the China model, they will also put a lot of pressure on small blogs and make it very difficult to operate.
China did a bunch of stuff like directly hacking blogs, and also applying legal/police pressure.
Essentially, any blog that finds it too difficult to keep up with the identification requirements ends up not being allowed to have comments. I guess that was only implemented a few years ago in China … so they are moving full tilt to get all that stuff installed in Australia. At least we know what’s coming, dunno what to do about it.
I’ll be ditching social media once that becomes the law. I would definitely go down.
Since 2018 or 2019, when you apply for a US visa waiver (ESTA), you are asked to list your social media and email usernames (not passwords) which have been used in the last 5 years, but it is optional (it was, the last time I applied for one, anyway). Visa applicants must disclose these usernames.
Its all about timing the Biden administrations strategy is to throw another hobgoblin in Americans faces to keep them distracted from existing policy failures. Notice how you have already forgotten Afghanistan and the Arizona election audits. Americans now have to fight the system in the courts and the administration knows they will lose but there is no consequence for them the old policy failures are yesterdays news it will be time for a new hobgoblin. Interestingly the vaccine mandate were it to succeed through the supreme court if it ever gets there could will bring down Roe versus Wade on privacy grounds.
One thing which is not mentioned enough. These vaccines are NEW technology. They have not been through any long term testing.
In usual cases vaccines undergo a very long development program.
In past coronavirus vaccine attempts we have had all the test animals die (I have seen the papers this is not disputed)
This reckless and senseless pressure to try to vaccinate all makes no sense at all given what we know about vaccines not stopping spread (and may accelerate it) and that covid is not a serious risk for the vast majority. But it makes even less sense given what I have articulated above. This is completely and utterly wrong on all levels. I cannot believe that we have got to this stage.
So what happens if Dr Hoffes work on microclots from the vaccines turns out to cause serious long term issues? What if the shots cause infertility long term? etc etc. Biden and his handlers do not care at all, and neither does Scomo or virtually any politicians here in Australia. Its all politics – there is zero science here.
Minister Hunt said the world’s largest ever clinical trial is under way and the earliest we can expect answers is the end of 2022; which is to say, hold on tight for the next eighteen months of free fall and assume it’ll be a soft landing as it always been (or has it, we do this all the time right).
I hadn’t heard that he said that. Was this recently or earlier this year?
I’ve posted a link to an ABC interview some time back (here it is again: https://www.abc.net.au/insiders/health-minister-greg-hunt/13176536) but alas the 2022 statement I’ve, maybe negligently, taken on trust without corroboration from the QANTAS pilot Graham Wood’s video https://thephaser.com/2021/09/omg-bravest-qantas-pilot-speaks-out-about-vax-mandate/
Its actually Graham Hood. But his video is outstanding in highlighting the huge issues behind mandating vaccines.
One aspect here which was not mentioned is our govts Soviet style ban on overseas travel. Quite frankly it needs to be jettisoned immediately we supposedly open up, but will not. It has resulted in wholesale destruction in the tourism industry here in Australia.
I used to do FIFO to PNG, as did many others on the plane that I got to know. And another friend managed an oil refinery in Thailand flying back every few months for time with his family. There are an even larger number who have overseas business interests or have suppliers overseas who they need to get personnel in and out to service equipment, commission equipment etc – but these have been totally trashed by this unthinking policy. Yes, we have had to do work arounds and some have been innovative, but in the end having the ability to travel overseas for business is a necessity, not a luxury. And without it Australia will be uncompetitive, and ignored by overseas suppliers. And it is virtually impossible to try to launch new products into overseas markets without on the ground representation.
But Scomo has no idea and the wrecking ball swings through….
2020… Alpha strain. 2021…Delta strain. 2022…??? COVID 19 is continually mutating. Just how effective will current vaccines be against any new virulent strains? (Your guess is as good as mine). I’m guessing that, in 2022, our brilliant government insists that everyone gets a booster shot of whatever vaccine they have been jabbed with, and that these boosters will need to be taken every 12 months. So much for “freedom”.
Doubt if that will happen, Chris. In the longer term the anti-virals will almost certainly take over as the weapon of choice. It has been suggested here that this has been the aim for some time & the war against Ivermectin was designed to protect the pharmaceutical companies in the development period.
Seems logical to me.
Our PM already has announced there will be booster shots and enough doses of various vaccines have been ordered to cover into 2023 at least. We heard it straight from him during a telephone town hall meeting a few days ago.
The variant would need to show considerable mutation of the spike protein to require a new vax.
With Delta they tweaked the poly basic furin site (you know the bit they inserted into the bat virus at the beginning.
Any vaxxed reading this should be wary of getting the booster to the new variants as that could be the kill shot lol
The only question remaining is how will ScoMo, Gladys, Dan et al legislate on how to identify the unvaccinated second rate citizens they have demonised.
Make them wear a yellow star?
Tattoo them?
Some digital device injected?
Some have been tried before and those who choose to ignore history are bound to repeat it.
That will be easy. As they try to enter certain areas they will need to be scanned using the QR code system. If they are not fully vaccinated the app will send an alert to some central facility so they can keep track of them. Sound too far fetched? Technically it is a no brainer. It remains to be seed if they adopt such a draconian approach.
If they wanted to be even more nasty the phone could send out a loud warning sound to embarrass them in front of surrounding people.
I didn’t spend my money on a mobile phone so the government could force me to download their apps and use them to discriminate against me.
I won’t own one anymore and won’t carry it.
They will need to make me wear an identifying mark so they can discriminate.
I have on occasion walked through shops without using the app. Sometimes a staff member will stop me and demand I “check in”. I refuse and keep walking and nothing happens as they know there is nothing they can do. That’s the sort of passive resistance the people should adopt. Unfortunately, most people are so jelly backed and asleep they obey and behave like zombies proudly displaying their phones in front of everyone to say in effect “Hey peoples, I am so happy to be a slave to my phone”. It’s a bit like the incident in the movie THX 1138 where THX (Robert Duvall) is told “Let us be thankful we have commerce. Buy more. Buy more now. Buy. And be happy.”
Other parts of the movie that apply more and more
OMM : Let us be thankful we have an occupation to fill. Work hard, increase production, prevent accidents, and be happy.
Chrome Robot : Everything will be all right. You are in my hands. I am here to protect you. You have nowhere to go. You have nowhere to go.
THX 1138 : I think I’m dying.
OMM : Could you be more–specific?
[THX vomits]
OMM : You are a true believer. Blessings of the state. Blessings of the masses…
There are a number of principles at stake here. Most importantly, as in Australia, a Federation pools resources to defend the states, the United States, against common enemies. These are outside the US. Otherwise the President and Washington are not there to dictate health to the constituent states let alone issue orders binding all citizens on matters of health. This is not even considered by the constitution.
The virus was from outside the United States. It was created in a laboratory and whether released deliberately or accidentally, was launched by China against the world with cover provided by the WHO.
The first order of business for the President should be defence, slamming the doors shut and then to determine who attacked the US. And stop any US involvement in the creation of more deadly viruses, not fling the doors open. The Obama administration also outlawed the very dangerous export and support for gain of function research, particularly because of China. So who secretly restarted and funded it? And why is Fauci still in the job?
Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria/Iraq, Iran and China. The common thread is the direct involvement of the CIA and American external policy in all these disasters, the funding and training of Ho Chin Min to eject the French, the funding and training of Osama Bin Laden to eject the Russians and now the funding and provision of weapons of mass destruction to the Wuhan Institute of Virology officially against the orders of President Obama. And then to hide all this from President Trump who was continually misinformed and whose authority was publicly undermined by the same Fauci.
So why is Fauci still in the job supporting the WIV, with what Admiral Poindexter called plausible deniability, working through third parties? The job of the President is fundamentally external to America, to defend against America’s enemies. So why is he now ordering vaccinations and saying he will fight Governors who oppose his orders? It’s not his job and it is completely beyond his remit. He has no such power. Biden is not King of America nor Emperor of the world. He is Commander in Chief against the enemies of Americans and so obviously running away, hiding. Afghanistan was a disgrace created solely by Biden’s White House. No military commander would have done what Biden ordered, a rout. A terrorist now in the White House, on perpetual holiday. So who is running the place? Not Biden.
Boys aged 12-15 hospitalised far more due to vaccines than covid
The study of 30August2021 gives the excess risk from vaccination as 200 per million.
This is rather different from the stats given here earlier that purport to show the safety of the vaccines. Note, no source for the data was given.
Only the President could order a rout for a photo opportunity for the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
What’s the point of all that West Point training for all those generals? What Commander in Chief orders all his soldiers out of Kabul overnight without warning anyone at all?
And when someone realised they left behind $100Bn in advanced weapons, thousands of civilians and all the Allies fighting on behalf of the US effort, Biden orders thousands of soldiers back? It is beyond belief. Sorry, I forgot.
Where was the planning? Where were the phone calls to the leaders of Allied nations? Where was the warning? And now he’s taking credit for getting a hundred Americans out? Who left them there? What about the Australians?
And 45,000 Afghans are now in the US without innoculation, screening or planning. And vast numbers of uninoculated illegal aliens to provide cheap labour for his friends, just dropped in communities all over America. The only question is whether they will vote Democrat.
Joe is taking credit for these triumphs of American power and planning, his answer to the tragedy of 9/11. Run away and leave the field of battle and all the equipment and all your own people and allies to the enemy as a testament to the power of the Biden White House. Joe Biden is already infamous.
And Fauci lied to Congress. He clearly lied to Trump. Whatever his reason, Fauci ran his own foreign policy and went against the explicit orders of President Obama to prohibit export of gain of function research. Why isn’t Fauci on charges of treason like the Rosenbergs who gave atom bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.
And it extends into Canada with deadly viruses being sent to the Wuhan Institute, a Chinese military facility.
Gain of Function research was never outright prohibited under any US law. The Obama government (October 2014) blocked all FUNDING to gain of function research. Strangely that blockage was quietly removed right before Trump took office.
The key quote is this:
State laws govern what happens in the States. Federal laws govern what happens in the United States with only such powers as ceded by the States to the Federal Government. Outside that the US can have policies but has no laws. The President is Commander in Chief of the armed forces and his job is the world outside the United States and President Obama blocked all funding and support of gain of function research outside America and specifically China. Fauci and friends worked out ways around his order, specifically to support the Chinese Communist Party. That is treason. The Rosenbergs were hanged for exactly such activity.
I linked it right there, Obama’s funding block was lifted in 2017. Also the contract to Ecohealth Alliance Inc was from May 2014 and got through BEFORE the funding block, although no doubt they continued working afterwards.
Since the USA has not declared war on China it’s difficult to see why sending them money or any other resource would be treason.
Treason does not require a declaration of war. Or the Rosenbergs would not have hanged.
And when the Republicans take over government at the coming election, Biden will be impeached and Fauci will be tried. Millions have died. And so many lies have been told. Biden and Fauci have to answer for their betrayal. Afghanistan, Ukraine, China.
I think the mid-terms may well be just as “fortified” as the 2020 election.
Obama, the magic poc, photographed wearing a face mask on 9-11, but didn’t wear a mask at his 60th birthday bash.
Seems Covid-19 is attracted to cameras and photo moments.
Biden Morphed Into ‘Old Man Yelling at Clouds’ During Ground Zero Remembrance
It’s not clear who he was yelling at. But it is clear what he did, that he took down his mask in the midst of a crowd and yelled, obviating the alleged purpose of the mask. It’s something he’s done before, even taking down his mask to cough into his empty hand, and then placing his hands on a podium and putting his mask back up. It’s like he forgot the script that he’s supposed to be delivering on, when he does these things. And it tells us that someone really doesn’t believe in its worth when they do these things.
It’s a picture that completely sums up Biden in one shot: empty gestures and incoherence. Just a very bad place for Joe Biden to be, once again, Joe Biden.
You can see the look from Barack Obama — it’s as if he’s chastising him silently in his head, as though he can’t believe that he did it.
Jill Biden and Obama are looking at the same thing, to the right of the camera. They are watching carefully and being solemn. Joe is playing wild geriatric in an obviously solemn moment.
As Homer Simpson would say “Look! A blue car!” In the middle of a funereal moment.
The outre gesture of choice when nobody’ll notice him checking his watch.
Every time I see the term ‘POC’, I think of Proof Of Concept. Probably very racist of me, but this is what it has meant in the electronic equivalent of reams of documents over the last few years…
Physician desires to scare people by inflating COVID Numbers, and also by saying “If You Do not Get Vaccinated, You Know You are Going To Die”
Included is the video of the Zoom video conference call between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Heath New Hanover Regional Medical Center, a group of 20 hospitals, clinics, and offices that treat patients in North Carolina and South Carolina.
These are the type of people that are must be breading everywhere now. If this is not blatant scaremongering then nothing is. Isn’t there a law against such activity?
“Fresh air is the safest place to be” – NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard.
But, he didn’t add, our health orders demand you stay inside where it’s less safe.
I suppose, faced with beaches crammed with sunlight-craving people, his only alternative would be to order the RAAF to strafe them – for the sake of public safety, of course.
There are many such contradictions but who cares? The law is the law and those who breach the law are punished accordingly. This is what happens when a nation gradually creeps towards a police state. How far it goes only time will tell.
But the law is supposed to come out of a process with debate and representation.
This is just what a bunch of unalected employees came up with and the rules change every day. The fact that they give themselves titles like “Chief” or “Commander” doesn’t make this law.
Many of last year’s fines were successfully challenged when they finally did get examined by the courts … and despite that, we have NSW police declaring they don’t even have to worry about what the rules are (they can’t figure them out either) and just issue megafines to whoever.
This is the year where the law isn’t the law.
Not sure what you are referring to. I’m talking about the state laws being placed upon us to control our movements, which some claim are against the constitutional law. The law is the law but it can be a law that breaches a higher law and so is illegal under the higher courts. Laws can and have been over turned but until they are the state police can and will enforce them to the letter of the law as they have the guns.
Tel just explained that these edicts/proclamations/decrees/regulations are not law nor are they backed by law.
In such events, guns enforce tyranny, not the letter of any law.
“An Articulate Nurse Dealing With COVID Hospitalization Gives Honest Insight About What Really is Happening – Alarming Secondary Confirmation of Details Provided and Cited
September 11, 2021 | Sundance | 171 Comments”
Must be pretty bad when you can’t talk about it
There is nothing in that that would surprise any regulars here. I feel so helpless
The GW alarmists accuse us old boomers of not caring about the younger generations, they say we are selfish. BULLSHEET!! it is they who don’t care for their own future and even less about the boomers they want to kill off.
Replying to
Fauci is asked why people who had Covid already are being required to vaccinate, even though they’re likely more protected than vaccinated people
“That’s a really good point…I don’t really have a firm answer for you on that”
According to worldometer The USA is still killing around 10,000 of its citizens a week. While this is down a bit, it does provide the rationale for the President’s orders. At this rate the USA will have killed a million of its citizens by the middle of next year.
It has killed more of its citizens than India or China or Brazil or Indonesia.
Bleat all you want, but those are the facts
I am only responding to highlight your stupidity.
The virus made in part by america is killing Americans so the president orders a vax mandate to stop killing Americans?
The president hates postal workers so they exempt thus dying from the virus?
The president lives postal workers thus exempt from vax mandate?
The president hates illegal aliens thus exempt from vax mandate?
The president lives illigals so exempt from vax mandate?
The president hates Congress et Al sobexemot from vax mandate?
Once the dust has settled from your now busted antilogic firewall asked yourself why only the mandate only applies to the average American citizen if this is all about saving lives as you claim?
There is a saying that you can’t cure stupid. And in PF there goes your proof.
Wasn’t it all Trump’s fault that thousands were dying every day. Yet Biden has overseen more than 220,000 covid deaths … with the vaccine available for his entire Presidency.
Biden/heels up Harris said they would never take a shot developed by trump so I guess they had the placebo but for the (segregated) great unwashed they will get the real trump kill shot
Ask Fauchi why they are dying.
China can’t be trusted to provide any real information about how many have died. Their Internet is filtered, their government-owned press have a long history or reporting ridiculous statistics and people who speak out tend to vanish for no reason.
That leaves India (big users of HCQ and Ivermectin), Indonesia (government also finally accepted that Ivermectin can work, as reported right here on this blog which you usually read), and Brazil where the whole thing has been very piecemeal and hard to follow, but Ivermectin certainly has been extensively used there, although not based on any clear policy.
So how do I know that America is reporting the truth?
You provide assertions, I linked to data.
There is no way to spin it, the USA is far better at killing its own than any other state.
Peter, your problem is you what you write makes no sense because you don’t provide context, for example you say the US is the best at killing its citizens but how?
1, by injecting RNA/DNA modification drugs?
2, refusing to provide alternative treatments
The worldometer can provide rough numbers of people who have died but can it tell you how many people “have been killed”?
I think not so best you rewrite your comment in a more coherent fashion.
If you want info on the US Gov intentionally killing it’s own citizens you can’t start with this lefty nut job and try and predict where things end up
Ivermectin use in Indonesia has been reported on this site. If you are pretenting to be unable to find the link then here it is.
… and also here …
How about you go and do some reading then come back when you can demonstrate that you understand the issue. There’s already graphs in there, explanation, dates and times, all the things you need.
Don’t be cruel; he’s not up to reading successfully to judge by the countless links he posts which contradict the position he’s espousing at that time.
Tel, so no evidence for China’s data , just your assertion, still, it passes for evidence here.
Peter is only linking to the facts on a global public health issue, personal freedom concerns are overridden.
Even Trump says to get vaccinated ( Boooooo) .
Would you choose to drive on the wrong side of the road to protest your freedom ?.
Where did Tel mention freedom or driving Peta, or is this the resurrection of small footprint.
The pandemic is in your head.
If you do even a casual search you can find plenty of people skeptical about China’s public announcements on just about everything. If you want something more specific try looking at their economic data, explained here.
If you want to look only at COVID data then explain to me how a country of such large population can only be at 66 people per million ever infected since the start of this … and in the last 16 months only 4 people died of COVID. Plausible you think? Pretty astounding statistical outlier, all based on their lockdown strategy which did not work anywhere else.
No really, I’m genuinely interested in opinions here … worldwide pandemic, country of over a billion people and only 4 deaths in more than a year … credible or incredible?
Good article here https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/frances-long-time-vaccine-policy-chief-covid-policy-is-completely-stupid-and-unethical
Read the transcript below the video
These highly qualified people are confirming the anecdotal evidence that is coming from friends and acquaintances in significant numbers.
Too many community reports now describe severe post vaccination reactions which are damaging and debilitating.
I’ve never experienced this level of damage from other vaccines; the nearest to this, in my experience, being the annual flu vaxx.
At our stand in the park rally yesterday, a nurse from the local doctors surgery rocked up, the doctor she works for had the soup, his wife also a doctor got injected as well. They have a newish baby being breast fed, the baby has become extremely sick, low blood platelets. Neither will acknowledge the vaccines as the cause even with ample evidence.
This is the quality and logic giving us our health advice.
She has resigned even though it is not a requirement for her to vax, her surgery is doing the vax and she can’t bare the thought of doing harm to people she has known for years.
This is a plain the government is doing along with stakeholders on direction of the WHO, being instigated 2019 – 2023.
The attached document is an interesting exercise in verbalism which puts the WHO in charge of everything.
Someone posted this yesterday, and it is possibly a crack in the wall? The blowback is going to be – ignore, censor, “we require gold plated double blind studies”. But this is an excellent play, blind siding the political shouting match. I’m a bit pessimistic the world has become a chimera, everything just drifts off to nothingness. No statement is truer than another. If you throw up enough bulls..t people lose their grasp on any reality
“Don’t mention the treatment”
Too much is going on and there is no way anyone can know for sure where all this is heading in the short term. We just have to wait and see. Long term though I’m a realist. The West as we knew it will give way to a new world order. I have absolutely no doubt about that. It’s no longer even a secret. The precise details of how we get there will be revealed in due course.
The New World Order is not a secret any more thanks to Dr Kerry Chant. Plans of world domination are now ruined.
All the figures for Australian covid19 for 2020. Outsiders mentioned the prevalence of co-morbidities. It’s up in the high 90%. It’s down in chapter 2.
Furiously+Curious – Thanks excellent find – https://www.aihw.gov.au/getmedia/a69ee08a-857f-412b-b617-a29acb66a475/aihw-phe-287.pdf.aspx?inline=true
Especially Chapter 2
Dementia was a pre-existing chronic condition reported as an associated cause in 41% of COVID-19
deaths in 2020. Dementia is the second-leading cause of death in the general Australian population
and a common associated cause in deaths due to other conditions such as influenza and pneumonia,
especially in the older age groups which had the highest numbers of COVID-19 deaths.
Chronic heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic lower respiratory diseases were other
common chronic conditions certified in 33%, 18%, 15% and 15% respectively of deaths due to COVID-19 (Table 2.2).
Table 2.2: Most commonly certified pre-existing chronic conditions reported as associated
causes of COVID-19 deaths
Males who died from COVID-19 were more likely than females to have chronic heart diseases
recorded as an associated cause of death, regardless of age. Chronic lower respiratory diseases,
chronic kidney disease and musculoskeletal conditions were more common associated causes of death for females aged 60–79 who died from COVID-19 (compared to males aged 60–79 and people aged 80 and over) (Figure 2.10). Diabetes was a more common associated cause of death among
people aged 60–79 who died from COVID-19 compared to those aged 80 and over. Dementia was a
more common associated cause of COVID-19 deaths among people aged 80 and over (Figure 2.10).
Re Dementia, one of my mates in his late 60s developed Dementia and it was amazing how quickly over 18 Months he deteriorated to the point where his body was unable to support his life and totally shut down with death.
Deaths by socioeconomic group
COVID-19 deaths sourced from ABS provisional mortality statistics were analysed by socioeconomic
group based on population-based quintiles (using the ABS’s Index of Relative Socio-Economic
Disadvantage) which have equal-sized populations. This shows there was a clear gradient of
decreasing COVID-19 deaths and age-standardised mortality rates by increasing socioeconomic
position. There were almost 4 times as many deaths due to COVID-19 registered for people in the
lowest socioeconomic group compared with the highest socioeconomic group, and age-standardised
mortality rates were 2.6 times as high. This gradient was evident for both males and females
(Figure 2.22)
Is it fair to say the higher socio-economic groups are, by definition, more pro-active about both health and wealth than the others and likely to be better informed?
But perhaps they can afford to import IVM??
Or maybe sun tan every day?
And oysters are a good source of zinc.
Dave B
Don’t forget prawns for the Arsenic boost
alzheimers/dementia is truly a problem. It was the biggest killer of women in the Uk last year and has been for the last couple of years. Not sure on the Aussie data.
This will persist with the push to remove foods from our diets that provide the base materials to build healthy brains and the nutrients to help maintain them (i.e. omega 3 DHA/EPA and choline) and replacing them with more kibble that is high in what drive the plaque formation in the first place (fructose and AGEs from seed oils). This will continue to be an issue into the future with recent US data showing about 2/3 of food fed to children is hyper processed junk during the pandemic rubbish.
I like it at the end where one can now be referred to as transvaccinated. LOL.
From Transvaxilvania?
Dr Peter McCullough – “The only way to stay healthy right now is to stay away from the Covid-19 Vaccine
”There’s a hunting that’s going on here that’s very disturbing,” McCullough said in an episode of Perspectives on the Pandemic.2 He was referring to state medical boards hunting down doctors and their and threatening revocation of their licenses based on the spreading of unidentified “misinformation.”
“This is absolutely astonishing that this is happening over a fair exchange of ideas,” he said. What is Dr. McCullough sharing that the powers that be don’t want you to hear? It’s about COVID-19 injections and, to sum it up in a sentence, “It’s not working and it’s causing tremendous damage.”
First travel outside my LGA yesterday, and caught some news bulletins on radio. Man! They are ramming people’s noses into pregnant women ‘s suffering with covid, while standing back and letting them suffer, as a lesson to what can happen to you if you don’t vaccinate. (Vaccination has never been recommended for pregnant women, and was never tested for in the trials. I did see something about some recent trial results. But really! Pregnant women should vaccinate!) Fu..ing treat them!
There are never any comparisons between early treatment and vaccination success rates – I guess because there is no early treatment?! So the comparisons are always between unvaccinated and vaccinated. There is a yawning vacuum in those numbers, and people just ignore it. Treatment? What treatment?
You’d have to give the disinformation campaign 9/10.
See #57
Maybe try the Zelenko vitamin protocol: Vit C, Vit D, Zinc and Quercetin
I do not know of any trials, but Dr Zelenko gives it his personal recommendation (and sells the stuff as well)
There was one ‘study’ released where they followed about 827 women for their pregnancy and found 12% miscarriage. Now considering the normal ‘base’ miscarriage rate is roughly estimated at about 10% that might raise only a few eyebrows.
What we find when we go into the study is that 700 of the 827 women were vaccinated AFTER week 20 the normal cut off period for classing something as ‘miscarried’ Other terms like still birth etc are normally used after that. So the about 100 miscarriages occurred in the 120-odd women vaccinated before 20 weeks OR they included still births in the miscarriage totals which doesn’t make sense since they had a still birth column as well ( which was also above average, not the average they posted those that one is base in the population including other vaccinated not a control group).
Now knowing that roughly 10% normally miscarry by 20 weeks and 700 made it past 20 weeks to be vaccinated then you would normally say 770 pregnancies. So at a minimum you would expect about 17%, well above what you would call ‘noise’ and at worse around 80%. In reality these are two completely difference cohorts (before 20 weeks and after 20 weeks) that should not have been mixed but was done so to deliberately drive down a single statistic.
The very idea of testing pregnant women with an experimental “vaccine” with no data on long term effects is obscene.
Actually, it’s called attempted murder of the unborn baby.
The only data I have seen on this is a very large increase in spontaneous abortion/still birth in the first trimester after that no change in the data.
However the effects of the vax residing and creating spike protein in the ovaries is unknown, we should know in 9 to 12 months I suppose.
I think it was Zelenko who said first trimester miscarriages is up from 10% to80%.
Boris Johnson bows to reality and scraps the “vaccine passports”
More and more people are losing trust in the vaxxine. They figure that any medical procedure that requires bullying and blackmail must be shonky. Our Premiers should realise that blackmail and bullying are retarding efforts to get the vax accepted.
We are all in this together…..
So if I get the jab and have a heart attack I can sue Pfizer…….no
Ok so I can sue the government…..ah no
Ok so I can get a invalid pension equal to my current wage or if I die my family will he looked after…..ah no again
Ok so we are all in this together unless I have a severe reaction to the vax and then I am on my own…..yes that’s right
From the international data the science is clear:
1. Natural immunity is superior to the “vaccines”, both broader and longer lasting.
2. Jabbing someone who aquired natural immunity reduces their protection against reinfection.
3. Persons who are jabbed then later get exposed to the virus do not gain broad natural immunity.
Therefore the ethical medical approach for the majority of Australians is to help them aquire natural immunity in the safest way possible.
The actions of the TGA in preventing this approach are completely unethical and unscientific.
Going back a step I’d be interested in the tests available to distinguish between those who are naturally immune and those who are not. And tests to distinguish between those at risk of a severe reaction to the injections and those not at risk.
And statistics ain’t gunna cut it!
Scomo has just told us to take advantage of the Moderna available at your Community Pharmacy and get your ‘Family Jab’.
Ok Scomo, go take your extended Family to the local Pharmacy and get them all ‘jabbed’. No possibility of placebos in a controlled environment get the raw deal you are recommending for everyone else’s family.
‘Scotty from marketing’ and Family leading from the front would be a perfect sales tool.
Quite frankly, pharmacies would be the last place I would go to receive a vaccine of any type. I have seen too many badly administered injections in the TV media to endure any of the makeshift “surgeries”.
This story talks about removing governors via charges of insurrection as per the constitution. It’s a go read and explains why all this can only end one way.
Fascinating read. Have we figured out yet who owns this loutish president?
This one aged well …
Where the bloody hell are you – spoof (2006) 0.45 sec
[Warning bad language.]AD
Oh, my… this is worrying, but not entirely surprising:
Evidence for increased breakthrough rates of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in BNT162b2 mRNA vaccinated individuals
That’s the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine. The study states that it puts Pfizer / BioNTech / Camernaty vaccine recipients at a higher risk of infection from Covid19 variants.
IOW, the vaccine is making things worse.
The UK has just announced plans to scrap vaccine passports.
…and the global rebellion against the nonsense steps up:
I’m shocked. Shocked I say! An Australian police officer (female) with bigger cahones than her male colleagues…
Thanks Rod,
Great news. I was particularly glad to see the emphasis on urgency.
Dave B
Leader of the “free world” and virus expert..
And then the next domino fell …
After the failure of the quackzines to stop infections from new strains in the UK, Boris Johnson has called an end to the UK quackzine passport game.
The Scandinavian governments have already pulled the pin. Italy and Isreal are now acknowledging that natural immunity is superior to the quackzines.
So that leaves Mini Mal, Gormless Gladys and Dictator Dan mindlessly dancing to the tune of the festering fly-blown globalist meat-puppet Resident Biden.
The quackzine passports crew fighting to stop the use of Ivermectin and the other therapeutics are getting smaller and smaller and their totalitarian wet-dreams are drying to just an embarrassing crustiness on the sheets of history.
Who’s left? Idiot Australia, the few remaining Sparkle-Socksians in Canadia and a handful of steamed vegetables that still believe Joementia got 81,000,000 legal votes. Oh the sadness …
Well Konrad, if the rest of the world acknowledges the obvious – that the vaccines don’t work, & even the WHO has called for a moratorium on booster shots, Australia must eventually follow suit. I think you can see the signs already – especially in NSW.
The difficulty for Gladys, Dan & co will be changing their tune with dignity & some semblance of Reason – an impossible order, given the absurdity of their position. To watch Karl Stephanovic last week deflate when he heard from an OS expert that the vaccines would inevitably fade in efficacy, as has happened in Israel, was priceless.
Anyone can make evidence free claims.
Vaccines do work and there is ample evidence of that. This chart currently has the top 10 vaccinated countries along with Australia:
Have a look at how they have achieved herd immunity. Spain for example:
The world is opening up. Vaccinated people may need a booster or two until the virus is eradicated but that will happen whether people acquire anti-bodies the safe way with vaccinations or the risky way with getting Covid.
Fortunately places like China, India and Brazil with large populations are all heading toward herd immunity. That means the globe is heading that way:
California has turned the corner and daily cases are now declining:
It’s over Rick. Your side lost.
The people who refused the quackzines? That would be the Gorebull Warbling hoax sceptics.
The people you most needed to jab? That also would be the Gorebull Warbling hoax sceptics you so hated.
You killed your owm Rick.
You jabbed all the Gorebull Warblers.
This is going to be so much fun!
Again, fact free drivel.
I do not have a side. I provide evidence based knowledge. You offer silly statements without any evidence.
Konrads comnents make me laugh because they are funny and very true Rick’s make me laugh also but due to the sheer incompetence of the contents.
I suspect Rick is a card carrying member of the cult of the “double dose” and is now struggling to accept reality
I like the way Rick gleefully dismisses the multiple booster shot issue, what he can’t face is everytime he gets juiced he is one jab closer to pulmonary hypertension our he goes straight to the heart attack or deaf or blind or paralysed etc etc 😁
Good one I got a laugh from that
For those who are faced with the contempt of the vaccinated, I suggest confronting them with a list of international virologists etc who have been warning about the danger of this experiment for some time. They want to “follow the science”…..well here are some of the world’s most prestigeous experts……
You may be surprised. In a social phone conversation with a vaccinated (very early, too) person, I was gingerly asked how long would her vaccination be effective, since she was well aware that I had been studying the issue for some time. I was quite surprised.
I can supply a list here, if anyone wants one.
I’m afraid that won’t work. Those who have had the jab are necessarily on the side of the vaccines, even if they now have doubts. Few ppoeple who have been jabbed want to acknowledge that they have made a bad – and irreversible – choice, so human nature will dictate that they become immovable advocates. Even if, as time passes, the efficacy or safety of these vaccines comes under question, those already vaccinated will remain welded-on. They have little choice.
Vicki if I am being harassed I would not go to all that trouble I would just simply reply with GFY but that’s me straight to the point.
Some good advice here:
You can rest easy, wipe those tears.
She passed in full make up, she would of wanted it that way.
Here are some more snaps of her in happier times, could not even get out of her garden cloths.
She does not seem to exist out side that article and a funeral home obit, that does not even have a photo or anything. social influencer?
From the obituary. It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Megan Alexandra Blankenbiller (Jacksonville, Florida), who passed away on August 24, 2021,
I doubt the funeral home buried her early. Maybe resurrected her for the vid.
Pure propaganda
Just a thought, why is Jo quoting from The Babylon Bee when it is a satirical publication?
Because most of the readers understand what BB is and enjoy the humour.
because despite the satire it ends up being prophetic far too often.
It is certainly playing out to be a dirty game and a lot of unassuming good people are falling into the trap.
A world where elite want ownership without accountability.
In all other parts of the society it is called subcontracting.
No medicine has seen the light of market without tested and approved product.
For government to approve the emergency use and then force compliance is criminal and pure evil.
“Since the principal reason for COVID-19 vaccine mandates—protecting others from infection—has
evaporated with the ascendance of the Delta variant, those who mandate COVID-19 vaccines may
wish to seek legal counsel regarding their culpability and liability (including personal) for potential long-lasting harm to those whom they pressure into vaccination with threat of exclusion from
employment or education or other public activity. Remind your attorney that if an unborn or nursing baby is damaged, liability persists until the child is age 23—plenty of time for discovery of the ways whereby vaccine producers and government regulators may have suppressed important information about harmful effects. ”
When a vaccine becomes available which gives me immunity to covid-19 I will gladly take it.
Look for Valnevia, a dead virus vaccine.
Thank-you, I hadn’t seen Valneva mentioned anywhere. It looks like a more traditional vaccine.
I read the article in the link. Says the UK have ordered 100 million doses.
I hope the Australian government look at options like this and scrap mRNA jabs, but maybe they need to satisfy their big pharma contracts first.
I remain unconvinced that these experimental vaccines are safe and so want to delay having them as long as possible – maybe indefinitely. My current hope is that some other, safer therapy will be ‘discovered’, making the vaccines obsolete, before the Stasi come knocking on my door.
My main worry ATM is that my family are, to varying degree, less resistant to the vaccines. My son is already vaccinated, my daughter plans to (though mysteriously hasn’t so far) and my wife has said that, if the choice is vaccination or continued house arrest, she’ll have it. I would then be under extreme pressure to go along with it or be an effective outcast in my own home.
The Rationale for the Continued Vaccine Roll-Out is Not Evident
Friday, 30th July 2021
We appear to have serious problems with the Covid-19 vaccination programme. The evidence underpinning the claimed efficacy and safety of the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine is highly questionable. Statistical analysis raises numerous issues, and until these are addressed, the alleged benefits cannot be shown to outweigh the risks.
With wider concerns expressed by some of the world’s leading immunologists, virologists and epidemiologists, justification for the continued vaccination programme appears to be lacking. Possible unacceptable risk is evident in every nation which has vaccinated a significant proportion of its population.
The vaccines appear to increase the mortality risk from Covid-19, something the authorities and the regulatory agencies have so far shown little or no interest in investigating.
Some of what we are about to discuss is necessarily speculative. It is based upon a full statistical analysis—but, absent a comprehensive investigation, we cannot be certain why this analysis appears to show an increased Covid-19 mortality risk following vaccination.
Equally, refusal to investigate this correlation is untenable. No claim of either vaccine safety or efficacy is justified without properly accounting for this statistical analysis.
Concerning Data Emerges in Israel
You need more of it, if it does not work. One booster first and then second one and so on. 🙂
Quite so.
Your death, after the 3rd or 7th or nth 5-month interval confirms that you should have had double booster shots not single.
It has begun in France. Riots between masked and unmasked people. I suspect such violent clashes will only escalate as officialdom keep going down the draconian path pushing the envelope.
Is this for real? In effect Canada has joined the CCP,
Breaking: Canada Announces Plan To Merge With Communist China Social Credit Score
Anyone here from Canada who can confirm or otherwise if this has already been implemented?
Some of the billions spent on vaccines could have been used for putting together an early recommended treatment for patients who just received a positive test.
– https://www.nature.com/articles/ja201711
Published: 15 February 2017
Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
Over the past decade, the global scientific community has begun to recognize the unmatched value of an extraordinary drug, ivermectin, that originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan. Work on ivermectin has seen its discoverer, Satoshi Ōmura, of Tokyo’s prestigious Kitasato Institute, receive the 2014 Gairdner Global Health Award and the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which he shared with a collaborating partner in the discovery and development of the drug, William Campbell of Merck & Co. Incorporated.
Today, ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.
– “Arkin and his team culled through a library of more than 2,800 approved-for-use compounds, identifying 18 drugs they felt could be effective. In unpublished work, the researchers were able to show that several of these compounds “exhibited remarkable potency against the whole virus in in vitro experiments.”
Any bets on how long before Nature quietly causes that article to vanish?
I’ve downloaded it.
Members Of Congress, Staff Exempt From Biden Vaccine Mandate
UK drops plan for vaccine passports, lockdowns across England as virus rates climb
Might be a clue in here
Thanks. By the looks of it they have been trialling it and testing the waters at the same time. People are loving it as I expected. It’s a sign of the times.
Interesting conflict between a judge and the police in the street. The judge won! We need judges like him here.
This is amazing. Together with how Trump was treated when he visited NY lately, if an election was held now I’m almost certain that Trump would demolish the Democrats Party.
Seriously good news from NSW.
Glad the Impaler has done a quiet backflip in her tyrannical anti-freedom edicts.
Both Glad and her deputy Barilaro have now back-tracked on their hard-line stance of last Thursday.
• Deputy Premier John Barilaro has said vaccine passports will be scrapped.
• Gladdy and Barilaro have now repeated that at 70% “full vaccination” things will open up for the double vaxxed
• They expect the interval between 70% and 80% to be about 3 weeks during which time the unvaxxed will still be persona non grata, but after 80% things will open up more with details yet to be specified, however retail will be opened up to all
• It will no longer be government edict that decides who can enter a business, but will be left up to the businesses themselves to decide — but according to Gladdy they won’t want to soil their floors with the unvaxxed — if your business has been teetering on bankruptcy for months are you really going to turn away 20% of your customers?
• Masks will still need to be worn and the 4m2 rule will apply indoors etc, but at least you can go to the shop other than only for “critical retail” items
• No word on whether employers must still register all employees with the state government to prove they are vaxxed, but given that businesses will potentially be crawling with 20% unvaxxed, it would seem pointless to enforce that particular piece of bureaucratic idiocy.
• Now all we need is for Scotty to get with the program federally
Bore it up ’em boys and girls. Pile the pressure on. Give Dan and his minions the same treatment. Now that the first fracture has opened, it will be easier for Victorians to throw off their shackles too. Let sanity reign.
Gosh, that’s good news.
I just had a wonderful chat with my painter (who finished the job today). He restored my faith that the good ole sceptical Aussie still exists. He is covered from head to toe in tatoos, and in his late 20s, but spoke more sense than I have heard from most of my university educated friends.
He may reluctantly have a vaccination (which he has been delaying) because he doesnt think he can financially survive the implications of no vax. But he is totally understanding of how we have reached this incredible situation & is totally informed about the development of the vaccines. He was amazingly well informed – even to the point of knowing not to take Panadol if he has any side effects from AZ.
Now Gladys is fighting with Barilaro about the extent of freedoms for the unvaxxed when 80% is reached. A lot can happen in a month. For a start we’ll wait for the court cases to be heard in a couple of weeks.
And if there are no vaccine passports as Barilaro stated, how will they know who to discriminate against in any case?
“COVID Data, Facts Not Fear
September 12, 2021 | Sundance | 162 Comments
Twitter user Jason Bailey [LINK HERE] has done a deep dive into the latest CDC data on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). There is obviously a lot of noise amid the competing COVID narratives, as politicians and media are intent on weaponizing the fear for maximum political value. Baily provides the links and just looks at the raw data.”
Links to data and spreadsheets for those inclined
CTH from Dec 2020
“This is mostly a repost by request. CTH accurately predicted ten months ago that through Biden the control agents would use OSHA to force vaccination requirements. It’s not prescience, it’s just a matter of knowing who is operating this and why. As requested – here is the “who”, “what, “where” and “why” they are attempting this….
[December 2020] Why is COVID-19 being disproportionately hyped as such a dangerous threat, when the reality of the statistical danger is much less than the intense level of hype?… That is the key question.”
More and links at
In 2020, the USA experienced 2,913,144 deaths from all causes.
According to official data to the end of 2020, Covid killed 365,738 people.
If we subtract the official Covid deaths from the 2020 data, ‘non-Covid’ deaths were 2,547,406.
Total deaths for pre-Covid years were:
2016: 2,744,248
2017: 2,813,503
2018: 2,839,206
2019: 2,855,000
So, during a year when vital treatments for heart disease and cancer patients were delayed, along with that for many other serious chronic conditions, non-Covid deaths literally plunged.
Safeism – applying to climate, health and freedoms – Online Safety Bill is a Fundamental Threat to Free Speech & Must Be Opposed
Covid Whistleblower Service: Francis Hoar Launches the Covid19 Assembly’s “Speak Out” Service