So imagine you live in a house with six people and you elect one of them to do a deal with the chemist to supply the whole house drugs. When you get back from Hardware Mart, he’s done the deal, but you can’t see the contract, or the trial data, you don’t know what it costs, or how long it lasts, but the money will be auto-drawn in unmarked tranches until such time as it is not. Then you find out you have to take the drug, or you won’t be allowed in the kitchen.
It’s a crime in the house, but ok for a nation?
There have been several allegedly leaked contracts with Pfizer, one from Albania, and others from Brazil and South America. They all make extraordinary claims, they can’t be backed up. They might all be fakes but here’s the thing, we don’t know they’re fake because we can’t see the real thing.
Is Pfizer the bully that asked Argentina to accept all liability on its behalf and put its bank reserves, military bases and embassies at stake as collateral? “That the rules of the land don’t apply”. That the government may not discuss anything to do with the contract or Pfizer without asking permission from Pfizer.
Who can tell?
“It’s a private company muzzling a government”
Why the secrecy?
Try to imagine what possible benefit accrues to the whole house from signing deals on their behalf that most inhabitants can’t see? Perhaps the crooks, I mean chemists, sold it to their guy “real cheap” and it was cheaper than all the neighbors, so the chemist doesn’t want the other houses to know they paid more. If you’ll believe that…
We don’t know if the PM or President signed away Fort Knox, or London Bridge, or their own right to discuss problems with the vaccines or if they paid twice the price, agreed to nobble competitors, or let Pfizer steal intellectual property.
Apparently, in terror, all our democratically elected leaders signed away the ranch, our ranch, perhaps dreading headlines like “Thousands Dead because PM used home made Vax.”
Public Citizen has the full details (as far as anyone can tell)
1. Pfizer Reserves the Right to Silence Governments
…neither Pfizer nor the U.S. government can make “any public announcement concerning the existence, subject matter or terms of this Agreement, the transactions contemplated by it, or the relationship between the Pfizer and the Government hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other.”[28]e Governments.
4. Private Arbitrators, not Public Courts, Decide Disputes in
What happens if the United Kingdom cannot resolve a contractual dispute with Pfizer? A secret panel of three private arbitrators—not a U.K court—is empowered under the contract to make the final decision.[41] The arbitration is conducted under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Both parties are required to keep everything secret
5. Pfizer Can Go After State Assets.
Pfizer required Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Peru to waive sovereign immunity.[50] In the case of Brazil, Chile and Colombia, for example, the government “expressly and irrevocably waives any right of immunity which either it or its assets may have or acquire in the future” to enforce any arbitration award (emphasis added).[51] For Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic, this includes “immunity against precautionary seizure of any of its assets.”[52]
Everything about what it means to be a democracy, and what Rule of Law means, and the whole Magna Carta deal has apparently ended?
Pfizer seem to have won the battle of the vaccines by hook or crook, many governments are not ordering any other brand. If all the Pfizer critics are correct they are indeed a hostile entity.
Pzizer is a company, and like any company it can be shut down.
So hypothetically, a govt indebts itself to a company that requires the govts citizens to do a certain thing. But should those citizens not do it, the govt will be in default. So the govt unleashes the full weight of the State upon the citizens to ensure compliance if a bad and secret deal.
OK 2 things – 1st – stupidity on behalf of a govt to get itself caught up in a bad secret deal is not We The People’s problem.
2nd – A corporation can be bankrupted and shutdown.
Either way, its not We The People’s problem……..
Right. So “We the people” have not been impacted.
Glad that is sorted out…
Well, when the head of the FDA (2018/19) sits on your board you should have the inside running.
It sound like Mr. Putin’s demands. Do as I say, or else ..
If my Tax return fails or refuses to account for all of my income then I could suffer considerable fines.
How transparent are Pfizers business dealings here: does it pay tax, or is it somehow exempt because it’s an “emergency”?
From lockdown sceptics comes this thorough study of yellow card adverse events due to the vaccine. This includes those arising in Australia
Yes. Methinks you can’t do this. Is anybody silly enough to try?
Maybe. But if it is so, it should come unstuck.
When somebody explains to my satisfaction why the Hole in the Ozone Layer is at the South Pole when 90% of the people supposedly causing it live in the North it’ll be easier to accept.
Different scene. Same story.
This all will one day be seen as the greatest scandal of all time.
The path to that realization will be catastrophic.
Those that should have known better will pretend they didn’t.
The serfs will have to pretend to believe them.
Covid Nuremberg will happen.
All the Collaborators will face trial.
Absolutely right, just last year governments and the MSM promised that once we were vaccinated, masks and social distancing would cease and normalcy would return. As a result people rushed to be vaccinated, and then governments carried on like they never said it.
No one has been held them accountable for this outrageous lie.
Another thing down the forgotten hole. (Thanks, MSM).
“Breakthrough infection” became “We always said if doesn’t stop infection, but lessens the symptoms”.
And why was the alternative (viral vector) vaccine (manufactured here by CSL) discontinued just before boosters became the next big thing?
And why has a local company ( Vaxine Pty Ltd ) been totally ignored until recently, with its locally developed Covax-19 protein based vaccine ? They went as far afield as Iran to get it approved and run large trials. To date, some 2 million doeses have been used with no nasty side effects.
Attempts to get it approved here have been blocked at every turn, but things are proceeding…slowly.
The developer ( Prof Nikolai Petrosky ) injected himself with his vaccine around a year ago, but this was not good enough for the political collective and he was sacked from his position with Flinders University for refusing the Fizzer clot cocktail.
Go here for some backgound..
The whole thing stinks to high heaven and further proves our political idiots in charge panicked and signed the bloody country away to big Pharma !
Greg Hunt has some explaining to do.
The puppetmaster’s strings are long and well connected …
Greg Hunt: Director of Strategy at the World Economic Forum, Geneva from 2000 to 2001
What chance Greg is against “The Great Reset”?
I am registered for the Vaxine trial, if it ever happens. How do we start an e-petition to get Greg Hunt to explain why the TGA are blocking an Australian vaccine that by all accounts works. CSL could make it.
I suspect I know the answer MONEY.
The PM should hang his head in shame.
“The PM should hang his head in shame.”
My second big disappoint in life, after realizing that Santa Clause, Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy weren’t real, is Scott Morrisons Prime Ministership. Totally uninspiring.
Then I look at all possible alternatives for this position and worry like hell for the future of my grand children.
Poor bugger my country, well and truely.
We are betrayed by those we thought might represent us, sold out by scum living lives isolated from any ill-effects of their crimes and treason. The ‘Lucky Country’ has been (& is being) asset-stripped by people who suffer zero consequence and have not missed a single payday while they locked us up.
We need to all start referring to the situation as ‘LockUp’ not their newspeak version of ‘lockdown’ – we’d get a better reaction from the public if they realised they are being locked up while the so-called ‘elite’ swana round disobeying the rules they insist we live under.
“Asset stripped” is a good description of the situation.
The most recent implication is the lack of availability of gas for local consumption, and when it’s available it ain’t cheap.
It’s Australia’s oil and gas, but “somebody” arranged to sell it cheaply to an overseas country which needs it more than us.
While we weren’t looking somebody also sold off lots of our water; apparently the local farmers didn’t need it.
I would like full and thorough investigations into these contracts; are they legal, what payment arrangements were used. Dodgy doesn’t begin to describe it.
It’s time we made that “zero” into a hard figure.
KK, you know it costs well over $1 bill to make an LPG train. When the gas companies [the “somebody”] need finance the financiers [NOT Aus. banks] need watertight contracts with reliable buyers.
Australians would NOT have been banned from tendering, they chose not to. Somehow, now, they DEMAND access.
I may be wrong but I doubt there is an LPG receiving terminal in the populous south so how do they take delivery? They could build a pipeline, of course, but they must actually tender for the gas first.
If you want to win the lottery, first buy a ticket.
Apparently Dr Robert Malone, who claims to be basically the inventor of the mRNA vaccine and has been critical of its use on Children in particular, is also double jabbed, so I assume he deems it ‘Safe and Effective’ for adults! I will hang on as long as I can in the hope that common sense will prevail before making my final decision on whether to take the jab, The mandates are beginning to make living a normalish life quite difficult, although with my seemingly Inate immunity to almost everything, I have no concerns about the virus itself.
The Pfizer vaccine was developed by a German company BioNTech. Pfizer got the approvals and does the marketing. I think the actual mRNA vaccine was invented by a Hungarian lady who works for BioNTech but before that did research in USA
Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the mRNA delivery system, but not these rushed experimental shots.
He hoped the technology could be used for tailored delivery of cancer treatments to individual patients.
He is well aware of the danger of mass use of a non-sterilizing inoculation in the middle of a pandemic, and his warnings have come true.
He was right, and those trying to censor him were wrong beyond measure.
From Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BioNTech), “In 2009, the acquisition of EUFETS and JPT Peptide Technologies took place.[16][17] Katalin Karikó, whose work on mRNA whilst working at the University of Pennsylvania underpinned the development of Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine,[18] joined BioNTech as a senior vice president in 2013.[19]”. The Hingarian Dr Katalin Kariko is the inventor of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Dr Özlem Türeci is the chief Medical Officer.
I looked up this in May this year when I saw the label on vaccine bottles. I bought some shares for my superfund. These have more than doubled.
BioNtech is a decent company with research on cancer treatment. ……
[edit for libel/defamation avoidance- LVA]
2009: American Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement In Its History
Pfizer to pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing
>> They sound like nice, trustworthy people.
The government still has the upper hand in Australia.
If anything in the contract is found to be wrong to a serious degree the contract may be abrogated.
The Commonwealth can nullify any contract, even with itself to a third party such as Pfizer.
Pfizer could still appeal the decision, to the High Court.
If anything happens with this vaccine, which Pfizer either knew or should have known, that was not disclosed, there won’t be any statute of limitations.
It would become a criminal case.
Board members no longer can ‘hide behind the corporate veil’.
>“It’s a private company muzzling a government”
I see the word “evil” being used in comment threads and it’s a succinct description I think. But there is hope:
So yes – Hello Mr Pfizer, techno-fascist robber baron of the corporate principality.
Also, in other news…
‘MEDICAL FASCISM: FDA conspiring with USPS to block shipments of lifesaving ivermectin’
Evil ?
>”I see the word “evil” being used in comment threads and it’s a succinct description I think”
And elsewhere – Joe Hoft:
Word of the Year 2021 at Mirriam Webster is “vaccine”. I’m going with “evil”.
Given they spent MONTHS accusing Trump of greatly OVER-reacting and other derogatory things, I wonder how extreme they thought he SHOULD have been?
Given the Dems are implementing many of the things Trump set up or got working, perhaps they should add themselves to the document?
Yes, a great deal of what’s happening involves the money, and the drug barons are certainly cleaning up.
But I do not believe this is only a story of “Big Pharma is destroying the world.”
The injectables industry is merely the mechanism by which the even darker and more powerful money men who now wish to re-shape the human world are getting the job done.
Big Pharma is merely a tool of the Re-setters.
Yes, the exclusive promotion of quackzines and the banning of therapeutics was just the mechanism for achieving quackzine passports.
Just look at the UK. Once again trying to introduce quackzine passports and eliminate any recognition of natural immunity from prior exposure.
The passport system remains operational in Australia. It’s use may be temporarily suspended in NSW, but the filth weasels are just itching to reactivate.
But their plandemic is not going to plan. The majority of the world’s population remains unjabbed, and the failure of the quackzines is becoming increasingly impossible to hide.
Scott Morrison tries to blame the states for Australia’s disastrous response to the pandemic, but it won’t work.
The federal government is responsible for:
1. Signing usurious contracts with big pharmaceutical.
2. The TGA banning proven therapeutics.
3. The TGA not supporting Australia vaccine development and therapeutic research.
4. Failure to police state breaches/violations of:
– Australia Constitution.
– Australian code of practice for inoculation against infectious diseases.
– Nuremberg Code.
(These are all federal issues)
5. Establishment of national immunization database and allowing state governments to use it for vaccine mandates and vaccine passports to commit the breaches/violations listed above.
Morrison is guilty on all five counts.
Well put.
GHunt, Scomo and the State Premiers are all in this together; and we are paying for it.
Not only are they all in it together as some of us have been saying for a long time now, so are a lot of the people for not refusing to comply with their draconian demands. The only conclusion is our political “masters” along with a large proportion of the population like the idea of giving full power and control to “our” government. So eventually, we will end up “living” under a dictatorship not much unlike that of the worst tyrannical governments the world had the great misfortune to endure throughout history; and we are already being told we will own nothing and be happy. So, who will own everything? The super rich elite along with their tyrannical government puppets of course. That’s only fair, right? WRONG!
It will get worse Konrad, there is a real danger the ALP will be elected which would be a disaster. If you imagine someone like Chris Bowen running health and all the left wing bureaucrats feeding him rubbish which he would have no hope of understanding. It will end badly.
As the Great Sir Joh used to say “ if the answer is Labor it must have been a very silly question”
If the ALP do end up being elected, it’s only because the LNP failed and deserve to loose. Don’t you get it yet? It’s no point saying the lesser of the two evils, etc…. The reality is the lesser of two evils is no better than the worse of the two evils as the end result is still the same given enough time.
…deserve to lose…
Ian raised a fair point. Would independent balance of power in the Senate give some protection?
PeterS — We all know the duopoly is a problem. What are you doing to solve it?
Well, we know for certain what the solution is not; voting for the majors. It’s not rocket science Jo. We need to give them a message, by peaceful means at the ballot box. Do you have a better way?
Just to clarify, what I am saying is for us to have any hope of stopping this madness we must act accordingly at the ballot box as it is the only vehicle by which our efforts are materialised. Talking about it is not enough. We need to inform people that the only peaceful means by which we can stop the train wreck from occurring is to prevent either major party from gaining complete power. It might not work but it sure is worth a try. What’s your solution? Keep voting for the same old parties, state and federal? We already know that’s not working. Anyone who still thinks that will work is a fool. Violence? Well, it might come to that but I much rather avoid it if we can. Don’t you?
PeterS: “We need to give them a message, by peaceful means at the ballot box.”
Talking about it is not enough.
“We need to inform people …”
So you are just saying the obvious but doing nothing yourself then?
My question again: “What are you doing to solve it?”
Or are you hoping that someone else will run for government, or figure out which party or players are useful, raise the funds, run a campaign, talk to neighbors, put letters in letter boxes, write to newspapers, phone up radio stations, run forums and blogs…
People who lecture other commenters “Don’t you get it yet?” should expect to get asked questions to match their tone. Ian’s point deserves a more constructive conversation.
I am telling people not to vote for the major parties. What else can I do?
You can start by talking sense. You think we should vote for Zali Steggall types?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It is limp wristed “conservatives” who elect labor governments. After the Rudd/Gillard debacle I took the pledge.
Ever met a lefty who voted liberal “to teach his party a lesson”? Me neither.
I could never vote for the majors given what both have done to destroy this once great nation. I’ll give my support to UAP, ON and LD.
I joined the Liberal Democrats. I’ve put myself forward as a candidate ( not approved yet). I think it’s critical that the amorphous blob which is the duopoly that is the major party conglomerate needs to be tethered by a crossbench of sceptics. In NSW we have John Ruddick, Qld Campbell Newman and Victoria David Limbrick as a real chance .UAP obviously have a big chance with Craig Kelly and One Nation is still big in Queensland.The minor parties are definitely seeing the next election as a great opportunity and it will be crucial that the mass of votes that will inevitably leave the Libs for these parties must not find their way back to Labor.
The failure of either major party to embrace Nuclear as a solution to the climate change non problem has given a real opening for minor parties. The general response to the subs contract shows that nuclear is seen as a real solution across the whole spectrum of voters
And because of groups like climate 200 group climate may again be the Achilles heel of both major parties keeping it front and centre of the campaign.
Anyway keeping my fingers crossed that we get a cross bench of sceptics. What people don’t realise when you have a hung parliament the cross bench become more important than even the prime minister. Look what’s happened when Rob Oakshott and his mate determined whether Libs or Labor were in power which meant that the greens basically ran the show.
Good for you Zig. Keep us informed.
If you happen to be in my electorate I would vote for you. How anyone would vote for the majors is beyond any sound reasoning.
So you would vote for someone whom you know only as Zigmaster, no idea of anything about the person, views or policies. You are the reason we get into these situations, Uninformed voters.
Good work Zigmaster!
Can the minor parties work together to get elected?
Lib Dems, UAP, One Nation, Australia First, Australia One, Katter etc.
Mr. MP: Under the name “zigmaster”, there is text. It states political views, did you read it? ‘Cause it looks like you did but wanted to pretend otherwise. Why?
paul courtney, Still know nothing of the person. Lets build Nuclear to fix a non problem is not a solution
Campbell Newman, wasn’t he the one who wanted to sell all QLD’s assets to private corporations? Sold the Klem 7 tunnel for $600 million after spending $3 billion to build it.
Clive palmer is bent. “Finally, we would like to thank Prof. Clive Palmer for his continuous support to the Club de Madrid, and in this case, for generously sponsoring this gathering”. http://www.clubmadrid.org/building-a-more-resilient-pacific-in-the-21st-century-world-order/ The Club of Madrid is an off chute of the globalist, Club of Rome, and yes in this list of members, that is Bill Clinton, http://summit.clubmadrid.org/info/members-of-the-club-de-madrid.html
Though I am not sure of Kelly, there is a flavour of birds of a feather in the UAP.
After finishing high school Kelly worked for his parents as a furniture salesman[14] and “export manager” at their furniture business DV Kelly Pty Ltd. The firm imported Asian furniture and onsold it to retailers like Harvey Norman, but financial troubles resulted in the Australian Taxation Office issuing wind-up orders in 2012, leaving creditors and employees owed over $4 million. The administrator’s report suggested that Kelly may have been a de facto director of the company and thus be liable to be pursued for trading while insolvent. He stated that this was a “completely baseless allegation”, and had previously stated in his maiden speech to parliament that he stopped working for the company in 2009 in order to run for parliament.
And Clives QLD Nickel is so similar.
There are some good points in this vid https://youtu.be/O-aXvVtEQas Craig Kelly let his web site expire and be overtaken https://craigkellymp.com/ can’t run a website, lets give him the country.
If that’s all the information you require to cast your ballot, 8 sentences of opinion, we are in for a rough ride.
Not since 1975.
An “independent” Senate has been a labor voting senate since.
It will make no difference. Totalitarians like totalitarianism, regardless of whether they are Labor or Lib, “left” or “right”.
So true yet so many still vote for the majors. Stupid is as stupid does.
I think it’s got to the point here in Aus that it matters not who we Plebs vote for, the fix is in as with the US election, the ‘Swamp’ will still call the shots!
Although I would never contemplate taking my own life, I have reached the conclusion that I have lived through the best of times and what’s ahead will feel like Purgatory by comparison.
Enjoy your next labor government!!!!
Why would I? I would never vote for them.
Then vote AGAINST them. No ifs, no buts, no phony independents, no dodgy single issue parties.
That’s exactly what I will be doing, no ifs, no buts, no phony independents, no dodgy single issue parties (and no stale, useless, economic and social destroying parties like the LNP and ALP). People like you are exactly the reason why we are in the current mess because they keep voting for one of the major parties and giving them full power expecting a change for the better but only getting worse and worse. That’s one definition of insanity. That will lead directly to the crash and burn scenario, which we can avoid if enough people send a clear message to the major parties. They are no longer representing the interests of the people. They have lost their respective plots. They are becoming nation destroyers. We must turn things around before it’s too late. If we don’t then we will only have ourselves to blame for allowing the mess to get worse and worse until it’s too late. A vote for LNP or ALP is a vote for more of the same, state and federal. That’s not logical. It’s insanity.
I like your list, Konrad.
Any prospect of charges being laid against Brad Hazzard or Kerry Chant, too?
Shouldn’t they have done a better job of monitoring the jabzine rollout? … that is, having an honest look for adverse events and long-term safety issues.
Have they ever contacted Pfizzer for the latest results on long-term safety?
Since they had no info upfront from Pfizzer, why haven’t they done their own Cohort studies?
Except, instead of looking at “Vaccination Status”, a now-corrupted term in my view, they should’ve classified people by their Injection Status.
Did they sign off on that “No Effective Dose” crap so you can hide adverse events after the first injection? — a blatant attempt to make the jabs look safe.
I find it difficult to believe that so many leaders of the so called free world could all be capable of such evil, and think they will get away with it! I prefer to think they have all been personally threatened by ‘The Swamp’ to do as they are told or suffer life changing consequences, and in return for their obedience they and their families will be protected and well renumerated.
Bodge. Think of the fear one global powerful company could do when it removes all open discussion and open competition. It isolated every leader, held them to ransom effectively, and they were faced with potentially the deaths of thousands and advised by committees that Big Pharma had already captured.
I kinda remember a cluster of unexplained deaths in 5 middle aged leaders of countries in Central America/Africa all of whom had a common disdain for the FauXinnation program… which hints at the dark side
Why the secrecy indeed. Many of us knew for a long time, some of us ever since the pandemic started, that it’s all a scam. Hence the secrecy.
Except it isn’t all a scam. The bioweapon is real. GOF research is real. The Ro, hospitalization and record low blood oxygen levels were also real, and we needed a solution. The bioweapon threat is still real. There are three major vested interests at work competing with each other — the CCP, Big Pharma and Big Bureaucrats. There may be four — Big Bankers too. Then there are a few Big Billionaires.
The overly simplistic “it’s all a scam” isn’t going to solve anything.
What we need is discipline, accuracy, bravery.
Mankind will not solve it – only keep making it worse and worse until it’s all kaput! Follow Jesus. It’s the only real solution.
Welcome to the dark ages.
I like Christians but I sure ain’t following any without more to recommend them.
Then follow the devil and see how far you go.
How about, stop following and start leading, at least by example.
I like to humour myself.
As I said I follow Jesus. He is my Saviour. He has done all the work to save people who will follow Him. It’s sad you and others are not taking it seriously but that is to be expected. He is only after those who love Him and will follow Him no matter what.
Yep following.
What’s worse, seeing what’s going on and doing nothing, or not seeing what’s going on and doing nothing.
Read Robert Kennedy Jnr’s book, on Fauci. I’m only about a quarter of the way through but a lot of my questions have already been answered.
If the US had a proper, non political justice system and judiciary they would be extremely busy at the moment.
But also as Dr Ben Carson said in recent days …if we took politics out of the situation the pandemic would be over very quickly.
We already knew their justice system was broken when the SCOTUS repeatedly refused to look into the various serious complaints about how the US election was conducted and allowed Biden to become POTUS through illegal means.
It’s a pandemic of politricks.
The week before Christmas – last Friday – the Ministry of un-Health declared NZ’s first childhood death from/of/with SARS-CoV-2: a 10-year-old Maori boy died in hospital, and as part of their post-mortem procedures, the hospital discovered he was ‘positive’.
Reading between the (very sparse) lines, he’d been admitted for something else – presumably he was asymptomatic – yet once he sadly passed away, bingo! He died of the plague, parents, so get your children whacked NWO! Oops 🙂 NOW!
And this from Tedros a few days ago…
So if everyone gets the vaccine then all our troubles will be over red rover.
Its all about inequity.
I don’t for one femto second believe him.
The last time I heard about quadrillion being bandied about was with Zimbabwean money.
Likely he’s only saying it to help obscure the current antics of his Tigray buddies.
A study from the UK suggests the surge in omicron cases could be due to hugely increased testing and that it may possibly be peaking already, although too early to say that with certainty.
The experts had been predicting cases would be well into six figures today in the UK but it has fallen slightly
Not so Tony. Test positivity hasn’t fallen as testing was increased, so the increase in cases is real. Dailysceptic is wrong.
UK Test positivity has been 4% since July.
Cases really have surged and that might not be a bad thing. We hope of course that Omicron is both very nice and if so, hugely infectious. But with only a few days of massively increased cases, we still have a few weeks before we find out if hospitalization or deaths in a Vitamin D deficient unfit older population will stay low, and we have a few months to wait to see if there are any long term side effects like blood clotting, coronary inflammation, effects on immunity, mitochondrial damage, autoimmunity etc (not that anyone will wait for that).
And Australian cases might play out differently again. The population here might have more Vitamin D, but has barely any natural protection compared to the UK and S.Africa.
Everyone just wants to hear it’s over, I know. Don’t shoot me OK?
As Boris scared every one stiff about the new variant, so the number of tests rose considerably-tests are free. the delta infection was still predominant after being very steady in case numbers for some days, so the very large increase in cases came from more testing for Delta not omicrom and was due to far more tests. As people have to self isolate for 7 days the number of tests will presumably now reduce as no one wants to have to self isolate for Christmas.
Presumably by that time the more infectious variant will start to show up in the number of cases. We have yet to see it appear in hospitals/deaths as yet.
I repeat, test positivity stayed the same. Dailysceptic is wrong.
For comparison, positivity rose in South Africa by an awesome amount, from 3% up to 30%.
It may be leveling off?
Why fight the data? I take the massive rapid spread with cautious optimism. It means Omicron really is a different kind of disease, and probably more upper respiratory tract than lower. Lets hope word about Vitamin D somehow spread in the UK despite Boris and the bureaucrats being criminally negligent in hiding it. I’m very interested in the hospital stats, shame we have to wait. Faster asymptomatic spread doesn’t guarantee it’ll be good a week from now, but it’s probably a good sign.
The question is…how many of these “cases” are asymptomatic?
What proportion are just positive pcr tests?
Mandating “for job security” an injection of an experimental medicine, then mandate injecting a further two ‘boosters’ made from the same ingredients because the first jab didn’t work is bureaucratic insanity.
I can’t decide whether to get the first two jabs that don’t work, or just skip straight to the booster, which doesn’t work.
>> And what about the jab side effects …
A mental illness first documented in 2020, and exacerbated in 2021.
It’s main symptoms are a severe irrational fear of a mild disease, an unstoppable urge to tell other people what to do, and a complete loss of rational thinking capabilities.
No cure available.
It’s a brilliant business model isn’t it? Produce a rubbish product and when it doesn’t work, get your government mates to buy more and mandate that citizens keep using it.
It’s basically an extreme case of planned obsolescence. Imagine if you could make a light bulb that didn’t die or an i phone version 1 that had all the bells and whistles. The vaccines are just about the perfect business model especially as the pandemic has meant that the desperate users have waived all liability if it’s not quite perfected for a few versions. The fact that one of the side effects is that a few younger people die earlier than they should is really only a glitch when compared to the benefit of implementing such a lucrative business model.
Why stop at three injections? The plan will be at least yearly boosters or more likely twice yearly or less, e.g every 5 months.
Son-in-Law Moderna Booster Friday, fever reaction yesterday and today – RAT test negative.
OO – believe the Brisbane church case has been confirmed as omicron and have heard through grapevine that the family has tested negative. Another test is scheduled for 3-4 days before they are cleared. At this stage no one else has tested positive.
Best wishes for s-i-l recovery to normalcy. Cheers
Even the far Left “fact checker” sites such as Snopes or in-house fact checkers such as Their ABC (Australia) have not attempted to deny the apparent truth of these claims.
Indeed, the Leftist Washington Post reports about these claims and does not make any attempt to claim they are false either. [snipped on request]
Therefore, they are highly likely to be true as no Leftist would miss an opportunity to defend their beloved partners, Big Pharma and Big Government.
Since few governments are as committed to a limited approved range of covid treatments (being one of the few governments to ban HCQ and IVM etc.) as Australia (just as few governments are as committed to the anthropogenic global warming fraud as Australia’s is) it is highly likely that the Australian Government signed whatever contract was put in front of it, with absolutely no questions asked.
Sorry, URL was wrong.
It was meant to be: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/10/19/secret-vaccine-contracts-with-governments-pfizer-took-hard-line-push-profit-report-says/
youtube-dl output is
[youtube] LSi3DOhkq9E: Downloading webpage
ERROR: Private video
Sign in if you've been granted access to this video
Not seeing will have to be believing for now.
I posted the correct URL above.
Further proof if any were needed, that lockdowns don’t work
Yeah. Except when they do and I’m still living in a state which had short lockdowns which created a lot of freedom. Does Western Australia exist?
Can we please try to be accurate. It’s not a medical lockdown if the borders stay open, it’s some kind of sabotage, like extended in House arrest. What the UK did locking in 60 million people while keeping Heathrow running was a crime, and what NSW did locking in people for months while they banned quick safe treatments and forced everyone to take a medicine that needs five weeks to even work was evil.
Lockdowns with open borders is not a lockdown.
Lockdowns to enable forced vax is a crime.
WA is extremely remote. Most Countries are not especially those in Europe where better comparisons can be made.
It was very foolish to keep Heathrow open as an international hub. Lockdowns are country wide and intended to restrict movements, trade, freedoms. So they are very real and have a huge impact on people.
WA is remote, but China has (as far as we can tell) managed to keep the virus out most of the time and they have long land borders.
The UK is an island. It’s probably easier to drive through a dusty backroad to get into WA than to boat across the Channel. The UK could have easily mirrored WA and used short lockdowns, especially if they used ivermectin etc.
I grant you the UK has a much larger tourism industry and it would cost more. But if Boris lead the way in March last year, the rest of Europe would have followed, we could have set up big travel bubbles with all CovidZero countries and thumb our noses at President Xi, showing that we are too smart and disciplined to be threatened by the rest of his Bioweapon Cache. Instead we showed we are corrupt, captured and incompetent.
Just a couple of points there, Jo – 1. Nobody wants to cross into China.
2. Thousands of illegals find it quite easy to boat across the channel.
Molnupiravir – Sorry if it’s a bit long, but to read all on Trial Site, you have to subscribe. The full piece ends with a outcomes graph.
Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSite.
by Leo Goldstein
Merck’s newest Molnupiravir study (Bernal et al., NEJM), published in NEJM, contains fabricated data about coronavirus clearance (Appendix, Table S6). The rates of virus clearance from day 10 to 29 are too similar between the Molnupiravir and Placebo arms. The differences are too small compared with the large standard deviations. The standard deviations are too similar, too. This data manipulation shows that the virus clearance in the Molnupiravir arm was slower than in the placebo arm.
This is consistent with the analysis of earlier Merck’s Molnupiravir studies. Patients who started Molnupiravir earlier had worse outcomes than those who started treatment later – exactly the opposite of what one expects from an antiviral treatment. Part 2 of Phase 3 MOVe-OUT trial shows overall worse outcomes for Molnupiravir patients. Part 1 of that trial has serious integrity issues, and the placebo group’s death rates are much higher than ever found in similar population.
Earlier Molnupiravir studies that were reported to AMDAC had more shocking results. Molnupiravir not only created dangerous and rare mutations in SAR-COV-2 RNA, but also ensured that these mutations achieved a high frequency (>5%). Without Molnupiravir treatment, SARS-COV-2 viral load remains steady or decreases after symptom onset, even if the patient gets worse. The viral phase then continues for only a few days. Even a mutation that strongly benefits the virus cannot achieve a significant frequency at this time. For example, if a mutation increases the virus fitness by 5x, at a constant viral load, it will only grow 625x over four days (approximately four generations). Even if this mutation happens 10 times, it will appear in 5%, in two or more patients each. The only plausible explanation for this is that Molnupiravir extends the viral period and increases the viral replication during this period, in at least a substantial (~20%) fraction of patients.
Some of the mutations caused by Molnupiravir were very rare; so rare that they have not even been recorded in GISAID. One of them was G261I, which could only be created by a simultaneous change of the first two nucleotides in the codon.
Two of the most dangerous mutations also occurred in the treatment group: E484K – which eliminates the neutralizing activity of many antibodies, and P681H – which accelerates cleavage and cell entry. These two mutations took many months and millions of hosts to develop in nature but were generated and selected in only 5 days of Molnupiravir treatment.
The more we learn about Molnupiravir, the higher the global catastrophic threat can be seen. For individual patients, Molnupiravir will not only cause worse COVID-19 outcomes now, but also leukemia in the future. For the globe, Molnupiravir will breed disastrous variants, at alarming speeds.
Yet our inane government signed a contract to buy this dangerous mutagenic drug when they could have just started local production of cheap, effective Ivermectin.
Thanks Furiously+Curious. Does not sound good.
If Australia signed a highly restricted contract such as reported, and it is highly likely they did because virtually everyone in Australian Governments at all levels, federal, state and local are utterly devoid of critical thinking skills, the the following make sense.
-Banning or investigation of drugs such as HCQ, IVM and other off-patent anti-virals or other drugs.
-Large hurdles placed before developers of Australian covid vaccines such as Covax-19 and InGeneIC. In the case of participation on clinical trials for both vaccines you are regarded as unvaccinated. Thus you can’t work, trade, travel, participate in life etc. under Australia’s compulsory vaccine program.
There in no question that our governments are acting directly against our interests. The question is how far will they go? Only time will tell. For example, the climate change scam is being expanded. Natural gas is being banned in more and more places.
The largest city in the U.S. bans natural gas in new buildings
To be consistent and honest to the game plan being played agaisnt us on two fronts (CAGW and COVID-19 vaccination scams) PM Morrison should follow that edict but I doubt he will since he knows that will expose him for what he really is, a fake. He desires to continue the “con shows” as long as he can.
Looks like the grand plan is in play.Ping and Co own Pfizer?
Here’s a new Australian Medicare item for “the worlds safest vaccines”. Fact checked by me, not a joke.
Big Pharma is very pleased with Australia as we are one of the few countries where covid vaccination is compulsory (compulsory if you want to work, trade, travel, participate in life, etc.).
I find it difficult to understand why any government would sign such a straight-jacketing vaccine contract when there are so many highly effective alternatives.
Because it was their window to “vaccine” passports.
Therapeutics, natural immunity or real vaccines that don’t need endless government controlled boosters would undermine a vaxx passport system.
Thankfully the failure of the experimental shots to do anything to stop infection by or transmission of the new strains is putting the lie to the vaxx passport system the venal politicians craved.
Rick, fear and ignorance. Almost no global leader has training in medicine. They trust their advisors — even Trump did to some extent, though less than most — and if these claims about contracts are totally wrong, why aren’t they denied? Why are the contracts secret?
All these leaders are scared of being called “climate deniers”, can we imagine the terror in their hearts if they were called “anti-vax” and every death was being blamed on them for not arranging a deal with Pfizer when every other developed country on Earth had?
The capture of regulatory committees by Big Pharma has been extensive and operating for decades.
Trump was the prime mover in throwing money at big pharma to get the vaccines past the post before the elections. He remains a supporter of vaccinations.
And there are other choices apart from Pfizer. I have not seen any detail on what was signed over for the AstraZeneca vaccine for example. But I do appreciate the Pfizer position.
Fact is the vaccines provide the lowest cost protection against bad outcome. Some countries have achieved a high level of natural immunity but at a huge cost in human suffering and lives.
There has never been a comparable situation with vaccine production before. Of the vaccine producers, I believe Sinopharm is the only organisation that has the protection of their state by their majority ownership. All the others are privately owned and have a duty to shareholders and employees to ensure they remain financially viable. Providing jabs to billions of people inside a year presents a massive exposure. Any illness or death subsequent to the jab exposes any private vaccine producers to financial loss unless they are indemnified – their insurance companies would insist on that. They could spend billions in legal fees defending every claim. It would be naive of them to carry that exposure in the circumstances.
Maybe everyone should get the Sinopharm vaccine then they could chase China for any subsequent loss. Oh wait, they released Covid on the world and any compensation from China appears a lost cause. In fact it guarantees retribution. Maybe China believed they could offer the only vaccine in a timely way and every nation would pay a king’s ransom to get some.
The vaccines have achieved a dramatic reduction in case fatality rate. In highly vaccinated countries that still have relatively high case numbers, the fatality rate is now down to flu levels; an order of magnitude better than countries that have not got high vaccination leveL;
Just fear and ignorance? The old “Never ascribe to malice that which is more easily ascribed to incompetence”?
Sorry Jo, but not this time.
They fought like demons to force the mass use of a non-sterilizing inoculation in the middle of a pandemic, despite 70 years of clear warnings. Bamm! That’s it. There is no wriggle room. They were doing the wrong thing and they knew it.
They weren’t “following the science”, the ignored it. Their primary agenda clearly wasn’t public health and safety. Also, whatever their primary agenda, they were clearly prepared to compromise public health and safety to achieve it.
Scotty from marketing let the cat out of the bag when challenged on why the sale of rapid antigen tests was banned for over a year and a half. “We don’t want the government to lose control of testing” was the happy-clapper’s response.
“PLANDEMIC” is clealy correct in most part. The lab leak may well have been an accident, but evil people clearly had a recipe for lemonade ready to go when a truck of lemons from Wuhan lost its load.
Look at the massive protests in the UK today. Their vile politicians are trying to use Omicron as an excuse to restart their jab passport system while ending any recognition of natural immunity.
This is all about digital passports, where a parasite elite can turn a serf’s green tick into the yellow star of COVID at the tap of a keyboard.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Well put. Too bad we have so many who fall for all the lies form both major parties, which explains why we will keep losing more and more of our freedoms. A vote for LNP or ALP is a vote for tyranny, whey one likes it or not, and some do by the way, which makes it even more insane.
Graft, corruption, idealism, political egos who backed themselves into a corner and now see public suffering preferable to political ridicule……..
The ongoing long march thru education – particularly in the US – has produced a truly frightening outlook for the 21st century! The zealots have become entrenched in media, bureaucracy and politics; both elected and more concerning, unelected ‘advisers’.
The covid era, whether deliberate, or the perfect storm for utilisation by the ‘democratic anarchists’ and their opportunists in big tech, big corporations and now big pharma is exponentially destroying democracy and voters trust in the system. That is a win for the Marxists, because they can use corporations as useful idiots and skim the profits to seed their longterm agenda. With Alphabet – parent company of Google – owning at least 15% of Pfizer the incestuous relationship becomes obvious as to why the public is not informed on the true agenda!
An extremely troubling development, again whether by design or opportunity, is the character assassination of the world’s most renowned scientists, all with impeccable credentials and track records who not only have been deliberately sidelined from even minor contribution to research, advice and treatment, but have been actively discredited as disseminating disinformation and misinformation because they counseled a multi prong response, not just all eggs in the vaccine basket and let people die until that’s ready, because the public will jump at the solution!
Brilliant scientists like Peter McCullough, Ben Carson, Nikolai Petrovski, to name just a few have been actively sidelined. Why?
Two reasons. They represent the accepted, true verifiable science and education abhorred by the brainwashed woke Marxists who are hellbent on building their utopia without the input of the abhorrent system ‘of white privilege’ which is the root of all evil to their enlightened future.
Secondly, they are astute insiders and can see the obvious reasons that big pharma is the sole ‘defence’, mountains of visible and hidden cash to fund whatever the New World Order thinks is Build Back Better!
If you don’t fight for democracy, you lose it. That has become a very real, daily issue now for every individual who believes they STILL live in democracies.
Right now critical thinkers are the best defence to the casualties of the Woke Wars, but deprogramming the useful idiots who have been isolated, deprived of basic rights, offered a single carrot to freedom and now compliant to as many boosters as big pharma can continue to convince politicians that will help them maintain power is essential.
So well said Simon. Thank you. Exactly.
I agree, especially when SimonB said “If you don’t fight for democracy, you lose it”. I take that to mean to vote accordingly at the ballot box as the other alternative is violence and civil war, which I presume no one here is proposing that terrible solution. Yet you disprove of it when I say we should “fight” for democracy at the ballot box. Very odd. You must like picking on me for some strange reason.
Exactly Peter, the ballot box is the pinnacle of democracy, violence is the response of the unarmed individual! But if caught between elections, then massing in the streets is still the ideal visible counter to the propaganda. It’s easy to be sanctimonious and call resistance a small group of right wing conspiracy theorists, tin foil hat anti vaxxers or any other derogatory term the trashmedia believes you should think. The hundreds of thousands in the streets however can only be denied for so long, as can the flags of all nations and denominations.
I learned a long time ago that you learn nothing from talking. Critical thinking comes from curiosity of a subject. Knowing the other parts of a topic to your held belief strengthens your argument as useful idiots are by nature easily lead and need the headline and bullet points to ‘know’ what they are supposed to think. Therefore I chip away at the consensus by educating myself and then ASKING opposing views what, why, how, when? I’m not trying to convince them, I’m trying to get them to be proud of their belief, then you know the voting is as close to true believers as democracy needs to thrive. Too many swing votes means too many useful idiots.
I can live with people in democratic power of wildly different beliefs, because the election pendulum swings, but I can’t stomach shoulder shrugs from uninformed useful idiots.
My son said to me after Daniel Andrews got his modified supreme powers; ‘What a waste of effort, he got it anyway’. To which I replied, he DEFINITELY was going to get his whole way 2 weeks ago, but successive weeks of hundreds of thousands of multicultural but likeminded lovers of democracy DEFINITELY emboldened Somureyk to step up, break ranks and become useful for democracy.
Yes Andrews got his way, but diluted and as the continued peaceful protesting chanting ‘Sack Andrews’ shows definite can be defeated if you fight for what you believe.
Yes, so true. We a few here as well like that who joke about our democracy at the ballot box as though it’s not worth taking it seriously. So, we get the government we deserve. The buck really stops with the voters in our form of democracy, at least for now.
The Velvet Underground has started the non violent fightback today Peter. With constitutional officer Lyn Bennetts at the helm, today Police served Victorian public officers for the return of public utilities to the people. Tomorrow it will be the politicians, bureaucrats and governor served. Will the mainstream media report it? We’ll see, scaremongering is more their tool, not investigative journalism finding out what the constitutional opposition is to the out of control politicians blindly enacting a vague imitation of the actual constitutional requirements of their respective positions.
The Politicians need armed guards when out in public, they can no longer walk amongst us, maybe I see winning a different way to others.
This wall will not fall, it will be dismantled brick by brick. The same way it went up.
The “long march” is otherwise known as Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions” or in German “der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen”. Dutschke was the communist student activist that invented the concept in 1967. It was:
Yawn..how much longer before people wake up to this nonsense?
Kids don’t need this vaxx at all. It’s just a publicly acceptable front for the digital indoctrination of the next generation.
Even corrupt puppets like CNN above are turning.
Yes. Pfizer is now targeting the 2 to 4 year old market.
Not in my name.
But I thought private companies were supposed to be wonderful.
They are when allowed to operate in a free market and without subsidies and exemption from liability for their actions. No “crony capitalism”.
There is so much information available that the whole Wuflu event and just about everything that goes with it is as corrupt as a $3 note, that anyone who can’t see the inconsistencies, and the inescapable conclusion that conspiracy is afoot, is either;
1. part of the conspiracy
2. a complete and utter retard
3. has their hands over their eyes and ears saying Lalala… I can’t hear you!
One can’t really argue with that unless of course one is in category 1, 2, and/or 3. It also most certainly can be considered as a conspiracy in the true meaning of the word, namely a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. Certainly people like Fauci are on that list but I believe it goes far beyond him, up and down the ladder. The reality is it means it encompasses a lot of people who don’t know what they are doing is aiding and abetting such a conspiracy. It certainly includes all politicians in the mainstream parties whether they realise it or not, which goes to my next point. As I keep saying anyone who votes for the majors are equally part of category 1, 2 and/or 3. That sadly is the reality.
Or maybe with a more Christian attitude we would acknowledge that many people are hardwired to want and need to trust authority, and that the cold truth of being used by others purely for profit and power is not something they have the strength to see. The truth is somewhat chilling, even for we cynics, is it not?
We should be merciless on those that smugly lecture the skeptics with their religious faith in the state, but prepared to be forgiving of those blindsided by a fake education and a fake media.
People have a free will. They can choose at the ballot box to accept the way things are and let it get worse, or do something to provide the opportunity to change things. You propose we keep doing the former.
I don’t think that’s what Jo is saying.
I know it’s not what Jo’s saying but Peter can’t seem to read my words, only what he wants to read. Fergoodnesssake PeterS, please stop lecturing us and start being constructive.
Tossing out the “almost good” in search of perfection works every time, like 2007.
Beyond words.
On the implications of the Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment
One third of people are sheep. This is the KEY to modern society and how you’re being manipulated.
Social media, dating apps, the internet, it’s how 99% of communication is done, and the elite know it. Here’s how they use it to manipulate the direction of society.
– – – –
One potential upside I can see from the whole engineered covid & vax farce, is that by the sheep self-selecting themselves out of the geen pool (by taking the clot-shot) the average survivor may be somewhat less sheep-like.
From the MSM and flip-flop Fauci.
Double vacksd is not enough for Delta – need a booster.
The booster is now a 3rd vacks and you need it to be fully vacksd.
Moronic is not affected by being fully vacksd!
We must mandate everyone gets fully vacksd because ‘moronic’!
Moronic victims are virtually ALL fully vacksd! (and keep in mind we are only seeing the worst cases – moronic is so mild most will not even know they had it)
And that’s along with our old favs:
The variants are a disease of the unvacksd! (even though a virus does NOT mutate unless it is restricted from entry, which the unvacksd can’t do!)
The vackses work but the vacksd are in danger because the unvacksd could give them the virus!
And let’s not forget the hospitals being so overwhelmed that there were MANY videos showing empty wards – the hospital ships & emergency hospitals set up in various places were unused as evil bastards like Cuomo and other totalitarians locked those we KNEW would be vulnerable in with covid carriers.
And on that subject – overwhwelmed hospitals?
So why are they leaping at the chance to sack medical staff who supported us all during the past 2 years but now (clearly benefiting from a lot of practical exposure) refuse to line up for the genetic experiment?
Then there is the VERY clear evidence from the so-called ‘elite’ that they don’t need to follow the rules that we get locked up for even talking about infringing! Clearly THEY don’t feel any sense of imminent danger, even the obese oens!
The hospitals all over the world were “overwhelmed” but not so overwhelmed that all those overwhelmed and traumatised doctors and nurses couldn’t supply us with an endless stream of TikTok videos for our entertainment…
And yes, the military field hospital that President Trump set up in Central Park in NYC and the military hospital ship he supplied to NYC eventually packed up and went home unused.
June 3, 2020: 1,800 Healthcare Workers Who Have Died of COVID-19
What makes that believable, names?
Their about page has nothing about them.
Who funds them, because joining is free.
Highly awarded though, all 2020? built for purpose website it looks to me.
The links I checked go to a page with no kinks, but same stuff or…
Ceferino (anonymous), 61, Nurse, Hospital General Regional No.1, Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico (suicide)
Jermaine Wright, 45, Pharmacy, Senior Pharmacy Technician, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, England. This Jermain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jermaine_Wright no mention of his Senior pharmacy tech role in his Wiki page, pro footballer until 2011. Only articles on this tragedy is via an AP article, Associated Propaganda. https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-london-international-news-football-lifestyle-3f1a92ee25db39eebdd4a4b6843aa07a Does not fit with his wiki page either. Hundreds of competitive football players in northeast London remembered that after COVID-19 took the life of Jermaine Wright, a referee and driving force in their weekend league for more than 20 years.
You do not want to be in the medical profession with a name Anonymous!
Nah I will pass thanks.
I think that governments and Leftists all over the world are terrified that the Omoronic strain will be the end of the pandemic and thus no more excuses for totalitarian control.
Governments all around the world will be happy, no matter what their political persuasion, if this new strain can bring an end to the pandemic.
“Governments all around the world” maybe, but definitely not all members of those governments.
“Evil” was never part of my lexicon as it is today. When evil people have great wealth and power they are hard to control, impossible with your eyes shut.
You watch – if the vaxx-train is derailed it will be all aboard the “Climate Change” express.
Vaxx-passorts can easily transmute into energy passports.
“Sorry, you had an overseas trip three years ago – the atmosphere MUST be protected. Apply again in 2035.”
One way or another the potential enslavers of the human race will keep on trying to get us safely into the sheepcote where our fate will be determined by our keepers.
Well not the UK govt it seems.
UK Government admits that the vaccines have damaged the natural immune systems of the double jabbed.
The British government has spilled the beans about the fact that once you get double jabbed, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity against Covid variants – or possibly any virus.
So let’s watch the ‘real’ pandemic begin now!
(Errr…it already has!! Omicron is the cover for the VD (Vax Damage))
I don’t disbelieve that but I would appreciate critical commentary on this if someone thinks this has been misinterpreted.
The hype is suspicious. Apparently the evidence is on page 24 but I am not seeing it here?
Perhaps someone can connect the dots I am missing?
Though on Page 23 there is this:
I can’t see anything about “permanent” and I doubt that anyone would know that at this point. Unless there is damage to B and T cell development or something like that.
But they are admitting that vaccinated people are not developing as strong a response to the nucleocapsid of the virus. If people react to the spike first they may not need as much of a response to the rest of the virus. That may be a disdvantage for vaccinated people with new variants. But presumably updated vaccines will try to get around that. I’m surprised we are still using such out of date vaccines.
As covid evolves around the current vaccination program presumably people who don’t get new vaccines may develop a normal broad spectrum response after getting infected with future variants. I hope so.
It would be better if the National Review was more careful and accurate. It’s quite possible that the virus will mutate around natural immunity too, and with most coronaviruses humans don’t develop long term protection.
Amazing Governments can mandate the use by the individual of an experimental vaccine but they cannot mandate the manufacturer of the said vaccine…
The Achilles’s Heel of Pfizer is that they are a public company. What if the UK Government made a hostile takeover bid for Pfizer? If they succeeded, they would own their own contract, which they could cancel. . .
I wouldn’t trust Pfizer as far as I could kick them. I am certain they have bullied the Australian government in various ways to increase supply of Pfizer product and also to try to neutralise AstraZeneca vaccine as well. With only a population of 25 m, Australia has no negotiating power. It would simply be a case of some faceless Pfizer exec saying to the Australian government -” .. either take this product, sign this contract or we will ship off to a more populous country”. In other words FOMO has been applied. Also, I was highly suspicious when Kevin Rudd had been consulting with Pfizer execs regarding vaccine supply. It’s not unknown that pharmaceutical companies pay out big money to have influential people on side. Did KRuddy suddenly appear on the Pfizer payroll? We would never find out.
Good point. Bear in mind Pfizer provide a lot of essential drugs and said threat could include hinting that supply lines of other drugs may be in doubt for nations that don’t cheer, laud, and pray to Pfizer.
We don’t know that happened of course, pure speculation. But if Pfizer was playing good global citizen it wouldn’t need secret contracts.
May interest some here.
Very comprehensive report!
Pfizer and who’s army? I’d sign, I’ve got tanks. Pfizer hasn’t.
Pfizer should be careful. Piss a nation off too much (tick), and Pfizer might find themselves experiencing the Stalin Solution: “No Pfizer, no problem.” Aka arrest them all in surprise raids at 3am, then just shoot them in a field before dawn. Problem solved.
I used to think there could never be circumstances in which such methods would be morally justified. No longer.
Any person or group that abuses the Rule of Law so severely for their own advantage and murderous intent, has fundamentally misunderstood the nature of Law and the contract between a people and their government. Such a group deserves no further protection from any legal system.
The deeply evil behavior of Pfizer and other Pharma is the end result of allowing ‘corporate personhood.’ That has to be terminated too. For every action, there has to be an individual head risking separation from a neck.
Stateless persons will not be vaxxed because they can sue for damages
Here is how it works: In ALL the countries that are giving the pfizer and other MRNA shots, agreements were signed by those countries saying their citizens cannot sue the vax producers. But if you are a stateless refugee, you are not bound by any such agreements and CAN sue. So vax mandates are not being applied to refugees, because they have more protection than citizens of subverted countries that sold out.