The short: Get excited but not too excited yet.
Omicron is not putting as many people in the ICU as Delta did (so far) which is very promising, but it’s still early days, and in South Africa 60% of urban adults have already had Covid so carry the best kind of protection there is. In the UK, only 20% of the population carry these antibodies. In Australia, which has some of the most extensive testing in the world, only 0.8% of the whole population has tested positive.
Omicron appears to be fiercely contagious, which may turn out to be a good thing because it will replace the Delta strain at lightning speed. The spread is just extraordinary. Up to 4,000 Britons are catching Omicron each day, about 10% of Covid cases in the UK are already Omicron, and many of those are children. Projections are that Omicron may have completely displaced Delta by New Year in the UK. But even if hospitalizations are a third as likely, it could still overwhelm hospitals.
Hospitalizations are up 80% in South Africa in the last week. But cases in the original Gauteng region have leveled off, and are already starting to fall.
I’m still hoping Omicron is the ultimate Christmas Present for the world, but caution that all the things people worry about in the spike in vaccines could still apply to a wild virus spike. It’s still a mutated bioweapon. Watch and wait.
So, “it’s fast”:
Obviously, this could overwhelm hospitals but the solution is to raise Vitamin D levels and use antivirals like Ivermectin prophyllactically.

Faster than any previous variant, even though South Africans already have a lot of natural protection. | OWID
Hospital Stats are good (but)
If Omicron was deadly in a similar way to Delta, we should have seen a rise in ICU admissions and so it is good news that we don’t. In South Africa, in previous waves as many as 10% of people in hospital were on ventilators. Now with Omicron only 3% are.
But: This graph may still look quite different for other countries where they have much lower levels of natural immunity (and where Vitamin D levels will current be lower because it’s winter). South Africans have also had to deal with the Beta variants as well as Delta. How many of South Africa’s cases are reinfections of people who carry some antibodies against the Beta or Delta versions of Omicron?
60% of South African adults have already got natural protection
South Africans have a high level of natural protection. Serum antibody tests show that by July this year about 60% of adults in the cities aged 35 – 60 had already had Covid. Indeed, the authors estimated that “approximately 95% of SARS-CoV-2 infections were not reported to national surveillance.”
About 20% of the UK has had Covid.
See the red line in the graph below from official UK Health data. These are the people who carry antibodies of the N kind, which means, the Nucleocapsid, or Not-the-Spike.
Vaccinated people carry antibodies only against the spike, so that’s the navy-blue line.

Natural infections are marked in red. Those with antibodies generated from a vaccine or natural infection combined are in blue.
If Omicron can get around vaccine antibodies but not so much around natural immunity things in the Northern Hemisphere may not look as good as in Africa.
DailyMail has an extraordinary headline
It’s so rare to see the non-permitted narrative in the news:
Vast majority of Britons have NO PROTECTION against Omicron:
After 100 days two AstraZeneca doses offer virtually zero defence while two Pfizer jabs provide just 37% protection against new variant – but boosters cut risk of illness by 75%
It’s still an advertisement for getting a booster, but how devastating to admit that the vaccines are already faded to nothing or worse. Surely the punters are noticing the contradictions of how two doses don’t work, but a third dose of the same thing will?

Extraordinarily, there’s a negative scale on the graph. For weeks now the UK data has shown that vaccine protection against catching Covid becomes less than nothing — or rather, at some point vaccinees are more likely to catch Covid.
The negative scale makes the Pfizer vaccine look more useful against Omicron.
Spreading like lightning
Omicron is spreading so fast epidemiologists are now saying that nearly everyone is going to get this “in the coming weeks”. One Indian doctor estimates he got a fever within 24 hours of being exposed to Omicron (he’s 46, and feeling fine 13 days later.)
Prof Riley told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘Omicron is spreading so quickly that, I think, unless you are living the life of a hermit, you are very likely to come across it in the next few weeks.
‘I don’t think anyone should be going around thinking they are not going to catch it, I think that situation has changed.’
The incubation rate has shortened so much that even if the Ro or rate of spread is “only” 2 or 3, the caseload is doubling faster than a virus with an Ro of 6 but a longer incubation.
Too soon to tell: South Africa, though cases are up, deaths are not.
But since there is a 3 to 4 lag for deaths, it’s deceptive. Three weeks ago, on November 21, there were only 500 new cases a day in South Africa and most of those were in young university students.
Still, if the incubation period is shorter, it’s fair to wonder if the whole disease process is shorter too. Fingers crossed.
Sorry for those who just want to hear “it’s over”, Omicron is the common cold come to save us. Maybe it is. It’s looking great. But hope is not data. Don’t shoot the messenger, OK?
” … it could still overwhelm hospitals.”
Depending on how many medical staff are fired for being “anti-vaxxers”.
And also depending on the frequency of TikTok dancing nurse videos required.
Yes, there’s that too, and who could condemn hard working nurses and doctors who risked their lives in 2020 only to be told they were unforgivably selfish in 2021.
It would be understandable if they walked away…
“It would be understandable if they walked away…”
They are professional people and are unlikely to walk away.
If your choice is between your health, your ability to look after your family and your job, the job misses out …..being a professional doesn’t trump being a parent
think that was clearly established in some post WW1 trials.
It is true that many care workers, particularly nurses, have suffered and are suffering from burnout, but even so there is an increase in all states in the numbers of registered nurses.
Seasonally adjusted estimates by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed 333,700 total job vacancies for the August 2021 quarter — down 9.8 per cent from May.
However, in contrast to the general trend, vacancies in the “health care and social assistance” industry increased from 8.2 per cent to 21.2 per cent between February 2020 and August 2021.
Interestingly a nurse made this comment
“But my main reason for not wanting to work there is pretty much all the Covid patients coming in are unvaxxed. I’m already exhausted and burntout and sick of this pandemic without looking after people who really shouldn’t be in hospital
l like that your source of information is their ABC Ian, just has to be believed
here is what healthcare workers were saying at an Adelaide rally that you will not see on their ABC
l could keep posting links but l dont see it helping, l cant open anyone else’s eye for them
Yes, I imagine for Ian, if it is not reported on “our” ABS, SBS etc, then it didn’t happen
The only inkling of recognition for the Adelaide nurses anti CoVid vaccination rally in the MSM was on Channel 7 and that was only in the context of AFLW player Deni Varnhagen being part of the movement.
And to think that this protest of 500 nurses was out the front of them Channel 9 HQ in Adelaide yet wasn’t reported at all by them show the self-censorship by the MSM that is depriving Ian of the facts.
I suspect he trusts the ABC to ascertain if they are actually nurses before reporting them as such.
“l like that your source of information is their ABC Ian, just has to be believed”
Perhaps you should try to understand what I actually wrote which was:
“Seasonally adjusted estimates by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed 333,700 total job vacancies for the August 2021 quarter — down 9.8 per cent from May”
Or in your opinion does that also “just have to be believed”?
You may not see the ABC at any rally in Adelaide or elsewhere for that matter but you certainly won’t see the ABS.
And as for posting links I’m sure all the other commenters in this echo chamber who are a wonderful example of group-think, would be delighted
Hi Marksman, there is also a group of nurses, ambulance drivers, and the person in control of a vaccination clinic all from Queensland who tell their horror stories.
They also interviewed a JP who stated that she had seen all the necessary paperwork that proved these people were who they said they were and employed as stated to camera.
Unfortunately I have lost the link.
l have seen that story Chris 😉
it is well known that their ABC is not a good source for factual information, here is a little example
l’m afraid that their ABC does not even care that we know they are lying, they are being caught out often so IMHO they are not a trusted source of information, in fact l do not believe any news from their ABC without first researching myself
it is not news it is entertainment but if you want to believe their ABC, good for you
Notice how Gee Aye, knowing the ABC lied about the naval personnel burning refugee hands: lied about Australian Special Forces killing “unarmed” combatants in Afghanistan (even got roasted by their own MediaWatch programme for this): lied endlessly about George Pell: lied endlessly about Donald Trump and Russia: made a 4 Corners programme denouncing Alan Jones (the broadcaster) but didn’t tell us that the producer was the wife of Alan Jones’ #1 rival Mike Carlton: sent senior journalist Maxine McKew to interview John Howard without telling us she was actyally the Mrs of a senior Labor/Union figure and planning a run against Howard in the 2007 election…Gee Aye assures the ABc is “trustworthy” cause they get the REAL facts first.
Yeah, sure. Yeah, of course.
They’ve made more wrong calls than that, but they still do the checking more often.
Do you have evidence that these nurses are real?
So you believe everyone at the ABC is lying when they report figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.?
Here’s some statistics from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Registrant Data
Total number of General Nurses in the reporting period April 2021 to June 2021 was 420.553
Total number of General Nurses in the reporting period July 2021 to September 2021 was 432, 855
So far from a decrease there was an increase in the July to September quarter of 3 16%
Or rerhaps you think the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia is also lying?
Yeah right
too right
That’s not nice of the lefties to say that Deni Varnhagen would gather in a load of non-nurses to fake a protest.
Ian l dont trust any of the reported stats mate,
they are always used in a way that is slanted toward the narrative that is in fashion at the time so the funding and government subsidies for advertising revenue continue
my opinion is that it would be foolish to take any statistic or data as gospel in these times
eg.. anything covid
but to make you feel better here is a short video by the Aussie Cossack who demonstrates that it is not just their ABC that is not a factual or real news program but an entertainment show disguised as MSM
Why Bother?
Pfizer Jab Is Only 23% Effective Against Omicron, South African Study Finds
A few days ago, researchers in South Africa shared data from a preliminary study showing that the Pfizer vaccine is less effective at blocking the omicron variant than earlier variants like beta and delta. Now, the team is telling us exactly how much less effective the vaccine is.
According to the same data gleaned from the blood plasma taken from 12 patients who tested positive for omicron, the team found that a two-shot course of Pfizer’s vaccine has just 22.5% efficacy against symptomatic infection with the omicron variant, though it can thwart severe disease, according to laboratory experiments in South Africa, according to Bloomberg.
The data comes courtesy of a team of researchers at the Africa Health Research Institute in Durban.
From the Comments
Effective at what exactly? Because you see, I’m so old I remember when vaccines provided actual immunity.
Those were the old days, OldOzzie. Today’s modern vaccines are so safe and effective that once you’re fully vaxxed you must wear masks and social distance, or be violently arrested and heavily fined.
Michael Ramirez’s Cartoon sums it up
Ben Garrison’s Cartoon pretty good as well – even NZ represented
Plan B – H/T Tom New Catallaxy Blog
Once was Australia
How about this Gem from Germany.
Vaccinator-in-chief, BioNTech CEO and German Corona celebrity Uğur Şahin gave a disturbing propaganda interview to Der Spiegel on Thursday, demanding more and harder vaccination. This is what they are going to do, now and through the winter, as the vaccines fail to stop infections. They are going to say that the problem is simply that we’re not vaccinating enough, and that infections will go down if we just vaccinate more. They will be vaccinating people four, five and six times until the spring, when the weather causes infections to fall. Then they will declare a victory for the vaccines, just as they did with lockdowns. At the end of it all, companies like BioNTech will have sold billions of Euros of garbage vaccine product to EU governments, and excess mortality will probably remain elevated in Germany and elswehere, as thousands of people die unnecessary deaths from vaccine side effects.
The basis for the claims isn’t clear. Antibodies will disappear from the bloodstream over time, just like antibodies do with any vaccine. Memory cells of type B & T will still know how to create those antibodies, but it’s not so easy to test if they are in full working order.
Incidentally, this slightly delayed production of antibodies, only triggered when the virus is recognised in the body, is why vaccinated people can catch covid but then fight it off quite quickly and typically suffer only mild symptoms.
The Pfizer jab is 100% effective. You have to understand, though, that the purpose of the Pfizer jab as to make profits for Pfizer.
If the Vaccine Is So Great, Why Are So Many People Dropping Dead?
Japan’s Ministry of Health just announced that “the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines could cause heart-related side effects in younger males.” Health experts in Japan have witnessed skyrocketing rates of myocarditis and pericarditis in young men and teenagers. And they’ve seen the same nonstop heart issues with middle-aged and older individuals.
All over America, and all over the world, cardiac arrest, heart inflammation and heart attack deaths are exploding. Young athletes are dropping right on the field; star soccer players in Europe are dropping dead in the middle of games; referees, coaches and even fans in the stands are having cardiac emergencies. It’s something no one has ever seen before. It’s an epidemic.
What do all these victims have in common? They’ve all been vaccinated.
Lancet article warns on VAIDS via the vaccines
]the Winnepeg Pathogen-4 breach of 2019 recounted by Polly St. George
\\investigation deepens on vaccine ingredients
Vic This is literally Insane
1290 cases – At 92% Double Vaxxed..
If you think that’s working – You are Stupid
Last year same time with no vaxxed we had 50 cases at worst
Here’s the Queensland government’s statement on restrictions.
“Funerals will not be limited to only vaccinated people.” Thank god, if you are unvaccinated you can still die and have a funeral – So thoughtful.
Hi Jo,
Over the last 9 months I’ve tried to get an answer from the UK Secretary of State for Health to firstly:
When we knew that 25% – 50% of the population had immunity to C-19 (US and French studies June 2020) and confirmed by Public Health England and Witty (SAGE) did we not begin immunity testing and only offer vax to those without immunity?
Secondly and since July this year asking – Why would you not offer an immunity test as an altenative to a vax to Care Workers and NHS staff ? Why would you want to vax someone who is already immune ???
Two responses by letter from first Hancock and then his replacement Javid both of which studiously ignored those questions …..
Professor Hancock (see video below) has analysed the UK HSA and ONS data and finds that the unexplained spike in excess mortality this year can be explained If you ignore the UK approach that you are ‘not vaccinated’ until 21 days after the jab and what you then see is that the excess mortality spike seems to be vaccine related deaths ……
This report of a German Pathologist’s study of tissue from vax deaths is disturbing:
“German pathologist Professor Dr Arne Burkhardt, who has 40 years of experience in the field. He examined the tissues and organs of 15 patients where a post-mortem had been performed, an exceptional opportunity that came about because the bodies were in institutes of legal medicine and institutes of pathology.
There were seven men and eight women aged between 28 and 95. They died between seven days and six months post-injection.
In essence, Burkhardt found internal damage in most of the deceased, caused by a self-destruct process in which immune cells – lymphocytes – had invaded different parts of the body. ”
Be careful when you see hospitalisations in relation to omicron. Most of the hospitalisations were actually there for something else and were picked up as covid positive as part of their normal checks.
Which is a good thing, as it would mean very few are actually going to hospital because of covid.
Similar to the big question of how many people died of covid vs died with covid.
Trwvor: A classic example in Australia ; a teenager admitted to a Sydney hospital with pneumococcol disease died, which after the death was counted as a Covid19 victim when SARS-CoV2 was found to be present.
A massive disinformation campaign for 18 months.
Another example: 30 year old fella died in Blackwater Qld. Covid19 declared; town closed (about 5000 people: coal mining centre) everybody terrified and tested. Army on the alert: planes at the ready for the soon-to-die masses……..
All BS…….”igniting an angry backlash among residents of the tight-knit central Queensland community.However, Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young said nothing could have been done differently…..After a social media post revealed his fiancee, Simone Devon, had been told that a post-mortem examination confirmed Mr Turner, 30 did not have COVID-19, Facebook was flooded with irate comments.”
How many of these “Covid deaths” get post mortems to debunk the BS? One in a thousand, maybe?
Oh come on. The 3 week lag has already elapsed when you consider the late recognition of Omicron infections being Covid cases in the first place. The Omicron variant is invariably highly infectious and mild in every instance where it has broken into a community.
Omicron? Bring it on!
Alex Berrenson, confirms what I’ve been saying for over a week – reports from South Africa show the Omicron variant is highly infectious but mild enough to make the vaccine irrelevant.
Immune escape from the vaccines is a bonus but only if the health authorities look away from the big pharmaceutical cliff notes and recognise reality.
Come on indeed. Analytik, looking forward to you supplying all the data on how Omicron interacts with vaccinated antibodies in 70 year old vitamin D deficient diabetic people, or is this just the crystal ball of hope talking?
I’m also interested in telomere damage, nuclear infiltration, interference in double stranded VJD repair, mitochonrial effects, and raised coronary inflammation markers.
As I said, things are looking good, but some things are unknowable.
i think another 2 weeks should give a clearer picture as it spread in Norway fairly soon after South Africa and their figures look bad –
the difference maybe the vaccination rate with South Africa at 25% and Norway at 72%, though I did hear a nurse from a S.African hospital saying that there were both vaccinated and unvaccinated, mostly children, who were in their wards for symptoms more like the flu. she also said “everyone should get vaccinated”, so probably more vaccinated than not, at least more than 25%.
but, yeah, the spike is the dangerous thing and omicron still has it. maybe in this form it will be less harmful to those unvaccinated, and more so to those that are.
It would be a good idea to synthetically manufacture this toxic spike and inject it into people, problem is the immune system will recognise it and develop an immune response.
What we will then need to do is mask it with another poison, say antifreeze, so we can sneak it past our immune system and grow our own, so that the immune system can develop an immune response. Still making sense?
The northern hemisphere is being hammered by the omnibomb in the freezing conditions. The boosters are to get the level of antifreeze up.
The preview button is buggered, or mine may be stuck in?
I like your cautious optimism Jo.
I think Analitik’s perspective (and many others) is: if I get infected with CoVid let it be Omicron rather than Delta. Lesser of 2 evils.
But your right, what if there are as yet unseen short/long term issues with Omicron? Fingers crossed.
Informed caution? Speaking of which, I received this link and I don’ think I have enough background to evaluate it correctly; Any takers?
The phrase “The Fog of War” keeps springing to mind. The FIRST implication of such occurrences is that if there is “Fog of War”, there MUST be WAR.
That the exact nature of the “goals” and even the combatants is also at times “foggy”. is a little disturbing for those of us more conventionally trained.
Jo stated:
Those vaccinated in South Africa would mostly be affluent and elderly. A report from a GP Leon Geffen, treating Covid patients in Sea Point, Cape Town, met that first set of criteria exactly and none were hospitalised.
h/t mawn for pointing out the demographic of that suburb
As for your other concerns, they relate to all Covid variants so unless you intend to live in a plastic bubble with filtered air, it will be part of life how those play out.
Mark Kaiser, my perspective is that Covid is endemic so we all will be infected by SARS-CoV-2 at some point so make it the Omicron variant, since all evidence shows it to be mild , by allowing it to displace Delta and let’s all get back to the old normal.
G’day A,
This is from your link:
Could this 75% – 80% mean that that magic “herd immunity” has been reached there? I hope so for their sake.
Dave B
Yes, it could be very good for them if this is the case.
Interestingly, the CoVid mortality in South Africa is quite low vs European countries and the USA, even though their vaccination rate is low and their government has followed the WHO in prohibiting ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for early treatment.
as well as being Africa the people being infected are likely to be very dark skinned, meaning more than likely to be deficient in Vitamin D
showing this variant is more than likely as the local treating healthcare workers are saying not worthy of the irrational fear campaign being promoted
no Jab needed and boosters will not be necessary,
the adverse reactions and long term effects of the Jab are more of a concern
The WHO has not recorded a single death from the Omicron variant and in the 22 USA states with 43 “cases”, there has only been a single hospitalization.
Only those urging “an abundance of caution” do not recognize this variant as being the infectious, mild variant that we have been waiting for. The immune escape from the gene therapy spike protein vaccines is a bonus
Even SBS are willing to admit Omicron doesn’t look like a threat
Some older Africans who may have already survived a previous Covid infection appear to be well protected against Omicron. Good news.
We’re all hoping this variant is the one we’ve been waiting for.
Warning: Confirmation bias may affect results…
And that alone assumes that they were not already taking HCQ or IM.
Those with whom I once worked took their “medicine” every day without any of us knowing what it was or that they did so.
I only found out years later when a colleague informed me and he only knew because he caught one raiding our supplies.
It was an automatic thing that they learnt to do early in life.
The South African government has followed the WHO in prohibiting ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for early treatment. Also, malaria is not prevalent there, except at the borders, and it is also not an APOC nation so neither of these drugs would be prescribed as an everyday medicine
Please see my comment, currently a little below yours at 6. The author of an artice on covid admits to confirmation bias in his article and provides a long and detailed correction.
“Even SBS are willing to admit Omicron doesn’t look like a threat”
Tell that to Boris:
“Boris Johnson launches massive drive to get a third jab into every over-18 by NEW YEAR’S DAY: PM begs everyone to get boosted to ‘save our way of life’ as he warns of a ‘tidal wave of Omicron’ on its way”
Now being recommended every 3 months in teh UK to boot. 4-5 injections per year (forever?) appears to be a therapy rather than a vaccine.
Vaccine: A vaccine is a type of medicine that trains the body’s immune system so that it can fight a disease it has not come into contact with before. Vaccines are designed to prevent disease, rather than treat a disease once you have caught it.
Therapy: 1 “the treatment of an illness or injury over a fairly long period of time
new drug therapies: radiation therapy for cancer treatment
2 the treatment or examination of someone’s mental problems by talking to them for a long time about their feelings SYN psychotherapy”
At this point we can drop the “vaxed vs unvaxed” false dichotomy. There are those undergoing prolonged gene-therapy (which is not working as advertized). and those who do not care to become involved with charlatans.
BTW: Why the jabbed do not just get a Pet Rock to help them through their phobias and anxiety is kinda puzzling. Where’s Mental Health Australia when ya need ’em?
You have a misconception. Read the history of the smallpox vaccine. The aim was not to ‘prevent infection’, it was to save infected individuals from severe disease or death.
I’ll repeat a link that I post in the previous unthreaded, from the Ethical Skeptic
There’s a very good reason to believe the lab leak was in early 2018, and the low incidence of CoViD in Africa (and here in Oz) is a result
Interesting theory. I don’t see anything solid enough to convince me though. The long mutation chain back to May last year for Omicron is believable. Mutations occur constantly, in every infected person. Passing generations of virus through millions of unvaccinated Africans could produce a “nicer” mutation.
As for all the Asian nations doing well in 2020, there may be genetic links, but it is probably explained by their past exposure to SARS, other pandemics and China. They were aware of the pandemic risk. Nations around China were already prepared with pandemic plans. Masks, contact tracing, restrictions, strict quarantine, I hate to say it, phone tracking. They did that quickly while the West dithered and let the virus in. Taiwan is still succeeding.
But I am interested if anyone finds some whistleblowers, past samples, or better evolutionary sequences.
Jo, the John Hopkins Centre tracks both vaccination, infections and deaths in table, on the right.
Select Laos, Cambodia etc from the menu on the left. The question was asked by John Cullen (who calls himself this ‘Maps Daddy’) in about April 2020 as to why Fauci and his team were not on a plane to these countries from the onset of the pandemic to ascertain what they were doing to have had so few deaths. When you consider the Chinese students coming to Australia were doing the 14 day quarantine holiday package in these countries on their way here at that time.
While you have the map open go to China. Less than 5000 dead! Remember the Excavators building the Hospital, the shortage of funeral urns for the dead. What did those thousands of people dropping in the street die of, what were those images of lungs that have our ICU staff blinkered to the fact they have few young Covid19 patients and why is the World Health Organisation not asking these questions. Remember, as you have stated these countries are technically advanced and have excellent surveillance systems, in fact the Chinese probably measure your heart rate when you stop at a traffic light.
Nigel- that’s an amazing article, compared to what we are meant to believe. A shame he’s so anti-Chinese about it, I’m sure America would have done the same in that position.
So the spread is by fecal transmission, not sneezing! I hadn’t thought about that as in Auckland we treated sewerage then piped it out to sea, while in most parts of the world it gets sprayed back onto the land.
I like the use of China’s sudden drop in CO2 emissions being used as a proxy for “something serious going wrong”, especially when it coincides with Japan’s peak in severe flu cases.
He reckons it circulated in China/SE Asia for several years before becoming deadly in 2020. While blaming the Chinese and demanding reparations, that would put it back in the time when the Americans were building biolabs in China and training their scientists, and Fausci was financing it because it was banned in the USA. If they hadn’t just off-shored their immoral science as well as their industry, we wouldn’t be where we are.
There’s also the argument presented that shows it was man-made and the chance of it being a natural evolution from bats in negligible. The diagrams showing it completely unrelated to bat covid in that furin site means the scientists drawing that data up were too scared to argue for a man-made origin once the mainstream had blamed that idea on conspiracy theorists. He reckons Omicron is a derivative of line from long before Wuhan, which is how it has accumulated so many mutations.
I’m a bit more convinced than Jo..
Hi Nigel,
In early Feb 2020 Vietnam had well and truly closed its borders with China and implemented temperature testing, forehead, plus some use of masks.
The sudden sharp increase in deaths about three months ago was unusual.
It’s interesting that at the same time Australia’s CV19 deaths suddenly changed course as well.
Question; was this noticeable change in death rates due to the same cause?
Were Vaxxines involved?
No scientist or doctor, but I was taught, repeatedly, over several dimensions of education, that the original vaccinations were innoculations of the cow pox virus to prevent the much more severe small pox disease. If both more infectious and less severe, it seems like Omicron could be the natural vaccine equivalent of the cow pox variant. No wonder that Pharma and the public health bureaucracy are concerned.
From what I have read about biological warfare and the CPC total denial of ethics I think that the smallpox vaccination would be a good thing for everyone. Then if you look at some of the potentially approaching scenarios: typhoid, typhus, cholera, plague should all be included as even water and sewerage in the west need power to work unlike in those places that still use the original roman variants.
Data says the Pandemic Flu is the one you should be worried about, that is if you want to be a human pin cushion. The CDC has stated most of the Covid deaths (about %95) had significant other co-morbidity. Look at the thin red line on these graphics. That is Pneumonia & Influenza.
Click on the <18 year olds and wonder why the World Economic Forum's ex strategy director Greg Hunt is going after our children.
H/T to Jo's monkey. He is busy burrowing into how the reconstruction of the 1918 influenza virus may have been carried to the Wuhan Military games from Australia. That is for those who like to follow a data bloodhound as he sniffs at these data sets.
The historical rumor is that cups of tea saved many lives in Europe … not because tea has any medicinal properties, but because it’s addictive and got people into the habit of always boiling their water before they drink.
A treasure trove of info here, which has come to be the standard for this site. Hats off to you, Jo.
I’ve read this twice, and will go back for another round after my first cup of coffee interacts with my foggy old brain cells.
So if the current trends hold true…a lot of what Sweden did in terms of immunity will be once again vindicated? Short “science” version: Virus gonna virus.
It appears that in a very weird twist then, that the MORE vaccinated a particular population is, the MORE likely they are to be infected with Omicron, because they haven’t developed the PROPER antibodies? Do I have that right? But Omicron appears to be less impactful, in terms of severity of illness?
I need my second cup…I’m starting to feel like I live in an Escher painting.
People are so stupid. Weeks later and people are already in panic mode over India’s “sudden” increase in the Omicron stats; from 33 to 35! What the?!
It’s the clock watching effect.
Or altimeter watching.
Pilot taps on altimeter saying “that can’t be right,” when a look out the window would have provided confirmation and prevented an overly kinetic landing.
When have a ruling elite of clock watchers that live in windowless rooms, and ride in cars that require zero situational awareness.
Tended by sycophants, usually young, hoping to graduate to the windowless room and the driverless car.
“Our machines tell us it’s 0.01 degree warmer, OMG what have we done?”
At least now we have two things that are going to kill us all.
(My window is getting foggy and they might stop letting me out.)
For the first time, two people I have actually met, are sick with ‘covid’.
Not hospitalized.
Both were fully vaxxed. At least by last weeks’ definition of ‘fully’.
We must be data driven even in defiance of our own senses .
Because Science is Lord.
Praise Fauci His Most High.
Christians do not judge others. Only God judges.
That’s a copy and paste from his own comment yesterday.
Christians can judge the behaviour of others.
True but we can state our opinions, unless of course there is no longer any free speech.
Even in your comment down thread his reply, is “hands up don’t shoot”. Trump will save us, god will save us, Craig Kelly will save us, as you understand, only we will save us and I am in this to whatever outcome awaits. I spent $160 on fuel last week attending rallies, travel to the coast and council electorates around my area, my wife walks the towns, shop to shop with preformed letters against this now government sanctioned discrimination. It’s not about the money, these Globalists will take it so we may as well use it against them until there is nothing left for them to take.
Never give up, never leave the fight.
[Last word goes to those who fight. Thank you MP. If you continue this on an unthreaded I will link it here. Check your email. – Jo]
True but we can state our opinions. Any objections to that?
Also, I am not judging anyone as to who will be hurled into the lake of fire and who will live with the Lord forever. Only God makes that call. If you have a problem with that you can take it up with the Lord in person when you meet Him.
Also, I did not judge who is to be saved and who is not. That’s the Lord’s call. At Judgement Day we are all to be judged; believers will be rewarded and the rest will be thrown into the lake of fire. It’s your call, not mine to judge.
Is an opinion a judgement. Do you not continuously pass judgement on others, jelly backs and stupid.
What has saving the masses got to do with anything, or are you just chuckn a straw man into the mix?
Your lord helped those that would not help themselves, think that may of been a one off though. Burying your head in a book is not going to get you through the pearly gates. You need to be up standing not down kneeling.
God and I will have a beer waiting for if you ever get in.
God helps those who help themselves. But President Xi thanks those who have already given up.
The last word goes to those willing to fight.
Please take this off topic subthread elsewhere.
Willing to fight? I’ll leave that up to Jesus when the time comes. I’m willing to stand fast and believe and have faith in Christ as my Saviour, and there is nothing anyone can do to change my view, not even the threat of death. In fact I welcome it. It would be an honour to die for Christ.
The Daily sceptic is especially interesting today containing 3 or 4 articles on the new variant
The most interesting is one (“latest modeling”) where the writer admits to a single mistake-pointed out by a blogger-and provides a long and detailed correction-perhaps a lesson for climate related matters?
Another article confirms that the majority of people in hospital with covid related problems are vaccinated. It has been heavily pushed the vast majority are unvaccinated.
There is a sizeable rebellion of Mp’s who intend to vote against more restrictions being brought in to combat what is as yet a minor number of omicron related cases, all of which are mild and as yet require no hospitalisation, but its early days
tonyb. It’s difficult to decide if all this is wilful deception, self-deception….or both at once.
The major effect of pathogen-creating gene-therapies, injected to counter SARS-CoV2, is the production of the CV spike protein, which then does two things: it causes an immune response which causes antibodies to be formed…and it creates blood clots. These latter can be large and immediately harmful, or else tiny and harmful over time. This second aspect should be obvious since the spike proteins sticking out into the blood from cells where they’ve been produced (along with various metabolic wastes) will pick up passing platelets.
Ok, so these micro-clots in the lungs cause lung problems: in the heart. heart problems, and in the brain, brain problems as it impedes the normal circulation of blood. This latter generally leads to “vascular dementia”.
Looking at the various people who’ve been vaxed, don’t most of them appear to now be mentally impaired? Pointing reality out to people with dementia is a waste of time, as anyone who’s ever dealt with a senile relative can attest. All we can do is humour them (a little) I s’pose.
BTW: From DEMENTIA AUSTRALIA: “Changes in the behaviour of people with dementia are very common….. “aggressive behaviours such as verbal abuse, verbal threats, hitting out, damaging property or physical violence towards another person” sounding like the dimwits in power and in policing in most states and territories or what?
“Another article confirms that the majority of people in hospital with covid related problems are vaccinated. It has been heavily pushed the vast majority are unvaccinated.”
Except like is not being compared with like.
.”Well over 90% of the adult population is double vaccinated, so the vaccinated cohort is over nine times the size of the unvaccinated cohort,” Weeks said, “A very small percentage of a large population is still more people than a higher percentage of a very small one.
Similarly England had 54.9 COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 people among those who were vaccinated and 125.4 deaths per 100,000 among those who were unvaccinated.”
Pauline Hanson stated “In England, now it’s stated that more people are dying with COVID who are double-vaxxed than unvaxxed,” Senator Hanson told the assembled crowd. “It is a fact.”
The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency shows that of 3,726 COVID-19 deaths over a three-week period to November 21, 2,903 were people fully vaccinated against the disease, compared to 708 unvaccinated people.
However, those figures do not mean that vaccinated people are at a higher risk of death from COVID-19.
The UK report also provides the rate of death per 100,000 people in each group.
That data reveals that the rate of death among unvaccinated people across the UK was higher for every age bracket when compared to those who were double-dosed.
Your articles mention 2 categories of victims, “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated”, where is the third category, “partially vaccinated”? You know, the people who have had the first jab, but not the second? Are they being lumped in with the “unvaccinated”, and thus distorting the real picture?
Not to mention that people who have had the jabs 13 days ago, rather than 14, are counted as “un-vaccinated”.
That means that any actual immediate issues with the vaccination, are put down as being un-vaccinated.
I think both that categories are commented on in the articles. There also ought to be a category of ‘vaccination waning’ for those whose ‘immunity’ is dropping fast as they had the vaccine months ago.
This is pointed out in the various articles. The main point is that despite perceptions the vaccinated can still get infected, pass it on or become ill. There is often a belief that having the vaccine provides immunity and therefore people likely take more chances than they otherwise would.
Mr. b: Thanks again for providing the voice of reason. In the US, jabs were over 50% by spring, cases dropping, Biden folks began to proclaim victory, Breitbart found Fauci quotes from one year ago that it was nearly over. By July, a surge came but could not be blamed on the jabbed dropping all precautions (I watched them, as you say, “take more chances”). So they blamed me, for a “pandemic of the unvaxxed.” (Personal aside- that’s when I moved past “don’t think I’ll get this”, on to “Fu, I ain’t doin’ it”). The more vocal it got, the more obvious it became that they had to push NOW, before people learned just how leaky and ineffectual jabs are. The latest I saw is that I’m 40 times more likely to catch fatal covid. Why do these numbers always smell like they are fresh out of some bottom?
Smell? Nah…..
97% of media outlets cant be wrong…..
I am just waiting for WHO to announce that all the vaccines have been “successful” as stop-gaps while Covid mutated into a more contagious but benign form. When, in reality, vaccines have just been a huge waste of resources and caused great angst regarding the “mandates”. That’s how our woeful world government will spin it … MMW.
However, still practically nobody is dying of omicron in South Africa, despite South Africa now hitting 160,000 cases. One has to assume that those cases are predominantly in those without naturally acquired immunity. Even you think many of the naturally immune are omicron positive, then still 40% (according to the report) at least are without natural immunity. Yes, there is a lag before deaths begin, but even by the 1st of December, there were 36000 cases; 40% of that is 14000, and still no up-tick in the death rate today. In fact in any other year, about twice as many people would be dying of flu/pneumonia in South Africa anyway.
OMGoodness, just heard ( thought that at last, Doris had resigned / been fired ) that the UK Gov. has panicked and heightened the level of stupidity on this Moronic virus: Indeed as I read somewhere, that you really wonder how this all comes about, that Media Control re-writes as Delta Omicron. Oh me, Oh my, MacRon and the rest. Let’s NO GOP BUY Them…. I’m jist nae gonnae dae it!
I hope Boris De Piffle gets booted out soon by his own party.
It’s going to take a fresh pair of eyes to change course towards sanity.
Under him, it’ll be more of: . . .Oh there’s another variant –> more scaremongering –> more mandates & restrictions –> Oh there’s another variant . . .
Though I’m sure Pfizzer want him to stay in place.
There is evidence accumulating that the Covid Vaccine kills more people than it saves. Kennedy provides evidence that people who die in the two weeks after getting the vaccine are classed as dying from Covid. Professor Norman Fenton of Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London, says that this two week period scam is also being used by the NHS. The fraudulent scam used in both the USA and the UK involves classifying people as unvaccinated up to 14 days after they have been vaccinated. He also says that there is no evidence that vaccinated people are less likely to get infected by Covid as the unvaccinated. He also points out that nations with the highest vaccine uptakes like Gibraltar & Israel, have the highest infection rates. He has also found out that data manipulation has been used to fraudulently show that the vaccine lowers hospital admissions for the vaccinated.
Professor Fenton also says that deaths and injuries from the Covid vaccine are the highest for any approved vaccine used in British history.
We shoulld be able to track excess deaths and other deaths ( especially cardio related ) compared to the previous 5 years and a picture should start to emerge.
The 14 days post-vax = “unvaxxed” appears to be a classic figures fudging.
Virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche weighs in on the covid vaccines. Full video at link.
“Vaccinating children ‘an absolute no go!’
“This reality is most important in the case of children whose “innate immunity can easily be suppressed by vaccinal antibodies” since their “antibodies are so young and so naïve that they can easily be outcompeted by vaccinal antibodies,” he said.
“And since children are protected from many diseases by their innate immunity, including COVID-19, its suppression by these vaccines exposes them to many more dangers, and “could even lead to autoimmune diseases,” the expert warned.
“Therefore, injecting children with these biological agents “is an absolute no go!” the virologist said. “We cannot vaccinate our children with these vaccines.”
“Booster shots for the vaccinated ‘absolutely insane!’
Yep. Have always kept on eye on what VanDan Bossche is saying. It is indeed scary in relation to “leaky” vaccines leading to more deadly viruses, which he says is still possible. He reckons the current Omicron is not inconsistent with the development.
He is even more insistent that the unvaccinated should resist vaccination.
This is the sort of the fellow pharma will have hanged when control is handed over and we stop having elections and knuckle under forever after.
Weird how keen the media and our leaders are to confirm there are people in UK hospitals with Omicron, but no numbers. Could it be that the numbers are low, completely unalarming, and most are only technically Omicron cases, people acyually in hospital with something else?
Considering the high number of initial cases of Omicron in Scotland could COP26 have been the initial world spreader of Omicron?
Omicron in Scotland.. probably seeded at FLOP26
So, yet another thing caused by human CO2.
The evidence/analysis supports the assertion that Omicron was designed to mitigate the danger and deaths due to covid release 1 which became the Covid Delta variation.
If that assertion is correct, it is likely the Omicron origin question and the covid release 1 origin question is going to start a ‘purge’ and infighting in China.
We can look for evidence of infighting in China and the end of covid deaths/fear due to the replacement of the Delta covid with the Omicron strain, to validate the analysis and assertion.
“In other words, while scientists can tell that this variant evolved from a strain that was circulating in mid-2020, in the intervening months there has been no trace of all the intermediate versions that scientists would have expected to find as it morphed into its current form.
“It doesn’t tie into anything that was circulating more recently,” says Bedford.” Yet its mutations put it a long way from that 2020 strain.
How to explain this?”
William: The NPR ‘analysis’ summary did not consider hypothesis 4.
Hypothesis 4 – Omicron was designed using a super computer and a virus simulation software (that evolves the software version of the virus to exactly match natural virus evolution) and a simulation package which took 20 years to develop that simulates the human immune response for the entire population.
The human immune system simulation package determines statistically how the virus will hurt people depending on their genetic code and the strength of their immune system.
I don’t get it.
Aren’t there other contagion sub critters constantly evolving around and within us.
Working to make themselves known, and aspiring to do us in.
Feeling left out from the obsessive focus on this one.
This is like the Beatles of viruses, in a world of teenage girls.
Utter rubbish. Just more panic feeding from the press. The vast majority of Britons have functioning immune systems and will easily fight off any of these COVID variants. Some people in more marginal health might benefit from having their immune systems trained by the vaccines, but it’s still their immune system that does the work. Anyone who has “NO PROTECTION” is dead already.
Robert, I agree with you re “utter rubbish”. Unfortunately, it’s all people get from the media nowadays, and regrettably from most of their governments too.
There is coronavirus protection available other than natural immune systems and vaccines: “Budesonide was approved in April 2021 by the UK’s NHS to treat COVID-19 on a case-by-case basis. [] After a University of Oxford research team found in a trial with 1,700 patients that budesonide could benefit many people over 50 with COVID-19 symptoms, it was approved from 12 April 2021 by the National Health Service in the UK for general practitioners (GPs) to treat Covid on a case-by-case basis. Final results of the trial are expected in late April.[18][19]
Inhalational Budesonide has been part of the recommended treatment for mild covid cases in India since April 2021.”
I can’t wait to see the reaction of people when their vaccination passports expire unless they get their booster shots. Me thinks things will turn ugly next year. Time for another scam.
‘The UK’s minimum gap for Covid booster jabs will be halved from six months to three, after the government accepted advice from its vaccines watchdog.’ From fully vaxxed to filthy anti-vaxxer in only 3 months now!
Their vaxx is so good, so safe and effective, that you will need constant top ups. And what are the long term effects? No one knows of course, yet they push this nonsense with threat of unemployment and segregation, even on children now.
There are also anti-inflammatories, like Budesonide (aka Pulmicort), to take if you get symptoms. If they keep you out of hospital that helps both you and the hospital. I expect that it would work just as well for Omicron.
In Victoria, on Sept 1 there were 58 people in hospital, that was 6.4% of active cases, and 2.3% were in ICU.
On Oct 18, hospital numbers peaked at 851, that was 3.8% of actives and 0.7% were in ICU.
On Dec 12, 310 in hospital, 74 in ICU, 2.7% of cases and 0.6% in ICU.
Total active cases peaked at 24,000 late November, now 12,000 but the curve is flat, no sign of further decline.
NSW also seems to be stable, with 150 in hospital and 25 in ICU.
Here it comes – the slow but now admitted truth from a stalwart medical journal, The Lancet no less, that the vaxxed are potential superspreaders:
Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing … Many decisionmakers assume that the vaccinated can be excluded as a source of transmission. It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.
Mark, The Lancet is a propaganda publication for the Medical Industry. The Lancet articles are written by people who are controlled by the Medical Industry. The Medical Industry has a plan where we are forced to accept covid vaccines every six months….
Vaccines cannot protect the cohort population in every country who have suppressed immune systems.
Indonesia has stopped covid (146 new daily covid cases, population 277 million) using Ivermectin and no other medical services. UK has not stopped covid using vaccines (48,000 new covid cases, population 68 million) along with hospitals and expensive and ineffective medical services for the covid sick. The vaccines are not as effective as Ivermectin and never will be as effective as Ivermectin. Scientifically/medically why is this statement true?
All organ transplant patients take Medical Industry drugs to suppress their immune systems to stop rejection. Many Medical Industry cancer drugs suppress the human immune system.
Ivermectin ‘kills’ covid and stops covid from replicating independent of a person’s immune system. i.e. Ivermectin can protect the at risk people in every Western country, who are severely Vit D deficient or who have severely suppressed immune systems because of the Medical industry drugs that they are taking.
Protecting The Immuno-Compromised Against COVID Could Be Key To Ending The Pandemic
“And as it happened, just 16 days earlier this person had gotten their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Typically, two weeks after the second dose, a person’s blood is teeming with antibodies against COVID.
But with this person, “we actually couldn’t see any measurable levels of anti-coronavirus antibody in the blood,” says McCoy.
Even after 44 days — once this person had been put on HIV meds and their immune system had recovered — they still had not produced any COVID-19 antibodies in response to the vaccine.
“That’s really quite extraordinary,” says McCoy. These results, published in the journal The Lancet this month, match similar findings that the vaccines may not be effective for people who are immuno-compromised for other reasons such as individuals with cancer or organ transplant recipients who are taking immuno-suppressing drugs to keep their bodies from rejecting the transplant.”
Here’s another unexpected piece from The Lancet:
“People who are vaccinated have a lower risk of severe disease but are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatising parts of the population for their skin colour or religion. I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.”
Mark, why would it bother ANYONE to be excluded from the company of the vaxed…if that’s what THEY want?
Imagine you were in Pripyat in Ukraine in late April or in May 1986 and there was a pub with a sign saying “Only contaminated people from the power plant at Chernobyl (nearby) may enter”.
Would it have bothered you to NOT be allowed in? Facts are that from my POV I’m kinda nervous when around the spike-protein factories.
PLUS, my very aged retired-sniffer-dog (17.5 years old: a Beagle) does the whole “Found it” routine whenever a vaxed person gets within about 4 metres of him. He was a CADAVER dog. Enough said?
BTW: The Inspector also picks up on cancers so who knows what it is exactly, about the vaxed which sets him off?
For me the current COVID pandemic appears to be very similar to all previous upper respiratory tract infection type pandemics. So Swine flu, SARS 1, Vietnam War flu, Korean war flu, Spanish flu. That is, it escalates very quickly, probably mutates to less lethal variants, then almost as quickly disappears leaving lower infection cases. It’s becoming the new “flu”. So probably how mammal type UR tract type viral infections have performed for millennia. All of our efforts in terms of anti COVID measures have just slowed the events and timeline somewhat. Its a virus- you cant hide from it and it will do whatever it likes. Particularly as it is a Coronavirus with known incubation/infection reservoirs outside humans. If this was a virus in agricultural livestock or similar there would already be post event analysis underway. Basically- what happened, what did we stuff up and what good things did we achieve during the event. In other words what was learnt so that we can prevent or modify the episode in future. Unfortunately, COVID has become politicised and to some extent monetised, so we know the truth will “not out” quickly without some pain.
🙂 🙂
December 12, 2021 – Ethan Huff
Israel says covid booster shots will now be ENDLESS

(Natural News) The Israeli Health Ministry (IHM) has issued a warning that Israelis need to get prepared now for an endless lineup of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” and associated “booster” shots. The country is already on the verge of approving its fourth mandatory injection, a booster
Some countries that are reputed to be using Ivermectin are still doing very well, Omicron or not.
Take India, Indonesia, Japan for instance.
Hospitalizations, Mortality Cut In Half After Brazilian City Offered Ivermectin To Everyone Pre-Vaccine
Early on in the pandemic, before the vaccines were available, the Southern Brazilian city of Itajai offered Ivermectin as a prophylaxis against the disease.
Between July and December of 2020, roughly 220,000 people were offered a dose of 0.2mg/kg/day (roughly 18mg for a 200lb person) as an optional treatment for 2 days, once every two weeks.
133,051 people took them up on it, while 87,466 did not.
After analyzing the data, a team of researchers spanning several Brazilian institutes, the University of Toronto, and Columbia’s EAFIT concluded in a December pre-print study that hospitalization and mortality rates were cut in half over the seven month period among the Ivermectin group.
Thanks OO,
But I’d have hoped for even better numbers. Do you know if they also used zinc and vitamin D?
Dave B
Coverage per person was only two weeks.
In the following video Dr John Campbell interviews a GP (family medical doctor) in Israel who had covid and treated himself and makes sure all of his 2000+ patients take Vitamins D, K2 and zinc. He has not lost a single patient to covid as a result.
It is staggering that such a simple and safe micronutrient prophylaxis doesn’t get a single mention by any medical or government authority. Well, not really. We all know that Big Pharma knows best.
Throughout this entire sordid episode of medical mismanagement, the thing that stood out for me was this – I don’t recall one single ‘Chief Health Officer’ senior medical bureaucrat, ‘Health’ Minister or even health practitioner give any actual simple health advice. Even in the dark days last year, before any dodgy vaccines had become available, none gave people tips for prevention, such as ensuring you are not vitamin deficient, particularly C and D, keep yourself as fit as possible, especially lung function and take any available anti-viral you can obtain (although this avenue was quickly closed off on the orders of big pharma). This indicates to me, at least, that the entire medical ‘profession’ was bought and paid for long ago.
Yes. And even before the dodgy “vaccines” were available widely available (or at all) it was already known that Vitamin D deficiency was an important co-factor for susceptibility to covid death. And still it was never recommended. Just like the “malaria drug” and the “horse dewormer”.
I didn’t read the comments below the video before but they are excellent.
“Throw 1000 Vaccine Virgins’ in the Volcano – And you might prevent one case. Not a hospitalization, or a trip to the ICU or a death, ONE CASE.”
“Meanwhile, the WHO reports that it has documented zero deaths from the Omicron variant…”
“Roger Kimball;
As I remarked a couple of weeks ago, I thought I had done writing about COVID. Surely, I thought, the hysteria is on the wane. Most people are rational. They know that the flimsy porous masks you see everywhere are useless tokens of conformity. They understand that the disease is serious for only a tiny part of the population. They also know staying home and practicing “social distancing” has its own liabilities, not least of which is a diminution in the potency of one’s immune response.
Unfortunately, the people making the rules are not “most people.” They are bureaucrats being advised by public health “experts” like Anthony Fauci who has demonstrated ostentatious incompetence at least since the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. When news of the so-called Omicron variant first surfaced a few weeks back, I assumed the fact that doctors first described it as very contagious but also with symptoms that were “very mild,” meant the “experts” would let us get on with our lives.
Fat chance.”
I asked Glenn in the protest thread if he had a link for airline pilot deaths since CoVid vaccination began. Well, Steve Kirsch has provided one based on an article in the Air Line Pilot Association (ALPA) magazine:
1 pilot passed away in 2019
6 in 2020
In the first 9 months of 2021? 111, heavily weighted after May (January 1, February 3, March 1, April 3, May 2)
Gee I wonder what started this year?
Glenn actually provided a link to a much clearer image of the magazine pages than the one in the Steve Kirsch link (apart from the flash reflection in the middle). Thanks Glenn
No flying for me for some time. Very sad, that list of pilots.
Why? Because they wont let you on the plane?
Gee Nae,
I suspect that, unlike the government, these pilots
have common decency and wait till after the plane has landed and parked.
Note on ga’s linked page.
“Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook.”
And ga want’s us to take that “fact check” as though it means anything !
Find more reliable, less biased links, ga.
Fact checkers appear when facts upset the checkers.
Just something I’ve noticed.
I liken ‘fact checking’ to PCR test.
Facebook admits, in court documents, its “fact checks” are nothing more than opinion..
Stop the fake news. Here is what the APLA released on this matter and it really is obvious and should have occurred to you
In other words last year there would have been a long 2020 list and some from previous years.
I’m beginning to think you people are pathological.
The fake “fact” checkers frequently rely on semantics to “prove” their point. The fact check article posted refers to pilots who have died DURING flights, as opposed to pilot deaths overall at any time.
What do the fact checkers have to say about overall deaths of active pilots who died while not flying?
There is nothing fake about the actual magazine correct misinterpretations of what it itself wrote. That is not even fact checking, it is just stating the facts.
And that’s a fact.
There is more than one report of pilots dying post covid vax.
Seems real data means nothing to ga…
Pilot Deaths:
2019: 1
2020: 6
2021: 109 (through September)
ps.. and all of those pilots would have been twojabs at least. !
Wouldn’t the same trend be similar for previous years, I doubt they saved them all up for 21.
The so called statement does not make sense. Why post the month and not the year of death.–airplane-pilot-deaths-are-not-on-the-rise-because-of-the-vaccine.Hkx8RcJf9Y.html
I picked a couple of random names from the list, out of six I only matched one. Pilots are generally up themselves and I would of thought a wiki page at least. (They appear to of forgot the F on Udd), was 97 yoa retired, the month and year lines up with the article.
A tad weird all this.
They are not all modern big airline pilots. This includes long retired pilots who died of complications of old age.
And leave out your projections of what pilots generally are.
As I showed, the one I could find. The list shows they are all big airline pilots or at least big companies.
I will project what I like, are you also a pilot?
Go to the magazine web site and find out for yourself. The list is the last year or so with some late entries from previous years. It is really as simple as that.
I went to the magazine yesterday, I could not view the actual issue as its members only. If you can find it link it.
The link you provided was not relevant to that article and no links within it link to the magazine. You basically posted an opinion piece.
I posted a link, using the block quoted section as the search I got that one link, which is also an opinion piece with no links and appears as dodgy as.
Waffle without substance.
They list 19, 20 and 21, but just lump it all under 21, with the month for any random previous year. Nah
At least show the tweet, (on second thought, back up your claim) you would be a twitter, twitterer. See that ain’t hard.
What does in memoriam mean?
In memoriam is a Latin phrase meaning “in memory of” or “as a memorial to.” It’s typically used in memorials to those who have died.
In memoriam is a common epitaph—the inscription on a gravestone or other monument. It’s also commonly used as a heading in obituaries.
Example: Those who have passed away in the past year are listed in a special section titled “In memoriam.”
Not used for “retirement” its for dead people.
Fact checkers ya say? The largest fact checker of the lot is probably Reuters….set up in early 2020 to specifically counter misinformation in relation to “The Pamdemic”
From Reuters site….”The fact-checking unit at Reuters has joined Facebook’s third-party fact-checking program. Through this program, Facebook will provide funding to the Reuters fact-checking unit, in exchange for assessments of the authenticity of content on its platform.” It also fact-checks instagram and loysa other news sites.”
From Wiki; “James C. Smith (born 1959) is an American business executive. For many years he was the CEO of THOMSON/REUTERS……Involved with initiatives such as the international business council of the World Economic Forum, he is also on the board of Pfizer...
Fact checkers are your friend I tell’s ya!
Perhaps both you and the “fact checkers” would benefit from bothering to read what Steve Kirsch writes? Here, I will make it easy:
See? He’s already one step ahead of you.
Eh? Gee!
Gee Nae.
..and a new study on vitamin D..
Very encouraging!
Quite likely Vit D is at least as effective as the vaccine, possibly more so. And certainly safer.
It is in accord with other studies plus the interview with the Israeli GP I posted above.
It’s interesting the very high dose recommended, 4,000 to 10,000 units or 4 to 10 pills. Other studies suggest closer to 3000 units.
Not from this study but apparently obese people need to take more to achieve optimum serum levels.
Yep – vitamin D3 supplementation in the range of 4000 to 10,000 units
Vit D 3, 2 x 5000 units per day with Vit C, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC
Thanks Rod,
A good and concise report. I reckon I can use it, and may even get through to some. Maybe even some doctors?
Dave B
Civilizational Suicide, Not Omicron, Is Killing Us
Emergencies justify emergency powers, and emergency powers mean that you can push ahead with your agenda on all fronts.
As I remarked a couple of weeks ago, I thought I had done writing about COVID. Surely, I thought, the hysteria is on the wane. Most people are rational. They know that the flimsy porous masks you see everywhere are useless tokens of conformity. They understand that the disease is serious for only a tiny part of the population. They also know staying home and practicing “social distancing” has its own liabilities, not least of which is a diminution in the potency of one’s immune response.
Unfortunately, the people making the rules are not “most people.” They are bureaucrats being advised by public health “experts” like Anthony Fauci who has demonstrated ostentatious incompetence at least since the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. When news of the so-called Omicron variant first surfaced a few weeks back, I assumed the fact that doctors first described it as very contagious but also with symptoms that were “very mild,” meant the “experts” would let us get on with our lives.
Fat chance. It’s not just the old Rahm Emanuel wheeze of never letting a crisis go to waste. It’s also a matter of fabricating crises where none exist because emergencies justify emergency powers, and emergency powers mean that you can push ahead with your agenda on all fronts using the fake crisis as justification for bending or discarding the rules.
So, even as Fauci warns that it is a matter of “when not if” the definition of “fully vaccinated” will change to include at least one who-knows-how-many booster shots, the CEO of Pfizer, dollar signs in his eyes, has already said that a fourth jab may be needed “sooner than expected” because of the Omicron variant.
Panic? US Mega-Corporations Rush To Abandon Vax Mandate
This week’s nationwide annihilation of Biden’s Federal Contractor vaccine mandate at the hands Georgia Federal Judge R. Stan Baker has resulted in a landslide retreat of cowardly mega-corporations from their so-confident bullying of American workers.
Biden’s illegal gamble, the nationwide Federal contractor vaccine mandate, has like his previous Medicare mandate and OSHA if-you-have-100-workers-mandatory-vax mandate been ripped to shreds early on in the courts.
Biden’s mandates have always been a bullying gamble, an admission that they knew they were engaging in illegal acts but that they would continue to use the not-insignificant weapons of the executive branch to blast as much harm as possible until the courts stepped in and noted the obvious: “You can’t do this!”
Cynics – and I sympathize – will say that the courts could have ruled either way so don’t get too excited.
With the welcome disintegration of this evil government decree – via Judge Baker’s ruling that the contractor mandate is illegal – one by one the mega-corporations also see their position as shifting to the untenable. They are bailing out as fast as possible.
Some 83,000 Florida healthcare workers no longer face being kicked to the street by US government-sponsored terrorism, until this week dutifully enforced by the “free market” prostitutes in bed with the state.
As hero Alex Berenson has reported Thursday, mega corporations in the US are also suddenly looking under themselves and finding that they are alone. No more government guns aimed at the powerless…at least for the time being.
General Electric, 3M, Verizon, and Oracle have in the past day or so hedged their bets and snuck out of bed with the US government: no more vax requirements! We are talking about a large group of people no longer bound by the brotherhood of the needle.
“Obviously, this could overwhelm hospitals but the solution is to raise Vitamin D levels and use antivirals like Ivermectin prophyllactically.”
Not going to happen here.
Jo Nova wrote:
“Vaccinated people carry antibodies only against the spike, so that’s the navy-blue line.”
No. The navy-blue line is the combined natural immunity and immunity to the ‘vaccines’… the Roche S nucleoprotein assay detects both. The Roche N nucleoprotein assay detects only natural immunity.
So to get vaccinations alone, subtract the Roche N from the Roche S.
Jo Nova wrote:
“Extraordinarily, there’s a negative scale on the graph. For weeks now the UK data has shown that vaccine protection against catching Covid becomes less than nothing — or rather, at some point vaccinees are more likely to catch Covid.”
Exactly so. The spike proteins manifested from the ‘vaccines’ are destroying peoples immune systems… what they’ve taken to calling “immune system exhaustion”.
All of the below are from emails I sent to management at my former employer, attempting to jackhammer some sense into their cement block brains. It didn’t work, they’re liberals. They doubled-down on stupid, denying natural immunity exemption and blanket-denying religious and medical accommodation for all employees. I moved from California to Texas. Their loss.
This is part of it:
The Covid19 ‘vaccines’ damage and destroy stem cells. The spike protein expresses on stem cells via nAChR receptor interaction, which expresses on stem cells. Thus, the immune system induces stem cell apoptosis. That’s a Very Bad Thing.
This is part of it:
Can mRNA ‘vaccines’ encourage cancer growth? Study shows spike protein has affinity for anti-cancer proteins p53 & BRCA 1/2 and may bind to / inactivate these tumour-suppressor genes. Inactivation of these genes leads to DNA-mutated cells continuing to divide. Also remember that the mRNA in the ‘vaccines’ can undergo reverse-transcription, corrupting DNA.
This is part of it:
Dr. Nathan Thompson (not associated with Francis Crick Institute) took an immune system function evaluation of one of his patients prior to and after the Covid jabs… after the jab, T-cell, CD4, CD8, NK cell and lymphocyte count were all dramatically suppressed. So the vaccines destroy T-cell, CD4, CD8, NK cell and lymphocyte counts… they damage the immune system. Both adaptive and innate immunity are decimated.
That’s why we’re now seeing more fully-vaccinated people going into the hospital, and more fully-vaccinated people dying. Suppressed immune system function leads the fully vaccinated to be dependent upon ‘booster’ shots in perpetuity… the net effect being that the jabs progressively destroy the immune system with each new jab, eventually leaving those people completely unable to fight off infections and cancer.
And that’s in addition to the damage to their hearts and vascular system due to constant immune system attacks against the spike proteins. And that’s in addition to the risk of DNA corruption via reverse-transcription of the vaccine mRNA, said risk increasing with each subsequent jab. This will become increasingly clear as time wears on. You’ve essentially killed your vaccinated employees with your vaccine mandate. And we pure-bloods won’t work for your ilk cheaply.
Note in the video he can’t even say the word “vaccine” for fear of being censored. Yeah, I trust this process.
This is part of it:
Remember back in April, when the news was crowing that the vaccinated couldn’t spread Covid? Yeah…
A Swedish study of 840,000 people (only those who are fully-vaccinated and have never had natural immunity) shows that short-term “immunity” (which isn’t immunity to the Covid19 virus, it’s immunity to the Covid19 vaccine… remember that the Roche N and Roche S nucleoprotein assays can distinguish between vaccine-imparted and naturally-acquired antibodies, they are different) is robust (but so what? It’s not immunity to the virus.), but after ~7 months, that “immunity” not only goes to zero, IT GOES BELOW ZERO.×543.jpg
Remember that I’d stated in my prior emails that the vaccines are inhibiting people’s immune systems via three mechanisms:
1) inhibition of the immune system’s ability to produce antibodies against the neocapsid protein shell of the Covid19 virus, meaning the fully-vaccinated will never attain full natural immunity, and the vaccine ‘immunity’ is immunity to the vaccines, not the Covid19 virus… the antibodies are different than that of natural immunity (as detailed in my prior email regarding the Roche N and S nucleoprotein assays).
2) the vaccines ‘reset’ the immune system, erasing the antibody production due to natural immunity and replacing it with the antibodies imparting immunity to the Covid19 vaccines, not the Covid19 virus.
3) the vaccines overwork the immune system, causing it to start shutting down (what they’re now referring to as ‘immune system exhaustion’), to the effect that PHE (Public Health England) finds fully-vaccinated immune system function is decreasing by 5% / week on average.
That is WHY immune system protection goes below zero… additional “booster” vaccination shots provide a short-term bump in immune system function, but increases the slope of the downward trend in immune system function, necessitating more frequent “booster” shots, which only further increase the downward slope in immune system function. Israel states that their 3rd shot (first booster) imparts only 12 days of protection to those aged 60+.
And that’s in addition to the massively increased risk of blood clotting issues, stroke (236x), heart attack (71x) and organ failure due to clotting issues, and reverse-transcription of the vaccine mRNA into DNA, turning a person into a perpetual spike protein factory and their subsequent offspring (should germline cell DNA reverse-transcription take place) into superspreaders.
Incrementalization, it’s insidious (watch at 0.5x speed and full-screen for maximum effect):
This all collapses eventually (and sooner than you may think), with so many “booster” jabs that people’s immune systems completely shut down, with no amount of “booster” jabs able to elicit an immune response… they’ll be flogging a dead horse at that point. That leaves those people unable to respond to bacterial or viral infections, unable to fight off cancer, etc.
I’ve got a lot more if you’re not scared enough by the above.
[LOL, Thanks. Best to make future comments shorter. We rarely approve ones this long. And more people will read them. – Jo]
Laugh of the week! The authorities don’t know which way to skate! “He’s foolish and very bad, but taking safe vaccines won’t harm you..”
Auckland: He’s vaxxed to the max, and that might not be a good thing.
An unidentified man in New Zealand may have been vaccinated as many as 10 times in a single day.
Authorities believe the multi-vaccinated man may have been paid to get shots under the names of other individuals, who want the privileges extended to those protected against COVID-19, but don’t want to get the jabs.
New Zealand Ministry of Health vaccine program manager Astrid Koornneef said officials were “aware of the issue” and taking it “very seriously”.
Health officials are also working with law enforcement to investigate the situation. It’s unclear where exactly the individual got his multitude of shots, but Koornneef recommends that he visits a doctor again as soon as he can.
“If you know of someone who has had more vaccine doses than recommended they should seek clinical advice as soon as practicable,” Koornneef suggested.
“If you know of someone who has had more vaccine doses than recommended they should seek clinical advice as soon as practicable, Koornneef suggested.”
A Psychiatric examination might be in order.
Hey hey, Cindy & The Gang shut down all the businesses, people are broke and desperate; this pincushion guy probably made a few months’ wages for one afternoon’s work… cash is king.
Having read the SMH article (via Stuff NZ? Oh please, contains 100% nuts and b.s.) I checked the comments and my, what a bunch of Karens… except the one who queried why none of the last nine jabbers noticed the previous jab sites on Mr Pincushion’s arms – unless he had ten of them?
If it smells like a psy-op, chances are…
Well, authorities claim the vaccine is safe so according to dogma there won’t be a a safety issue.
So his motivation was not a mental disorder but profiting because presumably he didn’t mind being vaxxed with an allegedly safe substance and he was financially profiting by getting vaxxed on behalf of conscientious objectors.
It was a financial win for the person who got vaxxed and a medical and freedom win for the objectors.
I wonder what the going rate is to take a covid vax on behalf of objectors?
“Sorry for those who just want to hear “it’s over” ”
It will be over when we decide it’s over. We just need to live life.
It’s not going to be allowed to end so long as the Left are in power. The dictatorship of various levels of lockdown abd control will become a permanent arrangement.
Seen online:
As the Real Big Lie crumbles there is this article at World Tribune
Off topic-ish but still related to covid.
Over the weekend we received an email From Jackson Motor Company in Launceston advising us that they can’t allow us to enter the premises for car service unless we are double vaxxed.
We contacted them this morning and asked what arrangements they would make about warranty on the car. We are three years into a seven year warranty on a KIA and the general warranty requirement is that all necessary service be performed by an authorised service centre or the warranty will be void.
Some questions we asked and some questions we would like to ask:
Will we get some financial reimbursement for the remaining warranty period.
Will the car be considered under warranty if serviced by a non authorised mechanic.
Can we leave the car on the lot( with keys and logbook) and make payment online.
Are we allowed on the lot.
Will the car be somehow considered ‘tainted’ and they won’t service it.
As expected the clone on the phone had no idea and will be getting back to us. I might add that we were polite with this worker as the policy had nothing to do with them.
My wife is part of a facebook group that is listing the places that require that only double vaxxed people enter the premises.
Some vaxxers will say”we don’t want you here anyway”. Good luck with that . We are a vindictive species and most don’t ‘forgive and forget’.
A correction to the above.
The email said we are not allowed on the lot.
The latest contact was that it must be a vaxxed person that drops off the car. It doesn’t change anything for me. I can’t let a stranger drive my car (insurance issues). Just need to gather some interested people around Tasmania. He also said that it may be a storm in a teacup and may be different by June next year when my car will be due for service. I’m not waiting for June. I’m ready for a fight. I hope the courtroom will be open for unvaxxed people.
That opens up some interesting legal issues concerning a conflict between a non-medical agent (the dealership) demanding you have a medical treatment for them to fulfil their mutual financial obligations to you, in this case the vehicle warranty.
That’s what I was thinking. A class action. I am thinking of kicking one off. I will be contacting the Premier of Tasmania and getting his take on things and completely leaving out COVID and basing it on a financial thing. Just a thought at the moment. I don’t go off half-cocked. I do stuff ‘cold’ and not emotionally. Somebody has to make a start to stop some of this nonsense.
I would suggest that if the refuse to service your car it might lead it suffering a fault that could lead to injury or death. The company might then be liable, financially and criminally.
One lot of news articles says Omicron is mild and there is little to be concerned with, yet others are saying it’s now more urgent than ever to have booster shots. Given there is no factual evidence to support either claim, any politician who dares to push the vaccine mandates to combat the new variant ought to lose their seat at the next election on that issue alone for scaremongering.
You don’t believe all the reports from South Africa about the clinical presentation of infection from the Omicron variant?
I find the statements by the South African doctors much more believable than the worldwide ravings of politicians (including the South African President) and health authoritarians about the imminent demise of the human race without continual boosting.
Speaking of whom the fully vaccinated South African President has now tested positive for CoviD after he visited four West African countries last week.
38000 cases of omicron added over the weekend in South Africa. Still no increase in death rate:
Omicron – natures vaccine
From worldometer about page, it used to say from government and honest media. Now deemed reliable.
For the COVID-19 data, we collect data from official reports, directly from Government’s communication channels or indirectly, through local media sources when deemed reliable.
Spin doctors would of covered it.
According to the UK Mail: ‘The National Institute for Communicable Diseases revealed the mix-up today.
‘The NICD blamed the gaffe on ‘IT challenges’ and warned of more positive tests.’
Got in to work this morning, (in Cape Town), and spoke to a couple of colleagues. One is isolating as his boy caught it at school – says a quarter of the school has caught it. The other colleague has a mother and siblings with it – almost asymptomatic. They tell me that it is just a mild cold. So I believe the stats. Its spreading like crazy but its just a cold.
According to the despot politicians in the UK, two doses are not enough.
Concerning omicron, independent commentators, scientists and conservatives tend to say it is relatively benign, while the Left, Big Government (and it’s employees including “scientists”) and Big Pharma tend to say it’s dangerous and requires more injections, lockdowns, controls and more dictatorship.
Who do you believe?
I mainly watch what the Labor states do, it’s interesting.
ATAGI recommendations on Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine use in children aged 5 to 11 years – 11 page PDF
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has made recommendations for the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 5 to 11 years.
A new formulation of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine (Comirnaty) has been provisionally approved for use in
children aged 5-11 years by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This approval is based on the results of a
recent clinical trial demonstrating that the vaccine is highly effective and that most side effects are mild and
transient. ATAGI notes that real-world evidence on the safety of this vaccine in children aged 5-11 years is
rapidly accumulating overseas, including data on the low rate of rare adverse events following immunisation,
notably myocarditis, which the clinical trial was insufficiently powered to assess.
The recommended dose for this age group is 10µg (0.2mL), a third of the recommended 30µg dose for
people aged ≥12 years.
ATAGI’s recommendations take into account:
• The direct benefits of vaccination for the child in preventing illness;
• The indirect benefits of vaccination for the child, their family and for the broader community.
To realise some of these benefits, a large proportion of the 5-11 year age group would need to
be vaccinated;
• Adequate supply of the paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be available to
vaccinate all 5-11-year-old children.
ATAGI provides the following recommendations:
• ATAGI recommends vaccination with the paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for all children
aged 5-11 years.
• Children aged 5-11 years with medical risk factors for severe illness, Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children, and children living in crowded conditions or outbreak areas are most
likely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination given their increased risk of severe outcomes
and/or exposure.
• Children aged 5-11 years who have previously had SARS-CoV-2 infection can receive the
paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. This is recommended following recovery from their illness
or vaccination can be deferred for up to 6 months. This includes children with a past history of
PIMS-TS or post COVID-19 condition (‘long COVID’).
• The recommended schedule for vaccination in this age group is 2 doses, 8 weeks apart. The
interval can be shortened in special circumstances to a minimum of 3 weeks, such as in an
outbreak response, prior to the initiation of significant immunosuppression or international
• Children who turn 12 after their first dose may receive the adolescent/adult formation of the
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to complete their primary vaccine course.
• ATAGI recommends against use of the adolescent/adult Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine formulation
in children aged 5-11 years.
One death in a child aged between 5-11 years with COVID-19 has been reported in Australia; it is noted that
this child had significant underlying health conditions.
“ATAGI’s recommendations take into account:
• The direct benefits of vaccination for the child in preventing illness;
• The indirect benefits of vaccination for the child, their family and for the broader community.
To realise some of these benefits, a large proportion of the 5-11 year age group would need to
be vaccinated;
• Adequate supply of the paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be available to
vaccinate all 5-11-year-old children.”
Note that they seem to say that their considerations did NOT take into account any risks from the vaccine.
Either they are very sloppy and incompetent and so didn’t factor in the risks, or they DID in fact take risks into consideration but – for some reason – chose not to mention this fact in their release, for some reason. I favour the latter, as yet another example of their manipulation of public information. It just wouldn’t do to even acknowledge there might be risks.
They can’t be trusted.
It bears repeating;
“They can’t be trusted”.
What does that even mean ? The last phrase confuses the matter somewhat ?
safety of this vaccine in children aged 5-11 years is
rapidly accumulating overseas, including data on the low rate of rare adverse events following immunisation,
notably myocarditis, which the clinical trial was insufficiently powered to assess.
oh I get it. Previous trials couldn’t assess risk of myocarditis, but now they have data.
Well of course, this stuff is so safe just whack it up right ?
I have no idea. Im just avoiding the system for as long as I can to see what happens.
Hi all, I’m having problems finding recent adverse reactions to covid vax data on the TGA’s site. I can only find last years. I want to verify a claim regarding myo/pericarditis numbers.
Thanks, Graeme
Hi Graeme.
I reckon the TGA are making it difficult to search for these things. eg. I don’t think a direct webpage hyperlink will work, because you have to accept the T&C’s to interrogate the DAEN first.
Try to bring up the pesky dialogue box first, and accept the terms.
Then type “covid” in the search box and select all of them, choose a date range (I do Jan 1, 2021 to now), click SEARCH.
I usually then sort by “Number of cases where death was a reported outcome – highest first”.
I also think they are purposely making the searches slow.
Lastly, a bit like the VAERS in the US, these events seem under reported. I personally know quite a few people who had serious adverse reactions that never reported them (obviously not death in this instance).
Thanks for that.
Another comment or two on the DEAN search results:
I did the search again today (for 2021 through to the latest data) and the summary at the top shows 696 deaths.
I quickly added up the numbers in the death column and came up with 1501.
While the they do mention that some adverse reactions are reported multiple times, I wouldn’t have thought they would still add them to the death column. If so, pretty stupid (but going by the rest of their decisions – entirely likely).
Also, when I tried to use their “save report as pdf” link, I was redirected to a notice explaining that the pdf feature has been disabled due to a high amount of traffic. Mmmm.
Dr John Campbell talks about the latest omicron “emergency” in Once Great Britain.
He also notes that the UK PM forgot to remind people to take Vit D and zinc.
Yes, but as usual he also is very pro-vaccination. UK modelling says 24,700 to 74,900 deaths due to the new variant. It will be interesting to see how accurate those figure will be. He has some doubt about the accuracy but still likes to follow the advice of the UK government to get the booster shot because as he stated himself they have given evidence that it’s effective. Although he stated it’s a pity the government did not advise the people to take Vit D, etc. he also states the people have to abide to government laws and regulations, taking that to mean they should follow the advice of the UK government and get the booster shot. Not sure if hypocrite is too harsh a term for him as he often sounds like a reasonable guy.
I think he follows the government line to an extent because the Left don’t allow free and open discussion on scientific matters (or anything) and if he doesn’t show conformity with the scientific decrees of Big Government or Big Pharma his YouTube account will be closed and he will be unpersoned by the Left who control the social(ist) media.
He walks a fine line.
YT is not the only way to disseminate his information. He has produced videos explaining how booster shots are effective and they do work according to him. Yet he produces other videos to say the evidence is conflicting. Regardless, he often says that the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters do work and work effectively. That’s debatable, but the more important aspects are the risk factors, which he doesn’t discuss in detail. He made one comment that exposes him for what he really is. He said that it would be nice for the government to release the stats to show that the benefits of the vaccines outweigh the risks, so that there would be more concordance and agreement by the population to the vaccination program. see All in all, he is clearly a strong advocate of the vaccination program. There can be no doubt about that. If he isn’t then he’s a fake and a hypocrite, which I doubt is the case.
(Off topic but important.)
There is a suggestion that users of the drug sildenafil have a 69% less frequent occurrence of Alzheimer’s than non-users.
I checked and it’s off patent so expect resistance to further investigations.
Video with references in description:
That’s Viagra!
The ad they haven’t used
“Viagra – it won’t make you James Bond but it will make you Roger Moore”
The Lancet does it again :
They propose a trial using doses of vitamin D that are so low that there is almost no chance of there being any measurable benefit . They will then report that “ No , Vitamin D doesn’t work against Covid 19 “ .
Set up to fail from the start .
Here is more useful info From Dr John Campbell :
Another good talk from the DR .
A doctor in Israel started telling his patients to take vitamin D . After that there was zero number of his patients admitted to hospital . Note the doses he suggests .
Seems like a pandemic of lack of vitamin D .
Yes. Set up to fail. They are only proposing 400-1000IU per day. Most covid prophylaxis regimes recommend 3000 or more along with zinc etc..
Question about British English.
Does “with” in the above context mean “present but not causative” as it does in American English? In American English causative would be “of”.
Just trying to sort out propaganda. . .
My take is that the cause of death on the death certificate would not state omigod scariant as a cause.
But I’m a wee bit biased.
In Calgary Alberta we had a terrible example of what the hospitals do when a 14 died from his brain cancer and the family found out it was classified as covid … they went ballistic and the death certificate was changed but just how much of this is going on …. too much by my reckoning.
Cheers folks and especially our host for providing this fine website.
Two Common Over-the-Counter Compounds Reduce COVID-19 Virus Replication by 99% in Early Testing
A pair of over-the-counter compounds has been found in preliminary tests to inhibit the virus that causes COVID-19, University of Florida Health researchers have found.
The combination includes diphenhydramine, an antihistamine used for allergy symptoms. When paired with lactoferrin, a protein found in cow and human milk, the compounds were found to hinder the SARS-CoV-2 virus during tests in monkey cells and human lung cells.
Source paper from University of Florida:
Figure 8. Combinations of diphenhydramine and lactoferrin exhibit synergy against SARS-CoV-2.
When combined, they inhibited 99.97% of N-protein RNA copies, a 3-log reduction that was highly significant. These data demonstrate that combinations of two over-the-counter compounds, with well characterized safety profiles, have synergistic effects on inhibition of SARS-CoV-2.
From the last paragraph of the discussions/conclusions of the actual paper:
“The antiviral enhancement effects of lactoferrin were more apparent at lower, therapeutically relevant concentrations of diphenhydramine.”
(Bolding mine)
That certainly implies that they were not using cytotoxic levels of the combination to get the positive results.
From what I can find, the recommended maximum dose of diphenhydramine ( Benadryl) is < 300 mg / day for a 70 Kg human. LD50 oral, human 10.1 mg/kg (707 mg for a 70 kg person / day). The UF paper is speaking of 100 mg/day for a 70 Kg human, for 2 days.
Lactoferrin is pretty benign. mouse acute oral LD50 of recombinant human lactoferrin was greater than 20 000 mg/kg. 90 days feeding test indicated that there was no-observedadverse-effect-level after givening 300 times rh LF recommended dose of animals body weight. The UF paper is speaking of 2000 mg/day for 2 days for a 70 kg person.
Antiviral properties of lactoferrin–a natural immunity molecule
article on Lactoferrin:
Interesting that anti histamine involved in the anti viral effect. This confirms the practical experience of South African doctor Dr. Shankara Chetty who administered anti histamines & did not lose a patient in many thousands of patients.
I also recall an aged care centre in Spain which lacked medications to administer withe the exception of anti histamines. They, too, did not lose any of their very exposed patients,
Jo’s own words
Which supports those of us who have long argued that for the vast majority of the population, CoViD is mild and probably not noticeable, even with variants prior to the Omicron variant.
Omicron seems to be breaking through the resistance of those previously infected as well as the vaccinated, anyway.
Let’s end the fear messaging and look forward to the coming endemic.
This maybe a bit late but the following image shows the stark difference in Ivermectin and non Ivermectin use.
Maybe make it a prominent article.
Climate Heretic
That’s been mentioned and discussed MANY times already including in one of Jo’s threads on ivermectin as well as comments.
APOC countries have noticeably lower CoViD infection and mortality rates despite the anti-parasitic measure being a single annual dose (12mg from memory)
Yep I live like a hermit, so yes I can avoid it.
One of my kids has the virus now… a slight cough, that’s it. We’re not isolating from the child, we prefer to get the virus and get over it. So far, no one else has any symptoms (although the other kid had complained about having a headache yesterday, we told them to drink more water… they’re likely just dehydrated… moving from the cool SF Bay Area to warm southeast Texas, we have to learn to increase our fluid intake accordingly)… likely because we all had the original Alpha variant, and are immune.