Just like the climate debate, the crooks are the ones claiming they are “the science” even as they destroy it.
It’s a sacred shield to fend off questions they don’t want to answer.
Rand Paul claims Fauci is acting like the ‘all-high priest’ of science and it’s ‘dangerous’
The Daily Mail
‘It’s sort of a way of ending all debate because if you attack him or have any debate over any of his edicts or his mandates, you’re attacking science,’ Paul said on Tuesday.
‘But this is a very, very dangerous sort of idea. The idea that a government bureaucrat represents science and that he is now untouchable – that it is sort of like you are now contradicting the all high priest of science, if you say anything.’
Ted Cruz wants to know: did he or didn’t he fund Gain of Function research?
Sen. Ted Cruz brands Fauci ‘the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of America’
The Daily Mail
[Ted] Cruz told Sean Hannity: ‘I’ve got to say, Dr. Fauci, I think, is the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of the country. He talked about hurting science but I don’t think anyone has hurt science or hurt the credibility of doctors more than Dr. Fauci because throughout this pandemic, he has been dishonest, he’s been political, he’s been partisan.’
Referring to that interview, Cruz continued: ‘(Fauci) said, I represent science. I am science. I was laughing. It’s like Louis XIV, the sun king in France saying “I am the state.” It is this delusion of grandeur.’
There’s a five year jail term for lying to Congress.
Cruz also highlighted what he claims was a breach of a US law – 18USC, Code 1001 – made by Fauci when he told a Senate hearing in May that the National Institutes of Health, of which he serves as a director, did not fund ‘gain of function’ research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese lab that COVID may have leaked from.
‘You stated that we don’t fund gain-of-function research, the NIH stated that we do fund gain-of-function research. They can’t both be true. And if you lie to Congress, it’s a felony.
This is why we have to win the science debate, not just the economic ones.
He really IS Dr. Science.
No false modesty.
He is definitely at least an egomaniac.
For this whole time period, Fauci has neither written a peer-reviewed paper, nor cited more than a handful of self-serving papers. The guy already knows the conclusions he likes. What a disgrace!
He needs a good tar and feathering.
Maybe heading in that direction
“Three Jabs And….”
“Three Jabs And….” you’re out.
Three jabs isn’t what we were told at the beginning. Nor that the jabs wouldn’t stop you getting the disease or transmitting it.
The call that it will reduce the severity of an infection looks a lot like wishful thinking, coming as it does after the revelation that the jab doesn’t work as promised..
It’s been a while. I think the last paper Fauci co authored was on masks and the Spanish flu. Hundreds of autopsies showed that people died from bacteria infections in the lungs from wearing masks.
In all the talk i haven’t seen anybody mention that the Spanish Flu predated antibiotics. How many Flu victims died of pneumonia that would now be curable?
My mother was nursing when Penicillin was introduced. She said: “All of a sudden our pneumonia patients stopped dying”.
As for masks, if a mask did no more than catch 90% of the spittle that flies when people are talking, that would warrant their use. Just about any mask would do that. When I saw Fauci and other health officials decrying the use of masks I thought they were lying, trying to avoid a repeat of the toilet paper fiasco. It was then a stunner to read that Fauci later justified lying on the basis that the public was not ready to know the truth.
That condemnation of masks had far reaching deadly effects. At the time the rate of infection that we were seeing in some nursing homes suggested that normal infection protocols were not being adhered to. Evidence has now been given at the St Basil’s inquiry that, yes, staff were instructed to not wear masks because they frightened residents. 45 residents died with COVID. Those officials who decried masking stand implicated there.
That condemnation of masks also did violent damage to public respect for authotity.
Along with the PLA he is a [SNIP] at least. Maybe it should be also a war crime since the Chinese wage war in many forms including the use of bio-weapons. One of their war-fighting principles is to wage war without firing a shot. The Pandemic is such a case and Fauci is up to his scrawny little neck in it. It also helps that he holds patents in some of the vaccines which he is so keen to push on to every living person including young children. There is something sinister in the way he wants to make vaccines mandatory. Are the vaccines part of the bio-warfare armoury? We should be aware by now that the big corporations particularly the pharmaceuticals are transnational and are beyond state control. They do not recognise nations and are at war with humanity. This is the greatest crisis in human history. Yep I am concerned for our future.
[No! You cannot just say that without some significant support. ]ED
Apart from his association with the Chinese bioweapon, Fauci should also be tried for treason because of the effect that the bioweapon had on the United States. I’m sure he could be charged under the Nuremberg Code as well. Plus other laws against biological warfare.
You should add WHO President and Chinese lackey Tedros Adhonom to the Crimes against humanity charge.
He and CCP President Xi have a very strong case to answer for deliberately launching this virus on the world and hiding its lethality, no matter who made it. And the UN and Biden and Pelosi for declaring that closing borders was Xenophobic, even racist. And Fauci for pretending that he knew nothing about it, even stating on oath that he did not fund gain of function research in China, which alone could require three years in jail. All contributed greatly to what is now 5 million deaths and counting.
All used the virus deaths for personal gain and only Donald Trumps’ urgent, desperate action to develop vaccines and close borders reduced the toll by a factor of 10. President Truman did a similar thing with antibiotics before the D Day landings. So one group set out to advantage themselves at the cost of millions of lives and two Presidents saved similar numbers.
Australia has already paid a huge price for even questioning the origins of the virus and now we have been threatened with total destruction for supporting Taiwan in AUSUK.
And isn’t relasing an economically devastating and murderous virus on the world exactly what you would expect in a Nuclear Age. What were the French thinking in building the Wuhan Laboratory for China and what was Fauci doing funding the gain of function research, as deviously as possible.
There are many villains in this. No wonder Fauci is anxious. He has been caught lying to Congress and that is the least fault. China has to act now to invade Taiwan, but they have no idea who is running the US Military and the Chinese fear is that it is running itself because Biden has no idea what is happening and on eternal holiday. As we say in Australia, away with the pixies.
Yes, there is a distinct problem with the other spelling.
“And isn’t relasing an economically devastating and murderous virus ….”
As many reputable medical authorities have stated, had the world chosen to ignore all the Covid hype, we would likely have not noticed there was anything out of the normal for seasonal respiratory viruses.
The virus DID NOT IN AND OF ITSELF create a pandemic – that was a man-made political response.
It is entirely the work of the white-coated Marxist activists we have come to call “experts” and the accomodating governments of the world, all acting in synchronous lockstep, which have inflicted all the economic devastation by amplifying this virus to the status of a murderer.
I’m not sure about the world not noticing. The CCP went to great lengths to keep it quiet, but the people noticed something was a miss. Same with Italy, however both places have the cultural practice of multigenerational house holds.
Having said that I think the ‘cure’ has been far worse than the disease.
Yes that is what I would expect … but the general idea is not to get caught doing it, and that’s where Fauci and Daszak appear to have slipped up.
I don’t believe it was released deliberately. But I do believe that that is where it originated.
There’s a good case that it was deliberate.
We should win the science debate, not just the economic ones? We have clearly lost both a long time ago because everything is rigged against us. The fundamental problem is that no one in politics, MSM or the law fraternity is willing to expose the culprits and standing for truth for fear of losing their richly rewarded careers and/or their lives. The rest of us who are insignificant and not of any real authority can say whatever they like to expose the truth but the well-to-do career loving politicians, journalists and lawyers don’t want to listen. It’s that simple.
There comes a time though enough is enough and the populace rise up to the occasion. We are not there yet since we are not suffering enough pain to urge the populace into action, whatever form that ends up being. The trick the evil elite are playing is the changes are small and slow making it almost invisible to the masses. That typically changes when the pain endured by the masses passes the threshold.
Yes Peter but in this case, by the time it happens it may be too late. China may be so strong they will impose their dictatorship on us. I leave you to ponder whether or not their rule will be fair and benign or whether it will consign western society to “the white trash of Asia”.
Saying “I told you so” is, in the end, a very hollow victory.
Victory is not up to us but with our Lord and Saviour. All we need to do is stand fast against evil, not to give up and side with evil.
It’s how the Left do “science”. Science by decree. It can’t be questioned, it can’t be debated. Proponents of alternative scientific opinions are sacked or otherwise have their careers destroyed.
Fauci said in an interview:
A commentator wrote:
Put simply, it’s science versus science, and the fake science wins because it is backed up by the powerful and wealthy elite.
This is all about the general idea of the Left destroying all values of The Enlightenment and returning us to the time before.
Recall how Galileo’s views were not in accord with the establishment and in 1633 the Roman Inquisition tried Galileo and found him “vehemently suspect of heresy”.
The same thing is happening now but scientists and other commentators not in lockstep with the Left are sacked, defunded or unpersonned or all of the above.
Everything the Enlightenment stood for such as the “value of human happiness, the pursuit of knowledge obtained by means of reason and the evidence of the senses, and ideals such as liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government” are being destroyed by the Left.
Seems reasonable to say that there is a push to return the world to the time before enlightenment.
I have only two question. Has anybody said why this is a good thing? Who benefits?
The Left are returning us to pre-Enlightenment values so they can transfer power from “the people” (where it has been held since The Enlightenment) back to the Elites where it was before the Enlightenment.
Yes, back to the landed gentry and the serfs.
So all these numpties reckon they’ll be the ones controlling the masses and harvesting wealth?
That’s so nucking futs it may just be true.
Yeah fair enough.
In effect he is declaring himself god. He is saying; “I define science”; to disagree with me is to disagree with science. This is utterly and obviously absurd. He does not define science he simply defines himself as a megalomaniac. Megalomaniacs are not a new phenomena but a society which supports them instead of calling them to account is.
What really worries me is the number of fronts in which this is happening. The origin of Covid 19 of course but also climate change, was there vote rigging in the 2020 US presidential election, is China a threat to the free world just to name a few.
There is no doubt the free world is very strong but is it strong enough to withstand all these attacks simultaneously? I very greatly fear that it is not. The west cripples itself while China gets ever stronger day by day. A regime which has more or less openly declared its desire to conquer and rule the world.
Look at the energy situation in England and the EU. Now in crisis with industry being shut down. 25% of Scottish people in energy poverty. If England and the EU are destroying their industry how could they ever hope to resist the influence of China.
I think Leftist YouTube may have deleted a comment or made it impossible to search for.
I was looking for the video clip where Senator Rand Paul reminded Fauci that lying to Congress is a criminal offence and as a professional courtesy asked Fauci did he want to change any of his previous testimony.
The links may still be on YouTube, eg https://youtu.be/2U1ViAabtd8
Pasting the phrase “See what Rand Paul Just Said to Dr. Fauci on covid” into the YouTube search box produces 13 candidates, one of which is the Senate hearing and contains the direct accusation to Fauci and his response. The link appears to have changed, so simply recording it as a bookmark may not work. My results use YouTube with the AU superscript, using 64bit Waterfox Classic.
Afaik Youtube is still owned by Google. Maybe Rand Paul is too big to be censored – for now.
Best advice I can give for Windoze 10 is download youtube-dl.exe (command line) and youTubeDLFrontEnd.exe (GUI interface). Written in Python so there will be versions for Mac, Linux etc.
Is this the video?
Yes. Thanks for finding that.
Yes. Thanks for finding that.
It seems to be the same, but maybe the challenge and response has happened more than once ?
Can’t find an easy to use downloader for Rumble.
Fauci seems to share some traits with Michael Mann. They both seem to think they are high priestess’s of their particular science. Both appear not be able to take any criticism or even to enter into discussions about their supposed areas of expertise. There’s also some political cover for both and the left seem to adore them. We know climatology is virtually a religion, now Covidology appears to be taking a similar path.
“How Ancel Keys Brainwashed the Masses Into Fearing Meat (He’s Wrong)”
But that was yesterday. I guess medicine needs a new shining star?
Medicine is just littered with contrived problems dreamt up by pharmaceutical companies to increase sales of their products. There’s way too many to list here, but the Cholesterol/ Statins story is possibly the grandaddy of them all. At the moment I am watching “Dopesick” series on Disney. Its about oxycontin, Sure, some of the story has been dramatised for public viewing, but the essential storyline is basically correct. Big pharma/ FDA etc in bed together practicing high levels of probably fraudulent behaviour for profit motives.
Yet GPS & even cardiologists (& young ones as well!) are still earnestly recommending statins.
Mediocrecine? 😁
Yes. The best scientists I’ve ever seen love to “talk shop.” Even those who aren’t great, but who love what they do, won’t hesitate to. Big red flag whenever someone claims to be a scientist, but runs away from discussing his data or how he interprets it.
Just another data point supporting the idea that big is the enemy of good.
How is his AIDS vaccine coming along?
Debunker – I suspect that the presence of the HIV sequences in the Covid RNA is evidence that this virus research was intended to produce an AIDS vaccine. It became illegal to do that research in the USA (people agreed it was too dangerous), and so it was moved to China instead. I’ve no idea as to whether my suspicions will be verified, though – any evidence will have been memory-holed by now.
I’m pretty sure that Fauci never dropped the search for an AIDS vaccine.
I read of that possibility, and lots more, back in March of 2020. The article was already 2 months old by then.
“Rand Paul: Fauci Wants ‘Submission’ — ‘Most of His Edicts Are Not Based in Science’ ”
A timely and appropriate quote from Voltaire:
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”.
And that is on a GOOD day.
Are politicians genuinely stupid and ignorant or just believing the absurd lies being told?
Where’s ANY REAL science to back this?
“Where’s ANY REAL science to back this?” – Rod
There isn’t any.
It’s all just a head fake.
Once again, all this increasingly enforced “science” seems to indicate that a previously set “timetable” is rapidly running out.
There is a “solution”; possibly a “final” one in the offing (so to speak) and the current caper is the “Problem” used to manipulate billions of people and “redistribute” billions of Dollars and such. As a backup, in the next month or so, I expect to see the eco-loons and their LSM enablers, rampant in their full self-importance.
The Kovid Kaper provided a sudden, novel, means of “conditioning” entire populations into submissive herds. Non-compliant critters will get the usual treatment.
All this ‘ last chance’, ‘time running out,’ ‘don’t hesitate’, ‘act now’, reminds one of a carpet sale.
Some adore the masks and mandates,
Such as Fauci, Schaub and Bill Gates,
While the great Dr. Science,
Demands total compliance,
In his homeland, the United States.
Still more on the safe and effective “science”:
The new coronavirus variant, omicron, has been detected in two Israeli doctors, one of whom had returned from a conference in London in the past week, a spokesperson for Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv confirmed on Tuesday.
The two doctors had received three doses of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine, and so far have shown mild COVID-19 symptoms, the hospital said.
Yes but you need 3 shots AND quarterly boosters to do…something or other.
The big problem with this science thing is the layman equates science as being black and white. Its as simple as 2+2=4, its just is, definitively. Anyone with a B.Sc should know this is not the case. After the results section in a scientific report comes the discussion, and this is where things go pear shaped as it involves the human brain analysis and terrible conclusions can be made. Fauci and co are big salesman of the black and white idea.
One of my favourite science quotes -““Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make , because they lead little by little to the truth”. JULES VERNE”. Unfortunately, you are correct the general public don’t really understand the machinations of science and the media always portray it as black and white, as you say. Science should be about discussion, basic principles, skepticism, weight of evidence. It just doesn’t fit the modern hurly burly of social media, instant communication and politics.
Science is the art of realising that you were wrong. The logic behind the original idea is plain old philosophy, regardless of the equations and jargon. The real work is just getting started.
” Anyone with a B.Sc should know this is not the case.”
Hell , even I know that , and I’ve got a B.A in Psychology.
I think part of the problem is that too many people with a B.Sc do not know, or care about this.
I work with a similarly idiotic person who thinks he’s the unassailable holder of all knowledge about a particular subject, to the point where, if anyone dares to interpret the data themselves in front of him, he literally shouts at them, saying that he is the expert for XXXXX, and he is the only person able to interpret it or discuss it. The thing is, it’s not rocket science, and while he may possibly know more than anyone else about some tiny irrelevant aspect of the subject, the rest is common knowledge for anyone in my line of work in oil & gas.
I’ve never seen a grown man behave the way he does, while still keeping his job, but, unfortunately, like Fauci and Mann, he’s well protected.
An example of the Dunning Kruger effect?
The opposite is the Imposter Syndrome, which I prefer in the people that I work with – but they are few in number and far between.
I have seen companies fail because of the Dunning Kruger effect, with the loss of 50 jobs in one case.
James – Ur story reminds me of a russian geophysicist who came to Canada and worked at Petro Canada – they drilled an off shore well based on his interpretation of the seismic data … big time dry hole … the structure wasn’t there but he still maintained he hadn’t screwed up … he was soon fired.
That story went around Calgary for years …. we all drill dry holes … one of my bosses favourite sayings was “of all the sounds known to a man, the saddest of these is F*cked up again”
I’m still waiting for Fauci to instigate a libel action against Robert Kennedy Jr. based on Kennedy’s accusations in his latest book. Surely he can’t ignore them? If he does indeed refuse to fight the claims, he should be assumed guilty of all charges.
Fauci is a shining example of how fiercely the Left will defend its most prominent figures. His failures and poor advice, along with his appalling record of incompetence, deception and corruption, on top of which came the (usually) damaging case of extreme animal cruelty, would have destroyed a conservative in his position long before now.
I don’t think Fauci would dare sue Kennedy. The truth about “Dr Science” would come out in the discovery phase, and it would not be pretty.
This is a good read,lengthy but enlightening. Helps us to see the bigger picture.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s new book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health is not the book of a politician seeking attention. It is the book of a man determined to stake his own life in the resistance against the unfolding bio-terrorist assault on humankind by governments captive of the pharmaceutical industry. He is calling for mass insurrection, and his last word is: “I’ll see you on the barricades.” The book begins like this:
I wrote this book to help Americans—and citizens across the globe—understand the historical underpinnings of the bewildering cataclysm that began in 2020. In that single annus horribilis, ….
Thx Brenda. From the link:
Government technocrats, billionaire oligarchs, Big Pharma, Big Data, Big Media, the high-finance robber barons, and the military industrial intelligence apparatus love pandemics for the same reasons they love wars and terrorist attacks. Catastrophic crises create opportunities of convenience to increase both power and wealth.
A MUST read. Look, many will be totally alarmed by much of the evidence & may want to retreat automatically into denial & dismiss it as more conspiracy theories.
What we need to face is that some conspiracy theories are actually true. They are conspiracies because if people anticipated them, they would fail.
I still hold an open mind but am increasingly of the belief that evidence points to the worst. There are still some who think that it is all well meaning incompetence driven by people who enjoy power.
Agree totally Vicki!
I’ll second that.
There was a time when I assumed/believed all those people in lab coast and hospital uniforms were more trustworthy than the general population, having dedicated themselves to truth and/or saving lives.
That was before I began working alongside them, around thirty years ago. Now I know that they’re just flawed humans, like the rest of us, just as likely to succumb to the lure of money, fame and power, sometimes lazy, sometimes incompetent, sometimes downright evil.
*lab coats*
Don’t take the Omicron bait. A good read from Jordan Schachtel.
The only “science” here is the orchestrated psychology of fear mongering and public manipulation for political power & financial gains.
Well, keep an eye on this Burningplatform comment- I would be unsurprised if it is exactly what those in power will do, find a new variant that causes exactly the same problems as the vaccines!
“The Nu/Xi/Omicron variant is cover for the mRNA vaccine side effects. Did you notice how they amended the symptoms of the Omicron variant to include blood clots and heart troubles? This is weird since viruses tend to get less lethal as they mutate, and no previous flu caused clots and heart ailments.”
Stop complaining.
Fauxiscience is great.
You can make ‘amendments’ in days or hours.
With press releases and 90 second TV interviews.
Not like the old snail science when you had to check and double check and reexam and survive uncomfortable questions.
Pays better too.
‘It’s sort of a way of ending all debate because if you attack him or have any debate over any of his edicts or his mandates, you’re attacking science,’ Paul said on Tuesday.
Don’t blame the bureaucrats. Always remember that it is politicians who hold these individuals up as ‘experts’, so that they can hide behind them and not have to justify their actions. Think of how many times you have heard a political figure, when asked to explain themselves, shut down an interview by saying that they are ‘following the science’.
” ‘following the science’.”
It is always the case that anyone who says “the science” has not the faintest clue what they are talking about.
Just like those who claim a “scientific consensus” .
Their commission corrected
“Following the science – a long way behind”
Like this?
Why not blame them? They were in a position to make choices and they made their choices … that’s the criteria for responsibility. They could always have resigned if they thought the job was too hard.
I have enough blame left for the politicians, but if you are gonna blame those guys then next stop is blaming the voters.
Heck, maybe the world is exactly fair and EVERYONE deserves exactly what they get … whatever you didn’t know, well you darn well should have known shouldn’t you? What a dreadful thought.
Swamp Science.
Swamp creature singling to other swamp creatures.
He has adapted the DC skill of making statements that solidify his political base.
He is definitely the unchallenged God of Swamp Science.
He almost single handedly invented it.
AGW is Swamp Science.
More and more doctors (REAL ones unlike Fauci) calling for lockdowns of the vaccinated. “Oh the pain, the pain” ☺
Now, who’s going to tell the Northern Territory?
I wonder why he thinks that locking down (incarcerating, aka ‘locking up’) anyone other than the pols, who are coercing society to take ineffective harmful drugs while withholding meds that work, a solution to the problem? And how does that make him a “real doctor?”
It’s not like the “vaccinated” did it to themselves, and caused the problem. They didn’t know they couldn’t trust the doctors telling them to take it. Why should they be punished for the crimes of an out of touch medical community that should have stopped the nonsense before it started, and withheld safe and effective early intervention?
Stop the shots.
Allow the meds that DO work.
Hold China and the WHO accountable.
…for starters.
The net worth of Fauci is at the lower end of the scale for Leftist Elites. (In US dollars.)
So did Bill Gates put the $20 million home gifted to Fauci in his wife’s name in 2000.? Or perhaps in a trust. Would that be where his Moderna shares are ?
High confidence?
“FDA Advisory Committee Narrowly Votes To Approve Merck’s COVID ‘Miracle Drug'”
“The Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee, as the panel is known, voted 13 to 10 in support of the FDA approving the drug”. More at
Via Chiefio
13 to 10
Is that a consensus?
I feel consensused.
Somewhat O/T – not Fauci but another God defied
“Widespread Manhunt Underway For Three Men, Possibly Aborigines, Who Escaped Australian Involuntary Quarantine Camp – Video
November 30, 2021 | Sundance | 144 Comments”
[A bit too off-topic I think.]ED
Another interesting post frightening if true.
Fauci OR Faustus??????
the burning question…Why didn’t Trump just sack the guy?
Maybe He couldn’t.
Mr. Jonesy: I have a theory on that. Fauci, a new yorker, likely knew that Trump could be flattered and loved the “tough boss” persona from tv. Easy for me to imagine that, early on, Fauci told Trump that if he would fund the vaxx per Fauci’s plan, then Trump will be the Greatest Pres. of All Time (think of Trump’s reaction to that). Fauci may even have told him, “we can fight on tv about other stuff, folks will love that.” IMO, Trump would have fallen hard for this and did fall hard for it, letting Fauci stay on so the vaxx would get done and get him re-elected. In hindsight, we probably agree that Trump needed to fire Fauci, Birx, and the top ten DOJ and FBI officers. I can imagine Fauci doing the above to keep his job, but I can’t imagine what Comey et al did to not get the firing so richly deserved.
Sure and I have a box of used toilet paper. My box is worth more than your “theory”.
Want to prove me wrong?
Underlying the arrogance of bureaucrats and of the politicians who they are in bed with, is an utter contempt for the people.
I’ll go with the “tar and feathering” and make it three quarters of a century.
Fauci is dreck.
I’m not saying it’s not true since I am not privy to Fauci’s work but if it is true then he is as evil as they come. I have suspected for some time now that he is demon possessed.
His past is as dark as his present..
“Simply Put: It DOES NOT WORK”
“Vaccine Enhanced Infections.
This is in The Lancet, a high-quality prestigious medical journal.”
Yet the push to make it mandatory is picking up speed.
Time to think about mandatory vaccination’ across the ENTIRE EU, Ursula von der Leyen warns after Austria and Germany announced plans to force jabs on all adults
If things continue as they are now surely it won’t be too long before we can actually prove in a court of law that our governments are in fact committing genocide. Then perhaps we can let the hangings begin before they let loose the next scam.
I think the perpetrators of these mandates are 100% confident that they will never be held to account. I am beginning to lose the will to plan my future more than a week or two ahead, for I fear a very bleak and brief future for humanity.
“Morning Steyn”
“The free worlds response to the plague has been worse than the plague.”
Video at
“MUST WATCH – Dr. Anthony Fauci Busted, Cannot Explain Why The U.S. Banned Travel From African Countries With Zero Cases of Omicron Variant
December 1, 2021 | Sundance | 103 Comments”
Africa is one country isn’t it?
Doesn’t Fauuchii think so?
A Country Of Prisoners: Australians No Longer Have Any Freedoms
German Anti-Lockdown Activist Dr. Andreas Noack Arrested While Livestreaming
Well well well… Gee Aye (yet again) displays his/her ignorance. Ground Control to Major Gee Aye…Africa is one CONTINENT, you intellectually challenged non-entity.
“There’s a five year jail term for lying to Congress.”
Unless you’re head of the NSA.