A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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War Crimes:
The attempted excuse will be that the vaccines are not experiments, that they are a necessary response to a medical emergency. First, there is no medical emergency; fewer people died in 2020 than in 2019 despite the pandemic. Second, the vaccines are literally experimental, with none of them having completed the usual trials before being approved for use on an “emergency” basis.
The Australian Government constantly claims that the vaccines are thoroughly tested and safe and not experimental and even the TGA states that but the following TGA page says otherwise. It suggests they are being “evaluated”.
The word salad brings to mind Sir Humphrey’s analysis of meta-dioxin as safe using his well polished knowledge of latin. Above and beyond dioxin and therefore safe.
I thought that in the program, meta dioxin was safe. However dioxin was definitely unsafe and had been associated with a human disaster in India.
By Sir Humpreys analysis and using his Latin meta dioxin means above and beyond dioxin and hence it is likely worse than dioxin, especially politically.
Hacker kills the project.
It wouldn’t be the first time I got something completely backwards.
A little research (where I know everything I read to be true) suggests that metadioxin is simply the harmless proponol (not sure whether that is the same as propanol). Sir Humphrey convinces the minister that it is safe (I got that bit right) then there are public protests about the dioxin in that version of the name. And for political reasons as you say Hacker kills the project.
Those scripts were brilliant and the acting was superb. All concerned sadly no longer with us.
It would appear that millions in the public are being used as test subjects for dosing studies at the very least:
An edited version of info from your link which IMHO better highlight some key points.
“Under normal circumstances, TGA’s assessment (for both provisional and general registration) begins once all information to support registration is available. The TGA will only be in a position to make a provisional registration decision for a vaccine once all required data relating to safety, quality and efficacy has been provided and assessed. We have not yet received a full data package from any company.”
“For COVID-19 vaccines, the TGA has agreed to accept rolling data to enable early evaluation of data as it comes to hand. With rolling submissions, collaboration with international regulators, and proactively working with sponsors, it is expected the evaluation of COVID-19 vaccines will be significantly expedited without compromising on our strict standards of safety, quality and efficacy. However, the timeframe for the evaluation of each vaccine will ultimately depend on when the complete data package is provided by sponsors.”
“Many of the large-scale clinical trials that will provide evidence of safety and effectiveness are still progressing and these results will be provided to the TGA as they become available.”
“collaboration with international regulators, and proactively working with sponsors”
(Raises some interesting thoughts on what “proactively working” could be)!
“that will provide evidence of safety and effectiveness”.
( For an organisation tasked with making decisions affecting the lives of so many people it would engender greater public confidence if they exhibited a more open mindset and say ‘that may or may not’ “provide evidence of safety and effectiveness”
Worth repeating: “We have not yet received a full data package from any company.”
So the word is “sponsors”.
Dr. Noach on the vax contents
I note that ‘Covid 19 disease’ has recently been added to the Australian Immunisation handbook:
Does this suggest that it is now something more than a ‘Provisionally Approved’ vaccine that was being pumped into clinical trial participants for the best part or 6 months:
So pFizzer gets a promotion just when evidence is clearer that it doesn’t work?
The more I study the way many in government have been behaving the more I’m convinced they need to be brought to Nuremberg trials and if found guilty, which they would be under normal circumstances, be put behind bars for life. No excuses, no exceptions. This is as serious as it can get, more so than the climate change scam.
That would be a good thing but remember that even a royal commission in Victoria could not identify who ordered the private guards would be hired for Victoria’s botched hotel quarantine program.
That’s a full on, whole of government, full court press from Sgt Schulz. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I know nothing. I didn’t even get out of bed that morning.
In the present circumstances nobody will be found guilty.
The Commission’s inability to identify any guilty individuals is extraordinary.
Anyone who has ever worked for the Government knows you can’t even get a pen from the stationery cabinet without signing a form.
How much more so for $30 million?
… and everybody went along with the story that nobody could be identified. Not even one person had the courage of the little boy who declared that the emperor was naked.
Back in the day, they had “investigative journalists” that would have found the guilty parties if the Government was unable or unwilling to do so. As it is the “journalists” just accepted the findings.
The journalists used the word “scoop” and a scoop was the way to a bigger future.
It wasn’t a Royal Commission that looked into the Vic Quarantine. It was simply a govt inquiry looking at themselves with a govt chosen judge.
Not all relevant witnesses were required to attend and some key players didn’t appear in person and effectively had a proxy attend.
The inquiry did it’s best to avoid discovering certain information and it was sometimes due to media investigations that the inquiry looked at flaws in evidence submitted.
It was a sham inquiry. No offence intended to the judge who was a bit hindered. But the distinction needs to be drawn between this inquiry and a Royal Commission.
I’ll stand corrected.
Of course you had every right to expect an inquiry into near 800 deaths would be a Royal Commission.
The St Basil’s inquiry has already found some hard evidence. There will be more.
It wasn’t a Royal Commission! It was a joke inquiry ordered by Daniel Andrews himself to exonerate himself. Which it did.
Judge Coates didn’t even ask for phone records and as the conclusion was made before it started. No one ordered the use of a company with no experience, no staff and who hired students off the internet as security guards. No one. According to Coates in her first decision, no one made the decision and it was ‘organic’. That was so ludicrous and unacceptable that the ‘inquiry’ continued to another conclusion.
Peta Credlin asked publicly why the phone records were not required, and they were required and ended up proving that the decision was made on a Sunday morning between 12am and 6am. By no one.
Even the Police Commisioner accepted that he had blatantly lied in the witness box. But he walked away. This was not a court. It was an inquiry and lying was fine. Daniel Andrews blamed everyone who had lied to cover his tracks. So Health Minister Jenny Mikakos resigned immediately and left parliament entirely, blaming Daniel Andrews’ blatant lies.
This was not an objective and independent Royal Commission. It was a tragic joke. A cover up.
We all know who was responsible for the deaths of over 800 people, most of the deaths in Australia.
We have always known.
And now one Victorian Government department has now sued another, at our expense and again no one was named. This deadly farce continues while Daniel Andrews tries again to seize absolute power in Victoria on behalf of his Chinese Communist bosses. And arrest anyone he chooses without explanation and for as long as he likes without judicial oversight. Berlin 1933 with a Fascist in charge. People forget the Fascists were Extreme Socialists.
The only question is when Daniel Andrews will try to form his own Republic and enforce it with his own army, above the police and the law.
People outside Victoria might now know Daniel Andrews last year passed a devastating law that if anyone employed by company died, the head of the company was to be automatically charged with manslaughter and presumably de facto guilty. Whether there was any fault or not or even knowledge. Except that as the largest employer in Victoria, Andrews forgot to exempt himself.
So no one is mentioned as being responsible for the Chinese flu deaths, the largest number in the country. A recent anonymous Law suit between State Government departments is just an absurd cover up. No one is named. Decisions are ‘organic’.
Victoria has become a total dictatorship. Andrews has ruled by one man decrees for nearly two years. And the Chinese virus and the emergency health laws gave him the right to do it, so he has expanded them. Now he will be able to seize absolute power at any time and lock anyone up indefinitely, without reason and outside the entire legal system. Berlin 1933. He can now bring in concentration camps as in China for the Uighurs, Stalin and his Gulags and Hitler and his political camps long before the death camps.
And in the middle of this, his back was broken so he ruled from home for four months, fully pay, no sick leave. How many people do you know who have had broken backs at home between midnight and 6am? We in Victoria live in a state unlike any other. Australia is being assaulted externally but it is becoming clear there is a fifth column at home too. (fifth colum: clandestine group or faction of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation’s solidarity by any means at their disposal)
In other parts of the world they’re singing the popular carol “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” while in Danistan they are forced to sing “It’s beginning to look a lot like Hitler” before Herr Dan’s black shirts.
No wonder our Federal health minister is doing the disappearing act.
SHOCKING: In the wake of Austria’s drastic lockdown of unvaccinated people, EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code
Ursula Van Der Leyen, the head of the EU commission, told the press on Wednesday that she is in favour of scrapping the long-standing Nuremburg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated against COVID.
Hard to believe.
What the Hades is going on?
Well in my opinion it is power grabbing and anti-freedom. Throw out the esteemed methods to bring justice and what will happen next?
If the EU Chief is behind that then what?
Add her name to the list for Nuremberg II
Bill Gates,
Kalus Schwab,
Every provincial government leader
Every national government leader
Every chief medical officer,
Every head of medical regulators,
Every medico who refused to back treatments and ended up costing their patients their lives
add your thoughts to the list, there must be thousands
I bet the Poms are thanking their lucky stars for Brexit. Farage needs to go full tilt for PM.
100 July 2019
‘“Von der Leyen is our weakest minister. That’s apparently enough to become Commission president,” former European Parliament President Martin Schulz seethed in a tweet Tuesday evening.
Though Schulz is a Social Democrat, his analysis of the minister’s record is shared by many of von der Leyen’s fellow Christian Democrats, though most are reluctant to criticize her publicly. Instead, they point to the state of the German military.
“The Bundeswehr’s condition is catastrophic,” Rupert Scholz, who served as defense minister under Helmut Kohl, wrote last week before von der Leyen was nominated to the EU’s top post. “The entire defense capability of the Federal Republic is suffering, which is totally irresponsible.”
Among friends and foes alike, von der Leyen’s stewardship of the defense ministry, which she has headed since 2014, is regarded as a failure.
That’s just one reason her party would be more than happy to see her go to Brussels.
What the rest of Europe gets out of the bargain is another question.
If so, she had plenty of reason for concern. In 2015, well before the procurement scandal erupted, von der Leyen faced plagiarism accusations in connection with the thesis she wrote when she studied medicine.
I think of it this way – if you transposed the actions of global govts back to 1940s Germany, what would you conclude? Except this time its not just one country thats in “camps”, rather our own homes are the points of confinement.
And we have “freedoms” depending on what the Camp Commendant decrees that week.
We appear to have a global reboot of n**ism….but this time
We knew there would be war in North America as well as in Europe; it is long overdue on both continents. But I always believed that the wars would be triggered by immigration, not evil medical tyranny run amok.
FF… I totally agree. “”evil medical tyranny run amok’ It is stinking corrupt but it has a weakness.
Hiding the Ivermectin cure (medical miracle) for covid is a black and white issue. There are no political sides. The hiding of the Ivermectin evidence a..Is stinking evil.
This is an issue the general population will listen to because it is a simple story that has a happy ending.
Forcing people to vaccinate will not stop covid and will not get rid of the covid masks.
It is a fact, that our health care systems and governments have failed. And it will get worse if we do not speak up.
Indonesia does not have a health care system to protect Indonesians from getting and spreading covid.
The Indonesian people are self-treating , using Ivermectin when necessary, to avoid getting covid and to avoid getting serious sick from covid
Ivermectin has reduced the daily new covid cases in Indonesia (Population: 277 million) from a peak of 56,000 new daily cases to 245 cases now.
Country, % of total Pop. Fully Vac, Number of new Daily Cases, Pop.
Germany – 68% – 70k – 84M
Indonesia – 35% – 0.2k – 276M
Australia – 73% – 1.5k – 26M
USA – 59% – 107k – 333 M
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 67 studies
Covid Analysis, Dec 3, 2021, Version 157
Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. All remain statistically significant after exclusions. 45 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation (35 primary outcome, 32 most serious outcome).
• Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 66% [53‑76%] and 85% [75‑91%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis (which excludes all of the GMK/BBC team studies), with primary outcomes, and after restriction to peer-reviewed studies or Randomized Controlled Trials.
• Results are very robust — in worst case exclusion sensitivity analysis 56 of 67 studies must be excluded to avoid finding statistically significant efficacy.
The study concludes that the mRNA vaccines “dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle,” which researchers say is likely to account for the increased number of adverse cardiac or vascular events and side effects such as thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and others in patients post-vaccination.
Excellent essay on the forced jabs, and more. Couple of excerpts:
I swear. At this point, short of having these [d-heads] whisper ‘Hail Hydra’, this has all the makings of a really s***y Marvel movie. I don’t even think those hacks in Hollywood could write a plot this predictable and awful. Mark my words, in the next 3 to 6 months, when all this ‘Omicron’ horses*** dies down, they’ll find some ‘new’ variant which is even more contagious, deadly, etc. in some other forgotten part of the world, like India or Japan, that did things their own way because they realized how utterly retarded people in the developed parts of the western hemisphere appear to be. Oh, and it can ONLY be cured by getting ‘the jab’.
This really is guerilla warfare in a sense, because while I don’t have the artillery and heavy weapons and superior numbers (in a figurative sense) to achieve a decisive victory over the government and corporate apparatus that has declared war on people like me, I CAN deny them a victory by holding the line. The last 70 years have shown how well these clowns fare against guerilla warfare. Spoiler alert: they kinda suck. The Vietnam conflict shows ample evidence of that, as does the last 20 years we wasted in Afghanistan.
Every graph loaded with facts and meaning.
Two excerpts:
The Biden administration’s toxic mix of malevolence, incompetence, and ignorance has produced a perfect storm of disasters: soaring inflation; uncertain energy supplies as the winter season begins; a diminishing workforce; a supply chain so broken that some experts believe that it will not be able to be fixed until 2024; a Covid vaccination policy that has led to the vaccinated dying at higher rates than the unvaccinated (and in which the vaccinated are suffering from millions of injuries that do not afflict the unvaccinated); the criminalization of cheap and effective cures for Covid (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine) while mandating ineffective, experimental, and dangerous mRNA therapies masquerading as vaccines; an agricultural policy that pays farmers one and a half times normal subsidies as long as they destroy their crops (while simultaneously having two million additional illegal alien mouths to feed); Third World-style lawlessness in Leftist-controlled metropolitan areas; a devastated military that is no longer capable of defending the country; a Department of Justice that views parents who attend school board meetings as domestic terrorists but supports Antifa and BLM; and an FBI that should be renamed the KGB.
We can also expect that the Biden regime will make further attempts to restrict white people’s civil rights. Even though the vaccination mandates appear on the road to being completely overturned by the courts, the Leftists are still in control of the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the IRS. We should expect greater lawfare in the coming year against churches, Christians, gun owners, home-schoolers, PTA members, veterans’ organizations, registered Republicans, and small business owners. The Biden regime may also attempt to harass anyone who has stated an opinion online that opposes the Leftist narrative. VPNs are going to be essential for internet usage, since regime monitoring of dissident computer usage will undoubtedly increase. Also remember that the Patriot Act permits the federal government to monitor library usage. When possible, avoid American libraries. It is safer to purchase dissident books and share them with your like-minded friends in samizdat form.
RTWT. Well worth your time:
Hitting the right buttons there FF.
Here in Australia we need to remember that the collapse of America evident in daily shooting events, mass murders by motor vehicle; that only previously happened in Invaded Europe, the smash and grab syndrome involving tens of “needy” zero bail participants etc, yes, we must understand that we are;
Only Six Months Behind That Collapse of Civilization.
Historically pandemic survival was best achieved by “getting the hell out of Dodge” .
In NZ this trend is becoming discernible ; city folk want to leave, and go bush.
The only damn pandemic I’ve noticed (apart from Ms Divide N Conquer’s daily kindergarten conversation) is the amount of campervans on the road (and in the carparks) driven by folk who really should not be behind the wheel of a campervan.
Then again, watching some old dear perform a 3-point turn which (d)evolves into a 9-point (11-point?) near disaster is always entertaining, as long as I’m a safe distance away.
Cov!d-19 = Crock-20 = Campervan-21 = Catch-22?
Don’t knock the campervan crowd, they are probably waiting to have their ILLEGAL drugs legally tested to they know they are safe to take at music festivals. ( Dont worry about dose rates or random “mix and match” effects, this sh*t is good man.)
The land of the long white woke certainly is showing the way when it comes to social reforms.
It quite confuses me as to when a drug can be tested and deemed “yours” therefore o.k. to take and what does a “pusher” do. If the pusher turned up with a commercial quantity but stands in the line to have the wares tested, is this person a criminal or socially responsible. Could it be a marketing advantage to have your drug of choice pretested (and approved) so no waiting in line? Questions ,questions. Answers not so many.
Minorities, Maori gangs, Millionaires and Multinationals: “They are us”, Cindarella said, after Beware! The Ides of March.
Any citizen who questions this: second-class anti-Science (insert derogatory name, word, phrase of the week here) who needs to be banished from so-called civil society so they don’t infect the ‘protected’ ones – thinking is now a crime in Apartheid Aotearoa.
No Sambar, these dear old campervan-driving retired greyhairs are not the all-night doof-doof ravers you are imagining: perhaps I should’ve used the term motor-home or palace-on-wheels… all aboard!
I hav always respected your views but I must disagree with your ‘6 months’ assessment.
Sure, we live in a crazy world right now but I think that this just the new ‘norm’ and we have to adjust to living on a knifes edge for some time . .
Yes; it was just a talking point, but we do have a crisis on the way.
What’s going to happen when Scomo and the States cut off jobby and business support?
Former business owners are going to be more unhappy than they are now.
As a support diversion, went to Singleton the other day to stand near the courthouse, and then to the Caledonian.
America may be a bit messed up lately but it is not “collapsed” yet. In spite of those headlines, we are doing just fine thank you.
Hi Bozo,
I’ve always had a lot of respect for America but the system is not doing the right thing by the decent members of that community and makes me sad.
Back in 2009 my wife and I spent nearly two weeks in New York and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was so safe and welcoming.
I would not be game to go there now; things have changed.
Many here in Australia are doing it tough after having their businesses and work situations thrown up in the air.
I hope we can all work our way out of this soon
Here in the USA, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) reports the following:
The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These “bounties” must paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.
The hospital payments include:
A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.
CMS implemented “value-based” payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.
Outside hospitals, physician MIPS quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.
Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.
“Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.”
Hmm … what possible interest could government have in offering bounties for a particular diagnosis?
Stick the person in a big room full of other coughing COVID patients and your presumptive diagnosis becomes self fulfilling.
President Trump got scammed by signing the CARES Act … he never admits he is wrong, but the bureaurocrats beat him by stealth and cunning.
Absolutely frightening.
Strangely Keith, I find it reassuring; that the way that I thought that this was all going , is indeed the way that it is all going.
Sort of like winning Lotto.
I concur. My theory is that the more degrees those in govt have, then the more stupid and out of touch and incapable that government becomes. As we can see from the events of the last few years, covid and climate change, the theory seems to hold water.
Sorry, this is in the wrong place. It’s supports the condemnation of the girl being violently pushed by a Vic police officer.
Alarming behavior. The officer who pushed that girl should be sacked. Fat chance.
The response was to another comment on this topic;
Three weeks ago, at a Perth forum, Prof. Jeremy Nicholson of Murdoch Uni, spoke about Long Covid, which can develop weeks or months after even asymptomatic cases appear cleared. Like so much about the disease, it is unpredictable who will be affected by it, but it includes children. Long Covid can cause serious organ damage and last indefinitely. I have not seen any reports of Prof. Nicholson’s speech in the media. Maybe I missed it?
Anyway, here is the youtube of it
Long Covid , The Immune System Defect Previously Known As Myalgic Encephalitis
Apologies to prince RIP.
Most recently known as Post Viral Syndrome. This title explains it, really. My mother had this many many years ago after she contracted Ross River Fever. She was bed ridden for a long time as her muscle strength was affected. Also had weird neurological symptoms. Doctors knew very little & thought she was a malingerer. Consulted one of Australia’s leading neurologists who told her to walk down the corridor, assuring her there was nothing wrong with her muscles. She just could not do it. She eventually recovered some capacity. The test was gardening which she loved more than anything – but just could not do it.
I believe it is now recognised by the medicos.
It was also known variously as CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Eventually it was realised that it was an immune dysfunction.
Correct farmerbraun. I figured out that it was an immune system issue very early on when I got it in the mid-90s as I kept getting viral relapse any time I got my heart rate up for an extended period. I tried all sorts of treatments including IV vitamin C but nothing worked aside from 20+ years away from serious exercise.
Now I’m back to 200km rides although I did have a 4 month relapse after an event late in January. Boosting my vitamin D levels with supplements got me out of that and I now wonder if it would have worked with my earlier, extended CFS
Analytik said
Better late than never 😀
Fibromyalgia responds to Vitamin D, according to
Keep your vitamin D levels UP. All the time.
It’s not a cure for COVID but it sure helps keep that bug away
And Vitamin D doesn’t have any nasty side effects like the vaccines do eg: myocarditis
I have it. It followed a weird illness I contracted on a trip to the US, possibly a tick bite while walking in the Grand Canyon area. I was very poorly indeed, mostly with a high fever and joint pain. The fever was so bad I was even hallucinating.
Well, I recovered enough to get out of bed after three days, but had what felt like a chest infection for another fortnight or so.
Since then, I have suffered inexplicable fatigue and joint pain, diagnosed as fibromyalgia based solely on symptoms. I have been putting up with this since 2011 but thankfully, I can still function OK-ish. I spent a few years on the medical roundabout, trying to find a fix, but eventually gave up and accepted that it is what it is – and every day above ground is a good day!
Lyme disease?
Yes, Prof. Nicholson does mention that the most common symptom of Long Covid is chronic fatigue – but it’s more complex than that. Seems he would be motivated to work it out as he has Long Covid himself, having been infected while at a conference in Italy in January 2020. His talk is about 20 mins but informative.
Do you know if he has tried ivermectin? The FLCCC Alliance has that plus some other supplements and drugs on their long Covid treatment plan .
‘Studies Continue to Suggest Long COVID and ME/CFS/FM are Closely Connected’
‘One study suggests T-helper cells that help drive the immune response are reduced in long COVID – perhaps indicating a role in the immune response that allowed the coronavirus to be active longer and produce more long-term damage.’
‘The ACE-2 receptor that the coronavirus binds to in order to enter cells potentially presents a fascinating connection as ACE-2 problems have also been found in ME/CFS. ACE-2 receptor problems, for instance, could play a role in the low blood volume found in ME/CFS. A French group took it upon themselves to look for the receptor in gut tissues and found that a coronavirus infection of those cells reduced dopamine production, and given the role that gut-produced dopamine plays in the brain, could produce “prolonged brain alterations.”’
‘Aortic hypermetabolism – presumably associated with inflammation – or a virus- was detected about 20% of long-COVID patients.’
‘Thick, clotty blood could presumably impair oxygen delivery to the muscles and it was thick, clotty blood that the next long-COVID study found. The study found “a significant failure in the fibrinolytic process.’
Interested in this Dec 6 webinar? Or perhaps look out for it on youtube.
Immune-Based Prediction of Long Covid and Implications for ME/CFS
Features Dr. Bruce Patterson.
More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions
This report runs to 88 pages of tabular summary listing COVID policy failures common to many governments.
The great body of evidence (comparative research studies and high-quality pieces of evidence and reporting judged to be relevant to this analysis) shows that COVID-19 lockdowns, shelter-in-place policies, masks, school closures, and mask mandates have failed in their purpose of curbing transmission or reducing deaths. These restrictive policies were ineffective and devastating failures, causing immense harm especially to the poorer and vulnerable within societies.
The benefits of the societal lockdowns and restrictions have been totally exaggerated and the harms to our societies and children have been severe: the harms to children, the undiagnosed illness that will result in excess mortality in years to come, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation in our young people, drug overdoses and suicides due to the lockdown policies, the crushing isolation due to the lockdowns, psychological harms, domestic and child abuse, sexual abuse of children, loss of jobs and businesses and the devastating impact, and the massive numbers of deaths resulting from the lockdowns that will impact heavily on women and minorities.
. . . “children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic.
. . . the environmental changes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic is significantly and negatively affecting infant and child development.”
. . . the U.S. has now carried out two large-scale experiments in public health—first, in March and April, the lockdown of the economy to arrest the spread of the virus, and second, since mid-April, the reopening of the economy. The results are in. Counterintuitive though it may be, statistical analysis shows that locking down the economy didn’t contain the disease’s spread and reopening it didn’t unleash a second wave of infections.”
Plus much much more.
I’ve see a couple of news reports on Australian covid quarantine camps now.
What is going on at Howard Springs? People are being forcibly detained behind a barbed wire fence?
Not barbed wire, there teenagers jumped a wire fence but were picked up about a day later, all negative.
Kind of looks a bit barby
They wouldn’t have climbed over a razor wire fence or barbed wire fence, only local lads who don’t like being incarcerated.
‘At a COVID update press conference, NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner confirmed the teenagers, aged 15, 16 and 17, tested negative for the virus yesterday.
‘He said all three were from the Binjari community near Katherine and had been sent into quarantine as close contacts of positive cases.’
So they were incarcerated then. Thanks for reporting that.
Razor wire, barbed wire, plain wire, electrified wire…… Sounds mostly like the same thing to me.
We are all in this together. Most of the inmates are happy with their situation, more like a retirement village.
Plus you have flatten the curve in the Victorian fashion.
The situation in Melbourne is quite different to the Top Enders
Its my understanding that they have communal BBQs at Howard Springs, not exactly a leper colony, but another fella climbed over the fence.
‘Police received reports at about 10pm that a man had scaled the fence at the facility.
‘He was found at an address in Humpty Doo at about 2:50am this morning, police said.
‘Police said the man, who has been taken into custody, was a traveller from interstate.’ (ABC)
You and your MSM trash info.
They are not allowed off their little area of porch except to go to the laundry or bin, must be masked. Once a day a bag of food is dropped off.
There is a BBQ area and a pool, they are not allowed to use them or even socialise. Its solitary confinement even with numerous neg tests.
You have low expectations for your time in a home.
Its not razor wire in the photo, its barbed. They are easy to get over.
Binjari is inland from Katherine which is a long way from Darwin, about 4 hrs drive, so not local.
A vid from a convict, for clarity.
Full lockdown and no BBQ, bit harsh. Still, they could get quietly drunk.
I only have 5 minutes here so brief it is. the seed industry in the world is mostly in the hands of multinationals who have dumped 90% of the once available seeds held by the smaller companies they bankrupted then bought out, and now concentrate on the best sellers. Far too many of these are now sterile forcing constant purchase.
I wrote to an MP years ago about this and the answer was waffle garbage while further attempts were ignored.
The loss of variety is insane as when conditions change so does the strain that will flourish and the dumping while not 100% has removed them almost totally from availability.
So, when it hits the fan, and the sterile seeds now do not produce seeds that grow, nor do those fertile few currently used due to the climate whatever changes, the famines will be almost 100%ers.
Never has corporate greed been sossuicidal than in this area
Add in the establishment of Plant Variety Rights , and then the multi-nationals have the control they sought. Fortunately there still exist open-pollinated varieties of many species.
People are rightly concerned about future pandemics. I’m also am concerned about the coming world famine of catastrophic proportions. So much for “climate change”; a scam that governments of the so called “free world” are addicted to like a drug addict.
Just wait till the fertiliser shutdown chickens come home to roost, it will affect rich and poor nations alike.
There are some 1000 seed banks round the world, the arrest being in Kew in England
These store virtually every type of plant seed known to man.
However I would fully agree that the number and variety of seeds open to buy on the general market has greatly diminished in recent years as seed companies concentrate on those easiest to collect or the most profitable
There is the global seed bank in Norway , underground and under ice. It was built to survive atomic warfare.
It is well maintained and newly discovered species are added regularly.
In Australia we have The Diggers Club and Eden Seeds , both supply organically grown heritage seeds. Diversity is there if as a gardener you are prepared to grow your own.
Germany has now embraced Austria’s regime for the unvaccinated.
This is not supposed to be here . It was an add on to David M’s comment at #11
that seed bank is on Svalbard. May be diificult to get to with all that ice around lately.
As for a supplier I have found Seeds of Plenty reliable.
There are other companies Sow good seeds, The Seed Collection etc. In fact there seems to be rising interest in heirloom seeds.
Well, a seed bank is just the perfect place to concentrate the wealth in one place. When you find armed guards on Svaalbard and “No Access” signs, you will know its too late.
When Clive Blazey kicks the bucket and Diggers is sold to some giant multinational, you’ll know its too late.
The only answer is for people to devote more time to growing their own food, but the chance of tht happening in today’s “instant gratification” world are non-existent.
In a world crisis such seed banks would be unavailable and useless to 99%.
And even in a limited one, the globalists would be controlling their use.
A stockpile is only of use to those who control it.
To assume otherwise is naive.
Most people are unaware of the manmade sterility of seeds and only those aware and ready (using “organic” seed sources etc.) will be able to replace the now broken supply chains. But then when word “gets around” unless they are armed and prepared, they won’t last long nor will their seeds.
I wonder if there is more than simple greed behind the sterility of such seeds and I would like to know more about who really controls these corporations.
Read up on the deliberate communist enforced Ukrainian famines (the Holodomor) to gain a taste of what famine is like. “Execution by Hunger” is excellent if depressing and the similarity of the young communists there with our present antifa/blm/climate lunatics is blatant. I have seen starvation in humans and always remember that morality only exists in those who are hydrated, fed, sheltered and safe as if you remove any or all of those it cannot exist in potential survivors. Read up on who survived in the WW2 KLs and how they managed it.
Gates was handed the keys to the world seed banks I think.
Will. And the worst of it was in India where farmers were banned from saving their own seeds for the next harvest. Monsanto got into India during the 90’s and as you will see from this article (republish of its 2013 original release) the outcome was devastating for the poor farmers. In late 90’2/early 2000’s there were a lot of articles on the appalling suicide rate of Indian farmers but nothing much came of it.
The EU is pushing hard for forced covid vaccinations.
This will no doubt be adopted by the WHO.
The Australian Government has an obsessive commitment to following UN decrees so it will happen here. Or it will just follow the anti-freedom decrees of Europe (or anyone else).
In fact, it really is already compulsory here. If you can’t work, trade, shop, go to restaurants or generally participate in life it is effectively compulsory.
Headlines in the Herald Sun online suggest that Victoriastan “might” end the vaccine mandate policy “soon” I doubt the ever growing demonstrations have anything to do with this policy revision, any changes will only be based on the best medial advise. ( do I need a sarc ? )
Good news from the US.
Various covid vaccine mandates that Biden’s handlers had attempted to impose were struck down by a court.
I wish Australia had some wise judges and politicians who actually cares about the people.
Nov 30 (Reuters) – The Biden administration was blocked on Tuesday from enforcing two mandates requiring millions of American workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, a key part of its strategy for controlling the spread of the coronavirus.
U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in Monroe, Louisiana, temporarily blocked the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) from enforcing its vaccine mandate for healthcare workers until the court can resolve legal challenges.
Doughty’s ruling applied nationwide, except in 10 states where the CMS was already prevented from enforcing the rule due to a prior order from a federal judge in St. Louis.
“There is no question that mandating a vaccine to 10.3 million healthcare workers is something that should be done by Congress, not a government agency,” wrote Doughty.
Separately, U.S. District Judge Gregory Van Tatenhove in Frankfort, Kentucky, blocked the administration from enforcing a regulation that new government contracts must include clauses requiring that contractors’ employees get vaccinated.
The contractor ruling applied in the three states that had filed the lawsuit, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee, one of at least 13 legal challenges nationwide against the regulation. It appears to be the first ruling against the contractor vaccine mandate.
The White House declined to comment.
I am of the opinion, that many organizations here in the US that have fired people over vax mandates, will find themselves dealing with lawsuits when this all shakes out.
Vax mandates are an hysterical reaction.
(My vax doesn’t work unless everyone is vaxed … please.)
Thank you Founding Fathers for the US Constitution.
Farcebook has a renewed purge against conservative groups on their platform.
This time it is using the claim of “misinformation”, in relation to COVID vaccination.
Anything that doesn’t comply with the claims of the WHO or various Government agencies, even if it is peer reviewed literature and even by eminent scientists, is deemed to be “misinformation” and too many violations will have the group banned.
A long time ago, (in a galaxy far, far away … ), I took a perfunctory look at what is now called, “social” media.
I cannot prove it, but in very short order, I knew instinctively, that anything, and everything, associated with ‘social’ media was bad, or would be bad. I made a decision never to get involved with anything of the sorts of choices available to us in this realm.
This morning, before I left for my volunteer job, I ran across this article. I never know if a posted link will work, so I will apologize in advance if it does not. It is possible the same article can be found through a search engine if the link does not work:
I know at least some here have indicated that they are not involved; if you should happen to be, you might consider removing yourself, and encouraging others to do so as well.
All my best Regards to everyone,
BUMMERS, link works.
Well – yes and no. I do t use Instagram at all & Facebook only to be informed about events of use to me.
But this very blog is classed as social media & is an invaluable source of information for me, as are a couple of others that I follow.
Actually the various global governments would love us to cease social media use because that is where people are learning about the inefficacy of the vax programs & the actual fa ts about this “pandemic”.
Platforms like GOOGLE, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter found a way to extract value from a new service. They were reasonably democratic spaces where individuals could become wealthy using these platforms. But the owners of the platforms have grown fabulously wealthy and started to play politics. I was an early user of Facebook but removed my initial details. They handled personal information carelessly. Now they are political I am a reluctant user manly just keeping in touch with remote family members.
It is interesting that Twitter’s share price dived from USD77 in early 2021 down to a recent low od USD43 after Trump was banned. That saw the founder and CEO resign recently.
These centralised platforms are being replaced by more democratic domains. Bitcoin is the forerunner and Etherium a close follower. Blockchain technology has also enabled NFTs. This new economy has a capitalised value of USD3tr in just 13 years of existence. The creators are close to anonymous and the value resides with the holders of the currency and NFTs. The metaverse is emerging and I think it will be more distributed and democratic than the current platforms.
AS an aside, this blog falls under most definitions of social media. So new Australian rules on defamation and bullying on social media will likely apply to this blog. That means JoNova will need names and addresses of commenters so any defamation claims can be directed to the individual.
I prefer the UK example where The INDEPENDENT newspaper censored someone’s comments when all he (or she) had done was post images of previous articles from The INDEPENDENT.
An entirely new level of internet censorship is occurring. Entire domain names being taken down, not just posts or tweets, but entire privately hosted websites are being “disappeared”.
The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline, as they seek to take total control of the flow of information and establish their “Great Narrative.” CTED notifies domain registrars of “extremist” sites — i.e., those that promote narratives they don’t approve of — and the sites can no longer be found. This reflects a new level of internet censorship, but it is not just publishers who are in the crosshairs…it is all of us.
This is how to protest. No noise or histrionics, just the message,LOUD and CLEAR. Imagine the effect of a similarly silent protest the size of the recent Melbourne gatherings.The message would be heard worldwide.
Why does the VIC Government even need new pandemic laws? The world’s longest lockdown and the biggest penalties proves they can already do whatever they want.
Victoria and Australia in general is heading for a full dictatorship. Australian governments have already imposed dictatorial laws with the full support of most politicians, the media and the Left, so now they know they can get away with just about anything.
They passed the new law because the previous law expires on Dec 15.
Under the current State of Emergency the Chief Health Officer is empowered to issue Directions to help contain the spread of COVID-19 and keep Victorians safe.
The new law puts those powers to declare a Pandemic emergency in the hands of the Premier (Dictator Dan).
Both laws allow the normal democratic process of having laws debated and passed in parliament to be bypassed.
The excellent Freddie Sayers of Unherd on vaccination camps which, if true, is a startling stage in Australia’s extraordinary and despotic reaction to covid
What will happen if the new variation Takes hold in oz does not bear thinking about
You can search unherd for Sayers excellent and scary reports on lockdown on Vienna and his interview with roger Hallam of XR
It’s tragic watching the wilful destruction of the United States by Biden’s handlers. And there will be another three years of it. Alternatively if Biden is “retired” due to his obvious dementia-related mental impairment, any likely replacement such as Harris, Pelosi or Buttigieg would lead to an even bigger disaster and worse destruction.
Give me the name of the best Democrat to replace Biden at the next election?
The best Democrat is no Democrat.
Then what about the best Republican excluding Trump?
Ron DeSantis is best Republican candidate, including Trump.
Hmmm …
‘DeSantis, a Republican aligned with former President Donald Trump, this week proposed a $500 million infusion of state funding to help local governments plan for sea-level rise and increased flood risk.’ (Politico)
The Disturbing And Shocking Plan To Replace Kamala Harris
The answer is clear, the problem is solved, according to my source, by selecting Michelle Obama. Money, the machinery of power, the media will be behind her.
The reason she could not be persuaded to run for President in 2020 was that she was afraid of being defeated. That problem is solved if she is eased into power in stages. First, she will be called upon to fill the vice-presidential vacancy a departing Kamala Harris would leave. And then, probably before the 2022 mid-term elections, Biden will be asked to step down gracefully by those pulling the strings, and by Jill Biden as well, to allow Michelle Obama to become the caretaker president leading up to 2024.
This will, they hope, swing the polling in their favor for the Primaries.
Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris in lead for 2024 if Biden decides not to run, poll says
No one ever said the Evil Doers of the Left weren’t smart and cunning strategists.
The way I read it is that they must rid themselves of Harris BEFORE they 25th Joe. The easiest way to achieve this is to appoint her to the SCOTUS. Brilliant, a Justice who failed her bar exam.
And don’t write off Hillary. No way has she retired.
Since we are repeating previous posts, i will repeat my same question to that post..
…. Can they nominate an UNELECTED individual to a key post such as VP. ??
go to the section on Vacnacies
(prior to 1967 25th amendment, VP vacancies went unfilled until the next election)
Ford, as you know stepped from VP to President. It is pretty clear the Michelle Obama could be president via this route.
That’s like asking which of the Seven Dwarves should the Pistons select to turn their season around.
Joe Manchin.
Good choice, he is against vaccine mandates and has the right attitude on fossil fuels.
The best Democrat wont be selected , they had that chance and came up with that ridiculous bunch of losers (with the possible exception of Gabbard) as Presidential candidates.
Not so different here , look at the Labor leadership/shadow Minister line up. Really? Albanese PM? Really.
US democracy is apparently in free fall, but its a different story in China.
China and “democracy” The even try to sound like they are serious
There are over a million villages in China and they have free and fair elections to choose their local leaders. Further up the political ladder its democracy with Chinese characteristics.
I am so so reassured that the tentacles of the CCP are magically excluded from local free and fair elections
Earlier on they realised it was unmanageable and giving democracy to these villages seemed the course of least resistance. In Australia we call them local elections, but further up the ladder we see the authoritarian dictatorship.
‘The idea of Intra-party democracy has been repeatedly emphasized and expounded by the CCP as an alternative to liberal democratic ideals characterized by multiparty elections and competition.’ (wiki)
… and here is an example of the strategy.
‘The Chinese and Hong Kong government have implemented a series of dramatic changes to the electoral processes, such as cutting the number of directly elected seats and implementing a rigorous vetting process for candidates, which must first be approved as “patriots” in order to run. Designed by Beijing and approved by pro-government Hong Kong lawmakers, the sweeping changes effectively sever any pathways for dissenting voices to be elected into the legislative body.’ (The Diplomat)
This is a run down of the covid situation in various European countries
It seems that at present the UK is the most liberal country as regards current rules. Ireland has today clamped down, with restrictions of night clubs and masks for 8 year olds.
Ireland allows masked 8-year-olds into night clubs? Who runs these houses of entertainment, the Pope?
Of course The masked 8 year olds are not allowed into the dance floors of night clubs, they have to be content with merely serving acolhic drinks to the tables of those attending.
Just another little clip to add to the Fauci file. ToM
Thanks for posting. I wish we had politicians who were prepared to grill unelected medical bureaucrats like that.
I think Craig Kelly has shown such courage.
Good to see Sidney Powell back in the news, still claiming she has evidence for the stollen election, It’ll be found under the pile of climate fraud ‘evidence ‘.
Why do people give up freedom for security?
It’s called the Hegelian Dialectic.
A problem is created. The problem creates a reaction.
If there is enough fear and hysteria people will not only accept the solution that limits their rights but they will actually beg for it.
Leftists use this strategy all the time.
Enough! Can we please just get on with living
Chris Kenny
As a nation, we are about as relaxed and comfortable as a health bureaucrat in a mosh pit.
Should we be in awe of the new-found patience and selflessness of the young, or despair at their compliance and self-harm? They have the least to fear from the virus and the most to lose from draconian responses, yet in the main they are not marching in the streets.
Have they been cowed by years of global warming propaganda, conditioning them to existential anxiety, programming them to abandon scepticism, and priming them unquestioningly to take instructions from “experts”? Perhaps schools, universities and media have failed to inform them that pandemic models have proven to be just as alarmist and disconnected from reality as the climate change models.
I am old enough to remember the young taking to the streets to demand rights and freedoms, opposing conscription, condemning wars, or demanding the right to live their own sexuality.
These past two years, the young have huddled at home, masks on and sanitiser at hand, while receiving welfare and tut-tutting others protesting for basic liberty.
Try to imagine the threat Covid-19 in any of its current or future variants poses to healthy people in their teens, 20s or 30s. Boredom is deadlier.
Yet they comply. They defend the massive government intrusions that forbid them from mingling, dancing or revealing their faces. They “Stand with Dan” and celebrate a bizarre Covid esprit de corps.
It is starting to dawn on me that what we are seeing is the inevitable conclusion of the big government model. We now demand that governments provide defence, law and order, healthcare, education, retirement income, workers compensation, broadband, disability care, unemployment benefits, social housing, mental health support, public broadcasting, child care, in vitro fertilisation, abortion, euthanasia, suicide prevention, parental leave, domestic violence leave, dining vouchers, border passes, and lord knows what else.
We also want them to control the climate of the planet and improve the weather patterns on our continent.
So why would we not expect governments, also, to ensure that we live forever?
We all know one cold day in summer doth not maketh a change in the climate, however:
Today, Tasmania: snow to 700m (BoM)
Tomorrow, NZ: snow to 1,000m (Metservice)
All week, Chile/Argentina Andes: SNOW! (snow-forecast)
Then again, we have a perigee new moon tonight: Sun, Moon, and Earth, all lining up in syzygy. Often, earthquakes happen around this time. Ah yes, the joys of ‘summer’!
“We all know one cold day in summer doth not maketh a change in the climate, however:”
Here in the low part of the high country, as at the 4th of December there is still NO DECLARED FIRE RESTICTIONS. This isn’t the result of one cold day.
Last year, from memory, fire restrictions were introduced late September, this year we are running about 3 months later, Hmmm, global warming. In an adjoining shire to the north, fire restrictions will come into force on the 19th of December. So from early/ mid spring until one sixth of the way through summer, is it possible there could be a trend?
Good pick up. Indeed we have not had the earliest bushfires EVAH this year. And of course the absence of the earliest bushfires EVAH is proof of the coming global catastrophe.
The climate scam works a bit like the mountain weather forecast. If you can see the mountain it is going to rain. If you can’t see the mountain it is raining.
They’re still beating the drum to make sure they get a public voice! Some mob was in the news warning of the approaching bushfire season and how global warming would make them all like 2018 or whenever it was. Must be budget time in the fire services.
Once on the Govt tit you never want to get off, just ask a vaccine manufacturer!
we have a perigee new moon tonight: Sun, Moon, and Earth, all lining up in syzygy. Often, earthquakes happen around this time. Ah yes, the joys of ‘summer’!
Sea levels in and around Sydney Harbour 1886 to 2018
Fort Denison SUN 5 Dec 21 9:34 am 2.05m – MON 6 Dec 21 10:27 am 2.06m
High tide in Sydney Harbour: the secret astronomical facts
Thus the high tide is due to a coincidence betwen the synodic month (new Moon to new Moon) and the anomalistic month (perigee to perigee).
Meanwhile over at the ABC fears that Port Arthur is in danger due to rising sea levels and climate change.
I particularly like the photograph of the original “Isle of the Dead” Sea level Marker with the current water level 6 inches below the marker as pointed out with a ruler . Proof positive of rising sea levels.
Do they not proof read their stories or do they figure people are too stupid to notice.
try for more pictures. Taken before John died in 2004. (The site is maintained as a memorial).
This is how the AGW zealots lose face, nature has a habit of being unpredictable.
They will say its only late season weather, but in fact its SH cooling.
The knobs at NIWA only last week issued their standard ‘above average’ temp forecast due to a ‘warm blob’ of ocean water to our east – PANIC! – notwithstanding most of our weather comes from the west (via you guys & gals) and maybe all that COLDER equatorial Pacific sea water is sloshing warmer water down our way.
As an aside, Hawaii’s Mauna Kea’s summit was closed on 1 Dec due to “snow, ice, and freezing temperatures”, bang on their first day of ‘winter’ – perfect timing, again.
NIWA says all of New Zealand will have above average temperatures this summer and a risk of increased cyclone activity. They may be half right, I’ll give it some thought.
El Gordo, how many cyclones have crossed the New Zealand coast?
Not many, but apparently near miss cyclones are not uncommon and in a La Nina year one of these should be expected.
Across the ditch the government has been advised that Australia will be pummelled by cyclones and floods this summer, so I can’t see NZ getting off scot free. Its a disaster movie, get with the script.
I’ll need more time to make a definitive forecast for NZ, but until then we might like to consider the variables in play.
On a “year to date” basis, UAH for Australia has November 2021 in 21st warmest Nov out of the last 43 years.
Correct – But a hot day does is a sure sign of CO2 induced Climate Change.
Greg in NZ (am I still allowed to use that?)
Read an interesting claim recently, that a La Niña brings a flood of warm water to the west coast of South America and causes the sea level to rise there by about 0.6 metres (which, when you allow for length and breadth is an awful weight of water). It also causes flooding rains on the land. This is said to add pressure to a very active geological place along with some rain seeping down and lubricating the fault lines (I’m sceptical about that bit) and this leads to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Presumably the same effect on the west side (Indonesia + the Philippines) of the Ring of Fire.
Do you think any medical bureaucrats or politicians in the Australian Government (or elsewhere) think they will be one day put on trial for crimes in violation of the Nuremberg Code? Probably not. We need to constantly remind them. Of course, it will only happen if a freedom-oriented government gets into power.
l posted this about the Nuremberg trials apparently beginning on the Thursday open, it may be of interest to some who missed it
apparently the Nuremberg trials 2.0 have begun
although their ABC says the Nuremberg code has nothing to do with covid despite bogus facebook claims
their ABC goes on to say:
The fake-news article championing Dr Fuellmich’s intervention described people being coerced through “lockdowns, duress and threats” to take “experimental” COVID-19 vaccines, which, supposedly, breached the Nuremberg Code.
But, according to fact checkers, that’s not the case.
Based on expert opinion, Full Fact concluded that the Nuremberg Code would “only be relevant at the research trial stage of a vaccine’s development, not its rollout to the general public”.
l wonder who their ABC uses for fact checking LOL
my understanding is these so called vaccines are a trial under an EUA that if taken away would not be allowed to be used at all
“Medical “science” lies again. Why am I not surprised?”
“Corporate America Deserves The HELL Coming To It”
It would be nice to think that the corporates and other bigs will get their comeuppance.
Hey I can still dream.
that doesnt come without pain for small investors, super accounts and retirees
The irony of these “privilege” programs is inescapable. In recent years, Merlo, enjoying the highest executive-to-employee compensation in the United States, was called “the most obscenely overpaid CEO in America.” Last year, Merlo earned $22 million in total compensation—compared with the median CVS employee salary of $35,529—yet still lectured his 300,000 employees about their “privilege.” Far from being a bottom-up program of empowerment, the new ideology of “antiracism” allows elites such as Merlo to assuage their guilt and shift blame to average Americans.
Predictably, the program has provoked dissent. One CVS worker, who requested anonymity out of fear of reprisals, blasted the new program. “I have worked at CVS a long time, and we have never had a problem with discrimination or division. Quite the opposite: people of diverse backgrounds always have pulled together to solve complex problems,” said the employee, arguing that the politicized training program will ultimately undermine the company’s prospects. “Long-term, talent will drain, morale will suffer, and resentment will spread. This will contaminate our culture and threaten our long-term success.”
In Vicdanistan they used to once make great capital out of the supposed fact that it was only the “filthy unvaxxed” that went to ICU and published daily figures. Now they no longer publish the figure. In fact, the Vicdanistan Dictator said such figures were no longer relevant. I wonder why?
Victoria has recorded 1365 cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours to 8pm, as the state passes its 90 per cent double-vaccination target.
The state has recorded nine deaths overnight, and there are 288 people in hospital, with 44 of those cases in intensive care.
As of Friday, 91 per cent of eligible residents are double vaccinated.
NSW has recorded 325 cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours to 8pm, as the state closes in on its 95 per cent single-vaccination target.
The state has recorded one death overnight, and there are currently 139 people in hospital, with 25 of those cases in intensive care.
As of Friday, 94.6 per cent of eligible residents have received one dose of Covid-19 vaccine, and 92.7 per cent are double vaccinated.
The Victorian data is readily available – not every day though:
04 Dec 21 288 – 44 –
03 Dec 21 289 37% 43 10%
02 Dec 21 288 39% 41 14%
01 Dec 21 299 43% 43 33%
30 Nov 21 305 42% 41 31%
29 Nov 21 300 – 45 –
28 Nov 21 283 – 44 –
27 Nov 21 299 38% 42 18%
26 Nov 21 308 37% 46 13%
When you consider that the non-vaccinated are coming from just 9% of the population, and they outnumber vaccinated by at least 2:1 in ICU, it indicates the vaccines lower the risk by a factor of 20. That is as good as the trials. Although I expect Australia will need to go to boosters to maintain that level of protection.
Vic is the only state that gives the vac stats for hospital patients.
The question is, are they credible?
If they are accurate consider this; on 1 Dec 33% of 43 ICU patients where fully vaccinated (14 patients). Two days later 10% of 43 ICU patients where fully vaccinated (4 patients). What happened to the other 10 patients? Well 15 patients died in the same period.
You are too close to the problem.
Naturally developed immunity has been something that humans have gained benefit from over the full two million years we’ve been around.
More recently, we have had the wonderful protection of the occasional vaccines for diseases like Poliomyelitus which saved many from death or maiming.
Then, on the back of this great story, some people started to see another side to vaccines; Big Money.
So, when our children were born over forty years ago, they were given vaccinations early and frequently and I remember thinking at the time that it was a bit too much.
Now after the last two years I am feeling heartbroken at the fact that my children’s immune systems may have been damaged by overvaccination.
While not being all that qualified in this area of biology, my experience in Process Analysis strongly suggests that something is wrong here and that the CV19 VaXXines are the latest manifestation of a trend that I should have seen earlier with the “Flu” VaXXines.
Yes, the “Annual” Flu Vax. Money, money, money.
Something is wrong. People are being struck down by the VaXXine, that’s undeniable.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the first batch of documents related to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine after a federal judge ordered that they must comply with a massive Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that was filed by a government accountability group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency.
The esteemed group of more than 30 professors and scientists asked the federal government to share any and all data that factored into the agency’s hasty decision to grant Pfizer’s experimental mRNA vaccine an emergency use authorization (EUA) – which amounts to a trove of over 329,000 documents.
In a shameless effort to bury the information, the FDA challenged the FOIA request in court.
After the agency was told that it must turn over the documents, Justice Department lawyers representing the FDA asked a federal judge to allow them an unthinkable 55 years to process the request, saying that they would be able to release just 500 pages a month.
In other words, Elon will make it to Mars way before the documents would be fully released – in the year 2076.
here is the report
wouldnt matter really if they worked from the top down , releasing key management meeting minutes, supporting reports, executive summaries, exec emails etc before plunging into data points. But they will most likely do the reverse.
I may be reading that wrong,..and it is not made clear exactly what it represents …but…
It would appear the data on deaths is an analysis of the results from a sample of vaccine recipients in the normal covid vaccination program.
some of whom would have been covid sufferers and may have died as a result of it,
…..not necessarily as a direct result of the vaccine itself ?
If so, the testers vaxed people who already had the virus.
I understand that this would have no effect on the virus, but adds to the risks for the patient.
Yes they do still post them, here are the latest figures.
VIC Vaccination Status
Status of Cases Admitted to Hospital
04 Dec 288 – 44 –
03 Dec 289 37% 43 10%
02 Dec 288 39% 41 14%
01 Dec 299 43% 43 33%
Source: VIC Media Release
This is in reply to David #24.
Thanks for posting that link. I look for it every so often and that table seems to come and go.
Jay Weatherill, double-vaccinated, got Covid, so sick he “can’t talk”
The former premier of South Australia is so sick ‘he can’t talk’ after catching coronavirus at a high-powered 40-year school reunion.
Jay Weatherill partied the night away with long-time mates at the Henley High School reunion at Theatre Bugs in Adelaide on November 27.
But many of the guests at the class of 1981 shindig woke up suffering more than a hangover with 19 party-goers now testing positive for Covid. (One would assume all were Double Vaccinated)
However, while Mr Weatherill, 57, is fully vaccinated and not requiring hospital care, he’s said to be feeling extremely unwell.
He texted a reporter from the Adelaide Advertiser to say he is ‘too sick to talk’ in the wake of his diagnosis.
Yep. The injections are safe and effective except when they aren’t.
The first 16 infected were all double (or more) “vaccinated” including ex-Premier Weatherill (who came over from WA).
It appears that assorted Labor heavyweights were exposed to Weatherill in the days just after the reunion.
And figures from Scotland indicate that getting “vaccinated” reduces your chances of getting Covid by about a third (20% reduction after one jab). The bad news is that the death rate is 23% higher (one jab) and 3.4 times after 2 jabs. Of course there are differences between the cohorts with the Unjabbed possibly being younger and in better health.
These people party away, undertake every high risk behavior relying on drugs to protect them. Yet they’re supposed to be extremely concerned about a virus.
Well, if only he had taken three boosters he would have been fine.
Now repeat after me: any time the medicine isn’t working, you need to take more.
Now wouldn’t this be ironic – the NWO’s “pet” released to destroy Trump and obtain total control of humanity backfiring on them.
Yesterday I interviewed Steve Kirsch, a highly intelligent, data-driven analyst who has been making huge wave on Substack with his articles on covid vaccines (and their long-term effects on humanity). That full interview will be posted today on my channel at In that interview, Kirsch dropped a bombshell.
Remember: YOU are the carbon they want to reduce.
Comment –
Time for people to understand the difference between “sterilising immunity” protein sub-unit vaccines like Novavax & Covax19 ( which will actually prevent both initial & recurrent infection, vs the “non-sterilising immunity” types being both m-RNA & adneno-virus vector “early vaccines…
Not hard to grasp with a little research & ask why Government has been totally ignoring the “elephant in the room”…
The Fallacy of Covid Vaccines And Transmission – 4 page PDF
Various faulty assumptions are driving Australia’s public policy on vaccines. The latest data
suggests that we should reconsider our course.
Dr Guy Campbell
The wheels are falling off the “vaccines are our our ticket to freedom” argument. It is becoming clear
that the Covid vaccines are “leaky”. They do not stop the vaccinated from acquiring the virus,
particularly the now dominant Delta variant, and they do not prevent them from transmitting the virus.
Moreover, the protection they do provide is likely short-lived, perhaps just six months.
Based on the faulty assumption that these vaccines stop transmissions, the media and politicians have
oversimplified a rather complex science. Our vaccine policy should not be built on something we want it
to do but what the data tells us it can do. The new mRNA injections, which were 95% effective in initial
clinical trials at reducing symptoms in Alpha strain, are decreasingly effective against the Delta strain.
This is seen by record cases and deaths in Israel, the world’s most inoculated country.
The questions we need to ask about the vaccines include:
• Do they reduce transmission of Covid?
• Will they lead to herd immunity?
• Are they safe?
Furthermore, according to the CDC, myocarditis/pericarditis rates occur in approximately 12.6 cases per
million doses of second-dose mRNA vaccine among individuals 12 to 39 years of age. However, if you’re
under the age of 40 and healthy, your risk of dying from COVID-19 is just 0.01%; you have a 99.99%
chance of surviving the infection. For further safety concerns, see here, here and here.
So how do we justify vaccinating healthy under 18-year-olds from Covid who have a 99.998% chance of
survival (according to the CDC) when vaccination increases transmission in those infected with Covid
and potentially contributes to the production of variants? This isn’t to mention the 50% decrease in
efficacy after six months or the early triple therapy, which helps to reduce morbidity, long Covid and
mortality. We could say the same for healthy people under 40 years old, who have a survival rate from
Covid of 99.99%. Even healthy 50-59-year-olds have a 99.73% survival rate from Covid. So why risk
mRNA injections when there is evidence for Ivermectin and triple therapy? How is this being ignored
by APHRA, AMA, the TGA and other government authorities?
Instead, our governments have chosen to ignore history and have convinced themselves that these
vaccines are safe. The problem is that they have done so at the expense of citizens who continue to trust
the government and its health experts.
Instead, our governments have chosen to ignore history and have convinced themselves that these
vaccines are safe. The problem is that they have done so at the expense of citizens who continue to trust
the government and its health experts.
The Way Out of This
The government’s starting point should be the lifting of lockdown restrictions as soon as possible. They
can expedite this by using Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Zinc in triple therapy in early treatment
protocols against Covid to reduce infection, hospital admissions, morbidity, long covid and mortality
There are quite a few well thought out articles in circulation. All that is needed now is for the right person to read them.
By right person I mean somebody in a position of power or influence who will not reject the contents out of hand.
The statement is clearly wrong. Maldives has highest rate of vaccination; UAE is the most vaccinated country of significant size. Even Australia is way ahead of Israel on vaccinations 74% v 63% but still not in the top 10 of vaccinated locations.
Israel has now achieved herd immunity but a significant proportion of cases to get there as well as boosters. Australia has an infection rate hovering around 1 but hospitalisations are low.
The Australian Capital Territory is one of the most vaccinated locations on Earth. They had 7 cases yesterday and their last death was a month ago.
Clearly the vaccines are highly effective. Anything that claims Israel is highly vaccinated is misinformed or wishing to misinform – in other words cow manure that should be ignored.
Do any of the contributors here have any info on the safety of the Novavax vaccine. From what I have read it is a traditional vaccine rather than an experimental jab with Graphine Oxide included.
Yes this brand of bullet will be pineapple flavoured in 38 cal and administered orally by the patented Smith and Wesson delivery syringe.
Just put the delivery end in your mouth, faster acting than present vaxxes
This is a June 2021 item on how Novavax works.
Promising but approval is tied up in bureaucratic resistance. Same as promising antivirals.
Malcolm Roberts addresses parliament on the “trusted digital identity bill”
Want to know what’s in store, listen to this!
The latest One Nation cartoon, staring Greta Turdberg.
Watch the previous episodes, these are pretty good.
Saturday funny!
Biden vaccine mandates. Dog version.
Rod, MP, and Mark (below), thanks for the laughs.
How can you tell the difference between the whacked and the unwhacked: we still have a sense of humour.
Anyone else noted the lack of humour, jest, fun, amongst their jabbed associates? Is there something else in Abraham ‘Albert’ Bourla’s pf!zzer-wax which destroys the human / cattle’s sense of playfulness?
Here’s a French solution to vaxxed-only shopping:
Isle of the Dead – subject to climate change sea level rise
THEIR ABC is spruiking more climate change fantasies attempting too alarm the uninformed about a 180 year record of sea level rise of just 0.833mm per annum.
We all know about the work of Hunter, Coleman & Pugh (2003) that identified a total sea level rise against the oldest recorded southern hemisphere tidal gauge revealing a historical sea level rise of 0.8 +/- .2mm per annum between 1841 and 2000
We also know about the relevant climate in the early 1800’s.
Yet all this evidence that disputes the IPCC’s ‘scare the fools & swedish children’ campaign has now been re-purposed to fit into the climate change narrative of gloom and doom by THEIR ABC.
I think this invention will be the ducks nuts in my shopping centre vax hubs.
History cycles around again…
Imagine the outrage if this form of racism happened, yet…
From inside the quarantine camp:
Keeping people safe from a virus now estimated to be 10% as dangerous as the original. ie 10% as dangerous as the annual flu.
Oh please…
Brilliant analysis from Norman Fenton, Martin Neil and co., looking at the ONS dataset (mortality and vaccination status, in England).
• “The data appear to show lower non-Covid mortality for the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. Odd. Also unvaccinated mortality rates peak at the same time as the vaccine rollout peaks for the age group, then falls and closes in on the vaccinated. This is not natural”
• “Why are the unvaccinated dying after NOT getting the 1st dose? Why are the single dosed dying after NOT getting the 2nd dose?”
• “Plenty of evidence that the vaccinated who die within 14 days of vaccination may be categorized as unvaccinated.”
• “Whatever the explanations for the observed data, it is clear that the ONS data is both unreliable and misleading.”
• “Absent any better explanation Occam’s razor would support our conclusions. The ONS data provide no reliable evidence that the vaccines reduce all-cause mortality.”
“FDA Released First Batch of Vaccine Authorization Documents Showing Pfizer Vaccine Resulted in 1,223 Fatalities in First Three Months
December 3, 2021 | Sundance | 126 Comments”
“That means JoNova will need names and addresses of commenters so any defamation claims can be directed to the individual.”
This does interest me- Jo, do you have any idea of what you will need to do?
How do you know the names are real? How do you find out if the address is correct? How do you store this information so it doesn’t get hacked and sold?
Who can access it? Govt obviously, any Dept, anyone with an ‘interest’ in what you said. What about lawyers? Local Govt officials? Anyone with a warrant laughably signed off by a magistrate?
Is the IP address important? What happens with people using a VPN?
Will we still have to supply an email address once name and address is known? I’m astounded at the number of organisations and businesses who want my name, address, email AND telephone number. One of the early sort-outs when I’m buying stuff online.
I already don’t comment in any news organisation because of the signing up procedures. This is just a method being used to crush dissenting opinions in our rapidly-fading free press of the internet.
If KP is not prepared to back its opinion then no one should take KP’s opinion seriously.
That aside, there are some delicate soles who might take offence at KP’s comments and want them to be rescinded with a lengthy apology and appropriate bowing at the threat of a defamation claim.
I am reasonably confident this blog will fall under the definition of “social media”. The proposed laws will then apply.
I expect such laws will decimate the base of most social media platforms. I lost trust in Facebook years ago when I actually had some personal information there and they were lax in data security.
This will be another factor that pushes the next generation into the metaverse where their avatar becomes their persona.
just loves directing others what to think
No, we’re on here to exchange information and opinions, not to judge a person by where they live. This is a shortcut to the usual prejudices of Northern Beaches opinions carrying more weight than those of the Inner West of Sydney.
This will be abused by people who have access to the information- Politicians will hunt down their opposition, as usual the police will hunt down pretty women, and any horny young man can start a cooking forum to find local MILFs. We will generate more complaints of rape and harassment, and this modern crime of “stalking”.
There will be no good side to it, no-one will rock up to your front door and say “Wow, you have great opinions, here’s a medal” You can be quite sure that the people who will use your real name and address are those exact people you won’t want to meet!
It is going to be an opportunity for the people in power to abuse, nothing more and nothing less. It is their main chance to stifle dissent with political power, the opening salvo of the war against the people on the first real freedom they have had since Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press. Back then you could suddenly print opinions and disseminate them widely, and education expanded far far faster. The Govts learned quickly, so when the next step came along and people could use radio, it was instantly regulated and guarded. Only approved opinions get broadcast, you will find…
Are you thinking of the next salvo yet?
He never thought of the first. I read no opinion in your post, it was a series of questions. (this ? gave that away) Ligit ones as well.
He invented the issue, expert of everything.
Huge new study shows ZERO Covid deaths of healthy German kids over 4 or adolescents
The findings, in a nutshell: if you let your healthy child or teenager receive the mRNA Covid vaccine, you are insane
German physician-scientists reported Monday that not a single healthy child between the ages of 5 and 18 died of Covid in Germany in the first 15 months of the epidemic.
Not one.
Even including children and adolescents with preexisting conditions, only six in that age range died, the researchers found. Germany is Europe’s largest country, with more than 80 million people, including about 10 million school-age children and adolescents.
Serious illness was also extremely rare. The odds that a healthy child aged 5-11 would require intensive care for Covid were about 1 in 50,000, the researchers found. For older and younger children, the odds were somewhat higher, about 1 in 8,000.
Another eight infants and toddlers died, including five with preexisting conditions. In all, 14 Germans under 18 died of Covid, about one per month. About 1.5 million German children or adolescents were infected with Sars-Cov-2 between March 2020 and May 2021, the researchers found.
The current Covid pandemic in the UK is in the schools. Last time I looked, 70% of cases were under 18yo. There were very few deaths in that age group.
The one risk in letting it rip through the younger people is the unknown long-term effects.
My eldest son, who lives in the UK, now believes he and his family suffered Covid early in 2020. He is not particularly close to Bradford where it first took hold in the church choir in the UK but probably a common train line north of London. He believes it was one of the many bugs his son brought home from child care. He did not want to alarm us at the time as Covid was just hitting the news, however he later admitted it was the worst “flu” he had ever experienced. He was out of action for the best part of 4 days. His son had a milder experience. They have not done any anti-body testing before getting vaccinated. They have been required to have numerous Covid tests since and have never tested positive.
Covid anti-body testing in the UK indicates that 93% of the population have antibodies. Significantly higher than the 70% of the population vaccinated.
and yet you ignore the long term effects on people of the vaccines and numerous boosters which have not been tested for.
The chilling new ‘advice’ on vaccine heart risk for children
The article refers to these newly-released UK Government guidelines regarding the effects of vaccination on children:
First, it is a clear admission of that myocarditis is a serious post-vaccine adverse reaction risk. Second, amongst the usual and increasingly implausible disclaimers like ‘it is a rare condition’ and ‘it is usually mild or stable and most patients typically recover fully without medical treatment’, comes the terrifying admission that ‘a high percentage of children admitted to hospital with myocarditis have significant left ventricular fibrosis and no follow-up data is available yet on hospitalised patients.’
So does it recommend halting the vaccine programme for children, given ‘that no follow-up data is available yet on hospitalised patients’?
Furthermore, how they can claim to know at this stage that ‘the majority of cases are mild and self-limiting’ in the absence of rigorous and systematic follow-up health checks on such children? It beggars belief and betrays an astonishingly cavalier attitude to children.
Even more chilling, if that were possible, is the publication of this document on the very same day that the JCVI decided to recommend second vaccine doses for 12-15s.
The opening few bullet points include these gems:
· Myocarditis – significant left ventricular (LV) fibrosis has been described in a high percentage of children admitted to hospital, with a small percentage of these having non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT);
· No follow-up data is available yet on hospitalised patients;
· The long-term consequences of this condition secondary to vaccination are yet unknown, so any screening recommendations need to be balanced against the frequency and severity of the disease with the aim to prevent complications, in particular of myocarditis (arrhythmias, long term myocardial damage or heart failure).
Donald Trump’s former lawyers fined for abusing court system with sham lawsuit challenging 2020 election result.
And yet it was a fraudulent election although it was never allowed to be investigated properly.
oh… let it go and live a happier life.
You meant that for Simon didn’t you. He most unhappy. I think you give good advice.
They now have their latest emissions reduction target of 43 per cent, based on computer modelling of course, but apparently when the various computer modelling exercises are compared they make no sense?
An article on the lack of validity of PCR tests for disease diagnosis.
So it’s alarming to discover that there are no international standards for PCR tests and even more alarming to discover that results can vary up to a million fold, not just from country to country, but from test to test.
• “It should be noted that currently there is no standard measure of viral load in clinical samples.”
• “An evaluation of eight clinically relevant viral targets in 23 different laboratories resulted in Cq ranges of more than 20, indicative of an apparently million-fold difference in viral load in the same sample.”
• “Certainly the label “gold standard” is ill-advised, as not only are there numerous different assays, protocols, reagents, instruments and result analysis methods in use, but there are currently no certified quantification standards, RNA extraction and inhibition controls, or standardised reporting procedures.”
• “Because the nucleic acid target (the pathogen of interest), platform and format differ, Ct values from different RT-PCR tests cannot be compared.”
• “Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.”
39% of pregnant women are confident in the Covid vaccines
‘V-safe COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Registry
Updated Nov. 29, 2021
If you are pregnant, you can receive a COVID-19 vaccine. There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems. However, data are limited about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people who are pregnant. CDC established the v-safe COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Registry to learn more about this issue.
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for people who are trying to get pregnant now or might become pregnant in the future , as well as their partners.
The registry is collecting health information from people who received COVID-19 vaccination in the periconception period (within 30 days before last menstrual period) or during pregnancy. The information is critical to helping people and their healthcare providers make informed decisions about COVID-19 vaccination. Participation is voluntary, and participants may opt out at any time.’
It is a hard time to be pregnant:
– The CDC itself said that the data are limited about the safety of the Covid vaccines.
– But it is also well established that pregnant women can become very sick with Covid.
Some astonishing stuff about the virulence of Omicron. Read the thread
Maybe Omicron, or whatever label you want to put on this “new” corona virus, is very very contagious. But if it is more sinister than a common cold ( another corona virus!), why should we worry?
(Very very contagious * immune escape & waning) * ( severity of Delta ) = hospital overflow
Hospitals overloaded with patients with sniffles.
Not long to find out if this happens. If it does, as I said before, VIC will be a total basket case and a mass exodus will follow OR…there’ll be a public event with a wood/rope theme.
Net zero is unacceptable no matter who proposes it. No vote for either.
“The Irish Triple-Vaxx Double-Maskers are Getting Locked Out Again
December 3, 2021 | Sundance | 106 Comments”
In SA if you test positive you go to covid jail, if fully vaxxed 7 days solitary, unvaxxed 14.
Trust the science.
For me Taiwan is the champion of Covid management and Id copy everything they did. You never hear them talked about. Didn
But I wonder if this thing would be over by now if it was just let rip. I
‘Too much coral is not enough – but it’s not good either.
‘Fabulous news about the Great Barrier Reef poses only a minor problem for those who have convinced the world that the reef is on its last legs.’ (Peter Ridd) Oz.
NIH publishes report saying Ivermectin is effective against Covid
So…TGA et al…now what?
It’s business as usual. They are not interested in treating or curing people. If they were, they would not have made a blanket ban on doctors prescribing IVM or HCQ for covid treatment or prophylaxis and would have facilitated clinical trials.
The TGA is either incompetent or corrupt.
Why ..”or” ?
It is possible to be incompetent AND corrupt !………(and misguided )
This is something that has been put up before, by myself and others. This is just a slightly better version of a Yuri Bezmenoz lecture, filmed back in the 80’s.(It is a slightly different lecture than I’ve seen before.) This may well clearly explain the genesis of the world we are living with now!? It’s an hour, but watch it and weep. Can anyone think of another audience for it? Maybe ‘The Conversation’ would run it?
I’ve heard some talk recently, about the skizem between the educated, the wealthy, and the rest of us. And no one is asking why the educated are behaving like this. Is saying re education camps, to gauche? It’s blindingly obvious education has become ideological, so why is no one straight out yelling it? Arguments don’t need to go anywhere else. That’s it. You are brainwashing the youth. Forget about the frills, re brand the re education camps. It is probably way too late seeing as it’s in pre school.
I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.
From John Connor ll’s devastating link. I can imagine Big Pharma having a very severe allergic reaction to it. (There is some rather odd phrasings in this next paragraph)
“Today, the new use of ivermectin made it become a relatively unknown drug.(?) Drug repurposing and repositioning has been shown (IVM) to control a completely new range of diseases (Ashour, 2019). For example, orbital myiasis, trichinosis, malaria, leishmaniasis, African trypanosomiasis, asthma, epilepsy, neurological disease, antiviral (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus [HIV], dengue, encephalitis; Yang et al., 2020), antibacterial (tuberculosis and Buruli ulcer; Csóka et al., 2018), anticancer (breast cancer, leukemia, glioblastoma, cervical cancer, gastric cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, melanoma, and lung cancer; Crump, 2017). The multifaceted ‘wonder’ ivermectin may become an even more exceptional drug in the future. An international patent ‘Use of ivermectin and derivatives thereof’ caught people’s increasing attention to ivermectin those years.(?) Ivermectin would be developed to use for metabolic‐related diseases (diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, insulin resistance, obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperglycemia), Famesoid X receptor‐mediated diseases (atherosclerosis, nonalcohol fatty liver disease, cholestasia, and gallstones), inflammation, and cancer (Crump, 2017).” !!!
That is one hell of a study! How much detail do you need?!
Melbourne Eureka anniversary protest today.l
There was a big gathering in Melbourne today. We gathered at the Parliament and walked en mass to the Treasury gardens. Speeches followed for about 90 minutes, including Zoe Muller (arrested in her home) and Dr Mark Hobart ( clinic closed and medical records stolen by the health department). After some entertainment we the walked to the Flinders St railway station clocks, via Burke and William streets. Melbourne streets were brought to a standstill for about 40 minutes as we all made our way in a huge parade.
The town of Innisfail FNQ had their first rally today, I went to show support. Maybe an optimistic 400 people.
Raised my two Eureka flags in memory of the day.
I saw a vid on Melbourne looked like more then 10, was also a rally in Ballarat, do you know how that went.
Was yapping to a black fella, had to get the vax to keep his job with the health dept, he is fully aware this is not about a virus. He got the Pfizer and did the magnet test and it stuck, he even showed me a selfie with the fridge magnet attached. Strange?
We went to stand outside singleton court during the Cali case and then to the Caledonian after.
I didn’t go to the Melbourne protest but I’m glad the numbers are still high, we’re having our Eureka rally today starting at the Civic Hall at 2pm, Craig Kelly and The Aussie Cossack will be speaking amongst others including yours truly, it was decided to move the rally to Sunday so people from Melbourne and other regions had a chance to make it.
So if anyone can get here you would be most welcome as we want to educate people of the true meaning of Eureka and make a statement to Australia that this spirit is still alive in everyone today.
I will look out for your speech on real Rukshan.
Well Yonnie, glad to hear your stepping up in this fight, respect. You people are truly brave, you are prepared to lose everything to push back against this.
I am not a public speaker, but I spoke up at a council rally. The business of the district rallied in front of the local council, police count was 500. They demanded the council reject the Pluckachook mandates, the council then voted to support the chook not their electorate, we spent the week going business to business in every town with preformed letters and what I know is all but five signed.
The council played every trick in the book to sweep us under the carpet, dirty acts. They let it be known they were not coming out to address the businesses so everyone disbanded, I was packing up the advertising with a couple of others and the whole council came out to address the six remaining, they told us the unanimous decision to side with segregation of their community/electors. Not being good at hugging, I gave them a blert.
We are now going to go all UN on them, (Think Globally act locally) work from the bottom up. We are running “Wanted for Treason” posters, thanks to the council web site I have been able to get their mug shots for the posters. I think a majority of businesses will get on board as they are pissed.
Every business, bus stop and post will have a poster of their mugs. Demands they resign and a new election be held.
Getting into rules for radicals, use their tools against them and ridicule is our greatest tool. Put the pressure on and amplify it. They live amongst us and they made this personal.
Interesting times, keep up the good work.
Thanks mate, it was short notice but I had a go, very hard to condense 167 years of history into 5 minutes but it worked, very good crowd and yes we haven’t began fighting yet.
“You had a go” that is the solution we all must follow.
My latest report:
The message to young people is especially interesting, and new.
The Australian has a story up on the use of ultrasound to remedy dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, but its behind a paywall. Here is the original press release from Qld University.’s-disease
Unseasonal cool chill engulfs south east Australia.
So is Summer for Victoria cancelled this season ?
The whole of south east Australia should be impacted by cool wet weather.
Western Pacific Warm Pool stops cool La Nina waters in its tracks.,-0.13,2171/loc=147.367,-2.821
Testing , removing darn + + + from my pseudonym!
It worked!
I wish others would also get rid of the darn “+”
And how is South Africa bearing up under the weight of Omicron?
Raw data shows Tokyo temperatures have been flat for decades.
Just wait until BEST or even Australia’s own BOM has had a go.
Hold my beer.
Christine Anderson, a member of the E.U. Parliament answers cries for help from Australia:
Just doing my daily scan of their ABC’s virus reports.
Their ABC proudly announces that 98% of the ACT’s population is now double injected.
And without any hint of irony …
The very next article reports 6 new positive test results in the ACT.
In a perverse way the juxtaposition tells the world so much about the mindsets of both their ABC and their ACT.
Safe and effective except when they aren’t.
Incorrect as children make up far more than 2%. Also, where is your context?
Do you know anything about these positives? How many of those were entries into the territory (our omicron cases for instance) and how many are children?
Such irony in your own effort.
Ever moving count, was 12 to 16, now 5 to 12, soon 6 months to 5 years. I take it you fully support this.
Not sure what I am supporting exactly?
Squeezing your poison into children.
The statement was 98% fully vaxxed, you stated children were more than 2% but they have been doing children for a month, I cannot find a break down by age group, so maybe he is correct and its 2% left?
You dis-proved nothing.
NOt sure what you are on about, or on? Children under 12, with some rare exceptions, are not vaccinated and make up much more than 2% of people in the ACT.
Nested that wrong.
The age group is down to 12 years, I looked when you wrote your first comment and yes FG is wrong by the sites I looked at, from memory 84% are double tapped and 95% single. Children make up 19.2% of the ACT pop up to 14 yo.
But I have no Idea of how the stats are massaged. Total population to 1 day old. Total eligible population down to 12yo, in this instance it may very well be 98%, I won’t say his wrong because of the unknowns and you provided no evidence his wrong.
The criminals are now doing down to 5yo, then move down to 6 months of age. I asked if your on board with this criminal act?