A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The supply chain disruptions that are getting worse worldwide are mainly due to government regulations imposed by our politicians.
Adding more laws and restrictions does have a breaking point where higher prices brings down this crisis even worse as essential factories close due to increased costs and energy shortages.
Golly…destroying our western civilisation…inline with UN agenda 2030….who would have thought…..
Buy supplies now….
You failed to read the comments it would seem.
The problem (effect) is unlikely to be caused by the action you referenced.
Read the comments, for a better analysis.
German coalition plan sets bigger green targets
Ambitious new goal
Hi Raving.
I am the same page. Lies and propaganda does not change reality.
German nuclear power plants, currently supplies 10.8% of the Germany electrical grid load and are scheduled to be shutdown in 2022.
When the sun is shining, on windy days, Germany cannot use all of their current intermittent green energy. As there are no magic batteries to store energy for use weeks and months and years later, Germany must export half of the green energy, to other EU countries, and buy back at a loss, reliable nuclear or natural gas power from EU countries. Obviously this is a scam.
The most important point which Greta, the Queen, and Biden do not understand/comprehend is that it does not matter how much money is spent on the green scams (See Google study link which found that the green scams cannot be used to get to zero CO2 emissions regardless of money spent. As green scam/scheme fail/saturate, more and more money must be spent, for less CO2 reduction. Also the sun and wind gathering equipment wears out and most be replaced. Germany is now at the point in time where the old wind turbines are failing and will need to be replaced.
Spending more money on a plan that cannot work and that has and will make electricity more and more expensive and less reliable which will eventually, cause economic collapse in German.
German inflation hits 29-year high as energy costs spike across Europe
Germany has spent $500 billion dollars, saturating their electrical grid with intermittent wind and sun gathering, which has tripled the cost of electricity in Germany. Half of the German intermittent green energy is exported (at a loss) to other EU countries and then Germany buys back at a higher prices, reliable power from nuclear or natural gas.
“A research effort by Google corporation to make renewable energy viable has been a complete failure, according to the scientists who led the programme. After 4 years of effort, their conclusion is that renewable energy “simply won’t work”.
According to an interview with the engineers, published in IEEE;
“At the start of RE<C, we had shared the attitude of many stalwart environmentalists: We felt that with steady improvements to today’s renewable energy technologies, our society could stave off catastrophic climate change. We now know that to be a false hope … Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.””
Yes there is the costof maintaining and replacing a renewable distributed power network. Even insulated houses and heat pumps need maintenance
Putting all heating and power generation through the chokepoint of natural gas fired electric generation is ridiculous. Germany can get cold in the winter. Electric demands will skyrocket as people use electric heated EVs, heat pumps, electric space heaters and electric stoves.
It’s not just pumping the gas, it’s limited by generating electricity from gas
I thought the Germans has gone in the direction of micro-turbines and combined heat and power units.
Run a small gas turbine generator locally, and the exhaust heats your hot water tank. You can also pump the hot water around to do a bit of heating floors, etc. The advantage of multiple local mirco-turbines is they have massive peak generation capability and provide excellent dispatchability. The disadvantage is somewhat lower electrical generation efficiency, which is why taking advantage of the low grade exhaust heat is so important because that brings up the overall system efficiency.
Electric space heaters, and electric stoves are terrible compared to gas heaters and gas stoves.
Gas distribution networks have one massive advantage over electrical distribution: with gas you get both power delivery and storage in one pipe. Gas distribution is automatically stabilizing, at least in the short timescale, there’s no problem with frequency drift or anything like that.
got unlinked somehow
Gas is a high density source.
Renewables are low density and distributed. People want to scale these up with bigger turbines and more efficient transmission. Perhaps they should be scaling downwards making cheaper, more durable and maintenance free. Forcing higher densitiy on an inherently low density network seems to be at cross purpose
‘Germany can get cold in the winter’.
It sure can. I have memories of the very necessary huge coke boiler in the cellar. There was also a smaller one to use in the summer for our hot water.
Sounds a bit like Australias NEM and AEMO.
Ponzi Scheme comes to mind.
Admire the German resolve but cannot imagine how it will be if they actually move home heating on to heat pumps.
My guess is that heat pumps need to work almost constantlyif it is cold outside. Gas heating in Canada cycles intermittently and somepeople use electric space heaters to boost room temperatures in houses at that.
Cannot see that triple glazing or insulation or ground based heat pumps are a one-and-done solution. They still require maintenance and replacement every 20 – 40 years. Pumping antfreeze through underground pipes will cause propblems 20 -50 years down the road. Compressors become obsolete as refrigeration gases change
Imagine a cold cloudy windless day in Germany when everything is using electricity to heat and move and no solar, no wind, no cal, no nuclear power generation. No way they will have sufficient gas power plant generation. Houses will steadily lose heat and it will be impossible. Wont be able to drive EVs far becauseneed to heat those too.
In a normal world, even with 100% electricity, there is natural gas, coal, nuclear, hydro power, wood heater, ICE automobiles, kerosene heater backup to adsorb that pulse for the very cold days. Not so for the brave new green world
It is utterly crazy
A once greatly admired engineering nation
Am all for gas turbines, big or small but unless there is a move towards heat pumps and the extensive insulating and ground sink maintenance that goes into them, there will not be renewble energy.. Yes I agree that gas pipe networks provide a massive impulse of energy, especially when it gets cold. Constraining that impulse flow of energy will create impossible problems.
As Tony points out, it really is an energy density problem and the intermittent distributed nature of renewables is their greatest problem. Experience of a cold climate highlights the need for a surge of energy when it is cold.
The Scandinavians are fond of their newly built low density highly insulated structures. The net-zero home is a land use and redevelopment resource hog
Maybe the future resides in smaller and more durable windmills in networks that last 50+ years before needing replacement/upgrade. The rush to replace everything with ever bigger turbines and redesigned transmission network seems hugely wasteful
Was watching a UK show last night , one of those I’m rich and I am going to build a house in the country, arent I clever? kind of shows. The couple is mulling over house construction methods and is of course trying to show off their virtue and green credentials. The visit a site where and even more pretentious couple are building something you can see from space. This impresses them so the decision is made.
What they decide on is ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) basically a polystyrene type foam forming system that you stack up to form wall and then you pump in many cubic metres of concrete. In the usual magical style they gave no mention to using one of the most energy intensive materials you could pick.
The was a similar one in Canada where the woman building the house said “off grid” about 157 times. Then in the final couple of episodes they showed the Canada Hydro people hauling in a cruise ship mooring line sized cable which they rationalised as their “back up”
Its all about the feels
“Ambitious new goal”
More pain, cost and suffering for the German populace !
Profit and blackouts, uber alles
The left, in power, illegally mandating jabs, is discovering the lessons of civil disobedience were well taught.
Masses in the middle are resisting; the odd individual is disruptive with the large group simply disruptive by
being in the wrong place: not a loud annoyance on a statue of supposed evil like last summer’s leftist exercises;
but one pilot on tweeter and a bunch of others calling in sick.
The statues cam down and the left was pleased.
The airline spent a weekend down, and left, lying about the reason, is clearly not. The weather didn’t bother other lines,
but JAX center was unmanned…haven’t seen that since the controllers struck in the Reagan era.
There are employee actions (and some customer actions)…and they seem far less scripted than those on the left. If there is a
Soros like organization organization managing this it has not yet emerged.
Civil disobedience is less appreciated by the left when they are in power, along with rights like free speech and assembly. Funny how that’s changed.
A problem becomes that their go-to ultimate tactic has always been violence; the status-quo government of the middle becomes horrified and gives in.
The government of the left responds to peaceful disobedience with agression. This is in the face of empirical failure to govern competently. There will be a reckoning. Only once before have we failed, in the US, to do this at the ballot box, but it is worth remembering that we did, in fact, fail once.
a government of the middle s
There’s an old essay on environmentalism that gives the same general picture.
Every bit applies to the public health movement as well.
how poorly the main Sars2 vaccines work
covid deaths before and after vaccine programs data source John Hopkins university coronavirus centre
COVID vaccines are between 50% and 80% effective in reducing severe illness and death. They have to be at least 50% to retain emergency use authorisation. Such dramatic efficacy should be apparent in the empirical, “real-world” data. There should be very few country exceptions.
CBA shareholder support coal funding 🙂
Hitler berates Victoria and the Taliban in this spoof( at least I hope it is)
Oops, should be Talidan
very funny
thanks for posting
Where are we headed.
What can we believe.
Are there “troubles” that need fixing.
Are there leaders who are incompetent and damaging.
When the malicious theme of dangerous human origin CO2 can be pushed 30 years beyond its use by date; when the truth about The Virus is being kept from us by stinking media stories based on misleading information provided by government officialdom; when the world we knew and had hope in is being demolished: when we know we are being scammed; What must we do?
The first few comments above have detailed the problem, can we fix this ugly mess.
These are questions not enough are asking right now and that is a problem within itself, the constitutional avenue is a good way to go if we want to avoid bloodshed and recapture the spirit of our peaceful formation of federation, the rule of law must be reinstated with its powers of separation and the individuals rights over the state/local stop gap measures that have no consultation process with the people it overrules and effects.
We do actually have an Australian Bill of Rights and within this states have Imperial Acts Application Acts:
This is the grassroots that the people have to be reminded of to give them a sense of hope in a sea of lies and deception, just like misery Marxism loves company so its time to end this abusive relationship once and for all.
Hi KK I gave a reply but it was lost?
We have a bill of rights
Also does each state,
Try last one again,
🙂 🙂
Too many links,
No one likes me, I was almost made a second class citizen last Friday because I refused to take part in an experimental medical trial.
the Australian – Coronavirus live news Australia: Victoria records 1,993 cases, seven deaths; NSW cases dip to 319 amid confusion over interstate travel
From the Comments
Why are funerals in NSW limited to 10 if there are any unvaccinated mourners? We are supposed to be opening up?????
Fed up with medicos setting ridiculous restrictions and politicians listening to them.
More important question “What if the Deceased was Unvaccinated” does this restrict Mourners?
For the first time in six weeks our OMG, old men’s group, did our early Saturday walk today.
The other three were vaxxed.
One said that his second vaxx had left him with damage to his hearing for a few days. Scary.
This is the fourth anecdotal report of an adverse CV19 vaxx event that went beyond the sore shoulder stuff.
At the coffee shop I said hello to a few others who were also vaxxed but didn’t stay because I didn’t want to impose on the shop proprietor if I was caught there. Also, given the strength of conviction on vaxxing in those present it was better just to go.
I hope we get freed up soon, this has the potential to get really ugly.
Personal anecdote of vaxx injury…LIAR! according to geeaye. My good mate early 40s had blurred vision in one eye for several days, chest pains, head pains after 1st AZ jab. My 1st cousin early 40s had to call ambulance day after 2nd pfizzer jab – thought he was having a heart attack. My dad had chest pains for several days after 1st pfizzer jab. Thats just direct family/friends. Hearing many stories of strokes post jab, one chap paralysed down one side of his body unable to walk now.
Hi Ando that’s a big tragic list.
The comment about the vaxx injury yesterday came out while we were walking.
The bloke relating the incident is 69 years old- says that he walks six kilometres five days a week and is still very active running a business.
Despite the messing with his hearing, which for anyone would be scary, he recommended that I get vaxxinated, because of the “danger of the CV19 virus”.
He couldn’t see the irony. He’s also a strong believer in CAGW. A nice bloke but has a strong, unquestioning belief in the system that to me doesn’t seem to be justified.
The world is a complex place.
” … he recommended that I get vaxxinated, because of the “danger of the CV19 virus”.
Even for oldies such as us, the virus has a survival rate of 95%.
People who persist in saying “how dangerous” the virus is need to turn off their tvs and search for some facts online.
Sorry you missed out on your coffee KK.
Ando… stop. you’ve convinced me already.
We like you Yonnie! Keep going 🙂
Hi Yonnie, other than being a second class citizen did you manage to stay employed ? If so can you tell us how, I know 2 people that have been told “no jab, no job” one a government employee, the other in private enterprise. The latter was given the full ” no jab, no job and you will never work in this industry ever again”
Sadly no idividual can contest these decisions in a court of law, the system will just send you broke at the first hurdle. Even if you manage to keep going you stand the chance of decisions being made by “woke” judges that will rule for their version of the greater good.
Yes still employed we are Commonwealth employees and don’t have to follow state mandates and neither does anyone else for that matter as our federal/constitutional laws/acts regarding privacy and bio security protects anyone in any state/territory from non consensual medical coercion regardless of any SOE or state laws passed.
There are large class actions being launched by AFL and G&B lawyers that you can sign onto online free of charge, look at the Telegram platform it has tons of links to this start with Craig Kelly and Concerned Lawyers Network, what the employer has to understand is if they force employees to take the vaccines they alone are legally responsible for any injuries from that vaccine for the rest of their lives and are open to litigation from their families if they die.
I understand people who are in a terrible position of taking this experimental medicine or losing everything they’ve worked for and this is the most sickening thing as it demoralizes people into a hopeless state as marxism does and the people who planned this know as well, Nuremberg trials will be too good for them.
this will interest you Sambar
an aussie bloke who rejected the jab mandate and kept his job
it shows grit and guts in a very calm fashion
Read the Australian Biosecurity Act 2015 (section 60, 61 etc) Privacy Act 1988, Australian Constitution (section 51)…
good luck 😉
Many thanks for that info Yonnie, I have sent on the info to those concerned. ( Both have relented and have had their first dose ) Hope for the future without more injections
Hi Sambar. I think we live fairly near to you, from what you have written previously.
Our daughter has worked out advice and a proforma letter for people being bullied by employers to take the shots. Never resign; don’t say anything; if you receive the order to have the shot, only then send the letter which asks for details and reassurances and agrees to have the shots if adequate answers and assurances are undertaken. Employers won’t be able to give the required info and assurances. (Thanks to ideas given by ColA btw, a couple of weeks or so ago).
If you want to contact me, ask Jo to forward my details.
Apparent finding of aluminium based life forms in the vax as discovered by a Polish scientist Dr Franc Zalewski
( video here watch between 5:00 and 20:00 )
Strange stuff.
That’s hilarious
It has been said that when the majority are running towards a cliff, a person running the other way appears insane.
Some good new science:
Climate sensitivity to CO2 lower than UN models project
By David Wojick
The beginning: A new research approach has found a very low value for CO2 climate sensitivity, on the order of just one half degree C. This is in stark contrast to the latest IPCC computer modeling results, many of which give sensitivity results over five degrees. Sensitivity is a standard benchmark, the warming that might be expected when the atmospheric concentration of CO2 is doubled.
This result is especially interesting because the journal that has published it conducted two separate reviews before doing so. They did this because of strong resistance from alarmists. While this double review does not guarantee the truth of the findings it certainly strengthens their credibility.
The article is “The Impact of CO2, H2O and Other “Greenhouse Gases” on Equilibrium Earth Temperatures” by Coe, Fabinski and Weigleb, in the International Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.
The article is open access so not paywalled. Take a look here:
Lead author David Coe explains the paper this way:
“The concept of this paper is to reduce the complexity of the problem of climate sensitivity determination by the separation of variables, a common technique. We conclude that The atmosphere, mainly due to the beneficial characteristics and impact of H2O absorption spectra, proves to be a highly stable moderator of global temperatures. There is no impending climate emergency and CO2 is not the control parameter of global temperatures, that accolade falls to H2O. CO2 is simply the supporter of life on this planet as a result of the miracle of photosynthesis.“
More in the article.
See also this new result, supporting very low CO2 sensitivity:
If only the IPCC would open their eyes, but I’m not holding my breath.
How long before someone from the climate emergency religion responds with something insightful like “hacks for the fossil fuel industry”?
5 minutes. Fitzroy. See 7.2 below.
Good call!
Srsly David, a bunch of retired engineers writing on “Greenhouse Gasses” (the quotes are a red flag as well) in a journal that is not recognised Or ranked, and you take this garbage to be gospel.
Mind you, Heartland would love it
PF: We engineers are experts on data analysis. Also on checking science before we put it into practice. It is no accident that a lot of skeptics are engineers while most alarmists are academics.
I realize your idea of science is to attack the authors and the journal, plus calling it garbage, which I am happy to ignore. Nor do I say it is gospel, just plausible given the greatly increasing number of low sensitivity findings. (I did not write the headline.)
If you can actually address the study it might be interesting (for a change) but I am not holding my breath.
That’s the only way, clueless people without factbased agruments are able to react.
I know that now since years, to be exact since 2007.
Was that the last time you actually read and understood a scientific paper?
No, that’s my starting point of scepticism in regard of climate”science” and I realised that what I said in my earlier comment.
That clueless people attack the journal or the author instead coming with arguments they usually don’t have.
David, I read the article, and I can see why it was submitted to that particular journal. If your ignore the physical and chemical attributes of the atmosphere, then yes – the data analysis looks good. But it is really a bunch of hasbeens shooting the breeze.
Try to explain with facts it you know what that means.
“If your ignore the physical and chemical attributes of the atmosphere”
…. you mean, if you “believe” in the AGW farce..??
The AGW farce is based on ignoring many physical attributes of the atmosphere.
That is why data and real science always prove the AGW farce to be nothing but a baseless anti-science conjecture.
I see PF is still totally unable to counter any of the actual facts presented. 🙂
Thanks David. That is great paper. Simple to understand concepts and a bullet proof physical/mathematical approach, that places physical limits, on any future CO2 warming.
Physical analysis of the greenhouse gas ‘problem’ and observations before the addition CO2 to the atmosphere… Places an absolute upper bound of warming for a doubling of CO2 to 0.5C
The IPCC estimates…. Using state of the ‘art’ climate models and 29 parameters that can be adjusted …. Running on super computers… …‘estimates’ (this is not science) the future warming of the planet due a doubling of CO2 to be in the range of 1.5C to 4.5C.
Considering all greenhouse gases as a set is scientific and physical. That analysis ‘approach’ places a real physical, upper bound on how much incremental warming CO2 or any other greenhouse gas can cause.
That calculation proves that Hansen’s estimate of warming for a doubling of CO2 of 1.2C was scientifically impossible/physically impossible.
Hansen’s doubling calculation warming of 1.2C ignored(On purpose because it greatly reduced the maximum possible warming of CO2 additions) the overlap of water vapor and CO2 which occurs in the atmosphere before the CO2 doubling.
From the paper:
“The 38.5% retained radiation absorption comprises 35.3% attributed to H2 O, 3.0% to CO 2 and a mere 0.2% to CH 4 and N2 O combined.
From this it follows that the 33Kelvin warming of the earth from 255Kelvin, widely accepted as the zero-atmosphere earth temperature, to the current average temperature of 288Kelvin, is a 29.4K increase attributed to H2 O, 3.3K to CO 2 and 0.3K to CH 4 and N2 O combined.
H2 O is by far the dominant greenhouse gas, and its atmospheric concentration is determined solely by atmospheric temperature. ….
…By comparison CO2 is a bit player. It however does possess strong spectral absorption bands which, like H2O, absorb most of the radiated energy, within those bands, in the lower atmosphere. It also suffers the big disadvantage that most of its absorption bands are overlapped by those of H2 O thus reducing greatly its effectiveness. In fact, the climate sensitivity to a doubling of CO 2 from 400ppm to 800ppm is calculated to be 0.45 Kelvin. ….
The contribution of CH 4 and N2 O is miniscule. Not only have they contributed a mere 0.3Kelvin to current earth temperatures, their climate sensitivities to a doubling of their present atmospheric concentrations are 0.06 and 0.08 Kelvin respectively….
The International Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences sounds very impressive but it has only been running five years with only a half dozen papers a year. The journal has an impact score of zero. The peer review seems very lax judging by the quality of papers published.
Attributed almost all of the observed warming to water vapour is very odd, the general consensus is about half. Some people here think that H2O isn’t even a greenhouse gas.
Wonderfully understated and introspective.
Noted that, yet again, you have absolutely nothing to back up your comments.
Totally unable to counter the facts and data.
So you go down the under-handed innuendo ad hom path….
Good news!
It’s not “last drinks at the Last Chance Saloon” after all …
Prince William tells of the need to tackle doomsday global warming before it’s too late, saying it would be “an absolute disaster “ if his son, Prince George was still warning of failed doomsday global warming in 30 years time …
* Prince Charles warns cop26 is “last chance saloon” for doomsday global warming
Worst apocalypse. Ever.
Prince George can always get a job at the MCG moving goal posts.
I am a disgusted Tasmanian today.
One man has just shut down all of Southern Tasmania.
The State Premier announced a lockdown of 250 000 peoples for at least 3 days, because some Mainlander is staying shtum about his movements over an 18 hour window, 2 days ago, after testing positive with the Covid.
There is no evidence (yet) of any community transmission and it is assumed to be ‘highly contagious’ Delta variant.
The deranged lunatic’s name is Peter Gutwien.
Welcome to the club of lockdowns caused by selfish people. We in regional NSW know exactly how you feel.
I do wish the anti vaccine crowd would take responsibility for their actions instead of whinging about the supposed loss of freedoms
Why bother to get the jab if you live in fear of catching the virus ?
You do not have the right to distribute the virus, vaccinated or not. But you selfish self entitled noobs never understand the concept of responsibility.
So Peter after this:
Both can distribute the VIRUS?
I’m keeping this one from you Peter
Classic mate.
As a southern Tasmanian, the government has decreed that I am subject to a strict 3 mile limit in my travels.
I am allowed to shop for essential foods and can seek urgent medical assistance within that strict 3 mile limit – but since there are no medical practitioners nor food stores within that limit – I am unable to do either.
I am also required to wear a mask at all times outside the confines of my house (but not my property) – but since I do not have a mask and am unable to go beyond the strict 3 mile limit, I am unable to get a mask.
Penalties for breaches are fines of up to $17000 and/or 6 months in Goal.
I do not have a right to distribute the virus (which is why I choose to get double vaxxed)- but also I do not have any right to get food, medical help, nor even go outside.
But for some reason – you think I am a ‘selfish self-entitled noob’.
Lost for words Peter Fitz you’ve clearly outdone yourself here , I would have thought that your degree in biology would have given you some insight into this subject? But it seems you haven’t got a clue .
“We investigate the relationship between the percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases across 68 countries and across 2947 counties in the US.”
“The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.”
Pays to check on silly claims: Iceland currently 44 cases per day:
Portugal 664 cases per day:
Vietnam 3,800 cases per day:
Vietnam 42% fully vaccinated and looks like there is no hesitancy there:
Mobility in Vietnam is 60% down on normal – way lower than Victoria even:
There is so much utter garbage that ignorant people are prepared to post on Covid and suck in gullible non-skeptics, even more gullible than CO2 driven climate change believers.
Hi Rick,
I’m a bit puzzled by your post.
I’ve looked at the graphs but can’t see anything.
Particularly curious about Vietnam as for well over a year it was running at the same rate of deaths from COVID19.
Strangely, a couple of months ago, deaths in Vietnam started to go berserk and have gone from 1:1 way up to 1:4.
There’s a suggestion in another post that a surge in vaccinations had preceded the unexplained rise
Original figures,
Australia about 1000, Vietnam just under 4000.
Three months later,
Australia 1300, Vietnam over 20,000.
Populations; 1 :4
All the COVID 19 medicines are the first product in the history of the world whose failure is blamed on the people who don’t use it.
Perhaps there is a tax you can pay to stop the spread of COVID in clubs … or does that only work on global warming?
Have you tried putting up “Happy 60th Birthday Obama” signs everywhere?
They have been shown to scare the evil virus away.
Alternatively, you can look at this video of John Skerritt (TGA) and Paul Kelly (CMO) and what they had to say in front of a senate inquiry where it’s a good idea not to lie …
Sen. Roberts: Are any of the vaccines safe?
CMO Kelly: No.
more emotive drivel
PF, who is this “we” you speak of and who appointed you its spokesman?
And before you want others to take responsibility for their transgressions take responsibility for your own.
The we would be, Peter Fitzroy, Small Footprint, Kraken and maybe with Roy Fitzpeter soon to be played.
“would take responsibility for their actions”
But we are doing that.
We are looking after our futures rather than putting it in the hands of an experimental vaccine with many known short term adverse reactions, and completely unknown long term efficacy and safety.
It is those who have been double jabbed, just because they were told to, that are abrogating their responsibility to themselves.
I got double vaxxed as quickly as possible. Call it self interest
l call it fair that you made the choice without coercion
good for you 😉
I think people should get vaccinated for their own sake. If they don’t believe in it then they don’t believe in it. No need to pull the alturism card
Peter Fitzroy
Neither the pro vaccine (“everyone will be exposed”) or anti lockdown ( “natural immunity is better”)crowds seem to give two bits about the long covid kids. Let it spread with or without vaccines and the kids cop it.
“A quarter of children experienced persistent symptoms months after hospitalization with acute covid-19 infection, with almost one in ten experiencing multi-system involvement.”
“More than half of the millions of people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 worldwide since December 2019 will experience post-COVID symptoms up to six months after recovering, according to a study by Penn State College of Medicine researchers.”
Peter Gutwien’s covid zero maintenance and acting early is the best thing to do.
Where are the long covid stats for Victoria? Is it safe to assume they are filed under “Move along nothing to see here”.
From another perspective, what has caused the lockdown is the State Premier’s choice of reaction to an unconfirmed health status of a single individual.
“There is No Evidence (yet) of any community Transmission..” ergo, there is no justifiable basis for a lockdown except fear mongering and political control of the populace.
If the vaccines actually prevent infection or transmission, the vaccinated have nothing to fear.
If the vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission, then there is no point to taking them, as unless one is over 65 or 70 yrs, the adverse reactions are worse.
If the covid can be treated early on with good outcomes, there is no point to the gene therapies and much greater benefit from antivirals.
The unseemly common over reaction to covid is what is most disgusting. And it has been a choice for 18 months.
Just another staged scare to try and drive vaccination levels up….
I saw a video that suggests the vaccibes may contain nano technology.
Whatever is going on, is evil, I have no doubt.
Covid Vaccine “Effectiveness”.
Declining to Zero.
There is some fascinating stuff on the net on “smart dust”. Investigation into this began in the 90’s. I wonder what its uses could include?
Get ready for the longest 3 days of your life.
And good luck!
We’ve had numerous cases of “rogues” coming into “free” areas and nothing comes of it – nothing . Still we got punished and in the wash up No One gets infected. Outdoors this virus is weak.
If only the IPCC would open their eyes, but I’m not holding my breath.
How long before someone from the climate emergency religion responds with something insightful like “hacks for the fossil fuel industry”?
Test for posting, if it works I signed in.
It’s not showing up. Must not have worked or you didn’t sign in properly.
All good, as always I wasn’t all there.
There is already a Yonniestone here. Who let you in?
I went to a Psychiatrist and they said I has Dual Personality Disorder and was given a bill of $160 so I gave them $80 and said ‘Get the other half off the other idiot”
“A Masterful Video Highlights The Arc of the COVID Vaccine Efficacy Narrative in 2021
October 15, 2021 | Sundance | 204 Comments”
In their own words!
First video at
efficacy = a forever round of boosters that dont stop people getting it or transmitting it…
Efficacy is zero.
I would argue it might turn out to become negative. In other words, people who refuse to take the shots will end up surviving better a virus infection, at least compared to those who take the pretend vaccines; the nucleic acid and viral vector types.
Road to Glasgow is paved with difficult decisions
The Australian Editorial
News that Chinese President Xi Jinping will not attend the Glasgow climate summit next month provides a timely reality check for expectations on what can be achieved. With only weeks to go before the conference takes place, there is a familiar pattern to how events are unfolding. Without the enthusiastic participation of China and other big emissions nations, the Glasgow meeting risks being a repeat of Copenhagen in 2009, when high expectations were dashed at the last minute. The big challenge has always been how to bring developed and developing nations together on the journey to reduce emissions. After the one-sided Kyoto accord process, the Copenhagen meeting attempted to bring all nations into a single binding treaty, and failed.
The Paris Agreement succeeded because individual nations were given flexibility in how they would participate and there was recognition that developed and developing countries would be treated differently. The problem is that without China, in particular, there is no prospect the world will meet its ambition to cut greenhouse gas emissions sufficiently to achieve the 1.5 C warming goal being set for the Glasgow talks. No amount of bullying by global financial markets or expressed disappointment by the Queen or her descendants can change this fact. Diplomatically, the Paris Agreement has morphed from a bottom-up, non-binding agreement to a top-down process in which nations are being pressured to adopt the highest possible targets against threats of punitive measures by global elites.
The likely failure of Glasgow to set in place a route to emissions cuts that will limit future warming to 1.5C or to end the burning of fossil fuels in developed countries by 2030 and the developing world a decade later does not mean Australia can afford to turn its back. But likely outcomes must be a factor in consideration of actions the nation realistically is able to take. We consistently have argued the same point recognised by the Keating and Howard governments that actions by Australia must be guided by what is being done by the rest of the world. This must be based on actions and results, not just promises.
Unlike many other countries, Australia has a good track record in meeting its climate-action pledges. We have made high levels of investment in renewable energy sources and hold a world-beating record in deploying household solar power. The Morrison government has made clear that it would like to join other nations with a pledge to be net zero by 2050. This is a change from the Paris Agreement target that was for carbon neutrality to be achieved sometime in the second half of the century. The Nationals are considering whether it can support the ambitions of its senior Coalition partner to set a net-zero emissions target for 2050. As we said on Monday, this is a worthwhile aim but the Nationals have every reason to make sure the interests of rural constituents and communities are taken fully into account. The objective must not be to satisfy the aspirations of billionaire businessmen who are not dispassionate observers in the race to net-zero emissions. Perceived threats from global financial markets also must be seen in a wider context. The future cost of capital may well be affected by a nation’s declared action on climate change but it will most certainly be influenced by a nation’s sovereign risk and the quality of its balance sheet. Australia is one of the few countries to enjoy a triple-A credit rating for a reason, not least of which are its mature political systems and role as a major exporter of bulk commodities, including coal and gas.
It is clearly smart politics and economics to support the development of what may well become critical to the global energy supplies of the future, including hydrogen and batteries. But we also must be wary of being pressured to act against our economic and community best interests along the way. Defence Minister Peter Dutton summed it up on Friday when he said: “We want to see electric vehicles, we want to see renewables. We want to see industries that are sustainable, we don’t want to destroy jobs and our economy.”
No mention of the energy crisis, which COP26 will hit head on.
Once inside the bubble they can pretend its not there. Being able to ignore reality is a necessary trait in the COP/IPCC world.
There is no energy crisis apart from needless dependence on fossil fuels.
(Never let a crisis go to waste)
From the Comments
– Whether Xi or Morrison attend Glasgow the facts won’t change.
AGW computer models fail to predict weather and the changing climate.
Mans contribution to GREEN house gasses is minimal
There is net zero evidence man can control the changing climate.
What is very clear,
the western world will be asked for Guzillion Dollars ( Trillion to the power of 9) by the UN in socialist wealth distribution.
All Armani suited rent seekers ( even ones in leather jackets) will be there to argue why their hair brained speculative ideas needs massive public subsidies and protection from proven reliable technologies.
Marxist activists will argue how AGW is the work of capitalism and the patriarchy and that the only way out is a shift to global legal controls over sovereign states.
and all that before caviar champagne and haggis morning tea day 1
Q the steam from the cooling tower, the lone polar bear, the melting iceberg from the summer thaw.
– Every meeting the zero emission standards are raised and it is putting the western nations necks in a noose. Many of these technologies have not been invented yet so how can you sign up for something when when there is no known way of achieving it. It sounds like signing up for failure. Wording will be everything.
– The Nat’s should know that to let Morrison do an about turn and head off to Glasgow, sealing the deal on Net Zero by 2050 will be the last major agreement that they sign off in Government. Because the Coalition government will be tossed out at the next election.
And so they should be!
Interesting that the Australian subscribes to the idea of the 1.5C global average temperature rise being something which is not only significant in some way but also within government control.
Just two question. If fossil fuel use ceased entirely tomorrow what measurable difference would it make to the global average temperature in 10, 30, 100 and 1000 years? Nearest 0.0001C is sufficient precision.
And what personal penalty will the Australian pay if those figures are wrong? Pledging yourself and all of your descendants to slavery will do.
A great before and after look at the country near Alice Springs around 1935 compared to now , anyone see the affect of extra CO2 over that time on the environment?
H/T Tom newcatallaxy blog – Johannes Leak on Net Zero
Terror police will probe murder of Sir David Amess: Cops arrest ‘British man of Somali heritage, 25’ after Tory MP was stabbed at his church constituency surgery amid screams from onlookers as police launch security review for all politicians
– Sir David, 69, had been holding a surgery for constituents when he was attacked by the knifeman at midday
– Horrified staff and Southend constituents saw stabbing happen as he was inside Belfairs Methodist Church
– Sir David was treated at the scene by paramedics for more than an hour but later died, Essex Police said
– Man, 25, was arrested at the scene and a knife was seized. The suspect is in custody and arrested over murder
– Married father-of-five voted against gay marriage and abortion. He’s survived by his wife Julia, his caseworker
October 16, 2021 at 5:04 am
Once again, the media has instantly sprung into action to cover up the details of the murder of British Tory MP Sir David Amess.
As the establishment media cuts straight to the formula of paying tributes to the victim, the Daily Mail is alone in providing clues about another crime caused by the mad Western idea of importing M@slims who hate their adopted country:
Another very thoughtful interview with Dr. Robert Malone. 47 minutes long, the last 12 minutes particularly interesting.
Conservative Treehouse Sundance sums up what is occurring in Australia
It’s Obvious What Phase-2 of Biden’s Private Sector Vaccine Mandate Will Include Yet Everyone Seems to Be Ignoring It
October 14, 2021 | Sundance
If you have followed the natural progression of things…. and if you have taken a good look at what the Biden-aligned EU and Australian vaccine passport mandates cover…. and if you are smart enough to see the difference in the U.S. effort, based on constitutional limitations of the federal government…. then you know exactly how Joe Biden will execute the next phase of vaccine passports without actually implementing a vaccine passport.
Joe Biden almost tweeted it out earlier today [LINK]. I have modified the tweet with the addition of two words (in red) that will tell you what comes next:
Because the United States is a very unique constitutional republic with limitations put upon the federal government; and just like we have seen with the OSHA workaround; it would be almost impossible for the feds to put a national vaccine passport process in place that would apply in all fifty states.
However, if they successfully execute the mandatory vaccine for all companies with 100 workers, their next predictable move will be to require all customers who enter those “virus protection zones” to also be vaccinated. It’s a logical sequence. The continuum is following exactly as one would suspect. Establish the fear, then start pushing the solution. If you know the players and know the Alinsky goals, then you can predict the sequence.
If you want to enter any business venue or dwelling that falls under the federal vaccine mandate rules for the workers, you -as a customer- will have to be vaccinated.
This is why they have been avoiding any federal mandate on airlines, Amtrak, bus, car services (Uber, Lyft etc) or the mass transit system. It’s not because they don’t plan on doing it, the delay is simply because they plan on hitchhiking the customer mandate off the worker vaccine mandate.
All freedom loving people, vaxxed or not, should band together and let businesses that implement these government mandates know that they will never see their custom again. Start with the restaurants and bars, the small retail outlets, the convenience stores, etc. as they will feel the impact the most.
Peter Ridd has a bright future in the private sector.
‘It’s official. The High Court ruled that I was legally fired for 18 counts of serious misconduct – and I am proud of every one of them.’ (Oz)
Peter Ridd has posted an update regarding his future:
“… Secondly, we are starting ‘Reef Rebels’, which will be for young people (17-25ish). Roughly a dozen Reef Rebels will be chosen to do a short course, going to the Reef, fringing reefs, and agricultural areas of North Queensland. Jennifer Marohasy and other experts on the Reef will assist me. We will show them the reef, the muddy bays, the rangelands, the farms, and the data.
They will read reports and science papers and we will let them decide for themselves if the Reef is in a dire predicament. I have felt for a long time that my generation has failed the world in so many ways, and the only hope lies in the younger generation. Yes, they have been mercilessly brainwashed but they are smart and have the rebelliousness of youth. I suspect they are the only ones who can save us.”
Daily covid 19 deaths Uttar Pradesh.
Population 230 million +
Oct 8 to Oct 14 = 1 (one) death.
Daily Covid 19 deaths China.
Population 1,446 million +
2 August to 15 October = 0
China is so far out in front no other country compares. Of course they had the advantage of knowing first hand that they were dealing with a bioweapon of moderate potency.
This year the Formula 1 mob have bypassed China the third time because of their covid problems.
You actually believe China Rick?
Late spring in south east Australia.
15.8C in Sydney at the moment
It’s still only 12C here in North Central Vic!
67mm of rain overnight, 75km east of Melbourne.
33% (310mm) above average Jan to Sept this year. On track for October to be well above.
Last year was 22% above average.
Upper Yarra dam was having wall repairs done for last 2 years, so they had been keeping the level down at about 40% capacity. Repairs finished in July and they started letting it fill again. Has jumped up to over 90% in that short time. Not sure what Tim Flannery makes of that and our white elephant multi billion dollar desalination plant. Maybe one day we’ll be grateful it was built.
The claims are Melb’s water storage levels would be 15% lower since 2017 without water orders from the desal plant. For some perspective though. Those orders are generally the minimum contractual delivery (we have to buy water even if we don’t need it) and it’s less than what they allowed to escape over the last couple of years while repairing the Upper Yarra wall.
Sunny 30 in the tropics.
And hopefully another quiet cyclone season
Formula 1 announces 23-race calendar for 2022
Any bets on VictoriaStan – 10 April Australia Melbourne occuring?
when is the next election due?
Never, why bother with elections when such a great leader will always protect us from our stupid selves?
Explosive testimony from a UK funeral director on the sharp rise of deaths following the start of the vaxx program:
Glenn Greenwald
CNN and
are pathetic. There is zero ambiguity they lied about Joe Rogan. They told viewers he took horse dewormer: a 100% lie. He took the human version of ivermectin prescribed by his medical doctor.
But as I said, lying is not frowned upon at CNN: it’s encouraged.
“Here’s a positive development for early and preventative treatment, hope it works and then expands to other jurisdictions:
Nebr. AG ruling on IVM & HCQ:
“Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of hospitals, & provide relief for our already strained healthcare system.”
A couple weeks ago I, somewhat tongue in cheek, suggested that the attacks on ivermectin in the media meant that ivermectin would become standard treatment by spring because there is a 4-6 month lag time between journalists mocking a conspiracy theory and those mocked theories being proved correct.”
Thanks another ian,
Nebraska Ag Opinion Downloaded and links sent to list MPs
It might be time to change the term “conspiracy theory” to. “spoiler alert”.
Freudian Slip – Biden, pushing child care policies, says: ‘Everybody knows I like kids better than people’
While a trove of children’s book provided a backdrop for Friday’s speech, President Joe Biden told the audience at the Capitol Child Development Center in Hartford that “everybody knows I like kids better than people,” a statement that coincides with the president’s past eyebrowing-raising remarks toward minors.
Someone just paged EMPTY SHELVES JOE at the airport.
“Want To Get Covid Many Times?”
Some call the nucleic acid and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines as more like toxins that actual vaccines. For the sake of so many people who have taken such vaccines, including some of my relatives, I hope it’s not true but only time will tell. It might take years but sooner or later the truth will come out regardless. For now we just can’t be sure as the evidence is so far anecdotal at best. A close friend of mine who had Pfizer and weeks later died from a heart attack but of course the coroner did not report it as being caused by the vaccine. If it was then we will never know. Numbers though can’t lie. If millions of extra people all over the world start dying with those “vaccines” then we will know.
Just noting that they are only ‘vaccines’ under the new WHO definition.
They are not vaccines under the definition that those that can remember the last century, would call vaccines.
It’s the New Science.
If hypothesis fails, redefine terms and notify Wikipedia.
Additional note …
these are not ‘vaccines’ under the operating definition of vaccine when these very ‘vaccines’ were introduced.
“During the summer there was a 25 per cent rise in the number of people rushed to the Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Clydebank with partially blocked arteries cutting blood supply to the heart.”
We learned today that my brother-in-law back in the UK has suffered several seizures or mini-strokes over the past few weeks. CT and MRI shows up some concerning changes in brain structure and blood flow but, at this stage, no cause has been identified. He has temporarily lost his driving license.
Also, about three months ago, an elderly friend of my mother-in-law (again in the UK) suffered some kind of blackout while driving and crashed his car. He wasn’t injured, thankfully, but again has lost his license, this time permanently due to his age. He wasn’t given any imaging tests so we have no idea what happened or why.
A lady who lives a few doors down the street, whose husband we frequently chat to, has suffered weeks of debilitating illness post-vaccination. He described it as flu-like but with some kind of cognitive impairment. I’m not aware of any diagnosis yet.
These people had been vaccinated some weeks before and there is growing suspicion that the ‘vaccines’ can cause clotting and inflammation of the brain, lungs and heart.
Meanwhile, not a single person among my family, friends and acquaintances has actually taken ill with Covid itself.
My wife ‘tested positive’ for Covid antibodies early this year but hadn’t been ill in any way. A second test was negative, so maybe the first was a false positive. Nevertheless, she will have been counted as a Covid ‘case’.
Sorry to hear Steve, there are protocols that can help remove the damage caused by vaccine ingredients, this doctor used CLS to cure Malaria decades ago and found it now eliminates covid-19 and can reverse vaccine injuries
someone about 50 at my work had a seizure.
Apparently they have had them before then I twigged that he had been covid vaxxed as well.
The different but is that he is taking more than a week to get back from hospital, so am starting to think either the vaccine triggered the seizure, or made it worse. When I know more I will relay it. Im wondering that if as it seems the vaccines cause capillary micro clotting ( which can be seen through a d-dimer test ) if peoples existing medical conditions are made much worse by restricting blood flow to areas, creating a lot if crippled peopke
If so, it’s an insidious weapon….
Food for thought; Covid-19 Lockdown Cost/Benefits: A Critical Assessment of the Literature
COVID deaths are overestimated
Lockdown benefits are overestimated
Lockdown costs are underestimated
The study finds the cost/benefit ratio of lockdowns in terms of life-years saved is 141/1. That is, the cost of lockdown mandates may be 141 times higher than any benefit they accrue to a population.
The preconceived success of lockdowns was driven by theoretical models that were based on assumptions that were unrealistic and often false. The lack of any clear and large lockdown effect is because there isn’t one to be found.” This is EXACTLY the same issue with the CAGW scam. This ought to be no surprise to those who are awake. Sadly, most people are asleep so this will be shrugged off as irrelevant, fake news or whatever, just as they are doing when they are being told that CAGW is a scam.
Nearly 7 times as many cases today in Victoria than NSW. Every day even the most dopey voters are being reminded of the utter folly and failure of recurrent ” short sharp” draconian lockdown to ” eradicate Covid once and for all.”
Coronavirus live news Australia: Victoria records 1,993 cases, seven deaths; NSW cases dip to 319 amid confusion over interstate travel
Most nations would not put up with that sort of nonsense. It’s further evidence that Australians overall are pretty dumb and will put up with with the draconian and useless repeated lockdowns; either that or most Australians are willing to put up with the BS and bow down to the tyrannical actions just to get by with their lives. Not sure which is actually worse. If the latter, I wonder where they would draw the line past which they finally resist passively and say no more! I’m already noticing more people refusing to wear masks in supermarkets. Nice to see.
The willingness of the people to accept the Communist lockdown philosophy is for me the most persuasive evidence for a death-wish in the culture.
That so many see no problem with crushing the lives of hardworking healthy people in order to protect the last year or months of the very ill and elderly is proof to me our will to survive has been lost.
So be it.
Plus one, but, mask wearing does not have any benefit of helping the very ill etc.
There may be a few who believe that, but people wear masks because of threats made by power mongers, and there would be a small virtue signalling motivation.
“Nearly 7 times as many cases today in Victoria than NSW.”
Queensland had zero. So that would be infinity better than N.S.W.
The big difference as you go north is the sun. Compare the vitamin D producing UV these days in Brisbane and Melbourne.
Agree … if this wasn’t a clear advertisement for vitamin D then I don’t know what would be.
I spent 2 hrs in the yard today. The first with an open shirt in the V high range [I’m trying not to burn my shoulders any more] the second in the high range without a shirt. Because I’m standing, not “lazing” my feet are nut brown. Funny but I’ve never heard of people having “spots” cut out of their feet. But even I am wearing a hat now.
Along with the supplements I take I don’t feel “at risk” in spite of my age.
I know a few , including me, that have had chunks out of legs
Thank you for posting this Peter! A great read.
Rules for you, but not for us.
Oct 12, 2021
The Palaszczuk Labor Government has denied the Queensland Parliament an opportunity to debate the double standards it is presiding over which give MPs freedom of choice around COVID-19 vaccines while allowing jab mandates to be enforced in other workplaces.
To date, the State’s 15,000-strong police workforce and 90,000 Queensland Health employees have been subject to vaccine mandates that have required workers to either comply or be forced out of a job.
The Education Minister Grace Grace has not yet publicly ruled out requiring vaccinations for Queensland teachers and early childhood educators, and mandates are already in place across the private sector. This includes in the aviation and transport industries.
Today Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter attempted to move a motion in the Queensland Parliament, calling on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to intervene in workforce vaccine mandates unless it requires all State politicians be vaccinated.
Citing the hypocrisy of the current double standards, KAP Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter said the motion was designed to test whether “what’s good enough for the goose was good enough for the gander” in Queensland.
Unfortunately it was voted down by the Labor Government, meaning the debate could not even go ahead.
The vaccination thing is an old communist purge at work
Submit and youre one of them…
The military is also being purged by vaccination mandates, so all you may have in the end is a communist sympathetic army….or The New Red Army.
Kruschev said they would bury the USA….
Digital ID being snuck through, for our own good.
Can you feel that boot on your face yet.
14 days to close of petition. Signed a few of these and cannot find the debate/result of the others.
Find at
Find at
Gates was floating this…all linked to vaccines…
It takes a long time to feign review and then officially ignore.
“A British boy and his lawnmowing toy”
” From a standing start, Tony was clocked at 143.193 miles per hour.”
Cuts grass too – has to to claim a record.
“Balthazar, Balthazar my kingdom for a Portia”.
The Supreme Court of NSW has dismissed two challenges questioning the right for employers to make their staff have the vaccine in order to be able to continue working.
Isn’t it funny how so much effort has gone into separating work life and non-work life. The mental and physical “dangers” of being employed are legislated for – bullying, unfair and inequitable treatment etc (mental), ergonomic work stations, procedures for lifting heavy objects, minimum hours between shifts etc (physical). And where these fail there are safety nets in the form of Ombudsman/Commission offices and investigative government groups such as workcare/workcover etc. The later not only seek a just outcome for the worker but may also support the worker financially while an outcome is worked on. The worker may also avail themselves of loss of income or permanent and total disability insurance through their superannuation scheme.
In short it seems that the workplace is accepted as being a dangerous place for humans which can negatively impact the sanctity and quality of non-workplace life and therefore needs all manner of legislative and legal limiters.
Then along comes covid and suddenly earth has become a dangerous place for humans whether or not a part of their life is spent at work. But do not worry because medical emergency powers are there to minimise the threat from covid by opening an umbrella that covers the work/non-work situations. Social distancing, masks, limiting contact, personal hygiene practices can be applied just as easily at work as at home with no additional personal loss or penalty.
The “Merchant of Venice” issue however surely becomes apparent when you sneak a mandate for work vaccination under the emergency umbrella because this over reach obliterates the border between work and non-work life. Suddenly people who have partners, sons or daughters or flatmates who work at a certain business and have had to be vaxed have potential exposure to the disease even though it is not “officially” present in their community. And those non-workers who thought they had the free choice to decide whether they themselves took the vax have their choice options negatively and unfairly impacted.
Perhaps the courts need to consider the legality (over reach) of the employers actions (vax mandate) not on the employees (pound of flesh) but on the non-employees (the blood) that they have no right to impact upon?
I’m too old for this rubbish.
As cargo ships congested at U.S. ports, creating an unprecedented supply-chain crisis, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was on paid leave to spend time with his husband, Chasten, and their two newborn babies.
What a lineup of misfits were the democrat presidential contenders.
My question is whether either of the men has passed on any genetic material to these babies.
Thanks Hanrahan; I hadn’t realized the extent to which today nothing is what it seems but the assistant health secretary’s bizarre getups should have put me on alert to watch out for more of the same, and worse.
News from the fastest warming place on the planet …Antarctica …
New Australian ice breaker arrives in Hobart
Seems the ice is going nowhere in a hurry.
Hang on with the fastest warming assertion, earlier in the month we were told that the Antarctic had recorded the lowest temperatures since recording began in the mid 1950s and by between two and three degrees centigrade.
oh, that was just weather
Rare Modoki La Nina Forecast
‘Unlike the handful of well-defined El Nino Modoki episodes in the 1950-2021 climatology, La Nina Modoki is rare. The most recent La Nina Modoki events were early in the year of 2008 and 2012. Briefly, La Nina Modoki occurred in early 1989.
‘The climate bias of La Nina Modoki during those few analog years was a wetter winter climate for Texas to the Mid-south U.S. compared to normal La Nina, wetter for Brazil and Argentina compared to normal La Nina and in Australia the wet bias was across the northwest, north and East Coast.’ (Climate Impact Company)
This is a classic La Nina Modoki, warm SST in north and south Pacific, with cooler waters in the central Pacific.,-1.72,530/loc=-159.706,-9.309
Most of the US Cabinet or such is going to COP26. This from WashPo:
“The delegation, which includes his top domestic and international climate advisers Gina McCarthy and John Kerry, is a “show of strength” at the pivotal meeting, CNN’s Ella Nilsen reports. Biden also will attend the conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
The other attendees include Secretary of State Antony Blinken; Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg; Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm; Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan; Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack; Interior Secretary Deb Haaland; Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen; U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration head Rick Spinrad; White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Eric Lander; and National Economic Council director Brian Deese.”
Now we just need a tiny car for all these clowns to crowd into. Electric of course. It could run out of juice in the Center ring. They will not attend the negotiating sessions but every country has a pavilion at the huge sideshow. Most of the 20,000 or so delegates just hand out flyers.
Does anyone know the whereabouts of that useless battery bus that ran out of juice down Cornwall way because they couldn’t find a suitable charge point for it, it could be placed back in service in Glasgow to serve the muppets going to Cop26.
‘Extreme urgency’: Tony Abbott calls for nuclear submarine stop gap
Adam Creighton Washington Correspondent
Former prime minister Tony Abbott has urged the government to obtain retiring British or American nuclear powered-submarines as soon as possible, reflecting concern the new AUKUS security pact struck between Australia, the US and UK won’t deliver new submarines fast enough to counter Chinese aggression.
In remarks in Washington, Mr Abbott, fresh from delivering a provocatively scathing assessment of Chinese foreign policy in Taiwan last week, said Australia needed “new subs now, not in 10 or 20 years time … The sooner we have a much more substantial sovereign capability the better for everyone”.
“One of the things I hope our government is exploring as an extreme urgency would be the possibility of taking over retiring British or American nuclear subs, if needs be with a composite crew … running them as part training part operational boats, if need be based in Guam,” he added.
The new AUKUS security pact announced last month will see Australia obtain at least eight nuclear-powered submarines after the government tore up a $90bn earlier agreement to acquire conventionally powered from France.
“I can understand the French being a little bit miffed, it is a blow to their pride, I am very confident that he fundamental goodwill between French an Australian people will be unscathed by this,” Mr Abbott said, noting 46,000 Australians had died defending France in World War I.
“The deal with the French had many exit ramps, that was part of the contract, so we haven’t broken the contract, we have simply chosen to take an exit ramp,” he added.
The AUKUS agreement, kept under wraps for months by the three government, envisages an 18 month period for the government to contract for construction of nuclear submarines, to be built at least in part in Australia, from British or American manufacturers.
The UK has suggested sending a few nuclear submarines to be based in Australia, while Defence Minister Peter Dutton has previously raised the idea of “leasing” nuclear subs, in the interim.
Speaking in an online forum hosted by Project2049, a US non-profit dedicated to promoting US interests in the Asia-Pacific region, Mr Abbott also urged Japan to become a member of the ‘five eyes’ group of nations, which includes Australia, the US and New Zealand.
“Certainly I’d like to see Japan effectively in the 5 eyes because Japan would bring enormous insight and capability to it,” he said, also revealing his inclination as prime minister in 2013 to award the submarine contract, which ultimately went to France, to Japan because it had “skin in the game unlike European nations”.
“Japan’s subs are in a region which would be traversed by both Chinese and Russian nuclear submarines,” Mr Abbott said.
“And I was confident Japan would not put its submariners to sea in boats that weren’t more than capable of taking on any potential adversary,” he added.
Mr Abbot’s remarks in Washington continue what’s become a global campaign of the former prime minister to build support for Taiwan, a democratic Chinese island nation of 24 million, which is increasingly fearful of losing sovereign to Beijing as the communist nation seeks to assert greater control in the Asia-Pacific region.
“I want the people of Taiwan to know that they are not nearly as isolated as Beijing would like them to feel,” he said in Taiwan.
“While Taiwan is a 10-hour flight from Australia it is a like-minded society. It is a free and liberal society, which has evolved magnificently in last few decades … a living breathing refutation of the idea there’s some totalitarian gene in Chinese DNA,” Mr Abbott said on Friday.
Mr Abbott also said that “no self-respecting Australian government should support China’s application to join the Transpacific Partnership, while some $20bn of our trade is being capriciously disrupted for political purposes”.
Taiwan, the US and the UK should be admitted, though, he said. “It is most unfortunate that domestic politics in the US ultimately prevented the US from being part of that which was its original conception,” Mr Abbott said, referring to former President Donald Trump’s withdrawal of the US from the nascent trading bloc in 2017.
Your health is our main concern, says this German state – in fact, so much do we care for you that if you refuse to take the vaxx we will ban you from supermarkets and let you starve to death.
Remember, your health is our main concern.
Qantas employees silent Vax mandate protest essential viewing
New paper from Henrik Svensmark, Jacob Svensmark, Martin Bødker Enghoff & Nir J. Shaviv
Atmospheric ionization and cloud radiative forcing
“Here it is shown that the average of the five strongest week-long decreases in atmospheric ionization coincides with changes in the average net radiative balance of 1.7 W/m2 (median value: 1.2 W/m2) using CERES satellite observations.”
And a YouTube interview.
“New study confirms Sun/Cosmic-Ray climate connection”
From the BBC
Reading this blog I find the comment above to be grossly unfair. The expectation is that Australia be the world’s green policeman and sell no coal, no gas, no minerals and no agricultural products.
It’s a disgrace
In the year 2022, the population has grown to 40 million people in New York City alone. Most housing is dilapidated and overcrowded, and the homeless fill the streets and line the fire escapes, stairways of buildings, abandoned cars, subway platforms, etc. Unemployment is at around 50%. Summers are oppressively hot and humid with temperatures over 90F degrees during the day and night due to Earth’s recent climate change resulting from the Greenhouse Effect. Food, as we know it in this present time, is a rare and expensive commodity. Most of the World’s population survives on processed rations produced by the massive Soylent Corporation, including Soylent Red and Soylent Yellow, which are advertised as “high-energy vegetable concentrates”. The newest product is Soylent Green: small green wafers which are advertised as being produced from “high-energy plankton”. It is much more nutritious and palatable than the red and yellow varieties but, like most other foods, in short supply which often leads to weekly food riots.
Soylent green anyone, think that’s the mint flavoured.
I doubt the population will x5 by next year, but nice story though
Movie Soylent Green released in 1973 starring Charlton Heston, based on a book written in 1966.
Science fiction, see were the world ends up after COP26, we are heading that way or should that be, steered that way.
This is so delicious When 2 Parents Tried To Make Their Young Daughter Practice What Greta Preaches…All Hell Broke Loose!
Love it!
JONATHAN TURLEY – Res ipsa loquitur – The thing itself speaks
Is it Time for a Special Counsel on the Hunter Biden Scandal?
“Come on H this is linked to Celtic’s account.” Those nine words from a retired Secret Service agent to Hunter Biden in recently released emails may prove a nasty complication for some in Washington who have struggled to contain the blowback from the still-unfolding scandal linked to Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop.
“Celtic” was the Secret Service code name for Joe Biden, and recent disclosures may puncture the media’s cone-of-silence around the scandal. The emails link President Biden to his son’s accounts and indicate a commingling of funds with money coming from controversial foreign sources. Even more embarrassing, the shared account may have been used to pay a Russian prostitute named “Yanna.”
The commingling of funds is the latest contraction of President Biden’s repeated claims that he was unaware and uninvolved in past dealings by his son.
Given these links, there are legitimate questions of why the Justice Department has not sought a special counsel in the ongoing investigation of alleged money-laundering and tax violations linked to the president’s son. More importantly, even if there are no criminal charges, there is now a compelling need for an independent report on the alleged influence peddling operation by Hunter, his uncle James Biden, and potentially his father, President Biden.
In the latest disclosures from the laptop, a former secret service agent reportedly texted Hunter on May 24, 2018, when he was holed up with a Russian prostitute in an expensive room at The Jeremy Hotel in Los Angeles. Hunter wired the woman $25,000. That alone was nothing out of the ordinary for Hunter who, while his father served as vice president, seemed to divide his time equally between influence-peddling and personal debaucheries.
Hunter clearly only had influence and access to sell. We know now that foreign interests gave Hunter millions at a time that he admits that he was a crack addict and alcoholic — in his words, “Drinking a quart of vodka a day by yourself in a room is absolutely, completely debilitating,” as well as “smoking crack around the clock.”
However, the tranche of emails raises a new and disturbing element: the possible mixing of accounts and funds between Hunter and his father. If true, President Biden could be directly implicated in ongoing investigations into his son’s money transfers and dealings.
Report: Hunter Biden Said Offer from Powerful Chinese Investor Had ‘Everything to Do with My Last Name’
Newly-unveiled emails reveal Hunter Biden admitted a Chinese businessman was solely interested in a business deal due to his “last name” — or his association with his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Wednesday on emails dated 2010-2011 between Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer regarding Che Fung — head of the Chinese investment company Ever Union Capital — several years before Che was arrested on money laundering charges in Beijing. These emails were discovered on the infamous laptop Biden abandoned in a Delaware repair shop.
Reporter Chuck Ross says Hunter wrote in September 2011 that his business deal with Che — nicknamed “Super Chairman” and “Mr. Che” in other emails — had “everything to do with my last name.” The emails reveal Hunter met with Che in April of 2010 to negotiate a deal with Ever Union Capital to invest nearly $150 million in the Communist regime’s sovereign wealth fund. It is unclear whether this potential deal was ever completed.
The revealed emails also reportedly indicate Hunter and business partner Archer saw the business connection to Che as an opportunity to make connections with large financial institutions, such as Blackstone and Carlyle Group, which reportedly sought business deals in China.
FDA Quietly Recalls Thousands of Unreliable COVID-19 Tests.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled more than 77,000 COVID-19 tests because their results were highly unreliable.
“The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall,” begins the agency’srecall notice. “Use of these devices may cause serious injuries or death.”
Useful Links:
Allows you to see if your online accounts have been released in a data breach. You can also get email alerts if you’ve been involved in a breach.
If you’re interested in languages or trying to learn a new language have a look at, you can look up a word and hear native speakers pronounce it. It’s based on volunteers uploading their recordings of the various words.
Tracking of airplane movements around the entire world.
Here is a world leader who understands energy. There are not many countries that would have more dire consequences of energy shortages than Russia:
Putin: The Average Price Of Electricity In Russia Is 15 TIMES Lower Than In Germany And France!
In listening to this, I realised that the EU are no different to the likes of the random energy zealots in Australia with their belief technology will sort it all out then blame the supplier of reliable energy when the lights go out or the place goes cold. The thing here is that it is occurring on the world stage where the incompetents making the rules for the EU are being exposed by a ruthless pragmatists for the fools they are.
Biden is now putting USA on the same path as EU by throttling real energy supply in the vain hope of encouraging fairy farts to power the US economy.
It comes as no surprise that China’s Xi is not attending the Glasgow gabfest. It appears China will need plenty of hot air at home.
I have a feeling that nuclear will be a winner from COP26. Make-believe generators don’t actually do anything other than litter the countryside and play havoc with operation of secure generators.
Somewhere must be warm on the cold old rock today – 13C at noon in SE Melbourne and heading for single digit tonight. I can remember when the heater vents were closed on daylight saving and cooling vents opened. The latter may not get opened till 2022 the way it is heading this year. Maybe next week will make is above 20C.
-12 C wind chill on Mt Hotham (Coldham?) and snowing: BoM today.
link didn’t embed for Flight Radar 24.
Here it is for SouthWestern US:,-117.62/6
For AU :,141.32/4
Little Conga line from China.
how do you find how many people on board these flights?
Have a look at what happens when Parents, make Children, live with what Greta preaches:
Chris Martenson interview with Dr Pierre Kory on Covid analysis and treatment
Includes a good discussion on how so many are captured by the narrative and ignore clinical evidence of effective treatments hence the death rates experienced by western countries.
Also discusses the utter lack of media coverage of ivermectin’s role in effectively eliminating Covid from Uttar Pradesh, even in media plus the seemingly blind acceptance of efficacy and safety for molnuparavir (previously abandoned due to lack of efficacy against the flu) from a single study vs the ridiculous scrutiny applied to multiple ivermectin trials and studies.
And for the uninitiated, Dr Pierre Kory works in a Michigan ICU and is one of the leading members of the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance
Had to laugh at a Joe Rogan meme today.
Joe Rogan – “I’ve been drinking lots of water”
CNN – “Joe Rogan promotes ingesting liquid commonly used as an engine coolant”
Sounds sorta familiar…
Well, this is an interesting advance.
Can’t wait for the first human trial.
Pierre Kory, MD MPA
The parallels described in this 1988 letter by Larry Kramer during the AIDS epidemic… with the ignoring & suppressing of early Rx’s in the COVID pandemic are ghastly & unconscionable. The U.S needs more
@Covid19Critical’s and less captured %#! agencies
““Assume that you have AIDS, and that you’ve had pneumonia once,” Representative Nancy Pelosi said. “You know that aerosolized pentamidine was evaluated by NIH as highly promising… You know as of today that the delays in NIH trials… may not be solved this year… Would you wait for [an NIH] study?” (…this was in the 80ties…)
You replied: “I probably would go with what would be available to me, be it available in the street or what have you.”
We tell you what the good drugs are, you don’t test them, then YOU TELL US TO GET THEM ON THE STREETS. You continue to pass down word from On High that you don’t like this drug or that drug — when you haven’t even tested them.”
-” You care, I’m told (although I no longer believe it). I’ve even heard you called a saint. You are in essence a scientist who’s expected to be Lee Iacocca. But saints, miracle workers, good administrators, brilliant scientists have imaginations vivid enough to know how to spend $374 million in a dire emergency. You have no imagination. You are banal (a word used so accurately to describe Eichmann).”
– “While Kramer was one of Fauci’s loudest critics during the early days of the AIDS crisis, Fauci said the late activist was one of his strongest defenders during the early days of the Covid-19 outbreak.”
How is that possible …..
Why is this Fauci still around…
‘good’ to know….:
“Dr. Anthony Fauci added that trick-or-treating is particularly safe for those children age 12 and older who are eligible for the vaccine and received it.”
Study Type : Interventional (Clinical Trial)
Estimated Enrollment : 7922 participants
Allocation: Non-Randomized
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Masking: None (Open Label)
Primary Purpose: Prevention
Actual Study Start Date : March 24, 2021
Estimated Primary Completion Date : June 18, 2024
Estimated Study Completion Date : June 18, 2024
Pierre Kory, MD MPA
8 Oct
To all the comments asking for sources/names for the below:
1) This came from a highly credible source inside Congress who has asked to remain anonymous
2) I would never divulge the medical treatments of individual members, nor do I know them myself
I fully stand by this tweet.
Quote Tweet
Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care
· 8 Oct
Between 100-200 members of Congress and their families & staffers have been treated with IVM & our I-MASK+ protocol for COVID. NO hospitalizations.
Not one of them reported that to the people.
Saved themselves & stayed silent as IVM was torched.
Pierre Kory, MD MPA
This memo went out to 1000’s of physicians in a 20-hospital system today. If any docs still need convincing that the “practice of medicine” is now prohibited, give this a read.
Wikipedia can’t change this:
Medical education and career
In 2002, Kory graduated from St. George’s University with an MD and completed residency and fellowship training in critical care and pulmonary medicine. He did clinical rotations at the Weill Cornell School of Medicine.
Kory first practiced in Madison, Wisconsin, at UW Health, which is the academic medical center at the University of Wisconsin. He served there as the medical director for the Trauma and Life Support Center, in the outpatient pulmonary medicine clinic, where he performed bronchoscopic and pleural procedures.
Kory is an expert in critical care ultrasonography. In 2015, along with his two co-editors, Kory won the British Medical Association’s 2015 President’s Choice award in medical textbooks for their work on Point of Care Ultrasound.
Kory was the critical care service chief at the UW Health University Hospital (part of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health) until May 2020. He later joined Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, before becoming a locum tenens physician.
Pelosi in 2020:
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) showed off her expensive kitchen appliances and massive gourmet ice cream collection during an appearance on a late night show as Americans stand in line at food banks.
Pelosi is shoving it in our faces by showing off her pair of refrigerators that cost $24,000 and her Jeni’s gourmet ice cream collection.”….
BioNTech SE:
High 389.01
on Aug 6, 2021
Low 16.52
on Nov 1, 2019
I don’t trust Fauci anymore… I would like Dr Kory to become the the chief medical advisor, if he is interested.
2021 Apr 24.
Future considerations for the mRNA-lipid nanoparticle vaccine platform
Vaccines based on mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) pioneered by Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman at the University of Pennsylvania are a promising new vaccine platform used by two of the leading vaccines against coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19). However, there are many questions regarding their mechanism of action in humans that remain unanswered. Here we consider the immunological features of LNP components and off-target effects of the mRNA, both of which could increase the risk of side effects. We suggest ways to mitigate these potential risks by harnessing dendritic cell (DC) biology.
mRNA vaccines: impressive, but much, much more data is needed on safety!!
“Did Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum Admit The COVID Vaccine Injects Traceable Markers? Their Promoted “COVIDPass” Blood Test Requires Them
October 16, 2021 | Sundance | 44 Comments”
Not sure if that’s what it means. But their video refers to mandatory carbon offsetting for passengers travelling on covid pass.
Update from Peter Ridd.
Comment on court decision and upcoming activities.
Looks and sounds good. Science is about empiricism nor ideology. Go forth.
Sudden Stratospheric Warming and Polar Vortex Disruption
‘ … the models are predicting a fairly large disruption of the PV that could reach record weak values for the date and at least some ensemble members of the ECMWF model are predicting a possible major warming. The earliest major warmings that I am aware of have occurred the last few days of November back in 1958 and 1968, so I think the possibility of a major warming in October is highly unlikely but not impossible.’ (Dr Judah Cohen, AER)
A global cooling signal.
For those who are stocking up, this is a bulk, organic food site. They are fare dinkum and delivery is good.
Never thought I would buy organic preferably, that was then and this is now.
I’m off for a soy latte.
While contemplating?
“Grass Fed Beef vs Grain Fed Beef (What’s the Difference)”
Link at
And in comments
“One difference is the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3. ”
The difference is life style, wandering in grass pastures for their entire life or the last 25% in a pen. (big pen with lots of mates) All grain is GMO nowadays, unless you buy certified organic. I get my grass fed looking like those grain fed cuts, just takes longer. Like they say, its dollars a day to producers so grain costs pay their way.
The breed/genetics makes a huge difference to the mussel size and marbling more so than feed type I feel. Grain are 3 to 6 months younger, but breed again.
Grass fed live a short but good life, so they get my vote.
Thought I would go down the more organic route when Bill Gates got into farming and food manufacturing.
Pasture-fed cattle have a happy life here. We are a small place, so have only a few cattle. They are quietly handled and each group is ‘trained’, by getting them to follow some tasty hay, to come into the holding pen when it comes near to sale time. A period of doing this means that they are very used to the yard and one of us will come quietly up to close the gate on the final day.
I was very upset once when a friend ‘helped’ and ended up spooking the steers by yelling and chasing them. So unnecessary.
I get the Black Stockman to yard them up, (molasses) All yard, race and bail trained at weaning.
Only feed molasses in the yards, they will come when called and walk into the yards. (or bolt into)
The stock truck drivers love loading my cattle, they just walk up the stairway to heaven. My weaners top the sales with the same buyers every year, spend a bit of time training but the rewards out strip the time.
Getting harder to part ways though, as some are so friendly and hand raised from birth due to mum issues they end up like pets. I will always have cattle, on pasture they are like watching fish in a bowl so relaxing.
Lightfoot plays Covid chicken with cops: They’re in an 18-wheeler. She’s in a clown car. It doesn’t end well.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has foolishly put herself—and the safety of the people of Chicago—in a game of chicken, with at least half the police force ready to defy her vaccine mandate and be sent home from work by City Hall without pay, rather than comply.
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
I’m not opposed to the vaccine. I’ve been vaccinated and encourage others to get vaccinated. Occasionally I’ll even wear one of those ridiculous cheap paper Facemasks of Fealty that really don’t work, to put others at ease. And at fine restaurants, you see the city’s elite dining without masks, laughing, sipping superior vintage, while the servers are all masked up, like serfs, well on their road to serfdom.
Here’s what I don’t like:
I don’t like government bullying Americans about what Americans decide to put in their bodies.
We’re not Australia, yet are we? Mate?
The people of Chicago suffer post-traumatic stress from the constant violence. Police are rebelling against her. Firefighters, too. Many cops are already vaccinated, but some aren’t, yet even those who have taken the jab tell me they won’t comply by telling City Hall a thing about their health. And just off stage–but not quite–waits Arne Duncan, the White Shadow, the empty sweat suit and unofficial candidate backed by the Obama crew and Rahm and already the beneficiary of much media love. Obama/Rahm want their City Hall back. And she’s giving it to them.
With the culling that goes on each year its a wonder they still have a crime problem
year to date 600+ dead 3000+ wounded (that’s only the gun violence)
not that big a city either , where all this is going on. A lot quieter out in the vast urban sprawl.
May as doesn’t make any difference now.
ARR’s are sub 2% anyway.
Right Now – Gareth Icke Talks to Australian GP Dr Peter Johnston
I realise the wearing of mask has gone over the top in so many situations but this has to be so stupid…
Woman Hilariously Shows The Absurdity Of Mask Mandates
n the last 72 hours, the Victorian Government has issued two (2) directions under Section 200 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic).
Each of these directions replaced the former direction that was in place that dealt with mandatory medical procedures being a condition of employment throughout the State of Victoria. As it currently stands as at 7pm, Saturday, 16 October 2021, COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Workers) Directions (No 3) commenced at 11:59:00pm on 15 October 2021 and end at 11:59:00pm on 21 October 2021.
With all due respect, Victorians can all go f… themselves for still following such tyrannical orders.
Peter… I agree, but it must be remembered that it was the weak-kneed state politicians that let their Health Departments run rampant. If we let public servants control our lives, then 1984 is just around the corner.
“Is There A Doctor In The House?”
Check the monitor readings and the comments!
Willis E gets ready for Glasgow
“Failed Serial Doomcasters”
Roaming gangs of armed thugs dressed as police are stopping people in Melbourneistan demanding to see the contents of their coffee cups if walking out in public with mask down and cup in hand . What the hell has this this state become ?
“Saturday Snippet: Doing business under Nazism (or any other extremism)”
“Published in 1939, Gunter Reimann’s book “The Vampire Economy: Doing Business Under Fascism” has stood the test of time as an amazingly frank, blunt, revealing look at what happens when an extremist ideology takes over a nation and its economy.”
Our totalitarian streak demonstrably rivals that of all past and contemporary tyrannies so I would expect Conroy Gates will mediate all Australian internet traffic there being several bills now on foot setting the latches in federal parliament.
Time was when governments obtained a mandate by winning sufficient seats in both Houses to enable a policy they had campaigned for.
Let’s see what the next four hundred and five days does for the fortunes of citizens of Victoria and whether an entirely new party erupts to take power from the corrupt incumbents and opposition.
Unite against mandated insanity. Send our health officials for a study tour of Florida.
Here’s an interesting report on the mandatory vaccination NSW Supreme Court case on which judgement was passed on Fri 15th.
As a test case it showed the lawyers what strategies to employ in the litany of related cases that are to follow. Apparently QCs are tripping over each other to help the cause of regaining personal freedoms through future cases.
The points argued with respect to health and emergency orders included inter alia:
• unconstitutionality,
• contravention of provisions of the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 (Cth), the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), the Fair Work Act (2009), the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth);
• that the circumstances in which the members of the Australian population who received the vaccinations . . . amounted to an assault and a battery;
• that the establishment and implementation of the National Plan constituted a medical experiment on a size and scale never previously seen or observed across the whole of the world and that in respect of the conduct of each of the Respondents, that their participation and involvement in it in any way, was in breach of their fundamental duty to do no harm . . . etc etc
Lessons in doing business with extremists
Here’s a positive development for early and preventative treatment, hope it works and then expands to other jurisdictions:
Nebr. AG ruling on I2M & H3Q:
“Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of hospitals, & provide relief for our already strained healthcare system.”
A couple weeks ago I, somewhat tongue in cheek, suggested that the attacks on I2M in the media meant that I2M would become standard treatment by spring because there is a 4-6 month lag time between journalists mocking a conspiracy theory and those mocked theories being proved correct.”
“Rex Murphy: It’s a miracle! Apparently climate crusaders are immune to COVID!
COP26 climate summit delegates won’t be required to have vaccine passports, unlike the rest of us”
An “Uttar Pradesh style sample bag” for each participant?
Like those reports on “Congress Critters” using it
Paying for green dreams …. U.S. carbon tax on diesel will go over like a ton of bricks. Hit trucking with a real sucker punch
Re moderation and invisibility at other places
Feedback on that Rumble link of Dr Fauci via Conservative Tree House
is that it gets censored if you try viewing it with Chrome. One report and I don’t use Chrome to check. There is an alternative –
Chiefio on “Nonconformity”
Could be I resemble that
Thanks for drawing attention to that thread another ian. Fascinating. I felt as if a lot of that spoke for me.
Want a natural immunity cheat sheet?
I’ve just received my Home Contents Insurance Renewal notice (fortunately via e-mail). I won’t say it is complex but I am exhorted to read it all.
No problem? I notice Pages 90-96 are blank.
Next medicine to be run off by TGA, CDC et al×600.jpg
Reply via a US blog – its already gone
Next medicine to be run off by TGA, CDC et al×600.jpg
Mods – please remove this oops
“The Australian Immunisation Handbook provides clinical advice for health professionals on the safest and most effective use of vaccines in their practice. These recommendations are developed by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) and approved by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).”
“Criteria for valid consent
For consent to be legally valid, the following elements must be present:12,14
It must be given by a person with legal capacity, and of sufficient intellectual capacity to understand the implications of receiving a vaccine.
It must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.
It must cover the specific procedure that is to be performed.
It can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, the risks of not having it, and any alternative options have been explained to the person.
The person must have the opportunity to seek more details or explanations about the vaccine or its administration.
The information must be provided in a language or by other means that the person can understand. Where appropriate, involve an interpreter or cultural support person.
Obtain consent before each vaccination, after establishing that there are no medical condition(s) that contraindicate vaccination. Consent can be verbal or written.”
They are just rewriting the rules – but without bothering with that silly thing called “regulations”, let alone “legislation”.
Massive Anvil Restoration”
And in comments there
“There is probably more job openings for ‘Anvil Restorer’ than ‘Gender Studies Expert’.”
In November and December 2020, the area of the ozone hole was at a record high. Will this year be similar?