A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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New SARS-CoV-2 sub variant B117_S+ of Alpha requires 3.2 times the antibodies produced from Pfizer vaccine to be neutralized and sweeping through Europe.
Now dominant for Alpha strain infections in Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Austria
h/t Peak Prosperity
The good news is that this sub variant shows “decreased replication fitness” (ie lower infectiousness) vs other Alpha sub variants so without vaccination selection pressure, it shouldn’t propagate further. But this sort of mutation can only spread in the presence of vaccination.
which 1950’s Russian population genetics text book have you been reading?
Just to add. This spread and died out before vaccination had commenced.
That’s not what the article linked above is saying.
They tracked the spread during late December 2020 and through January 2021 (see page 8) which is exactly when the vaccination programs were getting rolled out in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, etc.
They sub-variant shown in Figure 2 appeared coincident with the start of the vaccination program. As for whether it has died out, the article does not make that clear. It certainly had not “died out before vaccination had commenced” … that’s total rubbish.
you might want to check the vaccination levels
Now you are changing your story … your original comment is still above.
The word “commenced” means started, began, initiated … you know what it means. You never said anything about some particular level.
I’m not claiming I know what caused it but the variant in question turned up in the same month (Dec 2020) that they started injecting people, and continued into 2021. It clearly did not alredy die out beforehand. You aren’t allowed to invent alternative reality.
Probably the same book Geert vanden Bossche read.
You can tell that someone doesn’t understand evolution and is happy to spin stories as though they do, when they use absolutes like “can only”. It is facile nonsense.
Would you accept “will likely”?
At least “will likely” is potentially correct and therefore offers something to debate. It still needs some supporting evidence or stated assumptions otherwise it is meaningless speculation (which, funnily enough is what it turns out to be).
” Evidence of ADE has not emerged for COVID-19 vaccines even though concerns have been raised.”
How do you get from there to “meaningless speculation”?
by the way, this is a retrospective study. It is not sweeping through Europe for the reasons you sort of stated.
It was mostly supplanted by delta.
Looks more like a time-series analysis to me, one that required new data collection to track the spread of a virus lineage, and to that extent prospective.
Did anyone notice the mass ads on TV for shingles about a month ago? Something that has never been a large concern and now those have totally disappeared.
It smells of someone trying to find a signal to front run.
It was a newly funded public awareness campaign. These happen from time to time. The campaign is over now.
Have you heard of Occam’s razor?
A few % of those with the usual shingles rash get severe nerve damage. For the face, the trigeminal nerve. This can often last for life and cause unrelenting pain that governs your lifestyle, Avoid it at all costs. It got my wife 8 years ago. It is horrible.
There is now a vaccination against shingles. Do get it if you can. Geoff S
Shingrix became available back in June but the heavy publicity was well after that. And now there is none.
Ad money ran out. Dept of Health ran the campaign it promised. Now it is over.
So mysterious.
Correct Geoff. It is an illness that has had very little attention given its affects. It is great that there are now that there are good ways to prevent. I wish this fact was better known.
I have a friend who lost most of the sight in one eye following shingles.
Shingles is very nasty. Luckily my GP is up to speed on it with tge vaccine. My husband’s grandmother had pain from shingles for the rest of her life after a bad attack.
Plus Zostavax has been available since 2015. The ads did not mention that there was a new, safer, more effective shingles vaccine but merely shingles vaccination was now available.
The dept of Health identified that take up and awareness was low so embarked on an ad campaign.
For everyone else out there. Here is some information related to the recent advertising-
either that or they are up to something. wooooooooo
A couple of acquaintances got shingles a few years ago.
I got the vax 16 months ago.
‘For the face, the trigeminal nerve.’
Yes, it can be debilitating. They are using anti depressants like Entrip to stop the pain.
All the people I know who have had it report excruciating pain during the shingles episode. Even if you fully recover, it is worth avoiding enduring the pain.
Because the vaccine reduces the immune response, viruses that are dormant in the body are activated. The shingles virus, presents as chicken pox when you are young. It remains quietly in your body and when your immune system is low and particularly when you are older it reappears as shingles. The shingles explosion after the vaccination was also recorded in America and Britain.
This is misinformation.
That is your opinion.
Which part is misinformation?
Long-term natural immune responses can be down-regulated (a kind innate tolerance) after vaccination or post-infection. There are no long-term studies of this for the mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.
Curiously this was the explanation given by my doctor over 2 years ago when he recommended the vaccine (which I had).
I had already heard that shingles could be caused by a return of the chicken pox virus which I had had some 65+ years before.
Shingles was on the rise before covid 19 and certainly before any covid vaccine. They were doing studies on the increase before the vaccine.
Yes, a weakened immune system does allow the chickenpox virus to return as shingles. Probably why shingles shows up in older people as their immune system weakens but it has been increasing in lower age groups. Stress is also regarded as having an affect on the immune system. There was probably an increase in stress during 2020 which may have added to the already increasing cases of shingles.
Don’t think you can pin it on the vaccine.
Shingles is one of the recorded adverse effects of the mRNA vaccines. It has lower occurrence after the AZ shot.. It is not that common but I know a 40yo who had shingles bouts after both jabs that needed medical treatment.
and I know someone who had shingles earlier this year before having the jab.
You’re right, it’s not that common …. having shingles supposedly as a result of the jab. One study suggested the relationship was not statistically significant and another speculated the vaccine might cause some cases of shingles without being able to definitively say it did.
Shingles is common with approx 30% of people having it at some point in their life and there has been an increase pre covid vaccine.
I’m not saying it doesn’t or cant cause a case of shingles. Just that it doesn’t seem to be responsible for any broad increase.
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology
20 Post-COVID-19 vaccine-related shingles cases seen at the Las Vegas Dermatology clinic and sent to us via social media
Cynthia Lee BS,David Cotter MD, PhD,Jasmine Basa CMA,H.L. Greenberg MD
First published: 15 May 2021
To the Editor,
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus with high infectivity and severe morbidity and mortality, especially for those over 70 years old and also for those with comorbid medical conditions such as lung disease and obesity.1 The entire world has been gripped with fear and practiced social distancing, masking, and quarantine of exposed or infected individuals in an effort to curtail the spread of the disease.2, 3 The new virus is characterized primarily by respiratory-related disease, but also may involve multiple organ systems; COVID-19 has caught the medical community by surprise due to its myriad of clinical manifestations. Additionally, COVID-19 has been associated with various cutaneous manifestations; associated cutaneous skin eruptions from natural COVID-19 infection are described as diffuse erythematous eruptions, widespread urticaria, and chickenpox-like vesicles.4, 5 Two vaccines were approved for use by the FDA on December 11th (Pfizer) and December 18th (Moderna) of 2020 to prevent COVID-19 infection and change the tide against this deadly pandemic.6, 7
At the time of our observation, two vaccines were authorized in the United States to prevent COVID-19: Moderna (94.5% effective) and Pfizer (95% effective).8, 9 Two doses of the aforementioned vaccines are required to reach optimal effectiveness. Side effects may emerge after the first and/or second dose, with common side effects including injection site pain and flu-like symptoms.10 Recently, a third vaccine by J&J has been approved for use, requiring only one dose; to our knowledge, there are no reported cases of shingles reaction to the J&J COVID-19 approved vaccine.11 In clinical trials, it was noted that the Moderna vaccine was associated with swelling in the area of facial filler injections in some patients.7 A suggested pathophysiologic mechanism involving angiotensin-signaling pathways has been posited as the etiology of filler-associated swelling; in fact, these patients have been successfully treated with angiotensin inhibitors.12 The initial Pfizer vaccine application mentioned no reported adverse facial filler reactions with vaccination.6
On 2/5/2021, the 1st case of Post-COVID-19 vaccine-related varicella-zoster virus (VZV) (Herpes Zoster (HZ) aka shingles) eruptions was seen in the Las Vegas Dermatology clinic and posted on our social media.13 Indeed on 2/16/2021, one of the authors was on local television and discussed a 2nd case of Post-COVID-19 vaccine-related HZ seen in the clinic.14 Since those initial patients, there have been a total of 5 other Post-COVID-19 vaccine-related cases seen in the Las Vegas Dermatology clinic. An additional 14 cases have been reported to us and confirmed with medical history and photographs via social media with a mean time of 6.85 days to the first signs/symptoms of shingles. (Table 1). However, in the literature, there has been only one other reported case of Post-COVID-19 vaccine shingles in Turkey.15
Reactivation of Varicella Zoster Virus after Vaccination for SARS-CoV-2
Vaccines 2021, 9(6), 572;
Received: 29 April 2021 / Revised: 26 May 2021 / Accepted: 27 May 2021 / Published: 1 June 2021
Seven immunocompetent patients aged > 50 years old presented with herpes zoster (HZ) infection in a median of 9 days (range 7–20) after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. The occurrence of HZ within the time window 1–21 days after vaccination defined for increased risk and the reported T cell-mediated immunity involvement suggest that COVID-19 vaccination is a probable cause of HZ. These cases support the importance of continuing assessment of vaccine safety during the ongoing massive vaccination for the COVID-19 pandemic and encourage reporting and communication of any vaccination-associated adverse event.
See link for rest.
So this may lend further support to the theory the covid vaxes decrease normal immune function.
On Figure 2(a) once you get beyond the age of 40, there is bascially a 2:1 ratio of vaccinated:unvaccinated in cases, which could make sense of the vaccinated’s immune systems are starting to malfunction.
I know a number of older people who got shingles post covid injection.
I think that is more than a coincidence.
Media reports that the Andrews “Enabling” act will be watered down in response to public concerns…… Dan Andrews is playing you like a 10 cent violin!!!!!! Ambit game rule 101, Want a $10.00 rise, ask for $30.00 and after the hue and cry goes up, reluctantly agree to settle for $15.00.The suckers have been conned again!!!!!! Please reject this in its totality. NO COMPROMISE.
Who could be charged with manslaughter when the truth about the shot’s deadly effects come out?
1. Every person injecting
2. Every doctor misinforming about safety.
3. Especially persons injecting without aspirating
4. Every person having a part in coercing people to take the shot, including all people involved in vaccine passports or giving rewards for taking the shot. It is like inciting people to drink and drive, so suffocation games etc.
5. All persons in government responsible for vaccine policy, especially mandates
6. All employers threatening people with being fired if they don’t take the shot.
7. If they are in the US, most of these people world get cumulative sentences and most will then get life imprisonment.
So, basically every lying bastard in the media and the government that has allowed this scammdemic to happen.
That’s a lot of rope to be used.
Once they start going for our children, they have no idea of the whirlwind that will come.
You think? some are just gagging to get their kids vaxxed, others are concerned. Just one more divisive wedge into society.
In Canada the CBC gleefully reports that the children’s Covid vaccine will likely be approved in the next couple of weeks, so Christmas has been saved!
1, No
2, Perhaps, i dont believe they have upheld their Hippocratic oath
3, No
4, Yes
5, Yes
6, Yes
7, Yes
I also believe manslaughter is not the correct term or charge that needs to be laid against these people
18 million people now walking around with a shredded immune system what lies ahead for them is anyone’s guess
Hard to know what governments, or more especially businesses, think they are doing with these mandates. They totally ignore any reactions people have had to getting injected with the vaccine. In a nutshell, its the same as mandating everyone must accept penicillin injections even though they get anaphylactic reactions to penicillin. Or you must eat peanuts when you are hyperallergic to peanuts.
The mandates are a potential disaster in the making. We already know the odd fit athlete has dropped dead; cause unknown. The Hippocratic oath has become almost meaningless. ‘First do no harm’? Who cares? AMA, nowhere to be seen!
Those doing the injections? Do they even realise their action in some people could lead to death which has nothing to do with the virus, or that person’s health, but everything to do with some idea of getting ‘herd immunity’! But how good is that immunity when half those people were vaccinated 6 and more months ago?
There is a dreadful lack of information out there for the public about the known statistics on severe reactions with vaccinating. People on this blog may know where to go and find the detail, but, for the people, most are
uninformed. After the AZ reporting early on that nearly wiped AZ from use, I believe this is deliberate.
I have no idea what medical values, if any, are applied in trying to control this virus. I have never heard of any other medical situation in which patient welfare and outcome is so ignored. To see many people demanding aggressively that everyone regardless, must get vaccinated to protect them, with no consideration to what these people are really demanding of some of those that are shy of the next injection, is a dreadful indictment of our society, and many making up our medical profession. The politicians must be some of the dumbest people on the planet when they back mandates which can result in demanding people sacrifice themselves just to get good figures in percentages. There is no concern for the people, and politicians aren’t going to spend sleepless nights thinking how many have we seen killed today. imo, this is the equivalent of President Xi’s outlook on life.
What youre describing is a whole profession that appears to be morphing into a Dr Mengle mindset by default.
I was just following orders….
The point about aspiration is contentious. There have been different views of this site.
My GP assures me it is obvious to a medic how to identify blood from muscle target areas.
Michael “Mike” Anthony Granata of Gilroy, California | 1965 – 2021 | Obituary
Mike was adamant that people know what happened to him that caused his early and unexpected death.
Message from Mike:
“Many nurses and non-nursing staff begged me and my wife to get the truth out to the public about the Covid-19 vaccines because the truth of deaths from the vaccine was being hidden within the medical profession. I promised I would get the message out. So, here is my message: I was afraid of getting the vaccine for fear that I might die. At the insistence of my doctor, I gave in to pressure to get vaccinated. On August 17th I received the Moderna vaccine and starting feeling ill three days later. I never recovered but continued to get worse. I developed multisystem inflammation and multisystem failure that medical professionals could not stop. My muscles disappeared as if to disintegrate. I was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). It was constant torture that I cannot describe. I was no longer treated as a human with feelings and a life. I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. If you want to know more, please ask my wife. I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”
Thank you Ozzie. I read many stories like this one. I’m not and I won’t.
So why aren’t the nurses and staff getting the word out themselves? They thought it important enough to “beg” these people to get the word out. Fear of losing their job just doesn’t sound a reasonable explanation. There’s plenty of ways to get important information out without risking your employment.
I’m not saying the vaccine wasn’t the problem. But the story seems a bit embellished in the “beg” area.
A family friend of 35 years, recently stood down from his job as a nurse in NSW, told me 2 weeks ago that Covid vaccine injuries are massively underreported. He went on to say that he and his fellow nurses have been told in many instances not to report vaccine adverse reactions. He has had to care for patients with vaccine injuries and is very concerned about what is going on. I pleaded with him to go public but is scared of the of the repercussions to his and his wife’s careers and that of his co-workers who might speak out.
Something is very wrong in our hospital system.
Well, now that he’s stood down he can speak up. Oh, wait. His wife’s career. What an awful coincidence.
Not a coincidence, his wife is a doctor and he is hoping to work again after conventional vaccines are released in Australia. You can shove your sarcasm where the sun don’t shine.
Ok, so what did he actually tell you.
Please detail how the staff were told not to report adverse reactions. Please detail the adverse reactions and info he told you.
This is genuinely serious stuff and I’m genuinely interested.
I struggle to believe all these medical people are so gutless as to not come forward. If it really is a serious issue. Or do they just have a few anecdotal concerns that really amount to nothing under scrutiny?
Why did a small number of blood clotting events get reported and acted on but not this other stuff?
I can see that you have very strong views on this but am concerned.
Comments made to me from a number of sources suggest that you aren’t seeing the full picture and for some reason best known to yourself, don’t want to.
Keith, it’s ridiculous to suggest I don’t want to.
My brother says to me his teenage boys are going to be vaccinated. (He and I are on the north side of 50 and are both vaccinated). I said why? He said because we want to hit 90% vacs (Victoria) and get back to normal life.
I said are you sure you want to get them vaccinated? Young people are at such a low risk from covid but it seems the vaccines are causing issues for young people. He said I was a goose and there’s a far greater risk from covid then from the vaccine and we want to be out of restrictions.
I sent him some of the info and that some other countries had restricted Moderna to over 20 or over 30 (varied by country). They went ahead with the vaccination.
I’m actually very interested in the adverse reaction situation. What I want is proper info. I don’t want my friends 3rd cousin was talking to his dog washer who said his barber heard that some people were having adverse reactions.
So what are the comments made to you and what credibility do the sources have?
I note Graham hasn’t offered any detail.
I don’t know why Graham would make the comment he did if it wasn’t true. It probably is.
What’s the context of the “massive” under reporting. 100% would be massive. But that could be the difference between 1 adverse event in a million vs 2 adverse events in a million. And what are those adverse events?
We’ve seen chinese scientists speak up about covid. If you think the Chinese govt cant keep all their scientists quiet then how does a hospital or a whole medical industry in Australia keep doctors and staff silent?
Graham’s friend is nurse so cant speak up for fear of job loss. But they don’t have a job now. But their wife has a job so his friend still can’t speak up.
Like I said above. If the issue is serious then his friend is gutless. Or, maybe it’s actually not much of an issue. Like the greens claiming climate emergency but rejecting nuclear as a logical option. Maybe it’s just not an emergency after all.
Why did the clotting get reported and age adjustments get made but the other issues are being ignored? Why are various governments reacting to the effect on young people by raising the age for Moderna if adverse reactions aren’t being properly reported?
People get all sorts of health issues and die prematurely. Even seemingly healthy people. So because someone has a jab and dies does not mean it’s the jab. But it sure as heck needs to be looked at.
I totally believe these vaccines havent been properly trialed. I totally believe there could be real problems. But I’m not a fan of running serious issues on rumour. Forgive me if I want to test information when at first glance a couple of things don’t add up to me. Maybe I have too much faith in doctors that they’ll take their health responsibilities seriously. But I have more faith in them to report issues than I do in the accuracy of internet rumours.
BTW, I’ve had the AZ vacs. I hear we’re likely to need boosters and they’ll be pfizer. I’m not keen on that. So I am interested.
Please provide details for some of these plentiful ways
Telling as many people as you know.
There’s a whole range of media sources/avenues.
Finding the right politician.
Arming those who are already speaking up with the information.
And when medical people do that, they get threatened with job loss and eventually terminated.
You think they can’t do that anonymously if they needed to? (Apart from the telling people you know)
We had a couple of clotting deaths from AZ and the Aus Govt changed the age recommendations.
We’ve seen other governments around the world make age adjustments to some vaccines.
If all these so called adverse events/deaths were vaccine related they’d be reported by the doctors just like a few clotting issues were and the govt would assess.
Take a read of these submissions from nurses and other medical practitioners. Note the telling absence of doctors, apart from one or two. And the attitude of doctors revealed in these submissions is appalling.
Are these ‘submissions’ all written by different persons? I dont see any change in writing style from one submission to the next. They are all well written. Sorry, just being sceptical.
The only thing that I find suss after reading about 20 pages, is the quality of the writing. I have read blogs for years and have seen in the comments the endless array of homophones/mispellings produced by even those with PhDs; the worst being ‘their/there/they’re’, ‘bought/brought’, etc.
In the whistleblower testimonies, these appear to be absent. If all the accounts are factual, then an editor has corrected all of the errors. There is no other explanation for the quality of the writing. Remember also, many other nationalities are in the medical profession and English is not their mother tongue.
Whats telling about the absence of doctors is that it’s probably mostly rubbish. A lot of doctors actually take health seriously and would speak up if they thought there was an issue. I can believe some doctors not doing so. But a whole industry of doctors?
They know what will happen to them if they speak up.
See comment #16 here-
Doc speaks up, complains to member of parliament, then police arrive .. …
That’s completely different circumstances to simply speaking up. The Police visited that Dr because he was threatening to harass the MP. The police officer was there appropriately to say tone down your emails. He didn’t say stop sending emails. He didn’t say the Dr couldn’t have “robust” discussion with the MP, even though the Dr tried to put the words in the officer’s mouth. The officer didn’t say the Dr couldn’t discuss the vaccine issues.
It was purely about the MP’s safety and to check the guy out.
I don’t support the police overreach during the lockdowns and their harassing people, applying trumped up charges just so they could apply bail conditions to silence them. But I think speaking to the Dr and checking him out was appropriate because of the threat to harass.
BTW, the policeman was correct about the Nuremberg trials being about trying Nazi’s for war crimes.
Correct- There was a threat to the MP, to refer to a Nuremberg Commission type trial. The MP may well have thought he had no defense.
Wrong- Those trials had the intention to convict war criminals, membership of that political party was not sufficient for conviction. (I believe in all cases).
The threat was to harass the MP. The Nuremberg thing wasn’t particularly relevant to me in the threat stakes.
I mention Nuremberg above because the Dr seemed a bit skewed with that saying the officer was wrong.
Of course this was always a possibility. Not satisfied with making a fortune in testing, now its going to use the data accumulated. Apparently, consent was given by signing their form at testing time.
A large Covid-19 testing company in the UK is being investigated by the country’s privacy watchdog over plans to sell swabs containing customers’ DNA for medical research.
Cignpost Diagnostics, a government-approved testing provider, has delivered up to three million tests at a cost of between £35 ($64) and £120 ($220) each since it was founded in June last year, The Sunday Timesreported.
Cignpost, which trades as Express Test, said it intended to analyse the samples to “learn more about human health”, develop drugs and products or to sell information to third parties, according to company documents.
Early COVID Treatment Summit In Florida Draws 1,000 Doctors
On Saturday, Nov. 6, a group of doctors held a seminar in Ocala, Fla. The seminar qualified attendees for Continuing Medical Education credits. Speakers included an expert in epidemiology who explained the mechanisms of viral replication in human cells, a researcher who invented a promising new method of vaccination, and clinicians describing modes of treatment.
If that were the entire story, it would hardly bear mentioning. But this was no ordinary medical conference. Dr. John Littell, the organizer of the conference, brought together some of the most prominent doctors on the front lines of fighting and treating COVID-19. In fact, he was able to gather some of the leading experts advocating for early treatment of COVID-19, including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Peter McCullough, and several other members of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).
The urgency is real. Littell said in the interview that he knows three doctors serving as chiefs of staff at hospital and clinic systems who lost their jobs over approving early treatment protocols:
This dampening effect has consequences for how doctors practice medicine. Littell says many have become robotic in their application of protocols approved by the medical establishment instead of thinking outside the box and trying safe, inexpensive treatments that could in fact be more effective than what drug salesmen and insurance companies pressure them to prescribe.
The way Dr. Littell describes it, it could be a real uphill battle to get the medical establishment back to a point where the doctor treats the patient, with informed consent, without interference or intrusion by federal and state bureaucrats or insurance companies in the exam room.
Judging by the numerous standing ovations from the doctors, medical professionals, and researchers in attendance, a real appetite appears to exist for a return to the practice of more honest medicine.
The full declaration, which can be found at this website, reads:
We are gradually opening Australia again. It might be wise to finally include early treatment protocols for treating Covid-19
—> common sense
Together with the vaccines, it is our best chance. (I hope there won’t be any more bad ‘surprises’ in regards to these new
mRNA vaccines in the future!!)
As I see it: It is in the vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals that early treatments are approved.
———— (October 2018)
‘Harnessing RNA vaccines for health – what are the challenges and key considerations?
Research and clinical trials: further research is needed to address technical hurdles such as vaccine stability and delivery. It is not yet certain which production method(s) are currently the best. Clinical trial data is limited – more long-term studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of RNA vaccines.
Production: vaccine production is currently small scale and it is not clear if current methods are capable of epidemic-level vaccine production.
Resources: the personalised approach for cancer vaccines is time and resource intensive and work is needed to determine if this approach is cost-effective.
Safety: better understanding of vaccine adverse effects is needed – these can include inflammation or autoimmune reactions.
There is still a lot of work to be done before mRNA vaccines can become standard treatments, in the
meantime, we need a better understanding of their potential side effects, and more evidence of their
long term efficacy.’
———————— January 2021
———————– March 2021
———————— August 2021
We have argued that the current strategy of staking everything on the vaccine, however successful it looks today, was a risky and insufficient strategy.
Instead of gambling everything on vaccine strategies, we call for adopting a more holistic and diversified response to both the current Covid-19 pandemic and future disease preparedness. One that hedges its bet on a continuum of strategies including health promotion and healthy lifestyles [38], targeted prevention of other determinants of health (e.g., nutritional deficiencies [44]), adequate primary care and early treatment (especially now that we have a more evidence of effective or promising treatments [45], [46], [47]), health system strengthening [48], and sufficient national, regional and global system policy preparedness for emerging epidemics, enabling to build “pandemic proof health systems” [49].
In particular, vaccination strategies need to be more nuanced and targeted, and new Covid-19 vaccines need to be configured within an overall public health strategy that will differ in profile for different countries.
Strategies should also consider the already acquired natural immunity amongst those that have been infected [50], [51].
An optimal mix of policies should be chosen according to a careful risk-benefit assessment, adopting the precautionary principle to new vaccines, and ensuring public health policy coherence.’
“I could never have imagined that a walk in the woods without a mask, a visit to the toilet at a friend’s house or a moment of rest on a bench in the park could fall under the category of crimes.”….
What would concern everyone greatly, is of they decide to migrate all new vaccines to mRNA versions.
Thats a nightmare not worth considering.
There was a video recently whereby a state top medico said the unvaxxed would have miserable lives.
ALl that was missing was the alsatians straining at their leashes….
Dreadful. My friend’s son has just been coerced yesterday, to get the jab or lose his FIFO job. He had Moderna because “the doctor and the chemist said it had less side effects”.
Oops,that was meant for comment #5
Moderna, less side effects…
Boy was he scammed (thanks TGA). Here’s hoping for the best but I fear the worst
“He had Moderna because “the doctor and the chemist said it had less side effects”.”
Now that is misinformation.
Steve Kirsch challenges Gavin Newsom to prove that he didn’t disappear for 2 weeks (including missing COP-26, physically AND virtually) because of side effects from his Moderna booster shot.
Gavin Newsom has publicly stated that it is all “disinformation” and Steve Kirsch is putting up USD$1 million for him to provide all his medical records for the past 20 days
I watched the latest video from Robert Malone by NewAmerican last night shot on his farm. Very peaceful place and no doubt he needs it.
A very good video covering Delta+, military aspects, international biowarfare issues, selective DNA targetting etc.
(A pity he mentioned DNA targetting as I decided not to post the latest info as people are worried enough)
Be sure to watch it. 1hr 10min.
Biotechnology company Moderna Therapeutics has officially begun large-scale testing of its experimental COVID-19 vaccine on America’s youngest children.
As Dr Malone said, there is zero reason to “vaccinate” kids as their risk from CV19 is zero for all purposes. He can’t see any reason for the frenetic global jab plan either. We’ll have to wait for the “next stage” to understand the REAL purpose and the REAL group behind WEF. I have a solid theory but I’m not prepared to release it.
As I said previously when they affect your kids and pets is when the sheeple will fight back.
In China they’re now going after your pets:
As per Analitik’s comment above, yes, more and more ads normalising medical conditions that are increasingly common post-vaxx. Surprise surprise.
“As Dr Malone said, there is zero reason to “vaccinate” kids as their risk from CV19 is zero for all purposes”
A child vaccine makes no sense from a health perspective but makes complete sense from the perspective of social control. The purpose of the vaccine is the passport, it is the first step to social credit. For it to work, everyone must have a passport including kids.
Many times you hear politicians say they want to see 95% vaccination rate. Thats not for public health, they really mean the passport. They could care less about the vaccine, it’s the passport they want.
The passport must go.
Did COP26’s “Humiliating Failure” Mark The Beginning Of The End Of UN’s Climate Crisis Agenda?
The UN’s climate agenda has finally hit the buffers in Glasgow.
It almost happened in Copenhagen 12 years ago, when developing nations refused to limit their economic growth to satisfy the West.
It was only the promise of hundreds of billions of dollars that persuaded them to come along for the ride.
The can was kicked down the road again in 2015 at Paris, when developing countries were given carte blanche to carry on increasing emissions.
But sooner or later, the time would come for action, not talk.
And when it came to the crunch, the developing nations rebelled, led by India, China, South Africa and Iran. The touchpaper was this clause in the Draft Agreement, which was presented to the conference yesterday:
India along with a host of like minded countries knew that they could not run their economies without coal and other fossil fuels, never mind grow them and relieve poverty. Faced with the whole Agreement being lost, Alok Sharma and the UN organisers backed down, and replaced the words “phase-out” with “phase-down”. Just one word changed, but its effect was devastating for the Agreement.
The rest of the Agreement is pretty weak and ineffectual as well. It is full of terms such as “urges”, “requests” and “invites”, which mean there is no obligation on anybody to do anything.
And all COP26 has really agreed on is to meet up again next year and discuss things again.
Next year’s pre-Christmas party for the ‘in’ crowd!
Sharm-el-Sheik on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula is a fairly swish, up-market place now, a lot different to the Bedouin fishing village I passed through in the ’80s on my way to Dahab and Mount Sinai itself.
Turquoise water, white-sand beaches, coral reefs, palm trees… but hey, saving the planet is a tough job! However, occasionally it snows on Mount Sinai and in the desert – what do you think the chances of Al Gore showing up in 2022 are?
Unfortunately, while the absurd decision document crashed and burned, COP 26 was successful. I reported what no one else seemed to notice as they were fixated on the drama:
The dreadful sidebar agreements announced in the first week are estimated by IEA to limit warming to just 1.8 degrees, which is well within the Paris target of between 2 and 1.5 degrees. Reports of COP 26 failure are deeply mistaken. What failed was the crazy radical draft decision designed by Biden and the Western Euros:
That was decisively defeated:
Basically the COP just stayed its moderate course with the developing countries setting their own destructive pace. That is the Paris Accord concept and it worked well at COP 26.
So we still have a big fight to stop UN alarmism.
50 years of predictions that the climate apocalypse is nigh
By NY Post Editorial Board
Earth Day predictions of 1970. The reason you shouldn’t believe Earth Day predictions of 2009.
by EDITOR on APRIL 22, 2009
Breaking news:
Does your source give a time limit within which an appeal can be made?
Dave B
Since man made CO2 generated rapid tipping point Armageddon Global Warming was first proposed in 1988, I have waited for the warming. And waited. And the rapid sea rises. And all the rest. Nothing.
It’s freezing right now in Melbourne, Adelaide, NZ and the rest of the world except the tropics. Where is the Global Warming.
And living at the beach, it has not changed in my lifetime. Certainly not the tens of meters of sea rise confidently predicted by the ABC’s science expert. In fact I would be surprised if there was any noticeable sea level rise anywhere.
The satellites show that the world temperature in mid 1981 was identical to mid 2021, so wobbles notwithstanding, where’s the warming?
And how is this thing which is not happening the biggest threat to humanity, an existential threat? Is there even a single prediction which has been correct?
So why does everyone run around saying the sky is falling? Even as a child I thought the story of Chicken Little was just silly. And the story of King Cnut ordering the tides to stop. Now I understand they are lessons for generational problems which repeat, parables for our times
Another sea level check in here
Nice. Thanks.
“So why does everyone run around saying the sky is falling?”
Likely just the fundamental human tendency for neurosis.
Which is easily taken advantage of.
Then there’s modern affluence which leaves lots of time to focus the neurosis.
I also don’t think it an accident that climate neurosis coincides with the attack on masculinity, which manifest as a disparagement of leadership qualities.
Leadership assuages fear.
One of the reasons for the Trump phenomenon.
Then there is the assault on traditional religious values.
When all the old sins are made acceptable, new sins have to be invented.
Forgive me Lord Fauci, for I have a large unvaccinated carbon footprint.
(Shouldn’t that be feetprint? Didn’t Marco Polo write about a race of men with one giant foot?)
How do we know the toothbrush was in invented in Britain?
Otherwise it would called a teethbrush.
Good stuff.
I am just starting to think this tendency to panic and foment panic has been around forever and is the point of such salutary stories, warning future generations that the sky is not falling and that no government on the planet can control ocean water levels or atmospheric carbon dioxide levels for that matter. The idea that they can is exactly the sort of God complex which forced King Cnut to take his throne to the seaside.
TdeF, here in Mount Maunganui by-the-sea ’twas a lovely sunny and humid 24C (it’s 6:20pm now), while Temple Basin Ski Area in the South Island (on the Main Divide) maxed-out on -1C with hail, thunder, snow (50cm) down to 1,000m, with more again tomorrow, thanks to the Great Australian Blizzard of November 2021.
Experts predicted we’d have Sydney’s climate by now; they forgot to mention Sydney would have OUR climate: a chilly 21C today, brrrrrr…
Yes, an exigence of experts. About as much use as a wire door on a submarine.
And Mt. Manganui on the Bay of Plenty (great name) is such a wonderful beach and landscape location, as good as any I have seen in the world. I dropped in on the Queen Mary (Personal transportation) about two years ago.
Its a bit like David Wojick’s entry at #11.2
The planetary disaster is happening for all to see around us. We’ve been plugged in to global temperature, always said to be on the make and rising. What we are missing however, in the democracies, is seeing our living standards being destroyed economically.
The activists keep up their depressing and bullhorn story of a Warming that they say continues – but they manipulate data measurements via measuring methodology changes that ignore any ideas of equilibration. They control the software and they are allowed to come out uncontested with several forcasts they fit to their data. They are no longer expected to defend anything they ‘discover’, because the big money is now concentrated in the ‘new technologies’ and subsidies taken from the pockets of the poorest, by our governments. Governments are no better; they see the lay of the land and react to antifossil fuels propaganda. Big money, big media, big government all for their own advantage now form a cartel in most democracies, especially the EU, Britain, USA and Canada. All the major power points of Democracies profit in terms of power or cash.
If we thought getting contrarian debate up and going was hard ten years ago. Today we are looking at a tsunami wave to break through even before a contrarian thought survives or is heard. It’s all at a stage now where every major power, banking system, the rich list, Big Business, the green activists are so tightly dependent on this idea of man controlling the elements that none of them can afford to see one drop out. One goes and the rest come crashing down. We get a worldwide economic catastrophe such as never seen before.
So, the promised activists’ crash from raging temperatures make the world think it has a choice to save 1.8 degree C
in 75years time, is a ruse. They already have the Western economies spinning out and crashing (Biden’s USA?)while the people tremble about 75years time and miss what the activists are already bringing down on them!
And what is billionaire Andrew Forrest doing pushing hydrogen? Regardless of the uses for hydrogen, it does not exist in nature. Where is he going to get the energy to make hydrogen? And why should we spend all our energy on making a different fuel when we already have perfectly good fuel? And why not make and burn aluminum, which actually is a very useful metal. And $ per kw is roughly as good as oil. Why are non scientists like Flannery and Forrest telling everyone what we should do about anything? A dead wombat specialist and a stock broker?
They have pretty clearly stated how and why. If you don’t agree with them why not critique that instead of asking questions?
If you say so. I have read it. But it makes no sense. So I am asking questions and making relevant statements in sentences 1, 2, 3 and 4. What more do you want as a critique? It’s a bit like the entire man made Global Warming nonsense. What is missing is any science at all. Unless you believe what you read must be true.
You also don’t have to accept that they believe what they say is true. I think you are implying that it is expedience?
I am implying nothing.
It’s not worth your time engaging a troll
And more plainly, doesn’t it stink that we will waste energy to make energy when we already have the energy? Isn’t that completely nuts? Or perhaps I should find a peer reviewed paper saying this?
Consider that we generate CO2 when we smelt ores which are all oxides. So to avoid using CO2 we will use hydrogen. And to make the Hydrogen we will use fossil fuels, throw away half the energy and use more to capture the CO2. If we knew how to do that in the first place, why don’t we using the technology in the smelting process? It’s just nonsense.
And leave the hydrocarbons in the ground and get vast amounts of energy to hydrolyse water. At present we are told 24% of the electricity in Australia is from solar and wind, but that is all used. So where will we get all this massive amount of additional energy? These are Forrest fairy tales.
“Consider that we generate CO2 when we smelt ores which are all oxides.” I seem to recall that most base metal ores (Cu Pb Zn Ni) occur as sulphides.
Yes. That’s the alternative to oxygen. And the major metal of the industrial revolution iron. And its modern competitor aluminium.
Yes. That’s the alternative to oxygen. And the major metal of the industrial revolution iron. And its modern competitor aluminium.
Any sulphide bearing ore goes through oxidation before reduced to the metal. Prior to flash smelting, the process involved two stages. The first was calcination or roasting to convert the metal sulphide to metal oxide. The second step involved the use of carbon to reduce the metal oxide to the metal.
Flash smelting is a single step that removes the need for carbon reducing. Silica is used to remove iron impurities as a slag that floats on the metal.
Sulhpuric acid is a common by-product of smelting operations.
Flash smelting was not common in my experience but a lot of metal producers were working on furnaces.
Not all metal production starts with sulphide ores. Bauxite is an oxide of aluminium and other element oxides like silica and iron oxide. Just getting to alumina is a very complex process before even starting the reduction process to produce aluminium.
I look at Nem Watch most days and i’ve noticed recently both Qld and NSW simultaneously generating from hydro and pumping water back up hill.
The only circumstance I can see where that makes sense would be if the Atherton Tableland dams were topping so they generated the full 118 MW on a use it or lose it basis but still used Wivenhoe pumped hydro as normal, smoothing peaks.
It has been a long dry up north so that can’t be what’s happening.
We had that when the drought ended in Victoria. Sugarloaf dam was dumping water into the Goulburn river in the middle of a raging flood. The rain was pelting down heavily when the reporter asked why the operators were opening the sluices and the answer was that the water dump was booked six months ago.
So it’s no surprise that one group are generating power and the other using the power to pump the water back up. Normal government operation really. Keeps people employed and stops the water from becoming stagnant and complacent.
Let’s not forget the hundred and twenty-five gigalitre injection from our Wonthaggi desalination plant that was ordered back in March:
We will be paying those desalination plants all our lives, at high interest. Three have not been turned on. Or if they have, did not work. What have the French ever done for us?
And Melbourne’s massive water storage is nearing 89% full, from a low 30% in 2007. Soon the mighty Thompson river valley will be full. Then we will have flooding throughout Gippsland. Climate Change of course.
The French are always there when they need you.
Did you mean Yarra River? Sugarloaf isnt near the Goulburn and the VIC Govt spent quite a lot on a non sensical one way pipeline to pump water from the Goulburn to Sugarloaf.
Look at the price at the same time. It may be a cheap way to effectively transfer perched water. If you can get paid to pump water uphill and have a lot of water in another catchment then it may make sense to pump one up using the other as the supply and take a hit with the generator in the knowledge the price will go up during the evening peak. That would more than offset the round cycle losses from the pumped hydro.
I do not know the ownership of the systems.
You need to look at perched water availability and prices to try to fathom what is going on. If you are playing around with income and loss at $20/MWh plus a small premium for the losses, it would make sense knowing that you can have both system generating when the price gets to $200/MWh.
I’m most puzzled by the comment that Hydrogen does not exist in nature. I’m sure I made some by hydrolysis at school in chemistry. I’m also pretty confident that there is an awful lot of it in the sun.
The comment means “natural hydrogen”, not combined in a molecule other than H₂
It is actually very rare on Earth.
Natural hydrogen can sometimes be found in “fairy circles”.
Nobody is going to believe that, are they!
…. but…
True Simon, there are small amounts that occur naturally and are usually lost to space. However the hydrolysis you used in school chemistry would have been about 35% efficiency at best; so take the cost of the electricity and triple it to work out what hydrogen from that method would cost.
(There are cheaper ways of making hydrogen industrially, from brown coal and steam reforming of natural gas unless you have to (somehow) store the CO2 by-product.)
Questions are good. They cause some people to pause and think. Everything I have ever read on the subject of hydrogen production indicates to split the H2O molecule requires more energy than will be produced by burning the hydrogen to recombine the atoms. Have I been misinformed? Or would this be another government subsidized project to make it financially feasible? Sorry about the questions.
You are not misinformed but it is unremarkable as this is true of every process of energy transfer. The question is whether the result is useful and worth the effort.
It depends on whether the production of Carbon Dioxide is a commercial or even ethical problem. And that rests on the story that Carbon Dioxide levels are man made and that this in turn heats the planet and this is undesirable or dangerous and so this justifies wasting energy and cash avoiding adding to CO2 levels.
The problem for me is that none of the statements except the last are true and at the base of this is the idea that CO2 is not in rapid equilibrium with the vast oceans which cover our planet and rapidly goes in and out of the water in an established equilibrium, that CO2 somehow breaks Henry’s law and that fundamentally, CO2 is evil. Which is really sad as all life on earth is made almost entirely from only two molecules, CO2 and H2O. Carbohydrates. No one is made from rocks.
And the total contribution of mankind to aerial CO2 aerial anyway is well under 4%. The contribution of Australia is 2% of that. So we will all wear hair shirts and walk to work and try not to live or exert ourselves because movement and breathing produces CO2. The good news though is that none of man made CO2 driven Global Warming is true. Not even the warming.
As a silly fact, I read once that we have a 60% genetic overlap with a carrot. Yes, we are made from the same stuff and even from carrots. And like the plants, we decay into hydrocarbons. Clearly humans are a cancer on the planet. Why people believe that is the puzzle.
Be careful TdeF, you will start the gullibles running around claiming “we are all doomed” by the rise of Giant carrots.
Gullibles rhymes with renewables.
I am pretty sure some are more closely related to the potato
The greatest advantage of hydrogen fuel is the resulting exhaust is water vapour, the main GHG. IOW, hydrogen fuel will cause more global warming by releasing into the atmosphere billions of tons of the new global existential threat: clouds.
Where is Greta?
Just a minor point of factual accuracy….
careful, fact checkers of unsupported claims are called trolls.
Troll identifies as a fact checker lol. ‘Fact checking’ in clown world seems to mean accusing people lying when you dont like what they have to say.
Technically sure, 0.00005% for hydrogen or helium in the air. Underground as in your reference is a different matter, like Helium.
It puzzled me that Helium is lighter than air and reaches escape velocity so any Helium released will leave the planet forever. So how is there Helium anywhere . Trapped underground in caves, especially in America. So it always seemed criminal to be wasting helium for decorative balloons. If there was more helium, the Hindenberg would not have exploded. For heavy lifting over land, masses of helium would revolutionize transport.
Then I realized, America has radioactive materials not far underground. Basements in Colorado have to have Radon measurements and certificates unlike other countries . As the radioactive materials decay, they release gases like Hydrogen and Helium all the time, helium being the famous heavy alpha particle.
So you are right, hydrogen and helium can be found in such areas but in most countries and in the atmosphere they do not exist. And they are in toy quantities practically, so people propose getting hydrogen from perfectly good hydrocarbon fuel, throwing away half the energy. That should be near criminal.
totally agree with this.
I can agree with this.
I hate seeing helium wasted in party balloons. It should be preserved for medical, scientific, welding and deep sea diving purposes.
I don’t see why hydrogen couldn’t be used for party balloons in outdoor settings under certain circumstances.
Helium is found naturally in certain natural gas products, especially in the US, at concentrations of up to about 4% where it arises from radioactive decay.
Helium was found on the sun before it was found on earth.
Hence its name.
I’m a big believer in selective logging and helium blimps could get the timber out of the forest while doing the minimum damage.
Agreed. People do not realise how dependent we are on ships. Only they can carry huge weights and very large things. Aircraft are good for people and electronics but the food and raw materials and heavy manufactures travel by boat, road and train. The very idea of oil tankers at 350,000 tons is mind boggling but no one notices any more.
Helium is perfect but too rare and monoatomic, so it escapes forever. Hydrogen is great but as we will find all over again, deadly. Even so, the idea of lighter than air transport is still exciting. Maybe there is another gas or gas combination which would do it? I note in the table that hydrogen has half the density of even Helium. If we could make vacuum containers light enough? That might be less challenging and less dangerous than liquid hydrogen containers at -243C.
It’s why I suggest another ‘metal’ aluminum to power engines. What is needed is non volatile, transportable, storable, safe fuel but people do not see cheap metals as fuel. It’s a shame. Aluminum is 95% electricity in cost and if alumina was recycled, perhaps 98%. But CO2 is produced, as with the manufacture of all metals, fertilizer, concrete and cheese and wine and beer. And CO2 is evil.
Forrest’s hydrogen is going to be a major problem and cost a lot more than Flannery’s Hot Rocks before it is finally dropped. And utterly dependent on carbon dioxide sequestration which would be working today if it was available. The Carbon fantasy will cost a lot more before it is utterly discredited, but a lot of people and countries will get very rich from the anti carbon craze.
You would need a helluv-an effective way to stabilise the blimp.
It wasn’t used in the Hindenburg because the USA authorities banned the export of helium as a “strategic resource”.
See also the R101 disaster with the UK program.
Or to put it another way, if all the people in Australia were atoms in the atmosphere, there would be 25 Hydrogen molecules and 25 Helium atoms. And they would never meet.
Odd ?.. i thought Forrests Hydrogen plan was from electrolysis of water ,..and his initial investment (only investment so far ?) …was to fund a Electrolyser manufacturing plant.
Still total lunacy as far as energy use and storage i concerned..
…but it makes good PR .
It was never clear from my reading. But the logic is still relevant. Where do you get the energy to do the electrolysis? He is already saying it will cost hundreds of billions. Why not just keep fracking? It’s not as if the windmills will last forever anyway. Replaceables more like it.
Just a question TdeF, ” does helium leave the planet for ever”…. or is it protected as the rest of our atmosphere is by the magnetic field and gravity…….. just a thought and just asking ?
In the spectrum of energies in every material, some atoms move faster than others. Monatomic single helium atoms and hydrogen molecules (same weight) can reach escape velocity, a speed which means they have the kinetic energy to completely escape the earth’s gravitational field. We only have an atmosphere because that is not true for any other gas or they would all boil away in time. The magnetic field does nothing to retain neutral atoms. They are not charged and therefore a current, acted upon by magnetism.
I do not recall that any radioactive material decays to produce hydrogen. Prove me wrong?
Geoff S
Other types of decay
A number of other radioactive decay modes exist but are quite rare. These include proton emission, double proton emission, cluster decay, bound state beta decay, double beta decay, double electron capture, electron capture with positron emission, double positron emission and isomeric transition.
And a proton is hydrogen.
But I was not really commenting on Hydrogen which can be produced a lot of ways. Hydrogen will react with everything and the planet is stuffed with H2O for example. Hydrogen is the most prolific element in the universe. It is the engine which powers everything, including us. Rather I was musing on the fact that Helium as a noble gas is monatomic and reacts with nothing and will escape the atmosphere and vanish forever, so it is a mystery how there is helium on the planet at all. My idea, something I have never read, is that the source of helium underground is radioactive decay. Any other ideas are welcome.
There was a doco on the Hindenberg a couple of weeks back.
They said there was helium available in America but they wouldn’t sell it to Germany.
Now Sth Australia is investigating a doctor.
EXCLUSIVE: Former Senior Australian Military Doctor was Visited and Threatened by Police After Contacting MP About COVID Management Policies (VIDEO)
The Gateway Pundit previously reported on Dr. Mark Hobart being raided in Melbourne, Australia.
Seven authorized officials from Australia’s Department of Health raided Dr. Hobart’s surgery clinic in Sunshine North on Wednesday afternoon and seized confidential patient files, an appointment book, and other documents after he refused to hand them over to the government.
Dr. Bruce Paix, a doctor of 32 years in South Australia is now unemployed due to “vaccine hesitancy.” Like Dr. Hobart, he too has been issuing exemptions for mask/vaccines and is a staunch critic against the COVID vaccine and lockdowns. He was recently visited by the police and threatened that he should stop contacting the MP to voice concerns about the COVID management policies. The police claimed at first that he was there for a random firearms check but it turns out he was there for another reason.
The backstory is: I am a senior Dr in the South Australian Government system, having some 32 years in service as both a Rescue Dr and Anaesthesiologist. I also have experience in managing health threats (as a senior military Dr. – indeed I was the Senior Australian Military Dr in the Middle East when MERS was an issue) and hold a first-class honors degree in a public health field, as well as specialist training in Anaesthesia.
In consequence of the above, I have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours educating myself about COVID over the last nearly 2 years. I have concluded that NOTHING about the world’s COVID response template makes sense (including in my own state of South Australia) and indeed is likely harmful. The vaccines in particular have numerous valid safety risks, and knowledge of these is being systematically suppressed by governments, professional bodies, and media. In addition, valuable therapeutic options (Vit D, Ivermectin) are being outlawed in favor of a ‘jab or nothing’ strategy.
Ireland: Covid-19 booster programme ‘unlikely’ to curb the virus – Professor Sam McConkey
Of course they found some other doctors still calling for booster shots to dilute the statement.
“CDC Ruins The Mandate Push”
If that, then
“Who Will Answer?”****-nation/who-will-answer/
Maybe-ent then
Dr. Fleming On Vaccine Chasing
Lots of charts clealy showing the selection pressure from CoViD vaccines changing the variants but not altering the spread of the disease.
Australia is now close to 80% of the population fully vaccinated. Mobility is now back to pre-Covid level and case numbers are declining. Australia’s level of vaccination passed the USA on October 1st:
The 80% level is critical to achieving an infection rate under 1 with the delta variant. USA has done OK in places with high levels of vaccination or reduced mobility but other locations are slowly achieving natural immunity. The result is the death toll is still high in the USA. Daily death rate on a population basis right now is 10-fold that of Australia’s and Australia is coming down while USA seems stuck:
Globally, Russia is now the basket case with death rate more than twice the USA:
The situation in Russia is prompting a few more people to get the jab:
UAE is the most vaccinated country at 98.8% fully vaccinated – using Sinopharm vaccine down to 3yo. They are one of the few countries currently outperforming Australia in terms of Covid related deaths:
O/T this caught my eye, Willoughby understands the water cycle.
No climate model has predicted the observed slowing down of the water cycle.
The concept of a “greenhouse effect” has muddled people to think that the oceans can absorb energy at the surface and for that energy to warm the deep oceans. That is physically impossible with the current climate system. Ocean energy simply increases the water cycle and that results in ocean surface cooling as the cold water entering at the high latitudes gets drawn to low latitudes to feed the rising water column.
The chart at the top is inconvenient for climate models. No modeller expects to see ocean surface at its lowest when the energy uptake is at its highest – who would have thought the “greenhouse effect” is trivial nonsense.
North Atlantic Oscillation becoming extremely negative, resulting in severe high pressure blocking.
White House Now Blaming Unvaccinated Children for High Inflation
November 15, 2021 – Sundance
Somewhere in the upper northeast there must be an economic school or think-tank where leftist graduate students are taught how to verbalize cognitive dissonance using the same 300 words and emojis in a sequential pattern. Two of the most visible alma maters’ of this school are Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and a fellow named Brian Deese, who is now the White House National Economic Council director.
In his latest exhibition of post-graduate cognitive dissonance, Deese nuts, the primary architect of the JoeBama economic program, appears on NBC to proclaim that massive U.S. inflation is somehow connected to the fact that 5 to 11-year-old children are not yet vaccinated. [Video at 01:30] Once the children are vaccinated, some unknown and difficult to explain metamorphosis will take place amid the American workforce allowing the U.S. economy to stop inflation.
Sounds like another case of ‘The Science’ to me.
Is Greta one of them ?
That statement is just plain ridiculous. Fruit loop Economics…………………
If you have a hiccup on posting a reply – like not adding the name and email
Seems if you just use the “Back” your reply gets disconnected from nesting.
Also seems if you go back to where you were replying and “Reply” again it keeps your text and restores the nesting.
Well – it did that time
Similarly, if you type something in the bottom reply box (the one that adds a new post not in reply to anyone) and don’t press “post comment”, you can click on any reply button above and the thing you typed will be in the text box.
global health mafia
And now for some Aussie humour –
Pauline’s Hanson’s “Please explain”, episode 2 …
Big floods in the Forbes region of central west NSW
Easy to forget that the bushfires of 2019/20 were followed by floods in NSW and elsewhere.
Generally the way , was the same in VIC after 2009 fires. Droughts and flooding rains and all that.
Looks like Biden’s not the only one who’s a few fries short of a happy meal.
Stop inflation by vaxxing 5 yo’s…
When will the lies and nonsense stop?
A. When WE say “no more, it’s over” that’s when.
Today in Vicdanistan I heard the leader of the Animal Justice Party complain that protestors had carried a gallows complete with a an effigy of Dictator Dan who had been “hung” (sic). It is hanged not hung.
As in “One should forgive one’s enemies, but not before they are hanged.” (Heinrich Heine, 1797-1856)
I guess that indicates where they thought he’d be swinging from
That’s interesting ? I watched Rebel news with Avi, who interviewed Craig Kelly and Peta Credlin who was in the crowd talking to people and one of the TV channels and each provided footage of the gallows being carried around. It was a very light weight structure with 4 empty nooses, nothing and no one was hanging.
This is a bit of a worry as China extends its influence in the Pacific. But what do China care about coral reefs? Link: Kiribati Terminates Giant Marine Protected Area to Boost Tuna Fishing
And, where are the Greens on this?
The Australia we grew up in and love is almost gone. The best damn country on Earth and the best people too.
Remember the song “Sounds of then” by Ganggajang?
“…this is Australia.. ”
I feel for the future generations (if any) that will bear the brunt of this communist totalitarian repeat of history.
They targetted us first as we’re the strongest most alpha-male country so take out the leader first as is basic military strategy.
The kickback is sizable but not enough.
We all know what has to happen but 18C prevents me from stating it.
How long before people “lose it”? Months?
I will live standing and not on my knees, thanks all the same NWO puppet politicians and I’ll fight all the way. We old codgers are the worst enemies.
Always enjoy that one when it comes around on my massive mix USB stick
president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division tells some secrets
Stefan Oelrich, president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, made these comments at this year’s World Health Summit, which took place in Berlin from October 24-26 and hosted 6,000 people from 120 countries. Oelrich told his fellow international “experts” from academia, politics and the private sector that the novel mRNA COVID “vaccines” are actually “cell and gene therapy” that would have otherwise been rejected by the public if not for a “pandemic” and favorable marketing.
“We are really taking that leap [to drive innovation]–us as a company, Bayer–in cell and gene therapies…ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public–‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,” stated Oelrich.
“Our successes over these 18 months should embolden us to fully focus much more closely on access, innovation and collaboration to unleash health for all, especially as we enter, on top of everything else that is happening, a new era of science–a lot of people talk about the Bio Revolution in this context,” continued the businessman.
According to the McKinsey Global Institute, the “Bio Revolution” is “a confluence of advances in biological science and accelerating development of computing, automation and artificial intelligence [that] is fueling a new wave of innovation. This Bio Revolution could have significant impact on economies and our lives, from health and agriculture to consumer goods, and energy and materials.”
“We also need to focus on what is socially responsible outside of Europe and ensure sustainable action there. We pledged this past year to give an additional hundred million women access to contraception in the world. We’ve invested 400 million this year into new plants that are dedicated to produce long-acting contraceptives for women in low-and-middle income countries.”…
“Together with Bill and Melinda Gates we’re working very closely on family planning initiatives,” said Oelrich, implying one of the methods of attaining a “sustainable” world is by reducing births and subsequently reducing the planet’s population.
Oelrich’s words echo a similar agenda as the infamous “Great Reset,” a radical socialist plan designed by globalist elites gathering at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland once a year, which “seeks to ‘push the reset button’ on the global economy.”
Montesquieu 1748…
‘Constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go….To prevent this abuse, it is necessary from the very nature of things that power should be a check to power….When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner.’
Like this
“Oath of allegience to kings of Castille (Spain)
We who are as good as you, swear to you, who are no better than we, to accept you as our king and sovereign lord, provided you observe all our liberties and laws, but if not, not.”
J.H Elliot, “Imperial Spain”
Yes Ian, provisional acceptance.
That price of gold thingy suggests that perhaps printing money does cause inflation.
Not quite back to where it was a year ago in the middle of the 2020 panic, but it’s headed in that general direction.
Aussies have their own sense of humour on a national scale. Ever tried to tell a hairy dog joke to a Yank?
This business of conflict between alarmists and sceptics is so dogged that there ought be a cartoon about it.
Each one has the other’s ball between the teeth and is determined to hang on.
The problem is, they are so busy hanging on that they have forgotten the simple pleasures of life.
Enjoy! Geoff S
Aahh that’s wicked
Brad Hazzard pushes to extend emergency Covid powers until 2023
Health Minister Brad Hazzard wants to extend emergency Covid-19 powers until as late as October 31, 2023.
Health Minister Brad Hazzard wants to extend emergency Covid-19 powers — like the ability for police officers to fine people for breaching public health orders — until as late as October 31 2023, under legislation which has angered some Coalition backbenchers.
The Daily Telegraph can reveal that multiple MPs spoke out against a bill to delay the repeal of temporary Covid provisions in a Coalition party room meeting on Tuesday.
During the meeting, the government’s leadership team pledged to “take another look” at the bill.
But Mr Hazzard is still committed to extending the Covid-19 powers for an extra year.
Cabinet agreed to Mr Hazzard’s proposal last week before it was again raised in Coalition party room on Tuesday.
Public Health Act provisions that provide a framework for enforcing sweeping Covid restrictions are currently set to expire in March next year.
These include powers authorising police officers to issue on-the-spot fines to people breaching public health orders, and authorising police to require someone provide their name and address.
The temporary provisions also allow health officials to impose a Covid-19 health order on specific individuals without first going to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
These “Section 62” orders have been used during the pandemic to force Covid cases into hotel quarantine if they were ignoring isolation requirements.
It’s understood Health authorities want their powers extended to allow for restrictions to be reimposed if NSW faces a third wave of Covid infections.
Extending the powers would allow officials to impose sweeping new restrictions without recalling parliament.
The bill sparked anger among some government backbenchers, with multiple MPs declaring it sends the “wrong message”.
Sources said up to six MPs raised concerns with the bill during the Tuesday party room meeting.
One MP told The Daily Telegraph that it would be “quite alarming” for the community if emergency powers were extended as far as October 2023.
Update – Coronavirus Australia: Dominic Perrottet dumps NSW emergency power bill
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has spectacularly dumped Health Minister Brad Hazzard’s bill seeking to expand the state’s Covid-19 emergency powers until 2023 following a bitter partyroom backlash.
Mr Hazzard had been seeking to extend the state’s emergency powers until March 2023 as part of a proposal approved by Cabinet. It was approved by cabinet but faced opposition during a meeting of the Coalition partyroom on Tuesday.
Mr Perrottet says he will rework the proposed legislation over summer. A senior minister told The Australian that many of the extraordinary powers being sought by Mr Hazzard would be removed from the bill, but sensible measures would be preserved.
“Only the health provisions that need to be extended will be extended. I will be carefully considering this matter over the summer break,” Mr Perrottet said.
Earlier, the Perrottet government has approved plans to extend the state’s extraordinary Covid-19 emergency powers until March 2023, prompting a heated backlash from the Coalition party room where MPs branded the decision an unacceptable overreach likely to be rejected by their communities.
The Australian can reveal that Health Minister Brad Hazzard took the proposal to cabinet on Monday where it was approved ahead of Tuesday’s party room meeting. It is understood the proposal was based on a recommendation from NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant.
According to an account provided to The Australian, Mr Hazzard told the party room that keeping the emergency powers in place would eliminate the need to pass legislation in parliament in the event that NSW experienced another significant outbreak of Covid-19.
he official who spoke to The Australian said keeping the powers in place until March 2023 would also prevent the need to legislate for them ahead of the 2023 election; doing so may be perceived as unpopular with the community, they said.
East Hills MP Wendy Lindsay and Riverstone MP Kevin Connolly both spoke against the proposal, as did Wollondilly MP Nat Smith and Vaucluse MP Gabrielle Upton, among others.
Deputy NSW Liberal leader Stuart Ayres at one point interrupted Mr Hazzard and asked him to reframe his argument due to the discomfort apparent in the room. The official said Premier Dominic Perrottet was visibly uncomfortable with the progress of the discussion.
Mr Hazzard has since called an emergency meeting for Tuesday afternoon with the MPs who raised the concerns. A spokeswoman declined to comment on the matter.
Mr Perrottet declined to comment. Dr Chant was approached for a response.
NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham said he would not be supporting any extension of Covid-19 legislation.
“The new premier promised a restoration of freedom and we will hold him to that promise,” Mr Latham tweeted.
OO Hazzard and Elliot are both very dangerous IMHO. They should have no place in the LNP as both would suit the ALP/Green mindset. Coupled with Comrade Keen who thinks solar and wind are the answer NSW is in a bad way.
Agreed Ian, these people are not conservatives and should not be in (what was) the LNP.
Too many LNP MP’s have lost the traditional values of the party.
Goodbye to the LNP from me.
Part of the remaining LINO left Liberals and supporters of the Turnbull Party so called when their leader was PM in Canberra.
I heard on Sky tonight that MLAs outside NSW Cabinet protested loudly against the proposed legislation and the Premier who is one of them agreed and stopped it.
Matt Green is the LINO faction leader in Parliament I have read.
Australian politics has changed a lot since the 1990s and it is all about a push for power from then globalist left on both sides of the unofficial two party preferred selection.
The centre, centre-left and centre-right on the political spectrum from both sides are recovering their position of strength and influence.
The problem for Perrottet is that he is Premier because of a narrow victory re numbers. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the Cabinet. In the broader Party he has wider support & MPs who understand that NSW is not Victoria. Not yet, anyway.
For when the Agnew gold operation is mentioned in another dose of ABC “truth serum”
“Rud Istvan
November 15, 2021 3:35 pm
I researched this before commenting. The Agnew mine is fairly ‘small’, producing about 195,000 oz of gold/year with 140 employees. It is both a newer open pit and older underground workings, and from recent images ALL that mining machinery is diesel powered. Classic big open pit mine trucks.
The gold is recovered from crushed ore using a CIP process cyanide leaching plant. This is where the ‘renewable’ electricity is consumed. The EDL owned ‘hybrid Agnew microgrid’ comprises 4 MW solar (good for a CF of maybe 25% or 1MW per day), 17MW of wind (at a CF of maybe 30% so about 5MW), plus a 4MWh battery farm.
Why the battery farm? Needed to bridge to night/no wind backup using 21MW of Agnew diesel generation, which is what Agnew used before the new renewable boondoggle was completed in 2020. The CIP plant cannot go down; bad for gold.
Why this EDL renewable boondoggle? Because EDL got $13.5 million cash up front from Aus ARENA to fund it. Use other people’s money (Aus taxpayers) whenever possible for boondoggles. Remember Solyndra and Ivanpah.”
November 15, 2021 3:35 pm
A week or so ago there was an article in the Aus about a Mr Schwartz, who was bankrolling climate court cases. In Victoria? He’s worried about a “heavy global death toll, the permanent loss of the GBR, and certain parts of the world becoming uninhabitable.” “The extent of the damage is the unknowable thing.”
A lawyer says “the latest case (the Torres Strait islands) takes Australian law into uncharted territory because it involves a much wider remit of powers. “It raises issues around the duty of care, the content of the duty, and the issue of causation””
An islander says his ancestors have lived for more than 65 000 years on the islands, but because of the government’s failure to prevent the climate crisis, the communities could become climate refugees. !!
Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think the Torres Strait existed during the last ice age. Australia was joined to New Guinea. So no islands then, for at least 10 -15 000 yrs. And I’m sure I’ve seen mention somewhere, that at some time during the Holocene, sea levels were a couple of meters higher? Maybe it was pre ice age? So there may not have been much in the way of atolly islands around then. And many of the Torres Strait islands are rather hilly, and under no threat from any foreseeable sea level rise.
You are right, Australia was joined to PNG and what is now the Gulf of Carpentaria was a lake.
During the last Ice Age people survived by camping around that Northern Australia-PNG lake where it was a bit warmer than further south.
Seven thousand years ago the oceans peaked.
In that area they were 4 metres higher than present and since then have oscillated down with two or three intermediate peaks.
The last major drop was roughly over the last 2,000 years when sea levels fell 1.2 metres to give our present levels.
Minor fluctuations since then have been nothing more than a few millimeters; and in a big system like the earth, that’s just noise.
There’s a graph linked here that shows the oscillations.
The full drop is 7 metres in this location.
Oceans only fall when ice piles up on poles, to start with.
The locals survived the LGM in pockets.
“Psaki on Inflation Concerns with Spending Bill: It Cuts Child Care, Health, and Housing Costs, Will Help Inflation in the Long Term”
Basic Mad Magazine “Complete the ad”
“Will Help Inflation in the Long Term – UP”
Video about how the Chicomms are illegally trashing the world’s oceans through illegal fishing.
Another thing ignored by the Left.
just by the left you think? I havent seen a great deal of conservative concern
Lots of interesting info on this channel. So far the author seems to do a lot of research for his video’s.
What is your impression?…thanks
“China’s Coming EV Battery Waste Problem
Nov 12, 2021″
Thanks for the link to that video eS. Very interesting and informative. I am constantly challenging folks who tell me that companies in Australia are already successfully recycling lithium batteries, when it’s obvious from their websites that it’s all future promises, no doubt requiring many more subsidies. I didn’t know that China only recycles 30% of their lead acid batteries, when it is possible to run a commercial lead acid battery recycling company. Clearly they have many pollution issues to overcome.
“Doing the rounds:
“Fencing is the ideal COVID !9 sport:
Stab anyone who gets too close.” ”
More George Catlin wisdom
Finally a parliamentary debate is underway about solar panels imported from China being produced by slave labour.
How will that news impact the virtue signallers including the Green far left?
Won’t get anywhere Dennis , if it gets through there are ramifications for EV’s and wind turbines with forced child labour being used to mine cobalt .
Two young, fit Australians mysteriously develop severe cardiovascular issues immediately after being vaccinated with the Pfizer shots (the “safe” one they want to give to little kids) and the TGA immediately denies any link with the vaccines
19 year old Cienna Knowles developed debilitating clots
36 year old mechanic Peter Lee suffered a stroke
How many other injuries have the TGA simply ignored?
It’s a very consistent pattern now of doctors stubbornly refusing to acknowledge any connection between the shots people are taking and the problems they are seeing. This is happening in the UK, the USA and Australia.
Indigenous vaccination poster boy
Worth reading and following the long interview in video
France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: Covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”
Add this to the list in reply to comment that
it seems to be just one and no doctors.
42 year old marketing exec suffers myocarditis after being vaccinated (Pfizer again) and his cardiologist and doctor are both “too busy” to lodge an adverse reaction incident with the TGA. He was forced to make his own submission.
Apparently, this qualifies as a “mild” case of myocarditis
Channel 10, insights manager (WTF is that?) Hannah Scott developed pericarditis after Pfizer vaccination – she entered university in 2009 so she can’t be more than 30.
So did 45 year old Channel 7 reporter, Denham Hitchcock and 27 year old Georgia Clark.
Remember folks, Pfizer is the “safe” vaccine and the only one authorised for booster shots by the TGA. “Extremely rare” is on somewhere on the way to well done at this rate.
I run this one past you Analitik as you are less likely to throw a bucket of sand over it than would your horsey friend.
From a presented paper
There appears to be quite specific knowledge of what we are dealing with and its limitations. You can even buy the parts to make your own virus online.
So I was thinking of getting the kids Lego for Christmas, though after reading what I can now buy I was wondering if one of these virus kits is the way to go?
I am particularly interested in the magnetic seperation feature. Should make picking up the pieces easier after playtime.
The paper seems pretty consistent with others on the subject. I
I’m surprised that there wasn’t more information about the Delta variant given its prevalence in so many regions.
The ACROBiosystems site is amazing. That’s quite an industry that I was totally unaware of. The shipping requirements would be interesting. They have local distributors so they would be best to contact about the most suitable kits for your kids and the level of bio-security that you have for their playroom. Magnetic beads would be a must have while they figure the insert sequences for a fully stable virion. From there they may be able to get by without the beads as they work on replication.
Thanks Analitik,
The big closer for me was the next day delivery in China and the USA.
I just love the concept of grabbing your target molecule with a magnetic bead attached. I worked in the time of wet chemistry and assays. This is an amazing array of technology.
Jo’s readers are intelligent and well read so I do not normally post a long “must read” link but this interview is different. The interviewer is both cute and intelligent.
Among other things Prof Tim Noakes says, and I paraphrase, “Moderation* is an excuse for changing nothing”. He almost supports the carnivore diet.
* Add to that those who say “My diet is OK, I don’t need no stinkin’ supplements”.
Oh dear. Let’s play “Spot the naughty word”.
“Did you think unvaccinated meant they hadn’t had a vaccine? Think again.”
Via “Safe And Effective ®: Blurring The Lines”
The “Never Never” of vaccination!
“UK Prime Minister Announces New Definition for Vaccinated Will Require Triple Jabs and Boosters
November 16, 2021 | Sundance | 78 Comments”
Searching for the CO2 fingerprint, ice cores compared to plant stomata.
Did you know that Facebook lists you as promoting climate change denialism?
Thanks, here is a little more.