A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Australia’s leading causes of death, 2020
In 2020 there were 161,300 deaths, a decrease from 2019.
Ischaemic heart diseases were the leading cause of death, accounting for 10.3% of all deaths.
Deaths from the top five leading causes all decreased from 2019.
The top five leading causes of death have remained the same since 2011.
There were 898 deaths from COVID-19, ranking as the 38th leading cause of death.
So, depending on how you want to view those details , you could either..
1). Conclude that Covid was not a serious problem at all compared to many other issues..
2). Conclude that Australia’s Covid Strategy of Lockdowns , isolations, masks, etc etc ..was extremely effective ! ?
You decide !
Dan? Is that you?
From Dictator Dan’s half-sister, Chictator Cindy, and her Podium of Truth yesterday, 1 Nov 2021:
53 NZers in hospital ‘with’ Delta
3 of those 53 are in ICU
28 total deaths 2020-2021
26 were old people last year
2 were this year with comorbidities
Therefore, as nobody has died ‘of’ Delta, we have to shut the whole country down, mask up, and don’t talk to your neighbours! The Zombie Queen hath spoken! The peasants are getting restless…
So ask the pollies to explain Dr Robert Malone’s statement a month ago about how the vaxxed are more susceptible to the Delta variant than the unvaxxed.
Not much room to move when your one true source of truth has declared panic stations.
Fully vaxxed Jen Psaki catches COVID
White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki, who’s been at the forefront of the ‘get vaxxed for COVID’ stance of the Biden White House, and even helped make a video targeting America’s unvaxxed youth last August, alongside a son-of-Pajama-Boy-type Tik-Tok “influencer,” has claimed to be fully vaxxed … and still has caught COVID.
Most of us have already known that the vaccine isn’t all that effective. It’s been reported that fully vaccinated Gen. Colin Powell (who had significant co-morbidities) died of COVID recently, despite all the vaccination he had for his protection.
The Bidenites are always having trouble telling the truth.
It’s not just that they won’t admit the superiority of natural immunity (which as studies show, works better than vaccines) or the good work that early treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin regimens can bring in curing patients and killing off COVID that way. It’s that they seem to be lying about the circumstances of even the White House COVID cases.
Good points, but no one has ever directly said that the vaccine stops you from catching Wuhan flu. That is just not true. And it does increase the chance you spread it because you are more likely less sick and this makes the spread of the virus much faster. All the vaccine does is reduce the level of illness so the chance of dying. .
However the propaganda from the Democrats and the Press is that the unvaccinated are now the entire problem because they and they alone can catch it and spread it. Like Jen Psaki.
Correct TdeF. Nobody has ever said directly that the injections stop you from being infected. But you’d be hard pressed to watch any of the happy clappers and form any other impression.
It’s all been a game of half truths and outright deceit. SNAFU.
If she had the second jab more than 4-6 weeks ago..
… she would now be classed in the “not fully vaccinated” group. 😉
The recent study below shows that the vaxxed are 2.5 times more likely to have high viral loads when asymptomatic than the unvaxxed. This is the reason for the excessive spreading that they exhibit and for the moon shot trajectories seen around the world that accompany vax campaigns.
So much for locking up the unvaccinated to stop the spreading, we are doing the exact opposite of what we should. The vaxxed should be locked down if science were to be followed.
And we have the study below showing the vaxxed have over 250 times more viral load….
Remember that the latest figures from the UK actually show the vaxxed MORE LIKELY to get infected as well. So, superspreaders, more likely to get it and pass it on, and what does the govt do??? Restricts those who are less likely to get it and less likely to spread it. Go figure!!!
They will wait until being more likely to catch the virus and more likely to spread the virus is joined by more likely to die from the virus which has always been the key selling point of the vaccines and ought to be near impossible unless Murphy’s Law supervenes.
Hey, she caught it off an unvaxxed person…….\sarc
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 64 studies
Covid Analysis, Oct 29, 2021, Version 140
• Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 67% [53‑76%] and 86% [75‑92%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis (which excludes all of the GMK/BBC team studies), with primary outcomes, and after restriction to peer-reviewed studies or Randomized Controlled Trials.
• Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. All remain statistically significant after exclusions. 31 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation
WAYNE ROOT: What I Just Told New York Times About the Complete Failure & Disaster of the Covid Vaccine
Hello Mr. Root,
I am a media reporter with The New York Times. My colleague and I are working on a story about false or misleading vaccine misinformation in the audio space…You have said on Facebook that the vaccine “doesn’t work” and is “a complete failure.” Do you have any comment?
Sure, I have a comment. Every word I say is based on science and facts.
The VAERS reporting system is the only present scientific way of measuring deaths and injuries from any vaccine – including the Covid-19 vaccine. It’s not my system. It’s not based on politics. It has nothing to do with conservative or liberal opinions.
It is a science-based medical reporting system provided by the government and
the CDC.
It is the only way of keeping track of the deaths, crippling injuries and adverse reactions from any vaccine. It has been used for many decades.
No one in the medical community, or media has EVER in history ignored, or disparaged the VAERS Report before. Until now.
Here are the VAERS numbers: Over 17,000 Americans are reported dead directly from this vaccine – mostly from strokes, heart attacks and blood clots. Over 800,000 are reported injured, many of them hospitalized (over 83,000); many with life-threatening illness (over 18,000); many others permanently disabled (over 26,000).
This information is all publicly available and provided by the CDC. This cannot be called “misleading” by anyone in the media. The very definition of “misleading” would be to either disparage VAERS, or ignore it, and not report it daily to your readers.
The amount of deaths and significant injuries reported at VAERS is now dramatically higher than all vaccines in the past 30+ years combined. This has happened in only ten months.
That’s a fact. Facts cannot be “misleading.”
Several times in America’s recent history, the medical community has suspended or cancelled a vaccine program over a small number of deaths. The first rule of medicine is “physician do no harm.” At any sign of harm, a vaccine should and must be questioned, and/or suspended.
Never before have we even imagined a vaccine with over 17,000 deaths and over 800,000 adverse reactions.
Yet, the official VAERS numbers have been blacked out from the mainstream media and social media – including your New York Times. Anytime something is not discussed, or debated, or disparaged as “misleading” because it is different than the official government narrative, I’d call that the very definition of “intolerance” at best, and tyranny at worst.
Even more facts and SCIENCE
The Evidence Mounts
A new NIH letter reinforces the lab-leak hypothesis for the origins of Covid-19.
November 1, 2021 Covid-19 Health Care
The origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 remains unclear, but recent revelations reinforce the likelihood that the true source was a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
A letter from Lawrence Tabak, the National Institutes of Health’s principal deputy director, to Kentucky congressman James Comer confirms that the NIH funded research at the WIV during 2018–2019 that manipulated a bat coronavirus called WIV1. Researchers at the institute grafted spike proteins from other coronaviruses onto WIV1 to see if the modified virus was capable of binding in a mouse that possessed the ACE2 receptors found in humans—the same receptor to which SARS-CoV-2 binds. The modified virus reproduced more rapidly and made infected humanized mice sicker than the unmodified virus.
Starting in 2014, the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by Anthony Fauci, funded the New York-based research nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance with annual grants through 2020 for “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” Total funding was $3,748,715. More than $600,000 of that went to the WIV. Three other Chinese institutions received funding as well. The principal investigator was EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak, who, from the onset of the pandemic, has consistently campaigned in public and behind the scenes to convince people that SARS-CoV-2 did not come from the WIV but evolved naturally from animal-to-human transmission.
Tabak’s letter asserts that the modified virus’s becoming more virulent “was an unexpected result” and not “something that the researchers set out to do”—an odd claim, considering that the whole point of manipulating the virus was to investigate things that could make it more virulent. The 2018 research mentioned in Tabak’s letter is similar to earlier WIV research, funded in part by the NIH, that modified viruses related to SARS to see if they could infect human cells. Publications of these studies in 2017 and 2016 were the subject of a contentious Senate hearing in which Senator Rand Paul pressed Fauci to admit that they constituted gain-of-function research, prompting Fauci’s denial and a statement that “NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
Many, but not all, virologists believe that the WIV experimentation qualifies as gain-of-function research. Such research was originally defined as “any modification of a biological agent that confers new or enhanced activity.”
The Australian TGA Database of Adverse Effect Notifications (DAEN) is only slightly less troubling, taking into account the difference in population size. A search today for notifications on the 3 Covid-19 vaccines used in Australia lists 70017 adverse events up to 19-Oct-21, of which 68909 have a single suspected medicine (i.e. the vaccine) as the cause, and of which 587 had death as “a reported outcome”. Scaled up to the USA population size the number of deaths would be between 7500 and 8000…
Oct 1, 2021 Merck on Friday announced that its new pill to treat Covid-19 reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by about 50 percent. Merck plans to seek emergency authorization for the antiviral pills.
It looks like the Ivermectin is even better. Unfortunately, it is too cheap and therefore can’t compete with the new pill.
I wonder what happened to the worries about it being mutagenic?
That’s last month’s news and everybody’s forgotten about it.
you may have to carry the ball awhile as the world goes to pieces, OZ.
regars from the states anyhow, take care
can this site in Oz actually pull off a victory? try me: Gates and more than a dozen big pharma pool resources and data and Pfizer recalls all its Chantix tablets
you hate my site, administration? what is your problem then??
Excellent quote in there dinnn, bob:
‘In effect mRNA serves as software that can be injected into the body to instruct ribosomes, the “3D-printers” found inside cells, to churn out desired proteins.’
AD/Jo Nova: last chance: what do you want? spit it out!
I assume your comment went into moderation. That’s an automatic and mysterious process. Mysterious to the moderators as well as the commenters. Perhaps there is a personal vendetta against you, but I rather doubt it, and I must say you look a bit foolish giving Jo a “last chance”. The person most likely to notice if you stop commenting here is yourself.
Really not doing yourself any favours
The Chinese President has openly promised to invade another country regardless of the consequences, over 5 million people have died from a man made virus, the US president in charge of the nuclear response is a geriatric and the biggest problem facing the world is Climate? Defund the UN.
The UN claimed they could end world hunger with $6B.
Elon Musk tweeted he’d sell Tesla stock to do it right now if they provided transparent accounting and a plan.
The UN . . crickets.
Wasnt crickets actually the WFP rep answered quite intelligently, correcting some of Musks hyperbole.
Antarctic ice cores may not be fit for purpose, whereas Greenland ice cores are in tandem with plant stomata.
‘Ice core and plant stomata CO2 records are imperfect data and therefore, the global CO2 composite should be inclusive of both centennial and millennial scale deterministic measurements. Perhaps it’s the Antarctic global CO2 composite that is the outlier, suppressed smoothed, and muted by extreme Antarctic temperatures and burial conditions. And the centennial modern CO2 increase is not that unique.’ (WUWT)
Matt Ridley has been looking at the so called science of COVID and Climate Change and has a very pessimistic view about their so called Science over the last 30 + years.
No doubt about it Science has lost the public’s trust and the chorus of clueless elites , L W journalists + extremists, Carpetbaggers and Con Merchants have been yapping their non science for decades and they are now centered on the delusional Glasgow clown show for the next couple of weeks.
Wolf Blitzer inadvertently summarises the banality and impotence of climate summiteering.
President Trump statement on Biden & the climate junket
Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of the climate gabfest?
From the Comments
Give the toddler a cup of warm milk, read her a nurseryrhyme and put her to bed.
Maybe she’ll get over her nightmares when she eventually grows up.
In the meantime, maybe the Brown Movement could give some serious consideration to sourcing all their principal scientific and meteorological advice from a more reputable, educated and grown-up person???
The ‘rational optimist’ no longer seems to believe that science, technology and free markets will solve all the world’s problems.
Certainly not “climate science™”
It creates an imaginary problem, then seeks to destroy the world in vain attempts to solve that non-problem..
Much of Climate “science” is a high-end death cult.
Therefore, in the time-honoured tradition of such apocalyptic / millennial ratbaggery, they have “A Solution in search of a “Problem”.
The “Solution” is familiar; akin to the one touted by the failed Austrian postcard painter, i.e., a FINAL “solution”.
We’ve seen this movie before, but this latest “remake” is going for broke on the destruction of infrastructure and the spectacular body count.
I’m old. Unemployed ad being old, unemployable. Over thirty years ago I walked some of Pol Pot’s killing fields. The “work” of that regime has not been the only “warm-up act” in our lifetimes.
A couple of closing thoughts:
“No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.” – Mark Twain, 1866.
” ‘Bipartisan’ usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out.” – George Carlin.
One tends to be cynical of climate change when one collects royalties from the UK’s largest coal mine on ones property.
Yep agree Simon!
Drax love wood harvested from USA and shipped via a Chinese Giant Ship to burn in the UK!
The GREEN UK love cynical Simon!
One does tend to be cynical Simon when one collects CO2 credits for the UK’s biggest forest harvester in the USA!
One tends to be a climate change “tragic”, when their employment and therefore livelihood depends on it.
eg every “climate scientist™” on the planet.
Al Gore for eg, never made a cent out of scam, did he. 😉
The free market is only a bogey man if you want it to be. It has delivered the best standards of living and public health and longevity the world has ever known. But sure , if you have a barrow to push you can lay any and all of the worlds problems (and there will always be problems) at the feet of the free market. Its clearly evidenced by the wonderful life lived in dictatorships and communist States. Surely moving to one of those Nirvanas would be an option?
But world destroying leftist will be able ? 😀
Your joke is bad, I even can’t smile about.
OCTOBER 19, 2021
Pfizer’s Power
In February, Pfizer was accused of “bullying” governments in COVID vaccine negotiations in a groundbreaking story by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.[1] A government official at the time noted, “Five years in the future when these confidentiality agreements are over you will learn what really happened in these negotiations.”[2]
Public Citizen has identified several unredacted Pfizer contracts that describe the outcome of these negotiations. The contracts offer a rare glimpse into the power one pharmaceutical corporation has gained to silence governments, throttle supply, shift risk and maximize profits in the worst public health crisis in a century. We describe six examples from around the world below.[3
EXPLOSIVE REVELATION: Indian Television Exposes How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots – “Desperate Countries force to Make Humiliating Concessions” (VIDEO)
November 1, 2021
The FDA Failed In Its Duty To Ensure Vaccines Are Safe For Children
By David Gortler
Before parents consent to vaccinate their children against COVID, basic medical ethics requires that they be informed of how safe the vaccine is. Yet in a shocking on-video admission, Dr. Eric Ruben, an advisory committee member to the FDA, said this about the COVID vaccine in children five to eleven during an official FDA hearing: “We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.”
No, Dr. Ruben, that isn’t “the way it goes.” American children are not experimental subjects. You could and should have demanded more safety studies.
Despite the admitted lack of safety data, the FDA “expert” advisory committee went on to vote 17–0 for emergency-use authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The FDA itself codified their recommendation on Friday. This is a scandal.
It was a mega-scandal long before they got at the kids. Pfizer’s FDA subsidiary failed to ensure the “vaccines” were safe for anyone. First, do no harm.
Simply diabolical.
Member of CDC’s Advisory Board Who Approves Vaccines Was Quietly Paid $437,250 Last Year by Vaccine Makers
It is now called financial assistance, not bribes anymore
FDA delays decision on Moderna vaccine for adolescents
Moderna said in a statement on Sunday that it was notified Friday by the FDA concerning the need for more time to “evaluate recent international analyses of the risk of myocarditis after vaccination.”
An increased risk of myocarditis, the inflammation of the heart, has been associated with COVID-19 vaccines, including that which is made by Moderna, particularly in young men following the second dose.
It’s more difficult to sweep young bodies under the rug.
Another Professional Soccer Player Collapses on Field: Emil Pálsson Suffers On-Field Cardiac Arrest, Is Resuscitated on Field
Over the weekend soccer star Sergio Aquero was taken to the hospital after experiencing chest discomfort during a match – six weeks after promoting the vax.
We could look at the bright side …
This could be a good reason to begin teaching resuscitation techniques to kindergarteners. Tell them childhood heart attacks are caused by climate change.
I mean, they are aren’t they.
(I’m trying to get a job at the NYT.)
When the long-tailed bat, NZ’s only native land mammal, is voted Bird of the Year 2021, you know The Science has plumbed new depths.
Young Maori female opens the Flop-26 festival with a speech on how “colonialism” is the sole cause of Earth’s [alleged] fever, and that “indigenous” natives have the only solution to cure this so-called ‘fever’. Her name, you ask? India Logan-Riley – a multi-ethnic mishmash of Scots, Irish/English, and Indian (obviously, as her first name is India) d’oh!
She also blamed the “president” of the UK for sending forth Lieutenant James Cook, hundreds of years ago, to violently steal “fossil fuel resources” from her ‘indigenous’ ancestors. Thank Gaia this young idiot savant didn’t fly all the way to Scotland on a dirty, polluting, white man’s aeroplane, but instead paddled her canoe halfway round the planet to ‘save the Earth’ similar to Disney’s girl-saviour in ‘Moana’.
This mis-educated child prodigy/fool also blamed Australia’s bush fires last year on something called ‘climate change’ – now that the ‘wet season’ has arrived, I wonder if she’ll blame the ensuing floods on that same, ever-present bogeyman. Poor girl, hope she doesn’t freeze to death in the land of her [Scottish] ancestors…
Give the bat a break, it must have been sick of winning the land mammal of the year award.
That would have been funny if someone with a known sense of humor wrote it. You? not so much.
At least I don’t compensate for my lack of humour with a name that suggests that I might be funny.
Gee whiz no.
Bet your pi$$ed, now you’ve thought about it.
You could of done so much better with that comeback.
Eh? Gee!
I thought it was a great comment, very witty.
Unfortunately there are no other possible candidates.
What’s the difference between bat and bird? I’d attempt a syllogism to prove they both fly but I’m too lazy.
I had hoped that India Logan-Riley might be a parody like Arlene Composta. But if she is the parody is very extensive.
I wonder whether there is an antidote.
Just a minor point of order, the words “wet season” have been replaced with the new fear invoking “storm season” for all those easily lead and equally as easily terrified by the mere thought of there never having been a climate before the change took place.
I predict the next change will be to speak this new descriptor in one or all of the hundreds of First Nations languages so we know we have got it right.
Thunderbolt and lightning!
Very very frightening!
Existential (repeat ad infinitum).
Just further to your point above, is the young Maori female completely unaware that the Maori themselves were colonisers. The suposed original inhabitants, the Moriori, where allegedly just eaten into extinction. My 75% Maori sister in law and her 100% Maori mother quite gleefully acknowledge that yep, the original people were just “tucker”. The sister in laws mum was a very smart lady, well educated and represented New Zealand at many international conferences on the rights of indigenous peoples, never denyed the existance of a pre Maori group and in fact claimed that the new arrivals adopted many of the originals cultural habits. Who knows.
The book produced by former bank robber Joseph Stalin was called “the National Question”. Lenin directed Stalin to write the book. It is directed at those countries with so called first people nations. The objective is to establish independent marxist republics to destroy the countries.
Time to stock up on dung. This is what it has come to in 2021. This is EU energy policy in action.
A Ukrainian MP has warned citizens to collect and store manure for energy as his country awaits a possible fuel crisis. Despite skyrocketing prices at home, Ukraine may boost firewood exports to warm the EU.
“Firewood is, undoubtedly, an interesting commodity for exports, especially for the European Union’s market. In this heating season, they fall short by 70 billion cubic meters to cover their needs until the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline gets up and running,” Igor Chalenko told a press conference this week.
Ukraine has experienced a shortage of firewood due to energy price hikes. Firewood prices in the country have jumped recently from 50% to 200%, Chalenko said.
Money can’t buy this sort of promotion for Tucker Carlson’s 6 January documentary
VIDEO SUPERCUT! 2 min 11 sec
@TuckerCarlson’s 1/6 special causes mass triggering before even airing
Wow. I’ll have to watch that.
Dave B
I read of the costs of Australia trying to reduce world carbon dixoide. A billion here, ten billion there. Six billion a year in massive hidden carbon taxes in your electricity bills. Electric cars. Reducing cow farts. Snowy II. Billions and billions. $444million in cash without questions to ‘save’ the Great Barrier Reef. Subsidies for everything Green from infinite ‘government’ funds. And bans on everything else.
And the budget of their ABC, their CSIRO is over $2Billion to tell us it is all true. Plus count all the universities with their thousands of researchers being paid from Climate Change cash. Especially James Cook University, caught cooking the books on the Barrier Reef. And the Federal government which does not have responsibility for education spends $25Billion subsidizing State education while we are told mathematics needs to be dumbed down for social equity.
How much money is being spent to prove or disprove man made Carbon Dioxide levels. $0.
But in climate for kids, NASA now has decided that CO2 directly warms the oceans.
There is truth. “The top few meters of the ocean store as much heat as Earth’s entire atmosphere. So, as the planet warms, it’s the ocean that gets most of the extra energy. More than 90% of the global warming is going into the ocean.”
Isn’t it amazing how so much science is put in a single word. So.
I thought the story was we humans produce CO2 and our CO2 stops infra red back radiation from the land and so the atmosphere warmed. Now with a single word ‘so’, the resultant ‘global warming’ is directly heating the oceans without even heating the air. Children clearly do not need to understand the complex science behind this amazing new science where man made CO2 is cooking the planet through ‘human activities’.
NASA is educating the next generation of Climate Extinction terrified children. And voters.
Ocean warming at depth is a clear indicator of lower heat input at the surface. The water cycle is slowing down as the heat input from sunlight to ocean surface reduces. Has been reducing for the last 400 years as perihelion moves progressively later after the austral summer solstice. The evidence is in the declining river run-off – something no climate model has predicted.
Climate models are pure chist based on pure fantasy. They are a joke on science and testament to incredibly low standard of modern education. Russia and Chine train engineers to build stuff and are very good at demolishing other’s stuff. No surprise they are both missing from the current Glasgow circus.
The idea that oceans can warm the top 2000m in a few decades is so laughably ridiculous it deserves complete derision. The whole claimed ocean warming of 326E21 joules over the last 65 years is equivalent to just 39mm of evaporation from the ocean surface, or just 0.6mm per year. Every year, 350mm of water, averaged over the entire land area, is transferred to land from the oceans. The only way of observing any change in the volume of water transferred is by looking at the heat retained in the oceans; measuring river run-off is not accurate. The more heat retained, the lower the evaporation. The water cycle is slowing down because oceans are getting less sunlight and this trend will continue for another 12,000 years till perihelion occurs later than the boreal summer solstice.
There is climate change. To think CO2 causes it requires firm belief that tooth fairies exist. The “greenhouse effect” is modern day Santa Claus that rewards the grown ups who say they believe – such nonsense.
With a specific heat of water which is 4x that of air and 10 metres = 1 atmosphere in weight, the top 2.5Metres stores as much heat as the entire atmosphere. NASA seems to forget about the other 3400 metres, the average depth of the world’s oceans/water which cover 75% of the planet, including Antarctica. The oceans and the sun control all weather. Only NASA would think the tiny, thin, dry atmosphere controls world climates.
Mmmm we must be at the other end of the declining river run off bell curve around here. They have been churning along with occasional minor flooding for months now.
Don’t they teach kids anymore about Specific Heat Capacity? – How, exactly, can a trace gas warm a fluid? Or maybe I better stick to rocks…:-)
Keep throwing them
Better yet, how does CO2-trapped IR heat water which it is incapable of penetrating? IR is absorbed by the surface film and causes evaporation/humidity (latent heat, not sensible heat) in the atmosphere. Only higher frequency light (visible and UV) penetrates to some depth and heats water.
Reading the news coverage, I do not understand how they think COP26 could even address these calls for action. This is a UNFCCC business meeting with a very specific agenda. National Plans are not on it. Neither are global resolutions to stop using coal or hit net zero by 2050, neither of which could possibly pass in any case. As last chances go this is no chance, but the press is full of calls for action or ambition. This is not what COPs do.
But then failing to do the impossible, when called for, is a green standard. Ask Greta.
Here is the agenda:
^^^^ Item 13:
It looks like there’s something for everyone who has their snout in the trough.
There are many side circuses including the leaders summit.
I expect COP26 is a chance for the leaders of the free world to meet and discuss the threats from China and North Korea and Iran. No one really believes that any Climate is changing let alone that it’s someone’s fault. Certainly not China. And our PM Scott Morrison has just announced a rebuilding of our army to defend Australia. That did not come out of discussion of Climate as the most immediate threat to Australia.
Tuesday humour.
Let’s go Brandon. Rap version. Best one yet!
PM Mandates Military Service
By political editor Tow Mater in Canberra
Fresh from saving Australia from Armageddon in Glasgow, the Prime Minister yesterday announced the re-establishment of National Military Service, with the call up of all eligible individuals between 12 to 59 years of age.
“In light of, and in response to, the increasing threat of the Chinese within the Asia Pacific region, it behoves us to band together to discourage this scourge.”, he declared yesterday from Canberra yesterday. “No sacrifice is too great”.
Questioned yesterday as to the reasoning behind the re-establishment of such a long-absent scheme, one seen as so unpopular when it was abolished nearly 50 years ago, the Prime Minister seemed bewildered.
“I don’t think the scheme will be unpopular. We have taken our lead from the response to our vaccination program and the currently trending #withfreedomcomesresponsibility”, he responded.
“The Australian people clearly understand their civic duty, accept that we are all in this together, and understand that incursions into individual liberty and the curtailment of rights are a necessary, appropriate and proportional response to existential threats…as defined by us, your leaders.”
“Besides”, he continued, from the steps of Parliament, “Unlike the schemes of last century, this is not compulsory military service, it’s mandatory military service. It’ll be as mandatory as we can make it, but it’s not compulsory”.
“Individuals will have the right not to participate, it’ll just mean that they won’t be allowed to participate in the society that they declined to defend.”
Details accompanying yesterday’s announcement outlined plans to deny the so-called “Conscription Hesitant” the ability to work, use government facilities or mingle in polite society. Whether or not to allow them to receive medical treatment in person, is still undecided and with be discussed further in Cabinet later this week.
“The exact details are unimportant to discuss here, those affected will find out when they next try to use their QR code”, the Prime Minister was at pains to add. “The rest need not concern themselves with it.”
Quizzed about the rationale of including individuals as young as 12, the PM continued to draw on the Covid response for justification.
Very clever! I thought it might have been Babylon Bee!
Surely you jest.
I wonder how many will recognize the parody. With luck the twitterati will go bezerk(er)
I think the twitterati know that the PM is in Glasgow still.
Be a better troll. Somewhere else.
Make better comments. Or better still try trolling the twitterati somewhere they can se you.
Vanished. Again
Want to see YOUR future?
Let’s look at Utah in the USA and driver license info for 2022. includes meat. You’re under arrest and off to a re-education camp along with the unvaxxed no doubt.
“The silence of the lambs” – BAA no more.
Ah the totalitarian dream. Too much overreach is never enough.
And the Liberal Party wonders why it is losing Votes
NSW residents will enjoy a raft of new freedoms from November 8 as the state pushes forward to reaching a 90 per cent double dose rate.
Premier Dominic Perrottet, pictured above, announced the changes while pushing back freedoms for the unvaccinated until December 15 or whenever the state reaches a 95 per cent double dose rate, whichever comes first.
“Our vaccination rates have been key and, ultimately, we want to get to a point where NSW is open, and we believe the changes we have made today enable that to occur,” he said.
From Monday next week, density limits will be one person to two square metres across all indoor venues and capacity limits will be lifted in all settings except for gym classes
Outdoor gatherings will increase, with up to 1000 people able to gather with a Covid-safe plan in place.
Major events, indoor stadiums and amusement centres will be able to operate at 100 per cent capacity.
From the Comments
– Keep moving those goalposts NSW. 95% vaccination rate is impossible, not even childhood vaccinations achieve that rate and looking at the rest of the world there is always a 5-10% discrepancy between 1st and 2nd shots.
– So the vaccinated can infect us and so can the unvaccinated…all vulnerable people who want to be vaccinated are, apart from the vulnerable most people who get the virus recover, if you young, say under 50 you have little fear, a significant number of people have natural immunity after recovering from COVID so why are we still demanding that people be vaccinated in order to join society? we were given the clear impression that come 70-80 % vaccination thing would be back to normal now it seems to be 95% – I am vaccinated and have no concerns if the person next to me in the bar is not. I doubt it is the science driving this latest restrictions on people liberties, we still have not fully let go of zero COVID – enough already.
– my word. The bar is low – but Dominic still managed to hugely disappoint.
– Anyone not vaccinated now is choosing not to. I thought it was your body, your choice?
When your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a nail.
Abbott & Costello’s famous skit “Who’s on First Base.” Updated to COVID:
Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Yes.’
Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
Bud: ‘Ok.’
Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
Bud: ‘That’s right.’
Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Certainly.’
Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
Bud: ‘I know.’
Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
Bud: ‘Correct.’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
Bud: ‘Just follow those Health Orders……….
[I don’t usually butt in but gosh this is funny! I worry though, how many people know of Bud and Lou? I could hear them as I read each line.] ED
The last version of “Who’s On First?”, when the team refined and expanded everything from the original (the original is still excellent, but the refinements and timing on this one are exquisite).
Facebook said this was checked by their fact checkers and found to contain false information. You just have to listen to our politicians banging on to know this sums up the situation well. Pathetic…
It fails to recognise the public health aspect. The unvaccinated person going into a group of vaccinated people, albeit some sick, is the MOST likely end up in hospital.
Keeping unvaccinated out of harms way is the best way to reduce hospital cases. That is a public health issue; nothing to do with an individual’s circumstances. All the places claimed to have found the miracle cure Ivermectin, India, Indonesia, Peru and Mexico, all had dramatic failures of their health care systems – it was horrible. They are reaping the benefits now of their high death toll because a large proportion have acquired natural immunity.
How much stupid do you actually add to your coffee.
How well are vaccines doing in Singapore Rick?
Abbott & Costello’s famous skit “Who’s on First Base.” Updated to COVID:
“Keeping unvaccinated out of harms way”
Dude, do you listen to yourself?
I take that back, maybe you shouldn’t.
“keeping unvaccinated out of harms way”
Oh, denying them jobs, health care, and access to groceries is for their own good?
Dude, do you listen to yourself?
Maybe you shouldn’t.
Save witches by burning them.
Mass hysteria.
accidental double post
I think Lou and Bud missed the best jokes with the outfield.
They should have used Nobody in left field, Somebody in right and Anybody in center.
Lou: “Forget the infield! You gotta an outfield.”
Bud: “Certainly we do, the best in the game.”
Lou: “I hit a loong fly ball into left. Who catches it.”
Bud: Who can’t catch it! He’s on first.”
Lou: “I said leave the infield out of it!! What happens to the fly ball?”
Bud: “Nobody catches it.”
Lou: “So I’m safe.”
Bud: “Of course not. Nobody caught it.”
Lou: “How can I be out is nobody caught the fly ball?!”
Bud: “Nobody catches lots of fly balls. That’s his job.”
Lou: “But isn’t somebody going to catch that ball?”
Bud: “Of course not! He’s in right field.”
Lou: “What kind of crazy outfield it is where if I hit the ball to right somebody catches it, if I hit the ball to left field nobody catches it, but I’m out either way?”
The Liberal Party continues to slam their Constituents
Unvaccinated are ‘still kidding themselves’
Ruby Princess Health Minister Brad Hazzard has warned that there are still some New South Welshmen who have failed to comprehend the severity of contracting Covid-19.
“Let’s not kid ourselves, the virus is still there, it’s becoming a little less dangerous to the majority of the community because most of us have been out and getting vaccinated,” the NSW Health Minister said on Tuesday.
“Some of us are still kidding ourselves about not getting vaccinated and that there will be a better outcome (otherwise) … and no, it is not.”
Mr Hazzard said he had come across residents who have chosen to wait for a “new” vaccine to arrive in the near future.
“There are some people who are still hanging out for different vaccines. I’ve spoken to people who think we’ll see new vaccines coming into NSW,” he said. “I don’t think so – we’re awash at the moment with Pfizer. Let’s get real, folks.”
From the Comments
– Hazzard, I must be kidding myself. I thought this my country built on free choice. Not an crypto-authoritarian regime where you win back your “freedoms” by complying with government orders.
According to health data, my age group has had less than 30 deaths across the country since the pandemic began. I simply do not see the need to get vaccinated. Yet I’m sentenced to home prison, now to be extended evermore.
Why would I bother living in a society that rejects me?
– Seriously Brad, let’s get real. Some people do not want the mRNA vaccines and are hanging out for Novavax so provide that option
simple as that. And anyway, with 90% vaccinated approaching, why is the NSW Govt so invested in trying to force the last few.
Starting to look like Chairman Dan…be careful…the widespread support for the current Government could evaporate.
– I had hopes for Perrottet. They’ve now been completely dashed. Safe to say the LNP can never ever expect another vote from me. So much for a party about freedom and personal responsibility.
– “Premier Dominic Perrottet, pictured above, announced the changes while pushing back freedoms for the unvaccinated until December 15”
I’ve been constantly amused by the big splash that NSW makes with every announced covid “freedom”, knowing that they’ll simply walk it back once the dust has settled.
– They just can’t help themselves. Goal posting shifting is the rule not the exception. This will never, ever end.
– Sorry Dominic you have lost me.
I am fully vaxxed but today I saw the new Premier lose his sense of reality and bow before the health scare campaign.
He looked embarrassed to announce the delays.
– It’s obvious he sold away his principles to get the job, another cowardly politician who is only in it for themselves.
– He should be embarrassed. What a farce. ‘Dictator Dan dictates to Dom’.
NSW was supposed to be the leading state – now becomes a follower.
Where are the true leaders? Australia needs help.
When the new Premier happened, I thought…” same axe, just different handle” as people got all excited about lockdowns etc ending early.
Sure enough, it appears the main qualification for the top jab….er….job is to do as you’re told and push the approved ( vaccination ) agenda.
Sure enough….
“Premier Dominic Perrottet,”
I’m starting to think he should be called “Tom Terror Twit”, because I like the alliteration.
Dave B
Immunocompromised told to get third dose
NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant has reminded those with underlying health conditions that they may require a third dose as part of their primary vaccinations.
“For those individuals, ATAGI has recommended that you get a third dose as part of your primary course and just so there is no confusion, that additional dose as part of your primary course can occur two months after your second dose,” Dr Chant said.
Dr Chant said that a Pfizer dose would be used as a third dose for the immunocompromised, as well as booster shots.
“Even if you have had AstraZeneca you will get a Pfizer booster, and we know that will give you a good degree of protection,” Dr Chant said.
From the Comments
– “There are some people who are still hanging out for different vaccines. I’ve spoken to people who think we’ll see new vaccines coming into NSW,” he said. “I don’t think so … we’re awash at the moment with Pfizer. Let’s get real, folks.”
ok awash with pfizer
we need arms
“NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant has reminded those with underlying health conditions that they may require a third dose as part of their primary vaccinations.”
before too long without any evidence its needed, we’ll all soon be demanded to get jabbed a third time.
– This shift is to keep control of the vaccinated. The govt gets to keep in place the Check ins and passports. It is rather obvious that our freedoms are never being given back
– So 90% near vaccinated and we are still being punished, just states it all really and forget about QR codes leaving our society they’ll not be removed, they need their social credit system.
– My vote for Liberals has just evaporated, vax or no vax.
– Oh what a shock, the goal posts shifted again…
All from a Liberal Government with a leader that supposedly supported individual responsibility. Shameful.
95% is an unrealistic goal.
– Shameful for a conservative politician who’s supported individual responsibility to shift the goalpost for unvaxxed to 15 December and for those of us who oppose the compulsion of “proof of vaccination” for our daily routines, even a simple sit-down coffee. No country in the world has reached 95% fully vaxxed and what makes the Premier and Kerry Chant believe that can happen? This looks an awful lot like a form of “collective punishment” on those who for whatever reason do not wish to comply. I’d hoped for better from our new Premier and there goes my vote for the Libs.
Not correct – UAE has 97% of the entire population vaccinated. They are using the Sinopharm vaccination for children down to 3yo. Daily case numbers in UAE have been just two digits for the last week and continuing to decline. Probably the outstanding example of the effectiveness of vaccinations. They have a couple of days each week where there are no recorded Covid deaths.
Rather than looking at the basket cases as promotion for low efficacy anti-virals, take a hard look at the highly vaccinated countries and see how well they are doing. Here are the top 10 to check out:
Canada now makes the top 10 in vaccinations and daily cases have been in steady decline for the last 6 weeks.
Australia just makes it into the top 25 of vaccinated nations. However ACT, NSW and Victoria would be close to being in the top 10 now.
Real data has compelling message – GET VACCINATED.
How often would you recommend that this be done?
I can’t help but wonder if this over response is connected to the top secret hush hush deal the feds made with Pfizer.
NSW, run by Pfizer Corporation in breach of the laws on our civil rights to determine our personal autonomy in medical treatment.
Breach of our civil rights in the matter of Vaxxination is determined to be an Assault under law.
Its Rape, plain and simple.
This is the official press release by Hazzard and his co-conspirators. May they swing high and rot in hell for their oppression and their trashing of our recently free nation. My father’s and grandfather’s generations didn’t die for this treachery to be forced upon us.
“Doors To Swing Open As NSW Continues To Get The Jab Done.”
Not “Doors to stay slammed shut at our whim while we throttle all dissent and entrench our power” which would be more accurate.
The light at the end of the tunnel just got extinguished.
Well, I just received a text from Qld Health informing me my booster shot would be ready any day soon and they’ll send me an appointment. Apparently we all have to have pfizer for the booster (no matter what we had to start with). I suspect that pfizer indeed have some kind of special deal on this. Until they provide clarity on this, I am busy, even if I am ‘mature’.
Mr Hazzard said he had come across residents who have chosen to wait for a “new” vaccine to arrive in the near future.
“There are some people who are still hanging out for different vaccines. I’ve spoken to people who think we’ll see new vaccines coming into NSW,” he said. “I don’t think so – we’re awash at the moment with Pfizer. Let’s get real, folks.”
At least 87.80% of people 16 and over in NSW are fully vaccinated as of today
87.80% vaccinated
93.60% including single vaccination awaiting second
– So Premier Perrottet has moved the goal posts again! Soon you won’t be allowed out until 120% of us have had our booster shots.
If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from this pandemic, it’s that most of my fellow citizens would rather live in a safe society than a free one.
– Booked a non-segregated office Christmas party for early December at a local restaurant that has been decimated by the lockdowns. Today’s backflip is proof that this government does not care about small business or it’s people and should not be trusted!
Former liberal voter.
– Very disappointed with the NSW premier. Pushing back the end of vaccination segregation to December 15.
Segregation of society is wrong.
I had hoped for better from Dominic Perrottet.
– I’m double vaccinated but I still think it’s wicked that the non vaccinated are banned from earning a living, this is not happening in Australia surely. What on earth are they supposed to live on.
– Can we see the “health advice” yet?
Until then, I cannot believe anything any of our politicians say.
We are heading toward being the most vaccinated place on Earth, but apparently the unvaccinated (i.e. the “unclean”) present a danger. This stance needs to be justified with evidence.
This is interesting.
Train travel in NZ back in 1918.
Double face palm.
Here’s Pielke jr’s cost of NET ZERO by 2050 and written in 2018. This is the greatest fra-d and CON TRICK in world history and if tried or fully implemented it wouldn’t last through even one electoral cycle.
Here’s the link and a copy of Pielke’s calculations and a link to the full article is included at the end. The cost of this would be endless trillions $ every year until 2050 and of course SFA change to climate or temp.
“Net-Zero CO2 Emissions By 2050 Requires A New Nuclear Power Plant Every Day”
Monday 30th September 2019 | Roger Pielke Jr., Forbes
“What makes achieving Net Zero by 2050 impossible is a failure to accurately understand the scale of the challenge and the absence of policy proposals that match that scale”.
Image result for Net Zero on nuclear power plant every day
“More than a decade ago, Gwyn Prins and Steve Rayner characterized climate policy as an “auction of promises” in which politicians “vied to outbid each other with proposed emissions targets that were simply not achievable.” For instance, among Democrats competing for the presidency in 2020, several, including Joe Biden, have committed to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. Candidate Andrew Yang bid 2049, and Cory Booker topped that by offering 2045. Bernie Sanders has offered a 71% reduction by 2030.
One reason that we see this “auction of promises” is that the targets and timetables for emissions reductions are easy to state but difficult to comprehend. Here I’ll present what net-zero carbon dioxide emissions for 2050 actually means in terms of the rate of deployment of carbon-free energy and the coincident decommissioning of fossil fuel infrastructure.
To conduct this analysis I use the BP Statistical Review of World Energy, which presents data on global and national fossil fuel consumption in units called “million tons of oil equivalent” or mtoe. In 2018 the world consumed 11,865 mtoe in the form of coal, natural gas and petroleum. The combustion of these fossil fuels resulted in 33.7 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. In order for those emissions to reach net-zero, we will have to replace about 12,000 mtoe of energy consumption expected for 2019. (I ignore so-called negative emissions technologies, which do not presently exist at scale.)Today In: Business
Another useful number to know is that there are 11,051 days left until January 1, 2050. To achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions globally by 2050 thus requires the deployment of >1 mtoe of carbon-free energy consumption (~12,000 mtoe/11,051 days) every day, starting tomorrow and continuing for the next 30+ years. Achieving net-zero also requires the corresponding equivalent decommissioning of more than 1 mtoe of energy consumption from fossil fuels every single day.
Another important number to consider is the expected increase in energy consumption in coming decades. The International Energy Agency currently projects that global energy consumption will increase by about 1.25% per year to 2040. That rate of increase in energy consumption would mean that the world will require another ~5,800 mtoe of energy consumption by 2050, or about another 0.5 of an mtoe per day to 2050. That brings the total needed deployment level to achieve net-zero emissions to about 1.6 mtoe per day to 2050.
The concept of an mtoe is pretty hard for anyone to get their head around. So let’s put the mtoe into a more comprehensible unit, a nuclear power plant and specifically the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station in Homestead, Florida. The amount of energy reflected in 1 mtoe is approximated by that produced by the Turkey Point nuclear plant over a year.
So the math here is simple: to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050, the world would need to deploy 3 Turkey Point nuclear plants worth of carbon-free energy every two days, starting tomorrow and continuing to 2050. At the same time, a Turkey Point nuclear plant worth of fossil fuels would need to be decommissioned every day, starting tomorrow and continuing to 2050.
I’ve found that some people don’t like the use of a nuclear power plant as a measuring stick. So we can substitute wind energy as a measuring stick. Net-zero carbon dioxide by 2050 would require the deployment of ~1500 wind turbines (2.5 MW) over ~300 square miles, every day starting tomorrow and continuing to 2050. The figure below illustrates the challenge”.
The scale of the challenge to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in 2050.
The scale of the challenge to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in 2050. ROGER PIELKE JR., BP 2018″
“Of course, in this analysis I am just looking at scale, and ignoring the significant complexities of actually deploying these technologies. I am also ignoring the fact that fossil fuels are the basis for many products central to the functioning of the global economy, and eliminating them is not nearly as simply as unplugging one energy source and plugging in another.”
“I’ve found that some people don’t like the use of a nuclear power plant as a measuring stick. So we can substitute wind energy as a measuring stick. Net-zero carbon dioxide by 2050 would require the deployment of ~1500 wind turbines (2.5 MW) over ~300 square miles, every day starting tomorrow and continuing to 2050.”
The calculation for wind turbines doesn’t mention replacement of existing units. it has been mentioned on this site more than once, wind turbines have a life of 20 years and the 1500 per day starts tomorrow, which was sometime in 2018. So in 20 years time, from some date in 2038 onwards, 1500 wind turbines would need to be built everyday, and the 1500 per day built from 2018 onwards, would need to be replaced. Unless of course, wind turbine technology improves including life extension beyond 20 years.
It is not only the turbines but storage systems such as batteries have shorter life. It can all be described in a single word – UNSUSTAINABLE.
There are 60 year old solar panels still operating today and the possibility of designing solar panels for 100+ year life is not ridiculous. They could be part of a modern roofing system. I have bothChinese made and German made solar panels on the roof. After 10 years, the plastic in the Chinese ones is darkening showing signs of heat stress.
It is a greater challenge to build wind turbines for 50+ years because structural fatigue, corrosion and blade weathering are serious issues for longevity. It is interesting that bulk carriers older than 20 years are very tired. Before the new Chinese built bulk carriers were being produced in number, the bulk carrie fleet was getting over 10 years average age. Insurance claims go up once the average age of the fleet gets over 10 years. Corrosion and fatigue are key factors on bulk carriers – the same issue occur particularly with offshore wind turbines.
It is inevitable that the first generation of wind turbines will have serious life limiting issues.
Sixty-year-old solar panels still working today?
Possibly, but they will certainly NOT be working at anything like their original efficiency.
Sixty years ago, about the ONLY solar panels of any consequence were “NASA” spec; insanely expensive and of seriously high build quality.
There may be a few of those on ancient satellites, possibly still working, maybe.
Back in the mid 1970’s, forty odd, (sometimes VERY odd) years ago, I spent some time building boats for a crust. Most yachts, even 23 ft. “trailer sailers” were fitted with wind-powered generators, but some adventurous souls were experimenting with the new-fangled “solar panels” as a backup for when the wind stopped working. VERY expensive, again “aerospace” grade, but still susceptible to salt damage. Since then, specialist companies have produced cute “roll-up / ‘fold-up” portable solar panels, but these are usually “Mil-Spec” and wearing a “Mil-Spec” price tag.
Practical service life of panels has improved a bit since the 1970s, but not by orders of magnitude. Actual QUALITY panels are still expensive and STILL have a definite “service” life, just like pretty much everything, including people.
As Robert Heinlein was fond of pointing out:
There Ain’t No Such Things As A Free Lunch!
There is WAY too much “magical thinking” going on. Or, is it all a monstrous con job, designed to separate the gullible from their money and, ultimately, what little freedom they may still have.
There are 100 year old cars still operating today , that doesnt mean they are effective transport in 2021.
@yarpos: I barely made it out of high-school in one piece, but that looks like a non sequiter to me.
Coal fired power stations are financially accounted for over a fifty (50) year period but well maintained they are capable of eighty (80) years or more depending after that on repairs being cost effective when compared to replacing the operating systems.
So a new wind turbine installation that Greens refer to as “farms” might have a working life of twenty (20) years and then must be dismantled and removed including foundations.
Therefore to obtain sixty (60) years approximately of wind farm assets remaining productive the owners will need two (2) replacements or three (3) to achieve eighty years.
Remove the direct subsidies for the profit of shareholders gifted through government from taxpayers monies, let those business compete as free enterprise in a free market where governments do not interfere with subsidies or penalties such as a hidden fossil fuel levy on coal legislated in 2016 by Federal Parliament and handicapping power stations by effectively regulating them to accommodate wind and solar energy inputs, and I doubt that the renewables lobby and investors would be interested in wind and solar.
Show me the party that has a platform based on “greenhouse effect” is a fairy tale. As far as I can see, all parties have a net-zero objective but the time-lines differ.
On the other hand, I can see real energy issues emerging this decade. Winters in the northern hemisphere will continue to get more severe for another 12,000 years. China has defined coal reserves for 37 years at current production. Full access to Australian coal reserves would double that and access to USA reserves will get them into 2100s. China has 2 years of oil reserves. USA has growing dependence on offshore oil sources as does Australia and Europe.
I can see the noose tightening on global energy resources. I am reasonably confident that China’s military might is aimed at securing its energy needs.
Meanwhile Australia has shale oil and gas reserves in huge deposits, one of the most recent fields discovered in the Coober Pedy District of South Australia, most known deposits are in Queensland and New South Wales.
Wasn’t it shale oil and gas that enabled the US to return to being self sufficient and become again an exporter, until Foggy Joe was elected?
Then there is one plant built to explore fuel production from coal, how is that business venture going?
“Winters in the northern hemisphere will continue to get more severe for another 12,000 years”.
More likely we will plunge into the next 90,000 year long deep freeze before half of that is over.
Sea levels have fallen between 6 and 4.2 metres in the last seven thousand years and there’s nothing to suggest that that “cooling” will be reversed.
Neville – It is all very well to emphasize the difficulties in getting to “Net Zero” emissions as Roger Pielke Jr. clearly details. But why then treat the subject as if ‘Net Zero’ and ‘Zero’ were synonyms? Even Australia’s activist Climate Council acknowledges that Bhutan is presently the only nation in the world that is recognised, so far, for its ‘net zero emissions’ – because of its hydro power, large growing forests (CO2 sinks) and a small population (minimal ff use in transport and industrial products).
Angus Taylor has also highlighted this semantic distinction. He notes that Australia’s Plan for ‘Net Zero CO2 Emissions by 2050’ is a plan for NET zero, NOT absolute zero. Australia would indeed be mugs if it let the green zealots disappear/cancel the ‘Net’ from its Plan for achieving ‘Net Zero CO2 Emissions by 2050’, either for the Glaswegian party goers or the punters (voters) at home.
Once again I offer my 2 page explainer to reinforce the advantages that Australia enjoys in this world political bun fight. And if you have the time to do so, check out the citations – assuming you are not familiar with them already. We are not going to win this battle with the agenda driven activists, far left pollies and religious greens if we let them continue to shift the goal posts and determine the terms of this fight. Link: .
COP26 timetable… LOL !
So much wokeness ! (Joe B, woke down)
So much that makes a mockery of itself, so much so that we don’t even need to try ! 🙂
I like this comment:
Hmmm … we’re getting a lot of coverage about Joe and pooped. Seems he pooped for the Pope. Not very polite.
(when asked if it was true, he responded … “That Depends.”)
It was a brownout
If we ever expect to get on top of this COVID thing, we need to burn more witches — only the unvaxxed ones obviously. And it will cure global warming into the bargain.
How does this work:
In Qld ATM we are generating 317MW from hydro but simultaneously using 236 MW pumping water back up hill. It’s similar in NSW.
If the northern dams were were topping it would make sense to generate there and pump at the Wivenhoe Dam but the north hasn’t had much rain and has a max capacity of 118 MW anyway.
Maybe it’s a Mosquito breeding reduction device?
At 3pm, hydro in Queensland was 101MW. It peaked at 128MW at 6am but then dropped when the solar kicked in. By comparison, rooftops peaked at 2,110MW at 12:30. Queensland was getting half its lunchtime power from solar.
Pumping peaked at 236MW when solar was highest.
Only if you believe in “guestimates” …!,
They have no way of actually measuring the RT solar !
And also , by 6pm , solar was supplying ZERO power again !
Solar provided less than 10% of the power generated in QLD over the 24 hrs.
Myo/Pericarditis Reports
Through October 22, 2021
Nothing to see. Just coincidence. Move along.
“The silence of the lambs”. BAA no more.
maybe in time, we will have “the silence of the lambda” 😉
13-40 years of age don’t go particularly well with Myo/Pericarditisas as against 50-65 year olds and Pfizer leads the way
CET shows UK warmer in 1921 than in 2021. !
If anyone is interested, Prof Nikolai Petrovsky has developed a vaccine which might actually be safe and effective, in Australia. The govt are not funding it to any extent and he has set up a gofundme page.
It looks very hopeful and is a more conventional vaccine, currently being trialled in Iran.
Interesting interview with him.
(Thanks Vicki)
PS in the interview he talks about mRNA vaccines too.
I don’t care what flavour the bullet is, I am not putting that barrel in my mouth. Thanks anyway.
Electroporation of CV-19 vaccines?
Well not yet but that is clearly the next step in vaxx administration.
Great little vid, apparently an EU MP.
clean green energy Planet of the Humans 3 minutes
My working life in 3 minutes. Nothing better than finding precious dirt and transforming it in industrial processes. The basis of human wealth!
Andrew Bolt nails Paul Kelly’s stupid claims over the decades and proves AGAIN what a fool Kelly is and his failure to understand proper data and evidence.
The specter of Chinese civilization
by Angelo M. Codevilla
On Chinese and Western models of governance.
Editors’ note: Angelo M. Codevilla, who died on September 21, 2021, was reviewing final edits on this essay at the time of his death.
Since few doubt that the increasingly numerous Chinese people are rising in power and self-confidence while we Americans continue to become less and less attached to the values of our own civilization, it makes some sense to ask whether we are doomed to succumb to Chinese civilization. This is especially pertinent given that the way Chinese people live has always been much the opposite of the way Americans want to live.
Does China represent the fatal crossroads of Western civilization? The question, as phrased, calls for an unequivocal no. Americans may well end up living under tyranny resembling that of today’s China. But that tyranny’s core is not the classic civilization of Confucius, Laozi, and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This civilization is what the Chinese themselves abandoned around the turn of the twentieth century. Today’s tyranny in China itself is by, of, and for the Communist Party. It is Western civilization’s perverted legacy, built upon ancestral Chinese habits.
China has not historically been a nursery, never mind an exporter, of totalitarianism or revolution. Moreover, China’s rulers have traditionally had neither interest nor capacity to export any way of life. Their goal vis-à-vis America is now to maximize revenue while minimizing America’s will and capacity to interfere with China’s growing overlordship of Asia. This requires merely coopting the U.S. ruling class, which the Chinese find easy through garden-variety corruption.
Our own civilization is in the process of being undercut by its own ruling class, which abandoned Western culture as it was taking power over the past century.
Long, but Excellent Read
Message from the United Australia Party.
I can’t fault any of their policies. Anyone who does must hate Australia and desires to destroy it.
Well, it was going to happen eventually
“Victorian politics: Liberal MP Bernie Finn slammed over controversial Dan Andrews Nazi post”
Aussie soldier breaks silence and exposes training to remove unvaxxed from homes.
A couple of days ago the Outsiders team talked to a UK Union man about the cost of NET ZERO, Brexit and the disconnect between ordinary people and the Elites.
This bloke has some brains and speaks very well and he certainly has sympathy for the working people.
France,translated from French:
‘In France, everything started from a nursing home in Seine-et-Marne. Dr. Charlotte Bernigaud, dermatologist at the Henri-Mondor Hospital in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), is called there urgently, just before the beginning of the pandemic, to treat an epidemic of scabies. He prescribes ivermectin to all staff and residents. This is the classic remedy, a molecule used for decades to fight different parasites.
A few days later, a first case of Covid-19 is recorded in the establishment in an elderly person. Quickly, ten other cases are suspected. Against all odds, while a lot of retirement homes in France lost many residents to Covid, here, it is under control. “There have been no hospitalizations and no deaths here,”the practitioner told Le Figaro.’
Belgium, translated from Dutch:
“Despite third jab, 28 residents of residential care center test positive for corona: “Go back to measures from the first wave”
In residential care center a severe outbreak of corona has been detected. 28 residents became infected, despite a third injection. Seven employees also tested positive. “We are going back to the measures that worked during the first waves of this pandemic,” said director Kurt Ryheul.
A total of 28 residents and 7 employees tested positive, spread over four of the five living groups. Residents on severely affected living groups stay in room isolation to prevent further mutual spread.
High-risk contacts are monitored with increased vigilance. Striking: all residents had received their third jab.
“We see that residents can develop symptoms, despite the third jab,” says Kurt Ryheul, director of the nursing home.
“We now want to protect our residents as much as possible against further spread, a vaccination rate of 100 percent among the residents and 97 percent among the employees is not enough to remain free of outbreaks. That is why we are going back to the measures that worked during the first waves of this pandemic, in which we were spared from major outbreaks. A restriction of social contacts, in other words.”
I’m sure this is done with the best intentions, but
why can’t these people be treated with Ivermectin and other drugs? (Do they need to have scabies first…?)
People die from loneliness, lack of hugs etc… as well…
Is this a glimpse of the future? But it can be avoided …
Pierre Kory, MD MPA
20 Oct
Oh Brilliant. Yes let’s make this law in Medicine as well! From now on every physician & scientist at every academic conference or public lecture.. has to have the logo patches of every one of their funders sewn on their shirt. Love it
Pierre Kory, MD MPA
16 Oct
aaand… another massive attack. PLEASE realize there is literally a global war on ivermectin. If it didn’t work, you wouldn’t see this level of heinous ferocity trying to kill it. I worry so few realize what has happened to US society. They are literally trying to kill us for $
Pierre Kory, MD MPA
22 Oct
Great quote by Louisiana AG Jeff Landry in regards to pharmacists refusing to fill ivermectin: “I don’t know where their conscience was when they were giving out opioids like M&Ms, IVM is not even a scheduled drug. Suddenly they found a #$&! conscience.”
Brendan O’Neil from Spiked laying into the despicable attendees at COP26. Savage!
Republicans are more likely to die of Covid than Democrats.
0th percentile contains New York City which was hit hardest first.
The primary reason for the later divergence is vaccine resistance.
Are the virus just asking what party you are member of ??
Its the protective layer of fairy dust
The SA government has released a series of videos about renewable energy and Hydrogen. each is about 90 seconds long.
South Australia’s Clean Energy Transformation:
South Australia; leading the charge:
Clean Hydrogen: The fuel of the future:
Low carbon minerals for a low carbon world:
South Australia: Net zero by 2050:
They seem very proud of the fact that without
government subsidieswasting taxpayer money, fewer people would have gone for rooftop solar. sane people would wonder why there is a need for such an incentive, but no one ever accused a government of being sane.30
Given the processes and energy inputs to isolate it in industrial quantities?
Try storing the stuff. The molecule is so small it leaks through many materials at low pressures.
When Hydrogen burns, the flame is colourless. This is something of a hazard when it starts leaking all over the place. Hydrogen is also odourless. If “fuel” from your Hydrogen-powered car starts to leak into the passenger compartment, you won’t notice it. When it reaches a “critical” level” (ideal mix) with the air in the cabin, the tiniest spark will ignite the mix with “interesting” results. Instant over-pressure and flash-fried lungs, anybody?
Before anyone mentions the “Hindenburg”: All that smoke and visible flame in the famous film are NOT from the Hydrogen burning, but the vast expanse of the outer skin of the Zeppelin and the Hydrocarbon fuel for the propulsion engines, going up. The hydrogen fire started it, though.
Whither the “loose” Hydrogen? It simply leaked out of the huge rubberized silk containment bags inside the hull. This was a known phenomenon and Zeppelins had “breather” hatches along the top of the hull to vent the stuff out. At the time of “launch”, the Zeppelins carried a large quantity of water as ballast because of the buoyancy provided by the bagged hydrogen. As they traveled, water was dumped to maintain “neutral “buoyancy” at the required altitude. So, the Zeppelin was bleeding Hydrogen from the moment it was filled, pre-flight.
Helium is inert but not as “buoyant” as Hydrogen; but it is expensive stuff and, irony of ironies, most of the commercial stuff is obtained from deep holes drilled into the ground. Just for giggles, most of the “food-grade carbon dioxide in use is likewise drilled out from serious depths. There are CO2 “mines” in Queensland, for starters. Cute! the stuff is being extracted from the ground, and the eco-loons want to use vast amounts of energy and resources to pump it back into different deep rock formations and expect it to magically stay there? These MUST be the “Revelations-grade” End Times.
So many governments leaping on the Hydrogen bandwagon simultaneously it laughable. At least with government involvment we are at no risk of a glut.
@ Yarpos:
It gets better?
The latest “buzz-phrase” is “BIO-Hydrogen, whatever that is, this week.
If the government were put in charge of the Sahara Desert there would be a shortage of sand.
Milton Friedman
If you were ever in any doubt that this climate scam was all about money, well this takes the cake.
Indian PM Narendra Modi commits to net zero emissions by 2070, asks for $1 trillion in climate finance.
A trillion here a trillion there, no problem.
The money is good, the POWER is MUCH more enticing.
We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination…So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts…Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.
Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports
“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment
“It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”
Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace.
Getting the drift, yet?
England enjoyed a mild October, but one hundred years ago it was warmer.
CO2 – the control knob?
RCP6 says so but NASA has a different view.
CDC Reports 28x More Fully Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed Were Hospitalized With COVID June-Sept.
UK: 90% of new infections and 89% of deaths over 70 are in the fully vaccinated.
3 studies find vaccine effectiveness vanishes to 0% after 5-7 months
Natural immunity from a prior infection is better than vaccines
Its all in this article:
Must see if I can find it but the ABC ran a story yesterday on a trailer being placed in a Canberra Hospital car park so unvaxxed people sick with Covid could get vaccinated without the danger of infecting others
Jacinda is caught flat out. She seems unaware the vax does NOT stop transmission or infection.
“A visibly shaken Prime Minister Ardern could not handle being asked to reconcile her continued claims about vaccine efficacy against the reality that the vaccine does nothing to stop the spread of the virus. She had to shut down the conversation, and the questioner was promptly the target of the government control agents.”
I came here just to report this, but you beat me to it.
Above my pay grade
“Uh, That’s Not A Conspiracy Theory”
Complexity so great that it can’t be unraveled.
Any attempt to make sense of all that could drive you nuts.
They have my admiration; any extraordinary takeover of our societies.
It has always been about the batch number.
I have noticed a pattern in anecdotes of covid side effects such as an extended family having side effects related to blood clots, or someone saying several people at his work place, etc
The ICU Nurses and Doctors give the same answer.
“You should see the effects of Covid on patients, it is horrible!”
How many have you seen?
“I haven’t seen any yet.”
The latest addition to that is.
“Just wait to the borders re-open, it will be horrible!”
The script for people with relatives overseas is a little different, referring to how horrible it is what has happened to their relatives back home.
No such anecdotal evidence for the Clot Shot Terror. The Vaers and Daen data is an official recording of real pain, dreadful suffering and horrible deaths.
Bad batches are to be expected when you’re cooking up billions of doses; I had been suspecting the overload of adverse reactions reported in Queensland recently is due to a bad batch.
That is why zero batches have been removed from service, for our health.
That tab that is on the syringe, according to my neighbour, is the batch number. The way I see it, as this is a trial, there is a placebo and due to the massive sample size, what ratio it is could be anything.
The informed consent form for it contains no information, its a questionnaire. link to very rare blood clot info.
This bullet is pineapple flavoured.
In all seriousness, how would anyone have the idea that vaccine effectiveness has anything whatever to do with vaccine policy.
Good Gaia, there are gambling the health of children for their new religion.
Either that, or they are fully aware, and making sacrifice for the new religion.
And how dare we ask for vax proof for the children of politicians.
Vaccines decrease the probability of transmission.
Evidence of your claim, Simon?
Just the opposite is right. As usual you ride the dead horse.
Is fond of a flog our Simon.
What part of “carry higher viral loads without symptoms”, don’t you comprehend ?
And if you are nearing the need for jab three, and your immunity to Covid is back to “pre” levels, then you better hope you aren’t in the way.
Are you using the pre-2015 definition of vaccine?
“Internal CDC emails Show Why They Changed the Definition of “Vaccines” and What it Means to be “Vaccinated”
November 2, 2021 | Sundance | 121 Comments
TechnoFog submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to see what was happening inside the CDC, as they discussed needing to change the definitions of “vaccine” and “vaccination” in order to get passed the problematic issue of their supported products not actually providing immunity from the COVID-19 virus or any variant thereof.”
More at
Thanks, Lance, for the link to The Smiley Fascist Who Must Be Obeyed, whose catchphrase “I’m just gonna go to the bathroom OK” is now our ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ meme moment.
The radio-waves yesterday afternoon were awash with hastily arranged interviews with psychologists and sociologists ‘vaxsplaining’ why anti-vaxxers [sic] were becoming ‘more violent’ as they felt ‘cornered’ and ‘marginalised’. This ‘small crazy camp’ required more ‘work on to get [shot]”. And all because one man asked Psycopath Cindy a pertinent question the other ‘accredited media’ would not.
In the words of Kim Jong Jacinda herself – straight from the horse’s mouth no less – those opposed to the [shot] are a “small my nora dee”. Pray tell, doth anyone know what a ‘my nora dee’ is?
Isn’t that what you put on your fush an chups
Talking of which, this caught my eye.
‘A California woman has revealed how she developed a strong New Zealand accent after a car accident left her in a coma for two weeks – despite having never even been there.
‘Summer Diaz, 24, from Los Angeles, was hit by an SUV while crossing the street on November 25 last year, which caused her to develop foreign accent syndrome, a rare condition in which damage to the brain makes someone speak differently.’ (UK Mail)
Summer days?
Wonder if she is related to Winnta Nites.
nek minnit
In case you have forgotten. lol
I agree! Shove the crisis.
What distinguishes her from the major parties who clamour on about the same climate change issues as what our politicians have been doing? Only two things really; at least she is honest in her belief, albeit being wrong in her belief and the approach to fix the alleged crisis. Politicians like ours in the LNP and ALP are just in it for their careers feeding off the ignorance of most voters who are in turn fed by the failed MSM made up by puppet journalists who are too scared to tell the truth. They all don’t really give a hoot about climate change. If they did and they were honest they would have started building nuclear power stations many years ago. In summary we have:
MSM with fake journalists -> gullible/aloof public -> vote in governments who pretend they are acting on a pretend climate crisis, while ignoring the real crises (economic and social) growing right under their noses. Oh well, when the crash and burn scenarios plays out I suppose people will finally then wake up. Even the dead will wake up.
Gates and more than a dozen big pharma pool resources and data
This is not surprising. What also is not surprising is the MSM are not talking about it. As stated in the article, a panic cycle is coming up soon in US politics. Perhaps even here too in the following years, assuming most Australians aren’t completely brain dead by then.
Rigging the Virginia Elections
I have decided that our society is now in the grip of the Stockholm Syndrome, in which the captive begins to love & identify with their captors.
I haven’t read a lot about it, but it would seem to be generated by the seeming incapacity to effectively escape.
Count me out of that. I utterly despise those who have done this to us.
There is also the inability of a lot of people to admit that they were fooled and made a mistake.
Keep the faith Vicki, we ain’t done yet.
The most important thing is to stand together and push back. I bang on about astandinthepark but its the first step, numbers matter and crowds attract crowds.
A lot of people are silent because they think they are alone, we stand (or sit) every Sunday so they can can see that we are on the same page, the smiles on the people when they walk away makes the effort worth while.
Turn up on any Sunday 10 to 11am at a park near you, if there is no group, start one. We are here to help.
If you wish to start one, then I have a banner for you, no cost.
Attend every rally, you are one more.
Great to hear, MP. I am in a rural area – but will keep an ear out for a similar movement.
I am rural QLD, there is a group in every town around me. I spend an entire day traveling to the big smoke and back to attend every rally.
Apparently the facebook group is updated and telegram, I do not have those.
Web site click on our stands for drop down of your state.
Get active, get involved.
I’ve noticed that too. In fact it’s also spilling over to the other scam, CAGW. More and more people are gradually believing the hoax. If the trend continues, anyone who is both not vaccinated a CAGW sceptic will be hated and treated like dirt. I say bring it on. I like not being associated with the mob of fools.
The money is good, the POWER is MUCH more enticing.
We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination…So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts…Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.
Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports
“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment
“It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”
Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace.
Getting the drift, yet?
First Adverse event reporting a death after Moderna Spikevax on the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s Database of Adverse Event Notifications
A Fourteen Year Old Girl! And what away to leave this world!
Case number:647663
Report entry date: 20/10/2021
Age (yrs) 14
Gender F
Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine (Elasomeran (mRNA)) – Suspected
MedDRA reaction terms
Brain herniation
Brain oedema
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
Ventricular fibrillation
Banned for under 30’s in the Nordic countries (outright in Iceland), yet our TGA approved Moderna SpikeVax for kids 12 and up.
There is precious little science in The Science
I object, in the strongest terms, to teenagers being sacrificed on the altar of
corporategreedgiving us old pharts a few extra years. I’ve had my time, made the best of it I could.This lass deserved better.
Hear hear. They are not doing it in my name; I do not expect young people to be put at risk by experimental vaxxes on my behalf. I’ve had a long and interesting life; I always considered that anything past 70 was a bonus.
Leave the youngsters alone.
Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
Can’t beat them buy them.
We are told how costly it is to do these trials.
Yet from my reading- the auditor found not simply fraud but a failure to conduct trials in accordance with usual procedures and common sense.
They do not care if the product works or if it is safe, they do not care if we know they do not care.
The L(et’s) G(o) B(randon) Community Theme Song
Latest snow report from the South Pole.
‘According to the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), the average temperature at the U.S. Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station between April and September was minus 60.9ºC.
‘This was the station’s lowest temperature on record for this six-month period, with records dating back more than 60 years.
‘It was also the station’s second coldest winter (June, July and August) on record, with an average seasonal temperature of minus 62.9ºC. This is 3.4ºC below the long-term average (1881-2010) for winter.’ (Weatherzone)
And that cold air has now arrived: snowcams on Mt Ruapehu (the North Island) are buried under fresh, wet snow, max temp was -4°C with more of the same Thursday and Friday. Maybe we’ll have another snowy white Christmas / summer just like 2020.
‘In from the east, three days at least’, brrrrr…
Scafetta finds models are not fit for purpose.
The models have never been fit for the purpose!
Would you graph that wood?
I don’t think I would.
H/t Brad Keyes.
Well it seems Youngkin has won although McAuliffe has not conceded.
This is in spite of the dems cheating again: There was illegality re absentee ballots but the appeal was dismissed because of “lack of standing” and maskless voters [most likely GOP] were refused entry to polling places.
I cannot fact-check this but it sounds right:
Won big by the look of it , all three spots up for grabs won by Republicans.
Somewhere deep in Virginia, a laser printer is warming up.
“COVID-19 in Africa: It’s not just undercounting – it’s pre-medicating”
Artificial intelligence can predict PDO behaviour a year in advance.
Oz in for drenching over the next 10 days.
It doesn’t count until you actually pour it out of the rain gauge
I’m hoping so , a hose clamp let go on one of the rainwater tanks and lost about 8000 litres .
As I recall, the Sun, you know, the therm-nuclear bomb in the sky, runs on eleven-year cycles, and probably longer, deeper ones.
Just for giggles, this coming January is eleven years since South East Queensland copped a very watery flogging from “Gaia”.
Unfortunately for extreme coincidence, January 1974 does not line up with a multiple of eleven years.
Then again, a major contributor to the 2011 event was a total negligence regarding of the FLOOD MANAGEMENT dams in the region; most importantly, Wivenhoe. The guilty bastards got away with it, too. If the “experts” had held off for another week, we might have lost vast chunks of Brisbane when the water over-topped the clay core inside the Wivenhoe wall..
el g
I got the latest draft of my masters thesis back with my supervisor’s approval written on a leaf he’d torn out of a desk calander.
The saying for that day was “Conjure up no more spirits than you can conjure down”
Ahh … the good old days when life was less complicated.
This is an interesting read, explains how the NAO is kicked into negative.
Ahh…but now we “know” from NOAA that the sun’s output doesn’t vary enough to affect the Climate.
I notice that there were a series of large volcanic erruptions during the Little Ice Age including
1580 A.D. Billy Mitchell, New Guinea – 6,
1600 A.D. Huaynaputina, Peru, – 6, although elsewhere quoted as Mount Huaynaputina Peru Erupted on February 19th 1640.
1660 A.D. Santorini, Greece – 6
1660, A.D. long Island, New Guinea, – 6,
As Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 was also a 6 on the scale and caused an estimated drop in the “world temperature” of 0.5℃ perhaps these volcanoes also put sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere and reduced the amount of energy reaching the Earth.
Volcanoes are integral to the whole picture and its up to the students of climate change to sort out the effects. Still, the prime driver seems to be solar behaviour.
The REAL game is POWER, as it is in EVERY one of these capers.
“Why they fear Let’s Go Brandon”
Full ahead and damn the torpedos and the probable moderation.
Used to be said that if the US gets an economic sniffle we get the flu. We haven’t dealt with the US having pneumonia before.
Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
Can be deleted as it was posted earlier.
Another “You’ve been told so you better believe it”
“Claim: 52F – 59F Annual Average is a “Fundamental” Climate Constraint”
The average global temperature has not changed much for millenia. The Modern Warming Period (MWP), which commenced with the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA), is on the wane, and will end before 2100AD. The Glasgow Garbage about temperature rises of up to 2.7C is laughable, no matter how much CO2 is pumped into the atmosphere. My personal prediction is that, between 2000 and 2100, the global temp will rise by no more than 1.1C, and that it will subsequently stabilise and cool slightly. This is independent of how many coal-fired power stations China, India, Russia and Indonesia build.