Author BernbaumJG
Our immune systems are a fully functioning type of AI, or rather BI — biological intelligence. After millions of years of evolution, the system is tuned for efficiency with feedback loops “up the kazoo”. We’re provoking a complicated system we don’t understand.
It’s quite possible, if we keep provoking it with something “non threatening”, rather than getting more excited, the immune system may get bored. It could also get tired, desensitized, or exhausted.
Robert Malone warned months ago that we need to test each round of vaccines and we can’t assume our bodies will respond the same way.
Whatever it is, the European Medicines Agency wants to put the brakes on the booster program:
Frequent Boosters Spur Warning on Immune Response
By: Bloomberg |
Repeat booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune response and tire out people, according to the European Medicines Agency.
European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible.
Repeat booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune response and tire out people, according to the European Medicines Agency. Instead, countries should leave more time between booster programs and tie them to the onset of the cold season in each hemisphere, following the blueprint set out by influenza vaccination strategies, the agency said.
The head of vaccine strategy at the EMA said that we can’t repeat boosters constantly:
“We should be careful in not overloading the immune system with repeated immunizations” — Marco Cavaleri, the EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy
He also said effectively that we don’t even know exactly how many antibodies people need to get protection. We can’t define the threshhold of protection. Some people with quite high levels of neutralizing antibody still got infected while people with low levels of neutralizing antibody that did not get sick in the trials.
This is a bit of a major problem I would think. Isn’t the usual test to see if someone has “protection” just a blood test looking for antibodies? If that doesn’t work, something is very wrong with the mental model we have for how vaccines operate? Is it some other antibodies that really offer protection, ones they are not testing for?
h/t Beowulf
[Snipped. Commenters who go off topic at #1 or use misspelled words to deliberately avoid moderation will get moderated. – Jo]
In a local context they will treat it like the flu vaccine, there’ll be a choice, no mandates.
” … there’ll be a choice, no mandates.”
Of course there will be no mandates.
People will be able to freely choose between getting the jabs and having a job, travelling, going to sports or the theatre, being denied medical services – a perfect free choice for all.
When do you think the current mandates will be lifted and people will no longer be threatened with job losses for not being vaccinated against COVID-19, or the being fined for entering certain places unvaccinated?
Mark MacGowan premier of WA, has said that the exclusion of the non vaccinated from society will last for years.
Australia between Pfizer and Novavax, what https://balance10.blogspot.com/2022/01/australia-between-pfizer-and-novavax.html
I Christopher Alberts https://balance10.blogspot.com/2022/01/i-christopher-alberts.html
I can’t see them relaxing their death grip on the populace any time soon.
Interestingly for me I can now play golf uninjected in all states other than Victoria. I’m planning my trip from Melbourne to the courses on the NSW side of the Murray River now.
Not in WA, I believe. But who would want to go there anyway, at the moment.
I though SA still didn’t let anybody in, unless they’d been stabbed.
Each state can make choices, NSW will treat it like influenza, no mandate to get the boosters.
Too late for me. I hesitated about the second vax over concerns about heart palpitations that have arisen in recent months, had various tests, medics could not determine why.
Job gone shortly to be followed by my accommodation, situation dire.
Wow. We hear you mc. These are awful stories.
I live in Canada but i work for an Australian company. Currently they have mandatory vaxx for their Australian employees only, but have not extended it to the Canadian branch yet. If they do, I will get the single J&J shot Only.
Until then I remain unvaxxed and i do my best to stay under the radar.
I’m wondering if here in the US with the SCOTUS ruling against mandates, if there is going to be a ‘surge’ of lawsuits against companies that fired people unlawfully.
mc, sympathies.
Tragic, that so often in human affairs, that the damage is often less the threat but the over reaction.
When we are more careful about electing little dictators, and when there is balance brought into the equation by governments seeking to keep the wheels of life and the economy turning – as against handing over the reins to unelected medical officials who are not equipped to make decisions on anything but medical grounds (ostensibly). They don’t/can’t take account of all the other matters affected by their decisions. In some cases the closure of everything, especially effecting matters around small businesses, employment and general living gives huge and undemocratic power to politicians that have despotic tendencies eg the difference between NYC and Florida with COVID-19.
Politicians and bureaucrats suffer very little from the current extremes of treatments they inflict on the people. Their jobs are secure between elections and they are paid, some seeking pay rises even. When the State economy ie government income, is secured by flourishing big mining companies and agriculture, and by big companies that apply any woke principle that the government cannot, that’s when a Democracy is really in trouble from control freaks in medicine and government. The patent idiocy of a politician coming out and saying ‘we’re all in this together’ shows just how separate they are from our reality. Their egos show just this when so many of them are caught breaking the very rules they set for everyone else.
Get vaccinated, or else! They totally ignore therapeutics. Our triple vaccinated neighbor tested positive for COVID, headache, very tired, my fair lady apparently got it, she used Isoprinosine for two days, she is OK again. A year ago I bought it from Amazon, it came from Ukraine cloaked as cosmetics. There was no way to get Ivermectin of HCQ from Amazon without a prescription, which my doctor flatly refused to issue.
Sorry el gordo, they have been mandating flu vaccination to enter Nursing Homes for a while now!
I wasn’t aware of that.
Category A is regarded as high risk and mandates are enforced.
Nationwide Surge In Deaths Among People Aged 18-49: A State By State Overview
Deaths among people aged 18 to 49 increased more than 40 percent in the 12 months ending October 2021 compared to the same period in 2018–2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an analysis of death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by The Epoch Times.
During my working life in private sector businesses I was well aware of the limitations of a small population here in Australia and therefore a consumer market base that was not nearly enough for manufacturing to achieve economies of scale in production that lower the price of goods manufactured. Many businesses tried export to gain the extra throughput needed but too many countries with larger populations, or closer to larger consumer markets, one example Volvo Sweden and exporting via Denmark road bridge or short ocean voyages to Europe.
My point relates to the “depopulation” of the world theory, where would those alleged to be responsible for this thereafter sell their goods and services for profit? Where would they find the people that service their direct needs? And therefore what would their objective be in creating a world with very few other people left in it?
The USSR failed because of a failed economy mainly, Communist China was struggling too until both adopted the reason for the wealth and success of the United States of America, free enterprise and free markets referred to by the left as “capitalism”.
I hope your point is operant. However, “those alleged responsible” may not be acting rationally, but hysterically.
Motivated mostly by the religious belief in CAGW,
The Bill did a TED talk on this in 21010.
They are Puritans. Purgers.
All others are Heretics that threaten the Cube.
Get Vaxxed, Resistance is Futile.
I have a theory. That the globalist elite don’t take the vaccines seriously. They they _know_ that long term usage degrades the immune system. They they are _counting_ on a slow but steadily increasing line to the cemetary. That the vax is a test of gullibility but if you lose you die. It’s a test to see who’s got functioning common sense and the nuts to see and persist thru the propaganda and persist financially thru any associated hardship. My theory predicts that the _vaxed_ will one day be identified as disabled and disallowed from positions of responsibility. Just remember that the rules, formed as they are now by diktat, can turn on a dime.
I have long felt that this was more a social experiment than a medical one.
Mostly because it has been long known that vaccination against corona virus is not a viable strategy, for reasons that are well established.
I look forward to the law suits in the US sending Big Pharma broke, perhaps.
Vaccine companies have made huge strides, and are now fully immune to law suits
Ian, I have read that some legal people say that the immunity from prosecution has it’s limits. Dr Fuellmich believes if it can be proved there was some for of intent involved then the immunity no longer holds. So for example the people who are deep diving into the Vaers data showing there seems to be variations between batches and therefore differences in the vaccine harm levels, this would show a definite level of intent. I for one, hope this proves to be accurate and Big Pharma get taken to the cleaners.
Not only that but there are other avenues to take Big Pharma to the cleaners. For example, hiding all the details of their tests and trials is a violation in and of itself. The tobacco companies tried that under the protection of corporate secrecy and in spite of that look what happened.
The only people with immunity are Big Pharma and govts.
No one is immune. They will fall eventually but not without a fight to the death.
Peter S sometime after Australia finds out that their choice of Novavax may not necessarily work wonders like ivermectin and the other simple treatments. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › NovavaxNovavax – Wikipedia Novavax is funded by a mix of private and public investment. In 2015, Novavax received a US$89 million research grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to support the development of a vaccine against human respiratory syncytial virus for infants via maternal immunization.
What You Need To Know About the Act of 1986
By Joseph Mercola
the 1976 swine flu pandemic helped pave the way for the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and the implementation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).3 In many respects, the 1976 swine flu pandemic is the pandemic most closely resembling that of COVID-19, in that it stirred up tremendous fear, which led to the rushed creation of a vaccine.
Americans were strongly encouraged (but not forced) to get the vaccine. Many died or were seriously injured by that vaccine, resulting in injury awards totaling about $3 billion. The 1976 flu vaccine fiasco was crucial in that it permanently altered the perception of vaccine risks for politicians and drug companies alike. As explained by Wakefield:
“Insurance companies refused to underwrite those vaccines because they’d been rushed to market, and the pharmaceutical industry said to the Ford administration, ‘If you want people to have this vaccine then you have to underwrite liability’ …
The Ford administration was persuaded that the [pandemic] was going to kill millions of Americans if they didn’t rush forward with this vaccine that hadn’t been tested, and the industry demanded liability protection, and this was the first blood in the water …
The vaccine was a catastrophe. Many children were paralyzed. Many died as a consequence of that vaccine, and the industry escaped liability altogether. It cost the taxpayer.
“Is it something other than antibodies that really offer protection?” Perhaps we should have been looking at T cell immunity.
I expect pharmas looked at T-cell immunity but didn’t see any money in it.
Yes. Either that or witchcraft… Those European “specialists” have run out of eventual possible reasonable acceptable explanations…
Not yet …
vaccine failures are caused by the unvaccinated.
The villager that denies witches causes witches.
Either that or witchcraft… Those European “specialists” have run out of eventual possible reasonable acceptable explanations…
Having read the Book The Physcian now watching on SBS on Demand
The Physician
Historical drama
2h 29m2013EnglishExpires in 2 months
The Physician
2h 29m
An 11th-century orphan goes to Persia to study medicine.
You might be interested in the articles on T cells linked below.
NHK Japan Medical Frontiers has a few videos of easy enough info on T cells, exosomes, iPS cells etc ….pretty interesting for me …maybe not for the medicos tho
And yet again a “conspiracy theory” turns out to be true.
Lets propose this as a hypothesis – that a p(l)andemic drives need for a “vaccine” , the vaccine requires a “vaccine passport”, and the “vaccine passport” is your ticket to participate in the new financial system. This also may explain why they are after the kids, namely that everyone must be enrolled in the new financial system, before they can collapse the old one
Continuing the hypothesis – what if they then with a bank “holiday” confiscate all cash and leave you dependent on the new digital system, but you do have the shiny new data passport ( aka vaccine passport ) to allow you to participate. No vaccines = no money. The theory goes that having milked the old financial system dry and brought it to the teetering point of inevitable collapse, the only way to maintain global control is to kick everyone into a new system, one heavily based on social credit as well.
So many things previously considered “out there” have come to pass.
Correct. It has all the hallmarks of a PLANdemic.
After Novavax is approved in Australia (which does appear to be a reasonable, traditional protein subunit vaccine), the Australian Government will have acquired enough doses for everyone in Australia aged zero plus to be injected nearly 11 times.
Few countries are more woke, more committed to the decrees of the UN and WHO, to the letter, and less questioning than Australia.
COVAX 25 million
Novavax 51 million
Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) 53.8 million
Spikevax (Moderna) 25 million
Comirnaty (Pfizer) 126 million
TOTAL 280.8 million
Population 26 million
Dose per person zero plus 10.8.
Ref: https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/about-rollout/vaccine-agreements
Note too that our government and Moderna are discussing the possibility of establishing a manufacturing facility in Australia for mRNA vaccines. Given even WHO is now admitting that a continual reliance on mRNA vaccines is not a good idea, I wonder what will happen next.
They should build it in Wonthaggi next to the desal plant. Then the white elephants can keep company.
And Australia has plenty of Australian companies that can produce vaccine product, e.g. CSL. Why not give the contract to them, e.g. they could produce under license or their own real vaccine product.
Follow the money trail!
Yes indeed follow the money trail, and the trail ends with PM Morrison. The buck stops with him.
If the “Emergency” is as dire as we are told, then the Govt.has the power to nationalise the vaccine manufacture in australia. Take control of the factories and DIRECT to then to produce”Vaccines ” by decree.!!!!! Worked quite well as a system for past “wars”so why not now??
The secret contracts probably forbid it. We’d have to give Pfizer Sydney Harbour.
I wonder if countries can be held to such unbalanced and unfair contracts?
I’ve been thinking the same thing.
My understanding is that CSL is owned by Pfizer now, so not exactly Australian anymore.
Scratch that. I am wrong. They acquired CSL Animal Health in 2004
Meanwhile Several Australian companies are ready to supply rapid antigen tests but are waiting for approval
With millions of people struggling to get their hands on a rapid antigen test, several Australian companies have been waiting months to have their tests approved by the health regulator.
Currently, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), needs to separately approve the same rapid Covid test for use in two different settings: at home through self-testing, or at various points of care under the supervision of a health practitioner of staff member.
Out of the 22 home tests approved by the TGA only one is made locally, while 16 are sourced from China, two from the US and the others from Korea, Singapore and Germany.
With millions of people struggling to get their hands on a rapid antigen test, several Australian companies have been waiting months to have their tests approved by the health regulator.
However, at least two Australian companies who have applications yet to be approved by the TGA for rapid antigen tests, despite already supplying to overseas markets including Europe and North America.
You have to wonder whose side the Thugs and Goons Administration (TGA) is on.
It is certainly not Australia’s.
All Test Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test (Oral Fluid) Self-Test
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Alltest Biotech Co Ltd (China)
All Test SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test (Nasal Swab)
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Alltest Biotech Co Ltd (China)
CareStart Covid-19 Antigen Home Test
Manufacturer: Access Bio Inc (United States of America)
Cellife Covid-19 Antigen Test Cassette for self-testing
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Testsea Biotechnology
Clungene Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test for self-testing
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Clongene Biotech Co Ltd (China)
Ecotest Covid-19 Antigen Saliva Test kit
Manufacturer: Assure Tech (Hangzhou) Co Ltd (China)
Flowflex SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test
Manufacturer: Acon Biotech (Hangzhou) Co Ltd (China)
Flowflex SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test
Manufacturer: Acon Biotech (Hangzhou) Co Ltd (China)
Hough Covid-19 Home Test
Manufacturer: BIOHIT Healthcare (Hefei) Co Ltd (China)
InnoScreen COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Device
Manufacturer: Innovation Scientific Pty Ltd (Australia)
JusChek Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test (Oral Fluid)
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Alltest Biotech Co Ltd
JusChek SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test (Nasal Swab)
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Alltest Biotech Co Ltd
LYHER Novel coronavirus (Covid-19) Antigen Test Kit (colloidal Gold)
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Laihe Biotech Co Ltd (China)
My Covid Test Antigen Rapid Test (Oral Fluid)
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Alltest Biotech Co Ltd China
Onsite Covid-19 Ag Self Test
Manufacturer: CTK Biotech Inc (USA)
Orawell COVID-19 Ag Rapid saliva test device
Manufacturer: Jiangsu Well Biotech Co Ltd (China)
Panbio COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test
Manufacturer: Abbott Rapid Diagnostics Jena GmbH (Germany)
Rapid SARS-COV-2 Antigen Test Card Self-test
Manufacturer: MP Biomedicals Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Singapore)
RightSign Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test Cassette (Nasal Swab)
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Biotest Biotech Co Ltd (China)
SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Self Test Nasal
Manufacturer: SD Biosensor Inc (Korea – Republic of)
TESTSEALABS COVID-19 Antigen Test Cassette
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Testsea Biotechnology Co Ltd (China)
V-Chek COVID-19 Antigen Saliva Test
Manufacturer: Guangzhou Decheng Biotechnology Co Ltd (China)
The author of this substack has a cat theme that I find tiresome but his/her analysis is often quite profound. This linked article shows how the 2 week window for the “vaccine” shots to take effect allows for all sorts of statistical distortion.
There is an example used for saline (ie zero effect) injections which can lead to the figures we see for many countries where the “fully vaccinated” are getting infected at a higher rate than the unvaccinated but the boosted have the lowest infection rate. The author points out that in reality, it is even worse than this because in that 2 week window, the immune system is not only “still building resistance” but actually immunosuppressed.
The mathematics is involved but straightforward – I highly recommend you read through the whole article (and surf the substack for some of the others).
A good read. Even if people who struggle with maths want to skip those bits, then go to the concluding remarks, like the bit about Pfizer eliminating their Control group; and the high number of cases who dropped out of their trial … which reminds me of a comment I read on smalldeadanimals.com, a while back (can’t remember who but he made a good point): his claim was Pfizer had a rule that participants in their trial, upon suffering an adverse event, had to check in (phone/app/in-person) with Pfizer’s designated doctor, before seeing any others… OK, so what happened to a person becoming so ill and in need of urgent treatment, that they went straight to the Emergency Room at a hospital instead? Well, that allowed Pfizer to drop them from the trial (for breaking the rules). Another nice trick for cooking the books.
Maddie de Garry was the prime example of this in the USA acceptance trial for 12-15 year olds for the Pfizer approval. 2260 subjects so only 1131 received the real shots and she developed a multitude of adverse reactions immediately after the second shot to the point where she is now a quadriplegic feeding through a tube.
In the trial results, she is listed as having merely suffered “abdominal pain”
So yes, there is a concrete case of white washing over an extremely serious set of adverse reactions to pretty up trial results with these gene therapy spike protein vaccines.
I’ve read similar articles before in relation to other topics, such as climate change many years ago (eg, from Steve McIntyre) and I’ve come to the conclusion not to believe a word coming out of the mouths of politicians and scientists. DYOR.
What is the reason that for many or most traditional vaccines immunity is for years or a lifetime but it is extremely short-lived with the present covid substances (apart from being non-sterilising)?
Different technology involved, for a start David.
Not so David, influenza vax is only 40 – 60% effective and wears off in something like six months. Tetnus injections last ten years. But some of the childhood vaccines are talked of as “one off” vaccines, yet adults can get infected later.
Polio vax needs both the live and dead versions in tandem to work really well. Live vaxes are risky, and sometimes revert to being nasty. But dead versions don’t excite the immune system and often provoke a weaker response that doesn’t last.
Vaccines are sold as a simple binary winner, but real life is much more complicated.
And some diseases are just difficult. We get lifelong immunity to influenza, but get very short immunity to norwalk virus, RSV and common cold coronaviruses.
The curious finding that spike protein levels in exosomes corresponds directly with antibody levels suggests that the immune system only reacts to the spike proteins as an inflammatory toxin rather than as a infectious agent. Basically, the body is continually fighting off the toxin from the “vaccine” response which means it has a head start when the toxin is introduced via infection. As the cells in the body that have been programmed to express spike proteins slowly die off, fewer exosomes with spike proteins are released and the antibody levels, and hence the protection, falls away.
This would help explain why the “immunity” provided by the gene therapy spike protein vaccines only helps suppress symptoms rather than preventing infection/transmission. It all explains why the adjuvants in the gene therapy spike protein vaccines alter the immune inflammatory response so that the spike proteins generated do not provoke a cytokine storm – something that, again, suppresses symptoms from SARS-CoV-2 infection but at the expense of weakening the immune response to a range of other infections.
“also explains”, not “all explains”
Good thinking, Analitik.
I wonder if the response to vax-induced spike proteins, is more akin to how immune systems fight cancer, rather than viruses?
I don’t think so. From what I have read, cancer cells do not provoke the production of specific antibodies and are detected by the innate (general purpose) antibodies
Toxins can cause specific antibodies to be produced and these can be memorised long term as shown by Botox injections becoming ineffective for some people. Normally, this occurs over the course of repeated doses but, occasionally, there are cases where the injection is never effective.
No problem! Weaken the weakening with an intrabooster!
This morning’s (Friday) ‘update’ on Sunrise (Ch7) describing how other countries are managing the virus was only about lockdowns and vaccinations, no mention of the myriad studies and practical results that Jo and others have raised.
They even mentioned that Israel is way ahead of others in that they are on their 2nd booster (4th injection) but with no mention of their ineffectiveness shown by the several waves of the afflicted after each vaccination.
Another example of the media telling half-truths and keeping the populace in the dark to push the Governments policy direction.
The best lies always contain an element of truth – just not all of it.
What about the WHO backwalk on the gene therapy spike protein vaccines (including boosting), Jo?
There is certainly a shift going on. But hte WHO was the weakest. The first para is just the obvious, what we always knew. The second is an advert for newer generation vaccines.
The WHO report seems mostly to shift booster doses from the rich nations to the poor.
But yes, something is going on behind the scenes. What do they know?
Here is a video by Dr Nathan Thompson that was deleted by Leftist YouTube. It is a case study of a patient looking at various blood markers before and after the vax. Note that it was initially intended for YouTube hence him “talking in code” at certain times but it got censored anyway.
We need a serious study to examine how those who are vaccinated compare to those who are not when confronted with different variants of COVID-19. That should tell us lots.
My first thought when mRNA “vaccines” were brought out was ‘ why do they not create an autoimmune reaction?’
Because they operate on a principle of setting up the body to attack “self” ie: ones own cells producing a foreign protein.
If the body did recognise the cells as “self” then antibodies wouldnt be produced surely?
There are three key issues if I understand the fundamentals/concepts.
“European Medicines Agency (EMA) Warns Repeated Booster Shots Could Cause “Immune Response” Problems”
As you are aware and have commented on, there are multiple reports that the RNA vaccines are causing immune system ‘response’ problems which cause heart and nerve damage in some people and deaths.
It appears that Omicron is likely less dangerous than the first release RNA covid vaccines. This issue is become known to the general public which explains why the EMA and other medical bodies have suddenly woken up and are now sounding the alarm about the dangers of covid booster vaccinations with the first release RNA covid vaccines. This likely going to be an political issue in the US.
1) Do the RNA vaccines cause sever health problem for some people? Yes. This is a different problem than do the vaccines provide protection. This ‘problem’ should have been found during the RNA vaccine tests by checking for biomarker changes after vaccination. It appears the tests were rigged to hide the vaccine serious side effects.
This is a critical review of the Pfizer vaccine test data from the Pfizer published report.
But even if the vaccines were effective and safe there is still a large cohort in every country for which vaccines will never work due to fundamental biological reasons.
2) It appears that vaccines (any vaccine) do not protect people who are severely Vit D deficient because the immune system and all the other protective systems in the body do not and cannot work without significantly higher levels of Vit D in the blood stream. People who are severely Vit D deficient suffer kidney damage which leads to pre-diabetes or diabetes which leads to limb amputation, blindness, kidney failure, brain damage, and so on which account for roughly half of all medical costs in the US. Correcting the population’s Vit D deficiency would also reduce cancer deaths and cancer treatments by more than 50%.
3) Do the RNA vaccines provide long term protection against Omicron? No.
The RNA vaccines, unlike whole dead virus vaccines, are not producing the T cell response which provides long term protection. I believe there is as of yet no explanation why that is true.
The RNA vaccines cause the body to produce antibodies which provide roughly three months of protection against the early version of covid. Apparently, the antibodies produced are not effective to stop Omicron.
It is for this reason why some stupid/corrupt governments are forcing people to get RNA ‘boosters’ six months after the second vaccination.
Great news for the United States!
Sadly, Australia will continue to have compulsory vaccinations.
Supreme Court Halts OSHA Vaccine/Test Mandate; Allows Rule on Health Workers
January 13, 2022 by Greg Stohr
The funny thing about the US is they have a lot more check and balances in their judicial system than we do and normally it works very well even if the wheels move slowly. In this case too slowly to keep up with the ever increasing scam being perpetrated against the people. So what hope do we have here in Australia? I say Buckley’s chance (no chance for those who don’t know what that means). The only recourse is for people to wake up and passively resist the attack on our freedoms. Failing that, things will go pear shaped in a very nasty way.
It has not been a problem to avoid the vax in Godzone as far as I can tell.
A social group of seven that I recently participated in , had only one vaxxed person.
Obviously there is some factor at work here.
Any ideas?
Perhaps six paranoids . . . 🙂
A rather odd phrase, since Buckley actually managed well.
Yes, but he was given no chance when he disappeared. Only to resurface after 30 years of living with Aborigines.
It will be interesting (foreboding) to see how the Blue states react. People think “oh, it’s the alt-right Red states that threaten the Union, they assaulted our sacred Capitol (built by slaves)”.
In fact, it is the Blue faction that no longer respects the authority of Constitutional governance.
Up is down.
Powerful tiny things, those viruses.
Senator Ted Cruz recently asked the current FBI automaton, “did FBI personal incite violence on January 6th?”
The answer was, “I can’t answer that question.”
Which in DC speak means yes..
It all depends on what your definition of ‘can’t’ is
Here is the video.
Ted Cruz is fantastic. I wish we had someone like him in Australia.
On the video he gets straight into the interrogation, no preamble to wait for.
I was a strong believer in Cruz as a presidential candidate for 2024 but then he recently waded into the January 6th 2020 protest discussion, labeling it as a “terrorist attack”. He has since tried to walk back from this but it’s all too similar to Morrison’s shuffling about for the media.
It’s almost as disappointing as Donald Trump’s continuing support for the gene therapy spike protein vaccines band getting boosted.
Donald Trump’s support for the vaccine/gtspv band isn’t really surprising, given he made it happen in the first place. He is always consistent – says the same thing about the same subject. That is very unlike his opponents on the left who voiced suspicion, fear and negative vibes about the vaccine when Trump was still President, swopping to full (even if pretended) support for it and the mandates ever since sleepy Joe was installed. Donald Trump has clearly stated that he is anti-vaccine-mandate and the passport ridiculousness too.
Cruz? I agree with you about Cruz. He only uses his great attack skills when he isn’t at any risk, and then he lied during his attempted apology on Tucker. Weak, self-serving and inconsistent.
As I understand Trump’s message about vaccines: he is of course playing a 4D or 5D game of chess, and if his message doesn’t make sense to you, then it’s not aimed at you. Remember, he has many opponents, and he has to trick them into doing what he wants them to do. If he opposed vaccines, they would simply shout him down as some sort of quack, like they did with HCQ. But now they’re stuck. They can’t argue with him, because that would mean taking the opposing position and pointing out that vaccines don’t work. If they did that, their credibility would be shot. So that means they have to agree with him, and push the vaccines as being successful, which then makes it impossible to use fear of Covid as an excuse to shut down the entire world for many years, which was the cabal’s original plan. Of course they needed that plan in order to usher in the Great Reset, to save everyone, after much death, calamity, economic destruction, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. (The pandemic was itself only a backup plan, and the previous original plan was another world war, which the USA was slated to lose. Trump stopped that too.) Now, the whole thing is falling apart, and all the excuses for the Great Reset are seen as transparently fake. And Trump has to be seen to support vaccines in order to make that happen, regardless of whether they “work” or not. Truly brilliant… MAGA! (Make Australia Great Again!)
Thanks David
The peak of the Omicron wave is now in clear sight
The Australian Editorial
Beyond the immediate difficulties of strained supply lines and getting children back to school so parents can work, Scott Morrison was able to deliver a positive message on Thursday about the state of the Covid-19 pandemic. The wave of infections from the more contagious but less acute Omicron variant has most likely peaked in NSW, with other states expected soon to follow. Despite staffing pressures, the status for hospitals around the country was “code green”, with 18 per cent of ICU beds being used for Covid patients. Queensland will lift all border restrictions from Saturday, allowing free movement into the state as the double-vaccination rate is expected to reach 90 per cent. The Tourism Industry Council says the border opening was a sign of hope that heralds in a new phase of the pandemic.
Along with the rest of the world, the nation is riding the Omicron wave.
State and federal leaders were able to reach a sensible compromise in national cabinet to extend the easing of restrictions for close contacts for critical workers. All close contacts who work in transport, freight, logistics, health and emergency services will no longer have to isolate if they get a negative RAT test. Cabinet agreed to extend the relaxed close contact restrictions to not just those employed in food distribution. The new rules are also being extended to cover a host of other vital industries including healthcare, emergency services, law enforcement, energy, resources, water and waste management. Telecommunications, broadcasting, media, education and childcare are also captured. But isolation rules will remain for workers in hospitality who live with a positive Covid case.
For those calling for more restrictive rules or a return to lockdowns, the Prime Minister was able to articulate exactly what the government’s priority task is regarding the Omicron outbreak. “We have to be clear about the objectives set out in the national plan,” Mr Morrison said. “The objective in this phase in dealing with the pandemic is to minimise serious illness, hospitalisations and fatalities. The idea our measure is to prevent everyone in the country from becoming infected with the virus is not a realistic or practical objective.”
Although hospitals are strained, with great pressures on staff, they are not close to being overwhelmed and unable to cope. Vaccination has shown itself to be highly beneficial in reducing the severity of symptoms for those who are infected. Most promising is confirmation from chief health officer Paul Kelly that he is confident the peak of the wave of Omicron infections could soon pass. Hospitalisations have levelled off in the past two weeks in NSW, which, Professor Kelly said, “was close to peaking if not already”. The international experience with Omicron had been for a rapid rise, peak and decrease. While case numbers were probably underestimated due to the mild nature of infections, the more significant measure is hospitalisations and ICU admissions. As the full dimension of the challenge of the Omicron wave becomes more clear, so does the pathway out of it.
From the Comments
1 hour ago
Quote from the above:
“State and federal leaders were able to reach a sensible compromise in national cabinet to extend the easing of restrictions for close contacts for critical workers. All close contacts who work in transport, freight, logistics, health and emergency services will no longer have to isolate if they get a negative RAT test”.
Makes sense.
However – if we are so short of nurses, doctors, police officers, ambos. teachers etc – what about all those who have been sacked for declining to be vaccinated – and who now sit at home, twiddling their thumbs, either testing negative or who are themselves recovered from COVID?
Like my daughter – a theatre nurse who was sacked for declining to participate in the hurried, world-wide rush to inject billions with new drugs?
She’s at home doing nothing, having recovered from COVID – and her former hospital is having enormous difficulty filling its shift rosters!
Lunacy on stilts.
Yesterday, Qld Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said that banning the unvaccinated from pubs, clubs, restaurants etc was “important to ensure the unvaccinated were not exposed to the virus”.
How very kind of her – and here I was thinking these bans were all about punishing the unvaccinated for daring to defy the government!
You know – as per McGowan over in WA. Quote from today’s The Australian:
“Mr McGowan said life would be difficult for unvaccinated residents, adding that the proof of vaccination requirement would be in place “for years to come”.
I bet he was grinning when he said that.
But D’Ath’s not being patronising and condescending at all – she’s going out of her way to protect the unvaccinated, don’t you know.
So the question becomes this:
With all these desperate of shortages of certain workers on the one hand – and with all these exact same workers sitting at home sacked and idle on the other hand – for how long do the various state governments intend to keep cutting off their noses to spite their faces?
It was only in November IIRC that Comrade D’Ath was saying the unvaccinated were being excluded from Pub’s etc to protect the vaccinated. A complete about face but the media won’t call it out.
Now’s the time for the rest of the nurses to go on strike for higher salaries.
My concern is that if the vaccine works, you have the T cell memory to produce the antibodies when you need them and if you need them and far faster than a trial and error system by the body’s immune response. Prewarned is forearmed. The days saved before an effective antibody defence is mounted can save your life.
But I read that people want to walk around with their bodies on full alert all the time with permanently high levels of antibodies.
This is a recipe for all the self immune responses in the world including arthritis, diabeters, eczema,real fatigue, sweats, chills,general lassitude and who knows what else? And the advantage is what? How many hours are saved and at what long term physical damage with both damaged, overloaded and confused immune response and perhaps a disastrous self immune disease or two? Is that saving a life or wrecking one?
No one is being told of the risks of maintaining high levels of antibodies. It’s not just that the body is ‘tired’ of being on full alert, these are things you do not want at a high level unless absolutely necessary. What you want is to forewarn your body of a potential infection so that it has time to learn the correct response. And hopefully the battle is over quickly. That is the entire idea of vaccination.
And of course as the virus mutates, like H1N1, we will need perhaps annual inoculations which have a mix of the current popular variants from the rest of the world, as that is where it will mutate. As every year with the flu. But the fascination with continuously high antibodies is a long term plan for a very sick and disabled population.
And when this is over, we have to go back to the system we had until around 1995, health checks of incoming passengers in a high speed world. At the very least, check temperature. The idea of a little note suggesting self reporting if you develop a fever did not work.
When I was travelling often to China, 15 years ago in the SARS outbreak, you had to get a temperature check just to board. It’s not a big problem? Why not try to stop pushing viruses around the planet. And if children come home sick from an overseas holiday, they should not be sent straight to school. We have to start being smarter about viruses at every level. Or tragedy is inevitable. And there have been no reported flu deaths for nearly two years, a disease which normally would have cost 2-4,000 lives. Why bring it back?
You can also add psoriasis to that list of heightened immune responses. I can personally vouch that my patches have increased with also many new ones.
This is due to the misinformation spread by the pharmaceutical companies and health authorities that antibody levels correlate with protection. I have seen naïve social media comments about the antibody levels produced by various combinations of vaccines and boosters with no consideration at all about whether these combinations have been trialled nor how well the antibody levels then correlate to infection and hospitalisation rates (they can’t actually start discussion on efficacy or safety since no studies have been performed beyond the antibody boosts).
The poor training of the immune system by the gene therapy spike protein vaccines is an indication that there is something seriously wrong with them.
Have a look at my comment #7.2 – I now suspect that they don’t provoke any immunity memory at all but provide a source of toxicity that the immune system responds to while the toxin is present. The antibodies are part of the response in neutralising the toxin. This is what is giving the immune system a head start when an actual infection occurs. The direct correlation of exosomes containing the spike protein with antibody levels along with these exosomes alone provoking antibody production in mice is what has led me to this conclusion.
Has anyone considered the possibility that all this extreme reliance on vaccinations instead of treatments and herd immunity, that a super strain of the virus could develop and kill off far more people, in particular the vaccinated who have a weakened immune system due the repeated boosters?
Geert van den Bossche has been warning about this for over a year
Here’s a hit piece about him on this.
Lots of stuff on his site warning about the approach taken by the WHO and other health authorities.
Thanks. Ok, it’s possible, as I suspected. Next question. What would be the early signs of such a super strain of the virus hitting the world? Apart from the obvious alarming increase in deaths, say into the tens of millions to start off with, what about our hospitals? Will they be so overrun with sick people that they will have to consider building camp sites to take the overflow? Oh wait a minute they already are building camps that could be used for that purpose. Hmmmm. Everyone awake yet?
Did you notice the politician-type response to the question of boosters ?
“Instead, countries should leave more time between booster programs”
The subtle shift here is not “no boosters”, just less frequent boosters.
It means a hypothetical dragging out the period of sickness in the population from gene therapy injury….or if you make the period long enough, the culprit looks less obvious…..
No, the vaccines aren’t effective enough nor widespread enough in use (we need to start shooting up the newborns, too) to provide the necessary selection pressure (including the survival advantage with vaccination) for such a mutation.
If you are theorising about lab release of v1ariant bred for high transmissibility and pathegonicity, then it is possible but the tell would be the that vaccines would suddenly become more effective in order for the trust in the narrative to be maintained. The shots suddenly not providing any benefit AND hospitalisation/death rates shooting through the roof would destroy the trust needed for your internment strategy to be implemented. Conversely, if the vaccine efficacies suddenly became a huge advantage, then hesistancy would plummet and the camps wouldn’t be needed.
Are you suggesting the various strains thus far are through vaccine induced mutations? That’s odd, I thought it was a given the mutations are natural. I was referring to the topic of this thread whereby vaccines appear to be reducing the immune response making the vaccinated more vulnerable to new strains, in particular a super strain.
I’m saying that to get to your scenario requires either massive vaccination pressure or lab release. Natural selection with a reasonable control population will not produce a strain with the properties your scenario requires.
I recall that some time ago, here and elsewhere, I said that people are always receiving exposure from pathogens but at a level too low to induce infection.
A large number of small encounters will, over time, add up to complete immunity. Some contributors were critical of that.
Vaccination is best reserved for situations where a low exposure presents a high risk of fatality and that was indeed the fear in the early stages of the current pandemic.
I suspect that in the UK pretty much everyone has received a number of low level exposures over the past 2 years such that vaccination is probably now a greater risk than infection.
It will be different in nations that unwisely tried to go for a zero covid solution.
In such nations there may not yet have been enough low level exposures to increase resistance within the population at large so continuimg vaccination and the risks inherent therein remain the current approach.
The UK has combined a fast vaccination programme with lower level lockdown regulations than other nations with the result that it may be the first European nation to exit the pandemic at a point where the burden on the health service ceases to be a constraint on resumption of normal life.
In contrast it seems that Australia and New Zealand still have some way to go.
I am aware of the multitude of suggestions that the vaccines themselves present an additional risk in various ways but at this point there does not seem to be any sign of that. Some people are blaming any post vaccination illness on the vaccination in much the same way as some are blaming every death within 28 days of a vaccination on Covid.
I had two Astra Zeneca injections which both gave me a couple of days of discomfort but the Pfizer had no noticeable effect at all. Since the pandemic began I have pretty much continued business as normal due to my occupation being an essential service. I have visted clients frequently with basic protection from a mask but no more and continued to have the normal level of human interactions but have not caught covid as far as I know or passed it on to anyone.
I have had 2 or 3 short periods with cold like symptoms though lacking the distinctive Covid symptoms but they soon passed and I now hear that the immune system response to colds also protects against Covid which is something I guessed at early on.
So, my current opinion is that this would have been better dealt with pragmatically in much the same way as we dealt with previous flu epidemics with little or no economic disruption.
The vast majority of “seasonal” viral respiratory infections correspond to the insufficiency of vitamin D (from sunshine during warm weather), Supplements of 1000 IU/day, keep the covid away.
With more boosters, resistance degrades,
As our natural immunity fades,
So, how much is enough,
Of the vax booster stuff,
Before catching a bad dose of VAIDS?
We will find out the hard way since our governments clearly have no intention to look after our health and our wealth.
Interesting that the EU said this the day after their President died suddenly of immune disorder at 65.
Our government’s answer to the Omicron surge is to push booster shots on everyone. But if those boosters are any good, why is Pfizer working on an ‘Omicron specicic’ booster that they say is going to be ready by March?
It’s a scam and it has nothing to do with looking after our health in the best way possible and all about a power and money grab. The more shots the more control our governments have over the people, and in more ways than one.
As the current vaccines seemingly degrade a person’s immunity with every booster, and who knows what it will be like after the 10th or 11th booster, we will become highly susceptible to the next Chi-comm bioweapon.
Well, it makes a lot of sense that’s the plan in the long run. After all, if they really wanted to stop the virus, let’s go for treatments and herd immunity. Sure, that might mean people will die from the virus but let’s face it, that’s what happens to all previous pandemics, even far worse ones. This reliance too much on vaccines is not only suspect, it’s dangerous, especially given the vaccines have been rushed and not fully tested.
Biden Asks Social Media Companies to Crack Down on Any Vaccine Discussion That Does Not Comply with Official Government Narrative
From the Comments
Any truth to the rumors that Hunter is doing a study to see if cocaine is an effective treatment for covid?
Well, at least we have many alternatives like Jo’s blog. The social media companies like FB can do whatever they like. The harder they clamp down the more obvious it becomes they are the bad guys.
How long for?? Guesses? A sweepstake?
I figure if they don’t come after this site & similar very soon, the answer is more likely the sites are Govt-organised honeypots anyway.
Just look at Djokovic & the immigration minister’s response to see what the govt really feels.
This is the medical side-
“Immigration Minister Alex Hawke concedes the unvaccinated Djokovic entered Australia with a valid medical exemption and poses a low risk of contracting the virus while in Australia and passing it on to others due to his recent infection.”
and this is the tyranny shining through-
“In particular, his behaviour may encourage or influence others to emulate his prior conduct and fail to comply with appropriate health measures following a positive COVID-19 test, which itself could lead to the transmission of the disease and serious risk to their health and others.″
They hate people who don’t believe in them or do what they are told.
If limiting the unvaxxed is wise, what about limiting fat people?
For the record, I’ve nothing against our friendly-fronted friends. Why, my favorite philosopher, G.K. Chesterton, reportedly weighed in at close to 400 pounds. Yet the reality is that the horizontally challenged have something in common with the “unvaccinated.”
The latter are now today’s lepers, attaining this status via refusal to accept experimental mRNA therapy agents (MTAs, AKA “vaccines”) designed to prevent something they don’t prevent. In fact, many Branch COVIDians talk about making “vaccine passports” a requirement for “participation in society.”
This is already happening to an extent in Australia, the Land Down Under — COVID tyranny. For example, Australia’s Northern Territory announced new draconian lockdown restrictions last week, with the MTA-resistant especially targeted.
Never mind that Lord Fauci the Infallible and other health oracles once said, implying that it was quite the mountain to climb, that a 70- to 80-percent “vaccination” rate would suffice to deliver herd immunity, and Australia now has a 91-percent rate among people over 12.
But, hey, they just need to get that rate up to 154 percent, and it’ll be shrimp-on-the-barbie and Foster’s time once again. Don’t say it’s impossible, either, because Democrat counties often prove the achievability of such numbers at election time. You just have to “vaccinate” those recently dead Australians, mate, to be fair dinkum safe — and forbid casket exiting and midnight zombie romps for the foreseeable future.
But consider the implications of the underlying principle, which is: “You have no right to make a life choice that increases the probability you’ll strain the medical system.” What of the plumper among us?
It’s not just that the overweight or obese have constituted 78 percent of China virus deaths, but that such stature is associated with a higher incidence of a host of illnesses. So should the portly be limited in how much food they may buy and what kind? Should they be forced to exercise? They’re costing us all money, you know.
The Pentagon can’t find recruits because:
In a report from the Heritage Foundation, “The Looming National Security Crisis: Young Americans Unable To Serve In the Military,” we find that 71 percent of young Americans between 17 and 24 are ineligible to serve in the military — that is 24 million of the 34 million people of that age group. The reasons:
First up are health problems, particularly obesity. Twenty-seven percent of young Americans are too overweight to enter the military. Various other physical factors — vision, conditions like asthma and diabetes, and mental illness — prohibit others from joining.
What a sad commentary on our young. I remember testimony from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs several years ago along same lines. It seems like failing aptitude test, felony conviction and substance abuse were also in the list of reasons.
Our Bizarre Devotion to COVID Vaccines
We are now officially entering the third year of the Wuhan surprise. We are experiencing a brand-new SARS co-V2 variant, Omicron, which is sweeping through the population like a lot of nasty winter respiratory infections. Except that we test for it. And we know its name.
As of early January, the Omicron makes up roughly 95% of cases in the Northeast (CDC data). In my state of Pennsylvania, for instance, our peak case numbers were triple what they were last December. Our hospital, and ICU occupancy so far however is slightly lower than last year, attesting to the more benign nature of this particular bug.
As of January 2022, a majority of the population has been coerced into multiple inoculations, with spike protein-producing mRNA. Despite this, we are seeing record COVID numbers. How could this be?
Data from Britain suggest that roughly 50% of coronavirus patients in the hospital, were admitted for something else. In the United States, those numbers fall between 30% and 60% depending on the locale. In our hospital, there has been an obvious reduction in acuity for patients that carry the COVID diagnosis, given the benign characteristics of Omicron.
It has become rather clear that natural immunity and/or vaccination/booster status are irrelevant in the current surge. In fact, in the case of vaccination, there is data from Iceland and Denmark suggesting that the population most prone to Omicron are those who have had the full original course of the vaccine. Here’s the data from Iceland, where the population is 91% fully vaccinated. If you look at infections per 100,000 people based on vaccine status, the fully vaccinated have the highest prevalence of infection. Now in the same data set, it’s clear that the vaccinated have less severe disease, which we have been saying for some time, but in the case of Omicron, for most people, that point is moot.
In a sensible world, given this data, public health officials would quietly back away from the insistence on mass inoculation and begin to feature therapeutics in their approach to COVID. I wouldn’t actually expect them to admit failure, but perhaps only to change their emphasis. Instead, they are doubling down.
There are those who talk about the vaccine containing graphene and other nanoparticles meant to monitor and control. I certainly don’t believe in these theories. But the escalating efforts to penalize the unvaccinated by their governments seem so irrational that it is not unreasonable to wonder: what the hell is going on?
Why insist that an increasingly ineffective immunization be given again and again, at shorter intervals, to the entire human population, including children who tend not to be severely affected? And how can we force injections with products that are still officially investigational, and not FDA approved? And why, as these vaccines have the highest rate of adverse effects by far, according to the CDC’s VAERS data, do we insist? And by firing reluctant healthcare workers, who have a fairly high rate of vaccine hesitancy (I wonder why?), we are stripping the healthcare system of talent we now claim to desperately need.
None of this passes any test of common sense.
There is an alternate way, as shown by countries as diverse as India, Mexico, and Japan. We need to encourage early treatment, with cheap, safe, and proven antiviral therapy such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, in protocols that have already been developed. If people wish to be vaccinated, fine, but only with products approved for use by the FDA (Pfizer’s Comirnaty). This would mean patients would have legal recourse if they were to suffer a devastating side effect.
We have a right to expect competence, not corruption, from our public health officials.
During past pandemics they often used antiviral drugs. Today they are shunned by the so called health experts and have gone for questionable vaccines, and it’s clearly failing simply because pandemics are not supposed to last for many years one end, 5+ according to some hence the huge order of 200+ million on order by our government. So, the question we ought to be asking is are the vaccines making matters worse by prolonging the pandemic? If it can be proven then the people responsible ought to be held to account. I would give them a minimum life-sentence in prison.
How about a Nasal Wash to Treat COVID?
A recent podcast (1) between Joe Rogan and Dr. McCullough that “went viral” mentions this research and makes some recommendations for nasal lavage — saltwater and antiseptic options to rinse out the nasal passages. This simple, cheap, and available hygienic maneuver should be added to our therapeutic armamentarium, along with antiseptic gargles.
Probably the most transparently wrong choice that our federal government/CDC/Dr. Fauci/mainstream media made during the past two years has been the desire to shut off, and even demonize, discussions about therapeutic options to treat COVID-19.
Part of the reason for all the blowback from the public about how this plague has been handled is the irrational demonization and politicization of available treatment options. We’ll never forget the ridicule President Trump received from the mainstream media when he suggested that gargling with a type of bleach could slow down the transmission of COVID-19 and even might shorten the illness. It turns out that some dentists have been using sodium hypochlorite for many years for oral pathogens (3), and it helps! Just make sure it’s really diluted with water, and you swish and spit.
There is a multitude of studies now that confirm the efficacy of “doctored” saline nasal sprays. The easiest to obtain, with proven >99% success in eradication of discoverable nasal viral load, is a mixture of over-the-counter saline nasal lavage with added povidone iodine (4). Just adding a tablespoon of this liquid, dark brown antiseptic to six ounces of saltwater irrigation for the nose has been shown both to shorten the illness and decrease the transmissibility of COVID-19 (5). (Interestingly, all strengths of the iodine/saline solution worked in their studies, so being an accurate chemist when mixing is less of an issue.)
Dr. McCullough espouses washing out both sides of the nose and gargling with the iodine/saline mixture followed by gargling with Listerine. He suggests repeating this every four hours until symptoms abate, then decreasing the frequency as the illness resolves. He says this is similarly effective to the vaccine in shortening the illness and decreasing transmissibility, attributing a 75% efficacy to each.
The reason vaccines do not work like the immune system is simple – they are no longer delivering the virus for the immune system to recognise and build defences against. Which is why modern vaxxes even for things like measles are no longer effective – the response disappears quickly, so for quite a few years now the ‘cases’ of things like measles and other once-immunised against diseases hacve occurred mainly among the vaccinated – e.g. the Disney outbreak.
It has to do with beta cells versus T-cells. If you’ve got the T-cells you have immunity. Beta cells just don’t cut it. You get t-cells from surviving the disease, which is likely why the MAB’s are working against covid.
And don’t forget, the mRNA’s are NOT vaccines – they neither immunise nor stop the spread. Covax-19, a South Australian vaccine, apparently does both well and has none of the side effects being seen around the world in horrifyingly increasing numbers.
Several million Iranians can testify to that but OUR govt is working hard to deny anyone access to Covax-19 and even making rules that a full course of Covax-19 doesn’t count as being vaxxed at all.
I don’t care what they say, by their actions we can know them and banning therapeutics that WORK and promoting untested and failing genetic experiments and doing crazy stuff like buying 209 MILLION doses for a population of 25 million shows none of what they are doing has anything to do with care and protection of Australians.
“Following the blueprint for influenza”. Now why would that not be the default strategy? Mmm, now I wonder who would benefit from not following that blueprint?
It’s more likely that those EMA officials actually believe that each inoculation reduced virulence at the cost of reduced immunity, but that it is the reduced virulence (from the vax) that has faded.
That’s a reason for officials demands for universal vaccination- so we wouldn’t notice that though the unvaccinated were over-represented among higher virulences cases, their infection rates relative to the vaccinated have been improving.
The generally reduced virulence of Omicron compared with the previous pandemic variants and reports that the most vaccinated countries have the highest infection rates are noticed by the public.
Also to hide the statistical difference for side effects by eliminating the control group.
There is a new variant.
It’s called Anothercon.
In the last 48 hours (thereabouts) information about toxic batches of Covid vaccines has been deduced from the VAERS data base of adverse reactions in the USA. This is groundbreaking data in the frantic battle to understand the abnormally high adverse reactions to the genetic “vaccines’. See the following:
Now, this has been quickly taken up & analysed by some of the most knowledgable experts in the field & discussed in one of the most explosively (I don’t use the term lightly) important discussions on the vaccines. It promises to be incredibly important in exposing what has occurred:
Sorry – the link I provided in the last entry was incorrectly formatted. I will try again.
Am having trouble copying link to discussion between Dr. Mike Yeodon, Reiner Fuellmich, Prof. Wolfgang Wodarq & Robin Manotti on the question of how and why some vaccine batches have proved toxic. It is an invaluable discussion & answers so many questions on the methodology of production of the vaccines.
For those who are better at digital technology than me – the discussion was published on Adara Press on 9 January 2022. Google does not seem to like Adara Press.
Dr Jessica Rose has tried looking into this through VEARS but hasn’t found any significant pattern
May reduce the immune response, but will greatly increase the profits of Pfizer, Moderna, etc.
And isn’t that what counts?
Sadly, some batches do more than just reduce the immune response.
There is a fascinating explanation by Yeodon of the manufacturing process whereby the gene sequence is combined with the various other components – I guess the adjutant, lipids etc…..it may be that some alteration to the gene sequencing is the key to altering the efficacy of the product in particular batches. That is how I interpreted what Yeodon is hypothesising.
It is also interesting that Yeodon discounts the common proposition that poor storage of the temperature sensitive product may explain the adverse reactions. He maintains that this would just lessen efficacy – but not produce toxicity.
Some months back, the Japanese stated that 1.5 million vials of vaccine were contaminated and sent them back to manufacturer. After this the Japanese made vaccines voluntary, stating that the unvaccinated would not be discriminated against. Only the sick would be tested and Ivermectin was available to those who chose to take it.
I am not questioning the data but each batch number should have the number of times it has been administered. That number appears to be missing, although it may not be in VAERS as it is mot known, since only adverse events are reported, not non-events.
Yet in the video clip (which I unfortunately cannot link to!) graphs have been produced based on the comparative numbers which show spikes in certain batches.
Maybe this will work:
Wolfgang Wodarg – 4CMiTVworld
9/1/2022 · Wolfgang Wodarg 2022 JAN 03 Dr Yeadon with Reiner Fuellmich to Discuss Genocide Evidence of Premeditated Mass Murder. January 9, 2022
If I am thinking of the same graphs, about 1/200 batches have [maybe] 1,000 reactions across most states. Most of the rest just 1 or 2 reactions.
I don’t know what to make of it.
The first such report I found was: Evil, if true: https://www.bitchute.com/video/keoCmPh3vuiG/
I posted this link on several sites (e.g. Jo Nova, and W.M.Briggs) hoping to get opinions from some with more expertise, but noone has touched it yet.
This link may work:
2022 JAN 03 Dr Yeadon with Reiner Fuellmich to Discuss Genocide Evidence of Premeditated Mass Murder – 4CMiTVworld
I was always suspecting this type of thing, just instincts. And my gut tells me humans always think they know everything, but that could mean they don’t.
The antibodies induced via Covid19 ‘vaccination’ are not the same antibodies induced via infection… the two can be discerned via the Roche N and S nucleoprotein assays. They are not the same antibodies… so you cannot expect the mRNA ‘vaccines’ to impart immunity to Covid19… and now we know they don’t.
The antibodies induced via ‘vaccination’ give you immunity to any virus which just so happens to have the same spike protein configuration as that spike protein induced via the mRNA ‘vaccines’… such a virus doesn’t exist.
The antibodies induced via infection are the antibodies you want… and the antibodies you don’t get from the ‘vaccines’. In fact, the ‘vaccines’ damage the immune system such that it can never produce antibodies against the nucleocapsid shell of the Covid19 virus, so once ‘vaccinated’, you’ll never attain full natural immunity. You’re at risk from every single variant that comes along.
That’s why the ‘vaccinated’ have a higher incidence of breakthrough infection… those who have natural immunity developed antibodies against all parts of the virus. All parts of the virus would have to mutate to lose natural immunity, which isn’t likely. Even if the virus mutates the spike protein, the body will recognize the nucleocapsid shell and attack the virus… learning about the newly-mutated spike protein and developing antibodies against it in the process.
Those who received the jab only have immunity against a virus which produces spike proteins identical to those induced by the mRNA ‘vaccines’… that virus doesn’t exist, and the virus continually mutates the spike protein to become more infectious. All the mRNA ‘vaccines’ do is keep the immune system in a heightened state of alert, allowing the immune system to attack the virus more quickly because it’s already ramped up… but keeping it ramped up depletes the immune system, so “ramped up” is a declining slope… the more jabs you get, the steeper is that downward slope. The immune system in a healthy person can ramp up in a matter of hours, so keeping it ramped up with regular jabs is nonsensical.
So really, the ‘vaccinated’ have no ‘vaccine’-induced immunity, cannot attain full immunity, are damaging their immune systems through regular jabs (immune system exhaustion) and represent the greatest risk of reinfection and spreading the virus. Those who were ‘vaccinated’ were sold a very expensive bill of goods, and it is just now boomeranging on them.
That’s not strictly true – the immune response does not produce identical antibodies. Even with an infection from the Omicron variant, there will be some neutralising antibodies from the gene therapy spike protein vaccines but the ratio of these vs others will be lower than for previous variants.
Some of the remainder will be non-binding (useless) and some will bind and not neutralise, possibly leading to ADE, but hindering the rest of the immune response in any case. These ineffectual bindings prevent the innate, general antibodies, which bind to any foreign antigens, from being able to bind and trigger the killer white cells, macrophages and neutrophils to destroy the virions and infected cells.
Worse is the general suppression of the innate immune system by the “vaccines” which is done by the adjuvants to prevent the massive numbers of spike proteins produced from triggering a cytokine storm. It is possibly this which reduces the ability of those vaccinated from forming antibody and T and B cell responses to the nucleocapsid shell proteins.
Humans will never be able to eradicate a virus that is transmissible between animals and humans. End of story so all this BS with vaccines is a complete waste of time, money and energy. Now, how is the cricket going?
Cricket is at the end of story stage too, and BS these days.
ITV told to take greater care when reporting on Covid vaccines after Dr Hilary backlash
It’s a shame the same sort of blasts against our lying politicians and health experts are not seen here in Australia. I keep hearing from people who are vaccinated telling me I should get vaccinated because some 90% of hospital patients are unvaccinated. I suspect they get their information from “our” ABC, the master of fake news.
Well I read the news this morning and there was no mention of the non-vaccinated in the hospital numbers report, so I assume there was none because if there is one they generally make a song and dance about it.
American Pilot Greg Pearson warns – Injected Pilots are an Incalculable flight risk
I will avoid flying anywhere for a while.
How long should we wait before we can be sure that all the pilots that are going to drop dead in mid-flight have done so?
First time today, (sigh), on Fox again, I heard a medical expert describe the ‘vaccines’ as really just a therapy.
Tucker Carlson had on, an immunology expert, a woman that he is to do a podcast with, who said people should do all they can to prevent young children receiving the current vaccines because they can be split by the passage through the spleen and (by definition) cross the blood brain barrier, lodging in the areas of the brain from whence Parkinson’s disease comes. Theoretically based seemingly, but something that should be fully explored before giving
drugs with theoretical potential to do harm.
The medico-political decisions in applying mandates when the viral agent can virtually walk through the cloud of vaccine therapies almost unscathed seems to be out of balance and politically unsafe, especially when the longterm effects, if any,(let alone the known possible acute side effects for some) of these drugs are unknown, and when such effects can vary depending on the maturity of the people receiving them. Forcing people who have had side effects or even who have had the disease and recovered, to have these incompletely tested drugs, or who don’t wish to have them for private reasons, just to satisfy some political numskull idea that one is doing it for everyone’s good is really totally unethical. But then, we’ve reached a stage as in climate change where science and ethics are ‘oh so old hat’ and politicians will give us the benefit of their overwhelming wisdom to tell us what’s good for them (sorry, should be ‘us’). The fact that the vaccinated, by numbers, are probably more at risk of passing the virus on to the unvaccinated than the other way around with this virus, seems to escape logic.
For we oldies, the time to develop such effects not specific to our age, is obviously limited. It’s just one more load of bullets flying around our heads. For kids and youths it’s a much greater story. The validity, if ever it existed, for mandating vaccination for everyone, whether by legal pressure or force by exclusions, is really becoming hugely questionable the more these vaccines become exposed for unknown (or should that be hidden)side effects. Indeed, it creates a greater pressure to immediately release the known drug-company data on these vaccines instead of having it legally protected for 75years. What’s their problem? They have legal indemnity!
We are now in the realm where the pressure must become overwhelming to force governments to release the known effective therapeutics that already exist and are cheap. Indeed, the world may have been better off if those therapeutics were actually available along with the vaccines when they were new and not fully investigated. Who knows, the combination may have been a more complete vaccination process than what we have ended up with, which currently seems very little and, potentially, a litany of long term disasters.
Too late, all the kids around here are already whacked up.
There is nothing new about essential boosters against life threatening diseases – like for example a tetanus jab. For ‘flu the most vulnerable would be given a booster cocktail offering some protection from infection without guarantees. We have always had a sensible approach to preventive medicine.
But what is lost in all of this ‘chatter and noise’ is the very nature of human society that, prior to SARS-CoV-2 (and away from the more spread out and largely bubble-like rural communities), we socialise and mix every time we leave our homes. Outside home we may minute by minute be exposed to several attacks by whatever there is out there looking for a new host or victim. Our immune systems respond to these attacks and stay fit for purpose. Lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing and so on must reduce the effectiveness of our immune systems over time (lack of exposure) and leave us much more vulnerable to catching colds and ‘flu including the more infectious variants of COVID-19. Schools are the great spreaders of illnesses among a peer group leading to immunity (permanent or temporary) in many cases. Why on earth would you shut them down unless adults are failing to set their children a good example?
Thyere just seems to me to be so much very puzzling muddled thinking by experts. Here in the UK questions are beginning to be asked about much of our SARS-CoV-2 experience originally centred around the duality of Johnson and the Downing Street parties, and now to the extent of beginning to question the money that has changed hands involving China over the last two decades plus. Perhaps the UK is, at last, waking up. I, for one, do hope so.
Tetanus booster after 10 years, not 4 month.
Great Barrington Declaration