A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I have written about the reporting in VAERS and I think it is extremely important. Some research say claim only one percent is reported, but this is about all problems, including rash. From other research papers it seems to be from 10% reported to around 50%.
It is an extremely important number, since all cost benefit calculations depend on it.
Dr John Campbell talks about cardiac risks associated with covid “vaccine” injections.
I think he’s reviewing a fake abstract. Whoever wrote it was in such a hurry that he got PULS and PLUS mixed up, hit the keyboard so quickly to type “=” instead of “+” (which is a shift=) …..
More likely a draft abstract.
A new covid variant emerges from South Africa.
Their ABC claims that it is the worst yet. Well, they would, wouldn’t they?
For the Left who desire destruction of our way of life and the imposition of a totalitarian state and Big Pharma who want unlimited profits with no product defect liability covid is the gift that keeps on giving.
Another report on the South African variant.
WHO says that the Nu variant is now called the OMICRON variant
“WHO says that the Nu variant is now called the OMICRON variant”
I believe it should be spelled – “the OMNI-CON variant.”
Interesting link David. The new covid variation has displaced the covid Delta variation in South Africa. The death rate for covid is much less in Africa than high latitude countries, because Africans spend large periods of time out doors at low latitudes where there are high levels of UVB and hence African are less Vit D deficient than Europeans or Americans.
Until we win the Ivermectin battle of good vs evil… the only option for the general population, to protect against covid, is to correct their Vit D deficiency. The sales of Vit D in North America have doubled, so the message is getting out.
This an interesting in depth review of a new study that is recommending 4000 IU to 10,000 IU per day for the general population to correct the general population’s Vit D deficiency. This would have other benefits besides stopping the oovid epidemic: Preventing the common cancers, preventing type 2 diabetes, prevent depression, and so on.
There is a reason why the most Vit D deficient cohort in the general population… Elderly people are dying from covid. Elderly are the most Vit D deficient in every population. That is why our elderly are suffering from dementia, osteoporosis, and type 2 diabetes, dementia, and they have balance problems. Our bodies gradually die (because our cells need Vit D to create biochemicals that prevent cancer, protect cells from virus attacks, prevent type 2 diabetes, prevent depression, and so on.
The scam/tragedy is the Medical Industry created fake Vit D studies which failed because the dosage was too small and there is evidence a large portion of fake studies did not give Vit D to patients. The most fake/lying studies are now done in third world countries.
The general public is not aware of the law suits concerning the hiding of drug side effects and the the hiding of the fact that many of the drugs in question have no medical benefit and no scientific/conceptual reason to be allowed to be given to patients. For example the taking of statin drugs does not prevent heart attacks and the taking of statins causes type 2 diabetes.
In two studies, EXCEL and FACAPT/TexCAPS, more deaths occurred in the treatment group compared to controls. Dr. Ravnskov’s 1992 meta-analysis of 26 controlled cholesterol-lowering trials found an equal number of cardiovascular deaths in the treatment and control groups and a greater number of total deaths in the treatment groups.34 An analysis of all the big controlled trials reported before 2000 found that long-term use of statins for primary prevention of heart disase produced a 1 percent greater risk of death over 10 years compared to a placebo. Recently published studies do not provide any more justification for the current campaign to put as many people as possible on statin drugs.”
This is black box warning that Pfizer has forced to add to Lipitor.
The pharmaceutical industry uses professional fake science writers who are not researchers. The fake science writers create thirty or so ‘science’ papers for each new test to make it look as if there is lots of independent research. The fake science writers who are employed by the pharmaceutical to write the fake papers. These fake science (Lies turn science papers into propaganda) writers are willing to lie and hide the side effects (that is prerequisite for the job).
High prevalence of vitamin D inadequacy and implications for health
“Vitamin D inadequacy has been reported in approximately 36% of otherwise healthy young adults and up to 57% of general medicine inpatients in the United States and in even higher percentages in Europe. Recent epidemiological data document the high prevalence of vitamin D inadequacy among elderly patients and especially among patients with osteoporosis.”
Vitamin D has been identified as a factor in survival rate but drawing conclusions on vitamin D based on comparison between South Africa and higher latitude countries is not compelling.
Covid mainly kills unvaccinated old people. South Africa does not have many old people to get Covid because there died young. The life expectancy in South Africa is 64.4 years. Life expectency in the UK is 81.5 years. Globally, not many people in their 60s have died of Covid.
Interesting. About six months ago I did an analysis of the numbers in care homes, the Uk’s growing population and the number of people over 80 now compared to pre 2000
I calculated that the pandemic could not have happened in th UK before about 2000 as the number of people over 80 was very small and there were fewer confounding factors such as obesity.
As you say, the population of old people with comorbitities in Africa is small as it is essentially a young population and they get enough vitamin D from the sun for their dark skins and likely have better immune systems as there are lots of diseases they can be subjected to.
We can characterise them as generally more robust than much of the western world
Robustness that does not yield longevity apparently.
Nor is that compelling.
Many African nations use Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorquine routinely .
I am conceptually comparing blacks in the Africa to Blacks in the US. Covid is not a serious problem for Africa. Covid is a serious problem for Blacks living in the US. Why? What is different?
82% of the US black population, 68% of the US Hispanic population and 42% of the US general population have blood serum levels of the actived chemical which we call ‘Vitamin D’ less than 20 ng/ml.
Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US adults.
In the US … Black Americans have twice as many deaths from covid as do white Americans. The reason for the difference is the US blacks are extremely Vit D deficient because of they skin chemistry/color. Blacks in the US also have twice as many cases of type 2 diabetes. And raising the level of Vit D in a test group reduce that cohort’s incidence of getting type 2 diabetes by 50%.
The science is over. Vit D deficiency is causing a host of long term ‘illness’ and it also makes people at risk to die from covid. The cell’s biochemical response to protect the cell and organ can produce biochemicals with blood serum activated Vit D.
In Africa it is possible to get dosages of UVB for dark skin people. This is not possible in Northern US. In Africa as opposed to the US, UK, EU…. The majority of the Africans work and live outside. Warm climate and no indoor shopping malls. 600 million people in Africa do not have access to electricity. In Africa the poor walk to get from place to place.
Coronavirus: Black African deaths three times higher than white Britons
Scandinavian countries fortify their dairy products and bread with Vit D. It is normal practice to have VitD levels tested in winter by the family doctor. Lethargy and depression in the winter months are recognised symptoms of Vit D deficiency .
Nu variant will show up across Europe, the Americas and parts of Asia because it is already there
Soon to be in Aus unless you close the boarders down hard, right now! Maybe even too late
Nu tracker
At this stage of the game it sounds as if it is worthwhile isolating from the Nu variant if that is possible. Wait for a tuned vaccine or stockpile antivirals
Yes my comments about the Americas are pure conjecture but the likelihood that Nu has not arrived in ‘the Americas’ is likely lower than it has arrived undected. Travel between the American continents and elsewhere is that porous
Given the many comments on these pages asserting that the unusual spike protein sequence seen in the original SARS -Cov-2 is clearcut evidence that it was a gain of function generated in the Wuhan Virus Laboratory, then surely the Omicron variant with its very unusual constellation of mutations, of which more than 30 are in the spike protein, also emanated from a laboratory.
That it didn’t is evidence that mutations in the virus can be generated without laboratory assistance and calls into question the belief held by so many here that the original strain was laboratory generated. Perhaps those who so stridently claimed such variations couldn’t occur naturally might like to re-consider those claims.
The inserted RNA bases that allowed the change in the spike protein were in a line, like a train of carriages. They changed 4 amino acids in that protein in exactly the right place to bind to the human ACE site protein.
To change 4 amino acids needed a change of 12 RNA bases all in a row. You would expect to find 3 in a row, 4 in a row, 5 in a row.. 10 in a row, etc as well as 12 in a row neatly inserted in the right spot. No evidence of these partial Covid19 variants has emerged.
The other mutations are widespread but only affect one or maybe two bases. Remember you can change a lot of amino acids and the protein will still work, but if a change affects the 3-D conformation the protein will be useless.
The Nu variant has a lot of changes, but I haven’t seen anything to show there are a dozen in a row.
“To change 4 amino acids needed a change of 12 RNA bases all in a row. You would expect to find 3 in a row, 4 in a row, 5 in a row.. 10 in a row, etc as well as 12 in a row neatly inserted in the right spot. No evidence of these partial Covid19 variants has emerged.
You appear to think that the change/nsertion of 12 bases must have been due to laboratory intervention especially as no partial variant has emerged.
Perhaps you might like to look at
“In 2012, an avian influenza A H7N3 (A/Mexico/InDRE7218/2012; Mx/7218) virus was responsible for two confirmed cases of human infection and led to the death or culling of more than 22 million chickens in Jalisco, Mexico. Interestingly, this virus acquired an 8-amino acid (aa)-insertion (..PENPK-DRKSRHRR-TR/GLF) near the hemagglutinin (HA) cleavage site by nonhomologous recombination with host rRNA. ”
With respect to your statement on partial variants the authors no=te
“In addition, H5 and H7 subtype viruses have repeatedly jumped the species barrier from poultry to humans.”
Are you aware of protein folding?
Ah, that would be the earlier lab escape from the American Army bioweapons research unit.. Nobody knew about the gain of function work going on back then, or I’m sure it would have been recognised as lab work…
It was the first time anyone had seen a natural acquisition from a mammalian cell RNA.
Of course you are sure but what evidence do you have for your surety? Or is it yet another right wing conspiracy theory? Can you explain how/why the virus was transmitted to Mexico? Can you explan why there were only cases in the Mexican state of Jalisco? Surely an escaped virus with an inserted gain of function had a far more widespread effect?
[Formatting corrected.]ED
I’ve just seen this statement which you might like to consider. Perhaps this is how the Wuhan virus initially started.
Scientists believe whatever its origin, such a dramatic evolution is likely to have taken place in an immunocompromised patient – for example someone with HIV who was unable to fight off a Covid infection, which then mutated with their body.
A furin cleavage site is a “mutation” too far for me to swallow that
For the Left who desire destruction of our way of life and the imposition of a totalitarian state and Big Pharma who want unlimited profits with no product defect liability covid is the gift that keeps on giving.
U.S. Announces New Travel Restrictions as Scientists Give New COVID Variant The Name Omicron – A Strategic New Variant Introduced to Help Offset Global Inflation
We originally outlined the new COVID-19 variant along with the international motives of the science community for delivering it HERE. Previously the new worrisome, 10 spike, vaccine resistant variant was called “The B.1.1.529 variant“. However, those types of names do not work well for larger fear narrative distribution. As a result, the international scientific community has given it the name “Omicron“. Perhaps the “Merry Christmas” variant would be culturally insensitive.
Globally, and not coincidentally –politically– the greatest challenge to those in power is a massive rise in direct inflation. What is the quickest way to eliminate the political risks due to inflation? Shut down demand….. lock down the economies… turn the values closed on economic activity, and then watch oil prices plummet.
As if on cue, this happens:
The discovery of a new Covid-19 variant sent oil plummeting 13% on Friday, as investors feared a wave of new government restrictions and slower economic growth.
US crude finished the day at a two-month low of $68.15 a barrel, down 13.1% from Wednesday’s close. It was the worst day for oil since April 27, 2020, when Covid was spreading rapidly in the US.
As a result, we enter the 2022 mid-term election under a scenario where a new variant of COVID, Omicron, is now the reason for government rules (Vaxx, Vaxx, Vaxx), a slowed economy and a contraction of demand. Omicron becomes a justification and excuse for lowered economic expectations.
Simultaneously, inflation is artificially paused by using Omicron as a pressure valve, and the central bankers don’t have to worry about negative consequences to the multinational corporations who give them instructions.
Why not Nu and Xi? – WHO skips two letters in Greek alphabet in naming Omicron COVID variant
The World Health Organization appeared to skip two letters in the Greek alphabet when it announced Friday the name for the latest coronavirus variant, which was first identified in South Africa.
Nu and Xi were apparently the next letters in the Greek alphabet that have yet to be used for a variant, according to data on their website.
Although the WHO didn’t immediately explain the decision, Internet pundits and politicians speculated that the group skipped Nu to avoid confusion with the word “new” and passed on Xi because of its written similarity to the name Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) retweeted a Telegraph editor who cited a WHO source saying Xi was skipped to “avoid stigmatizing a region.”
“If the WHO is this scared of the Chinese Communist Party, how can they be trusted to call them out next time they’re trying to cover up a catastrophic global pandemic?” Cruz sniped in a criticism of the country’s role in the outbreak.
ARE WE SKIPPING SOMETHING?: The last COVID strain was called “Nu.” Going down the Greek alphabet, today’s new variant is called “Omicron.”
The W.H.O. wouldn’t want to offend China, now, would they?
UPDATE: It occurs to me that if they had any guts they’d have named it “Winnie.”
This has really shocked the markets. Gold is the only gainer on the day I can see [markets, not individual stocks].
The DOW, ASX, bitcoin and silver [oddly, considering Au rose] all had big falls.
What’s the bet that the anti-viral stocks go through the roof on Monday?
Here is another discussion about the same report.
That was meant to be a followup to my comment #1.
Despite compulsory “vaccination” and almost 90% of 12+ age injected, Vicdanistan just recorded 1355 new covid cases. Of the 308 people in hospital, 37% were “fully vaccinated”. Of the 46 in ICU, 13% were “fully vaccinated”.
On the other hand:
Cases are not of great interest because there are many false positives.
Of 308 people in hospital, 63% were not “fully vaccinated”, and
of 46 in ICUs, 87% were not “fully vaccinated”.
Further, we know nothing of the prior health of any of these people.
My point is that there is considerable mis-information and irrelevant information regarding this subject. My advice is for people to get their own health in order** as best they can and to take precautions. Physical distancing seems to help. Everything else, including government info and restrictions, seems to be a carp shoot.
Good luck.
**How is your Vitamin D3 level? Zinc? Quercetin? Iron?
The official propaganda is interesting
“Of those in hospital 63 per cent were not fully vaccinated and of those in ICU 87 per cent were not fully vaccinated.”
I can understand the apparent purpose of the negative wording “not fully vaccinated”. It would be a off message to report that 37% were fully “vaccinated” when you are trying to persuade people to take the injections.
So I wonder that the “partially vaccinated” figure would reveal. Heck I wonder even what the definition of “fully vaccinated” is these days.
As Col Jessup might say, “you can’t handle the truth”.
The Eu’s continued war against the UK continues. They are still apoplectic about us escaping from their unpleasant gang and seek to keep us in their orbit. Macron-the mini Napoleon- is the worst.
Separately he has uninvited our home secretary to a meeting about illegal migrants following Boris’ strong letter to him. French police stood by and watched as flimsy craft were launched by migrants into big waves right in front of them with tragic consequences.
Mind you the Eu are panicking so much about the new variant that hopefully they will forget about us for a while.
Is the new covid variant the predictable outcome of the use of non-sterilising vaccines? Will countries such as Australia with compulsory vaccination with a high proportion of the population covered by the injections be hit worst because of a lack of morw effective natural immunity in most people due to vaccination?
And of course, anti-virals arw banned in Australia. The only Nanny State to have done so as far as I know. Others just didn’t recommend them, but didn’t issue bans.
Drawing inferences is problematic. One factor against this being a predictable outcome is the low injection rate in the region.
The missing information to date is firstly whether this variant is more or less dangerous to those infected and secondly whether this is a natural mutation rather than the release of an updated lab variant.
In short is the reported massive mutation natural or synthetic?
Stock markets have crashed, travel to African countries restricted as the new variant causes huge concerns in Europe.
Bearing in mind the draconian lockdowns Oz has imposed so quickly it will be interesting to see if there will be a new lockdown. First out of the gate is likely to be Victoria. At the least presumably flights from South Africa will be banned.
Andrews “promised” no more lockdowns but gave compulsory vaccinations instead.
And neither work.
It looks like he’ll be locking down again. Why? Because he’s a psychopath and a communist and he enjoys it.
Indeed. The use of injections as the only tool was deeply problematic just as is any strategy where all the eggs are in one basket.
Hopefully the medical advisers will not order even more injections and the police commanders will resist the temptation to order live rounds.
On the bright side perhaps the political conversation will flip to infected rather than injected. I’m not holding my breath.
Then there is this paper:
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically be Achieved at 50ng/ml (= 120nm/L) 25(OH)D3; Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
That’s encouraging: it seems that Vitamin D3 is still a strong prophylactic.
Download and read the 5 other listed papers used as source material.
You don’t need needles and myocarditis is not there. (Gotta be a winner!)
A link would be gratefully received 😉
Found it!
My latest expose:
Biden’s climate power grab via trillions of dollars in annual federal procurement
By David Wojick
The beginning:
“Spending by federal agencies is governed by the extensive Federal Acquisition Regulations or FAR for short. In response to a Biden executive order the FAR Council is conducting a silly public inquiry as to how climate change should be factored into federal spending. The Federal Government spends over $6 trillion a year so this is a very big deal.
The concept is ridiculous and some of the ideas are illegal but this foolish agency action deserves serious attention. The FAR Council has issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPRM) titled “Federal Acquisition Regulation: Minimizing the Risk of Climate Change in Federal Acquisitions“. Comments are due by December 15. I urge people to comment.
Advanced Notices like this are asking for ideas prior to proposing regulations, including that the whole idea is nuts. One of the worst things mentioned is that in competitive procurements agencies should give preference to bidders who are cutting their emissions. I cannot believe this is legal but there it is.
The ANPRM includes this list of 7 leading questions:
(a)How can greenhouse gas emissions, including the social cost of greenhouse gases, best be qualitatively and quantitatively considered in Federal procurement decisions, both domestic and overseas? How might this vary across different sectors?
(b) What are usable and respected methodologies for measuring the greenhouse gases emissions over the lifecycle of the products procured or leased, or of the services performed?
(c) How can procurement and program officials of major Federal agency procurements better incorporate and mitigate climate-related financial risk? How else might the Federal Government consider and minimize climate-related financial risks through procurement decisions, both domestic and overseas?”
More in the article, including more leading questions.
Truly nuts. Please share this article.
The federal spending and resultant debt issue is not a recent one. It started brewing many decades ago. Also, it doesn’t come to the boil until the US dollar loses its reserve currency status. Until then they can borrow as much as they like. When it does lose that status, the broth will explode. Even before then things can go pear shaped due to another debt issue that’s actually a lot worse; private debt, and the even much large issue that not many know; derivatives debt, which is estimated to be over $600 trillion. When those two go off, the federal debt issue pales into insignificance.
True, but not really related to my article about using spending to press the alarmist agenda. On the racking up debt side the $1.7 trillion “Build back better” bill the Dems are trying to pass throws a reported $550 billion at climate causes.
How many dollars is that per degree of cooling achieved…?
You’d get a divide by zero error if you tried to calculate it, wouldn’t you?
and then there is this:
10 months, not even a year!
Incomplete link I think. That’s better.
Which was highly predictable, and was in fact, widely predicted.
For those marching in Melbourne today for the end of tyranny thank you and I hope you get a million there, I attended the last two and was inspired by the people and the positive energy of the entire day, sadly I can’t be there today.
However next Saturday December 4th in my hometown of Ballarat the Patriots from the cities will join the locals for a march that will fill the CBD and educate the rest of the nation of the true story behind the Eureka Stockade, this was where the people had enough of government and corporate corruption and stood up to the might of the Empire for their basic human rights and no taxation without representation.
The story culminated on 3rd December 1854 at the Stockade with a resounding defeat for the miners but influenced the future of this country, there is more on our Federation that I’ll go into later.
Anyone that can attend please do as this is an important day, see you there.
Sadly, the majority of the citizenry are lethargic , disinterested or plain hostile towards the freedom types. The anodyne nature and vindictiveness of the frightened masses – brain dead and therefore unenquiring will stay. The battle between individual freedoms and the safety of the whole will be the dominant social dispute for some time. Liberate!
Our meeting here in NovoCastria was the biggest group I’ve seen here so far. Couldn’t make an accurate count but would probably have been about 2,000 which isn’t much compared to Sydney and Melbourne but considering it rained the whole time from midday to three it wasn’t bad.
Waterfront street was closed down for the march that went half a kilo down and then back for the speeches.
A very positive atmosphere and lots of flags and placards on sticks.
Half a dozen police for traffic control.
There was a 10 o’clock rally but don’t have any feedback on that yet.
Wet, wet, wet.
health news
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
New variant first found in the fully vaccinated. Dr Robert Malone.
Canada is pretty bad, but Australia is unbelievable in respect to the “voluntary” vaccines. Listen to how difficult it is to get a vaccine exemption. Kaffkaest.
A new application of catch-22 perhaps?
Only the insane can be excused from the injection and by asking to be excused you have proven you are not insane.
Not really, the mentally ill under psychiatric care can decline.
“U.S. Announces New Travel Restrictions as Scientists Give New COVID Variant The Name Omicron – A Strategic New Variant Introduced to Help Offset Global Inflation
November 26, 2021 | Sundance | 7 Comments”
“I Told You What You Were Doing Was STUPID”
This deserves a debunking.
What drivel. A media release with the usual ill informed trash science. The name for contact tells me all I need to know.
They only looked at the past 32 years, which is too limited. They also failed to mention the blocking high pressure system off Australia’s east coast, massive fail.
The CSIRO is a lab for hire , nothing appears which hasn’t been paid for.
meet Ray Kurzeil, Google chief of engineering
Major snowfalls forecast across the northern hemisphere in the current 10-day forecast. Western Canada, Iceland, heavy and very widespread snowfall across Europe, already begun in UK, a bit less extreme in Asia.
Current 10-day snowfall forecast:
That’s getting toward record-setting snowfall, for Jan or Feb, not normal for late November. I pointed out last week that the current jet pattern led to major snowfalls across the NH in 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 winters. This looks like more of the same, probably for longer this time.
The current “locked” NH linear latitudinal jetflow pattern that causes this high snowfall:
As long as the same locked and ‘standing’ pattern persists (within a ‘fluid’ flow!) the snowfall will remain very high and will bring freezing and snowier conditions closer to the equator, than was been the norm for several decades.
It’s my current opinion that the enhanced ultra-dry stratospheric air in-falling to the lower and mid troposphere is a feedback response (likely a geomagnetic) due to protracted periods of lower solar activity.
I say this because what else can lock a ‘fluid’ circulation in place in this way, repeatedly, for many months, over ~3 years, if not another pre-‘locked’ pattern such as the geomagnetic field, within that same atmosphere? So it’s my explanatory concept that a quieter sun is leading to the existing geomagnetic field exerting its structure more strongly, globally. And thus geomagnetism is gaining more influence on the atmospheric flow. The current jet flow pattern and vertically in-falling stratospheric air and its locations are a reflection of the geomagnetic field’s influence being now overtly exerted with more ‘locked’ focus, than we’re accustomed to seeing in the lower Stratosphere and Troposphere.
We have simply not noticed this prior, as the solar activity was too high for it to emerge like this.
I think it is occurring because the overall field is being less distorted and disrupted by a significantly quieter sun over sufficient time to allow the geomagnetism’s fuller influence on the fluid atmosphere to emerge, in tangible and plainly visible terms (once pointed out) of an actually visible standing global pattern which is mirror to the underlying geomagnetic field pattern, that’s also present, but otherwise not seen expressed in this way.
Its a worthy hypothesis. Over at Climate Etc they are discussing solar forcing and the comments are lively, might be an opportunity to test your theory.
Unfortunately I haven’t been following the minutia of that discussion, and would be quite out of my depth. I’m just looking at what’s happening and trying to figure out why, what caused it and what it means/indicates. So not much of a theory as such, just noting this incredible locked pattern that is getting ignored, and the greatly accelerated jets, and the association with sinking 0%RH air, and what that implies.
Given this is the 3rd year the jetstream has gone waaay off-script, like this, and invented a new ‘equatorial jet’ in the process, it looks like something did change significantly in late 2018 or early 2019 because Feb 2019 is about when the FAA noticed accelerated jet speeds (the fastest ever downwind radar track for a commercial jet in North America in Feb 2019).
The thing is, those jets got much faster again in Feb and March 2020, and not a peep was spoken about this. That’s how far off-script the jetstream flow went. It was a full 25% higher is speed in the Northern hemisphere, and about 65% faster than it should have been in the Southern hemisphere at that time of year. So the southern hemisphere was actually affected far more by it, and that should have been noticed by everyone, globally.
Unless you’re interests are in seeing something other then what was and still is occurring.
What I hope is the people who are actually interested and are more capable than me will take it seriously and really investigate what has happened.
My deep and reasonable suspicion is that this locked pattern controls the multi-decade weather cyclicity. And certainly could be the causative mechanism on the >1,000 year scale (along with and pushing Milankovitch cycle trends along).
If this is what adds extra non-melted snow each year at altitude, earlier and also later each winter, then that pattern would indeed be the very glaciation mechanism, staring us in the face, right now.
My suspicion is that’s exactly what it is. It becomes established for long periods, because the sun has a protracted nap, and if that coincides with the prevailing orbital geometry and illumination trends, you get more glaciation from it.
But on the decadal weather cycle scale this would be expressed as increased variability, with a net slow-cooling. Except the hotter parts will also be extra-hot as variability level increases generally, not just for the cold parts. The effect is net-cooling though because the wind-speed will increase on average, everywhere, especially closer to the jets and their associated Lows and Highs, which pump them up and drive them faster. And the Lows and Highs are amped-up so much by having added ultra-dry air falling into their more-or-less geomagnetically locked location. And what is causing the in-fall? It’s the same geomagnetism which causes stratospheric air to sink faster, which locks the system in place, and the swollen jetflows in place too, by this in fall.
The in-fall is occurring at the same places all the time (where the mag field dictates), and only the volume of sinking are varies per unit time. When the sun is not deforming the global field much, more stratosphere sinks into the troposphere, and much more snow falls out just polewards of the jet.
Other people can look at it and analyse themselves, though it looks to be a verboten topic for any with active careers.
The climate has gone into a GSM (Grand Solar Minimum) like the Maunder Minimum (1645 – 1715), the Dalton Minimum (1795 – 1830) and the Centennial Minimum (1880 – 1914). It’s going to take maybe 5 years or so to shake itself out but it’s already cooling. Watch the Northern Hemisphere’s winter: it’s already a bit savage.
This minimum will last maybe 3 or more solar cycles. It’s the Eddy Minimum (2020 – ?? )
See also
It’s beginning to look that way Soph. Personally I was skeptical of the solar connection until I saw this pattern emerge in the supposedly fluid chaotic jetstream flow, within the current solar low-activity level. This ‘locked’ zonal pattern was just so totally unexpected, and its structure being imposed in an other wise fluid flow. It’s clear now it was no fluke in 2019-2020, this is what the earth does in response to the geomagnetic field structure not being distorted/disrupted by the Sun.
– When the sun is very active the NH jet approximates true unstructured fluid-like flow (at lower total energy).
– When the sun is quiet the NH jet approximates structured flow (at higher total energy).
So where is this enormous energy boost coming from to create the wider, deeper, faster jets, in both hemisphere’s simultaneously? It appears the geomagnetic field is contributing this energy to the swollen jet flow speeds and volume, and the much deeper flow will raise the average surface wind speeds too. Which will be a net cooling effect like having a fan on, the slightly increase surface evaporation, but also an increase of variability due to this and the added energy getting to the surface (and at both ends of the temperature spectrum).
The fact it seems to increase snow depth and net cools, means this can and will grow glaciers slowly above the snowline, and that snowline will move down slope over time to make glacial catchment areas larger. It is not a big change from there to seeing glaciers extruding more widely over land at lower altitudes, poleward of the locked jets flow.
So if the Sun more or less goes to sleep for 100 k years, and Earth’s geomag produces this structured locked jet pattern as a result, a glacial growth phase can be expected and would persist until the Sun becomes net more active once again. Which may explain the excursion of temps during glaciations, outside of Milankovitch cycle trends (rather than just enhanced volcanic phases, and the other cited reasons for glaciation temp variability).
One of the more interesting longer-term implications of this pattern for weather/climate, is the ultra-dry air in-falling to near-surface levels not only varies in volume per unit time, it migrates with the geomagnetic ‘locked’ structure. The highest concentrations of in-falling ultra-dry air today, where these occur over land, always have an arid desert under them, with that currently locked in-fall location.
That can not be a mere fluke either, it’s a driver of surface aridity, so it’s not just geography and regional wind flow doing this, as the jetflow can vary that as the stratospheric in-fall rate varies.
Which means if the geomagnetic structure adapts and migrates its structure due to a protracted quieter sun, then the in-fall structure locations will move with the geomagnetic structure adjustment, and the rain bands will move with this, while these arid in-fall zones will move with it too.
Hence how you get a wetter Sahara in the LIA, for instance:
I think a geomagnetically ‘locked’ structured jetstream flow adjustment does this during solar minimums that you cited. And the current minimum quasi-‘cycle’ (however long it lasts), will do the same thing.
Because it’s the stratospheric in-fall locations (to the lower troposphere) which alters this. Those move, so the aridity belts move with them, so geography is then not the primary driver of rainfall levels.
If the ultra-dry stratospheric air in-fall structure moves, with the geomagnetic field’s evolution response to a quieter sun, the Sahara gets more precipitation (including snow, look at the images above), during the net cooling quieter sun periods.
But it’s not the sun, or its TSI level, that does this cooling (although UV spectrum may be a part of it).
The dynamics of viable climate-change mechanism within this story looks to be superficially sound. It does have the necessary physical potential to enable the changes from glacial to inter-glacial in step with the orbital illumination geometry variations, even when the sun’s TSI output doesn’t change much.
All that’s needed for the change, is to geomagnetically lock the jet into a more energetic and snowier mode of flow, and that has now occurred, and may persist.
So yes, “It’s the Sun“, but it’s “Also the Earth“, which allows the quieter sun to take affect on the climate, and to take advantage of the illumination input variability of the orbital parameters.
How does one prove this is the affecting decadal weather-cycle and millennial climate-change mechanism?
Hard to do without a time-machine to go check this.
Soph … this …
Source, Nov 26th 2021:
The past three years of this locked pattern below makes completely clear it’s not enhanced Meridional flow doing this, they need to give this up, that is not what the earth is doing to make this occur.
This is what is really occurring, incredible locked zonality.
The NH jet has become staggeringly ZONAL and locked in place. So electroverse are just plain wrong about this aspect of their narrative, and need to change it, and watch the jet pattern much more closely. That image is capturing how the snowfall is physically being driven by the jet flow change. There is no enhanced meridional flow, whatsoever, involved in this.
What has occurred is wider, deeper, faster flow ZONAL flow, that got structurally locked in place.
How can they claim to be monitoring the jetstream and not even notice it switched to the extreme-end of zonality on the NH?
They really need to update they ideas as to what the observations are actually showing during this cooling-phase onset. They can continue to bang-on about meridional flow cooling theory all they want but counter-intuitively, the exact opposite of merdional jet flow cooling, is what’s really happening.
It turns out the planet had another more effective ZONAL cooling mechanism up its sleeve, we just hadn’t seen it operating until now because we did not know, nor expect, that the lower stratosphere could in-fall when the sun goes quieter. In other words, the cooling and drying comes from 15 km vertically above, not from 6,000 to 8,000 km, from a polar circle(s) return flow.
Meridional cooling was a good theory, I mean, it makes sense, I did subscribe to it for a long time, as a likely mode for cooling, but the NH image above shows it’s simply not true, the exact opposite turned out to be true, because the geomagnetic field lines cause the cooling to be primarily vertically sourced. With meridional pulses very much secondary (such as the Atlantic flow arc shown, which is currently affecting Europe).
So yeah, superficially that effect on Europe looks to be meridional, but actually its just an arc loop at the end of a primary ZONAL flow that travels 2/3 rds, to 3/4 qtr, the circumference of the Earth today.
That locked global NH zonal flow is in control right now, here’s the current jet flow image, at this moment.
If you want to post that up at Electroverse’s comment section, with a link back to Jo’s comments section, I’m happy for them to do that.
Linked to last week’s eclipse? I was reading a site last night that predicted weather based on which part of the world was under a moon eclipse. More into troposphere geomagnetics than I could understand.
Found this, comprehensive.
Funny how one can talk about the effect of the Moon, and completely ignore the ascending/descending moon cycle which peasants have been using for haymaking and seeding for centuries.
That is the Moon’s tropical month to which I am referring.
Well, the Maori Fishing Calendar in NZ was straight off the moon and if you want to catch fish that is the one to use. Any vegetable enthusiast would use the moon-based planting calendar, the long-term weather forecasters work off it, and half the human population ovulate according to it, in fact everyone knows it runs us except the scientists!
Then again, they can’t even explain divining..
Still, nice article el gordo, at least they mentioned the moon’s link to El Nino.
How is this for a “better” chook cooker?
Towards the end at
Dr John Campbell talks about the omicron variant.
It looks like present “vaccines” might be ineffective toward it plus monoclonal antibody treatment.
We are now probably back to square one.
Well done all those morons who decided covid was going to be a disease with one mode of prophylaxis only (poorly effective and poorly tested “vaccines” provided by Big Pharma) and who banned antivirals (in Australia) and also imposed compulsory vaccination.
Those that wanted compulsory vaccination for all when the better strategy would have been to protect the vulnerable such as elderly, obese and those with other known comorbidities) and let everyone else get it to establish proper natural immunity are mostly to blame. As well as censorship and persecution/prosecution provided courtesy of the Leftist media and the medical establishment and government of doctors and nurses who spoke out.
And how many lives could have been saved by reducing or eliminating known risk factors like Vid D and zinc deficiencies?
On the plus side, at least the Sheeple will learn the Greek alphabet.
There’s 24 letters in the Greek alphabet, there’s been 5 so far, I believe humans can survive another 19 variants its the experimental vaccines that’s the killer.
Out of the future mutations I think Pi will be the most popular.
see – Comment 3.4.1
“On the plus side, at least the Sheeple will learn the Greek alphabet.”
Not much of it!! What happened to the epsilon, zeta, eta, theta.. etc, all the letters that they missed out on when they jumped to omikron??
Will the next one be ‘pie’?
At a website that I visit on the homepage under Hot Topics is a post NOVEMBER 25, 2021
Vaccinated English Adults Under 60 are Dying at Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated People the Same Age
There are links in the post to a chart and Excel spreadsheet.
New Chum – thanks interesting site
Newly-Released Jan. 6th Footage Shows Capitol Police Kicking Young Woman to Death
Watching the video, that Capitol Policemand needs to be considered for a Murder Charge
I wish I could say I’m shocked. I’m not.
Four police officers involved in the Jan 6 fracas, committed suicide. Two the day after and two the day before the congressional hearing. One police officer committed suicide on his way to work. ….. just an impulsive act I guess.
Liberals push for Gladys Berejiklian to run for federal seat of Warringah
Gladys Berejiklian is under increasing pressure to run for the federal seat of Warringah, as the ex-NSW premier emerges as the only candidate who can win back Tony Abbott’s former seat.
Gladys Berejiklian is under increasing pressure to run against independent Zali Steggall as the former NSW premier emerges as the only candidate who can win back the seat of Warringah.
With the Morrison government’s re-election prospects on a knife-edge, a senior NSW government minister also said Prime Minister Scott Morrison had told factional allies he was “confident he can get her to run”.
Senior Liberals, backed by internal polling, say they believe Ms Berejiklian is the only chance the Liberal Party has of retaking the once-blue ribbon seat lost by Tony Abbott in 2019.
They say the desire for Ms Berejiklian to throw her hat in the ring has not been damaged by recent ICAC hearings into grants she approved as treasurer, which were pushed by then secret boyfriend Daryl Maguire.
“We don’t think what’s been presented at ICAC is anything like a disqualification,” a senior government figure said.
Liberal Party polling taken before Ms Berejiklian resigned last month showed she was the only Liberal Party candidate who could beat Ms Steggall.
Ms Berejiklian out-polled former premier Mike Baird, who has so far ruled out a federal tilt despite consistent speculation he was looking to return to politics.
Jacinda said 2021 was “the year of the vaccine”.
Already the signs are that 2022 will be “the year of the (not ivermectin) anti-virals” .
Doses at $100+/day should see the job right . Doncha think?