We’re sacking Vaccine Professors for not taking the right vaccine?
Who knew? The first traditional vaccine for Covid that’s based on protein anywhere in the world has been approved for use. It was designed in Australia, but can’t be used here. The Professor of the team that invented it received no help from the Australian Government, and is about to be sacked from Flinders Medical Centre** because he won’t take the mandatory Pfizer, Astra Zenica or Moderna injections. What would he know — he’s just a vaccine developer?
UPDATE: The SA Govt will now recognise the Covax-19 trial participants. This is a small step but good news. Prof Petrovsky won’t be forced to quit.
Instead of the committee-approved ones, has taken his own vaccine called Covax-19 or Spikogen. It has just been approved for use in Iran where Stage 2 and 3 trials were conducted. He said he would stand by his vaccine and even accept liability, unlike all the current vaccine makers who demand waivers.
Professor Nikolai Petrovsky is hopeful though, that after “the excellent Phase 3 trial results” he will be able to get approval in many countries, maybe even in Australia? But our government-funded TGA won’t consider it until his team pays over $300,000 so they can assess it.
You’d never know the Australian government was trying to save Australians lives, or give our citizens more choices. Perhaps because they aren’t? If they were interested, they would surely find a way to fast track the assessment process and cover the trivial cost of reading a report from Iran. The Government has spent $1.9 billion on other vaccines, but can’t find 300k for the most successful Australian vaccine in years?
The situation is so comic, Petrovsky has had to resort to crowdfunding, so they can afford to pay our government to get approval. They have set up a GoFundMe page, which has already raised $290,000 out of the $326,000 already.
I’ve donated. (Don’t call me anti-vax, I put money into vaccine research🙂 )
GoFundMe: Bring Covax-19 Vaccine back to Australia
UPDATE: Within 8 hours of posting this $36,000 was donated and the target reached. Thank you!
Judging by the comments there, there are already a thousand volunteers for a trial here.
Petrovsky tells us there are great results from the latest trial in Iran but he can’t make the results
public yet. (He’s hoping his papers on that will be accepted so he can). He claims they meet all the FDA and other requirements to be approved. Apparently, in animal tests, after vaccination, they can challenge the animals with live virus and not only do they not fall sick, the team can find no recoverable virus in challenge tests, which is excellent. There’s no transmission to other animals either. He calls the vaccine “quasi sterilizing”. If it’s a lot less leaky that “all the rest”, it may even help mop up the nastier mutations we’re probably making by giving millions of people very leaky vaccines. Wouldn’t that be something?
Covax-19 apparently causes few side effects. Petrovsky claims there is no thrombosis, no fever, no myocarditis, and no myocardial infarction. No one needs to take a day off work…
Perhaps the biggest problem for Covax-19 is that it’s too good?
If I understand correctly, despite all these advantages, and it being home-grown, the government told him they couldn’t support a vaccine unless it was manufactured in Australia. But when he approached CSL — the main likely manufacturer in Australia — they flat out refused to even consider it. What can Petrovsky do? Maybe move to Tehran.
Right now, a certain leaky lab in Wuhan has another 19,000 samples from bat caves to play with. There are plenty of pandemics to pick from. Perhaps for the sake of National Security we need our own vaccination and pharmaceutical manufacturing base? We need supply lines and expertise here. Isn’t Covax-19 the perfect place to start?
Nuclear subs are all very well, but they can’t shoot pandemics.
Having dedicated his career to creating vaccines, Professor Petrovsky can hardly be called an anti-vaxxer. But he has safety concerns about the current rollout, and thinks mandates can’t be justified for something that is mostly done for individual benefits not for the community. He is also astonished at how fast the other vaccines were approved, and all damages waived, and doesn’t think the risk benefit can be justified at all for young children. He bemoans the lack of transparency. Don’t we all?
If Pfizer etc is so good, Why o Why are those Pfizer contracts top secret?
Comparing vaccines
A protein vaccine is a simpler creature than the new mRNA vaccines (Pfizer or Moderna). It’s simpler than Astra Zenica too, which is based on using genes inside a common cold virus vector. Novavax is also a protein vaccine (but it is not approved anywhere yet).
Like Novavax, Covax-19 uses a form of the infamous spike protein, but because the protein is made, purified and then injected, each person receives an exact known dose, and there is no need for any genetic material to be introduced inside our cells. There’s little risk of autoimmune disorders, like myocarditis, because the spike isn’t made inside our own cells and isn’t expressed on the surface of them. When healthy cells express the spike, our immune system is more likely to mistake them as a foreign threat which triggers the autoimmune disease.
The adjuvant used is also promising. An adjuvant is designed to wake up our immune systems so they pay attention to something that essentially poses no threat (in theory). In many vaccines the adjuvant is just aluminium hydroxide (would you believe), but Covax-19 doesn’t contain any heavy metals. Petrovsky uses the incredibly safe plant fibre called “inulin” plus a small oligosaccharide (a small odd type of sugar unit).
1. Why has the Australian government refused to engage with Australian vaccine creators?
2. Why has CSL refused to cooperate with Australian vaccine companies?
3. What are in those secret commercial contracts with Pfizer et al?
4. Are there clauses that prevent competition and consideration of products that are actually safer for the Australian population?
Australians need a choice of treatment, and we need our own vaccine industry.
I believe he said Covax-19 was given to 16,000 people in Iran for Phase III Clinical Trials. Yet Greg Hunt, our Minister for Health, is not supporting this venture with even $10. Do Australian lives matter? It is outrageous that CSL is failing the Australian people.
Petrovsky explains that the reason the current vaccines are not very useful is because they just don’t reduce the Ro (rate of transmission) enough. Delta has an Ro of 6 – 8, so a reduction of transmission of 20% only reduces an R0 from 6 to 5. The exponential curves won’t be much different.
Petrovsky says they use the same spike otherwise but have removed the furin cleavage site because the spike without it works better as a antigen. I wonder if without the furin cleavage site, the free-floating spikes may be less likely to get into some cells. No one asks though and Petrovsky doesn’t say.
I look forward to seeing the results. Though it’s hard to beat some antivirals, and the long term studies won’t be finished for years…
h/t Flok, Brenda Spence, Vicki, Clarence.t. and Bob Dinn, Analytik, El Gordo,
*Confusingly there appears to be a UN program called “Covax” which is not the same.
**Correction: Originally read “Flinders University”, but is Flinders Medical Centre. Apologies.
Covax-19 is made and owned by Vaxine.
Photo by Hakan Nural on Unsplash
Surely this is a clear indication as to what extent our political and public health system has been corrupted by international commercial interests. Maybe some Australian insecurity about our home-grown scientific products thrown in to boot for a good measure.
There have been many clear indications in the past with the blocking of IVM, HCQ, etc. While I hope this is the one that changes course, there have been many times when things should have changed and the government (especially Vic) double-down.
Perhaps many are working on the “ignorance is bliss” approach, and just follow government directives regardless…
It is beyond bizarre that government regulators should see as their primary responsibility the protection of profits for service/product suppliers.
There are only three possible explanations for these bans.
1. The regulators believe that reducing suppliers’ profits will stop the supply of goods and services,
2. Regulators are “on the take”, or
3. The regulators are just too unintelligent to understand what they are doing.
None of which are acceptable.
Politics 101.
It the old story about civil wars
Rule 1: Don’t get involved.
Rule 2: If you do get involved, pick a side.
Rule 3: Make sure your side wins.
Those 3 rules apply to any and all political situations.
Having chosen a vac the ‘system’ is now locked in behind it.
How long for?
Until we lose.
Sorry Asp….GoFundMe has reached the target and is now over subscribed
The answer might be in the fine print
Many governments were panicked in the early days of COVID and signed away their sovereign power to Pfizer’s control.
A new report has been released by an established and credible organisation called Public Citizen.
The full report can be viewed as a PDF here:
It quotes the written conditions of Pfizer contracts obtained from sources within nine governments.
These include Brazil, Argentina, Albania, Colombia, and others. I think we can presume that Pfizer would have negotiated similar terms with the Australian and New Zealand governments.
No wonder the politicians are hiding the raw deal that allows Pfizer a free reign over our people’s lives and national assets.
Here are five samples taken from the conditions Pfizer imposes on governments that sign its contracts.
After a year of vaccines, the EU MEPs are only now starting to demand contract details from their vaccine negotiators regarding the dodgy deals done in the name of protecting the public.
One supplier agreed to “reveal” its contract terms — 68% of the pages had at least one redaction.
More astonishing is that not even the EU members of Parliament know the details of the agreements.
To prove his point, the Romanian MEP held up individual pages of the CureVac contract, each one heavily redacted like some kind of imitation of artist Kazimir Malevich’s ‘Black Square.’ It doesn’t get any less concerning when we drill down to which parts of the contract were blacked out. According to an analysis conducted by Euractiv, “4.22% of the liability section and 15.38% of the indemnification section was found to be redacted, while 0% of the section on the processing of personal data was redacted.”
Meanwhile, the contract’s annexes, which delve into the nitty-gritty details of the agreement, were redacted by some 61%. In total, almost 24% of the contract was hidden. Now ask yourself this simple question: Would you sign up for a home mortgage if it was discovered that one-quarter of the agreement was missing? I’ll crawl out on a limb and guess ‘no.’ Nor would anyone think you were ‘anti-mortgage’ or ‘mortgage hesitant’ if you did so.
The deeper you go, the smellier it gets.
The Australian government is a sovereign entity.
It has the power to abrogate any contract.
The high court can cancel any contract that is injurious.
This reminds me of the old leadership acronym.
It must start to apply when our sovereign interest to protect our population is interfered with.
Especially by drug companies, if it happens.
Some lead, others follow, the rest get out of the way.
Sure it has this sovereign power.
But it might lack the balls.
That’s a great read AI, I think Jo has covered similar before, the comments are just as good as here – I wish we could post pictures also !
Unbelievable that our govt would agree to these conditions!
I think tnere could be big money involved as well.
This is the sort of “reporting” that Australians need access to as it illustrates the things that need changing.
This Australian Vaxxine denial stands alongside the earlier demolition of Australian manufacturing, the sale of natural Australian water to overseas interests at the expense of our farmers, the takeover of an Australian island to the detriment of original owners plus the “rental” of Australian ports to overseas interests.
While all of the above might just be the tip of the iceberg, there’s no doubt that those in positions of trust have been very busy selling off our national assets rather than building a solid nation.
Twenty years ago I was given an insight into the medical approval process surrounding the use of SSRIs and the detail was disturbing to say the least and so now, with CV19 Vaxxines, the possibility that the “approved” Vaxxes may not be all that useful is not surprising.
History will repeat until such time as we have massive Clean out of our national systems.
Cheer Up Old Chap!
The cavalry has arrived
That’s what the world needs.
And there’s Youngkin as well.
There’s change happening.
What a woman!
After you find your way through the Google barricades!
Sorry Ted, fat finger, see green.
how sweet it is
Yes, K K .
And whats going on ?
Internal CDC emails Show Why They Changed the Definition of “Vaccines” and What it Means to be “Vaccinated”
November 2, 2021 | Sundance | 218 Comments
TechnoFog submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to see what was happening inside the CDC, as they discussed needing to change the definitions of “vaccine” and “vaccination” in order to get past the problematic issue of their supported products not actually providing immunity from the COVID-19 virus or any variant thereof.
Within the internal emails [SEE HERE], the officials within the health industry knew they had a problem because their push to vaccinate everyone would not generate any immunity from the virus itself.
Rather than deal with the problem of a non-effective vaccine, the officials discussed, modified and then eventually just changed the definition of what a vaccine is intended to do:
Novavax is also a protein vaccine (but it is not approved anywhere yet).
Indonesia is first to approve Novavax Covid vaccine
Issued on: 01/11/2021 – 16:00
Indonesia, hard-hit by the coronavirus pandemic, became the first country to approve the new vaccine for Covid-19 created by US-based Novavax, the company announced Monday.
The approval will give Indonesia, which has strained to obtain adequate supplies of coronavirus vaccine for its 270 million people, first access to the vaccine, which will be manufactured in India under the brand Covovax.
The vaccine uses a different technology than those which already have gained general approval and circulated around the world.
Unlike the mRNA products from BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna and Curevac, Novavax’s two-jab vaccine relies on a more traditional technique, using proteins to carry fragments of the coronavirus rendered harmless to produce an immune reaction.
I heard the Novavax was looking like being approved by the TGA around December this year. Out of all of them it feels like the safest from what I have seen, however this one looks even better. This paper suggests covax-19 is also good at stopping transmission from vaccinated people, unlike the current crop of “vaccines”.
I would be happy to get on the trial for this one! Although it probably wouldn’t be recognised as a vaccine for the purposed of the vaccine passports for a while longer…
Me too!
Me as well.
Jo, thank you so much for this informative post. Although I have listened to the interview before, you explained so many details of the mechanics of his vaccine that I did not comprehend.
The privatisation of CSL was a great mistake, although, given the politics & the contractual relationships with the vaccine companies, it is unlikely that CSL would have taken on Covax19.
Hopefully, once Prof. Petrovsky’s vaccine is put before the TDA, there will be enough public pressure for it to be approved. Maybe Clive Palmer could be persuaded to use his enormous resources to do something incredibly worthwhile & finance any future manufacture of this promising vaccine.
It is a diabolical era in which we live – we can only hope.
Yes , thanks Jo for putting this up. It amazes me that a company has to PAY the TGA to look at its product!
Thanks to everyone who daonates, this vaccine is worth looking at.
The Single minded pursuit of Mandatory Vaccination with RNA/DNA vaccines by our Health Officials has become quite sinister. All alternatives are rejected and people who asking why are vilified and called misinformers and conspiracy theorists.
This approach appears to be co-ordinated, at least across the English speaking world.
Your welfare is not what political leaders have at heart
The video is titled, “PRESS CONFERENCE-EU PARLIAMENT OPPOSES MANDATE AGENDA 30/10/2021. She is dead on, and she has never even heard of Daniel Andrews. People in government, she says, have agendas of their own. Political “elites” could not care less about your personal welfare. Listen to it through. She explains why she will not be commanded to be vaxxed. She is “a free citizen”. No vax mandates.
There is then this worth bearing in mind: Victoria’s plan to keep unvaccinated locked up until 2023 blasted.
Personally, I think Andrews is still feeling the humiliation of having overseen the highest number of Covid deaths in Australia. Victoria accounts for 1134 out of 1448 covid deaths across Australia, 78.3% of the total covid death rate. And even still case numbers proliferate in Victoria where they have become near invisible everywhere else.
Andrews thinks he is always the smartest man in the room and here was the absolutely undeniable evidence that he is actually the stupidest and overwhelmingly the most incompetent political leader, certainly in Australia, possibly anywhere in the world.
Peter, I’ve been noting the development of names and turns-of-phrase used against refuseniks here in Pf!zer Country #NZ2021/22, spouted by Big Mouth Herself then reinforced by her minions and media, thenceforth repeated by the little people suffering Stockholm Syndrome (S.S.) from watching too much tele-vision and Daily Briefings (D.B.).
From the original ‘anti-whacker’ to ‘va$$ine-hesitant’ and ‘Covert den!er’ we’ve morphed into ‘resistant hold-outs’, a ‘small crazy group’, ‘cornered… marginalised’, ‘violent hecklers’ and my personal favourite ‘resistors’.
We are many, they are few. This battle is not of this world.
Hopefully infinite Ohms resistors Greg.
Prof. Petrovsky goes off-script.
‘This troublemaker and his stupid trad vaccine. Now we have to ban it somehow without drawing back the curtain that little bit more. First it was Trump, then Ivermectin, and now a proper vaccine. Next it’ll be Glasgow getting snowed in, grounding all out jets. Close the internet. Smash the printing presses. Destroy the supply chains.’
I want to know who exactly is telling our politicians and senior public serpents what to think.
Full disclosure is required!
I have previously stated here that I thought it was significant that the “Health” Minister Hunt has mentioned that mRNA “vaccines” are the way forward.
Why would he specify the mRNA part in his description? Why wouldn’t he just say “vaccine”?
He has been told what to say. He is only a stupid politician. He himself wouldn’t know the difference between mRNA and a box of rocks.
The Liberal Party continues to slam their Constituents
Unvaccinated are ‘still kidding themselves’
Ruby Princess Health Minister Brad Hazzard has warned that there are still some New South Welshmen who have failed to comprehend the severity of contracting Covid-19.
“Let’s not kid ourselves, the virus is still there, it’s becoming a little less dangerous to the majority of the community because most of us have been out and getting vaccinated,” the NSW Health Minister said on Tuesday.
“Some of us are still kidding ourselves about not getting vaccinated and that there will be a better outcome (otherwise) … and no, it is not.”
Mr Hazzard said he had come across residents who have chosen to wait for a “new” vaccine to arrive in the near future.
“There are some people who are still hanging out for different vaccines. I’ve spoken to people who think we’ll see new vaccines coming into NSW,” he said. “I don’t think so – we’re awash at the moment with Pfizer. Let’s get real, folks.”
The “unvaxxed” are being set up for a position as scapegoats.
I fully expect the Left will promote hysteria and violence against the unvaxxed, the untermenschen.
In Vicdanistan Andrews’ proposed “dictator for life” legislation will enable him to round up “certain classes of people” and relocate them elsewhere, e.g. the “quarantine camps” he is building right now.
The camp(s) will have the Orwellian name of “The Centre for National Resilience”.
I wonder if “guests” will also see “Albeit Macht Frei” written over the main gate?
There is a very good reason that the Left are against the teaching of real history.
Hatred For The Unvaxxed Comes From A Place Of Emotion, Not Reason
When COVID-braving Dennis Prager said he contracted it purposely in order “to be taken care of by therapeutics,” the public outcry was more life-threatening than the virus. He must be made to pay for any treatment he gets. He should be denied a hospital bed. Another conservative talk show host spreads his disease.
Every story speaks of a mini plague and every ending is a blameworthy death. Is fear driving the paranoia? What’s to hate in one who makes a choice and takes the consequences, and is content to let others do so? And why is it doctors who seem more prone to arousal? The unvaccinated are despised with incomprehensible ardor.
the VAERS numbers for America? There, you find 17,128 vaccine-related deaths; 2,631 miscarriages; 8,408 heart attacks; 10,304 Myocarditis; 83,412 hospitalizations, etc. Yes, the stats come with a precaution: causality is not proven.
Speaking of causality, how many recorded COVID deaths were not, in fact, attributable to COVID
Get vaxxed, for our own good, but also for the greater good of society. The vaxxed, we’re told, remain scared of COVID. The vaccine failed to fulfill its first promise to immunize. All must therefore get jabbed, again and again and again. All must expect the vaccine to fail to immunize, as it failed the already vaxxed. Get three shots to satisfy that nebulous concoction, the “greater good”? Well, no. For every life saved, the vaccination has been taking nine lives. (No cats intended.)
In the not too distant future the world will know what the relative infection, hospitalisation and death rates are for the injected, the non-injected and the partially injected.
I note that their ABC briefly published that information but has stopped now.
The Pfizer contract with Brazil is obscene and in normal cases illegal. For example, Pfizer wanted state own infrastructure as collateral such as sea ports and airline companies for vaccines they may or may not provide. If the vaccines prove to be toxic then the government will pay all bills including Pfizers defence.
If Australia has signed an equivalent contract it would explain their irrational behaviour and lack of support for antivirals and homegrown vaccines.
What is not mentioned but coincidently three presidents of small nations such as Haiti, who were opposed to the vaccines suddenly died. The Haitian president was shot by an American doctor. The other two died unexpectedly. After their deaths all three governments decided to embrace the vaccines.
Jane Halton via Bill Gates
Perhaps AU CHO Jane Halton’s Brother In Law, Brett Hutton, might be of interest?
The fact that the inventor of a proper traditional vaccine gets sacked and the vaccine has to be first used overseas tells you everything you need to know about Australia.
It’s certainly not the “clever” country. Perhaps it was for a brief time in the 1950’s and 1960’s, certainly not now.
Most Australians are now ignorant, cowering and scared of just about everything (but nothing they should actually be concerned about like the increasing totalitarianism and censorship of unapproved opinions by the Left.)
I disagree. The people are still clever as evidenced by a traditional vaccine being invented here without government support.
It is governments and particularly administrative government who best fit the description in your final paragraph.
The single most damaging thing anybody could say is “the government should”. Far better to say “Let’s go Brandon” even if it was inspired overseas.
My proposal is to put all government employees on three months leave. Anybody who is actually missed by a member of the public can return to work. The rest can far cough.
🙂 🙂
I had to drive an hour each way for a job this morning.
The ABCCCC is a big one for me because it gives up to date material on the current subject.
Today it was COP 26 and associated speculation about the science, financing and the usual histrionics a out the dying planet, a few years to go, 1.5 degrees limit.
I finally switched to some music after a cop26 attendee from Fidgi complained about the slow movement towards collecting the full 100 billion dollars of the CO2 fund.
The speaker was from a Pacific church group concerned about sea level rise etc: and their 2 pussent share of the collection plate.
Hours of Australian taxpayers time and money spent on fanning a non event based on “incorrect” science.
Close their ABCCCC.
I haven’t listened or watched any more than about 1/2 hour of ABC in the last 10 years. When I could be forced to eg. poor reception rural areas I listen to podcasts or my music catalogue.
For our American friends, “sacked” means “fired” in your language. I’m sure you knew that, just being complete. I’m just being a universal translator.
In the same fashion, this is useful as well:
Great link.
Americans like to say “we’re letting you go” which is polite language for “you’re fired” but please don’t come back and shoot up the premises.
In the meanwhile …
Study: Zinc may help shorten cold, flu
Bookmarked and Saved
And, with most Australian soils being “low” in zinc, less of it makes it into edible plants.
Keen gardeners will know the symptoms of low zinc in their soils: Leaf discolouration (yellowing). Zinc is essential in the process whereby plants produce chlorophyll. Poor chlorophyll levels , poor photosynthesis. Poor nutrient uptake; Low Zinc. Like many other things in Nature; a cyclic relationship.
BTW, you can overdo the dosing of your prized veges, too. “Zinc toxicity is an actual problem.
Funny how “dose rate” is so important in so many things….
So, if Australians are getting insufficient dietary Zinc from locally produced food, immune functions, and other various bit and pieces, also cease optimal function. Who ‘da thunk it?
It’s not like there is no Zinc on the Continent, it’s just that there is very little in surface soils. A thousand feet below Mount Isa, it’s a different story.
Sorry Bruce, bad steering, meant green!
A trifecta for Australian authorities. Home testing kits. Ivermectin. Petrovsky’s vaccine. All, in terms of the virus, created in Australia. Something of Bob Hawke’s “clever country” is about us still. But, certainly, no “fearless”—the current slogan of Flinders University—government. The stifling totalitarians (prohibition of questioning) have control.
Just because a “vaccine” is developed by an Australian does not mean that 1 year, 3 year, 5 year and 10 year safety data should not be available before it is approved for use.
It normally takes over a decade to properly test and approve a new vaccine so that both short-term and longer-term side effects are identified and understood.
The human immune system is the result of millions of years of evolutionary development and should not be messed with just because dumb politicians believe they know better than the world’s leading virologists.
[wee edit, /sp. – LVA]
What’s about the “approved” and worldwide used vaxxes ?
How about we “crowd fund” approval for Ivermectin? It has exceeded the required timeline for ALL negative event indications by many times. The only result left to be confirmed is its action against COVID. By all indications so far Ivermectin can safely be considered to be “Covid Kryptonite”
l especially like that there are no “no indemnity clauses” and they back up there product
says everything is better than what’s available to me
InGeneIC is another Australian real vaccine, also expected to be sterilising (of the virus, not the reproductive system), that is undergoing clinical trial.
Vid by Drbeen on Engeneic vax from OZ.
He describes the novel mode of action etc.
This is a rough description of the process by a commenter on another site:
I watched an explanation video on Dr Mobeen Syeds YT channel describing this new nano-cell targeted vaccine and it’s got me interested. The technology works using a few tricks but in a nutshell they managed to bias bacterial cells so that during division it creates a nano-cell packet, (essentially an empty cell), to which adjuvants, spike protein etc. can be added inside. The second trick is that they managed to attach an antigen to the cell that will be directed to a very specific target, (in this case macrophages), such that the cell contents only get released once ingested by the macrophages, so along with the adjuvant to call up the T-cells, this creates this taught immunity. (there’s one other ingredient he spoke about but it slips my memory just now). Anyway he noted that the advantages were that the spike proteins would not be free floating through the body, going only to the targeted cells and also the recipe of the components would mean that it can be stored at room temperature. Apparently it’s currently starting its first human trials but if it can do what it claims, would this not be potentially the “safest” offering out there? Does anyone know anything more about this vaccine particularly why or why not this claim may be valid?
I cannot see any real immediate benefit from going to the time and cost of approval for ANOTHER injectable “vaccine” when there is already a great of evidence for an alternative that demonstrates massive positive outcomes with very low toxicity, (In some countries could accurately be referred to as, COVID KRYPTONITE) from already performed and documented trials from pharmaceuticals that have been in use for decades and only need approval for this specific treatment. The FEE from TGA of $326000.00 is miniscule when compared to the financial benefits stemming from an early solution to the problem.Is the Government prevented from following this course of action due to the constrictions they have agreed to in the Pfizer contract(That we are not allowed to see) due to, in the Governments own words “National Security”
Interesting Gravitas 7.5min video about how Pfizer bullies countries with their C-19 contracts. Australian Governments always sign contracts with the most unfavourable conditions. I wonder what was in ours?
Its what happens when youre at the bottom of the food chain and have to do as youre told…..
I dont believe we have a functional govt any more, rather a pharma-governed protectorate, a high tech reboot of the East India Company.
As unpallatable as that may be, many are now thinking that in effect, Australians have been handed over as lab rats to the globalists.
Any who disobey are treated as cattle. Proof enough.
Has this new vaccine been developed in accordance with The Nurenberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration?
The history of so-called COVID-19 vaccines provides evidence that ” a priori reason to
believe that death or disabling injury will occur”.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal
experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other
problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to
believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those
experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
In NZ PM Ardern shut down a press conference when asked a difficult question about breakthrough infections of the vaxxed in Israel. She only wanted approved questions from “accredited” “journalists”.
I am surprised The Guardian reported this as it is Leftist in orientation.
Video is 1min15sec.
She threw her toys out of the cot.
The horse has bolted.
I’m just going to the bathroom OK.
COVID and the Shadow of Original Antigenic Sin – A Primer
This primer is a summary of the magnificent work of Eugyppius over the last week or so. In a series of posts, principally, here and here, he fashions an argument that a universal vaccination campaign:
may permanently compromise immunity to SARS-2, via Original Antigenic Sin — the phenomenon, long observed in the antibody response to influenza infections, that initial exposure to a pathogen (or a spike protein) shapes all subsequent immune responses to mutated, recombined or reassorted instances of that pathogen. Our Corona vaccines elicit antibodies against the spike protein alone, while natural infection provokes antibodies against other virus proteins as well, including the nucleocapsid or N protein. The broad spectrum of natural immune response is why recovered individuals enjoy much greater and longer-lasting protection, than people who have been merely vaccinated.
Of course, you would imagine that immunologists and public health experts would be well aware of Original Antigenic Sin and the problems it might establish for a universal vaccination campaign. So what was there riposte and what is the counter riposte:
Original Antigenic Sin was most influentially described by Thomas Francis in 1960. He noted that, regardless of whatever influenza A strains were in circulation, subjects tended to have dominant antibody responses to the strains that were current in their early childhood:
This is precisely the danger we are now facing. We are attempting to vaccinate the entire population using a particular feature – the spike protein – of COVID prevalent in 2020. In doing so, we may be, via original antigenic sin, denying the emergence of broad spectrum immunity (in individuals) and layered immunity (across the generations) in our society. As Eugyppius concludes:
The Disappearance of Influenza
eugyppius Aug 6
The flu is gone. This is not an illusion. It’s not down to the wilful or mistaken misdiagnosis of Corona or anything like that. Most countries have long-standing influenza surveillance programs, entire offices of people whose job it is to find and track the flu. These programs are still running, and influenza tests are still widely administered across the world. Despite all of this searching, nobody can find anything but a few outliers. As a seasonal phenomenon in the northern and southern hemispheres, influenza has disappeared.
Everything suggests that Corona has displaced influenza. Even if we can’t identify or even really conceive of the mechanism, Corona begins to resemble an invasive species that has disturbed the ecology of human-infecting respiratory viruses. Nobody will talk about this, because they are eager to claim any victory they can for mass containment. The absence of flu must be ascribed to lockdowns, even though flu is gone even in countries that have not locked down.
Respiratory viruses all have regional and seasonal features. That is to say, they rise and fall according to complex, intertwining, regionally varying temporal patterns. Throughout the northern hemisphere, mild yet robust rhinoviruses have a dual fall-spring seasonality. They surge before the winter viruses and after influenza, as if to avoid these heavier hitters. Most other commonly surveilled respiratory viruses, including human coronaviruses, peak around the winter solstice or just after. Influenza, finally, surges just as all these deep-winter viruses are receding, infecting the greatest number of people around March. These patterns shed curious light on the second and third waves of the Corona pandemic.
John of Melsays:
November 3, 2021 at 10:51 pm
Here is a good article detailing the history of weaponisation of coronaviruses. Including all the patent numbers.
I’ve just donated to Prof Petrovsky. His Go Fund Me campaign now stands at $293,935 AUD raised of $326,500 goal and he’s currently getting about 20 donations per hour.
Wow he’s now at $303,955 AUD.
He’s over target now! Wonderful! Now let’s see what happens.
The Australian Government goes into debt at the rate of $6000 per second. The TGA submission could have been paid for with 50 seconds worth of debt expenditure. I am normally strongly opposed to useless government spending, which much of it is, but this would have been worthwhile.
Since the Government is comfortable spending without constraint, their unwillingness to forego this spending means they only want Big Pharma access to the Australian vaccine market.
You can watch semi real time Australian Government expenditure here:
Just as a matter of interest what is an example of federal government spending which is not useless (or worse)?
I purchased Quercetin & NAC ( just to have on hand) from eBay in Oz but demand is just crazy. Shows the lack of trust in vaxxes and the government.
People trust real experts and want to decide their own health plans.
I looked at the Gofundme page but keep getting “unknown error” if attempting to donate.
Can we trust the (pharma funded & govt controlled) TGA to provide an honest product evaluation anyway?
Won’t the big pharma contracts negate any possibility of the use of Covax here?
Maybe we can go overseas to get it, get a vax record and come back Oz “fully vaccinated” thereby satisfying the BS vax agenda.
Rod, there is no way little old Australia with a piddling population of 25m is ever going to question either the AZ, Pfizer or Moderna applications for their vaccines. The TGA might pick up a typographical error – that’s it. Essentially they’re just rubber stampers.
This is precisely the moment when I wish that Australia had its own publicly-funded research organisation staffed with thousands of scientists, all with their own laboratories and equipped with state of the art equipment. I wish that such an organisation existed and had access to hundreds of millions of dollars in funds, all of which were to be spent on the most pressing issues facing the nation and the scientists involved were well-connected with the international research community, thus able to access and share the very latest knowledge and techniques in order to react fast.
Wait. What?
Precisely. On Twitter I subscribe to the CSIRO feed and believe me, its embarrassing. When they are not pushing every new woke movement they sometimes mention some “thingy” called science. But lately no science that will actually benefit Australia totally defying their title. The other day it was a shout out to anyone at Glasgow to call by their stall. As if COP26 was some sort of trade fair. We’re seriously cooked.
COP26 IS indeed a trade fair, nothing more. It is a meeting where attendees will network, negotiate, lobby and make their pitches for a share of all that money swilling around in the AGW arena. I doubt that many of them believe in or care about ‘climate change’ but their careers depend on it or, in some cases, those private jet and oceanside villa purchases depend on it.
It’s just a trough full of our money and the pigs can’t wait to get at it.
Yet more malevolence from the out-of-control officials, abetted by an bunch of feckless politicians.
Morrison is giving Pentacostals a bad name…or is he revealing their inner fascism?
Malevolence obvious.
Out of control, maybe not, whole damn thing looks totally controlled to me.
These guys are interesting: Fenton, Neil and McLachlan, Queen Mary University of London.
They’ve done some more recent work, trying to reverse-engineer the data from ONS, so it can be more useful. But here’s what they wrote in September:
(hat tip to someone around these parts).
Robin Minotti and Mike Yeadon attempted to get the data from the MHRA but received a reply email saying:
As we plan to publish the data, we consider that your request is covered by Section 22 of the Freedom of Information Act (information intended for future publication) and the information you have asked for is therefore exempt from disclosure.
Section 22 is a qualified exemption which means we have considered whether there is a greater public interest in releasing the information requested or withholding it. We recognise there is strong interest in seeing this data and accept it should not be withheld however wish to publish this information alongside appropriate context and assessment.
FOI Team
Vigilance and Risk Management of Medicines Division
I wonder whether there is any administrative law or regulation which does not provide an opportunity for evil to prosper.
Joni Ernst introduces the “FAUCI Act” and I’m still laughing
I don’t know if they’ll be able to find a single Democrat in either chamber to vote for the bill that Joni Ernst just introduced, but they really should pass this thing, if only for some badly needed humorous relief during a contentious political season. The FAUCI Act seeks to ban American funding of gain-of-function research in China and would require a full investigation into how American tax dollars were spent inside the secretive walls of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The acronym is the major selling point here because it stands for the “Fairness and Accountability in Underwriting Chinese Institutions Act.” She’s also (likely intentionally) calling out the mainstream media’s mishandling of this story from the beginning, constantly taking Fauci’s side even after we learned that he was absolutely wrong on this question. (Fox News)
Oops Link
PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO… US Senator. Ron Johnson held the first forum against vaccine mandates on the 1st Nov. 2021. In the video you will see first hand testimonials from the vaccine injured. And how big Pharma is not reporting and ignoring claims from those who have had adverse affects from the first & second jab. This is a 3 hour forum, it cannot be skipped. Video starts at 30 minutes 23 seconds. As it was live streamed.
Hold our Australian politicians to account, demand proof of the adverse side affects of this experimental vaccine. If they cannot provide the evidence. As you will see in this video, even our politicians maybe compromised or even complicit behind this forced mandate of mRNA.
I implore you to watch this, even if you didn’t suffer direct adverse affects, a lot of people are.
The interesting things about suppression of adverse effect data is that it will come out sooner or later. The truth always does.
And what then? How will the wrongdoers cover up the cover up of the cover up.
I have finally succumbed to the pressure and had my 2nd shot of Pfizer today. I’m 75. The only reason is without the vaccine I cannot get to the ACT (to visit an elderly parent in care) and back to Qld without a certificate.
My extensive research here and elsewhere shows me this is not necessarily the best way for me to fight Covid. Understandably I feel shattered.
There’s no commonsense or freedoms of choice anymore. I feel for my kids who are planning to have further children (and jobs to lose) and now have such a difficult decision to make.
Should I be worried about any of this?
Good luck. And no I would not advise you to worry. What’s done is done.
Lost my 91 yo father in June. In aged care since January 2020 and so I was so grateful he didn’t have to endure all the crazy COVID stuff. When I told him about 5km travel limits, curfews, lockdowns etc he looked at me in astonishment. It was like the Australia he once knew had disappeared in a matter of a few months. Then I told him that the bulk of the population was enduring these hardships to look after you, the vulnerable. He answered ” …dont be so bloody stupid, no one in here is worth saving!”.
Ross – I loved the self-deprecating, funny, perceptive comment of your late dad. So Australian, as we once knew it.
I hope we all will prove worthy of them, for, despite his wickedly funny observation, they were a generation of steel, in so many ways.
David, you are in our prayers. Most people seem to escape any short term effects, and the long term effects are unknown – as is life in general for us all, after all!
Advice: put yourself on a daily regime of Vit C, Vit D3, Zinc, &, if you can obtain it, Quercetin. Also CoenzymeQ10 (CoQ10) is a magnificent anti-oxidant. These should bolster your immune system significantly. A low dose aspirin, like Cardia, would also be warranted because of your age.
I am not a (medical) doctor, but none of these supplements are injurious, as far as I know, and all are part of the protocol recommended by some pretty eminent physicians and virologists.
Me? I take most of the above on a daily basis, and have recently added a daily anti-histamine because of 1) the impressive analysis & observations of the Indian doctor Dr. Shankara Chetty re treatment of COVID and 2) because it is a terrible hay fever season!
David I’m sorry and angered at your loss of medical choice due to a mandate, which by the way is not a law, and life becomes impossible when people follow it out of fear or ignorance.
My wife is double vaxed against her wishes in order to travel to WA but that looks less likely by the day with their dictator in waiting.
So I found a Spanish doctor amongst others that use this protocol, https://www.orwell.city/2021/07/antioxidants.html
Thanks to scientific articles we have seen, we know that every antioxidant, especially the master antioxidant glutathione, degrades graphene oxide. Glutathione can reduce even to zero its toxicity. And we have demonstrated that.
We and others have started the above protocols with great results, NAC and Zinc is the basics but the others are easily obtained and proven treatments over the covid hysteria, for the modest outlay I recommend it we even had one person remove the magnetism from their arm where they were jabbed in under two weeks, something must be working.
Demand proof! This is not about vaccine hesitancy, it is about choice governed by hard statistical data. According to the principle, “The first rule of medicine is do no harm. The second rule of medicine is to protect the privacy of your patient.” As this is to be believed as null and void at this very moment, it can be contested.
As you have been reading, there are a plethora of vaccines available. Novavax for example, even Sputnik V lite. All these vaccines have passed clinical Stage 3 trials supported by statistical data including adverse affects. This is the information, any Health Minister must provide. Like any workplace must provide a Material Safety Data Sheet on any product used that may have adverse affects to persons in the workplace.
They also must adhere to the laws they have created. Full stop!
Again a brilliant article by Jo and her co-writers. Thank you. Concise, informative, good scientific information that you will never hear from anyone in government. All our government (TGA, CHO’s politicians etc) seem to provide are talking points from either the Pfizer or AZ marketing strategies. I remember Petrovsky from last year because when he looked into the supposed structure of COVID 19 he was adamant that it looked man made or manipulated.
Thanks Ross. For whatever it’s worth, it does take hours, and I have no co-writers.
My researchers are all of you in comments. Thank you.
“I remember Petrovsky from last year because when he looked into the supposed structure of COVID 19 he was adamant that it looked man made or manipulated.”
Hence, why he is being elbowed out.
As another observant chap, C. S. Lewis put it:
“Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
See also Albert Camus:
“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”
See also:
A quote from a bloke called Ian Watson:
“If you have to be persuaded, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized.
If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance.
You can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”
This is universally applicable, be the issue the language, the “cultural milieu”, or a workplace.
Looks like the GofundMe reached it’s target! Good news!
Yes. Hopefully Prof Petrovsky can at least raise a storm about this. Even better if the TGA approves his vaccine.
“Even better if the TGA approves his vaccine.”
Just before THAT happens, look up into the sky. It will be full of airborne pork.
Thank you Vicky, Ross and Forrest for your advice etc.
Kind regards David
Waiting for the ok from the CCCCCCCCCP,
Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist, and President of Frontline (FLCCC) Alliance, Dr. Pierre Kory, has already prescribed Ivermectin for 200 people in Congress
EXCLUSIVE – VAERS data shows 100% of reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of batches produced and the majority were sent to red Republican States across the USA
Priceless. Wasn’t Malcolm T mentioning innovation a lot at one time ? Yes. It was all BS
Prof Petrovsky is being interviewed live on facebook tomorrow
Could be 11.30 Western time.
Try this link instead.
‘Australians need a choice of treatment, and we need our own vaccine industry.’
Problem there is that a local vaccine industry might influence politicians even more. We don’t want vaccine manufacturers to be convincing pollies to force every vaccine possible onto the people.
Here is what is in some Pfizer contracts with governments:
Also clauses against out-of-patent generic antivirals such as ivermectin?
Interesting news comments this morning on local news station illustrating transparency in government. Ninety two percent of Colorado’s ICU beds are full. Thirteen hundred of those beds are Covid related. What is the percentage of Covid beds compared to total beds? Not stated. Comparing apples to grapefruit. And our governor, King Jared the second, has signed an executive order which allows Covid patients to be moved anywhere at any time, without their knowledge or permission.
From web search, “As of today, with the number of hospitalizations that we have, we are at almost 90% of our ICU beds occupied in the state of Colorado,” Bookman said. “That means that we have approximately 120 ICU beds available across the entire state.” (90% occupied, 120 available (10%). But there are 1,300 in hospital with Covid.
When you attempt to find total number of ICU beds in the state of Colorado…well, you try it.
Looks to me like there is an effort to cloud this issue as much as possible.
Ireland now has the highest number of patients in hospital with Covid-19 since March, despite over 91% of the population over-12 being vaccinated – the highest jab rate in the EU.
“there are great results from the latest trial in Iran but he can’t make the results public yet”.
Definitely a red flag. Keep your fingers crossed.
Hi C.G.
It’s not uncommon to prohibit public discussion of results until a paper is published.
A bigger red flag for me is any involvement with Iran.
Since the authorities are now red hot for “boosters” this would be the one to use.
Latest from J.Couey, PhD…
One item of interest is a study that showed a correlation of nearly all deaths with a specific subset of lot numbers: (I forget which pharmaceutical co., they were from).
This is one blog article he featured (not a published study as I first assumed, but still pretty good)
This is, however, peer reviewed.
Great article Jo. One comment: aluminium is hardly a heavy metal. Its atomic number is 13 which makes it one of the lightest metals, with only a few metals being lighter (lithium, beryllium, sodium and magnesium). The expression “heavy metal” refers to the likes of cadmium (48) or mercury (80). These heavy metals are often quite toxic and hard for the body to excrete, which accounts for their bad reputation.
Keep up the good work! Cheers.
There is probably a better way for me to phrase that. The heavy metal concern in vaccines is specifically due to Mercury — which was once used commonly as a preservative. Thimerosol.
Novavax is recently approved in Indonesia.
Heard an opinion that spike protein in itself is neurotoxic. Any concerns with it? Or bc it doesn’t spread out from injection site as mRNA and vectorDNA vaccines do, damage is contained?
COVAX has a very small portion of the spike protein which is injected. It’s also attenuated. mRNA and viral vector instruct the body to manufacture the spike protein and this could conceivably continue to be manufactured ongoing and it could end up anywhere. No one really knows as these are experimental ‘vaccines’.
CSL was a spin-off from the Fed Health Dept. Taxpayers funded the manufacturing facilities so they should be available to all Australian vaccine companies. CSL operates like a monopoly. Where’s the ACCC?
Never lose sight of geopolitics when trying to understand the ‘goings on’ associated with this whole covid debarcle. It is just another part of the arms race. Normally germ warfare is not a good option because it will sooner or later come back to bight and bight hard. This all changes when you entrench a system of regular vaccination shots to your entire population. When a germ warfare attack comes back to bight, it does not bight a prevaccinated population quite so hard. I wonder who will get in the first strike? It’s the unipolar teams last best chance to thwart the rapid rise of competing multipolar powers. Matthew 24:22 comes to mind. I am no prophet but I sure as heck can see what ‘blind Freddy’ can see.