Think of Glasgow as a costume party for the Uber rich and it all makes sense
Everyone gets to hobnob, dress up in a Superhero prophet-of-doom outfit and pretend to save the world.
When the richest people in the world turn up, with PM’s and Presidents, and even the Royals do live photo tweets — you know the dry UN science conference has turned into the unmissable Olympics of Social Events. Just being there is the fashion statement of the year.
The deals (or spin, such it is) is mostly done. The party is the reward. The World Stage beckons for politicians seeking to look important. While the offer of another glorious junket keeps the minor minions working hard all year.
And any fence-sitting politicians might be awed and swept away in the spur of the moment to offer more than they might have in the cold light of day. (Send them your barbs!)

Hobnobbing The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s Twitter Account: @KensingtonRoyal
Glasgow has kicked off with a world record in hyperbole:
Never before have so many extreme metaphors exploded in the same conversation. We’re strapped to a bomb, with a clock stuck at one minute to midnight again for the tenth year in a row, and it’s time to end the chainsaw massacre of our forests, the genocide of children not born, and it will be worse than Hitler.
Where do we go from here? Stalin and Mao for next year?
Upbeat Boris says COP26 is ‘snipping the wires of the climate change doomsday device‘ as he hails deals to end ‘great chainsaw massacre’ of forests
Prince Charles called for the ‘re-engineering’ of the world’s financial and economic system…
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said ‘treating nature like a toilet’. ‘We are digging our own graves’.
[The] Archbishop of Canterbury, said that leaders would be ‘cursed’ if they didn’t reach agreement on climate change in the next fortnight. … a failure to act would allow ‘a genocide on an infinitely greater scale’ than was committed by Hitler’s regime.
Importantly, whatever you do, don’t ask the people.
Here’s Mr Brexit Referendum himself saying that the people are tired of having a say:
Mr Johnson rejected the idea of a referendum on whether the UK should be aiming for Net Zero by 2050, saying the country had ‘probably had enough’ of such campaigns.
And he insisted the public should not be concerned about the estimated one-trillion pound cost of the drive over the next 30 years. Mr Johnson said British people are not ‘dumb’ and recognised that ‘if we don’t do this it will be an economic catastrophe’.
— Daily Mail
The serfs know changing the weather will cost the odd thousand billion pounds, sayth Boris, but they’re OK with that.

Lest the event sway your elected Rep, keep sending your scathing emails, your savage wit to them and their team. The Medieval Carnival of Weather Control in Glasgow is a pompous extravaganza of narcissists spending other people’s money to dress themselves in Saintly Green Glory.
They’ll be comin round the mountain.
Greta** ought to write a book,“ My Struggle : How I overcame my fear of public speaking and campaigned to bring the world to ruin”
**(in English “Pearl” – a semi precious to precious gem made of secretions of Calcium Carbonate by mollusks, something they couldn’t do without CO2.)
‘The name Greta is derived from the name Margareta, which comes from the Greek word margarites or “pearl.”’
Wikipedia is useful sometimes.
Greeter / Greeta / Greetah Comes from old Norse and thence now North British dialect.
It refers to someone who continues to wail long after they have been weaned.
The common response is “Awa an’ haud yer weeshst, ye wee greetin nyaff.”
Honestly, I would say the same to Greta.
We know Asperger when we see it.
One day, she will realise that her parents have conned her and the Asbergers will lead her to demand of them
Are they like hamburgers?
Yes, but made of crickets and slugs.
its actually a shame that she was led to believe Attenborough in the first place while she was in a depressed state, encouraged to watch his documentaries about climate change that gave her the world views she has giving her the inspiration to become an activist that has been used by the radicles
l myself liked and looked up to Attenborough feeling all fuzzy and warm inside as a child growing up watching him and thinking he was there for the animals and environment to find out he was and is a huge part of feeding the hoax
the indoctrination continues in our schools all over the world misleading our youth
Marksman, it’s interesting your comment on David Attenborough, I also liked him for many years whilst growing up. He had a mannerism that was very likeable and of course a unique voice. His wildlife doc’s were always interesting and informative.
I belive that even up to recent times that he kept out of the climate change politic, but the greens eventually got to him and he ‘went over’.
How things change, now I cannot abide him nor his one eyed view of the world. Indeed look at the Walrus incident just a few years ago. History will I think judge him poorly I’m sorry to say.
I always got the Willies from his over-modulated voice – couldn’t stand him.
Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen that’s where we in Glasgow now appear to be.
Cop that.
It might be to the tune of “coming round the mountain” but it is adaption of an old Glasgow skipping song –
Oh you can’t shove yer Granny aff a bus,
Oh you can’t shove yer Granny aff a bus,
Oh you can’t shove yer Granny,
Cos she’s yer Mammy’s Mammy,
Oh you can’t shove yer Granny aff a bus,
And that’s why they are singing it in Glasgow.
I’m Glasgow born and should know.
Great article, Jo. One of your best. What a sham the world leeches err leaders are with their lovely green hymn book singing from the exact same page. Let’s check the following-hypocrisy: check; fear-mongering: check; self promotion: check; pontificating to the ‘peasants’: check. Where do I stop…about when they do!
She absolutely nailed it!
Yep, a difficult topic to approach but this is a magical piece of work.
Heres the thing, now that the have agreed to have a 15% global wide tax for companies, it means that with a global tax it paves the way for global govt.
Now , Big Ears recently said we basically needed to go on a military footing to fight Klimate Khange(tm).
“Prince Charles calls for ‘vast military-style campaign’ to achieve ‘fundamental economic transition’
“Speaking at the UN COP26 climate conference, the Prince of Wales called for world governments to use the global private sector’s ‘trillions of dollars’ to attain ‘fundamental economic transition’ to address climate change.
It seems the covid trojan horse has sneakily removed most of our rights and freedoms and paved the way for australians first CCP Dictator, so out of COP I am expecting to see “Climate Lockdowns” that was suggested a while back.
“LONDON (Project Syndicate)—As COVID-19 spread earlier this year, governments introduced lockdowns in order to prevent a public-health emergency from spinning out of control. In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again—this time to tackle a climate emergency.
“Shifting Arctic ice, raging wildfires in western U.S. states and elsewhere, and methane leaks in the North Sea are all warning signs that we are approaching a tipping point on climate change, when protecting the future of civilization will require dramatic interventions.
So you can see that now that people now have vaccine passports brought about by a convenioent “crisis” , the likelyhood of expanding those “trust me I’m from the govt I’m here to help” passports to include all your medical data, drivers licence and institute a China style social credit score is pretty good.
We need to resist this insane agenda. Clearly “do as I say, not as I do” applies.
Prince Charles… acronym PC…. sort of has a ring to it.
With the west’s ambitions now in perspective with threats of boycotting mining inAustralia maybe it’s time to make up with China? Their thinking is more in line with ours & together we’d make a meal of the western economic future.
Oh my god.
Australia would simply be entre.
When did El Al become a “private jet?”
But, yes, it is all a waste of OUR resources, so that THEY can pocket even more of our hard earned wealth. Make no mistake. If they didn’t perceive any massive benefit to themselves, they wouldn’t be bothering anyone about the climate.
The self appointed elites are nothing more than parasites.
It’s amazing that the News Corp journalists wouldn’t be aware of this and they would use a picture of a commercial ElAl jet to represent a private aircraft. There were plenty of others they could have chosen.
Also, you’d think a country as woke as Once Great Britain and a function as woke as COP26 would be aware of disabled access issues?
Boris Johnson apologizes after Israeli minister denied wheelchair access to COP26
Organizational difficulties have overshadowed early talks at the climate summit.
GLASGOW — U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has apologized to an Israeli minister who was unable to access the COP26 summit because of her wheelchair.
Karine Elharrar, Israel’s minister for energy and water, was forced to wait two hours outside the event site Monday after organizers refused to let her enter in her adapted vehicle, she said.
Her office said she was later offered shuttle transport to the summit area, but the bus was not wheelchair-accessible and she had to return to her hotel in Edinburgh.
She was lucky.
El Al may have operated it as a private charter to Glasgow for the PM and delegation.
This was probably Bennett’s ride…
I’m guessing those ministers who were at the event with him would have flown with him, but just because it makes sense doesn’t mean they did.
Still, you raise a good point.
Great summary Jo. It’s clear to people like us that ‘Glasgow’ is a complete and utter game of cherades. The ordinary citizens of the world are being taken for a ride by the elites. They are able to get away with this pantomime because they are aided and abetted by the global media and their international cohorts. In the future people will look back and realize they have been fooled. It is a great shame. The rich will stay rich and the poor will become poorer.
Historians will have lots to say about mass delusion, it impacted rich and poor alike, they honestly believe the end is nigh unless something tangible is done to stop it.
The scientific high priests and MSM created a monster based on shallow evidence and now that global cooling has begun, its only a matter of time before the penny drops.
I have the feeling it is the imminent cooling that has the elitists in a mad panic to get everyone signed up before it is obvious to even the most stupid that they have been had. Once the big chill comes the whole rotten edifice comes crashing down and politicians will be looking for excuses. They will most likely start throwing climate scientists under the bus for giving bad advice.
“The rich will stay rich and the poor will become poorer.”
As their ostentatious displays of wealth fill the developed world with envy, amplifying what causes them to covet the wealth earned by others and that they hope climate reparations will provide.
Take a look at this bit of theatre from Extinction Rebellion:
Never having been on a private jet, I doubt you could fit 400 of them into the Glasgow airport environs, not to mention keeping the flight crews from getting up to all kinds of hijinks, but that is just me 🙂
I read that they were hived off to Prestwick, not GLA.
Yes, they would have had to do that, burning more jet fuel to do so and again when the return to pick up their hypocrite.
I must be missing something about co2 emissions since 1970 or 1990?
Over the last 51 years the COMBINED EU + USA co2 emissions haven’t increased AT ALL.
BUT China + OTHER developing Countries emissions have SOARED and will continue at this rate until at least 2050 and India will not commit until 2070.
Why can’t these BILLIONAIRE PARTYING donkeys understand this very SIMPLE DATA and EVIDENCE?
Here’s the WIKI graph AGAIN.
And Jo deserves our thanks over the years and we hope that she is able to continue her data based crusade for a long time.
The story is that the developed world has to cut CO2 emissions to give the undeveloped nations room to catch up.
The cumulative carbon situation gives a better picture:
If you take USA as the benchmark then 330M people have used 500Gt of carbon to get where they are now – say 1515t per person. China has used 260Gt for 1390M people or 187t per person. The gap between USA and China is 1328t per person or 1845Gt total. The gap for India is even bigger per person.
Australia is not far behind USA at around 1428t. Canada is the highest at 1750t per person. That is despite a good portion of their energy coming from hydro – but it is a cold part of the globe – and winters will get colder.
You can account for it in other ways such as an annual basis but China is still a long way behind the developed world on a per capita basis. In a way the energy is cumulative. For example, much of the materials that go into vehicles can be recycled and the energy to recycle is less than the energy to make the material in the first place. USA has a significant portion of steel production from recycled steel.
China and India will gobble up a lot of fossil fuel as their economies develop over this century. Places like Australia that are resource rich will be hard pressed to defend against energy ambitions of China and India. It would be suicidal for Australia to prevent exporting fossil energy resources. I expect a global energy crunch completely independent of CO2 this century. It will likely shape during the 2030s.
‘The story is that the developed world has to cut CO2 emissions to give the undeveloped nations room to catch up.’
That is true and it makes a mockery of the whole political process if we are trying to save the planet.
Yes Rick I fully understand their silly L W nonsense but that just proves that their AIM is POLITICAL and they don’t really care about co2 emissions today and future levels in our atmosphere.
YET the past big emitters like the EU and USA haven’t increased co2 emissions for the last 51 years.
Conservation in Europe has been on the agenda since the 1970’s oil crunch. Europe has been doing more with less energy for a long time. I was surprised by the fuel prices in Europe when I first visited in the early 1980s. High efficiency turbo-diesels in lightweight vehicles have been around for a long time in Europe. Now essentially banned to be replaced by battery powered behemoths.
USA was concerned about over reliance on offshore oil in the 1970s as well and set vehicle consumption standards. CAFE standards were first introduced in the USA in 1975.
The declining carbon intensity reflects the conservation measures. In the 1970s the concept of peak oil was a serious threat.
Given the history of peak oil, it is now difficult to sustain an argument for peak fossil fuel on a supply basis but China and India have a lot of people. UK fossil fuel resources are diminished and are becoming more expensive to recover. Norway is the only European country with net oil exports – excluding Russia of course.
You may be correct however I would add that the West grew incrementally and over a long period. Nations like China did not have to develop through trial and error modern building techniques or machines but grabbed the latest model and went from there. IOW China doesn’t have to take 100s of years to catch up. It is already in space and already has nuclear energy and bombs. Likewise India and in this respect we are the ones that are still developing.
Prince Charles will no doubt be doing the social rounds holding onto the royal wine glass at his “Last Chance Saloon”, and perhaps there is a bitter irony when you consider he blew his ‘only chance’ with his marriage to Diana and his mum then gave him ‘No Chance’ of becoming king. In reality, Prince Charles is the epitome of climate change policy. They both cost the working people large sums of money and then deliver an outcome that makes everyones life even worse.
Years ago when MalEx444 wanted a Republic to rule, I voted to deny him, obviously the Queen was a better deal.
Currently the royle family is a dysfunctional horror story and completely irrelevant so it’s time to become an autonomous unit with Australian only governance.
Just what structure might be used to ensure that we don’t become a vassal state of the macronised EEU or Christie Figs U.N. or Tawdry Anhydrous’s WHO or Zi Pings China I can’t imagine: but it’s time for a new future.
I agree. The royals have drifted off into irrelevance and the younger members of the family now see themselves as a solution in search of a cause, or in the cause of Harry, a lost cause in search of a solution. What I find most concerning though, is their excursion into public commentary on political matters, such as Charles’s discussion regarding Australia’s climate change policy. Historically, the Queen remained silent on such commentary, as it would be seen as an attempt at sovereign rule interference, but now with this new march towards authoritarianism there seems a renewed appetite from the Royals to revisit the dark days when they ruled supreme.
In an amusing switcheroo, today’s celebrities are, to all intents and purposes, our real ‘royals’ – ultra rich, completely detached from ordinary citizens, glowing with superiority and completely untroubled by any real moral compass, compensating for their outrageous excesses by delivering meaningless and insincere lectures on saving the earth/children/polar bears. “I might live in obscene luxury but I am a moral leader, so that’s OK.”
Meanwhile, our actual royals are aping those celebrities by morphing into virtue-signalling crusaders themselves in order to remain relevant and steal a little of that limelight.
Penance used to require participation in a bloody crusade, a thousand-mile pilgrimage or at least a few Hail Marys. Today, for the super-rich, penance means guiding the ‘orrible plebs onto the path of righteousness.
With respect to pur Queen, I am saddened by the fact that she has allowed herself to be embroiled in this silly saga.
I suspect Charles had been whispering in her ear.
If Prince Phillip was still alive he would have said – “Lillibet, no f@@@#@g way are you going to say anything about this crap – have a gin and forget about it, let Charles make a fool of himself but you stay out of it”.
Drax to stop burning American trees.
Great reduction in oil burned by transatlantic timber shipping.
Prince of Wales delighted and sets off on his bike back to one of his homes. ( We can’t say at which of his many homes he will be parking his trusty bike.)
monopoly empire has been the major prevailing game on Earth for many centuries, also called the game of Caesars. The alternatie is moderation, wisdom, fairness, justie, truth which is not yet very popular on this fallen world. Look at your own lives. How much does nature itself, Mother Nature, count amongst your own lives? People tend to be in the rat race, pecking-order, status seeking and other nonsense called monopolization, mind-control, authoritarian presuptions. you should know by now but most people won’t choose that road that is more selfless when it gets to the nitty-gritty. Therefore most get enslaved by default to the social or society lords which are a dime a dozen–corporations, pretenders in nerly every field, hollow and half-ass types who put on a big big show but are shallow-rooted if rooted at all. Australia has a destiny but you must have great courage to persist in order to transcend your current mode and then transcend the next modde of being that you come up with. It is not the way they programed you, life really goes deeper than is usually much more simple, transparent and plain too. Straightforward, yes, common sense. But few take the true path as you are daily being shown this truth. Ponder it. You must start from your own point of awareness because that is what you have to work with fundamentally. Society is not more important than the individual. All the circuses are perhaps funny or fantastical entertainment but there is better than tht. One goes on a sort of pilgrimage, doesn’t one? When one would be one.
It is possible to declare COP26 an outstanding success already. It simply requires all atmospheric CO2 monitors to be confiscated so no one can actually measure and report on atmospheric CO2. The carbon accounting books can be cooked, as they are now, so achievements meet targets. Bill Burrows often reminds us that Australia is a massive carbon sink.
The weather will continue to do what the weather does. The barely perceptible climate change, driven by Earth’s precession cycle, will continue with oceans retaining a little more heat as the water cycle slows down; meaning continued downward trend in global river run-off but northern hemisphere rivers getting a bit more water. Summers in the northern hemisphere will be warmer but winters cooler. Expect northern hemisphere glaciers to slowly extend.
Even the clowns attending the COP26 circus cannot fail. The simple fact that CO2 has ZERO influence on Earth’s energy balance guarantees the problem is already sorted. However they can impose some really dumb economic constraints – that is the risk when you set about solving non-problems. There could very well be an energy crisis this century but random energy generators are no solution to the problem likely to emerge.
“It is possible to declare COP26 an outstanding success already. ”
Whatever else COP 26 does or doesn’t achieve, if ,and it is a very big if, the promises made by so many “leaders” to protect forests are honoured, that will be a a very significant and positive outcome. However I am not optimistic as the “leaders” will be swayed by the many who depend on forestry for their livelihood and particularly, by the money flowing into government coffers from deforestation
Forests, a completely renewable resource. From what I read, there is more forested land in the US today than there was in colonial times. They grow, are used, decompose, and grow again. Less energy to make paper from new trees than recycle. Same is true with aluminum, according to what I have read. As I haven’t done the research, I have to depend on others that have. If we can’t use trees, and we can’t use animal products (say, leather), and we can’t use petroleum products (plastic, etc.), what do we wear, or live in? Naked in mud huts. I believe man is smart enough to figure out the balance.
I’m old enough to recall the days when we had cheap electricity, and lots of industries as a result. There was a saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”. Then, in the late seventies, this was revised to, “If it ain’t broke, fix it til it is.”!! So now, we have expensive electricity, and almost no industries. This is progress?
The beginning of the end of manufacturing industry in Australia, most businesses, was after the Whitlam Labor Government signed the UN Lima Protocol/Agreement in 1975 agreeing to the transfer of businesses in manufacturing to third world/developing nations and they would supply developed nations in return.
No objection from the Union Movement.
Later, for example during the Keating Labor Government period UN Agenda 21, Sustainability, was signed and added to the many increasing reasons why manufacturing in Australia is no longer competitive apart from a few specialised products still produced here.
The climate hoax conferences and agreement to reduce emissions added to the regulations and compliance costs for businesses, increasing electricity and gas prices and much more economic vandalism.
Just from 1975 almost 46 years have passed and “the inevitability of gradualness” has worked, making promises by politicians Federal and State now laughable that they intend to support a revival of manufacturing and rebuilding national security.
AGAIN here’s the CSIRO data for co2 levels at Cape Grim Tas.
NOTE that the ENTIRE SH is a NET co2 SINK and the NH is the NET SOURCE.
See under their Seasonal variation.
NOTE the much higher decadal trends since 1977.
Don’t forget this CSIRO SH trend is lower than the NH and global trend.
Reading through their diatribe, you can plainly see the agenda, as it comes pre-loaded with references to ‘towards the Paris Agreement’, etc. Another captured advocate.
And for those not entirely happy with the COP process Neil Oliver (probably now banned from the BBC).
It should be compulsory viewing for all us serfs.
Here’s the USA govt NOAA trend for co2 1959 to 2020.
NOTE the co2 trend since 2015 COP 21 is HIGHER than 2011 to 2015 trend.
2011 to 2015( inclusive) is 2.3 ppm per year and the trend from 2016 to 2020 is 2.5 ppm per year.
Do ass we say, not ass we do…
After all their stupid lies and BS and fra-d in Glasgow we can at last check out the precise HUMAN progress( HEALTH + WEALTH) over the last 200 years.
And it only takes about 4 minutes, YET it contains 120,000 DATA points for 200 countries from 1810 to 2010.
Dr Rosling’s BBC video is a ground breaker revelation and corrects all of their IPCC IDIOCY over the last 30 years.
In fact HUMANs have never been this healthy and wealthy EVER. Population 1 bn in 1810 and 7.8 bn today in 2021.
And the world has been GREENING for the last 30+ years and all crops have increased as well.
Climate Catastrophe? What catastrophe?
Some catastrophe!!
Agriculture yields are up-
Poverty has decreased-
Life expectancy has increased-
Deaths from weather related disasters have declined-
Planet and deserts are greening from the increase in CO2-
YES Ross and Dr Rosling’s BBC video rolls all of those DATA points together for us and in just 4 minutes.
You would think even Greta could understand and surely the world’s so called scientists, but no signs of understanding so far.
Just unbelievable but true.
Do you suppose these Elites even think they live on the same planet as the rest of us?
Billionaire Jeff Bezos and girlfriend Lauren Sanchez flew by private jet to discuss climate change with Prince Charles over a cup of tea on the eve of Cop26 – days after he and 50 guests flew choppers to Bill Gates’ superyacht birthday
No need for apostrophe in para 2: PM’s; rather: PMs. Just helpin’.
PM Trudeau is vaccinated but is wearing a mask in that photo.
If vaccines work, why is he wearing a mask?
And if masks work, why did he get the vaccine?
Referendums these days could be so easy. In fact, there should be a referendums on nearly all aspects of important new legislation or policy like Net Zero for example. Depending on the importance of the legislation a varying number or people on the electoral roll could be randomly selected and sent a limited series of questions with for/against arguments summarised to no more than A4 page each. Then, the answers compiled online via a secure network. Politicians can’t be trusted to gauge the feelings of their electorate any more. Their views on most subjects appear to be skewed by either party politics or the ideological leanings of their advisors. The present referendum system is too old, clunky, cumbersome.
..”a secure network”
Surely you jest.
“Their views on most subjects appear to be skewed by either party politics or the ideological leanings of their advisors.”
Surely you jest again! They now just forge ahead and ignore whatever a referendum may say. I remember way back when NZ actually had some, and it was obvious that all the ones the parasites would lose were ‘non-binding’.. The irrelevant ones would be binding. The whole vote on MMP was a crock of shit, they knew what they wanted and made sure we had no say!
Technology has given us the means to assess the public opinion at any level, from your local Council to the UN, but no-one wants it and if pressed, it is easily corrupted. An even more important question would be..’With modern technology, why do we even need leaders?? ..or a Govt at all??’
GBNews with Neil Oliver opinion about the unfair COP26 —
And, on a more serious note, I note that the concern for unborn children fits poorly with the USA’s record for slaughtering them. What is it, about 62 million (more African-American than Caucasian) since Roe v Wade!
Hanlon’s razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”.
Can they all be that stupid?
“Build back better” features again and China didnt show up.
Brenda, China couldn’t care less and they have energy problems to worry about.
And winter is just a month away and if it is severe they’ll need all their luck to get them through.
I don’t have any sympathy with their vile CCP, but I do have sympathy for their sick, elderly and poor people and particularly out in the regional areas.
Check out how many physicists and engineers were invited to COP26. These are the people who have to deliver the magic. Any honest engineer among them who had independent means would simply say it is first rate chist. Those who livelihoods depend on the “transition” will be jumping with joy. As long as the world insist that an unsustainable path is sustainable, engineers who go along with the false premise will be well rewarded.
The problem is the education system in the developed would is now a misnomer. It is a system of propaganda where consensus rules and mediocrity gets the reward. How bent is any individual to make claims about 97% agree when it comes to science.
I was saddened to hear the Queen give credence to the first order chist that burning fossil fuels alters earth’s energy balance. The concept is so far fetched and yet it has gained immense credibility. I can understand why the church was held in such high esteem in the Middle Ages.
The above link has additional links to show where these figures came from.
Also of interest may be that Guido Fawkes points up ‘COP A THRILL! GLASGOW CONFERENCE DELEGATES BRING BONANZA FOR HOOKERS’
More at
What does a Scottish hooker wear under her kilt?
Why ask me?
Q: “Is anything worn under the kilt?”
Spike Milligan: “Nae – it’s all in purrfect working orrder!”
It is interesting that China and Russia did not show up to COP26 farce. Biden is as well informed about climate change/science and the green scams as is Greta.
The green scams and forced shutdown of the hydrocarbon industry can only make electricity very expensive and unreliable. It is impossible to get to zero carbon emissions using the green scams.
China and Russia are not going to destroy their economies and countries for no gain.
“COP26 is a sad indication of Biden’s failure to grasp or accept real-world realities,” Milloy told Fox News.
“China wants to be the lone global superpower by 2049. Russia wants to get Europe hooked on its natural gas. So neither country has any interest in hamstringing its own economy with destructive climate regulations.”
“Rather, Xi and Putin seem have taken to heart the Napoleonic principle of never interfering with your opponent while he is in the process of destroying himself, which is exactly what the U.S. and Europe are doing with their suicidal embrace of climate idiocy,” Milloy added.”
Part of the problem is that nearly all politicians and public serpents are scientifically illiterate.
Those “scientists” who should know better and could theoretically give proper advice, all work for government or academia and in Australia (and most other countries) are afraid to say anything beyond official dogma lest they be defunded or sacked.
“public serpents”
It is the slithering that is particularly noticeable.
Politicians chose to ignore simple facts. Ignoring simple facts is different than not understanding the science.
China emits more CO2 the top five CO2 emitters in the world. See BBC graph which shows even if the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and so on (Developed) countries could get to zero emissions it will make no difference unless China agrees to mutual economic suicide/mass starvation by trying to power their countries using the green scams.
The above comment of course ignores the fact that planetary temperature does not correlate with CO2 levels in the deep paleo record which is one of a dozen observations that indicates the CAGW theory is completely incorrect. And the rise in CO2 does not correlate with human emissions. i.e. All of the CAGW ‘science’ is fake.
These disgusting creeps are openly spitting in our faces. How anyone with half a brain could listen to a word they say from their palaces and mansions, is beyond me.
Why are they not eliminating their own MASSIVE carbon footprints to demonstrate what a serious problem ‘climate change’ or ‘global warming’ or ‘whatever the latest catchphrase because the previous one didn’t eventuate’ is?
I just posted this at WUWT in response to a new theory about the dreaded climate crisis.
Their theory is just more BS and fra-d.
Our poorest continent Africa’s (53 countries) population 1970 was just 363 million and life expectancy 46, but today pop is 1370 million and life exp is 63.
The global pop in 1970 was 3.7 billion and life exp 56.5, YET today pop is 7.8 billion and global life exp is 73.
And much higher in wealthy OECD countries. When will these donkeys WAKE UP?
The warnings are dire and grave,
A world ending climate heat wave,
So the greens and left-wing,
Have a wild Scottish fling,
As elites jet in for the rave.
ENERGY FAIL Three more energy firms go into administration hitting 23,000 customers
THREE more energy providers have collapsed leaving 23,000 more customers in the dark.
Omni Energy, Ampoweruk and Zebra Power have all ceased trading.
A fourth firm, MA Energy, also ceased trading this afternoon – it serves businesses rather than households, however.
Ofgem confirmed today that the businesses have collapsed.
Omni Energy supplies around 6,000 domestic pre-payment customers, MA Energy around 300 non-domestic customers, Zebra Power serves around 14,800 households and Ampoweruk around 600 domestic and 2,000 non-domestic customers.
It means a total of 17 suppliers have now collapsed since the beginning of September alone.
The failures have left more than 2 million customers in the lurch.
Justina, Miltienyte, energy policy expert at Uswitch, said: “This is another hammer blow for the UK energy market.”
It comes just days warnings that Bulb is at risk of going bust.
The firm is the sixth largest provider in the UK, with around 1.7 million customers.
Ofgem reassured customers that they would not be left without an energy supplier.
Under its safety net guarantee, a new energy firm will automatically be appointed to you.
It said an “unprecedented increase in global gas prices which is putting financial pressure on suppliers” is being the string of collapses.
It added: “Ofgem is working closely with government and industry to make sure customers continue to be protected this winter.”
But millions of households are already seeing their energy bills go up and are concerned that more failing providers could see prices rise further.
Indeed, some families struggling with the cost of living crisis face the choice between heating and eating this winter.
Article in The Courier Mail today includes “…Twiggy called for Australia to drop fossil fuel subsidies to level the playing field with emerging renewable energy sources such as green hydrogen.”
Just what subsidies does he refer to?
Gov subsidies and tax breaks, $10 M in last FY alone.
The facts are there if you want to look.
This comment was fact chekked at 8:12 aedst Nov 4 and found to be clear of facts.
Chekkers private assessment; Rubbish.
Its your fantasy.
You show us the data and facts…
…. or not!.
Wow! If true, that would be 40 cents per Australian citizen! Scandalous!!!
A $10M dollar fantasy subsidy to an industry that provides billions to the Australian economy…
ie.. even if real, would be a pittance.
… and return of paid fuel road tax is not a subsidy.
What subsidies does he refer to? An excellent question and one he will never be asked by anybody in a position to publicize the answer.
I understand that he specifically mentioned fuel excise/tax rebates and that the mining industry is according to him the recipient of most of the rebated monies.
Fuel excise is for road maintenance and off-road applications are refunded as part of company tax concessions for expenses incurred in earning taxable income/profit.
Only the Greens and fellow travellers claim fuel excise (and other tax concessions) are subsidies as they attempt to justify specific subsidy for profit governments pay to renewables industry businesses.
Interesting that Mr Forest would use that argument given that he has substantial investment in the mining sector, but on the other hand he is lobbying for government/taxpayer funding support for his new world hydrogen fuel research and development.
Thank you Dennis. I thought it was some dodgy bit of accounting like that.
Whereas the subsidies for the ruinable energy are truly straight out of our taxpayers’ pockets. They are the ones that should be dropped to level the playing field, and there could be even more ‘levelling’ by reducing the royalties on mining.
You’re welcome, add agriculture as another major sector that uses a lot of liquid fossil fuel off-road and accordingly have a right to claim rebate of the fuel levy/tax.
And away from the electricity grids Diesel Generators supply electricity to mine sites, roadhouses, pastoral properties and others, off-road application.
Forrest’s error in this regard is one of the things causing Fortescue share prices to plummet.
No wonder he is looking for a new horse to back.
[wee edit. – LVA]
Crazy stuff!
A report produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London for the UK Government reveals that all airports will be ordered to close, eating beef and lamb will be made illegal, and construction of new buildings will not be permitted in order to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050.
The report states that all airports must close between 2020 and 2029 excluding Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast airports, which can only stay open on the condition that transfers to and from the airport are done via rail.
All remaining airports must then close between 2030 and 2049 as to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050 every citizen of the United Kingdom must “stop using aeroplanes” for a significant period of time.
In addition, the report states that to obey the law of the Climate Change Act the public will be required to stop doing anything that causes emissions regardless of its energy source. According to the report this will require the public to never eat beef or lamb ever again.
To do this national consumption of beef and lamb will drop by 50% between 2020 and 2029. Then between 2030 and 2049 beef and lamb will be “phased out”.
The report was published in 2019 before covid-19 !
“… eating beef and lamb will be made illegal,…”
Proof positive that they are they enemy!
Note added in proof…×1000/products/496/420/beefeater-gin-1__02890.1333127148.jpg?c=2
~94 proof.
Sorry to our friends in the UK and two of my children living there but … my machiavellian instincts say go right ahead. God bless the good ship UK and all who sail in her.
I think the quote you want ends in “and all who sink in her”
Just last night I watched a doco on War Factories and I was amazed how the Brits outproduced Germany during the whole of the war. The Merlin engine and the aircraft it powered was brilliant technology but just part of it. England was the home of the industrial revolution after all.
Being Aussie I’m aware of and appreciate the massive production and sacrifice of the US in the Pacific, but they never had a factory bombed.
My politics has hardened, I now believe that democracies cannot simply vote out a bad government and fix it in the next few years. Labour governments in Britain after the war did more damage than H!tler did. H!tler never broke the famous British spirit, labour did.
God save America. The elites won’t.
For a nation, voting in a leftist government it is akin to stepping on a landmine, you survive, but you never run again. I am old enough to remember Whitlam, our bloated, overpaid PS is his doing and it will never be changed. The US is crippled beyond saving after just 9 months of Biden and they have no fall back strategy such as denying supply as we do in a more civilised country.
Agreed. It is not possible to fix bad administrative government even if you manage to vote out the politicians.
It’s déjà vu all over again …
Oct, 2009, Copenhagen [global warming] talks are last chance, says Gordon Brown
Nov 1, 2021: Gordon Brown; global warming talks are last chance
Then we have green Boris declaring the sky is falling and it is doomsday!
It really is the worst apocalypse. Ever.
I wonder if they could get an aerial shot of the parking lot for the aircraft flown in for this conference.
That would be one telling image.
Most would have flown in and flown out after the passengers disembarked, remember the last trip by our PM as a guest to the G7 and his RAAF Airbus A320 landing a couple of hundred miles from the venue and he and his people were driven to the Meeting venue.
And the media criticised them for stopping for a pub lunch and for him to briefly visit a cemetery where ancestors are buried? How dare they.
The latest media beta up for the G20 Meeting was the claim that no leader wanted to shake his hand. That is not a new media spin story just a different location and time.
COP26: Liz Truss defends 400 jets flying to climate summit as it is ‘really important’ to meet face to face
Planes arriving for the conference will generate 13,000 tonnes of CO2
Good luck with the face to face thing.
When sports teams want to do it they line up in opposite directions so every player in each time can shake hands with every player in the other team.
Perhaps the 20,000 attendees could divide into two conga lines of 10,000 each and try the same thing. At one handshake per second it would take less than two hours. That would take care of half the face to face meeting.
And to do the whole thing is only 20,000C2 = 199,980,000 or just under 200 million handshakes. That may take some time.
Perhaps it is only important for some of the participants to meet face to face.
” it is ‘really important’ to meet face to face”
Fking laughable! Half of them won’t speak the same language as the other half!
I suppose Aussie will be throwing millions of dollars around bribing people to get the next one down here so we can get royally reamed for the cost of all these clowns! Why don’t they run it like any real conference in the real world, you buy a ticket that covers all expenses and makes a profit for the organisers.
Cop26 is a paradise for plane spotters as world leaders land in Scotland
However, the past few days have been among the most exhilarating of his life as 400 private jets ferrying world leaders and dignitaries to Cop26 landed in Scotland.
Okay, all you plane spotters out there.
The image in the (top) tweet about Jeff Bezos shows a Gulfstream G800.
It must be great to have that much money that you can pre-order one of those, and they’re (around) $100 Million (in AUD)
They were only released last Month (October 2021) so obviously, Bezos might be the first owner of one of these, eh!
And you can bet he asked for a few extras as well.
Here’s the link. (scroll down from the video at the top for details)
I wonder what $100 Mill would do for Climate Change.
Neither more nor less than $10 trillion.
Does Amazon sell them? 😉
Former POTUS Trump was quoted as saying that he was not interested in Gulfstream executive jets, they are too common in the business community.
He has a Boeing 757 narrow body executive jet that has a custom made interior and other specifications such as jet engines.
By the way, the RAAF is taking delivery of several Gulfstream military version jets equipped for surveillance patrols.
The next party is in Egypt.
1 1995: COP 1, Berlin, Germany
2 1996: COP 2, Geneva, Switzerland
3 1997: COP 3, Kyoto, Japan
4 1998: COP 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina
5 1999: COP 5, Bonn, Germany
6 2000: COP 6, The Hague, Netherlands
7 2001: COP 6, Bonn, Germany
8 2001: COP 7, Marrakech, Morocco
9 2002: COP 8, New Delhi, India
10 2003: COP 9, Milan, Italy
11 2004: COP 10, Buenos Aires, Argentina
12 2005: COP 11/CMP 1, Montreal, Canada
13 2006: COP 12/CMP 2, Nairobi, Kenya
14 2007: COP 13/CMP 3, Bali, Indonesia
15 2008: COP 14/CMP 4, Poznań, Poland
16 2009: COP 15/CMP 5, Copenhagen, Denmark
17 2010: COP 16/CMP 6, Cancún, Mexico
18 2011: COP 17/CMP 7, Durban, South Africa
19 2012: COP 18/CMP 8, Doha, Qatar
20 2013: COP 19/CMP 9, Warsaw, Poland
21 2014: COP 20/CMP 10, Lima, Peru
22 2015: COP 21/CMP 11, Paris, France
23 2016: COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1, Marrakech, Morocco
24 2017: COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1-2, Bonn, Germany
25 2018: COP 24/CMP 14/CMA 1-3, Katowice, Poland
26 2019: SB50, Bonn, Germany
27 2019: COP 25/CMP 15/CMA 2, Madrid, Spain
28 2021: COP 26/CMP 16/CMA 3, Glasgow, United Kingdom
29 2022: COP 27, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
30 2023: COP 28, [Asia]
CAIRO – 2 October 2021: US Climate Envoy John Kerry revealed that Egypt has been already chosen as the nominee to host the next session of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 27) in 2022. It will take place at the luxury resorts of Sharm El-Sheikh at the Red Sea.
Carl Deconinck:
‘The high mass of the climate religion will take place in Glasgow this year. COP26. 30,000 believers come to Scotland from all over the world to swear expensive oaths in the name of the sacred fight against CO2. The invisible enemy. And there is quite a bit of hypocrisy here.
The most important attendee is US president Joe Biden. He is coming with 800 employees and a fleet of 85 cars and 4 aircraft. Together they emit enough CO2 to make you think they are aiming for global warming. The American president has a lot to make up for internationally after he left all his allies with the disaster he created in Afghanistan.The American citizens will soon be requiered to open up their wallets again.
And the latter is the common thread of just about everything around climate. Vague promises about relative changes in the future. The most important thing that will change concretely are higher taxes and taxes for the citizen. And above all, a climate of fear to live in.
an example of a luxury resort:
Experience world-class service at Four Seasons Resort Sharm El Sheikh
Four Seasons Resort is a hillside Red Sea diving resort set in Sharm El Sheikh. It boasts 4 pools, 5 restaurants, 3 lounges and a spa. Guests can also benefit from the snorkeling and diving activities available on site.
All accommodation at Four Seasons feature a balcony or terrace with views of the Red Sea, the garden and the resort. Each room offers a seating area with a flat-screen TV and a minibar. The villa includes a private pool with a sun-lounger terrace.
(Who is paying for all these holidays?….)
Why not have a COP26 holiday in Australia?
Afterall, there are few countries as committed to the anthropogenic global warming fraud as Australia is.
Surely Australia should be rewarded for its wokeness?
Good idea. For good measure they can fly to central Australia and form a conga line around Ayers Rock.
Or should that be several concentric circles of conga lines?
Well Australia, the IPCC and fellow travellers won’t admit it, well exceeded the Kyoto Agreement emissions target and earned credits the IPCC now won’t permit to be applied to the Paris Agreement target for 2030.
And Australia is on track to meet or exceed the Paris target by 2030.
Despite being one of a small minority of nations that signed Kyoto and Paris agreements and targets and succeeded.
Egypt, the delegates must visit the Sphinx and be escorted by qualified people who can explain the dating back to circa 15,000 years based on the earlier high rainfall periods that eroded the top areas, and the climate changing gradually thereafter to form the present desert conditions.
I heard this morning that they have produced an agreement at cop26 to reduce methane emissions.
A lot of countries already signed up, no surprises there. They intend to target the oil and gas industries amongst other things with more restrictions and presumably taxes. Apparently some Canadian satellite has been identifing methane emitting sites around the world. Claim is that methane is responsible for 30% of global warming emissions. What effect on these industries can we expect?
I wonder if that satellite picks up methane emissions from termite mounds- the other huge contributor? Methane as an important GHG was debunked back in the 90’s. You measure it in ppb and I think it’s get to about 2ppm max. I cant believe it is now considered important again- cow burps for goodness sake.
oh well dairy farming will have to take a hit wouldn’t it? Or will they leave that down the road a bit ? Dairy farmers I know are apathetic about this stuff. There’s some people pushing some seaweed to feed the cows to fart less Ive noticed from the side of my eye, never looked more into it. If they’re told to feed it to the cows the farmers will readily do as they’re told. I find they’re like that these days.
ps, re the above I noticed there was no mention of methane as a result of the Siberian permafrost emissions . .
Now why do the ridiculously rich not condemn Bitcoin? This crypto currency is completely unnecessary and consumes 81.5Terawatt hours creating something which does not exist and the world does not need. And it’s not the only one.
That puts it as #39 in the UN list of countries as an electricity consumer. It is 33% of Australia’s entire consumption of 264 Terawatt hours, more than Austria or Venezuela.
But it’s all above saving those trees? Except coal and gas and oil already did that and continues to do that with coke and fertilizer and plastics and ultra clean power, unless carbon dioxide is now a legal pollutant? Which means Prince Charles is a major polluter and all his family. And every living thing on earth as carbon dioxide powers all living things. No carbon dioxide, no life.
And what country is raging against the complete waste of crypto currencies? After all most currencies trade in invisible tokens now, so this is pure indulgence and more appropriate to the black web, the drug market, trade in weapons and laundering of money. Or is that a complete explanation?
What’s Greta’s stand on Crypto currencies? Or Bill Gates? Or Jeff Bezos? And how many other completely wasteful ventures are there in the bloated world of computers creating trillionaires?
And what master of science decided that the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the world in 1850 was the perfect amount for all life on earth, the perfect climate, the perfect balance? And that’s assuming, beyond all science, that we control the amount of CO2 in the air and not the vast oceans in which 98% of all CO2 is dissolved? It’s like a medieval religion. And the chance that 0.025% CO2 was perfect is likely zero. It was the depth of the Little Ice Age and people want to go back?
Amazingly, all the Leftists are defending the extensive private jet aircraft use at COP26 while simultaneously expecting the rest of us to walk, cycle or take the bus.
The hypocrisy is staggering.
And in an internet world, why do they need to meet anyway and the rest of us cannot fly and have to use Zoom? Zimbabwe sent 100 people. Or is it all behind closed doors and if so, what are they really talking about? It’s always about money. Take the French. Please.
With 20,000 participants on Zoom you are going to need a bigger screen.
But most of them are just there to watch, have fun and waste taxpayer money. They do nothing useful so don’t need to be seen.
Only important, informed and competent people get to speak. Like Greta.
This Greta?
The EU Central Government has quarantined private executive jets from carbon or emissions tax that commercial aircraft are levied.
Looking after like minded high wealth fellow travellers.
Luc Nagels: ‘The Taliban now control ores that feed the green energy.
Rare earths: a toxic gift
The US and the West are making way for the Taliban, who thereby gain the prospect of a more halal source of solid income. Why do they do that?
Cost-benefit analysis too high
One of the reasons is that the American and European companies do not see how to get the raw ores from a closed Afghanistan surrounded by their enemies. In Congo you get mineral ores in record time and on a continuous flow to important seaports. Provided, of course, with the support of mercenary armies.
A way of working that applies just as well to European, Chinese and American companies. That doesn’t work in Afghanistan – the Taliban guerrillas are tougher than mercenaries. The result: in Afghanistan, the cost-benefit analysis is too high for the US and for world investors.
The cost of the war already amounted to 1000 billion dollars, as much as the estimated value of the strategic rare earths. Not only transport, but also the chemistry of the extraction of the rare earth metals for the ‘green’ energy sector is problematic.
In Mendeleev’s table, there are 17 rare earths sitting nicely next to each other, with names that are publicly little known. Also for chemists were neodymium, disprosium etc… a few decades ago, exotics that did not occur in our lab with thousands of chemicals. Now there is half a ton of neodymium and dysprosium in a windmill and kilos in some electric vehicles. China now knows something about rare earth metals, and also about the now highly sought-after metals lithium and cobalt.
The US imported 80% of its rare earths from China in 2019, and Europe… 98%. China has also built up stocks of lithium and cobalt. Your next electric vehicle, solar panel, windmill, smartphone… will therefore contain rare earth metals, cobalt and lithium from China. And will also be largely made there. China was very quick to invite the Taliban leadership. Now let’s see how they get those Afghan ores.
Major ecological damage:
In order to mine rare earth metals, the mining industry needs water to make an initial enrichment of the ores ground into powder. The first steps before transport in the extraction of cobalt and lithium also require water. And there is no such thing in Afghanistan. 80% of the population lives from agriculture, and the lack of water has already largely caused the enormous internal conflicts there. Add to that the fact that the enrichment process for ores in addition to water still needs heaps of aggressive chemicals, so that great ecological damage will be caused in a country where fauna and flora have already been decimated.
‘That is also the case in China, but the Western customer prefers not to see that. US company Molycorp does not want to compete, because the ecological damage would be immense. Rare earth metals are not rare, but are scattered among other minerals. If you want to do it cleaner than China, it will become much more expensive. The Taliban faces a new, this time chemical enemy. Afghanistan could then go down the path of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Many young people for little economic activity
Just like in Congo, there are many young people in Afghanistan for little economic activity. They are in a Malthusian trap. Economists wring their hands, because people are one of their ingredients. In Congo, about 10 million people depend on the ‘artisanal’ cobalt industry. The second largest source of work, after agriculture. There is little difference in working conditions and methods in companies or in artisanal forms. Belgian researchers underline: extracting cobalt in DR Congo is not sustainable. But compared to the mining and processing of rare earths and lithium, the mining of cobalt is still very clean work.
So the Taliban will soon control a country that contains forward-looking riches. The metals for the ‘sustainable’ energy sector are currently being mined at other locations in miserable conditions for people and the environment. So they are a poisonous gift. Fortunately, many of these metals are partially recyclable from a number of products. Afghanistan will also be recycled in the coming months.’
Excellent Catherine. Good read.
Join the dots ; The precipitate “US withdrawal”, the “eco-crisis”, rearrangement of the global political deckchairs…..
It is NOT pretty.
As per the drill: FOLLOW THE MONEY! (And the “power”)
China wants world to pay for net zero as India demands $US1 trillion
Geoff Chambers Chief Political Correspondent Glasgow
India and China have called on advanced economies to provide up to $US1 trillion ($1.33 trillion) now for developing countries to reduce emissions, rejected 2050 net-zero targets and offered no firm commitments to phase out coal-fired power at the Glasgow climate summit.
Delivering Australia’s national statement at COP26 in Glasgow, the Prime Minister said global momentum to tackle climate change was building and driving down emissions could be achieved without imposing economy wrecking policies.
Mr Johnson, Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron had hoped to use the UN conference as a launching pad for a new era of ambitious global co-operation on climate change, but failed to win the support of the world’s biggest emitters including India, China, Brazil and Russia. In his keynote speech, Mr Johnson told more than 120 leaders and representatives of 191 countries that humanity had “long since run down the clock” on climate change.
“It’s one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock and we need to act now,” the British Prime Minister said.
After the US President criticised China and Russia for snubbing the G20 and COP26 summits, Chinese President Xi Jinping was allowed to provide a written statement outlining Beijing’s climate change agenda.
In a message without any new commitments, Mr Xi told world leaders to “govern by reality” and boost support for developing nations, referencing an $US100bn-a-year pledge made by advanced economies in 2009 to support the global net-zero transition.
Mr Xi, who submitted a video message to the conference, acknowledged the adverse effects of climate change were increasingly apparent. But he did not provide any detail on how the world’s biggest polluter and coal-fired power consumer would meet its 2060 net-zero target and reduce its peak emissions, which make up more than a quarter of the globe’s total carbon output, by 2030. He said countries should take a pragmatic approach “in accordance with national conditions”, adding that “developed countries must not only do more themselves, but also provide support for developing countries to do better’’.
Mr Modi – who led a G20 revolt against British, American and French attempts to insert ambitious targets around coal, methane emissions and net zero goals – also ramped up pressure for advanced countries to scale up their support for developing nations to $1 trillion “as soon as possible”.
Look at them all, standing together, spreading the virus.
My virus management scheme now focuses on avoiding the vaccinated, as they are the ones suddenly very active and taking zero precautions, bumping into each other, running around mingling and coughing in each others throats, the highest risk group of having the virus.
Surely they are wearing condoms instead. As the proverbial Irishman might say, wear two, to be sure to be sure.
It’s Scotland, so Jimmy Hats.
Boris says COP26 is ‘snipping the wires of the climate change doomsday device‘
I though COP26 was the doomsday device.
Certainly going to wreck the world if anything is decided during it.
And yes, Boris, we would all love to snip the wires of that climate change doomsday device.
Make all the CC nonsense inoperable.
clarence.t and others,
It seems several contributors are not aware of the truly astonishing success of the populism practiced by Boris Johnson.
He makes many promises but almost always fails to deliver them.
He spouts blatant falsehoods and people laugh.
He often does things that make him look “silly” and people laugh some more.
He probably will fail to get “Net Zero” but so what? He failed to get Brexit done.
Please remember that when he failed to ‘railroad’ Parliament he prorogued (i.e. disbanded) Parliament. Hence, were it not for the Courts and the Crown the UK would now be a dictatorship ruled by Boris and the Cabinet he has appointed.
But Boris Johnson still maintains much public support.
Please do not underestimate Boris Johnson. He is a buffoon but he is a successful and dangerous buffoon who uses his buffoonery to advantage.
Leaders should be feared when they maintain support after having burned the Reichstag or prorogued Parliament in attempt to get their own way.
Hi, I’m here again. I think by now if your not reading the info trail I’ve laid out in some posts here. You have not been told or unaware.
Watch this!
Senator Johnson just held the first US forum against mandates… Warning what you will watch here is very distressing.
You know how us wee folk are encouraged to atone for our sins (i.e. once a year overseas holiday) by buying carbon offsets or baby trees? Well maybe AGW works the same way, i.e. the rich can buy indulgences that allow them to keep the Chablis chilled to perfection on their mega yacht by persuading a hundred plebs to eat more lettuce.
I wonder how many plebs have to shiver through a northern hemisphere winter to balance out a month of caviar and champers on your private island in the Caribbean?
well I confronted Ian Thorpe about his flying habits and his co2 preaching, and he replied he offsets his travel, so its all good. Small price on the ticket. So I said, good, if its that easy to fix, then whats the problem ?
My risk management involved turning the TV off, literally cured the virus with the press of a button.
The rest of what you complain about is their choice, their right.
Reply to Philip #39
‘ as he hails deals to end ‘great chainsaw massacre’ of forests ”
I assume this means Drax Power station will be closed.
[Chainsaws are so last century.]×623.jpg
As if the staggering Leftist hypocrisy of flying to the conference by private jets wasn’t enough, it is not compulsory for delegates to be vaccinated for covid. (It is only recommended.)
In contrast, many of the places the delegates come from much as parts of Australia and the US must be vaxxed in order to keep their jobs Or participate in other aspects of life.
You can see a picture of a few of the COP26 private jets here:
Bezos Leads Parade Of 400 Private Jets To COP26 With $65M Gulfstream As Greta Accuses Leaders Of BetrayalBY TYLER DURDENIt seems the world’s elite just can’t stop ruining childhoods.
According to the Daily Mail, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos ‘has led a 400-strong parade of private jets into COP25,’ which includes Prince Albert of Monaco, tons of other royals, and dozens of “green” CEOs – creating a giant traffic jam which required empty planes to fly 30 miles away to ‘nearby’ Prestwick to find parking.
Mining billionaire and environmentalist Twiggy Forrest also flew into Scotland on his private jet as did Amazon boss Jeff Bezos in his…..
Did “Greta” sail there in a Viking long boat?
In fairness to Greta, she is probably one of the the only ones there that didn’t arrive by private jet.
She took a train from London, although I’m not sure how she got to London.
I believe she walked.
Watch you don’t fall foul of the Center for Countering Digital Hate:
‘Super polluters’: the top 10 publishers denying the climate crisis on Facebook.
Another COP: it’s Groundhog Day!
[…] JoNova; UK PM Boris Johnson has claimed COP26 is “snipping the wires on the climate doomsday […]
And the utter stupidity and anti-science that is climate-crystal-ball-gazing, continues unabated..
Australia is dooooomed, I tell yas !!!!
Perth, for instance with a mean of around 64.4F must be uninhabitable.
And poor Brisbane, 68F mean annual temp.. doomed !!
How do papers like this ever get published ?
Never a jihadist around with a couple of Stingers when you direly need them, nor a packed pressure cooker ready to feed the almighty.
With all of the globalist criminals in one spot it would be very tempting but you can be certain that the security there would make even POTUS security look anaemic. I have to admit that looking at the images makes me feel ill. The arrogance of this rort alone and their smug certainty of total global control is areal emetic.
Of course, it would never happen in RL as old Abdul is on the same side as them but like the communist antifa/blm/ green lunatics, he has no idea that he is just another useful idiot, and less of an idea as to what it will mean to his descendants, that is, if he is still capable of producing such.
I await their MSM comments as they chortle over just how easy it all was.
The images coming out from this romp are nauseating
“The arrogance of this rort alone and their smug certainty of total global control is areal emetic.”
Yes Will Epicac syrup on steroids.
“Never a jihadist around with a couple of Stingers when you direly need them, nor a packed pressure cooker ready to feed the almighty. ”
Ain’t that the truth! In fact the total lack of such when the high and mighty meet, compared to a collection of the hoi polloi who get blown to bits with abandon, makes me suspicious the jihadists and the high & mighty are tarred to the same brush.
“The Medieval Carnival of Weather Control in Glasgow is a pompous extravaganza of narcissists spending other people’s money to dress themselves in Saintly Green Glory.”
Lovely line Jo!
So full of themselves.
‘The President of the European Commission has reportedly flown aboard a private jet on 18 out of her 34 official trips since taking up office in December 2019. Among those trips was reportedly a brief, 31-mile flight from Vienna to Bratislava, which would have taken just over an hour by train. The EU official has now been accused of contributing to a “climate disaster”, despite her commitments to slashing planet-warming greenhouse emissions across Europe.’ (The Express)
Hell, you can almost see Vienna from Bratislava (if, say, you’re in the Castle).
And given the time to get to and from the airports it may well have been quicker by train.
Or she could have roared down the Danube in a speedboat.
Nice place Bratislava, interesting statues there e.g.
Gee those faces look familiar aren’t they the same people I’ve seen pushing the COVID fear porn industry?
Bunch of lying, globalist, corrupt, criminal tossers or are they our trusted saviours?
Lying about one thing and truth tellers of the other.
Just when I thought things could not make any less sense, things make less sense.
Hard to follow you lot.
Greta is very innocent and naive going to COP26 by train.
It’s only a matter of time before the Elites teach her what it’s really all about and she travels by private jet like the rest of them…
If we think of evil as that which works against the coomon good then there is no doubt that the world is beset by evil. This is exemplified by the climate change scam and the denial of cheap and effective treatments for Covid 19.
I was reminded recently of what Dietrich Bonhoffer said in relation to stupidity and that is that stupidity is even worse than evil. I would say that willful stupidity amplifies evil. We, no not we, but our so-called leaders, are in the grip of a cult of stupidity which totally obliterates goodness and truth.
In leaders I include our future king, the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury and most members of Anglosphere governments, not to mention business rent-seekers and academeics who should know better.
I thank Jo for her tremendous work in exposing the rubbish to which decent people are being subjected.
Common good and academics
It seems Zimbabwe has sent 100 people to the COP26 conference on excessive consumption. This includes the President for the first visit in decades and Zimbabwe wants to rejoin the Commonwealth. And they bought a huge amount of alcohol at COSTCO. It’s party time in Glasgow. They are all very concerned about Climate Change.
Note to the glitterati: Hypocrisy is NOT a good look.
Neither is hysteria.
Yes; they act out and endorse both of those behaviors.
Doom of possible coming cooling for Europe:
How a Wayward Arctic Current Could Cool the Climate in Europe
Only NASA would say the earth’s atmosphere was the most important driver of world climates. It is their field of expertise, the atmosphere. However with only 1/1400th of the energy of the oceans and transparent with no ability to hold energy for even a day, it is irrelevant. All climates are controlled by currents like the Beaufort Gyre, the Gulf Stream, El Nino, La Nina, the Humboldt current, the Indian Dipole to name a few. And at 3.5km deep, like the giant iceblocks of Antarctica and Greenland, the massive storage is fully self insulated.
All rain comes from the oceans, all the weather, clouds, ice, snow. All the rivers and lakes. And without them, even the Meditteranean would be dry. The atmosphere is just a transport mechanism, not a cause. The atmosphere can change temperature in minutes, but not the water. Clouds of water are far more important than the atmosphere itself. Compare a clear night and a cloudy one. And millions of sq miles of winter ice and snow, which melt every year. It is a water planet and we all live is made from Carbon Dioxide and water.
The very idea that the tiny thin atmosphere actually controls our climates is a total furphy, invented by NASA and pushed by the UN in cooperation with the World Meterological Society which created the IPCC in 1988 for fame and fortune. And like NASA, the IPCC is a self justifying totally political organization. It’s in the name, CC, man made ‘Climate Change. CO2 is just the silly story but the only one they could invent and now they are talking of the air changing major ocean currents like the Gulf stream.
After 33 years of engineered panic, CO2 driven rapidly rising tipping point temperatures is obviously not true. Ask anyone. Where has the Climate Changed in those 33 years? Nowhere. Satellites have shown no change in world temperature other than noise. The demise of the Polar Bears was just another mad convenient invention lacking any data at all. Those poor things are fine and the sea ice extent is perfectly normal, the surest measure of average temperature over the century.
The attendees at COP26 know it of course, with perhaps the exception of the Royals who are happy to promote themselves and play dress ups. But Climate Change is the greatest money source in history, causes mass damage to Western economies and makes the Masters of the Universe even richer, bettered only by a man made pandemic.
Outside Davos, this is the biggest collection of monied people and world politicians in the world. Who would miss the biggest Save the Planet party in history? China has no intention of saving the planet, quite the opposite. The CCP has other ideas.
I am sure I know the major topic of conversation though over drinks and canapes. Why Glasgow in winter?
And I have to add, because it can be proven, that CO2 levels are not man made anyway. They are controlled by ocean surface temperature and Henry’s Law, nothing else. And now it is becoming very obvious as even NASA has to push the idea the oceans ‘stole’ the warming instead of the obvious conclusion that CO2 is a result of ocean warming, not warming a result of CO2. If correlation was causation, surely warming drives CO2? And for that we have simple science.
COP 26 = SIT 26 (SIT = Snouts in Troughs). When you see 25000 + Delegates attending this monstrosity, you know that the “haves” are ruling the world, at the expense of the “have nots”, a large percentage of whom don’t have electricity or running water. The delegates at COP 26 do not care what happens to the world, as long as their lobbying can gain them $$$$$$. COP 26 defines the NEW CAPITALISM, instigated by trash such as Al Gore and Michael Mann. God help the future of our planet.
[…] so.” Such is the hype surrounding Global Warming 26.0, otherwise known as COP 26 Glasgow, as billionaires and plutocrats jetted into Scotland to tell the commoners to follow the advice of an annoying Greta not to jet anywhere or face the […]
It’s almost as though members of ‘The Club of Rome’ have all come out to play after being in the shadows for 40years.
What, with the serfs all tied down with COVID-19, the energy shortages from the AGW responses and soon out of jobs from inflationary pressures and collapse of the world supply systems, what better time to go for a change of the way the (Western) World runs. So much easier too with Big Business now a big player chasing those profits they can see coming.
‘Let’s go Brandon’ type signs should all be on show everywhere in Glasgow, just changed here and there to pick at Charles, Boris and the business and media moguls. That would let these cashed-up elitist dudes that think they can rule the common man by a click of the fingers know that the people have had enough.
[…] Climate Doom Pantomime at Glasgow, the hottest party for the Uber Rich to jet into on Fossil Fuels […]