Something is going very wrong. Insurers are paying out on more long and short disability claims, which we might expect in a pandemic, but in the 18 – 64 age group in Indiana deaths are up by wildly exotic sigma deviations above the norm.
Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64
Margaret Menge
(The Center Square) – The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”
The President of the Indiana Hospital Association confirmed that hospitals across the state were full of patients with “many different conditions” and that what Davison was reporting fitted with what he was seeing too. About 37% of the ICU beds were filled with Covid patients, but 54% were other conditions.
Evidence suggests it’s not untested Covid deaths
There will always be some who die of Covid who didn’t get tested. And in 2020 there were rises in unexplained deaths in different regions of the US at different times. But those peaks in unexplained deaths were always were during the same weeks as the peaks of the known Covid deaths or very close to them. That’s not what is happening here.
Davison is talking about deaths in the third and fourth quarter of 2021. He compares the current wave to the peak in winter the year before. But official cases of Covid in Indiana were slightly higher in 2020 than most of 2021.

Official deaths were also lower in 2021, so unexplained deaths due to Covid should also be lower now than the year before, not higher.

So imagine for some mysterious reason, that Indiana hospitals got very slack, and were testing less in 2021. If that were the case, and they were missing Covid infections we’d expect test positivity would be higher — but it wasn’t (at least until until Omicron blew it away in the last week).
Which leaves one new medical intervention that peaked in 2021.

Vaccinations in Indiana were mostly rolled out from Feb to December.
It would be interesting to know which weeks Covid vaccines were rolled out for particular age groups and if the extra deaths in each age group were linked, like they so obviously were in the UK as shown by Neil and Fenton: Many deaths in vaccinated people were recorded as “unvaccinated” in the UK.
If the Indiana Health Department was really interested in the health of people in Indiana it would already have done that study.
There is going to be hell to pay when people find out.
h/t Analitik, William Astley, Don B, Clarence.t, OldOzzie, ColA, TedM.
Commenter Analitik estimates it’s a Sigma 12 type event.
Test positivity, Covid, in Indiana:
Neil, and Fenton et al (2021) Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination
I has a severe reaction to the Moderna vaccine over a fortnight ago, and I’m still out of action with painful nerve inflammation. From the number of people I know of who had bad vaccine reactions, there have been many bad reactions. One friend would have died if her daughter had not found her on the floor.
Another possible explanation could be fuel poverty, with soaring electricity prices making it more difficult for people to protect themselves against both heat and cold. But you would expect older age groups to be the victims of fuel poverty.
I am furious that information about alternatives to vaccines has been actively suppressed, and that people are effectively forced to accept risky procedures (vaccines) without proper information about the risks and about alternatives. I have written three emails now to my state and federal MPs, asking the government to change itack on the coronavirus, but I fear they have fallen on deaf ears. Two of the emails were before I had my own bad vaccine reaction.
Maybe It’s time more of us got furious about the suppression of information. I have written rather more than three emails drawing attention to the matter. Now I will call for action. THis problem can no longer be left to the elites.
In NSW we are about to find the full cost of “living with COVID”. For that we should have access to every possible treatment and all the available information.
When announcing the intention to “open up”, then new NSW Premier Dominic Perrotet declared that the elected government was taking charge. He must follow that through on this matter.
Dominic Perrotet’s “opening up” needs to also be an opening up of the free flow of information and discussion, and opening up to medical practitioners’ professional opinions, diagnoses and prescriptions. Naturally, some of those prescriptions may be experimental in nature, but for goodness’ sake, we have a national emergency. We need all experimental drugs or re-purposed drugs to be approved for medical prescription and open public trial based on one criterion only: safety.
Big pharma has had about two years to find alternatives, and it is now abundantly clear that they have insisted on their own expensive vaccines being fast-tracked while everything else has disappeared behind a wall of “gold standard” secrecy never to reappear. In the last two years, absolutely nothing effective has emerged from the big pharma swamp (very exepensive, yes, effective, no).
We need a change of direction, and we need it now.
My experience with writing to pollies is that they have form responses for those who agree/disagree with their current policy/stance and they merely reply with one or the other.
I have 2 responses from the PM (regarding climate change) that are 98% identical, even though they were for different issues on the subject.
I doubt that the pollies actually read our submissions as they have gate-keepers who do the donkey work and who ‘protect’ the time of their masters by not bothering them with contact from the hoi polloi.
Don’t let that stop us from continuing to annoy them, though
The staffers notice, and they assume for everyone who writes that many more are thinking the same thing.
Dear Mike,
Can you describe your reaction in more detail; days to onset, initial symptoms and current issues?
What is painful nerve inflammation?
The Covid Medical Network is starting their own registry of vaccine reactions. You can enter your case yourself if you would like to do so.
I had the Moderna booster on 20 Dec. Two days of high fever, in which I basically didn’t know where I was, were followed by two more days of high temperature and the realisation that my right thigh was not functioning. A doctor in A&E expressed the opinion that the Moderna booster had caused my immune system to attack muscles in that area, probably because previous surgery had made it vulnerable to such attack. The A&E doctor stated that they were seeing a number of such cases from the Moderna vaccine. After blood tests and seeing two more doctors, it now appears that the attack was actually on nerves rather than on muscles. All movement is painful. I have just had another blood test, and hopefully will learn more from it tomorrow. I am starting to be able to move a bit more, but it is over a fortnight now and looks like taking many more days or even weeks for full recovery.
Many thanks for the link. I will get onto it.
All the doctors I have seen have been great. They have listened and they have thought carefully, they have been informative, and I’m sure they have done everything they are allowed to do for me, ie. for their patient. They are under a lot of stress. In contrast, Big Pharma profits are sky-high, they bypass the restrictions that apply to everything else, and none of their products seem to be very effective. Are we really going to have to have an expensive booster shot every 3 months for the rest of our lives?
You could try vitamin D to straighten yourself out.
Tell us if it works.
My understanding is that Vit D deficiency is strongly associated with severity of coronavirus infection, but that taking extra Vit D after getting Vit D levels up is not a suggested cure. I have been keeping my Vit D levels up for many months.
Also many months ago, I obtained a prescription for Budesonide for use as early treatment if I began to display coronavirus symptoms, and I still have the Budesonide ready if needed, but (a) I don’t have coronavirus I only have a destructive immune response to the Moderna vaccine, and (b) Budesonide protects the lungs from inflammation so while I would expect it to be effective against Delta it might not be effective against Omicron.
Sounds a heck of a lot like GBS to me.
The immune system peels the myelin sheath off the nerves … not so different to going into an electrical system and peeling the insulation off the wires. It’s a known problem, turns up in heaps of the people reporting vaccine reactions.
I got something like that years ago after being sick with glandular fever I had some balance problems … it never 100% got better but after a while you stop noticing and compensate.
Did you actually want the booster, or got pushed into it?
Yes it could be GBS but that has not been a specific diagnosis. It presumably is possible for the immune system to attack nerves without it actually being GBS.
I am very critical of the government’s approach on several fronts, but I have taken the view that if vaccines (or should that be “vaccines”) are the best available way to go then I’ll go that way but maybe look after myself in other ways too. I got the booster so that I could fly to see grandchildren. Well, I have certainly missed out on that!
My next step, apart from trying to keep improving, will be to try for an exemption from any further vaccination on the grounds of severe adverse reaction. I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but I have been appalled at the demonisation of anti-vaxxers. It will be interesting to see how this goes…..
The doctor is suggesting peripheral neuropathy triggered by the high fever. Possibly the reaction has done you a favour.
One of the most likely causes of the condition is thiamine deficiency. About 5% of the population is highly susceptible to mild deficiency which can be aggravated by weight loss, fluid loss by fever, diuretic or antibiotic use. Worst case scenario is frank beriberi and manifestions of Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome.
Supplementary thiamine tablets are effective in preventing the latter, but other effects such as neuropathy and cardiac effects are more effectively treated with thiamine injections.
Don’t get a coronavirus infection if you a susceptible to thiamine deficiency. It is very easily treated but invariably mis-identified by medicos.
I find the virtually mandated vaccination programme sinister. Never before have the powerful, either media, government or the tech giants been so focused on having everyone dosed and going into fits of rage when individual and groups refuse to obey. The horror when someone well known treats themselves with Ivermectin or some other not permitted therapeutic that works. Why are the powers that be concerned if some refuse or simply choose not to be vaccinated? if the vaccines are as good as they tell us (even if we need multiple doses and frequent boosters which prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they are useless) then the vaccinated are protected and the unvaccinated are only a danger to themselves. Why are people who have had Covid still required to have their shots? If the CCP wanted to cripple the West they could not do better than what is happening now. Notice how no one seems to care about Africa or the sub Continent and whether they are vaccinated or not because they pose no threat to the CCP and the socialist elite in the West. I am deeply suspicious about the whole episode from inception through transmission, reaction and now the supposed cure. How many have lied to us? How much information has been stifled whilst propaganda has been constant? How many treatments have been suppressed to the point of illegality while untested vaccines have been foisted upon us?
Co-incidence that all these factors come together? Leroy Jethro Gibbs says there are no co-incidences. Everything happens for a reason and I think the pandemic was well and truly planned. The only surprise for the designers was it’s phenomenal success and the ease with which people handed control of their lives to others. That must have made the authoritarians immensely happy. Happily some are fighting back but facing huge odds.
Hi Laurie, If you read our OZ constitution you will find it is illegal for any Gov or body to mandate that you must take the jab.
Anyone who insists has an automatic $1500 fine .
It is up to the people to tell them where to go,I met a bloke down the street who carried a copy of the relevant part I also noted that it is also illegal that they mandate a face covering same fine.
MIM – Make Ivermectin Mandatory!!!!
Moved this comments to “unthreaded”. Link here. This is off topic and completely conspiratorial, uninformed medical junk and should not have been posted here at #2. – Jo.
[Comment doubting “asymptomatic spreaders” also uninformed and off topic and moved. – Jo]
A meme I saw:
Sick until proven healthy is no less tyrannical than guilty until proven innocent.
Look at the all causes death numbers.
They tell us that deaths have risen 40%. When? Over what period?
Early on they told us that overall deaths had fallen, apparently a result of actions taken to suppress CV19.
Do these new alarming 2021 numbers simply represent a catch up for 2020?
The interesting point to notice is the deaths due to any virus (or bacteria for that matter) appears to have dropped over the past couple of years due to the increase of personal hygiene as a result of the pandemic scare (real or otherwise) but the deaths due to the vaccines looks like it has been increasing over the same period. As has been stated before, in time we might be witnessing an explosion of death counts due directly to at least some of the vaccines.
Did you bother to read the article? its there a couple of paragraphs in
“Do these new alarming 2021 numbers simply represent a catch up for 2020?”
Hmmm. On Monday I got a call from a Real Estate Mate who asked me if I was still interested in buying million-dollar waterfronts and mountain-top palatials….for a song. Like a hundred grand the half dozen, for example.
“Well yeah” I replied since a vulture never changes it’s spots. A buzzard knows the smell…a hyena the vibe…a jackal the drill….and I’m cashed up right now too.
“Hold on a while and there may be loads of deceased estates on the market. Up to 40% more than usual” One man’s trash…another man’s treasure. It’s sad i know but when one door closes another one opens.
As my idol Kevvy always says “Fair suck of teh sauce bottle. Gotta zip!”
I think there is plenty of evidence that this coronavirus is not just the flu. Unfortunately, in a situation where governments actively suppress information and discussion there is then no mechanism for handling left-field ideas.
If the vaccines amplify existing underlying health conditions as has been hypothesized, then its a perfect storm for insurance companies.
Logically then we should also see those with chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart conditions etc – thier health will possibly fail in the next 24 months.
It reminds me of a reboot of the infamous T4 Program ( look it up ).
Yes, it has been brought up before last year. This time around it will be somewhat different. The “burdensome lives” and “useless eaters” will be those who resist the “established order”. I’m clearly one of them. I don’t care. I rather be dead and be with the Lord than live through hell on earth to the end only to die and miss out on being with the Lord and instead suffer the same end as the devil.
Evidence is mounting that the vaccines not the virus are killing the young and the old. The only question is the extent of this “great mistake”. If it’s as large as some say it is then without question we are witnessing mass genocide on an unprecedented scale. Time will tell, as always. Of course, it it’s true then the “genocide masters” will cook up yet another scam to divert the attention of the vast majority of people who haven’t a clue.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: ‘Vaccine Benefit Zero’-‘Fears Massive Self-to-Self Attack of Immune System’ (Video)
Keep shining a very bright light in this area Jo. Its utterly wrong how AHPRA has attempted to silence our health professionals and not let them speak out, issue vaxx exemptions or prescribe alternatives to the vaxxes.
When historians review this period all levels of Australian govt (even Gold Coast City Council has its own vaxx centres…) will have been shown to have been wilfully and recklessly negligent. The complete lies continually told on the vaxxes, the censoring of those who would ask sensible questions will be a stain forever on all our politicians and news press.
What amazes me is that my wife and I and many of my contacts, can clearly see what is going on, but unfortunately what this crisis has also shown is that the person in the street has a complete absence of critical thinking and very quickly turns to malevolence against “anti vaxxers” or others who offer an alternate point of view. Something is very wrong with our culture and education systems that so many display primitive and unthinking responses. An unthinking trust of authority figures is a very dangerous place to be.
According to standard Leftist “medical” and “scientific” doctrine the covid “vaccines” are perfectly tested and perfectly safe. Nothing can possibly go wrong. Nothing.
And you will be censored, unpersoned, defunded, sacked/fired or ridiculed (or all of them) if you dare question the narrative.
Just look at how Dr Robert Malone, as the most recent example of many, has just been censored and worse and is currently in the process of being written out of history. (See his interview with Joe Rogan on an uncensored site.) To understand all this, consult the Left’s manual, Nineteen Eighty Four.
Incidentally, in New York (governed by Leftists at all levels), authorities have introduced race-based preferential medical treatment for covid. Not an exaggeration. You can check it yourself. Certain races and ethnic groups get priority medical treatment over others. See video:
Yes, it clearly demonstrates that our political “masters” state and federal, health officials and MSM are telling lies with impunity. Under even somewhat less serious issues anyone caught out doing that would be imprisoned. The question then is who gave the politicians the right to lie with impunity? The voting public at the ballot box of course. So, how can it be rectified? The voting public at the ballot box of course.
If there is nothing wrong with the covid vaccines, why aren’t you allowed to question their performance? And that includes eminent medical doctors and scientists as well as family medical practioners. All medical professionals will be sacked, defunded, unpersoned, delicensed, censored and in Australia, even visited by police for issuing medical exemptions for masks or vaccines.
In the following article a Melbournistan doctor is accused of issuing “fake” vaccine exemptions. But the exemptions weren’t fake. In the professional judgement of the doctor, his patients shoukd not be compulsorily vaccinated.
I can understand why Professor Sucharit Bhakdi is becoming more and more emotional about the COVID-19 vaccination madness.
Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine
I totally agree. It is the responsibility of our health care systems the US FDA/CDC to look for and find this covid vaccine autoimmune system problem. The first release covid vaccine problems are not going away. Omicron the dominate covid strain and it is as dangerous as getting a normal flu. There is no reason/justification now, to endanger and kill people by forcing to be vaccinated with the first release covid vaccines which because they force the body to produce the first release covid spike are very dangerous.
This is from the pathological examination.
“They discovered that in 14 of the 15 patients there was widespread evidence of the body attacking itself, something that is never seen before. The heart was attacked in all 14 cases.
A number of salient aspects dominated in all affected tissues of all cases:
inflammatory events in small blood vessels (endotheliitis), characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and sequestered, dead endothelial cells within the vessel lumen;
the extensive perivascular accumulation of T-lymphocytes;
a massive lymphocytic infiltration of surrounding non-lymphatic organs or tissue with T-lymphocytes.
Lymphocytic infiltration occasionally occurred in combination with intense lymphocytic activation and follicle formation. Where these were present, they were usually accompanied by tissue destruction.”
Viagra is now considered a treatment for Covid according to the Daily Mail Way better option than horse dewormer
Peter, what is this nonsense about a “horse dewormer”? Do you not realise that many of the same drugs are used in both humans and animals of the mammalian kind? This is because humans share a similar physiology with other mammalian animals, hence non-human mammals being used to test drugs later used on humans.
Do you talk about antibiotics such as amoxicillin as “horse antibiotics”? What about anaesthetic agents or anti-inflammatory drugs? Even Prozac is used in domestic pets.
And many drugs have multiple uses. Apart from viagra being investigated experimentally to treat covid, it is in fact used to treat dogs for pulmonary hypertension.
He’s just ‘circling back’, David. It’s what they do.
But then, David, if he takes “horse de-wormer” he might just notice some itches and tickles disappearing…. 😀
There you go confusing him already.
And who makes Viagra?
A different sort of being “blue-pilled”.
OOOhhh I know! Pfizer makes Viagra. They were initally treating heart disease, but called the trial off and were intrigued by why the trial participants were reluctant to return the pills!
The ad they haven’t used yet
“Viagra. It won’t make you James Bond but it will make you Roger Moore”
“Viagra is now considered a treatment for Covid according to the Daily Mail Way better option than horse dewormer.”
And so it begins.
This is the kind of response we can except.
Absurd and laughable deflection save for being sad.
I was just reading about Jean-Baptiste Carrier and the drownings at Nantes during the French Revolution.
Done at his direction.
At his trial he acted as if he had no idea what anyone was talking about.
He lost his head.
That comment is all we need to know about you and why not to take you seriously.
Peter, it’s too bad the covid vaccines aren’t used on animals.
Unlike dead people, there would be serious consequences if people’s cats, dogs, stud animals and $20 million race horses started dying after injection.
Pay attention you host doesn’t start a dewormer cure.
This might be your most ignorant, childish comment ever.
You must be a politician surely?
Mr Fitzroy is correct, Viagra opens up the airwaves.
That should read ‘airways’.
I’m sorry, I should have been more succinct. My comment was related to his reference to “horse de-wormer”.
At this point it might be simpler to list the common treatments which don’t have an anti-Covid effect.
Lets just agree anything is better than the experimental drugs.
Any idea why these vaccines had no animal trials? In all the previous animal trials of mrna vaccines, the animals died. So they would have been deemed unsafe to be a horse de wormer!
Glad you found a cure PF.
Just have to worry about a stiff neck now.
Hopefully, in the case of extreme Nanny States such as Australia which practices compulsory vaccination, there will be future lawsuits against politicians and senior public serpents for personal injuries, financial losses and deaths due to individuals being forced to take the poorly tested vaccines.
Sadly, in our system, politicians and public serpents cannot generally be sued for their lies or incompetence.
Compensation for vaccine injuries needs to go way beyond getting a free funeral.
” … poorly tested vaccines.”
No one on earth could dispute this statement regarding these prophylactic gene therapies.
In order to get data on long-term side effects of any treatment you must first have a long term in which to test them – we are still many years away from this requirement.
If the TGA can disregard best practice WRT testing protocols because of a supposed emergency then prosecutors can disregard best practice WRT precedent when they make up new laws with which to prosecute every politician and health care professional complicit in dispatching the vaccines.
And these people should know that an 18 year old (Irmgard Furchner) working as an admin under the NAZIs is being prosecuted 78 years after the fact. – The collabortors of today therefor have a LONG TIME to worry about getting dragged out of their beds in the middle of the night for their willful participation in genetic terrorism causing death and disability.
Here’s ABS deaths stats for total deaths in 2020 and a quick quote. 2020 was a low year for deaths in Australia.
It will be interesting to compare this low year for deaths compared to just completed 2021 , because of the vaccinations last year. But why was there a drop in deaths from respiratory illness in 2020 and also a big drop in pneumonia deaths? This doesn’t seem to make any sense?
Anyway here’s the ABS link and many graphs etc to help us out. BTW I notice Covid deaths were 901 but now a reduction of 3 for Covid deaths in 2020. Now 898.
Of course most Covid deaths occurred in VIC in 2020 and note Covid was the 38th leading cause of death in 2020.
Diseases (ICD)
Reference period
“COVID-19 was the 38th leading cause of death (898 deaths).
In 2020 there was a decrease in mortality in Australia.
The five leading causes decreased, with a significant reduction in respiratory diseases.
Rates from suicide, drug overdoses and car crashes decreased.
Alcohol-induced death rates increased by 8.3%”.
2020 was the first year of real COVID with lockdowns etc. It was also when better hygiene control standards were introduced to aged care in particular, due to COVID. I can state quite accurately that at my 91 yo father’s aged care no residents were “ lost” during 2020. I suspect that was due to much higher hygiene standards mostly attributed to staff requirements to those standards. In the first 6 months of 2021 5 residents died (including my dad). Was it vaccinations ? Probably, but so difficult to prove due to the general ailing health of those residents. Me? I suspect so. 30% of all mortalities happen in aged care. So, there could be your difference.
This could be the circuit breaker we needed to end the madness. The insurance companies will raise premiums to cover the increased payments. Cover could be denied to companies that have a mandatory vaccine policy, or their premiums vastly increased. Conversely premiums could be reduced for companies that do not have a vaccination policy.
As soon as the bean counters become involved everybody listens.
Let’s hope the CEO’s of companies can be held personally responsible for vaccine induced deaths.
That will work as long as they are not “in it together” being paid to twist things around like the rest. The madness has gone too far already to see any organisation to hinder the grand plan by the elite. Threats of their lives would not be out of the question.
Indeed Peter, what I did not say is that because banks also have interests in insurance they will not be very happy if their bottom line get affected. Criminals always fall out over money.
Again, it depends if the banks are not “in it together” but of course most of us already know they are, and have been for a long time even before the COVID-19 vaccination madness started. There is no escaping it; we are heading for a total reset of the world in a number of ways. Be aware and be prepared as best you can.
and Super Funds, who also offer life cover
Again here are interesting quotes from the ABS link above.
“In 2020:
“There was a 23.9% decrease in the age-standardised death rate from respiratory diseases.
Influenza and pneumonia mortality had the highest proportional rate decrease of all respiratory diseases with a drop of 45.8% from 2019.
There were 55 people who died from influenza. This compares to 1,080 in 2019.
Pneumonia is also a common terminal cause of death, especially for older people who have long term chronic conditions. There was a decrease of more than 20% in influenza and pneumonia as an associated cause of death (where it was not the underlying cause of death).
The decrease in the respiratory disease death rate from 2019 is the largest recorded over the last ten years.
In Australia, it’s close to impossible for doctors to grant a medical exemption for covid vaccine for Australians, and any attempt to do so can result in a visit by police as the presumption is that there is no legitimate excuse for a medical exemption and therefore the exemption must be fake.
So how did a famous visiting innternational tennis player just manage to get an exemption?
And yet many thousands of Australians have lost their jobs and careers over their refusal to submit to compulsory vaccination.
Hi David,
It is actually possible to get an exemption to having the present clot shots, but it varies from State to State ( of course ! ). You can get an exemption if your Doctor declares that you have some medical reason to not have the vaccines…OR….in Queensland at least, you are enrolled in a vaccine trial.
But generally, you are correct…it is difficult. I presently have an exemption as I am enrolled in a vaccine trial, due to start later this month ( I hope ). How a professional tennis player managed to obtain one is rather interesting…I think the answer is $$$$$$.
“And yet many thousands of Australians have lost their jobs and careers over their refusal to submit to compulsory vaccination. ” Sadly, this is so true and our political masters could care less it appears.
Thanks Glenn. In South Australia, exemptions provided to participants in the Australian Covax-19 were withdrawn so such people are regarded as unvaxxed.
That’s correct…and I’m still amazed that the Tin Pot Dictator running Queensland did not do the same. You really have to wonder when you see a State Government actively trying to prevent people from volunteering for medical trials. How do you trial possible new vaccines for Covid , if you cannot find people to trial the drug…apart from the fascinating way Pfizer do it by making the trial the marketplace from day 1.
The Tennis star argued he has natural immunity as he has been infected with covid previously. Up until a year ago 90%+ of doctors would have agreed with him! Now the demons changing the dictionary definitions and the regulators with their STAR CHAMBERS that will deregister any “Heretic” have implied that he is a bad person!
I watched a video interview yesterday where Dr Robert Malone strongly advised against getting vaccinated if you had already had Covid and acquired natural immunity, so maybe that is what Jocovic
is arguing.
In Vicdanistan they are trying to make the tennis star “explain himself”. However, his medical record is strictly private and he is under no obligation to disclose it. Plus it’s a crime for others to disclose it without his permission.
It is all corrupt.
It is ALL deliberately CORRUPT.
It is OPENLY corrupt.
It is ALL provocation, specifically designed to sort the sheep from the goats, then “adjust the attitudes” of the goats.
The entire rock-show is a social-engineering operation, way beyond just an experiment.
Follow the MONEY and the body-count, while you can.
That’s the thing; it’s OPENLY corrupt. Yet most people are not aware of it or if they are they don’t care. As is said often truth can be stranger than fiction – as long as one is not blinded by pig-headed stubbornness.
Looking at the Indiania cases, they got to 50% of the population fully vaxxed on 1 Nov 2021, so we should expect a big spike in “omicron” cases around 01 Feb 2022.
Lets see how that plays out.
Here’s the link to the interim 2021 ABS report on Aussie deaths up to 31st October 2021.
Another look, here:
More on this
See also:
It appears that there is a long list of young elite athletes who have died this year from heart attacks.
This is a translation from an Israel site that discusses the problem. Due to the heart attack deaths, a large number of elite athletes have refused to be vaccinated.
“The epidemic of athletes
183 professional athletes, coaches and college and youth athletes have collapsed abruptly, and 108 have died. Some of the athletes, such as football stars Sergio Aguero and Christian Eriksen, collapsed in the middle of a game, in front of the spectators.
The main cause: Cardiac problems – myo / pericarditis, cardiac arrest and heart attacks. What causes the sudden epidemic?”
It appears not
also the numbers appear actually to be low given that the claims are across sports globally. Compare this with a pre-covid study for a selection of US based sports
Jusr because that website gives itself a name implying that they advocate truth doesn’t make it so. They can call themselves whatever they like. Who funds
The following is copied from elsewhere.
Don’t be a knob.
a telling retort
the reply to which I replied was the of the same quality but I’m better at abbreviating.
Somewhat like comparing a silk purse with a pigs ear.
Gee Aye. The full study is behind a paywall, did you read it? Show me the stats.
From the abstract:
No mention of number of deaths compared to the general population.
In fact read this further in the abstract:
That tells me they were looking at long term deaths NOT for just one year.
Here’s a link to the story of John O’Looney, an independent coroner and funeral home director in the UK.
Here’s is the essence of his comments regarding the vast increase of excess deaths he had noticed in recent months:
“There were no excess deaths in 2020 – it is that simple, and nothing will change my mind all the minds of those in the industry who have their eyes open to this lie – and there are many.
The reality is the death rate only soared the moment they began putting needles into arms in January 2021 You can believe it or not but I was one of the people picking up these poor souls and a huge amount of them.”
Recently John had an experience of the reality within a Covid ward, detailed in the linked video:
The vaccine rollout is a clinical trial. The covid vaccines have only “emergency use approval” in the US and “provisional approval” in Australia.
In Australia this is the definition of “provisional approval”.
Sounds like an experiment to me. But with none of the usual liability consequences.
I think veterinary drugs would be more thoroughly tested. Imagine injecting a multi-million dollar race horse with an untested or poorly tested drug, or worse, fraudulent data was provided for “approval”. If the healthy horse dropped dead soon after the injection, there would be serious consequences.
which begs the question that no one has officially been able to answer; are the politicians getting the vaccine shots or placebos? Perhaps just as relevant, who are getting the vaccine shots and who are getting the placebo shots? After all, most don’t take the mask issue seriously as have been caught on and off camera at times. So, why would we assume they take the vaccination seriously?
The link to “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64” doesn’t work for Europeans 🙁
So the vacuous will be muttering stats and contorted numbers to explain away the obvious terrible ‘mistake’ that has been made.
We will see if the Pharma execs have ‘made’ enough money to save themselves.
They will be able to pay for lots of fingers to point.
Likely at politicians and health officials.
Forgive the personal aside, but I just noted the date.
My father was wounded for the second, perhaps third time, on this day in 1945.
800 SS mountain troops had penetrated American lines and his outfit was sent to stop them.
He talked about 1945 being “the coldest winter in 50 years.”
When I knew him he refused to wear a coat or gloves in the freezing cold.
It is difficult to see the specter of tyranny rise again.
Although new cases of CV 19 have soared in Australia since August 2021, the recovery rate has increased and the death rate has dropped over the last 5 months.
Although what that means for actual numbers I’m not sure.
The case fatality rate in Australia peaked on 23 Nov for the delta wave when vaccinations reached 72%:
Too early to tell how omicron will unfold in terms of fatality rate in Australia but appears to be very low compared with delta.
Those few people who bother to learn history these days will be concerned by Australia’s building of “quarantine camps” with the Orwellian name of “Centres for National Resilience”.
Yes, and when the National Socialists took over Germany, lots of people thought bad things wouldn’t happen there either.
Clive James said:
Reference for camp construction:
Or should that be ‘Centres for National Re-silencing.
“Dachau on the Downs”
I wonder if they had this trouble when they built the old quarantine stations?
This horror story is playing right into Fauci’s hands. If you haven’t read Robert Kennedy’s book on Fauci (it is long) this could help.
The really scary bit is it doesn’t cover many other even more sinister issues. As the proverb goes, there’s none so blind as those who will not see.
Here’s a site that updates CV-19 deaths every day and so far 2290 deaths to 5th Jan 2022.
So far 2290 deaths and Vic 1553 and NSW+ ACT = 699.
So why does VIC have 854 more CV -19 deaths than NSW?
NSW + ACT population about 8.5 million.
VIC population about 6.6 million.
BTW the graph at above link for VIC shows a higher trend since Oct 2021 and NSW trend is lower by comparison.
Were you asleep in 2020 or was that an attempt at humour?
“There’s a lot of reason to be hopeful in 2020.”
Ok, i am officially freaked out now.
I can find no verification of the information contained in this article anywhere. So let’s look at “the centersquare” …
and the quoted executive claims they are likely covid deaths even if that is not what is written on the certificate.
Indiana is home to the life insurer. The data are nationwide not from Indiana.
18-64 is the age range in which life insurance policies are paid out due to deaths. People younger don’t have them and older people cash them in. The focus of his comment was that age.
I looked solely at Indiana below #34 but most of the USA experienced high incidence of Covid pre vaccines. Long covid has been talked about and experienced since early 2020. I figure the aftermath of all those infections prior to vaccines will show up in the health statics for years to come.
It would not surprise me if insurance premiums are eventually higher for individuals who have contracted covid without the protection of vaccinations. Companies are already adding a premium for unvaccinated staff. If long Covid is isolated as a higher risk of death then it could be treated similar to smoking and attract a premium.
USA has had declining life expectancy since 2015 and their experience with covid gives a clue why that is occurring.
You can find no verification?
Maybe you should be looking
All articles with this slant come from one source. All others that independently report on this discuss this in relation to covid deaths. There is no corroboration of the conclusions of the centersquare anywhere.
And I am sure that 1930s Germany has something to do with this.
… all causes mortality in other populations with similar jab rates in the same age range?
Not looking good in the UK. Mortality in that age range double for the jabbed vs. unjabbed.
Leaf, there’s something you need to think about. And think about hard.
You are on the losing side. Yes, your masters can shut down the Internet that so plagues them. But they are utterly dependent on the labour of those who were not fooled and frightened. Your masters are human parasites, and they can give you nothing the unjabbed do not provide them.
Did “Gorebully Warbally” work out for you? Think the ‘rona is going to do any better? Was bringing in to a head a good idea … ?
So… remove the hyperbole and imaginary bogey men and what is it you wrote?
So you are replying to an imaginary person? Seek help.
Something to remember: every capability the bad guys you are trying to curry favor with was provided to them by the “imaginary persons” you claim don’t exist. We didn’t provide them everything we know.
This is so fun.
Joe Rogan Experience #1757 – Dr. Robert Malone, MD Full Transcrip
Jan 03, 2022 Press
Washington, DC — Today, Congressman Troy E. Nehls (R-TX-22) entered the transcript of the Joe Rogan Experience #1757 – Interview with Dr. Robert Malone, MD into the Congressional Record after Twitter and YouTube removed the interview from their platforms. Dr. Malone is a widely published mRNA vaccine expert who went on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast to raise concerns over the COVID-19 vaccine. Twitter’s move to deplatform Dr. Malone and remove the interview from their site is the latest in a string of censuring individuals who dissent against the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine mandates.
“By deplatforming Dr. Robert Malone for voicing opposition and removing the interview, Twitter and YouTube are once again proving that they don’t work for their users but for big Pharma, big media, and the elites,” said Congressman Nehls. “When we stray away from our core principles of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of debate, democracy is lost. Today, I entered the transcript of the Joe Rogan Experience #1757 into the Congressional Record to preserve the podcast forever. Big Tech may be able to censor information on their own platforms, but they cannot censor the Congressional Record.”
Good news.
Interesting update from Dr John Campbell for Australia. The explosion in Omicron cases is a couple of weeks away. In other words, we ain’t seen nothing yet in terms of the case numbers. I wonder if they will use it to go to the next level of tyranny. We shall see.
More general comments made:
Booster shots every 6 months is not sustainable.
He is hoping the Omicron virus is in effect his final booster shot.
US hits the million cases
Peter, my predictions using the 3-4 Month Lag Hypothesis are that we would see a new “wave” on 01/01/2022 from having attained 50% fully vaxxed on 01/09/2021.
But also as the boosters started being rolle dout, we should see a full throttle wave fromt he booster around 15/02/2022, using same Lag Hypthesis.
So buckle up, its going to be a pretty average ride for the start of the year.
As quoted from “COVID-19 WEEKLY SURVEILLANCE IN NSW, Epidemiological week 49, ending 11 December 2021”
Appendix E: Additional tables and figures ( page 28 )
Week Ending 11 Dec 2021
1,418 (49.8%) Fully vaccinated
48 (1.7%) Partially Vaccinated
426 (15.0%) No effective dose ( to be generous, split this value into 50% unvaxxed, 50% less than 21 days after dose 1 )
384 (13.5%) Under investigation
570 (20.0%) Not eligible for vaccination (aged 0-11 years)
2,846 (100%) Total
The Government now has about 225 million doses for 26 million population.
Their policy
1] The third dose increases immunity, so after the fourth dose, you’ll be protected.
2] Once 80% of the population has received the fifth dose, restrictions can be relaxed as the sixth dose stops the virus from spreading.
3] you can be confident that the seventh dose will solve our problems and we’ll have no reason to fear the eighth dose.
4] The clinical trials phase of the ninth dose confirms that antibodies remain stable after the tenth dose.
5] The eleventh dose will ensure that no new mutations develop, so there is no longer any reason to doubt the efficacy of the twelfth dose.
what tyranny are you experiencing now?
Destroying people’s lives and careers for refusing to take experimental drugs that don’t stop infection by or transmission of the virus is tyranny.
Restricting people’s free movement for refusing to take experimental drugs that don’t stop infection by or transmission of the virus is tyranny.
Denying life saving therapeutics to force people to take experimental injections that don’t work is tyranny.
(And don’t try claiming the experimental jabs work. The have completely backfired. Omicron now presents a greater infection risk to the jabbed than the unjabbed in Europe. The same will happen here shortly.)
the only tyranny is your use of hyperbole.
Introducing medical apartheid without any scientific basis and having police provide armed enforcement of said medical apartheid is tyranny.
This is exactly what happened in Australia.
Now let’s look at Germany in the late 30’s. Before the ovens, showers, camps and cattle cars, there were ghettos. How were the Jews confined to the Ghettos before being put on the trains? The “Gesundheit pass”. Medical movement passes based on race, and just like our “vaxx passports”, zero science. Was this tyranny? Or perhaps you would call this a “Compassionate act of a caring authority”?
The jabs are killing and injuring. Far more than any attempted inoculation in history. With Omicron, the health risks of the jabs now clearly outweigh any risk from the virus. We are being forced to choose the greater health risk for the false promise of freedoms the enemies of democracy have no intention of returning.
Konrad, the Leftists in New York have already introduced race-based covid treatment policies.
Quoting myself from a post above:
Incidentally, in New York (governed by Leftists at all levels), authorities have introduced race-based preferential medical treatment for covid. Not an exaggeration. You can check it yourself. Certain races and ethnic groups get priority medical treatment over others. See video:
oh no not the leftists.
Konrad. Making stuff up doesn’t redeem your nonsense.
Go on Leaf. What did I make up?
Well, there is something Australians like me made up. That would be the energetic load for the MOAB that was improperly given to the US who used it to kill 90 children under the age of 15. Yes, Australian’s gave them this.
There is no redemption for that.
But … “everything they know, not everything I know.”
If I were an atheist, Leaf, what would “redemption” mean for me?
Coronavirus Australia live news: PM pushes cash handouts for Covid tests; NSW records 35,054 cases, Victoria 17,636
Victoria records 17,636 cases, 11 deaths
NSW adds 35,054 cases, eight deaths
Most Australians will recover at home: expert
Infectious diseases expert Robert Booy said the vast majority of Covid-19 positive people are able to manage the virus well at home, as case numbers rise in record numbers across Australia.
Professor Booy assured people that adequate hydration, water and rest would help to manage symptoms which normally are mild and should pass in a few days to a week.
“Most people can manage at home, and can manage well,” he told Sunrise.
“They will not get severe symptoms. They will get a cough, fever, lethargy and fatigue, and they will get better over a few days to a week.
“All you need is adequate hydration, water, bedrest, if you have analgesics for pain, and antipyretic, for fever.”
He said people should look out for chest pain, worsening breathlessness and lethargy as worrying symptoms that might need further medical attention.
“For people with chronic conditions or lung disease, some are given an oximeter, a special machine to measure the amount of oxygen in your blood, and you know where you need more attention or to go to hospital if your oxygen saturation is dropping.”
Dr Jackie Stone stressed oximeters in late 2020, as giving the best warning, of covid infection, even showing low blood oxygen before any symptoms. I looked into them, and amazon had plenty, inexpensive, but how reliable is the worry, so I never got one. But if anyone knows a good one, let us know.
Have home oximeter and regularly test Oxygen Levels and also have home Oxygen regenerator
Oximeter Check Oxygen levels usually 98 and is same when Oxygen levels taken in Hospital that afternoon, before heading off to 3 Weekly Cancer Immunotherapy infusion ( missed last one as now need Covid test as unvaccinated, and was unable to get PCR test – Cancer Clinic rang yesterday and now allowing me to do home RAT test on Friday morning, so only one week behind) – Bloods at Hospital tomorrow.
Summary – have found Home Oximeter accurate and old fashioned 3 min glass mercury thermometer under tongue 36.2C matches Hospital reading later that day
My Oximeter Innovo Finger Pulse Oximeter – IP900AP
In the USA these can be had for from $20 to $30.
You can trick them by not breathing hard and get a low 90s reading or breathe deeply and fast and get a 99. So, be honest.
I’ll guess you might need to use it twice or three times a day if you want a leading indicator. Also, follow the same routine. Sit, relax, wait 5 minutes — then take a reading.
On a related matter, it seems the narrative is all falling apart and the truth is now becoming super clear.
“German Government Data for the alleged Omicron variant of Covid-19, suggests that most of the “fully vaccinated” will have full blown Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) by the end of January 2022, after confirming that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated have already degraded to an average of minus 87%.
“By a concerned reader
“The German Government Covid-19 figures are produced by the ‘Robert Koch Institut’ (see here).
“Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here –
“Page 14 has their Weekly COVID-19 management report from December 30, 2021 –
““Additional information is known to some extent for the Omikron cases in the reporting system. for 6,788 cases were provided with information on the symptoms, mostly none or mild symptoms indicated. It was most common by patients with symptoms
Runny nose (54%), cough (57%) and sore throat (39%) mentioned. 124 patients were hospitalized, four people died. Exposure abroad was reported for 543 (5%) cases. 186 patients were unvaccinated, 4,020 were fully vaccinated, of these, a booster vaccination was reported for 1,137. On the basis of the transmitted data 148 reinfections were found among all transmitted Omicron infections, none of them Previous illnesses were reported to the person affected by reinfection. Figure 9 shows the distribution of the Omikron cases reported so far in Germany. Omicron cases have been detected in all federal states.”
“186 unvaccinated cases
“2,883 double vaccinated cases
“1,137 triple vaccinated cases
“4,020 fully vaccinated cases
“In Germany 70.53% are fully vaxxed, 2.97% are partially vaxxed and 26.5% unvaxxed –
At long last: From an article in WND, “A key health expert in Denmark is predicting the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, and says, “”We will have our normal lives back in two months.””
If you take the undirected view of history, that may be the case.
However it seems there is a co-ordinated effort to maintain the covid fearmongering, as covid = control.
So it would make sense if the world is truly run by a cabal bent on doing wrong by humanity, that either a new bug will be released to reboot the world back into fear and hysteria to maintain an iron grip on populations, or a war might be strated.
My money is on another bug, maybe a nastier one – aimed at scaring any vaccine resisters into taking the clearly non-functional clot shot.
Now in Canada – Trudeau is his own words ( assuming the subtitles are correct )
Watch the video – unvaxxed appear to be labelled as “extremists”, “racists”, “mysogenists”
I think he ran out of labels…or fingers…you decide.
At least you know how vaccine resisters appear to be viewed by the Elite.
We are going to have to wait and see on that.
For the unjabbed, Omicron is not going to make then any sicker than the jabbed. And for the unjabbed Omicron is providing natural immunity and some protection against previous variants as well.
What is not known is whether the jabbed will get the same benifit from Omicron. With Gamma then Delta, infection post jabbing did not allow the jabbed to gain broad based natural immunity. They could get infected over and over.
For the jabbed, the Omicron reinfection rate is not yet known. But given the data showing that the jabs have made the jabbed into “Omicron magnets”, I am not too hopeful.
Omicron evolved in African countries to a mild flu due to natural immunity.
Low vaccination
High usage of ivermectin.
It might mutate in triple vaccinated and re-emerge deadlier.
I urge all vaccine free to wear a n9 mask around those people indoors, if your fearful.
According to official figures: there has been 91,000 deaths in South Africa, but unofficially the figure is 273,000.
Is this because of the high usage of Ivermectin?
Ivermectin was banned by the Govt and went on the black market (haha) and so became too expensive for most of the 30million people living there. The 273000 deaths would include the people I knew there, living in shanties or under bridges and drinking meths by pouring it through a loaf of bread first to get rid of the additives. That was when RSA did the world’s first heart transplant..
Life in South Africa is very different to life in Aussie. Their cases have peaked & are dropping rapidly now, and the first Qantas flight landed there yesterday.
Unfortunately with our ridiculous preferential voting system our votes are likely to trickle down to one of the majors, no matter who we vote for in the house.
However not so in the senate, where we can terminate our votes before reaching these mongrels who are trying to ruin our lives & country.
I can not imagine they could be doing this for any reason other than personal gain, & they will never be trusted again by most thinking people.
‘ … these mongrels who are trying to ruin our lives & country.’
Not really, only in your fevered imagination. Paulene Hanson should go to the lower house and become PM by popular acclimation. Unless you can think of some other outlier.
Long Covid has become a serious condition in Indiana. The most probable cause of increased deaths in younger people is the result of long covid:
Any location that has experienced high incidence of covid pre vaccination will be experiencing impact of long covid for years to come. Indiana recorded one of the highest incidence of covid in 2020 with 10% of the population of the state infected.
Long covid has been identified early in 2020 so is nothing new. It is a bullet that was dodged by countries/locations implementing effective controls against the virus spread before there were effective vaccines.
This discusses findings of a study on Wuhan hospitalisations:
Do we know – can we find out – if the current deaths in NSW and Vic are from delta or omicron? That information should be available as apparently they do know who has what. They may be the last delta infections – which is being edged out everywhere by omicron (according to the very dedicated John Campbell).
You would need to get inside information for that analyse. However it is uncommon for people to die a week after they have symptoms. With the original strain, day 8 was the tipping point. If symptoms were not improving by then they would likely have a tough time; typically three weeks from symptoms before death. On that basis I doubt any of the current deaths in Australia are a result of omicron.
If you look at the peak cases for delta in say Italy, they lead the peak in deaths by 19 days.
From ABC news …
2 had 0 shots
5 had 2 shots
1 had 3 shots
6 out of 8 = 75% of deaths were in FULLY VACCINATED
2 out of 8 = 25% of deaths were in NOT VACCINATED
And it will get worse.
NOTHING is allowed to dilute the imperative to get ‘vaccinated’.
For many years, every TV channel, every newspaper and every government has stressed the importance of a good diet (i.e. nutrition), exercise, getting out in the sun, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, etc, etc. Until now.
Now, even when a person has been to an exposure site or been in contact with an infected person, they’re given no advice other than to isolate. Even worse, those who actually go and get tested, proving positive, are simply sent home to ‘wait and see’. Little to no effort is made, outside of hospitals, to save people from sickness. So is this a deadly disease or not? Sure, that’s what they say, but does this lack of action, advice and support for those who test positive make sense, if it really is so deadly?
Meanwhile – Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate!
Until someone writes a well-researched review of the virus panic, I am moving to the sidelines like an observer from another cosmos.
Being a serious skeptic and a bit of a curmudgeon, I don’t trust an insurance person when told the rates must go up.
Anyway, if you can find this column about “fractions” – have a go at it.
By Eugenia Cheng in the Wall Street Journal
November 13-14, p. C4
How Fractions Can Create a Vaccine Fallacy —
Mistaken intuitions about which numbers to compare can lead us to exaggerate the significance of Covid-19 ‘breakthrough’ infections
In all seriousness, there might be some smaller niche reviews of aspects of the pandemic in the next few years but for broad comprehensive reviews I think you’ll be waiting from 5 years.
Why give this comment a down thumb?
It makes sense.
Not much about this panic does.
Just relating my observation, over many years, of the time frame for (good) reviews. In this case there are a lot of numbers to crunch and a lot of health systems etc that collect data in different ways. Then there is the questions that need to be addressed and finding ways to do it. This will also require a large international collaboration. All add to the time.
I do think some good reviews will appear earlier that bight off particular chunks of data and which reveal new things that we fail to see while in the fog of being in the middle of it.
You need time for current politicians & bureaucrats to retire and take their ill-gotten gains far away. I would expect longer than 5 years.
What we can see right now is that if we hadn’t used the PCR test we wouldn’t have a pandemic at all.
For Plain Jane. This is off topic so up to you Mod.
A couple of days ago you asked about land titles, here’s NSW.
Next steps
We will continue working with stakeholders to ensure the cancellation of CTs and the transition to 100% eConveyancing is seamless. (Stakeholder capitalism)
Key changes from 11 October 2021
Certificates of title
Existing CTs were cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs cannot be required to be produced to have a dealing or plan lodged for registration.
Similarly, Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions, such as banks, will no longer be issued with CoRD, which is the electronic equivalent of a CT.
The Torrens Title Register has always been and will continue to be the single source of truth as to the ownership of a person’s home. The Torrens Title Register is securely stored and backed up by both NSW Land Registry Services and the Office of the Registrar General.
The Tuesday thread is still active.
After two days, you are literally the only one active on it.
But I have put it on there now
that’s because I am yesterday’s hero
My god he is still alive,
No Canberra concert, you will have to go to Sydney.
Bit Frightening
Clients CTs
Currently, representative subscribers would be storing thousands of CTs in safe keeping on behalf of their clients. When CTs are cancelled, some firms may wish seek instructions from their clients on what to do with their CT. Others may want to just return CTs to their clients. Others may want to take the ‘do nothing’ approach, or even destroy them. All are viable options a firm should consider.
If a firm is considering destroying a CT it is recommended that instructions are sought from the client in the first instance. Despite the CT no longer being a legal document, it is still the client’s personal property and should be treated as such.
It is not necessary for representative subscribers to stamp a CT as “cancelled” or mark it in any way if returning it to their client after 11 October 2021. Likewise, previous advice was to keep the CAC secure. From 11 October 2021 the concept of the CAC is redundant and is no longer required to be kept securely.
Protections in place when there is no CT
The Torrens Register is the single source of truth as to a person’s interest or estate in land. All documents to be registered on the Torrens Register must be lodged by a subscriber, who must verify the identity of their client and establish that they have the right to deal with the land. Lawyers and licenced conveyancers are subscribers who can represent clients to prepare and lodge dealings.
Lodging land dealings in paper will not be permitted from 11 October 2021. All land dealings to be lodged with NSW LRS can only be done electronically by a subscriber (e.g. a lawyer, licensed conveyancer, or bank) to an Electronic Lodgment Network.
In the meantime
Queensland To Impose New Tax Rules For Interstate Investors
20 Dec 2021
Queensland’s “generous” tax system will soon be reformed to level the playing field between local and interstate investors.
As outlined in the 2021–22 Budget Update – Mid-Year Fiscal and Economic Review, the Queensland government is eyeing to close the “loophole” in the state’s land tax system, which allows interstate investors, particularly those who hold investments in other states, to bear less liability.
Under the “fairer” land tax system envisioned in the budget update, tax arrangements will be amended to account for the total value of land held interstate when assessing land tax liability.
Here’s an excerpt from the budget update:
A total national taxable land value will be established for each Queensland landholder, which will continue to exclude exempt land such as principal place of residence.
The national taxable value will determine the appropriate tax rate that will then be applied to the Queensland proportion of the value of the individual or entity’s landholdings.
In the current system, a local investor with a $1m property would pay $4,500 in land tax, significantly higher than the $500 duty required for an investor with a $600,000 property in Queensland and a $400,000 property in New South Wales.
With the new approach, the interstate investor will now be charged with a $2,700 land tax in Queensland.
Tax reform a slap to the sector
Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) CEO Antonia Mercorella said the announcement of the changes in land tax is a “slap in the face” to sector supporting the local economy.
“This treatment of property investors as an endless money pit is outrageous – the government is raking in a huge stamp duty windfall, then relying on private investors to provide the lion’s share of housing supply, and now they’re slapping investors yet again with new taxes,” Ms Mercorella said.
The state’s mid-year budget showed a $5.38bn stamp duty revenue so far in the current financial year, with a projected end figure at around $16.53bn to $19.93bn.
Ms Mercorella said the government had not consulted with relevant property stakeholder groups on this new land tax regime, which was the wrong move at the wrong time.
“From a practical standpoint, it’s also baffling to understand how on earth they intend to get this data in order to double-tax investors who are already paying this tax elsewhere,” she said.
“There is no other state or territory that takes this approach, and by treating property investors with contempt like this time and time again, investors may very well pull up stumps.”
These reforms, Mr Mercorella believes, would scare off potential investors and would significantly increase the holding costs of existing investors, which would then result in higher rents.
“It shows the Government lacks the ability to think outside the square and come up with alternative and innovative solutions to find new revenue streams,” she said.
“You only have to look at the timing of this bombshell legislative reform to see the government are clearly trying to sneak this in under the radar at a time most people have clocked off for the year.”
There is a tidal wave of rage building regarding the vaxx exemption given to Djokovic for the Australian Open.
Apparently the vaxxed tennis fans only want to catch Covid from their fellow vaxxed.
“There will be hell to pay when people find out.” Trouble is, people aren’t finding out. MSM. Also, people have been incredibly stupid. I don’t think they’re going to admit to it any time soon. I am very sad and distressed for everyone who has been vaccinated, many of whom have been coerced. And now the children…it doesn’t bear thinking about.
The FDA have sent a letter to all US Dr licencing boards, and pharmacy organisations, putting a spot light on IVM users. They’re a dog with a bone aren’t they? Isn’t there an old saying, ‘you’re over the target when you’re getting flak.’
Remdesivir people! – dangerous, useless and costly, and recommended to anyone in the west, going to hospital with bad covid19 symptoms. Why aren’t the anti IVM folk hyperventilating over that?? It’s had 1, one double blind trial, and about 770 deaths in the last year. They’d be counted as covid.
An excellent video from DR Chris Martenson on what authorities arn’t doing.
All those kids with lice suffering skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pains, facial or limb swelling, neurologic adverse events, sudden drop in blood pressure, and liver injury.
All the Africans taking it for River Blindness, all the horses getting dewormed, dying from these side effects..
If anyone in the FDA believes their own propaganda they do explain why that agency is so useless.
More preliminary evidence that the vaccines have led to a spike in deaths
A recent shocking report in American Thinker suggests that life insurance payouts are considerably worse than executives expected. Obvious question: Is it an aberration, or is it for real? Alas, a cursory examination suggests that it may be for real.
The scan of the following insurance companies confirms the initial report. For Prudential, they have had a massive 87% increase in death benefits paid comparing the third quarter of 2020 to the third quarter of 2021. Such a detailed breakdown wasn’t available for New York Life, but their 2021 year to date (1 Jan to 30 Sep) death benefit payout is up by 27%. Examining Pacific Life documents identifies multiple units. For Pacific Life, the year-to-date claims are up by only 12%. But for a subsidiary, Pacific Life and Annuity, claims are up by over 80%. This is an opportunistic search; more data may be forthcoming.
Life insurance companies have strong incentives to be accurate in their reporting to financial markets. It is possible that these deaths represent neglected care, the postponed treatments of heart disease, cancer, and the like. But that seems unlikely, given the spike in the third-quarter deaths. And presumably COVID already took the most vulnerable in 2020 in the absence of a vaccine. These massive claims seemed to be a phenomenon of the third quarter — about six months after the vaccine regimen became widely available.
This just offers further evidence that something is very wrong with these vaccines.
End the mandates. End the vaccination program. And let’s start asking Pfizer what they knew and when.
End the mandates and vaccination programs, it worked in South Africa after 91,000 deaths.
‘As Covid infection rates are dropping rapidly and tens of thousands of South Africans recovering from Omicron without having to go to hospital, it seems the country is heading for a healthy start of the year.
‘In fact, Covid experts are all saying the same: the Omicron wave has passed and other countries can expect the same cycle in the next few months.
‘The spectacular drop in new infections and hospital admissions has led the government of South Africa to lift its strict night time curfew, marking an important milestone in the fight against Covid.’ (City AM)
Robert Malone
One could say that paints a grim picture. In actual fact, it’s a lot worse than that. We will all find out why soon enough.
I realise this is a science site so my excuse for the following is based on the science of social relationships including psychology.
Ever wondered why educated, intelligent people accept such propagandised fear narratives as the covid one?
I thought listening to the following discussion between D. Robert Malone and European psychologist Dr. Mattias Desmet one of the most worthwhile hours I have spent in many a long day, thus providing answers to many questions.
I especially appreciated the advice not to accept ‘the old normal’ narrative, and, of course that means, among other things, more creative, original ideas, thinking – based on Truth, i.e., Reality!
I am reminded we were told that ‘Perfect love casteth out fear’, so maybe we also need to get our personal lives and relationships back in order? It would certainly be a good beginning.
From another reader:
‘Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets. They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years.
Novartis abandoned the related realm of RNA interference over concerns about toxicity, as did Merck and Roche.
“Now, as we’re going to human [trials], it’s pretty clear no one else is going to catch us.”
Moderna’s most advanced competitors, CureVac and BioNTech, have acknowledged the same challenge with mRNA. Each is principally focused on vaccines for infectious disease and cancer, which the companies believe can be attacked with just a few doses of mRNA. And each has already tested its technology on hundreds of patients.
“I would say that mRNA is better suited for diseases where treatment for short duration is sufficiently curative, so the toxicities caused by delivery materials are less likely to occur,” said Katalin Karikó, a pioneer in the field who serves as a vice president at BioNTech.’
“so the toxicities caused by delivery materials are less likely to occur,” said Katalin Karikó”
Any change in that?
- April 2019
Thus, it may still be a work in progress to find the best balance of inflammation and any deleterious toxicities via harnessing adjuvant activities of mRNA while limiting or suppressing inherent toxicities for vaccines and immunotherapeutics. This will involve optimizing nucleoside substitutions, the design of other elements of the mRNA construct, any included immunostimulants, and/or specific formulations, delivery devices, and routes of administration. The mechanisms of mRNA inflammation that are relevant to their potential efficacy and safety as vaccines are also reviewed elsewhere [34], where they are aptly referred to as the “yin and yang of innate immunity”.
- April 2021
Future considerations for the mRNA-lipid nanoparticle vaccine platform
‘Vaccines based on mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) pioneered by Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman at the University of Pennsylvania are a promising new vaccine platform used by two of the leading vaccines against coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19). However, there are many questions regarding their mechanism of action in humans that remain unanswered. Here we consider the immunological features of LNP components and off-target effects of the mRNA, both of which could increase the risk of side effects. We suggest ways to mitigate these potential risks by harnessing dendritic cell (DC) biology.’
Published online 2021 Jan 8. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2021.108665
‘Do COVID-19 RNA-based vaccines put at risk of immune-mediated diseases? In reply to “potential antigenic cross-reactivity between SARS-CoV-2 and human tissue with a possible link to an increase in autoimmune diseases” ‘
‘-Getting a COVID-19 vaccine can help protect you from severe illness from COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.
People who are pregnant may receive a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot.
The monitoring of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is ongoing. CDC will continue to follow people vaccinated during all trimesters of pregnancy to better understand effects on pregnancy and babies.
Evidence about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy has been growing. These data suggest that the benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine outweigh any known or potential risks of vaccination during pregnancy.
If you are pregnant and receive a COVID-19 vaccine, consider participating in the v-safe pregnancy registry
If you are pregnant and have received a COVID-19 vaccine, we encourage you to enroll in v-safe. V-safe is CDC’s smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after vaccination. A v-safe pregnancy registry has been established to gather information on the health of people who are pregnant who have received a COVID-19 vaccine. If people enrolled in v-safe report that they were pregnant at the time of vaccination or after vaccination, the registry staff* might contact them to learn more.’
Nobody could come up with something else than a vaccine of which ‘they’ still have TO LEARN MORE about…
I understand there is great potential with the mRNA technology, but I wonder if they didn’t cut to much corners for these vaccines at the end?
What about: (as mentioned before)
Since the summer of 2020, U.S. public health agencies have continually shut down the use or even discussion of generic treatments that are minimally profitable. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded 20 large research studies of patented pharmaceutical industry drugs before only recently (and slowly) agreeing to study repurposed generic medicines.
‘COVID-19 Vaccines Are Safe for Children and Teens
Before recommending COVID-19 vaccination for children, scientists conducted clinical trials with thousands of children and no serious safety concerns were identified. The FDA gave the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine emergency authorization to use in children ages 5-15 years old and full approval to use in people ages 16 years and older.’
and clinical trials still running until 2026… to know more about doses etc…
I still wonder at the statement by PM Morrison, that the government would compensate for harm from the current vaccinations. It was odd that there seems to have been little questioning from the media about what harm was he
talking, and the matter has passed as a quiet little by-line into the annals of history.
While government provides details of reported side reactions, as pointed out in prior blogs at this site, I can’t recall any publicly announced concerns over reactions to these vaccines that would have the government come out and make a totally unchallenged statement on making reparations/compensation. How does a government make such a statement yet there is no chatter in the general press on what it’s all about, and governments and businesses dictate the people must have the vaccines officialdom has never addressed concerns about, if they want to participate in society?
I believe the powers that be may have their comeuppance around the corner. There are reports of a COVID-19 strain that is resistant to the current vaccines. If there is a hiatus in having effective vaccines against a resistant, problem strain, then governments are going to be forced to face up to the reality of using those useful therapeutic agents they have so far denied exist and have forbidden their use. Explanation please Mr Hunt, PM and State Premiers and Health departments. Similarly, if the Australian vaccine the government refuses to allow to be used here retains activity against the resistant strain, the PM has an even greater problem of explaining himself for his refusals. A continuing refusal and the entire approach so far, used under signed, secret contracts to overseas companies will blow up in his face at a time he has to stand for re-election.
Evening Doc,
I reckon the words “…strains resistant to the current vaccines…”, which are also being used in other news segments, are another misuse of language. i submit the correct usage should be ” the ‘vaccines’ are ineffective against all recent variants, and should not be prescribed ” . They were designed specially to address the alpha variant, and not successfully. In fact the Phase three trials are us, or at least those being vaxxed.
Dave B
(And that’s ignoring the adverse reactions.)
Chanel 7 News just now,
Qantas pilots returning are making fundamental errors, this is attributed a reduction in cognitive capacity.
Pilot and co-pilot?
Bumped from Thursday before Xmas
Inspiring confidence in your next flight
“Want better? The FAA says no pilot should be medically cleared to fly if they use a medication that has been fully approved for less than one year. There are no fully-approved jabs actually available in the US so any commercial pilot who has been jabbed, by the FAA’s rules, is medically unfit! Of course the actual law when it comes to airman medical certificates is irrelevant when politics get in the way of not dying at the controls — right?”
And much more at
And let’s look at the suicide stats during lockdown compared to previous years too.