Huge protests were held all over the world. Here in Perth, Western Australia with a population of 2 million, I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s a not a political town, has had barely 30 cases of Covid in the community (in total) and yet, the central mall was packed wall to wall.
Walking in with placards, strangers in the traffic were shouting approval through open car windows.
The best video is at the bottom of this twitter thread, but can’t seem to display it without the first two. (Perhaps a twitter genius will tell me how?)
A series of other “freedom rallies” planned for #Melbourne, #Sydney & #Brisbane began at 12pm on Saturday with massive crowds taking to the streets.#Perth #Australia #PasseSanitaire #NoGreenPass— 🌎 Sarwar 🌐 (@ferozwala) November 20, 2021
These were peaceful people: mums with prams, nurses, truckies, tradies, and hippies.
But according to PerthNow and the ABC there were two opposing protests in Perth:

Perthnow headlines. Not the news.
Here’s that rival Pro-Vax rally from the ABC News
Just for perspective.

Taken at 5:40 on the ABC News
That’s what it takes to get a headline and a mention when you’re protesting for something the media wants.
To paraphrase Glenn Reynolds: think of the media as a promotions team for Big Gov and bankers and it all makes sense.
Thanks for posting this Jo.
These huge, non violent gatherings are the antithesis of the U.S. BLM violence that terrified many communities recently.
Politicians will try to downplay them but the media has no option but to report them and the message will spread that we need to clean out the government infrastructure that abuses our trust.
These big crowds carry an important message.
It’s time.
The Jan 6 capital riot was far more peaceful and less damaging than any BLM riot. The worst violence in that one came from a capital policeman and not the mob. This is why the left needs to turn a peaceful expression of no confidence into an insurrection. They must send a message that rioting for political reasons is only allowed when the mob targets civilized society and not the government.
Agreed but Jan 6 was a walk-in demonstration, not a riot.
Glad you said that David. I must have watched the wrong videos but I haven’t seen anything from Jan 6 which comes close to warranting a reading of the riot act.
Or is that not how riots are declared and defined these days?
Yet Viking helmet guy will spend more time in jail than any BLM rioter and likely more than all of the BLM rioters combined. Is this what they mean by equitable justice?
Slippery term that, equitable.
The state of the world is shocking, the utter contempt of those masquerading as Politicians, Media etc. needs to be reciprocated by the general public pronto. Redress. Take your rights back and banish the Tyrants.
Apparently you Aussies don’t do protests right. They only are recognized as meaningful expressions of grievances if they include rioting, looting and burning buildings and/or police vehicles. No one in power will take large peaceful gatherings seriously any more.
Channel 7 news in Victoria reported that the Melbourne protest was “mostly peaceful” and only most reluctantly had to report that Victoria Police had made no arrests.
The place had an almost carnival like atmosphere with a serious underlying purpose uniting everyone for the common good, heads up for the wannabe dictators if this true show of strength has you concerned wait until you see what happens in my home town of Ballarat, remember that place 1854?, well watch this space!
I thought the Perth one did too. So many people!
Marvellous how peaceful protests can be, if the police can restrain themselves.
… and the trouble making goons don’t get an opportunity to do their damage.
yes Yarpos when the Melbourne police are actually doing there job working for the people and not the diktator there is a different outcome even if the pro vaxxers called the protesters Nazis, Fascists, racists and white supremist
you would not believe how many Vicdanistans can only talk about the gallows that was a prop because the MSM had to toe the Dan line to try and show the protesters as UGLY TERRORISTS, LOL
the free thinkers in other states know if this is not stopped their turn will come soon
it was a good day for the people
FFS is anyone else having every post moderated?
I learnt a new word on a quiz show the other day. Could come in useful in the current times.
What a useful word! Now in my lexion.
Kakocracy? Known that for YEARS in South Africa! Our lockdowns have also included bans on alcohol and tobacco, and we are STILL in an official “State of Disaster”.
It’s good to see so many taking some interest in what’s happening but does anyone really believe our governments will be taking note? Although I hope they change I doubt it. They are still pursuing a draconian solution to our woes. In the light of what’s now happening in Europe where more and more nations are introducing mandatory vaccinations and so protests are turning violent, we shall see if the same happens. I hope not. PM Morrison promised that there will be no mandatory vaccinations but we already knwo he has lied to us on other occasions, so one more won’t alter his character. Western governments used to stand for freedom and fought wars against those who wanted to take them away. Now that stand for totalitarianism, who will fight them to keep our freedoms? Civil war looks more and more likely.
Australia already has mandatory covid vaccinations. That is, if you want to work, trade or generally participate in life. In Vicdanistan you can only buy food, fuel and medicine if you are unvaxxed and can’t even get a haircut. No reasonable person or legal analysis would say vaccination is not compulsory in Australia.
The Left openly talk about denying medical treatment for the unvaxxed and even separating them from the rest of society.
It’s the same in NSW, although The Premiere is promising to lift that restriction at 95% fully vaccinated or Dec 15th, whichever is earlier. It will be the date, as we are still at 94.4% first vaccinated. So we will see.
Don’t forget about golf.
I am at liberty to wander around open parkland all I like whacking things with a stick but not even set foot in a golf club. I can play on a simulator indoors in a retail setting but not outdoors in the sun, the wind or the rain.
Oh, and a few days ago I could go into retail shops to buy clothing. Now I am forbidden. But I am permitted to buy groceries.
Boy am I dangerous! Or am I being protected for my own good?
Went for a walk to the local twilight market. Entry was only for double vaccinated. Market area was surrounded with ring lock mesh (sheep fence) so no one could sneak in, a very long queue to get in and once approved for entry a red wrist band was placed on everyone.
No one policing anything out side the sheep fence so I walked up and down the queue talking to people I know, walked around outside the perimeter fence and spoke to a couple of vendors from behind their stalls, all in all the most futile attempt to protect anyone from anything.The only conclusion that can be drawn is ” you will do what you are told” other wise complete exclusion from polite society. If this is an attempt at government bullying it has failed with me. Oh did I mention the RED wrist bands, strange random choice of colour, that.
There have always been mandatory vaccinations in specific cases, such as travelling to certain countries. I’m referring to mandatory vaccination across the board for EVERYONE period.
Indeed. And when you take the vaccine you expect it to work. You do not expect it to merely reduce the severity of the infection.
My Dog, (KK) Doom and gloom, doom and gloom.
Which rally did you attend, chuckle chuckle. Don’t worry I know.
If all Australians stood up and stopped complying, this all ends. Sorry I meant all other Australians.
When a comment can be seen as either an insult or just a bit confusing, the default interpretation may be the first.
Hey, I spelt it Dog so as to avoid your wrath.
Yep safe to go with “either”
Despite the heartfelt sentiments of the actual ‘woke’ people nation wide this is far from over as everyone in Melbourne that walked yesterday knew they couldn’t have done so two months ago without facing the excessive force and terror of the very same police that did traffic control yesterday.
As long as that anti-freedom sword of Damocles remains over us nothing has been achieved and justice has not yet been done, we have a long path ahead but the spirit of many has given this old cynic hope and purpose for leaving a lasting legacy for those young and yet to arrive.
when its reported that there are 400k-500k marching for freedom’s and 120 apparently marching against the white supremist mob in Melbourne l think there is a good message being put to the poliscum but we all should be aware that although they may look like they back off they will try in other ways to get the agenda done
Dan still had the Black shirts waiting in the rear with their rubber bullets at the protest march but they have blown the budget and need more Renminbi to carry on
so far l think the effects have not been what they thought it would be
More and more evidence is coming to the fore showing the COVID-19 vaccines are leading to an unusual rise in deaths. One study concludes that a vaccinated person is more than twice as likely to die as an unvaccinated one, and it is likely to get worse over time. If that’s the case it might not be too long before such evidence will shock and scare the vaccinated, which ought to lead to a very angry mob (assuming they still have the ability to think for themselves instead of believing everything governments and MSM are saying). If that’s the case then what follows will be inevitable; the vaccinated will be angrier than the unvaccinated who many politicians like to paint as domestic terrorists. That’s the stuff of societies collapsing into civil violence. We shall see.
Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R. Doctor Gives Chilling Account of Unusual Vaccine-Induced Illness
This certainly is consistent with the agenda of much of the Left that call for depopulation of the earth.
From what I have read so far, the “vaccine” is
sending out spiked protein, which is apparently
the killer. Plus you’ve got the graphene oxide.
Very interesting, but I dislike the anti-semitism in the comments.
Browse a sample of other articles and comments in topic areas on that website – the whole thing is riddled with that same mental aberration. Unlike most racism it’s an infection that causes a particular way of viewing drivers of society and history. makes one wonder how someone commenting here came across that article.
No one on this earth is perfect. I can find fault in anyone, including myself. I will read and analyse points of view, opinions and evidence from anyone regardless of their background provided it’s true. Adapted from the Scriptures; let one who is without error among us cast the first stone and obliterate everything another person says. After all, aren’t we all for free speech?
Very comment with UNZ followers.
bah— should have been:
Very common with UNZ followers.
Don’t let the MSM start to label it an insurrection.
Yes; it’s been a good start, but as you say, it’s far from over.
It won’t be over until all “emergency” powers are permanently removed and the police responsible for the astounding physical and emotional violence inflicted on innocent citizens is recognised and corrected.
One example, hushed up, is the case of the 59 year old woman who was crash tackled by a “police” officer. Broken collarbone and smashed hip. Excessive violence has no place in our society. I have great regard for our local police but this incident is so out of character with what I’ve seen of the police in recent times.
Many years ago our state premier condoned violence against the state police; Mr Carr cannot give away the rights of individual police to be treated decently; the law should be absolute and give protection to all.
Back to the topic; we have a long way to go.
Still, the popularity of the Premier of Viktoria rises in the latest polls. What is going on here the man should be on his knees and shackled in iron chains. It seems Victoria is a Socialist, compliant state.
l think the polls are just part of the game, no different to the adverse reaction statistics from the TGA or any of the other worldly data that is fudged and cannot be relied on for truth or clarity
you could see the difference with the 400k-500k of protesters in Melbourne compared to the very small amount of pro vax agitators trying to bait the freedom marchers who are not going to vote for Dan
l ask why were they allowed to be there taunting the much bigger crowd while the black shirts were waiting in the background for an altercation so they could get the truck and rubber bullets out
The polls are fudged by using questions that are at the very least ambiguous. One I heard of for people supporting the Canadian govt’s actions went something like this, “Do you agree that the govt should take measures to control the spread of Covid?”
‘think of the media as a promotions team for Big Gov and bankers and it all makes sense.’
Or a pretty lame comedy channel. Trying to be the Onion, but failing.
I only wish these protesters would their transfer their action to votes and ensure that neither major party ever holds an absolute majority in any parliament in Australia.
Libs, Labor, Nats and Greens. Kick them all out and never let them anywhere near power ever again.
Given the contrast between the pictures of the numbers at the rallies was the coverage by the ABC in the same proportion?
I attended the rally in Brisbane which, possibly because it was attended by Clive Palmer, seems to be getting very little real coverage.
Like the others though, it was a peaceful and diverse event. Police presence was very noticeable, but I didn’t see anything heavy-handed.
Reading the ABC this morning, I too was struck (but not surprised) to see “counter protests” being reported. The ABC tried hard to make these appear to be larger than they were. Also, in their usual style, they failed the most basic of journalistic tests when they interviewed a young lady leading one of the counter protests, happily just repeating her claim that they were there to support health workers and promote public safety. It took mt literally one minute to Google the lady in question and find that she had run as a socialist candidate in some election last year, casting doubt on her motives for being there.
We will attend other anti-mandate rallies if we can and can only hope that seeing these large numbers of quiet, respectful but determined citizens get mobilised will scare Morrison into growing a spine.
Saw video of the pro experiential drug pushers. They could not zoom in enough to make it look anymore then a handful. Screaming abuse from behind the cover of shoppers, what I could make out they were protesting for is safe injection rooms for self administering that sweet sweet vaxxine. I’m on board with this concept, lets do this Stairman Dan.
I haven’t taken much interest in the news coverage but I did see one female telling the cameras that she was anti-fascist and therefore fully supported mandatory injections.
Perhaps there is not enough brain in her head for cognitive dissonance to kick in.
Yes, people fighting for freedom and liberty are now the fascists while those wanting to force people into medical experiments are the freedom fighters. Orwell called it.
There were also had freedom rallies in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbournistan. They were generally poorly reported in the media, if at all.
One media outlet described the one in Melbournistan as an “anti-pandemic” rally. I’m not sure who would be for the pandemic, except perhaps the Left because it enables them to re-engineer society in their image.
Another outlet said there were a lot of members of the “far right” there. I suppose that these days that means anyone to the right of Pol Pot.
Interestingly a genuine self-identified Leftist was interviewed. That was interesting and disturbing. The Leftist said they were there to protest AGAINST the rally because the freedom rally 1) “undermined democracy” and 2) said they were in favour of compulsory vaccination for the good of society.
Yes the MSM is full of unintentional satire nowadays, the official state sanctioned counter rally was made up of the same pathetic rent a mob we encountered a few years ago, sad and ugly people that have so much in common with the Andrew’s regime they could be related, hang on!
Oh if I turned up I guess that’s the far right element there, sorry about that, but hey I made up for it by singing along with the Reggae Karaoke guys in Bourke St and dancing with the Hare Krishna’s in the park so all’s not lost.
I’d also like to address the terrible failure of the education system in this state relating directly to those in main stream media and the specific lack of mathematical skill.
I attended the one in Brisbane, with huge numbers present. Far more than any previous rallies on the disasterous covid 19 policies of our govts.
I heard numbers of 80 000 maybe more and can believe it.
Yet today the pathetic Rhiannon Down of the Australian claimed “hundreds” attended.
Seems that the state of education in this country is so bad that she is totally innumerate. All jokes aside, why is she simply incapable of reporting accurately here. Either she is totally stupid and innumerate, or she is deliberately falsely reported to try to make out that nobody here in QLD cares about an out of control Premier implementing mandates that have no scientific or moral basis.
I attended the Sydney rally with my wife and one of my boys (adult). It really was something. A sea of people from all backgrounds and races, united for a common cause.
Why are so many people afraid of the jabs?
One glance at the latest stats from Britain might give you a clue:
Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age
And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it’s correct, based on weekly data from the British government.
A report in the U.K. Telegraph explains how the Covid-19 vaccine has led to a sharp rise in excess deaths.
Here’s an excerpt from the article:
“Nearly 10,000 more people than usual have died in the past four months from non-Covid reasons, as experts called for an urgent government inquiry into whether the deaths were preventable….
Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that England and Wales registered 20,823 more deaths than the five-year average in the past 18 weeks. Only 11,531 deaths involved Covid.” (“Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths“, UK Telegraph)
It means that 9,292 deaths – 45 per cent – were not linked to the pandemic.
‘We urgently need to understand what’s going wrong’
Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said: “I’m calling for an urgent investigation.
“If you look at where the excess is happening, it’s in conditions like ischemic heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver and diabetes, all which are potentially reversible.
‘We urgently need to understand what’s going wrong’
Yes, what a puzzle.
It must be a result of a recent society-wide change – but what have we been doing differently lately?
A complete mystery.
Um…see post #7.1 to close the circle.
Okay, so what’s a “simplified booster” shot?
The FDA also gave a nod to the fact that we are still seeing some (thankfully rare) cases of myocarditis. But they said that the risk of that was “outweighed” by the “extra protection” offered by the boosters. It’s worth noting that this FDA approval of “simplified” boosters for all includes both Moderna and Pfizer. But in the European Union, their scientists came to a different conclusion, authorizing only Pfizer boosters because the heart inflammation risks of Moderna were deemed to be too much. Both sides can’t be correct about this.
These jokers at the FDA and CDC are simply creating even more layers of confusion. We were told for nearly the entire year that the vaccines were “safe, effective, and free.” But if they’re all that effective, why do we need boosters so soon? (As soon as two months if you opted for the J&J vaccine.) Has something in the formula for the boosters changed to make them last longer or are we going to be having the same damned debate yet again in April?
It’s sounding more and more as if this “simplified” system was born out of political necessity far more than any sort of scientific method.
The rhetoric about risks being outweighed is appalling.
The balance of risk is exactly why people should be able to make their own informed decisions about treatments. And you can’t make informed decisions under coercion.
Whatever happened to the allegedly fundamental principle of “informed consent”, in matters medical?
See also: “Do no harm”; as per the “Hypocritical oath”?
Are “situational Ethics” the “new” ethics? Seems that way. Lewis Carroll and Franz Kafka would be utterly bemused.
The “goalposts” are not just on wheels, they are on low-friction castors, so that they can be rapidly maneuvered in any direction at he merest whim.
“How many lights do you see, Captain?”
Has third Covid jab farce landed hundreds in intensive care? Huge rise in at-risk patient admissions blamed on botched booster rollout
– Weekly ICU admissions of most vulnerable patients have risen by 50% recently
– One in 28 patients in intensive care have conditions affecting immune system
– Rise blamed by campaigners on the botched rollout of a third vaccine dose
– Fears some at-risk patients may have lost their lives to Covid because they did not get the vital third jab in time
Damaged immune systems!? And not exploring the spike protein and shots 1 and 2?
Head Of East Germany’s Largest Clinic Commits Suicide Over Vaccine “Genocide”
While it was very positive that so many people turned up for the freedom rally, it is still the case that:
1) an overwhelming number of Australians were too apathetic to attend and;
2) most disturbingly accept the dictatorship that Australia has become plus the gross discrimination against the unvaccinated who have even fewer rights than the vaxxed. In Vicdanistan, the unvaxxed can only buy food, fuel or medicine and are prohibited from visiting or almost all other stores including hardware stores like Bunnings. They can’t even get a haircut.
Also in Vicdanistan, the latest polling shows that Dictator Andrews will easily win a third term in office. That is frightening.
Polls, predictive programing, bought to you by Pfizer
The prospect of Andrews continuing as premier is only frightening to those who value their own judgment and decision making.
Please don’t forget that Dangerous Dictator Dan
has a court appearance on the 19th of December.
I wonder how many did not go because they do not want to be labelled as antivaxers?
American YouTube satirist “Awaken with JP” takes a look at the dictatorship Australia has become.
Sadly, most Australians are blind to it.
J.P. is an Aussie.
I didn’t know that. He certainly has an American accent. He must have been in the US most of his life then.
According to Wikipedia, JP Sears was born in Toledo, Ohio and is also a US citizen.
I may well be wrong, I didn’t know that.
You know those moments when your reality comes crashing down because something you knew to be true wasn’t…..just had that.
Where I live we must show our vaccine passport upon entering a restaurant, so if i want to take my wife to dinner i must ask the government for permission.
How can anyone find this acceptable?
I’d start by looking at those who hold the privileges. History is littered with psychological experiments showing just how cruel people can be when they hold the upper hand with no fear of repercussion.
I’d start by looking at those who hold the privileges.
Also also find out who you are not allowed to criticise.
For those missing the reference:
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
A combo of some of yesterdays rallies. As not seen on your ABC.
A question for Aussies: Did the ABC let people know about the rallies in advance? This is done routinely here in the UK by the BBC, no doubt increasing the turnout, especially when people know that BBC cameras will be there. Only for marches that the BBC approve of, of course.
Nope, all organic, self promoted. People are looking for the truth now.
answered your own question really, the ABC would only promote climate alarm, indigenous grievance and LGBetc rallies.
Also, any attempt to promote pro-freedom rallies is usually deleted from socialist media such as Facebook.
Requesting information of any indication that Australian political and health leadership cares in the least what functional middle class Ozzies think.
Scare up some BLMtransAntifa protests and watch them jump.
Same all over.
The public be Danned.
Good Point. There was one example that I almost missed.
Dr Nick Coatsworth has been cancelled by the Federal Health Department and the ABC because he said that a zero covid strategy could not work long term.
A hypothesis I have been slowly developing is :
that when a body of people reach 50% double shot vaccination coverage, approx 3-4 months after you will get the next “wave” of infections, and presumably lockdowns. This is possibly due to break out of the disease from the vaccinated, but needs a 50% critical mass of vaccinated individuals.
This may also apply after each booster, as it may reset the “outbreak timer”.
Watching countries around the world via covid websites seems to support this hypothesis.
Challenges welcome …
How do you suppose Australia’s Orwellian-named “Centres for National Resilience” now under construction might be misused by the Left in future?
Especially now that there is legal discrimination against the unvaxxed and the Left openly talk about denying medical treatment to the unvaxxed and separating them from society.
There is a very good reason the Left stop the teaching of real history.
Once there is no longer a need for dedicated quarantine accommodation for the COVID-19 response, the Centres will be able to be used for other purposes.
I did hear a rumour that they will be camps for the healthy.
You know, those who do not succumb. The vax hesitant.
I think the term used was “Concentration Camps.”
The next bioweapon is already being designed. It would be incompetent of our governments not to prepare.
That doesn’t mean the camps won’t or can’t be used for the wrong purposes. But we need better quarantine facilities than hotels in cities.
When the next bioweapon comes, we will need to shut the borders. Then ideally, in a less corrupt world, we would run a fast scan of thousands of pre-approved drugs to see which ones would immediately be useful. This could be done in weeks. After antivirals were in mass production the need for borders and quarantine would be minimized. Obviously vaccination takes years to test, so it’s a long term follow up.
A fair set of ideas.
Let us have a plan, with the same objectives and using similar techniques but without the assumption-
“in a less corrupt world,”
Right. And it was right for Victoria to build a huge desalination plant for the inevitable drought that will end rain.
“Then ideally, in a less corrupt world, we would run a fast scan of thousands of pre-approved drugs to see which ones would immediately be useful” It seems to me that a failure of the “Experts”in control, to do this very thing, is the root cause of our current dilemma. Can we expect any better response in the future,especially when the financial rewards may be just as,or even more lucrative?
How do you know this and especially the design phase, if you know this then you also know who is attacking us. Why is your best form of defence, hiding?
Read the script?
Maintain nonviolence but get organised. If the people know how to organise then they cannot be resisted. Gene Sharp made an academic study of nonviolent resistance movements that succeeded, and then distilled a how-to manual called “From dictatorship to democracy”. It is readily found online and contains wisdom. Violence is the State’s long suit, so nonviolent protests are best. Courage is needed, of course. The Arab Spring movement distributed Sharp’s book widely but had no organic tradition of democracy to follow up what they did, and therefore lapsed. Western people do have such a tradition.
I actually got it from you last week.
The current rusted-on politicians should be worried about these huge freedom rallies. They represent a huge disconnect between public opinion and political policy. That will translate into
a significant vote transfer away from the ‘new normal’ propaganda to which we’re meant to be kowtowing.
Insane photos show tens of thousands of ‘freedom protesters’ storming the streets of 13 Australian cities to oppose Covid-19 vaccine mandates as riot squad police brace for violence
– Mass anti-vaccination demonstrations broke out in 13 cities around Australia on Saturday
– Thousands marched at cities in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart and regional centres
– Demonstrators gather after flyers circulated on social media advertising a ‘Worldwide Rally For Freedom’
– Demands include ending vaccine mandates, unlawful quarantine rules and Victoria’s proposed pandemic bill
And my challenge to readers is to find coverage on their ABC.
It was there yesterday, briefly, but only reports of violence in Europe is there now. Or maybe it has just been pushed into obscurity by more pressing news like which Harry Potter actor is now an MMA fighter.
It is as though I am not in their ABC’s target demographic.
Challenge taken… use these search criteria freedom protesters (which obviously excludes new items using other terminology).
many hits from 48 hours ago and older which are not relevant. There are many.
I then limited the search to one day. So this is reporting the protests more than a day after they happened. Here are the first 3 unique hits. Further hits include repeats of the same item on regional stations and lots of hits which are just links in sidebars
#1, trash interview with an expert of opinion, based on nothing.
#2, more evidence the ABC can’t count.
#3, threating emails? they will never be able to find that person, unless they hit reply to sender. Fact free BS from our normal government shills, no evidence of any of her claims presented.
Thanks for highlighting the extremely biased marxist/leftist reporting of the ABC.
Well Done, ga.
The ABC sites, the words are all the usual tropes of insults and put-downs without evidence. (No comment on vids which I do not watch).
I attended one of the rallies, I was on-site for about 4 hours, I saw only good behavior. Words used by the ABC in text do not match what I saw.
Premier of WA had to close his office… well he had closed down the state economy twice, one time it was for a week but ended only after two weeks. Small businesses and marriages failed. Big businesses doing as well or better than normal. The public are angry as he is forcing a medical procedure on the unwilling.
Meanwhile in the Netherlands, anti NWO mass riots.
If it was BLM they’d be “mostly peaceful protests”.
This is what happens when you push people too far.
The tide turns more:
In Germany, 55·4% of symptomatic COVID-19 cases in patients aged 60 years or older were in fully vaccinated individuals,4 and this proportion is increasing each week.
I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.
Speaking of Government malfeasance:
Same old, same old.
To be sure, to be sure!!
There’s nowhere recent to put this in, but it may be pretty important. I had been wondering about pfizer’s, linking 2 drugs together in their new anti viral treatment, and was suspicious that it might be the ‘backup’ that was doing the work, but they couldn’t make enough money off that, so they introduced a new patented drug to boost the price? So this is a new, even worse take on that. They need something to stop the vaccine’s ravages!
“The vaccines cause your body to produce the toxic spike protein part of Covid. These spike proteins contain the furin cleavage site from HIV1. So it is absolutely to be expected that both Covid and the vaccines will damage your immune system in a similar manner to HIV, causing a new type of AIDS. In fact Pfizer have just demonstrated that with their clinical trial results. But have been extremely careful not to draw that conclusion themselves.
Billing an HIV drug as a metabolic breakdown inhibitor for PF-07321332, is like billing a Ferrari with an in car stereo as a compact music system.
Indeed, I would suggest that the precise opposite of what Pfizer is saying could be the case. It may be that the anti-HIV drug Ritonavir is 89% effective in treating Covid and that the imaginatively named PF-07321332 is only there to disguise that revelation and to slow down the metabolism by the body of Ritonavir. Pfizer are calling the combination PAXLOVID.”
So does this mean you have a vaccine created problem that needs a lifetime use of a drug just so you stay alive?
Another little tit bit
“So we are now in the position that Pfizer’s actions by including the post heart attack drug Tromethamine (Tris) in their 5-11 year old children’s vaccine formulation ( page 14) and by demonstrating the 89% clinical efficacy of the anti HIV drug Ritonavir on Covid, reveal that vaccines cause heart attacks in children and that Covid (which infects through the spike protein of the vaccines) has the functionality of HIV and therefore causes a form of AIDS in all age groups.
AIDS is a progressive disease. So a 2-3 week Covid infection will not result in AIDS. But a continual Covid spike protein production caused by vaccines genetically reprogramming your cells in an irreversible manner, will give AIDS the time it needs to develop as has been demonstrated by the following Expose articles…”
p14 says:
Tromethmine is there to give longer storage time.
Maybe it is there for both functions?
Breaking news:
Austrian police and military standing down and no longer supporting government Covid mandates.
I hope that is true.
And your source is…?
Perth’s Sunday Times newspaper couldn’t bring itself to cover the biggest demonstration Perth has seen since we pulled the plug on Gough Whitlam’s efforts to enslave us until page 5 of it’s rag today.
The previous pages, including the front page were dedicated to old stories shit-canning Clive Palmer, and ho-hum, and now old, stories about some dick pics posted by some cricketer.
It claimed that the event attracted around 10,000 people. I did the exercise myself and counted in the vicinity of upwards of 10,000 just in Forest Place. There was a spillover of huge proportions into surrounding streets and in King’s Park, so the total number attending must surely have been more like 20 – 30,000.
Both the West Australian and Sunday Times newspapers are now openly and shamelessly shilling for the Left, and the quality (or lack of) of the journalism is on a par with your local school annual magazine put together by 16-year-olds.
ABC lashes out against the Rallies
Plumbing new depths of depravity? Maybe.
There are no depths to which the vaxxists will stoop. Witness Austria.
Could the ABC be panicking? Rallies this size are impossible to ignore, which could also panic the Elite.
Radio National is openly canvassing support for Labor to be installed at the next federal election; in this New Dark Age world in which we’re on the CDC’s third definition of vaccine this year the ABC charter guarantee for impartiality of political coverage is similarly elastic.
Comments to add to my posting:
Perth Rally.
Confirming, attendance based on segment counting- at the very least, 20,000 in the Forrest Place mall and adjoining Myer property.
To the south, Murray St mall I could not see due to crowd density.
Total- I would hesitate at thirty thousand, but twenty five thousand I could accept.
Also confirming, good behavior by all, limited police presence.
A few placards had rude words and bad spelling.
Maybe this graph shows why so many are turning up at the rallies….
20 is sufficent; one can strip the ?token= blather without loss of information.
And yet another warning to those people looking at jabs 3, 4, 5 etc
I’ll repeat that link bit.
dont get another shot under any circumstances
This is a good indication of how huge the Melbourne protest was..
It’s now clear the MSM are deliberately acting against the best interest of the people. Anyone who still trusts the MSM for news and information (not just the ABC but all of them with very few exceptions on specific programs, such as Outsiders) is a complete and utter fool.
Journalists Refuse to Report on Worldwide Protests or They May Come After your Pets Next
So, if they are keeping us un-vaxd out of society and even threatening to ban us from hospital, does that mean we are excused from paying for any of the PCR tests and the vaccines, and the hospital treatment of anyone vaxd??
The bill will be enough to set Aussie back a long time!
I took part in the Sydney rally. Having organized a float in Mardi Gras for many years, I am familiar with crowd size/numbers. I can say from what I saw that attendance easily exceeded 100,000.
The Establishment Misleadia say “upwards of 10,000”. Clearly they are desperate to downplay the numbers of those resisting mandates and passports.
But the Misleadia are wasting their time. The numbers will just continue to grow. And the numbers on the streets are putting the lie to the claimed Quackzination rates. And the numbers on the streets are telling everyone there that they aren’t a tiny minority. Think about it. 100,000s taking photos and sharing with friends and family over the Internet. The Misleadia lies are being blown away like leaves in a cyclone.