Yet again Australians vote for something and get the opposite. Toss the idea out of the airlock that this has anything to do with science, trees or weird weather. In a world of corruption and superpowers there are bigger forces at work.
As I said a week ago —the Net Zero pledge was apparently tit-for-tat for nuclear submarines. We get their subs; they get our promise to cripple-our-grid. Which sounds bizarrely unlikely, as if we needed more solar panels to fry the foreign frigates, or more windmills to foil their radar. As if, lord help us, a 0.0001 degree cooler climate will make us harder to invade? Sure. No one ever went to war with a solar powered tank. (Though NATO is thinking about it.)
Read Scott Morrison’s freaky words again. Join the dots. He told the party room that “climate change action had become a key pillar of the western alliance” which means AUKUS (or Australia-UK-US for foreign readers), and that “…there were economic and security imperatives in transitioning to a carbon neutral future.” He also said we need the western alliance “now more than ever”. In the same flavour, just today we hear suddenly that taxpayers will spend $1.8b to buy up a South Pacific telco so the Chinese don’t get it first. The Quickening is here.
There is no mistaking that our PM came back from the US with the AUKUS deal and now suddenly, magically, and nonsensically we have to sabotage our grid in order to defend ourselves. So ponder that we wouldn’t have Net Zero if Donald Trump was still the US President, and we wouldn’t have Net Zero if China wasn’t targeting us aggressively with trade sanctions for daring to ask where the virus came from.
Everything looks different under the Sino red glare

Image by Chris Feser
There is bullying going on by some very big fish. Obviously Boris and Biden leaned on Scott Morrison. But who leaned on them? The list is long — China benefits if we cripple our industrial energy base, raise costs, are less competitive and “demand manage” factory blackouts and random time-off for smelters. A sick grid makes a sick competitor.
How much leverage does Xi have over Joe Biden. Just say Hunter. Or Swalwell or Mitch, or 2 million communists.
“Climate change is a wake-up call, says Xi Jinping” right on cue yesterday. He’s just worried about the pygmy possum, right?
But there are so many other groups with their hand in this pot too. The crisis-scientists need “the crisis”, the UN needs a reason to be, the Bankers want their new Fiat Currency with billion dollar profits, and the EU wants others to wreck their grids so their own doesn’t look so bad. Bureaucrats need bureaucracies, and teenagers need a spirit to guide them and a mission that makes sense, but all they can find is Greta. And Big Business wants easy money from Big Bankers, and Big Government. (Customers are such a fickle demanding group.) Why target customers, when you can schmooze with Big Money and be treated like a rock-star by the media, — not to mention any names Andrew Twiggy Forrest.
Glasgow was looking like another complete flop as India, China, Brazil and Russia stay away. The political players needed to find a soft target to be leaned on to keep the PR moment going and apparently Australia was it. We’re the fourth biggest fossil fuel exporter in the world, but we’re a lot easier to push around that the three ahead of us.
As Terry McCrann says — it’s a unilateral energy disarmament
We’re breaking up our energy weapons while our adversaries are building theirs up.
“Our energy suicide note now on steroids“
The Australian
… it is hard to avoid the comparison with the 1930s. That what almost the entirety of the world has embarked on is the energy equivalent of that decade’s appeasement.
Indeed, worse than appeasement: across the developed world, it’s unilateral energy disarmament in the face of the 2020s version of Hitler’s Germany – President Xi’s China. Back then, the political class turned a blind eye to Germany’s re-arming; now the far more numerous – and believe me, greater numbers do not spell greater cognisance – political class turns a similar blind eye to China’s energy re-arming.
This is a China which not only already has the world’s biggest ‘fossil fuel armoury’, so to speak – emitting close to 30 per cent of all global CO2 emissions. But a China which is intent on building its ‘fossil fuel armoury’ ever bigger; is embarked on building, according to Global Coal Plant Tracker’s mid-year analysis, a further 88GW of coal-fired power.
Not planning, not ‘thinking about’, but building, right now – more than three times the entire generation capacity of Australia’s brown and black coal fired power stations.
The hope is that the Nationals have done a deal involving nuclear power — for their sake as well as ours. If they don’t have a serious win up their sleeve from craven caving on “Net Zero” they will be toast at the next election.
It’s Defcon 1 time again for conservative Australians.
Very good post, I was wondering how this particular leopard managed to change its spots.
Premier Xi is telling a fib, the pandemic was the wakeup call.
The Nats have buckled under pressure, accepting a huge bribe as compensation to dress up in sack cloth. Scotty from marketing is persuasive, told the MPs that none of them will be in politics by 2050.
Logical conclusion. Irrational choice by PM. The PM needs to change the paradigm.
There is no logical reason for Australia to pledge zero CO2 emissions. Australia like Canada has a small population, no primary industry, and has large hydrocarbon deposits. Cutting Australian CO2 will logically and practically, result in zero difference to world emissions. China is building more coal fired power plants and mines. Full stream ahead. The plan will only make electricity super expensive. See Germany. It will not get a country to zero emissions. Regardless of the money spent. This is a fake plan. A sinister plan because it is country killing and will not work… All of the pain for no gain. A plan that cannot work. Will not work. That is not politics.
Biden has said public (thoughtless said the truth) that it does not matter what the US does about their CO2 emissions. It will not change planetary temperature or world CO2 emissions.
Climate change is logically not a threat to the US defence. Because it is problem that every country faces and the US cannot change the climate. It can kill its economy. It is a fact that failure of the US economy is an existential threat to the US being able to afford pay for the US military.
The existential threat to Australia, US, UK and so on is not nuclear missiles. It is the country killing fake sabotage policies. Policies like zero emissions with fake engineering, no end game, fake estimates, requires to propaganda. Which Biden recites and enforces… And the media push.
‘There is no logical reason for Australia to pledge zero CO2 emissions.’
Our elected representatives aren’t very bright, democracy is on its knees. If only they had listened to Bill Burrows argument that we are already Net Zero, the COP26 gabfest would have been a stunner.
“no primary industry”.
Ahem, it’s about all we have, a sheep station and a quarry.
Yes Peter, a very good post from our Hostess (as usual)
I could not help having a chuckle at the French being excluded from the Submarine deal. If you insert F in front of AUKUS it just about sums up the state of the little people in the New World Order.
Morrison clearly paid no attention to the last Western Australian election where it was clearly shown that pandering to the alarmists was a ticket to decimation for the Libs.
This ‘net zero’ surrender just guaranteed he’s lost this previously rusted on Conservative.
Craig Kelly, here I come.
Collapse this Coalition at the next election and allow the ALP/Green mob to access government seems a hard ask for me, but something needs resetting in Australian politics. In reality there is little hope of achieving anything as we are in the mire enabled by an education system that has subverted our youth and a media that has brainwashed an already stupid populace.
The big question the Liberals, and now the Nationals, have to ask themselves is…
“What policies do we now have that would cause people to vote for us, rather than Labor and the Greens?”
There is basically nothing to differentiate them. They have destroyed themselves.
That is why we will see the rise of an actual real conservative party of some sort.
Hopefully in time to rescue Australia from all this leftist anti-human, anti-life nonsense that is currently infesting politics.
If a new conservative party starts and wins over lots of support from disillusioned Lib/Nat voters, the usual plan is enacted: As an election approaches the Lib/Nats pinch their policies and use the media outlets traditionally friendly to them to promote ‘their’ campaign policies. The rebel party gets no publicity other than to be ridiculed by all major parties and the MSM as the loony fringe.
The major parties will call a truce and close ranks to fight off outsiders. I believe bikie gangs operate like this too!
Not healthy.
Craig Kelly has been full volume on the fact that UAP will not be doing any such ridiculous deal. Scomo has spent so much time with the Lefties and Woke that he has lost any touch he had with normal people. And normal people will be decimated by this science/fact free gesture. No gain only astronomical pain to make a few Lefties feel good.
I and many other conservatives I know will be doing our absolute best to destroy the LNP at the next election.
“will be doing our absolute best to destroy the LNP at the next election.”
You won’t need to do much… they have literally destroyed themselves.
Does the term “DEEP STATE” mean anything in Australia?
Someone epitomises that term.
One of Australia’s key competitive advantages was that once it had among the cheapest energy and raw materials in the world, hence plentiful cheap electricity for industry and domestic consumption, and a competitive aluminium and steel production industry. Now we barely gave a steel industry, no industry like car manufacturing that uses steel and the only reason aluminium production survives is because of huge taxpayer subsidies to pay for the expensive electricity.
Because of the Left’s war against science and reason for decades, many people now believe in economic absurdities such as “green” hydrogen, “green” intermittent electricity, “green” steel with direct reduction of iron ore with hydrogen and “green” aluminium made with windmill power. And many others.
I “like” that Green Steel from hydrogen. I suppose if you are worried about CARBON pollution you wouldn’t want any CARBON in steel.
FOR THE BENEFIT of a few comment makers on this site Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. Cast iron has even more carbon.
You should bear in mind, David, that these people prescribing the future are very short of technical knowledge, and also commonsense, logic and ability to do arithmetic.
I wonder what the woke-inner-city-greenies would think of this stuff…
Without High-Carbon-Steel,… no more fancy chef knives for their sushi !
Many Greenies that I’ve encountered are from households where mummy and daddy are well-to-do and provide everything on request. They think everyone lives like this – after all, all their friends at the yacht club do. They have no idea or any interest in how many people support their lifestyle.
The old silent movie Metropolis depicts this system.
Odd how it has morphed from CO2 bad to CARBON bad.
Morphed from reduce CARBON emissions to Net Zero CARBON.
From FLATTEN THE CURVE to … whatever the point is now.
Hard to keep up.
Especially with hysterics.
BTW, in the last century, I was taught that life on Earth was based on CARBON.
I recall them mentioning CARBON once or twice in ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
Ya know …
if an alien life form, not based on CARBON, wanted to take over Earth, might they not promote Net Zero CARBON?
Alien leader, “convince them CARBON is poison, they’ll do themselves in.”
Maybe David Icke is not so crazy after all.
Just sayin’.
Something has has to explain this lunacy.
As you point out, they keep changing the rules to ensure it’s never enough. Their worst nightmare is getting everything they asked for because their ‘vital campaign’ would become redundant and they’d have to go and get proper jobs then!
[Snip. Off topic. – Jo]
Looks like free speech has died here.
It was off topic and it was initiated by an unsupported thought bubble so nothing has been killed.
OS could easily write it on an unthreaded
Modi is going to COP26
This is the unintended consequence of making stuff up like the “greenhouse effect”. Indian monsoon has been strengthening for 400 years and will go on doing that for another 12,000. Expect more flooding in India. All caused by climate change. The only way Australia can alter the climate in India is by shifting the precession cycle as more dirt goes to China – it might change the wobble.
The green idea that carbon emissions must be reduced to zero, regardless of cost has made the COP effort bizarre and even slightly obscene.
If countries simply did what they could to move in that general direction and stopped policing the rest of the world, progress would be made. This was the spirit of Paris
There is no point in building a big coal/gas/nuclear/solar/hydro/wind power plant in the undeveloped world if there is no money for the residents to buy the power. First comes industrialization, then the power to sustain it abd the wages to pay for domestic usage
Not sure how one can short circuit this natural order of things with renewable energy projects. Somebody needs to use the generated power
Whho and what’s behind all this?
Follow the money trail.
Who makes the money from going “green”?
Scratch the surface and you’ll find the Leftist Elites like Turnbull, Gore, Gates, union investment funds, etc. etc..
They are all perfectly happy to impoverish the masses and live the luxury life flying around to climate conferences in private jets, etc..
It was cheap power from coal and the steam engine it powered and the rapid abandonment of intermittent energy sources such as windmills and animals that drove the industrial revolution and liberated the masses from their lives of drudgery.
Thanks to the Left, we are now returning to those pre-industrial and pre-Enlightenment times.
Scott Morrison will announce his party’s net zero policy today.
It will involve building infrastructure in country areas to help the energy transition to please the Nationals.
It will require constant reporting on achievements from infrastructure initiatives for jobs in regions.
It will NOT have one report on stabilisation of the climate, which is the main reason for doing it.
What a farce.
Oxford dictionary of English
farce (noun): a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterisation and ludicrously improbable situations: he toured the backwoods in second-rate farces.
As of Sunday’s announcement (capitulation/fraud/nonsense/betrayal etc) I have stopped listening.It is just yada yada yada from now on!
Or, in the words of Greta, ‘Blah, blah, blah.’
Australia commits to 2050 net zero emissions plan but with no detail and no modelling.
Prime minister Scott Morrison says ‘technology breakthroughs’ will help country meet reductions targets but Labor calls plan a ‘scam’ based on a ‘vibe’
Being pessimistic about your government, Simon?
Everyone will agree to Net zero by 2040/50/60 or whenever. Job is done. Problem solved. COP26 is a wrap
Travis T. Jones,
The might of the Western Australian Wind Turbine “Farms” (16 of them),
which are supposed to be capable of producing 1,016.4 Mega Watts,
had the grand total of 2 MW at 4.30 am. And that took TWO “farms” to do that.
That’s right, TWO Mega Watts.
How absolutely reliable is that?
Do you know of any Leftist Elites that have either abandoned their private jets and use buses or trains or have downsized the number and size of their mansions or who actually genuinely live off-grid on “green” energy or who have foregone the luxury of delicious meat?
I didn’t think so.
The same leftist elites are also likely to own an EV or two, along with a stable of petrol guzzlers.
Could Ford’s Electric Fleet Sales Be Slower Than Expected?
Some of the fleet managers we’ve spoken to said they’ve had difficulties figuring out how to make EVs work for their businesses. Concerns have also been expressed about their lackluster resale values, the potential for charging downtime, and how much money would need to be spent to replace a battery system. Though the latter issue isn’t likely to come up considering how short most fleet cycles happen to be.
On the other hand, managers were almost universally interested in the government incentives being promoted by the Biden administration and wondered if the changing regulatory landscape might make soon make EVs a necessary addition to their garages. Governor Gavin Newsom has repeatedly said that California will gradually phase out internal combustion vehicles and may even begin prohibiting diesel trucks from utilizing certain roadways in a bid to reduce pollution. Many other states are politically aligned with California and are likely to follow its lead. These are considerations business owners are preoccupied with. But there’s no concrete legislation at play to make any of the above a guarantee and the free market (or what’s left of it) isn’t quite ready to place EVs on a pedestal.
Batteries remaining working well life would be a trade-in valuation factor and it would impact on the second-hand market price obtainable.
So batteries condition and replacement eventually are a running cost and should be included in savings on electricity verses liquid fuels. But then consider the plans by governments to replace fuel taxes or excise with a road user levy to recover revenue lost during the transition and in the future of EV transport, maybe when retail price or on road price is competitive with equivalent ICEV models and convenience of real range obtainable and recharging downtime compared to ICEV.
I read recently about a new Kia EV that the writer had road tested for a week or two and praised the vehicle, but then admitted that he would not attempt to drive it long distances over country roads and highways because of range and recharging uncertainty. But believed it was an excellent town car or second car, if affordable and the model is targeted at Tesla 3 and will cost buyers a range from about $70,000 plus on road costs.
And which Leftist Elite has ever allowed any refugees or homeless people in one of their mansions?
None that I can think of except Michael Moore who offered one tiny apartment to hundreds of Syrian refugees in 2015. I don’t think the outcome of that was reported.
Both Israel and Australia rely on the USA for their defence.
Perhaps there’s a link between Israel’s gigantic Vaccination programme and their continued access to US equipment and funding for defence?
Similarly, there may be a link between Australia’s recent access to US submarines and the acceptance of the NetZero50 programme.
Money flowing everywhere.
I’d feel much more confident about our politicians if they would keel haul those who have “rented” out a few of our ports , endorsed the takeover of an island, sold the water rights belonging to farmers and turned a blind eye to the uncontrolled operation of an airport in the middle of West Australia.
All of these situations heavily involve China.
We can’t move forward while this behaviour exists and remains unpunished.
As for relying on the U.S.; just how is that current shambles going to help us?
Good point. Both Israel and Australia rely on the USA for defence (although Israel is far more militarily independent and self-sufficient than Australia) and both are committed to the world’s highest “vaccination” rates and only with the products of Big Pharma.
I’m so pleased that the Leftist Elites don’t have to pay parking fees for their private jets at COP 26.
Scottish Government-owned Prestwick Airport gives ‘free’ parking to private jets during climate crisis
The revelation comes as Scotland faces a tough challenge to hit its emission-reduction targets
BY PAUL HUTCHEON 04:30, 15 OCT 2021 UPDATED04:31, 15 OCT 2021
The Scottish Government-owned Prestwick Airport has been blasted for giving free parking to private jets during the climate crisis.
Aircraft can enjoy the freebie for 24 hours – a perk critics say makes a mockery of Scotland’s green credentials as it gets set to host the COP26 summit in Glasgow.
And across the Channel the UEH Government has exempted private jets from carbon tax penalties.
It’s important not to penalise fellow travellers.
EU Government
“No one ever went to war with a solar powered tank”
Although it might work OK if both sides agreed to a ‘recharge truce’ of six hours for every every couple of hours of battle.
Always look on the bright side of life.
The year is 2025.
The government has just announced another 30 day global warming lockdown.
No car driving and meat eating for the duration.
Everyone will be required to stay home and eat bug protein to save the planet.
Travis as stupid as that sounds I can see it happening but maybe sooner.
Victorian Bill ‘allows premier unprecedented powers’
Rachel Baxendale
Victoria’s premier would be armed with unprecedented powers to declare a pandemic under Andrews government legislation.
The legislation, which sidelines the chief health officer, would enable Premier Daniel Andrews to declare a pandemic in three-month blocks, even without a case of a specific disease in the state.
While the premier would be required to consult the chief health officer, the new law would see chief health officer Brett Sutton lose his ability to make health orders, instead transferring that power to the health minister.
Politicians, and not bureaucrats, would have ultimate say over restrictions on movement, closure of businesses, banning of public gatherings, and quarantine protocols.
The new legislation is intended to replace the current state of emergency when it expires on December 15.
In a bid to secure the support of crossbenchers, the government has included additional measures, including requiring an independent committee to scrutinise government decisions, stronger safeguards to withhold QR code check-in data from police, and a means-tested fine system.
The government would also be required to make health advice public – something it has refused to do throughout the pandemic. Opposition Leader Matthew Guy branded the laws “the most dangerous legislation to come before an Australian parliament”.
“One man to usurp everyone, the parliament, the cabinet, everyone. It must be opposed,” he tweeted.
The opposition has instead proposed amending the constitution to limit the ability of the government to declare an emergency for no more than 30 days unless it secures a special majority vote in both houses of parliament.
A government spokeswoman said: “After examining the powers in other jurisdictions, like NSW and New Zealand, and working through issues with an independent panel, we’ll introduce a bill to parliament tomorrow to manage pandemics into the future and keep Victorians safe.”
Shannon Deery
This is quite something. As part of the proposed pandemic legislation: pandemic orders may apply to “classes of person” who can be identified by their “characteristics, attributes or circumstances”. #springst
– Can someone translate this to me?
– Basically return of yellow stars
– So basically fascism
– Yep
Yes. Its called N**ism.
People need to push back on this – Victoriastan is almost the 4th Re**ch.
In doing reaseach on the globalists, at thier core appears to be a eerily similar belief system that birthed the visible manifestation said belief system, which was prevelent in 1930/40s germany – eugenics ( aka “family planning” ) and eco lunacy, and the infamous T4 Program, camps to remove “undesirables” ( are these now called “****ness camps” being built in a northern state? )
Key point – this belief system started over 100 years ago – what happened in Germany was a visible manifestation fo whats always been there. A more recent visible outlet has been the CCP. Both are very similar.
Victoria is about to become Zimbabwe Mk II – leave and move anywhere else.
I’d say Andrews has already bought off the three fruitloops he needs in the upper house to pass this abomination. How about full disclosure of what the deals are? Are we in a democracy or not?
Regarding your rhetorical question “Are we in a democracy or not?” I was read an article yesterday which noted that the Victorian premier is the only political leader in Australia with a twenty-four hour security contingent which supports my belief that Dan fears a sequel to his CCP politburo procured punishment beating for not fulfilling his OBOR pledges.
And yes, he’s written in the words which criminalize refusing covid vaccine, that’s your “attributes or circumstances”; maybe the unvaxed will be able to opt for deportation interstate rather than incarceration at Greenvale.
Premier Dangerous Dan imposes his now legislated three month lockdown, because he wants to feel important.
Did anyone lean on boris, jo asks.
Unlikely, this govt is more sceptical than the Cameron govt of 6 years ago when there was a drive to trade with China.
In recent weeks the UK has distanced itself from china in anything to do with security and key infrastructure.
There is a big push back in addition against net zero as consumers realise the consequences.
So we need to wait for cop26 to be safely over as undoubtedly the govt needs to posture on the world stage.
What they do afterwards with such things as heat pumps, coal mines in Cumbria and finance to promote green measures will tell us more about how hard they intend to pursue the green agenda than can be discerned at present through the blizzard of cop26 hype.
Yes, the UK & EU are a good examples.
We should promise the world and hand them an atlas – it’s what they do.
I would like to think we’d buck the system and tell the Fascists where to go if the Chinese war drums weren’t beating and we weren’t dependent on the US to arm us and help us…but we’d still be under the gun IMO.
Today’s appeasers are mostly countries that don’t want the New World Order and Global Socialism… want to retain their sovereignty and way of life etc…and we seem to be few.
The countries forcing us to appease for the New World Order would do it without the China threat IMO.
They’re the same countries that wanted to rule the world under National Socialism in the 30s….ie Germany and the Vichy French back then…Germany and Macron’s France now….but the new German and French authoritarians have a lot of willing footsoldiers…like UK…China …Trudeau’s Canada…New Zealand…Pacific Island countries ….many non-Annex1 countries who expect windfall benefits and a chance to leapfrog over some of the Annex1 democracies.
It’s still Germany and France with the unctuous little autocrat Macron …who are running things in the EU now…unfortunately aided and abetted this time by Boris and his authoritarian climate opportunists like Lord Deben [aka John Gummer]who’s always on Australia’s case…he has a thing about us…and the Fascist cabal that’s actually running America with their non-compos-mentis POTUS Biden as decoy…it’s they who blackmail Australia especially into appeasement.
Deben’s doing his obnoxious best to scuttle Australian trade deals or any OZ trade with UK and EU right now…totally unappeased as he is by our net zero ransom payment.
With the Nazis and their collaborators …the pretext was lebensraum and their real aim was world domination.
With today’s Fascist cabal the pretext is’ saving the planet from CAGW’ and the real aim is …as ever…world domination….only this time Xi is licking his chops on the sideline.…and probably Putin too…in unison…as they bide their time waiting to swoop and take all the spoils for their own real aim of permanent Communist domination of the world .
In the latter scenario Putin and Russia would no doubt be gobbled up too before long.
The X factor in it all is the fact that many of the former leaders and corporate leaders etc in the UK…Germany and France …and in BidenInc’s America…some here as well….are already deeply grateful …embedded and compromised…beholden ‘friends of China’ …with more allegiance to their great benefactor …it seems …than to their home countries….certainly more than to democracy, which is proving to be much more at risk …with casual abandon almost…than we would ever have thought possible in our lifetimes.
We also have a massive fifth column within…Garnaut…Hewson…Turnbull…SaintCannon-Brookes…Holmes-a-Court…Twiggy…Willox…Westacott…most or all with huge vested interests…like Deben…in concreting the world and covering it with solar panels…so the appeasement demands are only just starting …..for Special Case-Australia.
Tonyb — just because Boris is less leftist than Cameron is not exactly a persuasive argument. Is Boris somehow above the Big Bankers, Blackrock and the BoE? Is he even above Carrie? Why has the man who was once a skeptic become an activist for climate action?
Morrison is just being pragmatic. So is Joyce. In this Climate Change era pushed by China and their UN of slave states, it is buying time, nothing more. Australia needs to be able to defend itself. And it needs the US and UK as allies because it cannot.
In even five years the world will be noticeably cooler and the whole Global Warming story will fall apart leaving us with nuclear submarines and nuclear power stations and massive and growing world demand for our coal and gas and uranium. And it will be the very last COP meeting held near the arctic circle.
Global Warming pusher journalist Paul Kelly is front page in The Australian, excoriating Morrison and Joyce, calling Joyce two faced. It is because they have won the political battle and they have lied and he knows it. But there is nothing he can do about it, so he is very upset. That’s politics.
Glasgow should have a balmy few days, 4C to 9C maximum. But I doubt the taxpayer funded attendees will leave their luxury hotels and electric limousines. We should have a great view of big wind, big solar and power politics on display. And grumpy Greta should arrive by third class train or horse drawn wagon.
And the skyrocketing prices for gas, coal, petrol this winter will put paid to any idea of a carbon neutral reality.
Solar does not work well in Glasgow at 56 North and in winter 67. On 22nd December sunrise at 8:26 and sunset at 3:45. 7 hours of ‘daylight’ with the sun just 23 degrees off the horizon at midday. Yes, who needs fossil fuel when you can share the oil profits with Norway, the cash behind the Scottish nationalist movement. Hyprocrisy is never far under the surface of the Green movement. “The Scottish Government estimates that around £62 billion-£63 billion of revenues were raised in Scotland in 2020/21, equivalent to approximately £11,400-£11,500 per head.”
Horse drawn? Think of the emissions. She would want unicorns for her wagon.
And who is going to clean up after the unicorn? But I suppose that would be not a problem because of the rocketing price of rare Unicorn dung.
According to the Liberals, that unicorn dung magically turns into H2 molecules.
The EPA would charge for pooluting.
If Australia had a few nukes strategically placed I’m not so sure China would be a big threat just an annoyance.
“If Australia had a few nukes strategically placed I’m not so sure China would be a big threat just an annoyance.”
A much smarter idea than conventionally armed nuke subs.
Just a nuke sub with a couple of conventional cruise missiles – several dams are rather “strategic” to China in terms of water storage, power generation and flood mitigation. Take them out…
The six RAN Collins Class Submarines carry missiles and despite being built 1980s to 1990s they are recognised as being world class conventional propulsion design customised for the RAN using the Swedish now Gotland Class Submarine, they Gotland Class is still being built and upgraded and no doubt the planned re-engineering of Collins Class will incorporate the new features.
Of course nuclear has advantages, but also have a high premium price difference to consider and maintenance specialisation.
Collins Class are certainly worth having.
As the world cools, the Left will still be blaming anthropogenic global warming and make energy to keep warm even more expensive for the non-Elites.
Invest in carbon generators.
I’m sure Alastair Gray has the most humourous and accurate comment about Gorebull the donkey. And their Sun Tzu philosophy is right on the money this time.
I mean why fight when you have stupid donkeys who’ll knock themselves out while you just sit back and watch?
From WUWT.
alastair gray
October 25, 2021 2:09 pm
I am sure that deeep down Mr Xi agrees with me – see link
Of course following Sun Tzu and the art of war
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
I would have attributed the statement “Never interrupt……” to Bonaparte.
I think that if Australia is going for Net Zero then we should adopt the EU method —–
Burn more gas (if we can get it)
Keep burning coal but with added Green Certificates (based on the carbon sink of our land)
Burn lots of wood (those forests get in the way of wind turbines, see Scotland )
Burn household rubbish (to avoid methane emissions from landfill).
And install wind turbines in Green voting electorates (or just off-shore of Warringah and Port Melbourne).
Shut down all our nuclear powerstations CHECK, achieved!
Let lots of greedy business people invest THEIR OWN MONEY (and not taxpayers) in solar farms and hydrogen schemes.
And above all, lie like mad about our commitment and lecture others about destroying their economy too.
More examples of the recent USA temp data fiddling and distortions.
Tony Heller’s trained us in this shtick so thoroughly that one has only to see the start date to know the deception on foot; Australia’s BOM starts its data from the second decade of the twentieth century to exclude the heat and drought of the preceding thirty years.
A Chinese copany already owns and operates the large wind farm in NSW which uses Chinese made wind turbines.
If Nuclear Power is deemed politically incorrect in Australia, then how many Chinese made wind turbines and solar panels will Australia need to meet its Net Zero by 2050 commitment?
This is like Neville Chamberland signing an agreement with Hitler to supply German fighter planes for the defence of England!
TO be blunt – how could you trust chin**se technology, given it could be backdoor controlled to hold us to ransom.
They stopped chi**se networking manufacturers from being part of 5G, for that reason.
“Hey, play our game or we send the reactor critical and it takes out your city!”
Youd be stupid to think they wouldnt do it, too…..
Already they own the West. We shouldn’t forget that the Silicon Valley Chinese engineers group was created in 1989 ( Let’s be grateful for the contemporary chip shortage which may be slowing the opium wars vengeance.
beautifully written and all true, but:
You are trying to beat something with nothing.
What do you offer as a solution?
How did you get here, in this socialist madness?
They cant imprison millions of people…..
Wishful thinking OriginalSteve.
The globalists have overtaken our political parties, institutions and media groups and we are now almost certainly in the final days of western democracy. Many of us saw this coming but we were in a war that we couldn’t win once the media and learning institutions had secured their borders and the politicians we voted in to fix the institutions just stood by and watched it all play out, because they were players of the same game.
As we enter this final phase of self destruction we can expect to witness society return to its primal roots, where it becomes a dog-eat-dog world as food and resources become insufficient to sustain the entire population and anarchy rules. In the past, when faced with tough times, Australians would band together with a strong sense of collective national pride and support each other, but in this new Australia where our children were taught to hate their country and judge others by skin colour, it’s a different proposition and one that will have many of us fighting each other for the last crumb, as the new global masters take over and install a brutal regime.
I’m still trying to work out the end game of the globalist elites. If you bring down the west it removes the aid money and other funding that goes to the poor nations, so you would expect a big reset in global population. What does their reset world look like ?. You can picture the Orwellian view of elites with privilege and peasants that are forced to work for food and shelter. However, in my opinion the globalist elites will also lose because the world is too diverse and too populated to control. For example, you could expect a large rise in Islamic extremism and perhaps other extremist groups that resist the new order. Also, the rise of rouge states will be a constant threat and then there is China, which will not be a party to any UN lead global government and neither will Russia. A more likely outcome will be that the UN elites are killed off by China and it becomes one big Mad Max world where the largest states with energy fight it out. What we do know from history is that only a liberal democracy can sustain peace, prosperity and equality.
Before we totally give up on our civilization lets get pragmatic. We have far more free speech than the Soviets did. Why not fight back now instead of waiting? The media and tech giants are censoring, but instead of giving up, lets get serious about using email, phone, snail mail, alternate platforms (rumble, odessy, bitchute, parler, gab, trumps new one) and whatever other form of communication we can.
Put your engineering brains onto finding solutions of how to reach people instead of coming up with reasons to do nothing and let the marxists win. eh?!
Talking has become awkward. Too much cognitive dissonance
Much easier to pay lip service to Net zero schemes
Jo, in order to have any chance of changing the course of this battle we need support from politicians to make the needed changes to reverse the infiltration of the government departments, media, schools and university systems. Not even Donald Trump was able to make a dent against the machine. In Australia, I think the turning point was Abbott’s removal from office, followed by what can only be described as the grubbiest behaviour ever witnessed in Austrian politics which saw him literally hounded from his own seat by activist groups that reside below the gutter. Almost all politicians in the LNP today lack any real conviction simply because those that do and try and make a stand are forced out or leave, as the party looks to secure power by turning hard left to appease the ABC and Fairfax media.
To fight back and change the tide the very first step is to force the ABC to become non partisan, because they are the main propaganda outlet down here. Whilst the area of schools and universities are important, the ABC is Number 1, because we will need public support the change the rest. With absolutely no political will to make this happen after 3 terms in office, the LNP has shown it doesn’t have the guts, even when they have several members taken down by the fake news propaganda and even when their leader is targeted and branded a QANON supporter by association in a 4 corners doco that got pulled at the last minute. I suppose people power could come up with petitions to defund or fix the ABC, but these types of actions haven’t done much in the past. Sky news host Chris Kenny has been a huge force in the push to remove the ABC bias and he rattles the cage every week to the same deaf ears in Canberra. Ultimately, the problem is that we voted these duds into power and now we all suffer.
What really frustrates me is that soon after the United Nations was established after WW2 it was infiltrated by the now called globalists and Australian Labor Attorney General Evatt gave them his plan to get member nations to sign agreements/treaties/protocols with which like minded governments could legislate and create regulations to impose the UN demands without reference to constitutional laws, no referendums to ask the people if they agree. Federal Government signs, State Governments legislate and Local Governments regulate or a mixture between the two levels of government. People sometimes in denial ask how Greens influence while not in government, they focus on Local Government positions elected and appointed employee positions and a good example is UN Agenda 21 – Sustainability implementation and regulatory controls.
The Inevitability Of Gradualism, a UK Fabian Society saying, socialist organisation founded late 1800s, Australian Fabian Society associates. Remember the split during the 1950s when the more conservative members of the Australian Labor Party formed their Democratic Labor Party to escape the Communists influencing the ALP? Attorney General Evatt was one of the Communists. They came to Australia as unionist migrants and at the time of Federation of States they campaigned for a Republic Australia.
For seventy years the gradual creeping forwards approach has resulted in 1975 the UN Lima Protocol agreeing to hand over most manufacturing industry by discouraging those business from remaining in Australia to “developing nations”, example China. Agenda 21 blocks mining, logging, new dams, commercial fishing etc., in National Parks. Kyoto Agreement to lower emissions by transitioning the State owned electricity sectors an example and now Paris Agreement emissions reduction targets (specifically CO2 written in the papers) and at the Paris Conference “net zero emissions” was listed as the next stage after 2030 the Paris target achievement date.
Now 2030 is being overlooked and 2050 or earlier net zero emissions is being demanded, why the rush? Could it be because by 2030 global cooling will be even more obvious to people and therefore the warming scare can no longer be sustained?
A rerun of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Net Zero by 2050 is a rebadging of Pol Pot’s “Year Zero”.
“Climate Change” has nothing to do with the climate – it is a socalist political movement which is part of The New World Order.
Western Civilisation as we know it will collapse and the world will experince a new “Dark Ages” where religious doctrine replaces scientific enlightenment.
CO2 causes “Climate Change” is part of this religious doctrine just as is “COVID vaccines are safe and effective”
The Hydrogen Economy
I gave a dissertation on this topic in 1975 at Newcastle University in the heart of coal country.
Hydrogen is a source of energy on the Sun but not on earth. Hydrogen in its raw state is rare on earth.
Hydrogen is a means of transporting and storing energy – the cheapest way currently of making hydrogen is from fossil fuels!
The only way The Hydrogen Economy makes any economic sense is to talk about the Nuclear/Hydrogen Economy
Making Hydrogen from electricy produced by weather dependent wind and solar power will be even more expensive that the electricty produced by wind and solar power and large amounts of hydrogen storage will be required to provide electricity when the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine before hydrogen can be used for transportatrion and industrial heating
But plenty of taxpayers’ money will be wasted on schemes (scams) that were never economically viable.
Yes, agree !!!
The green hydrogen scam is one of a long line of RE scams, such as geo-thermal, solar thermal, tidal and wave, but it is being used right now to justify Net Zero, in the absense of usable solutions to fill the gaps left by FF. This probably makes it the biggest scam to date, because Net Zero is by far the biggest win for the green Marxist movement and it;s being hinged on a solution that is not proven and will never work anyway. It will fail, but Twiggy will make money whilst the taxpayers pick up the tab.
Yes, but think about more wealth creation by multi-billionaires, merchant bankers and clients and other “crony capitalists” with no risk “seed capital” provided from government sources, all taxpayers contribute to the financial no risk gains of the minority regardless of success or failure.
Basic chemistry. By breaking the bonds of molecules you produce energy. Within oil/gas/coal you have very complex hydrocarbons with multiple bonds. Hence upon combustion those dense sources of fuel product lots of energy. With H2 you have only one double bond whereas in hydrocarbons you have multiple double bonds. Hence, infinitely less potential for energy production for H2 on a volume basis. Like all the other new renewable energy possibilities they generally defy either the basic laws of mathematics, physics or chemistry. Its a religion.
Here’s a few easy questions to ask at their delusional COP 26 BS and FRA_D show.
Why was the 1900 to 1990 or pre Hansen/IPCC alarmist period so much worse for Humans than post 1990?
Why are ALL people healthier + wealthier from 1990 to 2021?
How has African population increased by 710 million people since 1990?
And how can that much higher population enjoy a much higher life expectancy today?
Why is African pop now wealthier as well?
How in this so called time of CLIMATE CRISIS has China become the Number 2 world SUPER POWER and YET today Emits 30% of global emissions of co2?
Why is China’s life expectancy so much higher than 1990?
How has Antarctica just recorded the coldest Winter temp ever?
Why hasn’t Antarctica warmed since 1950?
Why do 87% of coral islands show no reduction in size or an INCREASE in size?
Why is the planet GREENING since 1990s IPCC alarmism?
Why is the ENTIRE SH a NET ZERO co2 sink?
Why are global SLs so much lower today then 2000 years ago, 4,000 yrs ago (OZ east coast 1.5 mts higher then than 2021) or 7,000 yrs ago?
Why have crops increased all around the world since 1990?
Why have deaths from droughts and floods dropped to historical low levels since 1990?
A longish, but thought provoking article , on the brain behind Xi, and the Chinese attempt to crack down on liberal ideas in China. The ideas it covers need a lot of thought.
” According to a leaked account by one of his old friends, Xi has found himself, like Wang, “repulsed by the all-encompassing commercialization of Chinese society, with its attendant nouveaux riches, official corruption, loss of values, dignity, and self-respect, and such ‘moral evils’ as drugs and prostitution.” Wang has now seemingly convinced Xi that they have no choice but to take drastic action to head off existential threats to social order being generated by Western-style economic and cultural liberal-capitalism—threats nearly identical to those that scourge the U.S.
This intervention has taken the form of the Common Prosperity campaign, with Xi declaring in January that “We absolutely must not allow the gap between rich and poor to get wider,” and warning that “achieving common prosperity is not only an economic issue, but also a major political issue related to the party’s governing foundations.”
This is why anti-monopoly investigations have hit China’s top technology firms with billions of dollars in fines and forced restructurings and strict new data rules have curtailed China’s internet and social media companies. It’s why record-breaking IPOs have been put on hold and corporations ordered to improve labor conditions, with “996” overtime requirements made illegal and pay raised for gig workers. It’s why the government killed off the private tutoring sector overnight and capped property rental price increases. It’s why the government has announced “excessively high incomes” are to be “adjusted.”
There is the thought that maybe the CCP isnt just in a power grab?? This is what they are seeing in America, and are trying to avoid.
“From the smug point of view of millions who now inhabit the Chinese internet, Wang’s dark vision of American dissolution was nothing less than prophetic. When they look to the U.S., they no longer see a beacon of liberal democracy standing as an admired symbol of a better future. That was the impression of those who created the famous “Goddess of Democracy,” with her paper-mâché torch held aloft before the Gate of Heavenly Peace.
Instead, they see Wang’s America: deindustrialization, rural decay, over-financialization, out of control asset prices, and the emergence of a self-perpetuating rentier elite; powerful tech monopolies able to crush any upstart competitors, operating effectively beyond the scope of government; immense economic inequality, chronic unemployment, addiction, homelessness, and crime; cultural chaos, historical nihilism, family breakdown, and plunging fertility rates; societal despair, spiritual malaise, social isolation, and skyrocketing rates of mental health issues; a loss of national unity and purpose in the face of decadence and barely concealed self-loathing; vast internal divisions, racial tensions, riots, political violence, and a country that increasingly seems close to coming apart.”
There is a bit of truth there.
True enough.
But under DJT, it all reversed pretty quickly. Then reversed again under President Asterisk.
The US is not beyond hope yet.
I think they can and will recover.
The Nationals are already toast. John Anderson (former leader) used a farming type description to portray his view on, I assume, climate change/ net zero. Something along the line of ” the cattle already got out of the yard”. Which, as a farm boy /aggie for my 60 years is a saying I have never heard. More akin to the “horse has bolted” I presume. Which are both dumb sayings , because in both cases some idiot just left the gate open. I’ll add another country saying to describe the National Party. They’re like a dog chasing 2 rabbits where half way through chasing 1 rabbit in one direction he decides he needs to chase the other bunny. In the end both bunnies get away. The Nationals have pretty well deserted their heartland and I don’t think they represent mainstream regional / rural concerns. They are trying to chase the Green ideology vote 1 day (1st rabbit) and then try to keep their country vote alive (2nd rabbit). I think that 2nd rabbit is most likely voters in some of the bigger regional towns and cities only. But that is dwindling. Hence, they will most likely never get the vote of either. If they actually concentrated on true regional rural issues and more importantly gave that perception they might be surprised what support they could muster.
Victoriastan Dictator Daniel Andrews will today pass into law Australia’s first legal dictatorship, no doubt to please his Chi-comm masters.
New move could gift Premier Daniel Andrews unprecedented power
Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has urged all parties to “oppose” controversial state of emergency legislation, blasting the Andrews government as “drunk on power”.
Shannon Deery, Sarah Booth and Mitch Clarke
8 min read
October 26, 2021 – 11:51AM
Imagine being in the party of Government when they find out that they just cannot do without coal fired power.
“Umm, people, who wants to be the one to break the news?”
Perhaps some typical responses might be.
“Mate, don’t look at me, I have a new Tee shirt to break in.”
“Say, isn’t that your job.”
“Who’s retiring at the next election?”
“Shouldn’t that be the Energy Minister?”
“We could say that we didn’t know.”
“The Opposition will take advantage of it.” (“Well, they didn’t know either.”)
“The Media will k1ll us.” (“Well, they didn’t know either.)
“Surely the UN should have told us about it.” (“Well, they didn’t know either.”)
“Where did the information come from?” (“Can we discredit them?”)
“Look, I’ve got a question. Is that figure of 18,000MW minimum overnight power consumption correct?” (“Umm! Don’t mention that.”)
“Yeah, look, where did they get that graph from anyway?” (“Umm, The AEMO. Evidently, they’ve been showing it at their site all along, for years in fact.”)
“Those totals for Renewables, are they correct? They look way too small.” (“Yeah, same thing, they’ve been showing them at their site all along too.”)
“How are we going to word it?” (“Press release, Friday 4.45PM.”)
“Let’s not say anything until we can we call an early election?”
“How did this creep up on us?”
Someone, some time soon is going to have this conversation.
Could be a script from a Yes Minister or Utopia episode. Unfortunately modern comedians don’t touch woke subjects like intermittent energy production. The best was always US comedian George Carlin.
We’re really helping China by bombing our own power stations.
Craig Kelly last December.
Thank goodness one politician has the backbone to stand up and talk against this nonsense
Its all about hope and a wing and a prayer… ie hydrogen nonsense !
Morrison refuses to table modelling…
More from WUWT on the Lib/Nat’s fairy-tail future.
Once the Chicoms take over Taiwan, they’ll knock off Australia, a country lacking feck and gorm, with a flick of the dragon’s tail. They will be welcomed, indeed, by Dan and his Age readers. And a disturbing number of “The Australian” subscribers. We’re in deep sh*t.
It won’t be so bad in the new world order, Beijing will allow us a satrap.
Climate Change (the one that is trademarked and marketed) doesn’t exist.
Carbon dioxide is never mentioned in their marketing propaganda.
Fear and catastrophic predictions and guilt keep the lowly suckers in line.
Humanity is superfluous scum as people like Gates and Fauci fulfil their dreams of a nicer cleaner planet.
It is impossible to separate climate change and covid. Both born of power, money and grandiose superiority by the few over the to-be-culled inferior masses.
We need a hero, hopefully he will return.
Nah, Scomo is doing the right thing, and in fact it is all he can do under these circumstances.
That is, pay lip service to these grand demands, produce grand and meaningful sounding plans on the world stage, and then, behind the scenes, play the same game as everyone else is playing: dodging, weaving, ducking, diving and doing everything possible to keep an economy afloat in some sensible manner.
No nuclear option for Australia but our major allies and arm twisters have nuclear power stations and the UK has just ordered more including a contract with Rolls Royce for modular nuclear generators.
“It is hard to avoid the comparison with the 1930s”
No it isn’t.
All you need to do is remember how many times that tired old analogy has been resurrected to justify pointless military adventures