A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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To kick thongs off, here’s an interesting article.
See also:
Galloping Credentialism, and,
The Dictatorship of the commentariat
as subjects for further research.
Boris holds his nerve and defies SAGE and the media in keeping England open despite rising omnicrom cases. It’s certainly not doubling every couple of days though. Sturgeon will not be pleased as she stops scots celebrating Hogmanay
When did it become de rigeur to refer to omicron as omnicron? our abc newsreaders lapse into that solecism from time to time…
Yikes, omnicrom indeed. Excuse my inattentiveness.
I’ve got some chromosomes if that’s any help?
it’s an omni-con?
The correct term is “Moronic”, as in “This moronic new scarient that arrived just as the fear of delta was waning”. The name comes from 0 microns, the amount of courage and integrity held by the politicians and health authorities. In case you don’t know your units and measures, a micron is a very very small amount indeed.
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from US Consulate at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.
Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points, well-known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.
Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coast cities uninhabitable.
I must apologise. I neglected to mention. This report was from November 2, 1922, as reported and published in The Washing Post 99 years ago. This must have been caused by the Model T Fords’ emissions, or possibly from horse and cattle flatulence. ToM
I read the first few paragraphs and was thinking who is hyping this stuff – then got to the last paragraph.
It appears there have been efforts to turn this into fake news so it is worth looking at original material. None was readily available but this link takes you to Steve Goddard’s story on Arctic weather in 1922 with the actual clippings:
I wrote a very long and detailed article on the arctic warming of 1920 onwards. It goes back to the scientific records and contains hundreds of references and science papers rather than newspaper clippings which are invariably and unfairly dismissed as ‘anecdotal’
Let us not forget the Titanic was sunk due to melting Arctic ice so the warming can be traced back to around 1908.
There was a similar but not so concentrated period of warming 100 years previously which I wrote about here
I’ve seen it before. Didn’t have a yellow background.
Thawing glaciers in Greenland are uncovering vegetation only 500 or so years old, even willow trees
Greenland must have been warmer during that time for plants to grow..
That would be the very tail end of the MWP as the world sank into the Little Ice Age..
… and it was warmer than now.
Further apologies, should have read Washington Post. ToM
And Amundsen sailed through the Northwest Passage in 1906. Claims he could have done it easily in 1903.
I have said this many times, but it bears repeating: the shutdown policies that have devastated the lives of our children and young people were not just a blunder, but a crime. Jan Crawford of CBS put it well this morning on Face the Nation:
FB is already working on the solution for the children who are suffering; Metaverse.
Anyone who really thinks it can’t get a lot worse, they better wake up before it’s too late.
What a pretentious fool. I couldn’t get past 2 minuten.
Just spent 2 very useful hours listening to today’s DarkHorse podcast (Bret Weinstein, with Gruff Davies and Linda Benskin) on the subject of Vitamin D as a preventative measure for Covid.
If you’ve ever thought that there probably isn’t crime at the bottom of all this, you will be disabused. Vit D is the answer, and you will be convinced at the end of this. This is the answer, not the jabs.
Good. Vit D and its properties is getting around.
It’s taking time but it’s good to see.
There are two problems with the Vit-D approach:
1. Vit-D is non-toxic and doesn’t kill its users from ‘rare’ side-effects
2. it doesn’t make Gazillions of $s for Pfizer … 😀
Because of those two problems, I can’t see it becoming popular. It’s just not scary enough.
I posted this a while back. Didn’t get many bites so casting out again.
From American Thinker: “When Does Covid Stop Being Covid”. A plausible theory on how Omicron ecolved from Delta and the common cold.
If it’s so well understood, why do so many insist “virus spike very bad, vax spike very good”?
Vax Passports: The Panzer Tank of the COVID-19 Blitzkrieg
The COVID-19 digital vax pass is the Panzer tank of the next wave of the global public health Blitzkrieg. If a person complies and gets their COVID-19 shots, they get a personal QR code. They can show this code on their smart phone to participate in society. This plan is being rolled out around the world and has spread from Israel to Europe to Australia, and now has been established in the most strategic U.S. cities including Washington D.C., New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Some people with a whole lot of power are now seizing a whole lot more power in the name of public health.
In Israel it has been used the longest. They call it the Green Pass, also translated as “Green Mark.”
There is an important guidance for COVID-19 vax passports that the World Health Organization published at the end of August 2021. The title of this guidance is Technical Specifications and Implementation Guidance on Digital Documentation of Covid-19 Certificates. This “Guidance” provides direction to countries as they issue digital COVID-19 vax passes, so that all these will meet common standards and potentially function together.
Guess who paid for the work? Under the acknowledgements, it says that the work was funded by Bill Gates’ foundation and four other funders.
Some of the things in the Guidance are pretty hard to believe — you have to read them for yourself.
“They call it the Green Pass, also translated as “Green Mark”
I suppose that might be better than having to wear a faded yellow star !
But is it really any different…. except the Israelis are doing it to themselves this time.
“In Israel it has been used the longest. They call it the Green Pass, also translated as “Green Mark.””
Very disturbing. As far back as I can remember, the phrase was “Never Forget”. Has Israel forgotten? Or do they somehow think it’s OK because they are doing it to themselves?
Someone born in 1945 would now be 77-78 years old. Maybe they are not a large enough voice nowadays. Although I read that the first (and second?) Jewish generation after WW II completely grew up in the shadow of what happened. They are the ones in charge now.
I am fully aware that this “Green Mark” is nothing compared to what happened in WW II if it reverses and stops soon. Will it reverse and stop soon?
By God I hope so. And not just Israel.
Very troubling.
“Green Mark”?
More like “Mark of the Beast”.
A few images to demonstrate that the situation that accelerated and deepened the Jetstream flows in both hemispheres, which emerged during late Nov 2019, persists to this day.
First, an image of the northern-hemisphere’s flow. This is an input observation, not a model forecast product. This occurred over Tokyo, on 26th Dec 2021. The northern-hemisphere’s locked zonal flow situation, is incredible enough on its own, but the current maximum flow speed is close to 400 km/h, which is about 30 km/h above what’s considered the range of maximum speed sub-tropical jetstream flows (200 kts = 370 km/h).
This occurred at 34,000 ft:
The situation that began to be noticed by me in Nov 2019 is on-going. Second, a much more amazing situation that is still taking place in the southern-hemisphere, the extraordinary summer flow speeds in the south-hemisphere at 34 k feet in the forecast shows the conditions in the southern hemisphere are nothing like what they should be.
The speed of the jets is entirely determined by the pressure gradient between subtropical cold-core Lows, and associated adjacent Highs. If the pressure gradient gets steeper, the mid troposphere between them gets constricted, like a putting a finger over a garden hose, and the fluid atmosphere must squeeze in between the now locked-location pressure systems, at a proportionately higher speed relative to the pressure gradient. And if they are constricted enough, they must also get both deeper (closer to the ground), and higher (move through the lower-most stratosphere, also).
And this is exactly what has been occurring. Something, since Nov 2019, caused the pressure gradients between the Highs and Lows to become very noticeably steeper (except almost no one noticed) so that the jets got much faster than they should have been. And they also became much more zonal in over all pattern, which has dominated in the NH since late Dec 2019 until now. Zonal flow is by far the dominant current mechanism in the Northern hemisphere’s jet flow. Some web sites have been claiming the exact opposite, and they are very obviously, demonstrably and completely incorrect about the basic observational facts of the current situation. It is up to them to catch up to the observations, at this point.
So, two years and three winters ago, this extraordinary locked north-hem zonal flow pattern emerged, which wraps 2/3rd of the way around the planet. And as this zonal flow emerged it also created a completely new equatorial jetstream flow, which was thought to be more or less mechanically impossible, prior to it happening anyway. The Earth does things we don’t know about or understand. This was one of them. The process turned an apparently fluid chaotic NH jet flow, into a highly ordered and structured plus very predictable locked fluid flow. It had never been that prior, as far as I know of.
Something Earth innately does has imposed a structure into a fluid flow, and the result is a NH locked jet flow, for the past three Winters, including this one—so far. And the Pacific equatorial jet always emerges with this Locked NH jetstream flow. because these are in fact one whole of global locked structure. They only emerge together, where we’re used to seeing no imposed globally locked structures in the jetstream flows, prior.
And below is shown the same location as the last image, but it shows the cause of this incredible acceleration of the current southern jetstream flow during the first month of a summer 2021-2022! This flow is still an incredible 274 km/h at 24,000 ft, during a summer season!
At this time of year, close to the approach to mid-Summer, in the southern hemisphere, the maximum jet flow speed should not exceed ~230 km/h (~215km/h is the normal maximum speed of the flow during the middle and late Summer period).
But this (forecast) jet flow is accelerated by the pressure gradient, to 352 km/h, by something which has greatly steepened the pressure gradient, sufficiently to make it as fast or even faster than most mid-winter jets! And as it turns out, the physical culprit that is causing this to occur, is the lower stratosphere started sinking into the upper, mid and lower-most troposphere, in larger quantities than it did during the warming and then ‘Hiatus’ periods.
This is what that looks like.
The pinkest air shown in the image is the lowest relative humidity level and it’s always associated with the steepest gradient, and therefore the fastest and deepest plus highest-energy jet flow. And the resulting fastest deepest jets always deliver a part of their enhanced energy to the surface level of the ocean, or the land.
So where is this imp-lied and observable extra energy coming from? It seems that it comes from the same force that’s imposing a clear structure onto a once chaotic atmospheric fluid-flow.
Here’s the same forecast jet-flow at 24,000 feet, still showing spectacular flow speeds for summer, which should not exceed ~230 km/h at 34 k ft, but here it is greatly exceeding that, even down to 24,000 feet.
And the associated in-falling ultra-dry %-relative-humidity, which is formerly stratospheric sinking air, is never more than a very short distance from the fastest part of the most extreme speed summer jet flows and their enhanced depth and height.
I have previously, during early-2020, shown .gif animations of global humidity maps, showing the in-falling %rh stratosphere, from its stratospheric source, falling all the way to the surface levels of ocean and land.
Plus I have pointed out the extremely curious and very consequential thing which emerges when you do that. You find the in-fall locations always fall into the same location. The sinking former extremely dry stratospheric air has its in-fall location locked in place, and this is what locks the upper and the mid-tropospheric Highs and cold-core Lows in place, in the northern hemisphere. And even more interestingly, where this locked-in-place sinking ultra-dry stratospheric air falls to there is without exceptions, always a desert or arid zone, right under the locked in-fall location.
Indeed, almost all of the Australian continent is under one of these locked in-fall locations coming down over most of the land. Several come down over water too, and serve to suppress precipitation via the air-drying humidity dilution process. The fact that it falls right on Australia, is why Australia is arid despite being surrounded by oceans and rather warm seas, in many directions. However, La Nina warms the oceans around Australia and supplies the extra moisture needed to negate the effect of that in-falling dry stratospheric air, which depletes the moisture over Australia’s interior. This is why Australia is known to suffer from decades, and even centuries-long droughts. A 400 year drought has been recognized in long-lived coral core proxies. This acceleration of this locked sinking stratosphere will be that previously hidden process of sustained whole continental drying with a total absence of a wet-season or the lows and cyclones producing floods, captured by the coral’s growth layers.
Something locks the in-falling stratosphere into the same place, and periodically activates enhanced in-fall rates, and this results in the interior of Australia drying out, and turning into a massive mobile dune field, as the earth also cools, at the same time. That is the pattern observed.
There is a similar smaller locked stratospheric in-fall location over southern California and close offshore, from southern California, and the result is the same there, aridity and desert, and aridity in near by US states, like Nevada, Arizona new Mexico, and parts of Texas, etc. All of these states are affected by that stratospheric ultra-dry air in-fall location, dilution moisture in the regions as it falls all the way down to the Pacific’s surface level and also over land. So if you want to understand dust-bowl conditions, and droughts there, you also have to understand this pattern of locked in place lower stratospheric air in-fall locations and its rate and result.
Statistical predictions of trends do not give you the mechanism of why and how that statistical record works, somewhat, for prediction purposes. Nor how those statistical logs came to be as they are, but this observation of in-falling %rh stratosphere and the location does provide the logic for what occurs and why, when and how, and what’s more likely to occur in the near term, regarding drought, and aridity level, plus temps, etc.
In other words, it is not mere geography or ocean winds and surface temps that are causing this localized aridity, it is also the rate of the in-fall of the ultra-dry stratosphere, which controls the “desertification” process, during a global-cooling phase. And the relative greening during a warming phase.
And there’s a similar very large stratospheric in-fall zone right above the Sahara desert. In fact all of the desert areas on earth have a locked ultra-dry stratospheric air in-fall, sinking into the troposphere right above them.
Every one of them has it, there are no exceptions. There is no significant arid zone that does not have a locked in-fall of ultra-dry sinking stratospheric air right above it. Which leads to the following fundamental conclusion.
It is the predictive tool for warming or cooling, wetting or drying, in major decadal and century level weather cycles.
Our weather models are very good at modeling the result of that process, without understanding the why. This simple stratospheric in-fall mechanism is the why and the how and the where, with time. The locked jet flows, and the acceleration of that flow, is revealing what actually controls the entire flow regime from the tropopause to the surface.
These two together plus the solar activity level constitute both weather and climate cycles in conjunction with Milankovitch cycle phases.
The in-falling stratosphere is currently causing enhanced surface variability and more prosaic increases in surface wind speed, plus enhanced associated evaporation, wave height, and some level of current flows, and will create higher variability in the process, and a higher weather energy level over land masses, as well. Precipitation is increasing already in the form of snowfall, with a current hiatus in tropical cyclone activity. This will return as wind dynamics propel higher levels of surface and mid-tropospheric variability. Subtropical frontal storm activity and their energy level should also gradually increase, as this higher stratospheric in-fall continues.
As per the following sea-surface image, directly under the fastest part of that same SH hemisphere 352 km/h jet as shown above, and at the same time, makes absolutely clear that the faster more constricted and thus deeper, and higher speed jet flows, are bringing their enhanced energy all the way to the convective level and even down to sea and land surface level. The highlighted area in the image below, is directly under the fastest part of the jet and it reaches right down to the surface. So when you squeeze the air with a steeper pressure gradient it has to go both up and down. So any one who thinks this is just an innocuous curiosity will discover that this surface variability will be real, and will become a mix of very damaging conditions, plus very beneficial conditions. But net cooling, which is not a good thing.
The steepness of the mid- and upper-troposphere pressure-gradient totally controls the speed and location of these jet flows, and where they move to, and where they persist, plus how deep and how high they become. It is also that the variability of pressure with height also causes the faster ‘core’ wind part of such accelerated jets, to move sinusoidally in the vertical. So that sometime they directly contact the water and land, and at other times they travel into the lower stratosphere. I have seen this occur many times since 2019. That we must watch for because it will be the location of the more dynamic parts of surface weather variability to come if the cooling from in-falling stratosphere continues.
Plus the stronger the pressure systems become, the more they will increase their expression in a larger volume of the atmosphere and altitude range. This will in itself increase the level of weather variability that we experience, while these globally steeper pressure gradients, and stronger Lows and Highs persist, in close proximity, and tend to accelerate all winds between them, somewhat, globally.
Here is the geopotential pressure gradient pattern at 34,000 ft which caused this anomalous extreme acceleration of a SH jet during Summer, so that it has become about 125 km/h faster than it should be in this part of the season:
It’s approximately 55% faster than the maximum speed it should be. And this acceleration and deepening of the jets is going to change our weather variability levels and is going to NET cool the planet, as it does this. The last time this occurred we were lucky to get a two-day forecast or ‘outlook’, which was notoriously unreliable, due to high variability. And our models and forecasts will have to catch up with this mechanism’s implied variability. Understanding that process has the potential to extend weather predictions fairly accurately much further than now, genuine seasonal level foresight will become possible. The accelerating and deepened jet flow is directly associated with the very high early and also late snowfalls, since 2019 to now. Given the problems coming on a drying and cooler planet with twice as many people, we’ll need all the advantages of seasonal foresight this understanding can leverage. I expect a disappointingly long process of people finally figuring out that this is how long period weather cycles actually work.
But it’s the added snowfall this produces that builds the bulk of glaciers and gravity deformation recrystallization flow which causes them to extrude down valleys to relieve the increasing dynamic-pressure rising above on mountain catchments, from all the extra unmelted snow, above a slowly lowering snowline. Snow that falls in greater volume, in a ZONAL-DOMINATED NH JET FLOW PATTERN, that emerged, and is still occurring, since at least late 2019.
And if this patter were to more-or-less stay in place for 250 years we would most certainly have a new “Little Ice Age” event occurring.
If it stayed in place for 100,000 years, we would certainly get cumulative global glaciation, especially as Milankovitch cycle illumination levels and locations correspondingly permitted longer winters, and less melting of winter snows, during the following abbreviated summer seasons. Spring and Autumn would get longer, and summer would get shorter, and be cooler via this mechanism and also via Milankovitch cycles.
The two together can certainly get it done if the sun goes quiet for very long periods, or much more often than it is active.
The net result is great glaciers over the Northern Hemisphere.
Because that is where the locked zonal pattern is actually locked in place right now, and the snow and cold increase is the worst just poleward of the locked jet flow. Which just happens to be over central Asia.
The locked pattern spans from the mid Atlantic, over north Africa, over the middle east, central Asia, China, Southern Japan, and extends to the center of the Pacific. Where this dominant locked zonal sub-tropical jet, has become more tropical, than sub-tropical, and bifurcates in the central Pacific, to head towards Alaska and NW Canada, then squiggles across all of North America. then emerges into the North Atlantic, and arches high and returns cold air to Western Europe.
But the Southern limb of the central Pacific bifurcation, heads due south, and then amazingly combines with the Southern hemisphere’s accelerated summer jet flow, and they both combine as one global structure, to create a genuinely novel and not before seen central to eastern Pacific EQUATORIAL JET. Which stretches the central equatorial pacific to Puru, where it bifurcates again, back into the central Atlantic origin of the dominant global zonal locked flow (i.e where it starts the zonal flow again), while the other half moves over south America, and rejoins the southern sub-tropical jet flow over the western south Atlantic.
And from there, stupendous jet acceleration speeds are seen, in the southern hemisphere’s summer, during the period that the NH zonal pattern is at its most defined, and dominant (the zonal dominance fades some during the NH summer though).
This has been happening for two complete years, and three NH winters, so far, including this one.
This pattern, caused by an increased rate of in-falling of the lower stratosphere’s dry air into the troposphere, is a fundamental and new atmospheric process, that emerges and enabled decadal level cooling. That a NET cooling with higher variability has begun, and we’ll see increasing variability and progressively cooler longer winters. But earth’s variability also includes heating, and it’s entirely possible the process creates higher record heat as well.
Because higher dryness of the air over the locked arid zones, means more sunlight will get to ground level for more of the daylight. Thus higher temperatures from faster heating for longer, and possibly stronger thermals above as a result, etc. But the heat will also escape faster at sundown, as the extremely dry air that’s present during a NET cooling period will greatly increase OLR.
But the increased surface wind and resulting increased evaporation, is going to produce more clouds and frontal storms, with average higher energy level as well.
So it’s likely that the decades long downward trend in storm events will flatten, and then reverse its trajectory, towards increasing storminess and severity in coming decades, as winters get cooler, and longer (possibly abruptly).
Also, the lower relative humidity in the troposphere, due to enhanced in-fall and mid-stratosphere pooling of very dry formerly stratospheric air, means increased OLR rise that will cause nighttime maximums to decrease on average, and for the coolest nights to become progressively cooler. The reverse of what occurred in the warming phase.
All quite logical. A return of the 1970’s ‘desertification’ is implied, and more regular and longer droughts, plus a need for many more dams to be built, and fairly quickly too, and their water distribution systems as well, etc.
So what locked the in-falling stratosphere? And increased its rate and volume of descent into the troposphere, per unit time? The process of pressure gradient steeping coincided with a much quieter Sun, than has been seen during my lifetime. I’m not old yet. But no one has any knowledge or experience of this process, at present.
I think that the accelerated in-fall appears when the Earth’s magnetic field is not being constantly distorted by energetic solar wind emissions and the geomagnetic field simply structurally re-asserts is own innate structure on and also in the earth’s stratosphere, and troposphere. And presumably even deeper, in the lithosphere and asthenosphere, etc. There could be geological reaction to this, but those are usually much slower processes. That is not my concern, although my main area of study has been geological processes. Not interested in speculating along those lines, the evidence is what takes place, if anything.
In the process of reasserting its own structure I suppose that the geomagnetic field causes the geomagnetically locked pressure locations to become more obvious, and enhanced in Highs and cold-core Low in-falling from very dry stratospheric air, falling more quickly into the troposphere. And presumably there’s an opposite return-flow process, from the troposphere into the lower stratosphere occurring now also, with yet to be identified effects.
As I have already pointed out, the jet flow is not only deeper it is also much higher, and is extending well into the lower stratosphere at times. I’m proposing that this is part of a return flow mechanism and resulting lower stratospheric dynamic. There may be other important mechanisms.
I am now reasonably compelled to conclude that the quiet sun is the apparent enabler of the geomagnetic field controlled process, creating anomalous tropospheric responses that I never expected to see emerge. I’m also reasonably compelled to conclude that both global warming and cooling phases are primarily vertically controlled process. And are not governed by meridional jetstream flows, which is seen by me to now be a very much secondary and transient cooling storm-like process, with a much more limited role, than has been theoretically proposed, from the first-principles, that were then known.
Those first principles have just changed irrevocably.
The secular persistent cooling process, as opposed to transient and secondary, has very surprisingly turned out to be highly zonal northern hemisphere process, with much faster swollen jets controlled by vertical in-fall rates, and locked locations of in-falling ultra-dry lower stratospheric air mass. Our thinking must adjust to the evident and entirely observable new reality, as must all predictive weather models. And especially all abortive GCM climate model attempts, that perform so incredibly poorly, so as to be totally useless dead-wood to humanity for now or at any point in the future. They may as well be switched off and archived.
Something on which to blame the climate and covid hysteria that has afflicted the western world’s policy makers; when they assay our waste water for virus they could check out the lsd levels and test a suspicion that has been growing in me.
Sounds like I must read it.
Got through one third of it.
Is there an executive summary?
Hot air rises, cold air falls.
Where a block of air rises or falls, nearby air will rush to fill the gap.
Moist air rises/falls? and dry air does the reverse.
Although chaotic, the system can be locked at times into a visible pattern of motion often dependent on surface conditions.
Meanwhile, locally, here, we are closing out 2021 on 864 mm of rain for the year, following 854 mm last calendar year 2020, while our average since about 1990 is 658mm.
That’s two years of 30% above average rainfall. Makes up for a few droughts.
Apologies for typos, currently take meds that make my eyes diverge to see in double, I read with one eye closes, and can’t focus for very long.
‘I am now reasonably compelled to conclude that the quiet sun is the apparent enabler of the geomagnetic field controlled process, creating anomalous tropospheric responses that I never expected to see emerge.’
Can we conclusively say its a global cooling signal?
That’s is what I said above. Here’s another sample this morning showing the same locked zonal flow pattern in the NH and equatorial Pacific.
From chaotic fluid mid-tropospheric flow, emerges a geomagnetically “structured” standing flow instead, that is very predictable, with just variations on the general theme shown.
Heavy snow in Japan.
‘The agency said the heavy snow and freezing temperatures are being caused by a massive polar air mass with a temperature of minus 50 degrees hovering over western and central Japan.’ (JapanToday)
Yes, I saw that last night in the forecast, they’re going to get hammered … yet again.
But this will move around this winter, everyone will get it.
The Canadian US west coast ranges and Rockies are in for another major dump. Europe and China look OK for now, but the Middle East is going to get a dumping too.
This is a form for “Gratuitous attendant care”. Perhaps you meant to attach a different link?
What effect from the Milankovitch cycles? I thought that they were all in ‘neutral’ mode with the axial tilt halfway through its (approx.) 26,000 year cycle and the orbital precession about 50,000 years (roughly halfway) also.
I notice that these 2 cycles are now in MODELS variously said to be 19,000, 21,000, 22,000 and 25,000 and in the other case 90,000, 95,000, 100,000, 110,000 and 125,000 years long. When I was doing Science they would have been referred to a Fudge Factors.
IMO, solar activity level controls the structural expression and definition of the geomagnetic field through the Stratosphere and Troposphere. I can not escape this conclusion from what I have seen so far.
When the geomagnetic field is not being disrupted, by high solar activity, the geomagnetic field’s influence comes to dominate the atmosphere more strongly and thus creates the current ‘locked’ in place tropospheric pressure systems, and thus the locked associated jet structures, in what is supposed to be fluid flow.
The slow dynamic orbital illumination changes to earth’s surface from orbital variation, is then opportunistic and lower illumination energy and location of its incidence, allows less ice to melt in Summer which enhances the opportunities for net glaciation, when illumination energy is low enough and solar activity level is also low enough for long enough, to allow the geomagnetic field to be more cohesive, and impose structure on the jet flow.
And when orbital pattern favors melting the ice again, when orbital orientation illuminates earth more, and the sun also becomes simultaneously more active, thus distorts/disrupts the geomagnetic field more (thus reducing in-fall of ultra-dry air from stratosphere to the troposphere), the jet flow structure will dissipate, with geomagnetic disruption increasing, thus snow quantity reduces in the northern-hem, and this leads to progressive warming and onset of inter-glacial conditions.
If Milankovitch is also in a warming higher illumination phase it will happen quicker, etc.
The two must work in concert and overprint, and when they are not in phase, and the sun quietness is shorter (centuries, instead of many millennia), an LIA event with take place instead.
But imprinted on all this is apparent decadal and century scale solar activity ‘quiet’ cycles (‘grand solar mins’ some have called them).
But also ocean circulation cycles must coincide favorably (so the end product is not so clear cut, just like the LIA was not clear cut).
But there is no doubt that currently there is a “structure” being imposed on the jet’s flow pattern, by something that is forcing it into a higher-energy zonal dominated patterns of flow (in the north), and much faster jets in the south, during the southern summer. And that combined pattern is net snowier in the northern hem, clearly very cold in the antarctic as well, and increases the variability globally as wind energy to the surface also increases due deeper faster jets, and pressure systems that are overall being amped-up by increased in-falling ultra-dry stratospheric air falling into these, faster than during the warming phase, when the geomagnetic field was being more distorted and disrupted by an active sun.
It seems to be a rather mechanically simple process.
It’s just a very unexpected mechanism, of vertical-driven cooling from the stratosphere, instead of the expected polar-dominated cooling, via a return meridional flow toward the tropics.
To me I see Milankovitch cycles as remaining a factor favoring glaciation or inter-glacial conditions, with solar activity the ultimate driver.
Right now there are 3 winters of this snowier structured jet cycle, and a lot of extrapolation from me, of what it means, and implies as a mechanism and process, the sun and the geomagnetic field are the source of the locked jet structure.
Time will tell.
Good and bad ideas fall like leaves in autumn.
A long and fascinating post! Huge food for thought there WXcycles.
Thanks Annie, it seems to be a real atmospheric change at this point.
This a case of chicken and egg. Tropical arid zones do not have much moisture. They are locations that always have positive net energy uptake. At ground level they are divergent zones because they are, on average, warmer than the surrounding land and ocean. Constant divergence at ground level means downward dry air flow to replace the divergent air.
The arid zones are found between plus/minus 10 to 40 degrees latitude. They typically have low elevation; some below sea level. There can also be other topographic features that contribute to their dryness.
Ocean temperature is limited to 30C. But there is no comparable temperature limiting process for dry land. So low elevation, dry land at lower latitudes can constantly exceed the temperature of adjacent ocean. For example, Dallol in Ethiopia is regarded as the hottest inhabited location on earth. It has the highest year round average temperature record of 34.6C. It is 90m below sea level. Ground level air will almost always be divergent so low rainfall. Likewise much of central Australia is below sea level.
More elevated land at similar latitudes are convergence zones. They are inevitably cooler than surrounding water so ground level flows are convergent. Western Amazon is an example of more elevated ground that forms a convergent zone.
Point is, it is the situation on the ground that creates the “permanent” arid zones. The atmosphere is simply responding to what happens on the ground. Not the ground showing what is occurring in the atmosphere. Ground conditions are the driver.
Climate trends of millennia scale are driven primarily by the orbit precession cycle. Perihelion occurred before the austral summer solstice in 1585. Since then it has been getting progressively later. That means sunlight over oceans is now in decline but is increasing over land. Boreal summers are getting more sunlight but boreal winters less. The water cycle is in long term decline. That results in oceans retaining more heat and more surface area reaching the 30C limit. That change in energy distribution will accelerate for the next 5000 years then decelerate until perihelion is coincident with the boreal summer solstice.
In the current phase of the cycle, the insolation over oceans in January averages 398W/sq.m. The insolation over land in January averages 258W/sq.m. That is a massive difference and drives very high convergence of moist ocean air to land. However there are arid land regions that are absorbing considerable heat year round resulting in ground level divergence of dry air. Note Figure 2 in this link:
It shows the net energy uptake for December over water and land. On average, land always has negative uptake and water always positive. But some land, the arid zones, are always positive as they have converging dry air being fed from upper levels of the atmosphere.
As the current precession cycle advances, the Mediterranean Sea will go into monsoon mode when the surface reaches 30C and that will transform the northern Sahara to something similar to southern Australia. There will also be a slight northward shift in the ITCZ.
None of this explains the El Nino/La Nina cycle and it has global significance at decadal level.
Appreciate your input and remarks Rick.
I had considered this chicken-or-egg quandary of course, as a return (sinking) flow, from various regional ‘cell’ returns to near ground level.
Things that puzzle, and otherwise support this explanation:
(1) The locked pattern of pressure centers, that are normally not locked like present, have resulted in an imposed structure in the atmosphere.
(2) Which creates the locked zonal jet flow, plus a novel equatorial jet (above the ENSO relevant area, btw), as a global-scale structure, in a whole of planet jet flow.
(3) The pressure gradient increase that is implied, and is present, to cause in the extraordinary acceleration of the south hemisphere’s summer jet speed, to as high as 420 km/h during Feb 2020, reached 195% faster than a normal maximum speed for that time of year.
None of this can be explained via the set of understandings for surface aridity overland which you’ve discussed above. I of course understand that geography is part of the reason for relative aridity (orographic shadow, and wind deflections, for instance), as are winds from ocean temps, and related currents, and cycles of currents which impact aridity also.
But what I’ve found is there are locked locations of 0% rh air coming from above the tropopause altitude at the relevant latitude’s tropopause elevation, in that season, and descending to as low as surface levels, with the rh % remaining identifiable at or near 0, from stratosphere level down to surface level, so this is true sinking stratosphere. Not merely the produce of surface divergence, and dried tropospheric major -ell sinking return flow, etc.
And it’s undoubtedly going to dilute moisture levels as it descends, to near ground level. And relative aridity will be the result.
If the rate of descent is accelerated by a more stable geomagnetic field (and something is accelerating it thus the increase in pressure-gradients between lows and highs noted) the levels of dilution of moisture below a locked true stratospheric in-fall, would predictably lead to increased aridity and ‘browning’ during a cooling phase, driven by such in-falling air.
And vise-verse, during the period of relative warming (1982’s El Nino to ~2019 global ‘greening’ phase), due to the disruption by the sun of that geomagnetic field structure’s definition in the atmosphere.
It just so happens that where these locked sites of identifiable accelerated in-fall exist over land the land under them is always the most arid, or a true desert. The dilution of moisture effect is apparent. And I expect the progression of a ‘radial’ browning from these locations would become apparent, also.
Taken together, it becomes clear to me that the pressure-gradient steepening, is being amplified by an increase in volume per unit time of this descending stratospheric air, into the pressure systems (lows are getting lower and highs getting higher, AND/OR the geomagnetic field is locking them in closer relative physical central proximity). These locked locations control the subtropical jet’s path during cooling, and the higher speeds and their vertical scale (and increased apparent net energy level imparted, which energy level is also both indirectly delivered fractionally to the ground, and sometimes very dynamically and directly to the ground, depending on the vertical path of the jet as it flows, i.e. this vertical path is being governed by the respective altitude of the pressure-centre elevations of mid level Highs and Lows).
As the air descends it of course warms, but stays dry, and falls into the same locked location, and the arid zones are all sited under these on land.
The coincidence is compelling, implying more than geography and sea surface temps, produced this aridity. And the in-falling stratosphere, enhanced during a quiet sun ‘cooling phase’, driven by the geomagnetic field being less disrupted, and presenting a more defined structure, imposed on the atmospheric system.
So it’s become my (so far) inescapable view that geography and ocean winds plus currents are secondary, and that the primary aridity is from enhanced in-fall during a cooling phase, via the input of drier-air from the stratosphere to near surface level. And that the recovery from a decadal-scale drying phase, is slowed and impeded by the processes of geography and divergence which you mentioned, which leaves them more arid for longer in general. Thus a characteristic arid vegetation and land-form.
Oh, Rick, an image to consider.
When I first started investigating the source of this locked zonal flow, ~2 years ago I created a 0% relative-humidity overlay, that highlights where the driest air in the atmosphere is located. Air that is 0% to 2% relative humidity, this it displays in shades of hot pink. It’s a little crude as it dims out the rest of the image that’s above ~3% rh because I wanted to map the descent of very dry air from stratosphere, to ground level, and see where it came from, what it does, and where it ends up. I have not got around to improving the display, but I want you to see what this central Pacific ZONAL jet north-south bifurcation looks, like at 34,000 ft, right NOW, in terms of a relative humidity display, here it is:
As you can see the end of this enormous zonal jet flow, that stretches almost ¾ of the way around the planet, contains a massive pool of sinking stratosphere at 1% to 2% relative humidity at its end. That zonal jet flow is doing the most astonishing thing here. And lots of sinking stratosphere is implicated in what’s going on. I think the sinking ultra-dry air is there, because the geomagnetic field is forcing it to sink in that location, and the field pattern creates the immediate and very persistent north-south split of the prior zonal flow. The NH zonal winter jet flow has been doing this for two years and three winters.
It’s a bit hard to dismiss that as regular sinking air from the return flow of regional convective-cell motions. Or the result of divergence at the surface. Our global jetstream flow is way ‘off-script’. And a geomagnetic influence is all I have left to explain both the persistent ‘standing’ locked jet behavior, plus the quantity of ultra-dry, formerly stratospheric air, that’s persistently present there.
Hi Rick
Less than 0.2% of Australia is below sea level
The factor that everybody seems to miss is continental drift.
Australia, and the plate upon which it sits, has been moving north-west-ish since the breakup of Gondwanaland.
The whole continent “flexes” as it scrapes along. go to the “dinosaur stampede” site near Winston in NW Queensland the ‘footprint bed” is on top of a ridge. Thus, the “stampede” happened whilst the “mud” was damp, but not “sloppy”. Then the site was seriously covered by airborne material; a LOT of material. Water-borne material would have seriously degraded the “footprints”.
The geological record of the Australian “inland sea” is stark and detailed. It “went away” a LONG time ago. Additionally, Tasmania may indeed be a “ring-in”, a “late addition” that fell off the chunk that ended up on the coast of the Pacific Northwest of the USA.
Geo-CHEMISTRY will reveal a lot of interesting things, unless the terminal Luddites of the Woke-ists burn not only the books and hard-drives, but a LOT of inquiring minds. NEVER forget the words of Heinrich Heine, from his 1821 play, Almansor: “Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.”
Thanks WXcycles,
I enjoyed reading that.
Although I find science unsettling.
I also have some appreciation for my waning life in this period of more warm, less stormy weather.
Although many will consider the advancing of glaciers good news.
I think it’s the same people that like multiple anthropogenic injections of for profit mega corporate chemical products.
Yes, very much agree John, I much prefer conditions of now to when glaciers were longer, thank you.
Like ,wow.
Wow! I need to take notes.
This is well the time to read. It explains what is really going on withe vaccine EUAs and why we can expect continued scare tactis but above all why vaxxing kids is so important to these terrible people.
Some peculiarity of US Federal liability law that all of us are now to suffer from-
They want to get children on the vaccination schedule so they would then have complete legal immunity from damages claims due to the vaccines.
Why mass vaccinate children –
Elaboration for clarity I hope
The current situation is that these vaccines are authorized under emergency use.
A recipient of an emergency use vaccine cannot sue the company. Once the product gets approved, the company can be sued, unless they can get it recommended for children.
All vaccines officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if adults get that vaccine. This from the US Federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) which provides legal immunity.
The pharma companies anticipate death and injury of many children, but they ‘need’ to do it as it is the only way for them to receive liability protection.
Treachery from Victoria, breaking news.
A Judge has allowed for QR code data to be used by unstated authorities for purposes not directly linked to Covid.
This is despite the many assurances, pre-QR start, that the data would have heavy encryption, would be destroyed after Covid use and would NOT be used for non-Covid purposes.
Covid Commander Jeroen Weimar seems to have written an internal note to other bureaucrats to say that the control of people during Covid would be harder if they found out that the info was to be shared with other parties, that is, as I read it, a wink wink, nudge nudge note to say “Don’t let the dirty unwashed find out about sharing the data”.
At a time like this pandemic causes, success in management of it depends heavily on the trust between the parties. The people have to be trusted to do as asked, sometimes to do difficult acts for the greater good of society.
Conversely, governments have to be trusted by the people.
If this turns out to be a deliberate, blatant, government deceit, it could signal the end of a great deal of trust by many people who are already fed up with the poor standard of government, it seems, around the world. I mean, how many lies have been told to conceal the global origin of Covid? Millions have died because liars have been concealed and protected. There is abundant deceit about ivermectin treatment. More deaths, no punishments for what seems to be deliberate manslaughter.
This deceit has to stop.
Geoff S
In South Australia we were assured that the data would only be stored for 2 months. It came out recently that it was stored permanently (for some unstated reason). I’ve always signed in on paper as I note so do a lot of others, with very few listing their full name nor e-mail address.
(Which reminds me who is [email protected] ? which I’ve seen)
The WA govt found out that the WA police were using the Covid tracking QR code to track certain individuals. Apparently the police hadn’t told the Govt they were doing this. Don’t know how this panned out, and whether the police were still still allowed to do this.
I stumbled across this 10 year old lecture by John Mearsheimer while quilting a tedious bit of a quilt. He talks about the types of lies governments tell and the situations they tell them in. It appears that leaders of democracies lie more often to their own people than in international politics. The destruction of trust that follows has bad effects in the society. The whole thing is very relevant to today and worth a listen, even the question period.
You can watch the live progress of the James Webb Space Telescope at
A common complaint that is made is there is no “selfie” camera on the telescope.
I heard the JWST program director make a comment about that and it was something they had very seriously considered over the years but it came down to the fact that if the camera was on the “cold side” it would add excessively to the thermal emissions and interfere with and degrade telescope operations. On the “hot side” the camera would have to tolerate a large thermal load and the extra complexity and associated cooling was not worth the trouble.
I think everyone agrees a selfie camera would have been nice but it was seriously considered and deemed impractical.
It’s sad that there is so little interest about this telescope. It’s reflective of the general dumbing down of society and debasement of Western Culture.
It will eventually become an icon in some horrendous Transformers movie, and people will finally figure out what it is, and what it’s called.
Maybe they’ll call it bumble-bee for short?
After all the wonderful stuff from the Hubble it is hard to see what to be excited about unless and until they come up with something even more spectacular.
It will be spectacular.
Hubble could only see into the near infrared.
JWST will see into the mid-infrared and be able to see objects near the known edge of the universe that are so old and receding so fast that their red-shift renders them invisible to Hubble.
Plus there’s a much larger mirror.
Got to agree. NIR was important, but as with modern military sensors, the mid-infrared is where the real advances in detail, sensitivity and resolution currently are, in present sensor tech. Plus the faceted mirror surface is also optimized for MIR capture.
I look forward to it!
Overcast, showers, 19C on the NSW Mid North Coast, and very cool overnight, I am wearing track suit again today and last night.
Summer arrived and left.
I can just picture the alarmist headlines…
“Global Cooling will make Earth Uninhabitable in 10 years!”
After the last 10 years or so I wouldn’t put it past the Media and alarmists etc. to do this.
Anything for a headline.
via your TheirABC:
Darwin COLDEST Christmas Day EVAH! 27 C and raining.
Perth HOTTEST Christmas Day EVAH! 43 C and dry.
Wish ‘climate change’ would make its mind up – cold, hot, wet, dry, windy, calm… sounds like a case of Normal Globing to me.
Dennis alleged:
Don’t think so: I think it’s being ‘thermally shy’ — putting a toe in the water and not committing itself just yet …
In Auckland, it would/should be about 30 ° C by now but we’re struggling to get to 23 – 24° C. Cool summer, so far.
..but UK could break December ‘heat’ record in the next few days, regardless, it’s going to be almost 10C warmer than average, crazy mild. Just weather, extreme cold plunges elsewhere in the northern hemi are occurring at the same time.
This time of year in Northern New York I see people get the shorts out once the temperature rises about 0 degrees C after a few weeks of days of max temps -10 degrees and below!
BoM seasonal forecast is correct, south east Australia will remain cool this summer. This moderate La Nina will persist into the SH winter.
Normally at that point ENSO over corrects with a strong El Nino, but I don’t think it will happen. The PDO has returned to its negative phase and we should expect La Nina like conditions to continue for the next five years.
Fully vaccinated man first known Omicron death in Australia
NSW has the first confirmed death from the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in Australia after an elderly man died in Sydney’s west.
The man, aged in his 80s, died at Westmead Hospital, NSW Health said. He had been living at Uniting Lilian Wells aged care facility in North Parramatta, which is where he acquired his infection.
It is the first confirmed death from the Omicron variant reported by state health authorities.
The man had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and had underlying health conditions.
Headless Chicken little crying wolf again
So he died “with” rather than “of”.
The real question though is what did he die of, the virus, the vaccine or something totally unrelated to either? I suppose they are not interested in finding the answer as it might destroy their narrative.
My guess is that he stopped breathing because he was sedated to relieve the anxiety of not being able to breathe easily. The cause of death most likely morphine as part of a palliative care regimen but that will not appear on the death certificate because it was prescribed to ease anxiety and improve quality of last hours or minutes of life.
People in poor general health will not be put through the trauma of invasive treatments unless a close relative insists on keeping them alive. This actually happens button unlikely in Covid wards because relatives are not in attendance.
Euthanasia is now an approved “treatment” for covid in NZ. Perhaps it is unofficially an approved treatment in Australia as well.
Not saying it’s true, but this is the general direction the evidence is pointing.
I have a nagging suspicion that part of the reason for the decline in average life expectancy is the health services proactive approach to emptying beds that are occupied by elderly people, often by withdrawing treatment or administering large doses of ‘palliative’ medications. I saw this in the UK, back in 2013, after my mother had a stroke. The medics in hospital decided that she was ‘gone’, though she was alive and breathing. I got over there as fast as I could, arriving two days after she was admitted, to find that ‘treatment’ was simply a hydrating drip. That was bad enough but, over the following days, I became aware that the nurses kept turning the drip off. I demanded to know why and they wouldn’t admit they were doing it, but nevertheless told me that it was “cruel to keep her alive”.
I couldn’t sit there and watch my Mum being killed. Even though they said there was no hope, I felt it was wrong for others to hasten her death, so I kept resetting the drip. I asked to see a doctor and sought to understand how they could be so sure she wouldn’t recover, but only got vague replies. Then, arriving early one morning, I was told that she had passed away only moments before I got there. I am not convinced she wasn’t given a big dose of ‘palliative’ morphine.
I believe this kind of thing is happening more and more, especially in light of the push to legalise euthanasia and the constant media articles demonising oldies for “clogging up our hospitals”.
I just hope the people making these decisions remember them when it’s THEIR turn.
Morphine is properly prescribed for terminal dyspnea. It has specific effects, probably because it decreases the hypocapneic drive (decreased response to elevated CO2). The question of whether it hastens death is an interesting one, because the alternative, struggling to breath with activation of sympathetic “alarm” systems turned on might also hasten death.
The same dose of morphine given when terminal dyspnea is not present does slow respiration and allow a small increase in CO2, but is not dangerous.
When the dying person is highly agitated – by pain or struggling to breath – midazolam is often used as well as morphine. Used appropriately even this would not have lethal actions if the patient was not already close to death.
Of course, overdose of these drugs can be lethal, but not reliably enough for “assisted death”.
Poor old bugger was ‘in god’s waiting room’. Something was going to help him out and onwards and in normal times, the main comment on his death would have been “well, he had a good long life”.
Imagine the luck of someone accused of murder when the autopsy finds that the deceased was Covid positive.
Your comment was brilliant.
I had to think a bit before I got it.
“I didn’t kill him Your Honour, COVID is what killed him”.
The whole “died with/of” COVID has been badly handled and reported from the start.
I hope I live to be eighty.
The other CV19 death for that day was 90 years old.
Doesn’t have much to recommend it. I’ll be there in a few months.
I want to live to see the current damaged to our democratic system repaired.
I don’t care much whether that’s achieved with noose, guillotine or renewable electricity, as long as it’s done.
But like they say Hanrahan, no one wants to be 100 years old, unless your 99.
My mother is 99 and we can still have an enjoyable chat…
My mother’s only 91 and we have ‘enjoyable’ arguments about covid vaccines and climate change.
Sanbar, Mrs H is now totally, emotionally, dependant on me and her little dog. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for her.
My only commitment is to be with her till the end. After that Idongivashit! Numbers are meaningless really.
Hang on. The only people allowed into nursing homes are the fully vaxxed. So this poor guy was given Covid by a fully vaxxed person complying with all government mandates? But the vax is working right? In fact, so we’ll that the Govt wants people to take more of it.
There’s the hundred and fifty-one million doses stockpiled is how much “Govt wants people to take more of it” –it’s exhausting even to think of lining up for those six shots each; such lunacy.
Sounds like a Vit -D deficiency.
Maintaining healthy Vit D levels is as much a protection as double vaccination. Covid can still be contracted through the vaccines, so if you have a vitamin D Deficiency, you’re still DED.
The Australian Government is now paying out for covid vaccine deaths.
Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs
In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We’ll make this payment to the deceased’s estate.
Also read;
Are the funeral expenses conditional on never getting a proper autopsy to discover the cause of death?
As per point number 1.
I now know of four adult children of friends of mine, all under 30, all doubly vaxxed, and all with the ‘rona.
Most vaccinated people do not need hospital treatment if they get the virus, but nearly all patients admitted into ICU are unvaccinated.
And as Dr Coatsworth commented recently on Sky News to Peta Credlin, if admitted to hospital patients generally are usually given “anti-viral treatments”, vaccinated patients recover quickly.
See no evil
Hear no evil
Speak no evil
Wise Monkeys
Two questions if I may:
WHAT anti virals? I know of none officially approved besides remdesivir which is expensive and useless.
Who gets these anti virals? There has been an accusation that only the vaxxed do.
The overwhelming majority of ALL people that get the virus don’t need hospital treatment.
In fact, the overwhelming majority of ‘cases’ have no symptoms.
(PSAs regularly aired in my local from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, stated that number was 80%.)
However, those believing Pharma and Government propaganda are exhibiting symptoms for which they need treatment.
This statement is at odds with the British data.
Which states ; the majority of people in ICU are vaccinated.
People who have been vaccinated less than 14 days from the onset of illness are counted as unvaccinated.
In Australia, my daughter who is a nurse has encouraged me to be vaccinated because if I get sick the hospital will give me Ivermectin. However, if I am sick and not vaccinated all I will receive is palliative care.
Hey all, hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. Looks like Santa brought a little something extra for my family this year. My daughter in law who we saw on Christmas day came down crook yesterday and has tested positive. I’m developing a sore throat and mild cough so am hitting the D, C, zinc and Polaramine.
On the upside, I should now be able to get a vacc exemption and go back to work when the school year starts as with one of my boys who is a train guard.
Anyways, wishing you all a happy new year and a big shout out to Jo and family for all the hard work and support she has provided for us. Take care all.
My daughter, husband and 18 month twins are moving house on Dec31. Given the situation in Quebec now, we told her not to get a Covid test unless they need hospital treatment. Then the movers and all can still function.
Can’t understand this enthusiasm for getting tested unless it is to get off work.
Dr Richard Fleming on what the vaxx does to the human body.
“No fate but what we make”
Dr Eli David. Australia has flattened the curve for Covid but along the wrong axis.
Sums up the govt effectiveness all along really.
“no fate but what we make”
This is a MUST WATCH! Latest thoughts of Geert re ADEs- namely – will it or wont it eventuate? A fantastic and sensible assessment of Robert of Omicron & “look back” of Zelenko on the early responses to the virus and what WORKS as treatment.
These are the giants of the Resistance to the government narrative.
Now farmers are being told they can’t drop off the grain at collection sites unless they are vaccinated. It really is time for PM Morrison to pull his finger out and at least demand such nonsense to cease immediately. I won’t hold my breath of course because he’s part of the root cause of the problem in the first place.
CBH to mandate COVID jab
CBH sought the advice of the WA Department of Health 🙁
What could go wrong?
Your avatar and comment are well matched.
Interesting report in News . com. that former NSW fire chief Greg Mullins has predicted “future” black summers caused by cool, wet La Nina years.
“La Nina’s heavy rains have dampened summer plans for people on the east coast, but that may not be its worst effect, with the weather system likely to increase the severity of future bushfires.”
Further into this report Mullins suggests that additional fuel loads, produced by cool, wet growing seasons will contribute to fire risk and intensity.
I am reasonably certain that this is the same Greg Mullins who appeared before a NSW enquiry into last years large bush fires where he claimed that “Climate Change” tm was the cause of large bush fires and fuel reduction only had a very small limiting role.
It appears that the only consistent part of the bush fire risk, is the constant inconsistencies. Can’t have it both ways Greg, either fuel load is a problem or its not.
Reminds me about the 2019 bushfires and the non-government organisation Climate Council (Tom Foolery) stunt claiming climate emergency pushed by former fire commissioners who are members of that Council.
They attempted to blame PM Morrison for neglect claiming he would not meet with them earlier in 2019 to listen to their warning about a potentially disastrous fire season ahead.
But Premiers and State Governments are responsible for fire fighting, State Emergency Service in NSW for example and Rural Fire Service. And following RFS advice based on dry drought conditions continuing for years earlier creating potential fire fuel hazards before the 2018 bushfire season the NSW Government with Federal Government funding support had made provision to buy equipment and even purchased a Boeing 737 tanker-bomber as well as leasing other aircraft in the 2018/19 State Budget announced in May 2018.
During December 2019 the spin doctors smeared PM Morrison blaming him for being overseas (Hawaii) on a family holiday while the NSW bushfire emergency was underway, but his family holiday was planned before the bushfire season arrived. And the Deputy PM was Acting PM while the PM was away on leave, the usual arrangement along with other Cabinet Ministers being available. And they answered State Government requests for assistance and deployed ADF personnel and assets accordingly.
Of course fuel loads are the problem, climate hoaxers limiting issue of fire hazard materials approval including permits for burning off. Worst of all the Greens in Local Government Councils, and National Parks & Wildlife employees.
So Mullins’ solution must be to stop the weather?🤔
SLAMMING THE DOOR China ramps up brutal ‘zero Covid’ lockdown with anyone seen driving JAILED as Omicron surges around the world
CHINA has ramped up its brutal “zero Covid” lockdown restrictions with anyone seen driving to be jailed after 162 cases were reported.
The city of Xi’an was raised to the “strictest” level in an effort to control the country’s worst outbreak in 21 months.
Although no cases of the Omicron variant have yet been detected in Xi’an, the Chinese government remains on edge that any outbreak could threaten the Winter Olympics which is being held in February.
The latest announcement from the Communist Party stated that no vehicles would be allowed on the roads unless they were assisting with disease control work.
Health officials and police will “strictly inspect” vehicles on the roads and those who break the rules could face ten days in detention and a 500 yuan fine (£58).
Should Australia have backed AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine? British jab results in a low death toll because it offers more robust protection that can potentially last for LIFE
The AstraZeneca vaccine may be reducing the UK’s Covid death rate because it provides immunity for life unlike other jabs.
Britain’s wide use of Oxford University-made jab in vulnerable people may be behind the country’s lower death toll compared to Europe in recent months, according to Clive Dix, the former chairman of the UK’s Vaccine Task Force.
Australia has administered 13.6 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine but has relied more on Pfizer with 25.3 million doses given over the course of the jab rollout.
In April Australia said the AstraZeneca jab was only recommended for over 50s because of the low risk of blood clots in younger people.
In June the minimum recommend age was increased to 60, denting confidence and delaying the jab rollout as the Government scrambled to get more Pfizer into the country.
Former Queensland Health Officer Jeannette Young even said she didn’t want 18-year-olds taking AstaZeneca because they may die in comments that saw her branded an irresponsible fearmonger.
The vaccine was approved in the UK towards the end of December 2020, and jabs were initially rolled out among the older and the most vulnerable in society.
In May the UK recommended alternative jabs to under 40s but only if they were easily available while the over 40s kept taking AstraZeneca in large numbers.
On Tuesday Mr Dix claimed the durable cellular immunity response produced by the UK-made jab can potentially ‘last for life’.
The analysis needs work because as far as EU countries with similar demographics are concerned, death rates in Germany, France and the Netherlands are all significantly lower than that of the UK. Italy is essentially the same.
Queensland has 4,779 active cases with only 6 in hospital and none in ICU. That’s a 0.13% hospitalisation rate. But we should be so scared of the Omicron sniffles, right?
No mention of the vax status of the 6 in hospital so you can bet on at least some of them being vaxxed.
Apparently:”This means the vaccines are working.”
So with 90% vaccination rate then you could assume at least 10% of cases are unvaxxed – you’d expect about 450 unvaxxed cases – yet not a single one in ICU. If there are fewer unvaxxed cases than that it means vaccinated people are catching the virus at a greater rate than the unvaccinated.
Whichever way you spin it, there’s no logical argument for more vaccination.
Who stands up for the rights of conscientious objectors to vaccination in Vicdanistan who have had many of their rights removed such as the ability to visit a hairdresser or beauty parlour or to attend public events or restaurants etc.?
Look, even I know that electrical power generation has fallen right off the radar now, and is all but meaningless, but hey, that does not mean it has gone away.
I have been watching the generation data on a daily basis now, and I’m noticing that the battery charging (for those minute and useless batteries) and the moving of water in the Snowys is all happening when power is at its cheapest, proving conclusively that these batteries and pumped hydro are just money making ventures, and have nothing to do with the supply (or usage) of ‘green’ power.
Now some of you may think that that pumped hydro is just the province of Tumut Three (and the smaller ones at the Shoalhaven and Wivenhoe) but what you need to be aware of is the Snowy Hydro in general.
With Tumut Three, it draws its water from Talbingo. (the upper reservoir) and after going through the turbines it then is added to the Jounama Pondage. Water is then pumped back up to Talbingo via three of the six generators, which are used as pumps to pump the water back ‘up the hill’. These pumps consume 200MW (each) in use, while pumping.
However, over the last recent period, when it comes to power consumption data, ‘PUMPS’ in general have been consuming sometimes as much as 1200MW, and that includes the tiny amount for the battery as well. All of this pump usage has been occurring at the cheapest time of the day for power costs, and is now easy to see, whereas before (in years gone by) it was not all that easy to track, but now it’s a huge ‘whack’ at the one time, it’s easy to notice.
I mentioned above that you need to be aware of the Snowy Hydro in general, and hey, thank heavens it was constructed when it was, because it wouldn’t even get past a thought bubble these days.
In the Snowy Hydro there are nine power stations, and sixteen dams in all. However the biggest engineering feat of all was the twelve tunnels totalling a bit under 140 miles. These tunnels are (in the main) 26 feet in diameter, so they really are huge. The two longest ones are 15 miles in length.
These tunnels are used to move water around the hydro scheme.
Now, those sixteen dams are not all at the same level, so that’s where these tunnels come into their own, moving water around the whole scheme and filling dams at the higher levels back up with water, and these tunnels are augmented by two huge Pumping Stations, and as you might guess these are the PUMPS mentioned in the power consumption data.
So, moving water around the scheme as these tunnels and pumping stations do, you can now see that, in effect some of those power stations are using water flowing across the Francis Turbines more than once. So while Tumut Three is actually pumped hydro in the truest sense of the phrase, a similar case is occurring with many of those power stations in the scheme.
So now that these PUMPS are consuming power at the cheap times you can see that actual consumption.
Now, here’s what has been happening over this Christmas period. Because (as is always the case) Christmas Day (and the days immediately following to a slightly lesser degree) is the day of absolute lowest power consumption for the year. Now while all the people take time off, power generation doesn’t. Because power consumption is so low, (up to 6,000MW lower at the usual evening Peak) there’s no real need for Tumut Three pumped Hydro at all, and it has not been operating at all. Most Hydro consumption is in that tiny jurisdiction where hydro is virtually all they have, Tasmania, and hardly any consumption at all has been fro the Snowy Scheme.
However, for five hours and more these last four or more days, those PUMPS have been consuming their absolute maximum power, moving water from the lower dams to the upper dams, filling them up because there’s no snow melt to top them up now it’s Summer.
Sometimes the cost of the power is below zero, and has been in the middle of the day, for all the reasons we are now aware of.
So ….. ALL of this power consumption is ….. coal fired power.
Christmas Day, the day of absolute lowest power consumption for the year. The lowest point that power consumption got down to ….. 16,500MW, 77% of the average power consumption for the day.
What annoys me most is that Turnbull’s Snowy Hydro 2 is marketed as new generation of 2 GW but at best it’s a battery and a net power consumer. At most it will be a 90% efficient battery and probably worse than that so will be consuming at least 200MW of power as losses.
It is an obscene waste of money and resources. The concept was always known by the real engineers of the original Snowy scheme but always judged to be uneconomic and it still is.
So coal recharges the hydro battery minus losses. So the logical conclusion, why not just use coal 100% of the time without such losses, and without using a hydro battery?
-no virtue signalled
-not seen to be “doing something”
-no fees and commissions extracted
Tony, we should not be surprised that the pumping is done at low cost periods,..because by definition , that is when there is a surplus of power….IE there is no need for generation output from the Hydro system, but there IS a definite need for the pump loads to keep the generation plants running at higher efficiency.
I am sure there is a complex cost model to show that this process id financially advantageous over simply installing more “flexible generation”.
My concern is that these pumped storage systems have fallen into the financial hands of third parties , rather than the State.!
Snowy2 is certainly a financial lemon currently, .. but as the grid situations change (hopefully ) and financial factors move, it may yet become a practical asset ?
It is certainly a better waste of money than the equivalent capacity battery system…..and a lot longer lasting .!
Longer lasting?
The driven end will require constant maintenance, drive end is a spinning mass of metal running on a thin coat of oil, (actually both are) like windmills, 20 years. These big drives have a high failure rate.
These will not be massive MW motors/pumps running in parallel. 200MW of consumption will be massive in series pumps and all the issues that come with that. You have the turbines doubling the chances of mechanical failure. The equipment will be out of warranty by the time they start it.
If you want to waste money on doing something pointless, batteries are a much better waste. Musks batteries were $1 million a meg, 10 year full warranty reducing up to 20 years, less area than multiple dams and less energy losses.
I thought pumping water uphill to run it down hill was the most inefficient scheme they could come up with’ then they came up with Hydrogen and creamed that thought.
The holes in the ground will last up to the “dams will never fill again” and the lack of snow melt when it stops snowing. Seriously these people predict this stuff and then go and do the exact thing they just told us is pointless.
Await your reports Tony, it is the only thing still relevant in the Global scamming debate.
Sorry MP, but you are way out of your depth with that comment.
See Tonys reply below.
To continue..
Snowy 2 is predicted to be a 240 GWh storage capscty,..
..figure that in battery cost !..and manufacturing time , resources, materials, ..etc
Manufacturing is manufacturing be it batteries or turbines/pumps.
Units 4-6 have single-stage, 190-MW, under-coupled pumps with total pumping head 155.1m and rate of 99.1 cum/sec. 297.3 Cubic meters per second combined replacement rate.
Water Flow Rate Through Turbines (cum/sec) 1132.7. That’s Cubic meters per second consumption rate combined. Bit of a difference between the two, so not replacing consumption and not capable of replacing consumption.
Snowy 2 is predicted to be a 240 GWh storage capscty,.. That’s full dam value or is it a combination of all dam capacity, which is then a false equivalence.
240 GWh of storage will require 312 GWh of pumping capacity to maintain without environmental inflows, looks like a net loss to me. 240GWh is again name plate only and will never meet its mark, like windmills.
240GWh of capacity has so far costed $10 billion and the blow outs have just begun. Batteries at the SA plant costed rate is $2.4 billion. These can also be located at the many sources of consumption, not all in one area. Foot print needs to be factored in as well.
I work with big drives and failure is that common it is a requirement to have complete replacement units as spares, for both production and insurance purposes.
Flow sheet of the plant
I was wrong about in series Vs parallel, but then again they are not replacing consumption and cannot even with the same pumps on all gen/drives. 150 meters of head is approx 1500 kpa, not achievable with your standard centrifugal pump impellor, maybe multi staged, I can’t find any detail on the pumps themselves.
We are debating which is the least useless, both are useless. Hydro is good, in one end out the other, pumped is a net loss. Remember they took water off the farmers for environmental flows.
Money laundering schemes, just different ways of stealing our money.
I did find this from the green dreamers at renew economy In spite of giving Snowy 2.0 more than a fair benefit of the doubt, we conclude emphatically that Snowy 2.0 will not recover its outlay. Snowy 2.0 and the massive transmission augmentations needed to get its production to market will put lead in the pockets of Australian electricity consumers and taxpayers.
Some readers might be inclined to dismiss the argument that Snowy 2.0 will not recover its outlay on the basis that even if this is so, Snowy 2.0 greases the wheels for the transition to a renewable electricity generation system and if some amount of public money is needed to achieve this, then so be it.
But in forthcoming research, we present evidence that Snowy 2.0 (and “Battery of the Nation”) can’t compete with gas turbines or engines and even less so with batteries. With today’s capital costs both are cheaper and AEMO expects that capital costs for batteries will halve from current levels by 2030. That they are far more capable and much less greenhouse-gas-intensive ways of facilitating the transition, should also weigh heavily.
AEMO shows that Snowy 2.0 makes no meaningful contribution to the NEM until after 2033. Elon Musk has shown that a 100MW battery can be operational in six weeks. We all want the lights to stay on. The evidence shows there is no need to rush in order to achieve this. It would be good to try to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, or at the very least avoid throwing good money after bad.
You will notice in the last document that the required rewiring of the entire outflow grid to both NSW and Vic has not been costed into the SH2 scheme and will not be completed until the 2030’s. So all that capacity and nowhere to go and $billions yet to be added to the scam.
Tony, in the days I used to try to debate avid greens I tried to make the point that, however small, any benefit gained via storage would be by the coal generators. They wouldn’t have a bar of it but ANY smoothing of the duck-curve will benefit coal.
BTW even hydro isn’t a free lunch. Check out these before/after pics:
I believe that, in classic Russian fashion, the input screens were not fitted and a big log caused a hydraulic “thump” which destroyed the generator floor. For some reason a lot of people were on the floor and 75 died.
Tony, I’m puzzled that OpenNEM and show peak generation around midday, when I thought that peak demand was normally in the evening.
The fact that pumps can be using 1,200 MW explains part of the story.
But is there also something inefficient about the 7,000 MW of rooftop solar that is reported?
Also of interest is that the energy regulator in Victoria has changed the time when peak usage rates apply for residential users from 7am-11pm on weekdays to 3-9pm every day. For small business users the rates apply from 9am-9pm.
Tumut Three has six turbine generators.
They are Toshiba manufactured Francis turbines driving Melco Generators (also a Japanese manufacturer) each one rated at 300MW for power generation. (now a little more after the 2012 upgrade) and 200MW when reversed to motors driving the pumps.
They were originally installed in 1973, one of the last power stations in the Snowys to come on line, so at now 48 years old, they’re doing okay thank you very much, umm, that age factor well more than double any wind plant, and all other generators in the Snowys are older than that.
Just one of those 300MW generators can feasibly deliver more power over time than the largest wind plant in the Country Macarthur wind. (420MW at 30% so average output of 126MW)
Here’s an image (at this link) of the turbine hall at that Tumut Three Plant. There are the six generators you can count off here. See the green circle. That’s the size of the generator underneath the floor there, and that generator is mounted on top of the Francis turbine.
Tumut One is the first of the biggies, (well, biggies for the time, after the small Guthega Unit) and it opened in 1958, so those four Units are operational still after 63 years.
Thanks Tony, lotta perspective in that.
Dear Tony,
Can a Francis turbine work in reverse as a pump?
Let’s go Brandon song to the tune of the Beatles “ let it be” .
Are they that far removed from reality that Biden and his wife actually agree with the “let’s go Brandon” meme? No wonder we are in such a mess with every chance that it’s going to get a lot worse.
I think Jill got it, but maybe not Joe!
Jill Biden is the biggest problem that the Dems have right now because they want to remove Joe.
Nurse Jill says; over my dead body!
Doesn’t she realise that that can be arranged?
(No: I am NOT offering!)
The most effective method used by Tyrants is starvation.
The perils of an air-fryer.
Firstly: It beats the heck outta cooking in deadly seed oils but even olive oil is unstable when heated.
But be careful, the party pies, nuggets [40% chicken], hash browns [at least honest – just carbs] and all the easy meals in the prepacked, frozen section were all prepared in canola anyway.
As they say: Read the label.
Please check out Principa Scientific. Jamie Oliver wins a court case against MacDonalds. What passes for meat in the burgers is the stuff the cat refuses to eat, and you will never look at another chicken nugget again.
Data from NSW Health.
From “covid-19-surveillance-report-20211113.pdf” we have case numbers for the period 16 June to 13 November 2021 (using the Total column on Table 11 p17).
Fully Vaccinated: 5889
Partially Vaccinated: 6613
No effective dose: 35633
Under investigation: 10501
Not eligible for vaccination: 14154
Total: 72790
Those numbers on their own aren’t so useful because spanning a period right back to June means it covers the time while the vaccine rollout was happening … fortunately we have subtraction at our disposal. Here’s “covid-19-surveillance-report-20211211.pdf” covering the period 16 June to 11 December 2021 where the case numbers are in Table 5 on p7.
Fully Vaccinated: 9169
Partially vaccinated: 6898
No effective dose: 38605
Under investigation: 9576
Not eligible for vaccination: 16107
Total: 80355
Subtracting one from the other we can deduce the period 14 November to 11 December 2021 like so:
Fully Vaccinated: 3280
Partially vaccinated: 285
No effective dose: 2972
Under investigation: -925
Not eligible for vaccination: 1953
Total: 7565
Note that the “under investigation” category is negative, presumably those got sorted into other categories after they were investigated. At any rate, the largest number of cases is now amongst the “fully vaccinated” and that figure is steadily on the rise. I should also point out that “no effective dose” includes people who have been jabbed but they are still counted as unvaccinated up to 21 days after the shot. It would be very interesting to know how many in that group have not had any at all, but we won’t know that because they don’t release the data.
If want to check those numbers.
Covid live lists all daily case numbers , and for that period .Nov 14 to Dec 11,.. they have a total of 7054 cases
Close , but not the same .
My numbers are copied straight out of the NSW Health website where you can download the report PDF’s that are named above.
Covidlive claims to get theirs from press releases, so I would guess the reports are more thoroughly checked because they come out several weeks later than the press releases. At least, you would hope they are heavily checked … I take that as an article of faith that those guys wouldn’t waste my tax money, but I have no way to inspect or verify their process.
Nice work Tel. As you say the period of June to Dec is too long to look for trends. Victoria published hospitalization injection statistics up until a week or so ago.
You’d hope that health authorities would be keen to publish these numbers themselves what with injections being so safe and effective and everything. But you’d be disappointed.
Preliminary UK data: Triple vaccinated SARS-2 positives are more than four times more likely to have Omicron than unvaccinated.
We should be calling for a total and complete shutdown of vaccinations until our public health representatives can figure out what is going on
Is Omicron the variant that attacks the “vaccinated” rather than the “unvaccinated” could leaky vaccines cause this?
Graham Hood, former Qantas pilot, speaks out again. Speaks the truth.
Graham Hood – Former Qantas Pilot Interview
“Oxford Academic- The Role of Immunomodulatory Nutrients in Alleviating Complications Related to SARS-CoV-2: A Scoping Review”
“Overall, the findings of our review are consistent with our hypothesis about vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc. High-dose vitamin C appears to beneficially impact outcomes related to COVID-19 without adverse effects. Zinc has a potential therapeutic and synergistic role against COVID-19 when administered with HCQ or chloroquine. In addition, high doses of vitamin D reduced the severity of the illness caused by COVID-19.”
More at
Protective Effect of Melatonin Administration against SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Systematic Review
Discussion: until group immunization is achieved in the population, it seems clear that we must continue to treat patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and, in the absence of a specific and effective antiviral therapy, it is advisable to continue researching and providing drugs that demonstrate validity based on the scientific evidence. In this regard, we believe that the available studies recommend the administration of melatonin for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, sleep-inducing, CD147, Mpro, p65 and MMP9 protein suppressing, nephrotoxicity-reducing and highly effective and safe effects. Conclusions: (1) melatonin has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and Mpro and MMP9 protein-inhibitory activity. (2) It has been shown to have a wide margin of safety. (3) The contributions reviewed make it an effective therapeutic alternative in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection. (4) Further clinical trials are recommended to clearly define the administration protocol.
View Full-Text
Xmas with a difference
And read the comments
I do hope the whistle-blower nurses do in fact speak out and expose our politicians and health officials have been telling lies that allowed men, women and children to die unnecessarily.
Nurses to speak out
The conveyor belt is not broken.
“Manchin’s Not The Climate Problem”
“Wouldn’t it be a good idea to know how much global warming BBB would prevent before blaming Manchin for the end of the world?”
More at
“Unsung Zeroes: The Top 10 Under-Reported Climate Flops of 2021”
Another Mod test
“Stop and Assess”
“Reality is penetrating the fog and fury of propaganda spewed out over cable-TV news in what may be the last desperate full-out campaign to sell “vaccines” to the credulous. Omicron is a bust, despite the shrieking about overstuffed hospitals (they’re not) in The New York Times.”
Much more at
[freed] ED
The non-passing mark is “now you see it, now you don’t”
Quite a good discussion about the relative newness of many allegedly endangered glaciers.
Winter mornings in the mid-1970s consisted of waking-up freezing cold in icey sheets with not enough blankets, shivering and grimacing while slowly plonking behind onto a freezing toilet seat, observing steam coming from your breath, and trying to get enough warmth out of the double-bar electric room-heater, as you ate breakfast. Then we’d get dropped off at school, a lot more shivering until about 9:30 AM, to 10:00 AM, when we could finally remove our puffy parka-jackets and go outside for recess without them, but we’d all stand around in the sunlight to keep warm. And where was I living? At 16.9 deg south in Cairns North Queensland, in a lowland tropical rain forest area. I don’t miss the 1970s cold at all, people living in Cairns now, who are under 40 years old, have no clue it can become bitterly cold there during Winter. I still struggle to understand how it occurred, in the tropics, for about 5 years, but anyone older than mid-50s who lived in Cairns from about 1973 to 1979 will confirm it happened just as I’ve described. And BOM today has captured and recorded none of it, in fact they seem to have done their best to downplay and remove all evidence that it really occurred.
The idea of living anywhere near a glacier during a cooling-phase if it starts advancing again … I’d want no part of that. The idea that idiotic people today actually want such coldness to come back is either complete ignorance of the reality and implications, or they’re totally raving nuts.
Dr Pielke jr made his Forbes article calculations about 3 years ago and by now we would’ve required another 1050 nuclear plants globally OR alternatively about 1.58 million EXTRA wind turbines.
And the USA should’ve built another 182 nuclear plants OR about another 240,000 wind turbines by the end of this year.
Are any of the religious fanatics starting to WAKE UP YET?
Of course those global wind turbines would’ve only generated about 30% of the time over the last 3 years, so many 100s of billions $ EXTRA for back up support globally for 70% of the time ( over 2 years) from batteries or pumped hydro or hydrogen or….?
“Mainstream Media Attempt to Claim CDC Guidance Change Is an Effort to Reduce Risk of Transmission, Despite Fauci Admissions the Quarantine Changes Are All About Economics
December 28, 2021 | Sundance | 98 Comments
The CDC changed guidance on quarantine times yesterday, highlighting their motive as always driven by politics and money, not public health ”
“The result is 100 percent demonstrable gaslighting. Look at this spin:”
More at
The “Misleadia” at action stations
Some timely cartoons:
Brave doesn’t like that site
I’ve seen a few video clips over recent months from Auschwitz survivors describing disturbing parallels between the rise of the n@zi regime and the rise of Covid totalitarianism. They’re right but the masked masses will invariably wake up at 11:59:59
This event from New York the other day sums it all up well.
SHOCKING Video Shows Child Getting Kicked Out Of NY Restaurant Over NEW Vaccine Mandate: “This Is Disgusting!”
The tweet:
Yes indeed, a vax passport that shows your level of government dictate compliance but does absolutely nothing else.
Be careful what you wish for as you won’t like what’s beneath the surface.
The Jackboots Have Arrived – NYPD Begin Arresting Unvaccinated Americans During Indoor COVID Compliance Checks
December 28, 2021 – sundance
Comrades, many American citizens stood jaw agape as they watched Australian metropolitan police departments begin cracking skulls and making arrests for violating COVID rules and restrictions. Yes, it always seemed like Australia, New Zealand and Europe were the beta testing ground to see if police would comply with jackboot arrests of their own community.
Well, now we can see those same tactics being deployed in the U.S.
New York City was the first large metropolitan area to require vaccination identification cards to enter restaurants, bars, dining establishments and various public and private venues. Now comes the enforcement part.
Watch this video below to see the New York Police Department (NYPD) start deploying vaccination police, and making arrests of people who do not present papers to prove their status. WATCH:
Xmas reading included
Frank McDonough “The Gestapo: the myth and reality of Hitler’s secret police”
doesn’t put you in a mind to disagree
Pharmacist SHOCKED to Find That Moderna Vaccine Information Inserts Are Blank
Well I never 😅
That’s right, you shouldn’t!!!
This is a disgusting state of affairs when doctors, nurses and pharmacists are threatened by their own governments and/or medical registration boards to comply or else.
It’s even more disgusting when they willingly comply so long as they get immunity from prosecution as is the case here in Oz.
They KNOW this is wrong on every level but do it anyway.
This is becoming very ugly very quickly now as the NWO ramps up the pressure as their plans crack apart.
What’s next? I expect a new disease (Covid’s dead now) and government vaxx mandates for everyone and no exceptions or exemptions. Illegal under half a dozen international human rights laws which don’t seem to be worth anything anyway.
When? I’d say around March 2022.
Time will tell.
An excellent read and description of the process involved
The Making of The Beatles’ Let It Be and Peter Jackson’s Get Back Peter Jackson’s The Beatles: Get Back
From the Comments
This Article & The Film Is Revelatory!
Submitted by John_Werner on December 14, 2021 – 11:31pm
Wow, I learned so much by reading this. Already having seen the Jackson film I must simply now watch it again with new knowledge.
Perhaps because of time and the scant often poor quality of old Beatles live performances it is overlooked what a fantastic, compelling, and potent band The Beatles were live. I think this new Jackson film sets makes the case that the studio wunderkinds were also one hellacious live band. It is indeed poignant that the rooftop concert was the last time time they performed live. One can imagine that if the breakup did not happen and The Beatles continued they may have resumed proper concerts. Obviously they very much enjoyed playing together for a live audience.
The problem was the complexity of the songs themselves.
Between the Help album and Revolver, both released in 1965, The Beatles decided to stop doing live concerts.
The problem (if it could be called that) was twofold. (a) that the band could not actually hear what they were playing at their live concerts. The technology (of the early and mid 60s) was such that onstage, there was no ‘facility’ for any of the four to hear what they were playing or singing. The crowd noise was so (deafeningly) loud that they had no idea what they were sounding like. They had to yell the lyrics, and in nine cases out of ten, the singing was way off. They played from rote, and hoped that the other three were keeping time with them, and those other three were also playing from rote as well. There were some parts of concerts they heard later and they could not believe how bad they were on stage. No fault of theirs, because the sound systems were just so poor. At their last humungous stadium concert in the US, the band played straight into the stadium PA system, and what some of the crowd heard was just noise. (b) the songs had become so complex in the studio (beginning mainly at that Revolver album) that the band could not reproduce the same music in concert, and then with subsequent albums, the music became even more complex again.
One of the driving ideas of that Get Back album was in fact to ….. get back to music that could be reproduced at a live concert. The later problem with the album ended up with it being retitled Let It Be.
Also keep in mind that prior to Let It Be being originally slated for release, a bootleg got put out there, and the band spent a long time trying to get that situation sorted out. So much in fact, that their last studio album Abbey Road was actually released before the now retitled Get Back/Let It Be.
Phil Spector also had a bit of a hand in the final release of the song Let It Be. They made three versions of it, one with a lower sounding guitar solo, also orchestrated, and with Billy Preston on the big Hammond Organ, and then the Phil Spector version with George Harrison’s more driving guitar solo in it, and that latter version only made it onto the vinyl LP, and that version is still my favourite version of this beautiful song. A later version, removing the orchestration and just keeping that almost subdued guitar was released on the Naked version of this album.
Good read.
There are so many documentaries about The Beatles that you cannot even find the time to watch them all, some of them (well, most of them really) absolute dross. Not the case with the Ron Howard doco titled Eight Days Week.
I saw it on one the one of the streaming companies, and on the surface it looked innocuous enough, just a rehash of all the other ones. However, not very long at all after the start, it was ‘new’.
In the early 70s after the band had broken up, I found in a second hand book store a non fiction book about The Beatles, and it was one of the very first released to cash in on them, released just after their first hit in the UK, as they started out. The book was a tome that was wordy, so it would have appealed to not one of the fans of the band, because it was detailed before the band became what they became, and my thought is the book sold very few copies and died at birth, However, it was an absolute insight.
It detailed the lead up to their start, and the part that was the most informative was the detailing of their trips to Hamburg, something alluded to often, in passing, but not given all that much notice really.
The band made five trips to Hamburg between 1960 and 1962. There was very little pay for the band at the time, and they were expected to be ground into the dust. They would play for (sometimes all night) anything up to six and more hours, finishing up more often than not as the Sun rose. Then it was back to their rooms to do whatever, till they had to start up again around 7PM. Buzzing from the all nighters, they spent the time playing and learning new songs for their nightly ‘sets’.
However, what all this did was to MAKE them what they became.
The actual playing for so many hours was just a part of it, because during the day, all they would (usually) do was practice their instruments, and learn to play together, because when they first ‘teamed up’ their levels of expertise on their guitars was even less than basic, and the only one who could actually play (without looking) was the youngest, George Harrison.
Now what those literally many hundreds and hundreds of hours playing all night, and then practicing during the down time did was to cement their abilities, all of the band members at the time, to learn to actually play their instruments, to play together as a unit, to ‘bounce off’ each other, and to string together words and put them to music, and vice versa.
Those trips to Hamburg are what advantaged this one band over so many other bands which came out of what is now erroneously referred to as (using the American terminology) The British Invasion, when new bands and artists came out, almost on a daily basis, in the early and mid 60s.
None of them had that advantage given to The Beatles by those five trips to Hamburg, the ability to write their own ‘stuff’ not just the occasional song, but every single song, and to do it so quickly and so often.
And then, fuelled by that, to branch out into music that every other band envied, learning new instruments and then having the ability to try new things in the studio, that made the band into the phenomenon they were. The ability to hear that, and then play it.
That Ron Howard documentary does only cover the touring years, but some of the footage and the music, and the interviews are new enough to be fresh.
I had one of their singles released on Polydor from their Hamburg trips.
It seems that Nuclear power plants are becoming more expensive by the year and the latest Hinkley point stn in the UK had a price tag of about 22 billion in 2019 $.
So aiming for a Dr Pielke jr catch up tally of 1050 global stns would have cost about 23.1 trillion $ over the first three years and then ongoing for another 30 years.
So another 230 trillion $ until 2050, but the cost blowout for the next 30 years would probably add 10s of trillions of $ to the final price.
I could try and cost the final Wind energy price for the last 3 years and the next 30 years, but I haven’t the time at the moment. Perhaps some other more competent person could try their luck?
BTW I could be wrong with my sums above and would be interested if anyone can find a glaring hole in my ballpark numbers above.
What’s the cost of not using nuclear and instead using renewables? The financial cost of using unreliable power is far greater than a few billion. It will run into the 100’s of billions. Of course if they just admit the whole CAGW thing is a scam and a hoax they can then just build coal fired power stations.
It annoys me that outliers such as Hinkley C are still being quoted as “typical examples”. They are NOT. A typical example is Barakah in the UAE. Each unit took only 8 years to build, construction was approx to planned schedule, and when all four units are operating, the site will be generating 5.6GW for a construction cost of around A$27bn.
Also the current planned cost of 400 MW SMRs should be around A$3.3bn each, with a build time of 3-5 years.
With lifetimes of 60-80 years, these plants will still be generating clean reliable power long after the useless reliables are rusting away, polluting our countrysides.
Useless unreliable renewables…
What happened on Jan 6, 2020 in Washington DC?
The capitol building was invaded and ransacked by a bunch of unruly Trump supporters who are all now in jail, still awaiting trial.
Or was it? It is looking more and more as though the breach of the capitol was a co-ordinated false flag operation with FBI involvement to entrap the trump supporters and deflect attention from the stolen election.
Central to the unravelling story is a man called Ray Epps (likely an infiltrator of the Oathkeepers).
There are others such as John O’Sullivan who set up and then filmed the shooting of Ashli Babbit. Both are still to be indicted or even questioned about their involvement.
There will be more to come. It may be where the dam wall cracks.
They are now sow worried what will happen in 2024 will be far worse when the Democrats win again. So much so some in the military are talking about supporting the POTUS to avoid the Republicans from staging a revolt. So what happens if Trump wins? Will the military stage a coup to prevent him from becoming POTUS? In other words, it appears the scene is being set for the utter abandonment of democracy and the republic. Will be interesting to see how that plays out if that’s the case.
Adani’s first Carmichael Mine coal export shipment imminent after years of campaigns against it
There is 70 kms of open water, 50 m deep, between Abbot Pt and the GBR. Coal sinks and does not dissolve in water so how it will travel 70 k has me beat.
These people KNOW they are lyin’ but think they are noble lies.
An interesting read about China demographics
Beatles/Quarrymen. Hamburg/1961/Cry for a Shadow. The beginning of the most over-rated band of all time. Harrison was the only one who had any affinity to music, especially lyrics. The others were mediocre at best (especially Lennon).
The Beatles may have been mediocre, ok, but they put some foundation stones, later followed by the Stones.
John Lennon & Jimi Hendrix – Day Tripper (Live ’67) Nice to listen 😀
The world cast its vote long ago, it really doesnt matter what random individuals think.
It is official!