Ultimately the Australian Government is responsible for the deaths of Australians, and the deaths of their businesses and jobs, due to the banning of a safe, cheap early treatment for Covid.

Scott Morrison
The Prime Minister and the Minister of Health, could change this. But Scott Morrison and Greg Hunt hide behind The TGA as if an unelected, unaudited committee really rules Australia.
Sign the Petition and spread the word. Australians would be appalled if they knew.
On 11th September 2021 the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) took the unprecedented step of effectively banning the prescribing of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 infection in Australia. Contrary to ill-informed media reporting, ivermectin is an important drug which has been used clinically worldwide for several decades, it is on the WHO list of Essential Drugs and has a wide margin of safety compared to most other drugs (including over the counter medications). This petition objects in the strongest possible terms to the banning of ivermectin prescribing for COVID-19 for the following reasons: (1) The banning of ivermectin prescribing ignores the wealth of published clinical trial safety and efficacy evidence in the medical literature supporting the use of ivermectin for the management of COVID-19; (2) The banning of ivermectin prescribing removes a potentially valuable early treatment option for symptomatic COVID-19-infected individuals, in contrast to current health policy of observing such individuals without active treatment until they either get better or worse (and are possibly hospitalized); (3) The banning of ivermectin prescribing for COVID-19 with the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and the freedom of Australians to choose their own health solutions based on their doctor’s advice.
We therefore ask the House to ensure the immediate repeal of the TGA statement on Ivermectin, and to provide a firm assurance to the Australian people that overreach of this kind by a Federal Government agency will never again limit access to safe treatments in a non-consultative and unilateral manner.
Closing date for signatures:27 October 2021 11:59 PM (AEST) (3 days left)
The wonder drug that disappeared
My ongoing summary of Ivermectin
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being ignored? Could it be that there would be no medical emergency and no need to rush out other riskier new treatments which are still classed as “experimental” if there was a safe alternative? There are billions of reasons to ask this question but newspapers wouldn’t publish the story. In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. Even if they win, sometimes hospitals still refuse to use it on patients with few options left. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin (and had a happy ending). The debate is so suppressed, there are rumours the US President was treated with it in secret last year.
For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It prevents as many as 86% of Covid cases.
Ivermectin has also been used, with apparent success in Uttar Pradesh, Indonesia, Peru and Mexico (and so many other places). Covid cases fell in the states of India that approved Ivermectin use but rose in Tamil Nadu where it wasn’t permitted. Despite the success, India’s Health dept suddenly stopped Ivermectin use again and people in India are suing the WHO in disgust. In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks.
The FDA and others will say there is little evidence of success so far, but that’s a scandal in itself. Why are there no large trials? And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. We’ve known it might be useful since April last year, when an Australian group searched through many cheap safe drugs looking for any that might help against Covid. The news then was “Another possible cure for coronavirus, found in sheep dip: Ivermectin”. This was just a lab study, and it suggested doses would need to be too high. Even so, successes keep turning up in the real world? By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK trial is hobbled from the start.
Politicians masquerading as doctors. What could go wrong?
And here I thought we all had laws against practicing medicine w/o a license.
They masqueraded as engineers and completely messed up the power grid…
Government by elites. It never lasts long.
Apparently, according to Dr Pierre Kory of the FLCCC, about 200 members of the US Congress were treated with Ivermectin before the vaccines were available.
There are disturbing rumours that of those that are being hospitalised for COVID in Australia, only those that are vaccinated are being treated with Ivermectin to make the recovery rates seem better compared to the unvaccinated.
Hypocrisy is all around it seems.
Rumors are worth exactly what you pay for them — especially “disturbing rumors!”
There was an article about Covid treatment in the Canberra Times a few weeks back. Apparently, the patients get no treatment at all until they’re so sick they need to be put into ICU. Only then do they get the antivirals that would have prevented them from getting that sick in the first place.
At no stage do they get safe and effective treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin.
How does it differ from a blogger ‘masquerading’ as a doctor?
Something worth reading:
The facts are beyond dispute and this is a known, tested, respected and internationally used treatment which makes the heading of this post Highly Appropriate.
There are none so blind as those who will not see and looking at the Hollywood Style media Verbalism that engulfs the media we have every reason to think that something is Wrong.
For me the ultimate in stupidity was outlined by a comment here on the blog, the description of an 80 plus years old uncle having recovered from CV19 in a nursing home.
This person was then vaccinated after having presumably achieved natural immunity. The consequences were horrific.
This situation is Wrong and needs correction.
That’s more evidence that the most important thing is to vaccinate everyone, whether they need it or not, so they can be issued their social credit passport…I mean vaccine passport…
Maybe there is a bit of corruption involved. Even Aussie vaccine cant get a look in:
This is a new vaccine developed by Flinders University. Apparently not being supported because they havent paid a big enough bribe to the Liberal Party
ScoMo and Hunt have ordered 105 million double doses for a country with 25M people at a cost of AUD 5 billion. That is for a vaccine with 97% efficacy! They are totally oblivious to the successful management of the virus in India and Indonesia using Ivermectin and other anti-virals. If we have to rule out ineptitude, surely corruption is next cab of the rank.
As ScoMo said to Ray Hadley recently: “It’s all right for people to have a view whether they are vaccinated or not. But you got to co-operate, you’ve got to do the right thing, you’ve got to follow the rules.”
Thanks for your ongoing push here. My own doctor was woken up by me on Ivermectin and started to prescribe, then the TGA had its utterly wrong ban. He is justifiably livid on why his own research shows that this is a clear winner for those at risk of covid or in the early stages. He is quite correct to assume that the no of people, including those who see him, impacted here will dramatically increase in the coming months.
I simply cannot believe this, and neither can Senator Gerard Rennick, who I supplied significant information to, and my report made it all the way to Greg Hunts desk. Why he did not act to ensure widespread use of Ivermectin is completely inexplicable, unless one assumes he has been “got at” by Big Pharma interests or wants to see Australians dying.
When the dust settles on covid the TGA and its directors need to be the first organisation for an Australian version of the Nuremburg trials over this, and the reckless widespread approval of “vaccines” with no significant impact on covid, and which kill and maim more than they help for those below 70.
Sadly, P of B no one will ever be held accopuntable for anything. Look at the Victorian white wash that was a public enquiry. Not a single politician or bureaucrat with enough moral compass to acknowledge responsibility for any descisions. Then of course a work safe enquiry that found a complete department, but no individual withing that department reponsible for over 800 deaths. You really couldn’t make this stuff up. The whole charade smells, looks and is shonky but dear leader smirks like a little boy caught stealing lollies. Not a single CEO of any business could get away with this sort of defence if a worker died in their employ, however the low friction, teflon coated crap that passes for the government of Victoria just keeps sliding along.
Thank You Jo for your efforts to free us from tyranny.
Please read Senator Malcolm Roberts’ letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison for a detailed account of what has happened in Australia:
A year or more ago, we had a democratic federation of six States under a Constitutional Monarchy with our freedom protected by the Magna Charta of 1215 AD. Now we have six dictatorships and are told when and where we can go and whether or not we can work. How did we let this happen?
Important perspective, and if they continue to dispute that we must invoke the memory of Watt Tyler.
We owe nothing to the United Bloody Nations and Christie Fig nor to the WHO and Tawdry Anhydrous.
We owe what’s coming to our children and grandchildren.
Through a misunderstanding as to the powers of the vaccine?
At present Boris is resisting huge pressure from politicians and the medical establishment to go to plan B and reintroduce Masks in crowded spaces and introduce for the first time vaccine passports, which have uncomfortable overtones of identity papers and are now widespread on the continent.
Many of have been pointing out that such passports are pointless, as if you went into a crowded room full of double vaccinated people they can catch or pass on covid as much as unvaccinated persons, the key difference being that the vaccination will stop you becoming as ill as you might otherwise have been.
We now have a strong all….Boris himself. The title link says it all
When people believe co2 is a bigger driver of the climate than the sun this is what you get.
I hold the media most responsible for not doing their job.
Holding up Uttar Pradesh and Indonesia as the Ivermectin poster cases is simply poking fun at the poor people – it is sad. Both places had so many Covid deaths they could not treat them or even know if they had Covid. They both had huge increase in excess deaths. Both ran short of oxygen and both had difficulty dealing with bodies. It was awful and well reported in Australia at the time. Peru was the only place with worse experience.
The simple fact that Indonesians and Indians are queueing up to get vaccinated literally in their millions should be proof enough for any outsider what Indians and Indonesians consider about the effectiveness of Ivermectin:
It is clearly evident that Indonesians and Indians do not see Ivermectin as the wonder drug touted in this political piece.
I remember about a month back when Israel was less than 70% vaccinated it was being hailed as clear evidence of vaccine failure. Well Israel today:
Cases down to 1000 per day and daily deaths in single digits.
Australia is heading for any easy ride out of Covid as hospitalisations reduce while mobility is increasing and vaccinations achieve world top ten ranking. Get on board and get vaccinated to stay out of hospital.
Meanwhile Russia provides a great example of where serious vaccine hesitancy gets a country. Covid daily deaths now hitting new highs:
Russia and Eastern Europe are so bad that they alone have reversed the global downward trend in Covid cases.
That’s pure obfuscation Rick. Doesn’t change a thing.
That site clearly indicates that ratees of infection in India and Indonesia were clearly dropping well before there was any large % of the population vaccinated – funny that!!
The site also clearly indicates that places like UK, Ireland and Singapore with very high % of vaccinations have very HIGH infection rates – that’s not funny Rick that’s sad!!
Rick, Russia and Israel have nothing to do with Ivermectin. Why bring it up? And poor people going to vaccine clinics is hardly scientific evidence of anything at all. Do we use “consensus” for reasoning? This is very surprising coming from you? (Said with concern. C’mon Rick, you — of all people, know better)
The vaccines are obviously being used after the fall in cases and clearly can’t be responsible for it.
I merely pointed out that the way to get rid of the virus is not with leaky vaccines, but only with ivermectin. As per Uttar Pradesh and Indonesia.
And in both India and Indonesia ivermectin was banned for a period and that coincided with rates of infection rising. The WHO is a servant of President Xi, and it must be exposed and abandoned.
You have no idea how many people actually took Ivermectin in any places you list. There is no way that production and distribution could have supplied any significant number of pills in the time frame that the people were dying in their millions.
The four locations you highlight all have the highest death rate of any location around the globe. You are using these sad examples to push some misguided belief that Ivermectin is a miracle cure for Covid.
You are clutching at staws.
The “leaky” vaccines are getting rid of the virus. NSW is the most recent example. But there are dozens of others that have now got the 80+% of the population vaccinated to get the infection rate under 1.
It is not supposing from me because the data is very clear on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. You are using the sadest cases of Covid, where millions died, to push some silly notion that Ivermectin is the cure of choice. Look at the data and you will see you are way off the mark. Mobility crashed as people were dying all around. Bodies piling up sends a strong message to people that they need to change behaviour to stop spreading the virus.
Hmmm “The “leaky” vaccines are getting rid of the virus. NSW is the most recent example.”
Seriously? Victoria, Israel, Singapore.
What do you mean by getting rid of the virus?? Reducing mortality yes. Reducing infections? No, mate. They can’t.
Mr. Will: You see some things, but not others. I recall the outbreak in ’20 began in China and spread to Europe, there was speculation back then as to why it didn’t spread hard in India and Indonesia. Do you remember that? Then in early ’21 it hit India and Ind. very hard, news in the US was “bodies in streets” stuff for about two weeks in June, while the new jabs allowed the US to re-open as cases dropped. At that point, as I recall, there was no chance of getting jabs out to India and Indonesia populations at large, no chance. But it did make for great scare headlines in US, better to drive folks to the jab clinic NOW! That’s when your “death” numbers came in. Then India dropped out of our news entirely during summer, why? Do you deny that the covid numbers went down in India before the jabs were available, never mind distributed? How do you explain that? You seem blind to the obvious- India and Indonesia used safe and effective medicine to reduce the harm of covid. Deal with it.
What happened to your equally fervent support of hydroxychloroquine? Did you join the Drug of the Month Club?
Mr. Spencer: That question for me? I tried to join that club back then, even though a guy named Spencer gave credible story of an adverse reaction to HCQ. I gave his comment some weight, just like I give weight to people who say they had a bad reaction to the jab. Seemed to me their story was as valid as Spencer’s story. Anyway, Drs. Fauci and Birx sent my member app back rejected, so I had to curb my enthusiasm. Since I have not had any symptoms, I did not look into joining that club when they issued the jabs of the month, how’s your membership going? New jab this month, again?! Just so you don’t miss the irony- between the two of us, I have taken no drug (intravenously or otherwise), and you are taking as many jabs as you’re told, and I’M IN THE DRUG OF THE MONTH CLUB?
What do you expect when people are dying in the millions – behaviour changes. Mobility in all those locations crashed as people made their own choices to stop getting infected and spreading to others.
Melbourne defeated Delta on its 5th lockdown. Queensland has also defeated Delta a few times. Lockdowns are effective. Reduced mobility was the key factor in turning the tide in India, Indonesia, Peru and Mexico. But it took millions of deaths before the people took their own initiative to stop the spread – Ivermectin – give me break.
Ummm, >= 11 cases but no lockdown cause the footy was on. Pls explain.
Listen, when people like Borody say that ivermectin works, you are very welcome to go and have a conversation with him and then report back to the rest of us. What do you think?
And Ireland is a cluster of over jabbed and over infected, they could do with a good dose of IVERMECTIN to get rid of their Covid hey Rick?
The reason Uttar Pradesh and Indonesia cases are declining is because they were both ravaged by COVID-19 in the pre-Delta waves of the virus. Most of the population has now been exposed to the virus. Look at Peru if you want a case study on the efficacy of ivermectin.
The best way out of the pandemic is to be vaccinated Consider not just your life but the lives of all those who you might directly and indirectly infect.
If I remember correctly this is the third explanation that you have given Simon. All wrong.
Evidence ?
“The reason Uttar Pradesh and Indonesia cases are declining”
… is because they both use a Ivermectin.
UP also combined it with an anti-biotic to ward off secondary infections, and vitamins to fortify the immune system.
…. and it worked.
Your logic is wrong, if you were right, the number of cases shouldn’t have been as high as they were. So it’s clear, the decrease is caused by external reasons, not by natural immunity. External reason in this case was Ivermectin, no question.
This is fact-free assertion of gold medal status. You have no idea of the level of Ivermectin distribution in these locations. Indofarma did not start production until July. Indonesia implemented lockdowns in the population centres on 29 June causing mobility to dive:
Case numbers turned three weeks later:
There is no way that distribution of any medication could have the impact that the reduction in mobility had. There are 270M people in Indonesia. How are they going to be medicated. Excess deaths are WAAAY above the recorded Covid deaths – low mobility, natural immunity and prioritised vaccination got Indonesia’s infection rate under 1.
“There is no way that distribution of any medication could have the impact that the reduction in mobility had.”
This is fact-free assertion of gold medal status.
You’re claiming an outcome from a comparative analysis without providing said comparative analysis.
I’ll wait, mate.
In Indonesia the official statistic is approx 1.5% of the population have been infected.
ahhh, get vaccinated to protect the ones around you, your loved ones….
such a tired argument.
Now, write on the board 100 times…
These Covid vaccines don’t prevent transmission.
Come back when you have an argument that has merit. In the meantime, let the adults do the talking.
No, sorry, not accurate.
The WHO emphatically praised the home treatment service in Utta Pradesh without naming ivermectin as a component of the treatment pack. Convenient for vaccine makers, but an even bigger win for the proponents of ivermectin, although the WHO didn’t realise it at the time. An own goal, as it were.
At the time of the ivermectin campaign the vaccination rate was 9%, so vaccination could not possibly have contributed significantly to that outcome.
The vaccines are very good for that which they were designed, which is mortality reduction. But they will NEVER EVER stop Covid. Never intended to do so, never designed to do so. Quite possibly a major flaw in the management of this pandemic, but a good short term outcome nonetheless.
Israel and Russia – using them to bolster your argument in favour of vaccination – not remotely germain to this discussion. Although it does help the ivermectin argument, Rick because the vaccines, again, won’t stop Covid.
It is premature to conclude from available data that Australia is “headed for an easy ride out of Covid”.
Jo’s argument is as much about historical losses from Covid as it is about current and future losses. I treat LARGE numbers of patients to save a single life, with medications much more dangerous than ivermectin, I can assure you. The banning of ivermectin is an appalling breach of ethics, and an egregious intrusion into consulting room. The TGA aren’t stupid. This was first and last a political decision to support vaccine contracts. “The greater good”, and all that nonsense.
Rick, I miss your skeptical thinking you prove in climate question. It’s necessary to have a look at the backgrounds of the Covid story as you look at it in the climate one
Both sciences are not settled at all, just the vacc. science is as unclear as possible.
Start thinking and reflecting for yourself.
Perhaps you should consider Rick’s track record and re-evaluate your position. A true skeptic questions all positions, not just the popular or official ones. Personally, I’m amazed at how may people who take a skeptical position on the consensus paradigm of climate are willing to jump on the alternative treatments bandwagon for COVID-19. First it was vitamin D, then HCQ, then it was HCQ with azithromycin, now it is ivermectin. What will it be tomorrow?
In the meantime, more than three dozen drugs that have been approved for human use have been shown to have efficacy in vitro, and yet get ignored by the ‘skeptic’ community. Might the ‘Silver Bullet’ be among those? How many lives might be saved if a better treatment were promoted?
I’m quite disillusioned by the ready acceptance of medical treatments that aren’t far removed from cod liver oil, or indeed, ‘snake oil.’
The thing is, in a battle of wits….
“It’s time Morrison and Hunt stopped Australians dying by denying them early treatment to Covid”
I signed – nearly 28,000 as of this post = we need lots more!
I don’t yet understand the base reasoning to ban therapeutic therapies like Ivermectin, in Australia. Supposition is rampant, but that is all it is – supposition. So, then, why? Are Australia’s hands tied owing to an obscure, hidden clause within a Trade-, or other Agreement, free, or otherwise or did our government wilfully deny the availability of this drug on account of a preference deal with an over-arching drug control body, or pharmaceutical manufacturer? Whatever the case, there needs be clarity amid the thick-fog of paranoid excuses/reasons.
I understand that Pfizer put it in their contract with the Australian Government that they had to ban Ivermectin so as they could get their supply of the so called vaccine
Do you have a reliable citation to support your ‘understanding,’ or are you just repeating something that you read on social media?
Good luck trying to convince politicians they have made a major mistake. Losing face is not a monopoly held by the Chinese. Our politicians will tell as many lies as it takes to gloss over their grave error in judgement, assuming it wasn’t deliberate, which if it was would make them easily eligible for crimes against humanity if enough evidence is uncovered. No way at the moment which one it is. Time will tell.
That’s true but the more people who speak up and share the message and protest — the harder it is for Morrison and Hunt to stick with their story.
If you don’t want digital certificates, more lockdowns and bans, the key single thing we need is ivermectin approved.
At the end of the day politicians will have no choice but to back down. The evidence against the lack of usefulness of the vaccines is mounting daily. Even Boris Johnson was on TV in recent days saying the vaccine does not stop you getting infected or stop you transmitting the virus.
So they pick one new study, and find the road to damascus. It’s their excuse for having done nothing. “Oh we only just found out”. It’s fake but face saving. They can do it.
Jo, the problem is that they are holding out for a face saving pill from Big Pharma.
They’ve invested too much in their “horse deworming” propaganda to ever back down.
The danger here is they may release the Merek pill on the population. India hit “emergency stop” on that product, as it is a dangerous mutagenic agent. Mass use will hit the afterburners on viral mutations and cause a cancer wave.
The “Pfizermectin” pill may be safer, but it is a poor substitute for Ivermectin.
It’s hard to see what the solution is, because getting politicians to admit error is near impossible. But I do know a critical factor in solving this is the maximum number of people refusing to take the vaccines.
[Spelling. -J]
Jo, listening to a friend in the USA …they are basically ready to literally buy pitchforks and take the vaccine pushers to task. People are realuzing the vaccines are apparently killing 1000s and maiming 100,000s and now they are coming after kids, the line has been drawn in the sand. Florida is now a Free State.
“… listening to a friend in the USA …”
Yes, there are irrational, highly excitable people in the USA too. It seems to be a sign of the times.
I do wish more people did care but they don’t, and when they ever do care enough it will be too late. It might already be too late. You don’t understand how clueless most of the politicians are. You also don’t realise they are just puppets of a very evil class of people behind the scenes, such as Soros. They will not give up until they have managed to rule the world. That’s one cabal. Then there is the other cabal driven mostly by the CCP. At the moment they are manoeuvring around each other to see who can come out on top. I know you don’t believe me now but give it time you will eventually.
But maybe that’s the difference between you and me Peter. Like you, I know they are corrupt and self-serving. And I know there are evil psychopaths at the top. But I’m not giving up.
Is it more naive to fight back, or to give up before we even try?
Try what? Talk, talk, talk? I’ll see things improving once we see people like Biden and Morrison behind bars. Until then it’s all a game they are winning no matter how many petitions we sign. We need people to wake up so they can stop voting for the two major parties to stir things up where it hurts. AQs long as we have LNP or ALP in government, things will not change.
Peter check (all) of the article “Greg Hunt may not be a nice person at all. By David Archibald” at https://wentworthreportdotcom.wordpress.com/
I do wish more people did care but they don’t, and when they ever do care enough it will be too late. It might already be too late. You don’t understand how clue1ess most of the politicians are. You also don’t realise they are just puppets of a very ev1l class of people behind the scenes, such as Sor0s. They will not give up until they have managed to rule the world. That’s one caba1. Then there is the other caba1 driven mostly by the CCP. At the moment they are manoeuvring around each other to see who can come out on top. I know you don’t believe me now but give it time you will eventually.
How may of them are out there?? And are there enough of them to carry the fight? The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.” – Author Unkown
Now duly signed………………………….
Of course, the Australian government is, as usual, just following the USA instructions.
And, as usual, the result is a disaster.
Yes, those instructions have driven us this far and no prime minister is going to deny them maintaining full control for as long as the instructors demand, anything else would be policy on the run and require drawing up plans for future development and there’s nobody left in the public service capable of that theirs having become a world of nudge theory.
But if people refuse to quit and share the message and protest Hunt and Morrison can point to that as a reason to change policies.
What they hope is that we give up and say nothing and make it easy for the PM to do nothing…
How unsurprisingly unscientific of you.
All the properly run trials show little benefit, you are politicising a pandemic.
Don’t hold back Harry. Name the trials. Name the problems. We need your medical wisdom.
The people politicising this pandemic and inexcusably — are the ones telling other people what treatments they have to have and where they are allowed to work and go based on a vaccine that does not stop transmission.
In the meantime, Dr Paul Oosterhuis is still fighting his suspension. If our doctors can’t tell us what they really think, how can we trust them?
Now that doctors are giving priority to the climate emergency as a causative factor in their diagnoses the last vestiges of respectability have fallen away from the medical profession.
Their decisions are locked in by the commitments of the contract with Pfizer.
Only if Australians are willing to let that happen.
Yes we need to let them Know that there is genuine anger out there.
I have some concerns with my GP parroting the “Govt” line – so I have adopted a “Passive pushback” outlook to deal with his narrow outlook.
He apparently never reads any published papers (or perhaps none that are at odds with his beliefs).
I have finally learned, in my old age, that it is up to me – and only me – to work my fat old bum off to do whatever I can to protect myself, to the best of my ability.
Besides, I kissed pigs as a kid. [This was my excuse for not having the Piggie jab – or any other jab for the past 40+ years, after having a free Flu vaccine that I nearly didn’t survive.]
Unfortunately, many of our politicians are as dumb, if not dumber – that is also a worry.
I’ve always been sceptical of the integrity of the “Annual” flu vaxx.
Devised, assembled, distributed in six months. Really?
Eventually had a couple but stopped after adverse effects reported a few years back. Then, last year I relented and took it.
I suspect that was what filled my lungs with clots a fortnight later.
Even before that I had decided I wouldn’t get the CV19 “jabs” because my trust in government was completely gone.
It’s probably been mentioned somewhere here before (this is my first visit in a long time…) but regarding Covid-19 GPs and all other health professionals are effectively muzzled by their regulator – AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) – even physios and excercise physiologists can’t speak up. If they even discuss with their patients/clients anything other than the “position statement” put out by AHPRA (which predictably promotes only vaccines) they are threatened with sanctions and deregistration if found out. It is draconian. My husband is a psychologist and he’s in the same boat. Without an AHPRA registration you cannot offer Medicare rebates to your clients, which makes it hard to compete in the market.
I think history will show that Pfizer & co effectively blackmailed Governments in the supply contracts they did with each Government. It will show one of the conditions in the contracts was that the country signing the contract could not allow the sale of an existing medication that could be used as an early treatment. Remember the guys at Melbourne University had narrowed their search for a cure down to a few, including Ivermectin in the first quarter of 2020. The “vaccines” were months away from being ready at that stage.
Two reasons for this clause in the contract : one it would have stopped the EUA given for the “vaccine” and two the obvious competition and loss of money.
I’m not sure where it is at, at the moment but a couple of months ago both Australia and NZ said they were going to Novavax as a booster.
At the time I thought this might be their way out of the other contracts. That maybe wishful thinking on my part.
My understanding is that Novavax will ONLY be available as a booster after having the “Clot Shot” vaccine or having recovered from a covid infection.It will Not be available as an alternative to the MRNA type “vaccines”
Perhaps there is some medical reason for that, but it may also be that the powers that be don’t want people aware that there might be another choice if they wait.
I am still holding out against the experimental vaccines, in the hope that I will survive long enough for Ivermectin to becomes available. I hope to be able to resist beyond the time that vaccine passports are widely implemented, even if it means that we can’t travel, eat in restaurants or go to the supermarket. How long my wife and I can hold out is the question.
Just signed the petition, if anyone here hasn’t yet just do it.
Covid 8th day Treatment protocol
Yesterday I watched a presentation by a South African Doctor who has treated 7000 Covid patients as outpatients. The only deaths were a few patients who were taken to hospital by their families and denied his treatment.
His insight is that the cytokine storm which results in rapid deterioration of lung function is in fact an allergic reaction, most likely to fragments of spike protein, as the virus is killed off. It occurs on the 8th day after the first onset of symptoms and is unrelated to the severity of the initial infection.
Consequently he treats his patients with antihistamine and steroid, with amazing results.
ICU treatments with ventilators are contra indicated and make matters worse
Was absolutely fascinating, Peter, thank you!
I had come across an interesting item about an aged facility in Spain which found itself with no meds in COVID except some anti histamines. They did not lose one oldie!
Its a sad day when I no longer trust my doctor had to secure my own health plan
Z stack from Dr Zelenco and stromectol for any flu like symptoms
Guess what will never go and get a pcr test will do it on my own and protect my family
Sort of wonderwhy I pay a medicare levy now Just Sayin
Both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have a naturally found origin. HCQ’s basic active molecule is Quinine which is still sourced from a tree found in Africa and South America. Ivermectin is sourced from a bacteria found in soil.
Quinine is an anti-malarial medicine which was administered as a prophylactic against malaria by the British military in India in the 19th century under the form of Indian Tonic Water, we today use as a mixer with gin gin and tonic).
Ivermectin was discovered by a Japanese scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for its discovery after having been used for decades at 100% success with zero% side effects in the cure of river blindness and many other afflictions including head and body lice.
Alex. I suspect [but I’m not a researcher] that most adverse reactions to IVM would in fact be adverse reactions to the billions of dead organisms in the bloodstream killed by the IVM as mentioned by Peter C above. Hence the use of antibiotics which use is not against the primary infection.
The crime of preventing the use of early outpatient treatment with the therapeutics like Ivermectin has far greater consequences than just the unnecessary deaths to date.
The “vaccines” have a huge health cost attached. Those who took the jabs gave up their chance of ever achieving long lasting broad based natural immunity.
Many people still don’t understand this. People who survived the 1918 flu still had immunity almost 100 years later. People who survived SARS-COV-1 had immunity over 18 years later and immunity against SARS-COV-2 as well.
Those that take the jabs can never have this.
In contrast those who survive SARS-COV-2 with the help of therapeutics like Ivermectin can achieve long lasting natural immunity.
This is what the corrupt politicians cannot escape. And their big pharmaceutical co-conspirators cannot save them. They know the plan for endless boosters is dead in the water. They know strain specific boosters will wipe out the jabbed. So they are stuck with the reality that is becoming increasingly impossible to deny: those that resisted the jabs are the best protected, and the nations that used the therapeutics are the winners.
Konrad.I will as of tomorrow have been cleared one week from covid 19 infection.My son and presumably my wife who refused testing have had it!Mild to zero symptoms.The govt health nurse who rand daily said the vast majority were experiencing similar symptoms as we were.Once cleared she suggested I get the jab.I pointed out my now natural immunity was more effective than the vaccine.She agreed but said I should get it to have community access!When I asked why my immunity isn’t recognised she said it would encourage people to actively seek infection.
Greg, I don’t have all the answers but the data from Israel indicates a serious issue: those that have aquired natural immunity appear to reduce their protection by getting subsequently double jabbed.
Hold on as long as you can. The NSW government is folding. They are lying about the numbers jabbed in an effort to get to “no restrictions” before the quackzine passport game reveals to retailers that 80% was never achived.
If you have natural immunity, don’t throw it away for the sake of people who violated the Nuremberg code.
Medication they’re rejecting,
Early treatment they’re preventing,
the Med Establishment.
The NIH, the CDC the WHO- the heck with you,
With your sitting on the fence,
The politest way to put it is willful ignorance,
Despite over 60 (!) studies and mountains of evidence.
Are we correct in our assumption,
They supported gain of function,
And not only in theory, also financially,
And was not stated intent,
A global crisis to prevent?
And now the world does find itself,
In the middle of the fight,
Like a sneezing bat-soup connoisseur,
They’ve lost their appetite!
It would seem they’re in no hurry,
For a sanctioned trial or study,
In treatment or prevention,
And refuse to even mention,
All the data pouring in.
For Big Pharma there is much to lose,
And so they label controversial,
Though their reasons are commercial,
The safe effective treatments,
Many nations already use.
And the tiresome mainstream networks,
Their allegiance plain to see,
At least for anybody watching it,
And thinking critically,
If you hunger for the science,
And brilliant repartee,
Search online for ‘Dark Horse Podcasts’
Or Simply FL C C C.
(and turn off the ABC!)
In any battle, large or small,
We know eventually,
The light of truth will light the way
And it will be plain to see,
The loudest voice with all to lose,
It shouts conspiracy!
But what’s to gain for IVM,
When compared to a vaccine,
Though let’s call it what it really is,
A new gene therapy.
Ask yourself cui bono,
Who benefits the most,
Those who place supportive care,
Over Hippocratic Oath?
Which party has the most to lose,
And who’s trying to make a buck,
Who really cares for patients,
And who doesn’t give a Fauci.
In this debate it’s plain to see,
Who’s on the side of good,
Who’s the Sheriff of Nottingham,
And who is Robin Hood.
So if you hear it doesn’t work,
By print or TV station,
Know that you are being fed Covid misinformation.
So congratulations Doctors,
Take a bow and tip your hat,
You’ve used your nous, your skill and brains,
And cracked this covid crap.
A grateful global population,
United as one nation,
Applaud your mighty efforts,
To defeat this enemy,
We know now that the battle,
Was fought as much politically.
But it’s over, done and dusted,
The dam is busted through,
You’ve flipped the script on Covid,
And the obstructionists of the WHO.
For now its they who must defend,
And sell the narrative,
That EUA’s are needed for experimental jabs,
And the risks are worth YOU dying for,
As there’s no alternative.
But for now we are applauding,
And looking on in awe,
And statues they’ll be erecting,
For the Scientists, the Doctors
And that Nobel Prize selection,
Now an anti-viral miracle,
Its name is IVERMECTIN!
We have just learned that the efficacy of the vaccines is dropping like a stone, Johnson and Johnson is now down to 3%. That means it doesn’t work at all.
We are also learning that natural immunity could last for life, I have had covid but had good VitD levels and my symptons were mild. I am 70 years old and seen these things come and go, but have never been vaccined..plus this is not a vaccine, it is a GMO and dangerous.
reading through the open petitions, it is clear that people are genuinely worried about what is going on at the moment. the highest number of sigs currently is Petition EN3285 – Reject Biosecurity Ammendment Bill 2021 with 155,000 sigs it is worth signing. there are many more in that 100 plus list about similar problems of government overreach.
but then this is the second highest – Petition EN3307 – Gender affirming surgery should be covered by Medicare. Asutralia is doomed.
Somebody has to play Devil’s advocate…
‘An important controversial point to consider in any rationale is the 5 µM required concentration to reach the anti-SARS-CoV-2 action of ivermectin observed in vitro,17 which is much higher than 0.28 µM, the maximum reported plasma concentration achieved in vivo with a dose of approximately 1700 µg/kg (about nine times the FDA-approved dosification).24 25 In this sense, basic fundamentals for assessing ivermectin in COVID-19 at a clinical level appear to be insufficient. Among other reasons, we believe this might have led WHO to exclude ivermectin from its Solidarity Trial for repurposed drugs for COVID-19,12 which raises questions about the pertinence of conducting clinical studies on ivermectin.’
Haven’t we already had enough of low-grade/deliberately misleading clinical trials from the SARS2 ‘vaccine’ trials?
There was a time when efficacy in clinical trials was only accepted after challenge trials had established that the proposed intervention worked better in vivo than placebo. Now efficacy is often based on what doesn’t happen rather than what does happen. So if somebody in a clinical trial (or the general population) doesn’t encounter the virus, or does and only has mild or no symptoms, then the ‘vaccine’, or ivermectin or HCQ or snake-oil is said to ‘work’. Correlation is not causation!
Sorry but we need a better rationale than this before we start mass dosing with re-purposed drugs, anti-virals, or the largely unproven ‘prophylactic’ ‘vaccines’ themselves which are not even designed to prevent infection or onward transmission.
Pharma, and their partners in crime in academia, have been conning us this way for years, though they only have an incentive to con us when money is to be made so there will never be any incentive to show that cheap out-of-patent drugs do anything other than what it says on the tin. If we can even believe that in many cases…
The way IVM works is well known, also that it works against other virus, that’s even known for longer time.
I’m not unacquainted with the controversy. Yet, I have not seen an explanation of how an anti-parasitic is effective against a virus. Can you explain it, or better yet, cite a source for your statement?
The Melbourne group have addressed the concentration issues in public. Basically, there are significant differences between human lung tissue and monkey kidney cells (which the 5 micro gram concentration data came from). The IC50 in lung tissue is much lower than in monkey kidney cells, IVM bioaccumulates in lung tissue, and the standard dosage reaches this level in vivo, or even greater levels if it is taken with a fatty meal.
Wondering why this hasn’t appeared in a journal yet, but it has been stated a number of times. I saw it reported indirectly but with permission by Paul Marek in February 2021, and in a video presentation by Kylie Wagstaff (the lead Monash investigator) in May 2021. I do wonder why there is no preprint or peer reviewed publication out there yet, but having been an academic I have my suspicions. 🙁
We all operate under the assumption that medical, academic, and political officials are primarily concerned with the well being of those that allegedly placed them in their positions.
And us too.
An assumption that polite citizens should continue to embrace.
No matter what.
To not assume this is immoderate and obviously based on misinformation.
We can’t tolerate ordinary people being misled by misinformation.
I’m certain that real information will be the only information available in the Resilience Center.
After sufficient exposure, to be determined on a case by case basis by the Commandan … I mean Public Health Officer, a Freedom Pass will be issued.
Frequency of Freedom Pass renewal is as yet undetermined.
Occasional Resilience retraining may be required.
You know, to flatten the curve.
It is for public safety.
Dang …
after reading that, I think I’m almost ready for a new career in …
politics, or academia, or public heath
Maybe even journalism.
Wait, I’m too old.
Wait, Fauci and Biden are near 80.
Fauci is 80.
[…] with these figures in mind, read this: It’s time Morrison and Hunt stopped Australians dying by denying them early treatment to Covid. It’s a link to a petition to our Government with this as the […]
Be afraid Victorians, and ask why your State Government wants extra powers and no longer based on Chief Medical Officer’s advice, and after the Premier recently promised no more general lockdowns?
Here is another one
Speaking of Greg Hunt, this article is interesting.
Greg’s brothers have interesting involvements in health and research matters as well.
Fascinating Report – bookmarked and saved
In July 2020 Greg Hunt flick-passed $970,000 to a company called Merunova to study back pain, meaning that the founders of that company were spared a life of work for a while. But one of these, a Dr Kyle Sheldrick, had to sing for his supper as a co-author of an article entitled “The lesson of ivermectin: meta-analyses based on summary data alone are inherently unreliable”. A back-pain man is motivated enough to take time out to opine on ivermectin, an antiviral? Well, motivated by money provided by taxpayers. Mr Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz was recycled to be a co-author of this paper with Dr Sheldrick.
The saying is “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence and three times is enemy action”. But this is too much coincidence — it is enemy action. Both Bill Gates and Greg Hunt give grants to medical researchers who then are co-authors of the same paper attacking ivermectin? That is coordination. The chances of these people knowing each other prior to the appearance of the paper are impossibly small.
The technique used in global warming is being recycled for the virus. Pay off some shifty, work-shy academic who then delivers the required message on demand.
Greg Hunt’s collusion with Bill Gates’ foundation on the ivermectin hit piece explains why he is keeping ivermectin out of the country. And why he is wilfully blind to the success of ivermectin in Indonesia.
A lot of wishing and hoping here. It’s misplaced and in time it will be shown as most people don’t give a damn, are clueless or in fact fully support what our governments are doing. Face reality, things will have to get a lot worse before we reach rock bottom. Economically speaking we are heading for the mother of all crashes and there is nothing anyone can do to prevent it. The ultimate financial train wreck will be catastrophic. I just hope I’m not still around to witness it but I suspect I will be. US national debt is almost at $30 trillion and rising rapidly. When the next big financial crisis happens they will do what they always do; borrow more money to stimulate the economy yet again. At some point it will go too far and the whole show will start to unravel due to a fear of runaway inflation, which is already rising but for a variety of reasons, some related to supply/demand issues and some due to fiscal and other associated factors. Then they have two choices; raise interest rates significantly in an attempt to defend their dollar, which will lead to a depression given the nature and size of their debt, or let things go and have hyperinflation once the world loses confidence in the US for political, geopolitical and financial reasons, which will eventually lead to a depression anyway once it goes to pieces. We just know which option they will choose but in time we will. Meanwhile, enjoy the music while it lasts.
Only 3 days left until the close of the petition? Wish I had known about it earlier…
What is a major concern IMHO is that Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, both very effective treatments, were both banned before the pandemic actually took hold here and that this was in part due to a carefully engineered lying Lancet article and numerous other such lying quotes by supposed leading world health workers.
This timing, plus the deliberate world spreading of the virus by China, (who allowed international flights from Wuhan but locked up that state totally WRT the rest of China), the massive surge in pharmaceutical investments by leading US political families months before the outbreak, the massive drive to use an unproven technology (mRNA), the MSM campaign to feed us nonstop lies as opposed to truths, reeks of a pre-planned conspiracy.
Trump’s biggest mistake was in trusting and in assuming that public servants are just that. Most public servants are leftists with a union that lubricates their life and to assume that they can all be trusted to obey orders contrary to their personal politics or views is a joke. When I lived in the ACT it was not uncommon to hear the Young public service Turks boasting of ignoring, deferring of simply losing orders with which they disagreed. When you realize that many hard left members of the old SDS are now entrenched in top public service jobs can anyone wonder about the outcome?
Medical administration jobs have always been regarded as jobs for losers as no serious doctor would take them on. But they are an ideal job for those with ideological ambitions as they can control policy politically as opposed to medically. Find a list of those in the federal and state health departments then examine the names and profiles of those in control.
Well said.
I think you go a bit far in saying always. My father worked as a Medical Officer of Health in Ireland, Rhodesia and NSW in the ’50s to the ’70s. He had many interesting stories of tracking down disease oubreaks, large scale vaccination schemes, meat poisoned because farmers had fed seed grain to pigs, etc. Good public health measures are a way for a doctor to do a large amount of good. But Dad gave up on NSW public health in ’77, a couple of years after they introduced the Health Commission. The position of MOH had been abolished and the new top dog was the Regional Director, a typical bureaucratic role, with public health an incidental resposonsibility. Worthwhile work had given way to office politics. Dad saw out the end of his career as medical superintendent of a hospital. He didn’t want to be a part of the politicised health that replaced public health, but he remained rightly proud of his earlier work.
“… meat poisoned because farmers had fed seed grain to pigs,”
Probably seeds coated with a mercury compound to act as a fungicide. There was a man and his son who died in New Mexico in the ’70s from eating their pig after it died from eating their treated seed corn. Mercury-based fungicides are now banned in the US.
What is interesting, is that doctors tried using mercury compounds to treat syphilis when it first showed up in Europe. Often there is a fine line between a drug killing the intended target and having such severe side-effects that it kills the patient. That is why clinical trials are performed. To try to find the ‘Goldilocks zone’ where the pathogen is killed, with little in the way of side-effects. Where are the controlled, clinical trials to establish the optimal dosage for ivermectin for COVID-19? Jo and others promote ivermectin, claiming there are no side effects. Even if that is true, how can we be sure there won’t be long-term effects that show up later in life? Are there specific contraindications for the use of ivermectin? Unless one knows the answers to these questions, they should not be advocating self-medication.
No, it wasn’t mercury, it was hexachlorobenzene.
Yes, the dose makes the poison as they say. Ivermectin’s safety is well established in the prevention of onchocerciasis so as long as the dose is that or less it shouldn’t do much harm. I hope you have stronger reservations about the “streamlining” of the trials of the COVID-19 vaccines, since they really are new.
Photo at the top of this post.
I keep thinking of future history photo montages.
This fellow(?) Dan and that blondish woman(?) that is health minister (ministress) of NSW I think …
Gaia’s central casting is spot on
(?) my new method of not assuming someone’s gender ID.
Will gender ID be on the Freedom Pass?
I mean, that could help.
Two birds.
I have signed the petition and passed on to as many as I can in the forlorn hope that someone in government will at least look at it before assigning it to the floor drawer. What is becoming more obvious by the day is that senior politicians have been tapped by big pharma who will drive the vax train for as long as they can prior to the federal election. The next several months will be our last opportunity to pressure candidates into resolving this politically manufactured mess. In WA our rather sinister and arrogant premier wilfully ignores the increasing number of freedom rallies and large number of attendees arguing as he can that the sheeple gave him the mandate to do all this in the name of keeping us strong and safe. Looks like buyers remorse might finally be setting in. My partner is a school teacher and she will likely refuse to participate in these medical trials at the cost of her job. Many others will be in a similar position – all for the want of a cheap effective drug which has the potential to stop this virus in its tracks, Presumably once Ivermectin is approved as a prophylactic the EUA on the vaccines will cease and this particular gravy train will be derailed…. I live in hope….
For who wish to Aquire ivermectin I followed Brenda Spences advice ( September 11 on this site ) and imported a significant amount of ivermectin and HCQS from India. It took about Four weeks and came in a unmarked box. It was not that difficult and the company seems on the ball. The address is http://www.ziverdo.kit.com if this does not work go to brenda spences post and use her hi-lighted address and go straight there. Thanks Brenda.
I just placed an order. Thanks Gavin. Now to wait and see if my order for illicit drugs gets past our ever-vigilant border guards!
Thanks Gavin. The link should be http://www.ziverdo-kit.com or use https://www.ziverdokit.store/
I presume they “fudge” the contents on the paperwork. In totalitarian NZ the Customs people are stopping Ivermectin coming in and destroying the product.
WION is a great alternative news site and the presenter/journalist is world class.
Here is their information on what Pfizer is doing with their contracts.
Contracts have to be accepted by both parties, but as the fear is big, the countries will sign without further reflection.
IVM would have been the better choice.
Courious about the contract they have with Israel…
Wow, and thanks Ross.
More common sense and investigative journalism out of India. Well done Palki Sharma.
A great report, concise and telling.
7 minutes, and a must watch in my view.
I’m not a lawyer, and even less of an international one, so all I can do is ask: Is there even a concept of “Unconscionable contract” in international law?
Dave B
Petition signed Jo. Many thanks for the updates on Ivermectin treatment
And on the side
“Unmasked Master of the Covid Joe Biden – coughs into his hand then shakes hands with everyone”
Oh yuk!
Another example
“Cashill Asks The Obvious Question, Who Will They Blame When Everyone is Vaccinated? Waterford County, Ireland, Provides The Example
October 25, 2021 | Sundance | 86 Comments”
Covid Vaccines.. The 737 MAX of medicine???????
“If You Were Concerned About CDC Vaccine Policy Being Driven by Politics…
October 25, 2021 | Sundance | 249 Comments”
If You Were Concerned About CDC Vaccine Policy Being Driven by Politics…
October 25, 2021 | Sundance | 249 Comments
Link for that
“Passport To Nowhere”
Neil Oliver
A Beagle gets Angry at Dr Fauci
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Hits Back Hard Against Anthony Fauci, Mad Scientists, Puppy Killers and the NIH Political Health Establishment
”You cannot have mad scientists running around playing God like this … including cruel experiments on puppies”
Anthony Fauci and NIH Funded Grotesque Research on Beagle Puppies
I have not wanted to outline this story because it is just grotesque in the extreme. However, as with all things we do not wish to know about, I guess the seriousness of the issue requires us to know in order to stop it. Let us hope it has already stopped. Daily Mail has more details – Evil, thy name is Fauci
And monkeys
And then the different outlook on dogs and the selection of site – try (J) here
And site info in here
how do I sign this petition. I just keep getting a Parliament site closed to the public.
At the bottom of that screen you should see boxes for Name, Surname, email address twice, “Agree” and “Next”
You will then be told to check your email to complete
Petition signed and spread.
The recommendations around usage of agricultural chemicals for animal pest control is to rotate products to limit the build up of chemical resistance.
No mention that the ban has removed one of few chemicals available for agricultural use for control of internal and external pests of livestock.
“Reminder: Josef Mengele Was The Government Doctor”
From an article by Daniel Horowitz in YourDestinationNow, SEPTEMBER 14, 2021: on the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s banning of Ivermectin
“Horowitz: Australia admits it is banning
ivermectin for COVID because it interferes
with universal vaccine agenda.”
So, if you knowingly withhold lifesaving treatment, and death results, then that’s OK because it is in agreement with the universal vaccine agenda.
I like to compare Ivermectin with lockdowns.
In both cases, there is some, but not strong, evidence saying their use is effective.
We know from decades of use that Ivermectin is safe. We also know lockdowns are harmful.
The safe treatment is banned, and the harmful treatment is mandatory.
Unfortunately that petition has already closed.
hey kids its three more days to Halloween, and the silver shamrock. Be in front of your tv for the special and don’t forget your masks.
don’t worry the mask and the radiation will not kill you and turn your head into a parasite farm. Naa the movies are always phantasy. Oh i hear 5g is good for you brain. (music) Sheeple are sheeple so why should it be, that you and i should act so stu-pid-ly bom bom bom