Spread the word. The legacy corporate media are not telling the world about the biggest Truck Convoy in history. People in cars have joined in, farmers in tractors are lining up. People are baking cupcakes and organising food for the drivers. A few hours ago it was a freezing cold midwinter night but throngs were cheering and tooting around Parliament Hill and the streets nearby were in gridlock. Three or four blocks away from Parliament Hill people are tooting in queues of cars, cheering on the Truckers.
#mandates BROUGHT DOWN BY CITIZENS. #FreedomTruckers #TruckersForFreedom #CanadaTruckers #USATruckers #ItalyTruckers #AustralianTruckers đđđ https://t.co/uLa1ThX9P6
â Ibrahim Reyes (@IbrahimReyesEsq) January 29, 2022
Justin Trudeau has tested negative to Covid but has fled Ottawa for a secret location for “fear of violence” and to self isolate with his family. He’s called it a “small fringe minority” expressing “unacceptable views”, and the protesters have taken on the small fringe minority label in placards.
The Empire strikes back
Ezra Levant is on the scene and reporting that officials are going to extreme lengths (as I said they would) to stop the Convoy — they are blocking roads near Parliament Hill with police cars and graders. They have turned off traffic cameras that normally run 24/7 so that people cannot see what is going on. Apparently they allowed “some trucks” into the centre but are banning the others. (Great way to manipulate the shots to show a “small protest”.)
Nova Scotia has banned people standing on roadsides cheering for the Truckers. So much for free speech! They have allowed some trucks in but are blocking the rest, presumably so they can get shots of a “small protest”. The lies to defend the Empire never end. Someone on Canadian State Media, CBC, is even blaming the Russians.
See also Rebel News Convoyreports.com   CitizenFreePress
On Tucker Carlson, one trucker reports that as he approached the border the border guards didn’t need to see his phone “passport” because his phone had already reported his status on their screen. His phone had already given his private medical details to the border guards. As he said, what’s to stop them bringing this in all over the country, not just at the borders.
“Fear of Violence”: Easy way to sabotage any protest
The Washington Post and Trudeau are already labeling this as “far right” and potentially violent. The Truckers have gone out of their way to insist the protest is peaceful. There is a real risk here that this protest could be turned against the protesters just as the unarmed January 6 Capitol Hill protest was. Is a another false flag type incident on the cards? Who knows, but it would serve the autocrats if it happened, wouldn’t it? It would be used to discredit all the upstanding hardworking citizens just asking the government to let them choose their own medical treatment. Another fake insurrection. Another Reichstag fire?
Truck protests appear to be popping up now in other countries but they are hard to confirm:
See Germany, Brazil, Australia. In Australia, #ConvoytoCanberra has begun. CraigKellyMP will be at PheasantsNest tomorrow at 7am. There are a lot of things stacked against this — we don’t have the same trigger point of new border truck restrictions like Canada does. But we have plenty to protest about. Will it take off? See #AustralianTruckers There are convoys on the road in Wyong and in Queensland/

Map of Australian Truckers for Freedom
Fidel’s boy is no trucker, but he is something that rhymes with it;
He’s no runt either, but…well you know.
I would love to see the results of a DNA test. Anyway, his half brother entertains different views.
I now see why Trudeau is regarded as Castroâs Son
This dude is totally Castroâs son.
Did Castro ever visit Afghanistan?
Truck Convoy and Trudeau summed up in 1 Cartoon
These truckers have found a way to push back against the decline in ethical standards in government.
Sadly it’s a world wide problem in democracies where due diligence has lapsed because we, the people, have been too trusting of our elected representatives and the occupants of government institutions.
They have taken advantage of us.
We can further our own pushback by discussing and exploring the problem.
The best place to do that is Here;
I very much doubt that trucks from WA will be able to roll through SA thanks to record rain (likely more to come) which has cut! (washed away) highways. I can’t vouch for the state of outback roads in Qld. but I think it highly likely they are impassible.
Rain in Australia? You are kidding, like the end of snow up here in Scotland, according to your great national icon Irishman Flannery, you needed to build desalination plants to supply non existent rain due to global warming.
Don’t tell me his computer model was wrong?
As far as I can guess I think he used an earlier device, a crystal ball. Either that or he stuck his head in the smoke from a smouldering fire of plants, esp. certain “herbs”.
Flannery is so confident about rising sea levels he bought a waterfront property a few years back.
A lot of that should be sheeted back to a chap called Jones (Welsh?) who headed up our Bureau of Meteorology who called a drought “the new normal” back a decade or so. If you’re into the game of political/economic/social subversion and deconstruction your local World Meteorological Organization representative is your man.
G’day patrick,
The modellers had difficulty coding the best available climate advice about Australia:
“… droughts and flooding rains…”.
And clouds.
Dave B
Hey Patrick – I’m so glad you mention things called “clouds”
Aren’t they the big white/grey/black fluffy things in the sky that make up part of water vapour? They’re the part of water vapour we SEE in the air and combined together they make up between 45-95% of the warming/cooling blanket that covers our beautiful planet.
I do know that they’re also one of the items that CAN’T be inputted to ANY the boffins 100+ “MODELS” that predict catastrophic man-made runaway global warming/cooling. There’s MANY other things that also can’t be inputted to their “super” computers (BS in BS out) such as tree/grass densities, geographical surface makeup such as rocks, earth etc and many other things.
Hopefully I bait a few “true believers” so they can attempt to take a shot and shoot me down – you know who.
Best of luck to them đ
Dave , I just added a little depth.
……for flood and FIRE and famine
she pays us back threefold……..
‘ My Country’ should be our national anthem.
No, he’s not kidding.
Have you heard of a Grand Solar Minimum?
It’s like the Wolf Minimum (1290 – 1320), the Maunder Minimum (1645 – 1710), and the Dalton Minimum (1790 – 1830).
All three were periods of low solar activity which made for low temperatures, short seasons (so poor growing seasons) and lots of rain/snow (precipitation of every sort) in the early years.
The Sun went into a new Grand Solar Minimum in 2020, called the Eddy Minimum. It hasn’t told us how bad it’s going to be. According to Zharkova et al, there won’t be much in the way of Sunspot activity over Sunspot Cycle 26 (this decade is SC 25), so it is expected to be very cool, maybe even cold. It’s thought it will be very like the Maunder Minimum.
When this happens, there is a lot of precipitation in the early years as the water vapour is condensed out of the atmosphere with accompanying flooding. Because the Sun is weaker and weaker, there is less and less evaporation to replace that water vapour, and drought sets in. The first is predicted to be 2028 but could be sooner. There may very well be a food shortage by then, because floods and droughts are not good growing conditions for food crops.
Australia is having flooding at the moment.
The European weather during the Maunder Minimum is a matter of public record. Search for it and read all about it — you will at least be warned what to expect. The further from the equator you live, the worse it will be.
Welcome to Real Life.
Flannery’s Computer Model wasn’t actually completely wrong, just too early đ
There is no indication of a grand solar minimum, solar cycle 25 is expected to be weak but no different to 24.
According to Mann’s, Schmidt’s, Hansen’s, Gore’s Greta’s or Leo’s crystal ball?
At the moment it is recognised as a Secular Minimum. That doesn’t mean it’s only a part of a GSM, it means the Sunspot Cycle won’t completely stop. Everything else follows the GSM script. Yes, Solar Cycle 25 is going to be weak, but it will weaken as it progresses. Solar Cycle 26 is the determinant and you said Nothing about SC 26.=, so I am.
Zharkova’s Number crunching a few years ago said SC 26 would have zero Sun spots. We haven’t got there, yet, so don’t be too quick to throw it under the bus. It may be a Secular Minimum all the way through, it may turn Grand. So What? It’s going to have a bit of Sunspot activity if it remains Secular but they won’t change very much. It will be Cold with lousy weather and a few Sunspots instead of cold with lousy weather and no Sunspots.
We won’t escape the Lousy Weather™ whatever it is.
It’s the sun. stupid!
You’ve got it!
Agreed, but the Little Ice Age was preceded (and accompanied) by big volcanic eruptions. Hmm? Have we had any recently?
The model of the computer was fine. But the Excel Spreadsheet wasn’t.
Blackface Trudeau doesn’t seem to like the concept of “workers” revolting. His dad, Fidel, would be very disappointed. He would be happy with the level of propaganda deployed though.
Normally a national leader takes this golden opportunity to meet the protesters and deliver the greatest speech of their career.
Pierre Trudeau would have relished this opportunity, but Justin goes into hiding.
Makes me wonder, is Pierre his daddy?
Given how fond of interminable speeches to captive audiences the old Fidel was, it could well be.
Seems like a lot of Castro’s “ideology” rubbed of, so to speak, somewhere along the line, though.
Using convoys of trucks is a very risky strategy, the Police were right to limit numbers, just imagine if an ambulance or fire engine had to get to an incident, a massive PR gift for the govt/media.
With compliant media, governments don’t need a blocked ambulance or fire engine for PR. They just write their own PR and the media publish it without question.
Has anyone got a link to a video/photo. perhaps from a drone that shows the 70km extent of the truck convoy?
I only see pictures of crowds, or from the cab showing the trucks immediately ahead. So far I haven’t seen anything that properly describes the extent of what is going on that the MSM seem very shy about reporting on
Not the convoy, but downtown Ottawa, looks significant to me.
Thank you. Extraordinary sights
Drone convoy, I suspect civilian drones have limited range and can’t be controlled high or far enough to get a complete view.
That footage couldn’t possibly be real! It’s probably just a few hundred Matchbox toy trucks on a black table covered in icing sugar and filmed with a phone camera. After all, PM Sparkle Socks has clearly stated that the real convoy is just a “fringe minority” with “unacceptable views”. /sarc
cold temperatures also kill battery life, so, the usual “20 minute” battery for an off the shelf drone will be reduced a lot, making it hard to film the full scope of proceedings.
Drone deployment depends on airspace restrictions, but a civilian drone could be programmed (ie pre-planned route rather than connected air to base control) to fly high enough and long enough to get a good view.
Drones ‘could’ also be ‘programmed’ to drop in and make curious oblique counter arguments to support a vested narrative.
I have answered my own question. The Mail online-the worlds largest circulation online paper-has got the story (at last) with lots of photos.
I expect the BBC will have a 1 hour documentary on it tonight. Naw, only joking
Justin Trudeau and his family flee Canadian capital Ottawa as up to 50,000 ‘Freedom Convoy’ anti-vaccine mandate truckers arrive at his office – days after he dismissed them as a ‘small fringe minority’
Of course youâre correct â they should have glued themselves to the highways right across Canada in minus 20 degrees. That way if they blocked ambulances they would have been given a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again until tomorrow . . . or else theyâd get a $1 fine for their 25th offence. Or does that only apply when itâs the Greens and ANTIFA blocking highways?
Freedom is the ultimate justification. If the truckers had done anything less than what they have done, Trudeau would have yawned and carried on regardless, instead of cowering in his Fuhrer-Bunker, terrified of his constituents.
Are there no blm types in Canada? (or in Aus)
They get to show their “colours” before every football match in Britain by genuflecting to their god(s) before kick off
Stick their tongues to light poles.
Applies to here in Australia too. If our truckers fail to achieve anything then our next stop is the ballot box very soon. If enough people don’t wake up by then, I don’t see how we who are awake can do anything to change things. The government will just as you say yawn and carry on regardless with their draconian actions.
We can only hope that if the Canadians are successful and Trudeau falls, the contagion of freedom spreads like Omicron through the septic western political class. Inter alia Boris/Carrie, Adern, Macron, Merkelâs EU mates, our state premiers and whoever Joe is keeping the seat of POTUS warm for.
The worry is even if the Canadians truckers are successful in toppling Trudeau and/or his mandates, there is still a lot we must do here to change our situation. Unless our federal government somehow through Commonwealth law or legislation forces the states to scrap their mandates, nothing can change no matter how much we all jump up and down, truckers included. We are different to Canada and in fact more like the US where their states in so many areas have the power. Their US Supreme Court decision of late has smacked down Biden’s attempts to coerce and mandate COVID-19 related restrictions and guidelines, and allow the states to do what they like. It is clear our PM is reluctant to pursue any avenue to force the states to change. Besides, he has stated we must move on and learn to live with the virus with the proviso we all still get vaccinated and follow up with booster shots. In other words, he has no intention to try and force the states to give up on their draconian mandates. He has in effect given them the green light. For him to give them the red light, he has to change his tune and act like a national leader in the face of a national crisis, and stop pretending to be one. I wish our truckers all the best in making that a reality and force our PM to change.
In support of removing mandates – latest data from Public Health Scotland :
“Public Health Scotland
“COVID-19 & Winter
“Statistical Report
“As at 17January 2022
“Publication date: 19 January 2022
Page 38
“Table 14: Age-standardised case rate per 100,000 individuals by week and vaccination status, 18 December 2021 to 14
January 2022”
Week 08 January – 14 January 2022
“Age-standardised case rate per 100,000 with 95% confidence intervals
“Unvaccinated 412.77 (390.36 – 435.18)
” 1 Dose 543.98 (497.93 – 590.03)
” 2 Doses 865.79 (839.92 – 891.67)
” Booster or 3 doses 481.49 (472.73 – 490.26)
No matter what does or doesn’t happen ScoMo is a DEAD MAN WALKING!!
Look at the latest opinion polls – ScoMo must be CRAPPING his nappy.
See here and here
Methinks he’s up the creek without a paddle.
I just hope that Labor don’t get an absolute majority – if they do in the lower house let’s hope the Senate is filled with decent people.
I sit any wonder? I think we all agree that Trudeau is nasty despot. Why wouldn’t we call our state and federal leaders the same given they are in effect on the same page?
Sorry, meant green.
IIRC they’ve left a lane for that
Still not getting it eh?
Here’s a clip from The Longest Day. This really happened….It’s only two minutes long, and mostly in French but you’ll get the drift…
“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”.”Better to Die on Your Feet than To Live on Your Knees”. “Death before Dishonour”. “He who dares Wins”. “We have Nothing to Fear but fear itself” All such strange sentiments fpr the left!
And here YOU are defending THE WRONG SIDE.
BTW: The guy on the horse is Trudeau, while the fella in the house are the citizens of Canada. The Flotilla?
Israeli guy on megaphone protesting Covid restrictions in shopping centre gets all the shoppers to gather round then leave all the shops
Absolutely awesome
I’ve been hearing about this Freedom Convoy in Canada for the last week or so but there’s been nothing on the BBC website. So much nothing on our ultra reliable, trustworthy BBC that I was beginning to think the convoy was fake news*. It’s on the BBC now so I guess it must be true. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60164561
* Do I have to point out that this is sarcasm?
It made the Radio New Zealand News this morning. It was just a bare couple of lines, with no enlargement. It was accurate but without any enlargement it seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary, and that the Canadian truckers do this sort of thing regularly.
There was no mention on their Aunty today in the news, typical they would cover their CBC cousins in Canada.
In Canada it was pretty clear that most people heard of and supported the truckers from every vantage point and they will know Frudeau and his lame stream lackies are full of crap but how will the average sheeple in the Australian street ever know what has happened?
I was talking to family in Australia about it, and they had heard that Trudeau was in fear of his life because of a violent mob… I didn’t ask where they heard this.
Looking at the ABC website, it’s not easy to find anything about it.
Might I suggest and additional strategy. Pay cash. Pay cash for everything.
Let’s not forget the truck convoy to the anti carbon tax rally in 2011. To keep things legitimate the peaceful trucky’s told the authorities their itinerary, only to find the gillard government used their details to block the convoy from reaching Canberra.
Funny how the ‘mostly peaceful’ protests on the Left were actually violent, but ‘potentially violent’ prompts running away.
This is the dangerous thing they’ve done, labeled all opposing ‘unacceptable’ views ‘potentially violent”.
This rhetorical branding war has heated up fast.
What has is it been, 3 or 4 years since Jordan Peterson appeared on Canuck TV warning against C16 and this likely result?
Our situation … from the Python Prophecies.
Python Prophecies”, love it.
“Ooh are the Bwitons?”
Thanks John for a little Monday morning mirth and merriment from the ‘oly and auspicious Python Prophecies. Clippity-clop…
RIP Terry Jones and Graham Chapman.
Soaring up there with the unladen swallows . . . African swallows obviously.
Justin has been taking their advice:
So many parallels with much of the Python’s works! Love them – but here is something more up to date, not as humorous of course, but pleasing! Sara Gonzales with ABCDEFU and your…
One of my favorite lines of all time …
“Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis on which to form a system of government.”
Imagine what news would be like without the internet!
We are happy to be 7.900 billion against this nano-group of dictators!
This is why the Elites hate the Internal Combustion Engine.
It gives freedom to the little people.
Yup, first we will be forced into their electric cars, next we will be forced into a cashless society. That’s when they will have total control.
“You will own nothing and you will be happy”… with emphasis on the ‘you will own nothing’ part.
Yes, they will own everything and they will be very happy.
Some people are already demanding we go down that foolish road so that they can be happy. Some can’t wait for the extremely draconian social credit score system. If that’s not a sign of a complete lack of critical thinking then nothing else is.
They won’t be happy though, will they? The ruling elites in dictatorships have never ended up happy or well. Small consolation, I know.
Slowly it happens – software, TV shows, movies, and music, all moving to (or moved to) platforms where access is only via a subscription fee rather than owning a licensed copy.
And a passport required everywhere so they can make you obey their “nudges”.
Access to normal activities denied if you don’t follow “the new guidelines” … here’s your electronic passport, you must carry it at all times…
It will never happen. There will never be a One World Government. Freedom will win in the end………………….Well for a Generation anyway…………..Then it’s back to normal. That is the Feudal System and the Robber Barons going serf riding (surf riding) on the backs of serfs………….LOL
I remember reading in one of the Dune books something about in order to effectively
rule large numbers of people you must make them immobile.
May it be, Trudeau sees himself as Trudeau II ?
Only a year or so ago Justin met with violent BLM criminals. He walked among them, shook hands, gave some hugs and kisses.
He even took a knee with them, remember?
And the MSM exploded with love for this social justice warrior Prime Minister.
But when truckers protest Trudeau goes into hiding and the MSM defends him. It’s beyond belief.
I find myself this morning making an argument I always thought was stupid. Having been Libertarian and in an uneasy alliance with local Republicans, I have always been a little disturbed by the argument that “It’s OK if the Left wins, the stupid things they do will drive people to us”. Most disturbing was to see the candidates from the right, if they were elected, go along to get along with to much of the stupidity.
In retrospect; the left has always changed the language to make stupidity seem like progress to enough to the ordinary citizens….”believe what we say and not what you experience” to maintain majorities in some populations.
Perhaps the key to power was retaining optimum stupidity. But the drug of authoritarianism and the fever of TDS have allowed the guardrails to slip away; the careful march of years through our institutions has been replaced by a headlong rush to establish the liberal utopia, and in ain’t Camelot, it’s Hades. And it landed smack in the middle of Joe Ordinary’s kitchen table;
Defund the police, Men becoming pregnant, magic powerplants creating skyrocketing energy costs, no borders, and not even a semblence of respect for the folks (“Shut up and take your damn jabs”) have finally driven home the reality of progressive practice to the average citizen and taxpayer.
This is good. Fear has worked for the ‘authorities’ to take power. They need to feel fear of those they have abused; the newly elected in the next go-around must also understand once again the power of those who, for two many years, they only pretended to serve.
SO much as I hate myself this morning, it may be that this dose of progressivism have finally awakened the common sense of the forgotten man, and Democracy will once again function well in countries that elect their leaders.
At what point do our ABC refer to the truckers? Well, maybe never. Trudeau, chased from office, will still be quoted by our ABC without referring to his departure. No-one watching ABC news would know anything had happened.
Our ABC, working for the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, and every other power player who wants to destroy your prosperity and freedom.
All true but then one has to ask the question yet again why is a LNP government funding the ABC? Possible answers: they are in it together or the LNP is so out of touch with reality and so ignorant they don’t deserve to be in government, no more or no less than the ALP. It’s that simple. Unfortunately, the solution is far from easy given our electoral voting system.
“Possible answers: they are in it together ”
Of COURSE they are!! They are all parasites, and to them its a case of us versus them, the politician versus the public, not politician against politician. That’s just theater to intrigue the stupid public, meanwhile all the parasite are in the bar together having a good laugh.
I’ve never heard a word come out of someone’s mouth in Parliament that convinced me they meant what they said. That’s just the sort of people who are attracted to power.
I did a search on their ABC and I can inform you that there is no truck convoy in Ottawa. If there is, it is certainly not newsworthy for their Australian audience.
It is reported in The Australian and other Australian papers “hundreds of anti-vaxxer truckies protest in Ottawa over mandates”
it says a lot about people who have so much money that they are effectively above the law – yet they still need to stick the boot in to everyone else.
Another live stream Ottawa, Sunday a.m.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwIdIRqmKA0
The Sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1br2CyNKtsg
Yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzrjWjckNpA
Cities across Canada joining in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N23pYH18xGs
Quebec: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXiEzzHGFvI
It is interesting that YouTube is not deleting these videos.
The convoy is being downplayed in Australian press. Australians are informed there are “hundreds of anti-vaxxer truckies” protesting in Ottawa. The only press photo in the local paper in Melbourne showed four trucks in a narrow street with less than 100 people in view.
My guess is that they are a bit overwhelmed. They really did not expect it. So, it’s either play Whack-a-Mole and look like fools, or go back to the drawing board and figure out how their censorship failed. Unfortunately for them, the horse has left the stable and that horse is Secretariat!
They might have got the message.
Early on one of the “trucker channels” started on U-Tube and then announced that was closing and being continued on equivalent alternative media.
On a lighter note: Comments in the live streams are occasionally laugh-out-loud funny. There was one bot posting ad nauseam that Black Lives Matter and, well, actual people replied back that All Lives Matter and that Free Lives Matter, which was good and true, but the one that got me was that âBeaversâ Lives Matter!â IIRC, there was some vain attempt by the Turd-dope faction to give all the beavers in Canada the clot-shot.
There were also calls to get the WEF classified as a terrorist organization, which sounds like a great idea.
After Germany, the Netherlands, France, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, the Philippines, Bosnia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Israel (Palestine too, probably), Aruba, Bolivia, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and most of the states in the U.S., including Hawaii and Alaska, declared themselves part of the âchatâ, someone posted âItâs a Small World After All!â Complete with musical notes.
And then, of course, there was that guy who chimed in with, âHi, Mom!â
Some WA pollies seem to have an electoral Death Wish — the bottle shops are closed to the unvaccinated. Woo Hoo! Electoral Suicide!
It’s election year this year.
Before all the Western Australians rush out to be jabbed, everyone should take a look, a long close look at NZ’s experience.
See: https://hatchardreport.com
extra comment at:
and make up their own minds rather than accept the govt pressure.
They need to ensure they have or can get insurance to cover themselves against a vaccination accident; insurance which can’t be declared `suicide’ and anulled — as in France which means they need to find and read all the available vaccine information.
(The NZ ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) holds the statistics on NZ’s vaccine “accidents” and it would take an Act of Parliament to access any of that information.)
ATAGI to change âfully vaccinatedâ definition to someone with three doses, reports claim
Australiaâs vaccine advisory body is gearing up to change the definition of a âfully vaccinatedâ person, according to reports. Hereâs what it could soon mean.
Sky Newsâ political editor Andrew Clennell revealed last night that the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) will soon categorise a fully vaccinated Australian as someone who has had three doses of a TGA-approved Covid-19 jab.
Under the current definition, those considered fully vaccinated âhave received two doses of any Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved or TGA-recognised Covid-19 vaccine at least 14 days apartâ and âare least 7 days post their second doseâ.
Clennell said that the move to include a third dose in the definition showed âthe campaign for Australians to take their booster shots is in full swingâ.
âThe federal government knows that it is up against it in getting all Australians to get a third jab, but figures as more people perish from the virus, it will encourage people to come forward for their shots,â he said.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews also hinted at the move on Sunday, telling reporters itâs only a matter of time before federal health agencies change the definition to mean three doses instead of two.
Mr Andrews said he expected the changes to the vaccination regime to be announced over the next week.
Questions are mounting, though, over whether three doses will be enough to help protect Australians from the virus.
âAs for fourth and fifth [doses], letâs wait and see how this goes,â Mr Andrews said regarding the matter.
âBeing vaccinated saves lives.â
Scam in World History — The Truth is This is a ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated’
This week has been eye-opening. Even for me — and I’m the guy who has warned for over a year, in commentary after commentary, and often for three hours a day on my nationally syndicated radio show, that the COVID-19 vaccine could be dangerous and deadly and could lead to catastrophe.
I stuck my neck out like no other talk show host in America to warn the vaccine may not even prevent illness; in fact, it could damage the immune system, thereby causing more illness and death. And not just from COVID-19, but also injuries and death linked to the COVID-19 vaccine itself.
Eight months ago, I warned it was time to suspend the vaccine program pending an investigation of mounting deaths, grievous injuries and permanent disabilities. I titled my commentary, “What if This Experimental COVID Shot Is Killing People? Don’t Americans Have a Right To Know?”
But even I was shocked by the plethora of stories coming out just in the past week, from all corners of the world, suggesting the vaccines are indeed a terrible failure and are causing a mass die-off.
Here is a quick look at the FACTS that have come pouring out of the closet just in the past week:
COVID-19 science or blind compliance
Defense Medical Epidemiology Database tracking our military’s health trends
This past Monday, Jan. 24, 2022, Sen. Ron Johnson, Wisconsin Republican, conducted a hearing on the issue of COVID-19 interventions. More specifically, the senator invited testimony regarding our militaryâs new practice of requiring mRNA injections of all our nationâs soldiers. Mr. Johnsonâs goal was quite simple and straightforward. He wanted to learn what the available data shows concerning this new drugâs efficacy and potential side effects.
Why is this important?
Well, it is pretty simple. We need to know if the men and women charged to defend our country are healthy enough to do so. In other words, a sick sailor, a downed pilot or a bedridden infantryman is of little value should we need to go to war.
In fact, an official database exists to facilitate all this. It is called the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, and it is considered exceptionally accurate, complete and effective in the early detection of any compromised health trends in our military population.
For example, regardless of your party affiliation, wouldnât you want to know if the United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corp were experiencing a near 300% increase in cancer cases during the first 11 months of 2021 compared to the previous five-year average?
And, wouldnât you want to know if there were a similar increase (again, 300% greater than the previous five-year average) in miscarriages?
And, wouldnât you think it was noteworthy if the same database showed a 1000% increase in neurological disorders?
And what if this same set of statistics showed 71% of all new COVID-19 cases in the military are fully vaccinated and that 60% of all hospitalizations are from the same group?
When you hear cries of outrage because someone like Mr. Johnson and Sen. Rand Paul â or even Joe Rogan for that matter â simply asks good questions, it might be evidence that maybe it never was about science but rather compliance.
NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said that,
of the 27 people who had died, eight had received a booster, 16 had received two doses and three were not vaccinated. Of the four aged under 65 who died, none had received a booster and all had âsignificant underlying health conditionsâ, Dr Chant said.
Israel: A Profile in Vaccine failure and a Warning to the World
âIsrael’s daily COVID-19 cases reach record 83,653,â says Wednesdayâs news wire.
âCOVID-19 in Israel: Serious cases increase tenfold in span of a month, continue to rise,â announces a recent headline from the Jerusalem Post.
Elsewhere we learn that Israelâs positive test rate is a staggering 29.63 percent. This means that nearly one-third of all Covid tests taken by Israelis are coming back positive.
Israel is obviously a country in deep Covid trouble with the SARS-CoV-2 virus running out of control in that nation.
Even though Israelâs population is heavily vaccinated and boostered, the country is posting unprecedented case numbers. On January 25, Israel reported over 101,905 cases which is more than 10 times its pre-vaccination high. In other words, now that the Israeli people have been mass injected with the mRNA vaccines, their cases have gone up by more than 1000 percent.
the bottle shops are closed to the unvaccinated. Woo Hoo! Electoral Suicide! Itâs election year this year.
Grog only available to the ‘vaccinated’ in WA – because of The Science, right?
From the Commnents
Annie said…
Have they completely lost their marbles over there? I thought Victoria was the pits but it seems there’s a race to see how low they can go.
wal1957 said…
Online sales will be happy with this edict.
What does proof of vaccination mean?
Is that 2 jabs?
2 Jabs plus booster?
2 jabs plus 2nd booster?
Michelle Two said in reply to Michelle Two…
Alcohol must actually kill the said virus as they have been getting us to wash our hands in it since the early days, and it gets soaked through the skin
Perth Australiađ you can buy groceries at Aldi, but must be vaccinated to take a bottle of wine through the same register đđ¤Ł
#endthemandates #fightforfreedom #truckerconvoy2022
âThe minute they hand you that vaccine passport, every right that you have is transformed into a privilege contingent upon your obedience to arbitrary government dictates. It will make you a slave!â
Robert Kennedy Jr.
Powerful words.
That’s it in a nutshell. Well done for finding that.
Sajid Javid ‘SCRAPS plans’ to make Covid jabs mandatory for NHS staff amid fears it could force the health service to sack 80,000 people: U-turn to come just days before final deadline for workers to get vaccinated
It is not an easy thing to do, human nature being full of cognitive biasses as it is, but these protests become unnecessary if we just vote the miscreants out of office routinely. When the common folks get control of power again, and it will happen, make it illegal for the political class to trade off their inside information; and make random testing of the honesty of elections mandatory.
I hope you are right but I for one won’t believe it until it happens. We have a very long way to go to get back to truth and honesty in politics. The horse has bolted. The only way to solve the problem is to get a new horse (new party) and start again.
Misery for Australia is on the Way
PM Scott Morrison faces electoral wipe-out with support plunging, according to Newspoll
On a two-party-preferred basis, Newspoll delivers Labor a winning margin of 56-44 â the largest margin for the opposition seen since the leadership change in September 2018.
Labor would wipe out the Morrison Governmentâs majority if those results are replicated at the election with the potential loss of up to 25 seats and a landslide victory.
According to Newspoll, Laborâs primary vote lifted three points to 41 per cent, its highest result since 2018.
For the first time, the Coalition is also behind Labor on the question of which party is deemed better at leading Australiaâs recovery out of Covid-19.
The Greens secured 11 per cent of primary votes while Pauline Hansonâs One Nation Party remained largely unchanged on 3 per cent.
Labor leader Anthony Albanese is also closing the gap on Mr Morrison as preferred prime minister, with just two points now separating them.
The Prime Ministerâs net satisfaction ratings have fallen 11 points to minus 19, his worst ranking since February 2020 revelations of his secret Hawaii holiday while the nation burned.
Under Albanese and Labor, Australia is Screwed – just look at VIC, QLD, WA.
I am not surprised and in fact expecting it to happen. The disillusionment with our PM is increasing daily, and he is destined to lose the next election by a landslide. No point arguing the ALP will be worse. I’m hoping and expecting though it will not be so easy for the ALP and instead we have a hung election with the minor parties gaining many more seats that most people think for the reasons outlined below:
Craig Kelly MP Live at the Singleton “Cali” Freedom Pub
In that video at 23:40 the sound drops out as the bloke started talking about Ivermectin and its successes globally, it then goes away from Kelly’s address to Aussie Cossack going into the pub explaining YouTube won’t allow it mentioned.
This is really getting serious when in 2022 a standing federal member cannot talk about a drug that’s been on the world safe medicines list for decades on a viewing platform originally designed for cat videos and people stuffing up.
Johannes Leak sums up AlbaSleazy
Labor leader Anthony Albanese charged taxpayers $17,269 to stay in his own Canberra flat
As Sydney struggled through a marathon lockdown, Anthony Albanese claimed $17,169 in travel allowance from taxpayers to stay in his Canberra flat
Labor leader Anthony Albanese claimed $17,169 in travel allowance from taxpayers to stay at his mortgage-free Canberra apartment for 59 nights during Sydneyâs marathon lockdown while staging âguerillaâ campaign missions into Queensland and Tasmania.
News.com.au can reveal Mr Albanese claimed a travel allowance for 74 nights in Canberra, Queensland and Tasmania, while Parliament was only sitting for 19 days during the same period.
By basing himself in the nationâs capital during the lockdowns in NSW and Victoria, Mr Albanese was able to campaign in Queensland while the Prime Minister remained largely locked down in Sydney and unable to travel.
During that period he claimed more than $21,020 in travel allowance including $17,169 in Canberra which he used as a staging post to run missions into Queensland and Tasmania despite border controls requiring Sydneysiders to quarantine.
Mr Albaneseâs register of interest declaring his assets to Parliament confirms Mr Albanese owns three homes – his Marrickville residence, a Dulwich Hill investment property and his Canberra apartment.
Albo and his “me mum raised me in a commission house” plea for integrity, transfers to me that the guy has sucked the public teat even before he was born and continues until this very day. No wonder he feels entitled to his $17K.
Mmmm, to a point. In truth we have a Uniparty wouldn’t you say? Sure, Dutton has made a small difference in Defence, but the big issues of culture wars and our demographic future are no different under the Coalition or Labor. Our system is dysfunctional if one is a real conservative. It’s almost as though it was planned that way.
It is planned that way. I thought that was obvious a long time ago.
Careful! Someone’s shaking you and you’re about to wake up to reality!
The LNP have only themselves to blame, they’re running endless ads on radio about being
Carbon neutral by 2050, Hydrogen hubs, seaweed for cattle, building the biggest battery in the Southern hemisphere(Snowy2) etc, straight out of laborgreens playbook.
labor can only extend the promises and move further left.
Again a reminder….NEVER vote for a sitting member!
Yeah, vote for a shadow
puppetministers instead.That will work, same hand up a different sock.
Best thing about the truck convoys: None of those trucks are delivering goods to or from Canada today.
Start shelf-watching in the stores. It won’t take long.
That might work but if the masses are already too far gone then they might turn on the truckers. It depends on the proportion of people who are willing to support the truckers for the long term. It also depends on whether the truckers themselves will not give up. So many questions that only time will answer.
Jo wrote:
Both Apple and Google Android have contact tracing âinfrastructureâ (the âExposure Notification Interfaceâ application programming interface [API]) built into their operating systems. This is known as Google/Apple Exposure Notification or GAEN.
If you don’t want to be traced and tracked by GAEN or numerous other methods, you need to get a de-Googled phone. It is impossible to de-Google an Apple phone, it will always trace and track you no matter what you do but it can be done with certain models of Android phones (with open source Android installed). You need to change the firmware so it’s a job for experts only or you risk bricking your phone.
Another option is a Linux phone.
Look at the YouTube channel Rob Braxman Tech. Rob Braxman is an expert on privacy-oriented phones and also sells de-Googled phones.
I suppose Big Brother’s next move is to ban de-Googled phones.
John McAfee started to develop a privacy phone before he died…
Those of the Left always say “if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to hide”, but that’s not the point. Few conservatives have done anything wrong they need to hide from but they are entitled to privacy anyway. This is a concept Leftists simply don’t understand because they think Big Brother knows best.
In this video Rob Braxman talks about using a de-Googled Android phone.
Note that regardless of your phone OS, or Google, the phone network knows where you are anyway by virtue of the fact you are logged into the nearest cell tower. De-Googling stops the more egregious tracing and tracking, however.
I wrote about the many ways Big Brother is watching you in November and December 2021 Silicon Chip magazine.
This is an insightful piece by Terry Etam.
TV news reports and the local Herald Sun newspaper in Melbourne reported “hundreds” of trucks. So it has made the main stream in Australia but is downplayed albeit inconsistently because both reports went on to say Trudeau was in hiding for him and his family safety. Surely a small security group could protect Trudeau from a mere “hundred”. truckers.
This from The Australian:
“anti-vaxer truckies”
The truckers are not anti-vaxxers. They are protesting the loss of the freedom to choose. Many if not most are vaccinated. All would agree that the right to be vaccinated is just as important as the right to choose not to.
Agreed. Even rational thinkers who have been forced to be vaxxed still support the right of bodily integrity and believe that vaccination, especially with an agent which has emergency use authorisation or equivalent in various countries, is or should be an individual choice.
Their body. Their choice.
The words used in The Australian are simply repeats of the Canadian news feed. There is no different take on this story yet in Australian news outlets. The convey does not rate a mention yet on their ABC.
The Australian has therefore published two outright lies.
First, the protesters are not “anti-vaxxers”. They are protesting the mandates and passports.
Second, there are clearly thousands, not hundreds of vehicles in the freely available footage on the Internet.
Memes galore!
Via a comment at SDA
Love the image of “Black Face” Trudeau hiding in a little girls dress under the table
and when you click through on the 1st Cartoon of Lets Go Brandeau
I now see why Trudeau is regarded as Castro’s Son
This dude is totally Castroâs son.
And what about when he travelled to India with his family and all of them including himself dressed in the image of Sikhs in India, clothing apparently tailor-made in Canada.
We All Should Declare Ourselves Honorary Canadians and Thank Them
Freedom is a fragile thing and itâs never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.
Ronald ReaganâJan 5, 1967
I love my country, I truly do. The United State of America is one of the most remarkable countries in the entire world.
Yesterday in Ottawa, Canada, and truly throughout the whole of the âGreat White North,â a melting pot of human beings from all different backgrounds came together to bring Twainâs famous quote above to life in a way that I have not seen in quite some time. The Truckers Rally for Freedom 2022 might have started out as just those who are the backbone of any nation, the truckers who work 24/7, 365 days a year, to make sure we have food and supplies to purchase at our convenience. Yet it seems to me that it has morphed into something much more.
Canada has shown the world how to hold a protest to address grievances against an overbearing government in the 21st Century. Quite frankly, they may have not just written a new chapter in the book on how to protest to protect our freedoms, but a whole new edition on how to do it the Canadian way.
As an American who relishes my countryâs past of being a little bit too itchy for a fight at the drop of a hat, I have to admit this surprises me in multiple ways. Yesterday, average, everyday Canadians showed the world how to not drop a hat and look for a fight but to wear wool hats snuggly and securely while demanding their right to be heard by their government in almost sub-zero temperatures.
We all should declare ourselves as true Australians and refuse to comply with all draconian mandates. That is the simplest and surest way to put a stop to the madness.
This is what many of us here are trying to achieve, the trail of sovereign theft through deception is clear from 1901 Federation, we now exist as corporate property under maritime law where we had/have a land flag (Red Ensign six point star, 3:2 ratio) and the Imperial Crown not Edwards which was wrongfully imposed, since all this was done by government/corporations without referendums or public consultation this is by our 1901 constitution illegal and carries punishments of imprisonment and death.
Imagine the numbers that would have shown up on a warm sunny summer weekend. Contrary to Trudeau ideology Canadians actually do prefer it warmer.
Here the weather is much warmer but so far the number of truckers involved is far fewer even though the sizes of the two populations are not that far apart. Let’s hope that it snowballs into a similar or even larger scale here as to what’s happening in freezing Canada.
We don’t have another large neighbour with whom to exchange truck traffic so we are in a different situation. International movement of goods is by sea or air for us.
Having said that, there are some amazing rigs to be seen in Australia.
The longest road train in history still holds the world record
Ten years later â the Guinness World Record for hauling the longest road train still stands. The record was set near Clifton on the Darling Downs in southern Queensland by Brisbane man John Atkinson, who drove a single Mack prime mover 140m in 50 seconds, pulling 112 heavy haulage trailers. Joined together, the record-breaking road train stretched across a distance of 1, 474.3 metres, thatâs a truck and trailer combination measuring almost 1.5km long.
or a normal Road Train
Road Train with 6 trailers 7 bins
A bugger to back up though.
It should not be too difficult to understand the anger and frustration being expressed in Canada by heavy transport drivers and owners, if the handling of COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns are even worse than we have experienced in Australia, emphasis on State Governments of Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia in that order top of the list, but generally every State Government applies to Canada as news reports indicate.
Of course politicians play party political games taking advantage of situations and quickly blame others, the fact is here that State Government Parliaments created the Emergency powers legislation, State Health Departments created the restrictions and lockdown rules and regulations, including quarantine hotel detention for international traveller arrivals including Australian citizens wanting to enter a State after being cleared through Federal Immigration etc at airports and ports, interstate border closures and so on.
And right now after the Federal Government has borrowed to fund States, employers and employees during the lockdowns, supplied vaccines and other medical supplies and generally the few health related provisions within Federal areas of responsibility, some State Treasurers and Premiers are demanding more Federal funding assistance and complaining that according to their illogical claims the Federal Government has not done enough for them.
Well regardless of which level of government the money comes from we the taxpayers foot the bills, including annual liability for interest on debt (government bonds).
According to financial page reports unemployment is now surprisingly at a many years low and the national economy GDP growth is improving, it will not be until budgets are again in surplus that there will be spare revenue to retire the public debts with. The Federal Budget was close to a surplus, the first since the Howard Government’s last surplus of $22 billion achieved in 2007/08 financial year budgeting, for 2019/20 financial year and then unexpectedly COVID-19 pandemic commenced early in 2020 in Australia.
To their credit the NSW Coalition Government is advocating a return to normality and back to working towards economic prosperity, and the Federal Government has been calling for that approach for many months earlier.
However, the excesses imposed on we the people have been unacceptable, the Canadians have a woke far-left PM brother image for the New Zealand PM.
“Trudeauâs Half Brother, Kyle Kemper, Speaks Out”
Trudeau tests positive for new variant ‘Coward-19’
Convoy sabotage â Anti-convoy radicals throw nails on road to prevent trucker convoy from reaching Ottawa.
Video has emerged of everyday truckers from St. Jerome, Quebec, being forced to pick up nails off the road that appear purposefully placed by anti-convoy radicals to derail the Freedom Convoy.
This is where the Left start to get violent, just as they do with BLM riots etc..
Trudeau is clueless about basic facts. The UK statistics show that Omicron is 1/10 as dangerous as the covid Delta variation. Omicron is less dangerous than Omicron.
A leader/all country leaders, must ensure that mandatory vaccinations are justified and safe. The first release RNA covid vaccinations are now neither.
Omicron will stop covid in Canada also. Omicron is a paradigm changer. Infection with Omicron is inevitable for all as it is roughly as contagious as the measles and Omicron is roughly as dangerous as the flu based on the UK statistics.
Why is the Canadian government continuing to force/recommend vaccination, including children with the first release covid vaccines which have dangerous side effects, including death?
Plan B curbs may soon be lifted, and WHO says there is light at end of the tunnel
Denmark becomes first EU country to scrap all COVID-19 restrictions
Any cluelessness is purely intentional. Remember the benefits to any politician of pretending not to know a wide range of facts.
WA- for 2 years now, just about every basic rule of epidemiology, virology and public health policy has been ignored in the incessant bid to get to COVID zero. Do you think anyone in any government who has advocated for those crazy policies are going to capitulate now? Do you think they would use data and trends from other countries as a guide to their own policies. I’m thinking 2 chances of that happening. (no chance and bugger all) We are now in this no mans land where all these governments are saving face and wont admit their mistakes. As the Omicron train hurtles on at great speed this hesitation will only get worse. The UK and Denmark ( + Sweden etc) have shown the way, but will any others follow soon? Australian government? I don’t think our ” leader”. Scott Morrison will make any great changes in policy in the next few months prior to our federal election. The power of authority lies with the states anyway. The Labor (ALP) states will try to gain some political points from the LNP to push them out of government.
” … just about every basic rule of epidemiology, virology and public health policy has been ignored in the incessant bid to get to COVID zero.”
But that isn’t really the objective, nor is it to reach xx% vaccinated.
The real objective is 100% obedience.
In Canada, âbraveâ Sir Justin runs away
One person who is not impressed is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a nascent tyrant and moral midget. Heâs mindlessly accused unvaccinated people of being âmisogynistic and racistâ because those are the worst insults he can think of. In the same way, my son, when he was not quite three and deeply resented a walk to a lake, swore as only a toddler can: âI donât want to go to dirty, stinky, poo-poo luck.â His words made as much sense as Trudeauâs insult, although Trudeau lacks the excuse of extreme immaturity.
Despite the massive outpouring of support for the convoy, Trudeau also called the truckers, who have support from millions of Canadians, a âfringe minorityâ that holds âunacceptable views.â And ignoring entirely the good cheer and peacefulness that has characterized the truckers, Trudeau preemptively accused them of being violent.
Trudeau has been so frightened by his own rhetoric that he announced that heâd been in contact with COVID and therefore had to quarantine at home. Raise your hand if you believe him.
Now that the truckers have entered Ottawa, though, Trudeau has abandoned the pretense of quarantine. Instead, heâs simply run away:
By contrast, Canadaâs boy despot has, as I said, run away. And all I could think of was that Monty Python got there firstâBrave Sir Justin ran away!
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau scurries out of Ottawa as protest convoy arrives
As is typical of bullies and tyrants: when the people stand up to them, they bail. I give you exhibit A, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Canadian media is reporting that the fearless (or feckless) leader and defender of all things Covid, has left town as the miles-long convoy of patriotic truckers arrived in Ottawa.
Now thereâs a profile in courage.
However, I do believe this example of spineless leadership will in the end destroy whatever credibility Trudeau had left. After all, the appearance of cowardice is never a resume enhancer, especially when compared to the inspirational courage exhibited in this historic protest by thousands of heroic truckers.
If he gets the shove what’s the betting he does his best to be nasty if he gets the chance?
Cut-and-run Justin
Canadian truckers send Trudeau into hiding â and just might help end COVID mandates
Youâve heard of Hidinâ Biden. Our neighbor to the north, my native land, just outdid that with Cut-and-Run Justin.
With the pandemic in full swing, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged Canadians to show support for those helping to keep food on their tables. âWhile many of us are working from home, there are others who arenât able to do that â like the truck drivers who are working day and night to make sure our shelves are stocked. So when you can, please #ThankATrucker for everything theyâre doing and help them however you can,â he tweeted March 31, 2020.
Trudeau had a chance to thank thousands of them personally over the weekend, as the truckers whoâve assembled what they call the Freedom Convoy to protest COVID vaccine mandates and restrictions cruised into the capital. Instead, he fled â breaking isolation to do it.
On Saturday, the Trudeaus moved from their official Ottawa residence to the classic âundisclosed location.â Dad had started a five-day isolation Wednesday after one of his kids tested COVID-positive â but security accompanied the first family as he fled.
It was yet another example of how far the appleâs fallen from the tree
I did a google search using “truck protest” to see what coverage it was getting.
It seems while some may argue it’s not getting enough coverage, or is being downplayed. This from World Socialist Web Site (WSWS).
Separate to the above article, the WSWS claim “Ending the pandemic means fighting for socialism”.
I’ll put that another way. “Taking away freedoms and creating a police state to fight the pandemic means embracing socialism.”
Breaking- I am watching a protest at parliament house canberra that has attracted a growing crowd and is hampering road access, inconveniencing and being noticed by a total of zero politicians.
Why are they “growling”?
Are they angry.
Have you put on the wrong grasses?
Yes, I see that I read that too quickly.
According the the Federal Parliament sitting dates calendar January 2022 is holidays, next joint sitting later in February.
Yes, but it is the symbolism you know.
How do you know that zero politicians have noticed. ?
Just in case anyone is too thick to understand my comment – parliament house canberra currently has no politicians on site. Oh… maybe Greg Hunt but he just left.
They know, I am sure you are keeping Justin Greggo up to date on the events.
Freedom Convoy 2022 live updates: House to resume sitting, truckers plan new protests
It’s Day 2 on Sunday of the protest against the federal Liberal government, vaccine mandates and COVID-19 restrictions
Convoy to DC 2022: American Truckers to Form Convoy Protest From California to DC (VIDEO)
paypal comes up early in the advertising…
From an email just in
” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8izNOr_e_4I
BBC reports âso-called freedom rallyâ this as:
dozens of trucks
desecrating monuments/swastika flags/dancing on graves
beyond reprehensible
trudeau and his familyâs safety concerns (why they have left ottawa)
harassing soup kitchen workers (!)
and so on
The BBC has deliberately left out the bit about cupcakes!
The cupcakes were baked and fed to those BBC-non-existent truckers along the way to Ottawa
Unlike the BBC to be concerned about the desecration of monuments…
They seem terribly worried about such happening to the BBC
The Trudeau Government Plans To Hit Truckers Again with Interprovincial Vaccine Mandates As Well.
On Sunday morning . . . the CBC reported that the Transport Minister . . . stated that there was âworking [sic] being doneâ to implement interprovincial vaccine mandates for truckers.
In mid-January, Stephen Laskowski, president of the Canadian Trucking Alliance, acknowledged to Bloomberg News that Canada was already 23,000 drivers short of whatâs needed to meet demand, a key reason for supply chain problems across the nation.
What Does It Mean to Be a Canadian Today?
In short, we believed that we were decent and productive Canadian citizens. The result is that we are now pariahs in our own country.
The reason for this strange turn of events is common knowledge. We object to the ruinous official response to the pandemic â the mask mandates, the lockdowns and curfews, and now the mandatory vaccination protocols and vaxxports.
The Trudeau government will likely resort to a false flag operation, seeking to turn the event into a rerun of the fake January 6 âinsurrection.â It will condemn the truckers for snarling up traffic and preventing ambulances and fire trucks from responding to emergencies. Or it may do nothing besides let the truckers and their supporters freeze in -40ÂşC weather.
The major news organizations are uniformly engaged in a slander blitzkrieg. The electorate has been 80% vaccinated and will join government and media in a self-righteous and defamatory campaign against the best people the country has to offer. Trudeau, who has been triple-vaxxed, suddenly discovered he had contracted COVID and conveniently withdrew from the immediacy of the fray, saying he would be working from home â no doubt planning strategy and issuing commands from his bunker. Altogether, the way in which this courageous band of truckers has been treated is without doubt the most sordid spectacle of political depravity I have ever witnessed in this country. Will they prevail? Miracles can happen, but the upshot is not encouraging.
In any event, the die is cast. Of course, one can stay and fight, which is a noble endeavor and may, mirabile dictu, lead to temporary intermissions in a downward political and economic spiral. For many this may be enough. But rampant and unskilled immigration diluting an original population, a decadent education apparatus in which History and Civics have been abolished, a suborned media platform, comparative prosperity and public amenities leading to cognitive lassitude, and woke ideology spread across an entire country â truckers and patriots notwithstanding â can have only one denouement in the long term. Unlike the United States, Canada has no term limits on incumbent power. Trudeau may be in office for another decade or two, ruling an already broken country.
Once â or if â local and personal circumstances permit, emigration is a feasible option. After all, citizenship can not only be abrogated, it can also be renounced.
A far better option to emigration is increasing the birth rate. Greece finally had realised that: HOPEgenesis
Looks like not many agree with us two. That’s the problem; most people even here don’t understand how it all started to go downhill a long time ago. Bringing up families the traditional way has been turned into some sort of bad thing when in fact it always has been the only way to maintain a viable and healthy society overall.
Off topic, but stop the presses.
Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton says Daniel Andrews has not requested public health advice on mandated booster shots, despite the Victorian Premier repeatedly calling for them to be adopted.
Professor Sutton said a third dose of the vaccine was not part of the public health advice and he would assess any requests made of him by Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley.
A little bit of crumbling there.
Also news is Andrews disappearance from TV was due to him undergoing a rectum transplant, but it seems the rectum rejected him.
Even Rectums have standards.
How are you able to tell the orifices apart in his case?
I mean …
they both have cheeks.
The emissions are indistinguishable.
How do they decide where to place the microphone?
The glasses and the ears may be a clever disguise.
It is ‘Down Under’.
Thanks, I’ll be here all week. Remember to tip your Hostess.
Good Lord. That has the appearance of a man, a powerful bureaucrat, following and mentioning the real science. God bless him! How rare is that; to see ahead of Department take down the demands of a Premier? Wonder when the Chief Science Officer or any underling receiving funds for scientific research will either call out the science of AGW, or produce a paper with findings that simply reflect open minded research findings without feeling they must be presented in pro AGW propadanda. Peter Ridd should be the Saint of modern Research. His is almost a Bible story.
There’s a couple of messages there. Seems it was the government after all, not the “health experts”..
But in any case, why is Brett Sutton still in the job after the evidence presented to the St Basil’s inquiry?
On Fox today. Steve Hilton’s segment: Papers released this week show Natural Immunity x3 as effective as vaccines at keeping COVID-19 infected (Delta strain I believe) people out of hospital. John Hopkins University study shows Natural Immunity effective for at least 2 years.
So, for the truckies, mandating vaccination for omicron especially makes little sense except to force people to have short acting, less effective vaccines. For those recovered and lost their jobs refusing the vaccines it makes for a lot of litigation one would think. If not possible against governments, then against businesses that forced the same edicts if one was to keep one’s job.
A couple of links here,
“You can also watch the first press conference given by the Convoy organizers. The entire thing is well worth watching. These folks are VERY media and politically savvy. They understand whatâs going on. We applaud them for not getting sucked in by the legacy media. We applaud them for not apologizing for peacefully fighting for the freedom of ALL Canadians. Nor will they allow themselves to affiliate with any particular political party or politician. Though they are looking to talk to the Conservative Party Leader, but insist that it is clearly not Erin OâToole. Bravo!”
And in comments
“Haha someone bought http://www.liar.com and pointed it to Justinâs Wikipedia”
If anyone is having problems accessing the first press conference, use these links:
In the best drama teacher blackface rendition
Daylight come and they won’t go home”
Britain is now free.
The Rubin Report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJW_bhh8y4E
@tonyb: there’s nice, clear arial shot of one of the convoys. Not sure if that was the one that surpassed 57 mile long.
Reportedly, there are 120,000 trucks in the convoys, and 1.5 million people protesting.
Also, jerry-cans (spg?) are needed because, even thought the convoy brought their own tanker trucks, the Ottawa police are limiting their movement so that they canât get to some of the trucks needing fuel. Therefore, Canadians are manning up and delivering fuel by hand. (What, they can’t pay-off the police there? đ Sorry, U.S. joke.)
The truckersâ GoFundMe has surpassed $10 million at this point. So, reportedly, lawyers from the Ottawa âgovernmentâ have filed a lawsuit claiming that the self-reliant, peaceful, tax-paying protestors somehow âoweâ more money. Utter B.S.
“Canadian trucker fund total” in DDG results in a big list about the funds being suspended
Mojeek gives an almost identical list
My bad. Scratch the comment on Mojeek above.
Alberta-Montana border
“Truckers had just voted to move from a slow roll to a full blockade.”
Good for them. Go Truckers!