Is your Minister of Health interested in saving lives, stopping infections or reducing the burden on hospitals? Did they ban ivermectin or study it?
A study in a small Brazillian town suggests that half of all hospitalization of Covid cases and 70% of the deaths could be avoided at a cost of 10 cents a week.

Itajai, Brazil. | Eduardo Marquetti
How super low dose ivermectin still reduced infections by half
A whole town in Brazil of 220,000 people was invited to take part in an ivermectin study. In Itajaí 159,000 people said “Yes” to taking part in a study of a bizarrely low dose infrequent form of ivermectin to see if it prevented people catching Covid. They were asked to take the 0.2mg/kg/day dose two days in a row but only once every two weeks. Since the half-life of ivermectin in humans is only 12–36 hours, those taking it in the study were effectively left unprotected at least half the time. Our livers convert ivermectin into chemical bits and pieces that have half-lives of three days, so those downstream metabolites, if they matter, might kick around a bit longer. More bizarrely, participants were asked not to take ivermectin if they got ill. This study appears to be purely about prevention. Despite all this, it still worked.
Compared to all the other towns in the Santa Catarina State of Brazil, Itajaí has the lowest mortality rate, far below even the second lowest.
The iMask prevention plan by the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance suggests using the 0.2mg/dose twice a week long term. Those ICU doctors recommend you double the dose if you think you’ve been exposed for real.
44% lower infection rate
So 113,000 people took ivermectin this way, 45,000 didn’t. The infection rate in the ivermectin users was 3.7% which was quite a lot lower than the non-users, of which 6.6% got infected. Imagine if they’d taken ivermectin two times a week instead? The rates of infection in the ivermectin group might have been much lower.
70% lower death rate
The regular use of ivermectin (albeit, very low and infrequent) still saved a lot of lives. The death rate in the ivermectin group was 0.8% compared to 2.6% of the non-users. They controlled for age, sex and co-morbidities.
56% reduction in hospitalization rate

Itajai is in Santa Catarina. Google Maps
It wasn’t a randomized study, but most of the biases should underestimate the benefits. Not only was the dose lower than recommended, but the people who signed up to try ivermectin were slightly older and higher risk. People also weren’t supervised and so if they forgot to take their dose, no one was there to remind them. The reductions in everything could only get better with a more serious approach.
“An important conservative bias was present. Major risk factors for severe COVID-19 and mortality due to COVID-19, including aging, diabetes, and hypertension, were more present among ivermectin users, which may have underestimated the benefits measured Ivermectin was demonstrated to be particularly effective in subjects above 49 years old in terms of reduction of absolute risk, which corresponds to the group at the highest risk for COVID-19. This allows the understanding that prophylactic use of ivermectin can be particularly impactful in older subjects. In addition, ivermectin seemed to reduce the exceeding risk of hypertension, T2D, and other diseases.”
And just in case you were wondering:
“All subjects were recommended not to use ivermectin, nitazoxanide, hydroxychloroquine, spironolactone or any other drug claimed to be effective against COVID-19.”
It’s interesting to see a list that Brazillian researchers think will muck up their results by saving lives inconveniently.
UPDATED: The wonder drug that disappeared
My repeat Go-To summary of Ivermectin, for Wes.
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being actively surpressed– because it threatens the Emergency Use Authorisations for all experimental vaccines, an industry worth around $100 billion. The Australian TGA admitted it banned the safe drug because people might not get vaxxed. Pfizer and other companies would be crazy, nutso, bonkers, and doing their shareholders a disservice if they did not lobby, cajole, scare, smear and call in all their favours to make sure there would never be a cheap safe alternative.
In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin and saved her.
Ivermectin is so safe doctors fed it to primary school children to treat lice in Canberra. It has been used to virtually eliminate Covid in Japan, Uttar Pradesh, and in Indonesia where it cut Covid by 98% at the same time cases in Australia grew 500% with Lock-n-Vax. There are also success stories from Peru, Brazil, and Mexico.
For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases. In vitro, Ivermectin reduces viral loads 5000 fold in 48 hours. There are no less than 73 studies involving 56,000 people that show improvements in over 80% when used prophylactically, 67% when used early and even as many as 40% with late-started treatment. There are 20 known mechanisms of action: IVM binds to ACE2, the spike, and TMPSSR2, it is a zinc ionophore, it binds to a protease the virus needs, prevents key viral proteins getting into the cell nucleus which would normally allow the virus to shut down interferon signalling to warn neighboring cells. It’s anti-inflammatory, it blocks the NF-κB pathway, which will reduce Akt/mTOR signalling, which inhibits PAK1 which reduces STAT3 and IL-6. STAT3 induces C-reactive protein (or CRP). It’s impossible for Covid to mutate around all these mechanisms at once. No leaky vaccine should be given without an anti-viral because it risks the mutation of a nastier virus that escapes our immunity. Read the horror of Marek’s disease in chickens. 50 years of leaky vaccines created a disease worse than Ebola. It’s 100% fatal in ten days for unvaccinated chickens.
The FDA and others will say there is little evidence of success so far, but that’s a scandal in itself. Why are there no large trials? And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial and iffy results? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK trial was designed to fail from the start.
Why are all the vaccine contracts secret? Say hello Serf to your new Head of State, Mr Pfizer?
Kerr, Lucy et al (2022) Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19 Reduces COVID-19 Infection and Mortality Rates: A City-Wide, Prospective Observational Study of 223,128 Subjects Using Propensity Score Matching, Link
Cost of Ivermectin: Random example of Indiamart 100 x 12mg tablets for ₹ 300 = $4US or $6AU and would half the risk of infection for about 100, 65kg-adults each week. Rounded up to 10 cents a week.
NSW Governor and her husband have both tested positive, according to 10 News at 5 tonight.
Do you think that maybe NSW Health might have some role in keeping them healthy? So were the Gov and hubby vaxxed? Or given ivermectin do you think?
Since they’re positive I reckon I’d be correct in assuming the last answer is “No”.
And Greg Hunt is probably bound by the Pfizer contract so can’t authorise its release even to them?
Can anyone devise a way to get the Brazilian work to them. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too late already, although I fear their Covid diagnosis might really be one of the ‘rare’ side effects of the vaxx?
Dave B
They are both vaccinated, according to The Oz.
I wonder if they are double, triple or quadruple vaxxed?
G’day D M,
I don’t have details for them, but now now our GG is infected, and he’s had his third shot, prior to testing positive:
” The Governor-General is isolating at Admiralty House, his Sydney residence
He will continue to perform official duties remotely
On Friday, Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg also said he tested positive, and SA Premier Steven Marshall is in isolation after his daughter contracted the virus
A spokesperson said the Governor-General had received two vaccine doses and a booster shot prior to becoming infected, and was experiencing mild symptoms. ”
Dave B
This is why I will hold off getting a booster shot, as I await results for those who do. Meanwhile, I expect that we’ll be exhorted to get a second, then third, booster, ad nauseum!! I am not a sheeple.
Yes you are most certainly in the sheeple class; you have already accepted two injections of unknown(to you) contents. These injections are not a “vaccine”(the definition of “vaccine” was changed to allow the slightly effective prophylactic treatment to be called a “vaccine”).
Cases surging in highly vaccinated countries; not so much in Ivermectin countries(Japan, Indonesia). Deaths in Japan and Indonesia still statistically nil. Average seven per day Indonesia. ONE in Japan.
The gene-jabs cause the body to produce it’s own pathogen; the SARS-CoV2 spike protein (looks like a golf tee sticking out from the virus shell). The PDR or RA tests pick up the spike protein which is being produced by the body itself, and then tells you you are infected by that same spike protein.
The more gene-jabs administered, the more spike proteins produced; the more PCR or RA positives.
Hardly anyone is even noticing they are “sick” since they aren’t. NOT YET.
That comes later, as the spike protein picks up passing platelets to cause clotting…to cause diminsihed oxygen supply due to slowed blood-flow….to ultimately cause “organ failure”. This latter, in the brain, is dementia. this latter is what you see in the gene-jabbed EVERYWHERE!
Should be PCR or RA test
Thank you Jo for your continuing efforts to get us all back to a normal healthy Covid free lives.
This is exactly the kind of research which we need to confront our stupid Commonwealth government.
And exactly the kind of information which all Australians need to know now faced with the Omicron wave of infections.
In fact it’s such a good article that I will steal it to post on my page of course with a link back to here.
The study:
“Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19 Reduces COVID-19 Infection and Mortality Rates: A City-Wide, Prospective Observational Study of 220,517 Subjects Using Propensity Score Matching.”
Talking to a relative in Victoriastan who also hasnt bought into the hysteria, he was saying even with 50,000 cases, (M)Oricron is just a summer cold.
On a separate line of thinking, I was listening to a podcast about the Holocaust, and the question was – how did people who got shipped to camps, willing go into the gas chambers?
It turns out, what the nazis used to do, is get kids to play near the concentration camps entrance. So people getting off the trains would see kids playing and be lulled into a false sense of security, as if all was OK.
Involving children in this madness is just unconscionable and immoral.
There is a special place in hell reserved for these people…
If we had doctors who did the job are they are suppose to do they would prescribe ivermectin in a flash. Given they are not allowed to by government decree, they have disqualified themselves from being real doctors and instead much like the doctors and others during Naz1 Germany they have become little helpers of the devil when they used the pathetic excuse “we were just following orders”.
To be more specific, there is a special place in Hades for such people, it’s called hell. The other special place in Hades is called paradise but I believe it was vacated when Jesus went down there after His death and prior to His resurrection to free the souls in paradise and take them to Heaven.
[Please./ This is going off topic. Take this to an unthreaded to finish there. Thanks. – Jo]
And today is the official rollout of Covid vaccines to Australian children 5-11 years old.
Ivermectin=====Covid Kryptonite!!!!!
This smells like another “designed to fail” trial that caught them out.
Two of the co-authors are members of the FLCCC and are supporters of Ivermectin.
Point taken. Sorry.
But plenty of other studies such as with HCQ have certainly been designed to fail, or even kill the patient with a massive overdose of HCQ given to an already critically ill person.
318 Athlete Cardiac Arrests & 178 Deaths in 2021 After COVID Shot
and nobody in government, MSM or doctors care one iota. They didn’t even have sufficient time to take alternative medicines like Ivermectin to help them stay alive. Clearly then this is malpraftice on the part of doctors on a massive scale.
A couple of dubious videos from china of people dropping in the street and the world was shutdown.
Fit, healthy athletes dropping with heart problems doesnt rate a mention…what the hell is going on?
More and more evidence is showing there is a relationship between the mRNA vaccines and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle). I wonder then if Ivermectin will help there too.
The latest very large UK study is particularly damning.
The Vaccines are much worse than COVID itself for under 40s Men.
Tony Heller has been turning his sceptical, enquiring eye on the wuflu evil too. This one is particularly pointed.
Another point to note is that in a real pandemic one sees people dropping dead anywhere. The only ones I see dropping dead today are those players recorded on video at sports fields after taking a COVID-19 vaccine. Now they want to vaccinate our children! That is pure evil. I wonder how long before most people wake up and realise this COVID-19 vaccination is a deadly scam.
They will, when their kids start haing blood clots and heart attacks.
I feel so sad for the innocents in this.
PeterS. We all know the drill. Greg Hunt was Director of Strategy at the WEF. Jane Halton is on numerous Bill Gates boards. Her brother-in-law is Brett Sutton. She “advises” the Oz Govt on how to handle the scamdemic. And so on….
We are way beyond being able to discuss reality with these people. Did Josef Mengele ever let anyone go because they argued that HE was harming THEM? gotta have a moral compass (= conscience) for that!
Yes I understand trying to make sense of them is impossible as they have such a twisted and evil sense it’s like talking to a brick wall. The concern I have is how so many ordinary people are being misled and fooled into following their drill, such as allowing their children to be vaccinated.
Top marks to Heller for exposing the COVID-19 vaccination is a deadly scam on a massive scale. We now have legalised killings, and people still vote for the evil monsters.
An excellent expose and thank you GAT. I recall Jo talking about leaky viruses ages ago and referring to a virus in chickens. Because of a vaccine now chickens all have to be vaccinated.
Thanks GAJ,
Well found. His identification of five errors of fact in statements by the Justices is revealing, and listed at about 4:25 into the 6 minute clip.
I don’t understand the system well enough to know if such errors, which in this case are highly significant in my view, can be corrected post hearing.
Unless youre a child……
Ref: QLD
Yet another article. I’ve see several. They don’t answer my question though regarding Ivermectin.
From VoxDay:
I noted that the original myocarditis data, which was claimed to be “rare”, contained what looked like an indicator of exponential damage. That is, the second jab was much more likely than the first to produce trouble in that regard.
Well, now it gets worse.
As is apparent from a very large study group in Britain, the data continues to show that series is valid but also has a much-more troubling aspect to it, in that it appears that the Moderna jabs are worse than the Pfizer ones. This is important because much more mRNA is in the Moderna jabs. Further, the exponential factor appears to be a doubling with each dose for the Pfizer shots, which means the risk is a power function and not linear, and the fact that now we have booster data and the series has continued means the risk does not bleed off back to baseline over time.
We don’t know with the Moderna jabs when it comes to boosters as there were not enough boosters given to get statistical power.
But the second shot showed sixteen times the risk from baseline instead of four for Pfizer.
The ugly news is that the Pfizer jabs are 30ug of mRNA each. Moderna’s are 100ug. So two Pfizers is 60ug total for a 4x increase, where two Modernas is 200ug total for a 16x increase. In other words for Pfizer its about 15ug/step, where for Moderna its 12.5ug/step.
That’s pretty close statistically and implies there is a direct dose-response relationship, the relationship is exponential rather than linear and the issue is not related to the process used by each manufacturer either, which means this isn’t manufacturer-specific.
The immediate or short term data is bad enough but what really worries me is the long term effects say 5 years out. Does everything degrade back to baseline or is the damage done permanent and shows up increasingly with time. If so we could be facing a potential disaster that cannot be fixed. There are some claims in that direction.
Already explained it is cumulative dosage that matters. Also that the vials were probably of differing strengths, and that some percentage in each batch is placebo only.
The more shots, the more chance of getting genuine gene-jabs. The more shots, the more accumulation of dosages. over time it’s curtains.
Go to the roulette table and scatter chips at random. Sometimes you lose a little, and sometimes a lot and sometimes you break even or come out ahead. but keep playing and you will CERTAINLY go bust. Thus is the MO of the gene-jab purveyors.
As Bill says above; thanks Jo!
An easy to follow, simple trial that shows believable results.
It’s going to be hard for the “insiders” to verbalise their way around this.
An executive summary; politicians who prevent the use of this remedy and insist that VaXXines are the only solution are committing a crime.
Researchers have claimed that the benefit from ivermectin and HCQ derive from their rather weak and indirect mechanism of action as ionophores (particularly for zinc transport). If that is indeed the source of the benefit then perhaps we should consider prophylactic use of more readily available, safe sources of zinc ionophores.
The plant polyphenol quercetin has been recommended, but can be difficult to get and rather costly. A better source is epigallocatechin-gallate in the form of green tea extract.
Considering the suggested effectiveness of low dose ivermectin in the Brazilian study, a cup of green tea once or twice a day might be just as effective.
Leo G
Try elderberry (Sambucus sp.) extract.
Also Quercetin is found in apple skins.
Remember “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.
. . . and red onions.
Yes – did you hear the most recent DarkHorse podcast and their brisket and onion discussion? I think Bret was salivating, just talking about it. Onions seem to be the simplest way to get the Q.
There is about 5mg of quercetin per kg of apples. Green tea extract contains about 320,000 mg of epigallocatechin per kg.
One 500mg capsule of camellia sinensis powder would be the catechin-equivalent of about 30 kg of apples.
Quercetin, Zinc and Vitamin C
Incidentally, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and the bioflavonoid quercetin (originally labeled vitamin P) were both discovered by the same scientist — Nobel prize winner Albert Szent-Györgyi. Quercetin and vitamin C also act as an antiviral drug, effectively inactivating viruses.
There is evidence that vitamin C and quercetin co-administration exerts a synergistic antiviral action due to overlapping antiviral and immuno-modulatory properties and the capacity of ascorbate to recycle quercetin, increasing its efficacy.
Quercetin works best when taken with vitamin C and Bromelain, as vitamin C helps activate it and bromelain helps with the absorption.
Bromelain is a gelatine digestive enzyme. Sounds good. 🙂
An apple every 8 hours keeps 3 doctors away
The ionosphore action is only one of many for ivermectin vs Covid (it is the sole effect for hydroxychloroquine). Your quoted study ignores its action as a protease inhibitor for one
This article describes the actions of ivermectin against Covid
Note that the editor in chief of Nature retracted the article because he thought that “the cited sources do not appear to show that there is clear clinical evidence of the effect of ivermectin for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2”. The authors did not agree.
The body’s primary serine protease inhibitor is in molar terms the most abundant protein component. The additional benefit of such a small concentration of ivermectin as used in the study would not account for the effectiveness shown in the study.
In any case, the scope of my comment, as far as ivermectin is concerned, was intentionally limited to its claimed effectiveness as a zinc ionophore.
I was addressing the ultra restricted scope of the conclusion from your quoted study and passing on the protease inhibitor action as an example of that study’s limits.
See my link for the multiple actions of ivermectin against Covid + my comment regarding the APOC nations.
The whole point of Jo’s post is not to proclaim ivermectin is catgorically the cure for Covid but that it surely warrants further investigation and use by our doctors at their discretion rather than the current blanket ban by the media and health authorities over ANY discussion of using ivermectin to treat CoVid.
Leo; too many possibilities is a problem because it muddies the waters. Maybe green tea would work IF ivermectin is simply a transport mechanism for zinc but in reality, Ivermectin is cheap and there is a long track record showing it is safe. There is evidence it works, do we need further alternatives, they just add more if’s?
Zinc appears to be well buffered in the body so taking more zinc probably does not do all that much. How do I know this? Because I went to the doctor and had my serum zinc levels tested. I then took a zinc supplement for a few weeks and had serum levels tested again – very little change – about 10%. Yep, its a sample of one but its definitive for me. Unlike vitamin D3 where the change in blood serum levels is dramatic (25-30 nmol/L rise for each 1000 IU supplementation).
Zinc nutritional status is hard to estimate due to its distribution throughout the body. Serum zinc corresponds to less than 1% of whole-body zinc and there is a complex homeostasis ensuring the allocation of the metal to tissues.
I don’t believe one sample is definitive.
Most minerals are hard to absorb, and they compete with each other. The phytates in brown wholemeal grains also bind to divalent 2+ minerals like Zn, iron, Calcium, Magnesium.
Zinc acetate lozenges were apparently the most effective, but they are rare and expensive. Zinc gluconate is somewhat useful in a lozenge. So even local application of zinc (mouth and throat) seems to help possibly by improving zinc status in mouth and throat cells.
Zinc acetate lozenges by Life Extension have 4g of sugar in them. A combination I can’t figure out and though I have some I’m unenthused. I even used a zinc tablet as a “lozenge” a couple of times, and though it didn’t taste like candy, it was OK. Perhaps it helped?
Zinc and copper compete, so if you eat or have a lot of copper in food and water it may make it harder to absorb the zinc. Not that you want to OD on zinc either. We need both Cu and Zn.
Greetings from Kansas. I have used copper as antifouling paint on my sailboats for years. Or tri-butyl tin floride. The metals are toxic to the virus. The ionophore is the way to bring the zinc past the lipid bi-layer cell membrane.
UV light damages the virus in 5 minutes.
One study shows adults who are on low dose aspirin for blood thinner have 50% less liklyhood of having a case bad enough to go to ER.The metals damage the virus. The anti-inflamatories hinder some mucous development which hinders O2 saturation.
I’ve experienced low zinc status for decades. Best absorbed are simple salts of zinc such as zinc sulphate in water. Taken a half hour away from eating. About 15-20 mg of Zn in a small (100ml) glass of water. If you can’t taste a slight mineral or metallic taste, then you’re probably a little bit Zn deficient (Zn-test concentration). This is contrary to common health advice which promotes Zn chelate tabs with food – bad idea, doesn’t absorb real well. Some food components (phytates) will complex Zn making it unabsorbed. Vegetarians are at a greater risk of low Zn levels (as well as Fe and B12). Zn may be well buffered in the body but is used up and excreted rapidly in times of stress (both physical and mental). A paper I saw 20 years ago promoted Zn supplementation after surgery, to speed up recovery. I thought, that’s it, that will be adopted in hospital recovery wards – never has. A ‘Leaky Gut’ syndrome will lead to Zn loss. 25 years ago, I consulted (I was told) the two leading trace-metal expert specialists in Australia, at Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney. They told me Zn deficiency didn’t exist in Australia or affluent western countries because of our ‘good’ nutrition (look up ‘Iranian dwarfs’ for the classic Zn deficiency) and tried to blind me with science including that Zn had an atomic weight of 56. No it’s 65, I insisted. You’re wrong they laughed (stupid patient), looking it up in a reference book. When they found the answer they quickly changed the subject. Medical Science has continually underestimated the importance of Zn, not only for Covid but for health in general. It is the most abundant and most important trace metal in the body apart from Fe which is mostly taken up by haemoglobin anyway. Perhaps Ivermectin could be better promoted as a supplement to Zn therapy for Covid? The health authorities could hardly ban Zinc for being a horse de-wormer? Or could they?
Zn does it’s job. Ivermectin’s job is to bring Zn thru the cell membrane.
Dr. Zelenko: “Zinc Is The Bullet — It Kills The Virus. The Only Problem Is The Bullet Doesn’t Get To The Place Where It Needs To Be”
Zinc is the bullet – it kills the virus. The only problem is the bullet doesn’t get to the place where it needs to be.
The virus is inside the cell. The enzyme is inside the cell. And the zinc on its own cannot get into the cell. You have a bullet without a gun – useless.
Now, it turns out there’s a class of medications called ‘zinc ionophores’ or a class of substances called ‘zinc ionophores’ — what they do — is they open up a channel, a door, which allows zinc to go from outside the cell to inside the cell.
There are four of them that are readily available – two of them are prescription and two of them are over-the-counter.
The two prescription ones everyone has heard of: Hydroxycholorquine and Ivermection.
They’re the guns that shoot the bullet. The bullet then gets into the cell and stops the virus enzyme
Quercetin and Vitamin C together form a functioning zinc ionophore — a zinc delivery system.
Leftists will tell you it’s only a “horse dewormer” and only “tin foil hat right wing conspiracy theorists” believe in its efficacy.
They can think what they want but they have no moral right to stop others using it as has happened in Australia.
It is not just leftists helping big pharma, I can’t help wondering just how much the government is paying for the clot shots finds its way into the pockets of ‘responsible ministers’ because they can’t all be so stupid.
“ministersy can’t be so stupid” ???? Are you sure?
Horse dewormer? It’s people dewormer too.They don’t know what they are talking about.
I wonder would they believe that I’ve been living on rat poison (Warfarin) for fifteen years now, and hope to for a good while yet.
As I go for my regular blood test and see all the other old blokes I wonder if Warfarin is the main factor in extending Australia’s life expectancy at birth by ten years.
How does it do that Ted?
it reduces the risk of blood clots since it is an anticoagulant
Maybe all those who have had the jab should go on it….?
I wondered if it might help me. I had AZ with no problems.
Family have booked in for ‘booster” today, I suspect Pfizer. I’d rather AZ which gave me no trouble before, or no more jabs, but will probably do as I’m told.
Thanks but no thanks. Aspirin is a blood thinner but it also reduces blood count, nattokinase is a strong anticoagulant but I will need my blood to clot if I get run over by a bus.
“Run over bya bus”.
I got kicked by a cow. That had been happening all my life. And there’s an art in avoiding serious injury. But this time I was on WarfarIn. And it was a solliker on the thigh.
My wife put a kilo pack of frozen vegies on the spot, and we knocked off for the day.
After a couple of days I was bruised from the hip to the ankle, but not where I had been kicked. So apparently ice packs are very helpful.
I decided I couldn’t afford to risk such injuries any more, and got rid of the cattle.
Keep an ice pack handy when you get run over by a bus.
Warfarin in rat poison thins the blood to the extent it leaks through the walls of veins. I have a dog who ate a Sure Fire rat killer block. The vet drained 250 ml of blood from her chest cavity. She would have died but large doses of Vitamin K kept her going.
When I was a boy life expectancy for a male born in Australia was 73. Now it’s 83.
If everybody caught CV19 and 1% died, that would come back to 82 years and 60 days.
When our kelpie got a rat bait we knew immediately, so got treated before becoming sick. Cost us $75.
Michael has it right. It reduces the risk of getting strokes for people with heart problems, some of which promote strokes.
Warfarin has an interesting history. Discovered in the 1920s near the US/Canadian border where cattle were dying of uncontrollable bleeding. They had been eating mouldy clover hay.
Cue Rick Will to to say it is all lies.
I see IVMs’ efficacy against covid as a peripheral issue.
We were told, by an overt propaganda campaign, that we were facing an ELE from a pathogen for which treatments were unknown.
IVM and HCQ are commonly used, safe, cheap, drugs.
Why not throw any thing at the monster when it’s breaking down your door.
Let’s be clear, these substances were demonized only because the Orange Man uttered their names.
I offer apologies to the World for the fact that American political lunatics prevented quick, easy, likely effective tools, to be used against this alleged ELE.
Over course it is odd, and likely informative, that so many world leaders were so quick to hop on the crazy train.
Also, an apology to horses may be in order.
Something is rotting under the house and it stinks more with each passing variant.
No John, ivm & hcq weren’t demonized because of the orange man (although that made it easier). They were demonized because they work, and that fact would have prevented the authorization of experimental vaccines, and prevented massive profits for big pharma. Even today, an acknowledgement of ivm and hcq efficacy would destroy the case for vaccine mandates. It is not a case of American political lunatics (to be fair, most countries have their share of those) it is a case of big money pulling the strings of their puppets for their own advantage.
You are likely right, but I wonder if without the Orange Devil, they would of had the political capital to out right ban it, in some cases criminalize it.
I think the Mass Formation began when DJT became a viable POUTUS candidate.
The field was tilled by AGW.
Fertilized and seeded by Orange Man Bad.
Covid hysteria is the resulting crop.
We just got to figure who the farmer is.
I think he visits Davos.
I want to add, the reaction to Trump is an important cultural phenomenon.
This man is an NYC billionaire. Hardly an outsider in elite circles.
The reaction to him is bizarre.
Emotionally unhinged.
A perpetual unbalanced psyche loop for a strata of the world wide intelligentsia.
And for a few folk here.
They are appalled by things he never did or said, that are easily confirmed.
He’s gone and they obsess over him.
It’s like a psycho/sexual reaction to the new alpha male that suddenly appears and upsets the dynamics of the herd.
Oh and another thing, 🙂
I wonder what the ‘pandemic’ would have looked like if Mrs. Clinton had been elected as planned.
Ok, I’m done now, I think.
If Hiliary had been elected there would be no debate in the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the legality of mandates, however, perhaps the virus would not have been leaked or released in the first place.
Mr. Smith: If Hillary, in ’16, could have kept ’em counting for a week like Joe Brandon did in ’20, then it would look like Benghazi. Covid would have been invented just in time to cancel election in ’20, by Hillary’s good friends Fauci, Collins, Birx, Wallensky.
Ok, I’m done too.
Yes indeed to all of that, and to your last sentence I would add that I think he was a threat to the vested interests of the ‘‘herd‘‘.
I would point out that Trump IS part of the swamp . The rest of the inhabitants hate him because he is a loose cannon – He isn’t as bad as most of them but must be viewed in that frame . He is still pushing the vaccine as hard as all the others . It is ironic that quite a few superannuation investors are benefitting from the vaccine financially as they would have investments in Blackrock etc even when its potentially causing harm to their health.
Donald Trump is anti-vaccine-mandate. According to the left – or Michael Gunner, NT Chief Min – that makes him an anti-vaxxer!
I doubt Trump is a Swamp creature.
I think the Swamp freaked out over his election.
Trump was the best POTUS of my lifetime and I go back to Eisenhower.
But it’s a low bar.
I worked in DC and liked Trump because he seemed not to have a bevy of 30 something n3rds running interference for him, and telling what to say, like Brandon and his predecessors
He would joyfully go nose to nose with the press m0r0ns sans fear, which is atypical for DC types.
Also he’s funny.
If Hillary had won, I just wonder if the psychosis would have been less acute and life may have limped a little more normally.
But maybe the NWO train may just have rolled over us 4 years earlier.
Actually John; he stood firmly against left wing totalitarian takeover of our society and that’s what made him a target. The left want to take over society and to do that they have to eliminate opposition. They also need a “cause” to drive and disguise the takeover. That cause is CAGW. Whether its real or manufactured is irrelevant to its unstated purpose.
As he said; ‘They’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in their way.’
200 John+R.. The left had just spent 30years marching through the systems in the Democracies. They were suddenly confronted by their one nemesis in existence – DJT. He was plain spoken and outspoken, coming at the time the left had nearly taken control of most of the institutions involved in controlling western nations. He had to be defeated big time or he would undo most of the power the left had assumed to itself. They still see him as their nemesis, are still crazed and know he has to be finally and totally destroyed because he is the one person already proven to be totally willing and able to disrupt their stranglehold around the world.
It’s why the EU progressives and even progressive Australian Liberals along with the greens and Labor all formed/joined a bizarre Democrat based ‘hate Trump’ movement. With Big Business burying itself in China for huge profits, the left were joined by the media and business moguls to try to bring him down. He had already threatened tarrifs to face if they didn’t get out of China, bring back jobs to the US. China, the developing superpower was being coddled by the UN and leftist politics everywhere – again, even by Australian politicians so blind to putting our heads into the Panda’s paws. Money to be had everywhere while the Panda simply prepared, over the years, to eventually bite their heads off by plundering every secret of every modern big business in the West. Everybody was in awe of the city building in China, and the businesses it rapidly fostered. Everyone was blind to its concurrent building of the second most powerful armed forces in the world. For that we are now paying a huge price!
Trump saw the risk and was in the process of rapidly modernising the US armed forces. He had the USA energy independent and was forcing the removal of US businesses out of China. Trump’s persona had shown he was a man of his convictions – love or hate him personally – to the Middle Eastern Imams, Putin, Xi and North Korea. Biden’s weakness, increasingly acknowledged even in the Democrat Party backing and controlling him, has basically shoved most of Trump’s planning and policies into reverse. Nobody seems to know just where the US stands anymore, even including matters of armed forces power, political direction overseas and with the attempt to place its economy in an oblivion of debt, energy scarcity, and broken legal system where even many justices of the Supreme Court seem to have very little touch with the realities of living. The left care little for anything but getting total political control but know Trump, or an acolyte, could still destroy the left come the next elections for the House, Senate and Presidency.
IMO the Trump hate campaign is not bizarre. It is totally explained by the risk Trump is to the modern left politics that has had its way for much, much too long. It got there by demanding what most people would see as reasonable policies presented little bit by little bit. Vote buying is king in politics, and as the centre right moved further and further left to get votes – and increasingly selecting candidates with leftish views because it couldn’t/wouldn’t make it’s own agument against being charged as ‘neanderthal’ or ‘fascist’ increasingly weakened its claim for being centre-right – the right of politics has basically taken the old left of centre territory in most Democracies. Trump is the man with the thick hide that the left darts can’t penetrate. He, or a clone, is the only person that can still destroy the Democratic World’s leftist takeover and reign in the excesses coming from the socialist and communist big nuclear powers.
The biggest block is in information distribution to the citizens. This is the left fortress that must be breeched. Too many people taking all political knowledge from leftist controlled media, to the point of censorship. Australia is no better; just try talking COVID-19 management in WA! To me, what I hear from many people whose opinions I respect, therein lies the bizarre! And, nobody talks therapeutics at all.
Apologies if I bored you.
No Doc, you did not bore me. This comment of yours, to my mind, sums up exactly what has, and is happening. Trump was a complete shock to, not just the Democrats in the US, but to leftist organisations and politicians across the globe, including many of our “Liberals” here in Australia.
I am becoming increasingly happy that I will not live to see the disaster that we are heading for, but am so sad for my grandchildren, who already are part of the problem but do not know it yet. Although they love me, they make it quite clear that, to their mind, I know nothing about the modern world.
I know that there is not much I can do to change them or the world.
Not bored Doc, I think you said a lot of stuff better than I am capable.
I’ve mentioned before, one of my activities in DC was being a musician.
I was in the band at Roger Stone’s wedding reception (#2).
Trump was there.
All I saw him do was work the room posing for photos.
He seemed to have an aura, but that may have been the constant flashes.
At the time, I considered him just a silly gossip magazine subject.
The fact that he became such an influential cultural, political, and historical icon blows me away.
I feel a little like the maid in the movie ‘Being There’.
Doc, you make valid points but the republicans under Trump would still be expanding the deficits . He was allowing Fauci to do what he wanted and was instrumental in getting the vaccine developed . He has never criticized its safety record and praises it and he never mentions therapeutics. Many of his policies were patriotic and he was prepared to argue his case when particularly stupid proposals were aired . The reason why he looks so good is that all the alternatives are bonkers. Most of what he tried to do was common sense and that was what got him in trouble .
Also visible in the ABC treatment of Tony Abbott and Barnaby. Also an intentional part of “Rules For Radicals” Lefty tactics. Ridicule.
I’ve tried to buy some overseas but both lots are held up in Sydney so I guess they are gone for good.
Managed to find some in an animal supplies shop in the country, only problem is that it is designed to be put into horse feed and comes in small pellets. 35g equals 140mg ivm. Needs some calculations. Do I eat it with my cereal or swallow with water? Neigh idea!
PS got the last 3 pkts in the shop.
We have supplies of Ivermectin for use as a “pour on” drench for our cattle which is usually applied when they get sarcoptic mite coming out of winter. Contrary to info in article the animal product is effective for 30 days.
Since it has proven anti viral properties I intend to use it also this summer when we sometimes see the cows contract Bovine Ephemeral Fever. We had a bout of it 2 years ago with about 20% of the herd contracting the virus for about 3 days. All recovered except one heifer who we lost. In many ways it reminds us of Covid. We will see if Ivermectin is protective prophylactically!
BTW had it ready to be mixed with baby oil when husband was suspiciously sick with heavy “cold” recently ! But that was thankfully averted with the FLCCC recommendations as well as steroid inhaler, aspirin & anti histamine.
Thanks Vicki ;))
I see problems with use of the pour on formulation. How much goes through skin, how much lost in hair? Very difficult to compare with human application. I once accidentally drenched cattle with pour on, with the only visible injury to my hip pocket.
Probably better to think oral drench formulation, where I am familiar with 16.5 litre, 10 litre and 5 litre bottles, which for sheep doses @ 1 millilitre per 5 kg bodyweight. I haven’t bought any for some time, but think 5 litres would cost a bit less than $200.
Don’t expect the optimum rate for humans to be the same as for sheep or cattle. But the active ingredient is shown on the label.
If you can find it – I haven’t been able to. There are sites still advertising it but “out of stock”
And shearing is coming up
When IVM first came out as an anti-parasite drug it was available as pour on for horses as it is well absorbed through the skin. This was more convenient than oral administration, as one would know if one have ever tried to administer medications to horses orally. There was also a subcutaneous injection, but that would sometimes cause a boil to fester if the injection site was not sterile and that’s difficult to insure in an animal medical environment.
However, after a few years the pour on for horses was no longer available. Many still used Sheep and cattle pour on.
IVM dosage is so much per body weight. So if your a 125lb female it would be less than if your 225lb male, and more if your 1100lb horse.
I think this was the reason why they pulled the pour on as it may be more difficult to get a consistent dose if it is poured on. However, if the horse fights you to the death about not taking it orally and spits 1/2 of it out, your not getting a consistent dose either.
They make apple flavored paste (and powder to put on grain) for horses but the horses can tell the difference between fake apple flavor and real apples. Besides most horses won’t eat apples if their mothers did not show them to eat apples as foals.
You can load the liquid IVM in a syringe and quickly squirt it into their mouths and sometimes that is the easiest method.
Was the antihistamine polaramine or a modern non-drowsy type?
Sorry Hanrahan – didnt see your question until this evening. Ant- histamine for me – is Zirtec (Cetirizine) and husband takes Telfast (Fexofenadine). I take Zirtec because the active agent is that recommended in Covid protocol studies, and is a little capsule! Husband has always had Telfast & likes it. Both are non drowsy, 2nd generation anti-histamines.
Chiefio has kept California at bay for about 2 or so years using a similar product
Read the MDS/SDS to be sure’
I doubt the TGA did
Is is worth it Brenda? Fewer studies but quercetin seems as good. I’m content that I have done all I can with D3, Zn, quercetin and a couple of other favourites.
I accept IVM SHOULD be available, but it isn’t.
Hanrahan see 8.3.1 above
Have been on Anti-Virals for past 2 years (preceding Covid) – Quercetin with Bromelain, Zinc, NAC, Vit D and C, and take Spironolactone and Colchicine
How much Colchicine? My only experience with that was “unpleasant”.
Colchicine 500MCG (Micro Grams) – 1 tablet per day – no problems
For gout the instructions were “When you get the trots that is enough”
“When you get the trots that is enough”
Never happened
Brenda, I presume you are talking about Eraquell. Animal dosage is by body weight, it should be on the packet. The 35gms would be for a 500kg horse. Humans and horses take the same dosage ratio ie mg/ kg body weight. If you have electronic scales you could weigh it out eg 7gms / 100kg human. Mammals are very tolerant to overdoses of Ivermectin , so if necessary you can just count out the pieces . I would suggest you put it on your cereal if you choose to take it.
Thaank you Chris. Yes it is Eraquell. That’s what I thought about the dose, according to Mark Hobart, one needs 24mg on average per day.
This is his plan.
Prophylaxis Protocol:
1. Ivermectin 24mg
2. Doxycycline 100mg and Zinc 50mg every 2 weeks.
3. Also take regular Vitamin D and Vitamin C
Close Contact Protocal
Ivermectin 24mg , doxycycline 100mg, Zinc 50mg daily for 3 days.
Treatment Protocol for someone who feels unwell. (also very effective to prevent and treat vaccine injuries) :
1. Ivermectin: 48mg day 1 (split the dose to 24mg twice a day) then 24 mg/day day 2-10 . Take ivermectin with fatty food which increases its bioavailability by 2.5X.
2. Doxycycline 100mg twice a day, day 1-10.
3. 1 × Zinc (25mg – 50mg, picolinate or
sulphate effective) daily, day 1 – 10.
4. Also take Vitamin D 10,000 units per day and Vitamin C 2000mg per day.
I was lucky enough to buy chloroquine Tablets from Singapore early on when Jeanette Young banned doctors in Queensland from using hydroxychloroquine for treating covid-19 but it was OK for lupus, arthritis and malaria. Health Department stupidity applied very early in QLD and now she is the Governor General. As chloroquine is no longer used in Australia it wasn’t banned but I took it successfully for prophylaxis against malaria for many years working in Papua Niugini.
I could see that ivermectin was going the same way and bought Ziverdo kits through Indiamart at similar prices that Jo mentions above before the postal service crackdown. I was hoping to hear in these comments if someone had a means of obtaining more of them as supplying them to family has depleted my supply. We needed them for a trip to Sydney for Christmas to ensure that we could get safely back to QLD. The information in these comments is very useful but doctors should be able to prescribe it.
Anyone travelling to India would be very popular with most of Jo’s followers.
My personal Ivermectin 0.2mg/kg twice weekly trial is holding up will. Cost: 70 cents a week.
Before November, zero cases in my city, now over a hundred a day!
At least with some disease prevalence, I can now see how long it takes to get the “Vid
Only a month or two ago our healthcare system was not testing for Omicron and were reporting zero cases of course. Then they began 1000 tests per day and were finding 80 cases per day, now they are conduction 7000 to 10,000 tests per day and finding nearly 1000 cases per day.
Its almost like there is a correlation between the frquency of testing and the frequency of positive results. Who would have guessed?
Test positivity has risen from <1% to 30%. That's pretty extraordinary.
In a long queue of people, if you don't have Omicron when you arrive, you probably will by the end.
Yes, I imagine a multi-hour testing line is one of the worst places to get ‘Rona.
The political gift that just keeps on giving.
a pleasant side effect of the IVM trial- I have ZERO acne rosacea- all the demodex mites are bye bye!
All of the faceless people in the important sounding committees – I know they are bluffing and will have
hell to pay when they can’t suppress their media sufficiently. For politicians, I suggest the porcine
dosage of 0.3 mg/kg.
That’s interesting. Do you attribute the disappearance of rosacea to IVM?
Not rosacea, but Lupus. Our current problem is I think lichen planus. It is worst on the areas that get tanned while working outdoors, the arms and back of the neck.
They can’t do much about it. Prednisone in use. “Grouch pills”.
Some of the spots grew like a ripple on a pond, more inflamed at the edges than in the centre. There is no broken skin, but some is raised a bit. It looks to me to have the potential for pain. Like shingles.
Many years ago my wife used to get painful mouth ulcers. They grew like that, like a fire spreading.
They said there was nothing could be done to treat them. Then two blokes in Western Australia discovered that mouth ulcers and stomach ulcers were caused by a bug which could be treated and cured. Twenty years later they gave them the Nobel Prize for it. My wife doesn’t get mouth ulcers any more.
But this new problem. I wonder does it involve an undiscovered bug? What is Lupus?
If it was myself I’d try a light topical dab of Cydectin Pour On and see what happened. I saw a new pack in our daughter’s kitchen a couple of days ago, bought for her cattle. I would fear trying it on somebody else because it might trigger serious pain problems. But otherwise it should be harmless in moderation.
Some drenches that we had in the past were not harmless.
Come to think of it. If they haven’t tried Ivermectin on Crone’s Disease they have been negligent.
APOC nations only give out a single annual dose of 3-6mg of ivermectin (according to height, doubled for mectizan) yet that is enough to measurably reduce both infection and mortality
[…] Bizarrely low dose Ivermectin still cut infections, hospitalization in half, deaths by 70% […]
Interesting, thanks for bringing this to our attention Jo. Curious to know if they also controlled for household rate of uptake? Meaning part of the reduced infection rate could be attributed to reduced exposure to vectors if the entire household opted into the trial. I would think there’d at least be a weak bias toward all or none for individual household participation.
PSM on an observational study, giving a casual inference in non experimental settings, from a preprint paper. The phrase, ‘grasping at straws’ seems appropriate here
The truth please Peter. I’ll read the good, the bad and the ugly.
So you will ignore what has been observed
Even though it worked ?
Now that is stupid Peter !
How will you cure your ignoring ?
“The phrase, ‘grasping at straws’
….. seems totally appropriate for your comment. !
Hands over eyes, finger in each ear.
You obviously haven’t heard of the new South Australian CV19 test using both forefingers: very cheap.
Used now in both Victoria and South Australia.
True, Peter. So why do you keep doing it?
The only straw being grasped at here is self deception.
[wee edit. – LVA]
Don’t be such a clown PeterFitzroy, you know as well as we do that the much-vaunted Nature magazine has published far more unscientific trash than this, and your also-much-vaunted double-blind placebo-controlled “scientific” laboratory tests have been faked by mainstream companies time and again.
We are better to ignore these so-called ‘scientific’ trials and rely on people who are out there actually curing people. We would have been best served if the Govts never got involved at all and the mainstream media stuck to their global warming scam and whatever Princess whoever was doing that week….
Can we get a study of 0.2mg/kg/day every day for about 3 months with a few thousand in each group?
Meanwhile, consider:
Vitamin D3, red onions, beef, potatoes, and a multi-pill that includes Zinc
{full disclosure – I add red wine}
It is almost 2 years since the D3 and Zinc were recommended on this blog.
Knowing what we do about IVM a randomised control study would be unethical.
And keep up the steak ‘n eggs.
Daily? No try weekly or for at risk health workers, twice weekly
And yet Emma Alberici is on Twitter asking what treatment is available once she gets Covid.
If I bothered with twitter, I’d be responding with every early treatment protocol I could find – one reply at a time.
Rg, Tyson/Fareed, Zelenko, Chetty, FLCCC, The BIRD Group…
Well Emma should take the advice that her mob ( the Always Bolshevik Channel )and the public serpents have for us peasants : Go home and stay there until you can’t breath , then go to the hospital where they will give you Remdesivir and then onto a ventilator . The next step from there is often a slab in the morgue .
Ivermectin is banned but we would be given Remdesivir against our choice .
I wonder which would be the safest of the two :
Oh , and give her another couple of jabs of Pfizer just to be sure !
As for the rest of us :I have a pack of antihistamine tablets that have the same active ingredient as ones that gave good antiviral results in the field . Sitting there just in case ( I would have Ivermectin if I could buy it ).
That is on top of my stock of Quercetain . Vitamin D , K2 and C are also part of my armament .
Also my innate immune system hasn’t been damaged by mRNA death jab as I have avoided that .
Worked for me. Received mine in about three weeks from ordering.
Thanks for the link Neil , I have bookmarked it . I’ll think about it for a bit . I wonder if customs would still allow that to sneak through ? At the moment I am not too worried about catching the Omicron version of the virus as it seems to be rather mild . But if a more serious version of SARS CoV-2 arrives I will have to rethink . What I have at hand combined with the continuing use of vitamin D I am confident I will not end up in hospital ( a place to avoid these days ) . Vitamin K2 compliments vitamin D re calcium . I worry more about nefarious actions by those in power ( esp the deep state ) these days .
I can confirm my order arrived OK here in Perth.
I paid extra for DHL express. Ordered 30/12 arrived 7/1.
After two occasions of mild symptoms of Covid or Flue. I took 6mg of Ivermectin paste meant for dogs and cats. I then bought Ivermectin tablets from India. It said you need to take 12mg, and then 12mg a week later. But my experience is that symptoms don’t last for more than four days. So I presume the only difference for Cats and Horses is that Cats need 6mg per week, Horses need 24mg per week and I need 12mg per week.
Also I have found data about the death rate in Britain:
The data shows that the double vaxed are dying at a rate of 5.58 times that of the unvaccinated
The reason for this is that the risk of myocarditis doubles for every shot of the “so called” vaccine
This is a list of 318 Athlete Cardiac Arrests & 178 Deaths in 2021 after having a COVID Shot
From whom did you buy the Ivermectin from in India. I have looked into buying it but had trouble finding a reputable seller. I guess I can just take a chance. Thanks in advance.
Search Ziverdo Kit, they came through for me. No issues.
I normally ignore fact checkers denouncing COVID-19 realated stories but this one caught my eye. Do not know if it’s true.
I bought mine though JackMup, another Indian online pharmacy, one of thousands. 6 Ziverdo kits & 100 12mg IVM tablets on their own, they came in through Perth and arrived safely.
This morning I went to town, a rare occurrence, and couldn’t believe I was seeing a stationary queue of cars around 3sides of a city block as people waited for Covid testing. Surely they weren’t all feeling sick?
As Jo said at #12.1.1
“In a long queue of people, if you don’t have Omicron when you arrive, you probably will by the end.”
So surefire get infected and get over it?
Though I was talking about standing queues, not car queues. A lot harder to catch the virus from the car in front. Maybe verging on impossible. But spending three hours trailing a car with a superspreader with windows down on a windless day? Dunno.
Car queues make much more sense than standing queues.
Since most of the twits in the car queue will be greenie paranoid types, I love the delicious idea of all the CO2 they are releasing from their exhaust pipes as they submit to their religious devotions. Spew Co2 to get the useless jabs. Brilliant.
Did the sender not declare the contents ?
Mine was declared ‘Development sample, 1 piece, Value: $1’
Did it have a liver flavour? Just curious. 🙂
Oh, and this old joke might apply.
Why can’t I cut and paste your articles anymore Jo ?
It is the best way to share the word on ivermectin and now I can’t do it any more
[Oh! News to me? I can still cut and paste them. How interesting. Can you try a different browser? – Jo]
I just tried “copy” and paste via duckduckgo, and no probs. I don’t understand why you’d want to “cut” Jo’s intro??
Dave B
Although it might seem to be off topic, have a look at what’s happening in Khazakstan, where reports claim the government has been forced to flee the country, “health centres” burnt to the ground and police arrested by citizens.
A Scottish newspaper Tweeted
“Australians are being detained in Covid internment camps for 14 days if they test positive or are suspected positive. Should we follow their lead?”
They deleted the Tweet but there is written commentary plus a video below:
Written commentary:
Around this area
“Can It Be More Clear? Jabs vs Lockdowns vs Freedom vs Ivermectin”
Has a look at how Oz is going –
“Clearly whatever Australia was doing to prevent “contagion” has failed catastrophically. It is in uncontrolled exponential expansion.” (My bold)
“Clearly whatever Australia was doing to prevent “contagion” has failed catastrophically …”
It hasn’t “failed” if this was the intended outcome.
A passionate and no-holds barred video: Given the availability of safe, effective and cheap treatments, “All Covid deaths should be considered murder.”
Not sure that all COVID-19 related deaths should be considered as murder but all COVDID-19 vaccine related deaths ought to be given the evidence that keeps on coming. Now they want our children to be vaccinated. I look forward to the time when certain premiers and leading health officials are arrested and charged with crimes against humanity, genocide, or whatever.
Forget the process; let’s go straight to the summary executions say I.
India’s Gravitas does a hit job on big pharma!
From tragedy to FARCE?
Ripper parts:
“Kostrikis and his team have identified 25 such cases and the statistical analysis shows that the relative frequency of the combined infection is higher among patients hospitalized due to Covid-19 as compared to non-hospitalized patients.” What this tells you is that the “experts” haven’t got a clue how this thing works. The “Reset” alternative is rather grim territory.
It has long been the case that going ti hospital is a potential health hazard. Like when my brother went into a fairly newly built hospital for a “routine’ appendectomy; He nearly died from the Staphylococcus infection he got as a “bonus”.
Healers, heal thyselves, and all that.
It’s already looking like a pandemic of COVID-19 vaccinated people who are causing the unvaccinated to become ill especially when in hospital, not the other way around.
The Control Group
Please tell us whether your link is a video. Some of us have a limited amount of internet as we are pensioners without the benefit of business rates or wealth! I go to a link and then mutter if it’s yet another unidentified video. Thanks.
Close study of the address shown by mouseover on the link is what will save you from those costly surprises Annie.
Thanks Serp.
Not using a mouse with most of my reading on a tablet or ‘phone.
Normally when a person clicks on a link to a video it doesn’t automatically play until the user clicks on the play button. At that point one would know that it’s a video.
Not so Peter. Quute a number just lately have started playing immediately; I stop them but it is annoying.
I don’t use a phone to watch them so I wasn’t aware that was the case. I typically post links to YT and rumble videos and they don’t auto-start on a PC.
Sing along… 🙂
There is a crack, a crack in everything,
That’s how the light gets in…tra la.
Remember delta-omicron = Media Control
Deltacron? Do not be afraid!
There are problems with the Brazilian study.
Even though the results are intriguing, the best that can be said of this study is that it should have elevated the interest in further medical studies of ivermectin’s effectiveness.
This study is ancient in terms of the Covid pandemic – it was done in 2020 – and yet this is the best evidence for ivermectin that Jo Nova can find in 2022?
Here’s why we should be skeptical of this study’s results:
1. The researchers involved have a conflict of interest in that they have already voiced their strong support of prophylaxis ivermectin long before they conducted this study that gave them the results they wanted.
2. The study does not control for how much or even whether the test subjects took ivermectin. As Jo Nova points out, it’s pretty darn amazing, “bizarrely low doses” which the body quickly metabolizes could produces such great results. Rather than assuming this means even higher and more regular dosages would produce even BETTER results, it suggests to those skeptically inclined, as all good researchers should be, that there could be some confounding factors involved here. But there is no way to suss out what these factors might be since the study wasn’t constructed to do so.
One possible confounding factor might be that the cohort which stepped forward to take “bizarrely low” doses of ivermectin for the study were biased towards the most health conscious segment of the population. We know healthy active people suffer far less morbidity from Covid infections.
Or, maybe the study was not only biased towards the most health conscious segment of the population, but that it also raised Covid awareness in the test group by requiring them to take ivermectin regularly. Reinforced Covid awareness could have altered their daily behaviour in a statistically significant way, such as avoiding crowded markets and night clubs, etc…
3. A priori Assumption. The study is constructed on the basis it will find the conclusion the ivermectin-evangelicals are seeking. Thus, there is no control for possible discovery of negative side effects of the drug or even the possibility that ivermectin might weaken resistance to Covid. It’s simply assumed beforehand that any positive results must be from the introduction of ivermectin into the population.
4. The study was conducted between July 2020 and Dec 2020 in Itajai, Santa Catarina. Sadly, Itajai reported the highest number of Covid fatalities in whole the state, even though it is only the sixth largest city and has the highest per capita income in the state of Santa Catarina.
5. All of Brazil was encouraged by national health authorities to take ivermectin to fight Covid in 2020 & 2021. In Itajai, even as the study was going on, ivermectin was handed out free to citizens by the government. Brazil still has one of the highest per capita death and infection rates in the world even though Ivermectin is widely known, available and used there.
How did you arrive at this possibility given the following statement in the study?
Good point. That’s true. But just because some aging, diabetes and hypertension was present among the ivermectin users doesn’t mean that it was well-balanced or outweighed the bias towards more a health conscious cohort.
Nor does this address how being part of the test, which included a routine that might have altered the behavior of the cohort so that they reduced (consciously or otherwise) their exposure to possible infection.
I have hypertension and am over 60, so I would qualify as a “high risk” individual by this criteria. Yet, I’m also a sheep farmer who works like a dog outdoors all day, fit and strong, which might well mitigate against my age and hypertension.
Sure but this statement by you is the crux of why Jo has brought up this article
The blanket ban by the media and health authorities over ANY discussion of using ivermectin to treat CoVid is the true issue here rather than the report being inconclusive
At the bottom of every post in the grey bar are the Tag links. All Wes has to do is click “Ivermectin” to discover I’ve been posting on it since April 2020 in vitro, in vivo, national data, mechanisms. 24 articles.
Nice to have you back Wes. But evidently you’ve missed most of the last two years on the blog?
Wes, I’ve added my standard backgrounder update to the post for you. Please read everything below “The wonder drug that disappeared” before you post more comments. I’ve written 195 articles on Coronavirus. You have a lot of catching up to do.
PS: Before you lecture me on bioweapons, read my 15 articles on them, starting April 2020. Has anyone in Australia said more publicly about the bioweapon nature of this than I have? My bumpersticker lines: ” All Chinese bioweapons should be left in China”. “Freedom is life without CCP bioweapons. ” “The next bioweapon is coming. ” The Military were involved and have at least 1640 other viruses to share. China took manufacturing from the West, then Tech, and now it’s stealing biotech.
Antivirals are key to winning a cold biotech war, not vaccines. I’m studying them. What are you doing?
Yes, there is a problem but not in the study itself but in the fact the COVID-19 vaccines are not stopping the virus anywhere in spite of the high vaccination rate. It’s a BIG SCAM. The only places where they have made significant progress in slowing down the virus tends to be where they used medicines like ivermectin and/or the vaccination rate is low and/or they relied more on natural immunity.
Hey, I got an open mind. I want to find an easily available cure for Covid too. But you got to post some evidence that can stand up to a tiny bit of scrutiny. This study is not is it. At the time it was indeed very interesting, but we know how Brazil rolled after they ordained ivermectin a cure. So much for the amazing results of “bizarrely low doses.” If it is too good to be true…You know the old saying
Just for the record. I’m a sheep farmer. I got a 20litre jug of the stuff in the woolshed. Believe me, I’d love it if Ivermectin was a cure-all for Covid, but that seems highly unlikely given the vast uncontrolled experiment that Brazil has been since their government actively began promoting and subsidizing ivermectin consumption as a cure for Covid.
That’s the real mega-experiment ya’ll need to Google. It’s a massive failure. That said there may well be some therapeutic environments where ivermectin is useful, but it ain’t going to be a simple as popping two paracetamols and going to bed.
Also, I’m not a big fan of the vaccines either. But that’s not the topic here.
And please provide the source for all the “facts” you are quoting
I have my links. Don’t trust them. Do your own research. Keep an open mind, but be very skeptical not only of bizarrely amazing claims that leave out important contextual information, but also your own personal biases.
For instance, I really would like ivermectin to be a cure all for Covid. As a sheep farmer I am comfortable with the chemical.
Furthermore, I believe the vaccines are pretty ineffective and getting less effective with each variant. I am worried about ADE-like effects (google it) taking root with all the boosting. And I fear that overconfidence in the vaccines has sideline research into other ways to combat Covid, especially in drugs that are off the shelf and so don’t bequeath huge profits for pharmaceutical researchers.
So when I go out on the intertubes Googling stuff, I watch out for my natural tendency to confirm my own biases as much as I do for misleading information.
Jo Nova’s website back in the day use to be the home of the most skeptical minds in Australia. I fear that we have lost some of our critical thinking edge as we have become more alienated from a mainstream society fuel by faith and conformity to Big Lies.
Ivermectin may be case in point. Jo Nova has mistaken the elitist urban media snark against “horse-dewormer” used by bogans as a conspiracy to suppress the usage of drug which is bizarrely effective at vanishing low levels and cost.
The annoying cultural and political aspects of the debate have so tainted our critical thinking, that the fact Brazil is one huge case study in ivermectin usage has escaped notice.
Well, I found this link
and this link
but neither had the statement about “Itajai reported the highest number of Covid fatalities in whole the state, even though it is only the sixth largest city and has the highest per capita income in the state of Santa Catarina” which is why I asked.
That’s correct. I did my own Google research to discover Itajai was a mid-size coastal city in Santa Catarina with a sub-tropical climate. It’s also the most wealthy in the state, while bizarrely it had the highest fatality rate in the state in 2020. It has great hospitals for Brazil and most Itajains are above averagely well-educated and of comfortable means for Brazil.
It’s not the kind of demographic where you might expect Covid fatalities to be highest in the state. As we have seen in Sydney, Covid rates are (or were) highest in the poorer outer suburbs for a number of reason.
So why did Itajai suffer more Covid than the rest of the state in 2020? Well, it is a port city, so that might have enable an early surge. But it was also an early and eager adopter of ivermectin too.
Of course, correlation is not causation. However,it seems that ivermectin did not helped the city lower Covid infection or morbidity rates.
That’s a pretty interesting context in which to evaluate this study’s result. To me, the larger context suggest unknown confounding factors drove the results of the study, not ivermectin effectiveness. And because the researchers conveniently confirmed their original biases, they lacked the curiosity to delve deeper into what the results might really have reflected.
To us old time Jo Nova readers, this seems like a super familiar story of research gone amuck.
If you are searching the web for information, don’t use Google! They actively suppress useful information by putting it so far down the list that you never get to it.
You made this earlier comment
I think my comment still applies – the blanket ban by the media and health authorities over ANY discussion of using ivermectin to treat CoVid is the true issue here rather than the report being inconclusive
Mike+Jonas is correct – you are throwing the baby out with the bathwater to say that Jo is hyping ivermectin due to this study being less than totally conclusive. The title is a bit click baity but the essence is that we should remain sceptical of the common messaging given the absolute certainty expressed (that ivermectin is totally ineffectual and quite dangerous).
Ivermectin should be given a chance by our health authorities so that our doctors can return to practicing evidenced based medicine with sensible doses given and clinical observations taken. The current ban by the TGA and the ban on filling ivermectin prescriptions for Covid by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia is ridiculous
Partisanship on both sides sullies rational thinking and inquiry. I fully grok that self-righteous elites in many of our institutions seek to suppress free debate in a multitude of ways, whenever it favors them. It is wrong and extremely damaging to the fabric of our society, which has to be based on some level of trust, fair go and respect. Sadly, self-righteous people with an axe to grind rarely behave in the best interest of society as a whole, but rather serve their own best interest first. And yet they often are entirely lacking in self-awareness of their folly.
The “blanket ban by the media and health authorities over ANY discussion of using Ivermectin…” is NOT the issue of this Jo Nova post. Stay focused.
Are you saying you want to view an epidemiological study through the lens of a political struggle? How does that make you any different an advocate of framing, say, mathematics, through the lens of CRT?
That’s the road to the Church of Climate Change and Lysenkoism.
The topic above is whether a study in Brazil supports the general hypothesis that ivermectin is a useful drug to combat Covid over the counter to the general population. You know, exactly like they did in Brazil.
I submit that the evidence suggests that ivermectin was not effective in Brazil and that they already gave it a fair go, so that we do not have to reinvent the wheel here.
The evidence is that ivermectin failed to keep Brazil’s death rate per capita out of the top ten worse nations on the planet.
Wes George,
Your comments are extremely smoooothe and oh so reasonably stated, but , in the end, come down with a giant hammer on those here on the blog.
A great example of the type of behaviour you are condemning.
Many have gone before and have been sussed out.
You are not alone.
So you feel that all the other studies on use of ivermectin + the experiences in places like Uttar Pradesh are also sufficiently “debunked”? Unless this is the case, I contend that ivermectin has not been given “a fair go” – certainly not in Australia
Anyway, I think we have exhausted the scope of discussion on this post as we have different interpretations of both the message we should be taking from it and also our respective how the study itself should be viewed. I’m going to leave it at this – neither of us has “won” or “lost” and others can look at our statements and positions as they wish.
In summary, the current pool of reliable evidence on ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 doesn’t support its use as a treatment, except in clinical trials. Scientists are conducting more studies to acquire more data that will help us better answer the question of whether ivermectin is an effective COVID-19 treatment.
In summary, the current pool of reliable evidence on ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 doesn’t support its use as a treatment, except in clinical trials. and
There are currently at least 126 studies, with 82 being peer-reviewed (as of October 28, 2021), showing that Ivermectin is highly effective in treating COVID-19 in early stages, late stages, and as prophylaxis (preventative measure).
View the data and studies here and here. Also watch Congressional testimony from Dr. Pierre Kory about Ivermectin.
Whereas Sotrovimab approved by TGA and set as one of the hsopital treatments by NSW Health only had 2 Studies with 1417 Patients
“Instead, the best medical care today is informed by rigorous research that examines which treatments actually work to improve a patient’s status. ” from that Business Insider article above, and it certainly DIDN’T read like unbiased journalism!
Nah, just set up a small trial that you cut off prematurely and vaccinate the placebo group, then hit the CDC for emergency approval.
Seems neither side is capable of unbiased scientific research.
wes george – You are the perfect Joe Btfsplk
Mr. Ozzie: I didn’t see the cloud over his head, but Mr. george has been well identified by Kalm Keith. Example- he accuses above, “if you want to view an epidemiological study through the lens of a political struggle”, as if the commenters here launched first. Absurd gaslighting. The suppression of alternative relief from covid was suppressed by political operatives long before Jo Nova or anybody here had any say at all. He also tries the back-handed “compliment” about the site “used to be” for sceptics. Mr. george, we appreciate that you expressed your view and ultimately displayed your ignorance, so we might know.
Ah Wes
I fear you are right.
When I google “confirmation bias” it tells me exactly what I expected.
I watched a WION news video the other day and included in their report was a quote from the CEO of Pfizer (ironically he is a trained vet) saying the cost of jabs could go up to US$175/jab !!! They make Mexican drug cartels look very tame.
Are there any news about IVM and Omikron ?
your decision to believe it or not.
An interesting article from Steve Kirsch
He is suggesting that the live virus could now be tested with animals to see if the current “vaccines” actually work. However, big Phama would fight this as it would show how useless the current “ vaccines” really are.
Yet Dr Petrovsky’s vaccine which apparently has no side effects and works is being blocked by the TGA.
Who is benefitting from this?
Former NSW Police Sergeant Stephen Kelly on TGA and Children 08/01/2022
The more I watch what’s happening all around us the more it reminds me of the movie Captive State. Our politicians, health officials, doctors, MSM, etc. are all captured agencies working for Big Pharma who in turn are working for certain ultra rich individuals who have no due regard to the health of the people but more interested in reducing the population of the world to suit their own evil agendas. I could go one step more and say the ultra rich are working for what some believe are aliens but I believe they are demon possessed and working for the devil, whether they realise it or not.
Massive psychosis formation.
Professor Mattias Desmet – Mass Formation Psychosis
He used stats to convince himself the severity of the pandemic was overrated dramatically from the start. Collateral damage was significant, perhaps more so than the virus itself, but was completely ignored.
He compares the current vaccination of children mania to child sacrifice rituals of old. It makes sense because we know there is no pragmatic reason to vaccinate children today against COVID-19.
It ends with the comment that we need to continue to speak out to help those caught up in the mass hypnosis and try to wake them up so we can avoid ending up in a totalitarian regime. Goes to show the existence of Jo’s blog is vital. Also, non-violent passive resistance is better than a violent one but as history shows that’s not always possible.
Ivermectin isn’t dangerous to people. But it is dangerous to drug companies because it is cheap and effective.
Are the vaccinated harming their immune systems?
Here is some number-crunching. Using natural immunity as a base and the fully vaccinated to mean two mRNA shots, we can conclude the following:
An unassailable stat from the Israelis, which made Fauci change his guidance from “if you are fully vaccinated, you will not catch it” to “if you are fully vaccinated, you can still catch it and spread it,” was that the fully vaccinated in Israel were 6–13 times more likely to catch the D variant than the naturally immune population.
And the first decent-sized sample regarding omicron shows that the fully vaccinated are 2.61 times more likely to catch omicron than the D variant.
So 2.61 times 6 is 15.66.
And 2.61 times 13 is 33.93.
Given the two studies of actual results, fully vaccinated people are 15.66 to 33.93 times more likely to catch omicron than people who were never vaccinated and caught COVID (natural immunity).
Anyone with a numerical brainstem can see that the more people vaccinate, the more likely they will get sick from a variant.
This seems to comport with Nobel Laureate virology professor Luc Montagnier’s conclusion that it is the vaccine that is creating the variants. From this article, “Prof. Montagnier referred to the vaccine program for the coronavirus as an ‘unacceptable mistake.'” “The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”
It seems the vaccines are actually harming the natural immune system, at least with regard to the variants.
Old Ozzie,
The Danish study is compelling. They seemed to have done the math to show that the vaccinated are more likely to get Omicron than the unvaxed. But what do I know? I farm sheep and came here looking for a reason to like ivermectin, which this thread assiduously avoids providing. I got a bunch of it in the woolshed.
There may be confounding factors involved. In Denmark among the unvaxed cohort are a percentage of formerly Covid infected people. In the EU it is commonly held that infection imparts an immunity as good or better than the vaccine. I don’t believe one is penalised in Denmark for not getting vaxed if you can show you have natural immunity, but I have not googled that recently.
It would not be too surprising to learn that people who have never been infected with Covid – but have taken the jabs – are more susceptible to Omicron than an unvaccinated cohort with a higher rate of natural immunity gained from a previous Covid infection.
There still could also be adaption by Omicron to favor the vaccinated over the unvaxed in this mix.
Another important bit in the study is this (my emphasis caps):
So, the vaccines still work pretty well against the more dangerous variant, Delta. That’s very good news,
Omicron is low morbidity virus and it does do one good thing. It will impart a useful level of natural immunity to Covid. So maybe we should start thinking about Omicron as our fourth, possibly final, booster?
Also, the Danish study’s result doesn’t translate directly over the raw Covid case numbers Dr. Chant gives out.
Why? Because it would bizarre if in a population where 93.7% of the population are vaccinated – with vaccines whose effectiveness fades rapidly over time – if most of the hospitalization were NOT in the vaccinated cohort.
All you can say about Chant’s raw numbers is that they reflect the high vaccination rate in NSW.
and came here looking for a reason to like ivermectin, which this thread assiduously avoids providing and
There are currently at least 126 studies, with 82 being peer-reviewed (as of October 28, 2021), showing that Ivermectin is highly effective in treating COVID-19 in early stages, late stages, and as prophylaxis (preventative measure).
View the data and studies here and here. Also watch Congressional testimony from Dr. Pierre Kory about Ivermectin.
Whereas Sotrovimab approved by TGA and set as one of the hospital treatments by NSW Health only had 2 Studies with 1417 Patients
Well, finally. Gee, thank you, I’m impressed! I will study each of your massive 126 link dump. Obviously, volume proves it must be true!
Old Ozzie, you only need one paper to be spot on. If you have to throw the sink at the wall to see what sticks you’ve appropriated the AGW true believer rhetorical style. Remember? 99% of all climate papers support catastrophic AGW. Sure, they do. That settles the debate then, right?
Why don’t you pick out that one best killer paper for us? What impressed you most in those 126 papers?
Here’s what one doctor thinks about the bulk of ivermectin supporting research. Heck, she could be wrong. I don’t know.
A quick view of your NSW health link does prove that NSW Health is interested in new anti-virals that are successful in human trails and they are using various unusual drugs outside of the vaccines to treat patients in many cases.
This seems to contradict the claim that mainstream health services are not interested in non-tradition or novel medicines or cheap medicines for nefarious reasons of their own.
I have provided links to mainstream doctors who explore and recommend easy and cheap ways to prevent Covid infection or at least minimize morbidity with non-vaccine related therapies like sunlight and zinc, herbs or even just properly considering your sleeping habits. So cheap and easy isn’t a problem the objection against ivermectin.
Why do you suppose that NSW health, et al, are so biased against Ivermectin?
Why do you suppose that NSW health, et al, are so biased against Ivermectin?
Peer pressure – no money in it?
Why not allow something that has been used for many years with no problems in Africa – similarly took HCQ for Malaria in New Guinea in 70s and 80s, no problmes – why not allow people to make their own decisions – Why Ban it?
They banned it because everybody and their brother has a few gallons of the stuff in their woolshed. Heck, I do! I use it all the time on my livestock.
If the medical authorities hadn’t been firm about ivermectin usage, people would be selling the stuff off the back of their ute. I got a few million doses, meself, I reckon! Even at 10 cents a pop that’ll pay off the tractor.
They also banned it because people would decide it’s fair dinkum to avoid social distancing and the vaccines altogether if they self-medicated constantly on ivermectin. Now say what you will about lockdowns, masking, QR codes and border closures but that was the big plan and ivermectin wasn’t seen as helpful in the matter.
Giving the green light to ivermectin would open a can of worms for NSW Health full of unknown downsides, with no known upside.
There is very little (or no) studies of long term daily consumption of ivermectin or the dosages that are safe long term. People have used ivermectin short term for head lice safely, but staving off Covid for years with ivermectin has not been studied for side effects.
For a group of people obsessed about the safety of vaccines, it’s kind of weird not one comment here asks about the safety the chronic use of ivermectin might present or what safe dosing levels might be. It’s like you all are in love with a fantasy. You know you ain’t gonna get it, so the brick and mortar details are not necessary to dwell upon.
As for effectiveness, all credible pro-ivermectin papers talk about using it in conjunction with supervised drug therapies as well as WITH THE BLOODY VACCINES. Got that? No one reliable thinks ivermectin replaces the crappy vaccine regime.
No credible studies claim Covid as a miracle cure with 70% protection levels from death as this faulty Brazilian observational study does.
I have asked: Why – if this Brazilian study is spot on – does Brazil which adopted ivermectin big time have one of the top ten worse Covid outcomes globally in terms of per capita death and morbidity rates?
Mate, I can think of a half a dozen more non-ideological or invidious reasons why ivermectin is BANNED IN NSW.
When I was a kid BANNED IN KANSAS was an advertising ploy for riske theatre acts, books and movies. We all wanted what they BANNED IN KANSAS. Heck, it had to be good! Ya’ll are caught up in our human nature to idealize what is banned.
Your style is eerily similar to Hot Whopper Sou. Do you follow her work?
Why don’t you pick out that one best killer paper for us? What impressed you most in those 126 papers?
Are you incapable of doing your own research?
You are the one who said and came here looking for a reason to like ivermectin, which this thread assiduously avoids providing
Do some reading then come back with some sensible comments.
It’s a classic global warmist tactic to simply claim a vast consensus of scientists believe something, dump a tons of links and then claim the volume of junk thus produced must mean it’s true.
Science is not determined by a paper count. One good paper (or even a single confirmed observation) that can’t be countered argued trumps 10,000 junk papers.
If ivermectin was the miracle cure for Covid, you would have provided that one great research paper link that’s proves as much. But there isn’t one, is there?
So you hide behind a great mound low quality links that don’t prove anything like your sensationalist claims, hoping that will fool someone here that you’ve made a rational argument.
All you have proven is that you’re the same caliber of self-certain bloke as all the global warming True Believers I’ve spent decades debating. You have a faith, not a rational claim that can be defended with a rational argument. Keep the faith, mate. Faith-based epistemologies are not disprovable by reason.
Jo Nova chose one paper that rises above all the others, in her opinion as convincing, for us to debate the merits of. That’s the way do you it.
As I have pointed out Brazil eagerly embraced ivermectin as a major part of its national Covid mitigation policy in 2020 and we can see the results. Brazil is near the top of the worst possible Covid outcomes globally. Ivermectin failed Brazil.
That one factual observation trumps all 126 of your links. No?
Wes Get a Life – obviously the Sheep are your only Companions – what a miserable soul/sod you are
Science is not determined by a paper count. One good paper (or even a single confirmed observation) that can’t be countered argued trumps 10,000 junk papers.
Where is your one good paper?
Ivermectin – A Nobel Prize Wining Medicine has been used successfully for many years and is no threat to people.
Where in the Heck does It’s a classic global warmist tactic to simply claim a vast consensus of scientists believe something, dump a tons of links and then claim the volume of junk thus produced must mean it’s true. come imto the equation
Wes Get a Life – obviously the Sheep are your only Companions – what a miserable soul/sod you are
You are the perfect Joe Btfsplk
Well, you are wrong again. I have a dog. My dog loves me.
I guess you are too young to know about the Great Climate Debates that Jo Nova once hosted here.
Mr. george: Your comment string suggests that you have spent no time at this site at all. I keep getting a strong whiff of gaslighting from your comments, particularly when you demand more links, get them, and say you only want one good one. They have all been put up here before, so spare me the palaver that you’ve spent any time at this site.
You won’t get any, he is only here to knock Ivermectin.
Yet another Rick Will, talks “scientific” while ignoring the science.
I came here to learn about Ivermectin, something I would like to be a miracle cure. I’m sick of the vaccine stroll out. I’ve spent the bloody whole day online reading stuff and discovered no credible sources for ivermectin over the counter usage as a prophylaxis without vaccine support or without conjunction with some kind of doctor supervised therapy involving other drugs. Stand alone ivermectin is not going to save me from Covid infection. Sigh.
True, ivermectin might have uses in hospital settings or in the future as an antiviral, but the sensationalist claims of the Brazilian study are a false hope.
I’m done. Tomorrow I got fences to mend after recent flooding. You true believers stay safe. God bless your souls.
Not a comment I expected from you Wes?
Uttar Pradesh, India, wipes out Covid with ivermectin
Totalitarian Medicine: The US government is effectively “fining” hospitals if they use Ivermectin or anything not approved
Indonesia cut Covid by 98% with Ivermectin while Australia grew cases 500% with Lock-n-Vax
Oh the mystery of how coronavirus doesn’t infect and kill people in Japan anymore?
How many mechanisms do you need? Ivermectin works against Covid in 20 ways
Ivermectin may prevent 86% of Covid cases
Child under five dies with Covid in NSW on state’s deadliest day as more than 20k cases recorded
A young child has died with Covid-19 in NSW on the state’s deadliest day of the pandemic so far.
The state reported 18 deaths on Monday, beating its previous record of 16 deaths confirmed just a day earlier, as 20,293 new Covid-19 cases were identified from PCR testing.
NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant said the child, who was aged under five and from southwestern Sydney, had significant underlying health conditions and died at home.
She said an unvaccinated eastern Sydney man aged in his 30s died at Prince of Wales Hospital in the same reporting period.
NSW on Sunday surpassed its previous record of 15 deaths set on September 29 and October 1 last year during the Delta outbreak.
NSW has recorded 745 Covid deaths since the pandemic began.
There are now 2030 people in NSW hospitals with the virus, with 159 in intensive care, up from 1927 and 151 patients respectively on Sunday.
There were 84,333 PCR tests processed in the latest reporting period, in the 24 hours to 8pm on Sunday, a decline on recent weeks as people avoid long queues and heed government pleas to take rapid antigen tests where possible.
Dr Chant said Monday’s case numbers were “clearly an underestimate” as people transitioned to rapid antigen testing (RAT).
Premier Dominic Perrottet has said people in his state will be able to log their positive rapid test results through Service NSW from Wednesday.
This will see NSW follow Queensland and Victoria in counting rapid tests in the daily Covid-19 tally and give a much more accurate indication of the case numbers and infection rate.
Of the over 16 population in NSW, 93.7 per cent are double-dose vaccinated while 95.1 per cent have had at least one shot.
Note they only mention one unvaccinated in the other 16 Deaths
What a difference a few short weeks makes.
From headlines about a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” to frantic attempts to hide the jab status of those now hospitalized.
The Vaccine Passports crew worked to hide the failure of the jabs against Delta, by claiming all except those who had their second gene therapy jab over two weeks prior to hospitalization were “unvaccinated”. But Omicron has smashed that foolish game.
Now the Vaccine Passports crew are fighting a desperate rear-guard action to hide the fact that the experimental shots have put the jabbed at higher infection risk for Omicron than the unjabbed.
Meanwhile a fully vaccinated, 24 year old Canberran climate change
scientistactivist died a few days ago, shortly after contracting CoVidand here’s the point that the MSM are literally dying to put across
I wonder when they will start considering CoVid vaccination an underlying medical condition??
He was a power lifter.
Unfortunately it is quite common for young, seemingly healthy power lifters and body builders to die unexpectedly for a variety of reasons.
Just because their muscular bodies look healthy, doesn’t mean they are.
So did he die with covid, or of covid?
“So did he die with covid, or of covid?”
That question is no longer allowed!
We have moved on since 2020 when EVERYONE was dying OF Covid, to a far better place where “A young child has died WITH Covid-19 in NSW ”
From now on you can expect all official announcements to be of people dying WITH Covid.
..and you maybe quite sure that the other 16 who died were all vaccinated! They would trumpet any that were unvaxxed.
“Note they only mention one unvaccinated in the other 16 Deaths”
Who knows. But I’m considering he’s done damage to the heart previously due to his extreme sport. Vaccine possibly made it worse to offer deeper conspiracy like thoughts ?
O/T but an updated list of names via a comment at Michael Smith News
“as a possible cure for Labor Leprosy, Peking Pox, Socialist Syphilis, Beijing Botulism, Chinese Cough, Sino Sneeze, Leftards Laryngitis, Albo’s Arthritis or Dodgy Dan’s Distemper.
“Vaccinated and Boosted AOC Announces COVID Infection After Maskless Partying in Florida
January 9, 2022 | Sundance | 33 Comments
It used to be Branch Covidian heresy to admit the vaccinated and boosted members could be infected and spread COVID-19. However, in the past month the vaccinated Covidians are the majority of those spreading the infection.”
More at
For those with time to spare
“Online Risk Calculator”
Comments suggest that you might find “interesting things”
Doesn’t like like many anti-Scomo votes there
here’s some medicine:
Not all ideas are like a juggler’s balls
I just finished a five-day trial of Ivermectin (0.4mg/kg), not for Covid, but for post-viral syndrome. I can’t at this stage say it’s fixed my problems, but I’m pretty sure I have more energy than before. I’ve even started eyeing-up the bicycle that’s been hanging in the garage for the past few years …
Wish me luck!
What more could this man have done?’
Judge Anthony Kelly has declared he is somewhat “agitated” by Novak Djokovic’s situation regarding his medical exemption.
“A professor and an eminently qualified physician have produced a medical exemption (for Djokovic),” he said.
“Further, that medical exemption and basis on which it has been given was separately given by an independent … panel established by the Victorian state government.
“That document was in the hands of the delegate (Home Affairs).
“What more could this man have done?”.
Judge Kelly said the transcript of Djokovic’s early morning interview with the Border Force officer showed that Djokovic was trying to provide officers with what they needed.
“If you will let me talk to people even though you have taken my phone from me, I will try and get you what you want,” Judge Kelly noted the transcript suggested.
Throughout this saga the ABF has maintained Djokovic had access to his phone.
Djokovic’s lawyers say the star received indication before he departed Dubai that his application for a visa with a medical exemption had been assessed and approved for arrival in Australia.
“Any reasonable person would understand … that he had ticked every box,” Nick Wood SC said.
Mr Tran for the Minister said the government would comply with the orders, but a personal power of cancellation was being considered.
Liberals Don’t Do It – You look like a Bunch of Idiots as it is.
You and your Bureaucrats were Incompetent
Australia’s Reputation is down in the Sewer
You would look like Vindictive Ratbags – Is this what the Liberal Party has become???????
as Judge Anthony Kelly said
What more could this man have done?’
Liberal MP and former tennis professional John Alexander has criticised the federal government for considering whether it should cancel Novak Djokovic’s visa, after his right to enter Australia was upheld by the court today.
Mr Alexander said that the immigration minister’s special powers to cancel visas based on the public interest, were designed to “prevent criminals otherwise walking our streets” not dealing with “political problems”.
“So what would be the ‘public interest’ the Minister could potentially use to exercise his personal powers to deport our defending Australian Open tennis champion?,” Mr Alexander said in a Facebook post.
“Retaining the Australian Open as a grand slam event, I would argue, is in our national interest.
“The minister’s ‘personal powers to cancel visas’ are designed to prevent criminals otherwise walking our streets, or to prevent a contagious person otherwise walking our streets; they’re not designed to assist in dealing with a potential political problem of the day.”
Taking his phone is a political act.
How is this mess going to be resolved?
The government and medical establishment have clearly lied about IVM, or, at the very least, and being extremely generous, are criminally incompetent.
They have both dug themselves a hole with no obvious way out.
Perhaps I shouldn’t have used the term criminally incompetent because that mostly refers to criminals who lack the mental capacity for proper judgement.
Perhaps criminally negligent would have been better.
My Debate with an ICU Doctor About the Possible Dangers of the COVID-19 Vaccine
After my national TV interviews last week explaining why I believe the COVID-19 vaccine is killing and injuring thousands of Americans, I received an email from an intensive care unit doctor. He called me a “moron.” Below is my reply filled with common sense, logic, facts and most importantly, SCIENCE about the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine. Needless to say, the doctor never replied.
Dear David,
First, I read and answer all my own emails. I’m answering you personally. I don’t engage in ignorant terms like “moron” toward people that disagree with me.
Second, this country (and world) is filled with both unvaccinated and vaccinated who are sick with COVID-19. It’s a nasty and contagious flu. At this moment almost every vaccinated person I know is sick with COVID-19. A report released by the Robert Koch Institute stated that in Germany over 96% of those with COVID-19 are vaccinated.
Third, some studies show that the COVID-19 vaccine damages the immune system, thereby making it more likely that the vaccinated will get sick with each successive variant.
Fourth, if the vaccine is so great, why do the deep blue states like New York have massive COVID-19 outbreaks? New York City just set the all-time record for COVID-19 infections in a day. New York right now has almost 30% of all the COVID-19 cases nationwide. How could this happen if vaccines, masks and lockdowns worked?
Fifth, if the vaccine is so great, why are there far more COVID-19 deaths in 2021 with the vaccine than there were in 2020 — without it?
Sixth, as a M.D., why don’t you pay attention to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System? It’s been the gold standard for decades to identify if any vaccine is causing more harm than good.
This COVID-19 jab may have killed over 21,000 Americans. That’s separate from the cardiac arrests, strokes, blood clots and permanent disabilities that could be associated with the vaccine. And this jab has potentially caused a staggering 1 million “adverse effects.” These numbers are from VAERS — user-reported data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Seventh, are you aware Columbia University researchers found that adverse events associated with vaccines could be vastly underreported? They suggest you must multiply by 20 to approximate the accurate number of deaths and injuries. So according to the math of Columbia researchers, there are actually over 400,000 deaths and millions of injuries that could be tied to the vaccine.
How could you doubt VAERS? Pfizer’s own research showed that there were 1,200 deaths during the initial first few weeks of their vaccine rollout. That’s Pfizer’s reporting.
I’ve had COVID-19. It was gone in 48 hours after I took ivermectin, plus antibiotic (Z Pak), plus megadoses of vitamins C, D3, zinc and quercetin. Plus, I received intravenous vitamin C. Worked like a charm. Gone in 48 hours. Mild.
I now have immunity. No one with immunity needs to vaccinate. I believe the risks far outweigh the benefits. I make healthy lifestyle choices. I’m not anti-vaccine. I’m pro-immune system.
The experimental gene therapy shots that were failing against Delta have completely failed against Omicron. The data from the UK and Europe shows that Omicron is now more likely to infect the jabbed than the unjabbed.
The only reason for the Vaccine Passports crew to keep denying Ivermectin’s efficacy against the virus, is to deflect from the hundreds of thousands of deaths they caused by preventing early outpatient treatment with therapeutics.
Eliminating the control group certainly is a way to ensure that “We’re all in this, together..”
“They have both dug themselves a hole with no obvious way out.”
They’re sure that there is – deeper down
That was a reply to DM at #40
“The Drug Does Not Appear to Qualify for Release” – EXCLUSIVE: Post Office Holds Woman’s Foreign Shipment of Ivermectin at the Request of the FDA
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Customs and Border officials captured two small packages of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport recently. The two drugs would not have raised an eyebrow before the COVID pandemic. But since the Democrats and media politicized the completely safe, inexpensive, and effective medications the Customs agents are on the lookout for these cheap drugs. Meanwhile, Mexican cartels continue to smuggle record amounts of fentanyl into the country this year.
Now, a Gateway Pundit reader has received a letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding a shipment containing Ivermectin that she bought from a foreign country is being held by the post office.
Here’s the excerpt from the email:
Despite all the stories, testimonies, and studies showing Ivermectin as effective early treatment of COVID-19, the Food and Drug Administration has refused to authorize the drugs — that have been saving lives for decades– for Covid treatment, claiming, “Ivermectin has not been shown to be safe and effective for these indications.”
Yet, more people have died and suffered adverse side effects from Covid vaccines than any other vaccine in recorded history, data from the Center for Disease Control’s underreported VAERS report confirms.
For Australia for FDA substitute Thugs Goons Administration
Compared to mRNA jabs, Ivermectin has a long history of safety and efficacy. There is an abundance of data on its strong antiviral properties. It is also ridiculously cheap compared to mRNA jab technology. Can our government explain, why it not absolutely criminal for them to deny the use of Ivermectin against Covid? Can they also explain why they are making unreliable Rapid Antigen Test Kits widely available to the public whilst denying that same public rightful access to cheap, reliable and effective Ivermectin?
Can they also explain why they are making unreliable Rapid Antigen Test Kits widely available to the public
Forget the widely available – 7th Feb 22 from Kogan – none in Chemist Warehouse Manly today and same with Coles and Wollies
Unfortunately, for Australians, who can’t legally get Ivermectin for covid treatment or prophylaxis, there is no “natural” source available.
You would have to first find, identify and then culture and ferment the bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis and then separate the product and hydrogenate it and make it it into some sort of pill.
Not easy without significant laboratory facilities or knowledge.
Unless you are a horse, of course! 🙂
I used to like to read Ron Liddle’s stuff – but this piece has turned me right off him.
In his latest column in The Sunday Times, Mr Liddle wrote: “One of the greatest incidental pleasures of this Covid pandemic has been the profusion of private messages I receive on social media, often typed in capitals, from people who seem to have had their brains removed with a soup spoon and replaced with crushed Ranch Dipped Hot Wings flavour Doritos. Yes, of course, it’s the antivaxers.”
Utterly pathetic.
Unless you are a horse, of course! 🙂
That was meant to be a reply to Analitik, above.
I’m sick of hearing those who have concerns about the C-19 “vaccines” as currently implemented as “anti-vaxxers”.
I know of not one person, including many medical professionals, who has a concern about these vaccines who is also opposed to any other properly tested vaccine. They have concerns about the present covid vaccines only.
If there was nothing wrong with the covid vaccines why is there such extensive censorship surrounding them? Why can’t there be a free and open medical and scientific discussion? Why do eminent scientists and doctors routinely get censored, unpersoned, fired, defunded or have their licensed to practice medicine removed for questioning the covid vaccines or wanting to prescribe or advocate for supplemental drugs like HCQ, IVM, etc.?
48,2 David Maddison. Politicians remember a method that succeeds in subduing the public. For AGW it’s using against anyone with half an independent brain to investigate matters of questionable fact, SCEPTICS.
Works like a charm. No argument to be had and defended. For COVID-19, it’s ‘ANTI-VAXXER’. The response to that term for most people so accused is to spend a month arguing to prove they are not; meanwhile, their original argument fades from the memory of readers and listeners and the accuser walks away with a smug dial.
Unfortunately, the media all fall into line these days. They are mainly politically directed commentators now without a vein of investigative intelligence in their bodies. The more this derision is thrown at them the greater the chance we have of some becoming so embarrassed by their loyalty to a third party above their loyalty to the community and their own loved ones, that some might crack and become professional again – or professional for once. Who knows, they might find it a liberating experience!
Normally, in a public health crisis, it is usual to “throw everything you have at it”. COVID is unique in that, even before any “vaccines” were available, harmless, cheap and common drugs like HCQ and IVM were restricted from being used for covid treatment and in extreme Nanny State Australia were even made illegal. Even in the absence of any other available treatment. Many people died and continue to die unnecessarily.
And even despite a clear correlation between common Vitamin D and zinc deficiencies and susceptibility to covid, never have I heard a public health official anywhere advocate for their universal use, or at least deficiency testing.
At the moment the health authorities “ best “ advice is to treat with paracetamol. So , of course now there is a run on paracetamol products. Toilet paper became RATs and is now Panadol. ( Tylenol for our US contributors). For me , in the absence of IVM, HCQ and Quercetin I would be taking 50 mg Zinc ad soon as I suspect I am COVID infected. Even before a test. Plus probably 4000 IU of Vitamin D. Nasal spray and also a good mouth wash/ gargle. All pretty simple stuff but nonetheless effective. I could not quote any health official or doctor in Australia providing this basic medical advice.
So , of course now there is a run on paracetamol products.
There were only 4 boxes of Panadol and Parcetemol left when I picked up a Box of Parecetemol at Chemist Warehouse Manly lunchtime – 1.5 Litre pack of Old Alcohol Listerine on special and that had prominent sign “NO RATB TESTS AVAILABLE”
Have Betadine Nasal Spray fm Malaysia and been on anti-virals for over 2 years – still healthiest person in Cancer Clinic
About to sit in sun, sip white wine and listen 95.3 Sydney Smooth FM by the Pool
NSW Health Words of Wisdom to inspire – How will my COVID-19 be managed?
If you are under 65 years of age, have had two doses of COVID-19 vaccine, do not suffer from any chronic health conditions and are not pregnant, you can safely manage COVID-19 at home.
Most people with COVID-19 will have a mild illness and will recover in a few days or so, with some people having no symptoms at all.
Most symptoms can be managed with:
bed rest
regular paracetamol and ibuprofen to relieve pain and fevers
throat lozenges for a sore throat
keeping hydrated with regular sips of water.
May as well said “Have a Cup of Tea, a BEX and a Good Lie Dwon”
For our non-Australian friends Bex was A compound analgesic of popular Australian culture and a “housewives friend”. It contained aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine. It was reformulated in 1975 to remove the phenacetin which is a suspected carcinogen. I am unsure of its current status.
Its advertising slogan aimed mainly at housewives was:
“Stressful Day? What you need is a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down”.
Bex was found to be very harmful, especially to the kidneys.
This reference epitomises the attitude of the day as you say. However it conflates kidney cancer and analgesic nephropathy. They are not the same thing.
None the less Bex was found to be associated with kidney disease and vascular disease.
Did you ever (or watch) a Bex powder being gently rolled up into a tube and then blown over a lighted match?
A spectacular display
What could be healthier OO?? !!
Ross, get your daily dose of Vit D by getting out in the sun – suitably exposed, with no sunblock, at the right time, for the right length of time (don’t allow burning) – download DMinder from the appstore if you need some input. It will help you fight the virus.
Be aware that wandering around outside in the cooler parts of the day DON’T make Vit D – I always used to fondly imagine that would be enough. No. You need to make 4-5000iu each day.
Public health officials are usually craven career bureaucrats that flip into total CYA mode in a crisis. They can’t or won’t advise people to take zinc or whatever, because they know some moron out there will OD on whatever they mention and the family might sue.
Moreover, as bureaucrats they probably are pretty badly out of touch with the latest research, so they just don’t know. They are most comfortable with administration work
Still, I get the feeling that many people here paint the entire medical system with the same brush. That’s so not true or fair.
More than 18 months ago I was getting useful almost daily reports from a very mainstream ICU doctor on his bloody youtube blog, Medcram. Many of his reports advised on how to boost your immune system with Zinc, sunlight, vitamins, sleep, etc.
If you never heard this advice, you simply weren’t looking.
The very fact that you had to consult some guy’s blog on the internet to learn about vit D’s value, in the midst of what has been sold as the greatest health emergency since the Spanish Flu, actually proves David’s point.
wes george – You are the perfect Joe Btfsplk
A judge ruled that Australia’s latest political prisoner Novak Djokovic be temporarily allowed out of house arrest so he can view livestreamed court proceedings elsewhere due to technical problems viewing them at his present location.
TV News this evening saying that ruling is that Djokovic was entitled to believe that, under ATAGI rules, he had a valid visa.
Round 1 to Novak Djokovic.
meet Dr. Frederic Tangy (possible originator of Sars 2)
Concerning the young child under five who died with or of covid:
A young child has died with COVID-19 in NSW as the state recorded its deadliest day of the pandemic so far.
The state reported 18 deaths on Monday, beating its previous record of 16 deaths confirmed just a day earlier, as 20,293 new COVID-19 cases were identified from PCR testing.
NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant said the child, who was aged under five and from southwestern Sydney, had significant underlying health conditions and died at home.
Here’s a very sincere couple of doctors who conceded that ivermectin shows “a signal” that might mean it will find a place in therapeutic practice someday. (Gotta scroll to the last 13 minutes.)
But the sensationalist claims that ivermectin as good or better than the vaccines at dealing with Covid are problematic and doubtful.
These front line doctors represent the fair dinkum reasons that ivermectin is met with skepticism in the mainsteam medical world – the data just is not there for grand claims, rather than some kind of global conspiracy.
Things are evolving quickly and this video is 3 months old. But the bottomline is that these are doctors of good faith who are being honest. Could they be wrong about some things? Of course. But it’s a pretty long bow to draw that these doctors are trying to harm their patients or are working with big pharma to increase profits over saving lives. Or that their entire frame of mind is totally in error. If you believe that, you should probably never go to a doctor again, because you have lost faith (I hate to use that word) in Western medicine and science.
I suppose it’s easier to turn it all off and run with fantasy miracle drug theory suppressed by an evil forces, but that’s not objective reality.
The information for the effectiveness of IVERMECTIN is there. But a lot of doctors just won’t look at it, that is the objective reality.
In your link one of the first sentences says that ivermecin:
Further more it talks about ivermectin treatments, as in, most or all of these studies show ivermectin used in conjunction with many other sort of drugs, vaccines, therapies and with different metrics and in different kinds of therapeutic environments.
That’s a huge walkback from OP’s claim.
No one is arguing that ivermectin is not possibly useful. That’s not the claim being disputed. Every mainstream sources I have looked at today makes this assessment clear. Ivermecin has some potential, it’s just not that well understood yet and ivermecin reputation damage due to sensationalist claims – like the OP – are not helping matters…
What is damaging and incorrect are the sensationalist claims made in the OP that ivermectin is a miracle drug that BY ITSELF in BIZARRELY LOW doses reduces deaths by 70%.
Worse, what is being implied here is that our medical establishment would forgo a 70% reduction in deaths for devious political or financial reasons.
Doctors have looked at the data on ivermectin. The sensationalist claims don’t stack up. Here’s what doctors think of the research. on ivermectin.
Btw, I think that many reasonable people would agree with much of the work in your link. But you have moved the goal posts, no?
Well you give You Tube as evidence. They may be doctors but so what. I have not watched it but I will read your summary. Do they quote any studies?
Who or what is OP?
Exactly right! But the reasons are obscure to me.
Sorry Peter, I was heading for green and didn’t steer straight!
Jesus, you must be a very angry bloke. Hundreds murdered by your local hospital system? By doctors who cared for you and your family! Mate, if I were you, I would cut up my medicare card. That or live your life slinking off to the dentist and your GP as a hypocrite quivering with fear and loathing.
Heaven forbid listening to a doctor’s youtube exposition that doesn’t conform to your biases.
I wonder what happened to our sense of genuine curiosity? Of wonder? Of humility in the face of how little each of us actually knows for sure?
How did we all become so self-certain?
We’ve lost something recently that makes us human. Not just the people we see as less than human, but all of us. Some part of our humanity has become deranged, I fear.
“We’ve lost something recently that makes us human”
Yep, personal body autonomy.
What else remains to be seen.
Of course, I’m losing my small business that I’ve spent 30 years developing.
But, I am happy that you have nothing be angry about.
wes george – You are the perfect Joe Btfsplk
That is a bizarre response Wes George.
Yes I am angry.
Yes they have caused the deaths of many. But it was neglect and group think, not murder (they did not intend to cause death and misery). I am not a hypocrite. My explanations are clear.
I said I would read your summary, That is not a bias. It just means I don’t want to spend 20 minutes listening to opinion.
I don’t know.
Your last bit I agree with.
Please give the requested info on the opinion of the “doctors”
Let me ask you a serious question.
Have you looked at the studies conducted on the Vaccines that you appear to think are OK?
Did you look at the all acuse mortality of the first Pfizer study that shows that more people died in the Vaccine group than in the control group?
Which should have immediately stopped the use of the vaccine.
I am no fan of the vaccines. But what else do we have?
What I reject is the accusation that the vaccines are some kind of sick conspiracy theory. I truly believe that the powers that be were caught out with Covid and simply rolled out vaccines using a new technology (mRNA, mostly) as fast as they could.
I’ve study the policy making process that Trump employed to get the vaccines rolling early and the people involved were deeply sincere doctors, not Dr. Strangeloves with global death wish for humanity.
Trump, whatever you think of the man himself, is not part of any kind of global conspiracy, nor was he used. The vaccines are Trump’s baby. He took leadership in the crisis. He made the vaccines happen. If it was left up to WHO, CDC and the EU we’d probably just be getting a vaccine now and the global death toll might be closer to 15 or 25 million instead of 5.5 million.
Heck, Australia would probably be begging the Chinese for their jab! So thank bloody god for Trump’s vaccines.
Of course, the situation is evolving rapidly. You can’t just keep giving people booster after booster of a partly ineffective vaccines without causing dangerous immunological side effects. It’s a bit rich whinging about the vaccines or the border lockdowns when someone you know would lkely be dead by now without them.
I have indeed read all the criticism of the vaccines and I believe a lot of the downside is true and much more that you don’t know about because I doubt many people here have waded into the virological and immunological molecular details as I have been doing for the last few years. You don’t know the catastrophic outcomes that poorly designed vaccines could have caused, such as massive ADE, because they avoid those pitfall succesfully.
That’s why talk of ivermectin as a miracle cure drug interested me. I’m disappointed to find it might be useful as a minor side treatment especially in third world countries that are vaccine poor.
The vaccines have largely work. Have they killed people too? Yes they have. But in the balance, millions of lives have been saved thus far. Does that mean there won’t be long term adverse consequences that may partly negate those gains, or worse? Of course not! Know one really knows. God knows none of us here know jack. That’s the fact of the matter. Those who say they know the vaccines are all good and those that claim the vaccines are deadly are either nutcases or lying to themselves or both.
likewise, in 20 years from now the vaccines might be seen as largely successful or a huge mistake. Who knows? But I doubt anyone will question the fact that the vaccines had to be developed and deployed when they were.
There are 256 comments thus far in this thread and no one here has mentioned that Covid is a likely product of a germ warfare project that escaped from a Chinese lab long before it was weaponized. Using gain of function theory to fit up the Corona virus to infect humans perfectly was just the first step of the program. At some later date, some kind of really lethal virus was destined to be attached to the Covid carrier.
After all, Covid itself was never a useful “strategic” virus if your goal was to kill lots of healthy workers, particularly youthful enemy combatants. But it is a great vector because it is so infectious and it’s spherical shape is perfect for carrying an added viral payload. It’s like they built a ballistic missile that travels very well and far, but the plans escaped the lab before the warhead was fitted on.
In germ warfare, before you release your weaponized virus, first you have to develop your own secret formula vaccine so that your nation can survive the pandemic. Given how mediocre state-of-the-art mRNA vaccines are performing against Covid, I doubt that the Chinese were anywhere near having a fully assembled viral warfare suite in place.
All they had done was develop a good carrier virus, which they were too incompetent to to keep contained in the lab. They – and us – already have the deadly payload viruses in the can, hemorrhagic fevers, etc., that could be fitted on a Omicron-type highly infectious vector. But we don’t have the necessary vaccines for the deadliest viruses which perform at the same level of effectiveness that classical vaccines did against, say, polio…. I mean, would you feel safe with your three jabs of mRNA vaccine if Omicron had a death rate of 50%? Neither would the Chinese Dr. Strangeloves.
The message of Covid is that the US and China are developing germ warfare weapon systems using the state of the art information and nano technologies that are rapidly improving.
That worries me much more than if I am going to contract Omicron or if NSW has banned a rather ineffective minor antiviral that’s been over-hyped.
There is a real lack of a sense of but for the grace of God in this community. We are so lucky Covid escaped the lab when it did. We are so lucky Trump was in charge of financing the billions the drug companies required up front for early rapid vaccine development. We are blessed in that.
It’s not NSW Health that is performing egregiously, well, ok, it could be better. We need to hold to account the bad actors in the USA and China and around the globe who thought it was a you beaut idea to pursue germ warfare technologies in the 2020’s.
Those are the real criminals in this saga. That’s the real crime against humanity. And that’s the real conspiracy theory.
Ivermectin is a nothing burger.
80% less death with a lower risk than panadol? It’s “death” to EUA.s Otherwise they wouldn’t have to go mental over banning it.
Mr. george: All done with the fence then? When you say “I’m out” and you don’t go out, it diminishes your credibility.
So nobody here attacked the source of the Wuhan flu, did you know there was a time our host could have been banned for saying that? And the people doing the banning, you know, the one’s who slur opponents as “anti vaxxers”, the ones stopping you from getting the info on ivermectin you seek? This made many of us very suspicious of the lot, but not you. What we will see “20 years from now” sounds just like a global warming alarmist, or don’t you see that?
Dr Peter McCullough
Dr Zeleski
Together have used a multi medications to cure covid19 yet I appreciate your single mindedness however this open minded application is the real answer that ivermectin intrinsically belongs.
If you are threatened with deregistration by pushing to consider Ivermectin, what do you do? I believe that there will come a time when those who deny Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and similar will be called to answer for the deaths they (inadvertently in some cases, but not all) caused by their ignorant failure to consider, or accept, the positive results from the use of those treatments by Peru, India, Indonesia et al. They will have to live with the consequences of their decisions. So be it!
wes george – You are the perfect Joe Btfsplk
Great news! An Australian judge has ordered political prisoner, Novak Djokovic be released from house arrest.
Hang on a second! All over the world people are sick of celebrities, the super-rich and politicians behaving above the law. The laws are “for the little people,” they think.
The Jetset jams city airports with their private 707s to attend Climate Change summits where they preach about limiting YOUR carbon footprint. They attend Barrack Obama’s birthday party and violate every social distancing rule that would get YOU fined or jailed. AOC preaches lockdowns for her state then parties in Free Florida and when conservatives complain she says they are just bitter because they can’t have sex with her.
Boris Johnson holds big Christmas parties during last year’s lockdown and jokes with his mates about it.
This whole thread is about oppression by medical and cultural elites who control all the strings. In the ivermectin case, wrongheadedly, imo, but whatever.
Then on a dime you turn around and support a drongo celebrity wanker who disses Australian law because he’s too famous to be bothered with local rules that are not meant for him, only the peasantry, you know, like us.
I thought this was a conservative blog. Our conservative government decided One rule of law for all at the border.
You might disagree with this law, but it’s the law of the land and you’ll never pull a Djokovic on Aussie border security. Well, unless you are a rich rock star who gets the Go Free Pass from a lefty elitist judge, right?
Djokovic, a bad boy super rock star tennis god gives Aussie border rules the middle finger and you chumps think it’s the government is jerking him around?
That’s logically inconsistent.
So Djokovic provided the Australian government with evidence that he had been infected with the coronavirus last month, was provided an exemption based on the “recovered from infection within last 6 months” rule (which strangely doesn’t seem to be applied to people living here) and then is “a bad boy super rock star tennis god [who] gives Aussie border rules the middle finger”?
It is the Federal government that applied the special ruling to have him deported which was overturned by the court order. It is the Federal government that is considering an additional special ruling to deport him with a 3 year ban on re-entry.
Yes, I “think it’s the government [that] is jerking him around”. They are pandering to the panic stricken left rather than observing science and respecting human rights.
Please send this article to EVERY member of parliament!!! And to all state and federal health officers.
I think it’s WAY overdue to have a Royal Commission into this pandemic scam.
The information is massive proving the case against all of this nonsense.
Time for heads to roll, jails to be filled, assets to be stripped and for dawg’s sake take that $3.5B wasted on army tanks and spend it on people and business destroyed by the clown governments in this country.
Anyone know a reliable internet source for some IVM? I’d rather not rely on the sheep paste.
Its looking highly likely I’ll be contracting the virus. With it well about in the locality now Im finding it hard to completely reduce contact with likely candidates as I thought I would be able to. The missus is hopeless at systemic analysis and thinks its just a cold so doesn’t care anyway. I thought I had her under control but she’s gone a bit feral on me, out and about too much for my liking. Today she Karen-ed out at the vets when they asked her to QR code in.
So I either really need some IVM as it appears to be pretty good, or Im even considering getting vaccinated as my outlook heads a bit south.
But I don’t know, the other day I had to kill a snake and my heart was pumping hard, adrenaline and battle, Im not sure Id like vaccine heart under that level of stress. I won though.
You may find it is too late. The Health Authorities have threatened doctors who prescribe it off-prescription. The imports are being stopped by Customs (although anecdotally some sales from India are sneaking through. Supplies of veterinarian pastes are reputably drying up – but if you are in the country (or semi-rural areas) you might find Ausmectin (local Brand Name) in Agricultural stores.
I was about to buy some from Canada and thought it would get stopped at customs as the sender would most likely declare the contents.
Yes I am close to ag stores. Can one seriously take that stuff ? Just measure out the active by weight for dose ?
I’m not a doctor, or Hollywood Actor, but It is what I used when I had Covid.
Just did the math & followed the FLCC rates.
Side effects: I tend to slow down the truck & stare at the fillies. May not be an issue if you are gelded.
Have a read of this in your deciding.
You’ll likely be ahead of the TGA if you do
Emphasise the “might” in my experience
I guess with government earnestness and diligence in controlling undesirable drugs, illicit drug users are having rough time of it these days.
Do not play with the Algorithms.
What is happening to NSW? The deaths are occurring in the vaccinated and the ‘no effective dose’ even including those 21 days after the ‘Jab’. By co-incidence this has now dropped to 0.9% in a week. A massive drop from %70 from the week before. Meanwhile with the Queensland Premier targeting those women who have had children by threatening their children, the NSW figures still have no deaths for those under 11 years of age and that is despite a large number of positive tests.
COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
They’ll also give you a free funeral if the vaccine kills you
What if the children start dying? Will the parents get “compensation” (aka shut up money) as well?
As I mentioned on a previous post I bought some IVM from India ( thanks Brenda Spence) and it has been sitting in a draw since then. A friend of mine Darren knew I had it and asked if he could have some for a family friend who was sick and tested positive for covid. I was wondering if it actually worked and so gave him two tabs try on her. This was on last Thursday. As it happened we had a control as her two of her work mates also were sick and tested positive as well. She was told eat something fatty with it and she chose avocado. She took one dose on Thursday nite and another on Friday nite. Darren told me she felt a bit better on Friday morning and was just about back to normal on Saturday. Her two work mates are still under the weather. So much to my relief it would appear to work it’s not a big trial but quite interesting.
well done sir. I wish I was as wise.
If an Australian doctor had prescribed the IVM he would have committed a crime and lost his license. Of course, any attempt to prescribe it would be ineffectual anyway as the pharmacist would have refused to fulfil it and would have reported the doctor.
Being a country boy/redneck, I simply picked up a few tubes of the Horse dewormer.
Still have all my fingers…or least partial…and toes, so I was able to do the math
and convert to FLCC recommendations.
Survived this round of china/fuc*i weapon.
I’m sure more unexpected gifts to be released by fuc*i & gang.
The “horse dewormer” is also being investigated as an anti-cancer drug.
Of course, it would never be allowed in Australia.
Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
Pharmacological Research
Volume 163, January 2021, 105207
Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
• Ivermectin effectively suppresses the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells and promotes cancer cell death at doses that are nontoxic to normal cells.
•Ivermectin shows excellent efficacy against conventional chemotherapy drug-resistant cancer cells and reverses multidrug resistance.
•Ivermectin combined with other chemotherapy drugs or targeted drugs has powerful effects on cancer.
•The structure of crosstalk centered on PAK1 kinase reveals the mechanism by which ivermectin regulates multiple signaling pathways.
•Ivermectin has been used to treat parasitic diseases in humans for many years and can quickly enter clinical trials for the treatment of tumors.
Might be more useful if you have a friend at a research hospital in the USA….
After prolonged use, it has not cured, or even improved the skin cancer on an old cow we have. It is a curious condition whereby horn like cancers grow amongst the white hair on her back. The vet says they don’t bother her & she has had the condition for many years.
Sadly, she has just developed another condition, which is life threatening and probably causes her pain, and she will be euthanised by the vet today.
That’s sad Vicki. Unfortunately, as a local grazier said to our daughter some years back, ‘where you have livestock you will also have deadstock’. She isn’t looking forward to seeing the end of the foundation cows of her little herd. Good quiet girls who produced good calves but are now too old to have any more.
From The Australian today: “Pfizer expects a Covid-19 vaccine targeting the Omicron variant to be ready in March, the company’s head said.”
Bourla said the existing regime of two vaccine shots and a booster has provided “reasonable” protection against serious health effects from Omicron.
But a vaccine focused directly on the Omicron variant would also guard against breakthrough infections of a strain that has proven highly contagious, but has also resulted in many mild or asymptomatic cases.
Big Pharma will just “keep giving” as long as the punters (for that is what they are) keep hoping for a win.
On the general scene
“CDC Finally Admits 75 Percent of COVID Deaths Happen in Patients “With at least Four or More Comorbidities”
January 10, 2022 | Sundance | 334 Comments
This issue has always been at the heart of the internal data that was never turned over for review. For two years people have wanted to know the distinction and general health position of the people who were categorized as dying from COVID. What was their previous health status?”
More at
It’s fascinating that is many ways the CDC is more forthcoming on some issues like this than our own TGA. Because of this our media rarely make it clear that deaths are more often “with” Covid, not “due to” Covid.
Re ” the CDC is more forthcoming ”
If you follow the FOI trails that is more like
” the CDC is more forced coming “
On 28 August 2021 Greg Hunt Minister for Health announced details about the “no fault COVID19 indemnity scheme”. The scheme opened to potential claimants on 13 December 2021, and is to be backdated to February 2021.
How many Australians know about this indemnity scheme for vaccine injuries?
Why has the mainstream media, as a service to the public, made this a main new item?
And finally, why has the Australian government suddenly, in December of last year seen fit to announce a scheme to help those poor souls to have suffered injury?
I think we all know the answers to these questions! FYI see below, people. This information is right at the very end of the website. Please make it known to anyone you know who has suffered an adverse reaction to the vaccines – or to their families.
So, do all payouts include a non-disclosure clause?
Is this just a way to buy silence?
Everyone who has had antibiotics has had a horse anti-bacterial .
My favourite ivermectin story was heavily promoted in our media about the Little Kansas hospital where gunshot victims couldn’t be seen by doctors overwhelmed with Ivermectin overdoses.
So I looked up the chem data safety sheet for Ivermectin and the size of the town (14000 population) and laughed my head off. 2 minutes internet searching clearly not done by a whole world of journalism
Not to mention they have zero understanding of the concept of triage!