A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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North Coast cafes revert to take away as ‘Freedom Day’ hits the regions
As some cafes take a financial hit rather than refuse service, a North Coast MP says government doesn’t expect small business to police the public health orders.
A North Coast MP says it’s not businesses responsibility to police vaccinations as some cafes revert to lockdown trading, unwilling to turn away customers or risk copping a fine.
The next phase of the NSW government’s ‘road map’ to reopening began on Monday with cafes from the Coffs Coast to the Tweed opting to open for take away only on so-called ‘Freedom Day’.
Some owners expressed concerns over having to “discriminate” against the unvaccinated while others wanted to avoid the stress of policing restrictions or falling foul of the rules.
Renee Semenza and Justin Iddles, owners of popular Moonee Beach cafe The Black Apple, said in reverting to take away they were electing not to “act as the enforcers of a policy designed to segregate and punish” certain community members.
Ms Semenza said while the decision would impact their trade they recognised restaurants and retailers occupied “a unique space” in the debate over Covid restrictions and felt they had a responsibility to take a stand that reflected their values.
“As a Covid-safe business that has willingly done everything we’ve been asked to do over the last couple of years to protect our community, we’ve taken this tact now because we believe that this issue transcends personal opinions about Covid and vaccination and threatens the essence of what it means to be a free society,” she said.
Ms Semenza said the response from the community had been overwhelmingly supportive.
While they could be critical of how the onus had often been on small business to “interpret and implement” government policies, Ms Semenza said the way the rules had been articulated wasn’t a consideration.
“When we heard what was planned for October 11, we knew we’d have to find an alternative approach or shut the doors entirely,” she said.
“I certainly sympathise with other business owners who, after two years of intense restrictions on trade, are put in the position this morning of turning away customers who just had coffee in their shop yesterday or risk copping fines and abuse.”
A number of other cafes including Split Cafe in Sawtell and Palate and Ply in Coffs Harbour have returned to takeaway trading.
Further north, cafes like Brew and Bake Co in Kingscliff and Lucid Pure Vegetarian in Murwillumbah also opted against opening for dine-in customers.
In a post on their Facebook page, Lucid Pure Vegetarian wrote that while it understood governments were having a “difficult time” balancing the rights of individuals and public health, it was against their culture to provide service to some and not others.
Woolgoolga Cafe Bluebottles Brasserie marked the occasion with a humorous social media post in which owner Dan Weiss mused that there were “a few other names for today rather than ‘Freedom Day’.”
Mr Weiss, who owns the cafe with wife Renee, said it had been a long two years for small businesses and they were once again “adjusting to where the goalposts are”.
While acknowledging there were ‘grey areas’ thrown up by the changing directives, Mr Weiss said they would be abiding by the public health orders.
He added it was “business as usual” for the cafe they have owned for eight years.
“It’s freedom day for some and not so for others,” he said.
“At the end of the day I am in the industry of hospitality and we exist to serve … and our entire team live by that.”
Meanwhile, Clarence Valley MP Chris Gulaptis said the ‘reasonable steps’ to prevent unvaccinated people entering a non-essential business did not include asking customers for their vaccination status.
However, businesses were entitled to do so.
Mr Gulaptis said the onus was on the customer to “do the right thing” and ensure they were fully vaccinated before entering a premises and the government did not expect small business to police the public health orders.
Not only was policing the orders impractical for most small businesses, Mr Gulaptis said he did not want everyday situations to “escalate” into aggressive confrontations over people’s vaccination status.
“The whole purpose of the public health orders are to protect the public, certainly not to actually endanger the public by getting people involved in fisticuffs,” he said.
Perhaps MP Chris Gulaptis should explain how the unvaccinated are a health threat to the vaccinated.
It might be easier than explaining why he should be re-elected on an Apartheid policy.
just saw your comment No.4
I thought that a previous court case made it clear that you needed an “Authorised Officer” to enforce the ruling anyway , I imagine if it’s the case for a publican it would be same for a restaurant etc .
yes that was Avi Yemini’s law fare. It would have to stand surely.
Excellent post, thank you. And well done Ms Semenza, well done indeed.
where vax mandate comes from
Go figure, Kamala Harris Hired Child Actors For Rebranding Effort That Failed
The Washington Examiner dug a little deeper into the background of the Kamala Harris cringe video. Apparently team Harris hired child actors to help create the illusion for her rebranding effort. There are many details in the report that represent just how artificial and fake the Biden administration is
WASHINGTON – […] Trevor Bernardino, a 13-year-old actor from Carmel, California, and one of five teenagers featured in the video, was asked to submit a monologue discussing something he is passionate about and three questions for a world leader, according to an interview with KSBW TV. Trevor then interviewed with the production director. “And then after that, like a week later, my agent called me, and he’s like, ‘Hey Trevor, you booked it,’” Trevor said.
Bernardino was joined by Derrick Brooks II, another child actor , Emily Kim, likewise a child actor , Zhoriel Tapo, a child actor and aspiring journalist who has interviewed former first lady Michelle Obama , and Sydney Schmooke.
A fake stage set for Joe Biden to pretend he’s giving discussions from the White House. A group of kids hired by the White House to play the role of kids for Kamala Harris propaganda effort. Well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see just how fake this entire effort is as constructed.
Is there anything they do thats not curated and staged?
pretty sure speaking Bidonese is not exactly staged LOL
other than that l totally agree 😉
Well, they did stage an election recently.
pretty bad actors
More Info Surfaces On Southwest Airlines Flight Cancellations and Pilot Push Back Against Vaccine Mandates
People inside Southwest Airlines are speaking out carefully and pointing out why there are so many flight disruptions. Essentially, the background issues are what were discussed earlier. Pilots are pushing back against vaccine mandates; and if you think about the curriculum vitae of a typical pilot, it makes sense.
A big percentage of commercial airline pilots are former military pilots. That group of people carry a strong disposition toward the principles of patriotism, service, liberty and freedom.
It is a simple truism that upsets leftists, but it makes sense for this specifically skilled workforce group to be the tip of the push back spear.
As we previously outlined, this is not about vaccines per se’, this is more about a slippery slope of having the government dictate how you can live your life and earn a living.
If they can force you to have a medical procedure, and then carry documentation of that procedure in order to work… why can’t they force you to get a small electronic implant of your identification, which would coincidentally include your medical authorizations for work?
It’s just a metal detector…. it’s just taking off your shoes… it’s just wearing a mask…. it’s just a vaccination….. it’s just a COVID passport… it’s always, “just”.
Factually I do not believe a federal mandate for a vaccine is even possible or legal. It appears to me that all of Biden’s threats in this regard are simply that, threats.
The purpose of the threat is to push people to take the vaccine without actually attempting a legal federal mandate; and that approach so far has been successful. However, now they are going to encounter the more hard-core groups who will not concede liberty or freedom to a federal mandate.
Southwest Airlines Offering Free Flights To All Passengers Who Are Vaccinated And Can Fly A Plane
Delta too. A completely vaccinated pilot died in flight within the past two weeks and an emergency landing had to be made because of it.
Show us a link in support please.
Taken from this site but can’t find anything official .
Thanks r r,
Sounds real to me. Dated yesterday,
Watch the full 14 mins, there’s some good news at the end.
Dave B
Ah yes, Stew Peters ferreted it out. At least his stories have sources whereas real raw news doesn’t even give pictures of the Gitmo hangings it tabulates; I think they did Susan Rice last time I went there.
After reading everything I can find on the “vaccine”, I have come to the conclusion that anyone that is planning to take the “jab” should have their Will, personal affairs and funeral arrangements in order beforehand, just in case.
“Is resistance to COVID-19 mandates reaching critical mass?”
A viral infection which 99.9xxx percent of the population survive is nothing to fear. It’s a propaganda triumph that people do fear it and even go on to accept the cyclone wire fence stops a mosquito model of masking –somebody should send Brett Sutton the Florida legislation banning the mandating of masks in schools. Unite against mandated insanity.
**** Everyone needs to see this *****
Heres something to really rock your world – 2 researchers appear to have found nano creatures/structures in the CV19 vaccines .
Actual video here & discussion ( see at 5:00-20:00 ) – shows video of polish researcher with clear images , also a doctor who says she saw one nano creature was standing up off the microsocope slide….yikes….
Things just got a whole lot worse….what is going on?
Heres the thing – back in the 1940s humanity made a huge leap forward in developing weaponry of unmatched ferocity.
Whos to say this isnt a similar quantumn leap forward in creating a nano weapon?
The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.” – Author Unkown
The fertility report
Female COVID-19 vaccination associates with lower fertility – America’s Frontline Doctors (
“Female COVID-19 vaccination associates with lower fertility”
“Papers Please” – New South Wales Australia Officially Celebrates Their First Day of Apartheid with The Introduction of Two Classes of Citizens
According to almost all Australian media today…. the birds are singing louder, the sun is warmer, the skies have parted and angelic music resounds from the heavens and proclaims – “Freedom Day is here”.
Yes, after months of government mandated, police enforced, hibernation and strict COVID isolation, millions of formerly free citizens can open their windows and doors for the first time. However, they step out of their homes while crossing a new threshold that can never be reversed. They enter a new era of apartheid, as only vaccinated individuals are permitted to engage in this “Freedom Day” society.
Every venue in New South Wales is under strict legal mandate and government forced compliance to ban all non-vaccinated persons from their facilities.
The bright-eyed and squinting sheeple masses are so caught up in the newly permitted freedom, they have yet to fully grasp exactly what this new future entails.
NSW Police won’t randomly check for vax status
NSW Police will not be stopping random bar and restaurant patrons to see if they are fully vaccinated, says Police Minister David Elliott.
Appearing on Sky News today, Mr Elliott said police would attend only when necessary.
“I’m quite happy they will be there as and when required,” he said. “It’s not going to be the police force’s job to go ask for papers just because you’re sitting at a bar.”
For the first time in weeks I ventured downtown yesterday, to get some cash and a few things(not groceries, we have ben getting them delivered).
At the hardware store I forgot to log in, got my $8.40 worth of stuff, there was nobody else in the shop except the manager. I then tried the newsagent. I was reminded to book in, then refused access because I didn’t have a certificate to say I was double vaccinated.
I am not pleased. I didn’t know I needed such a certificate. As for the vaccination, I have done as I was told. I booked a jab when my GP told me to. When I turned up it had all been changed, I had to rebook. Again when I turned up I wasn’t on their list, but they fitted me in, and gave me an appointment for the second jab which is still a fortnight away.
Its not our elected government which is doing this to us, creating this confusion. It’s the “elite” citizens they handed control to. And it’s way past time the elected government took back charge of and responsibility for the situation.
The problem is that the information is almost all created, substantially funded and published by the drug suppliers. Regulaters only review the information given to them by the suppliers. Many members of regulatory councils and committees are dependent to some extent in their day jobs on funding from drug suppliers. It would be also for sure and certain that some of those council/committee members would own shares in drug companies.
Then you’ve got to get past the Guilds. Each guild protects its own patch by never dipping a toe into some other guild’s patch. This enables some very disingenuous behaviour, with the unashamed declaration that “that is not my speciality”.
Professor Robert Clancy declared it a “sad and shameful day for Australian medicine… when the TGA used its regulatory muscle to prevent doctors at the COVID-19 pandemic’s coalface from prescribing ivermectin”, especially when their reason given was that availability of a cheap and effective treatment might interfere with the vaccination program.
Dr Phillip Altman in his condemnation of the instruction that pharmacists should refuse to fill prescriptions for Ivermectin when the intention might be to use it for treating COVID declared that in his long experience the bans placed on Ivermectin and Hydroxyxhloroquine are unprecedented.
That is more than enough reason for the elected politicians to call their “experts” to order and overrule them on the use of these two drugs.
Today our daughter in law was not permitted to take the kids to swimming lessons because she hasn’t had her second jab.
This is getting like the 10c bottle levy fiasco, where they imposed their tax but didn’t provide facilities for us to recoup the money.
I look at it this way, based on what Ive seen today about what appears to be nano technology in the vaccines, you wont have to wait long before we see a sizbale chunk fo the population completely shattered by this thing.
I would sincerely recommend you watch this video, and distribute to as many people as you can email. The analysis is quite thorough. First 20 mins should be all you need.
Also seems Ivermectin works well because it appears there may be some form of parasite in covid itself. Weird times we live in.
Velcome to zee future, colonial comrade!
Apartheid Australia
Apartheid Aotearoa (oops, wash my mouth out)
Apartheid New Zealand
Not only ‘Papers Please’ on the way, but a minority self-chosen and U.N.-backed tribal elite get to tell the rest of us (multi-cultural majority) how to live our lives. Tu meke! Too much!
At least it’s FREEZING and SNOWING down south (see post below).
What delicious hypocrisy. Australia was one of the nations that actively opposed Apartheid in South Africa. One of the most hated hallmarks of apartheid was the “Dompass” – papers that the native population of South Africa had to carry on themselves at all times which restricted their movement around the country and kept them out of white areas and facilities (unless they were there to serve). South Africa now has a Freedom day that is celebrated annually and represents the end of Apartheid and the first free elections in that land. The irony is that Freedom Day in NSW now marks the introduction of a “pass” that defines the segregation of society and the imposition of restriction of movement for the untermensch. What next? The other cornerstones of Apartheid – the Group areas act defining where one can reside, the Separate Amenities Act defining which facilities one can use and of course the Mixed Marriages Act preventing marriage across the line? Benjamin Franklin’s eternal words “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” underscore that the people of Australia are entering into a Devil’s bargain and this needs to be fought against by all. Boycott those cafes, pubs and restaurants that act as the governments agents in policing this horrific law. This must never be allowed to divide our societies.
Is it also ironic that a green labor government is not countenancing doing anything like this?
They are keeping stumm, and letting the Liberals destroy themselves. !
I doubt very much that they have any rational ideas of their own, otherwise we would have heard them.
“a green labor government is not countenancing doing anything like this”
Or you could just watch Dan in Victoria. 😉
Dan must be aching in his backbrace anticipating the casual mention of his name by a witness in the Operation Watts Public Hearing as indeed must be Labor members in all four Houses of Parliament.
Put them in power and it would be many times more restrictive. Without doubt.
The are in power in the ACT. And they are not countenancing etc.
And didnt they spend a lot of money on rainbow roundabouts and promoting the alphabet agenda without consulting taxpayers prior to the referendum?
And apparently all the ACTs power is from renewables, without the ability to generate it… does that work?
BoM seasonal forecast, its going to be wet on the eastern half of the continent. This also caught my eye, cyclones have been trending below average since the turn of the century.
‘The long-term average is for 11 cyclones to form in Australian waters and for four to cross the coast.
‘But that value has been slipping over recent decades. Since 2000, the average has fallen to nine cyclones per season, according to Mr Browning.
‘Last year was also expected to be slightly above average and we ended up seeing eight.’ (ABC)
There is much to discover through paleo climate history.
‘The importance of extending records to century time scales is highlighted for northeast Australia, where a virtual absence of category 5 cyclones during the 20th century stands in contrast to an active period of severe cyclogenesis during the previous century. Several land crossing storms during the 19th century achieved central pressures lower than that ever recorded historically and close to the theoretical thermodynamic limit of storms for the region.’ (Not 2003)
The BoM seasonal forecast is an excellent counter indicator.
Indigo Jones long term prediction was for wetter conditions but they get more specific for areas .
It’s always tempting to put that ” d ” in there but actually his name is spelt Inigo .
Here is a bit of his history :
Trust BoM ? Not likely. Self-basting is the name of the game- similar to the ABC. The Bureau announce their accuracy, but in effect their medium term forecasting is unreliable and they know it. They need new tea leaves and fresher bird entrails.
Victoria May Have Turned the Corner with Covid
1466 new cases announced today. Still high but the numbers have been reducing for 3 consecutive days.
Again, for the third consecutive day, the vaccination status of covid partients in hospital is not given.
The trend is obvious, the last 3 days could be telling.
Gosh…you mean huge numbers of vaccinated are turning up in hospital as their immune systems crash?
A melb nurse rang 3aw to say they are seeing 20 vaccine injuries turn up to emergency every hour.
sure she did
I must have imagined it then.
No you didn’t. The caller was a hoax. Believe what you want.
err no
Are you OK, or just practising?
I have also noticed that Gee Aye has become increasingly disturbed over the past few days.
Is it time to call the black maria?
I know this is dumb, but;
I liked that.
But how about a more cowboy version with Pernell Roberts
After the ad.
Then, just to show that people never change:
Yes Ted, two of my favourites, when sarcasm was an acceptable form of expression.
Just thinking how the MTA could be re-fashioned to cover the new drama of Kovid.
And Peter, a more listenable version. The original one from the trio is great but needs patience.
The hospitalisations in Victoria for the last two days only give the proportion of fully vaccinated – today it was 7%.
An important number to watch is hospitalisations. That is now at 675 – down 2. It would be good to see that number firmly declining before movement increases.
Mumbles announced today that Victoria is setting up to bring in offshore hospital staff.
Singapore are now not making much effort to curb Covid spread because vaccinated people are not ending up in hospital or morgues. They now have 3,000 daily cases but daily deaths are still single digit. The immigrant workers have been seeding outbreaks but it is has spread through the community and there is no sign of the infection rate getting under 1 despite 82% total vaccinated. Clearly need well above 80% with antibodies to get infection rate under 1 when population density is over 8,000 people per Greater Melbourne has a density of 430/
It is good to see the hosp[ital numbers decrease as the number of positive tests remain at high levels.
I am not quite sure why that is happening. Likely a lot of younger people being exposed.
It seems Victoriastan has either dropped the ball with its updates or they are not reporting what is happening, which is likely that the number of vaccinated in hospitalis rising and unvaccinated is falling…oh dear….and the fully vaccinated in hospital just keeps rising to 8% now.
Peter C could numbers be down because they’ve changed the rules around who needs to be tested ? On the weekend it’s reverted to what it was at the beginning ie have you got any symptoms and have you been in direct contact with a tier 1 infection .
It’s no longer required for the partner of someone infected to get tested and isolate unless they have symptoms.
I know two people who were released from a 14 day quarantine early because of the new ruling and they didn’t need to get the second test to be released .
Thanks Robert,
I did not know about any changes in the rules.
I thought that covidlive was a site with good information but I ma no longer sure about that.
In any ordinary year, the 11th of October would not stand out as particularly notable. Not in the least.
Unless, obviously, the 11th happens to be your birthday. In which case, the celebrations today are for everybody in NSW. Freedom Day is here.
And our first Freedom Week could generate up to half a billion dollars as thousands return to work, socialise with friends and renew their acquaintance with the functioning world.
This is one of the biggest and best changes to arrive since this entire pandemic battle began.
And there are other positive changes, too, for our state.
Though admittedly to a far lesser degree than certain other state premiers, ex-Premier Gladys Berejiklian was inclined throughout her pandemic leadership to defer to health officials and bureaucrats.
From some perspectives, that approach was seen as sensible and responsible.
In fact, however, it was a way of avoiding responsibility.
Premiers and MPs are elected by the people, so they are accountable to the people. If we find fault with their strategies and decisions, we can do something about it.
But health officials and bureaucrats are not elected. If their decisions displease us or otherwise, there is nothing the electorate can do about it.
When a Premier defers to health officials, it essentially sidelines voters.
That is why new Premier Dominic Perrottet’s appearance at a morning Covid press conference without chief health officer Kerry Chant was more significant and positive than many realised at the time.
Journalists at the conference asked why the Premier was joined only by various ministers. His answer was very direct.
“We’re the elected officials,” Perrottet said.
Meaning, of course, that he and his ministers are accountable for any decisions made regarding the pandemic and indeed any other state matters.
That press conference marked a shift in style between Perrottet and his predecessor. Let us hope that government bureaucracy will be further contained during Perrottet’s time.
The proper role for health bureaucrats, right up to the level of chief health officer, is to advise. Beyond that, all calls must be made by those voted into office.
And then, when the next NSW state election rolls around in 2023, the call is ours.
Indeed. And thanks OO for your contribution here relaying interesting news.
Domper (as I like to refer to Dominic Perrottet) is showing signs of common sense. I know it’s awfully early days, but I see glimpses of it. He seems not afraid of looking silly (tapping a keg and having it spray in his face), he seems to have humility, (referring to himself as the Treasurer until corrected), and his attitude towards moving out of this phase of the pandemic seems sensible. I’m hopeful. ToM
Making Matt Kean treasurer reporting to the outgoing treasurer was a stroke of genius. Trouble is, is it too late
From the ‘Too Hot To Snow Anymore’ files
Tuesday 11 October, ie. ‘spring’ 2021:
* Road Snowfall Warnings
* Avalanche Danger HIGH
* Skifields closed due to BLIZZARDS
* Sub-zero MAX temperatures
(even COLDER wind chill temps)
* 30-50 cm snow last 24 hours
* 30-50 cm snow next 24 hours
* More of the same tomorrow
But… but… the climate models!!!
14.6C here in Sydney – inside house 17C – against Wife protests “Will create Dust and I have just cleaned as I thought Cold had finished” – have turned on Gas Central Heating – so much for Global Warming
There’s a whole slew of snowflake symbols on their BoM’s mountain forecast page for VIC and NSW this week – better keep the heating turned on (and the dear wife too) if you want to survive this outbreak of CCC-Coldwave Chill Conundrum.
BTW earlier post (above) should be Tuesday 12 October. It’s as if Trenberth, Mann, Gore, etc. proofread my post via F*ct Cheka and adjusted ’12’ down to ’11’ as consensus states, “Eleven is all that matters – it’s off the scales!”
Did you hear the joke about the Pope the President of the USA and two failed ex Australian prime ministers running into each other at a conference in Glasgow, oh wait thats not a joke !
Oh yes it is ..!
The whole fiasco is a joke !
Yes RE especially wind is definitely cheaper than all forms of fossil fueled energy.
Take the Hepburn wind farm, which being a publicly owned company, is one of the few that has to publish auditable annual reports.
Revenue from it’s windmills over the last five years for power sold into the grid plus renewable energy certificates was +/- $ 140.00 per MWh compared with the average wholesale cost of all Victorian power of around $80.00 per AEMO dashboard. Don’t believe me? Read Hepburn Wind annual reports 2016 thru 2020 on the web.
I remember when Victoria’s wholesale cost of brown coal power was $40.00 per MWh before these “cheaper, weather dependent RE’s” at $140.00 per MWh were forced upon us.
It’s all there in black and white and yet it’s simply ignored.
The path to net zero is never described in detail as to WHAT, HOW and WHEN is actually involved in the path and therefor costs cannot be estimated. But we are assured that it will all just happen on time and under budget just like the happy progress of the Snowy 2 monstrosity.
T.M. ..
Why are you comparing REVENUE ( with the RETs added ) to the Average AEMO wholesale cost of electricity …….which excludes RETs ?
No doubt readers would have seen this nugget, sorry, conspiracy theory, on covid
With all that has happened, I am open to believe nefarious intentions/behaviour. However, this has edits in it, and that makes me suspicious.
When you say suspicious you mean you know it is complete baloney.
BREAKING: ASPIRIN Reduces Covid Ventilation 44%, ICU Admissions 43% and Hospital Deaths 47%
Aspirin lowers risk of COVID: New findings support preliminary Israeli trial.
The treatment reduced the risk of reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%. ICU admissions were lower by 43%, and an overall in-hospital mortality saw a 47% decrease.
Over-the-counter aspirin could protect the lungs of COVID-19 patients and minimize the need for mechanical ventilation, according to new research at the George Washington University.
The team investigated more than 400 COVID patients from hospitals across the United States who take aspirin unrelated to their COVID disease, and found that the treatment reduced the risk of several parameters by almost half: reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%, ICU admissions by 43%, and overall in-hospital mortality by 47%.
“As we learned about the connection between blood clots and COVID-19, we knew that aspirin – used to prevent stroke and heart attack – could be important for COVID-19 patients,” said Dr. Jonathan Chow of the study team. “Our research found an association between low-dose aspirin and decreased severity of COVID-19 and death.”
…and store stocks will be gone in 10..9..8..
And interestingly the third wave of infections reported in Israel peaked in early September and appears to be on its way to zero.
A functioning news media would be asking what Israel and India did to bring numbers down.
It takes 2 months and the scream for another useless booster will be heard….
Its roughly a 2 month cycle of patting each other on the back before the next carnage sets in. You watch….
You should make that 6 months, it has been 154 days since India peaked and 100 days since it levelled out at present numbers.
Hang on – better make it 10 months. That is the time between the second and third wave in Australia:
Gets a bit harder for Taiwan; they have only had 1 wave:
UK is now in ripple mode on top of a third wave. Ripples about a month apart:
Ripples could be big football matches.
What have you been able to find out about the progression in NZ Rick?
NZ remains the best place in the world to be in the Covid era.
It appears to be close to done and dusted. If the death rate of about 1 per week continues then there might be 10 more deaths before it is gone – between 35 and 40 total. Who is not envious of that number?
Vaccination level took off once Covid was in the community. Now at 69% and all but stuck there. It is not high enough to keep the infection rate under 1 in the cities with full mobility so there will still need to be social distancing. You would be better placed than me to know why the vaccinations have levelled of – supply or demand? Australian States now have mobile vaccination centres and schools tied into the vaccination program to push elegiac level over 90%.
NZ should be cautious about increasing mobility in congested areas at the present level of vaccination.
NZ is similar to the States in Australia that have not experienced Covid. There has be no great urgency to get vaccinated. Those populations will be at risk once they open up unless they get vaccinations well above 80%. Although if any place is prepared to stay isolated till March next year then stay vigilant they could avoid Covid in their community completely. I think WA may be aiming for that. As long as ships can come and go WA keeps Australia’s economy firing on all 16 cylinders.
“Vaccination level took off once Covid was in the community.”
That’s the big unknown right there. When was covid in the country, which you may agree is sparsely populated?
When was covid in the community?
Or when was covid spreading in the vulnerable high-density community?
Vaccinations began when a relatively poor , overweight , badly- nourished , very high-density community , began to test positive during the usual time period for winter flu. So all as expected. What we don’t know is whether there was already widespread immunity from exposure during the summer 0of 2019/2020 when the virus was definitely coming in for 5 months because our borders were wide open.
At this initial incursion there was no testing , although i believe it was clear that the virus was here when D3 levels were at their highest , the population was at the beach , swimmingin the salt water and generally eating a high seafood intake. Did lots of people get it , not notice , and acquire immunity?
So what I’m getting at is why we didn’t see anything unusual in the first winter flu season after the arrival of Sars-CoV-2 in the 5 months of open borders beginning October 2019.
And then in the second winter we started vaccination in response to outbreaks in the high-density , highly mobility areas.
What had changed? A new strain ?
Natural immunity , if it had existed wore off?
” You would be better placed than me to know why the vaccinations have levelled of – supply or demand? ”
There’s a thing called FOMO – fear of misssing out .
At the moment you can get a free bus or taxi to a vaccination appointment – you don’t even need proof of the appointment – if you hop on a bus and tell the driver you’re going for vaccination , then you don’t need a ticket.
And if you’re so inclined , you can get free takeaways or fish and chips as reward for being vaccinated
So there’s a reasonable expectation that if you delay then the rewards will increase in value. We may yet pay people to get vaccinated; give tax holidays ; the possibilities are endless.
So some reluctance will pay good dividends.
What should I hang out for , do you think?
Another possibility is that there are lots of people like me who think that they don’t need a vaccination for a virus with such a low fatality rate.
farmerbraun, I’d say hang off about 2 years and once a lot of the trendy young things die off from the vax, you will have as many cheap luxury goods as you can carry……the banks will be offloading at very cheap rates…..
Rick Will – India used Ivermectin to kill the virus, which is why numbers have stayed down, Taiwan went bonkers with super harsh lockdowns, UK has a constant sustained community transmission. USA is trending down because the vaccine roll out ( and therefore source of infection ) has been stymied by people realizing the vaccines are plain dangerous and not touching it, and with one company being exposed as using aborted baby cells to do develpment with , a lot of the USA christians have said “no way”.
Australia is an intersting case, now that we have more than 50% vaxxed, we should see sustained community transmission.
You can see on the same site that Australias numbers are still going vertical, nbut I would be inclined to consider its all about scaring people into taking the jab and mysteriously those figues will come down in time for the next election…..
In a video made by a Polish researcher, he pointed out that there appear to be nano devices in the vaccine.
Just another reason not to touch it…..
That’s good then as I take 100mg of Aspirin daily 🙂
Yep – that should fix it. Ask someone to let us know if you do not make it. We will then know that aspirin was not the miracle cure the world has been waiting for. If you do get Covid and the aspirin pulls you through let us know as well. That can be added to the evidence base.
The miracle cure is well known. Three of them in fact.
1. HCQ plus Zn plus Azithromycin plus Vit D plus Vit C.
2. Ivermectin plus Zn plus Vit D etc.
3. AstraZenica x 2 etc.
Don’t forget a healthy lifestyle and good exercise.
seems unnecessary snark at what was just a flippant comment
Thanks Yarpos.
Dr Jackie Stone from Zimbabwe, who works at the pointy end gives half a Dispirin daily to patients along with 20mg/ 3 times daily of zinc and HCQ twice daily.
I don’t have the link any more. Zimbabwe’s health care is inferior to say the least , however they have had stuff all deaths because they use HCQ and IVM .
Will aspirin be banned like Ivermectin and HCQ to protect contracts worth billions as well?
Will exhaling carbon dioxide be banned? Oh right, COP26 = Carbon di-Oxide Panicdemic #26.
What will our public servants – oopsala, our rulers – do with no bubbles for their champagne?
I think if they keep banning stuff that works, I can foresee the peak medical bodies offices could be being stormed by the furious public…it will happen….
People can only put up with so much…
Just noted these posts. I have been debating incorporating low dose aspirin in our prophylactic protocol. This is a decider.
Its fascinating to hear of all the desperate or innovative responses to COVID that have actually worked to reduce hospitalisations and severity of infection. Eg an aged care facility in Spain could not obtain any medical assistance – all they had was antihistamines. So they used administered these to all the old folk. Did not lose one in the COVID infection phase.
just go with Cartia
Cartia contains 100mg aspirin and has a duodenetic coating.
Normal aspirin is 300mg/tablet. The coating is supposed to prevent gastric bleeding, which can be a problem with aspirin if used long term.
I have a packet of normal aspirin, which I will use if I feel unwell.
ASA if you get symptoms is a good idea. But there is no reason to take it prophylactially all the time, and doing so risks occult blood loss from the GI tract. If there is a medical reason that outweighs this such as a vascular stent, the follow doc’s orders.
Here is an explanation of what the mRNA vaccine does to the immune system and its not good.
It has to suppress certain important aspects of the immune system to do its work and there is evidence that they stay suppressed.
How long it lasts seems to be unknown.
I have noticed recently that a few of my family and friends who are “fully vaccinated” have come down with a nasty respiratory virus while we didnt get it.
Very good link thanks
Well that deteriorated quickly. (See the table)
Unfortunately what this means is that now for anyone over 30 you are more likely to get infected, yes, adjusted for the population that is vaccinated, if you are vaccinated. Indeed in the 40-49 age group you’re close to double as probable on a per-population basis.
In other words this is hard, scientific evidence that these mandates by employers have increased the risk of customers (and other employees) contracting Covid-19. This isn’t a natural risk (which an employer is not responsible for) it’s a man-made one created by the employer.
So far this is not translating into higher risk of Covid hospitalization and death on a per-100,000 basis. But that the vaccine makes you more likely to both get and give to others the virus is now established. It is fact. It is in fact true for everyone who is over 30.
I expected no effective protection. What I did not expect was negative protection, but that’s what we got. This portends the potential for very, very bad things.
But the 900lb Gorilla is that the impairment may not [be] Covid-19 specific. In other words the impairment may be immune system generalized, in which case those who took the jabs are screwed because that immune damage could be long-lasting or even permanent, yet the protection against serious outcomes is specific to Covid. So yes, you’re “safer” against a serious outcome even while screwing everyone else, but at the same time you are wildly more-susceptible to a severe or fatal outcome due to, for example, influenza.
The government did what it usually does: It made it worse . . .
Well yes you are right and each and every booster jab you get you make it worse, its like you have AIDS from a vaccine because with an AIDS test they test for your levels of CD4 and CD8.
Scomo has organised 85 million booster shots, thats 4 shots for every (vaccinated) man woman and child.
Nothing good can come of this.
The virus did not get the memo – global daily cases now down to 418k from peak of 656k 6 weeks ago. Covid a memory by March 2022.
The much maligned Israel now down to 2,200 daily cases from their peak of 11,000 just 3 weeks ago.
Even the partially vaccinated USA is doing OK with daily cases half of what they were 4 weeks ago.
Closer to home, NSW down to 360 daily cases from a peak of 1600 just 4 weeks ago and now increasing mobility – for the vaccinated of course.
In fact, when you look at the story it is pure tripe because it displays no understanding of human nature. Unvaccinated people are going to do all they can to avoid Covid. But go to the next table in the report, Table 3, and the picture is considerably different. In most age groups the chance of ending up in hospital is 6-7 times higher for unvaccinated in all age groups apart from the 80+ where it is just 3X more likely if unvaccinated.
I do not know what motives people have for spreading tripe but it is not good. Please be skeptical and do your own analysis.
The one positive point is that vaccination passports are a waste of time. The unvaccinated will be stuffing all sorts of crap into their system in the hope of building some resistance to Covid but still scared s-less of being in a crowd. I am vaccinated and will not be knowingly getting stuck in crowds.
I am unvaccinated , but avoid the city like the plague . Ha ha .
But then , as a farmer , I do live in a cloud of virus , bacteria , fungi etc.
And it is a reasonable presumption that coronavirus are among those borne by my sheep , goats, cows, cats dogs etc.
Certainly respiratory virus of some sort has been present at an elevated level the past couple of seasons but most individuals recover. Some require treatment but without a diagnosis we say lung parasites and treat with ivermectin. The fact that they survive doesn’t prove anything.
Interestingly, one of the genetic characteristics of the Neanderthals that has been positively selected in the “out of Africa” populations is their Toll-like receptors.
This is a fascinating talk about genetic analyses of ancient bones.
Well that explains the dinosaur trustless MSM!
Journalistic integrity – ZERO. Future of the MSM – ZERO. Reap what you sow.
In NZ they gave media millions, at least $50 million, it maybe double that now.
Ross, so THAT’S who the Queen of Cinders was referring to when she/Xi spoke of the ‘Team Of $50 Million’.
Strange; I never received a Participation Certificate – not that I’m on her team – nor my allotted P.P.P., Progressive Propaganda Payment.
I’ve followed your link.
It does nothing but make a bald assertion that is not supported by any evidence whatsoever.
And you believe it?
“Some of the people all of the time”……etc.
Rare Modoki is back.
So California will be colder? And the NW drier so less rain for the hydro systems needed to supply California?
“China Prepares For Possible Large-Scale COVID-19 Outbreak: Leaked CCP Documents”
Hi Ian. I missed your post but in my post #19 there is another link to this news.
Both links have Epoch Times as the primary source.
Call it emphasis!
Another week, another “victim”. As I have mentioned previously I know of no-one directly or through family/friends who has/had covid. In past few weeks two of m-i-l’s elderly vaxed friends have come down with unexpected/not previously experienced heart issues. This now grows with news yesterday of the sister of a friend in their early 60s having a stroke. Yes they were AZ vaxed. Yes strokes are common, surprisingly, not just in old people. But what are the odds that within our fairly wide circle of friends/acquaintances with a pandemic raging we know no-one who has caught the virus but conversely the number of people experiencing serious health issues is growing and each of them has been vaxed?
Now the following is a bit more vague but local comment is people are starting to notice and comment on increase in local traffic accidents. One in our circle mentioned how a friend of theirs was sitting at a red light and got shunted from behind. Apparently the driver of the second car was found slumped over their steering wheel. It was a low impact hit and suggestion is the second car was also stopped at the red light but driver blacked out and their car rolled forward. Because of the condition of the second driver authorities were called and they were taken to hospital. No idea whether driver was vaxed but interesting in context of increase in car accidents over all.
Thank you Earl.
I fear that experiences and observations like yours is how the reality of what is upon us will slowly become apparent.
A reality too ugly for most to accept.
Those misled will claim to never have been misled.
The powerful will claim that they were forced to do what they did because the misled did not submit quickly and completely enough to prevent them from doing what they had to do.
Some of us will blame ourselves for not believing in our own instincts and observations.
When the changing declarations and constantly moving goal posts, presented to us by our alleged leadership, made it all painfully obvious.
What planet are you on Earl? I’d be careful if I was you, it sounds dangerous and fantastical.
Planet Earth which obviously means you are on another planet, perhaps Pluto out in the Kuiper belt?
The link in #12 confirms the vax works like AIDS and destroys your immune system which is why people with MS find their symptoms decrease/go away on the vax, my wife takes an auto immune biologic drug to hobble her immune system, one of the symptoms of this drug is she could get cancer due to her weakened immune system so what do you the vax could cause afetr your 3rd or 4th shot GA?
confirms? Seriously?
Dont you believe in science GA?
Do you know what science is? You are serious that a bunch of assertions linked together with unsupported claims equals science. It is not data, it is not research, it is not analysed with anything resembling statistics or rigor – it is not science.
I am not going to waste time refuting made up stuff. If you have something scientific I will gladly engage.
What a laugh you are GA, of course you can readily produce “the science” which shows the mRNA gene manipulation drug to be very safe no of course you cant.
You will never change you are like a robot that gets programmed by the government to spew out any BS it tells you to, please do us all a favor [SNIP. I don’t think this site is the right one for you. No ill wishes. – Jo]
My analysis was a bit too accurate I see. Find some science.
GA would you kindly share your advance copy of the results of this vaccine experiment, assuming the trial period is completed?
fb… I have no idea what you are writing about.
I understood that you had some science to contribute that would refute various assertions being made here?
Was I mistaken?
Gee Aye what you describe is the theory of AGW !
As you dont seem to be able to understand or recognise science when you see it read this paper
Paying particular attention to this statement
Nucleoside modification during IVT
Kariko, et al., demonstrated that RNA recognition by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) is suppressed via modification of the nucleosides in mRNA molecules 61, 62. Incorporating m5C, m6A, m5U, s2U, or pseudouridine into mRNA molecules abrogates the immune response by evading the activation of TLR-3, -7, and -8 61. For all the seven reported vaccines, pseudouridine was incorporated into the mRNA vaccines in the place of uridine. In addition, the substitution with pseudouridine, m6A, and s2U in RNA molecules suppresses the degradation of RNA by RNase L 63. Thus, the nucleoside modifications not only enhance the stability of RNA but also reduce the innate immune response.
Kariko et al found the vaccine makers had to intentionally suppress the TLR 3, 7 & 8 in order stop your immune system from attacking the MRNA drug, now lets pause here for a moment and consider the above. The vax suppresses your immune system, this is stated in a peer reviewed medical journal and by any definition this would be considered SCIENCE despite how much you try and deny it is science.
And again from the link above
Purification of IVT
The contaminating impurities during IVT can massively affect the safety of mRNA vaccines once they are introduced to human cells. Even residual amounts of double-stranded RNA and DNA-RNA hybrid molecules can trigger the innate immune response as they can be recognized by the cellular sensors pattern recognition receptors. Various purification techniques have been used to remove residual impurities from IVT reactions for all the seven mRNA vaccines currently on clinical trials. A previous study indicates that the purification of mRNA reduces the expression of type I interferon and increases the protein translation 64. As summarized in Table Table2,2, various purification techniques such as Oligo dT column, LiCl precipitation, and silicone column have been employed to remove contaminants from in vitro synthesized mRNA 45.
Now back to the link in comment #12
Dominguez-Andres et al state
These results collectively demonstrate that the effects of the BNT162b2 vaccine go beyond the adaptive immune system and can also modulate innate immune responses.
Once again i am quoting SCIENCE whether you like it or not its still science
So we know believe the mRNA bypasses your innate immune system by turning off the alarm system and it also hobbles your adaptive immune system by depressing CD4 and CD8 etc
If true then the first signs would be people contracting and getting sick of covid which of course we are seeing, the big question is what are we not seeing yet? and what will we see when peopl elike you line up for your booster shots and another round of immuno suppression?
So please get your booster shots GA, get as many as you can because none of the above is based on science apparently
hyper… your interpretation is incorrect as you misinterpret this
it doesn’t mean bad things. And then you quote an opinion piece.
fb. It is not science’s job to refute assertions and nor should it ever be.
I went to the moon yesterday.
O.K fair enough , an assertion is not a hypothesis, which must necessarily be testable or falsifiable.
It seems to me that the health czars are backing away from boosters big time.
It started with the WHO suggesting that the remaining vaccine should go, not for boosters for the 1st World, but to the poverty stricken in the 3rd World in initial vaxx. Ahm……Fauci then corroborated this advice. Oh…but that was after the resignation of the 2 top honchos in the CDC – reported to be in opposition to boosters.
You could argue that this change of tack is because the anti-virals are in late development stage, with Molnupiravir ready to go. But it may also be that they are VERY aware that they can’t continue to hide the evidence of the unfolding tragedy behind the fax program.
“I’d be careful if I was you, it sounds dangerous and fantastical.”
Gee Aye – thank you for your concerns as to my welfare which of course are reciprocated. I’ll leave it to the thread to determine who is the more needful of concern.
leave it to the thread to paste over the nonsense you wrote.
Time for a good lie down GI?
Gee Aye (appropriate, given the views expressed consistently mirror officialdom ) complains about Earl relating his lived experience and his interpretation of that personal experience.
Inclusive is as inclusive does.
Lets go Brandon.
From anecdotal evidence Ive heard so far, the vax has a neurological impact, such that it appears the vaccinated basically become a bit more ornery and difficult to reason with.
Now some of this may be due to the 24×7 “vaccinate!” measasage, that no doubt influences people to some degree, however if my hypothesis is correct, and another symptom of heart issues is a bad temper, we may see an empidemic of this.
Everyone is a big fat liar except for the troll. Great contribution.
Earl asked:
You have not stated your community so I can only do the numbers on a global basis:
Vaccinations to date 6540M. Covid cases to date 237M. So 24X more likely to know someone having vaccination than having Covid. The risk of adverse effects with vaccinations generally increase with age. So the likelihood of you knowing someone with adverse reactions will depend to some degree on the ages of the people you know.
In my case I know the vaccination states of between 50 to 100 people from 16yo and up. Among those, only one 40yo woman with other health issues was hospitalised after a jab; one 40yo had a doctors consultation. I suspect I know 3 people in the UK who have had Covid but it has not been confirmed. Their illness was worse than flu but before cases started to come to light in Italy. My middle son is a hospital physician and he has dealt with hundreds of Covid cases. Worst night shift for him was 7 death certificates. His view on any other treatment instead of vaccinations; why bother fiddling with something that is not as effective as the vaccines. Since he has worked in hospitals he has taken Vitamin D supplements. He is also anal about PPE in the Covid wards even to the point of chatting his consultant for not wearing PPE properly.
The vaccines are not risk free – Considering there are billions of people already having the jab, morgues would be overflowing with vaccinated people rather than unvaccinated people if the vaccines caused serious health issues. The vaccines give anyone a better chance of surviving Covid. Anyone with existing health issues should weigh the odds of staying isolated rather than taking the vaccination. Covid is heading for a quiet death by March 2022 and that is not far off. Keeping away from others for another 5 months might be a lower risk for some than the vaccine. Then there is rapid testing that can be done to keep Covid infected away from at-risk individual.
Anyone with existing health issues should weigh the odds of staying isolated rather than taking the vaccination.
Why? – checking in hospital today for 4th Visit in a week – question have you been to any area of concern?
Yes here – the lady laughed.
As I have been at Hospital at least twice every 3 weeks with 4 Ops over the past year, as an “Unclean”, if I took your advice I would never go to the Hospital
Live with wife, youngest Daughter, Son-in-Law, Grandkids 7/8/9 – 4/7/9 years – constantly playing with friends in the street and Neighbourhood and constantly ill – no problems whatsoever – enjoying life
Rick, Buy some Happy Shirts and enjoy life too.
RickWill. While I am a citizen of the world I do not know all the citizens of the world so 6540m v 237m does not apply. As a quick estimate breakdown:
work: 90me/15wife/12son/120daughter
immediate active social circle me/wife combined 40
wife’s additional active circle ie her groups/activities volunteer stuff etc another 40 at least
I’m recuperating from major illness so additionals don’t apply and the work 90 reflects last year when covid was new and raging.
Kids are both active early 20’s and left home so suspect their social circle large but wont hazard a guess.
So if we consider the bad experience saying of how one person will tell 10 of their friends then just on figures above (not counting kids social side) we have 300 direct windows into other peoples lives so apply as many 10x as you think reasonable (1x takes us to 3000) yet not one diagnosed case of covid.
Anyways comments are reflective of experience and just questioning how is it. Cheers
So 3/3000 may have had a bad reaction to Covid vaccination. That is higher than average. You would need to look at other health issues to determine if they were in an at-risk group but it is not always obvious and there are surprises as well.
As to known Covid, it depends on where you live. The 3 suspected cases I know are in the UK and occurred before they were locked up. There are some states in Australia that have had just a handful of cases due to tight border controls. The likelihood of anyone knowing someone with Covid in WA for example is close to nil.
Need to pull you back there sorry. It is not 3/3000 (not even 3/300 in case you hit the 3rd zero in error) because of the 80 my/wife circle at least a third are not vaxed which probably speaks to the heart of why people are so hesitant. We are in the grip of a pandemic of a rampant virus which keeps producing dangerous variants so vax is the only answer. The rhetoric is don’t worry about the very rare side effects because they are very rare and nothing to worry about. But hang on in my corner of the world, a place that has at times experienced the rampant virus, I know of 3 with serious illness (coincidentally – what are those odds?) after they have been vaxed while at the same time not knowing anyone who is sick from this rampant virus which needs to be vaxed against.
Thanks for discussing stay safe. Cheers.
This summarises the “pandemic” very neatly, it’s a con.
Because “These alleged conspirators have spent a considerable amount of time and effort to set themselves up to profit from a vaccine industry that would likely be given huge subsidies and immunities to respond to a “coronavirus pandemic.” Yes, that’s what they literally war-gamed along the way. Martin and Fuellmich present strong evidence of collusion between the virus creators and vaccine manufacturers. Is it any surprise that an mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” was ready for early testing within four months of the announcement of the virus?”
Bit more evidence
world-renowned psychiatrist says an evil cabal of powerful elites, including National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, tech billionaire Bill Gates, and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, created the COVID pandemic to push the deadly vaccines on an unsuspecting public, and usher in a “new world
reading the article you linked prompted my reply to Earl above.
Nothing in the article that the observant could not already see.
Not even the half of it.
Thanks for noting the fast time for development of the mRNA vaccine. It is certainly exciting and will be very important in combating future pandemics.
“Thanks for noting the fast time for development of the mRNA vaccine”
That’s what happens when you forego all efficacy and safety tests.
You really don’t know much about the development of the gene therapy vaccines, do you?
The groundwork was done over the last 40 years at least. The last 20 or so years have been the hard yards of making the theory work in practice. Many years of work has gone into animal trials – which have not ended well in respect to corona vaccines.
However, the “emergency” of the Wuhan outbreak was “the moment” for pathologists in this field. The technology had been worked up sufficiently so that the gene technology provided a fast track “platform” for vaccines, as opposed to the much slower conventional vaccine production.
The rest is history… still in the making.
Yes it is still an open question as to whether or not the benefits of this type of vaccine , against a coronavirus , have exceeded the costs.
The answer will obviously be different for those buying the vaccines , those falling victim to other aspects of this strategy, those supplying the vaccines , etc, but it is the overall result that will determine the success in reaching herd immunity , assuming that was the goal.
BTW the last comment was made in reply to Gee Aye.
No problem. You nested it correctly.
It is not gene therapy so maybe go back and do more learnings so I can reply to a sensible comment.
Could you not just assume that the reference was to DNA and mRNA vaccines for coronavirus?
No. Because the premise of the comment is steeped in the ignorance of the commenter
and thinking about your comment. Yours as well.
Gee! EH?
” the reference was to DNA and mRNA vaccines for coronavirus?”
So given that the above comment is steeped in the ignorance of the commenter , would you like , in the interests of a scientific dialogue , to indicate your preferred terminology for the vaccines under discussion?
I’m assuming that calling a viral vector vaccine using an adenovirus a ” DNA ” vaccine is what you object to because it is reductive and suggestive /evocative of fears around horizontal transfer
Never seen anything like this before! Knew about Vanguard and Blackrock but had no idea how far the tentacles have spread.
“This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments… That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying to impose the New World Order.
Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, …”
Everybody should watch this video
Another perspective on the cabal of grubs from Steve Bannon taking particular aim at Black Rocks Fink.
This is #2 on viewing list for day – after the ibac Melbourne broadcast – so Thank You for link.
One product that you didn’t list – water – is a very interesting case of its own.
Back in 2015 Jo-Shing Yang, was an environmental consultant dedicated to investigating the Wall Street megabanks’ efforts to buy up global water resources. As part of his work the Bush family (the good ol’ George doubleya dynasty) came into view with particular attention going to their purchase of a sizeable chunk of Paraguay. This chunk had some great water asset lying beneath it which Yang noted
“… a subterranean reservoir of such proportions could supply the world with drinking water for 200 years.”
here is a different one saying the same things Brenda
another must watch but for those who have access to Facebook
its very interesting channel 9, 60 minutes newscorp ect.. owned by vanguard group
CNN same America and Fox news the same LOL
anyone who still thinks this plandemic is about health needs a good shake up
And all everyone has to say is “No” and they are cactus….
It doesnt work unless people participate.
I know this isn’t an investment forum but any investor should be super cautious and have his/her investments under constant review, IMHO.
China is in deep do-do with the property market collapsing up to 40% in Shanghai and 30 – 35% elsewhere. [Evergrande is not officially dead yet] This is not a Lehman moment, it is far worse, in the world’s second market.
But something even more ominous is a coming new virus outbreak.
Joshua is a serious commentator.
The Evergrande issue on its own is bad enough, but there is a possibility that an Evergrande collapse would also take down the crypto stablecoin called ‘Tether’ which is currently valued at ca. $79B. Stablecoins, of which Tether is the largest measured in total dollars, are supposed to be ‘backed’ by an equivalent amount of cash and highly liquid assets, so that owners/purchasers of Tether have the comfort of knowing that they can turn their Tether into bankable cash any time they want, one Tether for one USD.
However, Tether have been very secretive about where that money is kept. Nobody outside tether’s board seems to know and so their claim that they can buy back all those Tether coins is impossible to prove. The company’s response to criticism around this secrecy, and suggestions that the money doesn’t exist, is simply to issue denials – never actual proof.
Some expert commentators with forensic financial skills have said that quite a lot of that money has in fact been loaned out in return for ‘commercial paper’ (IOUs) and there is real fear that Evergrande is the biggest issuer of that paper, placing Tether in a very precarious position now that Evergrande is looking vulnerable.
If this is true – and I think it is – Evergrande’s collapse would indeed take down Tether, too. That would be a massive shock to the system. Some say that the CCP won’t let Evergrande go under, and I suspect they’re right, but I also think that the CCP would have no problem with allowing Evergrande’s non-Chinese creditors to go whistle for their money in a ‘controlled demolition’ of the company, aimed at minimising the domestic fallout while wiping out many overseas investors.
I meant to add that stablecoins have become a vital link in the cryptocurrency market, permitting people to more easily buy, sell and spend their crypto. Being the largest currently, tether’s demise would send a financial shockwave through the system simply because of the dollars at stake, but also because of the impact it could have on the crypto market.
Ya think?
30 is reporting that a “halo” coronal mass ejection (CME)” has been spotted and is heading towards earth. Whether these “halo’s” have hit earth or not that’s entirely up to you to decide. The point here is this, these ‘Major solar storms’ could also be linked to the present Covid pandemic. The biggest solar storm on record occurred in 1859 and is known as the Carrington Event that too took place before the ‘Spanish Flu’ was first detected in 1917. Was that the time when the Sun’s activity at its lowest and the temperatures here on earth were cool? Very similar to the present day? Coincidence? You decide for yourselves.
Afternoon all,
I just found this in “ABC’s Just In”:
I think an alternate wording for the headline could be “Texas challenges Biden”.
Good one.
Dave B
Thinking about rocks and hard places, refusal of entry might not be wise in an open carry state.
This one just came in via email from AFLDS.
New court case in California against mandatory jabbing. I’ve not read it all as yet, but the first 2 pages (of 40) are powerful. May be useful.
Dave B
Since it is Halloween coming up – Nightmare on Elm Street has a challenger
Premier Xi should be able to explain this at COP26.
‘Shanxi, China’s top coal-producing province, is eyeing an output boost to ease power shortages in some areas across the country after shutdowns of certain coal mines amid heavy rains in the province added new pressure to electricity supply capability.
‘Provincial officials urged 51 coal mines that have reached whole-year production goals in the first eight months to continue extracting the fossil fuel, with an estimated output of 20.65 million metric tons to be seen by them in the fourth quarter, according to the local government.’ (China Daily)
So if they reached annual production targets in 3/4 of the time allocated, why is there a shortage? The only answer is exceptional demand and it means last winter was very cold and this winter is expected to be at least as cold. Global Warming? Where?
Update: I posted a link a while ago regarding the mortality rate and Covid. In the discussion, I showed that UK Office for National Statistics figures show that the UK 2020 mortality rate was the same as 2008 (actually a little lower). Now, there are figures from the US CDC saying that the US mortality rate is the same as 2004. Also, more questions are being raised about Covid reporting and exaggeration:
What we are witnessing really is hysteria. And hysteria with quite a price tag.
another interesting read based on sampling of UK blood donors
G’day yarpos,
Blood from “vaccinated” people?
Extra spike protein anyone?
Dave B
commenting blind without even looking?
Especially when you take into consideration the overuse of midazolam in UK care homes! Who knows, the death rate could have carried on its trajectory downwards or at least levelled off.
That was meant to be a reply to #25
mRNA vaccine pitfalls – sourced from the reference by Brenda comment #12
And this doesn’t take into account the clotting and vascular issues caused by the damaging effects of the spike proteins.
It looks like covid testing will be added to drug testing for certain occupations, “from an abundance of caution”. (Needless to say).
This means that vaccinated and unvaccinated alike will be randomly tested . Testing must be non-discriminatory , because you can legally refuse to tell your employer your vax status.
What happens when you test positive?
Compulsory sick leave payments while you head off to whatever quarantine is mandated in your occupation, e.g. farmer , driver , teacher etc.
Bear in mind that covid is a notifiable disease so that a positive test brings you under the Emergency and the Health Act .
What if you have no sick leave entitlement left? Special covid payments in lieu of lost wages? It will be irrelevant that you are not sick at all , or have natural immunity from previous infections.
What happens if there are no substitute drivers , farmers , teachers available to fill your post?
How will this scenario play out?
And then there’s the constructive dismissal suits being brought by those who refuse vaccination , on the grounds that they already have superior immunity by virtue of prior infection and recovery. Prove that they haven’t .
It all starts to look like a dog’s breakfast ; the disruption to an economy will be unprecedented . Supply chains completely halted.
Better grow you own popcorn , I’m thinking.
ATAGI are recommending kids get vaccinated with mRNA vaccines including Moderna’s Spikevax
Yet if we look at the Nordic nations,
What is “The Science” behind ATAGI’s decision making?
I imagine they’ve decided that herd immunity is better achieved , and more durable without the vaccines . They may be confident that their health systems , available medications , and isolation protocols for the vulnerable , will suffice.
I guess it’s a cost /benefit analysis at the end of the day.
[Q] What is “The Science”(TM) behind ATAGI’s decision?
[A] Move Vaccines = Bigger Pharma profit = Increased Share price = More $$$$ for ATAGI board members.
Fool me once …
2009, Prince Charles says we have 100 months to save the planet
Fool me twice …
July, 2019: Prince Charles says we have 18 months to save the planet
Oct 2021: Prince Charles tells ScoMo it’s last drinks at the Last Chance Saloon, and calls him out to be there.
Leave the bottle, bartender … it’s the worst apocalypse. Ever.
I wonder what “Mummy” thinks, but cannot say publicly?
I meant green, sorry Dennis. Clumsy thumb…
Guess she didn’t get the memo …
Oct 11, 2021: We can’t stabilise the climate without carbon offsets – so how do we make them work?
… carbon (sic) offsets are a total fraud …
Oct 6, 2021: Greenpeace calls for end to carbon offsets
This comment was posted at Michael Smith News a couple of days ago, I believe that it presents the situation very well …
“seeker of truth said…
PM Morrison can play the same game on our coal production for local consumption and for export as Joe Biden is playing. He is not reducing production of this so called dirty fossil fuel. He has in fact overseen its increase by 21% under his administration. If the UN is prepared to accept this US action on climate change then it must accept what Australia is doing with its coal industry.
“The surging, post-pandemic U.S. economy is driving an unexpected boom in coal, the latest sign that demand for the dirtiest fossil fuel remains resilient.
American coal production this year will swell 15% to meet stronger demand for electricity at home and abroad, according to the U.S. Energy Department’s July outlook. That would be the most since at least 1990 and nearly double the 8% increase projected in May, when the economic rebound was still in earlier stages of recovery.
The shift underscores the vicious circle of climate change as more extreme temperatures drive power demand just as extensive drought cuts output from hydropower dams. That prompts utilities to burn more of the dirtiest fossil fuel, a pattern also exacerbated by high natural gas prices. At the same time, key exporters including Australia and Colombia face supply problems that have helped lift global prices to a 10-year high and added to international demand for U.S. coal exports.
“Everything that could happen that’s positive from the demand standpoint is happening,” said Andrew Cosgrove, a mining analyst with Bloomberg Intelligence. The stars are aligning.”
That growing appetite will help boost U.S. exports of the fuel by 21% this year, and another 19% in 2022, the Energy Department said Wednesday in its latest short-term outlook report. The department said its projections are based on forecasting firm IHS Markit’s projection that the world’s largest economy will grow by 7.4% in 2021…..”
Paul Murray highlighted Biden’s hypocrisy in his Sky News show last night. Because renewables as an energy resource have been found wanting in these cold snaps in both Europe and other parts of the world, the fall back has been to coal fired power stations.
Very little of this increase of coal exports by the USA has made the main stream media. The USA itself has had to turn to coal fired power stations because of Biden’s stance on fracking for gas and also the pipeline from the Alaskan oilfields. The Biden administration overlooked that there was nothing to fill the gap with these losses from the supply chain because of demand for energy in extreme weather and increase consumption by industry.
At the same time, the USA is exporting oil to India which is adding to fuel shortages at home.
It is a case of “Do as I say, don’t do as I do.” with the US and Joe Biden.
Australia will meet its climate change targets on emissions in its own way and it won’t be wholly dependent on solar and wind turbine farms and rooftop solar panels. We are smarter than that. Our agriculture and our dairy and livestock industries will have the smarts to reduce their emissions by not culling herds but by what the animals consume. We are now acquiring the smarts as to energy required to run the mining industry, with hydrogen fuel very much in the mix.
Morrison hasn’t given into the climate change zealots at the UN and in Australia (ie Rudd and Turnbull). He is making his own mark with his own style. It is nothing like the ALP’s failed election policy.”
I so hope he is right. Morrison really needs some rabbits out of the hat and soon!
Lets not forget the great auto cue reader exhorting OPEC to pump MOAR!!
An interesting exercise in looking at vaccination deaths in the USA
1. Navigate to
2. Agree to disclaimer
3. Click Data Search
4. In Organise table layout, set Group Result By to Month Died’
5. Click Send
6. Scroll to the bottom of the results returned and see if anything stands out about 2021 vs any other year
Correlation is not causation but in the absence of any other causes, the CoViD vaccination program can be the only reason for the results.
Causation may not be correlation but it certainly worthy of investigation. There needs to be some sort of enquiry into the reason for these statistics.
Definitely ramps up compared to previous years
Jan., 2021 758
Feb., 2021 1,103 0.08%
Mar., 2021 1,286 0.10%
Apr., 2021 1,130 0.09%
May, 2021 758 0.06%
Jun., 2021 388 0.03%
Jul., 2021 338 0.03%
Aug., 2021 621 0.05%
Sep., 2021 386
“Correlation is not causation but in the absence of any other causes, the CoViD vaccination program can be the only reason for the results.” that is an interesting thought process, the “only reason” seriously
that may be stated publicly,
Sorry i forgot the mods live under the boot heel of an oppressive regime and obviously i have infringed upon their precious ideals, so how about you just delete every post i have made and i will ignore this waste of time website which is really nothing more than an echo chamber of bad ideas from now on?
Please dont take it personally, I suspect there are words, etc which trigger moderation. I have one in there atm and another was being moderated recently because I logged in from another device.
Don’t mention the war. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it.
And yet strangely I was responding to a comment about the unmentionable subject. And used variants of the forbidden word not once but twice.
See ya!
I have not suffered from the “oppresive regime” on this blog at any time. You may disparage this blog but ” this echo chamber of bad ideas” does not censor posts of dissenting views like most media . If you have a point to make feel free but expect to get examined and criticised if you don’t make logical arguments backed up by evidence. Jo – if i’m in error feel free to correct…
[Thanks Old Goat. I want calm accurate discussion, and value those who can politely disagree, and especially those who teach me something. Thank you. – Jo]
how dramatic, OMG it must have been awful for you
Test at #34.4 has again drawn the crabs
This is a video from the AFLDS with an embedded video called “Covid Shot or Not”. At 1h 45m it’s long, but features many different people, Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Vlad Zelenko, lots more. Riveting viewing, but at 1:21:17 Karen Kingston, a former employee of Pfizer, gives perhaps the most worrying information of all, about the “Trade Secret” ingredient of the Pfizer shot, graphene oxide, not even mentioned in the patent, and it’s implications. As she says “It’s not a vaccine, the only thing it can do is poison, harm and kill”. It’s well worth watching, although not something that will make you feel warm and fuzzy. It has to be stopped. Our children are paying a horrendous price as are we. ToM
BOM switched today from a La Nina Watch to a La Nina Alert.
Australia card incoming:
I know – it’s inevitable. I will refuse it if it’s tied to the beast. I rather die than bow down to the antichrist.
Seems to vary a bit depending on the vaccine and how long ago the vaccination program began.
so Jordan Peterson had a podcast with John Anderson former deputy prime minister about Australia: lockdowns and location apps that may interest some here
to be honest while watching l felt very angry with the ignorance or covering up by John Anderson
he talks big about debate but there is and has been no debate in Australia or my neck of the woods anyway he also talks big on we are in this together and have made the decisions as a democratic society together which l vehemently disagree with
l felt he was doing this podcast to try to soften what has been happening in Australia to the world because of the outrage shown by other countries
Jordan Peterson gave some good questions eg.. what is the threat unvaxxed are to vaxxed that was not answered at all by John Anderson, he tried unsuccessfully to say its ok for the others so why not ect…
anyway for those who are interested
Yes, Anderson appears to be just another goof ball. He says he recognises the rising tyranny for a number of reasons yet remains optimistic that things will sort themselves out. What a fool. That’s like watching a fire taking hold in a house and standing by doing nothing and renaming optimistic it will sort itself out. It sure will sort itself out – by crashing an burning!
Notrickszone has an interesting collection of articles on vaccine “efficacy”:
Kenny.. spot on with the truth and facts.
Highlighting the public ignorance of the anti-CO2 farce.
Looks like another Perth home has been completely lost due to a lithium battery reaction, not long after the last home destroyed.
Via a comment at SDA
On a different topic – the gender spectrum, I’ve been wondering what gives activists the right to ‘hormonally’ bulldoze young people across/along the spectrum line? So someone’s say 80/20 F/M, and they are pumped full of testosterone, so they are 50/50. I don’t know how some therapist has the mandatory right to do that. OK there is a spectrum of masculinity/femininity, and we land there naturally, but now activists are screeching that people should be forcibly, hormonally, driven along that spectrum line. I think in 10 years there are going to be a lot of smoking wrecks, abandoned on their spectrum. Hopefully clients are taking names. Actually, probably in 10 years, we’ll all be a smoking wreck!?
Polish politicians blast Australia for lockdowns, police brutality and more. Criticize that Polish dual nationals finding it impossible to leave Australia. Suggest Australia should be shunned by international community.
This is an interesting new book, on multiple levels which I would recommend. Covid and what is happening after covid was released, is a crisis that effects everyone and every country.
Beggin makes a case, based on evidence, that covid is a WMD, that is being use along with coordinate propaganda/media control, to enable China to take over the world. We are losing our freedom/control of our governments, month by month.
It is interesting that there is evidence of long term planning and coordination of WHO and other groups, to prepare for the release of covid and to provide cover stories to hide what is going on. The development of deadly contagious viruses in labs, that do not occur in nature… The so called gain of ‘lethality’ (the word ‘function’ is not appropriate) research is just a sneaky way to hide what is going on.
Effective early treatment for covid using existing drugs.
The first point Beggin makes in the book (In the introduction), is that it is a fact, that there are safe effective, early treatment, home treatments for covid, using HCQ and Ivermectin, that should be prescribed by doctors, appropriate dosage based on patient weight and the disease (covid) treated, after appropriate checks of a check list which includes all known drug interactions with HCQ/Ivermectin, to ensure there are no possible dangerous drug interactions, and checking to ensure the patient, does not have any prior conditions, which would make taking the drugs in question unsafe. Beggin provides a checklist and clinical recommendations, to treat covid using HCQ or Ivermectin, for doctors in a separate document.
COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey
Dr. Breggin is a physician with 70+ scientific articles and 20+ medical texts and popular books. He is among the world’s most experienced medical experts in landmark legal cases in psychiatry and neurosurgery, and now in COVID-19. The Breggins’ bestsellers include Talking Back to Prozac and Toxic Psychiatry.
Comment: Breggin was one of the first to investigate, to find out what is happening, and to publicly speak out, concerning the use of brain altering chemicals to ‘treat’ what is called mental illness. Oddly enough these are the same drugs that are used to silence outspoken people or difficult people.
Part of the scam is the creation of fake illnesses, like bi-polar, which enabled, the prescribing of major tranquilizer drugs (drugs that shutdown/inhibit the brain making the person placid, distant, quiet), which can be used to control young, older people, and political opponents, who were difficult/will not follow the scams. This is sort of a long-term chemical lobotomy, except it takes years before the brain is damaged to the point that the personality disappears.
Breggin has been an expert witness for Pharmaceutical research misconduct cases. Where there was hiding of side effects, lying about drug effectiveness, no long-term tests to determine drug effectiveness/dangers, as the drugs all cause long term damage and cause patient chemical ‘depression’ as the patients’ brains become ‘foggy’ after long term use, they have complex organ damage, they die prematurely, have double/triple chance of getting dementia, and their ‘body’ does not feel well and they are unhappy. Chemically damaged brains cannot be repaired. So the patient is depressed and unhappy and their limbs move uncontrollable, and are likely on long term disability, for the rest of their lives.
All of the mental illness (like treating ‘depression’) drug ‘tests’ used subjective tests of efficiency/criteria (ask patient do you feel better and so on. The patient wants to feel better and some say yes I feel better after taking a brain altering drug for six weeks) to determine if the drug ‘helps’ the patient compared to a placebo. If the patient knew the drugs cause long term brain damage and have no scientific/medical reason to be taken, they would not take the drugs.
There is zero evidence that mental ‘illness’ is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain, that could be corrected/treated by lifetime use of brain altering chemicals.
“Dr. John Campbell Rips The Beeb In That Oh So British Way ;-)”
“Remember that BBC article that dissed Ivermectin? Claiming that there were horrible methodological flaws in the Meta Analysis and they failed to go back up stream to get original patient data?”
Link at
“Think Carefully About Your COVID Passport and Authorized Worker Status, Before They Tell You There’s an App for That
October 12, 2021 | Sundance | 239 Comments”
“The NY Times Finally Allows a Small Glimpse of the Truth to be Seen”
One way of putting it
“I Am The Money God (And So Are You)”
“Breaking News: Southwest Airlines CEO caves into pressure”
NSW Health – Rules for people who are not fully vaccinated
Last updated: 12 October 2021
All people over the age of 12 must wear a face mask:
. on an aircraft when the aircraft is flying above NSW and in the airport.
Exemptions are available. Learn more about face mask rules.
“on an aircraft when the aircraft is flying above NSW and in the airport.”
only a public servant could dream up a rule like this, a mask required while transiting NSW airspace
For those who haven’t seen this , the host talking with Jennifer Morahasy about AGW .
“Excess deaths” in Europe?”
Via the Wayback Machine
No reports of a portion of the excess mortality resulting from suicide amongst the young?
In this country we don’t report that as a cause among the excess death stats, to avoid copy-cat behaviours.
In today’s spam newsfeed via Alex Berenson is Intel’s covid policy
Quotes from the email: “vaccinated employees cannot say they do not want to work with unvaccinated employees. (Policy 8.4)
“Not only that, Intel FORBIDS managers from asking for vaccination status. (Policy 8.13)
“Not only that, Intel ACCEPTS antibodies as a full substitute for vaccination for people who must quarantine after a Covid exposure or for travel requirements. (Policy 1.2)”
We must unite against mandated insanity as Intel has.
Peter Ridd has lost his case. Where is justice?
Interesting. I thought he had a valid case and it would be upheld.
I have not read the judgement but I am guessing that this determination wont have very wide implications i.e. the specifics of the case will be more important in the judgement than the generalities (e.g the concept of free speech)
Ok… looks like they agreed that the initial censure by JCU was not justified and went against the univerity’s own rules and conditions of employment (ie it went against academic freedom, even if he was being discourteous) So a partial victory.
Beyond that though, the judges decided that dismissal based on subsequent behaviour was not deemed to be unfair and that it had nothing to do with academic freedom.
It would seem that the subsequent conduct that was deemed to be grounds for dismissal relates to his comments to Sky News that Sky News that organisations like the Australian Institute of Marine Studies could “no longer be trusted”.
The High Court apparently saw that as a bridge too far.
He wasn’t sacked for talking to Sky news after he was sacked ? Or did he say something out of his academic capacity to Sky news before he was sacked ?
If JCU acted unfairly first, against the conditions of employment, how can Ridd be subsequently held to those conditions of employment?
Because he acted separately and in a different manner as determined.
I guess it depends upon one’s definition of “justice”. Clearly the Court has diminished the concept of academic freedom, not that it was very strong in Australia anyway. The only disciplinary mechanism on the so-called universities is funding but what government would use it?
Just think, around 45 years ago Isaiah Berlin delivered a letter at Adelaide University. Now he’s sent to the dustbin of history.
In black and white, welcome brave new world.
Now spelled “Just-is”?
Reading a bit of the judgment (here) suggests that the pessimist need not be too disheartened. The Court quoted J. S. Mill (para. 64) with approval. The choice of sentence here is especially intriguing. It is also encouraging.
Michael Smith News – Statement from Peter Ridd on his loss in the High Court today
Michael Smith News – High Court of Australia dismisses Peter Ridd’s appeal over sacking – full judgement here
31 Pages
Big worry Annie , sends a message that if you see shonky work keep your mouth shut or you will lose your job .
wasnt legislation passed last year on academic freedom of expression?
yes… see next blog post/
Pfizer vs AstraZeneca: The Covid vaccine most likely to keep you out of hospital
Australian health authorities are not collecting a key piece of Covid data, as which vaccine is more protective against hospitalisation is revealed.
Sue Dunlevy
More than 2700 fully vaccinated Australians have caught Covid and hundreds have ended up in hospital but health authorities are not collecting data on which vaccine they received.
Experts say a data bank on which brand of vaccine they received — especially those who die from the virus — would be useful to judge vaccine efficacy.
When asked for data on which vaccine immunised people who ended up in hospital received, NSW, ACT and Victorian health departments said it was not available.
The federal Health Department which is in charge of post-market surveillance of medicines said the data was “not held at a federal level.”
“You will need to reach out to the States and Territories for this one,” a spokesperson said.
NSW Health said: “what is contained in the epi (epidemiological week) report regarding a person’s vaccination status is the most detail we can offer.”
This report notes how many fully vaccinated people ended up in hospital but not which brand of vaccine they received.
In NSW, 32 vaccinated people have died from coronavirus.
Of the 32 people who died most were over the age of 70.
The 32 deaths among people fully vaccinated were two people in their 50s, ten people in their 70s, ten people in their 80s and ten people in their 90s.
It could also help guide decision making about which vaccines to purchase for booster doses.
Both the AstraZeneca and Pfizer jabs have received only provisional approval from the medicines regulator the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
They have been authorised for use for just two years “subject to certain strict conditions, such as the requirement to continue providing information to the TGA on longer term efficacy and safety from ongoing clinical trials and post-market assessment”.
However none of the states battling Covid outbreaks, nor the federal government, appears to be gathering information on a key efficacy metric — the brand of vaccine given to people who end up in hospital.
Overseas Public Health England is monitoring vaccine effectiveness by brand.
In a recent preprint publication, which has not yet been peer reviewed, it found Pfizer was more protective against hospitalisation than AstraZeneca.
Pfizer’s protection against hospitalisation remained close to 92.7 per cent against the Delta strain four and a half months after the second shot was given.
AstraZeneca’s protections was lower against hospitalisation, at 77 per cent against Delta four and a half months after the second jab the study found.
Pfizer was also more protective against death 90.4 per cent compared to 78.7 per cent for AstraZeneca.
Associate Professor Paul Griffin who has conducted clinical trials on multiple Covid vaccines said “tracking the efficacy, from what we’re seeing in the population would be useful to do”.
“We do want to know what’s happening with the vaccines in our hands so we can make sure that they continue perform as expected and that we detect any changes if I were to arise,” he said.
With today’s brand of COVID statistics, if the jab kills you before you can reach the hospital, that’s counted as keeping you out of it.
Seems odd when you can do searches on the DAEN database by vax brand.
Peter Ridd’s appeal failed.
Oops, missed Annie’s post.
A look at some figures including Gibraltar
“Maine Hospital Gives Dire Warning About Healthcare Services if Forced to Fire Unvaccinated Workers – Democrat Governor Says Let Your Hospital Patients Die We Ain’t Changing
October 12, 2021 | Sundance | 265 Comments”
Hypocrisy Much? Newsom’s Daughter Isn’t Vaccinated But Your Kids Better Be
California Governor Gavin Newsom’s daughter Montana turned 12 almost a month ago. Newsom announced the first statewide COVID-19 vaccination requirement for schools on October 1.
When Newsom announced the first-in-the-nation vaccine mandate ordering all students and school staff to be vaccinated “for in-person school attendance” no later than January 1, 2022, he conveniently neglected to admit that his own daughter had yet to be vaccinated until he was interviewed a week later by the Los Angeles Times. Even then, Newsom gave a vague reason for why his daughter, who was eligible, wasn’t yet vaccinated, “because she has ‘a series of other shots’ to get first.”
Other shots first? According to Fox News, the “CDC notes that at the ages 11 to 12 years old a child should routinely receive the meningococcal vaccine (one dose), HPV vaccine (two doses), Tdap vaccine (one dose) and flu shot. Data suggests, though, that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe to receive at the same time as other vaccines.” Isn’t that something? At the same time Newsom demands your kids be vaccinated, his own daughter isn’t.
Not surprisingly, this is far from the first time Newsom has been caught hypocritically not following his own COVID-19 rules. We remember the time he was maskless at the swanky French Laundry restaurant when we were all in lockdown in our houses. We remember the time he pulled his son out of camp when pictures of them maskless surfaced while our kids were told to double mask. We remember that his children’s tony private school was open while our kids’ public schools were closed. We remember when he jetted off to his ranch with his family while ordering us to avoid large gatherings, even of our own families. Our memories are long. Hypocritical leftist privilege much, Gavin?
Taiwan suffers more deaths after vax than from the Wu Flu
865 Deaths after Vax vs 845 Deaths from Virus
600 from Astrazeneca Vax and 200 from Moderna
865 Deaths after Vax vs 845 Deaths from Virus
600 from Astrazeneca Vax and 200 from Moderna
Link, Ol Ozzie? It’s not linking to source. It is so important, would love to have the source. Thanks.
Oh – I guess that is from Hanrahan’s link?
Yep –
Incisive piece in Quadrant On Line by Christopher Akehurst.
More heat
What else can one say but that the indemnification granted big pharma needs to be revoked.
What an astonishing piece of evidence. Can’t imagine that it is not genuine. How can the medical csars sleep at night knowing that this is happening?
We were discussing in our household today the vast number of acquaintances, friends etc who have been inoculated with no immediate adverse effects. And these include people of advanced age with co-morbidities.
I recall Robert Malone musing that batches of vaccines can be of different quality. In this respect, I also recall a high ranking executive who had resigned from one of the pharmaceutical companies commenting that there were problems of quality vaccine production. It seems that production of Novavax was delayed when contaminants were found in batches.
Could many of the adverse reactions be caused by rushed production with accompanying poor quality surveillance? Again, recent autopsies in Germany of deceased following vaccination have shown some unusual features.
Just today Victorians received the announcement that three-hour popup sites are to be appearing to deliver pfizer shots; I guess three hours is something to do with the refrigeration parameters. I heard three hours on ABC but cannot see it in this document…
I just can’t believe that people think nothing of rocking up to such “informal” places to receive an injection that has not completed long term trials & which already has a proportion of adverse reactions that would normally “can” a medication.
Are these people trained correctly to inject a vaccine? I have seen such pretty dubious techniques on TV footage. And are the conditions being constantly monitored for the correct storage (& refrigeration) of the vaccines? Maybe this accounts for some post vax problems.
Tim Blair – Wednesday Noticeboard
Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by the reason ABC staffers last year voted against even a brief delay to their tax-funded pay increases.
They needed your money to pay their servants:
Andy Park
Some touching and heartfelt reunions happening this week in Sydney i.e my wife genuinely shed a tear when welcoming back our cleaner today.
Never cry in front of the help, by the way. It’s terribly unseemly.
What The World’s Largest Prison Looks Like From Space
Strewth Tassie’s been left off the map again.
I will be very interested t see what the spin doctors at the Australian Tourism Board dream up to attract people to Oz again. Looking at the commentary overseas the brand seems somewhat tarnished. Videos of police bashings and empty streets will do that. Far worse than the fires that killed all the Koalas.
And no help from the GBR as it is known to be destroyed (/s)
Yarpos half the reef is half gone according to the “Scientists”, so who would want to visit QLD , assuming of course it was possible to get into QLD .
“tidal wave of Chinese debt is about to sink Australia’s economic recovery”
mmmmm very Zero Hedge style doomster stuff
I don’t know if it’s more likely the Chinese will try to quickly push money into Australia to avoid the crash, or pull money out of Australia to cover their debts back in China.
Might be both happening at the same time.
Gold prices are looking a bit volatile but mostly rising.
Doesn’t that also imply that no one knows any species are actually declining then, as it’s entirely believed, absent data? The presumption here is that the world is ending, due humans, not any natural cause, and humans (especially ones with lots of money that can be taxed) are responsible for funding vast sums to go toward a bunch of believer/saviors and what they baselessly claim is happening, which they can’t prove a shred of?
But it’s an emergency and the report is like, totally devastatin’! Trust us, give us money, or we will claim the end of the world is occurring, and everyone at the ABC will believe it. You can’t ethically question believers in totally baseless environmental doom claims. That would be wrong and just not cool.
“So .. .Stand and deliver! … oh, hey, wanna to buy a copy of my cool frog book too?”
Are you serfs ?
Watched half of it.
Australia has been subjected to viral invasion and threat on many occasions during my lifetime but this one has evoked the strangest political behaviour ever.
There’s no medical explanation: it is caused by large numbers of brown paper bags being found in parliamentary rest rooms.
Just “get the jab”.
Jabberwocky, poppycocky.
Completely off topic: We went out to lunch yesterday – 3 tables – 1 of them wokies who chucked a tantrum over both dishes – that would have cost the restaurant a lot of money. Very inconsiderate, but that’s wokies.
It’s snowed in WA five times this year presumably because of globull warming!
“Unexpected Allies”
“Delingpole: Prince Charles Is a Blithering Green Idiot”
Way back in BC when ABC radio here used to re-broadcast the BBC show “My Word” –
One such show had as its theme “Charlie is my darling” – with the proviso that “in the case of Lady Diana Spencer My darling is a Charlie”
God help us when QE2 dies and her idiot son Charles ascends to the Throne. This intellectually challenged moron has never paid an electricity bill, and wouldn’t know what climate change was if he fell over it.
FYI, my comment concerning the history of nuclear power’s cost and schedule overruns in the United States is posted here: