In more news you can use before Christmas, here’s another cheap easy way to put the brakes on Covid — this time with the antiseptic Povidone-Iodine (PVP).
While Carrageenan can clog up the virus in the passages behind your nose, it doesn’t necessarily do much to stop the virus replicating in your mouth and throat. But a regular swish or a sniff with Povidone-iodine can reduce the viral load to nothing in a matter of 15 to 30 seconds. Note, you’re supposed to spit it out again, not drink it and make sure to use a very dilute solution.
Saliva can contain as many as 100 million infectious copies of Covid per ml, so the aim here is to reduce the number drastically every four hours. It’ll reduce the risk of you infecting people around you, and probably help buy yourself time to fight back against the virus.

Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator
Between February and August last year
et al enrolled 600 people in Bangladesh. Half were asked to use a 1% povidone iodine solution to gargle, use in nasal drops and eye drops. They were asked to do this every 4 hours for 4 weeks, which sounds like a chore, but is nicer than going to hospital. The other half did the same thing but only with lukewarm water. Since nasal rinsing is sometimes claimed to be useful, even the placebo arm may have got some benefit. But the difference was still impressive.Only 3.3% of the group that used Povidone-Iodine ended up in hospital, while nearly 21% of the plain “water washers” did. Only 2 people died in the treatment group, but 17 people did in the control group.
Randomised controlled trials are useful, but brutal. Perhaps 15 people might not be dead now if they had been randomly assigned to the other group.

The bottom row is the total male plus female.
This is good for everyone except Pharmaceutical companies selling vaccines and treatments.
So the patients those who used 1% PVP I have minimum mortality, morbidity and occupying minimum number of hospital bed causing less burden to health and financial sector of Bangladesh in COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Why can’t Australia do studies like this? Perhaps because we’re rich enough to be a market-worth-capturing?
Chopra et al reviews the situation from a dentists point of view. Dentists are at high risk of catching covid, especially for some procedures, so Dental associations are keen to give patients a mouthwash and rinse before treatment so people don’t infect their dentist.
The CDC recommends preprocedural rinsing with antimicrobial rinses such as chlorhexidine gluconate, essential oils, PVP-I, or cetylpyridinium chloride. PVP-I is safe for use in the oral and nasal cavities at concentrations up to 1.25% [21]. In the absence of any commercially available preparations for routine dental use during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is advised to dilute 10% PVP-I by 1:20 and mix 0.5cc of the diluted PVP-I solution with 9.5cc of sterile saline or sterile water for routine clinical use
Chopra tested four products of PVP-I for a contact time of 30 s for virucidal activity,
a. Antiseptic solution (PVP-I 10%)
b. Skin cleanser (PVP-I 7.5%)
c. Gargle and mouth wash (PVP-I 1%)
d. Throat spray (PVP-I 0.45%)
They concluded: “All products of PVP-I inactivated the virus by ≥99.99% which corresponded to ≥4log10 reduction of virus titre, within 30 s of contact”
So even the half-a-percent solution still killed 9,999 viruses out of 10,000 and with only 30 seconds of swishing. Not bad.
For the record some Doctors Warn Against Using Betadine in Nasal Spray or Mouthwash to Prevent COVID-19. Read it and decide for yourself. Seems to me there is a lot of “nothing to see here” and no good evidence yet type arguments. So where is the call to do the trails?
Obviously, it wouldn’t be good to drink antiseptic and it is possible to overdo it.
Again, the aim with mouthwashes or nasal sprays and eye drops is to whack the viral replication in the early days, and thwart the virus. An antiseptic won’t kill every germ — especially not the ones hiding inside your cells, but it will buy your B and T cells time to figure out the best plan of attack, and stop you infecting everyone around you.
If only the vaccines worked this well?
ht to Vicki, redress, OldOzzie, Dipole, Nabrid Obcsje
And to the C19 site with so many studies.
Chopra, (2021) Can povidone iodine gargle/mouthrinse inactivate SARS-CoV-2 and decrease the risk of nosocomial and community transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic? An evidence-based update, Japanese Dental Science Review, Volume 57, November 2021, Pages 39-45.
Effect of 1% Povidone Iodine Mouthwash/Gargle, Nasal and Eye Drop in COVID-19 patient
In fact our health authorities dismissed the use of mouth washes and nasal spraying or flushing. Either they do not stay abreast of the literature, or they lie. Both the information in this post and the post on carrageenan have been available in the literature for several months. But of course, no 5 year long randomised control trial while people die and the general population is being experimented on, some being killed and others being severely injured as a result. Just a few years ago I would not have believed that this could happen in our society. But it is happening. Surely there must be a day of reckoning.
“In fact our health authorities dismissed the use of mouth washes and nasal spraying or flushing. Either they do not stay abreast of the literature, or they lie.”
Very poignant comment Ted.
I just had my doctor hang-up on me in mid sentence when I asked her to look at the Peter Nordstrom Swedish efficacy study. Her last comment to me before I spoke was something to the effect of “I stay abreast of all the CoVid literature”
My doctor had previously stated a very low almost condescending view of the “Internet” medical info (sorry Jo, just the messenger).
I told her I’m not necessarily anti-vaccine (limited specific use) just more concerned about the side-effects and wanted her to understand I’m not a kook and not easily swayed either way.
This leaves me two conclusions to guess at because she talks AT me rather than TO me (or talk at all):
1) She KNOWS the the “vaccine only approach” is wrong and can’t say that.
2) Really doesn’t know much about CoVid medical research.
Neither are very satisfying.
” low almost condescending view of the “Internet” medical info ”
Too bad all the medical journals are on the internet these days
But not THOSE journals…THESE journals. 😉
That’s what shocked me so much. I even started with his name and quoted the Lancet. She never heard me because she had already hung up. Looking for a new doctor.
Funny old world where brain-damaged individuals are in charge, but here you are. These doctors were probably originally ordered, on pain of deregistration, to go along with gene-jabs, and now that they have had two or more injections of spike-protein-creating substance themselves cannot think straight ever again. These shpots ALWAYS cause clotting in the brain (large clots immediate harm: tiny clots chronic and worsening long-term harm)
Hanging up mid-sentence is a clear sign of aggression, which is stock standard for a person with vascular dementia. Vascular dementia is caused by….long-term blood clotting.
Watch any Zombie movie. Once you are infected there is never a return to normal. Keep clear of that doctor!
BTW: At home in Qld (I’m down south for Xmas) all our local GPs are very cautious about the injections. Hence they can still function in a civil fashion.
First sentence should end “but here we are”.
“I stay abreast of all the CoVid literature”
What she meant to say was: “I stay abreast of all the offical, Government approved CoVid literature”
I would prefer to die in agony in a ditch than ask for help from a GP.
Exactly Mark.
“I would prefer to die in agony in a ditch than ask for help from a GP.”
I’ll meet you halfway. Heads: die in agony Tails: die in a ditch.
Tails. ditch it is then.
Mark , I have to agree with you. My doctor has a massive sign on the door. IF YOU ARE SICK DO NOT ENTER. GO TO THE HOSPITAL. After not seeing her for almost 2years , I thought she might be interested in how I am faring health wise. How’s my health? I am I vaccinated? How’s my blood pressure?
NO Nothing!. Here’s a script and see you later. Not if I see her first. I’ll settle for the ditch also.
This was your mistake. It should come as a specific question on the detail not as a directive. Why should a GP accept your directive to read anything?
On the other hand if you cannot have a coherent conversation with your GP by asking questions then change your GP. A GP who cannot explain the specific reasons for a certain course is one of the few who took up that specialty because they want an easy life; regular hours, low stress with reasonable income.
Just explained (up above) why having coherent conversations with the vaxed is becoming increasingly difficult….
Same problem as having coherent conversations with any other substance abusing individual; they abuse mind-frying concoctions and the mind-frying substances abuse them. Their brains are addled. They are in the throes of vascular dementia.
Plus, with medicos, maybe they get double-strength shots to keep them compliant.
“Why should a GP accept your directive to read anything? “
If a GP hasn’t read much of the literature… only what the government tells them…
… how can they be properly informed?
… and thus how can they give proper and full advice?.
Vaccines are meant to be “an informed decision”, not just what the government tells you..
… which is very much not fully informed
Certainly not by taking a directive from some ill-mannered patient who believes they know more than the GP. The certain way to get a negative response is to imply that someone who spent most of their life learning that they know nothing about their chosen profession.
The GP would have got the money for the phone consult. Easy money if some clown rings up and tells them they should read something without getting into a detailed discussion.
Wow, just wow Rick. The pinnacle of arrogance.
“ill-mannered patient” Show me in the transcripts where I was ill-mannered. Oh that’s right you weren’t there.
“some clown rings up” Typical ad-hominin attack. I’ll remember that.
“who believes they know more than the GP.” Oh that’s right, every GP in the world is 100% knowledgeable and 100% perfect.
Go back and check some of your posts that I successfully discredited. If I’m this inept, based on your own definitions you are so much more so.
You call it directive, Rick. I would call it a suggestion.
This is not a suggestion:
Who goes for a GP consult and asks them to look at some study. Only an arrogant sod who thinks he knows more on the topic than the GP who will be paid to do the consult whether he likes it or not.
Rick Will,
Why did you leave out the verb in that quote? You included it earlier:
If the word asked did not support your case, might it not mean your case is weak? Perhaps you should face that fact.
I sympathise with doctors, they are so often the meat in the sandwich. Politicisation has poisoned the profession. Worse than COVID is the nonsense about best practice, where some unqualified bureaucrat can approve or reject the doctor’s judgement. But it would be delusional to think all doctors are saints, or even competent. Mark Kaiser is looking for a new doctor. Regardless of whether he was rude to her or she was rude to him, that sounds like the right action.
Just block your ears to what you don’t want to hear..
Refuse to listen to world renowned experts on vaccinology…
Refuse to even read them !
I would avoid that doctor like the plague !!
Rick seems to believe doctors are experts and know everything…
…. never needing to learn more or listen to opinion of people like Dr Malone or Geert Vanden Bossche
If a doctor hasn’t listened to these people, they are not informed.. period.
Surely it is the doctor’s responsibility to become better informed??
Listening just to what the government says, and refusing to look further….
… how brain numbed..
… how blindly progressive.
The doctors are not coming out of Covid very well.
Very few seem to think beyond the Government Health directives.
Narrow minded and ignorant seems appropriate.
This does not sound good!
Might be better to stay at home.
A beautiful obfuscation R W in:
as your deliberate omission of the first words, that you originally acknowledged:
” I asked her to look at the Peter Nordstrom Swedish efficacy study “, words which can only be interpreted as a request.
Mr. Will: If he “asked” her to read something, why do you turn that into a “directive”? As I see others picked up, and you stick to your position. I would hope that my doctor would discuss medicine with me; we’ve come to expect that we can’t do that with you. Again, what was it about the first post that caused you to see a question as a “directive”? You really don’t see how blind you are on this?
“Neither are very satisfying.”
Time to get another doctor. Nobody can afford to stay with a doctor that either doesn’t know what they’re doing, or has no respect for their patient.
Get another doctor.
Even doctors arent immune from brainwashing – even in radical groups like ISIS there exists doctors and engineers in their ranks.
You want a doc who will listen, even if they disagree.
A day of reckoning? Surely soon.
Random control trials are brutal? Yes. But it doesn’t have to be a random control trial to be useful. A small computer can sort the evidence. Our problem is that we can’t get evidence when potential solutions have been prohibited.
The purpose of the RCT is to eliminate prejudice. But prejudice can be overcome by sheer weight of evidence. And, while they hope you’ll never notice, nobody works for 100% anyway.
New South Wales is at last tackling this problem head on. Watch this space, and direct all the advice you can muster. Maybe this is where the political tide can be turned.!
Powerful presentation by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance re Pfizer covid jab. Calm and sensible. And horrifying.
Thanks Janet.
That is a great link which takes material from the Pfizer covid study which was used to get approval for the Pfizer vaccine. This is a faulty study which makes sense as the US is stinky corrupt and the FDA is not on our side. Completely unacceptable, hiding of evidence of dangerous side effects and unexplained deaths.
The Pfizer study did not compared the immunity of the vaccinated to those who have been exposed to the live virus.
The vaccine tests took blood tests and then did check for biomarkers to look for evidence of sinister changes caused by the vaccine. i.e. This is information about what the vaccine is doing to people at microbiological level.
There are more deaths in the vaccinated group than the control group. The test stopped after 2 months.
But there is more “fun” on the horizon.
Presumably “universal” means either clever scientists were able to pick the right bits for the vaccine, or , it appears the vaccine is able to make sufficient changes to your DNA to shut down a whole raft of antibody behaviour? Yikes. No thanks.
“While the full approval of the best-selling mRNA vaccines by the FDA remains elusive, the US is already working on giving the ‘Supersoldiers of Tomorrow’ a leg up by developing a “universal” COVID vaccine that will supposedly be effective against all future variants. The US Army is wrapping up early clinical trials of the new jab in the coming weeks.
Betadine sell a “cold defence” antiviral nasal spray with carragelose as its active ingredient, but it is not stocked in Australia – must get it on ebay from Malaysia.
my ebay order of Betadine Nasal Spray – Adults and Kids came quickly from Malaysia
Have always carried a small tube of Betadine – yes, it’s got the magic Povidone-Iodine ingredient – great for nicks & cuts and came in very handy 10 years ago in Fiji & Samoa when buddies hit the reef. Also carried manuka honey-soaked gauze for deeper lacerations.
Maybe I’ll mix some honey and water and a (diluted) drop of Betadine then gargle to my heart’s content.
The Betadine carragelose spray is fairly pricey though. The Flo Travel was $14 and is available at Australian chemists. Small nasal spray bottles or other sprayers are also available on Ebay and Povidone Iodine can be diluted to suit.
Betadine make two different strength gargle’s available at Australian chemists for those who don’t want the hassle of DIY dilution.
FLO Travel Nasal Spray 20ml – Chemist Warehouse
Product ID: 2663080
☆☆☆☆☆4.6 out of 5 stars. Read reviews for FLO Travel Nasal Spray 20ml
$1.96 Off RRP
Don’t Pay RRP: $14.95
Tried to buy some Flo Travel today. Nothing in the store! I was offered another spray but it had no Carrgelose so I declined and asked them to order it in.
Do it online – Chemist Warehouse usually arrives in 3-4 days – or Click and Collect – drive into Chemist Warehouse Car park opp Warringah Mall and separate from main shopping centre, and order available about 3 hours after ordering.
“On September 8, a Twitter user who claimed to be an emergency room doctor tweeted: “Don’t get Covid. Prophylaxis is not that hard. Also nasal spray with a couple of drops [betadine] in it, and gargle with original Listerine.”
The oral and nasal use of PVP has been advised by Dr. McCullough who has been advising it’s use for some time.
Joe Rogan did a good (if lengthy) interview of Dr McCullough covering this many other covid topics:
When I was working, I often used the ‘upside/downside’ method of decision making. This is where, when faced with a simple choice, the matter would rest on cost versus benefit, or risk vs benefit. Lots of people do this, without thinking in many cases.
In some cases, an option is presented that offers only a small benefit. However, there is materially no cost or risk, so it would be foolish to forego it. This is my thinking around Ivermectin, vits D & C, zinc, etc. Some argue that these things offer little benefit. However, there is no discernible risk so it’s a no-brainer for me.
I remember coaching a rather gifted engineer in my employ, some years ago. His talents in design were enormous, and he was ultra diligent, producing great equipment. His decision-making skills were awful though. Even with just two choices, he would prevaricate to the point of paralysis. Once I explained the simple tactic above, he had an epiphany. It turned out that arguably 60% of his hurdles fell into the ‘small chance of benefit but little or no cost or risk’ category. His productivity soared, and so did his job satisfaction.
I miss working with such people. They were often a big challenge from a line management perspective (what is this deadline thing you talk about?) but many of them were amazingly creative and hard working. I suspect autism and Aspergers feature highly in that cohort.
Found ‘Flo travel nasal spray’ at local chemist. Uses carageenan. There are bigger packs for post surgery, but the travel spray is easy.
The easy way to test for if the Australian Government will approve or promote various covid treatments or prophylaxis is to first establish if they are cheap, effective or unpatented. If so, they will be banned or not promoted.
If they are expensive, poorly or non-effective and patented, and possibly harmful, they are sure to be approved and heavily promoted.
I wonder if alcohol-based mouthwashes have a similar effect?
And therefore I also wonder if moderate alcohol drinkers are less susceptible to covid? As for heavy drinkers, some papers claim they are more susceptible, presumably because of a weakened immune system and because alcoholism has a negative effect on Vit D status.
The Chopra Japanese Dental Review discussed 70% alcohol and found it worked (in vitro) but took 30 seconds to inactivate the virus instead of 15 seconds. So Povidone was better, plus you can drive afterwards. :- )
Happy to hold a swig of Knob Creek in my mouth for 30 seconds, but alas, it’s only 50% alcohol
70% alcohol in vivo is a recipe for mucosal ulceration- way too irritant.
That is interesting but I have a different take on that.
We know that D3 is the sunshine vitamin and here in the winter dark north of Europe I can assure you that my body is manufacturing zero D3 from sunlight.
I recon that the further north you go in Europe the more likely the culture is to use distilled alcohol.
How so?
Lack of sunshine causes a lack of D3.
Lack of D3 causes depression.
Alcohol is a mood changer, the digestion process naturally produces alcohol in the gut.
So I think that the primary health risk for a species that evolved in tropical Africa is lack of sunshine in winter.
The ABC has an article on something similar. Wonder how long before the medical bureaucracy walks this back.
Link not showing up to the article, but the Melbourne researchers use heparin.
Strange that we are coming up with more and more approaches to dealing with the pandemic that might be far more effective than the vaccines themselves, especially when taking into account the known and unknown ill side effects. However, it’s not strange that governments and health officials are turning a blind eye to it all. That tells it all. It’s not about looking after our health and safety. It’s all about money and power.
That’s why they are terrified that the O-moronic strain may be the end of the pandemic.
The anthropogenic global warming fraud is much harder to use to control people and destroy the West than the virus is.
I suspect if we had real data of the deaths FROM the vaccines and FROM the virus, as distinct from deaths WITH the vaccines and WITH the virus, we might be as close to proving it’s a fraud as much as we have already proven anthropogenic global warming is a fraud. We would then be able to hold a lot of people to account and many would end up in prison for life if found guilty in a court of law.
Prison for life is a bit namby pamby, legislate to have them face firing squads.
Whisky is a more palatable moth wash and you can enjoy the dull glow that follows swallowing it. It disinfects all the way down.
The good doctor goes on to warn against using whisky every 15 minutes though.
That might explain why my father never got to cold or flue. He was a very strong whisky drinker. Often he would drink a standard bottle of JW in a day. I hate the stuff though. I prefer much smoother and sometimes somewhat sweater whiskies.
My Grandfather took Beenleigh Rum (original dark rum) for medicinal purposes – so he claimed. I never recall him being ill until his death bed. Throat cancer got him. More likely aggravated by smoking a pipe from a tender age than his weekly bottle of rum. My father and uncles would have a beer or stout when visiting him but he always had a couple of nips of rum.
I’m running my own medically dubious study to see if scotch works just as well.
Will follow up with my findings.
I’m sure you findings will be just as spirited.
i?m wig yoo I tarted my ztudy 4 deyz agooo nd itz goin greet, cheeers
“I always carry a small flask of spirits in my pocket for medicinal purposes, in case of snake bite.
In my other pocket I carry a small snake”
W.C. Fields
Have set up my own project, to run over Christmas and the new year. It is a type of ‘blind’ study, whereby the volunteer subject may become blind drunk.
Being a thorough sort of experimentalist, I have not restricted the study to whisky alone, on the basis that red and white wine, gin, rum and vodka may prove to be equally efficacious , or even more so.
I also paid attention to the FLCCC and others, who discovered that combination therapies work best. I have therefore stocked up on combination compounds called bitter lemon, tonic, cola and lime cordial. I might add some others. It’s Christmas, so Bailey’s perhaps?
The objective of the study is to establish (a) do these medications reduce the transmission and/or effects of Covid and (b) if not, do I care?
If inconclusive, the study will be repeated.
I have so far recruited one volunteer subject. There are risks, so it’s only fair it should be me.
With you on this Mike, and single malt of course.
Arrrrrrr, me ‘arties, I’m with ye all… hic!
I am a dedicated Islay single malt drinker (one every evening just before bed time). I am absolutely certain that it will protect me from Covid. And if it does not, well it was worth a try.
Xylitol may also work. It comes in nasal sprays and some toothpastes such as Spry.
Near the bottom of this page , you can find studies discussing it.
With 17 months of mask mandates, 3.5 months of vaccine passports & ~85% of their population at least partially vaccinated, cases in Quebec have hit a new high
In fact, they’re going back into lockdown as of today
The commitment to failure & pointless stupidity is endless
Quebec lives in a different world from the rest of Canada. It’s no surprise that Quebec has gone completely berzerk about Covid while the rest of Canada has not.
Yes Old Ozzie,
Madness takes its toll.
As a former Medico, I have been using/recommending dilute betadine gargle
vitamin c and Zinc lozenges (no longer available) for
25 years. No wonder I am out of business!
Whilst the medical aspects are fascinating, it it obviously
a societal revolution we are commencing- the problems
are not meant to be “Solved” with 5 cents a day drugs like
in other countries-
P.S. You can buy 500 ml of 10% povidone iodine for about 10$ which is about 1 cent per treatment ( 0.5 ml diluted to 15 ml). Don’t expect “Bambi eyes” Sutton to mention this though!
Yeah, he is a squeezer all right-
The commitment to failure & pointless stupidity is endless
I wish people could stop using language like this – “failure” … “pointless”
They are NOT failing to pull down Western civilization, which is the POINT of all this.
They are failing to pull down civilization in the US.
According to Kim R. Holmes in “The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left” (that’s the US sense of liberal meaning “Leftist”) Leftists are intolerant, rigidly dogmatic ideologically, abhor dissent and stifle free speech.
This is projected through all our institutions, including scientific and medical ones, all now dominated by the Left due to the success of Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions”.
That is why you’ll find there are only a few approved treatments for covid, almost all based on the offerings of Big Pharma and simple and effective treatments such as this are laughed at or in some cases banned.
And just imagine if President Trump dared to mention this mouthwash aid to infection prevention or reduction.
A little off-topic:
Farcebook has just issued a “fact check” on Dr. John Campbell.
You know you’re over the target if you’re copping flak.
Also, did you see how in a recent court case that Farcebook admitted it’s “fact” checkers only issued opinions, not facts?
>”..obviously, it wouldn’t be good to drink it and it is possible to overdo it. Again, the aim is to whack the viral replication in the early days, and thwart the virus”
Exactly, and even saline solution works this way. I tossed up the respective merits and decided to stock up on Betadine for any “early days” that might eventuate.
Until then, it’s sunlight exercise sleep C D Zn Mg and good food nutrition. Also avoiding superspreader events like the plague (literally).
Time to Fire the Decepticons and Get Over COVID
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in quantum mechanics, first formulated in 1927, states that “the product of the uncertainties in position and velocity is equal to or greater than a tiny physical quantity, or constant (h/(4π), where h is Planck’s constant, or about 6.6 × 10−34 joule-second.”
Or, to put it in more popular terms, the act of observation changes the nature of the thing being observed.
Does it ever. Here we are, coming up on the second anniversary of “two weeks to slow the spread” of a flu-like virus most likely hatched in a Chinese Communist laboratory in Wuhan, with a little help from Dr. Anthony Fauci and the American taxpayer, and the dreaded COVID-19 chest cold has conquered the planet, instilling fear and loathing in weak minds whenever and wherever it appears in any of its Transformers-like, constantly mutating configurations.
The irony is, had the novel coronavirus been treated the same way as its immediate predecessors, including SARS, the H1N1 pandemic of 2009, and the Hong Kong flu of 1968, no one would be talking about it, there would have been no lockdowns, no masks, no ruination of the economy, no destruction of the travel industry, no stealth takeover of private medicine and, most important, no unconstitutional loss of personal liberty.
But the very act of neurotically obsessing over it has triggered and weaponized the critter and, a la Heisenberg, transformed it from a bug that preyed on old people into the Thing that Devoured the Planet.
Ever since the politically conveniently timed appearance of the CCP virus early in 2020, Fauci and his coevals at various government “health” agencies have whipsawed the American public with their erratic, contradictory, and wholly unscientific pronouncements, all in the interest of aggrandizing more power.
These Decepticons managed to take down the gullible Trump administration, institutionalize their priorities for controlling the population by nullifying the Bill of Rights, helping to install Joe Biden, and giving a big fat Christmas present to the pharmaceutical companies—which have profited handsomely from the pandemic.
Consider the current headlines: “Omicron grips nation; confirmed in 44 states,” “U.S. fears million cases a day,” “Masks on planes forever.” At the same time, ponder this: “40 percent have no symptoms at all.” Put the two together and you can see the Decepticons staring you in the face—and laughing.
A “disease” that is in many cases strikingly asymptomatic, whose lethality (such as it was and depending on who’s counting and how) is counted by “cases” (a meaningless statistic), whose survival rate has always been near 99 percent for the vast majority of the world’s population doesn’t seem like much of a threat in the cosmic scheme of things.
Nor does a “vaccine” that not only doesn’t prevent you from getting the bug but permits “breakthrough” infections and also has significant side effects seem like much of a vaccine.
Its all about the PCR test, something that mysteriously became “The Gold Standard” for deciding if you are sick or not. Without the PCR test applied to earlier viral epidemics you had to actually be sick to be counted. With PCR you don’t need to be sick, you don’t even need to be infected with that particular virus, but it sure makes the numbers look astounding.
All the rest followed…
PCR is the paint we used to end up stuck in this corner.
Just saw this on farcebook.
Good Find
Heparin is the second most-widely used drug on earth and is stable at room temperature for more than three months, meaning it can be widely distributed.
Director of the Lung Health Research Centre at the University of Melbourne, Gary Anderson, said the spray would be easy to use — two puffs each nostril, three times a day.
Professor Anderson is excited about the science behind the treatment, describing it as “cool”.
“When [COVID] first gets into the nose it binds to a molecule called heparan and if it mutates that binding site it can’t bind,” he said.
“Heparin is so close in structure to heparan that it binds on and paralyses the virus, so it stops it infecting and also stops it spreading to others.”
She said some coronavirus vaccines had limited distribution in some countries because they needed to be stored at ultra-low temperatures.
“One of the wonderful things about heparin is it is already available on the market as an approved product for another purpose, it doesn’t require refrigeration and can be stored in plastic vials so it can be distributed very widely and effectively,” Professor McIntosh said.
“We are not proposing this as an alternative to a vaccination, it is a supplement for people who can’t be vaccinated, but we do imagine it will be very widely used.”
Israelis over 60, medics to get fourth Covid jab to curb Omicron
Israelis over the age of 60 and medical teams will be eligible for a fourth Covid vaccination, following the recommendation of an expert panel, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced on Tuesday.
The decision came as the state was struggling to contain the spread of the Omicron variant, imposing travel and other restrictions while avoiding a domestic lockdown.
A parliamentary committee voted to approve a health ministry recommendation putting the United States on Israel’s “red list,” along with Italy, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Morocco, Portugal, Switzerland and Turkey, committee spokeswoman Ronit Gal said in a statement.
The ban comes into effect Wednesday and will remain in force for at least a week, Gal added.
The United Kingdom, France and Spain were among countries already on the red list, as well as the United Arab Emirates and much of Africa.
Israel has under 800 cases per day. This is being pro-active and likely jumping the gun.
South Africa has experienced a rapid decline in fatality rate since omicron became dominant.
Thanks again, great article. Just as a suggestion – for scientific type articles when you want to use an abbreviation or acronym for eg. an active ingredient (PVP for Povidone Iodine) do it as early as possible in the document. So in the 1st line of the story go “Povidone Iodine (PVP)” and then use PVP for the rest. Also one of the standards for assessing antiseptics is the contact time. So concentration and then contact time are the usual metrics for registration.. So it may be possible to use a lesser concentrated PVP solution but for a longer “swish” time and get the same result, with less adverse effects. Its the sort of stuff medical researchers could have been evaluating for the last 20 months – but oh no, we must go with the vaccine only solution. Yikes!!
Great minds think alike (at least when it’s not 4am for me). Indeed, I added in the PVP abbreviation first thing on proof-reading myself this morning.
I probably should go back and emphasize the 15 and 30 seconds point with concentration.
I just bought some PVP 10%. Diluting it 1:20 gives 0.5%. That sounds ok.
But a further 1:10 dilution gives a very weak mix. Would that be enough?
Yes, abbreviations nowadays get a bit confusing as all manner of different outfits use the same abbreviation for different things.
The Wine industry uses PVPP for fining – polyvinyl polypropaline – often shortened to PVP
CRM has meant Crew Resource Management in the aviation industry for decades. Then some harvard type decided to confuse everyone by saying Customer instead of crew. And so it goes on.
NATO has a book on approved abbreviations. If you want to make a new one you have to get it approved to avoid duplication (bit like registering a trademark).
The Spectator July 2021 – maybe you missed this information, in November 2020 Minister Hunt told journalists that when prescribed by a doctor Ivermectin was being given intravenously in hospitals. More recently on Sky – Credlin Commonwealth Deputy Chief Medical Officer Coatsworth said that patients are being given “anti-viral drugs” in hospitals to treat COVID-19, and that vaccinated patients with that protection recover faster and with less discomfort than unvaccinated people. NSW Premier Perrottet remarked in recent days that most of the ICU patients in NSW are unvaccinated.
“In Australia, one of the few doctors brave enough to use the drug to treat patients and save lives, Dr Mark Hobart, was reported to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Thankfully, AHPRA advised that there had been no infringement. Indeed, federal Health Minister Greg Hunt wrote to one of the doctors in Australia who prescribes ivermectin confirming that he was aware that some physicians are prescribing ivermectin off-label for Covid and that they were quite within their rights as the practice of prescribing registered medicines outside of their approved indications is not regulated or controlled by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), it is at the discretion of the prescribing physician. Yet the silence persists. Ivermectin is the drug that dare not speak its name.”
The following regarding IVM delivered by non oral routes has been previously reported via a correspondent (Canadian?) on this blog:-
“Mountain Valley MD is a Canadian public company that’s focused on biotechnology innovation – it works with existing molecules to make them more soluble or to develop formulations that deliver the drugs more effectively.
Ivermectin is of particular interest to Mountain Valley MD. It has applications both in human and animal medicine. In humans it is used as an anti-parasitic and has recently been used in many countries in the treatment of covid-19. It is also widely used in animal husbandry and for treatment of ticks and parasites in companion animals. “What people may not realise is the vast safety and efficacy in humans – to date it’s been administered over 3.8 billion times in humans with an adverse event rate of only 168 events per year. You’d be surprised to know that is safer than most vitamins!” says Mr Hancock. “It’s defined as a blockbuster drug which means it’s done at least a billion dollars in annual sales and it’s done that for 20 years”, he adds.
Taken as an oral tablet ivermectin takes about six hours for its onset and has a 40% variability which means it’s difficult to prescribe for humans. Taking ivermectin with food (especially high-fat food) improves absorption and distribution is affected by body weight.
So this company via their technology has taken ivermectin and made it 5000 times more soluble using two excipients that are already approved by the FDA as safe for human consumption. So it’s the only leading candidate in the world that’s safe for human injection”, says Mr Hancock. “It’s also the same solubilised form that we’ve used in a rapid-dissolve sublingual application – take something the size of a little piece of gum that dissolves under your tongue”, he adds.
Compared to existing oral forms, the sublingual presentation offers a number of advantages. “We’ve done preclinical trials – we’ve been able to use one fifth of the ivermectin, the API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) in this case, and achieve a sublingual [dosage form] – so again it does not go through digestive enzymes – it crosses directly across the [oral] mucosa and we’ve achieved a one-hour onset, with 5% variability”, explains Mr Hancock. The injectable form uses one eighth of the API and has a 15-minute onset of action.
He concludes, “So we have basically an oral form that uses less of the drug, dramatically more effect in a fraction of the time and then the same thing with the solubilised [injectable] format. You can now imagine emergency use authorisation, frontline – before you put someone on to a ventilator you can inject them with the precision the medical requirement would dictate.” This makes IvectosolTM a leading candidate as a treatment for covid.”
Ivermectin at COVID-19 There is a solution to this crisis
– Prof. dr. Pierre Kory –
Ivermectin is used safely and successfully against COVID-19 in many parts of the world.
I listened to Dr Mark Hobart at the Melbourne Rally 2 weeks ago.
He said that his clinic is still closed on the order of the Vic Dept of Health and that AHPRA had suspended his medical registration (so it is illegal for him to practice medicine)
It Begins
NSW Covid: Unvaccinated could be forced to pay for own hospital treatment
The NSW government is reportedly considering billing unvaccinated Covid patients in hospital for their own medical expenses.
Unvaccinated people could be forced to pay their own medical bills if they end up in hospital with Covid-19.
The NSW government is said to be considering the radical change to treatment for those who haven’t been jabbed as the state’s daily Covid infections continue to rise, 2GB reports.
The move would see the government stop forking out for people who are not vaccinated that end up in intensive care, forcing them to pay their own treatment bills.
The current average cost to stay in an ICU bed is about $4500 a day.
As of Wednesday, 93.4 per cent of eligible NSW residents over 16 were fully vaccinated. There were 40 Covid patients in intensive care and 302 infected patients hospitalised across the state.
It comes as the state’s daily infections continue to rise, with NSW recording 3763 cases and two deaths on Wednesday.
More to come.
Should unvaccinated people be billed for their Covid medical expenses?
Yes 69 % No 31 %
314 votes
Just make sure that only the vaccinated pay for the testing, the vaccines and THEIR hospital stays too!
We should ALL pay for our own hospital treatment, its obvious that the Govt model is based on a die-while-you-wait system of inadequate resources. I can’t see why one should pay for someone else unless tax was voluntary. Voluntary systems (Charity) have a great way of re-assigning priorities.
Well it is only fair given that drunk drivers, smokers and the obese have been paying for their hospital stays for years. If you choose to make those choices then you sign on for all the “side effects”.
[Sarcasm intended lol]
Unvaccinated patients could be forced to pay their own hospital bills under radical proposal being considered by the NSW government after being put forward by cabinet ministers
. Radical proposal reportedly being considered to make unvaxxed patients pay
. 2GB and 4BC radio host Ray Hadley claims NSW government considering it
. NSW Premier’s office has told Daily Mail Australia ‘no decision has been made’
. NSW recorded 3763 new cases on Wednesday, Victoria 1503 infections
Daily Mail Poll
Should unvaccinated Australians have to pay for their own Covid medical bills?
Yes 42% 219 votes
No 56% 296 votes
Undecided 2% 13 votes
Are they forgetting something?
Downloaded and saved for future NSW and Federal Liberals Correspondence
They have already breached a number of those healthcare rights so it’s not worth the paper it’s written on, unless and until someone challenges them in a court of law and sues the hospital, government or whatever, preferably in a class action suit amounting to billions of dollars so it hits them where it hurts and brings the whole show to a grounding halt.
Just another form of totalitarian coercion !
There are way too many leftist members in the Liberal Party.
I hope the Premier has the ***** to say a very solid, “No”
It’s not just about the left. It’s about people regardless of political persuasion (left, right, or whatever) who desire power over the people versus the people who just want their rights to freedom back. Not all politicians are in the first group. Some, predominantly in a few of the more commonly know minor parties are on our side (at least they say so). They will get my vote. Voters who keep supporting the majors are just a waste of space for any number of reasons.
On the flip side- lets get people to pay for the PCR tests and also the vaccines. Put a monetary value on it and let the “people” decide. With all the staffing and infrastructure at the testing sites and bearing in mind the cost of those home antigen kits . I’m thinking $50 per test. Based on similar thinking lets charge $100 for COVID vaccinations. Watch the testing site queues and test numbers evaporate overnight. One of the first things the Obama admin did when they too office (2008?) was to cease testing for the then Swine Flu. It virtually ended all emphasis on that near “pandemic” in a very short amount of time.
Sounding like “NO Booster…No Travel Abroad” is next on the Govn agenda !! …Forcing the population to pay for these boosters would be a…Lower the “travel incentive, while accumulating more for the Govn coffers….Nothing surprises me anymore…Total corruption at all levels.!!
You – will – comply.
$$$- money and power involved,
no room to deny.
Plus ca change,
plus meme chose.
‘No room at the inn.’
How Fauci and Collins Shut Down Covid Debate
They worked with the media to trash the Great Barrington Declaration.
In public, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins urge Americans to “follow the science.” In private, the two sainted public-health officials schemed to quash dissenting views from top scientists. That’s the troubling but fair conclusion from emails obtained recently via the Freedom of Information Act by the American Institute for Economic Research.
The tale unfolded in October 2020 after the launch of the Great Barrington Declaration, a statement by Harvard’s Martin Kulldorff, Oxford’s Sunetra Gupta and Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya against blanket pandemic lockdowns. They favored a policy of what they called “focused protection” of high-risk populations such as the elderly or those with medical conditions. Thousands of scientists signed the declaration—if they were able to learn about it. We tried to give it some elevation on these pages.
That didn’t please the lockdown consensus enforced by public-health officials and the press. Dr. Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health until Sunday, sent an email on Oct. 8, 2020, to Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
“This proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists . . . seems to be getting a lot of attention – and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt at Stanford. There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises,” Dr. Collins wrote. “Is it underway?”
New Novavax Covid Omicron vaccine available in Australia from January 2022 hopes Greg Hunt
A new brand of the Covid-19 vaccine is expected to hit Aussie shores within a month as the nation continues to combat the Omicron variant.
Health Minister Greg Hunt on Wednesday said the Novavax vaccine would hopefully be available in January 2022.
“Novak‘s has been is going through the Therapeutic Goods Administration, our medical regulator,” Mr Hunt told 4BC.
“They’re getting the data and I’m hopeful that subject to that data stacking up, that this will be available in January.”
Australia has already ordered 51 million doses of the new protein-based vaccine.
The Health Minister’s prediction comes less than a day after the European Medicines Agency announced Novavax was approved for use in EU residents over the age of 18.
Novavax has proven to be highly effective against Covid-19 with the vaccine manufacturer stating that clinical trials have shown it is 90 per cent effective against symptomatic infection and 100 per cent against moderate and severe disease.
However, there is limited data on the effectiveness of the new vaccine against Omicron at this stage.
Is Novavax any safer then the existing ones, and does it differ much from the offering frommVaxine.
Unlike the BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna jabs that are created using mRNA technology, protein vaccines have been tried and tested for decades.
This is what we know about Nuvaxovid:
Novavax uses a traditional vaccine technology by using purified pieces of the actual SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus spike protein to spur the production of antibodies. Two 0.5ml doses are required 21 days apart.
If a person gets the jab, their immune system recognises the protein as foreign and produces natural defences. The vaccine can not replicate, nor can it cause Covid-19.
Two trials involving more than 45,000 people in the US, Mexico and the UK resulted in efficacy of about 90 per cent with only mild or moderate side effects.
Novavax said its vaccine was most effective against the original Covid strain, as well as the Alpha variant first detected in the UK.
Novavax said it could start making variant-specific doses from January.
Novavax has said severe reactions are “infrequent and there were no safety concerns related to vaccination”.
The most common adverse reactions observed during clinical studies were headache, nausea or vomiting, myalgia, arthralgia, injection site tenderness/pain, fatigue and malaise.
Moths and tree bark: How the Novavax vaccine works
The vaccine also uses a different technology to the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines. It’s a “protein subunit” vaccine; these are vaccines that introduce a part of the virus to the immune system, but don’t contain any live components of the virus.
The protein part of the vaccine is the coronavirus’ “spike protein”. This is part of the other COVID-19 vaccines in use but in a different form.
The Novavax vaccine uses a version of the spike protein made in the lab. The spike proteins are assembled into tiny particles called “nanoparticles” which aim to resemble the structure of the coronavirus, however they cannot replicate once injected and the vaccine cannot cause you to get COVID-19.
In order for these subunit vaccines to generate strong protective responses, they need to include molecules that boost your immune system, called “adjuvants”. The goal of these adjuvants is to mimic the way the real virus would activate the immune system, to generate maximum protective immunity.
Novavax includes an adjuvant based on a natural product known as saponin, an extract from the bark of the Chilean soapbark tree.
Who cares? I’m still convinced the risks of taking the vaccines outweighs the risks of being infected by the variants of the virus, in particular Omicron, as published by our own federal government Database of Adverse Event Notifications, especially when taking into account they only report a fraction of the real number of adverse events. As I stated before, I know no one personally who has died from the virus but I do know one friend of mine who did die a week after taking one of the vaccines. Call that inclusive but I the mere fact I don’t see people dropping like flies from the virus is good enough for me to say the danger is very low, so low it doesn’t warrant taking the extra risks of taking any COVID-19 vaccine, which are all still undergoing trials and thus make a mockery of the statement by our TGA that it does not have an “Emergency Use Authorisation” pathway for COVID-19 vaccines.
While we’re at it – one of the best old fashioned treatments for a head cold or flu type congestion. Tub of boiling water + some drops of eucalyptus and sit over it with a towel over your head. I’ll bet that would also have some efficacy vs. any virus predominantly inhabiting the nasal passages. Plus its real Aussie!!
Rawleighs Ready Relief and/or Vicks Vaporub plus boiling water and towel – it’s real Koywoy! Thankfully I grew out of that.
My mid 20’s daughter who still lives at home recently caught Omicron. The remaining 3 of us in the house have had 2 negative tests. We simply practice good hygiene and were cautious around our daughter during her infectious period. I have many friends with a similar experience during this “pandemic”. Wow, who would have thought that some personal responsibility and care could avoid infection. If only that had been the mantra of governments from the start.
Fascinating that they’ve found the words “personal responsibility”, and coming from the same people who’ve suppressed any useful discussion of options and banned the safe medications which could have ended the pandemic in weeks.
But they’re not really hypocrites, they’ve just redefined the words to mean “get vaxxed, or else”.
Dave B
What about the much touted Chlorine Dioxide which apparently has profound effects in denaturing the CV19 spike protein AND the vaxx spike proteins too?
Dr Andreas Kalcker is most noted for this, a Japanese study mid year extolled its virtues as did the Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine.
Surely it’s time for a name change at the “Health Department”
The health of the people is of no interest to those who run the place..
Covid nasal sprays may be how we stop this vaccination madness.
Covid is believe to start in the nose where there is a high concentration of ACE-2 connectors which it needs to replicate.
“Key nose cells identified as likely COVID-19 virus entry points”
This is a link to a large Indian pharmaceutical company that is manufacturing a nitrous oxide based anti covid nasal spray that will be sold in Asia, UK, and EU.
Ryaltris is a nasal spray for a different medical problem.
This is the Glenmark nasal spray that is designed to kill covid. The Glenmark anti covid nasal spray is the same formulation as the Israeli manufactured spray.
The Israeli-manufactured spray can be used up to five times a day after coming in contact with viruses, according to the release. It’s suitable for children as young as 12 years old, and the Ministry of Health approved it in January this year. It will go on sale in the coming week.
“Glenmark Pharmaceuticals plans to test its upcoming nitric oxide nasal spray (NONS) that it has licensed from a Canadian Biotech firm as a preventive measure for Covid-19.
NONS is designed to kill coronavirus in the upper airways, preventing it from incubating and spreading to the lungs. “It is based on nitric oxide, a natural nanomolecule with proven anti-microbial properties, and which has a direct effect on SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing Covid-19,” a company spokesperson said.
In March, SaNOtize’s clinical trials showed NONS was a safe and effective antiviral treatment that significantly reduced viral load in Covid-19 patients and reduced the severity of symptoms.
“In the first 24 hours, NONS reduced the average viral load by around 95 per cent and then by more than 99 per cent within 72 hours. It has been tested in healthy volunteers and patients as part of the UK and Canada clinical trials,” the spokesperson claimed.”
Yep. as some people may have noticed, I have long been an advocate for Betadine. Years ago it wiped out an outlandishly sore throat I had on a holiday in a matter of hours. At that time I thought it only acted as a bacterial remedy, but recent research indicates that it will counter viral infections as well.
For this reason, I have been gargling with Betadine following encounters that may have made me vulnerable to CV. But, to be honest, I couldn’t abide the thought of using it every 4 hours for 4 weeks! The stuff is awful.
After using it a while ago on a very regular basis, because of possible virus contacts, I became a bit resistant to regular use. Besides, ingesting even a tiny bit each time can’t be a good thing on too regular a basis.
However, I think it is a wonderful first line of defence on occasions that might require it.
Covid nasal sprays may be how we stop this vaccination madness.
You know, I was thinking about the use of even anti-histamine nasal sprays for this purpose. Since Dr. Shankara Chetty is so adamant about the success of anti-histamines as first line defence in Covid – could anti-histamine nasal sprays be useful as well as the tablets?
Quercetin is an anti-histamine
Incidentally, Nasonex is a nasal spray for hay fever, polyps etc and, I understand, contains the steroid mometasone furoate.
But don’t tell the COVID police, as they will probably ban it from sale over the counter, as they do for inhaler Symbicort. .
I use a nasal spray Nasonex for hay fever & nasal polyps. It contains the steroid mometasone furoate. For this reason, it may well be useful for the dreaded Covid.
Steroids could be contra indicated during the first seven days of the infection. Steroids suppress the immune system. Dr Chetty does not start steroids until the 8th day and then only if the patient is short of breath or has loww oxygen saturation.
My dentist got me to swish a mouthwash for 20 seconds before beginning the assessment of my teeth.
If making one’s own nasal spray, using 1% povidone-iodine and 99% distilled water, does one need to be concerned that it will not contain a preservative so it can’t be kept more than a day, even in the fridge? Alternatively, would using saline solution instead of distilled water overcome that problem?
Anyone know?
Sounds very dilute.
Also why store the diluted mix. Just mix water in a glass with the PVP, mix and gargle (and spit out).
Make another one next time. I will just use water from the tap.
One cup =250ml. (238 in the USA because they like to be different)
So take 1/2 cup water and mix with one teaspoon PVP 10%. That should be about 1:20 mix or 0.5%.
FLCCC – which is American, so they have different size teaspoons and tablespoons to our Imperial ones, say in their site’s FAQ section:
What nasal spray or rinse? Use 1% povidone-iodine commercial nasal spray as per instructions 2-3 x daily. If 1% product is not available, dilute the more widely available 10% solution and apply 4-5 drops to each nostril 4-5x daily for post-exposure prevention and the early symptomatic period.
To make 1% povidone/iodine concentrated solution from 10% povidone/iodine solution, IT MUST BE DILUTED FIRST. One dilution method is as follows:
First pour 1½ tablespoons (25 ml) of 10% povidone/iodine solution into a nasal irrigation bottle of 250 mL
Then fill to top with distilled, sterile or previously boiled water
Tilt head back, apply 4-5 drops to each nostril. Keep tilted for a few minutes, let drain. No more than 5 days in pregnancy.
Steroids could be contra indicated during the first seven days of the infection. Steroids suppress the immune system. Dr Chetty does not start steroids until the 8th day and then only if the patient is short of breath or has loww oxygen saturation.
That is very true, Peter C. However, FLCCC frontline COVID physicians all use corticosteroids in early treatment – viz Prednisone . Even standard COVID care in hospitals are now using Dexamethasone. The prevention of inflammation is essential in treating COVID.
Thanks Vicki,
I just checked the FLCCC MASK protocol. Steroids from day 7-10 from onset of symptoms but only if certain conditions are met; eg abnormal CXR of SOB or Oxy sat below 94%
Hmm … I hope military vaccinology is as good as military intelligence.
So, how many Covvaxes will the recruits have received prior to enlistment?
We’ll soon be vaxxing consenting newborns.
Maybe earlier (fewer pesky “human rights” issues with the unborn).
Plus a booster at least annually.
When it comes to medical care, more is always better, like two masks.
So the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) is trying to horn in on the MIC’s (Medical Industrial Complex) action?
They should just merge for profit equity and to avoid acronym confusion.
Like the 17+ US ‘intelligence’ agencies are all now just DHS.
I wonder If I can hold out for the Army’s one time shot?
I’m assuming the civilian version will be semi-auto.
Next we hear: “Povidone Iodine banned by TGA for sales outside of medical context. Possession without license or prescription will incur $3,000 fine and two weeks in a ‘quarantine’ camp – purely for punitive reasons, ofc”
No way to patent elemental or simple molecular Iodine antiseptics, and to promote them might derail the gravy train known as the Needle Express – travels in a circle stopping at each station every 6 months, forever! *cash register sounds*
A study comparing povidine to bicarb:
‘The participants were then randomly selected to use either one-half teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (alkalinization) with the standard saline rinse twice a day for 14 days, or to include 2.5 milliliters (roughly a half-teaspoon) of povidone-iodine 10% solution (antimicrobial) for the same period. The researchers then followed up with each group 14 days after their final intervention.’
‘After analyzing the results, the researchers found there were no statistical differences in outcomes when the participants used the povidone-iodine antimicrobial wash or alkalized the nasal cavity with sodium bicarbonate.’
‘However, resolutions of symptoms in those using the povidone-iodine were more likely.’
From another study in the article linked below:
‘Thyroid dysfunction did occur in 42% of the patients, but it resolved spontaneously when the treatment was stopped.’
Long term use of iodine will be detrimental to some people’s thyroids, though supplementing with selenium will usually protect against harm.
I almost couldn’t believe what I was hearing on their abc, Heparin anticoagulant used as a nasal spray to stop covid and maybe Omicron for infecting us and being spread to others.
It is cheap, stores at room temp and has been used for years and is widely available.
I will keep watching this development.
Whenever I hear their ABC saying something outside of the echo chamber, my heart palpitates more than a soccer player after booster#4 … have to pinch myself to check I’m not comatose on the way to the light in the sky.
Like a broken calendar the ABC can be right once a year, though somebody probably gets fired or demoted for breaking inner-city etiquette.
I have just reread the article to see if I missed mention of omicron first time. Seems I didn’t.
Isn’t this the near-perfect treatment for the big O, more than D?
Thirty years ago I came to the conclusion that our Drs know nothing about nursing, an opinion that has strengthened since.
Just more of the same .protection racket for the Pharma companies and politicians worldwide in bed with them.
There is something about the current Omicron messaging I’m not quite sure about. Even though it is not quite enough time for the data to be 100% conclusive it appears that Omicron is way more contagious but way less lethal. This would seem to me to be the perfect antidote. One that will give you natural immunity which is way better than the protection from the vaccines. It also appears that it spreads equally well if you are vaccinated or not and is equally benign whether you are vaccinated or not.
But rather than show some relief the health experts advising the Premiers are pleading for certain restrictions and limits being enforced and there is an almost panicked response to getting more booster shots. The vaccine companies are stating that the booster will work for Omicron but aren’t they doing a global warming type argument. Suggesting a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist.
If the Omicron variant becomes the dominant strain which appears to be happening quite quickly then it’s all over for the vaccine companies. Those who get it won’t need vaccines because they have natural immunity whilst those that don’t have nothing to worry about. I’m a little concerned that the vaccines and boosters are somehow there to encourage a continual cycle of mutations which from a business point of view is a great model.
The health officers , prime minister and Premiers are acting like entrepreneurs who just got stuck with a truck load of vaccines / boosters that have suddenly become redundant because of the nature of this Omicron variant. There continual hustle is making me nervous.
Is my reading of the circumstances correct or am I missing something?
What you are missing is that PM Morrison is giving out mixed messages that on the face of it at least are contradictory, but I suspect it’s because he’s confused and not sure how to deal with the COVID-19 vaccine program without exposing it as scam. For example, he is telling us that we now have to “live with the virus” so lockdowns are no longer necessary. Yet, he’s advising we all take the booster shot, and if not yet vaccinated to get vaccinated. One way to resolve such an apparent conflict is when he says “live with the virus” he really means we must live the vaccines as well as the virus. Typical Orwellian message by a typical politician.
Salisbury hospital in the U.K. recently started advising Covid patients to use mouthwash regularly. They recommended certain named brands. I always use one that contains Chlorohexadine, certainly kills off all the bugs, and it was recommended by my doctor a few years back.
It’s finally happened.
Climate Doom and Virus Doom have merged.
Here in America every talking head is screeching “Viral Blizzard”.
What happened to “Viral Vortex”.
I guess in the SH it will have to be “Viral Heat Dome”.
Judges say no reason for compulsory vaccination in Germany.
An interesting snapshot into the cultural and political reality on the ground in South Africa, and how it can be related to what’s happening in the West on two fronts; miscalculation of the COVID-19 mandates and disasitfaction of the major political parties. It ends on a positive note, at least for South Africa but I tend to think it’s based more on hubris than the reality.
Why South Africans are refusing the vaccine
Why not just take the available vaccines instead of using a spray every four hours??? Presitator-led Brazil managed to get the pandemic mostly under control ONLY using vaccines. The country has never implemented lockdowns and also has never enforced social distancing, and is recording a daily death toll of less than 10% of the one recorded in march when the Brazilian virus or Gama “variant” stepped in.
Come on guys, BILLIONS of doses have been administered in the last year, if the vaccines are that bad, we’d have seen a larger death toll than the ones from natural infection. Studies have shown that vaccines are about a million times safer than getting infected.
This blog pointed out some time ago that quarantines are also effective. You can still get things under control using lockdowns when other options are not cost-effective or people refuse to get the vaccine because their politicians (remember that some, like Jair Bolsonaro, believe in flat earthers) keep churning out bullshit about “preventive treatments” when there are no reliable data available for the efficacy of such drugs against Covid-19.
Best wishes.
Robert Malone’s latest comment:
Of course the masks,like everything else, are just worthless fluff in reality.
Nature will eventually do the job it wants to regardless of power crazed politicians or their minions.
Here’s an interesting item indirectly via Rob Malone.
Mask effectiveness vs R value.
Paradoxically, what we are seeing here is an increasing list of cheap and effective remedies with low risk but high benefit whilst we are coerced into the high risk, limited benefit mRNA jab.
As stated before, power and money are the real drivers, directly and/or indirectly behind the coercion, not the health and safety of the people. The other paradox is our so called health officials and doctors are predominantly supporting the coercion. In such situations their careers are at stake. Sounds familiar? Yes, scientists who are well funded still peddle the CAGW scam to maintain their careers. So much for the search for truth and honesty in such progressions.
Ha Ha, have you read the Choudhury research paper? Can you add up? The authors obviously cannot enter data correctly. Having seen the wild discrepancy between case numbers in table 1 and those in table 2 I threw the whole paper in the bin where it belongs.
The proper Betadine product (not the stuff you put on cuts and scratches) is Sore Throat Gargle (Povidine Iodine 1%w/v).
Well Jo
I went & got some PVP today. It’s sold here as . Sore Throat gargle under the name Betadine
There’s enough in the bottle for maybe 15 doses as a gargle.
And cost $13.50 from the chemist
But is this the right stuff.
No indication on the packaging about using as a nasal spray.
Is this true?
It would be good if Brad Hazard had given figures and a reference. He has form for spinning the Covid issues so I am skeptical.