Truckers for Freedom — thousands of trucks are headed for Ottawa
The TruckersforFreedom are starting in Vancouver today and tens of thousands of trucks will converge on Ottawa on Jan 29th in a bid to stop the mandates. A GoFundMe has already raised more than two million dollars to help cover the costs to drive the big rigs across the country. Some US truckers are driving up to join in. And they are jubilant!
See also #TruckersforFreedom
The governments of Canada and the USA have made it a requirement that truck drivers must be vaccinated to cross the border. The Canadian ruling started on Jan 15th. The US will follow.
Crowds are waiting for the Convoy on overpasses and beside the roads.

Truck Protests Can Stop A Nation
Our experience with the Convoy of No Confidence of in Australia in 2011, against the carbon tax, was that the establishment is very afraid of this sort of protest. Truckers really can shut down a nation, and the images of thousands of trucks storming across the countryside will pull in people as they see it pass. It’s a powerful image. In 2011 whole towns turned out to wave and cheer and offer free food. Vehicles would join on for hundreds of kilometers.
But these protests strike fear in the heart of the Establishment. A giant political PR machine is almost certainly swinging into gear to minimize everything about it. The media will downplay it, and hide it, as if people spending thousands of dollars and two weeks of their time is no big deal. They will say it was “smaller than expected” or is “shrinking” (no matter how big it is). I hope the Truckers for Freedom have a team to count all the trucks, and film everything. They need to use every kind of social media they are “permitted” to.
Flymaster comments that “CBC is reporting on the Truck Convoys but the storyline is “Truckers protesting bad highway conditions in BC”“
The Toronto departure date has been moved forward a day because there are so many trucks.
Make no mistake, we have to share the message with the world. Someone has to make sure the organisers know what is coming and how dirty underhanded tricks will be used at the last minute to separate the convoy or slow it down, or prevent it reaching the most important, symbolic or ideal photoshoots.
In Australia, the Truckers went to great lengths to coordinate with the Federal police, to get permits, and make sure they didn’t put people out, and it was used against them. At the last minute on the day the trucks were supposed to drive in laps around Parliament House they turned up to find the inner road blocked by police, and were diverted to an outer one.
The Convoy organizers staged their entry so carefully, coordinating it with the Federal Police. They meticulously planned everything so as not to put out the average Canberran, even starting at 5.30am so as to avoid the peak hour traffic. They were scrupulously considerate. (Perhaps too much so.)
In the end, the fact that they were so well organized and polite was used against them. The pro-government forces hyped up the anger against the out-of-towners with threats that “it would cause major traffic delays” and “bring Canberra to a standstill”. But when the protest didn’t cause any of the promised disruption, instead of admitting they were wrong, and apologizing, they pretended that the lack of traffic problems shows the Convoy was a fizzer. Spin spin spin. It’s too easy, isn’t it? If the Convoy had slowed up the traffic, it would be called a nuisance.
How do you portray the grassroots movement of cattlemen, miners, truck-drivers, business-people and farmers as being unrepresentative? Just call them all “truckies”.
Meanwhile, the health workers in London are kicking up a storm
The UK is ending all mandates except for the requirement for health workers to get vaccinated, and that’s being stridently opposed. As many as 70,0000 health workers are not vaccinated and may face being sacked on April 1:
London chaos: Huge protest hits capital as fury erupts at NHS Covid vaccine mandate
PROTESTORS in central London have sparked chaos as hundreds gathered to call for an end to the Government’s vaccine mandate as NHS 70,000 workers may lose their job if they keep refusing the jab.
Thousands of protesters flocked to central London to remonstrate against mandatory coronavirus vaccination for NHS staff. Dramatic footage shows protesters dancing to Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall, suggesting the Government’s measures go too far and encroach on civil liberties. With the new rules coming into effect on April 1, there are serious question marks over what the future holds for up to 70,000 health care workers unless they get jabbed in the next 67 days.
When will the madness end? When we stop it.
Don’t wait for them to take more…
Shades of C.W. McCall’s “Convoy”. I bet someone here (very tech savvy) can post a link to the song.
We’ve moved on ….
‘I Will Not Comply’ – Blind Joe can clearly see what most four-eyed polly-tricksters can’t even imagine.
How’s your first day under Jab-jab Jacinda’s latest colour-blind lockdown, Farmer Braun? The Red Queen of the Cluster-Flock cancelled her upcoming wedding and put the WHOLE of NZ under Code Red as of today (so she can’t hear us laughing at her?). And whaddaya know, the rain’s arrived, sweet cool refreshing rain from the sky, perfect timing.
Just hold back that rain for as couple of hours mate ; there is some fine lucerne hay to be baled here around lunchtime today.
After that you can let ‘er rip; maybe tomorrow night we’ll get some.
All the drama seems to be happening somewhere out there in la la land ; and I just can’t seem to get there. She’s all good down here “on the farm”.
farmerbraun…Loved it and yes definitely THE now song
The sound of freedom.
10-4 Good Buddy
[…] Freedom Convoy 2022: thousands of trucks take to Canada’s highways against Mandatory Vax […]
We need this to happen to Canberra now.
The pushback from the Truckers in Canada and Health Workers in London is good news.
It’s very likely that Australia’s leaders, both State and Federal have acted outside of our constitutional boundaries and we need to examine the legal danger they have put themselves in.
Illegal confinement may be the least of the charges.
Broken bodies, broken businesses, broken society, a decimated education system, loss of family contact and dodgy behaviour by the elected class. All done, most likely, outside reasonable constitutional authorisation.
Time to assess and redress.
Yep, too far, too long, just a ‘never mind’ isn’t going to assuage the anger of the public.
The ‘Pandemic’, that likely never was, is ending.
The aftermath is just beginning.
Maybe, if true, this action by the Metropolitan Police should put the wind up Andrews, Hazzard, Paletstack and assorted criminals. The reckoning is coming.
Perhaps this is one way to disclose fully what’s in the vaccines. Trouble is Big Pharma can still tell lies and make things up when presenting the “evidence” in the a court of law.
I was only thinking today if a Royal Commission into how COVID was handled would take place here in Australia when all this is done (if ever?). But I remembered ‘Sir Humphrey’ in ‘Yes Minister’ who warned that you should never hold an inquiry unless you already know the outcome will be in your favour.
“All in all its just another brick in the wall….”
My house is near Canada.
Take it from me. Canada is lost. I would guess that 75% of Canadians would vote to throw all protesting truckers out of the country.
They would wear triple masks while voting.
Canada makes California seem bipartisan. I know it’s nasty of me, but I’m hoping very strongly that they end up as very hungry Communists.
I will gloat if they do.
Sorry to hear that. I’m concerned that the mass formation psychosis might have already gone too far to allow events like the Freedom Convoy 2022 and the street protests we’ve seen to have much value. I hope it’s not too late. Only time will tell if such events do make a difference. I hope so. I suppose we will know soon enough whether our governments take notice or they go harder and introduce even more draconian mandates in retaliation to the protests.
If Alberta is somehow able to break away and sell oil directly to the USA then Canada is totally screwed. That’s their last viable industry.
“Canada is lost … They would wear triple masks while voting.”
But the good news is these flocks of Sheeple will all be triple jabbed.
The same in Victoria triple faxed voting Andrews back in.
The sad thing is, Canada may experience a significant drop in people of voting age.
That shoud wake the survivors up sufficiently, assuming all the PLA troops allegedly stationed in Canada dont get co-opted by the PM to suppress them?
Ah….( sound of penny dropping …)
I hope it aint so, but you are half a planet closer to the action than me. I have found the Canadians I worked with to be reasonable likeable people, I hope the gaslighting hasnt got to them.
My house is in Canada and what you say is true. Almost everyone I know is vaccinated and boosted, they wear masks whether they need to or not, and they have stopped speaking to me because I am unvaccinated. I’ve known most of them for 40 years.
It’s weird to see them behave this way. I don’t get it.
Very sadly I would say that Australia is quite possibly as bad. The majority of the public seem to support irrational government covid policy and the mandates. There are even those who have decided to not take the covid injections that are being ostracised by family members. That the profound ignorance of the general public has lead to indoctrination by medical authoritarians is really scary. When we look back in history to Germany in the Nazi era we are often perplexed as to how the German people could have gone along with all the measures leading ultimately to the Holocaust. Now we know. We’re living it.
The NHS can’t afford to lose that many trained people and certainly the momentum is that we are fed up with being told what to do by a govt that doesn’t take heed of its own advice so my guess is this vaccine mandate won’t happen especially as the welsh NHS have said they may have jobs for the unvaccinated.
However let us get to the big story that tens of thousands of selfish truckers are prepared to spew countless tonnes of co2 into the atmosphere and exacerbate the climate crisis/emergency/.chaos/ Armageddon /terror
They will probably leave a trail of melted snow in their wake.. Irresponsible, eh?
Nothing annoys the left more than missing out on protests. Many from the left hear the word protest and automatically want to join in. But many are conflicted, because they too love freedom, but can’t tell anyone for fear of being eaten alive by rabid, bottom dwelling, fear mongering, left leaning, earth is ending catastrophists.
Many more leftists can’t get there because they have dead batteries.
Freedom Convoy 2022 January 23, 2022
I hope this is the start of a peaceful awakening by the masses assuming the mass formation psychosis hasn’t already gone too far and too deep. If it has gone too far and too deep then I expect a lot of people who have swallowed the pro vaccine story to fight back. Let’s all pray/hope these brave people make a real difference.
1. Children get mandatory vaccinations for polio, measles and (I think) tetanus. Governments usually turn a blind eye to a very small percentage not getting them because if those children caught those diseases they wouldn’t spread far because other children are vaccinated. The TV program “House” was definitely in favour. A mother said to House that she thought choice was important. House replied “You can have a choice in tiny little coffins too.”
2. The vaccines are “version 1”. Better vaccines will come along (and probably be from other companies because Pfizer and Moderna are making a fortune with repeated doses of the same vaccines.) There was an urgent need for vaccines and these “version 1” products were developed in about six months when other vaccines have taken years to develop.
3. Never have so many people been vaccinated, let alone in such a short space of time. A very small percentage of people have adverse reactions to vaccines, no matter what the vaccine is for. That small percentage becomes a large number of people when billions of people are being vaccinated. (E.g. 2 cases in a million is 2,000 in a billion.)
It seems to me that the “anti-vaccination” people supposedly terrifying the populace, are mostly people wondering why they should trust a vaccine developed so rapidly. I’ve had many a vaccination, and I imagine I could well have died without them too, but I still do not see why this virus is of such concern that a vaccine can avoid rigorous testing, and actively penalise people for wondering if it really is safe.
People are also beginning to realise that penalties and restrictions are not applied equally, and are at best, contradictory. Look at France, for example, now anyone wanting to go to a cafe, cinema, museum, or large shopping complex can be asked (by “managers” working at said establishments) to provide ID as well as a vaccination certificate.
However, if you happen to be involved with, or planning to attend any political events in the lead up to the April elections, you do not need to show any sort of paperwork to anyone, because it might impinge on peoples freedom to share views and opinions.
Not buying the line of “rare side effects” I personally know 5 people who ended up with pery/myocarditis and that I know of none were registered as adverse events. Another had chest and arm pain so severe that she had to take morphine for 10 days. I have also spoken to several nurses who have confirmed that adverse events are being massively underreported.
The Notion that the “vaccines” actually work has been has been disproven. They are a spectacular failure at preventing infection or stopping transmission. The real danger comes from multiple booster injections at ever decreasing intervals.
The destruction of the immune system will make it easier for other more serious maladies to infect and kill multiple injected individuals. I suspect the the drug companies knew this from the start.
Imagine a vaccine so effective that people celebrate being able to get it every 3 months.
They can celebrate all they like. I will continue not to comply.
The Air NZ crew member who is party to the weekend’s moronic Omicron outbreak™ was, according to the ‘one source of truth’, not only double-whacked but boostered as well… yet s/he caught the flu AND passed it on. Trust the science? Trust the medicine? I think not.
“The vaccines are “version 1”. Better vaccines will come along ”
They’re not vaccines, they are an untested RNA genetic experiment. They may never be viable as a vaccine, they do entirely the wrong things.
This is a pandemic of the PCR test, for without that we would just have a ‘bad flu’ year, a lot of old people would die, and life would go on as usual for the other 99.9%.
The human race survived many pandemics over the centuries and never died out, they came and went without vaccines. Vaccines are not vital, and certainly shouldn’t be mandatory. Just another way of poisoning ourselves.
This year will tell. You should read more on this site to learn what to look for as Govts slide away from their fear-mongering and go into damage control. This morning our local paper has an article about the Health Board changing the way they report covid numbers, but instead of being in their ‘free Covid articles’ this one is behind a paywall. There will be endless propaganda.
Your specific perspective prompts the question;
Who are you?
Everybody I know has at least one acquaintance who has suffered appallingly from an after effect from the VaXXine.
You obviously live a very sheltered life.
You are missing the point. It’s not just about the vaccines. It’s about our rights to freedom of choice and movement. My body my choice.
The govt does not own us.
The covid narrative is starting to collapse around the world, most visibly in the UK, Netherlands, America, Belgium, Germany and the list us rising.
Now we have major immunologists and doctors saying things arent right, and something sinister is going on.
People are being red-pilled everywhere and the Elite i think in response are starting a stoush in Ukraine to try and wrest control back by using a different set of emergency powers.
Our resistance is working,
dont give up,
dont back down and
dont give up!
Next step – Nuremberg 2.0
It will come. And they know it.
Agreed. However, given they fear a Nuremberg 2.0 they will do whatever it takes to block it. That means war against the people by our own very governments using whatever means. Russia is not the main problem. Our own governments are the main problem. Russia and China will simply take advantage of the situation as the West implodes.
And just that is the main problem. There are treatments to fight from the first day of synptoms against that virus, there was no need for any vaxx with no longer tests as vaccines in general need for safe and effective development.
hmm 2 in a million would be no problem, but ignoring the long term side effect, which will be many, there are far more deaths and injury from this one so called vaccine than than that. eg –
“From a population of just 5.3 million people, Norway has reported a total of 248 deaths as suspected side effects after a Covid vaccine, according to the latest Adverse Reaction Report from the Norwegian Medicines Agency, published on Thursday, 20th January.
The reported deaths are distributed as follows: 227 after the Pfizer vaccine, 15 after Moderna and six after the AstraZeneca vaccine.
The Norwegian Medicines Agency has also received 51,985 reports of suspected side effects. Of these, 26,413 messages have been processed. 4766 are classified as serious and 21,647 are classified as not serious. This means that 18 per cent of the messages that have been processed are classified as serious.”
the number is some 15% of ALL covid deaths in the country. what will it end up at, and what long term damage has been done? nobody knows, not even the company that made the stuff. trust in these drugs is not warranted.
“Small percentage” lol. Might want to check out vaers (which is reported to be grossly under-reported – some nurses have spoken out saying fellow nurses didnt even know what vaers was)
Incredibly naive. We have no clue what the long term effects are as there has been no long term testing.
The fact that adverse affects are piling up so early and in greater numbers than any other vaccine should be cause for alarm not she’ll be right statements.
Using polio vaccination is a faulty analogy, in my opinion. We have already crossed the point of if the mRNA covid vaccines stop or reduce the spread of infection. They don’t. Nor do they reduce hospitalizations. Nor do they prevent vaccinated people from being contagious. They have not created herd immunity even among highly vaxxed populations. They are not stopping new variants. The alpha version of the disease was the most lethal among some segments of populations but there were no vaccines yet available, and the subsequent variants are less lethal, with omnicron being rather mild. In total they are not that effective or that needed among most segments of populations. And are probably not safe, especially the boosters. The very idea of “if everybody else isn’t vaxxed, and boosted, my vax is not effective,” tells us they are not very effective in the first place. If they are so effective then why boosters after only a short time period? I was vaxxed against polio decades ago and have not required any boosters.
They way I look at it, they are probably most useful for reducing the severity of the disease among high risk groups such as the elderly or those with pre-existing maladies, during a period of when the spread is prevalent. Some people think I’m old, but I got it and had no symptoms. My dad in 90’s had it and survived and he was vaxxed. Did being vaxxed save his life? Perhaps, maybe even likely. But we also had access to proven anti-virals. My niece who is 17 and unvaxxed had it last week and had very mild symptoms. She now has natural immunity without risking the known side effects of the vaccine. To force her to be vaxxed now is an absurdity. Forcing Children, who are hardly affected in over 99% of cases, to be vaxxed is bordering on a crime. Should I who now has natural immunity be required to be jabbed in order to travel or enter a restaurant or grocery store? Or attend a concert? Or to attend a sporting event? That’s ridiculous. We need to stop acting like covid is Ebola. Covid for most is not a devastating disease like polio. Polio has devastating effects. Except in some high risk group cases, covid is usually not lethal and usually has no lasting effects, although the vaccines might.
Six weeks from now the mRNA vaccines will be back updated “with the Omicron spike”. All data showing how ineffective they are will thus be neutralized in a flash of hope. The data warning us that something is wrong with the vehicle for the vax may still be a problem.
I will not be surprised if they bounce back with repeat demands to vax people as soon as the new one is out.
Especially if there is a long term vulnerability to people who are vaccinated, they may be extra keen (desperate) to keep helping their vaccinee’s to keep them out of danger. Whether repeat mRNA vaxes do that — we won’t know.
Quite possible , this ‘Cult of the Medics’ (H/T to the Off Guardian) is targeting the children as did Jim Jones.
A similar article from the Off Guardian’s CJ Hopkins
Hang on to your Hats!
This is what can be achieved when men and women of conviction take a stand. Never forget, it’s us thinking that we can’t stop the tyrants that stops us from even trying.
The fight to stop this convoy has started. They need help.
Just looked. Video unavailable removed by uploader. No video-true; uploader- unknown could be Youtube.
Just checked. You are correct but not sure why. Perhaps it’s no longer relevant and the gofundme action is no longer under threat of being shut-down.
I saw it before it was taken down.
This is it on Bitchute
With the whole world dominated by dictatorial Leftist ideology, these occasional outbreaks of support of freedom are so refreshing.
It’s so nice to know that a small proportion of people still believe in liberty and freedom and Enlightenment Values in general, the basis of our magnificent Western Civilisation.
Indeed. We just hope it leads to the great awakening we freedom loving people have been waiting for, not s turn for the worse where governments stomp harder on us with even more draconian mandates to quell the protesters. I look forward with much anticipation that we will win our fight for our freedoms. If it fails then we have a much darker storm to live through thanks to even more government overreach. The ball is now in their court. We will see what happens next very soon.
The World Economic Forum’s Great Narrative Conference: “The good news is the elite across the world trust each other more and more… the bad news is that the majority of people trusted that elite less…”
Trust is one thing but compliance is another. At the moment the vast majority are complying with all of the draconian mandates. How long that will last though is the key question. The sooner we all stop complying the better. For starters we all should stop wearing masks but at the moment just about everyone is still wearing them, many are even wearing them when they don’t have to, such when walking down the street or driving a car.
Our current political and media establishments have neither my trust or compliance.
The award for “Noodle of the Year” was awared to 2 people driving in a hybrid, while both wearing masks….
You have to smile….
Without knowing their situation I wouldnt comment. Seen the same and knew the driver. He was volunteering driving an immune compromised person to hospital for a regular treatment.
It was no mistake that she referred to themselves ad “The Elites”. They know who they are and are unafraid to admit it now.
The Left do really believe they are superior to we Deplorables.
This is what happens when the people get tired of having their heads cracked open for peaceful protests:
At the start, that was the most intelligent thing that went through his head that day.
They are still out there and……[SNIP]
[Joanne has a long history of eschewing violence. ]ED
Been seeing this quote more and more.
The murdering of former lives phase has been happening for two years.
The assault on children phase is beginning.
I’m guessing the worst retribution will come from parents when they discover they were defrauded into damaging their own kids.
My US state health department runs PSAs claiming “clinical trials have proven Covid vaccines safe and effective for children.”
An abject lie.
Sorry that you see it that way. It is more of a statement that when the end of the rope is near ,it could be jumped on with both feet if the actions are too oppressive . There comes a time when even peacefull people are forced to say “Stuff this, I wont take any more ‘Full sped ahead and damn the torpedoes,
“I Avenge”
Warnings are an attempt to avoid conflict.
Seems there were large warnings in many countries just this past weekend.
In Venezuela, protestors are in the streets resisting socialism.
In America (and in much of the West), protestors are in the streets demanding socialism.
(With some notable exceptions such as the truckers as described above and the pro-freedom rallies in Australia.)
In some parts of the US
“Update: New slogan “Truck Trudeau”. I’ll give Ezra credit for that one.”
Xi and Mini-Xi
Apparently, the UK, like the US, has a freedom of information law, and new covid counts have been made public.
Curious (sarc), that like Australia, the average age of death from covid is higher than the average life expectancy.
History will record the ‘pandemic’ as prelude.
The only freedom-oriented political parties in Australia seem to be the United Australia Party, the Liberal Democrats and various individual politicians embedded in other parties such as Malcolm Roberts and George Christensen.
UAP has the membership, the candidates and the finance necessary to contest the forth coming election.
The manifesto as displayed on the party tee shirt is:
“You can’t trust the Liberals, Labor and the Greens ever again
This becoming familiar, due to the bill boards which have been displayed over the whole country for months now.
I am on board for the ride.
I think Newtons third law is coming into play – every action creates an opposite reaction . The “reaction” is building and when it gets triggered things will probably get very nasty. If the truckers stop working everything will grind to a halt very quickly . Consequences : no fuel, no food , no deliveries . The supply chain is already under pressure . You thought a lack of toilet paper was bad….
If we don’t have food deliveries we won’t need toilet paper. Truckies are actually solving a problem for us.
But they’re still delivering beer, right?….please tell me they’re still delivering beer….
Watch thousands in Brussels perform the famous “Viking clap” – we need to get into this sort of stuff.
Lest we forget – latest covid stats for NSW :
Percentages almost identical to last weeks figures.
Epidemiological week 1, ending 8 January 2022
“Published 20 January 2022”
“Appendix C: Additional tables and figures”
Page 26
“Total COVID-19 cases by vaccination status and week reported, NSW, 16 June 2021 to 8 January 2022”
“Vaccination Status”
“Fully vaccinated 159,127 (70%)
“Partially vaccinated 1,468 (1%)
“No effective dose 779 (<1%) – ( either 21days < since vaxxed, or unvaxxed – not specified )
"Under investigation 46,955 (21%)
"Not eligible (aged 0-11 years) 18,343 (8%)
"Total 226,672 (100%)
Previous weekly reports here :
So… 160K vaxed & infected, 780 unvaxed, population of NSW 8million, 92% vaxed, so 640K unvaxed & 7,360K vaxed.
Using Pfizer’s method of finding vax effectiveness,
take unvaxed sick as a % of total unvaxed, 780×100/640,000, 0.12% of the unvaxed are sick.
take vaxed sick as a % of total vaxed, 160kx100/7,360k, 2.2%.
Pfizer then subtracted the %vaxed from the %unvaxed, 0.12-2.2= -2.08, and made that a % of the unvaxed who were sick. So -2.08×100/0.12 = -1733% effective.
Pfizer had two groups of 21800 people, the unvaxed got 162 infected, the vaxed had 8.
The unvaxed got sick at 0.74%, the vaxed at 0.04%. They did the 0.74-0.04=0.70, and then 0.70×100/0.74 gave them 95% effectiveness.
I don’t know enough statistics to say if Pfizer’s method is a good one, but that’s what they did to get a 95% effectiveness when submitting it to the CDC. Things have changed…
Unvaxxed high school students in LA allegedly put outside into safety tape taped-off area? ( has video )
If true, wow….the new Untermunsch?
Numbers were down at Cairns but it was heavy rain until 9:30 than the sky’s parted and allowed us to set up, started marching and got two blocks and down it came, it was great.
A vid on the start of the Cairns Rally, the lads with the boom box do a great job with the crowd mood.
2000 is pretty good. I know of a certain capital that gets half that number on a good day.
It seems to me that the general level of “resistance” in FNQ / Cairns is much higher though I could be wrong.
Looking forward to heading up there in April, to watch my daughter play sport, and also re-acquaint myself with the town.
Was last there in the late 90’s when I worked in PNG.
Previous rally was 7 to 10 Thousand.
Cairns punches well above its weight.
Good to see the action in Canada and in the UK. But here we have Mad McGowan and Gunnar in NT with attacks on the unvaxxed that are completely without foundation, and other states with their own versions of this. We have nationally health care workers similarly completely wrongly removed from service.
Its clear from round the world that the vaxxed are the superspreaders here and that in a proper risk assessment that one would never ever exclude the unvaxxed. And now that the vaxxes are shown to promote infection the action is to push for more of them???? But complete silence from bureaucrats and politicians over this debacle and the press will not even properly cover record breaking protests that have occurred.
Australia is in serious trouble here, and its highly likely there will be catastrophic health impacts long term to the vaxxed . The complete inability for our so called leaders to actually care about peoples health is very troubling and whilst I don’t want to see large health issues, in a way maybe that may wake people up long term that misplaced trust in our govts, and reckless pushing of procedures for which we have zero idea of long term safety, and clearly many negative impacts short term is something that was never ever justified and that those responsible must be held to account.
I presume “those responsible must be help to account” includes health officials and government leaders arrested, charged, found guilty of a number of crimes and put behind bars for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, I can’t see that ever happening. I wish to be proven wrong.
I believe the scale of what is going to happen in the next 2 years and more will be such that it will be impossible to ignore, and impossible for the perpetrators to blame the unvaxxed or anti vaxxers (two of their favourite false scapegoats), and escape justice.
Dr Bhakdi, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Hoffe and others have clearly outlined the longer term health issues related to the vaxxes – we can continue to put our heads in the sand and hope for the best or take constructive steps to end the jabbing and hopefully contain some of the damage.
Of course that is going to be difficult given the ongoing effort to pressure people to boost when its going to do absolutely nothing other than provoke a covid surge in WA which will be a world record, eclipsing Israel when a state with zero immunity and degraded immune systems courtesy of excessive vaxxing come together. McGowans ridiculous plan will create this huge surge and the size and speed will severely tax the WA Health systems, which he has done nothing to build up in the meantime.
It’s impossible to know exactly how all this will pan out over the coming years. I can imagine your scenario playing out. I also can imagine a far worse scenario where civil war breaks out in the US over all this and other issues; the obvious one being the lack of electoral integrity. Time will tell.
Our western Hermit Kingdom will collapse in on itself, and El Prez will be in serious trouble as the deaths and serious damage to people grows and grows….does anyone seriously think once the currently smoldering fuse gets really going, things will be all puppy dogs and rainbows?
The smart thing to do for all would be “Masters of the Universe” is to quietly return the misappropriated powers to the people and slink off to some useless UN post overseas.
We are winning, dont give up, keep quoting stats to crush the propaganda, and talk to family and friends about whats really going on, even set up discussion boards for vaccine injured people.
Get a class action going too.
You cant play nice with these people….
If justice is served PeterS, then everything that you have said in your first sentence will take place. Unfortunately justice appears to have abandoned us.
Which is basically what I said. Unfortunately, I can’t see justice ever happening given how desperate our governments are at taking over all our lives to save their own skins from an ever increasing angry peoples.
We are indeed in trouble, and that’s partly why I do posts like this. We need to actively spread the word that the rest of the world is not going down the same path. There are some states breaking the shackles, so tell everyone you know.
And we thank you for it Jo.
Excellent post Jo, ‘this ends when we end it’ has been a mantra here in Victoria amongst the freedom fighters, thanks for spreading the word.
‘this ends when we end it”.
Every week I spend six hours face to face with others who are apprehensive, distressed, unhappy, worn down or at their wits end with the current Government Imposed drama.
The common thread seems to be that we meet to look at the possibility of bringing rationality to government behaviour, but primarily it’s about supporting each other through this unbelievable event.
The thing that rises for me is that idea that;
‘this ends when we end it’
We all need to phone, email or visit our local state and federal parliamentary representatives.
We can end it.
It appears clear that your government parliamentarians see themselves as the only ‘We’ that counts.
You’re hardly alone in that.
What end does the ‘We’ offer?
100% compliance with We’s demands.
We tries to eradicate even thought opposition.
(we) all know that 100% compliance will not end ‘it’.
Nor will the fantasy eradication of the contagion.
Viral infections are like votes, it depends on who counts them.
We does ALL the counting.
Too little too late for some. Friends of mine in NSW who have concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines are now rushing to get the booster shots to keep their teaching jobs. Let’s hope the nonsense is reversed by the time they need to get the next booster shot. We all need to keep pressing the point that government overreach has to stop.
Mr Merlino said the overwhelming majority of teachers supported vaccines, with 99.7 per cent of teaching staff double-vaccinated at the end of term four last year We had no choice no jab no job! Now we need a 3rd jab of the same thing that didn’t prevent us from getting Covid.
So if they were so overwhelmingly supportive why mandate anything?
I presume it’s a rhetorical question but I will answer it anyway. It’s simply people in government going power mad using the excuse the people can’t trusted to make their own decisions. In other words, our governments think we are fools and we need to be told what to do and what not to do allegedly for our own good. If this is left to continue, the next phase is full on tyranny.
Fauci is already talking about a fourth jab. We’ll see if he can sell it.
ABC: Always Be Closing.
Just announced on 7 news, A 4th dose is now being rolled out. Just following the science.
Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation would “absolutely” be deliberating on the possibility of a fourth shot.
“(ATAGI) is continuing to meet weekly … They will absolutely deliberate on fourth or subsequent doses,” he told reporters in Canberra on Saturday.
Even long time lefties in the US are waking up to the insanity of the narrative
See these videos of Bari Wiess and Bill Maher (who are admittedly more aware than the leftist masses) talking about he hypocrisy and stupidity of the lockdowns, masking and mandatory vaccination to a leftist audience and being applauded. The narrative continues to crumble (in the northern hemisphere, anyway)
Sourced from
There are two trucking protests in Canada, so both news items are correct-
Aren’t there some scientists threatening to go on strike until all are vaxxed?
We should stock up on hypotheses and data.
In case there’s a shortage.
Forget hypotheses and data John, just some computers and modelling programs will keep science humming along these days.
If only that were to true for the rest of the supply chain.
Modelling is easy, it seems.
You just define where we’re at right now, then choose a date somewhere in the future and write ‘Apocalypse!’. The job of the modeller is to invent, mangle and distort data so that it fits between the two end points.
WA’s Premier MCGowan (or some of his minions) use FaceBook to communicate Covid-19 matters to the WA public.
5 days ago I started posting a daily update of Australia’s Covid status.
They are the same numbers reported by covid19data site each day.
These posts have been getting good following/appreciation is it presents the numbers without the fear and hype presented by the Australian media – especially pour own ABC and SBS.
Two days ago – after McGowan’s press conference extending the WA border closure I added the last line that you can see below.
My posts are now hidden to other readers of McGowan’s postings.
I’m not a big fan of censorship.
Was it something I said?
Maybe the numbers are fictional enough to be copywrited…
Some serious good news and joy,
As the truckers roll out their convoy,
Which must surely frustrate,
The vaccine mandate,
And Trudeau’s great reset destroy.
I’m not a CBC defender specifically, but regarding the image in the blog “CBCNews is so full of sh…” for reporting that truckers are protesting Highway conditions.
That CBC article is actually correct. There is a truck protest about the Highways.
The article even mentions that it’s a different protest to the Truck protest about vaccine mandates and links to the freedom protest. So CBC wasn’t actually trying to pretend the truck freedom protest was a highway protest.
I was going to make that point. I’ll take your red thumbs.
If that’s the case, who organized a second different truck protest at the same time?
Good way to fog up the news.
Maybe they organised the second (which one is second?) to use fog to get people to think the freedom convoy is getting more media than it is
From the same twitter thread that you quoted
Don’t know, but given the two protests are in different parts of the country (at least as a starting location) it’s probably not a fog because the freedom protest is a long multi-day drive.
The Canadian Trucking Alliance issued a statement on Jan 19 discouraging drivers from protesting on roads. It was under the heading of Road/Border protests so appeared to be aimed at both protests.
On Jan 22 they issued another statement under the same heading “Road/Border” which suggests aimed at both. But the content is clearly aimed at the mandated vaccination protestors. It goes a few steps further with comments;
What sort of a message is (paraphrase) the government won’t change so we have to yield? The whole point of the protest is to make the govt yield. I wouldn’t want that association representing me in a dispute.
“Truckers Freedom Convoy Gathers Massive Public Support as It Crosses Canada
January 24, 2022 | Sundance | 83 Comments
The Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ of truckers, pushing back against COVID mandates and forced vaccinations, began late last week and has gained massive support from the public. The fundraiser for the effort now exceeds $3.3 million dollars and climbing.”
“You can follow the convoy at CONVOYREPORTS.COM ”
And re “fogging up the news”
“Jamie MacMaster
January 24, 2022 at 11:09 am
Quick! Check the $600 million press handout list!
Editor of Canadian Trucking Magazine, James Menzies, condemns protests.”
The ‘Freedom Rally’ in Brisbane last weekend was a huge success, with thousands of attendees carrying placards denouncing forced vaccination and lockdowns. However, the event was mysteriously hijacked by an indigenous rights group called ‘The Peoples Revolution’, who had set up a stage with huge speakers, erected numerous big banners, built kiosks, and organised merchandising and enrolment. It looked like a well-funded operation.
The event started with speeches from ‘Mike’ and a woman whose name I didn’t catch, both of whom talked mainly about a ‘250yr genocide’ and worked very hard to conflate ‘freedom’ in the sense of vaccines and borders, with ‘freedom’ for the people. Note that, in this context, ‘the people’ means first nation peoples. I’m not sure how many attendees realised what was going on. Though I was keen to stay and join in the march afterwards, I did not want to support this hijack and so left after the speeches.
This will happen more and more. The whole Covid ‘resistence’ movement has grown so big that it presents an irresistable political opportunity for others, with different objectives and agendas, to sneak in amongst us and nudge things their way, or simply steal the ‘limelight’. There will be others who do it in order to discredit the movement.
If you plan on attending such gatherings, be vigilant.
and KP beat us both. Well done Kape.
I’ll second that.
Rex Murphy: Truckers are the proxy protesters for a lot of angry Canadians
Sinema supports the Democrats’ voting rights legislation but steadfastly opposes passing it by changing or eliminating the Senate’s filibuster rule, which effectively requires 60 of 100 votes to pass most legislation. On Wednesday night, she joined Manchin and all Republicans to oppose a one-time rule change so the bill could pass with a simple majority.
Laphonza Butler, president of Emily’s List, an important fundraising group for Democratic women who support abortion rights, said in a statement that Sinema’s vote “means she will find herself standing alone in the next election.” She said the group would not endorse her reelection if she doesn’t support a path forward for voting rights legislation.
Donors are threatening to walk away. Several groups are already collecting money for an eventual primary challenge, even though she’s not on the ballot until 2024. Young activists are holding a second hunger strike to draw attention to Sinema’s vote.
“When one party need only negotiate with itself, policy will inextricably be pushed from the middle towards the extremes,” she said in a floor speech last week, her most expansive explanation of her views on the issue.
‘Sinema and Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, both centrists, were the only two Democrats on Wednesday to join all Republicans in voting to maintain the Senate’s 60-vote threshold to overcome a filibuster on legislation. Democrats had sought to change the Senate rules, so they could pass voting rights legislation with just 51 votes.
“While we take no pleasure in this announcement, the ADP Executive Board has decided to formally censure Senator Sinema as a result of her failure to do whatever it takes to ensure the health of our democracy,” Arizona Democratic Party Chair Raquel Terán said in a statement, following a meeting of the executive board Saturday morning.
Any chance this ‘squad’ and its entourage will disappear soon?
Another Critical Covid Case Coming Through
Just out of idle curiosity:
Is there a RELIABLE male / female breakdown of “sudden demise” / permanent debilitation from these genetic bombs?
If the numbers skew towards a majority of males, start thinking; BIOWEAPON, especially if there is a “lump” in the 15-45 YO male group.
A significant cull of military AND “marriageable”-age men would be spectacularly significant.
You can join the rest of the dots yourselves.
And, just for giggles, consider that, in the event of survival, “altered” genes may be transmitted for generations.
There are many more dots to join. Half the battle is knowing which ones to join and which ones not to join. One thing is certain; a few of the dots are already joined, at least for those who are awake.
Bruce,are you suggesting our friend Ping is using some Sun Tzu thinking? No need to put soldiers into the battle when you have Covid 19 and its variants. Will he still need to put Covid 22 out there during Winter Olympics?
Given that the initial outbreak in China happened whilst that country was hosting the “World Military Games” in some place called Wuhan……Not far downriver, as the bat flies, from the “interesting” Three Gorges Dam
Over NINE Thousand competitors from around the world?
Those Military Games?
Who ‘da thunk it?
Do you think it’s odd that Australia’s “Health” Minister is retiring at about the same time that things are possibly going to start “hitting the fan”?
I’m waiting for PM Morrison to resign but I suspect his ego and arrogance are too big for that.
Greg Hunt put a photo of himself on Instagram which showed his bookcase, There a book by Klaus Schwab, ‘The Great Reset. This could be innocent research except, look at his record… Greg Hunt was Director of Strategy at the World Economic Forum 2001 -2002 , His Melbourne Law School final thesis was ‘Á Tax to Make the Polluter Pay,’ and he admits he squashed the idea of a review into the B.O.M claims that it was exaggerating estimates of globull warming, cooling the past and warming the present… Acorn Temp Readjustments. He and Malcolm Turnbull go well together, Like a horse and carriage!
More like steaming horse dung on a roadway.
Governments have to fear the results of the protest otherwise they ignore you. MOst protests carry no threat of adversity, just some moral dilemma, so they are ignored. But this one, a massive truckers strike could bring them to their knees. If only Australians had such balls.
Only time will tell whether governments will fear the results of the protests. They could just as easily turn on the screws even harder. We shall see how strong their resolve is soon enough.
The Wake-up Video – Uncensored Premiere
Only Anti-Vax Mandates Can Explain Death of 74-Year-Old Rock Star w/History of Obesity, Drugs, and Severe Injuries
Speaking of.
Meat Loaf was anti-vaccine mandate, reportedly seriously ill with COVID before death – New York Post
We are talking here about a 74-year-old rock star with a history of obesity and a cocaine habit. We’re talking about this guy.
In a 2016 Telegraph interview, Meat Loaf likened himself to a “cat with 48 lives.” The singer explained, “I’ve fallen three stories” and had so many “near misses” and collisions that “I should have died.” In 2013, he told Ultimate Classic Rock he suffered 18 concussions, survived eight car crashes, and had close calls on planes.
Meat’s wildest anecdote alleged that in high school, a shot put champion launched a 12-pound shot 62 feet and hit him in the head, denting his skull.
Per Rolling Stone, in 2003, he underwent heart surgery after collapsing mid-concert. He was reportedly diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, which creates “an extra electrical pathway in the heart.” In 2016, he collapsed on stage in Canada, and in 2019, he broke his collarbone after tripping and falling during a Q&A.
I don’t know what Meat Loaf died of and I doubt the New York Post does either. But he lived a very full life and it’s quite surprising he made it this far.
Making his death about his position on vaccine mandates is the kind of dishonest COVID culture war narrative spin that is a prime reason why so many people loathe and distrust the media and the culture war it obsessively cultivates that has not and will not convince a single person to get vaccinated, but exists solely to make a certain type of unpleasant person feel superior to other people.
Craig Kelly interviews. Comments on mandates, vaccines etc etc
Off topic but just letting you know that in about 10 hours the James Webb Space Telescope will do its final burn for insertion into its L2 orbit. It happens on Mon 24th Jan 7pm UTC which is Tue 25th 6am Australian EDT.
Tell them No.
This needs to stop now.
(links in the articles to scientific papers and data.)
“COVID-19 booster shots could do more harm than good, according to scientists interviewed late last month by The New York Times.
“The scientists warned “that too many shots might actually harm the body’s ability to fight COVID” and “might cause a sort of immune system fatigue.”
And lets not also forget ADE….
“cliff notes:
“* vaccines, including boosters are showing strong negative efficacy vs omicron
“* this is consistent with omicron being as OAS enabled escape variant
“* omicron continues to show evidence of mildness relative to past variants
We saw Meat Loaf in NovoCastria about ten years ago.
He was almost incoherent then, long before CV19 was invented.
He didn’t die of COVID19.
Keith, wonder how the other Keith is doing?
You know witch one I mean.
There may be some answers to medical science there.
Hopefully Trudeau will end up with black on his face
Have been a gator for 43 years. All of a sudden hurricanes seem like a minor annoyance that can be planned for. You can see the cognitive dissonance gears clashing in this commentator’s head, wrapped up in the guilt of enjoying non-COVID-paranoid hospitality whilst running away from gulag he is trying hard to justify — rednecks don’t give no nevermind son, you be voting with your feet!
It seems like more and more people are over these silly, anti-science government mandates. If we let them get away with this one, they will overreach even more by calling imaginary CO2 driven climate change a public health emergency. You think it’s bad now …
True grass roots activism WORKS! It sure worked for Lech Walesa who led the way to ending communist control of Poland in 1989.