Professor Nikolai Petrovsky
The South Australian government has declared there will be no more “exemptions” from mandates for people who take part in clinical trials. So workers taking a locally made vaccine, called Covax-19, will have to take approved vaccines as well or get sacked. It doesn’t matter what their antibody count is, or whether it might even be risky to follow up Covax with a different vaccine. It’s not about their health, don’t you know?
Covax-19 is a traditional old fashioned protein vaccine. It’s still the old WuFlu spike, though without the furin cleavage sequence (which probably makes it safer). It’s been approved for use in Iran, and given to two million people there, remarkably with apparently no incidence of myocarditis or blood clots. Perhaps that’s the problem — it’s a threat to the current vaccines?
Since Prof Nikolai Petrovski tested Covax on himself before testing it on others, he may have to be sacked for not also getting vaccinated with an approved vaccine. He is no longer allowed to attend Flinders University or the Flinders Medical Centre, according to the ABC.
Great way to promote Australian science: Let bureaucrats decide which vaccine the Professors of vaccines should take. What could possibly go wrong?
Vaccine researcher Nikolai Petrovsky loses mandate exemption for his COVID-19 vaccine
ABC Radio: South Australians taking part in a COVID-19 vaccine trial will no longer be exempt from state government mandates affecting schools, aged care and health care centres.
The problem, it seems, was that Covax-19 was too popular.
A number of prominent local social media platforms have been advocating for people to avoid having vaccines approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) by signing up to planned COVAX-19 clinical trials.
— COVID-19 vaccine mandate loophole closed
And we wouldn’t want people to have a choice, would we?
It’s not that Petrovsky’s vax didn’t work or caused harm. It was because people might be signing up to avoid getting Pfizer, Moderna or Astrazenica. And if that were the case, surely the solution would be to rush supplies of Covax to Australia? It’s what the hesitant people want after all. But that’s not what the SA government suggested.
Like a Christmas present for Pfizer?
With these rules newcomer-vaccines will find it harder to get trial participants as people are forced out of the early trials with draconian threats.
I guess we wouldn’t want to accidentally discover a better vaccine when we’ve ordered 100 billion boosters already in secret contracts that may have given away the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Who needs Australian made vaccines, Australian expertise, and Australian profits? It’s so much better to have supply lines to Marburg and Massachusetts with vaccines approved through secret data by the FDA.
For what it’s worth, even with all the hurdles bureaucrats are putting in the way, the people are working to make this happen. So the GoFundMe campaign for this vaccine has raised $782,000 and thousands of people have signed up to participate.
Works in Iran:
December 8, 2021 by Sharen Petrovsky, GoFundME Organizer
“It’s been approved for use in Iran, and given to two million people there, remarkably with apparently no incidence of myocarditis or blood clots.”
Remarkably? Could we reasonably expect Iran to openly share any problems with their vaccine and risk people protesting?
A relevant point Clyde.
Without knowing the background and motives of the people engaged in this trial it’s hard to guess at the usefulness of this vaccine.
There are many good people in Iran and it may well be that the trial is well intentioned and looking to do the right thing by the population.
Iran is a weird case.
They have been VERY cosy with China since the fall of the shah, and it also seems that China had a LOT of political and technological input in that “fall”.
These links include VERY close military ties, possibly including NBC weapons; think back to the mass slaughter of the Iran / Iraq war. Both the soviets and the Chinese were deeply into that conflict.
The big question is how an ultra-religious cult leapt into the cot with the “Godless” communist Chinese.
Iran was hit hard by Kung Flu, but in specific areas, it seems.
The big mystery is the entire arrangement. The ruling class in Iran is not just Shia, but a “special” branch of “End Times” Shia. This, oddly enough, they share with the Allawite Syrian Junta. What this means is that they are adherents to belief in the “Twelfth Imam”, a decidedly Messianic character, who will only re-appear when the world is in utter chaos, to sort out the “nice” (Ultra-devout” and the “naughty” (everyone else): A very “different” sort of Santa).
The remaining Iranian Zoroastrians are probably wondering the same as they dodge repression from Savak. and “freelance” operations.
You can hide a lot of interesting things in the Iranian outback, but a sudden upsurge in mass graves in a cemetery is not one of them.
So, why run a vax trial of an Oz brew in Iran? Chinese money in play, again/ still? Will we suddenly see “SinoVax 2” released to “save the world”?
KOVID: the greatest political disease in history.
At this stage I think the reliability of the BS being spruiked from our own Government might not be any more reliable than that from Iran.
Try this on for example
This is a lie by the Australian Government. The vaccines have been provisionally approved only.
Approved for emergency use I thought it was. (same thing though)
The PCR is also only approved for emergency use, 21 months and they still can’t flog that dead horse past the post.
Not sure why they would want to protect the reputation of an Australian made vaccine? If it caused issues I’m unclear why they wouldn’t pull it and use it to bash Australia and the West for poor medical practices.
Another shameful episode in a long-running story of government and institutional corruption.
Everyone should be offered a test to see if they have antibodies for the wu-flu before being told they have to have any vaccine or booster shot.
If boosters are proven to be needed, Covax would appear to be the safest option.
“Everyone should be offered a test to see if they have antibodies for the wu-flu before being told they have to have any vaccine or booster shot.”
In a world where the health of the public was paramount this would happen.
It’s not and it won’t.
“How much longer will Australians put up with this?”
I’ll ask another question; If the government is literally holding guns to our heads (yes, they did it at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne just a couple of weeks ago), just what do you propose we do if we are fed-up?
Obviously, talking and demonstrating and the odd win in the courts aren’t changing things. If anything, with each new protest the GESTAPO actually ratchet up the violence and suppression and summary justice.
So, don’t just bleat about being fed-up, tell us what you think will make a difference. A real difference. How do we stop these thugs from bullying us?
The ballot box would be the easiest and most peaceful way to get rid of the despots. The problem is it’s unlikely to happen that way because the vast majority of the population:
1) don’t give a damn, or
2) too clueless to understand what’s going on, or
3) are in favour of the move towards tyranny, or
4) are completely stupid, or
5) two or more of the above.
Anyone who disagrees with that statement must be in one of those categories. Enough said.
“Anyone who disagrees with that statement must be in one of those categories. Enough said.”
You forgot-
6)anyone who wants to be elected just wants power over you. They are the LAST people you should put in power.
Democracy will never solve this problem, it is a hopeless system. Churchill was quite wrong when he said it was better than anything else.
G’day KP,
My understanding of Churchill’s words is that they were, or were close to: “Democracy is the worst form of government, apart from all the others”, and overall I agree with them. Just what do propose as the style which is an improvement?
Dave B
KP says:
Really? What better have you got there KP?
The problem is that only part of democracy ever happens. Demos – participation by the people continues although in the UK it is waning as the public realise that they are repeatedly lied to during election campaigns – one interviewee once laughed when asked about why something in their manifesto was dropped saying it was just electioneering – and that voting makes little difference. Note that the UK EU referendum got a large turnout as the vote actually meant something. So that highlights that the second part – kratos – the power of voting is missing.
While mentioning Winston Churchill, he also said that 5 minutes spent talking to the average voter indicated that democracy was not such a good idea given the ignorance of the majority of the population. That is still true today, if not more so given the failings of the legacy media and education.
“he ballot box would be the easiest and most peaceful way to get rid of the despots. The problem is it’s unlikely to happen that way because the vast majority of the population:”
I certainly hope you are right for if you are, it will mean the removal of this appalling Conservative pseudo government and that would be a huge plus for Australia.
To replace it with a worse one in the form of Labor/Greens. Democracy is a shambles and nothing much can be said for it except the in principle right to a franchise. Problem is that the vast majority are idiots who are incapable of making an informed vote. Our politicians are despicable in the main. Give me a well-intentioned autocrat.
If the Liberals had not kow-towed to basically every leftist fantasy, and had actually governed for the good of Australia, they would have done a much better job.
Labor Green alliance would be far far worse, because they are even more anti-conservative and irrational leftist that the Liberals. Disaster in the making.
A win for a reasonable number of Lib-Dems and United Australia candidates would be a huge plus for the whole country.
Sanity, morality and common sense, sadly lacking from the Liberal/Labor/Green alliance, may have a chance of ruling again.
Hoping Right of centre make a big push in the next federal election. Most of my kin are educated and sensible people who would desire nothing more than be left alone by government and pursue happiness. Blow off you sucking, intrusive bureaucrats.
Thats right, its gotten to the stage where even Pauline Hanson would to a better job of running the country than Labour, Greens Liberals….
Suffrage Debate, N.Y. Constitutional Convention of 1821
Chancellor James Kent:
By the report before us, we propose to annihilate, at one stroke, all those property distinctions and to bow before the idol of universal suffrage. That extreme democratic principle, when applied to the legislative and executive departments of government, has been regarded with terror, by the wise men of every age, because in every European republic, ancient and modern, in which it has been tried, it has terminated disastrously, and been productive of corruption, injustice, violence, and tyranny.
The tendency of universal suffrage, is to jeopardize the rights of property, and the principles of liberty. There is a constant tendency in human society, and the history of every age proves it; there is a tendency in the poor to covet and to share the plunder of the rich; in the debtor to relax or avoid the obligation of contracts; in the majority to tyrannize over the minority, and trample down their rights; in the indolent and the profligate, to cast the whole burthens of society upon the industrious and the virtuous; and there is a tendency in ambitious and wicked men, to inftame these combustible materials. It requires a vigilant government, and a firm administration of justice, to counteract that tendency. Thou shalt not covet; thou shalt not steal; are divine injunctions induced by this miserable depravity of our nature.
The notion that every man that works a day on the road, or serves an idle hour in the militia, is entitled as of right to an equal participation in the whole power of the government, is most unreasonable, and has no foundation in justice.
Society is an association for the protection of property as well as of life, and the individual who contributes only one cent to the common stock, ought not to have the same power and influence in directing the property concerns of the partnership, as he who contributes his thousands. He will not have the same inducements to care, and diligence, and fidelity. His inducements and his temptation would be to divide the whole capital upon the principles of an agrarian law.
Liberty, rightly understood, is an inestimable blessing, but liberty without wisdom, and without justice, is no better than wild and savage licentiousness. The danger which we have hereafter to apprehend, is not the want, but the abuse, of liberty. We have to apprehend the oppression of minorities, and a disposition to encroach on private right—to disturb chartered privileges—and to weaken, degrade, and overawe the administration of justice; we have to apprehend the establishment of unequal, and consequently, unjust systems of taxation, and all the mischiefs of a crude and mutable legislation.
That’s a great piece to work from.
Governments are getting away with it because the majority is still on their side, still buying the narrative. The only thing to do is to get the truth out there. Websites like this are essential. Thank you Jo!
Here is heather Heyling making the point that most people dont even know there are alternatives to the vaccines:
The whole vaccine mandate thingy collapses if there are cheaper and better alternatives to the vaccines. That will start a domino effect. All media are hijacked or censored, so word of mouth about websites like this is really important.
Omicron is also a game changer, it is killing no one in South Africa whilst cases are going through the roof:
Meaning the virus has done us all a favour and mutated into something harmless. That also allows one to push back against mandates, digital passes and emergency pandemic laws etc. But the truth about alternative medicines must still come out. Pfizer et al. must be exposed!
If the whole population stood up and said “stop”..it would stop.
The simple reality is they can send 100 riot pold and water canon etc, but 100 vs against 20,000 people, no chance.
If people truly want to stop this, they can by refusing to play their little f**isct game.
And yes, the reality s some peopel could get killed or injured. Opposing tyranny and defeating it is going to be expensive in some form.
They rely on people being very middle class “it cant happen here” to try and ignore it.
Were moving to a “V for Vendetta” scenario very quickly.
‘How much longer will Australians put up with this?”
Well when Fauci redefines ‘fully vaccinated’ to include a third shot, and several months after that to include a fourth shot, I’m thinking that’s roughly how much longer.
The public don’t realise the plan is to keep nuking thier immune systems by no. 3,4,5…until eventually a common cold takes them out. Hard to fight a cold without an immune system.
I like your qualified confidence.
My departed mother was a youngster in Hitler’s horror – they were not aware of the true extent of it all even though they knew things were not as they were told – her own mother saying, “They play the nicest music when the most men die on the front”.
Having noted some accounts of the step by step slide into that abyss, I’m hearing, now, stuff that sounds like the beginnings of that time.
So, yes, I’m brave against all this coercion while it’s still easy but we have been swallowing bigger and bigger stories – YTK Bug, carbon pollution and now, this international version of the Jim Jones koolaid….
The overt violence by the riot police must have been sanctioned by Daniel Andrews whom I’m sure hides behind his armed security. Until such time as those aiding and abetting him, and other Premiers, worry about whether they will return safely to their families every evening this will continue.
I think once the public realises its the ***ines that are driving the strokes, deaths, and heart attacks in adults and kids and neurological damage, then all hell will break loose.
I think once it becomes obvious, the Elite cockroaches will start a war as a diversion…..
This blog has had so many incisive posts like this one that the truth about Climate change and now Covid19 is here and available to those who want it.
One of my hobbies is to listen to their ABCCC on the radio while driving.
What is constantly pumped out is the Graetanesque refrain barely hidden by the voice of authority;
” How Dare You “.
Yes, how dare you indeed make the decision not to get VaCCinated against the massive CV19 presence.
” get thee to a nunnery ” and get VaCCinated, or we’ll cancel you.
Think about the ABCCC, it’s emblematic of the control hovering over us day and night.
Change our white anted government superstructure to free us.
How in hell do you maintain your “Kalm” while listening to our ABC?? Even during a short commute?
Ian, if you had read my intro some time ago it did mention that I “aspired” to being calm.
Not actually there.
As for listening to that stuff, it’s good to know your enemy, and they are that.
There’s a PK who does the guilt thing with Vaxxines and really lays it on.
It’s no wonder that so many people are willing to follow the confident authoritative message.
Geez KK, I tried doing some desktop work yesterday with the cricket on ABC radio in the background. After about 30 minutes I had to turn it off. The commentator was annoying and then every 15 mins there was the usual news update- which was all COVID stuff. I then remembered why I stopped listening to those flogs years ago. Never again.
Greg Hunt would be asking questions of his department of he wasn’t in collusion with big Pharma. Morrison should sack him rather than follow his guidance
We the people need to sack Morrison at the next election. If we don’t then we the people can keep whinging all we like but nothing will change but for the worse.
Frying pan….. fire!
Fire ,, Fire.
Nothing could be worse than what’s gone on for the last two years.
I’m prepared to vote out the current mob and vote minor. Unfortunately our system doesn’t allow for optional preferential voting. We have to contend with same is. The country is close to being a basket case anyway.
Vote under the line, all the small parties that talk our language. Talk about this to people you come in contact with. If shown how to do it, people are more likely to do it.
In the good old days I wouldn’t suggest this but these days calls for a united front.
Apologies. The above is partly right – vote for the smaller parties who shout in the wilderness for the normal life we once had. Ignore the rest. No one’s perfect. Faye
Can’t help wondering if the weight of the whole tawdry vaccine business is weighing heavily on Greg Hunt, & that has contributed to his decision to retire from politics.
Could there be a weight of coin in his pockets.
Vicki, frankly I don’t think Hunt, or nearly any politician, has the mental or moral capacity to understand or care.
I suppose Hunt will go on to be a “consultant” to Big Pharma, just as Pyne went on to be a “consultant” to a defence contractor after having committed Australia to one of its worst ever defence contracts, fortunately now cancelled although at great cost.
Vicki, this is following a trend worldwide but in particular the US. A lot of people involved with the COVID response at government level over the last 2 years are slowly disappearing. A bit like Greg Hunt. Resigning or not being reinstated. ” Want to spend more time with the family” etc. ( did anyone ask their family?). Birx, Cuomo, Young (CHO Queensland), Hunt. Sutton, the CHO is also on borrowed time due to an earlier debacle with Cook Foods in Victoria. Or as it is commonly referred to as “slugggate”.
G’day Vicki,
Perhaps he’s finally read the Pfizer contract and discovered what he’s signed us up to?
Dave B
I think for some, being constantly duplicituos is too much to handle and to so many other fellow human beings. the people that dont feel that push to remove themselves from that situation, like our PM and various premiers, will be eventually be forced to by society. the lies are clear for all to see, and while you can pretend that they mean nothing to people, you cant walk them back which means there is only one direction you can go as more people understand, more loss of trust and eventual complete rejection. which world leader at the moment could be considered gaining in popularity? not many I can see. it is one way or the other from here, they have to go full on to continuing violating human rights to the point of destroying them and democracy or they will be destroyed by the general public.
“of (sic) he wasn’t in collusion with big Pharma. ”
Got any sound evidence for that? Or is it mere speculation based on no substantiating facts?
I’m sure GHunt is a very nice man, deep down.
I have written to Greg Hunt twice with evidence showing that Ivermectin with Zinc eliminates Covid-19 with early treatment and I’m sure many of you have done the same. He has all the evidence from Professor Borody and Robert Clancy’s study of 600 Covid patients here in Australia plus world-wide evidence from Bangladesh, India and Indonesia that it can be controlled. He is either extremely obtuse or controlled by Big Pharma! and I have given up on him. Is there anyone in this government with a bit of spine?
” Is there anyone in this government with a bit of spine?”
Or, alternatively, an aversion to bent coins.
Twice. Wow.
I am absolutely incredulous! Gobsmacked at the temerity of SAG to act in such an authoritarian manner. Just like Comrade Andrews in Victoria. This control and demanding blind submission to authority is spreading faster than wuflu!
“How much longer will Australians put up with this?”
Until May 22 or whenever the next Federal election is held! At that point, Australians must hobble the ability of the Club of Canberra to rule over us as if we were their serfs!
“Australians must hobble the ability of the Club of Canberra to rule over us as if we were their serfs!”
How ?
Labor will be an unmitigated disaster.
I was a union member during my working life and lived under what was considered a fascist corrupt regime headed by Joh Bjelke-Petersen.
I considered myself a Labor supporter but no more.
Joh was a kind considerate benefactor compared to these Labor scum in charge of State Governments.
I used to attend local fund raising functions such as BBQ’s for local candidates – these days I BBQ the candidate or local member!
These current “Labor” people bear no resemblance to those fighters that sat down under the tree in Barcaldine in 1891 to fight for ordinary worker’s rights.
They’d be rolling in their graves in shame at the antics of modern Labor scum !
As an Environmental Health Officer I organised immunisation clinics for more than 18 years but I will not touch these mRNA vaccines until the full story is told – trouble is I probably won’t live till 2096 !
This is so soimple – it just needs backbone on behalf of the general population:
All we have to do as a population is peacefully say “No, we refuse”
How are they going to incarcerate a whole population?
And if they come at you with clubs and batons, you stand firm and take it.
Eventually they will use live rounds, and at that point, they have lost as people will just take them apart.
People need to put thier big boy trousers on and admit we now have organised thuggery running this country at the end of a needle…
This certainly doesn’t pass the old Aussie Pub Test by any stretch of the imagination.
It is just plain and simple SABOTAGE by the SA government of a valid medical trial.
Gota stop here as it makes me sooooooo angry.
Why isn’t our Chief Medical Officer, herself a Professor at Flinders University, defending Professor Petrovski to the hilt?
Or if not, why not?
Good Question !!!!
Thanks again Jo for a clear informed post about this issue.
I live in SA.
I’m open to trialling the Petrovsky Covax vaccine even though I have already had the double jab of AstroZenica.
In fact it would be good to get it as the booster shot which is now becoming necessary.
The current SA Liberal government is in an extremely weak position politically.
it doesn’t even have the numbers now to manage the legislative Assembly any longer.
It depends on the votes of Independents among whom is my own local member for Kavel in the Adelaide Hills.
He’s also the Speaker of the House.
There is in fact increasing concern about the Marshal Liberal party government’s future.
It faces a state election in March 2022 – just 4 month away.
And this Covax vaccine issue needs to be one of the things put before the SA public.
I suspect that this decision was made in the SA Health bureaucracy lead Nicola Spurrier
Rather than by their supposed political masters.
The pollies have been too busy trying to put out spot fires after losing control of the parliament
Also Vicki Chapman the Deputy leader of the party & Atourney General
was forced to resign both positions after the House of Assembly
Passed a motion of no Confidence in her a week or so ago.
The interesting thing is that Labour is running Dead on this Covax vaccine issue.
So I wonder what their agenda is ?
Perhaps just “Don’t scare the ponies”.
You are not eligible for the trial Bill, they only want unvaccinated people. I registered as I am unvaccinated. The removal of the exemption for trial participation is pitiful petty politicking.
Neil, it isn’t just “petty politicking” it is plain and simple “BLATANT SABOTAGE”
That is true, no previous covid vaccines in volunteers but they do also talk of future trials to use Covax-19 as a booster.
We have a long history now of bureaucrats telling us what science is – this step is not a surprise.
but there is also a history of scientists backing the bureaucrats as well
there are scientist’s that have crosses to bear
money talks and BS walks
Jo, thanks for this story. Honestly, you just want to cry. That’s my first reaction – then I just get even more angry – if that is possible.
Putting aside the sheer evil of this – it is pretty clear that the terms of the Pfizer contract must preclude any rival. Although I don’t understand how that has not precluded Novavax, which we know we have ordered – although it is a long time coming.
At the very least the authorities could have permitted exemptions for the volunteers for the clinical trial of Covax19. After all, in RCTs it would be a prerequisite for no other medication to be administered. It is an evil act. Hopefullly, even that will not work, as I would think that volunteers will tell them what to do with their Pfizer, AZ & Moderna.
how big is the “spillage” from the Fizzer caper?
That’s a strange comment of Clyde Spencer’s. Why do any people volunteer for any of the thousands of trials for drugs around the world? There is nothing sinister about the fact that the RCT s were done in Iran. It was likely one of the few countries not under the influence of Big Pharma.
I’m in the trial for Covax-19, and as such, have refused to have any other vaccine, as it instantly negates being in the trial. I’m in Queensland and the present ” rules ” allow an exemption from having the present muck injected into you if you can prove you are in a trial. I’m due to see my Doctor on the 17th, to get a covering letter to confirm my enrolment in the trial for Covax-19…whats’ the bet he refuses to give me the letter.
I’ll be looking for a new GP if that is the case.
Glenn – congratulations for participating in Nicolai’s trial! I wish you well and am so thankful for your participation. I have not been able to participate for access problems, but have contributed to the funding.
The very best of luck to Petrovsky. He has SO many supporters.
Thanks Vicki…this last move by the ruling elite has only made me more determined. If they also lift the exemption here in The Socialist State of Queensland, I could care less, and will still remain unvaccinated and wait for my callup for the trial for Covax-19. There is NO way I’m touching the muck they are presently peddling. This whole action against Covax-19 stinks to high heaven.
No one has confirmation for being in the trial yet.
All you have done is register your interest.
No doctor is going to give you an exemption until you have been accepted in the trial.
Engage your brain, Glen.
My wife and I have also signed up for the trial and we are in QLD. I had sent several letters to the CHO and made phone calls asking for vaccine trial members to be exempt. I was not the only one and inexplicably but properly this has been included in the latest guidelines.
The rest of the content of the guidelines is evil and utterly wrong, institutionalising Apartheid. Anna and our CHO, and the entire QLD govt are incompetent and incapable of reading the most basic research showing that the current crop of “vaxxes” do nothing for stopping the spread at all, so the immoral restriction of the unjabbed has no basis at all. Nikolai says initial data is that the covax does assist here and does not wane like the horrors from Pfizer and co.
Likewise…I’ve contacted both Queensland Health and after they ignored me, the Health Minister.
Neither seem interested in scientific research or the chance of providing the public with a more effective vaccine. I also spent some time yesterday reading the health directives, and as you point out, being in a trial has mysteriously been included in the directives about to come into force on the 17th. When I have a letter from my Doctor in my hand, I’ll believe the directives.
Without unvaccinated people prepared to be in a trial, you would not be able to provide the TGA with any useful data I assume…which appears to be the exact intent of the Sth Australian Government. I’ll be interested to see if the morons up here do likewise. If they do, it really speaks volumes about the whole evil situation.
How does one get involved in the trial?
What more proof does one need to expose all our governments, state and federal, are not for our health and safety but for the wealth and protection of companies like Pfizer? They are all evil. People who keep voting for them in preference to one or more of the minor parties who are dead against the growing tyranny:
1) don’t give a damn, or
2) too clueless to understand what’s going on, or
3) are in favour of the move towards tyranny, or
4) are completely stupid, or
5) two or more of the above.
l think it is getting pretty popular to put Labor/greens and libs/nats last on the bottom of the voting forms
most people l know will be anyway
Joe, Do you mean 100 million boosters? I thought there were 150 million on order not billion as printed above.
Utterly shameful. I am aware of another trial of an Australian-developed vaccine InGeneIC, and I know people on it. They were fully expecting to get exemptions after their antibody tests so they can work, shop, go to restaurants and generally participate in life.
This is simply beyond belief. Is this what Australian science and medicine has come to? It’s the Leftist notion of the “settled science” being only what the Elites decide. This follows the same pattern of banning HCQ, IVM and a year ago, rapid antigen testing (just recently approved).
“This is simply beyond belief. Is this what Australian science and medicine has come to?”
The Rum Corps NEVER went away. They just go better tailors.
Once a penal colony; always a penal colony?
This is the same Hunt poltroon who refused an audit of BOM temperature records because he feared that it would erode confidence in the BOM. He obviously did not think it would increase public confidence. The media are our worst handicap, they are truly the chattering classes.
The Australian State and Federal Governments are also unusually secret in their contract arrangements (as well as other matters).
Could it be that Australian Governments have promised exclusivity to the “big three” vaccines only.
Certain details of Pfizer’s contract with various countries were leaked. It wouldn’t surprise me if exclusivity was a condition of their contract as well as the others.
The more desperate the efforts by governments to force vaccination become, the more I am inclined to believe Robert F. Kennedy’s belief – that the objective is to remove the ‘control group’.
If our worst fears are realised, i.e that on top of the immediate adverse reactions and deaths we know about, significant numbers of people are affected or die in years to come, then having a large number of unvaccinated people to compare with would reveal it was indeed the vaccine that did the harm.
If there are no unvaccinated people to compare with, any and all deaths in the future can be blamed on unknown causes or just plonked into a near-enough category. In fact, the drug companies will probably decide that any big uptick in mortality ten years from now is due to having Covid in the past and, guess what? We have an antidote for that!
“Just give me your arm … Did I mention the antidote boosters?”
If you have covid antibodies, whether the source be from the Government mandated “vaccines”, real vaccines such as Covax-19 or InGeneIC; or have recovered from the disease, what difference does it make? You are still more or less protected (less so with the mandated substances).
What is the science behind not accepting people of being protected with covid antibodies derived from one source but not another?
The science here is non existent, its a naked attempt to force people who have absolutely no need of it, to be jabbed. In a past world we used to be concerned about over medication, and about people taking treatments they did not need.
But with Pharma now running the show, the aim is maximisation of Pharma profits (and the backhanders to CHOs, Politicians enabling it) not public health.
Australia is becoming like the old Soviet Union. Only one (or a couple) of approved products and no other choice. And suppression of alternate products, ideas or opinions.
I know longer regard Australia as a free or fair country or a democracy.
Totally agree sadly.
In the old Communist countries, one knew who the bad guys were. We seem to be facing a Neo Totalitarianism.
Who are the bad guys?
There seems to be global co-ordination.
The obsession with 100% vaxxing seems odd, and to what purpose?
Is it simply a shared hysteria, or ideology, that has no central direction?
Just Mass Formation?
Or is there a vested group manipulating the situation to seize power?
I suppose the old Communists were both, but it seemed easier to discern the players.
Maybe in the end the Chicoms come pouring out of the Trojan V Horse.
The mass formation and also the Stockholm Syndrome are interesting explanations for the astonishing compliance of Australians. But it doesn’t eliminate evil as a motivating force for those controlling the narrative.
Vicki reverse the order of the letters in “evil” and one gets “live“.
It seems increasingly obvious that Australia is incapable of doing ANYTHING right.
We are governed by fools.
Australia, the dumb country and getting dumber.
I am vexed by the need to continue the forced vaccine program. Even the WHO has stated that the new Omicron variant has not lead to any deaths to date. We are well aware of Muller’s Ratchet. So the vexing bit is this. Omicron is not causing deaths but you must be vaccinated with our specially authorised experimental injections. However, influenza which continues to cause deaths and has a fully approved vaccine does not require a forced vaccination program. Surely this discrepancy is the real $56 billion dollar question!
Talk about a litany of wasted opportunities in Australia for the last 20 months. Early 2020 I saw interviews with researchers from the Doherty Institute who were about to trial HCQ in medical workers as prophylaxis vs COVID. That was stopped, possibly because at the time there wasn’t enough COVID in Australia anyway thanks to lockdowns. An Australian company had developed a rapid COVID test at about the same time- blood prick type test, very accurate, cheap and ready to go. They informed the Vic Govt and got stony silence. Free thinking doctors in Qld actually treated Tom Hanks with HCQ when he contracted COVID. He got better and flew off for his next movie role. Later the Qld govt banned HCQ. I first learnt about IVM via this site , but a group of very well credentialed medical researchers from Monash Uni in Melbourne had already highlighted the potential benefits of that wonder drug for COVID. Prof Nikolai Petrovski took one look at the structure of COVID in early 2020 and declared it was a manipulated structure – in other words, not a completely natural variant. Now Australia has a chance to develop its own vaccine via Prof Nikolai Petrovski but every obstacle has been thrown in his way. All of those events could have lead Australia to have had minimal COVID disruption. We probably could have avoided lockdowns, border closures and police firing rubber bullets at peaceful protestors. Dare I say we probably could have also minimised the COVID death toll. We need a total clean out of every politician, CHO, health bureaucrat that was ever involved in the COVID response.
Ross, good thoughts but-
low COVID in Australia is not due to lockdowns,
it is due to isolation and border closure.
When will the message get through: many people will not use GoFundMe.
I read somewhere that PCR tests were being stopped because it was found that the test could not distinguish between Covid and influenza.
IF that is true, it could explain the mysterious drop in flu cases since Covid arrived.
Also, in Australia, a very high number of PCR amplification cycles is used. Even Lord Fauci says any number beyond 30 is pointless. I read that in Australia a figure of 40-45 is used. Since it is exponential, 45 is 2^15 times or 32,768 more sensitive than 30 times. Or 40 times is 1024 times more sensitive than 30 times. It is therefore not reliable and very likely yielding a very large numbers of false positives. But that serves the interest of Government, the Elites, Big Pharma and the Left (all much the same people) who are trying to make this pandemic far worse than it really us.
Reference for PCR cycles:
Fauci said that a few months ago. From Jan 1 the PCR test will be unauthorised in America and a new test will take its place.
Paul Joseph Watson’s latest commentary.
An endless cycle of;
1) “New variant”.
2) Surging “cases”.
3) Lockdowns plus further restrictions.
4) “Vaccination” or another booster.
5) Slight reopen.
6) GO TO (1).
How many times does it have to be said?
It was never about a (low grade) virus.
It was never about protecting the public.
It was always about power and control.
The overwhelming evidence proves this.
All that remains is for the criminal trials to begin. Roll on 2022 when SHTF.
While the Left are in power in all Western countries I can’t see trials happening until “the people” regain control of their governments.
But I do look forward to Nuremberg-style trials to prosecute those involved in the anthropogenic global warming fraud plus the mismanagement of COVID.
Are you looking forward to a FOURTH dose?
COVID- the gift that just keeps giving…
Why am I not surprised?
And what about: “the new omicron variant can undermine protective antibodies generated by the vaccine”?
Just found this site. Interesting!
COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 1,188 studies
Yes, as with any disease, early treatment is the key.
Not go home and do nothing as is the policy with covid, then if you get REALLY SICK, call an ambulance. Then you go to hospital where they put you on oxygen, steroids and then a ventilator.
knowing a couple of households that have suffered the Wu Flu now, if you get sick and call an ambo but are vaxxed you will stay at home but if you are not they will take you to the hospital,
IMHO its about numbers and fudged data
“Then you go to hospital where they put you on oxygen, steroids and then a ventilator.”
Then you’re put in a box and become a marketing tool for Pfizer.
We just rec’d a letter from the government, pushing vaccination. It the letter, it states that Australia has bought another 151 MILLION doses. Our total population is ca. 26M, of which (they say) 89% are already “fully vaccinated”.
Even if all the currently unvaccinated submit to having their two doses, we’re still left with 145M doses, enough for more than 5 doses for every man, woman, teenager, child and baby.
I wonder what the shelf life of those shots is? I wouldn’t be surprised if the recommended interval for boosters is calculated, not on the basis of science or evidence, but on wanting to avoid accusations of wasting money on very expensive, expired shots.
Quarterly boosters everybody?
I think Big pharma had originally pencilled in at least a couple of billion doses for India. Although India are vaccinating its nowhere near the original estimates the marketing department of Pfizer would have hoped for. Did someone say IVM?? (sorry KFC) Hence, Australia might be getting those doses at a good price. That’s my half glass full type statement. They would also be getting those in batches, so not 150 m doses at a time. Compared to the original India forecasts, 150 m is bugger all.
However it is spun, it’s still 5+ boosters for every single Australian.
Those idiotic Indians are dealing with Covid by using Ivermectin. Apparently some of their weird pollies place the interests of Indians first. That’ll have to stop.
They are now injecting 5 year olds.
As of the 2016 census there were 1,464,776 people in the 0 to 4 age group.
That leaves about 24.5 million injectable people.
So 151 million extra doses is about 6 extra doses per injectable person at 100% rate or 5.5 extra at an 89% take up rate.
Steve a couple of articles have appeared regarding the shots and small children.
One article from Britain noted that children were being vaccinated with shots close to their expiration dates.
Another article from the US said children HAD been vaccinated with expired vaccines and would need to be repeated.
Makes sense to me. When you don’t want to lose a dollar you give the expired vaccines to those who least need them.
“ A number of prominent local social media platforms have been advocating for people to avoid having vaccines approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) by signing up to planned COVAX-19 clinical trials.”
People need to learn to keep their mouth shut. Communicate securely. Loose lips sink ships. Jesus.
Many people won’t want ANY injection (good or bad) which is, in any way, connected to the lie that we were all going to die if we didn’t take the jab.
The opposite is now evident. Too many killed (murdered?) or maimed by the jab. And now they are coming after the CHILDREN!!!
Best to leave one’s own immune system in tact to fight foreign invaders rather than wreck nature’s superior immune system courtesy of Fauci’s experimental gobsmacking brew.
I’ve always been a proud Australian, but we have lost our way! So many of our brilliant minds have been forced to fight our own government for the respect they deserve.
I’m proud I’ve donated to Petrovski and his researchers. He has developed over 50 vaccines over a lifetime of work for human and animal protection. He has provided anti parasitic and anti viral protection to the US armed forces for personnel in tropical zones for decades.
Australia will never be more than a sporting nation curiosity until the people demand our political representatives stop paying lip service to science and innovation and truly fund it for the purpose of keeping our true talent on these shores.
The Commonwealth Serum Laboratory exclusivity agreement with the experimental mRNA is what is standing in the way of Federal support of Covax as the federal government says it won’t recognise any vax which isn’t manufactured by the CSL, despite Covax surpassing all TGA and US FDA checklists in its development stages.
Meanwhile Pzifer is considered experimental until 2027 and the FDA won’t produce documentation on the mRNA vaccines they ‘approved’ until 2095!
we are told covid is a rapidly changing environment, yet swallow Pfizer – never previously producing vaccines – saying their original vax from 2020 was so brilliant it is 100% effective in its original form against EVERY variant since and should be a booster for EVERY YEAR from now on…according to Pfizer executives who have been licenced to jab every human over the age of 5….still under emergency powers!
Wake up Australia, fight for our innovators.
Classic Aussie way. The genius Australian idea exported or the inventor having to go overseas to develop it. It’s been the meme since I’ve been alive. Continues to this day, despite Turnbull’s “innovation” election campaign.
Stop fulminating and face the reality.
Covax will not make billions for a big US company. So the Covax people will not be able to bribe or bully the US Government.
Then the US Government will not bully their obedient minions in Canberra.
Quite the contrary. Covax will reduce Pfizer’s profits. So Pfizer tells the US Government that Covax must be stopped.
So what will the Australian politicians do? Look after Australians, or lick the US [Snip]AD?
You know the answer.
Dr Petrovsky is likely being punished for being among the first scientists to provide evidence that the virus was a product of GOF research. I have always wondered what they would do to him for stating the obvious. Now we know.
Sometimes people accidentally show you what they REALLY think. It’s often called a ‘Freudian Slip’. Morrison just suffered one.
At a press conference earlier, talking about vaccination rates, he referred to one state that is “lagging behind”.
Then it happened. He actually said, “It’s about getting the SHEEP through the gate.”!!!!!
There you have it folks, just as we have long suspected. To the pollies and the elite, we’re just dumb sheep to be herded in whichever direction we’re told.
(posted a second time because the first is sitting in mod for some reason)
Wonder if he is taking to heart the accusation that he is “tone deaf” to rural Australia. But you can’t “wing it” by pretense.
Moronson has a secret deal with fizzer no doubt. No alternative vaccines or medications allowed. How else do you explain the overnight banning of one of the cheapest, safest drugs available (IVM) that has been around for decades and has had tremendous success in treating covid? In favour of fizzers clot shot, killing and maiming alot of young people especially – people that most likely wouldnt have even known they had bloody covid had they caught it. Criminal.
I have put my name down for the phase 4 trial as I’m still pure blood and also donated.
The way this great Australian scientist has been treated is a disgrace. Clearly contracts signed are getting in the way of progress but also egos of all involved in the Covid debacle not wanting to be shown that their narrative is a total scam has a lot to do with the barriers being erected.
For a fascinating insight into Petrovski and his work have a listen to the pod cast “Ducks don’t get cold feet” with JP Drake.
It is fairly long but worth it, the parallels between medical research/funding and global warming b/s is stark.