A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I see a lot of criticism here , but no proposals. I would like to hear what you all think would be ideal policies and principals going forward. I have a lot of respect for the readership here and I would like to know your ideas . Over to you….
Do you want my hurriedly concocted power point presentation that I got a first year to cobble together? It says nothing but I can talk about my PLAN for hours.
Your first year of employment was devoted to producing a “power point presentation” of policies and principles useful for politicians?
If you need a whole year for that, that’s amazing.
My interpretation of Gee Aye’s comment is rather different from yours. He/she wrote ” I got a first year to cobble together” not “I took a first year to cobble together”. I think that suggests he/she got a first year student/first year employee/ to cobble together the PP presentation rather than that he/she took his/her first year of employment to do so
I knew I should have typed slower
Just joshin.
Presumably the first year student’s PPP hits all your hot buttons and that’s why he/she got straight “A”s.
What would you have done if he/she had told you to get stuffed and do your own juvenile PPP? “FF”s and no Posts? Report him/her for uncollegiate behaviour?
Wow; so incisive, I’m sunk on multiple levels.
Great example of the humourless leftist
Even with an open mic, a polite query and no loaded question, Gee Aye has nothing. Zip, nada.
Very telling isn’t it?
Nothing apart from a parody of the federal PLAN
Fair enough.
The believelists pretend there’s a problem and ScoMo pretends to fix it.
Not a bad plan, actually.
Pretending and making it obvious you are pretending is not such a good PLAN
It seems to be the plan most other nations make. Just look at their histories. The trouble with Australia has been we say something, we mean it. It’s also the reason we aren’t currently in the perilous energy position of Europe and the USA. We decide just how we work the system to produce our large CO2 reductions without having to destroy the economy just to pacify the activists.
We are a global warming activists’ target because of our large coal exports. By trying to force us out of the coal business, the true believers think they can slow or stop the importers’ using coal. It’s a back door method so they don’t have to take on China and anyone else they find too big, too powerful and too refractory to meet their demands. It shows the weakness of the purveyors of AGW, and the hypocrisy.
Scottie’s Plan!
Surely your ppt isn’t as “good” as dear Angus’s dire effort?
It is almost unbelievable that our PM does not have the intestinal fortitude to take the nuclear debate to Labor, and has therefore kicked the can down the road even further rather than adopt clean, green almost unlimited cheap ( once we got the nuclear industry up and running ) energy. So there is my first proposal…Nuclear has to be at least considered as the future of our energy supply.
Secondly, tell the UN to get stuffed. We are a sovereign nation and we do not need their marxist lunatic ideas pushed down our throats.
This seems to be the main talking point in The Australian this morning. For $120bn, we could certainly build quite a few large nuclear power stations around the country.
Be handy for adaptation purposes which Lomborg, a true believer tells us would also be hugely cheaper, more efficient and economically sustainable – just as adaptation has always been. It also has the advantage of only having to do anything at all at the same rate as the climate changes – hotter or colder. How many $billions would already have been saved or put to better use, even by now.
If the polls show the Coalition is in trouble going to the next election they may take the nuclear option out of the bag. Politically its a hot potato and they would need to be sure of a good political outcome. I won’t be voting for any party selling nuclear snake oil.
In regards to the UN, it was an attempt to avoid WW3 and that seems to have worked okay. The IPCC should be done away with, a monumental waste of resources based on a false premise. CO2 doesn’t actually cause global warming.
Marx was for material progress in the hands of the workers, but he couldn’t have foreseen the communications revolution. The power of the MSM to alter mass consciousness on climate change will go down in history as the Great Delusion.
They may bring nuclear ‘out of the bag’, but would you or any other voters believe that they would take any action? I no longer believe their words and don’t see the point in voting for politicians that pretend to be representing or serving their citizens. Judging them – especially Morrison – on their actions.
Only if the rats are corned will they suggest a discussion on having a mini nuke, because its fashionable.
Corned rats? Now there’s a post-civilisation recipe just waiting to be tried out!
“Only if the rats are corned” Corned rat, does that go best with a white sauce?
Much amusement, had a giggle, I blame auto correct.
people answer polls on AGW for action to be taken. When told the economic cost to themselves, and what they have to forgo, they don’t agree to pay the piper. That’s why the coalition minimalist but effective position wins elections. It would be probable that Morrison is being pressured with inuendo by Biden’s USA and Johnson’s Britain; if he wants nuclear subs he needs to take greater action on the AGW narrative to keep the left happy. He probably isn’t a great poker player re Defence pacts, and certainly China has only been quietened down by those recent pacts introducing the threat of major powers pushing back against it in Asian Pacific regions.
For Nuclear power, people are saying yes, yes, yes – but then, it’s ‘nimby’ and nobody wants to go near it. For the coalition to back nuclear power, it becomes an easy target for labor horror stories where, if there isn’t one they can just as effectively make one up eg the Japan tsunami story conflates the water damage with the nuclear story which effectively was a story of poor location but little loss to life both within and beyond the station. It was actually a good result showing with good management even with a major catastrophe nuclear power can be safely handled.
“In regards to the UN, it was an attempt to avoid WW3 and that seems to have worked okay.”
Well, we have the UN and we haven’t had a nuclear war, but I would venture that the two are mutually exclusive of each other.
Maybe, not easy to seperate the wheat from the chaff, mutually assured deterrent is still a pivotal point.
There is “a rat’ in separate and I think it is mutually assured destruction not mutually assured deterrent
Yes, you’re right, but it still works.
I believe nuclear is too expensive for a country of 25 million, we should stick to what we do well and that is to burn coal, seeing as how gas is the go to stopgap for Europe, HELE plants emit about the same emissions per MWH as gas generated power.
Agreed, we have enough coal to last us 200 years and for moral and environmental reasons it should be turned into energy.
Absolutely agree with you Glenn on all counts. Who needs the IPCC when the answer to any suggestion that fossil fuel burning is causing warming is Nuclear, period. And we do not need a fair sized football crowd turning up in Glasgow to argue the toss either. The UN could have urged nations to develop nuclear energy generation projects decades ago and not throw good money at ridiculous and totally inappropriate solar and wind projects. As has been said on these pages many times you need serious power to generate baseload electricity and we are going to need exponential amounts of that power by 2050 if we plan on replacing the internal combustion engine with EVs.
Actually there have been many proposals;
1. Build new coal fired power stations,
2. Stop funding and promoting wind and solar,
3. Defund the ABC,
4. Withdraw from the IPCC,
5. Lobby our Governments in any way possible to make rational actions on Covid management and treatment.
6. Sign petitions
7. Join the UAP.
Others can add to my list.
Are these pre-existing proposals rather than your wish list?
I suspect the latter rather than the former.
The biggest reduction in emissions from coal is either
1. shut them down and let people get used to being in the dark or
2. up-grade them, in particular the brown coal ones in Victoria.
Start by building a new one (there’s a vacant site at Hazelwood) to the latest German standard, and one that is running shut down one of the others while rebuilding it. Emissions down from over 1130 to 800kg per MWh — I forgot, Premier Dan WANTS people to be in the dark.
“. . reductions in emissions. . ”
Why ?
To gain headlines and discomfort the Greens as they would have to campaign AGAINST reductions.
Fully this^ x 100% !
Peter, the idea of a discussion list appeals to me.
My personal hobby-horse is contraversial for many.
Stop selling our (Au) uranium raw material over-seas but invest in our own processing plant and lease individual power plants our fuel and demand that the rods be returned to us for safe reprocessing. Yull Brown showed how we can accelerate nuclear decay and reduce spent fuel to relatively inactive material for storage in boron silicate glass blocks.
We have the minerals and the university structure to develop our own control of the nuclear fuel cycle but currently we sell uranium just like iron ore and we have no control over what becomes of it. There are some technical issues with shipping suitable fuel but the total mass per reactor is small. We could design shipping container sized uranium transport modules. It would be expensive but if we refuse to sell yellow cake, nations would be obliged to pay our price for reactor fuel.
There are still plenty of nutters out there who would use it to adverse ends so leasers of fuel would have to pass standards set by Australia.
Eventually, we might realise that something like the Rolls Royce Consortium Small Modular Reactors could be a useful addition to our power mix. My preferred site would be on Jounama Pondage near Tumut NSW. Talbingo Reservoir is just above this site so there is plenty of cooling water with a gravity feed and the existing Snowy Hydro Scheme has power lines running from it. Any surplus night-time generation could be diverted to pumping water up to Tantangara Reservoir. This worked out well in Snowdonia where a pump storage scheme was built in the old slate quarries at Dinorwig. Surplus electricity from Wylfa Head’s Magnox Reactors was used for night-time pumping.
Regarding the UAP, the main problem I have is that previous episodes with Clive Palmer in politics have not gone terribly well.
It’s also a bit difficult to know what his principles are, I’m sure he would like to be the Australian Trump, but I’m not sure if he has it in him, and perhaps another Trump isn’t quite the right thing.
Clive says he’s not standing.
That’s why Craig Kelly MP is the leader of the UAP.
And a good thing too, all round.
Most criticisms here are valid and it is OK to voice concerns without putting up a detailed alternative, especially if the alternative is “just do nothing”, as it is with AGW and immunisation passports.
Been discussed quite a lot (ad nauseum in some cases). I doubt anyone is going to produce a summary of random opinions.
Reduction in fossils fuel use when feasible without threat to strong and reliable growing base load capability.
Renewables are intermittent and simply incapable of this essential attribute.
Government funding of energy tech research and not of unsound, underdeveloped virtue signaling stylish alternatives.
Ceasing of government fear mongering about climate catastrophe, particularly scaring children.
Stop the demonization of carbon possible only because of the destruction of science education.
Recognition of the fact that world climate in the last 200 years is one of most stable periods known.
The main problem is the purposeful outright lies foisted on a public too besieged to defend themselves against the constant propaganda.
Excellent question, and I am looking forward to response from my betters such an Tony from Oz.
Good fodder.
Australia could refine Magnesium
Use electrolyisis
Tut-tut. Surely you are not suggesting commenters here should look at something from the ABC, an organisation believed by almost 100% of right wing Conservatives to be a hot-bed of lying lunatic lefties determined to destroy Australia and indeed the entire Western World
Bit of a nonsense comment. Most here lean toward reality which the ABC doesnt seem to ackowledge except on rare occasions when it might overlap the PC narrative.
Whatever your definition of ‘right wing’ is, it’s wrong.
Basically everyone acknowledges that the ABC is far-left biased **.
Does that mean that everyone is a right-wing conservative?
**Did you know that some 80% of their front-persons are self-professed Greens voters !
“Basically everyone acknowledges that the ABC is far-left biased **.
Basically everyone??? Here’s a few facts
The key ABC Radio news and current affairs programs across ABC NewsRadio, ABC Local and RN are reaching an average of 2.3 million metro Australians aged 10+ every week. This is close to last year’s record of 2.4 million for the programs in their current timeslots.
The ABC is recording the biggest news audiences in its history as Australians seek trustworthy sources to help them navigate pandemic conditions at home and keep across critical international events such as the situation in Afghanistan.
ABC News has now been Australia’s No 1 digital news brand since January 2020 in overall monthly unique audience, and also on smartphones and among women.
ABC News was first ranked the top online news brand five years ago with a unique audience in July 2016 of 6.5 million Australians, or 33% of the active online population.
In June this year 12.8 million Australians, or 51% of people aged 2+, used either the website or app.
Yes, there are a lot of leftists in Australia that are unable to see the leftist bent that pervades the ABC.
Hence unable to process their misinformation.
ABC “trustworthy”.. LOL !
Yep, you can “trust” them to slant all their propaganda far to the left.
**Did you know that some 80% of their front-persons are self-professed Greens voters !
Just the residents of Balmain over and over again between baskets for weaving
The ABC has a virtually captive audience. It just does a better presentation without ads than the rest of the free-to-airs which are also generally left of centre organisations. Like The Australian newspaper, only a small proportion of Australians get Foxtel. One hears a lot about Fox News even for such a small organisation, and yet even the most radical leftists can get their fill of multiple other channels that pander to the left – and don’t report on many matters that are anti Democrat in so far as they report on year long riots in Portland, Oregon, and Minnesota. Most people one meets, including good friends, who rely on the free to airs, generally regurgitate the ABC lines and one finds they haven’t a clue on anything else that’s happening, especially in the USA. It’s why the ABC is such an effective propaganda machine; it has a captive audience not exposed to alternative positions and events.
The ABC has many connections with CNN, Aljazeera, and the Guardian (Turnbull’s salvage) but avoids the more centrist and right of centre connections. Ita says the ABC is too East Coast centric; it’s a pity she doesn’t call out its leftist preponderance at the same time, when it is all but impossible to find a commentator of the centre/right anywhere in its frontline staff. Note the reaction of the ABC commentarydesk at the last election.
……whatever she’s told to say.
She’s what was called a “Wet” in the old currency (as well as the cat’s mother).
Excellent facts Ian seems we should sell the ABC for a pretty penny and save ourselves a cool Billion or so a year!!
A real win win
yet again
Cafe latte Trots need to be purged.
Do you think those 100% conservatives you are mind-reading from might have a point? (if I’m one of them, then you are indeed psychic)
Excellent description of the ABC Ian.
The ABC is a Marxist enclave.
Freedom of Speech
Free markets- including the market place of ideas.
Academic freedom.
Hit the nail straight on. Only the truth will help us make good policy . Cancel culture has made a mockery of free speech and honest debate is only available in small pockets like this one . Policies based on misinformation and lies are a recipe for disaster and the next couple of years will show this . The “education system” has been subverted and must be reformed – as voltaire wrote “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” . Thanks to those who had a crack at my query…
What subject OG?
The True Feasibility Of Moving Away From Fossil Fuels
One of the great misconceptions of our time is the belief that we can move away from fossil fuels if we make suitable choices on fuels. In one view, we can make the transition to a low-energy economy powered by wind, water, and solar. In other versions, we might include some other energy sources, such as biofuels or nuclear, but the story is not very different.
The problem is the same regardless of what lower bound a person chooses: our economy is way too dependent on consuming an amount of energy that grows with each added human participant in the economy. This added energy is necessary because each person needs food, transportation, housing, and clothing, all of which are dependent upon energy consumption. The economy operates under the laws of physics, and history shows disturbing outcomes if energy consumption per capita declines.
There are a number of issues:
The impact of alternative energy sources is smaller than commonly believed.
When countries have reduced their energy consumption per capita by significant amounts, the results have been very unsatisfactory.
Energy consumption plays a bigger role in our lives than most of us imagine.
It seems likely that fossil fuels will leave us before we can leave them.
The timing of when fossil fuels will leave us seems to depend on when central banks lose their ability to stimulate the economy through lower interest rates.
If fossil fuels leave us, the result could be the collapse of financial systems and governments.
[1] Wind, water and solar provide only a small share of energy consumption today; any transition to the use of renewables alone would have huge repercussions.
According to BP 2018 Statistical Review of World Energy data, wind, water and solar only accounted for 9.4% 0f total energy consumption in 2017.
Even if we make the assumption that these types of energy consumption will continue to achieve the same percentage increases as they have achieved in the last 10 years, it will still take 20 more years for wind, water, and solar to reach 20% of total energy consumption.
Thus, even in 20 years, the world would need to reduce energy consumption by 80% in order to operate the economy on wind, water and solar alone. To get down to today’s level of energy production provided by wind, water and solar, we would need to reduce energy consumption by 90%.
[2] Venezuela’s example (Figure 1, above) illustrates that even if a country has an above average contribution of renewables, plus significant oil reserves, it can still have major problems.
One point people miss is that having a large share of renewables doesn’t necessarily mean that the lights will stay on. A major issue is the need for long distance transmission lines to transport the renewable electricity from where it is generated to where it is to be used. These lines must constantly be maintained. Maintenance of electrical transmission lines has been an issue in both Venezuela’s electrical outages and in California’s recent fires attributed to the utility PG&E.
There is also the issue of variability of wind, water and solar energy. (Note the year-to-year variability indicated in the Venezuela line in Figure 1.) A country cannot really depend on its full amount of wind, water, and solar unless it has a truly huge amount of electrical storage: enough to last from season-to-season and year-to-year. Alternatively, an extraordinarily large quantity of long-distance transmission lines, plus the ability to maintain these lines for the long term, would seem to be required.
You are right about fossil fuels – eventually we will run out of them or their extraction will become uneconomic . If (and its a big “if”) we can get thorium reactors up and running we have some hope for energy in the future as this can supply base load power and do away with the requirement for grid scale batteries . The big issue is transport – we have come a long way with electric vehicles but they require rescources that we do not have at this time . The other consideration is the products that are still made from fossil fuel feedstock and thats enormous.
I reckon this vague waffle of a plan has essentially been a gift from the radical left and is a formulated response with an eye to the next election.
ScoMo has essentially said his plan will cost us nothing and anything Labor does to ‘better’ ScoMo’s plan would inevitably cost something.
This would be attacked mercilessly as ‘taking a wrecking ball to the economy’.
Probably need a five week campaign but only doable when travel is opened up post-Covid and before May next year – perhaps March, but not before Christmas.
That’s my two cents worth of crystal ball gazing.
Pandemic reveals the sham of human rights
Mirko Bagaric
The largest natural experiment in human history has exposed the human rights industry as one of the largest intellectual missteps in human history. Society must permanently consign human rights discourse to the realms of comedy or fiction to prevent the ongoing dumbing down of our children and halt increasingly destructive government policy. Instead, the unmitigated pursuit of the common good is the singular ideal that must inform societal choices.
Human rights discourse is the orthodox moral (and increasingly legal) framework that has informed government policy since the UN invented the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70 years ago. The Declaration has been the springboard for the creation of countless legal instruments and government bodies. Three Australian jurisdictions (Victoria, Queensland and the ACT) have enacted a Bill of Rights and taxpayers are burning millions of dollars annually to prop up the Australian Human Rights Commission. The human rights industry has for decades enthusiastically trumpeted the need for governments to give individuals a countless range of interests, including the right to privacy, cultural rights and freedom of conscience. The industry never proved where these rights came from or defined their scope. There is a compelling reason for this: all of these interests are fanciful.
The catastrophe that is the pandemic has sharpened the collective intellect of governments and the broader community. All governments have dealt with Covid in a manner that has totally ignored any appeals to human rights and instead have been guided by the only coherent moral objective: the common good.
[SNIP copyright]
The Governor of Texas told the UN to “pound sand” in a very direct twitter response to the UN commenting on what his State should be doing.
Quite refreshing
Three Ohio judges “die unexpectedly” in nine-day span after vaxx mandate in Cuyahoga County
CLEVELAND — We know that “vaccines” are the leading cause of coincidences. But the injections are also related to a lot of karma in 2021.
We wrote a story in July about Ohio judges mandating mRNA and viral vector DNA injections as a condition of probation at sentencing for criminal defendants. Franklin County (Columbus) judge David Matia sentenced at least three people to injections at the time of publishing. Said county issued a vaccine mandate that went into effect last week. All 1,400 Franklin County employees were required to show proof of Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson injection last week, or be fired.
But the instant story is in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland). Two judges – Peter Corrigan and David Matia – were featured in our July story for sentencing people to mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Cuyahoga County also has a vaccine mandate that required all employees to receive the injections by October 15.
And whether it’s karma or coincidence, the story picks up from there.
– Nancy McDonnell – Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge died September 28
– Joseph Russo – Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge died October 2
– Larry Jones – 8th District Court of Appeals died October 7
Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of people…
Saw a report today saying that booster shots will be one type; Pfizer.
So not only have they done no long term testing , now we are mixing with no long term testing.
Safe and effective
Letting them pound sand comes to mind…..
When its all about taking a vaccine and in real terms not having the freedom to choose ( e.g. take vax or lose job ) – its tyranny.
Pure and simple.
Extinction rebelion prosters glue themselves to the road in Melbourne this morning. No capsicum spray deployed, no rubber bullets, no police in riot gear hemming in protestors so a violent confrontation can be precipitated. Police gently ungluing protestors from the road and quitely leading them away. They will be investigated for possibly breaking covid restrictions.
How lucky we are to live in a state where the law is applied equally to all.
The same (twice) in Adelaide. Right in the heart of the city and it took hours for police to restore traffic flow.
Capsicum spray and rubber bullets are used against a threat. I can’t see how those things work against glue.
It might deter them from doing it again.
So would just tying their feet to the back of a police car and pulling them off
Where no threat existed.
They probably had their masks on, duh.
Just leave them there….Maybe a bollard or two.
Unless they were from outside Melbourne they would not be breaking any Covid rules. Melbourne has had no travel restriction in greater Melbourne or curfews for almost a week now. The protesters likely waited until restrictions were eased to protest; unlike the brain-dead anti-vaxers. And mobility would be severely hampered if the glue was effective.
Hope there are no heavy vehicles moving at speed toward them. The glue might hold up but the protesters would just end up colourful skid marks.
“Brain dead” antivaxers
I would say being willing, apparently eager, to submit to multiple coerced injections of A FOR PROFIT CORPARATE PRODUCT, where said For Profit Corporation(s) have been given BLANKET LIABILITY from government leaders that receive massive donations from them, including EXEMPTION FROM PRODUCTION OVERSIGHT …
would be a strong indicator of brain ‘death’
( I’d be circumspect about parring death and anti-vax for a bit, in case things don’t pan out the way you appear to be so certain they will.)
to be clear … BLANKET LIABILTY IMMUNITY … meaning no worries if their products hurts LOTS of people, or possibly everyone that uses it
How big an immunity boost will you get from a third dose of Covid-19 vaccine?
Doctors and pharmacists are being inundated with people anxious to get a third shot as the Therapeutic Goods Administration approves boosters and studies indicate immunity wanes in the months after initial inoculation.
So how significant is the immunity boost that you get from a third dose of vaccine, and if you were vaccinated more than six months ago, are you at any higher risk of suffering severe disease if you catch Covid-19?
An Israeli study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the rate of confirmed infection in a group of participants who were not given a booster shot was 11.3 times higher than among those given a booster. Rates of severe illness were 19.5 times higher in those who had not been boosted.
That is not to say that if you have had your two doses of vaccines more than six months ago, you do not still have a high level of protection against severe disease. TGA head Professor John Skerrit this morning referred to around a dozen studies that showed protection from severe disease holds up very well over time.
However, while protection from severe disease remains high after two doses, it also seems likely from the studies that both protection from symptomatic infection and severe disease can be supercharged by a third dose of vaccine.
“When we talk about protection, there is protection against catching the disease, there’s protection against showing symptoms from the disease, there’s protection against needing to go to hospital for the disease, and there’s protection against dying from a disease. And the working hypothesis is that each of those needs a different level of antibodies. You need many more antibodies just to protect you from getting any sort of disease, less to protect you against symptoms, and then less to protect you against hospitalisation and death.
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Vaccination will soon publish its advice about how Australia should proceed with a booster program. The TGA has approved shots six months after iniital vaccination. Booster shots in aged care will begin immediately, and boosters should be available to the general population six months after their first vaccination course from November 8.
I saw this presser.
When Skerrit was asked if a fourth or fifth jab would be needed, he said his job didn’t come with a crystal ball.
Science! 97%.
Wut? I thought modern science was all about crystal balls? OK, so they don’t actually call them crystal balls anymore, they’re called ‘models’, but …
This pains me …. For the record it is: D to T to B to A!!! That’s it. If you don’t understand, go and do some lessons in immune system biology. I suggest that you might start at Gigaohm Biological. The backbone of this blog is based on using the basic laws of physics to refute the shonky data proposing whatever adjective is used to describe climate these days. Yet here, the same sort of shonky data and not immune system biology, is continually used as the debating point re this virus. I understand that the text to which I refer is not that of the poster.
Moderna CEO States Likelihood for Booster Shots Every Year
The FDA panel has voted 17 to 0 to approve the Pfizer vaccine for 5 to 11-year-olds.
One of the FDA Panelists, Dr. Ruben, outlined his support by saying “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That’s the way it goes.”
but some members appeared troubled about voting to vaccinate a large population of younger children based on studies of a few thousand.
“It is reassuring to me that we are giving a lower dose,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccine expert at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Pfizer has cut its vaccine to one-third of the adult dose for the children under 12.
“I am just worried that if we say yes, then the states are going to mandate administration of this vaccine for children to go to school and I do not agree with that,” said Dr. Cody Meissner, a professor of pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine. “I think that would be an error at this time.” (read more)
What a shock and what an attitude from Dr Ruben. First do no harm doctor.
I trust they will push their kids and grandkids to the front of the line.
The medical swamp and politicians better have their escape plans sorted if the vaccination of children goes pear shaped.
It will….
Nothing burns through nonsense quickly quite like a parent protecting thier young.
My daughter was complaining this morning her bestie wasnt at school – said friend had had the covid jab, and was throwing all morning.
True story.
Yep…what could possibly go wrong?
91 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted
We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves.
Public health officials and the medical establishment with the help of the politicized media are misleading the public with assertions that the COVID-19 shots provide greater protection than natural immunity. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, for example, was deceptive in her October 2020 published LANCET statement that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection” and that “the consequence of waning immunity would present a risk to vulnerable populations for the indefinite future.”
Immunology and virology 101 have taught us over a century that natural immunity confers protection against a respiratory virus’s outer coat proteins, and not just one, e.g. the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. There is even strong evidence for the persistence of antibodies. Even the CDC recognizes natural immunity for chicken-pox and measles, mumps, and rubella, but not for COVID-19.
The vaccinated are showing viral loads (very high) similar to the unvaccinated (Acharya et al. and Riemersma et al.), and the vaccinated are as infectious. Riemersma et al. also report Wisconsin data that corroborate how the vaccinated individuals who get infected with the Delta variant can potentially (and are) transmit(ting) SARS-CoV-2 to others (potentially to the vaccinated and unvaccinated).
This troubling situation of the vaccinated being infectious and transmitting the virus emerged in seminal nosocomial outbreak papers by Chau et al. (HCWs in Vietnam), the Finland hospital outbreak (spread among HCWs and patients), and the Israel hospital outbreak (spread among HCWs and patients). These studies also revealed that the PPE and masks were essentially ineffective in the healthcare setting. Again, the Marek’s disease in chickens and the vaccination situation explains what we are potentially facing with these leaky vaccines (increased transmission, faster transmission, and more ‘hotter’ variants).
Moreover, existing immunity should be assessed before any vaccination, via an accurate, dependable, and reliable antibody test (or T cell immunity test) or be based on documentation of prior infection (a previous positive PCR or antigen test). Such would be evidence of immunity that is equal to that of vaccination and the immunity should be provided the same societal status as any vaccine-induced immunity. This will function to mitigate the societal anxiety with these forced vaccine mandates and societal upheaval due to job loss, denial of societal privileges etc. Tearing apart the vaccinated and the unvaccinated in a society, separating them, is not medically or scientifically supportable.
Why the CDC Ignores Natural Immunity
Fully Vaccinated are suffering far higher rates of infection than the Unvaccinated, and it is getting worse by the day.
IT’S OFFICIAL: Most of the UK’s vaccinated population are suffering far higher rates of infection than the unvaccinated, and it is getting worse by the day.
The UK’s Health Security Agency publishes detailed Covid statistics, which, for the last 7 weeks, have been tabulated by age-group and vaccination status. This now allows important questions to be answered.
The Agency says most vaccinated suffer substantially higher rates of infection, and their latest chart provides a snap-shot:
Analysis of the charts:
All of the UK’s 30-and-over vaccinated now endure far higher rates of infection than their unvaccinated counterparts
This very recently vaccinated cohort [under 18s] benefits from a 90% improvement in their infection rates, meaning their case incidence is 10 times better than that of their unvaccinated counterparts.
The previous UK age-group to be vaccinated was the 18–29-year-old cohort, of which half was fully vaccinated by some 9 weeks ago. While still doing better than the unvaccinated of their age, they have nevertheless lost the greater part of their relative resistance to infection. If they continue their trajectory, week 12 will see that benefit completely gone.
The earlier vaccinated age-group was the 30–39 cohort. Half was fully vaccinated around week 27, and by week 39 (again some 12 weeks later) had lost their enhanced infection resistance. For at least for these two cohorts, it would seem their vaccine induced resistance reduced to zero in under 3 months.
The entire 40-79 vaccinated cohort is deeply negative, now below minus 50%, meaning they suffer more than double the infection rate of their unvaccinated counterparts, and there is no obvious end in sight; Given the consistent and strongly negative continuing trend for all adult cohorts, it is impossible to guess where or when these trajectories might bottom out.
Unvaccinated adults are enjoying significantly lowered infection rates, but the vaccinated are very clearly headed in the opposite direction.
Much has been said and written to show the vaccinated are equally capable of transmitting Covid. But because their symptoms are often muted, they are also more likely to be out and about; add this to escalating infection rates, and there can be little doubt the vaccinated now constitute by far the greatest Covid transmission risk.
In light of this, vaccine passports are clearly senseless; They are nothing more than an invitation to infection, for which no justification can now possibly remain.
Yes. This has got a long way to go but several questions emerge.
Is there a test to determine whether individuals are susceptible to infection? If not what is the average uninjected person to do in the face of ever increasing infectiousness of the injected?
What are the long term effects of these injections. Assuming of course you survive the injection itself?
Are self-administered rapid flow tests to be made available any time soon?
Are antivirals to be made available any time soon?
Is the Novavax injection to be made available any time soon?
Very good questions FG.
We feel a bit like sitting ducks waiting for it to arrive. I’m hoping the antigen tests are made freely available.
Page 13 –
Rates among. Rates among
persons. persons not
vaccinated. vaccinated
with 2 doses
(per 100,000). (per 100,000)
0-18 314.1 3,013.6
18-29 462.1 615.4
30-39 956.7 751.1
40-49 1,731.3 772.9
50-59 1,075.3 528.6
60-69 704.1 347.1
70-79 537.9 267.6
≥80. 406.8 304.1
Victoria – Potential $100,000 fines for acting contrary to The Despot’s decisions
From the Comments
– Is it possible that when Deadly Dan allegedly “fell” down that mysterious, top-secret flight of billionaires’ slippery back-stairs after dark at the holiday Taj Mahal, in the rain and for whatever cause – that he actually bounced skull-first with maximum impact on every single step all the way down until he hit the ground?
Seems highly improbable – but then again, so does his current behaviour.
– He needs to be certified and put away. He’s clearly bonkers, and terribly dangerous.
– It’s called Mad Cows disease.
When Deadly Dan is caught outside without HIS mask on two separate occasions, he (on his monstrously huge self-awarded $450,000.00+ p.a. Parliamentary salary, plus lurks, perks, schemes and scams) is fined a lousy $200.00 per instance (The Party always looks after its good “little maaates”).
When you or I – possibly now-unemployed, possibly now-penniless members of the formerly Productive sector of the economy arbitrarily forbidden from earning an income or straight-out bankrupted by the ill-considered selfish actions of Dirty Dan and the trough-snouting A.L.P. – we are to be fined up to $100,000.00 per instance for the same offence.
What makes a psychopath? The signs to look out for
Pandemic power play: ‘Nasty’ or necessary?
Tim Smith and Martin Foley
The opposition says Victorians should be worried about the Premier’s “nasty” emergency powers plan but the Andrews camp says the measures will help “steer us through” the next phase.
The Premier is asking parliament for powers that would enable him to rule by decree throughout 2022.
Victorians know that Covid is here to stay. Community transmission of Covid will provide Andrews with the trigger to declare a pandemic. These provisions are virtually identical powers that enabled the government to lock us down for 263 days during the current state of emergency declaration.
The pandemic declaration replaces the state of emergency and will give Andrews, personally, after consulting with Brett Sutton and the Health Minister, the power to lock Victorians down, impose curfews and ongoing restrictions at the flick of his pen for three months in duration without parliamentary approval.
To get a further three months, no vote of parliament is required. He can continue with restrictions throughout 2022, by simply renewing his pandemic declaration.
The government has argued there won’t be any lockdowns when we reach over ninety per cent fully vaccinated. The government has argued that when Victoria reaches ninety per cent the only restrictions they will enforce will be to lockout unvaccinated Victorians from virtually the entire economy, and for the purposes of managing quarantine for returning unvaccinated Australians and non-Australian residents.
Why then doesn’t this pandemic legislation only relate to quarantine and vaccination status, if it’s not the government’s intention to enforce further restrictions on Victorians next year? I don’t agree with locking unvaccinated Victorians out of the economy for next year, the distinction is important for the moment, but certainly not next year. But why is Andrews attempting to give himself virtually permanent emergency powers if his attention isn’t to enforce lockdowns, and ongoing restrictions in 2022?
There are some very nasty aspects to this legislation. The government is explicitly asking parliament to give itself the power to target ‘specified classes’ and ‘specified persons’ with pandemic orders.
These orders may be applied to an individual’s participation or presence at an event, undertaking an activity, but most worrying of all, their attributes, characteristics or circumstances.
Under the Equal Opportunity Act these attributes include age, gender, race, religious belief, sexual orientation, political belief or physical features. Inadvertent breaches of pandemic orders could result in an individual being fined $22,000 or a corporation being fined $108,000. This is extreme.
Do Victorians want this sort of extreme power at Mr Andrews’s fingertips? Given Mr Andrews ongoing tussle with the truth and his government’s propensity to cover up, obfuscate and be less than accountable, I find this power grab particularly worrying.
The Liberal Nationals will oppose this draconian pandemic legislation because it’s wrong and the Premier can’t be trusted with these extreme powers. We have introduced an amendment to the Victorian Constitution that would stop the government giving itself ongoing emergency powers. The amendment limits the ability of the Victorian Government to declare an emergency or pandemic for no more than 30 days unless it secures a special majority vote in both Houses of Parliament.
Tim Smith is Shadow Attorney-General
These could be a new form of Enabling Laws then?
If you can effectievly lock out a class of people from society ( the unvaxxed ) , whats to stop the next logical step and build camps for said Untermensch?
Have people learned nothing from history?
Fight against what they are proposing now. It’s bad enough. Not a lot to gain by speculating or exaggerating the threat.
I dont know… here is Palaszczuk regarding the new quaratine facilities stating they may be used for unvaccinated people!
they have already said that the covid camps they are making or using will be for the unvaxxed not for the vaxxed who they have said will be able to quarantine at home
that is not speculation or exaggeration Steve
it has also been said that these new proposed laws will be for the next phase
Next year is an election year in Victoriastan, if the premier has control of lockdowns etc he can delay elections for the safety of the populace, while of course, trying to rebuild his personal popularity. I suspect that it is all about approval rating and absolutley nothing else
Published October 26, 2021 Vincent James on Peters show on vax
More than 130 join legal challenge against Victorian government
Remy Varga
The number of essential workers and employers seeking to have the Victorian government’s vaccine mandate declared unlawful has soared past 130, a court has heard.
The group – a mix of healthcare workers, teachers, construction workers, unspecified essential workers employers – are seeking to quash what they have referred to as “impugned emergency directions”, in documents filed with Victoria’s Supreme Court.
They have also alleged that Victorian chief health officer Brett Sutton, acting CHO Ben Cowie and deputy CHO Deb Friedman “acted under the direction and at the behest of the Premier of Victoria”.
Victorian solicitor-general Rowena Orr QC, representing the CHOs, said there was no basis for the plaintiffs to claim that Daniel Andrews had dictated orders to the public health team.
“That at the moment is a bare assertion,” she said.
Marcus Clarke QC, representing the unvaccinated workers and employers, said his more than 130 clients risked or had lost their jobs due to the vaccine mandate and were otherwise prohibited from earning an income.
He said since the legal challenge had launched, more people had joined the action while others had dropped off.
“It’s difficult to tell you precisely how many there are,” he said.
At one point, more than a 1000 people tuned in to watch the directions hearings on Wednesday.
Justice Melinda Richards said she’d forgive both parties for not reading everything that had been so far lodged with the court.
“It’s been something of a blizzard in the last 24 hours,” she said.
Mr Clarke said his team would clarify the details of the application in submissions lodged on Thursday, flagging they would mirror an application in Queensland fighting a vaccine mandate.
An application by Mr Clarke to have Justice Richards recused due to apprehended bias was refused.
The matter will next appear before court on November 3.
Meanwhile in NSW under Photios Liberals
NSW introduces new law to stop anti-vaxxers using fake vaccination passports
NSW has introduced a new law in a bid to stop unvaccinated residents lying about their status to flout health rules that exclude them from most freedoms.
It is now illegal for unvaccinated residents in NSW to lie about their vaccination status, under a new order signed by the Health Minister overnight.
NSW Health Minister (Princess Ruby) Brad Hazzard signed a public health order yesterday which prevents a person from wrongfully claiming they are vaccinated against Covid-19.
The public health order states: “A person must not provide, display or produce to another person information or evidence, including vaccination evidence, purporting to show the person is a fully vaccinated person, unless the information or evidence is true and accurate.”
It is not clear yet what penalties residents will face if they lie about their vaccination status or show fake proof vaccination.
However, the current maximum penalty for breaching a public health order is $11,000 to six months in jail for an individual.
NSW Police already have the power to a $1000 on-the-spot fines for to individuals breaching a public health order.
A $5000 fine can also be issued for failing to answer questions asked by a contact tracer and failing to comply with self-isolation directions.
This new rule is the latest in a number of restrictions in place for unvaccinated residents.
Under the current rules, unvaccinated residents cannot join in on the raft of freedoms being enjoying by fully vaccinated people across the state.
This means those that have chosen not to get the vaccine must essentially live under lockdown restrictions until December 1, when the rules will be eased.
Push for Victoria to scrap vaccine passports as state opens up
The Prime Minister has called on Victoria to follow NSW in dropping jab passports, joining other experts pushing for the vaccine economy to be ditched.
Mitch Clarke and James Morrow
Scott Morrison has revealed that he believes Victoria could follow New South Wales and safely drop vaccine passports.
It comes after former deputy chief medical officer Nick Coatsworth joined health experts in calling for the Victorian government to ditch the vaccine economy from next year.
Premier Daniel Andrews announced on Sunday unvaccinated Victorians would continue to be locked out of restaurants, retail and events all of next year, despite Covid-19 vaccination rates likely to surpass 95 per cent.
Professor Coatsworth said excluding people from society was likely to cause more problems than it solved.
“To suggest that for an entire year, when your vaccination rates are likely to be above 90 per cent, that there are things you would exclude people from participating in … is likely to rust people on to their opposition to vaccines,” he said.
“If you wanted to encourage people to believe that the government was against you if you didn’t get vaccinated, this is exactly how you would behave.”
Mr Andrews flagged the edict would expand across a wide array of settings, from the MCG to restaurants and bookshops.
But Deakin University epidemiology chair Catherine Bennett said it didn’t make sense to ban unvaccinated people from public settings when they had free range to mingle in private gatherings.
“The one place that every case is eventually linked to is the home, yet we don’t have restrictions on unvaccinated people being linked in socially with household visits,” Prof Bennett said.
“The irony is, they’re not only in the system, but you’re encouraging them to link in with the vaccinated economy in private houses, which are the most dangerous setting. So there is a strong argument that it’s safer to meet at a cafe rather than the home.”
It comes as the state government face calls to match New South Wales, which has promised to scrap vaccine passports as of December 1.
Infectious diseases physician Peter Collignon said the extended lockout presented an “ethics issue”.
“The reality is some of the restrictions we’ve seen have been too restrictive for little benefit, and this is another example of a restriction that is overly prescriptive for little reward,” he said.
AFR – Victoria risks an ‘underclass of the unvaccinated’
Retailers want a national approach to COVID-19 vaccine requirements amid fears that locking non-immunised people out of the economy could lead to an “underclass of the unvaccinated”.
Victoria has dropped almost all rules for vaccinated people and businesses when the 90 per cent milestone is reached, likely to be about November 24, and is negotiating with business over a deadline for when staff and patrons will need to be fully vaccinated.
The Victorian “vaccine economy” strategy is similar to the European approach, while NSW emulates the British approach of relying on herd immunity and not discriminating between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
NSW requires non-essential retailers to check on customer’s vaccination status, but this requirement will be dropped once the state reaches 90 per cent coverage.
“For retailers with a national footprint, it’s incredibly challenging to navigate the different state-based requirements as staff and operations are impacted in different ways.”
Other smaller retailers warned about the practical issues with vaccine mandates.
”One of the biggest problems is it is going to be the young shop assistant who is saying to someone you can’t come in because you’re not double vaxxed, or you won’t show me your certificate,” Family Business Australia chairman Mark Kagan said.
“I don’t see how they’re going to be able to police that on various fronts,” Kagan said, noting it raised a lot of employment and liability issues.
Excluded ‘underclass’
’The move to link community participation with vaccination was unlikely to increase coverage rates, vaccine delivery expert Sydney University Professor Julie Leask warned.
“We are going to create an underclass of the unvaccinated, which we are happy to tolerate because they are just framed as being rat bag protesting anti-vaxxers who couldn’t give a stuff about others, and that’s not actually the case,” Professor Leask said.
“This appears to me more of a punitive measure than a good public health measure because it doesn’t come with the kind of disease burden justification that mandates should come with.”
Professor Leask said demanding people vaccinate to participate in the community may shift a few people over the line, but there will be some who just continue to hold out and will accept whatever hardships are thrown at them. She warned it gave a false sense of safety to vaccinated people.
They are just being nasty at this stage. It’s ridiculous to maintain this pretence that unvaccinated are any more of a risk.
And here is the thing – I know quite a few people who are unvaxxed and quite wealthy.
They will spend thier money with businesses who are humanitarian – not totalitarian.
Shutting out the unvaxxed is a *political* creation, and it needs to be crushed before it gets ugly.
And there is a human rights issue too – the irony is *if* the vaccines protect as they say they do, so why lock out people who are no risk to society? The worst that can happen is all unvaccinated people get ill. And if 95% of the population ( in theory ) is protected by the vaccine, what risk is there to the vaccinated? There is no logic in it.
Hmm….5% of 25,000,000 is 5 x 250,000 = 1.25 million people who will spend with people who are humanitarian.
Thats a lot of customers to lose in a down economy.
Not to mention it reeks of apartheid – and what politician wants to conjour up the ghosts of South Africa and the 3rd Reich?
The Fascist Government of Victoria
Ever wonder how fascists were able to run one-party states in Europe? Come to Victoria and find out for yourself.
Daniel Andrews is the stupidest clod I have ever seen in politics. He knows only force and never reason. He just tells people what to do and threatens them with absurdly high fines and now two years in jail for things that are perfectly legal all over the rest of the world.
From the Herald-Sun this morning: Two Year Jail Threat of course for only “the most egregious offences”.
In 2008, Barack Obama gave an interview to Military Times about the rise of private contractors. In doing so, he defined the state in frank and certain terms:
I am not arguing that there are never going to be uses for private contractors in some circumstances. What I am saying is if you start building a military premised on the use of private contractors and you start making decisions on armed engagement based on the availability of private contractors to fill holes and gaps that over time you are, I believe, eroding the core of our military’s relationship to the nation and how accountability is structured. I think you are privatizing something that is what essentially sets a nation-state apart, which is a monopoly on violence. And to set those kinds of precedents, I think, will lead us over the long term into some troubled waters
EPIC: GOP Congressman Wears ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Face Mask in House Chamber
truly epic
In the UK Telegraph
“Public ‘want a referendum on Boris Johnson’s net zero plans’ by next general election
Survey finds many people are unconvinced by proposals to turn Britain carbon neutral and would prefer to have their say on the issue”
I have one word for Australia.
It seems that the USA is now running short of coal as well as China, Britain and Europe. And they tell us there’s no future in coal, hogwash.
We burn around 600,000,000 tons of coal a year. Used to be a billion tons but still a lot.
We could sell them some but they wouldnt be able to get it off the wharf
Will loss Angeles allow it to be offloaded?
That stuff contains karbon.
Well…as I said previously:
1. This “pandemic” is never going to end as the virus will mutate like the flu.
2. This is not about the virus and never was. It’s about political power.
3. Dan Andrews needs to be removed from office ASAP.
4. Victoria is an economic basket case and there will be a mass exodus.
5. Next year will be far worse.
Dan Andrews is totally out of control and if his power hungry bill passes then Victoria will look like Detroit. Game over for the people and economy. Elections will be suspended for unsubstantiated viral threats allowing him to keep power forever.
History repeats and the inevitable consequences will follow.
1. Remove Andrews.
2. Accept that viruses are natural, have been here before life began on Earth, and are just part of existence.
3. Require full public disclosure of the alleged health advice behind Victoria’s responses.
4. Prohibit government responses massively disproportionate to the alleged threat.
5. Establish a public oversight authority for all government proposals and bills.
We watch our watchers.
Victoria – the world is watching.
Daniel Andrews is so outrageously trying to legislate a totalitarian state, again, you have to think he is being told to do it.
And the devastation he wrought with the Wuhan virus, most of the deaths in Australia, as if he wanted it, maximum damage. No football, no grand final, no races, no Grand Prix, nothing. And now he is doing everything to strip the Australian Open? Will it be held in Sydney or Brisbane? That would suit Andrews. Banning Djokovic as if an unvaccinated athlete is more dangerous than a vaccinated one is nuts. Why?
His attempt to legislate his own Brown Shirts under his direct control with the power of arrest and indefinite detention without appeal to the judicial system. It all seems as if President Xi is telling him to bring Victoria and so Australia to its knees. What hold does anyone have on Andrews? And how did he break his back?
And why did he sign Victoria up to the Chinese Belt and road, and stop the big project underway to put cars under a suburb, taking 40,000 cars off the road. It would be finished by now? No one wanted it stopped, but he had his reasons. Was it funneling money to Chinese investors?
The State of Victoria is being destroyed and once again parliament is going to try to rubber stamp a Totalitarian dictatorship and the end of the rule of law in Victoria. He can declare an emergency any time he likes and take absolute power.
Something is very rotten in this Premier.
Well it stops people from wanting to go to Victoria.
Can you imagine – people would be worried about being locked up on the whim of a CCP puppet dictator?
Perhaps Victoriastan is Australias crazy relative, that people talk about in hushed and sympathetic tones – our own North Korea?
Maybe the rest of Australia should economically and politically boycott Victoria, put a chain wire fence at every border until Dear Leader comes to his senses…..
Unfortunately destroying Victoria economically would be on the game plan. And it’s the only one I can see, unbelievable as it seems. Tens of thousands of people have left. However Australia without Victoria is not the same place and that would cause significant damage to the country. Nothing Andrews has done makes any sense, except that it damages the place and that only makes sense if that is part of a larger game plan. I cannot even see how Andrews benefits unless his real motivation is more sinister.
And as things get seriously ugly, it may transpire that the locals will be finally forced en-mass in the streets and demand Andrews resign.
I can see however if it gets ugly, there wont be any cops willing to protect him.
The police – jabbed, most of them against their will.
The population – jabbed, most of them against their will.
A Nicolae Ceaușescu wannabe potentially going down the same path?
Stop looking for sense in Dictator Dans decisions Tdef you more than likely won’t find any but I suspect if he loses the throne there will be scrutiny over this Government and especially Andrew’s . There has been a lot of shady business dealings and money missing with this government.
it isn’t just Dandemic
not one of his party has tried to block him
no one says anything about him until he throws them under the bus
labor is sh!te
Could someone please bring to Jo’s attention, as many would value her take on it.
Dan Andrews plans for new ‘Pandemic’ laws, to give HIM the emergency powers he currently has (and more) without having to actually declare an emergency.
Pretty much a certainty to move forward, with secret deals with greens and others.
That is an incorrect and misleading interpretation of the legislation.
Come on then maestro enlighten us.
Oh I can’t wait to see the leafs version of Andrew’s decree and just why it’s been a secret since March .
Other states (e.g NSW) allow the minister or Premier to make the call, this legislation does the same but, unlike in other states (eg NSW), it demands all input advice to be made public. So the government , not the public service makes the decision and releases all PS inputs into that decision.
In other words it is allowing the elected reps to do their job and not put all the power in one sector of the PS (ie health)
Oh I see , oversight delivered by the guard. Yep, looks like authoritarianism to me. Further, Gee aye you’re a fool of the first order.
Maybe I am but I’m not swayed by the first nutty youtube I find agreeable somewhere on the internet.
Quinton De Kock withdraws from South Africa team as players ordered to take knee
Quinton de Kock has withdrawn from South Africa’s Twenty20 World Cup match against the West Indies “for personal reasons” after the country’s cricket board ordered players to take the knee.
Skipper Temba Bavuma said the star wicketkeeper-batsman, a former national captain, had made himself unavailable on Tuesday due to “personal reasons” in their crucial Super 12 match in Dubai.
The decision raised eyebrows as De Kock, 28, had previously refused to take part in the anti-racism gesture that has become a regular feature in most sporting events.
‘My own opinion’
De Kock refused to take a knee in South Africa’s Test series in the West Indies earlier this year.
“My reason? I’ll keep it to myself. It’s my own, personal opinion,” he said at the time.
“It’s everyone’s decision. No one’s forced to do anything, not in life. That’s the way I see things.”
From the Comments
Great to see the majority of responses below supporting QdK’s (rightful, in my opinion also) stand against being forced or coerced to “take the knee”.
I wonder how much support he would be getting if he refused to play because he was being forced to be “vaccinated”.
Same “principle”, vastly different outcome, I’d wager.
I wish it known that white privilege is the benchmark. All that is good , coveted and borrowed comes from the endeavour and intellectual of the European. This is undeniable.
When is someone in the Australian Federal Government going to do their duty and compel the Bureau of Meteorology to disclose their “homogenisation” procedures whereby they retrospectively alter previously recorded temperatures?
They have previously refused to disclose their methodology.
If the methodology is not transparent then homogenisation is not science and results they report are not valid.
It is published on the BOM website
Then you will be able to explain every “adjustment” they have made…
Even explain why adjusting for urban heating effects means the past is adjusted downwards.
And why places 300-400km apart, in totally different climate types, should be “homogenised” to match the one that shows warming.
I just did
No, you didn’t
You just mumbled about it being on the BoM web site.
Showing absolutely zero understanding whatsoever.
Fitzroy has no idea about what he is on about. Just rusted on crap with the intellectual decrepit nonsense about AGW.
Nevertheless we want an audit.
you have the sites, you have the original records (they are on the website as well), and you have the methodology, what more could you ask for?
Yes, they have been looked at, and found very often to have totally unaccounted for adjustments.
Original records of non-urban-effected sites, show very little warming
Trouble is that nearly half the surface sites are basically totally unfit for climate purposes, being massively affected by urban heating.
You did know Australia has been cooling for the last 5 years, didn’t you..
Be a better troll.
Don’t attack the man, focus on the bigger conspiracy.
el+gordo, All Forrest has, and all he con contribute is personal attacks, best let him exercise his one talent. If he becomes too obnoxious, the mods may well intervene (I also still believe in santa claus and honest politicians).
and to answer your pal Warwick
As Gee Aye said, every time someone attacks the ABC for hiding or ignoring stories, the internet proves them wrong
In Summary
David – the information you want is on the site you disparage
El+ – do your own fact checks
Ahhh. the totally natural Ozone hole.
Nothing to do with atmospheric CO2.
Is it that ozone holes that has been causing the Antarctic to cool for the last century or two at least ?
Seem Warwick Hughes was totally correct.
Thanks PF. !
“do your own fact checks”
Something you ought to do, save you constantly being wrong.
What man?
Are trolls men.
I agree.
El Gordo; do more fact checking, do youre own.
And a further comment on SSW events
Oh look, in the past, just like in 2019.. Who woulda known 😉
Yeah, good catch.
Its fair to say that the SSW in 2019 exacerbated the bushfire season, along with a meandering jet stream and blocking. All natural variables.
Not to my satisfaction PF.
what would satisfy?
Some actual real science, rather than baseless fake rhetoric.
We will be waiting…. a long time.
PF has just pointed out the transparency of the BOM, the science is all there for you to examine.
The burden of proof is with you.
The “adjustments” have been shown many times to be highly bogus and nearly always causing an increase in warming trend.
It is obvious, that like PF, you don’t understand how the homogenisation process is used to do this.
Good question.
Rather interesting that you would say the BOM’s homogenisation technique is published on their website Peter. When I last looked into this, there was insufficient information to determine exactly how the homogenisation process was implemented. And when a government-organised audit was conducted a few years ago, it is evident from their last report that they also were unable to determine exactly how this process was done. They had to verbally ask some BOM folks, which surely must mean that either:
1. The process is not fully documented, or
2. Part of the process involved human subjective input.
Both of the above possibilities are NOT how an organisation should run a quality-controlled process.
The problem is, the BOM will never tell us the full story.
Fitzroy the BOM at senate estimates have refused to answer the question about error margins on at least two occasions, once by a lib senator and the other by Malcolm Robert’s .
It’s not just homogenisation that the problem. There is also the moving of temperature measurement sites to other locations that have resulted in higher temp measurements. There is supposed to be a two-year (I think) old/new site measurement overlap, so that temps at the new site can be adjusted to match the old site, but I don’t believe that the BOM has ever done this. In Perth’s case, the two location shifts have resulted in new temp measurements that are significantly warmer than the original Mt Eliza site. Up north of WA, a cool island site near Derby was replaced by a new airport site located on a hot inland plain, and almost immediately claims were made of hotter temps in that region.
Yes, but it’s not just the site changes which have not provided sufficient overlap. There was not sufficient overlap between the old and new measurement technology either.
look at the site information – all that is included there, even for the old sites
Yep, and Ken of Ken’s Kingdom has shown its an absolute hodge-podge of agenda-driven mal-adjustments.
And nearly half the sites are totally unfit for climate purposes
A large proportion of Australian warming is down to the smearing of urban warming sites, via the mechanism of “homogenisation” over huge areas where it should never be applied.
The rest is down to natural solar and cloud variability.
You are missing the points Forrest and I raised Peter. The BOM has clear guidelines related to moving sites, and these guidelines were NOT adhered to. So the data released to the site move is incomplete; nor does it appear to have been used to readjust the readings at each new site. In the case of Perth’s first move from Mt Eliza to East Perth, NO overlap was done, thus NO data exists for any readjustment. And Forest is correct about the absence of suitable data, plus any corrections, when switching technologies. The BOM claimed that switching technologies was ok, without any data to backup their claims. However, another country clearly pointed out the problems involved in switching technologies.
Well, it’s simple. When the BOM moved the Adelaide site from the open spot on West Terrace to Kent Town, what happened to the Adalaide averages? Did they go up due to the closed in nature of Kent Town?
And when they moved it back again to a site on the grass in the West Parklands (about 200m from the original site) did they adjust the Kent Town ones down, or the new site ones up?.
“clearly pointed out the problems involved in switching technologies.”
Like old tech taking a few minutes to respond to heat spikes, while new tech responds immediately
BoM is meant to take 5 minute averages.
But it has been shown that they don’t, they take one second readings
Not only that, but it has been shown that the smaller chamber used for modern instruments can read nearly a degree warmer.
Also, BoM has been shown in several cases to have chopped off the bottom end of cold temperatures.
give me the site ID’s for MT Eliza and east Perth, and I can show you how it was done. IT is all in the site metadata, which you have obviously not looked at
“which you have obviously not looked at”
Obviously… neither have you. !
Start here.. see if you can find a “BoM Compliant” site in WA. !
Unfortunately Peter, the BOM’s records of their temperature measuring sites are very faulty. Temperature was first measured in Perth in the CBD’s Supreme Court Gardens, but initially not with a Stephenson Screen. The measuring site was moved to Mt Eliza, near the observatory, and measurements commenced there from around 1897. The nearest I can locate this site from BOM data is site# 9126, but the operations dates are wrong in the data, as this site stopped around 1967.
The next site, Hill St in East Perth, site # 9034, started around 1967 and stopped in 1992.
The final “Metro” site, now located north of the city in the suburb of Mt Lawley, is site #9225. The dates for this site seem to be accurate, starting in 1993.
Now I believe there was about one year’s overlap between East Perth and Mt Lawley, but the BOM data doesn’t show this overlap.
Incidentally, each move move has been to a HOTTER location.
A extra comment: in the early 60s, the TV stations always showed TWO Perth temperatures – the official one from on top of the cool hill that always received the first sea breezes on a hot summer’s day, and the “actual” CBD temperature, read from an accurate thermometer in a jeweller’s shop. There was always around 2-3 degrees difference in these two temperatures.
I can recall Warwick Hughes showing the sudden “jump in temperature when the site was moved to Mt Lawley, using Perth Airport as a comparison.
On the subject of metadata Peter perhaps you better watch the exchange between BOM and Malcolm Robert’s .
“….always showed TWO Perth temperatures…” Same here in regional VIC where instead of having the weather station in or near a close local town, the BOM choose to put the weather station in the bush, on a hill, by a lake. Despite numerous discussions/complaints/request to get a more regionally representative location the BOM refused. The town community eventually funded its own web connected weather station so people could access useful weather information.
Guest Post: Rabz – Submission in opposition to the Exposure Draft of the Digital Identity Legislation as proposed by the Australian Government
We the undersigned, are lodging this submission to express our implacable opposition to the Australian Government’s proposed Digital Identity Legislation.
Australian citizens have no reason whatsoever to be “grateful” that the government will find it easier to access a comprehensive database of information on every single one of them. The legislation is little more than a very poorly disguised attempt to lay the groundwork for a loathsome Chinese communist style social credit system. A system that would be able to continually monitor in real time our movements, our spending habits, our interactions with commercial businesses and the bureaucracy, not to mention a whole host of other equally likely dangerous and sinister intrusions into our lives.
What will be included in this “digital identity”? Our financial records? Our medical records? Who will be able to gain access? Under what conditions? Is Facial Recognition Technology part of it?
Will the “digital identity” be used to monitor political, social and religious participation, comments on blogs, participation in protests, opposition to sacred shibboleths such as climate change and mass immigration, domestic and overseas travel and your reasons for going to a particular destination?
Most importantly, will the “digital identity” be used to restrict individuals’ movements, access to their assets (particularly cash) and access to goods or services based on their “soundness” and compliance with ridiculous and inexcusable government diktats?
Australians have not been able to express their view on the introduction of the “digital identity” via the ballot box. The administration of government IT systems that contain significant amounts of personal information on citizens is notoriously poor – and already subject to abuse by politicians, bureaucrats and other malign actors such as computer hackers.
Why should businesses be burdened with enforcing this legislation?
Sign Petition EN3364 – The Ivermectin Ban – an authoritarian threat to Public Health
The petition is still open but ends tonight. There have been 50,000 signatures since I signed yesterday.
Even if it goes in the bin 75,000 signatures sends a political message.
Signed. One of the safest and most useful drugs in history, fully FDA approved and with many uses and proving incredible effective and cheap in saving lives from the Wuhan bioweapon, the banning of this drug is criminal, inexplicable, unjustifiable. When did politics take over medicine? And how influential is the Chinese Communist Party? The only explanation is to maximize the damage to Australia.
Don’t overlook the influence of the corporatist media. Why would media parasites express ideological objections to an anti-parasitic agent?
It Wasn’t Just Beagles and Monkeys – Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City
In August Gateway Pundit contributor Cassandra Fairbanks broke the story on Dr. Fauci’s use of taxpayer money to torture beagles in barbaric animal testing.
Dr. Fauci funded a study in Tunisia where beagle dogs were eaten alive by parasite-infected flies.
Now this
Dr. Fauci’s NIH was also caught funding experiments on AIDS orphans at a New York City hospital in 2004.
The Fauci NIH approved experiments on hundreds of New York City orphans. Government agencies and pharmaceutical companies used the orphans in deadly AIDS drug trials.
When you’re on the same side as the dude who approved beagle pups be locked in cages so their faces can be eaten alive by giant sandflies, with the dogs having had their vocal chords severed so they cannot cry out in pain
You’re probably not on the side of the ‘good guys’.
Re “Puppygate”
And then the different outlook on dogs and the selection of site – try Point (J) here
(J) A strong aversion is expressed with regard to dogs in some of the traditions attributed to the Prophet, to the point that it is recounted that the Prophet ordered to kill all the dogs of Medina, especially those with a dark color
It is further reported, apparently in an effort to harmonize conflicting traditions, that the Prophet first ordered to kill all dogs, but then forbade the killing of dogs, and only warned against “a black, dark dog, with two dots over its eyes”
Isl@mic commentators were at a loss to explain the source of this attitude, and in fact there are also expressions of fondness for dogs in the Isl@mic literature. There are even, as shown by Goldziher, reports of dogs being allowed into the mosques at the time of the Prophet
Could be a Description of Fauci.
This is an excellent article from a New Zealand perspective. I’m very impressed with the interactive charts, I really need to learn how to do this.
Great graph showing the massive benefits of raised CO2 on tree rings…
Wouldn’t you agree. 😉
Because that is all it does.
It clearly shows that trees growth has been stunted by lack of atmospheric CO2 for a long,long time.
Its clever, but what have they done with the MWP and RWP?
Clearly showing the MWP 1C+ warmer than mid 1900’s (not much real warming since there in unadjusted NZ data (the NZ guys really overdo that data mal-manipulation)
‘The end of the medieval warming at around 1500 AD occurred about two centuries later than on most other continents, suggesting a possible interhemispheric climate lag mechanism possibly involving deep-water circulation.’
A bipolar seesaw, worth a thought, the SH didn’t come out of the LIA until the late 19th century. A century earlier its quite clear that global cooling was universal and it came on fairly quickly. In 1787-88 the Thames was frozen solid, meanwhile in the Southern Ocean the First Fleet encountered a navy storm.
According to Clark, ‘it blow very hard in the night, much harder than since we have been from England. Several heavy seas broke over us in the night, a very great sea running, this is a nasty dirty day. Exceedingly cold. What must it be like in the winter if it is so cold now in the middle of summer. I have hardly found it so cold in England at this time of the year as it is here at present.’
Correction: That should read 1788-89 for the frost fair on the Thames.
Bit blurry, but MWP obvious in Austalasian area.
Can only assume your link is highly biased and just ignored reality of past papers and data.
… or is just agenda-driven nonsense.
And, of course, we all know that the Antarctic, not that far away, is much colder now than for basically all the last 3000 or more years
As was South America
Gergis/Pages2K gets ripped to pieces by a real statistician.
Data torture on steroids. !
There’s only one Gergis I can think of who’d be up for such tawdry noble cause fabrication, Joelle who’s been given a deep reaming on this site some years back.
That’s the one.. !
From what I can gather, she was involved in Pages2K malarkey as well.
Papers that in any real science, would never have seen the light of day.
It became known as the Southern Hemisphere Hockey Stick, which blotted her copy book, but apart from that Gergis has done good work in organising early Australian climate history.
As for all their sea level nonsense
Auckland: 1.67 (±0.08) mm/year (1899–2018)
Wellington: 2.30 (±0.15) mm/year (1891–2018)
Dunedin: 1.48 (±0.08) mm/year (1899–2018)
Lyttelton: 2.21 (±0.09) mm/year (1901–2018).
How scary is that, hey !!
The rest of this farcical essay is built on nonsense “projections” from dumb climate models.
The Eemian Interglacial had a similar CO2 concentration as now, without the hand of man.
‘This interglacial world, despite having similar CO2 concentrations to preindustrial times, is warm enough that hippopotamuses now wallow in Germany’s Rhine River and forests grow at the northernmost point in mainland Europe.’
“forests grow at the northernmost point in mainland Europe.’”
Heck, Its so warm, trees are even growing underneath glaciers !!
Civil war trees revealed by melting glacier.
And we have warmed maybe 1ºC or so since then. !.. so still 2ºC or more cooler than then
Also in the Thames river, with lions, giraffes and elephants in the Thames Valley at that time. (Rhinos in Yorkshire).
Claims that it was much warmer (about 2℃) than at present are backed up by sea levels being 6 to 7 metres higher than present.
Climate Change science is dead Simon.
The world is about to be swept away in a vicious inflationary spiral. Governments will not have money to buy coal, let alone build windmills EVs heat-pumps or PVCs.
The fuze has been lit with the supply chain shortage. The fuel are real estate prices, stock valuations, NFTs and all the other inflated assets. The thing that will guarantee this inflationary expansion (and subsequent collapse) is the crazed insane inefficicient spending to reach Net Zero. It puts unbearable pressure on an already way overstressed situation.
Uses long time periods in graphs and that is supposed to prove that CO2 rises at the same time as temperature.
Please! Even a novice can see the abuse of process.
Interesting (as always) analysis by Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity, this time on the efficacy (or rather the lack thereof) of the CoViD vaccines
China is so worried about CoViD outbreaks that they are vaccinating kids as young as 3!
So it’s not just the west that is following The Science rather than science. And this should put to bed the thoughts that the release of the virus was deliberate. The kneejerk reaction shows that it was due to a monumental ClusterF__k at the WIV, although there is zero doubt that the CCP used the WHO to make sure the virus spread far and wide beyond its borders.
h/t ZeroHedge
Not sure about your conclusion.
It seems possible that the release was deliberate and the CCP mistakenly believed they could control it.
Western Australia’s Mark McGowan says he could lock out NSW and Victoria until JUNE 2022 after banning family reunions at Christmas
– Mark McGowan to only remove border restrictions in first six months of 2022
– Western Australia to be closed to NSW and Victoria until well after Christmas
– Premier has not revealed any concrete reopening plans for his isolated state
– Only 60 per cent of the eligible population aged 16 and over is fully vaccinated
More standover tactics … punish the rubes until they submit.
Anyone that thinks Victoria is an exception for overbearing rules and crushing liberties is fooling themselves, every state and territory has a dictator in waiting.
just my opinion but l think you are right there Yonnie
l think its pretty well an excepted thought now that sooner or later everyone will have to deal with covid
why the elderly and vulnerable especially should take action to be prepared
when WA get it and they are going to,
how will they respond while the rest of the country will have a growing herd immunity?
my hope is that they are preparing and have learnt lessons from others who have been bitten
because they will not be happy living the way people in Melbourne have had to
l think locking the virus out is lazy without imagination, hopefully they will be able to use antivirals
there is going to be a few more Diktaters before this plandemic is sorted
I’m sorry to post this again, I can’t get my head around this…. :
FDA to debate authorizing Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for kids aged five to 11
Independent experts with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will debate whether to recommend the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for children aged five to 11 on Tuesday. Vaccines are currently authorized for children 12 years of age and older.
Roughly 6.1 million children have been infected with Covid-19 in the US, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, and 143 have died since the pandemic began, according to the CDC.
Although children with underlying medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes and obesity made up the majority of severe Covid-19 cases, about one-third had no known health conditions, Pfizer’s application said.
To study the safety and efficacy of vaccines in kids, Pfizer undertook a study of 2,268 children aged five to 11. A total of 1,518 children received the vaccine and 750 received a placebo. Each received two shots spaced three weeks apart, and were followed for TWO… months afterward.
The study found Pfizer’s vaccines were about 91% effective in children, based on 16 cases of Covid-19 in the placebo group and three cases in the vaccinated group.
Most side effects kids experienced occurred within a couple of days and included pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle pains and chills. The study did not find any cases of myocarditis, or heart inflammation, though the size of the study makes it unlikely for the condition to have presented itself.
There is probably a link between messenger RNA vaccines, such as the vaccine developed by Pfizer, and heart inflammation, the CDC has said. The exact rate of myocarditis has not been established. It is believed to be rare, and more common in young men than other groups.
Last week, the White House announced an education campaign targeted at parents. (last week…!!!???)
followed for TWO months afterward….(?!)
Is there really enough data to endorse this Pfizer vaccine for these children
or is this just a money grab
or does ‘Pfizer’ wants to be sure to be ahead of the competition
or …
We can only hope for a good outcome now… it will be approved by the CDC and consequentley by the TGA as well
—> ‘The vaccine against dengue is dangerous for some patients’)
But 1 YEAR later,… the laboratory is forced to backtrack.
A lONG-TERM analysis…..shows that there are “performance gaps” between people already infected with the virus and those who have never contracted it. The vaccine effectively protects the former against dengue fever and the severe manifestations it can cause. In contrast, vaccinated people who have no history of dengue fever see “more severe cases of dengue”when exposed to the virus.”
This might help you, Dr Anthony Fauci who has worked with and pushed these experimental agents on the population now has this animal experiment uncovered for all to see
Now ask yourself how far a person would go if they could orchestrate this and still sleep at night.
The Pfizer study was rubbish as usual.
’10 Red Flags in FDA’s Risk-Benefit Analysis of Pfizer’s Plan to Inject Young American Children With COVID ‘Vaccine’’
‘1. COVID-19 rates in children ages 5 to 11 are so low that there were ZERO cases of severe COVID-19 and ZERO cases of death from COVID in either the treatment (n= 1,518) or control group (n= 750). So any claims you see in the press about the Pfizer vaccine being “90% effective” in children are meaningless because they are referring to mild cases from which children usually recover quickly (and then have robust broad-spectrum immunity).’
‘2. Pfizer’s clinical trial in kids was intentionally undersized to hide harm.’
‘3. Pfizer only enrolled ‘participants 5-11 years of age without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.’ Does the Pfizer mRNA shot wipe out natural immunity and leave one worse-off than doing nothing as shown in this data from the British government?’
‘4. Did Pfizer LOSE CONTACT with 4.9% of their clinical trial participants? The FDA risk-benefit document states: “Among Cohort 1 participants, 95.1% had safety follow-up ≥2 months after Dose 2 at the time of the September 6, 2021 data cutoff.” So what happened with those 4.9% who did not have safety follow-up 2 months after Dose 2?’
‘5. The follow-up period was intentionally too short. This is another well-known trick of the pharmaceutical industry designed to hide harm. Cohort 1 appears to have been followed for two months, cohort 2 was only monitored for adverse events for 17 days.’
A good company to do business with – NOT. What have you got us into Scomo? ToM
Evening all,
There’s another report on the same issue. Just this last night Monday, Ross P at #39:
gave us a link:
” WION is a great alternative news site and the presenter/journalist is world class.
Here is their information on what Pfizer is doing with their contracts. “,
to which I replied:
” Wow, and thanks Ross.
More common sense and investigative journalism out of India. Well done Palki Sharma.
A great report, concise and telling.
7 minutes, and a must watch in my view.
I’m not a lawyer, and even less of an international one, so all I can do is ask: Is there even a concept of “Unconscionable contract”, or a functional equivalent, in international law? ”
As my reply was only posted late Tuesday, and Jo has posted 3 more times since, I decided to reproduce the above exchange and urge you to watch the video, and hope someone can answer my question, please?
Dave B
PS (The words “or a functional equivalent” are tonight’s extension.)
Greenpeace succeed its putsch in Canada
One of Greenpeace and Equiterre ex-leader (Steven Guilbeault) has just been named Environment Minister here in Canada. What a shame. He is not the only activist in this government. Just watch him destroy our economy.
If it’s any consolation we once installed an activist Rock Star as Environment Minister in a Labor National Government. It wasn’t good but nor was it as awful as it might have been.
Of course, a decade ago the media did a slightly better job… and business giants were not necessarily part of the push, which they are now.
Hand up those who wouldn’t want Canada just a “little bit warmer” ! 😉
Inflation will take care of Guilbeault and the Liberals.
It is going to be absolutely horrible
Climate radical sworn in as Canadian Environment Minister
A climate change activist who scaled Toronto’s CN Tower during a Greenpeace protest and praised radicals who climbed on to a premier’s house in what was dubbed a home invasion has been named as Canada’s new Environment Minister.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau elevated Steven Guilbeault, 51, to the environment portfolio in a major post-election cabinet reshuffle ahead of the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow.
In 2001, Mr Guilbeault – dubbed “the green Jesus of Montreal” – was led away in handcuffs after climbing 340m up the CN Tower and unfurling a banner that read “Canada and Bush Climate Killers”. It was intended to pressure the Canadian government to ratify the Kyoto Protocol.
A year later he was part of a Greenpeace stunt which saw activists place solar panels on the home of then Alberta premier Ralph Klein.
“We’re offering Mr and Mrs Klein a gift of solar panels, a gift of the future,” he said.
Mr Guilbeault’s activism dates back to his early childhood, according to his government biography, when he staged a sit-in to prevent developers from cutting down a tree.
He went on to co-found one of Canada’s top environmental organisations, Equiterre, and he has worked in senior roles at several other groups including Greenpeace.
Earlier this year he refused to condone Extinction Rebellion activists who scaled a Montreal bridge, but did suggest he had moved on from direct confrontation.
“I think in many ways … I’m still this guy who climbed the CN Tower,” he said. “But to me, civil disobedience was never a goal in and of itself. It was just a tool. And now I’m using different tools.”
The current Premier of Alberta, Jason Kenney, said Mr Guilbeault’s appointment as Environment Minister was “a very problematic one”.
“I think given Mr Guilbeault’s background, it’s important for him to send a signal that he doesn’t see the government of Canada as a special-interest group to impose a radical agenda,” he told the Calgary Herald.
At a ceremony in Ottawa, Mr Guilbeault was all smiles as he was sworn in alongside 37 others, including Anita Anand who was picked to lead a military plagued by sexual misconduct allegations, and Melanie Joly who was appointed Foreign Minister.
At the COP26 meeting that starts on Sunday, Mr Guilbeault – who cycles to work even in winter – is expected to tout Canadian measures to dramatically cut CO2 emissions, including from its oil sector, which is the fourth-largest in the world.
“Climate change affects us all,” he said, outlining “ambitious new commitments” including the phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies by 2023.
Climate change was a top issue during the recent election, with many Canadians disappointed by rising emissions despite the introduction of a carbon tax set to increase to $C170 ($182) per tonne by 2030.
Mr Trudeau on Tuesday (Wednesday AEDT) said his government had been given a mandate to do “big things.” “I’m really excited about what we’re going to be able to accomplish for Canadians and I know that this team is raring to go,” he said.
He listed his priorities as accelerating the fight against climate change, further boosting Canada’s Covid vaccination rates, bolstering the economic recovery, and continuing reconciliation with indigenous tribes.
The reshuffled cabinet consists of 38 ministers, with an equal number of women and men.
It started in a tiny garage, now this car tech company is worth $300m
With wealth driven by technology to guide automated vehicles, Federico Collarte makes his debut on the Financial Review Young Rich List. Our much-anticipated annual issue is out on October 29.
It sounds like a classic tech origin story: two men in a garage working with sensitive laser equipment, trying to create something that will not only save lives and improve the world, but justify them both having thrown in their well-paid jobs.
“It was a tiny garage, single car, and I still had an old mattress in there,” Federico Collarte says with a laugh and a slight look of disgust. “And a bicycle, and there was literally no power point, so I had to run an extension cord from the light fitting.”
The year was 2015. Collarte, from Peru and struggling to understand the Australian accent, was working with Canadian-born Cibby Pulikkaseril on an idea so simple and obvious, they feared they were wasting their time.
After six months, with the arrival of summer and temperatures in the garage approaching 43 degrees, the partners had their proof of concept for a new, simplified type of light detection and ranging (lidar). This is the complex and (normally) ultra-expensive technology that many believe is the essential ingredient for self-driving vehicles.
Under the name Baraja (pronounced ba-ra-ha; Spanish for a deck of cards and also the shuffling thereof) their start-up soon moved to a new CSIRO innovation hub at Lindfield, in Sydney’s north. Three years later, the duo had become a vast orchestra of 120 staff, backed by a new $45.7 million funding round from Sequoia China, Blackbird Ventures and the CSIRO Innovation Fund.
Today, Baraja has its own building in nearby North Ryde housing 140 employees; a fundraising round in March valued the company at $300 million. Baraja technology is already guiding automated vehicles in mines in Western Australia and Queensland.
He graduated in electrical engineering from Peru’s Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.
Collarte moved to Australia in 2008 and worked at Motorola, Cochlear and Finisar before co-founding Baraja. So, what exactly is lidar? That’s the question everyone would ask Collarte at parties, when he had time for them (“I used to have hobbies. This is it for me now.“).
He describes it as the laser eyes for self-driving cars. “It looks like a camera feed but with every pixel, you’re measuring accurately and directly the distance to that object. It sees day and night because we emit our own light. It’s also better than radar because radar is very low resolution.”
The Baraja founders met while working in optical telecommunications, and they have adapted tech from that industry. Their lidar breakthrough – which they market under the brand name of Spectrum-Scan – uses a prism to defray the laser and break it into different colours, just like a certain Pink Floyd album cover. This largely avoids the need for moving parts and, they claim, achieves vastly higher resolution than any other system. Each colour can represent a different line or signal, and by watermarking each with a binary code, they say they can avoid the false returns likely when thousands, or even millions, of cars are all emitting lasers.
He’s full of respect for fellow inventor Elon Musk, but shakes his head when I mention Musk’s claim that lidar is too expensive and cameras alone can enable self-driving Teslas. Collarte has the more conventional view that safe autonomy will require lidar, backed up by cameras as well as radar and GPS.
“I don’t think humanity will be OK with self-driving cars that drive at a human level,” he says. “We want to hold them to a much higher account. For us, the definition of success is to see our technology in as many vehicles as possible, saving as many lives as possible. To do that, you have to make it practical, make it reliable, make it really cheap.“
If you need convincing that naturally acquired immunity to covid19 is better than that acquired from vaccination please follow this link.
The annoying thing is that all immunologists et al all KNOW that.
Rational thinkers haven’t even won the fight against absurd wind and solar intermittent power generation and now the Left are pushing for “green” hydrogen which is not even a primary energy source like fossil fuels. It takes fuel or electrical energy to make hydrogen. At best it is an energy carrier, not an energy source.
And with people like Turnbull behind it, it is guaranteed to be bad.
“At best it is an energy carrier, not an energy source.” Correct as usual David, but might I remind readers of the energy lost in the production of CO2.
I always struggle with the concept of using energy to produce less energy.
Think of it as using money to create less money, which is typically known as “fraud”.
Now just add your choice of buzzwords to the fraud. Opportunity abounds!
I mean H2. Sorry a bit of oldtimers disease showing.
Does that mean that I am confused.
Much Ado on the media regards the “home”antigen tests.After having read the instruction sheet supplied for All the approved tests(Acessable on the TGA site), , the following is evident.. The approval is based on on the result obtained being in agreement with a PCR test on the SAME sample, so it is essentially the same test with the same error margins.Also there is a requirement that if one of these test returns a “positive”result then you are required to submit to a PCR test. So in effect you are testing with a test requiring a demonstrated high level of false results,adjustable by manipulating the CT value of the test, which could result in having to submit to another test with a similar chance of errors.Thus closing the circle of “cases”
They have been used for some time now on construction sites in NSW. At least the unvaccinated have some easier “proof” for the sanctimonious and uninformed vaccinated that they are not “unclean” or “contaminated”.
Coles, Woolworths to start selling Covid-19 rapid antigen testing kits
Getting a test for Covid-19 will soon become a lot easier with major supermarkets across Australia set to introduce a new item to its shelves.
Covid testing kits will soon be sold at selected supermarkets across the country as Australia continues its staged reopening plan.
Coles confirmed the Hough Pharma Covid Antigen Nasal Test would be sold behind service desks at selected stores and online as early as next week.
While the Chinese-manufactured test, one of eight approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, would also be on shelves at selected Woolworths stores from early November.
The test will come in packs of two and five, expected to be sold for between $10 and $30.
Chinese Made – That will work when Mainland Chinese won’t buy their own Baby Formula – While the Chinese-manufactured test
…I just saw a cardiologist in the USA say he’s seeing around 30 young adults A DAY for heart issues after having been baaxinated.
When specialists say that, then it’s pretty obvious these baaxines are extremely high risk and heart issues are far from rare as claimed so if this is all genuinely about public health(and of course it’s not) then these baaxines need to be stopped immediately as has been the case in the past in the USA anyway.
Let’s force disclosure of Victoria’s health data. Let’s publicly analyse and critique it. Let’s frame it against known verifiable medical/immunological/virology realities and let’s see if this “pandemic” remotely classes as a public health emergency at all. Short answer – it doesn’t nor is it even close.
Little wonder Danny boy doesn’t want to release it.
The fact there’s a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell says a lot about expected traffic volume and a lot of pollies and their lackeys will be finding that out soon enough.
This is a month old, but some good insights into the atmospheric variables over NH winter. Blocking gets a mention.
Not sure if this was posted in a previous thread but I feel it is worth repeating if it has
Alex Bereson has pointed our a very interesting finding from a UK government report that suggest the CoViD vaccines weaken the natural immunity of those who have previously recovered from an infection of SARS-CoV-2.
All of which backs up the observation that those who have suffered “breakthrough” infection after vaccination do not appear to have the same strong immunity against reinfection that has been observed in those who had recovered and were not previously vaccinated.
Just a thought, I wonder when vaccine deaths will overtake COVID deaths as they surely will.
How will we know if Cause Of Death is not accurately recorded?
What’s happening in the UK is that vaccinated adults are steadily catching COVID. They are not dying in huge numbers though and the great majority are getting better again. I’m pretty sure we will see that in Australia probably next Autumn … there’s just a hint of it in the NSW statistics right now.
Long term effects still remain to be seen, but I’m sure many of those will be subtle … suppose the overall cancer rate goes up by 10% over the next 10 years, that statistic would be easily visible, but the cause would not.
Agree Tel. Am expecting significant rise next year& could even be earlier as some have noted a 2 month cycle with the virus. I also expect the loading of blame onto the unvaccinated – just as they did OS – though the high rates of vaxx will make that harder.
Big tech censorship fightback continues with the takeover of Dave Rubin’s Locals by utube competitor Rumble. Combining forces is one way of getting ahead of corporate media and big tech, and I hope this trend continues.
I’d love to see JoNova have a subscription channel on Locals; some people would need to be a bit more respectful to each other though (LOL) as there is no moderation so rude people generally just get ignored.
Compair the pair:
DeSantis in Florida and Andrews in Victoria. Florida under DeSantis with economically viable no lockdowns or mask tyrany has lowest Covid rate in USA. Victoria under Andrews’ world record despotic lockdowns and mask infringement bloody agression by armor-clad, flash bang, rubber bulleting tactical response thugs achieves Australia’s highest and ever increasing covid numbers.
The Covid troubles are full of strange coincidences.
The terrifying thing is that there are enough stupid people in Afdanistan to elect Andrews a third time, assuming he allows any more elections.
‘Australia controls everything”
“How Australia Is Crashing the World Economy And Taking Down China”
He has some pretty out there vids. But it’s well produced!
The outcome of the pandemic and COP26 are looming large. The US contemplates an N trillion spending package. Countries rush head long into Net Zero building frenzy. EVs for everyone in 9 years …. Supply chain bottlenecks. Shortages of coal gas and electric power. Millions of new PVCs installed. Everyone building and spending like crazy.
The bubble will burst
Peter Schiff has been loudly shouting “Stagflation!” for at least the past 10 years.
Just like a stopped clock, the time will come when Schiff is right … and I have a feeling that time won’t be too much longer.
I have endeavored to inform the journalists at SkyNews about the climate hoax and the fake ‘vaccine’ by submitting a number of comments on their web site. I now see that I have been cancelled. My comment page shows:
“You have not written any comments”!
I can only guess that my remarks must have been correct.
Apparently a report is out on the Callide C generator failure, but I can’t find it.
Human error, I am told. Who’d a thunk it.
Here’s the report:
My reading is that it is a technical report on how the system reacted to the failure and as such is above my pay grade or, indeed, my level of interest.
A quick scan tells me things worked as designed to protect the equipment on the way down and to reestablish power on the way back up. So far, so good. That is what you would expect of an AEMO report after all.
I need to read further to find why the loss of DC control voltage meant the generator became an asynchronous motor for half an hour while, presumably, the operators drank coffee. I can’t unsee the the generator room in the Collinsville power station with yellow/red striped DO NOT OPERATE tags fluttering in the fans and little desire to do the repairs.
My initial read gives me a first impression that the essential voltage services for monitoring had failed, so inadequate monitoring. Might be a monitoring redesign coming up.
The Australian medical profession appears reluctant to speak.
They are a large number of people, thousands, who would have many and divergent views even on medical pharmaceutical matters.
What I would like to know:
What written instructions have been given to the medical profession by government, including instructions labelled as advice or guidance, on the subject of treatments for this virus?
Would a ‘freedom of information’ approach release these communications?
Does a contract with a foreign company dictate censorship by government?
I would also like to see what instructions were given by medical ‘authorities’ to government.
Governments handed over authority in this matter to bureaucrats. But the ultimate responsibility still rests with the governments.
My friend’s doctor merely told her “They are watching me.”
When inflation rates go up, then interest rates follow then real estate assets plunge and government debt servicing goes through the roof …Governments are already overextended in pandemic relief
… and everyone gets afraid and pulls back in terror from Net Zero mega spending projects.
People will be so worried about surviving they will not care a jot about climate
Inflation is already out of control, world wide and in China too. World is alreay at zero interest rate
Panic will set in. It will be horrible
(Unless the inflationary bubble continues to expand)
Governments are “printing” money like crazy and the banks are leading the way. The world is awash in money and this cannot end well . The climate goons talk about “tipping points” – I wonder if there is one for economics ? We are living in a fools paradise.
Governments hsve been printing money for a while. The supply chain shortage including gas and coal has set off run away inflation. The mad long dash to spend out of the pandemic combined with the massive spending to reach for Net zero will be too much.
I fear there is no stopping the inflation freight train now
The price of gold says you are wrong.
Gold went $1800 USD per ounce this week, and hovering around $1790 right now. The price of Gold is not exactly heading down … although probably the PPIACO is a better indicator because that includes all metals, oil, gas, wood, etc.
There’s all commodities, looking at percent change from a year ago, and I reckon it says Raving is right.
A fistful of glossy brochures being waved around by the PM as he tries to sell net zero emissions, but where is the impact statement on the future economy?
Where are the details?
The sales pitch being used is called marketing hyperbole and puffery, as compared to facts and figures and analysis.
Who cares, it means nothing, it won’t work and no one expects it to
Details are so twentieth century eh; shared imaginations is how we do our planning from here on.
The Victorian Bar Association has found its tongue after eighteen months mute and deplores the lack of detail in the proposed two year gaol terms and hundred thousand fines the premier is ushering in.
I want to hear their views on being forbidden to shop once ninety percent vaccination is reached; many barristers would be unvaccinated as being exempted officers of the court.
There are 22,300 parasites listed as going to the Glasgow gabfest.
What an unholy waste.
Oh come on , its like the Climate Weenies Prom night. Their time to shine and look for their next plum but totally unproductive and meaningless appointment.
1930s Germany
Once in power, Hitler moved quickly to end German democracy. He convinced his cabinet to invoke emergency clauses of the constitution that permitted the suspension of individual freedoms of press, speech, and assembly
The Enabling Act of March 23, 1933 — forced through the Reichstag already purged of many political opponents –gave dictatorial powers to Hitler.
Also in 1933, the Nazis began to put into practice their racial ideology. The Nazis believed that the Germans were “racially superior” and that there was a struggle for survival between them and inferior races.
In 1933, new German laws forced Jews out of their civil service jobs, university and law court positions, and other areas of public life.
Big Hi! to all my fellow Victorians, sound vaguely familiar?
And that is why the Left don’t want people learning real history any more.
They plan to do it all over again.
In Apartheid South Africa the untermensch had to carry a “pass” which determined where they could travel, where they could live, where they could eat, where they could pee, who they could marry, what jobs they could have, what hospital they could attend, which beach they could go to, that ensured a death penalty for rape, what schools they attended and the curriculum imposed, and many more.
Anybody who looks at this “passport” purely as a means to stop the spread of covid viruses needs to research travel documents/passes in Nazi Germany, the USSR and South Africa. They are insidious and restrictive and your life will be controlled by those in power – and not in a nice way. Resist them while you still can.
[I can only say “how brilliant and succinct”] ED
“Just how many people are being killed or sickened by COVID-19 vaccines?”
Follow the COVID-19 numbers from VAERS as they’re updated every week. You’ll find them both frightening and eye-opening . . . and the mainstream media is utterly ignoring them. It’s as if they don’t want us to know about them at all. Ask yourselves why that might be.
You can lie by commission (i.e. deliberately saying something untrue) and by omission (i.e. deliberately omitting or obscuring truthful information that’s of critical importance and might undermine your position). I get the very strong feeling we’re being lied to by omission, by the CDC, the FDA, and every other official body involved with COVID-19 (aided and abetted by politicians, the news media, social media censorship, and so on). I put forward the evidence above to support my position. If anyone wants to prove me wrong, have at it; but you’ll have to produce even stronger evidence to overturn what’s already out there.
Friends, we’re being played for suckers. Many of us realized this a long time ago. For the rest of us . . . it’s long gone time we stopped being taken in.”
A cartoon for which I can’t find a link.
The caption reads
“Just registered Democrat. So can I start doing illegal stuff now or is there a waiting period”
Now, if it was Alec Trump that pulled the trigger …………..
Or the converse –
“I have just committed a crime, can I now stand for Congress as a Dem?”
The company behind an Australian covid protein segment vaccine is fundraising for a vaccine trial because the Australian Government has disastrously chosen mRNA as the only currently approved options.
When is the government going to stop trying to pick “winners”? Surely the disasters of SH2, NBN, diesel subs, desal plants etc. etc. should be a lesson.
Please read the company’s comments at the link.
We are contributing to this crowd funding of Covax19. It is appalling that the Australian government did not support it. They went to Iran to do the clinical trials. They now need $500,000 just to apply here to TDA for approval now that they have the excellent results from the Stage 3 trials.
Half a mill is a nice backdoor way to build a barrier to entry so only those in the club can play.
I wish the world would rid itself of wind turbine eyesores.
They destroy beautiful landscapes apart from all the other problems they create.
The Left is at war against free enterprise.
Some people need to be reminded how it works.
Here is a playlist of Milton Friedman’s classic series from 1980, Free to Choose.
Ray Hadley on Tippee Toes
Start at 1:30:50 if you do not want to hear the Grey Ghost of the once popular 2GB.
Ray waltzes through stats for a 30 year old who has died “after he had one dose of Covid 19 shortly before testing positive”.
No need to look any further, though Ray will chase up the SOOOOOOO SIIIIIICK 30 Y/O chap who has mucked up his weekender visits to the Gold Coast.
‘Waning of BNT162b2 Vaccine Protection against SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Qatar’
Table 4 in this study shows Pfizer vaccine -33.3% effective against asymptomatic infection after 7 months. 27.8% effective against symptomatic infection after 7 months. The numbers do jump around a bit.
Table 4
In Table 2 effectiveness against hospitalisation and death was around 90% for the first 6 months. The median age of 31 probably had something to do with that. After 7 months effectiveness against hospitalisation and death was 55.6%.
Table 2
This is the real….enabling scandal of this ‘moral challenge of our era’…the fact that such momentous changes are being made to how the whole world functions sovereignty of countries …to whether countries have a future…or not…to democracy itself and threats to it …on the basis of faulty science that misjudges past temperatures via tree-ring dating that used too small a selection of trees that were unsuitable for that purpose anyway…the bristle-cone pines…and on an algorithm that produces hockey stick-shaped temperature graph no matter how diverse the input.
The Left lies routinely…it comes with the Marxist ‘ends justifies the means’ philosophy/strategy…so the Left will concoct anything at all to achieve its ultimate ends-world domination under Socialism…and on that measure this is the atrocity of the millennium.
But the psychosis of the millennium is the idea that the world would actually click its heels ..come to attention and obey orders from such people and the discredited organization led by the cronies of despots and dictators in some of the world’s most kleptocratic ….dysfunctional failed states…that leaders of modern countries would be led by the nose by such repugnant people on matters of existential import for their own law-abiding populations and on such flim flam ….and call it science .
Sorry truth, meant green, fat finger.
For a Marxist the truth is anything he/she can persuade you to believe that will increase his/her power over you.