Photo by Hakan Nural on Unsplash
The FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine in August but hasn’t released the data and documents the decision was based on. So lawyers filed a suit against the FDA to make that information fully available to the public.
Aaron Siri, a lawyer at Siri Glimstad explains that the FDA has now asked the judge to allow it to drip-feed out the information at a pace so slow that the complete set won’t be available until 2076.
Remember, the vaccine is totally safe and has astonishing efficacy, right?
Perhaps they need a bigger internet cable.
The FDA promises full transparency for Pfizer Vaccine data “in 55 years time”
by Aaron Siri:
The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for?
To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA still has not released a single page. Not one.
Instead, two days ago, the FDA asked a federal judge to give it until 2076 to fully produce this information. The FDA asked the judge to let it produce the 329,000+ pages of documents Pfizer provided to the FDA to license its vaccine at the rate of 500 pages per month, which means its production would not be completed earlier than 2076. The FDA’s promise of transparency is, to put it mildly, a pile of illusions.
It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021). Taking the FDA at its word, it conducted an intense, robust, thorough, and complete review and analysis of those documents in order to assure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective for licensure. While it can conduct that intense review of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public.
As explained in a prior article, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
With so much “misinformation” out there about vaccines, you’d think Pfizer and the FDA would want to get the correct information out there ASAP.
In other news, as many as 27 US States have sued the Biden Administration to stop the vaccine mandate, and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld its decision to temporarily suspend that.
OSHA Suspends Implementation, Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate
The Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says it has suspended the implementation and enforcement of the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses.
The announcement came shortly after a U.S. appeals court rejected a challenge by the Biden administration on Nov. 12 and reaffirmed its decision to put on hold OSHA’s mandate, which requires that businesses with 100 employees or more ensure that workers either be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Jan. 4, 2022, or be tested weekly and wear a mask.
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans stated in an opinion that OSHA’s mandate is “staggeringly overbroad,”…
At least for a while in some parts of the USA, some citizens will still get a choice.
20,000 days?
The Arctic will be ice free by then, right?
I would also add,
in 20,000 days, most currently living criminals will be dead.
Making prosecution problematic.
Did they add an extra zero to the number of days?
Animal research shows that if we put pigeons in cages where they are give a food pellet every 5 minutes they will all develop superstitious behaviors. One will turn around, one will flap its wings, increasing the effort right before the pellet is given.
Dogs often bark and run after departing cars. They think they are chasing the car away. We humans also have a tendency to think we can control the uncontrollable. We think we can control the climate because we think we can control co2 and that co2 really in turn controls climate. We also think we can control Covid spread. What if we are like dogs chasing departing cars or superstitious pigeons? Each government with its own superstition.
You disregard the reality that any one car operator will not be normal and will run the dog over.
And that very fact is what provides a correlation coefficient of 0.97 for fearful cars and running dogs.
That’s OK John. They can just tear down all the statues.
No, the hell will be frozen until than.
More to the point is this…
“It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021). Taking the FDA at its word, it conducted an intense, robust, thorough, and complete review and analysis of those documents in order to assure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective for licensure.”
So 329,000 pages…108 days. That works out to over 3,000 pages each and every day that has been robustly and thoroughly reviewed and analysed.
I know there is such a thing as speed reading but bloody hell!
All cause mortality/morbidity in the drug group should be the only metric to evaluate danger of any drug. The vaccine may reduce Covid deaths, but it seems to create a lot of other problems according to VAERS. And nobody talks about the documented hundred fold under-reporting in this voluntary system.
By 22 October there had been over 800 000
Adverse events reported, likely as many as 80 million in real life. Deaths: 17128 likely over 1.7 million. To visualise: 3400 jumbo jets crashing, one every minute for 56 hours or 3400 km of coffins or dead bodies next to the road. Imagine driving LA to New York with the roadside littered with dead bodies for the whole trip. Imagine 571 9/11s. That is one 9/11 every hour for 23 days, day and night. Life threatening events 18924. Probably more than 1.8 million. Permanent disabilities 26199, probably more than 2.6 million. Imagine disabled people staring at you from BOTH sides of the road from New York to LA. Birth defects 575, probably over 50000, one child with birth defect born every 10 minutes for a year. Numbers lose their meaning unless we visualise them. That is why the media world gets all excited about plane crashes and terrorist attacks.
The problem of under reporting may make these figures a lot worse. A friend who owns two medical centres assured me that they had delivered “thousands, of vaccinations with NO adverse reactions. I responded that there seems to be a problem with reporting eg drs don’t understand procedures/too busy/don’t recognise symptoms etc. She didn’t respond.
Yet, speaking widely in the community, we all seem to know quite a few people who have had adverse reactions – but few who have had Covid.
Go figure.
The data was read by technical bureaucrats appointed by our political class. We all know how rapidly our politicians can consume and analyze information by their ability to read, understand and pass thousands of pages of legislation in the nonce while also being interviewed by various news networks and writing books and op eds, attending toney cocktail parties and taking world wide investigative junkets. They are remarkedly talented multi-taskers and only hire the most qualified relatives, er, applicants to oversee our government agencies.
no sarcasm intended
I know where I’ll be in 2076. Half or more of those alive right now will be in a similar condition. Most of the current directors, stockholders and importantly; SHAREHOLDERS will also be-shall-I-say-Dead!
So whom will give a damn? If the Jab proves to be more dangerous well then even less of the above will be here to complain.
It seems that we can see the monster, it is upon us, and we will not be able to do a thing about it.
In Victoria, the choice is now further directed by reducing freedom for the unvaccinated while removing most restrictions for the vaccinated.
Not being able to go to any non-essential stores while still allowing working in an office (albeit masked) shows that the Andrew’s government is using the heavy hand to steer the “choice”.
While I can hold out, it’s extremely tough on my teenage daughter now. She’s excluded from most activities outside school and can’t even shop. Some freedom.
Like all Leftist psychophaths (or psychopaths of any persuasion), Andrews is extremely cruel.
But most of the compliant masses love him because he gives them lots of “free stuff”. And he takes away one’s freedom and then he is applauded when he gives one percent back. A majority of the Sheeple really are that stupid.
He is also making those who resist the ineffective and possibly dangerous experimental drug physically obvious. He is giving them a sign. E.g. sadly your daughter will be seen as the one that can’t participate in certain activities, others will be notable because Andrews has prohibited them getting hair cuts.
Nothing reveals the true evil nature of the Left like a health or climate “crisis”.
Just watching his mannerisms the other day and I came to the opinion that he is a sadist. The grating habit of slowly releasing restrictions and acting as though he has personally borne the cross for his people. Disgusting individual who brings out very negative thoughts from others. I feel very sorry for Victorians.
Andrews is probably Australia’s most hated politician, ever. At least among thinking people. The Sheeple however, seem to love him.
Its like Stockholm syndrome….but there is a proper psychology name for it.
In one newspaper if i read correctly, once a kid turns 12 , they have 2 months to be jabbed…..isnt that effectively State ownership of your child?
Ditto for Ardern here: the announcement of an announcement to be made shortly; using a tone of voice normally heard in kindergartens; overt hand movements (lately vigorous hand-wringing on Cindy’s part – guilt or money?); telling imprisoned Aucklanders they “complete her” [the what?!]; kind of mad really.
OMG you just gave me an evil thought. Imagine if Dan-your-man, cause he ain’t mine had a child with Cindy, what would it be? Rather than prescribe a thought I’ll leave that up to the readership to suggest……
Maybe Dan is possessed!
“he is a sadist”; not sure about that but I can imagine he was bullied a lot at school and is now getting even.
Hi David, Longer term it might work out in your daughter’s favour – keeping the possibly toxic concoction out of her body may be a godsend.
David, female doctors are reporting lots of horrible things are happening to women who have been vaccinated . Serious gynaecological problems they had not experienced prior the jab. It’s tough on her now, but it could be worse. It’s dark times for all of us.
At least your daughter isn’t in Hospital with an ‘unknown’ cause for the incredible pain in her chest.
Remember slaves seek only comfort.
Families and a middle class treasure freedom. The ruling elites are destroying the middle class with rules and regulation. Remember Woolies, Coles, Bunnings etc open. Corner shops, Cafes etc destroyed.
The Totalitarians can take the freedom from the slave. The only way they can rule a middle class is if those individuals surrender their freedoms.
They have!
That is the fate that I desperately want her to avoid but being young and seeing her friends enjoying the freedoms that has been deigned allowable for the vaccinated, she feels understandably constrained. That they are apparently healthy makes it difficult for me to convince her of the concerns over even the possiblity of short term side effects let alone the totally unknown long term effects.
Dan’s latest extensions of “freedom” have totally divided society. Which is the exact intent, of course.
If we should look at vaccination numbers and take the probable VAERS numbers seriously, we would have the following risks:
193 million were so-called fully vaccinated 4. November. So we may count around roughly 190 million for the VAERS date.
Permanent disability:one out of every 73 vaccinated. Imagine you roll a dice and get the same number twice. Then you roll it once again and get 4,5 or 6. Permanently disabeled
For death the risk is one in 111. Two identical number on the dice and then a 3 or a 4. Would you roll the third time?
The risk for death from covid in the US is about one in 700. So should we take the VAERS seriously with the 1% reporting rate (it may be even more suppressed than that given the money involved), one out of 15116339347 fil die from the vaccine, but only 1 out of 700 will die from Covid. The vaccine are 6.3 times more deadly than Covid itself. If we are generous and say that only 10% of covid deaths are from covid, not from comorbidities, we have a 60 fold increased risk from the vaccine.
So what happens if you break those numbers down by age? The WHO’s VigiAccess database has the Vaccine affecting the 18 to 64 Year olds while the ‘with Covid’ deaths are in the 86 year old average with those younger than 70 largely asymptomatic. Remember the assault on the youth with the vaccination of children has only just begun.
What happens when you adjust the VAERS data for the under reporting?
What happens when you adjust the ‘with Covid deaths’ with the CDC’s instruction that only %6 of the recorded deaths did not have at least 2 or 3 other significant co – morbidities.
From another post on Jo’s site. You certainly wouldn’t want to be running a fertility clinic and vaccinating your patients.
The local pharmacy thought it was in the middle of a baby boom with an 8 fold increase in pregnancy tests. The truth appears the vaccine makes a mess of the fertility cycles.
Just to reinforce what Analitik said, from today, in Auschtralia’s leading dictatorship of Vicdanistan, Dictator Andrews has decreed that the unvaxxed CANNOT visit “non-essential” retail stores. They can only visit places selling food, fuel, pharmacies and very little else.
Australia is truly becoming a multi-class society, consistent with Leftist social engineering of “identity politics”.
At least in NSW the unvaxxed will have restrictions against them lifted in mid-December. There are no such plans in the southern dictatorship.
I have only been asked to show proof of vaccination in a restaraunt . Nobody else seems to want to check . This attitude might be driven by the high vaccination rates . The mandate and the responsability waiver we had to sign make a mockery of the “safety” of the jab. The labour party will throw Andrews under the bus (or down the stars again) before the next election to avoid annihilation …
The 16-and-over vaccination rate in Victoria is now 88.5%. Considering that the fully vaccinated appear to have twice the per capita infection rate of the unvaccinated, you are at least 20 times more likely to be infected by a fully vaccinated person.
Restaurant managers have no real incentive to ensure customers provide proof of vaccination.
I expect that there may be a reasonable level of enforcement for a week before business owners and managers get tired of policing their customers.
One thing they don’t need to worry about as much as overseas is backlash from the unvaccinated since the vaccination rates are so high in Victoria. And most sensible hesitants will understand that it’s the government not the business that’s shutting them out.
I was asked if was “double vaxxed” in Target. I am or else I cannot work,then they wanted to see my passport tick. I told them no and if they want to contribute to an apartheid i will not shop there anymore.
– https://unherd.com/2021/11/inside-the-austrian-lockdown/
‘civil liberties implications. Do you not even have a twinge of anxiety about the shift in democratic norms, or whether such discriminatory policy might be applied in different settings, I ask?’
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz7wGLPOTxg
Vaccination disappointments
Dr Jefferson Jones
CDC’s COVID-19 Epidemiology Task Force
very complicated
We would discourage thinking in terms of a strict goal
some kind of threshold where there’ll be no more transmission of infections may not be possible
Vaccines, quite effective at preventing severe illness and death,
none has proved reliable at blocking transmission of the virus
Even if vaccination were universal, the coronavirus would probably continue to spread’
Pericarditis after vaccine
readers’comment:”In an uncorrupted world we would be having these open conversations.
Massive respect to John & Kyle”
It would be nice if we could look forward to better working vaccines….
Adjuvanted with Alum and CpG 1018
Whole virus candidate
Vero-cell based
Using the manufacturing platform of Valneva’s commercial Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine
‘Now French pharmaceutical company Valneva is throwing its hat into the vaccine ring, but it has a vaccine with a difference. Rather than induce an immune response that targets just the spike protein of the coronavirus, the Valneva vaccine, also known as VLA2001, stimulates an immune response to the entire virus, and that might just give it an edge over its competitors.
It is different in that it uses the tried and tested method of taking the whole of the coronavirus and inactivating it so that it can no longer cause illness. It then combines with an adjuvant, a substance that helps it enter human cells effectively.
A similar technique is used to make flu and polio vaccines. The idea is that by introducing a whole coronavirus into the human body, albeit one which has been inactivated and cannot cause illness, the immune system will recognise the whole virus as foreign and not just the spike proteins. This will give a much broader immune response and increase the memory cells that can recognise different parts of the virus should the vaccinated individual become infected with the real coronavirus.
The company say the advantage to this is that should any mutations arise on the spike protein that render it unrecognisable to the vaccine, the Valenva-induced immune response is broad enough to be able to recognise other parts of the virus so the immune reaction will still be effective.’
and again: Why not including ivermectin in the mix….
The Valneva approach is the one used by the Sinopharm vaccine and some of the other Chinese vaccines that are only used internally.
It’s difficult as inactivating a virus will usually damage it to the point where the antigens (components that the immune system recognises and forms responses against) differ so much from the live virus that either the immune system no longer recognise them as a threat or forms an ineffectual response or worst of all, elicits a harmful response, either directly or when a real infection occurs. Given that there are dozens of components in a coronavirus that can form an antigen, it’s most likely to get a mix of all 4 types of response (only one of which is effective and safe). And quality control can greatly affect the outcome of a batch during production.
This is why the traditional vaccine approaches of inactived or attenuated viruses take so long and require extensive and lengthy testing and have thorough and drawn out approval processes.
Reports of Sinopharm is that it is both largely ineffectual AND has bad side effects, showing why a rushed vaccine of this type is a bad idea.
A single antigen reduces the number of possible outcomes, greatly simplifying development. Using gene therapy to have the body express the antigen simplifies production. In theory, testing and approval is slightly simplified but not greatly. The price is a single response by the immune system greatly increasing the likelihood of immune escape, even if the antigen is benign.
Valneva is indeed to small to make a big difference….(but “it could make an important contribution”)
‘Will VLA2001 be safe and effective against SARS-CoV-2?
Valneva is working as quickly as possible to develop a safe and effective vaccine against COVID-19, VLA2001 is being tested in clinical trials to confirm safety and effectiveness against this disease. Valneva reported positive Phase 1/2 data in April 2021 (Press release).
Topline results of Valneva’s Phase 3 trial released in October 2021 showed that VLA2001 induced high levels of neutralization antibody titers as well as broad T-cell responses, and was well tolerated (Press release).
In addition, Valneva has a very solid database on the safety of this inactivated virus approach from its JE vaccine, which has been FDA/EMA/MHRA approved for over a decade.’
Thomas Lingelbach, Chief Executive Officer of Valneva, said, “We are grateful to the European Commission for its support and are eager to help address the ongoing pandemic. We continue to receive messages from people across the world who are waiting for an inactivated vaccine. We are deeply committed to bringing an alternative vaccine solution to the market as quickly as possible and continue to work tirelessly to achieve that. Our Phase 3 results confirmed the advantages often associated with inactivated vaccines and we continue to believe that our differentiated vaccine candidate could make an important contribution to the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.”
There is great potential with the mRNA technology.
But, for now, I still wonder about the long term safety of these mRNA vaccines.
‘With so much “misinformation” out there about vaccines, you’d think Pfizer and the FDA would want to get the correct information out there ASAP.’
strange indeed
11/18/2021 07:39 PM EST
‘The Food and Drug Administration on Friday is expected to authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 booster shot for all adults — a move that would come in tandem with the clearance of Pfizer-BioNtech’s booster for widespread use, two people with knowledge of the matter told POLITICO.
Moderna reported earlier this summer that its booster is 93 percent effective when given six months after the second dose, and the company has been in close touch with the FDA since then about an eventual authorization of its shot for all adults.’
It is effective, but how can they already know it is safe?
‘In March 2020, when the Covid-19 epidemic was already in full swing, another epidemic, of scabies, occurred in a nursing home in Seine-et-Marne. To treat this parasitic disease, doctors have been prescribing for decades a well-known and effective drug: ivermectin (IVM). This is how Dr. Charlotte Bernigaud, dermatologist at the AP-HP Henri Mondor Hospital, treated all 121 residents (69) and employees (52) of the establishment.
In this retirement home where the average age of residents is 90 years, with 98% of people with a comorbidity at risk, the Covid-19 virus has done virtually no damage. Only 1.4% of the occupants (including staff) had the virus, with moderate symptoms (no oxygen or hospitalization) and no deaths were to be deplored.’
The doctor asked for further investigation (in March 2020!!!)
I normally do a bit of contract work during the grass season, slashing, mowing , hay etc. This year I have been informed that I cannot drive a tractor on one 500 acre property unless I am double vaccinated. One man, lots of open space and no one to interact with for the length of the job, and yet I am apparently a “threat” to something. The threat of huge fines to the owners is enough to make sure that common sense will not prevail.
Sambar, pretty much everyone else is lying (Fauchi maybe) to us so just tell them you are double vaxed.
Anyone with a cheap laser printer can create a replica certificate of vaccination. If you get caught you didn’t get the idea from me.
“At least in NSW the unvaxxed will have restrictions against them lifted in mid-December. ”
Ahh.. Let’s just celebrate that in Mid-Dec when it happens! A week is a long time in politics…
I could do with some new T-shirts, but luckily they’re not vital yet. I asked old dickhead my Member if they were going to reverse the indecency laws if we can’t buy clothes, but of course… no reply.
I guess I am not supposed to actually say what I think should be done about Andrews and his ilk but I do hope that he receives a nice tie as a Xmas present from his loving voters in 2022.
In the ACT there are no restrictions on the unvaxxed.
Being full of bureaucrats, who just love rules and orders, 97% are now “protected” with the jab.
Now just waiting for all the unjabbed to die off. /sarc
But seriously, who would have predicted that it would be the hard-left ACT that would be the one beacon of rationality and freedom in all of Australia.
The US Law Courts are now starting to uphold the US Constitution. Something that the Federal Government and Law Courts here need to. Uphold the Australian Constitution for a change………………………..
G’day J S,
I hope you’re right. But what evidence do you have? Fauci hasn’t been arrested yet, has he?
Dave B
As a consolation regarding your daughter:
I’ve just returned from talking to a bloke about his former boss who he knows and trusts.
The “former” described how his 12 year old daughter had received a jab and then mysteriously wound up shortly after with “heart trouble”, obviously caused by the jab.
Apparently this otherwise intelligent bloke was completely unaware of the link between the jab and the blood clotting.
So, in summary, a healthy 12 year old daughter comes down with clots and heart trouble a few days after the VaXXine and dad can’t see a connection.
Our society is in deep doo doo.
Do you know if the poor girl’s condition has been reported in the TGA’s Database of Adverse Event Notifications system?
No, don’t know but obviously she would have been seen by doctors in the hospital.
Don’t want to give any more detail in case there’s a small chance of identifying people, but there is another case of similar mind over matter reasoning.
A woman with very strong views about compliance and politics had her first shot a couple of months ago.
That night she felt her body go cold and could not get warm. She was terrified but at least had her husband present to call an ambulance if needed. She survived the night.
It took two weeks before she felt free of side effects of the jab.
O.K. all’s well.
So at the appropriate time she went and got the second shot. Given the horror that she expressed about her first jab I was amazed when she told us that she had the next one.
That demonstrates incredible trust in The Authorities in charge of her life.
I have no great faith that the doctors attending the girl’s case would have submitted an adverse event notification. There are many reports of people suffering from side effects who had to lodge their own report as the doctors were unwilling to.
The lady in your second case shows the trust earned by the institutions in the past that is now being abused. How long will it take to regain it after the truth becomes evident?
Florida has now legislated and rules governing mandates (if constitutional) as they might
apply in Florida.
What did anyone expect? The number of politicians and their family members in the US and elsewhere who invested heavily in big pharma in 2019 gives a clue about advance knowledge of what was to come.
We now have two sacred cash cows: epidemics and the climate. The elite know that they can milk profit out of the latter indefinitely. But it is the former, especially the manmade ones, their production and release that give the huge boost to their already present billions. We can now expect similar m-RNA poisons for all future epidemics as the cash flow is so huge that the old fashioned tried and tested actual vaccines will be discarded as funding dries up in favour of the new wave.
I would dearly like to see fertility assessments on young males with the m-RNA poison as Gates 500 million by 2100 has already begun IMO. Yes I am guessing here.
China is buying up non Chinese DNA and has for decades(after a blood test you didn’t think that they actually threw it out did you?) Any swab or blood test in the last 25 years probably has your DNA on file already and they WILL use it to make specific viruses aimed at racial groups. Difficult? yes! But they have the manpower, the money and the lack of ethics to do just that. Even poor old George Orwell could not see such coming.
Biden Purchases Ten Million Courses of Pfizer COVID Pills for $5.3 Billion, Equals $530 Per Treatment Course
November 18, 2021 | Sundance | 37 Comments
This is a small example of the stunning graft and hypocrisy within the ideological Biden administration.
The White House has announced {SEE HERE} they are purchasing ten million courses of the new Pfizer COVID therapeutic treatment pill called Paxlovid.
“Today, I’m announcing that we have purchased 10 million treatment courses of the Pfizer antiviral COVID-19 pill, with delivery starting at the end of this year and across 2022.” (link)
The Biden payment to Pfizer is for $5.3 billion {link} At 10 million courses that equals $530 per treatment.
Laughably the White House says “pending FDA approval“, as if the FDA would not approve the Pfizer pill.
Keep in mind the U.S. taxpayer fully subsidized the research and development for the entire spectrum of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. The development cost the private pharmaceutical companies, in this example Pfizer, absolutely nothing.
They sure managed to get their man into the Whitehouse, didnt they?
Dr. John Campbell explains here that the new drug is no where near as many positive benefits as IVM
Lets go Branden!
This is the theme of the latest Bond movie.
Art/fiction becoming fact???????
Forgot the reference – “they WILL use it to make specific viruses aimed at racial groups”
I understand the Chinese have bought Ancestry.com for the DNA information.
The Chinese have always been more racially Xenophobic than all but the pre-war Japanese. Never judge them by those you see who are forced to endure us in the west as they know how to survive but ALL have family back in China and ALL are susceptible to blackmail and family threats. My wife worked/travelled in rural China and spitting at her feet was common as were verbal insults.
In China open antagonism to blacks is common although I know of no one actually attacked but then how could I? As their MSM honesty is worse even than that of the west. They even have art exhibitions with images of Africans and Apes shown together for comparison. I travelled in Japan on the commuter rail for some months and we were packed in like sardines but when a US friend travelled with me we had a metre of free space around us on the train as he was black. Obviously they though that the black could rub off on their clothing.
The Chinese see blacks as obviously inferior but whites do scare them so do not think that the concept of racially targeted viruses is unlikely. They are already in vitro creating human/animal creatures and primate/pig creatures(we are quite possibly a result of such). The organ cloning business there is just itching for success. They see biological warfare as the way to a Chinese future and even if such kills a couple of hundred million Chinese, so what? they do not care and in fact have a 100 million male surplus problem already(not enough females). Study the “ethics” of imperial China to see how they think as there the individual never counted just like now, unless of course they get along with Xi and are very rich.
Australia needs to also release all documents that were submitted to the TGA for the approval of the various covid “vaccines”.
Since Australia effectively has compulsory injection of a poorly effective and possibly dangerous substance the people are entitled to know what data the decision for compulsory injection was based upon.
It is really concerning that it appears that Pfizer can not count the dead or is it they don’t want to??
I wonder if you can find this in the 326,000 pages!!
Agreed, but the Australian documents would include the US documents. My crystal ball says hell will freeze over before anything incriminating would be released without full redaction.
I would also question the 329,000+ pages of documentation. No human could possibly digest that. In addition, a vast majority of that would not be relevant. Some might be a printout of an email requesting, say a 1pm meeting. Then there will be dozens of replies to that email in the whole chain. Others might be consent forms etc..
Most will be of zero or low importance.
What is essential is the experimental methodology, the results of efficacy and reports of adverse effects. I don’t think that should amount to more than a few hundreds to a few thousands of pages.
G’day D M,
You’re probably right, but wouldn’t that just mean that the useful info would only be “found” as the last 500 pages?
Or is that too cynical?
Dave B
Yes, David. The “good stuff” will be released in 2076…
But, But, But…….
The US FDA says they digested 329,000 pages of information in 108 days to reach the conclusion that Pfizer would be issued an Emergency Use Authorization. Because that’s the elapsed time it took for the FDA to do so.
Well, then. It is a historical Fact that an approval in 108 days means, Factually, that the US FDA is lying though their teeth, OR, it is Absolutely Possible to evaluate 329,000 pages of information in 108 days.
Therefore, it Must be possible to Re-Print and Distribute via .pdf scans, All of the 329,000 pages of data and information the they reviewed in 108 days.
If not, the US FDA is Absolutely LYING. Or did I miss some logical or practical aspect of their position??
Let’s do the Maths, Eh?
329,000 pages / 108 days / 8 hrs per day / 60 mins/hour = 6.346 pages per minute, or approx. one page per 10 seconds.
Obviously, it only takes 10 seconds to evaluate medical/epidemiological/legal/microbiological/clinical/death data Per Page. Because the US FDA has admitted to that.
Therefore, it is only logical that the US FDA perform at the same level that they claim to have accomplished in order to approve of the Pfizer data. Really. Otherwise, it might be a sham and lie. And every Government On Earth must also be able to defend evaluation of One Page Per 10 Seconds under penalty of Law and Responsibility.
Otherwise, this is nothing but a sham. A pretense. An Illusion. A Political Theatric to justify their actions.
From http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/2021/11/18/safe-and-effective-22/
“As I have explained before, I’m not a vaccine opponent — I’m a vaccine mandate opponent.
But we live in a democracy, and for nearly two years the rights and freedoms that were our birthright in purportedly free nations have been surrendered to the whims and models of public health officials who have been granted power without accountability.
Without direct accountability for their (many) failures, there cannot be trust. When repeated failure doesn’t result in termination and replacement, and we are instead held hostage to these incompetency repeat offenders by our elected governments – there should not be trust.
The Daily Sceptic has for some time been reporting on the apparent negative vaccine effectiveness visible in raw U.K. health data. Despite some age ranges now showing that the vaccinated are more than twice as likely to get Covid as the unvaccinated, this is routinely adjusted out, leading UKHSA to un-intuitively claim that the vaccines are still highly effective even against symptomatic disease.”
More there
Sounds like the old lawyers’ trick whereby, when the other side makes the reasonable request to see crucial information, they are handed a ton of irrelevant documents with the important info buried within. There’s a term for that tactic, but I can’t recall what it is.
In Australia I believe the practice has three different names:
trolley load litigation
trial by avalanche
defensive legal practice.
It was the subject of an enquiry.
Imagine if, apart from hiding the pertinent info within a deluge of trivia, the lawyer was allowed to divulge it over 50 years. Seriously, this is an utterly ludicrous and bizzare request.
If I could change anything on this blog, it would be adding the ability to edit posts!
“And Now, The Bad News”
Read it to find
“Here’s the basic problem that the data has disclosed: The jab immunity is not only worthless over time it may be harmful. If the developing data I’m tracking proves up (it hasn’t yet) the booster will wane at roughly double the speed of the originals. This is catastrophically bad because the antibody titers produced by boosting is higher than after the original second dose and thus given any sort of fall-off curve should last longer than the original two doses — but it does not.”
And more
A good assessment of the situation, one that was made about a year ago by some but was ridiculed at the time. As I suspected, eventually those who ridiculed it are shown to be ignorant at best. I just hope the worst fear is not realised, namely vaccinated people start dropping dead like flies all over the place. We will have to wait and see for a very long time before one can say with a reasonable amount of certainty whether it’s that bad or not. In the meantime all booster shots should be halted until we have a clearer picture, but of course that wouldn’t meet their agenda.
“A meme seen online:
I’m quite in favour of this. Over 60 and a “Pure Blood”. My wife might be disinclined to agree, more’s the pity.
Ok. Well. It was a thought. for a moment. But you have to admit it’s a great line in a Bar. 🙂
Gotta wonder what kind of bars you hang out in?
New Bitcoin?? Nah, its worthless.. The lamestream media had an article recently about how little sex young people have these days. No interest, no time, confused about how to do it and who with.. Too much fluoride in the water, to much plastic in the food and too many chemical sprays/antibiotics/growth hormones etc in the food chain, and too many computer games!
Daughter is typical, 30, living at home, has friends socially, plays online computer games each evening and has no intention of having children at all even if she had a boyfriend. A very different world these days..
and you believed that article?
Nothing they post is anywhere near the truth and that includes teenage sex.
As for any survey it expects the impossible truth always and that assumes that it has not specifically targeted a group.
The covid vaccinations are dangerous because the covid spike has designed to cause damage to people whose immune systems do not function, because they are Vit D deficient. Those medical facts: Severe Vit D deficiency and covid’s microbiological capability to damage the human body of those people who are severely Vit D deficient, is not going to change.
The covid vaccinations are always going to be dangerous. And the covid vaccinations are always going to ‘fail’ after about 6 months for those people who are severely Vit D deficient.
Because of this reasons (facts, unchangeable truths)… And because the real solutions (like Ivermectin and Vit D correction) are being hidden. The UK is about to force their citizens to have a third ‘jab’. And they will need a fourth jab and a fifth jab. Japs for every, until we stop the madness.
Ministers are set to require three vaccinations from those eligible for booster jabs in order to qualify as being fully vaccinated in areas where people must prove their status, such as travel or avoiding mandatory isolation.
The human body requires high levels of Vit D (at or above 60 ng/ml, 150 nmol/l to produce an optimum response) to produce microbiological chemicals at a cellular level. The Vit D activated, microbiological chemicals (10,000 genes of the genome that is found in every human cell, are known to be activated by Vit D. 1500 of these genes are involved in known systems.) are require for all cellular operations include preventing/stopping virus attacks, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and schizophrenia.
In the winter, roughly 40% of the population has a Vit D level that is below 20 ng/ml, 50 nmol/l. The US average Vit D level is 27 ng/ml. Those people who are at ‘risk’ are a factor of three too low, compared to the optimum level. In the US 80% of the US Blacks and 60% of the Hispanics are severely Vit D deficient (below 20 ng/ml)
So we have a choice. Tell the population about the severe Vit D deficient and then Correct the Vit D deficiency of the entire population. That will stop covid and prevent/stop roughly 70% of all medical conditions. This is going to be a fight or a miracle depending who your point of ‘view’.
Force the entire population to vaccine every six months increasing the damage to our body by exposing our body to a covid spike attack every six months.
Low Vit D level are the norm in most nursing home patients while if they are black and in a cold climate is is likely to be even lower. Once this is known the genuine CV19 deaths are less than that of seasonal Influenza
Quite the lopsided picture. The vaccines have no long term testing, the vaccines may not be questioned, questioning the vaccines gets you banned from social media, facts about the vaccines may not be made public for 50+ years (when those involved are dead)….yet…the vaccines are either mandatory or heavily coerced onto those who see all this as not normal.
In other words, it’s one of those conspiracy theories that come true. Another way of looking at it is it passes the duck test, and it does it in flying colours, which makes it even worse given the seriousness of the situation. So, it’s pure evil on the part of all those in authority who even just aids and abets it (encourages, incites, coerces, etc.), including PM Morrison. There are no excuses as plenty of people have been talking about the adverse effects for well over a year now.
What should make any sane and thinking person alarmed is the heavy handed shutdown of criticism of the vaccine.
If you have no criticism of the vacvine allowed, emerging evidence of substantial vaccine injuries and vaccine ineffectiveness and no legal form of redress for vaccine injury, draconian rules about those who refuse the shots can do, you would have to conclude that its a stitch up and/or a form of medical slavery, or its a global medical experiment run those who appear to be a bit unhinged?
I found this very pertinent comment in an article on Quadrant Online by Dr Rocco Loiacano, a lecturer at Curtin University Law School:
“. . . Governments, bureaucracies and business leaders have no right to enforce or to coerce an individual to take a medical treatment against his or her better instincts or judgement. This is known as the principle of informed consent and the Australian Immunisation Handbook makes it clear that vaccines “must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.” What is more, the decision to take a medication must remain the sole preserve of the patient-doctor relationship, so that particular individual circumstances can be considered.”
Yep. If someone had a few million dollars to take the government to court it is very likely that Australia’s compulsory vaccination program would be found to be illegal.
Not to mention a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
I am waiting for the Royal Family to do just that as well as for all other Commonwealth Nations where the Queen is “Head of State”……..
Thereby hangs the nub. No idividual or group could ever afford to take this matter to court. Just look at the huge cost in legal fees spent by the Andrews government on defending themselves at an enquiry that they already new the out come of. Spending tax payers money on endless defences of government decisions would just keep rolling on for decades,eventually everone concerned would die and no findings would ever be determined. We, the people are caught by the proverbials.
That is why class action suits work.
The Left has decided that law and principles are obstacles.
This is what happens when ideology morphs into an hysterical human hating religion.
(The Left, the Globalists, the Wokeatarians, I don’t what to call them. Left and Right don’t seem to work anymore. Part of our problem countering this madness.)
John, my take is that we seem to have “The Party” now, a la “1984”.
You may still have left and right, but above it all is a single global entity that appears to have created a medical “turkey shoot” for thier own amusement.
Under the Left, they drop all pretences and are just power crazed and brutal and cruel. The “right” dress it up a bit but seem to have no problems changing leaders but maintaining the same agenda as the Left.
Apologies for the blunt language, but it is what it is….
Ah, people are finally catching on! There is no “Left” and “Right”, there is ONLY those who want power against those they subjugate! It is them against us, and changing the people from one side of the debating chamber to the other will not affect the problem that it is ALWAYS them against us.
Take away their power to tax and let them sell us their ideas so we voluntarily pay for them, THAT is a true democracy. This sham is a waste of people’s lives.
O Steve,
The Party
I like it.
We must not apologize for the truth.
In these times I keep thinking of my father.
I remember asking him about being wounded in WWII, if he was happy that he had a survivable wound and a pass out of the fighting.
He said,
“no, I wanted to get up and get ’em some more”.
It was cool, because this response had three more whole words than his usual answers about his war experience. Almost amounted to a conversation.
I met one of the old guys in his platoon after his death and he told me something not commonly understood.
The Bulge had just happened and all those young men thought the Germans were unstoppable.
The truth is not blunt, it’s a razor, we have to keep getting up and cutting them some more.
It’s not like they don’t deserve it.
When ALL the data is available in perhaps 5 to 10 years, we should have a better summary of the last couple of years and be able to draw more accurate conclusions.
Outliers like Sweden ( for example) will be compared to other LOCK DOWN countries and I’m sure there’ll be some surprises. Whether we’ll learn from these mistakes is another argument and we’ll just have to wait and see.
BTW here’s Steve Koonin’s recent lecture at the GWPF and he’s very clear and very sane about their so called climate CRISIS or EXISTENTIAL threat and he covers the data consistently and accurately.
That’s one reason I like to steer clear of COVID-19 vaccines, in particular the nucleic acid and viral vector types like Pfizer and AstraZeneca. I want to be part of the “control group”. Some have to be given the “experiment” is not yet all over.
“Whether we’ll learn from these mistakes …”
Extremely generous of you to characterise these as “mistakes.”
Indeed. Perhaps one day they will be considered as crimes against humanity once it becomes clearer.
Thanks to the exemption from liability for harm caused by their products, gifted to Big Pharma due to “emergency” approvals by government, they can now be spared the huge expense of proper testing of their products.
And the stupidest governments on earth, including Australia’s (with the assistance of the useful idiots of the Left), will assist them even further by making use of their defective and dangerous products compulsory.
The engineering of an “emergency” that requires the product of Big Pharma, and the banning of cheap alternative products (as has already happened in Australia) will become the norm for new releases of pharmaceutical products from Big Pharma.
Not even considering hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, vitamin D deficiency is proven to contribute significantly to covid mortality. And yet not even a simple, provably effective vitamin that will assist in improving covid outcomes has EVER been mentioned by government authorities or the medical establishment. Why?
(See YouTube videos and peer reviewed links therein for further discussion of Vitamin D and covid.)
My last sentence should have referred to Dr John Campbell, his YouTube channel.
I have often commented to others regarding the advice given to the public by the medical swamp,
in particular Australia’s various cut-out versions of Chief Health Officers. What a grandiose title for people who are actually career bureaucrats appointed by the government of the day. It seemed to me that during the initial stages of the deadliest virus ever, NOT ONE of these taxpayer funded employees of the people ever offered any real or useful health advice. Even in the days before the ‘vaccines’ were available, none of them offered simple advice like ‘strengthen your respiratory system through cardiovascular exercises (maskless of course),ensure you are not vitamin deficient – particularly D and C, eat healthy nutritious foods, take especial care of your mental health,’ etc., etc. Instead we were herded into isolation with lockdown after lockdown becoming their go-to ‘medical” advice.This could only ever make things worse.
Almost as if it was pre-ordained, eh?
Of course, cheap, available anti-virals were totally off the table.
The trials data for Pfizer is readily available on line:
31.7% of the vaccinated group reported adverse effects – details in the link. By contrast, only 16.2% of the placebo group reported adverse effect.
The proof of the efficacy of the vaccines is on display every day. Highly vaccinated countries like Australia have experienced rapidly declining hospitalisations; now down to 537 from a peak of 1541 two months ago, before the efficacy wanes. But none of the vaccines are 100% effective and give enduring full protection.
It appears it would be wise to have booster 6 months out from the second jab. In fact, it is likely that people wanting to maintain their “fully vaccinated” status will be required to have a booster 6 months out from second jab. Yet to see if there is declining efficacy after the booster.
A recent Israeli study provides very encouraging results for their booster program:
The wave after opening up in Israel peaked at 11k daily cases 2 months ago. Since the booster program, the cases are now down to 430 per day.
Unless the FDA submissions included cheques, I cannot imagine what information they contain that is not already in the public domain and being constantly reviewed during the course of the global vaccination experiment as it writes its own history well beyond the reach of Pfizer or other vaccine producers..
Sorry, buts it’s too early to comment on Australia’s vaccine vs COVID situation. There is a definite seasonality with COVID and so going into our Aussie summer will always see cases and hospitalisations decline. All that extra UV and more outdoor activity reduces possible viral load and upgrades the population’s Vitamin D. The other day even Gavin Newsom ( Calif Gov) declared the same re. seasonality.
Yes – appears so. If you look at the link I posted at #14 it has both Israel and Australia. The recent Australian wave and Israeli wave have a separation of just 31 days between respective peaks and both show the same downward trend now as Victoria warms up. Melbourne could crack 20C maximum in the coming week.
Israel gets a Gawd awful winter I hear.
I thought it was summer their now! /sarc !
Ross, what Ive noticed is a theory/model I’ve found useful ( but still under development ) is that once a population exceeds 50% vaccination, after each batch of new vaccines/boosters it takes about 4 months on average for the next wave to start.
Im sure mathematically you could determine why this is, so logically we should see a xmas/ new year burst of “new” cases in Australia, and in Israel this would be about the same timing given the most recent round of boosters.
Other countries I have looked at using ourworldindata.org seem to follow the 4 month model timing.
Yep Australia displays a very clear link between Covid and latitude
Rick, the question I think this article is addressing is what documentation Pfizer provided to the authorities which resulted in granting of approval.
Two relevant dates are 11 Dec 2020 when the US FDA granted emergency authorization (EUA), and 23 Aug 2021 when the US FDA granted full authorization.
What did or didn’t happen after authorization is interesting but not relevant to the question at hand.
People tend to have short memories. Cast your mind back to October 2020. Trump was pushing like crazy to get vaccines approved so he could take that to the election.
The unblinding date in the Pfizer publication was stated as 14 December 2020. That was actually three days after the Pfizer vaccine was given emergency approval on 11 December 2020.
If there is a witch hunt to back track the basis of the emergency approval it will likely put Trump’s administration in a poor light. He was the one pressing to get a vaccine approved so he could declare he had solved Covid.
Trump has been a supporter of vaccinations and has been greeted with stern scowls from his otherwise faithful.
That is a very prejudicial and short sighted view of things.
Trump was tasked to lead a solution to a problem. He availed himself of the “trusted leaders in the field”.
It was the Fauci’s the Pfizers, etc that provided the “solution” to be made available in a time of chaos and unknowns.
Trump made Zero claim to being a Doctor, Epidemiologist, etc. He’s acting upon what “experts” advise him.
If you want to actually find some kind of “Truth”, then follow the money, the FDA, Pfizer, and the Democrat party.
Sell the blame ideology to the ones who guaranteed “Effective, Safe, and Necessary” .
Trump was the boss. The buck stopped with him.
Trump was the boss. The buck stopped with him.
You smoke some wicked shit man.
fhhhhhht yah great shit man.
When does reality hit you Will?
Buck stoped with Pelosi maybe
Buck stoped with Schummer maybe
Buck stoped with Adam Shit maybe
Buck stoped with Russia maybe
Buck stoped with the Clintons maybe
Absolute BS!
He had zero power to authorise the use of any drug as you should know.
But I get it…”orange man” baad…right?
I agree with Rick Will to some extent, here. Trump fell to the pressure of having to be seen to be “doing something” and followed the advice other CDC and NIH to guarantee purchases from the vaccine manufacturers so they would fully resource the development of vaccines.
Having done this, Trump’s ego doesn’t allow him to admit that he made a mistake, even if it was through being misled. Plus he wants credit for something that he probably still thinks is successful since he probably sees mostly mainstream reports about the vaccines (with additional bias for being somewhat responsible for their creation and deployment).
All in all, Trump is an imperfect person who “led” an even more imperfect body of bureaucrats that forced the direction of his Presidency more than he will allow himself to admit.
Trump’s biggest mistake was thinking that bureaucrats were honest and would do their job without political bias. It was also the mistake of every leader in Australia to trust a professional bureaucrat posing as a doctor for advice about public health without considering their politics and the effect this has upon said advice. The TGA pre CV19 bans on effective medications are absolute proof of this.
But not with Fauci the creature who gave him “solid medical advice” as well as funding the very same research that created the manmade virus.
And you wonder why so many of us laugh at him and those who still blame Trump. I guess that such all think that the USA is now a far better place with him gone.
I recall some democrat fool stating that it was all Trump’s fault as he was so divisive. AMYONE who stands against a totalitarian flow is divisive as those who do not are either part of it and culpable or just sheep.
I never liked Trump pre 2016 but the way your fellow klansmen behaved over him swung me over totally. All good leaders have a degree of arrogance. you cannot be a real leader without it. But I guess some prefer the headless chickens now running the west Johnson, Biden, Macron, Trudeau and Jacinta the clueless. What a bunch of globalist tools.
Let’s GO.
Yeah. Nah. Just disclosing the documents will do me.
Trump “may” simply have been demonstrating naive gullibility in trusting the supposed national health experts.
It was in March and April 2020 that President Trump first mentioned HCQ as a possible treatment for covid, upon advice of experts.
This enormously angered Big Pharma and the Left and the media went to war against HCQ and Trump along with Bit Pharma and the Left.
Had people have been permitted to use HCQ and other off-patent drugs, there would not have been so much pressure to develop a “vaccine”.
Right now, you will never get rid of a virus that is able to be passed between animals and humans. Well, maybe one day in the distant future, but not right now. This virus like the Flu virus will continue to mutate ready for every Winter………….
BS Rick Will!
Minnesota is now sustaining a significant number of active cases with a very high rate of JAB. (locally 75%) You are ignoring what you don’t want to see. The JAB is failing.
Tell me about herd immunity would you?
Sure – with the delta strain it is quite clear that normal pre-covid mobility is possible when the proportion of people carrying antibodies, either through vaccination or surviving infection, exceeds 80% then the infection rate goes under 1 and the virus dies out.
UAE is the most vaccinated country and are a good example of how cases decline once that critical 80% is achieved:
Daily cases now down to 78 and last Covid death was 9 days ago.
Minnesota only has 62% of the population fully vaccinated (children are part of the population). Minnesota will go through a slow burn of high case load with increasing natural immunity as more people get infected and hopefully survive:
UAE has vaccinated down to 3yo to get to their 98.8% fully vaccinated. The ACT in Australia has >99% of the 16yo and above fully vaccinated. They are operating without restriction and have not experienced a Covid death in two weeks.
In Australia, the vast majority of people are prepared to shoulder their share of the load and get vaccinated. Vaccination is a public good. Once herd immunity is achieved, case numbers decline sharply even with high mobility. Australia as a whole is close to herd immunity in combination with full mobility.
John Campbell reports that CDC advisors are now saying that herd immunity may not be possible. Or at least that 90% vaccination is not enough and they can’t predict what figure would be. Vaccination continues to be desirable but allows transmission – and neither the vaccines nor natural infection confers lasting protection.
Dr Campbell references a recent L A Times item
which makes the point that humans don’t behave uniformly – like a herd – so the virus finds unexpected opportunities.
Nice job of shaming there.
Too bad that the health authorities themselves now admit that the vaccines cannot stop the spread of Covid. The message has moved on to reductions in hospitalisation and death.
You really need to keep up.
“The median follow-up time was 13 days (IQR 6–21) in both groups. Vaccine effectiveness evaluated at least 7 days after receipt of the third dose, compared with receiving only two doses at least 5 months ago, ”
Seriously?? They jabbed these people then two weeks later asked them if they’d caught Covid? Then said “Hey, it works 95% of the time…”
No wonder they say the Lancet is full of fake science!
Nice catch.
They didn’t evaluate any Adverse Events in the first 7 days. That’s how I read it.
Anyone who dropped dead on day 0-6 after their 3rd jab? … Not counted.
The follow period starts on day 7 then continues for a median length of 13 days.
I want to see the data from the FIRST 7 days … and while they’re at it, give us the all-cause mortality numbers, and all-cause hospitalization events.
Thanks RickWill … If you can sort this, my undying respect.
Also, they were only looking at COVID-related deaths, so possible vaccine-related deaths … not reported.
An examination of the “timeline” of the documents would reveal for how long this “product” has been in development. Could lead to some interesting questions concerning “who knew what, and for how long did they know about it”questions!!
Yes that would be interesting. My crystal ball says that information will never come to light unredacted.
I am in the Covid recovered category in Washington State. Most 0f the people that I know are 60+ have all taken the Vaccine even if they are recovered from Covid. I feel like I am the only one left who has not bent the knee to the vax. In fact someone last monday was surprised I had not taken the vaccine. I explained I had not seen data that the vaccine side effects were not greater than the advantage I would gain from the Vaccine.
There were 5 CDC studies/talking points.
First the CDC said that natural immunity didn’t work but the vaccines did. This never made since because vaccines piggy back on natural immunity.
Second after six months the vaccine creates more antibodies so you should take the vaccine. That would also hold true for chicken pox or measles. Neither of which require a “booster”. Without a control group and a test group and about a year or two years of testing this is another useless conclusion.
Third If you take the vaccine your chances of getting infected are half as much. So does this mean your at 90% efficacy instead of 95%? So in a few months when the efficacy of the vaccine drops does that mean the vaccinated need to seek out a Covid infection so that they get superior immunity/ Surely I jest.
Fourth for awhile they said the vaccine would reduce long Covid results. We now know this was not correct.
Finally there was this CDC study that allegedly showed that the vaccine was 5.4 times better than natural immunity. No where in the study did they discuss how the data they used could be used in that way. Furthermore if the data could be used in that way they had a math error which reduced the alleged improvement to 1.7 times. These results did not match the data from Israel, Sweden, and the UK which showed after 6 months the efficacy of natural immunity is much greater than the vaccine.
There is strong evidence that natural immunity is superior. Level of natural immunity may also increase with time. The immunity afforded by vaccines definitely wanes with time.
Peru has experienced the highest level of infection with excess death of 220k in a population of 34M. The death rate equates to about 22M infections. Peruvians are sill getting vaccinated but only 50% fully vaccinated so far. The death rate is now down to 29 per day while mobility is at pre-Covid level.
What was your experience with Covid?
If I had endured Covid I would not be fronting up for vaccination.
The worst infected countries, India, Indonesia and Peru are all doing OK now. Blood antibody tests in India indicate that 67% of the population have had Covid. It has not stopped people going out and getting vaccinated but probably a waste of effort and angst.
If you donate blood you may be able to get a free Covid anti-body test. In Australia, labs are charging AUD200 for a travel document that includes both Covid infectious state and Covid antibodies.
Dont forget to mention to everyone that India and Indonesia crushed covid with Ivermectin … its a huge part of thier success.
India and Indonesia would literally be the worst advertisement for any prevention measure you care to name. Their death toll was horrid.
And no one can point out how many doses of Ivermectin was actually given. It is physically impossible to distribute sufficient doses of anything in India to make a difference in the time it took for the delta strain to inflict so much suffering. They are doing OK now because a 2/3 rds of the population have acquired immunity.
Claiming Ivermectin made a difference in Indonesia or India is a really sad joke.
UAE is the most vaccinated country. It has a population of 10 million. Daily cases are down to 78. Total death toll 2144. Not as good as Australia but they are now fully open and Covid deaths are rare. UAE is the beacon for vaccination efficacy. By comparison India has recorded excess deaths of almost 3M people through the Covid period. They are still recording 11,000 cases a day and daily deaths currently 347.
Hmm…it appears you havent actually read any literature about India and Indonesia and Ivermectin.
And yet you would be given zero recognition for your natural immunity in that case and still face restrictions until you gave in and got that unnecessary vaccination. That shows how health is not the primary concern of the policies of our governments.
I was really fatigued, didn’t want to eat, and had a dry cough. I got a Z pack on day five and I started to improve. While the worse of the fatigue went away starting on day 5, I had Long Covid after that. If I got Covid again, I would go for monoclonal antibodies and ivermectin as soon as I knew I was sick. I would take whatever I could as fast as possible. And if I had not had Covid at my age I would probably take the Vaccine but I don’t see any point in taking the Vaccine being Covid recovered.
The one group that should not take the Vaccine is children. Teenage boys have like a 40% all cause increase in mortality.
It is interesting to get some information on Covid. My only contact with Covid cases is through my son who has been working as a physician in Covid wards.
I agree with this. However it puts extra load on the rest of the population to roll their sleeve up and get a jab. In the UK now, 75% of cases are under 18yo, the original vaccine cut-off age. The high infection rate in the unvaccinated children is keeping the virus going. Enough kids will eventually acquire immunity through infection but it takes a long time.l
In the ACT in Australia more than 99% of the population over 16yo have had the jab. Essentially that protects the young people because the infection rate is well under 1 and there is very little Covid surviving in the community. ACT only has a population 0f 400,000 and they are mostly government employees so very compliant bunch. Even so, it has been 14 days since their last Covid death.
UAE has taken the vaccine down to 3yo using Sinovac. China is also vaccinating down to 3yo.
And no doubt UAE will pay a heavy price for thier descision.
Good luck.
Your comment just reminds me that elements of the society are desperate to eliminate human or ‘unnatural’ influences on the environment, but are willing to inject human made unnatural substances into their very bodies.
What is it now, 18 before adulthood.
3 or 4 per year after that.
Possible 200 to 250 injections by age 70.
What could go wrong?
Return to the purity of nature and fill me up with pharmaceutical products.
Hmm … unless the second is the plan for the first.
I like that summary.
Politicians or more to the point Senior Bureaucrats, around the world have long been frustrated by the restrictions on democracy. (after all they are the best and brightest, and the world would be so much better off it everyone did as they say /sarc) Now they have sipped at the CCP ‘cup of power’ they are very reluctant to put it down.
Yes, politicians and senior public serpents are increasingly looking toward the Chicomms for guidance on how to run a country without the pesky little annoyances like democracy.
Sadly, most people of the West, especially younger ones, no longer value freedom or democracy thanks to decades of indoctrination by the Left.
Here Steve Milloy of Junk Science has a red hot blast at the EPA about their Particulate matter 2.5 claims, or PM 2.5.
Steve has always been a very hard hitter and he certainly doesn’t hold back in this submission and the EPA has not responded so far.
The PM 2.5 issue has long known to be fraudulent, being created in a study with data concocted by someone with a fake PhD for the California Air Resources Board. Yet the world is still beholden to the results of this, adding unnecessary complexity to diesel engines and lowering their fuel efficiency.
WUWT, itself, had an article on it almost a decade ago. Nothing has changed and I suspect nothing will change without a complete overthrow of the environmental science regime (which includes climate science, of course)
Frankly, I’ve never understood the difference between vaccines and pharmaceuticals regarding regulatory requirement for labelling. I can go buy a pharmaceutical, look at the pack and there is listed all the constituents of that product with emphasis on the active ingredient. There’s that little folder that explains all the side effects etc. For vaccines there no similar constituent listing. We’ve largely got no idea what’s in them. A lot of the concern regarding vaccines is the adjuvants included to elicit an immune response. There is the subject of confidentiality and protection of technology etc but the same argument largely also applies to pharmaceuticals. Basically, the lack of information is why we have an anti-vaxxer movement.
Worldwide Search Trend For “Died Suddenly” Spikes To Record Highs
In the immortal words of MannBearPig:
Have I got a hockey stick to show you!
ABC Mainstream Journalism Basics – “How to Interview Daniel Andrews”
HaHa, Does look painful!
Australia now has 315 cases of heart inflammation linked to Pfizer
Reports of a rare side effect following the Pfizer vaccine are up in Australia with 27 new cases.
The number of cases of heart inflammation linked to the Pfizer vaccine in Australia has risen to 315 from about 23.4 million doses.
The rise follows 27 new cases to the week ending November 14.
Of the cases classified as likely to be myocarditis, most of the patients experienced symptoms within three days of vaccination. Around half of the patients were admitted to hospital with 11 being treated in intensive care. Most patients treated in hospital were discharged within four days.
The youngest case classified as ‘likely myocarditis’ to date was aged 12.
The details were released by the Therapeutic Goods Administration in the Covid-19 Vaccine Weekly Safety Report on Thursday afternoon.
“We continue to monitor and review Australian data on myocarditis and will provide regular updates in this report as more information becomes available. We are also working closely with international medicines regulators to share emerging safety information,” the TGA says.
The report also reveals three new cases of Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) or blood clots following the AstraZeneca jab. The cases, all considered ‘probable’, involved 62 and 77-year-old men from Victoria and a 78-year-old man from NSW.
The new blood clots cases take the total in Australia to 163 and nine deaths from about 13.4 million doses of AstraZeneca.
My disdain for their ABC is such that my crystal ball says one of two things will happen. Either this information will be suppressed or it will be smothered in rhetoric confirming that the injections are safe and effective.
Heart inflammation post Pfizer is supposed to run at 1 to 100 000 doses. For 23.4 m doses that equals 234. 315 is a bit over 30% greater than expected. Is that significant?? Sounds like it.
Resistance is not futile……….However, as for full transparency, this is more like translucent obstruction………Now, has the FDA given Fizzer (Pfizer) full approval? Answer is a Big Fat NO. How about Freedom of Information? Will that work in the USA? I think that a smart Lawyer recruited by Donald Trump could be onto a winner there………………..Open up your Files FDA and let the People in (on the Scam……..lol)…………………
The world’s chief “vaccine” sales person , Fauci, is changing his narrative now. Hospitalisations of double jabbed are rising so get out and get your booster. A week or so ago he was saying saying the vaccines do not work as advertised so get the booster.
The fact that the FDA gave the EUA for the booster very quickly because they did not see much difference between the intial jabs and the booster seems to have been forgotten by Fauci .
There has been a number of admissions from various medical “administrators” that we are participants in the “worlds largest vaccine trial” It seems strange to me that we have always had a reference to a “control” group when testing a new pharmaceutical.Why is there NO mention or evidence of any such group with respect to the Covid “vaccines”? Do the members of this group(there MUST be one as a control group is an essential component of any drug trial, even the dreaded Ivermectin has produced evidence of one for its trials)have any exemption from the penalties of voluntary exclusion from the vaccine mandates? Personally I count myself as a “Volunteer” control group participant.
Moderna and Pfizer intentionally gave up on the control group
The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine tests were conducted, as customary, with a control group; a group within the trial who were given a placebo and not the test vaccine. However, during the trial -and after the untested vaccines were given emergency use authorization- the vaccine companies conducting the trial decided to break protocol and notify the control group they were not vaccinated. Almost all the control group were then given the vaccine.
Their excuse was that the vax was sooooo effective that they couldnt withhold it from the control group!
I was about to put this up on the site. The test results for Remdesivir’s trials, and wonder if the TGA had studied them, when issuing their big tick, at $3000 a pop? Really they cant have looked too hard? Every hospitalized covid19 patient in Aus should get this drug! Yeah, we really care.
Then I saw Another Ian linked to a story (9) and it finished up dumping hugely on Remdesivir —
“If you think ignoring the data on the vaccines is bad you really ought to pay attention to Remdesivir, which I’ve pointed out repeatedly. That we continually ignore the renal toxicity of this drug and are still using it on damn near every hospitalized Covid-19 patient is outrageous. Indeed, I’m willing to bet at least half of those who died in a hospital “of Covid” after receiving it, if autopsied, would show severe damage caused by the drug and supporting renal failure or liver impairment as the primary cause of death.
In other words I’ll lay a wager we doubled the death rate for Covid-19 among hospitalized patients by using the drug.
May I remind you that of the original “study” on this drug had nearly a quarter of those who were given it report severe adverse events, all of which were potentially life-threatening?
Nor is this some “unique” finding; as I pointed out we knew damn well this drug was wildly dangerous up front because it was tried for both Hepatitis C and Ebola and failed both times on safety. The Ebola trial was especially nasty in that randomization to people in that treatment arm was stopped mid-study due to serious adverse events! This for a disease that is extremely deadly on its own.
Note that the odds ratio of Covid-19 causing renal failure itself is approximately 1/20th of that of Remdesivir! Of course we’re not doing autopsies on those people — on purpose.
These ghouls are perfectly happy to slaughter people with Covid using a dangerous drug that has repeatedly failed on safety, even when attempted in a disease that is wildly more-dangerous than Covid (about 50% of the time with Ebola you die) and thus would justify using fairly-dangerous interventions in the first place.
Exactly zero physicians, nurses, or hospitals can claim ignorance of this since it was known before Covid-19 ever hit, that this drug was insanely dangerous, and that outcome was posted up in a formal, peer-reviewed study. Yet it was immediately turned into, and remains the “standard of care” if you go into the hospital with this virus. Every single person who did not immediately revolt or quit and was involved in administering, ordering, or allowing this drug to be used in their professional capacity, ought to hang for the people that were killed as a consequence.
Do you really believe a single one of these *******s give a wet crap about how dangerous or ineffective the jabs are given this documented and proved record of universally using a lethal investigational drug that has never worked for a single indication and not only has it failed, it has failed on safety.”
FYI, provisional approval was given July LAST year https://www.tga.gov.au/covid-19-treatment-gilead-sciences-pty-ltd-remdesivir-veklury
Note the word PROVISIONAL!!!!!!! In my book that translates into “STILL EXPERIMENTAL” I remain firmly in the unofficial “Control Group”
Nothing stops them, when there is money to be made. Has there been a TGA re evaluation? I think Remdesivir is the establishment’s Achille’s heel, but it’s not being pointed out. They are actually using a drug that has little benefit, and serious side effects, and costs a motsa! Crickets!
NIH guidelines of Remdesivir’s adverse events
ALT and AST elevations
Increases in prothrombin time
Drug vehicle is SBECD, which has been associated with renal and liver toxicity. SBECD accumulation may occur in patients with moderate or severe renal impairment.
Each 100 mg vial of RDV lyophilized powder contains 3 g of SBECD, and each 100 mg/20 mL vial of RDV solution contains 6 g of SBECD.
Clinicians may consider preferentially using the lyophilized powder formulation (which contains less SBECD) in patients with renal impairment.
“A meme seen online:
Most do care and many are quite aware but how many of you would totally destroy any chance of an income by openly saying so UNLESS you had enough money already to survive or a spouse willing to carry on the mortgage and business cost load: yeah! Sure!
I went to my GP for a script for Ivermectin for my “scabies” but she asked “was I certain” and I admitted the truth. The anguish in her eyes as she refused told me much.
It was my fault for NOT lying as then it would have been okay.
the criminals are those who blocked such and who force the rubbish they term a “vaccine” not the poor ********s at the end of the buck queue.
Until we define, accuse and condemn such criminals it will NEVER cease.
When I saw Nurofen and Ibuprofen for sale over the counter I boggled as both had to be used with care always. That told me quite a lot about the TGA and who pays them.
I am becoming really annoyed with being moderated here
Don’t forget alcohol and tobacco
Maybe we should wear a “sin tax” on HCQ and IVM?
I look forward to checking all of this incriminating material on my 130 th birthday.
Your chances will be far better if you hold out against getting a shot.
I doubt anyone will be able to as memory holes will be working hard at removing any trace of the evidence.
See 27.1.3
You could have the market cornered
The Aust Govt is trying to bring in digital identities, what can go wrong? This eyeopening video exposes the agenda in this article.
Maybe time to get rid of the smart phone!
Brenda and Jo – a side track here via a Chiefio comment
“The easy way to find out if a “trim” on a long URL will work:
Delete the part you suspect is tracking or otherwise junk, hit return. If the page loads, you have the short link that works. If it fails, hit “back arrow” and reload the prior link, use it.
I do this frequently on links I post. And on those others post where it’s 50%+ tracking / marketing crap… (Some links wrap over 4 or 5 lines after the “?” marker and it is all just junk like Amazon product tracking, or if up front, EwTube redirection / tracking from links embedded in video descriptions. The EwTube ones are trickier to “de Google” as the real URL has Unicode substitutions for things like the “http//” and any dashes or underlines and such, but mostly it is just trim off the FRONT EwTube URL stuff and replace the unicode. In theory you could leave the unicode, but I’ve not tried it [yet].)
A few URLs will have the actual article stored in some database or such and use an article ID after the “?”, so will fail. Occasionally there’s some stuff after the article number than can be trimmed; but I rarely try more than 2 or 3 time to find that point.”
This is the address Brenda posted trimmed of everything after the “?” and it works.
Seems the rest is tracking info.
Hmmm. Interesting!
Thanks Ian.
Now the unvaxxed are not wanted at Christmas dinner!
Advice from the Morning Show on 7 on how to handle it.
And seems that the cost of this year’s Thanksgiving dinner is actually only tolerably inflated
“Widely Reported Thanksgiving Dinner Inflation Survey Claims You Can Feed Ten People For $53.31
November 18, 2021 | Sundance | 182 Comments”
Comments indicate that sceptics have been shopping
Cannot get a history of the pfizer patent timeline,however the Moderna patent US 10,702,600B1 dated Jul7,2020 has a timeline of continuation of application and provisional applications dating back to…….OCT 22,2015!!!!!!(page 1 of the patent document)application number16/805,587 filed Feb28,2020.
G’day D D69,
You’re testing my memory and my filing system. My memory says that Dr David Martin gave details of the patents granted in a recorded interview earlier this year. But a quick search of my filing system hasn’t given a quick answer or link. Will dig deeper and hopefully give you a link, here regardless, and hopefully by Monday.
In case it prompts a vaster response from someone with a better setup, David Martin is a patent attorney and has been working on that history since about 1999.
Dave B
Thanks for the responses. The point I was trying to make is that the virus has been expected and PLANNED for on a long timeline. Not a sudden and emergency response to an unexpected infection.
G’day D D69,
With some help I have a link for you:
It’s an interview of Dr David Martin by Reiner Fuelmich and it runs for 1 hr 22 mins. I think you’ll find your answers here. And maybe some surprises.
There’s a second link I’ve just received, with a recommendation to watch, which may also be of interest, 58 mins:
Dave B
Pretty much the same info must have been supplied to Australian authorities. Can it be FOI’d in Australia or elsewhere with FOI legislation.
I had AZ for my 2 shots. When I get a booster in January, if there is an alternative to Pfizer (pronounced fizzer?) that’s what I’ll be having.
At this point, no. Only Pfizer has been approved by the TGA for booster shots.
Are you required to get boostered?
Do you really feel like rolling the dice a third time?
Well I tried using Ian`s method, but had to resort to tinyurl… sorry.
[…] Nothing says “Trust Us” like we need to hide the data til 2076: The FDA buries Pfizer re… […]
News dot com dot au is running a story which claims there has been a clerical error in dates of first virus cases in Wuhan and that this proves lab leak theory null and void. Trusting “the science” is only done when it suits some. There have been plenty of eminent scientists saying the virus is quite obviously not one that occurs in nature, as it has mods to make it more humanly viable.
There has been evidence for some time that there was mysterious flu-like virus in Wuhan even before the Military Games. Even were this satisfactorily proved, it does not disprove links with the Wuhan lab. The logic of the connection & copious evidence is huge. BTW this does not necessarily preclude connection with work being done in the Uni of Carolina either.
Also, not a single example of the virus existing in nature has been found, in bats, pangolins or flying pigs.
I still maintain that I had Covid while in Naples, in May 2019, and caught it from our Chinese AirBnB host who was sick and had just returned from China.
They can only release 500 pages a day because they are busy censoring them.
Israel has the Pfizer jab.
You only hide something when you have something to hide.