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Oct 1 Strike! Teachers, police, heathcare, firefighters, miners, airline staff, truckies, to protest mandatory vaccination

Coercion is not Consent!

Censorship is not consent either.

Vaccine mandate strike in Australia, Friday October 1. By Rod Lampard.

A united cross-section of Australian industries is set to strike on October 1 over State-sanctioned, and unconstitutional medical conscription.

While the Australian federal government maintains COVID-19 vaccines are NOT mandatory, in an apparent “workaround” section 51 of the Australian constitution, the Morrison government has enabled the states to make COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory.

The 16,000-member strong Facebook group, Australian Education United said:

All work sectors are uniting against mandatory vaccines & covid passports. On October 1 we RECLAIM THE LINE that was taken from us. Freedom, liberty, and our right to choose if we take the vaccine.

With Sky News Australia being the exception, the strike is conspicuously absent from most legacy media organisations. Strange, considering the strike is set to go national and is of national importance.

If this was a Climate Extinction rally, or a BLM Strike, would the media say nothing? As Ed Driscoll would say, Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense.

Sky News’ Dominica Funnell reported: “Organised by National Education United (NEU), the #ReclaimTheLine protest looks to support teachers, police, paramedics, aged care workers, health care workers, firefighters, construction workers, airline staff, miners and truck drivers.”

According to Funnell, “industry workers in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth, Byron Bay, Newcastle, and Port Macquarie are planning to participate.”

Quoting from Sky News, National Education United’s Christian Marchegiani said, “the strike was designed to provide support for anyone who faces losing their job due to sweeping vaccine mandates.”

A sit-down by 50 professionals in a Melbourne park was silently quashed this week:

[A] peaceful sit-down protest in a Melbourne Park this week was intimidated and then dispersed by busloads of heavily armed police, backed by helicopter surveillance.

Avi Yemini of Rebel News explained, “the group of [healthcare workers] were socially distanced, wearing masks, and fully vaccinated, surround by thousands picnicking at the same park, in the same spot.”

These facts did not deter the heavy police presence.

“No jab no job” deadlines are looming for many.

Yemini said a nurse who works at the vaccination hubs [told him], “Ninety per cent of the people I’m vaccinating are there because they want their freedoms back… that’s not the right reason to make a medical decision.”

Press release here.

The states can “get away” with unconstitutional acts that the federal government can’t do

Getting states to force vaccination appears to be the same loophole that worked against farmers years ago. The commonwealth government would have to pay compensation if it made legislation that took away a farmer’s right to use their own land.
The commonwealth could not prohibit farmers from clearing “regrowth” that sequestered carbon. Instead most states brought in legislation to the same effect. No compensation payable. Read the Peter Spencer story here.

UPDATE: The numbers in the USA are astonishing

vaccination protest

70,000 workers willing to quit?



To be vaxed, while allowed to say no,
Leave refusers with nowhere to go,
No work and no pay,
No travel, no play,
But it’s still not mandated you know.


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