A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Cold in the Arctic region. You in the SH send care packages.
There’s a chap by the name of Cap Allon who sends an email each day about cold weather and the state of the Sun on his blog “Electroverse”. He has a lot of facts about the state of your cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere which sound quite dire.
To keep his blog going he needs to run advertisements with it. (They are annoying but it is understandable.)
Well, today he tells us that that the Centre for Countering Digital Hate has now stripped his blog of any advertisements and thus his source of revenue. This CCDH is determined to block any website that promotes arguments contrary to their way of thinking.
I hope Cap can get enough alternative funding to keep going. He’s right onto “the real science”.
I had not heard of this site before now so went to take a look.
Here is the full story
I wonder where jo and Anthony watts figure in the ‘toxic ten’ they are trying to shut down
Oh goody, yet another self annointed group trying to silence others because they have different thoughts.
I found electroverse not really trustworthy, stories are often based in truth but exaggerated wildly, e.g. a bit of wet snow on a Scottish mountain in June might become Scotland paralysed by summer blizzard.
Sounds a bit like the daily Express where blizzards or heat waves are the norm together with the collapse of the EU or world war three being imminent.
Yes, very much Tonyb. Even as a sceptic, it’s a site I would never reference, it simply cannot be taken seriously most of the time IMO.
Antarctic sea ice second lowest on record according to some sources. Positive SAM probably inducing winds from the Australian continent and sub tropical ridge sitting at higher latitudes. Geez, you can’t win with these alarmists.
Each year, according to the WHO, 3 million people die of the harmful effects of alcohol. That well exceeds the covid death rate so far. But they have to lock the unvaccinated because they are a danger to themselves and society….
Add the results of tobacco to that
Maybe both HCQ and IVM need to put up with a “sin tax”?
Covid appears to be only about having an excuse to get the clot shots into people.
Thats it.
Spent the morning reading a 2017 New Yorker article detailing the
sadisticsuccessful ‘flood the zone’ technique used by the Sackler brothers’ family-run pharma ‘business’ responsible for the ongoing-wave of opioid addiction, and death, which swept the USA for nigh on 20 years – and at the time of publication, was being exported to ‘new markets with less regulation’ such as India and China.This private, kosher, philanthropic family manufactured the painkillers, promoted them through their medical journal (one of the brothers was an ad-man, like Scotty from marketing), convinced their friends at the FDA everything was *safe-and-effective*, developed and ran training courses and overseas junkets for GPs and other ‘painkiller specialists’, then tracked how well their new recruits were getting on [think bonuses] ‘up-selling’ their one-size-fits-all wonder drug.
Can’t link article on this stupid-phone yet a DDGo search will find it. The similarities to the present manufactured crisis is all too clear, as is the human toll of grief/death. The article finished with the announcement the FDA had authorised its use on children 12 years and older.
(Mods, feel free to edit if I’ve strayed: Jo’s ongoing online presence has become an ‘essential’ part of life in these twisted times, may she/we live long and prosper)
Greg in NZ,
I would recommend following Podcasts on Opiods
The Dollop Podcast with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds #280 – Opium in the US – Part 1
Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine opium use in the US. Part 1 of 2.
The Dollop Podcast #281 – Opium in the US – Part 2
Their researchers do an amazing job.
Scroll down on link below to see their Sources
Sources for Dollop #280 & 281 – Opium Parts 1 and 2
Spent the morning reading a 2017 New Yorker article detailing the sadistic successful ‘flood the zone’ technique used by the Sackler brothers’ family-run pharma ‘business’ responsible for the ongoing-wave of opioid addiction, and death, which swept the USA for nigh on 20 years – and at the time of publication, was being exported to ‘new markets with less regulation’ such as India and China.
The Sackler Brothers get a Mention at 14 Mins 49 Secs in The Dollop Podcast #281 – Opium in the US – Part 2
Hi Greg, thanks for that and here is the link
That’s the one, Mudgee, cheers: the billion dollar family empire of pain – and YUGE untouchable profits.
My doctor prescribed the exact same product when I blew out my right knee ligaments on set ten years ago. When a co-worker ‘enlightened’ me as to what it was, I weaned myself off it before I developed a ‘taste’ for it.
It appears the latest junk-pusher du jour, Pf!zzer & Co, were inspired by Mortimer Sackler’s innovative business plan and cranked it up to eleven. “Doctor Mortimer I presume?” aka Doctor Death.
My neighbour, OD’d a couple of years ago. He was typical of the so-called “medical” opioid addiction. He had tried every drug on the market from the age of 14. He got his foot injured in his mid-thirties. Doctor prescribed Oxycontin for postop pain. From his wide experience of drugs, he recognized the real thing and started double doctoring and getting more on the black market. Managed this and a disability pension for several years. Then the Oxy was stopped. He went right back to whatever was available on the market, and it was fentanyl that killed him.
Contrast this with someone who breaks a leg, but has no previous experience of opioids. He gets Oxy in hospital and a few tablets to take home. His experience of the drug is overwhelmingly tied to relief of pain, and when the pain stops, he stops taking the tablets. Even if he wanted to continue taking the drug, double doctoring would not occur to him and he has no “connection” to the black market.
One thing about the opioid “epidemic” in Canada – if you can claim your addiction is the doctor’s fault for prescribing pain relief, you get sympathy and outrage about “careless prescribing”. The fact that virtually ALL of the “medical” addicts had extensive previous drug history is not brought up.
NB. BC has about 1.5 times the opioid deaths during the “pandemic” as Covid deaths.
…you are ignoring the minor detail that covid deaths have been hugely MINIMISED by the use of multiple control strategies,…
..movement & contact restrictions,
Travel bans , & quarrantine.
Mass Testing and tracing,
Mass vaccination
Without those controls, who knows what the death toll might be ?
And of course, we all know the situation with alcohol….
……mass promotion and encouragement of its consumption !
” who knows what the death toll might be ?”
Of course nobody knows. All we have are some predictions from some unvalidated models.All the measures you mention may alter the stats temporarily, maybe not.
We may already have seen the worst of covid ; alcohol is EVERY year. See the difference?
Oh yes, i see the difference,….but obviously you do not !
Of course we will never know what the death toll from Covid might be without any attempts to control , contain, or medicate for it,……but it would certainly be more than it is now.
Alcohol deaths, smoking, deaths, drug ODs ,etc,..are all effectively a form of suicide,..self inflicted and avoidable…a discretionary choice
Covid is not discretionary, it is like cancer, you dont get to chose if you want it or not.
Sure, and the corresponding solution is to ban alcohol.
Why stop at alcohol? Ban cigarettes, ban obesity, ban adventure sports, ban s*x, ban everything. Control everything. Put a computer chip in everybody’s hands and monitor everything you do. Oh wait, I already have one….
Freedom actually means letting people make the “wrong” the choices. Let the unvaccinated make their choice.
I suggest the figures would be little different. This because study after study shows that non-medical interventions are not effective, as for vaxing, data are seriously suppressed but from what is known, also not effective.
So how do you explain the huge difference in cases + deaths between the UK and Australia?
Nothing to do with shutting the international borders early and quarantine ?
Differences in Vitamin D3 alone would explain that.
Recall the UK gov providing a supplement of (how much was it? About) 700 IU when a cloudy climate would suggest 5,000 to 10,000 IU per day.
Coal surging back to record levels 🙂
Coal use gives reality check on climate campaigning
In China, where more than half of global coal-fired electricity generation takes place, coal power is expected to grow by 9 per cent this year. In India, it is forecast to grow by 12 per cent. This would set new highs in both countries. According to the IEA, coal power generation is set to increase by almost 20 per cent this year in the US and the EU. What the data shows is that energy is a complex business. The billions of dollars being spent on renewable energy is not translating into a fall in demand for fossil fuels. Meanwhile, high prices for gas are pushing developed countries back to coal. With Mr Biden’s headline Build Back Better plan stalled in congress, the US administration is facing the reality that restricting oil and gas production leads to higher prices at the bowser and unhappy voters. Consumer hostility is forcing the White House to reconsider, with Deputy Energy Secretary David Turk saying the Biden administration “is not standing in the way of increasing domestic oil production to meet today’s energy needs”. But, as The Wall Street Journal explains, the President’s climate envoy, John Kerry, is busy pressuring banks and financial institutions to reduce their commitments to US oil and gas companies. It is a similar story in Britain, where Boris Johnson is coming under increasing fire for moves to lift the price of heating through new technologies and taxes.
he Opposition Leader had hoped a small increase in ambition to a cut of 43 per cent would be enough to allow Labor to keep campaigning under the radar on the issue. But, as Geoff Chambers reports on Saturday, this strategy is starting to unravel. Labor elder statesman Barry Jones has called the party out for not speaking plainly about where it stands on climate. Mr Jones says Labor’s Powering Australia policy “is indeed an energy policy but not a climate change policy”. He criticises the policy’s missing words: science, climate change, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, atmosphere, temperature, coal and Great Barrier Reef. The danger for Mr Albanese is in being dragged further towards the Greens, confirming the Prime Minister’s main charge against the ALP on climate that it is beholden to extremists.
The latest IEA figures provide a welcome reality check on where the world is going, where Australia fits in and where action is needed. In the words of IEA director of energy markets, Keisuke Sadamori, “the pledges to reach net-zero emissions made by many countries, including China and India, should have very strong implications for coal – but these are not yet visible in our near-term forecast, reflecting the major gap between ambitions and action”.
From the Comments
“The billions of dollars being spent on renewable energy is not translating into a fall in demand for fossil fuels.”
Mmmmm? I wonder why that could be? Is it because renewable energy:
A: is actually NOT cheaper than fossils fuels, particularly coal, on 24/7/365 basis?
B: is unreliable and intermittent, so can’t provide base load?
C: is only seriously supported by western naive virtue-signalling climate-energy policy decision makers and investors who are trapped in a faux-ideological ground-hog day?
D: all of the above?
Oldster: It’s sleight-of-hand as follows…..
There are 100 units of energy produced today. 95 are fossil fuels and 5 of these are renewables: 5% renewables.
In ten years there will be 200 units of energy produced and 20% will be renewables. What a huge increase in renewables! That’s 4 times as many….Fantastic.
So in 10 years there will 40 units of renewable (20% of 200) and 160 of fossil-fueled (80% of 200). Today 95 Units fossil vs Tomorrow 160 Units fossil. Looks like a >60% increase eh? (Editor: strong>Looks like?)
Meanwhile, the UK can be thankful of still having access to lots of gas, nuclear and still having some functionalcoal.
And yesterday, UK Coal was producing 3 x as much as their much advertised wind !
Weather forecasts indicate that will not change much for a week or so, with a high pressure system sitting over Europe.
Have a look:;2.3;3&l=pressure
That is quite a low in the middle of the Atlantic
The high pressure over the UK is more of a talking point, as it gradually moves east and opens the door to freezing Arctic weather.
I often challenge activists writing in our local newspaper to tell me where energy is supposed to come from bearing in mind their terible inefficiency and that weather dependent renewables simply don’t deliver.
Invariably here in the UK during the winter we will have long periods with no sun and no wind at exactly the time- long winter nights- when it is most needed.
As yet, no one has taken up the challenge
Gee, you’re lucky, here in OZ hardly any letters contrary to the orthodoxy are permissible and therefore not published. We would win the argument hands down – that is the problem for them. So Siberia it is for us.
Sounds like NSW will be heading for another lockdown soon
Watching the irrational panic in my own Family on Omicron, makes me despair.
Bloods next Friday Morning at Hospital as closed for Xmas, before 31st Cancer Treatment moved back 2 days to 30 Dec
Hope the queues for testing here in NSW shrink, as have to get 2nd PCR test 72 Hrs before now, as unvaccinated.
‘Absolute farce’: Covid testing sites strained
A dramatic increase in exposure sites, propelled by end-of-year parties and gatherings, has seen demand for Covid-19 testing soar, with many people waiting for several hours at testing sites, along with a sharp spike in demand for booster shots.
Pharmacies and GP clinics in NSW scrambled to secure enough vaccine doses for booster shots after the state recorded another major jump in case numbers, with 2213 local cases of Covid-19 on Friday, including 185 confirmed cases of the highly contagious Omicron variant. However, hospitalisation rates remained stable with 215 receiving treatment, with 24 people in intensive care and one death. Two of those in hospital were confirmed to have the Omicron strain.
Health officials have issued warnings for a string of superspreader sites including a Taylor Swift-themed party night at the Metro Theatre on December 10, which has been linked to 97 cases, as well as The Cambridge Hotel, Finnegan’s Hotel and The Great Northern Hotel in Newcastle.
At Covid-19 testing sites in both Sydney and Melbourne, where wait times extended for hours, many people were getting tested in order to fulfil entry requirements to travel to Queensland and South Australia for Christmas.
“It’s an absolute farce,” said Karen Moffat, who was due to fly home to Queensland on Sunday. “I’ve been waiting for more than 40 minutes; we have Delta and Omicron but we just need to learn to live with the virus.”
Pharmacies have reported a major spike in inquiries about Covid-19 booster shots outstripping the amount of stock on hand, as the nation exceeds 90 per cent full vaccination for people aged 16 years and above.
Pharmacist Quinn On, who owns ON’s Pharmacy in Sydney’s west, said that he had been forced to ring around to find spare doses to meet rising demand for booster shots after the government shortened the waiting period from six to five months.
Hospitals preparing for third wave of Covid as Christmas hits
If the current trend of Covid case numbers doubling every two days continues, NSW could see 25,000 new cases a day by Christmas — prompting fears of overloaded hospitals.
The state’s health system is bracing for a third wave of Covid patients, with some hospitals fearing the numbers of this new outbreak could overload emergency and intensive care departments.
Already, staff have been asked to postpone much-needed holidays, while NSW Health has elevated the situation at hospitals to Code Red and restricted visitors.
Already, staff have been asked to postpone much-needed holidays, while NSW Health has elevated the situation at hospitals to Code Red and restricted visitors.
Covid cases have nearly doubled every two days in the past week and, although Omicron is growing in number, the Delta variant still represents 92 per cent of cases.
If the doubling trend continues, case numbers could hit 25,000 by Christmas Day, a figure originally predicted by UNSW modelling for daily case rates in late January.
Leaked correspondence from a head of department at Nepean Hospital sent to staff on Friday suggested that even if hospitalisation rates remain low thanks to high vaccination levels, those numbers could overload their ICU, suggesting the state could have as many as 1000 ICU patients.
There are 1550 surge capacity ICU beds in NSW and, although intensive care figures have remained stable, hospitalisations have increased 36 per cent in the past week – from 158 to 215.
Intensive care numbers have remained stable at 24.
We have been amazed by the numbers being tested. Beggars belief that people wait hours for the privilege.
Oldster from Oz: I read up on all this Hospital capacity stuff long long ago.
The guy at Nepean Hospital says the 1000 possible ICU cases could hit the 1550 ICU surge beds very hard. Pity he doesn’t seem to know
( or to ADMIT ne knows) there are something like 2000 ADF ICU beds and gear (stored away for battlefield use) which COULD come into the equation if needed.
All reminds me of Donald Trump sending the navy’s hospital ships to New York in response to the “overwhelmed hospitals” BS, where they were never used.
Call a bureaucrat’s bluff and that bureaucrat will fold!
Something really weird about spending hours lined-up in the “hope” you’ll get two weeks in the slammer of home-detention.
And, for those found to be negative, the virus is lurking just outside the testing centre to catch them unawares again. Better spend all your life in a testing-hub line-up JUST TO BE 100% SURE.
Something really weird about spending hours lined-up in the “hope” you’ll get two weeks in the slammer of home-detention.
When you see the absolute terror at the threat of maybe contracting a 99.7% survivable virus you definitely know the culture is doomed.
If you feel unwell, all they will do is send you home to self-isolate..
… so why bother going to do the test anyway.
If you don’t feel unwell, then why bother waiting in a queue in the hot sun for a test.
Surely, there are far better things to do with your time.
If they were so afraid of system overload, perhaps they should have considered an increase in hospital facilities rather than undertaking construction of ‘Centres for National Resilience.’ None of this makes sense unless you consider the obvious which is hiding in plain view.
People presumably are hoping to test negative so they can attend parties and whatnot and not worry they might be infecting others. I can only guess that’s why they want to wait for hours to get tested when there is zero early treatment offered.
But even as twice as many people are getting tested, test positivity in NSW has risen from 0.3% to 1.8%.
Who isn’t getting infected?
It has been nearly two years since the first inklings of a respiratory infection in China that would turn the world upside-down. In a rational society, this would be the point where we realized that our attempts to vaccinate against this infection have failed. Yet we persist in our devotion to the sacred serum that will deliver us from our distress.
Currently, 60% of adults in the United States are fully vaccinated. That’s not nearly enough, say the pro-vaccinators. But exactly 0% of the population was vaccinated in 2020, and the number of deaths was lower. That is a profound fact that cannot be ignored.
Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
On September 1, the CDC surreptitiously changed these definitions as a result of the failure of its efforts against the coronavirus. One definition now reads:
Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.
This was done to fit the new mantra, that the vaccines reduce the severity of your COVID infection. So now let’s think. Remember having your mild measles infection? I sure as hell don’t. When you step on a nail, does your tetanus toxoid permit you to have only a mild degree of paralysis? I’m very glad I have only a few pustule scars from my benign smallpox case.
Obviously, none of this is true. Up to now, the goal of vaccination was to prevent infection for at least a significant period of time. Anything less is a failure. Yet we push these failed products while around us the case numbers are increasing.
In the first year of COVID, the disease killed many of the most vulnerable people in society. Typically, the year after a bad influenza outbreak, fewer people die from the disease because many of the most fragile are no longer with us. This effect alone should have reduced deaths in 2021.
Maybe they are using antivirals?
Oops that was meant for your comment #9 about no deaths in China.
Watching the night session of the Adelaide test last night under lights at the Adelaide Oval. SA running 53% gas plus the VIC interconnector almost maxed out as they went into a warm evening.
Glad the “renewables” leader was able to keep the lights on.
And at 7.30pm last night imports from Vic into SA were providing 572 MW, wind just 380 MW, total SA demand 2,250 MW.
While in Vic coal was providing 4,350 MW, 74% of demand.
“I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”
And comments
China reporting no COVID-19 deaths since January
Some things are so remarkable that one is forced to say “wow!” followed by “hmmm.” Things like President Biden uttering a coherent sentence or the Detroit Lions winning a football game.
Or the “fact” that the world’s most populous country hasn’t suffered a single fatality from the coronavirus in the past ten and a half months. And only four since April 18 of 2020. Even though it suffered 1,290 deaths in the 48 hours prior to that date. “Wow!” And “hmmm.”
The nation’s cumulative deaths graph looks much like a reverse version of the infamous “hockey stick graph” that the infamous Michael Mann attempted to foist on the public to “prove” the existence of anthropogenic global warming.
The vertical line representing the number of deaths between April 16 and April 18 of 2020 looks even more like the purported vote totals received and counted for Joe Biden in the battleground states in the wee hours of the morning following Election Day 2020.
Since Nov 1, Victoria has reported 336 deaths from CV-19, NSW just 71.
And currently, Vic has 84 in ICU, NSW just 26.
Does NSW have better treatments?
‘They’are waffling on about huge increases in covid numbers in Queensland and stated ‘and seven deaths’. Those are the same seven deaths that had already happened earlier in the panic, but the press state it in a way as to imply that there have been another 7. There haven’t.
NSW might have higher Vitamin D, and lately, more Omicron. I don’t know. Or the virus might be spreading in younger groups in NSW. Just the difference between a superspreader event in a nightclub versus one in a nursing home will shift those odds.
Alternately people think “if I recover I will have to live in Danistan” and lose all their will to live.
Going Orange For Max’s Milton Keynes Return
Giving the Dutch King a welcome worthy of a World Champion.
The Whole Family Welcomes Max Back To Milton Keynes
Amazing how good digital photos are today – zoom in and can clearly see all faces in the photo
And…..Gender equality ??
Dear Santa, please bring me a rapid antigen test
Looking for a last-minute Christmas gift? Health Minister Brad Hazzard says you can’t go wrong with a rapid antigen test — available at supermarkets and pharmacies.
That would be like giving me a box of condoms. I have neither the inclination nor the stamina to partake in risky behaviour.
The establishment media’s online readership has reportedly collapsed without the aid of Donald Trump’s America First presidency.
The Hill, Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, Wall Street Journal, CNN, and Vox Media have lost a large percentage of monthly unique visitors since Trump led the nation, according to Comscore data cited by the Journal.
“Newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there,” Trump predicted in 2017, “because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes.”
Politico’s readership has reportedly declined the greatest amount at 48 percent. The Post‘s page views are reportedly fewer by 28 percent, followed by the Times at 15 percent, then the Journal and Vox Media at nine percent.
As Trump is canceled on Twitter and Facebook, reducing his ability to immediately create a headline for the establishment media to print, the amount of the Post’s digital subscribers has reportedly declined by nearly 300,000.
Why Aussies are a bunch of bedwetters
Joe Hildebrand: Australia’s panicked reaction to case numbers exposes an inconvenient truth
We Australians like to think we’re a tough lot but the truth is we’re a bunch of bedwetters. It’s time we found our balls.
For months we have been told that when Covid restrictions eased case numbers would naturally increase but there was no need for panic.
And so what happened? Case numbers increased and we sharted our britches.
This is the inconvenient truth that Covid has exposed.
There are two Australias: One is the rugged, relaxed and confident character of our national mythos and the other is the anxious, angry and cosseted character who demands unconditional protection from all life’s slings and arrows.
No one is suggesting we go back to licking toilet seats but the eagerness of the states to enforce once unthinkable restrictions in the name of our protection has fuelled the sense that the government is wholly responsible for our health and wellbeing. We have outsourced ourselves to the state.
When you get right down to it, there are essentially just two basic options for dealing with this disease: One is that we lockdown and lockout forever and the other is that we accept that eventually most of us will get Covid in some form or another.
What are the odds of this being a random tidbit?
Speaking of Delta, someone in the NSW Health Department thought this was a good idea!
“Even if Covid cases increased a lot, that would be fine if no one got sick from it.”
Let’s focus on that word: “Fine.” And to prove how fine, I’ll even quote the competition. This is the Sydney Morning Herald’s front page yesterday: “NSW reported 192 coronavirus patients in hospital, up from 166 on Wednesday. This is a fraction of the peak of 1266 in late September. Intensive care admissions have remained stable, sitting at 26 on Thursday.”
And on Friday there was another record day of cases — more than 2200 — yet the number of people in ICU actually dropped to 24.
So can we please take the plastic sheets off the mattress and grow a set.
As we have been told and told, time and again we need to live with the virus. And so for the love of G@d let’s live on our feet, not on our knees.
Two Years to Slow the Spread
In New York City this week there has been a mood collapse. The city feels about ten seconds away from full-blown panic, led by our panicker in chief, our accidental Governor Kathy Hochul. In Broadway theaters — a fully vaccinated environment in which all audience members are required to be masked — a few performers have nevertheless come down with mild Covid cases and so Hamilton, Jagged Little Pill, Mrs. Doubtfire, and several other shows have canceled performances during peak tourist season. Moulin Rouge canceled a performance while audience members were in their seats waiting for the curtain to go up. New York Post restaurant writer Steve Cuozzo has the same feeling I do: Thanks to Hochul’s hysteria, urged on by neurotic and fear-driven media personalities, New York is on the brink of returning to a March 2020–style shutdown that will have catastrophic effects.
Meanwhile, in Florida, which resisted both shutdowns and masking, life goes on as usual, and the infection rate is less than one-third what it is in New York City.
The prospect of going through another round of shutdowns and school closings is madness. We must not allow our leaders to entertain them.
They are handing out free RATs at the liquor store here
3,124 new infections in Ontario today. Going for a record …
The moment when you realise “2022” is pronounced “2020 too”
2 weeks to go.
A new Covid variety – or just the usual government care and attention
I’ve just seen a copy of the dodger Qld has sent out for businesses that wish to advertise that they insist on proof of vaccination
“COVID 99” is the villain.
“Those must be some crazy, daredevil parents letting Pfizer use their babies as pincushions.”
The cult thing again.
The faithful offering up their first born to satisfy the gods.
The mainstream media’s description of Omicron arriving in Australia:
My description:
Links to some covid updates
The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses
FDA’s own data shows a 2.9% death rate from vaxxes.
So…add it up globally. Makes Covid look like what it is. On par with the flu, which was last seen in 2019…
That’s a false percentage.
40,000 incidents.
If you download the document, the total number in the trial is “b”!
So Pfizer keep that part secret.
Meanwhile in the USA…
Schools hiring cardiac experts:
Joe Biden on form:
Vaxxed reality:
New Covid laws coming:
“No fate but what we make”
Public notice:
There will be no nativity setting in Canberra this Xmas.
No-one was able to find three wise men.
The search for a virgin is continuing.
There were however enough asses to fill the stable.
Okay, now even I’m aware that all this power generation information means very little these days, as it seems we’ve all moved on from that now, but it’s actually still quite vital to understand what is happening with it, so to that end, I have two images to show you.
We are told that batteries are the coming thing, and that Pumped Hydro is also a form of ‘battery’ as well, and how we need both of these forms of power into the future.
Keep in mind here that both of these ‘types’ of power are not actual power generators, but in fact nett power consumers, as they consume more power to charge them up, or pump the water back ‘up the hill’ than either delivers power.
Now, I can actually say that they are only in it for the money, and those green worshippers will just say ….. “Well, what would you expect Tony to say. It’s just not true.”
Okay then, lets look at the images then.
These are both for the last 365 days as of Midnight last night.
The first image at this link is for Batteries, and note the dates at top right, the last year.
At the bottom of the chart I have the arrow pointing to Batteries (Charging), and the circle indicating the cost. So here, those batteries consumed 162GWH of power during the charging cycle, and the cost they paid (per MWH) was $28.98. (and here, keep in mind that this is the average cost across that whole year.)
Okay now, follow the red line up to the Batteries (Discharging) and note that the price they received (per MWH) was $116.11. Oh, and note the power delivered by Batteries, 129GWH, so that is an indicator of their efficiency. (Power in versus Power Out) So, they are consuming more power to charge than they actually deliver, around 20% in fact.
Now what is happening here is that they sell that power during Peak Power time, every evening at around 6.30PM to 7PM when power is at its most expensive, and then they charge the batteries back up when power is at its cheapest, and say, who would have guessed that they are charging from the grid when coal fired power has driven the cost of electricity to its lowest point for the day, so they are in fact beneficiaries of coal fired power.
Using the cost differential here, those operators of the Batteries made $11.11 Million on the sale of electricity into the market. Now, you may not think that’s all that much at all, but again, look at what was delivered across the year in percentage terms ….. 0.06% of power delivered. That makes Batteries the single most lucrative form of power generation on the market.
It’s got nothing at all to do with altruism, or augmenting the power supply, or replacing anything at all. (Nett consumer remember, and hey, just 0.06% of delivered power.) It’s just about the money.
Okay then Pumped Hydro, the great new answer to all our power problems with Snowy Two. (oh, frabjous day, we’re all saved.)
Can we perhaps see what happens with that then.
This second image at this link shows a similar result from that same chart, only here for Pumped Hydro, the existing Pumped Hydro we have in place already Tumut Three.
Again, at the bottom, those Pumps (used to pump the water back ‘up the hill’) and their power cost, consuming 721GWH of power at a cost of $31.41 per MWH. (so $22.65 Million) And they then sell that power (follow the line up the page) for $85.51 per MWH.
Again, pumped hydro is also a nett consumer of power and they consume more pumping the water than when it flows down across the Francis Turbines and generating power. Again, these Units only operate during peak power time, for around two hours or so around the Peak power time. And they also consume their power at the cheap time, also a beneficiary of coal fired power when it is at its cheapest.
Now all of that delivered power for hydro there is all Hydro across the whole Australian Hydro ‘fleet’, but using the differential for average power loss then say 85% of that comes in at around $52.4 Million, again, here for approximately 0.35% of all delivered power, again, making this a very expensive method of power delivery.
Again, let me say that this is in fact really only about the money.
See how, while seemingly so unimportant these days, all of this just slides right under the radar, for something (power usage) which is an ABSOLUTE staple of life, is always there, expected to be always there, and these people can do whatever they like ….. because no one knows, and in fact very few if any even care.
Tony – FYI
“Europe’s Energy Calamity Offers A Global Teaching Moment”
And Tony, … that is not including the battery’s income from their FCAS operation, .
I dont have the ability to calculate that figure, but i suspect it is multiple times the arbitrage earnings you mention.
And of course that FCAS requirement is predominantly due to the introduction of significant wind and solar to the grid system. Effectively, they have created their own market by introducing a problem, then charging for FCAS to minimise the issue.
Where does the home solar figure come from Tony? Surely there is no way to actually measure that data, so it must be a modelled guess?
Correct, it’s a guess.
Demand is only a guide as it has an unknown amount of houshold solar reducing the visible figure.
That’s what I thought. Thanks for confirming this Graeme.
Just a thought about elections. If the right cant get the women’s vote with the amount of cr.p the left are dumping on them now, they are brain dead. Just ask out loud, you know, out loud, ‘why are you voting for this cr.p?’ Destruction of women’s spaces, women’s sport, women’s prisons, the female gender does not exist, women who speak up should just shut up, the destruction of the family, the destruction of men, the destruction of kids. What else do they need?? If that was front and centre, the left would be ….. their pants.
Well some policies would be good as well, but that might be asking a bit much?
The “non-college educated women” are swinging behind the New Republican Party.
Here on the NSW far north coast we have had 2 90 minute blackouts in the past week, both late evening, one Friday night, and one last Saturday. Any ideas?
Severe weather.
What usually causes outages in regional areas? Near me its falling trees/tree limbs and possums visiting transformers.
Magpies too; it’s happened here. My husband found a
well-cooked one at the base of a power pole recently, after we heard a huge bang.
What I want for Christmas
DRACO 2.0m BNF Basic ULTIMATE Combo. USD $1,199.99
The Extra Scale DRACO 2.0m is one of the most detailed and feature-rich E-flite® aircraft to date, and the only officially-licensed model of Mike Patey’s ultimate bush plane. It excels at STOL and scale-like flying — and looks amazing while doing both!
Anyone with an interest in flying, aircraft technology, custom engineering, or even just marvel at human enginuity and determination……should watch the Youtube videos of Mike Patey and his aircraft builds. Not only are the aircraft ( several) totally unique and immaculately finished, the man himself is an incredible high performance, multi talented machine.
FYI. Mike has since crashed and destroyed “Draco”,…..but has replaced it with another, better, competition “bush plane”. Named ..” Scrappy”
FDA Colludes with US Postal Service to Destroy Ivermectin Shipments
The US Food and Drug Administration is colluding with the US Postal Service to intercept inbound international shipments of Covid wonder drug ivermectin, reports circulating on social media claim.
According to letters from the FDA being shared online, the federal regulatory agency blocked shipments of ivermectin from reaching their intended recipients as they came through ports of entry.
The FDA is working with the post office to hold packages containing ivermectin. The FDA could better use its resources to, I don’t know, publicly release the docs submitted by Pfizer to license its mandated liability-free V earlier than 75 years from now!
This approach was also reported from Canada months ago.
That’s bad news.
“I have a huge problem with it too.”
I see two other items of note there Ian:
NSW Minister for Nothing in Particular, Don Harwin is getting the axe — one might say, about xxxxing time too. There is a very fetching photo of him there in a skin-tight outfit that would be hanging loose like a deflated elephant on anyone else.
Of more note, commencing Jan 2022 there will be a new Medicare Benefits Schedule item for myocarditis MRI scans post Pfizer and Moderna shots. Wonder why that has become necessary all of a sudden? Safe and effective!
I have never had a gay guy take a shine to me. Should I:
1/ Congratulate them on their good taste or
2/ Condemn them for their heterophobia?
Lack of consensus on Solar Cycle 25.
2010-2020 looks a lot lower than previous decades and the blue line Prediction Panel NOAA/NASA/ISES shows even lower sunspot activity for 2020-2030
Any Thoughts?
to fully design molecules without the need to use natural components frees vaccinology from mimicking nature
fitting the virus/vaccine puzzle together with the help of Sir Farrar
“Wuhan Flu Omicron Cold”
“Gupta Lab: Sharing some potentially significant findings relating to Omicron”
What does this all mean? Efficient infection of lung cells could correlate with severity of lung disease. Syncitia or fused cells are often seen in respiratory tissues taken following severe disease. Delta was very good at both, in contrast to Omicron. Further work is needed
Omicron thrives in airways, not lungs; new data on asymptomatic cases
– December 16, 2021
Compared to the earlier Delta variant, Omicron multiplies itself 70 times more quickly in tissues that line airway passages, which may facilitate person-to-person spread, they said. But in lung tissues, Omicron replicates 10 times more slowly than the original version of the coronavirus, which might contribute to less-severe illness.
…South Africa delivered some positive news Friday when it reported a much lower rate of hospital admissions amid signs that the wave of infections may be peaking, according to Bloomberg.
Only 1.7% of identified COVID cases were admitted to the hospital in the second week of infections in the fourth wave, according to local data.
That’s compared with 19% in the same week of the third delta-driven wave, South African Health Minister Joe Phaahla said at a press conference.
This is all evidence that the strain may be milder, and that infections may already be peaking in the country’s most populous province, Gauteng.
For the aeronautical
There was a piggyback system used to take the mail plane up to a starting point where it would disengage and begin the ocean crossing.
Longer range achieved.
Saw it take off from Lake Macquarie. Names for the pair were something like Mia and Mea.
“Short Mayo Composite”
Possibly Maia? There was a SHORT dual combination of a Empire seaplane (Maia) with a lighter twin engine float plane (Mercury) on top. Trialled in the mid-late 1930’s for transatlantic mail delivery.
another ian
Thanks for that – He wrote about his early flying years in an amusing and entertaining memoir titled “By The Seat Of My Pants”.
Paperback just purchased on Amazon Oz
Perth, Western Australia, 18-December-2021, Freedom Rally (two!)
I attended, my count, at least 5,000 maybe 15,000.
Many placards displayed, two eminent persons and their children carried placards saying in effect:
India and Indonesia have wiped out the wuhu with ivermectin.
I say- do not forget Japan, same.
In Japan it was done in a way reflecting the culture-
no government statement, a recommendation from a senior medic, government had not actually banned ivermectin nor restricted its use, so it began to be prescribed and used, success led to more.
It is the vaccines that are subject to restriction – no compulsion, and bad batches are identified and removed.
Coal remains King ! and it will be a long living reign . 🙂
Order your Brett Sutton (Victorian Chief Health Officer) 2022 calendars here for a teeny $35. I kid you not.
For your 35 smackers you get:
• 15 full-colour photos of Prof Brett Sutton
• Prof Sutton’s message on Climate Change
• Messaging on the Health Impacts of Climate Change
• Foreword by Nobel Laureate Prof Peter Doherty
Darts not included.
Please pass the sick bucket! 🙁
Are they going to have a running tally of how many sold?
I thought you were joking!
“WSJ- Unvaccinated Kyrie Irving Is Returning to the Nets Because of the Covid Surge
The latest wave of Covid-19 cases across the NBA is bringing the league’s most prominent unvaccinated player back to the court. Irving is easily the biggest star who remains unvaccinated in a league with a 97% vaccination rate. Now the Nets have changed their mind about Irving’s availability with Covid ripping through their locker room in a spike that coincides with a sharp increase in cases across the league and the Omicron variant’s arrival in the United States.”
More at
A fair bit of reading here
“(UPDATED) Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns”
Blocking high causes consternation.
When the Wind don’t blow and the Sun don’t Shine, you are up to your neck in Sh!tters Ditch
The Hale Cycle should lengthen and the Schwabe Cycle shorten, like the Wolf Minimum.
That was meant for Old Ozzie further up, on the solar cycle.
“Where Do You Stand?”
The public health bureaucrat who styles himself as “the Science” is at it again. In his quest to eliminate the control group for his experiment in hazardous mRNA injections, Dr. Anthony Fauci reiterated his warning that the nation faces “a crisis of the unvaccinated.” Omicron is upon us, he told a US Chamber of Commerce meet-up this week, and the hospitals will soon be overwhelmed by the unvaxxed.”
More at
Love the url, so applicable around the wotld these days
Guarantees moderation though
Did you see that “Donkey Choppers” has approved for NZ but no more than 25 participants?
La Nina bleach forecast for GBR.
‘Corals across large parts of the Great Barrier Reef could be hit by mass bleaching for the fourth time in just seven years by the end of January, according to a forecast from a United States government agency.
‘Reef scientists are hoping that favourable weather, including cloud cover and rain or a cyclone, could yet cool corals and stave off the threat’ (Guardian)
La Niña cannot cause a GBR bleaching event, only El Nino has the power.
There is a bleaching possibility from turbidity and lowered salinity, from high runoff dilution, but only over smaller inner parts of the reef.
Nothing burger.
A momentary drop in sea level is the main cause of bleaching on the GBR and that only happens during El Nino. The Guardian is clutching at straws.
While you’re there, the BBC weather forecast includes jet streams as a major player.
Oh noes! the GBR is under threat for the eleventy seventh time in my now long lifetime.
Send in more aspiring 20 something marine biologists, that will fix it! I mean youve got $400 mill FFS.
Fantasy Dreaming for Christmas – Navigated in the 1st Southern Cross Rally in 1966 – usually behind Harry Firth’s Cortina 500, who started out 2 mins after us each stage, and mostly overtook us on SYD-MEL leg
MST MK1 The Ultimate Rally Car
The best in modern technology & engineering
Hand built in the UK
PRICE: Stage 4 from £125,000 ex. VAT (One can Dream)
Watch the Video – The Late Brake Show
When are classic Escorts not classic? When they are brand new! This is the MST Mk2, a completely new car with no Ford badges on it, built from the ground up in Wales. Jonny Smith gets the world exclusive first drive of this MST mk2 tarmac rally spec development car, equipped with 2.5-litre Duratec engine on throttle bodies, and reviews it around the spiritual home of the rwd rally Escort.
I’ve just got over a minor cold , had to go through the government protocol to make sure it was not COVID as did my family , got negative results but lost three days of income because of it . The scare tactics remind me of the climate debates . Who was the Hungarian philosopher that said ,in the 1930′ that governments create a series of hobgoblins to frighten the people into running under their skirt tails in order to defend against these imaginary monsters . Perhaps Jo this shift shows that we sceptics have already won the climate debate
So you’d stay home with a cold anyway? I hope.
‘ … we sceptics have already won the climate debate.’
We are not quite there yet, five more years should see the edifice crumble.
How can we win when there is no debate?
More “Empty Chair”?
Its true there is no debate at present, but it will come.
Reply to el gordo
five more years!
I am still waiting for the end of the 14 days.
Climate changes slowly.
“Work. A Four Letter Word.”
And the comments
From the comments is this. Comment from someone named Bwana. And no I have not checked the maths.
Someone with a sharp mind and the capacity to do a little research spent time putting some numbers together:
1 Train has 100 cars, 2 engines and weighs 27,240,000 LBS.
1 Train carries 3,000,000 gallons of oil.
1 train uses 55.5 gallons of diesel per mile.
It takes 119,000 gallons of diesel to go 2150 miles from Hardidsy, AB to Freeport, TX.
Keystone pipeline was to deliver 34,860,000 gallons of oil per day.
It would take 12 trains and 1,428,000 gallons of diesel to deliver that amount. PER DAY! 521,220,000 gallons of diesel per year.
The oil will still go to market with or without the pipeline.
By stopping the pipeline billions of gallons of diesel will be wasted and pollute needlessly. Does that make you feel good?
Stop the Oil Sands all together? Then we must ship the oil from the overseas sandbox.
1 large oil tanker can haul 120,000,000 gallons of oil and takes 15 days to float across the Atlantic.
1 boat uses 63,000 gallons of fuel PER DAY, that is about 1 million gallons of the most polluting type fuel in the world PER TRIP.* (See below)
Or take 3.5 days of Keystone Pipeline to move the same amount of oil with a fraction of the pollution.
In international waters ship emissions remains one of the least regulated parts of our global transportation system. The fuel used in ships is waste oil, basically what is left over after the crude oil refining process. It is the same as asphalt and is so thick that when cold it can be walked upon . It’s the cheapest and most polluting fuel available and the world’s 90,000 ships chew through an astonishing 7.29 million barrels of it each day, or more than 84% of all exported oil production from Saudi Arabia.
Shipping is by far the biggest transport polluter in the world. There are 760 million cars in the world today emitting approx 78,599 tons of Sulfur Oxides (SOx) annually. The world’s 90,000 vessels burn approx. 370 million tons of fuel per year emitting 20 million tons of Sulfur Oxides. That equates to 260 times more Sulfur Oxides being emitted by ships than the worlds entire car fleet. One large ship alone can generate approx 5,200 tones of sulfur oxide pollution in a year, meaning that 15 of the largest ships now emit as much SO2 as the worlds 760 million cars.
Eliminate all gas consuming cars and diesel vehicles?
Worldwide car gas consumption is 403,583,712,000 gallons a year. That’s billion.
Worldwide oil consumption is 1,500,000,000,000 gallons a year. That’s trillion.
It takes 2.15 gallons of oil to make 1 gallon of gasoline/petrol, and 0.6 gal of diesel. So it takes 867,704,980,800 gallons of oil to run the worlds cars, most diesel vehicles for a year and some ships.
That leaves 632,295,019,200 gallons of oil for other uses.
Passenger vehicles are only a very small percentage of the problem. If emissions are the problem why not just capture them at the exhaust?
Create an industry to clean exhaust instead of crushing an entire industry and building a complete untested, replacement industry?
So are we willing to dramatically increase mining to get all the minerals necessary to make all these batteries and electric motors? Mining is far worse for the environment than oil extraction.
Killing Keystone was glibly decided by emotional idiots without brains! Destructive idiots who are fooling America to boost their standing with Foreign paymasters.
Omicron today. By Dr Robert Malone
Looks like the weather hyperbole meter is wound up to 11 over at
In the space of a headline pic and a short clickbait paragraph summary about expected Christmas warm weather, they used:
record heat
all time heat record
heat engine
While laughable in itself when you read the article , the only temps of note are in the Pilbara. The rest of it talks about temps in the mid to high 30s. In Australia. In the summer. Amazing.
It’s mid December and Saturday was the first hot day so far this Summer … now Sunday is already back to raining again!
Remember Flannery predicting the dams would never be full and every city needed a desal plant????
Laba, they needed some way of redistributing the wealth to the workas and votas besides skool sheltas; all too obvious, so they declared dams to be immoral and went for desalinisationism.
Pays a hundred grand a year just for unionised lollipop girls so just imagine what high tech desal workas got paid.
Be thankful you are not doing your bit to keep Oz solvent by mining in the Hamersleys. It has been in the high 40s all week.
Electricity Sale in SA.
Today at 12 noon, spot price was minus $99.90.
According to OpenNEM, solar was delivering 75% of generation, wind 53%, gas 5%, exports 33%.
How does that maintain a stable grid?
I thought you needed about 20% gas to respond to volatility in voltage and frequency disturbances.
Something wrong with the maffs Robb. There appears to be too many percents. Maybe its just me , i am a bit of a traditionalist that way.
Maths okay.
Ah yes, exports -ve
You didnt mention the 1000 MW of “curtailment” at that time also…..which was double the grid demand !
But, as usual, it did not last long……by 8pm they were resorting to importing power from Victoria.
“Various Omicron Data Suggests Minimal Health Concern Overall
December 18, 2021 | Sundance | 193 Comments
Robert Malone MD, MS, provides some updated global reporting on the Omicron variant that complements the initial reporting, starting with a report from Denmark:”
More at
Warwick Hughes discovers unusual adjustment at Perth airport.
That’s interesting. PAP, being a stable location for a long time, has been used as a comparison to the many moves of the “official” Perth measurement site, and this comparison has clearly shown that the three major moves of Perth has resulted in a significant increase. Not sure of the actual amount but think it was around 2 degrees between the cool Mt Eliza site to the current warm Mt Lawley site.
“Another Day, Another Example of Covid Study Propaganda”
Amazing, the team mates just stood there and watched. The rest is not unexpected.
Another Fizzer reaction!
When you look at things around the world –
R.V. Jones “Most Secret War”
“T.C. Keeley was my tutor and in addition to physics he offered wisdom. He warned us that if another war broke out there would be s disastrous period for six months while those who had reached high positions on inadequate abilities in peacetime would have to be replaced”.
A very long list already IMO
A good friend who lives at Collaroy was invited to a Xmas party in the park close to his apartment, but couldn’t make it because he was on shift work tonight. The lady who died was at the party.
“British Medical Journal on Facebook “fact check” ‘… inaccurate, incompetent and irresponsible’ ”
But the BMJ is quite happy to get away with posting political climate junk, e.g.
“Neil Oliver Interviews Dr Robert Malone
December 19, 2021 | Sundance | 5 Comments”
Op-sys blah-blah comment for any wondering …
Windows11 first impression.
I installed Win11 last night over a healthy current Windows 10 version. I dreaded doing this TBH, but it downloaded fast, installed real simple. A 5-gig download as far as I could tell. I applied 4 minor updates after the install and two reboots later to get it all how I wanted it, and the upgrade to 11 was smooth and painless. Lost nothing as far as I can tell and was over in about 30 mins.
I’ve always cringed every time I upgraded a Windows op-sys, they were always trying to be my buddy, ingratiate itself, “Oh please like me Sir, I’m not really that crap!”, etc. Trying to be some home-office ‘multimedia’ powerhouse … horrible stuff.
But this time there was none of that, instead I was left waiting for the usual, “OK, you’re all set!”messages, but there was none of that and no big self-promotion forced hand-holding. It just installed. So I’m stupidly sitting there waiting for this big MS “You are good GO!”, signal … when I realize it has actually finished completely unannounced, and is actually waiting for me to figure that out, and just enter my access pin. So when I finally figure out it’s actually waiting for me to work, I sheepishly enter my pin and instantly up pops a slick new desktop in a blink of an eye.
No setting up BS, it’s immediately ready for use, I had the setup perfected inside 1 hour and already totally comfortable with it. I’d expected the usual code-bloated sluggish start, but there was none of that, and on a fairly low-spec HP mini-desktop. It was quick opening everything. And only one of my really ancient programs (Paintshop-Pro 9) required a reinstall to work and after that, it also worked perfectly again. This version of windows is finally mature, no low self-esteem issues, it doesn’t appeal to the user simply because you will like it despite it being Windows. It just worked quirk free right off the bat. Only thing I’m not keen on is that when I drag a song into an open VLC icon VLC does not popup a window to allow me to add the song to the active playlist. Instead I had to use the VLC add music right click option to sellect the music I wanted added. Whatever. it worked. Copy and past is a bit strange, at first, not sure I liked the simplified right-click menus, with “other options” pop-outs below. But it’s all there, and more.
It does work differently but there’s none of the big objections of earlier windows interface ‘upgrades’(omg! barf!).
It’s just a well integrated mature version of Windows 10, possibly slight faster or maybe that’s just the fresh install effect? Either way, it’s very easy to like it. If you have a sweet Win10 setup and it’s all working, there’s nothing here to fear about installing Windows 11 directly on top of it. I think this is the first Windows install I’ve actually liked.
Thanks for those comments WX. I’m still holding off upgrading, but might take the plunge early in the New Year.
Is anyone intrigued by the Covid case numbers in Australia ?
In the past week there have been 20,000 new cases….(double the preceeding week)
…but only 400+ are reported to be the Omicron version ??
Also , this latest spike in case numbers started (NSW data) started back from Dec 8th,..way before the relaxing of restrictions or international border opening on Dec 17th
So what is the cause…not Omicron,…not dropping restrictions .?
“So what is the cause…not Omicron,…not dropping restrictions .?”
Reflect on what seems to have happened in most overseas places when they passed 80-odd % double (+ even) vaccinated, clapped, cheered and praised themselves and then blew out into masks, lockdowns etc again.
IIRC Gibraltar something like 2.7 doses per head of population and locked down for Xmas
My punt has been that we ought to be back under thumb in early new year
And then
“Most Vaccinated State Vs. Least Vaccinated”
Making use of the prevailing conditions
“Ghana, Turkey, Armenia Going Nuclear Because of Climate Change”
From your link…
…well, how many scientists, and conferences, etc did it take to come to that startling conclusion ?
I guess we should be encouraged that they see the only realistic solution to meet their self imposed targets,……
..but also dismayed that it has taken so long for the reality to dawn on them.
Also, i note the reference to “overcoming the finance barriers” ….
……. code for …“give us the money “
“They Are Losing Control of the COVID Narrative, and They Will Respond with More Restrictions
December 19, 2021 | Sundance | 76 Comments”
And – in their own words
“Prominent Democrats Doubt the Safety and Efficacy of a COVID Vaccine They Now Demand Everyone Take
December 19, 2021 | Sundance | 22 Comments”
As the world tips into a cooling phase, Siberia will get warmer.
‘The UN on Tuesday officially recognized the 38 degrees Celsius measured in Siberia last year as a new record high for the Arctic, sounding “alarm bells” over climate change.
‘The sweltering heat – equivalent to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit– was seen on June 20, 2020 in the Russian town of Verkhoyansk, marking the highest temperature ever recorded above the Arctic Circle, the World Meteorological Organization said.’ (Science Alert)
“Summer temperatures in Siberia regularly peak at well over 30C. Although last year set a record of 38.C, the previous highest was only slightly lower at 37.3C, set as long ago as 1988.”
Why didn’t the WMO mention this?
‘Abnormally cold weather has been recorded in the north of Yakutia with residents of Verkhoyansk district waking up to fresh snow on 5 July.
Just days before that, locals were complaining about the hot and dry beginning of July, with air temperature heating up to +27C on 1 July, and wildfires raging.
Earlier, on 17 June this district saw a world record for the Arctic of 38C.’ (Siberian Times)
North Atlantic Oscillation going negative, but its unlikely to snow in London on Xmas Day.
“Leftist Response to Collapse of Build Back Better Legislation Highlights the Originating Motive for COVID-19
December 19, 2021 | Sundance | 10 Comments
The apoplectic response to Joe Manchin’s rebuke of Biden’s Build Back Better deal in general; and specifically, their reaction to losing the climate change agenda within it; points toward the original intent of COVID-19 in the first place.”
More at
There have been repeated obvious attempts to connect the origins of the virus to climate change, and although probably no one believes that, it still remains a part of the official narrative.
The way they cling to obviously ridiculous talking points does smell a bit like some kind of scripted story, doesn’t it? Then again, most of our world leaders are not smart enough to think on their feet … they need scripted talking points, and why not simplify things by everyone using the same script.
FWIW – looks like “top science”