A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Things are looking better ?
Sweet old bob
Unfortunately there is an overwhelming demand for lockdowns in Austria and the people seem to have got their wishes, as there will be a full blown lockdown for everyone from next Monday.
In a further tightening, having the vaccine will become mandatory for all
I would doubt there would be a huge demonstration in very middle class Vienna that is supported by the police and army. Although it would be good to think people are willing to demonstrate against the loss of freedoms, the number of covid cases in Austria is exploding and the media will make full use of this to scare people and get them in line.
The demo happened in Vienna as expected but no sign whatsoever that the police or the army took part
On the contrary the police can be seen forcibly restraining people. We shall have to see if there are any reports of odd instances of police or army involvement in the demo but on the whole the police like to enforce order and most people there like to conform to the rules. The lockdown is pretty popular there for reasons that elude me, other than the govt has terrified its population and home seems a safe haven.
Things are pretty normal here in the UK with case numbers high (due to huge testing programme) deaths on a plateau , hospitalisations declining slightly and people going about their business, mostly unmasked.
Seven hurt as Netherlands police fire on anti-lockdown rioters: Anger at Euro Covid restrictions turns increasingly violent as Austria makes vaccine MANDATORY and Germans face ‘Christmas lockdown’
Me making serious fun of AGW:
The fallacy really is this simple. Ignore nature.
Fossil fuels are biomass . . spread the word.
Vintage biomass to be sure, but biomass none the less and it was all circulating in the biosphere at one point or other.
It’s no more valid to cherry pick a time period where fossil fuels are excluded from some made up vision of a ‘carbon budget’ than it is to cherry pick a time period for anthropogenic ‘forcing’.
Take back the language, I say.
Yes, take back the language. If you ask for definitions of “global warming” and “climate change” what you are likely to get says they are caused by humans. Nature is ruled out by definition!
… so the models will not be able to cope with the coming (human caused) global cooling or negative warming.
But then, because CO2 is still rising, and CO2 only does warming, then the cooling is going to be a big anomaly.
Great article, thanks David. I like the bit about the models being based on assuming only human caused warming, and then all the models show – human caused warming. Simples!
I would love to be invited to speak to the young and impressionable.
Maybe I would start:
This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be here, I should back in my retirement home.
yet you blame us old people for the luxury that you have to endure……..
I would hope, in the end, to convince them that I have not observed ANY change in my town and that I have memories of it from 70 yrs ago. I lived AT high water mark for spring tides. Someone still lives in that house and last time I looked there had not been a shovel of dirt placed to keep the tide at bay.
LOL – I love it!
Does everyone agree by now that Pfizer falsified data on their “vaccine”?
Not those who see but don’t look and hear but don’t listen.
Morning (again) Zoe,
Somehow my original reply ended up further down, so I’m reproducing here where it’s at least relevant:
“Everyone” is a rather big sample. I think the group is expanding, but may not have even reached a majority as yet.
Dave B
EXCLUSIVE: Hero surgeon killed by Covid was DOUBLE-JABBED but missed out on booster by just six days: Heartbroken wife says ‘devoted’ father-of-four, 45, lost Covid battle ‘after catching virus on a ward’ despite having second vaccine in January
Hospital in England ‘becomes first in world’ to offer mouthwash to Covid patients as studies hint good oral hygiene reduces risk of severe illness
– Salisbury hospital says Covid patients should use mouth wash twice a day
– It is recommending three priced from £2 that are available in supermarkets
– It comes after scientists suggested Covid may spread via the mouth
a bit late to the party – see FLCC – Gargle mouthwash
2 x daily – gargle (do not swallow) antiseptic mouthwash with cetylpyridinium chloride (e.g. ScopeTM,
ActTM, CrestTM), 1% povidone/iodine solution or ListerineTM with essential oils.
One would have to worry about the research capabilities of our Health Professionals – they seem to be Zero
They seem have total reliance on the health authorities to do all the research for them. Evidence based medicine has gone by the wayside.
I’m guessing litigation as well and consolidation of independent practices into corporate groups has led to this
To Whom It May Concern.
Let it be known that;
I am not an Anti-vaxxer!
I am just a participant in the (very important) second control group in the medical trial of the current Covid-19 so called “Vaccines”. (this is because the pharmaceutical companies inadvertently contaminated the first control group with the same inoculant as the trial group.)
I am still a “PureBlood”!
I have collected some covid related items together that might be of interest here. My own feeling is that the vaccines will wear off in under 6 months in Australia and your govt will revert to draconian lockdowns again as they seem unwilling to admit that vaccines are not as effective as they claim and won’t use anti virals. So travel while you can and lets hope vaccines Mark 2 become available and are more effective.
Which raises the question of what is the point of vaccine passports?
Bill gates admits in interview that whilst the vaccine provides protection against serious illness it doesn’t stop you catching it or passing it on.
He suggests we need to think again.
Hopefully such s high profile intervention will confirm the dystopian vaccine passports are not needed as they provide no protection against anything
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted that the Covid vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. Speaking to reporters on a visit to a Covid vaccination centre in London on Friday, the Prime Minister said that double vaccination provides “a lot of protection against serious illness and death” but does not protect against “catching the disease” or “passing it on”.
—- —-
Nov 2021 “ according to Jean-François Delfraissy, the president of the French Scientific Council. On Wednesday morning, the physician was interviewed on France Inter and asked to explain why the vaccine does not seem to be enough to prevent another wave of infections.
“However, they lose some of their effectiveness within five to six months as this has been proved among our oldest and immunocompromised patients.
“Hence why a booster jab is necessary.
“We also know that these different vaccines don’t protect that much from infection and transmission.”
Face masks?
—- —
Oxford study masks are not effective
Well facemasks are just a psy-op. Just in case you start to think that maybe covid is just bad flu, and that the chances of suviving it are 99.75%, there is a muzzle on your mouth to remind you that your life is in imminent danger
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
So Austria announces mandatory vaccination – despite knowing they dont work.
“So Austria announces mandatory vaccination – despite knowing they dont work.”
The vaxxes only “don’t work” in medical terms – they work perfectly well as a tool of Globalist Communism.
For me the best strategy would have been to get vaccinated, then get COVID shortly afterwards, but in the UK we had too much fear and too much lockdown. The elderly got released from lockdown around 6 months after their second jab, hence their need now for a booster.
That is a given based on solid evidence.
No – Australians will just line up for boosters. It is already happening.
My middle son has had his booster. My wife has put her eligible booster date into her calendar.
The majority of Aussies are pragmatic and community minded. Fortunately for Australia, other countries have been forced to do the experimentation on their populations before the need emerges in Australia.
Boosters have done the job in Israel and UAE is also now into boosters:
What is the “community minded” aspect of getting vaccinated and boosted? Reducing load on hospitals?
Getting hospitalized for side effects would negate the temporary protection of the vaccines
Sound like a comment from an AGW worrier – woulda, coulda, mighta etc
Vaccines HAVE NOT increased hospital load.
You can thumb through NSW hospitals to see wait times:
And Canberra where >99% of the adult population is vaccinated they should be dropping like flies:
Looks like now great stress there.
Community minded is the essence of herd immunity. In the USA and UK the burden to get to herd immunity has fallen on the young. They now represent the largest proportion of the cases. Sure most survive but who knows what the bioweapon is going to do on a long term basis. If enough adults get vaccinated then there is no need to give the kids this unproven vaccine.
Too bad the vaccines do not reduce infection and transmission of Covid at all but only (temporarily) reduce the severity of infection. The front loading of infection in the upper respiratory tract, where the vaccines have zero effect on the immune system, means that the slight reduction in average infection period for the vaccinated is cancelled out by the reduction in severity, which allows the vaccinated infected on average to be active and social for longer.
Meanwhile, the CDC does not have a single documented case of a transmission from someone who previously recovered from Covid and was reinfected (a rarity in itself). This is almost certainly due to a mucosal immune response which the vaccines cannot induce since they are injected.
The vaccines are all about PERSONAL protection, not community protection.
Seems a good field to develop an inhaled formula for vaccination?
Also, with the impermanence of effect – just a few months – for vaccines, it would seem an economic argument for government could be made to back off on its therapeutics embargo and allow community use-by-choice to the people for use of HCL-zn, ivermectin etc, especially if things are getting so desperate as to push mouth rinses. The cost savings between repeated vaccine dosing, with high cost staff and location sites, versus therapeutics using Pharmacies, would presumably be large.
The other consideration is, therapeutics currently would seem to be the only way of ending ‘forever vaccinations’ on biennial basis, using the current formulations. One must ask why governments continue on the same old ritual while salivating for the new pfizer drug therapy promised for a year’s
time and no doubt again at great expense. If being so on tenterhooks waiting feverishly, why the hell doesn’t it lift its own bans on therapeutics, even if initially allowing businesses to do its dirty work of mandating boosters.
G’day Doc,
“…use of HCL-zn,…” ?
I hope I know what you’re saying, but if you do mean hydroxychloroquine, please use HCQ instead of hydrochloric acid. Casual readers just might act on your usage.
Dave B
To David-of-Cooyal-in-Oz.
Thanks. HCQ was intended. HCl + Zn on the other hand might rot the gut, but think of that lovely
H2 generated and light a match. Roman candles everywhere, or another source of H2 to power that hydrogen vehicle in the middle of the desert when all else fails.
… or do terminal damage to any remaining teeth.
“Community minded is the essence of herd immunity.”
hmm … I kinda thought immunity would be essence ‘herd immunity’.
Then perhaps the WHO is more interested in herd part than the immunity part.
Are you thinking the old traditional definition of herd immunity or the revised WHO definition?
Which is 100% vaccination.
Regardless of immunity.
Presumably you in Oz were treated to this complete nonsense courtesy of Meghan Markle?
She’s an ex Soapie star, after all. What do people expect?
G’day Zoe,
“Everyone” is a rather big sample. I think the group is expanding, but may not have even reached a majority as yet.
Dave B
Sorry about that. I though I was replying to Zoe Phin, at #3 above.
Have no idea what I did..
Dave B
Why would you bother with either of them?
I doubt many Aussies would know who Meghan Markle is. Good name for a super hero though.
The CEO of Pfizer is a veterinarian.
The CEO of Johnson & Johnson is a salesman.
The CEO of Moderna is an investment banker.
The CEO of Astra Zeneca is also a veterinarian.
Probably a couple of experts on horse dewormers in that bunch. 😉
Not sure of your point here.
It has been claimed that Jesus was a carpenter.
On the other end of the scale, this site’s owner seems to have exactly the training for what she does.
Because,for me, sometimes it’s worth taking a step back and examining the absurdity of things.
I find it helps to reset the mind and stay out of the weeds.
The devil is in the weeds.
Bill Gates is a college drop out IT businessman, but he seems to be the go to guy for the MSM on viruses. Makes as much sense as their love of Flannery on climate.
I posted this on a different thread, but too late to get any reaction. It is one of my most important posts, so I hope the moderator will let it through.
All cause mortality/morbidity in the drug group should be the only metric to evaluate danger of any drug. The vaccine may reduce Covid deaths, but it seems to create a lot of other problems according to VAERS. And nobody talks about the documented hundred fold under-reporting in this voluntary system.
By 22 October there had been over 800 000
Adverse events reported, likely as many as 80 million in real life. Deaths: 17128 likely over 1.7 million. To visualize: 3400 jumbo jets crashing, one every minute for 56 hours or 3400 km of coffins or dead bodies next to the road. Imagine driving LA to New York with the roadside littered with dead bodies for the whole trip. Imagine 571 9/11s. That is one 9/11 every hour for 23 days, day and night. Life threatening events 18924. Probably more than 1.8 million. Permanent disabilities 26199, probably more than 2.6 million. Imagine disabled people staring at you from BOTH sides of the road from New York to LA. Birth defects 575, probably over 50000, one child with birth defect born every 10 minutes for a year. Numbers lose their meaning unless we visualise them. That is why the media world gets all excited about plane crashes and terrorist attacks.
If we should look at vaccination numbers and take the probable VAERS numbers seriously, we would have the following risks:
193 million were so-called fully vaccinated 4. November. So we may count around roughly 190 million for the VAERS date.
Permanent disability:one out of every 73 vaccinated. Imagine you roll a dice and get the same number twice. Then you roll it once again and get 4,5 or 6. Permanently disabeled
For death the risk is one in 111. Two identical number on the dice and then a 3 or a 4. Would you roll the third time?
The risk for death from covid in the US is about one in 700. So should we take the VAERS seriously with the 1% reporting rate (it may be even more suppressed than that given the money involved), one in 111. will die from the vaccine, but only 1 out of 700 will die from Covid. The vaccine are 6.3 times more deadly than Covid itself. If we are generous and say that only 10% of covid deaths are from covid, not from comorbidities, we have a 60 fold increased risk from the vaccine.
Rubbish, 1% reporting rate is not credible, as you say, there would be over 1.7 million vaccine deaths. That would be about a 50% increase in the total number of deaths in the USA. Even Sleepy Joe would notice that.
The reporting of only 1 % in VAERS was confirmed in this study.
Quite a reputable source. From the abstract:
“Anaphylaxis to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is currently estimated to occur in 2.5 to 11.1 cases per 1 million doses”
When a prospective study was performed on 52805 Mass General Brigham (MGB) employees who received their first dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
“Anaphylaxis was confirmed in 16 employees (0.025% [95% CI, 0.014%-0.040%])” this is very close to 100 times the rate that CDC operates with, 250 pr million doses, compared to 2.5 to 11.1 cases per 1 million doses.
I am quite able to believe that allergic reactions could be highly under reported. You could go home, not bother to report it, and nobody would know. To extrapolate that to deaths being under reported by a factor of 100 is not credible – you cant hide bodies.
See also this article which I posted two days ago calling for the sacking of Dr. John Su — who has the job of reporting vaccine safety signals to the CDC and FDA — concerning his lack of any computation of the underreporting factor for VAERS.
“Su claimed in a CDC meeting that VAERS, the official database used to track adverse events, is nearly fully reported (close to 1). He’s wrong. Dead wrong. The reality is that it is extremely underreported (close to 41 per multiple estimates).
We could not find any evidence that Dr. Su has ever computed the underreporting factor (URF) for the COVID vaccines. This is extremely troubling because the correct URF is required to compute an accurate cost-benefit analysis. Had the committees had the correct URF, these vaccines would have been stopped immediately.
Once you have the correct URF, it is clear that the vaccines kill more people than they save for all age ranges. They are nonsensical, even if they were 100% effective. This is why Su’s error was critical: at a URF of 1, the vaccines are viable; at a URF of 41 they are nonsensical.”
Read the full article
Also, the “experiment” is not over by a long shot. We will have to wait for years before we get close to a final tally of effects due to COVID-19, including deaths. We all know that any vaccine will have some delirious effect on some people. Typical it’s kept to a minimum and the benefit of a vaccine far outweighs the risks. Numerous anecdotal reports indicate this is not so for COVID-19 vaccines. I say anecdotal because officialdom refuse to listen to such reports and so don’t bother to investigate them, or alternatively they do know they are true but are deliberately covering things up. Either way, they are guilty of misconduct for sure but they also would be guilty of the most serious crime against humanity ever conducted if the anecdotal reports are eventually proven to be official. There is no excuse to ignore the evidence that’s freely open to investigation right now let alone in years to come. In any case our officialdom ought to one day be charged accordingly even under the current state of affairs let alone future one when the evidence becomes overwhelming, and if found guilty put in prison for life if not hanged. Sorry, but that includes our political “masters”, state and federal. No harm, no foul has no relevance here.
If you are not a cow chist artist then provide your name and work history.
Your cow chist is easy to invalidate. Australia has been vaccinating the populatiion since January. The only notable increase in mortality for the first 6 months of 2021 was cancer:
The increase in cancer deaths is likely due to reduced testing and treatment in 2020.
So this is all cancer?
Yes – you only needed to scroll down the page to find this data
Let’s see how that works out, comparing vs 2020 January to July.
2.0% of the period total of 28,482 is 570 which seems quite a few less than the 3,024 total increase
Now just considering July, 2.6% of the 2020 cancer total is 112 which would normally be considered less than 8.7% of 13,725 = 1,194 which is the overall increase for July.
How does your math consider these figures?
Your maths is not comparing apples with apples. You are mixing monthly and YTD and baselines.
This is what is actually stated in the cancer deaths and would be obvious if you cared to view the chart.
Which is 8% higher than the baseline so an extra 344 deaths from cancer for July.
The July 2021 total was 13,725, which was 3.6% higher than the baseline or 494. So of those 494, 344 were cancer.
The other two with increases in July were dementia, 242, and diabetes 22. Some causes of death were less in July.
It is not difficult for anyone to look at the charts and see where the red line differs from the orange line:
Anyone trying to claim that vaccines are causing a dramatic increase in hospitalisations is blowing smoke. It is cow chist. My son works in the hospital system in Australia and I have talked to him about vaccine reactions. He has seen far fewer vaccine adverse reactions than Covid cases this year.
You are comparing against the baseline. I am comparing vs 2020. The past 2 years have been very different to the baseline, pre-Covid period.
Your son works in an ICU so it’s natural that vaccination side effects would rarely be presented to his department.
Rick, stop it, please.
I’m sure your son is a good doctor, but what is being reported here might make him uncomfortable.
When one person finds in a short time frame two or three others who had cardiac rhythm disturbances after being
vaccinated, and come from 50-70yo age group, one has just cause to really question the extremely low incidence reported for relatively meaningful cardiac side effects. It also makes one question on what ethical principle can businesses be allowed to demand complete mandation for these vaccines. It is also a fact that those doing the jabbing must be told, on the grounds of full disclosure, that the ethics of injecting these drugs into people forced to turn up or lose their jobs or entrance into society even when they have a history of dangerous reactions to such medicating, is unethical.
Has anybody reflected on the life expectancy numbers with Covid. In many countries the average age of death from/with Covid is often higher than the average life expectancy. Wouldn’t that indicate that Covid really is nothing special?
Except that the average life expectancy for an 82 year old without Covid is a lot longer than for an 82 year old with Covid.
Life Expectancy is usually calculated from birth, so it’s not very applicable older people.
One could also argue with all other things equal, the average life expectancy for an 82 year old without COIVID-19 vaccine is a lot longer that an 82 year old with the vaccine. Not enough time nor study has been conducted to come to the truth of all COVID-19 related issues. In time I suspect we will.
This is a simple calculator for Australians to see their chances of dying from Covid-19 using various government reported data. Enter your age to view odds and stats related to your age group.
for an 82 yr old with comorbidities and no treatment it says 1 in 451 odds but with early treatment 1 in 3,009
that’s going by current data for delta Wu Flu
the irrational fear spread by people about the Wu Flu is just that, irrational fear
the Wu Flu is not a death sentence and never has been
l am not suggesting people dont look after themselves or be prepared but you should make an effort to live your life, dont just exist in irrational fear
Thank you so much for replying, Jo. I feel honored. Your explanation is very good, but I still feel a bit puzzled by the numbers. If they die at an age higher than life expectancy they should contribute to raising the life expectancy figure.
If life expectancy is 82 for 1000 000 and then we have all dying at an average of 83, the new life expectancy would be 83, wouldn’t it. I have a feeling that I am wrong, but I also think my argument is plausible.
[ If averaging, for the same population of 1 M, it would be (82 + 83)/2 = 82.5. If different population groups of size N and M, it would be (82 x N + 83 x M) / ( N+M ) – LVA]
Jo, your abject fear has caused you start writing rationalizing statements rather than rational ones.
Please look at the raw data and consider it dispassionately. The OP’s statement is true in the absolute sense and should strongly impact proper assessment of the threat.
Gosh Jo. Whatever you do don’t tell the actuaries.
All sorts of calculations in the life insurance and related fields know a great deal about life expectancy of people at various ages and in various circumstances. The aged care sector for example is funded according to how long each resident is likely to last.
The two big things which add to the fear factor are the very short period of time between diagnosis and death, and the absence of any legal anti-viral.
Us who aspire to traditional values and approaches to teaching young children are now in effect being tagged as domestic terrorists.
FBI created ‘threat tag’ to track alleged harassment of educators: whistleblower
Makes me wonder what’s next. Will it soon be a crime to teach children the basics of English and maths?
Indeed. In any tyranny the standard is that which is not expressly permitted is forbidden.
You seem to hold rather out dated views. If you could just confirm your address details a couple of our friendly reeducators will call round to have a chat about your radical and anti social views.
Please wear a mask.
Do students still get taught English and mathematics? Amazing! One wouldn’t know!
I thought, judging by the ~ total acceptance of the Global Warming creed, and extending into viral medicine,
they spent their whole time learning about manipulative philosophical thinking where one no longer
needs powers of deduction, argument de rigour and persuasion, where reality is not what you perceive
but is handed to your mind on a plate, even coming with government seal. Schools are today’s seminaries. Ideas are
officially dictated with the government seal of approval and time is not wasted in tedious argument.
Fortunes of the great entrepreneurial minds are totally committed, with a world’s first in efficiency derived from the complementary meeting of the great systems of government, banking, finance, industry, international and national politics. It is needless for any consideration of the minds of the huge unwashed, designated as too dumb, powerless and totally controllable. Western Governance systems are to be revolutionised to great simplicity, imitating the great European Commission. ‘Pity’ other governing systems won’t follow with anything but their money!
Written by NHS Doctor. (I’ve removed the doctor’s name – Gary)
“As an NHS hospital doctor, I have had a front-row seat as the drama of the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded. It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history.
The consent form for the Covid-19 vaccine does not disclose its status as an unlicensed experimental product. The risks remain largely unknown, although it is becoming clear that the vaccine has resulted in death or injury in a rising number of healthy people. A growing number of vaccine-induced syndromes are being recognised, including immune thrombotic thrombocytopaenia, myocarditis and menstrual irregularities, among many others being published in the literature. At the time of writing, there have been more than 380,000 reports, 1.2million injuries and 1,700 fatalities submitted under the MHRA Yellow Card scheme.
A vaccine passport is now likely to be rolled out under ‘Plan B’, which proposes to return unlawfully usurped fundamental human rights and freedoms to only the vaccinated. Workers in the care home sector have had their livelihoods tethered to their compliance with the vaccine mandates, and a recent announcement confirms that this will soon include NHS employees.
Not only is there no scientific basis for these mandates, these coercive actions breach the Nuremberg Code, as does the unprecedented lack of animal safety data for a novel medical product. A betrayal of the Nuremberg Code constitutes a crime against humanity.
It does not end there. The campaign marches on, and now includes the vaccination of children against a disease that has a statistically negligible chance of harming them. In the world of evidence-based medicine we doctors must weigh risks and benefits, we must ensure the risk of harm is far exceeded by the potential for protection or cure. In this case, with no real risk to healthy children from the infection, any harm is utterly unjustifiable. And the risk of harm is very real and measurable.
Vaccine-related myocarditis is now a recognised injury, the risk inversely proportionate to age. Although rare, myocarditis can be fatal, and fatality is more common in the younger population. For reasons that have nothing to do with health, and despite the JCVI advisory board concluding that the health benefits do not outweigh the risks to children, the government is advising that we administer a medicine that carries a risk of serious injury to children who are healthy and who have no significant risk from the disease it purports to protect them against.
Despite all this, and despite our training to look at scientific literature and data with a critical eye, the silence from the medical community in the UK has been deafening. Yet we are the ones who should be shouting all of this from the rooftops. This is a duty of care and an oath we have forgotten.
And so we comment to each other on all the changes we are witnessing months into the vaccine roll-out: the unseasonal surge in hospital admissions, the post-jab autoimmune conditions and coagulation disorders, the numbers of ‘double-jabbed’ patients admitted with severe Covid infection, the numbers of lives ruined by lockdown and other Covid control policies. I challenge any doctor to deny that all of this simply feels wrong.
[Gary, Best post shorter comments and add a link to the source – Jo]
Thanks Gary.
Today the Leader of the United Australia Party has written to the head of the TGA, Professor John Skerritt following a very significant surge in Myocarditis & Pericarditis cases reported to the TGA’s Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN), seeking an explanation for this dramatic and alarming surge.
June 2021 : 39 cases
July 2021 : 121 cases
Aug 2021 : 283 cases
Sept 2021 : 519 cases
Oct 2021 : 813 cases
Further, this alarming trend appears to be continuing with a total of 83 cases reported for just the first two days of November 2021.
Mr Kelly is looking forward to receiving the TGA’s urgently reply to explain the reason behind this dramatic increase in reported cases.
But hey; it’s “extremely rare”
I previously posted a link to an article that posits myocardial issues being inherent with the gene therapy spike protein vaccines and in the short term, it’s just a matter of how noticeable it is amongst individuals.
And unlike the government messaging, you don’t recover from a “mild” case of myocarditis – your body adapts to the reduced heart function.
In the longer term, mortality is significantly elevated (20% over a year, 50% over 5 years) since myocarditis indicates heart damage which is not repairable so the heart always works harder.
Does anyone have any link to recent argo bouy data? I know Jo posted on it many years ago. Now there should be about 20 years of data that should be able to tell us whether oceans are warming or not. I hear only silence about it from warmies and sceptics alike!
The fact that there has been silence probably tells us something Damo.
Here is an extremely extensive run down of the Argo project.
They have had some reliability problems whereby after a couple of years a significant proportion of the floats are known to have provided incorrect information
Within the link are other links to raw data and papers , so grab a coffee and a packet of biscuits and have a read
Oceans are warming. They have to because the amount of sunlight they are receiving is in gradual decline and the amount of sunlight over is increasing. That slows down the water cycle allowing the oceans to retain more heat. It is detailed here:
There is a link in that paper to a chart the shows the decline in river runoff since 1950:
Climate models have some magical way of getting heat down into deep oceans against the natural upwelling of the evaporation. It is more anti-physics that only climate models can achieve. All climate models predict river runoff to increase. Reality is bucking the trend.
Oceans warming is actually a sign of reduced ocean surface sunlight. Something that has been trending downward since 1585.
Please show this trending downward evidence since 1585……………………..BC or AD?
It’s an area in which RickWill is expert; the wuwt link is to an article of his. Check it out.
Rick, can you run that by me again ?…….
Another excellent interview with Geert Vanden Bossche. The interview starts 50 minutes into the video. For Geert’s sobering conclusion listen from 1hr and 50 minutes in, about the last 12 minutes of the interview.
Do you have a link to the interview you are referring to? There are many on his site
Thanks Analitik. Sorry people, seniors moment. This is a different link with just the interview. Start from the beginning. The last 12 minutes gives Geert’s sobering belief of the outcome of this vaccination campaign.
I’m halfway through this interview and all I can say is WATCH ALL OF IT.
The discussion early on about the statistical distortion of the ebola vaccine assessment, the description of immune system function components around 15 minutes in, the action of the vaccines on the selection of variants at the half hour mark… Just watch it all!
Good advice Analitik, advice that I should have given. There is an absolute fountain of information in that video.
Hi All,
Does anyone have any of the latest information on the NOVAVAX?
My wife is due for her second jab and while we are both vehemently opposed to the experimental drug, she has to be jabbed to keep her job which unfortunately we need.
I understand it has gone to the TGA for approval but have no idea how long that may take.
Any info appreciated. Thanks.
It has been submitted to the UK for approval a couple of weeks ago, so around the same time as in Australia. It has received emergency approval however in Indonesia and the Phillippines.
The UK has been amongst the first to approve other vaccines but it will presumably take up to six months.
Presumably your wife will be receiving one of the existing vaccines.
My wife and I had our Pfizer booster a couple of weeks ago. A couple of sore arms but no other side effects.
I think you will get a somewhat excitable view of vaccinations if you regularly read this site. Which will be the cue for me to get lots of red thumbs.
See my post above, as whilst the vaccine usually provides protection against the virus it will not be very effective at stopping you catching it or passing it on, so caution is still needed
If you are happy to take the risk…go for it!
An essential feature of the immune system is the strict differentiation between one’s own cells and foreign cells. Only in this way is a healthy life possible at all. It is precisely this fundamental distinction and basis of life that is being challenged with what is currently known as the
jab, and being propagated as a corona “vaccination”. The much-cited spike proteins are a recognition feature of the Corona virus, an antigen.
Yes Brenda. It is at times like these that contributions to public knowledge are most welcome from those who best understand the medical and scientific issues.
apparently the new Australian vaccine from Engeneic can distinguish between the cells where as the available vaccines apparently attack any cell that is shows change, good and bad so it is a good one for compromised immunities as well as the company backing its product unlike the jabs we have available to who want to be a member of the experiment or need to keep their job
Tony, why include your inflammatory statement in your otherwise reasonable reply?
Scott… the period around the 15th, 16th and 17th December is going to be very interesting, because that is when most of the eastern states are saying they will open up.
Watch particularly NSW and Vic. NSW has said they will open up to both vaccinated and unvaccinated, and if in Vic, Andrews does not get his bill passed by the 15th, then Vic will also have no covid rules at all, because the Emergency Orders will have expired.
The federal government is under extreme pressure from its own back benchers to do something about the states mandates, because of the very obvious threat from One Nation and the Palmer United Party. Many back benchers face the very real possibility they will loose their seats to those parties if the mandates and restrictions continue after December and threaten Christmas.
And the election is scheduled for early in the new year. Voters will have long memories if Christmas is buggered by mandates.
Thank you for the replies
On the Atherton tablelands in the small town of Atherton, population 7300. Bob “the crock and pig hunter” Katter had a rally, 10% of the population attended this rally, no advertising and on a work day. A petition was handed to Bob the crock hunter Katter containing 45000 signatures, that’s about the entire population of the tablelands area.
I like to think I am up to speed with this sort of thing and was putting up fliers for todays rally the day before, and I missed it.
The local trash news paper did a survey on mandatory lock outs, 80% of respondents said NO.
Great and relevant quote from Bob.
“They look at the size of the dog in the fight, but they are not looking at the size of the fight in the dog – that is a very bad mistake.”
KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter, together with KAP State Member for Hill, Shane Knuth, joined more than 800 angry residents and business owners at a freedom rally in Atherton today, promising to take up the fight against mandatory vaccinations in their respective Parliaments.
Member for Kennedy Bob Katter, MHR (left) brandishing a copy of George Orwell’s 1984 and KAP Member for Hill Shane Knuth warn Labor Premier Palaszczuk the gloves are off over Covid mandates
A fired-up Bob Katter said, “The Government has looked at the size of the dog in the fight and they think they are going well. Well, we’ve seen so many politicians who have made this mistake before. They look at the size of the dog in the fight, but they are not looking at the size of the fight in the dog – that is a very bad mistake.
“I think there were about 800-odd people there today standing out there in the sun with no publicity whatsoever, just word of mouth. There are 45,000 signatories on the petition in just two weeks so that just shows that there are a lot of angry people up here,” he said.
“The famous jurist, Oliver Wendell Holmes, said ‘the right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins.’
“Well, Ms Palaszczuk, your right to dragoon us and push us around stops where my nose starts.
“I have had my Covid vaccination, but I am against coercion. I was prepared to give them two years to cut down this disease.
“Pregnant women should not be forced to choose between their job and making a choice that they believe is in their best interest and the interest of their unborn child. My office alone has received six or seven cases where people have had an adverse reaction to immunisation.
“So, it must be added, Ms Palaszczuk, that you’ve had your chance to eradicate Covid and you’ve failed miserably. You’ve managed to inoculate 90 percent of Australia. Has it had a great effect? No, we have more cases now, than a year ago. So, congratulations. You’re a bunch of dropkicks.
“You have dragooned the nation, removed our freedoms and destroyed our right to carry out our life as we know it.”
Mr Katter said, “This is not the black death; this is not the Spanish flu, this is not polio. It doesn’t remotely come into that category, rather, it is almost akin to the influenza.
“Freedom should be honored and fought for, not spat upon as the Premiers of Queensland and Victoria have done.
“You’ll be hearing from me on this in Canberra next week. I warn the Government to be prepared.”
Gina Crameri, who owns and operates Blue Summit Hideaway in Yungaburra, addressed the media at the press conference today, warning the community’s concerns that the vaccine mandate would turn into further encroachments on freedoms.
“I have lived on the Tablelands all my life and have run my accommodation for the last 25 years.
“I’m proud to be an Australian and a North Queenslander, but what the State Government is doing by introducing a mandate is wrong. They are not to take our freedom away from us.
“I’m very, very happy that Bob Katter and Shane Knuth are our strong voices to go and make sure that this never, ever, ever happens,” Ms Crameri said.
“By putting this mandate in, we question where does it stop down the track? Will it mean that soon you can’t put a fishing line in the water or that you can’t go on your motorbike?
“This is getting out of hand and totally out of control. It’s not my job to ask people about their medical history. There are a lot of people out there very scared and unsure if they can even make bookings.
“We don’t want our freedoms taken away and I truly hope that the voice of the people will be heard by the State Government currently in place. That’s our concern and that is why we were there today.”
Member for Hill, Shane Knuth, said that this was a real low point in Queensland’s history and that the rally presented an overwhelming force as both the unvaccinated and vaccinated united to protect their freedoms.
“The State Government has crossed the line here and now has introduced a segregation policy where they have banned the unvaccinated from almost every facet of life,” he said.
“And today’s rally was the fully vaccinated coming out and opposing forced vaccination upon their fellow colleagues, families and friends.
“The State Government have forced businesses to initiate the burden by enforcing their staff to vaccinate and to police the patrons that have been supportive of their business for years.
“This rally was about how we can all work together to see these draconian measures thrown out.”
HT, Cairns News.
“So, it must be added, Ms Palaszczuk, that you’ve had your chance to eradicate Covid and you’ve failed miserably. You’ve managed to inoculate 90 percent of Australia. Has it had a great effect? No, we have more cases now, than a year ago. So, congratulations. You’re a bunch of dropkicks.
A jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin, found 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of all charges on Friday.
The worrying thing is that the guilty/not guilty split of observers and commentators was 95% on political, ideological grounds.
Yes! Heard it and am relieved that the system still works correctly. Kyle should be remembered as one person against a broken government. Protection and safety is most likely in ones own hands.
The sheer amount of misinformation and omitted information about this case has been extreme. If you’ve only seen the newspaper and media coverage, you might believe many falsehoods about this event.
if you only saw the MSM coverage, You might not know:
That Kenosha riots destroyed many buildings and property
That the Kenosha riots were based on MSM misreporting of a man being shot (who was holding a knife, had a warrant out against him and was kidnapping his children in a Domestic Violence incident)
That rioters were lighting fires
That Kyle did not take a weapon across state lines
That Kyles weapon was not illegal
That Kyles dad lived in Kenosha
That Kyle worked in Kenosha
That Kyle was protecting a minority owned business
Who Kyle shot
That many other shots were fired by other people
The criminal background of Rosenbaum and all other assailants.
That Rosenbaum said he’d kill Kyle if he got him alone.
That Rosenbaum chased Kyle and grabbed his gun
That Rosenbaum was a convicted pedophile
That Rosenbaum had just got out of a mental hospital and had a restraining order out against him from his girlfriend (where he wasn’t allowed to stay)
That Kyle only shot in response to being attacked by each successive assailant.
That the entire prosecution of Kyle appeared to be political
That the MSM lied or omitted almost all inconvenient facts for their narrative
That the Australian ABC joined in with omitting key details for their audience
Rekieta Law on youtube provided excellent courtroom drama coverage of this case – with various legal opinions from those practicing in the field in real time as events unfolded. If you love old courtroom dramas this was great analysis, with humour and very educational.
Thanks for that.
I’m at the steps of parliament Spring St, Eureka flag on 4m orange pole, Camo bucket hat Harley hoodie good looking bloke beard and glasses.
Now in Flagstaff gardens, thousands here.
Cairns had a huge crowd (by Cairns standards) 4 to 5K, could not find a nicer group of people.
One of the speakers asked the crowd, do you know anyone injured by the vax, thousands of hands went up.
Then he asked, do you know anyone who caught the covid, one hand went up.
🙂 🙂
Looks a big crowd there in Melbourne
Thousands of ‘freedom protesters’ gather in 13 Australian cities in coordinated day of chaos against Covid-19 vaccinate mandates – as defiant Melburnians fed-up with months of violent rallies storm the CBD to oppose them
– Mass anti-vaccination demonstrations broke out in 13 cities around Australia
– Thousands have already begun to march on streets in Sydney and Melbourne
– Flyers circulated on social media advertising a ‘Worldwide Rally For Freedom’
– The demands include ending ‘vaccine mandates’ and ‘unlawful quarantine’ rules
Note currently able to view Daily Mail in browser with AdBlock on – so no Ads
Kamala Harris was, temporarily, the first female President of the United States
Power was transferred to her while Joe Biden underwent a colonoscopy.
I would have said that Harris was acting president. Or perhaps acting usurper or something more political.
Good thing Brandon told reporters afterwards that he was looking forward to his 58th birthday.
They won’t find his brain there either.
They won’t find his brain there either.. – Are you sure?
very good
Another one on digital currency from “an old man in a chair”
This is what the “pandemic” was really about
You may not know that the Bank of England and HM Treasury in the UK is now preparing a UK digital currency to replace cash – and to enable them to know what you are buying, and where and when you are buying it.
The new system is being designed to enable the tax authorities to take money out of your account so that all your taxes and fines are all paid automatically. All this is being done under the auspices of, and with the encouragement of the Bank of International Settlements, which is very keen on central banks creating digital currencies.
Seems there are quite a few really bad ideas whose time has come all at once.
Tony Fauxi now pushes boosters as essential in an interview with the NY Times
If something doesn’t work, double down until it does!
Yes, as the saying goes the floggings will continue until morale improves.
Isn’t that the definition of ‘stupid,’ doing the same thing ovah and ovah and expecting a different result.
The only booster that Fauci needs is when he is the back seat of the Car to help him see over the top of the seat in front of him…………..
For Great Relaxing Entertainment – I suggest SBS On Demand Movies – incredible selection
Light Hearted Comedy – Le Chef Review
Jacky Bonnot (Michaél Youn) is 32 years old and a lover of haute cuisine. He is undeniably talented and he dreams of success managing a great restaurant, but he and his wife’s financial situation obliges him to accept odd jobs that he is not passionate about and thus, never able to keep. One day he runs into his idol, Alexandre Lagarde (Jean Reno), a famous multi-star chef whose comfortable situation is threatened by the holding group that owns his restaurants…
From the Critics
French foodie farce keeps things light.
Not quite the light-as-air soufflé it was aiming to be but sufficiently bouyant nevertheless, Daniel Cohen’s Le Chef is a wafer-thin French trifle that asks for no intellectual involvement and a healthy suspension of disbelief for its half-baked laughs to congeal.
Asterix and Obelix In Britain Adventure, Comedy 1h 46m 2012 French
Expires in 3 weeks
Orban might be a border-protectionist, but he is proving his overall globalist credentials by blaming the unvaxxed for causing Hungary’s current 4th wave of COVID, having had his 3rd vax. That training he did with Schwab’s mob has taken effect.
“If everybody were inoculated, there would be no fourth wave or it would be just a small one,” the PM claimed.
“The only thing that protects us from the virus is vaccination…”
Dream on Orban. Stick with that concocted globalist story.
Meanwhile the EU is backing Merck’s COVID pill.
On Friday, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) “issued advice” backing the emergency use of the drug developed by Merck in collaboration with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, although it has not yet been authorized by national authorities.
… the medicine called Lagevrio – also known as molnupiravir or MK 4482 …
It said the treatment should be administered as soon as possible after Covid-19 is diagnosed and within five days of the start of symptoms. The medicine should be taken twice a day for a period of five days.
The EMA listed the potential side effects of the capsules, including mild or moderate diarrhea, nausea, dizziness and headache. The treatment is not recommended for pregnant women.
I seem to recall there is another drug that should be administered as soon as possible after COVID diagnosis, but isn’t administered at all.
Saturday funny:
Joe Biden explained.
They lied about Thalidomide.
They lied about DDT.
They lied about Asbestos.
They lied about Mercury.
They lied about Tobacco.
They lied about Vioxx.
They lied about opiods.
They’re telling the truth about the vaxx.
“One ponders when the last time Big Harma Actually “CURED” anything…??
Since Polio..??”
Via a comment at SDA
Rod, the breathless and (h)armless mad hatter of the internet.
Here is Biden “building back better”. The man is a genius.
He stops the Keystone pipeline that would have delivered energy and averted the enormous fuel price rise in the US; he is now ready to shut down the Line 5 pipeline that supplies the bulk of light oil and LNG to the mid west, then he decides to build 2 more pipelines that produce exactly nothing except debt and the loss of productive farm land.
Farmers across the US corn belt are having land confiscated to make way for carbon capture pipelines 1,300 miles long in the Navigator Heartland Greenway project. The pipes will transport 15 million tonnes of liquid CO2 annually across Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota and South Dakota to an underground facility in Illinois so it can be stored “safely” away from the atmosphere.
Hiden Biden (Obama Puppet) and DemoCraps Genius at work to Destroy America
U.S. Is Already Exporting Oil From Strategic Reserve at Record Pace
(Bloomberg) — If the Biden Administration decides to tap U.S. emergency crude reserves to push down domestic energy prices, it may not help all that much. The supplies may just be exported away like last month.
About 1.6 million barrels of crude from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve — a monthly record — was shipped out in October, according to data from market intelligence firm Kpler. Three cargoes were loaded onto a supertanker in the U.S. Gulf Coast and are headed to Asia.
“Given the ongoing pace of the current SPR release — 12 million barrels in the last two months and the biggest weekly release so far last week at 3.1 million barrels — it’s fair to assume more SPR barrels are going to leave U.S. shores in the weeks ahead,” said Matt Smith, an oil analyst at Kpler.
US strategic reserve to China strategic reserve?
Dave B
Looking at the 1,300 miles of prime land (X whatever width) resumed for the pipelines, it would be interesting to know how much CO2 is now sequestered there annually by crops like corn — which is very nitrogen and CO2 intensive and, growing so tall, results in a lot of biomass carbon sequestration per acre.
Do the pipelines actually offset anything in the way of CO2?
Just part of this – I’ll bet there is a similar one for Oz somewhere
The Independent falsely claimed that Kyle Rittenhouse shot three black men after he was acquitted of all charges Friday for shooting three white men in self-defense during the August 2020 Kenosha, Wisconsin, riots.
“Full story: Teenager who shot three black men with rifle found not guilty on all charges,” the Independent wrote in a bullet point on the main page of its website Friday.
A depressing example of how the British media misreported the Kyle Rittenhouse trial as badly as the US media. This is the
@Independent’s report on the verdict.
‘Teenager who shot three black men…’
OO On the other paper stand
“The liberals who acted as Rittenhouse’s judge and jury before hearing a word of evidence: How Joe Biden, ‘The Squad’ and liberal media smeared Kyle Rittenhouse by branding him a white supremacist and domestic terrorist”
More at
Pfizer’s own trial study shows waning protection after 2 months – 6% drop off (from the 2 month peak after the 2nd shot) at the 4 month point and a further 6.5% drop off at 6 months
See figure 2
Interestingly, the graph of infections in this figure also shows that the efficacy plateaus just 11 days after the first shot and does not show the second shot meaningfully increasing resistance from infection. This goes against all experiences in countries deploying this vaccine.
It may be an artifact of the trial being performed when the dominant strain was the original Wuhan one which has spike proteins matching those generated by the vaccine. The variants now are then already showing some level of immune escape.
Joe Biden Got A Colonoscopy And America Got Its First Woman President
It also meant the 85-minute historic milestone became the butt of jokes on social media.
The Question that remains to be answered from the Hiden Biden Colonoscopy
“Did they Find Joe Hiden Biden’s Brain?”
Joe Biden and His Handlers Immediately Walk Back the President’s Kyle Rittenhouse Comments
But then, there was Joe Biden. In a surprising move, he actually hit the right notes initially, answering a question about the trial on the White House lawn this afternoon. Per an earlier RedState report, the president praised the jury, noting that he stood by their decision and that the system works.
For the record, when I heard his shockingly level-headed comments, this was my immediate reaction.
His left flank is gonna lose it. And his handlers will be walking this back soon.
Well, I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. Within an hour, Joe Biden’s handlers in the White House released a far more pointed statement in which the president expressed anger and concern over the verdict. The statement then continued with a bunch of social justice buzzwords to further pacify his far-left base, many of which want blood, rhetorical or otherwise, in the aftermath of the verdict.
What exactly is Biden angry and concerned about? The evidence was clear that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. We had multiple videos of the incident within hours of the shootings occurring. And after a slog of a trial, where every rock was overturned, the jury came to the only logical conclusion: That Rittenhouse was not guilty of murder (or attempted murder).
Further, that outcome had nothing to do with “healing our country’s wounds.” What wounds is he even talking about in this case? Rittenhouse was a white guy who shot other white guys in self-defense. No social justice narrative applies in any context. This faux show of anger and care by Biden falls flat because it’s so absurd in its presentation. Do facts matter at all? Or does stoking racial divisions in the country always take priority?
Lastly, why is the White House even encouraging people to protest, peacefully or otherwise? There’s absolutely nothing to protest here, and a responsible president would pointedly say that. The evidence was on the side of the acquittal. Any demonstrations will just further inflame tensions fanned by falsehoods. Biden should be telling people to go home, not to take to the streets to express their unjustified anger and concern.
Honestly, this presidency is the most predictable in history. Any time Biden manages to say something halfway not insane, his far-left handlers immediately rush to reshape his position. It’s so obvious he is completely beholden to the radicals, and it’s a terrible thing for a nation that desires some semblance of normalcy.
Great divide: Unvaxxed kids banned from sport and school events as Covid confusion reigns
Unjabbed kids as young as 12 are “living in fear and judgment” as they are banned from everything from local sport to attending grade six graduations.
Unvaccinated children as young as 12 are being banned from attending their own year six graduations, end-of-year school events and sporting matches.
It comes as confusion reigns in junior sporting clubs and associations, and among parents, over the new jab rules.
Children aged 12 to 15 have been barred from taking part in everyday activities like dance concerts and martial arts classes unless they are fully vaccinated, while retailers are scrambling to suddenly enforce vaccine checks.
Shockwaves are reverberating among parents and children who are discovering their unvaccinated children are being locked out of many venues, shops and activities due to the new government vaccination mandates, which started last Friday. They are being stopped from playing competitive sport, attending activities such as class parties at swimming centres and even sitting formal events such as ballet exams.
Many parents were unaware the vaccine mandate applied to children under 16.
One 12-year-old girl has been stopped from entering a shop to buy her year seven uniform for next year, and forced to try on items standing outside on the footpath.
Another parent of a 14-year-old stopped from attending a friends’ theatre performance said it was “terrifying to see the divide it has caused among kids living in absolute fear and judgment”.
The mother of the girl who had to try on clothes outside an eastern suburbs Bob Stewart’s uniform shop said her daughter was upset and embarrassed.
“She held up the uniform and tried on a jacket standing there and put on leggings over her shorts outside the shop,” she said. “I was livid – they’ve been through so much and they feel like they are still being punished.”
“The staff were good – I don’t blame them.”
And the mother of one student at a central Bendigo primary school has been told by school staff that her daughter will not be able to attend her year six graduation ceremony.
“She’s a school leader and will be devastated,” the mother said.
“She’s also due to go on a school camp and can’t go on many of the outings and excursions- it’s beyond rational – it’s punishment,” she said.
“It’s a real tipping point – they will have to do something about it.”
Simon Owens, registrar of basketball team Mitcham Thunder, said an unvaccinated 12-year-old boy on the autism spectrum was one of many children told at the last minute they couldn’t play sport with their peers.
“We had one team who couldn’t field a team at all because they were down three players,” he said. “The kids think they are being punished for something,” Mr Owens said.
The little boy’s mother said her son only found out last night that he couldn’t play.
“Last night he was prepped for his game eating dinner and I saw the message and broke down as I didn’t know how to tell him,” she said.
She said her son was hospitalised with mental health issues when he was eight and lockdown “brought it back”.
“We worked with therapists and one of the main things that we kept him focused on was basketball,” she said.
Other sports, including A-league soccer are also banning unvaccinated children from playing.
It’s understood the Scouts have given children until December 5 to get vaccinated.
Dance Arts Alliance Chair Mike Harrison-Lamond said the new vaccine rules have “blindsided” parents and caused “a few thousand” performing arts students to miss out on classes and concerts.
“We’ve been asking the government to provide clarification for months on whether kids aged 12 plus or 16 plus had to be fully vaccinated and they haven’t provided that,” he said.
Despite this requirement, people don’t need to be vaccinated to play indoor or outdoor community sport.
I had to look this up…
As of today, Friday 19 November, the Daniel Andrews Victorian Government has banned all dancers ages 12 to 15 from dance or performance, unless vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.
In frustration, he continued, “A lot of our kids haven’t had the time to be vaccinated. We’ve got concerts happening tonight for some of our businesses, and now all those kids can’t do the concert. They’ve been through so much over the last few months. It’s really hard for us because these kids have been damaged emotionally and mentally. The government is being so arrogant to say this is happening right now, and there’s no time to prepare. There’s not even three weeks or a month for them to get vaccinated! The open premises directions only came out in the middle of the night last night! Many parents haven’t been able to vaccinate yet, and I understand that a lot of parents have been waiting for a bit more data or support around this.”
November 19
‘French doctors have urged against vaccinating all healthy children against COVID-19.’
“Governments need to stop putting pressure on children to be vaccinated.”
Assuming this is Australia.
The mental damage to parents, teachers and children/competitors/performers is clearly shown.
What is astounding is that the “health authorities” don’t want to see it; why? we might ask.
The answer, is that this “Special Control Programme” has never been about health; the focus is on control.
Small business has been decimated; education has been destroyed for two years; normal social activity has been cancelled, and effectively we as Humans have been cancelled.
The only important thing is the State.
Names of enforcers;
DanDruff, PallaChk, SkoMo, DomPer, Sutto etc.
WA and SA continue to demonstrate the required politics by having their states March constantly in ever decreasing circles. Eventually we will see an explosion.
Labor and ABC combine to repeat Charlottesville Trump lie:
Once again we see the ABC trot out the lies about Trump and Charlottesville “the good people on both sides” lie.
This time its Labor MP Ed Husic, being helpfully assisted by the ABC propaganda department carefully omitting key details of that lie.
Of course – Ed is criticising Scott Morrison for not condemning a protest based on the actions of a tiny few. A disgustingly hypocritical stance which does not get applied to protests which he supports. Ed is also not calling out the “I stand with Dan” crowd who happily expressed wishes for violence against protestors throughout the past months – including the use of live bullets by police.
The progressives have the most sensitive ears, they can hear a whispered racist dog whistle at 100 paces.
Am I the only one who finds this odd? Sounds like the mother calling her brat son a SOB. A dog whistle is so high frequency only dogs can hear it. The same logic says only a racists can hear a racist dog whistle, but they hear them from the moment they wake ’til the moment they sleep.
I’ve never heard one in my life, but I do have industrial deafness.
We were all told that the gene therapy spike protein vaccines worked by
– encoding cells to express spike proteins
– which would migrate to the cell’s surface
– where they would stay attached
– for the immune system to detect and produce antibodies as a response
– which would bind to the spike proteins on the cells
– directing white blood cells to destroy the cell
– providing a long term immune response to destroy SARS-CoV-2 virions
This paper discusses a different mechanism where rather than the cells expressing the spike protein to the cells outer, at least some of the spike protein proteins end up on the surface of exosomes produced by the cells that are then released into the bloodstream.
see this article for an explanation of exosomes that I had to look to understand the other article
The researchers examined the blood of “healthy” vaccinated subjects and found a direct correlation between the level of exosomes with spike proteins in the bloodstream and the spike protein antibodies.
The researchers also introduced the exosomes with spike proteins to mice which then produced spike protein antibodies showing the immune response is at least partly, if not wholly, due to the spike proteins on th exosomes
Questions now include
– what are the ongoing sources of the spiked exosomes?
– what proportion of the spike proteins do not get neutralised by antibodies but damage cells?
– how much of this was known by the health authorities when they gave the emergency/provisional authorisations?
– how much of this is known by the health authorities now?
This gene therapy is becoming less and less appealing
Hey guys, this is a serious Q.
Mrs H is now a “sundowner”. Trouble is, increasingly, going to bed and going to sleep can be hours apart and full of hobgoblins, so I want to try taking the one glass of wine off her.
I want something soft on the palate, possibly lightly bubbled but not a sugar drink such as orange juice.
Any suggestions????
just remembered Hartz Mtn spritz water. Haven’t seen it for decades but that’s the style I’m looking for.
Warm milk.
Glad to see Rittenhouse acquitted, although it must be asked…what was he doing in Kenshola in the first place?? This trial has created more questions than it answers. The bottom line is that America is a country of gun-nuts, and the sooner they tighten firearms laws (ie: ban all automatic and semi-automatic weapons), the better.
They should legalize automatic weapons everywhere. They are not for shooting animals, they are for protecting citizens rights. Where I live the government wouldnt even contemplate Damn Andrews type laws – the citizens are too heavily armed to ever enforce it. Yes, you’ll get a few casualties, but a small price to pay, as you avoid the far greater evil of the country falling into totalitarian dictatorship, which ends up killing millions.
Apparently, his father lives there and he went there to help his father protect his business/shop.
Sorry, I don’t have a link for that.
He was protecting a motor dealership at the request of the owner, a ‘minority’ race person.
“The bottom line is that America is a country of gun-nuts, and the sooner they tighten firearms laws (ie: ban all automatic and semi-automatic weapons), the better.”
Yes, then we can become full subjects of the Global Tyrants.
Like Australia.
Try reading a little before you post questions that have already been answered…
.. He worked there !
Ref post #16:2
Chad, have you demanded to know why the rioters were there?
?? .. i was not asking the questions..
…..i assume you meant to ask Chris ?
Like the 4th one down
Q – What’s the Difference between Rittenhouse, Pfizer and Moderna?
A – Rittenhouse’s Shots are Effective!
This blog is certainly going for quality these days.
“98% effective!”
“Waterford, Ireland, with a 99.5% adult vaccination rate, now has the dubious honor of also having the highest Covid infection rate in the country.”
More at
“Douglas Murray joins Mark Steyn for Talking Pints”
Huge crowd funding exercise.
‘$2m in 5 hours: Aussie cannabis empire breaks records.
‘An Australian medical cannabis company has smashed crowdfunding records with investors eager to invest in the growing empire.’ (Daily Telegraph)
FYI… Note who developed the “Model” Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation…..
Sea level not rising.