The media headlines have been everywhere, but the truth is we know very little.
Like everyone here, I was surprised at the *universal* instant Omicron media coverage which went from 0 – 100 in two seconds or less. I’m going to skip (for the moment) the obvious political questions like “is this the midterm election variant” and consider the virus.

We know Omicron has many mutations. We don’t know what the combined effect of them is. Presumably the particular mutations, and lab tests of antibody binding suggest it may evade vaccine or even natural immunity. However, many of these mutations are new and unknown, so the in vivo, real effect is only something the patients and doctors might know. And the doctors are giving mixed reports in South Africa. It may turn out to be a more infectious but nicer variant. We’ll know in a few weeks.
It’s certainly spreading fast. Case numbers have increased six-fold from 300 cases to 1,800 in just two weeks. Test numbers are up but test positivity has also risen from 1% to 3.7%.
Symptoms have changed. Doctors say that they noticed a change in the presentation of cases around 10 days ago. The symptoms were suddenly different, and while Dr Angelique Coetzee, said it appeared to be mild, (which is very encouraging) she was referring to young patients, and is still concerned about older patients. The new symptom list includes headaches, extreme tiredness, body aches and pains, but not a loss of smell, or coughing.
But Rudo Mathivha, head of Soweto’s Baragwanath hospital said that young people in their 20s to 30s are coming in with moderate to severe disease, some needing ICU. That’s not good.
About 65% are not vaccinated. John Campbell interprets this to suggest that the unvaccinated are at higher risk, but if only a quarter of South Africans are double vaccinated, and the vaccines work, shouldn’t we see even more unvaccinated patients than that? Wouldn’t most of the young people be unvaccinated?
Omicron has already been circulating somewhere for more than a year
Looking at the evolutionary history of these mutations — the last and nearest branch was around May 2020. That means it’s likely that the Omicron variant has been silently spreading in a population that is rarely if ever tested or sequenced. That would explain why so many mutations seem to have “suddenly” appeared. Presumably if it was a variant that was very deadly, it would have come to our attention months ago, even in a remote African village, surely? Though if it has been circulating in Africa (and we don’t know that) it has probably been affecting a younger population, possibly one that’s fitter or leaner and which gets more sun (and Vitamin D). We don’t know the effect it has on the older, indoor, and more diabetic people of The West, and we don’t know much about the effect on people who are vaccinated, either. Assume that it has become more infectious recently, but collecting mutation for a long while.
It may be a blessing that this variant has evolved in a region that has low vaccination. It might be less deadly. But we don’t know that, yet. It’s possible that even a virus that is milder, but spreads much faster will ultimately cause higher mortality. (Think of SARS-2, compared to SARS-1). But the new variant might be good news. What we want, after all, is for it to evolve into a highly infectious mild disease.
The solution is still antivirals and borders (til we get antivirals)
The key to this is still antivirals. Because Ivermectin has so many mechanisms of action, many that apply to our own molecules (ACE2, TMPRSS2, Ribosomes, Importin) even if ivermectin didn’t bind to the new Omicron spike, it would still be very useful against the virus. So start right now. It should be offered to people at risk.
Given the risk of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) in vaccinated people, and the risk it might pose to unvaccinated seniors and the co-morbid, it makes sense to shut borders for a couple of weeks, just to get more information. Though possibly it’s already too late, since the virus has been found in so many places. And if reports that Dutch Authorities detected Covid cases in 61 out of 600 passengers from South Africa on Friday morning are true, and those passengers are also vaccinated, wow? Did they catch it on the flight? Update: Apparently only 13 of the 61 cases were the Omicron variant.
The value of a travel ban is the time it gives to test the antivirals in the lab, test the virus against the antibodies, test the virus against the tests! How many cases are we missing?
Of course, it makes no sense to tell everyone that vaccines are the solution to a variant that might be able to escape vaccines. Not coincidentally, Big Pharma is suddenly saying they can develop a new vaccine pronto, which is why they were so keen on using the experimental mRNA vaccines in the first place. But we still have no long term data and much better alternatives.
Omicron has probably been circulating for a long time
In order to collect so many mutations and to have been undetected for so long, it’s likely this branch of the virus was wandering through a population that rarely gets tested. Presumably, they are also rarely vaccinated. This may turn out to be a good thing.
The new Omicron branch is marked in red below.

Omicron has probably been roaming for a year undetected. The last branch, marked with a black arrow dates back to May 2020.
Either that, or Omicron is an artificial variant, planted from somewhere. Who knows? It’s theoretically possible for a malicious gene lab to take a sample, add some tweaks, and drop it anywhere. We need mass testing to find the missing links to be able to say whether this is absolutely a natural infection branch, and find where it has been hiding.
It’s spreading fast

Cases have increased about six-fold in the last two weeks from around 300 to 1,800. Source: OWID

South Africa has had three waves. Source: OWID,
Omicron has rapidly overtaken Delta in South Africa, but this was during a time when cases were very low, so the sample size for the mass Global Headlines is surprisingly and suspiciously small (the trend line is heavily dependent on just a few cases).
For perspective, when Delta surged and overtook in May 2021 there were 400-800 samples on the graph in South Africa, but the current total tally on Nextstrain used to generate this “prevalence” graph was only 6 cases. (Mouseover the graph on the source page to see case numbers.) Perhaps there are many more samples that haven’t been reported to the Nextstrain database?

Obviously the trend of “rapid” growth is there, but the number of samples is small. Source: Nextstrain
Omicron has a lot of mutations
Many of these also occur in other strains and have been studied (top half). But many are new (bottom half). We really have no idea what effect the latter have. It may be nothing, or everything.

Omicron contains man shared mutations (top), but also many new ones (lower half). Source: Nextstrain.
Interesting timing if it has been circulating for a while.
Perhaps I should elaborate. It probably has been circulating, silently, but not as quickly as it is. If it can spread this fast, it would have taken over months ago. So one last mutation may have occurred recently that made the Omicron version speed up.
Just like that they have now found 6 cases in Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Look! A squirrel!
What’s the problem? Most are now vaccinated. Oh wait, they aren’t working. Rearrange the letters in omicron and we get m0r0nic.
The fools who write the West Australian today quite illogically say due to the new Omicon it is imperative to be jabbed 🙁
“The fools who write the West Australian today quite illogically say due to the new Omicon it is imperative to be jabbed 🙁
More likely the fools who write are attempting to ensure the even bigger ant-vaxx fools get the message
I defy you Ian to make a single medical argument for rushing to get vaxxed because a new variant has been found that may escape current vaccines.
Especially when the jab is aimed at version alpha. !!
Franking that “rush” would be totally anti-science, anti-medicine etc
Only a total lack of commonsense could even allow the suggestion to be put forward.
…. So it will probably happen.
Does using up current stocks because they will shortly become obsolete and replaced with a newer version count as a medical argument?
Car dealers will typically push extra hard for sales around the time they know the new model is coming.
New Zealand perfected the art of the “Marsden Point ruse” back in the 70’s, worked a treat. Being the only oil refinery in the country Marsden Point relied on quick through-flow of its product. Problem was sometimes the tankers arrived en-masse and while de-bunkering wasn’t a problem given plenty of storage the bottleneck of processed stuff was a constant worry. To get around this the regular practice became an urgent press announcement that the union was talking about potential strike action at Marsden Point that would limit supplies in the coming weeks. Of course everyone rushed to the bowser and dutifully filled up and any potential excess of processed product at Marsden Point was cleared. My father was a waterside worker and was across the shipping movements and noticed this “coincidence” of multiple tanker arrival and union disruption early on.
He can’t Jo stuck as he is between moron and cretin.
… so true 😀
“He can’t Jo stuck as he is between moron and cretin.”
A typical response from those who lack the ability to discuss the comment itself so resort to denigrating the commenter. The response from sophocles is in the same vein and neither comment reflects well on the commenter. It is somewhat surprising that such comments are perfectly acceptable here.
Calling anti-vaxxers fools wasn’t a good start from you Ian. Of course, they are just extremist disease spreading scum.
“Calling anti-vaxxers fools wasn’t a good start from you Ian.”
Merely continuing on from Len’s use of the term and are anti-vaxxers really extremist disease spreading svum? You might believe that but I think they are misguided people who don’t have the necessary knowledge regarding vaccines. Are you of that persuasion as well?
So Ian if Len jumped from a bridge you would follow him ?
I disagree with much of his commentary, but he is hardly worthy of such ad hominem denigration.
Good to read a comment that disagrees with comments rather than denigrating the commenter.
Eye Roll: Merriam-Webster Announces Word of the Year
Woke dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster has chosen “vaccine” as its 2021 word of the year—dethroning 2020’s word of the year, which was “pandemic.”
“In everyday use, words are useful tools that communicate assertions, ideas, aspirations, and uncertainties,” the publisher explained. “But they can also become vehicles for ideological conflict.”
“This is what happened to vaccine in 2021,” they assert. “The promising medical solution to the pandemic that upended our lives in 2020 also became a political argument and source of division. The biggest science story of our time quickly became the biggest debate in our country, and the word at the center of both stories is vaccine.”
Nowhere in the announcement is it explained that Democrats, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, were sowing the seeds of doubt in the vaccine last year.
MANDATE CAVE: White House Suspends Vaccine Mandate for Fed Employees
According to a memo issued by the Biden administration, the “White House’s Office of Management and Budget is telling federal agencies they should hold off on suspending or firing federal workers for not complying with the vaccine mandate until after the holidays.”
This is a huge cave for an administration whose remaining anti-COVID effort is focused almost exclusively on the vaccine mandate.
Further lockdowns are out, according to one report. People have lost patience with social distancing and travel restrictions. And it’s probably not too much of an exaggeration to say that “Which famous person isn’t wearing a mask today?” has taken the place of “Who in Hollywood is secretly gay?” as America’s favorite gossip topic.
That leaves the mandate. So for the sake of public perception that Biden is doing something, no matter how ineffective or unconstitutional, he can’t let go of it.
Further eye-roll. ‘Vaccine’, properly used, relates only to the inoculation of the smallpox vaccine which was derived from cowpox. As Latin for cow is ‘vacca’ you can see where the word came from.
Other words that can be used: inoculations, immunisations, jabs (the latter if you really must!).
“I defy you Ian to make a single medical argument for rushing to get vaxxed because a new variant has been found that may escape current vaccines.”
Because it may not escape current vaccines. There are several variants of the original Covid-19 none of which escape current vaccines. Can you state with certainty that the Omicron variant will be different?
I recommend you read the paper linked to below
This extract seems particularly relevant to your comment
“Updated versions of the current vaccines are being evaluated, but there is no clinical trial evidence yet that variant-specific vaccines would provide significantly greater protection. Though SARS-CoV-2 is changing gradually, it’s still much less genetically diverse than influenza.”
“As far as these variants are concerned, we don’t need to overreact,” Bollinger says. “But, as with any virus, changes are something to be watched, to ensure that testing, treatment and vaccines are still effective. The scientists will continue to examine new versions of this coronavirus’s genetic sequencing as it evolves.”
“In the meantime, we need to continue all of our efforts to prevent viral transmission and to vaccinate as many people as possible, and as soon as we can.”
I looked at the JH paper. It’s not a paper, its a website article. It is by two MDs. In the USA an MD is equivalent to our standard medical practitioner, the ones with two bachelor degrees and completed internship. Nothing special. Nor is MPH much to sing about. I’ll stand by for a paper in an academic journal (as untrustworthy as they are in our post-science world) by post doctoral fellows. PhD: a real research degree.
Although, when the PhD was invented it was a sort of junior ‘doctorate’ and its holders were referred to as ‘Mr Smith, PhD’. Dr being reserved for the senior doctorates awarded for demonstrated contributions: DSc, DMus, LLD, etc.
” It is by two MDs. In the USA an MD is equivalent to our standard medical practitioner, the ones with two bachelor degrees and completed internship. ”
Perhaps you might have considered reading a little more before so contemptuously dismissing the authors both of whom have far better qualifications and have published far more papers than the “standard medical practitioner” in either Australia or America
Dr. Bollinger has more than 40 years of experience in international public health, clinical research, and education dealing with such global health priorities as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, dengue, antibiotic resistant infections and other emerging diseases. His research interests include identifying biological and behavioral risk factors for HIV transmission; characterizing the clinical progression and treatment of HIV and related infections; development/evaluation of novel point-of-care diagnostics and implementation of research projects to optimize healthcare capacity and delivery in resource-limited settings. Working with partners in more than 20 countries, Dr. Bollinger and CCGHE faculty pioneered the development and use of distance learning and the award-winning emocha mobile health platform. He has been invited to participate in public health training programs and expert committees in more than 15 countries. He is former Director of the JHU Fogarty India Program, and he served as a member of the US Presidential Advisory Council for HIV/AIDS (PACHA), the PACHA International Sub-committee, the Institute of Medicine Forum on Public-Private Partnerships for Global Health and Safety, and the NIH Fogarty International Center Advisory Board.
Dr. Bollinger is author of more than 200 peer-reviewed research publications and 15 book chapters, including the first and largest studies of risk factors for HIV transmission in India, the cloning and sequencing of the first HIV viruses from India, the only studies characterizing the primary immune response to HIV in India, and the demonstration of increased risk of HIV acquisition with recent HSV infection and lack of circumcision.
Stuart C. Ray is an American physician. He is Vice Chair of Medicine for Data Integrity and Analytics,[1] Associate Director of the Infectious Diseases Fellowship Training Program at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and a Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases. Ray also holds appointments in Viral Oncology and the Division of Health Sciences Informatics. He is affiliated with the Institute for Computational Medicine[2] at Johns Hopkins and is licensed to practice medicine in Maryland.
Ray researches the influence of viral evolution on viral pathogenesis, concentrating in particular on complex RNA viruses such as hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[3] He has published approximately 100 scientific articles on HIV, HCV, or both.
Biographies? Seriously? and a “maybe” it will work out. You have nothing.
Maybe this variant will be fine, maybe it will cause ADE, OAS. Obviously, we need to find out first.
As before
Or, as it was explained to me in my distant foray into tertiary education:
BSc – BullS$%t
MSc – More S$&t
PhD – Piled Higher and Deeper.
My wife has a Chemistry PhD. I got to be in regular contact with the work that went into it. My “contributions” were pretty simple and included “basic” proof-reading and the machining of special stadia to mount small tissue samples to be run through a microtome and then through some of Mr. Rennishaw’s finest toys. I get it. A bit “esoteric”? People doing such things run the risk of knowing more and more about less and less. Despite that, from it came some useful practical twists in research technique.
There are Academic achievements and academic “achievements”.
Like your wife my Ph.D was laboratory based using site directed mutagenesis, cell culture, PCR and gene sequencing to examine the role of a steroid binding protein in the uptake of steroid hormones by breast and prostate cancer. It seems esoteric but as steroids are very much involved in those cancers it was very relevant Most lab based Ph.D studies are of practical value
Yeah “most” leaves a lot of wriggle room , what was Fauci doing with those dogs ? Ahh yes high quality life saving research !
Most people are now vaccinated. The omicon variation may make the vaccine boosters ineffective. It will be interesting if omicon displaces the Delta variation.
If our countries were on our side, Ivermectin would be tested against the new variation, in South Africa. It works on the delta variation.
Check out Indonesia. Population 277 million, Nov. 29, 176 new covid daily cases.
Suspect there would be few “quiet horse doctors” know.
And yet Britain is saying boosters can be had after 3 months now instead of 6!
Looks like they are clutching at straws.
The independent advisory group recommended on Monday that boosters be offered to all adults under 40, that the minimum gap between second doses and boosters could be reduced to three months from six, and that 12- to 15-year-olds could get a second shot.
If the hypothetical plan is to keep generating excuses to give people boosters, well…..
And then you have this:
“Dr. Michael Palmer explained that the mRNA mechanism has the same result as radiation treatments for cancer patients and there are limits on how much the human body can withstand before dying.
same result as radiation treatments for cancer patients
SCC Scalp Head Wound – 4 1/2 years from 2 lots of intensive radiotherapy – Head Plastics explained common long term effect of Radiation, has eaten through outer hard bone layer, currently eating through middle soft bone layer, then will eat through inner hard bone layer, exposing brain – Pre Op Admissions next week for Op in New Year
Hi OldOzzie,
I always enjoy reading your posts.
I wish you lots of courage for the coming weeks.
Old Ozzie,
Best wishes from a serf.
Wow, Old Ozzie.
Makes all our whinges pale into nothingness. May the strength of our good will help in some way.
Hang in there ‘OldOzzie’.
Best wishes for a successful treatment and a swift recovery. Jo’s website can ill afford to be without the likes of you for too long.
Thanks everyone – 30th round Cancer Immunotherapy coming up day after Op Admissions, now as unvaccinated have to have 1st ever PCR test 72 hours before – in meantime, advised will be continuing every 3 weeks and it is working well
As always healthiest person in Cancer Treatment Clinic and feeling fine.
Op is 5-7 days in Hospital so asked if I could do after Xmas – Need Neurosurgeons as well as Plastics, as major vein directly beneath rotting bone.
Thoughts and prayers. Old Ozzie. Keeping you in mind..
Wow indeed. Best wishes Old Ozzie. Thinking of you.
All the best mate hope it goes to plan.
My best wishes also, OldOzzie.
“Ivermectin would be tested against the new variation, in South Africa. It works on the delta variation.”
By the same token so might vaccination with current vaccines.
BTW Ivermectin is used in South Africa
Ian, you are the fool for even suggesting that the current failed vaccines would be effective to the new strain.
“Ian, you are the fool for even suggesting that the current failed vaccines would be effective to the new strain.”
As I believe in addressing the comment rather than denigrating the commenter I won’t call you a fool PeterS for not knowing the “current failed vaccines” have shown to be effective to a greater or lesser degree against all the major variants.
“Vaccines work well in the first months after vaccination and against the viruses that were used to make them. However, the Lancet Microbe study showed reduced vaccine efficiacy against COVID-19 disease resulting from other vairants, such as Delta, which declined with time.
The analysis was able to pre-emptively predice this decline based on analysis of antibody levels.
“Our previous research showed that we can measure neutralising antibody levels as a ‘proxy’ for immune protection from COVID-19 infection. In this new analysis, we’ve tested this against the variants of concern, including Delta, and found that the model continues to provide a robust prediction of immune protection, despite the differences between the viral sequence seen in variants like Delta,” said lead author Dr Deborah Cromer, from the UNSW Sydney’s Kirby Institute.
A major implication of the research was that booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine was needed to maintain immune protection across a population. Without boosters, protection from symptomatic COVID may drop below 50 per cent after six months, which means more people will become infected.
“Reassuringly though, protection against severe disease and death will likely remain high over the first year,” said Dr Cromer.
“Optimal timing for boosters will depend on the availability of boosters, and whether the aim is to reduce overall case numbers or reduce the burden on the health system.”
The model gives a clearer picture to policy makers about how levels of protection against symptomatic disease, severe disease and death are likely to change based on different vaccines, emerging variants and over time.
In Australia, the TGA recently approved booster doses after six months, which will help maintain high levels of protection against all stages of disease.
The analysis also found that a booster shot within a year increases immunity to higher levels than those seen after a full primary vaccination schedule.
“This is excellent news, particularly for people who are six months from their initial vaccination, and who are currently being offered third dose vaccination in Australia,” said Dr Cromer.
“Vaccines have had an incredible impact in controlling the current COVID-19 outbreak and will continue to provide very good protection. But boosters will make that good protection even better.”
At present the evidence suggests the current vaccines could be effective against the Omicron variant although as yet that has to be proven and your comment is premature
…”shown to be effective”, yet, in the very next sentence, only “in the first months after vaccination”.
You can’t even recognize failure when you report it yourself.
Ian, I think you have missed the point. Omicron has been found in travellers, ie the doubled vaxxed.
“Ian, I think you have missed the point. Omicron has been found in travellers, ie the doubled vaxxed”.
Can’t see your point as other variants such as Delta have been found in those “double vexed” Why would you expect Omicron to be any different?
Doh. Ian. The mutations it has increase the risk of creating antibodies that help the virus.
“The mutations it has increase the risk of creating antibodies that help the virus.”
Are you sure about that Jo? Perhaps you would be kind enough to elaborate your rationale. Which cells will be creating these antibodies? Why would a RNA virus virusHow will the virus increase the risk of creating helpful antibodies? By inhibiting DNA methylation viruses can suppress the immune system but that ain’t increasing antibodies that help the virus. They can interfere in the MHC stimulating T cells but that ain’t increasing antibody production either. Nor is stimulation of interferons and cytokines.
Or are you talking about Antibody Dependent Enhancement? If so perhaps you might like to look at
“Following the experience with dengue vaccine, early during the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns about ADE were top of mind. During this time, a few scientists tried to predict whether ADE would occur by evaluating genes for similarities and differences. While this was a useful approach at a time when we did not have much information about what might happen in people, we have since accumulated several lines of clinical evidence that confirm ADE is not an issue for COVID-19 or the vaccines:
People who are infected with SARS-CoV-2, or its variants, do not become more susceptible to ADE.
Many vaccinated people have been exposed to the virus, and its variants, and most of them have developed no disease or mild symptoms. A very small number have experienced more severe disease (“breakthrough infection”), and these individuals have not shown evidence of ADE.
Unfortunately, some people continue to spread misinformation suggesting that ADE is an ongoing concern for COVID-19 vaccines; however, scientists and clinicians are continuing to monitor COVID-19 infections and, to date, no evidence to validate this concern has emerged.”
I was going to start “doh Jo” but thought such remarks weren’t too helpful so I resisted the the temptation.
Be a better troll. Somewhere else.
Or maybe it is to convince people that they need to get jabbed so there is not another 18 month “two weeks to slow the spread” lockdown!
If the vax was good, they wouldn’t need to make it all but mandatory, nor send the unvaxed and “high risk of infection” to a concentration camp.
If it worked well and wasn’t dangerous to quite a few, then they’d be lining up for it without any coercion.
Instead, the “essential” workers like me got told “You are so important, you can go to work while everyone else quivers under their bed.” Then it became “You’re not allowed to go in now unless you are at least 1 dose vaxxed”, then “You have to be double vaxxed”. Soon it’ll be “If you haven’t had your booster(s), you can’t work”.
And where are the human rights advocates now, when these idiots are violating my UN Charter on Human Rights right to not be coerced into taking any particular medicine? My right to earn a living? Oh, that’s right – they’re still focused on making sure that illegal aliens can get legal aid to fight their expulsion from our country, using OUR money! Yeah, that’s the “good fight” isn’t it? Me? No, no-one to fight for your right to sovereignty over your own body, mate. Just suck it up, princess and “roll up your sleeve”. No medical exemption unless you almost die from the first jab. No religious exemption because they used aborted baby tissue to test them. No, none of that – do it or die in a cell somewhere in the middle of nowhere with no rights, no nothing.
Thank you so much – you’re too kind.
Perhaps they want to give the ‘vaccine’ a chance to find something it can protect against.
It sounds like ordinary winter flu but those pushing the new world order are over hyping it to make it sound worse than it is to fit their agenda.
Oh yes. People are definitely hyping it to suit their agenda. They are saying things they can’t possibly justify.
What they are not saying, is that this might work out badly for vaccinated people, or the higher risk and unvacced.
But it might work out better for all of us. We don’t know. The damn Covid spike in the virus or the vax has had some nasty surprises.
It might be better for us as long as the medical companies and governments don’t get in the way! Everything they do seem to make things worse.
I like the theory it has been circulating within a low test/vaccine area and a recent mutation made it highly transmissible. I am seeing both sides running wild – one side saying new vaccines/boosters now, and the other calling it the vaccine variant (i.e. this was caused by the vaccine). Refreshing to see a more balanced view on this here.
‘Make things worse’. Isn’t that the core expertise of government?
Surely Ivan you aren’t suggesting that CV19 has its own marketing division to stir up politicians?
Wouldn’t that be unethical.
“CV19 has its own marketing”
Called the MSM and the WHO !
With W.H.O. (Wuhan Hucksters’ Organisation) – Made in China, bypassing Nu and Xi, no wonder they named it
Omicron anagram of Moronic
Omi-crony capitalists?
Well, if the French can have a variant named after their president then surely Australia deserves equal consideration.
Can’t wait : it should arrive on the 1st of January coming soon:
The AusComo variant. ND 69.69T.
The variant ND 69.69T.
National Debt incurred in testing and Vaxxinating the Taxpayers; AUD $69.69 Trillion.
With the impending quantitative easing coming soon, this will become insignificant in no time flat.
Initial descriptions of this new version of the virus are that it will spread fast but do little damage.
So, why doesn’t the government divert its energy and resources to the real problem that’s killing many many more Australians?
The death toll from the combined effects of overeating, inactivity and government sponsored affluenza has been with us for many years and yet, the problem is ignored, why?
CV19 in all its manifestations, pales into insignificance against the death toll from gluttony but the leadership of our nation curiously remain inactive in relation to it.
Perhaps a response might lose votes.
Do the VaXXines manufacturers provide “incentives” for the use of their products?
Affluenza deaths don’t grow exponentially.
And no one gets rich fast by making the whole population slightly leaner, fitter, and healthier.
Just a few authors of diet books on fasting…
Fitter & Healthier. Dr Ben Carson used this as a basis for reforming the health system. Dr Carson recognized the bureaucratic health system for what it was, an enslavement.
At this old chestnut again Jo? As I said before, “exponential” growth is always limited by something. For all COVID-19’s rapid growth, its death rate has never reached within cooee of affluenza’s steady-state.
Yes. Exponential growth is limited by something. But you might not like the “something”.
As has happened in every epidemic for hundreds of years — when the exponential growth curve takes off, humans change behaviour to avoid spreading disease. Predictably, most western nations use quarantine, social distancing, and horrible long incompetent lockdowns etc to reduce the spread and the curve comes down. Some less-corrupt and poorer nations like India, Mexico, Indonesia, Peru (hard to believe I just said that) used ivermectin and reduced the curve. Obviously we don’t want to give our governments any excuse to use long lockdowns and to do forced vaccination.
To sound like a broken record. We need cheap antivirals.
People facing the Plague in 1665 got 40 day forced quarantine locked in their homes. They probably didn’t get much comfort from calling exponential spread a chestnut. 🙂
Indeed. For climate and diseases I would greatly prefer that focus moved away from alarmist hockey sticks and onto the “somethings”. There is far more to be learnt from what will limit the curve.
Do you think “exponential” would have been any more comfort to Plague survivers than “chestnut”? Even then, numbers flattened off well before potential victims ran out.
A pedantic point:
It isn’t really an exponential. It is a “Logistics Curve”. An “S” shaped curve. At the toe when it starts out it is hard to distinguish from an exponential, and it is reasonable to call the start and exponential growth phase as more folks know what that is, but as the population of un-involved shrinks, the curve tips over to flatten at the top.
And yes, all Logistics Curves eventually flatten as the available to exploit population drops (from immunity or death doesn’t matter to the curve…)
So in the early stages, as OhMy-Cron is, it is roughly exponential, it will eventually flatten.
That is true, “no one gets rich fast by making the population slightly leaner, fitter and healthier”.
However, long term this would ease pressure on Heath system resources (Hospitals, Clinics, Doctors, etc.) and free up more money/resources for Medical research and other needs. The trouble with today’s Health expenditure is that most of the money is spent on keeping older sick people alive. If more money was spent educating the population on the benefits of being healthy when people are younger, then long term less Health money/resources would be needed for elderly sick people. That’s because there would be less of them. This of course takes long term planning which is beyond the realm of the Political landscape (short term only). And a Generation to reap the benefits……………………..
But…but..double-chocolate eclairs taste so good! ..and everyone needs at least 7 or 8 fat & sugar-laden coffees a day, and McDonalds is just so handy and quick.
Besides, they are all lifestyle choices we enjoy and Govt wouldn’t interfere to micromanage our lives for our own good..
Seriously, if they did, you can bet they would force an unhealthy diet upon us all because some wealthy lobby group like the Wheat Board bought them off. It would all be the same food pyramid that caused these problems to start with!
Surely, a “problem” is that more young people are surviving to be elderly and a consequence is more sick elderly people.
“young people are surviving to be elderly”
That’s true but it’s costing a mint , and is clearly unsustainable.
Cheaper to get them off the carbs while they are young, and keep them off.
I remember when eggs were “bad” for you (cholesterol” allegedly), then it was butter, them red meat, then ALL sugars, now its carbs.
Try getting the Italians to eat less pasta. Whatever happened to the wondrous “Mediterranean Diet”, loaded with pasta, bread, slow-cured ham, olive oil, salty anchovies, and WINE?…..Which reminds me……
Which idiot is going to tell vast swathes of Asia to eat less rice? They also make noodles from wheat and Cassava, etc.
All that wheat and rice in the Middle East?
ALL actual beers are made from grains, primarily rice, wheat and barley. Some talk about alcohol being “empty carbs” And…..? The US “brew”, Budweiser, is a rice-based beer, apparently OK for the gluten-intolerant among us, but there are hundreds of “better” beers.
There is always some Bozo or “Karen” vociferously campaigning against something or other that someone else might enjoy. Maybe we we need a vaccine for that plague, FIRST.
As H. L. Mencken put it:
“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”
Good point Bruce , but think what the carbs will be replaced with , and you’ll understand why dropping them out leads to better outcomes.
Then think about the effect of carbs on blood sugar regulation as opposed to consumption of healthy fats .
The differences are stark and critical for avoidance of hypoglycaemia, leading to diabetes etc.
The hormonal mechanisms controlling satiety are well known. Carbs make you hungry every two hours or so.
It’s nothing to do with puritanism ; steak and eggs is better for satiety..
I take your point.
However, it seems unlikely that there are people just eating ‘carbs”. Carbs and?. Carbs and what levels of physical activity?
Focusing one one element of a diet with no consideration of other foods also eaten or exercise / work regimes. Polished rice vs “brown” or “black”?
The Japanese are rice connoisseurs, but the seem very keen of seafood and vegetables, along with traditionally being among the longest-lived population on the planet. Is it the diet, the genetics of the “Zen”?
We may be getting into “babies and bathwater” country, here.
Do you think its lack of education that makes people unhealthy ? I dont. I was fully aware of the risks of smoking but smoked throughout my youth. Probably a bad example because people have reduced smoking after years of propaganda. But I think that idea is a bit off the mark. It’s a bit like the opinion poor people only eat bad food because they cant get healthy food and junk food is cheaper. The truth is they just like junk food and get addicted to the salt, sugar and fat. They can get healthy food and it’s much cheaper to eat healthy food. They know that but choose not to. They might not know how to cook though, and Id suggest that is closer to the mark. Cooking classes for everyone
out of the health budget? Not a bad idea.
“Cooking classes for everyone”
How about An Instantpot for everyone? It vastly simplifies cooking with fresh produce. (And everything else.)
“And no one gets rich fast by making the whole population slightly leaner, fitter, and healthier.”
But the owners of Amazon, Facebook, Twitter etc all get very very rich, as did fizzer et al. Doubt it? Have a look how many US TV shows have a fizzer as a sponsor now… or check the profit sheet turn-around for Moderna.
“Lots of people got very, very rich, and no-one was really poor – well, no one worth speaking about anyway” – The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Biggest wealth transfer in history – THEIR debt pushed down down on us, OUR wealth pushed up to them.
Reverse Robin Hood – steal from the poor and give to the rich. Same plan as climate scam. It’s just much, much easier to make you panic about a virus that could kill you in the next few weeks, than a small change in temperature that won’t kill you for 100 years or more.
“The death toll from the combined effects of overeating, inactivity and government sponsored affluenza has been with us for many years and yet, the problem is ignored, why?”
I think the answer to your question is because over many years parents have chosen the easy options in child rearing including pandering to their food likes and dislikes That plus the ever increasing prevalence of pre-prepared meals and take-aways has contributed significantly
Kalm Keith. July 21, 2021 at 8:25 am
Both Gee Aye and Chris are portraying Diabetes type 2 as a victimhood infliction and when that is done it tends to blur the picture.
Throughout history I would have little doubt that most people didn’t have the opportunity of overeating.
In recent decades the world has come to a point where many citizens can eat and drink to excess and in Australia many of those don’t even need to work; the lucky country.
A visit to Honolulu some twenty years ago was a real eye opener in terms of understanding this change in culture, it seemed that for many, the prime purpose in life was to eat super large gigantic quantities of food.
I suspect that many of the CV19 “deaths” in the “data” reflect eating habits rather than The Virus.
A healthy life involves work, social and sporting interests, reading, intellectual pursuits and eating all in sensible proportions.
The day that I go food shopping and don’t see shopping trolleys loaded with “Soft drinks” being pushed to the checkout by a very large person, on that day I will feel that society is making progress in bringing balance to people’s lives.
What works is illness and pain which forces them to reform. When there is no good parenting or mentoring we learn the very hard way.
Yes WXc, but you’re talking about the real world there.
Here in Australia the government ensures that the social security food basket is always full and has created a situation where Australians are actually either so unfit that they can’t work, or else, can’t be bothered.
Scomo was recently out trying to open our borders to Guest Workers to come in to Aussie to harvest crops.
Exponential amounts of food crops were ploughed back in because of lack of labour locally.
Then the rains came and wrecked the remains of the farmers earlier efforts in clearing and sewing.
Something is out of balance in our Lucky Country when our local labour sits and gets fat on government support while we bring in low paid “guest workers”.
It’s ALL about harvesting the votes.
A couple of weeks ago I heard a reporter saying something had become even more exponential. He meant rising more steeply, but didn’t realise that the hockey stick is pretty much built into the meaning of “exponential”[Concise Oxford (of an increase): more and more rapid]. You don’t want to look sillier than that reporter do you? From the context you just meant “large” or “huge”. Go for those.
Robert, you need to read higher up the thread.
My exponential multiple apologies for the sarc.
Oh no, don’t tell me I fell into the sarchasm again!
Hi Robert,
My appreciation of the use of the term “exponential” in many cases, prompts the same reaction as for the scientific term “forcing” so beloved of the CAGW scientists.
The latest journalistic buzzword is fashion is “multiple” and it can be used to give weight to a story in almost any context on multiple occasions in every paragraph.
This is the heart of the Welfare State! Take money from those who are working for it, remove a large slice for a giant bureaucracy, and dribble the rest out to people who will never need to work.
How could you ever expect anything to be different, given that human nature doesn’t change and incentives drive each and every one of us. So set up incentives for people to not have to work and people will take it up. Incentivise having illegitimate children by paying single mothers, and you will get more of them.
Now welfare has crept up into the middle class as parasites in Govt buy their votes, so the middle-class are great supporters of the Welfare State. Who is willing to give it all up and fight against it??
So we will always be looking for the lean and hungry poor from other nations to do the work for us, while we just pass the wealth capital generated by our grandparents round and round until it is exhausted. It appears that after that we live on overseas borrowing.
Its an interesting time to be alive!
Got it all there KP, the full circle.
I’ve been too frightened to look into government borrowing to run the CV19 jobby keeper just in case they’ve racked up massive debt that will be hidden until after next May.
Oh, I forgot: there’s an election next year.
“I’ve been too frightened to look into government borrowing to run the CV19 jobby keeper…”
As much as $1T they say.
Imagine how much we could have expanded hospital capabilities and treatment research with just 10% of that – $100B.
Repeating question from last thread.
Were their, or are there ‘variants’ of HIV?
If so, they didn’t have as good a press agent.
My other comment is …
‘look, a squirrel’!
There are indeed HIV variants.

But no vax with boosters to sell, so not the same PR team maybe?
Though there is plenty of money to be made from the antivirals.
The truth is that the variants just don’t make as much difference. Because they use a triple cocktail, there isn’t much chance of a new variant completely resisting the antivirals.
But with a vaccine — and all based on the same spike, the authorities must be on tenterhooks waiting and hoping a new variant doesn’t ruin all their marketing.
A poor childlike representation of a stick person. Thought your drawings were better than that Jo !!
It is fairly realistic though, the location of the head is pretty obvious and it does appear to be multi-gendered, as is required in 2021-2022.
HIV map by Thomas Splettstoesser
Of course there is little recognition of the fact that they were never able to develop a vaccine for HIV Aids. Yet, the Triple drug therapy seems to work very well, keeping those who would otherwise be dead and living useful lives.
It really is a wonderful example for the development of multiple drug treatments, and especially repurposed drugs. The fact that this has been ignored, only added to my progressive concern in the early days of the promotion of the COVID “vaccines”.
NEVER lose sight of the fact that “Doctor” Falsi was a key player in the AIDS / HIV caper. It makes for an interesting backgrounder.
“the authorities must be on tenterhooks waiting and hoping a new variant doesn’t ruin all their marketing”
From my POV, this has already happened.
It produced mandates.
And lots of ordinary people in the streets that don’t seem to be worried about catching something.
But don’t worry, the authorities and elites are like the Borg, they can’t see you if you’re making jokes.
I’ve pretty much discounting numbers coming from agencies reporting “cases’ and other related things.
In the Great Left Coast State of Washington (USA), the November 24th report says 64% of the population has been fully vaccinated. The reported vaccinated curve bent in June and is asymptotically approaching 70%. [There is a big official push between now and Jan. 4th.]
But I know people that have had natural infections, some recent and some many months ago, and they have no intention of (a) getting tested, or (b) getting vaccinated. Forcing a naturally infected/recovered person to get a shot is an activity akin to flogging a dead horse. Further, the anti-vax anti-gov feelings are strong.
In my rural area, there are many university students that travel into the populous Puget Sound area (think Seattle-metro) on weekends, and return two days later. The remainder of the County’s folk pay little attention, mostly skipping masks, testing, and physical distancing. Government offices are strict about masks, but most retail outlets post signs that are ignored by over half the people.
There are times when the ABC does ‘Journalism’. From Catalyst where a researcher looks at the genetics of the Hunter Gatherer. I remember reading how the early arrivals from Europe marveled at the Aboriginals ability to recover from serious wounds after tribal disputes. Maybe the tribal markings were the most effective ‘Jab’ of all.
Remember why we feel the urge to hug and kiss, (feel free to rub noses if you are a Polynesian). This is the means by which we reinforce our natural protection against the common cold and whatever other adaptions occur in bugs that replicate at a substantially higher rate than we do. They simply out produce us so we need to share our best defenses.
When they gathered influenza in the 19th Century they didn’t fare too well; in fact it was one big farewell to lots of them.
But, but, but didn’t they live in nomadic harmony with nature and each other before the nasty Europeans corrupted their culture?
Apparently I have been caught with a sneaky smear.
Actually I was too lazy to go to the bookshelf. I believe it was in Tom Petrie’s Reminiscence of Early Queensland by Constance Petrie.
All people are born equal, but some people have more DNA variants than others. Lucky sods
My money is on a malicious agent and CCP is the front runner. They’re busy collecting airports and ports for non-payment of huge debts, especially in Africa.
Nuh. Perfectly natural and predictable evolution of the virus, like all other flu and corona viruses before this one. Of course, governments and the media will weaponise this scare like for the other variants.
Funny how language changes, isn’t it?
We used to call “variants” “this year’s seasonal ‘flu,” and nobody got too excited about it.
Rather like the South African doctors and government health gurus, who can’t understand why the rest of the world is in a flat spin about something that has been happening on the same scale for centuries, probably eons.
And we all lived through them without lockdowns, masks or closed borders.
Oh looky here, I was juggling the letters of OMICRON and came up with MORONIC, imagine that. !
I like mu and nu in the Greek Alphabet better as it rhymes with “Wu Flu”. Or even xi for the Chinese President…………….
See..#3 !
The development of all viruses is simple mathematics. It is an inert pile of atoms with no intelligence, a chemical. It is only significant in context and effect and its ability to force copies of itself to be made in great number. As in the selfish gene, it is a self replicating parasitic product of the herd. It is copied billions of times in a single individual and mistakes happen and endless mutations, most of no consequence. The most successful combination wins and success is measured by only one thing,the rate at which it infects others. The fastest virus wins. And being deadly slows that, so the ultimate virus is benign.
In the original Spanish Flu, the first mutation was shaped entirely by the trenches of WW1 where it took off. So it selectively killed young men. 90% of the victims were young men, 20-50 with strong immune systems. This was the first wave. The second wave was twice as deadly and killed everyone, often within 24 hours and killed twice as many people but the third wave was the very popular flu we know today with all its mutations, rarely fatal even though it kills 2,000 Australians a year. None in the last 18 months.
So the great masses of Africa, China, India, South America are the most likely source of the final variation, the relatively benign version. One which allows people to go back to work. And if Omikron is that version, it should be let run if the very vulnerable are safe, or as safe as anyone can be. The only people against this really are the people making billions from pharmaceuticals and the politicians getting massive power from the virus, as is Daniel Andrews in Victoria. He is now arguing that he needs totalitarian absolute power to defeat Omikron, the power to arrest without warrant, run without parliament and lock people up indefinitely without explanation or appeal. Hopefully this does not happen.
Then we might send the bill for the 5 million dead people to President Xi. And send Chairman Dan to live with his close friends in Beijing where perhaps the stairs are not as slippery.
The “Spanish” Flu is an interesting story.
Yes, it first “appeared” to the medical world near the end of WW1. I have a sort-f stake in all this. My maternal grandfather was on an extended “tour” of the fun spots like Gallipoli, and Pozierres. Unlike many, he seemed to have avoided death or reportable injury in the Dardanelles campaign, and, by his service record, did OK in the European Theatre until the appalling conditions in the trenches put him in hospital and eventually recovery to England and eventually, back to Australia. A lot of folk don’t get just what it was like.
In many places, the water table was so high, that digging “trenches” was pointless, so they actually built reinforced mud walls to protect against incoming fire. Then, as the ground was pounded by high-explosive, the intricate,centuries-old agricultural and civil drainage system was erased, so vast areas became swamps. A LOT of troops DROWNED in muddy shell-holes as a consequence, some bodies were recovered, many were not.
Couple all of these jolly details to the onset of the wettest winter the entire region had experienced for a LONG time. The swamp got bigger; transport was mired. Deliveries of food, medical supplies and more warlike stores slowed to a trickle. NO antibiotics ANYWHERE on the planet at this time, and that is another story.
Add to all of this, the enormous shortage of logistics personnel at the pointy end. The allied solution was to recruit hundreds of thousands of “labourers” from their assorted colonies. Thus a huge, rapid influx of “manpower” arrived from all over Africa and particularly Asia. No jabs, no “Vaxx Passports”.
THIS was probably the “seed” of the Flu.
Poor nutrition, physical exhaustion, stress, nasty weather and poor shelter; top ingredients for a “health crisis” among the troops. The Asian workers had probably carried some “herd immunity” to the “bug” as indicated by the fact they were “fit” when they arrived. Herd immunity, Darwin-style? Everybody else around them? Not so much.
Throw into this mix, the arrival of hundreds of thousands of fresh, well nourished and FIT troops from the USA, many from rural areas. These were bundled up with hardened Australian and New Zealand troops to form a “combined arms shock force” under command of an Australian, John Monash. These were the troops who, with their tactics of the “quiet offensive” started to break through the German lines and start the rout.
Spain had stayed OUT of the war, but had offered non military aid to the wounded and ill. Portugal was allied with Britain. A LOT changed in the subsequent twenty years.
Eventually, after the bullets stopped flying, the living went home, and this is where it became really interesting. US troops in demobilization camps started coming down with a nasty bug, and a steady trail of deaths soon followed. Here were otherwise perfectly healthy soldiers being floored by something the medicos had never seen before; remember NO antibiotics to deal with the pneumonia-like symptoms.
But it did not stop there.”Influenza” became a subject of serious study. There were more US outbreaks in the 1930s and fifties and, famously, in 1968, centered on a farm where a major “musical” happening was, well, happening.
Then a decade or so later, folks living “alternate” lifestyles started developing weird symptoms that did not respond to any known treatment. People started dying of what was finally discovered to be a rapid, irreversible failure of the immune system. but THIS time “social politics” became the major player and has vigorously re-emerged with this latest caper.
Ring any bells?
Then came “Bird Flu”, interestingly, again out of Asia. Way back in those days, airports around South-East Asia installed basic “false colour” thermal imaging systems to screen the herds of people entering the arrival halls. “Assistants” in white lab coats and wearing masks would occasionally “redirect” a passenger.
And who (WHO?) can forget EBOLA.
My take?
COVID-10 was a ‘POLITICAL” disease BEFORE its existence was even publicly acknowledged: A PERFECT “crisis” on which every politically ambitious man and his dog could hang their pet “solutions”.
Stay tuned for the next “crisis”.
An excellent walk through 20th century viral history. Thanks Bruce!
Very interesting and thought-provoking.
What you don’t say says as much as what you do say.
I missed one: Herpes, pre-AIDS.
When I was working on a docco in the Northern Territory in 1983, one buffalo hunters (pet meat), had a blue-heeler cross that answered, when he felt in the mood, to “Herpes”. NT humour; the owner explained that it was “because the little bugger won’t heel”.
Does anyone have a copy of the original release of the “Redgum” album, “Caught in the Act”?
On it is a bit of patter about Herpes and how it seemed to be being supplanted by the latest fashionable disease, AIDS.
Ah, the good old days!
Listen. Hear that? Another pigeon coming in to roost. And as much as they try there is no way these red cards can be kept from public view because what happens on the pitch stays in the stands and gets discussed with every round after the match.
Seems an increasing number of soccer players are kissing the grass for no apparent reason during more games. Questions are starting to be asked but officials are certain this rare coincidence is just that, a rare coincidence as the clot shot is not to blame.
To prove coincidence, and using the recent collapse of Charlie Wyke, club Wigan Athletic publicly, with players permission, confirmed that Charlie had not been vaxed and did not have covid. So the 81% chance that he has had at least one shot is incorrect.
A quick check of Charlie’s club history throws up an interesting similarity (rare coincidence) to Denmark’s Christian Eriksen, the player who collapsed during his nations Euro 2020 match against Finland earlier this year. Christian’s full time club Inter Milan issued a statement that Christian was not vaxed. Thing is Christian collapsed while playing for Denmark. Inter Milan may not have vaxed him, so they are telling the truth, but no one seems to have asked Denmark whether they did. Whenever the question came up the official response always quoted the Inter Milan advice that he was not vaxed.
Looking at Charlie we find that he moved from Sunderland to Wigan Athletic in July 2021 so what is Wigan actually saying? No doubt Wigan know how many of their club players they themselves have vaxed….
Whether its a conspiracy theory or not up to 25,138 pairs of eyes will be watching from their seats at the DW Stadium every game
Difficult to tell when you use the Soccer players as the ‘canary in the coalmine’. The canary could be in fresh air and it would still be falling from its perch every time you look.
A stricter control group would be Netball or better still Women’s rugby league. Netball may have too many ankle and knee injuries affecting statistics whereas the league ladies can sustain a hair pull that would be career ending for a soccer star.
When soccer players take dives, they miraculously recover and rejoin the play as soon as the ref makes his/her ruling. They aren’t taking a dive when they collapse and get carted off to the hospital (and sometimes then the morgue).
Others are starting to make the connections also as picked up by Beowulf
Xi? Can’t have that…………
Causes of Death, Australia
Statistics on the number of deaths, by sex, selected age groups, and cause of death classified to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Reference period 2020
Released 29/09/2021
Key statistics
. COVID-19 was the 38th leading cause of death (898 deaths).
. In 2020 there was a decrease in mortality in Australia.
. The five leading causes decreased, with a significant reduction in respiratory diseases.
. Rates from suicide, drug overdoses and car crashes decreased.
. Alcohol-induced death rates increased by 8.3%.
2020: COVID-19 mortality
COVID-19 is a respiratory infection caused by a new coronavirus. On 11 March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic. Information relating to COVID-19 mortality for both 2020 and 2021 is also published in the Provisional Mortality Statistics publication.
For the 898 people who died from COVID-19 in 2020:
COVID-19 was the 38th leading cause of death.
Their median age at death was 86 years.
. Just over half were female (460 female deaths, 438 male deaths).
. People who died from the virus under the age of 70 were more likely to be male.
. Dementia was the most common pre-existing condition (275 deaths).
. Chronic cardiac conditions, hypertension and diabetes were also commonly reported comorbidities.
. The majority of deaths occurred in people with a usual residence of Victoria (800 deaths).
COVID-19 mortality by age and sex, 2020 (a)(b)(c)(d) – Graph/Table
Alcohol death rates INCREASED by 8.3% – and here I am thinking that’s what’s been keeping me ALIVE for the past 18 months.
Jacinda and her ‘kind’ are (il)legally introducing their ‘extra layer of protection’ system this Friday 3 December: Apartheid NZ 2022. Fun times ahead.
Old Ozzie:
“. Alcohol-induced death rates increased by 8.3%.”
So, the “government” broke even or did even better out of the deal?
Given that a HUGE percentage of the price of a bottle of your favourite tipple is “Excise” and taxes, and dead people no longer need “services”, (apart from the final one paid for by the next of kin), this would look like a “win” to the feral bean counters and social engineers.
Also, to Greg in NZ:
A mate of mine strongly recommends Vodka as excellent “COVID repellent”.
If this variant has indeed been around for a long time, how can they say it is “spreading fast”?
Is every single positive test sent to a lab for sequencing? Could it be that, now this variant has been identified, the testers are only now able to spot it and so are finding it everywhere?
Most infections are not fully sequenced. Only for tracking and tracing plus some random sampling. Omicron may turn out to be in many places (which will potentially be good news if it is a nicer more invisible virus).
Obviously if it had been rapidly spreading for a year, it would already have overtaken Delta. It must have been circulating in a slower form til some recent change that gave it an advantage.
Indeed, yes, it is really just a testdemic.
Lockdowns don’t work, masks and social distancing certainly don’t either. Guess we have to wait and see what Santa brings this Christmas. We been told to follow the science, now we are over-reacting. The whole game has change. We have been ill-advised. At this point we should all learn to just live with the variant.
Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium – Session 1: The False Pandemic.
Look at deaths not cases!
We want everybody to be a “case” eventually and then we won’t need to be VaXXinated.
Let’s get it over and done with.
As I keep saying, look at hospitalizations. That’s the factor that determines whether there are lockdowns. Deaths has always been secondary.
A very good point. There are bound to be more hospitalisations than deaths and they can be frightening.
The unfortunate thing overall has been the deliberate misrepresentation of “data” and it’s general unreliability.
My friend, who spent the best part of two weeks trying to get a sensible examination of his Vaxxine adverse reaction, is a good example.
He was told by his doctor and later the local hospital that he was having an anxiety attack and it was only when he thought he was going to die and had to call an ambulance that a thorough examination showed clotting that saw him in ICU for three days.
The records there would show underreporting of Vac AE.
Comorbidities would similarly distort CV19 results.
Seeing the whole picture clearly is not easy.
I’m glad to see more doctors are speaking up against this global spread of stupidity and manipulation.
All of these additional mutations, never seen before. What are the chances of that ?
It’s almost certainly a deliberate release and the timing is all too perfect just before xmas, so it will be carried to the 4 corners of the globe. In my opinion, this confirms our worse fears, that we are in a long biological war that will only stop once we have global economic collapse and western democracy has fallen. The attack is obviously from China, who have noticeably remained isolated with closed borders, with no plan to re-open and they are probably working with their left wing political affiliates in the USA. The new spike protein variations will nullify the current vaccines, so this means we are now 12-18 months away from a new vaccine and border control and lockdowns will persist. With the economy now running at maximum debt levels there is no way to fund our way through another lockdown, so in my opinion we have no option but to close our borders and put in place a 2 week quarantine system for all international arrivals. This new war is a bit like death by strangulation, but it might be possible for the west to survive by enabling strict border/quarantine management, reopening domestic travel and allowing travel bubbles with other western countries. Certainly we need to come up with a strategy to survive this new ongoing and indefinite threat.
Some will call that out as another “conspiracy from ultra-right-wing sources” , but not I. There are too many threads joined together now. However one may take this, it will be interesting in the extreme to see how this unfolds domestically. More urgings from the usual communist/left media and politicians in order to scare the cr.p out of the poor paranoid dolts who make up much of our society. So evil.So sad.
All CCP bioweapons should be left in China. That’s how we win a biotech war. We show China we will keep out their weapons and are not afraid of them. We won’t let them shut down our economy. We will use all the safe cheap drugs we can.
It might be a fake variant, but it’s very believeable that this is a natural descendant too. We really don’t know.
I’ve been surprised that it didn’t arrive sooner.
“It might be a fake variant, but it’s very believeable that this is a natural descendant too. We really don’t know.’
No we really do not know but when the original was sequenced it was claimed it was made in a laboratory as the mutation in the spike protein was unusual and had not been seen previously. However that cynicism seems to have evaporated with the advent of Omicron with its 32 mutations in the spike protein and no evidence of the origin of Omicron.
No, just no! You’re solutions will lead to a moribund country fighting over diminishing resources as world trade collapses, populated by a panicking peasantry being hounded by tyrannical Govts. Vaccine companies will screw your tax system to death until the failure of their products is undeniable. There is no reason to think it is from China, after all, their labs were financed and their scientists trained by the USA, the world’s greatest researcher into bioweapons. Like the Africans, the Chinese are not as fat and unfit as we are, and maybe they’ve let it run rife and now ignore it.
Certainly there is a lot of reason for a general world economic collapse and the destruction of this farce called democracy, but China would only be one player in there. I feel you should look behind the curtains in the power structures of the West. Perhaps it is all a logical outcome of the incentives that free enterprise runs on, after all, every company wants to maximise its profits, no matter how it does it. Vaccine companies will screw Govts, media companies fake up news to scare people, and politicians ride this fear for personal gain.
Just stop the Govt pouring money into people’s personal health completely and open the country up. Let us buy drugs or vaccinations if we want and just get on with life.
🙂 🙂 🙂
It just won’t do! Mother State is here to look after you. People, you are childish and you can’t look after yourselves. Nanny will put you to bed now.
“we need to come up with a strategy”
Yeah we have ; it’s called your immune system.
There is an arms race, but it is between us and the virus. Viruses mutate, it’s what they need to do to survive.
So we should re-try what failed for all the other variants, we just need to do those things gooder and harder. Got it.
Natural Immunity Works Better Than COVID Vaccines: New England Journal of Medicine
Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfections as Compared with Primary Infections
The study’s authors examined 353,326 COVID cases in Qatar from February of 2020 through April of this year. The study left out around 87,500 who had been vaccinated with one or two shots.
Of those third-of-a-million people who had been infected once but never been vaccinated, only 1,304 were identified as having been infected a second time.
That’s a reinfection rate of about one-third of one percent, or fewer than four in a thousand.
Whichever way you slice this cake Anthony Fauci and the Wuhan Lab (PLA) are guilty of mass murder. The only beneficiaries thus far are Big Pharma and the Democrats. Everyone else in the world has paid a heavy price for the lunacy of creating dangerous diseases. WE will need another Nuremberg series of trials when this is over particularly when we now have confidence that this virus was released on purpose to cause the havoc and profits that it has. This is what Bio-warfare looks like and we now know what defeat feels like. Our best hope now is an uprising in China brought about by extreme cold, lack of power and starvation all of which is happening and winter has barely begun.
Odd that Rudo Mathivha’s statement about all the Omicron hospitalisations is totally at odd with those by Dr Angelique Coetzee, the head of the South African Medical Association and Virologist Barry Schoub, the head of South Africa’s Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-19 vaccines. Dr Coetzee has stated that there have been zero hospitalisations in her experience and that of her colleagues. I have to wonder whether Mathivha’s cases are for a different strain.
As I said in the 2nd Weekend Unthreaded, I think this is the variant that you have been holding out for.
The “you” in this sentence is Jo since her paranoia around CoViD has her still supporting mass quarantines/lockdowns.
Analitik, anyone who reads the site knows I’ve been anti-lockdown from the start. I warned the lockdowns would happen a month before they did, and before anyone was talking about them.
Unlike some people who say they don’t want lockdowns, I have a plan to prevent them. It was cheap and it worked, see WA. Other people seem to just hope all bioweapons are nice.
There would have been no lockdowns if people followed my advice.
I’m optimistic about the Omicron variant, but we need the data. Obviously.
Your reference to the “success” of WA continues to ignore the role of the eastern portion of Australia acting as your extended quarantine zone.
It is supremely arrogant to think that the WA economy could function as it does without the commerce of the eastern states, which necessitates international visitors whether they be businessmen or airline crews or shipping crew.
Your “plan” is not realistic for the entire nation without the economy being completely wrecked.
Analitik. Good try, no banana. The definition of “wrecking the economy” and “arrogance” is thinking that the NSW leaky border, and long lockdown was good management.
WA kept working, and kept the export dollars flowing in while NSW and Vic shut down.
Far from being “WA’s extended quarantine”, Gladys infected WA and the whole nation. If it weren’t for Gladys and Scotts incompetent quarantine, Australia and New Zealand would have avoided most of the lockdowns and economic damage since June 24 this year.
The whole nation was only 8% double vaxxed in June. Gladys and Scott turned out to be accidentally Pfizer’s best friend. One Limo driver in a hazmat suit would have saved billions of dollars.
The WA policy self evidently provides more freedom than leaky borders do. Virtually no masks, lockdowns, missed school, shutdowns, or CCP bioweapons. Real freedom means no “freedom days” where we are allowed to drive another five kilometers — because we never lost it.
Again, you totally ignore the interconnections between WA and the eastern states.
To state that Gladys’ actions “infected WA and the whole nation” totally ignores the greater transmissibility and shorter incubation period of the Delta variant. Look at the spread in Melbourne from a VERY small cluster that was rapidly identified.
It was inevitable that international travelers would spread it and WA has bugger all of these so again, the major eastern states act as the extended quarantine zone for WA (& NT, SA, Tasmania).
You and your premier, Mark McGowan, continue to lord it over eastern Australia while riding on the back of their roles in keeping the economy going – WA makes heaps from iron ore exports but that is not the whole of the Australian economy and the rest of WA’s economy relies heavily on the rest of Australia.
BTW, are you saying that the vaccines would have prevented the outbreak of Delta in NSW? That is voodoo science in itself
She was commenting that vaccine roll out was slow and that the outbreak precipitated uptake.
A well run quarantine system would have saved NSW, ACT and VIC a whole lot of problems and nothing you’ve written counters that.
Would Jo, or anyone, please tell me what date(s) of this blog was Jo’s plan most definitively laid out? (She refers to it in her comment here.)
The gaslighting of the recent surge in collapses and deaths of athletes with heart conditions has begun
Cannot believe that the latest ‘virus’ is anything much more than pre Christmas propaganda and a feeble attempt to panic the worn out public. We have had nearly 2 years of lies, fake news, panic, masks, lockdowns, threats, discrimination etc. Now we have growing numbers of vaccine deaths and disabilities but they want more shots, more boosters. The whole credibility of Covid is shot as far as I am concerned. Last years deaths including Australia was basically almost everyone who died was from Covid! Really??? What happened to flatten the curve? We now live in endless drama via the lies and cover ups of Big Pharma, heads of medicine and politicians. Lies, lies and more lies.
yeah, South African virologists have been planning this for ages.
Gee Aye,
Do you really have a PhD?
NOt in understanding the fear and loathing of OWM
Old World Monkeys ?
I guess that would have to do, since a PhD would never bother to address a lowly 2 times BSc.
Auld White Men.
Yeah. He probably has one but like most akademiks doesn’t know about rational thought. I have a B.A, but I don’t have my degree pinned on the wall to impress. Just to say that discussion with know-all dilettantes is… yawn..
Exactly right, Dave.
All this hand-wringing is about how the variant will affect the “efficacy” of the vaccines and effect on the vaccination mandates.
The universally mild, non-life threatening clinical presentations is a mere afterthought vs the horror of the vaccines not being able to control case counts and the resulting loss of confidence in the vaccination and booster policies.
It won’t be mild if it causes ADE or OAS in vaccinees.
No, not for the vaccinees. I guess they will need a quarantine to protect them.
But the current reports are that it is mild for the vaccinated as well (which is why they keep telling us to get vaccinated/boosted) so I do see it happening with this variant.
All indications are that Omicron is the highly transmissible yet highly attenuated variant you have been holding out for. With proper early treatment, whether using ivermectin or the raft of other effective multi-drug regimes that have been developed, we could have opened up with Delta.
It’s already named OMIGOD by the cowardly woke mob.
Gee, did I 8nvoke a deity.
CDC now says all adults should get COVID booster shots amid Omicron fears
The CDC upped its urgency over coronavirus vaccine boosters Monday, saying every US adult should now get the extra shot because of the Omicron variant.
The federal agency previously said that while every adult was eligible for a booster, only those age 50 and older and those 18 and above in long-term care should really make a point of getting it.
But given heightened concerns over Omicron, the CDC now says that everyone over 18 “should” get the boosters.
What a brilliant summary Jo. This is the sort of info we should be getting from our CHO’s and politicians. From the general media – the “no panic” version without all the hyperbole. I’m just so sick of the hype. I try not to be a conspiracy theorist but when you get the full info (such as this summary) you cant help but think ” …. hang on , that all happened a bit quick didnt it?”
G’day Ross,
To stop being a “conspiracy theorist”, try reading “Fauci” by Robert Kennedy, which Jo posted about recently and I’ve started to read. It could change you into a realist.
I’m only 167 pages in (of 900+) and I’ve just read a section which prompted me to think: “Just when I thought Fauci could not be any worse, he was”.
And a belated thanks, Jo, for that post. I nearly didn’t buy the book as I thought it might be too horrible, but am finding it fascinating. While a lot of it is stuff we’ve seen here, Kennedy has brought it all together with more references than I’ve seen before. The major question that keeps nagging at me is how much of the unethical behaviour is illegal under US law? And then, is the US legal system sufficiently robust to achieve a conviction?
Dave B
Thanks David – believe me, I am no Fauci fan. All the way along this sad COVID trip we’ve been on, the name Fauci bobs up, and not in a good way. There’s just too many coincidences and the bloke couldn’t lie straight in bed. The worst thing is that he has influence beyond the US. For instance here in little ol’ Oz I’ll be there are thousands of Aussies who think he’s the COVID supremo. What’s the Italian word for dud?
The solution is NOT to shut the borders. If this is mild, then lets, for goodness sake, let it run through the population and get this done once and for all.
All we get with border shuts and restrictions is a whole lot of issues and costs associated with those measures, incluing significant health impacts. Then we also have to have the virus at some stage too. Believe me we will have to deal with the virus sometime. Let it be now rather than later when our economy and society have been wrecked by continual restrictions/lockdowns/mandates.
Its complete madness to keep on kicking the can down the road and ignore the cost of that. Sweden took it on the chin and are through it. The way we are here a decade later we will still be carrying on, if our country is still intact
Get the politicians out of the way – let commonsense prevail.
Damn right – Omicron? Bring it on!
As you say prophet: ” If this is mild”
Good to know you agree with me.
First make sure it’s mild. My crystal ball isn’t working just yet on whether Omicron hospitalization rates in the 70+ group are significantly reduced. Will it also cause long covid, shorten our telomeres potentially accelerating aging, produce damage in brains that shows up on MRI scans, or potentially cause immune suppression through stopping the V(J)D double stranded DNA repair needed in B and T cell reproduction.
Almost all the bad things we hear about the spike in vaccines applies to the real virus. The CCP know more about this virus than anyone and they are keeping the borders shut.
I will be delighted if Africa produces the livable version of Covid that we can all catch and get good immunity to. And I’m feeling quietly optimistic. I have hoped all along we’d get a variant from unvaxxed Africa rather than vaxxed Europe/US/UK.
Until then, we shut the borders, even if it’s only for days. We have one chance to shut borders easily.
If we really want to keep borders open and ignore all bioweapons and their decendants (which I do) then we need to get rid of the corruption that stops us using the best antivirals we can find.
To keep borders open, we need ivermectin.
2 weeks of case reports with ZERO hospitalisation SINCE THEY REALIZED THEY WERE COVID CASES tells me that it is mild.
The report by Rudo Mathivha should be looked into to be sure but her cases are not representative of those from any other doctors.
” long covid, shorten our telomeres potentially accelerating aging, produce damage in brains that shows up on MRI scans, or potentially cause immune suppression through stopping the V(J)D double stranded DNA repair needed in B and T cell reproduction. ”
Are these effects all specific to Sars-Cov-2?
I seem to recall a thing called CFS , (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ) which appears to describe this “long covid”. There may be another name for it also.
The other term that I was looking for is M.E. or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis .
It is definitely not specific to Sars-CoV-2 , and “long covid ” is nothing special or new.
OK sure, good points, and yes its a definite tactic we could use. We should just have a big covid party and be done with it.
But on the other had, if we had shut the borders properly, we would have 0 cases so far. The economy would have had no lockdowns at all. Then a new variant comes dominant, its less harmful, we can then open up, and take benefits of newer medicine. Borders mean no lockdowns and not forever.
Sweden are doing ok I agree. But we’d have had about 15000 plus deaths equivalent. Some say oh well, but I just cant be so harsh on people when all you have to do is not go overseas for a holiday or have planes of diseased people flying in for their holiday. Not much of a sacrifice if you ask me.
Australia’s economy does not exist in a state of autarky. Your “proper” border shutdown is wholly unrealistic.
NOt in the slightest unrealistic. You can still trade, goods can still come in and go out. People can still come in if they must for business but they must go through a proper bullet proof quarantine (out in the desert). Why couldnt that work? People just assume it can’t, but it could, we would miss out on nothing. In fcat it was largely done, excpet we had a pathetic quarantine system run by idiots. Runs are on the board, we did survive and life was fine pre lockdown.
My reply to Jo at applies to your position as well (since it is the same as hers). The level of isolation you think should be in place is totally unrealistic for our economy
Im doing well. People around me are all jabbed, some coming up to booster time. Well what a waste of six months that was for them! No virus to come into contact with and the vaccine has now worn off. Oops! At the time they were telling me you better get the jab. No Ill wait I said. Then at mass vaxx time (NSW) I said the same. I’m right, they’re wrong, so far.
I still may get a vaccine if this turns nasty, Im not fundamentally oppodsed to it at all.
My wife got it because she works with dero type clients (and this has largely been a disease of the dero so far) and she is hopeless at systems analysis and mask wearing she despises so her chances of avoiding it via physical control are much less than mine, so I thought it wise for her, and besides she’d get sacked if she didn’t, so!
But if I do get a shot down the track I wont be worrying about the accumulative effects of multiple shots in the body. Id like to see this addressed, the issue of taking shots forever, which is what the common man seems to think they’re in for (and willing to accept without question from my observation). They just do what they’re told. People are amazing in their compliance. Aussies.
Why is Ivermectin not given a chance by all kind of ‘organisations’ (not sure if this is the right word), including most of the press?
Why is a lot of the press so demeaning about this?
Why is there never done an honest big trial with Ivermectin and Ivermectin in combination with other drugs? (so it can be officially approved)
‘Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz, an Israeli scientist, said.
“There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.” ‘
In the mean time people are told to ‘stay home and isolate’.
I have a friend who has been told just that. After 2 weeks, she called her doctor because she was getting really, really tired because she coughed a lot and ‘heavy’. The doctor told her than to get some coughing medicine. She was allowed to go to the pharmacy after 2 weeks. (somebody got it for her).
There could/should be a standard early treatment by now?
‘In March 2020, when the Covid-19 epidemic was already in full swing, another epidemic, of scabies, occurred in a nursing home in Seine-et-Marne. To treat this parasitic disease, doctors have been prescribing for decades a well-known and effective drug: ivermectin (IVM). This is how Dr. Charlotte Bernigaud, dermatologist at the AP-HP Henri Mondor Hospital, treated all 121 residents (69) and employees (52) of the establishment.
The rest is less commonplace: in this retirement home where the average age of residents is 90 years, with 98% of people with a comorbidity at risk, the Covid-19 virus has done virtually no damage. Only 1.4% of the occupants (including staff) had the virus, with moderate symptoms (no oxygen or hospitalization) and no deaths were to be deplored. The dermatologist is careful not to conclude that there is a certain efficacy but writes this in her publication: “Despite the limitations – observational nature and lack of correlation demonstrated in vitro / in vivo – the plausibility is sufficient to carry out a randomized controlled trial in nursing homes.’
(The people in those nursing homes in Victoria could have been given a chance to beat Covid with Ivermectin. If it didn’t work, it wouldn’t have done any harm either as demonstrated from above)
I do think there should be more focus on preventive medicine like it has been mentioned here before.
I’m thankful for the good treatments that are available for people who have the misfortune to get sick with all kind of diseases.
I watched Blacklist ‘The Pharmacy’ on Netflix in the weekend. It came down to a drug company preventing someone to find a cure for a terminal disease because they make more money of the ongoing treatment for this disease than they would from the potential cure. It is fiction and over the top… but it kind of rang a bell.
I’m vaccinated although I still wonder about the long term safety. There is no data on that.
I hope it will be all right for all of us.
Why? Donald Trump and their hatred of him.
Money, money, money.
In that – there is no money to be made from ivermectin. Off patent and now a lot of the active ingredient synthesised in third world countries or China.
Nor hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxamine, azithromycin, nitazoxanide, aspirin, budesonide… There are a dozen off patent, cheap, safe drugs that can be used in conjunction for early treatment to prevent the vast majority of hospitalisations.
Then there are the supplements that never get mentioned by the health authorities.
We just get told to go home until we’re gasping for air and then they’ll put us in hospital on oxygen with some steroids before shoving a tube down our throats. Early treatment is forbidden so if your immune system can’t natively overcome the infection, you are guaranteed to become a late stage case by which time all they can do is prolong the support in the hope your immune system rallies. No wonder people are scared but it for the wrong reasons.
Big pharma rules.
I work in an allied industry to pharmaceuticals. Not hard to guess. But in my industry when a molecule or active ingredient is approaching its patent protection end point, the owner of that AI usually discovers a more active isomer. So they then register and market the new eg.S-ivermectin as being more active and can then also sell the updated product with similar profitability. I am amazed that Merck hasn’t done the same. I have learned that maybe Merck’s new antiviral may in fact be ivermectin re-synthiseizd but yet to confirm. I did also note that a Canadian company is developing different systems of delivery for IVM that also increases the activity of IVM at lower doses.
No, Merkx “new” anti-viral, molnupiravir causes random mutations to prevent the virus replicating efficiently. Of course, we are assured that the mutagens will only affect the virus and not our own cells or reproductive organs. Coincidentally, when Merkx performed their trial vs CoViD (it was developed as an anti-flu drug), the participants were screened to exclude pregnant women AND ALL PARTICPANTS WERE INSTRUCTED TO TAKE EXTRA PRECAUTIONS AGAINST PREGNANCY DURING THE TRIAL PERIOD.
The Pfizer anti-viral, paxlovid, is a protease inhibitor that affects replication in a different way but only has a single action while, according to the following article, ivermectin blocks the SARS-CoV-2 virus in multiple ways. Plus paxlovid is basically untested for side effects over any real period.
Thanks- good to know.
The advisory committee to the FDA just recommended giving molnuparavir an EUA by a 13-10 vote. It barely squeeked by.
“amazing in their compliance.”
I think it’s more that they don’t want to be deprived of their little treats like dining out , and overseas holidays, etc. Seems largely selfish to me , with some exceptions.
Now if this has been circulating for maybe 6 months didn’t those doing the circulating have to be at least double “vaxed”?
And one might innocently ask “what then were the roles of the Glasgow Gathering and various other high profile jollies in that time in its spread?
“Gee Aye,
Do you really have a PhD?” et sec
Called a review of literature
Too many experts are playing politics with omicron. We need to buy time until we learn more about it
I guess that it’s always a good idea for people with the latest seasonal flu to try to avoid spreading it to others . You might call that “buying time ” .
Diagnosis by Smartwatch
“Real-time alerting system for COVID-19 and other stress events using wearable data”
I am not picking on the doctors. The claim is that your watch can tell that you have Covid before you even suspect it.
It detects COVID-19 at or before symptoms in approximately 80% of the symptomatic cases and even identifies asymptomatic cases”
[1.] Our Jo is perfectly correct in lamenting the official boycott or discouragement of cheap, common, and effective therapeutic agents against COVID – including all the ones we’ve heard so much about such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromycin, and vitamin supplements such as Vit-D and Vit-C, etc.
Many good clinicians have begged and pleaded for various combinations of the above to be be made standard early treatment for COVID.
And many such good clinicians have been threatened with de-registration for their efforts.
[2.] The world has become hooked on fear of COVID ‘Cases’, as detected by the PCR test.
This test relies on amplification cycles to enhance detection of small quantities of DNA, or even fragments thereof. The number of cycles – called the CT – is critical to the sensitivity or (more importantly in this case) the excessive sensitivity of the PCR test.
The PCR’s reliability in detecting actual COVID infection is excellent up to 17 cycles.
At 34 cycles and above, its reliability is effectively zero.
Here’s the kicker:-
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend running PCR tests at a CT of 40.
Tests recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) are set to a CT of 45. These excessively high CTs produce many ‘false positives’ and thus guarantee the appearance of widespread (pandemic) infection when infection rates are in fact low.
[3.] In the initial phases of the ‘pandemic’, there were numerous ‘whistle-blower’ reports by hospital staff of large numbers of deaths being incorrectly attributed to COVID-19. Multiple co-morbidities were apparently ignored in favour of COVID as the ’cause-of-death’. In fact, road traffic fatalities and even gunshot wounds were in some cases entered into the records as COVID deaths.
In #17.1 (above), ‘OldOzzie’ notes that for the 898 Australians who died from COVID-19 in 2020, the median age at death was 86 years. Are we 100% sure the cause of death at that age is wholly and solely attributable to COVID, given that a great many Australians aren’t expected to reach that age at all in the normal run of things?
And how many people died simply with COVID but not necessarily from COVID?
This is why so many people believe we’re dealing with ‘rubbery figures’ when it comes to COVID.
[4.] In place of early intervention with cheap effective therapeutics, we’ve been made the unwitting participants in a clinical trial of injections they call vaccinations.
These so-called ‘vaccines’ are the first vaccines in history which don’t immunise you against the target pathogen and don’t prevent you transmitting it to others. In fact, the CDC had to change the clinical definition of ‘vaccine’ on the 1st of September this year, just so they could continue getting away with using the word for the COVID jabs.
The original definition was: “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”
This was modified to become: “A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”
A very neat little trick that few have noticed!
So the ‘vaccines’ aren’t really vaccines in the sense that most of us have grown up with. In fact, if we take ADE into account, they’re likely worse than useless.
[5.] O.K. If we accept that the ‘vaccines’ are of limited value against a disease with a >99% recovery rate and which is eminently treatable with known and trusted therapeutics, can we at least be sure they’re harmless?
Ummm. No.
As I’ve posted here lately, for Europe and America combined, the latest government data record nearly 50,000 deaths and 2 million injuries arising from COVID ‘vaccines’. But, in reality, and taking the under-reporting ratios of anywhere from 10x to 100x into account, those figure could actually be as high as 5 million dead and 200 million injured … just since December 2020.
Appalling numbers.
Unjustifiable numbers!
And I haven’t even touched the immense economic and social cost of the world’s catastrophic response to a disease some have likened to ‘a bad flu’.
There are just so many serious questions to be answered.
And so many criminal charges to be laid against so many health officials, and medical staff who should have known better and should have fought against this monstrous travesty – but didn’t.
All things considered, it just seems to me that arguing about one more variant of COVID, and how to respond to it, is a moot point.
Thanks for putting that up; it’s vital that the poorly detailed background of this “disease” is known more widely.
The Sky is falling… LOLLOLLOLLOL
It may not have been spreading, rather incubating in a single immunosuppressed person, of which there are very many in Southern Africa
“Omicron — Probably has been circulating and developing in Africa for months”.
But if it comes to Australia it will get here on the ‘fully vaccinated”.
And, from Seth Efrika:
COVID 19 variants have been “circulating” in all parts of the world, living and dying. Anyone remember the Kappa Variant, which started in South America? Gone and Forgotten. This virus mutates constantly. Are we all ready for Theta or Omega variants?? Let’s see………..