A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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There is now ample data on Covid vaccines to assess the efficacy across a range of countries on a comparative basis.
This link gives the performance of 10 countries over the last 4 weeks:
This link gives the same ten countries by vaccination status:
Three of the countries, Russia, Bulgaria and Romania have reinstituted lockdowns in the past two months. The other 7 countries now have vaccine booster programs in progress.
Pity we dont have ample data on long term safety either invidually or in the perfectly safe cocktails proposed by governments.
Meanwhile John Hopkins puts out data showing more people have died of covid this year than in 2020, even with the highly effective vaccines.
All the data was “normalised” . Red flag.
magnetofection used by Pfizer, Moderna!
and then Dr. Ruby on 2 German doctors’, a French doctor’s, photos of blood of vaxxed patients;_ylt=AwrVA1fvKJxhK.YAa2z7w8QF;_ylu=c2VjA3NlYXJjaAR2dGlkAw–;_ylc=X1MDOTY3ODEzMDcEX3IDMgRhY3RuA2NsawRjc3JjcHZpZANSVzhnM0RFd0xqSjlMTGJ1WVpzZlZBSVhNakExTGdBQUFBQVBtdmRjBGZyA3lmcC10BGZyMgNzYS1ncARncHJpZANxRWdCSUZIRFJLbU9OY19Nd3FtbXhBBG5fcnNsdAM1MARuX3N1Z2cDMARvcmlnaW4DdmlkZW8uc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARwcXN0cgMEcHFzdHJsAwRxc3RybAMzNwRxdWVyeQNkci4lMjBqYW5lJTIwcnVieSUyMG1hZ25ldG8lMjBmZWN0aW9uBHRfc3RtcAMxNjM3NjI0MTE2?p=dr.+jane+ruby+magneto+fection&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asa&fr=yfp-t#id=30&vid=d08a6913d6afa6962dceb82b55d9c5e2&action=view
Did anyone notice the SA grid performance over the weekend ?
Maybe someone can access more accurate data, but my estimates from the Nemlog graphs are…
At one point , 1:0 pm Sunday lunchtime , the grid demand dropped below 100MWh (from a capacity of 3.0+ GWh. or 3% !)…
Primarily that was due to a midday peak of 1.4GW from Roof top Solar, and a low overall demand of only 19 GWh total for the day.
Overall RE sources provided approx 85-90% of the power for the day with the remaining being supplied by Gas and Imported power from Vic
At the same period ( midnight Sat to midnight Sun ) SA Exported 6+ GWh of surplus power and also CURTAILED 3+ GWh of surplus wind and solar.
The following 24 hr period was very different with a higher 25GWh total demand and much less Wind available,..
So SA needed to IMPORT 6.5GWh from Vic, supply 4+ GWh of Gas power such that the RE contribution was less than 60% of grid demand. ,
Needless to say,..the Big Battery made an imperceptable contribution (0.1GWh !)
Their grid supply system is wildly unpredictable and near to being uncontrollable.
SA today at 8:55am are importing 600mw from Victoria. The interconnect or is flat out.
Again, in Qld they are pumping water up hill [237 MW] while generating from hydro [242 MW]. Allowing for losses this is a zero sum game.
Assuming that this is not a perpetual motion machine, wouldn’t it be a negative sum game?
Wivenhoes efficiency in high load is roughly 65%, so put another way they are pumping about 65% of the water ‘up hill’ that they are releasing to generate at 242MW.
The big battery is really only there to make profits for its owners. Buy low. Sell high. That’s arbitrage!
No, it’s too small for that.
It makes money through frequency support – support which is badly needed due to the minute by minute fluctuations of renewable generators. Prior to the massive deployment of wind and solar the Hornsdale battery would not have generated much income as the need for frequency support was quite small. Now, there is a continual need for frequency support to prevent the grid segmenting with the mismatch between generation and demand.
Yes, it is certainly too small for any significant power buffering…..
……however , it was proposed for that function primarily together with FCAS support.
And.. it is being used to harvest the cost margin whenever possible.
Does both actually.
If like where I come from, it probably also contributes to the tax and bureaucratic bottom line. They likely can claim green stamps both uphill and then double ink green credits on the downhill.
In Minnesota (USA) the regional power provider shifted electrical sources to Canadian hydro which was economic enough but even more so because they were able to shift to “renewable” on their balance sheet and thereby avoid millions in US federal penalties.
Magical math there.
Would be interesting to know the economics of the various generators. We know that wind and solar rely on “clean energy certificates” to boost their cash flow, but what about the SA gas generators? Seems with warmer weather prices are on the increase.
What is going on in the LNP. Mat Canavan gives a speech in the Senate slamming the State and their States of emergency. They then vote with the Marxists to vote down Pauline Hanson’s bill which as I understand it was to stop the States endlessly extending states of emergency. I suspect it is pure politics. Can’t let Pauline have a win.
I think 5 LNP’s voted with Pauline.
The rest of the LNP needs a boot up the arse.
“The rest of the LNP needs a boot up the arse.”
You may well find they and their 5 colleagues, get a “boot up the arse ” at the next election.
Why is it that the right wing is so incensed about Covid vaccination?? Not just the mandatory aspect, with which I don’t agree but why Covid-19? No-one gets inflamed about yearly vaccinations for influenza which is also caused by a respiratory virus? Why does the Right have no objections to vaccination against polio or small pox or Hepatitis B or mumps or measles or whooping cough or diphtheria or scarlet fever? Why does the right not understand that the vaccination of children from birth to adulthood has massively reduced the occurrence of these diseases? Why is the Right so firmly stuck in the past?
Can you advise why my comments is being moderated? I can’t see any obvious reasons. Maybe the last sentence? I’ll delete it and see if that is the cause
Ian, in the past, if a vaccine cause something on the order of 50 deaths and a 1000 severe adverse reactions, it would have been pulled off the market. Covid vaccines at roughly three orders of magnitude higher, crickets from health authorities.
And who in their right mind would take ‘medicine’ from a convicted fraudster drug dealer [pharmaceutical company] which, in 2009, was slammed with a $2.3 billion fine c/- the US Dept of Justice.
‘Safe and effective’? Yeah nah thanks.
The other vaccines you mention seem to be well tested and tried.
Everyone understands that. That’s why these are not objected to but most left or right. Apart from the less than 1% of the population who are truly anti-vax and not just concerned about covid vax.
Also, those other diseases have a big effect on children. Covid mostly affects the elderly, just like the flu. Except the flu can affect kids but covid not so much. But kids are rarely vaccinated for flu.
Not many young folk get the flu vacs.
You’re basically answering your own questions if you’d actually think about the question you’re asking and not just be trying to make a left/right out of it.
Plus, the effectiveness of the covid vacs is and can be questioned. There are known side effects. I got the covid vacs and 3 days later the govt says anyone my age shouldnt get it. WTF!
The advice around various covid vaccines changes after roll out and you wonder why people have a concern with it?
People have been coerced into getting the covid vacs and have gotten it reluctantly. Probably while knowing they’re in a low risk covid group and that they have an almost equal risk from an adverse reaction to the vaccine.
So forgive people who then object to the vaccine being mandatory. Including people like me who voluntarily got the vaccine.
If it is a right/left issue then why isn’t left concerned?
Is it because the left doesn’t give a rats about individual freedoms and only the right do? That would seem the most logical explanation if it is a left right issue. More government control has always been the love of the left. (as a generalisation)
The lefties like Jane Fonda think covid was sent by God for the left.
You should maybe try distancing yourself from that rather than trying to question why “the right” have a concern.
Just wondering: If the “normal” Flu vaccines are so good, why do they “need” to be administered” “annually”?
If it is about “mutations”, are the stocks of vaccines rolled out BEFORE each Flu season “predictive” or something else?
“Ka-Ching” factor?
yes… they are predicting. And they have got it wrong in the past.
Is this some kind of faux naivity? You seriously cant tell the difference (and why some people might react) between these injection and traditional tested vaccines? spare me.
“Is this some kind of faux naivity? You seriously cant tell the difference (and why some people might react) between these injection and traditional tested vaccines? spare me.”
You seem not to be aware of the reality in the development of vaccines for SARS-Cov-2. Times have changed since the early days of vaccine development and testing].
The link below explains the reasons for the rapid development not least of which is the advances in genomic sequencing
I like the second one and the first one is definitely true – FDA won’t release their rationale for Pfzier approval for 55 Years
“Why is the Right so firmly stuck in the past?”
Why is the left so firmly stuck in imaginary, fake fairy land!
“Why is it that the right wing is so incensed about Covid vaccination?”
Not so, You are welcome to take as many as you like.
And we should be allowed to take a few as we like.
Don’t you agree that is fair play. ?
Its the leftist totalitarianism trying to force people to take it that is so , so wrong !!
And yes, the NSW “Liberal” government is very leftist, taking on every leftist , woke meme that is out there.
Not a solid Conservative bone in any of their bodies.
Right Vs Left ‘comments’ are rhetoric. Rhetoric is fake ‘discussion’. Rhetoric stays the same regardless of the facts. Rhetoric is designed to hide the truth and to divide people. Rhetoric is a propaganda tool. Something evil is going on in the world.
The covid vaccines are dangerous because covid is dangerous. (See attacked link that summarizes the EU covid vaccination adverse/side effects.) Covid has designed to make vaccination dangerous. Covid is not the flu. Covid is not a natural virus. (The covid spike has multiple ‘novel’ features that which have never been seen in any circulating virus.) If this statement is factually correct, then forced vaccination over and over again will cause more and more ‘side’ effects, like permanent disability or death. Scientifically is there a safer option?
Based on the evidence (the fact that Wuhan Military Games was forced to happen by the Chinese against strong objectives of all of the Military of all of Western countries and that there was a detailed fake Wuhan lab leak story created just before the Wuhan Military games. The participants of the Wuhan games officially complained that the Wuhan military ‘games’ events were purposely held in rooms that were ridiculously too small for the events and the ventilation had been turned off. This was done to provide a cover story for the official CCP story (which is pushed on Chinese internet sites by CCP operatives) for the release of covid which is a US military person got covid from a US lab leak and then brought it to the Wuhan military games.), covid has designed and released as a tactical weapon.
How did China stop covid? It was not masks (the masks do not stop the Delta covid variation). It was not the Chinese vaccine, as the Chinese vaccine is not effective. China ‘defeated’ covid. Using what?
Indonesia defeat covid using Ivermectin, starting in late July, 2021. Ivermectin binds to covid stopping it from replicating.
Adverse Drug Reactions, The official European Union database of suspected drug reaction website is now reporting 30,551 fatalities and 1,163,356 adverse drug reactions from COVID vaccines Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AztraZeneca through November 13, 2021 based on the data submitted to its system.
• Blood and lymphatic system disorders include 200 fatalities and 12,412 not recovered
• Cardiac disorders include 2,095 fatalities and 10,336 not recovered
• Congenital, familial and genetic disorders include 32 fatalities and 125 not recovered
• Ear and labyrinth disorders include 10 fatalities and 7,561 not recovered
• Endocrine disorders include 5 fatalities and 512 not recovered
• Eye disorders include 31 fatalities and 6,636 not recovered
• Gastrointestinal disorders include 573 fatalities and 25,520 not recovered
• General disorders and administration site conditions include 4,057 fatalities and 82,029 not recovered
• Hepatobiliary disorders include 73 fatalities and 334 not recovered
• Immune system disorders include 74 fatalities and 1,911 not recovered
• Infections and infestations include 1,545 fatalities and 11,502 not recovered
• Injury, poisoning and procedural complications include 235 fatalities and 1,915 not recovered
• Investigations include 440 fatalities and 7,080 not recovered
• Metabolism and nutrition disorders include 247 fatalities and 2,249 not recovered
• Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders include 177 fatalities and 45,626 not recovered
• Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) include 111 fatalities and 369 not recovered
• Nervous system disorders include 1,532 fatalities and 60,907 not recovered
“The rest of the LNP needs a boot up the arse.”
You may well find they and their 5 colleagues, get a “boot up the arse ” at the next election.
Why is it that the right wing is so incensed about Covid vaccination?? Not just the mandatory aspect, with which I don’t agree but why Covid-19? No-one gets inflamed about yearly vaccinations for influenza which is also caused by a respiratory virus? Why does the Right have no objections to vaccination against polio or small pox or Hepatitis B or mumps or measles or whooping cough or diphtheria or scarlet fever? Why does the right not understand that the vaccination of children from birth to adulthood has massively reduced the occurrence of these diseases?
[Well what I read is that the word “Vaccine” isn’t what it used to be. It also isn’t a left -right issue that is your own assessment. I think it is lack of transparency with regard to over all safety.]ED
“No-one gets inflamed about yearly vaccinations for influenza”
Nobody has ever tried to force people to take it.
You do know with the mRNA vaccines no-one has any knowledge of long term effects, don’t you.
Trying to liken the two types, is really not very intelligent.
Shows a distinct lack of understanding of the whole issue.
My wife and I are now in our 70s
We’ve never had a flu shot. She was a school teacher with primary school kids
I worked 50 % of my time in an office, the rest on the road
We’ve never got the flu in our lives
Ian He crossed the floor. The vote here
I had the impression the bill was about stopping the states mandating vaccination and their excluding unvaccinated from participating fully in society.
Matt Canavan seconded the bill. Reports were that he and a couple of other LNP’s voted in favour of it. Pauline and Matt were on Sky last night and Pauline thanked him for supporting it.
There are a lot of legal issues with the bill for a start. It also brings into being constitutional issues of federal government mandating over state issues.
May I direct your attention to the Australian Constitution …
[1] SECT 109 … Inconsistency of laws … When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.
[2] SECT 51 23A. The Government is prevented from forcing people to receive medical procedures.
This section was included to align with the Nuremberg Treaty. The Australian High Court has already ruled that under Constitutional law 51 23A, people can refuse ALL government ‘mandatory’ vaccinations.
Therefore, any state or territory of Australia that mandates Vaccinations stand in direct opposition to SECT 51 23A of the constitution, which in relation to SECT 109, makes the state mandate INVALID.
Scott Morrison and the federal Liberals, and the federal Labor Leader and the federal Labor party, along with the state and territory leaders and opposition, are ALL well aware of these laws. In fact, when Scomo said vaccines wont be mandatory, it was because of this constitutional law!
However, the federal politicians are looking away in order to allow the states and territories to get away with these illegal mandates, BECAUSE of the contract the Federal Government has signed with PFIZER. In other words, PFIZER is more important than PEOPLE.
Pauline and the other politicians who joined her, were just saying that the CONSTITUTIONAL LAW SHOULD BE APPLIED, and well it should be, but the Federal politicians don’t give a #### about us.
The same constitutional law should require the Commonwealth to destroy their Australian Immunisation Register. It is way beyond their allocated powers to be keeping such a database and given that this is the source of vaccine passports and other coercive devices, in effect this is being used as a workaround against the Nuremberg Treaty.
I’m surprised that Pauline Hanson isn’t pushing to get rid of this register, given as they could achieve that without any argument over state’s rights. For that matter the Lib Dems should also be trying to do the same thing.
Personally I see PHON as a party of people who mean well, but aren’t all that effective because they invariably choose bad strategy. Oh well, perhaps this time they might listen to my suggestions.
Anyone who is a truly against the CAGW scam and still votes for the LNP is just as much a fool as one who votes for the Greens.
So you wave the white flag. That’ll fix it.
Have you EVER heard of a lefty voting liberal “To teach labor a lesson!” I haven’t either. Put a peg on your nose if you must but NEVER vote left. Didn’t Rudd & Gillard teach you anything?
Better option; Vote UAP, PHON, Australia 1.
Greens last.
Preceded by L and L.
Preceded by Nats, and
Don’t forget you’ve got to number every square in the Repd for a formal vote.
Yes, more people need to do that. I certainly will. Those who don’t are fools and perhaps even supporters of the CAGW scam.
If no one bothers to make a protest vote by supporting say UAP then we all might as well wave the white flag, stop whining and put up with the lies from the two major parties. People like you are giving up and rising the white flag by not even taking seriously the suggestion of voting for a third party.
Think about the preferential system. No! REALLY think about it, it seems many don’t.
Vote UAP if that’s your wont but the UAP will fail in your electorate [99% assured].
The only thing that matters is that you vote the full ticket and rank Lib above Lab.
If liberal is unpalatable ANYWHERE scrawl “pox on both your houses” across your ballot. This way scrutineers of both parties have no doubt how you feel, but you have not voted labor.
Remember – “Rudd, Gillard, Rudd” and ask “What has changed”, just “Albo and Shorten”.
You don’t think Shorten has said “Well played Sir” do you?
Just ranking two parties is far from all that matters in our preferential system, especially ours where the 2 main parties dominate the top slots.
You are the one not thinking about the preferential system. If enough people vote for say UAP then they gain extra seats and thus can block the government in the senate attempting to pass climate change crap. It appears you have indeed raised the white flag and given up all hope of voters using their right to choose a third option. That’s not how the preferential system works. It works badly if everyone did what you say and voted 1 for either of the main two parties. In that case we might as well have first past the post, as most other countries do.
>If liberal is unpalatable ANYWHERE scrawl “pox on both your houses” across your ballot.
>This way scrutineers of both parties have no doubt how you feel, but you have not voted labor.
If you do that make sure that you still have numbered all the boxes correctly as the vote will still count, if you vote informal then these are usually just sorted out counted as informal and bundled up & excluded from the vote. No one really pays much attention to those.
The Libs are miles away from the Greens and Labor on the issue.
The Libs 2050 target is a notional target assuming technology develops. i.e. Won’t happen.
Greens & Labor have a much shorter timeframe target and will push for it ready or not. They’ll use taxes and regulations to force people out of using fossil fuels before suitable alternatives are available.
The Libs and put this 2050 target out there to try and take the issue out of the election (for the two main parties) or two push Labor into upping the anti and promising crazy stuff that will scare the fossil fuel industry workers and the average voter.
Nah Ian 1946, that couldn’t be right. Reckon he crossed the floor.
Posted by Bruce of Newcastle over at New Catalaxy:
Weird how environmentalism seems to be about destroying the environment.
Scotland cuts down 14 million trees to make way for wind turbines
And they probably “pelletized” the felled trees to fuel a power station; “waste not, want not”; or something….
It is all “smoke and mirrors”; political theatre, entertainment for the Untermenschen as they are marched under the arch emblazoned “Arbeit Macht Frei”.
Is our side getting our nether regions handed to us in the Overton window battle?
Take Net Zero.
We say “slow down there, the technology is not up to speed”, as opposed to “you’re out of your mind”.
We collect facts and research, trot them out, and expect them to conquer hysteria.
So far, this approach has led to a steady slide of the Overton window to the Left.
Now we are facing playing catch up with extremism.
We need to develop visionary rhetoric, not dispassionately countering the other side’s hysterical and evil plan.
Trump was great at this.
And they went to the mattresses against him.
Maybe things like, “Net Zero is anti-science madness.”
“The Tech Autocrats must be crushed like the tyrants they are.”
Course, those two things aren’t rhetorical, just statements of fact.
I would also add a few more details….
, “Net Zero is anti-science , economy destroying, society disrupting ,..madness.”
I believe this evil politician is open and honest:
My take is although PM Morrison recently announced that all state and territories should now go back to pre-pandemic conditions, I don’t believe him. He has lied too often to be trusted. If he really means it he ought to tell that evil chief minister in no uncertain terms he must re-consider his actions, and keep repeating it every single day to make a stand. Otherwise, PM Morrison is a phoney leader.
I don’t think much of Morrison either but be aware that the commonwealth has no power over the states in health matters. At best he is herding political cats who have a self interest in keeping their states under the most draconian conditions possible.
I don’t think in the case of the pandemic that fracturing the response to the States and your political enemies was the right thing. Morrison might have thought he was being collegiate(inclusive) but was a weak and ultimately disastrous. The Labor States are going to stuff up Morrison. It just goes to show that duplicity gets you nowhere.
NT is a Territory, but on health matters they probably have the same powers as the states.
Yes, the NT has a limited form of self-government. So happily or not so happily they have both territory and commonwealth departments in Darwin. All for a population about the size of Cairns.
I am no constitutional expert, but logic suggests to me that if the states can declare a SOE over their population, it would seem that the Commonwealth Govmt, ought to be able to declare over riding authority in a National Emergency situation ?
You’d think so. If health was a power shared between the commonwealth and the states then you’d be exactly right. But the states have declared public health orders and the only pressure the commonwealth can exert is via controlling funds.
The states of course are really good at squealing when the commonwealth does anything other than providing a blank cheque.
The explanation is that any commonwealth order must have a legislative base.
Is that why the Witless regime ripped the guts out of the autonomy of State health departments?
The ENTIRE point of the “Medibank” caper was the nationalization of the medical field. STATISM, not Federalism.
The Whitlam government took over both health and tertiary education by funding both at much higher levels than previous. It never had the constitutional authority to legislate and used sleight of hand to do the funding.
MORE snow for Australia?
BoM’s Alpine Weather page is forecasting “snow to 1,500 metres” for Victoria’s hill country this Friday and Saturday, followed by freezing overnight temperatures; Tasmania’s plateau region in for freezing frosts; and Melbournistan to swelter under 17°C max daytime temps during the weekend, dropping to single digits overnight.
Oh why didn’t we listen to the Swedish doom troll and her handlers! No doubt all we’ll hear about is the flood damage caused by
global warmingclimate chaos. Repent ye carbon criminals! Adorn yourselves in sackcloth and bemoan your failure to listen to the high priests – and priestesses – of doom.At least Vicdanistanians can huddle together for warmth locked inside the safety of their prison cells – oops, I mean – homes, whilst listening to the wise pronouncements of their Dear Leader, Xi Dan. Good luck comrades!
But before the snow there will be floods in South East Australia (SEA)
In the 19th century SEA there was a cool wet patch between 1835-38 and it appears to be happening again.
So the never-ending drought is over? Huzzah! Keep yer gumboots handy and your powder dry.
el gordo – from your Weatherzone link I discovered the southern hemisphere’s first troppo of the season has come and gone (a minor short-lived swirl of cloud, wind and rain near Christmas Island, between Indonesia and W.A.) yet not one screaming headline was heard/seen on the Panic Press: perhaps it was so inconsequential even the Professional Panickers Extraordinaire (PPE) missed it too.
Maybe it was the luck o’ the Irish as it was christened Tropical Cyclone Paddy (leprechaun-sized?) while the next one will be called Ruby. ‘P’ then ‘R’? What happened to starting each new season with an ‘A’ then a ‘B’ and onwards?
Ryan Maue’s ACE for 2021 concludes the northern hemisphere’s cyclone season was BELOW ‘norman’ this year, even though the North Atlantic Basin was above norman, thanks to La Nina. Lots of named storms yet no yuge Sandy type disasters. And tornado numbers were down too… again… destroying Alarmists’ visions of accumulating atmospheric annihilation. The planet seems to be doing the exact opposite to that which Panickers are shouting it should be; funny that.
Heatwave conditions on the Top End is causing disbelief, even from locals, hot days, warm nights and no rain. Extreme troppo time.
Back when there were still actual native Territorians (of many hues), this annual ramping up of wet tropical weather, was known as “The Buildup” (AKA “Suicide season”).
The days would dawn mild and dry. followed by a steady rise in temperature and humidity, maybe a distant lightning flash over the Arafura Sea. Then: nothing. day after day, week after week, this cycle continues with the peak temperature AND humidity increasing steadily.
For the unaware, Darwin is TROPICAL and these conditions are COMMON around the globe at similar latitudes.
Utterly unsurprisingly, people can be affected by this. People get “snappy”, alcohol consumption rises, (The advent of wide-spread air-conditioning has probably made a significant difference).
Then, eventually, it breaks. DAILY afternoon thunderstorms, daily increasing rainfall. This continues for a couple of months. Then, it stops.
Welcome to “The Dry”.
Like many places in the tropics, Darwin (and the whole “Top-End” of the NT) has TWO seasons; the “WET” and the DRY”. Not a lot of climatic nuance, although they get the odd mega-cyclone to “liven things up”.
Contrast that with Melbourne; a city famous for having all four seasons in one day. (And for being in Vktoriastan).
Great environmental flows down the upper basin – Namoi, Gwydir etc. The great reset ( ecologically). Pity about all those cotton agglomerates though,
NT is going “full on, hard core” barking mad. Military taking citizens to Covid Quarantine Camps.
“In Australia’s Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner has announced the Australian Defense Force (ADF) has been enlisted to start moving COVID positive cases into quarantine camps in Howard Springs…… NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner has promised to be as brutal as needed to stop COVID spread in the region, he will accept no vocal dissension to his mandates from citizens in the state. All vaccine hesitant citizens are considered enemies of the state and now subject to arrest if they voice any objection.”
This cannot end well.
I like but be a bit wary of their commentary on Australian matters.
For a start bear in mind that the NT government does not control the ADF.
Evidently, Gunner requested, and received, assistance. 20 ADF soldiers. Gunner may not “control” the ADF, but it seems he gets what he wants. How far this may go is anyone’s guess. It’s a slippery slope.
“It’s highly likely that more residents will be transferred to Howard Springs today, either as positive cases or close contacts,” he (Gunner) continued, adding “We have already identified 38 close contacts from Binjari but that number will go up. Those 38 are being transferred now.”
“I contacted the Prime Minister last night. We are grateful for the support of about 20 ADF personnel, as well as army trucks to assist with the transfer of positive cases and close contacts – and to support the communities.
We are doing an assessment today of what extra resources we might need from the Feds, and the Prime Minister is ready to help further – I thank him for that.”
You took the piss when I last posted about this,
I wrote a bit a ways back about the signs going up at every town in north Queensland all roads into/out of these towns, welcome to name of town signs. These signs are located center of a new section of bitumen 50m long, these sections were overlaid over previous road that was in excellent condition. Big blue signs with the speed limit in the center. Under these sections of bitumen are load cells, some must of failed on testing as there are new strips of bitumen were the cable has been replaced?
There are now 2 meter wide red stripes running across the center with painted traffic islands, these things are up to a kilometer outside little country towns, some that small they do not have a shop or pub. We call these for what they are, check points.
The army has been conducting training in the forests around North Queensland, looking for people hiding in the forests, under the guise of emergency response to weather events.
That training completed, they have moved into some towns for anti-terrorist training, door to door with loaded weapons, but blanks. (H/T Alec Baldwin)
In the town of Charters Towers the military and military police have set up check points/road blocks with armored personnel carriers. Residents are being pulled over and license checked (by military?) and some diverted into the Charters Towers Cricket center for breath tests. (by military) This is just a training exercise yet the army has their weapons loaded, shouldered and at point of fire. (H/T Alec Baldwin)
In the Northern Territory two Aboriginal communities have been put under lockdown due to positive tests for the runny nose virus, residents suspected of being in close contact have been loaded onto military trucks and Taken to Howard Springs concentration camp. The remaining residents are under Directives from the CHO, they are not allowed to leave their residence for any reason other than medical or under instruction, (get in the rail wagon) not for exercise or food. For their own good!
I shall wait for the outrage from Gee Aye, Fitzroy, Simon and Tilba Tilba and the applause of commenters on this blog. (H/T Rick Will)
See something say something.
First they came for the Aboriginals, I did nothing because I am not Aboriginal.
Been here before folks, join the dots.
Mod check the bin please.
Interesting information MP.
Two comments. You probably remember the tsunami warning. In cairns the first thing that happened was that all of the roads off the coastal plain were clogged to a standstill. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some serious civil works done there.
Second senior health officials were seriously concerned that the aids epidemic would wipe out the entire aboriginal population on Cape York. And of course that required either sexual contact or shared drug needles. The rate of transmission of STDs into very young children is still scandalous. This virus transmits like the sniffles.
The health of the aboriginal population and the living conditions mean that isolation is a practical impossibility. Just like STDs if one gets it they all get it.
No state or territory premier wants to be in charge of a catastrophe in the aboriginal community. In the absence of actual knowledge I think that is why they are reacting so dramatically.
I doubt that the authorities have decided that now is a good time to “come for the aborigines”.
Billions of dollars are pumped into the Aboriginal communities every year, every year their situation gets worse, so we send more bleeding hearts to tell them its all white mans fault. The money for aid disappears into white mans pockets.
I am on the tablelands, got to be a big wave to get me. That whole event made no sense at all, fear driven by media. No planes were launched to site the wave, ships contacted, no distress from ships hundreds of K’s off shore, no wave buoys reported any approaching wave.
I march with protestors from the missions, the hate they have for Government and that chook is very vocal. Why don’t they realise its for their own good. They know the money is being stolen by the grifters.
The holocaust did not start in the concentration camps, it ended there. It started with a massive propaganda campaign to turn the people against the Jews, Night of glass. (?)
It always starts with Government, for our own good of course. Keep polishing what you call Government, I use a different term. (govern – to control. Ment – mind) Lavarack Barracks was not built for weather events, to help the people. We have a small military presence in Cairns, surveillance not cyclones.
Of course they had to go door to door in the cities, you people can’t look after yourselves. Even leaches can feed themselves.
[I tried to understand all of this in the large swallow that it is. I could not. Maybe you could break it down into small bites that get across your concern?]ED
[Australianisms. Apologies to foreign readers. “chook” = QLD Premier. MP can translate the rest. Comments that mention Nazi stuff will always be slower to approve. – Jo]
MP. What you wrote was silly then and it still is. Lance quoting fake news alarmism is just more of the same.
And yet there they are on every road in every town.
You are literally the only person on this site with a memory longer than a goldfish, I applaud that.
Sure… the elites are taking over, tin foil, stalag etc etc. I think I will move on
Move right along.
1.5 million people marched on Saturday. You are going to need a lot of tin foil.
Yeah but no but.
The ADF is often called in to provide logistical support in civilian matters. For example after Cyclone Yasi the army went door to door in Townsville providing transport for trapped residents. They also provided generators to light up shopping centres, water and sewage works after all had failed. I reckon the city was a day or two away from an utter catastrophe.
So my guess, and I stress it is a guess, is that the ADF has the logistical ability to get out to the remote communities and safely transport people. No more and no less that Gunner has said.
And I’ll join your outrage if I’m wrong. Just be careful not to take all of the hyperbole from the CTH at face value.
I went through Yasi and Larry, lost power for weeks and my sheds, I had zero contact from anyone, government or military ever!
No Phone or power for weeks. But as a FNQer I had months of food and fuel for the genset.
The road to my property was unusable due to the amount of tree’s down, took me two weeks to cut my way out. The day I cut the last tree to allow me escape, the council rocked up checking for access, saw that I had done it, turned around never to be seen again. I even had to put my Bobcat on the road to finish up the remnants once the road had dried enough.
It was Annandale shopping centre opposite Lavarack that the ADF lit up. The ADF most definitely went door to door in Hermit Park. My recollection is that they were also first into Cardwell.
No the army was not. The resilient FNQers started themselves, with their own equipment and councils, as we all did.
The army did rock up, but the locals up my way sent their equipment on low loaders down to the coast to cut and dig their way to Cardwell. Not taking credit from the army, but it was our own little mud army that kicked in, as it always does.
Yet they are and in every state.
It was on the news from the NT Tyrant.
Yes they are in every state and especially in NQ and the NT. Who else has the resources?
38 people needed the army to move them, 2 people per soldier. 100’s of Klm’s in the back of trucks not know for comfort. (rode in a few)
We use busses for the white folk, no shortage of those in the NT, it would of taken 1 bus with change left over.
But hey lets go with, we need an army because we care.
The army also does this for practice – ie they treat it as an operation. So what if they over resource it?
The army move their people by bus or short haul and off the beaten track in the cattle trucks.
So you are saying its an exercise, that just so happens to target a certain race. The exercise conducted around here used dozens of SES as the “victims”.
Exercises are planed well in advance, do you think this was planned?
It is “targeting” a community that has a problem. You mentioned race, not me.
I am sure you whities get home quarantine, well they do here now. I mentioned race as they are a race, with very low Vaxx take up, wads of cash and ice cream vans not enough to convince the un-washed.
Bet the Vaxx is the only way out of jail for them.
There problem started with a cotton bud and a gold standard.
Please explain to me how Covid has an infection and illness profile seriousness enough to merit this truly over the top response?
The great majority do not die.
Most exposed never get symptoms.
Safe reasonably effective early treatments are literally outlawed!
World gone mad.
Australia leading the parade.
In Austria, an unvaccinated person may be in the kitchen preparing the food for the vaccinated in the dining room from which they are excluded.
And another thing, if people were seeing a ‘pandemic’ in their daily reality, they would be afraid to gather in massive groups in major cities around the World to protest … on a weekly basis.
And they would not have be harshly coerced to recieve free protection from the wolf at the door.
They don’t see a frigging wolf.
Geez I sound like a government apologist this morning.
The two elements in the profile are for the people who die there is a very short period between diagnosis and death. That’s enough to frighten the hell out of people especially when the second element is the absence of effective treatment.
That has enabled those who like making rules for others to live by to let loose their totalitarian instincts.
Yet not a single person I know took the vaxx for their health only for Job, travel, pub, party, not a single one knows anyone who died.
A virus so deadly, you need a two year massive propaganda campaign of coercion to force the cure onto people that don’t want it.
And yes you are sounding like an apologist.
A cartoon to go with that
It is the 38th leading cause of death in your country.
Alcoholism and it’s many collaterals kills more people.
Medical mistakes kill more people.
Well, if you’re going to have quarantine you should make sure people who are meant to get there actually get there.
Not sure if you’re suggesting the use of military is “full on, hard core” or the other aspects are.
Using Police would be full on and, as we know only too well here in Vic, private security not full on enough.
I say Police full on because they can arrest and hold people. Private security don’t have that power and neither do military. (I say that based on Vic situation. Maybe NT has emergency laws that elevate them)
The good thing about military is although they only have the powers of security they at least look like they should be obeyed and they’ll have the discipline to do the job that security doesn’t.
Now that’s ridiculous and crosses the democratic line. Is that what’s happening up there or just the way it’s been reported?
Two reasons the police can’t do it are lack of resources and serious distrust of police in aboriginal communities.
And I will put good money on the suppression of vocal dissent being more hyperbole than fact. Then again look at the report from MP above about FNQ.
Does that guy sound right to ya’ll?
The very visage of hysteria.
End up in textbook some day.
If guys like that don’t burn ’em.
I just saw the video with Gunner classifying anyone who is vaccinated as anti-vax if they oppose compulsory vax.
No. He doesn’t sound right. I think his needle went too deep.
From my admitted limited view, and what appears to many outside OZ, the most frightening Neo Authoritarian voices and faces in this whole thing are Australian.
Maybe it’s because most of thought Oz one of the last places it would be coming from.
Maybe Crocodile Dundee just gave us the wrong impression. 🙂
I am curious about how Gunner and Dan seem to be cut from the same mold.
When I saw the vid, I at first thought it to be Dan.
Casual observers outside Oz can barley tell them apart.
Is there a familial relation?
It’s surprised many of us here in Aus too. Makes use feel rather stupid but if there’s any consolation we’re not the only ones to have not seen it coming.
The Germans in the 30’s and Russians at the end of WW1 were similarly naive.
As for familial relation between the two. I think it’s Porcine.
Watched that vid of Machine-gun Gunner last night, what the??? Even without the hat, boots and insignia, he reminded me of…
Just do what you’re told, even if you ARE double-whacked, and don’t even THINK about siding with the resistors otherwise you are one of them – unt vee vil hunt you down.
Our friendly chancellor, Jacinda Apartheid, (PBUH) is about to introduce herr ‘traffic light system’ – ooh pretty colours – formerly known as the C-19 Protection Framework with an inbuilt “extra layer of protection”. Maybe her advisors realised that sounded too ‘panopticon’, ie. all seeing, so mellowed it out for the gullible to swallow.
Gulag Auckland will soon transition to RED, where the obedient can move, buy and sell ‘with freedom’, whilst the non-obedient cannot as they do not have the pass. ORANGE (more correctly, AMBER) resembles some kind of middle-ground purgatory, until, depending on ‘cases’, GREEN will be achieved – again, only for those with a ‘pass’. However, in the fine print, even once reaching the nirvana of GREEN-land, “record keeping and scanning” will still be required and “face coverings […] mandatory on flights and encouraged indoors”.
All that struggle and effort and pain for a green ‘freedom pass’, yet vee vil be votchink your every move unt you shall vear zee mask, or else. Or else what?
Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps
The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari.
When is your turn for The Gulags
Now waiting for ‘Stolen Generation 1.2.0.’
The word I query in respect to the ADF is “forcibly”.
zerohedge had to add “forcibly” otherwise they would have nothing to report.
Do you think they went willingly.
Do you think that, “naa I’m good here bud” was an option.
C’mon. Indigenous Australians are the calmest, most co-operative and passive members of the population when it comes to following orders from enforcers of authority.
And the vaccines are totally voluntary just like it say on the government form.
Now we are done with Fantasyland our next tale will be fron Frontierland.
New research suggests Delta strain ‘drove itself to extinction’ in Japan
Herald Sun article
I saw this last night. No mention of the dreaded 1v3rm3ct1n then?
Africa Avoided COVID Disaster… Perhaps We All Could Have
There have been over 5 million COVID deaths worldwide, but one continent that defied expectations was Africa.
Last year, health officials predicted millions would die in Africa from COVID, but instead, the continent has a death rate (161.26 per million population) lower than the world average (653.52 per million population), and Africa is described by the World Health as being “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.
According to a recent report from the Associated Press, COVID-19 seems to have become a thing of the past. In Zimbabwe, for example, only 33 new cases and zero deaths were recorded last week.
Fewer than 6 percent of the African continent has been vaccinated.
Naturally, the experts are baffled.
Researchers working in Uganda discovered that COVID-19 patients were less likely to experience severe symptoms or death if they had high rates of exposure to malaria.
The link between nations with high rates of malaria and lower rates of COVID death and less severe symptoms was observed in the early weeks of the pandemic. What was Africa doing differently?
Interestingly, Africa has been using chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as an early treatment.
Because of the high rates of malaria in Africa, CQ and HCQ are widely available there and have been used to treat malaria for decades. It’s a cheap, off-patent drug, that was unfortunately highly politicized in the early weeks of the pandemic because President Trump cited a study showing it was potentially a gamechanger in the fight against COVID.
Imagine how many lives might have been saved had we really been “in this together” instead of so many being “in this to get Trump.”
Health authorities may well learn a great deal from India, Israel and Africa. If they could only see past their wallets.
Ha ha….
there is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said.
Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.
Not to forget the regions IVM is in use.
The result of a white patriarchy no doubt.
No surprise there Annie. It is an MSM article.
Put it up in neon lights and they’d still not see the message.
Dave B
I came across this a week ago and I was not if it was fact.
I came across this a week ago and I was not sure if it was fact.
I’m sure it is not fact.
Do you think this is factual.
A bit on Greggo and Janeo and the family and friends. Look at it as a dinner topper. Nothing you don’t know I’m sure.
15 minutes.
thread bomber. Sorry I don’t do the vids.
Really, coming from you.
Just that vid, its only wafer thin.
Surprisingly ostrich-like Gee
Yes, we know you are not interested in what is actually happening.
Cannot let anything of reality enter that field.
Hands on eyes, fingers in ears..
Eye-opening isnt it.?!
Don’t bother engaging with the troll, MP.
Just doing some back burning.
I’m sure it is not fact.
I’m sure you are wouldn’t have a clue if it was a fact or not.
Gee Aye is correct-
“ENDS COVID almost overnight ”
Nonsense, it took 2 or 3 weeks.
Let me put it another way. Japan did not stop its vaccine plan. It stopped one vaccine (moderna) for a short period due to a contamination issue and restarted it. Other vaccines were not stopped. On the day that blog post was released half a million doses were administered.
A non-government group promoted ivermectin which is what the blogger thought (or wanted the audience to think) was some sot of official program. It wasn’t. There is no evidence of ivermectin uptake changing at all.
The link was to fake news.
But of course you’ve all gone to independently verify this yourselves as you are skeptics, so sorry for treating you like you are not.
There was an initial announcement from the Japanese Health head (weeks back)
They started handing out the Ivmctn and the cases dropped to low level within days.
None of our media would ever acknowledge this.
I’m replying to this from work so I don’t have access to all the references I’ve been collecting.
This pattern has been seen in multiple countries now.
The data now supports these kinds of reports.
G’day New Chum,
It’s behind a paywall, so I can’t verify the content at your link, but the headline is verified by other reports:
are two I’ve kept.
Dave B
Anything to suppress the fact that ivermectin was used in Japan to drive down the infection rate after the abject failure of the vaccines. The Japanese showed they were more pragmatic than our leaders.
And about time too:-
Climate activist sentenced to 12 months in jail over coal train blockade in NSW
I think he got 6 months non parole.
13 minute on site report in Melbourne by Rebel News. Wonderful contrasts between those supporting the establishment and fascism versus those at the freedom protest. Well done Avi.
Thanks for posting. I was going to do so myself until I saw you had done it.
It’s remarkable, or perhaps not, that the Left are now coming out openly advocating for fascism and compulsory vaccination. Of course, in today’s upside down world they claim to be against fascism, the opposite of what’s true.
And again the Left reveal themselves as the racist, exclusive, almost all white movement they are, plus the antisemitic comments against Avi Yemeni.
Journalist Brian Kahn says he’s never been to the Arctic, but . .
Seriously, this is a cult.
Get this man some Zoloft, stat.
As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. The picture with the article is of what appears to be a glass bottle. Glass requires a lot of energy to produce and transport. Unless the energy is from so called “green” sources, it produces CO2. Depending on where the bottle was made, it also requires transport, to the bottling plant and to the place where the product is used, again lots of CO2, then empty to a recycling plant.
And yet the Left are pushing for an end of plastic bottles to be replaced with much more “greenhouse gas” (sic) producing glass bottles.
I’m old enough to remember when we changed to plastic shopping bags to save the trees.
Dying glacier water?
Just what exactly do Leftists think happens to glaciers at the end of their run?
In any case, the length of glaciers changes all the time. Even today, some are advancing, others retreating.
And if glaciers never melted, then what? The whole planet would be covered with glacial ice.
Everyone seems to assume that when glaciers disappear they have melted and some believe they have melted because the climate is getting warmer.
I recall an article some time ago about a ceremony in Iceland to mark the end of a glacier. In a photo attached to the article it was evident there was ice on the ground so it was probably cold enough not to melt all the ice. As far as I can tell glaciers don’t just magically appear, they need some sort of precipitation, so perhaps some glaciers disappear, not because they have melted, but because there is drought, so the glaciers don’t form.
Psychotic: The LSM in brief.
They primarily melt from UNDERNEATH for reasons skiers and ice-skaters will be familiar.
They do NOT physically “retreat” (shuffle backwards, uphill) They only move downhill because of the pressure at the top, the “Neve”; the snowfield at their origin.
Reduce snowfall and the “load” in the neve is reduced.
Now it gets interesting.
What would cause reduced snowfall? Reduced atmospheric water vapour.
What causes this? Reduced evaporation.
What would reduce evaporation? Three guesses; second two don’t count.
Thus, “Alpine” style glaciers can only exist in a fairly narrow climate and altitude band.
“Cross-country glaciation” (Ice Ages)? Totally different phenomenon.
The Ice Ages that scoured vast areas of the planet in previous eras were caused by serious global cooling. It wasn’t the result of increased snowfall, because it became too COLD for serious amounts of water to evaporate.
The vast ice sheets, MILES thick, grew straight out of the polar seas and bulldozed their way across continents, scouring out the landscape as it went. When it eventually started to melt, the resultant debris-filled floods massively rearranged the rocky scenery, even more. This IS NOT A KIDS CARTOON!
Ice ages were DRY times; COLD, little or no precipitation, over vast areas. NO new plant-growth, no food for herbivores and consequently for carnivores, MASS DEATH except for sea-life in suitable waters.
Only extinction rebellion-grade sociopaths want you to live in an ice-age, briefly.
Good doses of REAL geology and REAL Paleontology can come in handy.
Doing my daily scan of their ABC’s virus commentary. Two things came to note.
First is that for the first time in a while Jerome Sutton talked about the injection status of people who died. That “information” has been conspicuous by its absence.
Second is that Jerome Sutton provided a postmortem diagnosis that the uninjected people who died would have lived had they been injected. “Entirely preventable” was his exact words.
Captain Obvious would ask why the deaths of the injected people were not “entirely preventable”. Of course that question is utterly beyond the happy clappers in their ABC.
My contempt for Jerome Sutton continues to grow. Him, their ABC and the horses they rode in on.
Any other media at this presser?
GI, I normally do not engage with trolls but …
A careful reader will note that my source was not a press conference. Just because you can at times be deliberately thick, and for your sole benefit, my source was their ABC’s virus commentary.
Now be a better troll. Somewhere else.
Was a serious question FG. You wrote that Sutton, “talked about” without making it clear that it was an ABC interview and not a press conference.
See above.
Apart from that, I am yet to hear any government official such as Sutton or any member of the medical establishment say a single word about Vitamin D and zinc deficiencies leading to higher mortality with covid. Many of the dead are quite likely deficient in one or both of those, especially people in nursing homes and the obese but these figures are not even measured or discussed.
Similarly Vit D Zinc deficiencies for BAME – eg South Western Sydney
Thanks OldOzzie but the main body of that paper is not open access as far as I can see.
As for the zinc problem I have a natural solution: Oysters! Oysters contain particularly high amounts of zinc, with 6 medium oysters providing 32 mg, or 291% of the Daily Value.
Oysters from the Sydney region are the perfect thing for heavy metal fans. Containing the distilled essence of Parramatta River.
I used to eat them a lot, but don’t get out quite so much these days.
I don’t think the Sydney rock oysters you buy in shops come from Sydney harbour but oyster farms up and down the coast where the water is unpolluted. You can find them in the harbour though but as you say it might not be advisable to eat them.
Jacqui Lambie is well overdue for her rabies booster. All that’s missing is the foam on her jowls. Tasmanians must be so proud of their daughter and senator.
This was her well-reasoned “speech” against Pauline’s Prevention of COVID Vaccine Discrimination Bill.
I think Jackie is doing her very best. Sad isn’t it.
I found Lambie’s rant way in excess of that deserved. I wondered what else was going on for her. She clearly has read little about the harms the “vaxx” does. And doesn’t realise that the vaxxed can carry and transmit Covid. I would have preferred that her vitriol was aimed at those who have banned IVM and HCQ. It was a truly ugly display.
in fact Tom Jacqui has done a huge backflip from her stance at the start of covid when she got stuck into the TGA about the damages done to people who had adverse reactions from the Jabs and the lack of responsibility from the governments to help the injured
its like night and day, she honestly believes now that all we have is these Jabs to cure the Wu Flu Voo Doo
its time the blinkers were taken off the irrational fear
AEMO staff exodus continues.
Some points to ponder.
This is what’s driving the ‘transition’ ?
CSIRO have infiltrated AEMO.
This is just one big self licking ice cream.
Wish us luck, Rafe.
So, President Imposter Biden has had his annual Presidential medical check.
Notably absent was a dementia test, which President Trump willingly did and passed with a perfect score.
I wonder if Biden was even aware that he’d had a medical check?
I for one would be very interested in the day to day medical treatment given to Brandon. Dementia sufferers everywhere may get some real benefit.
Yes. Some days he doesn’t know what planet he’s on or that he is President. Otherwise, on good days he is capable of making a barely coherent statement, the meaning of which can be adduced. He may be taking some experimental medication which could be of use to others.
Either that, or he uses a stand in.
Steve Kirsch posits that Joe Biden was forced to have a health check due to increasing adverse reactions to his vaccinations.
And he has escalated his bet with Gavin Newsom (Californian governor) to prove that he wasn’t severely injured by his booster. The offer is now totally open – Newsom can name his price for providing his medical records for the 3 weeks following his booster shot.
More information on the covid19 Vaccination and heart issues.
acute coronary syndrome (ACS) significantly increased in patients after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines
The UK Met is under pressure from BBC Weather, too hot or too cold, and now Homewood is accusing the Met of putting out misinformation.
Yes, it’s the short term trend is up so we’ll talk about a longer term of our choosing trick.
I liked the quote at the top of the web page…
“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert”. – J Robert Oppenheimer.
G’day all,
Dr Richard Fleming has prepared a petition to the ICC to include some support to an investigation by the ICC sought by several European groups. That petition is at:
I have signed it, signature count was 62,353 (Mon Nov 22).
Dr Fleming introduces his petition at the end of his justification for his action in this 82 minute presentation, posted October 3, 2021:
I found the first 50 minutes rather difficult, being very concentrated and detailed, but necessary as the basis for the following section – his analysis of the legal framework at international and US levels. And his justification for the use of the term “treason”, which I found at about 54 minutes.
I commend his work to you as a means for everyone to register a peaceful protest, and request for action, for their actions against humanity by some evil people.
Dave B
Why are the mRNA innoculations being pushed so strongly now?
The recipients of AstraZeneca are now being offered boosters of Pfizer and Moderna, with very few exceptions.
In Australia, UK and Ireland that I know of, there is no choice. Apart from the clots and thrombocytopaenia which occurred “very rarely”, AZ seems to have been reasonably trouble free. All the people I know that have had it, have had no side effects from it. But now, boosters are being encouraged and its the other two.
It would be interesting to know the breakdown of “vaccines” given which have caused the deaths and injuries in the UK but I cant seem to find those details anywhere.
My dear youngest 45 yr old son has to be jabbed or lose his FIFO job has chosen AZ, just to get them off his back. He thinks it is the best of the undesirable options.
Have a sister and brother in law both double inocculated with AstraZenaca now being told that they need booster shots that “must be Pfizer”. Apparentlt for “greater efficacy”.
I of course question what greater efficacy actually means. If two inoculations of AZ gives you six months “protection” what does the booster shot actually deliver?
Does this mean you have 9 monhs protection? Is the protection time concurrent or additional? If AZ needed Pfizer to increase efficacy does this mean that the next booster will be Moderna. Where does Novavac fit in. still not approved. Where does Sinovacs fit? Apparently if you want to come to Australia from China Sinovacs proof is “good enough” to get you through the gate with a negative Covid test. So many questions, not so many answers that are not political double speak.
Their mix and match approach, so unscientific sounding, has put me off going for the booster. I’m old but I will wait to see what happens to those who complied.
that was the only vaccine on offer initially and was also the only one given to the elderly. The booster is being offered to at risk groups (the elderly) and those people who were vaccinated in the first 6 months or so because of declining efficacy.
My point was (maybe a bit vaguely) is why are the AZ recipients not being given AZ boosters?
Exactamundo Brenda. Why? Pfizer seem to be locked in for ‘boosted’ profits for decades to come. I swallowed the need for the first couple of jabs, but now I am experiencing post-prick regret about those two. I’ll need a lot more than some treacle-voiced, worry-warting nitwit to convince me there is a good reason to get more experimental drugs put in me.
Two reasons. It has been taken off the Australian market. Studies show a big boost in antibodies from Pfizer and moderna boosters.
Canada is offering a mRNA chaser for those with an AZ double jab
Recipients of the AZ shot may develop immunity to the virus used as the vector.
‘So-called viral vector shots – also used by several Chinese COVID-19 vaccine developers – use harmless modified viruses as vehicles, or vectors, to carry genetic information that helps the body build immunity against future infections.
However, there is a risk that the body also develops immunity to the vector itself, recognising it as an intruder and trying to destroy it.
Most vector-vaccine developers have opted to use an adenovirus, a harmless class of common-cold viruses.”The experience with adenoviruses has been for many years that vectors can be intercepted by the immune system after repeat injections,” said Bodo Plachter, deputy director of the Institute of Virology at Mainz University’s teaching hospital.’
Yep, by the 14th shot that the Australian health authorities have planned, your immune system would be fully immune to the adenovirus and the DNA would never be delivered to any of your cells.
So the AstraZeneca shots actually get safer as the boosters progress since the amount of spike proteins expressed in your body would decrease as fewer and fewer cells would get infected by the adenovirus.
“because of declining efficacy”
Well at least you admit that. !
And again in another 6 months, and another 6 months, or less, and again, and again…..
Russian roulette, with the payments going to Pfizer from the taxpayer pocket.
Its amazing that we are corced into taking injections that have had no long term testing. Any assurances of supposed safety are no more than wishful thinking.
No we are told that it safe to mix untested injection types, to form yet another cocktail with no long term testing.
Sure, why not?
The Australian Government has invested over $8 billion in the national COVID-19 vaccine rollout.
In July 2021, the Australian Government announced the purchase of 85 million more doses of Pfizer. These were planned to be booster doses, ensuring Australia’s supply of mRNA vaccines in 2022 and 2023.
The Australian Government and the company Moderna are discussing the possibility of establishing a manufacturing facility in Australia for mRNA vaccines. We have a contract for 25 million doses:
10 million doses of the current formulation, available in late 2021
15 million doses of variant-specific versions to address longer-term immunity and viral variants, available in the first half of 2022.
Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) – We have secured 53.8 million doses of this vaccine.
“Australian TOTALITARIAN Tourism Commercial – 14 Reasons to Visit!”
Best we send this on to the myriad tourism organisations so they know to save their ad dollars this year. I know this is how overseas people see what is happening here.
FYI I got that via Canada – news gets around
We had a miserable non summer in Melbourne last year. 2 days over 30 in January.
Now the BOM has announced we will have a cold wet summer. Again. Because of La Nina? “La Nina weather event confirmed”. An event, not the Climate.
So if I understand ‘Climate Science’, the world is warming quickly except for unmodelled solar activity and ocean oscillations which overwhelm the warming trend and are not climate but the weather. Underneath that the planet is actually heating because of carbon dioxide. Really? How can you tell?
The cooling predicted by real scientists, based solely on ocean osciallations and solar activity has been confirmed, has started and will accelerate. This will be explained though as a result of unexpected ocean oscillations and unmodelled solar activity. But you still have to shut down all use of coal, go to solar and wind and batteries, drive electric cars and abandon manufacturing and farming and travel.
You cannot win. Even when they are obviously completely wrong, the promoters of rapid man made tipping point Armageddon carbon dioxide produced Global Warming can explain the cooling as an anomaly. Unbelievable. Really.
And the idea that the rapid heating and cooling of the air over land is more important as a heat store than the oceans which contain 1400x as much energy. As has been demonstrated, you can predict world temperatures with great certainty from just two osciallations, the 260 year Solar oscillation and the 60 year Pacific oscillation. And you are told to accept that the computer models which contain neither are infallible. Even when they are wrong and an unexpected ocean oscillation like La Nina trashes the summer. How rapid Global Warmists have any credibility at all is beyond me.
There is a crack in the facade on the other side of the world, I think its significant.
They will be told to get with the program.
There is too much money at stake, the whole economy, they both can’t be right.
Watching a BBC weather report covering the Northern Hemisphere and the jet stream was prominent and the weatherman discussed it with gusto. The Americans have been onto this for years, what took the beeb so long.
The other day Weatherzone took a swipe at BoM for not calling La Nina, a couple of days later BoM gave in. They so wanted El Nino to take temperatures back up, but alas its not to be.
Don’t worry – November will still be “the hottest ever”
TdeF – Melbourne 1968 – January 11 Days over 30C – February 13 Days over 30C – March 6 Days over 30C
Melbourne 1968 – January 7 Days over 35C – February 9 Days over 35C – March 3 Days over 35C
I just heard on the radio in Vicdanistan the Dictator Andrews saying that the covid case numbers are “no longer of relevance”.
What? That was the ONLY thing they talked about for nearly the last two years.
Presumably it’s because of the uncomfortable truth that now the “vaccination” rate is around 90% due to compulsory vaccination that it is increasingly apparent that they are almost useless at best and possibly dangerous at worst. Around 900 cases per day and 5-10 daily deaths seems to be what the rate is now.
Strangely they are remarkably averse to now quote numbers of vaxxed vs unvaxxed in hospital, and of those who have died what their Vitamin D and zinc deficiencies were and other comordbidities. It is also not clear that of those dying, who died because of covid or with covid.
or from the “vaccine”.
Please may we have a tabulation, by state, of the numbers of Australian COVID-19 deaths since the pandemic’s start? Please also provide, by state, the number or days of lockdown for each state since the pandemic’s start?
Highly entertaining relief in the form of a poke at Facebook, aka the metaverse, and a great ad for Iceland –
oh, but start at beginning, don’t know why my link starts near end (duh). “Water that is … wet”
Brave gives two options: “Copy video” which starts at the beginning and “copy video at current time” which starts it at that specific time. Can be a useful feature.
How ironic, two weeks after COP 26 a new giant gas platform has been announced for the North West Shelf: Pluto II and Scarborough.
“STUNNING – No Reinfection in Previously Infected (Harvard Preprint Study)”
Video that goes with that
I keep hearing from the MSM and people I talk to that our fully vaccinated rate is over 90% and that we will be approach 95% soon. They are perhaps confusing it with the official figure for single dosed “victims” but even the single dosed stats appear to be bogus when compared to the official stats from all over the world. What is going on? We are either being fed with fake news (official and unofficial) or Australians are the most gullible and/or dumbest people in the world. It has to be one or the other as there is no room for a third option.
The stats for the single vaccination and double dose are not far removed in Oz, enough is enough, freedom is at hand and everything will be new again.
An intersting read if you keep Andrews and his actions in mind while reading.
The Biderman table seems especially applicable.
‘The supermarket chain ALDI, has written to all employees informing them that they have until 1st March 2022, to provide proof of their Covid-19 vaccination status, and if they refuse to do so or are confirmed to be not-vaccinated then their employment will be terminated.’
‘According to Woolworths, unless public health orders come into effect sooner, staff will be required to be fully vaccination in order to work by 31 January 2022 in NSW, Victoria, ACT, NT and WA, with SA, QLD and Tasmanian workers needing to be vaccinated by 31 March 2022.’
‘Coles has opted not to follow Woolworths by requiring all employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19, instead relying on health orders in some states.
Coles workers in the ACT, NSW, Victoria, Western Australia and Northern Territory are required to be vaccinated by either company policy or state laws.
However, team members in Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania are not compelled to do so under state laws.’
Another reason to give as much business as possible to independent supermarkets.
Judith Curry takes a look at solar forcing.
On Credlin tonight, Sky News, Doctor Nick Coatsworth was interviewed, in reply to a question about a fully vaccinated person catching the virus from an unvaccinated person his reply included that if hospitalisation resulted that person would receive anti-viral treatments and recovery time would be short.
Coatsworth is well recognized as an Australian infectious disease specialist, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, and consultant physician.
His reply reminded me about an interview with Health Minister Greg Hunt in November 2020 when he was about Ivermectin and replied that it was approved for use when prescribed in a hospital by a doctor and it would be given intravenously.
Doctor Coatsworth did not specify the drug he referred to replying to Peta Credlin.
“that person would receive anti-viral treatments and recovery time would be short.”
Well… dahh !!
Anti-virals such as IWM, are proven to do that.
But that wouldn’t help the scare and coercion campaign, would it !
I heard that and thought “WHAT antivirals”?
Menacingly, it was not clear if the same antivirals were available to the purebloods. Remember – A month or so back a Vic RN said as much. It sounded far-fetched, but is it?????
Peta is pro-vaxx and may not think the way I do.
Oh dear, where Wadhams, Gore, and all the other Arctic sea ice worriers…. when you need them
I did not know that Australian BOM Staff had been seconded to Russian Met Office?
More than two dozen cargo vessels are stuck in Russia’s Arctic ice, waiting for ice-breakers to come to their rescue, after an inaccurate forecast from the country’s Met Office.
“A Brief History Of West African Slavery”
As opposed to
Expanding in the pulp fiction industry?
There are various claims that the Nuremberg Code doesn’t apply to Australia in regard to covid vaccination because 1) vaccination is not forced and 2) the vaccines are not experimental. For point 1) it is difficult to sustain the argument that covid vaccines are not forced in Australia because if you don’t take them you can’t work, trade, travel, attend public events or otherwise participate in life. The only retail establishments you can attend are for food, fuel and pharmacy. If that’s not coercion, I don’t know what is. For point 2) the vaccines have been given emergency use authorisation in the US and only provisional approval in Australia and have certainly not been subject to the extensive testing of other vaccines. Plus anyone in the medical or scientific professions who dares question any adverse aspect of the vaccine will rapidly lose their job. If they weren’t experimental you could safely ask questions and there would be extensive and public clinical data published including full reports of adverse events.
A protester at the Auckland rally against vaccine mandates,
was holding a sign:
“Not forcing you … just taking away everything you need until you comply”
That ain’t no ‘nudge’, that’s a shove.
Even many UK farmers see net zero as a scam!
Headline “Farmer Focus: Carbon neutral and net zero – biggest scam yet – Farmers Weekly”
Question from an elderly child watching the Emperor …
San Francisco, LA, Portland, NYC, Philadelphia, my city, have huge homeless and drug addict populations.
That live in often large makeshift camps on sidewalks and in parks.
They don’t care about Health Department directives.
They refuse free clean needles.
They wear masks only when panhandling.
If there is a wildly contagious airborne virus ‘pandemic’ requiring draconian government mandates to ‘save lives’,
why do these populations still live?
Why do said ‘Health Authorities’ show no interest in these populations?
Arctic Snowy Owls arrive for first time ever in Spain.
Hardly a peep from the press because it doesn’t fit the narrative.
Apart from all that, what a beautiful creature it is.
and the Twitchers were out in force
The owls have sparked what’s been described as the biggest twitch Spain has ever seen, with more than 500 people visiting since their arrival. Prior to 6 November, no Snowy Owls had ever been recorded in Spain, which comes as little surprise given the nearest breeding grounds of this Arctic species are more than 3,500 km away.
See what you think fits –
“Let’s pause for a moment to examine the current situation in Canada and the U.S. The totalitarian thugs who run both countries have determined the following to be wise governance:
If you’re unvaccinated, you can’t leave or enter Canada. Ditto re entering the U.S.
The vaccines are proving to not be what was promised. Not even close. But dare speak out against the official narrative and you risk losing your job and/or being banned from the digital public square.
Dare refuse to allow the government to inject something into your body against your will and you will be shamed and banned from many events, be it by government decree or by brainwashed normies in your own circles.
In Canada, the right to self-defense has been questionable for years. In America, they pulled out all the stops to try to criminalize Kyle Rittenhouse from defending himself against a convicted pedophile and other criminals.
In some jurisdictions in America, it is deemed perfectly fine to rob stores of upwards $1,000 at a time.
Teaching kids to judge and hate each other based on the color of their skin has deemed to be “progressive”. Any parents who dare object to this are apt to be put on a terrorist watch list by the FBI.
The FBI is now breaking down the doors of journalists, confiscating their confidential property, and immediately sharing it with the propaganda department of the Democrat Party aka The New York Times.
Other Democrat friendly propaganda outlets – like MSNBC & CNN – are spewing out a constant string of lies and racist screeds 24/7.
Something has gone terribly, terribly wrong in our countries but many refuse to see it. I, for one, am tired of uninformed people trying to “educate” me on any of the above. It usually just takes one or two questions of them to realize that they’re just NPCs fulfilling the programming of their masters. They’re brain dead in the knowledge department and haven’t engaged in even the smallest amount of critical thinking in a long time . . .or ever.”
sorry if someone has already posted this from the Lancet
COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified
This preprint is of a very detailed study that found SARS-CoV-2 virions do not infect heart tissue in vitro but that the spike proteins alone damage.
Plus they found measureable amounts of spike proteins in the bloodstream of those infected by SARS-CoV-2 which has also been found with those vaccinated with the gene therapy spike protein vaccines.
So the vaccines will cause the same vascular issues as the disease. Studies need to be performed on the range of levels of spike proteins in the infected vs the vaccinated to determine which is likely to be more harmful.
From the Financial Post
US$5 billion hoard of aluminum in Vietnam may never be seen again
The aluminum stockpile is big news for the tightening of cheap base power supply. Examples …
Can also assume that mountains of steel are also disappearing for the same reason. Steel is stockpiled to keep the furnaces running in periods of economic decline.
Now that there is a global crunch on base power generation there is holding steady or ramping down of aluminum and steel production, eating into dwindling stockpiles without replacement
The world’s stockpiling and oversupply of aluminum was absolutely massive. Biggest commodity game going.
Now it is clear that those stockpiles have been depleted and will not be nominally replaced because of the shortfall in world base electric power generation. Remember that aluminum smelters need to be kept running almost full time, even in risking short term loss in the hopes of long term gain
Another reader posted this link on the previous thread, but I see the blog’s writer has added an important observation. In case anyone missed it:
“Addendum: Note that I still think there are excess deaths among the vaccinated group
not visible in this time frame because they occurred en masse at the outset of
the UK’s vaccination program among the elderly. It certainly appears that these vaccines are killing more people than they save.”
“They Said Vaccines Were Safe For Pregnant Women, Now This Happens
November 23, 2021 | Sundance | 7 Comments”
I noticed that the WA Government has a Covid 19 ad in a local paper in WA. the ad says:
. It is safe to fall pregnant before or after a COVID-19 vaccination.
. Vaccination does not affect fertility.
. You are not required to have a pregnancy test before getting vaccinated.
My research has indicated otherwise
Oh… who funds your research? Follow the money.
“The mainstream media continues to refuse to report the truth about COVID-19 deaths and treatment”
“‘Experts’ blasted for cautioning against use of term ‘looting’ to describe large-scale California thefts
What Kyle Rittenhouse did WAS NOT a SHOOTING. It was a mostly peaceful retreat.”
From a comment at Chiefio
Cardinal George Pell Denounces ‘Madness’ of Climate Change Fanaticism
Australian Cardinal George Pell has come out against climate alarmism in the third and final volume of his Prison Journal, published this month.
The “relentless propaganda for catastrophic man-induced climate change continues unabashed,” Cardinal Pell laments, while slamming absurd attempts to link bush fires to coal mining.
In Pell’s analysis, the hysteria of climate alarmists assumes a distinctly religious ardor, filling a void in the post-Christian West.
“When God is out of the equation and hell is banned from the public imagination, catastrophic climate change fills the gap as the current fear, and many are reluctant to concede that we are powerless in the face of the millennial patterns of climate change,” he asserts.
“But many neo-pagans do finish up fearing something which is not too demanding on them personally,” he suggests. “An atomic war has been replaced by the hypothesis of damaging climate change. It doesn’t seem to matter that even if we did know cause and effect accurately in the climate world, we in Australia could do nothing to change any end result.”
“What cost increases for electricity, how many power blackouts will be needed before this madness is curbed?” he asks. “The pagan Greeks were onto something when they claimed that those whom the gods wanted to destroy they first made mad.”
[I would approve this immediately except for copyright concerns.]ED
Ok – interesting it is in an American Blog
(1) “Be kind.” (but treat unvaccinated people like Untermenschen).
(2) “We are your single source of truth.” (referring to COVID and the vaccine)
Everytime she comes on TV I want to scream.
She doesn’t know what she’s doing — she just grasps at the latest “novel” pandemic policy, and runs with it.
Now the hand-wringer is bringing in a vaccine passport.
And because of her, more than 50 NZ doctors have just quit, as well as 500 nurses — rather than be injected with mRNA.
Gee, what effect is that gonna have on their health system?
Here’s a curious change: their TV News has largely stopped reporting the breakdown of Hospital Cases by vax status. They were keen on giving out those ratios in previous weeks, not so keen now … very strange… and I think I’ve uncovered a possible reason for this:
Someone in the comments at reports that French nurses are treating vaccinated COVID patients, away from the hospital. The purpose is to manipulate downwards the hospital stats for Vaccinated COVID patients.
I don’t know if that’s true or not but it made me think of this change of policy in NZ: in the last week they’ve been moving people from hospital to home-care. They’re supposed to be given an Oximeter, a little device that clips on your finger and beeps a warning if your oxygen gets too low. That’s the signal to call the hospital. There’s already been one victim of this policy, a guy who died at home, starving of oxygen. He called an ambulance but it was too late. No one knows if he had the oximeter or not — in fact, the officials, when questioned, can’t agree if there’s enough to go around.
I wonder if this at-home treatment is the favored one for Vaccinated patients — an effort to keep their numbers out of the official hospital stats?
Over in Europe: it looks like the guy running Austria has been designated to be the “first mover” in introducing Compulsory Vaccination. Another dumb idea that’ll spread outwards.
Who do they get their marching orders from, ultimately?
So we’re upending EVERYONE’S lives over a virus that’s 99.8% survivable. And if you’re youngish and healthy, probably 99.99% survivable.
It’s amazing how far you can regress a nation when you introduce fascism bit-by-bit.
A restriction here, another one there … mandate this, mandate that … “don’t worry, it’s just temporary” … “oops we just have to extend it a bit longer” …
And don’t forget this: single out a subgroup for blaming by the others — never forget that …
sorry I can’t help. I don’t know much about your health system.
99 on my home oximeter – matched Hospital Oxygen reading last week
Logic and data: Weapons to defeat the Covidians
Covidians are the cabal of Biden officials, the CDC, Dr. Fauci, the vaccine producers, the leftist-run media, and local politicians who irrationally push COVID mandates over the restraints of the Constitution and rational thought. Their defeat is imminent.
It is now patently obvious to every phenomenological thinker (who are nonexistent on the left) that the vaccines and masks are totally ineffective against the COVID virus. You don’t have to be a physician or medical expert to understand this.
The COVID vaccines first became available to Americans in December 2020. The total number of U.S. COVID cases in 2020 was less than 21 million. In 2021, it has increased to almost 28 million. There were 370 thousand U.S. COVID deaths in 2020. In 2021, thus far, there have been 423 thousand deaths. There are currently over 9 million COVID cases in the U.S., the highest of any other time since the pandemic began (source: Worldometer).
Florida, a state with no mask or vaccine mandates, currently has the lowest COVID infection rate in the country, with 6.8 per 100,000 population, and the rate is falling. The U.S. as a whole is currently averaging 28 cases per 100,000 and rising (source: N.Y. Times/Google Maps). These numbers change frequently, but the overall trend has been consistent.
The big question is, with approximately 60% of the U.S. population vaccinated and strict mask mandates throughout the country, shouldn’t the rates of infection and deaths be going down, not up?
US COVID Deaths In 2021 Have Surpassed 2020’s Total – Despite Vaccines, Treatments
COVID-19 has killed more people in 2021 than 2020.
The virus was reported as the underlying cause of death (or a contributing cause of death) for an estimated 377,883 people in 2020, accounting for 11.3% of deaths, according to the CDC. As of Monday, more than 770,000 people have died from the coronavirus, according to Johns Hopkins University data. That means over 15,000 more people have died in 2021 than last year from COVID-19 – and there’s still more than a month left.
This has happened despite the fact that last year no Americans were vaccinated (now 59% of all eligible Americans have had the “life-saving” jab) and some 17% have received booster shots.
The 2021 U.S. death toll caught some doctors by surprise. They had expected vaccinations and precautionary measures like social distancing and scaled-down public events to curb the spread of infections and minimize severe cases. But, The Wall Street Journal has its own explanation, suggesting lower-than-expected immunization rates as well as fatigue with precautionary measures like masks allowed the highly contagious Delta variant to spread, largely among the unvaccinated, epidemiologists say.
Among missteps, Dr. Abraar Karan, an infectious-diseases doctor at Stanford University, said, public-health officials failed to effectively communicate that the purpose of vaccines is to protect against severe cases of Covid-19 rather than to prevent the spread of infection entirely, which may have led some to doubt the effectiveness of the shots.
CDC has an excuse too, claiming that there was a larger undercount of Covid-19 deaths in 2020, when the disease was newer and a scarcity of tests made confirming some infections difficult.
Deaths remain concentrated in older people (81% of 2020 deaths were among people aged 65 and above, and 69% of the same cohort in 2021).
Still could be worse (and still could be if this latest trend continues in the US).
The Disturbing And Shocking Plan To Replace Kamala Harris
The answer is clear, the problem is solved, according to my source, by selecting Michelle Obama. Money, the machinery of power, the media will be behind her.
The reason she could not be persuaded to run for President in 2020 was that she was afraid of being defeated. That problem is solved if she is eased into power in stages. First, she will be called upon to fill the vice-presidential vacancy a departing Kamala Harris would leave. And then, probably before the 2022 mid-term elections, Biden will be asked to step down gracefully by those pulling the strings, and by Jill Biden as well, to allow Michelle Obama to become the caretaker president leading up to 2024.
This will, they hope, swing the polling in their favor for the Primaries.
Race and gender will be an even louder drumbeat leading up to 2024 with Michelle Obama in the White House. By 2024, the propaganda will be so loud that it will be considered treasonous for the people to vote against a Black, female president in 2024.
Democrats will ensure that race will remain the front and center issue in American society. This is the scenario that is being plotted behind closed doors in Washington DC.
Can they actually install an unelected person as VP ?
( and leave out the smart arse remarks about Biden not being elected !)
The Cruel Lesson to Learn from Austria’s COVID Vax Insanity
Memories of Germany came back to me when I recently read that Austria wants to remove the unvaccinated from society. Their crime? Killing the vaccinated with the disease that the vaccines protect the vaccinated from (sounds as logical as the tap water thing). I have not yet read that they want to kill anyone, but I am assuming they will remove them from society (concentrated in unvaccinated camps?) until they give in or have the jab forced on them. Will Austria’s unvaccinated have to hide in secret compartments in private homes until the insanity has run its course?
The details of what I read made it sound as if the extreme measures in Austria were motivated more by a desire to hide the previous failures of the Austrian kaisers’ COVID policies than to protect the people. As these COVID mandates start to look more like Frankenstein experiments gone wrong, those who mandated them will be looking for scapegoats — not unlike what happened with the failed economic management of the socialist governments in 1930s Austria and Germany.
Novavax: the good vaccine
Josephine Quattrocchi
According to the University of Sydney, the Novavax vaccine is a protein subunit vaccine (subunitbeing our traditional vaccines which contain a purified part of a pathogen which triggers an immune response).
Alongside all other vaccines on the Australian market, Novavax does not contain any live components of Covid-19. This particular vaccine works, using synthetic nanoparticle technology which is coated with the infamous spike protein.
Different from Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the ‘spike protein’ in this case is created through advanced technology, where spike proteins are constructed in a form which aims to imitate the makeup and structure of the virus.
As a self-confessed health nut, my personal favourite aspect of the Novavax vaccine is the incredibly fascinating use of an extract from a Chilean tree to boost immune response.
The Chilean soapbark tree is native to Chile and, interestingly, has been used in past vaccines such as shingles and malaria.
According to Novavax, the saponin molecules found in the tree’s bark are being used to make “adjuvant, a substance that boosts the immune system”.
Novavax also uses Matrix-M adjuvant technology which, according to Novavax, can “lower the dose of antigen required to achieve the desired immune response, which can result in fewer vaccine doses needed”.
This suggests you might not to have to line up for your 27th Covid-19 booster shot 6 months down the track.
And for people who don’t want a continuous stream of vaccines being injected into their bodies, it seems like a safer and more effective option.
Novavax is clearly standing out from the crowd. With the absence of the contentious mRNA technology from Pfizer and Moderna (which has been linked to myocarditis, pericarditis, potential pregnancy and neonatal adverse events, menstrual changes and in some very rare but serious cases, death) and Astra Zeneca’s reputation crushing blood clotting saga, Novavax’s safety is demonstrating a higher success rate.
In relation side effects, the decreased rate of adverse reactions is promising. In fact, this table from the New England Journal of Medicine looks at Novavax’s adverse reactions records in relation to a study. When looking at the toxicity grade (mild, moderate, severe or potentially life threatening) there is no data to suggest a potentially life threatening reaction in their study. This is incredible news in optimising the safety and confidence for Australians to get vaccinated.
Novavax also has an incredible 96% efficacy which has been seen in their first trial.
H/T Steve Kates –
Daniel Andrews’ Victoria: “a sadistic experiment with unintended consequences”
I hate to dwell on Daniel Andrews but he represents a measure of incompetence and stupidity that will be hard for any future premier to exceed. However, I am drawn to all this again by Nick Cater’s article in The Oz (22 Nov 21) whose title sets the scene: The tyranny of ineptitude drives more to the streets.
I will stick to the highlights, but Andrews is a sad example of how fear and uncertainty can make absolutely anyone an apparent refuge, even when he has overseen the worst record anywhere in Australia, perhaps even across the world, shaded only by the devastating results achieved by Andrew Cuomo in New York (from whom Andrews may well have copied much of what he has done). All this is from Nick.
Lockdowns are a sadistic experiment with unintended consequences.
On Friday, 127 days, 87,000 cases, 9.2 million jabs and 460 deaths later, Andrews revoked the mask rule. There was no explanation or attempt to hide behind the fig leaf of health advice. If there was any advice, it would have contradicted the advice on which he claimed to be acting when he imposed mandatory mask wearing four months ago.
The tyranny of ineptitude drives more to the streets
If that was a rent-a-crowd demonstration in Melbourne on Saturday, you wouldn’t want to be picking up the tab. Attendance estimates are rubbery and memories are short but you would have to go back to February 1967 to find a middle-class revolt of similar size against an intransigent Victorian premier.
Daniel Andrews’ goose is not yet cooked, any more than Henry Bolte’s was when thousands protested outside Pentridge Prison against the hanging of Ronald Ryan. History records that Bolte picked up six more seats at the following election. Yet the protest should serve as a warning to Andrews that even patient, civilly obedient Victorians eventually reach breaking point.
The protests are not limited to Victoria or Australia. Huge demonstrations occurred last weekend in dozens of European cities including Belfast, Rotterdam and Milan. The biggest was in Vienna, which is about to enter another fruitless lockdown despite mounting evidence that lockdowns are a sadistic experiment with unintended consequences.
Neither have vaccines provided the immunity from infection we were led to expect. It provides personal protection against severe illness but will not slow the spread or remove the risk of death altogether. Victorian health authorities remain coy about how many of the 330 people in intensive care were double vaccinated, but the data from more open jurisdictions such as Britain suggests many of them are. The same data also suggests vaccinated people are more likely to spread the virus than the unvaccinated because they might be asymptomatic and not know they have it. The exclusion of the unvaccinated from public places is untenable on public health grounds unless the object is deterrence through humiliation.
Andrews’ brutal style of politics can allow for no admission of defeat or personal culpability. It demands a steady supply of scapegoats, the so-called idiots but for whom the virus would now be under control.
Our intelligence has been insulted and our lives disrupted by these buffoons, safe behind their laptops, churning out executive orders, randomly enforced, that run to 83,000 words across 254 pages in Victoria, none of which has been endorsed by the elected parliament.
The social fabric is disintegrating as police are conscripted to enforce these garbled decrees that change on a whim. Police officers are calling in sick or resigning in disgust, uncomfortable with the declining public trust in the uniform they were once proud to wear. The permanent expansion of executive power Andrews seeks with the extension of emergency power legislation will further entrench the tyranny of ineptitude that is driving Victorians on to the streets.
The same formerly novel, linear and structurally ‘locked’ jetstream in an allegedly ‘fluid’ circulation has returned again for the 2021-2022 winter. The last two times this occurred in 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 winter, the NH received massive repeated snowfalls for months. The SH got quite bit too (i.e. enhanced variability).
Do you remember what occurred with record cold and snowfalls in ME, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and Pakistan in early 2020? Well of course you don’t, that was like only 20 months ago. Plus Iceland, Norway, Alps and Japan’s brutal snowfalls last NH Winter? Probably don’t remember that either, right?
Well the same relentless heavy snowfalls will return this year, with this locked jet pattern’s re-emergence. Plus there’s a weak La Nina adding to the increased variability this jet pattern induces. Lots more to not remember.
Note also that once again it’s not possible to visually tell which hemisphere is the soon to be Winter hemisphere, as in both the jet flows are swollen and are leaning relatively closer to the Equator in the upper levels, which is how the ‘Equatorial Jet’ (within the dashed oval) is able to form. It can not form if both jets are not being stimulated to swollen size and energy, and moves equatorward due to an increase in ultra-dry stratospheric air falling in from the lower stratosphere, and expanding and accelerating the sub tropical jets.
Meanwhile people are arguing about a possible quiet solar activity effect on the troposphere’s weather systems, and potentially on ‘climate’ variability. While these images are probably capturing the most obvious signature of such a major anomalous change in the middle and upper troposphere’s flow, occurring in plain sight.
No one gives a stuff about that, of course.
But I would like to see people give a physical explanation for the almost circumglobal structurally-locked linear jets in the Northern hemisphere this winter and for the prior two winters before the one still to come.
Too confounding, blinkers on! … must secure the sacred memes …
I have no claims to expertise in any of this, I am merely an interested observer. Hence my questions may well be naive, stupid or both.
1. Are the impacts shown at 35k feet and higher necessarily transferrable to lower levels of the troposphere?
2. Are the triggers for the wavering jetstream agreed/known? If so, is it entirely Sol in combination with Earth’s magnetic field?
3. Are these phenomena related to Solar cycles either empirically or via proven causation?
I’d appreciate your views on this.
The pundits are saying that the North Atlantic Oscillation is going negative for a spell, which means Western Europe and UK should see a return of the ‘Beast from the East’.
Across the way in North America there is talk of a cold air outbreak (CAO), but there is also a conflicting view.
To Quote Manuel: Que?
Annastacia Palaszczuk’s HUGE vaccine mandate backflip: Queensland leader gives unvaccinated Aussies a reprieve from harsh rules
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has backflipped on the date when vaccine passports will come into effect in the state, allowing the unvaccinated three more weeks to attend pubs and restaurants.
The requirement for Queenslanders to be fully vaccinated to enter a range of venues was expected to come into effect when the state reached 80 per cent of its eligible population with two doses of a Covid vaccine.
Originally forecast as December 17, the date the threshold is expected to be reached is now around December 6.
The earlier date meant it was feared the unvaccinated would be stripped of their freedoms sooner than expected.
But on Tuesday night, Queensland tourism minister Stirling Hinchcliffe confirmed on unjabbed Queenslanders won’t be banned from venues until December 17 at the earliest.
Ms Palaszczuk had recently announced Queenslanders who refuse to get the jab will be banned from a wide range of venues from December 17 or when the state reaches the 80 per cent double dose target as its prepares to reopen to Covid-19 hotspots.
They include hospitality venues, indoor entertainment venues, outdoor entertainment activities, sporting stadiums or theme parks, festivals, galleries, museums or libraries.
Meanwhile in NSW JellyBack Dom Perrottet looks like following Thug Ruby Princess NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard
Fury as controlling bureaucrats demand millions of Australians wear masks through the Christmas season even though 95% will be fully vaxxed
– Masks could to remain mandatory in NSW in indoor settings for even longer
– State is set to hit 95 per cent vaccination rates and has low daily case numbers
– Government looking to keep masks in retail as Christmas shopping rush begins
– 2GB’s Ben Fordham led chorus of furious backlash over bureaucrats’ proposal
Health Minister Brad Hazzard has pledged his support for the mask rule extension with the government tipped to make an announcement with days.
Fordham recalled how he lasted just one hour on a shopping trip with his kids last weekend before going home because he was fed up with wearing masks.
He issued a public plea for NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet to show some common sense by not bowing to the demands of unelected bureaucrats.
‘The government has bowed to these health officials too many times,’ Fordham continued.
‘All restrictions were supposed to end at 80 per cent double dose. Then it changed to 95 per cent. Every decision is based on the cautious health advice.’
‘Premier please, prove once and for all unelected bureaucrats are not running the show.’
‘From December 15, people deserve a choice.’
Fordham was inundated with support from talkback listeners who want the mask rule scrapped.
‘Get rid of the damn masks,’ one said.
Another added: ‘Premier needs to stop mask wearing in schools.’
‘I’ve lost all interest in shopping for Christmas because of the masks,’ a third said.
Also doesn’t augur well for his promise to lift restrictions on the unvaccinated on 15 December.
I suspect the problem is that Perrottet lacks a majority in Cabinet & is beholden to those who put him there. But he has to face the fury of the Party room and, if he renegs on masks & the lifting of restrictions for the unvaxxed by mid December, I hope they chuck him out as leader.
Dom Perrottet is showing himself to be spineless – as a Northern Beaches Resident, he has stated he supports making Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel Tolled both ways – we have paid off the Sydney Harbour Bridge many times over
His Photios Treasurer Matt Kean has said he aims to sell off more Government Assets to Private Enterprise so we the residents can pay more and also said he won’t be building Northern Beaches Tunnel
Meanwhile as above –
But on Tuesday night, Queensland tourism minister Stirling Hinchcliffe confirmed on unjabbed Queenslanders won’t be banned from venues until December 17 at the earliest.
Whilst here in NSW – ‘From December 15, people deserve a choice.’ though JellyBack Perrottet changed the date from 1 Dec to 15 Dec for Unvaccinated being free, and with Thug Brad Hazard seeming to control him, what’s the bet that will change
But the main thing above, they are 2 totally opposing statements from NSW and QLD that contradict each other – Que?
How they can reneg on the Northern Beaches tunnel is a mystery to me. The release of more development land on the green belt to the north of Sydney Harbour will put further pressure on the clogged peak hour traffic.
The continued demand for boat traffic access to the harbour has also forced the continued use of the road drawbridge at The Spit. Incredible that this age old practice continues to cause huge traffic delays, which the tunnel would easily solve.
First it was reported that heart attacks and other vascular issues have mysteriously spiked this year (especially amongst the young, females and athletes).
Now there are reports of stillborn babies being far, far more frequent this year than previously.
And from the comments
Hi mods. When you release the preceding comment, can you provide ANY clues as to what put it into m0derat!on?
Was it the number of links that I included?
Everyone discounts anecdotal evidence, I know. But this struck a chord since a friend’s daughter-in-law recently had a still birth of greatly anticipated first baby. Mother was fully vaccinated, but everyone was careful not to join the dots. Terrible.
Why the mRNA vaccines suppress your immune system (beyond the introduction of the toxic spike protein into your system)
There are a lot of links in the article confirming the importance of the toll-like receptors as first line detectors of foreign nucleic acids (eg viruses, cancers) to trigger the immune response.
This is an area where the adenovirus vector (DNA) vaccines should be less harmful. Still, our TGA has determined only the Pfizer vaccine will be used for boosters.
From the BBC. Green party bailed out
Sweden’s first female PM resigns hours after appointment
“3 pictures the COVID Vaccinated need to See”
Via a comment at Chiefio
A thinking person might expect a higher incidence of “All causes Mortality” from the vaccinated …. since they are the majority of the population !
If everyone was vaccinated then the figure would be 100% …
…and if no one was vaccinated then all deaths would be among the unvaccinated population !
So, the data needs to be “weighted” to reflect the % vaccinated.
In the first two pics the cases-death ratio of vaxed to non-vaxed is about the same as the proportion who are vaxed.
“No, You Cuck. This Is How”