The Biden family scored $31 million from five deals in China, all with individuals who had ties to the Chinese spy apparatus. All the details are written up by Peter Schweizer in Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.
The US media spent years obsessing with Russiagate which amounted to nothing while ignoring the bulk carrier load of suspicious deals that connected the son of the then Vice President of the USA to the highest level of Chinese Intel. These businessmen were people like the former head of the Ministry of State Security and the head of foreign intelligence recruitment. Millions of dollars changed hands but no one can easily point to particular goods or services that were received.
The burial of the Hunter Biden Laptop-from-hell in the three weeks before the US 2020 Election was the first seismographic warning that major cracks were spreading through the bedrock of Western Civilization. We expected the media to lie and cheat and be shamelessly, insufferably biased, but it was so much worse.
Schweizer then, has done the job the Western media won’t. He calls this the “scariest investigation I’ve ever done”.
How could Big-Science be 100% dependent on Big-Crooked-Government and not become the same corrupt machine that steers it?

..Red-Handed has just been released.
“The hazard of a Chinese businessman with close ties to the top ranks of Beijing’s spy agency conducting financial transactions with the son of the U.S. vice president cannot be overstated. How this did not set off national security or ethics alarm bells in Washington is a wonder in itself,” Schweizer writes in Red-Handed.
Another partner the Bidens were introduced to via “The Super Chairman” is Zhao Xuejun (aka Henry Zhao), who formed Harvest Fund Management. Zhao was the chairman and Chinese Communist Party general secretary at the firm.
Zhao had another company called “Harvest Global Investments,” which he co-founded with Jia Liqing, the daughter-in-law of a member of the Politburo Standing Committee at the time… “There is no one more powerful in the world of Chinese intelligence,” Schweizer writes. “The seductive and lucrative deal that Hunter was now putting into place, creating BHR, involved two financiers with ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence,
In the infamous “Laptop From Hell,” a 2019 text was recovered from Hunter Biden to his daughter Naomi, where he writes, “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years … It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
And where were the FBI?
They were too busy hiding Hunters Lap top from American voters.
From an interview with Laura Ingraham
“Imagine if we were talking about relationships to Big Oil or Big Tech, the media would be all over this. ” The reason they don’t want to deal with China is a strategy called Elite Capture.
What Beijing want to do is decapitate the leadership in the United States by striking these lucrative deals.
Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s finances are intertwined. They are not separate entities. There are hundreds of examples where Hunter Biden is paying bills for Joe Biden, which is not legal. He is subsidizing Joe Biden’s lifestyle…
Peter Schweizer is a Breitbart News senior contributor. He also exposed Mitch McConnell’s ties with China — This time last year it was chilling to see how deeply corrupt those connections were, hidden in plain view, officially declared, yet never mentioned in the news.
Mitch McConnell’s rich connection with China
Mitch McConnell is the powerbroker of the US Senate, but he’s also a guy whose in-laws own a major shipping company that buys container ships from a Chinese Government company. The in-laws make money from carrying goods back and forward in deals with Chinese State Owned companies.
His wife, by the way, was also The Transportation Secretary of the US Government (!). Her sister sits on the Board of Directors of the Communist Chinese government’s Bank of China.
h/t Scott of the Pacific, Charles, Old Ozzie.
This is so obviously a time for despair that I am motivated to offer some hope; western leaders being corrupt tinpot tyrants in thrall to our adversaries does not mean those adversaries are omnipotent or problem free, nor does it mean that forces outside our govenments are not acting against them. China has enormous amounts of misapplied capital, serious demographic problems, and is watching a slow drip from its manufacturing as, for every western corp that is kowtowing another is quietly moving its supply chain.
China gaining the thugball NBA and watching Intel expand in Arizona and Ohio is the kind of trade that will make a difference.
China has invested a lot in American Universities; they have proceeded to flush much of their influence and credibility down the drain having less respect from ordinary folks that at any time in our history. The One Child Policy is a lump moving through the snake, and while authoritarion governments can “solve” demographic problems those solutions are not without cost. No one outside who has watched things like the Jack Ma affair will ever want a Chinese based reserve currency. And in the rest of the world they may faces issues former colonial powers are well acquainted with.
An alliance between Russia and China reminds me of another alliance of Russia’s in the middle of the last century. Not good partners.
Then there is the COVID wildcard–when the village wakes up and realizez the foolishness of their self-immolation, someone will have to take the blame–if domestic “leaders” who failed need a target for deflection what better target than China. There has never been a better mmotivator than the idea of a common enemy.
…’The mote in God’s eye…..’
Thanks Richard,
I am indeed in a state of despair. When things can’t get any worse, they then get far worser.
However your realistic assessment does rekindle a flicker of hope.
There is something about the one child policy that I haven’t seen mentioned. If as reported to us, it was substantially a one MALE child policy, with female foetuses aborted or killed at birth.
Not how to maintain a stable society!
How many tens or even hundreds of millions of males without a partner?
How to man an eager army!
There is a huge shortage of females in China.
Strangely, never once did I hear a Leftist complain of the femicide. It’s OK when the Chicomms do it.
That is why kidnapping and human trafficking from surrounding countries is such big business
On its own motive enough for making war ever since Adam.
And not just to steal women. War also thins the numbers of men competing at home. From the moment they march out.
The Muslim women held as slaves are being forced into marriage with Han men. This is the Chinese solution to two problems. 1. The lack of women of marriageable age and 2. it will breed out the Muslim population.
The same problem occurred in Ancient Rome, leading to the Abduction of the Sabine Women.
And the one surviving male child most likely has been pampered even more than rich Western kids.
They have this massive military which is immaculately dressed and drilled but is likely to be the REAL “chokkos” and melt in the heat if battle.
There is an Indian news network, TFIGlobal, which reports all things Chinese and sees the demise of the CCP in every news item but they are a pick-me-up in all this doom ‘n gloom.
Try this sample:
It’s true that China under the CCP has such massive underlying issues that its long term future is almost certainly one of despair, suffering and disaster. Whether it takes the rest of us down with it is another question. By far the bigger issue is the ongoing white-anting of western societies by pseudo Marxist forces – those now in control of just about everything. That is the source of our destruction and of my despair.
Thanks Richard.
I would recommend some books:
The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills
Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making by David Rothkopf
The ruling class : how political elites hijacked America by Codevilla, Angelo M
One law for the left and another for the rest of us.
The media, being leftist, just aren’t interested.
It’s not just the left, as per the article.
Agree. I wish people stop just blaming the left. The left are the useful idiots who are just puppets, and the puppet masters have no allegiance to one side of politicos as proven throughout history.
REMINDER: Merrick Garland’s DOJ Quietly Dismissed Charges Against 31 Violent Antifa Terrorists — While 40 J-6ers Rot in Prison Over a Year Now with No Rights
Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs caused over one billion dollars in damages in cities across Americain 2020. In Minneapolis alone, Black Lives Matter mobs damaged or destroyed over 1,500 businesses or buildings.
Over 700 police officers were injured in the BLM riots — and that was back in June 2020 at the start of the historic leftist riots!
Black Lives Matter was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history
Democrats incited the Black Lives Matter mobs for months as they destroyed communities across the country.
Democrats also pushed to defund the police — something they finally admit has ruined lives and communities across the country.
While terrorists, looters and Antifa demons were given a pass by the Biden regime — several conservative Americans continue to languish in prison in Washington DC without any constitutional rights or the humane treatment offered to Gitmo detainees.
This is who is leading the country today. What a disgrace.
The US dodged a bullet when the GOP refused to confirm Garland to SCOTUS in Obama’s last year. He is crazy left, like Sotomayor.
I see it differently.
There is only one law and it applies only to the non left. It does not apply at all to the left – anything goes.
So that one law applies only to the deplorable.
“One law for the left”.
The useful idiots of the left will be jettisonned as appropriate.
One Ring to rule them all . . . remember?
The left are expendable .
Only 31 million, cheap at that price. The Chinese, would consider this petty change, considering what they bought
Extremely cheap. I’d pay more for Taiwan. Or Ukraine.
Of course Ukraine is nothing the US should involve itself in.
NATO has passed its used by date.
This news is old. Gateway Pundit and American Thinker covered it all last year. Peter Schweizer has drawn it all together. What concerns me is that the Bidens and the Deep State do not seem to care who knows it. It’s as if corruption, whether it is in government or in elections, no longer matters since the corrupt are so entrenched no one will ever get them out. The Republicans should romp in at the mid terms but will the fraud stop them as it did Trump in 2020? The only good that has come out is that all this is being revealed although do not expect to see it or read about it here anytime soon. Our media is just as corrupt and fake as CNN on a good day. Climate data hidden, virus and vaccine data hidden. No one of sound mind should buy a newspaper or watch a local TV station. It is only when the advertisers know that no one is watching that there may be a change. The next assault will be promoting the hopeless Albanese while Morrison refuses to really challenge. God help us.
Basically the same as the fortification of the US 2020 election which lead to the left bragging about it in a Time magazine edition.
Old news indeed. Judicial Watch was talking about Hunter flying the world on Air Force 2 at the time.
“The next assault will be promoting the hopeless Albanese”
Nah, he will get the boot & be replaced by a slightly non-white young attractive woman with a girlfriend. I’m amazed the Left still have an old white man as their mouthpiece here.
Build Back Better | The Great Reset
Should start with a rethink of business and trade (including donations) with communists.
This would be a VERY VERY bitter pill ($$$$$$$s) to swallow – but then, that in itself should say something.
Just looking at America from outside is heartbreaking and horrifying.
If a nation could get any closer to total collapse I’d hate to see it.
Can Australia see what’s going on there and take action to fix our home?
We.must all Stand Up.
Australia as a whole can’t see it coming.
Some can such as the conservatives on this blog, the United Australia Party, Liberal Democrats and certain politicians in other parties such as George Christensen and Malcolm Roberts.
Apart from all other issues, just look at current total government debt, currently over $1.457 trillion and rapidly rising without limit or concern or even knowledge of most people.
I listened to Ricardo Bosi speak and answer questions for two and a half hours recently.
He has a good plan but getting his team elected may be difficult.
I posted here yesterday a transcript of the video conference address by Prime Minister Morrison to the globalist left non-government organisation World Economic Forum recently, the PM made it very clear that the Australian Government he leads will not adopt WEF radical changes but will continue to support free enterprise (the left call capitalism) and related business activities and work to strengthen the Australian economy accordingly.
Readers should have a look at what the PM said in full, but his address was not what I would expect to hear from a LINO left globalist and their international fellow traveller Marxism followers.
Also, as I have posted previously, consider COP26 Glasgow Conference where the PM refused to cooperate by agreeing to ban coal mining and use of coal, and was supported by several other nations much to the annoyance of the anti-coal lobby there including the leaders of our two main allies.
He also rejected demands for the Paris Agreement emissions reduction target to be increased and the target date of 2030 be shortened, 2025 I think was mentioned.
And in reply to net zero emissions by 2050 the PM said Australia will not commit to that but does have “an aspirational goal” based on research and development of new technology, if it can be achieved, but not at the expense of damaging future economic prosperity.
In 2019 the PM said that Australia would no longer contribute to “UN green funds” but would provide foreign aid directly to neighbouring regional nations, obviously with China and defence in mind as well as helping poorer nations and the people.
On Australia Day, I checked in on the Daily Mail and The Australian front pages to see if there was anything celebratory. No, they obviously hate Australia and Australians. ‘Australians, all let us rejoice’? Really? It sounds like they prefer we are miserable.
I read Albrechtsen’s piece in the Australian today. A good common-sense comment on a constitutionally entrenched “voice to parliament” ,as proposed by indigenous academics and bien pensants of inner city areas – supported by corporate do gooders. Nonetheless, this country has a lot of problems and most of it lies with MSM.
“‘Australians, all let us rejoice’”
For we are young and free ??????????
Should be….
“For we are one and free”
….. where we are divided and locked-down.
The NATION was young and free.
Don’t worry, that national debt is only about AUD$60,000 each for every man, woman, child and baby living here.
We can get rid of that with Quantitative Easing in no time flat; just don’t have any cash in the bank or coin of the realm when it happens.
Some people I know have bought gold and silver mini ingots.
Our round 50c piece has a melt value of $11.10 today. It is difficult and too low value to counterfeit but everyone knows it.
I am not an advocate for debt unless used for national building purposes or emergency economic stimulus or other similar very good reason and purpose. Having posted that belief I need to point out that Australia, “The Lucky Country”, has huge reserves of untapped resources to mine and sell including gold and silver, I mention those minerals because many nations keep them to underpin their currencies etc but Australia can extract whatever is needed.
During the Howard Coalition Government terms 1996-2007 Treasury sold a substantial amount of processed gold bars held in reserve and produced a very good profit from the sale, the Opposition was critical because the price of gold continued to increase and they claimed that the profit should have been higher and that the sale should have been delayed to achieve that. Treasurer Costello replied that a significant profit is a significant profit, and that Australia does not need gold bars because of the gold and silver reserves already identified, ignoring what was still to be discovered. For example, when I was last in Kalgoorlie-Boulder WA a few years ago I was told about a new gold and silver mining venture seeking investors and estimated to be one of the biggest finds in the area, discovered about fifteen years after Treasurer Costello’s comments. But add coal, gas, oil, uranium and the many other valuable natural resources here. And then consider the other assets like off farm products exported because there is a lot more than is needed here, and others.
National public debt is of course borrowing by all three levels of government, but considering Commonwealth or Federal public debt and the high cost of dealing with the pandemic, not least being supporting businesses and employees as best a government can do, compared to GDP it remains manageable, including annual interest liability on the government bonds the debt is borrowed against, and remains lower than most other developed nations on a per capita basis at least.
At around AUD$120,000 per Australian worker that isn’t a reasonable national debt.
Look at it another way, for a citizen to borrow heavily to invest in real estate is a huge risk but if that asset provides a substantial capital gain and can be sold to realise that profit the debt/mortgage was well worth the risks.
Governments have no money and obtain revenue from taxation, and that includes mining royalties and taxes from the operating companies and their suppliers, and from exports and more. But the fact that unrealised capital is safely secured in under the ground surface are assets over and above the formula of gross debt and even net debt which is calculated on real debt minus assets to hand, an example for the Federal Commonwealth Government is the now $120 billion and growing Future Fund established with $60 billion invested by the Howard Coalition Government. And of course governments cannot be declared bankrupt because of the taxation potential revenue and all other public assets. Failed governments just cannot deliver the services people that we Australians enjoy.
The per capita debt calculation is really meaningless because of the asset backing of the Commonwealth of Australia.
But as I did post before I am not an advocate for debt unless there is very good reason and purposes, and the pandemic situation and propping the economy up with stimulus was very important. On the other hand in 2008/09 and the much exaggerated GFC period, financial crisis from the Northern Hemisphere impacting here, that expert advice predicted would at worst have resulted in a short shallow recession if no stimulus spending was involved, because of the very strong financial and economic position Australia was in compared to other developed nations, and beginning from the first major economic reforms commenced from 1985 based on the Fraser Coalition Government’s Treasurer Howard and Head of Treasury Stone plan confirmed and supported in the (Professor of Economics) Campbell Report adopted by Labor Australia and Labour New Zealand, and extending to the second Howard Coalition major economic reforms, budget surpluses, retirement of Labor’s debt by 2006, and handing over a $22 billion budget surplus plus Future Fund etc., the GFC stimulus based on debt was a cynical political exercise. The reason being the too many marginal seats won by Rudd Labor in 2007 and spending to impress voters before the next 2010 election. Gillard Labor lost that election but was able to cling to government with a minority alliance, and then after congratulating themselves for “saving” us from a GFC recession according to Labor went on borrowing and spending to win the 2013 election which Rudd again Labor lost to the Abbott Coalition.
The point is that the present Federal debt started from Labor’s $400 billion after they inherited zero debt in November 2007 and a $22 billion surplus. The Abbott Government had no choice with Labor’s years of defect budgets to borrow more and to total $500 billion in 2014 to maintain money supply for government. You will probably recall that until the shock discovery of COVID-19 and pandemic there was a budget surplus estimated for 2019/20 financial year, a starting point for debt retirement.
Re the $400 billion Federal debt inherited by the Abbott Coalition Government in September 2013, I guess somebody will argue that the debt was lower and maybe, as some do, that the Howard Government left debt for Rudd Labor. To begin, there was zero debt from June 2006 after the 2006/07 Budget had been tabled. The zero debt remained in November 2007 when there was a change in government, but Rudd Labor borrowed (selling government bonds) during the period ending June 2008, so 2007/08 financial year, but that was not Howard Government debt.
The $400 billion combines the reported debt at the end of 2012/13 and add from Labor’s 2013/14 Budget several committed expense items including the NDIS and Gonski Education Grants to State Governments that Labor failed to make provision to pay for in that Budget, a creative accounting deception that reduced their budget deficit, remembering that they never produced even one surplus after inheriting the $22 billion Howard Government surplus for 2007/08. Add the monies borrowed to pay for those high expenditure items and the debt exceeded $400 billion.
I don’t believe that the locking down of society; the cessation of normal life,
ie. work, study, social activity, was necessary or helpful.
Two weeks would have been enough “flattening”, beyond that was political grandstanding for over a year and a half.
In normal circumstances this shutdown would have been unthinkable, but, now we can borrow as much as we like to artificially sustain the nation on Jobbykeeper and Jobbymaker it’s O.K.?
The real world doesn’t work like that, we are in massive debt for nothing.
Thank you Scotty from Marketing and state Kovid Komanders.
$400 billion Abbott inherited, so the increase is LNP.
The nearest Labor ever got to a surplus was in the Rudd Government’s 2008/09 budget that predicted a small surplus. However, in January 2008 the US Government had announced provision for $millions to combat a predicted Global Economic Downturn, but Labor’s budget made no provision for the predicted downturn.
The small predicted budget surplus disappeared by about August 2008 when the Rudd Government went on a spending spree to combat the downturn
I agree with you, especially the draconian lockdowns and restrictions imposed by the Victoria Labor Government and Chairman Dan with his comrades, and interstate border closures resulting in many very unhappy and disadvantaged people and families, much more including denying patients hospital treatment.
But those actions were based on State powers and responsibilities, State Health, State Police and State Governments. The Federation of States that were the former British Colonies retained their powers when the Commonwealth of Australia was formed and only gave the Federal Government responsibility for areas like defence, company and income taxes, foreign affairs and international trade, protecting and controlling international borders, pharmaceutical drug purchasing and supply, welfare and other national matters effecting all of the States and Territories while they retained internal responsibilities and interstate borders.
However the health of our Australian economy is a Federal matter but State economies of course contribute and this was an important consideration when the support for employers and employees was funded by the Federal Government.
It was not debt for nothing, regardless of what you believe about COVID-19 pandemic and treatments, vaccines, whatever, the crisis is real and when it commenced here early in 2020 there was no rule book to follow, there was a guide for pandemics created when Tony Abbott was Minister for Health in the Howard Coalition Government for Federal Government purposes, but sovereignty of the States rules and they cannot be instructed or controlled by the Federal Government, which is why COAG was converted to NLC as a forum for discussions to try and gain cooperation and coordination between States, Territories and whatever the Federal Government can contribute.
Like the quarantine contract hotels, Federal Immigration controls international border arrivals but during the pandemic State Health decided what those people were required to do to enter a State. The quarantine hotels were organised by State Governments with NSW doing the heavy lifting and NSW second because the international airports in those States have the highest passenger arrivals.
By the way, Scotty from Marketing is a Labor smear, he was not in marketing but he did as a senior executive become involved in the approval process for marketing campaigns as created and submitted for approval when he was in tourism, but that would have been a minor part of his responsibilities.
I appreciate that it’s a complex system, but our leaders are set the task of doing the best for us.
I also acknowledge the state government’s part and they must take most of the heat, but Jobbykeeper and the like have provided a “safety net” that is just robbing Peter to pay Paul, or in modern parlance, robbing Petra to pay Pauline with no tangible benefit, at least as I see it.
As for the term Scotty from M, I will no longer use that because I wouldn’t help boost Laba ever.
He sells vaxxes, swaps Vaxxes and buys Vaxxes. Marketing!
I like Scotty from the trading post better.
4 years, what has he done.
Dennis, mineral recovery to reduce debt only works if the minerals are allowed to be mined, and, heaven forbid, refined in Australia. In Victoria there are HUGE gold reserves, don’t try to develope a new mine unless you plan to live far longer than the average lifespan. Gas and oil mining banned. So many of Victorias old gold mines only closed because of technology limitations and a standard gold price. Now with modern technology gold values of a few grams per ton are viable because the price contiunues to escalate while recovery costs remain (relatively) static. Will we ever get a government that actually allows resources to be developed, probably not. They are to busy making hydrogen from brown coal by converting a primary energy source into a secondary source and somehow thinking this is good value for money.
Development applications, Environmental Protection and other compliance requirements for mining (or power stations/renewable energy installations/other) are State Government area of responsibility, and State Government controlled Councils, then considering the “Green” groups that oppose development applications, example in Queensland the Adani Coal Mine that took a decade and more to be processed and approved including court appeals.
As my comment about WA gold mining indicated, a new gold and silver mine has been approved there, but of course I agree with you and I understand the leftist economic vandals both groups and embedded in government departments, and even among elected members of parliaments.
A friend who is from the US and has been an Australian citizen for a very long time often mentions to me what potential this nation really has if the powers that be and influencers got out of the way.
If enough people have the courage to live in the dignity of truth, no matter what it costs, the snowballing towards complete totalitarianism can be stopped. The trouble is the cost is too great for most people so they will not stand up. What we are seeing though is a tiny proportion of the population who do have the courage standing up and it’s growing due to the increasing resentment against draconian mandates. So, I see a flash point coming up. What happens next is critical and monumental. Either those who have the courage to stand up are shut down and totalitarianism eventually wins, or we win, our governments resign and Nuremberg 2.0 begins or something like it to hold to account those responsible for the mess they have created. There is no other path to be taken. Either way the path is a long one and it will take some time for it all to unfold. I don’t have a crystal ball to predict which path it will be with absolute certainty. We will know soon enough though, perhaps by the end of the year.
I find it alarming that almost no one questions the implicit totalitarian overtones of what’s happening in Australia. E.g. in Vicdanistan a paramilitary police force uses military tactics and armoured personnel carriers to suppress peaceful pro-freedom demonstrations.
Or a Quuenland “Quarantine Commisioner” who wears a bizarre uniform rather reminiscent of the Hugo Boss 1934 collection ( For those who don’t know Boss designed and made uniforms for the National Socialists.
See Queensland uniform at:
This Quarantine Commissioner will be commandant of the “Queensland Regional Accommodation Centre at Wellcamp”.
The camp:
“Wellcamp ready to welcome guests”
Few question, the public servants implement the totalitarian decrees with relish and the Lamestream Media fully support all totailarian actions.Most of the Sheeple are too indoctrinated to understand or care.
It won’t end well and people no longer know enough history to understand what happens next.
Does Wellcamp have barbed wire?
Not quite barbed wire.. yet..
In Victoria they have a Kovid Komander.
Look up Jeroen Weimar, he loves to talk and has lots on the tube.
The train man!!! Doesn’t know jot about science, but they made him commander. Apparently it was not enough for Andrews and Foley to make stupid statements. They then employed another. Last year he issued this beauty. ” If the girl serving you coffee has the sniffles tell her to get tested”. Never heard of allergies Jeroen??
Dick Delingpole’s comment: “I’m amazed she generates a reflection.”
Yes, that uniform is spooky.
Yes, Dick is James brother.
both are Dicks imo
You cannot make it to US President without a great deal of money behind you. Many Presidents were part of ultra rich families or very successful individuals. What is puzzling about socialists like Biden is precisely that. How does a man who has never had a job outside politics after law school (Albanese, Shorten) get to the top and whose money is being used? Labor party candidates though have big unions behind them.
How does a man who has never had a salary above $140,000 a year as US Senator accumulate so much money that everyone in his immediate family is a multi millionaire? The man is a river to his family. Honestly, how does that work?
“How does a man who has never had a salary above $140,000 a year as US Senator accumulate so much money that everyone in his immediate family is a multi millionaire? The man is a river to his family. Honestly, how does that work?”
Hunter gave us a clue in his 2019 text to his daughter Naomi, where he writes, “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years … It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
Joes house in Delaware was a gift from a generous donor.
Next question, what was the payoff?
Would that be the house Bill Gates bought him in 2000?
I’ll see your Biden and raise you one Obama! How did he ever get to raise the tens of millions needed to become President??
These people are the mouthpieces, the actors who pretend they thought of what they are saying and mean what they said. That’s why Ronald Reagan was so popular.
I’m still sure they picked Biden planning he wouldn’t last 12months, but since the election his replacement has not lived up to their expectations.
A man who farts prolongedly in the presence of Camilla can not be wholly bad.
All this is indicative that a society of erstwhile aristocrats and oligarchs are running the world for their own benefit*.
I’d place the Bidens about two levels down from the real power brokers, with a layer of handlers above them.
At best, we are serfs in their system.
Our primary defenses are cultural artefacts like the rule of law, freedom of speech, private property, freedom of association, trial by jury, presumption of innocence, (and not least, the US constitution) and the willingness to defend these artefacts from corruption and destruction.
*A monolithic framework of exploitation and control operated by self-interested parties implies internal competition and conflict mediated by mutually beneficial deals that last as long as they are useful. – I.e. the rulers are united by practice, but compete with each other for supremacy.
Which explains why we can’t win. Sadly, we have to resign to the fact those who are the puppet masters will get what they want, which is complete totalitarianism, by way of the useful idiots, which include not just the left but also the so called conservatives in various governments. The only way to make at least some dent in all that is to stop voting for the majors. Even though it probably won’t stop the puppet masters doing something else to circumvent that approach, at least we will have a fighting chance.
You mean like starting a war?
Civil war? As a last resort, perhaps but I don’t see it working that way. Governments will simply use the military to put on the screws harder. No, we need people to stop consenting to the mandates en mass, at all costs.
Winning starts with the discipline to never give up. Every time we say “Which explains why we can’t win.” we’re helping the crooks.
It’s the shortcut to serfdom.
When you feel depressed and want to comment, ask yourself if you are helping to motivate the people around you or working to drag them into your own pit so you have company.
We don’t have to resign ourselves to anything.
We as a nation already have resigned otherwise we wouldn’t be seeing mandates still being enforced with people taking their boosters to keep their jobs. It will end in one of two ways. Full on tyranny or all mandates are torn down by public demand. It’s up to the people who have resigned to stop consenting to the mandates if they want the second ending. If enough people have the courage to live in the dignity of truth, no matter what it costs, the snowballing towards complete totalitarianism can be stopped. It’s up to the people.
It takes discipline to control our language.
This is the path to defeat: “We as a nation already have resigned “
Or maybe we’re the lucky country, asleep at the wheel, and awakening one by one. We haven’t resigned at all, we just haven’t realized yet what a dangerous path this might be.
Ask yourself — are you helping to waken the sleeping or make them comfortable in their passive acceptance of serfdom?
Or have you come here looking for reasons to accept serfdom yourself?
The language of the willing slave is always to see defeat before they even try to fight.
Many skeptics take on the role of hardened cynic and think of themselves as “realists” predicting failure at every step. Given the freedoms we still have, what would someone in a Soviet Gulag think of those who can still send emails, make phone calls, and write letters who give up already?
Remember, them where the days.
Yes I remember.
Those were the days my friend
we thought they’d never end
We’d sing and dance for ever and a day
We’d fight and never lose.
We are not winning yet, but I have not given up.
If you want a fighter to inspire you I nominate Sidney Powell.
I don’t need the Kraken queen, I have my fellow Australians.
Seems you missed my point, it did not start in the Gulags, it ended there.
Well said, pessimism is not an option.
Pessimism is not the issue, the attitude of most people who still comply with the draconian mandates is. We need most people to stop complying. Besides, I’m not a pessimist. I look forward with much joy and anticipation of the return of our Lord.
“All it takes for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
Or to vote for evil because the “good” aren’t good enough.
We win to the extent that we defend and maintain the various cultural artefacts and associated systems that limit and moderate the rulers powers so that we can all get on and live worthwhile lives.
I actually think the current push by global elites during the COVID pandemic has largely failed, burned the credibility of their servants, and woken a lot of people up.
In general, the elites are often their own worst enemies, filled with hubris and destined to meet their nemesis.
If you really believe the globalists are going to give up that easily then I’m afraid your are mistaken. We must keep on alerting everyone to what’s still happening and will continue to happen if we are even to have half a chance of defeating the mad globalists. Next stop will be implementation of the global social credit system.
Social Credit System: Cristian Terhes Interview
I don’t think they will give up – ever.
That doesn’t mean they’ll succeed.
While we are still up to our waists in the swamp it’s good to read this and get to feel that we may be able to get to the other side.
He is way down the pecking order and is just another useful idiot.
Let’s go one step further: These leeches will be the first to be cleansed should the reset happen.
After you, Alphonse, so long as I get there first”
Don’t forget money laundering operations or disguised bribe payments such as Hunter Biden’s “artworks” being sold for huge amounts of money. Art critics have commented that no untrained, inexperienced, unknown artist can ever attract that sort of money with their first painting.
Obviously Hunter is currently America’s greatest artist.
As in of course.
What do you think these multi-million book deals are? Are there THAT many millions of Americans interested in why Hillary lost or have anything other than passing interest in Michelle Ma Belle?
There is an enormous amount of money sloughing around in politics. Most purse keepers are leftists and they know the largesse must be spread around, even as golden handshakes. Something for the soldiers to aspire to.
Don’t expect Morrison to do anything. He is in up to his neck with the WEF. He has proven to be a lily livered hollow man driven by polls. Not a leadership bone in his body. The LNP, IMHO, has been destroyed by leftists who don’t care about what happens to Australia. The ALP are not a viable alternative, and the right are splintered.
We need Tony Abbott back to unite the Conservative ranks.
Currently the United Australia Party is the only hope we have. They intend to run candidates in all upper and lower house seats in the next Federal Election. Liberal Democrats are good also but don’t have the financial resources or reach of the UAP.
Liberal Democrats are probably better ideologically but they lack the power of a large membership and finance.
UAP now has the candidates in place for coming election and it is not far away. UAP has 83,000 members to help with the election.
The biggest asset is also the biggest problem, ie Clive Palmer himself. Clive seems to be funding the whole campaign on his own. Yet his track record is very patchy. Right now however he is saying and doing the right things.
Only one thing scares me regarding the UAP….Clive Palmer at the lectern with Al Gore just before he instructed his minions in the Senate to vote down the Abbott attempt to remove the finance instrument from the green energy fund.
That’s my problem too. I was thinking just the same before I came to your comment Jonesy.
I agree and there is a lot more.
However to repeat myself;
Right now however he is saying and doing the right things.
I will bring that issue up with my local candidate.
What I saw was Clive Palmer, acting in the company of Al Gore, thwarting the Abbott government’s landslide mandate.
Not just on the Carbon Tax/RET, but also on the cuts to the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government’s reckless spending program.
Abbott’s mistake was to seek efficiency in government by not wasting time on issues which Palmer would block. He was clearly saving those for a double dissolution election, but Turnbull hijacked that election.
Because he had not got around to attacking those issues Abbott was blamed by the electorate for their existence. Especially the debt.
Nobody understood the RET, which funded all the “renewables” that have been springing up around the countryside since.
If Palmer is your only hope – give up already.
Yep. If Clive is the answer, you need to rethink your question. He was also instrumental in the fall of the perfectly decent, fiscally conservative Newman Govt in Queensland. Clive is simply an egotistical wrecker.
He still owes sacked workers from Yabulu nickel refinery their severance pay.
And Craig’s family business went bankrupt owing Millions, birds of a feather.
Qld Nickel didn’t GO bankrupt it was SENT bankrupt.
Pretty sure all bankrupts are sent bankrupt. Birds of a feather, flock together.
What alternative do you suggest.
If the alternative isn’t the coalition, enjoy Albo, or Rudd/Gillard Mk II. The choice is clear.
Ask around and see how many leftists intend voting lib “To teach Albo a lesson!”
How many might vote UAP to teach Albo a lesson?
I was impressed by a comment given by a member of the UAP, regarding the Greens in the electorate of Melbourne.
He said: “do you know how many greens are AntiVax?”
I don’t know but he implied it might be a lot.
Do not give up.
Who remembers?
It was Kerry Packer that busted Pauline Hanson and her One Nation Party.
I forget which election it was, but Pauline Hanson was riding the crest of the wave, with all eyes wondering how many seats she would end up with.
One week before the election The Women’s Day came out with a story about Pauline’s problem son we hadn’t heard of.
The shock value of that story would have halved Pauline’s vote. At Kerry’s bidding. It was a crippling blow for the party.
You didn’t remember that, did you? Because no commentator noticed at the time.
I don’t know what Pauline’s resources are in 2022, but Kerry is dead and gone.
TA might be busy being BOJO’s replacement. That is, a possibility according to Mark Steyn.
Yeah, nah. An amusing thought though.
Similar to the spreading of deceptive information during the Abbott in leadership period 2009 to 2015 now Morrison is being subjected to the same smearing by deliberate character assassination attempts, misquoting, blatant deception.
Here is part of what I posted here yesterday;
“Recently I read and became angry that the PM had addressed the World Economic Forum octopus arm of the UN based globalists until I researched and discovered that in his address he stated that Australia would continue to follow the free enterprise system (left calls capitalism) and promote economic growth for all Australians.
This extract is very interesting and enlightening;
“PRIME Minister Scott Morrison has told global business leaders his government did not view COVID-19 as an opportunity to create a “State-centred” economy.
He instead backed a more sustainable business-led recovery.
In a speech to the Davos Agenda 2022 virtual summit hosted by the World Economic Forum, Mr Morrison laid out Australia’s way through the global pandemic and its approach to supporting economic recovery and resilience over the next decade.
We never saw COVID as cover for some sort of funky experiment to transform our economic system…”
Also not well publicised was his resistance to COP26 calls for the end of coal, to increase the Paris Agreement timing and emissions reduction target to be increased and to commit to net zero emissions (agreement) by 2050. Again, similar to the reasons why PM Abbott became a globalist political target as Christopher Monckton warned he was in a video when he also warned that the Prime Ministers of Canada and New Zealand at that time were being targeted, the three not cooperating in climate hoax political agendas.
And before condemning PM Morrison have a long hard look and think about Shorten and now Albo led Union controlled Labor and their Greens comrades and what they would most likely do if elected to government again.
I hear what you say Dennis, but why did Morrison attend the WEF conference in the first place. He should have stayed away and said nothing. I don’t trust him on any issue, he blows in the wind.
Video conference link address, the PM was in Australia Ian.
So you don’t give a rat’s what labor stands for.
Fair weather conservatives, for whom nothing is good enough drive me to distraction.
Howard wasn’t good enough, he lost his seat.
TA wasn’t good enough in spite of being a thoroughly decent chap, who stopped the boats and axed the tax – what he promised.
The libs [don’t blame the ABC] hated TA so much they replaced him with a progressive lefty.
Does anyone else see a similarity with the GOP pre Trump?
Trump is not Australian, work with what you have, get involved if you are serious enough. Don’t just surrender.
BTW I was a labor voter up to and including ’07. Maybe a slow learner but I do learn.
Just in addition to the information above, has anyone noticed,
Biden’s son,
Romney’s son,
Pelosi’s son,
Kerry’s son,
Are all on the board of directors for energy companies doing business in the Ukraine?
The Leftist Elites, including Romney who is a RINO, love oil. Thankfully for them, that inconvenient fact is ignored by their Useful Idiot followers.
My brother has a theory that as soon as fossil fuels are nationalized and/or internationalized, the “science” will change.
Indeed, sometime ago I read that a former POTUS had coal and gas based shareholdings.
Not a bad return for someone who can hardly string a coherent sentence together and who sending his country into an economic death spiral.
Admittedly its not a good look for wokedom.
Biden will be kept propt up, but has to fall on his sword and retire before the next election through ill health. Donald could then sweep back into power, the people’s choice.
I’d love to see Trump elected to Congress and be House Leader later this year. Imagine the ratings. Imagine the investigations.
I think De Santis would be a good choice for President – Trump values without the baggage and distractions.
Odd, but I believe congress can choose a House Leader from outside congress.
He would be an expert on impeachment proceedings. 😀
A president can serve two terms and they can be non-consecutive, so Donald can be the come back kid in 2024.
I have been stunned by how blithely Kennedy’s book and Fauci, Gets, etc has been swatted away, ignored not just by the MSM, but Fauci too. He appears to be so strong and sure of his power that he hasn’t even bothered to refute any of the claims, many of which would be libellous if untrue, leaving Kennedy exposed to huge lawsuits. Instead we got … crickets.
I therefore expect this book to follow the same course – straight to the memory hole via the bestsellers list. Our ‘leaders’ are now so completely assured of their power that they don’t even care if we know how corrupt they are.
G’day Steve,
Can’t attack the book, so attack the author.
Same attack style as the warmists, and one they used very successfully – ignore anything substantive and point the opposite way. Same in this article:
The Sydney Morning Herald Digital Edition: Kennedy son rebuked for Nazi rhetoric ::: Wed 26/1/22
Dave B
We now get a set of politicians thrown in for free when we purchase a set of Chinese steak knives.
You’d think a party such as the Democrats which Biden belongs to and who regularly pretend to promote “racial equality” would reject racism and anyone and any organisation that promotes it. But the following rather disturbing 20 min video illustrates the extreme racism and xenophobia of the Chicomms.
What Does Vladimir Putin Have on Joe Biden?
Joe and Hunter Biden’s seedy involvements in Ukraine may have given the Russian leader all the ‘kompromat’ he needs to keep America at bay
Vladimir Putin didn’t need the green light that Joe Biden gave Russian forces during his marathon press conference last Thursday for a “minor incursion” into Ukraine. The Russian president already knew the U.S. commander in chief couldn’t stop him even if he wanted to. Sure, Putin has seen the polling and knows foreign entanglements won’t help a Democrat hemorrhaging support from his own party.
But that doesn’t seem to be all. You don’t need a secret dossier authored by a British ex-spy for hire like Christopher Steele to understand the possible weird real-world mirror version of Russiagate. This time, it’s basically all out in the open—or at least it was, until the press and social media scrubbed reports of Hunter Biden’s laptop from the internet in the run-up to the 2020 election. The laptop, whose provenance and contents have both since checked out beyond any shadow of doubt, give evidence of Hunter’s financial relationships with foreign officials and businesses, like the more than $50,000 per month he got for sitting on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, starting in the spring of 2014.
The reason that a company like Burisma was willing to pay the drug-addled son of the vice president of the United States so much money for a no-show job wasn’t to buy his expertise in natural gas exploration and drilling, of course. Hunter Biden’s sordid memoir, Beautiful Things, published last year, makes it clear that, during the period in question, he was a wreck of a human being who spent lavishly on crack and methamphetamine, which he consumed in expensive hotel rooms in the company of prostitutes. It would seem that the obvious point of paying Hunter Biden was to buy protection from the American official in charge of Ukraine policy—Joe Biden.
In an ugly display of Big Tech’s monopoly power, Twitter and Facebook censor the White House, U.S. senators, and the ‘New York Post’ for saying things that were reported in ‘The New York Times’ five years ago—and that the Democratic candidate has publicly boasted about
Did it work? Well, according to the now president, yes. As Biden told a 2018 audience, he threatened to withhold a $1 billion loan guarantee to Ukraine unless the government in Kyiv fired a prosecutor investigating the company that was paying his son a princely retainer to fuel his drug habit.
Concern about the manipulation of power and influence has also been exacerbated by the performance of media and social media. It is critical in free, democratic societies that media never become a vessel for a single, state-sanctioned, official narrative at the expense of public debate and freedom of speech. The same applies for social media: Removing content considered “fake” or “false” in order to limit the ability of ordinary people to judge information for themselves only inflames polarization and distrust of the public sphere.
In the face of censorship, undermining, and mockery driven by authoritarian bureaucrats and tech platforms that increasingly function as private arms of the state, a smaller group of scientists, many of whom are also medical doctors, have continually spoken up to question the scientific consensus on whatever platforms they could find. We’re calling them “The Dissidents,” merely because they have spoken up against official policy. The term’s connotation of rebellion or revolution has nothing to do with what these thinkers represent: In their Talmudic approach to the pandemic, posing questions of questions and questions of other questioners, they are instead voices that have sought to uphold the past 400 years of scientific tradition and practice, rather than overturn it.
A reminder, now deceased former Canadian billionaire and earlier United Nationals senior executive, Maurice Strong, claimed to have been the architect of climate hoax politics based on natural climate change and weather, who was wanted by the Environmental Protection Agency of Canada for attempting to pump and sell water illegally from an aquifer beneath a property he owned in Canada, successfully applied for asylum in China from the CCP Government, and he died in China.
Strong’s cousin was a girlfriend of Chairman Mao Zedong of China who was a ruthless dictator and said to have been responsible for the deaths of millions of Chinese people.
Please consider the leftist globalist politics of today (and the history spanning back to the Marxist UK Fabian Society founded in the late 1800s and their new world order and one world government objectives. The Fabian Society continues today, including the Australian Fabian Society that so many Labor members belong to and former Prime Minister Gillard merged her Socialist Forum faction with just before she was appointed Deputy Leader to Opposition Leader Rudd around 2006.
The “China Associates” business transactions, donations to Australian politicians and political parties from Chinese Australians and others, and the obvious connections between China and globalism supporters via the United Nations and organisations on the arms of that “octopus” including World Economic Forum (reset, build back better and new green deal for example) and this story about the present POTUS should be passed to as many Australians and people of other nations who support democracy and freedom.
Trump vs Clinton vs Biden- none of them really top choices at the end of the day. DT was the least worst of those 3 with Biden definitely the worst. For me it’s the same in Australia. Which is why Morrison won the last election. Voters looked at Shorten /ALP and thought “ no way”!! Their pencil hovered over LNP/ Morrison and their second thought was “well, couldn’t be as bad as the other mob”.
And the fact that we vote using pencils is also cause for concern.
By the way, anybody notice Google’s header image for today? A lovely picture of Australian flora and fauna, presumably to celebrate this special day, however, when you hover over it the message is simply – January 26 2022. Happy Australia day to everyone here. Say it LOUD.
Our ballot papers are dumped out of the ballot boxes to be counted by AEC officials but there are always party appointed scrutineers who are entitled to question any ballot paper.
Never been there but I suspect these scrutineers would check every informal vote to see if the voters “intention” was clearly for his/her party. I ask you “Would they allow an eraser to be used?”
Any weakness is in the rolls and the lack of endeavour to prosecute multi voters.
I do not wish to overstate that. Zali Steggall may have been elected on falsely registered Melbourne voters but this is extremely rare. Herbert also deserves close scrutiny.
Probably, but I believe that most also had the Rudd, Gillard & Rudd terms 2007 to 2013 in mind and the often reported chaotic, dysfunctional and incompetent behaviour, including arranging for RAN ships to ferry illegal immigrants from smuggler vessels to Christmas Island and then permitting them to settle in Australia on temporary protection visa rather than the Howard Government’s Pacific Solution deterrents to people smuggling including offshore detention processing of asylum claims, stopping refugee advocate lawyers from using the court system here to lodge multiple appeals against lost asylum applications to remain in Australia for decades.
One family from Sri Lanka in the news recently is an example, using the courts to delay implementation of an Immigration Department Deportation Order and staying here and arguing in court at taxpayer’s expense. Maybe some would say release them now, but as the President of Indonesia commented, take the sugar off the table that people smugglers use to attract fare paying clients to risk illegal entry.
Biden’s press agent is the press.
Frankly, looking at all the games played by the Democrats over the last 5years or more, looking at the abuse of power using the formerly august legal institutions, the law Courts, the locking away and abuse of citizens often on trumped up charges, or no charges at all, in attempts to force the telling of politically advantageous lies, investigations of individual’s affairs without legal reason to do so, the loss of freedom of speech at the hands of unelected big business etc, etc etc etc….
One has to ask, where is old Joe McCarthy of the early post-war era who cried wolf (without evidence) over communism and its influence in US affairs? Such a man would have a field day today. It’s all in the open.Where are the US patriot politicians we hear so much about? With hearing aids on I can’t hear them.
From the outside, the USA is reeking of dangers now, but it appears the institutions supposedly there to safeguard the US are into and involved up to their necks in all the facets now breaking down US society. The problem is exposed from the top down by ‘that’ laptop and the huge funding flows it is alleged to expose involving the people at the top of the US government itself. Just as Hilary faced no Court for destroying subpoenaed electronic items, the owner of ‘that’ laptop with all its alleged details of the top echelons of the US government being involved with dealings with Russia, Ukraine and China is treated as out of bounds. The Rosenbergs didn’t get the armchair ride these two appear to be receiving. Hilary is considering running again for the Presidency .
It’s all in the open, but there appears to be nobody interested in saving the USA. The current antagonists of the Western World and the USA are Russia and China. That should colour any feelings of safety of existence in all Western nations, especially when the US, by now obviously devious government policy actions, and the EU now import Russian energy supplies. God help us all!
Look for them. There are many who want to save the US.
President Xi and Nancy hope you can’t see them.
Jo I really really hope you are right but I can’t see any of the many for myself. I keep thinking, this cant go on, people will wake up, but alas I see no sign of it yet. If even open blatant treason such as you describe above does not wake them up, what will?
FYI, many in America, are asking “who will save Australia?”
We are both trapped in jaws of the same multi-headed beast.
From up here, it appears OZ and NZ are gone, along with your sister British orphan Chinada.
We at least so far, retain teeth and claws.
Your only options appear to be compliance or camp.
Hopefully, being expelled from society for non-compliance is just camp.
Seriously this guy has to go. History will certainly look at him with great contempt, despite CNN demanding we look the other at least hes not Trump.
Im going to start following Bill Maher to see his reaction to this.
Yes, there are a few reacting at State level eg Florida and Virginia. There a few in the House and Senate on display daily but there is little noise or movement from the leaders of the Republican Party, including McConnell who should be replaced for being a person who smells the breeze but not principles to give him his guide. The times one gains a bit of hope is whenever Trump holds his rallies; the numbers remain huge. You see the hopefuls on Fox. You see the leftist en masse on CNN, where the hatred is palpable. But the messaging on the problems is censored out to silence by the electronic communications companies and the people are silenced by the cancellation movement and especially by the fear of the radicals and riots on the streets.
ANTIFA and BLM movements are given free reign to suborn and destroy. Americans are virtually emasculated by the range of threats the Democrats have unleashed against them, including using the FBI to intimidate individuals such as parents trying to fend off the CRT propaganda and removal of children from parental control (our social services activists have been on this same road for 30years and more). Without media outlets it is almost impossible to organise a potent reactionary force against all this because, as in Australia, where most people get news from the FTA TV, the ABC and related newspaper headlines, most news is similary source restricted and most people are relatively disinterested.
Kalm Keath …. please consider;
The Australian economy is expected to avoid an Omicron-induced downturn, according to Deloitte, as boosters tip the scales in the tug-of-war between vaccinations and mutations
The latest Deloitte Access Economics Business Outlook report predicts “the good outweighs the bad” for the Australian economy over the 2022 calendar year
Despite a bleaker outlook for the global economy, Australia’s strong government support and high vaccination rate puts it in a healthy place even as Omicron spreads
Most states are forecast to overtake South Australia and Tasmania in economic growth over the year, while future government budgets may be in for some trouble
On an industry level, the farming, finance, health and public sectors should remain strong, while supply snarls continue to impact distribution, retail and supermarkets
I read that Dennis: smoothe.
The reality of why we may, sort of, stay afloat as a nation has nothing to do with wonderful government.
I counted thirteen ships waiting off the coast of NovoCastria today.
Maybe they are going to pick up some coal?
I’ve nothing against coal mining but am really p’d off that governments have shut down almost all processing and manufacturing of our wonderful raw materials supply.
As I understand it Keith the Government of China blocked coal delivery ships from entering port as part of the trade barriers put up to punish the Australian Government for daring to call for a WHO inquiry into the COVID-19 source, maybe from a laboratory in Wuhan, that was supported by many other nations. China has not just punished Australia but now has many nations targeted. So coal exports have been impacted but I understand that with help from the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade coal exports have been recovering and most recently China has accepted delivery from ships previously blocked from entering port to unload as a shortage of coal in China developed.
Of course exports of coal, iron ore, uranium and other minerals and energy coupled to off farm product exports and others have under pinned the economy here to some extent but small to medium businesses remain the major places of employment and the Federal “strong government support”, as Deloitte reported, was very important.
As for businesses being forced to shut down that was the primary reason for economic stimulus to support businesses and employees during the pandemic restrictions and lockdowns. Regardless of arguments for and against the State governments varying levels of restrictions and lockdowns, Victoria worst of all.
Anyway, Deloitte is a highly respected major accounting firm with expertise in auditing, accounting, taxation law and many others and accordingly the Deloitte Access Economics Business Outlook report is reliable.
It is being reported today that a new Ambassador from China has arrived in Canberra carrying “an olive branch” to hand to the Federal Government of Australia (Commonwealth of Australia).
Earlier in economic news there have been reports that China has major economic issues centred around the building and construction industry, one major firm in financial trouble and a few others not far behind in keeping their businesses afloat. Add an energy crisis which is why coal shipments exported from Australia that were blocked from entering port and unloading are now being cleared for entry, and most already have been, being the ones left at anchor off the coast, others were redirected to other destinations and customers.
I sincerely hope that the relationship between China and Australia can get back to reasonable terms for trade and diplomatic relations, the CCP is far too aggressive towards many nations, Australia included, but threats of warfare and trade barriers are counter productive for all concerned. Obviously Australia and our allies must remain wary and be prepared to defend if necessary but peace is always the best option.
Palmer, our newly found knight in shining armour, closed down Qld, Nickel which processed ore from New Caledonia. It was doing OK and Transfield had just built a gas generator at their fence so it could make direct electricity supply contracts outside AEMO.
Is HE to be our saviour?
BTW his mining interests involve China a lot. His court cases certainly do.
How did those interests stand in 2014?
Not inspiring at all.
” as boosters tip the scales in the tug-of-war between vaccinations and mutations”
Haha! Hardly! Those boosters will just destroy the health of many who take them, leaving them dependent on the pharmaceutical mafia for the rest of their lives. Covid will become endemic, as viruses do, and we shall just get on with our lives as some old people die from it.
“Australia’s strong government support and high vaccination rate puts it in a healthy place even as Omicron spreads”
Not at all, as I mentioned! Govt support will crash as the public find more and more people they know suffer problems that could be linked to their vaccines. They don’t even HAVE to be linked, and certainly the Govt will do everything they can to deny any link, but people will ignore official figures over personal experience.
You should apply Pfizer’s method of calculating their vaccine efficacy to today’s figures and see if you get 95%. You won’t of course, the vaccines now leave you worse of in terms of catching Covid or going to hospital than the un-vaxed.
Deloittes, one of those ratings companies that was giving companies and countries AAA+ ratings the day it all collapsed in 2007. They are as ethical and truthful as a Facebook “fact-check”!
Deloitte was not one of the “big three” global credit rating firms criticised for rating Lehman Bros and others before the Global Financial Crisis 2007/08 ….
“The Big Three credit rating agencies are S&P Global Ratings (S&P), Moody’s, and Fitch Group. S&P and Moody’s are based in the US, while Fitch is dual-headquartered in New York City and London, and is controlled by Hearst. As of 2013 they hold a collective global market share of “roughly 95 percent” with Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s having approximately 40% each, and Fitch around 15%.”
Why post that incorrect information, other than to try and discredit the report on present times in Australia from Deloitte Access Economics?
Now open for bids:
“One US Supreme Court Justice position. Must be able to pay in cash and satisfy the woke part of the Democratic Party.”
“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within” – Will Durant.
I think the Biden family makes “crooked” Hilary look like a saint
Au contraire, the Bushs/Clintons work in billions.
Ask any Haitian.